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Spring Boot, Cloud Native, Kubernetes, Performance Testing, Heroku, Junit5, Gradle, Rabbitmq, Travis, Jenkins, spotless

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Running tests locally

Unit Tests

./gradlew clean test

Integration Tests

./gradlew clean intTest

Unit, Int tests and Code Coverage report

./gradlew clean build jacocoTestReport

Building and running application

./gradlew build && java -jar build/libs/country-phone-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar


Building Docker Image

./gradlew clean build && docker build -t country-phone .

Build jar first and create an image out of it

Running Docker Image

docker run -e "SPRING_PROFILES=local" -p 8080:8080 country-phone

specify -d in order to run in detached mode

Building and Running via Docker Compose

docker-compose up

Pushing images to DockerHub

  1. Login with your Docker Id docker login, create a Docker Hub repo with the same title
  2. Tag the image (To push a local image to docker registry, you need to associate the local image with a repository on the docker registry. The notation for the repository on docker registry is username/repository:tag)

Need to push 2 times - with the tag and tag = latest

docker tag country-phone ilja07/country-phone:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
docker tag country-phone ilja07/country-phone:latest
  1. Push the image to docker hub
docker push ilja07/country-phone:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
docker push ilja07/country-phone:latest


minikube start
kubectl create deployment country-phone --image=ilja07/country-phone


kubectl create -f k8s/manifest.yml 


kubectl apply -f k8s/manifest.yml 

create vs apply ->

Verify status of pods

kubectl get pods

Get all Kubernetes resources info - shows all pods, replicasets, deployments, services, etc

kubectl get all

If POD is running, then open app locally

  1. find out cluster's ip
minikube ip


minikube service country-phone-service --url
  1. open app

In case when you need to update some thing

  1. change the specification file
  2. apply the changes to Kubernetes master
kubectl apply -f k8s/manifest.yml

Connect to Pod and Container

In this case, our Pod has a single container, so we don't need to specify one

kubectl exec pod1 -it -- env | grep ENVVAR


kubectl logs <POD_NAME>
kubectl describe pods <POD_NAME>

Performance testing

docker run -it --rm -v  /<fullpath>/performancetesting/configs:/bzt-configs -v/ /<fullpath>/performancetesting/artifacts:/tmp/artifacts blazemeter/taurus config.yaml

OR just install Taurus locally -

brew install bzt


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