Crowd-sourcing questions for meetups Questioner is an API driven application that crowd-sources questions and comments for meetups. It uses a voting algorithm that calculates the importance of a question asked under a meetup so the organizers can attend to them in order of importance and factor it into the planning of the event
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Node and Npm must be installed on your machine.
Clone the Repository
run git clone github/igbominadeveloper/questioner
CD into the questioner project directory you just cloned
run cd path/to/questioner
Install project dependencies
run npm install
- Create a .env file following the example stated in the .env.example file in the project directory
- Start any Database of your choice and put the connection string into the .env file you created
Run Migrations
In your terminal, npm run migrate
Now start the development server
run npm start and the Application is running on localhost:3000
Open your terminal and run the command - npm run test
Authentication test
Run npm-heroku-deploy
- Favour Afolayan
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Adewale Aladeusi
- Jeffrey Way