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This module is used to describe the configuration of Talos OS v1.0.x with Terraform variables and convert them to a Base64 encoded string that can be used for bootstarap Kubernetes nodes on any Virtualization platform that supports VM initialization via user-data.

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Talos OS VM Userdata Terraform Module

Page in Terraform Registry

This module is used to describe the configuration of Talos OS v1.0.0-v1.2.x with Terraform variables and convert them to a Base64 encoded string that can be used for bootstarap Kubernetes nodes on any Virtualization platform that supports VM initialization via user-data.

If you find any inconsistencies in the official configuration or incorrect logic of optional values, please open an issue.


See examples.



Name Version
terraform >= 1.1.9, < 2.0.0


No providers.


No modules.


No resources.


Name Description Type Default Required
talos_base_configuration Talos OS top-level configuration. object object No
machine_secrets Secret data that is used to create trust relationships between virtual machines. object - Yes
machine_base_configuration Basic configuration of the virtual machine. object - Yes
machine_extra_configuration Extended configuration of the virtual machine. object {} No
machine_type The role of the virtual machine in the Kubernetes cluster (controlplane or worker). string - Yes
machine_cert_sans A list of alternative names of the virtual machine. list(string) [] No
machine_network General network configuration of the virtual machine. object {} No
machine_network_hostname A network hostname of the virtual machine (if not set will be generated automatically). string "" No
machine_network_interfaces A list of network interfaces of the virtual machines (if not set DHCP will be used). list [] No
cluster_secrets Secret data that is used to establish trust relationships between Kubernetes cluster nodes. object - Yes
control_plane_cluster_secrets Secret data required to establish trust relationships between components used by Control Plane nodes in the Kubernetes cluster. object {} Yes/No
cluster_name The name of the cluster. string - Yes
cluster_control_plane Data to define the API endpoint address for joining a node to the Kubernetes cluster. object - Yes
cluster_discovery Data that sets up the discovery of nodes in the Kubernetes cluster. object object No
control_plane_cluster_configuration Data that configure the components of the Control Plane nodes in the Kubernetes cluster. object {} No
cluster_inline_manifests A list of Kuberenetes manifests whose content is represented as a string. These will get automatically deployed as part of the bootstrap. list [] No
cluster_extra_manifests A list of URLs that point to additional manifests. These will get automatically deployed as part of the bootstrap. list(string) [] No
cluster_extra_manifest_headers A map of key value pairs that will be added while fetching the cluster_extra_manifests. map(string) {} No

Talos Base Configuration Input

  version = string
  persist = bool


  version = "v1alpha1"
  persist = false

See Config section in Talos Configuration Reference for detail description.

Machine Secrets Input

  token = string
  ca = object({
    crt = string
    key = string

See MachineConfig section in Talos Configuration Reference for detail description.

Machine Base Configuration

  install = object({
    disk            = string
    extraKernelArgs = optional(list(string))
    image           = string
    bootloader      = bool
    wipe            = bool
    diskSelector = optional(object({
      size    = string
      model   = string
      busPath = string
    extensions = optional(list(string))
  kubelet = optional(object({
    image      = string
    extraArgs  = optional(map(string))
    clusterDNS = optional(list(string))
    extraMounts = optional(list(object({
      destination = string
      type        = string
      source      = string
      options     = list(string)
    extraConfig = optional(map(string))
    nodeIP = optional(object({
      validSubnets = list(string)
  time = optional(object({
    disabled    = optional(bool)
    servers     = optional(list(string))
    bootTimeout = optional(string)
  features = optional(object({
    rbac = optional(bool)
    kubernetesTalosAPIAccess = optional(object({
      enabled                     = optional(bool)
      allowedRoles                = optional(list(string))
      allowedKubernetesNamespaces = optional(list(string))

See MachineConfig section in Talos Configuration Reference for detail description.

Machine Extra Configuration Input

  controlPlane = optional(object({
    controllerManager = optional(object({
      disabled = bool
    scheduler = optional(object({
      disabled = bool
  pods = optional(list(map(any)))
  disks = optional(list(object({
    device = string
    partitions = list(object({
      mountpoint = string
      size       = string
  files = optional(list(object({
    content     = string
    permissions = string
    path        = string
    op          = string
  env = optional(object({
    GRPC_GO_LOG_VERBOSITY_LEVEL = optional(string)
    GRPC_GO_LOG_SEVERITY_LEVEL  = optional(string)
    http_proxy                  = optional(string)
    https_proxy                 = optional(string)
    no_proxy                    = optional(bool)
  sysctls = optional(map(string))
  sysfs   = optional(map(string))
  registries = optional(object({
    mirrors = optional(map(object({
      endpoints = list(string)
    config = optional(map(object({
      tls = object({
        insecureSkipVerify = bool
        clientIdentity = optional(object({
          crt = string
          key = string
        ca = optional(string)
      auth = optional(object({
        username      = optional(string)
        password      = optional(string)
        auth          = optional(string)
        identityToken = optional(string)
  systemDiskEncryption = optional(map(object({
    provider = string
    keys = optional(list(object({
      static = optional(object({
        passphrase = string
      nodeID = optional(map(string))
      slot   = optional(number)
    cipher    = optional(string)
    keySize   = optional(number)
    blockSize = optional(number)
    options   = optional(list(string))
  udev = optional(object({
    rules = list(string)
  logging = optional(object({
    destinations = list(object({
      endpoint = string
      format   = string
  kernel = optional(object({
    modules = list(object({
      name = string
  seccompProfiles = optional(list(object({
    name = string
    value = object({
      defaultAction = string

See MachineConfig section in Talos Configuration Reference for detail description.

