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Pull request and Code review assignment


Deadline: February 14 (Code implementation)/ February 21 (Code Review)/ February 24 (Implementation Changes)

How to submit: Pull Request in GitHub and send a screenshot on BBLearn after the code review and the implementation changes

Value: 2 assignments (One for the code, one for the review)

You have to write code for that will be code reviewed by another group. The assignment has three steps:

  1. Writing the code according to the specification: You and your group need to choose and implement one of the three functions presented below (Numbered F1, F2, F3). Write the code, and submit a pull request (see specifics below). I will assign the group that will review the code. You will be evaluated for both the code review and the implementation changes, and you will not be allowed to take part at the code review part if your group do not submit the first part. As part of your pull request message, remember to clearly identify which function you implemented and providing any details you find necessary for the reviewer understanding.
  2. Reviewing your colleagues' code: The focus here is CODE REVIEW, meaning help improving the code quality in different aspects, verifying the function, readability, maintainability, etc. Code review should heavily focus on clarity, communication, and collaboration. This assignment does not aim to evaluate the code you produce. The focus is on practicing code review, and it will be graded more like an essay - tone and content matter more than spotting the logic bugs. Remember, that we are focusing on Open Source Software, so you need to be welcoming, use the appropriate tone (not being rude or harsh), and point out problems and potential solutions.
  3. Revise your code according to the review received

Details and dates

Your group must implement and create a pull request with the chosen function by February 14th. Right after that I will assign the reviews across those groups that submitted the pull requests and I expect your group to prepare the reviews by February 21st. After the review you will receive a list of items that need to be changed (as decided by the review team). The final part of the assignment is to implement the changes by February 24th. If you do not have your code on the Feb. 14th to distribute to the other team members, or do not hand in your updated code you will not receive credit for the assignment.

Please write your code in C

Some specifics:

  1. I want you to practice the GitHub workflow as well. So, create a repo for your group under NAU-OSS (Even if there is nothing there, just create the project) --- private repos are preferred to avoid exposure;
  2. Fork the project;
  3. Create a folder called "assignmentPR" in the root of the project and work inside this folder;
  4. Submit your files to your personal repo and changes using git commands (commits, pushes), and submit them to the main repo by creating a pull request


The application you will be writing for is intended to run on a small, inexpensive embedded device that does not have a floating point unit. This means that the processor can only do integer arithmetic. However, the device does have a display and needs to display the result of floating point arithmetic to the user. Because this is a small inexpensive processor there is no support for strings or any mathematical library functions. You must write all the code yourselves performing all the floating point math with integers only and no strings! Character arrays, or C strings, can't tell you their size but they do end with a '\0' character.

The requirements for the code are to write one of the functions presented below. All the functions return a boolean value indicating the success or failure of the operation. Improper data is the most likely cause for a function to fail. You may add your own additional helper functions (I had at least a half dozen) but you must include them for the review. Do not change the interface to these functions.

Conversion Functions (F1)

The two functions, characteristic() and mantissa(), will break a character array into a characteristic and a mantissa. The characteristic for the number 2.351 is 2 and the mantissa is 351 over 1,000. The characteristic for the number 0.0125 is 0 and the mantissa is 125 over 10,000. The characteristic for the number -4.0 is -4 and the mantissa is 0 over 10. These values should be stored in the reference parameters c, numerator and denominator. The C string may include leading or trailing spaces, unary plus or minus signs, integers, or real numbers. Your functions must handle all of these cases. If an invalid string is passed in your function will return false. If the passed in string was valid return true.

bool characteristic(char numString[], int& c);
bool mantissa(char numString[], int& numerator, int& denominator);
char number[] = "123.456";
int c, n, d;
//if the conversion from C string to integers can take place
if(characteristic(number, c) && mantissa(number, n, d))
    //do some math with c, n, and d
    //handle the error on input

Math Functions (F2)

These two functions take as parameters two sets of mantissa and characteristic and a char array to hold the result of the arithmetic operations. The result of the add or subtract should be converted into char's and placed in the result array. The array must end with a '\0'. The 'len' parameter tells how many characters can be placed on the result array. For these functions to return true you must at a minimum store the characteristic of the result. If the result is a non-integer place as many of the digits as will fit in the result after a decimal point.

bool add(int c1, int n1, int d1, int c2, int n2, int d2, char result[], int len);
bool subtract(int c1, int n1, int d1, int c2, int n2, int d2, char result[], int len); 
char answer[100];
int c1, n1, d1;
int c2, n2, d2;
c1 = 1;
n1 = 1;
d1 = 2;
c2 = 2;
n2 = 2;
d2 = 3; 
//if the C string could hold at least the characteristic
if(add(c1, n1, d1, c2, n2, d2, answer, 100))
    //display string with answer 4.166666666...
    //display error message

Math Functions (F3)

These two functions take as parameters two sets of mantissa and characteristic and a char array to hold the result of the arithmetic operations. The result of the multiply or divide should be converted into char's and placed in the result array. The 'len' parameter tells how many characters can be placed on the result array. You cannot assume that any of the functions in this assignment will be available to use in your code. Any code that you submit for review cannot contain a call to someone else's code.

bool multiply(int c1, int n1, int d1, int c2, int n2, int d2, char result[], int len);
bool divide(int c1, int n1, int d1, int c2, int n2, int d2, char result[], int len);
char answer[100];
int c1, n1, d1;
int c2, n2, d2;
if(divide(c1, n1, d1, c2, n2, d2, answer, 100))
    //display string with answer
    //display error message