diff --git a/Patches/ChatCommandPatch.cs b/Patches/ChatCommandPatch.cs
index df8c65ff5..27a652d5b 100644
--- a/Patches/ChatCommandPatch.cs
+++ b/Patches/ChatCommandPatch.cs
@@ -2100,7 +2100,7 @@ public static void OnReceiveChat(PlayerControl player, string text, out bool can
if (Nemesis.NemesisMsgCheck(player, text)) { Logger.Info($"Is Nemesis Revenge command", "OnReceiveChat"); return; }
if (Retributionist.RetributionistMsgCheck(player, text)) { Logger.Info($"Is Retributionist Revenge command", "OnReceiveChat"); return; }
if (player.GetRoleClass() is Dictator dt && dt.ExilePlayer(player, text)) { canceled = true; Logger.Info($"Is Dictator command", "OnReceiveChat"); return; }
- if (Ritualist.RitualistMsgCheck(player, text)) { canceled = true; Logger.Info($"Is Ritualist command", "OnReceiveChat"); return; }
+ if (Ritualist.RitualistMsgCheck(player, text)) { canceled = true; Logger.Info($"Is Ritualist command", "OnReceiveChat"); return; }
diff --git a/Patches/ExilePatch.cs b/Patches/ExilePatch.cs
index c15b2c9f3..074fafeca 100644
--- a/Patches/ExilePatch.cs
+++ b/Patches/ExilePatch.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
using AmongUs.Data;
using System;
-using TOHE.Modules;
using TOHE.Roles.Core;
using TOHE.Roles.Neutral;
diff --git a/Patches/IntroPatch.cs b/Patches/IntroPatch.cs
index 5805994bd..8b9027e95 100644
--- a/Patches/IntroPatch.cs
+++ b/Patches/IntroPatch.cs
@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ public static void Postfix(IntroCutscene __instance)
PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.Data.Role.IntroSound = RoleManager.Instance.AllRoles.FirstOrDefault((role) => role.Role == RoleTypes.GuardianAngel)?.UseSound;
case CustomRoles.Illusionist:
- case CustomRoles.MoonDancer:
+ case CustomRoles.MoonDancer:
PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.Data.Role.IntroSound = RoleManager.Instance.AllRoles.FirstOrDefault((role) => role.Role == RoleTypes.Phantom)?.UseSound;
case CustomRoles.Telecommunication:
diff --git a/Resources/Lang/de_DE.json b/Resources/Lang/de_DE.json
index ce196accf..dca9af6b6 100644
--- a/Resources/Lang/de_DE.json
+++ b/Resources/Lang/de_DE.json
@@ -14,22 +14,26 @@
"Website": "Webseite",
"PlayerNameForRoleInfo": "Hey {0}, deine Rolle ist:-\n",
"HostIconInMeeting": "HOST: {0}",
+ "ModdedClient": "Modded Client",
"SubText.GM": "Beobachte das Chaos!",
"SubText.Crewmate": "Finde und verbanne die Verräter",
"SubText.Impostor": "Sabotiere und lege jeden um",
"SubText.Neutral": "Arbeite alleine um zu gewinnen",
"SubText.Apocalypse": "Werde mit deinem Team unbesiegbar",
+ "SubText.Coven": "Bewitch and kill everyone",
"SubText.Madmate": "Hilf den Verrätern",
"SubText.Lovers": "Lebt glücklich zusammen und gewinnt",
"SubText.Egoist": "Gewinne allein",
"TypeImpostor": "Verräter",
"TypeCrewmate": "Besatzung",
"TypeNeutral": "Neutral",
+ "TypeCoven": "Coven",
"TypeAddon": "Add-ons",
"GuesserMode": "Guessermodus",
"TeamImpostor": "Verräter",
"TeamNeutral": "Neutral",
"TeamCrewmate": "Besatzung",
+ "TeamCoven": "Coven",
"TeamMadmate": "Verräterhelfer",
"TeamLovers": "Liebhaber",
"TeamEgoist": "Egoist",
@@ -37,6 +41,7 @@
"YouAreCrewmate": "Du bist Besatzung",
"YouAreImpostor": "Du bist Verräter",
"YouAreNeutral": "Du bist neutral",
+ "YouAreCoven": "You are a Coven member",
"YouAreMadmate": "Du bist ein Verräterhelfer",
"Role_Crewmate": "Besatzung",
"Role_Jester": "Narr",
@@ -63,12 +68,14 @@
"ImpostorsCanGuess": "Verräter können guessen",
"NeutralKillersCanGuess": "Neutrale Killer können guessen",
"NeutralApocalypseCanGuess": "Neutraler Apokalypser kann guessen",
+ "CovenCanGuess": "Coven can guess",
"PassiveNeutralsCanGuess": "Passive Neutrale können guessen",
"CanGuessAddons": "Kann Add-ons guessen",
- "ShowOnlyEnabledRolesInGuesserUI": "Zeige nur aktivierte Rollen im Guesserbord an",
- "CrewCanGuessCrew": "Besatzungsmitglieder können Besatzungsmitglieder -Rollen guessen",
- "ImpCanGuessImp": "Verräter kann andere Verräter guessen",
- "ApocCanGuessApoc": "Neutraler Apokalypser Kann Rollen von Neutralem Apokalypser guessen",
+ "ShowOnlyEnabledRolesInGuesserUI": "Show Only Enabled Roles in Guesser UI",
+ "CrewCanGuessCrew": "Crewmates can Guess Crewmate Roles",
+ "ImpCanGuessImp": "Impostors can Guess Impostor Roles",
+ "ApocCanGuessApoc": "Neutral Apocalypse can Guess Neutral Apocalypse Roles",
+ "CovenCanGuessCoven": "Coven Can Guess Coven Roles",
"GuessImmune": "Dieses Ziel kann nicht geguessed werden, tut mir leid!",
"GM": "Spielmeister",
"Sunnyboy": "Sonniger",
@@ -287,7 +294,6 @@
"Vulture": "Geier",
"Taskinator": "Aufgabenmeister",
"Benefactor": "Gönner",
- "Medusa": "Medusa",
"Spiritcaller": "Geisterrufer",
"Amnesiac": "Dementer",
"Imitator": "Imitator",
@@ -305,12 +311,21 @@
"Romantic": "Romantiker",
"VengefulRomantic": "Rachsüchtiger Romantiker",
"RuthlessRomantic": "Rücksichtsloser Romantiker",
+ "Wraith": "Gespenst",
"Poisoner": "Vergifter",
+ "Medusa": "Medusa",
"HexMaster": "Hexenmeister",
- "Wraith": "Gespenst",
"Jinx": "Jinx",
"PotionMaster": "Trankmeister",
"Necromancer": "Nekromant",
+ "CovenLeader": "Coven Leader",
+ "Ritualist": "Ritualist",
+ "Conjurer": "Conjurer",
+ "Dreamweaver": "Dreamweaver",
+ "Illusionist": "Illusionist",
+ "VoodooMaster": "Voodoo Master",
+ "Sacrifist": "Sacrifist",
+ "MoonDancer": "Moon Dancer",
"Warden": "Aufseher",
"Minion": "Günstling",
"Ghastly": "Grausiger",
@@ -363,6 +378,7 @@
"EvilSpirit": "Böser Geist",
"Recruit": "Kumpanrekrut",
"Admired": "Bewunderter",
+ "Enchanted": "Enchanted",
"Glow": "Leuchtender",
"Radar": "Radar",
"Diseased": "Krank",
@@ -397,53 +413,53 @@
"Revenant": "Wiederkehrer",
"BracketAddons": "Füge Klammern zu Add-ons hinzu",
"EngineerTOHEInfo": "Nutze die Schächte, um die Verräter zu erwischen",
- "ScientistTOHEInfo": "Greife überall auf die tragbare Lebensanzeige zu",
+ "ScientistTOHEInfo": "Access portable Vitals from anywhere",
"NoisemakerTOHEInfo": "Bei Ermordung wird ein Alarm ausgesendet",
"TrackerTOHEInfo": "Verfolge Spieler mit der Map",
- "ShapeshifterTOHEInfo": "Verwandle dich in Besatzungsmitglieder, um den Verdacht auf sie zu werfen",
+ "ShapeshifterTOHEInfo": "Disguise as Crewmates to frame them",
"PhantomTOHEInfo": "Werde unsichtbar",
- "GuardianAngelTOHEInfo": "Beschütze die Besatzung vor den Verrätern",
- "ImpostorTOHEInfo": "Kille und sabotiere",
+ "GuardianAngelTOHEInfo": "Protect the Crewmates from the Impostors",
+ "ImpostorTOHEInfo": "Kill and Sabotage",
"CrewmateTOHEInfo": "Suche die Verräter",
"BountyHunterInfo": "Eliminiere dein Ziel",
"FireworkerInfo": "Verschwinde mit einem KNALL",
"MercenaryInfo": "Kille weiter, sonst begehst du Selbstmord",
- "ShapeMasterInfo": "Töte schnell und ohne Formwandelwartezeit",
+ "ShapeMasterInfo": "Swiftly kill with no Shapeshift Cooldown",
"VampireInfo": "Deine Kills sind verzögert",
- "WarlockInfo": "Verhexe Besatzungsmitglieder, dann formwandle dich, um sie andere killen zu lassen",
- "NinjaInfo": "Markiere ein Ziel und verwandle dich danach, um es zu killen",
+ "WarlockInfo": "Curse Crewmates then Shift to make them kill",
+ "NinjaInfo": "Mark a target, then Shift to kill",
"ZombieInfo": "Du bist sehr langsam",
"AnonymousInfo": "Zwinge einen Spieler zum Melden einer Leiche",
- "MinerInfo": "Kehre zu deinem zuletzt genutztem Vent zurück, indem du formwandelst",
- "KillingMachineInfo": "Du kannst NUR killen, aber mit geringer Wartezeit",
+ "MinerInfo": "Warp to your last used Vent by Shifting",
+ "KillingMachineInfo": "You can ONLY kill, but low Cooldown",
"EscapistInfo": "Formwandle dich, um Orte zu markieren und zu diesen zurückzukehren",
- "WitchInfo": "Verhexe Spieler, damit sie im Treffen sterben",
+ "WitchInfo": "Spell Crewmates to kill them in meetings",
"NemesisInfo": "Kille wen du der letzte Verräter bist",
"BeforeNemesisInfo": "Du kannst noch nicht killen",
"AfterNemesisInfo": "Fang jetzt an zu killen",
- "BloodmoonInfo": "Richte Verwüstung unter der Besatzung an",
- "PossessorInfo": "Kontrolliere und führe Besatzungsmitglieder weg von anderen",
+ "BloodmoonInfo": "Seek havoc upon the Crewmates",
+ "PossessorInfo": "Possess and lead Crewmates away from others",
"PuppeteerInfo": "Bring die andere Spieler dazu für dich zu töten",
"MastermindInfo": "Bring andere dazu für dich zu töten",
"TimeThiefInfo": "Veringere die Besprechungszeit durchs Killen",
- "SniperInfo": "Erschieße Spieler, indem du dich distanziert formwandelst",
+ "SniperInfo": "Snipe players from a distance by Shifting",
"UndertakerInfo": "Teleportiere Leichen zu einer markierten Position",
"RiftMakerInfo": "Ich erspüre zwei Risse, berühre sie um Räume zu wechseln",
- "EvilTrackerInfo": "Verfolge Spieler durchs Form wandeln",
+ "EvilTrackerInfo": "Track players by Shifting",
"EvilHackerInfo": "Hacke die Systeme",
"AntiAdminerInfo": "Du weißt, wenn Spieler bei Geräten sind",
- "ArroganceInfo": "Mit jedem Kill verringerst du deine Killwartezeit",
+ "ArroganceInfo": "With each kill you make, your Cooldown decreases",
"BomberInfo": "Formwandle, um zu Explodieren",
"TrapsterInfo": "Trappe deine Kills",
"ScavengerInfo": "Deine Kills können nicht gemeldet werden",
- "EvilGuesserInfo": "Erguesse die Besatzungsrollen in den Notfalltreffen, um sie zu killen",
+ "EvilGuesserInfo": "Guess Crewmate roles in meetings to kill",
"GangsterInfo": "Rekrutiere Spieler auf deine Seite",
"CleanerInfo": "Melde Leichen, um sie unmeldbar zu machen",
"LightningInfo": "Wandle Spieler in Quantengeister um",
- "GreedyInfo": "Deine Killwartezeit ändert sich",
+ "GreedyInfo": "Your Kill Cooldown shifts",
"CursedWolfInfo": "Du überlebst einige Tötungsversuche",
- "SoulCatcherInfo": "Du hast den Ort mit deinem Ziel getauscht",
- "QuickShooterInfo": "Spare Munition um die Wartezeit zu verkürzen",
+ "SoulCatcherInfo": "You swap places with your Shift target",
+ "QuickShooterInfo": "Store ammo to offset Kill Cooldown",
"CamouflagerInfo": "Tarne alle für leichte Kills",
"EraserInfo": "Lösche die Rolle deines Votes",
"ButcherInfo": "Genieße meine wunderschöne Arbeit",
@@ -451,42 +467,42 @@
"SwooperInfo": "Du wirst vorübergehend unsichtbar",
"CrewpostorInfo": "Kille, indem du Aufgaben erfüllst",
"WildlingInfo": "Kille mit Stärke und verkleide dich",
- "TricksterInfo": "Kille und täusche die Besatzung",
+ "TricksterInfo": "Kill and trick the Crew",
"VindicatorInfo": "Nutze deine zusätzlichen Votes, um alle zu killen",
- "ParasiteInfo": "Hilf den Verrätern die Besatzung zu killen",
+ "ParasiteInfo": "Help the Impostors kill the Crew",
"DisperserInfo": "Teleportiere alle zu zufälligen Schächten",
- "InhibitorInfo": "Du kannst während Sabotagen nicht killen",
- "SaboteurInfo": "Du kannst nur während Sabotagen killen",
- "CouncillorInfo": "Töte Besatzungsmitglieder während Meetings",
- "DazzlerInfo": "Reduziere die Sicht der Besatzung",
- "DeathpactInfo": "Lass Spieler einen Todespakt abschließen",
- "DevourerInfo": "Konsumiere die Skins der Besatzung",
+ "InhibitorInfo": "You cannot kill during Sabotages",
+ "SaboteurInfo": "You can only kill during Sabotages",
+ "CouncillorInfo": "Kill off Crewmates during meetings",
+ "DazzlerInfo": "Reduce the vision of the Crew",
+ "DeathpactInfo": "Assign players to a deathpact",
+ "DevourerInfo": "Consume the skin of the Crew",
"ConsigliereInfo": "Finde die Rolle anderer Spieler heraus",
- "MorphlingInfo": "Du kannst nur als Geformwandelter killen",
+ "MorphlingInfo": "You can only kill while Shapeshifted",
"TwisterInfo": "Vertausche die Positionen aller Spieler",
- "LurkerInfo": "Verringere deine Killwartezeit durchs Benutzen des Lüftungsschachtes",
+ "LurkerInfo": "Reduce your Kill Cooldown by venting",
"ConvictInfo": "Dein Ziel ist tot, hilf jetzt den Verrätern",
"VisionaryInfo": "Du siehst den Aufenthaltsort von lebenden Spielern",
- "RefugeeInfo": "Hilf den Verrätern die Besatzung zu killen",
+ "RefugeeInfo": "Help the Impostors kill off the Crew",
"UnderdogInfo": "Fange an zu killen bei wenig lebenden Spielern",
- "LudopathInfo": "Deine Killwartezeit ist zufällig",
+ "LudopathInfo": "Your kill Cooldown is random",
"GodfatherInfo": "Konvertiere Spieler zum Flüchtling durch Voten",
"ChronomancerInfo": "Kill in Explosionen",
"PitfallInfo": "Lege Fallen auf der Karte",
"EvilMiniInfo": "Niemand kann dich verletzten bis du Erwachsen bist",
"BlackmailerInfo": "Stumme andere Spieler",
- "InstigatorInfo": "Säe Zwietracht unter den Besatzungsmitgliedern",
+ "InstigatorInfo": "Sow discord among the Crewmates",
"LazyGuyInfo": "Du bist zu faul",
"SuperStarInfo": "Alle kennen dich",
- "CleanserInfo": "Lösche alle Add-on-Rollen von deinem gevoteten Spieler",
- "KeeperInfo": "Lehne den Auswurf ab, der Hüter schützt!",
+ "CleanserInfo": "Erase all Add-ons of your vote target",
+ "KeeperInfo": "Reject the eject, Keeper protect!",
"MayorInfo": "Deine Votes zählen mehrfach",
"PsychicInfo": "Einer der roten Namen ist böse",
- "MechanicInfo": "Nutze Vents und behebe die Sabotagen",
+ "MechanicInfo": "Vent around and fix Sabotages",
"SheriffInfo": "Erschieße die Verräter",
"VigilanteInfo": "Nicht der Held den wir verdienten, aber den, den wir bräuchten",
"JailerInfo": "Sperre verdächtige Spieler ein",
- "CopyCatInfo": "Nutze den Killknopf, um die Rolle des Ziels zu kopieren",
+ "CopyCatInfo": "Use your Kill button to copy a target's role",
"SnitchInfo": "Vollende deine Aufgaben, um die Verräter zu erkennen",
"MarshallInfo": "Schließe deine Aufgaben ab, um deine Unschuld zu beweisen",
"DoctorInfo": "Und so starben sie...",
@@ -499,31 +515,31 @@
"TransporterInfo": "Erledige Aufgaben, um die Positionen von 2 zufälligen Spielern zu tauschen",
"TimeManagerInfo": "Erhöhe die Besprechungszeit durchs Aufgabenabschließen",
"VeteranInfo": "Begib dich in Bereitschaft, um jeden zu killen, der es an dir versucht",
- "BastionInfo": "Lege Bomben in Vents",
+ "BastionInfo": "Bomb Vents",
"YinYangerInfo": "Verbrenne spontan zwei Spieler",
"BodyguardInfo": "Verhindere nahegelegene Kills",
"DeceiverInfo": "Versuche, Spieler zu täuschen",
- "GrenadierInfo": "Verringere die Sicht der Verräter, indem du dich in die Vents begibst",
+ "GrenadierInfo": "Reduce Impostors' vision by Venting",
"MedicInfo": "Gib einem Spieler dein Schild",
- "FortuneTellerInfo": "Erhalte Hinweise zu Rollen von Spielern",
+ "FortuneTellerInfo": "Get clues to player's roles",
"JudgeInfo": "Ruhe im Gerichtssaal!",
"MorticianInfo": "Finde Leichen",
"MediumInfo": "Rede mit Geistern",
- "ObserverInfo": "Du siehst Schild-Animationen",
- "PacifistInfo": "Vente um die Kill-Wartezeit zurück zu setzten",
+ "ObserverInfo": "You can see all Shield Animations",
+ "PacifistInfo": "Vent to reset Kill Cooldowns",
"RebirthInfo": "Erstehe wieder auf",
- "MonarchInfo": "Gib der Besatzung mehr Votingmacht!",
+ "MonarchInfo": "Give your Crew extra voting power!",
"AbyssbringerInfo": "Platziere schwarze Löcher",
- "SpurtInfo": "Spring wie ein Hase!",
- "StealthInfo": "Killen blendet jeden im Raum",
+ "SpurtInfo": "Spring like a rabbit!",
+ "StealthInfo": "Killing blinds everyone in the room",
"PenguinInfo": "Ziehe deine Opfer",
"OverseerInfo": "Finde die Rolle anderer Spieler heraus",
"CoronerInfo": "Finde Leichen und deren Killer",
"PresidentInfo": "Du hast das Sagen im Treffen",
- "MerchantInfo": "Verkaufe Add-ons und besteche Mörder",
- "RetributionistInfo": "Hilf der Besatzung nach deinem Tod",
+ "MerchantInfo": "Sell Add-ons and bribe killers",
+ "RetributionistInfo": "Help the Crewmates after you die",
"HawkInfo": "Versuche, die Bösen zu killen!",
- "DeputyInfo": "Nimm Killer fest, um deren Killwarteziten zu erhöhen",
+ "DeputyInfo": "Handcuff killers to increase their Cooldowns",
"InvestigatorInfo": "Finde potenzielle Böse",
"GuardianInfo": "Erledige deine Aufgaben, um unsterblich zu werden",
"AddictInfo": "Vente, um unangreifbar zu werden, ansonsten stirbst du",
@@ -534,12 +550,12 @@
"SpiritualistInfo": "Lass dich vom Geisterleben leiten",
"ChameleonInfo": "Vente um dich vor der Umgebung zu tarnen",
"InspectorInfo": "Überprüfe die Zugehörigkeit zweier Spieler",
- "CaptainInfo": "Segle mit dem Kapitän, damit die Add-ons nicht verloren gehen.",
+ "CaptainInfo": "Sail with the Captain, lest Add-ons be abandoned.",
"AdmirerInfo": "Wähle ein Spieler, um ihn auf deine Seite zu bringen",
"TimeMasterInfo": "Stelle die Zeit zurück!",
"CrusaderInfo": "Kille eines Spieler's Killer",
"AltruistInfo": "Revive a player\nVent to change between Revive and Report",
- "ReverieInfo": "Mit jedem Kill, wird deine Killwartezeit kürzer",
+ "ReverieInfo": "With each kill, your Cooldown decreases",
"LookoutInfo": "Blicke durch Tarnungen",
"TelecommunicationInfo": "Behalte die Gerätenutzung im Auge",
"LighterInfo": "Erwische Killer mit deiner erweiterten Sicht",
@@ -547,14 +563,14 @@
"WitnessInfo": "Finde heraus, ob jemand vor kurzem gekillt hat",
"GhastlyInfo": "Besitze jemanden!",
"SwapperInfo": "Tausche die Votes zweier Spieler",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "Stelle einen Sheriff ein, um der Besatzung zu helfen!",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "Hire Sheriffs to serve the Crewmates!",
"NiceMiniInfo": "Niemand kann dich verletzten bis du Erwachsen bist.",
"ArsonistInfo": "Übergieße alle und entfache das Feuer",
"PyromaniacInfo": "Verbrenne und kille alle",
- "HuntsmanInfo": "Kille deine Ziele für eine kurze Abklingzeit",
+ "HuntsmanInfo": "Kill your targets for a low Cooldown",
"SpyInfo": "Du weißt, wer mit dir interagiert",
"RandomizerInfo": "Wenn du stirbst, wirst du diesen belasten?",
- "EnigmaInfo": "Erhalte Hinweise zu Killern",
+ "EnigmaInfo": "Get clues about killers",
"JesterInfo": "Lass dich rausvoten",
"OpportunistInfo": "Bleib am Leben bis zum Ende",
"TerroristInfo": "Erledige deine Aufgaben, DANACH stirb",
@@ -576,10 +592,10 @@
"BloodKnightInfo": "Killen gibt dir kurzzeitig einen Schild",
"PlagueBearerInfo": "Verseuche alle, um zum Pestilence zu werden",
"PestilenceInfo": "Lösche alle aus!",
- "SoulCollectorInfo": "Sage Tode voraus, um Seelen zu sammeln",
+ "SoulCollectorInfo": "Predict deaths to collect Souls",
"DeathInfo": "Erlasse Armageddon",
- "BakerInfo": "Füttere Spieler mit Brot um Hungernder zu werden",
- "FamineInfo": "Bring alle zum verhungern",
+ "BakerInfo": "Feed players bread to become Famine",
+ "FamineInfo": "Starve everyone",
"BerserkerInfo": "Kille um dein Level zu erhöhen",
"WarInfo": "Zerstöre alles",
"GlitchInfo": "Hacke und lege jeden um",
@@ -587,7 +603,7 @@
"FollowerInfo": "Folge einem Spieler und hilf ihm",
"CultistInfo": "Verführe jeden",
"SerialKillerInfo": "Schalte alle aus, um zu gewinnen!",
- "JuggernautInfo": "Mit jedem Kill, wird deine Killwartezeit kürzer",
+ "JuggernautInfo": "With each kill, your Cooldown decreases",
"InfectiousInfo": "Stecke jeden an",
"VirusInfo": "Kille und stecke jeden an",
"PursuerInfo": "Beschütze dich selbst und überlebe bis zum Ende!",
@@ -603,38 +619,46 @@
"VultureInfo": "Iss Leichen durchs melden um zu gewinnen",
"TaskinatorInfo": "Stille Aufgaben, tödliche Explosionen",
"BenefactorInfo": "Aufgabe erledigt, Schildelite!",
- "MedusaInfo": "Stone bodies by reporting them",
+ "MedusaInfo": "Stop players in their tracks by Stoning them",
"SpiritcallerInfo": "Verwandle Spieler zu bösen Geistern",
"AmnesiacInfo": "Merke dir die Rolle der Leiche",
"ImitatorInfo": "Ahme die Rolle eines Spielers nach",
- "BanditInfo": "Klaue eines Spielers Add-on-Rollen",
+ "BanditInfo": "Rob a player's Add-on",
"DoppelgangerInfo": "Stiehl die Identität deines Ziels",
"PunchingBagInfo": "Werde einige Male angegriffen um zu gewinnen!",
"KamikazeInfo": "Kille Spieler durch eine suizidale Mission",
"DoomsayerInfo": "Guesse die Rollen von Spielern, um zu gewinnen",
"ShroudInfo": "Hülle Spieler ein, damit sie killen",
- "WerewolfInfo": "Kille Besatzungsmitglieder in Gruppen",
- "ShamanInfo": "Leite alle Angriffe auf die Voodoopuppe ab",
- "SeekerInfo": "Play Hide and Seek with your target\nYour target has a ★ mark.",
+ "WerewolfInfo": "Kill Crewmates in groups",
+ "ShamanInfo": "Deflect all the attacks on Voodoo Doll",
+ "SeekerInfo": "Play Hide & Seek with your target\nYour target has a ★ mark.",
"PixieInfo": "Markier sie, pack sie ein, und wirf sie raus!",
"OccultistInfo": "Kille und verfluche deine Feinde",
- "SchrodingersCatInfo": "Die Katze ist sowohl lebendig als auch tot, bis sie beobachtet wird.",
+ "SchrodingersCatInfo": "The Cat is both alive and dead until observed.",
"RomanticInfo": "Schütze deinen Partner, um gemeinsam zu gewinnen",
"VengefulRomanticInfo": "Räche deinen Partner, um gemeinsam zu gewinnen",
"RuthlessRomanticInfo": "Töte alle, um mit deinem Partner zu gewinnen",
- "PoisonerInfo": "Kill everyone with delayed kills",
- "HexMasterInfo": "Verhexe Spieler, damit sie im Treffen sterben",
"WraithInfo": "Vente, um vorübergehend unsichtbar werden",
- "JinxInfo": "Reflect attacks onto your attackers",
+ "PoisonerInfo": "Make players unable to use their ability",
+ "HexMasterInfo": "Verhexe Spieler, damit sie im Treffen sterben",
+ "JinxInfo": "Players \"accidentally\" die upon trying to kill your target",
"PotionMasterInfo": "Nutze Tränke zu deinem Vorteil",
- "NecromancerInfo": "Kill your killer to defy death",
+ "NecromancerInfo": "Use the dead to your advantage",
+ "CovenLeaderInfo": "Help your teammates by retraining them",
+ "RitualistInfo": "Perform Blood Rituals to Enchant other players!",
+ "ConjurerInfo": "Blast away your enemies!",
+ "DreamweaverInfo": "Drive other players to insomnia!",
+ "IllusionistInfo": "Place Illusions on players to spread confusion!",
+ "VoodooMasterInfo": "Craft Voodoo Dolls of other players!",
+ "SacrifistInfo": "Debuff your enemies at your own cost",
+ "MoonDancerInfo": "Use Baton Pass to give out Add-ons!",
"WardenInfo": "(Geist) Warne vor Gefahren",
"MinionInfo": "(Geist) Blende deine Feinde",
"LoversInfo": "Lebt glücklich zusammen und gewinnt",
"MadmateInfo": "Hilf den Verrätern",
"WatcherInfo": "Du siehst alle Spielerfarben von den Votes",
- "LastImpostorInfo": "Verringerte Killwartezeiten",
- "OverclockedInfo": "Verringerte Wartezeit",
+ "LastImpostorInfo": "Lower Kill Cooldown",
+ "OverclockedInfo": "Lower Cooldown",
"FlashInfo": "Du bist schneller",
"TorchInfo": "Du hast erweiterte Sicht!",
"SeerInfo": "Du wirst alarmiert, wenn jemanden stirbt",
@@ -642,14 +666,14 @@
"ObliviousInfo": "Du kannst keine Leichen melden",
"BewilderInfo": "Eine Wendung der Sicht, ein Netz der Verwirrung",
"WorkhorseInfo": "Sei der Erste, der seine Aufgaben erledigt, um mehr zu erhalten",
- "FoolInfo": "Du kannst keine Sabotagen beheben",
+ "FoolInfo": "You can't fix Sabotages",
"AvangerInfo": "Du nimmst jemanden mit in den Tod",
"YoutuberInfo": "Werde zuerst gekillt um zu gewinnen",
"CelebrityInfo": "Alle wissen es wenn du stirbst",
"EgoistInfo": "Gewinne allein",
"StealerInfo": "Gewinne Stimmen mit Kills",
"ParanoiaInfo": "Du bist gleichzeitig tot und lebendig",
- "MimicInfo": "Offenbare vom Nachahmer gekillte Spieler den Verrätern nach seinem Tod",
+ "MimicInfo": "Reveal killed players' roles to Impostors upon death",
"GuesserInfo": "Erguesse die Rollen in den Notfalltreffen, um sie zu killen",
"NecroviewInfo": "Sieh das Team der Toten",
"ReachInfo": "Du hast eine größere Killreichweite",
@@ -662,32 +686,33 @@
"LuckyInfo": "Weiche Angriffen aus",
"DoubleShotInfo": "Du hast einen zweiten Guessversuch",
"RascalInfo": "Du erscheinst manchmal böse",
- "SoullessInfo": "Du hast keine Seele",
+ "SoullessInfo": "You have no Soul",
"GravestoneInfo": "Deine Rolle wird offenbart, wenn du stirbst",
"LazyInfo": "Du bist zu faul",
"AutopsyInfo": "Du kannst sehen wie andere starben",
"LoyalInfo": "Du kannst nicht rekrutiert werden",
- "EvilSpiritInfo": "Du bist ein böser Geist",
+ "EvilSpiritInfo": "You are an Evil Spirit",
"RecruitInfo": "Hilf dem Schakal",
+ "EnchantedInfo": "Help the Coven",
"AdmiredInfo": "Der Bewunderer hat dich zu seiner Liebe auserwählt",
"GlowInfo": "Du leuchtest in der Dunkelheit",
"RadarInfo": "Nächste Person, Pfeilrichtung!",
- "DiseasedInfo": "Erhöhe die Wartezeit des Spielers, der mit dir interagiert",
- "AntidoteInfo": "Verringere die Wartezeit des Spielers, der mit dir interagiert",
- "StubbornInfo": "Schütze deine Rolle und Add-on-Rolle",
+ "DiseasedInfo": "Increase the Cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
+ "AntidoteInfo": "Decrease the Cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
+ "StubbornInfo": "Protect your Role and Add-ons",
"SwiftInfo": "Deine Kills verursachen keine Teleportation auf die Leiche",
"UnluckyInfo": "Interagieren kann zum Tod führen",
"VoidBallotInfo": "Dein Vote zählt gleich 0",
"AwareInfo": "Erfahre wer deine Rolle offenbart hat",
- "FragileInfo": "Die instantly if someone uses the kill button on you",
+ "FragileInfo": "Die instantly if someone uses the Kill button on you",
"GhoulInfo": "Kille deinen Killer nach dem Tod",
"BloodthirstInfo": "Sei blutdürstig und kille",
"MareInfo": "Kille in der Dunkelheit",
"BurstInfo": "Bringe deinen Killer zum Platzen!",
"SleuthInfo": "Erhalte Informationen von Leichen",
"ClumsyInfo": "Du hast eine Chance deine Ziele zu verfehlen",
- "NimbleInfo": "Du kannst venten!",
- "CircumventInfo": "Du kannst nicht mehr venten",
+ "NimbleInfo": "You can Vent!",
+ "CircumventInfo": "You can no longer Vent",
"OiiaiInfo": "OIIAIOIIIAI",
"CyberInfo": "Du bist populär!",
"HurriedInfo": "Oh Mann, ich hab zu viel zu tun!",
@@ -706,324 +731,334 @@
"DollMasterInfo": "Steuere die Aktionen von Spielern!",
"DoubleAgentInfo": "Platziere Bomben an Spielern während dem Treffen",
"SlothInfo": "Du bist langsamer",
- "ProhibitedInfo": "Bestimmte Vents sind blockiert",
+ "ProhibitedInfo": "Certain Vents are blocked",
"EavesdropperInfo": "Höre bei anderen Rollen mit",
"ShockerInfo": "Schocke ahnungslose Spieler",
"RevenantInfo": "Nimm die Rolle deines Killers",
- "EngineerTOHEInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nAls Ingenieur hast du die Fähigkeit, Vents zu nutzen, solange die Kommunikation nicht sabotiert ist.",
- "ScientistTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Scientist, you can see vitals at any time, showing you who is alive and dead.",
- "NoisemakerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Noisemaker, whenever you die, you will make a noise, and a visual indicator of your death appears on the screen so the Crewmates can run to catch the person who killed you red-handed (even if it’s not Red).",
- "TrackerTOHEInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nAls Spürnase kannst du mit einem neuen Knopf einen anderen Spieler markieren und ihn für eine gewisse Zeit über die Map verfolgen.",
- "ShapeshifterTOHEInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nAls Formwandler kannst du dich temporär in andere Besatzungsmitglieder verwandeln. Es ist erkennbar, wenn du deine Form wechselst oder zurücksetzt.",
- "PhantomTOHEInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nPhantom, Du kannst dich für eine gewisse Zeit wie ein Chamäleon unsichtbar machen und tauchst nach einiger Zeit wieder auf. Während deiner Verwandlung machst du eine große Rauchwolke. Also, verwandel dich geheim.",
- "GuardianAngelTOHEInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nAls Schutzengel bist du meist der erste Tote und kannst temporäre Schilde an lebende Besatzungsmitglieder verteilen.",
- "ImpostorTOHEInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nAls Verräter ist es dein Ziel, die Besatzung zu killen.\nDu kannst sabotieren und Vents nutzen.",
+ "EngineerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Engineer, you may access the Vents while Comms Sabotaged is inactive.",
+ "ScientistTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Scientist, you can see Vitals at any time, showing you who is alive and dead.",
+ "NoisemakerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Noisemaker, whenever you die, you will make a noise, and a visual indicator of your death appears on the screen so the Crewmates can run to catch the person who killed you red-handed (even if it’s not red).",
+ "TrackerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracker, press your Tracker button on a player to track their location via the map for a limited amount of time.",
+ "ShapeshifterTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapeshifter, you can Shapeshift into other players. It is obvious when you Shapeshift or revert Shifting.",
+ "PhantomTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Phantom, you can press your Vanish button to go invisible to escape a kill. You can click your Appear button if you want to become visible before the timer runs out or not.\nNote: You will make a smoke cloud whenever you go invisible and become visible. So make sure you are in a safe area where no one will see you.",
+ "GuardianAngelTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guardian Angel, you are the first Crewmate to die and can give Crewmates temporary shields.",
+ "ImpostorTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Impostor, your goal is to simply kill off the Crewmates.\nYou can Sabotage and Vent.",
"CrewmateTOHEInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nAls Besatzungsmitglied ist es dein Ziel, die Verräter zu finden und rauszuwerfen.\nDie Besatzung kann gewinnen, indem sie die Verräter loswerden, oder alle Aufgaben abschließen.",
- "BountyHunterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Bounty Hunter, if you kill your assigned Target (indicated by the arrow if you have one), your next kill cooldown will be shortened.\nIf you kill anyone other than your target, your next kill cooldown will be increased. The Target swaps after a certain amount of time.",
- "FireworkerInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nAls der Feuerwehrmann kannst du Formwandeln um Feuerwerksraketen zu platzieren(maximale Zahl durch den Gastgeber festgelegt). Wenn du der letzte Verräter bist und du alle Feuerwerksraketen platziert hast, Formwandle wieder, um sie zu zünden. Alle Spieler im Feuerwerksradius sterben, selbst du. Wenn du alle Spieler mit deinen Feuerwerksraketen getötet hast, gewinnen die Verräter.",
- "MercenaryInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mercenary, you must kill within your Deadline, as shown by your Shapeshift cooldown (which you cannot use). If you fail to kill, you die.",
- "ShapeMasterInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nAls Formwandelmeister hast du keine Formwandelwartezeit.",
+ "BountyHunterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Bounty Hunter, if you kill your assigned target (indicated by the arrow if you have one), your next Kill Cooldown will be shortened.\nIf you kill anyone other than your target, your next Kill Cooldown will be increased. The target swaps after a certain amount of time.",
+ "FireworkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Fireworker, you can Shapeshift to place Fireworks up to the maximum amount the Host sets.\nWhen you are the last Impostor and all Fireworks have been placed, Shapeshift again to detonate them and kill everyone in their radius, including you.\nIf you kill all players with your Fireworks, it's considered an Impostor victory.",
+ "MercenaryInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mercenary, you must kill within your deadline, as shown by your Shapeshift Cooldown (which you cannot use). If you fail to kill, you die.",
+ "ShapeMasterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapemaster, you have no Shapeshift Cooldown.",
"VampireInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Vampire, your kills are delayed. This means that your target still dies even if a meeting is called first. However, if you bite a Bait, you kill normally and report the body. Depending on the settings, you can use double trigger (bite players - single click, kill normally - double click).",
"WarlockInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nAls Hexer kannst du einen anderen Spieler verhexen.\nWenn du dich formwandelst killt der Verhexte den nächstegelegenen Spieler, je nach Einstellung bist du und/oder die anderen Verräter davon inbegriffen.\nWährend du geformwandelt bist, kannst du normal killen.",
- "ZombieInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nDer Zombie hat eine kurze Killwartezeit, bewegt sich aber sehr langsam und hat eine sehr geringe Sichtweite. Der Zombie kann von niemandem außer dem Diktator gevotet werden, und die Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit des Zombies verlangsamt sich allmählich, wenn er killt oder Zeit vergeht.",
- "NinjaInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nAls Ninja kannst du Killknopf verwenden, um ein Ziel zu markieren (Einfachklick) oder normal zu killen (Doppelklick). Du kannst dich dann per Formwandlund zum markierten Ziel teleportieren und es killen.",
+ "ZombieInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nZombie has a short Kill Cooldown but moves very slowly and has very little vision. Zombie can not be voted out by anyone other than the Dictator, and the movement speed of Zombie will gradually slow down as they make kills or time passes.",
+ "NinjaInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ninja, you can use your Kill button to mark a target (single click) or kill normally (double click). You may then Shapeshift to teleport to the marked target and kill them.",
"AnonymousInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nAls der Anonymer kannst du dich formwandeln, um dein Opfer dazu zu zwingen, die Leiche zu melden die du gekillt hast. Wenn du niemanden gekillt hast, wird das Opfer sich selbst melden, so wie als wäre das Opfer die Leiche.\nHinweis: Das funktioniert nicht beim Faulen oder faulen Kerl, und die Fähigkeit greift, unabhängig davon ob die Leiche normal gemeldet werden kann oder nicht.",
- "MinerInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nAls Bergmann kannst du dich formwandeln um dich zu deiner letzten Ventposition zu teleportieren.",
- "KillingMachineInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nAls Killermaschine hast du eine sehr kurze Killwartezeit, aber dafür kannst du nicht venten, hast Besatzungssicht, kannst nicht sabotieren, kannst keine Leichen melden, und kannst keine Notfalltreffen einberufen.\n\nHinweis: Du durchstichst Schilde und kannst Killköder und Bärenfalle ohne Auswirkung killen",
- "EscapistInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nAls der Entkommende kannst du eine Position durch Formwandeln markieren. Beim erneuten Formwandeln teleportierst du dich zurück zur markierten Position (Die Formwandelanimation erscheint, nachdem du teleportiert bist, sei vorsichtig).",
- "WitchInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nAls Hexe kannst mit dem Killknopf jemanden verhexen (ein Klick) oder normal killen (Doppelklick). Die verhexten Spieler haben im Treffen offen sichtbar ein 「†」 neben dem Namen. Wenn du nach dem Treffen noch lebst, sterben die verhexten Spieler.",
- "NemesisInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nAls Nemesis kannst du nur killen, wenn du der letzte Verräter bist.\nWenn du tot bist, kannst du den Befehl /rv [ID] schreiben, um den Spieler mit der ID zu killen. Nutze /id um dir die IDs von allen Spielern zeigen zu lassen, oder schaue neben die Namen der Spieler.",
- "BloodmoonInfoLong": "(Verräter [Geist]):\nAls der Blutmond kannst du Gegner angreifen, damit diese bluten. Das heißt, dass sie nach einer vom Host eingestellten Zeit sterben und darüber informiert werden.",
+ "MinerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Miner, you can Shapeshift to teleport back to the last vent you were in.",
+ "KillingMachineInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Killing Machine, you have a very short Kill Cooldown with tiny vision. However, you cannot Vent, Sabotage, Report, nor call Emergency Meetings.\n\nNote: You will bypass any shields, killing bait and beartrap won't take any effect",
+ "EscapistInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Escapist, you can mark a location by Shapeshifting. Shapeshift again to teleport back to the marked spot",
+ "WitchInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Witch, you can use your Kill button to Spell (single click) or Kill normally (double click).\nDuring the next meeting, the spelled target(s) will have a 「†」 next to their name visible to everyone. Unless you die by the end of that meeting, all Spelled targets will die.",
+ "NemesisInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Nemesis, you can only kill if you are the last Impostor.\nIf you are dead, you can use the command /rv [ID] to kill the player whose ID you typed. Use /id to show the ID's of all players, or look next to their names.",
+ "BloodmoonInfoLong": "(Impostors [Ghost]):\nAs the Bloodmoon, attack the enemies to make them drip blood, this means they will die in a time set by the Host, and will be aware of it.",
"PossessorInfoLong": "(Impostors [Ghost]):\nAs the Possessor, you can possess players when others aren't in the Alert Range. Lead the possessed player as far as possible from other players in the Focus Range. Once the possession duration is up, the possessed player will be killed if others aren't in the Focus Range. If you run into another player in the Alert Range while possessing, the Possessor will immediately unpossess.",
- "PuppeteerInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nAls der Puppenspieler kannst du deinen Killknopf benutzen, um andere Spieler zu Puppen zu machen (ein Klick) oder normal zu töten (Doppelklick).\nDie Puppe wird den nächsten nicht-Verräter killen, dem sie begegbet. Je nach Einstellung stirbt die Puppe dann auch oder nicht.",
- "MastermindInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nDer Vordenker kann seinen Killknopf benutzen um andere Spieler zu manipulieren. Vorerst passiert nichts wenn das Ziel keinen Killknopf hat. Wenn das Ziel aber einen hat wird ihm angezeigt, dass es manipuliert wurde und jemanden innerhalb einer gewissen Zeit killen muss. Schafft er es nicht stirbt er, wird vorher ein Treffen einberufen stirb er.\nMit Doppelklick kannst du normal killen.",
- "YinYangerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the YinYanger, you can use your kill button one time to pick your Yin and then a second time to choose a Yang. When those two players meet, they'll kill each other. When Yin & Yang have been chosen, you can kill normally.",
+ "PuppeteerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Puppeteer, you can use your Kill button to Puppeteer (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose you Puppeteer will kill the next non-Impostor they touch. Depending on options, Puppeteered targets will also die once they kill.",
+ "MastermindInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mastermind, you can use your Kill button on a player once to manipulate them. The manipulation does nothing if the target doesn't have a Kill button. But if the target does have a Kill button, whoever you manipulate will be told after a delay that they got manipulated and must kill someone in a limited time to survive. If the time limit expires or a meeting gets called before killing someone, they die.\nDouble click on someone to kill them normally.",
+ "YinYangerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the YinYanger, you can use your Kill button one time to pick your Yin and then a second time to choose a Yang. When those two players meet, they'll kill each other. When Yin & Yang have been chosen, you can kill normally.",
"TimeThiefInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nJedes Mal, wenn der Zeitdieb einen Spieler killt, verringert sich die Besprechungszeit um eine gewisse Zeit. Wenn der Zeitdieb stirbt wird die Besprechungszeit wieder zurückgesetzt.",
- "SniperInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nDu kannst Spieler aus der Ferne killen.\nDu musst deine Form zweimal wandeln um erfolgreich einen Fernschuss abzufeuern.\nDenk dir einen Pfeil von der ersten Formwandelposition bis zur Rückformwandelposition.\nDas ist die Richtung, in die du schießt.\nDer Schuss tötet die erste Person in seiner Bahn.\nDu kannst nicht normal töten bis alle deine Kugeln (in Klammer) verbraucht sind.",
+ "SniperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nYou can shoot players from far away.\nYou have to Shapeshift twice to make a successful snipe.\nImagine an arrow pointing from your first Shapeshift location towards your Unshift location.\nThat will be the direction in which the snipe will be made.\nThe snipe kills the first person in its path.\nYou cannot kill people normally until you use up all of your ammo.",
"UndertakerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEverytime you Shapeshift, you mark the location. Your kills will then teleport to the marked location.\nAfter every kill and meeting, your marked location will reset.\n\nAfter every teleported kill, you will freeze for a configurable amount of time",
- "RiftMakerInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nAls Rissmacher kannst du formwandeln, um einen Riss zu erstellen. Du kannst dich von einem Riss zum anderen teleportieren, indem du die Fläche, wo du ihn erstellt hast berührst. Wenn du venten willst wirst du wieder rausgekickt und alle Risse sind zerstört.\n\nHinweis: Es können 2 Risse nur existieren, wenn du ein drittes Mal einen paltzieren willst, wird der erste entfernt.",
- "EvilTrackerInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nDer böse Verfolger kann sich in eine andere Person verwandeln und kann damit andere Personen verfolgen (nach der Formwandlung wird diese sofort aufgehoben). Der Pfeil unter dem Namen des bösen Verfolgers zeigt die Richtung des Ziels an. Wenn der andere Verräter des bösen Verfolgers Ziel killt, sieht der böse Verfolger einen Killblitz.",
- "EvilHackerInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nDer böse Hacker bekommt zum Treffenbeginn die letzte Admin-Information vom Zeitpunkt vor dem Treffen. Leere Räume werden nicht aufgezählt.\nEin '★' markiert den Raum mit Verrätern.\nRäume mit Leichen sind mit der Anzahl derselben aufgeführt.\nBeispiel: ★Cafeteria: 3 (TOTx1).",
+ "RiftMakerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs Rift Maker, you can Shapeshift to create a rift. You can teleport from one rift to another by touching the area where the rift was created. Trying to vent will kick you out, therefore destroying all the rifts.\n\nNote: Up to two rifts can be placed at a time; if you try to place a third, it removes the first one.",
+ "EvilTrackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Tracker can track other players, and the Evil Tracker can Shapeshift into someone to switch the tracking target to the Shapeshift target (You will immediately unshift after performing Shapeshift). The arrow below the Evil Tracker's name indicates the direction of the target. When the Evil Tracker's teammate kills, the Evil Tracker will see a kill flash.",
+ "EvilHackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Hacker can get the last-minute admin information at the meeting beginning.\nUnoccupied rooms are not shown.\nA '★' marks rooms with Impostors.\nRooms with dead bodies are marked with the number of bodies.\nExample: ★Cafeteria: 3 (DEAD×1).",
"EvilGuesserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If correct, the target dies. If wrong, the Evil Guesser dies.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
- "AntiAdminerInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nDer böse Admin kann jederzeit erfahren ob ein Besatzungsmitglied oder ein Neutraler in der Nähe der Kameras, Adminpanel, Lebensanzeige, Türlog und/oder anderer Geräte ist. Hinweis: Er kann nicht erfahren, ob der Spieler das Gerät nutzt oder nicht, er weiß nur, dass derjenige in der Nähe ist.",
- "ArroganceInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nDer Arrogante verringert seine Killwartezeit mit jedem erfolgreichen Kill.",
- "BomberInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nDer Bomber kann den Formwandelknopf benutzen um zu explodieren, dabei killt er Spieler in einer bestimmten Reichweite. \nDoch dafür stirbt der Bomber auch.\nHinweis: Alle Spieler sehen einen Killblitz wenn der Bomber explodiert.",
- "ScavengerInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nAasgeierkills hinterlassen keine Leiche, zusätzlich wird der Killköder keine Self-Meldung machen.",
+ "AntiAdminerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Anti Adminer can at any time find out if there are Crewmates or Neutrals near Cameras, Admin Table, Vitals, DoorLog, and/or other devices. Note: Anti Adminer does not know if the player uses the device while near it. They only know that someone is near the device.",
+ "ArroganceInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Arrogance reduces their Kill Cooldown with each successful kill of theirs.",
+ "BomberInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Bomber can use the Shapeshift button to self-explode, killing players within a certain range. But as a price, the Bomber will also die. Note: All players will see a kill flash when the Bomber explodes.",
+ "ScavengerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nScavenger kills do not leave dead bodies behind. In addition, if the victim is a Bait, no self-report will be made.",
"TrapsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Trapster has a unique method of killing. By initiating a body report, the Trapster can eliminate the player attempting to report the body the Trapster killed.\nNote: If Trapster kills the Bait, the Trapster will die immediately.",
- "GangsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Gangster, a powerful character, can try to recruit a player to a Madmate by pressing the kill button. If the recruitment is successful, both the Gangster and the target will see the shield animation on each other as a reminder (only visible to each other). The remaining number of available recruits is displayed next to the Gangster's name (the Host sets the max). If the Gangster tries to recruit players who cannot be recruited, such as neutrals or some special crews, they will kill the target normally instead. When the Gangster has no remaining recruitments, they can only make normal kills from that point on.",
- "CleanerInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nDer Reiniger kann den Meldeknopf drücken, um jede Leiche zu beseitigen, die er findet (einschließlich derer, die er killt). Wenn die Säuberung erfolgreich war, siehst du eine Schildanimation auf deinem Körper als Erinnerung (nur für dich selbst sichtbar). Die gesäuberte Leiche kann nicht gemeldet werden (auch nicht die des Killköders).",
- "LightningInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nAls Blitzer kannst du nicht normal killen. Stattdessen quantisiert dein Killknopf Ziele, die nach einer Verzögerung aktiviert werden, wodurch die nächste Person, mit der sie in Kontakt kommen, sie killen kann. Diejenigen, die aktiv quantisiert werden, zeigen ein「■」neben ihrem Namen. Außerdem sterben diejenigen, die quantisiert wurden, wenn sie bis zum Ende eines Treffens überleben. Es gibt eine Einstellung, mit der du deinen Killer quantisieren kannst.",
- "GreedyInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nGierige Killen mit ungeraden und geraden Kills welche unterschiedliche Kill Wartezeiten haben. Die Kill Wartezeit wird nach jedem Treffen zurückgesetzt, und der erste Kill vom Gierigen ist jedes Mal ungerade.",
- "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nWenn der verfluchte Wolf gekillt wird verflucht er seinen Killer zu Tode. (der Host entscheidet die maximale Anzahl des zu Tode verfluchen)",
- "SoulCatcherInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nDer Seelenfänger, kann sich formwandeln, um die Position mit seinem Ziel zu tauschen, solange dieser nicht in einem Vent, tot, vom Pelikan verschluckt, oder an einem anderen komischen Ort ist.",
- "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nWenn die Killwartezeit abgelaufen ist, kann der Schnellschütze die Killwartezeit zurücksetzen, indem er sich formwandelt und eine Kugel speichert (wenn die Speicherung erfolgreich ist, erscheint eine nur für ihn selbst sichtbare Schildanimation auf seinem Körper als Erinnerung). Nachdem ein Schnellschütze einen Kill ausgeführt hat, kann er die Killwartezeit mit Kugeln ausgleichen, bis er keine Kugeln mehr hat. Zu Beginn eines jeden Treffens kann der Schnellschütze nur eine bestimmte Anzahl von Kugeln behalten (die Anzahl wird vom Host festgelegt).",
- "CamouflagerInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nWenn du als Camouflage dich formwandelst, verwandeln sich alle in denselben Skin und es wird rückgängig gemacht, wenn du dich zurückverwandelst. Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass die Fähigkeiten der Kommunikationssabotage-Tarnung und die Fähigkeiten der Tarnung überlagert werden können. Diese Fähigkeit ist ungültig, wenn während der Fähigkeitsaktvitierung des Camouflagers ein Treffen stattfindet.",
- "EraserInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nDer Radierer kann jemandem im Treffen voten um dessen Rollen nach dem Treffenende zu radieren. Hinweis: Radierte Spieler bekommen ihre Vanillarolle und werden demenstprechend angezeigt.\nEin Spieler kann nur einmal radiert werden (inklusive Oiiai)",
+ "GangsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Gangster, a powerful character, can try to recruit a player to a Madmate by pressing the Kill button. If the recruitment is successful, both the Gangster and the target will see the Shield Animation on each other as a reminder (only visible to each other). The remaining number of available recruits is displayed next to the Gangster's name (the Host sets the maximum). If the Gangster tries to recruit players who cannot be recruited, such as Neutrals or some special Crewmates, they will kill the target normally instead. When the Gangster has no remaining recruitments, they can only make normal kills from that point on.",
+ "CleanerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nCleaner can press the Report button to clean up any dead body they come across (including those they kill). If the cleanup is successful, the Cleaner will see a Shield Animation on their body as a reminder (only visible to himself). The cleaned-up body cannot be reported (including Bait).",
+ "LightningInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lightning, you cannot kill normally. Instead, your Kill button quantizes targets, which activates after a delay, causing the next person they encounter to kill them. Those who are actively quantized show a「■」next to their name. Additionally, those who have been quantized die if they survive until the end of a meeting. There is a setting to quantize your killer.",
+ "GreedyInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nGreedy kills with odd and even kills will have different Kill Cooldowns. Greedy's Kill Cooldown is reset every meeting, and Greedy's first kill is always odd.",
+ "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Cursed Wolf is about to be killed, the Cursed Wolf will curse the killer to death. (The Host sets the maximum of times you can counterattack)",
+ "SoulCatcherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Soul Catcher, you can Shapeshift to swap places with your target as long as they are not dead, in a Vent, swallowed by Pelican, or in a similar odd state.",
+ "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Kill Cooldown is over, Quick Shooter can reset the Kill Cooldown by Shapeshift to store a bullet (when the storage is successful, a Shield Animation visible only to himself will appear on their body as a reminder). If Quick Shooter has bullets, he can use one to bypass the Kill Cooldown; he will kill even if it's still on Cooldown and use a bullet. At the beginning of each meeting, the quick shooter can only keep a certain number of bullets (The Host sets the number).",
+ "CamouflagerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Camouflager uses Shapeshift, all players start to look the same. This state ends when the Camouflager reverts its Shapeshifting. It's important to note that the skills of Communication Sabotage Camouflage, and the skills of the Camouflager can be superimposed.\nThis skill will be invalid if a meeting is held during the skill activation of the Camouflager.",
+ "EraserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEraser can vote for any target at the meeting to erase the target's roles, and the erasure will take effect after the meeting ends. Note: Players with erased skills will always be considered a vanilla role, including the game result page.\nA target can only be erased once (including OIIAI)",
"ButcherInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nDie Kills des Schlächters, auch passive, hinterlassen mehrere Leichen auf den Zielen, was bei der Leichenmeldung etwas verwirrend sein kann. Hier gilt die Regel: Das gekillte Ziel muss wiederholt die Animation des Killens anzeigen, die nicht übersprungen werden kann, und es kann in diesem Zeitraum nicht normal an der Besprechung teilnehmen. Und wenn der Schlächter den Rächer tötet, wird der Rächer jeden im Zorn rächen.",
- "HangmanInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nDie Killmethode vom Henker während einer Formwandelung ist erwürgen. Erwürgen ignoriert jeglichen Status auf dem Opfer, wie zum Beispiel ein Schild, ein Schutz vom Bodyguard, die Fähigkeiten vom Super Star, etc. Erwürgte Spieler werden keine Leichen hinterlassen, und werden auch keine Fähigkeiten beim kill auslösen. Zum Beispiel des Veterans gegenangriff(des Glücklichen killmeidung) etc. Zusätzlich wird die Seher Erweiterung nicht ausgelöst.",
- "SwooperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Swooper, you can vent to vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
+ "HangmanInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Hangman, during the Shapeshifting, you use a unique killing method-strangling. This method ignores any status of the target, such as the shield of the Medic, the Bodyguard's protection, the Super Star's skills, etc. The strangled player will not leave a dead body, nor will it trigger any of its skills. For example, Veteran kill back (including additional roles), and Seer will not be prompted.",
+ "SwooperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Swooper, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
"CrewpostorInfoLong": "(Team Impostor):\nYou kill the nearest player whenever you finish a task.",
- "WildlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Wildling, you can shapeshift but cannot vent.\nWhen you kill, you temporarily become immune to attacks.",
- "TricksterInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nals Gauner funktionierst du wie alle anderen Verräter nur mit einem Unterschied.\nDu wirst Besatzungen als Besatzung angezeigt.\n\nDer Sheriff kann dich nicht killen.\nSpiritueller kann das böse in dir nicht sehen.\nSpitzel kann dich nicht finden.",
+ "WildlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Wildling, you can Shapeshift but cannot Vent.\nWhen you kill, you temporarily become immune to attacks.",
+ "TricksterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Trickster, you function as a regular Impostor but with one key difference.\nYou appear as a Crewmate to Crewmate roles.\n\nThe Sheriff cannot kill you.\nPsychic does not see you as evil.\nSnitch cannot find you.",
"VindicatorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Vindicator, you have extra votes like a Mayor.",
"StealthInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nWenn der Tarner killt werden die Spieler im gleichen Raum für eine bestimmte Zeit geblendet.",
- "PenguinInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nAls der Pinguin kannst du andere Spieler umherziehen, indem du den Killknopf drückst.\nWährend du ziehst stirbt das Ziel wenn du den Killknopf erneut drückst oder nach einer bestimmten Zeit.\nDrück den Killknopf zweifach um direkt zu killen.",
- "ParasiteInfoLong": "(Team Verräter):\nAls Parasit weißt du nicht wer die anderen Verräter sind.\n\nDu kannst killen, venten, sabotieren was auch sonst.\nSchau einfach, dass du ein Verräter bist.",
- "DisperserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nDisperser can use Shapeshift to teleport all players to random vents.",
- "InhibitorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Inhibitor, you can only kill when there is not a critical sabotage active.\n\nIf light or comms sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
- "SaboteurInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Saboteur, you can only kill when there is a critical sabotage active.\n\nIf reactor or O2 sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
+ "PenguinInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Penguin, you can restrain the target by pressing the Kill button and drag it around.\nWhile dragging, the target dies by pressing the Kill button again or after a certain period.\nPress the Kill button twice for a direct kill.",
+ "ParasiteInfoLong": "(Team Impostor):\nAs the Parasite, you are an Impostor that does not know the other Impostors.\n\nYou may Kill, Vent, Sabotage, whatever.\nJust know that you are an Impostor.",
+ "DisperserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nDisperser can use Shapeshift to teleport all players to random Vents.",
+ "InhibitorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Inhibitor, you can only kill when there is not a Critical Sabotage active.\n\nIf Light or Comms Sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
+ "SaboteurInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Saboteur, you can only kill when there is a Critical sabotage active.\n\nIf Reactor or O2 Sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
"CouncillorInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nAls Stadtrat kannst du Spieler killen wie ein Richter, wenn du während einem treffen killst, wird das angezeigt als Prozess durch einen Richter.\n\nBefehl: /tl [Spieler ID]\ndu kannst die Spieler IDs neben den Namen der Spieler sehen, oder nutze den Befehl /id um eine Liste zu erhalten.\nAbhängig von den Einstellungen wird der Stadtrat Selbstmord begehen, wenn er seine Teamkameraden beurteilt.",
"DazzlerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Dazzler, you can reduce the vision of the target of your Shapeshift permanently. When you die, their vision will turn back to normal.",
- "DeathpactInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nAls Todespaktierer werden die Ziele in die du dich formwandelst für einen Selbstmordpakt markiert. Wenn genug Spieler für den Selbstmordpakt markiert wurden, müssen sie sich innerhalb einer bestimmten Zeit treffen; wenn sie das nicht schaffen, sterben sie.\nWenn ein markierter Spieler stirbt, bevor der Selbstmordpakt vollendet ist, ist der Pakt aufgehoben.",
- "DevourerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Devourer, you use your shapeshift to change the appearance of the target of the shapeshift permanently. Additionally, when each player's appearance changes, you will have your kill cooldown reduced by a defined number of seconds. If the Devourer dies or gets voted out during a meeting, the player's appearance will change back to their normal appearance.",
- "MorphlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Morphling, you are a Shapeshifter but cannot kill while not shapeshifted.",
- "TwisterInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nDer Wirbelstümer verursacht mit einer Formwandlung, dass alle Spieler ihre Positionen untereinander tauschen. Dies passiert zweimal: Sowohl wenn er sich formwandelt und wenn er sich zurückwandelt.\nDer Wirbelstümer selbst wird nicht teleportiert und bleibt auf seiner Position und Spieler in Vents, werden auch nicht teleportiert.",
- "LurkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lurker, you can jump into a vent to reduce your cooldown by a certain number of seconds. After you kill, your cooldown resets to its original value.",
+ "DeathpactInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Deathpact, You Shapeshift to mark your targets for a deathpact.\nIf you have enough players marked for a deathpact, they must meet within a specific period; if they fail to do so, they die.\nIf a marked player dies before the deathpact becomes complete, the pact is withdrawn.",
+ "DevourerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Devourer, you use your Shapeshift to change the appearance of the target of the Shapeshift permanently. Additionally, when each player's appearance changes, you will have your Kill Cooldown reduced by a defined number of seconds. If the Devourer dies or gets voted out during a meeting, the player's appearance will change back to their normal appearance.",
+ "MorphlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Morphling, you are a Shapeshifter but cannot kill while not Shapeshifted.",
+ "TwisterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Twister, you can use Shapeshifting to swap the position of all players randomly. The swap happens twice, once when you start your Shapeshift and once when you return to your original appearance.\nThe Twister itself will not swap places with anyone, and players in vents will not teleport.",
+ "LurkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lurker, you can jump into a Vent to reduce your Cooldown by a certain number of seconds. After you kill, your Cooldown resets to its original value.",
"VisionaryInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nAls Visionär siehst du den Aufenthaltsort von lebenden Spielern während einem Treffen.\nFolgende Information wird bei den Spielern angezeigt:\n- Roter Name bedeutet Verräter.\n- Türkiser Name bedeutet Besatzung.\n- Grauer Name bedeutet Neutral.",
"PlagueDoctorInfoLong": "(Neutral):\n(Seuchendoktor von TOH)\nAls Seuchendoktor musst du jeden lebenden Spieler infiziert bekommen.\nDu startest mit einem beliebigen Spieler, den du infizierst, wenn wer für kurze Zeit in unmittelbarer Nähe dieses Infizierten verbringt, wird er selbst auch infiziert.\nDer Infizierungsprozess ist kumulative, also er resetet sich nicht nach Distanzierung oder nach Treffen.",
- "RefugeeInfoLong": "(Madmates):\nAs the Refugee, you were either:\n -An Amnesiac who remembered an Impostor\n -A killer who killed the Godfather's target.\n -A Romantic whose partner was an Impostor\n -Or an Imitator that imitated an Impostor.\n\nNow your job is to help the Impostors kill the crewmates.",
+ "RefugeeInfoLong": "(Madmates):\nAs the Refugee, you were either:\n -An Amnesiac who remembered an Impostor\n -A killer who killed the Godfather's target.\n -A Romantic whose partner was an Impostor\n -Or an Imitator that imitated an Impostor.\n\nNow your job is to help the Impostors kill the Crewmates.",
"UnderdogInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nAls Unterlegener kannst du nicht killen bis eine bestimmte Anzahl an lebenden Spieler bleibt.",
- "ConsigliereInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nAls Konsort kannst du die Rollen der anderen Spieler offenbaren in dem du deinen Killknopf benutzt.\n\nEinzelklick: Rolle offenbaren \nDoppelklick: killen\n\nWen du keine Offenbarungen mehr hast, funktioniert dein Killknopf normal.",
- "LudopathInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ludopath, your kill cooldown is randomized.\n\nMinimum it can be is 1 second, while the maximum is your default kill cooldown.",
+ "ConsigliereInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Consigliere, you can reveal the roles of other players using your Kill button.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\n\nIf you run out of reveal uses, your Kill button functions normally.",
+ "LudopathInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ludopath, your Kill Cooldown is randomized.\n\nMinimum it can be is 1 second, while the maximum is your default Kill Cooldown.",
"GodfatherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Godfather, you vote someone to make them your target.\nIn the next round, if someone kills the target, the killer will turn into a Refugee or Madmate.",
"ChronomancerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Chronomancer, you have a charge bar which indicates when the slaughter is ready. When it is at 100% the next time you kill someone, you go into slaughter mode, meaning you can kill indefinitely until your bar runs out of charge. Otherwise, you have a normal KCD.",
- "PitfallInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nAls Fallenleger kannst du formwandeln, um den Bereich der Formwandlung als Falle zu markieren. Spieler, die diesen Bereich betreten, werden für kurze Zeit bewegungsunfähig und ihre Sicht wird eingeschränkt.",
- "EvilMiniInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Evil Mini, you are unkillable until you grow up and have a very long initial kill cooldown, which gets drastically shortened as you grow up.",
- "BlackmailerInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nAls Erpresser, wenn du dich in jemanden formwandelst, erpresst du diesen Spieler das bedeutet während dem Treffen kann dieser Spieler nicht sprechen.\n\nHinweis: wenn schon jemand erpresst wurde, wird eine weitere Person erpresst und das erste Erpressen wird aufgelöst.",
- "InstigatorInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nAls Anstifter ist es deine Aufgabe die Besatzung gegen sich aufzuhetzen. Jedes Mal wenn ein Besatzungsmitglied raus gevotet wird, sofern du lebst, wird ein zusätzliches Besatzungsmitglied, welches für den Spieler gevotet hat nach dem Treffen gekillt. Der Host bestimmt die zusätzliche Anzahl der sterbenden Spieler.",
- "LazyGuyInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nDer faule Kerl hat nur eine Aufgabe und Verräter Fähigkeiten können ihm nichts anhaben wie zum Beispiel als Sündenbock des Anonymen, Verfluchter vom Hexer oder Puppe des Puppenspielers und so weiter. Der faule Kerl hat keine anderen Add-ons.",
+ "PitfallInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Pitfall, you use your Shapeshift to mark the area around the Shapeshift as a trap. Players who enter this area will be immobilized quickly, and their vision will be affected.",
+ "EvilMiniInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Evil Mini, you are unkillable until you grow up and have a very long initial Kill Cooldown, which gets drastically shortened as you grow up.",
+ "BlackmailerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Blackmailer, when you Shift into a target, you will blackmail that player. This means that during the meetings, they won't be able to speak.\n\nNote: If someone is already blackmailed, blackmailing another person un-blackmails the current person.",
+ "InstigatorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Instigator, it's your job to turn the Crewmates against each other. Each time a Crewmate gets voted out in a meeting, if you are alive, an additional Crewmate who voted for the innocent player will die after the meeting. The Host determines the number of additional players dying.",
+ "LazyGuyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nLazy Guy has only one task. In addition, the Impostor's abilities can't affect the Lazy Guy, such as being a scapegoat for Anonymous, being marked by a Warlock or Puppeteer, and more. Lazy Guy will not have any Add-ons.",
"SuperStarInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThere will be a star logo next to the Super Star's name, so everyone knows who the Super Star is. The Super Star can only die when the murderer is alone with the Super Star (regular kills only). In addition, the Guessers can't guess the Super Star. ",
"CelebrityInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nAlle Besatzungsmitglieder sehen den Killblitz wen der Prominente stirbt (so ähnlich wie der Seher den Killblitz sieht) und bekommen ein Hinweis beim nächsten Treffen. Die Verräter wissen nichts darüber.",
- "CleanserInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nAls Reiniger kannst du den Vote nutzen um die Add-on-Rolle eines Spielers deiner Wahl zu löschen. Die Löschung erfolgt beim Ende des Treffens. Je nach Einstellung kann der gelöschte Spieler keine Add-on-Rolle mehr kriegen.",
+ "CleanserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Cleanser, you can vote to erase the Add-ons of any target at the meeting. This erasure takes effect after the meeting ends. Depending on the settings, the cleansed player may never receive Add-ons again.",
"KeeperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs keeper, you can vote for someone to protect them from being ejected. You can only do this a configurable number of times.",
- "MayorInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nAls Bürgermeister hast du mehrere Votes. Je nach Einstellungen können diese Votes erkennbar oder normal dargestellt werden Wenn du einen Vent benutzt berufst du ein Notfalltreffen ein.\nWenn du mit den Aufgaben fertig bist, sieht man deine Rolle.",
+ "MayorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mayor, you have extra votes. Depending on the settings, players can't see your extra votes, you can Vent to call a meeting at any time, or you can have yourself revealed as Mayor upon task completion.",
"PsychicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Psychic can see the names of several players highlighted in red during the meeting; at least one of them is evil. The Psychic will correctly see all Neutrals and Killing Crewmates displayed as red names when becoming a Madmate.",
- "MechanicInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nDer Mechaniker kann immer die Vents nutzen. Er kann Reaktor, O2 und die Kommunikation auf einer Seite beheben und Lichter können mit einem Schalter behoben werden. Das Öffnen einer Türe öffnet alle Türen der Map.",
- "SheriffInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nDer Sheriff hat keine Aufgaben. Er kann die Verräter killen (je nach Hosteinstellungen auch die Neutralen). Wenn der Sheriff ein Besatzungsmitglied killen will, begeht er Selbstmord. Er kann jeden killen, wenn er Verräterhelfer wird (abhängig von den Hosteinstellungen).",
- "VigilanteInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nAls Gewissenhafter ist es deine Aufgabe potenzielle Gefahren für die Besatzung zu killen, aber wenn du einen Unschludigen killst, wirst du zum Verräterhelfer, getrieben durch Reue und Schuldbewusstgefühle.\n\n Hinweis: Der Gangster kann den Gewissenhaften nicht zum Verräterhelfer konvertieren.",
- "JailerInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nDer Gefängniswärter kann andere Spieler mit dem Killknopf einsperren. Während dem nächsten Treffen kann der Gefangene nicht voten oder gevotet werden (zählt gleich 0). Wenn der Gefängniswärter den Gefangenen votet exekutiert er ihn. Wenn der Gefangene ein Unschludiger war verliert der Gefängniswärter seine Fähigkeit für den Rest des Spieles.\nWenn der Gefängniswärter böse ist kann er jeden exekutieren.\nDer Gefängniswärter hat begrenzte Fänge.\n\nHinweis: Gefangene können nicht geguessed oder verurteilt werden, und sie selber können nur den Gefängniswärter guessen.",
+ "MechanicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Mechanic can use Vents at any time. They can also fix Reactors, O2, and Communications using only one side. You can fix Lights by flicking only one switch. Opening a door will open all doors in the map.",
+ "SheriffInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nSheriff has no task. The Sheriff can kill the Impostor (according to the Host settings, the Sheriff can also kill Neutrals). If the Sheriff tries to kill a Crewmate, the Sheriff will kill himself. The Sheriff can kill anyone when he becomes a Madmate (also according to the Host settings).",
+ "VigilanteInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Vigilante, you are tasked with eliminating potential threats to the Crewmates, but if they mistakenly kill an innocent Crew member, they become a Madmate driven by guilt and remorse.\n\n Note: Gangster cannot convert Vigilante into Madmate.",
+ "JailerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Jailer, use your Kill button to lock a player in jail. During the next meeting, the jailed player cannot vote or get voted (the vote count will be 0). The Jailer may choose to execute the prisoner by voting for them. If the Jailer executes an innocent player, the Jailer loses the ability to execute for the rest of the game.\nIf the Jailer is evil, then they can execute anyone.\nThe Jailer has limited executions.\n\nNote: Jailed players cannot be guessed or judged, and jailed players can only guess Jailer.",
"SnitchInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAfter the Snitch completes all tasks, they can see the Impostor's names displayed in red on the meeting. When the Snitch has only one task left, the Impostors will see a 「★」 mark next to the name of themselves and the Snitch. When a Snitch becomes a Madmate, the 「★」 mark turns red.",
- "MarshallInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Marshall, complete your tasks to reveal yourself to the rest of the Crew.\nOther teams will not be able to see you.\nHowever, madmates CAN see you.",
- "DoctorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nDoctor can see the cause of death for all players. In addition, the Doctor can access vitals wherever you are while he still has battery left.",
+ "MarshallInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Marshall, complete your tasks to reveal yourself to the rest of the Crewmates.\nOther teams will not be able to see you.\nHowever, Madmates CAN see you.",
+ "DoctorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nDoctor can see the cause of death for all players. In addition, the Doctor can access Vitals wherever you are while he still has battery left.",
"DictatorInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nWenn der Diktator jemanden votet, wird das Treffen beendet und der, den er gevotet hat, wird rausgeworfen. Der Diktator begeht, nachdem er wen gevotet hat, Selbstmord.",
"DetectiveInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAfter the Detective reports the body, they will receive a clue message, which will tell the Detective what the victim's role is. According to the Host's settings, the Detective may know what the murderer's role is. Note: Detective won't be Oblivious.",
"UndercoverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Impostors knows who Undercover is and sees him as a teammate, but Undercover himself does not know who the Impostors are.",
- "NiceGuesserInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nDer Gute Guesser kann die Rolle von bestimmten Spieler im Notfalltreffen guessen. Wenn der Guessversuch richtig war, stirbt der erratene, wenn er falsch war, stirbt der Böse Guesser.\nDer Befehl zum Guessen ist: /bt [Spieler-ID] [Rolle]\nDu kannst die Spieler-IDs neben jedem Namen der Spieler sehen, oder benutze den Befehl /id um dir alle Spieler-IDs anzeigen zu lassen.",
- "GuessMasterInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nDer Guessmeister bekommt über jeden Guessversuch in einem Treffen Bescheid. Also du bekommst Infos, über einen Versuch eines Rollenguesses aber auch wenn sich wer verguessed.",
+ "NiceGuesserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Nice Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If it is correct, it will kill the target, and if it is wrong, Nice Guesser will suicide.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nNice Guesser can guess Crewmate when become Madmate.",
+ "GuessMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guess Master, you will receive information about every attempted guess made during a meeting. You will be informed about the role the Guesser tried to guess, and you will also be notified in case of a misguess.",
"KnightInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Knight has no tasks. They can kill anyone but only do it once the whole game.",
- "TransporterInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nImmer wenn der Transporter eine Aufgabe erledigt, tauschen 2 zufällige Spieler ihre Positionen. Wenn nicht genügend Spieler mehr leben passiert nichts. Hinweis: Spieler im Vent werden nicht berücksichtigt.",
+ "TransporterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhenever the Transporter completes the task, two random players will switch positions, but if there are not enough players left, nothing will happen. Note: Players in a Vent will not be selected.",
"TimeManagerInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nJe mehr Aufgaben der Zeitmanager erledigt, desto länger wird die Besprechungszeit. Wenn er stirbt, wird sie wieder zurückgesetzt. Wenn der Zeitmanager ein Verräterhelfer wird, wirkt sich die Fähigkeit genau verkehrt herum aus.",
- "VeteranInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nDer Veteran kann durch Venten den Alarmstatus starten. Wenn ein Killer den Veteran in der Alarmzeit anschießt killt der Veteran den Killer und sieht eine Schildanimation. Über deinem Kopf steht der Alarmstatus.",
- "BastionInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Bastion, bomb vents to kill off impostors and neutrals.\nBe careful though; crewmates can also be killed with the bombs.",
- "CopyCatInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nAls Nachäffer kannst du deinen Killknopf zum Kopieren der Rolle des Ziels nutzen.\n\nDu kannst nur Besatzungsrollen nutzen.\nWenn du einen Verräterhelfer oder Schlingel kopierst, bekommst du die Verräterhelfervariante der Rolle.\nWenn du einen Bösen der eine Besatzungsvariante hat kopierst, bekommst du die Besatzungsvariante.\n\nAußerdem wird deine Rolle nach jedem Treffen zum Nachäffer zurückgesetzt.",
+ "VeteranInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Veteran, you can enter the alert state by Venting. If a player tries to kill the Veteran in the alert state, the Veteran will kill the murderer instead. Veteran will see a Shield Animation on their body and a text above their head as a reminder when they enter and exit the alert state.",
+ "BastionInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Bastion, bomb Vents to kill off Impostors and Neutrals.\nBe careful though; Crewmates can also be killed with the bombs.",
+ "CopyCatInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Copycat, you can use your Kill button to copy the target's role.\n\nYou can only copy some Crewmate roles.\nIf you try to copy a Madmate or Rascal, you become the Madmate variation of the target role.\nIf you target an evil with a Crewmate variant, you'll become the Crewmate variant.\n\nAdditionally, Your role will be set back to Copycat after every meeting.\nNote You can't guess people in meetings.",
"BodyguardInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nWenn ein Spieler in der Nähe des Leibwächters gekillt wird, verhindert der Leibwächter den Kill und stirbt mit dem Killer. Die Fähigkeit wirkt bei jedem Team. Wenn der Leibwächter ein Verräterhelfer wird und der Killer ist ein Verräter, wirkt die Fähigkeit nicht.",
- "DeceiverInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nDas Schlitzohr kann Falschgeld mit dem Killknopf an andere Spieler verkaufen. Bei erfolgreichem Verkauf sieht er eine Schildanimation. Das Falschgeld tritt nach dem nächsten Treffen in Aktion. Wenn der Betrogene keine Killfähigkeit hat, begeht dieser Selbstmord. Wenn er eine Killfähigkeit hat begeht er beim nächsten Killversuch Selbstmord.",
- "GrenadierInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nWenn der Grenadier ventet verursacht er in seiner Nähe einen Granatenknall, der Verrätern und je nach Einstellung auch Neutralen die Sicht einschränkt.",
+ "DeceiverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Deceiver can sell the counterfeit to other players through the Kill button. If the counterfeit is sold successfully, the Deceiver will see a Shield Animation on their body as a reminder. The counterfeit will take effect after the end of the next meeting. If the player with no kill ability holds the counterfeit, he will kill himself immediately. If the player with the killing ability has the counterfeit, he will commit suicide when he tries to kill someone next time.",
+ "GrenadierInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Grenadier, you can Vent to Flashbang players nearby, causing them to lose vision if they are an Impostor or, depending on settings, a Neutral.",
"MedicInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nDer Sanitäter kann mit dem Killknopf jemanden einen Schild für das ganze Spiel geben. Wenn der Sanitäter stirbt verliert das Ziel diesen Schild, wenn wer das Ziel anschießt, bekommt der Sanitäter auch Bescheid über den Killversuch.\nJe nach Hosteinstellungen sieht der Sanitäter oder das Ziel einen grünen Kreis「●」 neben dem geschützten Spielernamen.",
"FortuneTellerInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nWenn die Wahrsagerin für einen Spieler votet bekommt sie einen Hinweis zu seiner aktuellen Rolle.\n\nWenn du alle Aufgaben erledigt hast bekommst du die exakte Rolle anstatt einem Hinweis!\n\nHinweis: Wenn die Einstellung aktiv ist, einen Hinweis von einem zufälligen Spieler zu bekommen, bist du nicht berechtigt einen Spieler öfters abzuchecken.",
"JudgeInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Judge can judge a certain player during the meeting. If the target is evil, the target will be killed (whether it is evil or not is set by the Host). If it is wrong, the Judge commits suicide.\nCommand for judgment: /tl [player id]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nJudges can judge all players when they become Madmate.\nIn meeting the ability count shows how many trails you have in this meeting. Out of meeting the ability counts shows how many trails you have for the whole game.",
"MorticianInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nAls Leichenbestatter werden dir Pfeile angezeigt die in Richtung einer Leiche zeigen und wen er diese meldet, wird er erfahren wer als Letztes in Kontakt mit ihm war.\nHinweis: Leichenbestatter werden keine Seher oder Vergessliche.",
"MediumInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nDer Hellseher kann in Kontakt mit den Geistern treten, nachdem jemand eine Leiche gemeldet hat. Der Spieler, der eine Leiche gemeldet hat, muss kein Hellseher sein. Der tote Spieler kann nur mit JA oder NEIN auf die Frage des Hellsehers antworten, welche nur vom Hellseher gesehen werden kann. (Der tote Spieler kann mit /ms yes oder /ms no antworten). Hinweis: Hellseher können keine Vergesslichen sein.",
- "ObserverInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nAls Betrachter kannst du die Schild-Animation von anderen Spielern nach dem ersten Treffen sehen, das weist auf eine bestimmte Fähigkeit der Rolle auf. Also schau dich gut um.",
+ "ObserverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Observer, you can see all Shield Animations caused by other players after the first meeting. The Shield Animations typically indicate a role ability, so look out for this.",
"MonarchInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Monarch, you can knight players to give them an extra vote.\n\nYou cannot knight someone who already has multiple votes.\n\nKnighted players appear with a golden name.\nIf a knighted player is alive, the Monarch cannot be guessed or killed.",
- "PacifistInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nWen der Pazifist ventet, wird die Killwartezeit von jedem Spieler mit einem Killknopf zurückgesetzt. Wen du ein Verräterhelfer wirst funktioniert die Fähigkeit nur bei der Besatzung.",
- "OverseerInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nAls Aufpasser hast du eine eingeschränkte Sicht aber du kannst deinen Killknopf benutzen um die Rolle des Zieles aufzudecken. Wenn du den Killknopf drückst, beginnt die Aufklärung und ein 「○」steht neben dem Ziel. Solange du für eine gewisse Zeit neben dem Ziel bleibst kannst du ihn aufdecken. Wenn du dich zu weit entfernst wird die Aufklärung abgebrochen.",
+ "PacifistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhen the Pacifist Vents, they will reset the Kill Cooldown for every player with a Kill button. When they become a Madmate, this ability will only work on Crewmates.",
+ "OverseerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Overseer, you have minimal vision, but you can use your Kill button to reveal the role of a nearby player. A 「○」 will be displayed next to the revealed target after you use the Kill button on them, and you will also be scanning them (only you can see this). Stay near the target for a defined time to reveal his role; if you move too far away, the reveal will cancel.",
"CoronerInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nDer Leichenbeschauer kann keine Leichen melden, wenn du eine Leiche meldest wird dir ein Pfeil zum Killer angezeigt. Wenn ein Treffen einberufen wird, verschwindet der Pfeil. Je nach Einstellungen kann man von dir begutachtete Leichen nicht melden.",
"PresidentInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nDer Präsident hat 2 Fähigkeiten: Treffenende und Bekundung.\n\n+ Fähigkeit 1: Treffenende - Tippe /finish im Treffen um als Präsident das Treffen sofort zu beenden.\n+ Fähigkeit 2: Bekundung - Tippe /reveal um dich zu erkennen zu geben. Sobald du dich für alle zu erkennen gegeben hast kannst du nicht mehr geguessed werden, aber derjenige, der dich als nächster killt, hat eine grandios verkürzte Killwartezeit.",
- "MerchantInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\\Der Handelsmann verkauft zufällige Add-ons an zufällige Spieler wenn er eine Aufgabe abgeschlossen hat. Jeder Add-onverkauf bringt Geld ein, mit dem du ab einer gewissen Anzahl einen versuchten Kill mit einer Bestechung an den Killer abwehren kannst. Der Bestochene kann dich nicht killen, aber du bekommst keine Nachricht wer es war. Das benutzte Bestechungsgeld geht verloren und kann nicht mehr genutzt werden.",
+ "MerchantInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a merchant, you sell a random Add-on to a random player for each task you complete. Each Add-on sold earns you money. If you have a certain amount of money, you can prevent the next killing attempt against you by bribing the murderer. The bribed player won't be able to kill you, but you don't know who it is. The money used is lost and not available for additional bribes.",
"RetributionistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Retributionist, you can kill a limited amount of players after your death.\n\nUse /ret [playerID] to kill.",
- "HawkInfoLong": "(Besatzung [Geist]):\nAls Falke kannst du eine vom Host festgelegte begrenzte Anzahl an Spielern killen. Es besteht jedoch die Möglichkeit, dass du es verfehlst. Wenn du jemanden mehrmals in Stücke schneidest, erhöht sich die Wahrscheinlichkeit.",
- "DeputyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Deputy, use your kill button to handcuff a player.\nThe player who is handcuffed will have their next kill attempt treated as a handcuff break, and the kill cooldown will be reset.\n\nIf the target does not have a kill button, then the handcuff was a waste.",
- "InvestigatorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs an Investigator, you can use your kill button to investigate someone. When you investigate someone, their name will appear in red if they possess a kill button (impostor/SS basis) or light blue if they lack a kill button (crewmate/engineer/scientist basis). However, please note that the color of the names will return to normal when someone calls a meeting.",
+ "HawkInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Hawk, you can kill a limited amount of players decided by the Host, though there's a chance you miss, slicing someone multiple times increases the chances.",
+ "DeputyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Deputy, use your Kill button to handcuff a player.\nThe player who is handcuffed will have their next kill attempt treated as a handcuff break, and the Kill Cooldown will be reset.\n\nIf the target does not have a Kill button, then the handcuff was a waste.",
+ "InvestigatorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs an Investigator, you can use your Kill button to investigate someone. When you investigate someone, their name will appear in red if they possess a Kill button (impostor/Shapeshifter basis) or light blue if they lack a Kill button (Crewmate/Engineer/Scientist basis). However, please note that the color of the names will return to normal when someone calls a meeting.",
"GuardianInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nAls der Wächter wirst du unbesiegbar, nachdem du deine Aufgaben beendet hast. Sogar Guesser können dich dann nicht mehr in Treffen guessen.",
- "AddictInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nDer Süchtige hat einen Selbstmordtimer, dieser wird als Ventwartezeit angezeigt, wenn dieser abläuft stirbst du.\nWenn die Ventwartezeit abgelaufen ist, hast du noch kurz Zeit zu venten.\nWenn du es nicht machst, begehst du Selbstmord, wenn schon wird der Selbstmordtimer zurückgesetzt.\nNach dem Venten bist du für eine bestimmte Zeit vor jeder Interaktion sicher. Danach aber bist du für eine andere bestimmte Zeit bewegungsunfähig und kannst auch keine Leichen melden.",
- "MoleInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mole, when you vent, you stay in the vent for 1 second. When you exit the vent, you will spawn near a random vent in the map (Except the one you used).",
+ "AddictInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Addict, you have a suicide timer. When it expires, you kill yourself.\nThe timer is indicated by the Vent Cooldown. When the Vent Cooldown is 0 seconds, you still have a short time to Vent.\nIf you don't make it, you die; if you make it, the Suicide Timer is reset.\nAlso after you Vent, no one can interact with you for a defined period.\nAfter; the period is over, and you are immobilized for another defined period, and cannot Report any bodies.",
+ "MoleInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mole, when you Vent, you stay in the Vent for 1 second. When you exit the Vent, you will spawn near a random Vent in the map (Except the one you used).",
"AlchemistInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nDer Alchemist erstellt mit jeder abgeschossenen Aufgabe einen Trank. Die Tränke werden unter dem Rollennamen beschrieben. Du kannst sieben verschiedene Tränke bekommen, zerstörerische wie effektlose. Mit Venten nutzt du einen Trank.",
- "KamikazeInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nAls Kamikaze kannst du mit einem einfachen Klick Spieler markieren. Mit Doppelklick killst du normal. Wenn du stirbst, sterben alle markierten Spieler und haben den Killgrund \"Abgezielt\".",
- "TracefinderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracefinder, you can access vitals at any time.\nIn addition, you get arrows pointing to dead bodies, with a delay set by the Host.",
+ "KamikazeInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Kamikaze you can single click to mark players. Double-click to kill normally. When you die, all marked also die, with death reason Targeted.",
+ "TracefinderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracefinder, you can access Vitals at any time.\nIn addition, you get arrows pointing to dead bodies, with a delay set by the Host.",
"OracleInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nAls Orakel, wenn du jemanden votest, kannst du sehen ob die Person Verräter, Besatzung, oder Neutral ist. Je nach Einstellungen kann es sein das die Antwort nicht immer korrekt ist.",
"SpiritualistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Spiritualist, you get an arrow pointing towards the ghost of the last meeting's victim. There is an option for the arrow to disappear and reappear in intervals. Try to notify the ghost about your ability if you can; if they are on your side, they may lead you to an evil role so you can eject them. Be careful, as evil roles can do the same for Crewmates.",
- "ChameleonInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chameleon, you can vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
- "InspectorInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nDu kannst zwei Spieler überprüfen, ob sie im selben Team sind. Du bekommst entweder eine Bestätigungsnachricht oder eine Negativmitteilung.\n\nAlle Neutralen und Konvertierten werden im selben Team angezeigt. Trickser wird als Besatzung gezählt und Schlingel als Verräter.\nÜberprüfungsbefehl : /cmp [Spieler-ID 1] [Spieler-ID 2]",
- "CaptainInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nMit jeder abgeschlossenen Aufgabe verlangsamt der Kapitän eine zufällige nicht-Besatzungsrolle. Besatzungsmitglieder sehen einen ☆ neben seinem Namen.\n\nWer auch immer den Kapitän votet, verliert ein Add-on.",
- "AdmirerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Admirer, admire a player to make them Crewmate aligned.\nThey'll win with crewmates and not their original team.\n\nYou can only do this once per player.",
- "TimeMasterInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nAls Zeitmeister kannst du durchs Venten jedermanns Position markieren.\nWenn du ernuet ventest, setzt du jeden lebenden Spieler auf diese Position zurück.\n\nWährend der Fähigkeitsnutzung hast du ein Zeitschild welches dich vor dem Tod schützt.",
- "CrusaderInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nAls Kreuzritter nutze deinen Killknopf um einen andere Spieler zu missionieren.\nSollte der missionierte Spieler angeschossen werden, killst du den Killer.",
- "AltruistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Altruist, you can sacrifice yourself to revive a dead body using the «Report» button.\nNote: If a dead player has left the game, you report that body normally.\nAlso revived player cannot report self dead body\nUse vent button to change between Report & Revive.",
- "ReverieInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nAls Träumer kannst du killen, aber deine Killwartezeit beginnt sehr hoch.\n\nWenn du ein Besatzungsmitglied killst, erhöht sich die Killwartezeit, ansonsten wird sie kleiner.\nJe nach Hosteinstellungen begehst du einen Fehlschuss wenn die maximal Killwartezeit erreicht ist und stirbst mit dem Opfer. \n\nDu gewinnst mit der Besatzung.",
- "LookoutInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nAls Ausblicker siehst du die Spieler-IDs von allen jederzeit.\nDas verschafft dir den Vorteil bei Formwandlern und Camouflagge.",
- "TelecommunicationInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nAls Telekommunikator bekommst du über die Nutzung aller Sicherheitssysteme wie Kameras, Lebensanzeige, Türlogs oder Adminpanel Bescheid.",
- "LighterInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nAls Leuchter kannst du venten, um deine Sicht temporär zu erhöhen.\nDu hast erhöhte Sicht sowhl wenn Licht ein als auch aus ist.\nNutze diese Macht um raffinierte Killer zu beobachten!",
+ "ChameleonInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chameleon, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
+ "InspectorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nCheck If two players are in the same team or not. You will get an affirmation message if they are on the same team or a denial message if they are not on the same team.\n\nAll Neutrals and converted players are counted in the same team. Trickster counts as Crewmate, and Rascal counts as Impostor.\nChecking command: /cmp [player id 1] [player id 2].",
+ "CaptainInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWith each completed task, the Captain gains the power to slow down a random non-Crewmate role. Crewmates can see ☆besides Captain's name.\n\nIf anyone betrays the Captain's trust by voting Captain out, they will lose an Add-on.",
+ "AdmirerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Admirer, admire a player to make them Crewmate aligned.\nThey'll win with Crewmates and not their original team.\n\nYou can only do this once per player.",
+ "TimeMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Time Master, use the Vents to mark everyone's position.\nWhen using the ability again, every alive player will rewind to the marked positions.\n\nDuring the ability duration, the Time Master gains a time shield, which protects them from death.",
+ "CrusaderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Crusader, use your Kill button to crusade a player.\nIf that player gets attacked, you'll kill the attacker.",
+ "AltruistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Altruist, you can sacrifice yourself to revive a dead body using the «Report» button.\nNote: If a dead player has left the game, you report that body normally.\nAlso revived player cannot report self dead body\nUse the Vent button to change between Report & Revive.",
+ "ReverieInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Reverie, you can kill, but your Cooldown starts high.\n\nIt increases if you kill a Crewmate and reduces otherwise.\nDepending on the Host's setting, you may misfire on reaching the maximum Kill Cooldown, and your target dies with you. \n\nYou win with other Crewmates.",
+ "LookoutInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Lookout, you can see the ID's of every player at all times.\nThis allows you to see through Shapeshifts and Camouflages.",
+ "TelecommunicationInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Telecommunication, you are notified when anyone uses Cameras, Vitals, Door Logs, or Admin.",
+ "LighterInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Lighter, you can Vent to increase your vision temporarily.\nYou have increased vision both when lights are not out and when lights are out.\nUse this power to catch sneaky killers!",
"TaskManagerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nYou see the total number of tasks completed (by everyone all together) next to your role name, which updates in real-time.",
- "WitnessInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Witness, when you use your kill button on someone, you will know if they killed in the last X seconds or not. (X depends on the settings).",
- "SwapperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Swapper, you can swap votes in meetings.\n\nTo swap votes, use '/sw [playerID]' twice.\n\nPlayer IDs are displayed next to player names in meetings, but you can also use /id to get a list of all player IDs.\n\nNote: Depending on the Host's settings, you can exchange your own votes.",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chief of Police,you can recruit a player to be a Sheriff(only once per game).\nDepending on the settings,you may recruit non-Crewmates or players without a kill button.\nYou may die when you recruit a wrong player.",
+ "WitnessInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Witness, when you use your Kill button on someone, you will know if they killed in the last X seconds or not. (X depends on the settings).",
+ "SwapperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Swapper, you can swap votes in meetings.\n\nTo swap votes, use '/sw [playerID]' twice.\n\nPlayer ID's are displayed next to player names in meetings, but you can also use /id to get a list of all player ID's.\n\nNote: Depending on the Host's settings, you can exchange your own votes.",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chief of Police, you can recruit a player to be a Sheriff(only once per game).\nDepending on the settings, you may recruit non-Crewmates or players without a Kill button.\nYou may suicide when you recruit a wrong player.",
"NiceMiniInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a Nice Mini, your survival is crucial. You can't be killed until you grow up, and if you die or are evicted from the meeting before you grow up, everyone loses. This unique role adds a new dynamic to the game, where your survival is not just for your benefit but for the entire Crew's success.",
- "SpyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Spy, when someone uses their kill button on you (any ability used through the kill button), you'll see their name in orange for a few seconds.\nNote: If a Crewmate used their ability on you, you'll also see them with an orange name!\nNote: If you cannot use left, you won't see orange names!\nNote: If the kill button interaction is blocked, the player's cooldown will reset to 10s'",
- "RandomizerInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nWenn der Zufällige stirbt, führt sein Killer eines davon aus:\n 1. Er meldet selbst die Leiche\n 2. Er bleibt neben der Leiche\n 3. Hat eine Killwartezeit von 600 Sekunden\n 4. Ein zufälliger Spieler rächt sich.",
- "ArsonistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Arsonist can douse a player by clicking the kill button on the player and following them for a few seconds. When the dousing starts and it's successful, a shield animation will happen as a reminder (only visible to themselves). When the Arsonist has doused all surviving players, the Arsonist can vent to start the fire and win alone.\n\nIf the player name shows 「△」, that means they are being doused;\nif the player name shows 「▲」, it means they have been completely doused.\nDepending on the setting, Arsonist may start the fire anytime. But if he fails to kill everyone, he loses.",
+ "SpyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Spy, when someone uses their Kill button on you (any ability used through the Kill button), you'll see their name in orange for a few seconds.\nNote: If a Crewmate used their ability on you, you'll also see them with an orange name!\nNote: If you cannot use left, you won't see orange names!\nNote: If the Kill button interaction is blocked, the player's Cooldown will reset to 10s'",
+ "RandomizerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs this Randomizer, when you die, your killer will do one of the following:\n 1. self-report your body\n 2. stand next to your body\n 3. have their Kill Cooldown set to 600s\n 4. Randomly avenge a player.",
+ "ArsonistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Arsonist can douse a player by clicking the Kill button on the player and following them for a few seconds. When the dousing starts and it's successful, a Shield Animation will happen as a reminder (only visible to themselves). When the Arsonist has doused all surviving players, the Arsonist can Vent to start the fire and win alone.\n\nIf the player name shows 「△」, that means they are being doused;\nif the player name shows 「▲」, it means they have been completely doused.\nDepending on the setting, Arsonist may start the fire anytime. But if he fails to kill everyone, he loses.",
"EnigmaInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Enigma, you get a random clue about the killer each meeting. Depending on the settings, you may have to report the body to receive a clue. The more tasks you complete, the more precise the clues get.",
- "PyromaniacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pyromaniac, you can douse players (single click) or kill normally (double click). Dousing players do nothing immediately, but killing a doused player will significantly shorten your kill cooldown. To win, be the last player alive.",
- "HuntsmanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Huntsman, you are given a certain number of targets that reset every meeting. If you successfully eliminate one of your targets, your kill cooldown goes down permanently by the set amount. However, if you kill someone not one of your targets, your kill cooldown permanently increases by the set amount. A colored name indicates your targets.",
+ "PyromaniacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pyromaniac, you can douse players (single click) or kill normally (double click). Dousing players do nothing immediately, but killing a doused player will significantly shorten your Kill Cooldown. To win, be the last player alive.",
+ "HuntsmanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Huntsman, you are given a certain number of targets that reset every meeting. If you successfully eliminate one of your targets, your Kill Cooldown goes down permanently by the set amount. However, if you kill someone not one of your targets, your Kill Cooldown permanently increases by the set amount. A colored name indicates your targets.",
"MiniInfoLong": "(Crewmate or Impostor):\nThe Mini has two roles. A Nice or Evil Mini is chosen.\n\nUse'/r nice mini' and '/r evil mini' respectively for more details.",
"JesterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nIf the Jester gets voted out, the Jester wins the game alone. If the Jester is still alive at the end of the game, the Jester loses. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
"TerroristInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nWenn der Terrorist stirbt, nachdem er seine Aufgaben erledigt hat, gewinnt er das Spiel allein. (Er kann durchs Rausvoten oder durch einen Kill gewinnen).",
"ExecutionerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Executioner is a role with an execution target, indicated by a diamond symbol「♦」next to their name. If the execution target is killed, the Executioner's role will change to Crewmate, Jester, or Opportunist, depending on the game settings. However, if the execution target is voted out in the meeting, the Executioner wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
"LawyerInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nDer Anwalt hat ein Ziel zum Beschützen, welches mit einem Diamanten 「♦」 neben dem Namen angezeigt wird.\nWenn dein Ziel gewinnt, gewinnst du.\nWenn dein Ziel verliert, verlierst du.",
"OpportunistInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nWenn der Opportunist bis zum Ende des Spiels überlebt, gewinnt er mit den gewinnenden Spielern.",
- "VectorInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAls Vector gewinnst du, wenn du eine bestimmte Anzahl an Vents nutzt.",
- "JackalInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAls Schakal gewinnst du als letzter Überlebender. Additional wird der Killknopf als Rekrutierung genutzt. Wenn das Ziel nicht rekrutiert werden kann, ist entweder das Limit erreicht oder das Rekrutieren grundsätzlich nicht aktiviert und du killst das Ziel (also nicht den Killknopf vor anderen benutzen). Wenn das Ziel einen Killknopf hat und die Kumpanrekrutierung aktiviert ist, wird er zum Kumpan. Andernfalls erhält er das Rekrut-Add-on,\nJe nach Einstellungen wird ein zufülliger Kumpan zum Schakal, wenn dieser stirbt und wenn kein Kumpan mehr lebt, wird ein Rekrut zum Schakal.",
+ "VectorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nVector will win alone by Venting a certain number of times.",
+ "JackalInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jackal, you win if you are the last player alive. Additionally, you may recruit using the Kill button. If the target is not one you can recruit, you have run out of uses, or you don't have the option to recruit, then you will kill people normally (i.e., don't use Kill buttons in front of others thinking it'll recruit). If the target has a Kill button and the option to turn into a Sidekick is on, they will become a Sidekick. Otherwise, they will gain the Recruit Add-on if the option to give the Recruit Add-on is on.\nDepending on the settings, when Jackal was killed, a Sidekick will be randomly selected as the new Jackal.\nRecruit may be selected if no Sidekick is alive.",
"GodInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the God, you know everyone's role from the beginning. If you live until the end of the game, you steal the win, i.e., everyone else loses, and you win.",
- "InnocentInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nDer Unschuldige kann den Killknopf dazu benutzen, dass der markierte Spieler ihn killt. Wird der benutzte Spieler im Treffen gevotet, gewinnt der Unschuldige. Hinweis: Narr, Scharfrichter und Unschludiger können gemeinsam gewinnen.",
- "PelicanInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAls der Pelikan kannst du den Killknopf drücken um Spieler lebend zu verschlucken, du teleportierst sie außerhalb der Karte aber killst sie noch nicht. Die, welche verschluckt wurden, werden nur sterben, wenn du am Ende der Runde lebst. Wenn du stirbst oder die Runde verlässt werden die Spieler dort auftauchen wo du warst.",
- "RevolutionistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Revolutionist, you can recruit players by clicking the kill button on the player and following them until the shield animation plays for you. Recruiting has a chance, set by the Host, to kill players (though they are still recruited). When the required number of players are recruited (displayed next to your name), you must vent within the specified time to win the game immediately with all your recruits. If you do not vent in time, you lose and die.",
- "HaterInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAls Hasser hast du keine Killwartezeit. Du kannst aber nur die Liebhaber und andere rekrutierende Rollen und Add-ons killen, je nach Einstellungen. Wenn du ein falsches Ziel anschießt begehst du Selbstmord. Du gewinnst mit dem gewinnenden Team, wenn am Ende des Spiels niemand von den killbaren Spielern überlebt. Du kannst kein Liebhaber sein.",
+ "InnocentInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Innocent can use the Kill button to plant any player, and the planted target will immediately kill the Innocent. If the target gets voted out in the meeting, the Innocent wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
+ "PelicanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pelican, you can use the Kill button to swallow a player alive, teleporting them off-bounds but not killing them yet. Those swallowed will only die if you're still alive at the end of the round. If you die or leave during the round, all alive swallowed players will spawn into the map where you were.",
+ "RevolutionistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Revolutionist, you can recruit players by clicking the Kill button on the player and following them until the Shield Animation plays for you. Recruiting has a chance, set by the Host, to kill players (though they are still recruited). When the required number of players are recruited (displayed next to your name), you must Vent within the specified time to win the game immediately with all your recruits. If you do not Vent in time, you lose and die.",
+ "HaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hater, you have no Kill Cooldown. However, depending on the settings, you can only kill Lovers and other Recruiting Roles and Add-ons. Killing anyone else will make you suicide. You win at the end of the game with the winning team if none of the killable roles are alive. You will not be Lovers.",
"DemonInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAls Dämon killst du, indem du ihm Lebenspunkte entziehst. Du siehst neben jedem Namen die prozentualen Lebenspunkte, und jeder Angriff, den du ausführst, entzieht diesen einen Prozentsatz, ohne dass das Opfer davon weiß. Sobald du die Lebenspunkte deines Opfers auf 0 senkst, stirbt es. Du gewinnst, wenn du der Letzte bist, der noch übrig ist.",
- "StalkerInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nDer Stalker kann jeden killen, und jeder Kill verursacht eine Licht Sabotage (wenn die Sabotage bereits aktiv ist wird nichts geschehen). Der Stalker kann nicht venten. Wenn die Verräter gewinnen während der Stalker lebt oder die Besatzung gewinnt indem sie die Verräter killen (je nach Einstellungen des Hosts kann der Stalker auch gewinnen wenn die Besatzung die Neutralen killen), dann gewinnt der Stalker allein.",
+ "StalkerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Stalker can kill anyone, and every kill will immediately cause a Lights Sabotage (if Lights Sabotage is already active, nothing will happen). Stalker cannot Vent. If the Impostor wins while the Stalker is alive or the Crewmate wins by killing the Impostors (according to the Host's setting, the Stalker may also win when the Crewmate wins by killing the Neutrals), then the Stalker wins alone.",
"WorkaholicInfoLong": "(Neutral)\nDer Fleißige-Arbeiter, gewinnt alleine wen er alle seine Aufgaben erledigt hat. Abhängig von den Einstellungen des Hosts, kann er nur gewinnen wen er lebt und oder wen er ganz am Anfang offenbart wurde (diese Einstellungen sind selten beide an).",
- "SolsticerInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAls Sonnenwender wirst du nicht sterben und du gewinnst indem du all deine Aufgaben in einer Runde erledigst. Nach jedem Treffen setzen sich deine Aufgaben zurück und du musst von vorne anfangen.\nVotes an den Sonnenwender werden automatisch gelöscht.\nKillsversuche an den Sonnenwender teleportieren die Killer aus der Map so wie der Pelikan bis das nächste Treffen beendet ist.\nDie Killwartezeit vom Verräter wirden auf 10 Sekunden zurückgesetzt.\nSonnenwender gelten als nichts im Spiel.",
+ "SolsticerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Solsticer, you won't die, and you win by finishing all your tasks in a single round. After every meeting finishes, your tasks reset, and you need to start all over again.\nVotes on the Solsticer will be directly canceled.\nKill attempts on the Solsticer will teleport it out of the map like Pelican until the meeting is finished.\nThe killer's Kill Cooldown will be reset to 10 seconds.\nSolsticer is counted as nothing in-game.",
"CollectorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Collector, when you vote for a player, for each other player that voted for them, you gain a point. When you collect the required votes, the game ends, and you win alone, even if you voted a Jester or Executioner's target out.",
- "GlitchInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nDer Glitcher kann Spieler hacken (Einzelklick) oder normal killen (Doppelklick).\nDerjenige, der gehackt wurde kann nicht killen, venten oder Leichenmelden für die Dauer der Hackzeit.\nZusätzlich, wenn du eine andere Sabotage außer Türen aktiveren willst, funktioniert dies nicht und du verwandelst duch zu einem zufälligen Spieler. Du kannst dich nicht während oder nach einer Sabotage verwandeln.\nUm zu gewinnen, musst du alleine überleben.",
+ "GlitchInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Glitch, you can hack players (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose who have been hacked cannot kill, Vent, or report for the hack duration.\nAdditionally, calling a Sabotage other than doors will have no effect and will instead disguise you as a random player. You cannot disguise during or after Sabotages.\nTo win, be the last player alive.",
"SidekickInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAls Kumpan hilfst du dem Schakal, alle umzulegen um mit ihm zu gewinnen.\nJe nach Einstellungen wirst du zum Schakal, wenn dieser stirbt.\nEventuell kannst du als Kumpan noch nicht killen.",
- "ProvocateurInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAls Provokateur kannst du jeden killen. Wenn dein Ziel verliert, gewinnst du mit dem Gewinner Team.",
- "BloodKnightInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nDer Blutritter gewinnt, wenn er der allerletzte Killer ist und die Anzahl der Besatzungsmitglieder niedriger ist, als Blutritter noch leben. Du kannst einen temporären Schild nach jedem Kill bekommen, das macht dich unverwundbar für ein paar Sekunden.",
- "PlagueBearerInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAls Pestträger verpeste jeden in dem du dein Killknopf nutzt, um die Seuche zu werden.\nSobald du die Seuche bist, bist du unsterblich und bekommst die Fähigkeit zu killen immer dann wen jemand versucht dich zu Killen.\n\nWenn infizierte Spiele mit nicht infizierten Spielern in Kontakt treten werden diese infiziert.",
+ "ProvocateurInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Provocateur, you can kill any target with the Kill button. If the target loses at the end of the game, the Provocateur wins with the winning team.",
+ "BloodKnightInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Blood Knight wins when they're the last killing role alive, and the amount of Crewmates is lower or equal to the amount of Blood Knights. The Blood Knight gains a temporary shield after every kill, making them immortal for a few seconds.",
+ "PlagueBearerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Plaguebearer, plague everyone using your Kill button to turn into Pestilence.\nOnce you turn into Pestilence, you will become immortal and gain the ability to kill, and you will kill anyone who tries to kill you.\n\nAlso, when infected players interact with uninfected players, they will also be infected.",
"PestilenceInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Pestilence, you're an unstoppable machine.\nAny attack towards you will be reflected towards them.\nIndirect kills don't even kill you.\n\nOnly way to kill Pestilence is by voting them out or the Pestilence misguessing.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
- "SoulCollectorInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Soul Collector, you can use your kill button on a player to predict their death. You will gain a soul if your target dies in the round you select them or the meeting after.\nYour target resets after each meeting or after they die, whichever comes first. \n\nOnce you collect the configurable amount of souls, you become Death. If the gain passive souls setting is enabled, you will gain a soul each meeting.",
+ "SoulCollectorInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Soul Collector, you can use your Kill button on a player to predict their death. You will gain a Soul if your target dies in the round you select them or the meeting after.\nYour target resets after each meeting or after they die, whichever comes first. \n\nOnce you collect the configurable amount of Souls, you become Death. If the gain passive Souls setting is enabled, you will gain a Soul each meeting.",
"DeathInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Soul Collector has collected their needed souls, they become Death. Death kills everyone and wins if Death is not ejected by the end of the next meeting.\nA configurable amount of extra meeting time will be given on the meeting Death transforms to have more discussion to find Death.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
- "BakerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Baker, you can use your kill button on a player per round to give them bread. \nOnce a set amount of players are alive with bread, you become Famine.\n\nIf the Bread gives additional effects and the setting is on, then you can vent to change the bread that you give out. \nBread Effects:\nReveal: Reveals the target's role to the Baker (stays the whole game)\nRoleblock: Resets the target's kill cooldown when they try to use their kill button\nBarrier: Gives the target a barrier that is only known to the Baker (barrier is removed after the meeting)",
- "FamineInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Baker has a set amount of people with bread alive, they will become Famine. If the Famine does not get voted out after the meeting, then they will become Famine, and every player without bread will starve (excluding other Apocalypse members).\nAfter this starvation of everyone without bread, Famine can use their kill button to starve any remaining players, which will kill those players right before the next meeting.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
+ "BakerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Baker, you can use your Kill Button on a player per round to give them bread. \nOnce a set amount of players are alive with bread, you become Famine.\n\nIf the Bread gives additional effects and the setting is on, then you can Vent to change the bread that you give out. \nBread Effects:\nReveal: Reveals the target's role to the Baker (stays the whole game)\nRoleblock: Resets the target's Kill Cooldown when they try to use their Kill Button\nBarrier: Gives the target a Barrier that is only known to the Baker (Barrier is removed after the meeting)",
+ "FamineInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Baker has a set amount of people with bread alive, they will become Famine. If the Famine does not get voted out after the meeting, then they will become Famine, and every player without bread will starve (excluding other Apocalypse members).\nAfter this starvation of everyone without bread, Famine can use their Kill Button to starve any remaining players, which will kill those players right before the next meeting.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
"BerserkerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Berserker, you level up with each kill.\nUpon reaching a certain level defined by the Host, you unlock a new power.\n\nScavenged kills make your kills disappear.\nBombed kills make your kills explode. Be careful when killing, as this can kill your other Apocalypse members if they are near. \nAfter a certain level, you become War.",
- "WarInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs War, you are invincible, have a lower kill cooldown, and can kill anyone with your previous powers.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
- "FollowerInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nDer Folger kann seinen Killknopf an jemandem benutzen, um ihn zu verfolgen, und kann den Killknopf erneut drücken, um das Ziel zu wechseln. Wenn das Ziel des Folgers gewinnt, gewinnt der Folger mit ihm. Hinweis: Der Folger kann auch gewinnen, wenn er gestorben ist.",
- "CultistInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAls Kultist wird dein Killknopf verwendet, um andere zu bekehren, sodass sie gemeinsam mit dir gewinnen. Um zu gewinnen, bekehre alle, die eine Bedrohung darstellen, und gewinne die Mehrheit.\nAbhängig von den Einstellungen kannst du Neutrale bekehren, und diejenigen, die du bekehrst, können bestimmen, ob sie als ihr ursprüngliches Team oder ein Kultist zählen, wann du aufgrund der Mehrheit gewinnst.",
+ "WarInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs War, you are invincible, have a lower Kill Cooldown, and can kill anyone with your previous powers.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
+ "FollowerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Follower can use their Kill Button on someone to start following them and can use the Kill Button again to switch the following target. If the Follower's target wins, the Follower will win along with them. Note: The Follower can also win after they die.",
+ "CultistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cultist, your Kill Button is used to Charm others, making them win with you. To win, charm all who pose a threat and gain the majority.\nDepending on settings, you may be able to charm Neutrals, and those you Charm may count as their original team, nothing, or a Cultist to determine when you win due to majority.",
"SerialKillerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Serial Killer, you win if you are the last player alive.",
- "JuggernautInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAls Tausendsassa wird deine Killwartezeit mit jedem Kill weniger.\n\nKill alle um zu gewinnen.",
+ "JuggernautInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Juggernaut, your Kill Cooldown decreases with each kill you make.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"InfectiousInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Infectious, your job is to infect as many players as you can.\n\nIf you infect all the killers, you can outnumber the Crew and win the game.\n\nIf you die, all the players you've infected will die after the next meeting.\nIf they achieve your win condition before then, you can still win.",
- "VirusInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe task of the Virus is to kill or infect all other players. When the Virus murders a crewmate, their corpse is infected with a virus. The Crewmate who reports this corpse is infected joins the virus team or dies at the end of the meeting if the Virus doesn't get voted out, depending on the settings. If more players are on the Virus team than the Crewmate team, the Virus team wins.",
+ "VirusInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe task of the Virus is to kill or infect all other players. When the Virus murders a Crewmate, their corpse is infected with a virus. The Crewmate who reports this corpse is infected joins the virus team or dies at the end of the meeting if the Virus doesn't get voted out, depending on the settings. If more players are on the Virus team than the Crewmate team, the Virus team wins.",
"PursuerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pursuer, you can use your ability on someone to make them misfire when they try to kill.\n\nTo win, survive to the end of the game.",
"SpecterInfoLong": "(Neutral): \nAls Geister-Arbeiter musst du sterben und deine Aufgaben erledigt haben um zu gewinnen. Du kannst deine Aufgaben als Lebender machen. Du kannst nicht gewinnen, wenn du am Leben bist. Wenn du gekillt wirst, gewinnst du mit dem Gewinner Team insofern deine Aufgaben fertig sind.",
- "PirateInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nBenutze als Pirat jede Runde deinen Killknopf, um ein Ziel auszuwählen.\nBeim nächsten Treffen wirst du dich mit deinem Ziel duellieren. \nWenn sowohl der Pirat als auch das Ziel die gleiche Zahl wählen, gewinnt der Pirat.\nWenn der Pirat außerdem das Duell gewinnt oder das Ziel nicht am Duell teilnimmt, tötet der Pirat das Ziel.\n\nDuel Befehl: /duel X ( X ist gleich 0, 1, 2)\nDu gewinnst nach einer bestimmten Anzahl von gewonnenen Duells.\n\nHinweis: Der Kill wird nicht für den Piratensieg zählen, wenn das Ziel nicht am Duell teilgenommen hat.",
- "AgitaterInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAls Hetzer ist es dein Ziel eine Heiße Kartoffel rumzureichen.\n\nNutze deinen Killknopf um einem Spieler eine Bombe zu geben.\nDas kann nur einmal pro Runde gemacht werden.\n\nDer Spieler, der die Bombe hat wird benachrichtigt, dass er die Bombe innerhalb einer bestimmten Zeit einem anderen Spieler die Bombe weitergibt, indem er sich dem nähert.\n\nWenn ein Notfalltreffen einberufen wird stirbt der Bebombte.\n\nWenn er versucht dem Pestilence oder dem Veteran in Bereitschaft die Bombe zu geben, stirbt der Bebombte.\nOptional kann der Hetzer keine Bomben verabreicht bekommen.",
- "MaverickInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAls Außenseiter kannst du killen und je nach Einstellungen kannst du venten und hast Verrätersicht\nWenn du bis zum Ende überlebst gewinnst du mit dem Gewinnerteam.\nNutze deine Killfähigkeit um Gefahren für dich zu killen, aber lass dich nicht rausvoten.",
- "CursedSoulInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAls verfluchte Seele, kannst du den Sieg stehlen, wenn du bis zum Ende überlebst. Du kannst den Sieg vom Narr oder Scharfrichter Stehlen.\n\nDu kannst die Seelen von anderen Spielern klauen, seelenlose Spieler gewinnen mit dir und zählen als tote Spieler.",
+ "PirateInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pirate, use your Kill button to select a target every round.\nYou will duel with your target in the next meeting. \nIf both the Pirate and the target choose the same number, the Pirate wins.\nAdditionally, if the Pirate wins the duel or the target doesn't participate in the duel, the Pirate kills the target.\n\nDueling command: /duel X (where X can be 0, 1, or 2)\n\nYou win after winning a certain number of duels set by the Host.\n\nNote: The kill would not count towards Pirate victory if the target did not participate in the duel.",
+ "AgitaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Agitator, your premise is essentially Hot Potato.\n\nUse your Kill Button on a player to pass the bomb.\nThis can only be done once per round.\n\nThe player who receives the bomb will be notified when receiving said bomb, in which they need to pass it to another player by getting near a player.\n\nWhen a meeting is called, the player with the bomb dies.\n\nIf trying to pass to Pestilence or a Veteran on alert, the bombed player dies instead.\nOptionally, the Agitator cannot receive the bomb.",
+ "MaverickInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Maverick, you can kill and, depending on options, Vent and have Impostor vision\nIf you survive until the end of the game, you win with the winning team.\nUse your killing ability to eliminate threats to your life, but don't get voted out.",
+ "CursedSoulInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cursed Soul, you steal the victory if you survive to the end of the game.\n\nYou can steal the win from a Jester or Executioner.\n\nAdditionally, you can steal the Souls of other players.\nSoulless players win with you and count as dead.",
"PickpocketInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAls der Taschendieb kannst du Votes deiner Kills stehlen.\n\nKille alle um zu gewinnen.",
"TraitorInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nDer Betrüger wurde von den Verrätern verraten.\nDu weißt wer die Verräter sind aber sie erkennen dich nicht,\nProblem? Sie können dich killen aber du nicht sie.\n\nBeseitige die Verräter auf andere Weise und kille dann alle um zu gewinnen!",
- "TrollerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs a Troller, you can complete tasks so that random events can happen to players.\nFor example, changing the speed of all players, teleportation, influencing sabotage, etc.\nAlso you can win with the winning team.",
- "VultureInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAls Geier melde Leichen um zu gewinnen!\n\nWenn du eine Leiche meldest und deine Fresswartezeit ist um isst du die Leiche (sie kann nicht mehr gemeldet werden).\nWenn die Fresswartezeit in Wartezeit ist meldest du die Leiche normal.\n\nZustäzlich meldest du Leichen, wenn du die maximale Fressanzahl pro Runde erreicht hast.",
+ "TrollerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs a Troller, you can complete tasks so that random events can happen to players.\nFor example, changing the speed of all players, teleportation, influencing Sabotage, etc.\nAlso you can win with the winning team.",
+ "VultureInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Vulture, report bodies to win!\n\nWhen you report a body, if your Eat Cooldown is up, you'll eat the body (makes it unreportable).\nIf your eat ability is still on Cooldown, then you'll report the body normally.\n\nAdditionally, you'll report bodies normally if the maximum bodies eaten per round is reached.",
"AbyssbringerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Abyssbringer, you can place black holes. Black holes will suck in players and kill them when colliding with them.",
- "TaskinatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Taskinator, whenever you finish a task, the task will be bombed. When another player completes the bombed task, the bomb will detonate, and the player will die.\n\nYou win if you survive till the end and Crew doesn't win.\n\n Note: Taskinator bombs ignore all protection.",
+ "TaskinatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Taskinator, whenever you finish a task, the task will be bombed. When another player completes the bombed task, the bomb will detonate, and the player will die.\n\nYou win if you survive till the end and Crewmates don't win.\n\n Note: Taskinator bombs ignore all protection.",
"BenefactorInfoLong": "(Besatzung):\nImmer wenn du als Gönner eine Aufgabe erledigst, wird diese markiert. Wenn ein anderer Spieler diese Aufgabe erledigt bekommt er ein temporäres Schild.\n\n Hinweis: Schilde schützen nur vor direkten Kills.",
- "MedusaInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Medusa, you can stone bodies much like cleaning a body.\nStoned bodies cannot be reported.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"SpiritcallerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Spiritcaller, your victims become Evil Spirits after they die. These spirits can help you win by freezing other players briefly or blocking their vision. Alternatively, the spirits can give you a shield that protects you briefly from an attempted kill.",
- "AmnesiacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Amnesiac, use your report button to remember a target and get its role.\nTo balance the game, you will not be able to vent after remembering your role if you can't vent as Amnesiac.'",
- "ImitatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Imitator, use your kill button to imitate a player.\n\nYou'll either become a Sheriff, a Refugee, or some Neutral.",
- "BanditInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Bandit, you can click your kill button one time to steal a player's addon and twice to kill. Depending on the settings, you may instantly steal the addon or after the meeting starts. After the maximum number of steals is reached, you will kill normally. Additionally, if there are no stealable addons on the target or the target is stubborn, you will kill the target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: Cleansed, Last Impostor, and Lovers cannot be stolen.\nNote: If Bandit can vent is on, Nimble will become unstealable.",
- "DoppelgangerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Doppelganger, use your kill button to steal a player's identity (their name and skin) and then kill your target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: You cannot steal the target's identity when Camouflage is active.",
+ "AmnesiacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Amnesiac, use your report button to remember a target and get its role.\nTo balance the game, you will not be able to Vent after remembering your role if you can't Vent as Amnesiac.'",
+ "ImitatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Imitator, use your Kill button to imitate a player.\n\nYou'll either become a Sheriff, a Refugee, or some Neutral.",
+ "BanditInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Bandit, you can click your Kill button one time to steal a player's Add-on and twice to kill. Depending on the settings, you may instantly steal the Add-on or after the meeting starts. After the maximum number of steals is reached, you will kill normally. Additionally, if there are no stealable Add-ons on the target or the target is Stubborn, you will kill the target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: Cleansed, Last Impostor, and Lovers cannot be stolen.\nNote: If Bandit can Vent is on, Nimble will become unstealable.",
+ "DoppelgangerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Doppelganger, use your Kill button to steal a player's identity (their name and skin) and then kill your target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: You cannot steal the target's identity when Camouflage is active.",
"PunchingBagInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAls Boxsack gewinnst du, indem man einige Male versucht dich killen.\n\nDu kannst nicht geguessed werden, das würde die Angriffsanzahl erhöhen.",
- "DoomsayerInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nDer Unheilsprophet kann die Rolle eines bestimmten Spielers während eines Treffens guessen.\nWenn der Unheilsprophet eine bestimmte Anzahl an Rollen geguessed hat (die Anzahl hängt von den Hosteinstellungen ab), gewinnt er.\nDer Befehl zum Guessen ist: /bt [Spieler-ID] [Rolle]\nDu kannst die Spieler-IDs neben jedem Namen der Spieler sehen, oder benutze den Befehl /id um dir alle Spieler-IDs anzeigen zu lassen.",
- "ShroudInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shroud, you do not kill normally.\nInstead, use your kill button to shroud a player.\nShrouded players kill others.\nIf the shrouded player doesn't make a kill, they'll kill themselves after a meeting.\n\nShroud sees shrouded players with a 「◈」mark next to their name.\nShrouded players who did not make a kill will also have the 「◈」mark in meetings, where they'll die if the Shroud is alive by the end of the meeting.",
- "WerewolfInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAls der Werwolf kannst du wie andere Killer killen. \nJedoch sterben Spieler in der Nähe wenn du killst.\nJeder Spieler der stirbt hat die Todesursache zerfleischt.\n\nUm das auszugleichen hast du eine höhere Killwartezeit als jeder andere.",
- "ShamanInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAls der Schaman kannst du deinen Kill Knopf einmal pro Runde benutzen, um eine Voodoopuppe auszuwählen. Wenn der Kill Knopf an dir benutzt wird, wird der Effekt auf die Voodoopuppe abgeleitet.\nWenn du bis zum Ende überlebst, wirst du mit dem Siegerteam gewinnen.\nAnmerkung: Wenn der Killer das gewählte Ziel nicht töten kann, wird der Mord abgebrochen, doch wenn der Killer den Schamanen nochmal überprüft, wird er den Schamanen töten.",
- "SeekerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the seeker, use your kill button to tag the target. If the seeker tags the wrong player, a point is deducted, and if the seeker tags the correct player, a point will be added.\nAdditionally, the seeker will not be able to move for 5 seconds after every meeting and after getting a new target.\n\nThe seeker needs to collect a certain number of points set by the Host to win.\nSeeker will see a ★ mark on target's name.",
- "PixieInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAls Pixie musst du in jeder Runde bis zu x Ziele markieren, indem du sie mit dem Killknopf ausschaltest. Wenn das Treffen beginnt, ist es deine Aufgabe, eines der markierten Ziele auszuschalten. Gelingt dir das nicht, begehst du Selbstmord, es sei denn, du hast keine Ziele markiert oder alle Ziele sind tot. Die ausgewählten Ziele werden nach dem Ende des Treffens auf 0 zurückgesetzt. Wenn du erfolgreich bist, erhältst du einen Punkt. Du siehst alle deine Ziele mit farbigen Namen.\n\nDu gewinnst mit dem Gewinnerteam, wenn du eine bestimmte, vom Host festgelegte Punktzahl erreicht hast.",
- "SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAls Schrödingers Katze wirst du, wenn jemand versucht den Killknopf an dir zu verwenden, die Aktion blockieren und seinem Team beitreten. Normal hast du keine Siegesbedingung, heißt du kannst erst gewinnen, nachdem du einem Team beigetreten bist. Darüber hinaus wirst als nichts im Spiel gelten.\n\nNotiz: Wenn die Tötungsmaschine versucht dich zu killen, wirst du sterben und die Aktion wird nicht blockiert.",
- "RomanticInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nDer Romantiker kann seinen Liebhaberpartner mit dem Killknopf auswählen (jederzeit während dem Spiel möglich). Danach könnt ihr euch noch einen temporären Schild gegen Angriffe geben. Wenn der Liebhaberpartner stirbt, ändert sich deine Rolle je nach Umstand:\n1. Wenn der Partner ein Verräter war, wirst du zum Flüchtling\n2. Wenn der Partner ein killender Neutraler war, wirst du zum skrupellosen Romantiker.\n3. Wenn der Partner ein Besatzungsmitglied oder nicht-killender Neutraler war, wirst du zum rachsüchtigen Romantiker. \n\nDer Romantiker gewinnt mit dem gewinnenden Team, wenn dein Partner gewinnt.\nHinweis: Wenn deine Rolle wechselt ändert sich auch die Gewinnvoraussetzung",
- "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nDu wirst vom Romantiker zum rücksichtslosen Romantiker, wenn dein Partner (ein killender Neutraler) gestorben ist. Dein Ziel ist es jetzt alle umzulegen, um mit deinem Partner zu gewinnen.",
- "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nDu wirst vom Romantiker zum rachsüchtigen Romantiker, wenn dein Partner (ein Besatzungsmitglied oder nicht-killender Neutraler) gestorben ist. Als rachsüchtiger Romantiker musst du jetzt deinen Partner rächen, also den Killer von deinem Partner killen. Wenn du erfolgreich bist gewinnst du mit dem gewinnenden Team. Wenn du den Falschen erwischt erschießt du dich selbst.",
- "PoisonerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Poisoner, your kills are delayed.\nKill everyone to win.",
- "HexMasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hex Master, you can hex players or kill them.\nHexing a player works the same as spelling as a Witch.",
- "WraithInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAls das Gespenst kannst du venten um vorübergehend unsichtbar zu werden.\nDu wirst auf deinem Bildschirm sichtbar bleiben. Vente erneut um sichtbar zu werden. Du gewinnst wenn du der letzte lebende Spieler bist.",
- "JinxInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jinx, whenever you get attacked, you jinx them, resulting in them dying to a jinx.\nThis has limited uses.\n\nKill off everyone to win.",
- "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Potion Master, you have three different potions assigned to three different actions.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\nMap: Sabotage\n\nThe reveal potion has a limit.\nWhen you run out, the kill buttons default to killing.",
- "NecromancerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Necromancer, you win when you're the last one standing.\nAdditionally when someone tries to kill you, you will block the kill, and you will teleport to a random vent. You will have a limited time to kill your killer. If you succeed in doing so, you live. If the time runs out before you kill your killer, you die permanently. If you try to kill someone else other than your killer, you will die.",
- "ShockerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shocker, you can mark rooms by doing tasks in them, and then vent to Electrocute anyone in those rooms for a set period of time. When you finish all of your tasks, you get new ones. Note: Doing tasks during that period will mark them for the next ability use.",
- "LastImpostorInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThis special effect is given to the last surviving Impostor. It significantly reduces their kill cooldown.",
- "OverclockedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Overclocked, your kill cooldown is reduced by a percentage.\n\nThis feature is only assigned to roles with a kill button.",
+ "DoomsayerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Doomsayer can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting.\nIf the Doomsayer guesses a certain number of roles (the number depends on the Host settings), then he wins.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
+ "ShroudInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shroud, you do not kill normally.\nInstead, use your Kill button to shroud a player.\nShrouded players kill others.\nIf the shrouded player doesn't make a kill, they'll kill themselves after a meeting.\n\nShroud sees shrouded players with a 「◈」mark next to their name.\nShrouded players who did not make a kill will also have the 「◈」mark in meetings, where they'll die if the Shroud is alive by the end of the meeting.",
+ "WerewolfInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Werewolf, you can kill much like any killer.\nHowever, when you kill, any nearby players also die.\nAny player who dies to this will have their death reason as Mauled.\n\nTo balance this, you have a higher Kill Cooldown than anyone else.",
+ "ShamanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shaman, you can use your Kill button to select a Voodoo Doll once per round. If the Kill button is used on you, the effect will be deflected onto the Voodoo Doll.\nIf you survive until the end, you win with the winning team.\nNote: If the killer cannot kill the chosen target, murder is canceled, but if the killer rechecks the Shaman, the killer will kill the Shaman.",
+ "SeekerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Seeker, use your Kill button to tag the target. If the Seeker tags the wrong player, a point is deducted, and if the Seeker tags the correct player, a point will be added.\nAdditionally, the Seeker will not be able to move for 5 seconds after every meeting and after getting a new target.\n\nThe Seeker needs to collect a certain number of points set by the Host to win.\nSeeker will see a ★ mark on target's name.",
+ "PixieInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pixie, mark up to an X amount of targets each round by using the Kill button on them. You must have one of the marked targets ejected when the meeting starts. If unsuccessful, you will commit suicide, except if you didn't mark any targets or all the targets are dead. The selected targets reset to 0 after the meeting ends. If you succeed, you will gain a point. You see all your targets in colored names.\n\nYou win with the winning team when you have certain amounts of points set by the Host.",
+ "SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs Schrodingers Cat, if someone attempts to use the Kill button on you, you will block the action and join their team. This blocking ability works only once. By default, you don't have a victory condition, meaning you win only after switching teams.\nIn Addition to this, you will be counted as nothing in the game.\n\nNote: If the Killing Machine attempts to use their Kill button on you, the interaction is not blocked, and you will die.",
+ "RomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Romantic can pick their lover partner using their Kill button (this can be done at any point of the game). Once they've picked their partner, they can use their Kill button to give their partner a temporary shield that protects them from attacks. If their lover partner dies, the Romantic's role will change according to the following conditions:\n1. If their partner was an Impostor, the Romantic becomes the Refugee\n2. If their partner was a Neutral Killer, then they become Ruthless Romantic.\n3. If their partner was a Crewmate or a non-killing Neutral, the Romantic becomes the Vengeful Romantic. \n\nThe Romantic wins with the winning team if their partner wins.\nNote: If your role changes, your win condition will be changed accordingly",
+ "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (a Neutral Killer) is killed. As a Ruthless Romantic, you win if you kill everyone and are the last one standing. If you win, your dead partner will also win with you.",
+ "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (a Crewmate or non-Neutral Killer) is killed. As a Vengeful Romantic, your goal is to avenge your partner, which means you must kill the killer of your partner. If you succeed, then you and your partner win with the winning team at the end. If you try to kill someone other than your partner's killer, then you will die by misfire.",
+ "WraithInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Wraith, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible. You win if you are the last player remaining.",
+ "ShockerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shocker, you can mark rooms by doing tasks in them, and then Vent to electrocute anyone in those rooms for a set period of time. When you finish all of your tasks, you get new ones. Note: Doing tasks during that period will mark them for the next ability use.",
+ "CovenInfoLong": "(Coven):\nCoven members are on a separate team that works together and wins together. If there are multiple Coven roles in the game, they can see each other's roles.\nDepending on the Host's settings, Coven roles can guess or be guessed.\nDo /coveninfo for more info.",
+ "PoisonerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Poisoner can use their Kill button on a player to roleblock them. The next time the roleblocked player tries to use their ability, it will do nothing, and their Cooldown will be reset.\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. These kills will be delayed.",
+ "HexMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Hex Master can use their Kill button to mark a player with the 乂 symbol. If a player has this at the end of the meeting and the Hex Master hasn't died - then they die.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Hex will be passed around - similar to an Agitator bomb. Also, you can double-click the Kill button to kill normally.",
+ "JinxInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Jinx can use their Kill button to jinx a player. Anyone who interacts with the jinxed player will die with the death reason Jinxed.\nWith the Necronomicon the Jinx can double-kill to kill normally. Also, the jinxed player and the player who interacted with the jinxed person will die.",
+ "MedusaInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Medusa can use their Kill button on players to mark them as Stoned. When the Medusa clicks the Shapeshift button, all Stoned players will be unable to move and will have reduced vision for a configurable amount of time.\nWith the Necronomicon, killed players will be unreportable.",
+ "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Potion Master has two potions available for their use. The Reveal potion reveals a player's role. The Barrier potion places a shield on a player for one round, the player will not be notified of this unless they are Coven as well. Click the Shapeshift button to change potions.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Potion Master can double-click their Kill button to kill.",
+ "NecromancerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nAs the Necromancer, you can Shapeshift to become the role of a random dead person for a set duration.\nSome roles can not be used.\nOnce a role is used, it can not be used the rest of the game.\nWith the Necronomicon, when someone tries to kill you, you will block the kill and be teleported to a random Vent. You have a limited time to kill your killer. If the time runs out or you try to kill someone else, you die.",
+ "CovenLeaderInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Coven Leader can use their Kill button on a fellow Coven member to retrain them into a random Coven role that isn’t currently in the game. During the next meeting, that Coven member will be notified that the Coven Leader wishes to retrain them. They can vote themselves to accept the retrain, or vote otherwise to deny it. Denying the retrain does not take away an ability usage.\nWith the Necronomicon, you cannot retrain, and can only kill other players.",
+ "RitualistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nDuring a meeting, the Ritualist can perform a Blood Ritual to guess a player’s exact role. If the Ritualist is correct, that player will be converted to Coven. If the Ritualist is incorrect, they will not die but will be unable to Blood Ritual until the next meeting.\nThe command is /rt id role.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Ritualist can kill.",
+ "ConjurerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nShapeshift once to mark a location.\nShapeshift again to conjure a meteor at the place you marked, killing everyone in the radius.\nWith the Necronomicon, you can kill. You can also mark a player using the Shapeshift UI. When the Conjurer clicks the Shapeshift button again, all the players in the radius of the marked player will die, including the marked player.",
+ "DreamweaverInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Dreamweaver can dreamweave a player. The dreamweaved players will be notified of this during the next meeting. If the Dreamweaver is not voted out, these players will be unable to use their abilities until the Dreamweaver dies.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Dreamweaver can double-click to kill.",
+ "IllusionistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Illusionist can use their Kill button on a player to reverse the results of any investigative role. For example, if someone with a Kill button is Illusioned, they will appear not to have a Kill button to the Investigator, and vice versa.\nIllusions wear off after meetings.\nWith the Necronomicon, you may double-click to kill. Every kill you make appears as a random death reason.",
+ "VoodooMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Voodoo Master can craft a Voodoo Doll of a player by using their Kill button, similar to the Shaman. All the interactions with you using Kill button will be deflected to the Voodoo Doll and the Voodoo Doll will destroy. Unlike the Shaman, this voodoo will last during the meeting (eg. If the Voodoo Master is judged, then the voodoo'd player will be judged instead).\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. Additionally, the voodoo’d player will be unable to report. The next person to interact with them will die.",
+ "SacrifistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Sacrifist can Shapeshift to cause a random debuff to a non-Coven member, however, the Sacrifist will also receive this effect (when applicable).\nThe random player will be the same player until the round ends.\nDepending on the Host’s settings, if the Sacrifist is voted out, some random non-Coven who voted the Sacrifist will die too.\nNormally, the Sacrifist can not kill, however, to prevent prolonging of the game, Sacrifist can kill if they are the last Coven member alive.\nWith the Necronomicon, when you Shapeshift, you will commit the Ultimate Sacrifice. When you do this, you die. However, the entire Coven for the rest of the game receives a lowered Kill Cooldown.",
+ "MoonDancerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Moon Dancer can use their Kill button to use their ability, Baton Pass.\nIf used on a Coven member: Gives a Helpful Add-on at the next meeting.\nIf used on a non-Coven member: Gives a Harmful Add-on at the next meeting.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Moon Dancer can double-click their Kill button to kill. When killing, the player is teleported off the map. They will appear alive on Vitals and will not show up in Tracefinder's arrows etc. They die when a meeting/body report with the death reason Blasted Off.",
+ "LastImpostorInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThis special effect is given to the last surviving Impostor. It significantly reduces their Kill Cooldown.",
+ "OverclockedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Overclocked, your Kill Cooldown is reduced by a percentage.\n\nThis feature is only assigned to roles with a Kill button.",
"LoversInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nLovers are a combination of two players. The Lovers win when they are the last ones standing, and their victory is shared. When one of the Lovers wins, the other also wins together. Lovers can see the 「♥」 next to each other's name. If one of the Lovers dies, the other will die in love (may not die in love according to the Host's settings). When one of the Lovers is exiled in the meeting, the other will die and become a dead body that cannot be reported.",
- "MadmateInfoLong": "(Add-Ons):\nNur Besatzung kann Verräterhelfer werden.\nDie Aufgabe vom Verräterhelfer ist es die Verräter dabei zu unterstützen zu gewinnen.\nDer Verräterhelfer verliert wenn alle Verräter gekillt oder rausgeworfen wurden. Verräterhelfer kann wissen wer die Verräter sind und die Verräter können wissen wer der Verräterhelfer ist (je nach Hosteinstellung).\n\nDer faule Kerl und der Berühmte können kein Verräterhelfer werden.\nSheriff, Spitzel, guter Guesser, Bürgermeister und Richter können Verräterhelfer werden (je nach Hosteinstellung). Fähigkeitenänderung folgender Rollen wenn sie zu einem Verräterhelfer umgewandelt werden:\n\nZeitmanager => Aufgaben erledigen verkürzt die Zeit eines Treffens.\nLeibwächter => Fähigkeit wird nicht aktiviert wenn der Killer ein Verräter ist.\nGrenadier => Die Blendgranate funktioniert nun bei der Besatzung und den Neutralen anstatt bei den Verrätern.\nSheriff => Kann nun jeden killen (auch Verräter, je nach Hosteinstellung)\nGuter Guesser => Kann Besatzung und Neutrale guessen.\nHellseher => Jedes Besatzungsmitglied das killen kann sowie böse Neutrale werden mit rotem Namen angezeigt.\nRichter => Kann jeden verurteilen.\nPazifist => Desen Fähigkeit wirkt nur bei Besatzungsmitgliedern.",
+ "MadmateInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Crewmates can become Madmate. Madmate's task is to help the Impostors win the game. Madmate will lose if all Impostors are killed/ejected. Madmates may know who are Impostors, and Impostors may know who are Madmates (Host settings).\n\nLazy Guy, Celebrity can't become Madmate. Sheriff, Snitch, Nice Guesser, Mayor, and Judge may become Madmate (Host settings). Skill changes when the following roles are converted into Madmates:\n\nTime Manager => Doing tasks will reduce meeting time.\nBodyguard => Skill won't activate if the killer is an Impostor.\nGrenadier => Flash bomb will work on Crewmates and Neutrals instead of the Impostors.\nSheriff => Can kill anyone, including Impostors (Host settings).\nNice Guesser => Can guess Crewmates and Neutrals\nPsychic => All evil Neutrals and Crewmates' names with the ability to kill will be displayed in Red.\nJudge => Can judge anyone\nPacifist => Their ability only works on Crewmates.",
"WatcherInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWährend dem Treffen, sieht der Beobachter jedes Vote.",
"FlashInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nDie Standardgeschwindigkeit des Flitzers ist schneller als Andere. (Die Geschwindigkeit hängt von den Hosteinstellungen ab)",
- "TorchInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nTorch has max vision and is not affected by Lights sabotage.",
- "SeerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWenn ein Spieler gekillt wird sieht der Seher einen Killblitz (meist ein roter Blitz, wie bei einer Alarmsabotage).",
+ "TorchInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nTorch has maximum vision and is not affected by Lights Sabotage.",
+ "SeerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever a player dies, the Seer will see a kill-flash (a red flash, possibly accompanied by an alarm sound like Sabotage).",
"TiebreakerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWenn ein unentschiedenes Vote herauskommt, wird der Spieler ausgeworfen, auf den der Tiebrecher gevotet hat. Hinweis: Haben 2 Tiebrecher entgegengesetzt gevotet wirkt diese Fähigkeit nicht.",
"ObliviousInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nDetective and Cleaners won't be Oblivious. The Oblivious cannot report dead bodies. Note: Bait killed by Oblivious will still report automatically, and Oblivious can still be used as a scapegoat for Anonymous.",
"BewilderInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nBewilder may have a smaller/bigger vision. When the Bewilder has died, the murderer's vision may become the same as the Bewilder's, depending on the settings.",
"WorkhorseInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe first player to complete all the tasks will become Workhorse, and Workhorse will give the player extra tasks. The Host sets the number of additional tasks.",
- "FoolInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nPathologen oder Leichenbestatter können keine Tollpatsche werden. Tollpatsche können keine Sabotagen beheben.",
+ "FoolInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nSleuth and Mechanic won't be Fool. Fools can't repair any Sabotage.",
"AvangerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nHost can set whether the Impostor can become an Avenger. When the Avenger is killed (voted out, and irregular kills will not count), the Avenger will revenge a random player.",
"YoutuberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Crewmate will become YouTuber. When the YouTuber is the first player to die in the game, the YouTuber will win alone. If the YouTuber does not meet the win conditions, the YouTuber will follow the Crewmate to win. Note: Indirect killing methods such as being exiled, being guessed by the Guesser, etc., will not trigger the skills of the YouTuber.",
"EgoistInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nVerräterhelfer und Neutrale können nicht Egoist werden. Wenn das Egoistenteam gewinnt, gewinnt er anstatt seinem ursprünglichen Team.",
"StealerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nEvery time a Stealer kills a person, he gets an additional vote (the Host sets the vote number, and the decimal is rounded down).\nAlso, extra votes from the Stealer are hidden during the meeting depending on the options.",
- "ParanoiaInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nTrifft nicht auf Neutrale oder Verräterhelfer zu.\nAls schizophrener, wirst du im Spiel, als 2 Personen betrachtet um darüber zu bestimmen, wann das Spiel endet, weil die Verräter die Mehrheit brauchen. Je nach Einstellungen, hast du ein weiteren vote.",
+ "ParanoiaInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Paranoia, you will be considered as two players in the game to determine when the game ends due to killers having the majority. Additionally, this grants you an extra vote, depending on options.\nNot assigned to Neutrals nor Madmates.",
"MimicInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nNur Verräter können Nachahmer werden. Wenn der Nachahmer stirbt bekommen die anderen Verräter beim nächsten Treffen eine Nachricht, in der die Rollen aufgelistet sind, die der Nachahmer gekillt hat.",
- "GuesserInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAls Guesser kannst du die Rolle von bestimmten Spieler im Notfalltreffen guessen um sie zu killen. Wenn der Guessversuch falsch war, stirbt du sofort.\nDer Befehl zum Guessen ist: /bt [Spieler-ID] [Rolle]\nDu kannst die Spieler-IDs neben jedem Namen der Spieler sehen, oder benutze den Befehl /id um dir alle Spieler-IDs anzeigen zu lassen.",
- "NecroviewInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Necroview can see the teams of dead players. The following info will be displayed on the dead player's name while in a meeting:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.",
- "ReachInfoLong": "(Add-on)\nOnly roles with a kill button can get this add-on. Unlike everyone else, you have the longest kill range possible in the game.",
+ "GuesserInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs a Guesser, guess the roles of players in meetings to kill them.\nGuessing the incorrect role kills you instead.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
+ "NecroviewInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Necroview can see the teams of dead players. The following info will be displayed on the dead player's name while in a meeting:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.\n- The Purple name indicates the Coven.",
+ "ReachInfoLong": "(Add-on)\nOnly roles with a Kill button can get this Add-on. Unlike everyone else, you have the longest kill range possible in the game.",
"BaitInfoLong": "(Erweiterungen):\nWenn der Köder getötet wird, löst der Mörder eine (Selbst)Meldung aus. Jedoch wird das nicht passieren, wenn der Mörder Aasgeier oder Reiniger ist. Die Selbstmeldung kann verzögert auftreten, je nach den Einstellungen des Gastgebers.",
"TrapperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen Beartrap dies, Beartrap immobilizes killer for a configurable amount of time.",
- "CharmedInfoLong": "(Betrügerische Add-ons):\nDas Bekehrter Add-on erhält man, indem man vom Kultisten bekehrt wurde.\nEinmal bekehrt zählst du zum Team des Kultisten und nicht länger zu deinem ursprünglichen Team.",
+ "CharmedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Charmed Add-on is obtained by being charmed by the Cultist.\nOnce charmed, you are now on the Cultist's team and no longer on your original team.",
"CleansedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nGereinigte Add-ons kannst du nur wieder erhalten, wenn der Reiniger alle deine Add-ons weggereinigt hat. Je nach Reinigereinstellungen kannst du noch Add-ons bekommen oder nicht.",
- "InfectedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Infected add-on is obtained by being infected by the Infectious.\nOnce infected, you work for the Infectious and do not win with your original team.",
- "OnboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nMit dem Beständiger Add-on kannst du während dem Treffen nicht geguessed werden.",
- "ReboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Rebound add-on, if a Guesser successfully guessed you or a Judge successfully judged you, they will die instead.\nIf a player with Double Shot guesses you correctly, they will die instantly.",
+ "InfectedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Infected Add-on is obtained by being infected by the Infectious.\nOnce infected, you work for the Infectious and do not win with your original team.",
+ "OnboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Onbound Add-on, you cannot be guessed in meetings.",
+ "ReboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Rebound Add-on, if a Guesser successfully guessed you or a Judge successfully judged you, they will die instead.\nIf a player with Double Shot guesses you correctly, they will die instantly.",
"MundaneInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAls Weltlicher kannst du guessen nachdem du all deine Aufgaben erledigt hast.",
"KnightedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWenn der Monarch jemanden zum Ritter schlägt, bekommt dieser einen Extra-Vote.",
- "UnreportableInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Disregarded add-on, your corpse will be unreportable.",
+ "UnreportableInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Disregarded Add-on, your corpse will be unreportable.",
"ContagiousInfoLong": "(Verräterische Add-ons):\nWenn du vom Virus infiziert bist, bist ein Angesteckter.\nAngesteckte Spieler gehören dem Virusteam an.\n\nJe nach Einstellungen stirbst du nach einem Treffen oder nicht.",
- "LuckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Lucky add-on, there is a probability for you to evade the kill; the Host sets the specific probability. The killer will see the shield animation when the evasion takes effect, but you will not know anything.",
+ "LuckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Lucky Add-on, there is a probability for you to evade the kill; the Host sets the specific probability. The killer will see a Shield Animation when the evasion takes effect, but you will not know anything.",
"DoubleShotInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a player with Double Shot guesses a role incorrectly, they will get a second chance to guess, but the next wrong guess will result in suicide.",
- "RascalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rascal, you can die to the Sheriff, and Snitch can find you if Snitch can find madmates.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates, cannot be assigned by the Merchant.",
- "SoullessInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a Cursed Soul steals your soul, you get this add-on.\n\nYou are not counted as alive.",
+ "RascalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rascal, you can die to the Sheriff, and Snitch can find you if Snitch can find Madmates.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates, cannot be assigned by the Merchant.",
+ "SoullessInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a Cursed Soul steals your soul, you get this Add-on.\n\nYou are not counted as alive.",
"GravestoneInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Gravestone, your role is revealed to everyone when you die.",
"LazyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAls Fauler erhältst du nur eine kurze Aufgabe, und du bist immun gegen Hexenmeister, Puppenspieler und Gangster.",
"AutopsyInfoLong": "(Add-on):\nAls Autopsie kannst du sehen woran jemand starb.\n\nWird keinem Arzt, Spurensucher, Wissenschaftler, oder Sonniger gegeben werden.",
- "RebirthInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rebirth, if you're the player about to be ejected, you will swap skins with a random crewmate who voted for you.\nNotice: The host vote never counts\nRebirth will be removed from you if you exhausted all your rebirths.",
- "LoyalInfoLong": "(Add-on):\nAls Loyaler kannst du nicht rekrutiert werden vom Schakal oder Kultisten.\n\nKann keinem Neutralen zugewiesen werden.",
+ "RebirthInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rebirth, if you're the player about to be ejected, you will swap skins with a random Crewmate who voted for you.\nNotice: The Host vote never counts\nRebirth will be removed from you if you exhausted all your rebirths.",
+ "LoyalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Loyal, you cannot be recruited by roles such as Jackal or Cultist.\n\nCannot be assigned to Neutrals.",
"EvilSpiritInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Evil Spirit, it's your job to help the Spiritcaller to victory. You can use your Haunt button to freeze players and reduce their vision. Alternatively, you can use your Haunt button to give the Spiritcaller a shield against a kill attempt temporarily.",
- "RecruitInfoLong": "(Verräterisches Add-on):\nAls Rekrut gehörst du dem Schakalteam an und hilfst dem Schakal und seinen Kumpanen.\nDu kannst nicht mit deinem ursprünglichen Team gewinnen.\nJe nach Einstellungen wirst du zum Schakal, wenn er stribt und keine Kumpane mehr übrig sind.",
- "AdmiredInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs an admired player, you win with the crew and not your original team.\n\nYou can see the Admirer.",
+ "RecruitInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs a recruit, you are on the Jackal's team and help out the Jackal and their Sidekicks.\nYou cannot win with your original team.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed and no Sidekicks is alive.",
+ "AdmiredInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs an Admired player, you win with the Crewmates and not your original team.\n\nYou can see the Admirer.",
+ "EnchantedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Enchanted Add-on can only be obtained through being converted by the Ritualist or upon killing the OIIAI as a non-Nerconomicon holder.\nOnce Enchanted, you are apart of the Coven team and are no longer apart of your original team.",
"GlowInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nDuring lights out, you and players nearby you will receive a vision boost.",
"RadarInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAls Radar hast du immer Pfeile in die Richtung der Person, die dir am nächsten ist.",
- "DiseasedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the kill button on you, their cooldown will be increased by a configurable amount of time.",
- "AntidoteInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the kill button on you, their cooldown will be decreased by a configurable amount of time.",
- "StubbornInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAls Hartnäckiger kann der Radierer deine Rolle nicht radieren, der Reiniger deine Rolle nicht reinigen, Bandit deine Rolle nicht Klauen, und der Monarch kann dich nicht zum Ritter schlagen. Demnach kannst du keine weitere Rolle vom Handelsmann dazu bekommen.",
+ "DiseasedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the Kill button on you, their Cooldown will be increased by a configurable amount of time.",
+ "AntidoteInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the Kill button on you, their Cooldown will be decreased by a configurable amount of time.",
+ "StubbornInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Stubborn Add-on, Eraser can't erase your role, Cleanser can't cleanse you, Bandit can't steal from you, and Monarch can't knight you.\nAdditionally, you can't gain any new Add-ons from the Merchant.",
"SwiftInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAls Flinker bewegst du dich nicht auf die Leiche beim Killen.\nHinweis: Du ignorierst auch Köder",
- "UnluckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Unlucky, when you complete tasks, kill, venting, or open door, you have a chance to die.",
+ "UnluckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Unlucky, when you Complete Tasks, Kill, Venting, or open a Door, you have a chance to die.",
"SpurtInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen you start walking, you gain an enormous speed boost, which swiftly deteriorates, until you have to rest still for a while to rejuvenate your speed.",
- "VoidBallotInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nDer Besitzer dieser Rolle wird immer 0 Votes haben.",
+ "VoidBallotInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nHolder of this Add-on will have 0 vote count.",
"AwareInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAls Bewusster, wirst du darüber informiert, dass eine offenbarende Rolle mit dir in Kontakt getreten ist.",
- "FragileInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Fragile, you will instantly die if someone tries to use the kill button on you (even if the role cannot directly kill).",
- "GhoulInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Ghoul, one of two outcomes can occur on task completion.\n\nIf alive: Suicide\nIf dead: You kill your killer if they're alive.\n\nThis is only assigned to crewmates, and not crewmates with no tasks or are task-based.",
- "BloodthirstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nDer Blutdürster muss Aufgaben erledigen, um Killen zu können.\nWenn du eine Aufgabe erledigst stirbt der nächste Spieler, dem du begegnest.\n\nNach dem Treffen erlischt der Blutdurst.\nNach einem Kill erlischt der Blutdurst bis zur nächsten abgeschlossenen Aufgabe.\nDer Blutdurst kann nicht aufgestockt werden.\n\nWird nur Besatzungsmitgliedern mit Aufgaben vergeben.",
- "MareInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAls Alpträumer hast du eine geringe Killwartezeit und bist schneller, aber nur während der Lichtsabotage.\n\nZusätzlich wird dein Name während der Lichtsabotage aber rot aufscheinen.\n\nWird nur an Verrätern vergeben und die Rolle kann nicht geguessed werden.",
- "BurstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAls Platzender wird dein Killer explodieren wen der nicht eine bestimmte Zeit im Vent verbringt.",
+ "FragileInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Fragile, you will instantly die if someone tries to use the Kill button on you (even if the role cannot directly kill).",
+ "GhoulInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Ghoul, one of two outcomes can occur on task completion.\n\nIf alive: Suicide\nIf dead: You kill your killer if they're alive.\n\nThis is only assigned to Crewmates, and not Crewmates with no tasks or are task-based.",
+ "BloodthirstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Bloodthirst, doing tasks allows you to become bloodthirsty and kill players.\nWhen you finish a task, the next player you come in contact with dies.\n\nYour Bloodthirst remains after a meeting.\nUpon making a kill, your Bloodthirst clears till the next task you complete.\nBloodthirsts do not stack.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates with tasks.",
+ "MareInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Mare, you have a low Kill Cooldown and have higher speed but can only kill during lights.\n\nAdditionally, your name will appear in red during lights.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors and cannot be guessed.",
+ "BurstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Burst, your killer explodes if they aren't inside a Vent after a set amount of time.",
"SleuthInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAls Pathologe erhältst du Informationen von Leichen.\n\nOptional erfährst du die Rolle des Killers.\n\nWird nicht dem Detektiv oder dem Leichenbestatter verliehen.",
- "ClumsyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Clumsy, you have a chance to miss your kill.\n\nWhen you miss, your cooldown is reset, and the target remains untouched.\n\nOnly assigned to killers.",
- "CircumventInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAls Gehender kannst du keine Vents nutzen.\n\nNur Verrätern zugewiesen.",
- "NimbleInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAls Flink hast Zugang zum vent Knopf bekommen.\n\nKönnen bestimmte Besatzungsmitglieder bekommen.",
- "InfluencedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Influenced, your vote will be forced to the player with the most votes.\nInfluenced vote won't be counted while choosing the exiled player'\nNote that your vote skill still functions on the player you voted first\nIf all the alive players are Influenced, then the vote result won't shift\nCollector cannot become influenced.",
+ "ClumsyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Clumsy, you have a chance to miss your kill.\n\nWhen you miss, your Cooldown is reset, and the target remains untouched.\n\nOnly assigned to killers.",
+ "CircumventInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Circumvent, you can't Vent.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors.",
+ "NimbleInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Nimble, you gain access to the Vent button.\n\nOnly assigned to certain Crewmates.",
+ "InfluencedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Influenced, your vote will be forced to the player with the most votes.\nInfluenced vote won't be counted while choosing the exiled player'\nNote that your vote skill still functions on the player you voted first\nIf all the alive players are Influenced, then the vote result won't shift\nCollector cannot become Influenced.",
"SilentInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAls leiser Spieler werden beim Voting dein Skin nicht angezeigt. Also weiß niemand für wen du gevotet hast.",
"SusceptibleInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAls Anfälliger wird der Grund deines totes zufällig sein.",
"TrickyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAls Komplizierter werden deine Kills einen zufälligen Grund haben.",
"TiredInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nImmer wen ein Müder killt (oder die Killfähigkeit nutzt) und oder eine Aufgabe fertig macht, wird er automatisch langsamer und seine Sichtweite wird kleiner.",
"StatueInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever many people are near the Statue, the Statue is completely frozen or slowed down depending on the settings.",
"EvaderInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen the Evader gets voted out, there is a chance they will not get ejected. (Chance set by the Host.)",
- "CyberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Cyber, you cannot die while in a group.\nDepending on the settings, Imposters, Neutrals, and or Crewmates will know if you die.",
- "HurriedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAls Beeilter musst du deine Aufgaben erledigen um mit deinem Team zu gewinnen. Wenn du deine Aufgaben nicht schaffst, verlierst du. Beeilte eilen ihren Zielen entgegen, somit werden sie keine Verräterhelfer, verzauberte oder so.",
- "OiiaiInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWenn du als Oiiai gekillt wirst, verliert dein Killer seine Rolle.\nJe nach Einstellungen bekommt er dann die Oiiai-Rolle oder nicht.",
- "RainbowInfoLong": "(Add-ons): \nAls Regenbogen kannst du deine Farbe wie verrückt ändern.",
+ "CyberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Cyber, you cannot die while in a group.\nDepending on the settings, Impostors, Neutrals, and or Crewmates will know if you die.",
+ "HurriedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the hurried, you must finish all your tasks to win with your team! If you fail with your tasks, you lose.\nHurried hurries to his goal, so it won't get Madmate, Charmed or so.",
+ "OiiaiInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the OIIAI, when you die, you will make your killer forget their role.\nAdditionally, you may pass OIIAI on to the killer, depending on settings.",
+ "RainbowInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rainbow, you change your colors like crazy.",
"GMInfoLong": "(Kein Team):\nDer Spielmeister ist eine Beobachtungsrolle.\nAlle wissen wer Spielmeister ist aber er hat keinen Einfluss auf das Spielgeschehen. Die Rolle wird dem Host zugeteilt wodurch er ein Geist zum Spielstart wird.",
- "SunnyboyInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAls Sonniger gewinnst du, wenn du am Ende des Spieles tot bist. Das Spiel endet nicht, wenn du am Leben bist durch die Mehrheit der Verräter. Zusätzlich hast du Zugang zur Lebensanzeige.",
- "BardInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nWenn ein Barde am Leben ist, wird in der Rauswurfs Bestätigung ein vom Barden verfasster Satz angezeigt. Immer wenn der Barde eine Kreation abschließt, wird die Kill Wartezeit des Barden dauerhaft halbiert.",
+ "SunnyboyInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sunnyboy, you win if you are dead by the end of the game. The game will not end when you are alive due to killers gaining the majority.\nAdditionally, you have access to portable Vitals.",
+ "BardInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen a Bard is alive, the exile confirmation will display a sentence composed by the Bard. Whenever the Bard completes a creation, the Bard's Kill Cooldown will be permanently halved.",
"WardenInfoLong": "(Besatzung [Geist]):\nAls der Aufseher warnst du jemanden vor nahen Gefahren, zusätzlich gibst du ihm einen vorübergehenden Geschwindigkeitsschub.",
"GhastlyInfoLong": "(Besatzung [Geist]): \nNimm als Grausiger eine ahnungslose Person in Besitz und suche dann anschließend ein Opfer für sie aus. Jetzt kann sie den Kill (oder die Killfähigkeit) nur auf das Opfer anwenden, bis du jemand anderen in Besitz nimmst oder die Zeit für die Besessenheit abläuft.",
- "MinionInfoLong": "(Verräter [Geist]):\nAls Günstling, kannst du Nicht-Verräter für einen Moment erblinden.",
- "DollMasterInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nDer Marionetten-Meister kann für eine kurze Zeit andere Spieler steuern, indem er den Formwandlungs Knopf drückt und sie seine Schandtaten machen lässt!",
- "DoubleAgentInfoLong": "(Verräter):\nDer Doppelagent kann den Killknopf nicht benutzen. Dafür aber kannst du jemanden einmal pro Meeting wählen, um ihm eine Bombe zu geben. Nach dem Meeting wird die Bombe aktiviert und explodiert nach einer gewissen Zeit.\nHinweis: Wenn du die Bombe jemandem verpasst hast, kannst du erneut wie gewohnt abstimmen.\n\nJe nach Einstellungen kannst du zusätzlich die Bomben von Bastion und Agitator durch Venten weitergeben.\n\nDer Doppelagent wird zu einer anderen Rolle, wenn er der letzte Verräter wird, je nach Einstellungen wird er zum Bewunderten Verräter, Gauner, Betrüger oder bleibt Doppelagent.",
+ "MinionInfoLong": "(Impostor [Ghost]):\nAs the Minion, you can temporarily blind non-Impostors.",
+ "DollMasterInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Dollmaster, you can temporarily take control of any player by using the Shapeshift button and to make them do your deeds!",
+ "DoubleAgentInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Double Agent, you cannot access the Kill button. However, you can vote for someone in a meeting to pass a bomb onto them, which can only be done one player at a time. Once the meeting has finished, the bomb will activate and explode in a set amount of time.\nNote: when you pass the bomb onto someone in a meeting, you can vote afterward.\n\nAdditionally depending on settings the Double Agent can diffuse Bastion and Agitator bombs when Venting.\n\nThe Double Agent can change roles when they are the Last Impostor, depending on the settings the role can be a Admired Impostor, Trickster, Traitor, or stay as the Double Agent.",
"SlothInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Sloth's default movement speed is slower than others.\n(Speed depends on the setting of the Host)",
- "ProhibitedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Prohibited, you have specific vents that you can't use.\nHow many vents are disabled depends on the Host's settings.",
- "EavesdropperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Eavesdropper, you have a chance to read other role/addon information-based messages like Mortician or Sleuth.",
+ "ProhibitedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Prohibited, you have specific Vents that you can't use.\nHow many Vents are disabled depends on the Host's settings.",
+ "EavesdropperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Eavesdropper, you have a chance to read other Role/Add-on information-based messages like Mortician or Sleuth.",
"ApocalypseInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nApocalypse members are on a separate team that works together and wins together. If there are multiple Apocalypse roles in the game, they can see each other's roles.\nDepending on the Host's settings, Apocalypse roles can guess or be guessed.",
"RevenantInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAs the Revenant, your goal is to be killed. If you are killed, you will take your killer's role and kill your killer instead. You cannot win before being killed.\nNote that Revenant only works when being directly killed.",
"ShowTextOverlay": "Text Overlay",
@@ -1040,17 +1075,17 @@
"AbilityInUse": "Fähigkeit wird genutzt",
"AbilityExpired": "Ability expired, {0} uses remain",
"RevenantTargeted": "Your role has changed to {0}",
- "RevenantCanCopyAddons": "Kann Add-ons stehlen",
+ "RevenantCanCopyAddons": "Can Steal Add-ons",
"ShowArrows": "Has Arrows pointing toward bodies",
"ArrowDelayMin": "Minimum Arrow show-up delay",
"ArrowDelayMax": "Maximum Arrow show-up delay",
"SMUsesUsedWhenFixingReactorOrO2": "Uses it takes to fix Reactor/O2",
"SMUsesUsedWhenFixingLightsOrComms": "Uses it takes to fix Lights/Comms",
- "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "(Anfangs) Max Anzahl an Granaten",
+ "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "(Initial) Maximum number of Grenades",
"ShowSpecificRole": "Know specific roles on Task Completion",
- "TimeMasterMaxUses": "(Anfänglich) maximale Anzahl an Fähigkeitsnutzungen",
- "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Schwuppser ventet normal wenn Unsichtbarkeit abklingen muss",
- "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Gespenst ventet normal wenn Unsichtbarkeit abklingen muss",
+ "TimeMasterMaxUses": "(Initial) Maximum Amount of Ability Uses",
+ "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Swooper Vents normally when Swooping is on Cooldown",
+ "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Wraith Vents normally when Invisibility is on Cooldown",
"DisableMeeting": "Treffen deaktivieren",
"DisableCloseDoor": "Deaktiviere Türsabotagen",
"DisableSabotage": "Behebe Sabotagen",
@@ -1059,13 +1094,13 @@
"DebugMode": "Debug-Modus",
"SyncButtonMode": "Limit Meeting Times",
"RandomMapsMode": "Zufälliger Mapmodus",
- "SyncedButtonCount": "Max Number of Emergency Meetings per Game",
- "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "Killwartezeit wird nach Zielkill verkürzt",
- "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "Killwartezeit wird nach nicht-Zielkill erhöht",
+ "SyncedButtonCount": "Maximum Number of Emergency Meetings per Game",
+ "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "Kill Cooldown decrease on killing target",
+ "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "Kill Cooldown increase on killing others",
"HHNumOfTargets": "Number of targets",
"Targets": "Targets: ",
- "HHMaxKCD": "Maximum kill cooldown",
- "HHMinKCD": "Minimum kill cooldown",
+ "HHMaxKCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "HHMinKCD": "Minimum Kill Cooldown",
"AllAliveMeeting": "Meeting When No One is Dead",
"AllAliveMeetingTime": "Besperchungszeit, wenn keiner tot ist",
"AdditionalEmergencyCooldown": "Additional Emergency Cooldown",
@@ -1174,17 +1209,17 @@
"OverclockedReduction": "Kill Cooldown Reduction",
"GhostCanSeeOtherRoles": "Ghosts Can See Other Roles",
"PreventSeeRolesImmediatelyAfterDeath": "Prevent seeing other's roles immediately after death",
- "GhostCanSeeOtherVotes": "Ghosts Can See Vote Colors",
- "GhostCanSeeDeathReason": "Ghost Can See Cause Of Death",
+ "GhostCanSeeOtherVotes": "Ghosts can see Vote Colors",
+ "GhostCanSeeDeathReason": "Ghost can see Cause Of Death",
"GhostIgnoreTasks": "Ghosts Exempt From Tasks",
- "ConvertedCanBeGhostRole": "Converted Players Can Be Any Ghost-Roles",
- "NeutralCanBeGhostRole": "Neutral Players Can Be Any Ghost-Roles (Will change team respectively)",
- "MaxImpGhostRole": "Max Impostor Ghost-Roles",
- "MaxCrewGhostRole": "Max Crewmate Ghost-Roles",
+ "ConvertedCanBeGhostRole": "Converted Players can be Any Ghost-Roles",
+ "NeutralCanBeGhostRole": "Neutral Players can be Any Ghost-Roles (Will change team respectively)",
+ "MaxImpGhostRole": "Maximum Impostor Ghost-Roles",
+ "MaxCrewGhostRole": "Maximum Crewmate Ghost-Roles",
"DefaultAngelCooldown": "Default Ability Cooldown",
"DisableTaskWin": "Aufgaben-Sieg deaktivieren",
- "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreDead": "Disable Task Win If All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are Dead",
- "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreConverted": "Disable Task Win If All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are <#ffab1b>Converted",
+ "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreDead": "Disable Task Win if All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are Dead",
+ "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreConverted": "Disable Task Win if All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are <#ffab1b>Converted",
"HideGameSettings": "Spieleinstellungen ausblenden",
"DIYGameSettings": "Aktivere nur benutzerdefinierte /n -Nachrichten",
"Settings:": "Einstellungen:",
@@ -1200,7 +1235,7 @@
"RoleOptions": "Role Options",
"DarkTheme": "Enable Dark Theme",
"DisableLobbyMusic": "Disable Lobby Music",
- "AutoStart": "Autostart",
+ "AutoStart": "Auto Start",
"EnableCustomButton": "Enable Custom Button Images",
"EnableCustomSoundEffect": "Enable Custom Sound Effects",
"EnableCustomDecorations": "Enable Custom Map Decorations",
@@ -1237,8 +1272,8 @@
"OptKickXboxPlayer": "Kick Xbox players",
"OptKickPlayStationPlayer": "Kick PlayStation players",
"OptKickNintendoPlayer": "Kick Nintendo Switch players",
- "ShareLobby": "Allow TOHE-Chan Shares Lobby Code To Discord",
- "ShareLobbyMinPlayer": "Share Lobby Code When The Number Of Players Reaches",
+ "ShareLobby": "Allow TOHE-Chan Shares Lobby Code to Discord",
+ "ShareLobbyMinPlayer": "Share Lobby Code When the Number of Players Reaches",
"DisableVanillaRoles": "Deaktiviere Vanillarollen",
"VoteMode": "Voting Mode",
"WhenSkipVote": "If the Player Skipped",
@@ -1276,6 +1311,7 @@
"IgnoreConditions": "Ignore Conditions",
"IgnoreImpostors": "Ignoriere Verräter",
"IgnoreNeutrals": "Ignoriere Neutrale",
+ "IgnoreCoven": "Ignore Coven",
"IgnoreCrewmates": "Ignoriere Besatzungsmitglieder",
"IgnoreAfterAnyoneDied": "Ignore After First Death",
"LightsOutSpecialSettings": "Fix Lights Special Settings",
@@ -1289,7 +1325,7 @@
"RandomSpawn_AirshipAdditionalSpawn": "Additional Spawn Locations (Airship)",
"RandomSpawn_SpawnRandomVents": "Random Spawns On Vents",
"CommsCamouflage": "Camouflage bei Kommunikationssabotage",
- "DisableOnSomeMaps": "Disable comms camouflage on some maps",
+ "DisableOnSomeMaps": "Disable Comms Camouflage on some maps",
"DisableOnSkeld": "Disable on The Skeld",
"DisableOnMira": "Disable on MIRA HQ",
"DisableOnPolus": "Disable on Polus",
@@ -1328,8 +1364,8 @@
"EnableBirthdayDecorationSkeld": "Birthday Decoration On The Skeld",
"RandomBirthdayAndHalloweenDecorationSkeld": "Set Random Decoration When Birthday And Halloween Is Active On The Skeld",
"ApplyDenyNameList": "Apply DenyName List",
- "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Kick players with an invalid friend code",
- "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Temp Ban players with an invalid friend code",
+ "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Kick players with an invalid Friend Code",
+ "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Temp Ban players with an invalid Friend Code",
"ApplyBanList": "Banliste anwenden",
"RemovePetsAtDeadPlayers": "Remove pets at dead players",
"KillFlashDuration": "Killblitzdauer",
@@ -1340,6 +1376,7 @@
"ShowImpRemainOnEject": "Zeige verbleibende Verräter beim Rauswerfen an",
"ShowNKRemainOnEject": "Show remaining Neutral Killers on ejects",
"ShowNARemainOnEject": "Show remaining Neutral Apocalypse on ejects",
+ "ShowCovenRemainOnEject": "Show remaining Coven on ejects",
"ConfirmEgoistOnEject": "Bestätige Egoisten beim Rauswerfen",
"ConfirmLoversOnEject": "Bestätige Liebhaber beim Rauswerfen",
"ConfirmSidekickOnEject": "Bestätige Kumpane beim Rauswerfen",
@@ -1367,7 +1404,7 @@
"ShieldPersonDiedFirst": "Vergib ein Schild an den ersten Toten der Vorrunde",
"ShowShieldedPlayerToAll": "Reveal shielded player to all",
"RemoveShieldOnFirstDead": "Remove shield on first death",
- "ShieldedCanUseKillButton": "Shielded player can use ability / kill button",
+ "ShieldedCanUseKillButton": "Shielded player can use ability/Kill button",
"PlayerIsShieldedByGame": "Player is protected by the game!",
"LegacyNemesis": "Ältere Version verwenden",
"LegacyParasite": "Use Legacy Version",
@@ -1390,7 +1427,7 @@
"DoubleAgent_DiffusedBastionBomb": "Bastion-Bombe erfolgreich weitergegeben",
"DoubleAgent_BombExplodesIn": "Bombe explodiert in: {0}s",
"DoubleAgent_BombExploded": "Bombe ist explodiert!",
- "DoubleAgentChangeRoleTo": "Wechsle Rolle beim letzten Verräter",
+ "DoubleAgentChangeRoleTo": "Change role on last Impostor",
"DoubleAgentRoleChange": "Du wurdest zum: ",
"MastermindCD": "Manipulationswartezeit",
"MastermindTimeLimit": "Zeitlimit um jemanden zu killen",
@@ -1408,15 +1445,13 @@
"Glitch_KCD": "Kill Cooldown: {0}s",
"Glitch_MimicCD": "Mimic Cooldown: {0}s",
"HackedByGlitch": "Du wurdest vom Glitcher gehackt, du kannst nicht {0}.",
- "GlitchKill": "killen",
- "GlitchReport": "melden",
- "GlitchVent": "venten",
+ "GlitchKill": "Kill",
+ "GlitchReport": "Report",
+ "GlitchVent": "Vent",
"ShowFPS": "Zeige FPS",
"FPSGame": "FPS: ",
"ControlCooldown": "Kontrollwartezeit",
- "PoisonCooldown": "Poison Cooldown",
- "PoisonerKillDelay": "Gift-Kill-Verzögerung",
- "WardenNotifyLimit": "Maximale Anzahl an Warnungen",
+ "WardenNotifyLimit": "Maximum number of alerts",
"BombCooldown": "Bombenwartezeit",
"Warlock_CanKillSelf": "Can Kill Themselves",
"CrewpostorKnowsAllies": "Kennt die Verräter",
@@ -1446,9 +1481,10 @@
"EGCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "Kann Spitzel mit vollendeten Tasks guessen",
"GGCanGuessAdt": "Kann Add-ons guessen",
"GuesserCanGuessTimes": "Maximale Anzahl an Guesses",
- "GuesserTryHideMsg": "Versuche, den Befehl des Guessers zu verbergen",
+ "GuesserTryHideMsg": "Try to hide the Guesser's command",
"GCanGuessImp": "Verräter kann andere Verräter guessen",
"GCanGuessCrew": "Besatzungsmitglieder können Besatzungsmitglieder -Rollen guessen",
+ "GCanGuessCoven": "Coven can guess Coven roles",
"GCanGuessAdt": "Kann Add-ons guessen",
"GCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "Kann Spitzel mit vollendeten Tasks guessen",
"BountyTargetChangeTime": "Zeit bis zum Kopfgeldwechsel",
@@ -1456,7 +1492,7 @@
"BountyFailureKillCooldown": "Killwartezeit nach einem nicht-Kopfgeldkill",
"BountyShowTargetArrow": "Show arrow pointing towards the target",
"DefaultShapeshiftCooldown": "Standardwartezeit für das Formwandeln",
- "DeadImpCantSabotage": "Verräter können nicht sabotieren, wenn sie tot sind",
+ "DeadImpCantSabotage": "Impostors can't Sabotage after they've died",
"VampireKillDelay": "Biss-Kill-Verzögerung",
"VampireTargetDead": "Ziel gekillt",
"VampireActionMode": "Aktionsmodus",
@@ -1465,14 +1501,14 @@
"Maverick_MinKillsToWin": "Minimum number of kills to win",
"Cooldown": "Wartezeit",
"AbilityCooldown": "Fähigkeitswartezeit",
- "SkillLimitTimes": "Max Number of Ability Uses",
+ "SkillLimitTimes": "Maximum Number of Ability Uses",
"CanKill": "Kann killen",
"KillCooldown": "Killwartezeit",
"CanVent": "Kann venten",
- "CantMoveOnVents": "Can't Move On Vents (Unstable in Dleks map)",
+ "CantMoveOnVents": "Can't Move on Vents (Unstable in Dleks map)",
"ImpostorVision": "Hat Verräter -Sicht",
"CanUseSabotage": "Kann Sabotieren",
- "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "Can Have Access To Vitals",
+ "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "Can Have Access to Vitals",
"CanKillImpostors": "Can Kill Impostors",
"CanGuess": "Kann im Guessermodus oder als Guesser raten",
"HideVote": "Stimmen ausblenden",
@@ -1483,16 +1519,16 @@
"ShapeshifterBase_ShapeshiftCooldown": "Shapeshift Cooldown",
"ShapeshifterBase_ShapeshiftDuration": "Shapeshift Duration",
"ShapeshifterBase_LeaveShapeshiftingEvidence": "Leave Shapeshifting Evidence",
- "PhantomBase_InvisCooldown": "Unsichtbarkeit Wartezeit",
- "PhantomBase_InvisDuration": "Unsichtbar-Dauer",
+ "PhantomBase_InvisCooldown": "Invisibility Cooldown",
+ "PhantomBase_InvisDuration": "Invisibility Duration",
"GuardianAngelBase_ProtectCooldown": "Schutzwartezeit",
"GuardianAngelBase_ProtectionDuration": "Schutzdauer",
- "GuardianAngelBase_ImpostorsCanSeeProtect": "Schutz sichtbar für Verräter",
+ "GuardianAngelBase_ImpostorsCanSeeProtect": "Protect Visible to Impostors",
"ScientistBase_BatteryCooldown": "Vitals Display Cooldown",
"ScientistBase_BatteryDuration": "Batterielaufzeit",
"EngineerBase_VentCooldown": "Ventwartezeit",
- "EngineerBase_InVentMaxTime": "Max Time In Vents",
- "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "Verräter können den Alarm auch bekommen",
+ "EngineerBase_InVentMaxTime": "Maximum Time in Vents",
+ "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "Impostors can get Alert",
"NoisemakerBase_AlertDuration": "Alarm-Dauer",
"TrackerBase_TrackingCooldown": "Verfolgen Wartezeit",
"TrackerBase_TrackingDuration": "Verfolge-Dauer",
@@ -1514,6 +1550,7 @@
"SheriffCanKillSeparately": "Individuelle Einstellungen",
"In%team%": "(Team %team%)",
"SheriffMisfireKillsTarget": "Fehlschuss tötet Ziel",
+ "SheriffMisfireOnAdmired": "Sheriff Misfires On Admired Players",
"BlackHolePlaceCooldown": "Black Hole Place Cooldown",
"BlackHoleDespawnMode": "Black Hole Despawn Mode",
"BlackHoleDespawnTime": "Time After Black Hole Despawns",
@@ -1526,27 +1563,30 @@
"After1PlayerEaten": "After 1 Player Was Eaten",
"AfterMeeting": "Nach Treffen",
"None": "Keine",
- "SheriffShotLimit": "Max Anzahl an Schüssen",
+ "SheriffShotLimit": "Maximum number of Kills",
"SheriffCanKillAllAlive": "Kann killen wenn keiner tot ist",
- "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "Kann bekehrte Spieler killen",
+ "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "Can Kill Charmed players",
"SheriffCanKillEgoist": "Kann Egoisten killen",
"SheriffCanKillSidekick": "Kann Kumpan killen",
"SheriffCanKillLovers": "Kann Liebhaber killen",
"SheriffCanKillMadmate": "Kann Verräterhelfer killen",
"SheriffCanKillInfected": "Can Kill Infected players",
"SheriffCanKillContagious": "Can Kill Contagious players",
- "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "Nicht-Besatzungs Sheriff Einstellungen",
- "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "Kann Verräter killen",
- "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "Kann Neutrale killen",
- "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "Kann Besatzungsmitglieder killen",
+ "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "Non-Crewmate Sheriff Configuration",
+ "SheriffCanKillEnchanted": "Can Kill Enchanted players",
+ "SheriffCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "Can Kill Impostors",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "Can Kill Neutrals",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "Can Kill Crewmates",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven",
"RebirthUses": "Amount of Rebirths",
"RebirthCountVotes": "Only rebirth to players who voted for them",
"RebirthFailed": "Ahh, how unfortunate, you did not find any viable souls to swap bodies with",
"FireworkerCooldown": "Placement Cooldown",
- "ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "Erhöhe Killwartezeit",
- "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "Maximale Killwartezeit",
- "ReverieMisfireSuicide": "Fehlschuss bei maximaler Killwartezeit",
- "ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "Setze Killwartezeit nach Treffen zurück",
+ "ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "Increase Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieMisfireSuicide": "Misfire on reaching maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "Reset Kill Cooldown after meeting",
"ConvertedReverieKillAll": "Konvertierter Träumer kann alle killen ohne Auswirkungen",
"VigilanteNotify": "Du bist zu dem geworden, das du zerstören wolltest",
"DictatorChangeCommandToExpel": "Dictator use Command to expell instad of vote",
@@ -1556,17 +1596,18 @@
"SnitchCanGetArrowColor": "Zeige farbige Pfeile basierend an den Teamfarben",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralKiller": "Kann Neutrale Killer erkenne",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralApoc": "Can Find Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "SnitchCanFindCoven": "Can Find Coven",
"SnitchCanFindMadmate": "Kann Verräterhelfer erkennen",
"SnitchRemainingTaskFound": "Fehlende Aufgaben um aufgedeckt zu werden",
"MayorAdditionalVote": "Zusätzliche Votes zählen",
"MayorHasPortableButton": "Bürgermeister hat mobilen Notfallknopf",
- "MayorNumOfUseButton": "Maximale Anzahl an mobilen Notfallknöpfen",
+ "MayorNumOfUseButton": "Maximum Number of Mobile Emergency Buttons",
"MeetingsNeededForWin": "Meetings needed to win",
"Jester_RevealUponEject": "Reveal Upon Eject",
"CannotVoteWhenDead": "Cannot cast a vote while dead",
"EnableVote": "Enable /vote command",
"ShouldVoteSpam": "Try to hide /vote command",
- "VoteDisabled": "/vote command has been disabled by the host.",
+ "VoteDisabled": "/vote command has been disabled by the Host.",
"ExecutionerCanTargetImpostor": "Kann auf Verräter zielen",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "Kann auf Neutrale Killer zielen",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "Can Target Neutral Apocalypse",
@@ -1574,11 +1615,13 @@
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralBenign": "Kann auf harmlose Neutrale zielen",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralEvil": "Kann auf Böse Neutrale zielen",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralChaos": "Kann auf chaotische Neutrale zielen",
+ "ExecutionerCanTargetCoven": "Can Target Coven",
"Executioner_RevealTargetUponEject": "Reveal Target Upon Ejection",
- "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "Rekrutierter Sheriff kann durchdrehen",
+ "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "Recruited Sheriff can go Nuts",
"LawyerCanTargetImpostor": "Kann Verräter als Ziel haben",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "Can Target Neutral Killers",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "Can Target Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "LawyerCanTargetCoven": "Can Target Coven",
"LawyerCanTargetCrewmate": "Kann Besatzung als Ziel haben",
"LawyerCanTargetJester": "Kann auf den Narren zielen",
"LawyerChangeRolesAfterTargetKilled": "Wenn das Ziel stirbt, wird Anwalt",
@@ -1594,8 +1637,8 @@
"SniperPrecisionShooting": "Präzise Schüsse",
"SniperAimAssist": "Zielhilfe",
"SniperAimAssistOneshot": "Eine Schusshilfe",
- "PyroDouseCooldown": "Douse cooldown",
- "PyroBurnCooldown": "Killwartezeit nach dem Kill eines übergossenen Spielers",
+ "PyroDouseCooldown": "Douse Cooldown",
+ "PyroBurnCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after killing a doused player",
"Prohibited_OverrideBlockedVentsAfterMeeting": "Override Blocked Vents After Meeting",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInSkeld": "Count Blocked Vents In The Skeld",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInMira": "Count Blocked Vents In MIRA HQ",
@@ -1606,7 +1649,7 @@
"UndertakerFreezeDuration": "Frierdauer",
"NameDisplayAddons": "Display Add-Ons next to the role name",
"YourAddon": "Deine Add-ons:",
- "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "Max Add-ons Per Player",
+ "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "Maximum Add-ons Per Player",
"LoverSpawnChances": "Entstehungschance der Liebhaber",
"AdditionRolesSpawnRate": "Auswahlwahrscheinlichkeit",
"TorchVision": "Torch Vision",
@@ -1641,38 +1684,40 @@
"EvilHackerLastAdminInfoTitle": "Letzte Admin-Information",
"EvilHackerDeadbody": "TOT",
"Ventguard": "Ventguard",
- "VentguardInfo": "Block vents by entering them",
- "VentguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Ventguard, you can enter vents to block them. No one can enter blocked vents, except Crewmates, if the setting is on. Blocked vents can be resets every meeting.",
+ "VentguardInfo": "Block Vents by entering them",
+ "VentguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Ventguard, you can enter Vents to block them. No one can enter blocked Vents, except Crewmates, if the setting is on. Blocked Vents can be resets every meeting.",
"VentguardVentButtonText": "Blockieren",
- "Ventguard_MaxGuards": "Max number of Vent Blocks",
+ "Ventguard_MaxGuards": "Maximum number of Vent Blocks",
"Ventguard_BlockVentCooldown": "Block Vent Cooldown",
- "Ventguard_BlockDoesNotAffectCrew": "Crewmates can use blocked vents",
+ "Ventguard_BlockDoesNotAffectCrew": "Crewmates can use blocked Vents",
"Ventguard_BlocksResetOnMeeting": "Reset Blocked Vents Every Meeting",
- "VentIsBlocked": "This Vent Is Now Blocked!",
+ "VentIsBlocked": "This Vent is Now Blocked!",
"TraitorKnowMadmate": "Betrüger kennt Verräterhelfer",
"Psychic_NBareRed": "Neutral Benign can be red",
"Psychic_NEareRed": "Neutral Evil can be red",
"Psychic_NCareRed": "Neutral Chaos can be red",
"Psychic_NAareRed": "Neutral Apocalypse can be red",
"Psychic_NKareRed": "Neutral Killers can be red",
+ "Psychic_CovareRed": "Coven can be red",
"Psychic_CrewKillingRed": "Crewmate Killing can be red",
- "PsychicCanSeeNum": "Max number of red names",
+ "PsychicCanSeeNum": "Maximum number of red names",
"PsychicFresh": "New red names every meeting",
"DetectiveCanknowKiller": "Kann die Killerrolle erfahren",
"EveryOneKnowSuperStar": "Jeder kennt den Superstar",
"HackLimit": "Ability Use Count",
"ZombieSpeedReduce": "Veringere die Geschwindigkeit des Zombies nach einer gewissen Zeit um",
- "NemesisCanKillNum": "Maximale Anzahl der Rache",
+ "NemesisCanKillNum": "Maximum number of revenges",
"ImpKnowCelebrityDead": "Verräter wissen, wenn der Prominente stirbt",
"NeutralKnowCelebrityDead": "Neutrale wissen, wenn der Prominente stirbt",
+ "CovenKnowCelebrityDead": "Coven know when the Celebrity dies",
"VectorVentNumWin": "Anzahl der Vents zum Gewinnen",
"CanCheckCamera": "Can track camera usage",
- "DefaultKillCooldown": "Starting kill cooldown",
- "ReduceKillCooldown": "Reduce kill cooldown by",
- "MinKillCooldown": "Minimum kill cooldown",
+ "DefaultKillCooldown": "Starting Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReduceKillCooldown": "Reduce Kill Cooldown by",
+ "MinKillCooldown": "Minimum Kill Cooldown",
"BomberRadius": "Sprengradius (5x ist ungefähr eine halbe Cafeteria)",
"NotifyGodAlive": "Inform players at meetings that God is still alive",
- "TransporterTeleportMax": "Max Anzahl an Teleportierungen",
+ "TransporterTeleportMax": "Maximum number of teleports",
"TriggerKill": "Killen",
"TriggerVent": "Venten",
"TriggerDouble": "Double Click",
@@ -1686,6 +1731,7 @@
"InnocentCanWinByImp": "Wenn das Ziel ein Verräter war, gewinnt der mit ihm",
"ImpCanBeParanoia": "Impostors can become Paranoia",
"CrewCanBeParanoia": "Crewmates can become Paranoia",
+ "CovenCanBeParanoia": "Coven can become Paranoia",
"DualVotes": "Duplicate votes",
"VeteranSkillCooldown": "Alarmwartezeit",
"VeteranSkillDuration": "Alarmzeit",
@@ -1693,9 +1739,9 @@
"ImpCanBeEgoist": "Ein Verräter kann Egoist werden",
"CrewCanBeEgoist": "Besatzungsmitglieder können Egoist werden",
"ImpEgoistVisibalToAllies": "Verräter können andere Egoisten-Verräter erkennen",
- "EgoistCountAsConverted": "Egoist zählt als kenvertierter Neutraler",
+ "EgoistCountAsConverted": "Egoist count as converted Neutral",
"GuessRainbow": "Er scheint offenbart zu sein, nicht wahr?",
- "RainbowColorChangeCoolDown": "Wartezeit für den Farbwechsel",
+ "RainbowColorChangeCoolDown": "The Cooldown for changing colors",
"RainbowInCamouflage": "Regenbogen Farbe ändert sich während Tarnung",
"BaitDelayMin": "Mindestmeldungsverzögerung",
"BaitDelayMax": "Maximale Meldungsverzögerung",
@@ -1703,17 +1749,18 @@
"BecomeBaitDelayNotify": "Warne den Killer über die verzögerte Selbstmeldung",
"BaitNotification": "Offenbare Killköder im ersten Treffen",
"BaitAdviceAlive": "{0} is the Bait. Whoever kills the Bait will commit self-report.",
- "BaitCanBeReportedUnderAllConditions": "Bait Can Be Reported even if a meeting is disabled during comms sabotage",
- "DeceiverAbilityLost": "Schlitzohr verliert seine Fähigkeit bei einem nichtkillenden Käufer",
+ "BaitCanBeReportedUnderAllConditions": "Bait Can Be Reported even if a meeting is disabled during Comms Sabotage",
+ "DeceiverAbilityLost": "Deceiver loses ability if it deceives player without Kill button",
"AddictSuicideTimer": "Selbstmordtimer",
"GrenadierSkillCooldown": "Granatenwartezeit",
"GrenadierSkillDuration": "Granatendauer",
"GrenadierCauseVision": "Verringerte Sicht",
"GrenadierCanAffectNeutral": "Kann Neutrale treffen",
+ "GrenadierCanAffectCoven": "Can affect Coven",
"TicketsPerKill": "Votes Increase Amount Per Kill",
- "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "Rekrutierungswartezeit",
+ "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "Recruit Cooldown",
"GangsterRecruitLimit": "Rekrutierungslimit",
- "KamikazeMaxMarked": "Max Markierte",
+ "KamikazeMaxMarked": "Maximum Marked",
"RevolutionistDrawTime": "Tag Duration",
"RevolutionistCooldown": "Tag Cooldown",
"RevolutionistDrawCount": "Amount of Players needed to Tag",
@@ -1733,7 +1780,7 @@
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_Immediately": "Sofort",
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_AfterMeeting": "Nach Treffen",
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_OFF": "AUS",
- "MedicResetCooldown": "Killversuch setzt Killwartezeit zurück",
+ "MedicResetCooldown": "On kill attempt, reset murderer's Cooldown to",
"MedicShieldedCanBeGuessed": "Guessen ignoriert das Sanitäter -Schild",
"MadmateSpawnMode": "Verräterhelfer Entstehungsmodus",
"MadmateSpawnMode.Assign": "Zuweisen",
@@ -1743,40 +1790,41 @@
"MadmateCountMode.None": "Keiner",
"MadmateCountMode.Imp": "Verräter",
"MadmateCountMode.Original": "Originalteam",
- "Altruist_RevivedDeadBodyCannotBeReported_Option": "Revived Dead Body Cannot Be Reported",
- "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsAlert": "Impostors Can Get Alert",
- "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "Impostors Can Get Arrow",
- "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "Neutral Killers Can Get Alert",
- "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "Neutral Killers Can Get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_RevivedDeadBodyCannotBeReported_Option": "Revived Dead Body cannot be Reported",
+ "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsAlert": "Impostors can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "Impostors can get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "Neutral Killers can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "Neutral Killers can get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsAlert": "Coven can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsArrow": "Coven can get Arrow",
"AltruistSuffix": "<#00ffa5>Mode: {0}",
"AltruistReviveMode": "Wiederbeleben",
"AltruistReportMode": "Melden",
"Altruist_YouTriedReportRevivedDeadBody": "You Tried Report Revived Dead Body",
- "Altruist_DeadPlayerHasBeenRevived": "A Dead Player Has Been Revived!",
+ "Altruist_DeadPlayerHasBeenRevived": "A Dead Player has been Revived!",
"AltruistAbilityButton": "Change Mode",
"SnatchesWin": "Schnappt sich den Sieg",
"DemonKillCooldown": "Angriffs Wartezeit",
- "DemonHealthMax": "Spieler maximale Leben",
+ "DemonHealthMax": "Player maximum health",
"DemonDamage": "Schaden ",
- "DemonSelfHealthMax": "Dämon maximale Leben",
+ "DemonSelfHealthMax": "Demon maximum health",
"DemonSelfDamage": "Dämon erhaltener Schaden",
"LightningConvertTime": "Dauer der Umwandlung in den Quantengeist",
"LightningKillCooldown": "Blitzerwartezeit",
"LightningKillerConvertGhost": "Killer kann zum Quantengeist werden",
"CanCountNeutralKiller": "Wenn Besatzungsmitglieder mit dem Kill an einem Neutralen gewinnen, ergattern sie sich den Sieg",
- "GreedyOddKillCooldown": "Killwartezeit mit ungerader Zahl",
- "GreedyEvenKillCooldown": "Killwartezeit mit gerader Zahl",
+ "GreedyOddKillCooldown": "Odd-Numbered Kill Cooldown",
+ "GreedyEvenKillCooldown": "Even-Numbered Kill Cooldown",
"WorkaholicCannotWinAtDeath": "Können nicht gewinnen, nachdem sie gestorben sind",
"WorkaholicVisibleToEveryone": "Jeder weiß wer der Fleißige-Arbeiter ist",
"WorkaholicGiveAdviceAlive": "Erhält beim Treffen wen lebendig die Information, ob man nach dem Tod gewinnen kann, Geister Aufgaben AN",
"DoctorVisibleToEveryone": "Jeder weiß, wer der Doktor ist",
"CursedWolfGuardSpellTimes": "Anzahl der Verfluchten Schilde",
"KillAttackerWhenAbilityRemaining": "Kill attacker when ability is remaining",
- "JinxSpellTimes": "Anzahl der Reflektierzaubern",
"CollectorCollectAmount": "Required number of votes",
"GlitchCanVote": "Kann voten",
"QuickShooterShapeshiftCooldown": "Formwandelwartezeit",
- "MeetingReserved": "Max Bullets reserved for a meeting",
+ "MeetingReserved": "Maximum Bullets reserved for a meeting",
"AccurateCheckMode": "Can know specific role when tasks are not done",
"RandomActiveRoles": "Zeige Hinweis von einer zufälligen Rolle",
"CamouflageCooldown": "Camouflage Cooldown",
@@ -1790,29 +1838,31 @@
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralE": "Kann böse Neutrale verurteilen",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralC": "Kann Neutrale- Chaoten verurteilen",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralA": "Can trial Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "JudgeCanTrialCoven": "Can trial Coven",
"JudgeCanTrialSidekick": "Kann Kumpan verurteilen",
"JudgeCanTrialInfected": "Can trial Infected",
"JudgeCanTrialContagious": "Can trial Contagious",
"JudgeTryHideMsg": "Blende Richter -Befehle aus",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "Max Trials per Meeting",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "Max Trials per Game",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Trials per Meeting",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "Maximum Trials per Game",
"JudgeCanTrialMadmate": "Kann Verräterhelfer verurteilen",
"JudgeCanTrialCharmed": "Kann bekehrte Spieler verurteilen",
+ "JudgeCanTrialEnchanted": "Can trial Enchanted players",
"JudgeDead": "Sorry, you can't trial players after death.",
"JudgeTrialMaxMeetingMsg": "\nNo more meeting trials left!",
"JudgeTrialMaxGameMsg": "\nNo more trials left!",
"Judge_LaughToWhoTrialSelf": "God, I didn't think the Judges would be so blind that they wouldn't even see that they had sentenced themselves.",
"Judge_TrialKill": "{0} was judged.",
"Judge_TrialKillTitle": "GERICHT",
- "Judge_TrialHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' IDs before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player IDs.",
+ "Judge_TrialHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Judge_TrialNull": "Please choose a living player for the trial",
- "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "Max Anzahl an Alarmbereitschaften",
+ "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "Maximum number of Alerts",
"SwooperCooldown": "Schwuppswartezeit",
"SwooperDuration": "Schwuppsdauer",
"WraithCooldown": "Verschwindenswartezeit",
"WraithDuration": "Verschwindensdauer",
"BastionNotify": "Eine Bombe wurde installiert",
- "EnteredBombedVent": "That vent was bombed!",
+ "EnteredBombedVent": "That Vent was bombed!",
"BastionVentButtonText": "Bebomben",
"BombsClearAfterMeeting": "Bombs clear after meetings",
"BastionMaxBombs": "(Anfangs) Maximale Bomben",
@@ -1828,11 +1878,12 @@
"FollowerBetTargetKnowFollower": "Das Ziel des Folgers weiß, wer der Folger ist",
"FortuneTellerHideVote": "Blende Wahrsagerinvotes aus",
"CultistCharmCooldown": "Bekehrwartezeit",
- "CultistCharmCooldownIncrese": "Erhöht die Bekehrwartezeit nach jedem Bekehren",
+ "CultistCharmCooldownIncrese": "Increases Charm Cooldown for Each Charm",
"CultistCharmMax": "Maximale Anzahl an Bekehrungen",
"CultistKnowTargetRole": "Kennt die Rolle von bekehrten Spielern",
"CultistTargetKnowOtherTarget": "Bekehrte Spieler wissen voneinander",
"CultistCanCharmNeutral": "Neutrale Rollen können bekehrt werden",
+ "CultistCanCharmCoven": "Coven Roles can be Charmed",
"InfectiousBiteCooldown": "Infect Cooldown",
"KnowTargetRole": "Knows role of target",
"TargetKnowsLawyer": "Ziel kennt seinen Anwalt",
@@ -1855,11 +1906,11 @@
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_None": "Nichts",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Cultist": "Kultist",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Original": "Ursprüngliches Team",
- "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "Wenn alle Verräter tot sind, kann stattdessen der Schakal mit Sabotage gewinnen",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Setze Killwartezeit zurück, wenn jemand von einem anderen gekillt wurde",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "Killwartezeit nach Zurücksetzung",
+ "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "When all Impostors are dead, the Jackal wins by Sabotage instead",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Reset Kill Cooldown if someone gets killed by another player",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "Kill Cooldown on Reset",
"JackalCanRecruitSidekick": "Kann Kumpan rekrutieren",
- "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "Maximale Anzahl für Rekrutierungen",
+ "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "Maximum Number of Recruits",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode": "Kumpane zählen als",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_None": "Nichts",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_Jackal": "Schakal",
@@ -1888,6 +1939,7 @@
"NeutralsSeePresident": "Neutrale sehen offenbarten Präsidenten sehen",
"MadmatesSeePresident": "Verräterhelfer sehen offenbarten Präsidenten sehen",
"ImpsSeePresident": "Verräter können offenbarten Präsidenten sehen",
+ "CovenSeePresident": "Coven can see revealed President",
"PresidentDead": "Du kannst als Toter das Treffen nicht mehr beenden.",
"PresidentEndMax": "Keine Treffenbeendigungnutzungen mehr übrig!",
"PresidentRevealMax": "Du hast dich schon zu erkennen gegeben...",
@@ -1898,40 +1950,167 @@
"Troller_CanHaveStartMeetingEvent": "Can Start Meeting By Event",
"Troller_ChangesSpeed": "Troller changed everyone speed!",
"Troller_SpeedOut": "Speed returned back",
- "Troller_YouChangedCooldown": "You changed the cooldown of all players",
- "Troller_ChangeYourCooldown": "Troller change your cooldown!",
- "Troller_NoAddons": "No addons found on the random target",
- "Troller_RemoveRandomAddon": "You removed add-on from random player",
- "Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "Troller removed your random add-on",
- "Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "You caused sabotage",
- "Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "You fixed sabotage",
+ "Troller_YouChangedCooldown": "You changed the Cooldown of all players",
+ "Troller_ChangeYourCooldown": "Troller change your Cooldown!",
+ "Troller_NoAddons": "No Add-ons found on the random target",
+ "Troller_RemoveRandomAddon": "You removed Add-on from random player",
+ "Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "Troller removed your random Add-on",
+ "Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "You caused Sabotage",
+ "Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "You fixed Sabotage",
+ "CovenRolesMinPlayer": "Minimum amount of Coven",
+ "CovenRolesMaxPlayer": "Maximum amount of Coven",
+ "%role%CanVent": "%role% Can Vent",
+ "%role%HasImpVis": "%role% Has Impostor Vision",
+ "CovenHasImpVis": "Coven Members have Impostor Vision",
+ "CovenImpVisMode": "Impostor Vision Configuration",
+ "CovenCanVent": "Coven Members Can Vent",
+ "CovenVentMode": "Vent Configuration",
+ "CovenPerRole": "Per Role",
+ "CovenCanSeeEachOthersAddOns": "Coven can see each other's Add-Ons",
+ "NecronomiconNotification": "You have recieved the Necronomicon!
