GET /v1/company/{id}
Get company information by id
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | yes | none |
Response Examples
200 Response
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"cnpj": "string",
"address": {
"street": "string",
"number": "string",
"complement": "string",
"neighborhood": "string",
"city": "string",
"state": "string",
"country": "string",
"zip_code": "string"
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
200 | OK | Company found | CompanyResponse |
404 | Not Found | Company not found | APIErrorResponse |
PUT /v1/company/{id}
Update company information
Body Parameters
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"cnpj": "string"
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | yes | none |
body | body | UpdateCompanyRequest | no | none |
Response Examples
200 Response
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"cnpj": "string",
"address": {
"street": "string",
"number": "string",
"complement": "string",
"neighborhood": "string",
"city": "string",
"state": "string",
"country": "string",
"zip_code": "string"
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
200 | OK | Company updated successfully | CompanyResponse |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid request | APIErrorResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | Invalid credentials | APIErrorResponse |
403 | Forbidden | Access denied | APIErrorResponse |
404 | Not Found | Company not found | APIErrorResponse |
DELETE /v1/company/{id}
Delete company by id
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | yes | none |
Response Examples
204 Response
401 Response
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
204 | No Content | Company deleted successfully | Inline |
401 | Unauthorized | Invalid credentials | APIErrorResponse |
403 | Forbidden | Access denied | APIErrorResponse |
404 | Not Found | Company not found | APIErrorResponse |
POST /v1/company
Create a new company
Body Parameters
"owner_id": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"cnpj": "string",
"address": {
"street": "string",
"number": "string",
"complement": "string",
"neighborhood": "string",
"city": "string",
"state": "string",
"zip_code": "string"
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
body | body | CreateCompanyRequest | no | none |
Response Examples
201 Response
400 Response
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
201 | Created | Company created successfully | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid request | APIErrorResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | Invalid credentials | APIErrorResponse |
403 | Forbidden | Access denied | APIErrorResponse |
POST /v1/company/search
Search companies by name, cnpj, state, city, neighborhood, street, number, complement, zip code, phone, email, website, and contact name
Body Parameters
"filters": [
"filter_key": "string",
"value": {},
"operation": "eq",
"data_option": "all"
"sorts": [
"sort": "string",
"direction": "asc"
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
page | query | integer(int32) | no | none |
perPage | query | integer(int32) | no | none |
body | body | AdvancedSearchRequest | no | none |
Response Examples
200 Response
"currentPage": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"total": 0,
"items": [
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"cnpj": "string",
"address": {
"street": "string",
"number": "string",
"complement": "string",
"neighborhood": "string",
"city": "string",
"state": "string",
"country": "string",
"zip_code": "string"
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
200 | OK | Companies found | PaginationSearchCompanyResponse |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid request | APIErrorResponse |
GET /v1/auth/{id}
Get user information by id
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | yes | none |
Response Examples
200 Response
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"email": "string",
"username": "string",
"role": {
"code": 0,
"description": "string"
"birth_date": "string",
"document_initials": "string",
"phone_number_initials": "string",
"company_id": "string"
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
200 | OK | User found successfully | UserResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | Invalid credentials | APIErrorResponse |
403 | Forbidden | Access denied | APIErrorResponse |
404 | Not Found | User not found | APIErrorResponse |
PUT /v1/auth/{id}
Update user information
Body Parameters
"name": "string",
"bio": "string",
"birth_date": "string",
"document": "string"
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | yes | none |
body | body | UpdateUserRequest | no | none |
Response Examples
200 Response
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"email": "string",
"username": "string",
"role": {
"code": 0,
"description": "string"
"birth_date": "string",
"document_initials": "string",
"phone_number_initials": "string",
"company_id": "string"
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
200 | OK | User updated successfully | UserResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | Invalid credentials | APIErrorResponse |
403 | Forbidden | Access denied | APIErrorResponse |
404 | Not Found | User not found | APIErrorResponse |
POST /v1/auth/register
Register a new user
Body Parameters
"name": "string",
"email": "string",
"username": "string",
"password": "string",
"birth_date": "string",
"document": "string",
"phone_number": "string"
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
body | body | RegisterRequest | no | none |
Response Examples
201 Response
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
201 | Created | User registered successfully | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid request | APIErrorResponse |
POST /v1/auth/recovery/{login}
Send recovery request to user
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
login | path | string | yes | none |
Response Examples
204 Response
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
204 | No Content | Recovery request sent successfully | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid login | APIErrorResponse |
POST /v1/auth/recovery/change
Change user password
Body Parameters
"token": "string",
"password": "string"
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
