blopmatch estimates the average treatment effect and average treatment effect on the treated from observational data by blop-matching, as proposed by Díaz et al. (2015).
To install this package in Stata, run the following commands:
// Uninstall any previous version of the packages lp and blopmatch
capture : ado uninstall lp
capture : ado uninstall blopmatch
// Install the new version of the package
local url ""
net install blopmatch, from("`url'/blopmatch/master")
After installation, type
help blopmatch
for additional details and examples.
// Load a sample dataset
webuse cattaneo2
// Estimate the average treatment effect of mbsmoke on bweight
blopmatch (bweight mage prenatal1 mmarried fbaby) (mbsmoke)
// Refit the above model, but require exact matches on the binary variables
blopmatch (bweight mage) (mbsmoke), ematch(prenatal1 mmarried fbaby)