Unlike static impl, dynamic impl has no shape information before execution. The input shape is dependent with input layer's output shape or execution result value. To do handle this dynamic case, the shape agnostic kernel is used.
Kernels that support dynamic shapes must declare EnableDynamicShapesSupport() as supported key.
ParamsKey CumSumKernelRef::GetSupportedKey() const {
ParamsKey k;
return k;
- Just same as static shape, dynamic impl for each primitive should be added in 'implementation_map' with impl_types::ocl for GPU with supported types and formats
The shape agnostic kernel is an implementation which can work for variable shape instead of predefined shapes. It declares some variables with dim information of input and output inside the kernel and is replaced with the required value at each execution.
Inputs and outputs shape information of the kernel should be updated for every execution.
The Shape information to be used inside the kernel is stored as memory::ptr _shape_info_memory in class primitive_inst.
This shape information is determined in update_shape_info during update_impl().
In update_shape_info, all shapes and padding values of dynamic inputs and all shapes and padding values of dynamic outputs are stored in order.
Define OPTIONAL_SHAPE_INFO_ARG and OPTIONAL_SHAPE_INFO_TENSOR to be used in shape agnostic kernel
if (params.is_shape_agnostic) {
jit.AddConstant(MakeJitConstant("IS_DYNAMIC", 1));
jit.AddConstant(MakeJitConstant("OPTIONAL_SHAPE_INFO_ARG", "__global const int* shape_info,"));
jit.AddConstant(MakeJitConstant("OPTIONAL_SHAPE_INFO_TENSOR", "shape_info,"));
} else {
jit.AddConstant(MakeJitConstant("OPTIONAL_SHAPE_INFO_ARG", ""));
jit.AddConstant(MakeJitConstant("OPTIONAL_SHAPE_INFO_TENSOR", ""));
update_dispatch_data_func should be defined for every shape-agnostic kernel impl. This is called for every execution. Global workgroup, local workgroup, and skip_execution should be updated. And more Kernel data could be updated in here if necessary for every execution.
kd.update_dispatch_data_func = [this](const Params& params, KernelData& kd) {
const auto& prim_params = static_cast<const activation_params&>(params);
auto dispatchData = SetDefault(prim_params);
OPENVINO_ASSERT(kd.kernels.size() == 1, "[GPU] Invalid kernels size for update dispatch data func");
kd.kernels[0].params.workGroups.global = dispatchData.gws;
kd.kernels[0].params.workGroups.local = dispatchData.lws;
kd.kernels[0].skip_execution = KernelData::SkipKernelExecution(prim_params);
- Example of shape_info[] in kernel
__global OUTPUT_TYPE* output
const unsigned int i = (uint)get_global_id(2);
output[i] = TO_OUTPUT_TYPE(shape_info[i]); // shape_info[] is directly used
size_t shapes[] = INPUT_DIMS_INIT;
output[i] = TO_OUTPUT_TYPE(shapes[i]);