body | body | RecoveryRequest | no | none |
Response Examples
204 Response
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
204 | No Content | Password changed successfully | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid request | APIErrorResponse |
POST /v1/auth/login
Authenticate user
Body Parameters
"login": "string",
"password": "string"
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
body | body | LoginRequest | no | none |
Response Examples
200 Response
"token": "string",
"user": {
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"email": "string",
"username": "string",
"role": {
"code": 0,
"description": "string"
"birth_date": "string",
"document_initials": "string",
"phone_number_initials": "string",
"company_id": "string"
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
200 | OK | User logged in successfully | LoginResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | Invalid credentials | APIErrorResponse |
POST /v1/auth/activate/{token}
Activate user account
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
token | path | string | yes | none |
Response Examples
204 Response
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
204 | No Content | User activated successfully | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid token | APIErrorResponse |
POST /v1/event
Create a new event
Body Parameters
"company_id": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"init_date": "2019-08-24",
"end_date": "2019-08-24",
"configuration": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
body | body | CreateEventRequest | no | none |
Response Examples
201 Response
400 Response
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
201 | Created | Event created successfully | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid request | APIErrorResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | Invalid credentials | APIErrorResponse |
403 | Forbidden | Access denied | APIErrorResponse |
GET /v1/event/{id}/ticketSale
Get ticket sale by event id
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | yes | none |
Response Examples
200 Response
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
200 | OK | Ticket Sale list | PaginationTicketSaleResponse |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid request | APIErrorResponse |
POST /v1/event/{id}/ticketSale
Create a new ticket sale
Body Parameters
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"price": 0,
"entries": 0,
"active": true
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | yes | none |
body | body | CreateTicketSaleRequest | no | none |
Response Examples
201 Response
400 Response
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
201 | Created | Ticket Sale created successfully | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid request | APIErrorResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | Invalid credentials | APIErrorResponse |
403 | Forbidden | Access denied | APIErrorResponse |
GET /v1/event/{id}/thumbnail
Obter thumbnail do evento.
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | yes | none |
Response Examples
200 Response
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
200 | OK | Thumbnail found | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid id | APIErrorResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | Unauthorized | APIErrorResponse |
404 | Not Found | Thumbnail not found | APIErrorResponse |
POST /v1/event/{id}/thumbnail
Upload thumbnail do evento.
Body Parameters
file: ""
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | yes | none |
fileName | query | string | yes | none |
body | body | object | no | none |
» file | body | string(binary) | yes | none |
Response Examples
202 Response
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
202 | Accepted | Thumbnail uploaded | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid id | APIErrorResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | Unauthorized | APIErrorResponse |
404 | Not Found | Event not found | APIErrorResponse |
DELETE /v1/event/{id}/thumbnail
Deletar thumbnail do evento.
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | yes | none |
Response Examples
204 Response
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
204 | No Content | Thumbnail deleted | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid id | APIErrorResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | Unauthorized | APIErrorResponse |
404 | Not Found | Thumbnail not found | APIErrorResponse |
POST /v1/event/search
Search events by name, date, location, or category
Body Parameters
"filters": [
"filter_key": "string",
"value": {},
"operation": "eq",
"data_option": "all"
"sorts": [
"sort": "string",
"direction": "asc"
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
page | query | integer(int32) | no | none |
perPage | query | integer(int32) | no | none |
body | body | AdvancedSearchRequest | no | none |
Response Examples
200 Response
"currentPage": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"total": 0,
"items": [
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"company_id": "string",
"init_date": "2019-08-24",
"end_date": "2019-08-24",
"status": "SCHEDULED",
"address": {
"street": "string",
"number": "string",
"complement": "string",
"neighborhood": "string",
"city": "string",
"state": "string",
"country": "string",
"zip_code": "string"
"configuration": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
200 | OK | Events retrieved successfully | PaginationSearchEventResponse |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid request | APIErrorResponse |
GET /v1/event/{id}
Get event information by id
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | yes | none |
Response Examples
200 Response
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"company_id": "string",
"init_date": "2019-08-24",
"end_date": "2019-08-24",
"status": "SCHEDULED",
"address": {
"street": "string",
"number": "string",
"complement": "string",
"neighborhood": "string",
"city": "string",
"state": "string",
"country": "string",
"zip_code": "string"
"configuration": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
200 | OK | Event found successfully | EventResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | Invalid credentials | APIErrorResponse |
403 | Forbidden | Access denied | APIErrorResponse |
