git clone dotfiles
vim +PlugInstall +qall
name = Ido Abramovich
email =
user = idoa01
token = a123uber456secret789ceprivate000key78
helper = osxkeychain
link files to home:
1 .aliases -> /home/ido/dotfiles/.aliases
2 .bash_aliases -> /home/ido/dotfiles/.bash_aliases
3 .cshrc -> /home/ido/dotfiles/.cshrc
4 .bashrc -> /home/ido/dotfiles/.bashrc
5 .dircolors -> /home/ido/dotfiles/.dircolors
6 .gitconfig -> /home/ido/dotfiles/.gitconfig
7 .screenrc -> /home/ido/dotfiles/.screenrc
8 .mongorc2.js -> /home/ido/dotfiles/.mongorc.js
9 .vimpagerrc -> /home/ido/dotfiles/.vimpagerrc
10 .pryrc -> /home/ido/dotfiles/.pryrc
11 .bash -> /home/ido/dotfiles/.bash/
12 .vim -> /home/ido/dotfiles/.vim/
13 .vimrc -> /home/ido/dotfiles/.vimrc
14 .fonts -> /home/ido/dotfiles/.fonts/
15 .tmux -> /home/ido/dotfiles/.tmux
16 .aprc => /home/ido/dotfiles/.aprc
17 .rubocop.yml => /home/ido/dotfiles/.rubocop.yml
19 .oh-my-zsh/custom => /home/ido/dotfiles/.oh-my-zsh/custom
- run
to install Homebrew and run the Brewfile, this will make the following brew commands redundant.
- bash-git-prompt fancy bash prompt for git users
brew install bash-git-prompt
- Source Code Nerd Font Complete Custom font for bash and vim
brew tap caskroom/fonts
brew cask install font-hack-nerd-font
- setup Terminal with Hack-Nerd-Font
- The Silver Searcher Fast code line searches
brew install the_silver_searcher
- Fugitive Requires Git to be installed.
- Ale Uses various linting and style checking tools that are sepately installed.
- fzf.vim Requires The Silver Searcher to be installed.
- For syntax highlighting in fzf.vim install one of the following: Highlight/CodeRey/Rouge
- Source Code Nerd Font Complete The custom font I'm using for vim-airline and vim-devicons.