##Php Redis Application on Kubernetes
Sample Application that shows how to run Php and Redis Application on kubernetes cluster locally using minikube or on Google Cloud using GKE
to run the application you need docker and kubectl installed in your system, a minikube cluster locally or a GKE cluster
git clone git@github.com:ilyash00/kubernetes-php.git
To run in minikube cluster start minikube
set your local docker client to use minikube docker daemon using eval $(minikube docker-env)
Build docker images using
docker build -t redis-local -f Dockerfile-redis .
docker build -t php-apache-gke -f Dockerfile-php .
Deploy your Deployment and Services using
kubectl apply -f redis.yaml
kubectl apply -f php-apache.yaml
Make sure they are running using kubectl get pods
and kubectl get services
Find your service url using
minikube service php-apache --url
Check your application using curl
curl $(minikube service php-apache --url)
To check redis
curl $(minikube service php-apache --url)/redis.php
Connect your kubectl client to your cluster using
gcloud container clusters get-credentials CLUSTER_NAME --zone CLUSTER_ZONE --project PROJECT_ID
Build your Docker images and push it to any container registry
docker build -t php-apache-gke:latest -f Dockerfile-php .
docker tag IMAGE_ID DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME/php-apache-gke:latest
docker push DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME/php-apache-gke:latest
docker build -t redis-local:latest -f Dockerfile-redis .
docker tag IMAGE_ID DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME/redis-local:latest
docker push DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME/redis-local:latest
Now we have pushed our image to dockerhub, you can use any other container registry like google cloud container registry.
Create a configmap in your cluster to store your insatance connection details using
kubectl create configmap redishost --from-literal=REDIS_HOST=redis --from-literal=REDIS_PORT=6379
One final change before deployment, Change image in php-apache.yaml
and redis.yaml
to the image you push to the registry, remove line imagePullPolicy: Never and change Service type for php-apache
from NodePort to LoadBalancer
Now you can Deploy your deployment and Service using
kubectl apply -f php-apache.yaml
kubectl apply -f redis.yaml
To test Deployment use kubectl get pods
it will show your pod running
To access your application using the LoadBalancer run kubectl get services
it will give EXTERNAL-IP adderess of you service then you will be able to access your application at that IP_ADDRESS
and to test redis connection go to IP_ADDRESS/redis.php
If you want to use Cloud Memorystore instead of redis container don't deploy redis.yaml
, instead create a cloud memorystore instance in the same region where your cluster is and change your REDIS_HOST in configmap
kubectl create configmap redishost --from-literal=REDIS_HOST=REDIS_INSTACE_IP --from-literal=REDIS_PORT=6379
For this to work your cluster must has IP_ALIAS enable, and, cluster and instance must be in the same region.