404 | Not Found | Event not found | APIErrorResponse |
POST /v1/enrollment
Create a new enrollment
Body Parameters
"event_id": "string",
"name": "string",
"email": "string",
"document": "string",
"birth_date": "2019-08-24",
"ticket_sale_id": "string",
"ticket_id": "string"
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
body | body | CreateEnrollmentRequest | no | none |
Response Examples
Enrollment created successfully
400 Response
"message": "string",
"status": 0,
"errors": [
"message": "string"
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
201 | Created | Enrollment created successfully | string |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid request | APIErrorResponse |
POST /v1/enrollment/webhook
Receive payment webhook
Body Parameters
"data": {
"id": "string"
"date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"action": "string"
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
body | body | CreatePaymentRequest | no | none |
Response Examples
201 Response
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
201 | Created | Webhook received successfully | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid request | APIErrorResponse |
POST /v1/enrollment/upsert
Create or update an enrollment
Body Parameters
"event_id": "string",
"name": "string",
"email": "string",
"document": "string",
"birth_date": "2019-08-24",
"ticket_sale_id": "string"
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
body | body | CreateUpsertEnrollmentRequest | no | none |
Response Examples
201 Response
400 Response
"message": "string",
"status": 0,
"errors": [
"message": "string"
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
201 | Created | Upsert enrollment created successfully | string |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid request | APIErrorResponse |
GET /v1/enrollment/list
List enrollments by user
Response Examples
200 Response
"currentPage": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"total": 0,
"items": [
"id": "string",
"user_id": "string",
"event_id": "string",
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
200 | OK | Enrollments retrieved successfully | PaginationEnrollmentResponse |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid request | APIErrorResponse |
PATCH /v1/ticket/{id}/check
Check ticket by id
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | yes | none |
Response Examples
202 Response
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
202 | Accepted | Ticket checked successfully | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid request | APIErrorResponse |
404 | Not Found | Ticket not found | APIErrorResponse |
GET /v1/ticket/{id}
Get ticket information by id
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | yes | none |
Response Examples
200 Response
"id": "string",
"user_id": "string",
"document": "string",
"event_id": "string",
"description": "string",
"valid_in": "2019-08-24",
"expired_in": "2019-08-24",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"code": "string",
"last_time_consumed": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
200 | OK | Ticket found successfully | TicketResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | Invalid credentials | APIErrorResponse |
403 | Forbidden | Access denied | APIErrorResponse |
404 | Not Found | Ticket not found | APIErrorResponse |
GET /v1/ticket/search/user/{id}
Search tickets by user id
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | yes | none |
page | query | integer(int32) | no | none |
perPage | query | integer(int32) | no | none |
terms | query | string | no | none |
Response Examples
200 Response
"currentPage": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"total": 0,
"items": [
"id": "string",
"user_id": "string",
"document": "string",
"event_id": "string",
"description": "string",
"valid_in": "2019-08-24",
"expired_in": "2019-08-24",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"code": "string",
"last_time_consumed": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
200 | OK | Tickets retrieved successfully | PaginationTicketResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | Invalid credentials | APIErrorResponse |
403 | Forbidden | Access denied | APIErrorResponse |
404 | Not Found | Tickets not found | APIErrorResponse |
GET /v1/cep/{cep}
Get address information by brazilian zip code
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
cep | path | string | yes | none |
Response Examples
200 Response
"cep": "string",
"street": "string",
"neighborhood": "string",
"city": "string",
"state": "string"
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
200 | OK | Cep found | ZipCodeResponse |
404 | Not Found | Cep not found | APIErrorResponse |
"street": "string",
"number": "string",
"complement": "string",
"neighborhood": "string",
"city": "string",
"state": "string",
"country": "string",
"zip_code": "string"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Title | Description |
street | string | false | none | none | |
number | string | false | none | none | |
complement | string | false | none | none | |
neighborhood | string | false | none | none | |
city | string | false | none | none | |
state | string | false | none | none | |
country | string | false | none | none | |
zip_code | string | false | none | none |
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"cnpj": "string",
"address": {
"street": "string",
"number": "string",
"complement": "string",
"neighborhood": "string",
"city": "string",
"state": "string",
"country": "string",
"zip_code": "string"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Title | Description |
id | string | false | none | none | |
name | string | false | none | none | |
description | string | false | none | none | |
cnpj | string | false | none | none | |
address | AddressResponse | false | none | none |
"message": "string"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Title | Description |
message | string | false | none | none |
"message": "string",
"status": 0,
"errors": [
"message": "string"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Title | Description |
message | string | false | none | none | |
status | integer(int32) | false | none | none | |
errors | [APIError] | false | none | none |
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"cnpj": "string"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Title | Description |
