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  • An app for people who chooses vegan life style to have exclusive part in this community so they can create, edit and experiment new recipes and search for other users recipes and leave reviews/notes under each recipe as they like.

User Stories

As a user I would like to;

  • register to create an account.
  • login and logout of my account.
  • create, edit, delete my vegan recipes in my profile.
  • have a home page that would display all recipes.
  • show each recipe.
  • able to add notes or reviews to specific recipe.

Tech stach:





MVP goals

Building a Mern app using ReactJS can be usable by many users;

  • can create a profile.
  • can create recipes.
  • can display all recipes on profile.
  • can show specific recipe.
  • can add a review to each recipe.

RESTful Routes Charts


VERB URI Path CRUD Description
POST /register Create sign up/ user registeration
GET /profile Read displays user profile page
GET /login Read login /find user

Rest of the outes

VERB URL Path CRUD Description
GET / Read Welcome page
GET /recipes Read displays all recipes in db
GET /recipes/:userid Read displays all recipes by specific user
GET /recipes/:id Show display the specific recipe
POST /recipes/:userid Create create a new recipe
PUT /recipes/:id Update update the recipe created by user
POST /recipes/:id Create add review or a note to specific recipe
DELETE /recipes/:id Destroy removes the recipe user created

Strech goals

  • editing comments.
  • deleting comments.
  • display other user recipes.
  • able to add comments on other user recipes and delete.
  • can edit password and delete account. | VERB | URL Path | CRUD | Description | | :----: | :-----: | :----: | :--------: | | GET | /logout | Read | logout user | | PUT | /profile/:id | Update | updates user password | | DELETE | /profile/:id| Destroy | deletes profile |