This package provides access to Dadata address suggestions and reverse geocoding APIs.
try! DadataSuggestions
apiKey: "<# Dadata API token #>"
completion: { r in
switch r {
case .success(let v):
case .failure(let e):
Ranging from init with explicit API token.
let dadata = DadataSuggestions(apiKey: "<# Dadata API token #>")
Through init with an API token from Info.plist. But may throw if it's missing.
let dadata = try? DadataSuggestions()
Even to init with check on connectivity. However this init should not be called on main thread as it may take up long time as it makes request to server in a blocking manner. Throws if connection is impossible or request is timed out. .background).async {
let dadata = try? DadataSuggestions(apiKey: "<# Dadata API token #>", checkWithTimeout: 15)
Basic address suggestions request to only search in FIAS database: less matches, state provided address data only.
dadata?.suggestAddressFromFIAS("Тверская обл, Пеновский р-н, деревня Москва"){ print( try? $0.get().suggestions ) }
Basic address suggestions request takes KLADR or FIAS ID as a query parameter to lookup additional data.
dadata?.suggestByKLADRFIAS("9120b43f-2fae-4838-a144-85e43c2bfb29"){ print( try? $0.get().suggestions ) }
However more elaborate queries could be made by providing constraints and/or setting filtering.
var constraint = AddressQueryConstraint()
constraint.region = "Приморский" = "Владивосток"
constraint.country_iso_code = "RU"
constraint.region_iso_code = "RU-PRI"
"Gogolya 9",
resultsCount: 5,
language: .en,
constraints: [constraint],
regionPriority: nil,
upperScaleLimit: .street,
lowerScaleLimit: .house,
trimRegionResult: false,
completion: completion
Or building AddressSuggestionQuery
manually. Note in this example it is a query made with FIAS ID instead of free-form text.
let q = AddressSuggestionQuery("9120b43f-2fae-4838-a144-85e43c2bfb29", ofType: .findByID)
q.resultsCount = 1
q.language = .en
dadata?.suggestAddress(q){ try? $0.get().suggestions?.forEach{ print($0) } }
Also reverse geocoding is available.
try? dadata?.reverseGeocode(query: "52.2620898, 104.3203629",
delimeter: ",",
resultsCount: 1,
searchRadius: 100){ r in
let v = try? r.get()
if let s = v?.suggestions, s.count > 0{
print("\(s[0].value!): LAT#\(s[0].data!.geoLat!) @ LON#\(s[0].data!.geoLon!)")
Project documentation is available here.
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
IIDadata is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'IIDadata'
Or use Swift PM. Add the following line to your Package.swift file in the dependencies section:
.package(url: "", from: "0.2.0")
The most convenient way to edit the project is to open Example/IIDadata.xcworkspace
in Xcode. It is the workspace of a pod in Cocoapods' terms. It includes not only the IIDadata pod itself, but also an example target with tests.
Alternatively you may want to edit IIDadata as Swift PM package. To do so just open Package.swift
. Please be aware that the layout in Project Navigator pane would look not the same as if you'd open the xcworkspace
To run XCTestCase
you have to create a struct in Tests
directory containint your Dadata API token according to example below. The token
field would be called during the tests.
struct DadataAPIConstants {
static let token = "<# Dadata API token #>"
- Pre- and post-commit hooks to autogenerate docs and create tag from Podspec version label when committing on release branch
- Android library port written in Kotlin
IIDadata is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.