name | string | false | none | none | |
description | string | false | none | none | |
cnpj | string | false | none | none |
"code": 0,
"description": "string"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Title | Description |
code | integer(int32) | false | none | none | |
description | string | false | none | none |
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"email": "string",
"username": "string",
"role": {
"code": 0,
"description": "string"
"birth_date": "string",
"document_initials": "string",
"phone_number_initials": "string",
"company_id": "string"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Title | Description |
id | string | false | none | none | |
name | string | false | none | none | |
string | false | none | none | ||
username | string | false | none | none | |
role | RoleResponse | false | none | none | |
birth_date | string | false | none | none | |
document_initials | string | false | none | none | |
phone_number_initials | string | false | none | none | |
company_id | string | false | none | none |
"name": "string",
"bio": "string",
"birth_date": "string",
"document": "string"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Title | Description |
name | string | false | none | none | |
bio | string | false | none | none | |
birth_date | string | false | none | none | |
document | string | false | none | none |
"company_id": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"init_date": "2019-08-24",
"end_date": "2019-08-24",
"configuration": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Title | Description |
company_id | string | false | none | none | |
name | string | false | none | none | |
description | string | false | none | none | |
init_date | string(date) | false | none | none | |
end_date | string(date) | false | none | none | |
configuration | object | false | none | none | |
» additionalProperties | string | false | none | none |
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"price": 0,
"entries": 0,
"active": true
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Title | Description |
name | string | false | none | none | |
description | string | false | none | none | |
price | number | false | none | none | |
entries | integer(int32) | false | none | none | |
active | boolean | false | none | none |
"filters": [
"filter_key": "string",
"value": {},
"operation": "eq",
"data_option": "all"
"sorts": [
"sort": "string",
"direction": "asc"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Title | Description |
filters | [SearchFilterRequest] | false | none | The filters to be used in the search | |
sorts | [SortSearchRequest] | false | none | The sorts to be used in the search |
"sort": "string",
"direction": "asc"
The sorts to be used in the search
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Title | Description |
sort | string | false | none | The field to sort the results by | |
direction | string | false | none | The direction to sort the results by |
Name | Value |
direction | asc |
direction | desc |
"filter_key": "string",
"value": {},
"operation": "eq",
"data_option": "all"
The filters to be used in the search
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Title | Description |
filter_key | string | false | none | The key to search for | |
value | object | false | none | The value to search for | |
operation | string | false | none | The comparison used to search for the term | |
data_option | string | false | none | The option used to combine the search criteria |
Name | Value |
operation | eq |
operation | ne |
operation | gt |
operation | ge |
operation | lt |
operation | le |
operation | cn |
operation | ic |
operation | bw |
operation | ib |
operation | ew |
operation | ie |
operation | nc |
operation | bn |
operation | en |
operation | nu |
operation | nn |
data_option | all |
data_option | any |
"currentPage": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"total": 0,
"items": [
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"company_id": "string",
"init_date": "2019-08-24",
"end_date": "2019-08-24",
"status": "SCHEDULED",
"address": {
"street": "string",
"number": "string",
"complement": "string",
"neighborhood": "string",
"city": "string",
"state": "string",
"country": "string",
"zip_code": "string"
"configuration": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Title | Description |
currentPage | integer(int32) | false | none | none | |
perPage | integer(int32) | false | none | none | |
total | integer(int64) | false | none | none | |
items | [SearchEventResponse] | false | none | none |
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"company_id": "string",
"init_date": "2019-08-24",
"end_date": "2019-08-24",
"status": "SCHEDULED",
"address": {
"street": "string",
"number": "string",
"complement": "string",
"neighborhood": "string",
"city": "string",
"state": "string",
"country": "string",
"zip_code": "string"
"configuration": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Title | Description |
id | string | false | none | none | |
name | string | false | none | none | |
description | string | false | none | none | |
company_id | string | false | none | none | |
init_date | string(date) | false | none | none | |
end_date | string(date) | false | none | none | |
status | string | false | none | none | |
address | AddressResponse | false | none | none | |
configuration | object | false | none | none | |
» additionalProperties | string | false | none | none |
Name | Value |
status | SCHEDULED |
status | PUBLISHED |
status | OPENED |
status | IN_PROGRESS |
status | CANCELED |
status | FINISHED |
"event_id": "string",
"name": "string",
"email": "string",
"document": "string",
"birth_date": "2019-08-24",
"ticket_sale_id": "string",
"ticket_id": "string"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Title | Description |
event_id | string | false | none | none | |
name | string | false | none | none | |
string | false | none | none | ||
document | string | false | none | none | |
birth_date | string(date) | false | none | none | |
ticket_sale_id | string | false | none | none | |
ticket_id | string | false | none | none |
"data": {
"id": "string"
"date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"action": "string"
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