Welcome to the Giver's Heaven frontend repository! This is the client-side of the Post-Disaster Relief Donation Platform, a comprehensive web application built to streamline the process of donating to disaster relief efforts. This platform serves as a centralized hub for donation posts, donor testimonials, and relevant information following a disaster.
- React
- Typescript
- Redux
- RTK Query
- React Router DOM
- Typescript
- Node
- Express
- MongoDB (Database)
- Mongoose (Database schemas)
The Giver's Heaven frontend is meticulously crafted to provide an intuitive and user-friendly interface for donors, ensuring an efficient and engaging donation experience. Here's an overview of the main sections and functionalities:
Dynamic Theme Switching:
- Users can switch between different themes (e.g., light mode, dark mode) based on their preferences.
Home Page:
- Engaging hero section showcasing the platform's mission.
- Donation posts displayed in a card format with key details and a "View Details" button.
- Top donor testimonials section to inspire trust and engagement.
- Dynamic carousel for captivating donation photos.
- Informative sections outlining the platform's objectives and impact.
Login / Register Page:
- User-friendly forms for account creation and secure authentication.
All Donations Page:
- Visually appealing grid layout displaying donation posts with essential information.
- "View Details" button for each donation post to provide additional information.
Donation Details Page:
- Detailed view of a specific donation post, including images, title, category, amount, and description.
- "Donate Now" button to facilitate the donation process.
Donors Leaderboard Page:
- Showcase the top donors who have made significant contributions to the relief efforts.
- Display donor names or usernames along with their donation amounts to recognize their generosity.
Community Gratitude Wall Page:
- Allow users to post comments of appreciation for the support they've received during difficult times.
- Users can express their gratitude and share positive messages.
Digital Volunteer Hub Page:
- Discover and register for virtual volunteer opportunities.
- Provide necessary information like email, phone number, and location.
About Us Page:
- View the list of volunteers contributing to the cause.
- Learn more about their dedication and support.
Dashboard Home Page (/dashboard):
- Visualizes the monthly total donations for the year with a PieChart and BarChart.
All Donation Posts Page (/dashboard/donations):
Table view of donation posts with details like title, category, and amount.
Edit or delete individual donation posts.
Convenient "Add Donation" button for quick additions.
Create Donation Post Page (/dashboard/create-donation):
- User-friendly form to create new donation posts.
- Includes fields for image, category, title, amount, and description.
Interactive Testimonials Page (/dashboard/create-testimonial):
- Allow donors to share their experiences and encourage others to participate.
- Post testimonials about the donation posts they've contributed to.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/iibrahim70/givers-heaven-client/
Navigate to the project directory:
cd givers-heaven-client
- Install dependencies:
pnpm i
- Run the development server:
pnpm dev
Open http://localhost:5173 in your browser to view the application.
Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, improvements, or new features to add, please fork the repository and submit a pull request.