Forkify is the final project from Jonas Schmedtmann's The Complete JavaScript Course. It encompasses everything learned throughout the course, from basic to advanced concepts. This repository contains a version coded by me, based on the provided flowcharts and instructions.
- Recipe Search: Search for recipes from an external API.
- Bookmark Recipes: Bookmark favorite recipes for quick access.
- Recipe Details: View detailed information about a selected recipe.
- Recipe Ingredients: Easily view and manage recipe ingredients.
- Adjust Servings: Adjust the number of servings for a recipe.
- Upload Recipes: Add custom recipes to the application.
- CSS3
- JavaScript (ES6+)
- Babel: JavaScript compiler.
- API: Utilizes the Forkify API for fetching recipes.
- Search for Recipes: Enter a keyword in the search bar and hit enter to fetch recipes related to the keyword.
- View Recipe Details: Click on a recipe from the list to view its details, including ingredients and cooking instructions.
- Adjust Servings: Use the '+' and '-' buttons to adjust the number of servings, and the ingredient quantities will update accordingly.
- Bookmark Recipes: Click the bookmark icon to save a recipe for later. Access bookmarked recipes from the bookmarks section.
- Upload Recipes: Add your own recipes using the upload form. Fill in the details and submit to add the recipe to the application.
Special thanks to Jonas Schmedtmann for the excellent course and resources provided.