Machine Network Input

  nameservers = optional(list(string))
  extraHostEntries = optional(list(object({
    ip      = string
    aliases = list(string)
  kubespan = optional(object({
    enabled = bool

See NetworkConfig section in Talos Configuration Reference for detail description.

Hostname and interfaces parameters are described in separate inputs.

Machine Network Interfaces Input

  interface = optional(string)
  addresses = optional(list(string))
  routes = optional(list(object({
    network = string
    gateway = optional(string)
    source  = optional(string)
    metric  = optional(number)
  vlans = optional(list(object({
    addresses = list(string)
    routes = optional(list(object({
      network = string
      gateway = optional(string)
      source  = optional(string)
      metric  = optional(number)
    dhcp   = optional(bool)
    vlanId = number
    mtu    = number
    vip = optional(object({
      ip = string
      equinixMetal = optional(object({
        apiToken = string
      hcloud = optional(object({
        apiToken = string
  mtu = optional(number)
  bond = optional(object({
    interfaces = list(string)
    mode       = string
    lacpRate   = string
  dhcp   = optional(bool)
  ignore = optional(bool)
  dummy  = optional(bool)
  dhcpOptions = optional(object({
    routeMetric = number
    ipv4        = optional(bool)
    ipv6        = optional(bool)
  wireguard = optional(object({
    privateKey   = string
    listenPort   = number
    firewallMark = number
    peers = list(object({
      publicKey                   = string
      endpoint                    = string
      persistentKeepaliveInterval = optional(string)
      allowedIPs                  = list(string)
  vip = optional(object({
    ip = string
    equinixMetal = optional(object({
      apiToken = string
    hcloud = optional(object({
      apiToken = string
  bridge = optional(object({
    stp = optional(object({
      enabled = bool
    interfaces = optional(list(string))

See Device section in Talos Configuration Reference for detail description.

Cluster Secrets Input

  id     = string
  secret = string
  token  = string
  ca = object({
    crt = string
    key = string

See ClusterConfig section in Talos Configuration Reference for detail description.

Control Plane Cluster Secrets Input

  aescbcEncryptionSecret = optional(string)
  aggregatorCA = optional(object({
    crt = optional(string)
    key = optional(string)
  serviceAccount = optional(object({
    key = optional(string)
  etcd = optional(object({
    ca = object({
      crt = optional(string)
      key = optional(string)

See ClusterConfig section in Talos Configuration Reference for detail description.

Required if machine_type = controlplane.

Cluster Control Plane Input

  endpoint           = string
  localAPIServerPort = optional(number)

See ControlPlaneConfig section in Talos Configuration Reference for detail description.

Cluster Discovery Input

  enabled = bool
  registries = optional(object({
    kubernetes = optional(object({
      disabled = bool
    service = optional(object({
      disabled = bool
      endpoint = string


  enabled = true

See ClusterDiscoveryConfig section in Talos Configuration Reference for detail description.

Control Plane Cluster Configuration Input

  network = optional(object({
    cni = optional(object({
      name = string
      urls = optional(list(string))
    dnsDomain      = optional(string)
    podSubnets     = optional(list(string))
    serviceSubnets = optional(list(string))
  apiServer = optional(object({
    image     = string
    extraArgs = optional(map(string))
    extraVolumes = optional(list(object({
      hostPath  = string
      mountPath = string
      readonly  = bool
    env                      = optional(map(string))
    certSANs                 = optional(list(string))
    disablePodSecurityPolicy = optional(bool)
    admissionControl = optional(list(object({
      name          = string
      configuration = map(any)
  controllerManager = optional(object({
    image     = string
    extraArgs = optional(map(string))
    extraVolumes = optional(list(object({
      hostPath  = string
      mountPath = string
      readonly  = bool
    env = optional(map(string))
  proxy = optional(object({
    disabled  = bool
    image     = optional(string)
    mode      = optional(string)
    extraArgs = optional(map(string))
  scheduler = optional(object({
    image     = string
    extraArgs = optional(map(string))
    extraVolumes = optional(list(object({
      hostPath  = string
      mountPath = string
      readonly  = bool
    env = optional(map(string))
  etcd = optional(object({
    image     = optional(string)
    extraArgs = optional(map(string))
    subnet    = optional(string)
  coreDNS = optional(object({
    disabled = bool
    image    = optional(string)
  externalCloudProvider = optional(object({
    enabled   = bool
    manifests = list(string)
  adminKubeconfig = optional(object({
    certLifetime = string
  allowSchedulingOnMasters = optional(bool)

See ClusterConfig section in Talos Configuration Reference for detail description.

Cluster Inline Manifests Input

  name     = string
  contents = string

See ClusterConfig section in Talos Configuration Reference for detail description.


Name Description Type Sensitive
configuration Base64 encoded Talos configuration. string false


Module is maintained by Ilya Pozdnov.


Apache 2 Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.


This module is used to describe the configuration of Talos OS v1.0.x with Terraform variables and convert them to a Base64 encoded string that can be used for bootstarap Kubernetes nodes on any Virtualization platform that supports VM initialization via user-data.