Your powers are now enhanced!",
+ "NecronomiconVote": "You have voted for {0} to receive the Necronomicon next round. You may now vote normally.",
+ "CovenDontKillOtherCoven": "Don't try to kill your fellow Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderMaxRetrains": "Maximum Retrains",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainCooldown": "Retrain Cooldown",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrain": "Retrain offered",
+ "CovenLeaderNoRetrain": "You have ran out of Retrains!",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainNonCoven": "You can't retrain a non-Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderAcceptRetrain": "The player you attempted to retrain has accepted your training and is now a {0}!",
+ "CovenLeaderDeclineRetrain": "The player you attempted to retrain has declined your offer to retrain them into a {0}...",
+ "RetrainNotification": "The {0} has requested to retrain you into a {1}.
Vote yourself to accept the offer, vote someone else to decline.",
+ "RetrainAcceptOffer": "You have accepted the {0}'s retraining and you are now a {1}!",
+ "RetrainDeclineOffer": "You declined the {0}'s retraining and your role has not been changed...",
+ "RitualistMaxRitsPerRound": "Maximum Blood Rituals per Round",
+ "RitualistTryHideMsg": "Try to hide Ritualist's commands",
+ "RitualistRitualSuccess": "You preformed a successful Blood Ritual on {0} and they are now part of the Coven!",
+ "RitualistRitualFail": "You have failed your Blood Ritual and may no longer preform any Blood Rituals this meeting...",
+ "RitualistRitualImpossible": "Your Blood Ritual was successful, however, this player is unenchantable.",
+ "RitualistRitualMax": "You've already used the maximum amount of Blood Rituals for this meeting.",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsCoven": "Enchanted knows Coven",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsEnchanted": "Enchanted knows Enchanted",
+ "RitualistCommandHelp": "Instructions: /rt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /rt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player IDs before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
+ "RitualistConvertNotif": "Your role has been guessed by the {0} and you are now apart of the Coven!",
+ "RitualistGuessAddon": "Did you seriously think it would be that easy? You can't do a Ritual solely based on Add-ons.",
+ "RitualistSuccessfullyRecruited": "You successfully recruited a player",
+ "BeRecruitedByRitualist": "The Ritualist has recruited you",
+ "ConjurerCooldown": "Conjure Cooldown",
+ "ConjurerRadius": "Blast Radius",
+ "ConjurerNecroRadius": "Necronomicon Blast Radius",
+ "ConjurerCovenDies": "Coven can die in blast",
+ "ConjurerMark": "Location marked",
+ "ConjurerMeteor": "Meteor summoned",
+ "ConjurerNecroMark": "Player marked",
+ "ConjurerMarkShapeshift": "Mark",
+ "ConjurerConjureShapeshift": "Conjure",
+ "IllusionCooldown": "Illusion Cooldown",
+ "IllusionistMaxIllusions": "Maximum Illusions",
+ "IllusionistSnitchAffected": "Snitch is Affected by Illusions",
+ "IllusionistResetIllusionsPerRound": "Reset Illusions After Meeting",
+ "IllusionistClearIllusionsWhenDead": "Remove Illusions When Illusionist Dies",
+ "MedusaStoneCooldown": "Stone Cooldown",
+ "MedusaStoneDuration": "Stone Duration",
+ "MedusaStoneVision": "Stoned Vision",
+ "MedusaStonedPlayer": "{0} has been Stoned",
+ "MedusaStoningStart": "Stoning in progress",
+ "MedusaStoningEnd": "Stoning has ended",
+ "MoonDancerBatonPassCooldown": "Baton Pass Cooldown",
+ "MoonDancerBlastOffChance": "Chance to Blast Off",
+ "MoonDancerPassEnabledAddons": "Can only Baton Pass enabled Add-ons",
+ "MoonDancerCantBlastOff": "Target can not be Blasted Off",
+ "MoonDancerNormalKill": "Killed normally",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHelpfulAddon": "Target will be given Helpful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHarmfulAddon": "Target will be given Harmful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerNoAddons": "No Add-ons to Baton Pass to {0}",
+ "SacrifistDebuffCooldown": "Debuff Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistDeathsAfterVote": "Players Killed After Sacrifist is Exiled",
+ "SacrifistNecroReducedCooldown": "Coven Decreased Cooldown After Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "SacrifistVision": "Sacrificed Vision",
+ "SacrifistVisionDuration": "Vision Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeed": "Sacrificed Speed",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDuration": "Speed Duration",
+ "SacrifistIncreasedCooldown": "Sacrificed Increase Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistFreezeDuration": "Random Freezing Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDebuff": "Speed Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistVisionDebuff": "Vision Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistCooldownDebuff": "Cooldown Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistFoolDebuff": "Can't Fix Sabotages Debuff",
+ "SacrifistMeetingDebuff": "Forced Called Meeting",
+ "SacrifistReportDebuff": "Can't Report Bodies",
+ "SacrifistTasksDebuff": "Tasks Reset for Target",
+ "SacrifistSwapSkinsDebuff": "Swapped Skins",
+ "SacrifistSwapDebuff": "Swapping with target after 3 seconds",
+ "SacrifistVisionRevert": "Vision Reverted",
+ "SacrifistSpeedRevert": "Speed Reverted",
+ "SacrifistShapeshiftButton": "Debuff",
+ "SacrifistNecroShapeshiftButton": "Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "VoodooMasterPerRound": "Voodoo Dolls per Round",
+ "VoodooMasterCanDollCoven": "Voodoo Master can Voodoo Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNecroCanKillCov": "Necronomicon Ability can Kill Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollCoven": "You can't Voodoo other Coven members!",
+ "VoodooMasterTargetInMeeting": "Someone tried to target you with their role during this meeting, but it was deflected to one of your dolls, {0}, instead!",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollsLeft": "You can't voodoo anyone else this round!",
+ "VoodooMasterDolledSomeone": "{0} has been turned into a Voodoo Doll",
+ "PotionMasterMaxReveals": "Maximum Reveals",
+ "PotionMasterMaxBarriers": "Maximum Barriers",
+ "PotionMasterNoPotions": "You're out of {0} Potions!",
+ "PotionMasterPotionSwitch": "Potion switched to: {0}",
+ "PotionMasterPotionCurrent": "Current Potion: ",
+ "PotionMasterRevealCoven": "You can already see roles of Coven!",
+ "PotionMasterReveal": "Reveal",
+ "PotionMasterBarrier": "Barrier",
+ "PotionMasterKillButtonText": "Use Potion",
+ "HexMasterHexCooldown": "Hex Cooldown",
+ "HexMasterCovenCanGetMovingHex": "Coven Can Get Moving Hex",
+ "HexMasterMovingHexCooldown": "Moving Hex Pass Cooldown",
+ "HexesLookLikeSpells": "Hexes appear as Spells",
+ "HexButtonText": "Verhexen",
+ "HexMasterModeHex": "Verhexen",
+ "HexMasterModeKill": "Killen",
+ "HexMasterModeDouble": "Doppelklick = Kill, Einzelklick = Verhexen",
+ "HexMasterPassNotify": "Hex successfully passed",
+ "JinxSpellTimes": "Anzahl der Reflektierzaubern",
+ "JinxCooldown": "Jinx Cooldown",
+ "JinxCovenCanDieToJinx": "Coven Can Die To Jinx",
+ "PoisonCooldown": "Poison Cooldown",
+ "PoisonerKillDelay": "Gift-Kill-Verzögerung",
+ "PoisonerTargetDead": "Ziel gekillt",
+ "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "Gift",
+ "NecromancerRevengeTime": "Necronomicon Ability time",
+ "NecromancerRevenge": "You have {0}s to kill {1}",
+ "NecromancerSuccess": "Necromancy complete! You live to see another day.",
+ "NecromancerHide": "Venting is disabled, hide from the Necromancer!",
+ "NecromancerAbilityDuration": "Necromancy Duration",
+ "NecromancerAbilityCooldown": "Necromancy Cooldown",
+ "NecromancerCooldownNotDone": "Ability is still on Cooldown!",
+ "NecromancerNoUsableRoles": "No usable roles",
"LuckyProbability": "Probability of surviving a kill",
"ImpCanBeDoubleShot": "Verräter können Doppelschuss haben",
"CrewCanBeDoubleShot": "Besatzungsmitglieder können Doppelschuss haben",
"NeutralCanBeDoubleShot": "Neutrale können Doppelschuss haben",
+ "CovenCanBeDoubleShot": "Coven can have Double Shot",
"MimicCanSeeDeadRoles": "Nachahmer kann Rollen von toten Spielern sehen",
- "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "Disable body reporting when camouflage is active",
- "CanUseCommsSabotage": "Can use comms sabotage",
+ "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "Disable body reporting when Camouflage is active",
+ "CanUseCommsSabotage": "Can use Comms Sabotage",
"ModTag": "Moderator♥",
"ApplyModeratorList": "Apply Moderator List",
"VipTag": "VIP★",
"ApplyVipList": "Apply VIP List",
- "AllowSayCommand": "Erlaube Moderatoren den /say -Befehl zu nutzen",
- "AllowStartCommand": "Allow moderators to use /start command",
+ "AllowSayCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /say command",
+ "AllowStartCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /start command",
"StartCommandMinCountdown": "Minimum countdown for /start command",
"StartCommandMaxCountdown": "Maximum countdown for /start command",
"KickCommandDisabled": "Der Kick-Befehl ist momentan deaktiviert.",
"KickCommandNoAccess": "Du hast keinen Zugriff zum Kick-Befehl.",
"KickCommandInvalidID": "Invalid player ID specified.\nPlease use '/kick [playerID] [reason]' to kick a player.\nExample :- /kick 5 not following rules",
- "KickCommandKickHost": "Du bist nicht berechtigt, den Host zu kicken.",
- "KickCommandKickMod": "Du bist nicht berechtigt, andere Moderatoren zu kicken.",
+ "KickCommandKickHost": "You are not permitted to kick the Host.",
+ "KickCommandKickMod": "You are not permitted to kick other Moderators.",
"KickCommandKicked": "wurde aus dem Spiel gekickt von ",
"KickCommandKickedRole": "Die Rolle war",
"BanCommandDisabled": "Der Bann-Befehl ist momentan deaktiviert.",
"BanCommandNoAccess": "Du hast keinen Zugriff zum Bann-Befehl.",
"BanCommandInvalidID": "Falsche Spieler ID.\nNutze '/ban [Spieler ID] [Grund]' um einen Spieler zu bannen.\nBeispiel :- /ban 5 Nichtbeachtung der Regeln ",
- "BanCommandBanHost": "Du bist nicht berechtigt, den Host zu bannen.",
- "BanCommandBanMod": "Du bist nicht berechtigt, andere Moderatoren zu bannen.",
+ "BanCommandBanHost": "You are not permitted to ban the Host.",
+ "BanCommandBanMod": "You are not permitted to ban other Moderators.",
"BanCommandBanned": "wurde aus dem Spiel gebannt von ",
"BanCommandBannedRole": "Die Rolle war",
"BanCommandNoReason": "Kein Grund angegeben.\nNutze '/ban [Spieler ID] [Grund]'\nBeispiel :- /ban 5 Nichtbeachtung der Regeln",
@@ -1951,13 +2130,13 @@
"WarnCommandDisabled": "Der Warn-Befehl ist momentan deaktiviert.",
"WarnCommandNoAccess": "Du hast keinen Zugriff zum Warn-Befehl.",
"WarnCommandInvalidID": "Falsche Spieler ID.\nNutze '/warn [Spieler ID] [Grund]' um einen Spieler zu warnen. \nBeispiel :- /warn 5 Lavachatting",
- "WarnCommandWarnHost": "Du bist nicht berechtigt, den Host zu verwarnen.",
+ "WarnCommandWarnHost": "You are not permitted to warn the Host.",
"StartCommandNoAccess": "You do not have access to the start command.",
"StartCommandDisabled": "The start command is currently disabled.",
"StartCommandCountdown": "ERROR\n\nThe game is already starting!",
"StartCommandStarted": "The game has been started by {0}!",
"StartCommandInvalidCountdown": "ERROR\n\nThe countdown must be between {0} and {1}!",
- "WarnCommandWarnMod": "Du bist nicht berechtigt, andere Moderatoren zu verwarnen.",
+ "WarnCommandWarnMod": "You are not permitted to warn other Moderators.",
"WarnCommandWarned": "wurde verwarnt. Es werden keine weiteren Verwarnungen ausgesprochen und angemessene Reaktionen erfolgen \n ",
"WarnExample": "Use /warn [id] [reason] in future. \nExample :-\n /warn 5 lava chatting",
"SayCommandDisabled": "Der say-Befehl ist momentan deaktiviert.",
@@ -2010,6 +2189,7 @@
"DeathReason.Sacrificed": "Sacrificed",
"DeathReason.Electrocuted": "Electrocuted",
"DeathReason.Scavenged": "Gefressen",
+ "DeathReason.BlastedOff": "Blasted Off",
"OnlyEnabledDeathReasons": "Only Enabled Death Reasons",
"Alive": "Lebendig",
"Disconnected": "Disconnected",
@@ -2022,6 +2202,7 @@
"Infected-": "Infiziert ",
"Contagious-": "Contagious ",
"Admired-": "Bewunderter ",
+ "Enchanted-": "Enchanted ",
"DeputyHandcuffCooldown": "Handschellenwartezeit",
"DeputyHandcuffMax": "Maximale Handschellen",
"DeputyHandcuffedPlayer": "Ziel gefesselt",
@@ -2071,11 +2252,11 @@
"Command.kill": "[Player ID] → Kille angegebene Spieler",
"Command.exe": "[Player ID] → Wirf angegebene Spieler raus",
"Command.level": "[Level] → Wechsle dein Level im Spiel",
- "Command.idlist": "→ Zeige Spieler-ID-Liste",
+ "Command.idlist": "→ Display a list of player ID's",
"Command.qq": "→ Lobby wird auf QQ Websiete (nur China) gepostet",
"Command.dump": "→ Gib Protokoll auf den Desktop aus",
"Command.death": "→ Zeige Informationen, wie du gestorben bist",
- "Command.icons": "
╳ - The Player was marked by the Blackmailer and can't talk during the Meeting
☆ - Used by Captain to display themselves. Only Crewmates can see the Captain's star
乂 - This player was hexed by the Hex Master and will die if the Hex Master isn't killed or ejected by the end of the Meeting.
♦ - Used by Lawyer or Executioner or Follower.
♥ - Used by Lovers or Romantic.
✚ - Used by Medic to mark their target.
⦿ - This player is in a duel with the Pirate.
!? - This player was marked by the Quizmaster and must answer the question correctly to survive.
☜ - Used by Schrödinger's cat to mark their teammate.
◈ - This player marked by the Shroud and will die if the Shroud is not killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
⚠ - This player is a Snitch or Solsticer who has finished their tasks.
★ - Used by Super Star or Cyber or Marshall.
† - This player was spelled and will die if the Witch is not killed by the end of the meeting.
∇ - Used by Kamikaze to mark their targets.
■ - Used by Lightning to mark their quantum ghosts.
⊠ - Used by Jailer to mark their prisoner.
● - Used by Baker to mark who has Bread.
♠ - Used by Soul Collector to mark who's death they're predicting.
⦿ - Used by Plaguebearer to mark who they have plagued.",
+ "Command.icons": "
╳ - The player was marked by the Blackmailer and can't talk during the meeting
☆ - Used by Captain to display themselves. Only Crewmates can see the Captain's star
乂 - This player was hexed by the Hex Master and will die if the Hex Master isn't killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
♦ - Used by Lawyer or Executioner or Follower.
♥ - Used by Lovers or Romantic.
✚ - Used by Medic to mark their target.
⦿ - This player is in a duel with the Pirate.
!? - This player was marked by the Quizmaster and must answer the question correctly to survive.
☜ - Used by Schrödinger's cat to mark their teammate.
◈ - This player marked by the Shroud and will die if the Shroud is not killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
⚠ - This player is a Snitch or Solsticer who has finished their tasks.
★ - Used by Super Star or Cyber or Marshall.
† - This player was spelled and will die if the Witch is not killed by the end of the Meeting.
∇ - Used by Kamikaze to mark their targets.
■ - Used by Lightning to mark their Quantum Ghosts.
⊠ - Used by Jailer to mark their prisoner.
● - Used by Baker to mark who has Bread.
♠ - Used by Soul Collector to mark who's death they're predicting.
⦿ - Used by Plaguebearer to mark who they have plagued.
♣ - Shown on the Coven member with the Necronomicon. This is only shown to Coven.
⌘ - This player is Jinxed. This is only shown to Coven.
ø - This player is Illusioned. This is only shown to Coven.
♻ - This player is Stoned. This is only shown to Coven.
✂ - This player is a Voodoo Doll. This is only shown to Coven.",
"Command.start": "[Seconds] → Start the game",
"Command.iconinfo": "→ Zeige Informationen über Treffensymbole",
"Command.iconhelp": "→ Zeige öffentlich Informationen über Treffensymbole",
@@ -2085,13 +2266,15 @@
"Remaining.MadmateCount": "Madmates left: {0}",
"Remaining.NeutralCount": "Neutral Killers left: {0}",
"Remaining.ApocalypseCount": "Neutral Apocalypse left: {0}",
+ "Remaining.CovenCount": "Coven left: {0}",
"EnableKillerLeftCommand": "Aktiviere den /kcount -Befehl",
- "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "Show Madmates (including add-ons)",
+ "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "Show Madmates (including Add-ons)",
"ShowApocalypseInLeftCommand": "Show Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "ShowCovenInLeftCommand": "Show Coven",
"SeeEjectedRolesInMeeting": "See ejected roles in meetings",
"ThankYouForUsingTOHE": "Thank you for using TOHE!",
"SkillUsedLeft": "You have activated your skill to call a meeting. \nRemaining amount of uses left:",
- "NemesisDeadMsg": "Der Tod des Nemesis bedeutet der Anfang von der Rache. \nBitte nutze /rv + [Spieler ID] um einen bestimmten Spieler zu killen. \nDu kannst die Spieler IDs vor dem Namen sehen oder schreibe /rv um eine Liste der IDs zu sehen",
+ "NemesisDeadMsg": "The death of the Nemesis means the beginning of the revenge. \nPlease use /rv + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /rv to get a list of player ID's",
"NemesisAliveKill": "Die Rache des Nemesis kann nur nach seinem Tod beginnen.",
"NemesisKillDead": "Wähle einen lebenden Spieler, um Rache zu nehmen",
"NemesisKillSucceed": "[{0}] wurde vom Nemesis gekillt!",
@@ -2111,14 +2294,15 @@
"GuessGuardianTask": "Du kannst den Wächter der seine Aufgaben abgeschlossen hat nicht guessen.",
"GuardianCantKilled": "You can't kill a Guardian who has finished their tasks.",
"GuessMarshallTask": "Du kannst den Marschall der seine Aufgaben abgeschlossen hat nicht guessen.",
- "GuessObviousAddon": "Offenbarte Add-ons können nicht geguessed werden.",
- "GuessAdtRole": "Die Hosteinstellungen erlauben das Guessen für Add-ons nicht",
+ "GuessObviousAddon": "Sorry, obvious Add-ons cannot be guessed.",
+ "GuessAdtRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow you to guess Add-ons",
"GuessImpRole": "Die Hosteinstellungen erlauben das Guessen von Verrätern von anderen Verrätern nicht.",
- "GuessCrewRole": "Die Hosteinstellungen erlauben das Guessen von Besatzungsmitgliedern von anderen Besatzungsmitgliedern nicht.",
+ "GuessCrewRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow Crewmates to guess Crewmate roles.",
"GuessApocRole": "Fortunately, the Host's settings does not allow Apocalypse to guess Apocalypse roles.",
+ "GuessCovenRole": "Fortunately, the Host's settings does not allow Coven to guess Coven roles.",
"GuessKill": "{0} wurde geguessed",
"GuessNull": "Bitte gib eine ID eines lebenden Spielers an, um dessen Rolle zu guessen",
- "GuessHelp": "Anleitung: /bt [Spieler ID] [Rollenname] \nBeispiel: /bt 3 Killköder \nDu kannst die Spieler IDs neben den Namen der Spieler sehen, oder nutze den Befehl /id um eine Liste zu erhalten",
+ "GuessHelp": "Instructions: /bt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /bt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"GGGuessMax": "You've reached the maximum guess limit. You can't guess anymore!",
"EGGuessMax": "You've reached the maximum guess limit. You can't guess anymore!",
"EGGuessSnitchTaskDone": "You thought you could guess the Snitch when all their tasks are done? Nice try. You're not getting out of this that easily.",
@@ -2149,12 +2333,12 @@
"MediumNotifyTarget": "{0}, der Hellseher hat mit dir Kontakt aufgenommen. Du hast bis zum Ende des Treffens die Möglichkeit ihm zu antworten. Nutze einen dieser Befehle:\nBestätigung: /ms yes\nVerneinung: /ms no",
"MediumNotifySelf": "You established contact with {0}. Please ask them questions and wait for them to respond.\n\nRemaining ability uses: {1}",
"MediumKnowPlayerDead": "Irgendwo ist jemand gestorben",
- "SpurtMinSpeed": "Mindestgeschwindigkeit",
- "SpurtMaxSpeed": "Höchstgeschwindigkeit",
+ "SpurtMinSpeed": "Minimum Speed",
+ "SpurtMaxSpeed": "Maximum Speed",
"SpurtModule": "Speed Modulator",
"EnableSpurtCharge": "Display The Charge",
"SpurtSuffix": "\n« Spurt: {0}% »",
- "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "Target Is Already Dead",
+ "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "Target is Already Dead",
"ByBard": "bei Barde",
"ByBardGetFailed": "Ups, ich scheine keine Inspiration mehr zu haben.",
"GangsterSuccessfullyRecruited": "Du hast erfolgreich einen Spieler rekrutiert",
@@ -2165,40 +2349,37 @@
"BecomeMadmateCuzMadmateMode": "Du bist aufgrund deines Todes zum Verräterhelfer geworden",
"CleanerCleanBody": "Die Leiche wurde gereinigt",
"QuickShooterStoraging": "Kugel gespeichert",
- "QuickShooterFailed": "You are still in cooldown.",
- "PoisonerTargetDead": "Ziel gekillt",
- "HexesLookLikeSpells": "Hexes appear as spells",
- "HexButtonText": "Verhexen",
- "BloodthirstAdded": "Dein Blutdurst ist jetzt aktiv!",
+ "QuickShooterFailed": "You are still in Cooldown.",
+ "BloodthirstAdded": "Your Bloodthirst is now active!",
"WarlockNoTarget": "Kein Ziel ausgewählt, darum keine Manipulation",
"WarlockNoTargetYet": "You haven't marked a target.",
"WarlockTargetDead": "Das Ziel ist tot, darum keine Manipulation",
"WarlockControlKill": "Ziel getötet",
"OnCelebrityDead": "Achtung: Promi-Tod!",
"OnCyberDead": "Warning: Cyber died!",
- "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "Teleportiere alle zu Vents",
+ "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "Everyone was teleported to Vents",
"TeleportedByTransporter": "Ortwechsel mit: {0}",
"ErrorTeleport": "Teleport fehlgeschlagen",
- "EraseLimit": "Max Erases",
+ "EraseLimit": "Maximum Erases",
"EraserHideVote": "Blende Stimme vom Radierer aus",
"EraserEraseMsgTitle": "RADIERER",
"EraserEraseNotice": "Du hast {0} radiert.\nDessen Rolle wird nach dem Treffen deaktiviert.",
"EraserEraseBaseImpostorOrNeutralRoleNotice": "Ups, dein Ziel kann nicht radiert werden!",
"EraserEraseSelf": "Unfortunately, you can't erase yourself... Wait, why would you do that in the first place?!",
- "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "Du kannst die Rolle von Spielern, die du radiert hast, nicht guessen, außer Add-ons",
+ "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "You can't guess the role of the player you erased, except Add-ons",
"LostRoleByEraser": "Du hast deine Rolle wegen dem Radierer verloren",
"KilledByScavenger": "Aasgeier killte dich, dadurch wurdest du aus der Map teleportiert",
- "SnitchDoneTasks": "Berufe ein Notfalltreffen um die Verräter zu sehen",
+ "SnitchDoneTasks": "Call a meeting to find the Impostors",
"SwooperCanVent": "Venten um unsichtbar zu werden",
"SwooperInvisState": "Du bist unsichtbar",
"SwooperInvisStateOut": "Du bist sichtbar",
- "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "Swoop cooldown isn't up yet. Swooping failed",
+ "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "Swoop Cooldown isn't up yet. Swooping failed",
"SwooperInvisStateCountdown": "Unsichtbarkeit endet in {0}s",
"SwooperInvisCooldownRemain": "Schwuppswartezeit: {0} Sekunden",
"WraithCanVent": "Venten um unsichtbar zu werden",
"WraithInvisState": "Du bist unsichtbar",
"WraithInvisStateOut": "Du bist wieder unsichtbar",
- "WraithInvisInCooldown": "Verschwinden fehlgeschlagen, Fähigkeit ist noch in Wartezeit",
+ "WraithInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, Vanish failed",
"WraithInvisStateCountdown": "Unsichtbarkeit endet in {0}s",
"WraithInvisCooldownRemain": "{0}s verbleibend in Unsichtbarkeit",
"WerewolfKillButtonText": "Reißen",
@@ -2219,10 +2400,10 @@
"BittenByInfectious": "The Infectious infected you!",
"InfectiousBittenPlayer": "You successfully infected a player",
"GuessNotAllowed": "Deine Rolle hat keine Erlaubnis zu guessen.",
- "GuessOnbound": "Dieser Spieler hat das Beständiger Add-on, dein Guessversuch an diesem Spieler wurde nicht gewertet.",
+ "GuessOnbound": "This player has the Onbound Add-on, so your guess on them was canceled.",
"GuessSpecter": "Du kannst den Geister-Arbeiter nicht guessen, da es ihm beim Gewinnen hilft!",
"PacifistOnGuard": "Fähigkeit genutzt, {0} übrige Nutzung",
- "PacifistSkillNotify": "Pazifisten setzten deine Killwartezeit zurück",
+ "PacifistSkillNotify": "Pacifist reset your Kill Cooldown",
"BeRecruitedByJackal": "Der Jackal hat dich rekrutiert",
"YinYangerAlreadyMarked": "{0} is already in a state of calm, endowed by a fellow YinYanger",
"CoronerTrackRecorded": "Spur aufgenommen",
@@ -2246,26 +2427,27 @@
"MonarchInvalidTarget": "Ziel kann nicht geadelt werden",
"GhostTransformTitle": "Your Role Has Transformed!",
"SpiritcallerNoticeTitle": "YOU TURNED INTO AN EVIL SPIRIT ",
- "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "The Spiritcaller has killed you and turned you into an Evil Spirit. Your task now is to help the Spiritcaller to victory by using your spook button to hinder other players or to protect the Spiritcaller. Use /m for more information.",
+ "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "The Spiritcaller has killed you and turned you into an Evil Spirit. Your task now is to help the Spiritcaller to victory by using your Spook button to hinder other players or to protect the Spiritcaller. Use /m for more information.",
"OverseerRevealCooldown": "Offenbarungs Wartezeit",
"OverseerRevealTime": "OffenbarungsZeit",
"OverseerVision": "Aufpasser -Sicht",
- "MerchantMaxSell": "Max Anzahl an Add-onsverkäufen",
+ "MerchantMaxSell": "Maximum number of Add-ons to sell",
"MerchantMoneyPerSell": "Preis für einen Add-onverkauf",
"MerchantMoneyRequiredToBribe": "Benötigter Preis für die Bestechung eines Killers",
"MerchantNotifyBribery": "Informiere den Handelsmann wenn ein Killer bestochen wurde",
"MerchantTargetCrew": "Kann an Besatzungsmitglieder verkaufen",
"MerchantTargetImpostor": "Kann an Verräter verkaufen",
+ "MerchantTargetCoven": "Can sell to Coven",
"MerchantTargetNeutral": "Kann an Neutrale verkaufen",
"MerchantSellHelpful": "Kann Helfende Add-ons verkaufen",
"MerchantSellHarmful": "Kann Zerstörerische Add-ons verkaufen",
"MerchantSellMixed": "Kann Gemischte Add-ons verkaufen",
- "MerchantSellExperimental": "Kann Experimentelle Add-ons verkaufen",
+ "MerchantSellExperimental": "Can sell Experimental Add-ons",
"MerchantSellHarmfulToEvil": "Kann Zerstörerische Add-ons nur an Böse verkaufen",
- "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "Kann Helfende Add-ons nur an Besatzung verkaufen",
+ "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "Can sell Helpful Add-ons only to Crewmates",
"MerchantSellOnlyEnabledAddons": "Kann nur aktivierte Add-ons verkaufen",
"SpiritcallerSpiritMax": "Maximum number of Evil Spirits",
- "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "Evil Spirit ability cooldown",
+ "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "Evil Spirit Ability Cooldown",
"SpiritcallerFreezeTime": "Evil Spirit ability freeze time",
"SpiritcallerProtectTime": "Evil Spirit ability protect time",
"SpiritcallerCauseVision": "Evil Spirit ability caused vision",
@@ -2274,31 +2456,31 @@
"Message.MessageWaitHelp": "Specify the first argument in seconds.",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundHost": "No templates.txt matching {0} were found",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundClient": "The Host doesn't have a template called {0}",
- "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "There are {0} more emergency buttons left",
+ "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "There are {0} more Emergency buttons left",
"Message.Executed": "{0} was executed",
- "Message.HideGameSettings": "The host has hidden the game settings.",
+ "Message.HideGameSettings": "The Host has hidden the game settings.",
"Message.NowOverrideText": "Please enter the root folder of the game.\\Language\\English.dat. Change this text in the dat file \nIf you don't need this feature or want to display regular /n messages. \nPlease disable [Enable only custom /n messages in the settings.]",
"Message.NoDescription": "No description",
"Message.KickedByDenyName": "{0} was kicked because its name matched {1}",
"Message.BannedByBanList": "{0} was banned because they were banned in the past.",
- "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0} has been banned because he is in the EAC list of Banned people.",
+ "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0} has been banned because he is in the EAC list of banned people.",
"Message.DumpfileSaved": "The log file was successfully saved to the desktop, filename: {0}",
"Message.DumpcmdUsed": "{0} hat den /dump -Befehl genutzt.",
- "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was kicked because their friend code is invalid.",
- "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was temporarily banned because their friend code is invalid.",
+ "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was kicked because their Friend Code is invalid.",
+ "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was temporarily banned because their Friend Code is invalid.",
"Message.AddedPlayerToBanList": "Added {0} to the ban list",
- "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0} has been kicked by the system. \nThe lobby host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
- "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0} wurde {1}mal verwarnt \nEs ist nicht erwünscht Nachrichten, die nach dem Spielstart fragen zu sehen",
- "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0} has received {1} warnings, he will be kicked. \nThe lobby host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0} has been kicked by the system. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0} has been warned: {1} times \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0} has received {1} warnings, he will be kicked. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWord": "{0}, stop sending banned words!",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWordTimes": "{0} has been warned: {1} times \nif you continue you will be kicked",
"Message.KickWhoSayBanWordAfterWarn": "[{0}] received {1} warnings.\nHe was expelled for forbidden words",
- "Message.KickedByEAC": "[{0}]Kicked by EAC, reason:{1}",
- "Message.BannedByEAC": "[{0}]Banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
- "Message.NoticeByEAC": "[{0}]Detected:{1}",
- "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "[{0}]Temporary Banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.KickedByEAC": "[{0}]kicked by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.BannedByEAC": "[{0}]banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.NoticeByEAC": "[{0}]detected:{1}",
+ "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "[{0}]temporary banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
"Message.TempBannedForSpamQuitting": "{0} was temporary banned because of spamming quits",
- "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0} kicked because their friendcode was not found in WhiteList.txt",
+ "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0} kicked because their Friend Code was not found in WhiteList.txt",
"Message.SetLevel": "Dein Spiellevel wurde auf {0} gesetzt",
"Message.SetColor": "Your color is set to: {0}",
"Message.SetName": "Your name is set to: {0}",
@@ -2314,7 +2496,7 @@
"Message.HostLeftGameInGame": "★Warning★ Host left the game, and the game wouldn't start normally next time. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
"Message.HostLeftGameInLobby": "★Warning★ Host left the game, and the game wouldn't start normally next time. If the new Host has TOHE, you need to re-enter the lobby to play normally.",
"Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host! \nThe room is still modded, start a game and end it immediately to reset the lobby!",
- "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host. \nBut it's not modded. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
+ "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host! \nBut it's not modded. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
"Message.LobbyShared": "The lobby has successfully been shared!",
"Message.LobbyShareFailed": "TOHE-Chan does not seem to be online (failed to share lobby)",
"Message.YTPlanDisabled": "FEHLER\n\nBitte aktiviere {0} in den Einstellungen",
@@ -2322,12 +2504,14 @@
"Message.YTPlanSelectFailed": "You cannot be assigned as {0}.\nIt may be because you don't have this role enabled, or this role does not support being assigned.",
"Message.YTPlanCanNotFindRoleThePlayerEnter": "Konnte die Rolle nicht finden\nNutze den /r -Befehl um eine Rollenliste anzuzeigen",
"Message.YTPlanNotice": "Hinweis: Der [YouTuber Plan] ist aktiviert. Das heißt, der Host kann seine Rolle in der nächsten Runde selbst auswählen, damit es einfacher wird, Videomaterial zu bekommen. Wenn der Host diese Funktion falsch ausnutzt, verlasse das Spiel und melde es.\nAktueller Creatornachweis:",
- "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "FEHLER\n\nDieser Befehl wird nur vom Host genutzt.",
+ "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "ERROR\n\nThis command may only be used by the Host.",
"Message.MaxPlayers": "Maximum players set to ",
- "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "Could not set max players: Vanilla regions support a maximum of 15 players.",
+ "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "Could not set maximum players: Vanilla regions support a maximum of 15 players.",
"Message.GhostRoleInfo": "Ghost Role Info\nHiya! A little about ghost roles...\n\nGhost roles drastically impact the game, so it's not recommended for smaller lobbies if you're unfamiliar. If not explicitly stated otherwise in the description, the Guard button is their ability button ;)\n\nSpawning:\nGhost-roles only spawn after death; the first x people from (team) to die get them.\n\nPS: If your previous role didn't have tasks(e.g., sheriff), your tasks as a ghost-role aren't needed for task-win",
"ApocalypseInfoTitle": "Neutral Apocalypse Info:",
"Message.ApocalypseInfo": "Every role of the <#ff174f>Apocalypse Team has their own objective to carry out in order to transform.\n<#2B0804>Transformed <#ff174f>Apocalypse members have a drastic change on the game and are immortal (except for being voted), but everyone will be notified that they have transformed.\n\nRoles: <#e5f6b4>Plaguebearer, <#A675A1>Soul Collector, <#bf9f7a>Baker, <#cc0044>Berserker\nTransformed: <#343136>Pestilence, <#644661>Death, <#83461c>Famine, <#2B0804>War\n\nApocalypse members can see eachother's roles and ability icons.\nLike Neutral Killers, Apocalypse members keep the game going as well, have fun!",
+ "CovenInfoTitle": "Coven Info:",
+ "Message.CovenInfo": "The <#ac42f2>Coven is a faction of evildoers who specialize in Witchcraft. Their goal is to kill all who would oppose the <#ac42f2>Coven.\nThey use the Necronomicon to enhance their powers, but only one member at a time can hold it.\nMost Coven roles can only kill if they hold the Necronomicon. A random Coven member will spawn with the Necronomicon, denoted by the <#ac42f2>♣ symbol next to their name.\nIf the Necronomicon holder dies, the Necronomicon will be randomly given to another <#ac42f2>Coven member that is alive.\nDuring a meeting, Coven players can vote each other to determine who will gain the Necronomicon the following round. If the votes end in a tie or nobody votes, the Necronomicon holder will be the same. Votes will be returned and you will be allowed to vote normally.",
"Message.MeCommandInfo": "Hi [{0}] {1} !\n\nfriend-code Hash-Puid Type
{2} {3} {4}
IsDev HasUp /color-Bypass
{5} {6} {7}
"Message.MeCommandTargetInfo": "Selected [{0}] Player {1} ,\n\nTheir friend code is {2}.\n\nTheir hash puid is {3}.\n\nTheir TOHE Discord role is {4}.\n\n",
"Message.MeCommandInvalidID": "The ID you entered seems incorrect. \nPlease use /id to get the player ID of online players",
@@ -2349,18 +2533,18 @@
"EnableGadientTags": "Enable Gradient Tags (can cause disconnect issues)",
"Warning.GradientTags": "Warning:\n\nHost has enabled gradient tags. This feature is not recommended to use because it can cause disconnect issues",
"WarningTitle": "Warnung!",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "Vorsicht! Die Vents auf dieser Karte sind kaputt",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "Auf der «dlekS ehT» Karte sind die Vents kapuut, bei Host-onlymods können diese nicht behoben werden, das ist ein Vanillabug, also, alle Ventnutzenden Rollen werden hier nicht zugeteilt",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "Warning! The Vents on this map are broken",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "On the «dlekS ehT» map, the Vents are broken, they cannot be fixed in Host-Only Mods, this is a vanilla bug, so any roles using a Vent as an ability will not spawns on this map",
"Warning.NoGameEndIsEnabled": "Warning: {0} is enabled!",
"AntiBlackoutProtectionTitle": "Anti Blackout",
"Warning.AntiBlackoutProtectionMsg": "Warning:\n\rBlack screen protection has been activated, due to the low number of alive Impostors, Crewmates and Neutral Killers\nThe voting screen will show as a tied vote (only affects the visual, not the results voting)\nModded players will see voting screen normally",
"Warning.ShowAntiBlackExiledPlayer": "Last meeting triggered Black Screen Prevention!\nFollowing is the information of the player exiled in the last meeting.\n",
"DisableAntiBlackoutProtects": "Disable AntiBlackout Protects (Recommended for testing)",
- "Warning.InvalidRpc": "Kicked {0} because an invalid RPC was received.\nPlease check that no mods other than TOHE are installed.",
- "Warning.NoModHost": "TOHE is not installed on the host",
+ "Warning.InvalidRpc": "Kicked {0} because an invalid RPC was received.\nPlease check that no Mods other than TOHE are installed.",
+ "Warning.NoModHost": "TOHE is not installed on the Host",
"Warning.MismatchedVersion": "{0} has a different version of {1}",
- "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "The host has no or a different version of {0}\nYou will be kicked in {1}",
- "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "The use of the console is prohibited\nso your console has been off",
+ "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "The Host has no or a different version of {0}\nYou will be kicked in {1}",
+ "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "The use of the Console is prohibited\nso your Console has been off",
"Error.MeetingException": "Fehler: {0}\nBitte nutze UMSCHALT+M+ENTER um das Treffen zu beenden",
"Error.InvalidRoleAssignment": "Fehler: Ungültige Rolle wurde einem Spieler zugeteilt ({0})",
"Error.InvalidColor": "Fehler: Nur Standardfarben sind hier verfügbar",
@@ -2374,7 +2558,7 @@
"ERR-000-910-1": "Test Fehler Lv.1",
"ERR-000-920-2": "Test Fehler Lv.2",
"ERR-000-930-3": "Test Fehler Lv.3",
- "ERR-000-804-1": "Sorry, TOHE temporarily not support the Vanilla HnS, so mod unloaded",
+ "ERR-000-804-1": "Sorry, TOHE temporarily doesn't support vanilla Hide & Seek, so Mod unloaded",
"ERR-001-000-3": "Main dictionary has duplicated keys.",
"ERR-002-000-1": "Nicht unterstütze AmongUs-Version. Bitte aktualisiere Among Us",
"DefaultSystemMessageTitle": "SYSTEM MESSAGE",
@@ -2403,16 +2587,18 @@
"TabGroup.ModifierSettings": "Game Modifiers",
"TabGroup.CrewmateRoles": "Besatzungsrollen",
"TabGroup.NeutralRoles": "Neutrale Rollen",
+ "TabGroup.CovenRoles": "Coven Roles",
"TabGroup.ImpostorRoles": "Verräterrollen",
"TabGroup.Addons": "Add-ons",
- "TabMenuDescription_General": "Here you can configure the functions that are in the mod",
- "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "Here you can add, remove and change the settings of all roles or add-ons in the mod",
+ "TabMenuDescription_General": "Here you can configure the functions that are in the Mod",
+ "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "Here you can add, remove and change the settings of all Roles or Add-ons in the Mod",
"Experimental.Roles": "★ Experimental Roles (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
"ActiveRolesList": "Active Roles List",
"ForExample": "Example Use",
"ImpCanBeGuesser": "Verräter können zu Guessern werden",
"CrewCanBeGuesser": "Besatzungsmitglieder können zu Guessern werden",
"NeutralCanBeGuesser": "Neutrale können zu Guessern werden",
+ "CovenCanBeGuesser": "Coven can become Guesser",
"CrewCanBeMundane": "Besatzung kann Weltlicher werden",
"NeutralCanBeMundane": "Neutrale können Weltliche(r) werden",
"GuessedAsMundane": "You're Mundane.\nYou can't guess until you finish all the tasks",
@@ -2420,22 +2606,23 @@
"ImpCanBeInLove": "Verräter können verliebt sein",
"CrewCanBeInLove": "Besatzungsmitglieder können verliebt sein",
"NeutralCanBeInLove": "Neutrale können verliebt sein",
+ "CovenCanBeInLove": "Coven can be in love",
"updateButton": "Update",
"updatePleaseWait": "Please Wait...",
- "updateManually": "Update failed.\nPlease try again or Update Manually.",
+ "updateManually": "Update failed.\nPlease try again or update manually.",
"updateInProgress": "Updating...",
"deletingFiles": "Deleting update files...",
- "updateRestart": "Update abgeschlossen!\nBitte starte das Spiel neu.",
- "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "You can't join public rooms without the latest version.\nPlease Update.",
+ "updateRestart": "Update finished!\nPlease restart the game.",
+ "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "You can't join public rooms without the latest version.\nPlease update.",
"ModBrokenMessage": "The MOD file is damaged.\nPlease reinstall.",
"UnsupportedVersion": "Unsupported Among Us version.\nPlease Update Among Us",
"DisabledByProgram": "The program has disabled public rooms",
- "EnterVentToWin": "Enter Vent to Win!!",
+ "EnterVentToWin": "Enter a Vent to Win!!",
"EatenByPelican": "Du wurdest verschluckt, warte bis der Pelikan stirbt oder ein Treffen stattfindet",
"FireworkerPutPhase": "{0} verbleibende Feurwerke",
"FireworkerWaitPhase": "Warten...",
"FireworkerReadyFirePhase": "Feuer!",
- "EnterVentWinCountDown": "Enter vent within {0} seconds to win!",
+ "EnterVentWinCountDown": "Enter a Vent within {0} seconds to win!",
"On": "AN",
"Off": "AUS",
"ColoredOn": "ON",
@@ -2444,11 +2631,7 @@
"WitchCurrentMode": "Aktueller Modus",
"WitchModeKill": "Kill",
"WitchModeSpell": "Verhexen",
- "HexMasterModeHex": "Verhexen",
- "HexMasterModeKill": "Killen",
- "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "Gift",
"WitchModeDouble": "Doppelklick = Kill, ein Klick = Verhexen",
- "HexMasterModeDouble": "Doppelklick = Kill, Einzelklick = Verhexen",
"BountyCurrentTarget": "Aktuelles Kopfgeldziel",
"Roles": "Rollen",
"Settings": "Einstellungen",
@@ -2457,7 +2640,7 @@
"LastEndReason": "★ Grundende",
"KillLog": "Killprotokoll",
"MainRoleLog": "Role Convert Log",
- "Maximum": "Max",
+ "Maximum": "Maximum",
"RoleRate": "EIN",
"RoleOn": "ALWAYS",
"RoleOff": "OFF",
@@ -2490,7 +2673,7 @@
"Preset_4": "Voreinstellung 4",
"Preset_5": "Voreinstellung 5",
"Standard": "Standard",
- "HidenSeekTOHE": "Versteckspiel",
+ "HidenSeekTOHE": "Hide & Seek",
"GameMode": "Spielmodus",
"PressTabToNextPage": "Press Tab or Number for Next Page...",
"RoleSummaryText": "Rollenübersicht:",
@@ -2577,7 +2760,7 @@
"IllegalColor": "Please enter the correct color",
"DisableUseCommand": "Der Befehl ist aufgrund der Hosteinstellungen deaktiviert.",
"SureUse.quit": "Wir kicken dich und blockieren weitere Beitritte von dir. Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden. Wenn du das wirklich willst nutze den /qt -Befehl {0}",
- "PlayerIdList": "List of player IDs: ",
+ "PlayerIdList": "List of player ID's: ",
"CancelStartCountDown": "The starting countdown was canceled",
"RestTOHESetting": "TOHE settings have been restored to default",
"FPSSetTo": "FPS Set To: {0}",
@@ -2602,13 +2785,13 @@
"Yes": "Ja",
"No": "Nein",
"AntiBlackOutLoggerSendInGame": "Because of an unknown error, the game will end to prevent a black screen.",
- "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "An error occurred to prevent a black screen. Do a «/dump» and send the logs to the discord server TOHE in «bug-reports» and we will try to fix it.",
- "EndWhenPlayerBug": "End the game when a modded player gets a critical error (While loading)",
+ "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "An error occurred to prevent a black screen. Do a «/dump» and send the logs to the Discord server TOHE in «bug-reports» and we will try to fix it.",
+ "EndWhenPlayerBug": "End the game when a Modded player gets a critical error (While loading)",
"AntiBlackOutRequestHostToForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen. The game will end",
- "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen, and the host is not going to end the game\nYou will be disconnected soon",
+ "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen, and the Host is not going to end the game\nYou will be disconnected soon",
"RpcAntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred. To prevent a black screen, turn off [{1}] in settings.",
"RpcAntiBlackOutEndGame": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred, the game will end to prevent a black screen.",
- "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "Wegen {0} ist ein unbekannter Fehler aufgetreten, RPC wird ignoriert.",
+ "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred, but the game will continue without that player due to Host settings.",
"RpcAntiBlackOutKicked": "{0} was kicked due to having a blackout error on its side.",
"NextPage": "Nächste Seite",
"PreviousPage": "Vorherige Seite",
@@ -2630,7 +2813,7 @@
"ExiledInnocentTargetAddBelow": "\nSchaut zurück, der Unschuldige zählt das Geld in seinen Händen",
"ExiledInnocentTargetInOneLine": "{0} war der {1}.\nAber schaut zurück, der Unschuldige zählt das Geld in seinen Händen...\nGG!",
"ExiledDeath": "{0} was {1}!\nThe Crew has been saved from Armageddon!",
- "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} was the {1}.\nBut they were not Death...\nDeath has claimed the souls of the Crew!",
+ "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} was the {1}.\nBut they were not Death...\nDeath has claimed the Souls of the Crew!\nGG!",
"IsGood": "{0} was a good guy",
"BelongTo": "{0} belongs to {1}",
"PlayerIsRole": "{0} was The {1}",
@@ -2643,15 +2826,16 @@
"NeutralRemain": "\n{0} Neutral Killers remain",
"OneNeutralRemain": "\n{0} Neutral Killer remains",
"ApocRemain": "\n{0} Neutral Apocalypse remains",
- "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "All Impostors and Neutral Killers were ejected or killed",
+ "CovenRemain": "\n{0} Coven remain",
+ "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "All Impostors and Neutral Killers and Coven were ejected or killed",
"GameOverReason.HumansByTask": "Die Besatzungsmitglieder haben alle Aufgaben erledigt",
"GameOverReason.HumansDisconnect": "Besatzungsmitglieder getrennt",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByVote": "Die Besatzungsmitglieder wurden rausgeworfen",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByKill": "Die Verräter haben alle gekillt",
- "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "Die Besatzung hat eine Alarmsabotage nicht behoben",
+ "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "Crewmates failed to fix a Critical Sabotage",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorDisconnect": "Verräter getrennt",
"FortuneTellerCheck.TaskDone": "[{0}]Rolle -[{1}]",
- "DevAndSpnTitle": "TOHE family",
+ "DevAndSpnTitle": "TOHE Family",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Null": "{0} ist keine aktivierte Rolle,\ndiese Nachricht hätte eigentlich nicht erscheinen sollen.",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Result": "{0} is either one of the following roles:\n{1}",
"SunnyboyChance": "Sonniger Chance",
@@ -2687,18 +2871,18 @@
"DeathCmd.Misfired": "You misfired.",
"DeathCmd.Shrouded": "Du wurdest vom Leichentuch eingehüllt und wirst, wenn du niemanden killst, dich selbst umbringen.",
"DeathCmd.Lovers": "Dein Liebhaber ist tot.",
- "RpsCommandInfo": "Dieser Befehl ist nur in der Lobby oder als Toter nutzbar.\n\nTippe /rps X um mit dem System Schere-Stein-Papier zu spielen. X ist deine Wahl: 0 (Stein), 1 (Papier) oder 2 (Schere). \n\nBeispiel :- /rps 0",
+ "RpsCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rps X to play Rock Paper Scissors with the system. X can be 0 (rock), 1 (paper) or 2 (scissors). \n\nExample :- /rps 0",
"RpsDraw": "I choose {0}\n\nWow, what an intense battle of wits we just had! It's almost as if we're equally matched in this game of sheer luck and randomness.",
"RpsLose": "I choose {0}\n\nWell, well, well, looks like I've managed to outsmart a human again in this highly complex game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. I guess my unbeatable powers strike again! ",
- "RpsWin": "I choose {0}\n\nOh, congratulations! You must have a crystal ball hidden behind that screen to beat me at Rock, Paper, Scissors. Or maybe I have the world's worst luck algorithm.",
- "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "This Command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.",
+ "RpsWin": "I choose {0}\n\nOh, congratulations! You must have a Crystal Ball hidden behind that screen to beat me at Rock, Paper, Scissors. Or maybe I have the world's worst luck algorithm.",
+ "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.",
"CoinFlipResult": "Drumroll, please... After an intense battle of gravity and randomness, the coin has decided to grace us with its presence! And the majestic winner is... (wait for it) ... the one and only... {0}! Who could have seen that coming?! Clearly, a momentous occasion in the history of coin flips.",
- "GNoCommandInfo": "Dieser Befehl ist nur in der Lobby oder als Toter nutzbar.\n\nTippe /gno X um Nummernraten zu spielen. X kann eine Nummer von 0 bis 99 sein. \n\nDu hast maximal 7 Versuche fürs Nummernraten.\n\n Beispiel:- /gno 10",
+ "GNoCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /gno X to play guess a number. X can be a number between 0 and 99 (both included). \n\nYou get maximum of 7 tries to guess the number.\n\n Example:- /gno 10",
"GNoLost": "Oh, you were so close! Just one more guess: you might have deciphered the Da Vinci code! By the way, the secret number was... {0}! But hey, you were only off by a few billion possibilities. Better luck next time, Sherlock! ",
"GNoLow": "Oh, you're really nailing this! It's so low. I almost need a shovel to dig it up!\nYou have {0} guesses left!",
"GNoHigh": "Oh, absolutely! You're getting warmer. In fact, it's so high that I need a telescope to see it from here! \nYou have {0} guesses left!",
"GNoWon": "Oh, how did you ever figure that out? It's almost like you're a mind reader! Congratulations, you're a genius! You found the secret number with {0} guesses left!",
- "RandCommandInfo": "Dieser Befehl ist nur in der Lobby oder als Toter nutzbar.\n\nTippe /rand X Y um eine Nummer zwischen X und Y zu bekommen. \nX und Y können eine Zahl von 0 bis 2147483647 sein.\nX muss kleiner als Y sein. \n\nBeispiel:- /rand 0 99",
+ "RandCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rand X Y to get a number between X and Y, inclusive. \nX and Y can be any number between 0 and 2147483647, including both numbers.\nX must be less than Y.\n\nExample:- /rand 0 99",
"RandResult": "Congratulations, your random number is {0}! Wasn't that fun?",
"8BallTitle": "The Magic 8 Ball Reveals...",
"8BallYes": "Ja",
@@ -2709,7 +2893,7 @@
"8BallNotLikely": "Outlook not so good",
"8BallLikely": "Gute Aussichten",
"8BallDontCount": "Don't count on it",
- "8BallStop": "Stop using an 8Ball in an Among Us mod",
+ "8BallStop": "Stop using an 8Ball in an Among Us Mod",
"8BallPossibly": "Wahrscheinlichkeit",
"8BallProbably": "Wahrscheinlich",
"8BallProbablyNot": "Wahrscheinlich nicht",
@@ -2718,20 +2902,20 @@
"8BallWithoutDoubt": "Without a doubt",
"8BallWithDoubt": "Sehr zweifelhaft",
"ChanceToMiss": "Chance to miss a kill",
- "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "Required number of souls",
+ "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "Required number of Souls",
"SoulCollectorTarget": "You have predicted the death of {0}",
"SoulCollectorTitle": "SOUL COLLECTOR",
- "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "Can collect their own soul",
- "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "Host settings do not allow you to collect your own soul",
+ "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "Can collect their own Soul",
+ "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "Host settings do not allow you to collect your own Soul",
"SoulCollectorToDeath": "You have become Death!!!",
"SoulCollectorTransform": "Now Soul Collector has become Death, Destroyer of Worlds and Horseman of the Apocalypse!
Find them and vote them out before they bring forth Armageddon!",
- "GetPassiveSouls": "Gain a passive soul every round",
- "PassiveSoulGained": "You have gained a passive soul from the underworld.",
+ "GetPassiveSouls": "Gain a passive Soul every round",
+ "PassiveSoulGained": "You have gained a passive Soul from the underworld.",
"SoulCollectorTargetUsed": "You've already targeted someone this round!",
"SoulCollectorSoulGained": "Soul gained",
"SoulCollectorCanVent": "Soul Collector can Vent",
"DeathMeetingTimeIncrease": "Increased Meeting time when Death exists",
- "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "Your target has died during the meeting. You have gained a soul.",
+ "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "Your target has died during the meeting. You have gained a Soul.",
"SoulCollectorKillButtonText": "Vorhersagen",
"SoulCollectorHasImpostorVision": "Soul Collector has Impostor vision",
"ApocalypseIsNigh": "[ The Apocalypse Is Nigh! ]",
@@ -2754,21 +2938,21 @@
"BakerBreadGivesEffects": "Bread gives additional effects",
"BakerTransformNoMoreBread": "Baker transforms if they do not have enough bread",
"FamineKillButtonText": "Hungern",
- "FamineStarveCooldown": "Famine starve cooldown",
+ "FamineStarveCooldown": "Famine Starve Cooldown",
"FamineCantStarveApoc": "You cannot starve other Apocalypse members!",
"FamineAlreadyStarved": "That player has already been starved!",
"FamineStarved": "Player starved",
"ChronomancerKillCooldown": "Ability Charge Time",
"ChronomancerDecreaseTime": "Slaughter Decrease Time (lower is faster)",
"ChronomancerStartMassacre": "SLAUGHTER: ACTIVATED",
- "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "Vision When In Slaughter",
+ "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "Vision When in Slaughter",
"ShamanButtonText": "Voodoo",
- "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "Du hast diese Runde bereits eine Voodoopuppe ausgewählt",
+ "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "You have already selected a Voodoo Doll in this round",
"Shaman_KillerCannotMurderChosenTarget": "Der Killer kann das gewählte Ziel nicht töten",
"VoodooCooldown": "Voodoo Cooldown",
"AdminWarning": "Admin Table in use!",
"VitalsWarning": "Vitals in use!",
- "DoorlogWarning": "Türprotokolle in Verwendung!",
+ "DoorlogWarning": "DoorLogs in use!",
"CameraWarning": "Cameras in use!",
"MinWaitAutoStart": "Minutes to wait before auto-starting",
"MaxWaitAutoStart": "Beschleunige den Start, wenn der Lobbytimer unter diesen Minuten ist",
@@ -2789,39 +2973,39 @@
"TimeMasterVentButtonText": "Zeitschild",
"BodyCannotBeReported": "Body could not be reported",
"BurstKillDelay": "Explosions- kill Verzögerung",
- "BurstNotify": "Das war ein Platzender! Gehe in den Vent oder Stirb.",
+ "BurstNotify": "That was a Burst! Get in a Vent or die.",
"BurstFailed": "Platzender verfehlte dich zu bombardieren",
"ShroudButtonText": "Einhüllen",
"ShroudCooldown": "Einhüllen Wartezeit",
"Message.Shrouded": "Ein oder mehrere Spieler wurden vom Leichentuch eingehüllt!\n\nBeseitige das Leichentuch oder alle eingehüllten Spieler werden sterben!",
- "LudopathRandomKillCD": "Maximum kill cooldown",
+ "LudopathRandomKillCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
"UnderdogMaximumPlayersNeededToKill": "Maximale Anzahl von lebenden Spielern um Killen zu dürfen",
"GodfatherTargetCountMode": "Killer turns into",
"GodfatherCount_Refugee": "Refugee",
"GodfatherCount_Madmate": "Madmate",
"GodfatherRefugeeMsg": "You have been recruited by GodFather!",
- "MissChance": "Chance To Miss",
- "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "Increase The KillCount +1 If a Crew Is Converted",
+ "MissChance": "Chance to Miss",
+ "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "Increase the KillCount +1 if a Crewmate is Converted",
"HawkMissed": "Verfehlt!",
- "HawkCanKillNum": "Maximale Zerstückelungen",
+ "HawkCanKillNum": "Maximum Slices",
"HawkKillMax": "Du hast keine Fähigkeit-Nutzungen mehr",
"HawkKillTooManyDead": "Es sind zu viele Spieler tot",
- "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "Minimum Players Alive To Kill",
- "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "Maximale Blutungen",
+ "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "Minimum Players Alive to Kill",
+ "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "Maximum BloodLettings",
"BloodMoonTimeTilDie": "Zeit bis zum Tod",
"PossessorPossessCooldown": "Possession Cooldown",
"PossessorPossessDuration": "Possession Duration",
"PossessorAlertRange": "Alert Range",
"PossessorFocusRange": "Focus Range",
"DeathTimer": "Death In: {DeathTimer}s",
- "BerserkerKillCooldown": "Berserker Killwartezeit",
- "BerserkerMax": "Max Level, das der Berserker erreichen kann",
+ "BerserkerKillCooldown": "Berserker Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerMax": "Maximum level that Berserker can reach",
"BerserkerHasImpostorVision": "Berserker Has Impostor Vision",
"WarHasImpostorVision": "War Has Impostor Vision",
"BerserkerCanVent": "Berserker Can Vent",
"WarCanVent": "War Can Vent",
- "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "Schalte geringere Killwartezeit frei",
- "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "Killwartezeit nach Freischaltung",
+ "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "Unlock lower Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after unlocking",
"BerserkerTwoCanScavenger": "Schalte Aasgeierkills frei",
"BerserkerThreeCanBomber": "Schalte Bombenkills frei",
"BerserkerFourCanNotKill": "Become War",
@@ -2831,7 +3015,7 @@
"KilledByBerserker": "Du wurdest vom Berserker gekillt",
"BerserkerToWar": "You have become War!!!",
"BerserkerTransform": "The Berserker has transformed into War, Horseman of the Apocalypse! Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war.",
- "WarKillCooldown": "War kill cooldown",
+ "WarKillCooldown": "War Kill Cooldown",
"BerserkerCanKillTeamate": "Can kill other Neutral Apocalypse",
"BlackmailerSkillCooldown": "Erpresser Wartezeit",
"BlackmailerMax": "Maximale Anzahl dem Sprechen von erpressten Spieler",
@@ -2839,7 +3023,7 @@
"BlackmaileKillTitle": "ERPRESSER",
"UnluckyTaskSuicideChance": "Chance für Selbstmord durch Aufgaben erledigen",
"UnluckyKillSuicideChance": "Chance für Selbstmord durch killen",
- "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "Chance für Selbstmord durch venten",
+ "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from Venting",
"UnluckyReportSuicideChance": "Chance für Selbstmord durch Leichen melden",
"UnluckyOpenDoorSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from opening a door",
"NeutralCanBeAware": "Neutrale können Bewusster werden",
@@ -2860,7 +3044,7 @@
"PenguinKillButtonText": "Ziehen",
"PenguinTimerText": "Zieh-Timer",
"PenguinTargetOnCheckMurder": "You are grabbed. Try to escape that first!",
- "WitnessTime": "Max Time after killing where killer appears red",
+ "WitnessTime": "Maximum Time after killing where killer appears red",
"WitnessButtonText": "Untersuchen",
"WitnessFoundInnocent": "✓",
"WitnessFoundKiller": "⚠",
@@ -2871,7 +3055,7 @@
"SwapVote": "The votes of {0} and {1} were swapped!",
"SwapDead": "Sorry, you can't swap votes after death.",
"SwapNull": "Please choose the ID of a living player to swap votes with. Use 253 to clear swaps",
- "SwapHelp": "Command Format: /sw [playerID] to select the target\nYou can see the player IDs next to the player names or use /id to see the player ID list.\nUse /swap 253 to clear your previous swap",
+ "SwapHelp": "Command Format: /sw [player ID] to select the target\nYou can see the player ID's next to the player names or use /id to see the player ID list.\nUse /swap 253 to clear your previous swap",
"Swap1": "Swap target 1 selected",
"Swap2": "Swap target 2 selected",
"CancelSwap": "Cleared your previous swap!",
@@ -2883,6 +3067,7 @@
"ImpCanKillFragile": "Verräter können Zerbrechlicher sein",
"NeutralCanKillFragile": "Neutrale können Zerbrechlicher sein",
"CrewCanKillFragile": "Crewmates can force kill Fragile",
+ "CovenCanKillFragile": "Coven can force kill Fragile",
"FragileKillerLunge": "Killer lunges on kill",
"CrusaderSkillLimit": "Maximale Missionierungen",
"CrusaderSkillCooldown": "Missionarswartezeit",
@@ -2893,11 +3078,11 @@
"ChanceToSpawn": "Chance zu entstehen",
"ChanceToSpawnAnother": "Chance für additive Entstehung",
"BloodthirstKillCD": "Blutdürstiger Killwartezeit",
- "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "Maximale Überlebende für Blutdürstiger",
+ "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "Maximum players alive for Bloodthirst",
"ReflectHarmfulInteractions": "Reflektiere Zerstörerische Interaktionen",
- "DiseasedCDOpt": "Increase the cooldown by",
+ "DiseasedCDOpt": "Increase the Cooldown by",
"DiseasedCDReset": "Cooldown returns to normal after a meeting",
- "AntidoteCDOpt": "Decrease the cooldown by",
+ "AntidoteCDOpt": "Decrease the Cooldown by",
"AntidoteCDReset": "Cooldown returns to normal after a meeting",
"GlowRadius": "Glow Radius",
"GlowVisionOthers": "Vision Boost for nearby Players",
@@ -2914,10 +3099,10 @@
"PunchingBagKill": "Du wurdest angegriffen!",
"SelfGuessPunchingBag": "Du kannst dich nicht selbst guessen als Boxsack, du Cheater!",
"GuessPunchingBagBlocked": "Der Boxsack kann nicht guessen, weil er versucht hat sich selbst zu guessen.",
- "EradicatePunchingBag": "You just tried to terminate punching bag, that is not allowed.",
+ "EradicatePunchingBag": "You just tried to terminate Punching Bag, that is not allowed.",
"RememberCooldown": "Nachmacherwartezeit",
"RefugeeKillCD": "Flüchtling Killwartezeit",
- "RememberedNeutralKiller": "You remembered you were a neutral killer!",
+ "RememberedNeutralKiller": "You remembered you were a Neutral killer!",
"RememberedMaverick": "Du erinnerst dich, dass du ein Außenseiter bist!",
"RememberedPursuer": "Du erinnerst dich, dass du ein Häscher bist!",
"RememberedFollower": "Du erinnerst dich, dass du ein Folger bist!",
@@ -2926,12 +3111,12 @@
"ReportWhenFailedRemember": "Report Dead Body when failed to remember",
"RememberedImitator": "You remembered you were an Imitator.",
"RememberedImpostor": "Du erinnerst dich, dass du ein Verräter bist!",
- "RememberedCrewmate": "Du erinnerst dich, dass du ein Besatzungsmitglied bist!",
+ "RememberedCrewmate": "You remembered you were a Crewmate!",
"ImitatorImitated": "Ein Imitator hat deine Rolle nachgeahmt!",
"ImitatorInvalidTarget": "Nachahmung fehlgeschlagen",
"RememberButtonText": "Erinnern",
"ImitatorKillButtonText": "Nachahmen",
- "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "If neutral is incompatible, turn into",
+ "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "If Neutral is incompatible, turn into",
"RememberedYourRole": "Ein Dementer erinnerte sich an deine Rolle!",
"YouRememberedRole": "You remembered who you were!",
"BanditStealMode": "Stehlen-Modus",
@@ -2939,23 +3124,19 @@
"BanditStealMode_Instantly": "Direkt",
"BanditMaxSteals": "Maximales Stehlen",
"BanditCanStealBetrayalAddon": "Kann Verrat Add-on-Rollen stehlen",
- "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "Kann nur Verräter Add-ons stehlen",
- "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "Konnte die Add-on-Rolle vom Spieler nicht stehlen",
- "BanditStealCooldown": "Stehlen Wartezeit",
+ "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "Can Steal Impostor Only Add-ons",
+ "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "Could not steal Add-on from the player",
+ "BanditStealCooldown": "Steal Cooldown",
"DoppelMaxSteals": "Maximum Steals",
- "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "Last victim can see role and add-on info of alive players as a ghost",
- "NecromancerRevengeTime": "Necromancy time",
- "NecromancerRevenge": "You have {0}s to kill {1}",
- "NecromancerSuccess": "Necromancy complete! You live to see another day.",
- "NecromancerHide": "Venting is disabled, hide from the Necromancer!",
- "RetributionistDeadMsg": "Der Tod des Nemesis bedeutet der Anfang von der Rache. \nBitte nutze /rv + [Spieler ID] um einen bestimmten Spieler zu killen. \nDu kannst die Spieler IDs vor dem Namen sehen oder schreibe /rv um eine Liste der IDs zu sehen",
+ "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "Last victim can see Role and Add-on info of alive players as a ghost",
+ "RetributionistDeadMsg": "The death of the Retributionist means the beginning of retribution. \nPlease use /ret + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /ret to get a list of player ID's",
"RetributionistAliveKill": "Retribution for the Retributionist may only begin after their death.",
"RetributionistKillMax": "You've reached the maximum amount of kills. You can't kill anymore!",
"RetributionistKillDead": "Choose a living player to kill.",
"RetributionistKillSucceed": "{0} was killed by the Retributionist!",
"RetributionistKillDisable": "You can't retribute until your tasks are done.",
"CanOnlyRetributeWithTasksDone": "Can only retribute on task completion",
- "RetributionistCanKillNum": "Maximale Vergeltungen",
+ "RetributionistCanKillNum": "Maximum retributions",
"RetributionistKillTooManyDead": "Too many players are dead. You can't retribute.",
"MinimumPlayersAliveToRetri": "Minimum players alive to retribute",
"MinimumNoKillerEjectsToKill": "Minimum meetings passed with no killer ejects to kill",
@@ -2974,37 +3155,39 @@
"CaptainCanTargetNC": "Kann auf Neutrale-Chaoten zielen",
"CaptainCanTargetNA": "Captain can target Neutral Apocalypse",
"CaptainCanTargetNK": "Kann auf Neutrale-Killer zielen",
+ "CaptainCanTargetCoven": "Captain can target Coven",
"CaptainSpeedReduced": "Kapitän reduziert die Geschwindkeit",
"CaptainRevealTaskRequired": "Anzahl an erledigten Aufgaben, nachdem der Kapitän bekundet wird",
"CaptainSlowTaskRequired": "Anzahl an erledigten Aufgaben, nachdem ein Ziel verlangsamt wird",
"InspectorTryHideMsg": "Blende Inspektor -Befehle aus",
- "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "Max inspections per game",
- "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "Max inspections per meeting",
+ "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "Maximum inspections per game",
+ "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum inspections per meeting",
"InspectCheckTargetKnow": "Ziele bekommen Information dass sie vom Inspektor kontrolliert wurden",
"InspectCheckOtherTargetKnow": "Targets know who they were checked with",
"InspectorDead": "Du kannst niemanden als Toter kontrollieren",
- "InspectCheckMax": "Max inspections per game reached!\nYou can not use your power anymore.",
- "InspectCheckRound": "Max inspections per round reached!\nYou can check again in the next round.",
+ "InspectCheckMax": "Maximum inspections per game reached!\nYou can not use your power anymore.",
+ "InspectCheckRound": "Maximum inspections per round reached!\nYou can check again in the next round.",
"InspectCheckSelf": "HA!! You thought it would be this easy. You can not check yourself",
"InspectCheckReveal": "HA! You thought it would be this easy. You can not check a role that is revealed",
"InspectCheckTitle": "INSPEKTOR ",
"InspectCheckTrue": "{0} and {1} are in the same team!",
"InspectCheckFalse": "{0} and {1} are NOT in the same team!",
"InspectCheckTargetMsg": " wurde vom Inspektor kontrolliert.",
- "InspectCheckHelp": "Anleitung: /cmp [Spieler ID 1] [Spieler ID 2] \nBeispiel: /cmp 1 5 \nDu kannst die Spieler IDs neben den Namen der Spieler sehen, oder nutze den Befehl /id um eine Liste zu erhalten",
+ "InspectCheckHelp": "Instructions: /cmp [Player ID 1] [Player ID 2] \nExample: /cmp 1 5 \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"InspectCheckNull": "Please select an ID of a living player to check their team",
"InspectCheckBaitCountMode": "Killköder zählt als offenbarte Rolle, wenn die Killköder-Offenbarung im ersten Treffen aktiviert ist",
"InspectCheckRevealTarget": "When tasks are done, the target knows the team of the other target",
"InspectorTargetReveal": " Sieht aus, als ob {0} dem {1}-Team abgehört",
"EgoistCountMode.Original": "Original",
"EgoistCountMode.Neutral": "Neutral",
- "JailerJailCooldown": "Gefängniswartezeit",
+ "JailerJailCooldown": "Jail Cooldown",
"JailerMaxExecution": "Maximale Exekutierungen",
"JailerNBCanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Benign",
"JailerNCCanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Chaos",
"JailerNECanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Evil",
"JailerNKCanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Killing",
"JailerNACanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "JailerCovenCanBeExe": "Can execute Coven",
"JailerCKCanBeExe": "Kann Besatzungs Killer exekutieren",
"JailerTargetAlreadySelected": "Du hast schon ein Opfer ausgewählt",
"SuccessfullyJailed": "Target successfully jailed",
@@ -3013,40 +3196,43 @@
"CanNotTrialJailed": "You can not trial the target.",
"notifyJailedOnMeeting": "Notify jailed player when a meeting starts",
"JailedNotifyMsg": "The Jailer has jailed you. No one can guess or judge you. You can only guess The Jailer.\n\nIf Jailer votes you, you will be executed after the meeting ends.",
- "JailerTitle": "Gefängniswärter",
- "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "Kopierwartezeit",
+ "JailerTitle": "JAILER",
+ "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "Copy Cooldown",
"CopyCatRoleChange": "Deine Rolle wurde zu {0}",
"CopyCatCanNotCopy": "You can not copy the target's role",
"CopyButtonText": "Kopieren",
- "CopyCrewVar": "Kann böse varianten von Besatzungsrollen kopieren",
- "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "Can copy team changing add-on",
- "MaxCleanserUses": "Maximale Reinigungen",
+ "CopyCrewVar": "Can copy evil variants of Crewmate roles",
+ "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "Can copy team changing Add-on",
+ "MaxCleanserUses": "Maximum Cleanses",
"CleansedCanGetAddon": "Cleansed player can get Add-on",
"CleanserTitle": "REINIGER",
"CleanserRemoveSelf": "Du kannst dich nicht reinigen",
- "CleanserCantRemove": "Ups! Der Spieler kann nicht gereinigt werden.",
+ "CleanserCantRemove": "Oops! the player can not be Cleansed.",
"CleanserRemovedRole": "{0} has been cleansed. All their Add-ons will be removed after the meeting.\n\nYour vote has been returned and you can vote for someone.",
- "LostAddonByCleanser": "Der Reiniger hat alle deine Add-ons gelöscht",
- "MaxProtections": "Max protections",
+ "LostAddonByCleanser": "The Cleanser removed all your Add-ons",
+ "MaxProtections": "Maximum Protections",
"KeeperHideVote": "Blende Hütervotes aus",
"KeeperProtect": "Du hast dich für {0}'s Verbleib eingesetzt, dein Vote wurde wieder zurückgegeben",
- "KeeperTitle": "Hüter",
+ "KeeperTitle": "KEEPER",
"MaulRadius": "Maul Radius",
"ImpKnowCyberDead": "Impostors know if Cyber died",
"CrewKnowCyberDead": "Crewmates know if Cyber died",
"NeutralKnowCyberDead": "Neutrale wissen wenn Cyber gestorben ist",
+ "CovenKnowCyberDead": "Coven know if Cyber died",
"CyberKnown": "Everyone can see Cyber",
"KillerGetBewilderVision": "Killer gets Bewilder's vision",
"ImpCanBeOiiai": "Verräter können OIIAI sein",
"CrewCanBeOiiai": "Besatzungsmitglieder können OIIAI sein",
"NeutralCanBeOiiai": "Neutrale können OIIAI sein",
+ "CovenCanBeOiiai": "Coven can be OIIAI",
"OiiaiCanPassOn": "OIIAI an den Killer weitergeben",
"NeutralChangeRolesForOiiai": "Neutrale werden zu ",
"LostRoleByOiiai": "Deine Rolle wurde vom OIIAI ausradiert!",
"ImpCanBeLoyal": "Verräter können Loyaler werden",
"CrewCanBeLoyal": "Crewmates can become Loyal",
+ "CovenCanBeLoyal": "Coven can become Loyal",
"TasklessCrewCanBeLazy": "Besatzungsmitglieder ohne Aufgaben können Fauler werden",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "Aufgabenbasierte Besatzungsmitglieder können Fauler werden",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "Task based Crewmates can be Lazy",
"SheriffCanBeMadmate": "Sheriff kann Verräterhelfer werden",
"MayorCanBeMadmate": "Bürgermeister kann Verräterhelfer werden",
"NGuesserCanBeMadmate": "Guter Guesser kann Verräterhelfer werden",
@@ -3062,20 +3248,21 @@
"GanJudgeCanBeMadmate": "Richter kann konvertieren",
"GanMarshallCanBeMadmate": "Marschall kann konvertieren",
"GanOverseerCanBeMadmate": "Aufpasser kann konvertieren werden",
- "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "Wirkt als Verräterhelfer beim Auswerfen",
+ "GanCovenCanBeMadmate": "Coven can be converted",
+ "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "Appear as Madmate on Ejection",
"CouncillorDead": "Sorry, du kannst Tote nicht umbringen.",
"CouncillorMurderMaxMeeting": "Sorry, du hast in diesem Treffen die maximale Anzahl an Morden erreicht.",
"CouncillorMurderMaxGame": "Sorry, du hast die maximale Anzahl an Kills in diesem spiel erreicht.",
"Councillor_LaughToWhoMurderSelf": "HAHAHA wer hätte gedacht das jemand dumm genug ist sich selbst zu killen.\nNa ja das ist anscheinend...... DU!",
"Councillor_MurderKill": "{0} was murdered.",
- "Councillor_MurderHelp": "Befehl: /tl [Spieler ID]\nDu kannst die Spieler IDs neben den Namen der Spieler sehen, oder nutze den Befehl /id um eine Liste zu erhalten.",
+ "Councillor_MurderHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Councillor_MurderNull": "Wähle einen lebenden Spieler zum Killen.",
"Councillor_MurderKillTitle": "BÖSES GERICHT ",
"CouncillorMakeEvilJudgeClear": "Show Trial as Councillor Murder",
"Councillor_CannotMurderImpTeam": "Sorry, you can not murder your teammate.",
"Councillor_SuicideForMurderImps": "You died because you are trying to murder your team members.",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "Maximale Killanzahl während eines Treffens",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "Maximale Killanzahl pro Spiel",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Kills per Meeting",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "Maximum Kills per Game",
"CouncillorCanMurderMadmate": "Kann Verräterhelfer killen",
"CouncillorCanMurderImpostor": "Kann Verräter umbringen",
"CouncillorSuicideOnJudgeImpTeam": "Suicide when judge Impostors Team Wrongly",
@@ -3083,12 +3270,12 @@
"CouncillorTryHideMsg": "Versuche den Befehl des Ratsmitgliedes zu verstecken",
"DazzlerDazzled": "You were dazzled by the Dazzler!",
"DazzlerCauseVision": "Reduced vision",
- "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "Max number of players affected by reduced vision",
+ "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "Maximum number of players affected by reduced vision",
"DazzlerResetDazzledVisionOnDeath": "Reset vision of dazzled players on death/eject",
"DazzleCooldown": "Dazzle Cooldown",
"DazzleButtonText": "Lichtfluten",
"MoleVentButtonText": "Graben",
- "MoleVentCooldown": "Grabewartezeit",
+ "MoleVentCooldown": "Dig Cooldown",
"AddictVentButtonText": "Immunisieren",
"AddictInvulnerbilityTimeAfterVent": "Unverwundbarkeitszeit",
"AddictSpeedWhileInvulnerble": "Movement speed while Invulnerable",
@@ -3102,13 +3289,13 @@
"AlchemistVentButtonText": "Trinken",
"AlchemistGotShieldPotion": "Abwehrtrank: Vergibt dir einen temporären Schild",
"AlchemistGotSightPotion": "Nachtsichttrank: Vergibt dir temporär erweiterte Sicht",
- "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "Repariertrank: Erlaubt dir eine Sabotage sofort zu beheben",
+ "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "Potion of Fixing: Allows you to fix one Sabotage instantly",
"AlchemistGotTPPotion": "Verzetteltrank: Teleportiere dich zu einem zufälligem Spieler",
"AlchemistGotSuicidePotion": "Vergiftungstrank: Vergifte dich",
"AlchemistGotSpeedPotion": "Beschleunigungstrank: Beschleunigt dich",
"AlchemistGotBloodthirstPotion": "Schadenstrank: Kille den nächsten Spieler, dem du begegnest",
"AlchemistGotInvisibility": "Unsichtbarkeitstrank: Werde unsichtbar",
- "NoPotion": "Du hast keine Tränke",
+ "NoPotion": "You have no Potions",
"StoreShield": "Abwehrtrank",
"StoreSuicide": "Vergiftungstrank",
"StoreTP": "Verzetteltrank",
@@ -3124,22 +3311,22 @@
"AlchemistHasVision": "Nachtsichttrank getrunken",
"AlchemistShieldOut": "Abwehrtrank abgelaufen",
"AlchemistVisionOut": "Nachtsichttrank abgelaufen",
- "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "Du hast Durst nach Blut",
+ "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "You gained Bloodthirst",
"AlchemistHasSpeed": "Beschleunigugstrank getrunken",
"AlchemistSpeedOut": "Beschleunigugstrank abgelaufen",
- "DeathpactDuration": "Todespakt -Dauer",
- "DeathPactCooldown": "Todespakt Zuweisungswartezeit",
- "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "Anzahl Spieler im Todespakt",
- "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "Zeige Pfeile welche zu anderen Spielern im Todespakt weisen",
- "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "Verringere Sicht für Spieler im Todespakt",
- "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "Sicht für Spieler im Todespakt",
- "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "Kille Spieler im Todespakt bei einem Treffen",
- "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "Spieler in aktivem Todespakt können ein Notfalltreffen einberufen",
+ "DeathpactDuration": "Deathpact Duration",
+ "DeathPactCooldown": "Deathpact Assign Cooldown",
+ "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "Number of players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "Show arrows leading to other players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "Reduce vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "Vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "Kill players in Deathpact on meeting",
+ "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "Players in active Deathpact can call meeting",
"DeathpactActiveDeathpact": "Finde {0} in {1} Sekunden.",
- "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "Ziel kann nicht zum Todespakt hinzugefügt werden.",
- "DeathpactComplete": "Todespakt wurde abgeschlossen.",
- "DeathpactExecuted": "Todespakt wurde vollstreckt.",
- "DeathpactAverted": "Todespakt wurde verhindert.",
+ "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "Target can't be added to Deathpact.",
+ "DeathpactComplete": "Deathpact was concluded.",
+ "DeathpactExecuted": "Deathpact was executed.",
+ "DeathpactAverted": "Deathpact was averted.",
"DeathpactButtonText": "Zuweisen",
"DevourerHideNameConsumed": "Hide the names of consumed players",
"DevourCooldown": "Devour Cooldown",
@@ -3167,7 +3354,6 @@
"PitfallTrapCauseVisionTime": "Zeit der durch Fallen verursachten Sicht",
"PitfallTrap": "Du bist in eine Falle gelaufen!",
"ConsigliereDivinationMaxCount": "Anzahl der Offenbarungen",
- "RitualMaxCount": "Maximum Reveals",
"CleanserHideVote": "Blende Reinigervote aus",
"OracleSkillLimit": "Maximale Nutzungen",
"OracleHideVote": "Verstecke Orakel`s vote",
@@ -3175,17 +3361,18 @@
"OracleCheckSelfMsg": "Kannst du dir noch Trauen?",
"OracleCheckLimit": "Erinnerung du hast noch {0} Nutzungen",
"OracleCheckMsgTitle": "ORAKEL ",
- "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "Scheint keine Besatzung zu sein",
- "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "Scheint Besatzung zu sein",
- "OracleCheck.Neutral": "Scheint Neutral zu sein",
+ "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "Appears not to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "Appears to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Neutral": "Appears to be a Neutral",
"OracleCheck.Impostor": "Scheint Verräter zu sein",
+ "OracleCheck.Coven": "Appears to be Coven",
"OracleCheck": "Ergebnis:",
"FailChance": "Chance of showing incorrect result",
- "OracleCheckAddons": "Orakel überprüft Add-ons",
+ "OracleCheckAddons": "Oracle checks Add-ons",
"ChameleonCanVent": "Venten um sich zu tarnen",
"ChameleonInvisState": "Du bist getarnt!",
"ChameleonInvisStateOut": "Tarnung ausgelaufen",
- "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "Tarnung fehlgeschlagen, Fähigkeit ist noch in Wartezeit",
+ "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, disguise failed",
"ChameleonInvisStateCountdown": "Tarnung verschwindet in {0} Sekunden",
"ChameleonInvisCooldownRemain": "Tarnungswartezeit: {0} Sekunden",
"ChameleonCooldown": "Tarnungswartezeit",
@@ -3200,11 +3387,12 @@
"CursedSoulCurseCooldownIncrese": "Seelen stehlen Wartezeit erhöht sich",
"CursedSoulCurseMax": "Maximale Seelen",
"CursedSoulKnowTargetRole": "Weiß die Rolle von seelenlose Spieler",
- "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "Neutrale Rollen haben Seelen",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "Neutral roles have Souls",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseCoven": "Coven roles have Souls",
"CursedSoulKillButtonText": "Klauen",
- "SoullessByCursedSoul": "Eine verfluchte Seele stehlt deine Seele",
+ "SoullessByCursedSoul": "A Cursed Soul snatched your Soul",
"CursedSoulSoullessPlayer": "Seele gefangen",
- "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "Keine Seele gefunden",
+ "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "No Soul found",
"AdmireCooldown": "Admire Cooldown",
"AdmirerKnowTargetRole": "Know the roles of Admired players",
"AdmirerSkillLimit": "Skill Limit",
@@ -3213,7 +3401,7 @@
"AdmiredPlayer": "Player admired",
"AdmirerInvalidTarget": "Target cannot be admired",
"SpiritualistNoticeTitle": "SPIRITUALIST ",
- "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "The Spiritualist has an arrow pointing to you!\nYou can use them to a killer or frame a crewmate",
+ "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "The Spiritualist has an arrow pointing to you!\nYou can use them to a killer or frame a Crewmate",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowForSeconds": "Ghost arrow duration",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowEverySeconds": "Ghost arrow interval",
"EnigmaClueStage1Tasks": "Anzahl abgeschlossene Aufgaben für Hinweisstufe 1",
@@ -3251,11 +3439,12 @@
"EnigmaClueRole2": "Der Killer ist ein Neutraler!",
"EnigmaClueRole3": "Der Killer ist ein Besatzungsmitglied!",
"EnigmaClueRole4": "Die Rolle des Killers ist {0}!",
+ "EnigmaClueRole5": "The Killer is a Coven member!",
"EnigmaClueLevel1": "Das Level des Killers ist über 50!",
"EnigmaClueLevel2": "Das Level des Killers ist unter 50!",
"EnigmaClueLevel3": "Das Level des Killers ist zwischen {0} und {1}!",
"EnigmaClueLevel4": "Das Level des Killers ist {0}!",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "Der Freundecode des Killers ist {0}!",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "The Killer's Friend Code is {0}!",
"EnigmaClueHatTitle": "Entschlüssler Huthinweis!",
"EnigmaClueVisorTitle": "Entschlüssler Visierhinweis!",
"EnigmaClueSkinTitle": "Entschlüssler Skinhinweis!",
@@ -3267,10 +3456,11 @@
"EnigmaClueStatusTitle": "Entschlüssler Statushinweis!",
"EnigmaClueRoleTitle": "Entschlüssler Rollenhinweis!",
"EnigmaClueLevelTitle": "Entschlüssler Levelhinweis!",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "Entschlüssler Freundcodehinweis!",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "Enigma Friend Code Clue!",
"ImpCanBeRole": "Impostors can become {role}",
"CrewCanBeRole": "Crewmates can become {role}",
"NeutralCanBeRole": "Neutrals can become {role}",
+ "CovenCanBeRole": "Coven can become {role}",
"VotesPerKill": "Votes gained for each kill",
"PickpocketGetVote": "Du hast {0} Votes bekommen",
"VultureArrowsPointingToDeadBody": "Zeige Pfeile zu Leichen",
@@ -3281,7 +3471,7 @@
"VultureMaxEatenInOneRound": "Maximale gefressene Leichen pro Runde",
"VultureCooldownUp": "Fressenswartezeit um",
"GhastlyPossessCD": "Besitzwartezeit",
- "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "Maximale Besitzanzahl",
+ "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "Maximum Possessions",
"GhastlyPossessionDuration": "Besessenheit-Dauer",
"GhastlySpeed": "Grausiger Geschwindigkeit",
"GhastlyKillAllies": "Grausige können keine Verbündeten besitzen",
@@ -3294,7 +3484,7 @@
"GhastlyExpired": "{0} ist nicht länger besessen",
"TasksMarkPerRound": "Number of tasks that can be marked in one round",
"TaskinatorBombPlanted": "Bomb has been planted",
- "ShieldDuration": "Schilddauer",
+ "ShieldDuration": "Shield Duration",
"ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "Schild zerbricht nach einem Killversuch",
"BenefactorTaskMarked": "Aufgabe markiert",
"BenefactorTargetGotShield": "You got a shield by Benefactor",
@@ -3316,14 +3506,14 @@
"Heads": "Köpfe",
"Tails": "Zahlen",
"SpyRedNameDur": "Colored Name Duration",
- "SpyInteractionBlocked": "Block kill button interaction",
- "AgitaterBombCooldown": "Hetzer Bombenwartezeit",
- "AgitaterPassCooldown": "Bomb pass cooldown",
- "BombExplodeCooldown": "Bomb explode cooldown",
+ "SpyInteractionBlocked": "Block Kill button interaction",
+ "AgitaterBombCooldown": "Agitator Bomb Cooldown",
+ "AgitaterPassCooldown": "Bomb Pass Cooldown",
+ "BombExplodeCooldown": "Bomb Explode Cooldown",
"AgitaterPassNotify": "Bomb successfully passed",
"AgitaterTargetNotify": "YOU HAVE THE BOMB!! Pass it to someone else",
"AgitaterCanGetBombed": "Hetzer kann die Bombe bekommen",
- "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "Hetzer meldet Killköder automatisch",
+ "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "Agitator can Auto Report Bait",
"SeekerPointsToWin": "Number of points required to win",
"SeekerTagCooldown": "Markierwartezeit",
"SeekerNotify": "Your target is {0}",
@@ -3331,15 +3521,15 @@
"SeekerKillButtonText": "Marker",
"PixiePointsToWin": "Anzahl an Punkten um zu gewinnen",
"MaxTargets": "Maximum number of targets per round",
- "MarkCooldown": "Markierwartezeit",
+ "MarkCooldown": "Mark Cooldown",
"PixieSuicide": "Fee bringt sich um, wenn Ziel nicht herausgeworfen wird",
"PixieMaxTargetReached": "Du hast diese Runde schon alle Ziele ausgewählt",
"PixieTargetAlreadySelected": "Ziel ist bereits ausgewählt",
"PixieButtonText": "Markieren",
- "PlagueBearerCooldown": "Pest Wartezeit",
- "PlagueBearerCanVent": "Kann venten",
+ "PlagueBearerCooldown": "Plague Cooldown",
+ "PlagueBearerCanVent": "Can Vent",
"PlagueBearerHasImpostorVision": "Has Impostor vision",
- "PestilenceCooldown": "Seuche kill Wartezeit",
+ "PestilenceCooldown": "Pestilence Kill Cooldown",
"PestilenceCanVent": "Seuche kann venten",
"PestilenceHasImpostorVision": "Seuche hat Verräter Sichtweite",
"PestilenceKillGuessers": "Kill players who guess Pestilence",
@@ -3365,24 +3555,25 @@
"RomanticProtectButtonText": "Schützen",
"GuessMasterMisguess": "{0} hat sich verguessed",
"GuessMasterTargetRole": "Jemand hat versucht {0} zu guessen",
- "GuessMasterTitle": "Guessmeister ",
+ "GuessMasterTitle": "GUESS MASTER ",
"DoomsayerAmountOfGuessesToWin": "Anzahl an Guesses um zu gewinnen",
"DCanGuessImpostors": "Kann Verräter guessen",
"DCanGuessCrewmates": "Kann Besatzungsmitglieder guessen",
"DCanGuessNeutrals": "Kann Neutrale guessen",
+ "DCanGuessCoven": "Can Guess Coven",
"DCanGuessAdt": "Kann Add-ons guessen",
"DoomsayerAdvancedSettings": "Erweiterte Einstellungen",
- "DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "Maximale Anzahl an Guesses pro Treffen",
+ "DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "Maximum number of guesses per meeting",
"DoomsayerKillCorrectlyGuessedPlayers": "Richtig geguesster Spieler gekillt",
"DoomsayerDoesNotSuicideWhenMisguessing": "Unheilsprophet stirbt nicht wenn er sich verguessed",
"DoomsayerMisguessRolePrevGuessRoleUntilNextMeeting": "Verguessen verhindert das weitere Guessen bis zum nächsten Treffen",
"DoomsayerTryHideMsg": "Blende Unheilsprophet -Befehle aus",
"DoomsayerCantGuess": "Du kannst erst im nächsten Treffen wieder guessen.",
"DoomsayerCorrectlyGuessRole": "Du hast richtig geguessed!\nAber der Spieler ist nicht gestorben, da es die Hosteinstellungen nicht zulassen",
- "DoomsayerNotCorrectlyGuessRole": "Du hast dich verguessed!\nAber die Hosteinstellungen lassen es nicht zu, dass du stirbst",
- "DoomsayerGuessCountMsg": "Du hast {0} Rollen richtig geguessed",
+ "DoomsayerNotCorrectlyGuessRole": "You didn't correctly guess the Role!\nBut you didn't die because the Host's settings don't allow you to die",
+ "DoomsayerGuessCountMsg": "You correctly guessed {0} Roles",
"DoomsayerGuessCountTitle": "UNHEILSPROPHET",
- "DoomsayerGuessSameRoleAgainMsg": "Du hast diese Rolle oder Add-on schon zu guessen versucht",
+ "DoomsayerGuessSameRoleAgainMsg": "You tried to guess the same Role or Add-on that you guessed before",
"EveryoneCanKnowMini": "Everyone can see the Mini",
"CanBeEvil": "Mini kann Verräter sein",
"EvilMiniSpawnChances": "Probability of Mini being an Impostor",
@@ -3410,26 +3601,26 @@
"YouKillRandomizer3": "Du hast den Zufälligen gekillt, Killwartezeit ist auf 600 Sekunden!",
"YouKillRandomizer4": "Du hast den Zufälligen gekillt, zufällige Revanche wurde ausgelöst!",
"MadmateCanBeHurried": "Verräterhelfer Können Beeilte beim Start des Spieles sein",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeHurried": "Aufgabenabhängig Besatzungsmitglieder können Beeilter werden",
- "HurriedCanBeConverted": "Beeilte können im Spiel rekrutiert werden (ausgenommen Verräterhelfer)",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeHurried": "Task-based Crewmates can be Hurried",
+ "HurriedCanBeConverted": "Hurried can be recruited in the game (excludes Madmate)",
"Developer": "Entwickler",
"Sponsor": "Sponsor",
"Booster": "Server Booster",
"Translator": "Translator",
"NoAccess": "Unauthorized Access!\n\n Please open up a ticket in the discord server to know more (discord.gg/tohe)",
"DCNotify.Hacking": "You were banned for hacking.\n\nPlease stop.",
- "DCNotify.Banned": "You were banned from this lobby.\n\nContact the host if this was a mistake.",
+ "DCNotify.Banned": "You were banned from this lobby.\n\nContact the Host if this was a mistake.",
"DCNotify.Kicked": "You were kicked from this lobby.\n\nYou may still rejoin.",
"DCNotify.DCFromServer": "You disconnected from the server.\r\nThis could be an issue with either the servers or your network.",
"DCNotify.GameNotFound": "Dieser Lobbycode ist ungültig.\n\nÜberprüfe den Code und/oder Server und versuche es erneut.",
"DCNotify.GameStarted": "Diese Lobby ist gerade in einer Runde.\n\nWarte auf das Ende oder suche eine andere Lobby.",
- "DCNotify.GameFull": "Diese Lobby ist voll.\n\nFrage beim Host nach, wann du beitreten kannst.",
+ "DCNotify.GameFull": "This lobby is currently full.\n\nCheck with the Host to see if you may join.",
"DCNotify.IncorrectVersion": "Diese Lobby unterstützt deine AmongUs-Version nicht.",
"DCNotify.Inactivity": "The lobby closed due to inactivity.",
"DCNotify.Auth": "Du bist nicht authentifiziert.\n\nDu solltest das Spiel neu starten.",
"DCNotify.DupeLogin": "An instance of your account is already present in this lobby.",
"DCNotify.InvalidSettings": "Die Spieleinstellungen wurden als ungültig erkannt.\n\nNutze ein Lokales Spiel um sie zurückzusetzen und versuche es dann erneut.",
- "ModeDescribe.SoloKombat": "Current mode is [Solo PVP]\nNo role assignment. Everyone has HP and can use the kill button to cause damage to other players. The player with the highest number of kills wins at the end of the game.",
+ "ModeDescribe.SoloKombat": "Current Gamemode is [Solo PVP]\nNo role assignment. Everyone has HP and can use the Kill button to cause damage to other players. The player with the highest number of kills wins at the end of the game.",
"RoleType.VanillaRoles": "★ Vanillarollen",
"RoleType.ImpKilling": "★ Verräter Killer -Rollen",
"RoleType.ImpSupport": "★ Verräter Helfer -Rollen",
@@ -3448,6 +3639,10 @@
"RoleType.NeutralChaos": "★ Neutrale Chaoten Rollen",
"RoleType.NeutralKilling": "★ Neutrale Killende Rollen",
"RoleType.NeutralApocalypse": "★ Neutral Apocalypse Roles /apocalypseinfo",
+ "RoleType.CovenPower": "★ Coven Power Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenKilling": "★ Coven Killing Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenTrickery": "★ Coven Trickery Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenUtility": "★ Coven Utility Roles",
"RoleType.Harmful": "★ Zerstörerische Add-ons",
"RoleType.Support": "★ Helfende Add-ons",
"RoleType.Helpful": "★ Helfende Add-ons",
@@ -3456,7 +3651,7 @@
"RoleType.Impostor": "★ Verräter-Add-ons",
"RoleType.Guesser": "★ Guesser Add-ons",
"RoleType.Neut": "★ Neutral Add-ons",
- "RoleType.Experimental": "★ Experimental Addons (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
+ "RoleType.Experimental": "★ Experimental Add-ons (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
"SubType.Impostor": "★ Verräter",
"SubType.Shapeshifter": "★ Formwandler",
"SubType.SemiShapeshifter": "★ Halb-Formwandler",
@@ -3467,10 +3662,12 @@
"CrewmateRoles": "★ Crewmate Roles ★",
"ImpostorRoles": "★ Impostor Roles ★",
"NeutralRoles": "★ Neutral Roles ★",
+ "CovenRoles": "★ Coven Roles ★",
"AddonRoles": "★ Add-ons ★",
"WinnerRoleText.Impostor": "Verräter gewinnen!",
"WinnerRoleText.Crewmate": "Besatzung gewinnt!",
"WinnerRoleText.Apocalypse": "Apokalypse gewinnt!",
+ "WinnerRoleText.Coven": "Coven Wins!",
"WinnerRoleText.Terrorist": "Terrorist gewinnt!",
"WinnerRoleText.Jester": "Narr gewinnt!",
"WinnerRoleText.Lovers": "Liebhaber gewinnen!",
@@ -3557,25 +3754,26 @@
"ForceEndText": "Der Host hat das Spiel abgebrochen",
"NiceMiniDied": "Nice Mini was killed",
"HaterMisFireKillTarget": "Hater kills target when misfiring",
- "HaterChooseConverted": "Select add-ons that Hater can kill",
- "HaterCanKillMadmate": "Kann Verräterhelfer killen",
- "HaterCanKillCharmed": "Kann Bekehrte killen",
- "HaterCanKillLovers": "Kann Liebhaber killen",
- "HaterCanKillSidekick": "Kann Schakalteam killen",
- "HaterCanKillEgoist": "Kann Egoisten killen",
- "HaterCanKillInfected": "Can kill infected team",
- "HaterCanKillContagious": "Kann Virusteam töten",
- "HaterCanKillAdmired": "Can kill admirer",
+ "HaterChooseConverted": "Select Add-ons that Hater can kill",
+ "HaterCanKillMadmate": "Can kill Madmate",
+ "HaterCanKillCharmed": "Can kill Charmed",
+ "HaterCanKillLovers": "Can kill Lovers",
+ "HaterCanKillSidekick": "Can kill Jackal team",
+ "HaterCanKillEgoist": "Can kill Egoist",
+ "HaterCanKillInfected": "Can kill Infected team",
+ "HaterCanKillContagious": "Can kill Virus team",
+ "HaterCanKillAdmired": "Can kill Admirer",
+ "HaterCanKillEnchanted": "Can kill Enchanted",
"HorseMode": "Enable to become a horse",
"LongMode": "Enable to have a long neck",
"InfluencedChangeVote": "Oops! You are so influenced by others!\nYou can not contain your fear that you change voted {0}!",
"FFA": "Frei Für Alle",
"ModeFFA": "Spielmodus: FFA",
- "ModeDescribe.FFA": "Im FFA-Spielmodus (Frei Für Alle) ist jeder Killer uns kann jeden killen. Der letzte Überlebende gewinnt!\n\nDiese zufälligen Events machen in der Zeit mehr Spaß!",
- "KillerInfoLong": "Im FFA-Spielmodus (Frei Für Alle) ist jeder Killer uns kann jeden killen. Der letzte Überlebende gewinnt!\n\nDiese zufälligen Events machen in der Zeit mehr Spaß!",
+ "ModeDescribe.FFA": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
+ "KillerInfoLong": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
"FFA_GameTime": "Maximale Spieldauer",
"FFA_KCD": "Killwartezeit",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "Verhindere Venten bei 2 übrigen Spielern",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "Prevent Venting when only 2 players are alive",
"FFA_EnableRandomAbilities": "Aktiviere zufällige Events",
"FFA_ShieldDuration": "Schilddauer",
"FFA_IncreasedSpeed": "Erhöhte Geschwindigkeit",
@@ -3586,15 +3784,15 @@
"FFA_EnableRandomTwists": "Aktivere zufällige Wechsel von Zeit zu Zeit",
"FFA-Event-GetShield": "Du hast ein temporäres Schild!",
"FFA-Event-GetIncreasedSpeed": "Du hast einen temporären Beschleuniger!",
- "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "Du hast eine geringere Killwartezeit!",
- "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "Du hast eine höhere Killwartezeit",
+ "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "You got a lower Kill Cooldown!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "You got a higher Kill Cooldown",
"FFA-Event-GetLowVision": "Du hast temporär eine geringere Sicht",
"FFA-Event-GetDecreasedSpeed": "Du hast temporär verringerte Geschwindigkeit",
- "FFA-Event-GetTP": "Du wurdest du einem zufälligen Vent teleportiert!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetTP": "You got teleported to a random Vent!",
"FFA-Event-RandomTP": "Jeder wurde mit einem anderen gewechselt",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "Es sind noch 2 Spieler übrig, Schluss mit dem Ventverstecken!",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "Deine Killwartezeit ist um, Schluss mit dem Ventverstecken!",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "Verhindere Venten, wenn Killwartezeit um ist",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "There are only 2 players alive, stop hiding in Vents!",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "Your kill Cooldown is up, don't hide in Vents!",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "Prevent players whose Kill Cooldown is up from Venting",
"FFA_TargetIsShielded": "Dieser Spieler ist geschildet!",
"FFA_ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "Schild zerbricht nach einem Killversuch",
"FFA_ShieldBroken": "Jemand wollte dich killen, dein Schild ist jetzt zerbrochen!",
@@ -3604,15 +3802,15 @@
"MenuTitle.Hide&Seek": "Hide & Seek Settings",
"NumImpostorsHnS": "Num Verräter",
"EveryOneKnowSolsticer": "Jeder weiß wer der Sonnenwender ist",
- "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "Sonnenwender weiß die Rolle von demjenigen der versuchte ihn zu killen",
+ "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "Solsticer knows the role of whom used the Kill button on it",
"SolsticerSpeed": "Geschwindigkeit vom Sonnenwender",
"SolsticerRemainingTaskWarned": "Fehlende Aufgaben um aufgedeckt zu werden",
"SAddTasksPreDeadPlayer": "Wie viele kurze Extra-Aufgaben kriegt der Sonnenwender wenn ein Spieler stirbt",
"SolsticerMurdered": "{0} Versuchte dich zu killen!",
"MurderSolsticer": "Du hast den Sonnenwender diese Runde gestoppt!",
- "SolsticerMurderMessage": "{0} nutzet den Killknopf an dir letzte Runde! Dessen Rolle ist {1}!",
+ "SolsticerMurderMessage": "{0} used Kill button on you last round! Its role is {1}!",
"SolsticerOnMeeting": "Du hast zu viele Tote überlebt! Nächste Runde wirst du {0} weitere kleinere Aufgaben haben!",
- "SolsticerTitle": "Sonnenwender",
+ "SolsticerTitle": "SOLSTICER",
"GuessSolsticer": "Du kannst den Sonnenwender nicht guessen!",
"ExpelSolsticer": "Sorry, but you can not expel Solsticer!",
"SolsticerTasksReset": "Deine Aufgaben werden zurückgesetzt!",
@@ -3623,10 +3821,10 @@
"Contributor": "Contributor",
"dbConnect.InitFailure": "Error while connecting to TOHE API, please check your network connection and retry login!",
"dbConnect.InitFailurePublic": "Error while connecting to TOHE API, this could be caused by your internet connection. And so Sponsor+ perks are not available, you may continue to play as usual without these.",
- "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "This build of TOHE is not available to users with no friendcode!",
+ "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "This build of TOHE is not available to users with no Friend Code!",
"Quizmaster": "Quizmaster",
"QuizmasterInfo": "Quiz people to kill them in meetings",
- "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Quizmaster, you can mark a player using your kill button. In the next meeting, the marked player will have \"?!\" next to their name. The player will die if they answer the question wrong or doesn't answer. The player will live if the Quizmaster is killed/ejected in the same meeting.\nThe Quizmaster cannot mark multiple people in the same round",
+ "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Quizmaster, you can mark a player using your Kill button. In the next meeting, the marked player will have \"?!\" next to their name. The player will die if they answer the question wrong or doesn't answer. The player will live if the Quizmaster is killed/ejected in the same meeting.\nThe Quizmaster cannot mark multiple people in the same round",
"QuizmasterKillButtonText": "Quiz",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedBy": "You've been marked by the Quizmaster\nTo survive you have to answer correct to this question:\n\n{QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedPublic": "{QMTARGET} has been marked by the Quizmaster\nTo survive {QMTARGET} have to answer correct to their question!",
@@ -3639,13 +3837,14 @@
"QuizmasterChat.WrongPublic": "{QMTARGET} got the Quizmaster's question answer wrong and died!\nBeware of the Quizmaster!",
"QuizmasterChat.Marked": "You've marked {QMTARGET}\nIf {QMTARGET} doesn't answer by the end of the meeting or answer wrong {QMTARGET} will die\n\nQuestion for {QMTARGET} => {QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.Title": "Quizmaster Information",
- "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "As the quizmaster, you can't answer questions",
+ "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "As the Quizmaster, you can't answer questions",
"QuizmasterChat.AnswerNotValid": "Your answer must be A, B, or C",
"QuizmasterChat.SyntaxNotValid": "Usage:\n/answer [A/B/C]",
- "QuizmasterSettings.QuestionDifficulty": "Question Difficulty",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "Can Vent After Marked Somebody For Quiz",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "Can Kill After Marked Somebody For Quiz",
- "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "How Many Kills Per Round",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MinQuestionDifficulty": "Minimum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MaxQuestionDifficulty": "Maximum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "Can Vent After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "Can Kill After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "How Many Kills per Round",
"QuizmasterSettings.CanGiveQuestionsAboutPastGames": "Kann Fragen zu vergangenen Spielen stellen",
"Quizmaster.None": "Keine",
"QuizmasterSabotages.Lights": "Lichtsabotage",
@@ -3673,8 +3872,16 @@
"QuizmasterAnswers.Experimental": "Experimentell",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Enhanced": "Erweitert",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Edited": "Bearbeitet",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "Welches war die letzte benutzte Sabotage?",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "Welches war die erste benutzte Sabotage in dieser Runde?",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Impostor": "Impostor",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Neutral": "Neutral",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Crewmate": "Crewmate",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Addon": "Add-on",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Shapeshifter": "Shapeshifter",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Scientist": "Scientist",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Engineer": "Engineer",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.GuardianAngel": "GuardianAngel",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "What was the Sabotage was called last?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "What was the first Sabotage called this round?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastEjectedPlayerColor": "Welches war die Farbe, des letzten ausgeworfenen Spieler?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastReportPlayerColor": "Welches war die Farbe, der letzten gemeldeten Leiche?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastButtonPressedPlayerColor": "Who called the last meeting before this meeting?",
@@ -3684,17 +3891,25 @@
"QuizmasterQuestions.FactionOfRole": "What's the faction of {QMRole}?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.FactionRemovedName": "Welche Fraktion gab es früher im Spiel, wurde aber später in einem Update entfernt?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyDiedFirstRound": "How many people died round one?",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.ButtonPressedBefore": "How many people pressed the emergency button before this meeting?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.ButtonPressedBefore": "How many people pressed the Emergency button before this meeting?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.WhatDoesEOgMeansInName": "What did the E in TOHE originally stand for?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieReason": "What was {PLR}'s cause of death?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieMethod": "How did {PLR} die?",
- "LastAddedRoleForKarped": "Welches war die letzte Rolle, die KARPED1EM vor seinem Rücktritt zu TOHE hinzufügte?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastAddedRoleForKarped": "What was the last role added to TOHE before KARPED1EM stepped down?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieFaction": "What kind of faction killed {PLR}?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.QuizmasterCooldown": "What will Quizmaster's cooldown always be? (excluding first kill override and changes from other Roles/Add-ons)",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoCoded": "Who coded Quizmaster?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoOwns": "Who owns The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEPartners": "Who are The Enhanced Network's partners?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEEventCoordinator": "Who is the Event Coordinator for The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyCats": "How many Cat related roles are in the Mod?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.GuessingCommand": "What does /bt actually mean?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.NotFromTOS2": "Which of these roles are NOT from Town of Salem 2?",
"DeathReason.WrongAnswer": "Wrong Quiz Answer",
"TPCooldown": "Teleport Cooldown",
- "RiftsTooClose": "Standort zu nahe am ersten Riss",
+ "RiftsTooClose": "Location too close to the first Rift",
"RiftCreated": "Riss erstellt",
- "RiftsDestroyed": "Alle Risse zerstört",
+ "RiftsDestroyed": "All Rifts destroyed",
"RiftRadius": "Rissradius",
"TiredVision": "Sichtweite, wenn müde",
"TiredSpeed": "Geschwindigkeit, wenn müde",
@@ -3718,7 +3933,7 @@
"ShockerAbilityCooldown": "Ability Cooldown",
"ShockerAbilityDuration": "Ability Duration",
"ShockerAbilityPerRound": "Abilities Per Round",
- "ShockerShockInVents": "Shock people in vents",
+ "ShockerShockInVents": "Shock people in Vents",
"ShockerAbilityResetAfterMeeting": "Reset marked rooms after meeting",
"ShockerOutsideRadius": "Radius Of Outside Tasks (not in a room)",
"ShockerCanShockHimself": "Can Shock Himself",
@@ -3731,13 +3946,13 @@
"EavesdropperMsgTitle": "You found a secret",
"EavesdropPercentChance": "Chance to eavesdrop",
"PreventSeeRolesBeforeSkillUsedUp": "Prevent seeing others roles before skill used up",
- "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "Cooldown for recruiting sheriffs",
- "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "Can recruit Impostor or Neutral",
- "SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "You recruited a sheriff.",
- "BeSheriffByPolice": "You've been recruited by the police chief! Serve the crew!",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "Cooldown for recruiting Sheriffs",
+ "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "Can recruit non-Crewmates",
+ "SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "You recruited a Sheriff.",
+ "BeSheriffByPolice": "You've been recruited by the Police Chief! Serve the Crewmates!",
"PoliceFailedRecruit": "Failed to recruit target.",
"ChiefOfPoliceKillButtonText": "Recruitment",
- "PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "Prevent recruit players without kill button",
- "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "Suicides when recruit a non killer or non crewmate",
- "PolicPassConverted": "Can pass Converted Addon to Sheriff"
+ "PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "Prevent recruit players without Kill button",
+ "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "Suicides when recruit a non-Killer or non-Crewmate",
+ "PolicPassConverted": "Can pass Converted Add-on to Sheriff"
diff --git a/Resources/Lang/es_419.json b/Resources/Lang/es_419.json
index 10f70e747..487aed5bc 100644
--- a/Resources/Lang/es_419.json
+++ b/Resources/Lang/es_419.json
@@ -14,22 +14,26 @@
"Website": "Sitio Web",
"PlayerNameForRoleInfo": "Hola {0}, tu rol es:- \n",
"HostIconInMeeting": "Anfitrión: {0}",
+ "ModdedClient": "Modded Client",
"SubText.GM": "¡Observa el caos!",
"SubText.Crewmate": "Encuentra y exilia los Impostores",
"SubText.Impostor": "Sabotea y mata a todos",
"SubText.Neutral": "Trabaja solo para conseguir tu victoria",
"SubText.Apocalypse": "Vuelvete imparable con tu equipo",
+ "SubText.Coven": "Bewitch and kill everyone",
"SubText.Madmate": "Ayuda a los Impostores",
"SubText.Lovers": "Manténgase vivos y ganen juntos",
"SubText.Egoist": "Gana por tu propia cuenta",
"TypeImpostor": "Impostores",
"TypeCrewmate": "Tripulantes",
"TypeNeutral": "Neutrales",
+ "TypeCoven": "Coven",
"TypeAddon": "Agregados",
"GuesserMode": "Modo de Adivinos",
"TeamImpostor": "Impostor",
"TeamNeutral": "Neutral",
"TeamCrewmate": "Tripulante",
+ "TeamCoven": "Coven",
"TeamMadmate": "Cómplice",
"TeamLovers": "Amantes",
"TeamEgoist": "Egoísta",
@@ -37,6 +41,7 @@
"YouAreCrewmate": "Eres un Tripulante",
"YouAreImpostor": "Eres un Impostor",
"YouAreNeutral": "Eres un Neutral",
+ "YouAreCoven": "You are a Coven member",
"YouAreMadmate": "Eres un Cómplice",
"Role_Crewmate": "Tripulante",
"Role_Jester": "Bufón",
@@ -63,12 +68,14 @@
"ImpostorsCanGuess": "Los Impostores pueden adivinar",
"NeutralKillersCanGuess": "Los Asesinos Neutrales pueden adivinar",
"NeutralApocalypseCanGuess": "Apocalipsis Neutral puede adivinar",
+ "CovenCanGuess": "Coven can guess",
"PassiveNeutralsCanGuess": "Los Neutrales pasivos pueden adivinar",
"CanGuessAddons": "Se pueden adivinar Add-ons",
- "ShowOnlyEnabledRolesInGuesserUI": "Mostrar solamente roles activos en la interfaz de adivinanzas",
- "CrewCanGuessCrew": "Los Tripulantes pueden adivinar roles de Tripulantes",
- "ImpCanGuessImp": "Los Impostores pueden adivinar roles de Impostor",
- "ApocCanGuessApoc": "Apocalipsis Neutral puede adivinar roles Apocalipsis Neutral",
+ "ShowOnlyEnabledRolesInGuesserUI": "Show Only Enabled Roles in Guesser UI",
+ "CrewCanGuessCrew": "Crewmates can Guess Crewmate Roles",
+ "ImpCanGuessImp": "Impostors can Guess Impostor Roles",
+ "ApocCanGuessApoc": "Neutral Apocalypse can Guess Neutral Apocalypse Roles",
+ "CovenCanGuessCoven": "Coven Can Guess Coven Roles",
"GuessImmune": "Lo sentio, pero tu objetivo es inmune a ser adivinado!",
"GM": "Maestro del Juego",
"Sunnyboy": "Chico Soleado",
@@ -287,7 +294,6 @@
"Vulture": "Buitre",
"Taskinator": "Taskinator",
"Benefactor": "Bienhechor",
- "Medusa": "Medusa",
"Spiritcaller": "Llama Espíritus",
"Amnesiac": "Amnésico",
"Imitator": "Imitador",
@@ -305,12 +311,21 @@
"Romantic": "Romántico",
"VengefulRomantic": "Romántico Vengativo",
"RuthlessRomantic": "Romántico Despiadado",
+ "Wraith": "Fantasma",
"Poisoner": "Envenenador",
+ "Medusa": "Medusa",
"HexMaster": "Maestro de Maleficios",
- "Wraith": "Fantasma",
"Jinx": "Gafador",
"PotionMaster": "Maestro De Pociones",
"Necromancer": "Nigromante",
+ "CovenLeader": "Coven Leader",
+ "Ritualist": "Ritualist",
+ "Conjurer": "Conjurer",
+ "Dreamweaver": "Dreamweaver",
+ "Illusionist": "Illusionist",
+ "VoodooMaster": "Voodoo Master",
+ "Sacrifist": "Sacrifist",
+ "MoonDancer": "Moon Dancer",
"Warden": "Alcaide",
"Minion": "Minion",
"Ghastly": "Fangasma",
@@ -363,6 +378,7 @@
"EvilSpirit": "Espíritu Malvado",
"Recruit": "Recluta",
"Admired": "Admirado",
+ "Enchanted": "Enchanted",
"Glow": "Brillante",
"Radar": "Radar",
"Diseased": "Enfermo",
@@ -397,53 +413,53 @@
"Revenant": "Renacido",
"BracketAddons": "Dar Corchetes a Add-ons",
"EngineerTOHEInfo": "Usa los conductos de ventilación para espiar a los Impostores",
- "ScientistTOHEInfo": "Ve los signos vitales de la tripulación desde cualquier sitio",
+ "ScientistTOHEInfo": "Access portable Vitals from anywhere",
"NoisemakerTOHEInfo": "Envía una alerta cuando mueras",
"TrackerTOHEInfo": "Rastrea a jugadores en tu mapa",
- "ShapeshifterTOHEInfo": "Disfrázate como tripulantes para echarles la culpa",
+ "ShapeshifterTOHEInfo": "Disguise as Crewmates to frame them",
"PhantomTOHEInfo": "Vuelvete invisible",
- "GuardianAngelTOHEInfo": "Protege a los tripulantes de los Impostores",
- "ImpostorTOHEInfo": "Mata y sabotea",
+ "GuardianAngelTOHEInfo": "Protect the Crewmates from the Impostors",
+ "ImpostorTOHEInfo": "Kill and Sabotage",
"CrewmateTOHEInfo": "Ayuda a los Impostores",
"BountyHunterInfo": "Elimina a tu objetivo",
"FireworkerInfo": "Vete con una explosión",
"MercenaryInfo": "Sigue matando, o te suicidarás",
- "ShapeMasterInfo": "Transfórmate sin Tener que Esperar",
+ "ShapeMasterInfo": "Swiftly kill with no Shapeshift Cooldown",
"VampireInfo": "Tus asesinatos se retrasan",
- "WarlockInfo": "Maldice a la tripulación para que maten por ti",
- "NinjaInfo": "Marca a un objetivo y cambia de forma para asesinarlos",
+ "WarlockInfo": "Curse Crewmates then Shift to make them kill",
+ "NinjaInfo": "Mark a target, then Shift to kill",
"ZombieInfo": "Eres muy lento",
"AnonymousInfo": "Haz que un jugador reporte un cadáver",
- "MinerInfo": "Teletransportate a la última alcantarilla usada cambiando de forma",
- "KillingMachineInfo": "Solo puedes MATAR, pero lo haces rápidamente",
+ "MinerInfo": "Warp to your last used Vent by Shifting",
+ "KillingMachineInfo": "You can ONLY kill, but low Cooldown",
"EscapistInfo": "Marca lugares cambiando de forma y teletransportate a ellos",
- "WitchInfo": "Hechiza a la tripulación y mátalos en las reuniones",
+ "WitchInfo": "Spell Crewmates to kill them in meetings",
"NemesisInfo": "Mata cuando seas el último impostor",
"BeforeNemesisInfo": "Todavía no puedes matar",
"AfterNemesisInfo": "Ahora puedes comenzar a matar",
- "BloodmoonInfo": "Busca estragos entre la tripulación",
- "PossessorInfo": "Posee y aleja a los compañeros de tripulación de los demás",
+ "BloodmoonInfo": "Seek havoc upon the Crewmates",
+ "PossessorInfo": "Possess and lead Crewmates away from others",
"PuppeteerInfo": "Haz que otros jugadores maten por ti",
"MastermindInfo": "Haz que otros jugadores maten por ti",
"TimeThiefInfo": "Reduce el tiempo de las reuniones matando",
- "SniperInfo": "Dispara a otros jugadores desde lejos cambiando de forma",
+ "SniperInfo": "Snipe players from a distance by Shifting",
"UndertakerInfo": "Teletransporta cadáveres al punto que marques del mapa",
"RiftMakerInfo": "Dos grietas que trazo, las toco para deformar el espacio",
- "EvilTrackerInfo": "Rastrea jugadores cambiando de forma",
+ "EvilTrackerInfo": "Track players by Shifting",
"EvilHackerInfo": "Hackea sistemas",
"AntiAdminerInfo": "Detecta cuando haya jugadores cerca de dispositivos",
- "ArroganceInfo": "Por cada asesinato, tu tiempo de espera se reduce",
+ "ArroganceInfo": "With each kill you make, your Cooldown decreases",
"BomberInfo": "Cambia de forma para explotar",
"TrapsterInfo": "Alista trampas sobre tus víctimas",
"ScavengerInfo": "Tus asesinatos son irreportables",
- "EvilGuesserInfo": "Adivina los roles de tripulantes en reuniones para matar",
+ "EvilGuesserInfo": "Guess Crewmate roles in meetings to kill",
"GangsterInfo": "Convierte jugadores a tu bando",
"CleanerInfo": "Reporta cuerpos para hacerlos irreportables",
"LightningInfo": "Convierte jugadores en fantasmas cuánticos",
- "GreedyInfo": "Tu tiempo de reutilización para matar varea",
+ "GreedyInfo": "Your Kill Cooldown shifts",
"CursedWolfInfo": "Sobrevivirás intentos de asesinatos",
- "SoulCatcherInfo": "Intercambia posiciones con quien sea que te transformes",
- "QuickShooterInfo": "Guarda munición para matar rápidamente",
+ "SoulCatcherInfo": "You swap places with your Shift target",
+ "QuickShooterInfo": "Store ammo to offset Kill Cooldown",
"CamouflagerInfo": "Camufla a todos para asesinatos sencillas",
"EraserInfo": "Bórrale el rol a tu víctima",
"ButcherInfo": "Disfruta mi trabajo hermoso",
@@ -451,42 +467,42 @@
"SwooperInfo": "Hazte invisible temporalmente",
"CrewpostorInfo": "Haz tareas para matar",
"WildlingInfo": "Mata con fuerza y sigilo",
- "TricksterInfo": "Mata y engaña a la tripulación",
+ "TricksterInfo": "Kill and trick the Crew",
"VindicatorInfo": "Usa tus votos extras para matar a todos",
- "ParasiteInfo": "Ayuda a los impostores a matar a la tripulación",
+ "ParasiteInfo": "Help the Impostors kill the Crew",
"DisperserInfo": "Teletransporta a todos a alcantarillas",
- "InhibitorInfo": "No puedes matar en medio de un sabotaje",
- "SaboteurInfo": "Sólo puedes matar durante sabotajes",
- "CouncillorInfo": "Mata a tripulantes durante reuniones",
- "DazzlerInfo": "Reduce la visibilidad de la tripulación",
- "DeathpactInfo": "Asigna a la tripulación a un pacto de muerte",
- "DevourerInfo": "Consume la apariencia de la tripulación",
+ "InhibitorInfo": "You cannot kill during Sabotages",
+ "SaboteurInfo": "You can only kill during Sabotages",
+ "CouncillorInfo": "Kill off Crewmates during meetings",
+ "DazzlerInfo": "Reduce the vision of the Crew",
+ "DeathpactInfo": "Assign players to a deathpact",
+ "DevourerInfo": "Consume the skin of the Crew",
"ConsigliereInfo": "Descubre los roles de otros jugadores",
- "MorphlingInfo": "Sólo puedes matar estando cambiado de forma",
+ "MorphlingInfo": "You can only kill while Shapeshifted",
"TwisterInfo": "Cambia la posición de todos los jugadores",
- "LurkerInfo": "Reduce tu tiempo de espera para matar usando las alcantarillas",
+ "LurkerInfo": "Reduce your Kill Cooldown by venting",
"ConvictInfo": "Tu objetivo ha muerto, ahora ayuda a los impostores",
"VisionaryInfo": "Ves los equipos de todos los jugadores vivos",
- "RefugeeInfo": "Ayuda a los impostores a asesinar a la tripulación",
+ "RefugeeInfo": "Help the Impostors kill off the Crew",
"UnderdogInfo": "Mata cuando haya poca gente",
- "LudopathInfo": "Tu tiempo de espera para matar es aleatorio",
+ "LudopathInfo": "Your kill Cooldown is random",
"GodfatherInfo": "Transforma a los jugadores en refugiados votandolos",
"ChronomancerInfo": "Mata a quemarropa",
"PitfallInfo": "Pon trampas alrededor del mapa",
"EvilMiniInfo": "Nadie podrá matarte hasta que crezcas",
"BlackmailerInfo": "Extorciona y silencia a otros jugadores",
- "InstigatorInfo": "Sembra discordia sobre los trimpulantes",
+ "InstigatorInfo": "Sow discord among the Crewmates",
"LazyGuyInfo": "Eres muy perezoso",
"SuperStarInfo": "Todos te conocen",
- "CleanserInfo": "Borra todos los complementos de quien votes",
- "KeeperInfo": "¡Rechaza la expulsión, Protector, guía la misión!",
+ "CleanserInfo": "Erase all Add-ons of your vote target",
+ "KeeperInfo": "Reject the eject, Keeper protect!",
"MayorInfo": "Tus votos cuentan múltiples veces",
"PsychicInfo": "Uno de los nombres en rojo es maligno",
- "MechanicInfo": "Usa los conductos de ventilación y arregla los sabotajes",
+ "MechanicInfo": "Vent around and fix Sabotages",
"SheriffInfo": "Dispara a los Impostores",
"VigilanteInfo": "Se un héroe y dispara a los malechores",
"JailerInfo": "Encarcela a jugadores sospechosos",
- "CopyCatInfo": "Copia el rol de otros jugadores con tu botón de matar",
+ "CopyCatInfo": "Use your Kill button to copy a target's role",
"SnitchInfo": "Termina tus tareas para encontrar a los Impostores",
"MarshallInfo": "Termina tus tareas para probar tu inocencia",
"DoctorInfo": "Sabes de que modo muere la gente",
@@ -499,31 +515,31 @@
"TransporterInfo": "Haz tareas para intercambiar la posición de 2 jugadores",
"TimeManagerInfo": "Haz tareas para incrementar el tiempo en las reuniones",
"VeteranInfo": "Activa una alerta para matar a cualquiera que interactue contigo",
- "BastionInfo": "Pon bombas en los conductos",
+ "BastionInfo": "Bomb Vents",
"YinYangerInfo": "Haz que dos jugadores exploten espontáneamente",
"BodyguardInfo": "Evita asesinatos cercanos",
"DeceiverInfo": "Intenta engañar a jugadores",
- "GrenadierInfo": "Ciega a los Impostores usando ductos",
+ "GrenadierInfo": "Reduce Impostors' vision by Venting",
"MedicInfo": "Proteje a un jugador con un escudo",
- "FortuneTellerInfo": "Obtenga pistas para reconocer los roles de otros jugadores",
+ "FortuneTellerInfo": "Get clues to player's roles",
"JudgeInfo": "¡Silencio en la sala!",
"MorticianInfo": "Encuentra cadáveres",
"MediumInfo": "Habla con los muertos",
- "ObserverInfo": "Puedes ver todas las animaciones de escudo",
- "PacifistInfo": "Reinicia el tiempo de espera para matar de todos usando los conductos",
+ "ObserverInfo": "You can see all Shield Animations",
+ "PacifistInfo": "Vent to reset Kill Cooldowns",
"RebirthInfo": "Levántate de nuevo",
- "MonarchInfo": "¡Da a la tripulación votos extra!",
+ "MonarchInfo": "Give your Crew extra voting power!",
"AbyssbringerInfo": "Coloca agujeros negros",
- "SpurtInfo": "Salta como un conejo!",
- "StealthInfo": "Matando ciega a todos en la habitasion",
+ "SpurtInfo": "Spring like a rabbit!",
+ "StealthInfo": "Killing blinds everyone in the room",
"PenguinInfo": "Arrastra a tus víctimas",
"OverseerInfo": "Revela los roles de otros jugadores",
"CoronerInfo": "Encuentra cuerpos y sus asesinos",
"PresidentInfo": "Tú estás al cargo en las reuniones",
- "MerchantInfo": "Vende Add-ons y soborna a tus asesinos",
- "RetributionistInfo": "Ayuda a la tripulación después de morir",
+ "MerchantInfo": "Sell Add-ons and bribe killers",
+ "RetributionistInfo": "Help the Crewmates after you die",
"HawkInfo": "¡Busca asesinar a los malos!",
- "DeputyInfo": "Incrementa el tiempo de espera para matar de asesinos",
+ "DeputyInfo": "Handcuff killers to increase their Cooldowns",
"InvestigatorInfo": "Encuentra potenciales malechores",
"GuardianInfo": "Completa tareas para volverte immortal",
"AddictInfo": "Usa ducto para ser invulnerable, o morirás",
@@ -534,12 +550,12 @@
"SpiritualistInfo": "Se guiado por los fantasmas",
"ChameleonInfo": "Vuélvete invisible para inspeccionar tus alrededores",
"InspectorInfo": "Inspecciona si dos jugadores son del mismo equipo o enemigos",
- "CaptainInfo": "Navega con el capitán, para que no se abandonen los agregados en tierra.",
+ "CaptainInfo": "Sail with the Captain, lest Add-ons be abandoned.",
"AdmirerInfo": "Elije a un jugador para que esté de tu parte",
"TimeMasterInfo": "¡Retrocede el tiempo!",
"CrusaderInfo": "Mata el atacante de un jugador",
"AltruistInfo": "Revive a player\nVent to change between Revive and Report",
- "ReverieInfo": "Con cada asesinato, matas más rápido",
+ "ReverieInfo": "With each kill, your Cooldown decreases",
"LookoutInfo": "Ve a través del disfraz",
"TelecommunicationInfo": "Vigila el uso de dispositivos",
"LighterInfo": "Ves a través de la oscuridad",
@@ -547,14 +563,14 @@
"WitnessInfo": "Ve si alguien ha asesinado recientemente",
"GhastlyInfo": "¡Controla a alguien!",
"SwapperInfo": "Intercambia los votos entre dos jugadores",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "¡Contrata al Sheriff para servir a la tripulacion!",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "Hire Sheriffs to serve the Crewmates!",
"NiceMiniInfo": "Nadie podrá matarte hasta que crezcas.",
"ArsonistInfo": "Rocía a todos en gasolina y préndelos fuego",
"PyromaniacInfo": "Rocía y mata a todos",
- "HuntsmanInfo": "Mata a tus objetivos para tener un tiempo de espera para matar reducido",
+ "HuntsmanInfo": "Kill your targets for a low Cooldown",
"SpyInfo": "Sabrás quien interactúa contigo",
"RandomizerInfo": "¿Vas a ser la carga de alguien cuando mueras?",
- "EnigmaInfo": "Obtén pistas sobre los asesinos",
+ "EnigmaInfo": "Get clues about killers",
"JesterInfo": "Haz que te exilien",
"OpportunistInfo": "Sobrevive hasta el final",
"TerroristInfo": "Termina tus tareas, y luego muere",
@@ -576,10 +592,10 @@
"BloodKnightInfo": "Matar te hace invencible temporalmente",
"PlagueBearerInfo": "Infecta a todos para transformarte en Pestilencia",
"PestilenceInfo": "¡Destrózalos a todos!",
- "SoulCollectorInfo": "Predice muertes de jugadores para coleccionar almas",
+ "SoulCollectorInfo": "Predict deaths to collect Souls",
"DeathInfo": "Enactua Armagedón",
- "BakerInfo": "Dales pan a los jugadores para convertirlos en Hambruna",
- "FamineInfo": "Mata a todos de hambre",
+ "BakerInfo": "Feed players bread to become Famine",
+ "FamineInfo": "Starve everyone",
"BerserkerInfo": "Mata para subir de nivel",
"WarInfo": "Destruye todo",
"GlitchInfo": "Hackea y mata a todos",
@@ -587,7 +603,7 @@
"FollowerInfo": "Sigue a un jugador y ayúdales",
"CultistInfo": "Encanta a todos",
"SerialKillerInfo": "¡Mata a todos para ganar!",
- "JuggernautInfo": "Con cada asesinato, matas más rápido",
+ "JuggernautInfo": "With each kill, your Cooldown decreases",
"InfectiousInfo": "Infecta a todo el mundo",
"VirusInfo": "Mata e infecta a todos",
"PursuerInfo": "¡Protéjete y sobrevive!",
@@ -603,38 +619,46 @@
"VultureInfo": "Cóme cadáveres para ganar",
"TaskinatorInfo": "Tareas silenciosas, explosiones mortales",
"BenefactorInfo": "¡Tareas completas, tripulación recompensada!",
- "MedusaInfo": "Stone bodies by reporting them",
+ "MedusaInfo": "Stop players in their tracks by Stoning them",
"SpiritcallerInfo": "Transforma a los jugadores en espíritus malignos",
"AmnesiacInfo": "Recuerda el rol de un cadáver",
"ImitatorInfo": "Imita el rol de un jugador",
- "BanditInfo": "Roba los agregados de otros jugadores",
+ "BanditInfo": "Rob a player's Add-on",
"DoppelgangerInfo": "Róbale la identidad a tus víctimas",
"PunchingBagInfo": "¡Haz que te ataquen un par de veces para ganar!",
"KamikazeInfo": "Mata a jugadores con misiones de suisidio",
"DoomsayerInfo": "Adivina el rol de otros jugadores para ganar",
"ShroudInfo": "Cubre a otros para hacerlos asesinar por ti",
- "WerewolfInfo": "Mata tripulantes en grupos",
- "ShamanInfo": "Desvía todos los ataques al muñeco vudú",
- "SeekerInfo": "Play Hide and Seek with your target\nYour target has a ★ mark.",
+ "WerewolfInfo": "Kill Crewmates in groups",
+ "ShamanInfo": "Deflect all the attacks on Voodoo Doll",
+ "SeekerInfo": "Play Hide & Seek with your target\nYour target has a ★ mark.",
"PixieInfo": "¡Etiquétalos, embolsalos y expúlsalos!",
"OccultistInfo": "Mata y maldice a tus enemigos",
- "SchrodingersCatInfo": "El gato está vivo y muerto al mismo tiempo hasta que lo observan.",
+ "SchrodingersCatInfo": "The Cat is both alive and dead until observed.",
"RomanticInfo": "Proteje a tu compañero para ganar juntos",
"VengefulRomanticInfo": "Venga a tu compañero para ganar juntos",
"RuthlessRomanticInfo": "Mata a todos para ganar con tu compañero",
- "PoisonerInfo": "Kill everyone with delayed kills",
- "HexMasterInfo": "Hechiza a la tripulación y mátalos en las reuniones",
"WraithInfo": "Usa un conducto para volverte invisible temporalmente",
- "JinxInfo": "Reflect attacks onto your attackers",
+ "PoisonerInfo": "Make players unable to use their ability",
+ "HexMasterInfo": "Hechiza a la tripulación y mátalos en las reuniones",
+ "JinxInfo": "Players \"accidentally\" die upon trying to kill your target",
"PotionMasterInfo": "Usa tus pociones como ventaja",
- "NecromancerInfo": "Kill your killer to defy death",
+ "NecromancerInfo": "Use the dead to your advantage",
+ "CovenLeaderInfo": "Help your teammates by retraining them",
+ "RitualistInfo": "Perform Blood Rituals to Enchant other players!",
+ "ConjurerInfo": "Blast away your enemies!",
+ "DreamweaverInfo": "Drive other players to insomnia!",
+ "IllusionistInfo": "Place Illusions on players to spread confusion!",
+ "VoodooMasterInfo": "Craft Voodoo Dolls of other players!",
+ "SacrifistInfo": "Debuff your enemies at your own cost",
+ "MoonDancerInfo": "Use Baton Pass to give out Add-ons!",
"WardenInfo": "(Fantasma) Alerta sobre peligro",
"MinionInfo": "(Fantasmas) Ciega enemigos",
"LoversInfo": "Mantente vivo y gana juntos",
"MadmateInfo": "Ayuda a los impostores",
"WatcherInfo": "Ves el color de todos los votos",
- "LastImpostorInfo": "Tiempo de espera para matar reducido",
- "OverclockedInfo": "Tiempo de espera reducido",
+ "LastImpostorInfo": "Lower Kill Cooldown",
+ "OverclockedInfo": "Lower Cooldown",
"FlashInfo": "Eres más rápido",
"TorchInfo": "¡Tienes una visión mejorada!",
"SeerInfo": "Serás alertado cuando alguien ha muere",
@@ -642,14 +666,14 @@
"ObliviousInfo": "No puedes reportar cuerpos",
"BewilderInfo": "Das tu ceguera a tu asesino",
"WorkhorseInfo": "Termina tus tareas antes para conseguir más tareas",
- "FoolInfo": "No sabes reparar sabotajes",
+ "FoolInfo": "You can't fix Sabotages",
"AvangerInfo": "Puedes llevarte contigo a un jugador cuando mueras",
"YoutuberInfo": "Muere primero para ganar",
"CelebrityInfo": "Todos saben cuando mueres",
"EgoistInfo": "Gana por tu propia cuenta",
"StealerInfo": "Robáles los votos a tus víctimas",
"ParanoiaInfo": "Estas vivo y muerto al mismo tiempo",
- "MimicInfo": "Revela el rol de muertos a los otros impostores",
+ "MimicInfo": "Reveal killed players' roles to Impostors upon death",
"GuesserInfo": "Adivina el rol de otros jugadores para matar",
"NecroviewInfo": "Ve el equipo de los muertos",
"ReachInfo": "Tienes más alcance",
@@ -662,32 +686,33 @@
"LuckyInfo": "Esquiva a los atacantes",
"DoubleShotInfo": "Tienes una vida extra para adivinar",
"RascalInfo": "Los otros te ven como un jugador malvado en algunos casos",
- "SoullessInfo": "No tienes alma",
+ "SoullessInfo": "You have no Soul",
"GravestoneInfo": "Revelas tu rol al morir",
"LazyInfo": "Eres muy perezoso",
"AutopsyInfo": "Ves como otros perecieron",
"LoyalInfo": "No puedes ser reclutado",
- "EvilSpiritInfo": "Eres un espíritu malvado",
+ "EvilSpiritInfo": "You are an Evil Spirit",
"RecruitInfo": "Ayuda al chacal",
+ "EnchantedInfo": "Help the Coven",
"AdmiredInfo": "El admirador te elijió como su amor",
"GlowInfo": "Brillas en la oscuridad",
"RadarInfo": "¡El tono de la Flecha, justo a la oreja!",
- "DiseasedInfo": "Aumenta el tiempo de espera del jugador que interactúe contigo",
- "AntidoteInfo": "Reduce el tiempo de espera del jugador que interactúe contigo",
- "StubbornInfo": "Protege tu rol y tus agregados",
+ "DiseasedInfo": "Increase the Cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
+ "AntidoteInfo": "Decrease the Cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
+ "StubbornInfo": "Protect your Role and Add-ons",
"SwiftInfo": "Tus asesinatos no generan un desplazamiento",
"UnluckyInfo": "Hacer cosas genera una probabilidad de matarte",
"VoidBallotInfo": "Tu voto cuenta como 0",
"AwareInfo": "Sabes quien reveló tu rol",
- "FragileInfo": "Muere al instante si alguien interactúa contigo",
+ "FragileInfo": "Die instantly if someone uses the Kill button on you",
"GhoulInfo": "Mata a tu asesino después de morir",
"BloodthirstInfo": "Vuelvete sediento de sangre y mata",
"MareInfo": "Mata en la oscuridad",
"BurstInfo": "¡Haz que tu asesino explote!",
"SleuthInfo": "Consigue información reportando cadáveres",
"ClumsyInfo": "Tienes una probabilidad de fallar un asesinato",
- "NimbleInfo": "¡Puedes desplazarte a través de las alcantarillas!",
- "CircumventInfo": "No podrás meterte en los conductos",
+ "NimbleInfo": "You can Vent!",
+ "CircumventInfo": "You can no longer Vent",
"OiiaiInfo": "OIIAIOIIIAI",
"CyberInfo": "¡Eres popular!",
"HurriedInfo": "Dios mio! Tengo muchas cosas!",
@@ -706,324 +731,334 @@
"DollMasterInfo": "Toma el control de las acciones de los jugador!",
"DoubleAgentInfo": "Planta bombas sobre los jugadores durante las reuniones",
"SlothInfo": "Eres mas despacio",
- "ProhibitedInfo": "Ciertos conductos están bloqueados",
+ "ProhibitedInfo": "Certain Vents are blocked",
"EavesdropperInfo": "Atentamente escucha las conversaciones de otros roles",
"ShockerInfo": "Impacta a jugadores desprevenidos con descargas eléctricas",
"RevenantInfo": "Toma el rol de tu asesino",
- "EngineerTOHEInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo el Ingeniero, podras acceder a los ductos mientras el sabotage las Comunaciones este inactivo.",
- "ScientistTOHEInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo el Científico, tienes acceso a los vitales al cualquier momento, muestrandote quién esta vivo o muerto.",
- "NoisemakerTOHEInfoLong": "(Tripulación):\nCuando el Ruidoso muere, hará un ruido lo suficientemente fuerte para alertar a la tripulación. La tripulación tendrá un indicador visual hacia tu lugar de muerte para posiblemente atrapar al asesino con las manos en la masa.",
- "TrackerTOHEInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Rastreador puede usar su botón de Rastrear en otro jugador para poder vigilar su ubicación con el mapa durante un tiempo limitado.",
- "ShapeshifterTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo el Cambiaformas, podras transformarte en otros jugadores. Es obvio cuando cambias o te desformas.",
- "PhantomTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo el Fantasma, puedes presionar el botón de \"Desaparecer\" para volverte invisible y escapar de la escena del asesinato. Puedes presionar el botón de nuevo para volver a ser visible, si no, volveras a ser visible después de que se agota el cronómetro.",
- "GuardianAngelTOHEInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo el Ángel Guardián, eres el alma del primer tripulante muerto, y puedes dar escudos temporales a la tripulación.",
- "ImpostorTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo el Impostor, tu objetivo es simplemente matar a los tripulantes.\nPuedes sabotear y usar ductos.",
+ "EngineerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Engineer, you may access the Vents while Comms Sabotaged is inactive.",
+ "ScientistTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Scientist, you can see Vitals at any time, showing you who is alive and dead.",
+ "NoisemakerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Noisemaker, whenever you die, you will make a noise, and a visual indicator of your death appears on the screen so the Crewmates can run to catch the person who killed you red-handed (even if it’s not red).",
+ "TrackerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracker, press your Tracker button on a player to track their location via the map for a limited amount of time.",
+ "ShapeshifterTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapeshifter, you can Shapeshift into other players. It is obvious when you Shapeshift or revert Shifting.",
+ "PhantomTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Phantom, you can press your Vanish button to go invisible to escape a kill. You can click your Appear button if you want to become visible before the timer runs out or not.\nNote: You will make a smoke cloud whenever you go invisible and become visible. So make sure you are in a safe area where no one will see you.",
+ "GuardianAngelTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guardian Angel, you are the first Crewmate to die and can give Crewmates temporary shields.",
+ "ImpostorTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Impostor, your goal is to simply kill off the Crewmates.\nYou can Sabotage and Vent.",
"CrewmateTOHEInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo un tripulante, tu meta es encontrar y exilar a los Impostores. Los tripulantes ganan deshaciendose de los impostores o terminando sus tareas.",
- "BountyHunterInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Cazarrecompensas tiene un objetivo (Indicado por la flecha, si tienes una). Al matarlo, tu tiempo de espera para matar será reducido.\nSi matas a otra persona que no erea tu objetivo, tu tiempo de espera será incrementado. Tu objetivo cambia cada cierto tiempo.",
- "FireworkerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Pirotécnico puede cambiar formas para poner Fuegos Artificiales, con el máximo siendo configurado por el Anfitrión.\nCuando seas el último impostor y todos los fuegos artificiales hayan sido colocados, cambia de forma para encenderlos y mata a todos los que estén cerca, incluyendo a ti mismo.\nSi matas a todos los jugadores con tus fuegos artificiales, cuenta como una victoria para los Impostores.",
- "MercenaryInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo el Mercenario, debes matar dentro de tu plazo, mostrado por el tiempo de enfriamiento de tu Transformación (que no puedes usar). Si no logras matar durante este tiempo, mueres.",
- "ShapeMasterInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo el Cambiaformas Maestro, no tienes Cooldown de Cambiaformas.",
+ "BountyHunterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Bounty Hunter, if you kill your assigned target (indicated by the arrow if you have one), your next Kill Cooldown will be shortened.\nIf you kill anyone other than your target, your next Kill Cooldown will be increased. The target swaps after a certain amount of time.",
+ "FireworkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Fireworker, you can Shapeshift to place Fireworks up to the maximum amount the Host sets.\nWhen you are the last Impostor and all Fireworks have been placed, Shapeshift again to detonate them and kill everyone in their radius, including you.\nIf you kill all players with your Fireworks, it's considered an Impostor victory.",
+ "MercenaryInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mercenary, you must kill within your deadline, as shown by your Shapeshift Cooldown (which you cannot use). If you fail to kill, you die.",
+ "ShapeMasterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapemaster, you have no Shapeshift Cooldown.",
"VampireInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo el Vampiro, sus asesinatos seran detrasados. Esto significa que sus objetivo muriran de todas maneras aunque la reunión sea llamada primero.\nSi muerde a la Carnada, matara normalmente y reportara el cuerpo. Dependiendo de la configuración, podrá usar doble gatillo (muerde jugador - un clic, matar normalmente - doble clic).",
"WarlockInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo el Brujo, puedes maldecir a un jugador a la vez.\nAl cambiar de forma, si has maldecido a un jugador, matará a la persona más cercana a él. Según las opciones, esto puede incluir a los otros impostores o a tí, por lo que ten cuidado.\nPodrás matar normalmente si te has transformado en alguien.",
- "ZombieInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo el Zombi, puedes matar rápidamente, pero seras muy lento y veras muy poco. No podrás ser exiliado por nadie excepto por el dictador, y te volverás más lento con el tiempo o cada vez que mates.",
- "NinjaInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEl Ninja puede usar su boton de matar para marcar un objetivo (un clic) o matar normalmente (doble clic). Despues de eso, podra cambiar de formas para transportarte a ellos y matarlos.",
+ "ZombieInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nZombie has a short Kill Cooldown but moves very slowly and has very little vision. Zombie can not be voted out by anyone other than the Dictator, and the movement speed of Zombie will gradually slow down as they make kills or time passes.",
+ "NinjaInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ninja, you can use your Kill button to mark a target (single click) or kill normally (double click). You may then Shapeshift to teleport to the marked target and kill them.",
"AnonymousInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo el Anónimo, puedes cambiar de forma para forzar a su objetivo a reportar a quien haya matado en esta ronda.\nSi no mataste a nadie esa ronda, el objetivo reportará su propio cuerpo muerto como si hubiera muerto.\nNota: El Perezoso y el Gandul no serán afectados por esta habilidad, y esta funcionará aún si el cadáver puede ser informado.",
- "MinerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo el Minero, puedes transformarte para teletransportarte de vuelta al último conducto en el que estuviste.",
- "KillingMachineInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Killing Machine, you have a very short kill cooldown with tiny vision. However, you cannot vent, sabotage, report, nor call emergency meetings.\n\nNote: You will bypass any shields, killing bait and beartrap won't take any effect",
- "EscapistInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Escapist, you can Mark a location by Shapeshifting. Shapeshift again to teleport back to the Marked spot (the Shapeshifting animation will display after you teleport; be careful).",
- "WitchInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nLa bruja puede usar su botón de matar para lanzar un hechizo (Un clic) o matar normalmente (doble clic).\nDurante la próxima reunión, los objetivos hechizados tendrán el símbolo 「†」 junto a su nombre, visible por todos. A menos que mueras al final de la reunión, todos los objetivos hechizados morirán.",
- "NemesisInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Nemesis, you can only kill if you are the last Impostor.\nIf you are dead, you can use the command /rv [ID] to kill the player whose ID you typed. Use /id to show the IDs of all players, or look next to their names.",
- "BloodmoonInfoLong": "(Impostors [Ghost]):\nAs the Bloodmoon, attack the enemies to make them drip blood, this means they will die in a time set by the host, and will be aware of it.",
+ "MinerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Miner, you can Shapeshift to teleport back to the last vent you were in.",
+ "KillingMachineInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Killing Machine, you have a very short Kill Cooldown with tiny vision. However, you cannot Vent, Sabotage, Report, nor call Emergency Meetings.\n\nNote: You will bypass any shields, killing bait and beartrap won't take any effect",
+ "EscapistInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Escapist, you can mark a location by Shapeshifting. Shapeshift again to teleport back to the marked spot",
+ "WitchInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Witch, you can use your Kill button to Spell (single click) or Kill normally (double click).\nDuring the next meeting, the spelled target(s) will have a 「†」 next to their name visible to everyone. Unless you die by the end of that meeting, all Spelled targets will die.",
+ "NemesisInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Nemesis, you can only kill if you are the last Impostor.\nIf you are dead, you can use the command /rv [ID] to kill the player whose ID you typed. Use /id to show the ID's of all players, or look next to their names.",
+ "BloodmoonInfoLong": "(Impostors [Ghost]):\nAs the Bloodmoon, attack the enemies to make them drip blood, this means they will die in a time set by the Host, and will be aware of it.",
"PossessorInfoLong": "(Impostors [Ghost]):\nAs the Possessor, you can possess players when others aren't in the Alert Range. Lead the possessed player as far as possible from other players in the Focus Range. Once the possession duration is up, the possessed player will be killed if others aren't in the Focus Range. If you run into another player in the Alert Range while possessing, the Possessor will immediately unpossess.",
- "PuppeteerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo el Manipulador, podras usar tu botón de matar para Manipular (un solo click) o matar normalmente (doble click).\nA esos que Manipules mataran al proximo no Impostor ellos toquen. Dependiendo en las configuraciónes del Anfitrión, Objetivos Manipulados también moriran cuando maten a alguien.",
- "MastermindInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mastermind, you can use your kill button on a player once to manipulate them. The manipulation does nothing if the target doesn't have a kill button. But if the target does have a kill button, whoever you manipulate will be told after a delay that they got manipulated and must kill someone in a limited time to survive. If the time limit expires or a meeting gets called before killing someone, they die.\nDouble click on someone to kill them normally.",
- "YinYangerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the YinYanger, you can use your kill button one time to pick your Yin and then a second time to choose a Yang. When those two players meet, they'll kill each other. When Yin & Yang have been chosen, you can kill normally.",
+ "PuppeteerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Puppeteer, you can use your Kill button to Puppeteer (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose you Puppeteer will kill the next non-Impostor they touch. Depending on options, Puppeteered targets will also die once they kill.",
+ "MastermindInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mastermind, you can use your Kill button on a player once to manipulate them. The manipulation does nothing if the target doesn't have a Kill button. But if the target does have a Kill button, whoever you manipulate will be told after a delay that they got manipulated and must kill someone in a limited time to survive. If the time limit expires or a meeting gets called before killing someone, they die.\nDouble click on someone to kill them normally.",
+ "YinYangerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the YinYanger, you can use your Kill button one time to pick your Yin and then a second time to choose a Yang. When those two players meet, they'll kill each other. When Yin & Yang have been chosen, you can kill normally.",
"TimeThiefInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nCada vez que el ladrón del tiempo mate a un jugador, el tiempo de reunión será reducido. Si él muere, todo vuelve a ser como antes.",
- "SniperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nYou can shoot players from far away.\nYou have to shapeshift twice to make a successful snipe.\nImagine an arrow pointing from your first shapeshift location towards your unshift location.\nThat will be the direction in which the snipe will be made.\nThe snipe kills the first person in its path.\nYou cannot kill people normally until you use up all of your ammo.",
+ "SniperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nYou can shoot players from far away.\nYou have to Shapeshift twice to make a successful snipe.\nImagine an arrow pointing from your first Shapeshift location towards your Unshift location.\nThat will be the direction in which the snipe will be made.\nThe snipe kills the first person in its path.\nYou cannot kill people normally until you use up all of your ammo.",
"UndertakerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEverytime you Shapeshift, you mark the location. Your kills will then teleport to the marked location.\nAfter every kill and meeting, your marked location will reset.\n\nAfter every teleported kill, you will freeze for a configurable amount of time",
- "RiftMakerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs Rift Maker, you can shapeshift to create a rift. You can teleport from one rift to another by touching the area where the rift was created. Trying to vent will kick you out, therefore destroying all the rifts.\n\nNote: Up to two rifts can be placed at a time; if you try to place a third, it removes the first one.",
- "EvilTrackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Tracker can track other players, and the Evil Tracker can shapeshift into someone to switch the tracking target to the shapeshift target (You will immediately unshift after performing shapeshift). The arrow below the Evil Tracker's name indicates the direction of the target. When the Evil Tracker's teammate kills, the Evil Tracker will see a kill flash.",
- "EvilHackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Hacker can get the last-minute admin information at the meeting beginning.\nUnoccupied rooms are not shown.\nA '★' marks rooms with impostors.\nRooms with dead bodies are marked with the number of bodies.\nExample: ★Cafeteria: 3 (DEAD×1).",
+ "RiftMakerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs Rift Maker, you can Shapeshift to create a rift. You can teleport from one rift to another by touching the area where the rift was created. Trying to vent will kick you out, therefore destroying all the rifts.\n\nNote: Up to two rifts can be placed at a time; if you try to place a third, it removes the first one.",
+ "EvilTrackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Tracker can track other players, and the Evil Tracker can Shapeshift into someone to switch the tracking target to the Shapeshift target (You will immediately unshift after performing Shapeshift). The arrow below the Evil Tracker's name indicates the direction of the target. When the Evil Tracker's teammate kills, the Evil Tracker will see a kill flash.",
+ "EvilHackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Hacker can get the last-minute admin information at the meeting beginning.\nUnoccupied rooms are not shown.\nA '★' marks rooms with Impostors.\nRooms with dead bodies are marked with the number of bodies.\nExample: ★Cafeteria: 3 (DEAD×1).",
"EvilGuesserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If correct, the target dies. If wrong, the Evil Guesser dies.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
- "AntiAdminerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Anti Adminer can at any time find out if there are crewmates or neutrals near Cameras, Admin Table, Vitals, DoorLog, and/or other devices. Note: Anti Adminer does not know if the player uses the device while near it. They only know that someone is near the device.",
- "ArroganceInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nLa Arrogancia reduce el tiempo de recuperación para matar por cada muerte exitosa que hagan.",
- "BomberInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Bomber can use the shapeshift button to self-explode, killing players within a certain range. But as a price, the Bomber will also die. Note: All players will see a kill flash when the Bomber explodes.",
- "ScavengerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl carroñero no deja cadáveres al matar, y si la víctima es la carnada, no habrá auto-informe.",
+ "AntiAdminerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Anti Adminer can at any time find out if there are Crewmates or Neutrals near Cameras, Admin Table, Vitals, DoorLog, and/or other devices. Note: Anti Adminer does not know if the player uses the device while near it. They only know that someone is near the device.",
+ "ArroganceInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Arrogance reduces their Kill Cooldown with each successful kill of theirs.",
+ "BomberInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Bomber can use the Shapeshift button to self-explode, killing players within a certain range. But as a price, the Bomber will also die. Note: All players will see a kill flash when the Bomber explodes.",
+ "ScavengerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nScavenger kills do not leave dead bodies behind. In addition, if the victim is a Bait, no self-report will be made.",
"TrapsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Trapster has a unique method of killing. By initiating a body report, the Trapster can eliminate the player attempting to report the body the Trapster killed.\nNote: If Trapster kills the Bait, the Trapster will die immediately.",
- "GangsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Gangster, a powerful character, can try to recruit a player to a Madmate by pressing the kill button. If the recruitment is successful, both the Gangster and the target will see the shield animation on each other as a reminder (only visible to each other). The remaining number of available recruits is displayed next to the Gangster's name (the Host sets the max). If the Gangster tries to recruit players who cannot be recruited, such as neutrals or some special crews, they will kill the target normally instead. When the Gangster has no remaining recruitments, they can only make normal kills from that point on.",
- "CleanerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nCleaner can press the Report button to clean up any dead body they come across (including those they kill). If the cleanup is successful, the Cleaner will see a shield animation on their body as a reminder (only visible to himself). The cleaned-up body cannot be reported (including bait).",
- "LightningInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lightning, you cannot kill normally. Instead, your kill button quantizes targets, which activates after a delay, causing the next person they encounter to kill them. Those who are actively quantized show a「■」next to their name. Additionally, those who have been quantized die if they survive until the end of a meeting. There is a setting to quantize your killer.",
- "GreedyInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nGreedy kills with odd and even kills will have different kill cooldowns. Greedy's kill cooldown is reset every meeting, and Greedy's first kill is always odd.",
- "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Cursed Wolf is about to be killed, the Cursed Wolf will curse the killer to death. (The Host sets the max of times you can counterattack)",
- "SoulCatcherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Soul Catcher, you can shapeshift to swap places with your target as long as they are not dead, in a vent, swallowed by pelican, or in a similar odd state.",
- "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the kill cooldown is over, Quick Shooter can reset the kill cooldown by shapeshift to store a bullet (when the storage is successful, a shield-animation visible only to himself will appear on their body as a reminder). If Quick Shooter has bullets, he can use one to bypass the kill cooldown; he will kill even if it's still on cooldown and use a bullet. At the beginning of each meeting, the quick shooter can only keep a certain number of bullets (The Host sets the number).",
- "CamouflagerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Camouflager uses Shapeshift, all players start to look the same. This state ends when the Camouflager reverts its shapeshifting. It's important to note that the skills of communication sabotage camouflage, and the skills of the Camouflager can be superimposed.\nThis skill will be invalid if a meeting is held during the skill activation of the Camouflager.",
- "EraserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEraser can vote for any crew target at the meeting to erase the target's roles, and the erasure will take effect after the meeting ends. Note: Players with erased skills will always be considered a vanilla role, including the game result page.\nA crew target can only be erased once (include Oiiai)",
+ "GangsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Gangster, a powerful character, can try to recruit a player to a Madmate by pressing the Kill button. If the recruitment is successful, both the Gangster and the target will see the Shield Animation on each other as a reminder (only visible to each other). The remaining number of available recruits is displayed next to the Gangster's name (the Host sets the maximum). If the Gangster tries to recruit players who cannot be recruited, such as Neutrals or some special Crewmates, they will kill the target normally instead. When the Gangster has no remaining recruitments, they can only make normal kills from that point on.",
+ "CleanerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nCleaner can press the Report button to clean up any dead body they come across (including those they kill). If the cleanup is successful, the Cleaner will see a Shield Animation on their body as a reminder (only visible to himself). The cleaned-up body cannot be reported (including Bait).",
+ "LightningInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lightning, you cannot kill normally. Instead, your Kill button quantizes targets, which activates after a delay, causing the next person they encounter to kill them. Those who are actively quantized show a「■」next to their name. Additionally, those who have been quantized die if they survive until the end of a meeting. There is a setting to quantize your killer.",
+ "GreedyInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nGreedy kills with odd and even kills will have different Kill Cooldowns. Greedy's Kill Cooldown is reset every meeting, and Greedy's first kill is always odd.",
+ "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Cursed Wolf is about to be killed, the Cursed Wolf will curse the killer to death. (The Host sets the maximum of times you can counterattack)",
+ "SoulCatcherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Soul Catcher, you can Shapeshift to swap places with your target as long as they are not dead, in a Vent, swallowed by Pelican, or in a similar odd state.",
+ "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Kill Cooldown is over, Quick Shooter can reset the Kill Cooldown by Shapeshift to store a bullet (when the storage is successful, a Shield Animation visible only to himself will appear on their body as a reminder). If Quick Shooter has bullets, he can use one to bypass the Kill Cooldown; he will kill even if it's still on Cooldown and use a bullet. At the beginning of each meeting, the quick shooter can only keep a certain number of bullets (The Host sets the number).",
+ "CamouflagerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Camouflager uses Shapeshift, all players start to look the same. This state ends when the Camouflager reverts its Shapeshifting. It's important to note that the skills of Communication Sabotage Camouflage, and the skills of the Camouflager can be superimposed.\nThis skill will be invalid if a meeting is held during the skill activation of the Camouflager.",
+ "EraserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEraser can vote for any target at the meeting to erase the target's roles, and the erasure will take effect after the meeting ends. Note: Players with erased skills will always be considered a vanilla role, including the game result page.\nA target can only be erased once (including OIIAI)",
"ButcherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Butcher's kills, including passive ones, leave multiple dead bodies on targets, which can be a bit confusing when reporting. Here's the rule: the killed target must repeatedly display the animation of being killed, which cannot be skipped, and they cannot participate in the meeting normally during this period. And if the Butcher kills the Avenger, the Avenger will revenge everyone in anger.",
- "HangmanInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Hangman, during the shapeshifting, you use a unique killing method-strangling. This method ignores any status of the target, such as the shield of the Medic, the Bodyguard's protection, the Super Star's skills, etc. The strangled player will not leave a dead body, nor will it trigger any of its skills. For example, Veteran kill back (including additional roles), and Seer will not be prompted.",
- "SwooperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Swooper, you can vent to vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
+ "HangmanInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Hangman, during the Shapeshifting, you use a unique killing method-strangling. This method ignores any status of the target, such as the shield of the Medic, the Bodyguard's protection, the Super Star's skills, etc. The strangled player will not leave a dead body, nor will it trigger any of its skills. For example, Veteran kill back (including additional roles), and Seer will not be prompted.",
+ "SwooperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Swooper, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
"CrewpostorInfoLong": "(Team Impostor):\nYou kill the nearest player whenever you finish a task.",
- "WildlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Wildling, you can shapeshift but cannot vent.\nWhen you kill, you temporarily become immune to attacks.",
- "TricksterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Trickster, you function as a regular Impostor but with one key difference.\nYou appear as a crewmate to crewmate roles.\n\nThe Sheriff cannot kill you.\nPsychic does not see you as evil.\nSnitch cannot find you.",
+ "WildlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Wildling, you can Shapeshift but cannot Vent.\nWhen you kill, you temporarily become immune to attacks.",
+ "TricksterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Trickster, you function as a regular Impostor but with one key difference.\nYou appear as a Crewmate to Crewmate roles.\n\nThe Sheriff cannot kill you.\nPsychic does not see you as evil.\nSnitch cannot find you.",
"VindicatorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Vindicator, you have extra votes like a Mayor.",
"StealthInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nCuando el sigilo asesina, jugadores en la misma habitación seran ciegados por un corto tiempo.",
- "PenguinInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Penguin, you can restrain the target by pressing the kill button and drag it around.\nWhile dragging, the target dies by pressing the kill button again or after a certain period.\nPress the kill button twice for a direct kill.",
- "ParasiteInfoLong": "(Equipo de los Impostores):\nEl Parásito es un impostor. No obstante, no conoce a los otros impostores.\nPuedes matar, usar los conductos, sabotear, etc.\nSímplemente, eres un impostor.\nNota : Los impostores pueden matarte (accidentalmente), y viceversa.",
- "DisperserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nDisperser can use Shapeshift to teleport all players to random vents.",
- "InhibitorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Inhibitor, you can only kill when there is not a critical sabotage active.\n\nIf light or comms sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
- "SaboteurInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Saboteur, you can only kill when there is a critical sabotage active.\n\nIf reactor or O2 sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
+ "PenguinInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Penguin, you can restrain the target by pressing the Kill button and drag it around.\nWhile dragging, the target dies by pressing the Kill button again or after a certain period.\nPress the Kill button twice for a direct kill.",
+ "ParasiteInfoLong": "(Team Impostor):\nAs the Parasite, you are an Impostor that does not know the other Impostors.\n\nYou may Kill, Vent, Sabotage, whatever.\nJust know that you are an Impostor.",
+ "DisperserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nDisperser can use Shapeshift to teleport all players to random Vents.",
+ "InhibitorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Inhibitor, you can only kill when there is not a Critical Sabotage active.\n\nIf Light or Comms Sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
+ "SaboteurInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Saboteur, you can only kill when there is a Critical sabotage active.\n\nIf Reactor or O2 Sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
"CouncillorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Councillor, you can kill players during a meeting like a Judge.\nWhen killing in a meeting, those kills will appear as a trial from a Judge.\n\nThe kill command is /tl [player id]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nDepending on the settings, Councillor will suicide when he judge his teammates.\nConverted Councillor can judge freely.",
"DazzlerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Deslumbrante puede reducir la visión de tu objetivo permanentemente cambiando de forma. Cuando mueras, su visión volverá a la normalidad.",
- "DeathpactInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Deathpact, You shapeshift to mark your targets for a deathpact.\nIf you have enough players marked for a death pact, they must meet within a specific period; if they fail to do so, they die.\nIf a marked player dies before the death pact becomes complete, the pact is withdrawn.",
- "DevourerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Devourer, you use your shapeshift to change the appearance of the target of the shapeshift permanently. Additionally, when each player's appearance changes, you will have your kill cooldown reduced by a defined number of seconds. If the Devourer dies or gets voted out during a meeting, the player's appearance will change back to their normal appearance.",
- "MorphlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Morphling, you are a Shapeshifter but cannot kill while not shapeshifted.",
- "TwisterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Twister, you can use shapeshifting to swap the position of all players randomly. The swap happens twice, once when you start your shapeshift and once when you return to your original appearance.\nThe Twister itself will not swap places with anyone, and players in vents will not teleport.",
- "LurkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lurker, you can jump into a vent to reduce your cooldown by a certain number of seconds. After you kill, your cooldown resets to its original value.",
+ "DeathpactInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Deathpact, You Shapeshift to mark your targets for a deathpact.\nIf you have enough players marked for a deathpact, they must meet within a specific period; if they fail to do so, they die.\nIf a marked player dies before the deathpact becomes complete, the pact is withdrawn.",
+ "DevourerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Devourer, you use your Shapeshift to change the appearance of the target of the Shapeshift permanently. Additionally, when each player's appearance changes, you will have your Kill Cooldown reduced by a defined number of seconds. If the Devourer dies or gets voted out during a meeting, the player's appearance will change back to their normal appearance.",
+ "MorphlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Morphling, you are a Shapeshifter but cannot kill while not Shapeshifted.",
+ "TwisterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Twister, you can use Shapeshifting to swap the position of all players randomly. The swap happens twice, once when you start your Shapeshift and once when you return to your original appearance.\nThe Twister itself will not swap places with anyone, and players in vents will not teleport.",
+ "LurkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lurker, you can jump into a Vent to reduce your Cooldown by a certain number of seconds. After you kill, your Cooldown resets to its original value.",
"VisionaryInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Visionary, you see the alignments of living players during a meeting.\nThe following information will be displayed on the players:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.",
"PlagueDoctorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\n(Plague Doctor from TOH)\nThe Plague Scientist's goal is to infect every living player.\nThey start by choosing one player to infect, after which anyone who spends a set amount of time in the range of the infected player becomes infected themselves.\nInfection progress is cumulative and does not reset with distance or after meetings.",
- "RefugeeInfoLong": "(Madmates):\nAs the Refugee, you were either:\n -An Amnesiac who remembered an Impostor\n -A killer who killed the Godfather's target.\n -A Romantic whose partner was an Impostor\n -Or an Imitator that imitated an Impostor.\n\nNow your job is to help the Impostors kill the crewmates.",
+ "RefugeeInfoLong": "(Madmates):\nAs the Refugee, you were either:\n -An Amnesiac who remembered an Impostor\n -A killer who killed the Godfather's target.\n -A Romantic whose partner was an Impostor\n -Or an Imitator that imitated an Impostor.\n\nNow your job is to help the Impostors kill the Crewmates.",
"UnderdogInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Indefenso no puede matar hasta que sólo queden un cierto número de jugadores vivos.",
- "ConsigliereInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Consigliere, you can reveal the roles of other players using your kill button.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\n\nIf you run out of reveal uses, your kill button functions normally.",
- "LudopathInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Ludópata tiene un tiempo de espera para matar aleatorio.\n\nEl mínimo es de 1 segundo, el máximo es tu tiempo de espera para matar por defecto.",
+ "ConsigliereInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Consigliere, you can reveal the roles of other players using your Kill button.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\n\nIf you run out of reveal uses, your Kill button functions normally.",
+ "LudopathInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ludopath, your Kill Cooldown is randomized.\n\nMinimum it can be is 1 second, while the maximum is your default Kill Cooldown.",
"GodfatherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Godfather, you vote someone to make them your target.\nIn the next round, if someone kills the target, the killer will turn into a Refugee or Madmate.",
"ChronomancerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Chronomancer, you have a charge bar which indicates when the slaughter is ready. When it is at 100% the next time you kill someone, you go into slaughter mode, meaning you can kill indefinitely until your bar runs out of charge. Otherwise, you have a normal KCD.",
- "PitfallInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Pitfall, you use your shapeshift to mark the area around the shapeshift as a trap. Players who enter this area will be immobilized quickly, and their vision will be affected.",
- "EvilMiniInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Evil Mini, you are unkillable until you grow up and have a very long initial kill cooldown, which gets drastically shortened as you grow up.",
- "BlackmailerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Blackmailer, when you shift into a target, you will blackmail that player. This means that during the meetings, they won't be able to speak.\n\nNote: If someone is already blackmailed, blackmailing another person un-blackmails the current person.",
