It doesn't matter if you installed the Icinga PowerShell Framework with he Kickstart Script or Manually. In the and you can use the Icinga Agent installation wizard to configure the system additional, to install the Agent and deploy plugins as well install the Icinga PowerShell Service.
To start the Icinga Agent installation wizard you will have to open a PowerShell as Administrator first and enter
Note: Starting with Icinga PowerShell Framework 1.2.0
you can simply type icinga
to open an Icinga PowerShell Framework shell,
Once the command is executed, the Framework and all required components are loaded. To get started, we can now run
The wizard will ask a bunch of questions, for example if you are using the semi-automated Director Self-Service API or if you configure everything by yourself.
Depending on how you configure the system, there might different questions occur. The goal of the wizard is to cover most of the possible configurations available for the Icinga Agent. This includes
- How your certificates are generated
- If you Icinga Agent or the Master/Satellites are establishing the connection
- Definition of the service user the Icinga Agent will run with
- Ensuring that the Icinga Agent with the provided configuration and settings is able to start and everything is valid
Once you completed the wizard you are asked if the configuration is correct and if you want to execute the configuration. In any way, you are always printed the configuration command with your configured settings.
This command can be executed on any
Windows machine which has the Icinga PowerShell Framework installed. It contains the entire configuration for the system. Of course you can modify the values to match certain network zones or requirements.
You can find the Self Service API Key in the Agent tab of a Host Template in Icinga Director. You can find the Ticket number in the Agent tab of a Host.
Below you will find some examples for different kind of configuration commands which can be executed to configure the Icinga Agent and to install plugins.
Important Note: Each argument represents a corresponding question during the wizard. Some questions will result in more than one argument being set. In general it is not required to set every single available argument, as some of them are only required if certain configurations are set.
This example will use the Icinga Director Self-Service API and use a host template key to register the current machine within the Icinga Director and fetch the correct configuration for the host. In addition we will not override any provided variables and convert our Icinga endpoint configuration to actual IPs. For example if our Icinga parent node is registered with address
the FQDN will automatically be translated to the referring IP address. This is important as in case of a DNS failure we want to ensure the monitoring is still working properly. In addition we leave the Ticket handling empty as the Self-Service will take care of it and we neither want to install the Plugins nor the Icinga PowerShell Service.
Last but not least we want to directly run the installer.
Start-IcingaAgentInstallWizard -SelfServiceAPIKey '56756378658n56t85679765n97649m7649m76' -UseDirectorSelfService 1 -DirectorUrl '' -OverrideDirectorVars 0 -ConvertEndpointIPConfig 1 -Ticket '' -EmptyTicket 1 -InstallFrameworkPlugins 0 -InstallFrameworkService 0 -RunInstaller;
This is the same example as above, but this time we will override our CAEndpoint
for the Icinga certificate authority:
Start-IcingaAgentInstallWizard -SelfServiceAPIKey '56756378658n56t85679765n97649m7649m76' -UseDirectorSelfService 1 -DirectorUrl '' -OverrideDirectorVars 0 -ConvertEndpointIPConfig 1 -Ticket '' -EmptyTicket 1 -InstallFrameworkPlugins 0 -InstallFrameworkService 0 -CAEndpoint '' -RunInstaller;
This example will configure the Icinga Agent to use the local hostname including the FQDN as lower case, download the latest stable version of the Icinga Agent from and connect to the parent nodes. As we are not providing a Ticket
with the installation, we will later have to sign the request on our Icinga master with icinga2 ca sign <request>
(to get all pending requests you can use icinga2 ca list
on your Icinga master).
Like before, we are not installing the Icinga PowerShell Service or the plugins in this step.
Start-IcingaAgentInstallWizard -UseDirectorSelfService 0 -AutoUseFQDN 1 -AutoUseHostname 0 -LowerCase 1 -UpperCase 0 -AllowVersionChanges 1 -UpdateAgent 1 -AgentVersion 'release' -PackageSource '' -Endpoints icinga2a,icinga2b -CAPort 5665 -AcceptConnections 0 -AddFirewallRule 0 -ConvertEndpointIPConfig 1 -EndpointConnections, -ParentZone master -AddDirectorGlobal 1 -AddGlobalTemplates 1 -GlobalZones @() -CAEndpoint -Ticket '' -EmptyTicket 1 -ServiceUser 'NT Authority\NetworkService' -InstallFrameworkPlugins 0 -InstallFrameworkService 0 -RunInstaller;
Of course you can install the Icinga PowerShell Service directly during the runtime of the wizard. To do so, take the above examples and replace
the argument -InstallFrameworkService 0
-InstallFrameworkService 1 -FrameworkServiceUrl '' -ServiceDirectory 'C:\Program Files\icinga-framework-service\'
The argument FrameworkServiceUrl
is asking for a path pointing to the .zip
file which contains the service binary. The file can either be located on a web resource or a local/network share. The ServiceDirectory
argument will point to the target on where the .exe
file itself is being extracted to. This location is then being used to register the Windows Service object to which is later executed. In general there is an additional argument ServiceBin
available which will define the direct path to the service binary. This can be left empty how ever of the official .zip
file of Icinga for the service package is used.
Just like the service you can also directly run the installation of the plugins during the wizard runtime. For this you will have to replace -InstallFrameworkPlugins 0
of the above mentioned examples with:
-InstallFrameworkPlugins 1 -PluginsUrl ''
Just like the service binary, you can specify a different path to the .zip
file of the plugins. This can either be a web resource or a local/network share path.
Besides installing the Icinga PowerShell Plugins during the installation, you can also install them with a dedicated Cmdlet: Install-IcingaFrameworkComponent
This Cmdlet is using a namespace to ensure that the location is handled and each resource can be accessed properly. As with the above mentioned service binary and plugin repository, you can specify a custom location for the .zip
file include the name of of the repository.
For more details please have a look on the Icinga Plugin Installation Guide. This does also apply to every other Icinga Framework Component in the future.