All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- setTemplate method in Listing class, add support for custom templates
- DataTablesContext, remove pathName used with old annotation solution
- All deprecated methods
- Annotations support for controllers
- AbstractDataTablesController
- DataTablesCryptoManger to encrypt and decrypt entity name passed by POST
- ListingManager service to improve ListingBuilder creation
- ListingInvalidArgumentException to force usage one of the two methods annotation/encryption
- Mark deprecated methods and annotation class
- DataTablesController to handle annotation and "encrypted entity" method
- Listing tests to check if new solution and deprecated are still valid
- Annotation DataTables class, to handle entity and search field
- Listing related classes
- ListingBuilder, with addColumn method
- DataTablesContext class, context gather information from current request and is used for fetching data from DB
- Default listing template and renderer
- datatables min js script, jquery script and images