Play around with various kind of number manipulation capabilities in JavaScript.
- Mostly numbers
- Addition
- Substraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Modulation
- Transformed numbers
- Create some numbers you like that stored in different variables
- Those values inside those variables can be changed or not depend on your intention
- Log those numbers to the console
var numberA = 10
let numberB = 099
const numberC = 0.02
- Have some transformation to those number variables: addition, substraction, multiplication, division, modulation
- Use basic mathematical operators to accomplish that
- Output the results to the console
- Try to operate those variables with a different types like string and boolean
- Try to use a negative number or a very big number, then operate on them
- Store different kind of numbers into an array variable
- Combine, push, or pop different kind of data types like a string and boolean to that array variable
- Loop through the numbers or items in the array, then log them to the console