From downloaded archives untar all to /opt/Abaqus, and merge all duplicates.
/opt/Abaqus should have folders '1', '2' etc. inside.
sudo chmod -R 777 /opt/Abaqus/*
Copy to all folders with DSYInsAppliGUI:
Install prerequisites:
sudo apt install ksh gcc g++ gfortran libstdc++5 build-essential make libjpeg62
sudo apt install libmotif-dev libmotif-common rpm
Install license to /opt/SIMULIA/License. Restart computer, license should start.
Or later configure network license server without restart.
Disable system checks:
export DSYAuthOS_`lsb_release -si`=1 DSY_Force_OS=linux_a64
Run GUI for the installation:
Then follow instructions but skip licensing configuration. Install product to:
Connect Abaqus to online documentation and license:
gedit /opt/DassaultSystemes/SimulationServices/V6R2019x/linux_a64/SMA/site/custom_v6.env
License status in linux:
abaqus licensing ru
Make abaqus command available from any directory:
sudo ln /opt/SIMULIA/Commands/abaqus /usr/bin/abaqus
If there is any warning regarding OpenGL in the terminal during start,
simply run Abaqus with -mesa parameter:
abaqus cae -mesa
abaqus view -mesa
Create shortcut for CAE:
gedit ~/.local/share/applications/abaquscae.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=sh -c "export FILE=%u && cd $(dirname $FILE) && abaqus cae database=$FILE -mesa"
# Exec=abaqus cae database=%u -mesa
Create shortcut for Viewer:
gedit ~/.local/share/applications/abaqusviewer.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=sh -c "export FILE=%u && cd $(dirname $FILE) && abaqus viewer database=$FILE -mesa"
# Exec=abaqus view database=%u -mesa
Then make *.desktop executable:
Properties-->Permissions-->Allow executing file as program.
Delete LibreOffice mime type for ODB:
sudo gedit /usr/share/mime/packages/libreoffice.xml
and comment tag:
<mime-type type="application/vnd.sun.xml.base">
Add Abaqus mime types:
sudo gedit ~/.mime.types
Add lines:
application/abaquscae cae
application/abaqusviewer odb
Create file:
sudo gedit /usr/share/mime/packages/abaquscae.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mime-info xmlns="">
<mime-type type="application/abaquscae">
<comment>Abaqus CAE</comment>
<glob pattern="*.cae"/>
Create file:
sudo gedit /usr/share/mime/packages/abaqusviewer.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mime-info xmlns="">
<mime-type type="application/abaqusviewer">
<comment>Abaqus Viewer</comment>
<glob pattern="*.odb"/>
Then update MIME database:
sudo update-mime-database /usr/share/mime
Additionally install "MIME Type Editor" via software and edit file associations.
Create icons for Abaqus file types:
sudo cp 3DS.svg /usr/share/icons/Humanity/mimes/256/application-abaquscae.svg
sudo cp 3DS.svg /usr/share/icons/Humanity/mimes/256/application-abaqusviewer.svg
sudo gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/Humanity -f
Open Abaqus CAE and check if it uses Courier-New and Verdana fonts:
lsof -c ABQcaeK | grep fonts
Increase font size:
Use xfontsel to check if chosen font is available on system.
Install MS core fonts and RESTART:
sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
Edit dictionaries:
and increase font size:
masterDict[r'-*-courier-<weight>-<slant>-normal--10-*'] = r'-*-courier-<weight>-<slant>-normal--20-*'
masterDict[r'-*-courier-<weight>-<slant>-normal--12-*'] = r'-*-courier-<weight>-<slant>-normal--25-*'
masterDict[r'-*-courier-<weight>-<slant>-normal--14-*'] = r'-*-courier-<weight>-<slant>-normal--34-*'
masterDict[r'-*-helvetica-<weight>-<slant>-normal--10-*'] = r'-*-helvetica-<weight>-<slant>-normal--20-*'
masterDict[r'-*-helvetica-<weight>-<slant>-normal--12-*'] = r'-*-helvetica-<weight>-<slant>-normal--25-*'
masterDict[r'-*-helvetica-<weight>-<slant>-normal--14-*'] = r'-*-helvetica-<weight>-<slant>-normal--34-*'
For big displays font HELVETICA and sizes 17-20-25 are more appropriate:
masterDict[r'-*-courier-<weight>-<slant>-normal--10-*'] = r'-*-helvetica-<weight>-<slant>-normal--17-*'
masterDict[r'-*-courier-<weight>-<slant>-normal--12-*'] = r'-*-helvetica-<weight>-<slant>-normal--20-*'
masterDict[r'-*-courier-<weight>-<slant>-normal--14-*'] = r'-*-helvetica-<weight>-<slant>-normal--25-*'
masterDict[r'-*-helvetica-<weight>-<slant>-normal--10-*'] = r'-*-helvetica-<weight>-<slant>-normal--17-*'
masterDict[r'-*-helvetica-<weight>-<slant>-normal--12-*'] = r'-*-helvetica-<weight>-<slant>-normal--20-*'
masterDict[r'-*-helvetica-<weight>-<slant>-normal--14-*'] = r'-*-helvetica-<weight>-<slant>-normal--25-*'
To use gfortran overwrite:
with this file. Flag for free form Fortran is active. It works at least for gfortran 9.3.0.
Process hangs and doesn't finish: