IF-4050 Experimental Module
Personal_Expenses module is a simple module that enable users to note their expenses. This simple module is built over the openERP base module.
##Installation Follow these steps in order to use this module. The steps are :
- Get the 'personal-expenses' module folder either by pulling it with git or download it as zip
- Move or copy the folder to your openerp server '/addons/' directory
- Try to 'update the module list' by clicking this button
- search for 'personal expenses' module using the search form
- click 'install' button
- Now, you'll see 'personal expenses' on your menubar
##Components Explanation
##Tech Building this module we use the odoo.py feature (scaffold) to generate standards module template that completes :
- controllers.py
- demo.xml
- models.py
- security
- and templates.xml
infact, we can modify the structure by editing the
file and__init__.py
###template generation
$ python odoo.py scaffold [name] [destination directory]
##Troubleshooting It is likely to meet some trouble while installing or running modules. So far, We have found and overcome some :
- Cannot find the 'update module list' in installing the module
go to user management and check list 'technology access' button --> after this, go back and check out for the 'update module list' button.
If any of you found another trouble and insight, we are pleased to know :)
P.S : Mail us (contacts below)
##Exploration (on-going) Communication with 'lunch' module
we are trying to create communication with the lunch module, so when employees spend on lunch it will automaticly create a spending notes in personal expenses module. Now, we are still struggling to figure the connection between these two modules by creating a model to bridge them.
- M Harya Putra 18211011@std.stei.itb.ac.id
- Andy Primawan 18211030@std.stei.itb.ac.id
- Christian Hendy 18211036@std.stei.itb.ac.id
- M Fatoni 18211042@std.stei.itb.ac.id
- Aria Dhanang 18211008@std.stei.itb.ac.id