- Breast Cancer Detection using Support Vector Machine
- This problem falls under the Machine Learning classification problem.
- Tumor can be divided into Three Stage or Three Parts
benign [ not cancerous ] pre-malignant [ pre-cancerous ] malignant [ cancerous ]
- Since this build a model that can classify a breast cancer tumor using two training classification:
1= Malignant (Cancerous) - Present 0= Benign (Not Cancerous) -Absent
- Numpy: To work with Matrix
- Pandas: To work with Dataset
- Matplotlib : To visualize Data
- Seaborn: To visualize Data
- Sklearn: To Load Dataset, Create matrix, train model, test model
- Install necessary modules using pip
pip install requirement.txt
- https://monkeylearn.com/blog/introduction-to-support-vector-machines-svm/
- https://www.kaggle.com/tejainece/breast-cancer-prediction-using-svm-98-5
- https://cytecare.com/blog/statistics-of-breast-cancer/
- D H R U V P R A J A P A T I