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Script online storefronts. The simplest, fastest possible. Nothing extra. The engines do not require databases, as they use the Sqlite3 file database.

Script online storefronts. The simplest, fastest possible. Nothing extra. The engines do not require databases, as they use the Sqlite3 file database.

  • FullAjax page load without refresh
  • Responsive
  • Easy Installation
  • Clean code
  • Cross Browser Support
  • Simple but Powerful admin panel
  • Dashboard statistics
  • Thumbnail & Multiple Images for Product
  • Multi-level Unlimited Categories
  • Unlimited Product adding System
  • Custom meta tag adding system for better SEO results
  • Static pages
  • HTMl5 Markup
  • Microformats google
  • Ready to use
  • Realtime cart and checkout calculations
  • Email notifications for order
  • Instant search
  • Does not use dependencies like laravel, symfony and other framework
  • Template on clean html with inserts like {content}, {title}
  • Don't need MySQL, database on SQLite3
  • and much more…

The script is designed in such a way that it would be only the most necessary functionality, the necessary minimum for ordering.


Copy the script to the root and set the rights to write:

  • /uploads/images
  • /uploads/products
  • /uploads/products/md/
  • /uploads/products/sm/
  • /core/data/db.sqlite

Write in robots.txt which lies at the root of your domain - Sitemap and Host

If necessary, set up redirects (www or without) in .htaccess uncommenting the lines:


Access to the admin panel Password admin The site map is generated automatically and is available at

Template Description

main.tpl - the main page in it gathers everything and displays

  • {headers} - output of meta tags and page title
  • {total_qty} - number of items in the cart
  • {total_cost} - price of goods in the basket
  • {cur} - currency prefix
  • {address} - address from settings
  • {content} - page content output
  • {domain} - site domain
  • {Y} - this year

404.tpl - 404 page template, no embedded tags

nav.tpl - pagination pattern

  • [prev-link][/prev-link] - first link block
  • {pages} - page list
  • [next-link][/next-link] - last link block

search.tpl - search results page template

  • {breadcrumb} - bread crumb output
  • {title} - search page title
  • {content} - search page content
  • {pagination} - pagination search page

search.ajax.tpl - dropdown search pattern

  • {title} - drop-down search page title
  • {content} - content of the dropdown page

static.tpl - static page display template

  • {home_title} - the output of the default title for breadcrumbs
  • {short_title} - output short names for breadcrumbs
  • {title} - static page name
  • {static} - static page body

start.tpl - start page template

  • {random_products} - output of random goods
  • {viewed_products} - the goods that have already been viewed
  • {desc} - text on the main

random_products.tpl - product display template on the main

  • {full_link} - slug product links
  • {img} - path to image pictures
  • {title} - product name
  • {product-id} - product id
  • {cost} - cost
  • {cur} - currency

cart.popup.tpl - popup cart pattern

  • [empty][/empty] - show block if cart is empty
  • [not_empty][/not_empty] - show block if cart is not empty
  • {cart} - list of products in cart
  • {total_cost} - total cost
  • {cur} - currency

checkout.tpl - checkout page template

  • [empty][/empty] - show block if cart is empty
  • [not_empty][/not_empty] - show block if cart is not empty
  • {delivery_method} - delivery methods
  • {payment_method} - payment methods
  • {cart} - list of products in cart
  • {total_cost} - total cost
  • {cur} - currency

checkout.cart.tpl - cart template for checkout page

  • {product_id} - product id
  • {product_alt} - product slug
  • {product_img} - path to image pictures
  • {product_name} - product name
  • {cost} - cost
  • {cur} - currency
  • {qty} - quantity
  • {price} - sum price

checkout.success.tpl - output page thanks for order after order

product.catalog.tpl - template output pages with product categories

  • {breadcrumb} - breadcrumbs block
  • {category_menu} - category block
  • {title} - category name
  • {goods} - list of products
  • {pagination} - pagination
  • {desc} - description

product.full.tpl - full product card template

  • {breadcrumb} - breadcrumbs block
  • {img1} - picture 1
  • {img2} - picture 2
  • {img3} - picture 3
  • {img_js} - json array for lightGallery
  • {title} - product name
  • {link-category} - category
  • {fulldesc} - description
  • {cost} - cost
  • {cur} - currency
  • {product-id} - product id

product.short.list.tpl - short template for products drop out of search

  • {full_link} - product slug
  • {img} - product image
  • {title} - product name
  • {product-id} - product id
  • {cost} - cost
  • {cur} - currency

product.short.tile.tpl - small item card template

  • {full_link} - product slug
  • {img} - product image
  • {title} - product name
  • {product-id} - product id
  • {cost} - cost
  • {cur} - currency

mails/mail.tpl - letter template

  • {domain} - site domain
  • {mail_content} - letter content
  • {email} - site e-mail

mails/order_table.tpl - order table template

  • {list} - list of products
  • {total_cost} - total cost
  • {cur} - currency
  • {noty} - if there is an order comment

mails/txt_order_success_client.tpl - text of the order letter to the buyer

  • {domain} - site domain
  • {fio} - name of the buyer
  • {tel} - buyer's phone
  • [tel][/tel] - show this block if there is a phone
  • {city} - city
  • [city][/city] - show this block if there is a city
  • {email} - customer mail
  • [email][/email] - show this block if there is mail
  • {delivery} - delivery method
  • [delivery][/delivery] - show this block if delivery method is specified
  • {otd} - department
  • [otd][/otd] - пrender this block if a department is indicated
  • {payment} - payment method
  • [payment][/payment] - show this block if payment method is specified
  • {num_zakaz} - order id
  • {order_table} - ordered basket block

mails/txt_order_success_manager.tpl - text of the order letter to manager

  • {domain} - site domain
  • {fio} - name of the buyer
  • {tel} - buyer's phone
  • [tel][/tel] - show this block if there is a phone
  • {city} - city
  • [city][/city] - show this block if there is a city
  • {email} - customer mail
  • [email][/email] - show this block if there is mail
  • {delivery} - delivery method
  • [delivery][/delivery] - show this block if delivery method is specified
  • {otd} - department
  • [otd][/otd] - show this block if department is indicated
  • {payment} - payment method
  • [payment][/payment] - show this block if payment method is specified
  • {num_zakaz} - order id
  • {order_table} - block cart

For place script in subdirectory

To do this in the root .htaccess file change

RewriteBase / 


RewriteBase /subdir/

And also in the file start.php

define ( 'AL', 'cp' ); // admin link
define ( 'FL', '' ); // frontend link


define ( 'AL', 'subdir/cp' ); // admin link
define ( 'FL', '/subdir' ); // frontend link

Edit the template links where necessary.

For any questions

Write to e-mail