- "InstigatorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Instigator, it's your job to turn the crewmates against each other. Each time a Crewmate gets voted out in a meeting, if you are alive, an additional Crewmate who voted for the innocent player will die after the meeting. The Host determines the number of additional players dying.",
- "LazyGuyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nLazy Guy has only one task. In addition, the Impostor's abilities can't affect the Lazy Guy, such as being a scapegoat for Anonymous, being marked by a Warlock or Puppeteer, and more. Lazy Guy will not have any add-ons.",
+ "PitfallInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Pitfall, you use your Shapeshift to mark the area around the Shapeshift as a trap. Players who enter this area will be immobilized quickly, and their vision will be affected.",
+ "EvilMiniInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Evil Mini, you are unkillable until you grow up and have a very long initial Kill Cooldown, which gets drastically shortened as you grow up.",
+ "BlackmailerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Blackmailer, when you Shift into a target, you will blackmail that player. This means that during the meetings, they won't be able to speak.\n\nNote: If someone is already blackmailed, blackmailing another person un-blackmails the current person.",
+ "InstigatorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Instigator, it's your job to turn the Crewmates against each other. Each time a Crewmate gets voted out in a meeting, if you are alive, an additional Crewmate who voted for the innocent player will die after the meeting. The Host determines the number of additional players dying.",
+ "LazyGuyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nLazy Guy has only one task. In addition, the Impostor's abilities can't affect the Lazy Guy, such as being a scapegoat for Anonymous, being marked by a Warlock or Puppeteer, and more. Lazy Guy will not have any Add-ons.",
"SuperStarInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThere will be a star logo next to the Super Star's name, so everyone knows who the Super Star is. The Super Star can only die when the murderer is alone with the Super Star (regular kills only). In addition, the Guessers can't guess the Super Star. ",
"CelebrityInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAll Crewmates see the kill-flash when the Celebrity dies (same as the Seer sees the kill-flash) and get a notice at the next meeting. The Impostors don't know anything about this.",
- "CleanserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Cleanser, you can vote to erase the add-ons of any target at the meeting. This erasure takes effect after the meeting ends. Depending on the settings, the cleansed player may never receive add-ons again.",
+ "CleanserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Cleanser, you can vote to erase the Add-ons of any target at the meeting. This erasure takes effect after the meeting ends. Depending on the settings, the cleansed player may never receive Add-ons again.",
"KeeperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs keeper, you can vote for someone to protect them from being ejected. You can only do this a configurable number of times.",
- "MayorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mayor, you have extra votes. Depending on the settings, players can't see your extra votes, you can vent to call a meeting at any time, or you can have yourself revealed as Mayor upon task completion.",
+ "MayorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mayor, you have extra votes. Depending on the settings, players can't see your extra votes, you can Vent to call a meeting at any time, or you can have yourself revealed as Mayor upon task completion.",
"PsychicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Psychic can see the names of several players highlighted in red during the meeting; at least one of them is evil. The Psychic will correctly see all Neutrals and Killing Crewmates displayed as red names when becoming a Madmate.",
- "MechanicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Mechanic can use the vent at any time. They can also fix Reactors, O2, and Communications using only one side. You can fix Lights by flicking only one switch. Opening a door will open all doors in the map.",
- "SheriffInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nSheriff has no task. The Sheriff can kill the Impostor (according to the host settings, the Sheriff can also kill neutrals). If the Sheriff tries to kill a crewmate, the Sheriff will kill himself. The Sheriff can kill anyone when he becomes a madmate (also according to the host settings).",
- "VigilanteInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Vigilante, you are tasked with eliminating potential threats to the Crew, but if they mistakenly kill an innocent crew member, they become a Madmate driven by guilt and remorse.\n\n Note: Gangster cannot convert Vigilante into madmate.",
- "JailerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Jailer, use your kill button to lock a player in jail. During the next meeting, the jailed player cannot vote or get voted (the vote count will be 0). The Jailer may choose to execute the prisoner by voting for them. If the Jailer executes an innocent player, the Jailer loses the ability to execute for the rest of the game.\nIf the Jailer is evil, then they can execute anyone.\nThe Jailer has limited executions.\n\nNote: Jailed players cannot be guessed or judged, and jailed players can only guess Jailer.",
+ "MechanicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Mechanic can use Vents at any time. They can also fix Reactors, O2, and Communications using only one side. You can fix Lights by flicking only one switch. Opening a door will open all doors in the map.",
+ "SheriffInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nSheriff has no task. The Sheriff can kill the Impostor (according to the Host settings, the Sheriff can also kill Neutrals). If the Sheriff tries to kill a Crewmate, the Sheriff will kill himself. The Sheriff can kill anyone when he becomes a Madmate (also according to the Host settings).",
+ "VigilanteInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Vigilante, you are tasked with eliminating potential threats to the Crewmates, but if they mistakenly kill an innocent Crew member, they become a Madmate driven by guilt and remorse.\n\n Note: Gangster cannot convert Vigilante into Madmate.",
+ "JailerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Jailer, use your Kill button to lock a player in jail. During the next meeting, the jailed player cannot vote or get voted (the vote count will be 0). The Jailer may choose to execute the prisoner by voting for them. If the Jailer executes an innocent player, the Jailer loses the ability to execute for the rest of the game.\nIf the Jailer is evil, then they can execute anyone.\nThe Jailer has limited executions.\n\nNote: Jailed players cannot be guessed or judged, and jailed players can only guess Jailer.",
"SnitchInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAfter the Snitch completes all tasks, they can see the Impostor's names displayed in red on the meeting. When the Snitch has only one task left, the Impostors will see a 「★」 mark next to the name of themselves and the Snitch. When a Snitch becomes a Madmate, the 「★」 mark turns red.",
- "MarshallInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Marshall, complete your tasks to reveal yourself to the rest of the Crew.\nOther teams will not be able to see you.\nHowever, madmates CAN see you.",
- "DoctorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nDoctor can see the cause of death for all players. In addition, the Doctor can access vitals wherever you are while he still has battery left.",
+ "MarshallInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Marshall, complete your tasks to reveal yourself to the rest of the Crewmates.\nOther teams will not be able to see you.\nHowever, Madmates CAN see you.",
+ "DoctorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nDoctor can see the cause of death for all players. In addition, the Doctor can access Vitals wherever you are while he still has battery left.",
"DictatorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhen the Dictator votes for someone, the meeting will end on the spot, and the player they voted for will be ejected from the meeting. The moment the Dictator votes someone out, the Dictator will also die.",
"DetectiveInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAfter the Detective reports the body, they will receive a clue message, which will tell the Detective what the victim's role is. According to the Host's settings, the Detective may know what the murderer's role is. Note: Detective won't be Oblivious.",
"UndercoverInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nLos Impostores saben quién es el Encubierto y lo verán como un aliado, pero el Encubierto no tendrá ninguna idea de quienes son los impostores.",
- "NiceGuesserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Nice Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If it is correct, it will kill the target, and if it is wrong, Nice Guesser will suicide.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nNice Guesser can guess crewmate when become madmate.",
- "GuessMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guess Master, you will receive information about every attempted guess made during a meeting. You will be informed about the role the guesser tried to guess, and you will also be notified in case of a misguess.",
+ "NiceGuesserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Nice Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If it is correct, it will kill the target, and if it is wrong, Nice Guesser will suicide.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nNice Guesser can guess Crewmate when become Madmate.",
+ "GuessMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guess Master, you will receive information about every attempted guess made during a meeting. You will be informed about the role the Guesser tried to guess, and you will also be notified in case of a misguess.",
"KnightInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Knight has no tasks. They can kill anyone but only do it once the whole game.",
- "TransporterInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nCuando el Transportador termina una tarea, dos jugadores al azar cambiarán de posición, pero si no hay suficientes jugadores vivos, no pasará nada. \nLos jugadores que estén dentro de los conductos serán omitidos.",
+ "TransporterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhenever the Transporter completes the task, two random players will switch positions, but if there are not enough players left, nothing will happen. Note: Players in a Vent will not be selected.",
"TimeManagerInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nMientras más tareas realize el Gestor de Tiempo, la duración de reuniones se incrementará. Cuando el Gestor de Tiempo muere, el tiempo de reunión volverá al normal. Cuando el Gestor de Tiempo se vuelve Cómplice, la habilidad cambia a reducir el tiempo de reunión en vez de incrementarlo.",
- "VeteranInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Veteran, you can enter the alert state by venting. If a player tries to kill the Veteran in the alert state, the Veteran will kill the murderer instead. Veteran will see a shield animation on their body and a text above their head as a reminder when they enter and exit the alert state.",
- "BastionInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Bastion, bomb vents to kill off impostors and neutrals.\nBe careful though; crewmates can also be killed with the bombs.",
- "CopyCatInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Copycat, you can use your kill button to copy the target's role.\n\nYou can only copy some crewmate roles.\nIf you try to copy a madmate or rascal, you become the madmate variation of the target role.\nIf you target an evil with a crewmate variant, you'll become the crewmate variant.\n\nAdditionally, Your role will be set back to Copycat after every meeting.\nNote You can't guess people in meetings.",
+ "VeteranInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Veteran, you can enter the alert state by Venting. If a player tries to kill the Veteran in the alert state, the Veteran will kill the murderer instead. Veteran will see a Shield Animation on their body and a text above their head as a reminder when they enter and exit the alert state.",
+ "BastionInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Bastion, bomb Vents to kill off Impostors and Neutrals.\nBe careful though; Crewmates can also be killed with the bombs.",
+ "CopyCatInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Copycat, you can use your Kill button to copy the target's role.\n\nYou can only copy some Crewmate roles.\nIf you try to copy a Madmate or Rascal, you become the Madmate variation of the target role.\nIf you target an evil with a Crewmate variant, you'll become the Crewmate variant.\n\nAdditionally, Your role will be set back to Copycat after every meeting.\nNote You can't guess people in meetings.",
"BodyguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nIf a player is about to be killed near the Bodyguard, the Bodyguard will prevent the kill and die with the murderer. The Bodyguard's skills will affect players of any team. When the Bodyguard becomes a Madmate, and the murderer is an Impostor, the Bodyguard will not activate the skill.",
- "DeceiverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Deceiver can sell the counterfeit to other players through the kill button. If the counterfeit is sold successfully, the Deceiver will see a shield animation on their body as a reminder. The counterfeit will take effect after the end of the next meeting. If the player with no kill ability holds the counterfeit, he will kill himself immediately. If the player with the killing ability has the counterfeit, he will commit suicide when he tries to kill someone next time.",
- "GrenadierInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Granadero puede usar los conductos para lanzar una Granada de Luz a otros jugadores cercanos, lo que les hace perder la visión si son Impostores o, según la configuración, Neutrales.",
+ "DeceiverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Deceiver can sell the counterfeit to other players through the Kill button. If the counterfeit is sold successfully, the Deceiver will see a Shield Animation on their body as a reminder. The counterfeit will take effect after the end of the next meeting. If the player with no kill ability holds the counterfeit, he will kill himself immediately. If the player with the killing ability has the counterfeit, he will commit suicide when he tries to kill someone next time.",
+ "GrenadierInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Grenadier, you can Vent to Flashbang players nearby, causing them to lose vision if they are an Impostor or, depending on settings, a Neutral.",
"MedicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Medic can place a shield on the target by pressing the Kill button. The Medic can only give one shield for the whole game. Depending on the settings, the target's shield can or cannot deactivate when the Medic dies. The Medic can also see if someone is trying to break the target's shield.\nDepending on the Host's settings, the Medic or the target can see if the player has a shield (shown as a green circle 「●」 next to the name).",
"FortuneTellerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Fortune Teller, vote for a player in a meeting to get a clue to their role.\nThe clue will relate to their actual role.\n\nWhen the Fortune Teller's tasks are complete, they will obtain the exact role rather than a clue!\n\nNote: If the setting to give random active players as a hint is on, you cannot check the same player multiple times.",
"JudgeInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Judge can judge a certain player during the meeting. If the target is evil, the target will be killed (whether it is evil or not is set by the Host). If it is wrong, the Judge commits suicide.\nCommand for judgment: /tl [player id]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nJudges can judge all players when they become Madmate.\nIn meeting the ability count shows how many trails you have in this meeting. Out of meeting the ability counts shows how many trails you have for the whole game.",
"MorticianInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Mortician can see arrows pointing to all dead bodies, and if the Mortician reports a body, they will know the last player the victim had contact with. Note: Mortician won't be Oblivious or Seer.",
"MediumInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Medium can establish contact with a dead player after someone reports a dead body. The player who reports doesn't have to be the Medium. The dead player can answer once with a YES or a NO to the Medium's question, which only the Medium will see (the dead player can use /ms yes or /ms no). Note: Medium won't be Oblivious.",
- "ObserverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Observer, you can see all shield animations caused by other players after the first meeting. The shied animations typically indicate a role ability, so look out for this.",
+ "ObserverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Observer, you can see all Shield Animations caused by other players after the first meeting. The Shield Animations typically indicate a role ability, so look out for this.",
"MonarchInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Monarch, you can knight players to give them an extra vote.\n\nYou cannot knight someone who already has multiple votes.\n\nKnighted players appear with a golden name.\nIf a knighted player is alive, the Monarch cannot be guessed or killed.",
- "PacifistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhen the Pacifist vents, they will reset the kill cooldown for every player with a kill button. When they become a Madmate, this ability will only work on Crewmates.",
- "OverseerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Overseer, you have minimal vision, but you can use your kill button to reveal the role of a nearby player. A 「○」 will be displayed next to the revealed target after you use the kill button on them, and you will also be scanning them (only you can see this). Stay near the target for a defined time to reveal his role; if you move too far away, the reveal will cancel.",
+ "PacifistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhen the Pacifist Vents, they will reset the Kill Cooldown for every player with a Kill button. When they become a Madmate, this ability will only work on Crewmates.",
+ "OverseerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Overseer, you have minimal vision, but you can use your Kill button to reveal the role of a nearby player. A 「○」 will be displayed next to the revealed target after you use the Kill button on them, and you will also be scanning them (only you can see this). Stay near the target for a defined time to reveal his role; if you move too far away, the reveal will cancel.",
"CoronerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a Coroner, you can't report corpses; instead, after trying to report the corpse, you will see an arrow leading you to the killer. If someone calls a meeting, the arrows disappear. Depending on the settings, players can't report the body you found.",
"PresidentInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe President has two abilities: End the meeting and Reveal identity.\n\n+ Ability 1: End the meeting - Type /finish in meetings as President to instantly end the meeting.\n+ Ability 2: Reveal identity - Type /reveal in meetings to reveal yourself. Revealing yourself will make it so every player can see that you are the President, and you will become unguessable after typing the command. However, after the President has revealed themselves, whoever killed the President will have their kill CD greatly reduced on their next kill.",
- "MerchantInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a merchant, you sell a random add-on to a random player for each task you complete. Each add-on sold earns you money. If you have a certain amount of money, you can prevent the next killing attempt against you by bribing the murderer. The bribed player won't be able to kill you, but you don't know who it is. The money used is lost and not available for additional bribes.",
+ "MerchantInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a merchant, you sell a random Add-on to a random player for each task you complete. Each Add-on sold earns you money. If you have a certain amount of money, you can prevent the next killing attempt against you by bribing the murderer. The bribed player won't be able to kill you, but you don't know who it is. The money used is lost and not available for additional bribes.",
"RetributionistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Retributionist, you can kill a limited amount of players after your death.\n\nUse /ret [playerID] to kill.",
- "HawkInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Hawk, you can kill a limited amount of players decided by the host, though there's a chance you miss, slicing someone multiple times increases the chances.",
- "DeputyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Deputy, use your kill button to handcuff a player.\nThe player who is handcuffed will have their next kill attempt treated as a handcuff break, and the kill cooldown will be reset.\n\nIf the target does not have a kill button, then the handcuff was a waste.",
- "InvestigatorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs an Investigator, you can use your kill button to investigate someone. When you investigate someone, their name will appear in red if they possess a kill button (impostor/SS basis) or light blue if they lack a kill button (crewmate/engineer/scientist basis). However, please note that the color of the names will return to normal when someone calls a meeting.",
+ "HawkInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Hawk, you can kill a limited amount of players decided by the Host, though there's a chance you miss, slicing someone multiple times increases the chances.",
+ "DeputyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Deputy, use your Kill button to handcuff a player.\nThe player who is handcuffed will have their next kill attempt treated as a handcuff break, and the Kill Cooldown will be reset.\n\nIf the target does not have a Kill button, then the handcuff was a waste.",
+ "InvestigatorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs an Investigator, you can use your Kill button to investigate someone. When you investigate someone, their name will appear in red if they possess a Kill button (impostor/Shapeshifter basis) or light blue if they lack a Kill button (Crewmate/Engineer/Scientist basis). However, please note that the color of the names will return to normal when someone calls a meeting.",
"GuardianInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guardian, you become immortal upon task completion. Guessers can't even guess you in meetings.",
- "AddictInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Addict, you have a suicide timer. When it expires, you kill yourself.\nThe timer is indicated by the vent cooldown. When the vent cooldown is 0 seconds, you still have a short time to vent.\nIf you don't make it, you die; if you make it, the suicide timer is reset.\nAlso after you vent, no one can interact with you for a defined period.\nAfter; the period is over, and you are immobilized for another defined period, and cannot report any bodies.",
- "MoleInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mole, when you vent, you stay in the vent for 1 second. When you exit the vent, you will spawn near a random vent in the map (Except the one you used).",
+ "AddictInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Addict, you have a suicide timer. When it expires, you kill yourself.\nThe timer is indicated by the Vent Cooldown. When the Vent Cooldown is 0 seconds, you still have a short time to Vent.\nIf you don't make it, you die; if you make it, the Suicide Timer is reset.\nAlso after you Vent, no one can interact with you for a defined period.\nAfter; the period is over, and you are immobilized for another defined period, and cannot Report any bodies.",
+ "MoleInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mole, when you Vent, you stay in the Vent for 1 second. When you exit the Vent, you will spawn near a random Vent in the map (Except the one you used).",
"AlchemistInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Alquimista prepara pociones cuando completa tareas. La poción que hagas aparecerá bajo tu nombre de rol con su descripción e instrucciones correspondientes. Puedes obtener siete pociones diferentes, algunas con efectos perjudiciales o nulos. Usa un conducto para usar la poción.",
- "KamikazeInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Kamikaze you can single click to mark people. Double-click to kill normally. When you die, all marked also die, with death reason Targeted.",
- "TracefinderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracefinder, you can access vitals at any time.\nIn addition, you get arrows pointing to dead bodies, with a delay set by the Host.",
+ "KamikazeInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Kamikaze you can single click to mark players. Double-click to kill normally. When you die, all marked also die, with death reason Targeted.",
+ "TracefinderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracefinder, you can access Vitals at any time.\nIn addition, you get arrows pointing to dead bodies, with a delay set by the Host.",
"OracleInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Oráculo puede votar a un jugador durante una reunión. Verá si es un Tripulante, Neutro o Impostor. Dependiendo de la configuración, puede haber una posibilidad de que el resultado sea incorrecto.",
"SpiritualistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Spiritualist, you get an arrow pointing towards the ghost of the last meeting's victim. There is an option for the arrow to disappear and reappear in intervals. Try to notify the ghost about your ability if you can; if they are on your side, they may lead you to an evil role so you can eject them. Be careful, as evil roles can do the same for Crewmates.",
- "ChameleonInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chameleon, you can vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
- "InspectorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nCheck If two players are in the same team or not. You will get an affirmation message if they are on the same team or a denial message if they are not on the same team.\n\nAll neutrals and converted players are counted in the same team. Trickster counts as Crew, and Rascal counts as Impostor.\nChecking command: /cmp [player id 1] [player id 2].",
- "CaptainInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWith each completed task, the Captain gains the power to slow down a random non-crew role. Crewmates can see ☆besides Captain's name.\n\nIf anyone betrays the Captain's trust by voting Captain out, they will lose an add-on.",
- "AdmirerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Admirer, admire a player to make them Crewmate aligned.\nThey'll win with crewmates and not their original team.\n\nYou can only do this once per player.",
- "TimeMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Time Master, use the vents to mark everyone's position.\nWhen using the ability again, every alive player will rewind to the marked positions.\n\nDuring the ability duration, the Time Master gains a time shield, which protects them from death.",
- "CrusaderInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo el Defensor, usa su botón de matar para defender a un jugador.\nSi este jugador es atacado, matarás al atacante.",
- "AltruistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Altruist, you can sacrifice yourself to revive a dead body using the «Report» button.\nNote: If a dead player has left the game, you report that body normally.\nAlso revived player cannot report self dead body\nUse vent button to change between Report & Revive.",
- "ReverieInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Reverie, you can kill, but your cooldown starts high.\n\nIt increases if you kill a crewmate and reduces otherwise.\nDepending on the Host's setting, you may misfire on reaching the max kill cooldown, and your target dies with you. \n\nYou win with other crewmates.",
- "LookoutInfoLong": "(Tripulantes)\nComo el Vigía, puedes ver los IDs de cada jugador todo el tiempo.\nTe deja ver a través de cambios de forma y camuflajes.",
- "TelecommunicationInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Telecommunication, you are notified when anyone uses cameras, vitals, door logs, or admin.",
- "LighterInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo el Encendedor, puede usar los conductos para aumentar su visión temporalmente.\nEl sabotaje de luces no te reduce la visión.\n¡Usa esta habilidad para espiar a los asesinos!",
+ "ChameleonInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chameleon, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
+ "InspectorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nCheck If two players are in the same team or not. You will get an affirmation message if they are on the same team or a denial message if they are not on the same team.\n\nAll Neutrals and converted players are counted in the same team. Trickster counts as Crewmate, and Rascal counts as Impostor.\nChecking command: /cmp [player id 1] [player id 2].",
+ "CaptainInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWith each completed task, the Captain gains the power to slow down a random non-Crewmate role. Crewmates can see ☆besides Captain's name.\n\nIf anyone betrays the Captain's trust by voting Captain out, they will lose an Add-on.",
+ "AdmirerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Admirer, admire a player to make them Crewmate aligned.\nThey'll win with Crewmates and not their original team.\n\nYou can only do this once per player.",
+ "TimeMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Time Master, use the Vents to mark everyone's position.\nWhen using the ability again, every alive player will rewind to the marked positions.\n\nDuring the ability duration, the Time Master gains a time shield, which protects them from death.",
+ "CrusaderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Crusader, use your Kill button to crusade a player.\nIf that player gets attacked, you'll kill the attacker.",
+ "AltruistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Altruist, you can sacrifice yourself to revive a dead body using the «Report» button.\nNote: If a dead player has left the game, you report that body normally.\nAlso revived player cannot report self dead body\nUse the Vent button to change between Report & Revive.",
+ "ReverieInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Reverie, you can kill, but your Cooldown starts high.\n\nIt increases if you kill a Crewmate and reduces otherwise.\nDepending on the Host's setting, you may misfire on reaching the maximum Kill Cooldown, and your target dies with you. \n\nYou win with other Crewmates.",
+ "LookoutInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Lookout, you can see the ID's of every player at all times.\nThis allows you to see through Shapeshifts and Camouflages.",
+ "TelecommunicationInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Telecommunication, you are notified when anyone uses Cameras, Vitals, Door Logs, or Admin.",
+ "LighterInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Lighter, you can Vent to increase your vision temporarily.\nYou have increased vision both when lights are not out and when lights are out.\nUse this power to catch sneaky killers!",
"TaskManagerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nYou see the total number of tasks completed (by everyone all together) next to your role name, which updates in real-time.",
- "WitnessInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Witness, when you use your kill button on someone, you will know if they killed in the last X seconds or not. (X depends on the settings).",
- "SwapperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Swapper, you can swap votes in meetings.\n\nTo swap votes, use '/sw [playerID]' twice.\n\nPlayer IDs are displayed next to player names in meetings, but you can also use /id to get a list of all player IDs.\n\nNote: Depending on the Host's settings, you can exchange your own votes.",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chief of Police,you can recruit a player to be a Sheriff(only once per game).\nDepending on the settings,you may recruit non-Crewmates or players without a kill button.\nYou may die when you recruit a wrong player.",
+ "WitnessInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Witness, when you use your Kill button on someone, you will know if they killed in the last X seconds or not. (X depends on the settings).",
+ "SwapperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Swapper, you can swap votes in meetings.\n\nTo swap votes, use '/sw [playerID]' twice.\n\nPlayer ID's are displayed next to player names in meetings, but you can also use /id to get a list of all player ID's.\n\nNote: Depending on the Host's settings, you can exchange your own votes.",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chief of Police, you can recruit a player to be a Sheriff(only once per game).\nDepending on the settings, you may recruit non-Crewmates or players without a Kill button.\nYou may suicide when you recruit a wrong player.",
"NiceMiniInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a Nice Mini, your survival is crucial. You can't be killed until you grow up, and if you die or are evicted from the meeting before you grow up, everyone loses. This unique role adds a new dynamic to the game, where your survival is not just for your benefit but for the entire Crew's success.",
- "SpyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Spy, when someone uses their kill button on you (any ability used through the kill button), you'll see their name in orange for a few seconds.\nNote: If a Crewmate used their ability on you, you'll also see them with an orange name!\nNote: If you cannot use left, you won't see orange names!\nNote: If the kill button interaction is blocked, the player's cooldown will reset to 10s'",
- "RandomizerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs this Randomizer, when you die, your killer will do one of the following:\n 1. self-report your body\n 2. stand next to your body\n 3. have their kill cooldown set to 600s\n 4. Randomly avenge a player.",
- "ArsonistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Arsonist can douse a player by clicking the kill button on the player and following them for a few seconds. When the dousing starts and it's successful, a shield animation will happen as a reminder (only visible to themselves). When the Arsonist has doused all surviving players, the Arsonist can vent to start the fire and win alone.\n\nIf the player name shows 「△」, that means they are being doused;\nif the player name shows 「▲」, it means they have been completely doused.\nDepending on the setting, Arsonist may start the fire anytime. But if he fails to kill everyone, he loses.",
+ "SpyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Spy, when someone uses their Kill button on you (any ability used through the Kill button), you'll see their name in orange for a few seconds.\nNote: If a Crewmate used their ability on you, you'll also see them with an orange name!\nNote: If you cannot use left, you won't see orange names!\nNote: If the Kill button interaction is blocked, the player's Cooldown will reset to 10s'",
+ "RandomizerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs this Randomizer, when you die, your killer will do one of the following:\n 1. self-report your body\n 2. stand next to your body\n 3. have their Kill Cooldown set to 600s\n 4. Randomly avenge a player.",
+ "ArsonistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Arsonist can douse a player by clicking the Kill button on the player and following them for a few seconds. When the dousing starts and it's successful, a Shield Animation will happen as a reminder (only visible to themselves). When the Arsonist has doused all surviving players, the Arsonist can Vent to start the fire and win alone.\n\nIf the player name shows 「△」, that means they are being doused;\nif the player name shows 「▲」, it means they have been completely doused.\nDepending on the setting, Arsonist may start the fire anytime. But if he fails to kill everyone, he loses.",
"EnigmaInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Enigma, you get a random clue about the killer each meeting. Depending on the settings, you may have to report the body to receive a clue. The more tasks you complete, the more precise the clues get.",
- "PyromaniacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pyromaniac, you can douse players (single click) or kill normally (double click). Dousing players do nothing immediately, but killing a doused player will significantly shorten your kill cooldown. To win, be the last player alive.",
- "HuntsmanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Huntsman, you are given a certain number of targets that reset every meeting. If you successfully eliminate one of your targets, your kill cooldown goes down permanently by the set amount. However, if you kill someone not one of your targets, your kill cooldown permanently increases by the set amount. A colored name indicates your targets.",
+ "PyromaniacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pyromaniac, you can douse players (single click) or kill normally (double click). Dousing players do nothing immediately, but killing a doused player will significantly shorten your Kill Cooldown. To win, be the last player alive.",
+ "HuntsmanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Huntsman, you are given a certain number of targets that reset every meeting. If you successfully eliminate one of your targets, your Kill Cooldown goes down permanently by the set amount. However, if you kill someone not one of your targets, your Kill Cooldown permanently increases by the set amount. A colored name indicates your targets.",
"MiniInfoLong": "(Crewmate or Impostor):\nThe Mini has two roles. A Nice or Evil Mini is chosen.\n\nUse'/r nice mini' and '/r evil mini' respectively for more details.",
"JesterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nIf the Jester gets voted out, the Jester wins the game alone. If the Jester is still alive at the end of the game, the Jester loses. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
"TerroristInfoLong": "(Neutrales):\nSi el Terrorista muere después de completar todas sus tareas, el Terrorista gana el juego sólo. (Solo pueden ganar siendo votados o asesinados).",
"ExecutionerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Executioner is a role with an execution target, indicated by a diamond symbol「♦」next to their name. If the execution target is killed, the Executioner's role will change to Crewmate, Jester, or Opportunist, depending on the game settings. However, if the execution target is voted out in the meeting, the Executioner wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
"LawyerInfoLong": "(Neutrales):\nEl Abogado tiene un cliente a quien defender, que será indicado con un diamante 「♦」 al lado de su nombre.\nSi tu cliente gana, ganarás.\nSi pierde, perderás.",
"OpportunistInfoLong": "(Neutrales):\nSi el Oportunista sobrevive hasta el final, ganará con el equipo ganador.",
- "VectorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nVector will win alone by venting a certain number of times.",
- "JackalInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jackal, you win if you are the last player alive. Additionally, you may recruit using the kill button. If the target is not one you can recruit, you have run out of uses, or you don't have the option to recruit, then you will kill people normally (i.e., don't use kill buttons in front of others thinking it'll recruit). If the target has a kill button and the option to turn into a Sidekick is on, they will become a Sidekick. Otherwise, they will gain the Recruit add-on if the option to give the Recruit add-on is on.\nDepending on the settings, when Jackal was killed, a Sidekick will be randomly selected as the new Jackal.\nRecruit may be selected if no sidekick is alive.",
+ "VectorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nVector will win alone by Venting a certain number of times.",
+ "JackalInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jackal, you win if you are the last player alive. Additionally, you may recruit using the Kill button. If the target is not one you can recruit, you have run out of uses, or you don't have the option to recruit, then you will kill people normally (i.e., don't use Kill buttons in front of others thinking it'll recruit). If the target has a Kill button and the option to turn into a Sidekick is on, they will become a Sidekick. Otherwise, they will gain the Recruit Add-on if the option to give the Recruit Add-on is on.\nDepending on the settings, when Jackal was killed, a Sidekick will be randomly selected as the new Jackal.\nRecruit may be selected if no Sidekick is alive.",
"GodInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the God, you know everyone's role from the beginning. If you live until the end of the game, you steal the win, i.e., everyone else loses, and you win.",
- "InnocentInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Innocent can use the kill button to plant any player, and the planted target will immediately kill the Innocent. If the target gets voted out in the meeting, the Innocent wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
- "PelicanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pelican, you can use the kill button to swallow a player alive, teleporting them off-bounds but not killing them yet. Those swallowed will only die if you're still alive at the end of the round. If you die or leave during the round, all alive swallowed players will spawn into the map where you were.",
- "RevolutionistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Revolutionist, you can recruit players by clicking the kill button on the player and following them until the shield animation plays for you. Recruiting has a chance, set by the Host, to kill players (though they are still recruited). When the required number of players are recruited (displayed next to your name), you must vent within the specified time to win the game immediately with all your recruits. If you do not vent in time, you lose and die.",
- "HaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hater, you have no kill cooldown. However, depending on the settings, you can only kill Lovers and other recruiting roles and add-ons. Killing anyone else will make you suicide. You win at the end of the game with the winning team if none of the killable roles are alive. You will not be Lovers.",
+ "InnocentInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Innocent can use the Kill button to plant any player, and the planted target will immediately kill the Innocent. If the target gets voted out in the meeting, the Innocent wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
+ "PelicanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pelican, you can use the Kill button to swallow a player alive, teleporting them off-bounds but not killing them yet. Those swallowed will only die if you're still alive at the end of the round. If you die or leave during the round, all alive swallowed players will spawn into the map where you were.",
+ "RevolutionistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Revolutionist, you can recruit players by clicking the Kill button on the player and following them until the Shield Animation plays for you. Recruiting has a chance, set by the Host, to kill players (though they are still recruited). When the required number of players are recruited (displayed next to your name), you must Vent within the specified time to win the game immediately with all your recruits. If you do not Vent in time, you lose and die.",
+ "HaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hater, you have no Kill Cooldown. However, depending on the settings, you can only kill Lovers and other Recruiting Roles and Add-ons. Killing anyone else will make you suicide. You win at the end of the game with the winning team if none of the killable roles are alive. You will not be Lovers.",
"DemonInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Demon, you kill by draining health. You see health in percentage near everyone's name, and every attack you make drains a percentage from that health without the victim knowing. Once you drain your victim's health to 0, they die. You win if you are the last one standing.",
- "StalkerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Stalker can kill anyone, and every kill will immediately cause a Lights sabotage (if Lights sabotage is already active, nothing will happen). Stalker cannot vent. If the Impostor wins while the Stalker is alive or the Crewmate wins by killing the Impostors (according to the Host's setting, the Stalker may also win when the Crewmate wins by killing the Neutrals), then the Stalker wins alone.",
+ "StalkerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Stalker can kill anyone, and every kill will immediately cause a Lights Sabotage (if Lights Sabotage is already active, nothing will happen). Stalker cannot Vent. If the Impostor wins while the Stalker is alive or the Crewmate wins by killing the Impostors (according to the Host's setting, the Stalker may also win when the Crewmate wins by killing the Neutrals), then the Stalker wins alone.",
"WorkaholicInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Workaholic, you win alone when you complete all tasks. Depending on the Host's settings, you can only win if you are alive and or revealed to everyone at the beginning (these settings are rarely both on).",
- "SolsticerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Solsticer, you won't die, and you win by finishing all your tasks in a single round. After every meeting finishes, your tasks reset, and you need to start all over again.\nVotes on the Solsticer will be directly canceled.\nKill attempts on the Solsticer will teleport it out of the map like Pelican until the meeting is finished.\nThe killer's kill cooldown will be reset to 10 seconds.\nSolsticer is counted as nothing in-game.",
+ "SolsticerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Solsticer, you won't die, and you win by finishing all your tasks in a single round. After every meeting finishes, your tasks reset, and you need to start all over again.\nVotes on the Solsticer will be directly canceled.\nKill attempts on the Solsticer will teleport it out of the map like Pelican until the meeting is finished.\nThe killer's Kill Cooldown will be reset to 10 seconds.\nSolsticer is counted as nothing in-game.",
"CollectorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Collector, when you vote for a player, for each other player that voted for them, you gain a point. When you collect the required votes, the game ends, and you win alone, even if you voted a Jester or Executioner's target out.",
- "GlitchInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Glitch, you can hack players (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose who have been hacked cannot kill, vent, or report for the hack duration.\nAdditionally, calling a sabotage other than doors will have no effect and will instead disguise you as a random player. You cannot disguise during or after sabotages.\nTo win, be the last player alive.",
+ "GlitchInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Glitch, you can hack players (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose who have been hacked cannot kill, Vent, or report for the hack duration.\nAdditionally, calling a Sabotage other than doors will have no effect and will instead disguise you as a random player. You cannot disguise during or after Sabotages.\nTo win, be the last player alive.",
"SidekickInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sidekick, your job is to help the Jackal kill everyone.\nYou and the Jackal win together.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed.\nYou may not be able to kill until old Jackal is dead.",
- "ProvocateurInfoLong": "(Neutrales):\nEl Provocador puede matar a cualquiera con el botón de matar. Si el objetivo pierde al final del juego, el Provocador gana con los ganadores.",
- "BloodKnightInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Blood Knight wins when they're the last killing role alive, and the amount of crewmates is lower or equal to the amount of Blood Knights. The Blood Knight gains a temporary shield after every kill, making them immortal for a few seconds.",
- "PlagueBearerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Plaguebearer, plague everyone using your kill button to turn into Pestilence.\nOnce you turn into Pestilence, you will become immortal and gain the ability to kill, and you will kill anyone who tries to kill you.\n\nAlso, when infected players interact with uninfected players, they will also be infected.",
+ "ProvocateurInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Provocateur, you can kill any target with the Kill button. If the target loses at the end of the game, the Provocateur wins with the winning team.",
+ "BloodKnightInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Blood Knight wins when they're the last killing role alive, and the amount of Crewmates is lower or equal to the amount of Blood Knights. The Blood Knight gains a temporary shield after every kill, making them immortal for a few seconds.",
+ "PlagueBearerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Plaguebearer, plague everyone using your Kill button to turn into Pestilence.\nOnce you turn into Pestilence, you will become immortal and gain the ability to kill, and you will kill anyone who tries to kill you.\n\nAlso, when infected players interact with uninfected players, they will also be infected.",
"PestilenceInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Pestilence, you're an unstoppable machine.\nAny attack towards you will be reflected towards them.\nIndirect kills don't even kill you.\n\nOnly way to kill Pestilence is by voting them out or the Pestilence misguessing.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
- "SoulCollectorInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Soul Collector, you can use your kill button on a player to predict their death. You will gain a soul if your target dies in the round you select them or the meeting after.\nYour target resets after each meeting or after they die, whichever comes first. \n\nOnce you collect the configurable amount of souls, you become Death. If the gain passive souls setting is enabled, you will gain a soul each meeting.",
+ "SoulCollectorInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Soul Collector, you can use your Kill button on a player to predict their death. You will gain a Soul if your target dies in the round you select them or the meeting after.\nYour target resets after each meeting or after they die, whichever comes first. \n\nOnce you collect the configurable amount of Souls, you become Death. If the gain passive Souls setting is enabled, you will gain a Soul each meeting.",
"DeathInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Soul Collector has collected their needed souls, they become Death. Death kills everyone and wins if Death is not ejected by the end of the next meeting.\nA configurable amount of extra meeting time will be given on the meeting Death transforms to have more discussion to find Death.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
- "BakerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Baker, you can use your kill button on a player per round to give them bread. \nOnce a set amount of players are alive with bread, you become Famine.\n\nIf the Bread gives additional effects and the setting is on, then you can vent to change the bread that you give out. \nBread Effects:\nReveal: Reveals the target's role to the Baker (stays the whole game)\nRoleblock: Resets the target's kill cooldown when they try to use their kill button\nBarrier: Gives the target a barrier that is only known to the Baker (barrier is removed after the meeting)",
- "FamineInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Baker has a set amount of people with bread alive, they will become Famine. If the Famine does not get voted out after the meeting, then they will become Famine, and every player without bread will starve (excluding other Apocalypse members).\nAfter this starvation of everyone without bread, Famine can use their kill button to starve any remaining players, which will kill those players right before the next meeting.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
+ "BakerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Baker, you can use your Kill Button on a player per round to give them bread. \nOnce a set amount of players are alive with bread, you become Famine.\n\nIf the Bread gives additional effects and the setting is on, then you can Vent to change the bread that you give out. \nBread Effects:\nReveal: Reveals the target's role to the Baker (stays the whole game)\nRoleblock: Resets the target's Kill Cooldown when they try to use their Kill Button\nBarrier: Gives the target a Barrier that is only known to the Baker (Barrier is removed after the meeting)",
+ "FamineInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Baker has a set amount of people with bread alive, they will become Famine. If the Famine does not get voted out after the meeting, then they will become Famine, and every player without bread will starve (excluding other Apocalypse members).\nAfter this starvation of everyone without bread, Famine can use their Kill Button to starve any remaining players, which will kill those players right before the next meeting.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
"BerserkerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Berserker, you level up with each kill.\nUpon reaching a certain level defined by the Host, you unlock a new power.\n\nScavenged kills make your kills disappear.\nBombed kills make your kills explode. Be careful when killing, as this can kill your other Apocalypse members if they are near. \nAfter a certain level, you become War.",
- "WarInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs War, you are invincible, have a lower kill cooldown, and can kill anyone with your previous powers.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
- "FollowerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Follower can use their Kill button on someone to start following them and can use the Kill button again to switch the following target. If the Follower's target wins, the Follower will win along with them. Note: The Follower can also win after they die.",
- "CultistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cultist, your kill button is used to Charm others, making them win with you. To win, charm all who pose a threat and gain the majority.\nDepending on settings, you may be able to charm Neutrals, and those you Charm may count as their original team, nothing, or a Cultist to determine when you win due to majority.",
+ "WarInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs War, you are invincible, have a lower Kill Cooldown, and can kill anyone with your previous powers.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
+ "FollowerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Follower can use their Kill Button on someone to start following them and can use the Kill Button again to switch the following target. If the Follower's target wins, the Follower will win along with them. Note: The Follower can also win after they die.",
+ "CultistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cultist, your Kill Button is used to Charm others, making them win with you. To win, charm all who pose a threat and gain the majority.\nDepending on settings, you may be able to charm Neutrals, and those you Charm may count as their original team, nothing, or a Cultist to determine when you win due to majority.",
"SerialKillerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Serial Killer, you win if you are the last player alive.",
- "JuggernautInfoLong": "(Neutrales):\nCada vez que el Gigante mate, podrá matar más rápido. Mata a todos para ganar.",
+ "JuggernautInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Juggernaut, your Kill Cooldown decreases with each kill you make.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"InfectiousInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Infectious, your job is to infect as many players as you can.\n\nIf you infect all the killers, you can outnumber the Crew and win the game.\n\nIf you die, all the players you've infected will die after the next meeting.\nIf they achieve your win condition before then, you can still win.",
- "VirusInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe task of the Virus is to kill or infect all other players. When the Virus murders a crewmate, their corpse is infected with a virus. The Crewmate who reports this corpse is infected joins the virus team or dies at the end of the meeting if the Virus doesn't get voted out, depending on the settings. If more players are on the Virus team than the Crewmate team, the Virus team wins.",
+ "VirusInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe task of the Virus is to kill or infect all other players. When the Virus murders a Crewmate, their corpse is infected with a virus. The Crewmate who reports this corpse is infected joins the virus team or dies at the end of the meeting if the Virus doesn't get voted out, depending on the settings. If more players are on the Virus team than the Crewmate team, the Virus team wins.",
"PursuerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pursuer, you can use your ability on someone to make them misfire when they try to kill.\n\nTo win, survive to the end of the game.",
"SpecterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Specter, your job is to get killed and finish your tasks.\nYou can do your tasks while alive.\nYou cannot win if you're alive.\nIf you get killed, you win with the winning team if your tasks are completed.",
- "PirateInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pirate, use your kill button to select a target every round.\nYou will duel with your target in the next meeting. \nIf both the Pirate and the target choose the same number, the Pirate wins.\nAdditionally, if the Pirate wins the duel or the target doesn't participate in the duel, the Pirate kills the target.\n\nDueling command: /duel X (where X can be 0, 1, or 2)\n\nYou win after winning a certain number of duels set by the Host.\n\nNote: The kill would not count towards pirate victory if the target did not participate in the duel.",
- "AgitaterInfoLong": "(Neutrales):\nTu función de Agitador es esencialmente el juego de la Patata Caliente.\n\nUsa tu botón de matar en un jugador para pasar una bomba.\nEsto solo se puede hacer una vez por ronda.\n\nEl jugador que reciba la bomba será notificado cuando la reciba, y deberá pasarla a otro jugador acercándose a el.\n\nCuando se llame una reunión, el jugador con la bomba morirá.\n\nIntentar pasar la bomba a la Pestilencia o a un Veterano en alerta te matará.\nOpcionalmente, el Agitador no podrá recibir la bomba.",
- "MaverickInfoLong": "(Neutrales):\nEl Disidente puede matar y, dependiendo de las opciones, usar los conductos y tener visión de impostor.\nSi sobrevives hasta el final del juego, ganarás con el equipo ganador.\nUsa tu habilidad de matar para deshacerte de cualquier amenaza, pero que no te exilien.",
- "CursedSoulInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cursed Soul, you steal the victory if you survive to the end of the game.\n\nYou can steal the win from a Jester or Executioner.\n\nAdditionally, you can steal the souls of other players.\nSoulless players win with you and count as dead.",
+ "PirateInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pirate, use your Kill button to select a target every round.\nYou will duel with your target in the next meeting. \nIf both the Pirate and the target choose the same number, the Pirate wins.\nAdditionally, if the Pirate wins the duel or the target doesn't participate in the duel, the Pirate kills the target.\n\nDueling command: /duel X (where X can be 0, 1, or 2)\n\nYou win after winning a certain number of duels set by the Host.\n\nNote: The kill would not count towards Pirate victory if the target did not participate in the duel.",
+ "AgitaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Agitator, your premise is essentially Hot Potato.\n\nUse your Kill Button on a player to pass the bomb.\nThis can only be done once per round.\n\nThe player who receives the bomb will be notified when receiving said bomb, in which they need to pass it to another player by getting near a player.\n\nWhen a meeting is called, the player with the bomb dies.\n\nIf trying to pass to Pestilence or a Veteran on alert, the bombed player dies instead.\nOptionally, the Agitator cannot receive the bomb.",
+ "MaverickInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Maverick, you can kill and, depending on options, Vent and have Impostor vision\nIf you survive until the end of the game, you win with the winning team.\nUse your killing ability to eliminate threats to your life, but don't get voted out.",
+ "CursedSoulInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cursed Soul, you steal the victory if you survive to the end of the game.\n\nYou can steal the win from a Jester or Executioner.\n\nAdditionally, you can steal the Souls of other players.\nSoulless players win with you and count as dead.",
"PickpocketInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pickpocket, you steal votes from your kills.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"TraitorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Traitor, you were an Impostor that betrayed the Impostors.\nYou know the Impostors, but they don't know you.\nThe twist? They can kill you, but you can't kill them.\n\nEliminate the Impostors by other means, then kill everyone else to win!",
- "TrollerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs a Troller, you can complete tasks so that random events can happen to players.\nFor example, changing the speed of all players, teleportation, influencing sabotage, etc.\nAlso you can win with the winning team.",
- "VultureInfoLong": "(Neutrales):\nEl Buitre gana reportando cadáveres.\n\nCuando intentes informar de un cadáver, si tu tiempo de espera para comer se haya acabado, te comerás el cadáver, lo que lo hará imposible de reportar.\nSi tu tiempo de espera para comer aún no se acabó o si llegas al límite de cadáveres por ronda, reportarás el cadáver normalmente.",
+ "TrollerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs a Troller, you can complete tasks so that random events can happen to players.\nFor example, changing the speed of all players, teleportation, influencing Sabotage, etc.\nAlso you can win with the winning team.",
+ "VultureInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Vulture, report bodies to win!\n\nWhen you report a body, if your Eat Cooldown is up, you'll eat the body (makes it unreportable).\nIf your eat ability is still on Cooldown, then you'll report the body normally.\n\nAdditionally, you'll report bodies normally if the maximum bodies eaten per round is reached.",
"AbyssbringerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Abyssbringer, you can place black holes. Black holes will suck in players and kill them when colliding with them.",
- "TaskinatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Taskinator, whenever you finish a task, the task will be bombed. When another player completes the bombed task, the bomb will detonate, and the player will die.\n\nYou win if you survive till the end and Crew doesn't win.\n\n Note: Taskinator bombs ignore all protection.",
+ "TaskinatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Taskinator, whenever you finish a task, the task will be bombed. When another player completes the bombed task, the bomb will detonate, and the player will die.\n\nYou win if you survive till the end and Crewmates don't win.\n\n Note: Taskinator bombs ignore all protection.",
"BenefactorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Benefactor, whenever you finish a task, that task will be marked. When another player completes the marked task, they get a temporary shield.\n\n Note: Shield only protects from direct kill attacks.",
- "MedusaInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Medusa, you can stone bodies much like cleaning a body.\nStoned bodies cannot be reported.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"SpiritcallerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Spiritcaller, your victims become Evil Spirits after they die. These spirits can help you win by freezing other players briefly or blocking their vision. Alternatively, the spirits can give you a shield that protects you briefly from an attempted kill.",
- "AmnesiacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Amnesiac, use your report button to remember a target and get its role.\nTo balance the game, you will not be able to vent after remembering your role if you can't vent as Amnesiac.'",
- "ImitatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Imitator, use your kill button to imitate a player.\n\nYou'll either become a Sheriff, a Refugee, or some Neutral.",
- "BanditInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Bandit, you can click your kill button one time to steal a player's addon and twice to kill. Depending on the settings, you may instantly steal the addon or after the meeting starts. After the maximum number of steals is reached, you will kill normally. Additionally, if there are no stealable addons on the target or the target is stubborn, you will kill the target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: Cleansed, Last Impostor, and Lovers cannot be stolen.\nNote: If Bandit can vent is on, Nimble will become unstealable.",
- "DoppelgangerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Doppelganger, use your kill button to steal a player's identity (their name and skin) and then kill your target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: You cannot steal the target's identity when Camouflage is active.",
+ "AmnesiacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Amnesiac, use your report button to remember a target and get its role.\nTo balance the game, you will not be able to Vent after remembering your role if you can't Vent as Amnesiac.'",
+ "ImitatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Imitator, use your Kill button to imitate a player.\n\nYou'll either become a Sheriff, a Refugee, or some Neutral.",
+ "BanditInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Bandit, you can click your Kill button one time to steal a player's Add-on and twice to kill. Depending on the settings, you may instantly steal the Add-on or after the meeting starts. After the maximum number of steals is reached, you will kill normally. Additionally, if there are no stealable Add-ons on the target or the target is Stubborn, you will kill the target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: Cleansed, Last Impostor, and Lovers cannot be stolen.\nNote: If Bandit can Vent is on, Nimble will become unstealable.",
+ "DoppelgangerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Doppelganger, use your Kill button to steal a player's identity (their name and skin) and then kill your target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: You cannot steal the target's identity when Camouflage is active.",
"PunchingBagInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo el Saco de Boxeo, debes ser atacado un cierto número de veces para ganar.\n\nAdivinandolos agrega a el puntaje total de ellos.",
- "DoomsayerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Doomsayer can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting.\nIf the Doomsayer guesses a certain number of roles (the number depends on the host settings), then he wins.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
- "ShroudInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shroud, you do not kill normally.\nInstead, use your kill button to shroud a player.\nShrouded players kill others.\nIf the shrouded player doesn't make a kill, they'll kill themselves after a meeting.\n\nShroud sees shrouded players with a 「◈」mark next to their name.\nShrouded players who did not make a kill will also have the 「◈」mark in meetings, where they'll die if the Shroud is alive by the end of the meeting.",
- "WerewolfInfoLong": "(Neutrales):\nEl Hombre Lobo es un asesino que solo puede matar cuando las luces se apaguen.\nEl Hombre Lobo puede sabotear exclusivamente las luces para empezar su racha.\nTendrás un tiempo de espera para matar corto y no te abalanzarás sobre tus víctimas.\n\nLa razón de muerte de tus asesinatos será 'Acometido'.",
- "ShamanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shaman, you can use your kill button to select a voodoo doll once per round. If the kill button is used on you, the effect will be deflected onto the voodoo doll.\nIf you survive until the end, you win with the winning team.\nNote: If the killer cannot kill the chosen target, murder is canceled, but if the killer rechecks the Shaman, the killer will kill the Shaman.",
- "SeekerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the seeker, use your kill button to tag the target. If the seeker tags the wrong player, a point is deducted, and if the seeker tags the correct player, a point will be added.\nAdditionally, the seeker will not be able to move for 5 seconds after every meeting and after getting a new target.\n\nThe seeker needs to collect a certain number of points set by the Host to win.\nSeeker will see a ★ mark on target's name.",
- "PixieInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pixie, Mark up to x amount of targets each round by using the kill button on them. You must have one of the marked targets ejected when the meeting starts. If unsuccessful, you will commit suicide, except if you didn't mark any targets or all the targets are dead. The selected targets reset to 0 after the meeting ends. If you succeed, you will gain a point. You see all your targets in colored names.\n\nYou win with the winning team when you have certain amounts of points set by the Host.",
- "SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs Schrodingers Cat, if someone attempts to use the kill button on you, you will block the action and join their team. This blocking ability works only once. By default, you don't have a victory condition, meaning you win only after switching teams.\nIn Addition to this, you will be counted as nothing in the game.\n\nNote: If the killing machine attempts to use its kill button on you, the interaction is not blocked, and you will die.",
- "RomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Romantic can pick their lover partner using their kill button (this can be done at any point of the game). Once they've picked their partner, they can use their kill button to give their partner a temporary shield that protects them from attacks. If their lover partner dies, the Romantic's role will change according to the following conditions:\n1. If their partner was an Impostor, the Romantic becomes the Refugee\n2. If their partner was a Neutral Killer, then they become Ruthless Romantic.\n3. If their partner was a Crewmate or a non-killing neutral, the Romantic becomes the Vengeful Romantic. \n\nThe Romantic wins with the winning team if their partner wins.\nNote: If your role changes, your win condition will be changed accordingly",
- "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (A neutral killer) is killed. As a Ruthless Romantic, you win if you kill everyone and are the last one standing. If you win, your dead partner will also win with you.",
- "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (A crew or non-neutral killer) is killed. As a Vengeful Romantic, your goal is to avenge your partner, which means you must kill the killer of your partner. If you succeed, then you and your partner win with the winning team at the end. If you try to kill someone other than your partner's killer, then you will die by misfire.",
- "PoisonerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Poisoner, your kills are delayed.\nKill everyone to win.",
- "HexMasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hex Master, you can hex players or kill them.\nHexing a player works the same as spelling as a Witch.",
- "WraithInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Wraith, you can vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible. You win if you are the last player remaining.",
- "JinxInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jinx, whenever you get attacked, you jinx them, resulting in them dying to a jinx.\nThis has limited uses.\n\nKill off everyone to win.",
- "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Potion Master, you have three different potions assigned to three different actions.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\nMap: Sabotage\n\nThe reveal potion has a limit.\nWhen you run out, the kill buttons default to killing.",
- "NecromancerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Necromancer, you win when you're the last one standing.\nAdditionally when someone tries to kill you, you will block the kill, and you will teleport to a random vent. You will have a limited time to kill your killer. If you succeed in doing so, you live. If the time runs out before you kill your killer, you die permanently. If you try to kill someone else other than your killer, you will die.",
- "ShockerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shocker, you can mark rooms by doing tasks in them, and then vent to Electrocute anyone in those rooms for a set period of time. When you finish all of your tasks, you get new ones. Note: Doing tasks during that period will mark them for the next ability use.",
- "LastImpostorInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThis special effect is given to the last surviving Impostor. It significantly reduces their kill cooldown.",
- "OverclockedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Overclocked, your kill cooldown is reduced by a percentage.\n\nThis feature is only assigned to roles with a kill button.",
+ "DoomsayerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Doomsayer can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting.\nIf the Doomsayer guesses a certain number of roles (the number depends on the Host settings), then he wins.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
+ "ShroudInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shroud, you do not kill normally.\nInstead, use your Kill button to shroud a player.\nShrouded players kill others.\nIf the shrouded player doesn't make a kill, they'll kill themselves after a meeting.\n\nShroud sees shrouded players with a 「◈」mark next to their name.\nShrouded players who did not make a kill will also have the 「◈」mark in meetings, where they'll die if the Shroud is alive by the end of the meeting.",
+ "WerewolfInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Werewolf, you can kill much like any killer.\nHowever, when you kill, any nearby players also die.\nAny player who dies to this will have their death reason as Mauled.\n\nTo balance this, you have a higher Kill Cooldown than anyone else.",
+ "ShamanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shaman, you can use your Kill button to select a Voodoo Doll once per round. If the Kill button is used on you, the effect will be deflected onto the Voodoo Doll.\nIf you survive until the end, you win with the winning team.\nNote: If the killer cannot kill the chosen target, murder is canceled, but if the killer rechecks the Shaman, the killer will kill the Shaman.",
+ "SeekerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Seeker, use your Kill button to tag the target. If the Seeker tags the wrong player, a point is deducted, and if the Seeker tags the correct player, a point will be added.\nAdditionally, the Seeker will not be able to move for 5 seconds after every meeting and after getting a new target.\n\nThe Seeker needs to collect a certain number of points set by the Host to win.\nSeeker will see a ★ mark on target's name.",
+ "PixieInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pixie, mark up to an X amount of targets each round by using the Kill button on them. You must have one of the marked targets ejected when the meeting starts. If unsuccessful, you will commit suicide, except if you didn't mark any targets or all the targets are dead. The selected targets reset to 0 after the meeting ends. If you succeed, you will gain a point. You see all your targets in colored names.\n\nYou win with the winning team when you have certain amounts of points set by the Host.",
+ "SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs Schrodingers Cat, if someone attempts to use the Kill button on you, you will block the action and join their team. This blocking ability works only once. By default, you don't have a victory condition, meaning you win only after switching teams.\nIn Addition to this, you will be counted as nothing in the game.\n\nNote: If the Killing Machine attempts to use their Kill button on you, the interaction is not blocked, and you will die.",
+ "RomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Romantic can pick their lover partner using their Kill button (this can be done at any point of the game). Once they've picked their partner, they can use their Kill button to give their partner a temporary shield that protects them from attacks. If their lover partner dies, the Romantic's role will change according to the following conditions:\n1. If their partner was an Impostor, the Romantic becomes the Refugee\n2. If their partner was a Neutral Killer, then they become Ruthless Romantic.\n3. If their partner was a Crewmate or a non-killing Neutral, the Romantic becomes the Vengeful Romantic. \n\nThe Romantic wins with the winning team if their partner wins.\nNote: If your role changes, your win condition will be changed accordingly",
+ "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (a Neutral Killer) is killed. As a Ruthless Romantic, you win if you kill everyone and are the last one standing. If you win, your dead partner will also win with you.",
+ "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (a Crewmate or non-Neutral Killer) is killed. As a Vengeful Romantic, your goal is to avenge your partner, which means you must kill the killer of your partner. If you succeed, then you and your partner win with the winning team at the end. If you try to kill someone other than your partner's killer, then you will die by misfire.",
+ "WraithInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Wraith, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible. You win if you are the last player remaining.",
+ "ShockerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shocker, you can mark rooms by doing tasks in them, and then Vent to electrocute anyone in those rooms for a set period of time. When you finish all of your tasks, you get new ones. Note: Doing tasks during that period will mark them for the next ability use.",
+ "CovenInfoLong": "(Coven):\nCoven members are on a separate team that works together and wins together. If there are multiple Coven roles in the game, they can see each other's roles.\nDepending on the Host's settings, Coven roles can guess or be guessed.\nDo /coveninfo for more info.",
+ "PoisonerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Poisoner can use their Kill button on a player to roleblock them. The next time the roleblocked player tries to use their ability, it will do nothing, and their Cooldown will be reset.\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. These kills will be delayed.",
+ "HexMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Hex Master can use their Kill button to mark a player with the 乂 symbol. If a player has this at the end of the meeting and the Hex Master hasn't died - then they die.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Hex will be passed around - similar to an Agitator bomb. Also, you can double-click the Kill button to kill normally.",
+ "JinxInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Jinx can use their Kill button to jinx a player. Anyone who interacts with the jinxed player will die with the death reason Jinxed.\nWith the Necronomicon the Jinx can double-kill to kill normally. Also, the jinxed player and the player who interacted with the jinxed person will die.",
+ "MedusaInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Medusa can use their Kill button on players to mark them as Stoned. When the Medusa clicks the Shapeshift button, all Stoned players will be unable to move and will have reduced vision for a configurable amount of time.\nWith the Necronomicon, killed players will be unreportable.",
+ "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Potion Master has two potions available for their use. The Reveal potion reveals a player's role. The Barrier potion places a shield on a player for one round, the player will not be notified of this unless they are Coven as well. Click the Shapeshift button to change potions.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Potion Master can double-click their Kill button to kill.",
+ "NecromancerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nAs the Necromancer, you can Shapeshift to become the role of a random dead person for a set duration.\nSome roles can not be used.\nOnce a role is used, it can not be used the rest of the game.\nWith the Necronomicon, when someone tries to kill you, you will block the kill and be teleported to a random Vent. You have a limited time to kill your killer. If the time runs out or you try to kill someone else, you die.",
+ "CovenLeaderInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Coven Leader can use their Kill button on a fellow Coven member to retrain them into a random Coven role that isn’t currently in the game. During the next meeting, that Coven member will be notified that the Coven Leader wishes to retrain them. They can vote themselves to accept the retrain, or vote otherwise to deny it. Denying the retrain does not take away an ability usage.\nWith the Necronomicon, you cannot retrain, and can only kill other players.",
+ "RitualistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nDuring a meeting, the Ritualist can perform a Blood Ritual to guess a player’s exact role. If the Ritualist is correct, that player will be converted to Coven. If the Ritualist is incorrect, they will not die but will be unable to Blood Ritual until the next meeting.\nThe command is /rt id role.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Ritualist can kill.",
+ "ConjurerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nShapeshift once to mark a location.\nShapeshift again to conjure a meteor at the place you marked, killing everyone in the radius.\nWith the Necronomicon, you can kill. You can also mark a player using the Shapeshift UI. When the Conjurer clicks the Shapeshift button again, all the players in the radius of the marked player will die, including the marked player.",
+ "DreamweaverInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Dreamweaver can dreamweave a player. The dreamweaved players will be notified of this during the next meeting. If the Dreamweaver is not voted out, these players will be unable to use their abilities until the Dreamweaver dies.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Dreamweaver can double-click to kill.",
+ "IllusionistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Illusionist can use their Kill button on a player to reverse the results of any investigative role. For example, if someone with a Kill button is Illusioned, they will appear not to have a Kill button to the Investigator, and vice versa.\nIllusions wear off after meetings.\nWith the Necronomicon, you may double-click to kill. Every kill you make appears as a random death reason.",
+ "VoodooMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Voodoo Master can craft a Voodoo Doll of a player by using their Kill button, similar to the Shaman. All the interactions with you using Kill button will be deflected to the Voodoo Doll and the Voodoo Doll will destroy. Unlike the Shaman, this voodoo will last during the meeting (eg. If the Voodoo Master is judged, then the voodoo'd player will be judged instead).\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. Additionally, the voodoo’d player will be unable to report. The next person to interact with them will die.",
+ "SacrifistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Sacrifist can Shapeshift to cause a random debuff to a non-Coven member, however, the Sacrifist will also receive this effect (when applicable).\nThe random player will be the same player until the round ends.\nDepending on the Host’s settings, if the Sacrifist is voted out, some random non-Coven who voted the Sacrifist will die too.\nNormally, the Sacrifist can not kill, however, to prevent prolonging of the game, Sacrifist can kill if they are the last Coven member alive.\nWith the Necronomicon, when you Shapeshift, you will commit the Ultimate Sacrifice. When you do this, you die. However, the entire Coven for the rest of the game receives a lowered Kill Cooldown.",
+ "MoonDancerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Moon Dancer can use their Kill button to use their ability, Baton Pass.\nIf used on a Coven member: Gives a Helpful Add-on at the next meeting.\nIf used on a non-Coven member: Gives a Harmful Add-on at the next meeting.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Moon Dancer can double-click their Kill button to kill. When killing, the player is teleported off the map. They will appear alive on Vitals and will not show up in Tracefinder's arrows etc. They die when a meeting/body report with the death reason Blasted Off.",
+ "LastImpostorInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThis special effect is given to the last surviving Impostor. It significantly reduces their Kill Cooldown.",
+ "OverclockedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Overclocked, your Kill Cooldown is reduced by a percentage.\n\nThis feature is only assigned to roles with a Kill button.",
"LoversInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nLovers are a combination of two players. The Lovers win when they are the last ones standing, and their victory is shared. When one of the Lovers wins, the other also wins together. Lovers can see the 「♥」 next to each other's name. If one of the Lovers dies, the other will die in love (may not die in love according to the Host's settings). When one of the Lovers is exiled in the meeting, the other will die and become a dead body that cannot be reported.",
- "MadmateInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Crewmates can become Madmate. Madmate's task is to help the Impostors win the game. Madmate will lose if all Impostors are killed/ejected. Madmates may know who are Impostors, and Impostors may know who are Madmates (host settings).\n\nLazy Guy, Celebrity can't become Madmate. Sheriff, Snitch, Nice Guesser, Mayor, and Judge may become Madmate (host settings). Skill changes when the following roles are converted into Madmates:\n\nTime Manager => Doing tasks will reduce meeting time.\nBodyguard => Skill won't activate if the killer is an Impostor.\nGrenadier => Flash bomb will work on Crewmates and Neutrals instead of the Impostors.\nSheriff => Can kill anyone, including Impostors (host settings).\nNice Guesser => Can guess Crewmates and Neutrals\nPsychic => All evil Neutrals and Crewmates' names with the ability to kill will be displayed in Red.\nJudge => Can judge anyone\nPacifist => Their ability only works on Crewmates.",
+ "MadmateInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Crewmates can become Madmate. Madmate's task is to help the Impostors win the game. Madmate will lose if all Impostors are killed/ejected. Madmates may know who are Impostors, and Impostors may know who are Madmates (Host settings).\n\nLazy Guy, Celebrity can't become Madmate. Sheriff, Snitch, Nice Guesser, Mayor, and Judge may become Madmate (Host settings). Skill changes when the following roles are converted into Madmates:\n\nTime Manager => Doing tasks will reduce meeting time.\nBodyguard => Skill won't activate if the killer is an Impostor.\nGrenadier => Flash bomb will work on Crewmates and Neutrals instead of the Impostors.\nSheriff => Can kill anyone, including Impostors (Host settings).\nNice Guesser => Can guess Crewmates and Neutrals\nPsychic => All evil Neutrals and Crewmates' names with the ability to kill will be displayed in Red.\nJudge => Can judge anyone\nPacifist => Their ability only works on Crewmates.",
"WatcherInfoLong": "(Agregados):\nDurante una reunión, el Contempla Votos puede ver quién ha votado a quién, sin importar que estén activados los votos anónimos.",
"FlashInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Flash's default movement speed is faster than others. (speed depends on the setting of the Host)",
- "TorchInfoLong": "(Agregados):\nLa antorhca tiene la visión al máximo y no es afectado por sabotajes de electricidad.",
- "SeerInfoLong": "(Agregados):\nCuando un jugador muere, el Vidente verá un flash en la plantalla (Similar a la alarma que suena cuando hay un sabotaje crítico).",
+ "TorchInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nTorch has maximum vision and is not affected by Lights Sabotage.",
+ "SeerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever a player dies, the Seer will see a kill-flash (a red flash, possibly accompanied by an alarm sound like Sabotage).",
"TiebreakerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen tie vote, priority will be given to the target voted by the Tiebreaker. Note: If multiple Tiebreakers choose different tie targets simultaneously, the skills of the Tiebreaker will not take effect.",
"ObliviousInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nDetective and Cleaners won't be Oblivious. The Oblivious cannot report dead bodies. Note: Bait killed by Oblivious will still report automatically, and Oblivious can still be used as a scapegoat for Anonymous.",
"BewilderInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nBewilder may have a smaller/bigger vision. When the Bewilder has died, the murderer's vision may become the same as the Bewilder's, depending on the settings.",
"WorkhorseInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe first player to complete all the tasks will become Workhorse, and Workhorse will give the player extra tasks. The Host sets the number of additional tasks.",
- "FoolInfoLong": "(Agregados):\nEl Sabueso y el Mecánico no pueden ser Tontos. Los Tontos no pueden reparar ningún sabotaje.",
+ "FoolInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nSleuth and Mechanic won't be Fool. Fools can't repair any Sabotage.",
"AvangerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nHost can set whether the Impostor can become an Avenger. When the Avenger is killed (voted out, and irregular kills will not count), the Avenger will revenge a random player.",
"YoutuberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Crewmate will become YouTuber. When the YouTuber is the first player to die in the game, the YouTuber will win alone. If the YouTuber does not meet the win conditions, the YouTuber will follow the Crewmate to win. Note: Indirect killing methods such as being exiled, being guessed by the Guesser, etc., will not trigger the skills of the YouTuber.",
"EgoistInfoLong": "(Agregados):\nCómplices y Neutrales no tendrán el agregado de Egoísta. Si el equipo del Egoísta gana, el Egoísta robará la victoria de su equipo y la tendrá para él sólo.",
"StealerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nEvery time a Stealer kills a person, he gets an additional vote (the Host sets the vote number, and the decimal is rounded down).\nAlso, extra votes from the Stealer are hidden during the meeting depending on the options.",
- "ParanoiaInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nNot assigned to Neutrals nor Madmates.\nAs the Paranoia, you will be considered as two players in the game to determine when the game ends due to killers having the majority. Additionally, this grants you an extra vote, depending on options.",
+ "ParanoiaInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Paranoia, you will be considered as two players in the game to determine when the game ends due to killers having the majority. Additionally, this grants you an extra vote, depending on options.\nNot assigned to Neutrals nor Madmates.",
"MimicInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Impostor can become Mimic. When the Mimic is dead, other Impostors will receive a message once a meeting is called. This message will include information on roles which the Mimic killed.",
- "GuesserInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs a guesser, guess the roles of players in meetings to kill them.\nGuessing the incorrect role kills you instead.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
- "NecroviewInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Necroview can see the teams of dead players. The following info will be displayed on the dead player's name while in a meeting:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.",
- "ReachInfoLong": "(Add-on)\nOnly roles with a kill button can get this add-on. Unlike everyone else, you have the longest kill range possible in the game.",
+ "GuesserInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs a Guesser, guess the roles of players in meetings to kill them.\nGuessing the incorrect role kills you instead.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
+ "NecroviewInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Necroview can see the teams of dead players. The following info will be displayed on the dead player's name while in a meeting:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.\n- The Purple name indicates the Coven.",
+ "ReachInfoLong": "(Add-on)\nOnly roles with a Kill button can get this Add-on. Unlike everyone else, you have the longest kill range possible in the game.",
"BaitInfoLong": "(Agregados):\nCuando asesinan a la \"Carnada\", el asesino que mató reportara el cuerpo del jugador con el agregado de \"Carnada\" a fuerzas. Sin embargo, esto no ocurrirá en ciertas situaciones, como cuando es asesinado por el Carroñero, el Limpiador o el Desvanecedor. El reporte puede retrasarse de acuerdo a los ajustes del anfitrión.",
"TrapperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen Beartrap dies, Beartrap immobilizes killer for a configurable amount of time.",
- "CharmedInfoLong": "(Agregados):\n Si el Sectario te hechiza, recibirás el complemento Hechizado.\nUna vez hechizado, ahora te unirás al equipo del Sectario y no estarás más en tu equipo original.",
+ "CharmedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Charmed Add-on is obtained by being charmed by the Cultist.\nOnce charmed, you are now on the Cultist's team and no longer on your original team.",
"CleansedInfoLong": "(Agregados):\nSólo puedes recibir el complemento Purificado si el Conserje borra todos tus agregados. Dependiendo de las opciones del Purificador, no podrás obtener más agregados en el futuro.",
- "InfectedInfoLong": "(Agregados de Traición):\nEl agregado Infectado se recibe una vez infectado por el Infeccioso.\nUna vez infectado, trabajas con el Infeccioso y no estarás más en tu equipo original.",
- "OnboundInfoLong": "(Agregados):\nNo podrás ser adivinado en las reuniones si tienes el agregado \"Atado\".",
- "ReboundInfoLong": "(Agregados):\nCon el agregado de Rebote, si un Adivino descubre cuál es tu rol durante una reunión e intenta adivinar tu rol para matarte, él será asesinado en su lugar.\nSi un jugador con el agregado \"Doble Tiro\" adivina tu rol correctamente, dicho jugador morirá instantaneamente.",
+ "InfectedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Infected Add-on is obtained by being infected by the Infectious.\nOnce infected, you work for the Infectious and do not win with your original team.",
+ "OnboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Onbound Add-on, you cannot be guessed in meetings.",
+ "ReboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Rebound Add-on, if a Guesser successfully guessed you or a Judge successfully judged you, they will die instead.\nIf a player with Double Shot guesses you correctly, they will die instantly.",
"MundaneInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Mundane, you can only guess once you complete all of your tasks.",
"KnightedInfoLong": "(Agregados):\nSi el Monarca te condecora (nombra caballero), obtendrás un voto adicional.",
- "UnreportableInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Disregarded add-on, your corpse will be unreportable.",
+ "UnreportableInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Disregarded Add-on, your corpse will be unreportable.",
"ContagiousInfoLong": "(Agregados de Traición):\nCuando el Virus te infecta, te conviertes en Contagioso.\nJugadores Contagiosos se unen al equipo del Virus.\n\nEl hecho de que mueras o no después de la reunión depende de los ajustes del Virus.",
- "LuckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Lucky add-on, there is a probability for you to evade the kill; the Host sets the specific probability. The killer will see the shield animation when the evasion takes effect, but you will not know anything.",
+ "LuckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Lucky Add-on, there is a probability for you to evade the kill; the Host sets the specific probability. The killer will see a Shield Animation when the evasion takes effect, but you will not know anything.",
"DoubleShotInfoLong": "(Agregados):\nCuando un jugador con el agregado de \"Doble Tiro\" adivina un rol incorrectamente, dicho jugador tendrá una segunda oportunidad para adivinar, pero la siguiente adivinanza resultará en suicidio.",
- "RascalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rascal, you can die to the Sheriff, and Snitch can find you if Snitch can find madmates.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates, cannot be assigned by the Merchant.",
- "SoullessInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a Cursed Soul steals your soul, you get this add-on.\n\nYou are not counted as alive.",
+ "RascalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rascal, you can die to the Sheriff, and Snitch can find you if Snitch can find Madmates.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates, cannot be assigned by the Merchant.",
+ "SoullessInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a Cursed Soul steals your soul, you get this Add-on.\n\nYou are not counted as alive.",
"GravestoneInfoLong": "(Agregados):\nCon el agregado de \"Lápida\", tu rol es revelado a todos cuando mueras.",
"LazyInfoLong": "(Agregados):\nEl Perezoso sólo tiene una tarea corta y es inmune a los Brujos, Manipuladores y Gánsters.\nLa bruja aún podrá controlarte.",
"AutopsyInfoLong": "(Agregados):\nCon el agregado de \"Autopsia\", puedes ver cómo murió cada jugador. \nNo se le puede dar al Doctor, Busca Rastros, Científico o al Chico Soleado.",
- "RebirthInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rebirth, if you're the player about to be ejected, you will swap skins with a random crewmate who voted for you.\nNotice: The host vote never counts\nRebirth will be removed from you if you exhausted all your rebirths.",
- "LoyalInfoLong": "(Agregados):\nCon el agregado de \"Leal\", no puedes ser reclutado por roles como el Chacal o el Sectario.\n\nNo se puede asignar a jugadores neutrales.",
+ "RebirthInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rebirth, if you're the player about to be ejected, you will swap skins with a random Crewmate who voted for you.\nNotice: The Host vote never counts\nRebirth will be removed from you if you exhausted all your rebirths.",
+ "LoyalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Loyal, you cannot be recruited by roles such as Jackal or Cultist.\n\nCannot be assigned to Neutrals.",
"EvilSpiritInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Evil Spirit, it's your job to help the Spiritcaller to victory. You can use your Haunt button to freeze players and reduce their vision. Alternatively, you can use your Haunt button to give the Spiritcaller a shield against a kill attempt temporarily.",
- "RecruitInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs a recruit, you are on the Jackal's team and help out the Jackal and their Sidekicks.\nYou cannot win with your original team.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed and no sidekicks is alive.",
- "AdmiredInfoLong": "(Agregados):\nCon el agregado de \"Admirado\", ganarás con tu compañero y no con tu equipo original.\n\nPuedes ver quién es el Admirador.",
+ "RecruitInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs a recruit, you are on the Jackal's team and help out the Jackal and their Sidekicks.\nYou cannot win with your original team.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed and no Sidekicks is alive.",
+ "AdmiredInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs an Admired player, you win with the Crewmates and not your original team.\n\nYou can see the Admirer.",
+ "EnchantedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Enchanted Add-on can only be obtained through being converted by the Ritualist or upon killing the OIIAI as a non-Nerconomicon holder.\nOnce Enchanted, you are apart of the Coven team and are no longer apart of your original team.",
"GlowInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nDuring lights out, you and players nearby you will receive a vision boost.",
"RadarInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Radar, you have arrows pointing towards the closest person at all times.",
- "DiseasedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the kill button on you, their cooldown will be increased by a configurable amount of time.",
- "AntidoteInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the kill button on you, their cooldown will be decreased by a configurable amount of time.",
- "StubbornInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Stubborn add-on, Eraser can't erase your role, Cleanser can't cleanse you, Bandit can't steal from you, and Monarch can't knight you.\nAdditionally, you can't gain any new add-ons from the Merchant.",
+ "DiseasedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the Kill button on you, their Cooldown will be increased by a configurable amount of time.",
+ "AntidoteInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the Kill button on you, their Cooldown will be decreased by a configurable amount of time.",
+ "StubbornInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Stubborn Add-on, Eraser can't erase your role, Cleanser can't cleanse you, Bandit can't steal from you, and Monarch can't knight you.\nAdditionally, you can't gain any new Add-ons from the Merchant.",
"SwiftInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Swift, you will not make any movement when you kill.\nNote: Swift also ignores Bait",
- "UnluckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Unlucky, when you complete tasks, kill, venting, or open door, you have a chance to die.",
+ "UnluckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Unlucky, when you Complete Tasks, Kill, Venting, or open a Door, you have a chance to die.",
"SpurtInfoLong": "(Agregos):\nCuando comienzas a caminar, ganas un enorme impulso de velocidad, que rápidamente se deteriorara, hasta que tengas que descansar un rato para recuperar tu velocidad.",
- "VoidBallotInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nHolder of this add-on will have 0 vote count.",
+ "VoidBallotInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nHolder of this Add-on will have 0 vote count.",
"AwareInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Aware, you get a notification in the next meeting if a revealing role had interacted with you.",
- "FragileInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Fragile, you will instantly die if someone tries to use the kill button on you (even if the role cannot directly kill).",
- "GhoulInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Ghoul, one of two outcomes can occur on task completion.\n\nIf alive: Suicide\nIf dead: You kill your killer if they're alive.\n\nThis is only assigned to crewmates, and not crewmates with no tasks or are task-based.",
- "BloodthirstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Bloodthirst, doing tasks allows you to become bloodthirsty and kill players.\nWhen you finish a task, the next player you come in contact with dies.\n\nYour Bloodthirst remains after a meeting.\nUpon making a kill, your Bloodthirst clears till the next task you complete.\nBloodthirsts do not stack.\n\nOnly assigned to crewmates with tasks.",
- "MareInfoLong": "(Agregados): \nLa Pesadilla tiene un tiempo de espera para matar bajo pero solo puede matar con las luces apagadas. La oscuridad te hará correr más rápido.\n\nAdemás de eso, tu nombre aparece en rojo cuando no haya luz.\n\nAsignado exclusivamente a los Impostores.",
- "BurstInfoLong": "(Agregados):\nCon el agregado de \"Explosivo\", tu asesino explotará si no se encuentran en una alcantarilla después de una cantidad de tiempo determinada.",
+ "FragileInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Fragile, you will instantly die if someone tries to use the Kill button on you (even if the role cannot directly kill).",
+ "GhoulInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Ghoul, one of two outcomes can occur on task completion.\n\nIf alive: Suicide\nIf dead: You kill your killer if they're alive.\n\nThis is only assigned to Crewmates, and not Crewmates with no tasks or are task-based.",
+ "BloodthirstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Bloodthirst, doing tasks allows you to become bloodthirsty and kill players.\nWhen you finish a task, the next player you come in contact with dies.\n\nYour Bloodthirst remains after a meeting.\nUpon making a kill, your Bloodthirst clears till the next task you complete.\nBloodthirsts do not stack.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates with tasks.",
+ "MareInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Mare, you have a low Kill Cooldown and have higher speed but can only kill during lights.\n\nAdditionally, your name will appear in red during lights.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors and cannot be guessed.",
+ "BurstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Burst, your killer explodes if they aren't inside a Vent after a set amount of time.",
"SleuthInfoLong": "(Agregados):\nCon el agregado de \"Sabueso\", ganarás información al reportar cuerpos.\n\nOpcionalmente, también podrás saber el rol del asesino.\n\nNo se puede asignar al Detective o al Funerario.",
- "ClumsyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Clumsy, you have a chance to miss your kill.\n\nWhen you miss, your cooldown is reset, and the target remains untouched.\n\nOnly assigned to killers.",
- "CircumventInfoLong": "(Agregados):\nCon el agregado de \"Pesado\", no puedes usar ductos.\n\nSolo se puede asignar a Impostores.",
- "NimbleInfoLong": "(Agregados):\nCon el agregado de \"Ágil\", tienes acceso al voton de usar ducto.\n\nSólo se puede asignar a ciertos tripulantes.",
- "InfluencedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Influenced, your vote will be forced to the player with the most votes.\nInfluenced vote won't be counted while choosing the exiled player'\nNote that your vote skill still functions on the player you voted first\nIf all the alive players are Influenced, then the vote result won't shift\nCollector cannot become influenced.",
+ "ClumsyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Clumsy, you have a chance to miss your kill.\n\nWhen you miss, your Cooldown is reset, and the target remains untouched.\n\nOnly assigned to killers.",
+ "CircumventInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Circumvent, you can't Vent.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors.",
+ "NimbleInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Nimble, you gain access to the Vent button.\n\nOnly assigned to certain Crewmates.",
+ "InfluencedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Influenced, your vote will be forced to the player with the most votes.\nInfluenced vote won't be counted while choosing the exiled player'\nNote that your vote skill still functions on the player you voted first\nIf all the alive players are Influenced, then the vote result won't shift\nCollector cannot become Influenced.",
"SilentInfoLong": "(Agregados):\nComo el Silencioso, no muestra a quién has votado.\nNadien sabe por quien votastes.",
"SusceptibleInfoLong": "(Agregados):\nEl Susceptible tendrá una causa de muerte totalmente aleatoria.",
"TrickyInfoLong": "(Agregados):\nComo el Engañoso, tus asesinatos tendrán una razón de muerte aleatoria.",
"TiredInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever Tired kills (or uses kill ability on) someone, alternatively whenever they finish a task, they will temporarily get lower vision & lower speed.",
"StatueInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever many people are near the Statue, the Statue is completely frozen or slowed down depending on the settings.",
"EvaderInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen the Evader gets voted out, there is a chance they will not get ejected. (Chance set by the Host.)",
- "CyberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Cyber, you cannot die while in a group.\nDepending on the settings, Imposters, Neutrals, and or Crewmates will know if you die.",
- "HurriedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the hurried, you must finish all your tasks to win with your team! If you fail with your tasks, you lose.\nHurried hurries to his goal, so it won't get madmate, charmed or so.",
- "OiiaiInfoLong": "(Agregados):\nEl Oiiai hará que su asesino olvide su rol.\nTambién puedes pasar el Oiiai a tu asesino dependiendo de las opciones.",
- "RainbowInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the rainbow, you change your colors like crazy.",
+ "CyberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Cyber, you cannot die while in a group.\nDepending on the settings, Impostors, Neutrals, and or Crewmates will know if you die.",
+ "HurriedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the hurried, you must finish all your tasks to win with your team! If you fail with your tasks, you lose.\nHurried hurries to his goal, so it won't get Madmate, Charmed or so.",
+ "OiiaiInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the OIIAI, when you die, you will make your killer forget their role.\nAdditionally, you may pass OIIAI on to the killer, depending on settings.",
+ "RainbowInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rainbow, you change your colors like crazy.",
"GMInfoLong": "(None):\nThe Game Master is an observer role.\nTheir presence does not affect the game, and all players know who the Game Master is. The Game Master role will be assigned to the Host, who will automatically become a ghost at the start of the game.",
- "SunnyboyInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sunnyboy, you win if you are dead by the end of the game. The game will not end when you are alive due to killers gaining the majority.\nAdditionally, you have access to portable vitals.",
- "BardInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen a bard is alive, the exile confirmation will display a sentence composed by the bard. Whenever the bard completes a creation, the bard's kill cooldown will be permanently halved.",
+ "SunnyboyInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sunnyboy, you win if you are dead by the end of the game. The game will not end when you are alive due to killers gaining the majority.\nAdditionally, you have access to portable Vitals.",
+ "BardInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen a Bard is alive, the exile confirmation will display a sentence composed by the Bard. Whenever the Bard completes a creation, the Bard's Kill Cooldown will be permanently halved.",
"WardenInfoLong": "(Tripulante [Fantasma]):\nComo el Guardia, puedes avisar a alguien cuando estan sercas al peligro. Tambien les das un aumento de velocidad temporal.",
"GhastlyInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Ghastly, possess an unsuspecting person, after that choose a target for them, now they'll only be able to use their kill (or kill ability) on target until you possess someone else or possess time runs out.",
- "MinionInfoLong": "(Impostor [Fantasma]):\nComo el Minion, puedes cegar temporalmente a los jugadores que no sean impostores.",
- "DollMasterInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Dollmaster, you can temporarily take control of any player by using the Shapeshift button and to make them do your Deeds!",
- "DoubleAgentInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Double Agent, you cannot access the kill button. However, you can vote for someone in a meeting to pass a bomb onto them, which can only be done one player at a time. Once the meeting has finished, the bomb will activate and explode in a set amount of time.\nNote: when you pass the bomb onto someone in a meeting, you can vote afterward.\n\nAdditionally depending on settings the Double Agent can diffuse Bastion and Agitator bombs when venting.\n\nThe Double Agent can change roles when they are the Last Imposter, depending on the settings the role can be a Admired Impostor, Trickster, Traitor, or stay as the Double Agent.",
+ "MinionInfoLong": "(Impostor [Ghost]):\nAs the Minion, you can temporarily blind non-Impostors.",
+ "DollMasterInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Dollmaster, you can temporarily take control of any player by using the Shapeshift button and to make them do your deeds!",
+ "DoubleAgentInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Double Agent, you cannot access the Kill button. However, you can vote for someone in a meeting to pass a bomb onto them, which can only be done one player at a time. Once the meeting has finished, the bomb will activate and explode in a set amount of time.\nNote: when you pass the bomb onto someone in a meeting, you can vote afterward.\n\nAdditionally depending on settings the Double Agent can diffuse Bastion and Agitator bombs when Venting.\n\nThe Double Agent can change roles when they are the Last Impostor, depending on the settings the role can be a Admired Impostor, Trickster, Traitor, or stay as the Double Agent.",
"SlothInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Sloth's default movement speed is slower than others.\n(Speed depends on the setting of the Host)",
- "ProhibitedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Prohibited, you have specific vents that you can't use.\nHow many vents are disabled depends on the Host's settings.",
- "EavesdropperInfoLong": "(Agregos):\nComo el Escuchón, tienes la oportunidad de leer otros mensajes basados en roles o complementos como el Funerario o el Sabueso.",
+ "ProhibitedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Prohibited, you have specific Vents that you can't use.\nHow many Vents are disabled depends on the Host's settings.",
+ "EavesdropperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Eavesdropper, you have a chance to read other Role/Add-on information-based messages like Mortician or Sleuth.",
"ApocalypseInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nApocalypse members are on a separate team that works together and wins together. If there are multiple Apocalypse roles in the game, they can see each other's roles.\nDepending on the Host's settings, Apocalypse roles can guess or be guessed.",
"RevenantInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAs the Revenant, your goal is to be killed. If you are killed, you will take your killer's role and kill your killer instead. You cannot win before being killed.\nNote that Revenant only works when being directly killed.",
"ShowTextOverlay": "Superposición de texto",
@@ -1040,17 +1075,17 @@
"AbilityInUse": "Habilidad en uso",
"AbilityExpired": "La habilidad se agotó, te quedan {0} usos",
"RevenantTargeted": "Your role has changed to {0}",
- "RevenantCanCopyAddons": "Can Steal Addons",
+ "RevenantCanCopyAddons": "Can Steal Add-ons",
"ShowArrows": "Tiene flechas apuntando a cadáveres",
"ArrowDelayMin": "Retraso mínimo de aparición de flechas",
"ArrowDelayMax": "Retraso máximo de aparición de flechas",
"SMUsesUsedWhenFixingReactorOrO2": "Usos necesarios para arreglar el reactor/o2",
"SMUsesUsedWhenFixingLightsOrComms": "Usos necesarios para arreglar las luces/comunicaciones",
- "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "Usos máximos de granadas inicial",
+ "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "(Initial) Maximum number of Grenades",
"ShowSpecificRole": "Conoce roles específicos al completar tareas",
- "TimeMasterMaxUses": "(Inicial) Cantidad Máxima de uso de habilidades",
- "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Desvanecedor usa ductos normalmente cuando su habilidad no está disponible",
- "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Fantasma usa ductos normalmente cuando la invisibilidad no se puede usar",
+ "TimeMasterMaxUses": "(Initial) Maximum Amount of Ability Uses",
+ "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Swooper Vents normally when Swooping is on Cooldown",
+ "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Wraith Vents normally when Invisibility is on Cooldown",
"DisableMeeting": "Desactivar reuniones",
"DisableCloseDoor": "Desactivar sabotaje de puertas",
"DisableSabotage": "Desactivar sabotajes",
@@ -1059,13 +1094,13 @@
"DebugMode": "Modo de Depuración",
"SyncButtonMode": "Limit Meeting Times",
"RandomMapsMode": "Modo de mapas aleatorios",
- "SyncedButtonCount": "Número máximo de reuniones de emergencia por juego",
- "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "Tiempo de espera para matar se reduce al matar objetivo",
- "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "Tiempo de espera para matar incrementa al matar a otro jugador",
+ "SyncedButtonCount": "Maximum Number of Emergency Meetings per Game",
+ "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "Kill Cooldown decrease on killing target",
+ "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "Kill Cooldown increase on killing others",
"HHNumOfTargets": "Número de objetivos",
"Targets": "Objetivos: ",
- "HHMaxKCD": "Tiempo de espera para matar máximo",
- "HHMinKCD": "Tiempo de espera para matar mínimo",
+ "HHMaxKCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "HHMinKCD": "Minimum Kill Cooldown",
"AllAliveMeeting": "Reuniones de emergencia cuando nadie haya muerto",
"AllAliveMeetingTime": "Tiempo de reunión de emergencia cuando nadie haya muerto",
"AdditionalEmergencyCooldown": "Tiempo de espera de emergencia adicional",
@@ -1174,17 +1209,17 @@
"OverclockedReduction": "Reducción de tiempo de espera para matar",
"GhostCanSeeOtherRoles": "Los fantasmas pueden ver otros roles",
"PreventSeeRolesImmediatelyAfterDeath": "Prevent seeing other's roles immediately after death",
- "GhostCanSeeOtherVotes": "Los fantasmas pueden ver los colores de los votos",
- "GhostCanSeeDeathReason": "Los fantasmas pueden ver las causas de muerte",
+ "GhostCanSeeOtherVotes": "Ghosts can see Vote Colors",
+ "GhostCanSeeDeathReason": "Ghost can see Cause Of Death",
"GhostIgnoreTasks": "Los fantasmas no tienen que hacer tareas",
- "ConvertedCanBeGhostRole": "Jugadores convertidos pueden ser qualcuier rol fantasma",
- "NeutralCanBeGhostRole": "Neutral Players Can Be Any Ghost-Roles (Will change team respectively)",
- "MaxImpGhostRole": "Máximo Roles fantasma de Impostores",
- "MaxCrewGhostRole": "Máximo Roles fantasma de Tripulantes",
+ "ConvertedCanBeGhostRole": "Converted Players can be Any Ghost-Roles",
+ "NeutralCanBeGhostRole": "Neutral Players can be Any Ghost-Roles (Will change team respectively)",
+ "MaxImpGhostRole": "Maximum Impostor Ghost-Roles",
+ "MaxCrewGhostRole": "Maximum Crewmate Ghost-Roles",
"DefaultAngelCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para la habilidad predeterminado",
"DisableTaskWin": "Desactivar victoria por tareas",
- "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreDead": "Disable Task Win If All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are Dead",
- "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreConverted": "Disable Task Win If All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are <#ffab1b>Converted",
+ "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreDead": "Disable Task Win if All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are Dead",
+ "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreConverted": "Disable Task Win if All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are <#ffab1b>Converted",
"HideGameSettings": "Esconder opciones del juego",
"DIYGameSettings": "Activar exclusivamente los mensajes personalizados por /n",
"Settings:": "Ajustes:",
@@ -1200,7 +1235,7 @@
"RoleOptions": "Opciones de rol",
"DarkTheme": "Activar Tema Oscuro",
"DisableLobbyMusic": "Desactivar música de Sala de Espera",
- "AutoStart": "Auto Empiezo",
+ "AutoStart": "Auto Start",
"EnableCustomButton": "Activar botones personalizados",
"EnableCustomSoundEffect": "Activar sonidos personalizados",
"EnableCustomDecorations": "Activar decorasiones personalisadas de mapa",
@@ -1237,8 +1272,8 @@
"OptKickXboxPlayer": "Expulsar jugadores de XBox",
"OptKickPlayStationPlayer": "Expulsar jugadores de PlayStation",
"OptKickNintendoPlayer": "Expulsar jugadores de Nintendo Switch",
- "ShareLobby": "Permitir a TOHE-chan que comparta el código de la sala (Discontinuado)",
- "ShareLobbyMinPlayer": "Compartir código de la sala cuando el número de jugadores llegue a",
+ "ShareLobby": "Allow TOHE-Chan Shares Lobby Code to Discord",
+ "ShareLobbyMinPlayer": "Share Lobby Code When the Number of Players Reaches",
"DisableVanillaRoles": "Desactivar roles por defecto (vanilla)",
"VoteMode": "Modo de votación",
"WhenSkipVote": "Si el jugador omite el voto",
@@ -1276,6 +1311,7 @@
"IgnoreConditions": "Ignorar Condiciones",
"IgnoreImpostors": "Ignorar Impostores",
"IgnoreNeutrals": "Ignorar Neutrales",
+ "IgnoreCoven": "Ignore Coven",
"IgnoreCrewmates": "Ignorar Tripulantes",
"IgnoreAfterAnyoneDied": "Ignorar después de la primera muerte",
"LightsOutSpecialSettings": "Ajustes especiales de arreglo de luces",
@@ -1289,7 +1325,7 @@
"RandomSpawn_AirshipAdditionalSpawn": "Lugares de aparición adicionales (Airship)",
"RandomSpawn_SpawnRandomVents": "Sitios de aparición aleatorios en ductos",
"CommsCamouflage": "Camuflaje durante sabotaje de comunicaciones",
- "DisableOnSomeMaps": "Desactivar el camuflaje del sabotaje de comunicaciones en mapas específicos",
+ "DisableOnSomeMaps": "Disable Comms Camouflage on some maps",
"DisableOnSkeld": "Desactivar en el mapa The Skeld",
"DisableOnMira": "Desactivar en el mapa MIRA HQ",
"DisableOnPolus": "Desactivar en el mapa Polus",
@@ -1328,8 +1364,8 @@
"EnableBirthdayDecorationSkeld": "Birthday Decoration On The Skeld",
"RandomBirthdayAndHalloweenDecorationSkeld": "Set Random Decoration When Birthday And Halloween Is Active On The Skeld",
"ApplyDenyNameList": "Aplicar lista de nombres prohibidos",
- "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Kick players with an invalid friend code",
- "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Temporalmente expulsa jugadores con un código de amigo inválido",
+ "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Kick players with an invalid Friend Code",
+ "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Temp Ban players with an invalid Friend Code",
"ApplyBanList": "Aplicar lista de jugadores vetados",
"RemovePetsAtDeadPlayers": "Remover mascotas a jugadores muertos",
"KillFlashDuration": "Duración del flash de asesinato",
@@ -1340,6 +1376,7 @@
"ShowImpRemainOnEject": "Mostrar Impostores restantes después de un exilio",
"ShowNKRemainOnEject": "Mostrar Asesinos Neutrales restantes después de un exilio",
"ShowNARemainOnEject": "Mostrar Apocalipsis Neutrales restantes después de un exilio",
+ "ShowCovenRemainOnEject": "Show remaining Coven on ejects",
"ConfirmEgoistOnEject": "Confirmar Egoístas después de un exilio",
"ConfirmLoversOnEject": "Confirmar Amantes después de un exilio",
"ConfirmSidekickOnEject": "Confirmar Secuaces después de un exilio",
@@ -1367,7 +1404,7 @@
"ShieldPersonDiedFirst": "Proteje al jugador que murio primero el juego pasado",
"ShowShieldedPlayerToAll": "Mostrar jugadores protegidos a todos",
"RemoveShieldOnFirstDead": "Quita el escudo a la primera muerte",
- "ShieldedCanUseKillButton": "Jugadores protegidos pueden usar boton de habilidad / muerte",
+ "ShieldedCanUseKillButton": "Shielded player can use ability/Kill button",
"PlayerIsShieldedByGame": "Jugador esta protegido por el juego!",
"LegacyNemesis": "Usar Versión Heredada",
"LegacyParasite": "Use Legacy Version",
@@ -1390,7 +1427,7 @@
"DoubleAgent_DiffusedBastionBomb": "Bastion bomb successfully diffused",
"DoubleAgent_BombExplodesIn": "Bomba Explota En: {0}s",
"DoubleAgent_BombExploded": "La bomba ha explotado!",
- "DoubleAgentChangeRoleTo": "Cambiar de rol al Último Impostor",
+ "DoubleAgentChangeRoleTo": "Change role on last Impostor",
"DoubleAgentRoleChange": "Te has convertido en: ",
"MastermindCD": "Tiempo de espera para manipular",
"MastermindTimeLimit": "Tiempo límite para matar a alguien",
@@ -1408,15 +1445,13 @@
"Glitch_KCD": "Tiempo de espera para matar: {0}s",
"Glitch_MimicCD": "Tiempo de espera para imitar: {0}s",
"HackedByGlitch": "Fuiste Hackeado por el Glitch, no puedes {0}.",
- "GlitchKill": "matar",
- "GlitchReport": "reportar",
- "GlitchVent": "usar ducto",
+ "GlitchKill": "Kill",
+ "GlitchReport": "Report",
+ "GlitchVent": "Vent",
"ShowFPS": "Ver FPS",
"FPSGame": "FPS: ",
"ControlCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para controlar",
- "PoisonCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para envenenar",
- "PoisonerKillDelay": "Retraso de asesinato del envenenador",
- "WardenNotifyLimit": "Número máximo de alertas",
+ "WardenNotifyLimit": "Maximum number of alerts",
"BombCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para explotar",
"Warlock_CanKillSelf": "Puede matarse a sí mismo",
"CrewpostorKnowsAllies": "Conoce a los Impostores",
@@ -1446,9 +1481,10 @@
"EGCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "Puede adivinar al Soplón con sus tareas completadas",
"GGCanGuessAdt": "Puede adivinar agregados",
"GuesserCanGuessTimes": "Número máximo de adivinanzas",
- "GuesserTryHideMsg": "Intenta ocultar los comandos del adivino",
+ "GuesserTryHideMsg": "Try to hide the Guesser's command",
"GCanGuessImp": "Un Impostor pueden adivinar a su equipo",
"GCanGuessCrew": "Un Tripulante puede adivinar a su equipo",
+ "GCanGuessCoven": "Coven can guess Coven roles",
"GCanGuessAdt": "Puede adivinar agregados",
"GCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "Puede adivinar al Soplón con sus tareas completadas",
"BountyTargetChangeTime": "Tiempo hasta cambio de objetivo",
@@ -1456,7 +1492,7 @@
"BountyFailureKillCooldown": "Tiempo de espera después de matar a otro jugador",
"BountyShowTargetArrow": "Show arrow pointing towards the target",
"DefaultShapeshiftCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para cambiar de forma por defecto",
- "DeadImpCantSabotage": "Desactivar sabotajes de Impostores muertos",
+ "DeadImpCantSabotage": "Impostors can't Sabotage after they've died",
"VampireKillDelay": "Retraso de muerte por mordisco",
"VampireTargetDead": "Tu objetivo ha muerto",
"VampireActionMode": "Modo de Action",
@@ -1465,14 +1501,14 @@
"Maverick_MinKillsToWin": "Minimum number of kills to win",
"Cooldown": "Tiempo de espera",
"AbilityCooldown": "Tiempo de espera de habilidad",
- "SkillLimitTimes": "Max Number of Ability Uses",
+ "SkillLimitTimes": "Maximum Number of Ability Uses",
"CanKill": "Puede matar",
"KillCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para matar",
"CanVent": "Puede usar ductos",
- "CantMoveOnVents": "Can't Move On Vents (Unstable in Dleks map)",
+ "CantMoveOnVents": "Can't Move on Vents (Unstable in Dleks map)",
"ImpostorVision": "Visión de Impostor",
"CanUseSabotage": "Puede sabotear",
- "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "Can Have Access To Vitals",
+ "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "Can Have Access to Vitals",
"CanKillImpostors": "Can Kill Impostors",
"CanGuess": "Puede adivinar",
"HideVote": "Hide Vote",
@@ -1483,16 +1519,16 @@
"ShapeshifterBase_ShapeshiftCooldown": "Shapeshift Cooldown",
"ShapeshifterBase_ShapeshiftDuration": "Shapeshift Duration",
"ShapeshifterBase_LeaveShapeshiftingEvidence": "Leave Shapeshifting Evidence",
- "PhantomBase_InvisCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para volverte invisible",
- "PhantomBase_InvisDuration": "Duración de invisibilidad",
+ "PhantomBase_InvisCooldown": "Invisibility Cooldown",
+ "PhantomBase_InvisDuration": "Invisibility Duration",
"GuardianAngelBase_ProtectCooldown": "Protect Cooldown",
"GuardianAngelBase_ProtectionDuration": "Protection Duration",
- "GuardianAngelBase_ImpostorsCanSeeProtect": "Protect Visible To Impostors",
+ "GuardianAngelBase_ImpostorsCanSeeProtect": "Protect Visible to Impostors",
"ScientistBase_BatteryCooldown": "Vitals Display Cooldown",
"ScientistBase_BatteryDuration": "Battery Duration",
"EngineerBase_VentCooldown": "Vent Cooldown",
- "EngineerBase_InVentMaxTime": "Max Time In Vents",
- "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "Impostors Can Get Alert",
+ "EngineerBase_InVentMaxTime": "Maximum Time in Vents",
+ "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "Impostors can get Alert",
"NoisemakerBase_AlertDuration": "Alert Duration",
"TrackerBase_TrackingCooldown": "Tracking Cooldown",
"TrackerBase_TrackingDuration": "Tracking Duration",
@@ -1514,6 +1550,7 @@
"SheriffCanKillSeparately": "Opciones individuales",
"In%team%": "(Equipo %team%)",
"SheriffMisfireKillsTarget": "Un disparo erróneo mata a la víctima",
+ "SheriffMisfireOnAdmired": "Sheriff Misfires On Admired Players",
"BlackHolePlaceCooldown": "Black Hole Place Cooldown",
"BlackHoleDespawnMode": "Black Hole Despawn Mode",
"BlackHoleDespawnTime": "Time After Black Hole Despawns",
@@ -1526,27 +1563,30 @@
"After1PlayerEaten": "After 1 Player Was Eaten",
"AfterMeeting": "After Meeting",
"None": "None",
- "SheriffShotLimit": "Número máximo de asesinatos",
+ "SheriffShotLimit": "Maximum number of Kills",
"SheriffCanKillAllAlive": "Puede asesinar cuando todo el mundo está vivo",
- "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "Puede matar a Encantados",
+ "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "Can Kill Charmed players",
"SheriffCanKillEgoist": "Puede matar a Egoístas",
"SheriffCanKillSidekick": "Puede matar a Secuaces",
"SheriffCanKillLovers": "Puede matar a Amantes",
"SheriffCanKillMadmate": "Puede matar a Cómplices",
"SheriffCanKillInfected": "Puede matar a jugadores Infectados",
"SheriffCanKillContagious": "Puede matar a jugadores Contagiosos",
- "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "Configuración del Sheriff de otros equipos",
- "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "Puede matar Impostores",
- "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "Puede matar Neutrales",
- "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "Puede matar Tripulantes",
+ "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "Non-Crewmate Sheriff Configuration",
+ "SheriffCanKillEnchanted": "Can Kill Enchanted players",
+ "SheriffCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "Can Kill Impostors",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "Can Kill Neutrals",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "Can Kill Crewmates",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven",
"RebirthUses": "Amount of Rebirths",
"RebirthCountVotes": "Only rebirth to players who voted for them",
"RebirthFailed": "Ahh, how unfortunate, you did not find any viable souls to swap bodies with",
"FireworkerCooldown": "Placement Cooldown",
- "ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "Aumentar el tiempo de espera para matar",
- "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "Límite del tiempo de espera para matar",
- "ReverieMisfireSuicide": "Errar disparo al llegar a tu tiempo de espera máximo para matar",
- "ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "Reiniciar tiempo de espera para matar después de una reunión",
+ "ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "Increase Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieMisfireSuicide": "Misfire on reaching maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "Reset Kill Cooldown after meeting",
"ConvertedReverieKillAll": "El ensueño convertido puede matar como le dé la gana si es convertido",
"VigilanteNotify": "Te has convertido en lo que juraste destruir",
"DictatorChangeCommandToExpel": "Dictator use Command to expell instad of vote",
@@ -1556,17 +1596,18 @@
"SnitchCanGetArrowColor": "Ve flechas de colores con colores del equipo",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralKiller": "Puede encontrar Asesinos Neutrales",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralApoc": "Can Find Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "SnitchCanFindCoven": "Can Find Coven",
"SnitchCanFindMadmate": "Puede encontrar Cómplices",
"SnitchRemainingTaskFound": "Tareas restantes para ser encontrado",
"MayorAdditionalVote": "Cantidad de votos extras",
"MayorHasPortableButton": "El Alcalde tiene botón de emergencia portable",
- "MayorNumOfUseButton": "Número máximo de botones de emergencia portables",
+ "MayorNumOfUseButton": "Maximum Number of Mobile Emergency Buttons",
"MeetingsNeededForWin": "Reuniones necesarias para ganar",
"Jester_RevealUponEject": "Reveal Upon Eject",
"CannotVoteWhenDead": "Cannot cast a vote while dead",
"EnableVote": "Activar commando /vote",
"ShouldVoteSpam": "Try to hide /vote command",
- "VoteDisabled": "/vote command has been disabled by the host.",
+ "VoteDisabled": "/vote command has been disabled by the Host.",
"ExecutionerCanTargetImpostor": "Puede tener de objetivo a Impostores",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "Puede tener de objetivo a Neutrales Asesinos",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "Can Target Neutral Apocalypse",
@@ -1574,11 +1615,13 @@
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralBenign": "Puede tener Neutrales Benignos como objetivo",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralEvil": "Puede tener Neutrales Malignos como objetivo",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralChaos": "Puede tener Neutrales Caóticos como objetivo",
+ "ExecutionerCanTargetCoven": "Can Target Coven",
"Executioner_RevealTargetUponEject": "Reveal Target Upon Ejection",
- "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "Sheriff Reclutado puede matar a quien quiera",
+ "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "Recruited Sheriff can go Nuts",
"LawyerCanTargetImpostor": "Puede defender a los Impostores",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "Can Target Neutral Killers",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "Can Target Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "LawyerCanTargetCoven": "Can Target Coven",
"LawyerCanTargetCrewmate": "Puede defender a los Tripulantes",
"LawyerCanTargetJester": "Puede defender al Bufón",
"LawyerChangeRolesAfterTargetKilled": "Cuando su cliente muere, el Abogado se convierte en",
@@ -1594,8 +1637,8 @@
"SniperPrecisionShooting": "Disparo preciso",
"SniperAimAssist": "Ayuda de disparo",
"SniperAimAssistOneshot": "Ayuda de disparo para el primer tiro",
- "PyroDouseCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para Rociar",
- "PyroBurnCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para matar después de matar a un jugador rociado",
+ "PyroDouseCooldown": "Douse Cooldown",
+ "PyroBurnCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after killing a doused player",
"Prohibited_OverrideBlockedVentsAfterMeeting": "Override Blocked Vents After Meeting",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInSkeld": "Count Blocked Vents In The Skeld",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInMira": "Count Blocked Vents In MIRA HQ",
@@ -1606,7 +1649,7 @@
"UndertakerFreezeDuration": "Duración de congelación",
"NameDisplayAddons": "Enseñar agregados al lado del nombre del rol",
"YourAddon": "Your Add-ons:",
- "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "Máximo de agregados por jugador",
+ "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "Maximum Add-ons Per Player",
"LoverSpawnChances": "Probabilidad de aparición de los Amantes",
"AdditionRolesSpawnRate": "Probabilidad de aparición",
"TorchVision": "Visión de la Antorcha",
@@ -1641,38 +1684,40 @@
"EvilHackerLastAdminInfoTitle": "información administrativa de última hora",
"EvilHackerDeadbody": "MUERTOS",
"Ventguard": "Ventguard",
- "VentguardInfo": "Block vents by entering them",
- "VentguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Ventguard, you can enter vents to block them. No one can enter blocked vents, except Crewmates, if the setting is on. Blocked vents can be resets every meeting.",
+ "VentguardInfo": "Block Vents by entering them",
+ "VentguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Ventguard, you can enter Vents to block them. No one can enter blocked Vents, except Crewmates, if the setting is on. Blocked Vents can be resets every meeting.",
"VentguardVentButtonText": "Block",
- "Ventguard_MaxGuards": "Max number of Vent Blocks",
+ "Ventguard_MaxGuards": "Maximum number of Vent Blocks",
"Ventguard_BlockVentCooldown": "Block Vent Cooldown",
- "Ventguard_BlockDoesNotAffectCrew": "Crewmates can use blocked vents",
+ "Ventguard_BlockDoesNotAffectCrew": "Crewmates can use blocked Vents",
"Ventguard_BlocksResetOnMeeting": "Reset Blocked Vents Every Meeting",
- "VentIsBlocked": "This Vent Is Now Blocked!",
+ "VentIsBlocked": "This Vent is Now Blocked!",
"TraitorKnowMadmate": "Traitor Knows Madmates",
"Psychic_NBareRed": "Neutral Benign can be red",
"Psychic_NEareRed": "Neutral Evil can be red",
"Psychic_NCareRed": "Neutral Chaos can be red",
"Psychic_NAareRed": "Neutral Apocalypse can be red",
"Psychic_NKareRed": "Neutral Killers can be red",
+ "Psychic_CovareRed": "Coven can be red",
"Psychic_CrewKillingRed": "Crewmate Killing can be red",
- "PsychicCanSeeNum": "Número máximo de nombres en rojo",
+ "PsychicCanSeeNum": "Maximum number of red names",
"PsychicFresh": "Nombres en rojo nuevos por reunión",
"DetectiveCanknowKiller": "Puede ver el rol del asesino",
"EveryOneKnowSuperStar": "Todos conocen a la Super Estrella",
"HackLimit": "Límite de uso de la habilidad",
"ZombieSpeedReduce": "Después de un tiempo, ralentizar al Zombie por",
- "NemesisCanKillNum": "Número máximo de venganzas",
+ "NemesisCanKillNum": "Maximum number of revenges",
"ImpKnowCelebrityDead": "Los Impostores saben cuando la Celebridad muere",
"NeutralKnowCelebrityDead": "Los Neutrales saben cuando la Celebridad muere",
+ "CovenKnowCelebrityDead": "Coven know when the Celebrity dies",
"VectorVentNumWin": "Saltos necesarios para ganar",
"CanCheckCamera": "Puede vigilar el uso de las camaras",
- "DefaultKillCooldown": "Starting kill cooldown",
- "ReduceKillCooldown": "Reduce kill cooldown by",
- "MinKillCooldown": "Minimum kill cooldown",
+ "DefaultKillCooldown": "Starting Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReduceKillCooldown": "Reduce Kill Cooldown by",
+ "MinKillCooldown": "Minimum Kill Cooldown",
"BomberRadius": "Radio de explosión (5x es igual a la mitad de la cafetería)",
"NotifyGodAlive": "Notifica a los jugadores que Dios está vivo aún",
- "TransporterTeleportMax": "Número máximo de teletransportaciones",
+ "TransporterTeleportMax": "Maximum number of teleports",
"TriggerKill": "Matar",
"TriggerVent": "Usar ductos",
"TriggerDouble": "Doble click",
@@ -1686,6 +1731,7 @@
"InnocentCanWinByImp": "Si tu objetivo era un Impostor, él gana contigo",
"ImpCanBeParanoia": "Impostors can become Paranoia",
"CrewCanBeParanoia": "Crewmates can become Paranoia",
+ "CovenCanBeParanoia": "Coven can become Paranoia",
"DualVotes": "Duplicar votos",
"VeteranSkillCooldown": "Tiempo de espera de la alerta",
"VeteranSkillDuration": "Duración de la alerta",
@@ -1693,9 +1739,9 @@
"ImpCanBeEgoist": "Un Impostor puede ser Egoísta",
"CrewCanBeEgoist": "Un Tripulante puede ser Egoísta",
"ImpEgoistVisibalToAllies": "Los Impostores Egoistas pueden ver otros Impostores Egoistas",
- "EgoistCountAsConverted": "Egoista cuenta como neutral convertido",
+ "EgoistCountAsConverted": "Egoist count as converted Neutral",
"GuessRainbow": "Parece demasiado obvio, ¿no?",
- "RainbowColorChangeCoolDown": "El tiempo de reutilización de cambiar de color",
+ "RainbowColorChangeCoolDown": "The Cooldown for changing colors",
"RainbowInCamouflage": "Color arcoiris cambia durante camuflaje",
"BaitDelayMin": "Tiempo mínimo para informar",
"BaitDelayMax": "Tiempo máximo para informar",
@@ -1703,17 +1749,18 @@
"BecomeBaitDelayNotify": "Notificar al asesino sobre el auto-informe que va a suceder",
"BaitNotification": "Revelar la Carnada en la primera reunión",
"BaitAdviceAlive": "{0} es la Carnada. Quien lo mate hará un auto-informe.",
- "BaitCanBeReportedUnderAllConditions": "La Carnada puede provocar Auto-Informe aún si el sabotaje de comunicaciones desactivan los informes",
- "DeceiverAbilityLost": "El Falsificador pierde su habilidad al vender falsificaciones a un jugador inocente",
+ "BaitCanBeReportedUnderAllConditions": "Bait Can Be Reported even if a meeting is disabled during Comms Sabotage",
+ "DeceiverAbilityLost": "Deceiver loses ability if it deceives player without Kill button",
"AddictSuicideTimer": "Tiempo antes del suicidio",
"GrenadierSkillCooldown": "Tiempo de espera de la granada",
"GrenadierSkillDuration": "Duración de la granada",
"GrenadierCauseVision": "Visión reducida",
"GrenadierCanAffectNeutral": "Puede afectar a los Neutrales",
+ "GrenadierCanAffectCoven": "Can affect Coven",
"TicketsPerKill": "Votos robados por asesinato",
- "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para reclutar",
+ "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "Recruit Cooldown",
"GangsterRecruitLimit": "Máximo de reclutas",
- "KamikazeMaxMarked": "Marcado Maximo",
+ "KamikazeMaxMarked": "Maximum Marked",
"RevolutionistDrawTime": "Duración para marcar",
"RevolutionistCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para marcar",
"RevolutionistDrawCount": "Jugadores que se necesitan marcar",
@@ -1733,7 +1780,7 @@
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_Immediately": "Immediately",
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_AfterMeeting": "After Meeting",
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_OFF": "OFF",
- "MedicResetCooldown": "Al intentar asesinar, reinicia el tiempo de espera para matar a",
+ "MedicResetCooldown": "On kill attempt, reset murderer's Cooldown to",
"MedicShieldedCanBeGuessed": "Adivinar ignora el escudo del Médico",
"MadmateSpawnMode": "Modo de asignación del Cómplice",
"MadmateSpawnMode.Assign": "Asignar",
@@ -1743,40 +1790,41 @@
"MadmateCountMode.None": "Nada",
"MadmateCountMode.Imp": "Impostores",
"MadmateCountMode.Original": "Equipo Original",
- "Altruist_RevivedDeadBodyCannotBeReported_Option": "Revived Dead Body Cannot Be Reported",
- "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsAlert": "Impostors Can Get Alert",
- "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "Impostors Can Get Arrow",
- "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "Neutral Killers Can Get Alert",
- "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "Neutral Killers Can Get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_RevivedDeadBodyCannotBeReported_Option": "Revived Dead Body cannot be Reported",
+ "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsAlert": "Impostors can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "Impostors can get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "Neutral Killers can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "Neutral Killers can get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsAlert": "Coven can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsArrow": "Coven can get Arrow",
"AltruistSuffix": "<#00ffa5>Mode: {0}",
"AltruistReviveMode": "Revive",
"AltruistReportMode": "Report",
"Altruist_YouTriedReportRevivedDeadBody": "You Tried Report Revived Dead Body",
- "Altruist_DeadPlayerHasBeenRevived": "A Dead Player Has Been Revived!",
+ "Altruist_DeadPlayerHasBeenRevived": "A Dead Player has been Revived!",
"AltruistAbilityButton": "Change Mode",
"SnatchesWin": "Snatches victory",
"DemonKillCooldown": "Attack Cooldown",
- "DemonHealthMax": "Player max health",
+ "DemonHealthMax": "Player maximum health",
"DemonDamage": "Damage ",
- "DemonSelfHealthMax": "Demon max health",
+ "DemonSelfHealthMax": "Demon maximum health",
"DemonSelfDamage": "Demon damage received",
"LightningConvertTime": "Duration of the transformation to Quantum Ghost",
"LightningKillCooldown": "Lightning Cooldown",
"LightningKillerConvertGhost": "Killer can transform into Quantum Ghost",
"CanCountNeutralKiller": "Puede arrebatar la victoria si los Tripulantes ganan matando a un Neutral",
- "GreedyOddKillCooldown": "Odd-Numbered kill cooldown",
- "GreedyEvenKillCooldown": "Even-Numbered kill cooldown",
+ "GreedyOddKillCooldown": "Odd-Numbered Kill Cooldown",
+ "GreedyEvenKillCooldown": "Even-Numbered Kill Cooldown",
"WorkaholicCannotWinAtDeath": "No puede ganar muerto",
"WorkaholicVisibleToEveryone": "Todos saben quién es el Trabajólico",
"WorkaholicGiveAdviceAlive": "Advice at the first meeting if alive, can win after death, ghost tasks ON",
"DoctorVisibleToEveryone": "Todos conocen al Doctor",
"CursedWolfGuardSpellTimes": "Amount of Cursed Shields",
"KillAttackerWhenAbilityRemaining": "Kill attacker when ability is remaining",
- "JinxSpellTimes": "Número de hechizos",
"CollectorCollectAmount": "Número de votos requeridos",
"GlitchCanVote": "Puede votar",
"QuickShooterShapeshiftCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para cambiar de forma",
- "MeetingReserved": "Número de balas guardadas máximas durante una reunión",
+ "MeetingReserved": "Maximum Bullets reserved for a meeting",
"AccurateCheckMode": "Puede saber el rol exacto aún sin hacer todas sus tareas",
"RandomActiveRoles": "Mostrar roles activos aleatorios en las pistas de Fortune Teller",
"CamouflageCooldown": "Tiempo de espera de camuflaje",
@@ -1790,29 +1838,31 @@
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralE": "Puede juzgar Neutrales Malignos",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralC": "Puede juzgar Neutrales Caóticos",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralA": "Can trial Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "JudgeCanTrialCoven": "Can trial Coven",
"JudgeCanTrialSidekick": "Puede juzgar Secuaces",
"JudgeCanTrialInfected": "Puede juzgar a los Infectados",
"JudgeCanTrialContagious": "Puede juzgar a los Contagiosos",
"JudgeTryHideMsg": "Esconder comandos del Juez",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "Max Trials per Meeting",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "Max Trials per Game",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Trials per Meeting",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "Maximum Trials per Game",
"JudgeCanTrialMadmate": "Se pueden juzgar a los Cómplices",
"JudgeCanTrialCharmed": "Se pueden juzgar a los jugadores Encantados",
+ "JudgeCanTrialEnchanted": "Can trial Enchanted players",
"JudgeDead": "Sorry, you can't trial players after death.",
"JudgeTrialMaxMeetingMsg": "\nNo more meeting trials left!",
"JudgeTrialMaxGameMsg": "\nNo more trials left!",
"Judge_LaughToWhoTrialSelf": "God, I didn't think the Judges would be so blind that they wouldn't even see that they had sentenced themselves.",
"Judge_TrialKill": "{0} was judged.",
"Judge_TrialKillTitle": "COURT",
- "Judge_TrialHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' IDs before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player IDs.",
+ "Judge_TrialHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Judge_TrialNull": "Please choose a living player for the trial",
- "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "Número máximo de alertas",
+ "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "Maximum number of Alerts",
"SwooperCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para volverte invisible",
"SwooperDuration": "Duración de la invisibilidad",
"WraithCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para volverte invisible",
"WraithDuration": "Duración de la invisibilidad",
"BastionNotify": "Una bomba acaba de colocarse",
- "EnteredBombedVent": "¡Esa alcantarilla tiene una bomba!",
+ "EnteredBombedVent": "That Vent was bombed!",
"BastionVentButtonText": "Colocar Bomba",
"BombsClearAfterMeeting": "Las bombas desaparecen después de una reunión",
"BastionMaxBombs": "Máximo de bombas (Al inicio)",
@@ -1828,11 +1878,12 @@
"FollowerBetTargetKnowFollower": "Follower target knows who the Follower is",
"FortuneTellerHideVote": "Hide Fortune Teller's Votes",
"CultistCharmCooldown": "Charm Cooldown",
- "CultistCharmCooldownIncrese": "Increases Charm Cooldown For Each Charm",
+ "CultistCharmCooldownIncrese": "Increases Charm Cooldown for Each Charm",
"CultistCharmMax": "Maximum Number Of Charm",
"CultistKnowTargetRole": "Know Charmed Player's Role",
"CultistTargetKnowOtherTarget": "Charmed players know each other",
"CultistCanCharmNeutral": "Neutral Roles can be Charmed",
+ "CultistCanCharmCoven": "Coven Roles can be Charmed",
"InfectiousBiteCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para infectar",
"KnowTargetRole": "Conoce el rol del objetivo",
"TargetKnowsLawyer": "El cliente conoce a su Abogado",
@@ -1855,11 +1906,11 @@
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_None": "Nothing",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Cultist": "Cultist",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Original": "Original Team",
- "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "El Chacal gana si un sabotaje de o2/reactor no es arreglado y los Impostores están muertos",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Reset kill cooldown if someone gets killed by another player",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "Kill Cooldown On Reset",
+ "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "When all Impostors are dead, the Jackal wins by Sabotage instead",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Reset Kill Cooldown if someone gets killed by another player",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "Kill Cooldown on Reset",
"JackalCanRecruitSidekick": "Puede reclutar Secuaces",
- "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "Número máximo de reclutas",
+ "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "Maximum Number of Recruits",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode": "Sidekicks count as",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_None": "Nothing",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_Jackal": "Jackal",
@@ -1888,6 +1939,7 @@
"NeutralsSeePresident": "Los Neutrales pueden ver al Presidente cuando se haya revelado",
"MadmatesSeePresident": "Los Cómplice pueden ver al Presidente cuando se haya revelado",
"ImpsSeePresident": "Los Impostores pueden ver al Presidente cuando se haya revelado",
+ "CovenSeePresident": "Coven can see revealed President",
"PresidentDead": "Lo sentimos, pero no puedes forzar un fin de reunión al estar muerto.",
"PresidentEndMax": "¡No tienes más usos de la habilidad de finalizar reunión!",
"PresidentRevealMax": "Ya te has revelado al público...",
@@ -1898,40 +1950,167 @@
"Troller_CanHaveStartMeetingEvent": "Can Start Meeting By Event",
"Troller_ChangesSpeed": "Troller changed everyone speed!",
"Troller_SpeedOut": "Speed returned back",
- "Troller_YouChangedCooldown": "You changed the cooldown of all players",
- "Troller_ChangeYourCooldown": "Troller change your cooldown!",
- "Troller_NoAddons": "No addons found on the random target",
- "Troller_RemoveRandomAddon": "You removed add-on from random player",
- "Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "Troller removed your random add-on",
- "Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "You caused sabotage",
- "Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "You fixed sabotage",
+ "Troller_YouChangedCooldown": "You changed the Cooldown of all players",
+ "Troller_ChangeYourCooldown": "Troller change your Cooldown!",
+ "Troller_NoAddons": "No Add-ons found on the random target",
+ "Troller_RemoveRandomAddon": "You removed Add-on from random player",
+ "Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "Troller removed your random Add-on",
+ "Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "You caused Sabotage",
+ "Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "You fixed Sabotage",
+ "CovenRolesMinPlayer": "Minimum amount of Coven",
+ "CovenRolesMaxPlayer": "Maximum amount of Coven",
+ "%role%CanVent": "%role% Can Vent",
+ "%role%HasImpVis": "%role% Has Impostor Vision",
+ "CovenHasImpVis": "Coven Members have Impostor Vision",
+ "CovenImpVisMode": "Impostor Vision Configuration",
+ "CovenCanVent": "Coven Members Can Vent",
+ "CovenVentMode": "Vent Configuration",
+ "CovenPerRole": "Per Role",
+ "CovenCanSeeEachOthersAddOns": "Coven can see each other's Add-Ons",
+ "NecronomiconNotification": "You have recieved the Necronomicon!
Your powers are now enhanced!",
+ "NecronomiconVote": "You have voted for {0} to receive the Necronomicon next round. You may now vote normally.",
+ "CovenDontKillOtherCoven": "Don't try to kill your fellow Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderMaxRetrains": "Maximum Retrains",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainCooldown": "Retrain Cooldown",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrain": "Retrain offered",
+ "CovenLeaderNoRetrain": "You have ran out of Retrains!",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainNonCoven": "You can't retrain a non-Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderAcceptRetrain": "The player you attempted to retrain has accepted your training and is now a {0}!",
+ "CovenLeaderDeclineRetrain": "The player you attempted to retrain has declined your offer to retrain them into a {0}...",
+ "RetrainNotification": "The {0} has requested to retrain you into a {1}.
Vote yourself to accept the offer, vote someone else to decline.",
+ "RetrainAcceptOffer": "You have accepted the {0}'s retraining and you are now a {1}!",
+ "RetrainDeclineOffer": "You declined the {0}'s retraining and your role has not been changed...",
+ "RitualistMaxRitsPerRound": "Maximum Blood Rituals per Round",
+ "RitualistTryHideMsg": "Try to hide Ritualist's commands",
+ "RitualistRitualSuccess": "You preformed a successful Blood Ritual on {0} and they are now part of the Coven!",
+ "RitualistRitualFail": "You have failed your Blood Ritual and may no longer preform any Blood Rituals this meeting...",
+ "RitualistRitualImpossible": "Your Blood Ritual was successful, however, this player is unenchantable.",
+ "RitualistRitualMax": "You've already used the maximum amount of Blood Rituals for this meeting.",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsCoven": "Enchanted knows Coven",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsEnchanted": "Enchanted knows Enchanted",
+ "RitualistCommandHelp": "Instructions: /rt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /rt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player IDs before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
+ "RitualistConvertNotif": "Your role has been guessed by the {0} and you are now apart of the Coven!",
+ "RitualistGuessAddon": "Did you seriously think it would be that easy? You can't do a Ritual solely based on Add-ons.",
+ "RitualistSuccessfullyRecruited": "You successfully recruited a player",
+ "BeRecruitedByRitualist": "The Ritualist has recruited you",
+ "ConjurerCooldown": "Conjure Cooldown",
+ "ConjurerRadius": "Blast Radius",
+ "ConjurerNecroRadius": "Necronomicon Blast Radius",
+ "ConjurerCovenDies": "Coven can die in blast",
+ "ConjurerMark": "Location marked",
+ "ConjurerMeteor": "Meteor summoned",
+ "ConjurerNecroMark": "Player marked",
+ "ConjurerMarkShapeshift": "Mark",
+ "ConjurerConjureShapeshift": "Conjure",
+ "IllusionCooldown": "Illusion Cooldown",
+ "IllusionistMaxIllusions": "Maximum Illusions",
+ "IllusionistSnitchAffected": "Snitch is Affected by Illusions",
+ "IllusionistResetIllusionsPerRound": "Reset Illusions After Meeting",
+ "IllusionistClearIllusionsWhenDead": "Remove Illusions When Illusionist Dies",
+ "MedusaStoneCooldown": "Stone Cooldown",
+ "MedusaStoneDuration": "Stone Duration",
+ "MedusaStoneVision": "Stoned Vision",
+ "MedusaStonedPlayer": "{0} has been Stoned",
+ "MedusaStoningStart": "Stoning in progress",
+ "MedusaStoningEnd": "Stoning has ended",
+ "MoonDancerBatonPassCooldown": "Baton Pass Cooldown",
+ "MoonDancerBlastOffChance": "Chance to Blast Off",
+ "MoonDancerPassEnabledAddons": "Can only Baton Pass enabled Add-ons",
+ "MoonDancerCantBlastOff": "Target can not be Blasted Off",
+ "MoonDancerNormalKill": "Killed normally",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHelpfulAddon": "Target will be given Helpful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHarmfulAddon": "Target will be given Harmful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerNoAddons": "No Add-ons to Baton Pass to {0}",
+ "SacrifistDebuffCooldown": "Debuff Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistDeathsAfterVote": "Players Killed After Sacrifist is Exiled",
+ "SacrifistNecroReducedCooldown": "Coven Decreased Cooldown After Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "SacrifistVision": "Sacrificed Vision",
+ "SacrifistVisionDuration": "Vision Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeed": "Sacrificed Speed",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDuration": "Speed Duration",
+ "SacrifistIncreasedCooldown": "Sacrificed Increase Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistFreezeDuration": "Random Freezing Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDebuff": "Speed Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistVisionDebuff": "Vision Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistCooldownDebuff": "Cooldown Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistFoolDebuff": "Can't Fix Sabotages Debuff",
+ "SacrifistMeetingDebuff": "Forced Called Meeting",
+ "SacrifistReportDebuff": "Can't Report Bodies",
+ "SacrifistTasksDebuff": "Tasks Reset for Target",
+ "SacrifistSwapSkinsDebuff": "Swapped Skins",
+ "SacrifistSwapDebuff": "Swapping with target after 3 seconds",
+ "SacrifistVisionRevert": "Vision Reverted",
+ "SacrifistSpeedRevert": "Speed Reverted",
+ "SacrifistShapeshiftButton": "Debuff",
+ "SacrifistNecroShapeshiftButton": "Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "VoodooMasterPerRound": "Voodoo Dolls per Round",
+ "VoodooMasterCanDollCoven": "Voodoo Master can Voodoo Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNecroCanKillCov": "Necronomicon Ability can Kill Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollCoven": "You can't Voodoo other Coven members!",
+ "VoodooMasterTargetInMeeting": "Someone tried to target you with their role during this meeting, but it was deflected to one of your dolls, {0}, instead!",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollsLeft": "You can't voodoo anyone else this round!",
+ "VoodooMasterDolledSomeone": "{0} has been turned into a Voodoo Doll",
+ "PotionMasterMaxReveals": "Maximum Reveals",
+ "PotionMasterMaxBarriers": "Maximum Barriers",
+ "PotionMasterNoPotions": "You're out of {0} Potions!",
+ "PotionMasterPotionSwitch": "Potion switched to: {0}",
+ "PotionMasterPotionCurrent": "Current Potion: ",
+ "PotionMasterRevealCoven": "You can already see roles of Coven!",
+ "PotionMasterReveal": "Reveal",
+ "PotionMasterBarrier": "Barrier",
+ "PotionMasterKillButtonText": "Use Potion",
+ "HexMasterHexCooldown": "Hex Cooldown",
+ "HexMasterCovenCanGetMovingHex": "Coven Can Get Moving Hex",
+ "HexMasterMovingHexCooldown": "Moving Hex Pass Cooldown",
+ "HexesLookLikeSpells": "Hexes appear as Spells",
+ "HexButtonText": "Maleficio",
+ "HexMasterModeHex": "Maleficiar",
+ "HexMasterModeKill": "Matar",
+ "HexMasterModeDouble": "Doble click = Matar; Un click = Maleficiar",
+ "HexMasterPassNotify": "Hex successfully passed",
+ "JinxSpellTimes": "Número de hechizos",
+ "JinxCooldown": "Jinx Cooldown",
+ "JinxCovenCanDieToJinx": "Coven Can Die To Jinx",
+ "PoisonCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para envenenar",
+ "PoisonerKillDelay": "Retraso de asesinato del envenenador",
+ "PoisonerTargetDead": "Tu objetivo ha muerto",
+ "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "Envenenar",
+ "NecromancerRevengeTime": "Necronomicon Ability time",
+ "NecromancerRevenge": "Tienes {0} segundos para matar a {1}",
+ "NecromancerSuccess": "¡Necromancia completa! Vives para ver otro día.",
+ "NecromancerHide": "¡Usar ducto está deshabilitado, escóndete del Nigromante!",
+ "NecromancerAbilityDuration": "Necromancy Duration",
+ "NecromancerAbilityCooldown": "Necromancy Cooldown",
+ "NecromancerCooldownNotDone": "Ability is still on Cooldown!",
+ "NecromancerNoUsableRoles": "No usable roles",
"LuckyProbability": "Probabilidad de sborevivir a un asesinato",
"ImpCanBeDoubleShot": "Los Impostores pueden tener Doble Tiro",
"CrewCanBeDoubleShot": "Los Tripulantes pueden tener Doble Tiro",
"NeutralCanBeDoubleShot": "Los Neutrales pueden tener Doble Tiro",
+ "CovenCanBeDoubleShot": "Coven can have Double Shot",
"MimicCanSeeDeadRoles": "El Mimo puede ver el rol de los muertos",
- "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "Disable body reporting when camouflage is active",
- "CanUseCommsSabotage": "Puede sabotear las comunicaciones",
+ "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "Disable body reporting when Camouflage is active",
+ "CanUseCommsSabotage": "Can use Comms Sabotage",
"ModTag": "Moderador♥",
"ApplyModeratorList": "Aplicar lista de moderadores",
"VipTag": "VIP★",
"ApplyVipList": "Usar la lista de VIPs",
- "AllowSayCommand": "Permitir el uso del comando /say",
- "AllowStartCommand": "Allow moderators to use /start command",
+ "AllowSayCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /say command",
+ "AllowStartCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /start command",
"StartCommandMinCountdown": "Minimum countdown for /start command",
"StartCommandMaxCountdown": "Maximum countdown for /start command",
"KickCommandDisabled": "El comando de expulsión está desactivado.",
"KickCommandNoAccess": "No tienes acceso al comando para expulsar.",
"KickCommandInvalidID": "Invalid player ID specified.\nPlease use '/kick [playerID] [reason]' to kick a player.\nExample :- /kick 5 not following rules",
- "KickCommandKickHost": "No puedes expulsar al anfitrión.",
- "KickCommandKickMod": "No puedes expulsar a otros moderadores.",
+ "KickCommandKickHost": "You are not permitted to kick the Host.",
+ "KickCommandKickMod": "You are not permitted to kick other Moderators.",
"KickCommandKicked": "fue expulsado de la partida por ",
"KickCommandKickedRole": "Su rol era",
"BanCommandDisabled": "El comando para vetar está desactivado.",
"BanCommandNoAccess": "No tienes acceso al comando para vetar.",
"BanCommandInvalidID": "ID especificado no válido.\nPor favor, use '/ban [ID de jugador] [razón]' para vetar a un jugador.\nPor ejemplo:- /ban 5 no sigue las reglas ",
- "BanCommandBanHost": "No puedes vetar al anfitrión.",
- "BanCommandBanMod": "No puedes vetar a otros moderadores.",
+ "BanCommandBanHost": "You are not permitted to ban the Host.",
+ "BanCommandBanMod": "You are not permitted to ban other Moderators.",
"BanCommandBanned": "fue vetado de la partida por ",
"BanCommandBannedRole": "Su rol era",
"BanCommandNoReason": "Razón no especificada.\nPor favor, use '/ban [ID de jugador] [razón]\nPor ejemplo, /ban 5 no sigue las reglas",
@@ -1951,13 +2130,13 @@
"WarnCommandDisabled": "El commando warn está desactivado.",
"WarnCommandNoAccess": "No tienes permiso para usar el comando warn.",
"WarnCommandInvalidID": "ID de jugador especificado no válido.\nPor favor, use /warn [ID de jugador] [razón] para advertir a un jugador.\nPor ejemplo, /warn 5 hablar durante la cinemática de exilio",
- "WarnCommandWarnHost": "No puedes dar advertencias al anfitrión.",
+ "WarnCommandWarnHost": "You are not permitted to warn the Host.",
"StartCommandNoAccess": "You do not have access to the start command.",
"StartCommandDisabled": "The start command is currently disabled.",
"StartCommandCountdown": "ERROR\n\nThe game is already starting!",
"StartCommandStarted": "The game has been started by {0}!",
"StartCommandInvalidCountdown": "ERROR\n\nThe countdown must be between {0} and {1}!",
- "WarnCommandWarnMod": "No puedes dar advertencias a otros moderadores.",
+ "WarnCommandWarnMod": "You are not permitted to warn other Moderators.",
"WarnCommandWarned": "ha sido advertido. No habrá más avisos y acciones apropiadas serán tomadas ",
"WarnExample": "Usa /warn [id] [razón] en el futuro. \nPor ejemplo:- /warn 5 hablar durante la cinemática de exilio",
"SayCommandDisabled": "El comando /say está desactivado.",
@@ -2010,6 +2189,7 @@
"DeathReason.Sacrificed": "Sacrificed",
"DeathReason.Electrocuted": "Electrocuted",
"DeathReason.Scavenged": "Scavenged",
+ "DeathReason.BlastedOff": "Blasted Off",
"OnlyEnabledDeathReasons": "Solo usar Causas de Muerte activadas",
"Alive": "Vivo",
"Disconnected": "Disconnected",
@@ -2022,6 +2202,7 @@
"Infected-": "Infectado ",
"Contagious-": "Contagioso ",
"Admired-": "Admirado ",
+ "Enchanted-": "Enchanted ",
"DeputyHandcuffCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para esposar",
"DeputyHandcuffMax": "Número de esposas",
"DeputyHandcuffedPlayer": "Objetivo esposado",
@@ -2071,11 +2252,11 @@
"Command.kill": "[ID del Jugador] → Matar jugador",
"Command.exe": "[ID del Jugador] → Exiliar jugador",
"Command.level": "[Level] → Cambia tu nivel del juego",
- "Command.idlist": "→ Muestra la lista de los IDs de los jugadores",
+ "Command.idlist": "→ Display a list of player ID's",
"Command.qq": "→ La sala será enviada a QQ (Exclusivo en China)",
"Command.dump": "→ Poner los Registros en el Escritorio",
"Command.death": "→ Muestra información de cómo has muerto",
- "Command.icons": "
╳ - The Player was marked by the Blackmailer and can't talk during the Meeting
☆ - Used by Captain to display themselves. Only Crewmates can see the Captain's star
乂 - This player was hexed by the Hex Master and will die if the Hex Master isn't killed or ejected by the end of the Meeting.
♦ - Used by Lawyer or Executioner or Follower.
♥ - Used by Lovers or Romantic.
✚ - Used by Medic to mark their target.
⦿ - This player is in a duel with the Pirate.
!? - This player was marked by the Quizmaster and must answer the question correctly to survive.
☜ - Used by Schrödinger's cat to mark their teammate.
◈ - This player marked by the Shroud and will die if the Shroud is not killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
⚠ - This player is a Snitch or Solsticer who has finished their tasks.
★ - Used by Super Star or Cyber or Marshall.
† - This player was spelled and will die if the Witch is not killed by the end of the meeting.
∇ - Used by Kamikaze to mark their targets.
■ - Used by Lightning to mark their quantum ghosts.
⊠ - Used by Jailer to mark their prisoner.
● - Used by Baker to mark who has Bread.
♠ - Used by Soul Collector to mark who's death they're predicting.
⦿ - Used by Plaguebearer to mark who they have plagued.",
+ "Command.icons": "
╳ - The player was marked by the Blackmailer and can't talk during the meeting
☆ - Used by Captain to display themselves. Only Crewmates can see the Captain's star
乂 - This player was hexed by the Hex Master and will die if the Hex Master isn't killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
♦ - Used by Lawyer or Executioner or Follower.
♥ - Used by Lovers or Romantic.
✚ - Used by Medic to mark their target.
⦿ - This player is in a duel with the Pirate.
!? - This player was marked by the Quizmaster and must answer the question correctly to survive.
☜ - Used by Schrödinger's cat to mark their teammate.
◈ - This player marked by the Shroud and will die if the Shroud is not killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
⚠ - This player is a Snitch or Solsticer who has finished their tasks.
★ - Used by Super Star or Cyber or Marshall.
† - This player was spelled and will die if the Witch is not killed by the end of the Meeting.
∇ - Used by Kamikaze to mark their targets.
■ - Used by Lightning to mark their Quantum Ghosts.
⊠ - Used by Jailer to mark their prisoner.
● - Used by Baker to mark who has Bread.
♠ - Used by Soul Collector to mark who's death they're predicting.
⦿ - Used by Plaguebearer to mark who they have plagued.
♣ - Shown on the Coven member with the Necronomicon. This is only shown to Coven.
⌘ - This player is Jinxed. This is only shown to Coven.
ø - This player is Illusioned. This is only shown to Coven.
♻ - This player is Stoned. This is only shown to Coven.
