Implements a function find_peaks
based on the Automatic Multi-scale
Peak Detection algorithm proposed by Felix Scholkmann et al. in
"An Efficient Algorithm for Automatic Peak Detection in
Noisy Periodic and Quasi-Periodic Signals", Algorithms 2012,
5, 588-603
Install from PyPI:
pip install pyampd
Or install from source:
pip install git+
Import function:
from pyampd.ampd import find_peaks
See notebooks/ampd.ipynb
for usage examples.
To improve run-time on large time-series, it is possible to specify the maximum scale to consider:
peaks = find_peaks(x, scale=100)
will only consider windows up to +-100 point either side of peak candidates.
If the characteristic scale of the signal changes over time, a new algorithm called Adaptive Scale Selection can track the changes in optimal scales and detect peaks accordingly:
peaks = find_peaks_adaptive(x, window=200)
will select the optimal scale at each point using a 200-point running window.
is not identical to the algorithm proposed in the original paper (especially near start and end of time series).
A performance-optimized version of the original implementation is provided in find_peaks_original
- R:
- Python:
This Python implementation provides significant speed-ups in two areas:
- Efficient tracking of local minima without using random numbers
- Introduction of maximum window size, reducing algorithm run-time from quadratic to linear in the number of samples.
- Better handling of peaks near start/end of the series
- Addition of new Adaptive Scale Selection
- It may be possible to avoid repeated comparisons, and reduce worst-case
runtime from
toO(n log(n))
. find_peaks_adaptive
could benefit from specifying bothwindow
Original paper: