Project Documentation: Order Creation, Payment, and Notification with MassTransit and RabbitMQ in .NET Core, Docker
This project demonstrates the integration of MassTransit and RabbitMQ in a .NET Core application to manage order creation, payment processing, and sending SMS and email notifications. The system involves multiple services working together to simulate a real-world order processing and notification flow. RabbitMQ, running in a Docker container, is used for message queuing, ensuring decoupled communication between services. MassTransit is employed to simplify message-based communication and to manage the message-driven workflows.
- Order Service - Responsible for receiving and processing new orders.
- Payment Service - Handles payment processing after an order is placed.
- Notification Service - Sends email and SMS notifications once the payment is confirmed.
The architecture follows a microservices approach, where each service is responsible for a distinct part of the workflow:
- Order Service: Initiates the order and communicates with the Payment Service to process the payment.
- Payment Service: Receives payment details, processes the payment, and triggers notifications upon successful payment.
- Notification Service: Sends SMS and email notifications.
MassTransit is used for asynchronous communication between these services via RabbitMQ as the message broker.
- MassTransit: A .NET-based service bus for building message-based applications.
- RabbitMQ: A message broker that handles the transmission of messages between services.
- .NET Core: Framework used to build the application and the individual services.
- Docker: Application management in a container-based environment.
Order Creation:
- The user places an order, which is captured by the Order Service.
- A message is sent to the Payment Service to process the payment. The message includes order details and payment information.
Payment Processing:
- The Payment Service receives the order and payment details.
- The payment is processed (e.g., payment gateway integration).
- Upon successful payment, a message is sent to the Notification Service to trigger the SMS and email notifications.
Notification Sending:
- The Notification Service receives the payment success message and sends SMS and email notifications to the customer, confirming the successful order and payment.
Setting up RabbitMQ:
- RabbitMQ is configured to manage queues for each service communication. Separate queues are set for orders, payments, and notifications.
- Services subscribe to their respective queues to listen for incoming messages.
MassTransit Configuration:
- MassTransit is integrated with RabbitMQ to handle the asynchronous communication.
- The
interfaces are used to send and receive messages between the services.
Example of configuration in
:builder.Services.Configure<MassTransitSettings>(builder.Configuration.GetSection("MassTransitSettings")); builder.Services.AddMassTransit(x => { x.RegisterConsumer<OrderPaymentReceivedEventConsumers>(); x.UsingRabbitMq((context, cfg) => { var massTransitSettings = context.GetRequiredService<IOptions<MassTransitSettings>>().Value; cfg.Host(massTransitSettings.Host, massTransitSettings.VirtualHost, host => { host.Username(massTransitSettings.Username); host.Password(massTransitSettings.Password); }); cfg.RegisterQueue<OrderPaymentReceivedEventConsumers>(context, massTransitSettings.QueueName, typeof(OrderPaymentReceivedEvent)); }); });
Download and install Docker on your computer from: Docker Desktop
To install RabbitMQ with Docker, use the following command:
docker run -d --name rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3-management