✂ - This player is a Voodoo Doll. This is only shown to Coven.",
"Command.start": "[Seconds] → Start the game",
"Command.iconinfo": "→ Mostrar información sobre los iconos de reuniones",
"Command.iconhelp": "→ Mostrar información sobre los iconos de reuniones a todo el mundo",
@@ -2085,13 +2266,15 @@
"Remaining.MadmateCount": "Madmates left: {0}",
"Remaining.NeutralCount": "Neutral Killers left: {0}",
"Remaining.ApocalypseCount": "Neutral Apocalypse left: {0}",
+ "Remaining.CovenCount": "Coven left: {0}",
"EnableKillerLeftCommand": "Activar el uso de /kcount",
- "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "Show Madmates (including add-ons)",
+ "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "Show Madmates (including Add-ons)",
"ShowApocalypseInLeftCommand": "Show Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "ShowCovenInLeftCommand": "Show Coven",
"SeeEjectedRolesInMeeting": "Ver los roles de los exiliados en las reuniones",
"ThankYouForUsingTOHE": "Thank you for using TOHE!",
"SkillUsedLeft": "Has activado tu habilidad para llamar una reunión. \nUsos restantes:",
- "NemesisDeadMsg": "The death of the Nemesis means the beginning of the revenge. \nPlease use /rv + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player IDs in front of their names. \nOr type /rv to get a list of player IDs",
+ "NemesisDeadMsg": "The death of the Nemesis means the beginning of the revenge. \nPlease use /rv + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /rv to get a list of player ID's",
"NemesisAliveKill": "Revenge for the Nemesis can only begin after their death.",
"NemesisKillDead": "Choose a living player to take revenge",
"NemesisKillSucceed": "[{0}] was killed by the Nemesis!",
@@ -2111,14 +2294,15 @@
"GuessGuardianTask": "No puedes adivinar a un Guardian que haya acabado sus tareas.",
"GuardianCantKilled": "You can't kill a Guardian who has finished their tasks.",
"GuessMarshallTask": "No puedes adivinar a un Mariscal que haya terminado sus tareas.",
- "GuessObviousAddon": "Lo sentimos, pero no se puede adivinar ningún agregado obvio.",
- "GuessAdtRole": "Desgraciadamente, el Anfitrión no te deja adivinar agregados",
+ "GuessObviousAddon": "Sorry, obvious Add-ons cannot be guessed.",
+ "GuessAdtRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow you to guess Add-ons",
"GuessImpRole": "Desafortunadamente, la configuración del anfitrión no permite que los Impostores se adivinen entre ellos.",
- "GuessCrewRole": "Desafortunadamente, la configuración del anfitrión no permite que los Tripulantes se puedan adivinar entre ellos.",
+ "GuessCrewRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow Crewmates to guess Crewmate roles.",
"GuessApocRole": "Fortunately, the Host's settings does not allow Apocalypse to guess Apocalypse roles.",
+ "GuessCovenRole": "Fortunately, the Host's settings does not allow Coven to guess Coven roles.",
"GuessKill": "{0} fue adivinado",
"GuessNull": "Por favor, selecciona el ID de un jugador vivo para adivinar su rol",
- "GuessHelp": "Instrucciones: /bt [ID de Jugador] [Nombre del Rol] \nEjemplo: /bt 3 Carnada \nPuedes ver las ID de jugadores al lado del nombre de todos \n O usa el comando /id para ver la lista",
+ "GuessHelp": "Instructions: /bt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /bt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"GGGuessMax": "You've reached the maximum guess limit. You can't guess anymore!",
"EGGuessMax": "You've reached the maximum guess limit. You can't guess anymore!",
"EGGuessSnitchTaskDone": "You thought you could guess the Snitch when all their tasks are done? Nice try. You're not getting out of this that easily.",
@@ -2149,12 +2333,12 @@
"MediumNotifyTarget": "{0}, the Medium, has established contact with you. Before the end of this meeting, you have a chance to respond to their question. Type one of the following commands to answer:\nConfirm: /ms yes\nDeny: /ms no",
"MediumNotifySelf": "You established contact with {0}. Please ask them questions and wait for them to respond.\n\nRemaining ability uses: {1}",
"MediumKnowPlayerDead": "Someone died somewhere",
- "SpurtMinSpeed": "Velocidad Mínima",
- "SpurtMaxSpeed": "Velocidad Máxima",
+ "SpurtMinSpeed": "Minimum Speed",
+ "SpurtMaxSpeed": "Maximum Speed",
"SpurtModule": "Modulador de Velocidad",
"EnableSpurtCharge": "Muestra la carga",
"SpurtSuffix": "\n« Spurt: {0}% »",
- "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "Target Is Already Dead",
+ "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "Target is Already Dead",
"ByBard": "hecho por el Bardo",
"ByBardGetFailed": "Oops, I seem to be out of inspiration.",
"GangsterSuccessfullyRecruited": "Acabas de reclutar a un jugador con éxito",
@@ -2165,40 +2349,37 @@
"BecomeMadmateCuzMadmateMode": "Te volviste un Cómplice porque has muerto",
"CleanerCleanBody": "El cadáver ha sido limpiado",
"QuickShooterStoraging": "Balas guardado con éxito",
- "QuickShooterFailed": "You are still in cooldown.",
- "PoisonerTargetDead": "Tu objetivo ha muerto",
- "HexesLookLikeSpells": "Los Maleficios aparecen como Hechizos",
- "HexButtonText": "Maleficio",
- "BloodthirstAdded": "Your bloodthirst is now active!",
+ "QuickShooterFailed": "You are still in Cooldown.",
+ "BloodthirstAdded": "Your Bloodthirst is now active!",
"WarlockNoTarget": "La manipulación ha fallado, ya que no hay nadie que matar",
"WarlockNoTargetYet": "You haven't marked a target.",
"WarlockTargetDead": "La manipulación ha fallado, ya que tu objetivo ha muerto",
"WarlockControlKill": "Tu objetivo ha muerto",
"OnCelebrityDead": "Warning: Celebrity death!",
"OnCyberDead": "Äviso: ¡El Cyber ha muerto!",
- "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "Todo el mundo fue teletransportado a los conductos",
+ "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "Everyone was teleported to Vents",
"TeleportedByTransporter": "Cambiando sitios con: {0}",
"ErrorTeleport": "La teletransportación ha fracasado",
- "EraseLimit": "Borrados máximos",
+ "EraseLimit": "Maximum Erases",
"EraserHideVote": "Esconder votos del borrador",
"EraserEraseMsgTitle": "ERRADICADOR",
"EraserEraseNotice": "Borraste {0}.\nSu rol será desactivado después de la reunión.",
"EraserEraseBaseImpostorOrNeutralRoleNotice": "¡Uy, tu objetivo no puede ser borrado!",
"EraserEraseSelf": "Unfortunately, you can't erase yourself... Wait, why would you do that in the first place?!",
- "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "You can't guess the role of the player you erased, except add-ons",
+ "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "You can't guess the role of the player you erased, except Add-ons",
"LostRoleByEraser": "Perdiste tu rol gracias al Erradicador",
"KilledByScavenger": "The Scavenger killed you and thus teleported off-map",
- "SnitchDoneTasks": "Llama una reunión de emergencia para descubrir a los impostores",
+ "SnitchDoneTasks": "Call a meeting to find the Impostors",
"SwooperCanVent": "Usa un ducto para volverte invisible",
"SwooperInvisState": "Eres invisible",
"SwooperInvisStateOut": "Ya no eres invisible",
- "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "Swoop cooldown isn't up yet. Swooping failed",
+ "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "Swoop Cooldown isn't up yet. Swooping failed",
"SwooperInvisStateCountdown": "La invisibilidad se acabará en {0} segundos",
"SwooperInvisCooldownRemain": "Tiempo de espera para volverse invisible : {0}s",
"WraithCanVent": "Usa un ducto para volverte invisible",
"WraithInvisState": "Eres invisible",
"WraithInvisStateOut": "Eres visible otra vez",
- "WraithInvisInCooldown": "Habildad aún en tiempo de espera",
+ "WraithInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, Vanish failed",
"WraithInvisStateCountdown": "La invisibilidad se acabará en {0} segundos",
"WraithInvisCooldownRemain": "{0}s restantes de invisibilidad",
"WerewolfKillButtonText": "Maul",
@@ -2219,10 +2400,10 @@
"BittenByInfectious": "The Infectious infected you!",
"InfectiousBittenPlayer": "Infectaste a un jugador con éxito",
"GuessNotAllowed": "Lo lamento, pero tu rol no tiene acceso a adivinar.",
- "GuessOnbound": "Este jugador tiene el agregado de Atado, por lo que tu adivinanza fue cancelada.",
+ "GuessOnbound": "This player has the Onbound Add-on, so your guess on them was canceled.",
"GuessSpecter": "You can't guess a Specter. That allows them to win!",
"PacifistOnGuard": "Ability used, {0} uses remain",
- "PacifistSkillNotify": "Pacifist reset your kill cooldown",
+ "PacifistSkillNotify": "Pacifist reset your Kill Cooldown",
"BeRecruitedByJackal": "The Jackal has recruited you",
"YinYangerAlreadyMarked": "{0} is already in a state of calm, endowed by a fellow YinYanger",
"CoronerTrackRecorded": "Track recorded",
@@ -2246,26 +2427,27 @@
"MonarchInvalidTarget": "El objetivo no puede ser condecorado",
"GhostTransformTitle": "Your Role Has Transformed!",
- "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "El Llama-Espíritus te ha matado y te ha convertido en un Espíritu Maligno. Tu tarea es ayudar al Llama-Espíritus para que gane usando tu botón de atormentar para cegar y ralentizar a otros jugadores, o proteger al Llama-Espíritus. Usa /m para ver más información.",
+ "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "The Spiritcaller has killed you and turned you into an Evil Spirit. Your task now is to help the Spiritcaller to victory by using your Spook button to hinder other players or to protect the Spiritcaller. Use /m for more information.",
"OverseerRevealCooldown": "Reveal Cooldown",
"OverseerRevealTime": "Reveal Time",
"OverseerVision": "Overseer Vision",
- "MerchantMaxSell": "Número máximo de agregados en venta",
+ "MerchantMaxSell": "Maximum number of Add-ons to sell",
"MerchantMoneyPerSell": "Cantidad de dinero conseguida por vender un agregado",
"MerchantMoneyRequiredToBribe": "Cantidad de dinero necesaria para sobornar a un asesino",
"MerchantNotifyBribery": "Informar al Comerciante cuando un asesino es sobornado",
"MerchantTargetCrew": "Puede vender a los Tripulantes",
"MerchantTargetImpostor": "Puede vender a los Impostores",
+ "MerchantTargetCoven": "Can sell to Coven",
"MerchantTargetNeutral": "Puede vender a los Neutrales",
"MerchantSellHelpful": "Puede vender agregados Útiles",
"MerchantSellHarmful": "Puede vender agregados Dañinos",
"MerchantSellMixed": "Puede vender agregados Variados",
- "MerchantSellExperimental": "Puede vender agregados Experimentales",
+ "MerchantSellExperimental": "Can sell Experimental Add-ons",
"MerchantSellHarmfulToEvil": "Puede vender agregados Dañinos exclusivamente a los Malechores",
- "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "Puede vender agregados Útiles exclusivamente a los Tripulantes",
+ "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "Can sell Helpful Add-ons only to Crewmates",
"MerchantSellOnlyEnabledAddons": "Solo puede vender agregados activados",
"SpiritcallerSpiritMax": "Número máximo de Espíritus Malignos",
- "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "Tiempo de espera de habilidad de Espíritu Maligno",
+ "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "Evil Spirit Ability Cooldown",
"SpiritcallerFreezeTime": "Tiempo de congelación de la habilidad de los Espíritus Malignos",
"SpiritcallerProtectTime": "Tiempo de protección de los Espíritus Malignos",
"SpiritcallerCauseVision": "Habilidad del Espíritu Maligno de visión",
@@ -2274,31 +2456,31 @@
"Message.MessageWaitHelp": "Especifica el primer argumento en segundos.",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundHost": "No se encontró a {0} en templates.txt",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundClient": "El Anfitrión no tiene una plantilla llamada {0}",
- "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "Quedan {0} botones de reunión de emergencia restantes",
+ "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "There are {0} more Emergency buttons left",
"Message.Executed": "{0} fue ejecutado",
- "Message.HideGameSettings": "The host has hidden the game settings.",
+ "Message.HideGameSettings": "The Host has hidden the game settings.",
"Message.NowOverrideText": "Porfavor entra a la carpeta de raíz del juego.\\Language\\Latam.dat Cambia este texto en el archivo dat \nSi no necesitas esta característica o quieres mostrar mensajes regulares con /n\nPorfavor desactiva [Permitir sólo mensajes personalizados con /n en los ajustes.]",
"Message.NoDescription": "Sin descripción",
"Message.KickedByDenyName": "{0} fue expulsado porque su nombre coincide con {1}",
"Message.BannedByBanList": "{0} fue prohibido porque ya lo fueron en el pasado.",
- "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0} has been banned because he is in the EAC list of Banned people.",
+ "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0} has been banned because he is in the EAC list of banned people.",
"Message.DumpfileSaved": "El archivo de los registros fue guardado en el escritorio, nombre: {0}",
"Message.DumpcmdUsed": "{0} usó el comando /dump.",
- "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was kicked because their friend code is invalid.",
- "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was temporarily banned because their friend code is invalid.",
+ "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was kicked because their Friend Code is invalid.",
+ "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was temporarily banned because their Friend Code is invalid.",
"Message.AddedPlayerToBanList": "Añadido a {0} a tu lista negra",
- "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0} fue expulsado de la sala. \nAl Anfitrión no le agrada ver mensajes pidiéndole que empiece la partida",
- "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0} fue avisado: {1} vez/veces \nAl Anfitrión no le agrada ver mensajes pidiéndole que empiece la partida",
- "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0} recibió {1} avisos, por lo que será expulsado. \nAl Anfitrión no le agrada ver mensajes pidiéndole que empiece la partida",
+ "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0} has been kicked by the system. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0} has been warned: {1} times \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0} has received {1} warnings, he will be kicked. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWord": "{0}, ¡Vigila tu lenguaje!",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWordTimes": "{0} fue advertido: {1} vez/veces \nSi sigues serás expulsado",
"Message.KickWhoSayBanWordAfterWarn": "[{0}] recibió {1} avisos.\nFue expulsado por decir palabras prohibidas",
- "Message.KickedByEAC": "[{0}] fue Expulsado por EAC, razón:{1}",
- "Message.BannedByEAC": "[{0}]Baneado por EAC, razón:{1}",
- "Message.NoticeByEAC": "[{0}] Detectado:{1}",
- "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "[{0}]Temporalmente baneado por EAC, razón:{1}",
+ "Message.KickedByEAC": "[{0}]kicked by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.BannedByEAC": "[{0}]banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.NoticeByEAC": "[{0}]detected:{1}",
+ "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "[{0}]temporary banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
"Message.TempBannedForSpamQuitting": "{0} fue temporalmente vetado por salirse de manera repetitiva",
- "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0} kicked because their friendcode was not found in WhiteList.txt",
+ "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0} kicked because their Friend Code was not found in WhiteList.txt",
"Message.SetLevel": "Tu nivel es de: {0}",
"Message.SetColor": "Tu color ha sido cambiado al {0}",
"Message.SetName": "Tu nombre ha sido cambiado a {0}",
@@ -2314,7 +2496,7 @@
"Message.HostLeftGameInGame": "★Warning★ Host left the game, and the game wouldn't start normally next time. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
"Message.HostLeftGameInLobby": "★Warning★ Host left the game, and the game wouldn't start normally next time. If the new Host has TOHE, you need to re-enter the lobby to play normally.",
"Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host! \nThe room is still modded, start a game and end it immediately to reset the lobby!",
- "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host. \nBut it's not modded. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
+ "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host! \nBut it's not modded. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
"Message.LobbyShared": "¡La sala fue compartida exitosamente!",
"Message.LobbyShareFailed": "TOHE-Chan ha sido discontinuado. Desactive la opción",
"Message.YTPlanDisabled": "ERROR\n\nPor favor active {0} en las Opciones",
@@ -2322,12 +2504,14 @@
"Message.YTPlanSelectFailed": "No puedes recibir el rol {0}.\nPuede ser porque el rol está desactivado o que el rol no tiene soporte para ser asignado.",
"Message.YTPlanCanNotFindRoleThePlayerEnter": "No podemos encontrar el rol que buscas\nUsa /r para ver la lista de roles",
"Message.YTPlanNotice": "Nota: El [Plan de Youtuber] está activado en esta sala. Cual significa que el Anfitrión puede especificar el rol que quiera para la próxima partida para simplificarle la vida en el momento de crear contenido. Si abusa de esta función, sal de la sala o denúncialo.\nCredenciales del Creador:",
- "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "ERROR\n\nEste comando es exclusivo al Anfitrión.",
+ "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "ERROR\n\nThis command may only be used by the Host.",
"Message.MaxPlayers": "Máximo de jugadores configurado a ",
- "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "Could not set max players: Vanilla regions support a maximum of 15 players.",
+ "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "Could not set maximum players: Vanilla regions support a maximum of 15 players.",
"Message.GhostRoleInfo": "Ghost Role Info\nHiya! A little about ghost roles...\n\nGhost roles drastically impact the game, so it's not recommended for smaller lobbies if you're unfamiliar. If not explicitly stated otherwise in the description, the Guard button is their ability button ;)\n\nSpawning:\nGhost-roles only spawn after death; the first x people from (team) to die get them.\n\nPS: If your previous role didn't have tasks(e.g., sheriff), your tasks as a ghost-role aren't needed for task-win",
"ApocalypseInfoTitle": "Neutral Apocalypse Info:",
"Message.ApocalypseInfo": "Every role of the <#ff174f>Apocalypse Team has their own objective to carry out in order to transform.\n<#2B0804>Transformed <#ff174f>Apocalypse members have a drastic change on the game and are immortal (except for being voted), but everyone will be notified that they have transformed.\n\nRoles: <#e5f6b4>Plaguebearer, <#A675A1>Soul Collector, <#bf9f7a>Baker, <#cc0044>Berserker\nTransformed: <#343136>Pestilence, <#644661>Death, <#83461c>Famine, <#2B0804>War\n\nApocalypse members can see eachother's roles and ability icons.\nLike Neutral Killers, Apocalypse members keep the game going as well, have fun!",
+ "CovenInfoTitle": "Coven Info:",
+ "Message.CovenInfo": "The <#ac42f2>Coven is a faction of evildoers who specialize in Witchcraft. Their goal is to kill all who would oppose the <#ac42f2>Coven.\nThey use the Necronomicon to enhance their powers, but only one member at a time can hold it.\nMost Coven roles can only kill if they hold the Necronomicon. A random Coven member will spawn with the Necronomicon, denoted by the <#ac42f2>♣ symbol next to their name.\nIf the Necronomicon holder dies, the Necronomicon will be randomly given to another <#ac42f2>Coven member that is alive.\nDuring a meeting, Coven players can vote each other to determine who will gain the Necronomicon the following round. If the votes end in a tie or nobody votes, the Necronomicon holder will be the same. Votes will be returned and you will be allowed to vote normally.",
"Message.MeCommandInfo": "Hi [{0}] {1} !\n\nfriend-code Hash-Puid Type
{2} {3} {4}
IsDev HasUp /color-Bypass
{5} {6} {7}
"Message.MeCommandTargetInfo": "Selected [{0}] Player {1} ,\n\nTheir friend code is {2}.\n\nTheir hash puid is {3}.\n\nTheir TOHE Discord role is {4}.\n\n",
"Message.MeCommandInvalidID": "The ID you entered seems incorrect. \nPlease use /id to get the player ID of online players",
@@ -2349,18 +2533,18 @@
"EnableGadientTags": "Activar etiquetas con gradientes (Puede causar desconexiones)",
"Warning.GradientTags": "Peligro:\n\nEl Anfitrión ha activado las etiquetas con gradientes. Esta opción está desaconsejada de usar porque puede causar problemas de conexión",
"WarningTitle": "Advertencia!",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "Peligro! Los conductos en este mapa no funcionan correctamente",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "On the «dlekS ehT» map, the vents are broken, they cannot be fixed in host-only mods, this is a vanilla bug, so any roles using vent as an ability will not spawns on this map",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "Warning! The Vents on this map are broken",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "On the «dlekS ehT» map, the Vents are broken, they cannot be fixed in Host-Only Mods, this is a vanilla bug, so any roles using a Vent as an ability will not spawns on this map",
"Warning.NoGameEndIsEnabled": "Advertencia: {0} esta activado!",
"AntiBlackoutProtectionTitle": "Anti-Apagón",
"Warning.AntiBlackoutProtectionMsg": "Warning:\n\rBlack screen protection has been activated, due to the low number of alive Impostors, Crewmates and Neutral Killers\nThe voting screen will show as a tied vote (only affects the visual, not the results voting)\nModded players will see voting screen normally",
"Warning.ShowAntiBlackExiledPlayer": "Last meeting triggered Black Screen Prevention!\nFollowing is the information of the player exiled in the last meeting.\n",
"DisableAntiBlackoutProtects": "Desactivar protection Anti-Apagón (Recomendado para realizar pruebas)",
- "Warning.InvalidRpc": "Kicked {0} because an invalid RPC was received.\nPlease check that no mods other than TOHE are installed.",
- "Warning.NoModHost": "Town of Host Enhanced no fue instalado por el Anfitrión",
+ "Warning.InvalidRpc": "Kicked {0} because an invalid RPC was received.\nPlease check that no Mods other than TOHE are installed.",
+ "Warning.NoModHost": "TOHE is not installed on the Host",
"Warning.MismatchedVersion": "{0} no usa la misma versión de {1}",
- "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "El anfitrión está jugando vanilla o una versión distinta de {0}\nSerás expulsado en {1}",
- "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "El uso de la consola está prohibida\nAsí que la consola ha sido desactivada",
+ "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "The Host has no or a different version of {0}\nYou will be kicked in {1}",
+ "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "The use of the Console is prohibited\nso your Console has been off",
"Error.MeetingException": "Error: {0}\nPor favor usa SHIFT+M+ENTER para terminar la reunión",
"Error.InvalidRoleAssignment": "Error: rol inválido encontrado para un jugador durante la asignación ({0})",
"Error.InvalidColor": "Error: Sólo colores por defecto están disponibles",
@@ -2374,7 +2558,7 @@
"ERR-000-910-1": "Error de prueba nivel 1",
"ERR-000-920-2": "Error de prueba nivel 2",
"ERR-000-930-3": "Error de prueba nivel 3",
- "ERR-000-804-1": "Sorry, TOHE temporarily not support the Vanilla HnS, so mod unloaded",
+ "ERR-000-804-1": "Sorry, TOHE temporarily doesn't support vanilla Hide & Seek, so Mod unloaded",
"ERR-001-000-3": "El diccionario principal tiene entradas en doble.",
"ERR-002-000-1": "Versión de Among Us sin soporte, por favor, actualice el juego",
"DefaultSystemMessageTitle": "MENSAJE DEL SISTEMA",
@@ -2403,16 +2587,18 @@
"TabGroup.ModifierSettings": "Game Modifiers",
"TabGroup.CrewmateRoles": "Roles de Tripulante",
"TabGroup.NeutralRoles": "Roles Neutrales",
+ "TabGroup.CovenRoles": "Coven Roles",
"TabGroup.ImpostorRoles": "Roles de Impostor",
"TabGroup.Addons": "Add-Ons",
- "TabMenuDescription_General": "Here you can configure the functions that are in the mod",
- "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "Here you can add, remove and change the settings of all roles or add-ons in the mod",
+ "TabMenuDescription_General": "Here you can configure the functions that are in the Mod",
+ "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "Here you can add, remove and change the settings of all Roles or Add-ons in the Mod",
"Experimental.Roles": "★ Experimental Roles (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
"ActiveRolesList": "Lista de Roles Activos",
"ForExample": "Uso de Ejemplo",
"ImpCanBeGuesser": "Los Impostores pueden ser Adivinos",
"CrewCanBeGuesser": "Los Tripulantes pueden ser Adivinos",
"NeutralCanBeGuesser": "Los Neutrales pueden ser Adivinos",
+ "CovenCanBeGuesser": "Coven can become Guesser",
"CrewCanBeMundane": "Tripulantes pueden convertirsen en Mundanos",
"NeutralCanBeMundane": "Neutrales pueden convertirse en Mundanos",
"GuessedAsMundane": "You're Mundane.\nYou can't guess until you finish all the tasks",
@@ -2420,22 +2606,23 @@
"ImpCanBeInLove": "Los Impostores pueden enamorarse",
"CrewCanBeInLove": "Los Tripulantes pueden enamorarse",
"NeutralCanBeInLove": "Los Neutrales pueden enamorarse",
+ "CovenCanBeInLove": "Coven can be in love",
"updateButton": "Actualizar",
"updatePleaseWait": "Por favor espera...",
- "updateManually": "Update failed.\nPlease try again or Update Manually.",
+ "updateManually": "Update failed.\nPlease try again or update manually.",
"updateInProgress": "Updating...",
"deletingFiles": "Deleting update files...",
- "updateRestart": "¡Actualización Completada!\nPor favor, reinicia el juego.",
- "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "You can't join public rooms without the latest version.\nPlease Update.",
+ "updateRestart": "Update finished!\nPlease restart the game.",
+ "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "You can't join public rooms without the latest version.\nPlease update.",
"ModBrokenMessage": "El archivo del MOD está dañado.\nPor favor, reinstalalo.",
"UnsupportedVersion": "Unsupported Among Us version.\nPlease Update Among Us",
"DisabledByProgram": "The program has disabled public rooms",
- "EnterVentToWin": "¡Entra al ducto para ganar!",
+ "EnterVentToWin": "Enter a Vent to Win!!",
"EatenByPelican": "Has sido devorado, esperando que el Pelícano muera o se realize una reunión",
"FireworkerPutPhase": "{0} Cohetes Restantes",
"FireworkerWaitPhase": "Espera el momento...",
"FireworkerReadyFirePhase": "¡Fuego!",
- "EnterVentWinCountDown": "¡Entra al ducto en {0} para ganar!",
+ "EnterVentWinCountDown": "Enter a Vent within {0} seconds to win!",
"ColoredOn": "ACTIVADO",
@@ -2444,11 +2631,7 @@
"WitchCurrentMode": "Modo Actual",
"WitchModeKill": "Matar",
"WitchModeSpell": "Hechizar",
- "HexMasterModeHex": "Maleficiar",
- "HexMasterModeKill": "Matar",
- "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "Envenenar",
"WitchModeDouble": "Doble Click = Matar; Un Click = Hechizar",
- "HexMasterModeDouble": "Doble click = Matar; Un click = Maleficiar",
"BountyCurrentTarget": "Objetivo Actual",
"Roles": "Roles",
"Settings": "Ajustes",
@@ -2457,7 +2640,7 @@
"LastEndReason": "★ Razón del Desenlace",
"KillLog": "Registro de Asesinatos",
"MainRoleLog": "Role Convert Log",
- "Maximum": "Máximo",
+ "Maximum": "Maximum",
"RoleRate": "ENCENDER",
"RoleOn": "SIEMPRES",
"RoleOff": "APAGADO",
@@ -2490,7 +2673,7 @@
"Preset_4": "Platilla 4",
"Preset_5": "Plantilla 5",
"Standard": "Estándar",
- "HidenSeekTOHE": "Hide And Seek",
+ "HidenSeekTOHE": "Hide & Seek",
"GameMode": "Modo de Juego",
"PressTabToNextPage": "Apriete Tab o Número para la página siguiente...",
"RoleSummaryText": "Resumen de Roles:",
@@ -2577,7 +2760,7 @@
"IllegalColor": "Por favor, ingresa el color correcto",
"DisableUseCommand": "Los ajustes del Anfitrión no permiten el uso de este comando.",
"SureUse.quit": "Te expulsaremos y bloquearemos tu ingreso a esta sala de nuevo. Este ajuste es irreversible. Si realmente lo quieres, por favor envía el comando /qt {0}",
- "PlayerIdList": "Lista de IDs de jugadores: ",
+ "PlayerIdList": "List of player ID's: ",
"CancelStartCountDown": "The starting countdown was canceled",
"RestTOHESetting": "Los ajustes de TOHE han sido reiniciados a los ajustes por defecto",
"FPSSetTo": "FPS puestos en: {0}",
@@ -2602,13 +2785,13 @@
"Yes": "Si",
"No": "No",
"AntiBlackOutLoggerSendInGame": "Because of an unknown error, the game will end to prevent a black screen.",
- "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "An error occurred to prevent a black screen. Do a «/dump» and send the logs to the discord server TOHE in «bug-reports» and we will try to fix it.",
- "EndWhenPlayerBug": "End the game when a modded player gets a critical error (While loading)",
+ "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "An error occurred to prevent a black screen. Do a «/dump» and send the logs to the Discord server TOHE in «bug-reports» and we will try to fix it.",
+ "EndWhenPlayerBug": "End the game when a Modded player gets a critical error (While loading)",
"AntiBlackOutRequestHostToForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen. The game will end",
- "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen, and the host is not going to end the game\nYou will be disconnected soon",
+ "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen, and the Host is not going to end the game\nYou will be disconnected soon",
"RpcAntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred. To prevent a black screen, turn off [{1}] in settings.",
"RpcAntiBlackOutEndGame": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred, the game will end to prevent a black screen.",
- "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "Debido a {0}, ocurrió un error desconocido, y el RPC será ignorado.",
+ "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred, but the game will continue without that player due to Host settings.",
"RpcAntiBlackOutKicked": "{0} was kicked due to having a blackout error on its side.",
"NextPage": "Página siguiente",
"PreviousPage": "Página Anterior",
@@ -2630,7 +2813,7 @@
"ExiledInnocentTargetAddBelow": "\nEl Inocente está contando el dinero en sus manos",
"ExiledInnocentTargetInOneLine": "{0} era el {1}.\nPero tras observar, El Inocente está contando el dinero en sus manos...\n¡Fin del Juego, y Bien Jugado!",
"ExiledDeath": "{0} was {1}!\nThe Crew has been saved from Armageddon!",
- "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} was the {1}.\nBut they were not Death...\nDeath has claimed the souls of the Crew!",
+ "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} was the {1}.\nBut they were not Death...\nDeath has claimed the Souls of the Crew!\nGG!",
"IsGood": "{0} era bueno",
"BelongTo": "{0} pertenece a {1}",
"PlayerIsRole": "{0} era el {1}",
@@ -2643,15 +2826,16 @@
"NeutralRemain": "\n{0} Asesinos Neutrales restantes",
"OneNeutralRemain": "\n{0} Asesino Neutro restante",
"ApocRemain": "\n{0} Neutral Apocalypse remains",
- "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "All Impostors and Neutral Killers were ejected or killed",
+ "CovenRemain": "\n{0} Coven remain",
+ "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "All Impostors and Neutral Killers and Coven were ejected or killed",
"GameOverReason.HumansByTask": "Los Tripulantes completaron sus tareas",
"GameOverReason.HumansDisconnect": "Los Tripulantes se desconectaron",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByVote": "Los Tripulantes fueron exiliados",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByKill": "Los Impostores mataron a todos",
- "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "Los Tripulantes han fallado de arreglar un sabotaje crítico",
+ "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "Crewmates failed to fix a Critical Sabotage",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorDisconnect": "Los Impostores se desconectaron",
"FortuneTellerCheck.TaskDone": "[{0}]Role -[{1}]",
- "DevAndSpnTitle": "Familia TOHE",
+ "DevAndSpnTitle": "TOHE Family",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Null": "{0} es un rol que no está en la lista.\nEsto no debería pasar.",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Result": "{0} is either one of the following roles:\n{1}",
"SunnyboyChance": "Probabilidad del Chico Soleado",
@@ -2687,18 +2871,18 @@
"DeathCmd.Misfired": "Haz errado el tiro.",
"DeathCmd.Shrouded": "Has sido cubierto en la oscuridad de la Mortaja y no asesinaste a nadie, por lo que te suicidaste.",
"DeathCmd.Lovers": "Tu amante ha muerto.",
- "RpsCommandInfo": "This Command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rps X to play Rock Paper Scissors with the system. X can be 0 (rock), 1 (paper) or 2 (scissors). \n\nExample :- /rps 0",
+ "RpsCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rps X to play Rock Paper Scissors with the system. X can be 0 (rock), 1 (paper) or 2 (scissors). \n\nExample :- /rps 0",
"RpsDraw": "Elijo {0}\n\n¡Guau!, ¡Que intensa batalla que acabamos de presenciar! Es como si fuesemos igualmente emparejados en un juego de pura suerte y aleatoriedad.",
"RpsLose": "Elijo {0}\n\nBueno, bueno, bueno, parece que me las he arreglado para superar a un humano en inteligencia una vez más en este juego tan complejo de Piedra, Papel, o Tijeras. ¡Parece que mis poderes invencibles vuelven a la acción! ",
- "RpsWin": "I choose {0}\n\nOh, congratulations! You must have a crystal ball hidden behind that screen to beat me at Rock, Paper, Scissors. Or maybe I have the world's worst luck algorithm.",
- "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "This Command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.",
+ "RpsWin": "I choose {0}\n\nOh, congratulations! You must have a Crystal Ball hidden behind that screen to beat me at Rock, Paper, Scissors. Or maybe I have the world's worst luck algorithm.",
+ "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.",
"CoinFlipResult": "Redoble de tambores, por favor... Después de una intensa batalla entre la gravedad y el azar, ¡la moneda ha decidido honrarnos con su presencia! Y el majestuoso ganador es... (espéralo)... el único... ¡{0}! ¡¿Quién podría haberlo visto venir?! Claramente, una ocasión trascendental en la historia de los lanzamientos de moneda.",
- "GNoCommandInfo": "This Command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /gno X to play guess a number. X can be a number between 0 and 99 (both included). \n\nYou get maximum of 7 tries to guess the number.\n\n Example:- /gno 10",
+ "GNoCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /gno X to play guess a number. X can be a number between 0 and 99 (both included). \n\nYou get maximum of 7 tries to guess the number.\n\n Example:- /gno 10",
"GNoLost": "Oh, you were so close! Just one more guess: you might have deciphered the Da Vinci code! By the way, the secret number was... {0}! But hey, you were only off by a few billion possibilities. Better luck next time, Sherlock! ",
"GNoLow": "Oh, you're really nailing this! It's so low. I almost need a shovel to dig it up!\nYou have {0} guesses left!",
"GNoHigh": "Oh, absolutely! You're getting warmer. In fact, it's so high that I need a telescope to see it from here! \nYou have {0} guesses left!",
"GNoWon": "Oh, ¿cómo te diste cuenta de eso? ¡Es casi como si leyeras la mente! ¡Felicidades, eres un genio! ¡Encontraste el número secreto cuando te quedaban {0} adivinanzas!",
- "RandCommandInfo": "This Command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rand X Y to get a number between X and Y, inclusive. \nX and Y can be any number between 0 and 2147483647, including both numbers.\nX must be less than Y.\n\nExample:- /rand 0 99",
+ "RandCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rand X Y to get a number between X and Y, inclusive. \nX and Y can be any number between 0 and 2147483647, including both numbers.\nX must be less than Y.\n\nExample:- /rand 0 99",
"RandResult": "Felicidades, ¡tu número aleatorio es {0}! ¿No te lo has pasado bien?",
"8BallTitle": "The Magic 8 Ball Reveals...",
"8BallYes": "Yes",
@@ -2709,7 +2893,7 @@
"8BallNotLikely": "Outlook not so good",
"8BallLikely": "Outlook good",
"8BallDontCount": "Don't count on it",
- "8BallStop": "Stop using an 8Ball in an Among Us mod",
+ "8BallStop": "Stop using an 8Ball in an Among Us Mod",
"8BallPossibly": "Possibly",
"8BallProbably": "Probably",
"8BallProbablyNot": "Probably not",
@@ -2718,20 +2902,20 @@
"8BallWithoutDoubt": "Without a doubt",
"8BallWithDoubt": "Very doubtful",
"ChanceToMiss": "Probabilidad de fallar un asesinato",
- "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "Número de almas requeridos",
+ "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "Required number of Souls",
"SoulCollectorTarget": "Has predicho la muerte de {0}",
"SoulCollectorTitle": "RECOLECTOR DE ALMAS",
- "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "Puede recolectar su propia alma",
- "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "Los ajustes del anfitrión no te permiten recolectar tu propia alma",
+ "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "Can collect their own Soul",
+ "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "Host settings do not allow you to collect your own Soul",
"SoulCollectorToDeath": "You have become Death!!!",
"SoulCollectorTransform": "Now Soul Collector has become Death, Destroyer of Worlds and Horseman of the Apocalypse!
Find them and vote them out before they bring forth Armageddon!",
- "GetPassiveSouls": "Gain a passive soul every round",
- "PassiveSoulGained": "You have gained a passive soul from the underworld.",
+ "GetPassiveSouls": "Gain a passive Soul every round",
+ "PassiveSoulGained": "You have gained a passive Soul from the underworld.",
"SoulCollectorTargetUsed": "You've already targeted someone this round!",
"SoulCollectorSoulGained": "Soul gained",
"SoulCollectorCanVent": "Soul Collector can Vent",
"DeathMeetingTimeIncrease": "Increased Meeting time when Death exists",
- "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "Your target has died during the meeting. You have gained a soul.",
+ "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "Your target has died during the meeting. You have gained a Soul.",
"SoulCollectorKillButtonText": "Predict",
"SoulCollectorHasImpostorVision": "Soul Collector has Impostor vision",
"ApocalypseIsNigh": "[ The Apocalypse Is Nigh! ]",
@@ -2754,21 +2938,21 @@
"BakerBreadGivesEffects": "El pan da efectos adicionales",
"BakerTransformNoMoreBread": "Baker transforms if they do not have enough bread",
"FamineKillButtonText": "Hambre",
- "FamineStarveCooldown": "Tiempo de espera de la Hambruna para matar de hambre",
+ "FamineStarveCooldown": "Famine Starve Cooldown",
"FamineCantStarveApoc": "¡No puedes matar de hambre a otros miembros del Apocalipsis!",
"FamineAlreadyStarved": "El Jugador ya ha muerto de hambre!",
"FamineStarved": "Jugador ha muerto de hambre",
"ChronomancerKillCooldown": "Tiempo de carga de habilidad",
"ChronomancerDecreaseTime": "Slaughter Decrease Time (lower is faster)",
"ChronomancerStartMassacre": "SLAUGHTER: ACTIVATED",
- "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "Vision When In Slaughter",
+ "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "Vision When in Slaughter",
"ShamanButtonText": "Vudú",
- "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "Ya has elegido una muñeca de vudú en esta ronda",
+ "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "You have already selected a Voodoo Doll in this round",
"Shaman_KillerCannotMurderChosenTarget": "El asesino no puede matar el objetivo escogido",
"VoodooCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para hacer Vudú",
"AdminWarning": "¡Mesa de Admin en uso!",
"VitalsWarning": "¡Vitales en uso!",
- "DoorlogWarning": "¡Registros de Puertas en uso!",
+ "DoorlogWarning": "DoorLogs in use!",
"CameraWarning": "¡Cámaras en uso!",
"MinWaitAutoStart": "Minutos a esperar antes de empezar automáticamente",
"MaxWaitAutoStart": "Forzar inicio cuando el Temporadizador de la Sala de Espera (en minutos) va por debajo de",
@@ -2789,39 +2973,39 @@
"TimeMasterVentButtonText": "Escudo del Tiempo",
"BodyCannotBeReported": "El cuerpo no se pudo reportar.",
"BurstKillDelay": "Retraso de muerte por explosión",
- "BurstNotify": "¡Ese jugador tenía explosivos! Ingresa a un ducto o Morirás.",
+ "BurstNotify": "That was a Burst! Get in a Vent or die.",
"BurstFailed": "El Explosivo falló en bombardearte",
"ShroudButtonText": "Envolver",
"ShroudCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para cubrir",
"Message.Shrouded": "Uno o más jugadores fueron cubiertos en un velo de oscuridad por la Mortaja.\n\n¡Deshazte de ella o todos los jugadores cubiertos se quitarán la vida!",
- "LudopathRandomKillCD": "Tiempo de espera para matar máximo",
+ "LudopathRandomKillCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
"UnderdogMaximumPlayersNeededToKill": "Cantidad de jugadores máximas para empezar a matar",
"GodfatherTargetCountMode": "El asesino se convierte en",
"GodfatherCount_Refugee": "Refugiado",
"GodfatherCount_Madmate": "Loco",
"GodfatherRefugeeMsg": "You have been recruited by GodFather!",
- "MissChance": "Posibilidad de fracaso",
- "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "Increase The KillCount +1 If a Crew Is Converted",
+ "MissChance": "Chance to Miss",
+ "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "Increase the KillCount +1 if a Crewmate is Converted",
"HawkMissed": "Fallastes!",
- "HawkCanKillNum": "Rebanadas máximas",
+ "HawkCanKillNum": "Maximum Slices",
"HawkKillMax": "Te has quedado sin usos de habilidades",
"HawkKillTooManyDead": "Demasiadas personas han muerto",
- "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "Minimas personas vivas para matar",
- "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "Max BloodLettings",
+ "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "Minimum Players Alive to Kill",
+ "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "Maximum BloodLettings",
"BloodMoonTimeTilDie": "Tiempto hasta la muerte",
"PossessorPossessCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para poseer a alguien",
"PossessorPossessDuration": "Duración de posesion",
"PossessorAlertRange": "Rango de alerta",
"PossessorFocusRange": "Rango de Enfoque",
"DeathTimer": "Muerte en: {DeathTimer}s",
- "BerserkerKillCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para matar del Guerrero",
- "BerserkerMax": "Nivel máximo que puede alcanzar el Guerrero",
+ "BerserkerKillCooldown": "Berserker Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerMax": "Maximum level that Berserker can reach",
"BerserkerHasImpostorVision": "Berserker Has Impostor Vision",
"WarHasImpostorVision": "War Has Impostor Vision",
"BerserkerCanVent": "Berserker Can Vent",
"WarCanVent": "War Can Vent",
- "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "Desbloquear tiempo de espera para matar bajo",
- "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para matar después de desbloquear",
+ "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "Unlock lower Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after unlocking",
"BerserkerTwoCanScavenger": "Desbloquear asesinatos de carroñero",
"BerserkerThreeCanBomber": "Desbloquear asesinatos de bombardero",
"BerserkerFourCanNotKill": "Conviertate en Guerra",
@@ -2831,7 +3015,7 @@
"KilledByBerserker": "Asesinado por el Guerrero",
"BerserkerToWar": "¡¡¡Te has convertido en Guerra!!!",
"BerserkerTransform": "The Berserker has transformed into War, Horseman of the Apocalypse! Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war.",
- "WarKillCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para muertes de guerra",
+ "WarKillCooldown": "War Kill Cooldown",
"BerserkerCanKillTeamate": "Can kill other Neutral Apocalypse",
"BlackmailerSkillCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para extorsionar",
"BlackmailerMax": "Veces máximas en las que jugadores extorsionados podrán hablar",
@@ -2839,7 +3023,7 @@
"BlackmaileKillTitle": "EXTORSIONISTA",
"UnluckyTaskSuicideChance": "Probabilidad de suicidarse mientras haces tareas",
"UnluckyKillSuicideChance": "Probabilidad de suicidarse mientras asesinas",
- "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "Probabilidad de suicidarse mientras usas ducto",
+ "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from Venting",
"UnluckyReportSuicideChance": "Probabilidad de suicidarse mientras reportas un cuerpo",
"UnluckyOpenDoorSuicideChance": "Probabilidad de suicidarse mientras abres una puerta",
"NeutralCanBeAware": "Los Neutrales pueden ser Precavidos",
@@ -2860,7 +3044,7 @@
"PenguinKillButtonText": "Arrastrar",
"PenguinTimerText": "Temporizador de arrastre",
"PenguinTargetOnCheckMurder": "Te han agarrado, trata de escapar primero!",
- "WitnessTime": "Tiempo Máximo después de Matar que el Asesino Está Nombrado En Rojo",
+ "WitnessTime": "Maximum Time after killing where killer appears red",
"WitnessButtonText": "Examinar",
"WitnessFoundInnocent": "✓",
"WitnessFoundKiller": "⚠",
@@ -2871,7 +3055,7 @@
"SwapVote": "¡Los votos de {0} y {1} han sido intercambiados!",
"SwapDead": "Lo sentimos, pero no puedes intercambiar votos después de la muerte.",
"SwapNull": "Por favor, elige el ID de un jugador vivopara intercambiar votos. Usa 253 para empezar de nuevo",
- "SwapHelp": "Formato del Comando: /sw [ID de jugador] para elegir el objetivo\nEl número al lado del nombre de los otros es su ID, pero puedes escribir /id para ver los IDs en el chat.\nUsa /swap 253 para deshacer el intercambio",
+ "SwapHelp": "Command Format: /sw [player ID] to select the target\nYou can see the player ID's next to the player names or use /id to see the player ID list.\nUse /swap 253 to clear your previous swap",
"Swap1": "Objetivo 1 del intercambio seleccionado",
"Swap2": "Objetivo 2 del intercambio seleccionado",
"CancelSwap": "¡Deshazistes tu intercambio anterior!",
@@ -2883,6 +3067,7 @@
"ImpCanKillFragile": "Los Impostores pueden forzar el asesinato del Frágil",
"NeutralCanKillFragile": "Los Impostores pueden forzar el asesinato del Frágil",
"CrewCanKillFragile": "Los Tripulantes pueden forzar el asesinato del Frágil",
+ "CovenCanKillFragile": "Coven can force kill Fragile",
"FragileKillerLunge": "El Asesino se abalanza sobre el objetivo al matar",
"CrusaderSkillLimit": "Cruzadas Máximas",
"CrusaderSkillCooldown": "Tiempo de Recuperación de Cruzadas",
@@ -2893,11 +3078,11 @@
"ChanceToSpawn": "Probabilidad de Aparecer",
"ChanceToSpawnAnother": "Probabilidad de Aparecer Otro",
"BloodthirstKillCD": "Tiempo de espera para matar con Sed de Sangre",
- "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "Jugadores nesecitados vivos para la Sed de Sangre",
+ "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "Maximum players alive for Bloodthirst",
"ReflectHarmfulInteractions": "Reflejar interacciones dañinas",
- "DiseasedCDOpt": "Incrementar tu tiempo de espera por",
+ "DiseasedCDOpt": "Increase the Cooldown by",
"DiseasedCDReset": "El tiempo de espera vuelve a la normalidad por una reunión",
- "AntidoteCDOpt": "Reducir el tiempo de espera por",
+ "AntidoteCDOpt": "Decrease the Cooldown by",
"AntidoteCDReset": "El tiempo de espera vuelve a la normalidad por una reunión",
"GlowRadius": "Radio de Resplandor",
"GlowVisionOthers": "Aumento de visión para jugadores cercanos",
@@ -2914,10 +3099,10 @@
"PunchingBagKill": "¡Has sido atacado!",
"SelfGuessPunchingBag": "¡No puedes adivinarte a ti mismo como el Saco de Boxeo, tramposo!",
"GuessPunchingBagBlocked": "El Saco de Boxeo no puede adivinar debido a poderse adivinar a si mismo.",
- "EradicatePunchingBag": "Acabas de intentar acabar con el saco de boxeo, lo cual no es permitido.",
+ "EradicatePunchingBag": "You just tried to terminate Punching Bag, that is not allowed.",
"RememberCooldown": "Imitar Tiempo de Espera",
"RefugeeKillCD": "Tiempo de espera para matar del Refugiado",
- "RememberedNeutralKiller": "¡Has recordado ser un asesino neutral!",
+ "RememberedNeutralKiller": "You remembered you were a Neutral killer!",
"RememberedMaverick": "¡Has recordado ser un Disidente!",
"RememberedPursuer": "¡Has recordado ser un Perseguidor!",
"RememberedFollower": "¡Has recordado ser un Seguidor!",
@@ -2926,12 +3111,12 @@
"ReportWhenFailedRemember": "Report Dead Body when failed to remember",
"RememberedImitator": "Recordaste que eras un Imitador.",
"RememberedImpostor": "¡Recordaste que eras un Impostor!",
- "RememberedCrewmate": "¡Recordaste que eras un Tripulante!",
+ "RememberedCrewmate": "You remembered you were a Crewmate!",
"ImitatorImitated": "¡Un Imitador imitó tu rol!",
"ImitatorInvalidTarget": "La Imitación falló",
"RememberButtonText": "Recordar",
"ImitatorKillButtonText": "Imitar",
- "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "Si el rol neutral es incompatible, convertirte en",
+ "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "If Neutral is incompatible, turn into",
"RememberedYourRole": "¡Un Amnésico ha recordado tu rol!",
"YouRememberedRole": "¡Recordaste quién solías ser!",
"BanditStealMode": "Modo de Robo",
@@ -2939,23 +3124,19 @@
"BanditStealMode_Instantly": "Instantaneamente",
"BanditMaxSteals": "Robos Máximos",
"BanditCanStealBetrayalAddon": "Puede Robar Complementos Traicioneros",
- "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "Puede Robar Agregados de Impostores",
- "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "No se pudo robar el complemento del jugador",
- "BanditStealCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para robar",
+ "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "Can Steal Impostor Only Add-ons",
+ "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "Could not steal Add-on from the player",
+ "BanditStealCooldown": "Steal Cooldown",
"DoppelMaxSteals": "Robos Máximos",
- "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "La última víctima puede ver los roles de los jugadores vivos y la información adicional como un fantasma",
- "NecromancerRevengeTime": "Necromancy time",
- "NecromancerRevenge": "Tienes {0} segundos para matar a {1}",
- "NecromancerSuccess": "¡Necromancia completa! Vives para ver otro día.",
- "NecromancerHide": "¡Usar ducto está deshabilitado, escóndete del Nigromante!",
- "RetributionistDeadMsg": "La muerte del Retribucionista da comienzo al principio de la retribución. \nPor favor, usa /ret + [ID del jugador] para matar al jugador especificado.\nPodrás ver el ID del jugador alado de su nombre, o escriba /ret para obtener una lista de los IDs de los jugadores",
+ "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "Last victim can see Role and Add-on info of alive players as a ghost",
+ "RetributionistDeadMsg": "The death of the Retributionist means the beginning of retribution. \nPlease use /ret + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /ret to get a list of player ID's",
"RetributionistAliveKill": "La retribución de la Retribucionista sólo podrá comenzar después de su muerte.",
"RetributionistKillMax": "¡Alcanzaste el número máximo de asesinatos, ya no puedes matar!",
"RetributionistKillDead": "Elija a un jugador vivo para matar.",
"RetributionistKillSucceed": "¡{0} fue asesinado por el Retribucionista!",
"RetributionistKillDisable": "No puedes retribuir hasta que termines tus tareas.",
"CanOnlyRetributeWithTasksDone": "Sólo puedes retribuir al completar la tarea",
- "RetributionistCanKillNum": "Retribuciones máximas",
+ "RetributionistCanKillNum": "Maximum retributions",
"RetributionistKillTooManyDead": "Hay demasiados jugadores muertos, no puedes retribuir.",
"MinimumPlayersAliveToRetri": "Número mínimo de personas vivas para retribuir",
"MinimumNoKillerEjectsToKill": "Reuniones mínimas que han pasado sin expulsiones asesinas que matar",
@@ -2974,37 +3155,39 @@
"CaptainCanTargetNC": "El capitán puede apuntar al Caos Neutral",
"CaptainCanTargetNA": "El capitán puede tener a un Caos Neutral como objetivo",
"CaptainCanTargetNK": "El capitán puede apuntar a Asesinos Neutrales",
+ "CaptainCanTargetCoven": "Captain can target Coven",
"CaptainSpeedReduced": "El capitán ha reducido tu velocidad",
"CaptainRevealTaskRequired": "Número de tareas completadas después de las cuales se revela el Capitán",
"CaptainSlowTaskRequired": "Número de tareas completadas después de las cuales la velosidad del objetivo sea reducido",
"InspectorTryHideMsg": "Esconder comandos del Inspector",
- "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "Inspecciones Máximos por juego",
- "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "Inspecciones Máximas por reunión",
+ "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "Maximum inspections per game",
+ "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum inspections per meeting",
"InspectCheckTargetKnow": "El objetivo sabe que fue revisado por Inspector",
"InspectCheckOtherTargetKnow": "Los objetivos saben con quien fueron revisados",
"InspectorDead": "No puedes usar tu poder después de la muerte",
- "InspectCheckMax": "¡Inspecciones máximas por juego alcanzadas!\nNo puedes usar tu poder nunca más.",
- "InspectCheckRound": "¡Inspecciones máximas por ronda alcanzadas!\nPuedes revisar nuevamente la siguiente ronda.",
+ "InspectCheckMax": "Maximum inspections per game reached!\nYou can not use your power anymore.",
+ "InspectCheckRound": "Maximum inspections per round reached!\nYou can check again in the next round.",
"InspectCheckSelf": "¡¡HA!! ¿Pensaste que iba ser tan fácil? No puedes revisarte a ti mismo",
"InspectCheckReveal": "¡¡HA!! ¿Pensaste que iba ser tan fácil? No puedes revisar un rol que ya ha sido revelado",
"InspectCheckTitle": "INSPECTOR ",
"InspectCheckTrue": "¡{0} y {1} están en el mismo equipo!",
"InspectCheckFalse": "¡{0} y {1} NO están en el mismo equipo!",
"InspectCheckTargetMsg": " fue revisado por un Inspector.",
- "InspectCheckHelp": "Instrucciones: /cp [ID de jugador 1] [ID de jugador 2] \nEjemplo: /cmp 1 5 \nPuedes ver las IDs de jugadores al lado del nombre de todos \n o usar el comando /id para ver la lista de todas las IDs de jugadores",
+ "InspectCheckHelp": "Instructions: /cmp [Player ID 1] [Player ID 2] \nExample: /cmp 1 5 \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"InspectCheckNull": "Por favor, selecciona el ID de un jugador vivo para revisar si están en el mismo equipo",
"InspectCheckBaitCountMode": "Carnada cuenta como un rol que revela si la opción de que Carnada revela a la primera reunión está encendida",
"InspectCheckRevealTarget": "Cuando las tareas sean terminadas, el objetivo sabra el equipo de otro objetivo",
"InspectorTargetReveal": " Parece ser que {0} está alineado con el equipo {1}",
"EgoistCountMode.Original": "Original",
"EgoistCountMode.Neutral": "Neutral",
- "JailerJailCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para encarcelar",
+ "JailerJailCooldown": "Jail Cooldown",
"JailerMaxExecution": "Ejecuciones Máximas",
"JailerNBCanBeExe": "Puede ejecutar Benignos Neutrales",
"JailerNCCanBeExe": "Puede ejecutar Neutrales Caóticos",
"JailerNECanBeExe": "Puede ejecutar Neutrales Malignos",
"JailerNKCanBeExe": "Puede ejecutar Asesinatos Neutrales",
"JailerNACanBeExe": "Puede ejecutar Apocalipsis Neutrales",
+ "JailerCovenCanBeExe": "Can execute Coven",
"JailerCKCanBeExe": "Puede ejecutar Tripulantes Asesinos",
"JailerTargetAlreadySelected": "Ya has seleccionado a un objetivo",
"SuccessfullyJailed": "Objetivo encarcelado con éxito",
@@ -3013,40 +3196,43 @@
"CanNotTrialJailed": "No puedes juzgar al objetivo.",
"notifyJailedOnMeeting": "Notifica al jugador aprisionado cuando empieza una reunión",
"JailedNotifyMsg": "Has sido encerrado en una celda por un carcelero. Nadie puede adivinarte ni enviarte a juicio y sólo puedes adivinar al Carcelero.\n\nSi el Carcelero te vota, serás ejecutado después de que termine la reunión.",
- "JailerTitle": "Carcelero",
- "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para copiar",
+ "JailerTitle": "JAILER",
+ "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "Copy Cooldown",
"CopyCatRoleChange": "Tu rol ha cambiado a {0}",
"CopyCatCanNotCopy": "No puedes copiar el rol del objetivo",
"CopyButtonText": "Copiar",
- "CopyCrewVar": "Puede copiar variantes malignas de roles de tripulantes",
- "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "Puede copiar complementos de cambio de equipo",
- "MaxCleanserUses": "Limpiados Máximos",
+ "CopyCrewVar": "Can copy evil variants of Crewmate roles",
+ "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "Can copy team changing Add-on",
+ "MaxCleanserUses": "Maximum Cleanses",
"CleansedCanGetAddon": "Jugador limpiado puede recibir Agregado(s)",
"CleanserTitle": "CONSERJE",
"CleanserRemoveSelf": "No puedes limpiarte a ti mismo",
- "CleanserCantRemove": "¡Oops! el otro jugador no puede ser limpiado.",
+ "CleanserCantRemove": "Oops! the player can not be Cleansed.",
"CleanserRemovedRole": "{0} ha sido limpiado. Todos sus complementos se eliminarán después de la reunión.\n\nTu voto ha sido regresado y ahora puedes votar por alguien normalmente.",
- "LostAddonByCleanser": "El Purificador ha limpiado todos tus complementos",
- "MaxProtections": "Protecciones máximas",
+ "LostAddonByCleanser": "The Cleanser removed all your Add-ons",
+ "MaxProtections": "Maximum Protections",
"KeeperHideVote": "Esconde el voto del Guardador",
"KeeperProtect": "Elegiste proteger {0}, tu voto ha sido devuelto",
- "KeeperTitle": "Protector",
+ "KeeperTitle": "KEEPER",
"MaulRadius": "Radio de Acometido",
"ImpKnowCyberDead": "Los Impostores pueden saber si Cyber murió",
"CrewKnowCyberDead": "Los Tripulantes pueden saber si Cyber murió",
"NeutralKnowCyberDead": "Los Neutrales pueden saber si Cyber murió",
+ "CovenKnowCyberDead": "Coven know if Cyber died",
"CyberKnown": "Todos pueden ver al Cyber",
"KillerGetBewilderVision": "El Asesino recibe visión del Desconcertante",
"ImpCanBeOiiai": "Impostores pueden ser OIIAI",
"CrewCanBeOiiai": "Tripulantes pueden ser OIIAI",
"NeutralCanBeOiiai": "Los Neutrales pueden ser OIIAI",
+ "CovenCanBeOiiai": "Coven can be OIIAI",
"OiiaiCanPassOn": "OIIAI puede ser pasado al asesino",
"NeutralChangeRolesForOiiai": "Neutrales se convierten en ",
"LostRoleByOiiai": "¡Tu rol fue erradicado por OIIAI!",
"ImpCanBeLoyal": "Los Impostores pueden ser Leales",
"CrewCanBeLoyal": "Los Tripulantes pueden ser Leales",
+ "CovenCanBeLoyal": "Coven can become Loyal",
"TasklessCrewCanBeLazy": "Los Tripulantes sin tareas pueden ser Perezosos",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "Los Tripulantes con habilidades basadas en tareas pueden ser Perezosos",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "Task based Crewmates can be Lazy",
"SheriffCanBeMadmate": "El Sheriff puede ser Cómplice",
"MayorCanBeMadmate": "El Alcalde puede ser Cómplice",
"NGuesserCanBeMadmate": "El Adivino Benigno puede ser Cómplice",
@@ -3062,20 +3248,21 @@
"GanJudgeCanBeMadmate": "El Juez puede ser convertido",
"GanMarshallCanBeMadmate": "El Mariscal puede ser convertido",
"GanOverseerCanBeMadmate": "Overseer can be converted",
- "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "Aparecer como Cómplice al ser Exiliado",
+ "GanCovenCanBeMadmate": "Coven can be converted",
+ "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "Appear as Madmate on Ejection",
"CouncillorDead": "Lo sentimos, pero no puedes matar estando muerto.",
"CouncillorMurderMaxMeeting": "Sorry, you've reached the maximum amount of murders for the meeting.",
"CouncillorMurderMaxGame": "Lo sentimos, pero has llegado al número máximo de asesinatos por el juego.",
"Councillor_LaughToWhoMurderSelf": "Jajaja, ¿Quién se le habría ocurrido matarse a si mismos?\n\nParece que ese eres... ¡TÚ!",
"Councillor_MurderKill": "{0} fue asesinado.",
- "Councillor_MurderHelp": "Comando: /tl [ID de Jugador]\nPuedes ver los ID de jugadores al lado de sus nombres.\nO usa /id para ver la lista de todos los IDs de los jugadores.",
+ "Councillor_MurderHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Councillor_MurderNull": "Por favor, elige un jugador vivo para asesinar.",
"Councillor_MurderKillTitle": "Juicio Malvado ",
"CouncillorMakeEvilJudgeClear": "Muestra el juicio como Asesinato Concejal",
"Councillor_CannotMurderImpTeam": "Perdon, pero no puedes matar a tu compañero.",
"Councillor_SuicideForMurderImps": "Haz muerto porque haz tratado matar a tus miembros del equipo.",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "Muertes máximas durante las reuniones",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "Muertes máximas durante el juego",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Kills per Meeting",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "Maximum Kills per Game",
"CouncillorCanMurderMadmate": "Puede Asesinar Cómplices",
"CouncillorCanMurderImpostor": "Puede Asesinar Impostores",
"CouncillorSuicideOnJudgeImpTeam": "Suicidio al juzgar erróneamente al equipo de Impostores",
@@ -3083,12 +3270,12 @@
"CouncillorTryHideMsg": "Intentar esconder comandos del Consejal",
"DazzlerDazzled": "¡Has sido deslumbrado por el Deslumbrante!",
"DazzlerCauseVision": "Visión Reducida",
- "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "Número máximo de jugadores afectado por visión reducida",
+ "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "Maximum number of players affected by reduced vision",
"DazzlerResetDazzledVisionOnDeath": "Reiniciar visión de jugadores deslumbrados al morir/ser exiliado",
"DazzleCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para deslumbrar",
"DazzleButtonText": "Deslumbrar",
"MoleVentButtonText": "Escarbar",
- "MoleVentCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para escarbar",
+ "MoleVentCooldown": "Dig Cooldown",
"AddictVentButtonText": "Arreglar",
"AddictInvulnerbilityTimeAfterVent": "Duración de Invulnerabilidad",
"AddictSpeedWhileInvulnerble": "Movement speed while Invulnerable",
@@ -3102,13 +3289,13 @@
"AlchemistVentButtonText": "Beber",
"AlchemistGotShieldPotion": "Poción de Resistencia: Da un escudo temporal",
"AlchemistGotSightPotion": "Poción de Visión Nocturna: Da visión mejorada temporalmente",
- "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "Poción de Arreglo: Te permite arreglar un sabotaje instantaneamente",
+ "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "Potion of Fixing: Allows you to fix one Sabotage instantly",
"AlchemistGotTPPotion": "Poción de Teletransporte: Te teletransporta a un jugador aleatorio",
"AlchemistGotSuicidePotion": "Poción de Veneno: Te envenena",
"AlchemistGotSpeedPotion": "Poción de Velocidad: Esta poción tiene cafeína para un regimiento",
"AlchemistGotBloodthirstPotion": "Potion of Harming: Kill the next player you touch",
"AlchemistGotInvisibility": "Poción de Invisibilidad: Pasarás desapercibido",
- "NoPotion": "No tienes pociones",
+ "NoPotion": "You have no Potions",
"StoreShield": "Poción de Resistencia",
"StoreSuicide": "Poción de Veneno",
"StoreTP": "Poción de Teletransporte",
@@ -3124,22 +3311,22 @@
"AlchemistHasVision": "Poción de Visión Nocturna usada",
"AlchemistShieldOut": "Poción de Resistencia terminada",
"AlchemistVisionOut": "Poción de Visión Nocturna terminada",
- "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "Ganaste Sed de Sangre",
+ "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "You gained Bloodthirst",
"AlchemistHasSpeed": "El efecto de la Poción de Velocidad ha empesado",
"AlchemistSpeedOut": "El efecto de la Poción de Velocidad se a agotado",
- "DeathpactDuration": "Duración del Pacto de la Muerte",
- "DeathPactCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para asignar Pacto de la Muerte",
- "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "Número de jugadores en el Pacto de la Muerte",
- "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "Mostrar flechas apuntando a otros jugadores en el Pacto de la Muerte",
- "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "Reducir visión para jugadores en el Pacto de la Muerte",
- "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "Visión para jugadores en el Pacto de la Muerte",
- "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "Matar jugadores en el Pacto de la Muerte durante reunión",
- "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "Jugadores con Pacto de la Muerte activo pueden llamar reunión",
+ "DeathpactDuration": "Deathpact Duration",
+ "DeathPactCooldown": "Deathpact Assign Cooldown",
+ "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "Number of players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "Show arrows leading to other players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "Reduce vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "Vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "Kill players in Deathpact on meeting",
+ "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "Players in active Deathpact can call meeting",
"DeathpactActiveDeathpact": "Encuentra {0} en {1} segundo(s).",
- "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "Objetivo no puede ser agregado al Pacto de la Muerte.",
- "DeathpactComplete": "El Pacto de la Muerte concluyó.",
- "DeathpactExecuted": "El Pacto de la Muerte fue ejecutado.",
- "DeathpactAverted": "El Pacto de la Muerte fue evitado.",
+ "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "Target can't be added to Deathpact.",
+ "DeathpactComplete": "Deathpact was concluded.",
+ "DeathpactExecuted": "Deathpact was executed.",
+ "DeathpactAverted": "Deathpact was averted.",
"DeathpactButtonText": "Asignar",
"DevourerHideNameConsumed": "Esconder nombres de jugadores consumidos",
"DevourCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para devorar",
@@ -3167,7 +3354,6 @@
"PitfallTrapCauseVisionTime": "Tiempo de visión reducida por una trampa",
"PitfallTrap": "¡Has caído en una trampa!",
"ConsigliereDivinationMaxCount": "Revelaciones máximas",
- "RitualMaxCount": "Maximum Reveals",
"CleanserHideVote": "Esconder el voto del Conserje",
"OracleSkillLimit": "Usos Máximos",
"OracleHideVote": "Esconder el voto del Oráculo",
@@ -3175,17 +3361,18 @@
"OracleCheckSelfMsg": "No confías ni en ti mismo, ¿eh?",
"OracleCheckLimit": "Recordatorio: Te quedan {0} usos restantes",
"OracleCheckMsgTitle": "ORÁCULO ",
- "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "No aparenta ser un tripulante",
- "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "Aparenta ser un tripulate",
- "OracleCheck.Neutral": "Aparenta ser un neutral",
+ "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "Appears not to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "Appears to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Neutral": "Appears to be a Neutral",
"OracleCheck.Impostor": "Aparenta ser un Impostor",
+ "OracleCheck.Coven": "Appears to be Coven",
"OracleCheck": "Resultados del Objetivo:",
"FailChance": "Probabilidad de mostrar resultados incorrectos",
- "OracleCheckAddons": "El Oráculo revisa Add-ons",
+ "OracleCheckAddons": "Oracle checks Add-ons",
"ChameleonCanVent": "Usa el ducto para camuflarte",
"ChameleonInvisState": "¡Estas camuflado!",
"ChameleonInvisStateOut": "Tu camuflaje terminó",
- "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "Habilidad aún en enfriamiento, camuflaje fallido",
+ "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, disguise failed",
"ChameleonInvisStateCountdown": "El camuflaje se acabará en {0} segundos",
"ChameleonInvisCooldownRemain": "Tiempo de espera para camuflarte: {0} segundos",
"ChameleonCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para camuflarte",
@@ -3200,11 +3387,12 @@
"CursedSoulCurseCooldownIncrese": "Incremento de Tiempo de Espera para Arrebatar Alma",
"CursedSoulCurseMax": "Arrebatamiento de Almas Máximos",
"CursedSoulKnowTargetRole": "Conocer los roles de jugadores Desalmados",
- "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "Roles neutrales tienen almas",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "Neutral roles have Souls",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseCoven": "Coven roles have Souls",
"CursedSoulKillButtonText": "Arrebatar",
- "SoullessByCursedSoul": "Una Alma Maldita te arrebato la alma",
+ "SoullessByCursedSoul": "A Cursed Soul snatched your Soul",
"CursedSoulSoullessPlayer": "Alma Arrebatada",
- "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "No se encontró ningún alma",
+ "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "No Soul found",
"AdmireCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para admirar",
"AdmirerKnowTargetRole": "Conocer los roles de jugadores Admirados",
"AdmirerSkillLimit": "Límite de Habilidad",
@@ -3213,7 +3401,7 @@
"AdmiredPlayer": "Jugador admirado",
"AdmirerInvalidTarget": "El objetivo no puede ser admirado",
"SpiritualistNoticeTitle": "ESPIRITUALISTA ",
- "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "¡El Espiritualista tiene una flecha apuntando a ti!\nPuedes usarla para guiarlo a un asesino o incriminar a un tripulante",
+ "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "The Spiritualist has an arrow pointing to you!\nYou can use them to a killer or frame a Crewmate",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowForSeconds": "Duración de la flecha de fantasmas",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowEverySeconds": "Intérvalo de la flecha de fantasmas",
"EnigmaClueStage1Tasks": "Numero de Tareas necesarias para ver Pistas de Nivel 1",
@@ -3251,11 +3439,12 @@
"EnigmaClueRole2": "¡El Asesino es un Neutro!",
"EnigmaClueRole3": "¡El Asesino es un Tripulante!",
"EnigmaClueRole4": "El rol del asesino es {0}!",
+ "EnigmaClueRole5": "The Killer is a Coven member!",
"EnigmaClueLevel1": "El Nivel del Asesino es superior a 50, parece ser un buen oponente!",
"EnigmaClueLevel2": "El Nivel del Asesino es inferior a 50, parece que aún le falta experiencia!",
"EnigmaClueLevel3": "El Nivel del Asesino está entre {0} y {1}!",
"EnigmaClueLevel4": "El Asesino es de Nivel {0}!",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "El Código de Amigo del Asesino es {0}. Me preocupa que te hagas amigo de alguien que acaba de asesinar a otra persona!",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "The Killer's Friend Code is {0}!",
"EnigmaClueHatTitle": "Enigma ¡Pista de Sombrero!",
"EnigmaClueVisorTitle": "Enigma ¡Pista de Visera!",
"EnigmaClueSkinTitle": "Enigma ¡Pista de Traje!",
@@ -3267,10 +3456,11 @@
"EnigmaClueStatusTitle": "Enigma ¡Pista de Estado!",
"EnigmaClueRoleTitle": "Enigma ¡Pista de Rol!",
"EnigmaClueLevelTitle": "Enigma ¡Pista de Nivel!",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "Enigma ¡Pista de Clave de Amigo!",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "Enigma Friend Code Clue!",
"ImpCanBeRole": "Los Impostores pueden convertirse en {role}",
"CrewCanBeRole": "Los Tripulantes pueden convertirse en {role}",
"NeutralCanBeRole": "Neutrales pueden convertirse en {role}",
+ "CovenCanBeRole": "Coven can become {role}",
"VotesPerKill": "Votos ganados por cada asesinato",
"PickpocketGetVote": "Ahora tienes {0} votos",
"VultureArrowsPointingToDeadBody": "Flechas apuntando a cuerpos de muertos",
@@ -3281,7 +3471,7 @@
"VultureMaxEatenInOneRound": "Máximo de cuerpos consumidos posibles por ronda",
"VultureCooldownUp": "Tiempo de espera para consumir terminado",
"GhastlyPossessCD": "Tiempo de espera para poseer a alguien",
- "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "Posesiones Máximas",
+ "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "Maximum Possessions",
"GhastlyPossessionDuration": "Duración de la posesion",
"GhastlySpeed": "Velocidad de Fangasma",
"GhastlyKillAllies": "Fangasma no puede poseer a sus aliados",
@@ -3294,7 +3484,7 @@
"GhastlyExpired": "{0} ya no esta siendo poseído",
"TasksMarkPerRound": "Número de tareas que pueden ser marcadas en una ronda",
"TaskinatorBombPlanted": "La bomba ha sido plantada",
- "ShieldDuration": "Duración del Escudo",
+ "ShieldDuration": "Shield Duration",
"ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "El Escudo se rompe después de un intento de asesinato",
"BenefactorTaskMarked": "Tareas marcadas con éxito",
"BenefactorTargetGotShield": "Has sido protegido por el Beneficiario",
@@ -3316,14 +3506,14 @@
"Heads": "Cara",
"Tails": "Cruz",
"SpyRedNameDur": "Duración del Nombre Colorido",
- "SpyInteractionBlocked": "Bloquear interacciones con el boton de matar",
- "AgitaterBombCooldown": "Tiempo de Espera para la bomba del Agitador",
- "AgitaterPassCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para pasar bomba",
- "BombExplodeCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para explotar la bomba",
+ "SpyInteractionBlocked": "Block Kill button interaction",
+ "AgitaterBombCooldown": "Agitator Bomb Cooldown",
+ "AgitaterPassCooldown": "Bomb Pass Cooldown",
+ "BombExplodeCooldown": "Bomb Explode Cooldown",
"AgitaterPassNotify": "Bomba pasada con éxito",
"AgitaterTargetNotify": "¡¡TIENES LA BOMBA!! Pasasela a alguien más",
"AgitaterCanGetBombed": "El Agitador puede recibir la bomba",
- "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "El Agitador reporta la Carnada",
+ "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "Agitator can Auto Report Bait",
"SeekerPointsToWin": "Número de puntos requeridos para ganar",
"SeekerTagCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para etiquetar",
"SeekerNotify": "Tu objetivo es {0}",
@@ -3331,15 +3521,15 @@
"SeekerKillButtonText": "La Trais",
"PixiePointsToWin": "Número de puntos requeridos para ganar",
"MaxTargets": "Número máximo de objetivos por ronda",
- "MarkCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para marcar",
+ "MarkCooldown": "Mark Cooldown",
"PixieSuicide": "El Hada se suicidará si ningún objetivo es exiliado",
"PixieMaxTargetReached": "Ya has elegido todos tus objetivos esta ronda",
"PixieTargetAlreadySelected": "Ya has elegido a esta persona. Aunque la odies, solo la puedes seleccionar una vez",
"PixieButtonText": "Marcar",
- "PlagueBearerCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para pasar plaga",
- "PlagueBearerCanVent": "Can vent",
+ "PlagueBearerCooldown": "Plague Cooldown",
+ "PlagueBearerCanVent": "Can Vent",
"PlagueBearerHasImpostorVision": "Has Impostor vision",
- "PestilenceCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para matar de la Pestilencia",
+ "PestilenceCooldown": "Pestilence Kill Cooldown",
"PestilenceCanVent": "La Pestilencia Puede Usar Ducto",
"PestilenceHasImpostorVision": "La Pestilencia Tiene Visión de Impostor",
"PestilenceKillGuessers": "Kill players who guess Pestilence",
@@ -3365,24 +3555,25 @@
"RomanticProtectButtonText": "Protege",
"GuessMasterMisguess": "{0} adivinó mal",
"GuessMasterTargetRole": "Alguien intentó adivinar {0}",
- "GuessMasterTitle": "Adivino Maestro ",
+ "GuessMasterTitle": "GUESS MASTER ",
"DoomsayerAmountOfGuessesToWin": "Cantidad de Adivinanzas para ganar",
"DCanGuessImpostors": "Puede adivinar a los Impostores",
"DCanGuessCrewmates": "Puede adivinar roles de Tripulantes",
"DCanGuessNeutrals": "Puede adivinar Neutrales",
+ "DCanGuessCoven": "Can Guess Coven",
"DCanGuessAdt": "Puede adivinar agregados",
"DoomsayerAdvancedSettings": "Ajustes Avanzados",
- "DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "Número máximo de adivinanzas por reunión",
+ "DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "Maximum number of guesses per meeting",
"DoomsayerKillCorrectlyGuessedPlayers": "Mata correctamente jugadores adivinados",
"DoomsayerDoesNotSuicideWhenMisguessing": "El Agorero no se suicida cuando adivina de manera errónea",
"DoomsayerMisguessRolePrevGuessRoleUntilNextMeeting": "Adivinar de manera erróneo previene roles de adivinar hasta la próxima reunión",
"DoomsayerTryHideMsg": "Esconder los comandos del Agorero",
"DoomsayerCantGuess": "Lo sentimos, sólo puedes adivinar los roles en la siguiente reunión.",
"DoomsayerCorrectlyGuessRole": "¡Adivinaste el rol correctamente!\nPero el jugador no murió porque los ajustes del Anfitrión no permiten que muera",
- "DoomsayerNotCorrectlyGuessRole": "¡No adivinaste correctamente el rol!\nPero no moriste porque los ajustes del Anfitrión no permiten que mueras",
- "DoomsayerGuessCountMsg": "Adivinaste {0} roles correctamente",
+ "DoomsayerNotCorrectlyGuessRole": "You didn't correctly guess the Role!\nBut you didn't die because the Host's settings don't allow you to die",
+ "DoomsayerGuessCountMsg": "You correctly guessed {0} Roles",
"DoomsayerGuessCountTitle": "AGORERO",
- "DoomsayerGuessSameRoleAgainMsg": "Intentaste adivinar el mismo rol o agregado que adivinaste anteriormente",
+ "DoomsayerGuessSameRoleAgainMsg": "You tried to guess the same Role or Add-on that you guessed before",
"EveryoneCanKnowMini": "Todos pueden ver al Mini",
"CanBeEvil": "El Mini puede ser un Impostor",
"EvilMiniSpawnChances": "Probabilidad de que el Mini sea un Impostor",
@@ -3410,26 +3601,26 @@
"YouKillRandomizer3": "Señoras y señores, la Ruleta Rusa volverá en 10 minutos después de los anuncios!",
"YouKillRandomizer4": "Señoras y señores, parece que matastes a un mal perdedor, ahora tomara su revancha con alguien al azar en la Ruleta Rusa!",
"MadmateCanBeHurried": "El Apresurado puede ser un Loco desde el principio",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeHurried": "Los Tripulantes con tareas pueden ser Apresurados",
- "HurriedCanBeConverted": "Hurried can be recruited in the game (excludes madmate)",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeHurried": "Task-based Crewmates can be Hurried",
+ "HurriedCanBeConverted": "Hurried can be recruited in the game (excludes Madmate)",
"Developer": "Desarrollador",
"Sponsor": "Sponsor",
"Booster": "Acelerador del Servidor",
"Translator": "Traductor",
"NoAccess": "¡¡¡Acceso no autorizado!!!\n\n Para más información, abre un ticket en el servidor de Discord (discord.gg/tohe)",
"DCNotify.Hacking": "Estas vetado por uso ed hacks.",
- "DCNotify.Banned": "Estas vetado de este lobby.\n\nContacta al anfitrión si crees que fue un error.",
+ "DCNotify.Banned": "You were banned from this lobby.\n\nContact the Host if this was a mistake.",
"DCNotify.Kicked": "Fuiste expulsado de este lobby.\n\nPuedes reconectarte.",
"DCNotify.DCFromServer": "Te desconectaste del servidor.\nPuede ser un error con los servidores o tu internet.",
"DCNotify.GameNotFound": "El código de lobby es inválido.\n\nRevisa el código y/o servidor e inténtalo nuevamente.",
"DCNotify.GameStarted": "Este lobby se encuentra en partida.\n\nEspera al final o encuentra un lobby distinto.",
- "DCNotify.GameFull": "Este lobby esta actualmente lleno.\n\nContacta con el anfitrión para ver si te puedes unir.",
+ "DCNotify.GameFull": "This lobby is currently full.\n\nCheck with the Host to see if you may join.",
"DCNotify.IncorrectVersion": "Este lobby no soporta tu versión de Among Us.",
"DCNotify.Inactivity": "Este lobby cerró debido a inactividad.",
"DCNotify.Auth": "No estas autorizado.\n\nNecesitarás reiniciar tu juego.",
"DCNotify.DupeLogin": "Una instancia de tu cuenta ya se encuentra presente en este lobby.",
"DCNotify.InvalidSettings": "Los ajustes del juego han sido detectados como inválidos.\n\nIngresa al juego local para restablecerlos y vuelve a intentarlo.",
- "ModeDescribe.SoloKombat": "El modo actual es [Solo PVP]\nNo hay asignamiento de roles. Todos tienen vidas (HP) y pueden usar el boton de matar para causar daño a otros jugadores. El jugador con la mayor cantidad de asesinatos gana al final del juego.",
+ "ModeDescribe.SoloKombat": "Current Gamemode is [Solo PVP]\nNo role assignment. Everyone has HP and can use the Kill button to cause damage to other players. The player with the highest number of kills wins at the end of the game.",
"RoleType.VanillaRoles": "★ Roles Vanilla",
"RoleType.ImpKilling": "★ Roles de Impostor Asesinos",
"RoleType.ImpSupport": "★ Roles de Impostor de Soporte",
@@ -3448,6 +3639,10 @@
"RoleType.NeutralChaos": "★ Roles Neutrales Caóticos",
"RoleType.NeutralKilling": "★ Roles Neutrales Asesinos",
"RoleType.NeutralApocalypse": "★ Neutral Apocalypse Roles /apocalypseinfo",
+ "RoleType.CovenPower": "★ Coven Power Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenKilling": "★ Coven Killing Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenTrickery": "★ Coven Trickery Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenUtility": "★ Coven Utility Roles",
"RoleType.Harmful": "★ Agregados Dañinos",
"RoleType.Support": "★ Agregados de Soporte",
"RoleType.Helpful": "★ Agregados Útiles",
@@ -3456,7 +3651,7 @@
"RoleType.Impostor": "★ Agregados de Impostor",
"RoleType.Guesser": "Complementos de Adivinados",
"RoleType.Neut": "★ Agregados Neutrales",
- "RoleType.Experimental": "★ Roles Experimentales ADVERTENCIA: Usar con precaución, necesitan ser probados)",
+ "RoleType.Experimental": "★ Experimental Add-ons (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
"SubType.Impostor": "★ Impostores",
"SubType.Shapeshifter": "★ Cambiaformas",
"SubType.SemiShapeshifter": "★ Semi-Cambiaformas",
@@ -3467,10 +3662,12 @@
"CrewmateRoles": "★ Roles de Tripulante ★",
"ImpostorRoles": "★ Roles de Impostor ★",
"NeutralRoles": "★ Roles Neutrales ★",
+ "CovenRoles": "★ Coven Roles ★",
"AddonRoles": "★ Agregados ★",
"WinnerRoleText.Impostor": "¡Los Impostores Ganan!",
"WinnerRoleText.Crewmate": "¡Los Tripulantes Ganan!",
"WinnerRoleText.Apocalypse": "¡Apocalipsis Gana!",
+ "WinnerRoleText.Coven": "Coven Wins!",
"WinnerRoleText.Terrorist": "¡El Terrorista Gana!",
"WinnerRoleText.Jester": "¡El Bufón Gana!",
"WinnerRoleText.Lovers": "¡Los Amantes Ganan!",
@@ -3557,25 +3754,26 @@
"ForceEndText": "El Anfitrión ha abortado el juego",
"NiceMiniDied": "El Mini Benigno fue asesinado",
"HaterMisFireKillTarget": "El Resentido mata al objetivo cuando falle su disparo",
- "HaterChooseConverted": "Selecciona complementos que el Resentido pueda matar",
- "HaterCanKillMadmate": "Puede matar cómplices",
- "HaterCanKillCharmed": "Puede matar encantados",
- "HaterCanKillLovers": "Puede matar amantes",
- "HaterCanKillSidekick": "Puede matar el equipo de chacales",
- "HaterCanKillEgoist": "Puede matar al egoísta",
- "HaterCanKillInfected": "Puede matar al equipo de infectados",
- "HaterCanKillContagious": "Puede matar al equipo del virus",
- "HaterCanKillAdmired": "Puede matar admiradores",
+ "HaterChooseConverted": "Select Add-ons that Hater can kill",
+ "HaterCanKillMadmate": "Can kill Madmate",
+ "HaterCanKillCharmed": "Can kill Charmed",
+ "HaterCanKillLovers": "Can kill Lovers",
+ "HaterCanKillSidekick": "Can kill Jackal team",
+ "HaterCanKillEgoist": "Can kill Egoist",
+ "HaterCanKillInfected": "Can kill Infected team",
+ "HaterCanKillContagious": "Can kill Virus team",
+ "HaterCanKillAdmired": "Can kill Admirer",
+ "HaterCanKillEnchanted": "Can kill Enchanted",
"HorseMode": "Habilitar para convertirse en un caballo",
"LongMode": "Habilitar para tener un cuello largo",
"InfluencedChangeVote": "¡Uy! ¡Fuiste influenciado por los otros!\n¡No pudiste contener tu miedo y tu voto ha cambiado a {0}!",
"FFA": "Todos Contra Todos",
"ModeFFA": "Modo de Juego: TCT",
- "ModeDescribe.FFA": "En el modo de juego TCT (Todos Contra Todos), todos son asesinos y se puede matar a quien sea. El último jugador con vida gana.\n\nAlgunos eventos pondrán hacer que esto sea mucho mas divertido de vez en cuando!",
- "KillerInfoLong": "En el modo de juego TCT (Todos Contra Todos), todos son asesinos y se puede matar a quien sea. El último jugador con vida gana.\n\nAlgunos eventos pondrán hacer que esto sea mucho mas divertido de vez en cuando!",
+ "ModeDescribe.FFA": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
+ "KillerInfoLong": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
"FFA_GameTime": "Duración Máxima del Juego",
"FFA_KCD": "Tiempo de Espera para Matar",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "Prevenir uso de conductos cuando solo dos jugadores estan vivos",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "Prevent Venting when only 2 players are alive",
"FFA_EnableRandomAbilities": "Activar Conductos Aleatorios",
"FFA_ShieldDuration": "Duración del Escudo",
"FFA_IncreasedSpeed": "Velocidad Aumentada",
@@ -3586,15 +3784,15 @@
"FFA_EnableRandomTwists": "Activa aleatorios de posisiones de vez en cuando",
"FFA-Event-GetShield": "Tienes un escudo temporal!",
"FFA-Event-GetIncreasedSpeed": "¡Tienes un aumento de velocidad temporal!",
- "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "Has obtenido un menor tiempo de matar reutilización!",
- "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "Has obtenido un mayor tiempo de matar reutilización",
+ "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "You got a lower Kill Cooldown!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "You got a higher Kill Cooldown",
"FFA-Event-GetLowVision": "Has obtenido temporalmente una visión inferior",
"FFA-Event-GetDecreasedSpeed": "Has perdido velocidad temporalmente",
- "FFA-Event-GetTP": "Te has teletransportado a un conducto aleatorio!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetTP": "You got teleported to a random Vent!",
"FFA-Event-RandomTP": "Todos fueron intercambiados con alguien",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "Estamos en un 1 contra 1, no seas cobarde!",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "¿Qué miedoso eres? Puedes matar, porqué te estas escondiéndo!",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "Evita que los jugadores cuyo enfriamiento de asesinato se haya usando los conductos",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "There are only 2 players alive, stop hiding in Vents!",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "Your kill Cooldown is up, don't hide in Vents!",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "Prevent players whose Kill Cooldown is up from Venting",
"FFA_TargetIsShielded": "¡El jugador que intentaste matar está protegido!",
"FFA_ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "Los escudos se rompen después de un intento de asesinato",
"FFA_ShieldBroken": "¡Alguien intentó matarte y tu escudo ahora está roto!",
@@ -3604,15 +3802,15 @@
"MenuTitle.Hide&Seek": "Opciones del al escondite",
"NumImpostorsHnS": "Número de Impostores",
"EveryOneKnowSolsticer": "Todos saben quien es el Solicitador",
- "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "Solsticer knows the role of whom used the kill button on it",
+ "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "Solsticer knows the role of whom used the Kill button on it",
"SolsticerSpeed": "Velocidad de movimiento del Solicitador",
"SolsticerRemainingTaskWarned": "Tareas restantes para ser conocido",
"SAddTasksPreDeadPlayer": "Tareas cortas adicionales para el Solicitador cuando un jugador muere",
"SolsticerMurdered": "¡{0} intentó matarte!",
"MurderSolsticer": "Has detenido al Solicitador esta ronda!",
- "SolsticerMurderMessage": "¡{0} usó su botón de matar en tí durante la ronda pasada! ¡Era un {1}!",
+ "SolsticerMurderMessage": "{0} used Kill button on you last round! Its role is {1}!",
"SolsticerOnMeeting": "¡Fuiste testigo de demasiadas muertes! ¡Tendrás {0} tareas cortas más durante la siguiente ronda!",
- "SolsticerTitle": "Solicitador",
+ "SolsticerTitle": "SOLSTICER",
"GuessSolsticer": "Lo lamento, pero no puedes adivinar al Solicitador!",
"ExpelSolsticer": "Sorry, but you can not expel Solsticer!",
"SolsticerTasksReset": "Tus tareas fueron reiniciadas!",
@@ -3623,10 +3821,10 @@
"Contributor": "Contribuyente",
"dbConnect.InitFailure": "Error al intentar conectarse a la API TOHE. Verifique su conexión de red y vuelva a iniciar sesión!",
"dbConnect.InitFailurePublic": "Error al intentar conectarse a la API TOHE, esto puede ser por causa de tu conexión a internet. Por esa razón, los beneficios del Patrocinador+ no estarán disponibles, podrás sieguir jugando como normal sin ellas.",
- "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "Esta versión de TOHE no se puede usar por gente que no tiene un código de amistad!",
+ "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "This build of TOHE is not available to users with no Friend Code!",
"Quizmaster": "Preguntador",
"QuizmasterInfo": "Cuestiona a la tripulación para matar durante las reuniones",
- "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Quizmaster, you can mark a player using your kill button. In the next meeting, the marked player will have \"?!\" next to their name. The player will die if they answer the question wrong or doesn't answer. The player will live if the Quizmaster is killed/ejected in the same meeting.\nThe Quizmaster cannot mark multiple people in the same round",
+ "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Quizmaster, you can mark a player using your Kill button. In the next meeting, the marked player will have \"?!\" next to their name. The player will die if they answer the question wrong or doesn't answer. The player will live if the Quizmaster is killed/ejected in the same meeting.\nThe Quizmaster cannot mark multiple people in the same round",
"QuizmasterKillButtonText": "Prueba",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedBy": "Fuiste marcado por el Interrogador\nPara sobrevivir, tendrás que responder correctamente a la siguiente pregunta:\n\n{QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedPublic": "{QMTARGET} fue marcado por el Interrogador\nPara sobrevivir, {QMTARGET} tiene que responder correctamente a su pregunta!",
@@ -3639,13 +3837,14 @@
"QuizmasterChat.WrongPublic": "{QMTARGET} se equivocó respondiendo la pregunta del Interrogador y murió,\nTen cuidado con él Interrogador",
"QuizmasterChat.Marked": "Has marcado a {QMTARGET}\nSi {QMTARGET} responde incorrectamente o decide de no responder por completo, morirá\n\nPregunta para {QMTARGET} => {QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.Title": "Información del Interrogador",
- "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "¿Por qué demonios quieres responder tus propias preguntas",
+ "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "As the Quizmaster, you can't answer questions",
"QuizmasterChat.AnswerNotValid": "Tu respuesta debe de ser A, B o C",
"QuizmasterChat.SyntaxNotValid": "Uso:\n/answer [A/B/C]",
- "QuizmasterSettings.QuestionDifficulty": "Dificultad de Pregunta",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "Puede utilizar los conductos después de marcar a alguien para una prueba",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "Puede matar después de marcar a alguien para una prueba",
- "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "Cuantos asesinatos por ronda",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MinQuestionDifficulty": "Minimum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MaxQuestionDifficulty": "Maximum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "Can Vent After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "Can Kill After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "How Many Kills per Round",
"QuizmasterSettings.CanGiveQuestionsAboutPastGames": "Puede dar preguntas sobre juegos pasados",
"Quizmaster.None": "Ninguno",
"QuizmasterSabotages.Lights": "Luces",
@@ -3673,8 +3872,16 @@
"QuizmasterAnswers.Experimental": "Experimental",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Enhanced": "Mejorado",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Edited": "Editado",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "¿Cuál fue el último sabotaje?",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "¿Cuál fue el primer sabotaje de esta ronda?",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Impostor": "Impostor",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Neutral": "Neutral",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Crewmate": "Crewmate",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Addon": "Add-on",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Shapeshifter": "Shapeshifter",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Scientist": "Scientist",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Engineer": "Engineer",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.GuardianAngel": "GuardianAngel",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "What was the Sabotage was called last?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "What was the first Sabotage called this round?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastEjectedPlayerColor": "¿De qué color era la última persona que fue exiliada?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastReportPlayerColor": "¿De qué color era el cadáver que se informó en la reunión pasada?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastButtonPressedPlayerColor": "¿Quién llamó la última reunión antes de esta reunión?",
@@ -3684,17 +3891,25 @@
"QuizmasterQuestions.FactionOfRole": "¿A qué facción pertenece el {QMRole}?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.FactionRemovedName": "¿Qué facción fue agregada y después fue borrado del mod con una actualización?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyDiedFirstRound": "¿Cuántas personas murieron en la primera ronda del juego?",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.ButtonPressedBefore": "¿Cuántas reuniones de emergencia (Reuniones llamadas con el botón) fueron llamadas antes de esta reunión?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.ButtonPressedBefore": "How many people pressed the Emergency button before this meeting?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.WhatDoesEOgMeansInName": "Originalmente, ¿Qué quería decir la \"E\" en TOHE?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieReason": "¿Cuál fue la causa dé muerte de {PLR}?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieMethod": "¿Cómo murió {PLR}?",
- "LastAddedRoleForKarped": "¿Cuál fue el último rol añadido a TOHE antes de que KARPED1EM (Desarrollador original de TOHE) dejara de trabajar en el mod?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastAddedRoleForKarped": "What was the last role added to TOHE before KARPED1EM stepped down?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieFaction": "¿Qué tipo de facción acabó con la vida dé {PLR}?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.QuizmasterCooldown": "What will Quizmaster's cooldown always be? (excluding first kill override and changes from other Roles/Add-ons)",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoCoded": "Who coded Quizmaster?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoOwns": "Who owns The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEPartners": "Who are The Enhanced Network's partners?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEEventCoordinator": "Who is the Event Coordinator for The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyCats": "How many Cat related roles are in the Mod?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.GuessingCommand": "What does /bt actually mean?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.NotFromTOS2": "Which of these roles are NOT from Town of Salem 2?",
"DeathReason.WrongAnswer": "Respuesta Errónea",
"TPCooldown": "Tiempo de Espera de teletransportación",
- "RiftsTooClose": "El portal está demasiado cerca del primero",
+ "RiftsTooClose": "Location too close to the first Rift",
"RiftCreated": "Portal creado con éxito",
- "RiftsDestroyed": "Todos los portales fueron destruidos",
+ "RiftsDestroyed": "All Rifts destroyed",
"RiftRadius": "Radio del Portal",
"TiredVision": "Visión al estar Cansado",
"TiredSpeed": "Velocidad al estar Cansado",
@@ -3718,7 +3933,7 @@
"ShockerAbilityCooldown": "Ability Cooldown",
"ShockerAbilityDuration": "Ability Duration",
"ShockerAbilityPerRound": "Abilities Per Round",
- "ShockerShockInVents": "Shock people in vents",
+ "ShockerShockInVents": "Shock people in Vents",
"ShockerAbilityResetAfterMeeting": "Reset marked rooms after meeting",
"ShockerOutsideRadius": "Radius Of Outside Tasks (not in a room)",
"ShockerCanShockHimself": "Can Shock Himself",
@@ -3731,13 +3946,13 @@
"EavesdropperMsgTitle": "Has encontrado un secreto",
"EavesdropPercentChance": "Oportunidad de escuchar",
"PreventSeeRolesBeforeSkillUsedUp": "Prevent seeing others roles before skill used up",
- "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "Cooldown for recruiting sheriffs",
- "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "Can recruit Impostor or Neutral",
- "SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "You recruited a sheriff.",
- "BeSheriffByPolice": "You've been recruited by the police chief! Serve the crew!",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "Cooldown for recruiting Sheriffs",
+ "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "Can recruit non-Crewmates",
+ "SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "You recruited a Sheriff.",
+ "BeSheriffByPolice": "You've been recruited by the Police Chief! Serve the Crewmates!",
"PoliceFailedRecruit": "Failed to recruit target.",
"ChiefOfPoliceKillButtonText": "Recruitment",
- "PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "Prevent recruit players without kill button",
- "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "Suicides when recruit a non killer or non crewmate",
- "PolicPassConverted": "Can pass Converted Addon to Sheriff"
+ "PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "Prevent recruit players without Kill button",
+ "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "Suicides when recruit a non-Killer or non-Crewmate",
+ "PolicPassConverted": "Can pass Converted Add-on to Sheriff"
diff --git a/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json b/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json
index 4ea6c18b5..789d715d0 100644
--- a/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json
+++ b/Resources/Lang/es_ES.json
@@ -14,22 +14,26 @@
"Website": "Página Web",
"PlayerNameForRoleInfo": "Hola {0}, este es tu rol:- \n",
"HostIconInMeeting": "ANFITRIÓN: {0}",
+ "ModdedClient": "Modded Client",
"SubText.GM": "Spectate the chaos!",
"SubText.Crewmate": "Busca y exilia a los Impostores",
"SubText.Impostor": "Sabotea y mata a todos",
"SubText.Neutral": "Trabaja de tu parte para hacerte con la victoria",
"SubText.Apocalypse": "Become unstoppable with your team",
+ "SubText.Coven": "Bewitch and kill everyone",
"SubText.Madmate": "Ayuda a los Impostores",
"SubText.Lovers": "Stay alive and win together",
"SubText.Egoist": "Win on your own",
"TypeImpostor": "Impostores",
"TypeCrewmate": "Tripulantes",
"TypeNeutral": "Neutros",
+ "TypeCoven": "Coven",
"TypeAddon": "Complementos",
"GuesserMode": "Modo Adivino",
"TeamImpostor": "Impostor",
"TeamNeutral": "Neutro",
"TeamCrewmate": "Tripulante",
+ "TeamCoven": "Coven",
"TeamMadmate": "Loco",
"TeamLovers": "Lovers",
"TeamEgoist": "Egoist",
@@ -37,6 +41,7 @@
"YouAreCrewmate": "Eres un Tripulante",
"YouAreImpostor": "Eres un Impostor",
"YouAreNeutral": "Eres Neutro",
+ "YouAreCoven": "You are a Coven member",
"YouAreMadmate": "Estás loco",
"Role_Crewmate": "Tripulante",
"Role_Jester": "Bufón",
@@ -63,12 +68,14 @@
"ImpostorsCanGuess": "Los Impostores pueden adivinar",
"NeutralKillersCanGuess": "Los Asesinos Neutros pueden",
"NeutralApocalypseCanGuess": "Neutral Apocalypse can guess",
+ "CovenCanGuess": "Coven can guess",
"PassiveNeutralsCanGuess": "Los Neutros pasivos pueden adivinar",
"CanGuessAddons": "Se pueden adivinar complementos",
- "ShowOnlyEnabledRolesInGuesserUI": "Mostrar solamente Roles activados en la interfaz de Adivinanza",
- "CrewCanGuessCrew": "Los Tripulantes pueden adivinarse entre ellos",
- "ImpCanGuessImp": "Los Impostores pueden adivinarse entre ellos",
- "ApocCanGuessApoc": "Neutral Apocalypse Can Guess Neutral Apocalypse Roles",
+ "ShowOnlyEnabledRolesInGuesserUI": "Show Only Enabled Roles in Guesser UI",
+ "CrewCanGuessCrew": "Crewmates can Guess Crewmate Roles",
+ "ImpCanGuessImp": "Impostors can Guess Impostor Roles",
+ "ApocCanGuessApoc": "Neutral Apocalypse can Guess Neutral Apocalypse Roles",
+ "CovenCanGuessCoven": "Coven Can Guess Coven Roles",
"GuessImmune": "Desgraciadamente, el jugador que has intentado adivinar es inmune a tus truquillos.",
"GM": "Administrador",
"Sunnyboy": "Chico Soleado",
@@ -287,7 +294,6 @@
"Vulture": "Buitre",
"Taskinator": "Tarea-Ineitor",
"Benefactor": "Bienhechor",
- "Medusa": "Medusa",
"Spiritcaller": "Capturador de Espíritus",
"Amnesiac": "Amnésico",
"Imitator": "Imitador",
@@ -305,12 +311,21 @@
"Romantic": "Romántico",
"VengefulRomantic": "Romántico Vengador",
"RuthlessRomantic": "Romántico Implacable",
+ "Wraith": "Espectro",
"Poisoner": "Envenenador",
+ "Medusa": "Medusa",
"HexMaster": "Hechicero",
- "Wraith": "Espectro",
"Jinx": "Gafado",
"PotionMaster": "Maestro De Las Pociones",
"Necromancer": "Nigromante",
+ "CovenLeader": "Coven Leader",
+ "Ritualist": "Ritualist",
+ "Conjurer": "Conjurer",
+ "Dreamweaver": "Dreamweaver",
+ "Illusionist": "Illusionist",
+ "VoodooMaster": "Voodoo Master",
+ "Sacrifist": "Sacrifist",
+ "MoonDancer": "Moon Dancer",
"Warden": "Alcaide",
"Minion": "Minions",
"Ghastly": "Espantoso",
@@ -363,6 +378,7 @@
"EvilSpirit": "Espíritu Malvado",
"Recruit": "Recluta",
"Admired": "Admirado",
+ "Enchanted": "Enchanted",
"Glow": "Brillante",
"Radar": "Radar",
"Diseased": "Enfermo",
@@ -397,53 +413,53 @@
"Revenant": "Revenant",
"BracketAddons": "Dar Corchetes a Complementos",
"EngineerTOHEInfo": "Desplázate en los conductos de ventilación para espiar a los Impostores",
- "ScientistTOHEInfo": "Accede a las constantes cuando quieras",
+ "ScientistTOHEInfo": "Access portable Vitals from anywhere",
"NoisemakerTOHEInfo": "Envía una alerta al ser asesinado",
"TrackerTOHEInfo": "Rastrea a un tripulante en tu mapa",
- "ShapeshifterTOHEInfo": "Disfrázate.",
+ "ShapeshifterTOHEInfo": "Disguise as Crewmates to frame them",
"PhantomTOHEInfo": "Invisibilidad",
- "GuardianAngelTOHEInfo": "Protege a los tripulantes de los Impostores",
- "ImpostorTOHEInfo": "Mata y sabotea",
+ "GuardianAngelTOHEInfo": "Protect the Crewmates from the Impostors",
+ "ImpostorTOHEInfo": "Kill and Sabotage",
"CrewmateTOHEInfo": "Busca para los Impostores",
"BountyHunterInfo": "Deshazte de tu blanco",
"FireworkerInfo": "Despídete a lo GRANDE",
"MercenaryInfo": "Continúa eliminando, o de lo contrario te suicidarás",
- "ShapeMasterInfo": "Disfrázate tantas veces como quieras",
+ "ShapeMasterInfo": "Swiftly kill with no Shapeshift Cooldown",
"VampireInfo": "Tus asesinatos tienen retraso",
- "WarlockInfo": "Maldice a la tripulación y hazlos matar.",
- "NinjaInfo": "Marca a un objetivo y cambia de forma para asesinarlo",
+ "WarlockInfo": "Curse Crewmates then Shift to make them kill",
+ "NinjaInfo": "Mark a target, then Shift to kill",
"ZombieInfo": "Eres muy lento",
"AnonymousInfo": "Haz que otro reporte un cadáver",
- "MinerInfo": "Teletransportate a tu último conducto de ventilacion cambiando de forma",
- "KillingMachineInfo": "Solo puedes matar, pero lo haces rápidamente",
+ "MinerInfo": "Warp to your last used Vent by Shifting",
+ "KillingMachineInfo": "You can ONLY kill, but low Cooldown",
"EscapistInfo": "Marca lugares cambiando de forma y vuelve a ellos en un instante",
- "WitchInfo": "Hechiza a la tripulación y mátalos en las reuniones",
+ "WitchInfo": "Spell Crewmates to kill them in meetings",
"NemesisInfo": "Mata cuando seas el último impostor",
"BeforeNemesisInfo": "Aún no te toca matar",
"AfterNemesisInfo": "Ahora, mata",
- "BloodmoonInfo": "Siembra el caos entre la tripulación",
- "PossessorInfo": "Possess and lead crewmates away from others",
+ "BloodmoonInfo": "Seek havoc upon the Crewmates",
+ "PossessorInfo": "Possess and lead Crewmates away from others",
"PuppeteerInfo": "Haz que los otros maten por tí",
"MastermindInfo": "Haz que los otros maten por tí",
"TimeThiefInfo": "Róba el tiempo de las reuniones matando",
- "SniperInfo": "Dispara a otros jugadores desde lejos cambiando formas",
+ "SniperInfo": "Snipe players from a distance by Shifting",
"UndertakerInfo": "Teletransporta cadáveres a un punto en el mapa",
"RiftMakerInfo": "Quizás consiga una tarta creando portales",
- "EvilTrackerInfo": "Cambia formas para espiar a otros jugadores",
+ "EvilTrackerInfo": "Track players by Shifting",
"EvilHackerInfo": "Hack systems",
"AntiAdminerInfo": "Estate atento cuando otros jugadores estén usando algo",
- "ArroganceInfo": "Mata para reducir tu tiempo de espera",
+ "ArroganceInfo": "With each kill you make, your Cooldown decreases",
"BomberInfo": "Mi amigo Roberto me dijo que era un creper",
"TrapsterInfo": "Tiende trampas al matar",
"ScavengerInfo": "No dejes rastro cuando mates",
- "EvilGuesserInfo": "Adivina a los tripulantes para matar",
+ "EvilGuesserInfo": "Guess Crewmate roles in meetings to kill",
"GangsterInfo": "Haz que los otros se únan al lado oscuro",
"CleanerInfo": "Limpia cadáveres reportándolos",
"LightningInfo": "Convierte a otros en fantasmas cuánticos",
- "GreedyInfo": "El tiempo de reutilización de tus asesinatos cambia",
+ "GreedyInfo": "Your Kill Cooldown shifts",
"CursedWolfInfo": "Sobreviviré",
- "SoulCatcherInfo": "Intercambias posiciones con quien te hayas transformado",
- "QuickShooterInfo": "Guarda munición para matar rápidamente",
+ "SoulCatcherInfo": "You swap places with your Shift target",
+ "QuickShooterInfo": "Store ammo to offset Kill Cooldown",
"CamouflagerInfo": "Camufla a todos para asesinatos sin esfuerzo",
"EraserInfo": "Bórrale el rol a tu victima",
"ButcherInfo": "¡Que aproveche",
@@ -451,42 +467,42 @@
"SwooperInfo": "Hazte invisible temporalmente",
"CrewpostorInfo": "Mata haciendo tareas",
"WildlingInfo": "Mata con fuerza y sigilo",
- "TricksterInfo": "Mata y engaña a la tripulación",
+ "TricksterInfo": "Kill and trick the Crew",
"VindicatorInfo": "Usa tus votos extra para matar a todos",
- "ParasiteInfo": "Ayuda a los impostores",
+ "ParasiteInfo": "Help the Impostors kill the Crew",
"DisperserInfo": "Teletransporta a todos a conductos de ventilación",
- "InhibitorInfo": "No puedes matar en medio de un sabotaje",
- "SaboteurInfo": "Sólo puedes matar durante sabotajes",
- "CouncillorInfo": "Mata a otros durante reuniones",
- "DazzlerInfo": "Ciega a la tripulación",
- "DeathpactInfo": "Asigna a la tripulación a un pacto de muerte",
- "DevourerInfo": "Consume la apariencia de la tripulación",
+ "InhibitorInfo": "You cannot kill during Sabotages",
+ "SaboteurInfo": "You can only kill during Sabotages",
+ "CouncillorInfo": "Kill off Crewmates during meetings",
+ "DazzlerInfo": "Reduce the vision of the Crew",
+ "DeathpactInfo": "Assign players to a deathpact",
+ "DevourerInfo": "Consume the skin of the Crew",
"ConsigliereInfo": "Revela el rol de otros jugadores",
- "MorphlingInfo": "Sólo puedes matar transformado",
+ "MorphlingInfo": "You can only kill while Shapeshifted",
"TwisterInfo": "Causa el caos cambiando el lugar de todo el mundo",
- "LurkerInfo": "Reduce tu tiempo de espera usando los conductos de ventilación",
+ "LurkerInfo": "Reduce your Kill Cooldown by venting",
"ConvictInfo": "Tu blanco ha muerto, ahora ayuda a los impostores",
"VisionaryInfo": "Ves los equipos de todos los vivos",
- "RefugeeInfo": "Ayuda a los impostores a asesinar a todos",
+ "RefugeeInfo": "Help the Impostors kill off the Crew",
"UnderdogInfo": "Mata cuando haya poca gente",
- "LudopathInfo": "Tu tiempo de espera es aleatorio",
+ "LudopathInfo": "Your kill Cooldown is random",
"GodfatherInfo": "Transforma a los jugadores en refugiados votando",
"ChronomancerInfo": "Mata a quemarropa",
"PitfallInfo": "Pon trampas alrededor del mapa",
"EvilMiniInfo": "Nadie podrá matarte hasta que te vuelvas mayor",
"BlackmailerInfo": "Manda a callar a otros jugadores",
- "InstigatorInfo": "Siembra la discordia sobre los compañeros de la tripulación",
+ "InstigatorInfo": "Sow discord among the Crewmates",
"LazyGuyInfo": "Eres un perezoso",
"SuperStarInfo": "Todos te conocen",
- "CleanserInfo": "Borra los complementos de quien votes",
- "KeeperInfo": "¡Rechaza la expulsión, el Protector está aquí!",
+ "CleanserInfo": "Erase all Add-ons of your vote target",
+ "KeeperInfo": "Reject the eject, Keeper protect!",
"MayorInfo": "Tus votos cuentan más",
"PsychicInfo": "One of the red names is evil",
- "MechanicInfo": "Usa los conductos de ventilación y arregla los sabotajes",
+ "MechanicInfo": "Vent around and fix Sabotages",
"SheriffInfo": "Dispara a los malhechores",
"VigilanteInfo": "No es el héroe que merecemos, pero el héroe que necesitábamos",
"JailerInfo": "Mete a jugadores sospechosos en prisión",
- "CopyCatInfo": "Copia a otros con tu botón de matar",
+ "CopyCatInfo": "Use your Kill button to copy a target's role",
"SnitchInfo": "Termina tus tareas y chívate",
"MarshallInfo": "Termina tus tareas para probar tu inocencia",
"DoctorInfo": "Sabes de que modo muere la gente",
@@ -499,31 +515,31 @@
"TransporterInfo": "Intercambia el lugar de 2 jugadores haciendo tareas",
"TimeManagerInfo": "Haz tareas para ganar tiempo en las reuniones",
"VeteranInfo": "No me toques",
- "BastionInfo": "Pon bombas en los conductos",
+ "BastionInfo": "Bomb Vents",
"YinYangerInfo": "Haz que dos jugadores exploten espontáneamente",
"BodyguardInfo": "Evita asesinatos cercanos",
"DeceiverInfo": "Engaña a los otros jugadores",
- "GrenadierInfo": "Ciega a los Impostores",
+ "GrenadierInfo": "Reduce Impostors' vision by Venting",
"MedicInfo": "Proteje a un jugador",
- "FortuneTellerInfo": "Obtén indicios de roles de otros jugadores",
+ "FortuneTellerInfo": "Get clues to player's roles",
"JudgeInfo": "Silencio en la sala!",
"MorticianInfo": "Encuentra cadáveres",
"MediumInfo": "Habla con los muertos",
- "ObserverInfo": "Puedes ver todas las animaciones de escudo",
- "PacifistInfo": "Resetea el tiempo de espera de todos",
+ "ObserverInfo": "You can see all Shield Animations",
+ "PacifistInfo": "Vent to reset Kill Cooldowns",
"RebirthInfo": "Vuelve a la vida",
- "MonarchInfo": "Da a la tripulación el poder de votos extra",
+ "MonarchInfo": "Give your Crew extra voting power!",
"AbyssbringerInfo": "Place Black Holes",
- "SpurtInfo": "Spring Like A rabbit!",
- "StealthInfo": "Matar ciega a todos en la habitación",
+ "SpurtInfo": "Spring like a rabbit!",
+ "StealthInfo": "Killing blinds everyone in the room",
"PenguinInfo": "Arrastra a tus víctimas",
"OverseerInfo": "Revela los roles de otros",
"CoronerInfo": "Encuentra el culpable reportando cadáveres",
"PresidentInfo": "Tú estás al cargo en las reuniones",
- "MerchantInfo": "Vende complementos y soborna a tus asesinos",
- "RetributionistInfo": "Ayuda a la tripulación después de morir",
+ "MerchantInfo": "Sell Add-ons and bribe killers",
+ "RetributionistInfo": "Help the Crewmates after you die",
"HawkInfo": "Abalánzate sobre los malos y bórralos del mapa",
- "DeputyInfo": "Esposa a los malhechores",
+ "DeputyInfo": "Handcuff killers to increase their Cooldowns",
"InvestigatorInfo": "Encuentra la maldad",
"GuardianInfo": "Completa tareas para volverte immortal",
"AddictInfo": "Métete en conductos de ventilación o muere",
@@ -534,12 +550,12 @@
"SpiritualistInfo": "Se guiado por los jugadores del más allá",
"ChameleonInfo": "Vuélvete invisible para inspeccionar tus alrededores",
"InspectorInfo": "Validar las alineaciones de dos jugadores",
- "CaptainInfo": "Navega con el Capitán y no dejéis complementos en tierra.",
+ "CaptainInfo": "Sail with the Captain, lest Add-ons be abandoned.",
"AdmirerInfo": "Elije a un jugador para que esté de tu parte",
"TimeMasterInfo": "ZA WARUDO!",
"CrusaderInfo": "Mata a cualquiera que se atreva a tocar a un jugador",
"AltruistInfo": "Revive a player\nVent to change between Revive and Report",
- "ReverieInfo": "Con cada asesinato, matas más rápido",
+ "ReverieInfo": "With each kill, your Cooldown decreases",
"LookoutInfo": "Ve a través del disfraz",
"TelecommunicationInfo": "Vigila el uso de aparatos",
"LighterInfo": "Ves a través de la oscuridad",
@@ -547,14 +563,14 @@
"WitnessInfo": "Ve si alguien ha asesinado recientemente",
"GhastlyInfo": "Toma control de otros jugadores",
"SwapperInfo": "Intercambia los votos entre dos jugadores",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "Hire Sheriff to Serve the Crews!",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "Hire Sheriffs to serve the Crewmates!",
"NiceMiniInfo": "Nadie podrá matarte hasta que te vuelvas mayor.",
"ArsonistInfo": "Empapa con gasolina a todos y que arda todo",
"PyromaniacInfo": "Moja y mátalos a todos",
- "HuntsmanInfo": "Mata a tus objetivos para tener un tiempo de espera reducido",
+ "HuntsmanInfo": "Kill your targets for a low Cooldown",
"SpyInfo": "Sabrás quien interactúa contigo",
"RandomizerInfo": "El show preferido de tu asesino!",
- "EnigmaInfo": "Obtén pistas sobre los asesinos",
+ "EnigmaInfo": "Get clues about killers",
"JesterInfo": "Haz que te exilien",
"OpportunistInfo": "Sobrevive hasta el final",
"TerroristInfo": "Termina tus tareas y muere",
@@ -576,10 +592,10 @@
"BloodKnightInfo": "Matar te hace invencible",
"PlagueBearerInfo": "Infecta a todos para transformarte en Pestilencia",
"PestilenceInfo": "Destrózalos a todos",
- "SoulCollectorInfo": "Colecciona almas adivinando cuando van a morir los jugadores",
+ "SoulCollectorInfo": "Predict deaths to collect Souls",
"DeathInfo": "Enact Armageddon",
- "BakerInfo": "Feed Players Bread to become Famine",
- "FamineInfo": "Starve Everyone",
+ "BakerInfo": "Feed players bread to become Famine",
+ "FamineInfo": "Starve everyone",
"BerserkerInfo": "Mata para subir de nivel",
"WarInfo": "Destroy everything",
"GlitchInfo": "Hackea y mata a todos",
@@ -587,7 +603,7 @@
"FollowerInfo": "Sigue a un jugador y ayudales",
"CultistInfo": "Encanta a todos",
"SerialKillerInfo": "¡Elimina a todos para ganar!",
- "JuggernautInfo": "Con cada baja, te vuelves más rápido",
+ "JuggernautInfo": "With each kill, your Cooldown decreases",
"InfectiousInfo": "Infecta a todo el mundo",
"VirusInfo": "Mata e infecta a todos",
"PursuerInfo": "Protéjete y sobrevive",
@@ -603,38 +619,46 @@
"VultureInfo": "Cóme cadáveres para ganar",
"TaskinatorInfo": "Tareas silenciosas, explosiones mortales",
"BenefactorInfo": "¡Completa tus tareas y recompensa a la tripulación!",
- "MedusaInfo": "Stone bodies by reporting them",
+ "MedusaInfo": "Stop players in their tracks by Stoning them",
"SpiritcallerInfo": "Transforma a tus víctimas en espíritus malignos",
"AmnesiacInfo": "Recuerdas el rol de un cadáver",
"ImitatorInfo": "Imita el rol de un jugador",
- "BanditInfo": "Roba los complementos de otros jugadores",
+ "BanditInfo": "Rob a player's Add-on",
"DoppelgangerInfo": "Róbale la identidad a tus víctimas",
"PunchingBagInfo": "¡Haz que te ataquen para ganar!",
"KamikazeInfo": "Llévate a otros jugadores en tu viaje al más allá",
"DoomsayerInfo": "Adivina a otros jugadores para robar la victoria",
"ShroudInfo": "Cubre a otros para hacerlos asesinar",
- "WerewolfInfo": "Ahuya y siembra la oscuridad",
- "ShamanInfo": "Usa vudú para sobrevivir",
- "SeekerInfo": "Play Hide and Seek with your target\nYour target has a ★ mark.",
+ "WerewolfInfo": "Kill Crewmates in groups",
+ "ShamanInfo": "Deflect all the attacks on Voodoo Doll",
+ "SeekerInfo": "Play Hide & Seek with your target\nYour target has a ★ mark.",
"PixieInfo": "¡Márcalos y deshazte de ellos!",
"OccultistInfo": "Mata y hechiza a tus enemigos",
- "SchrodingersCatInfo": "El gato está en un estado de estar tanto vivo como muerto hasta que se le observe.",
+ "SchrodingersCatInfo": "The Cat is both alive and dead until observed.",
"RomanticInfo": "Proteje a tu compañero para ganar juntos",
"VengefulRomanticInfo": "Venga a tu compañero para ganar juntos",
"RuthlessRomanticInfo": "Mata a todos para ganar con tu compañero",
- "PoisonerInfo": "Kill everyone with delayed kills",
- "HexMasterInfo": "Mata en medio de reuniones maldiciendo a otros",
"WraithInfo": "Usa los conductos para desaparecer",
- "JinxInfo": "Reflect attacks onto your attackers",
+ "PoisonerInfo": "Make players unable to use their ability",
+ "HexMasterInfo": "Mata en medio de reuniones maldiciendo a otros",
+ "JinxInfo": "Players \"accidentally\" die upon trying to kill your target",
"PotionMasterInfo": "Usa pociones para ganar",
- "NecromancerInfo": "Kill your killer to defy death",
+ "NecromancerInfo": "Use the dead to your advantage",
+ "CovenLeaderInfo": "Help your teammates by retraining them",
+ "RitualistInfo": "Perform Blood Rituals to Enchant other players!",
+ "ConjurerInfo": "Blast away your enemies!",
+ "DreamweaverInfo": "Drive other players to insomnia!",
+ "IllusionistInfo": "Place Illusions on players to spread confusion!",
+ "VoodooMasterInfo": "Craft Voodoo Dolls of other players!",
+ "SacrifistInfo": "Debuff your enemies at your own cost",
+ "MoonDancerInfo": "Use Baton Pass to give out Add-ons!",
"WardenInfo": "(Fantasma) Alerta sobre peligro",
"MinionInfo": "(Fantasma) Ciega a los enemigos",
"LoversInfo": "Sobrevive y gana juntos",
"MadmateInfo": "Ayuda a los impostores",
"WatcherInfo": "Ves el color de todos los votos",
- "LastImpostorInfo": "Reduce tu tiempo de recarga para matar",
- "OverclockedInfo": "Menor tiempo de espera",
+ "LastImpostorInfo": "Lower Kill Cooldown",
+ "OverclockedInfo": "Lower Cooldown",
"FlashInfo": "Eres más rápido",
"TorchInfo": "Visión mejorada",
"SeerInfo": "Sabes cuando alguien muere",
@@ -642,14 +666,14 @@
"ObliviousInfo": "No puedes reportar cuerpos",
"BewilderInfo": "Das tu ceguera a tu asesino",
"WorkhorseInfo": "Termina tus tareas antes para conseguir aún más",
- "FoolInfo": "No sabes reparar sabotajes",
+ "FoolInfo": "You can't fix Sabotages",
"AvangerInfo": "Ojo por ojo, diente por diente",
"YoutuberInfo": "Muere primero para ganar",
"CelebrityInfo": "Todos sabrán cuando morirás",
"EgoistInfo": "Gana por tu cuenta",
"StealerInfo": "Gain votes with kills",
"ParanoiaInfo": "Estás vivo y muerto al mismo tiempo",
- "MimicInfo": "Revela el rol de quienes perecieron a los otros impostores",
+ "MimicInfo": "Reveal killed players' roles to Impostors upon death",
"GuesserInfo": "Adivina el rol de otros jugadores para matarlos",
"NecroviewInfo": "Ve el equipo de los muertos",
"ReachInfo": "Tienes más alcance",
@@ -662,32 +686,33 @@
"LuckyInfo": "Voy a tener suerte",
"DoubleShotInfo": "Tienes una vida extra adivinando",
"RascalInfo": "Los otros te ven mal en algunos casos",
- "SoullessInfo": "No tienes alma y te sientes vacío por dentro",
+ "SoullessInfo": "You have no Soul",
"GravestoneInfo": "Revelas tu rol al morir",
"LazyInfo": "Eres un perezoso",
"AutopsyInfo": "Ves como otros perecieron",
"LoyalInfo": "No te atreves a cambiar de equipo",
- "EvilSpiritInfo": "Eres un espíritu malvado",
+ "EvilSpiritInfo": "You are an Evil Spirit",
"RecruitInfo": "Ayuda al chacal",
+ "EnchantedInfo": "Help the Coven",
"AdmiredInfo": "El admiraror te elijió como tu amor",
"GlowInfo": "Brillas en la oscuridad",
"RadarInfo": "Tu flecha te guiará hasta el jugador más cercano",
- "DiseasedInfo": "Aumenta el tiempo de reutilización del jugador que interactúa contigo",
- "AntidoteInfo": "Reduce el tiempo de espera de tu asesino",
- "StubbornInfo": "No perderás tu rol o tus complementos",
+ "DiseasedInfo": "Increase the Cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
+ "AntidoteInfo": "Decrease the Cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
+ "StubbornInfo": "Protect your Role and Add-ons",
"SwiftInfo": "No te abalanzas sobre tus víctimas al matar",
"UnluckyInfo": "Hacer cosas tiene una probabilidad de hacerte morir",
"VoidBallotInfo": "Los otros no te hacen caso en reuniones",
"AwareInfo": "Sabes quien reveló tu rol",
- "FragileInfo": "Muere al instante si alguien interactúa contigo",
+ "FragileInfo": "Die instantly if someone uses the Kill button on you",
"GhoulInfo": "Mata a tu asesino después de morir",
"BloodthirstInfo": "Tienes una sed de sangre incontrolable",
"MareInfo": "Siembra el caos en la oscuridad",
"BurstInfo": "Haz que tu asesino explote",
"SleuthInfo": "Consigue información reportando cadáveres",
"ClumsyInfo": "Tienes una probabilidad de fallar un asesinato",
- "NimbleInfo": "Puedes desplazarte a través de conductos de ventilación",
- "CircumventInfo": "No podrás meterte en los conductos",
+ "NimbleInfo": "You can Vent!",
+ "CircumventInfo": "You can no longer Vent",
"OiiaiInfo": "OIIAIOIIIAI",
"CyberInfo": "Eres popular",
"HurriedInfo": "Hostias, las cosas que tengo que hacer",
@@ -706,324 +731,334 @@
"DollMasterInfo": "Controla las acciones de los otros jugadores",
"DoubleAgentInfo": "Plant bombs on players in meetings",
"SlothInfo": "Vas más despacio",
- "ProhibitedInfo": "Certain vents are blocked",
+ "ProhibitedInfo": "Certain Vents are blocked",
"EavesdropperInfo": "Listen in on other roles",
"ShockerInfo": "Shock unsuspecting players",
"RevenantInfo": "Take your killer's role",
- "EngineerTOHEInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Ingeniero puede usar los conductos si el Sabotaje de Comunicaciones está inactivo.",
- "ScientistTOHEInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Científico puede ver los constantes en cualquier momento para ver quién está vivo o no.",
- "NoisemakerTOHEInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Alertador hará ruido al morir, y un indicador visual de su muerte aparecerá en la pantalla para que la Tripulación pueda correr hasta el lugar del crimen y atrapar al asesino (Aun si no es Rojo).",
- "TrackerTOHEInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Rastreador puede usar su botón de Rastrear en otro jugador para poder vigilar su ubicación con el mapa durante un tiempo limitado.",
- "ShapeshifterTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Cambiaformas puede transformarse en otros jugadores. Al cambiar de forma o revertir, te encerrarás en un huevo, el cual puede delatarte.",
- "PhantomTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Phantom, you can press your vanish button to go invisible to escape a kill. You can click your appear button if you want to become visible before the timer runs out or not.\nNote: You will make a smoke cloud whenever you go invisible and become visible. So make sure you are in a safe area where no one will see you.",
- "GuardianAngelTOHEInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Ángel Guardián es el alma del primer tripulante muerto, y puede proteger temporalmente a otros Tripulantes.",
- "ImpostorTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Impostor tiene que matar a la tripulación.\nPodrá usar los conductos y sabotear.",
+ "EngineerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Engineer, you may access the Vents while Comms Sabotaged is inactive.",
+ "ScientistTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Scientist, you can see Vitals at any time, showing you who is alive and dead.",
+ "NoisemakerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Noisemaker, whenever you die, you will make a noise, and a visual indicator of your death appears on the screen so the Crewmates can run to catch the person who killed you red-handed (even if it’s not red).",
+ "TrackerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracker, press your Tracker button on a player to track their location via the map for a limited amount of time.",
+ "ShapeshifterTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapeshifter, you can Shapeshift into other players. It is obvious when you Shapeshift or revert Shifting.",
+ "PhantomTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Phantom, you can press your Vanish button to go invisible to escape a kill. You can click your Appear button if you want to become visible before the timer runs out or not.\nNote: You will make a smoke cloud whenever you go invisible and become visible. So make sure you are in a safe area where no one will see you.",
+ "GuardianAngelTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guardian Angel, you are the first Crewmate to die and can give Crewmates temporary shields.",
+ "ImpostorTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Impostor, your goal is to simply kill off the Crewmates.\nYou can Sabotage and Vent.",
"CrewmateTOHEInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Tripulante debe buscar y exiliar a los Impostores.\nPara ganar, termina todas tus tareas o deshazte de todos los asesinos en la nave.",
- "BountyHunterInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Cazarrecompensas tiene un objetivo (Indicado por la brújula, si tienes una). Al matarlo, tu tiempo de espera para matar será reducido.\nSi matas a otra persona, tu tiempo de espera será incrementado. Tu objetivo cambia cada cierto tiempo.",
- "FireworkerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Pirotécnico puede cambiar formas para poner Fuegos Artificiales, con el máximo siendo configurado por el Anfitrión.\nCuando séas el último Impostor y que todos los Fuegos Artificiales hayan sido plantados, cambia de forma para liarla parda, detonándolos todos y matando a cualquiera alrededor (Incluyendote a tí).\nSi matas a todo el mundo con tus fuegos artificiales, cuenta como una victoria para los Impostores.",
- "MercenaryInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Mercenario debe matar dentro de su plazo mostrado por el tiempo de enfriamiento de tu Transformación (que no puedes usar). Si no logras matar durante este tiempo, mueres.",
- "ShapeMasterInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Proteico puede cambiar de formas en todo momento.",
+ "BountyHunterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Bounty Hunter, if you kill your assigned target (indicated by the arrow if you have one), your next Kill Cooldown will be shortened.\nIf you kill anyone other than your target, your next Kill Cooldown will be increased. The target swaps after a certain amount of time.",
+ "FireworkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Fireworker, you can Shapeshift to place Fireworks up to the maximum amount the Host sets.\nWhen you are the last Impostor and all Fireworks have been placed, Shapeshift again to detonate them and kill everyone in their radius, including you.\nIf you kill all players with your Fireworks, it's considered an Impostor victory.",
+ "MercenaryInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mercenary, you must kill within your deadline, as shown by your Shapeshift Cooldown (which you cannot use). If you fail to kill, you die.",
+ "ShapeMasterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapemaster, you have no Shapeshift Cooldown.",
"VampireInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Vampire, your kills are delayed. This means that your target still dies even if a meeting is called first. However, if you bite a Bait, you kill normally and report the body. Depending on the settings, you can use double trigger (bite players - single click, kill normally - double click).",
"WarlockInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Brujo puede maldecir a un jugador a la vez.\nAl cambiar de forma, si has maldecido a un jugador, matará a la persona más cercana a él. Según las opciones, esto puede incluir a los otros impostores o a tí, por lo que ten cuidado.\nPodrás matar normalmente te has transformado en alguien.",
- "ZombieInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Zombi puede matar rápidamente, pero eres muy lento y ves muy poco. No podrás ser exiliado por nadie salvo por el dictador, y te volverás más lento con el tiempo o cada vez que mates.",
- "NinjaInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ninja, you can use your kill button to Mark a target (single click) or kill normally (double click). You may then Shapeshift to teleport to the Marked target and kill them.",
+ "ZombieInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nZombie has a short Kill Cooldown but moves very slowly and has very little vision. Zombie can not be voted out by anyone other than the Dictator, and the movement speed of Zombie will gradually slow down as they make kills or time passes.",
+ "NinjaInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ninja, you can use your Kill button to mark a target (single click) or kill normally (double click). You may then Shapeshift to teleport to the marked target and kill them.",
"AnonymousInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Anónimo puede cambiar de forma para forzar a su objetivo a reportar a quien hayas matado en esta ronda.\nSi no mataste a nadie esa ronda, el objetivo reportará su propio cuerpo muerto como si hubiera muerto.\nNota: El Perezoso y el Gandul no serán afectados por esta habilidad, y esta funcionará aún si el cadáver puede ser informado.",
- "MinerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Minero puede transformarse para teletransportarse de vuelta al último conducto en el que estuvo.",
- "KillingMachineInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nLa Máquina de Matar tiene un tiempo de espera para matar muy corto, pero no puedes usar los conductos, tienes la visión de un tripulante, no puedes sabotear, no puedes reportar y no puedes llamar reuniones de emergencia.\n\nAdemás, ignoras cualquier protección, siendo capaz de matar al cebo o al pegajoso sin que pase nada",
- "EscapistInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Escapista puede marcar un lugar cambiando de forma. Cambiando de forma nuevamente, puede teletransportarse de vuelta al lugar marcado (La animación de cambiar forma se mostrará después de teletransportarse, ten cuidado).",
- "WitchInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo Bruja, puedes utilizar tu botón de asesinato para Hechizar (clic sencillo) o matar de forma normal (doble clic).\nDurante la próxima reunión, los objetivos hechizados tendrán un 「†」 junto a su nombre, visible para todos. A menos que mueras al final de esa reunión, todos los objetivos Hechizados morirán.",
- "NemesisInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Némesis solo puede matar si es el último Impostor en vida.\nSi mueres, puedes usar el comando /rv [ID] para matar al jugador cuyo ID se haya escrito. Usa /id para mostrar los ID de todos los jugadores o míralo al lado de sus nombres.",
- "BloodmoonInfoLong": "(Impostors [Ghost]):\nAs the Bloodmoon, attack the enemies to make them drip blood, this means they will die in a time set by the host, and will be aware of it.",
+ "MinerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Miner, you can Shapeshift to teleport back to the last vent you were in.",
+ "KillingMachineInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Killing Machine, you have a very short Kill Cooldown with tiny vision. However, you cannot Vent, Sabotage, Report, nor call Emergency Meetings.\n\nNote: You will bypass any shields, killing bait and beartrap won't take any effect",
+ "EscapistInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Escapist, you can mark a location by Shapeshifting. Shapeshift again to teleport back to the marked spot",
+ "WitchInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Witch, you can use your Kill button to Spell (single click) or Kill normally (double click).\nDuring the next meeting, the spelled target(s) will have a 「†」 next to their name visible to everyone. Unless you die by the end of that meeting, all Spelled targets will die.",
+ "NemesisInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Nemesis, you can only kill if you are the last Impostor.\nIf you are dead, you can use the command /rv [ID] to kill the player whose ID you typed. Use /id to show the ID's of all players, or look next to their names.",
+ "BloodmoonInfoLong": "(Impostors [Ghost]):\nAs the Bloodmoon, attack the enemies to make them drip blood, this means they will die in a time set by the Host, and will be aware of it.",
"PossessorInfoLong": "(Impostors [Ghost]):\nAs the Possessor, you can possess players when others aren't in the Alert Range. Lead the possessed player as far as possible from other players in the Focus Range. Once the possession duration is up, the possessed player will be killed if others aren't in the Focus Range. If you run into another player in the Alert Range while possessing, the Possessor will immediately unpossess.",
- "PuppeteerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Titiritero puede usar su botón de matar para controlar a alguien (Un clic) o para matar normalmente (Doble clic).\nAquellos que sean controlados matarán al siguiente jugador no Impostor que toquen. Dependiendo de las opciones, los objetivos controlados también morirán una vez que maten.",
- "MastermindInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Genio puede hacer un clic en su botón de matar para manipularlo. Esto no hará nada si tu objetivo no tiene un botón de matar. No obstante, si lo tiene, será advertido que ha sido manipulado después de un tiempo, y tendrá que matar a alguien para sobrevivir. Si no lo mata a tiempo o una reunión empieza, morirá.\nPodrás matar normalmente haciendo un doble clic en su botón de matar.",
- "YinYangerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Yin-Yang podrá usar su botón de asesinar una vez para asignar un Yin. Si repites esto, puedes asignar al Yang. Cuando estos dos estén cerca de cada uno, se matarán entre ellos. Una vez elegidos el Yin y el Yang, podrás matar normalmente.",
+ "PuppeteerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Puppeteer, you can use your Kill button to Puppeteer (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose you Puppeteer will kill the next non-Impostor they touch. Depending on options, Puppeteered targets will also die once they kill.",
+ "MastermindInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mastermind, you can use your Kill button on a player once to manipulate them. The manipulation does nothing if the target doesn't have a Kill button. But if the target does have a Kill button, whoever you manipulate will be told after a delay that they got manipulated and must kill someone in a limited time to survive. If the time limit expires or a meeting gets called before killing someone, they die.\nDouble click on someone to kill them normally.",
+ "YinYangerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the YinYanger, you can use your Kill button one time to pick your Yin and then a second time to choose a Yang. When those two players meet, they'll kill each other. When Yin & Yang have been chosen, you can kill normally.",
"TimeThiefInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nCada vez que el ladrón del tiempo mate a un jugador, el tiempo de reunión será reducido. Si él muere, todo vuelve a ser como antes.",
- "SniperInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nPuedes disparar a otros jugadores desde lejos.\nTienes que cambiar formas dos veces para disparar.\nSimplemente, imagínate una flecha yendo del primer punto al segundo de donde cambiaste formas.\nSerá la dirección de donde el disparo será hecho.\nMatará a la primera persona en su camino.\nSegún las reglas del anfitrión, no podrás matar hasta que uses toda tu munición.",
+ "SniperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nYou can shoot players from far away.\nYou have to Shapeshift twice to make a successful snipe.\nImagine an arrow pointing from your first Shapeshift location towards your Unshift location.\nThat will be the direction in which the snipe will be made.\nThe snipe kills the first person in its path.\nYou cannot kill people normally until you use up all of your ammo.",
"UndertakerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEverytime you Shapeshift, you mark the location. Your kills will then teleport to the marked location.\nAfter every kill and meeting, your marked location will reset.\n\nAfter every teleported kill, you will freeze for a configurable amount of time",
- "RiftMakerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo Portalero, puedes cambiar de forma para crear un portal. Puedes teletransportarte de un portal a otro tocando el área donde se creó el portal. Intentar usar las ventilaciones te expulsará y destruirá todos los portales.\n\nNota: Solo se pueden colocar hasta dos portales a la vez; si intentas colocar un tercero, eliminará el primero.",
- "EvilTrackerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Rastreador Malvado puede rastrear a otras personas, y puede transformarse en otra persona para cambiar de objetivo rastreado al objetivo del cambio de forma (Volverás a tu forma original después de realizar una Transformación). La flecha debajo del nombre del Rastreador Malvado indica la dirección del objetivo. Cuando el compañero del Rastreador Malvado mata, verá un destello de asesinato.",
- "EvilHackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Hacker can get the last-minute admin information at the meeting beginning.\nUnoccupied rooms are not shown.\nA '★' marks rooms with impostors.\nRooms with dead bodies are marked with the number of bodies.\nExample: ★Cafeteria: 3 (DEAD×1).",
+ "RiftMakerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs Rift Maker, you can Shapeshift to create a rift. You can teleport from one rift to another by touching the area where the rift was created. Trying to vent will kick you out, therefore destroying all the rifts.\n\nNote: Up to two rifts can be placed at a time; if you try to place a third, it removes the first one.",
+ "EvilTrackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Tracker can track other players, and the Evil Tracker can Shapeshift into someone to switch the tracking target to the Shapeshift target (You will immediately unshift after performing Shapeshift). The arrow below the Evil Tracker's name indicates the direction of the target. When the Evil Tracker's teammate kills, the Evil Tracker will see a kill flash.",
+ "EvilHackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Hacker can get the last-minute admin information at the meeting beginning.\nUnoccupied rooms are not shown.\nA '★' marks rooms with Impostors.\nRooms with dead bodies are marked with the number of bodies.\nExample: ★Cafeteria: 3 (DEAD×1).",
"EvilGuesserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If correct, the target dies. If wrong, the Evil Guesser dies.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
- "AntiAdminerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Perturbador puede ver en cualquier momento si hay gente alrededor de cualquier maquinaria de vigilancia. No obstante, no sabe si la gente la está usando o no.",
- "ArroganceInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Arrogante mata más rápido con cada asesinato exitoso que hagan.",
- "BomberInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl bombardero puede cambiar de forma para autodestruirse, matando otros jugadores en su alrededor. Obviamente, el bombardero se suicidará haciendo esto.\nNota: Todos serán notificados cuando explotes.",
- "ScavengerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl carroñero no deja cadáveres al matar, y si la víctima es el cebo, no habrá auto-informe.",
+ "AntiAdminerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Anti Adminer can at any time find out if there are Crewmates or Neutrals near Cameras, Admin Table, Vitals, DoorLog, and/or other devices. Note: Anti Adminer does not know if the player uses the device while near it. They only know that someone is near the device.",
+ "ArroganceInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Arrogance reduces their Kill Cooldown with each successful kill of theirs.",
+ "BomberInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Bomber can use the Shapeshift button to self-explode, killing players within a certain range. But as a price, the Bomber will also die. Note: All players will see a kill flash when the Bomber explodes.",
+ "ScavengerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nScavenger kills do not leave dead bodies behind. In addition, if the victim is a Bait, no self-report will be made.",
"TrapsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Trapster has a unique method of killing. By initiating a body report, the Trapster can eliminate the player attempting to report the body the Trapster killed.\nNote: If Trapster kills the Bait, the Trapster will die immediately.",
- "GangsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Gangster, a powerful character, can try to recruit a player to a Madmate by pressing the kill button. If the recruitment is successful, both the Gangster and the target will see the shield animation on each other as a reminder (only visible to each other). The remaining number of available recruits is displayed next to the Gangster's name (the Host sets the max). If the Gangster tries to recruit players who cannot be recruited, such as neutrals or some special crews, they will kill the target normally instead. When the Gangster has no remaining recruitments, they can only make normal kills from that point on.",
- "CleanerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl limpiador puede informar cualquier cadáver para limpiarlo. Si la limpieza es exitosa, el limpiador verá una animación de escudo y el cadáver no podrá ser reportado (Incluido el del cebo).",
- "LightningInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nLa Centella no puede matar normalmente. En su lugar, tu botón de matar cuantifica a tus víctimas, activándose después de un tiempo y causando que la próxima persona con la que entren en contacto los mate. Aquellos que están cuantificados activamente tendrán un 「■」junto a su nombre. Además, aquellos que han sido cuantificados morirán si sobreviven hasta el final de una reunión. Existe una configuración para cuantificar a tu asesino.",
- "GreedyInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Avaricioso tiene dos tiempos de espera para matar (Para los asesinatos pares y para los impares), y este será reiniciado después de una reunión. El primer asesinato siempre será impar.",
- "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nCuando el Lobo Maldito está al punto de ser asesinado, el asesino será maldecido y morirá. (El anfitrión puede determinar el máximo de veces que la habilidad podrá ser usada)",
- "SoulCatcherInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Segador de Almas puede transformarse para intercambiar su posición con su objetivo siempre y cuando no estén muertos, en un conducto, zampados por un pelícano, o en un estado similar extraño.",
- "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nUna vez que el tiempo de espera para matar del Pistolero se acabe, este puede cambiar de forma para guardar una bala en su inventario y reiniciar su tiempo de espera (Cuando esto se haga exitosamente, una animación de escudo visible sólamente por el Pistolero aparecerá alrededor de su cuerpo para recordárselo). Si el Pistolero tiene balas, puede usar una para omitir su tiempo de espera. Al principio de cada reunión, el Pistolero sólo puede tener un cierto número de balas guardadas (Configurado por el anfitrión).",
- "CamouflagerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nCuando el Camuflador cambia formas, todos los jugadores tendrán la misma apariencia. Este estado se acabará cuando el Camuflador vuelva a su forma original. Nota: El sabotaje de las comunicaciones y esta habilidad pueden suceder al mismo tiempo, mezclando los efectos. La habilidad se acabará también si una reunión tiene lugar durante la activación de la habilidad del Camuflador.",
- "EraserInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Borrador puede votar por cualquier tripulante durante la reunión para borrarle su rol, y tomaré efecto después de la reunión.\nNota: Jugadores quienes han perdido su talento siempre será concebido un rol básico.\nEl jugador solo puede ser borrado ona vez (incluyendo Gato Oiiai)",
+ "GangsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Gangster, a powerful character, can try to recruit a player to a Madmate by pressing the Kill button. If the recruitment is successful, both the Gangster and the target will see the Shield Animation on each other as a reminder (only visible to each other). The remaining number of available recruits is displayed next to the Gangster's name (the Host sets the maximum). If the Gangster tries to recruit players who cannot be recruited, such as Neutrals or some special Crewmates, they will kill the target normally instead. When the Gangster has no remaining recruitments, they can only make normal kills from that point on.",
+ "CleanerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nCleaner can press the Report button to clean up any dead body they come across (including those they kill). If the cleanup is successful, the Cleaner will see a Shield Animation on their body as a reminder (only visible to himself). The cleaned-up body cannot be reported (including Bait).",
+ "LightningInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lightning, you cannot kill normally. Instead, your Kill button quantizes targets, which activates after a delay, causing the next person they encounter to kill them. Those who are actively quantized show a「■」next to their name. Additionally, those who have been quantized die if they survive until the end of a meeting. There is a setting to quantize your killer.",
+ "GreedyInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nGreedy kills with odd and even kills will have different Kill Cooldowns. Greedy's Kill Cooldown is reset every meeting, and Greedy's first kill is always odd.",
+ "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Cursed Wolf is about to be killed, the Cursed Wolf will curse the killer to death. (The Host sets the maximum of times you can counterattack)",
+ "SoulCatcherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Soul Catcher, you can Shapeshift to swap places with your target as long as they are not dead, in a Vent, swallowed by Pelican, or in a similar odd state.",
+ "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Kill Cooldown is over, Quick Shooter can reset the Kill Cooldown by Shapeshift to store a bullet (when the storage is successful, a Shield Animation visible only to himself will appear on their body as a reminder). If Quick Shooter has bullets, he can use one to bypass the Kill Cooldown; he will kill even if it's still on Cooldown and use a bullet. At the beginning of each meeting, the quick shooter can only keep a certain number of bullets (The Host sets the number).",
+ "CamouflagerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Camouflager uses Shapeshift, all players start to look the same. This state ends when the Camouflager reverts its Shapeshifting. It's important to note that the skills of Communication Sabotage Camouflage, and the skills of the Camouflager can be superimposed.\nThis skill will be invalid if a meeting is held during the skill activation of the Camouflager.",
+ "EraserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEraser can vote for any target at the meeting to erase the target's roles, and the erasure will take effect after the meeting ends. Note: Players with erased skills will always be considered a vanilla role, including the game result page.\nA target can only be erased once (including OIIAI)",
"ButcherInfoLong": "(Impostores): \nLas muertes del Carnicero (incluidas las muertes pasivas) dejan múltiples cadáveres en los objetivos, haciendo imposible identificar con precisión otro cadáver al informar. Nota: Debido al principio de implementación, el objetivo asesinado debe mostrar repetidamente la animación de ser asesinado. Esta animación no se puede saltar y no puede participar normalmente en la reunión durante este período. Además, si el Carnicero mata al Vengador, el Vengador se vengará de todos en cólera.",
- "HangmanInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl método de asesinato del Ahorcador durante el cambio de forma es estrangular. El estrangulamiento ignora cualquier estado del objetivo, como el escudo del Médico, la protección del Guardaespaldas, las habilidades de la Superestrella, etc. El jugador estrangulado no dejará un cadáver ni activará ninguna de sus habilidades. Por ejemplo, el Veterano no realizará un contraataque letal (incluyendo roles adicionales), y el Observador no recibirá ninguna notificación.",
- "SwooperInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Swooper puede utilizar un conducto para desaparecer temporalmente. Seguirás siendo visible en tu pantalla. Usa un conducto nuevamente para volver a ser visible.",
+ "HangmanInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Hangman, during the Shapeshifting, you use a unique killing method-strangling. This method ignores any status of the target, such as the shield of the Medic, the Bodyguard's protection, the Super Star's skills, etc. The strangled player will not leave a dead body, nor will it trigger any of its skills. For example, Veteran kill back (including additional roles), and Seer will not be prompted.",
+ "SwooperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Swooper, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
"CrewpostorInfoLong": "(Equipo de los impostores):\nMatas al jugador más cercano cuando termines una tarea. Según las opciones del anfitrión, puedes llegar a matar a tus compañeros de equipo.",
- "WildlingInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Salvaje puede cambiar de forma, sacrificando la posibilidad de usar los conductos.\nCuando matas, te vuelves temporalmente invencible.",
- "TricksterInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Fullero funciona como cualquier impostor, pero con una diferencia.\nLa tripulación te ve como un tripulante.\n\nEl Sheriff no podrá matarte.\nEl psíquico no te ve como alguien malo.\nEl chivato no podrá chivarse de ti.",
+ "WildlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Wildling, you can Shapeshift but cannot Vent.\nWhen you kill, you temporarily become immune to attacks.",
+ "TricksterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Trickster, you function as a regular Impostor but with one key difference.\nYou appear as a Crewmate to Crewmate roles.\n\nThe Sheriff cannot kill you.\nPsychic does not see you as evil.\nSnitch cannot find you.",
"VindicatorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Vindicator, you have extra votes like a Mayor.",
"StealthInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nCuando el Sigilo mata, los jugadores en la misma habitación quedan cegados por un corto tiempo.",
- "PenguinInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo Pingüino, tienes la capacidad de inmovilizar a tu objetivo pulsando el botón de ataque, para luego arrastrarlo. Durante el arrastre, el objetivo puede ser eliminado pulsando de nuevo el botón de ataque o tras transcurrir un tiempo determinado. \nPara ejecutar una eliminación inmediata, pulsa el botón de ataque dos veces consecutivas.",
- "ParasiteInfoLong": "(Equipo de los Impostores):\nEl Parásito es un impostor. No obstante, no conoce a los otros impostores.\nPuedes matar, usar los conductos, sabotear, etc.\nSimplemente, eres un impostor.\nNota: Los impostores pueden matarte y viceversa.",
- "DisperserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nDisperser can use Shapeshift to teleport all players to random vents.",
- "InhibitorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Inhibitor, you can only kill when there is not a critical sabotage active.\n\nIf light or comms sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
- "SaboteurInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Saboteur, you can only kill when there is a critical sabotage active.\n\nIf reactor or O2 sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
+ "PenguinInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Penguin, you can restrain the target by pressing the Kill button and drag it around.\nWhile dragging, the target dies by pressing the Kill button again or after a certain period.\nPress the Kill button twice for a direct kill.",
+ "ParasiteInfoLong": "(Team Impostor):\nAs the Parasite, you are an Impostor that does not know the other Impostors.\n\nYou may Kill, Vent, Sabotage, whatever.\nJust know that you are an Impostor.",
+ "DisperserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nDisperser can use Shapeshift to teleport all players to random Vents.",
+ "InhibitorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Inhibitor, you can only kill when there is not a Critical Sabotage active.\n\nIf Light or Comms Sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
+ "SaboteurInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Saboteur, you can only kill when there is a Critical sabotage active.\n\nIf Reactor or O2 Sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
"CouncillorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Councillor, you can kill players during a meeting like a Judge.\nWhen killing in a meeting, those kills will appear as a trial from a Judge.\n\nThe kill command is /tl [player id]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nDepending on the settings, Councillor will suicide when he judge his teammates.\nConverted Councillor can judge freely.",
"DazzlerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Deslumbrador puede reducir la visión de tu objetivo permanentemente cambiando de forma. Cuando mueras, su visión volverá a la normalidad.",
- "DeathpactInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Pacto de Muerte puede marcar a varios jugadores cambiando de forma.\nSi hay suficientes jugadores marcados para un pacto de muerte, los jugadores deberán encontrarse en un límite de tiempo configurado por el anfitrión. Si no lo consiguen, morirán.\nSi un jugador marcado muere antes de que el pacto de muerte se acabe, el pacto no tendrá lugar.",
- "DevourerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Devorador, puedes cambiar de forma para cambiar permanentemente la apariencia de tu objetivo. Adicionalmente, por cada vez que devoras a un jugador, tu tiempo de espera para matar es reducido por un número definido de segundos. Si el devorador mata o es exiliado durante una reunión, la apariencia de los jugadores devorados volverá a ser como antes.",
- "MorphlingInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl transformador es un cambiaformas que no puede matar mientras que no cambies de formas.",
- "TwisterInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Twister puede usar Cambio de Forma para teletransportar a todos los jugadores a conductos aleatorios. Nota: el propio Twister no se teletransportará después de cambiar de forma y los jugadores que estén en el conducto no se teletransportarán.",
- "LurkerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Acechador puede saltar dentro de un conducto para reducir su tiempo de espera para matar de unos segundos. Después de matar, el tiempo de espera se restablecerá a su valor inicial.",
+ "DeathpactInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Deathpact, You Shapeshift to mark your targets for a deathpact.\nIf you have enough players marked for a deathpact, they must meet within a specific period; if they fail to do so, they die.\nIf a marked player dies before the deathpact becomes complete, the pact is withdrawn.",
+ "DevourerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Devourer, you use your Shapeshift to change the appearance of the target of the Shapeshift permanently. Additionally, when each player's appearance changes, you will have your Kill Cooldown reduced by a defined number of seconds. If the Devourer dies or gets voted out during a meeting, the player's appearance will change back to their normal appearance.",
+ "MorphlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Morphling, you are a Shapeshifter but cannot kill while not Shapeshifted.",
+ "TwisterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Twister, you can use Shapeshifting to swap the position of all players randomly. The swap happens twice, once when you start your Shapeshift and once when you return to your original appearance.\nThe Twister itself will not swap places with anyone, and players in vents will not teleport.",
+ "LurkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lurker, you can jump into a Vent to reduce your Cooldown by a certain number of seconds. After you kill, your Cooldown resets to its original value.",
"VisionaryInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Visionario puede ver el equipo de cualquier jugador vivo durante una reunión.\nLa información siguiente se mostrará al jugador.:\n- Los nombres rojos indican a los Impostores.\n- Los nombres en azul claro indican a la Tripulación.\n- Los nombres en gris indican los Neutros.",
"PlagueDoctorInfoLong": "(Neutros):\n(Doctor de la Peste de TOH)\nEl objetivo del Científico Plaguista es infectar a todos los jugadores vivos. Comienzan eligiendo a un jugador para infectar, tras lo cual cualquiera que pase una cantidad de tiempo determinada en el rango del jugador infectado se infecta también. El progreso de la infección es acumulativo y no se reinicia con la distancia o después de las reuniones.",
- "RefugeeInfoLong": "(Madmates):\nAs the Refugee, you were either:\n -An Amnesiac who remembered an Impostor\n -A killer who killed the Godfather's target.\n -A Romantic whose partner was an Impostor\n -Or an Imitator that imitated an Impostor.\n\nNow your job is to help the Impostors kill the crewmates.",
+ "RefugeeInfoLong": "(Madmates):\nAs the Refugee, you were either:\n -An Amnesiac who remembered an Impostor\n -A killer who killed the Godfather's target.\n -A Romantic whose partner was an Impostor\n -Or an Imitator that imitated an Impostor.\n\nNow your job is to help the Impostors kill the Crewmates.",
"UnderdogInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Indefenso no puede matar hasta que sólo queden un cierto número de jugadores vivos.",
- "ConsigliereInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Consigliere puede revelar los roles de otros jugadores usando el botón de matar.\n\n- Un clic: Revelar el rol\n- Doble clic: Matar\n\nSi te quedas sin usos de revelar roles, tu botón de matar funcionará normalmente.",
- "LudopathInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Ludópata tiene un tiempo de espera para matar aleatorio.\n\nEl mínimo es de 1 segundo, el máximo es tu tiempo de espera para matar por defecto.",
+ "ConsigliereInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Consigliere, you can reveal the roles of other players using your Kill button.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\n\nIf you run out of reveal uses, your Kill button functions normally.",
+ "LudopathInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ludopath, your Kill Cooldown is randomized.\n\nMinimum it can be is 1 second, while the maximum is your default Kill Cooldown.",
"GodfatherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Godfather, you vote someone to make them your target.\nIn the next round, if someone kills the target, the killer will turn into a Refugee or Madmate.",
"ChronomancerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Chronomancer, you have a charge bar which indicates when the slaughter is ready. When it is at 100% the next time you kill someone, you go into slaughter mode, meaning you can kill indefinitely until your bar runs out of charge. Otherwise, you have a normal KCD.",
- "PitfallInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nLa Trampa puede cambiar de forma para marcar un área alrededor del lugar como una trampa. Cualquier jugador que se acerque a esta área será inmovilizado durante un breve periodo de tiempo y será cegado.",
- "EvilMiniInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Niño Malvado tendrá un tiempo de espera para matar alto que será reducido drásticamente al convertirse en un adulto. En cambio, mientras que seas un Niño, el resto de la tripulación se siente incapaz de tocarte.",
- "BlackmailerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Blackmailer, when you shift into a target, you will blackmail that player. This means that during the meetings, they won't be able to speak.\n\nNote: If someone is already blackmailed, blackmailing another person un-blackmails the current person.",
- "InstigatorInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl objetivo del Incitador es el de hacer que los tripulantes se peleen entre ellos y formar un alboroto inimaginable. Cada vez que un tripulante sea exiliado, mientras que estés vivo, otro tripulante morirá después de la reunión. El número de jugadores adicionales que morirán estará determinado por el anfitrión.",
- "LazyGuyInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Perezoso solo tiene una tarea. Además, las habilidades de los impostores no lo afectan. El Anónimo no podrá hacer que este haga un informe de cadáver, no puede ser controlado por el Brujo o el Titiritero, entre otros. El Perezoso no tendrá ningún complemento.",
+ "PitfallInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Pitfall, you use your Shapeshift to mark the area around the Shapeshift as a trap. Players who enter this area will be immobilized quickly, and their vision will be affected.",
+ "EvilMiniInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Evil Mini, you are unkillable until you grow up and have a very long initial Kill Cooldown, which gets drastically shortened as you grow up.",
+ "BlackmailerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Blackmailer, when you Shift into a target, you will blackmail that player. This means that during the meetings, they won't be able to speak.\n\nNote: If someone is already blackmailed, blackmailing another person un-blackmails the current person.",
+ "InstigatorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Instigator, it's your job to turn the Crewmates against each other. Each time a Crewmate gets voted out in a meeting, if you are alive, an additional Crewmate who voted for the innocent player will die after the meeting. The Host determines the number of additional players dying.",
+ "LazyGuyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nLazy Guy has only one task. In addition, the Impostor's abilities can't affect the Lazy Guy, such as being a scapegoat for Anonymous, being marked by a Warlock or Puppeteer, and more. Lazy Guy will not have any Add-ons.",
"SuperStarInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThere will be a star logo next to the Super Star's name, so everyone knows who the Super Star is. The Super Star can only die when the murderer is alone with the Super Star (regular kills only). In addition, the Guessers can't guess the Super Star. ",
"CelebrityInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nCuando el Famoso muere, toda la tripulación será informada (Como el parpadeo del Vigilante) y serán informados durante la próxima reunión. Obviamente, el Impostor no tendrá ninguna idea de todo esto.",
- "CleanserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Cleanser, you can vote to erase the add-ons of any target at the meeting. This erasure takes effect after the meeting ends. Depending on the settings, the cleansed player may never receive add-ons again.",
+ "CleanserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Cleanser, you can vote to erase the Add-ons of any target at the meeting. This erasure takes effect after the meeting ends. Depending on the settings, the cleansed player may never receive Add-ons again.",
"KeeperInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Protector puede votar a alguien para protegerlos de ser exiliados. Esta habilidad solo se puede usar un número de veces configurable.",
- "MayorInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Alcalde tiene votos extra. Como opción, estos pueden ser ocultados. Puedes usar un conducto para convocar una reunión desde cualquier sitio y revelarás tu rol al completar tus tareas.",
+ "MayorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mayor, you have extra votes. Depending on the settings, players can't see your extra votes, you can Vent to call a meeting at any time, or you can have yourself revealed as Mayor upon task completion.",
"PsychicInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Psíquico puede ver el nombre de varios jugadores en rojo durante las reuniones, y uno de ellos es malvado. El Psíquico puede ver correctamente a todos los Neutros y a los Tripulantes Asesinos con nombres rojos si está loco.",
- "MechanicInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Mecánico puede usar los conductos en cualquier momento. También puede reparar el reactor, O2 y las comunicaciones (Mira Hq) usando solo un lado. Las luces son reparadas levantando 1 palanca. Si abres una puerta, las abres todas.",
- "SheriffInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Sheriff no tiene tareas. Puede matar a los Impostores (Y también a los neutros si el anfitrión lo permite). Si el Sheriff intenta asesinar a un tripulante, el Sheriff se suicidará. El Sheriff se vuelve tarumba y puede matar a cualquiera si se vuelve loco (Según las opciones del anfitrión).",
- "VigilanteInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Justiciero tiene la tarea de eliminar cualquier posible amenaza a la tripulación. En cambio, si mata a un tripulante por error, el remordimiento y culpabilidad lo volverán loco.\n\n Nota: El Justiciero no puede ser manipulado por el Gánster.",
- "JailerInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Carcelero puede usar su botón de matar para enviar a un jugador a la prisión. Durante la próxima reunión, el jugador en prisión no podrá votar o ser votado. El Carcelero podrá ejecutar al prisionero votándolo. Si el Carcelero ejecuta a un inocente, perderá la abilidad de ejecutar por el resto de la partida. \nSi es malvado, puede ejecutar a cualquiera.\nEl Carcelero tiene ejecuciones limitadas.\n\nNota: Los prisioneros no pueden ser adivinados o juzgados, y pueden sólamente adivinar al Carcelero.",
+ "MechanicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Mechanic can use Vents at any time. They can also fix Reactors, O2, and Communications using only one side. You can fix Lights by flicking only one switch. Opening a door will open all doors in the map.",
+ "SheriffInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nSheriff has no task. The Sheriff can kill the Impostor (according to the Host settings, the Sheriff can also kill Neutrals). If the Sheriff tries to kill a Crewmate, the Sheriff will kill himself. The Sheriff can kill anyone when he becomes a Madmate (also according to the Host settings).",
+ "VigilanteInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Vigilante, you are tasked with eliminating potential threats to the Crewmates, but if they mistakenly kill an innocent Crew member, they become a Madmate driven by guilt and remorse.\n\n Note: Gangster cannot convert Vigilante into Madmate.",
+ "JailerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Jailer, use your Kill button to lock a player in jail. During the next meeting, the jailed player cannot vote or get voted (the vote count will be 0). The Jailer may choose to execute the prisoner by voting for them. If the Jailer executes an innocent player, the Jailer loses the ability to execute for the rest of the game.\nIf the Jailer is evil, then they can execute anyone.\nThe Jailer has limited executions.\n\nNote: Jailed players cannot be guessed or judged, and jailed players can only guess Jailer.",
"SnitchInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nUna vez que el Chivato termine sus tareas, verá a los impostores en rojo cuando llegue una reunión. Cuando a este solo le quede una tarea, los impostores verán un 「★」 al lado del nombre suyo y del Chivato. Si el Chivato está loco, el 「★」 se vuelve rojo.",
- "MarshallInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Mariscal debe completar sus tareas para revelarse al resto de la tripulación.\nLos otros equipos no te puede ver.\nSin embargo, los locos te puede ver.",
- "DoctorInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Doctor puede ver la causa de la muerte de todos los jugadores. Además, puedes mirar los constantes desde cualquier lugar si te queda batería.",
+ "MarshallInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Marshall, complete your tasks to reveal yourself to the rest of the Crewmates.\nOther teams will not be able to see you.\nHowever, Madmates CAN see you.",
+ "DoctorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nDoctor can see the cause of death for all players. In addition, the Doctor can access Vitals wherever you are while he still has battery left.",
"DictatorInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Dictador, cuando vota a alguien, forzará el fin de la reunión y la persona que hayas votado será exiliada. Después de eso, morirá.",
"DetectiveInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Detective recibe un mensaje después de informar un cadáver. Recibirás el rol de la víctima, y si el Anfitrión lo permite, el rol del asesino. Nota: El Detective no puede ser Inconsciente.",
"UndercoverInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nLos Impostores saben quién es el Encubierto y lo verán como un aliado, pero el Encubierto no tendrá ninguna idea de quienes son los impostores.",
- "NiceGuesserInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Adivino Bueno puede adivinar el rol de una persona específica. Si tiene éxito, la matará. Y si no, se suicidará.\nEl commando para adivinar es: /bt [Id del jugador] [role]\nEl número al lado del nombre del jugador es su Id, pero puedes usar el comando /id para ver la lista de jugadores en el chat.\nEl Adivinador Bueno puede adivinar a los tripulantes cuando se vuelve loco.",
- "GuessMasterInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo el Adivino Maestro, recibirás información sobre toda adivinación durante una reunión. Serás dijo el rol adivinó, y si fue una adivinación equivocada.",
+ "NiceGuesserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Nice Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If it is correct, it will kill the target, and if it is wrong, Nice Guesser will suicide.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nNice Guesser can guess Crewmate when become Madmate.",
+ "GuessMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guess Master, you will receive information about every attempted guess made during a meeting. You will be informed about the role the Guesser tried to guess, and you will also be notified in case of a misguess.",
"KnightInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Caballero no tiene tareas. Puede matar a quien sea, pero solo puede hacerlo una vez por partida.",
- "TransporterInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nCuando el Transportador termina una tarea, dos jugadores al azar cambiarán de posición, pero si no hay suficientes jugadores vivos, no pasará nada. Nota: Los jugadores dentro de los conductos serán omitidos.",
+ "TransporterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhenever the Transporter completes the task, two random players will switch positions, but if there are not enough players left, nothing will happen. Note: Players in a Vent will not be selected.",
"TimeManagerInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nMayor sea el número de tareas hechas por el Controlador del Tiempo, más tiempo durarán las reuniones. Cuando muere, el tiempo de las reuniones volverá a la normalidad. Si se vuelve loco, su habilidad es invertida, reduciendo el tiempo en lugar de aumentarlo.",
- "VeteranInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Veterano puede entrar en estado de alerta usando un conducto. Si un jugador trata a matar a un Veterano cuando esté en este estado, el Veterano lo matará. El Veterano verá una animación sobre su cuerpo y se le mostrara un texto encima de su cabeza para recordarle si están en estado de alerta.",
- "BastionInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Baluarte planta bombas en los conductos para matar a los impostores y neutros.\nTen cuidado, otros tripulantes también pueden morir por tus bombas.",
- "CopyCatInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Copycat, you can use your kill button to copy the target's role.\n\nYou can only copy some crewmate roles.\nIf you try to copy a madmate or rascal, you become the madmate variation of the target role.\nIf you target an evil with a crewmate variant, you'll become the crewmate variant.\n\nAdditionally, Your role will be set back to Copycat after every meeting.\nNote You can't guess people in meetings.",
+ "VeteranInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Veteran, you can enter the alert state by Venting. If a player tries to kill the Veteran in the alert state, the Veteran will kill the murderer instead. Veteran will see a Shield Animation on their body and a text above their head as a reminder when they enter and exit the alert state.",
+ "BastionInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Bastion, bomb Vents to kill off Impostors and Neutrals.\nBe careful though; Crewmates can also be killed with the bombs.",
+ "CopyCatInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Copycat, you can use your Kill button to copy the target's role.\n\nYou can only copy some Crewmate roles.\nIf you try to copy a Madmate or Rascal, you become the Madmate variation of the target role.\nIf you target an evil with a Crewmate variant, you'll become the Crewmate variant.\n\nAdditionally, Your role will be set back to Copycat after every meeting.\nNote You can't guess people in meetings.",
"BodyguardInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nSi un jugador esta a punto de matar cerca de un Guardaespaldas, el Guardaespaldas detendra el asesinato y matará al asesino, sacrificando su vida. La habilidad del Guardaespaldas afectará a cualquier jugador de cualquier equipo. Cuando el Guardaespaldas se vuelve loco y el asesino es un Impostor, el Guarda hará caso omiso al asesinato y no se sacrificará.",
- "DeceiverInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Traficante puede vender droga a otros jugadores usando el botón de matar. Si la droga es vendida exitosamente, el Traficante podrá ver una animación de escudo sobre su cuerpo como un recordatorio. La droga tomara efecto cuando se acabe la siguiente reunión. Si el jugador no tiene habilidad de matar toma la droga, morirá inmediatamente. Si tiene botón de matar, se suicidará cuando intente matar a alguien la próxima vez.",
- "GrenadierInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Granadero puede usar los conductos para lanzar una Granada de Luz a otros jugadores cercanos, lo que les hace perder la visión si son Impostores o, según la configuración, Neutros.",
+ "DeceiverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Deceiver can sell the counterfeit to other players through the Kill button. If the counterfeit is sold successfully, the Deceiver will see a Shield Animation on their body as a reminder. The counterfeit will take effect after the end of the next meeting. If the player with no kill ability holds the counterfeit, he will kill himself immediately. If the player with the killing ability has the counterfeit, he will commit suicide when he tries to kill someone next time.",
+ "GrenadierInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Grenadier, you can Vent to Flashbang players nearby, causing them to lose vision if they are an Impostor or, depending on settings, a Neutral.",
"MedicInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Médico puede darle un escudo a un jugador usando el botón de matar. Solo puede dar un escudo durante todo el juego, y cuando el Médico muere, el escudo del objetivo desaparecerá. El Médico también puede ver si alguien trata de romper el escudo del objetivo. Dependiendo de la configuración del anfitrión, el Médico o el objetivo pueden ver si el jugador tiene un escudo (demostrado con un círculo verde「●」al lado del nombre).",
"FortuneTellerInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo el Vidente, vota por un jugador en una reunión para obtener una pista sobre su rol. \nLa pista estará relacionada con su rol real. \n\nCuando hayas completado las tareas del Vidente, obtendrás el rol exacto en lugar de una pista. \n\nNota:: Si la opción de dar pistas aleatorias de jugadores activos está habilitada, no podrás investigar al mismo jugador varias veces.",
"JudgeInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Judge can judge a certain player during the meeting. If the target is evil, the target will be killed (whether it is evil or not is set by the Host). If it is wrong, the Judge commits suicide.\nCommand for judgment: /tl [player id]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nJudges can judge all players when they become Madmate.\nIn meeting the ability count shows how many trails you have in this meeting. Out of meeting the ability counts shows how many trails you have for the whole game.",
"MorticianInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Director de Funeraria tendrá flechas que apuntan hacia todos los cadáveres, y si un Funerario informa un cadáver, conocerán a la última persona que estuvo con ellos. Nota: Funerario no será Inconsciente o Vigilante.",
"MediumInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Médium puede establecer contacto con un jugador muerto. El jugador que informe no tiene que ser el Médium. El jugador muerto puede responder solo una vez diciendo si o no a la pregunta del Médium, cual recibirá la respuesta (El jugador muerto puede usar /ms si o /ms no). Nota: El Médium no puede ser Inconsciente.",
- "ObserverInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Espectador puede ver todas las animaciones de escudo causado por otros jugadores una vez la primera reunión tenga lugar. Esto puede indicar el uso de la habilidad de un rol, por lo que estate atento.",
+ "ObserverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Observer, you can see all Shield Animations caused by other players after the first meeting. The Shield Animations typically indicate a role ability, so look out for this.",
"MonarchInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Monarch, you can knight players to give them an extra vote.\n\nYou cannot knight someone who already has multiple votes.\n\nKnighted players appear with a golden name.\nIf a knighted player is alive, the Monarch cannot be guessed or killed.",
- "PacifistInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nCuando el Pacifista se mete en un conducto, reiniciará el tiempo de espera para matar de todos los jugadores. La habilidad fastidiará solamente a la tripulación si el Pacifista se vuelve loco.",
- "OverseerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Overseer, you have minimal vision, but you can use your kill button to reveal the role of a nearby player. A 「○」 will be displayed next to the revealed target after you use the kill button on them, and you will also be scanning them (only you can see this). Stay near the target for a defined time to reveal his role; if you move too far away, the reveal will cancel.",
+ "PacifistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhen the Pacifist Vents, they will reset the Kill Cooldown for every player with a Kill button. When they become a Madmate, this ability will only work on Crewmates.",
+ "OverseerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Overseer, you have minimal vision, but you can use your Kill button to reveal the role of a nearby player. A 「○」 will be displayed next to the revealed target after you use the Kill button on them, and you will also be scanning them (only you can see this). Stay near the target for a defined time to reveal his role; if you move too far away, the reveal will cancel.",
"CoronerInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Forense no puede reportar cadáveres. Al intentarlo, verás una flecha que te llevará hacia al asesino. Si una reunión es llamada, las flechas desaparecerán. Dependiendo de las opciones, el cadáver encontrado no podrá ser reportado.",
"PresidentInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Presidente tiene dos habilidades: Terminar la reunión y revelar identidad.\n\n+ Habilidad 1: Terminar la reunión - Escribe /finish durante las reuniones si eres el Presidente para terminarlas instantáneamente\n+ Habilidad 2: Revelar Identidad - Escribe /reveal durante la reunión para revelar tu identidad. Al revelarte, harás que todos sepan que eres el Presidente y no podrás ser adivinado después de escribir el comando. Sin embargo, despues de que el Presidente se haya revelado, quien lo mate tendrá una reducción de su tiempo de espera para matar enorme.",
- "MerchantInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Mercader vende complementos al azar a otros jugadores por cada tarea que completas. Cada complemento te hará ganar dinero, y si consigues suficiente dinero, puedes evitar que te maten sobornando el asesino.",
+ "MerchantInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a merchant, you sell a random Add-on to a random player for each task you complete. Each Add-on sold earns you money. If you have a certain amount of money, you can prevent the next killing attempt against you by bribing the murderer. The bribed player won't be able to kill you, but you don't know who it is. The money used is lost and not available for additional bribes.",
"RetributionistInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Castigador puede matar un número limitado de jugadores después de tu muerte.\n\nUsa /ret [playerID] para matar.",
- "HawkInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Hawk, you can kill a limited amount of players decided by the host, though there's a chance you miss, slicing someone multiple times increases the chances.",
- "DeputyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Deputy, use your kill button to handcuff a player.\nThe player who is handcuffed will have their next kill attempt treated as a handcuff break, and the kill cooldown will be reset.\n\nIf the target does not have a kill button, then the handcuff was a waste.",
- "InvestigatorInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo Investigador, puedes emplear tu botón de investigación para examinar a alguien. Cuando investigues a una persona, su nombre aparecerá en rojo si tienen un botón de asesinato (basado en impostores/SS) o en azul claro si carecen de un botón de asesinato (basado en tripulantes/ingenieros/científicos). No obstante, ten en cuenta que el color de los nombres volverá a la normalidad cuando se convoque una reunión.",
+ "HawkInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Hawk, you can kill a limited amount of players decided by the Host, though there's a chance you miss, slicing someone multiple times increases the chances.",
+ "DeputyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Deputy, use your Kill button to handcuff a player.\nThe player who is handcuffed will have their next kill attempt treated as a handcuff break, and the Kill Cooldown will be reset.\n\nIf the target does not have a Kill button, then the handcuff was a waste.",
+ "InvestigatorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs an Investigator, you can use your Kill button to investigate someone. When you investigate someone, their name will appear in red if they possess a Kill button (impostor/Shapeshifter basis) or light blue if they lack a Kill button (Crewmate/Engineer/Scientist basis). However, please note that the color of the names will return to normal when someone calls a meeting.",
"GuardianInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Guardián se vuelve inmortal al completar sus tareas. Ni siquiera puedes ser adivinado en las reuniones.",
- "AddictInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Adicto tiene un temporizador. Cuando expira, se suicida.\nEl tiempo de espera para usar un conducto indica su tiempo. Cuando llega a 0, aún tiene un breve período para entrar en un conducto.\nSi no llegas, mueres. Si lo haces, se reinicia el temporizador.\nDespués de entrar en un conducto, nadie puede interactuar contigo durante un tiempo configurable.\nDespués de que este tiempo termine, estarás inmovilizado por otro intervalo de tiempo configurable y no puedes informar ningún cadáver.",
- "MoleInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nCuando te metes en un conducto, el Topo se queda durante un segundo. Al salir, aparecerás en otro conducto del mapa (Sin contar el que acabas de usar).",
+ "AddictInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Addict, you have a suicide timer. When it expires, you kill yourself.\nThe timer is indicated by the Vent Cooldown. When the Vent Cooldown is 0 seconds, you still have a short time to Vent.\nIf you don't make it, you die; if you make it, the Suicide Timer is reset.\nAlso after you Vent, no one can interact with you for a defined period.\nAfter; the period is over, and you are immobilized for another defined period, and cannot Report any bodies.",
+ "MoleInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mole, when you Vent, you stay in the Vent for 1 second. When you exit the Vent, you will spawn near a random Vent in the map (Except the one you used).",
"AlchemistInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Alquimista prepara pociones cuando completa tareas. La poción que hagas aparecerá bajo tu nombre de rol con su descripción e instrucciones correspondientes. Puedes obtener siete pociones diferentes, algunas con efectos perjudiciales o nulos. Usa un conducto para usar la poción.",
- "KamikazeInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEl Kamikaze puede marcar haciendo un clic para marcar a otros. Haz doble clic para matar normalmente. Si mueres, los jugadores marcados también morirán con la razón \"Rehén\".",
- "TracefinderInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Trazador puede acceder a los constantes en cualquier momento. Además, obtienes flechas que apuntan a los cadáveres, con un retraso establecido por el anfitrión.",
+ "KamikazeInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Kamikaze you can single click to mark players. Double-click to kill normally. When you die, all marked also die, with death reason Targeted.",
+ "TracefinderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracefinder, you can access Vitals at any time.\nIn addition, you get arrows pointing to dead bodies, with a delay set by the Host.",
"OracleInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Oráculo puede votar a un jugador durante una reunión. Verá si es un Tripulante, Neutro o Impostor. Dependiendo de la configuración, puede haber una posibilidad de que el resultado sea incorrecto.",
"SpiritualistInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Espiritista obtiene una flecha que apunta al fantasma de la víctima de la última reunión. Hay una opción para que la flecha desaparezca y vuelva a aparecer en ciertos intervalos. Intenta notificar a los fantasmas sobre tu habilidad, si puedes; si están de tu lado, podrán llevarte a un rol maligno para que los exilies. Ten cuidado, ya que los roles malignos pueden hacer lo mismo para fastidiarte y hacerte exiliar a otros Tripulantes.",
- "ChameleonInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Camaleón puedes usar un conducto para camuflarse temporalmente. Seguirás siendo visible en tu pantalla. Usa un conducto nuevamente para volver a ser visible.",
- "InspectorInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nCheca ver si dos jugadores están del mismo equipo o no. Recibirás un mensaje de afirmación si están en el mismo equipo, o un mensaje de negación si no están en el mismo equipo.\n\nTodo neutrales y jugadores cambiados son contado en el mismo equipo. Fullero es contado como Tripulante y Mocoso como Impostor.\nComando para checar: /cmp [jugador id 1] [jugador id 2].",
- "CaptainInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo el Capitán, para cada tarea completa, ralentizaras un jugador al azar con un rol que no es tripulante. Tripulantes pueden ver una ☆ próximo tu nombre.\n\nSi alguien te traiciona por votándote salido, perderá un complemento.",
- "AdmirerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Admirer, admire a player to make them Crewmate aligned.\nThey'll win with crewmates and not their original team.\n\nYou can only do this once per player.",
- "TimeMasterInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo el Maestro del Tiempo, usa los conductos para marcar la posición de todo.\nCuando usas la habilidad de nuevo, cada jugador vivo volverá a las posiciones marcadas.\n\nDurante la duración de la habilidad, el Maestro del Tiempo obtiene un nuevo Escudo de Tiempo que te protege a morir.",
- "CrusaderInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo el Defensor, usa su botón de matar para hacer cruzada.\nSi este jugador es asaltada, matará al asaltador.",
- "AltruistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Altruist, you can sacrifice yourself to revive a dead body using the «Report» button.\nNote: If a dead player has left the game, you report that body normally.\nAlso revived player cannot report self dead body\nUse vent button to change between Report & Revive.",
- "ReverieInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl ensimismado puede matar, pero tendrá un tiempo de espera bastante grande.\n\nSi matas a un tripulante, aumentará, si no, se reducirá.\nDependiendo de las opciones del Anfitrión, morirás si alcanzas tu tiempo de espera máximo junto con tu víctima.\n\nGanas con los tripulantes.",
- "LookoutInfoLong": "(Tripulantes)\nEl Centinela puede ver los IDs de cada jugador en cualquier momento.\nEsto permite ver a través de cambios de forma y camuflajes.",
- "TelecommunicationInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Transmisor ve cuando alguien esté echando un vistazo a las cámaras, constantes, registro de puertas, o la mesa de administración.",
- "LighterInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Encendedor puede usar los conductos para aumentar su visión temporalmente.\nEl sabotaje de luces no te reduce la visión.\n¡Usa esta habilidad para coger a los Impostores en el acto!",
+ "ChameleonInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chameleon, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
+ "InspectorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nCheck If two players are in the same team or not. You will get an affirmation message if they are on the same team or a denial message if they are not on the same team.\n\nAll Neutrals and converted players are counted in the same team. Trickster counts as Crewmate, and Rascal counts as Impostor.\nChecking command: /cmp [player id 1] [player id 2].",
+ "CaptainInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWith each completed task, the Captain gains the power to slow down a random non-Crewmate role. Crewmates can see ☆besides Captain's name.\n\nIf anyone betrays the Captain's trust by voting Captain out, they will lose an Add-on.",
+ "AdmirerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Admirer, admire a player to make them Crewmate aligned.\nThey'll win with Crewmates and not their original team.\n\nYou can only do this once per player.",
+ "TimeMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Time Master, use the Vents to mark everyone's position.\nWhen using the ability again, every alive player will rewind to the marked positions.\n\nDuring the ability duration, the Time Master gains a time shield, which protects them from death.",
+ "CrusaderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Crusader, use your Kill button to crusade a player.\nIf that player gets attacked, you'll kill the attacker.",
+ "AltruistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Altruist, you can sacrifice yourself to revive a dead body using the «Report» button.\nNote: If a dead player has left the game, you report that body normally.\nAlso revived player cannot report self dead body\nUse the Vent button to change between Report & Revive.",
+ "ReverieInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Reverie, you can kill, but your Cooldown starts high.\n\nIt increases if you kill a Crewmate and reduces otherwise.\nDepending on the Host's setting, you may misfire on reaching the maximum Kill Cooldown, and your target dies with you. \n\nYou win with other Crewmates.",
+ "LookoutInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Lookout, you can see the ID's of every player at all times.\nThis allows you to see through Shapeshifts and Camouflages.",
+ "TelecommunicationInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Telecommunication, you are notified when anyone uses Cameras, Vitals, Door Logs, or Admin.",
+ "LighterInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Lighter, you can Vent to increase your vision temporarily.\nYou have increased vision both when lights are not out and when lights are out.\nUse this power to catch sneaky killers!",
"TaskManagerInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nVes el número total de tareas completas por todos al lado del nombre de tu rol. Se actualiza en tiempo real.",
- "WitnessInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Testigo se dará cuenta si un jugador a asesinado hace X segundos o no usando su botón de matar (X depende de las opciones).",
- "SwapperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Swapper, you can swap votes in meetings.\n\nTo swap votes, use '/sw [playerID]' twice.\n\nPlayer IDs are displayed next to player names in meetings, but you can also use /id to get a list of all player IDs.\n\nNote: Depending on the Host's settings, you can exchange your own votes.",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chief of Police,you can recruit a player to be a Sheriff(only once per game).\nDepending on the settings,you may recruit non-Crewmates or players without a kill button.\nYou may die when you recruit a wrong player.",
+ "WitnessInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Witness, when you use your Kill button on someone, you will know if they killed in the last X seconds or not. (X depends on the settings).",
+ "SwapperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Swapper, you can swap votes in meetings.\n\nTo swap votes, use '/sw [playerID]' twice.\n\nPlayer ID's are displayed next to player names in meetings, but you can also use /id to get a list of all player ID's.\n\nNote: Depending on the Host's settings, you can exchange your own votes.",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chief of Police, you can recruit a player to be a Sheriff(only once per game).\nDepending on the settings, you may recruit non-Crewmates or players without a Kill button.\nYou may suicide when you recruit a wrong player.",
"NiceMiniInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a Nice Mini, your survival is crucial. You can't be killed until you grow up, and if you die or are evicted from the meeting before you grow up, everyone loses. This unique role adds a new dynamic to the game, where your survival is not just for your benefit but for the entire Crew's success.",
- "SpyInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nEl Espía sabrá si alguien usó su botón de matar en él (El nombre de quien usó su habilidad tendrá su nombre en naranja durante unos segundos).\nNota: Da igual a qué equipo pertenece quien haya usado su habilidad, verás su nombre en naranja.\nNota 2: Al acabarse los usos de la habilidad, no verás nombres en naranja\nNota 3: Si la interación es bloqueada, el tiempo de espera del jugador será de 10s",
- "RandomizerInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nLa Ruleta Rusa hará que, al morir, gire la ruleta de la fortuna. Tu asesino puede acabar haciendo una de estas cosas:\n 1. Auto-Reporte\n 2. Quedarse de piedra (No podrá moverse)\n 3. Una pausa publicitaria de 10 minutos (Tiempo de espera para matar de 600s durante el resto de la ronda)\n 4. Perder los estribos, tomándola con otra persona en la partida y matándolo.",
- "ArsonistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Arsonist can douse a player by clicking the kill button on the player and following them for a few seconds. When the dousing starts and it's successful, a shield animation will happen as a reminder (only visible to themselves). When the Arsonist has doused all surviving players, the Arsonist can vent to start the fire and win alone.\n\nIf the player name shows 「△」, that means they are being doused;\nif the player name shows 「▲」, it means they have been completely doused.\nDepending on the setting, Arsonist may start the fire anytime. But if he fails to kill everyone, he loses.",
+ "SpyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Spy, when someone uses their Kill button on you (any ability used through the Kill button), you'll see their name in orange for a few seconds.\nNote: If a Crewmate used their ability on you, you'll also see them with an orange name!\nNote: If you cannot use left, you won't see orange names!\nNote: If the Kill button interaction is blocked, the player's Cooldown will reset to 10s'",
+ "RandomizerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs this Randomizer, when you die, your killer will do one of the following:\n 1. self-report your body\n 2. stand next to your body\n 3. have their Kill Cooldown set to 600s\n 4. Randomly avenge a player.",
+ "ArsonistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Arsonist can douse a player by clicking the Kill button on the player and following them for a few seconds. When the dousing starts and it's successful, a Shield Animation will happen as a reminder (only visible to themselves). When the Arsonist has doused all surviving players, the Arsonist can Vent to start the fire and win alone.\n\nIf the player name shows 「△」, that means they are being doused;\nif the player name shows 「▲」, it means they have been completely doused.\nDepending on the setting, Arsonist may start the fire anytime. But if he fails to kill everyone, he loses.",
"EnigmaInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Enigma, you get a random clue about the killer each meeting. Depending on the settings, you may have to report the body to receive a clue. The more tasks you complete, the more precise the clues get.",
- "PyromaniacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pyromaniac, you can douse players (single click) or kill normally (double click). Dousing players do nothing immediately, but killing a doused player will significantly shorten your kill cooldown. To win, be the last player alive.",
- "HuntsmanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Huntsman, you are given a certain number of targets that reset every meeting. If you successfully eliminate one of your targets, your kill cooldown goes down permanently by the set amount. However, if you kill someone not one of your targets, your kill cooldown permanently increases by the set amount. A colored name indicates your targets.",
+ "PyromaniacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pyromaniac, you can douse players (single click) or kill normally (double click). Dousing players do nothing immediately, but killing a doused player will significantly shorten your Kill Cooldown. To win, be the last player alive.",
+ "HuntsmanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Huntsman, you are given a certain number of targets that reset every meeting. If you successfully eliminate one of your targets, your Kill Cooldown goes down permanently by the set amount. However, if you kill someone not one of your targets, your Kill Cooldown permanently increases by the set amount. A colored name indicates your targets.",
"MiniInfoLong": "(Tripulación o Impostor):\nEl Niño está dividido en dos roles. El Bueno y el Malvado.\n\nUse '/r NiñoBueno' o '/r NiñoMalvado' respectivamente para más detalles.",
"JesterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nIf the Jester gets voted out, the Jester wins the game alone. If the Jester is still alive at the end of the game, the Jester loses. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
"TerroristInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nSi el Terrorista muere después de terminar sus tareas, el Terrorista gana solo. (Pueden ganar si es asesinado o si es exiliado).",
"ExecutionerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Executioner is a role with an execution target, indicated by a diamond symbol「♦」next to their name. If the execution target is killed, the Executioner's role will change to Crewmate, Jester, or Opportunist, depending on the game settings. However, if the execution target is voted out in the meeting, the Executioner wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
"LawyerInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Abogado tiene un cliente a quien defender, que será indicado con un diamante 「♦」 al lado de su nombre.\nSi tu cliente gana, ganarás.\nSi pierde, perderás.",
"OpportunistInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nSi el Oportunista sobrevive hasta el final, ganará con el equipo ganador.",
- "VectorInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nVector ganará solo si usa los conductos un cierto número de veces.",
- "JackalInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jackal, you win if you are the last player alive. Additionally, you may recruit using the kill button. If the target is not one you can recruit, you have run out of uses, or you don't have the option to recruit, then you will kill people normally (i.e., don't use kill buttons in front of others thinking it'll recruit). If the target has a kill button and the option to turn into a Sidekick is on, they will become a Sidekick. Otherwise, they will gain the Recruit add-on if the option to give the Recruit add-on is on.\nDepending on the settings, when Jackal was killed, a Sidekick will be randomly selected as the new Jackal.\nRecruit may be selected if no sidekick is alive.",
+ "VectorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nVector will win alone by Venting a certain number of times.",
+ "JackalInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jackal, you win if you are the last player alive. Additionally, you may recruit using the Kill button. If the target is not one you can recruit, you have run out of uses, or you don't have the option to recruit, then you will kill people normally (i.e., don't use Kill buttons in front of others thinking it'll recruit). If the target has a Kill button and the option to turn into a Sidekick is on, they will become a Sidekick. Otherwise, they will gain the Recruit Add-on if the option to give the Recruit Add-on is on.\nDepending on the settings, when Jackal was killed, a Sidekick will be randomly selected as the new Jackal.\nRecruit may be selected if no Sidekick is alive.",
"GodInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Dios conoce el rol de todo el mundo desde el principio. Si sobrevives hasta el final del juego, robarás la victoria. Es decir, todos los demás pierden y tú ganas.",
- "InnocentInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Inocente puede usar el botón de matar para hacer que otro jugador lo asesine. Si este es votado en cualquier momento de la partida, el Inocente ganará. Nota: El Bufón, el Verdugo y el Inocente pueden ganar juntos.",
- "PelicanInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Pelícano puede usar el botón de matar para zamparte a un jugador vivo, teletransportándolos fuera del mapa pero sin matarlos directamente. Aquellos que sean tragados morirán sólamente si sigues vivo al final de la ronda. Si mueres o te desconectas durante la ronda, todos los jugadores tragados que sigan vivos aparecerán donde estabas antes de morir o desconectarte.",
- "RevolutionistInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Revolucionista puede reclutar a otros jugadores haciendo clic en el botón de matar sobre el jugador y siguiéndolos hasta que se reproduzca la animación del escudo para ti. Reclutar tiene una posibilidad, establecida por el anfitrión, de matar jugadores (Seguirán estando reclutados). Cuando se recluten el número necesario de jugadores (mostrado junto a tu nombre), debes usar un conducto dentro del límite de tiempo especificado para ganar el juego de inmediato con todos tus reclutas. Si no te metes en un conducto a tiempo, perderás, morirás y te dará una rabia inimaginable.",
- "HaterInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo el Odioso, no tienes tiempo de espera para matar. Sin embargo, solo puedes matar a los Amantes y otros roles de reclutamiento y complementos, dependiendo de la configuración. Matar a cualquier otra persona te hará suicidarte. Ganarás al final del juego con el equipo ganador si ninguno de los roles que puedes matar está vivo. No serás parte de los Amantes.",
+ "InnocentInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Innocent can use the Kill button to plant any player, and the planted target will immediately kill the Innocent. If the target gets voted out in the meeting, the Innocent wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
+ "PelicanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pelican, you can use the Kill button to swallow a player alive, teleporting them off-bounds but not killing them yet. Those swallowed will only die if you're still alive at the end of the round. If you die or leave during the round, all alive swallowed players will spawn into the map where you were.",
+ "RevolutionistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Revolutionist, you can recruit players by clicking the Kill button on the player and following them until the Shield Animation plays for you. Recruiting has a chance, set by the Host, to kill players (though they are still recruited). When the required number of players are recruited (displayed next to your name), you must Vent within the specified time to win the game immediately with all your recruits. If you do not Vent in time, you lose and die.",
+ "HaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hater, you have no Kill Cooldown. However, depending on the settings, you can only kill Lovers and other Recruiting Roles and Add-ons. Killing anyone else will make you suicide. You win at the end of the game with the winning team if none of the killable roles are alive. You will not be Lovers.",
"DemonInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Demonio mata drenando la salud de otros. Ves la salud como un porcentaje al lado del nombre de todos, y cada ataque que hagas drena un porcentaje de dicha salud sin que la víctima lo sepa. Una vez que dejes la salud de tu víctima a 0, la matarás. Ganas si eres el último en pie.",
- "StalkerInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Acosador puedes matar a cualquiera, y cada asesinato causará inmediatamente un sabotaje de las luces (si las luces ya están saboteadas, no pasará nada). El Acosador no puede usar conductos. Si el Impostor gana mientras el Acosador esté vivo o si la Tripulación gana matando a los Impostores (según la configuración del anfitrión, el Acosador también puede ganar cuando el Tripulante gana matando a los Neutrales), entonces el Acosador les roba la victoria.",
+ "StalkerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Stalker can kill anyone, and every kill will immediately cause a Lights Sabotage (if Lights Sabotage is already active, nothing will happen). Stalker cannot Vent. If the Impostor wins while the Stalker is alive or the Crewmate wins by killing the Impostors (according to the Host's setting, the Stalker may also win when the Crewmate wins by killing the Neutrals), then the Stalker wins alone.",
"WorkaholicInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Trabajólico gana solo cuando completa todas sus tareas. Dependiendo de la configuración del anfitrión, solo puedes ganar si estás vivo, y se te puede revelar a todos al principio (estas configuraciones casi nunca están activadas al mismo tiempo).",
- "SolsticerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Solsticer, you won't die, and you win by finishing all your tasks in a single round. After every meeting finishes, your tasks reset, and you need to start all over again.\nVotes on the Solsticer will be directly canceled.\nKill attempts on the Solsticer will teleport it out of the map like Pelican until the meeting is finished.\nThe killer's kill cooldown will be reset to 10 seconds.\nSolsticer is counted as nothing in-game.",
+ "SolsticerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Solsticer, you won't die, and you win by finishing all your tasks in a single round. After every meeting finishes, your tasks reset, and you need to start all over again.\nVotes on the Solsticer will be directly canceled.\nKill attempts on the Solsticer will teleport it out of the map like Pelican until the meeting is finished.\nThe killer's Kill Cooldown will be reset to 10 seconds.\nSolsticer is counted as nothing in-game.",
"CollectorInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Coleccionista puede votar por un jugador. Por cada voto que vaya para ese jugador, ganas un punto. Cuando consigas un cierto número de votos, ganarás, aun si el Bufón o el objetivo del Verdugo fueron exiliados.",
- "GlitchInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Glitch puede hackear a jugadores (Un clic) o matar normalmente (Doble clic). Aquellos que hayan sido hackeados no pueden matar, usar conductos ni informar durante la duración del hackeo. Además, causar un sabotaje (excluyendo las puertas) no tendrá efecto y, en su lugar, te disfrazará con la apariencia de otro jugador al azar. No puedes disfrazarte en medio de un sabotaje o si ya hubo un sabotaje hace un rato. Para ganar, sé el último jugador en pie.",
+ "GlitchInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Glitch, you can hack players (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose who have been hacked cannot kill, Vent, or report for the hack duration.\nAdditionally, calling a Sabotage other than doors will have no effect and will instead disguise you as a random player. You cannot disguise during or after Sabotages.\nTo win, be the last player alive.",
"SidekickInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sidekick, your job is to help the Jackal kill everyone.\nYou and the Jackal win together.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed.\nYou may not be able to kill until old Jackal is dead.",
- "ProvocateurInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Provocador puede matar a cualquiera con el botón de matar. Si el objetivo pierde al final del juego, el Provocador gana con los ganadores.",
- "BloodKnightInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Caballero Sanguinario obtiene un escudo temporal después de cada asesinato que lo hace inmortal durante unos segundos.",
- "PlagueBearerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Plaguebearer, plague everyone using your kill button to turn into Pestilence.\nOnce you turn into Pestilence, you will become immortal and gain the ability to kill, and you will kill anyone who tries to kill you.\n\nAlso, when infected players interact with uninfected players, they will also be infected.",
+ "ProvocateurInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Provocateur, you can kill any target with the Kill button. If the target loses at the end of the game, the Provocateur wins with the winning team.",
+ "BloodKnightInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Blood Knight wins when they're the last killing role alive, and the amount of Crewmates is lower or equal to the amount of Blood Knights. The Blood Knight gains a temporary shield after every kill, making them immortal for a few seconds.",
+ "PlagueBearerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Plaguebearer, plague everyone using your Kill button to turn into Pestilence.\nOnce you turn into Pestilence, you will become immortal and gain the ability to kill, and you will kill anyone who tries to kill you.\n\nAlso, when infected players interact with uninfected players, they will also be infected.",
"PestilenceInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Pestilence, you're an unstoppable machine.\nAny attack towards you will be reflected towards them.\nIndirect kills don't even kill you.\n\nOnly way to kill Pestilence is by voting them out or the Pestilence misguessing.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
- "SoulCollectorInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Soul Collector, you can use your kill button on a player to predict their death. You will gain a soul if your target dies in the round you select them or the meeting after.\nYour target resets after each meeting or after they die, whichever comes first. \n\nOnce you collect the configurable amount of souls, you become Death. If the gain passive souls setting is enabled, you will gain a soul each meeting.",
+ "SoulCollectorInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Soul Collector, you can use your Kill button on a player to predict their death. You will gain a Soul if your target dies in the round you select them or the meeting after.\nYour target resets after each meeting or after they die, whichever comes first. \n\nOnce you collect the configurable amount of Souls, you become Death. If the gain passive Souls setting is enabled, you will gain a Soul each meeting.",
"DeathInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Soul Collector has collected their needed souls, they become Death. Death kills everyone and wins if Death is not ejected by the end of the next meeting.\nA configurable amount of extra meeting time will be given on the meeting Death transforms to have more discussion to find Death.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
- "BakerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Baker, you can use your kill button on a player per round to give them bread. \nOnce a set amount of players are alive with bread, you become Famine.\n\nIf the Bread gives additional effects and the setting is on, then you can vent to change the bread that you give out. \nBread Effects:\nReveal: Reveals the target's role to the Baker (stays the whole game)\nRoleblock: Resets the target's kill cooldown when they try to use their kill button\nBarrier: Gives the target a barrier that is only known to the Baker (barrier is removed after the meeting)",
- "FamineInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Baker has a set amount of people with bread alive, they will become Famine. If the Famine does not get voted out after the meeting, then they will become Famine, and every player without bread will starve (excluding other Apocalypse members).\nAfter this starvation of everyone without bread, Famine can use their kill button to starve any remaining players, which will kill those players right before the next meeting.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
+ "BakerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Baker, you can use your Kill Button on a player per round to give them bread. \nOnce a set amount of players are alive with bread, you become Famine.\n\nIf the Bread gives additional effects and the setting is on, then you can Vent to change the bread that you give out. \nBread Effects:\nReveal: Reveals the target's role to the Baker (stays the whole game)\nRoleblock: Resets the target's Kill Cooldown when they try to use their Kill Button\nBarrier: Gives the target a Barrier that is only known to the Baker (Barrier is removed after the meeting)",
+ "FamineInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Baker has a set amount of people with bread alive, they will become Famine. If the Famine does not get voted out after the meeting, then they will become Famine, and every player without bread will starve (excluding other Apocalypse members).\nAfter this starvation of everyone without bread, Famine can use their Kill Button to starve any remaining players, which will kill those players right before the next meeting.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
"BerserkerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Berserker, you level up with each kill.\nUpon reaching a certain level defined by the Host, you unlock a new power.\n\nScavenged kills make your kills disappear.\nBombed kills make your kills explode. Be careful when killing, as this can kill your other Apocalypse members if they are near. \nAfter a certain level, you become War.",
- "WarInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs War, you are invincible, have a lower kill cooldown, and can kill anyone with your previous powers.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
- "FollowerInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Seguidor puede usar su botón para matar a alguien para seguirlo, y puede usarlo otra vez para cambiar de objetivo a seguir. Si el jugador seguido gana, el Seguidor gana con él. Nota: El seguidor ganará, da igual si ha muerto o no.",
- "CultistInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Líder de Secta puede usar su botón de matar para Encantar a otros jugadores, haciendo que ganen contigo. Para ganar, Encanta a todos los que puedan suponer una amenaza y gana la mayoría.\nDependiendo de las opciones, podrás Encantar a otros Neutros, y aquellos que se unan a tu Secta cuentan como miembros de su equipo original, la Secta o ningún equipo para determinar cuando ganes debido a la mayoría.",
+ "WarInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs War, you are invincible, have a lower Kill Cooldown, and can kill anyone with your previous powers.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
+ "FollowerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Follower can use their Kill Button on someone to start following them and can use the Kill Button again to switch the following target. If the Follower's target wins, the Follower will win along with them. Note: The Follower can also win after they die.",
+ "CultistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cultist, your Kill Button is used to Charm others, making them win with you. To win, charm all who pose a threat and gain the majority.\nDepending on settings, you may be able to charm Neutrals, and those you Charm may count as their original team, nothing, or a Cultist to determine when you win due to majority.",
"SerialKillerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Serial Killer, you win if you are the last player alive.",
- "JuggernautInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nCada vez que el coloso mate, podrá matar más rápido. Mata a todos para ganar.",
+ "JuggernautInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Juggernaut, your Kill Cooldown decreases with each kill you make.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"InfectiousInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Infeccioso tiene que infectar tantos jugadores como sea posible.\n\nSi infectas a todos los asesinos, tu equipo simplemente ganará por mayoría comparada al equipo de la tripulación.\n\nSi mueres, todos los jugadores que hayas infectado morirán después de la siguiente reunión.\nSi consiguen alcanzar su condición de victoria antes de que eso pase, podrás ganar aún,.",
- "VirusInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe task of the Virus is to kill or infect all other players. When the Virus murders a crewmate, their corpse is infected with a virus. The Crewmate who reports this corpse is infected joins the virus team or dies at the end of the meeting if the Virus doesn't get voted out, depending on the settings. If more players are on the Virus team than the Crewmate team, the Virus team wins.",
+ "VirusInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe task of the Virus is to kill or infect all other players. When the Virus murders a Crewmate, their corpse is infected with a virus. The Crewmate who reports this corpse is infected joins the virus team or dies at the end of the meeting if the Virus doesn't get voted out, depending on the settings. If more players are on the Virus team than the Crewmate team, the Virus team wins.",
"PursuerInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Perseguidor puede usar su habilidad en alguien para meter una bala de fogueo en su pistola, cancelando su próximo intento de asesinato.\n\nPara ganar, solo tienes que sobrevivir hasta el final.",
"SpecterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Specter, your job is to get killed and finish your tasks.\nYou can do your tasks while alive.\nYou cannot win if you're alive.\nIf you get killed, you win with the winning team if your tasks are completed.",
- "PirateInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl pirata puede usar su botón de matar para elegir a un objetivo cada ronda.\nTe enfrentarás en un duelo con tu objetivo en la próxima reunión.\nSi tu objetivo y tú habéis elegido el mismo número, o si tu objetivo no elige nada, lo matas, y ganas un punto.\n\nPara lanzar un duelo, tienes que escribir: /duel X (X siendo 0, 1 o 2)\n\nGanas después de ganar un cierto número de duelos, configurable por el anfitrión.\n\nNota: Si el objetivo no participó en el duelo, la muerte no contará para la victoria del pirata.",
- "AgitaterInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nTu función de Agitador es esencialmente el juego de la Patata Caliente.\n\nUsa tu botón de matar en un jugador para pasar una bomba.\nEsto solo se puede hacer una vez por ronda.\n\nEl jugador que reciba la bomba será notificado cuando la reciba, y deberá pasarla a otro jugador acercándose a el.\n\nCuando se llame una reunión, el jugador con la bomba morirá.\n\nIntentar pasar la bomba a la Pestilencia o a un Veterano en alerta te matará.\nOpcionalmente, el Agitador no podrá recibir la bomba.",
- "MaverickInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Disidente puede matar y, dependiendo de las opciones, usar los conductos y tener visión de impostor. Si sobrevives hasta el final del juego, ganarás con el equipo ganador. Usa tu habilidad de matar para deshacerte de cualquier amenaza, pero que no te exilien.",
- "CursedSoulInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Alma Maldita roba la victoria si sobrevive hasta el final.\n\nPuedes robarle la victoria a un Bufón o a un Verdugo.\n\nAdemás, puedes robarle el alma a otros jugadores.\nLos jugadores desalmados ganan contigo y cuentan como si hubieran muerto.",
+ "PirateInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pirate, use your Kill button to select a target every round.\nYou will duel with your target in the next meeting. \nIf both the Pirate and the target choose the same number, the Pirate wins.\nAdditionally, if the Pirate wins the duel or the target doesn't participate in the duel, the Pirate kills the target.\n\nDueling command: /duel X (where X can be 0, 1, or 2)\n\nYou win after winning a certain number of duels set by the Host.\n\nNote: The kill would not count towards Pirate victory if the target did not participate in the duel.",
+ "AgitaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Agitator, your premise is essentially Hot Potato.\n\nUse your Kill Button on a player to pass the bomb.\nThis can only be done once per round.\n\nThe player who receives the bomb will be notified when receiving said bomb, in which they need to pass it to another player by getting near a player.\n\nWhen a meeting is called, the player with the bomb dies.\n\nIf trying to pass to Pestilence or a Veteran on alert, the bombed player dies instead.\nOptionally, the Agitator cannot receive the bomb.",
+ "MaverickInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Maverick, you can kill and, depending on options, Vent and have Impostor vision\nIf you survive until the end of the game, you win with the winning team.\nUse your killing ability to eliminate threats to your life, but don't get voted out.",
+ "CursedSoulInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cursed Soul, you steal the victory if you survive to the end of the game.\n\nYou can steal the win from a Jester or Executioner.\n\nAdditionally, you can steal the Souls of other players.\nSoulless players win with you and count as dead.",
"PickpocketInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pickpocket, you steal votes from your kills.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"TraitorInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Traidor era un impostor que ha traicionado a los impostores.\nSabes quienes son los impostores, pero ellos no saben quién eres.\n¿Cuál es la traba? Te pueden matar, y no puedes defenderte de ellos.\n\nElimina a los impostores de otro modo, y mata a todos para ganar!",
- "TrollerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs a Troller, you can complete tasks so that random events can happen to players.\nFor example, changing the speed of all players, teleportation, influencing sabotage, etc.\nAlso you can win with the winning team.",
- "VultureInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Buitre gana reportando cadáveres.\n\nCuando intentes informar de un cadáver, si tu tiempo de espera para comer se haya acabado, te comerás el cadáver, lo que lo hará imposible de reportar.\nSi tu tiempo de espera para comer aún no se acabó o si llegas al límite de cadáveres por ronda, reportarás el cadáver normalmente.",
+ "TrollerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs a Troller, you can complete tasks so that random events can happen to players.\nFor example, changing the speed of all players, teleportation, influencing Sabotage, etc.\nAlso you can win with the winning team.",
+ "VultureInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Vulture, report bodies to win!\n\nWhen you report a body, if your Eat Cooldown is up, you'll eat the body (makes it unreportable).\nIf your eat ability is still on Cooldown, then you'll report the body normally.\n\nAdditionally, you'll report bodies normally if the maximum bodies eaten per round is reached.",
"AbyssbringerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Abyssbringer, you can place black holes. Black holes will suck in players and kill them when colliding with them.",
- "TaskinatorInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Tarea-Ineitor puede poner una bomba en una tarea una vez que la termine. Si otro jugador hace esa tarea, la bomba le explotará en toda la cara, matándolo en el proceso.\n\nGanarás si sobrevives hasta el final y si la Tripulación no gana.\n\n Nota: Las bombas del Tarea-Ineitor ignoran todas las protecciones.",
+ "TaskinatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Taskinator, whenever you finish a task, the task will be bombed. When another player completes the bombed task, the bomb will detonate, and the player will die.\n\nYou win if you survive till the end and Crewmates don't win.\n\n Note: Taskinator bombs ignore all protection.",
"BenefactorInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nAl hacer tareas, el Bienhechor las marcará. Cuando otro tripulante haga esta tarea, recibirá un escudo temporal.\n\n Nota: Los escudos solo protegen contra ataques directos.",
- "MedusaInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Medusa, you can stone bodies much like cleaning a body.\nStoned bodies cannot be reported.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"SpiritcallerInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nCuando el Capturador de Espíritus mata, sus víctimas se transformarán en Espíritus Malignos al morir. Estos espíritus te ayudarán a alzarte con la victoria congelando a otros jugadores por un tiempo limitado y/o cegándolos. Alternativamente, los espíritus pueden darte un escudo que te proteje brevemente de cualquier intento de asesinato.",
- "AmnesiacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Amnesiac, use your report button to remember a target and get its role.\nTo balance the game, you will not be able to vent after remembering your role if you can't vent as Amnesiac.'",
- "ImitatorInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Imitador puede usar su botón de matar para imitar a otra persona.\n\nTe podrás convertir en un Sheriff, Refugiado o en algún Neutro.",
- "BanditInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Bandit, you can click your kill button one time to steal a player's addon and twice to kill. Depending on the settings, you may instantly steal the addon or after the meeting starts. After the maximum number of steals is reached, you will kill normally. Additionally, if there are no stealable addons on the target or the target is stubborn, you will kill the target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: Cleansed, Last Impostor, and Lovers cannot be stolen.\nNote: If Bandit can vent is on, Nimble will become unstealable.",
- "DoppelgangerInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Doble puede asesinar a otro jugador para robarle su identidad (Su nombre y apariencia).\n\nMátalos a todos para ganar.\n\nNota:- No podrás robar la identidad de tu objetivo si un camuflaje de cualquier tipo está ocurriendo.",
+ "AmnesiacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Amnesiac, use your report button to remember a target and get its role.\nTo balance the game, you will not be able to Vent after remembering your role if you can't Vent as Amnesiac.'",
+ "ImitatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Imitator, use your Kill button to imitate a player.\n\nYou'll either become a Sheriff, a Refugee, or some Neutral.",
+ "BanditInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Bandit, you can click your Kill button one time to steal a player's Add-on and twice to kill. Depending on the settings, you may instantly steal the Add-on or after the meeting starts. After the maximum number of steals is reached, you will kill normally. Additionally, if there are no stealable Add-ons on the target or the target is Stubborn, you will kill the target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: Cleansed, Last Impostor, and Lovers cannot be stolen.\nNote: If Bandit can Vent is on, Nimble will become unstealable.",
+ "DoppelgangerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Doppelganger, use your Kill button to steal a player's identity (their name and skin) and then kill your target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: You cannot steal the target's identity when Camouflage is active.",
"PunchingBagInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Saco de Boxeo debe ser atacado un cierto número de veces para ganar.\n\nAdivinarlo hará que gane un punto.",
- "DoomsayerInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Agorero puede adivinar el rol de un jugador durante una reunión.\nSi el Agorero adivina exitosamente un cierto número de roles (el número depende de las opciones del anfitrión), ganará.\nPara adivinar, escriba /gs [id del jugador] [rol]\nPuedes ver el Id de los jugadores antes de sus nombres o usando /id.",
- "ShroudInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nLa Mortaja no mata normalmente.\nEn vez de eso, usa el botón de matar para envolver a un jugador.\nLos jugadores envueltos matarán a otros.\nSi el jugador envuelto no mata, se suicidarán después de la reunión.\n\nLa Mortaja ve a los jugadores envueltos con el icono「◈」al lado de sus nombres.\nLos jugadores envueltos que no mataron también verán el icono「◈」 en las reuniones, donde morirán si la Mortaja no es exiliada antes de que termine la reunión.",
- "WerewolfInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Hombre Lobo puede matar como cualquier asesino.\nEn cambio, cuando mata, cualquier jugador alrededor de tí también morirá.\nCualquier jugador que muera por esto morirá por acechamiento.\n\nPara balancear esto, tienes un tiempo de espera para matar bastante alto.",
- "ShamanInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Chamán puede usar su botón de asesinato para seleccionar una muñeca vudú una vez por ronda. Si se utiliza el botón de asesinato en el Chamán, la muñeca vudú recibirá el efecto. Si sobrevives hasta el final, ganarás con el equipo ganador.",
- "SeekerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the seeker, use your kill button to tag the target. If the seeker tags the wrong player, a point is deducted, and if the seeker tags the correct player, a point will be added.\nAdditionally, the seeker will not be able to move for 5 seconds after every meeting and after getting a new target.\n\nThe seeker needs to collect a certain number of points set by the Host to win.\nSeeker will see a ★ mark on target's name.",
- "PixieInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Hada puede marcar hasta x objetivos cada ronda utilizando el botón de asesinato en ellos. Cuando comience la reunión, tu trabajo es hacer que uno de los objetivos marcados sea exiliado. Si no lo consigues, te suicidarás, salvo si no marcaste a nadie o si todos los objetivos han muerto. Los objetivos seleccionados se reiniciarán a 0 después de que termine la reunión. Si lo consigues, ganarás un punto. Ves a todos tus objetivos con nombres de colores. \nGanarás con el equipo ganador cuando tengas una cantidad específica de puntos establecida por el anfitrión.",
- "SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo el Gato de Schrödinger, si alguien intenta utilizarte el botón de asesinar, impedirás la acción y te integrarás a su equipo. Esta habilidad de impedimento solo se activa una vez. Inicialmente, no posees una condición específica para ganar, por lo que tu victoria depende únicamente de tu integración a otro equipo.\nAdicionalmente, en el juego serás tratado como un ente inexistente.\n\nNota: Si el ejecutor intenta emplear su botón de asesinar contra ti, la interacción no será impedida y resultarás muerto.",
- "RomanticInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Romántico puede elegir a su amante usando el botón de matar (Posible en cualquier punto de la partida). Una vez que hayan elegido a su pareja, puedes usar el botón de matar para darle un escudo que le proteja temporalmente cualquier ataque directo. Si su pareja muere, el Romántico cambiará de rol, dependiendo de quien fuera la pareja.\nSi era un impostor, te convertirás en un Refugiado.\nSi era un asesino neutro, te convertirás en un Romántico Implacable.\nSi era un tripulante o un neutro no asesino, te convertirás en un Romántico Vengador.\n\nEl Romántico ganará con el equipo ganador si su pareja gana.\nNota: Si tu rol cambia, tu condición de victoria cambiará acordemente",
- "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nSi tu pareja era un Asesino Neutro y ha muerto, tu rol pasará de ser Romántico a Romantico Implacable. Ganarás si matas a todos y eres el último en vida. Si ganas, tu pareja ganará contigo.",
- "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nSi tu pareja era un tripulante o un neutro no asesino y ha muerto, tu rol pasará de ser Romántico a Romántico Vengador. Tendrás que matar al asesino de tu pareja para vengarlo. Si lo consigues, tú y tu pareja ganarán con el equipo ganador al final de la partida. Si intentas matar a alguien que no sea el asesino de tu pareja, fallarás el tiro y morirás.",
- "PoisonerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Poisoner, your kills are delayed.\nKill everyone to win.",
- "HexMasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hex Master, you can hex players or kill them.\nHexing a player works the same as spelling as a Witch.",
- "WraithInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Espectro puede usar un conducto para Esfumarte temporalmente (Te volverás invisible para todo el mundo menos para tí). Vuelve a usar un conducto para Reaparecer. Ganarás si eres el último en vida.",
- "JinxInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jinx, whenever you get attacked, you jinx them, resulting in them dying to a jinx.\nThis has limited uses.\n\nKill off everyone to win.",
- "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Potion Master, you have three different potions assigned to three different actions.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\nMap: Sabotage\n\nThe reveal potion has a limit.\nWhen you run out, the kill buttons default to killing.",
- "NecromancerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Necromancer, you win when you're the last one standing.\nAdditionally when someone tries to kill you, you will block the kill, and you will teleport to a random vent. You will have a limited time to kill your killer. If you succeed in doing so, you live. If the time runs out before you kill your killer, you die permanently. If you try to kill someone else other than your killer, you will die.",
- "ShockerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shocker, you can mark rooms by doing tasks in them, and then vent to Electrocute anyone in those rooms for a set period of time. When you finish all of your tasks, you get new ones. Note: Doing tasks during that period will mark them for the next ability use.",
- "LastImpostorInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nEste efecto es otorgado al último impostor en vida. Reduce tu tiempo de espera para matar.",
- "OverclockedInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nEl tiempo de espera para matar del Acelerado será reducido por un porcentaje.\n\nSolo asignable a roles con un botón para matar.",
+ "DoomsayerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Doomsayer can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting.\nIf the Doomsayer guesses a certain number of roles (the number depends on the Host settings), then he wins.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
+ "ShroudInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shroud, you do not kill normally.\nInstead, use your Kill button to shroud a player.\nShrouded players kill others.\nIf the shrouded player doesn't make a kill, they'll kill themselves after a meeting.\n\nShroud sees shrouded players with a 「◈」mark next to their name.\nShrouded players who did not make a kill will also have the 「◈」mark in meetings, where they'll die if the Shroud is alive by the end of the meeting.",
+ "WerewolfInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Werewolf, you can kill much like any killer.\nHowever, when you kill, any nearby players also die.\nAny player who dies to this will have their death reason as Mauled.\n\nTo balance this, you have a higher Kill Cooldown than anyone else.",
+ "ShamanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shaman, you can use your Kill button to select a Voodoo Doll once per round. If the Kill button is used on you, the effect will be deflected onto the Voodoo Doll.\nIf you survive until the end, you win with the winning team.\nNote: If the killer cannot kill the chosen target, murder is canceled, but if the killer rechecks the Shaman, the killer will kill the Shaman.",
+ "SeekerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Seeker, use your Kill button to tag the target. If the Seeker tags the wrong player, a point is deducted, and if the Seeker tags the correct player, a point will be added.\nAdditionally, the Seeker will not be able to move for 5 seconds after every meeting and after getting a new target.\n\nThe Seeker needs to collect a certain number of points set by the Host to win.\nSeeker will see a ★ mark on target's name.",
+ "PixieInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pixie, mark up to an X amount of targets each round by using the Kill button on them. You must have one of the marked targets ejected when the meeting starts. If unsuccessful, you will commit suicide, except if you didn't mark any targets or all the targets are dead. The selected targets reset to 0 after the meeting ends. If you succeed, you will gain a point. You see all your targets in colored names.\n\nYou win with the winning team when you have certain amounts of points set by the Host.",
+ "SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs Schrodingers Cat, if someone attempts to use the Kill button on you, you will block the action and join their team. This blocking ability works only once. By default, you don't have a victory condition, meaning you win only after switching teams.\nIn Addition to this, you will be counted as nothing in the game.\n\nNote: If the Killing Machine attempts to use their Kill button on you, the interaction is not blocked, and you will die.",
+ "RomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Romantic can pick their lover partner using their Kill button (this can be done at any point of the game). Once they've picked their partner, they can use their Kill button to give their partner a temporary shield that protects them from attacks. If their lover partner dies, the Romantic's role will change according to the following conditions:\n1. If their partner was an Impostor, the Romantic becomes the Refugee\n2. If their partner was a Neutral Killer, then they become Ruthless Romantic.\n3. If their partner was a Crewmate or a non-killing Neutral, the Romantic becomes the Vengeful Romantic. \n\nThe Romantic wins with the winning team if their partner wins.\nNote: If your role changes, your win condition will be changed accordingly",
+ "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (a Neutral Killer) is killed. As a Ruthless Romantic, you win if you kill everyone and are the last one standing. If you win, your dead partner will also win with you.",
+ "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (a Crewmate or non-Neutral Killer) is killed. As a Vengeful Romantic, your goal is to avenge your partner, which means you must kill the killer of your partner. If you succeed, then you and your partner win with the winning team at the end. If you try to kill someone other than your partner's killer, then you will die by misfire.",
+ "WraithInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Wraith, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible. You win if you are the last player remaining.",
+ "ShockerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shocker, you can mark rooms by doing tasks in them, and then Vent to electrocute anyone in those rooms for a set period of time. When you finish all of your tasks, you get new ones. Note: Doing tasks during that period will mark them for the next ability use.",
+ "CovenInfoLong": "(Coven):\nCoven members are on a separate team that works together and wins together. If there are multiple Coven roles in the game, they can see each other's roles.\nDepending on the Host's settings, Coven roles can guess or be guessed.\nDo /coveninfo for more info.",
+ "PoisonerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Poisoner can use their Kill button on a player to roleblock them. The next time the roleblocked player tries to use their ability, it will do nothing, and their Cooldown will be reset.\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. These kills will be delayed.",
+ "HexMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Hex Master can use their Kill button to mark a player with the 乂 symbol. If a player has this at the end of the meeting and the Hex Master hasn't died - then they die.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Hex will be passed around - similar to an Agitator bomb. Also, you can double-click the Kill button to kill normally.",
+ "JinxInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Jinx can use their Kill button to jinx a player. Anyone who interacts with the jinxed player will die with the death reason Jinxed.\nWith the Necronomicon the Jinx can double-kill to kill normally. Also, the jinxed player and the player who interacted with the jinxed person will die.",
+ "MedusaInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Medusa can use their Kill button on players to mark them as Stoned. When the Medusa clicks the Shapeshift button, all Stoned players will be unable to move and will have reduced vision for a configurable amount of time.\nWith the Necronomicon, killed players will be unreportable.",
+ "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Potion Master has two potions available for their use. The Reveal potion reveals a player's role. The Barrier potion places a shield on a player for one round, the player will not be notified of this unless they are Coven as well. Click the Shapeshift button to change potions.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Potion Master can double-click their Kill button to kill.",
+ "NecromancerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nAs the Necromancer, you can Shapeshift to become the role of a random dead person for a set duration.\nSome roles can not be used.\nOnce a role is used, it can not be used the rest of the game.\nWith the Necronomicon, when someone tries to kill you, you will block the kill and be teleported to a random Vent. You have a limited time to kill your killer. If the time runs out or you try to kill someone else, you die.",
+ "CovenLeaderInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Coven Leader can use their Kill button on a fellow Coven member to retrain them into a random Coven role that isn’t currently in the game. During the next meeting, that Coven member will be notified that the Coven Leader wishes to retrain them. They can vote themselves to accept the retrain, or vote otherwise to deny it. Denying the retrain does not take away an ability usage.\nWith the Necronomicon, you cannot retrain, and can only kill other players.",
+ "RitualistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nDuring a meeting, the Ritualist can perform a Blood Ritual to guess a player’s exact role. If the Ritualist is correct, that player will be converted to Coven. If the Ritualist is incorrect, they will not die but will be unable to Blood Ritual until the next meeting.\nThe command is /rt id role.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Ritualist can kill.",
+ "ConjurerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nShapeshift once to mark a location.\nShapeshift again to conjure a meteor at the place you marked, killing everyone in the radius.\nWith the Necronomicon, you can kill. You can also mark a player using the Shapeshift UI. When the Conjurer clicks the Shapeshift button again, all the players in the radius of the marked player will die, including the marked player.",
+ "DreamweaverInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Dreamweaver can dreamweave a player. The dreamweaved players will be notified of this during the next meeting. If the Dreamweaver is not voted out, these players will be unable to use their abilities until the Dreamweaver dies.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Dreamweaver can double-click to kill.",
+ "IllusionistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Illusionist can use their Kill button on a player to reverse the results of any investigative role. For example, if someone with a Kill button is Illusioned, they will appear not to have a Kill button to the Investigator, and vice versa.\nIllusions wear off after meetings.\nWith the Necronomicon, you may double-click to kill. Every kill you make appears as a random death reason.",
+ "VoodooMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Voodoo Master can craft a Voodoo Doll of a player by using their Kill button, similar to the Shaman. All the interactions with you using Kill button will be deflected to the Voodoo Doll and the Voodoo Doll will destroy. Unlike the Shaman, this voodoo will last during the meeting (eg. If the Voodoo Master is judged, then the voodoo'd player will be judged instead).\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. Additionally, the voodoo’d player will be unable to report. The next person to interact with them will die.",
+ "SacrifistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Sacrifist can Shapeshift to cause a random debuff to a non-Coven member, however, the Sacrifist will also receive this effect (when applicable).\nThe random player will be the same player until the round ends.\nDepending on the Host’s settings, if the Sacrifist is voted out, some random non-Coven who voted the Sacrifist will die too.\nNormally, the Sacrifist can not kill, however, to prevent prolonging of the game, Sacrifist can kill if they are the last Coven member alive.\nWith the Necronomicon, when you Shapeshift, you will commit the Ultimate Sacrifice. When you do this, you die. However, the entire Coven for the rest of the game receives a lowered Kill Cooldown.",
+ "MoonDancerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Moon Dancer can use their Kill button to use their ability, Baton Pass.\nIf used on a Coven member: Gives a Helpful Add-on at the next meeting.\nIf used on a non-Coven member: Gives a Harmful Add-on at the next meeting.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Moon Dancer can double-click their Kill button to kill. When killing, the player is teleported off the map. They will appear alive on Vitals and will not show up in Tracefinder's arrows etc. They die when a meeting/body report with the death reason Blasted Off.",
+ "LastImpostorInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThis special effect is given to the last surviving Impostor. It significantly reduces their Kill Cooldown.",
+ "OverclockedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Overclocked, your Kill Cooldown is reduced by a percentage.\n\nThis feature is only assigned to roles with a Kill button.",
"LoversInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nLovers are a combination of two players. The Lovers win when they are the last ones standing, and their victory is shared. When one of the Lovers wins, the other also wins together. Lovers can see the 「♥」 next to each other's name. If one of the Lovers dies, the other will die in love (may not die in love according to the Host's settings). When one of the Lovers is exiled in the meeting, the other will die and become a dead body that cannot be reported.",
- "MadmateInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nSolo los Tripulantes pueden estar Locos. Deberán venir de asistencia a los impostores. Pierden si todos los impostores mueren/son exiliados. Ellos saben quienes son los impostores, y los impostores también pueden conocerlos (Depende de las opciones del anfitrión).\n\nEl Famoso y el Perezoso no pueden estar Locos, y el Sheriff, el Chivato, el Adivino Bueno, el Alcalde y el Juez tampoco pueden serlo si el anfitrión lo tiene configurado así. Las habilidades cambian cuando estos roles son convertidos al lado oscuro:\n\nControlador Del Tiempo => Las tareas reducen el tiempo de reunión.\nGuardaespaldas => No se sacrificará si el asesino es un Impostor.\nGranadero => El Flash funciona en los Tripulantes y otros Neutros en lugar de los Impostores.\nSheriff => Se vuelve tarumba y puede disparar a cualquiera, incluyendo a los impostores (Opciones del anfitrión)\nAdivino Bueno => Puede adivinar a otros tripulantes y a los Neutros.\nPsíquico => Todos los neutros malvados y los Tripulantes que puedan matar tendrán su nombre en rojo.\nJuez => Puede juzgar a cualquiera.",
+ "MadmateInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Crewmates can become Madmate. Madmate's task is to help the Impostors win the game. Madmate will lose if all Impostors are killed/ejected. Madmates may know who are Impostors, and Impostors may know who are Madmates (Host settings).\n\nLazy Guy, Celebrity can't become Madmate. Sheriff, Snitch, Nice Guesser, Mayor, and Judge may become Madmate (Host settings). Skill changes when the following roles are converted into Madmates:\n\nTime Manager => Doing tasks will reduce meeting time.\nBodyguard => Skill won't activate if the killer is an Impostor.\nGrenadier => Flash bomb will work on Crewmates and Neutrals instead of the Impostors.\nSheriff => Can kill anyone, including Impostors (Host settings).\nNice Guesser => Can guess Crewmates and Neutrals\nPsychic => All evil Neutrals and Crewmates' names with the ability to kill will be displayed in Red.\nJudge => Can judge anyone\nPacifist => Their ability only works on Crewmates.",
"WatcherInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nDurante una reunión, el Atento puede ver quién ha votado a quién.",
"FlashInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nLa velocidad del Supersónico es mayor al resto. (Esta velocidad depende de las opciones del anfitrión)",
- "TorchInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nEl Iluminado tiene la visión al máximo y no es afectado por el sabotaje de las luces.",
- "SeerInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nCuando sea que muera un jugador, el Observador verá un destello cada vez que alguien muera (un destello rojo, posiblemente acompañado por una alarma similar a la de un sabotaje).",
+ "TorchInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nTorch has maximum vision and is not affected by Lights Sabotage.",
+ "SeerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever a player dies, the Seer will see a kill-flash (a red flash, possibly accompanied by an alarm sound like Sabotage).",
"TiebreakerInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nCuando haya un empate en la votación, se dará prioridad al objetivo votado por el Rompe Empates. Nota: Si varios Rompe Empates eligen diferentes objetivos de empate al mismo tiempo, las habilidades del Rompe Empates no tendrán efecto.",
"ObliviousInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nEl Inconsciente no puede hacer informes de cadáveres, y según las opciones del Anfitrión, no es afectado por el Cebo. No se puede asignar a Detectives y Limpiadores.\nNota: El Anónimo aún puede forzarte a hacer informes.",
"BewilderInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nEl Desconcertado puede tener una visión menor o mayor. Cuando el Desconcertado es asesinado, la visión del Desconcertado será transmitida a su asesino, dependiendo de las opciones.",
"WorkhorseInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nEl primer jugador en completar todas sus tareas se convertirá en el Trabajador. El Trabajador recibirá tareas adicionales. La cantidad de tareas adicionales la establece el anfitrión.",
- "FoolInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nEl Sabueso y el Mecánico no pueden ser Tontos. Los Tontos no pueden reparar ningún sabotaje.",
+ "FoolInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nSleuth and Mechanic won't be Fool. Fools can't repair any Sabotage.",
"AvangerInfoLong": "(Complementos): \nEl anfitrión puede decidir si el Impostor puede ser un Vengador. Cuando el Vengador es asesinado (Los exilios y los asesinatos no convencionales no cuentan), el Vengador se vengará de alguien al azar.",
"YoutuberInfoLong": "(Complementos): \nSolo el Tripulante será YouTuber. Si el YouTuber es el primer jugador en ser asesinado de la partida, ganará solo. Si el YouTuber no cumple con las condiciones de victoria, el YouTuber ganará con la tripulación. Nota: Métodos de asesinato indirecto como el exilio, ser adivinado por cualquier Adivino, etc., no activarán las habilidades del YouTuber.",
"EgoistInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nLos Locos y los Neutros no podrán ser Egoístas. Si el equipo del Egoísta gana, el Egoísta se lleva la victoria, robándosela a su equipo.",
"StealerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nEvery time a Stealer kills a person, he gets an additional vote (the Host sets the vote number, and the decimal is rounded down).\nAlso, extra votes from the Stealer are hidden during the meeting depending on the options.",
- "ParanoiaInfoLong": "(Complementos): \nNo asignado a Neutrales ni a Compañeros Locos. Como Esquizofrénico, serás considerado como dos jugadores en el juego para determinar cuándo termina la partida debido a que los asesinos tienen la mayoría. Además, esto te otorga un voto extra, dependiendo de las opciones.",
+ "ParanoiaInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Paranoia, you will be considered as two players in the game to determine when the game ends due to killers having the majority. Additionally, this grants you an extra vote, depending on options.\nNot assigned to Neutrals nor Madmates.",
"MimicInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nSolo el Impostor puede convertirse en Mímico. Cuando el Mímico muere, los otros Impostores recibirán un mensaje una vez que se convoque una reunión, este mensaje incluirá información sobre los roles que fueron asesinados por el Mímico.",
- "GuesserInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nEste complemento te permite adivinar el rol de otros jugadores para matarlos.\nAdivinar incorrectamente hará que te suicides.\nPara adivinar, escriba el comando /bt [Id del jugador] [role]\nPuedes ver el Id de los jugadores detrás de sus nombres o usando /id.",
- "NecroviewInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Necroview can see the teams of dead players. The following info will be displayed on the dead player's name while in a meeting:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.",
- "ReachInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nEste complemento es exclusivo para los roles con un botón de matar. Tienes un alcance para matar más alto que el resto.",
+ "GuesserInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs a Guesser, guess the roles of players in meetings to kill them.\nGuessing the incorrect role kills you instead.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
+ "NecroviewInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Necroview can see the teams of dead players. The following info will be displayed on the dead player's name while in a meeting:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.\n- The Purple name indicates the Coven.",
+ "ReachInfoLong": "(Add-on)\nOnly roles with a Kill button can get this Add-on. Unlike everyone else, you have the longest kill range possible in the game.",
"BaitInfoLong": "(Complementos): \nCuando el Cebo es asesinado, el asesino que mató al Cebo será forzado a auto-informar el cadáver del Cebo. Sin embargo, esto no sucederá cuando el Cebo sea asesinado por un Carroñero o un Limpiador. El informe puede tener un ligero retraso según las configuraciones del anfitrión.\nNota: Si el asesino fue el Carroñero, el Limpiador, el Swooper, el Espectro o la Máquina de Matar, no pasará nada.",
"TrapperInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nCuando el Pegajoso es asesinado, el asesino se queda pegado a tu cadáver por un cierto tiempo.",
- "CharmedInfoLong": "(Complementos de Traición):\n Si el Sectario te hechiza, recibirás el complemento Hechizado.\nUna vez hechizado, perteneces a la secta y no a tu equipo original.",
+ "CharmedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Charmed Add-on is obtained by being charmed by the Cultist.\nOnce charmed, you are now on the Cultist's team and no longer on your original team.",
"CleansedInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nSólo puedes recibir el complemento Purificado si el Purificador borra todos tus complementos. Dependiendo de las opciones del Purificador",
- "InfectedInfoLong": "(Complementos de Traición):\nEl complemento Infectado se recibe una vez infectado por el Infeccioso.\nUna vez infectado, trabajas para el Infeccioso y no ganarás con tu equipo original.\nSi el Infeccioso muere, morirás después de la próxima reunión, por lo que procura protegerlo.",
- "OnboundInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nNo podrás ser adivinado en las reuniones si tienes el complemento Atado",
- "ReboundInfoLong": "(Complementos): \nCon el complemento Rebote, le darás su propia medicina a quien se le ocurra adivinarte o a juzgarte, aun si tienen razón. Si alguien con Doble Disparo te adivina correctamente, lo matarás instantáneamente.",
+ "InfectedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Infected Add-on is obtained by being infected by the Infectious.\nOnce infected, you work for the Infectious and do not win with your original team.",
+ "OnboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Onbound Add-on, you cannot be guessed in meetings.",
+ "ReboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Rebound Add-on, if a Guesser successfully guessed you or a Judge successfully judged you, they will die instead.\nIf a player with Double Shot guesses you correctly, they will die instantly.",
"MundaneInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nEl Mundano sólo puede adivinar después de acabar sus tareas.",
"KnightedInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nSi el Monarca te nombra caballero, obtendrás un voto adicional.",
- "UnreportableInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nSi eres un olvidado, tu cadáver no podrá ser reportado.",
+ "UnreportableInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Disregarded Add-on, your corpse will be unreportable.",
"ContagiousInfoLong": "(Complementos de Traición):\nCuando el Virus te infecta, te vuelves contagioso.\nLos jugadores contagiosos pertenecen al equipo del Virus.\n\nSi mueres o no después de una reunión depende de la configuración del el Virus.",
- "LuckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Lucky add-on, there is a probability for you to evade the kill; the Host sets the specific probability. The killer will see the shield animation when the evasion takes effect, but you will not know anything.",
+ "LuckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Lucky Add-on, there is a probability for you to evade the kill; the Host sets the specific probability. The killer will see a Shield Animation when the evasion takes effect, but you will not know anything.",
"DoubleShotInfoLong": "(Complementos): \nCuando un jugador con Doble Disparo adivina incorrectamente un rol, obtendrá una segunda oportunidad para adivinar, pero el próximo error resultará en suicidio.",
- "RascalInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nEl Mocoso puede morir a manos del Sheriff y el Chivato lo verá como un Loco.\n\nSolo asignado a Tripulantes, no puede ser vendido por el Mercader.",
- "SoullessInfoLong": "(Complementos): \nCuando un Alma Maldita te arrebata el alma, obtienes este complemento. No se te considera como alguien vivo.",
+ "RascalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rascal, you can die to the Sheriff, and Snitch can find you if Snitch can find Madmates.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates, cannot be assigned by the Merchant.",
+ "SoullessInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a Cursed Soul steals your soul, you get this Add-on.\n\nYou are not counted as alive.",
"GravestoneInfoLong": "(Complementos): \nLa Tumba revela su rol cuando muere.",
"LazyInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nComo el Gandul, se te asigna una sola tarea corta y eres inmune a los Brujos, Titiriteros y Gánsteres.",
"AutopsyInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nEl Patólogo puede ver las causas de muerte de los muertos.\n\nNo puede ser asignado al Doctor, Trazador, Científico o al Chico Soleado.",
- "RebirthInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rebirth, if you're the player about to be ejected, you will swap skins with a random crewmate who voted for you.\nNotice: The host vote never counts\nRebirth will be removed from you if you exhausted all your rebirths.",
- "LoyalInfoLong": "(Complementos): \nEl Leal no puedes ser reclutado por roles como el Chacal o el Líder de Secta. No se le puede asignar a los neutros.",
+ "RebirthInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rebirth, if you're the player about to be ejected, you will swap skins with a random Crewmate who voted for you.\nNotice: The Host vote never counts\nRebirth will be removed from you if you exhausted all your rebirths.",
+ "LoyalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Loyal, you cannot be recruited by roles such as Jackal or Cultist.\n\nCannot be assigned to Neutrals.",
"EvilSpiritInfoLong": "(Complementos): \nEl Espíritu Maligno tiene una tarea: Ayudar al Capturador de Espíritus a la victoria. Puedes usar tu botón de atormentar para petrificar a otros jugadores y reducir su visión. Alternativamente, puedes usar tu botón de atormentar para proteger temporalmente al Capturador de Espíritus con un escudo.",
- "RecruitInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs a recruit, you are on the Jackal's team and help out the Jackal and their Sidekicks.\nYou cannot win with your original team.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed and no sidekicks is alive.",
- "AdmiredInfoLong": "(Complementos de Traición):\nEl Admirado gana con la tripulación, no con tu equipo original.\n\nPuedes ver quién es el Admirador.",
+ "RecruitInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs a recruit, you are on the Jackal's team and help out the Jackal and their Sidekicks.\nYou cannot win with your original team.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed and no Sidekicks is alive.",
+ "AdmiredInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs an Admired player, you win with the Crewmates and not your original team.\n\nYou can see the Admirer.",
+ "EnchantedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Enchanted Add-on can only be obtained through being converted by the Ritualist or upon killing the OIIAI as a non-Nerconomicon holder.\nOnce Enchanted, you are apart of the Coven team and are no longer apart of your original team.",
"GlowInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nDuring lights out, you and players nearby you will receive a vision boost.",
"RadarInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Radar, you have arrows pointing towards the closest person at all times.",
- "DiseasedInfoLong": "(Complementos): \nCuando alguien intenta usar el botón de asesinato en tí, cogerán un catarro y su tiempo de espera aumentará por una cantidad configurable de tiempo.",
- "AntidoteInfoLong": "(Complementos): \nCuando alguien intenta usar el botón de asesinato en tí, cogerán un catarro y su tiempo de espera aumentará por una cantidad configurable de tiempo.",
- "StubbornInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nEl Cabezón no puede tener su rol borrado por el Borrador, ser purificado por el Purificador, ser robado por el Bandido, nombrado caballero por el Monarca ni vendido los complementos por el Mercader.",
+ "DiseasedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the Kill button on you, their Cooldown will be increased by a configurable amount of time.",
+ "AntidoteInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the Kill button on you, their Cooldown will be decreased by a configurable amount of time.",
+ "StubbornInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Stubborn Add-on, Eraser can't erase your role, Cleanser can't cleanse you, Bandit can't steal from you, and Monarch can't knight you.\nAdditionally, you can't gain any new Add-ons from the Merchant.",
"SwiftInfoLong": "(Complementos): \nEl Raudo no se abalanzará sobre sus víctimas al asesinar",
- "UnluckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Unlucky, when you complete tasks, kill, venting, or open door, you have a chance to die.",
+ "UnluckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Unlucky, when you Complete Tasks, Kill, Venting, or open a Door, you have a chance to die.",
"SpurtInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen you start walking, you gain an enormous speed boost, which swiftly deteriorates, until you have to rest still for a while to rejuvenate your speed.",
- "VoidBallotInfoLong": "(Complementos): \nEl poseedor de este complemento tendrá un recuento de votos de 0.",
+ "VoidBallotInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nHolder of this Add-on will have 0 vote count.",
"AwareInfoLong": "(Complementos): \nEl Precavido será notificado durante la próxima reunión si un rol que revela haya interactuado contigo.",
- "FragileInfoLong": "(Complementos): \nEl Frágil muere instantáneamente si alguien intenta usar el botón de matar contra él (incluso si el rol no puede matar directamente).",
- "GhoulInfoLong": "(Complementos): \nEl Demonio Necrófago puede hacer que ocurra uno de los dos resultados al completar tareas.\nSi estás vivo: Suicidio. \nSi estás muerto: Te vengas de tu asesino si está vivo. \nSolo asignado a tripulantes que tengan tareas y que no estén basados en tareas.",
- "BloodthirstInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nEl Sanguinario, al hacer tareas, puede matar. Cuando completas una tarea, el próximo jugador con el que entres en contacto muere. Tu sed de sangre permanece después de una reunión. Después de hacer un asesinato, tu sed de sangre se irá hasta que completes otra tarea. Las sedes de sangre no se acumulan. Solo asignado a tripulantes con tareas.",
- "MareInfoLong": "(Complementos): \nLa Pesadilla tiene un tiempo de espera para matar bajo pero solo puede matar con las luces apagadas. La oscuridad te hará correr más rápido.\n\nAdemás de eso, tu nombre aparece en rojo cuando no haya luz.\n\nAsignado exclusivamente a los Impostores.",
- "BurstInfoLong": "(Complementos): \nEl Explosivo hará que su asesino explote si no están dentro de un conducto después de un cierto tiempo.",
+ "FragileInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Fragile, you will instantly die if someone tries to use the Kill button on you (even if the role cannot directly kill).",
+ "GhoulInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Ghoul, one of two outcomes can occur on task completion.\n\nIf alive: Suicide\nIf dead: You kill your killer if they're alive.\n\nThis is only assigned to Crewmates, and not Crewmates with no tasks or are task-based.",
+ "BloodthirstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Bloodthirst, doing tasks allows you to become bloodthirsty and kill players.\nWhen you finish a task, the next player you come in contact with dies.\n\nYour Bloodthirst remains after a meeting.\nUpon making a kill, your Bloodthirst clears till the next task you complete.\nBloodthirsts do not stack.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates with tasks.",
+ "MareInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Mare, you have a low Kill Cooldown and have higher speed but can only kill during lights.\n\nAdditionally, your name will appear in red during lights.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors and cannot be guessed.",
+ "BurstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Burst, your killer explodes if they aren't inside a Vent after a set amount of time.",
"SleuthInfoLong": "(Complementos): \nEl Sabueso puede obtener información sobre los cadáveres.\n\nOpcionalmente, puedes recibir información sobre el asesino.\n\nEl Detective o Director de Funeraria no recibirá este Complemento.",
- "ClumsyInfoLong": "(Complementos): \nEl Torpe tiene una probabilidad de fallar un asesinato.\n\nCuando fallas, tu tiempo de espera será reiniciado, pero no habrá víctimas.\n\nSolo asignado a los asesinos.",
- "CircumventInfoLong": "(Complementos): \nEl Pesado no puedes usar las ventilaciones. Solo asignado a Impostores.",
- "NimbleInfoLong": "(Complementos): \nEl Ágil obtiene acceso al botón de los conductos. \nSolo asignado a ciertos tripulantes.",
- "InfluencedInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nEl Influenciado tendrá su voto forzado para el jugador con más votos.\nEl voto del Influenciado no se contará al elegir al jugador exiliado.\nTen en cuenta que tu habilidad de voto sigue funcionando en el jugador al que votaste primero.\nSi todos los jugadores vivos están Influenciados, entonces el resultado de la votación no cambiará.\nEl Coleccionista no puede ser influenciado.",
+ "ClumsyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Clumsy, you have a chance to miss your kill.\n\nWhen you miss, your Cooldown is reset, and the target remains untouched.\n\nOnly assigned to killers.",
+ "CircumventInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Circumvent, you can't Vent.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors.",
+ "NimbleInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Nimble, you gain access to the Vent button.\n\nOnly assigned to certain Crewmates.",
+ "InfluencedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Influenced, your vote will be forced to the player with the most votes.\nInfluenced vote won't be counted while choosing the exiled player'\nNote that your vote skill still functions on the player you voted first\nIf all the alive players are Influenced, then the vote result won't shift\nCollector cannot become Influenced.",
"SilentInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nComo el Silencioso, no muestra a quién has votado.",
"SusceptibleInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nEl Susceptible tendrá una causa de muerte totalmente aleatoria.",
"TrickyInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nComo el Engañoso, tus asesinatos tendrán una razón de muerte aleatoria.",
"TiredInfoLong": "(Complemento):\nCuando el Cansado mata, usa una habilidad para matar o completa una tarea, recibirán una bajada de visión y de velocidad temporal.",
"StatueInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nSiempre que haya muchas personas cerca de la Estatua, esta se congela por completo o se ralentiza dependiendo de la configuración.",
"EvaderInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen the Evader gets voted out, there is a chance they will not get ejected. (Chance set by the Host.)",
- "CyberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Cyber, you cannot die while in a group.\nDepending on the settings, Imposters, Neutrals, and or Crewmates will know if you die.",
- "HurriedInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nEl Apresurado debe terminar todas sus tareas para ganar con su equipo. Si no lo haces, te quedarás en tierra.\nIntentar reclutarlo es una pérdida de tiempo porque tiene otras cosas que hacer.",
- "OiiaiInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nEl Gato Oiiai hará que su asesino olvide su rol.\nTambién puedes pasar el Gato Oiiai a tu asesino dependiendo de las opciones.",
- "RainbowInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nComo el Arcoíris, cambias tus colores constantemente.",
+ "CyberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Cyber, you cannot die while in a group.\nDepending on the settings, Impostors, Neutrals, and or Crewmates will know if you die.",
+ "HurriedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the hurried, you must finish all your tasks to win with your team! If you fail with your tasks, you lose.\nHurried hurries to his goal, so it won't get Madmate, Charmed or so.",
+ "OiiaiInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the OIIAI, when you die, you will make your killer forget their role.\nAdditionally, you may pass OIIAI on to the killer, depending on settings.",
+ "RainbowInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rainbow, you change your colors like crazy.",
"GMInfoLong": "(Ninguno)\nEl Administrador es un espectador.\nSu presencia no tiene ningún efecto en el juego, y todos los jugadores sabrán quién es el Administrador.\nEl rol de Administrador se le asignará al Anfitrión, quien automáticamente se convertirá en un fantasma al comienzo del juego.",
- "SunnyboyInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Chico Soleado gana si muere al final del juego. Cuando estás vivo, el juego no terminará debido a que los asesinos obtienen la mayoría. Además, tienes acceso a vitales portátiles.",
- "BardInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nCuando el Bardo está vivo, la confirmación del exilio será reemplazada por un proverbio escrito por él. Cuando este complete un proverbio, se sentirá muy motivado y su tiempo de espera para matar será reducido a la mitad por el resto de la partida.",
+ "SunnyboyInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sunnyboy, you win if you are dead by the end of the game. The game will not end when you are alive due to killers gaining the majority.\nAdditionally, you have access to portable Vitals.",
+ "BardInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen a Bard is alive, the exile confirmation will display a sentence composed by the Bard. Whenever the Bard completes a creation, the Bard's Kill Cooldown will be permanently halved.",
"WardenInfoLong": "(Tripulantes [Fantasma]): \nComo el Alcaide, alerta a alguien de un peligro cercano, otorgándole además un aumento temporal de velocidad.",
"GhastlyInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Ghastly, possess an unsuspecting person, after that choose a target for them, now they'll only be able to use their kill (or kill ability) on target until you possess someone else or possess time runs out.",
- "MinionInfoLong": "(Impostor [Fantasma]):\nEl Minion, puedes cegar temporalmente a los no impostores.",
- "DollMasterInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Dollmaster, you can temporarily take control of any player by using the Shapeshift button and to make them do your Deeds!",
- "DoubleAgentInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Double Agent, you cannot access the kill button. However, you can vote for someone in a meeting to pass a bomb onto them, which can only be done one player at a time. Once the meeting has finished, the bomb will activate and explode in a set amount of time.\nNote: when you pass the bomb onto someone in a meeting, you can vote afterward.\n\nAdditionally depending on settings the Double Agent can diffuse Bastion and Agitator bombs when venting.\n\nThe Double Agent can change roles when they are the Last Imposter, depending on the settings the role can be a Admired Impostor, Trickster, Traitor, or stay as the Double Agent.",
+ "MinionInfoLong": "(Impostor [Ghost]):\nAs the Minion, you can temporarily blind non-Impostors.",
+ "DollMasterInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Dollmaster, you can temporarily take control of any player by using the Shapeshift button and to make them do your deeds!",
+ "DoubleAgentInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Double Agent, you cannot access the Kill button. However, you can vote for someone in a meeting to pass a bomb onto them, which can only be done one player at a time. Once the meeting has finished, the bomb will activate and explode in a set amount of time.\nNote: when you pass the bomb onto someone in a meeting, you can vote afterward.\n\nAdditionally depending on settings the Double Agent can diffuse Bastion and Agitator bombs when Venting.\n\nThe Double Agent can change roles when they are the Last Impostor, depending on the settings the role can be a Admired Impostor, Trickster, Traitor, or stay as the Double Agent.",
"SlothInfoLong": "(Complementos):\nLa velocidad de movimiento del Caminante es más baja que la del resto.\n(La velocidad depende de las opciones del anfitrión)",
- "ProhibitedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Prohibited, you have specific vents that you can't use.\nHow many vents are disabled depends on the Host's settings.",
- "EavesdropperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Eavesdropper, you have a chance to read other role/addon information-based messages like Mortician or Sleuth.",
+ "ProhibitedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Prohibited, you have specific Vents that you can't use.\nHow many Vents are disabled depends on the Host's settings.",
+ "EavesdropperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Eavesdropper, you have a chance to read other Role/Add-on information-based messages like Mortician or Sleuth.",
"ApocalypseInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nApocalypse members are on a separate team that works together and wins together. If there are multiple Apocalypse roles in the game, they can see each other's roles.\nDepending on the Host's settings, Apocalypse roles can guess or be guessed.",
"RevenantInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAs the Revenant, your goal is to be killed. If you are killed, you will take your killer's role and kill your killer instead. You cannot win before being killed.\nNote that Revenant only works when being directly killed.",
"ShowTextOverlay": "Superposición de texto",
@@ -1040,17 +1075,17 @@
"AbilityInUse": "Habilidad en uso",
"AbilityExpired": "Ability expired, {0} uses remain",
"RevenantTargeted": "Your role has changed to {0}",
- "RevenantCanCopyAddons": "Can Steal Addons",
+ "RevenantCanCopyAddons": "Can Steal Add-ons",
"ShowArrows": "Flechas indicando cadáveres",
"ArrowDelayMin": "Retraso mínimo de aparición de flechas",
"ArrowDelayMax": "Retraso máximo de aparición de flechas",
"SMUsesUsedWhenFixingReactorOrO2": "Usos necesarios para arreglar el reactor/o2",
"SMUsesUsedWhenFixingLightsOrComms": "Usos necesarios para arreglar las luces/comunicaciones",
- "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "Usos máximos de granadas inicial",
+ "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "(Initial) Maximum number of Grenades",
"ShowSpecificRole": "Conoce roles específicos al completar tareas",
- "TimeMasterMaxUses": "Máximo de uso de abilidades",
- "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "El Swooper puede usar los conductos con su habilidad en espera",
- "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "El Espectro puede usar los conductos con su habilidad en espera",
+ "TimeMasterMaxUses": "(Initial) Maximum Amount of Ability Uses",
+ "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Swooper Vents normally when Swooping is on Cooldown",
+ "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Wraith Vents normally when Invisibility is on Cooldown",
"DisableMeeting": "Desactivar reuniones",
"DisableCloseDoor": "Desactivar Cierre de Puertas",
"DisableSabotage": "Desactivar sabotajes",
@@ -1059,13 +1094,13 @@
"DebugMode": "Modo de depuración",
"SyncButtonMode": "Limit Meeting Times",
"RandomMapsMode": "Modo de mapas aleatorios",
- "SyncedButtonCount": "Número máximo de reuniones de emergencia permitidas",
- "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "Reducción de tiempo de espera al matar a un objetivo",
- "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "Aumento de tiempo de espera al matar a otros",
+ "SyncedButtonCount": "Maximum Number of Emergency Meetings per Game",
+ "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "Kill Cooldown decrease on killing target",
+ "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "Kill Cooldown increase on killing others",
"HHNumOfTargets": "Número de objetivos",
"Targets": "Objetivos: ",
- "HHMaxKCD": "Tiempo de espera máximo para matar",
- "HHMinKCD": "Tiempo de espera mínimo para matar",
+ "HHMaxKCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "HHMinKCD": "Minimum Kill Cooldown",
"AllAliveMeeting": "Reuniones de emergencia cuando nadie haya muerto",
"AllAliveMeetingTime": "Tiempo de reunión de emergencia cuando nadie haya muerto",
"AdditionalEmergencyCooldown": "Tiempo de emergencia adicional",
@@ -1174,17 +1209,17 @@
"OverclockedReduction": "Reducción del tiempo de espera para matar",
"GhostCanSeeOtherRoles": "Los fantasmas pueden ver otros roles",
"PreventSeeRolesImmediatelyAfterDeath": "Prevent seeing other's roles immediately after death",
- "GhostCanSeeOtherVotes": "Los fantasmas pueden ver los colores de los votos",
- "GhostCanSeeDeathReason": "Los fantasmas pueden ver las causas de muerte",
+ "GhostCanSeeOtherVotes": "Ghosts can see Vote Colors",
+ "GhostCanSeeDeathReason": "Ghost can see Cause Of Death",
"GhostIgnoreTasks": "Los fantasmas no tienen que hacer tareas",
- "ConvertedCanBeGhostRole": "Los jugadores convertidos pueden volverse cualquier rol de fantasma",
- "NeutralCanBeGhostRole": "Neutral Players Can Be Any Ghost-Roles (Will change team respectively)",
- "MaxImpGhostRole": "Max Impostor Ghost-Roles",
- "MaxCrewGhostRole": "Max Crewmate Ghost-Roles",
+ "ConvertedCanBeGhostRole": "Converted Players can be Any Ghost-Roles",
+ "NeutralCanBeGhostRole": "Neutral Players can be Any Ghost-Roles (Will change team respectively)",
+ "MaxImpGhostRole": "Maximum Impostor Ghost-Roles",
+ "MaxCrewGhostRole": "Maximum Crewmate Ghost-Roles",
"DefaultAngelCooldown": "Default Ability Cooldown",
"DisableTaskWin": "Desactivar victoria por tareas",
- "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreDead": "Disable Task Win If All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are Dead",
- "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreConverted": "Disable Task Win If All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are <#ffab1b>Converted",
+ "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreDead": "Disable Task Win if All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are Dead",
+ "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreConverted": "Disable Task Win if All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are <#ffab1b>Converted",
"HideGameSettings": "Esconder opciones del juego",
"DIYGameSettings": "Activar exclusivamente los mensajes personalizados por /n",
"Settings:": "Opciones:",
@@ -1200,7 +1235,7 @@
"RoleOptions": "Opciones de roles",
"DarkTheme": "Activar Tema Oscuro",
"DisableLobbyMusic": "Desactivar música de Sala de Espera",
- "AutoStart": "Inicio automático",
+ "AutoStart": "Auto Start",
"EnableCustomButton": "Activar botones personalizados",
"EnableCustomSoundEffect": "Activar sonidos personalizados",
"EnableCustomDecorations": "Activar decorado personalizado de los mapas",
@@ -1237,8 +1272,8 @@
"OptKickXboxPlayer": "Expulsar jugadores de XBox",
"OptKickPlayStationPlayer": "Expulsar jugadores de PlayStation",
"OptKickNintendoPlayer": "Expulsar jugadores de Nintendo Switch",
- "ShareLobby": "Permitir a TOHE-chan que comparta el código de la sala (Discontinuado)",
- "ShareLobbyMinPlayer": "Compartir código de la sala cuando el número de jugadores llegue a (Discontinuado)",
+ "ShareLobby": "Allow TOHE-Chan Shares Lobby Code to Discord",
+ "ShareLobbyMinPlayer": "Share Lobby Code When the Number of Players Reaches",
"DisableVanillaRoles": "Desactivar roles vanilla",
"VoteMode": "Modo de votación",
"WhenSkipVote": "Si el jugador se abstiene",
@@ -1276,6 +1311,7 @@
"IgnoreConditions": "Ignorar Condiciones",
"IgnoreImpostors": "Ignorar Impostores",
"IgnoreNeutrals": "Ignorar Neutros",
+ "IgnoreCoven": "Ignore Coven",
"IgnoreCrewmates": "Ignorar Tripulación",
"IgnoreAfterAnyoneDied": "Ignorar después de la primera muerte",
"LightsOutSpecialSettings": "Opciones extras (Arreglo de luces)",
@@ -1289,7 +1325,7 @@
"RandomSpawn_AirshipAdditionalSpawn": "Ubicaciones de Aparición Adicionales (Dirigible)",
"RandomSpawn_SpawnRandomVents": "Apariciones Aleatorias en Conductos",
"CommsCamouflage": "Camuflaje durante sabotaje de comunicaciónes",
- "DisableOnSomeMaps": "Desactivar el camuflaje del sabotaje de comunicaciones en mapas específicos",
+ "DisableOnSomeMaps": "Disable Comms Camouflage on some maps",
"DisableOnSkeld": "Desactivar en 'Skeld'",
"DisableOnMira": "Desactivar en Mira HQ",
"DisableOnPolus": "Desactivar en Polus",
@@ -1328,8 +1364,8 @@
"EnableBirthdayDecorationSkeld": "Birthday Decoration On The Skeld",
"RandomBirthdayAndHalloweenDecorationSkeld": "Set Random Decoration When Birthday And Halloween Is Active On The Skeld",
"ApplyDenyNameList": "Aplicar lista de nombres prohibidos",
- "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Expulsar jugadores con un código de amigo inválido",
- "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Banear temporalmente a jugadores con un código de amigo inválido",
+ "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Kick players with an invalid Friend Code",
+ "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Temp Ban players with an invalid Friend Code",
"ApplyBanList": "Applicar lista de baneo",
"RemovePetsAtDeadPlayers": "Quitar mascotas a jugadores muertos",
"KillFlashDuration": "Duración del flash de asesinato",
@@ -1340,6 +1376,7 @@
"ShowImpRemainOnEject": "Mostrar Impostores restantes después de un exilio",
"ShowNKRemainOnEject": "Mostrar Asesinos Neutros restantes después de un exilio",
"ShowNARemainOnEject": "Show remaining Neutral Apocalypse on ejects",
+ "ShowCovenRemainOnEject": "Show remaining Coven on ejects",
"ConfirmEgoistOnEject": "Confirmar Egoístas después de un exilio",
"ConfirmLoversOnEject": "Confirmar Amantes después de un exilio",
"ConfirmSidekickOnEject": "Confirmar Secuaces después de un exilio",
@@ -1367,7 +1404,7 @@
"ShieldPersonDiedFirst": "Escudo de pena para primer muerto de la partida anterior",
"ShowShieldedPlayerToAll": "Reveal shielded player to all",
"RemoveShieldOnFirstDead": "Remove shield on first death",
- "ShieldedCanUseKillButton": "Shielded player can use ability / kill button",
+ "ShieldedCanUseKillButton": "Shielded player can use ability/Kill button",
"PlayerIsShieldedByGame": "Player is protected by the game!",
"LegacyNemesis": "Versión de Town of Host 1.4.0",
"LegacyParasite": "Use Legacy Version",
@@ -1390,7 +1427,7 @@
"DoubleAgent_DiffusedBastionBomb": "Bastion bomb successfully diffused",
"DoubleAgent_BombExplodesIn": "Bomb Explodes In: {0}s",
"DoubleAgent_BombExploded": "Bomb has exploded!",
- "DoubleAgentChangeRoleTo": "Change role on last Imposter",
+ "DoubleAgentChangeRoleTo": "Change role on last Impostor",
"DoubleAgentRoleChange": "You have become a: ",
"MastermindCD": "Tiempo de espera para manipular",
"MastermindTimeLimit": "Límite de tiempo para matar a alguien",
@@ -1408,15 +1445,13 @@
"Glitch_KCD": "Kill Cooldown: {0}s",
"Glitch_MimicCD": "Mimic Cooldown: {0}s",
"HackedByGlitch": "Fuiste Hackeado por el Glitch, no puedes {0}.",
- "GlitchKill": "Matar",
- "GlitchReport": "informe",
- "GlitchVent": "Conducto",
+ "GlitchKill": "Kill",
+ "GlitchReport": "Report",
+ "GlitchVent": "Vent",
"ShowFPS": "Ver FPS",
"FPSGame": "Cuadros por Segundo: ",
"ControlCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para controlar",
- "PoisonCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para envenenar",
- "PoisonerKillDelay": "Retraso de asesinato del envenenador",
- "WardenNotifyLimit": "Número máximo de alertas",
+ "WardenNotifyLimit": "Maximum number of alerts",
"BombCooldown": "Tiempo de espera a explotar",
"Warlock_CanKillSelf": "Puede matarse a sí mismo",
"CrewpostorKnowsAllies": "Conoce a los Impostores",
@@ -1446,9 +1481,10 @@
"EGCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "Puede adivinar al Chivato con sus tareas completadas",
"GGCanGuessAdt": "Puede adivinar complementos",
"GuesserCanGuessTimes": "Número máximo de adivinanzas",
- "GuesserTryHideMsg": "Try to hide the guesser's command",
+ "GuesserTryHideMsg": "Try to hide the Guesser's command",
"GCanGuessImp": "Un Impostor pueden adivinar a su equipo",
"GCanGuessCrew": "Un Tripulante puede adivinar a su equipo",
+ "GCanGuessCoven": "Coven can guess Coven roles",
"GCanGuessAdt": "Puede adivinar complementos",
"GCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "Puede adivinar al Chivato con sus tareas completadas",
"BountyTargetChangeTime": "Tiempo hasta cambio de blanco",
@@ -1456,7 +1492,7 @@
"BountyFailureKillCooldown": "Tiempo de espera después de matar a otra persona",
"BountyShowTargetArrow": "Show arrow pointing towards the target",
"DefaultShapeshiftCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para cambiar de forma por defecto",
- "DeadImpCantSabotage": "Desactivar sabotajes de Impostores muertos",
+ "DeadImpCantSabotage": "Impostors can't Sabotage after they've died",
"VampireKillDelay": "Retraso de muerte por mordisco",
"VampireTargetDead": "Tu víctima murió",
"VampireActionMode": "Action Mode",
@@ -1465,14 +1501,14 @@
"Maverick_MinKillsToWin": "Mínimo de asesinatos para ganar",
"Cooldown": "Tiempo de recarga",
"AbilityCooldown": "Tiempo de Recarga de Habilidad",
- "SkillLimitTimes": "Max Number of Ability Uses",
+ "SkillLimitTimes": "Maximum Number of Ability Uses",
"CanKill": "Puede matar",
"KillCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para matar",
"CanVent": "Puede usar los conductos",
- "CantMoveOnVents": "Can't Move On Vents (Unstable in Dleks map)",
+ "CantMoveOnVents": "Can't Move on Vents (Unstable in Dleks map)",
"ImpostorVision": "Visión de Impostor",
"CanUseSabotage": "Puede sabotear",
- "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "Can Have Access To Vitals",
+ "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "Can Have Access to Vitals",
"CanKillImpostors": "Can Kill Impostors",
"CanGuess": "Puede adivinar",
"HideVote": "Ocultar Voto",
@@ -1483,16 +1519,16 @@
"ShapeshifterBase_ShapeshiftCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para cambiar de forma",
"ShapeshifterBase_ShapeshiftDuration": "Duración del Cambio de forma",
"ShapeshifterBase_LeaveShapeshiftingEvidence": "Leave Shapeshifting Evidence",
- "PhantomBase_InvisCooldown": "Invis Cooldown",
- "PhantomBase_InvisDuration": "Invis Duration",
+ "PhantomBase_InvisCooldown": "Invisibility Cooldown",
+ "PhantomBase_InvisDuration": "Invisibility Duration",
"GuardianAngelBase_ProtectCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para Proteger",
"GuardianAngelBase_ProtectionDuration": "Duración de la protección",
- "GuardianAngelBase_ImpostorsCanSeeProtect": "Protect Visible To Impostors",
+ "GuardianAngelBase_ImpostorsCanSeeProtect": "Protect Visible to Impostors",
"ScientistBase_BatteryCooldown": "Tiempo de Espera para ver constantes",
"ScientistBase_BatteryDuration": "Duración de la batería",
"EngineerBase_VentCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para usar conductos",
- "EngineerBase_InVentMaxTime": "Max Time In Vents",
- "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "Impostors Can Get Alert",
+ "EngineerBase_InVentMaxTime": "Maximum Time in Vents",
+ "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "Impostors can get Alert",
"NoisemakerBase_AlertDuration": "Duración de la alerta",
"TrackerBase_TrackingCooldown": "Tiempo de Espera para Rastrear",
"TrackerBase_TrackingDuration": "Duración del Rastreo",
@@ -1514,6 +1550,7 @@
"SheriffCanKillSeparately": "Opciones individuales",
"In%team%": "(Equipo %team%)",
"SheriffMisfireKillsTarget": "Un disparo erróneo mata a la víctima",
+ "SheriffMisfireOnAdmired": "Sheriff Misfires On Admired Players",
"BlackHolePlaceCooldown": "Black Hole Place Cooldown",
"BlackHoleDespawnMode": "Black Hole Despawn Mode",
"BlackHoleDespawnTime": "Time After Black Hole Despawns",
@@ -1526,27 +1563,30 @@
"After1PlayerEaten": "After 1 Player Was Eaten",
"AfterMeeting": "After Meeting",
"None": "None",
- "SheriffShotLimit": "Número máximo de asesinatos",
+ "SheriffShotLimit": "Maximum number of Kills",
"SheriffCanKillAllAlive": "Puede asesinar cuando todo el mundo está vivo",
- "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "Puede matar a Hechizados",
+ "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "Can Kill Charmed players",
"SheriffCanKillEgoist": "Puede matar a Egoístas",
"SheriffCanKillSidekick": "Puede matar a Secuaces",
"SheriffCanKillLovers": "Puede matar a Amantes",
"SheriffCanKillMadmate": "Puede matar a los Locos",
"SheriffCanKillInfected": "Puede matar a jugadores Infectados",
"SheriffCanKillContagious": "Puede matar a jugadores Contagiosos",
- "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "Configuración del Sheriff de otros equipos",
- "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "Puede matar Impostores",
- "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "Puede matar a los Neutros",
- "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "Puede matar a los Tripulantes",
+ "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "Non-Crewmate Sheriff Configuration",
+ "SheriffCanKillEnchanted": "Can Kill Enchanted players",
+ "SheriffCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "Can Kill Impostors",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "Can Kill Neutrals",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "Can Kill Crewmates",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven",
"RebirthUses": "Número de Renacimientos",
"RebirthCountVotes": "Solo renacer jugadores que hayan votado por él",
"RebirthFailed": "Desgraciadamente, no encontraste ningún alma con la que puedas intercambiarte",
"FireworkerCooldown": "Placement Cooldown",
- "ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "Aumentar el tiempo de espera para matar",
- "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para matar máximo",
- "ReverieMisfireSuicide": "Fallar disparo al llegar a tu tiempo de espera máximo para matar",
- "ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "Reiniciar tiempo de espera para matar después de una reunión",
+ "ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "Increase Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieMisfireSuicide": "Misfire on reaching maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "Reset Kill Cooldown after meeting",
"ConvertedReverieKillAll": "El Ensimismado puede matar como le dé la gana si es convertido",
"VigilanteNotify": "Te convertiste en aquello que juraste destruir",
"DictatorChangeCommandToExpel": "Dictator use Command to expell instad of vote",
@@ -1556,17 +1596,18 @@
"SnitchCanGetArrowColor": "Ve flechas de colores con colores del equipo",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralKiller": "Puede chivarse de los Asesinos Neutros",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralApoc": "Can Find Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "SnitchCanFindCoven": "Can Find Coven",
"SnitchCanFindMadmate": "Puede chivarse de los Locos",
"SnitchRemainingTaskFound": "Tareas restantes para ser encontrado",
"MayorAdditionalVote": "Valor extra de los votos",
"MayorHasPortableButton": "El Alcalde tiene botón de emergencia portable",
- "MayorNumOfUseButton": "Número máximo de botones de emergencia portables",
+ "MayorNumOfUseButton": "Maximum Number of Mobile Emergency Buttons",
"MeetingsNeededForWin": "Reuniones necesarias para ganar",
"Jester_RevealUponEject": "Reveal Upon Eject",
"CannotVoteWhenDead": "Cannot cast a vote while dead",
"EnableVote": "Enable /vote command",
"ShouldVoteSpam": "Try to hide /vote command",
- "VoteDisabled": "/vote command has been disabled by the host.",
+ "VoteDisabled": "/vote command has been disabled by the Host.",
"ExecutionerCanTargetImpostor": "Puede dirigirse a los Impostores",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "Puede dirgirse a losAsesinos Neutros",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "Can Target Neutral Apocalypse",
@@ -1574,11 +1615,13 @@
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralBenign": "Can Target Neutral Benign",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralEvil": "Can Target Neutral Evil",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralChaos": "Can Target Neutral Chaos",
+ "ExecutionerCanTargetCoven": "Can Target Coven",
"Executioner_RevealTargetUponEject": "Reveal Target Upon Ejection",
- "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "Un Sheriff Reclutado puede volverse majareta",
+ "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "Recruited Sheriff can go Nuts",
"LawyerCanTargetImpostor": "Puede defender a los Impostores",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "Can Target Neutral Killers",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "Can Target Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "LawyerCanTargetCoven": "Can Target Coven",
"LawyerCanTargetCrewmate": "Puede defender a la Tripulación",
"LawyerCanTargetJester": "Puede defender al Bufón",
"LawyerChangeRolesAfterTargetKilled": "Cuando su cliente muere, el Abogado se convierte en",
@@ -1594,8 +1637,8 @@
"SniperPrecisionShooting": "Disparo preciso",
"SniperAimAssist": "Ayuda de disparo",
"SniperAimAssistOneshot": "Ayuda de disparo para el primer tiro sólamente",
- "PyroDouseCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para Empapar",
- "PyroBurnCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para matar después de matar a un jugador empapado",
+ "PyroDouseCooldown": "Douse Cooldown",
+ "PyroBurnCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after killing a doused player",
"Prohibited_OverrideBlockedVentsAfterMeeting": "Override Blocked Vents After Meeting",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInSkeld": "Count Blocked Vents In The Skeld",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInMira": "Count Blocked Vents In MIRA HQ",
@@ -1606,7 +1649,7 @@
"UndertakerFreezeDuration": "Tiempo de Congelación",
"NameDisplayAddons": "Enseñar complementos al lado del nombre del rol",
"YourAddon": "Tus Complementos:",
- "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "Máximo de complementos por jugador",
+ "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "Maximum Add-ons Per Player",
"LoverSpawnChances": "Probabilidad de aparición de los Amantes",
"AdditionRolesSpawnRate": "Probabilidad de aparición",
"TorchVision": "Visión del Iluminado",
@@ -1641,38 +1684,40 @@
"EvilHackerLastAdminInfoTitle": "Last-minute admin information",
"EvilHackerDeadbody": "MUERTO",
"Ventguard": "Ventguard",
- "VentguardInfo": "Block vents by entering them",
- "VentguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Ventguard, you can enter vents to block them. No one can enter blocked vents, except Crewmates, if the setting is on. Blocked vents can be resets every meeting.",
+ "VentguardInfo": "Block Vents by entering them",
+ "VentguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Ventguard, you can enter Vents to block them. No one can enter blocked Vents, except Crewmates, if the setting is on. Blocked Vents can be resets every meeting.",
"VentguardVentButtonText": "Block",
- "Ventguard_MaxGuards": "Max number of Vent Blocks",
+ "Ventguard_MaxGuards": "Maximum number of Vent Blocks",
"Ventguard_BlockVentCooldown": "Block Vent Cooldown",
- "Ventguard_BlockDoesNotAffectCrew": "Crewmates can use blocked vents",
+ "Ventguard_BlockDoesNotAffectCrew": "Crewmates can use blocked Vents",
"Ventguard_BlocksResetOnMeeting": "Reset Blocked Vents Every Meeting",
- "VentIsBlocked": "This Vent Is Now Blocked!",
+ "VentIsBlocked": "This Vent is Now Blocked!",
"TraitorKnowMadmate": "El Traidor conoce a los Locos",
"Psychic_NBareRed": "Neutral Benign can be red",
"Psychic_NEareRed": "Neutral Evil can be red",
"Psychic_NCareRed": "Neutral Chaos can be red",
"Psychic_NAareRed": "Neutral Apocalypse can be red",
"Psychic_NKareRed": "Neutral Killers can be red",
+ "Psychic_CovareRed": "Coven can be red",
"Psychic_CrewKillingRed": "Crewmate Killing can be red",
- "PsychicCanSeeNum": "Número máximo de nombres en rojo",
+ "PsychicCanSeeNum": "Maximum number of red names",
"PsychicFresh": "Nombres en rojo nuevos por reunión",
"DetectiveCanknowKiller": "Puede ver el rol del asesino",
"EveryOneKnowSuperStar": "Todos conocen a la super-estrella",
"HackLimit": "Límite de uso de la abilidad",
"ZombieSpeedReduce": "Después de un tiempo, ralentizar al Zombi por",
- "NemesisCanKillNum": "Número máximo de venganzas",
+ "NemesisCanKillNum": "Maximum number of revenges",
"ImpKnowCelebrityDead": "Los Impostores saben cuando el Famoso muere",
"NeutralKnowCelebrityDead": "Los Neutros saben cuando el Famoso muere",
+ "CovenKnowCelebrityDead": "Coven know when the Celebrity dies",
"VectorVentNumWin": "Saltos necesarios para ganar",
"CanCheckCamera": "Puede vigilar el uso de las camaras",
- "DefaultKillCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para matar por defecto",
- "ReduceKillCooldown": "Reducir el tiempo de espera de",
- "MinKillCooldown": "Tiempo de espera mínimo para matar",
+ "DefaultKillCooldown": "Starting Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReduceKillCooldown": "Reduce Kill Cooldown by",
+ "MinKillCooldown": "Minimum Kill Cooldown",
"BomberRadius": "Radio de explosión (5x es igual a la mitad de la cafetería)",
"NotifyGodAlive": "Notifica a los jugadores que dios está vivo aún",
- "TransporterTeleportMax": "Número máximo de teletransportaciones",
+ "TransporterTeleportMax": "Maximum number of teleports",
"TriggerKill": "Matar",
"TriggerVent": "Usar conductos",
"TriggerDouble": "Doble Clic",
@@ -1686,6 +1731,7 @@
"InnocentCanWinByImp": "Si tu blanco era un Impostor, él gana contigo",
"ImpCanBeParanoia": "Impostors can become Paranoia",
"CrewCanBeParanoia": "Crewmates can become Paranoia",
+ "CovenCanBeParanoia": "Coven can become Paranoia",
"DualVotes": "Votos por doble",
"VeteranSkillCooldown": "Tiempo de espera de la alerta",
"VeteranSkillDuration": "Duración de la alerta",
@@ -1693,9 +1739,9 @@
"ImpCanBeEgoist": "Un Impostor puede volverse Egoísta",
"CrewCanBeEgoist": "Tripulantes pueden volverse Egoístas",
"ImpEgoistVisibalToAllies": "Impostores puede ver otros Impostores Egoístas",
- "EgoistCountAsConverted": "El Egoísta cuenta como un neutro convertido",
+ "EgoistCountAsConverted": "Egoist count as converted Neutral",
"GuessRainbow": "¡Parece demasiado obvio, ¿verdad?",
- "RainbowColorChangeCoolDown": "El tiempo de espera para cambiar de colores",
+ "RainbowColorChangeCoolDown": "The Cooldown for changing colors",
"RainbowInCamouflage": "Los colores del Arcoíris cambian durante el Camuflaje",
"BaitDelayMin": "Tiempo mínimo para informar",
"BaitDelayMax": "Tiempo máximo para informar",
@@ -1703,17 +1749,18 @@
"BecomeBaitDelayNotify": "Notificar al asesino sobre el auto-informe que va a suceder",
"BaitNotification": "Revelar el Cebo en la primera reunión",
"BaitAdviceAlive": "{0} es el Cebo. Quien lo mate se autoinculpará. Eso sí, sería gracioso.",
- "BaitCanBeReportedUnderAllConditions": "Bait Can Be Reported even if a meeting is disabled during comms sabotage",
- "DeceiverAbilityLost": "El Traficante pierde su habilidad al vender drogas a un inocente",
+ "BaitCanBeReportedUnderAllConditions": "Bait Can Be Reported even if a meeting is disabled during Comms Sabotage",
+ "DeceiverAbilityLost": "Deceiver loses ability if it deceives player without Kill button",
"AddictSuicideTimer": "Tiempo antes del suicidio",
"GrenadierSkillCooldown": "Tiempo de espera de la granada",
"GrenadierSkillDuration": "Duración de la granada",
"GrenadierCauseVision": "Visión reducida",
"GrenadierCanAffectNeutral": "Puede afectar a los Neutros",
+ "GrenadierCanAffectCoven": "Can affect Coven",
"TicketsPerKill": "Votos robados por asesinato",
- "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para reclutar",
+ "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "Recruit Cooldown",
"GangsterRecruitLimit": "Máximo de reclutas",
- "KamikazeMaxMarked": "Máximo de rehenes",
+ "KamikazeMaxMarked": "Maximum Marked",
"RevolutionistDrawTime": "Duración para marcar",
"RevolutionistCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para marcar",
"RevolutionistDrawCount": "Jugadores que se necesitan marcar",
@@ -1733,7 +1780,7 @@
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_Immediately": "Inmediatamente",
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_AfterMeeting": "Después de una reunión",
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_OFF": "Desactivado",
- "MedicResetCooldown": "Al intentar asesinar, resetea el tiempo de espera para matar a",
+ "MedicResetCooldown": "On kill attempt, reset murderer's Cooldown to",
"MedicShieldedCanBeGuessed": "Adivinar ignora el escudo del Médico",
"MadmateSpawnMode": "Modo de asignación de los Locos",
"MadmateSpawnMode.Assign": "Asignar",
@@ -1743,40 +1790,41 @@
"MadmateCountMode.None": "Nada",
"MadmateCountMode.Imp": "Impostores",
"MadmateCountMode.Original": "Equipo Original",
- "Altruist_RevivedDeadBodyCannotBeReported_Option": "El Cadáver de un Jugador Revivido No Puede Ser Informado",
- "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsAlert": "Impostors Can Get Alert",
- "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "Impostors Can Get Arrow",
- "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "Neutral Killers Can Get Alert",
- "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "Neutral Killers Can Get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_RevivedDeadBodyCannotBeReported_Option": "Revived Dead Body cannot be Reported",
+ "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsAlert": "Impostors can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "Impostors can get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "Neutral Killers can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "Neutral Killers can get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsAlert": "Coven can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsArrow": "Coven can get Arrow",
"AltruistSuffix": "<#00ffa5>Modo: {0}",
"AltruistReviveMode": "Revivir",
"AltruistReportMode": "Informe",
"Altruist_YouTriedReportRevivedDeadBody": "Intentaste Revivir Un Cadáver",
- "Altruist_DeadPlayerHasBeenRevived": "Un Jugador Asesinado Fue Revivido",
+ "Altruist_DeadPlayerHasBeenRevived": "A Dead Player has been Revived!",
"AltruistAbilityButton": "Cambiar Modo",
"SnatchesWin": "Snatches victory",
"DemonKillCooldown": "Attack Cooldown",
- "DemonHealthMax": "Player max health",
+ "DemonHealthMax": "Player maximum health",
"DemonDamage": "Damage ",
- "DemonSelfHealthMax": "Demon max health",
+ "DemonSelfHealthMax": "Demon maximum health",
"DemonSelfDamage": "Demon damage received",
"LightningConvertTime": "Duración de la transformación del fantasma cuántico",
"LightningKillCooldown": "Tiempo de espera del rayo",
"LightningKillerConvertGhost": "Un asesino puede ser un fantasma cuántico",
"CanCountNeutralKiller": "Puede arrebatar la victoria si la Tripulación gana matando a un Neutro",
- "GreedyOddKillCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para matar impar",
- "GreedyEvenKillCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para matar par",
+ "GreedyOddKillCooldown": "Odd-Numbered Kill Cooldown",
+ "GreedyEvenKillCooldown": "Even-Numbered Kill Cooldown",
"WorkaholicCannotWinAtDeath": "No puede ganar después de muerto",
"WorkaholicVisibleToEveryone": "El Trabajólico es visible por todos",
"WorkaholicGiveAdviceAlive": "Consejo durante la primera reunión, puede ganar muerto, tareas de fantasma activadas",
"DoctorVisibleToEveryone": "Todos conocen al Doctor",
"CursedWolfGuardSpellTimes": "Número de escudos malditos",
"KillAttackerWhenAbilityRemaining": "Matar al atacante cuando la habilidad siga teniendo usos",
- "JinxSpellTimes": "Número de maldiciones",
"CollectorCollectAmount": "Número de votos coleccionados",
"GlitchCanVote": "Puede votar",
"QuickShooterShapeshiftCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para cambiar de forma",
- "MeetingReserved": "Número de balas guardadas máximo durante una reunión",
+ "MeetingReserved": "Maximum Bullets reserved for a meeting",
"AccurateCheckMode": "Puede saber el rol exacto aún sin hacer todas sus tareas",
"RandomActiveRoles": "Mostrar solamente los roles activos en los indicios del Vidente",
"CamouflageCooldown": "Tiempo de espera de camuflaje",
@@ -1790,29 +1838,31 @@
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralE": "Puede juzgar Neutros Maléficos",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralC": "Puede juzgar Neutros Caóticos",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralA": "Can trial Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "JudgeCanTrialCoven": "Can trial Coven",
"JudgeCanTrialSidekick": "Puede juzgar Secuaces",
"JudgeCanTrialInfected": "Puede juzgar Infectados",
"JudgeCanTrialContagious": "Puede juzgar Contagiosos",
"JudgeTryHideMsg": "Esconder comandos del Juez",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "Límite de juicios por reunión",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "Max Trials per Game",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Trials per Meeting",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "Maximum Trials per Game",
"JudgeCanTrialMadmate": "Se pueden juzgar a los Locos",
"JudgeCanTrialCharmed": "Se pueden juzgar a los jugadores hechizados",
+ "JudgeCanTrialEnchanted": "Can trial Enchanted players",
"JudgeDead": "Lo sentimos, pero no puedes juzgar desde el más allá.",
"JudgeTrialMaxMeetingMsg": "\nNo more meeting trials left!",
"JudgeTrialMaxGameMsg": "\nNo more trials left!",
"Judge_LaughToWhoTrialSelf": "Dios mío, nunca pensé que el Juez pudiera ser tan imbécil como para sentenciarse a sí mismo.",
"Judge_TrialKill": "{0} fue sentenciado.",
"Judge_TrialKillTitle": "COURT",
- "Judge_TrialHelp": "Comando: /tl [ID del jugador]\nEl número al lado de los jugadores es su ID.\nPero puedes usar /id para tener una lista en el chat.",
+ "Judge_TrialHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Judge_TrialNull": "Por favor, elige a un jugador vivo para el juicio",
- "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "Número máximo de alertas",
+ "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "Maximum number of Alerts",
"SwooperCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para volverte invisible",
"SwooperDuration": "Duración de la invisibilidad",
"WraithCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para desaparecer",
"WraithDuration": "Duración de la desaparición",
"BastionNotify": "Una bomba acaba de encenderse",
- "EnteredBombedVent": "Este Conducto tenía una bomba y te la has comido enterita.",
+ "EnteredBombedVent": "That Vent was bombed!",
"BastionVentButtonText": "Plantar Bomba",
"BombsClearAfterMeeting": "Las bombas desaparecen después de una reunión",
"BastionMaxBombs": "Máximo de bombas (Al inicio)",
@@ -1828,11 +1878,12 @@
"FollowerBetTargetKnowFollower": "El jugador seguido conoce al seguidor",
"FortuneTellerHideVote": "Esconder los votos del vidente",
"CultistCharmCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para hechizar",
- "CultistCharmCooldownIncrese": "Aumento del tiempo de espera por cada hechizo",
+ "CultistCharmCooldownIncrese": "Increases Charm Cooldown for Each Charm",
"CultistCharmMax": "Número máximo de hechizos",
"CultistKnowTargetRole": "Know Charmed Player's Role",
"CultistTargetKnowOtherTarget": "Charmed players know each other",
"CultistCanCharmNeutral": "Neutral Roles can be Charmed",
+ "CultistCanCharmCoven": "Coven Roles can be Charmed",
"InfectiousBiteCooldown": "Tiempo de espera de infección",
"KnowTargetRole": "Conoce el rol del cliente",
"TargetKnowsLawyer": "El cliente conoce a su Abogado",
@@ -1855,11 +1906,11 @@
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_None": "Nada",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Cultist": "Cultist",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Original": "Equipo Original",
- "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "El Chacal gana si un sabotaje de o2/reactor no es arreglado y los Impostores esten muertos",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Reset kill cooldown if someone gets killed by another player",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "Kill Cooldown On Reset",
+ "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "When all Impostors are dead, the Jackal wins by Sabotage instead",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Reset Kill Cooldown if someone gets killed by another player",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "Kill Cooldown on Reset",
"JackalCanRecruitSidekick": "Puede reclutar Secuaces",
- "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "Número máximo de reclutas",
+ "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "Maximum Number of Recruits",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode": "Sidekicks count as",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_None": "Nada",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_Jackal": "Chacal",
@@ -1888,6 +1939,7 @@
"NeutralsSeePresident": "Los Neutros pueden ver al Presidente cuando se haya revelado",
"MadmatesSeePresident": "Los Locos pueden ver al Presidente cuando se haya revelado",
"ImpsSeePresident": "Los Impostores pueden ver al Presidente cuando se haya revelado",
+ "CovenSeePresident": "Coven can see revealed President",
"PresidentDead": "Lo sentimos, no puedes forzar un fin de reunión desde el más allá.",
"PresidentEndMax": "Se agotaron los usos de la habilidad de fin de reunión",
"PresidentRevealMax": "Lo pillamos, eres el Presidente. ¿Acaso quieres un premio?",
@@ -1898,40 +1950,167 @@
"Troller_CanHaveStartMeetingEvent": "Can Start Meeting By Event",
"Troller_ChangesSpeed": "Troller changed everyone speed!",
"Troller_SpeedOut": "Speed returned back",
- "Troller_YouChangedCooldown": "You changed the cooldown of all players",
- "Troller_ChangeYourCooldown": "Troller change your cooldown!",
- "Troller_NoAddons": "No addons found on the random target",
- "Troller_RemoveRandomAddon": "You removed add-on from random player",
- "Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "Troller removed your random add-on",
- "Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "You caused sabotage",
- "Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "You fixed sabotage",
+ "Troller_YouChangedCooldown": "You changed the Cooldown of all players",
+ "Troller_ChangeYourCooldown": "Troller change your Cooldown!",
+ "Troller_NoAddons": "No Add-ons found on the random target",
+ "Troller_RemoveRandomAddon": "You removed Add-on from random player",
+ "Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "Troller removed your random Add-on",
+ "Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "You caused Sabotage",
+ "Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "You fixed Sabotage",
+ "CovenRolesMinPlayer": "Minimum amount of Coven",
+ "CovenRolesMaxPlayer": "Maximum amount of Coven",
+ "%role%CanVent": "%role% Can Vent",
+ "%role%HasImpVis": "%role% Has Impostor Vision",
+ "CovenHasImpVis": "Coven Members have Impostor Vision",
+ "CovenImpVisMode": "Impostor Vision Configuration",
+ "CovenCanVent": "Coven Members Can Vent",
+ "CovenVentMode": "Vent Configuration",
+ "CovenPerRole": "Per Role",
+ "CovenCanSeeEachOthersAddOns": "Coven can see each other's Add-Ons",
+ "NecronomiconNotification": "You have recieved the Necronomicon!
Your powers are now enhanced!",
+ "NecronomiconVote": "You have voted for {0} to receive the Necronomicon next round. You may now vote normally.",
+ "CovenDontKillOtherCoven": "Don't try to kill your fellow Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderMaxRetrains": "Maximum Retrains",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainCooldown": "Retrain Cooldown",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrain": "Retrain offered",
+ "CovenLeaderNoRetrain": "You have ran out of Retrains!",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainNonCoven": "You can't retrain a non-Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderAcceptRetrain": "The player you attempted to retrain has accepted your training and is now a {0}!",
+ "CovenLeaderDeclineRetrain": "The player you attempted to retrain has declined your offer to retrain them into a {0}...",
+ "RetrainNotification": "The {0} has requested to retrain you into a {1}.
Vote yourself to accept the offer, vote someone else to decline.",
+ "RetrainAcceptOffer": "You have accepted the {0}'s retraining and you are now a {1}!",
+ "RetrainDeclineOffer": "You declined the {0}'s retraining and your role has not been changed...",
+ "RitualistMaxRitsPerRound": "Maximum Blood Rituals per Round",
+ "RitualistTryHideMsg": "Try to hide Ritualist's commands",
+ "RitualistRitualSuccess": "You preformed a successful Blood Ritual on {0} and they are now part of the Coven!",
+ "RitualistRitualFail": "You have failed your Blood Ritual and may no longer preform any Blood Rituals this meeting...",
+ "RitualistRitualImpossible": "Your Blood Ritual was successful, however, this player is unenchantable.",
+ "RitualistRitualMax": "You've already used the maximum amount of Blood Rituals for this meeting.",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsCoven": "Enchanted knows Coven",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsEnchanted": "Enchanted knows Enchanted",
+ "RitualistCommandHelp": "Instructions: /rt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /rt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player IDs before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
+ "RitualistConvertNotif": "Your role has been guessed by the {0} and you are now apart of the Coven!",
+ "RitualistGuessAddon": "Did you seriously think it would be that easy? You can't do a Ritual solely based on Add-ons.",
+ "RitualistSuccessfullyRecruited": "You successfully recruited a player",
+ "BeRecruitedByRitualist": "The Ritualist has recruited you",
+ "ConjurerCooldown": "Conjure Cooldown",
+ "ConjurerRadius": "Blast Radius",
+ "ConjurerNecroRadius": "Necronomicon Blast Radius",
+ "ConjurerCovenDies": "Coven can die in blast",
+ "ConjurerMark": "Location marked",
+ "ConjurerMeteor": "Meteor summoned",
+ "ConjurerNecroMark": "Player marked",
+ "ConjurerMarkShapeshift": "Mark",
+ "ConjurerConjureShapeshift": "Conjure",
+ "IllusionCooldown": "Illusion Cooldown",
+ "IllusionistMaxIllusions": "Maximum Illusions",
+ "IllusionistSnitchAffected": "Snitch is Affected by Illusions",
+ "IllusionistResetIllusionsPerRound": "Reset Illusions After Meeting",
+ "IllusionistClearIllusionsWhenDead": "Remove Illusions When Illusionist Dies",
+ "MedusaStoneCooldown": "Stone Cooldown",
+ "MedusaStoneDuration": "Stone Duration",
+ "MedusaStoneVision": "Stoned Vision",
+ "MedusaStonedPlayer": "{0} has been Stoned",
+ "MedusaStoningStart": "Stoning in progress",
+ "MedusaStoningEnd": "Stoning has ended",
+ "MoonDancerBatonPassCooldown": "Baton Pass Cooldown",
+ "MoonDancerBlastOffChance": "Chance to Blast Off",
+ "MoonDancerPassEnabledAddons": "Can only Baton Pass enabled Add-ons",
+ "MoonDancerCantBlastOff": "Target can not be Blasted Off",
+ "MoonDancerNormalKill": "Killed normally",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHelpfulAddon": "Target will be given Helpful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHarmfulAddon": "Target will be given Harmful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerNoAddons": "No Add-ons to Baton Pass to {0}",
+ "SacrifistDebuffCooldown": "Debuff Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistDeathsAfterVote": "Players Killed After Sacrifist is Exiled",
+ "SacrifistNecroReducedCooldown": "Coven Decreased Cooldown After Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "SacrifistVision": "Sacrificed Vision",
+ "SacrifistVisionDuration": "Vision Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeed": "Sacrificed Speed",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDuration": "Speed Duration",
+ "SacrifistIncreasedCooldown": "Sacrificed Increase Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistFreezeDuration": "Random Freezing Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDebuff": "Speed Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistVisionDebuff": "Vision Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistCooldownDebuff": "Cooldown Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistFoolDebuff": "Can't Fix Sabotages Debuff",
+ "SacrifistMeetingDebuff": "Forced Called Meeting",
+ "SacrifistReportDebuff": "Can't Report Bodies",
+ "SacrifistTasksDebuff": "Tasks Reset for Target",
+ "SacrifistSwapSkinsDebuff": "Swapped Skins",
+ "SacrifistSwapDebuff": "Swapping with target after 3 seconds",
+ "SacrifistVisionRevert": "Vision Reverted",
+ "SacrifistSpeedRevert": "Speed Reverted",
+ "SacrifistShapeshiftButton": "Debuff",
+ "SacrifistNecroShapeshiftButton": "Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "VoodooMasterPerRound": "Voodoo Dolls per Round",
+ "VoodooMasterCanDollCoven": "Voodoo Master can Voodoo Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNecroCanKillCov": "Necronomicon Ability can Kill Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollCoven": "You can't Voodoo other Coven members!",
+ "VoodooMasterTargetInMeeting": "Someone tried to target you with their role during this meeting, but it was deflected to one of your dolls, {0}, instead!",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollsLeft": "You can't voodoo anyone else this round!",
+ "VoodooMasterDolledSomeone": "{0} has been turned into a Voodoo Doll",
+ "PotionMasterMaxReveals": "Maximum Reveals",
+ "PotionMasterMaxBarriers": "Maximum Barriers",
+ "PotionMasterNoPotions": "You're out of {0} Potions!",
+ "PotionMasterPotionSwitch": "Potion switched to: {0}",
+ "PotionMasterPotionCurrent": "Current Potion: ",
+ "PotionMasterRevealCoven": "You can already see roles of Coven!",
+ "PotionMasterReveal": "Reveal",
+ "PotionMasterBarrier": "Barrier",
+ "PotionMasterKillButtonText": "Use Potion",
+ "HexMasterHexCooldown": "Hex Cooldown",
+ "HexMasterCovenCanGetMovingHex": "Coven Can Get Moving Hex",
+ "HexMasterMovingHexCooldown": "Moving Hex Pass Cooldown",
+ "HexesLookLikeSpells": "Hexes appear as Spells",
+ "HexButtonText": "Mal de ojo",
+ "HexMasterModeHex": "Mal de Ojo",
+ "HexMasterModeKill": "Matar",
+ "HexMasterModeDouble": "Doble clic = Matar, Un clic = Mal de Ojo",
+ "HexMasterPassNotify": "Hex successfully passed",
+ "JinxSpellTimes": "Número de maldiciones",
+ "JinxCooldown": "Jinx Cooldown",
+ "JinxCovenCanDieToJinx": "Coven Can Die To Jinx",
+ "PoisonCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para envenenar",
+ "PoisonerKillDelay": "Retraso de asesinato del envenenador",
+ "PoisonerTargetDead": "Tu objetivo ha muerto",
+ "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "Envenenar",
+ "NecromancerRevengeTime": "Necronomicon Ability time",
+ "NecromancerRevenge": "Tienes {0}s para matar a {1}",
+ "NecromancerSuccess": "Nigromancia completa! Has sobrevivido un día más.",
+ "NecromancerHide": "El Nigromante está buscándote. Puedes huir pero no esconderte!",
+ "NecromancerAbilityDuration": "Necromancy Duration",
+ "NecromancerAbilityCooldown": "Necromancy Cooldown",
+ "NecromancerCooldownNotDone": "Ability is still on Cooldown!",
+ "NecromancerNoUsableRoles": "No usable roles",
"LuckyProbability": "Probabilidad de engañar a la muerte",
"ImpCanBeDoubleShot": "Los Impostores pueden tener Doble Disparo",
"CrewCanBeDoubleShot": "Los Tripulantes pueden tener Doble Disparo",
"NeutralCanBeDoubleShot": "Los Neutros pueden tener Doble Disparo",
+ "CovenCanBeDoubleShot": "Coven can have Double Shot",
"MimicCanSeeDeadRoles": "Mímico puede ver los roles de los jugadores muertos",
- "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "Disable body reporting when camouflage is active",
- "CanUseCommsSabotage": "Puede sabotear las comunicaciones",
+ "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "Disable body reporting when Camouflage is active",
+ "CanUseCommsSabotage": "Can use Comms Sabotage",
"ModTag": "Moderador♥",
"ApplyModeratorList": "Aplicar lista de moderadores",
"VipTag": "VIP★",
"ApplyVipList": "Usar la lista de VIPs",
- "AllowSayCommand": "Permitir el uso de /s",
- "AllowStartCommand": "Allow moderators to use /start command",
+ "AllowSayCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /say command",
+ "AllowStartCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /start command",
"StartCommandMinCountdown": "Minimum countdown for /start command",
"StartCommandMaxCountdown": "Maximum countdown for /start command",
"KickCommandDisabled": "El comando de expulsión está desactivado",
"KickCommandNoAccess": "No tienes acceso al comando para expulsar",
"KickCommandInvalidID": "Invalid player ID specified.\nPlease use '/kick [playerID] [reason]' to kick a player.\nExample :- /kick 5 not following rules",
- "KickCommandKickHost": "No puedes expulsar al anfitrión",
- "KickCommandKickMod": "No puedes expulsar a otros moderadores",
+ "KickCommandKickHost": "You are not permitted to kick the Host.",
+ "KickCommandKickMod": "You are not permitted to kick other Moderators.",
"KickCommandKicked": "fue expulsado de la partida por ",
"KickCommandKickedRole": "Su rol era",
"BanCommandDisabled": "El comando para banear está desactivado",
"BanCommandNoAccess": "No tienes acceso al comando para banear",
"BanCommandInvalidID": "ID especificado no válido.\nPor favor, use '/ban [IDjugador] [razón]' para banear a un jugador.\nPor ejemplo, /ban 5 no sigue las reglas",
- "BanCommandBanHost": "No puedes banear al anfitrión",
- "BanCommandBanMod": "No puedes banear a otros moderadores",
+ "BanCommandBanHost": "You are not permitted to ban the Host.",
+ "BanCommandBanMod": "You are not permitted to ban other Moderators.",
"BanCommandBanned": "fue baneado de la partida por ",
"BanCommandBannedRole": "Su rol era",
"BanCommandNoReason": "Razón no especificada.\nPor favor, use '/ban [IDjugador] [razón]\nPor ejemplo, /ban 5 no sigue las reglas",
@@ -1951,13 +2130,13 @@
"WarnCommandDisabled": "El commando warn está desactivado",
"WarnCommandNoAccess": "No tienes permiso al comando warn",
"WarnCommandInvalidID": "ID de jugador especificado no válido.\nPor favor, use /warn [IDjugador] [razón] para advertir a un jugador.\nPor ejemplo, /warn 5 hablar durante la cinemática de exilio",
- "WarnCommandWarnHost": "No puedes poner advertencias al anfitrión",
+ "WarnCommandWarnHost": "You are not permitted to warn the Host.",
"StartCommandNoAccess": "You do not have access to the start command.",
"StartCommandDisabled": "The start command is currently disabled.",
"StartCommandCountdown": "ERROR\n\nThe game is already starting!",
"StartCommandStarted": "The game has been started by {0}!",
"StartCommandInvalidCountdown": "ERROR\n\nThe countdown must be between {0} and {1}!",
- "WarnCommandWarnMod": "No puedes poner advertencias a otros moderadores",
+ "WarnCommandWarnMod": "You are not permitted to warn other Moderators.",
"WarnCommandWarned": "ha sido advertido. No habrá más avisos y acciones apropiadas serán tomadas \n",
"WarnExample": "Usa /warn [id] [razón] en el futuro. \nPor ejemplo, /warn 5 hablar durante la cinemática de exilio",
"SayCommandDisabled": "El comando de difusión de mensaje está desactivado",
@@ -2010,6 +2189,7 @@
"DeathReason.Sacrificed": "Sacrificed",
"DeathReason.Electrocuted": "Electrocuted",
"DeathReason.Scavenged": "Scavenged",
+ "DeathReason.BlastedOff": "Blasted Off",
"OnlyEnabledDeathReasons": "Solo usar Causas de Muerte activadas",
"Alive": "Vivo",
"Disconnected": "Desconectado",
@@ -2022,6 +2202,7 @@
"Infected-": "Infectado ",
"Contagious-": "Contagioso ",
"Admired-": "Admirado ",
+ "Enchanted-": "Enchanted ",
"DeputyHandcuffCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para Esposar",
"DeputyHandcuffMax": "Número de Esposas",
"DeputyHandcuffedPlayer": "Objetivo Esposado",
@@ -2071,11 +2252,11 @@
"Command.kill": "[ID del Jugador] → Matar jugador",
"Command.exe": "[ID del Jugador] → Exiliar jugador",
"Command.level": "[Level] → Cambia tu nivel del juego",
- "Command.idlist": "→ Mostrar la lista de los IDs de los jugadores",
+ "Command.idlist": "→ Display a list of player ID's",
"Command.qq": "→ (Exclusivo en China) La sala será publicada en la página web QQ",
"Command.dump": "→ Enviar los Logs al Escritorio",
"Command.death": "→ Muestra información de cómo has muerto",
- "Command.icons": "
╳ - The Player was marked by the Blackmailer and can't talk during the Meeting
☆ - Used by Captain to display themselves. Only Crewmates can see the Captain's star
乂 - This player was hexed by the Hex Master and will die if the Hex Master isn't killed or ejected by the end of the Meeting.
♦ - Used by Lawyer or Executioner or Follower.
♥ - Used by Lovers or Romantic.
✚ - Used by Medic to mark their target.
⦿ - This player is in a duel with the Pirate.
!? - This player was marked by the Quizmaster and must answer the question correctly to survive.
☜ - Used by Schrödinger's cat to mark their teammate.
◈ - This player marked by the Shroud and will die if the Shroud is not killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
⚠ - This player is a Snitch or Solsticer who has finished their tasks.
★ - Used by Super Star or Cyber or Marshall.
† - This player was spelled and will die if the Witch is not killed by the end of the meeting.
∇ - Used by Kamikaze to mark their targets.
■ - Used by Lightning to mark their quantum ghosts.
⊠ - Used by Jailer to mark their prisoner.
● - Used by Baker to mark who has Bread.
♠ - Used by Soul Collector to mark who's death they're predicting.
⦿ - Used by Plaguebearer to mark who they have plagued.",
+ "Command.icons": "
╳ - The player was marked by the Blackmailer and can't talk during the meeting
☆ - Used by Captain to display themselves. Only Crewmates can see the Captain's star
乂 - This player was hexed by the Hex Master and will die if the Hex Master isn't killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
♦ - Used by Lawyer or Executioner or Follower.
♥ - Used by Lovers or Romantic.
✚ - Used by Medic to mark their target.
⦿ - This player is in a duel with the Pirate.
!? - This player was marked by the Quizmaster and must answer the question correctly to survive.
☜ - Used by Schrödinger's cat to mark their teammate.
◈ - This player marked by the Shroud and will die if the Shroud is not killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
⚠ - This player is a Snitch or Solsticer who has finished their tasks.
★ - Used by Super Star or Cyber or Marshall.
† - This player was spelled and will die if the Witch is not killed by the end of the Meeting.
∇ - Used by Kamikaze to mark their targets.
■ - Used by Lightning to mark their Quantum Ghosts.
⊠ - Used by Jailer to mark their prisoner.
● - Used by Baker to mark who has Bread.
♠ - Used by Soul Collector to mark who's death they're predicting.
⦿ - Used by Plaguebearer to mark who they have plagued.
♣ - Shown on the Coven member with the Necronomicon. This is only shown to Coven.
⌘ - This player is Jinxed. This is only shown to Coven.
ø - This player is Illusioned. This is only shown to Coven.
♻ - This player is Stoned. This is only shown to Coven.
✂ - This player is a Voodoo Doll. This is only shown to Coven.",
"Command.start": "[Seconds] → Start the game",
"Command.iconinfo": "→ Mostrar información sobre los iconos de reuniones",
"Command.iconhelp": "→ Mostrar información sobre los iconos de reuniones a todo el mundo",
@@ -2085,13 +2266,15 @@
"Remaining.MadmateCount": "Locos restantes: {0}",
"Remaining.NeutralCount": "Asesinos Neutros restantes: {0}",
"Remaining.ApocalypseCount": "Neutral Apocalypse left: {0}",
+ "Remaining.CovenCount": "Coven left: {0}",
"EnableKillerLeftCommand": "Activar el uso de /kcount",
- "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "Mostrar a los Locos (Incluyendo complementos)",
+ "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "Show Madmates (including Add-ons)",
"ShowApocalypseInLeftCommand": "Show Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "ShowCovenInLeftCommand": "Show Coven",
"SeeEjectedRolesInMeeting": "Ver los roles de los exiliados en las reuniones",
"ThankYouForUsingTOHE": "Thank you for using TOHE!",
"SkillUsedLeft": "Has activado tu habilidad para llamar una reunión. \nUsos restantes:",
- "NemesisDeadMsg": "La muerte del Némesis anuncia el comienzo del reino de la venganza. \nUse /rv + [ID del jugador] para matar al jugador especificado \nPuedes ver el ID de los jugadores al lado de sus nombres. \nO escribe /rv para tener la lista de los IDs de los jugadores.",
+ "NemesisDeadMsg": "The death of the Nemesis means the beginning of the revenge. \nPlease use /rv + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /rv to get a list of player ID's",
"NemesisAliveKill": "La venganza del Némesis solo podrá comenzar después de su muerte.",
"NemesisKillDead": "Choose a living player to take revenge",
"NemesisKillSucceed": "[{0}] was killed by the Nemesis!",
@@ -2111,14 +2294,15 @@
"GuessGuardianTask": "No puedes adivinar a un Guardian que haya acabado sus tareas.",
"GuardianCantKilled": "You can't kill a Guardian who has finished their tasks.",
"GuessMarshallTask": "No puedes adivinar a un Mariscal que haya terminado sus tareas.",
- "GuessObviousAddon": "Lo sentimos, pero no se puede adivinar ningún complemento obvio.",
- "GuessAdtRole": "Desgraciadamente, el Anfitrión no te deja adivinar complementos",
+ "GuessObviousAddon": "Sorry, obvious Add-ons cannot be guessed.",
+ "GuessAdtRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow you to guess Add-ons",
"GuessImpRole": "Desafortunadamente, la configuración del anfitrión no permite que los Impostores se adivinen entre ellos.",
- "GuessCrewRole": "Desafortunadamente, la configuración del anfitrión no permite que la Tripulación se pueda adivinar a sí misma.",
+ "GuessCrewRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow Crewmates to guess Crewmate roles.",
"GuessApocRole": "Fortunately, the Host's settings does not allow Apocalypse to guess Apocalypse roles.",
+ "GuessCovenRole": "Fortunately, the Host's settings does not allow Coven to guess Coven roles.",
"GuessKill": "{0} fue adivinado",
"GuessNull": "Por favor, elija el ID de cualquier jugador en vida para adivinar su rol",
- "GuessHelp": "Instrucciones: /bt [ID del jugador] [Nombre del Rol] \nPor ejemplo, /bt 3 Cebo \nEl número al lado del nombre del jugador es su ID \n pero también puedes usar /id para tener una lista en el chat",
+ "GuessHelp": "Instructions: /bt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /bt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"GGGuessMax": "You've reached the maximum guess limit. You can't guess anymore!",
"EGGuessMax": "You've reached the maximum guess limit. You can't guess anymore!",
"EGGuessSnitchTaskDone": "You thought you could guess the Snitch when all their tasks are done? Nice try. You're not getting out of this that easily.",
@@ -2149,12 +2333,12 @@
"MediumNotifyTarget": "{0}, the Medium, has established contact with you. Before the end of this meeting, you have a chance to respond to their question. Type one of the following commands to answer:\nConfirm: /ms yes\nDeny: /ms no",
"MediumNotifySelf": "You established contact with {0}. Please ask them questions and wait for them to respond.\n\nRemaining ability uses: {1}",
"MediumKnowPlayerDead": "Alguien murió en alguna parte",
- "SpurtMinSpeed": "Velocidad Mínima",
- "SpurtMaxSpeed": "Velocidad Máxima",
+ "SpurtMinSpeed": "Minimum Speed",
+ "SpurtMaxSpeed": "Maximum Speed",
"SpurtModule": "Modulador de Velocidad",
"EnableSpurtCharge": "Display The Charge",
"SpurtSuffix": "\n« Spurt: {0}% »",
- "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "Target Is Already Dead",
+ "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "Target is Already Dead",
"ByBard": "proverbio del Bardo",
"ByBardGetFailed": "Córcholis, no tengo inspiración...",
"GangsterSuccessfullyRecruited": "Acabas de reclutar a un jugador",
@@ -2165,40 +2349,37 @@
"BecomeMadmateCuzMadmateMode": "Te volviste loco porque has muerto",
"CleanerCleanBody": "El cadáver ha sido limpiado",
"QuickShooterStoraging": "Balas guardadas exitosamente",
- "QuickShooterFailed": "You are still in cooldown.",
- "PoisonerTargetDead": "Tu objetivo ha muerto",
- "HexesLookLikeSpells": "Los males de ojo aparecen como hechizos",
- "HexButtonText": "Mal de ojo",
- "BloodthirstAdded": "Your bloodthirst is now active!",
+ "QuickShooterFailed": "You are still in Cooldown.",
+ "BloodthirstAdded": "Your Bloodthirst is now active!",
"WarlockNoTarget": "La manipulación ha fallado, ya que no hay nadie que matar",
"WarlockNoTargetYet": "You haven't marked a target.",
"WarlockTargetDead": "La manipulación falló debido a que el objetivo está muerto",
"WarlockControlKill": "Tu objetivo ha muerto",
"OnCelebrityDead": "Aviso: El Famoso murió",
"OnCyberDead": "Última Hora: El Cyber ha muerto",
- "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "Todo el mundo fue teletransportado a los conductos",
+ "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "Everyone was teleported to Vents",
"TeleportedByTransporter": "Cambiando sitios con: {0}",
"ErrorTeleport": "La teletransportación ha fracasado",
- "EraseLimit": "Borrados máximos",
+ "EraseLimit": "Maximum Erases",
"EraserHideVote": "Esconder votos del borrador",
"EraserEraseMsgTitle": "BORRADOR",
"EraserEraseNotice": "Borraste {0}.\nSu rol será desactivado después de la reunión.",
"EraserEraseBaseImpostorOrNeutralRoleNotice": "¡Uy, tu blanco no puede ser borrado!",
"EraserEraseSelf": "Unfortunately, you can't erase yourself... Wait, why would you do that in the first place?!",
- "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "You can't guess the role of the player you erased, except add-ons",
+ "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "You can't guess the role of the player you erased, except Add-ons",
"LostRoleByEraser": "Perdiste tu rol al Borrador",
"KilledByScavenger": "The Scavenger killed you and thus teleported off-map",
- "SnitchDoneTasks": "Llama una reunión de emergencia para descubrir a los impostores",
+ "SnitchDoneTasks": "Call a meeting to find the Impostors",
"SwooperCanVent": "Usa un conducto para volverte invisible",
"SwooperInvisState": "Eres invisible",
"SwooperInvisStateOut": "Ya no eres invisible",
- "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "Swoop cooldown isn't up yet. Swooping failed",
+ "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "Swoop Cooldown isn't up yet. Swooping failed",
"SwooperInvisStateCountdown": "La invisibilidad se acabará en {0} segundos",
"SwooperInvisCooldownRemain": "Tiempo de espera para volverse invisible : {0}s",
"WraithCanVent": "Usa un conducto para volverte invisible",
"WraithInvisState": "Eres invisible",
"WraithInvisStateOut": "Eres visible otra vez",
- "WraithInvisInCooldown": "Abildad aún en tiempo de espera",
+ "WraithInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, Vanish failed",
"WraithInvisStateCountdown": "La invisibilidad se acabará en {0} segundos",
"WraithInvisCooldownRemain": "{0}s restantes de invisibilidad",
"WerewolfKillButtonText": "Acechar",
@@ -2219,10 +2400,10 @@
"BittenByInfectious": "The Infectious infected you!",
"InfectiousBittenPlayer": "Acabas de Infectar a un jugador",
"GuessNotAllowed": "Desgraciadamente, tu rol no te permite adivinar.",
- "GuessOnbound": "Este jugador tiene una protección atada a su rol, no puedes adivinarlo.",
+ "GuessOnbound": "This player has the Onbound Add-on, so your guess on them was canceled.",
"GuessSpecter": "You can't guess a Specter. That allows them to win!",
"PacifistOnGuard": "Ability used, {0} uses remain",
- "PacifistSkillNotify": "Pacifist reset your kill cooldown",
+ "PacifistSkillNotify": "Pacifist reset your Kill Cooldown",
"BeRecruitedByJackal": "El Chacal te ha reclutado",
"YinYangerAlreadyMarked": "{0} está en un estado de paz y tranquilidad, marcado por un Yin-Yang",
"CoronerTrackRecorded": "Has empezado a rastrear al asesino",
@@ -2246,26 +2427,27 @@
"MonarchInvalidTarget": "El objetivo no puede ser nombrado Caballero",
"GhostTransformTitle": "Your Role Has Transformed!",
- "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "El Capturador de Espíritus te ha asesinado y te ha convertido en un Espíritu Maligno. Ahora tienes que ayudarle a ganar atormentando a otros jugadores o protegiendo al Capturador de Espíritus. Usa /m para más información.",
+ "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "The Spiritcaller has killed you and turned you into an Evil Spirit. Your task now is to help the Spiritcaller to victory by using your Spook button to hinder other players or to protect the Spiritcaller. Use /m for more information.",
"OverseerRevealCooldown": "Reveal Cooldown",
"OverseerRevealTime": "Reveal Time",
"OverseerVision": "Overseer Vision",
- "MerchantMaxSell": "Máximo de complementos en venta",
+ "MerchantMaxSell": "Maximum number of Add-ons to sell",
"MerchantMoneyPerSell": "Cantidad de dinero conseguida por vender un complemento",
"MerchantMoneyRequiredToBribe": "Cantidad de dinero necesaria para sobornar a un asesino",
"MerchantNotifyBribery": "Informar al Mercader cuando un asesino es sobornado",
"MerchantTargetCrew": "Puede vender a la Tripulación",
"MerchantTargetImpostor": "Puede vender a los Impostores",
+ "MerchantTargetCoven": "Can sell to Coven",
"MerchantTargetNeutral": "Puede vender a los Neutros",
"MerchantSellHelpful": "Puede vender complementos Beneficiosos",
"MerchantSellHarmful": "Puede vender complementos Dañinos",
"MerchantSellMixed": "Puede vender complementos Variados",
- "MerchantSellExperimental": "Puede vender complementos Experimentales",
+ "MerchantSellExperimental": "Can sell Experimental Add-ons",
"MerchantSellHarmfulToEvil": "Puede vender complementos Dañinos exclusivamente a los malos",
- "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "Puede vender complementos Beneficiosos exclusivamente a la Tripulación",
+ "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "Can sell Helpful Add-ons only to Crewmates",
"MerchantSellOnlyEnabledAddons": "Solo puede vender complementos activados",
"SpiritcallerSpiritMax": "Número máximo de Espíritus Malignos",
- "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "Tiempo de espera de habilidad del Espíritu Maligno",
+ "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "Evil Spirit Ability Cooldown",
"SpiritcallerFreezeTime": "Tiempo de congelación de la habilidad de los Espíritus Malignos",
"SpiritcallerProtectTime": "Tiempo de protección de los Espíritus Malignos",
"SpiritcallerCauseVision": "Visión causada por la habilidad del Espíritu Maligno",
@@ -2274,31 +2456,31 @@
"Message.MessageWaitHelp": "Especifique el primer argumento en segundos.",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundHost": "No hay plantillas que coincidan con {0}",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundClient": "El Anfitrión no tiene una plantilla llamada {0}",
- "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "Quedan {0} botones de reunión de emergencia restantes",
+ "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "There are {0} more Emergency buttons left",
"Message.Executed": "{0} fue eliminado",
- "Message.HideGameSettings": "The host has hidden the game settings.",
+ "Message.HideGameSettings": "The Host has hidden the game settings.",
"Message.NowOverrideText": "Por favor, ve a la carpeta del juego. \\Language\\Spanish.dar. Cambia este texto en el archivo .dat \nsi no necesitas esto o quieres poner mensajes /n. \nPor favor, desactive [Activar sólamente mensajes /n en las opciones.]",
"Message.NoDescription": "Sin descripción",
"Message.KickedByDenyName": "{0} fue expulsado porque su nombre coincide con {1}",
"Message.BannedByBanList": "{0} fue baneado ya que fue baneado en el pasado.",
- "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0} has been banned because he is in the EAC list of Banned people.",
+ "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0} has been banned because he is in the EAC list of banned people.",
"Message.DumpfileSaved": "El archivo de los logs fue guardado en el escritorio, echa un vistazo: {0}",
"Message.DumpcmdUsed": "{0} utilizó el comando /dump.",
- "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was kicked because their friend code is invalid.",
- "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was temporarily banned because their friend code is invalid.",
+ "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was kicked because their Friend Code is invalid.",
+ "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was temporarily banned because their Friend Code is invalid.",
"Message.AddedPlayerToBanList": "Añadido a {0} a tu lista de baneos",
- "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0} fue expulsado de la sala. \nAl Anfitrión no le agrada ver mensajes pidiéndole que empiece la partida",
- "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0} fue avisado: {1} vez/veces \nAl Anfitrión no le agrada ver mensajes pidiéndole que empiece la partida, por lo que sé paciente",
- "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0} recibió {1} avisos, por lo que será expulsado. \nAl Anfitrión no le agrada ver mensajes pidiéndole que empiece la partida",
+ "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0} has been kicked by the system. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0} has been warned: {1} times \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0} has received {1} warnings, he will be kicked. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWord": "{0}, vigila tu lenguaje",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWordTimes": "{0} fue advertido: {1} vez/veces \nSi sigues, serás expulsado",
"Message.KickWhoSayBanWordAfterWarn": "[{0}] recibió {1} avisos.\nFue expulsado por hablar como un camionero",
- "Message.KickedByEAC": "[{0}]Expulsión de EAC, razón:{1}",
- "Message.BannedByEAC": "[{0}]Baneado por EAC, razón:{1}",
- "Message.NoticeByEAC": "[{0}]Detectado:{1}",
- "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "[{0}]Temporalmente baneado por EAC, razón:{1}",
+ "Message.KickedByEAC": "[{0}]kicked by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.BannedByEAC": "[{0}]banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.NoticeByEAC": "[{0}]detected:{1}",
+ "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "[{0}]temporary banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
"Message.TempBannedForSpamQuitting": "{0} fue temporalmente baneado por salir de la sala constantemente",
- "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0} kicked because their friendcode was not found in WhiteList.txt",
+ "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0} kicked because their Friend Code was not found in WhiteList.txt",
"Message.SetLevel": "Tu nivel es de: {0}",
"Message.SetColor": "Tu color ha sido cambiado al {0}",
"Message.SetName": "Tu nombre fue cambiado a: {0}",
@@ -2314,7 +2496,7 @@
"Message.HostLeftGameInGame": "★Peligro★ El Anfitrión se fue de la partida y el juego no empezará normalmente la próxima vez. Por favor, desconéctate o espere a que el nuevo anfitrión abra una nueva sala.",
"Message.HostLeftGameInLobby": "★Aviso★ El Anfitrión se fue de la partida, la próxima partida será vanilla. Si el nuevo Anfitrión tiene Town of Host Enhanced, tendrás que desconectarte y volver para jugar con el mod.",
"Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsMod": "★Peligro★ ¡El Anfitrión original ha dejado el juego y {0} se ha convertido en el nuevo Anfitrión!\nLa sala sigue estando modificada, simplemente comienza un juego y termínalo inmediatamente para reiniciar el vestíbulo!",
- "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★Peligro★ El Anfitrión original ha salido del juego y {0} se ha convertido en el nuevo Anfitrión.\n¡La sala sigue estando modificada, simplemente comienza un juego y termínalo inmediatamente para reiniciar el vestíbulo.",
+ "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host! \nBut it's not modded. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
"Message.LobbyShared": "La sala fue compartida exitosamente",
"Message.LobbyShareFailed": "TOHE-Chan ha sido discontinuado. Desactive la opción.",
"Message.YTPlanDisabled": "ERROR\n\nPor favor active {0} en las Opciones",
@@ -2322,12 +2504,14 @@
"Message.YTPlanSelectFailed": "No puedes recibir el rol {0}.\nPuede ser porque el rol está desactivado o que el rol no tiene soporte para ser asignado.",
"Message.YTPlanCanNotFindRoleThePlayerEnter": "No podemos encontrar el rol que buscas\nUsa /r para ver la lista de roles",
"Message.YTPlanNotice": "Nota: El Plan Youtube está activado en esta sala. El Anfitrión podrá especificar el rol que quiera para la próxima partida para simplificarle la vida en el momento de crear contenido. Si abusa de esta función, sal de la sala o denúncialo.\nCredenciales del Creador:",
- "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "ERROR\n\nEste comando es exclusivo al Anfitrión.",
+ "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "ERROR\n\nThis command may only be used by the Host.",
"Message.MaxPlayers": "Máximo de jugadores configurado a ",
- "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "Could not set max players: Vanilla regions support a maximum of 15 players.",
+ "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "Could not set maximum players: Vanilla regions support a maximum of 15 players.",
"Message.GhostRoleInfo": "Información sobre Roles de Fantasma\n¡Hola! Un poco sobre los roles de fantasma...\n\nLos roles de fantasma impactan drásticamente en el juego, por lo que no se recomiendan para lobbies pequeños, si no estás familiarizado.\n\nAparición:\nLos roles de fantasma solo aparecen después de la muerte, las primeras x personas de (equipo) en morir los obtienen.\n\nPD: Si tu rol anterior no tenía tareas (por ejemplo, sheriff), tus tareas como rol de fantasma no son necesarias para ganar por tareas",
"ApocalypseInfoTitle": "Neutral Apocalypse Info:",
"Message.ApocalypseInfo": "Every role of the <#ff174f>Apocalypse Team has their own objective to carry out in order to transform.\n<#2B0804>Transformed <#ff174f>Apocalypse members have a drastic change on the game and are immortal (except for being voted), but everyone will be notified that they have transformed.\n\nRoles: <#e5f6b4>Plaguebearer, <#A675A1>Soul Collector, <#bf9f7a>Baker, <#cc0044>Berserker\nTransformed: <#343136>Pestilence, <#644661>Death, <#83461c>Famine, <#2B0804>War\n\nApocalypse members can see eachother's roles and ability icons.\nLike Neutral Killers, Apocalypse members keep the game going as well, have fun!",
+ "CovenInfoTitle": "Coven Info:",
+ "Message.CovenInfo": "The <#ac42f2>Coven is a faction of evildoers who specialize in Witchcraft. Their goal is to kill all who would oppose the <#ac42f2>Coven.\nThey use the Necronomicon to enhance their powers, but only one member at a time can hold it.\nMost Coven roles can only kill if they hold the Necronomicon. A random Coven member will spawn with the Necronomicon, denoted by the <#ac42f2>♣ symbol next to their name.\nIf the Necronomicon holder dies, the Necronomicon will be randomly given to another <#ac42f2>Coven member that is alive.\nDuring a meeting, Coven players can vote each other to determine who will gain the Necronomicon the following round. If the votes end in a tie or nobody votes, the Necronomicon holder will be the same. Votes will be returned and you will be allowed to vote normally.",
"Message.MeCommandInfo": "Hi [{0}] {1} !\n\nfriend-code Hash-Puid Type
{2} {3} {4}
IsDev HasUp /color-Bypass
{5} {6} {7}
"Message.MeCommandTargetInfo": "Seleccionado [{0}] Jugador {1} ,\n\nSu código de amigo es {2}.\n\nSu hash puid es {3}.\n\nSu TOHE Discord rol es {4}.\n\n",
"Message.MeCommandInvalidID": "The ID you entered seems incorrect. \nPlease use /id to get the player ID of online players",
@@ -2349,18 +2533,18 @@
"EnableGadientTags": "Activar etiquetas con gradientes (Puede causar desconexiones)",
"Warning.GradientTags": "Peligro:\n\nEl Anfitrión ha activado las etiquetas con gradientes. Esta opción está desaconsejada de usar porque puede causar problemas de conexión",
"WarningTitle": "Peligro!",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "Peligro! Los conductos en este mapa no funcionan correctamente",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "En «dlekS ehT», los conductos no funcionan correctamente y no pueden ser arreglados correctamente. Esto es un problema del juego vanilla. Debido a esto, no habrá roles que usen los conductos para utilizar su habilidad",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "Warning! The Vents on this map are broken",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "On the «dlekS ehT» map, the Vents are broken, they cannot be fixed in Host-Only Mods, this is a vanilla bug, so any roles using a Vent as an ability will not spawns on this map",
"Warning.NoGameEndIsEnabled": "Warning: {0} is enabled!",
"AntiBlackoutProtectionTitle": "Prevención de Apagón",
"Warning.AntiBlackoutProtectionMsg": "Peligro:\n\nSe ha activado la protección de pantalla negra, debido al bajo número de Impostores, Tripulantes y Asesinos Neutrales vivos.\nLa pantalla de votación mostrará un empate (solo afecta visualmente, no los resultados de la votación)\nLos jugadores modificados verán la pantalla de votación normalmente",
"Warning.ShowAntiBlackExiledPlayer": "La última reunión activó el Arreglo de la Pantalla Negra de la Muerte.\nAquí están los detalles del jugador exiliado en la reunión anterior.\n",
"DisableAntiBlackoutProtects": "Desactivar Protecciones Antiapagón (Recomendado para pruebas)",
- "Warning.InvalidRpc": "Se expulsó a {0} porque se recibió un RPC inválido.\nObserva si no hay otros mods aparte de TOHE (Town of Host Enhanced).",
- "Warning.NoModHost": "Town of Host Enhanced no fue instalado por el Anfitrión",
+ "Warning.InvalidRpc": "Kicked {0} because an invalid RPC was received.\nPlease check that no Mods other than TOHE are installed.",
+ "Warning.NoModHost": "TOHE is not installed on the Host",
"Warning.MismatchedVersion": "{0} no usa la misma versión de {1}",
- "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "El anfitrión está jugando vanilla o una versión distinta de {0}\nSerás expulsado en {1}",
- "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "El uso de la consola está prohibido\npor ende, ha sido desactivada",
+ "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "The Host has no or a different version of {0}\nYou will be kicked in {1}",
+ "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "The use of the Console is prohibited\nso your Console has been off",
"Error.MeetingException": "ERROR: {0}\nPor favor, use Máyus+M+Entrar para forzar el fin de la reunión",
"Error.InvalidRoleAssignment": "Error: Rol Inválido encontrado para un jugador durante la asignación de roles ({0})",
"Error.InvalidColor": "ERROR: Solo se pueden usar colores por defecto",
@@ -2374,7 +2558,7 @@
"ERR-000-910-1": "Error de prueba nivel 1",
"ERR-000-920-2": "Error de prueba nivel 2",
"ERR-000-930-3": "Error de prueba nivel 3",
- "ERR-000-804-1": "Sorry, TOHE temporarily not support the Vanilla HnS, so mod unloaded",
+ "ERR-000-804-1": "Sorry, TOHE temporarily doesn't support vanilla Hide & Seek, so Mod unloaded",
"ERR-001-000-3": "El diccionario principal tiene entradas en doble.",
"ERR-002-000-1": "Versión de Among Us sin soporte, por favor, actualice el juego",
"DefaultSystemMessageTitle": "MENSAJE DEL SISTEMA",
@@ -2403,16 +2587,18 @@
"TabGroup.ModifierSettings": "Modificadores del Juego",
"TabGroup.CrewmateRoles": "Roles de la Tripulación",
"TabGroup.NeutralRoles": "Roles Neutros",
+ "TabGroup.CovenRoles": "Coven Roles",
"TabGroup.ImpostorRoles": "Roles de los Impostores",
"TabGroup.Addons": "Complementos",
- "TabMenuDescription_General": "Here you can configure the functions that are in the mod",
- "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "Here you can add, remove and change the settings of all roles or add-ons in the mod",
+ "TabMenuDescription_General": "Here you can configure the functions that are in the Mod",
+ "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "Here you can add, remove and change the settings of all Roles or Add-ons in the Mod",
"Experimental.Roles": "★ Roles Experimentales ADVERTENCIA: Usar con precaución, necesitan ser probados)",
"ActiveRolesList": "Lista de Roles Activos",
"ForExample": "Ejemplo de Uso",
"ImpCanBeGuesser": "Impostores pueden ser Adivinos",
"CrewCanBeGuesser": "Tripulantes pueden ser Adivinos",
"NeutralCanBeGuesser": "Neutros pueden ser Adivinos",
+ "CovenCanBeGuesser": "Coven can become Guesser",
"CrewCanBeMundane": "Tripulantes pueden hacerse Mundano",
"NeutralCanBeMundane": "Neutros pueden hacerse Mundano",
"GuessedAsMundane": "You're Mundane.\nYou can't guess until you finish all the tasks",
@@ -2420,22 +2606,23 @@
"ImpCanBeInLove": "Los Impostores pueden enamorarse",
"CrewCanBeInLove": "Los Tripulantes pueden enamorarse",
"NeutralCanBeInLove": "Los Neutros pueden enamorarse",
+ "CovenCanBeInLove": "Coven can be in love",
"updateButton": "Actualizar",
"updatePleaseWait": "Por favor, espere...",
- "updateManually": "No se ha podido actualizar.\nPor favor, intente actualizar manualmente.",
+ "updateManually": "Update failed.\nPlease try again or update manually.",
"updateInProgress": "Actualizando...",
"deletingFiles": "Borrando archivos de la actualización...",
- "updateRestart": "La Actualización fue exitosa.\nPor favor, reinicie el juego.",
- "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "No puedes entrar en Salas Públicas con una versión desactualizada.\nPor favor, actualice Town of Host-Enhanced.",
+ "updateRestart": "Update finished!\nPlease restart the game.",
+ "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "You can't join public rooms without the latest version.\nPlease update.",
"ModBrokenMessage": "El archivo del MOD está dañado.\nPor favor, reinstálalo.",
"UnsupportedVersion": "Versión de Among Us sin soporte.\nPor favor, actualice el juego",
"DisabledByProgram": "El programa ha desactivado las salas públicas",
- "EnterVentToWin": "Métete en un conducto para llevarte la victoria!!",
+ "EnterVentToWin": "Enter a Vent to Win!!",
"EatenByPelican": "El Pelícano te ha zampado. Espera a que haya una reunión o que muera",
"FireworkerPutPhase": "Te quedan {0} Fuegos Artificiales",
"FireworkerWaitPhase": "Listos...",
"FireworkerReadyFirePhase": "¡Fuego!",
- "EnterVentWinCountDown": "Métete en un conducto en {0} segundos para ganar!",
+ "EnterVentWinCountDown": "Enter a Vent within {0} seconds to win!",
"On": "Activado",
"Off": "Desactivado",
"ColoredOn": "Activado",
@@ -2444,11 +2631,7 @@
"WitchCurrentMode": "Modo Actual",
"WitchModeKill": "Matar",
"WitchModeSpell": "Embrujar",
- "HexMasterModeHex": "Mal de Ojo",
- "HexMasterModeKill": "Matar",
- "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "Envenenar",
"WitchModeDouble": "Doble Clic = Matar, Un Clic = Embrujar",
- "HexMasterModeDouble": "Doble clic = Matar, Un clic = Mal de Ojo",
"BountyCurrentTarget": "Objetivo Actual",
"Roles": "Roles",
"Settings": "Opciones",
@@ -2457,7 +2640,7 @@
"LastEndReason": "★ Razón del Desenlace",
"KillLog": "Recapitulación de Asesinatos",
"MainRoleLog": "Role Convert Log",
- "Maximum": "Máximo",
+ "Maximum": "Maximum",
"RoleRate": "Activado",
"RoleOn": "Siempre",
"RoleOff": "Desactivado",
@@ -2490,7 +2673,7 @@
"Preset_4": "Platilla 4",
"Preset_5": "Plantilla 5",
"Standard": "Estándar",
- "HidenSeekTOHE": "Hide And Seek",
+ "HidenSeekTOHE": "Hide & Seek",
"GameMode": "Modo de Juego",
"PressTabToNextPage": "Apriete Tab o Número para la página siguiente...",
"RoleSummaryText": "Sumario de Roles:",
@@ -2577,7 +2760,7 @@
"IllegalColor": "Por favor, seleccione un color válido",
"DisableUseCommand": "El Anfitrión no permite el uso de este comando.",
"SureUse.quit": "Te echaremos y te prohibiremos la entrada a esta partida otra vez. Esta opción es irreversible. ¿Estás seguro de lo que estás haciendo? Si ese es el caso, escriba /qt {0}",
- "PlayerIdList": "Lista de los IDs de los jugadores: ",
+ "PlayerIdList": "List of player ID's: ",
"CancelStartCountDown": "La cuenta atrás para empezar ha sido cancelada",
"RestTOHESetting": "Las opciones de TOHE fueron restauradas a las por defecto",
"FPSSetTo": "Cuadros Por Segundo: {0}",
@@ -2602,13 +2785,13 @@
"Yes": "Si",
"No": "No",
"AntiBlackOutLoggerSendInGame": "Por culpa de un error desconocido, la partida se acabará para prevenir pantallazos negros.",
- "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "Un error ocurrió para prevenir un pantallazo negro. Use «/dump» y envíe los registros al servidor de Discord de The Enhanced Network en «bug-reports» e intentaremos arreglarlo.",
- "EndWhenPlayerBug": "End the game when a modded player gets a critical error (While loading)",
+ "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "An error occurred to prevent a black screen. Do a «/dump» and send the logs to the Discord server TOHE in «bug-reports» and we will try to fix it.",
+ "EndWhenPlayerBug": "End the game when a Modded player gets a critical error (While loading)",
"AntiBlackOutRequestHostToForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen. The game will end",
- "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen, and the host is not going to end the game\nYou will be disconnected soon",
+ "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen, and the Host is not going to end the game\nYou will be disconnected soon",
"RpcAntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "Por culpa de {0}, hubo un error desconocido. Para evitar pantallazos negros, desactive [{1}] en las opciones.",
"RpcAntiBlackOutEndGame": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred, the game will end to prevent a black screen.",
- "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "Por culpa de {0}, hubo un error desconocido. El uso del RPC de Discord será ignorado.",
+ "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred, but the game will continue without that player due to Host settings.",
"RpcAntiBlackOutKicked": "{0} was kicked due to having a blackout error on its side.",
"NextPage": "Siguiente Página",
"PreviousPage": "Página Anterior",
@@ -2630,7 +2813,7 @@
"ExiledInnocentTargetAddBelow": "\nEl Inocente está contando el dinero en sus manos",
"ExiledInnocentTargetInOneLine": "{0} era el {1}.\nPero al mismo tiempo, el Inocente está contando el dinero en sus manos...\nGG!",
"ExiledDeath": "{0} was {1}!\nThe Crew has been saved from Armageddon!",
- "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} was the {1}.\nBut they were not Death...\nDeath has claimed the souls of the Crew!",
+ "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} was the {1}.\nBut they were not Death...\nDeath has claimed the Souls of the Crew!\nGG!",
"IsGood": "{0} era bueno",
"BelongTo": "{0} pertenece a {1}",
"PlayerIsRole": "{0} era el {1}",
@@ -2643,15 +2826,16 @@
"NeutralRemain": "\n{0} Asesinos Neutros restantes",
"OneNeutralRemain": "\n{0} Asesino Neutro restante",
"ApocRemain": "\n{0} Neutral Apocalypse remains",
- "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "All Impostors and Neutral Killers were ejected or killed",
+ "CovenRemain": "\n{0} Coven remain",
+ "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "All Impostors and Neutral Killers and Coven were ejected or killed",
"GameOverReason.HumansByTask": "La Tripulación terminó sus tareas",
"GameOverReason.HumansDisconnect": "La Tripulación se ha desconectado",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByVote": "Los Tripulantes fueron exiliados",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByKill": "Los Impostores se deshicieron de todo el mundo",
- "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "Los tripulantes no lograron arreglar un sabotaje crítico",
+ "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "Crewmates failed to fix a Critical Sabotage",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorDisconnect": "Los Impostores se desconectaron",
"FortuneTellerCheck.TaskDone": "[{0}]Rol -[{1}]",
- "DevAndSpnTitle": "Familia TOHE",
+ "DevAndSpnTitle": "TOHE Family",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Null": "{0} es un rol que no está en la lista.\nEsto no debería pasar en condiciones normales.",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Result": "{0} is either one of the following roles:\n{1}",
"SunnyboyChance": "Probabilidad del Chico Soleado",
@@ -2687,18 +2871,18 @@
"DeathCmd.Misfired": "Haz fallado el tiro.",
"DeathCmd.Shrouded": "Fuiste envuelto en la oscuridad de la Mortaja y no asesinaste, por lo que te quitaste la vida.",
"DeathCmd.Lovers": "Tu amante ha muerto 3.",
- "RpsCommandInfo": "Este comando sólo puede ser usado en la sala de espera o después de morir. Comprendemos que una partida pueda ser un muermo algunas veces, pero concéntrate.\n\nEscribe /rps X para jugar a Piedra Papel Tijera con el sistema. X puede ser 0 (Piedra), 1 (Papel) o 2 (Tijera). \n\nPor ejemplo, /rps 0",
+ "RpsCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rps X to play Rock Paper Scissors with the system. X can be 0 (rock), 1 (paper) or 2 (scissors). \n\nExample :- /rps 0",
"RpsDraw": "Elijo {0}\n\nPedazo de partida que acabamos de echar, es como si estuviéramos en igualdad de condiciones en este juego donde la suerte y el azar es lo que importa.",
"RpsLose": "Elijo {0}\n\nParece que he superado a otro humano en este juego de enorme complejidad conocido como Piedra Papel Tijera. Mejor suerte la próxima vez! ",
- "RpsWin": "Elijo {0}\n\nFelicidades! Quizá no haya sido programado para tener buena suerte, pero quizá hayas aprendido a prever el futuro como Los Simpsons.",
- "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "Este comando solo puede ser usado en la sala de espera o después de morir. Comprendo que algunas veces la partida sea un muermo, pero por favor, concéntrate.",
+ "RpsWin": "I choose {0}\n\nOh, congratulations! You must have a Crystal Ball hidden behind that screen to beat me at Rock, Paper, Scissors. Or maybe I have the world's worst luck algorithm.",
+ "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.",
"CoinFlipResult": "Redoble de tambores.... Después de una batalla sin precedentes, la moneda ha decidido mostrar su presencia... Y el ganador es, sin más dilación, {0}! ¿Quién pudo ver eso venir? Claramente, una partida inigualablemente en la histora de Cara o Cruz.",
- "GNoCommandInfo": "Este comando solo puede ser usado en la sala de espera o después de morir. Comprendo que algunas veces la partida sea un muermo, pero por favor, concéntrate.\n\nEscribe /gno X para jugar una partida de adivinar el número. Puede ser un número entre 0 y 99 (Ámbos incluídos). \n\nTienes 7 intentos para adivinar el número.\n\n Por ejemplo, /gno 10",
+ "GNoCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /gno X to play guess a number. X can be a number between 0 and 99 (both included). \n\nYou get maximum of 7 tries to guess the number.\n\n Example:- /gno 10",
"GNoLost": "Casi! Podías haber descifrado el código de la caja fuerte con un intento más... El número secreto era... {0}!\nNo te preocupes, quizás lo consigas la próxima vez! ",
"GNoLow": "Le estás cogiendo el tranquillo a esto! Tu número es tan pequeño que necesito una lupa para verlo!\nAún te quedan {0} intentos!",
"GNoHigh": "En absoluto! Tu número es más grande que la caída de WillyRex! \nAún te quedan {0} intentos!",
"GNoWon": "¿Cómo demonios has podido adivinar el número? Es como si fueras un adivino. Felicidades, eres un genio!\nEncontraste el número con {0} intentos restantes!",
- "RandCommandInfo": "Este comando solo puede usarse estando en el lobby o después de morir.\n\nEscribe /rand X Y para obtener un número entre X e Y, ambos incluidos.\nX e Y pueden ser cualquier número entre 0 y 2147483647, incluyendo ambos números.\nX debe ser menor que Y.\n\nEjemplo: /rand 0 99",
+ "RandCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rand X Y to get a number between X and Y, inclusive. \nX and Y can be any number between 0 and 2147483647, including both numbers.\nX must be less than Y.\n\nExample:- /rand 0 99",
"RandResult": "Felicidades, ¡tu número aleatorio es {0}! ¿No te lo has pasado bien?",
"8BallTitle": "La Bola 8 Mágica revela...",
"8BallYes": "Si",
@@ -2709,7 +2893,7 @@
"8BallNotLikely": "El resultado parece ser negativo",
"8BallLikely": "El resultado parece ser positivo",
"8BallDontCount": "No cuentes en ello",
- "8BallStop": "Deja de usar una bola 8 mágica en un mod de Among Us, que pareces subnormal",
+ "8BallStop": "Stop using an 8Ball in an Among Us Mod",
"8BallPossibly": "Posiblemente",
"8BallProbably": "Probablemente",
"8BallProbablyNot": "Probablemente no",
@@ -2718,20 +2902,20 @@
"8BallWithoutDoubt": "Sin duda",
"8BallWithDoubt": "Lo dudo mucho",
"ChanceToMiss": "Probabilidad de fallar un asesinato",
- "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "Número necesario de almas",
+ "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "Required number of Souls",
"SoulCollectorTarget": "Predijiste la muerte de {0}",
"SoulCollectorTitle": "COLECCIONNISTA DE ALMAS",
- "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "Can collect their own soul",
- "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "El Anfitrión no te permite recuperar tu propia alma",
+ "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "Can collect their own Soul",
+ "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "Host settings do not allow you to collect your own Soul",
"SoulCollectorToDeath": "You have become Death!!!",
"SoulCollectorTransform": "Now Soul Collector has become Death, Destroyer of Worlds and Horseman of the Apocalypse!
