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Releases: iloElias/maestro

1.2.0 Table creation update

26 Sep 11:27
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New Features in the Upcoming Update

Primary Key Selection

In the new update, the primary key will be automatically chosen if there are two or more identifiers in the [Table]

Usage of @comment

There is a new way to use @comment in the class properties to add comments directly in the code. This can be useful for documentation and code readability.

Example: User Class


namespace Maestro\Example;

use Ilias\Maestro\Abstract\Table;
use Ilias\Maestro\Database\Expression;
use Ilias\Maestro\Types\Serial;
use Ilias\Maestro\Types\Timestamp;
use Ilias\Maestro\Types\Unique;

final class User extends Table
  public Hr $schema;
  /** @primary */
  public Serial $id;
  /** @primary
   * @not_nuable */
  public Unique | Expression | string $uuid = Expression::RANDOM_UUID;
  /** @not_nuable */
  public string $firstName;
  /** @not_nuable */
  public string $lastName;
  /** @unique */
  public string $nickname;
  /** @unique */
  public string $email;
  public string $password;
  public bool $active = true;
  public Timestamp | Expression | string $createdIn = Expression::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
  public Timestamp $updatedIn;
  public Timestamp $inactivatedIn;

  public function __construct(
    string $nickname,
    string $email,
    string $password,
    bool $active,
    Timestamp $createdIn
  ) {
    $this->nickname = $nickname;
    $this->email = $email;
    $this->password = $password;
    $this->active = $active;
    $this->createdIn = $createdIn;

Example: Manager Class


namespace Ilias\Maestro\Core;

use PDO;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Throwable;
use Ilias\Maestro\Abstract\Database;
use Ilias\Maestro\Abstract\Identifier;
use Ilias\Maestro\Abstract\Query;
use Ilias\Maestro\Abstract\Schema;
use Ilias\Maestro\Abstract\Table;
use Ilias\Maestro\Database\PDOConnection;
use Ilias\Maestro\Exceptions\NotFinalExceptions;
use Ilias\Maestro\Database\Expression;
use Ilias\Maestro\Utils\Utils;

 * Class Manager
 * This class provides methods to create and manage a PostgreSQL database schema,
 * including creating schemas, tables, and foreign key constraints. It also provides
 * methods to insert, update, and select data from tables.
 * @package Ilias\Maestro\Core
class Manager
  public static array $idCreationPattern = [
  public PDO $pdo;

  public function __construct(
    private string $strictType = Maestro::SQL_STRICT
  ) {
    $this->pdo = PDOConnection::getInstance();

  // Other methods...

   * Create a table.
   * @param string $table
   * @return string
   * @throws NotFinalExceptions
  public function createTable(string $table): string
    if (!Utils::isFinalClass($table)) {
      throw new NotFinalExceptions("The " . $table::getSanitizedName() . " class was not identified as \"final\"");

    $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($table);
    $tableName = $table::getSanitizedName();
    $columns = $table::tableColumns();
    $primaryColumn = $table::tableIdentifier();
    $uniqueColumns = $table::getUniqueColumns();
    $notNullColumns = $this->getNotNullProperties($reflectionClass);
    $schemaName = $this->schemaNameFromTable($table);

    $columnDefs = [];

    foreach ($columns as $name => $type) {
      $sanitizedColumnName = Utils::sanitizeForPostgres($name);
      $isIdentifier = Utils::isIdentifier($type);
      $columnDef = $this->strictType === Maestro::SQL_STRICT
        ? "\"{$sanitizedColumnName}\" {$this->getColumnType($type)}"
        : "{$sanitizedColumnName} {$this->getColumnType($type)}";

      if (in_array($name, $notNullColumns) || $isIdentifier) {
        $columnDef .= ' NOT NULL';
      } elseif ($this->strictType === Maestro::SQL_STRICT) {
        $columnDef .= ' NULL';

      if (isset($primaryColumn[$name])) {
        $columnDef .= ' ' . implode(' ', self::$idCreationPattern);

      $defaultValue = $this->getPropertyDefaultValue($reflectionClass, $name);
      if ($defaultValue !== null) {
        $columnDef .= is_array($type) && $type[1] === Expression::class
          ? " DEFAULT {$defaultValue}"
          : " DEFAULT {$this->formatDefaultValue($defaultValue)}";

      if (in_array($name, $uniqueColumns) || $isIdentifier) {
        $columnDef .= ' UNIQUE';

      $columnDefs[] = $columnDef;

    $query = $this->strictType === Maestro::SQL_STRICT
      ? "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"$schemaName\".\"$tableName\""
      : "CREATE TABLE \"$schemaName\".\"$tableName\"";
    $query .= " (\n\t" . implode(",\n\t", $columnDefs) . "\n);";

    return $query;

Example: Maestro Class


namespace Ilias\Maestro\Core;

final class Maestro
  public const SQL_STRICT = 'STRICT';
  public const SQL_PREDICT = 'PREDICT';
  public const SQL_NO_PREDICT = 'NO_PREDICT';
  public const DOC_PRIMARY = '@primary';
  public const DOC_FOREIGN = '@foreign';
  public const DOC_UNIQUE = '@unique';
  public const DOC_NUABLE = '@nuable';
  public const DOC_NOT_NUABLE = '@not_nuable';
  public const DOC_COMMENT = '@comment';

  public const MAETRO_DOC_CLAUSES = [

  public const PREFER_DEFAULT = 0;
  public const PREFER_DOC = 1;

1.1.1 Query builders update

24 Sep 12:54
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The Select class allows you to build and execute SELECT queries.

use Ilias\Maestro\Database\Select;
use Ilias\Maestro\Database\PDOConnection;

$select = new Select(PDOConnection::getInstance());
$select->from(['u' => 'users'], ['', ''])
       ->where(['' => true])
       ->order('', 'ASC')

$sql = $select->getSql();
$params = $select->getParameters();


The Insert class allows you to build and execute INSERT queries.

use Ilias\Maestro\Database\Insert;
use Ilias\Maestro\Database\PDOConnection;
use Maestro\Example\User;

$user = new User('John Doe', '', md5('password'), true, new Timestamp('now'));

$insert = new Insert(PDOConnection::getInstance());

$sql = $insert->getSql();
$params = $insert->getParameters();


The Update class allows you to build and execute UPDATE queries.

use Ilias\Maestro\Database\Update;
use Ilias\Maestro\Database\PDOConnection;

$update = new Update(PDOConnection::getInstance());
       ->set('name', 'Jane Doe')
       ->where(['id' => 1]);

$sql = $update->getSql();
$params = $update->getParameters();


The Delete class allows you to build and execute DELETE queries.

use Ilias\Maestro\Database\Delete;
use Ilias\Maestro\Database\PDOConnection;

$delete = new Delete(PDOConnection::getInstance());
       ->where(['id' => 1]);

$sql = $delete->getSql();
$params = $delete->getParameters();


26 Aug 17:41
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[pre] - sql query bulder


06 Aug 12:29
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