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Sascha Cohen (@saschaben), Director, Strategic Development
Jon Johnson (@jrjohnson), Lead Applications Programmer
Stefan Topfstedt (@stopfstedt), Senior Applications Programmer
Jason Hedrick (@thecoolestguy), Applications Programmer
Brandon Lo (@blo1), Applications Programmer
Michael Chadwick (@michaelchadwick), Applications Programmer
Dave Leonard (@dartajax), User Support
Rich Trott (@Trott), Contributor
Gaby Campagna (@gabycampagna), Contributor (Data Visualization Programmer)
Thomas Lee (@djvoa12), Contributor
Jen Zweben (@jenzweben), Contributor (UX/UI)
Geoffrey Boushey (@boushey), Contributor
Carson Tam (@ctam), Contributor
Victor Passapera (@vpassapera), Contributor
Loki der Quaeler (@quaeler), Lead Developer (emeritus)
Rolf Mortensen (@rolfsf), Usability Designer (emeritus)
Want to be a part of the Ilios team, and help to create even better tools and features? Ilios is an Open Source{:target="_blank"}, community-based software application. Fork the code at GitHub{:target="_blank"}, and get yourself started!
The Ilios Project is indebted to the continuing support and sponsorship from the Deans and leadership of the following institutions:
- UCSF School of Medicine
- UCSF IT Education
- UCSF School of Pharmacy
- UC Irvine School of Medicine
- Stanford University School of Medicine