Find them and vote them out before they bring forth Armageddon!",
- "GetPassiveSouls": "Gain a passive soul every round",
- "PassiveSoulGained": "You have gained a passive soul from the underworld.",
+ "GetPassiveSouls": "Gain a passive Soul every round",
+ "PassiveSoulGained": "You have gained a passive Soul from the underworld.",
"SoulCollectorTargetUsed": "You've already targeted someone this round!",
"SoulCollectorSoulGained": "Soul gained",
"SoulCollectorCanVent": "Soul Collector can Vent",
"DeathMeetingTimeIncrease": "Increased Meeting time when Death exists",
- "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "Your target has died during the meeting. You have gained a soul.",
+ "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "Your target has died during the meeting. You have gained a Soul.",
"SoulCollectorKillButtonText": "Predict",
"SoulCollectorHasImpostorVision": "Soul Collector has Impostor vision",
"ApocalypseIsNigh": "[ The Apocalypse Is Nigh! ]",
@@ -2754,21 +2938,21 @@
"BakerBreadGivesEffects": "Bread gives additional effects",
"BakerTransformNoMoreBread": "Baker transforms if they do not have enough bread",
"FamineKillButtonText": "Starve",
- "FamineStarveCooldown": "Famine starve cooldown",
+ "FamineStarveCooldown": "Famine Starve Cooldown",
"FamineCantStarveApoc": "You cannot starve other Apocalypse members!",
"FamineAlreadyStarved": "That player has already been starved!",
"FamineStarved": "Player starved",
"ChronomancerKillCooldown": "Ability Charge Time",
"ChronomancerDecreaseTime": "Slaughter Decrease Time (lower is faster)",
"ChronomancerStartMassacre": "SLAUGHTER: ACTIVATED",
- "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "Vision When In Slaughter",
+ "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "Vision When in Slaughter",
"ShamanButtonText": "Vudú",
- "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "Ya has elegido una muñeca de vudú en esta ronda",
+ "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "You have already selected a Voodoo Doll in this round",
"Shaman_KillerCannotMurderChosenTarget": "The killer cannot murder chosen target",
"VoodooCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para hacer vudú",
"AdminWarning": "Mesa de Administración en uso!",
"VitalsWarning": "Constantes en uso!",
- "DoorlogWarning": "Log de Puertas en uso!",
+ "DoorlogWarning": "DoorLogs in use!",
"CameraWarning": "Cámaras de Seguridad en uso!",
"MinWaitAutoStart": "Minutos a esperar antes de empezar automáticamente",
"MaxWaitAutoStart": "Forzar el inicio de la partida cuando quede cierto tiempo",
@@ -2789,39 +2973,39 @@
"TimeMasterVentButtonText": "Escudo Temporal",
"BodyCannotBeReported": "Body could not be reported",
"BurstKillDelay": "Retraso para Explotar",
- "BurstNotify": "VA A EXPLOTAR! Métete en un conducto o muere.",
+ "BurstNotify": "That was a Burst! Get in a Vent or die.",
"BurstFailed": "Los tipos duros nunca miran las explosiones",
"ShroudButtonText": "Mortaja",
"ShroudCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para cubrir",
"Message.Shrouded": "Uno o más jugadores fueron cubiertos en un velo de oscuridad por la Mortaja.\n\nDeshazte de ella o todos los jugadores cubiertos se quitarán la vida.",
- "LudopathRandomKillCD": "Tiempo de espera para matar máximo",
+ "LudopathRandomKillCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
"UnderdogMaximumPlayersNeededToKill": "Número máximo de jugadores para empezar a matar",
"GodfatherTargetCountMode": "El Asesino se convierte en",
"GodfatherCount_Refugee": "Refugee",
"GodfatherCount_Madmate": "Loco",
"GodfatherRefugeeMsg": "You have been recruited by GodFather!",
- "MissChance": "Chance To Miss",
- "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "Increase The KillCount +1 If a Crew Is Converted",
+ "MissChance": "Chance to Miss",
+ "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "Increase the KillCount +1 if a Crewmate is Converted",
"HawkMissed": "Missed!",
- "HawkCanKillNum": "Max Slices",
+ "HawkCanKillNum": "Maximum Slices",
"HawkKillMax": "You've run out of ability uses",
"HawkKillTooManyDead": "Too many people are dead",
- "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "Minimum Players Alive To Kill",
- "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "Max BloodLettings",
+ "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "Minimum Players Alive to Kill",
+ "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "Maximum BloodLettings",
"BloodMoonTimeTilDie": "Time Until Death",
"PossessorPossessCooldown": "Possession Cooldown",
"PossessorPossessDuration": "Possession Duration",
"PossessorAlertRange": "Alert Range",
"PossessorFocusRange": "Focus Range",
"DeathTimer": "Muerte en: {DeathTimer}s",
- "BerserkerKillCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para matar del Guerrero",
- "BerserkerMax": "Nivel Máximo que el Guerrero puede alcanzar",
+ "BerserkerKillCooldown": "Berserker Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerMax": "Maximum level that Berserker can reach",
"BerserkerHasImpostorVision": "Berserker Has Impostor Vision",
"WarHasImpostorVision": "War Has Impostor Vision",
"BerserkerCanVent": "Berserker Can Vent",
"WarCanVent": "War Can Vent",
- "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "Desbloquear tiempo de espera para matar más bajo",
- "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para matar después de desbloquearlo",
+ "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "Unlock lower Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after unlocking",
"BerserkerTwoCanScavenger": "Desbloquear asesinatos carroñeros",
"BerserkerThreeCanBomber": "Desbloquear asesinatos explosivos",
"BerserkerFourCanNotKill": "Become War",
@@ -2831,7 +3015,7 @@
"KilledByBerserker": "Asesinado por el Guerrero",
"BerserkerToWar": "You have become War!!!",
"BerserkerTransform": "The Berserker has transformed into War, Horseman of the Apocalypse! Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war.",
- "WarKillCooldown": "War kill cooldown",
+ "WarKillCooldown": "War Kill Cooldown",
"BerserkerCanKillTeamate": "Can kill other Neutral Apocalypse",
"BlackmailerSkillCooldown": "Tiempo de Espera para Chantajear",
"BlackmailerMax": "Máximo de veces que los jugadores chantajeados pueden hablar",
@@ -2839,7 +3023,7 @@
"BlackmaileKillTitle": "CHANTAJISTA",
"UnluckyTaskSuicideChance": "Probabilidad de lesionarse al hacer tareas",
"UnluckyKillSuicideChance": "Probabilidad de cortarse asesinando",
- "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "Probabilidad de resbalarse al usar un conducto",
+ "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from Venting",
"UnluckyReportSuicideChance": "Probabilidad de atragantarse con la saliva al informar de un cadáver",
"UnluckyOpenDoorSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from opening a door",
"NeutralCanBeAware": "Los Neutros pueden serPrecavidos",
@@ -2860,7 +3044,7 @@
"PenguinKillButtonText": "Arrastrar",
"PenguinTimerText": "Tiempo de Arrastre",
"PenguinTargetOnCheckMurder": "You are grabbed. Try to escape that first!",
- "WitnessTime": "Tiempo Máximo después de Matar que el Asesino Está Nombrada En Rojo",
+ "WitnessTime": "Maximum Time after killing where killer appears red",
"WitnessButtonText": "Examinar",
"WitnessFoundInnocent": "✓",
"WitnessFoundKiller": "⚠",
@@ -2871,7 +3055,7 @@
"SwapVote": "Los votos de {0} y {1} fueron intercambiados.",
"SwapDead": "Desgraciadamente, no puedes intercambiar votos desde el más allá.",
"SwapNull": "Por favor, elige el ID de un jugador vivo para intercambiar votos. Usa 253 para empezar de nuevo",
- "SwapHelp": "Formato del Comando: /sw [playerID] para elegir el objetivo\nEl número al lado del nombre de los otros es su ID, pero puedes escribir /id para ver los IDs en el chat.\nUsa /swap 253 para deshacer el intercambio",
+ "SwapHelp": "Command Format: /sw [player ID] to select the target\nYou can see the player ID's next to the player names or use /id to see the player ID list.\nUse /swap 253 to clear your previous swap",
"Swap1": "Has elegido al objetivo número 1",
"Swap2": "Has elegido al objetivo número 2",
"CancelSwap": "Decidiste deshacer el intercambio. ¿Indeciso?",
@@ -2883,6 +3067,7 @@
"ImpCanKillFragile": "Los Impostores pueden ser forzados a matar al Frágil",
"NeutralCanKillFragile": "Los Neutros pueden ser forzados a matar al Frágil",
"CrewCanKillFragile": "Los Tripulantes pueden ser forzados a matar al Frágil",
+ "CovenCanKillFragile": "Coven can force kill Fragile",
"FragileKillerLunge": "Killer lunge on kill",
"CrusaderSkillLimit": "Máxima Cruzadas",
"CrusaderSkillCooldown": "Tiempo de Recuperación de Cruzadas",
@@ -2893,11 +3078,11 @@
"ChanceToSpawn": "Probabilidad de aparecer",
"ChanceToSpawnAnother": "Probabilidad de aparecer otro",
"BloodthirstKillCD": "Bloodthirst Kill Cooldown",
- "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "Max players alive for Bloodthirst",
+ "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "Maximum players alive for Bloodthirst",
"ReflectHarmfulInteractions": "Devolver Interacciones Dañinas",
- "DiseasedCDOpt": "Tiempo de espera para matar extra",
+ "DiseasedCDOpt": "Increase the Cooldown by",
"DiseasedCDReset": "Tiempo de espera vuelve a la normalidad después de una reunión",
- "AntidoteCDOpt": "Reducir tiempo de espera por",
+ "AntidoteCDOpt": "Decrease the Cooldown by",
"AntidoteCDReset": "Tiempo de espera vuelve a la normalidad después de una reunión",
"GlowRadius": "Glow Radius",
"GlowVisionOthers": "Vision Boost for nearby Players",
@@ -2914,10 +3099,10 @@
"PunchingBagKill": "¡Fuiste atacado!",
"SelfGuessPunchingBag": "No te puedes adivinar a tí mismo, fullero!",
"GuessPunchingBagBlocked": "Punching Bag cannot guess due to self-guessing.",
- "EradicatePunchingBag": "You just tried to terminate punching bag, that is not allowed.",
+ "EradicatePunchingBag": "You just tried to terminate Punching Bag, that is not allowed.",
"RememberCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para Imitar",
"RefugeeKillCD": "Tiempo de espera para Matar del Refugiado",
- "RememberedNeutralKiller": "Acabas de recordar que eres un asesino neutro",
+ "RememberedNeutralKiller": "You remembered you were a Neutral killer!",
"RememberedMaverick": "Recordaste tu inconformismo con la sociedad",
"RememberedPursuer": "Recordaste que te gusta perseguir metas",
"RememberedFollower": "Recordaste que te gustaba hacerle la pelota a la gente",
@@ -2926,12 +3111,12 @@
"ReportWhenFailedRemember": "Report Dead Body when failed to remember",
"RememberedImitator": "Recordaste que te gusta imitar a otras personas.",
"RememberedImpostor": "Recordaste que levantabas sospechas. Es verdad, eras un Impostor!",
- "RememberedCrewmate": "Recordaste el momento en el que la nave despegó. Eres un tripulante!",
+ "RememberedCrewmate": "You remembered you were a Crewmate!",
"ImitatorImitated": "Un Imitador se ha puesto a imitarte.",
"ImitatorInvalidTarget": "Aún sabiendo imitar un montón de cosas, no puedes imitar a esa persona",
"RememberButtonText": "Recordar",
"ImitatorKillButtonText": "Imitar",
- "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "Si el neutro es incompatible, convertirse en",
+ "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "If Neutral is incompatible, turn into",
"RememberedYourRole": "El Amnésico ha recordado tu rol!",
"YouRememberedRole": "Ya te acuerdas de quien eras",
"BanditStealMode": "Modo de robos",
@@ -2939,23 +3124,19 @@
"BanditStealMode_Instantly": "Instantáneamente",
"BanditMaxSteals": "Máximo de Robos",
"BanditCanStealBetrayalAddon": "Puede robar Complementos de Traición",
- "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "Puede robar Complementos de Impostor",
- "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "No se pudo robar el complemento del jugador",
- "BanditStealCooldown": "Enfriamiento de robo",
+ "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "Can Steal Impostor Only Add-ons",
+ "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "Could not steal Add-on from the player",
+ "BanditStealCooldown": "Steal Cooldown",
"DoppelMaxSteals": "Máximo de Suplantaciones",
- "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "Last victim can see role and add-on info of alive players as a ghost",
- "NecromancerRevengeTime": "Necromancy time",
- "NecromancerRevenge": "Tienes {0}s para matar a {1}",
- "NecromancerSuccess": "Nigromancia completa! Has sobrevivido un día más.",
- "NecromancerHide": "El Nigromante está buscándote. Puedes huir pero no esconderte!",
- "RetributionistDeadMsg": "La muerte del Castigador da comienzo al principio del castigo.\nPor favor, use /ret + [ID del jugador] para matar al jugador especificado.\nPodrás ver el ID del jugador al lado de su nombre, o escriba /ret para obtener una lista de los IDs de los jugadores",
+ "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "Last victim can see Role and Add-on info of alive players as a ghost",
+ "RetributionistDeadMsg": "The death of the Retributionist means the beginning of retribution. \nPlease use /ret + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /ret to get a list of player ID's",
"RetributionistAliveKill": "El castigo del Castigador sólo podrá comenzar después de su muerte.",
"RetributionistKillMax": "Alcanzaste el número máximo de asesinatos, ya no puedes matar!",
"RetributionistKillDead": "Elija a un jugador vivo para matar.",
"RetributionistKillSucceed": "{0} fue asesinado por el Castigador!",
"RetributionistKillDisable": "No puedes castigar hasta que termines tus tareas.",
"CanOnlyRetributeWithTasksDone": "Puede castigar sólamente al terminar sus tareas",
- "RetributionistCanKillNum": "Castigos máximos",
+ "RetributionistCanKillNum": "Maximum retributions",
"RetributionistKillTooManyDead": "Demasiados jugadores muertos, no puedes castigar.",
"MinimumPlayersAliveToRetri": "Minimum players alive to retribute",
"MinimumNoKillerEjectsToKill": "Mínimas reuniones pasadas sin expulsiones de asesinos para poder matar",
@@ -2974,37 +3155,39 @@
"CaptainCanTargetNC": "El Capitán puede ralentizar a los Neutros Caóticos",
"CaptainCanTargetNA": "Captain can target Neutral Apocalypse",
"CaptainCanTargetNK": "El Capitán puede ralentizar a los Neutros Asesinos",
+ "CaptainCanTargetCoven": "Captain can target Coven",
"CaptainSpeedReduced": "El capitán ha reducido tu velocidad",
"CaptainRevealTaskRequired": "Número de tareas completadas después de las cuales se revela al Capitán",
"CaptainSlowTaskRequired": "Número de tareas completadas después de las cuales se reduce la velocidad del objetivo",
"InspectorTryHideMsg": "Esconder los comandos del Inspector",
- "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "Inspecciones máximas por partida",
- "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "Inspecciones máximas por reunión",
+ "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "Maximum inspections per game",
+ "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum inspections per meeting",
"InspectCheckTargetKnow": "Los objetivos saben si fueron Investigados",
"InspectCheckOtherTargetKnow": "Los objetivos saben con quién fueron investigados",
"InspectorDead": "No puedes usar tu poder después de la muerte",
- "InspectCheckMax": "Ya has hecho todas las inspecciones posibles en una partida.",
- "InspectCheckRound": "Ya has hecho todas las inspecciones posibles por esta ronda.\nPodrás seguir inspeccionando en la siguiente ronda.",
+ "InspectCheckMax": "Maximum inspections per game reached!\nYou can not use your power anymore.",
+ "InspectCheckRound": "Maximum inspections per round reached!\nYou can check again in the next round.",
"InspectCheckSelf": "Tienes que tener un ego descomunal para compararte a otras personas, pero ya te digo yo que no vas a poder :)",
"InspectCheckReveal": "No puedes hacer comparaciones con un rol que haya sido revelado, listillo",
"InspectCheckTitle": "INSPECTOR ",
"InspectCheckTrue": "Al parecer, {0} y {1} están aliados",
"InspectCheckFalse": "Al parecer, {0} y {1} no pertenecen al mismo equipo",
"InspectCheckTargetMsg": " fueron revisados por el Inspector.",
- "InspectCheckHelp": "Instrucciones: /cmp [ID Jugador 1] [ID Jugador 2] \nPor ejemplo, /cmp 1 5 \nEl número al lado del nombre del jugador es su ID \n pero también puedes usar /id para tener una lista en el chat",
+ "InspectCheckHelp": "Instructions: /cmp [Player ID 1] [Player ID 2] \nExample: /cmp 1 5 \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"InspectCheckNull": "Por favor, elija el ID de cualquier jugador en vida para inspeccionar su rol",
"InspectCheckBaitCountMode": "Cebo cuenta a un rol que revela si Cebo revela en primera reunión está encendido.",
"InspectCheckRevealTarget": "Con las tareas terminadas, el objetivo conoce el equipo del otro",
"InspectorTargetReveal": " Al parecer, {0} y {1} están aliados",
"EgoistCountMode.Original": "Original",
"EgoistCountMode.Neutral": "Neutro",
- "JailerJailCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para Encarcelar",
+ "JailerJailCooldown": "Jail Cooldown",
"JailerMaxExecution": "Penas Capitales máximas",
"JailerNBCanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Benign",
"JailerNCCanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Chaos",
"JailerNECanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Evil",
"JailerNKCanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Killing",
"JailerNACanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "JailerCovenCanBeExe": "Can execute Coven",
"JailerCKCanBeExe": "Puede imponer la Pena Capital a los Tripulantes Asesinos",
"JailerTargetAlreadySelected": "Comprendo tu entusiasmo, pero ya has elegido a un objetivo",
"SuccessfullyJailed": "Has encarcelado a tu objetivo",
@@ -3013,40 +3196,43 @@
"CanNotTrialJailed": "No puedes juzgar a alguien que está en prisión. Deja que el Carcelero se ocupe de todo esto.",
"notifyJailedOnMeeting": "Notificar al jugador en prisión cuando empiece una reunión",
"JailedNotifyMsg": "El Carcelero te ha metido en prisión. Nadie te puede adivinar o juzgar, pero puedes adivinar al Carcelero para escapar o escribir tu testamento.\n\nEsperemos que el Carcelero no te vote. Si no, se te aplicará la Pena Capital y morirás.",
- "JailerTitle": "Carcelero",
- "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para Copiar",
+ "JailerTitle": "JAILER",
+ "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "Copy Cooldown",
"CopyCatRoleChange": "Ahora tu rol es {0}",
"CopyCatCanNotCopy": "Tus conocimientos no te permiten copiar a tu objetivo",
"CopyButtonText": "Copiar",
- "CopyCrewVar": "Puede copiar variantes malvadas de roles de la Tripulación",
- "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "Puede copiar un complemento de cambio de equipo",
- "MaxCleanserUses": "Purificaciones máximas",
+ "CopyCrewVar": "Can copy evil variants of Crewmate roles",
+ "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "Can copy team changing Add-on",
+ "MaxCleanserUses": "Maximum Cleanses",
"CleansedCanGetAddon": "Los jugadores purificados pueden recibir Complementos",
"CleanserTitle": "PURIFICADOR",
"CleanserRemoveSelf": "No te puedes purificar a tí mismo, aún teniendo los peores complementos del juego",
- "CleanserCantRemove": "Ups! Esta persona no puede ser purificada. Tiene mucho apego a lo que tiene.",
+ "CleanserCantRemove": "Oops! the player can not be Cleansed.",
"CleanserRemovedRole": "{0} has been cleansed. All their Add-ons will be removed after the meeting.\n\nYour vote has been returned and you can vote for someone.",
- "LostAddonByCleanser": "El Purificador ha limpiado todos tus complementos",
- "MaxProtections": "Protecciones máximas",
+ "LostAddonByCleanser": "The Cleanser removed all your Add-ons",
+ "MaxProtections": "Maximum Protections",
"KeeperHideVote": "Esconde el voto del Protector",
"KeeperProtect": "Elegiste proteger a {0}, tu voto fue devuelto",
- "KeeperTitle": "Protector",
+ "KeeperTitle": "KEEPER",
"MaulRadius": "Radio de Distancia del Acecho",
"ImpKnowCyberDead": "Los Impostores sabrán si el Cyber ha muerto",
"CrewKnowCyberDead": "Los Tripulantes sabrán si el Cyber ha muerto",
"NeutralKnowCyberDead": "Los Neutros sabrán si el Cyber ha muerto",
+ "CovenKnowCyberDead": "Coven know if Cyber died",
"CyberKnown": "Todos verán al Cyber",
"KillerGetBewilderVision": "La visión del Desconcertado es transmitida a su asesino",
"ImpCanBeOiiai": "Impostores pueden ser el Gato OIIAI",
"CrewCanBeOiiai": "Tripulantes pueden ser el Gato OIIAI",
"NeutralCanBeOiiai": "Neutros pueden ser el Gato OIIAI",
+ "CovenCanBeOiiai": "Coven can be OIIAI",
"OiiaiCanPassOn": "El Gato OIIAI se puede pasar al asesino",
"NeutralChangeRolesForOiiai": "Los neutros se vuelven ",
"LostRoleByOiiai": "¡Fuiste borrado por el Gato OIIAI!",
"ImpCanBeLoyal": "Los Impostores pueden ser Leales",
"CrewCanBeLoyal": "Los Tripulantes pueden ser Leales",
+ "CovenCanBeLoyal": "Coven can become Loyal",
"TasklessCrewCanBeLazy": "Los Tripulantes sin tareas pueden ser Gandules",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "Los Tripulantes con tareas pueden ser Gandules",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "Task based Crewmates can be Lazy",
"SheriffCanBeMadmate": "El Sheriff se puede volver Loco",
"MayorCanBeMadmate": "El Alcalde se puede volver Loco",
"NGuesserCanBeMadmate": "El Adivino Bueno se puede volver Loco",
@@ -3062,20 +3248,21 @@
"GanJudgeCanBeMadmate": "El Juez puede ser convertido",
"GanMarshallCanBeMadmate": "El Mariscal puede ser convertido",
"GanOverseerCanBeMadmate": "El Supervisor puede ser convertido",
- "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "Mostrar como Loco al ser Exiliado",
+ "GanCovenCanBeMadmate": "Coven can be converted",
+ "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "Appear as Madmate on Ejection",
"CouncillorDead": "Desgraciadamente, no puedes asesinar en el más allá.",
"CouncillorMurderMaxMeeting": "Lo siento, has alcanzado la cantidad máxima de asesinatos para la reunión.",
"CouncillorMurderMaxGame": "Sorry, you've reached the maximum amount of murders for the game.",
"Councillor_LaughToWhoMurderSelf": "¿Quién iba a pensar que iba a haber alguien tan gilipuertas como para matarse a sí mismo?\n\nAparentemente, tú eres esa persona!",
"Councillor_MurderKill": "{0} was murdered.",
- "Councillor_MurderHelp": "Comando: /tl [ID del jugador]\nEl número al lado de los jugadores es su ID.\nPero puedes usar /id para tener una lista en el chat.",
+ "Councillor_MurderHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Councillor_MurderNull": "Por favor, elige a un jugador en vida para asesinarlo.",
"Councillor_MurderKillTitle": "WICKED COURT ",
"CouncillorMakeEvilJudgeClear": "Show Trial as Councillor Murder",
"Councillor_CannotMurderImpTeam": "Sorry, you can not murder your teammate.",
"Councillor_SuicideForMurderImps": "You died because you are trying to murder your team members.",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Kills Per Meeting",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "Máximo de asesinatos durante reuniones por partida",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Kills per Meeting",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "Maximum Kills per Game",
"CouncillorCanMurderMadmate": "Puede Asesinar a los Locos",
"CouncillorCanMurderImpostor": "Puede asesinar a otros Impostores",
"CouncillorSuicideOnJudgeImpTeam": "Suicide when judge Impostors Team Wrongly",
@@ -3083,12 +3270,12 @@
"CouncillorTryHideMsg": "Intentar esconder los comandos del Concejal",
"DazzlerDazzled": "Fuiste aturdido por el Deslumbrador!",
"DazzlerCauseVision": "Reducción de la visión",
- "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "Máximo de jugadores afectado por el deslumbre",
+ "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "Maximum number of players affected by reduced vision",
"DazzlerResetDazzledVisionOnDeath": "Restablecer la visión de los jugadores deslumbrados al morir/ser exiliado",
"DazzleCooldown": "Tiempo de Espera para Deslumbrar",
"DazzleButtonText": "Aturdir",
"MoleVentButtonText": "Escarbar",
- "MoleVentCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para escarbar",
+ "MoleVentCooldown": "Dig Cooldown",
"AddictVentButtonText": "Fumar",
"AddictInvulnerbilityTimeAfterVent": "Duración del Placer",
"AddictSpeedWhileInvulnerble": "Velocidad de movimiento durante el momento de placer",
@@ -3102,13 +3289,13 @@
"AlchemistVentButtonText": "Beber",
"AlchemistGotShieldPotion": "Poción de Resistencia: Te vuelve duro como una piedra",
"AlchemistGotSightPotion": "Poción de Visión Nocturna: Te permite ver más lejos",
- "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "Poción de Reparación: Te permite reparar un sabotaje instantáneamente. Diploma de Mecánico no incluido",
+ "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "Potion of Fixing: Allows you to fix one Sabotage instantly",
"AlchemistGotTPPotion": "Poción de Agujero de Gusano: Te teletransporta a un jugador al azar",
"AlchemistGotSuicidePotion": "Poción de Veneno: Te envenena. ¿Te va la eutanasia?",
"AlchemistGotSpeedPotion": "Poción de Velocidad: Esta poción tiene cafeína para un regimiento",
"AlchemistGotBloodthirstPotion": "Potion of Harming: Kill the next player you touch",
"AlchemistGotInvisibility": "Poción de Invisibilidad: Pasarás desapercibido",
- "NoPotion": "No tienes pociones",
+ "NoPotion": "You have no Potions",
"StoreShield": "Poción de Resistencia",
"StoreSuicide": "Poción de Veneno",
"StoreTP": "Poción de Agujero de Gusano",
@@ -3124,22 +3311,22 @@
"AlchemistHasVision": "Poción de Visión Nocturna usada",
"AlchemistShieldOut": "Duración de la Poción de Resistencia acabada",
"AlchemistVisionOut": "Duración de la Poción de Visión Nocturna acabada",
- "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "You gained bloodthirst",
+ "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "You gained Bloodthirst",
"AlchemistHasSpeed": "Poción de Velocidad ha comenzado",
"AlchemistSpeedOut": "El efecto de la Poción de Velocidad se acabó",
- "DeathpactDuration": "Duración del Pacto de Muerte",
- "DeathPactCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para Asignar Pacto de Muerte",
- "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "Número de jugadores para un Pacto de Muerte",
- "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "Mostrar flechas para guiar a otros jugadores en el Pacto de Muerte",
- "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "Reducir visión de jugadores en un Pacto de Muerte",
- "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "Visión para jugadores en Pacto de Muerte",
- "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "Matar participantes del Pacto de Muerte al empezar una reunión",
- "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "Jugadores en un Pacto de Muerte activo pueden llamar una reunión",
+ "DeathpactDuration": "Deathpact Duration",
+ "DeathPactCooldown": "Deathpact Assign Cooldown",
+ "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "Number of players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "Show arrows leading to other players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "Reduce vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "Vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "Kill players in Deathpact on meeting",
+ "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "Players in active Deathpact can call meeting",
"DeathpactActiveDeathpact": "Busca a {0} en {1} segundos.",
- "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "El objetivo no está interesado en un Pacto de Muerte.",
- "DeathpactComplete": "El Pacto de Muerte ha concluido.",
- "DeathpactExecuted": "El Pacto de Muerte ha sido ejecutado.",
- "DeathpactAverted": "Se ha roto el Pacto de Muerte.",
+ "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "Target can't be added to Deathpact.",
+ "DeathpactComplete": "Deathpact was concluded.",
+ "DeathpactExecuted": "Deathpact was executed.",
+ "DeathpactAverted": "Deathpact was averted.",
"DeathpactButtonText": "Asignar",
"DevourerHideNameConsumed": "Esconder el nombre de jugadores devorados",
"DevourCooldown": "Tiempo de Espera para Devorar",
@@ -3167,7 +3354,6 @@
"PitfallTrapCauseVisionTime": "Tiempo de visión reducida por una trampa",
"PitfallTrap": "Has caído en una trampa",
"ConsigliereDivinationMaxCount": "Máximo de Revelaciones",
- "RitualMaxCount": "Maximum Reveals",
"CleanserHideVote": "Esconder votos del Purificador",
"OracleSkillLimit": "Usos Máximos",
"OracleHideVote": "Esconder votos del Oráculo",
@@ -3175,17 +3361,18 @@
"OracleCheckSelfMsg": "Ni siquiera confías ni en ti mismo, ¿eh?",
"OracleCheckLimit": "Recordatorio: Te quedan {0} fortunas",
"OracleCheckMsgTitle": "ORÁCULO ",
- "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "Appears not to be a crewmate",
- "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "Parece ser un tripulante",
- "OracleCheck.Neutral": "Parece ser neutro",
+ "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "Appears not to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "Appears to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Neutral": "Appears to be a Neutral",
"OracleCheck.Impostor": "Parece ser un impostor",
+ "OracleCheck.Coven": "Appears to be Coven",
"OracleCheck": "Resultados del Objetivo:",
"FailChance": "Probabilidad de recibir resultados incorrectos",
- "OracleCheckAddons": "El Oráculo ve los complementos",
+ "OracleCheckAddons": "Oracle checks Add-ons",
"ChameleonCanVent": "Usa un conducto para camuflarte",
"ChameleonInvisState": "Tu camuflaje está activado",
"ChameleonInvisStateOut": "Vuelves a ser visible",
- "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "Habilidad aún recargándose, no has podido camuflarte",
+ "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, disguise failed",
"ChameleonInvisStateCountdown": "El Camuflaje se acaba en {0}s",
"ChameleonInvisCooldownRemain": "Tiempo de Espera para Camuflarte: {0}s",
"ChameleonCooldown": "Tiempo de Espera para Camuflarse",
@@ -3200,11 +3387,12 @@
"CursedSoulCurseCooldownIncrese": "Aumento de Tiempo de Espera para Robar Almas",
"CursedSoulCurseMax": "Máximo de Robo de Almas",
"CursedSoulKnowTargetRole": "Conocer el rol de jugadores Sin Alma",
- "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "Los Neutros tienen almas",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "Neutral roles have Souls",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseCoven": "Coven roles have Souls",
"CursedSoulKillButtonText": "Robar Alma",
- "SoullessByCursedSoul": "A Cursed Soul snatched your soul",
+ "SoullessByCursedSoul": "A Cursed Soul snatched your Soul",
"CursedSoulSoullessPlayer": "Alma robada",
- "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "Que raro, este jugador no tiene un alma",
+ "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "No Soul found",
"AdmireCooldown": "Tiempo de Espera para Admirar",
"AdmirerKnowTargetRole": "Conoce el rol del jugador Admirado",
"AdmirerSkillLimit": "Límite de usos de la Habilidad",
@@ -3213,7 +3401,7 @@
"AdmiredPlayer": "Jugador Admirado",
"AdmirerInvalidTarget": "Tu objetivo dice que pares de hacerle la pelota",
"SpiritualistNoticeTitle": "ESPIRITISTA ",
- "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "El Espiritista recibió una flecha que le guía hasta a tí!\nGuíalo hacia un asesino o para fastidiar a un tripulante",
+ "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "The Spiritualist has an arrow pointing to you!\nYou can use them to a killer or frame a Crewmate",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowForSeconds": "Duración de las flechas fantasma",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowEverySeconds": "Intervalo de las flechas fantasma",
"EnigmaClueStage1Tasks": "Tareas necesarias para ver Indicios de Nivel 1",
@@ -3251,11 +3439,12 @@
"EnigmaClueRole2": "¡El Asesino es un Neutro!",
"EnigmaClueRole3": "¡El Asesino es un Tripulante!",
"EnigmaClueRole4": "¡El Asesino es un {0}!",
+ "EnigmaClueRole5": "The Killer is a Coven member!",
"EnigmaClueLevel1": "El Nivel del Asesino es superior a 50, parece ser un buen oponente.",
"EnigmaClueLevel2": "El Nivel del Asesino es inferior a 50, parece que aún le falta experiencia.",
"EnigmaClueLevel3": "El Nivel del Asesino está entre {0} y {1}.",
"EnigmaClueLevel4": "El Asesino es de Nivel {0}!",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "El Código de Amigo del Asesino es {0}. Me preocupa que te hagas amigo de alguien que acaba de asesinar a otra persona.",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "The Killer's Friend Code is {0}!",
"EnigmaClueHatTitle": "¡Pista de Sombrero!",
"EnigmaClueVisorTitle": "¡Pista de Visera!",
"EnigmaClueSkinTitle": "¡Pista de Traje!",
@@ -3267,10 +3456,11 @@
"EnigmaClueStatusTitle": "¡Pista de Estado!",
"EnigmaClueRoleTitle": "¡Pista de Rol!",
"EnigmaClueLevelTitle": "¡Pista de Nivel!",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "¡Pista de Clave de Amigo!",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "Enigma Friend Code Clue!",
"ImpCanBeRole": "Impostors can become {role}",
"CrewCanBeRole": "Crewmates can become {role}",
"NeutralCanBeRole": "Neutrals can become {role}",
+ "CovenCanBeRole": "Coven can become {role}",
"VotesPerKill": "Votos obtenidos por cada asesinato",
"PickpocketGetVote": "Ahora tienes {0} votos",
"VultureArrowsPointingToDeadBody": "Flechas señalando a los cadáveres",
@@ -3281,7 +3471,7 @@
"VultureMaxEatenInOneRound": "Máximo de cadáveres comestibles posibles por ronda",
"VultureCooldownUp": "Terminaste tu digestión",
"GhastlyPossessCD": "Possess Cooldown",
- "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "Max Possessions",
+ "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "Maximum Possessions",
"GhastlyPossessionDuration": "Possession Duration",
"GhastlySpeed": "Ghastly Speed",
"GhastlyKillAllies": "Ghastly cannot possess allies",
@@ -3294,7 +3484,7 @@
"GhastlyExpired": "{0} is no longer possessed",
"TasksMarkPerRound": "Número de tareas que pueden ser marcadas en una ronda",
"TaskinatorBombPlanted": "La bomba ha sido plantada",
- "ShieldDuration": "Duración del Escudo",
+ "ShieldDuration": "Shield Duration",
"ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "El Escudo se rompe después de un intento de asesinato",
"BenefactorTaskMarked": "Tareas marcadas con éxito",
"BenefactorTargetGotShield": "Has sido protegido por el Beneficiario",
@@ -3316,14 +3506,14 @@
"Heads": "Cara",
"Tails": "Cruz",
"SpyRedNameDur": "Duración de los nombres de colores",
- "SpyInteractionBlocked": "Bloquear interacción con el botón de matar",
- "AgitaterBombCooldown": "Tiempo de Espera para la bomba del Agitador",
- "AgitaterPassCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para pasar una bomba",
- "BombExplodeCooldown": "Temporizador de la bomba",
+ "SpyInteractionBlocked": "Block Kill button interaction",
+ "AgitaterBombCooldown": "Agitator Bomb Cooldown",
+ "AgitaterPassCooldown": "Bomb Pass Cooldown",
+ "BombExplodeCooldown": "Bomb Explode Cooldown",
"AgitaterPassNotify": "Bomba pasada con éxito",
"AgitaterTargetNotify": "TIENES LA BOMBA ENCIMA! Intenta pasársela a otro jugador",
"AgitaterCanGetBombed": "El Agitador puede recibir su propia medicina",
- "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "El Agitador auto-informa el Cebo",
+ "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "Agitator can Auto Report Bait",
"SeekerPointsToWin": "Número de puntos para ganar",
"SeekerTagCooldown": "Tiempo de Espera para Cazar",
"SeekerNotify": "Tu presa es {0}",
@@ -3331,15 +3521,15 @@
"SeekerKillButtonText": "Tag",
"PixiePointsToWin": "Número de puntos para ganar",
"MaxTargets": "Número máximo de objetivos por ronda",
- "MarkCooldown": "Tiempo de espera para marcar",
+ "MarkCooldown": "Mark Cooldown",
"PixieSuicide": "El Hada se suicida si ningún objetivo es exiliado",
"PixieMaxTargetReached": "Ya has elegido todos tus objetivos esta ronda",
"PixieTargetAlreadySelected": "Ya has elegido a esta persona. Aunque la odies, solo la puedes seleccionar una vez",
"PixieButtonText": "Marcar",
- "PlagueBearerCooldown": "Tiempo de Espera para pasar la Plaga",
- "PlagueBearerCanVent": "Can vent",
+ "PlagueBearerCooldown": "Plague Cooldown",
+ "PlagueBearerCanVent": "Can Vent",
"PlagueBearerHasImpostorVision": "Has Impostor vision",
- "PestilenceCooldown": "Tiempo de Espera para Matar (Pestilencia)",
+ "PestilenceCooldown": "Pestilence Kill Cooldown",
"PestilenceCanVent": "Puede usar conductos (Pestilencia)",
"PestilenceHasImpostorVision": "Tiene visión de Impostor (Pestilencia)",
"PestilenceKillGuessers": "Kill players who guess Pestilence",
@@ -3365,24 +3555,25 @@
"RomanticProtectButtonText": "Proteger",
"GuessMasterMisguess": "{0} adivinó mal",
"GuessMasterTargetRole": "Alguien intentó adivinar a {0}",
- "GuessMasterTitle": "Adivino Maestro ",
+ "GuessMasterTitle": "GUESS MASTER ",
"DoomsayerAmountOfGuessesToWin": "Número de Adivinanzas para ganar",
"DCanGuessImpostors": "Puede adivinar a los Impostores",
"DCanGuessCrewmates": "Puede adivinar a la Tripulación",
"DCanGuessNeutrals": "Puede adivinar Neutros",
+ "DCanGuessCoven": "Can Guess Coven",
"DCanGuessAdt": "Puede adivinar Complementos",
"DoomsayerAdvancedSettings": "Opciones Avanzadas",
- "DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "Número máximo de adivinanzas por reunión",
+ "DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "Maximum number of guesses per meeting",
"DoomsayerKillCorrectlyGuessedPlayers": "Asesinar a jugadores adivinados exitosamente",
"DoomsayerDoesNotSuicideWhenMisguessing": "El Agorero no se suicida al fallar una adivinanza",
"DoomsayerMisguessRolePrevGuessRoleUntilNextMeeting": "Fallar una adivinanza de rol impide adivinar hasta la próxima reunión",
"DoomsayerTryHideMsg": "Esconder los comandos del Agorero",
"DoomsayerCantGuess": "Desgraciadamente, tienes que esperar hasta la próxima reunión para volver a adivinar.",
"DoomsayerCorrectlyGuessRole": "¡Adivinaste el rol correctamente!\nEn cambio, el jugador no murió porque el Anfitrión no lo deja morir",
- "DoomsayerNotCorrectlyGuessRole": "Tu intento de adivinanza es erróneo.\nAun así, sigues vivo porque el Anfitrión es amable y te ha salvado de una muerte segura",
- "DoomsayerGuessCountMsg": "Has adivinado correctamente {0} roles",
+ "DoomsayerNotCorrectlyGuessRole": "You didn't correctly guess the Role!\nBut you didn't die because the Host's settings don't allow you to die",
+ "DoomsayerGuessCountMsg": "You correctly guessed {0} Roles",
"DoomsayerGuessCountTitle": "AGORERO",
- "DoomsayerGuessSameRoleAgainMsg": "Buen intento, pero tienes que adivinar a otra gente. Si no esto sería pan comido",
+ "DoomsayerGuessSameRoleAgainMsg": "You tried to guess the same Role or Add-on that you guessed before",
"EveryoneCanKnowMini": "Todos pueden ver al Niño",
"CanBeEvil": "El Niño puede ser Malvado",
"EvilMiniSpawnChances": "Probabilidad de que el Niño sea Malvado",
@@ -3410,26 +3601,26 @@
"YouKillRandomizer3": "Señoras y señores, la Ruleta Rusa volverá en 10 minutos después de los anuncios!",
"YouKillRandomizer4": "Señoras y señores, parece que eres un mal perdedor, la tomas con alguien al azar en la Ruleta Rusa!",
"MadmateCanBeHurried": "El Apresurado puede ser un Loco desde el principio",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeHurried": "Los Tripulantes con tareas pueden ser Apresurados",
- "HurriedCanBeConverted": "El Apresurado puede ser reclutado (Excluyendo Tripulante Loco)",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeHurried": "Task-based Crewmates can be Hurried",
+ "HurriedCanBeConverted": "Hurried can be recruited in the game (excludes Madmate)",
"Developer": "Desarrollador",
"Sponsor": "Mecena",
"Booster": "Mejorador del Servidor",
"Translator": "Traductor",
"NoAccess": "¡¡¡Acceso no autorizado!!!\n\n Para más información, abre un ticket en el servidor de Discord (discord.gg/tohe)",
"DCNotify.Hacking": "Has sido baneado por usar hacks.\n\nPor favor, para.",
- "DCNotify.Banned": "Fuiste baneado de esta partida.\n\nPregúntale al Anfitrión. Quizá esto sea un error.",
+ "DCNotify.Banned": "You were banned from this lobby.\n\nContact the Host if this was a mistake.",
"DCNotify.Kicked": "Fuiste expulsado de esta partida.\n\nAún hay esperanza para volver.",
"DCNotify.DCFromServer": "Te has desconectado del servidor.\nEsto puede ser un problema con los servidores o de tu Internet.",
"DCNotify.GameNotFound": "El Código de Partida es inválido.\n\nVerifica lo que hayas escrito e inténtelo de nuevo.",
"DCNotify.GameStarted": "Esta partida ya ha empezado.\n\nEspera a que acabe o busca otra partida.",
- "DCNotify.GameFull": "Esta partida está llena.\n\nContacta al Anfitrión para ver si puedes entrar.",
+ "DCNotify.GameFull": "This lobby is currently full.\n\nCheck with the Host to see if you may join.",
"DCNotify.IncorrectVersion": "Esta partida no soporta tu versión de Among Us.",
"DCNotify.Inactivity": "La sala fue cerrada por inactividad.",
"DCNotify.Auth": "No estás autentificado.\n\nQuizás necesites reiniciar el juego.",
"DCNotify.DupeLogin": "Una instancia de tu cuenta ya está jugando en esta partida.",
"DCNotify.InvalidSettings": "Las opciones son inválidas.\n\nVe en local para reiniciarlas e inténtelo de nuevo.",
- "ModeDescribe.SoloKombat": "El modo actual es [Batalla]\nNo hay asignación de roles. Todos tienen PV y pueden usar el botón de matar para hacer daño a otros jugadores. El jugador que haya matado a más gente gana.",
+ "ModeDescribe.SoloKombat": "Current Gamemode is [Solo PVP]\nNo role assignment. Everyone has HP and can use the Kill button to cause damage to other players. The player with the highest number of kills wins at the end of the game.",
"RoleType.VanillaRoles": "★ Roles Vanilla",
"RoleType.ImpKilling": "★ Roles de Impostor (Asesinos)",
"RoleType.ImpSupport": "★ Roles de Impostor (Soporte)",
@@ -3448,6 +3639,10 @@
"RoleType.NeutralChaos": "★ Roles Neutros (Caóticos)",
"RoleType.NeutralKilling": "★ Roles Neutros (Asesinos)",
"RoleType.NeutralApocalypse": "★ Neutral Apocalypse Roles /apocalypseinfo",
+ "RoleType.CovenPower": "★ Coven Power Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenKilling": "★ Coven Killing Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenTrickery": "★ Coven Trickery Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenUtility": "★ Coven Utility Roles",
"RoleType.Harmful": "★ Complementos Dañinos",
"RoleType.Support": "★ Complementos de Soporte",
"RoleType.Helpful": "★ Complementos Beneficiosos",
@@ -3456,7 +3651,7 @@
"RoleType.Impostor": "★ Complementos de Impostor",
"RoleType.Guesser": "★ Guesser Add-ons",
"RoleType.Neut": "★ Complementos de Neutros",
- "RoleType.Experimental": "★ Experimental Addons (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
+ "RoleType.Experimental": "★ Experimental Add-ons (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
"SubType.Impostor": "★ Impostores",
"SubType.Shapeshifter": "★ Cambiaformas",
"SubType.SemiShapeshifter": "★ Semi-Cambiaformas",
@@ -3467,10 +3662,12 @@
"CrewmateRoles": "★ Roles de Tripulante ★",
"ImpostorRoles": "★ Roles de Impostor ★",
"NeutralRoles": " 【 ★ Roles Neutros ★ 】",
+ "CovenRoles": "★ Coven Roles ★",
"AddonRoles": " 【 ★ Complementos ★ 】",
"WinnerRoleText.Impostor": "Los Impostores Ganan",
"WinnerRoleText.Crewmate": "La Tripulación Gana",
"WinnerRoleText.Apocalypse": "Apocalypse Wins!",
+ "WinnerRoleText.Coven": "Coven Wins!",
"WinnerRoleText.Terrorist": "El Terrorista Gana",
"WinnerRoleText.Jester": "El Bufón Gana",
"WinnerRoleText.Lovers": "Los Amantes Ganan",
@@ -3557,25 +3754,26 @@
"ForceEndText": "El Anfitrión ha abortado la partida",
"NiceMiniDied": "El Niño bueno ha sido asesinado",
"HaterMisFireKillTarget": "El Odioso mata al objetivo cuando hay un disparo fallido",
- "HaterChooseConverted": "Seleccione los complementos que el Odioso pueda matar",
- "HaterCanKillMadmate": "Puede matar a los Locos",
- "HaterCanKillCharmed": "Puede matar jugadores Encantados",
- "HaterCanKillLovers": "Puede matar a los amantes",
- "HaterCanKillSidekick": "Puede matar al equipo del Chacal",
- "HaterCanKillEgoist": "Puede matar Egoístas",
- "HaterCanKillInfected": "Puede matar a los infectados",
- "HaterCanKillContagious": "Puede matar al equipo del Virus",
- "HaterCanKillAdmired": "Puede matar a los Admiradores",
+ "HaterChooseConverted": "Select Add-ons that Hater can kill",
+ "HaterCanKillMadmate": "Can kill Madmate",
+ "HaterCanKillCharmed": "Can kill Charmed",
+ "HaterCanKillLovers": "Can kill Lovers",
+ "HaterCanKillSidekick": "Can kill Jackal team",
+ "HaterCanKillEgoist": "Can kill Egoist",
+ "HaterCanKillInfected": "Can kill Infected team",
+ "HaterCanKillContagious": "Can kill Virus team",
+ "HaterCanKillAdmired": "Can kill Admirer",
+ "HaterCanKillEnchanted": "Can kill Enchanted",
"HorseMode": "Libera tu caballo interior con un clic.",
"LongMode": "Habilitar para tener un cuello largo",
"InfluencedChangeVote": "¡Uy! ¡Fuiste influenciado por los otros!\n¡No pudiste contener tu miedo y voto ha cambiado {0}!",
"FFA": "Todos Contra Todos",
"ModeFFA": "Modo de Juego: TCT",
- "ModeDescribe.FFA": "En el modo de juego TCT (Todos Contra Todos), todos son asesinos y se puede matar a quien sea. El último en vida gana.\n\nAlgunos eventos pondrán la partida patas arriba de vez en cuando!",
- "KillerInfoLong": "En el modo de juego TCT (Todos Contra Todos), todos son asesinos y se puede matar a quien sea. El último en vida gana.\n\nAlgunos eventos pondrán la partida patas arriba de vez en cuando!",
+ "ModeDescribe.FFA": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
+ "KillerInfoLong": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
"FFA_GameTime": "Duración Máxima del Juego",
"FFA_KCD": "Tiempo de Espera para Matar",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "Desactivar los conductos cuando haya un 1 contra 1",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "Prevent Venting when only 2 players are alive",
"FFA_EnableRandomAbilities": "Activar Conductos Aleatorios",
"FFA_ShieldDuration": "Duración del Escudo",
"FFA_IncreasedSpeed": "Velocidad Aumentada",
@@ -3586,15 +3784,15 @@
"FFA_EnableRandomTwists": "Activar Cambio de Posiciones cada cierto tiempo",
"FFA-Event-GetShield": "Tienes un escudo temporal!",
"FFA-Event-GetIncreasedSpeed": "Puedes correr más rápido!",
- "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "Tienes un tiempo de espera para matar menor!",
- "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "Tienes un tiempo de espera para matar mayor",
+ "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "You got a lower Kill Cooldown!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "You got a higher Kill Cooldown",
"FFA-Event-GetLowVision": "Tienes una menor visión temporalmente",
"FFA-Event-GetDecreasedSpeed": "Te has agotado y corres más despacio",
- "FFA-Event-GetTP": "Te has teletransportado a un conducto aleatorio",
+ "FFA-Event-GetTP": "You got teleported to a random Vent!",
"FFA-Event-RandomTP": "Mezcolanza de posiciones",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "Estamos en un 1 contra 1, no seas cobarde",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "Puedes matar, ¿Qué haces escondiéndote?",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "Evitar que los jugadores usen los conductos cuando su tiempo de espera se haya terminado",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "There are only 2 players alive, stop hiding in Vents!",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "Your kill Cooldown is up, don't hide in Vents!",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "Prevent players whose Kill Cooldown is up from Venting",
"FFA_TargetIsShielded": "El jugador que intentaste matar está protegido. ¡Corre antes de que te mate!",
"FFA_ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "Los Escudos se rompen después de un intento de asesinato",
"FFA_ShieldBroken": "Alguien te intentó matar y tu escudo se ha roto",
@@ -3604,15 +3802,15 @@
"MenuTitle.Hide&Seek": "Opciones del Escondite",
"NumImpostorsHnS": "Número de Impostores",
"EveryOneKnowSolsticer": "Todos conocen al Empleado del Mes",
- "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "El Empleado del Mes conoce el rol de quien lo haya matado",
+ "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "Solsticer knows the role of whom used the Kill button on it",
"SolsticerSpeed": "Velocidad de movimiento del Empleado del Mes",
"SolsticerRemainingTaskWarned": "Tareas restantes para ser conocido",
"SAddTasksPreDeadPlayer": "Tareas adicionales para el Empleado del Mes cuando un jugador muera",
"SolsticerMurdered": "¡{0} intentó matarte!",
"MurderSolsticer": "Has podido detener al Empleado del Mes durante esta ronda!",
- "SolsticerMurderMessage": "¡{0} usó su botón de matar en tí durante la ronda pasada! ¡Era un {1}!",
+ "SolsticerMurderMessage": "{0} used Kill button on you last round! Its role is {1}!",
"SolsticerOnMeeting": "¡Fuiste testigo de demasiadas muertes! ¡Tendrás {0} tareas cortas más durante la siguiente ronda!",
- "SolsticerTitle": "Empleado del Mes",
+ "SolsticerTitle": "SOLSTICER",
"GuessSolsticer": "El Empleado del Mes está demasiado implicado en su trabajo para ser adivinado.",
"ExpelSolsticer": "Sorry, but you can not expel Solsticer!",
"SolsticerTasksReset": "Tus tareas fueron reiniciadas!",
@@ -3623,10 +3821,10 @@
"Contributor": "Contribuidor",
"dbConnect.InitFailure": "Error al intentar conectarse a la API de TOHE, por favor, comprueba tu conexión e inténtalo de nuevo!",
"dbConnect.InitFailurePublic": "Error while connecting to TOHE API, this could be caused by your internet connection. And so Sponsor+ perks are not available, you may continue to play as usual without these.",
- "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "Esta versión de TOHEN no se puede usar por gente que no tiene un código de amigo!",
+ "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "This build of TOHE is not available to users with no Friend Code!",
"Quizmaster": "Interrogador",
"QuizmasterInfo": "Interroga a la tripulación para matar de una manera interactiva",
- "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nEl Interrogador puede marcar a un jugador usando su botón de matar. Durante la siguiente reunión, el jugador marcado tendrá un \"?!\" al lado de su nombre. Si el jugador responde incorrectamente o no responde, morirá. Si el Interrogador fue asesinado/exiliado en la misma reunión, el jugador sobrevivirá.\nEl Interrogador no podrá marcar más de una persona por ronda",
+ "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Quizmaster, you can mark a player using your Kill button. In the next meeting, the marked player will have \"?!\" next to their name. The player will die if they answer the question wrong or doesn't answer. The player will live if the Quizmaster is killed/ejected in the same meeting.\nThe Quizmaster cannot mark multiple people in the same round",
"QuizmasterKillButtonText": "Pregunta",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedBy": "Fuiste marcado por el Interrogador\nPara sobrevivir, tendrás que responder correctamente a la siguiente pregunta:\n\n{QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedPublic": "{QMTARGET} fue marcado por el Interrogador\nPara sobrevivir, {QMTARGET} tiene que responder correctamente a su pregunta",
@@ -3639,13 +3837,14 @@
"QuizmasterChat.WrongPublic": "{QMTARGET} se equivocó respondiendo al Interrogador y murió,\nTened cuidado con él",
"QuizmasterChat.Marked": "You've marked {QMTARGET}\nIf {QMTARGET} doesn't answer by the end of the meeting or answer wrong {QMTARGET} will die\n\nQuestion for {QMTARGET} => {QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.Title": "Información del Interrogador",
- "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "¿Por qué demonios quieres responder a tus propias preguntas",
+ "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "As the Quizmaster, you can't answer questions",
"QuizmasterChat.AnswerNotValid": "Tu respuesta debe ser A, B o C",
"QuizmasterChat.SyntaxNotValid": "Uso:\n/answer [A/B/C]",
- "QuizmasterSettings.QuestionDifficulty": "Dificultad de la Pregunta",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "Puede usar los conductos después de marcar a alguien",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "Puede matar después de marcar a alguien",
- "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "Asesinatos por ronda",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MinQuestionDifficulty": "Minimum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MaxQuestionDifficulty": "Maximum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "Can Vent After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "Can Kill After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "How Many Kills per Round",
"QuizmasterSettings.CanGiveQuestionsAboutPastGames": "Puede preguntar cosas sobre partidas anteriores",
"Quizmaster.None": "Ninguno",
"QuizmasterSabotages.Lights": "Luces",
@@ -3673,8 +3872,16 @@
"QuizmasterAnswers.Experimental": "Experimental",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Enhanced": "Enhanced",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Edited": "Edited",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "¿Cuál fue el último sabotaje?",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "¿Cuál fue el primer sabotaje de esta ronda?",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Impostor": "Impostor",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Neutral": "Neutral",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Crewmate": "Crewmate",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Addon": "Add-on",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Shapeshifter": "Shapeshifter",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Scientist": "Scientist",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Engineer": "Engineer",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.GuardianAngel": "GuardianAngel",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "What was the Sabotage was called last?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "What was the first Sabotage called this round?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastEjectedPlayerColor": "¿De qué color era la última persona que fue exiliada?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastReportPlayerColor": "¿De qué color era el cadáver que se informó en la reunión pasada?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastButtonPressedPlayerColor": "¿Quién llamó la última reunión?",
@@ -3684,17 +3891,25 @@
"QuizmasterQuestions.FactionOfRole": "¿A qué facción pertenece el {QMRole}?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.FactionRemovedName": "¿Qué facción fue añadida al mod, pero qué fue borrada más tarde con una actualización?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyDiedFirstRound": "¿Cuántas personas murieron en la primera ronda del juego?",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.ButtonPressedBefore": "¿Cuántas reuniones de emergencia (Reuniones llamadas con el botón) fueron llamadas antes de esta reunión?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.ButtonPressedBefore": "How many people pressed the Emergency button before this meeting?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.WhatDoesEOgMeansInName": "Originalmente, ¿Qué quería decir la \"E\" en TOHE?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieReason": "¿Cuál fue la causa dé muerte de {PLR}?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieMethod": "¿Cómo murió {PLR}?",
- "LastAddedRoleForKarped": "¿Cuál fue el último rol añadido a TOHE antes de que KARPED1EM (Desarrollador original de TOHE) dejara de trabajar en el mod?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastAddedRoleForKarped": "What was the last role added to TOHE before KARPED1EM stepped down?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieFaction": "¿Qué tipo de facción acabó con la vida dé {PLR}?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.QuizmasterCooldown": "What will Quizmaster's cooldown always be? (excluding first kill override and changes from other Roles/Add-ons)",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoCoded": "Who coded Quizmaster?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoOwns": "Who owns The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEPartners": "Who are The Enhanced Network's partners?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEEventCoordinator": "Who is the Event Coordinator for The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyCats": "How many Cat related roles are in the Mod?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.GuessingCommand": "What does /bt actually mean?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.NotFromTOS2": "Which of these roles are NOT from Town of Salem 2?",
"DeathReason.WrongAnswer": "Erróneo",
"TPCooldown": "Tiempo de Espera de teletransportación",
- "RiftsTooClose": "El portal está demasiado cerca del primero",
+ "RiftsTooClose": "Location too close to the first Rift",
"RiftCreated": "Portal creado con éxito",
- "RiftsDestroyed": "Todos los portales fueron borrados",
+ "RiftsDestroyed": "All Rifts destroyed",
"RiftRadius": "Radio del Portal",
"TiredVision": "Visión al estar Cansado",
"TiredSpeed": "Velocidad al estar Cansado",
@@ -3718,7 +3933,7 @@
"ShockerAbilityCooldown": "Ability Cooldown",
"ShockerAbilityDuration": "Ability Duration",
"ShockerAbilityPerRound": "Abilities Per Round",
- "ShockerShockInVents": "Shock people in vents",
+ "ShockerShockInVents": "Shock people in Vents",
"ShockerAbilityResetAfterMeeting": "Reset marked rooms after meeting",
"ShockerOutsideRadius": "Radius Of Outside Tasks (not in a room)",
"ShockerCanShockHimself": "Can Shock Himself",
@@ -3731,13 +3946,13 @@
"EavesdropperMsgTitle": "You found a secret",
"EavesdropPercentChance": "Chance to eavesdrop",
"PreventSeeRolesBeforeSkillUsedUp": "Prevent seeing others roles before skill used up",
- "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "Cooldown for recruiting sheriffs",
- "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "Can recruit Impostor or Neutral",
- "SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "You recruited a sheriff.",
- "BeSheriffByPolice": "You've been recruited by the police chief! Serve the crew!",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "Cooldown for recruiting Sheriffs",
+ "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "Can recruit non-Crewmates",
+ "SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "You recruited a Sheriff.",
+ "BeSheriffByPolice": "You've been recruited by the Police Chief! Serve the Crewmates!",
"PoliceFailedRecruit": "Failed to recruit target.",
"ChiefOfPoliceKillButtonText": "Recruitment",
- "PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "Prevent recruit players without kill button",
- "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "Suicides when recruit a non killer or non crewmate",
- "PolicPassConverted": "Can pass Converted Addon to Sheriff"
+ "PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "Prevent recruit players without Kill button",
+ "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "Suicides when recruit a non-Killer or non-Crewmate",
+ "PolicPassConverted": "Can pass Converted Add-on to Sheriff"
diff --git a/Resources/Lang/fil_PH.json b/Resources/Lang/fil_PH.json
index e3082ad99..3bd8aefe3 100644
--- a/Resources/Lang/fil_PH.json
+++ b/Resources/Lang/fil_PH.json
@@ -14,22 +14,26 @@
"Website": "Website",
"PlayerNameForRoleInfo": "Kumusta {0}, ang papel mo ay:-\n",
"HostIconInMeeting": "HOST: {0}",
+ "ModdedClient": "Modded Client",
"SubText.GM": "Spectate the chaos!",
"SubText.Crewmate": "Hanapin at alisin ang mga Impostors",
"SubText.Impostor": "Mag sabotahe at patayin ang lahat",
"SubText.Neutral": "Magtrabaho ng mag-isa upang makamit ang iyong tagumpay",
"SubText.Apocalypse": "Become unstoppable with your team",
+ "SubText.Coven": "Bewitch and kill everyone",
"SubText.Madmate": "Tulungan ang mga Impostors",
"SubText.Lovers": "Stay alive and win together",
"SubText.Egoist": "Win on your own",
"TypeImpostor": "Impostors",
"TypeCrewmate": "Crewmates",
"TypeNeutral": "Neutrals",
+ "TypeCoven": "Coven",
"TypeAddon": "Add-ons",
"GuesserMode": "Hulaan",
"TeamImpostor": "Impostor",
"TeamNeutral": "Niyutral",
"TeamCrewmate": "Crewmate",
+ "TeamCoven": "Coven",
"TeamMadmate": "Madmate",
"TeamLovers": "Lovers",
"TeamEgoist": "Egoist",
@@ -37,6 +41,7 @@
"YouAreCrewmate": "Ikaw ay isang Crewmate",
"YouAreImpostor": "Ikaw ay isang Impostor",
"YouAreNeutral": "Ikaw ay isang Niyutral",
+ "YouAreCoven": "You are a Coven member",
"YouAreMadmate": "Ikaw ay isang Madmate",
"Role_Crewmate": "Crewmate",
"Role_Jester": "Jester",
@@ -63,12 +68,14 @@
"ImpostorsCanGuess": "Ang Impostors ay maaaring makahula",
"NeutralKillersCanGuess": "Ang Niyutral na mamamatayay maaaring makahula",
"NeutralApocalypseCanGuess": "Neutral Apocalypse can guess",
+ "CovenCanGuess": "Coven can guess",
"PassiveNeutralsCanGuess": "BalintiyakNiyutrals ay pwedeing humula",
"CanGuessAddons": "Pwedeng humula na mga Add-ons",
- "ShowOnlyEnabledRolesInGuesserUI": "Show Only Enabled Roles In Guesser UI",
- "CrewCanGuessCrew": "CrewmatesAy Pwedeng HumulaCrewmate Papel",
- "ImpCanGuessImp": "Impostors Pwedeng HumulaImpostor Papel",
- "ApocCanGuessApoc": "Neutral Apocalypse Can Guess Neutral Apocalypse Roles",
+ "ShowOnlyEnabledRolesInGuesserUI": "Show Only Enabled Roles in Guesser UI",
+ "CrewCanGuessCrew": "Crewmates can Guess Crewmate Roles",
+ "ImpCanGuessImp": "Impostors can Guess Impostor Roles",
+ "ApocCanGuessApoc": "Neutral Apocalypse can Guess Neutral Apocalypse Roles",
+ "CovenCanGuessCoven": "Coven Can Guess Coven Roles",
"GuessImmune": "Sorry, but target is immune to being guessed!",
"GM": "Game Master",
"Sunnyboy": "Sunnyboy",
@@ -287,7 +294,6 @@
"Vulture": "Vulture",
"Taskinator": "Taskinator",
"Benefactor": "Benefactor",
- "Medusa": "Medusa",
"Spiritcaller": "Spiritcaller",
"Amnesiac": "Amnesiac",
"Imitator": "Imitator",
@@ -305,12 +311,21 @@
"Romantic": "Romantic",
"VengefulRomantic": "Vengeful Romantic",
"RuthlessRomantic": "Ruthless Romantic",
+ "Wraith": "Wraith",
"Poisoner": "Poisoner",
+ "Medusa": "Medusa",
"HexMaster": "Hex Master",
- "Wraith": "Wraith",
"Jinx": "Jinx",
"PotionMaster": "Potion Master",
"Necromancer": "Necromancer",
+ "CovenLeader": "Coven Leader",
+ "Ritualist": "Ritualist",
+ "Conjurer": "Conjurer",
+ "Dreamweaver": "Dreamweaver",
+ "Illusionist": "Illusionist",
+ "VoodooMaster": "Voodoo Master",
+ "Sacrifist": "Sacrifist",
+ "MoonDancer": "Moon Dancer",
"Warden": "Warden",
"Minion": "Minion",
"Ghastly": "Ghastly",
@@ -363,6 +378,7 @@
"EvilSpirit": "Masamang espirito",
"Recruit": "Recruit",
"Admired": "Admired",
+ "Enchanted": "Enchanted",
"Glow": "Glow",
"Radar": "Radar",
"Diseased": "Diseased",
@@ -397,53 +413,53 @@
"Revenant": "Revenant",
"BracketAddons": "Add Brackets To Add-ons",
"EngineerTOHEInfo": "Use the vents to catch the Impostors",
- "ScientistTOHEInfo": "Access portable vitals from anywhere",
+ "ScientistTOHEInfo": "Access portable Vitals from anywhere",
"NoisemakerTOHEInfo": "Send out an alert when killed",
"TrackerTOHEInfo": "Track players with your map",
- "ShapeshifterTOHEInfo": "Disguise as crewmates to frame them",
+ "ShapeshifterTOHEInfo": "Disguise as Crewmates to frame them",
"PhantomTOHEInfo": "Turn invisible",
- "GuardianAngelTOHEInfo": "Protect the crewmates from the Impostors",
- "ImpostorTOHEInfo": "Kill and sabotage",
+ "GuardianAngelTOHEInfo": "Protect the Crewmates from the Impostors",
+ "ImpostorTOHEInfo": "Kill and Sabotage",
"CrewmateTOHEInfo": "Search for the Impostors",
"BountyHunterInfo": "Eliminate your target",
"FireworkerInfo": "Go out with a BANG",
"MercenaryInfo": "Keep killing, else you suicide",
- "ShapeMasterInfo": "Swiftly kill with no shift cooldown",
+ "ShapeMasterInfo": "Swiftly kill with no Shapeshift Cooldown",
"VampireInfo": "Your kills are delayed",
- "WarlockInfo": "Curse crewmates then shift to make them kill",
- "NinjaInfo": "Mark a target, then shift to kill",
+ "WarlockInfo": "Curse Crewmates then Shift to make them kill",
+ "NinjaInfo": "Mark a target, then Shift to kill",
"ZombieInfo": "You are very slow",
"AnonymousInfo": "Force a player to report a body",
- "MinerInfo": "Warp to your last used vent by shifting",
- "KillingMachineInfo": "You can ONLY kill, but low cooldown",
+ "MinerInfo": "Warp to your last used Vent by Shifting",
+ "KillingMachineInfo": "You can ONLY kill, but low Cooldown",
"EscapistInfo": "Shift to mark places and warp back to them",
- "WitchInfo": "Spell crewmates to kill them in meetings",
+ "WitchInfo": "Spell Crewmates to kill them in meetings",
"NemesisInfo": "Kill when you're the last Impostor",
"BeforeNemesisInfo": "You can't kill yet",
"AfterNemesisInfo": "Now start killing",
- "BloodmoonInfo": "Seek havoc upon the crewmates",
- "PossessorInfo": "Possess and lead crewmates away from others",
+ "BloodmoonInfo": "Seek havoc upon the Crewmates",
+ "PossessorInfo": "Possess and lead Crewmates away from others",
"PuppeteerInfo": "Make players kill for you",
"MastermindInfo": "Make others kill for you",
"TimeThiefInfo": "Lower meeting time by killing",
- "SniperInfo": "Snipe players from a distance by shifting",
+ "SniperInfo": "Snipe players from a distance by Shifting",
"UndertakerInfo": "Teleport dead body to a marked location",
"RiftMakerInfo": "Two rifts I trace, touch 'em to warp space",
- "EvilTrackerInfo": "Track players by shifting",
+ "EvilTrackerInfo": "Track players by Shifting",
"EvilHackerInfo": "Hack systems",
"AntiAdminerInfo": "Know when players are near devices",
- "ArroganceInfo": "With each kill you make, your cooldown decreases",
+ "ArroganceInfo": "With each kill you make, your Cooldown decreases",
"BomberInfo": "Shapeshift to explode",
"TrapsterInfo": "Trap your kills",
"ScavengerInfo": "Your kills are unreportable",
- "EvilGuesserInfo": "Guess crew roles in meetings to kill",
+ "EvilGuesserInfo": "Guess Crewmate roles in meetings to kill",
"GangsterInfo": "Convert players to your side",
"CleanerInfo": "Report bodies to make them unreportable",
"LightningInfo": "Convert players to Quantum Ghosts",
- "GreedyInfo": "Your kill cooldown shifts",
+ "GreedyInfo": "Your Kill Cooldown shifts",
"CursedWolfInfo": "You survive a few kill attempts",
- "SoulCatcherInfo": "You swap places with your shift target",
- "QuickShooterInfo": "Store ammo to offset kill cooldown",
+ "SoulCatcherInfo": "You swap places with your Shift target",
+ "QuickShooterInfo": "Store ammo to offset Kill Cooldown",
"CamouflagerInfo": "Camouflage everyone for easy kills",
"EraserInfo": "Erase the role of your vote target",
"ButcherInfo": "Enjoy my beautiful work",
@@ -451,42 +467,42 @@
"SwooperInfo": "Turn invisible temporarily",
"CrewpostorInfo": "Kill by completing tasks",
"WildlingInfo": "Kill with strength and disguise",
- "TricksterInfo": "Kill and trick the crew",
+ "TricksterInfo": "Kill and trick the Crew",
"VindicatorInfo": "Use your extra votes to kill everyone",
- "ParasiteInfo": "Help the Impostors kill the crew",
+ "ParasiteInfo": "Help the Impostors kill the Crew",
"DisperserInfo": "Teleport everyone to random vents",
- "InhibitorInfo": "You cannot kill during sabotages",
- "SaboteurInfo": "You can only kill during sabotages",
- "CouncillorInfo": "Kill off crewmates during meetings",
- "DazzlerInfo": "Reduce the vision of the crew",
- "DeathpactInfo": "Assign players to a death pact",
- "DevourerInfo": "Consume the skin of the crew",
+ "InhibitorInfo": "You cannot kill during Sabotages",
+ "SaboteurInfo": "You can only kill during Sabotages",
+ "CouncillorInfo": "Kill off Crewmates during meetings",
+ "DazzlerInfo": "Reduce the vision of the Crew",
+ "DeathpactInfo": "Assign players to a deathpact",
+ "DevourerInfo": "Consume the skin of the Crew",
"ConsigliereInfo": "Discover the roles of other players",
- "MorphlingInfo": "You can only kill while shapeshifted",
+ "MorphlingInfo": "You can only kill while Shapeshifted",
"TwisterInfo": "Swap all player positions",
- "LurkerInfo": "Reduce your kill cooldown by venting",
+ "LurkerInfo": "Reduce your Kill Cooldown by venting",
"ConvictInfo": "Your target died, now help the Impostors",
"VisionaryInfo": "You see the alignments of the living",
- "RefugeeInfo": "Help the Impostors kill off the crew",
+ "RefugeeInfo": "Help the Impostors kill off the Crew",
"UnderdogInfo": "Start killing on a low player count",
- "LudopathInfo": "Your kill cooldown is random",
+ "LudopathInfo": "Your kill Cooldown is random",
"GodfatherInfo": "Convert players to Refugees by voting",
"ChronomancerInfo": "Kill in bursts",
"PitfallInfo": "Setup traps around the map",
"EvilMiniInfo": "No one can hurt you until you grow up",
"BlackmailerInfo": "Silence other players",
- "InstigatorInfo": "Sow discord among the crewmates",
+ "InstigatorInfo": "Sow discord among the Crewmates",
"LazyGuyInfo": "You're too lazy",
"SuperStarInfo": "Everyone knows you",
- "CleanserInfo": "Erase All Add-ons of your vote target",
- "KeeperInfo": "Reject the Eject, Keeper Protect!",
+ "CleanserInfo": "Erase all Add-ons of your vote target",
+ "KeeperInfo": "Reject the eject, Keeper protect!",
"MayorInfo": "Your vote counts multiple times",
"PsychicInfo": "One of the red names is evil",
- "MechanicInfo": "Vent around and fix sabotages",
+ "MechanicInfo": "Vent around and fix Sabotages",
"SheriffInfo": "Shoot the Impostors",
"VigilanteInfo": "Not the hero we deserved but the hero we needed",
"JailerInfo": "Jail suspicious players",
- "CopyCatInfo": "Use kill button to copy target's role",
+ "CopyCatInfo": "Use your Kill button to copy a target's role",
"SnitchInfo": "Finish your tasks to find the Impostors",
"MarshallInfo": "Finish your tasks to prove your innocence",
"DoctorInfo": "Know how each player died",
@@ -499,31 +515,31 @@
"TransporterInfo": "Do tasks to swap two players' locations",
"TimeManagerInfo": "Increase meeting time by doing tasks",
"VeteranInfo": "Alert to kill anyone who interacts with you",
- "BastionInfo": "Bomb vents",
+ "BastionInfo": "Bomb Vents",
"YinYangerInfo": "Spontaneously combust two players",
"BodyguardInfo": "Prevent nearby kills",
"DeceiverInfo": "Try to fool the players",
- "GrenadierInfo": "Reduce Impostors' vision by venting",
+ "GrenadierInfo": "Reduce Impostors' vision by Venting",
"MedicInfo": "Cast a shield onto a player",
- "FortuneTellerInfo": "Get clues to people's roles",
+ "FortuneTellerInfo": "Get clues to player's roles",
"JudgeInfo": "Silence in the courtroom!",
"MorticianInfo": "Locate dead bodies",
"MediumInfo": "Talk with ghosts",
- "ObserverInfo": "You can see all shield-animations",
- "PacifistInfo": "Vent to reset kill cooldowns",
+ "ObserverInfo": "You can see all Shield Animations",
+ "PacifistInfo": "Vent to reset Kill Cooldowns",
"RebirthInfo": "Arise Again",
- "MonarchInfo": "Give your crew extra voting power!",
+ "MonarchInfo": "Give your Crew extra voting power!",
"AbyssbringerInfo": "Place Black Holes",
- "SpurtInfo": "Spring Like A rabbit!",
- "StealthInfo": "Killing Blinds Everyone in the Room",
+ "SpurtInfo": "Spring like a rabbit!",
+ "StealthInfo": "Killing blinds everyone in the room",
"PenguinInfo": "Drag your victims",
"OverseerInfo": "Reveal roles of other players",
"CoronerInfo": "Find corpses and their killers",
"PresidentInfo": "You are in charge of the meeting",
- "MerchantInfo": "Sell add-ons and bribe killers",
- "RetributionistInfo": "Help the crew after you die",
+ "MerchantInfo": "Sell Add-ons and bribe killers",
+ "RetributionistInfo": "Help the Crewmates after you die",
"HawkInfo": "Seek murdering the bad guys!",
- "DeputyInfo": "Handcuff killers to increase their cooldowns",
+ "DeputyInfo": "Handcuff killers to increase their Cooldowns",
"InvestigatorInfo": "Find potential evils",
"GuardianInfo": "Complete your tasks to become immortal",
"AddictInfo": "Vent to become invulnerable, or you'll die",
@@ -534,12 +550,12 @@
"SpiritualistInfo": "Be guided by the ghostly life",
"ChameleonInfo": "Vent to disguise into your surroundings",
"InspectorInfo": "Validate the alignments of two players",
- "CaptainInfo": "Sail with the Captain, lest add-ons be abandoned.",
+ "CaptainInfo": "Sail with the Captain, lest Add-ons be abandoned.",
"AdmirerInfo": "Choose a player to side with you",
"TimeMasterInfo": "Rewind time!",
"CrusaderInfo": "Kill a player's attacker",
"AltruistInfo": "Revive a player\nVent to change between Revive and Report",
- "ReverieInfo": "With each kill, your cooldown decreases",
+ "ReverieInfo": "With each kill, your Cooldown decreases",
"LookoutInfo": "See through disguises",
"TelecommunicationInfo": "Track device usage",
"LighterInfo": "Catch killers with your enhanced vision",
@@ -547,14 +563,14 @@
"WitnessInfo": "Find out if someone killed recently",
"GhastlyInfo": "Control somebody!",
"SwapperInfo": "Swap the votes of two players",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "Hire Sheriff to Serve the Crews!",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "Hire Sheriffs to serve the Crewmates!",
"NiceMiniInfo": "No one can hurt you until you grow up.",
"ArsonistInfo": "Douse everyone and ignite",
"PyromaniacInfo": "Douse and kill everyone",
- "HuntsmanInfo": "Kill your targets for a low cooldown",
+ "HuntsmanInfo": "Kill your targets for a low Cooldown",
"SpyInfo": "You know who interacts with you",
"RandomizerInfo": "You're going to be someone's burden when you die?",
- "EnigmaInfo": "Get Clues about Killers",
+ "EnigmaInfo": "Get clues about killers",
"JesterInfo": "Get voted out",
"OpportunistInfo": "Stay alive until the end",
"TerroristInfo": "Finish your tasks, THEN die",
@@ -576,10 +592,10 @@
"BloodKnightInfo": "Killing gives you a temporary shield",
"PlagueBearerInfo": "Plague everyone to turn into Pestilence",
"PestilenceInfo": "Obliterate everyone!",
- "SoulCollectorInfo": "Predict deaths to collect souls",
+ "SoulCollectorInfo": "Predict deaths to collect Souls",
"DeathInfo": "Enact Armageddon",
- "BakerInfo": "Feed Players Bread to become Famine",
- "FamineInfo": "Starve Everyone",
+ "BakerInfo": "Feed players bread to become Famine",
+ "FamineInfo": "Starve everyone",
"BerserkerInfo": "Kill to increase your level",
"WarInfo": "Destroy everything",
"GlitchInfo": "Hack and kill everyone",
@@ -587,7 +603,7 @@
"FollowerInfo": "Follow a player and help them",
"CultistInfo": "Charm everyone",
"SerialKillerInfo": "Kill off everyone to win!",
- "JuggernautInfo": "With each kill, your cooldown decreases",
+ "JuggernautInfo": "With each kill, your Cooldown decreases",
"InfectiousInfo": "Infect everyone",
"VirusInfo": "Kill and infect everyone",
"PursuerInfo": "Protect yourself and live to the end!",
@@ -603,38 +619,46 @@
"VultureInfo": "Eat bodies by reporting to win",
"TaskinatorInfo": "Silent tasks, deadly blasts",
"BenefactorInfo": "Task complete, shield elite!",
- "MedusaInfo": "Stone bodies by reporting them",
+ "MedusaInfo": "Stop players in their tracks by Stoning them",
"SpiritcallerInfo": "Turn Players into Evil Spirits",
"AmnesiacInfo": "Remember the role of a dead body",
"ImitatorInfo": "Imitate a player's role",
- "BanditInfo": "Rob a player's add-on",
+ "BanditInfo": "Rob a player's Add-on",
"DoppelgangerInfo": "Steal your target's identity",
"PunchingBagInfo": "Get attacked a few times to win!",
"KamikazeInfo": "Kill players with a suicidal mission",
"DoomsayerInfo": "Successfully guess players to win",
"ShroudInfo": "Shroud players to make them kill",
- "WerewolfInfo": "Kill crewmates in groups",
- "ShamanInfo": "Deflect all the attacks on Voodoo doll",
- "SeekerInfo": "Play Hide and Seek with your target\nYour target has a ★ mark.",
+ "WerewolfInfo": "Kill Crewmates in groups",
+ "ShamanInfo": "Deflect all the attacks on Voodoo Doll",
+ "SeekerInfo": "Play Hide & Seek with your target\nYour target has a ★ mark.",
"PixieInfo": "Tag 'em, Bag 'em, and Eject 'em!",
"OccultistInfo": "Kill and curse your enemies",
- "SchrodingersCatInfo": "The cat is both alive and dead until observed.",
+ "SchrodingersCatInfo": "The Cat is both alive and dead until observed.",
"RomanticInfo": "Protect your partner to win together",
"VengefulRomanticInfo": "Revenge your partner to win together",
"RuthlessRomanticInfo": "Kill everyone to win with your partner",
- "PoisonerInfo": "Kill everyone with delayed kills",
- "HexMasterInfo": "Hex players to kill them in meetings",
"WraithInfo": "Vent to go invisible temporarily",
- "JinxInfo": "Reflect attacks onto your attackers",
+ "PoisonerInfo": "Make players unable to use their ability",
+ "HexMasterInfo": "Hex players to kill them in meetings",
+ "JinxInfo": "Players \"accidentally\" die upon trying to kill your target",
"PotionMasterInfo": "Use your potions to your advantage",
- "NecromancerInfo": "Kill your killer to defy death",
+ "NecromancerInfo": "Use the dead to your advantage",
+ "CovenLeaderInfo": "Help your teammates by retraining them",
+ "RitualistInfo": "Perform Blood Rituals to Enchant other players!",
+ "ConjurerInfo": "Blast away your enemies!",
+ "DreamweaverInfo": "Drive other players to insomnia!",
+ "IllusionistInfo": "Place Illusions on players to spread confusion!",
+ "VoodooMasterInfo": "Craft Voodoo Dolls of other players!",
+ "SacrifistInfo": "Debuff your enemies at your own cost",
+ "MoonDancerInfo": "Use Baton Pass to give out Add-ons!",
"WardenInfo": "(Ghost) Alert about danger",
"MinionInfo": "(Ghost) Blind enemies",
"LoversInfo": "Stay alive and win together",
"MadmateInfo": "Help the Impostors",
"WatcherInfo": "You see all the colors of votes",
- "LastImpostorInfo": "Lower kill cooldown",
- "OverclockedInfo": "Lower cooldown",
+ "LastImpostorInfo": "Lower Kill Cooldown",
+ "OverclockedInfo": "Lower Cooldown",
"FlashInfo": "You're faster",
"TorchInfo": "You have enhanced vision!",
"SeerInfo": "You are alerted when somebody has died",
@@ -642,14 +666,14 @@
"ObliviousInfo": "You can't report bodies",
"BewilderInfo": "A twist of vision, a web of confusion",
"WorkhorseInfo": "Be the first to complete all tasks and get more",
- "FoolInfo": "You can't fix sabotages",
+ "FoolInfo": "You can't fix Sabotages",
"AvangerInfo": "You take someone with you upon death",
"YoutuberInfo": "Get killed first to win",
"CelebrityInfo": "Everyone knows when you die",
"EgoistInfo": "Win on your own",
"StealerInfo": "Gain votes with kills",
"ParanoiaInfo": "You're dead and alive simultaneously",
- "MimicInfo": "Reveal killed players' roles to impostors upon death",
+ "MimicInfo": "Reveal killed players' roles to Impostors upon death",
"GuesserInfo": "Guess roles of players in meetings to kill",
"NecroviewInfo": "See the team of the dead",
"ReachInfo": "You have a longer kill range",
@@ -662,32 +686,33 @@
"LuckyInfo": "Dodge attackers",
"DoubleShotInfo": "You have an extra life when guessing",
"RascalInfo": "You appear evil in some cases",
- "SoullessInfo": "You have no soul",
+ "SoullessInfo": "You have no Soul",
"GravestoneInfo": "Your role is revealed when you die",
"LazyInfo": "You're too lazy",
"AutopsyInfo": "You see how others died",
"LoyalInfo": "You cannot be recruited",
- "EvilSpiritInfo": "You are an evil Spirit",
+ "EvilSpiritInfo": "You are an Evil Spirit",
"RecruitInfo": "Help the Jackal",
+ "EnchantedInfo": "Help the Coven",
"AdmiredInfo": "The Admirer chose you as their love",
"GlowInfo": "You glow in the dark",
"RadarInfo": "Arrow's hue, closest to you!",
- "DiseasedInfo": "Increase the cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
- "AntidoteInfo": "Decrease the cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
- "StubbornInfo": "Protect your role and add-ons",
+ "DiseasedInfo": "Increase the Cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
+ "AntidoteInfo": "Decrease the Cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
+ "StubbornInfo": "Protect your Role and Add-ons",
"SwiftInfo": "Your kills don't cause a lunge",
"UnluckyInfo": "Doing things has a chance to kill you",
"VoidBallotInfo": "Your vote count is 0",
"AwareInfo": "Know who revealed your role",
- "FragileInfo": "Die instantly if someone uses the kill button on you",
+ "FragileInfo": "Die instantly if someone uses the Kill button on you",
"GhoulInfo": "Kill your killer after dying",
"BloodthirstInfo": "Become bloodthirsty and kill",
"MareInfo": "Kill in the darkness",
"BurstInfo": "Make your killer burst!",
"SleuthInfo": "Gain info from dead bodies",
"ClumsyInfo": "You have a chance to miss your kill",
- "NimbleInfo": "You can vent!",
- "CircumventInfo": "You can no longer vent",
+ "NimbleInfo": "You can Vent!",
+ "CircumventInfo": "You can no longer Vent",
"OiiaiInfo": "OIIAIOIIIAI",
"CyberInfo": "You're popular!",
"HurriedInfo": "God, I got too much stuff!",
@@ -706,324 +731,334 @@
"DollMasterInfo": "Take control of players actions!",
"DoubleAgentInfo": "Plant bombs on players in meetings",
"SlothInfo": "You're slower",
- "ProhibitedInfo": "Certain vents are blocked",
+ "ProhibitedInfo": "Certain Vents are blocked",
"EavesdropperInfo": "Listen in on other roles",
"ShockerInfo": "Shock unsuspecting players",
"RevenantInfo": "Take your killer's role",
- "EngineerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Engineer, you may access the vents while Comms Sabotaged is inactive.",
- "ScientistTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Scientist, you can see vitals at any time, showing you who is alive and dead.",
- "NoisemakerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Noisemaker, whenever you die, you will make a noise, and a visual indicator of your death appears on the screen so the Crewmates can run to catch the person who killed you red-handed (even if it’s not Red).",
- "TrackerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracker, press your tracker button on a player to track their location via the map for a limited amount of time.",
- "ShapeshifterTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapeshifter, you can shapeshift into other players. It is obvious when you shapeshift or revert shifting.",
- "PhantomTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Phantom, you can press your vanish button to go invisible to escape a kill. You can click your appear button if you want to become visible before the timer runs out or not.\nNote: You will make a smoke cloud whenever you go invisible and become visible. So make sure you are in a safe area where no one will see you.",
- "GuardianAngelTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guardian Angel, you are the first crewmate to die and can give Crewmates temporary shields.",
- "ImpostorTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Impostor, your goal is to simply kill off the crewmates.\nYou can sabotage and vent.",
+ "EngineerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Engineer, you may access the Vents while Comms Sabotaged is inactive.",
+ "ScientistTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Scientist, you can see Vitals at any time, showing you who is alive and dead.",
+ "NoisemakerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Noisemaker, whenever you die, you will make a noise, and a visual indicator of your death appears on the screen so the Crewmates can run to catch the person who killed you red-handed (even if it’s not red).",
+ "TrackerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracker, press your Tracker button on a player to track their location via the map for a limited amount of time.",
+ "ShapeshifterTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapeshifter, you can Shapeshift into other players. It is obvious when you Shapeshift or revert Shifting.",
+ "PhantomTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Phantom, you can press your Vanish button to go invisible to escape a kill. You can click your Appear button if you want to become visible before the timer runs out or not.\nNote: You will make a smoke cloud whenever you go invisible and become visible. So make sure you are in a safe area where no one will see you.",
+ "GuardianAngelTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guardian Angel, you are the first Crewmate to die and can give Crewmates temporary shields.",
+ "ImpostorTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Impostor, your goal is to simply kill off the Crewmates.\nYou can Sabotage and Vent.",
"CrewmateTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Crewmate, your goal is to find and exile the Impostors.\nCrewmates win by getting rid of all killers or by finishing all their tasks.",
- "BountyHunterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Bounty Hunter, if you kill your assigned Target (indicated by the arrow if you have one), your next kill cooldown will be shortened.\nIf you kill anyone other than your target, your next kill cooldown will be increased. The Target swaps after a certain amount of time.",
- "FireworkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Fireworker, you can Shapeshift to place Fireworks up to the maximum amount the host sets.\nWhen you are the last Impostor and all Fireworks have been placed, shapeshift again to detonate them and kill everyone in their radius, including you.\nIf you kill all players with your Fireworks, it's considered an Impostor victory.",
- "MercenaryInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mercenary, you must kill within your Deadline, as shown by your Shapeshift cooldown (which you cannot use). If you fail to kill, you die.",
- "ShapeMasterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapemaster, you have no Shapeshift cooldown.",
+ "BountyHunterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Bounty Hunter, if you kill your assigned target (indicated by the arrow if you have one), your next Kill Cooldown will be shortened.\nIf you kill anyone other than your target, your next Kill Cooldown will be increased. The target swaps after a certain amount of time.",
+ "FireworkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Fireworker, you can Shapeshift to place Fireworks up to the maximum amount the Host sets.\nWhen you are the last Impostor and all Fireworks have been placed, Shapeshift again to detonate them and kill everyone in their radius, including you.\nIf you kill all players with your Fireworks, it's considered an Impostor victory.",
+ "MercenaryInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mercenary, you must kill within your deadline, as shown by your Shapeshift Cooldown (which you cannot use). If you fail to kill, you die.",
+ "ShapeMasterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapemaster, you have no Shapeshift Cooldown.",
"VampireInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Vampire, your kills are delayed. This means that your target still dies even if a meeting is called first. However, if you bite a Bait, you kill normally and report the body. Depending on the settings, you can use double trigger (bite players - single click, kill normally - double click).",
"WarlockInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Warlock, you can Curse up to one other player at a time.\nWhen you Shapeshift, if you have Cursed a player, they kill the nearest person, which, depending on settings, can include you or other Impostors.\nYou can kill normally while Shapeshifted.",
- "ZombieInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nZombie has a short kill cooldown but moves very slowly and has very little vision. Zombie can not be voted out by anyone other than the Dictator, and the movement speed of Zombie will gradually slow down as they make kills or time passes.",
- "NinjaInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ninja, you can use your kill button to Mark a target (single click) or kill normally (double click). You may then Shapeshift to teleport to the Marked target and kill them.",
+ "ZombieInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nZombie has a short Kill Cooldown but moves very slowly and has very little vision. Zombie can not be voted out by anyone other than the Dictator, and the movement speed of Zombie will gradually slow down as they make kills or time passes.",
+ "NinjaInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ninja, you can use your Kill button to mark a target (single click) or kill normally (double click). You may then Shapeshift to teleport to the marked target and kill them.",
"AnonymousInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Anonymous, you can Shapeshift to force your target to report whoever you killed this round.\nIf you killed nobody that round, the target will report their own dead body as if they had died.\nNote: This does not work on Lazy nor Lazy Guy, and this ability will work regardless of whether the body can normally be reported.",
- "MinerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Miner, you can shapeshift to teleport back to the last vent you were in.",
- "KillingMachineInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Killing Machine, you have a very short kill cooldown with tiny vision. However, you cannot vent, sabotage, report, nor call emergency meetings.\n\nNote: You will bypass any shields, killing bait and beartrap won't take any effect",
- "EscapistInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Escapist, you can Mark a location by Shapeshifting. Shapeshift again to teleport back to the Marked spot (the Shapeshifting animation will display after you teleport; be careful).",
- "WitchInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Witch, you can use your kill button to Spell (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nDuring the next meeting, the spelled target(s) will have a 「†」 next to their name visible to everyone. Unless you die by the end of that meeting, all Spelled targets will die.",
- "NemesisInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Nemesis, you can only kill if you are the last Impostor.\nIf you are dead, you can use the command /rv [ID] to kill the player whose ID you typed. Use /id to show the IDs of all players, or look next to their names.",
- "BloodmoonInfoLong": "(Impostors [Ghost]):\nAs the Bloodmoon, attack the enemies to make them drip blood, this means they will die in a time set by the host, and will be aware of it.",
+ "MinerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Miner, you can Shapeshift to teleport back to the last vent you were in.",
+ "KillingMachineInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Killing Machine, you have a very short Kill Cooldown with tiny vision. However, you cannot Vent, Sabotage, Report, nor call Emergency Meetings.\n\nNote: You will bypass any shields, killing bait and beartrap won't take any effect",
+ "EscapistInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Escapist, you can mark a location by Shapeshifting. Shapeshift again to teleport back to the marked spot",
+ "WitchInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Witch, you can use your Kill button to Spell (single click) or Kill normally (double click).\nDuring the next meeting, the spelled target(s) will have a 「†」 next to their name visible to everyone. Unless you die by the end of that meeting, all Spelled targets will die.",
+ "NemesisInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Nemesis, you can only kill if you are the last Impostor.\nIf you are dead, you can use the command /rv [ID] to kill the player whose ID you typed. Use /id to show the ID's of all players, or look next to their names.",
+ "BloodmoonInfoLong": "(Impostors [Ghost]):\nAs the Bloodmoon, attack the enemies to make them drip blood, this means they will die in a time set by the Host, and will be aware of it.",
"PossessorInfoLong": "(Impostors [Ghost]):\nAs the Possessor, you can possess players when others aren't in the Alert Range. Lead the possessed player as far as possible from other players in the Focus Range. Once the possession duration is up, the possessed player will be killed if others aren't in the Focus Range. If you run into another player in the Alert Range while possessing, the Possessor will immediately unpossess.",
- "PuppeteerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Puppeteer, you can use your kill button to Puppeteer (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose you Puppeteer will kill the next non-Impostor they touch. Depending on options, Puppeteered targets will also die once they kill.",
- "MastermindInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mastermind, you can use your kill button on a player once to manipulate them. The manipulation does nothing if the target doesn't have a kill button. But if the target does have a kill button, whoever you manipulate will be told after a delay that they got manipulated and must kill someone in a limited time to survive. If the time limit expires or a meeting gets called before killing someone, they die.\nDouble click on someone to kill them normally.",
- "YinYangerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the YinYanger, you can use your kill button one time to pick your Yin and then a second time to choose a Yang. When those two players meet, they'll kill each other. When Yin & Yang have been chosen, you can kill normally.",
+ "PuppeteerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Puppeteer, you can use your Kill button to Puppeteer (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose you Puppeteer will kill the next non-Impostor they touch. Depending on options, Puppeteered targets will also die once they kill.",
+ "MastermindInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mastermind, you can use your Kill button on a player once to manipulate them. The manipulation does nothing if the target doesn't have a Kill button. But if the target does have a Kill button, whoever you manipulate will be told after a delay that they got manipulated and must kill someone in a limited time to survive. If the time limit expires or a meeting gets called before killing someone, they die.\nDouble click on someone to kill them normally.",
+ "YinYangerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the YinYanger, you can use your Kill button one time to pick your Yin and then a second time to choose a Yang. When those two players meet, they'll kill each other. When Yin & Yang have been chosen, you can kill normally.",
"TimeThiefInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEvery time the Time Thief kills a player, the meeting time will be reduced by a certain amount of time. If the Time Thief dies, the meeting time will return to normal.",
- "SniperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nYou can shoot players from far away.\nYou have to shapeshift twice to make a successful snipe.\nImagine an arrow pointing from your first shapeshift location towards your unshift location.\nThat will be the direction in which the snipe will be made.\nThe snipe kills the first person in its path.\nYou cannot kill people normally until you use up all of your ammo.",
+ "SniperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nYou can shoot players from far away.\nYou have to Shapeshift twice to make a successful snipe.\nImagine an arrow pointing from your first Shapeshift location towards your Unshift location.\nThat will be the direction in which the snipe will be made.\nThe snipe kills the first person in its path.\nYou cannot kill people normally until you use up all of your ammo.",
"UndertakerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEverytime you Shapeshift, you mark the location. Your kills will then teleport to the marked location.\nAfter every kill and meeting, your marked location will reset.\n\nAfter every teleported kill, you will freeze for a configurable amount of time",
- "RiftMakerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs Rift Maker, you can shapeshift to create a rift. You can teleport from one rift to another by touching the area where the rift was created. Trying to vent will kick you out, therefore destroying all the rifts.\n\nNote: Up to two rifts can be placed at a time; if you try to place a third, it removes the first one.",
- "EvilTrackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Tracker can track other players, and the Evil Tracker can shapeshift into someone to switch the tracking target to the shapeshift target (You will immediately unshift after performing shapeshift). The arrow below the Evil Tracker's name indicates the direction of the target. When the Evil Tracker's teammate kills, the Evil Tracker will see a kill flash.",
- "EvilHackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Hacker can get the last-minute admin information at the meeting beginning.\nUnoccupied rooms are not shown.\nA '★' marks rooms with impostors.\nRooms with dead bodies are marked with the number of bodies.\nExample: ★Cafeteria: 3 (DEAD×1).",
+ "RiftMakerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs Rift Maker, you can Shapeshift to create a rift. You can teleport from one rift to another by touching the area where the rift was created. Trying to vent will kick you out, therefore destroying all the rifts.\n\nNote: Up to two rifts can be placed at a time; if you try to place a third, it removes the first one.",
+ "EvilTrackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Tracker can track other players, and the Evil Tracker can Shapeshift into someone to switch the tracking target to the Shapeshift target (You will immediately unshift after performing Shapeshift). The arrow below the Evil Tracker's name indicates the direction of the target. When the Evil Tracker's teammate kills, the Evil Tracker will see a kill flash.",
+ "EvilHackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Hacker can get the last-minute admin information at the meeting beginning.\nUnoccupied rooms are not shown.\nA '★' marks rooms with Impostors.\nRooms with dead bodies are marked with the number of bodies.\nExample: ★Cafeteria: 3 (DEAD×1).",
"EvilGuesserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If correct, the target dies. If wrong, the Evil Guesser dies.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
- "AntiAdminerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Anti Adminer can at any time find out if there are crewmates or neutrals near Cameras, Admin Table, Vitals, DoorLog, and/or other devices. Note: Anti Adminer does not know if the player uses the device while near it. They only know that someone is near the device.",
- "ArroganceInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Arrogance reduces their kill cooldown with each successful kill of theirs.",
- "BomberInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Bomber can use the shapeshift button to self-explode, killing players within a certain range. But as a price, the Bomber will also die. Note: All players will see a kill flash when the Bomber explodes.",
- "ScavengerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nScavenger kills do not leave dead bodies behind. In addition, if the victim is a bait, no self-report will be made.",
+ "AntiAdminerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Anti Adminer can at any time find out if there are Crewmates or Neutrals near Cameras, Admin Table, Vitals, DoorLog, and/or other devices. Note: Anti Adminer does not know if the player uses the device while near it. They only know that someone is near the device.",
+ "ArroganceInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Arrogance reduces their Kill Cooldown with each successful kill of theirs.",
+ "BomberInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Bomber can use the Shapeshift button to self-explode, killing players within a certain range. But as a price, the Bomber will also die. Note: All players will see a kill flash when the Bomber explodes.",
+ "ScavengerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nScavenger kills do not leave dead bodies behind. In addition, if the victim is a Bait, no self-report will be made.",
"TrapsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Trapster has a unique method of killing. By initiating a body report, the Trapster can eliminate the player attempting to report the body the Trapster killed.\nNote: If Trapster kills the Bait, the Trapster will die immediately.",
- "GangsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Gangster, a powerful character, can try to recruit a player to a Madmate by pressing the kill button. If the recruitment is successful, both the Gangster and the target will see the shield animation on each other as a reminder (only visible to each other). The remaining number of available recruits is displayed next to the Gangster's name (the Host sets the max). If the Gangster tries to recruit players who cannot be recruited, such as neutrals or some special crews, they will kill the target normally instead. When the Gangster has no remaining recruitments, they can only make normal kills from that point on.",
- "CleanerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nCleaner can press the Report button to clean up any dead body they come across (including those they kill). If the cleanup is successful, the Cleaner will see a shield animation on their body as a reminder (only visible to himself). The cleaned-up body cannot be reported (including bait).",
- "LightningInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lightning, you cannot kill normally. Instead, your kill button quantizes targets, which activates after a delay, causing the next person they encounter to kill them. Those who are actively quantized show a「■」next to their name. Additionally, those who have been quantized die if they survive until the end of a meeting. There is a setting to quantize your killer.",
- "GreedyInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nGreedy kills with odd and even kills will have different kill cooldowns. Greedy's kill cooldown is reset every meeting, and Greedy's first kill is always odd.",
- "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Cursed Wolf is about to be killed, the Cursed Wolf will curse the killer to death. (The Host sets the max of times you can counterattack)",
- "SoulCatcherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Soul Catcher, you can shapeshift to swap places with your target as long as they are not dead, in a vent, swallowed by pelican, or in a similar odd state.",
- "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the kill cooldown is over, Quick Shooter can reset the kill cooldown by shapeshift to store a bullet (when the storage is successful, a shield-animation visible only to himself will appear on their body as a reminder). If Quick Shooter has bullets, he can use one to bypass the kill cooldown; he will kill even if it's still on cooldown and use a bullet. At the beginning of each meeting, the quick shooter can only keep a certain number of bullets (The Host sets the number).",
- "CamouflagerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Camouflager uses Shapeshift, all players start to look the same. This state ends when the Camouflager reverts its shapeshifting. It's important to note that the skills of communication sabotage camouflage, and the skills of the Camouflager can be superimposed.\nThis skill will be invalid if a meeting is held during the skill activation of the Camouflager.",
- "EraserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEraser can vote for any crew target at the meeting to erase the target's roles, and the erasure will take effect after the meeting ends. Note: Players with erased skills will always be considered a vanilla role, including the game result page.\nA crew target can only be erased once (include Oiiai)",
+ "GangsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Gangster, a powerful character, can try to recruit a player to a Madmate by pressing the Kill button. If the recruitment is successful, both the Gangster and the target will see the Shield Animation on each other as a reminder (only visible to each other). The remaining number of available recruits is displayed next to the Gangster's name (the Host sets the maximum). If the Gangster tries to recruit players who cannot be recruited, such as Neutrals or some special Crewmates, they will kill the target normally instead. When the Gangster has no remaining recruitments, they can only make normal kills from that point on.",
+ "CleanerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nCleaner can press the Report button to clean up any dead body they come across (including those they kill). If the cleanup is successful, the Cleaner will see a Shield Animation on their body as a reminder (only visible to himself). The cleaned-up body cannot be reported (including Bait).",
+ "LightningInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lightning, you cannot kill normally. Instead, your Kill button quantizes targets, which activates after a delay, causing the next person they encounter to kill them. Those who are actively quantized show a「■」next to their name. Additionally, those who have been quantized die if they survive until the end of a meeting. There is a setting to quantize your killer.",
+ "GreedyInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nGreedy kills with odd and even kills will have different Kill Cooldowns. Greedy's Kill Cooldown is reset every meeting, and Greedy's first kill is always odd.",
+ "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Cursed Wolf is about to be killed, the Cursed Wolf will curse the killer to death. (The Host sets the maximum of times you can counterattack)",
+ "SoulCatcherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Soul Catcher, you can Shapeshift to swap places with your target as long as they are not dead, in a Vent, swallowed by Pelican, or in a similar odd state.",
+ "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Kill Cooldown is over, Quick Shooter can reset the Kill Cooldown by Shapeshift to store a bullet (when the storage is successful, a Shield Animation visible only to himself will appear on their body as a reminder). If Quick Shooter has bullets, he can use one to bypass the Kill Cooldown; he will kill even if it's still on Cooldown and use a bullet. At the beginning of each meeting, the quick shooter can only keep a certain number of bullets (The Host sets the number).",
+ "CamouflagerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Camouflager uses Shapeshift, all players start to look the same. This state ends when the Camouflager reverts its Shapeshifting. It's important to note that the skills of Communication Sabotage Camouflage, and the skills of the Camouflager can be superimposed.\nThis skill will be invalid if a meeting is held during the skill activation of the Camouflager.",
+ "EraserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEraser can vote for any target at the meeting to erase the target's roles, and the erasure will take effect after the meeting ends. Note: Players with erased skills will always be considered a vanilla role, including the game result page.\nA target can only be erased once (including OIIAI)",
"ButcherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Butcher's kills, including passive ones, leave multiple dead bodies on targets, which can be a bit confusing when reporting. Here's the rule: the killed target must repeatedly display the animation of being killed, which cannot be skipped, and they cannot participate in the meeting normally during this period. And if the Butcher kills the Avenger, the Avenger will revenge everyone in anger.",
- "HangmanInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Hangman, during the shapeshifting, you use a unique killing method-strangling. This method ignores any status of the target, such as the shield of the Medic, the Bodyguard's protection, the Super Star's skills, etc. The strangled player will not leave a dead body, nor will it trigger any of its skills. For example, Veteran kill back (including additional roles), and Seer will not be prompted.",
- "SwooperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Swooper, you can vent to vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
+ "HangmanInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Hangman, during the Shapeshifting, you use a unique killing method-strangling. This method ignores any status of the target, such as the shield of the Medic, the Bodyguard's protection, the Super Star's skills, etc. The strangled player will not leave a dead body, nor will it trigger any of its skills. For example, Veteran kill back (including additional roles), and Seer will not be prompted.",
+ "SwooperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Swooper, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
"CrewpostorInfoLong": "(Team Impostor):\nYou kill the nearest player whenever you finish a task.",
- "WildlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Wildling, you can shapeshift but cannot vent.\nWhen you kill, you temporarily become immune to attacks.",
- "TricksterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Trickster, you function as a regular Impostor but with one key difference.\nYou appear as a crewmate to crewmate roles.\n\nThe Sheriff cannot kill you.\nPsychic does not see you as evil.\nSnitch cannot find you.",
+ "WildlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Wildling, you can Shapeshift but cannot Vent.\nWhen you kill, you temporarily become immune to attacks.",
+ "TricksterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Trickster, you function as a regular Impostor but with one key difference.\nYou appear as a Crewmate to Crewmate roles.\n\nThe Sheriff cannot kill you.\nPsychic does not see you as evil.\nSnitch cannot find you.",
"VindicatorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Vindicator, you have extra votes like a Mayor.",
"StealthInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Stealth kills, players in the same room are blinded for a short time.",
- "PenguinInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Penguin, you can restrain the target by pressing the kill button and drag it around.\nWhile dragging, the target dies by pressing the kill button again or after a certain period.\nPress the kill button twice for a direct kill.",
- "ParasiteInfoLong": "(Team Impostor):\nAs the Parasite, you are an Impostor that does not know the other Impostors.\n\nYou may kill, vent, sabotage, whatever.\nJust know that you are an Impostor.",
- "DisperserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nDisperser can use Shapeshift to teleport all players to random vents.",
- "InhibitorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Inhibitor, you can only kill when there is not a critical sabotage active.\n\nIf light or comms sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
- "SaboteurInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Saboteur, you can only kill when there is a critical sabotage active.\n\nIf reactor or O2 sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
+ "PenguinInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Penguin, you can restrain the target by pressing the Kill button and drag it around.\nWhile dragging, the target dies by pressing the Kill button again or after a certain period.\nPress the Kill button twice for a direct kill.",
+ "ParasiteInfoLong": "(Team Impostor):\nAs the Parasite, you are an Impostor that does not know the other Impostors.\n\nYou may Kill, Vent, Sabotage, whatever.\nJust know that you are an Impostor.",
+ "DisperserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nDisperser can use Shapeshift to teleport all players to random Vents.",
+ "InhibitorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Inhibitor, you can only kill when there is not a Critical Sabotage active.\n\nIf Light or Comms Sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
+ "SaboteurInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Saboteur, you can only kill when there is a Critical sabotage active.\n\nIf Reactor or O2 Sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
"CouncillorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Councillor, you can kill players during a meeting like a Judge.\nWhen killing in a meeting, those kills will appear as a trial from a Judge.\n\nThe kill command is /tl [player id]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nDepending on the settings, Councillor will suicide when he judge his teammates.\nConverted Councillor can judge freely.",
"DazzlerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Dazzler, you can reduce the vision of the target of your Shapeshift permanently. When you die, their vision will turn back to normal.",
- "DeathpactInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Deathpact, You shapeshift to mark your targets for a deathpact.\nIf you have enough players marked for a death pact, they must meet within a specific period; if they fail to do so, they die.\nIf a marked player dies before the death pact becomes complete, the pact is withdrawn.",
- "DevourerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Devourer, you use your shapeshift to change the appearance of the target of the shapeshift permanently. Additionally, when each player's appearance changes, you will have your kill cooldown reduced by a defined number of seconds. If the Devourer dies or gets voted out during a meeting, the player's appearance will change back to their normal appearance.",
- "MorphlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Morphling, you are a Shapeshifter but cannot kill while not shapeshifted.",
- "TwisterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Twister, you can use shapeshifting to swap the position of all players randomly. The swap happens twice, once when you start your shapeshift and once when you return to your original appearance.\nThe Twister itself will not swap places with anyone, and players in vents will not teleport.",
- "LurkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lurker, you can jump into a vent to reduce your cooldown by a certain number of seconds. After you kill, your cooldown resets to its original value.",
+ "DeathpactInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Deathpact, You Shapeshift to mark your targets for a deathpact.\nIf you have enough players marked for a deathpact, they must meet within a specific period; if they fail to do so, they die.\nIf a marked player dies before the deathpact becomes complete, the pact is withdrawn.",
+ "DevourerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Devourer, you use your Shapeshift to change the appearance of the target of the Shapeshift permanently. Additionally, when each player's appearance changes, you will have your Kill Cooldown reduced by a defined number of seconds. If the Devourer dies or gets voted out during a meeting, the player's appearance will change back to their normal appearance.",
+ "MorphlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Morphling, you are a Shapeshifter but cannot kill while not Shapeshifted.",
+ "TwisterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Twister, you can use Shapeshifting to swap the position of all players randomly. The swap happens twice, once when you start your Shapeshift and once when you return to your original appearance.\nThe Twister itself will not swap places with anyone, and players in vents will not teleport.",
+ "LurkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lurker, you can jump into a Vent to reduce your Cooldown by a certain number of seconds. After you kill, your Cooldown resets to its original value.",
"VisionaryInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Visionary, you see the alignments of living players during a meeting.\nThe following information will be displayed on the players:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.",
"PlagueDoctorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\n(Plague Doctor from TOH)\nThe Plague Scientist's goal is to infect every living player.\nThey start by choosing one player to infect, after which anyone who spends a set amount of time in the range of the infected player becomes infected themselves.\nInfection progress is cumulative and does not reset with distance or after meetings.",
- "RefugeeInfoLong": "(Madmates):\nAs the Refugee, you were either:\n -An Amnesiac who remembered an Impostor\n -A killer who killed the Godfather's target.\n -A Romantic whose partner was an Impostor\n -Or an Imitator that imitated an Impostor.\n\nNow your job is to help the Impostors kill the crewmates.",
+ "RefugeeInfoLong": "(Madmates):\nAs the Refugee, you were either:\n -An Amnesiac who remembered an Impostor\n -A killer who killed the Godfather's target.\n -A Romantic whose partner was an Impostor\n -Or an Imitator that imitated an Impostor.\n\nNow your job is to help the Impostors kill the Crewmates.",
"UnderdogInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Underdog, you cannot kill until there's a certain amount of players alive.",
- "ConsigliereInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Consigliere, you can reveal the roles of other players using your kill button.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\n\nIf you run out of reveal uses, your kill button functions normally.",
- "LudopathInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ludopath, your kill cooldown is randomized.\n\nMinimum it can be is 1 second, while the maximum is your default kill cooldown.",
+ "ConsigliereInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Consigliere, you can reveal the roles of other players using your Kill button.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\n\nIf you run out of reveal uses, your Kill button functions normally.",
+ "LudopathInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ludopath, your Kill Cooldown is randomized.\n\nMinimum it can be is 1 second, while the maximum is your default Kill Cooldown.",
"GodfatherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Godfather, you vote someone to make them your target.\nIn the next round, if someone kills the target, the killer will turn into a Refugee or Madmate.",
"ChronomancerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Chronomancer, you have a charge bar which indicates when the slaughter is ready. When it is at 100% the next time you kill someone, you go into slaughter mode, meaning you can kill indefinitely until your bar runs out of charge. Otherwise, you have a normal KCD.",
- "PitfallInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Pitfall, you use your shapeshift to mark the area around the shapeshift as a trap. Players who enter this area will be immobilized quickly, and their vision will be affected.",
- "EvilMiniInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Evil Mini, you are unkillable until you grow up and have a very long initial kill cooldown, which gets drastically shortened as you grow up.",
- "BlackmailerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Blackmailer, when you shift into a target, you will blackmail that player. This means that during the meetings, they won't be able to speak.\n\nNote: If someone is already blackmailed, blackmailing another person un-blackmails the current person.",
- "InstigatorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Instigator, it's your job to turn the crewmates against each other. Each time a Crewmate gets voted out in a meeting, if you are alive, an additional Crewmate who voted for the innocent player will die after the meeting. The Host determines the number of additional players dying.",
- "LazyGuyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nLazy Guy has only one task. In addition, the Impostor's abilities can't affect the Lazy Guy, such as being a scapegoat for Anonymous, being marked by a Warlock or Puppeteer, and more. Lazy Guy will not have any add-ons.",
+ "PitfallInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Pitfall, you use your Shapeshift to mark the area around the Shapeshift as a trap. Players who enter this area will be immobilized quickly, and their vision will be affected.",
+ "EvilMiniInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Evil Mini, you are unkillable until you grow up and have a very long initial Kill Cooldown, which gets drastically shortened as you grow up.",
+ "BlackmailerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Blackmailer, when you Shift into a target, you will blackmail that player. This means that during the meetings, they won't be able to speak.\n\nNote: If someone is already blackmailed, blackmailing another person un-blackmails the current person.",
+ "InstigatorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Instigator, it's your job to turn the Crewmates against each other. Each time a Crewmate gets voted out in a meeting, if you are alive, an additional Crewmate who voted for the innocent player will die after the meeting. The Host determines the number of additional players dying.",
+ "LazyGuyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nLazy Guy has only one task. In addition, the Impostor's abilities can't affect the Lazy Guy, such as being a scapegoat for Anonymous, being marked by a Warlock or Puppeteer, and more. Lazy Guy will not have any Add-ons.",
"SuperStarInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThere will be a star logo next to the Super Star's name, so everyone knows who the Super Star is. The Super Star can only die when the murderer is alone with the Super Star (regular kills only). In addition, the Guessers can't guess the Super Star. ",
"CelebrityInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAll Crewmates see the kill-flash when the Celebrity dies (same as the Seer sees the kill-flash) and get a notice at the next meeting. The Impostors don't know anything about this.",
- "CleanserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Cleanser, you can vote to erase the add-ons of any target at the meeting. This erasure takes effect after the meeting ends. Depending on the settings, the cleansed player may never receive add-ons again.",
+ "CleanserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Cleanser, you can vote to erase the Add-ons of any target at the meeting. This erasure takes effect after the meeting ends. Depending on the settings, the cleansed player may never receive Add-ons again.",
"KeeperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs keeper, you can vote for someone to protect them from being ejected. You can only do this a configurable number of times.",
- "MayorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mayor, you have extra votes. Depending on the settings, players can't see your extra votes, you can vent to call a meeting at any time, or you can have yourself revealed as Mayor upon task completion.",
+ "MayorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mayor, you have extra votes. Depending on the settings, players can't see your extra votes, you can Vent to call a meeting at any time, or you can have yourself revealed as Mayor upon task completion.",
"PsychicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Psychic can see the names of several players highlighted in red during the meeting; at least one of them is evil. The Psychic will correctly see all Neutrals and Killing Crewmates displayed as red names when becoming a Madmate.",
- "MechanicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Mechanic can use the vent at any time. They can also fix Reactors, O2, and Communications using only one side. You can fix Lights by flicking only one switch. Opening a door will open all doors in the map.",
- "SheriffInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nSheriff has no task. The Sheriff can kill the Impostor (according to the host settings, the Sheriff can also kill neutrals). If the Sheriff tries to kill a crewmate, the Sheriff will kill himself. The Sheriff can kill anyone when he becomes a madmate (also according to the host settings).",
- "VigilanteInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Vigilante, you are tasked with eliminating potential threats to the Crew, but if they mistakenly kill an innocent crew member, they become a Madmate driven by guilt and remorse.\n\n Note: Gangster cannot convert Vigilante into madmate.",
- "JailerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Jailer, use your kill button to lock a player in jail. During the next meeting, the jailed player cannot vote or get voted (the vote count will be 0). The Jailer may choose to execute the prisoner by voting for them. If the Jailer executes an innocent player, the Jailer loses the ability to execute for the rest of the game.\nIf the Jailer is evil, then they can execute anyone.\nThe Jailer has limited executions.\n\nNote: Jailed players cannot be guessed or judged, and jailed players can only guess Jailer.",
+ "MechanicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Mechanic can use Vents at any time. They can also fix Reactors, O2, and Communications using only one side. You can fix Lights by flicking only one switch. Opening a door will open all doors in the map.",
+ "SheriffInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nSheriff has no task. The Sheriff can kill the Impostor (according to the Host settings, the Sheriff can also kill Neutrals). If the Sheriff tries to kill a Crewmate, the Sheriff will kill himself. The Sheriff can kill anyone when he becomes a Madmate (also according to the Host settings).",
+ "VigilanteInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Vigilante, you are tasked with eliminating potential threats to the Crewmates, but if they mistakenly kill an innocent Crew member, they become a Madmate driven by guilt and remorse.\n\n Note: Gangster cannot convert Vigilante into Madmate.",
+ "JailerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Jailer, use your Kill button to lock a player in jail. During the next meeting, the jailed player cannot vote or get voted (the vote count will be 0). The Jailer may choose to execute the prisoner by voting for them. If the Jailer executes an innocent player, the Jailer loses the ability to execute for the rest of the game.\nIf the Jailer is evil, then they can execute anyone.\nThe Jailer has limited executions.\n\nNote: Jailed players cannot be guessed or judged, and jailed players can only guess Jailer.",
"SnitchInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAfter the Snitch completes all tasks, they can see the Impostor's names displayed in red on the meeting. When the Snitch has only one task left, the Impostors will see a 「★」 mark next to the name of themselves and the Snitch. When a Snitch becomes a Madmate, the 「★」 mark turns red.",
- "MarshallInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Marshall, complete your tasks to reveal yourself to the rest of the Crew.\nOther teams will not be able to see you.\nHowever, madmates CAN see you.",
- "DoctorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nDoctor can see the cause of death for all players. In addition, the Doctor can access vitals wherever you are while he still has battery left.",
+ "MarshallInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Marshall, complete your tasks to reveal yourself to the rest of the Crewmates.\nOther teams will not be able to see you.\nHowever, Madmates CAN see you.",
+ "DoctorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nDoctor can see the cause of death for all players. In addition, the Doctor can access Vitals wherever you are while he still has battery left.",
"DictatorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhen the Dictator votes for someone, the meeting will end on the spot, and the player they voted for will be ejected from the meeting. The moment the Dictator votes someone out, the Dictator will also die.",
"DetectiveInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAfter the Detective reports the body, they will receive a clue message, which will tell the Detective what the victim's role is. According to the Host's settings, the Detective may know what the murderer's role is. Note: Detective won't be Oblivious.",
"UndercoverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Impostors knows who Undercover is and sees him as a teammate, but Undercover himself does not know who the Impostors are.",
- "NiceGuesserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Nice Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If it is correct, it will kill the target, and if it is wrong, Nice Guesser will suicide.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nNice Guesser can guess crewmate when become madmate.",
- "GuessMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guess Master, you will receive information about every attempted guess made during a meeting. You will be informed about the role the guesser tried to guess, and you will also be notified in case of a misguess.",
+ "NiceGuesserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Nice Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If it is correct, it will kill the target, and if it is wrong, Nice Guesser will suicide.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nNice Guesser can guess Crewmate when become Madmate.",
+ "GuessMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guess Master, you will receive information about every attempted guess made during a meeting. You will be informed about the role the Guesser tried to guess, and you will also be notified in case of a misguess.",
"KnightInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Knight has no tasks. They can kill anyone but only do it once the whole game.",
- "TransporterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhenever the Transporter completes the task, two random players will switch positions, but if there are not enough players left, nothing will happen. Note: Players in the vent will not be selected.",
+ "TransporterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhenever the Transporter completes the task, two random players will switch positions, but if there are not enough players left, nothing will happen. Note: Players in a Vent will not be selected.",
"TimeManagerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe more tasks the Time Manager does, the longer the meeting time will be. When the Time Manager dies, the meeting time will return to normal. When the Time Manager becomes a Madmate, the skill changes to reducing the meeting time instead of increasing it.",
- "VeteranInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Veteran, you can enter the alert state by venting. If a player tries to kill the Veteran in the alert state, the Veteran will kill the murderer instead. Veteran will see a shield animation on their body and a text above their head as a reminder when they enter and exit the alert state.",
- "BastionInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Bastion, bomb vents to kill off impostors and neutrals.\nBe careful though; crewmates can also be killed with the bombs.",
- "CopyCatInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Copycat, you can use your kill button to copy the target's role.\n\nYou can only copy some crewmate roles.\nIf you try to copy a madmate or rascal, you become the madmate variation of the target role.\nIf you target an evil with a crewmate variant, you'll become the crewmate variant.\n\nAdditionally, Your role will be set back to Copycat after every meeting.\nNote You can't guess people in meetings.",
+ "VeteranInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Veteran, you can enter the alert state by Venting. If a player tries to kill the Veteran in the alert state, the Veteran will kill the murderer instead. Veteran will see a Shield Animation on their body and a text above their head as a reminder when they enter and exit the alert state.",
+ "BastionInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Bastion, bomb Vents to kill off Impostors and Neutrals.\nBe careful though; Crewmates can also be killed with the bombs.",
+ "CopyCatInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Copycat, you can use your Kill button to copy the target's role.\n\nYou can only copy some Crewmate roles.\nIf you try to copy a Madmate or Rascal, you become the Madmate variation of the target role.\nIf you target an evil with a Crewmate variant, you'll become the Crewmate variant.\n\nAdditionally, Your role will be set back to Copycat after every meeting.\nNote You can't guess people in meetings.",
"BodyguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nIf a player is about to be killed near the Bodyguard, the Bodyguard will prevent the kill and die with the murderer. The Bodyguard's skills will affect players of any team. When the Bodyguard becomes a Madmate, and the murderer is an Impostor, the Bodyguard will not activate the skill.",
- "DeceiverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Deceiver can sell the counterfeit to other players through the kill button. If the counterfeit is sold successfully, the Deceiver will see a shield animation on their body as a reminder. The counterfeit will take effect after the end of the next meeting. If the player with no kill ability holds the counterfeit, he will kill himself immediately. If the player with the killing ability has the counterfeit, he will commit suicide when he tries to kill someone next time.",
- "GrenadierInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Grenadier, you can vent to Flashbang players nearby, causing them to lose vision if they are an Impostor or, depending on settings, a Neutral.",
+ "DeceiverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Deceiver can sell the counterfeit to other players through the Kill button. If the counterfeit is sold successfully, the Deceiver will see a Shield Animation on their body as a reminder. The counterfeit will take effect after the end of the next meeting. If the player with no kill ability holds the counterfeit, he will kill himself immediately. If the player with the killing ability has the counterfeit, he will commit suicide when he tries to kill someone next time.",
+ "GrenadierInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Grenadier, you can Vent to Flashbang players nearby, causing them to lose vision if they are an Impostor or, depending on settings, a Neutral.",
"MedicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Medic can place a shield on the target by pressing the Kill button. The Medic can only give one shield for the whole game. Depending on the settings, the target's shield can or cannot deactivate when the Medic dies. The Medic can also see if someone is trying to break the target's shield.\nDepending on the Host's settings, the Medic or the target can see if the player has a shield (shown as a green circle 「●」 next to the name).",
"FortuneTellerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Fortune Teller, vote for a player in a meeting to get a clue to their role.\nThe clue will relate to their actual role.\n\nWhen the Fortune Teller's tasks are complete, they will obtain the exact role rather than a clue!\n\nNote: If the setting to give random active players as a hint is on, you cannot check the same player multiple times.",
"JudgeInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Judge can judge a certain player during the meeting. If the target is evil, the target will be killed (whether it is evil or not is set by the Host). If it is wrong, the Judge commits suicide.\nCommand for judgment: /tl [player id]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nJudges can judge all players when they become Madmate.\nIn meeting the ability count shows how many trails you have in this meeting. Out of meeting the ability counts shows how many trails you have for the whole game.",
"MorticianInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Mortician can see arrows pointing to all dead bodies, and if the Mortician reports a body, they will know the last player the victim had contact with. Note: Mortician won't be Oblivious or Seer.",
"MediumInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Medium can establish contact with a dead player after someone reports a dead body. The player who reports doesn't have to be the Medium. The dead player can answer once with a YES or a NO to the Medium's question, which only the Medium will see (the dead player can use /ms yes or /ms no). Note: Medium won't be Oblivious.",
- "ObserverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Observer, you can see all shield animations caused by other players after the first meeting. The shied animations typically indicate a role ability, so look out for this.",
+ "ObserverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Observer, you can see all Shield Animations caused by other players after the first meeting. The Shield Animations typically indicate a role ability, so look out for this.",
"MonarchInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Monarch, you can knight players to give them an extra vote.\n\nYou cannot knight someone who already has multiple votes.\n\nKnighted players appear with a golden name.\nIf a knighted player is alive, the Monarch cannot be guessed or killed.",
- "PacifistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhen the Pacifist vents, they will reset the kill cooldown for every player with a kill button. When they become a Madmate, this ability will only work on Crewmates.",
- "OverseerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Overseer, you have minimal vision, but you can use your kill button to reveal the role of a nearby player. A 「○」 will be displayed next to the revealed target after you use the kill button on them, and you will also be scanning them (only you can see this). Stay near the target for a defined time to reveal his role; if you move too far away, the reveal will cancel.",
+ "PacifistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhen the Pacifist Vents, they will reset the Kill Cooldown for every player with a Kill button. When they become a Madmate, this ability will only work on Crewmates.",
+ "OverseerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Overseer, you have minimal vision, but you can use your Kill button to reveal the role of a nearby player. A 「○」 will be displayed next to the revealed target after you use the Kill button on them, and you will also be scanning them (only you can see this). Stay near the target for a defined time to reveal his role; if you move too far away, the reveal will cancel.",
"CoronerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a Coroner, you can't report corpses; instead, after trying to report the corpse, you will see an arrow leading you to the killer. If someone calls a meeting, the arrows disappear. Depending on the settings, players can't report the body you found.",
"PresidentInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe President has two abilities: End the meeting and Reveal identity.\n\n+ Ability 1: End the meeting - Type /finish in meetings as President to instantly end the meeting.\n+ Ability 2: Reveal identity - Type /reveal in meetings to reveal yourself. Revealing yourself will make it so every player can see that you are the President, and you will become unguessable after typing the command. However, after the President has revealed themselves, whoever killed the President will have their kill CD greatly reduced on their next kill.",
- "MerchantInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a merchant, you sell a random add-on to a random player for each task you complete. Each add-on sold earns you money. If you have a certain amount of money, you can prevent the next killing attempt against you by bribing the murderer. The bribed player won't be able to kill you, but you don't know who it is. The money used is lost and not available for additional bribes.",
+ "MerchantInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a merchant, you sell a random Add-on to a random player for each task you complete. Each Add-on sold earns you money. If you have a certain amount of money, you can prevent the next killing attempt against you by bribing the murderer. The bribed player won't be able to kill you, but you don't know who it is. The money used is lost and not available for additional bribes.",
"RetributionistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Retributionist, you can kill a limited amount of players after your death.\n\nUse /ret [playerID] to kill.",
- "HawkInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Hawk, you can kill a limited amount of players decided by the host, though there's a chance you miss, slicing someone multiple times increases the chances.",
- "DeputyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Deputy, use your kill button to handcuff a player.\nThe player who is handcuffed will have their next kill attempt treated as a handcuff break, and the kill cooldown will be reset.\n\nIf the target does not have a kill button, then the handcuff was a waste.",
- "InvestigatorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs an Investigator, you can use your kill button to investigate someone. When you investigate someone, their name will appear in red if they possess a kill button (impostor/SS basis) or light blue if they lack a kill button (crewmate/engineer/scientist basis). However, please note that the color of the names will return to normal when someone calls a meeting.",
+ "HawkInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Hawk, you can kill a limited amount of players decided by the Host, though there's a chance you miss, slicing someone multiple times increases the chances.",
+ "DeputyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Deputy, use your Kill button to handcuff a player.\nThe player who is handcuffed will have their next kill attempt treated as a handcuff break, and the Kill Cooldown will be reset.\n\nIf the target does not have a Kill button, then the handcuff was a waste.",
+ "InvestigatorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs an Investigator, you can use your Kill button to investigate someone. When you investigate someone, their name will appear in red if they possess a Kill button (impostor/Shapeshifter basis) or light blue if they lack a Kill button (Crewmate/Engineer/Scientist basis). However, please note that the color of the names will return to normal when someone calls a meeting.",
"GuardianInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guardian, you become immortal upon task completion. Guessers can't even guess you in meetings.",
- "AddictInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Addict, you have a suicide timer. When it expires, you kill yourself.\nThe timer is indicated by the vent cooldown. When the vent cooldown is 0 seconds, you still have a short time to vent.\nIf you don't make it, you die; if you make it, the suicide timer is reset.\nAlso after you vent, no one can interact with you for a defined period.\nAfter; the period is over, and you are immobilized for another defined period, and cannot report any bodies.",
- "MoleInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mole, when you vent, you stay in the vent for 1 second. When you exit the vent, you will spawn near a random vent in the map (Except the one you used).",
+ "AddictInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Addict, you have a suicide timer. When it expires, you kill yourself.\nThe timer is indicated by the Vent Cooldown. When the Vent Cooldown is 0 seconds, you still have a short time to Vent.\nIf you don't make it, you die; if you make it, the Suicide Timer is reset.\nAlso after you Vent, no one can interact with you for a defined period.\nAfter; the period is over, and you are immobilized for another defined period, and cannot Report any bodies.",
+ "MoleInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mole, when you Vent, you stay in the Vent for 1 second. When you exit the Vent, you will spawn near a random Vent in the map (Except the one you used).",
"AlchemistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Alchemist, you brew potions when you complete tasks. The potion you made will show up under your role name with its corresponding description and instructions. You can get seven different potions, some with harmful or no effects. Vent to use the potion.",
- "KamikazeInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Kamikaze you can single click to mark people. Double-click to kill normally. When you die, all marked also die, with death reason Targeted.",
- "TracefinderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracefinder, you can access vitals at any time.\nIn addition, you get arrows pointing to dead bodies, with a delay set by the Host.",
+ "KamikazeInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Kamikaze you can single click to mark players. Double-click to kill normally. When you die, all marked also die, with death reason Targeted.",
+ "TracefinderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracefinder, you can access Vitals at any time.\nIn addition, you get arrows pointing to dead bodies, with a delay set by the Host.",
"OracleInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Oracle, you may vote a player during a meeting.\nYou'll see if they are a Crewmate, Neutral, or Impostor.\nDepending on settings, there can be a chance that your result will be incorrect.",
"SpiritualistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Spiritualist, you get an arrow pointing towards the ghost of the last meeting's victim. There is an option for the arrow to disappear and reappear in intervals. Try to notify the ghost about your ability if you can; if they are on your side, they may lead you to an evil role so you can eject them. Be careful, as evil roles can do the same for Crewmates.",
- "ChameleonInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chameleon, you can vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
- "InspectorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nCheck If two players are in the same team or not. You will get an affirmation message if they are on the same team or a denial message if they are not on the same team.\n\nAll neutrals and converted players are counted in the same team. Trickster counts as Crew, and Rascal counts as Impostor.\nChecking command: /cmp [player id 1] [player id 2].",
- "CaptainInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWith each completed task, the Captain gains the power to slow down a random non-crew role. Crewmates can see ☆besides Captain's name.\n\nIf anyone betrays the Captain's trust by voting Captain out, they will lose an add-on.",
- "AdmirerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Admirer, admire a player to make them Crewmate aligned.\nThey'll win with crewmates and not their original team.\n\nYou can only do this once per player.",
- "TimeMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Time Master, use the vents to mark everyone's position.\nWhen using the ability again, every alive player will rewind to the marked positions.\n\nDuring the ability duration, the Time Master gains a time shield, which protects them from death.",
- "CrusaderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Crusader, use your kill button to crusade a player.\nIf that player gets attacked, you'll kill the attacker.",
- "AltruistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Altruist, you can sacrifice yourself to revive a dead body using the «Report» button.\nNote: If a dead player has left the game, you report that body normally.\nAlso revived player cannot report self dead body\nUse vent button to change between Report & Revive.",
- "ReverieInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Reverie, you can kill, but your cooldown starts high.\n\nIt increases if you kill a crewmate and reduces otherwise.\nDepending on the Host's setting, you may misfire on reaching the max kill cooldown, and your target dies with you. \n\nYou win with other crewmates.",
- "LookoutInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Lookout, you can see the IDs of every player at all times.\nThis allows you to see through shapeshifts and camouflages.",
- "TelecommunicationInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Telecommunication, you are notified when anyone uses cameras, vitals, door logs, or admin.",
- "LighterInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Lighter, you can vent to increase your vision temporarily.\nYou have increased vision both when lights are not out and when lights are out.\nUse this power to catch sneaky killers!",
+ "ChameleonInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chameleon, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
+ "InspectorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nCheck If two players are in the same team or not. You will get an affirmation message if they are on the same team or a denial message if they are not on the same team.\n\nAll Neutrals and converted players are counted in the same team. Trickster counts as Crewmate, and Rascal counts as Impostor.\nChecking command: /cmp [player id 1] [player id 2].",
+ "CaptainInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWith each completed task, the Captain gains the power to slow down a random non-Crewmate role. Crewmates can see ☆besides Captain's name.\n\nIf anyone betrays the Captain's trust by voting Captain out, they will lose an Add-on.",
+ "AdmirerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Admirer, admire a player to make them Crewmate aligned.\nThey'll win with Crewmates and not their original team.\n\nYou can only do this once per player.",
+ "TimeMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Time Master, use the Vents to mark everyone's position.\nWhen using the ability again, every alive player will rewind to the marked positions.\n\nDuring the ability duration, the Time Master gains a time shield, which protects them from death.",
+ "CrusaderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Crusader, use your Kill button to crusade a player.\nIf that player gets attacked, you'll kill the attacker.",
+ "AltruistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Altruist, you can sacrifice yourself to revive a dead body using the «Report» button.\nNote: If a dead player has left the game, you report that body normally.\nAlso revived player cannot report self dead body\nUse the Vent button to change between Report & Revive.",
+ "ReverieInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Reverie, you can kill, but your Cooldown starts high.\n\nIt increases if you kill a Crewmate and reduces otherwise.\nDepending on the Host's setting, you may misfire on reaching the maximum Kill Cooldown, and your target dies with you. \n\nYou win with other Crewmates.",
+ "LookoutInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Lookout, you can see the ID's of every player at all times.\nThis allows you to see through Shapeshifts and Camouflages.",
+ "TelecommunicationInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Telecommunication, you are notified when anyone uses Cameras, Vitals, Door Logs, or Admin.",
+ "LighterInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Lighter, you can Vent to increase your vision temporarily.\nYou have increased vision both when lights are not out and when lights are out.\nUse this power to catch sneaky killers!",
"TaskManagerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nYou see the total number of tasks completed (by everyone all together) next to your role name, which updates in real-time.",
- "WitnessInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Witness, when you use your kill button on someone, you will know if they killed in the last X seconds or not. (X depends on the settings).",
- "SwapperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Swapper, you can swap votes in meetings.\n\nTo swap votes, use '/sw [playerID]' twice.\n\nPlayer IDs are displayed next to player names in meetings, but you can also use /id to get a list of all player IDs.\n\nNote: Depending on the Host's settings, you can exchange your own votes.",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chief of Police,you can recruit a player to be a Sheriff(only once per game).\nDepending on the settings,you may recruit non-Crewmates or players without a kill button.\nYou may die when you recruit a wrong player.",
+ "WitnessInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Witness, when you use your Kill button on someone, you will know if they killed in the last X seconds or not. (X depends on the settings).",
+ "SwapperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Swapper, you can swap votes in meetings.\n\nTo swap votes, use '/sw [playerID]' twice.\n\nPlayer ID's are displayed next to player names in meetings, but you can also use /id to get a list of all player ID's.\n\nNote: Depending on the Host's settings, you can exchange your own votes.",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chief of Police, you can recruit a player to be a Sheriff(only once per game).\nDepending on the settings, you may recruit non-Crewmates or players without a Kill button.\nYou may suicide when you recruit a wrong player.",
"NiceMiniInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a Nice Mini, your survival is crucial. You can't be killed until you grow up, and if you die or are evicted from the meeting before you grow up, everyone loses. This unique role adds a new dynamic to the game, where your survival is not just for your benefit but for the entire Crew's success.",
- "SpyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Spy, when someone uses their kill button on you (any ability used through the kill button), you'll see their name in orange for a few seconds.\nNote: If a Crewmate used their ability on you, you'll also see them with an orange name!\nNote: If you cannot use left, you won't see orange names!\nNote: If the kill button interaction is blocked, the player's cooldown will reset to 10s'",
- "RandomizerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs this Randomizer, when you die, your killer will do one of the following:\n 1. self-report your body\n 2. stand next to your body\n 3. have their kill cooldown set to 600s\n 4. Randomly avenge a player.",
- "ArsonistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Arsonist can douse a player by clicking the kill button on the player and following them for a few seconds. When the dousing starts and it's successful, a shield animation will happen as a reminder (only visible to themselves). When the Arsonist has doused all surviving players, the Arsonist can vent to start the fire and win alone.\n\nIf the player name shows 「△」, that means they are being doused;\nif the player name shows 「▲」, it means they have been completely doused.\nDepending on the setting, Arsonist may start the fire anytime. But if he fails to kill everyone, he loses.",
+ "SpyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Spy, when someone uses their Kill button on you (any ability used through the Kill button), you'll see their name in orange for a few seconds.\nNote: If a Crewmate used their ability on you, you'll also see them with an orange name!\nNote: If you cannot use left, you won't see orange names!\nNote: If the Kill button interaction is blocked, the player's Cooldown will reset to 10s'",
+ "RandomizerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs this Randomizer, when you die, your killer will do one of the following:\n 1. self-report your body\n 2. stand next to your body\n 3. have their Kill Cooldown set to 600s\n 4. Randomly avenge a player.",
+ "ArsonistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Arsonist can douse a player by clicking the Kill button on the player and following them for a few seconds. When the dousing starts and it's successful, a Shield Animation will happen as a reminder (only visible to themselves). When the Arsonist has doused all surviving players, the Arsonist can Vent to start the fire and win alone.\n\nIf the player name shows 「△」, that means they are being doused;\nif the player name shows 「▲」, it means they have been completely doused.\nDepending on the setting, Arsonist may start the fire anytime. But if he fails to kill everyone, he loses.",
"EnigmaInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Enigma, you get a random clue about the killer each meeting. Depending on the settings, you may have to report the body to receive a clue. The more tasks you complete, the more precise the clues get.",
- "PyromaniacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pyromaniac, you can douse players (single click) or kill normally (double click). Dousing players do nothing immediately, but killing a doused player will significantly shorten your kill cooldown. To win, be the last player alive.",
- "HuntsmanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Huntsman, you are given a certain number of targets that reset every meeting. If you successfully eliminate one of your targets, your kill cooldown goes down permanently by the set amount. However, if you kill someone not one of your targets, your kill cooldown permanently increases by the set amount. A colored name indicates your targets.",
+ "PyromaniacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pyromaniac, you can douse players (single click) or kill normally (double click). Dousing players do nothing immediately, but killing a doused player will significantly shorten your Kill Cooldown. To win, be the last player alive.",
+ "HuntsmanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Huntsman, you are given a certain number of targets that reset every meeting. If you successfully eliminate one of your targets, your Kill Cooldown goes down permanently by the set amount. However, if you kill someone not one of your targets, your Kill Cooldown permanently increases by the set amount. A colored name indicates your targets.",
"MiniInfoLong": "(Crewmate or Impostor):\nThe Mini has two roles. A Nice or Evil Mini is chosen.\n\nUse'/r nice mini' and '/r evil mini' respectively for more details.",
"JesterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nIf the Jester gets voted out, the Jester wins the game alone. If the Jester is still alive at the end of the game, the Jester loses. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
"TerroristInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nIf the Terrorist dies after completing all tasks, the Terrorist wins the game alone. (They can win by either being voted out or killed).",
"ExecutionerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Executioner is a role with an execution target, indicated by a diamond symbol「♦」next to their name. If the execution target is killed, the Executioner's role will change to Crewmate, Jester, or Opportunist, depending on the game settings. However, if the execution target is voted out in the meeting, the Executioner wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
"LawyerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nLawyer has a target to defend, which will be indicated by a diamond 「♦」 next to their name.\nIf your target wins, you win.\nIf they lose, you lose.",
"OpportunistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nIf the Opportunist survives at the end of the game, the Opportunist will win with the winning player.",
- "VectorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nVector will win alone by venting a certain number of times.",
- "JackalInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jackal, you win if you are the last player alive. Additionally, you may recruit using the kill button. If the target is not one you can recruit, you have run out of uses, or you don't have the option to recruit, then you will kill people normally (i.e., don't use kill buttons in front of others thinking it'll recruit). If the target has a kill button and the option to turn into a Sidekick is on, they will become a Sidekick. Otherwise, they will gain the Recruit add-on if the option to give the Recruit add-on is on.\nDepending on the settings, when Jackal was killed, a Sidekick will be randomly selected as the new Jackal.\nRecruit may be selected if no sidekick is alive.",
+ "VectorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nVector will win alone by Venting a certain number of times.",
+ "JackalInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jackal, you win if you are the last player alive. Additionally, you may recruit using the Kill button. If the target is not one you can recruit, you have run out of uses, or you don't have the option to recruit, then you will kill people normally (i.e., don't use Kill buttons in front of others thinking it'll recruit). If the target has a Kill button and the option to turn into a Sidekick is on, they will become a Sidekick. Otherwise, they will gain the Recruit Add-on if the option to give the Recruit Add-on is on.\nDepending on the settings, when Jackal was killed, a Sidekick will be randomly selected as the new Jackal.\nRecruit may be selected if no Sidekick is alive.",
"GodInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the God, you know everyone's role from the beginning. If you live until the end of the game, you steal the win, i.e., everyone else loses, and you win.",
- "InnocentInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Innocent can use the kill button to plant any player, and the planted target will immediately kill the Innocent. If the target gets voted out in the meeting, the Innocent wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
- "PelicanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pelican, you can use the kill button to swallow a player alive, teleporting them off-bounds but not killing them yet. Those swallowed will only die if you're still alive at the end of the round. If you die or leave during the round, all alive swallowed players will spawn into the map where you were.",
- "RevolutionistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Revolutionist, you can recruit players by clicking the kill button on the player and following them until the shield animation plays for you. Recruiting has a chance, set by the Host, to kill players (though they are still recruited). When the required number of players are recruited (displayed next to your name), you must vent within the specified time to win the game immediately with all your recruits. If you do not vent in time, you lose and die.",
- "HaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hater, you have no kill cooldown. However, depending on the settings, you can only kill Lovers and other recruiting roles and add-ons. Killing anyone else will make you suicide. You win at the end of the game with the winning team if none of the killable roles are alive. You will not be Lovers.",
+ "InnocentInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Innocent can use the Kill button to plant any player, and the planted target will immediately kill the Innocent. If the target gets voted out in the meeting, the Innocent wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
+ "PelicanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pelican, you can use the Kill button to swallow a player alive, teleporting them off-bounds but not killing them yet. Those swallowed will only die if you're still alive at the end of the round. If you die or leave during the round, all alive swallowed players will spawn into the map where you were.",
+ "RevolutionistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Revolutionist, you can recruit players by clicking the Kill button on the player and following them until the Shield Animation plays for you. Recruiting has a chance, set by the Host, to kill players (though they are still recruited). When the required number of players are recruited (displayed next to your name), you must Vent within the specified time to win the game immediately with all your recruits. If you do not Vent in time, you lose and die.",
+ "HaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hater, you have no Kill Cooldown. However, depending on the settings, you can only kill Lovers and other Recruiting Roles and Add-ons. Killing anyone else will make you suicide. You win at the end of the game with the winning team if none of the killable roles are alive. You will not be Lovers.",
"DemonInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Demon, you kill by draining health. You see health in percentage near everyone's name, and every attack you make drains a percentage from that health without the victim knowing. Once you drain your victim's health to 0, they die. You win if you are the last one standing.",
- "StalkerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Stalker can kill anyone, and every kill will immediately cause a Lights sabotage (if Lights sabotage is already active, nothing will happen). Stalker cannot vent. If the Impostor wins while the Stalker is alive or the Crewmate wins by killing the Impostors (according to the Host's setting, the Stalker may also win when the Crewmate wins by killing the Neutrals), then the Stalker wins alone.",
+ "StalkerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Stalker can kill anyone, and every kill will immediately cause a Lights Sabotage (if Lights Sabotage is already active, nothing will happen). Stalker cannot Vent. If the Impostor wins while the Stalker is alive or the Crewmate wins by killing the Impostors (according to the Host's setting, the Stalker may also win when the Crewmate wins by killing the Neutrals), then the Stalker wins alone.",
"WorkaholicInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Workaholic, you win alone when you complete all tasks. Depending on the Host's settings, you can only win if you are alive and or revealed to everyone at the beginning (these settings are rarely both on).",
- "SolsticerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Solsticer, you won't die, and you win by finishing all your tasks in a single round. After every meeting finishes, your tasks reset, and you need to start all over again.\nVotes on the Solsticer will be directly canceled.\nKill attempts on the Solsticer will teleport it out of the map like Pelican until the meeting is finished.\nThe killer's kill cooldown will be reset to 10 seconds.\nSolsticer is counted as nothing in-game.",
+ "SolsticerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Solsticer, you won't die, and you win by finishing all your tasks in a single round. After every meeting finishes, your tasks reset, and you need to start all over again.\nVotes on the Solsticer will be directly canceled.\nKill attempts on the Solsticer will teleport it out of the map like Pelican until the meeting is finished.\nThe killer's Kill Cooldown will be reset to 10 seconds.\nSolsticer is counted as nothing in-game.",
"CollectorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Collector, when you vote for a player, for each other player that voted for them, you gain a point. When you collect the required votes, the game ends, and you win alone, even if you voted a Jester or Executioner's target out.",
- "GlitchInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Glitch, you can hack players (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose who have been hacked cannot kill, vent, or report for the hack duration.\nAdditionally, calling a sabotage other than doors will have no effect and will instead disguise you as a random player. You cannot disguise during or after sabotages.\nTo win, be the last player alive.",
+ "GlitchInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Glitch, you can hack players (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose who have been hacked cannot kill, Vent, or report for the hack duration.\nAdditionally, calling a Sabotage other than doors will have no effect and will instead disguise you as a random player. You cannot disguise during or after Sabotages.\nTo win, be the last player alive.",
"SidekickInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sidekick, your job is to help the Jackal kill everyone.\nYou and the Jackal win together.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed.\nYou may not be able to kill until old Jackal is dead.",
- "ProvocateurInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Provocateur, you can kill any target with the kill button. If the target loses at the end of the game, the Provocateur wins with the winning team.",
- "BloodKnightInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Blood Knight wins when they're the last killing role alive, and the amount of crewmates is lower or equal to the amount of Blood Knights. The Blood Knight gains a temporary shield after every kill, making them immortal for a few seconds.",
- "PlagueBearerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Plaguebearer, plague everyone using your kill button to turn into Pestilence.\nOnce you turn into Pestilence, you will become immortal and gain the ability to kill, and you will kill anyone who tries to kill you.\n\nAlso, when infected players interact with uninfected players, they will also be infected.",
+ "ProvocateurInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Provocateur, you can kill any target with the Kill button. If the target loses at the end of the game, the Provocateur wins with the winning team.",
+ "BloodKnightInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Blood Knight wins when they're the last killing role alive, and the amount of Crewmates is lower or equal to the amount of Blood Knights. The Blood Knight gains a temporary shield after every kill, making them immortal for a few seconds.",
+ "PlagueBearerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Plaguebearer, plague everyone using your Kill button to turn into Pestilence.\nOnce you turn into Pestilence, you will become immortal and gain the ability to kill, and you will kill anyone who tries to kill you.\n\nAlso, when infected players interact with uninfected players, they will also be infected.",
"PestilenceInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Pestilence, you're an unstoppable machine.\nAny attack towards you will be reflected towards them.\nIndirect kills don't even kill you.\n\nOnly way to kill Pestilence is by voting them out or the Pestilence misguessing.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
- "SoulCollectorInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Soul Collector, you can use your kill button on a player to predict their death. You will gain a soul if your target dies in the round you select them or the meeting after.\nYour target resets after each meeting or after they die, whichever comes first. \n\nOnce you collect the configurable amount of souls, you become Death. If the gain passive souls setting is enabled, you will gain a soul each meeting.",
+ "SoulCollectorInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Soul Collector, you can use your Kill button on a player to predict their death. You will gain a Soul if your target dies in the round you select them or the meeting after.\nYour target resets after each meeting or after they die, whichever comes first. \n\nOnce you collect the configurable amount of Souls, you become Death. If the gain passive Souls setting is enabled, you will gain a Soul each meeting.",
"DeathInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Soul Collector has collected their needed souls, they become Death. Death kills everyone and wins if Death is not ejected by the end of the next meeting.\nA configurable amount of extra meeting time will be given on the meeting Death transforms to have more discussion to find Death.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
- "BakerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Baker, you can use your kill button on a player per round to give them bread. \nOnce a set amount of players are alive with bread, you become Famine.\n\nIf the Bread gives additional effects and the setting is on, then you can vent to change the bread that you give out. \nBread Effects:\nReveal: Reveals the target's role to the Baker (stays the whole game)\nRoleblock: Resets the target's kill cooldown when they try to use their kill button\nBarrier: Gives the target a barrier that is only known to the Baker (barrier is removed after the meeting)",
- "FamineInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Baker has a set amount of people with bread alive, they will become Famine. If the Famine does not get voted out after the meeting, then they will become Famine, and every player without bread will starve (excluding other Apocalypse members).\nAfter this starvation of everyone without bread, Famine can use their kill button to starve any remaining players, which will kill those players right before the next meeting.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
+ "BakerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Baker, you can use your Kill Button on a player per round to give them bread. \nOnce a set amount of players are alive with bread, you become Famine.\n\nIf the Bread gives additional effects and the setting is on, then you can Vent to change the bread that you give out. \nBread Effects:\nReveal: Reveals the target's role to the Baker (stays the whole game)\nRoleblock: Resets the target's Kill Cooldown when they try to use their Kill Button\nBarrier: Gives the target a Barrier that is only known to the Baker (Barrier is removed after the meeting)",
+ "FamineInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Baker has a set amount of people with bread alive, they will become Famine. If the Famine does not get voted out after the meeting, then they will become Famine, and every player without bread will starve (excluding other Apocalypse members).\nAfter this starvation of everyone without bread, Famine can use their Kill Button to starve any remaining players, which will kill those players right before the next meeting.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
"BerserkerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Berserker, you level up with each kill.\nUpon reaching a certain level defined by the Host, you unlock a new power.\n\nScavenged kills make your kills disappear.\nBombed kills make your kills explode. Be careful when killing, as this can kill your other Apocalypse members if they are near. \nAfter a certain level, you become War.",
- "WarInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs War, you are invincible, have a lower kill cooldown, and can kill anyone with your previous powers.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
- "FollowerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Follower can use their Kill button on someone to start following them and can use the Kill button again to switch the following target. If the Follower's target wins, the Follower will win along with them. Note: The Follower can also win after they die.",
- "CultistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cultist, your kill button is used to Charm others, making them win with you. To win, charm all who pose a threat and gain the majority.\nDepending on settings, you may be able to charm Neutrals, and those you Charm may count as their original team, nothing, or a Cultist to determine when you win due to majority.",
+ "WarInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs War, you are invincible, have a lower Kill Cooldown, and can kill anyone with your previous powers.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
+ "FollowerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Follower can use their Kill Button on someone to start following them and can use the Kill Button again to switch the following target. If the Follower's target wins, the Follower will win along with them. Note: The Follower can also win after they die.",
+ "CultistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cultist, your Kill Button is used to Charm others, making them win with you. To win, charm all who pose a threat and gain the majority.\nDepending on settings, you may be able to charm Neutrals, and those you Charm may count as their original team, nothing, or a Cultist to determine when you win due to majority.",
"SerialKillerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Serial Killer, you win if you are the last player alive.",
- "JuggernautInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Juggernaut, your kill cooldown decreases with each kill you make.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
+ "JuggernautInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Juggernaut, your Kill Cooldown decreases with each kill you make.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"InfectiousInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Infectious, your job is to infect as many players as you can.\n\nIf you infect all the killers, you can outnumber the Crew and win the game.\n\nIf you die, all the players you've infected will die after the next meeting.\nIf they achieve your win condition before then, you can still win.",
- "VirusInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe task of the Virus is to kill or infect all other players. When the Virus murders a crewmate, their corpse is infected with a virus. The Crewmate who reports this corpse is infected joins the virus team or dies at the end of the meeting if the Virus doesn't get voted out, depending on the settings. If more players are on the Virus team than the Crewmate team, the Virus team wins.",
+ "VirusInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe task of the Virus is to kill or infect all other players. When the Virus murders a Crewmate, their corpse is infected with a virus. The Crewmate who reports this corpse is infected joins the virus team or dies at the end of the meeting if the Virus doesn't get voted out, depending on the settings. If more players are on the Virus team than the Crewmate team, the Virus team wins.",
"PursuerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pursuer, you can use your ability on someone to make them misfire when they try to kill.\n\nTo win, survive to the end of the game.",
"SpecterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Specter, your job is to get killed and finish your tasks.\nYou can do your tasks while alive.\nYou cannot win if you're alive.\nIf you get killed, you win with the winning team if your tasks are completed.",
- "PirateInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pirate, use your kill button to select a target every round.\nYou will duel with your target in the next meeting. \nIf both the Pirate and the target choose the same number, the Pirate wins.\nAdditionally, if the Pirate wins the duel or the target doesn't participate in the duel, the Pirate kills the target.\n\nDueling command: /duel X (where X can be 0, 1, or 2)\n\nYou win after winning a certain number of duels set by the Host.\n\nNote: The kill would not count towards pirate victory if the target did not participate in the duel.",
- "AgitaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Agitator, your premise is essentially Hot Potato.\n\nUse your kill button on a player to pass the bomb.\nThis can only be done once per round.\n\nThe player who receives the bomb will be notified when receiving said bomb, in which they need to pass it to another player by getting near a player.\n\nWhen a meeting is called, the player with the bomb dies.\n\nIf trying to pass to Pestilence or a Veteran on alert, the bombed player dies instead.\nOptionally, the Agitator cannot receive the bomb.",
- "MaverickInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Maverick, you can kill and, depending on options, vent and have impostor vision\nIf you survive until the end of the game, you win with the winning team.\nUse your killing ability to eliminate threats to your life, but don't get voted out.",
- "CursedSoulInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cursed Soul, you steal the victory if you survive to the end of the game.\n\nYou can steal the win from a Jester or Executioner.\n\nAdditionally, you can steal the souls of other players.\nSoulless players win with you and count as dead.",
+ "PirateInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pirate, use your Kill button to select a target every round.\nYou will duel with your target in the next meeting. \nIf both the Pirate and the target choose the same number, the Pirate wins.\nAdditionally, if the Pirate wins the duel or the target doesn't participate in the duel, the Pirate kills the target.\n\nDueling command: /duel X (where X can be 0, 1, or 2)\n\nYou win after winning a certain number of duels set by the Host.\n\nNote: The kill would not count towards Pirate victory if the target did not participate in the duel.",
+ "AgitaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Agitator, your premise is essentially Hot Potato.\n\nUse your Kill Button on a player to pass the bomb.\nThis can only be done once per round.\n\nThe player who receives the bomb will be notified when receiving said bomb, in which they need to pass it to another player by getting near a player.\n\nWhen a meeting is called, the player with the bomb dies.\n\nIf trying to pass to Pestilence or a Veteran on alert, the bombed player dies instead.\nOptionally, the Agitator cannot receive the bomb.",
+ "MaverickInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Maverick, you can kill and, depending on options, Vent and have Impostor vision\nIf you survive until the end of the game, you win with the winning team.\nUse your killing ability to eliminate threats to your life, but don't get voted out.",
+ "CursedSoulInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cursed Soul, you steal the victory if you survive to the end of the game.\n\nYou can steal the win from a Jester or Executioner.\n\nAdditionally, you can steal the Souls of other players.\nSoulless players win with you and count as dead.",
"PickpocketInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pickpocket, you steal votes from your kills.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"TraitorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Traitor, you were an Impostor that betrayed the Impostors.\nYou know the Impostors, but they don't know you.\nThe twist? They can kill you, but you can't kill them.\n\nEliminate the Impostors by other means, then kill everyone else to win!",
- "TrollerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs a Troller, you can complete tasks so that random events can happen to players.\nFor example, changing the speed of all players, teleportation, influencing sabotage, etc.\nAlso you can win with the winning team.",
- "VultureInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Vulture, report bodies to win!\n\nWhen you report a body, if your eat cooldown is up, you'll eat the body (makes it unreportable).\nIf your eat ability is still on cooldown, then you'll report the body normally.\n\nAdditionally, you'll report bodies normally if the maximum bodies eaten per round is reached.",
+ "TrollerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs a Troller, you can complete tasks so that random events can happen to players.\nFor example, changing the speed of all players, teleportation, influencing Sabotage, etc.\nAlso you can win with the winning team.",
+ "VultureInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Vulture, report bodies to win!\n\nWhen you report a body, if your Eat Cooldown is up, you'll eat the body (makes it unreportable).\nIf your eat ability is still on Cooldown, then you'll report the body normally.\n\nAdditionally, you'll report bodies normally if the maximum bodies eaten per round is reached.",
"AbyssbringerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Abyssbringer, you can place black holes. Black holes will suck in players and kill them when colliding with them.",
- "TaskinatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Taskinator, whenever you finish a task, the task will be bombed. When another player completes the bombed task, the bomb will detonate, and the player will die.\n\nYou win if you survive till the end and Crew doesn't win.\n\n Note: Taskinator bombs ignore all protection.",
+ "TaskinatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Taskinator, whenever you finish a task, the task will be bombed. When another player completes the bombed task, the bomb will detonate, and the player will die.\n\nYou win if you survive till the end and Crewmates don't win.\n\n Note: Taskinator bombs ignore all protection.",
"BenefactorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Benefactor, whenever you finish a task, that task will be marked. When another player completes the marked task, they get a temporary shield.\n\n Note: Shield only protects from direct kill attacks.",
- "MedusaInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Medusa, you can stone bodies much like cleaning a body.\nStoned bodies cannot be reported.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"SpiritcallerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Spiritcaller, your victims become Evil Spirits after they die. These spirits can help you win by freezing other players briefly or blocking their vision. Alternatively, the spirits can give you a shield that protects you briefly from an attempted kill.",
- "AmnesiacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Amnesiac, use your report button to remember a target and get its role.\nTo balance the game, you will not be able to vent after remembering your role if you can't vent as Amnesiac.'",
- "ImitatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Imitator, use your kill button to imitate a player.\n\nYou'll either become a Sheriff, a Refugee, or some Neutral.",
- "BanditInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Bandit, you can click your kill button one time to steal a player's addon and twice to kill. Depending on the settings, you may instantly steal the addon or after the meeting starts. After the maximum number of steals is reached, you will kill normally. Additionally, if there are no stealable addons on the target or the target is stubborn, you will kill the target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: Cleansed, Last Impostor, and Lovers cannot be stolen.\nNote: If Bandit can vent is on, Nimble will become unstealable.",
- "DoppelgangerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Doppelganger, use your kill button to steal a player's identity (their name and skin) and then kill your target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: You cannot steal the target's identity when Camouflage is active.",
+ "AmnesiacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Amnesiac, use your report button to remember a target and get its role.\nTo balance the game, you will not be able to Vent after remembering your role if you can't Vent as Amnesiac.'",
+ "ImitatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Imitator, use your Kill button to imitate a player.\n\nYou'll either become a Sheriff, a Refugee, or some Neutral.",
+ "BanditInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Bandit, you can click your Kill button one time to steal a player's Add-on and twice to kill. Depending on the settings, you may instantly steal the Add-on or after the meeting starts. After the maximum number of steals is reached, you will kill normally. Additionally, if there are no stealable Add-ons on the target or the target is Stubborn, you will kill the target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: Cleansed, Last Impostor, and Lovers cannot be stolen.\nNote: If Bandit can Vent is on, Nimble will become unstealable.",
+ "DoppelgangerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Doppelganger, use your Kill button to steal a player's identity (their name and skin) and then kill your target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: You cannot steal the target's identity when Camouflage is active.",
"PunchingBagInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Punching Bag, your goal is to get attacked a few times to win.\n\nYou cannot be guessed, as that adds to your attack count.",
- "DoomsayerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Doomsayer can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting.\nIf the Doomsayer guesses a certain number of roles (the number depends on the host settings), then he wins.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
- "ShroudInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shroud, you do not kill normally.\nInstead, use your kill button to shroud a player.\nShrouded players kill others.\nIf the shrouded player doesn't make a kill, they'll kill themselves after a meeting.\n\nShroud sees shrouded players with a 「◈」mark next to their name.\nShrouded players who did not make a kill will also have the 「◈」mark in meetings, where they'll die if the Shroud is alive by the end of the meeting.",
- "WerewolfInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Werewolf, you can kill much like any killer.\nHowever, when you kill, any nearby players also die.\nAny player who dies to this will have their death reason as Mauled.\n\nTo balance this, you have a higher kill cooldown than anyone else.",
- "ShamanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shaman, you can use your kill button to select a voodoo doll once per round. If the kill button is used on you, the effect will be deflected onto the voodoo doll.\nIf you survive until the end, you win with the winning team.\nNote: If the killer cannot kill the chosen target, murder is canceled, but if the killer rechecks the Shaman, the killer will kill the Shaman.",
- "SeekerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the seeker, use your kill button to tag the target. If the seeker tags the wrong player, a point is deducted, and if the seeker tags the correct player, a point will be added.\nAdditionally, the seeker will not be able to move for 5 seconds after every meeting and after getting a new target.\n\nThe seeker needs to collect a certain number of points set by the Host to win.\nSeeker will see a ★ mark on target's name.",
- "PixieInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pixie, Mark up to x amount of targets each round by using the kill button on them. You must have one of the marked targets ejected when the meeting starts. If unsuccessful, you will commit suicide, except if you didn't mark any targets or all the targets are dead. The selected targets reset to 0 after the meeting ends. If you succeed, you will gain a point. You see all your targets in colored names.\n\nYou win with the winning team when you have certain amounts of points set by the Host.",
- "SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs Schrodingers Cat, if someone attempts to use the kill button on you, you will block the action and join their team. This blocking ability works only once. By default, you don't have a victory condition, meaning you win only after switching teams.\nIn Addition to this, you will be counted as nothing in the game.\n\nNote: If the killing machine attempts to use its kill button on you, the interaction is not blocked, and you will die.",
- "RomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Romantic can pick their lover partner using their kill button (this can be done at any point of the game). Once they've picked their partner, they can use their kill button to give their partner a temporary shield that protects them from attacks. If their lover partner dies, the Romantic's role will change according to the following conditions:\n1. If their partner was an Impostor, the Romantic becomes the Refugee\n2. If their partner was a Neutral Killer, then they become Ruthless Romantic.\n3. If their partner was a Crewmate or a non-killing neutral, the Romantic becomes the Vengeful Romantic. \n\nThe Romantic wins with the winning team if their partner wins.\nNote: If your role changes, your win condition will be changed accordingly",
- "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (A neutral killer) is killed. As a Ruthless Romantic, you win if you kill everyone and are the last one standing. If you win, your dead partner will also win with you.",
- "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (A crew or non-neutral killer) is killed. As a Vengeful Romantic, your goal is to avenge your partner, which means you must kill the killer of your partner. If you succeed, then you and your partner win with the winning team at the end. If you try to kill someone other than your partner's killer, then you will die by misfire.",
- "PoisonerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Poisoner, your kills are delayed.\nKill everyone to win.",
- "HexMasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hex Master, you can hex players or kill them.\nHexing a player works the same as spelling as a Witch.",
- "WraithInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Wraith, you can vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible. You win if you are the last player remaining.",
- "JinxInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jinx, whenever you get attacked, you jinx them, resulting in them dying to a jinx.\nThis has limited uses.\n\nKill off everyone to win.",
- "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Potion Master, you have three different potions assigned to three different actions.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\nMap: Sabotage\n\nThe reveal potion has a limit.\nWhen you run out, the kill buttons default to killing.",
- "NecromancerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Necromancer, you win when you're the last one standing.\nAdditionally when someone tries to kill you, you will block the kill, and you will teleport to a random vent. You will have a limited time to kill your killer. If you succeed in doing so, you live. If the time runs out before you kill your killer, you die permanently. If you try to kill someone else other than your killer, you will die.",
- "ShockerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shocker, you can mark rooms by doing tasks in them, and then vent to Electrocute anyone in those rooms for a set period of time. When you finish all of your tasks, you get new ones. Note: Doing tasks during that period will mark them for the next ability use.",
- "LastImpostorInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThis special effect is given to the last surviving Impostor. It significantly reduces their kill cooldown.",
- "OverclockedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Overclocked, your kill cooldown is reduced by a percentage.\n\nThis feature is only assigned to roles with a kill button.",
+ "DoomsayerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Doomsayer can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting.\nIf the Doomsayer guesses a certain number of roles (the number depends on the Host settings), then he wins.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
+ "ShroudInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shroud, you do not kill normally.\nInstead, use your Kill button to shroud a player.\nShrouded players kill others.\nIf the shrouded player doesn't make a kill, they'll kill themselves after a meeting.\n\nShroud sees shrouded players with a 「◈」mark next to their name.\nShrouded players who did not make a kill will also have the 「◈」mark in meetings, where they'll die if the Shroud is alive by the end of the meeting.",
+ "WerewolfInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Werewolf, you can kill much like any killer.\nHowever, when you kill, any nearby players also die.\nAny player who dies to this will have their death reason as Mauled.\n\nTo balance this, you have a higher Kill Cooldown than anyone else.",
+ "ShamanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shaman, you can use your Kill button to select a Voodoo Doll once per round. If the Kill button is used on you, the effect will be deflected onto the Voodoo Doll.\nIf you survive until the end, you win with the winning team.\nNote: If the killer cannot kill the chosen target, murder is canceled, but if the killer rechecks the Shaman, the killer will kill the Shaman.",
+ "SeekerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Seeker, use your Kill button to tag the target. If the Seeker tags the wrong player, a point is deducted, and if the Seeker tags the correct player, a point will be added.\nAdditionally, the Seeker will not be able to move for 5 seconds after every meeting and after getting a new target.\n\nThe Seeker needs to collect a certain number of points set by the Host to win.\nSeeker will see a ★ mark on target's name.",
+ "PixieInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pixie, mark up to an X amount of targets each round by using the Kill button on them. You must have one of the marked targets ejected when the meeting starts. If unsuccessful, you will commit suicide, except if you didn't mark any targets or all the targets are dead. The selected targets reset to 0 after the meeting ends. If you succeed, you will gain a point. You see all your targets in colored names.\n\nYou win with the winning team when you have certain amounts of points set by the Host.",
+ "SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs Schrodingers Cat, if someone attempts to use the Kill button on you, you will block the action and join their team. This blocking ability works only once. By default, you don't have a victory condition, meaning you win only after switching teams.\nIn Addition to this, you will be counted as nothing in the game.\n\nNote: If the Killing Machine attempts to use their Kill button on you, the interaction is not blocked, and you will die.",
+ "RomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Romantic can pick their lover partner using their Kill button (this can be done at any point of the game). Once they've picked their partner, they can use their Kill button to give their partner a temporary shield that protects them from attacks. If their lover partner dies, the Romantic's role will change according to the following conditions:\n1. If their partner was an Impostor, the Romantic becomes the Refugee\n2. If their partner was a Neutral Killer, then they become Ruthless Romantic.\n3. If their partner was a Crewmate or a non-killing Neutral, the Romantic becomes the Vengeful Romantic. \n\nThe Romantic wins with the winning team if their partner wins.\nNote: If your role changes, your win condition will be changed accordingly",
+ "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (a Neutral Killer) is killed. As a Ruthless Romantic, you win if you kill everyone and are the last one standing. If you win, your dead partner will also win with you.",
+ "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (a Crewmate or non-Neutral Killer) is killed. As a Vengeful Romantic, your goal is to avenge your partner, which means you must kill the killer of your partner. If you succeed, then you and your partner win with the winning team at the end. If you try to kill someone other than your partner's killer, then you will die by misfire.",
+ "WraithInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Wraith, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible. You win if you are the last player remaining.",
+ "ShockerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shocker, you can mark rooms by doing tasks in them, and then Vent to electrocute anyone in those rooms for a set period of time. When you finish all of your tasks, you get new ones. Note: Doing tasks during that period will mark them for the next ability use.",
+ "CovenInfoLong": "(Coven):\nCoven members are on a separate team that works together and wins together. If there are multiple Coven roles in the game, they can see each other's roles.\nDepending on the Host's settings, Coven roles can guess or be guessed.\nDo /coveninfo for more info.",
+ "PoisonerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Poisoner can use their Kill button on a player to roleblock them. The next time the roleblocked player tries to use their ability, it will do nothing, and their Cooldown will be reset.\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. These kills will be delayed.",
+ "HexMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Hex Master can use their Kill button to mark a player with the 乂 symbol. If a player has this at the end of the meeting and the Hex Master hasn't died - then they die.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Hex will be passed around - similar to an Agitator bomb. Also, you can double-click the Kill button to kill normally.",
+ "JinxInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Jinx can use their Kill button to jinx a player. Anyone who interacts with the jinxed player will die with the death reason Jinxed.\nWith the Necronomicon the Jinx can double-kill to kill normally. Also, the jinxed player and the player who interacted with the jinxed person will die.",
+ "MedusaInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Medusa can use their Kill button on players to mark them as Stoned. When the Medusa clicks the Shapeshift button, all Stoned players will be unable to move and will have reduced vision for a configurable amount of time.\nWith the Necronomicon, killed players will be unreportable.",
+ "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Potion Master has two potions available for their use. The Reveal potion reveals a player's role. The Barrier potion places a shield on a player for one round, the player will not be notified of this unless they are Coven as well. Click the Shapeshift button to change potions.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Potion Master can double-click their Kill button to kill.",
+ "NecromancerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nAs the Necromancer, you can Shapeshift to become the role of a random dead person for a set duration.\nSome roles can not be used.\nOnce a role is used, it can not be used the rest of the game.\nWith the Necronomicon, when someone tries to kill you, you will block the kill and be teleported to a random Vent. You have a limited time to kill your killer. If the time runs out or you try to kill someone else, you die.",
+ "CovenLeaderInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Coven Leader can use their Kill button on a fellow Coven member to retrain them into a random Coven role that isn’t currently in the game. During the next meeting, that Coven member will be notified that the Coven Leader wishes to retrain them. They can vote themselves to accept the retrain, or vote otherwise to deny it. Denying the retrain does not take away an ability usage.\nWith the Necronomicon, you cannot retrain, and can only kill other players.",
+ "RitualistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nDuring a meeting, the Ritualist can perform a Blood Ritual to guess a player’s exact role. If the Ritualist is correct, that player will be converted to Coven. If the Ritualist is incorrect, they will not die but will be unable to Blood Ritual until the next meeting.\nThe command is /rt id role.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Ritualist can kill.",
+ "ConjurerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nShapeshift once to mark a location.\nShapeshift again to conjure a meteor at the place you marked, killing everyone in the radius.\nWith the Necronomicon, you can kill. You can also mark a player using the Shapeshift UI. When the Conjurer clicks the Shapeshift button again, all the players in the radius of the marked player will die, including the marked player.",
+ "DreamweaverInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Dreamweaver can dreamweave a player. The dreamweaved players will be notified of this during the next meeting. If the Dreamweaver is not voted out, these players will be unable to use their abilities until the Dreamweaver dies.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Dreamweaver can double-click to kill.",
+ "IllusionistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Illusionist can use their Kill button on a player to reverse the results of any investigative role. For example, if someone with a Kill button is Illusioned, they will appear not to have a Kill button to the Investigator, and vice versa.\nIllusions wear off after meetings.\nWith the Necronomicon, you may double-click to kill. Every kill you make appears as a random death reason.",
+ "VoodooMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Voodoo Master can craft a Voodoo Doll of a player by using their Kill button, similar to the Shaman. All the interactions with you using Kill button will be deflected to the Voodoo Doll and the Voodoo Doll will destroy. Unlike the Shaman, this voodoo will last during the meeting (eg. If the Voodoo Master is judged, then the voodoo'd player will be judged instead).\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. Additionally, the voodoo’d player will be unable to report. The next person to interact with them will die.",
+ "SacrifistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Sacrifist can Shapeshift to cause a random debuff to a non-Coven member, however, the Sacrifist will also receive this effect (when applicable).\nThe random player will be the same player until the round ends.\nDepending on the Host’s settings, if the Sacrifist is voted out, some random non-Coven who voted the Sacrifist will die too.\nNormally, the Sacrifist can not kill, however, to prevent prolonging of the game, Sacrifist can kill if they are the last Coven member alive.\nWith the Necronomicon, when you Shapeshift, you will commit the Ultimate Sacrifice. When you do this, you die. However, the entire Coven for the rest of the game receives a lowered Kill Cooldown.",
+ "MoonDancerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Moon Dancer can use their Kill button to use their ability, Baton Pass.\nIf used on a Coven member: Gives a Helpful Add-on at the next meeting.\nIf used on a non-Coven member: Gives a Harmful Add-on at the next meeting.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Moon Dancer can double-click their Kill button to kill. When killing, the player is teleported off the map. They will appear alive on Vitals and will not show up in Tracefinder's arrows etc. They die when a meeting/body report with the death reason Blasted Off.",
+ "LastImpostorInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThis special effect is given to the last surviving Impostor. It significantly reduces their Kill Cooldown.",
+ "OverclockedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Overclocked, your Kill Cooldown is reduced by a percentage.\n\nThis feature is only assigned to roles with a Kill button.",
"LoversInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nLovers are a combination of two players. The Lovers win when they are the last ones standing, and their victory is shared. When one of the Lovers wins, the other also wins together. Lovers can see the 「♥」 next to each other's name. If one of the Lovers dies, the other will die in love (may not die in love according to the Host's settings). When one of the Lovers is exiled in the meeting, the other will die and become a dead body that cannot be reported.",
- "MadmateInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Crewmates can become Madmate. Madmate's task is to help the Impostors win the game. Madmate will lose if all Impostors are killed/ejected. Madmates may know who are Impostors, and Impostors may know who are Madmates (host settings).\n\nLazy Guy, Celebrity can't become Madmate. Sheriff, Snitch, Nice Guesser, Mayor, and Judge may become Madmate (host settings). Skill changes when the following roles are converted into Madmates:\n\nTime Manager => Doing tasks will reduce meeting time.\nBodyguard => Skill won't activate if the killer is an Impostor.\nGrenadier => Flash bomb will work on Crewmates and Neutrals instead of the Impostors.\nSheriff => Can kill anyone, including Impostors (host settings).\nNice Guesser => Can guess Crewmates and Neutrals\nPsychic => All evil Neutrals and Crewmates' names with the ability to kill will be displayed in Red.\nJudge => Can judge anyone\nPacifist => Their ability only works on Crewmates.",
+ "MadmateInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Crewmates can become Madmate. Madmate's task is to help the Impostors win the game. Madmate will lose if all Impostors are killed/ejected. Madmates may know who are Impostors, and Impostors may know who are Madmates (Host settings).\n\nLazy Guy, Celebrity can't become Madmate. Sheriff, Snitch, Nice Guesser, Mayor, and Judge may become Madmate (Host settings). Skill changes when the following roles are converted into Madmates:\n\nTime Manager => Doing tasks will reduce meeting time.\nBodyguard => Skill won't activate if the killer is an Impostor.\nGrenadier => Flash bomb will work on Crewmates and Neutrals instead of the Impostors.\nSheriff => Can kill anyone, including Impostors (Host settings).\nNice Guesser => Can guess Crewmates and Neutrals\nPsychic => All evil Neutrals and Crewmates' names with the ability to kill will be displayed in Red.\nJudge => Can judge anyone\nPacifist => Their ability only works on Crewmates.",
"WatcherInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nDuring the meeting, Watcher can see everyone's votes.",
"FlashInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Flash's default movement speed is faster than others. (speed depends on the setting of the Host)",
- "TorchInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nTorch has max vision and is not affected by Lights sabotage.",
- "SeerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever a player dies, the Seer will see a kill-flash (a red flash, possibly accompanied by an alarm sound like sabotage).",
+ "TorchInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nTorch has maximum vision and is not affected by Lights Sabotage.",
+ "SeerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever a player dies, the Seer will see a kill-flash (a red flash, possibly accompanied by an alarm sound like Sabotage).",
"TiebreakerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen tie vote, priority will be given to the target voted by the Tiebreaker. Note: If multiple Tiebreakers choose different tie targets simultaneously, the skills of the Tiebreaker will not take effect.",
"ObliviousInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nDetective and Cleaners won't be Oblivious. The Oblivious cannot report dead bodies. Note: Bait killed by Oblivious will still report automatically, and Oblivious can still be used as a scapegoat for Anonymous.",
"BewilderInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nBewilder may have a smaller/bigger vision. When the Bewilder has died, the murderer's vision may become the same as the Bewilder's, depending on the settings.",
"WorkhorseInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe first player to complete all the tasks will become Workhorse, and Workhorse will give the player extra tasks. The Host sets the number of additional tasks.",
- "FoolInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nSleuth and Mechanic won't be Fool. Fools can't repair any sabotage.",
+ "FoolInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nSleuth and Mechanic won't be Fool. Fools can't repair any Sabotage.",
"AvangerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nHost can set whether the Impostor can become an Avenger. When the Avenger is killed (voted out, and irregular kills will not count), the Avenger will revenge a random player.",
"YoutuberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Crewmate will become YouTuber. When the YouTuber is the first player to die in the game, the YouTuber will win alone. If the YouTuber does not meet the win conditions, the YouTuber will follow the Crewmate to win. Note: Indirect killing methods such as being exiled, being guessed by the Guesser, etc., will not trigger the skills of the YouTuber.",
"EgoistInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nMadmate and Neutrals won't be Egoist. If the Egoist's team wins, the Egoist wins instead of their team.",
"StealerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nEvery time a Stealer kills a person, he gets an additional vote (the Host sets the vote number, and the decimal is rounded down).\nAlso, extra votes from the Stealer are hidden during the meeting depending on the options.",
- "ParanoiaInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nNot assigned to Neutrals nor Madmates.\nAs the Paranoia, you will be considered as two players in the game to determine when the game ends due to killers having the majority. Additionally, this grants you an extra vote, depending on options.",
+ "ParanoiaInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Paranoia, you will be considered as two players in the game to determine when the game ends due to killers having the majority. Additionally, this grants you an extra vote, depending on options.\nNot assigned to Neutrals nor Madmates.",
"MimicInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Impostor can become Mimic. When the Mimic is dead, other Impostors will receive a message once a meeting is called. This message will include information on roles which the Mimic killed.",
- "GuesserInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs a guesser, guess the roles of players in meetings to kill them.\nGuessing the incorrect role kills you instead.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
- "NecroviewInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Necroview can see the teams of dead players. The following info will be displayed on the dead player's name while in a meeting:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.",
- "ReachInfoLong": "(Add-on)\nOnly roles with a kill button can get this add-on. Unlike everyone else, you have the longest kill range possible in the game.",
+ "GuesserInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs a Guesser, guess the roles of players in meetings to kill them.\nGuessing the incorrect role kills you instead.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
+ "NecroviewInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Necroview can see the teams of dead players. The following info will be displayed on the dead player's name while in a meeting:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.\n- The Purple name indicates the Coven.",
+ "ReachInfoLong": "(Add-on)\nOnly roles with a Kill button can get this Add-on. Unlike everyone else, you have the longest kill range possible in the game.",
"BaitInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen the Bait dies, the murderer who killed the Bait will self-report the Bait's body. However, this won't happen when a Scavenger, Cleaner, Swooper, Wraith, Medusa, or Killing Machine kills the Bait. The report may have a delay according to the Host's settings.",
"TrapperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen Beartrap dies, Beartrap immobilizes killer for a configurable amount of time.",
- "CharmedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Charmed add-on is obtained by being charmed by the Cultist.\nOnce charmed, you are now on the Cultist's team and no longer on your original team.",
+ "CharmedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Charmed Add-on is obtained by being charmed by the Cultist.\nOnce charmed, you are now on the Cultist's team and no longer on your original team.",
"CleansedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nCleansed Add-on can only be obtained if cleanser erases all your Add-ons. Depending on the cleanser settings, you may not be able to obtain any more Add-ons in the future.",
- "InfectedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Infected add-on is obtained by being infected by the Infectious.\nOnce infected, you work for the Infectious and do not win with your original team.",
- "OnboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Onbound add-on, you cannot be guessed in meetings.",
- "ReboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Rebound add-on, if a Guesser successfully guessed you or a Judge successfully judged you, they will die instead.\nIf a player with Double Shot guesses you correctly, they will die instantly.",
+ "InfectedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Infected Add-on is obtained by being infected by the Infectious.\nOnce infected, you work for the Infectious and do not win with your original team.",
+ "OnboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Onbound Add-on, you cannot be guessed in meetings.",
+ "ReboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Rebound Add-on, if a Guesser successfully guessed you or a Judge successfully judged you, they will die instead.\nIf a player with Double Shot guesses you correctly, they will die instantly.",
"MundaneInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Mundane, you can only guess once you complete all of your tasks.",
"KnightedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a Monarch knights someone, they get an extra vote.",
- "UnreportableInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Disregarded add-on, your corpse will be unreportable.",
+ "UnreportableInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Disregarded Add-on, your corpse will be unreportable.",
"ContagiousInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nWhen the Virus infects you, you become contagious.\nContagious players are on the Virus team.\n\nWhether or not you die after a meeting depends on the settings for the Virus.",
- "LuckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Lucky add-on, there is a probability for you to evade the kill; the Host sets the specific probability. The killer will see the shield animation when the evasion takes effect, but you will not know anything.",
+ "LuckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Lucky Add-on, there is a probability for you to evade the kill; the Host sets the specific probability. The killer will see a Shield Animation when the evasion takes effect, but you will not know anything.",
"DoubleShotInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a player with Double Shot guesses a role incorrectly, they will get a second chance to guess, but the next wrong guess will result in suicide.",
- "RascalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rascal, you can die to the Sheriff, and Snitch can find you if Snitch can find madmates.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates, cannot be assigned by the Merchant.",
- "SoullessInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a Cursed Soul steals your soul, you get this add-on.\n\nYou are not counted as alive.",
+ "RascalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rascal, you can die to the Sheriff, and Snitch can find you if Snitch can find Madmates.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates, cannot be assigned by the Merchant.",
+ "SoullessInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a Cursed Soul steals your soul, you get this Add-on.\n\nYou are not counted as alive.",
"GravestoneInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Gravestone, your role is revealed to everyone when you die.",
"LazyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Lazy, you are assigned a single short task and are immune to Warlocks, Puppeteers, and Gangsters.",
"AutopsyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Autopsy, you can see how people died.\n\nCannot be assigned to Doctor, Tracefinder, Scientist, or Sunnyboy.",
- "RebirthInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rebirth, if you're the player about to be ejected, you will swap skins with a random crewmate who voted for you.\nNotice: The host vote never counts\nRebirth will be removed from you if you exhausted all your rebirths.",
- "LoyalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Loyal, you cannot be recruited by roles such as Jackal or Cultist.\n\nCannot be assigned to neutrals.",
+ "RebirthInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rebirth, if you're the player about to be ejected, you will swap skins with a random Crewmate who voted for you.\nNotice: The Host vote never counts\nRebirth will be removed from you if you exhausted all your rebirths.",
+ "LoyalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Loyal, you cannot be recruited by roles such as Jackal or Cultist.\n\nCannot be assigned to Neutrals.",
"EvilSpiritInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Evil Spirit, it's your job to help the Spiritcaller to victory. You can use your Haunt button to freeze players and reduce their vision. Alternatively, you can use your Haunt button to give the Spiritcaller a shield against a kill attempt temporarily.",
- "RecruitInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs a recruit, you are on the Jackal's team and help out the Jackal and their Sidekicks.\nYou cannot win with your original team.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed and no sidekicks is alive.",
- "AdmiredInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs an admired player, you win with the crew and not your original team.\n\nYou can see the Admirer.",
+ "RecruitInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs a recruit, you are on the Jackal's team and help out the Jackal and their Sidekicks.\nYou cannot win with your original team.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed and no Sidekicks is alive.",
+ "AdmiredInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs an Admired player, you win with the Crewmates and not your original team.\n\nYou can see the Admirer.",
+ "EnchantedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Enchanted Add-on can only be obtained through being converted by the Ritualist or upon killing the OIIAI as a non-Nerconomicon holder.\nOnce Enchanted, you are apart of the Coven team and are no longer apart of your original team.",
"GlowInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nDuring lights out, you and players nearby you will receive a vision boost.",
"RadarInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Radar, you have arrows pointing towards the closest person at all times.",
- "DiseasedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the kill button on you, their cooldown will be increased by a configurable amount of time.",
- "AntidoteInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the kill button on you, their cooldown will be decreased by a configurable amount of time.",
- "StubbornInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Stubborn add-on, Eraser can't erase your role, Cleanser can't cleanse you, Bandit can't steal from you, and Monarch can't knight you.\nAdditionally, you can't gain any new add-ons from the Merchant.",
+ "DiseasedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the Kill button on you, their Cooldown will be increased by a configurable amount of time.",
+ "AntidoteInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the Kill button on you, their Cooldown will be decreased by a configurable amount of time.",
+ "StubbornInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Stubborn Add-on, Eraser can't erase your role, Cleanser can't cleanse you, Bandit can't steal from you, and Monarch can't knight you.\nAdditionally, you can't gain any new Add-ons from the Merchant.",
"SwiftInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Swift, you will not make any movement when you kill.\nNote: Swift also ignores Bait",
- "UnluckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Unlucky, when you complete tasks, kill, venting, or open door, you have a chance to die.",
+ "UnluckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Unlucky, when you Complete Tasks, Kill, Venting, or open a Door, you have a chance to die.",
"SpurtInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen you start walking, you gain an enormous speed boost, which swiftly deteriorates, until you have to rest still for a while to rejuvenate your speed.",
- "VoidBallotInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nHolder of this add-on will have 0 vote count.",
+ "VoidBallotInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nHolder of this Add-on will have 0 vote count.",
"AwareInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Aware, you get a notification in the next meeting if a revealing role had interacted with you.",
- "FragileInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Fragile, you will instantly die if someone tries to use the kill button on you (even if the role cannot directly kill).",
- "GhoulInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Ghoul, one of two outcomes can occur on task completion.\n\nIf alive: Suicide\nIf dead: You kill your killer if they're alive.\n\nThis is only assigned to crewmates, and not crewmates with no tasks or are task-based.",
- "BloodthirstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Bloodthirst, doing tasks allows you to become bloodthirsty and kill players.\nWhen you finish a task, the next player you come in contact with dies.\n\nYour Bloodthirst remains after a meeting.\nUpon making a kill, your Bloodthirst clears till the next task you complete.\nBloodthirsts do not stack.\n\nOnly assigned to crewmates with tasks.",
- "MareInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Mare, you have a low kill cooldown and have higher speed but can only kill during lights.\n\nAdditionally, your name will appear in red during lights.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors and cannot be guessed.",
- "BurstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Burst, your killer explodes if they aren't inside a vent after a set amount of time.",
+ "FragileInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Fragile, you will instantly die if someone tries to use the Kill button on you (even if the role cannot directly kill).",
+ "GhoulInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Ghoul, one of two outcomes can occur on task completion.\n\nIf alive: Suicide\nIf dead: You kill your killer if they're alive.\n\nThis is only assigned to Crewmates, and not Crewmates with no tasks or are task-based.",
+ "BloodthirstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Bloodthirst, doing tasks allows you to become bloodthirsty and kill players.\nWhen you finish a task, the next player you come in contact with dies.\n\nYour Bloodthirst remains after a meeting.\nUpon making a kill, your Bloodthirst clears till the next task you complete.\nBloodthirsts do not stack.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates with tasks.",
+ "MareInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Mare, you have a low Kill Cooldown and have higher speed but can only kill during lights.\n\nAdditionally, your name will appear in red during lights.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors and cannot be guessed.",
+ "BurstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Burst, your killer explodes if they aren't inside a Vent after a set amount of time.",
"SleuthInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Sleuth, you gain info from dead bodies.\n\nOptionally, you may also gain the killer's role.\n\nNot assigned to Detective or Mortician.",
- "ClumsyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Clumsy, you have a chance to miss your kill.\n\nWhen you miss, your cooldown is reset, and the target remains untouched.\n\nOnly assigned to killers.",
- "CircumventInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Circumvent, you can't vent.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors.",
- "NimbleInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Nimble, you gain access to the vent button.\n\nOnly assigned to certain crewmates.",
- "InfluencedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Influenced, your vote will be forced to the player with the most votes.\nInfluenced vote won't be counted while choosing the exiled player'\nNote that your vote skill still functions on the player you voted first\nIf all the alive players are Influenced, then the vote result won't shift\nCollector cannot become influenced.",
+ "ClumsyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Clumsy, you have a chance to miss your kill.\n\nWhen you miss, your Cooldown is reset, and the target remains untouched.\n\nOnly assigned to killers.",
+ "CircumventInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Circumvent, you can't Vent.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors.",
+ "NimbleInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Nimble, you gain access to the Vent button.\n\nOnly assigned to certain Crewmates.",
+ "InfluencedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Influenced, your vote will be forced to the player with the most votes.\nInfluenced vote won't be counted while choosing the exiled player'\nNote that your vote skill still functions on the player you voted first\nIf all the alive players are Influenced, then the vote result won't shift\nCollector cannot become Influenced.",
"SilentInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Silent, your vote icon won't appear on the result screen.\nSo nobody knows who you voted for.",
"SusceptibleInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Susceptible, your death reason will be random.",
"TrickyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Tricky, your kills will have a random death reason.",
"TiredInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever Tired kills (or uses kill ability on) someone, alternatively whenever they finish a task, they will temporarily get lower vision & lower speed.",
"StatueInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever many people are near the Statue, the Statue is completely frozen or slowed down depending on the settings.",
"EvaderInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen the Evader gets voted out, there is a chance they will not get ejected. (Chance set by the Host.)",
- "CyberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Cyber, you cannot die while in a group.\nDepending on the settings, Imposters, Neutrals, and or Crewmates will know if you die.",
- "HurriedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the hurried, you must finish all your tasks to win with your team! If you fail with your tasks, you lose.\nHurried hurries to his goal, so it won't get madmate, charmed or so.",
- "OiiaiInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Oiiai, when you die, you will make your killer forget their role.\nAdditionally, you may pass Oiiai on to the killer, depending on settings.",
- "RainbowInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the rainbow, you change your colors like crazy.",
+ "CyberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Cyber, you cannot die while in a group.\nDepending on the settings, Impostors, Neutrals, and or Crewmates will know if you die.",
+ "HurriedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the hurried, you must finish all your tasks to win with your team! If you fail with your tasks, you lose.\nHurried hurries to his goal, so it won't get Madmate, Charmed or so.",
+ "OiiaiInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the OIIAI, when you die, you will make your killer forget their role.\nAdditionally, you may pass OIIAI on to the killer, depending on settings.",
+ "RainbowInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rainbow, you change your colors like crazy.",
"GMInfoLong": "(None):\nThe Game Master is an observer role.\nTheir presence does not affect the game, and all players know who the Game Master is. The Game Master role will be assigned to the Host, who will automatically become a ghost at the start of the game.",
- "SunnyboyInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sunnyboy, you win if you are dead by the end of the game. The game will not end when you are alive due to killers gaining the majority.\nAdditionally, you have access to portable vitals.",
- "BardInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen a bard is alive, the exile confirmation will display a sentence composed by the bard. Whenever the bard completes a creation, the bard's kill cooldown will be permanently halved.",
+ "SunnyboyInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sunnyboy, you win if you are dead by the end of the game. The game will not end when you are alive due to killers gaining the majority.\nAdditionally, you have access to portable Vitals.",
+ "BardInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen a Bard is alive, the exile confirmation will display a sentence composed by the Bard. Whenever the Bard completes a creation, the Bard's Kill Cooldown will be permanently halved.",
"WardenInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Warden, alert someone of nearby danger, additionally giving them a temporary speed boost.",
"GhastlyInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Ghastly, possess an unsuspecting person, after that choose a target for them, now they'll only be able to use their kill (or kill ability) on target until you possess someone else or possess time runs out.",
- "MinionInfoLong": "(Impostor [Ghost]):\nAs the Minion, you can temporarily blind non-impostors.",
- "DollMasterInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Dollmaster, you can temporarily take control of any player by using the Shapeshift button and to make them do your Deeds!",
- "DoubleAgentInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Double Agent, you cannot access the kill button. However, you can vote for someone in a meeting to pass a bomb onto them, which can only be done one player at a time. Once the meeting has finished, the bomb will activate and explode in a set amount of time.\nNote: when you pass the bomb onto someone in a meeting, you can vote afterward.\n\nAdditionally depending on settings the Double Agent can diffuse Bastion and Agitator bombs when venting.\n\nThe Double Agent can change roles when they are the Last Imposter, depending on the settings the role can be a Admired Impostor, Trickster, Traitor, or stay as the Double Agent.",
+ "MinionInfoLong": "(Impostor [Ghost]):\nAs the Minion, you can temporarily blind non-Impostors.",
+ "DollMasterInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Dollmaster, you can temporarily take control of any player by using the Shapeshift button and to make them do your deeds!",
+ "DoubleAgentInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Double Agent, you cannot access the Kill button. However, you can vote for someone in a meeting to pass a bomb onto them, which can only be done one player at a time. Once the meeting has finished, the bomb will activate and explode in a set amount of time.\nNote: when you pass the bomb onto someone in a meeting, you can vote afterward.\n\nAdditionally depending on settings the Double Agent can diffuse Bastion and Agitator bombs when Venting.\n\nThe Double Agent can change roles when they are the Last Impostor, depending on the settings the role can be a Admired Impostor, Trickster, Traitor, or stay as the Double Agent.",
"SlothInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Sloth's default movement speed is slower than others.\n(Speed depends on the setting of the Host)",
- "ProhibitedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Prohibited, you have specific vents that you can't use.\nHow many vents are disabled depends on the Host's settings.",
- "EavesdropperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Eavesdropper, you have a chance to read other role/addon information-based messages like Mortician or Sleuth.",
+ "ProhibitedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Prohibited, you have specific Vents that you can't use.\nHow many Vents are disabled depends on the Host's settings.",
+ "EavesdropperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Eavesdropper, you have a chance to read other Role/Add-on information-based messages like Mortician or Sleuth.",
"ApocalypseInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nApocalypse members are on a separate team that works together and wins together. If there are multiple Apocalypse roles in the game, they can see each other's roles.\nDepending on the Host's settings, Apocalypse roles can guess or be guessed.",
"RevenantInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAs the Revenant, your goal is to be killed. If you are killed, you will take your killer's role and kill your killer instead. You cannot win before being killed.\nNote that Revenant only works when being directly killed.",
"ShowTextOverlay": "Text Overlay",
@@ -1040,17 +1075,17 @@
"AbilityInUse": "Ability in use",
"AbilityExpired": "Ability expired, {0} uses remain",
"RevenantTargeted": "Your role has changed to {0}",
- "RevenantCanCopyAddons": "Can Steal Addons",
+ "RevenantCanCopyAddons": "Can Steal Add-ons",
"ShowArrows": "Has Arrows pointing toward bodies",
"ArrowDelayMin": "Minimum Arrow show-up delay",
"ArrowDelayMax": "Maximum Arrow show-up delay",
"SMUsesUsedWhenFixingReactorOrO2": "Uses it takes to fix Reactor/O2",
"SMUsesUsedWhenFixingLightsOrComms": "Uses it takes to fix Lights/Comms",
- "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "(Initial) Max number of Grenades",
+ "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "(Initial) Maximum number of Grenades",
"ShowSpecificRole": "Know specific roles on Task Completion",
- "TimeMasterMaxUses": "(Initial) Max Amount of Ability Uses",
- "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Swooper vents normally when swooping is on cooldown",
- "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Wraith vents normally when invis is on cooldown",
+ "TimeMasterMaxUses": "(Initial) Maximum Amount of Ability Uses",
+ "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Swooper Vents normally when Swooping is on Cooldown",
+ "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Wraith Vents normally when Invisibility is on Cooldown",
"DisableMeeting": "Disable Meetings",
"DisableCloseDoor": "Disable Doors Sabotage",
"DisableSabotage": "Disable Sabotages",
@@ -1059,13 +1094,13 @@
"DebugMode": "Debug Mode",
"SyncButtonMode": "Limit Meeting Times",
"RandomMapsMode": "Random Maps Mode",
- "SyncedButtonCount": "Max Number of Emergency Meetings per Game",
- "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "Kill cooldown decrease on killing target",
- "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "Kill cooldown increase on killing others",
+ "SyncedButtonCount": "Maximum Number of Emergency Meetings per Game",
+ "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "Kill Cooldown decrease on killing target",
+ "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "Kill Cooldown increase on killing others",
"HHNumOfTargets": "Number of targets",
"Targets": "Targets: ",
- "HHMaxKCD": "Maximum kill cooldown",
- "HHMinKCD": "Minimum kill cooldown",
+ "HHMaxKCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "HHMinKCD": "Minimum Kill Cooldown",
"AllAliveMeeting": "Meeting When No One is Dead",
"AllAliveMeetingTime": "Meeting Time When No One is Dead",
"AdditionalEmergencyCooldown": "Additional Emergency Cooldown",
@@ -1174,17 +1209,17 @@
"OverclockedReduction": "Kill Cooldown Reduction",
"GhostCanSeeOtherRoles": "Ghosts Can See Other Roles",
"PreventSeeRolesImmediatelyAfterDeath": "Prevent seeing other's roles immediately after death",
- "GhostCanSeeOtherVotes": "Ghosts Can See Vote Colors",
- "GhostCanSeeDeathReason": "Ghost Can See Cause Of Death",
+ "GhostCanSeeOtherVotes": "Ghosts can see Vote Colors",
+ "GhostCanSeeDeathReason": "Ghost can see Cause Of Death",
"GhostIgnoreTasks": "Ghosts Exempt From Tasks",
- "ConvertedCanBeGhostRole": "Converted Players Can Be Any Ghost-Roles",
- "NeutralCanBeGhostRole": "Neutral Players Can Be Any Ghost-Roles (Will change team respectively)",
- "MaxImpGhostRole": "Max Impostor Ghost-Roles",
- "MaxCrewGhostRole": "Max Crewmate Ghost-Roles",
+ "ConvertedCanBeGhostRole": "Converted Players can be Any Ghost-Roles",
+ "NeutralCanBeGhostRole": "Neutral Players can be Any Ghost-Roles (Will change team respectively)",
+ "MaxImpGhostRole": "Maximum Impostor Ghost-Roles",
+ "MaxCrewGhostRole": "Maximum Crewmate Ghost-Roles",
"DefaultAngelCooldown": "Default Ability Cooldown",
"DisableTaskWin": "Disable Task Win",
- "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreDead": "Disable Task Win If All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are Dead",
- "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreConverted": "Disable Task Win If All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are <#ffab1b>Converted",
+ "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreDead": "Disable Task Win if All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are Dead",
+ "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreConverted": "Disable Task Win if All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are <#ffab1b>Converted",
"HideGameSettings": "Hide Game Settings",
"DIYGameSettings": "Enable only custom /n messages",
"Settings:": "Settings:",
@@ -1200,7 +1235,7 @@
"RoleOptions": "Role Options",
"DarkTheme": "Enable Dark Theme",
"DisableLobbyMusic": "Disable Lobby Music",
- "AutoStart": "Auto start",
+ "AutoStart": "Auto Start",
"EnableCustomButton": "Enable Custom Button Images",
"EnableCustomSoundEffect": "Enable Custom Sound Effects",
"EnableCustomDecorations": "Enable Custom Map Decorations",
@@ -1237,8 +1272,8 @@
"OptKickXboxPlayer": "Kick Xbox players",
"OptKickPlayStationPlayer": "Kick PlayStation players",
"OptKickNintendoPlayer": "Kick Nintendo Switch players",
- "ShareLobby": "Allow TOHE-Chan Shares Lobby Code To Discord",
- "ShareLobbyMinPlayer": "Share Lobby Code When The Number Of Players Reaches",
+ "ShareLobby": "Allow TOHE-Chan Shares Lobby Code to Discord",
+ "ShareLobbyMinPlayer": "Share Lobby Code When the Number of Players Reaches",
"DisableVanillaRoles": "Disable Vanilla Roles",
"VoteMode": "Voting Mode",
"WhenSkipVote": "If the Player Skipped",
@@ -1276,6 +1311,7 @@
"IgnoreConditions": "Ignore Conditions",
"IgnoreImpostors": "Ignore Impostors",
"IgnoreNeutrals": "Ignore Neutrals",
+ "IgnoreCoven": "Ignore Coven",
"IgnoreCrewmates": "Ignore Crewmates",
"IgnoreAfterAnyoneDied": "Ignore After First Death",
"LightsOutSpecialSettings": "Fix Lights Special Settings",
@@ -1289,7 +1325,7 @@
"RandomSpawn_AirshipAdditionalSpawn": "Additional Spawn Locations (Airship)",
"RandomSpawn_SpawnRandomVents": "Random Spawns On Vents",
"CommsCamouflage": "Camouflage during Comms Sabotage",
- "DisableOnSomeMaps": "Disable comms camouflage on some maps",
+ "DisableOnSomeMaps": "Disable Comms Camouflage on some maps",
"DisableOnSkeld": "Disable on The Skeld",
"DisableOnMira": "Disable on MIRA HQ",
"DisableOnPolus": "Disable on Polus",
@@ -1328,8 +1364,8 @@
"EnableBirthdayDecorationSkeld": "Birthday Decoration On The Skeld",
"RandomBirthdayAndHalloweenDecorationSkeld": "Set Random Decoration When Birthday And Halloween Is Active On The Skeld",
"ApplyDenyNameList": "Apply DenyName List",
- "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Kick players with an invalid friend code",
- "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Temp Ban players with an invalid friend code",
+ "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Kick players with an invalid Friend Code",
+ "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Temp Ban players with an invalid Friend Code",
"ApplyBanList": "Apply BanList",
"RemovePetsAtDeadPlayers": "Remove pets at dead players",
"KillFlashDuration": "Kill-Flash Duration",
@@ -1340,6 +1376,7 @@
"ShowImpRemainOnEject": "Show remaining Impostors on ejects",
"ShowNKRemainOnEject": "Show remaining Neutral Killers on ejects",
"ShowNARemainOnEject": "Show remaining Neutral Apocalypse on ejects",
+ "ShowCovenRemainOnEject": "Show remaining Coven on ejects",
"ConfirmEgoistOnEject": "Confirm Egoists on ejection",
"ConfirmLoversOnEject": "Confirm Lovers on ejection",
"ConfirmSidekickOnEject": "Confirm Sidekicks on ejection",
@@ -1367,7 +1404,7 @@
"ShieldPersonDiedFirst": "Shield player who dead first in the last game",
"ShowShieldedPlayerToAll": "Reveal shielded player to all",
"RemoveShieldOnFirstDead": "Remove shield on first death",
- "ShieldedCanUseKillButton": "Shielded player can use ability / kill button",
+ "ShieldedCanUseKillButton": "Shielded player can use ability/Kill button",
"PlayerIsShieldedByGame": "Player is protected by the game!",
"LegacyNemesis": "Use Legacy Version",
"LegacyParasite": "Use Legacy Version",
@@ -1390,7 +1427,7 @@
"DoubleAgent_DiffusedBastionBomb": "Bastion bomb successfully diffused",
"DoubleAgent_BombExplodesIn": "Bomb Explodes In: {0}s",
"DoubleAgent_BombExploded": "Bomb has exploded!",
- "DoubleAgentChangeRoleTo": "Change role on last Imposter",
+ "DoubleAgentChangeRoleTo": "Change role on last Impostor",
"DoubleAgentRoleChange": "You have become a: ",
"MastermindCD": "Manipulate Cooldown",
"MastermindTimeLimit": "Time limit to kill someone",
@@ -1408,15 +1445,13 @@
"Glitch_KCD": "Kill Cooldown: {0}s",
"Glitch_MimicCD": "Mimic Cooldown: {0}s",
"HackedByGlitch": "You are hacked by the Glitch, you can't {0}.",
- "GlitchKill": "kill",
- "GlitchReport": "report",
- "GlitchVent": "vent",
+ "GlitchKill": "Kill",
+ "GlitchReport": "Report",
+ "GlitchVent": "Vent",
"ShowFPS": "Show FPS",
"FPSGame": "FPS: ",
"ControlCooldown": "Control Cooldown",
- "PoisonCooldown": "Poison Cooldown",
- "PoisonerKillDelay": "Poison Kill Delay",
- "WardenNotifyLimit": "Max number of alerts",
+ "WardenNotifyLimit": "Maximum number of alerts",
"BombCooldown": "Bomb Cooldown",
"Warlock_CanKillSelf": "Can Kill Themselves",
"CrewpostorKnowsAllies": "Knows Impostors",
@@ -1446,9 +1481,10 @@
"EGCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "Can guess Snitch with All Tasks Done",
"GGCanGuessAdt": "Can Guess Add-Ons",
"GuesserCanGuessTimes": "Maximum number of guesses",
- "GuesserTryHideMsg": "Try to hide the guesser's command",
+ "GuesserTryHideMsg": "Try to hide the Guesser's command",
"GCanGuessImp": "Impostor can guess Impostor roles",
"GCanGuessCrew": "Crewmate can guess Crewmate roles",
+ "GCanGuessCoven": "Coven can guess Coven roles",
"GCanGuessAdt": "Can guess Add-ons",
"GCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "Can guess Snitch with All Tasks Done",
"BountyTargetChangeTime": "Time Until Target Swaps",
@@ -1456,7 +1492,7 @@
"BountyFailureKillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown After Killing Others",
"BountyShowTargetArrow": "Show arrow pointing towards the target",
"DefaultShapeshiftCooldown": "Default Shapeshift Cooldown",
- "DeadImpCantSabotage": "Impostors can't sabotage after they've died",
+ "DeadImpCantSabotage": "Impostors can't Sabotage after they've died",
"VampireKillDelay": "Bite Kill Delay",
"VampireTargetDead": "Target died",
"VampireActionMode": "Action Mode",
@@ -1465,14 +1501,14 @@
"Maverick_MinKillsToWin": "Minimum number of kills to win",
"Cooldown": "Cooldown",
"AbilityCooldown": "Ability Cooldown",
- "SkillLimitTimes": "Max Number of Ability Uses",
+ "SkillLimitTimes": "Maximum Number of Ability Uses",
"CanKill": "Can Kill",
"KillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown",
"CanVent": "Can Vent",
- "CantMoveOnVents": "Can't Move On Vents (Unstable in Dleks map)",
+ "CantMoveOnVents": "Can't Move on Vents (Unstable in Dleks map)",
"ImpostorVision": "Has Impostor Vision",
"CanUseSabotage": "Can Sabotage",
- "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "Can Have Access To Vitals",
+ "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "Can Have Access to Vitals",
"CanKillImpostors": "Can Kill Impostors",
"CanGuess": "Can Guess in Guesser Mode or as Guesser",
"HideVote": "Hide Vote",
@@ -1483,16 +1519,16 @@
"ShapeshifterBase_ShapeshiftCooldown": "Shapeshift Cooldown",
"ShapeshifterBase_ShapeshiftDuration": "Shapeshift Duration",
"ShapeshifterBase_LeaveShapeshiftingEvidence": "Leave Shapeshifting Evidence",
- "PhantomBase_InvisCooldown": "Invis Cooldown",
- "PhantomBase_InvisDuration": "Invis Duration",
+ "PhantomBase_InvisCooldown": "Invisibility Cooldown",
+ "PhantomBase_InvisDuration": "Invisibility Duration",
"GuardianAngelBase_ProtectCooldown": "Protect Cooldown",
"GuardianAngelBase_ProtectionDuration": "Protection Duration",
- "GuardianAngelBase_ImpostorsCanSeeProtect": "Protect Visible To Impostors",
+ "GuardianAngelBase_ImpostorsCanSeeProtect": "Protect Visible to Impostors",
"ScientistBase_BatteryCooldown": "Vitals Display Cooldown",
"ScientistBase_BatteryDuration": "Battery Duration",
"EngineerBase_VentCooldown": "Vent Cooldown",
- "EngineerBase_InVentMaxTime": "Max Time In Vents",
- "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "Impostors Can Get Alert",
+ "EngineerBase_InVentMaxTime": "Maximum Time in Vents",
+ "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "Impostors can get Alert",
"NoisemakerBase_AlertDuration": "Alert Duration",
"TrackerBase_TrackingCooldown": "Tracking Cooldown",
"TrackerBase_TrackingDuration": "Tracking Duration",
@@ -1514,6 +1550,7 @@
"SheriffCanKillSeparately": "Individual Settings",
"In%team%": "(Team %team%)",
"SheriffMisfireKillsTarget": "Misfire Kills Target",
+ "SheriffMisfireOnAdmired": "Sheriff Misfires On Admired Players",
"BlackHolePlaceCooldown": "Black Hole Place Cooldown",
"BlackHoleDespawnMode": "Black Hole Despawn Mode",
"BlackHoleDespawnTime": "Time After Black Hole Despawns",
@@ -1526,27 +1563,30 @@
"After1PlayerEaten": "After 1 Player Was Eaten",
"AfterMeeting": "After Meeting",
"None": "None",
- "SheriffShotLimit": "Max number of Kills",
+ "SheriffShotLimit": "Maximum number of Kills",
"SheriffCanKillAllAlive": "Can Kill When No One Is Dead",
- "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "Can kill Charmed players",
+ "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "Can Kill Charmed players",
"SheriffCanKillEgoist": "Can Kill Egoists",
"SheriffCanKillSidekick": "Can Kill Sidekicks",
"SheriffCanKillLovers": "Can Kill Lovers",
"SheriffCanKillMadmate": "Can Kill Madmates",
"SheriffCanKillInfected": "Can Kill Infected players",
"SheriffCanKillContagious": "Can Kill Contagious players",
- "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "Non-Crew Sheriff Configuration",
- "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "Can kill Impostors",
- "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "Can kill Neutrals",
- "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "Can kill Crewmates",
+ "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "Non-Crewmate Sheriff Configuration",
+ "SheriffCanKillEnchanted": "Can Kill Enchanted players",
+ "SheriffCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "Can Kill Impostors",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "Can Kill Neutrals",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "Can Kill Crewmates",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven",
"RebirthUses": "Amount of Rebirths",
"RebirthCountVotes": "Only rebirth to players who voted for them",
"RebirthFailed": "Ahh, how unfortunate, you did not find any viable souls to swap bodies with",
"FireworkerCooldown": "Placement Cooldown",
- "ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "Increase kill cooldown",
- "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "Max kill cooldown",
- "ReverieMisfireSuicide": "Misfire on reaching max kill cooldown",
- "ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "Reset kill cooldown after meeting",
+ "ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "Increase Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieMisfireSuicide": "Misfire on reaching maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "Reset Kill Cooldown after meeting",
"ConvertedReverieKillAll": "Converted Reverie can kill anyone without repercussions",
"VigilanteNotify": "You have become the very thing you swore to destroy",
"DictatorChangeCommandToExpel": "Dictator use Command to expell instad of vote",
@@ -1556,17 +1596,18 @@
"SnitchCanGetArrowColor": "See Colored Arrows based on Team Colors",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralKiller": "Can Find Neutral Killers",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralApoc": "Can Find Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "SnitchCanFindCoven": "Can Find Coven",
"SnitchCanFindMadmate": "Can Find Madmates",
"SnitchRemainingTaskFound": "Remaining tasks to be known",
"MayorAdditionalVote": "Additional Votes Count",
"MayorHasPortableButton": "Mayor has a Mobile Emergency Button",
- "MayorNumOfUseButton": "Max Number of Mobile Emergency Buttons",
+ "MayorNumOfUseButton": "Maximum Number of Mobile Emergency Buttons",
"MeetingsNeededForWin": "Meetings needed to win",
"Jester_RevealUponEject": "Reveal Upon Eject",
"CannotVoteWhenDead": "Cannot cast a vote while dead",
"EnableVote": "Enable /vote command",
"ShouldVoteSpam": "Try to hide /vote command",
- "VoteDisabled": "/vote command has been disabled by the host.",
+ "VoteDisabled": "/vote command has been disabled by the Host.",
"ExecutionerCanTargetImpostor": "Can Target Impostors",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "Can Target Neutral Killing",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "Can Target Neutral Apocalypse",
@@ -1574,11 +1615,13 @@
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralBenign": "Can Target Neutral Benign",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralEvil": "Can Target Neutral Evil",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralChaos": "Can Target Neutral Chaos",
+ "ExecutionerCanTargetCoven": "Can Target Coven",
"Executioner_RevealTargetUponEject": "Reveal Target Upon Ejection",
- "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "Recruited Sheriff Can Go Nuts",
+ "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "Recruited Sheriff can go Nuts",
"LawyerCanTargetImpostor": "Can Target Impostors",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "Can Target Neutral Killers",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "Can Target Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "LawyerCanTargetCoven": "Can Target Coven",
"LawyerCanTargetCrewmate": "Can Target Crewmates",
"LawyerCanTargetJester": "Can Target Jester",
"LawyerChangeRolesAfterTargetKilled": "When Target Dies, Lawyer becomes",
@@ -1594,8 +1637,8 @@
"SniperPrecisionShooting": "Precise Shooting",
"SniperAimAssist": "Aim Assist",
"SniperAimAssistOneshot": "One shot Assist",
- "PyroDouseCooldown": "Douse cooldown",
- "PyroBurnCooldown": "Kill cooldown after killing a doused player",
+ "PyroDouseCooldown": "Douse Cooldown",
+ "PyroBurnCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after killing a doused player",
"Prohibited_OverrideBlockedVentsAfterMeeting": "Override Blocked Vents After Meeting",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInSkeld": "Count Blocked Vents In The Skeld",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInMira": "Count Blocked Vents In MIRA HQ",
@@ -1606,7 +1649,7 @@
"UndertakerFreezeDuration": "Freeze Duration",
"NameDisplayAddons": "Display Add-Ons next to the role name",
"YourAddon": "Your Add-ons:",
- "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "Max Add-ons Per Player",
+ "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "Maximum Add-ons Per Player",
"LoverSpawnChances": "Spawn Chance of Lovers",
"AdditionRolesSpawnRate": "Spawn Chance",
"TorchVision": "Torch Vision",
@@ -1641,38 +1684,40 @@
"EvilHackerLastAdminInfoTitle": "Last-minute admin information",
"EvilHackerDeadbody": "DEAD",
"Ventguard": "Ventguard",
- "VentguardInfo": "Block vents by entering them",
- "VentguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Ventguard, you can enter vents to block them. No one can enter blocked vents, except Crewmates, if the setting is on. Blocked vents can be resets every meeting.",
+ "VentguardInfo": "Block Vents by entering them",
+ "VentguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Ventguard, you can enter Vents to block them. No one can enter blocked Vents, except Crewmates, if the setting is on. Blocked Vents can be resets every meeting.",
"VentguardVentButtonText": "Block",
- "Ventguard_MaxGuards": "Max number of Vent Blocks",
+ "Ventguard_MaxGuards": "Maximum number of Vent Blocks",
"Ventguard_BlockVentCooldown": "Block Vent Cooldown",
- "Ventguard_BlockDoesNotAffectCrew": "Crewmates can use blocked vents",
+ "Ventguard_BlockDoesNotAffectCrew": "Crewmates can use blocked Vents",
"Ventguard_BlocksResetOnMeeting": "Reset Blocked Vents Every Meeting",
- "VentIsBlocked": "This Vent Is Now Blocked!",
+ "VentIsBlocked": "This Vent is Now Blocked!",
"TraitorKnowMadmate": "Traitor Knows Madmates",
"Psychic_NBareRed": "Neutral Benign can be red",
"Psychic_NEareRed": "Neutral Evil can be red",
"Psychic_NCareRed": "Neutral Chaos can be red",
"Psychic_NAareRed": "Neutral Apocalypse can be red",
"Psychic_NKareRed": "Neutral Killers can be red",
+ "Psychic_CovareRed": "Coven can be red",
"Psychic_CrewKillingRed": "Crewmate Killing can be red",
- "PsychicCanSeeNum": "Max number of red names",
+ "PsychicCanSeeNum": "Maximum number of red names",
"PsychicFresh": "New red names every meeting",
"DetectiveCanknowKiller": "Can find the killer's role",
"EveryOneKnowSuperStar": "Everyone knows the Super Star",
"HackLimit": "Ability Use Count",
"ZombieSpeedReduce": "After a certain time, decrease the speed of Zombie by",
- "NemesisCanKillNum": "Max number of revenges",
+ "NemesisCanKillNum": "Maximum number of revenges",
"ImpKnowCelebrityDead": "Impostors know when the Celebrity dies",
"NeutralKnowCelebrityDead": "Neutrals know when the Celebrity dies",
+ "CovenKnowCelebrityDead": "Coven know when the Celebrity dies",
"VectorVentNumWin": "Number of Vents to win",
"CanCheckCamera": "Can track camera usage",
- "DefaultKillCooldown": "Starting kill cooldown",
- "ReduceKillCooldown": "Reduce kill cooldown by",
- "MinKillCooldown": "Minimum kill cooldown",
+ "DefaultKillCooldown": "Starting Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReduceKillCooldown": "Reduce Kill Cooldown by",
+ "MinKillCooldown": "Minimum Kill Cooldown",
"BomberRadius": "Bomb radius (5x is about half a Cafeteria)",
"NotifyGodAlive": "Inform players at meetings that God is still alive",
- "TransporterTeleportMax": "Max number of teleports",
+ "TransporterTeleportMax": "Maximum number of teleports",
"TriggerKill": "Kill",
"TriggerVent": "Vent",
"TriggerDouble": "Double Click",
@@ -1686,6 +1731,7 @@
"InnocentCanWinByImp": "If their target was an Impostor then they win with them",
"ImpCanBeParanoia": "Impostors can become Paranoia",
"CrewCanBeParanoia": "Crewmates can become Paranoia",
+ "CovenCanBeParanoia": "Coven can become Paranoia",
"DualVotes": "Duplicate votes",
"VeteranSkillCooldown": "Alert Cooldown",
"VeteranSkillDuration": "Alert Duration",
@@ -1693,9 +1739,9 @@
"ImpCanBeEgoist": "An Impostor can become Egoist",
"CrewCanBeEgoist": "Crewmates can become Egoist",
"ImpEgoistVisibalToAllies": "Impostors Can See Other Egoist Impostors",
- "EgoistCountAsConverted": "Egoist count as converted neutral",
+ "EgoistCountAsConverted": "Egoist count as converted Neutral",
"GuessRainbow": "He seems too obvious, doesn't he?",
- "RainbowColorChangeCoolDown": "The cooldown for changing colors",
+ "RainbowColorChangeCoolDown": "The Cooldown for changing colors",
"RainbowInCamouflage": "Rainbow color changes during Camouflage",
"BaitDelayMin": "Minimum Report Delay",
"BaitDelayMax": "Maximum Report Delay",
@@ -1703,17 +1749,18 @@
"BecomeBaitDelayNotify": "Warn the killer about the upcoming self-report",
"BaitNotification": "Reveal Bait at the first meeting",
"BaitAdviceAlive": "{0} is the Bait. Whoever kills the Bait will commit self-report.",
- "BaitCanBeReportedUnderAllConditions": "Bait Can Be Reported even if a meeting is disabled during comms sabotage",
- "DeceiverAbilityLost": "Deceiver loses ability if it deceives player without kill button",
+ "BaitCanBeReportedUnderAllConditions": "Bait Can Be Reported even if a meeting is disabled during Comms Sabotage",
+ "DeceiverAbilityLost": "Deceiver loses ability if it deceives player without Kill button",
"AddictSuicideTimer": "Time Until Suicide",
"GrenadierSkillCooldown": "Grenade Cooldown",
"GrenadierSkillDuration": "Grenade Duration",
"GrenadierCauseVision": "Lowered vision",
"GrenadierCanAffectNeutral": "Can affect Neutrals",
+ "GrenadierCanAffectCoven": "Can affect Coven",
"TicketsPerKill": "Votes Increase Amount Per Kill",
- "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "Recruit cooldown",
+ "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "Recruit Cooldown",
"GangsterRecruitLimit": "Recruit limit",
- "KamikazeMaxMarked": "Max Marked",
+ "KamikazeMaxMarked": "Maximum Marked",
"RevolutionistDrawTime": "Tag Duration",
"RevolutionistCooldown": "Tag Cooldown",
"RevolutionistDrawCount": "Amount of Players needed to Tag",
@@ -1733,7 +1780,7 @@
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_Immediately": "Immediately",
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_AfterMeeting": "After Meeting",
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_OFF": "OFF",
- "MedicResetCooldown": "On kill attempt, reset murderer's cooldown to",
+ "MedicResetCooldown": "On kill attempt, reset murderer's Cooldown to",
"MedicShieldedCanBeGuessed": "Guessing ignores Medic shield",
"MadmateSpawnMode": "Madmate spawning mode",
"MadmateSpawnMode.Assign": "Assign",
@@ -1743,40 +1790,41 @@
"MadmateCountMode.None": "Nothing",
"MadmateCountMode.Imp": "Impostors",
"MadmateCountMode.Original": "Original Team",
- "Altruist_RevivedDeadBodyCannotBeReported_Option": "Revived Dead Body Cannot Be Reported",
- "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsAlert": "Impostors Can Get Alert",
- "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "Impostors Can Get Arrow",
- "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "Neutral Killers Can Get Alert",
- "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "Neutral Killers Can Get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_RevivedDeadBodyCannotBeReported_Option": "Revived Dead Body cannot be Reported",
+ "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsAlert": "Impostors can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "Impostors can get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "Neutral Killers can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "Neutral Killers can get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsAlert": "Coven can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsArrow": "Coven can get Arrow",
"AltruistSuffix": "<#00ffa5>Mode: {0}",
"AltruistReviveMode": "Revive",
"AltruistReportMode": "Report",
"Altruist_YouTriedReportRevivedDeadBody": "You Tried Report Revived Dead Body",
- "Altruist_DeadPlayerHasBeenRevived": "A Dead Player Has Been Revived!",
+ "Altruist_DeadPlayerHasBeenRevived": "A Dead Player has been Revived!",
"AltruistAbilityButton": "Change Mode",
"SnatchesWin": "Snatches victory",
"DemonKillCooldown": "Attack Cooldown",
- "DemonHealthMax": "Player max health",
+ "DemonHealthMax": "Player maximum health",
"DemonDamage": "Damage ",
- "DemonSelfHealthMax": "Demon max health",
+ "DemonSelfHealthMax": "Demon maximum health",
"DemonSelfDamage": "Demon damage received",
"LightningConvertTime": "Duration of the transformation to Quantum Ghost",
"LightningKillCooldown": "Lightning Cooldown",
"LightningKillerConvertGhost": "Killer can transform into Quantum Ghost",
"CanCountNeutralKiller": "When Crewmates win by killing a Neutral player, they can snatch the victory",
- "GreedyOddKillCooldown": "Odd-Numbered kill cooldown",
- "GreedyEvenKillCooldown": "Even-Numbered kill cooldown",
+ "GreedyOddKillCooldown": "Odd-Numbered Kill Cooldown",
+ "GreedyEvenKillCooldown": "Even-Numbered Kill Cooldown",
"WorkaholicCannotWinAtDeath": "Can't win after they died",
"WorkaholicVisibleToEveryone": "Everyone knows who the Workaholic is",
"WorkaholicGiveAdviceAlive": "Advice at the first meeting if alive, can win after death, ghost tasks ON",
"DoctorVisibleToEveryone": "Everyone knows who the Doctor is",
"CursedWolfGuardSpellTimes": "Amount of Cursed Shields",
"KillAttackerWhenAbilityRemaining": "Kill attacker when ability is remaining",
- "JinxSpellTimes": "Amount of Jinx Spells",
"CollectorCollectAmount": "Required number of votes",
"GlitchCanVote": "Can vote",
"QuickShooterShapeshiftCooldown": "Shapeshift Cooldown",
- "MeetingReserved": "Max Bullets reserved for a meeting",
+ "MeetingReserved": "Maximum Bullets reserved for a meeting",
"AccurateCheckMode": "Can know specific role when tasks are not done",
"RandomActiveRoles": "Show random active roles in Fortune Teller hints",
"CamouflageCooldown": "Camouflage Cooldown",
@@ -1790,29 +1838,31 @@
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralE": "Can trial Neutral Evil",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralC": "Can trial Neutral Chaos",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralA": "Can trial Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "JudgeCanTrialCoven": "Can trial Coven",
"JudgeCanTrialSidekick": "Can trial Sidekick",
"JudgeCanTrialInfected": "Can trial Infected",
"JudgeCanTrialContagious": "Can trial Contagious",
"JudgeTryHideMsg": "Hide Judge's commands",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "Max Trials per Meeting",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "Max Trials per Game",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Trials per Meeting",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "Maximum Trials per Game",
"JudgeCanTrialMadmate": "Can trial Madmates",
"JudgeCanTrialCharmed": "Can trial Charmed players",
+ "JudgeCanTrialEnchanted": "Can trial Enchanted players",
"JudgeDead": "Sorry, you can't trial players after death.",
"JudgeTrialMaxMeetingMsg": "\nNo more meeting trials left!",
"JudgeTrialMaxGameMsg": "\nNo more trials left!",
"Judge_LaughToWhoTrialSelf": "God, I didn't think the Judges would be so blind that they wouldn't even see that they had sentenced themselves.",
"Judge_TrialKill": "{0} was judged.",
"Judge_TrialKillTitle": "COURT",
- "Judge_TrialHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' IDs before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player IDs.",
+ "Judge_TrialHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Judge_TrialNull": "Please choose a living player for the trial",
- "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "Max number of Alerts",
+ "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "Maximum number of Alerts",
"SwooperCooldown": "Swoop Cooldown",
"SwooperDuration": "Swoop Duration",
"WraithCooldown": "Vanish Cooldown",
"WraithDuration": "Vanish Duration",
"BastionNotify": "A bomb was set off",
- "EnteredBombedVent": "That vent was bombed!",
+ "EnteredBombedVent": "That Vent was bombed!",
"BastionVentButtonText": "Bomb",
"BombsClearAfterMeeting": "Bombs clear after meetings",
"BastionMaxBombs": "(Initial) Maximum bombs",
@@ -1828,11 +1878,12 @@
"FollowerBetTargetKnowFollower": "Follower target knows who the Follower is",
"FortuneTellerHideVote": "Hide Fortune Teller's Votes",
"CultistCharmCooldown": "Charm Cooldown",
- "CultistCharmCooldownIncrese": "Increases Charm Cooldown For Each Charm",
+ "CultistCharmCooldownIncrese": "Increases Charm Cooldown for Each Charm",
"CultistCharmMax": "Maximum Number Of Charm",
"CultistKnowTargetRole": "Know Charmed Player's Role",
"CultistTargetKnowOtherTarget": "Charmed players know each other",
"CultistCanCharmNeutral": "Neutral Roles can be Charmed",
+ "CultistCanCharmCoven": "Coven Roles can be Charmed",
"InfectiousBiteCooldown": "Infect Cooldown",
"KnowTargetRole": "Knows role of target",
"TargetKnowsLawyer": "Target knows their Lawyer",
@@ -1855,11 +1906,11 @@
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_None": "Nothing",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Cultist": "Cultist",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Original": "Original Team",
- "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "When all Impostors are dead, the Jackal wins by sabotage instead",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Reset kill cooldown if someone gets killed by another player",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "Kill Cooldown On Reset",
+ "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "When all Impostors are dead, the Jackal wins by Sabotage instead",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Reset Kill Cooldown if someone gets killed by another player",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "Kill Cooldown on Reset",
"JackalCanRecruitSidekick": "Can recruit Sidekick",
- "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "Maximum Number Of Recruits",
+ "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "Maximum Number of Recruits",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode": "Sidekicks count as",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_None": "Nothing",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_Jackal": "Jackal",
@@ -1888,6 +1939,7 @@
"NeutralsSeePresident": "Neutrals can see revealed President",
"MadmatesSeePresident": "Madmates can see revealed President",
"ImpsSeePresident": "Impostors can see revealed President",
+ "CovenSeePresident": "Coven can see revealed President",
"PresidentDead": "Sorry, you can't force end the meeting after death.",
"PresidentEndMax": "No more force end meeting uses left!",
"PresidentRevealMax": "You have already revealed yourself...",
@@ -1898,40 +1950,167 @@
"Troller_CanHaveStartMeetingEvent": "Can Start Meeting By Event",
"Troller_ChangesSpeed": "Troller changed everyone speed!",
"Troller_SpeedOut": "Speed returned back",
- "Troller_YouChangedCooldown": "You changed the cooldown of all players",
- "Troller_ChangeYourCooldown": "Troller change your cooldown!",
- "Troller_NoAddons": "No addons found on the random target",
- "Troller_RemoveRandomAddon": "You removed add-on from random player",
- "Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "Troller removed your random add-on",
- "Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "You caused sabotage",
- "Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "You fixed sabotage",
+ "Troller_YouChangedCooldown": "You changed the Cooldown of all players",
+ "Troller_ChangeYourCooldown": "Troller change your Cooldown!",
+ "Troller_NoAddons": "No Add-ons found on the random target",
+ "Troller_RemoveRandomAddon": "You removed Add-on from random player",
+ "Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "Troller removed your random Add-on",
+ "Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "You caused Sabotage",
+ "Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "You fixed Sabotage",
+ "CovenRolesMinPlayer": "Minimum amount of Coven",
+ "CovenRolesMaxPlayer": "Maximum amount of Coven",
+ "%role%CanVent": "%role% Can Vent",
+ "%role%HasImpVis": "%role% Has Impostor Vision",
+ "CovenHasImpVis": "Coven Members have Impostor Vision",
+ "CovenImpVisMode": "Impostor Vision Configuration",
+ "CovenCanVent": "Coven Members Can Vent",
+ "CovenVentMode": "Vent Configuration",
+ "CovenPerRole": "Per Role",
+ "CovenCanSeeEachOthersAddOns": "Coven can see each other's Add-Ons",
+ "NecronomiconNotification": "You have recieved the Necronomicon!
Your powers are now enhanced!",
+ "NecronomiconVote": "You have voted for {0} to receive the Necronomicon next round. You may now vote normally.",
+ "CovenDontKillOtherCoven": "Don't try to kill your fellow Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderMaxRetrains": "Maximum Retrains",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainCooldown": "Retrain Cooldown",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrain": "Retrain offered",
+ "CovenLeaderNoRetrain": "You have ran out of Retrains!",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainNonCoven": "You can't retrain a non-Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderAcceptRetrain": "The player you attempted to retrain has accepted your training and is now a {0}!",
+ "CovenLeaderDeclineRetrain": "The player you attempted to retrain has declined your offer to retrain them into a {0}...",
+ "RetrainNotification": "The {0} has requested to retrain you into a {1}.
Vote yourself to accept the offer, vote someone else to decline.",
+ "RetrainAcceptOffer": "You have accepted the {0}'s retraining and you are now a {1}!",
+ "RetrainDeclineOffer": "You declined the {0}'s retraining and your role has not been changed...",
+ "RitualistMaxRitsPerRound": "Maximum Blood Rituals per Round",
+ "RitualistTryHideMsg": "Try to hide Ritualist's commands",
+ "RitualistRitualSuccess": "You preformed a successful Blood Ritual on {0} and they are now part of the Coven!",
+ "RitualistRitualFail": "You have failed your Blood Ritual and may no longer preform any Blood Rituals this meeting...",
+ "RitualistRitualImpossible": "Your Blood Ritual was successful, however, this player is unenchantable.",
+ "RitualistRitualMax": "You've already used the maximum amount of Blood Rituals for this meeting.",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsCoven": "Enchanted knows Coven",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsEnchanted": "Enchanted knows Enchanted",
+ "RitualistCommandHelp": "Instructions: /rt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /rt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player IDs before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
+ "RitualistConvertNotif": "Your role has been guessed by the {0} and you are now apart of the Coven!",
+ "RitualistGuessAddon": "Did you seriously think it would be that easy? You can't do a Ritual solely based on Add-ons.",
+ "RitualistSuccessfullyRecruited": "You successfully recruited a player",
+ "BeRecruitedByRitualist": "The Ritualist has recruited you",
+ "ConjurerCooldown": "Conjure Cooldown",
+ "ConjurerRadius": "Blast Radius",
+ "ConjurerNecroRadius": "Necronomicon Blast Radius",
+ "ConjurerCovenDies": "Coven can die in blast",
+ "ConjurerMark": "Location marked",
+ "ConjurerMeteor": "Meteor summoned",
+ "ConjurerNecroMark": "Player marked",
+ "ConjurerMarkShapeshift": "Mark",
+ "ConjurerConjureShapeshift": "Conjure",
+ "IllusionCooldown": "Illusion Cooldown",
+ "IllusionistMaxIllusions": "Maximum Illusions",
+ "IllusionistSnitchAffected": "Snitch is Affected by Illusions",
+ "IllusionistResetIllusionsPerRound": "Reset Illusions After Meeting",
+ "IllusionistClearIllusionsWhenDead": "Remove Illusions When Illusionist Dies",
+ "MedusaStoneCooldown": "Stone Cooldown",
+ "MedusaStoneDuration": "Stone Duration",
+ "MedusaStoneVision": "Stoned Vision",
+ "MedusaStonedPlayer": "{0} has been Stoned",
+ "MedusaStoningStart": "Stoning in progress",
+ "MedusaStoningEnd": "Stoning has ended",
+ "MoonDancerBatonPassCooldown": "Baton Pass Cooldown",
+ "MoonDancerBlastOffChance": "Chance to Blast Off",
+ "MoonDancerPassEnabledAddons": "Can only Baton Pass enabled Add-ons",
+ "MoonDancerCantBlastOff": "Target can not be Blasted Off",
+ "MoonDancerNormalKill": "Killed normally",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHelpfulAddon": "Target will be given Helpful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHarmfulAddon": "Target will be given Harmful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerNoAddons": "No Add-ons to Baton Pass to {0}",
+ "SacrifistDebuffCooldown": "Debuff Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistDeathsAfterVote": "Players Killed After Sacrifist is Exiled",
+ "SacrifistNecroReducedCooldown": "Coven Decreased Cooldown After Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "SacrifistVision": "Sacrificed Vision",
+ "SacrifistVisionDuration": "Vision Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeed": "Sacrificed Speed",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDuration": "Speed Duration",
+ "SacrifistIncreasedCooldown": "Sacrificed Increase Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistFreezeDuration": "Random Freezing Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDebuff": "Speed Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistVisionDebuff": "Vision Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistCooldownDebuff": "Cooldown Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistFoolDebuff": "Can't Fix Sabotages Debuff",
+ "SacrifistMeetingDebuff": "Forced Called Meeting",
+ "SacrifistReportDebuff": "Can't Report Bodies",
+ "SacrifistTasksDebuff": "Tasks Reset for Target",
+ "SacrifistSwapSkinsDebuff": "Swapped Skins",
+ "SacrifistSwapDebuff": "Swapping with target after 3 seconds",
+ "SacrifistVisionRevert": "Vision Reverted",
+ "SacrifistSpeedRevert": "Speed Reverted",
+ "SacrifistShapeshiftButton": "Debuff",
+ "SacrifistNecroShapeshiftButton": "Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "VoodooMasterPerRound": "Voodoo Dolls per Round",
+ "VoodooMasterCanDollCoven": "Voodoo Master can Voodoo Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNecroCanKillCov": "Necronomicon Ability can Kill Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollCoven": "You can't Voodoo other Coven members!",
+ "VoodooMasterTargetInMeeting": "Someone tried to target you with their role during this meeting, but it was deflected to one of your dolls, {0}, instead!",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollsLeft": "You can't voodoo anyone else this round!",
+ "VoodooMasterDolledSomeone": "{0} has been turned into a Voodoo Doll",
+ "PotionMasterMaxReveals": "Maximum Reveals",
+ "PotionMasterMaxBarriers": "Maximum Barriers",
+ "PotionMasterNoPotions": "You're out of {0} Potions!",
+ "PotionMasterPotionSwitch": "Potion switched to: {0}",
+ "PotionMasterPotionCurrent": "Current Potion: ",
+ "PotionMasterRevealCoven": "You can already see roles of Coven!",
+ "PotionMasterReveal": "Reveal",
+ "PotionMasterBarrier": "Barrier",
+ "PotionMasterKillButtonText": "Use Potion",
+ "HexMasterHexCooldown": "Hex Cooldown",
+ "HexMasterCovenCanGetMovingHex": "Coven Can Get Moving Hex",
+ "HexMasterMovingHexCooldown": "Moving Hex Pass Cooldown",
+ "HexesLookLikeSpells": "Hexes appear as Spells",
+ "HexButtonText": "Hex",
+ "HexMasterModeHex": "Hex",
+ "HexMasterModeKill": "Kill",
+ "HexMasterModeDouble": "Double Click = Kill, Single Click = Hex",
+ "HexMasterPassNotify": "Hex successfully passed",
+ "JinxSpellTimes": "Amount of Jinx Spells",
+ "JinxCooldown": "Jinx Cooldown",
+ "JinxCovenCanDieToJinx": "Coven Can Die To Jinx",
+ "PoisonCooldown": "Poison Cooldown",
+ "PoisonerKillDelay": "Poison Kill Delay",
+ "PoisonerTargetDead": "Target died",
+ "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "Poison",
+ "NecromancerRevengeTime": "Necronomicon Ability time",
+ "NecromancerRevenge": "You have {0}s to kill {1}",
+ "NecromancerSuccess": "Necromancy complete! You live to see another day.",
+ "NecromancerHide": "Venting is disabled, hide from the Necromancer!",
+ "NecromancerAbilityDuration": "Necromancy Duration",
+ "NecromancerAbilityCooldown": "Necromancy Cooldown",
+ "NecromancerCooldownNotDone": "Ability is still on Cooldown!",
+ "NecromancerNoUsableRoles": "No usable roles",
"LuckyProbability": "Probability of surviving a kill",
"ImpCanBeDoubleShot": "Impostors can have Double Shot",
"CrewCanBeDoubleShot": "Crewmates can have Double Shot",
"NeutralCanBeDoubleShot": "Neutrals can have Double Shot",
+ "CovenCanBeDoubleShot": "Coven can have Double Shot",
"MimicCanSeeDeadRoles": "Mimic can see the roles of dead players",
- "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "Disable body reporting when camouflage is active",
- "CanUseCommsSabotage": "Can use comms sabotage",
+ "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "Disable body reporting when Camouflage is active",
+ "CanUseCommsSabotage": "Can use Comms Sabotage",
"ModTag": "Moderator♥",
"ApplyModeratorList": "Apply Moderator List",
"VipTag": "VIP★",
"ApplyVipList": "Apply VIP List",
- "AllowSayCommand": "Allow moderators to use /say command",
- "AllowStartCommand": "Allow moderators to use /start command",
+ "AllowSayCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /say command",
+ "AllowStartCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /start command",
"StartCommandMinCountdown": "Minimum countdown for /start command",
"StartCommandMaxCountdown": "Maximum countdown for /start command",
"KickCommandDisabled": "The kick command is currently disabled.",
"KickCommandNoAccess": "You do not have access to the kick command.",
"KickCommandInvalidID": "Invalid player ID specified.\nPlease use '/kick [playerID] [reason]' to kick a player.\nExample :- /kick 5 not following rules",
- "KickCommandKickHost": "You are not permitted to kick the host.",
- "KickCommandKickMod": "You are not permitted to kick other moderators.",
+ "KickCommandKickHost": "You are not permitted to kick the Host.",
+ "KickCommandKickMod": "You are not permitted to kick other Moderators.",
"KickCommandKicked": "was kicked from the game by ",
"KickCommandKickedRole": "Their role was",
"BanCommandDisabled": "The ban command is currently disabled.",
"BanCommandNoAccess": "You do not have access to the ban command.",
"BanCommandInvalidID": "Invalid player ID specified.\nPlease use '/ban [playerID] [reason]' to ban a player.\nExample :- /ban 5 not following rules ",
- "BanCommandBanHost": "You are not permitted to ban the host.",
- "BanCommandBanMod": "You are not permitted to ban other moderators.",
+ "BanCommandBanHost": "You are not permitted to ban the Host.",
+ "BanCommandBanMod": "You are not permitted to ban other Moderators.",
"BanCommandBanned": "was banned from the game by ",
"BanCommandBannedRole": "Their role was",
"BanCommandNoReason": "No reason specified.\nPlease use '/ban [playerID] [reason]\nExample :- /ban 5 not following rules",
@@ -1951,13 +2130,13 @@
"WarnCommandDisabled": "The warn command is currently disabled.",
"WarnCommandNoAccess": "You do not have access to the warn command.",
"WarnCommandInvalidID": "Invalid player ID specified.\nPlease use '/warn [playerID] [reason]' to warn a player. \nExample :- /warn 5 lava chatting",
- "WarnCommandWarnHost": "You are not permitted to warn the host.",
+ "WarnCommandWarnHost": "You are not permitted to warn the Host.",
"StartCommandNoAccess": "You do not have access to the start command.",
"StartCommandDisabled": "The start command is currently disabled.",
"StartCommandCountdown": "ERROR\n\nThe game is already starting!",
"StartCommandStarted": "The game has been started by {0}!",
"StartCommandInvalidCountdown": "ERROR\n\nThe countdown must be between {0} and {1}!",
- "WarnCommandWarnMod": "You are not permitted to warn other moderators.",
+ "WarnCommandWarnMod": "You are not permitted to warn other Moderators.",
"WarnCommandWarned": "has been warned. There will be no more warnings given and appropriate action will be taken \n ",
"WarnExample": "Use /warn [id] [reason] in future. \nExample :-\n /warn 5 lava chatting",
"SayCommandDisabled": "The say command is currently disabled.",
@@ -2010,6 +2189,7 @@
"DeathReason.Sacrificed": "Sacrificed",
"DeathReason.Electrocuted": "Electrocuted",
"DeathReason.Scavenged": "Scavenged",
+ "DeathReason.BlastedOff": "Blasted Off",
"OnlyEnabledDeathReasons": "Only Enabled Death Reasons",
"Alive": "Alive",
"Disconnected": "Disconnected",
@@ -2022,6 +2202,7 @@
"Infected-": "Infected ",
"Contagious-": "Contagious ",
"Admired-": "Admired ",
+ "Enchanted-": "Enchanted ",
"DeputyHandcuffCooldown": "Handcuff Cooldown",
"DeputyHandcuffMax": "Maximum Handcuffs",
"DeputyHandcuffedPlayer": "Handcuffed target",
@@ -2071,11 +2252,11 @@
"Command.kill": "[Player ID] → Kill assigned player",
"Command.exe": "[Player ID] → Eject assigned player",
"Command.level": "[Level] → Change your in-game level",
- "Command.idlist": "→ Display a list of player IDs",
+ "Command.idlist": "→ Display a list of player ID's",
"Command.qq": "→ Lobby will be posted on QQ website (China only)",
"Command.dump": "→ Output Log to Desktop",
"Command.death": "→ Display info on how you died",
- "Command.icons": "
╳ - The Player was marked by the Blackmailer and can't talk during the Meeting
☆ - Used by Captain to display themselves. Only Crewmates can see the Captain's star
乂 - This player was hexed by the Hex Master and will die if the Hex Master isn't killed or ejected by the end of the Meeting.
♦ - Used by Lawyer or Executioner or Follower.
♥ - Used by Lovers or Romantic.
✚ - Used by Medic to mark their target.
⦿ - This player is in a duel with the Pirate.
!? - This player was marked by the Quizmaster and must answer the question correctly to survive.
☜ - Used by Schrödinger's cat to mark their teammate.
◈ - This player marked by the Shroud and will die if the Shroud is not killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
⚠ - This player is a Snitch or Solsticer who has finished their tasks.
★ - Used by Super Star or Cyber or Marshall.
† - This player was spelled and will die if the Witch is not killed by the end of the meeting.
∇ - Used by Kamikaze to mark their targets.
■ - Used by Lightning to mark their quantum ghosts.
⊠ - Used by Jailer to mark their prisoner.
● - Used by Baker to mark who has Bread.
♠ - Used by Soul Collector to mark who's death they're predicting.
⦿ - Used by Plaguebearer to mark who they have plagued.",
+ "Command.icons": "
╳ - The player was marked by the Blackmailer and can't talk during the meeting
☆ - Used by Captain to display themselves. Only Crewmates can see the Captain's star
乂 - This player was hexed by the Hex Master and will die if the Hex Master isn't killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
♦ - Used by Lawyer or Executioner or Follower.
♥ - Used by Lovers or Romantic.
✚ - Used by Medic to mark their target.
⦿ - This player is in a duel with the Pirate.
!? - This player was marked by the Quizmaster and must answer the question correctly to survive.
☜ - Used by Schrödinger's cat to mark their teammate.
◈ - This player marked by the Shroud and will die if the Shroud is not killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
⚠ - This player is a Snitch or Solsticer who has finished their tasks.
★ - Used by Super Star or Cyber or Marshall.
† - This player was spelled and will die if the Witch is not killed by the end of the Meeting.
∇ - Used by Kamikaze to mark their targets.
■ - Used by Lightning to mark their Quantum Ghosts.
⊠ - Used by Jailer to mark their prisoner.
● - Used by Baker to mark who has Bread.
♠ - Used by Soul Collector to mark who's death they're predicting.
⦿ - Used by Plaguebearer to mark who they have plagued.
♣ - Shown on the Coven member with the Necronomicon. This is only shown to Coven.
⌘ - This player is Jinxed. This is only shown to Coven.
ø - This player is Illusioned. This is only shown to Coven.
♻ - This player is Stoned. This is only shown to Coven.
✂ - This player is a Voodoo Doll. This is only shown to Coven.",
"Command.start": "[Seconds] → Start the game",
"Command.iconinfo": "→ Display info on in-meeting icons",
"Command.iconhelp": "→ Display info on in-meeting icons to everyone",
@@ -2085,13 +2266,15 @@
"Remaining.MadmateCount": "Madmates left: {0}",
"Remaining.NeutralCount": "Neutral Killers left: {0}",
"Remaining.ApocalypseCount": "Neutral Apocalypse left: {0}",
+ "Remaining.CovenCount": "Coven left: {0}",
"EnableKillerLeftCommand": "Enable use of /kcount command",
- "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "Show Madmates (including add-ons)",
+ "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "Show Madmates (including Add-ons)",
"ShowApocalypseInLeftCommand": "Show Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "ShowCovenInLeftCommand": "Show Coven",
"SeeEjectedRolesInMeeting": "See ejected roles in meetings",
"ThankYouForUsingTOHE": "Thank you for using TOHE!",
"SkillUsedLeft": "You have activated your skill to call a meeting. \nRemaining amount of uses left:",
- "NemesisDeadMsg": "The death of the Nemesis means the beginning of the revenge. \nPlease use /rv + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player IDs in front of their names. \nOr type /rv to get a list of player IDs",
+ "NemesisDeadMsg": "The death of the Nemesis means the beginning of the revenge. \nPlease use /rv + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /rv to get a list of player ID's",
"NemesisAliveKill": "Revenge for the Nemesis can only begin after their death.",
"NemesisKillDead": "Choose a living player to take revenge",
"NemesisKillSucceed": "[{0}] was killed by the Nemesis!",
@@ -2111,14 +2294,15 @@
"GuessGuardianTask": "You can't guess a Guardian who has finished their tasks.",
"GuardianCantKilled": "You can't kill a Guardian who has finished their tasks.",
"GuessMarshallTask": "You can't guess a Marshall who has finished their tasks.",
- "GuessObviousAddon": "Sorry, obvious add-ons cannot be guessed.",
- "GuessAdtRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow you to guess add-ons",
+ "GuessObviousAddon": "Sorry, obvious Add-ons cannot be guessed.",
+ "GuessAdtRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow you to guess Add-ons",
"GuessImpRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow Impostors to guess Impostor roles.",
- "GuessCrewRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow crewmates to guess crewmate roles.",
+ "GuessCrewRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow Crewmates to guess Crewmate roles.",
"GuessApocRole": "Fortunately, the Host's settings does not allow Apocalypse to guess Apocalypse roles.",
+ "GuessCovenRole": "Fortunately, the Host's settings does not allow Coven to guess Coven roles.",
"GuessKill": "{0} was guessed",
"GuessNull": "Please select an ID of a living player to guess their role",
- "GuessHelp": "Instructions: /bt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /bt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player IDs before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player IDs",
+ "GuessHelp": "Instructions: /bt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /bt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"GGGuessMax": "You've reached the maximum guess limit. You can't guess anymore!",
"EGGuessMax": "You've reached the maximum guess limit. You can't guess anymore!",
"EGGuessSnitchTaskDone": "You thought you could guess the Snitch when all their tasks are done? Nice try. You're not getting out of this that easily.",
@@ -2149,12 +2333,12 @@
"MediumNotifyTarget": "{0}, the Medium, has established contact with you. Before the end of this meeting, you have a chance to respond to their question. Type one of the following commands to answer:\nConfirm: /ms yes\nDeny: /ms no",
"MediumNotifySelf": "You established contact with {0}. Please ask them questions and wait for them to respond.\n\nRemaining ability uses: {1}",
"MediumKnowPlayerDead": "Someone died somewhere",
- "SpurtMinSpeed": "Min Speed",
- "SpurtMaxSpeed": "Max Speed",
+ "SpurtMinSpeed": "Minimum Speed",
+ "SpurtMaxSpeed": "Maximum Speed",
"SpurtModule": "Speed Modulator",
"EnableSpurtCharge": "Display The Charge",
"SpurtSuffix": "\n« Spurt: {0}% »",
- "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "Target Is Already Dead",
+ "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "Target is Already Dead",
"ByBard": "by Bard",
"ByBardGetFailed": "Oops, I seem to be out of inspiration.",
"GangsterSuccessfullyRecruited": "You successfully recruited a player",
@@ -2165,40 +2349,37 @@
"BecomeMadmateCuzMadmateMode": "You became a Madmate because you died",
"CleanerCleanBody": "The body has been cleaned",
"QuickShooterStoraging": "Bullets stored successfully",
- "QuickShooterFailed": "You are still in cooldown.",
- "PoisonerTargetDead": "Target died",
- "HexesLookLikeSpells": "Hexes appear as spells",
- "HexButtonText": "Hex",
- "BloodthirstAdded": "Your bloodthirst is now active!",
+ "QuickShooterFailed": "You are still in Cooldown.",
+ "BloodthirstAdded": "Your Bloodthirst is now active!",
"WarlockNoTarget": "Manipulation failed due to no target",
"WarlockNoTargetYet": "You haven't marked a target.",
"WarlockTargetDead": "Manipulation failed due to target dead",
"WarlockControlKill": "Target died",
"OnCelebrityDead": "Warning: Celebrity death!",
"OnCyberDead": "Warning: Cyber died!",
- "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "Everyone was teleported to vents",
+ "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "Everyone was teleported to Vents",
"TeleportedByTransporter": "Swapping places with: {0}",
"ErrorTeleport": "Teleport failed",
- "EraseLimit": "Max Erases",
+ "EraseLimit": "Maximum Erases",
"EraserHideVote": "Hide Eraser Votes",
"EraserEraseMsgTitle": "ERASER",
"EraserEraseNotice": "You erased {0}.\nTheir role will be deactivated after the meeting.",
"EraserEraseBaseImpostorOrNeutralRoleNotice": "Oops, your target cannot be erased!",
"EraserEraseSelf": "Unfortunately, you can't erase yourself... Wait, why would you do that in the first place?!",
- "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "You can't guess the role of the player you erased, except add-ons",
+ "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "You can't guess the role of the player you erased, except Add-ons",
"LostRoleByEraser": "You lost your role because of the Eraser",
"KilledByScavenger": "The Scavenger killed you and thus teleported off-map",
- "SnitchDoneTasks": "Call a meeting to find the impostors",
+ "SnitchDoneTasks": "Call a meeting to find the Impostors",
"SwooperCanVent": "Vent to turn invisible",
"SwooperInvisState": "You're invisible",
"SwooperInvisStateOut": "You're now visible",
- "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "Swoop cooldown isn't up yet. Swooping failed",
+ "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "Swoop Cooldown isn't up yet. Swooping failed",
"SwooperInvisStateCountdown": "Invisibility will expire after {0}s",
"SwooperInvisCooldownRemain": "Swoop Cooldown: {0}s",
"WraithCanVent": "Vent to turn invisible",
"WraithInvisState": "You are invisible",
"WraithInvisStateOut": "You are visible again",
- "WraithInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on cooldown, vanish failed",
+ "WraithInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, Vanish failed",
"WraithInvisStateCountdown": "Invisibility will expire in {0}s",
"WraithInvisCooldownRemain": "{0}s left in invisibility",
"WerewolfKillButtonText": "Maul",
@@ -2219,10 +2400,10 @@
"BittenByInfectious": "The Infectious infected you!",
"InfectiousBittenPlayer": "You successfully infected a player",
"GuessNotAllowed": "Sorry, your role does not have access to guessing.",
- "GuessOnbound": "This player has the Onbound add-on, so your guess on them was canceled.",
+ "GuessOnbound": "This player has the Onbound Add-on, so your guess on them was canceled.",
"GuessSpecter": "You can't guess a Specter. That allows them to win!",
"PacifistOnGuard": "Ability used, {0} uses remain",
- "PacifistSkillNotify": "Pacifist reset your kill cooldown",
+ "PacifistSkillNotify": "Pacifist reset your Kill Cooldown",
"BeRecruitedByJackal": "The Jackal has recruited you",
"YinYangerAlreadyMarked": "{0} is already in a state of calm, endowed by a fellow YinYanger",
"CoronerTrackRecorded": "Track recorded",
@@ -2246,26 +2427,27 @@
"MonarchInvalidTarget": "Target cannot be knighted",
"GhostTransformTitle": "Your Role Has Transformed!",
"SpiritcallerNoticeTitle": "YOU TURNED INTO AN EVIL SPIRIT ",
- "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "The Spiritcaller has killed you and turned you into an Evil Spirit. Your task now is to help the Spiritcaller to victory by using your spook button to hinder other players or to protect the Spiritcaller. Use /m for more information.",
+ "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "The Spiritcaller has killed you and turned you into an Evil Spirit. Your task now is to help the Spiritcaller to victory by using your Spook button to hinder other players or to protect the Spiritcaller. Use /m for more information.",
"OverseerRevealCooldown": "Reveal Cooldown",
"OverseerRevealTime": "Reveal Time",
"OverseerVision": "Overseer Vision",
- "MerchantMaxSell": "Max number of Add-ons to sell",
+ "MerchantMaxSell": "Maximum number of Add-ons to sell",
"MerchantMoneyPerSell": "Amount of money earned for selling an Add-on",
"MerchantMoneyRequiredToBribe": "Amount of money required to bribe a killer",
"MerchantNotifyBribery": "Inform Merchant when a killer gets bribed",
"MerchantTargetCrew": "Can sell to Crewmates",
"MerchantTargetImpostor": "Can sell to Impostors",
+ "MerchantTargetCoven": "Can sell to Coven",
"MerchantTargetNeutral": "Can sell to Neutrals",
"MerchantSellHelpful": "Can sell Helpful Add-ons",
"MerchantSellHarmful": "Can sell Harmful Add-ons",
"MerchantSellMixed": "Can sell Mixed Add-ons",
- "MerchantSellExperimental": "Can sell experimental Add-ons",
+ "MerchantSellExperimental": "Can sell Experimental Add-ons",
"MerchantSellHarmfulToEvil": "Can sell Harmful Add-ons only to Evil",
- "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "Can sell Helpful Add-ons only to Crew",
+ "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "Can sell Helpful Add-ons only to Crewmates",
"MerchantSellOnlyEnabledAddons": "Can sell only enabled Add-ons",
"SpiritcallerSpiritMax": "Maximum number of Evil Spirits",
- "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "Evil Spirit ability cooldown",
+ "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "Evil Spirit Ability Cooldown",
"SpiritcallerFreezeTime": "Evil Spirit ability freeze time",
"SpiritcallerProtectTime": "Evil Spirit ability protect time",
"SpiritcallerCauseVision": "Evil Spirit ability caused vision",
@@ -2274,31 +2456,31 @@
"Message.MessageWaitHelp": "Specify the first argument in seconds.",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundHost": "No templates.txt matching {0} were found",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundClient": "The Host doesn't have a template called {0}",
- "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "There are {0} more emergency buttons left",
+ "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "There are {0} more Emergency buttons left",
"Message.Executed": "{0} was executed",
- "Message.HideGameSettings": "The host has hidden the game settings.",
+ "Message.HideGameSettings": "The Host has hidden the game settings.",
"Message.NowOverrideText": "Please enter the root folder of the game.\\Language\\English.dat. Change this text in the dat file \nIf you don't need this feature or want to display regular /n messages. \nPlease disable [Enable only custom /n messages in the settings.]",
"Message.NoDescription": "No description",
"Message.KickedByDenyName": "{0} was kicked because its name matched {1}",
"Message.BannedByBanList": "{0} was banned because they were banned in the past.",
- "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0} has been banned because he is in the EAC list of Banned people.",
+ "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0} has been banned because he is in the EAC list of banned people.",
"Message.DumpfileSaved": "The log file was successfully saved to the desktop, filename: {0}",
"Message.DumpcmdUsed": "{0} used /dump command.",
- "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was kicked because their friend code is invalid.",
- "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was temporarily banned because their friend code is invalid.",
+ "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was kicked because their Friend Code is invalid.",
+ "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was temporarily banned because their Friend Code is invalid.",
"Message.AddedPlayerToBanList": "Added {0} to the ban list",
- "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0} has been kicked by the system. \nThe lobby host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
- "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0} has been warned: {1} times \nThe lobby host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
- "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0} has received {1} warnings, he will be kicked. \nThe lobby host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0} has been kicked by the system. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0} has been warned: {1} times \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0} has received {1} warnings, he will be kicked. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWord": "{0}, stop sending banned words!",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWordTimes": "{0} has been warned: {1} times \nif you continue you will be kicked",
"Message.KickWhoSayBanWordAfterWarn": "[{0}] received {1} warnings.\nHe was expelled for forbidden words",
- "Message.KickedByEAC": "[{0}]Kicked by EAC, reason:{1}",
- "Message.BannedByEAC": "[{0}]Banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
- "Message.NoticeByEAC": "[{0}]Detected:{1}",
- "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "[{0}]Temporary Banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.KickedByEAC": "[{0}]kicked by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.BannedByEAC": "[{0}]banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.NoticeByEAC": "[{0}]detected:{1}",
+ "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "[{0}]temporary banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
"Message.TempBannedForSpamQuitting": "{0} was temporary banned because of spamming quits",
- "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0} kicked because their friendcode was not found in WhiteList.txt",
+ "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0} kicked because their Friend Code was not found in WhiteList.txt",
"Message.SetLevel": "Your game level is set to: {0}",
"Message.SetColor": "Your color is set to: {0}",
"Message.SetName": "Your name is set to: {0}",
@@ -2314,7 +2496,7 @@
"Message.HostLeftGameInGame": "★Warning★ Host left the game, and the game wouldn't start normally next time. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
"Message.HostLeftGameInLobby": "★Warning★ Host left the game, and the game wouldn't start normally next time. If the new Host has TOHE, you need to re-enter the lobby to play normally.",
"Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host! \nThe room is still modded, start a game and end it immediately to reset the lobby!",
- "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host. \nBut it's not modded. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
+ "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host! \nBut it's not modded. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
"Message.LobbyShared": "The lobby has successfully been shared!",
"Message.LobbyShareFailed": "TOHE-Chan does not seem to be online (failed to share lobby)",
"Message.YTPlanDisabled": "ERROR\n\nPlease enable {0} in the Settings",
@@ -2322,12 +2504,14 @@
"Message.YTPlanSelectFailed": "You cannot be assigned as {0}.\nIt may be because you don't have this role enabled, or this role does not support being assigned.",
"Message.YTPlanCanNotFindRoleThePlayerEnter": "Could not find the role you searching\nUse command /r to show role list",
"Message.YTPlanNotice": "Note: The [YouTuber Plan] is enabled in this lobby, which means the Host can specify their role in the next game to make it easier to get content. If the Host abuses this feature, please exit the game or report it.\nCurrent Creator Credentials:",
- "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "ERROR\n\nThis command may only be used by the host.",
+ "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "ERROR\n\nThis command may only be used by the Host.",
"Message.MaxPlayers": "Maximum players set to ",
- "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "Could not set max players: Vanilla regions support a maximum of 15 players.",
+ "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "Could not set maximum players: Vanilla regions support a maximum of 15 players.",
"Message.GhostRoleInfo": "Ghost Role Info\nHiya! A little about ghost roles...\n\nGhost roles drastically impact the game, so it's not recommended for smaller lobbies if you're unfamiliar. If not explicitly stated otherwise in the description, the Guard button is their ability button ;)\n\nSpawning:\nGhost-roles only spawn after death; the first x people from (team) to die get them.\n\nPS: If your previous role didn't have tasks(e.g., sheriff), your tasks as a ghost-role aren't needed for task-win",
"ApocalypseInfoTitle": "Neutral Apocalypse Info:",
"Message.ApocalypseInfo": "Every role of the <#ff174f>Apocalypse Team has their own objective to carry out in order to transform.\n<#2B0804>Transformed <#ff174f>Apocalypse members have a drastic change on the game and are immortal (except for being voted), but everyone will be notified that they have transformed.\n\nRoles: <#e5f6b4>Plaguebearer, <#A675A1>Soul Collector, <#bf9f7a>Baker, <#cc0044>Berserker\nTransformed: <#343136>Pestilence, <#644661>Death, <#83461c>Famine, <#2B0804>War\n\nApocalypse members can see eachother's roles and ability icons.\nLike Neutral Killers, Apocalypse members keep the game going as well, have fun!",
+ "CovenInfoTitle": "Coven Info:",
+ "Message.CovenInfo": "The <#ac42f2>Coven is a faction of evildoers who specialize in Witchcraft. Their goal is to kill all who would oppose the <#ac42f2>Coven.\nThey use the Necronomicon to enhance their powers, but only one member at a time can hold it.\nMost Coven roles can only kill if they hold the Necronomicon. A random Coven member will spawn with the Necronomicon, denoted by the <#ac42f2>♣ symbol next to their name.\nIf the Necronomicon holder dies, the Necronomicon will be randomly given to another <#ac42f2>Coven member that is alive.\nDuring a meeting, Coven players can vote each other to determine who will gain the Necronomicon the following round. If the votes end in a tie or nobody votes, the Necronomicon holder will be the same. Votes will be returned and you will be allowed to vote normally.",
"Message.MeCommandInfo": "Hi [{0}] {1} !\n\nfriend-code Hash-Puid Type
{2} {3} {4}
IsDev HasUp /color-Bypass
{5} {6} {7}
"Message.MeCommandTargetInfo": "Selected [{0}] Player {1} ,\n\nTheir friend code is {2}.\n\nTheir hash puid is {3}.\n\nTheir TOHE Discord role is {4}.\n\n",
"Message.MeCommandInvalidID": "The ID you entered seems incorrect. \nPlease use /id to get the player ID of online players",
@@ -2349,18 +2533,18 @@
"EnableGadientTags": "Enable Gradient Tags (can cause disconnect issues)",
"Warning.GradientTags": "Warning:\n\nHost has enabled gradient tags. This feature is not recommended to use because it can cause disconnect issues",
"WarningTitle": "Warning!",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "Warning! The vents on this map are broken",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "On the «dlekS ehT» map, the vents are broken, they cannot be fixed in host-only mods, this is a vanilla bug, so any roles using vent as an ability will not spawns on this map",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "Warning! The Vents on this map are broken",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "On the «dlekS ehT» map, the Vents are broken, they cannot be fixed in Host-Only Mods, this is a vanilla bug, so any roles using a Vent as an ability will not spawns on this map",
"Warning.NoGameEndIsEnabled": "Warning: {0} is enabled!",
"AntiBlackoutProtectionTitle": "Anti Blackout",
"Warning.AntiBlackoutProtectionMsg": "Warning:\n\rBlack screen protection has been activated, due to the low number of alive Impostors, Crewmates and Neutral Killers\nThe voting screen will show as a tied vote (only affects the visual, not the results voting)\nModded players will see voting screen normally",
"Warning.ShowAntiBlackExiledPlayer": "Last meeting triggered Black Screen Prevention!\nFollowing is the information of the player exiled in the last meeting.\n",
"DisableAntiBlackoutProtects": "Disable AntiBlackout Protects (Recommended for testing)",
- "Warning.InvalidRpc": "Kicked {0} because an invalid RPC was received.\nPlease check that no mods other than TOHE are installed.",
- "Warning.NoModHost": "TOHE is not installed on the host",
+ "Warning.InvalidRpc": "Kicked {0} because an invalid RPC was received.\nPlease check that no Mods other than TOHE are installed.",
+ "Warning.NoModHost": "TOHE is not installed on the Host",
"Warning.MismatchedVersion": "{0} has a different version of {1}",
- "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "The host has no or a different version of {0}\nYou will be kicked in {1}",
- "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "The use of the console is prohibited\nso your console has been off",
+ "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "The Host has no or a different version of {0}\nYou will be kicked in {1}",
+ "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "The use of the Console is prohibited\nso your Console has been off",
"Error.MeetingException": "Error: {0}\r\nPlease use SHIFT+M+ENTER to end the meeting",
"Error.InvalidRoleAssignment": "Error: Invalid role found for a player during role assignment({0})",
"Error.InvalidColor": "Error: Only default colors are available",
@@ -2374,7 +2558,7 @@
"ERR-000-910-1": "Test Error Lv.1",
"ERR-000-920-2": "Test Error Lv.2",
"ERR-000-930-3": "Test Error Lv.3",
- "ERR-000-804-1": "Sorry, TOHE temporarily not support the Vanilla HnS, so mod unloaded",
+ "ERR-000-804-1": "Sorry, TOHE temporarily doesn't support vanilla Hide & Seek, so Mod unloaded",
"ERR-001-000-3": "Main dictionary has duplicated keys.",
"ERR-002-000-1": "Unsupported Among Us version. Please update Among Us",
"DefaultSystemMessageTitle": "SYSTEM MESSAGE",
@@ -2403,16 +2587,18 @@
"TabGroup.ModifierSettings": "Game Modifiers",
"TabGroup.CrewmateRoles": "Crewmate Roles",
"TabGroup.NeutralRoles": "Neutral Roles",
+ "TabGroup.CovenRoles": "Coven Roles",
"TabGroup.ImpostorRoles": "Impostor Roles",
"TabGroup.Addons": "Add-Ons",
- "TabMenuDescription_General": "Here you can configure the functions that are in the mod",
- "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "Here you can add, remove and change the settings of all roles or add-ons in the mod",
+ "TabMenuDescription_General": "Here you can configure the functions that are in the Mod",
+ "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "Here you can add, remove and change the settings of all Roles or Add-ons in the Mod",
"Experimental.Roles": "★ Experimental Roles (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
"ActiveRolesList": "Active Roles List",
"ForExample": "Example Use",
"ImpCanBeGuesser": "Impostors can become Guesser",
"CrewCanBeGuesser": "Crewmates can become Guesser",
"NeutralCanBeGuesser": "Neutrals can become Guesser",
+ "CovenCanBeGuesser": "Coven can become Guesser",
"CrewCanBeMundane": "Crewmates can become Mundane",
"NeutralCanBeMundane": "Neutrals can become Mundane",
"GuessedAsMundane": "You're Mundane.\nYou can't guess until you finish all the tasks",
@@ -2420,22 +2606,23 @@
"ImpCanBeInLove": "Impostors can be in love",
"CrewCanBeInLove": "Crewmates can be in love",
"NeutralCanBeInLove": "Neutrals can be in love",
+ "CovenCanBeInLove": "Coven can be in love",
"updateButton": "Update",
"updatePleaseWait": "Please Wait...",
- "updateManually": "Update failed.\nPlease try again or Update Manually.",
+ "updateManually": "Update failed.\nPlease try again or update manually.",
"updateInProgress": "Updating...",
"deletingFiles": "Deleting update files...",
- "updateRestart": "Update Finished!\nPlease restart the game.",
- "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "You can't join public rooms without the latest version.\nPlease Update.",
+ "updateRestart": "Update finished!\nPlease restart the game.",
+ "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "You can't join public rooms without the latest version.\nPlease update.",
"ModBrokenMessage": "The MOD file is damaged.\nPlease reinstall.",
"UnsupportedVersion": "Unsupported Among Us version.\nPlease Update Among Us",
"DisabledByProgram": "The program has disabled public rooms",
- "EnterVentToWin": "Enter Vent to Win!!",
+ "EnterVentToWin": "Enter a Vent to Win!!",
"EatenByPelican": "You're swallowed, waiting for the Pelican to die or a meeting",
"FireworkerPutPhase": "{0} Fireworker Left",
"FireworkerWaitPhase": "Wait for it...",
"FireworkerReadyFirePhase": "Fire!",
- "EnterVentWinCountDown": "Enter vent within {0} seconds to win!",
+ "EnterVentWinCountDown": "Enter a Vent within {0} seconds to win!",
"On": "ON",
"Off": "OFF",
"ColoredOn": "ON",
@@ -2444,11 +2631,7 @@
"WitchCurrentMode": "Current Mode",
"WitchModeKill": "Kill",
"WitchModeSpell": "Spell",
- "HexMasterModeHex": "Hex",
- "HexMasterModeKill": "Kill",
- "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "Poison",
"WitchModeDouble": "Double Click = Kill, Single Click = Spell",
- "HexMasterModeDouble": "Double Click = Kill, Single Click = Hex",
"BountyCurrentTarget": "Current Target",
"Roles": "Roles",
"Settings": "Settings",
@@ -2457,7 +2640,7 @@
"LastEndReason": "★ End Reason",
"KillLog": "Kill Log",
"MainRoleLog": "Role Convert Log",
- "Maximum": "Max",
+ "Maximum": "Maximum",
"RoleRate": "ON",
"RoleOn": "ALWAYS",
"RoleOff": "OFF",
@@ -2490,7 +2673,7 @@
"Preset_4": "Preset 4",
"Preset_5": "Preset 5",
"Standard": "Standard",
- "HidenSeekTOHE": "Hide And Seek",
+ "HidenSeekTOHE": "Hide & Seek",
"GameMode": "Game Mode",
"PressTabToNextPage": "Press Tab or Number for Next Page...",
"RoleSummaryText": "Role Summary:",
@@ -2577,7 +2760,7 @@
"IllegalColor": "Please enter the correct color",
"DisableUseCommand": "The Host's settings do not allow this command to be used.",
"SureUse.quit": "We will kick you and block you from entering this lobby again. This setting is irreversible. If you really want it, please send the command /qt {0}",
- "PlayerIdList": "List of player IDs: ",
+ "PlayerIdList": "List of player ID's: ",
"CancelStartCountDown": "The starting countdown was canceled",
"RestTOHESetting": "TOHE settings have been restored to default",
"FPSSetTo": "FPS Set To: {0}",
@@ -2602,13 +2785,13 @@
"Yes": "Yes",
"No": "No",
"AntiBlackOutLoggerSendInGame": "Because of an unknown error, the game will end to prevent a black screen.",
- "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "An error occurred to prevent a black screen. Do a «/dump» and send the logs to the discord server TOHE in «bug-reports» and we will try to fix it.",
- "EndWhenPlayerBug": "End the game when a modded player gets a critical error (While loading)",
+ "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "An error occurred to prevent a black screen. Do a «/dump» and send the logs to the Discord server TOHE in «bug-reports» and we will try to fix it.",
+ "EndWhenPlayerBug": "End the game when a Modded player gets a critical error (While loading)",
"AntiBlackOutRequestHostToForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen. The game will end",
- "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen, and the host is not going to end the game\nYou will be disconnected soon",
+ "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen, and the Host is not going to end the game\nYou will be disconnected soon",
"RpcAntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred. To prevent a black screen, turn off [{1}] in settings.",
"RpcAntiBlackOutEndGame": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred, the game will end to prevent a black screen.",
- "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred, RPC will be ignored.",
+ "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred, but the game will continue without that player due to Host settings.",
"RpcAntiBlackOutKicked": "{0} was kicked due to having a blackout error on its side.",
"NextPage": "Next Page",
"PreviousPage": "Previous Page",
@@ -2630,7 +2813,7 @@
"ExiledInnocentTargetAddBelow": "\nLooking back at the Innocent counts the money in their hands",
"ExiledInnocentTargetInOneLine": "{0} was the {1}.\nBut looking back, there's the Innocent counting the money in their hands....\nGG!",
"ExiledDeath": "{0} was {1}!\nThe Crew has been saved from Armageddon!",
- "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} was the {1}.\nBut they were not Death...\nDeath has claimed the souls of the Crew!",
+ "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} was the {1}.\nBut they were not Death...\nDeath has claimed the Souls of the Crew!\nGG!",
"IsGood": "{0} was a good guy",
"BelongTo": "{0} belongs to {1}",
"PlayerIsRole": "{0} was The {1}",
@@ -2643,15 +2826,16 @@
"NeutralRemain": "\n{0} Neutral Killers remain",
"OneNeutralRemain": "\n{0} Neutral Killer remains",
"ApocRemain": "\n{0} Neutral Apocalypse remains",
- "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "All Impostors and Neutral Killers were ejected or killed",
+ "CovenRemain": "\n{0} Coven remain",
+ "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "All Impostors and Neutral Killers and Coven were ejected or killed",
"GameOverReason.HumansByTask": "The Crewmates completed all tasks",
"GameOverReason.HumansDisconnect": "Crewmates disconnected",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByVote": "The Crewmates were ejected",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByKill": "The Impostors killed everyone",
- "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "Crewmates failed to fix a critical sabotage",
+ "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "Crewmates failed to fix a Critical Sabotage",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorDisconnect": "Impostors disconnected",
"FortuneTellerCheck.TaskDone": "[{0}]Role -[{1}]",
- "DevAndSpnTitle": "TOHE family",
+ "DevAndSpnTitle": "TOHE Family",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Null": "{0} is a role that is not listed.\nThis message should not appear normally.",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Result": "{0} is either one of the following roles:\n{1}",
"SunnyboyChance": "Sunnyboy Chance",
@@ -2687,18 +2871,18 @@
"DeathCmd.Misfired": "You misfired.",
"DeathCmd.Shrouded": "You were shrouded by a Shroud and didn't make a kill, so you suicided.",
"DeathCmd.Lovers": "Your lover had died.",
- "RpsCommandInfo": "This Command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rps X to play Rock Paper Scissors with the system. X can be 0 (rock), 1 (paper) or 2 (scissors). \n\nExample :- /rps 0",
+ "RpsCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rps X to play Rock Paper Scissors with the system. X can be 0 (rock), 1 (paper) or 2 (scissors). \n\nExample :- /rps 0",
"RpsDraw": "I choose {0}\n\nWow, what an intense battle of wits we just had! It's almost as if we're equally matched in this game of sheer luck and randomness.",
"RpsLose": "I choose {0}\n\nWell, well, well, looks like I've managed to outsmart a human again in this highly complex game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. I guess my unbeatable powers strike again! ",
- "RpsWin": "I choose {0}\n\nOh, congratulations! You must have a crystal ball hidden behind that screen to beat me at Rock, Paper, Scissors. Or maybe I have the world's worst luck algorithm.",
- "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "This Command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.",
+ "RpsWin": "I choose {0}\n\nOh, congratulations! You must have a Crystal Ball hidden behind that screen to beat me at Rock, Paper, Scissors. Or maybe I have the world's worst luck algorithm.",
+ "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.",
"CoinFlipResult": "Drumroll, please... After an intense battle of gravity and randomness, the coin has decided to grace us with its presence! And the majestic winner is... (wait for it) ... the one and only... {0}! Who could have seen that coming?! Clearly, a momentous occasion in the history of coin flips.",
- "GNoCommandInfo": "This Command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /gno X to play guess a number. X can be a number between 0 and 99 (both included). \n\nYou get maximum of 7 tries to guess the number.\n\n Example:- /gno 10",
+ "GNoCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /gno X to play guess a number. X can be a number between 0 and 99 (both included). \n\nYou get maximum of 7 tries to guess the number.\n\n Example:- /gno 10",
"GNoLost": "Oh, you were so close! Just one more guess: you might have deciphered the Da Vinci code! By the way, the secret number was... {0}! But hey, you were only off by a few billion possibilities. Better luck next time, Sherlock! ",
"GNoLow": "Oh, you're really nailing this! It's so low. I almost need a shovel to dig it up!\nYou have {0} guesses left!",
"GNoHigh": "Oh, absolutely! You're getting warmer. In fact, it's so high that I need a telescope to see it from here! \nYou have {0} guesses left!",
"GNoWon": "Oh, how did you ever figure that out? It's almost like you're a mind reader! Congratulations, you're a genius! You found the secret number with {0} guesses left!",
- "RandCommandInfo": "This Command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rand X Y to get a number between X and Y, inclusive. \nX and Y can be any number between 0 and 2147483647, including both numbers.\nX must be less than Y.\n\nExample:- /rand 0 99",
+ "RandCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rand X Y to get a number between X and Y, inclusive. \nX and Y can be any number between 0 and 2147483647, including both numbers.\nX must be less than Y.\n\nExample:- /rand 0 99",
"RandResult": "Congratulations, your random number is {0}! Wasn't that fun?",
"8BallTitle": "The Magic 8 Ball Reveals...",
"8BallYes": "Yes",
@@ -2709,7 +2893,7 @@
"8BallNotLikely": "Outlook not so good",
"8BallLikely": "Outlook good",
"8BallDontCount": "Don't count on it",
- "8BallStop": "Stop using an 8Ball in an Among Us mod",
+ "8BallStop": "Stop using an 8Ball in an Among Us Mod",
"8BallPossibly": "Possibly",
"8BallProbably": "Probably",
"8BallProbablyNot": "Probably not",
@@ -2718,20 +2902,20 @@
"8BallWithoutDoubt": "Without a doubt",
"8BallWithDoubt": "Very doubtful",
"ChanceToMiss": "Chance to miss a kill",
- "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "Required number of souls",
+ "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "Required number of Souls",
"SoulCollectorTarget": "You have predicted the death of {0}",
"SoulCollectorTitle": "SOUL COLLECTOR",
- "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "Can collect their own soul",
- "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "Host settings do not allow you to collect your own soul",
+ "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "Can collect their own Soul",
+ "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "Host settings do not allow you to collect your own Soul",
"SoulCollectorToDeath": "You have become Death!!!",
"SoulCollectorTransform": "Now Soul Collector has become Death, Destroyer of Worlds and Horseman of the Apocalypse!
Find them and vote them out before they bring forth Armageddon!",
- "GetPassiveSouls": "Gain a passive soul every round",
- "PassiveSoulGained": "You have gained a passive soul from the underworld.",
+ "GetPassiveSouls": "Gain a passive Soul every round",
+ "PassiveSoulGained": "You have gained a passive Soul from the underworld.",
"SoulCollectorTargetUsed": "You've already targeted someone this round!",
"SoulCollectorSoulGained": "Soul gained",
"SoulCollectorCanVent": "Soul Collector can Vent",
"DeathMeetingTimeIncrease": "Increased Meeting time when Death exists",
- "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "Your target has died during the meeting. You have gained a soul.",
+ "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "Your target has died during the meeting. You have gained a Soul.",
"SoulCollectorKillButtonText": "Predict",
"SoulCollectorHasImpostorVision": "Soul Collector has Impostor vision",
"ApocalypseIsNigh": "[ The Apocalypse Is Nigh! ]",
@@ -2754,21 +2938,21 @@
"BakerBreadGivesEffects": "Bread gives additional effects",
"BakerTransformNoMoreBread": "Baker transforms if they do not have enough bread",
"FamineKillButtonText": "Starve",
- "FamineStarveCooldown": "Famine starve cooldown",
+ "FamineStarveCooldown": "Famine Starve Cooldown",
"FamineCantStarveApoc": "You cannot starve other Apocalypse members!",
"FamineAlreadyStarved": "That player has already been starved!",
"FamineStarved": "Player starved",
"ChronomancerKillCooldown": "Ability Charge Time",
"ChronomancerDecreaseTime": "Slaughter Decrease Time (lower is faster)",
"ChronomancerStartMassacre": "SLAUGHTER: ACTIVATED",
- "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "Vision When In Slaughter",
+ "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "Vision When in Slaughter",
"ShamanButtonText": "Voodoo",
- "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "You have already selected a voodoo doll in this round",
+ "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "You have already selected a Voodoo Doll in this round",
"Shaman_KillerCannotMurderChosenTarget": "The killer cannot murder chosen target",
"VoodooCooldown": "Voodoo Cooldown",
"AdminWarning": "Admin Table in use!",
"VitalsWarning": "Vitals in use!",
- "DoorlogWarning": "Doorlogs in use!",
+ "DoorlogWarning": "DoorLogs in use!",
"CameraWarning": "Cameras in use!",
"MinWaitAutoStart": "Minutes to wait before auto-starting",
"MaxWaitAutoStart": "Force start when Lobby Timer (in minutes) goes below",
@@ -2789,39 +2973,39 @@
"TimeMasterVentButtonText": "Time Shield",
"BodyCannotBeReported": "Body could not be reported",
"BurstKillDelay": "Burst Kill Delay",
- "BurstNotify": "That was a Burst! Get in a vent or die.",
+ "BurstNotify": "That was a Burst! Get in a Vent or die.",
"BurstFailed": "Burst failed to bomb you",
"ShroudButtonText": "Shroud",
"ShroudCooldown": "Shroud Cooldown",
"Message.Shrouded": "One or more players were shrouded by a Shroud!\n\nGet rid of the Shroud or all shrouded players will suicide!",
- "LudopathRandomKillCD": "Maximum kill cooldown",
+ "LudopathRandomKillCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
"UnderdogMaximumPlayersNeededToKill": "Maximum players needed to start killing",
"GodfatherTargetCountMode": "Killer turns into",
"GodfatherCount_Refugee": "Refugee",
"GodfatherCount_Madmate": "Madmate",
"GodfatherRefugeeMsg": "You have been recruited by GodFather!",
- "MissChance": "Chance To Miss",
- "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "Increase The KillCount +1 If a Crew Is Converted",
+ "MissChance": "Chance to Miss",
+ "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "Increase the KillCount +1 if a Crewmate is Converted",
"HawkMissed": "Missed!",
- "HawkCanKillNum": "Max Slices",
+ "HawkCanKillNum": "Maximum Slices",
"HawkKillMax": "You've run out of ability uses",
"HawkKillTooManyDead": "Too many people are dead",
- "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "Minimum Players Alive To Kill",
- "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "Max BloodLettings",
+ "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "Minimum Players Alive to Kill",
+ "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "Maximum BloodLettings",
"BloodMoonTimeTilDie": "Time Until Death",
"PossessorPossessCooldown": "Possession Cooldown",
"PossessorPossessDuration": "Possession Duration",
"PossessorAlertRange": "Alert Range",
"PossessorFocusRange": "Focus Range",
"DeathTimer": "Death In: {DeathTimer}s",
- "BerserkerKillCooldown": "Berserker kill cooldown",
- "BerserkerMax": "Max level that Berserker can reach",
+ "BerserkerKillCooldown": "Berserker Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerMax": "Maximum level that Berserker can reach",
"BerserkerHasImpostorVision": "Berserker Has Impostor Vision",
"WarHasImpostorVision": "War Has Impostor Vision",
"BerserkerCanVent": "Berserker Can Vent",
"WarCanVent": "War Can Vent",
- "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "Unlock lower kill cooldown",
- "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "Kill cooldown after unlocking",
+ "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "Unlock lower Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after unlocking",
"BerserkerTwoCanScavenger": "Unlock scavenged kills",
"BerserkerThreeCanBomber": "Unlock bombed kills",
"BerserkerFourCanNotKill": "Become War",
@@ -2831,7 +3015,7 @@
"KilledByBerserker": "Killed by Berserker",
"BerserkerToWar": "You have become War!!!",
"BerserkerTransform": "The Berserker has transformed into War, Horseman of the Apocalypse! Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war.",
- "WarKillCooldown": "War kill cooldown",
+ "WarKillCooldown": "War Kill Cooldown",
"BerserkerCanKillTeamate": "Can kill other Neutral Apocalypse",
"BlackmailerSkillCooldown": "Blackmail Cooldown",
"BlackmailerMax": "Maximum times blackmailed players may speak",
@@ -2839,7 +3023,7 @@
"BlackmaileKillTitle": "BLACKMAILER",
"UnluckyTaskSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from doing tasks",
"UnluckyKillSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from killing",
- "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from venting",
+ "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from Venting",
"UnluckyReportSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from reporting bodies",
"UnluckyOpenDoorSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from opening a door",
"NeutralCanBeAware": "Neutrals can become Aware",
@@ -2860,7 +3044,7 @@
"PenguinKillButtonText": "Drag",
"PenguinTimerText": "Drag Timer",
"PenguinTargetOnCheckMurder": "You are grabbed. Try to escape that first!",
- "WitnessTime": "Max Time after killing where killer appears red",
+ "WitnessTime": "Maximum Time after killing where killer appears red",
"WitnessButtonText": "Examine",
"WitnessFoundInnocent": "✓",
"WitnessFoundKiller": "⚠",
@@ -2871,7 +3055,7 @@
"SwapVote": "The votes of {0} and {1} were swapped!",
"SwapDead": "Sorry, you can't swap votes after death.",
"SwapNull": "Please choose the ID of a living player to swap votes with. Use 253 to clear swaps",
- "SwapHelp": "Command Format: /sw [playerID] to select the target\nYou can see the player IDs next to the player names or use /id to see the player ID list.\nUse /swap 253 to clear your previous swap",
+ "SwapHelp": "Command Format: /sw [player ID] to select the target\nYou can see the player ID's next to the player names or use /id to see the player ID list.\nUse /swap 253 to clear your previous swap",
"Swap1": "Swap target 1 selected",
"Swap2": "Swap target 2 selected",
"CancelSwap": "Cleared your previous swap!",
@@ -2883,6 +3067,7 @@
"ImpCanKillFragile": "Impostors can force kill Fragile",
"NeutralCanKillFragile": "Neutrals can force kill Fragile",
"CrewCanKillFragile": "Crewmates can force kill Fragile",
+ "CovenCanKillFragile": "Coven can force kill Fragile",
"FragileKillerLunge": "Killer lunges on kill",
"CrusaderSkillLimit": "Maximum Crusades",
"CrusaderSkillCooldown": "Crusade Cooldown",
@@ -2893,11 +3078,11 @@
"ChanceToSpawn": "Chance to spawn",
"ChanceToSpawnAnother": "Chance to spawn another",
"BloodthirstKillCD": "Bloodthirst Kill Cooldown",
- "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "Max players alive for Bloodthirst",
+ "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "Maximum players alive for Bloodthirst",
"ReflectHarmfulInteractions": "Reflect harmful interactions",
- "DiseasedCDOpt": "Increase the cooldown by",
+ "DiseasedCDOpt": "Increase the Cooldown by",
"DiseasedCDReset": "Cooldown returns to normal after a meeting",
- "AntidoteCDOpt": "Decrease the cooldown by",
+ "AntidoteCDOpt": "Decrease the Cooldown by",
"AntidoteCDReset": "Cooldown returns to normal after a meeting",
"GlowRadius": "Glow Radius",
"GlowVisionOthers": "Vision Boost for nearby Players",
@@ -2914,10 +3099,10 @@
"PunchingBagKill": "You were attacked!",
"SelfGuessPunchingBag": "You can't self-guess as a Punching Bag, you cheater!",
"GuessPunchingBagBlocked": "Punching Bag cannot guess due to self-guessing.",
- "EradicatePunchingBag": "You just tried to terminate punching bag, that is not allowed.",
+ "EradicatePunchingBag": "You just tried to terminate Punching Bag, that is not allowed.",
"RememberCooldown": "Imitate Cooldown",
"RefugeeKillCD": "Refugee's Kill Cooldown",
- "RememberedNeutralKiller": "You remembered you were a neutral killer!",
+ "RememberedNeutralKiller": "You remembered you were a Neutral killer!",
"RememberedMaverick": "You remembered you were a Maverick!",
"RememberedPursuer": "You remembered you were a Pursuer!",
"RememberedFollower": "You remembered you were a Follower!",
@@ -2926,12 +3111,12 @@
"ReportWhenFailedRemember": "Report Dead Body when failed to remember",
"RememberedImitator": "You remembered you were an Imitator.",
"RememberedImpostor": "You remembered you were an Impostor!",
- "RememberedCrewmate": "You remembered you were a crewmate!",
+ "RememberedCrewmate": "You remembered you were a Crewmate!",
"ImitatorImitated": "An Imitator imitated your role!",
"ImitatorInvalidTarget": "Imitation failed",
"RememberButtonText": "Remember",
"ImitatorKillButtonText": "Imitate",
- "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "If neutral is incompatible, turn into",
+ "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "If Neutral is incompatible, turn into",
"RememberedYourRole": "An Amnesiac remembered your role!",
"YouRememberedRole": "You remembered who you were!",
"BanditStealMode": "Steal Mode",
@@ -2939,23 +3124,19 @@
"BanditStealMode_Instantly": "Instantly",
"BanditMaxSteals": "Maximum Steals",
"BanditCanStealBetrayalAddon": "Can Steal Betrayal Add-ons",
- "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "Can Steal Impostor Only Addons",
- "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "Could not steal add-on from the player",
- "BanditStealCooldown": "Steal cooldown",
+ "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "Can Steal Impostor Only Add-ons",
+ "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "Could not steal Add-on from the player",
+ "BanditStealCooldown": "Steal Cooldown",
"DoppelMaxSteals": "Maximum Steals",
- "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "Last victim can see role and add-on info of alive players as a ghost",
- "NecromancerRevengeTime": "Necromancy time",
- "NecromancerRevenge": "You have {0}s to kill {1}",
- "NecromancerSuccess": "Necromancy complete! You live to see another day.",
- "NecromancerHide": "Venting is disabled, hide from the Necromancer!",
- "RetributionistDeadMsg": "The death of the Retributionist means the beginning of retribution. \nPlease use /ret + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player IDs in front of their names. \nOr type /ret to get a list of player IDs",
+ "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "Last victim can see Role and Add-on info of alive players as a ghost",
+ "RetributionistDeadMsg": "The death of the Retributionist means the beginning of retribution. \nPlease use /ret + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /ret to get a list of player ID's",
"RetributionistAliveKill": "Retribution for the Retributionist may only begin after their death.",
"RetributionistKillMax": "You've reached the maximum amount of kills. You can't kill anymore!",
"RetributionistKillDead": "Choose a living player to kill.",
"RetributionistKillSucceed": "{0} was killed by the Retributionist!",
"RetributionistKillDisable": "You can't retribute until your tasks are done.",
"CanOnlyRetributeWithTasksDone": "Can only retribute on task completion",
- "RetributionistCanKillNum": "Max retributions",
+ "RetributionistCanKillNum": "Maximum retributions",
"RetributionistKillTooManyDead": "Too many players are dead. You can't retribute.",
"MinimumPlayersAliveToRetri": "Minimum players alive to retribute",
"MinimumNoKillerEjectsToKill": "Minimum meetings passed with no killer ejects to kill",
@@ -2974,37 +3155,39 @@
"CaptainCanTargetNC": "Captain can target Neutral Chaos",
"CaptainCanTargetNA": "Captain can target Neutral Apocalypse",
"CaptainCanTargetNK": "Captain can target Neutral Killer",
+ "CaptainCanTargetCoven": "Captain can target Coven",
"CaptainSpeedReduced": "Captain reduced your speed",
"CaptainRevealTaskRequired": "Number of tasks completed after which Captain is revealed",
"CaptainSlowTaskRequired": "Number of tasks completed after which target speed is reduced",
"InspectorTryHideMsg": "Hide Inspector's commands",
- "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "Max inspections per game",
- "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "Max inspections per meeting",
+ "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "Maximum inspections per game",
+ "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum inspections per meeting",
"InspectCheckTargetKnow": "Targets know they were checked by Inspector",
"InspectCheckOtherTargetKnow": "Targets know who they were checked with",
"InspectorDead": "You can not use your power after death",
- "InspectCheckMax": "Max inspections per game reached!\nYou can not use your power anymore.",
- "InspectCheckRound": "Max inspections per round reached!\nYou can check again in the next round.",
+ "InspectCheckMax": "Maximum inspections per game reached!\nYou can not use your power anymore.",
+ "InspectCheckRound": "Maximum inspections per round reached!\nYou can check again in the next round.",
"InspectCheckSelf": "HA!! You thought it would be this easy. You can not check yourself",
"InspectCheckReveal": "HA! You thought it would be this easy. You can not check a role that is revealed",
"InspectCheckTitle": "INSPECTOR ",
"InspectCheckTrue": "{0} and {1} are in the same team!",
"InspectCheckFalse": "{0} and {1} are NOT in the same team!",
"InspectCheckTargetMsg": " were checked by Inspector.",
- "InspectCheckHelp": "Instructions: /cmp [Player ID 1] [Player ID 2] \nExample: /cmp 1 5 \nYou can see the player IDs before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player IDs",
+ "InspectCheckHelp": "Instructions: /cmp [Player ID 1] [Player ID 2] \nExample: /cmp 1 5 \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"InspectCheckNull": "Please select an ID of a living player to check their team",
"InspectCheckBaitCountMode": "Bait counts as revealing role if Bait reveal on first meeting is on",
"InspectCheckRevealTarget": "When tasks are done, the target knows the team of the other target",
"InspectorTargetReveal": " Looks like {0} is aligned with team {1}",
"EgoistCountMode.Original": "Original",
"EgoistCountMode.Neutral": "Neutral",
- "JailerJailCooldown": "Jail cooldown",
+ "JailerJailCooldown": "Jail Cooldown",
"JailerMaxExecution": "Maximum executions",
"JailerNBCanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Benign",
"JailerNCCanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Chaos",
"JailerNECanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Evil",
"JailerNKCanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Killing",
"JailerNACanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "JailerCovenCanBeExe": "Can execute Coven",
"JailerCKCanBeExe": "Can execute Crew Killing",
"JailerTargetAlreadySelected": "You have already selected a target",
"SuccessfullyJailed": "Target successfully jailed",
@@ -3013,40 +3196,43 @@
"CanNotTrialJailed": "You can not trial the target.",
"notifyJailedOnMeeting": "Notify jailed player when a meeting starts",
"JailedNotifyMsg": "The Jailer has jailed you. No one can guess or judge you. You can only guess The Jailer.\n\nIf Jailer votes you, you will be executed after the meeting ends.",
- "JailerTitle": "Jailer",
- "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "Copy cooldown",
+ "JailerTitle": "JAILER",
+ "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "Copy Cooldown",
"CopyCatRoleChange": "Your role has been changed to {0}",
"CopyCatCanNotCopy": "You can not copy the target's role",
"CopyButtonText": "Copy",
- "CopyCrewVar": "Can copy evil variants of crew roles",
- "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "Can copy team changing add-on",
- "MaxCleanserUses": "Max cleanses",
+ "CopyCrewVar": "Can copy evil variants of Crewmate roles",
+ "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "Can copy team changing Add-on",
+ "MaxCleanserUses": "Maximum Cleanses",
"CleansedCanGetAddon": "Cleansed player can get Add-on",
"CleanserTitle": "CLEANSER",
"CleanserRemoveSelf": "You can not cleanse yourself",
- "CleanserCantRemove": "Oops! the player can not be cleansed.",
+ "CleanserCantRemove": "Oops! the player can not be Cleansed.",
"CleanserRemovedRole": "{0} has been cleansed. All their Add-ons will be removed after the meeting.\n\nYour vote has been returned and you can vote for someone.",
- "LostAddonByCleanser": "The cleanser removed all your Add-ons",
- "MaxProtections": "Max protections",
+ "LostAddonByCleanser": "The Cleanser removed all your Add-ons",
+ "MaxProtections": "Maximum Protections",
"KeeperHideVote": "Hide Keeper's vote",
"KeeperProtect": "You chose to protect {0}, your vote has been returned",
- "KeeperTitle": "Keeper",
+ "KeeperTitle": "KEEPER",
"MaulRadius": "Maul Radius",
"ImpKnowCyberDead": "Impostors know if Cyber died",
"CrewKnowCyberDead": "Crewmates know if Cyber died",
"NeutralKnowCyberDead": "Neutrals know if Cyber died",
+ "CovenKnowCyberDead": "Coven know if Cyber died",
"CyberKnown": "Everyone can see Cyber",
"KillerGetBewilderVision": "Killer gets Bewilder's vision",
"ImpCanBeOiiai": "Impostors can be OIIAI",
"CrewCanBeOiiai": "Crewmates can be OIIAI",
"NeutralCanBeOiiai": "Neutrals can be OIIAI",
+ "CovenCanBeOiiai": "Coven can be OIIAI",
"OiiaiCanPassOn": "OIIAI can pass on to the killer",
"NeutralChangeRolesForOiiai": "Neutrals turns to ",
"LostRoleByOiiai": "You got erased by OIIAI!",
"ImpCanBeLoyal": "Impostors can become Loyal",
"CrewCanBeLoyal": "Crewmates can become Loyal",
+ "CovenCanBeLoyal": "Coven can become Loyal",
"TasklessCrewCanBeLazy": "Crewmates without tasks can be Lazy",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "Task based crewmates can be Lazy",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "Task based Crewmates can be Lazy",
"SheriffCanBeMadmate": "Sheriff can become Madmate",
"MayorCanBeMadmate": "Mayor can become Madmate",
"NGuesserCanBeMadmate": "Nice Guesser can become Madmate",
@@ -3062,20 +3248,21 @@
"GanJudgeCanBeMadmate": "Judge can be converted",
"GanMarshallCanBeMadmate": "Marshall can be converted",
"GanOverseerCanBeMadmate": "Overseer can be converted",
- "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "Appear As Madmate On Ejection",
+ "GanCovenCanBeMadmate": "Coven can be converted",
+ "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "Appear as Madmate on Ejection",
"CouncillorDead": "Sorry, you can't murder from the dead.",
"CouncillorMurderMaxMeeting": "Sorry, you've reached the maximum amount of murders for the meeting.",
"CouncillorMurderMaxGame": "Sorry, you've reached the maximum amount of murders for the game.",
"Councillor_LaughToWhoMurderSelf": "Hahaha, who would've thought someone was stupid enough to murder themselves?\n\nGuess it happens to be... YOU!",
"Councillor_MurderKill": "{0} was murdered.",
- "Councillor_MurderHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' IDs before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player IDs.",
+ "Councillor_MurderHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Councillor_MurderNull": "Please choose a living player to murder.",
"Councillor_MurderKillTitle": "WICKED COURT ",
"CouncillorMakeEvilJudgeClear": "Show Trial as Councillor Murder",
"Councillor_CannotMurderImpTeam": "Sorry, you can not murder your teammate.",
"Councillor_SuicideForMurderImps": "You died because you are trying to murder your team members.",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Kills Per Meeting",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "Maximum Kills Per Game",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Kills per Meeting",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "Maximum Kills per Game",
"CouncillorCanMurderMadmate": "Can Murder Madmates",
"CouncillorCanMurderImpostor": "Can Murder Impostors",
"CouncillorSuicideOnJudgeImpTeam": "Suicide when judge Impostors Team Wrongly",
@@ -3083,12 +3270,12 @@
"CouncillorTryHideMsg": "Try to hide Councillor's commands",
"DazzlerDazzled": "You were dazzled by the Dazzler!",
"DazzlerCauseVision": "Reduced vision",
- "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "Max number of players affected by reduced vision",
+ "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "Maximum number of players affected by reduced vision",
"DazzlerResetDazzledVisionOnDeath": "Reset vision of dazzled players on death/eject",
"DazzleCooldown": "Dazzle Cooldown",
"DazzleButtonText": "Dazzle",
"MoleVentButtonText": "Dig",
- "MoleVentCooldown": "Dig cooldown",
+ "MoleVentCooldown": "Dig Cooldown",
"AddictVentButtonText": "Get Fix",
"AddictInvulnerbilityTimeAfterVent": "Invulnerability Time",
"AddictSpeedWhileInvulnerble": "Movement speed while Invulnerable",
@@ -3102,13 +3289,13 @@
"AlchemistVentButtonText": "Drink",
"AlchemistGotShieldPotion": "Potion of Resistance: Grants a temporary shield",
"AlchemistGotSightPotion": "Potion of Night Vision: Gives temporary enhanced vision",
- "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "Potion of Fixing: Allows you to fix one sabotage instantly",
+ "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "Potion of Fixing: Allows you to fix one Sabotage instantly",
"AlchemistGotTPPotion": "Potion of Warping: Teleports you to a random player",
"AlchemistGotSuicidePotion": "Potion of Poison: Poisons you",
"AlchemistGotSpeedPotion": "Potion Of Speed: Hastens you",
"AlchemistGotBloodthirstPotion": "Potion of Harming: Kill the next player you touch",
"AlchemistGotInvisibility": "Potion of Invisibility: Become Invisible",
- "NoPotion": "You have no potions",
+ "NoPotion": "You have no Potions",
"StoreShield": "Potion of Resistance",
"StoreSuicide": "Potion of Poison",
"StoreTP": "Potion of Warping",
@@ -3124,22 +3311,22 @@
"AlchemistHasVision": "Potion of Night Vision started",
"AlchemistShieldOut": "Potion of Resistance ended",
"AlchemistVisionOut": "Potion of Night Vision ended",
- "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "You gained bloodthirst",
+ "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "You gained Bloodthirst",
"AlchemistHasSpeed": "Potion Of Speed started",
"AlchemistSpeedOut": "Potion Of Speed ended",
- "DeathpactDuration": "Death Pact duration",
- "DeathPactCooldown": "Death Pact Assign Cooldown",
- "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "Number of players in Death Pact",
- "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "Show arrows leading to other players in Death Pact",
- "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "Reduce vision for players in Death Pact",
- "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "Vision for players in Death Pact",
- "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "Kill players in Death Pact on meeting",
- "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "Players in active Death Pact can call meeting",
+ "DeathpactDuration": "Deathpact Duration",
+ "DeathPactCooldown": "Deathpact Assign Cooldown",
+ "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "Number of players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "Show arrows leading to other players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "Reduce vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "Vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "Kill players in Deathpact on meeting",
+ "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "Players in active Deathpact can call meeting",
"DeathpactActiveDeathpact": "Find {0} in {1} seconds.",
- "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "Target can't be added to Death Pact.",
- "DeathpactComplete": "Death Pact was concluded.",
- "DeathpactExecuted": "Death Pact was executed.",
- "DeathpactAverted": "Death Pact was averted.",
+ "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "Target can't be added to Deathpact.",
+ "DeathpactComplete": "Deathpact was concluded.",
+ "DeathpactExecuted": "Deathpact was executed.",
+ "DeathpactAverted": "Deathpact was averted.",
"DeathpactButtonText": "Assign",
"DevourerHideNameConsumed": "Hide the names of consumed players",
"DevourCooldown": "Devour Cooldown",
@@ -3167,7 +3354,6 @@
"PitfallTrapCauseVisionTime": "Trap caused vision time",
"PitfallTrap": "You have fallen into a trap!",
"ConsigliereDivinationMaxCount": "Maximum Reveals",
- "RitualMaxCount": "Maximum Reveals",
"CleanserHideVote": "Hide Cleanser's vote",
"OracleSkillLimit": "Maximum Uses",
"OracleHideVote": "Hide Oracle's vote",
@@ -3175,17 +3361,18 @@
"OracleCheckSelfMsg": "You can't even trust yourself, huh?",
"OracleCheckLimit": "Reminder: You have {0} uses left",
"OracleCheckMsgTitle": "ORACLE ",
- "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "Appears not to be a crewmate",
- "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "Appears to be a crewmate",
- "OracleCheck.Neutral": "Appears to be a neutral",
+ "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "Appears not to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "Appears to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Neutral": "Appears to be a Neutral",
"OracleCheck.Impostor": "Appears to be an Impostor",
+ "OracleCheck.Coven": "Appears to be Coven",
"OracleCheck": "Target Results:",
"FailChance": "Chance of showing incorrect result",
- "OracleCheckAddons": "Oracle checks add-ons",
+ "OracleCheckAddons": "Oracle checks Add-ons",
"ChameleonCanVent": "Vent to disguise",
"ChameleonInvisState": "You are disguising!",
"ChameleonInvisStateOut": "Your disguise ended",
- "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on cooldown, disguise failed",
+ "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, disguise failed",
"ChameleonInvisStateCountdown": "Disguise will expire in {0}s",
"ChameleonInvisCooldownRemain": "Disguise Cooldown: {0}s",
"ChameleonCooldown": "Disguise Cooldown",
@@ -3200,11 +3387,12 @@
"CursedSoulCurseCooldownIncrese": "Soul Snatch Cooldown Increase",
"CursedSoulCurseMax": "Maximum Soul Snatches",
"CursedSoulKnowTargetRole": "Know the roles of Soulless players",
- "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "Neutral roles have souls",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "Neutral roles have Souls",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseCoven": "Coven roles have Souls",
"CursedSoulKillButtonText": "Snatch",
- "SoullessByCursedSoul": "A Cursed Soul snatched your soul",
+ "SoullessByCursedSoul": "A Cursed Soul snatched your Soul",
"CursedSoulSoullessPlayer": "Soul snatched",
- "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "No soul found",
+ "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "No Soul found",
"AdmireCooldown": "Admire Cooldown",
"AdmirerKnowTargetRole": "Know the roles of Admired players",
"AdmirerSkillLimit": "Skill Limit",
@@ -3213,7 +3401,7 @@
"AdmiredPlayer": "Player admired",
"AdmirerInvalidTarget": "Target cannot be admired",
"SpiritualistNoticeTitle": "SPIRITUALIST ",
- "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "The Spiritualist has an arrow pointing to you!\nYou can use them to a killer or frame a crewmate",
+ "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "The Spiritualist has an arrow pointing to you!\nYou can use them to a killer or frame a Crewmate",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowForSeconds": "Ghost arrow duration",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowEverySeconds": "Ghost arrow interval",
"EnigmaClueStage1Tasks": "Number of Tasks to complete to see Stage 1 Clues",
@@ -3251,11 +3439,12 @@
"EnigmaClueRole2": "The Killer is a Neutral!",
"EnigmaClueRole3": "The Killer is a Crewmate!",
"EnigmaClueRole4": "The Killer's Role is {0}!",
+ "EnigmaClueRole5": "The Killer is a Coven member!",
"EnigmaClueLevel1": "The Killer's Level is above 50!",
"EnigmaClueLevel2": "The Killer's Level is below 50!",
"EnigmaClueLevel3": "The Killer's Level is between {0} and {1}!",
"EnigmaClueLevel4": "The Killer's Level is {0}!",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "The Killer's Friendcode is {0}!",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "The Killer's Friend Code is {0}!",
"EnigmaClueHatTitle": "Enigma Hat Clue!",
"EnigmaClueVisorTitle": "Enigma Visor Clue!",
"EnigmaClueSkinTitle": "Enigma Skin Clue!",
@@ -3267,10 +3456,11 @@
"EnigmaClueStatusTitle": "Enigma Status Clue!",
"EnigmaClueRoleTitle": "Enigma Role Clue!",
"EnigmaClueLevelTitle": "Enigma Level Clue!",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "Enigma Friendcode Clue!",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "Enigma Friend Code Clue!",
"ImpCanBeRole": "Impostors can become {role}",
"CrewCanBeRole": "Crewmates can become {role}",
"NeutralCanBeRole": "Neutrals can become {role}",
+ "CovenCanBeRole": "Coven can become {role}",
"VotesPerKill": "Votes gained for each kill",
"PickpocketGetVote": "You've got {0} votes",
"VultureArrowsPointingToDeadBody": "Arrows pointing to dead bodies",
@@ -3281,7 +3471,7 @@
"VultureMaxEatenInOneRound": "Maximum eaten bodies possible per round",
"VultureCooldownUp": "Eat Cooldown finished",
"GhastlyPossessCD": "Possess Cooldown",
- "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "Max Possessions",
+ "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "Maximum Possessions",
"GhastlyPossessionDuration": "Possession Duration",
"GhastlySpeed": "Ghastly Speed",
"GhastlyKillAllies": "Ghastly cannot possess allies",
@@ -3294,7 +3484,7 @@
"GhastlyExpired": "{0} is no longer possessed",
"TasksMarkPerRound": "Number of tasks that can be marked in one round",
"TaskinatorBombPlanted": "Bomb has been planted",
- "ShieldDuration": "Shield duration",
+ "ShieldDuration": "Shield Duration",
"ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "Shield breaks after one kill attempt",
"BenefactorTaskMarked": "Task marked successfully",
"BenefactorTargetGotShield": "You got a shield by Benefactor",
@@ -3316,14 +3506,14 @@
"Heads": "Heads",
"Tails": "Tails",
"SpyRedNameDur": "Colored Name Duration",
- "SpyInteractionBlocked": "Block kill button interaction",
- "AgitaterBombCooldown": "Agitator bomb cooldown",
- "AgitaterPassCooldown": "Bomb pass cooldown",
- "BombExplodeCooldown": "Bomb explode cooldown",
+ "SpyInteractionBlocked": "Block Kill button interaction",
+ "AgitaterBombCooldown": "Agitator Bomb Cooldown",
+ "AgitaterPassCooldown": "Bomb Pass Cooldown",
+ "BombExplodeCooldown": "Bomb Explode Cooldown",
"AgitaterPassNotify": "Bomb successfully passed",
"AgitaterTargetNotify": "YOU HAVE THE BOMB!! Pass it to someone else",
"AgitaterCanGetBombed": "Agitator can get bomb",
- "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "Agitator Auto Report Bait",
+ "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "Agitator can Auto Report Bait",
"SeekerPointsToWin": "Number of points required to win",
"SeekerTagCooldown": "Tag Cooldown",
"SeekerNotify": "Your target is {0}",
@@ -3331,15 +3521,15 @@
"SeekerKillButtonText": "Tag",
"PixiePointsToWin": "Number of points required to win",
"MaxTargets": "Maximum number of targets per round",
- "MarkCooldown": "Mark cooldown",
+ "MarkCooldown": "Mark Cooldown",
"PixieSuicide": "Pixie suicides if the target is not voted out",
"PixieMaxTargetReached": "You have already selected all the targets this round",
"PixieTargetAlreadySelected": "Target is already selected",
"PixieButtonText": "Mark",
- "PlagueBearerCooldown": "Plague cooldown",
- "PlagueBearerCanVent": "Can vent",
+ "PlagueBearerCooldown": "Plague Cooldown",
+ "PlagueBearerCanVent": "Can Vent",
"PlagueBearerHasImpostorVision": "Has Impostor vision",
- "PestilenceCooldown": "Pestilence Kill cooldown",
+ "PestilenceCooldown": "Pestilence Kill Cooldown",
"PestilenceCanVent": "Pestilence Can Vent",
"PestilenceHasImpostorVision": "Pestilence Has Impostor Vision",
"PestilenceKillGuessers": "Kill players who guess Pestilence",
@@ -3365,24 +3555,25 @@
"RomanticProtectButtonText": "Protect",
"GuessMasterMisguess": "{0} misguessed",
"GuessMasterTargetRole": "Someone tried to guess {0}",
- "GuessMasterTitle": "Guess Master ",
+ "GuessMasterTitle": "GUESS MASTER ",
"DoomsayerAmountOfGuessesToWin": "Amount of Guesses to win",
"DCanGuessImpostors": "Can Guess Impostors",
"DCanGuessCrewmates": "Can Guess Crewmates",
"DCanGuessNeutrals": "Can Guess Neutrals",
+ "DCanGuessCoven": "Can Guess Coven",
"DCanGuessAdt": "Can Guess Add-Ons",
"DoomsayerAdvancedSettings": "Advanced Settings",
- "DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "Max number of guesses per meeting",
+ "DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "Maximum number of guesses per meeting",
"DoomsayerKillCorrectlyGuessedPlayers": "Kill correctly guessed players",
"DoomsayerDoesNotSuicideWhenMisguessing": "Doomsayer does not suicide when misguessing",
"DoomsayerMisguessRolePrevGuessRoleUntilNextMeeting": "Misguessing role prevents guessing roles until next meeting",
"DoomsayerTryHideMsg": "Hide Doomsayer's commands",
"DoomsayerCantGuess": "Sorry, you can only guess the roles in the next meeting.",
"DoomsayerCorrectlyGuessRole": "You guessed the role correctly!\nBut the player didn't die because the Host settings don't allow them to die",
- "DoomsayerNotCorrectlyGuessRole": "You didn't correctly guess the role!\nBut you didn't die because the Host's settings don't allow you to die",
- "DoomsayerGuessCountMsg": "You correctly guessed {0} roles",
+ "DoomsayerNotCorrectlyGuessRole": "You didn't correctly guess the Role!\nBut you didn't die because the Host's settings don't allow you to die",
+ "DoomsayerGuessCountMsg": "You correctly guessed {0} Roles",
"DoomsayerGuessCountTitle": "DOOMSAYER",
- "DoomsayerGuessSameRoleAgainMsg": "You tried to guess the same role or add-on that you guessed before",
+ "DoomsayerGuessSameRoleAgainMsg": "You tried to guess the same Role or Add-on that you guessed before",
"EveryoneCanKnowMini": "Everyone can see the Mini",
"CanBeEvil": "Mini can be an Impostor",
"EvilMiniSpawnChances": "Probability of Mini being an Impostor",
@@ -3410,26 +3601,26 @@
"YouKillRandomizer3": "You kill Randomizer, Kill CD change to 600s!",
"YouKillRandomizer4": "You kill Randomizer, Triggered Random Revenge!",
"MadmateCanBeHurried": "Madmate can be Hurried on game start",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeHurried": "Task-based Crews can be Hurried",
- "HurriedCanBeConverted": "Hurried can be recruited in the game (excludes madmate)",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeHurried": "Task-based Crewmates can be Hurried",
+ "HurriedCanBeConverted": "Hurried can be recruited in the game (excludes Madmate)",
"Developer": "Developer",
"Sponsor": "Sponsor",
"Booster": "Server Booster",
"Translator": "Translator",
"NoAccess": "Unauthorized Access!\n\n Please open up a ticket in the discord server to know more (discord.gg/tohe)",
"DCNotify.Hacking": "You were banned for hacking.\n\nPlease stop.",
- "DCNotify.Banned": "You were banned from this lobby.\n\nContact the host if this was a mistake.",
+ "DCNotify.Banned": "You were banned from this lobby.\n\nContact the Host if this was a mistake.",
"DCNotify.Kicked": "You were kicked from this lobby.\n\nYou may still rejoin.",
"DCNotify.DCFromServer": "You disconnected from the server.\r\nThis could be an issue with either the servers or your network.",
"DCNotify.GameNotFound": "This lobby code is invalid.\n\nCheck the code and/or server and try again.",
"DCNotify.GameStarted": "This lobby is currently in-game.\n\nWait for it to end or find a different lobby.",
- "DCNotify.GameFull": "This lobby is currently full.\n\nCheck with the host to see if you may join.",
+ "DCNotify.GameFull": "This lobby is currently full.\n\nCheck with the Host to see if you may join.",
"DCNotify.IncorrectVersion": "This lobby does not support your Among Us version.",
"DCNotify.Inactivity": "The lobby closed due to inactivity.",
"DCNotify.Auth": "You are not authenticated.\n\nYou may need to restart your game.",
"DCNotify.DupeLogin": "An instance of your account is already present in this lobby.",
"DCNotify.InvalidSettings": "Game settings have been detected to be invalid.\n\nEnter local play to reset them, then try again.",
- "ModeDescribe.SoloKombat": "Current mode is [Solo PVP]\nNo role assignment. Everyone has HP and can use the kill button to cause damage to other players. The player with the highest number of kills wins at the end of the game.",
+ "ModeDescribe.SoloKombat": "Current Gamemode is [Solo PVP]\nNo role assignment. Everyone has HP and can use the Kill button to cause damage to other players. The player with the highest number of kills wins at the end of the game.",
"RoleType.VanillaRoles": "★ Vanilla Roles",
"RoleType.ImpKilling": "★ Impostor Killing Roles",
"RoleType.ImpSupport": "★ Impostor Support Roles",
@@ -3448,6 +3639,10 @@
"RoleType.NeutralChaos": "★ Neutral Chaos Roles",
"RoleType.NeutralKilling": "★ Neutral Killing Roles",
"RoleType.NeutralApocalypse": "★ Neutral Apocalypse Roles /apocalypseinfo",
+ "RoleType.CovenPower": "★ Coven Power Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenKilling": "★ Coven Killing Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenTrickery": "★ Coven Trickery Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenUtility": "★ Coven Utility Roles",
"RoleType.Harmful": "★ Harmful Add-ons",
"RoleType.Support": "★ Supportive Add-ons",
"RoleType.Helpful": "★ Helpful Add-ons",
@@ -3456,7 +3651,7 @@
"RoleType.Impostor": "★ Impostor Add-ons",
"RoleType.Guesser": "★ Guesser Add-ons",
"RoleType.Neut": "★ Neutral Add-ons",
- "RoleType.Experimental": "★ Experimental Addons (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
+ "RoleType.Experimental": "★ Experimental Add-ons (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
"SubType.Impostor": "★ Impostors",
"SubType.Shapeshifter": "★ Shapeshifters",
"SubType.SemiShapeshifter": "★ Semi-Shapeshifters",
@@ -3467,10 +3662,12 @@
"CrewmateRoles": "★ Crewmate Roles ★",
"ImpostorRoles": "★ Impostor Roles ★",
"NeutralRoles": "★ Neutral Roles ★",
+ "CovenRoles": "★ Coven Roles ★",
"AddonRoles": "★ Add-ons ★",
"WinnerRoleText.Impostor": "Impostors Win!",
"WinnerRoleText.Crewmate": "Crewmates Win!",
"WinnerRoleText.Apocalypse": "Apocalypse Wins!",
+ "WinnerRoleText.Coven": "Coven Wins!",
"WinnerRoleText.Terrorist": "Terrorist Wins!",
"WinnerRoleText.Jester": "Jester Wins!",
"WinnerRoleText.Lovers": "Lovers Win!",
@@ -3557,25 +3754,26 @@
"ForceEndText": "Host has aborted the game",
"NiceMiniDied": "Nice Mini was killed",
"HaterMisFireKillTarget": "Hater kills target when misfiring",
- "HaterChooseConverted": "Select add-ons that Hater can kill",
- "HaterCanKillMadmate": "Can kill madmate",
- "HaterCanKillCharmed": "Can kill charmed",
- "HaterCanKillLovers": "Can kill lovers",
- "HaterCanKillSidekick": "Can kill jackal team",
- "HaterCanKillEgoist": "Can kill egoist",
- "HaterCanKillInfected": "Can kill infected team",
- "HaterCanKillContagious": "Can kill virus team",
- "HaterCanKillAdmired": "Can kill admirer",
+ "HaterChooseConverted": "Select Add-ons that Hater can kill",
+ "HaterCanKillMadmate": "Can kill Madmate",
+ "HaterCanKillCharmed": "Can kill Charmed",
+ "HaterCanKillLovers": "Can kill Lovers",
+ "HaterCanKillSidekick": "Can kill Jackal team",
+ "HaterCanKillEgoist": "Can kill Egoist",
+ "HaterCanKillInfected": "Can kill Infected team",
+ "HaterCanKillContagious": "Can kill Virus team",
+ "HaterCanKillAdmired": "Can kill Admirer",
+ "HaterCanKillEnchanted": "Can kill Enchanted",
"HorseMode": "Enable to become a horse",
"LongMode": "Enable to have a long neck",
"InfluencedChangeVote": "Oops! You are so influenced by others!\nYou can not contain your fear that you change voted {0}!",
"FFA": "Free For All",
"ModeFFA": "Gamemode: FFA",
- "ModeDescribe.FFA": "In the FFA (Free For All) gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
- "KillerInfoLong": "In the FFA (Free For All) game mode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
+ "ModeDescribe.FFA": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
+ "KillerInfoLong": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
"FFA_GameTime": "Maximum Game Length",
"FFA_KCD": "Kill Cooldown",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "Prevent venting when only 2 players are alive",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "Prevent Venting when only 2 players are alive",
"FFA_EnableRandomAbilities": "Enable Random Events",
"FFA_ShieldDuration": "Shield Duration",
"FFA_IncreasedSpeed": "Increased Speed",
@@ -3586,15 +3784,15 @@
"FFA_EnableRandomTwists": "Enable Random Swaps from time to time",
"FFA-Event-GetShield": "You have a temporary shield!",
"FFA-Event-GetIncreasedSpeed": "You have a temporary speed boost!",
- "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "You got a lower kill cooldown!",
- "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "You got a higher kill cooldown",
+ "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "You got a lower Kill Cooldown!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "You got a higher Kill Cooldown",
"FFA-Event-GetLowVision": "You have lower vision temporarily",
"FFA-Event-GetDecreasedSpeed": "You have decreased speed temporarily",
- "FFA-Event-GetTP": "You got teleported to a random vent!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetTP": "You got teleported to a random Vent!",
"FFA-Event-RandomTP": "Everyone was swapped with someone",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "There are only 2 players alive, stop hiding in vents!",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "Your kill cooldown is up, don't hide in vents!",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "Prevent players whose kill cooldown is up from venting",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "There are only 2 players alive, stop hiding in Vents!",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "Your kill Cooldown is up, don't hide in Vents!",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "Prevent players whose Kill Cooldown is up from Venting",
"FFA_TargetIsShielded": "The player you tried to kill is shielded!",
"FFA_ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "Shields break after 1 kill attempt",
"FFA_ShieldBroken": "Someone tried to kill you, your shield is now broken!",
@@ -3604,15 +3802,15 @@
"MenuTitle.Hide&Seek": "Hide & Seek Settings",
"NumImpostorsHnS": "Num Impostors",
"EveryOneKnowSolsticer": "Every One Know who is Solsticer",
- "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "Solsticer knows the role of whom used the kill button on it",
+ "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "Solsticer knows the role of whom used the Kill button on it",
"SolsticerSpeed": "Movement speed of Solsticer",
"SolsticerRemainingTaskWarned": "Remaining tasks to be known",
"SAddTasksPreDeadPlayer": "How many extra short tasks Solsticer gets when a player dies",
"SolsticerMurdered": "{0} attempted to murder you!",
"MurderSolsticer": "You stopped Solsticer this round!",
- "SolsticerMurderMessage": "{0} used kill button on you last round! Its role is {1}!",
+ "SolsticerMurderMessage": "{0} used Kill button on you last round! Its role is {1}!",
"SolsticerOnMeeting": "You witnessed too many deaths! Next round you will have {0} more short task!",
- "SolsticerTitle": "Solsticer",
+ "SolsticerTitle": "SOLSTICER",
"GuessSolsticer": "Sorry, but you can not guess Solsticer!",
"ExpelSolsticer": "Sorry, but you can not expel Solsticer!",
"SolsticerTasksReset": "Your tasks get reset!",
@@ -3623,10 +3821,10 @@
"Contributor": "Contributor",
"dbConnect.InitFailure": "Error while connecting to TOHE API, please check your network connection and retry login!",
"dbConnect.InitFailurePublic": "Error while connecting to TOHE API, this could be caused by your internet connection. And so Sponsor+ perks are not available, you may continue to play as usual without these.",
- "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "This build of TOHE is not available to users with no friendcode!",
+ "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "This build of TOHE is not available to users with no Friend Code!",
"Quizmaster": "Quizmaster",
"QuizmasterInfo": "Quiz people to kill them in meetings",
- "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Quizmaster, you can mark a player using your kill button. In the next meeting, the marked player will have \"?!\" next to their name. The player will die if they answer the question wrong or doesn't answer. The player will live if the Quizmaster is killed/ejected in the same meeting.\nThe Quizmaster cannot mark multiple people in the same round",
+ "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Quizmaster, you can mark a player using your Kill button. In the next meeting, the marked player will have \"?!\" next to their name. The player will die if they answer the question wrong or doesn't answer. The player will live if the Quizmaster is killed/ejected in the same meeting.\nThe Quizmaster cannot mark multiple people in the same round",
"QuizmasterKillButtonText": "Quiz",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedBy": "You've been marked by the Quizmaster\nTo survive you have to answer correct to this question:\n\n{QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedPublic": "{QMTARGET} has been marked by the Quizmaster\nTo survive {QMTARGET} have to answer correct to their question!",
@@ -3639,13 +3837,14 @@
"QuizmasterChat.WrongPublic": "{QMTARGET} got the Quizmaster's question answer wrong and died!\nBeware of the Quizmaster!",
"QuizmasterChat.Marked": "You've marked {QMTARGET}\nIf {QMTARGET} doesn't answer by the end of the meeting or answer wrong {QMTARGET} will die\n\nQuestion for {QMTARGET} => {QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.Title": "Quizmaster Information",
- "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "As the quizmaster, you can't answer questions",
+ "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "As the Quizmaster, you can't answer questions",
"QuizmasterChat.AnswerNotValid": "Your answer must be A, B, or C",
"QuizmasterChat.SyntaxNotValid": "Usage:\n/answer [A/B/C]",
- "QuizmasterSettings.QuestionDifficulty": "Question Difficulty",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "Can Vent After Marked Somebody For Quiz",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "Can Kill After Marked Somebody For Quiz",
- "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "How Many Kills Per Round",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MinQuestionDifficulty": "Minimum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MaxQuestionDifficulty": "Maximum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "Can Vent After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "Can Kill After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "How Many Kills per Round",
"QuizmasterSettings.CanGiveQuestionsAboutPastGames": "Can Give Questions About Past Games",
"Quizmaster.None": "None",
"QuizmasterSabotages.Lights": "Lights",
@@ -3673,8 +3872,16 @@
"QuizmasterAnswers.Experimental": "Experimental",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Enhanced": "Enhanced",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Edited": "Edited",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "What was the sabotage was called last?",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "What was the first sabotage called this round?",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Impostor": "Impostor",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Neutral": "Neutral",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Crewmate": "Crewmate",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Addon": "Add-on",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Shapeshifter": "Shapeshifter",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Scientist": "Scientist",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Engineer": "Engineer",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.GuardianAngel": "GuardianAngel",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "What was the Sabotage was called last?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "What was the first Sabotage called this round?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastEjectedPlayerColor": "What was the color of the player that was last ejected?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastReportPlayerColor": "What was the color of the body that was last reported before this meeting?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastButtonPressedPlayerColor": "Who called the last meeting before this meeting?",
@@ -3684,17 +3891,25 @@
"QuizmasterQuestions.FactionOfRole": "What's the faction of {QMRole}?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.FactionRemovedName": "What faction used to be in the game but was removed in an update later?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyDiedFirstRound": "How many people died round one?",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.ButtonPressedBefore": "How many people pressed the emergency button before this meeting?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.ButtonPressedBefore": "How many people pressed the Emergency button before this meeting?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.WhatDoesEOgMeansInName": "What did the E in TOHE originally stand for?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieReason": "What was {PLR}'s cause of death?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieMethod": "How did {PLR} die?",
- "LastAddedRoleForKarped": "What was the last role added to TOHE before KARPED1EM stepped down?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastAddedRoleForKarped": "What was the last role added to TOHE before KARPED1EM stepped down?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieFaction": "What kind of faction killed {PLR}?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.QuizmasterCooldown": "What will Quizmaster's cooldown always be? (excluding first kill override and changes from other Roles/Add-ons)",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoCoded": "Who coded Quizmaster?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoOwns": "Who owns The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEPartners": "Who are The Enhanced Network's partners?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEEventCoordinator": "Who is the Event Coordinator for The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyCats": "How many Cat related roles are in the Mod?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.GuessingCommand": "What does /bt actually mean?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.NotFromTOS2": "Which of these roles are NOT from Town of Salem 2?",
"DeathReason.WrongAnswer": "Wrong Quiz Answer",
"TPCooldown": "Teleport Cooldown",
- "RiftsTooClose": "Location too close to the first rift",
+ "RiftsTooClose": "Location too close to the first Rift",
"RiftCreated": "Rift made successfully",
- "RiftsDestroyed": "All rifts Destroyed",
+ "RiftsDestroyed": "All Rifts destroyed",
"RiftRadius": "Rift Radius",
"TiredVision": "Vision When Tired",
"TiredSpeed": "Speed When Tired",
@@ -3718,7 +3933,7 @@
"ShockerAbilityCooldown": "Ability Cooldown",
"ShockerAbilityDuration": "Ability Duration",
"ShockerAbilityPerRound": "Abilities Per Round",
- "ShockerShockInVents": "Shock people in vents",
+ "ShockerShockInVents": "Shock people in Vents",
"ShockerAbilityResetAfterMeeting": "Reset marked rooms after meeting",
"ShockerOutsideRadius": "Radius Of Outside Tasks (not in a room)",
"ShockerCanShockHimself": "Can Shock Himself",
@@ -3730,13 +3945,14 @@
"ShockerRoomMarked": "Marked Room",
"EavesdropperMsgTitle": "You found a secret",
"EavesdropPercentChance": "Chance to eavesdrop",
- "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "Cooldown for recruiting sheriffs",
- "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "Can recruit Impostor or Neutral",
- "SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "You recruited a sheriff.",
- "BeSheriffByPolice": "You've been recruited by the police chief! Serve the crew!",
+ "PreventSeeRolesBeforeSkillUsedUp": "Prevent seeing others roles before skill used up",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "Cooldown for recruiting Sheriffs",
+ "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "Can recruit non-Crewmates",
+ "SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "You recruited a Sheriff.",
+ "BeSheriffByPolice": "You've been recruited by the Police Chief! Serve the Crewmates!",
"PoliceFailedRecruit": "Failed to recruit target.",
"ChiefOfPoliceKillButtonText": "Recruitment",
- "PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "Prevent recruit players without kill button",
- "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "Suidices when recruit a non killer or non crewmate",
- "PolicPassConverted": "Can pass Converted Addon to Sheriff"
+ "PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "Prevent recruit players without Kill button",
+ "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "Suicides when recruit a non-Killer or non-Crewmate",
+ "PolicPassConverted": "Can pass Converted Add-on to Sheriff"
diff --git a/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json b/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json
index 25a0e4aba..c178faf27 100644
--- a/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json
+++ b/Resources/Lang/fr_FR.json
@@ -14,22 +14,26 @@
"Website": "Site Internet",
"PlayerNameForRoleInfo": "Bonjour {0}, votre Rôle est :- \n",
"HostIconInMeeting": "HÔTE: {0}",
+ "ModdedClient": "Modded Client",
"SubText.GM": "Spectate the chaos!",
"SubText.Crewmate": "Trouve et Éjecte les Imposteurs",
"SubText.Impostor": "Sabote et Exécute tout le monde",
"SubText.Neutral": "Travaille seul pour remporter la Victoire",
"SubText.Apocalypse": "Devenez imparable avec votre équipe",
+ "SubText.Coven": "Bewitch and kill everyone",
"SubText.Madmate": "Aide les Imposteurs",
"SubText.Lovers": "Stay alive and win together",
"SubText.Egoist": "Win on your own",
"TypeImpostor": "Imposteurs",
"TypeCrewmate": "Coéquipiers",
"TypeNeutral": "Neutres",
+ "TypeCoven": "Coven",
"TypeAddon": "Modifieurs",
"GuesserMode": "Mode Devin",
"TeamImpostor": "Imposteur",
"TeamNeutral": "Neutre",
"TeamCrewmate": "Coéquipier",
+ "TeamCoven": "Coven",
"TeamMadmate": "Complice",
"TeamLovers": "Lovers",
"TeamEgoist": "Egoist",
@@ -37,6 +41,7 @@
"YouAreCrewmate": "Tu es un Coéquipier",
"YouAreImpostor": "Tu es un Imposteur",
"YouAreNeutral": "Tu es un Neutre",
+ "YouAreCoven": "You are a Coven member",
"YouAreMadmate": "Tu es Complice",
"Role_Crewmate": "Coéquipier",
"Role_Jester": "Bouffon",
@@ -63,12 +68,14 @@
"ImpostorsCanGuess": "Les Imposteurs peuvent Deviner",
"NeutralKillersCanGuess": "Les Neutres Exécuteurs peuvent Deviner",
"NeutralApocalypseCanGuess": "Les Neutres Apocalypse peuvent deviner",
+ "CovenCanGuess": "Coven can guess",
"PassiveNeutralsCanGuess": "Les Neutres Passifs peuvent Deviner",
"CanGuessAddons": "Peut Deviner les Modifieurs",
- "ShowOnlyEnabledRolesInGuesserUI": "Montrer uniquement les Rôles Activés dans l'Interface du Devin",
- "CrewCanGuessCrew": "Les Coéquipiers peuvent Deviner les Rôles de Coéquipier",
- "ImpCanGuessImp": "Les Imposteurs peuvent Deviner les Rôles d'Imposteur",
- "ApocCanGuessApoc": "Les Neutres Apocalypse peuvent deviner les rôles Neutres Apocalypse",
+ "ShowOnlyEnabledRolesInGuesserUI": "Show Only Enabled Roles in Guesser UI",
+ "CrewCanGuessCrew": "Crewmates can Guess Crewmate Roles",
+ "ImpCanGuessImp": "Impostors can Guess Impostor Roles",
+ "ApocCanGuessApoc": "Neutral Apocalypse can Guess Neutral Apocalypse Roles",
+ "CovenCanGuessCoven": "Coven Can Guess Coven Roles",
"GuessImmune": "Désolé, mais la Cible est Immunisée à être Devinée !",
"GM": "Maître du Jeu",
"Sunnyboy": "Enfant du Soleil",
@@ -287,7 +294,6 @@
"Vulture": "Vautour",
"Taskinator": "Tâcheron",
"Benefactor": "Bienfaiteur",
- "Medusa": "Méduse",
"Spiritcaller": "Invocateur d'Esprit",
"Amnesiac": "Amnésique",
"Imitator": "Imitateur",
@@ -305,12 +311,21 @@
"Romantic": "Romantique",
"VengefulRomantic": "Romantique Vengeur",
"RuthlessRomantic": "Romantique Impitoyable",
+ "Wraith": "Spectre",
"Poisoner": "Empoisonneur",
+ "Medusa": "Méduse",
"HexMaster": "Mage",
- "Wraith": "Spectre",
"Jinx": "Guigne",
"PotionMaster": "Maître des Potions",
"Necromancer": "Nécromancien",
+ "CovenLeader": "Coven Leader",
+ "Ritualist": "Ritualist",
+ "Conjurer": "Conjurer",
+ "Dreamweaver": "Dreamweaver",
+ "Illusionist": "Illusionist",
+ "VoodooMaster": "Voodoo Master",
+ "Sacrifist": "Sacrifist",
+ "MoonDancer": "Moon Dancer",
"Warden": "Aviseur",
"Minion": "Sous-fifre",
"Ghastly": "Horrible",
@@ -363,6 +378,7 @@
"EvilSpirit": "Mauvais Esprit",
"Recruit": "Recrue",
"Admired": "Admiré",
+ "Enchanted": "Enchanted",
"Glow": "Luisant",
"Radar": "Sondeur",
"Diseased": "Malade",
@@ -397,53 +413,53 @@
"Revenant": "Revenant",
"BracketAddons": "Ajouter des parenthèses aux Modifieurs",
"EngineerTOHEInfo": "Utilise les Évacuations pour démasquer les Imposteurs",
- "ScientistTOHEInfo": "Accède aux Signes Vitaux de n'importe où",
+ "ScientistTOHEInfo": "Access portable Vitals from anywhere",
"NoisemakerTOHEInfo": "Lancez une alerte quand on vous tue",
"TrackerTOHEInfo": "Track players with your map",
- "ShapeshifterTOHEInfo": "Déguise-toi en Coéquipier pour les Piéger",
+ "ShapeshifterTOHEInfo": "Disguise as Crewmates to frame them",
"PhantomTOHEInfo": "Soyez invisible",
- "GuardianAngelTOHEInfo": "Protège les Coéquipiers des Imposteurs",
- "ImpostorTOHEInfo": "Exécute et Sabote",
+ "GuardianAngelTOHEInfo": "Protect the Crewmates from the Impostors",
+ "ImpostorTOHEInfo": "Kill and Sabotage",
"CrewmateTOHEInfo": "Trouve les Imposteurs",
"BountyHunterInfo": "Élimine ta Cible",
"FireworkerInfo": "Sort avec un BOUM",
"MercenaryInfo": "Continue à Exécuter, sinon tu te Suicides",
- "ShapeMasterInfo": "Exécute rapidement sans Rechargement de Morphisme",
+ "ShapeMasterInfo": "Swiftly kill with no Shapeshift Cooldown",
"VampireInfo": "Tes Exécutions sont Différées",
- "WarlockInfo": "Maudit les Coéquipiers, puis Morphe-toi pour qu'ils Exécutent",
- "NinjaInfo": "Marque une Cible, puis Morphe-toi pour l'Exécuter",
+ "WarlockInfo": "Curse Crewmates then Shift to make them kill",
+ "NinjaInfo": "Mark a target, then Shift to kill",
"ZombieInfo": "Tu es très Lent",
"AnonymousInfo": "Force un joueur à Signaler un Cadavre",
- "MinerInfo": "Téléporte-toi à la dernière Évacuation utilisée en te Morphant",
- "KillingMachineInfo": "Tu peux UNIQUEMENT Exécuter, mais le Rechargement d'Exécution est court",
+ "MinerInfo": "Warp to your last used Vent by Shifting",
+ "KillingMachineInfo": "You can ONLY kill, but low Cooldown",
"EscapistInfo": "Métamorphose-toi pour Marquer des lieux et t'y Téléporter",
- "WitchInfo": "Ensorcèle les Coéquipiers pour les Exécuter pendant la Réunion",
+ "WitchInfo": "Spell Crewmates to kill them in meetings",
"NemesisInfo": "Exécute lorsque tu es le dernier Imposteur",
"BeforeNemesisInfo": "Tu ne peux pas encore Exécuter",
"AfterNemesisInfo": "Maintenant, commence à Exécuter",
- "BloodmoonInfo": "Fauchez les coéquipiers",
- "PossessorInfo": "Posséder et éloigner les membres de l'équipage des autres",
+ "BloodmoonInfo": "Seek havoc upon the Crewmates",
+ "PossessorInfo": "Possess and lead Crewmates away from others",
"PuppeteerInfo": "Oblige les joueurs à Exécuter pour toi",
"MastermindInfo": "Fais Exécuter les autres pour toi",
"TimeThiefInfo": "Réduis le temps de Réunion en Exécutant",
- "SniperInfo": "Tire sur les Joueurs à distance en se Morphant",
+ "SniperInfo": "Snipe players from a distance by Shifting",
"UndertakerInfo": "Téléporter un cadavre à un emplacement Marqué",
"RiftMakerInfo": "Deux Failles que je trace, Touche-les pour te Téléporter",
- "EvilTrackerInfo": "Traque les Joueurs en se Morphant",
+ "EvilTrackerInfo": "Track players by Shifting",
"EvilHackerInfo": "Piratez le système informatique",
"AntiAdminerInfo": "Tu peux savoir quand les joueurs sont à proximité d'un Appareil",
- "ArroganceInfo": "À chaque fois que tu Exécutes, ton Rechargement d'Exécution diminue",
+ "ArroganceInfo": "With each kill you make, your Cooldown decreases",
"BomberInfo": "Métamorphose-toi pour Exploser",
"TrapsterInfo": "Piège tes Exécutions",
"ScavengerInfo": "Tes Exécutions ne peuvent pas être Signalés",
- "EvilGuesserInfo": "Devine les Rôles de l'Équipage lors des Réunions pour Exécuter",
+ "EvilGuesserInfo": "Guess Crewmate roles in meetings to kill",
"GangsterInfo": "Recrute des joueurs dans ton Équipe",
"CleanerInfo": "Signale les Cadavres pour qu'ils ne soient pas Signalable",
"LightningInfo": "Transforme les joueurs en Fantômes Quantiques",
- "GreedyInfo": "Ton Rechargement d'Exécution change",
+ "GreedyInfo": "Your Kill Cooldown shifts",
"CursedWolfInfo": "Tu survis à quelques tentatives d'Exécutions",
- "SoulCatcherInfo": "Tu Échanges ta place avec ta Cible",
- "QuickShooterInfo": "Emmagasine des Munitions pour compenser le Rechargement d'Exécution",
+ "SoulCatcherInfo": "You swap places with your Shift target",
+ "QuickShooterInfo": "Store ammo to offset Kill Cooldown",
"CamouflagerInfo": "Camoufle tout le monde pour Exécuter facilement",
"EraserInfo": "Vote un joueur pour Effacer son Rôle",
"ButcherInfo": "Apprécie mon magnifique Travail",
@@ -451,42 +467,42 @@
"SwooperInfo": "Deviens temporairement Invisible",
"CrewpostorInfo": "Exécute en Accomplissant des Tâches",
"WildlingInfo": "Exécute par la force et le déguisement",
- "TricksterInfo": "Exécute et Trompe l'Équipage",
+ "TricksterInfo": "Kill and trick the Crew",
"VindicatorInfo": "Utilise tes Votes supplémentaires pour Exécuter tout le monde",
- "ParasiteInfo": "Aide les Imposteurs à Exécuter l'Équipage",
+ "ParasiteInfo": "Help the Impostors kill the Crew",
"DisperserInfo": "Téléporte tout le monde vers des Évacuations aléatoires",
- "InhibitorInfo": "Tu ne peux pas Exécuter pendant les Sabotages",
- "SaboteurInfo": "Tu peux Exécuter uniquement pendant les Sabotages",
- "CouncillorInfo": "Exécute les Coéquipiers pendant les Réunions",
- "DazzlerInfo": "Réduis la vision des Coéquipiers",
- "DeathpactInfo": "Assigner des joueurs à un Pacte Mortel",
- "DevourerInfo": "Consomme l'apparence de l'Équipage",
+ "InhibitorInfo": "You cannot kill during Sabotages",
+ "SaboteurInfo": "You can only kill during Sabotages",
+ "CouncillorInfo": "Kill off Crewmates during meetings",
+ "DazzlerInfo": "Reduce the vision of the Crew",
+ "DeathpactInfo": "Assign players to a deathpact",
+ "DevourerInfo": "Consume the skin of the Crew",
"ConsigliereInfo": "Découvre le Rôle des autres joueurs",
- "MorphlingInfo": "Tu peux Exécuter uniquement en étant Métamorphosé",
+ "MorphlingInfo": "You can only kill while Shapeshifted",
"TwisterInfo": "Échange la position de tous les joueurs",
- "LurkerInfo": "Réduis ton Rechargement d'Exécution en Évacuant",
+ "LurkerInfo": "Reduce your Kill Cooldown by venting",
"ConvictInfo": "Ta Cible est Morte, tu dois Aider les Imposteurs",
"VisionaryInfo": "Tu vois dans quelle Équipe sont les joueurs en Vie",
- "RefugeeInfo": "Aide les Imposteurs à Exécuter l'Équipage",
+ "RefugeeInfo": "Help the Impostors kill off the Crew",
"UnderdogInfo": "Commence à Exécuter lorsque le nombre de joueurs est faible",
- "LudopathInfo": "Ton Rechargement d'Exécution est Aléatoire",
+ "LudopathInfo": "Your kill Cooldown is random",
"GodfatherInfo": "Converti les joueurs en Réfugiés en Votant",
"ChronomancerInfo": "Exécute en Rafale",
"PitfallInfo": "Pose des Pièges sur la Carte",
"EvilMiniInfo": "Personne ne peut te blesser jusqu'à ce que tu Grandisses",
"BlackmailerInfo": "Réduis les autres joueurs au Silence",
- "InstigatorInfo": "Sème la discorde parmi les Coéquipiers",
+ "InstigatorInfo": "Sow discord among the Crewmates",
"LazyGuyInfo": "Tu es trop Flemmard",
"SuperStarInfo": "Tout le monde te connaît",
- "CleanserInfo": "Effacez tous les modifieurs de votre cible en le votant",
- "KeeperInfo": "Rejette les Éjections, Protège les Innocents !",
+ "CleanserInfo": "Erase all Add-ons of your vote target",
+ "KeeperInfo": "Reject the eject, Keeper protect!",
"MayorInfo": "Ton Vote compte plusieurs fois",
"PsychicInfo": "One of the red names is evil",
- "MechanicInfo": "Évacue et Répare les Sabotages",
+ "MechanicInfo": "Vent around and fix Sabotages",
"SheriffInfo": "Tire sur les Imposteurs",
"VigilanteInfo": "Pas le Héros que nous méritions, mais le Héros dont nous avions besoin",
"JailerInfo": "Emprisonne les joueurs suspects",
- "CopyCatInfo": "Utilise le Bouton d'Exécution pour Copier le Rôle de la Cible",
+ "CopyCatInfo": "Use your Kill button to copy a target's role",
"SnitchInfo": "Termine tes Tâches pour Trouver les Imposteurs",
"MarshallInfo": "Termine tes Tâches pour Prouver ton Innocence",
"DoctorInfo": "Tu sais comment chaque joueur est Mort",
@@ -499,31 +515,31 @@
"TransporterInfo": "Faites des tâches pour échanger les positions de deux joueurs",
"TimeManagerInfo": "Augmente la durée de la Réunion en effectuant des Tâches",
"VeteranInfo": "Mets-toi en Alerte pour Exécuter toute personne qui interagit avec toi",
- "BastionInfo": "Bombarde les Évacuations",
+ "BastionInfo": "Bomb Vents",
"YinYangerInfo": "Spontaneously combust two players",
"BodyguardInfo": "Empêche les Exécutions à proximité",
"DeceiverInfo": "Essai de Tromper les joueurs",
- "GrenadierInfo": "Réduis la Vision des Imposteurs en Évacuant",
+ "GrenadierInfo": "Reduce Impostors' vision by Venting",
"MedicInfo": "Protège un joueur avec un Bouclier",
- "FortuneTellerInfo": "Obtiens des Indices sur le Rôle des joueurs",
+ "FortuneTellerInfo": "Get clues to player's roles",
"JudgeInfo": "Silence dans la salle d'audience !",
"MorticianInfo": "Localise les Cadavres",
"MediumInfo": "Parle avec des Fantômes",
- "ObserverInfo": "Tu peux voir toutes les animations de Bouclier",
- "PacifistInfo": "Évacue pour réinitialiser les Rechargements d'Exécution",
+ "ObserverInfo": "You can see all Shield Animations",
+ "PacifistInfo": "Vent to reset Kill Cooldowns",
"RebirthInfo": "Surgir de Nouveau",
- "MonarchInfo": "Donne à ton Équipe des Votes supplémentaire !",
+ "MonarchInfo": "Give your Crew extra voting power!",
"AbyssbringerInfo": "Place Black Holes",
- "SpurtInfo": "Spring Like A rabbit!",
- "StealthInfo": "Obscurci la Vision de tout le monde dans la pièce en Exécutant",
+ "SpurtInfo": "Spring like a rabbit!",
+ "StealthInfo": "Killing blinds everyone in the room",
"PenguinInfo": "Fais Glisser tes victimes",
"OverseerInfo": "Révèle les rôles des autres joueurs",
"CoronerInfo": "Trouve les Cadavres et leurs Exécuteurs",
"PresidentInfo": "Tu es Responsable de la Réunion",
- "MerchantInfo": "Vends des Modifieurs et Soudoie les Exécuteurs",
- "RetributionistInfo": "Aide l'Équipage après ta Mort",
+ "MerchantInfo": "Sell Add-ons and bribe killers",
+ "RetributionistInfo": "Help the Crewmates after you die",
"HawkInfo": "Tuez les mauvais gars !",
- "DeputyInfo": "Menotte les Exécuteurs pour augmenter leur Rechargement",
+ "DeputyInfo": "Handcuff killers to increase their Cooldowns",
"InvestigatorInfo": "Trouve les potentiels Mauvais",
"GuardianInfo": "Accomplis tes Tâches pour devenir Immortel",
"AddictInfo": "Évacue pour devenir Invulnérable, sinon tu Meurs",
@@ -534,12 +550,12 @@
"SpiritualistInfo": "Laisse-toi Guider par la Vie Fantomatique",
"ChameleonInfo": "Évacue pour te Déguiser dans l'environnement",
"InspectorInfo": "Valide les alignements de deux joueurs",
- "CaptainInfo": "Mettez les voiles mille sabords! Une trahison vous coutera tous vos modifieurs.",
+ "CaptainInfo": "Sail with the Captain, lest Add-ons be abandoned.",
"AdmirerInfo": "Choisis un joueur qui sera à tes côtés",
"TimeMasterInfo": "Rembobine le Temps !",
"CrusaderInfo": "Exécute l'Agresseur d'un joueur",
"AltruistInfo": "Revive a player\nVent to change between Revive and Report",
- "ReverieInfo": "Chaque fois que tu Exécutes un joueur, ton Rechargement diminue",
+ "ReverieInfo": "With each kill, your Cooldown decreases",
"LookoutInfo": "Vois à travers les Déguisements",
"TelecommunicationInfo": "Suis l'utilisation des Appareils de Sécurité",
"LighterInfo": "Démasque les Exécuteurs grâce à ta Vision améliorée",
@@ -547,14 +563,14 @@
"WitnessInfo": "Découvre si quelqu'un a Exécuté récemment",
"GhastlyInfo": "Contrôlez quelqu'un!",
"SwapperInfo": "Échange les Votes de deux joueurs",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "Hire Sheriff to Serve the Crews!",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "Hire Sheriffs to serve the Crewmates!",
"NiceMiniInfo": "Personne ne peut te faire de mal tant que tu n'as pas grandi.",
"ArsonistInfo": "Asperge tout le monde et Incendie !",
"PyromaniacInfo": "Asperge et Exécute tout le monde",
- "HuntsmanInfo": "Exécute tes Cibles pour un Rechargement réduit",
+ "HuntsmanInfo": "Kill your targets for a low Cooldown",
"SpyInfo": "Tu sais qui interagit avec toi",
"RandomizerInfo": "Tu vas être le fardeau de quelqu'un quand tu Mourras ?",
- "EnigmaInfo": "Aie des Indices à propos des Exécuteurs",
+ "EnigmaInfo": "Get clues about killers",
"JesterInfo": "Fais-toi Éjecter",
"OpportunistInfo": "Reste en Vie jusqu'à la fin",
"TerroristInfo": "Termine tes Tâches, PUIS Meurs",
@@ -576,10 +592,10 @@
"BloodKnightInfo": "Exécuter te donne un Bouclier temporaire",
"PlagueBearerInfo": "Empeste tout le monde pour te Transformer en Épidémie",
"PestilenceInfo": "Détruis tout le monde !",
- "SoulCollectorInfo": "Prédis les Morts pour Collecter des Âmes",
+ "SoulCollectorInfo": "Predict deaths to collect Souls",
"DeathInfo": "Promulguer l'Armageddon",
- "BakerInfo": "Nourrir les Joueurs du Pain pour devenir la Famine",
- "FamineInfo": "Affamer tout le monde",
+ "BakerInfo": "Feed players bread to become Famine",
+ "FamineInfo": "Starve everyone",
"BerserkerInfo": "Exécute pour augmenter ton Niveau",
"WarInfo": "Détruisez tout",
"GlitchInfo": "Pirate et Exécute tout le monde",
@@ -587,7 +603,7 @@
"FollowerInfo": "Adule un joueur et l'aide",
"CultistInfo": "Charme tout le monde",
"SerialKillerInfo": "Exécute tout le monde pour Gagner !",
- "JuggernautInfo": "Chaque fois que tu Exécutes un joueur, ton Rechargement diminue",
+ "JuggernautInfo": "With each kill, your Cooldown decreases",
"InfectiousInfo": "Infecte tout le monde",
"VirusInfo": "Exécute et Contamine tout le monde",
"PursuerInfo": "Protège-toi et reste en vie jusqu'à la fin !",
@@ -603,38 +619,46 @@
"VultureInfo": "Dévore des Cadavres en les Signalant pour Gagner",
"TaskinatorInfo": "Tâches silencieuses, Explosions Mortelles",
"BenefactorInfo": "Tâche Accomplie, Bouclier d'Élite !",
- "MedusaInfo": "Stone bodies by reporting them",
+ "MedusaInfo": "Stop players in their tracks by Stoning them",
"SpiritcallerInfo": "Transforme les joueurs en Mauvais Esprits",
"AmnesiacInfo": "Souviens-toi du Rôle d'un Cadavre",
"ImitatorInfo": "Imites le Rôle d'un joueur",
- "BanditInfo": "Vole les Modifieurs d'un joueur",
+ "BanditInfo": "Rob a player's Add-on",
"DoppelgangerInfo": "Vole l'Identité de ta Cible",
"PunchingBagInfo": "Soyez attaqué quelques fois pour gagner!",
"KamikazeInfo": "Exécute des joueurs dans une mission Suicide",
"DoomsayerInfo": "Réussis à Deviner le Rôle des joueurs pour Gagner",
"ShroudInfo": "Possède des joueurs pour faire qu'ils Exécutent",
- "WerewolfInfo": "Exécute les Coéquipiers en groupe",
- "ShamanInfo": "Dévie toutes les attaques sur la Poupée Vaudou",
- "SeekerInfo": "Play Hide and Seek with your target\nYour target has a ★ mark.",
+ "WerewolfInfo": "Kill Crewmates in groups",
+ "ShamanInfo": "Deflect all the attacks on Voodoo Doll",
+ "SeekerInfo": "Play Hide & Seek with your target\nYour target has a ★ mark.",
"PixieInfo": "Marque-les, Accuse-les, et Éjecte-les !",
"OccultistInfo": "Exécute et Maudis tes Ennemis",
- "SchrodingersCatInfo": "Le Chat est à la fois Vivant et Mort jusqu'à ce qu'on l'observe.",
+ "SchrodingersCatInfo": "The Cat is both alive and dead until observed.",
"RomanticInfo": "Protège ton Partenaire pour Gagner ensemble",
"VengefulRomanticInfo": "Venge ton Partenaire pour Gagner ensemble",
"RuthlessRomanticInfo": "Exécute tout le monde pour Gagner avec ton Partenaire",
- "PoisonerInfo": "Kill everyone with delayed kills",
- "HexMasterInfo": "Ensorcèle les joueurs pour les Exécuter pendant la Réunion",
"WraithInfo": "Utilisez les ventilations pour être temporairement invisible",
- "JinxInfo": "Reflect attacks onto your attackers",
+ "PoisonerInfo": "Make players unable to use their ability",
+ "HexMasterInfo": "Ensorcèle les joueurs pour les Exécuter pendant la Réunion",
+ "JinxInfo": "Players \"accidentally\" die upon trying to kill your target",
"PotionMasterInfo": "Utilise tes Potions à ton avantage",
- "NecromancerInfo": "Kill your killer to defy death",
+ "NecromancerInfo": "Use the dead to your advantage",
+ "CovenLeaderInfo": "Help your teammates by retraining them",
+ "RitualistInfo": "Perform Blood Rituals to Enchant other players!",
+ "ConjurerInfo": "Blast away your enemies!",
+ "DreamweaverInfo": "Drive other players to insomnia!",
+ "IllusionistInfo": "Place Illusions on players to spread confusion!",
+ "VoodooMasterInfo": "Craft Voodoo Dolls of other players!",
+ "SacrifistInfo": "Debuff your enemies at your own cost",
+ "MoonDancerInfo": "Use Baton Pass to give out Add-ons!",
"WardenInfo": "(Fantômes):\nAvise des Dangers",
"MinionInfo": "(Fantômes)\nAveugle les ennemis",
"LoversInfo": "Restez en Vie et Gagnez ensemble",
"MadmateInfo": "Aide les Imposteurs",
"WatcherInfo": "Tu vois toutes les Couleurs des Votes",
- "LastImpostorInfo": "Le Rechargement d'Exécution est Réduit",
- "OverclockedInfo": "Ton Rechargement est réduit",
+ "LastImpostorInfo": "Lower Kill Cooldown",
+ "OverclockedInfo": "Lower Cooldown",
"FlashInfo": "Tu es très Rapide !",
"TorchInfo": "Tu as une meilleure Vision !",
"SeerInfo": "Vous êtes alerté quand quelqu'un meurt",
@@ -642,14 +666,14 @@
"ObliviousInfo": "Tu ne peux pas Signaler les Cadavres",
"BewilderInfo": "Une Vision déformée, un réseau de confusion",
"WorkhorseInfo": "Soit le premier à Accomplir toutes tes Tâches et Obtiens-en plus",
- "FoolInfo": "Tu ne peux pas Réparer les Sabotages",
+ "FoolInfo": "You can't fix Sabotages",
"AvangerInfo": "Tu emportes quelqu'un avec toi dans la Mort",
"YoutuberInfo": "Fais-toi Exécuter en premier pour Gagner seul",
"CelebrityInfo": "Tout le monde sait quand tu Meurs",
"EgoistInfo": "Gagne seul",
"StealerInfo": "Gagne des votes en tuant",
"ParanoiaInfo": "Vous comptez pour deux joueurs",
- "MimicInfo": "Révèle les Rôles des joueurs Exécutés aux Imposteurs au moment de ta Mort",
+ "MimicInfo": "Reveal killed players' roles to Impostors upon death",
"GuesserInfo": "Devine les Rôles des joueurs lors des Réunions pour Exécuter",
"NecroviewInfo": "Vois dans quelle Équipe sont les joueurs Morts",
"ReachInfo": "Tu as une plus grande Portée pour Exécuter",
@@ -662,32 +686,33 @@
"LuckyInfo": "Esquive les attaquants",
"DoubleShotInfo": "Tu disposes d'une Vie supplémentaire lorsque tu Devines",
"RascalInfo": "Tu as l'air Mauvais dans certains cas",
- "SoullessInfo": "Tu n'as pas d'Âme",
+ "SoullessInfo": "You have no Soul",
"GravestoneInfo": "Ton Rôle est Révélé lorsque tu Meurs",
"LazyInfo": "Tu es trop Flemmard",
"AutopsyInfo": "Tu vois comment les autres sont Morts",
"LoyalInfo": "Tu ne peux pas être Recruté",
- "EvilSpiritInfo": "Vous êtes un Esprit maléfique",
+ "EvilSpiritInfo": "You are an Evil Spirit",
"RecruitInfo": "Aide le Chacal",
+ "EnchantedInfo": "Help the Coven",
"AdmiredInfo": "L'Admirateur t'a choisi comme Admiré",
"GlowInfo": "Tu Luis dans l'Obscurité",
"RadarInfo": "Vous vous sentez seul? Suivez la flèche!",
- "DiseasedInfo": "Augmentez le temps de recharge des joueurs qui interagissent avec vous",
- "AntidoteInfo": "Réduisez le temps de recharge des joueurs qui interagissent avec vous",
- "StubbornInfo": "Protégez votre rôle et vos modifieurs",
+ "DiseasedInfo": "Increase the Cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
+ "AntidoteInfo": "Decrease the Cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
+ "StubbornInfo": "Protect your Role and Add-ons",
"SwiftInfo": "Tes Exécutions ne provoquent pas de Mouvements vers l'avant",
"UnluckyInfo": "Faire des choses a une chance de t'Exécuter",
"VoidBallotInfo": "Le Compte de tes Votes est de 0",
"AwareInfo": "Sais qui a Révélé ton Rôle",
- "FragileInfo": "Mourir instantanément si quelqu'un utilise le bouton Tuer sur vous",
+ "FragileInfo": "Die instantly if someone uses the Kill button on you",
"GhoulInfo": "Exécuter ton Exécuteur après être Mort",
"BloodthirstInfo": "Vous êtes assoiffé de sang, tuez pour vous raviver de sang",
"MareInfo": "Exécute dans l'Obscurité",
"BurstInfo": "Éclate ton Exécuteur !",
"SleuthInfo": "Obtiens des Informations sur les Cadavres",
"ClumsyInfo": "Tu as un Risque de Rater ton Exécution",
- "NimbleInfo": "Tu peux Évacuer !",
- "CircumventInfo": "Tu ne peux plus Évacuer",
+ "NimbleInfo": "You can Vent!",
+ "CircumventInfo": "You can no longer Vent",
"OiiaiInfo": "OIIAIOIIIAI",
"CyberInfo": "Tu es populaire !",
"HurriedInfo": "Diantre, J'ai tellement de choses!",
@@ -706,324 +731,334 @@
"DollMasterInfo": "Prenez le contrôle des actions des joueurs!",
"DoubleAgentInfo": "Planter des bombes sur des joueurs dans les réunions",
"SlothInfo": "Vous êtes plus lent",
- "ProhibitedInfo": "Certains conduits d'aération sont bloqués",
+ "ProhibitedInfo": "Certain Vents are blocked",
"EavesdropperInfo": "Listen in on other roles",
"ShockerInfo": "Shock unsuspecting players",
"RevenantInfo": "Take your killer's role",
- "EngineerTOHEInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers):\nL'Ingénieur peut accéder aux Évacuations tant qu'il n'y a pas de Sabotage des Communications.",
- "ScientistTOHEInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers):\nEn tant que Scientifique, vous pouvez voir les Signes Vitaux, à n'importe quel moment, vous montrant qui est en vie et qui est décédé.",
- "NoisemakerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Noisemaker, whenever you die, you will make a noise, and a visual indicator of your death appears on the screen so the Crewmates can run to catch the person who killed you red-handed (even if it’s not Red).",
- "TrackerTOHEInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers):\\nEn tant que Mouchard, Utilisez le bouton Suivre sur un joueur pour suivre la position de ce joueur en ouvrant votre carte pour un temps limité.",
- "ShapeshifterTOHEInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Métamorphe peut se Métamorphoser en un autre joueur. C'est évident lorsque commence la Métamorphose ou qu'elle prend fin.",
- "PhantomTOHEInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\\nEn tant que Fantôme, vous pouvez utiliser le bouton disparaitre pour ... disparaitre. Vous pouvez réapparaître en réutilisant le bouton une nouvelle fois ou quand le temps de disparition est écoulé.\\nNote: Vous ferez de la fumée de votre couleur quand vous devenez invisible ou que vous réaparessez, donc faite en sorte d'être dans un endroit en sécurité où personne peut vous voir.\\nNote 2: Vous ne pouvez pas tuer quand vous êtes invisible.",
- "GuardianAngelTOHEInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers):\nL'Ange Gardien est le premier Coéquipier à être Mort et il peut donner des Boucliers temporaires aux Coéquipiers.",
- "ImpostorTOHEInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nL'Imposteur a pour but d'Exécuter les Coéquipiers.\nIl peut Saboter et Évacuer.",
+ "EngineerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Engineer, you may access the Vents while Comms Sabotaged is inactive.",
+ "ScientistTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Scientist, you can see Vitals at any time, showing you who is alive and dead.",
+ "NoisemakerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Noisemaker, whenever you die, you will make a noise, and a visual indicator of your death appears on the screen so the Crewmates can run to catch the person who killed you red-handed (even if it’s not red).",
+ "TrackerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracker, press your Tracker button on a player to track their location via the map for a limited amount of time.",
+ "ShapeshifterTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapeshifter, you can Shapeshift into other players. It is obvious when you Shapeshift or revert Shifting.",
+ "PhantomTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Phantom, you can press your Vanish button to go invisible to escape a kill. You can click your Appear button if you want to become visible before the timer runs out or not.\nNote: You will make a smoke cloud whenever you go invisible and become visible. So make sure you are in a safe area where no one will see you.",
+ "GuardianAngelTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guardian Angel, you are the first Crewmate to die and can give Crewmates temporary shields.",
+ "ImpostorTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Impostor, your goal is to simply kill off the Crewmates.\nYou can Sabotage and Vent.",
"CrewmateTOHEInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers):\nLe Coéquipier dois Trouver et Éjecter les Imposteurs.\nLes Coéquipiers Gagnent en se débarrassant de tous les Exécuteurs ou en finissant toutes leurs Tâches.",
- "BountyHunterInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nEn tant que Chasseur de Primes, si vous tuez votre cible Attribué (indiquée par la flèche si vous en avez une) votre prochain délai de meurtre sera Réduit. Si vous tuez n'importe qui d'autre que votre cible, votre prochain temps mort de meurtre sera Augmenté. La prochaine cible change après un certain temps.",
- "FireworkerInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nEn tant que Lanceur de Feu D'Artifice, vous pouvez vous métamorphoser pour mettre des Feux d'Artifices jusqu'au montant max que l'hôte eut autorisé.\nQuand vous êtes le dernier imposteur et tous les feux d'artifices eut été placé, Métamorphosez vous encore une fois pour les détonner et tuer tout le monde dans leur Rayon d'attaque, vous-même inclus.\nSi vous tuez tout le monde avec vos feux d'artifices, c'est considéré comme une victoire d'imposteurs.",
- "MercenaryInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nEn tant que Mercenaire, vous devez tuer avant votre échéance, comme l'est montré par votre Temps mort de Métamorphose (que vous ne pouvez pas utiliser). Si vous n'y arrivez pas, vous mourrez.",
- "ShapeMasterInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Maitre Métamorphe n'a pas de Rechargement de Métamorphose.",
+ "BountyHunterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Bounty Hunter, if you kill your assigned target (indicated by the arrow if you have one), your next Kill Cooldown will be shortened.\nIf you kill anyone other than your target, your next Kill Cooldown will be increased. The target swaps after a certain amount of time.",
+ "FireworkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Fireworker, you can Shapeshift to place Fireworks up to the maximum amount the Host sets.\nWhen you are the last Impostor and all Fireworks have been placed, Shapeshift again to detonate them and kill everyone in their radius, including you.\nIf you kill all players with your Fireworks, it's considered an Impostor victory.",
+ "MercenaryInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mercenary, you must kill within your deadline, as shown by your Shapeshift Cooldown (which you cannot use). If you fail to kill, you die.",
+ "ShapeMasterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapemaster, you have no Shapeshift Cooldown.",
"VampireInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Vampire, your kills are delayed. This means that your target still dies even if a meeting is called first. However, if you bite a Bait, you kill normally and report the body. Depending on the settings, you can use double trigger (bite players - single click, kill normally - double click).",
"WarlockInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Démoniste peut Maudire un Joueur à la fois.\nQuand il se Métamorphose, s'il a Maudit un Joueur, ce joueur Exécutera la personne la plus proche, qui selon les Réglages, peut inclure le Démoniste et les autres Imposteurs.\nIl peut Exécuter normalement en étant Métamorphosé.",
- "ZombieInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nZombie a un temps mort de meurtres réduit, mais bouge très lentement et a une vision très courte. Zombie ne peut être voté que par le Dictateur, et la vélocité du Zombie se baissera graduellement quand ils tuent ou que le temps passe.",
- "NinjaInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nEn tant que Ninja, vous pouvez utiliser votre bouton de meurtre pour Marquer Une Cible (un seul clic) ou tuer normalement (deux clics). Vous pouvez alors vous métamorphoser pour vous téléporter vers la cible marquée et la tuer.",
+ "ZombieInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nZombie has a short Kill Cooldown but moves very slowly and has very little vision. Zombie can not be voted out by anyone other than the Dictator, and the movement speed of Zombie will gradually slow down as they make kills or time passes.",
+ "NinjaInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ninja, you can use your Kill button to mark a target (single click) or kill normally (double click). You may then Shapeshift to teleport to the marked target and kill them.",
"AnonymousInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Craqueur peut se Métamorphoser pour forcer sa Cible à Signaler l'Exécution qu'il a commit durant cette Manche.\nS'il n'a Exécuté personne durant cette Manche, sa Cible se Signalera comme si elle était Morte.\nRemarque : cela ne marche pas sur le Flemmard et le Paresseux, et cette Capacité machera même si le Cadavre n'est normalement pas Signalable.",
- "MinerInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Mineur peut se Métamorphoser pour se Téléporter à la dernière Évacuation qu'il a utilisé.",
- "KillingMachineInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nEn tant que la Machine Meurtrière, vous avez un temps mort de meurtre très réduit avec une vision courte. Par contre, vous ne pouvez pas utiliser les conduits, sabotager, signaler, ni appeler des réunions d'urgence.\n\nNote : Vous Contournerez n'importe quel boucliers, tuer l'appât et le piège 1 ours n'aura aucun effet",
- "EscapistInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nEn tant que l'Évadé, vous pouvez marquer une location en vous métamorphosant. Métamorphosez encore pour vous téléporter vers l'endroit marqué (l'animation de Métamorphose s'affichera après votre téléportation ; soyez vigilant).",
- "WitchInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLa Sorcière peut utiliser son Bouton d'Exécution pour Ensorceler (un seul clique) ou Exécuter normalement (double-clique).\nPendant la prochaine Réunion, chaque Cible Ensorcelée aura une「†」à coté de son nom qui sera visible par tout le monde.\nSauf si elle Meurt avant la fin de cette Réunion, toutes les Cibles Ensorcelée Meurent.",
- "NemesisInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nEn tant que Némésis, vous pouvez seulement tuer si vous êtes le dernier imposteur.\nSi vous êtes morts, vous pouvez utiliser la commande /rv [ID] pour tuer le joueur dont vous avez écrit leur ID. Utilisez /id pour montrer les ID de tous les joueurs, ou regardez 1 côté de leurs noms.",
- "BloodmoonInfoLong": "(Imposteurs [Fantôme]):\nEn tant que Lune Saignante, attaquez les ennemies pour les faire saigner, ceci veut dire qu'ils mourront dans un temps mit par l'hôte, et seront conscient de cela.",
+ "MinerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Miner, you can Shapeshift to teleport back to the last vent you were in.",
+ "KillingMachineInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Killing Machine, you have a very short Kill Cooldown with tiny vision. However, you cannot Vent, Sabotage, Report, nor call Emergency Meetings.\n\nNote: You will bypass any shields, killing bait and beartrap won't take any effect",
+ "EscapistInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Escapist, you can mark a location by Shapeshifting. Shapeshift again to teleport back to the marked spot",
+ "WitchInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Witch, you can use your Kill button to Spell (single click) or Kill normally (double click).\nDuring the next meeting, the spelled target(s) will have a 「†」 next to their name visible to everyone. Unless you die by the end of that meeting, all Spelled targets will die.",
+ "NemesisInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Nemesis, you can only kill if you are the last Impostor.\nIf you are dead, you can use the command /rv [ID] to kill the player whose ID you typed. Use /id to show the ID's of all players, or look next to their names.",
+ "BloodmoonInfoLong": "(Impostors [Ghost]):\nAs the Bloodmoon, attack the enemies to make them drip blood, this means they will die in a time set by the Host, and will be aware of it.",
"PossessorInfoLong": "(Impostors [Ghost]):\nAs the Possessor, you can possess players when others aren't in the Alert Range. Lead the possessed player as far as possible from other players in the Focus Range. Once the possession duration is up, the possessed player will be killed if others aren't in the Focus Range. If you run into another player in the Alert Range while possessing, the Possessor will immediately unpossess.",
- "PuppeteerInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Marionnettiste peut utiliser son Bouton d'Exécution pour Manipuler (Simple-clic) ou Exécuter normalement (Double-clic).\nLes joueurs Manipulés vont Exécuter le prochain joueur non-Imposteur qu'ils touchent. Selon les paramètres, les joueurs Manipulés Mourront après avoir Exécuté.",
- "MastermindInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nEn tant que Cerveau, vous pouvez utiliser votre Bouton d'exécution sur un joueur une fois pour le manipuler. La manipulation ne fait rien si la cible n'a pas de bouton d'exécution.\nMais si la cible en a un, n'importe qui vous manipulerez sera dit après un délai qu'ils ont été manipulé et doivent tuer quelqu'un dans un temps limité pour survivre.\nSi le temps limité expire or une réunion se fait appelé avant de tuer quelqu'un, ils meurent.\nCliquer deux fois sur quelqu'un pour les tuer normalement.",
- "YinYangerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the YinYanger, you can use your kill button one time to pick your Yin and then a second time to choose a Yang. When those two players meet, they'll kill each other. When Yin & Yang have been chosen, you can kill normally.",
+ "PuppeteerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Puppeteer, you can use your Kill button to Puppeteer (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose you Puppeteer will kill the next non-Impostor they touch. Depending on options, Puppeteered targets will also die once they kill.",
+ "MastermindInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mastermind, you can use your Kill button on a player once to manipulate them. The manipulation does nothing if the target doesn't have a Kill button. But if the target does have a Kill button, whoever you manipulate will be told after a delay that they got manipulated and must kill someone in a limited time to survive. If the time limit expires or a meeting gets called before killing someone, they die.\nDouble click on someone to kill them normally.",
+ "YinYangerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the YinYanger, you can use your Kill button one time to pick your Yin and then a second time to choose a Yang. When those two players meet, they'll kill each other. When Yin & Yang have been chosen, you can kill normally.",
"TimeThiefInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Voleur de Temps Réduit la Durée de la Réunion à chaque fois qu'il Exécute un joueur. Si le Voleur de Temps Meurt, le Temps de Réunion revient à la normale.",
- "SniperInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Tireur d'Élite peut tirer sur les joueurs de loin.\nIl doit se métamorphoser deux fois pour réussir un tir.\nImagine une flèche pointant de son premier emplacement de Métamorphose vers son emplacement de Démorphe.\nCe sera la direction dans laquelle le Tir sera effectué.\nLe tir exécute la première personne sur son chemin.\nIl ne peut pas exécuter normalement jusqu'à ce qu'il ait utilisé toutes ses munitions.",
+ "SniperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nYou can shoot players from far away.\nYou have to Shapeshift twice to make a successful snipe.\nImagine an arrow pointing from your first Shapeshift location towards your Unshift location.\nThat will be the direction in which the snipe will be made.\nThe snipe kills the first person in its path.\nYou cannot kill people normally until you use up all of your ammo.",
"UndertakerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEverytime you Shapeshift, you mark the location. Your kills will then teleport to the marked location.\nAfter every kill and meeting, your marked location will reset.\n\nAfter every teleported kill, you will freeze for a configurable amount of time",
- "RiftMakerInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Failleur peux se Métamorphoser pour Placer une Faille. Il peut se Téléporter d'une Faille à l'autre en touchant une Faille. S'il essait d'utiliser un conduit, il sera Éjecté de ce dernier et toutes les Failles seront effacés.\nRemarque : Il ne peut Placer que deux Failles à la fois, s'il en Place une troisième, la première sera retirée.",
- "EvilTrackerInfoLong": "(Imposteur):\\nLe Traqueur peut pister les autres joueurs, et le Traqueur peut se métamorphoser en un autre joueur pour changer sa cible à suivre (Vous vous démétamorphoserez juste après avoir choisi votre cible). La flèche en dessous du nom de ce rôle indique la position de votre cible. Quand un de vos coéquipiers tue, vous recevrez une alerte (un flash rouge).",
- "EvilHackerInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe hackeur maléfique peut avoir les dernières informations de la carte d'administration au début de la réunion d'urgence. \nLes salles inoccupées ne seront pas montré.\nIl y a une '★' quand un imposteur est dans cette salle.\nUne salle où il y a des cadavres sera marqué avec le nombre de cadavre a l'intérieur.\nExemple: ★ Cafétéria: 3 (mortx1).",
+ "RiftMakerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs Rift Maker, you can Shapeshift to create a rift. You can teleport from one rift to another by touching the area where the rift was created. Trying to vent will kick you out, therefore destroying all the rifts.\n\nNote: Up to two rifts can be placed at a time; if you try to place a third, it removes the first one.",
+ "EvilTrackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Tracker can track other players, and the Evil Tracker can Shapeshift into someone to switch the tracking target to the Shapeshift target (You will immediately unshift after performing Shapeshift). The arrow below the Evil Tracker's name indicates the direction of the target. When the Evil Tracker's teammate kills, the Evil Tracker will see a kill flash.",
+ "EvilHackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Hacker can get the last-minute admin information at the meeting beginning.\nUnoccupied rooms are not shown.\nA '★' marks rooms with Impostors.\nRooms with dead bodies are marked with the number of bodies.\nExample: ★Cafeteria: 3 (DEAD×1).",
"EvilGuesserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If correct, the target dies. If wrong, the Evil Guesser dies.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
- "AntiAdminerInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Bureaucrate peut à tout moment savoir s'il y a des Coéquipiers ou des Neutres près des Caméras, de la Table d'Administration, des Signes Vitaux, du Journal des Portes et/ou d'autres dispositifs. Remarque : Le Bureaucrate ne sait pas avec certitude si le joueur utilise l'appareil lorsqu'il est à proximité, il sait seulement que quelqu'un est à proximité de l'Appareil.",
- "ArroganceInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nL'Arrogant réduit son Rechargement d'Exécution pour chaque Exécution réussi.",
- "BomberInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLa Bombe Humaine peut utiliser le Bouton de Métamorphose pour se faire Exploser, Exécutant les Joueurs dans un certain rayon. Mais en contrepartie, la Bombe Humaine Mourra également. Remarque : Tous les Joueurs verront une Alerte d'Exécution Mortelle quand la Bombe Humaine Explosera.",
- "ScavengerInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Nécrophage ne laisse pas de Cadavre derrière lui quand il Exécute. De plus, si sa victime est l'Appât, aucun Signalement ne sera fait.",
+ "AntiAdminerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Anti Adminer can at any time find out if there are Crewmates or Neutrals near Cameras, Admin Table, Vitals, DoorLog, and/or other devices. Note: Anti Adminer does not know if the player uses the device while near it. They only know that someone is near the device.",
+ "ArroganceInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Arrogance reduces their Kill Cooldown with each successful kill of theirs.",
+ "BomberInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Bomber can use the Shapeshift button to self-explode, killing players within a certain range. But as a price, the Bomber will also die. Note: All players will see a kill flash when the Bomber explodes.",
+ "ScavengerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nScavenger kills do not leave dead bodies behind. In addition, if the victim is a Bait, no self-report will be made.",
"TrapsterInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Trappeur a une méthode unique pour tuer. En initiant un signalement de corps, le Trappeur peut éliminer le joueur tentant de signaler le corps que le Trappeur eut tué.\nRemarque: Si le trappeur tue l'appât, le Trappeur mourra immédiatement.",
- "GangsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Gangster, a powerful character, can try to recruit a player to a Madmate by pressing the kill button. If the recruitment is successful, both the Gangster and the target will see the shield animation on each other as a reminder (only visible to each other). The remaining number of available recruits is displayed next to the Gangster's name (the Host sets the max). If the Gangster tries to recruit players who cannot be recruited, such as neutrals or some special crews, they will kill the target normally instead. When the Gangster has no remaining recruitments, they can only make normal kills from that point on.",
- "CleanerInfoLong": "(Imposteurs) :\nLe Nettoyeur peut appuyer sur le Bouton de Signalement pour Nettoyer tout Cadavre qu'il rencontre (y compris ceux qu'il a Exécutés). Si le Nettoyage réussit, le Nettoyeur verra une animation de Bouclier sur lui en guise de rappel (uniquement visible par lui-même). Le Cadavre Nettoyé ne peut pas être Signalé (y compris celui de l'Appât).",
- "LightningInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Vaporisateur ne peut pas Exécuter normalement. Cependant, son Bouton d'Exécution transformera ses Victimes en Fantômes Quantiques après un certain temps. Ceux qui s'approchent des Fantômes Quantiques seront obligés de les Exécuter. De plus, un Fantôme Quantique aura un「■」à côté de son Nom. De plus ceux qui ont été Vaporisé Meurent s'ils survivent jusqu'à la fin de la Réunion. Selon les Réglages, l'Exécuteur du Vaporisateur peut lui aussi devenir un Fantôme Quantique.",
- "GreedyInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Gourmand a des Rechargements d'Exécution différents pour les Exécutions Impairs et Pairs. Le Rechargement du Gourmand est réinitialisé à chaque Réunion et la première Exécution du Gourmand est toujours une Exécution Impair.",
- "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLorsque le Loup Maudit est sur le point d'être Exécuté, il Maudira son Exécuteur jusqu'à ce que Mort s'ensuive.\n(Le nombre maximum de fois où vous pouvez contre-attaquer est défini par l'Hôte)",
- "SoulCatcherInfoLong": "(Imposteur):\nL'Attrapeur d'Âme peut se Métamorphoser pour Échanger sa place avec sa Cible tant qu'elle n'est pas Morte, dans une Évacuation, Avalée par un Pélican ou avec un État similaire.",
- "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Tireur Rapide peut Réinitialiser, quand il est fini, le Rechargement d'Exécution en se Métamorphosant pour Emmagasiner une Balle (s'il réussi à Emmagasiner une Balle, une Animation de Bouclier sur son corps qu'il vera lui seul le lui rappelera). Si le Tireur Rapide a des Balles il peut contourner le Rechargement, il poura même Exécuter si il est en Rechargement, en utilisant une Balle. Au début de chaque Réunion, le Tireur Rapide ne peut garder qu'un certain nombre de Balle (définit par l'Hôte).",
- "CamouflagerInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Dissimulateur en se Métamorphosant, fait que tous les Joueurs commencent à se ressembler. Cet état prend fin lorsque le Dissimulateur met fin a la Métamorphose. Remarque : le Camouflage du Sabotage des Communications et la Capacité du Dissimulateur peuvent être superposées.\nLa Capacité sera Invalide si une Réunion a lieu pendant l'Activation de la Capacité du Dissimulateur.",
- "EraserInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nL'Effaceur peut Voter pour n'importe quelle Cible de l'Équipage lors de la Réunion pour Effacer les Rôles de la Cible, et l'Effacement prendra effet après la fin de la Réunion. Remarque : Les joueurs dont les Capacités sont Effacées seront toujours considérés comme ayant un des Rôle Classique, y compris sur la page des résultats de la Partie.\nUn joueur ne peut être Effacé qu'une fois (y compris l'Oiiai)",
+ "GangsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Gangster, a powerful character, can try to recruit a player to a Madmate by pressing the Kill button. If the recruitment is successful, both the Gangster and the target will see the Shield Animation on each other as a reminder (only visible to each other). The remaining number of available recruits is displayed next to the Gangster's name (the Host sets the maximum). If the Gangster tries to recruit players who cannot be recruited, such as Neutrals or some special Crewmates, they will kill the target normally instead. When the Gangster has no remaining recruitments, they can only make normal kills from that point on.",
+ "CleanerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nCleaner can press the Report button to clean up any dead body they come across (including those they kill). If the cleanup is successful, the Cleaner will see a Shield Animation on their body as a reminder (only visible to himself). The cleaned-up body cannot be reported (including Bait).",
+ "LightningInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lightning, you cannot kill normally. Instead, your Kill button quantizes targets, which activates after a delay, causing the next person they encounter to kill them. Those who are actively quantized show a「■」next to their name. Additionally, those who have been quantized die if they survive until the end of a meeting. There is a setting to quantize your killer.",
+ "GreedyInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nGreedy kills with odd and even kills will have different Kill Cooldowns. Greedy's Kill Cooldown is reset every meeting, and Greedy's first kill is always odd.",
+ "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Cursed Wolf is about to be killed, the Cursed Wolf will curse the killer to death. (The Host sets the maximum of times you can counterattack)",
+ "SoulCatcherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Soul Catcher, you can Shapeshift to swap places with your target as long as they are not dead, in a Vent, swallowed by Pelican, or in a similar odd state.",
+ "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Kill Cooldown is over, Quick Shooter can reset the Kill Cooldown by Shapeshift to store a bullet (when the storage is successful, a Shield Animation visible only to himself will appear on their body as a reminder). If Quick Shooter has bullets, he can use one to bypass the Kill Cooldown; he will kill even if it's still on Cooldown and use a bullet. At the beginning of each meeting, the quick shooter can only keep a certain number of bullets (The Host sets the number).",
+ "CamouflagerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Camouflager uses Shapeshift, all players start to look the same. This state ends when the Camouflager reverts its Shapeshifting. It's important to note that the skills of Communication Sabotage Camouflage, and the skills of the Camouflager can be superimposed.\nThis skill will be invalid if a meeting is held during the skill activation of the Camouflager.",
+ "EraserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEraser can vote for any target at the meeting to erase the target's roles, and the erasure will take effect after the meeting ends. Note: Players with erased skills will always be considered a vanilla role, including the game result page.\nA target can only be erased once (including OIIAI)",
"ButcherInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Boucher Cible plusieurs Cadavres en Exécutant (y compris les Exécutions passives), ce qui rend impossible l'identification précise d'un autre Cadavre lors du Signalement. Remarque : en raison du principe de mise en œuvre, la Cible Exécutée doit afficher de façon répétée l'animation d'Exécution. Cette animation ne peut pas être passée et personne ne peut participer à la Réunion normalement pendant cette période. De plus, si le Boucher Exécute le Vengeur, ce dernier se Vengera sur tout le monde avec colère.",
- "HangmanInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nL'Étrangleur pendant sa Métamorphose Exécute en Étranglant. L'Étranglement ignore tous les statuts de la Cible, comme le Bouclier du Medic, la Protection du Garde du Corps, les Capacités de l'Étoile, etc. Le Joueur Étranglé ne laissera pas de Cadavre et ne déclenchera aucune de ses Capacités. Par exemple, le Vétéran ne fait pas de Contrattaque , etc. (y compris les Rôles supplémentaires), de plus, le Voyant n'aura pas d'Alerte.",
- "SwooperInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Volatile peut utiliser des conduits pour se rendre Invisible temporairement. Il sera toujours Visible sur son écran (pas pour les autres). Il devrait réutiliser le conduit à nouveau pour se rendre Visible.",
+ "HangmanInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Hangman, during the Shapeshifting, you use a unique killing method-strangling. This method ignores any status of the target, such as the shield of the Medic, the Bodyguard's protection, the Super Star's skills, etc. The strangled player will not leave a dead body, nor will it trigger any of its skills. For example, Veteran kill back (including additional roles), and Seer will not be prompted.",
+ "SwooperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Swooper, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
"CrewpostorInfoLong": "(Équipe Imposteur):\nVous tuez le joueur le plus proche lorsque vous finissez une tâche.",
- "WildlingInfoLong": "(Imposteur):\nLe Sauvageon peut se Métamorphoser mais il n'a pas la Capacité d'utiliser des conduits.\nLorsqu'il Exécute, il devient temporairement Immunisé contre les attaques.",
- "TricksterInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Fripon fonctionne comme un Imposteur normal mais avec une différence essentielle.\nIl apparait comme Coéquipier pour les Coéquipiers.\n\nLe Shérif ne peut pas l'Exécuter.\nLe Psychiste ne le voit pas comme Mauvais.\nLe Cafteur ne peut pas le Trouver.",
+ "WildlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Wildling, you can Shapeshift but cannot Vent.\nWhen you kill, you temporarily become immune to attacks.",
+ "TricksterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Trickster, you function as a regular Impostor but with one key difference.\nYou appear as a Crewmate to Crewmate roles.\n\nThe Sheriff cannot kill you.\nPsychic does not see you as evil.\nSnitch cannot find you.",
"VindicatorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Vindicator, you have extra votes like a Mayor.",
"StealthInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\n \nLe Furtif Obscurcit brièvement la Vision des joueurs dans la pièce en Exécutant.",
- "PenguinInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Manchot peut Restreindre sa Cible en utilisant le Bouton d'Exécution, et la faire Glisser.\nPendant qu'il fait Glisser un autre joueur, il utilise à nouveau son Bouton d'Exécution pour que sa Cible Meurt, cependant sa Cible Mourra aussi après un certain temps.\nIl utilise le Bouton d'Exécution 2 fois pour Exécuter un joueur directement.",
- "ParasiteInfoLong": "(Équipe des Imposteurs):\nLe Parasite est un Imposteur qui ne connaît pas les autres Imposteurs.\n\nIl peut Exécuter, Évacuer, Saboter, etc.\nC'est un Imposteur.",
- "DisperserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nDisperser can use Shapeshift to teleport all players to random vents.",
- "InhibitorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Inhibitor, you can only kill when there is not a critical sabotage active.\n\nIf light or comms sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
- "SaboteurInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Saboteur, you can only kill when there is a critical sabotage active.\n\nIf reactor or O2 sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
+ "PenguinInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Penguin, you can restrain the target by pressing the Kill button and drag it around.\nWhile dragging, the target dies by pressing the Kill button again or after a certain period.\nPress the Kill button twice for a direct kill.",
+ "ParasiteInfoLong": "(Team Impostor):\nAs the Parasite, you are an Impostor that does not know the other Impostors.\n\nYou may Kill, Vent, Sabotage, whatever.\nJust know that you are an Impostor.",
+ "DisperserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nDisperser can use Shapeshift to teleport all players to random Vents.",
+ "InhibitorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Inhibitor, you can only kill when there is not a Critical Sabotage active.\n\nIf Light or Comms Sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
+ "SaboteurInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Saboteur, you can only kill when there is a Critical sabotage active.\n\nIf Reactor or O2 Sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
"CouncillorInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Conseiller peut Exécuter des joueurs pendant une Réunion comme un Juge.\nLorsqu'il Exécute pendant une Réunion, ces Exécutions apparaissent comme le Procès d'un Juge.\nLa commande d'Exécution est /tl [Id du joueur]\nIl peut voir l'Id du joueur avant son nom, ou utiliser la commande /id pour voir l'Id de tous les joueurs.\nEn fonction des paramètres, le Conseiller se suicidera lorsqu'il juge ses camarades.\nLe Conseiller Converti peut juger Librement.",
"DazzlerInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nL'Éblouisseur peut réduire la Vision de la Cible de sa Métamorphose de façon permanente. Lorsqu'il Meurt, leurs Visions redeviennent normales.",
- "DeathpactInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Pacte Mortel Marque une Cible pour un Pacte Mortel en se Métamorphosant en elle.\nSi suffisamment de joueurs sont Marqués pour un Pacte Mortel, les joueurs Marqués doivent se Rencontrer dans un laps de temps défini ; s'ils ne le font pas, ils Meurent.\nSi un joueur Marqué Meurt avant que le Pacte Mortel ne soit Accompli, le Pacte est Annulé.",
- "DevourerInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Dévoreur utilise sa Métamorphose pour Changer de façon permanente l'Apparence de la Cible de la Métamorphose. De plus, pour chaque Joueur dont l'Apparence est Changée, votre Rechargement d'Exécution est réduit d'un nombre défini de secondes. Si le Dévoreur Meurt ou est Éjecté au cours d'une Réunion, les Joueurs reprennent leur Apparence normale.",
- "MorphlingInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Métamorphe est un imposteur capable de se Métamorphiser mais il ne peut pas Exécuter quand il n'est pas Métamorphosé.",
- "TwisterInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Détourneur peut utiliser la Métamorphose pour Échanger Aléatoirement la position de tous les Joueurs. L'Échange a lieu deux fois, une fois lorsqu'il commence sa modification de forme et une fois lorsqu'il reprend son Apparence d'origine.\nLe Détourneur lui-même ne Changera de place avec personne et les Joueurs qui se trouvent dans les Évacuations ne peuvent pas être Téléportés.",
- "LurkerInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Fureteur peut Sauter dans une Évacuation pour réduire son Rechargement d'un certain nombre de secondes. Après avoir Exécuté, son Rechargement est réinitialisé à sa valeur d'origine.",
+ "DeathpactInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Deathpact, You Shapeshift to mark your targets for a deathpact.\nIf you have enough players marked for a deathpact, they must meet within a specific period; if they fail to do so, they die.\nIf a marked player dies before the deathpact becomes complete, the pact is withdrawn.",
+ "DevourerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Devourer, you use your Shapeshift to change the appearance of the target of the Shapeshift permanently. Additionally, when each player's appearance changes, you will have your Kill Cooldown reduced by a defined number of seconds. If the Devourer dies or gets voted out during a meeting, the player's appearance will change back to their normal appearance.",
+ "MorphlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Morphling, you are a Shapeshifter but cannot kill while not Shapeshifted.",
+ "TwisterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Twister, you can use Shapeshifting to swap the position of all players randomly. The swap happens twice, once when you start your Shapeshift and once when you return to your original appearance.\nThe Twister itself will not swap places with anyone, and players in vents will not teleport.",
+ "LurkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lurker, you can jump into a Vent to reduce your Cooldown by a certain number of seconds. After you kill, your Cooldown resets to its original value.",
"VisionaryInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Visionnaire voit les Alignements des joueurs Vivants lors d'une Réunion.\nLes Informations suivantes seront Affichées sur le joueur :\n- Le Nom Rouge indique les Imposteurs.\n- Le Nom Cyan indique les Coéquipiers.\n- Le Nom Gris indique les Neutres.",
"PlagueDoctorInfoLong": "(Neutres):\n(Plague Doctor de TOH)\nLe Médecin de Peste doit d'Infecter tous les joueurs en Vie.\nIl commence par choisir un joueur à Infecter, après quoi n'importe qui passant un temps défini à poximité du joueur Infecté sera Infecter à son tour.\nLa progression de l'Infection est cumulative et ne se réinitialise pas avec la distance ou après une Réunion.",
- "RefugeeInfoLong": "(Madmates):\nAs the Refugee, you were either:\n -An Amnesiac who remembered an Impostor\n -A killer who killed the Godfather's target.\n -A Romantic whose partner was an Impostor\n -Or an Imitator that imitated an Impostor.\n\nNow your job is to help the Impostors kill the crewmates.",
+ "RefugeeInfoLong": "(Madmates):\nAs the Refugee, you were either:\n -An Amnesiac who remembered an Impostor\n -A killer who killed the Godfather's target.\n -A Romantic whose partner was an Impostor\n -Or an Imitator that imitated an Impostor.\n\nNow your job is to help the Impostors kill the Crewmates.",
"UnderdogInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Postulant ne peut pas Exécuter tant qu'il y a un certain nombre de joueurs en Vie.",
- "ConsigliereInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nL'Éminence Grise peut Révéler le Rôle des autres joueurs en utilisant son Bouton d'Exécution.\n\nUn seul clic : Révéler le Rôle.\nDouble clic : Exécuter.\n\nS'il n'a plus d'utilisation pour Révéler, son Bouton d'Exécution fonctionne normalement.",
- "LudopathInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Ludopathe a un Rechargement d'Exécution Aléatoire.\n\nLe minimum est de 1 seconde, tandis que le maximum est le Rechargement par défaut d'Exécution.",
+ "ConsigliereInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Consigliere, you can reveal the roles of other players using your Kill button.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\n\nIf you run out of reveal uses, your Kill button functions normally.",
+ "LudopathInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ludopath, your Kill Cooldown is randomized.\n\nMinimum it can be is 1 second, while the maximum is your default Kill Cooldown.",
"GodfatherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Godfather, you vote someone to make them your target.\nIn the next round, if someone kills the target, the killer will turn into a Refugee or Madmate.",
"ChronomancerInfoLong": "En tant que Chronomancien, vous avez une barre de recharge qui indique lorsque l'exécution est prête. Lorsqu'elle est à 100% la prochaine fois que vous exécutez quelqu'un, vous irez en mode meurtrier, cela veut dire que vous pouvez tuer constamment jusqu'à ce que votre barre de recharge se vide. Sinon, vous aurez un temps mort d'exécution normal.",
- "PitfallInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Piégeur utilise sa Métamorphose pour Marquer la zone autour de la Métamorphose comme un Piège. Les joueurs qui entrent dans cette zone seront Immobilisés pendant une courte période et leur Vision sera affectée.",
- "EvilMiniInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nLe Mauvais Gamin est inexécutable jusqu'à ce qu'il Grandisse et il a un Rechargement d'Exécution très long, qui sera considérablement réduit quand il Grandira.",
- "BlackmailerInfoLong": "(Imposteurs): En tant que Maitre chanteur, quand vous vous métamorphosez en votre cible, vous ferez du chantage à joueur. Ce qui veut dire qu'il ne pourra pas parler pendant la réunion.\n\nNote: Si quelqu'un est déjà victime de chantage et que vous faite du chantage à un autre joueur, le chantage de votre cible précédente sera annulé.",
- "InstigatorInfoLong": "(Imposteurs):\nL'Instigateur doit faire s'Accuser les Coéquipiers entre eux. À chaque fois qu'un Coéquipier innocent est Éjecté, tant que l'Instigateur est en Vie, un autre Coéquipier qui a Voté pour lui Meurt après la Réunion. Le nombre de Coéquipiers qui Meurent est déterminé par l'Hôte.",
- "LazyGuyInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers):\nLe Paresseux n'a qu'une seule Tâche, de plus, les Capacités d'un Imposteur ne peuvent pas affecter le Paresseux, comme le fait d'être un Bouc Émissaire pour le Craqueur, Maudit par le Démoniste ou un Marionnettiste, et plus encore. Le Paresseux n'aura pas de Modifieur.",
+ "PitfallInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Pitfall, you use your Shapeshift to mark the area around the Shapeshift as a trap. Players who enter this area will be immobilized quickly, and their vision will be affected.",
+ "EvilMiniInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Evil Mini, you are unkillable until you grow up and have a very long initial Kill Cooldown, which gets drastically shortened as you grow up.",
+ "BlackmailerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Blackmailer, when you Shift into a target, you will blackmail that player. This means that during the meetings, they won't be able to speak.\n\nNote: If someone is already blackmailed, blackmailing another person un-blackmails the current person.",
+ "InstigatorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Instigator, it's your job to turn the Crewmates against each other. Each time a Crewmate gets voted out in a meeting, if you are alive, an additional Crewmate who voted for the innocent player will die after the meeting. The Host determines the number of additional players dying.",
+ "LazyGuyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nLazy Guy has only one task. In addition, the Impostor's abilities can't affect the Lazy Guy, such as being a scapegoat for Anonymous, being marked by a Warlock or Puppeteer, and more. Lazy Guy will not have any Add-ons.",
"SuperStarInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThere will be a star logo next to the Super Star's name, so everyone knows who the Super Star is. The Super Star can only die when the murderer is alone with the Super Star (regular kills only). In addition, the Guessers can't guess the Super Star. ",
"CelebrityInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers):\nLa Célébrité en Mourant déclenche une Alerte d'Exécution que tous les Coéquipiers voient (de la même manière que le Voyant) et reçoivent une notification lors de la prochaine Réunion. Les Imposteurs ne savent rien de tout cela.",
- "CleanserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Cleanser, you can vote to erase the add-ons of any target at the meeting. This erasure takes effect after the meeting ends. Depending on the settings, the cleansed player may never receive add-ons again.",
+ "CleanserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Cleanser, you can vote to erase the Add-ons of any target at the meeting. This erasure takes effect after the meeting ends. Depending on the settings, the cleansed player may never receive Add-ons again.",
"KeeperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs keeper, you can vote for someone to protect them from being ejected. You can only do this a configurable number of times.",
- "MayorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mayor, you have extra votes. Depending on the settings, players can't see your extra votes, you can vent to call a meeting at any time, or you can have yourself revealed as Mayor upon task completion.",
+ "MayorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mayor, you have extra votes. Depending on the settings, players can't see your extra votes, you can Vent to call a meeting at any time, or you can have yourself revealed as Mayor upon task completion.",
"PsychicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Psychic can see the names of several players highlighted in red during the meeting; at least one of them is evil. The Psychic will correctly see all Neutrals and Killing Crewmates displayed as red names when becoming a Madmate.",
- "MechanicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Mechanic can use the vent at any time. They can also fix Reactors, O2, and Communications using only one side. You can fix Lights by flicking only one switch. Opening a door will open all doors in the map.",
- "SheriffInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers):\nLe Shérif n'a aucune Tâche à Accomplir. Le Shérif peut Exécuter les Imposteurs (selon les Réglages de l'Hôte, le Shérif peut également Exécuter les Neutres). Si le Shérif tente d'Exécuter un Coéquipier, il se Suicidera. Le Shérif peut Exécuter n'importe qui lorsqu'il devient Complice (également selon les Réglages de l'Hôte).",
- "VigilanteInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Vigilante, you are tasked with eliminating potential threats to the Crew, but if they mistakenly kill an innocent crew member, they become a Madmate driven by guilt and remorse.\n\n Note: Gangster cannot convert Vigilante into madmate.",
- "JailerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Jailer, use your kill button to lock a player in jail. During the next meeting, the jailed player cannot vote or get voted (the vote count will be 0). The Jailer may choose to execute the prisoner by voting for them. If the Jailer executes an innocent player, the Jailer loses the ability to execute for the rest of the game.\nIf the Jailer is evil, then they can execute anyone.\nThe Jailer has limited executions.\n\nNote: Jailed players cannot be guessed or judged, and jailed players can only guess Jailer.",
+ "MechanicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Mechanic can use Vents at any time. They can also fix Reactors, O2, and Communications using only one side. You can fix Lights by flicking only one switch. Opening a door will open all doors in the map.",
+ "SheriffInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nSheriff has no task. The Sheriff can kill the Impostor (according to the Host settings, the Sheriff can also kill Neutrals). If the Sheriff tries to kill a Crewmate, the Sheriff will kill himself. The Sheriff can kill anyone when he becomes a Madmate (also according to the Host settings).",
+ "VigilanteInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Vigilante, you are tasked with eliminating potential threats to the Crewmates, but if they mistakenly kill an innocent Crew member, they become a Madmate driven by guilt and remorse.\n\n Note: Gangster cannot convert Vigilante into Madmate.",
+ "JailerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Jailer, use your Kill button to lock a player in jail. During the next meeting, the jailed player cannot vote or get voted (the vote count will be 0). The Jailer may choose to execute the prisoner by voting for them. If the Jailer executes an innocent player, the Jailer loses the ability to execute for the rest of the game.\nIf the Jailer is evil, then they can execute anyone.\nThe Jailer has limited executions.\n\nNote: Jailed players cannot be guessed or judged, and jailed players can only guess Jailer.",
"SnitchInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAfter the Snitch completes all tasks, they can see the Impostor's names displayed in red on the meeting. When the Snitch has only one task left, the Impostors will see a 「★」 mark next to the name of themselves and the Snitch. When a Snitch becomes a Madmate, the 「★」 mark turns red.",
- "MarshallInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Marshall, complete your tasks to reveal yourself to the rest of the Crew.\nOther teams will not be able to see you.\nHowever, madmates CAN see you.",
- "DoctorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nDoctor can see the cause of death for all players. In addition, the Doctor can access vitals wherever you are while he still has battery left.",
+ "MarshallInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Marshall, complete your tasks to reveal yourself to the rest of the Crewmates.\nOther teams will not be able to see you.\nHowever, Madmates CAN see you.",
+ "DoctorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nDoctor can see the cause of death for all players. In addition, the Doctor can access Vitals wherever you are while he still has battery left.",
"DictatorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhen the Dictator votes for someone, the meeting will end on the spot, and the player they voted for will be ejected from the meeting. The moment the Dictator votes someone out, the Dictator will also die.",
"DetectiveInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAfter the Detective reports the body, they will receive a clue message, which will tell the Detective what the victim's role is. According to the Host's settings, the Detective may know what the murderer's role is. Note: Detective won't be Oblivious.",
"UndercoverInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers):\nL'Agent Double est vu par les Imposteurs comme un Partenaire, mais l'Agent Double ne sait pas qui sont les Imposteurs.",
- "NiceGuesserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Nice Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If it is correct, it will kill the target, and if it is wrong, Nice Guesser will suicide.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nNice Guesser can guess crewmate when become madmate.",
- "GuessMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guess Master, you will receive information about every attempted guess made during a meeting. You will be informed about the role the guesser tried to guess, and you will also be notified in case of a misguess.",
+ "NiceGuesserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Nice Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If it is correct, it will kill the target, and if it is wrong, Nice Guesser will suicide.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nNice Guesser can guess Crewmate when become Madmate.",
+ "GuessMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guess Master, you will receive information about every attempted guess made during a meeting. You will be informed about the role the Guesser tried to guess, and you will also be notified in case of a misguess.",
"KnightInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Knight has no tasks. They can kill anyone but only do it once the whole game.",
- "TransporterInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers):\nLe Transporteur en Accomplissant des Tâches Échange la position de deux joueurs Aléatoires, mais s'il n'y a plus assez de joueurs, rien ne se passe. Remarque : les joueurs qui se trouvent dans une Évacuation ne sont pas sélectionnés.",
+ "TransporterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhenever the Transporter completes the task, two random players will switch positions, but if there are not enough players left, nothing will happen. Note: Players in a Vent will not be selected.",
"TimeManagerInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers):\nL'Horloger allonge la Réunion en Accomplissant des Tâches. Lorsque l'Horloger Meurt, le temps de la Réunion revient à la normale. Lorsque l'Horloger devient Complice, la Capacité Réduit le temps de Réunion au lieu de l'Augmenter.",
- "VeteranInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Veteran, you can enter the alert state by venting. If a player tries to kill the Veteran in the alert state, the Veteran will kill the murderer instead. Veteran will see a shield animation on their body and a text above their head as a reminder when they enter and exit the alert state.",
- "BastionInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Bastion, bomb vents to kill off impostors and neutrals.\nBe careful though; crewmates can also be killed with the bombs.",
- "CopyCatInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Copycat, you can use your kill button to copy the target's role.\n\nYou can only copy some crewmate roles.\nIf you try to copy a madmate or rascal, you become the madmate variation of the target role.\nIf you target an evil with a crewmate variant, you'll become the crewmate variant.\n\nAdditionally, Your role will be set back to Copycat after every meeting.\nNote You can't guess people in meetings.",
+ "VeteranInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Veteran, you can enter the alert state by Venting. If a player tries to kill the Veteran in the alert state, the Veteran will kill the murderer instead. Veteran will see a Shield Animation on their body and a text above their head as a reminder when they enter and exit the alert state.",
+ "BastionInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Bastion, bomb Vents to kill off Impostors and Neutrals.\nBe careful though; Crewmates can also be killed with the bombs.",
+ "CopyCatInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Copycat, you can use your Kill button to copy the target's role.\n\nYou can only copy some Crewmate roles.\nIf you try to copy a Madmate or Rascal, you become the Madmate variation of the target role.\nIf you target an evil with a Crewmate variant, you'll become the Crewmate variant.\n\nAdditionally, Your role will be set back to Copycat after every meeting.\nNote You can't guess people in meetings.",
"BodyguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nIf a player is about to be killed near the Bodyguard, the Bodyguard will prevent the kill and die with the murderer. The Bodyguard's skills will affect players of any team. When the Bodyguard becomes a Madmate, and the murderer is an Impostor, the Bodyguard will not activate the skill.",
- "DeceiverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Deceiver can sell the counterfeit to other players through the kill button. If the counterfeit is sold successfully, the Deceiver will see a shield animation on their body as a reminder. The counterfeit will take effect after the end of the next meeting. If the player with no kill ability holds the counterfeit, he will kill himself immediately. If the player with the killing ability has the counterfeit, he will commit suicide when he tries to kill someone next time.",
- "GrenadierInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers):\nLe Grenadier peut Évacuer pour Aveugler les joueurs proches, cela va Diminuer leur Vision s'ils sont Imposteurs ou, selon les Réglages, les Neutres.",
+ "DeceiverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Deceiver can sell the counterfeit to other players through the Kill button. If the counterfeit is sold successfully, the Deceiver will see a Shield Animation on their body as a reminder. The counterfeit will take effect after the end of the next meeting. If the player with no kill ability holds the counterfeit, he will kill himself immediately. If the player with the killing ability has the counterfeit, he will commit suicide when he tries to kill someone next time.",
+ "GrenadierInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Grenadier, you can Vent to Flashbang players nearby, causing them to lose vision if they are an Impostor or, depending on settings, a Neutral.",
"MedicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Medic can place a shield on the target by pressing the Kill button. The Medic can only give one shield for the whole game. Depending on the settings, the target's shield can or cannot deactivate when the Medic dies. The Medic can also see if someone is trying to break the target's shield.\nDepending on the Host's settings, the Medic or the target can see if the player has a shield (shown as a green circle 「●」 next to the name).",
"FortuneTellerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Fortune Teller, vote for a player in a meeting to get a clue to their role.\nThe clue will relate to their actual role.\n\nWhen the Fortune Teller's tasks are complete, they will obtain the exact role rather than a clue!\n\nNote: If the setting to give random active players as a hint is on, you cannot check the same player multiple times.",
"JudgeInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Judge can judge a certain player during the meeting. If the target is evil, the target will be killed (whether it is evil or not is set by the Host). If it is wrong, the Judge commits suicide.\nCommand for judgment: /tl [player id]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nJudges can judge all players when they become Madmate.\nIn meeting the ability count shows how many trails you have in this meeting. Out of meeting the ability counts shows how many trails you have for the whole game.",
"MorticianInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Mortician can see arrows pointing to all dead bodies, and if the Mortician reports a body, they will know the last player the victim had contact with. Note: Mortician won't be Oblivious or Seer.",
"MediumInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Medium can establish contact with a dead player after someone reports a dead body. The player who reports doesn't have to be the Medium. The dead player can answer once with a YES or a NO to the Medium's question, which only the Medium will see (the dead player can use /ms yes or /ms no). Note: Medium won't be Oblivious.",
- "ObserverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Observer, you can see all shield animations caused by other players after the first meeting. The shied animations typically indicate a role ability, so look out for this.",
+ "ObserverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Observer, you can see all Shield Animations caused by other players after the first meeting. The Shield Animations typically indicate a role ability, so look out for this.",
"MonarchInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Monarch, you can knight players to give them an extra vote.\n\nYou cannot knight someone who already has multiple votes.\n\nKnighted players appear with a golden name.\nIf a knighted player is alive, the Monarch cannot be guessed or killed.",
- "PacifistInfoLong": "(Crewmates) :\nLe Pacifiste en Évacuant réinitialise le Rechargement d'Exécution de chaque joueur disposant d'un Bouton d'Exécution. Lorsqu'il devient Complice, cette Capacité ne fonctionne que sur les Coéquipiers.",
- "OverseerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Overseer, you have minimal vision, but you can use your kill button to reveal the role of a nearby player. A 「○」 will be displayed next to the revealed target after you use the kill button on them, and you will also be scanning them (only you can see this). Stay near the target for a defined time to reveal his role; if you move too far away, the reveal will cancel.",
+ "PacifistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhen the Pacifist Vents, they will reset the Kill Cooldown for every player with a Kill button. When they become a Madmate, this ability will only work on Crewmates.",
+ "OverseerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Overseer, you have minimal vision, but you can use your Kill button to reveal the role of a nearby player. A 「○」 will be displayed next to the revealed target after you use the Kill button on them, and you will also be scanning them (only you can see this). Stay near the target for a defined time to reveal his role; if you move too far away, the reveal will cancel.",
"CoronerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a Coroner, you can't report corpses; instead, after trying to report the corpse, you will see an arrow leading you to the killer. If someone calls a meeting, the arrows disappear. Depending on the settings, players can't report the body you found.",
"PresidentInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe President has two abilities: End the meeting and Reveal identity.\n\n+ Ability 1: End the meeting - Type /finish in meetings as President to instantly end the meeting.\n+ Ability 2: Reveal identity - Type /reveal in meetings to reveal yourself. Revealing yourself will make it so every player can see that you are the President, and you will become unguessable after typing the command. However, after the President has revealed themselves, whoever killed the President will have their kill CD greatly reduced on their next kill.",
- "MerchantInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a merchant, you sell a random add-on to a random player for each task you complete. Each add-on sold earns you money. If you have a certain amount of money, you can prevent the next killing attempt against you by bribing the murderer. The bribed player won't be able to kill you, but you don't know who it is. The money used is lost and not available for additional bribes.",
+ "MerchantInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a merchant, you sell a random Add-on to a random player for each task you complete. Each Add-on sold earns you money. If you have a certain amount of money, you can prevent the next killing attempt against you by bribing the murderer. The bribed player won't be able to kill you, but you don't know who it is. The money used is lost and not available for additional bribes.",
"RetributionistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nLe Revanchard peut Exécuter un nombre limité de joueurs après sa Mort.\n\nIl utilise /ret [ID du joueur] pour Exécuter.",
- "HawkInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers [fantôme]):\\nEn tant qu'épurateur, vous pouvez tuer un nombre limité de joueurs décidé par l'hôte, cependant il y a une chance que votre coup rate, Empaler quelqu'un plusieurs fois en augmente les chances.",
- "DeputyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Deputy, use your kill button to handcuff a player.\nThe player who is handcuffed will have their next kill attempt treated as a handcuff break, and the kill cooldown will be reset.\n\nIf the target does not have a kill button, then the handcuff was a waste.",
- "InvestigatorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs an Investigator, you can use your kill button to investigate someone. When you investigate someone, their name will appear in red if they possess a kill button (impostor/SS basis) or light blue if they lack a kill button (crewmate/engineer/scientist basis). However, please note that the color of the names will return to normal when someone calls a meeting.",
+ "HawkInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Hawk, you can kill a limited amount of players decided by the Host, though there's a chance you miss, slicing someone multiple times increases the chances.",
+ "DeputyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Deputy, use your Kill button to handcuff a player.\nThe player who is handcuffed will have their next kill attempt treated as a handcuff break, and the Kill Cooldown will be reset.\n\nIf the target does not have a Kill button, then the handcuff was a waste.",
+ "InvestigatorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs an Investigator, you can use your Kill button to investigate someone. When you investigate someone, their name will appear in red if they possess a Kill button (impostor/Shapeshifter basis) or light blue if they lack a Kill button (Crewmate/Engineer/Scientist basis). However, please note that the color of the names will return to normal when someone calls a meeting.",
"GuardianInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guardian, you become immortal upon task completion. Guessers can't even guess you in meetings.",
- "AddictInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Addict, you have a suicide timer. When it expires, you kill yourself.\nThe timer is indicated by the vent cooldown. When the vent cooldown is 0 seconds, you still have a short time to vent.\nIf you don't make it, you die; if you make it, the suicide timer is reset.\nAlso after you vent, no one can interact with you for a defined period.\nAfter; the period is over, and you are immobilized for another defined period, and cannot report any bodies.",
- "MoleInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mole, when you vent, you stay in the vent for 1 second. When you exit the vent, you will spawn near a random vent in the map (Except the one you used).",
+ "AddictInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Addict, you have a suicide timer. When it expires, you kill yourself.\nThe timer is indicated by the Vent Cooldown. When the Vent Cooldown is 0 seconds, you still have a short time to Vent.\nIf you don't make it, you die; if you make it, the Suicide Timer is reset.\nAlso after you Vent, no one can interact with you for a defined period.\nAfter; the period is over, and you are immobilized for another defined period, and cannot Report any bodies.",
+ "MoleInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mole, when you Vent, you stay in the Vent for 1 second. When you exit the Vent, you will spawn near a random Vent in the map (Except the one you used).",
"AlchemistInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers):\nL'Alchimiste peut Concocter des Potions quand il Accomplit des Tâches. La Potion qu'il a faît sera affiché en dessous du nom de son Rôle avec sa description et son instruction. Il peut avoir 7 Potions différentes, avec des effets dévastateurs ou sans effet. Il Évacue pour utiliser la Potion.",
- "KamikazeInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Kamikaze you can single click to mark people. Double-click to kill normally. When you die, all marked also die, with death reason Targeted.",
- "TracefinderInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers)\nLe Localisateur peut accéder aux Signes Vitaux à tout moment.\nDe plus, il aura des Flèches qui pointerons sur les Cadavres, les Flèches se mettrons à jour a un certain intervalle de temps définit par l'hôte.",
+ "KamikazeInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Kamikaze you can single click to mark players. Double-click to kill normally. When you die, all marked also die, with death reason Targeted.",
+ "TracefinderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracefinder, you can access Vitals at any time.\nIn addition, you get arrows pointing to dead bodies, with a delay set by the Host.",
"OracleInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers):\nL'Oracle peut Voter un joueur durant la Réunion.\nIl verra si c'est un Coéquipier, un Neutre ou un Imposteur.\nSelon les Réglages, il peut y avoir un risque que le résultat soit incorrecte.",
"SpiritualistInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers):\nLe Spiritualiste obtient une Flèche pointant vers le Fantôme de la Victime de la dernière Réunion. Il existe une option permettant à la Flèche de disparaître et de réapparaître à intervalles réguliers. Le Spiritualiste essaie d'informer le Fantôme de ses Capacités, s'il le peut ; s’ils sont de son côté, ils peuvent le conduire à un Rôle Mauvais afin que vous puissiez les Éjecter. Soyez prudent, car les Rôles Mauvais peuvent faire la même chose pour les membres de l'Équipage.",
- "ChameleonInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers):\nLe Caméléon peut utiliser des conduits pour Disparaître temporairement. Il apparaît toujours Visible sur son écran. Il devrait réutiliser un conduit à nouveau pour redevenir Visible.",
- "InspectorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nVérifiez si deux joueurs font partie de la même équipe ou non. Vous recevrez un message d'affirmation s'ils sont dans la même équipe, ou un message d'infirmation s'ils ne sont pas dans la même équipe. Tous les neutres et les joueurs convertis sont comptés dans la même équipe. Le Trappeur est compté comme Coéquipier et le Coquin est compté comme Imposteur. Commande de vérification : /cmp [player id 1] [player id 2].",
- "CaptainInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers):\nLe Capitaine acquiert le Pouvoir de Ralentir un Rôle Non-Équipier Aléatoire pour chaque Tâche Accomplie. Les Coéquipiers peuvent Voir ☆ à côté du nom du Capitaine.\n\nSi quelqu'un Trahit le Capitaine en l'Éjectant, il perdra un Attribut.",
- "AdmirerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Admirer, admire a player to make them Crewmate aligned.\nThey'll win with crewmates and not their original team.\n\nYou can only do this once per player.",
- "TimeMasterInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers):\nLe Maître du Temps utilise les conduits pour Marquer la Position de tout le monde.\nLorsqu'il utilise à nouveau cette Capacité, tous les joueurs Vivants seront ramenés aux positions Marquées.\n\nPendant la Durée de la Capacité, le Maître du Temps gagne un Bouclier Temporel, qui le protège de la Mort.",
- "CrusaderInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers):\nLe Croisé, utilise son Bouton d'Exécution pour Croiser un joueur.\nSi ce joueur est Attaqué, vous Exécuterez l'Attaquant.",
- "AltruistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Altruist, you can sacrifice yourself to revive a dead body using the «Report» button.\nNote: If a dead player has left the game, you report that body normally.\nAlso revived player cannot report self dead body\nUse vent button to change between Report & Revive.",
- "ReverieInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers):\nLe Réveur peut Exécuter mais son Rechargement est élevé.\n\nIl Augmente s'il Exécute un Coéquipier sinon il Diminue.\nSelon les Réglages de l'Hôte, il peut faire un Tir-Raté en atteignant le Rechargement d'Exécution maximal et sa Cible Meurt avec lui.\n\nIl Gagne avec les autres Coéquipiers.",
- "LookoutInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers):\nLe Guetteur peut voir les ID de tous les joueurs à tout moment.\nCe qui vous permet de Voir à travers les Métamorphoses et les Camouflages.",
- "TelecommunicationInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers):\nLe Télécommunication est averti lorsque quelqu'un regarde les Caméras, les Signes Vitaux, le Journal des Portes ou la Table d'Administration.",
- "LighterInfoLong": "(Coéquipier):\nL'Éclaireur peut Évacuer pour augmenter sa Vision temporairement.\nIl a une Vision accrue à la fois lorsque les Lumières ne sont pas éteintes et lorsqu'elles le sont.\nIl utilise ce pouvoir pour attraper les Exécuteurs sournois !",
+ "ChameleonInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chameleon, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
+ "InspectorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nCheck If two players are in the same team or not. You will get an affirmation message if they are on the same team or a denial message if they are not on the same team.\n\nAll Neutrals and converted players are counted in the same team. Trickster counts as Crewmate, and Rascal counts as Impostor.\nChecking command: /cmp [player id 1] [player id 2].",
+ "CaptainInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWith each completed task, the Captain gains the power to slow down a random non-Crewmate role. Crewmates can see ☆besides Captain's name.\n\nIf anyone betrays the Captain's trust by voting Captain out, they will lose an Add-on.",
+ "AdmirerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Admirer, admire a player to make them Crewmate aligned.\nThey'll win with Crewmates and not their original team.\n\nYou can only do this once per player.",
+ "TimeMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Time Master, use the Vents to mark everyone's position.\nWhen using the ability again, every alive player will rewind to the marked positions.\n\nDuring the ability duration, the Time Master gains a time shield, which protects them from death.",
+ "CrusaderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Crusader, use your Kill button to crusade a player.\nIf that player gets attacked, you'll kill the attacker.",
+ "AltruistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Altruist, you can sacrifice yourself to revive a dead body using the «Report» button.\nNote: If a dead player has left the game, you report that body normally.\nAlso revived player cannot report self dead body\nUse the Vent button to change between Report & Revive.",
+ "ReverieInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Reverie, you can kill, but your Cooldown starts high.\n\nIt increases if you kill a Crewmate and reduces otherwise.\nDepending on the Host's setting, you may misfire on reaching the maximum Kill Cooldown, and your target dies with you. \n\nYou win with other Crewmates.",
+ "LookoutInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Lookout, you can see the ID's of every player at all times.\nThis allows you to see through Shapeshifts and Camouflages.",
+ "TelecommunicationInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Telecommunication, you are notified when anyone uses Cameras, Vitals, Door Logs, or Admin.",
+ "LighterInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Lighter, you can Vent to increase your vision temporarily.\nYou have increased vision both when lights are not out and when lights are out.\nUse this power to catch sneaky killers!",
"TaskManagerInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers):\nLe Gestionnaire de Tâches voit le nombre total de Tâches Accomplies (par tout le monde) à côté du nom de son Rôle, qui est Actualisé en temps réel.",
- "WitnessInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers):\nLe Témoin en utilisant son Bouton d'Exécution sur quelqu'un, saura s'il a Exécuté dans les X dernières secondes ou non. (X dépend des Réglages).",
- "SwapperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Swapper, you can swap votes in meetings.\n\nTo swap votes, use '/sw [playerID]' twice.\n\nPlayer IDs are displayed next to player names in meetings, but you can also use /id to get a list of all player IDs.\n\nNote: Depending on the Host's settings, you can exchange your own votes.",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chief of Police,you can recruit a player to be a Sheriff(only once per game).\nDepending on the settings,you may recruit non-Crewmates or players without a kill button.\nYou may die when you recruit a wrong player.",
+ "WitnessInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Witness, when you use your Kill button on someone, you will know if they killed in the last X seconds or not. (X depends on the settings).",
+ "SwapperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Swapper, you can swap votes in meetings.\n\nTo swap votes, use '/sw [playerID]' twice.\n\nPlayer ID's are displayed next to player names in meetings, but you can also use /id to get a list of all player ID's.\n\nNote: Depending on the Host's settings, you can exchange your own votes.",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chief of Police, you can recruit a player to be a Sheriff(only once per game).\nDepending on the settings, you may recruit non-Crewmates or players without a Kill button.\nYou may suicide when you recruit a wrong player.",
"NiceMiniInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a Nice Mini, your survival is crucial. You can't be killed until you grow up, and if you die or are evicted from the meeting before you grow up, everyone loses. This unique role adds a new dynamic to the game, where your survival is not just for your benefit but for the entire Crew's success.",
- "SpyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Spy, when someone uses their kill button on you (any ability used through the kill button), you'll see their name in orange for a few seconds.\nNote: If a Crewmate used their ability on you, you'll also see them with an orange name!\nNote: If you cannot use left, you won't see orange names!\nNote: If the kill button interaction is blocked, the player's cooldown will reset to 10s'",
- "RandomizerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs this Randomizer, when you die, your killer will do one of the following:\n 1. self-report your body\n 2. stand next to your body\n 3. have their kill cooldown set to 600s\n 4. Randomly avenge a player.",
- "ArsonistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Arsonist can douse a player by clicking the kill button on the player and following them for a few seconds. When the dousing starts and it's successful, a shield animation will happen as a reminder (only visible to themselves). When the Arsonist has doused all surviving players, the Arsonist can vent to start the fire and win alone.\n\nIf the player name shows 「△」, that means they are being doused;\nif the player name shows 「▲」, it means they have been completely doused.\nDepending on the setting, Arsonist may start the fire anytime. But if he fails to kill everyone, he loses.",
+ "SpyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Spy, when someone uses their Kill button on you (any ability used through the Kill button), you'll see their name in orange for a few seconds.\nNote: If a Crewmate used their ability on you, you'll also see them with an orange name!\nNote: If you cannot use left, you won't see orange names!\nNote: If the Kill button interaction is blocked, the player's Cooldown will reset to 10s'",
+ "RandomizerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs this Randomizer, when you die, your killer will do one of the following:\n 1. self-report your body\n 2. stand next to your body\n 3. have their Kill Cooldown set to 600s\n 4. Randomly avenge a player.",
+ "ArsonistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Arsonist can douse a player by clicking the Kill button on the player and following them for a few seconds. When the dousing starts and it's successful, a Shield Animation will happen as a reminder (only visible to themselves). When the Arsonist has doused all surviving players, the Arsonist can Vent to start the fire and win alone.\n\nIf the player name shows 「△」, that means they are being doused;\nif the player name shows 「▲」, it means they have been completely doused.\nDepending on the setting, Arsonist may start the fire anytime. But if he fails to kill everyone, he loses.",
"EnigmaInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Enigma, you get a random clue about the killer each meeting. Depending on the settings, you may have to report the body to receive a clue. The more tasks you complete, the more precise the clues get.",
- "PyromaniacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pyromaniac, you can douse players (single click) or kill normally (double click). Dousing players do nothing immediately, but killing a doused player will significantly shorten your kill cooldown. To win, be the last player alive.",
- "HuntsmanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Huntsman, you are given a certain number of targets that reset every meeting. If you successfully eliminate one of your targets, your kill cooldown goes down permanently by the set amount. However, if you kill someone not one of your targets, your kill cooldown permanently increases by the set amount. A colored name indicates your targets.",
+ "PyromaniacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pyromaniac, you can douse players (single click) or kill normally (double click). Dousing players do nothing immediately, but killing a doused player will significantly shorten your Kill Cooldown. To win, be the last player alive.",
+ "HuntsmanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Huntsman, you are given a certain number of targets that reset every meeting. If you successfully eliminate one of your targets, your Kill Cooldown goes down permanently by the set amount. However, if you kill someone not one of your targets, your Kill Cooldown permanently increases by the set amount. A colored name indicates your targets.",
"MiniInfoLong": "(Crewmate or Impostor):\nThe Mini has two roles. A Nice or Evil Mini is chosen.\n\nUse'/r nice mini' and '/r evil mini' respectively for more details.",
"JesterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nIf the Jester gets voted out, the Jester wins the game alone. If the Jester is still alive at the end of the game, the Jester loses. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
"TerroristInfoLong": "(Neutres):\nLe Terroriste Gagne seul la Partie s'il Meurt après avoir Accompli toutes ses Tâches. (Il peut Gagner soit en étant Éjecté, soit en étant Exécuté).",
"ExecutionerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Executioner is a role with an execution target, indicated by a diamond symbol「♦」next to their name. If the execution target is killed, the Executioner's role will change to Crewmate, Jester, or Opportunist, depending on the game settings. However, if the execution target is voted out in the meeting, the Executioner wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
"LawyerInfoLong": "(Neutres):\nL'Avocat a une Cible à Défendre, qui sera indiquée par un Diamant 「♦」 à côté de son Nom.\nSi sa Cible Gagne, Il Gagne.\nSi elle Perd, il Perd.",
"OpportunistInfoLong": "(Neutres):\nL'Opportuniste a pour but de Survivre jusqu'à la fin de la Partie. Il Gagne avec l'Équipe gagnante.",
- "VectorInfoLong": "(Neutres):\nLe Chauffagiste Gagnera seul en Évacuant un certain nombre de fois.",
- "JackalInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jackal, you win if you are the last player alive. Additionally, you may recruit using the kill button. If the target is not one you can recruit, you have run out of uses, or you don't have the option to recruit, then you will kill people normally (i.e., don't use kill buttons in front of others thinking it'll recruit). If the target has a kill button and the option to turn into a Sidekick is on, they will become a Sidekick. Otherwise, they will gain the Recruit add-on if the option to give the Recruit add-on is on.\nDepending on the settings, when Jackal was killed, a Sidekick will be randomly selected as the new Jackal.\nRecruit may be selected if no sidekick is alive.",
+ "VectorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nVector will win alone by Venting a certain number of times.",
+ "JackalInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jackal, you win if you are the last player alive. Additionally, you may recruit using the Kill button. If the target is not one you can recruit, you have run out of uses, or you don't have the option to recruit, then you will kill people normally (i.e., don't use Kill buttons in front of others thinking it'll recruit). If the target has a Kill button and the option to turn into a Sidekick is on, they will become a Sidekick. Otherwise, they will gain the Recruit Add-on if the option to give the Recruit Add-on is on.\nDepending on the settings, when Jackal was killed, a Sidekick will be randomly selected as the new Jackal.\nRecruit may be selected if no Sidekick is alive.",
"GodInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the God, you know everyone's role from the beginning. If you live until the end of the game, you steal the win, i.e., everyone else loses, and you win.",
- "InnocentInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Innocent can use the kill button to plant any player, and the planted target will immediately kill the Innocent. If the target gets voted out in the meeting, the Innocent wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
- "PelicanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pelican, you can use the kill button to swallow a player alive, teleporting them off-bounds but not killing them yet. Those swallowed will only die if you're still alive at the end of the round. If you die or leave during the round, all alive swallowed players will spawn into the map where you were.",
- "RevolutionistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Revolutionist, you can recruit players by clicking the kill button on the player and following them until the shield animation plays for you. Recruiting has a chance, set by the Host, to kill players (though they are still recruited). When the required number of players are recruited (displayed next to your name), you must vent within the specified time to win the game immediately with all your recruits. If you do not vent in time, you lose and die.",
- "HaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hater, you have no kill cooldown. However, depending on the settings, you can only kill Lovers and other recruiting roles and add-ons. Killing anyone else will make you suicide. You win at the end of the game with the winning team if none of the killable roles are alive. You will not be Lovers.",
+ "InnocentInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Innocent can use the Kill button to plant any player, and the planted target will immediately kill the Innocent. If the target gets voted out in the meeting, the Innocent wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
+ "PelicanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pelican, you can use the Kill button to swallow a player alive, teleporting them off-bounds but not killing them yet. Those swallowed will only die if you're still alive at the end of the round. If you die or leave during the round, all alive swallowed players will spawn into the map where you were.",
+ "RevolutionistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Revolutionist, you can recruit players by clicking the Kill button on the player and following them until the Shield Animation plays for you. Recruiting has a chance, set by the Host, to kill players (though they are still recruited). When the required number of players are recruited (displayed next to your name), you must Vent within the specified time to win the game immediately with all your recruits. If you do not Vent in time, you lose and die.",
+ "HaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hater, you have no Kill Cooldown. However, depending on the settings, you can only kill Lovers and other Recruiting Roles and Add-ons. Killing anyone else will make you suicide. You win at the end of the game with the winning team if none of the killable roles are alive. You will not be Lovers.",
"DemonInfoLong": "(Neutres):\nLe Démon Exécute en Drainant la Vie. Il verra la Santé en pourcentage à côté de tous les Noms, et à chaque attaque il drainera un certain pourcentage de cette Santé sans que la victime le sache. Une fois que la Santé de la victime est à 0, elle Mourra. Il Gagne s'il est la derniere persone en Vie.",
- "StalkerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Stalker can kill anyone, and every kill will immediately cause a Lights sabotage (if Lights sabotage is already active, nothing will happen). Stalker cannot vent. If the Impostor wins while the Stalker is alive or the Crewmate wins by killing the Impostors (according to the Host's setting, the Stalker may also win when the Crewmate wins by killing the Neutrals), then the Stalker wins alone.",
+ "StalkerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Stalker can kill anyone, and every kill will immediately cause a Lights Sabotage (if Lights Sabotage is already active, nothing will happen). Stalker cannot Vent. If the Impostor wins while the Stalker is alive or the Crewmate wins by killing the Impostors (according to the Host's setting, the Stalker may also win when the Crewmate wins by killing the Neutrals), then the Stalker wins alone.",
"WorkaholicInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Workaholic, you win alone when you complete all tasks. Depending on the Host's settings, you can only win if you are alive and or revealed to everyone at the beginning (these settings are rarely both on).",
- "SolsticerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Solsticer, you won't die, and you win by finishing all your tasks in a single round. After every meeting finishes, your tasks reset, and you need to start all over again.\nVotes on the Solsticer will be directly canceled.\nKill attempts on the Solsticer will teleport it out of the map like Pelican until the meeting is finished.\nThe killer's kill cooldown will be reset to 10 seconds.\nSolsticer is counted as nothing in-game.",
+ "SolsticerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Solsticer, you won't die, and you win by finishing all your tasks in a single round. After every meeting finishes, your tasks reset, and you need to start all over again.\nVotes on the Solsticer will be directly canceled.\nKill attempts on the Solsticer will teleport it out of the map like Pelican until the meeting is finished.\nThe killer's Kill Cooldown will be reset to 10 seconds.\nSolsticer is counted as nothing in-game.",
"CollectorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Collector, when you vote for a player, for each other player that voted for them, you gain a point. When you collect the required votes, the game ends, and you win alone, even if you voted a Jester or Executioner's target out.",
- "GlitchInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Glitch, you can hack players (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose who have been hacked cannot kill, vent, or report for the hack duration.\nAdditionally, calling a sabotage other than doors will have no effect and will instead disguise you as a random player. You cannot disguise during or after sabotages.\nTo win, be the last player alive.",
+ "GlitchInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Glitch, you can hack players (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose who have been hacked cannot kill, Vent, or report for the hack duration.\nAdditionally, calling a Sabotage other than doors will have no effect and will instead disguise you as a random player. You cannot disguise during or after Sabotages.\nTo win, be the last player alive.",
"SidekickInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sidekick, your job is to help the Jackal kill everyone.\nYou and the Jackal win together.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed.\nYou may not be able to kill until old Jackal is dead.",
- "ProvocateurInfoLong": "(Neutres) :\nLe Provocateur peut Exécuter n'importe quelle Cible avec le Bouton d'Exécution. Si la Cible perd à la fin de la Partie, le Provocateur Gagne avec l'Équipe gagnante.",
- "BloodKnightInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Blood Knight wins when they're the last killing role alive, and the amount of crewmates is lower or equal to the amount of Blood Knights. The Blood Knight gains a temporary shield after every kill, making them immortal for a few seconds.",
- "PlagueBearerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Plaguebearer, plague everyone using your kill button to turn into Pestilence.\nOnce you turn into Pestilence, you will become immortal and gain the ability to kill, and you will kill anyone who tries to kill you.\n\nAlso, when infected players interact with uninfected players, they will also be infected.",
+ "ProvocateurInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Provocateur, you can kill any target with the Kill button. If the target loses at the end of the game, the Provocateur wins with the winning team.",
+ "BloodKnightInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Blood Knight wins when they're the last killing role alive, and the amount of Crewmates is lower or equal to the amount of Blood Knights. The Blood Knight gains a temporary shield after every kill, making them immortal for a few seconds.",
+ "PlagueBearerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Plaguebearer, plague everyone using your Kill button to turn into Pestilence.\nOnce you turn into Pestilence, you will become immortal and gain the ability to kill, and you will kill anyone who tries to kill you.\n\nAlso, when infected players interact with uninfected players, they will also be infected.",
"PestilenceInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Pestilence, you're an unstoppable machine.\nAny attack towards you will be reflected towards them.\nIndirect kills don't even kill you.\n\nOnly way to kill Pestilence is by voting them out or the Pestilence misguessing.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
- "SoulCollectorInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Soul Collector, you can use your kill button on a player to predict their death. You will gain a soul if your target dies in the round you select them or the meeting after.\nYour target resets after each meeting or after they die, whichever comes first. \n\nOnce you collect the configurable amount of souls, you become Death. If the gain passive souls setting is enabled, you will gain a soul each meeting.",
+ "SoulCollectorInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Soul Collector, you can use your Kill button on a player to predict their death. You will gain a Soul if your target dies in the round you select them or the meeting after.\nYour target resets after each meeting or after they die, whichever comes first. \n\nOnce you collect the configurable amount of Souls, you become Death. If the gain passive Souls setting is enabled, you will gain a Soul each meeting.",
"DeathInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Soul Collector has collected their needed souls, they become Death. Death kills everyone and wins if Death is not ejected by the end of the next meeting.\nA configurable amount of extra meeting time will be given on the meeting Death transforms to have more discussion to find Death.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
- "BakerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Baker, you can use your kill button on a player per round to give them bread. \nOnce a set amount of players are alive with bread, you become Famine.\n\nIf the Bread gives additional effects and the setting is on, then you can vent to change the bread that you give out. \nBread Effects:\nReveal: Reveals the target's role to the Baker (stays the whole game)\nRoleblock: Resets the target's kill cooldown when they try to use their kill button\nBarrier: Gives the target a barrier that is only known to the Baker (barrier is removed after the meeting)",
- "FamineInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Baker has a set amount of people with bread alive, they will become Famine. If the Famine does not get voted out after the meeting, then they will become Famine, and every player without bread will starve (excluding other Apocalypse members).\nAfter this starvation of everyone without bread, Famine can use their kill button to starve any remaining players, which will kill those players right before the next meeting.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
+ "BakerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Baker, you can use your Kill Button on a player per round to give them bread. \nOnce a set amount of players are alive with bread, you become Famine.\n\nIf the Bread gives additional effects and the setting is on, then you can Vent to change the bread that you give out. \nBread Effects:\nReveal: Reveals the target's role to the Baker (stays the whole game)\nRoleblock: Resets the target's Kill Cooldown when they try to use their Kill Button\nBarrier: Gives the target a Barrier that is only known to the Baker (Barrier is removed after the meeting)",
+ "FamineInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Baker has a set amount of people with bread alive, they will become Famine. If the Famine does not get voted out after the meeting, then they will become Famine, and every player without bread will starve (excluding other Apocalypse members).\nAfter this starvation of everyone without bread, Famine can use their Kill Button to starve any remaining players, which will kill those players right before the next meeting.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
"BerserkerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Berserker, you level up with each kill.\nUpon reaching a certain level defined by the Host, you unlock a new power.\n\nScavenged kills make your kills disappear.\nBombed kills make your kills explode. Be careful when killing, as this can kill your other Apocalypse members if they are near. \nAfter a certain level, you become War.",
- "WarInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs War, you are invincible, have a lower kill cooldown, and can kill anyone with your previous powers.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
- "FollowerInfoLong": "(Neutres):\nL'Adulateur peut utiliser son Bouton d'Exécution sur quelqu'un pour commencer à l'Aduler et peut utiliser le Bouton d'Exécution à nouveau pour Changer de Cible. Si sa Cible Gagne, l'Adulateur gagnera avec elle. Remarque : l'Adulateur peut également gagner après sa Mort.",
- "CultistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cultist, your kill button is used to Charm others, making them win with you. To win, charm all who pose a threat and gain the majority.\nDepending on settings, you may be able to charm Neutrals, and those you Charm may count as their original team, nothing, or a Cultist to determine when you win due to majority.",
+ "WarInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs War, you are invincible, have a lower Kill Cooldown, and can kill anyone with your previous powers.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
+ "FollowerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Follower can use their Kill Button on someone to start following them and can use the Kill Button again to switch the following target. If the Follower's target wins, the Follower will win along with them. Note: The Follower can also win after they die.",
+ "CultistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cultist, your Kill Button is used to Charm others, making them win with you. To win, charm all who pose a threat and gain the majority.\nDepending on settings, you may be able to charm Neutrals, and those you Charm may count as their original team, nothing, or a Cultist to determine when you win due to majority.",
"SerialKillerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Serial Killer, you win if you are the last player alive.",
- "JuggernautInfoLong": "(Neutres):\nLe Destructeur diminue son Rechargement chaque fois qu'il Exécute.\n\nIl Exécute tout le monde pour Gagner.",
+ "JuggernautInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Juggernaut, your Kill Cooldown decreases with each kill you make.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"InfectiousInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Infectious, your job is to infect as many players as you can.\n\nIf you infect all the killers, you can outnumber the Crew and win the game.\n\nIf you die, all the players you've infected will die after the next meeting.\nIf they achieve your win condition before then, you can still win.",
- "VirusInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe task of the Virus is to kill or infect all other players. When the Virus murders a crewmate, their corpse is infected with a virus. The Crewmate who reports this corpse is infected joins the virus team or dies at the end of the meeting if the Virus doesn't get voted out, depending on the settings. If more players are on the Virus team than the Crewmate team, the Virus team wins.",
+ "VirusInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe task of the Virus is to kill or infect all other players. When the Virus murders a Crewmate, their corpse is infected with a virus. The Crewmate who reports this corpse is infected joins the virus team or dies at the end of the meeting if the Virus doesn't get voted out, depending on the settings. If more players are on the Virus team than the Crewmate team, the Virus team wins.",
"PursuerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pursuer, you can use your ability on someone to make them misfire when they try to kill.\n\nTo win, survive to the end of the game.",
"SpecterInfoLong": "(Neutres):\\nEn tant que Limbien, votre objectif est d'être tué et de finir vos tâches.\\nVous pouvez faire des tâches quand vous êtes en vie.\\nVous ne pouvez pas gagner si vous êtes en vie\\nSi vous êtes tué, vous gagnerez avec l'équipe gagnante si vous avez fini toutes vos tâches.",
- "PirateInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pirate, use your kill button to select a target every round.\nYou will duel with your target in the next meeting. \nIf both the Pirate and the target choose the same number, the Pirate wins.\nAdditionally, if the Pirate wins the duel or the target doesn't participate in the duel, the Pirate kills the target.\n\nDueling command: /duel X (where X can be 0, 1, or 2)\n\nYou win after winning a certain number of duels set by the Host.\n\nNote: The kill would not count towards pirate victory if the target did not participate in the duel.",
- "AgitaterInfoLong": "(Neutres):\nL'Agitateur a pour but essentiellement de jouer à la Patate Chaude.\n\nIl utilise son Bouton d'Exécution sur un joueur pour lui Passer la Bombe.\nCela ne peut être fait qu'une fois par Manche.\n\nLe joueur qui reçoit la Bombe sera notifié lorsqu'il recevra ladite Bombe, laquelle il devra Passer à un autre joueur en s'approchant de lui.\n\nLorsqu'une Réunion est Convoquée, le joueur avec la Bombe Meurt.\n\nS'il essaie de la Passer à la Peste ou au Vétéran en Alerte, le joueur Bombardé Meurt à la place.\nEn option, l'Agitateur ne peut pas recevoir la Bombe.",
- "MaverickInfoLong": "(Neutres) :\nLe Marginal peut Exécuter et, selon les options, Évacuer et avoir une Vision d'Imposteur.\nS'il survit jusqu'à la fin de la Partie, il Gagne avec l'Équipe gagnante.\nIl Utilise sa Capacité à Exécuter pour Éliminer les menaces qui pèsent sur sa Vie, mais ne doit pas se faire Éjecter.",
- "CursedSoulInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cursed Soul, you steal the victory if you survive to the end of the game.\n\nYou can steal the win from a Jester or Executioner.\n\nAdditionally, you can steal the souls of other players.\nSoulless players win with you and count as dead.",
+ "PirateInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pirate, use your Kill button to select a target every round.\nYou will duel with your target in the next meeting. \nIf both the Pirate and the target choose the same number, the Pirate wins.\nAdditionally, if the Pirate wins the duel or the target doesn't participate in the duel, the Pirate kills the target.\n\nDueling command: /duel X (where X can be 0, 1, or 2)\n\nYou win after winning a certain number of duels set by the Host.\n\nNote: The kill would not count towards Pirate victory if the target did not participate in the duel.",
+ "AgitaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Agitator, your premise is essentially Hot Potato.\n\nUse your Kill Button on a player to pass the bomb.\nThis can only be done once per round.\n\nThe player who receives the bomb will be notified when receiving said bomb, in which they need to pass it to another player by getting near a player.\n\nWhen a meeting is called, the player with the bomb dies.\n\nIf trying to pass to Pestilence or a Veteran on alert, the bombed player dies instead.\nOptionally, the Agitator cannot receive the bomb.",
+ "MaverickInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Maverick, you can kill and, depending on options, Vent and have Impostor vision\nIf you survive until the end of the game, you win with the winning team.\nUse your killing ability to eliminate threats to your life, but don't get voted out.",
+ "CursedSoulInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cursed Soul, you steal the victory if you survive to the end of the game.\n\nYou can steal the win from a Jester or Executioner.\n\nAdditionally, you can steal the Souls of other players.\nSoulless players win with you and count as dead.",
"PickpocketInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pickpocket, you steal votes from your kills.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"TraitorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Traitor, you were an Impostor that betrayed the Impostors.\nYou know the Impostors, but they don't know you.\nThe twist? They can kill you, but you can't kill them.\n\nEliminate the Impostors by other means, then kill everyone else to win!",
- "TrollerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs a Troller, you can complete tasks so that random events can happen to players.\nFor example, changing the speed of all players, teleportation, influencing sabotage, etc.\nAlso you can win with the winning team.",
- "VultureInfoLong": "(Neutres):\nLe Vautour Dévore les Cadavres pour Gagner !\n\nLorsqu'il Signale un Cadavre, si son Rechargement pour Dévorer est écoulé, il Dévore le Cadavre (ce qui le rend non Signalable).\nSi sa Capacité à Dévorer est toujours en Rechargement, il Signale le Cadavre normalement.\nDe plus, il Signale les Cavares normalement si le nombre maximal de Cadavres Dévorés par Manche est atteint.",
+ "TrollerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs a Troller, you can complete tasks so that random events can happen to players.\nFor example, changing the speed of all players, teleportation, influencing Sabotage, etc.\nAlso you can win with the winning team.",
+ "VultureInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Vulture, report bodies to win!\n\nWhen you report a body, if your Eat Cooldown is up, you'll eat the body (makes it unreportable).\nIf your eat ability is still on Cooldown, then you'll report the body normally.\n\nAdditionally, you'll report bodies normally if the maximum bodies eaten per round is reached.",
"AbyssbringerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Abyssbringer, you can place black holes. Black holes will suck in players and kill them when colliding with them.",
- "TaskinatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Taskinator, whenever you finish a task, the task will be bombed. When another player completes the bombed task, the bomb will detonate, and the player will die.\n\nYou win if you survive till the end and Crew doesn't win.\n\n Note: Taskinator bombs ignore all protection.",
+ "TaskinatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Taskinator, whenever you finish a task, the task will be bombed. When another player completes the bombed task, the bomb will detonate, and the player will die.\n\nYou win if you survive till the end and Crewmates don't win.\n\n Note: Taskinator bombs ignore all protection.",
"BenefactorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Benefactor, whenever you finish a task, that task will be marked. When another player completes the marked task, they get a temporary shield.\n\n Note: Shield only protects from direct kill attacks.",
- "MedusaInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Medusa, you can stone bodies much like cleaning a body.\nStoned bodies cannot be reported.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"SpiritcallerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Spiritcaller, your victims become Evil Spirits after they die. These spirits can help you win by freezing other players briefly or blocking their vision. Alternatively, the spirits can give you a shield that protects you briefly from an attempted kill.",
- "AmnesiacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Amnesiac, use your report button to remember a target and get its role.\nTo balance the game, you will not be able to vent after remembering your role if you can't vent as Amnesiac.'",
- "ImitatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Imitator, use your kill button to imitate a player.\n\nYou'll either become a Sheriff, a Refugee, or some Neutral.",
- "BanditInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Bandit, you can click your kill button one time to steal a player's addon and twice to kill. Depending on the settings, you may instantly steal the addon or after the meeting starts. After the maximum number of steals is reached, you will kill normally. Additionally, if there are no stealable addons on the target or the target is stubborn, you will kill the target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: Cleansed, Last Impostor, and Lovers cannot be stolen.\nNote: If Bandit can vent is on, Nimble will become unstealable.",
- "DoppelgangerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Doppelganger, use your kill button to steal a player's identity (their name and skin) and then kill your target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: You cannot steal the target's identity when Camouflage is active.",
+ "AmnesiacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Amnesiac, use your report button to remember a target and get its role.\nTo balance the game, you will not be able to Vent after remembering your role if you can't Vent as Amnesiac.'",
+ "ImitatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Imitator, use your Kill button to imitate a player.\n\nYou'll either become a Sheriff, a Refugee, or some Neutral.",
+ "BanditInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Bandit, you can click your Kill button one time to steal a player's Add-on and twice to kill. Depending on the settings, you may instantly steal the Add-on or after the meeting starts. After the maximum number of steals is reached, you will kill normally. Additionally, if there are no stealable Add-ons on the target or the target is Stubborn, you will kill the target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: Cleansed, Last Impostor, and Lovers cannot be stolen.\nNote: If Bandit can Vent is on, Nimble will become unstealable.",
+ "DoppelgangerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Doppelganger, use your Kill button to steal a player's identity (their name and skin) and then kill your target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: You cannot steal the target's identity when Camouflage is active.",
"PunchingBagInfoLong": "(Neutres):\\nEn tant que Sac de frappe, votre objectif est de vous faire attaquer quelques fois pour gagner.\\n\\nVous ne pouvez pas être deviné, cela s'ajoute à vos points d'attaques.",
- "DoomsayerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Doomsayer can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting.\nIf the Doomsayer guesses a certain number of roles (the number depends on the host settings), then he wins.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
- "ShroudInfoLong": "(Neutres):\nLe Linceul n'Exécute pas normalement.\nA la place, il utilise son Bouton d'Exécution pour Posséder un joueur.\nUn joueur Possédé doit en Exécuter d'autres.\nSi le joueur Possédé n'Exécute pas, il se Suicidera après une Réunion.\n\nLe Linceul voit les joueurs Possédés avec une Marque 「◈」 à côté de leur nom.\nLes joueurs Possédés qui n'ont pas Exécuté auront également la Marque 「◈」 lors des Réunions, où ils Mourront si le Linceul est encore en Vie à la fin de la Réunion.",
- "WerewolfInfoLong": "(Neutres):\nLe Loup-Garou peut Exécuter comme n'importe quel Exécuteur.\nCependant, lorsqu'il Exécute, tous les joueurs à proximité Meurent également.\nTout joueur qui Meurt à cause de cela verra sa Mort justifiée par le fait qu'il a été Blessé.\n\nPour équilibrer cela, il a un Rechargement plus élevé que n'importe qui d'autre pour Exécuter.",
- "ShamanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shaman, you can use your kill button to select a voodoo doll once per round. If the kill button is used on you, the effect will be deflected onto the voodoo doll.\nIf you survive until the end, you win with the winning team.\nNote: If the killer cannot kill the chosen target, murder is canceled, but if the killer rechecks the Shaman, the killer will kill the Shaman.",
- "SeekerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the seeker, use your kill button to tag the target. If the seeker tags the wrong player, a point is deducted, and if the seeker tags the correct player, a point will be added.\nAdditionally, the seeker will not be able to move for 5 seconds after every meeting and after getting a new target.\n\nThe seeker needs to collect a certain number of points set by the Host to win.\nSeeker will see a ★ mark on target's name.",
- "PixieInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pixie, Mark up to x amount of targets each round by using the kill button on them. You must have one of the marked targets ejected when the meeting starts. If unsuccessful, you will commit suicide, except if you didn't mark any targets or all the targets are dead. The selected targets reset to 0 after the meeting ends. If you succeed, you will gain a point. You see all your targets in colored names.\n\nYou win with the winning team when you have certain amounts of points set by the Host.",
- "SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs Schrodingers Cat, if someone attempts to use the kill button on you, you will block the action and join their team. This blocking ability works only once. By default, you don't have a victory condition, meaning you win only after switching teams.\nIn Addition to this, you will be counted as nothing in the game.\n\nNote: If the killing machine attempts to use its kill button on you, the interaction is not blocked, and you will die.",
- "RomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Romantic can pick their lover partner using their kill button (this can be done at any point of the game). Once they've picked their partner, they can use their kill button to give their partner a temporary shield that protects them from attacks. If their lover partner dies, the Romantic's role will change according to the following conditions:\n1. If their partner was an Impostor, the Romantic becomes the Refugee\n2. If their partner was a Neutral Killer, then they become Ruthless Romantic.\n3. If their partner was a Crewmate or a non-killing neutral, the Romantic becomes the Vengeful Romantic. \n\nThe Romantic wins with the winning team if their partner wins.\nNote: If your role changes, your win condition will be changed accordingly",
- "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (A neutral killer) is killed. As a Ruthless Romantic, you win if you kill everyone and are the last one standing. If you win, your dead partner will also win with you.",
- "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (A crew or non-neutral killer) is killed. As a Vengeful Romantic, your goal is to avenge your partner, which means you must kill the killer of your partner. If you succeed, then you and your partner win with the winning team at the end. If you try to kill someone other than your partner's killer, then you will die by misfire.",
- "PoisonerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Poisoner, your kills are delayed.\nKill everyone to win.",
- "HexMasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hex Master, you can hex players or kill them.\nHexing a player works the same as spelling as a Witch.",
- "WraithInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Wraith, you can vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible. You win if you are the last player remaining.",
- "JinxInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jinx, whenever you get attacked, you jinx them, resulting in them dying to a jinx.\nThis has limited uses.\n\nKill off everyone to win.",
- "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Potion Master, you have three different potions assigned to three different actions.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\nMap: Sabotage\n\nThe reveal potion has a limit.\nWhen you run out, the kill buttons default to killing.",
- "NecromancerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Necromancer, you win when you're the last one standing.\nAdditionally when someone tries to kill you, you will block the kill, and you will teleport to a random vent. You will have a limited time to kill your killer. If you succeed in doing so, you live. If the time runs out before you kill your killer, you die permanently. If you try to kill someone else other than your killer, you will die.",
- "ShockerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shocker, you can mark rooms by doing tasks in them, and then vent to Electrocute anyone in those rooms for a set period of time. When you finish all of your tasks, you get new ones. Note: Doing tasks during that period will mark them for the next ability use.",
- "LastImpostorInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThis special effect is given to the last surviving Impostor. It significantly reduces their kill cooldown.",
- "OverclockedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Overclocked, your kill cooldown is reduced by a percentage.\n\nThis feature is only assigned to roles with a kill button.",
+ "DoomsayerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Doomsayer can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting.\nIf the Doomsayer guesses a certain number of roles (the number depends on the Host settings), then he wins.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
+ "ShroudInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shroud, you do not kill normally.\nInstead, use your Kill button to shroud a player.\nShrouded players kill others.\nIf the shrouded player doesn't make a kill, they'll kill themselves after a meeting.\n\nShroud sees shrouded players with a 「◈」mark next to their name.\nShrouded players who did not make a kill will also have the 「◈」mark in meetings, where they'll die if the Shroud is alive by the end of the meeting.",
+ "WerewolfInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Werewolf, you can kill much like any killer.\nHowever, when you kill, any nearby players also die.\nAny player who dies to this will have their death reason as Mauled.\n\nTo balance this, you have a higher Kill Cooldown than anyone else.",
+ "ShamanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shaman, you can use your Kill button to select a Voodoo Doll once per round. If the Kill button is used on you, the effect will be deflected onto the Voodoo Doll.\nIf you survive until the end, you win with the winning team.\nNote: If the killer cannot kill the chosen target, murder is canceled, but if the killer rechecks the Shaman, the killer will kill the Shaman.",
+ "SeekerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Seeker, use your Kill button to tag the target. If the Seeker tags the wrong player, a point is deducted, and if the Seeker tags the correct player, a point will be added.\nAdditionally, the Seeker will not be able to move for 5 seconds after every meeting and after getting a new target.\n\nThe Seeker needs to collect a certain number of points set by the Host to win.\nSeeker will see a ★ mark on target's name.",
+ "PixieInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pixie, mark up to an X amount of targets each round by using the Kill button on them. You must have one of the marked targets ejected when the meeting starts. If unsuccessful, you will commit suicide, except if you didn't mark any targets or all the targets are dead. The selected targets reset to 0 after the meeting ends. If you succeed, you will gain a point. You see all your targets in colored names.\n\nYou win with the winning team when you have certain amounts of points set by the Host.",
+ "SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs Schrodingers Cat, if someone attempts to use the Kill button on you, you will block the action and join their team. This blocking ability works only once. By default, you don't have a victory condition, meaning you win only after switching teams.\nIn Addition to this, you will be counted as nothing in the game.\n\nNote: If the Killing Machine attempts to use their Kill button on you, the interaction is not blocked, and you will die.",
+ "RomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Romantic can pick their lover partner using their Kill button (this can be done at any point of the game). Once they've picked their partner, they can use their Kill button to give their partner a temporary shield that protects them from attacks. If their lover partner dies, the Romantic's role will change according to the following conditions:\n1. If their partner was an Impostor, the Romantic becomes the Refugee\n2. If their partner was a Neutral Killer, then they become Ruthless Romantic.\n3. If their partner was a Crewmate or a non-killing Neutral, the Romantic becomes the Vengeful Romantic. \n\nThe Romantic wins with the winning team if their partner wins.\nNote: If your role changes, your win condition will be changed accordingly",
+ "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (a Neutral Killer) is killed. As a Ruthless Romantic, you win if you kill everyone and are the last one standing. If you win, your dead partner will also win with you.",
+ "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (a Crewmate or non-Neutral Killer) is killed. As a Vengeful Romantic, your goal is to avenge your partner, which means you must kill the killer of your partner. If you succeed, then you and your partner win with the winning team at the end. If you try to kill someone other than your partner's killer, then you will die by misfire.",
+ "WraithInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Wraith, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible. You win if you are the last player remaining.",
+ "ShockerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shocker, you can mark rooms by doing tasks in them, and then Vent to electrocute anyone in those rooms for a set period of time. When you finish all of your tasks, you get new ones. Note: Doing tasks during that period will mark them for the next ability use.",
+ "CovenInfoLong": "(Coven):\nCoven members are on a separate team that works together and wins together. If there are multiple Coven roles in the game, they can see each other's roles.\nDepending on the Host's settings, Coven roles can guess or be guessed.\nDo /coveninfo for more info.",
+ "PoisonerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Poisoner can use their Kill button on a player to roleblock them. The next time the roleblocked player tries to use their ability, it will do nothing, and their Cooldown will be reset.\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. These kills will be delayed.",
+ "HexMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Hex Master can use their Kill button to mark a player with the 乂 symbol. If a player has this at the end of the meeting and the Hex Master hasn't died - then they die.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Hex will be passed around - similar to an Agitator bomb. Also, you can double-click the Kill button to kill normally.",
+ "JinxInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Jinx can use their Kill button to jinx a player. Anyone who interacts with the jinxed player will die with the death reason Jinxed.\nWith the Necronomicon the Jinx can double-kill to kill normally. Also, the jinxed player and the player who interacted with the jinxed person will die.",
+ "MedusaInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Medusa can use their Kill button on players to mark them as Stoned. When the Medusa clicks the Shapeshift button, all Stoned players will be unable to move and will have reduced vision for a configurable amount of time.\nWith the Necronomicon, killed players will be unreportable.",
+ "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Potion Master has two potions available for their use. The Reveal potion reveals a player's role. The Barrier potion places a shield on a player for one round, the player will not be notified of this unless they are Coven as well. Click the Shapeshift button to change potions.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Potion Master can double-click their Kill button to kill.",
+ "NecromancerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nAs the Necromancer, you can Shapeshift to become the role of a random dead person for a set duration.\nSome roles can not be used.\nOnce a role is used, it can not be used the rest of the game.\nWith the Necronomicon, when someone tries to kill you, you will block the kill and be teleported to a random Vent. You have a limited time to kill your killer. If the time runs out or you try to kill someone else, you die.",
+ "CovenLeaderInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Coven Leader can use their Kill button on a fellow Coven member to retrain them into a random Coven role that isn’t currently in the game. During the next meeting, that Coven member will be notified that the Coven Leader wishes to retrain them. They can vote themselves to accept the retrain, or vote otherwise to deny it. Denying the retrain does not take away an ability usage.\nWith the Necronomicon, you cannot retrain, and can only kill other players.",
+ "RitualistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nDuring a meeting, the Ritualist can perform a Blood Ritual to guess a player’s exact role. If the Ritualist is correct, that player will be converted to Coven. If the Ritualist is incorrect, they will not die but will be unable to Blood Ritual until the next meeting.\nThe command is /rt id role.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Ritualist can kill.",
+ "ConjurerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nShapeshift once to mark a location.\nShapeshift again to conjure a meteor at the place you marked, killing everyone in the radius.\nWith the Necronomicon, you can kill. You can also mark a player using the Shapeshift UI. When the Conjurer clicks the Shapeshift button again, all the players in the radius of the marked player will die, including the marked player.",
+ "DreamweaverInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Dreamweaver can dreamweave a player. The dreamweaved players will be notified of this during the next meeting. If the Dreamweaver is not voted out, these players will be unable to use their abilities until the Dreamweaver dies.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Dreamweaver can double-click to kill.",
+ "IllusionistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Illusionist can use their Kill button on a player to reverse the results of any investigative role. For example, if someone with a Kill button is Illusioned, they will appear not to have a Kill button to the Investigator, and vice versa.\nIllusions wear off after meetings.\nWith the Necronomicon, you may double-click to kill. Every kill you make appears as a random death reason.",
+ "VoodooMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Voodoo Master can craft a Voodoo Doll of a player by using their Kill button, similar to the Shaman. All the interactions with you using Kill button will be deflected to the Voodoo Doll and the Voodoo Doll will destroy. Unlike the Shaman, this voodoo will last during the meeting (eg. If the Voodoo Master is judged, then the voodoo'd player will be judged instead).\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. Additionally, the voodoo’d player will be unable to report. The next person to interact with them will die.",
+ "SacrifistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Sacrifist can Shapeshift to cause a random debuff to a non-Coven member, however, the Sacrifist will also receive this effect (when applicable).\nThe random player will be the same player until the round ends.\nDepending on the Host’s settings, if the Sacrifist is voted out, some random non-Coven who voted the Sacrifist will die too.\nNormally, the Sacrifist can not kill, however, to prevent prolonging of the game, Sacrifist can kill if they are the last Coven member alive.\nWith the Necronomicon, when you Shapeshift, you will commit the Ultimate Sacrifice. When you do this, you die. However, the entire Coven for the rest of the game receives a lowered Kill Cooldown.",
+ "MoonDancerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Moon Dancer can use their Kill button to use their ability, Baton Pass.\nIf used on a Coven member: Gives a Helpful Add-on at the next meeting.\nIf used on a non-Coven member: Gives a Harmful Add-on at the next meeting.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Moon Dancer can double-click their Kill button to kill. When killing, the player is teleported off the map. They will appear alive on Vitals and will not show up in Tracefinder's arrows etc. They die when a meeting/body report with the death reason Blasted Off.",
+ "LastImpostorInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThis special effect is given to the last surviving Impostor. It significantly reduces their Kill Cooldown.",
+ "OverclockedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Overclocked, your Kill Cooldown is reduced by a percentage.\n\nThis feature is only assigned to roles with a Kill button.",
"LoversInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nLovers are a combination of two players. The Lovers win when they are the last ones standing, and their victory is shared. When one of the Lovers wins, the other also wins together. Lovers can see the 「♥」 next to each other's name. If one of the Lovers dies, the other will die in love (may not die in love according to the Host's settings). When one of the Lovers is exiled in the meeting, the other will die and become a dead body that cannot be reported.",
- "MadmateInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Crewmates can become Madmate. Madmate's task is to help the Impostors win the game. Madmate will lose if all Impostors are killed/ejected. Madmates may know who are Impostors, and Impostors may know who are Madmates (host settings).\n\nLazy Guy, Celebrity can't become Madmate. Sheriff, Snitch, Nice Guesser, Mayor, and Judge may become Madmate (host settings). Skill changes when the following roles are converted into Madmates:\n\nTime Manager => Doing tasks will reduce meeting time.\nBodyguard => Skill won't activate if the killer is an Impostor.\nGrenadier => Flash bomb will work on Crewmates and Neutrals instead of the Impostors.\nSheriff => Can kill anyone, including Impostors (host settings).\nNice Guesser => Can guess Crewmates and Neutrals\nPsychic => All evil Neutrals and Crewmates' names with the ability to kill will be displayed in Red.\nJudge => Can judge anyone\nPacifist => Their ability only works on Crewmates.",
+ "MadmateInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Crewmates can become Madmate. Madmate's task is to help the Impostors win the game. Madmate will lose if all Impostors are killed/ejected. Madmates may know who are Impostors, and Impostors may know who are Madmates (Host settings).\n\nLazy Guy, Celebrity can't become Madmate. Sheriff, Snitch, Nice Guesser, Mayor, and Judge may become Madmate (Host settings). Skill changes when the following roles are converted into Madmates:\n\nTime Manager => Doing tasks will reduce meeting time.\nBodyguard => Skill won't activate if the killer is an Impostor.\nGrenadier => Flash bomb will work on Crewmates and Neutrals instead of the Impostors.\nSheriff => Can kill anyone, including Impostors (Host settings).\nNice Guesser => Can guess Crewmates and Neutrals\nPsychic => All evil Neutrals and Crewmates' names with the ability to kill will be displayed in Red.\nJudge => Can judge anyone\nPacifist => Their ability only works on Crewmates.",
"WatcherInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\nLe Scrutateur peut voir les Votes de tout le monde pendant la Réunion.",
"FlashInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Flash's default movement speed is faster than others. (speed depends on the setting of the Host)",
- "TorchInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\nLa Lampe a une Vision maximale et n'est pas affectée par le Sabotage des Lumières.",
- "SeerInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\nLe Voyant verra une Alerte d'Exécution chaque fois qu'un joueur Meurt (un Éclair Rouge, éventuellement accompagné d'un son d'Alarme comme pour un Sabotage).",
+ "TorchInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nTorch has maximum vision and is not affected by Lights Sabotage.",
+ "SeerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever a player dies, the Seer will see a kill-flash (a red flash, possibly accompanied by an alarm sound like Sabotage).",
"TiebreakerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen tie vote, priority will be given to the target voted by the Tiebreaker. Note: If multiple Tiebreakers choose different tie targets simultaneously, the skills of the Tiebreaker will not take effect.",
"ObliviousInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nDetective and Cleaners won't be Oblivious. The Oblivious cannot report dead bodies. Note: Bait killed by Oblivious will still report automatically, and Oblivious can still be used as a scapegoat for Anonymous.",
"BewilderInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nBewilder may have a smaller/bigger vision. When the Bewilder has died, the murderer's vision may become the same as the Bewilder's, depending on the settings.",
"WorkhorseInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe first player to complete all the tasks will become Workhorse, and Workhorse will give the player extra tasks. The Host sets the number of additional tasks.",
- "FoolInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\nLe Benêt ne peut Réparer aucun Sabotage.\nLe Limier et le Mécanicien ne seront pas Benêt.",
+ "FoolInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nSleuth and Mechanic won't be Fool. Fools can't repair any Sabotage.",
"AvangerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nHost can set whether the Impostor can become an Avenger. When the Avenger is killed (voted out, and irregular kills will not count), the Avenger will revenge a random player.",
"YoutuberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Crewmate will become YouTuber. When the YouTuber is the first player to die in the game, the YouTuber will win alone. If the YouTuber does not meet the win conditions, the YouTuber will follow the Crewmate to win. Note: Indirect killing methods such as being exiled, being guessed by the Guesser, etc., will not trigger the skills of the YouTuber.",
"EgoistInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\nLes Complices et les Neutres ne seront pas Égoïste. Si l'Équipe de l'Égoïste Gagne, c'est l'Égoïste qui Gagne seul à la place de son Équipe.",
"StealerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nEvery time a Stealer kills a person, he gets an additional vote (the Host sets the vote number, and the decimal is rounded down).\nAlso, extra votes from the Stealer are hidden during the meeting depending on the options.",
- "ParanoiaInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\\nN'est pas assigné aux Neutres et aux Complices.\\nEn tant que Paranoïaque, vous serez considéré comme étant deux joueurs, par exemple si les imposteurs ont la majorité (2v2) mais que vous êtes en vie, la partie continue. De plus, cela vous donne 1 vote de plus, si l'option est activée par l'hôte.",
+ "ParanoiaInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Paranoia, you will be considered as two players in the game to determine when the game ends due to killers having the majority. Additionally, this grants you an extra vote, depending on options.\nNot assigned to Neutrals nor Madmates.",
"MimicInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Impostor can become Mimic. When the Mimic is dead, other Impostors will receive a message once a meeting is called. This message will include information on roles which the Mimic killed.",
- "GuesserInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs a guesser, guess the roles of players in meetings to kill them.\nGuessing the incorrect role kills you instead.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
- "NecroviewInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Necroview can see the teams of dead players. The following info will be displayed on the dead player's name while in a meeting:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.",
- "ReachInfoLong": "(Add-on)\nOnly roles with a kill button can get this add-on. Unlike everyone else, you have the longest kill range possible in the game.",
+ "GuesserInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs a Guesser, guess the roles of players in meetings to kill them.\nGuessing the incorrect role kills you instead.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
+ "NecroviewInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Necroview can see the teams of dead players. The following info will be displayed on the dead player's name while in a meeting:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.\n- The Purple name indicates the Coven.",
+ "ReachInfoLong": "(Add-on)\nOnly roles with a Kill button can get this Add-on. Unlike everyone else, you have the longest kill range possible in the game.",
"BaitInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen the Bait dies, the murderer who killed the Bait will self-report the Bait's body. However, this won't happen when a Scavenger, Cleaner, Swooper, Wraith, Medusa, or Killing Machine kills the Bait. The report may have a delay according to the Host's settings.",
"TrapperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen Beartrap dies, Beartrap immobilizes killer for a configurable amount of time.",
- "CharmedInfoLong": "(Modifieurs de Trahison):\nLe Charmé a été Charmé par le Gourou.\nLe Charmé est désormais dans l'Équipe du Gourou, quittant son Équipe d'origine.",
+ "CharmedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Charmed Add-on is obtained by being charmed by the Cultist.\nOnce charmed, you are now on the Cultist's team and no longer on your original team.",
"CleansedInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\nLe Purifié a eu tous ses Modifieurs Purifiés par le Purificateur. Selon les Réglages du Purificateur, il se peut qu'il ne puisse plus obtenir de Modificateur à l'avenir.",
- "InfectedInfoLong": "(Modifieurs de Trahison):\nL'Infecté a été Infecté par l'Infectieux.\nL'Infecté travaille pour l'Infectieux et ne gagne pas avec son Équipe d'Origine.",
- "OnboundInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\nLe Modifieur Sursaut, empêche d'être Deviné lors des Réunions.",
- "ReboundInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\nLe Modifieur Rebond fait Mourir à sa place un Devin qui réussit à le Deviner ou un Juge qui réussit à le Juger.\nSi un joueur avec Deuxième Chance le Devine correctement, il Mourra instantanément.",
+ "InfectedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Infected Add-on is obtained by being infected by the Infectious.\nOnce infected, you work for the Infectious and do not win with your original team.",
+ "OnboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Onbound Add-on, you cannot be guessed in meetings.",
+ "ReboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Rebound Add-on, if a Guesser successfully guessed you or a Judge successfully judged you, they will die instead.\nIf a player with Double Shot guesses you correctly, they will die instantly.",
"MundaneInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Mundane, you can only guess once you complete all of your tasks.",
"KnightedInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\nL'Adoubé a été Adoubé par le Monarque, il a un Vote supplémentaire.",
- "UnreportableInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Disregarded add-on, your corpse will be unreportable.",
+ "UnreportableInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Disregarded Add-on, your corpse will be unreportable.",
"ContagiousInfoLong": "(Modifieurs de Trahison):\nLe Contaminé a été Contaminé par le Virus.\nLes joueurs Contaminés font partie de l'Équipe du Virus.\n\nLe Contaminé Meurt ou non après une Réunion selon les Réglages du Virus.",
- "LuckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Lucky add-on, there is a probability for you to evade the kill; the Host sets the specific probability. The killer will see the shield animation when the evasion takes effect, but you will not know anything.",
+ "LuckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Lucky Add-on, there is a probability for you to evade the kill; the Host sets the specific probability. The killer will see a Shield Animation when the evasion takes effect, but you will not know anything.",
"DoubleShotInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\nLe Modifieur Seconde Chance donne une deuxième chance de Deviner un Rôle s'il s'est trompé, mais de la prochaine erreur résultera un Suicide.",
- "RascalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rascal, you can die to the Sheriff, and Snitch can find you if Snitch can find madmates.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates, cannot be assigned by the Merchant.",
- "SoullessInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a Cursed Soul steals your soul, you get this add-on.\n\nYou are not counted as alive.",
+ "RascalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rascal, you can die to the Sheriff, and Snitch can find you if Snitch can find Madmates.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates, cannot be assigned by the Merchant.",
+ "SoullessInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a Cursed Soul steals your soul, you get this Add-on.\n\nYou are not counted as alive.",
"GravestoneInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\nL'Épitaphe Révèle son Rôle à tout le monde lorsqu'elle Meurt.",
"LazyInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\nLe Flemmard a une seule Tâche courte et est Immunisé contre le Démoniste, le Marionnettiste et le Gangster.\nLa Sorcière peut toujours le Maudire.",
"AutopsyInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\nLe Légiste peut voir comment les gens sont Morts.\n\nIl n'est pas possible que se soit assigné à un Docteur, un Localisateur, un Scientifique ou un Enfant du Soleil.",
- "RebirthInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rebirth, if you're the player about to be ejected, you will swap skins with a random crewmate who voted for you.\nNotice: The host vote never counts\nRebirth will be removed from you if you exhausted all your rebirths.",
- "LoyalInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\nLe Loyal ne peut pas être Recruté par des Rôles tels que le Chacal ou le Gourou.\n\nIl ne peut pas être assigné aux Neutres.",
+ "RebirthInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rebirth, if you're the player about to be ejected, you will swap skins with a random Crewmate who voted for you.\nNotice: The Host vote never counts\nRebirth will be removed from you if you exhausted all your rebirths.",
+ "LoyalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Loyal, you cannot be recruited by roles such as Jackal or Cultist.\n\nCannot be assigned to Neutrals.",
"EvilSpiritInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Evil Spirit, it's your job to help the Spiritcaller to victory. You can use your Haunt button to freeze players and reduce their vision. Alternatively, you can use your Haunt button to give the Spiritcaller a shield against a kill attempt temporarily.",
- "RecruitInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs a recruit, you are on the Jackal's team and help out the Jackal and their Sidekicks.\nYou cannot win with your original team.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed and no sidekicks is alive.",
- "AdmiredInfoLong": "(Modifieurs de Trahison):\nL'Admiré Gagne avec l'Équipage et non avec son Équipe d'origine.\n\nIl peut voir l'Admirateur.",
+ "RecruitInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs a recruit, you are on the Jackal's team and help out the Jackal and their Sidekicks.\nYou cannot win with your original team.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed and no Sidekicks is alive.",
+ "AdmiredInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs an Admired player, you win with the Crewmates and not your original team.\n\nYou can see the Admirer.",
+ "EnchantedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Enchanted Add-on can only be obtained through being converted by the Ritualist or upon killing the OIIAI as a non-Nerconomicon holder.\nOnce Enchanted, you are apart of the Coven team and are no longer apart of your original team.",
"GlowInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\nLe Luisant et les joueurs proches auront leur Vision Augmentée pendant les Sabotages des Lumières.",
"RadarInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\\nEn tant que Sondeur, vous avez une flèche pointant vers la personne la plus proche tout le temps.",
- "DiseasedInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\\nQuand quelqu'un essaye d'utiliser son bouton tuer sur vous, son temps de recharge va être augmenté par un temps configuré par l'hôte.",
- "AntidoteInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\\nQuand quelqu'un essaye d'utiliser son bouton tuer sur vous, son temps de recharge va être diminué par un temps configuré par l'hôte.",
- "StubbornInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\\nAvec le modifieur Obstiné, l'Effaceur ne peut pas effacer votre rôle, le Nettoyeur ne peut pas vous nettoyer, le Bandit ne peut pas vous voler, et le Monarque ne peut pas vous faire chevalier.\\nDe plus, vous ne pouvez pas recevoir des Modifieurs donnés par le Marchant.",
+ "DiseasedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the Kill button on you, their Cooldown will be increased by a configurable amount of time.",
+ "AntidoteInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the Kill button on you, their Cooldown will be decreased by a configurable amount of time.",
+ "StubbornInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Stubborn Add-on, Eraser can't erase your role, Cleanser can't cleanse you, Bandit can't steal from you, and Monarch can't knight you.\nAdditionally, you can't gain any new Add-ons from the Merchant.",
"SwiftInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Swift, you will not make any movement when you kill.\nNote: Swift also ignores Bait",
- "UnluckyInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\nLe Malchanceux Risque d'être Exécuté en Accomplissant ses Tâches, en Exécutant, en Évacuant ou en Ouvrant une Porte.",
+ "UnluckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Unlucky, when you Complete Tasks, Kill, Venting, or open a Door, you have a chance to die.",
"SpurtInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen you start walking, you gain an enormous speed boost, which swiftly deteriorates, until you have to rest still for a while to rejuvenate your speed.",
- "VoidBallotInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nHolder of this add-on will have 0 vote count.",
+ "VoidBallotInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nHolder of this Add-on will have 0 vote count.",
"AwareInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Aware, you get a notification in the next meeting if a revealing role had interacted with you.",
- "FragileInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Fragile, you will instantly die if someone tries to use the kill button on you (even if the role cannot directly kill).",
- "GhoulInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Ghoul, one of two outcomes can occur on task completion.\n\nIf alive: Suicide\nIf dead: You kill your killer if they're alive.\n\nThis is only assigned to crewmates, and not crewmates with no tasks or are task-based.",
- "BloodthirstInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\\nEn tant Sanguinaire, faites des taches pour pouvoir tuer d'autre joueur.\\nQuand vous finissez une tâche, le prochain joueur qui vous touche meurt.\\n\\nUne réunion d'urgence n'annule pas votre capacité à tuer.\\nAprès avoir tué, Vous devez faire une autre tâche pour tuer à nouveau.\\nSi vous faites plusieurs tâches vous ne pourrez tuer qu'une seule fois.\\n\\nCe modifieur est assigné aux coéquipiers qui ont des tâches uniquement.",
- "MareInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\nLe Cauchemar a un Rechargement d'Exécution plus court et il a une Vitesse Accrue, mais il ne peut Exécuter que pendant le Sabotage des Lumières.\n\nDe plus, son nom apparaîtra en Rouge pendant le Sabotage des Lumières\n\nUniquement assigné aux Imposteurs et ne peut pas être Deviné.",
- "BurstInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\nL'Éclateur Éclate son Exécuteur s'il n'est pas dans d'une Évacuation après un certain temps.",
+ "FragileInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Fragile, you will instantly die if someone tries to use the Kill button on you (even if the role cannot directly kill).",
+ "GhoulInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Ghoul, one of two outcomes can occur on task completion.\n\nIf alive: Suicide\nIf dead: You kill your killer if they're alive.\n\nThis is only assigned to Crewmates, and not Crewmates with no tasks or are task-based.",
+ "BloodthirstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Bloodthirst, doing tasks allows you to become bloodthirsty and kill players.\nWhen you finish a task, the next player you come in contact with dies.\n\nYour Bloodthirst remains after a meeting.\nUpon making a kill, your Bloodthirst clears till the next task you complete.\nBloodthirsts do not stack.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates with tasks.",
+ "MareInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Mare, you have a low Kill Cooldown and have higher speed but can only kill during lights.\n\nAdditionally, your name will appear in red during lights.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors and cannot be guessed.",
+ "BurstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Burst, your killer explodes if they aren't inside a Vent after a set amount of time.",
"SleuthInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\nLe Limier obtient des informations à partir des Cadavres.\n\nOptionnellement, il peut également obtenir le Rôle de l'Exécuteur.\n\nIl n'est pas assigné au Détective ou Croque-Mort.",
- "ClumsyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Clumsy, you have a chance to miss your kill.\n\nWhen you miss, your cooldown is reset, and the target remains untouched.\n\nOnly assigned to killers.",
- "CircumventInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\nLe Claustrophobe ne peut pas Évacuer.\n\nSeulement assigné aux Imposteurs.",
- "NimbleInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\nL'Agile gagne l'accès au Bouton d'Évacuation.\n\nSeulement assigné à certains Coéquipiers.",
- "InfluencedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Influenced, your vote will be forced to the player with the most votes.\nInfluenced vote won't be counted while choosing the exiled player'\nNote that your vote skill still functions on the player you voted first\nIf all the alive players are Influenced, then the vote result won't shift\nCollector cannot become influenced.",
+ "ClumsyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Clumsy, you have a chance to miss your kill.\n\nWhen you miss, your Cooldown is reset, and the target remains untouched.\n\nOnly assigned to killers.",
+ "CircumventInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Circumvent, you can't Vent.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors.",
+ "NimbleInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Nimble, you gain access to the Vent button.\n\nOnly assigned to certain Crewmates.",
+ "InfluencedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Influenced, your vote will be forced to the player with the most votes.\nInfluenced vote won't be counted while choosing the exiled player'\nNote that your vote skill still functions on the player you voted first\nIf all the alive players are Influenced, then the vote result won't shift\nCollector cannot become Influenced.",
"SilentInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\n\nLe Muet n'a pas son Icône de Vote qui apparaît lors du résultat.\nPersonne ne sait qui il Vote.",
"SusceptibleInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\nLe Susceptible aura une Cause de Mort Aléatoire.",
"TrickyInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\nLe Futé a des Causes de Mort Aléatoires pour ses Exécutions.",
"TiredInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever Tired kills (or uses kill ability on) someone, alternatively whenever they finish a task, they will temporarily get lower vision & lower speed.",
"StatueInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever many people are near the Statue, the Statue is completely frozen or slowed down depending on the settings.",
"EvaderInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen the Evader gets voted out, there is a chance they will not get ejected. (Chance set by the Host.)",
- "CyberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Cyber, you cannot die while in a group.\nDepending on the settings, Imposters, Neutrals, and or Crewmates will know if you die.",
- "HurriedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the hurried, you must finish all your tasks to win with your team! If you fail with your tasks, you lose.\nHurried hurries to his goal, so it won't get madmate, charmed or so.",
- "OiiaiInfoLong": "(Modifieurs):\nL'Oiiai fait oublier le Rôle de son Exécuteur en Mourant.\nDe plus, Selon les Réglages, il passera ce Modifieur à son Exécuteur.",
- "RainbowInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the rainbow, you change your colors like crazy.",
+ "CyberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Cyber, you cannot die while in a group.\nDepending on the settings, Impostors, Neutrals, and or Crewmates will know if you die.",
+ "HurriedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the hurried, you must finish all your tasks to win with your team! If you fail with your tasks, you lose.\nHurried hurries to his goal, so it won't get Madmate, Charmed or so.",
+ "OiiaiInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the OIIAI, when you die, you will make your killer forget their role.\nAdditionally, you may pass OIIAI on to the killer, depending on settings.",
+ "RainbowInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rainbow, you change your colors like crazy.",
"GMInfoLong": "(n'appartient pas à une équipe):\\nLe maître du jeu est un rôle pour observer.\\n Sa présence n'affecte pas le jeu, tous les joueurs sait qui est le maître du jeu. Le Maître du jeu ne peut être assigné qu'à l'hôte qui deviendra un fantôme au début de la partie.",
- "SunnyboyInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sunnyboy, you win if you are dead by the end of the game. The game will not end when you are alive due to killers gaining the majority.\nAdditionally, you have access to portable vitals.",
- "BardInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen a bard is alive, the exile confirmation will display a sentence composed by the bard. Whenever the bard completes a creation, the bard's kill cooldown will be permanently halved.",
+ "SunnyboyInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sunnyboy, you win if you are dead by the end of the game. The game will not end when you are alive due to killers gaining the majority.\nAdditionally, you have access to portable Vitals.",
+ "BardInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen a Bard is alive, the exile confirmation will display a sentence composed by the Bard. Whenever the Bard completes a creation, the Bard's Kill Cooldown will be permanently halved.",
"WardenInfoLong": "(Coéquipiers [Fantôme]):\nL'Aviseur Alerte quelqu'un d'un Danger proche, de plus il peut temporairement Augmenter leur Vitesse.",
"GhastlyInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Ghastly, possess an unsuspecting person, after that choose a target for them, now they'll only be able to use their kill (or kill ability) on target until you possess someone else or possess time runs out.",
- "MinionInfoLong": "(Imposteur [Fantôme]):\nLe Sous-fifre peut temporairement Aveugler des Non-Imposteurs.",
- "DollMasterInfoLong": "(Imposteur):\nEn tant que Scénariste, vous pouvez prendre le contrôle de n'importe quel joueur en utilisant le bouton de métamorphose et faite leur commettre vos méfaits!",
- "DoubleAgentInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Double Agent, you cannot access the kill button. However, you can vote for someone in a meeting to pass a bomb onto them, which can only be done one player at a time. Once the meeting has finished, the bomb will activate and explode in a set amount of time.\nNote: when you pass the bomb onto someone in a meeting, you can vote afterward.\n\nAdditionally depending on settings the Double Agent can diffuse Bastion and Agitator bombs when venting.\n\nThe Double Agent can change roles when they are the Last Imposter, depending on the settings the role can be a Admired Impostor, Trickster, Traitor, or stay as the Double Agent.",
+ "MinionInfoLong": "(Impostor [Ghost]):\nAs the Minion, you can temporarily blind non-Impostors.",
+ "DollMasterInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Dollmaster, you can temporarily take control of any player by using the Shapeshift button and to make them do your deeds!",
+ "DoubleAgentInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Double Agent, you cannot access the Kill button. However, you can vote for someone in a meeting to pass a bomb onto them, which can only be done one player at a time. Once the meeting has finished, the bomb will activate and explode in a set amount of time.\nNote: when you pass the bomb onto someone in a meeting, you can vote afterward.\n\nAdditionally depending on settings the Double Agent can diffuse Bastion and Agitator bombs when Venting.\n\nThe Double Agent can change roles when they are the Last Impostor, depending on the settings the role can be a Admired Impostor, Trickster, Traitor, or stay as the Double Agent.",
"SlothInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Sloth's default movement speed is slower than others.\n(Speed depends on the setting of the Host)",
- "ProhibitedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Prohibited, you have specific vents that you can't use.\nHow many vents are disabled depends on the Host's settings.",
- "EavesdropperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Eavesdropper, you have a chance to read other role/addon information-based messages like Mortician or Sleuth.",
+ "ProhibitedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Prohibited, you have specific Vents that you can't use.\nHow many Vents are disabled depends on the Host's settings.",
+ "EavesdropperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Eavesdropper, you have a chance to read other Role/Add-on information-based messages like Mortician or Sleuth.",
"ApocalypseInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nApocalypse members are on a separate team that works together and wins together. If there are multiple Apocalypse roles in the game, they can see each other's roles.\nDepending on the Host's settings, Apocalypse roles can guess or be guessed.",
"RevenantInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAs the Revenant, your goal is to be killed. If you are killed, you will take your killer's role and kill your killer instead. You cannot win before being killed.\nNote that Revenant only works when being directly killed.",
"ShowTextOverlay": "Texte de la Surcouche",
@@ -1040,17 +1075,17 @@
"AbilityInUse": "Ability in use",
"AbilityExpired": "Ability expired, {0} uses remain",
"RevenantTargeted": "Your role has changed to {0}",
- "RevenantCanCopyAddons": "Can Steal Addons",
+ "RevenantCanCopyAddons": "Can Steal Add-ons",
"ShowArrows": "A des Flèches pointant vers les Cadavres",
"ArrowDelayMin": "Délai minimal d'Apparition des Flèches",
"ArrowDelayMax": "Délai maximal d'Apparition des Flèches",
"SMUsesUsedWhenFixingReactorOrO2": "Utilisations nécessaires pour Réparer le Réacteur/O2",
"SMUsesUsedWhenFixingLightsOrComms": "Utilise ce qu'il faut pour Réparer les Lumières et les Communications",
- "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "(Initial) Nombre maximal de Grenades",
+ "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "(Initial) Maximum number of Grenades",
"ShowSpecificRole": "Connaît des Rôles spécifiques en Accomplissant des Tâches",
- "TimeMasterMaxUses": "(Initial) Nombre maximal d'utilisations de la Capacité",
- "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Le Volatile peut Évacuer normalement lorsque sa Capacité est en Rechargement",
- "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Le Spectre peut utiliser les Évacuations normalement lorsque son Invisibilité est en Rechargement",
+ "TimeMasterMaxUses": "(Initial) Maximum Amount of Ability Uses",
+ "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Swooper Vents normally when Swooping is on Cooldown",
+ "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Wraith Vents normally when Invisibility is on Cooldown",
"DisableMeeting": "Désactiver les Réunions",
"DisableCloseDoor": "Désactiver le Sabotage des Portes",
"DisableSabotage": "Désactiver les Sabotages",
@@ -1059,13 +1094,13 @@
"DebugMode": "Mode Débogage",
"SyncButtonMode": "Limit Meeting Times",
"RandomMapsMode": "Mode Cartes aléatoires",
- "SyncedButtonCount": "Max Number of Emergency Meetings per Game",
- "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "Diminution du Rechargement d'Exécution en Exécutant la Cible",
- "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "Augmentation du Rechargement d'Exécution en Exécutant d'autres personnes",
+ "SyncedButtonCount": "Maximum Number of Emergency Meetings per Game",
+ "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "Kill Cooldown decrease on killing target",
+ "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "Kill Cooldown increase on killing others",
"HHNumOfTargets": "Nombre de Cibles",
"Targets": "Cibles :",
- "HHMaxKCD": "Rechargement maximal d'Exécution",
- "HHMinKCD": "Rechargement minimal d'Exécution",
+ "HHMaxKCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "HHMinKCD": "Minimum Kill Cooldown",
"AllAliveMeeting": "Réunion quand personne n'est Mort",
"AllAliveMeetingTime": "Durée de la Réunion quand personne n'est Mort",
"AdditionalEmergencyCooldown": "Rechargement supplémentaire pour Convoquer une Réunion",
@@ -1174,17 +1209,17 @@
"OverclockedReduction": "Réduction du Rechargement d'Exécution",
"GhostCanSeeOtherRoles": "Les Fantômes peuvent voir les Rôles des autres",
"PreventSeeRolesImmediatelyAfterDeath": "Prevent seeing other's roles immediately after death",
- "GhostCanSeeOtherVotes": "Les Fantômes peuvent Voir les Couleurs des Votes",
- "GhostCanSeeDeathReason": "Les Fantômes peuvent voir la Cause de la Mort",
+ "GhostCanSeeOtherVotes": "Ghosts can see Vote Colors",
+ "GhostCanSeeDeathReason": "Ghost can see Cause Of Death",
"GhostIgnoreTasks": "Les Fantômes sont exemptés de Tâches",
- "ConvertedCanBeGhostRole": "Les joueurs Recrutés peuvent avoir n'importe quel Rôle-Fantôme",
- "NeutralCanBeGhostRole": "Neutral Players Can Be Any Ghost-Roles (Will change team respectively)",
- "MaxImpGhostRole": "Maximum de rôle imposteur fantôme",
- "MaxCrewGhostRole": "Maximum de rôle de coéquipier fantôme",
+ "ConvertedCanBeGhostRole": "Converted Players can be Any Ghost-Roles",
+ "NeutralCanBeGhostRole": "Neutral Players can be Any Ghost-Roles (Will change team respectively)",
+ "MaxImpGhostRole": "Maximum Impostor Ghost-Roles",
+ "MaxCrewGhostRole": "Maximum Crewmate Ghost-Roles",
"DefaultAngelCooldown": "Rechargement de Capacité par Défaut",
"DisableTaskWin": "Désactiver la Victoire aux Tâches",
- "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreDead": "Disable Task Win If All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are Dead",
- "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreConverted": "Disable Task Win If All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are <#ffab1b>Converted",
+ "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreDead": "Disable Task Win if All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are Dead",
+ "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreConverted": "Disable Task Win if All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are <#ffab1b>Converted",
"HideGameSettings": "Cacher les Réglages du Jeu",
"DIYGameSettings": "Activer uniquement les messages /n personnalisés",
"Settings:": "Réglages:",
@@ -1200,7 +1235,7 @@
"RoleOptions": "Options des Rôles",
"DarkTheme": "Activer le Thème Sombre",
"DisableLobbyMusic": "Désactiver la musique de lobby",
- "AutoStart": "Démarrage automatique",
+ "AutoStart": "Auto Start",
"EnableCustomButton": "Activer les Images des Boutons Personnalisés",
"EnableCustomSoundEffect": "Activer les Effets Sonores Personnalisés",
"EnableCustomDecorations": "Activer les décorations de cartes personnalisées",
@@ -1237,8 +1272,8 @@
"OptKickXboxPlayer": "Exclure les Joueurs Xbox",
"OptKickPlayStationPlayer": "Exclure les Joueurs PlayStation",
"OptKickNintendoPlayer": "Exclure les Joueurs de Nintendo Switch",
- "ShareLobby": "Autoriser TOHE-Chan à partager le Code du Salon sur Discord",
- "ShareLobbyMinPlayer": "Partager le Code du Salon lorsque le nombre de Joueurs est atteint",
+ "ShareLobby": "Allow TOHE-Chan Shares Lobby Code to Discord",
+ "ShareLobbyMinPlayer": "Share Lobby Code When the Number of Players Reaches",
"DisableVanillaRoles": "Désactiver les Rôles Classiques",
"VoteMode": "Mode de Vote",
"WhenSkipVote": "Si le joueur a Passé",
@@ -1276,6 +1311,7 @@
"IgnoreConditions": "Ignorer les Conditions",
"IgnoreImpostors": "Ignorer les Imposteurs",
"IgnoreNeutrals": "Ignorer les Neutres",
+ "IgnoreCoven": "Ignore Coven",
"IgnoreCrewmates": "Ignore les Coéquipiers",
"IgnoreAfterAnyoneDied": "Ignorer après la première Mort",
"LightsOutSpecialSettings": "Réglages Spéciaux de Réparation les Lumières",
@@ -1289,7 +1325,7 @@
"RandomSpawn_AirshipAdditionalSpawn": "Emplacements d'Apparition supplémentaires (Airship)",
"RandomSpawn_SpawnRandomVents": "Apparition Aléatoires sur les Évacuations",
"CommsCamouflage": "Camouflage pendant le Sabotage des Communications",
- "DisableOnSomeMaps": "Désactiver le Camouflage des Communications sur certaines Cartes",
+ "DisableOnSomeMaps": "Disable Comms Camouflage on some maps",
"DisableOnSkeld": "Désactiver sur The Skeld",
"DisableOnMira": "Désactiver sur MIRA HQ",
"DisableOnPolus": "Désactiver sur Polus",
@@ -1328,8 +1364,8 @@
"EnableBirthdayDecorationSkeld": "Birthday Decoration On The Skeld",
"RandomBirthdayAndHalloweenDecorationSkeld": "Set Random Decoration When Birthday And Halloween Is Active On The Skeld",
"ApplyDenyNameList": "Appliquer la liste des Noms Interdits",
- "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Exclure les Joueurs qui ont un Code d'Ami invalide",
- "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Bannir temporairement les Joueurs qui ont un Code d'Ami invalide",
+ "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Kick players with an invalid Friend Code",
+ "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Temp Ban players with an invalid Friend Code",
"ApplyBanList": "Appliquer la Liste de Bannissement",
"RemovePetsAtDeadPlayers": "Retirer les Familiers aux Joueurs Morts",
"KillFlashDuration": "Durée de l'Alerte d'Exécution",
@@ -1340,6 +1376,7 @@
"ShowImpRemainOnEject": "À l'Éjection afficher les Imposteurs restants",
"ShowNKRemainOnEject": "À l'Éjection afficher les Neutres Exécuteurs restants",
"ShowNARemainOnEject": "Show remaining Neutral Apocalypse on ejects",
+ "ShowCovenRemainOnEject": "Show remaining Coven on ejects",
"ConfirmEgoistOnEject": "Confirmer l'Éjection de l'Égoïste",
"ConfirmLoversOnEject": "Confirmer l'Éjection des Amoureux",
"ConfirmSidekickOnEject": "Confirmer l'Éjection des Acolytes",
@@ -1367,7 +1404,7 @@
"ShieldPersonDiedFirst": "Protéger joueur Mort en premier à la partie précédente",
"ShowShieldedPlayerToAll": "Reveal shielded player to all",
"RemoveShieldOnFirstDead": "Remove shield on first death",
- "ShieldedCanUseKillButton": "Shielded player can use ability / kill button",
+ "ShieldedCanUseKillButton": "Shielded player can use ability/Kill button",
"PlayerIsShieldedByGame": "Player is protected by the game!",
"LegacyNemesis": "Utiliser l'Ancienne Version",
"LegacyParasite": "Use Legacy Version",
@@ -1390,7 +1427,7 @@
"DoubleAgent_DiffusedBastionBomb": "Bastion bomb successfully diffused",
"DoubleAgent_BombExplodesIn": "La bombe explose dans {0}s",
"DoubleAgent_BombExploded": "La bombe a explosé !",
- "DoubleAgentChangeRoleTo": "Changer de rôle en étant le dernier Imposteur",
+ "DoubleAgentChangeRoleTo": "Change role on last Impostor",
"DoubleAgentRoleChange": "Vous êtes devenu un : ",
"MastermindCD": "Rechargement de Manipulation",
"MastermindTimeLimit": "Compte à Rebours pour Exécuter quelqu'un",
@@ -1408,15 +1445,13 @@
"Glitch_KCD": "Rechargement d'Exécution : {0}s",
"Glitch_MimicCD": "Rechargement de Mime : {0}s",
"HackedByGlitch": "Tu es Piraté par le Défaillant, Tu ne peux pas {0}.",
- "GlitchKill": "Exécuter",
- "GlitchReport": "Signaler",
- "GlitchVent": "Évacuation",
+ "GlitchKill": "Kill",
+ "GlitchReport": "Report",
+ "GlitchVent": "Vent",
"ShowFPS": "Afficher les FPS",
"FPSGame": "FPS :",
"ControlCooldown": "Rechargement de Contrôle",
- "PoisonCooldown": "Rechargement d'Empoisonnement",
- "PoisonerKillDelay": "Délai d'Exécution par le Poison",
- "WardenNotifyLimit": "Nombre maximal d'Alertes",
+ "WardenNotifyLimit": "Maximum number of alerts",
"BombCooldown": "Rechargement de Bombement",
"Warlock_CanKillSelf": "Peut se suicider",
"CrewpostorKnowsAllies": "Le Tueur à la Tâche connaît les Imposteurs",
@@ -1446,9 +1481,10 @@
"EGCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "Peut Deviner le Cafteur qui a fini ses Tâches",
"GGCanGuessAdt": "Peut Deviner les Modifieurs",
"GuesserCanGuessTimes": "Nombre maximal pour Deviner",
- "GuesserTryHideMsg": "Try to hide the guesser's command",
+ "GuesserTryHideMsg": "Try to hide the Guesser's command",
"GCanGuessImp": "Les Imposteurs peuvent Deviner les Rôles d'Imposteur",
"GCanGuessCrew": "Les Coéquipiers peuvent Deviner les Rôles de Coéquipier",
+ "GCanGuessCoven": "Coven can guess Coven roles",
"GCanGuessAdt": "Peut Deviner les Modifieurs",
"GCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "Peut Deviner le Cafteur qui a fini ses Tâches",
"BountyTargetChangeTime": "Délai avant l'Échange de Cible",
@@ -1456,7 +1492,7 @@
"BountyFailureKillCooldown": "Rechargement d'Exécution après avoir Exécuté d'autres joueurs",
"BountyShowTargetArrow": "Show arrow pointing towards the target",
"DefaultShapeshiftCooldown": "Rechargement de Métamorphose par défaut",
- "DeadImpCantSabotage": "Les Imposteurs ne peuvent pas Saboter après leur Mort",
+ "DeadImpCantSabotage": "Impostors can't Sabotage after they've died",
"VampireKillDelay": "Délai d'Exécution par Morsure",
"VampireTargetDead": "La Cible est Morte",
"VampireActionMode": "Mode Action",
@@ -1465,14 +1501,14 @@
"Maverick_MinKillsToWin": "Minimum number of kills to win",
"Cooldown": "Rechargement",
"AbilityCooldown": "Rechargement de la Capacité",
- "SkillLimitTimes": "Max Number of Ability Uses",
+ "SkillLimitTimes": "Maximum Number of Ability Uses",
"CanKill": "Peut Exécuter",
"KillCooldown": "Rechargement d'Exécution",
"CanVent": "Peut Évacuer",
- "CantMoveOnVents": "Can't Move On Vents (Unstable in Dleks map)",
+ "CantMoveOnVents": "Can't Move on Vents (Unstable in Dleks map)",
"ImpostorVision": "Possède une Vision d'Imposteur",
"CanUseSabotage": "Peut Saboter",
- "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "Can Have Access To Vitals",
+ "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "Can Have Access to Vitals",
"CanKillImpostors": "Can Kill Impostors",
"CanGuess": "Peut Deviner en mode Devin ou en tant que Devin",
"HideVote": "Hide Vote",
@@ -1483,16 +1519,16 @@
"ShapeshifterBase_ShapeshiftCooldown": "Shapeshift Cooldown",
"ShapeshifterBase_ShapeshiftDuration": "Shapeshift Duration",
"ShapeshifterBase_LeaveShapeshiftingEvidence": "Leave Shapeshifting Evidence",
- "PhantomBase_InvisCooldown": "Temps de recharge d'invisibilité",
- "PhantomBase_InvisDuration": "Durée d'invisibilité",
+ "PhantomBase_InvisCooldown": "Invisibility Cooldown",
+ "PhantomBase_InvisDuration": "Invisibility Duration",
"GuardianAngelBase_ProtectCooldown": "Protect Cooldown",
"GuardianAngelBase_ProtectionDuration": "Protection Duration",
- "GuardianAngelBase_ImpostorsCanSeeProtect": "Protect Visible To Impostors",
+ "GuardianAngelBase_ImpostorsCanSeeProtect": "Protect Visible to Impostors",
"ScientistBase_BatteryCooldown": "Vitals Display Cooldown",
"ScientistBase_BatteryDuration": "Battery Duration",
"EngineerBase_VentCooldown": "Vent Cooldown",
- "EngineerBase_InVentMaxTime": "Max Time In Vents",
- "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "Les Imposteurs peuvent être alertés",
+ "EngineerBase_InVentMaxTime": "Maximum Time in Vents",
+ "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "Impostors can get Alert",
"NoisemakerBase_AlertDuration": "Durée de l'alerte",
"TrackerBase_TrackingCooldown": "Temps de chargement pour pister",
"TrackerBase_TrackingDuration": "Batterie du mouchard",
@@ -1514,6 +1550,7 @@
"SheriffCanKillSeparately": "Réglages Individuels",
"In%team%": "(Équipe %team%)",
"SheriffMisfireKillsTarget": "Un Tir-Raté Exécute la Cible",
+ "SheriffMisfireOnAdmired": "Sheriff Misfires On Admired Players",
"BlackHolePlaceCooldown": "Black Hole Place Cooldown",
"BlackHoleDespawnMode": "Black Hole Despawn Mode",
"BlackHoleDespawnTime": "Time After Black Hole Despawns",
@@ -1526,27 +1563,30 @@
"After1PlayerEaten": "After 1 Player Was Eaten",
"AfterMeeting": "After Meeting",
"None": "None",
- "SheriffShotLimit": "Nombre maximal d'Exécutions",
+ "SheriffShotLimit": "Maximum number of Kills",
"SheriffCanKillAllAlive": "Peut Exécuter quand personne n'est Mort",
- "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "Peut Exécuter les joueurs Charmés",
+ "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "Can Kill Charmed players",
"SheriffCanKillEgoist": "Peut Exécuter les Égoïstes",
"SheriffCanKillSidekick": "Peut Exécuter les Acolytes",
"SheriffCanKillLovers": "Peut Exécuter les Amoureux",
"SheriffCanKillMadmate": "Peut Exécuter les Complices",
"SheriffCanKillInfected": "Peut Exécuter les joueurs Infectés",
"SheriffCanKillContagious": "Peut Exécuter les joueurs Contaminés",
- "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "Configuration du Shérif Non-Coéquipier",
- "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "Peut Exécuter les Imposteurs",
- "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "Peut Exécuter les Neutres",
- "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "Peut Exécuter les Coéquipiers",
+ "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "Non-Crewmate Sheriff Configuration",
+ "SheriffCanKillEnchanted": "Can Kill Enchanted players",
+ "SheriffCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "Can Kill Impostors",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "Can Kill Neutrals",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "Can Kill Crewmates",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven",
"RebirthUses": "Amount of Rebirths",
"RebirthCountVotes": "Only rebirth to players who voted for them",
"RebirthFailed": "Ahh, how unfortunate, you did not find any viable souls to swap bodies with",
"FireworkerCooldown": "Placement Cooldown",
- "ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "Augmenter le Rechargement d'Exécution",
- "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "Rechargement d'Exécution maximal",
- "ReverieMisfireSuicide": "Tir-Raté en atteignant le Rechargement maximal d'Exécution",
- "ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "Réinitialiser le Rechargement d'Exécution après la Réunion",
+ "ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "Increase Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieMisfireSuicide": "Misfire on reaching maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "Reset Kill Cooldown after meeting",
"ConvertedReverieKillAll": "Le Rêveur Recruté peut Exécuter n'importe qui sans répercutions",
"VigilanteNotify": "Tu es devenu la chose même que tu as juré de détruire",
"DictatorChangeCommandToExpel": "Dictator use Command to expell instad of vote",
@@ -1556,17 +1596,18 @@
"SnitchCanGetArrowColor": "Voir les Flèches Colorées en fonction des Couleurs de l'Équipe",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralKiller": "Peut Trouver les Neutres Exécuteurs",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralApoc": "Can Find Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "SnitchCanFindCoven": "Can Find Coven",
"SnitchCanFindMadmate": "Peut Trouver les Complices",
"SnitchRemainingTaskFound": "Tâches restantes pour être Dévoilé",
"MayorAdditionalVote": "Les Votes supplémentaires comptent",
"MayorHasPortableButton": "Le maire a un Bouton d'Urgence Mobile",
- "MayorNumOfUseButton": "Nombre maximal de Boutons d'Urgence Mobiles",
+ "MayorNumOfUseButton": "Maximum Number of Mobile Emergency Buttons",
"MeetingsNeededForWin": "Réunions nécessaires pour Gagner",
"Jester_RevealUponEject": "Reveal Upon Eject",
"CannotVoteWhenDead": "Cannot cast a vote while dead",
"EnableVote": "Enable /vote command",
"ShouldVoteSpam": "Try to hide /vote command",
- "VoteDisabled": "/vote command has been disabled by the host.",
+ "VoteDisabled": "/vote command has been disabled by the Host.",
"ExecutionerCanTargetImpostor": "Peut cibler les Imposteurs",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "Peut Cibler les Neutres Exécuteurs",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "Can Target Neutral Apocalypse",
@@ -1574,11 +1615,13 @@
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralBenign": "Peut Cibler les Neutres Bénins",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralEvil": "Peut Cibler les Neutres Mauvais",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralChaos": "Peut Cibler les Neutres Perturbateurs",
+ "ExecutionerCanTargetCoven": "Can Target Coven",
"Executioner_RevealTargetUponEject": "Reveal Target Upon Ejection",
- "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "Le Shérif Recruté peut devenir Enragé",
+ "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "Recruited Sheriff can go Nuts",
"LawyerCanTargetImpostor": "Peut Cibler les Imposteurs",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "Can Target Neutral Killers",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "Can Target Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "LawyerCanTargetCoven": "Can Target Coven",
"LawyerCanTargetCrewmate": "Peut Cibler les Coéquipiers",
"LawyerCanTargetJester": "Peut Cibler le Bouffon",
"LawyerChangeRolesAfterTargetKilled": "Lorsque sa Cible Meurt, l'Avocat devient",
@@ -1594,8 +1637,8 @@
"SniperPrecisionShooting": "Tir Précis",
"SniperAimAssist": "Assistance à la Visée",
"SniperAimAssistOneshot": "Aide au Un-Tir",
- "PyroDouseCooldown": "Temps de Rechargement pour Asperger",
- "PyroBurnCooldown": "Rechargement après avoir Exécuté un joueur Aspergé",
+ "PyroDouseCooldown": "Douse Cooldown",
+ "PyroBurnCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after killing a doused player",
"Prohibited_OverrideBlockedVentsAfterMeeting": "Override Blocked Vents After Meeting",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInSkeld": "Count Blocked Vents In The Skeld",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInMira": "Count Blocked Vents In MIRA HQ",
@@ -1606,7 +1649,7 @@
"UndertakerFreezeDuration": "Durée du Gel",
"NameDisplayAddons": "Afficher les Modifieurs à côté du nom du Rôle",
"YourAddon": "Your Add-ons:",
- "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "Nombre maximal de Modifieurs par joueur",
+ "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "Maximum Add-ons Per Player",
"LoverSpawnChances": "Probabilité d'Apparition des Amoureux",
"AdditionRolesSpawnRate": "Probabilité d'Apparition",
"TorchVision": "Vision de la Lampe",
@@ -1641,38 +1684,40 @@
"EvilHackerLastAdminInfoTitle": "Dernière info de la carte d'admin",
"EvilHackerDeadbody": "MORT",
"Ventguard": "Ventguard",
- "VentguardInfo": "Block vents by entering them",
- "VentguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Ventguard, you can enter vents to block them. No one can enter blocked vents, except Crewmates, if the setting is on. Blocked vents can be resets every meeting.",
+ "VentguardInfo": "Block Vents by entering them",
+ "VentguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Ventguard, you can enter Vents to block them. No one can enter blocked Vents, except Crewmates, if the setting is on. Blocked Vents can be resets every meeting.",
"VentguardVentButtonText": "Block",
- "Ventguard_MaxGuards": "Max number of Vent Blocks",
+ "Ventguard_MaxGuards": "Maximum number of Vent Blocks",
"Ventguard_BlockVentCooldown": "Block Vent Cooldown",
- "Ventguard_BlockDoesNotAffectCrew": "Crewmates can use blocked vents",
+ "Ventguard_BlockDoesNotAffectCrew": "Crewmates can use blocked Vents",
"Ventguard_BlocksResetOnMeeting": "Reset Blocked Vents Every Meeting",
- "VentIsBlocked": "This Vent Is Now Blocked!",
+ "VentIsBlocked": "This Vent is Now Blocked!",
"TraitorKnowMadmate": "Traitor Knows Madmates",
"Psychic_NBareRed": "Neutral Benign can be red",
"Psychic_NEareRed": "Neutral Evil can be red",
"Psychic_NCareRed": "Neutral Chaos can be red",
"Psychic_NAareRed": "Neutral Apocalypse can be red",
"Psychic_NKareRed": "Neutral Killers can be red",
+ "Psychic_CovareRed": "Coven can be red",
"Psychic_CrewKillingRed": "Crewmate Killing can be red",
- "PsychicCanSeeNum": "Nombre maximal de noms rouges",
+ "PsychicCanSeeNum": "Maximum number of red names",
"PsychicFresh": "Nouveaux noms rouges à chaque Réunion",
"DetectiveCanknowKiller": "Peut trouver le Rôle de l'Exécuteur",
"EveryOneKnowSuperStar": "Tout le monde connaît l'Étoile",
"HackLimit": "Compteur d'utilisation de la Capacité",
"ZombieSpeedReduce": "Après un certain temps, la Vitesse du Zombie diminue de",
- "NemesisCanKillNum": "Nombre maximal de Vengeances",
+ "NemesisCanKillNum": "Maximum number of revenges",
"ImpKnowCelebrityDead": "Les Imposteurs savent quand la Célébrité Meurt",
"NeutralKnowCelebrityDead": "Les Neutres savent quand la Célébrité Meurt",
+ "CovenKnowCelebrityDead": "Coven know when the Celebrity dies",
"VectorVentNumWin": "Nombre d'Évacuations pour Gagner",
"CanCheckCamera": "Peut suivre l'utilisation des Caméras",
- "DefaultKillCooldown": "Starting kill cooldown",
- "ReduceKillCooldown": "Reduce kill cooldown by",
- "MinKillCooldown": "Minimum kill cooldown",
+ "DefaultKillCooldown": "Starting Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReduceKillCooldown": "Reduce Kill Cooldown by",
+ "MinKillCooldown": "Minimum Kill Cooldown",
"BomberRadius": "Rayon de la Bombe (5x correspond à la moitié d'une Cafétéria)",
"NotifyGodAlive": "Informer les joueurs lors des Réunions que Dieu est toujours en vie",
- "TransporterTeleportMax": "Nombre maximal de Téléportations",
+ "TransporterTeleportMax": "Maximum number of teleports",
"TriggerKill": "Exécuter",
"TriggerVent": "Évacuation",
"TriggerDouble": "Double-Clic",
@@ -1686,6 +1731,7 @@
"InnocentCanWinByImp": "Si sa Cible était un Imposteur, il gagne avec eux",
"ImpCanBeParanoia": "Les Imposteurs peuvent devenir Paranoïaque",
"CrewCanBeParanoia": "Les Coéquipiers peuvent devenir Paranoïaque",
+ "CovenCanBeParanoia": "Coven can become Paranoia",
"DualVotes": "Votes en Double",
"VeteranSkillCooldown": "Rechargement d'Alerte",
"VeteranSkillDuration": "Durée Alerte",
@@ -1693,9 +1739,9 @@
"ImpCanBeEgoist": "Un Imposteur peut devenir Égoïste",
"CrewCanBeEgoist": "Les Coéquipiers peuvent devenir Égoïste",
"ImpEgoistVisibalToAllies": "Les Imposteurs peuvent voir les autres Imposteurs Égoïstes",
- "EgoistCountAsConverted": "L'Égoïste compte comme un Neutre Recruté",
+ "EgoistCountAsConverted": "Egoist count as converted Neutral",
"GuessRainbow": "Il a l'air tellement évident, n'est-ce pas ?",
- "RainbowColorChangeCoolDown": "Rechargement du changement de Couleur",
+ "RainbowColorChangeCoolDown": "The Cooldown for changing colors",
"RainbowInCamouflage": "L'Arc-en-Ciel peut Changer de Couleur pendant le Sabotage des Communications",
"BaitDelayMin": "Délai minimal de Signalement",
"BaitDelayMax": "Délai maximal de Signalement",
@@ -1703,17 +1749,18 @@
"BecomeBaitDelayNotify": "Avertir l'Exécuteur de l'auto-Signalement à venir",
"BaitNotification": "Révéler l'Appât lors de la première Réunion",
"BaitAdviceAlive": "{0} is the Bait. Whoever kills the Bait will commit self-report.",
- "BaitCanBeReportedUnderAllConditions": "Bait Can Be Reported even if a meeting is disabled during comms sabotage",
- "DeceiverAbilityLost": "Le Trompeur perd sa Capacité s'il Trompe le joueur sans Bouton d'Exécution",
+ "BaitCanBeReportedUnderAllConditions": "Bait Can Be Reported even if a meeting is disabled during Comms Sabotage",
+ "DeceiverAbilityLost": "Deceiver loses ability if it deceives player without Kill button",
"AddictSuicideTimer": "Délai avant le Suicide",
"GrenadierSkillCooldown": "Rechargement de la Grenade",
"GrenadierSkillDuration": "Durée de la Grenade",
"GrenadierCauseVision": "Vision réduite",
"GrenadierCanAffectNeutral": "Peut affecter les Neutres",
+ "GrenadierCanAffectCoven": "Can affect Coven",
"TicketsPerKill": "Augmentation du nombre de Votes par Exécution",
- "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "Rechargement de Recrutement",
+ "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "Recruit Cooldown",
"GangsterRecruitLimit": "Limite de Recrutement",
- "KamikazeMaxMarked": "Nombre maximal de Marqué",
+ "KamikazeMaxMarked": "Maximum Marked",
"RevolutionistDrawTime": "Durée de Marquage",
"RevolutionistCooldown": "Rechargement du Marquage",
"RevolutionistDrawCount": "Nombre de joueurs nécessaires pour Marquer",
@@ -1733,7 +1780,7 @@
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_Immediately": "Immediately",
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_AfterMeeting": "After Meeting",
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_OFF": "OFF",
- "MedicResetCooldown": "Lors d'une tentative d'Exécution, réinitialise le Rechargement d'Exécution à",
+ "MedicResetCooldown": "On kill attempt, reset murderer's Cooldown to",
"MedicShieldedCanBeGuessed": "Deviner ignore le Bouclier du Médecin",
"MadmateSpawnMode": "Mode d'Attribution du Complice",
"MadmateSpawnMode.Assign": "Assigné",
@@ -1743,40 +1790,41 @@
"MadmateCountMode.None": "Rien",
"MadmateCountMode.Imp": "Imposteurs",
"MadmateCountMode.Original": "Équipe d'Origine",
- "Altruist_RevivedDeadBodyCannotBeReported_Option": "Revived Dead Body Cannot Be Reported",
- "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsAlert": "Impostors Can Get Alert",
- "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "Impostors Can Get Arrow",
- "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "Neutral Killers Can Get Alert",
- "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "Neutral Killers Can Get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_RevivedDeadBodyCannotBeReported_Option": "Revived Dead Body cannot be Reported",
+ "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsAlert": "Impostors can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "Impostors can get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "Neutral Killers can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "Neutral Killers can get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsAlert": "Coven can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsArrow": "Coven can get Arrow",
"AltruistSuffix": "<#00ffa5>Mode: {0}",
"AltruistReviveMode": "Revive",
"AltruistReportMode": "Report",
"Altruist_YouTriedReportRevivedDeadBody": "You Tried Report Revived Dead Body",
- "Altruist_DeadPlayerHasBeenRevived": "A Dead Player Has Been Revived!",
+ "Altruist_DeadPlayerHasBeenRevived": "A Dead Player has been Revived!",
"AltruistAbilityButton": "Change Mode",
"SnatchesWin": "Snatches victory",
"DemonKillCooldown": "Rechargement d'Attaque",
- "DemonHealthMax": "Santé maximale du joueur",
+ "DemonHealthMax": "Player maximum health",
"DemonDamage": "Dommages ",
- "DemonSelfHealthMax": "Santé maximale du Démon",
+ "DemonSelfHealthMax": "Demon maximum health",
"DemonSelfDamage": "Dégâts reçus par le Démon",
"LightningConvertTime": "Durée de la transformation en Fantôme Quantique",
"LightningKillCooldown": "Rechargement de Vaporisation",
"LightningKillerConvertGhost": "L'Exécuteur peut être transformé en Fantôme Quantique",
"CanCountNeutralKiller": "Lorsque les Coéquipiers Gagnent en Exécutant un joueur Neutre, ils peuvent Arracher la Victoire",
- "GreedyOddKillCooldown": "Rechargement d'Exécution Impairs",
- "GreedyEvenKillCooldown": "Rechargement d'Exécution Paires",
+ "GreedyOddKillCooldown": "Odd-Numbered Kill Cooldown",
+ "GreedyEvenKillCooldown": "Even-Numbered Kill Cooldown",
"WorkaholicCannotWinAtDeath": "Ne peut pas Gagner après être Mort",
"WorkaholicVisibleToEveryone": "Tout le monde sait qui est l'Aliéné.",
"WorkaholicGiveAdviceAlive": "Advice at the first meeting if alive, can win after death, ghost tasks ON",
"DoctorVisibleToEveryone": "Tout le monde sait qui est le Docteur.",
"CursedWolfGuardSpellTimes": "Nombre de Boucliers Maudits",
"KillAttackerWhenAbilityRemaining": "Kill attacker when ability is remaining",
- "JinxSpellTimes": "Nombre maximal de Sorts de Guigne",
"CollectorCollectAmount": "Nombre de Votes requis",
"GlitchCanVote": "Peut Voter",
"QuickShooterShapeshiftCooldown": "Rechargement de Métamorphose",
- "MeetingReserved": "Nombre maximal de Balles Emmagasinées pour une Réunion",
+ "MeetingReserved": "Maximum Bullets reserved for a meeting",
"AccurateCheckMode": "Peut connaître un Rôle spécifique lorsque les Tâches ne sont pas Accomplies",
"RandomActiveRoles": "Montre des Rôles Actifs aléatoires dans les Indices de la Tireuse de Cartes",
"CamouflageCooldown": "Rechargement du Camouflage",
@@ -1790,29 +1838,31 @@
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralE": "Peut Juger un Neutre Mauvais",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralC": "Peut Juger les Neutres Perturbateurs",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralA": "Can trial Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "JudgeCanTrialCoven": "Can trial Coven",
"JudgeCanTrialSidekick": "Peut Juger les Acolytes",
"JudgeCanTrialInfected": "Peut Juger un Infecté",
"JudgeCanTrialContagious": "Peut Juger les Contaminés",
"JudgeTryHideMsg": "Cacher les commandes du Juge",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "Nombre maximal de Jugements par Réunion",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "Max Trials per Game",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Trials per Meeting",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "Maximum Trials per Game",
"JudgeCanTrialMadmate": "Peut Juger les Complices",
"JudgeCanTrialCharmed": "Peut Juger les joueurs Charmés",
+ "JudgeCanTrialEnchanted": "Can trial Enchanted players",
"JudgeDead": "Sorry, you can't trial players after death.",
"JudgeTrialMaxMeetingMsg": "\nNo more meeting trials left!",
"JudgeTrialMaxGameMsg": "\nNo more trials left!",
"Judge_LaughToWhoTrialSelf": "Mon Dieu, je ne pensais pas qu'un Juge serait aussi aveugle pour ne pas voir qu'il s'est Condamné lui-même.",
"Judge_TrialKill": "{0} a été Jugé.",
"Judge_TrialKillTitle": "JUGÉ",
- "Judge_TrialHelp": "Commande : /tl [ID du joueur]\nTu peux voir l'ID des joueurs devant leurs noms.\nOu utilise /id pour voir la liste de tous les ID des joueurs.",
+ "Judge_TrialHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Judge_TrialNull": "S'il te plaît choisi un joueur Vivant pour le Jugement",
- "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "Nombre maximal d'Alertes",
+ "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "Maximum number of Alerts",
"SwooperCooldown": "Rechargement de Volatilisation",
"SwooperDuration": "Durée de Volatilisation",
"WraithCooldown": "Rechargement de Disparition",
"WraithDuration": "Durée de la Disparition",
"BastionNotify": "Une Bombe a été Déclenchée",
- "EnteredBombedVent": "Cette Évacuation a été Bombardée !",
+ "EnteredBombedVent": "That Vent was bombed!",
"BastionVentButtonText": "Bombarder",
"BombsClearAfterMeeting": "Les Bombes disparaissent après les Réunions",
"BastionMaxBombs": "Nombre maximal (initial) de Bombes",
@@ -1828,11 +1878,12 @@
"FollowerBetTargetKnowFollower": "La Cible de l'Adulateur sait qui est l'Adulateur",
"FortuneTellerHideVote": "Cacher les Votes de la Tireuse de Cartes",
"CultistCharmCooldown": "Rechargement de Charme",
- "CultistCharmCooldownIncrese": "Augmente le Rechargement pour Chaque Charme de",
+ "CultistCharmCooldownIncrese": "Increases Charm Cooldown for Each Charm",
"CultistCharmMax": "Nombre maximal de Charme",
"CultistKnowTargetRole": "Connaît le Rôle des joueurs Charmés",
"CultistTargetKnowOtherTarget": "Les joueurs Charmés se connaissent entre eux",
"CultistCanCharmNeutral": "Peut Charmer les Neutres",
+ "CultistCanCharmCoven": "Coven Roles can be Charmed",
"InfectiousBiteCooldown": "Rechargement d'Infection",
"KnowTargetRole": "Connaît le Rôle de la Cible",
"TargetKnowsLawyer": "La Cible connaît son Avocat",
@@ -1855,11 +1906,11 @@
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_None": "Rien",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Cultist": "Gourou",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Original": "Équipe d'Origine",
- "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "Lorsque tous les Imposteurs sont Morts, le Chacal Gagne à la place par le Sabotage",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Réinitialisation du Rechargement d'Exécution si quelqu'un est Exécuté par un autre Joueur",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "Rechargement d'Exécution Réinitialisé",
+ "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "When all Impostors are dead, the Jackal wins by Sabotage instead",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Reset Kill Cooldown if someone gets killed by another player",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "Kill Cooldown on Reset",
"JackalCanRecruitSidekick": "Peut Recruter un Acolyte",
- "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "Nombre maximal de Recrues",
+ "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "Maximum Number of Recruits",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode": "Les Acolytes comptent pour",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_None": "Rien",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_Jackal": "Chacal",
@@ -1888,6 +1939,7 @@
"NeutralsSeePresident": "Les Neutres peuvent voir le Président Révélé",
"MadmatesSeePresident": "Les Complices peuvent voir le Président Révélé",
"ImpsSeePresident": "Les Imposteurs peuvent voir le Président Révélé",
+ "CovenSeePresident": "Coven can see revealed President",
"PresidentDead": "Désolé, tu ne peux pas Forcer la fin de la Réunion après être Mort.",
"PresidentEndMax": "Il n'y a plus de possibilités de Forcer la fin d'une Réunion !",
"PresidentRevealMax": "Tu t'es déjà Révélé...",
@@ -1898,40 +1950,167 @@
"Troller_CanHaveStartMeetingEvent": "Can Start Meeting By Event",
"Troller_ChangesSpeed": "Troller changed everyone speed!",
"Troller_SpeedOut": "Speed returned back",
- "Troller_YouChangedCooldown": "You changed the cooldown of all players",
- "Troller_ChangeYourCooldown": "Troller change your cooldown!",
- "Troller_NoAddons": "No addons found on the random target",
- "Troller_RemoveRandomAddon": "You removed add-on from random player",
- "Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "Troller removed your random add-on",
- "Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "You caused sabotage",
- "Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "You fixed sabotage",
+ "Troller_YouChangedCooldown": "You changed the Cooldown of all players",
+ "Troller_ChangeYourCooldown": "Troller change your Cooldown!",
+ "Troller_NoAddons": "No Add-ons found on the random target",
+ "Troller_RemoveRandomAddon": "You removed Add-on from random player",
+ "Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "Troller removed your random Add-on",
+ "Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "You caused Sabotage",
+ "Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "You fixed Sabotage",
+ "CovenRolesMinPlayer": "Minimum amount of Coven",
+ "CovenRolesMaxPlayer": "Maximum amount of Coven",
+ "%role%CanVent": "%role% Can Vent",
+ "%role%HasImpVis": "%role% Has Impostor Vision",
+ "CovenHasImpVis": "Coven Members have Impostor Vision",
+ "CovenImpVisMode": "Impostor Vision Configuration",
+ "CovenCanVent": "Coven Members Can Vent",
+ "CovenVentMode": "Vent Configuration",
+ "CovenPerRole": "Per Role",
+ "CovenCanSeeEachOthersAddOns": "Coven can see each other's Add-Ons",
+ "NecronomiconNotification": "You have recieved the Necronomicon!
Your powers are now enhanced!",
+ "NecronomiconVote": "You have voted for {0} to receive the Necronomicon next round. You may now vote normally.",
+ "CovenDontKillOtherCoven": "Don't try to kill your fellow Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderMaxRetrains": "Maximum Retrains",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainCooldown": "Retrain Cooldown",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrain": "Retrain offered",
+ "CovenLeaderNoRetrain": "You have ran out of Retrains!",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainNonCoven": "You can't retrain a non-Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderAcceptRetrain": "The player you attempted to retrain has accepted your training and is now a {0}!",
+ "CovenLeaderDeclineRetrain": "The player you attempted to retrain has declined your offer to retrain them into a {0}...",
+ "RetrainNotification": "The {0} has requested to retrain you into a {1}.
Vote yourself to accept the offer, vote someone else to decline.",
+ "RetrainAcceptOffer": "You have accepted the {0}'s retraining and you are now a {1}!",
+ "RetrainDeclineOffer": "You declined the {0}'s retraining and your role has not been changed...",
+ "RitualistMaxRitsPerRound": "Maximum Blood Rituals per Round",
+ "RitualistTryHideMsg": "Try to hide Ritualist's commands",
+ "RitualistRitualSuccess": "You preformed a successful Blood Ritual on {0} and they are now part of the Coven!",
+ "RitualistRitualFail": "You have failed your Blood Ritual and may no longer preform any Blood Rituals this meeting...",
+ "RitualistRitualImpossible": "Your Blood Ritual was successful, however, this player is unenchantable.",
+ "RitualistRitualMax": "You've already used the maximum amount of Blood Rituals for this meeting.",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsCoven": "Enchanted knows Coven",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsEnchanted": "Enchanted knows Enchanted",
+ "RitualistCommandHelp": "Instructions: /rt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /rt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player IDs before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
+ "RitualistConvertNotif": "Your role has been guessed by the {0} and you are now apart of the Coven!",
+ "RitualistGuessAddon": "Did you seriously think it would be that easy? You can't do a Ritual solely based on Add-ons.",
+ "RitualistSuccessfullyRecruited": "You successfully recruited a player",
+ "BeRecruitedByRitualist": "The Ritualist has recruited you",
+ "ConjurerCooldown": "Conjure Cooldown",
+ "ConjurerRadius": "Blast Radius",
+ "ConjurerNecroRadius": "Necronomicon Blast Radius",
+ "ConjurerCovenDies": "Coven can die in blast",
+ "ConjurerMark": "Location marked",
+ "ConjurerMeteor": "Meteor summoned",
+ "ConjurerNecroMark": "Player marked",
+ "ConjurerMarkShapeshift": "Mark",
+ "ConjurerConjureShapeshift": "Conjure",
+ "IllusionCooldown": "Illusion Cooldown",
+ "IllusionistMaxIllusions": "Maximum Illusions",
+ "IllusionistSnitchAffected": "Snitch is Affected by Illusions",
+ "IllusionistResetIllusionsPerRound": "Reset Illusions After Meeting",
+ "IllusionistClearIllusionsWhenDead": "Remove Illusions When Illusionist Dies",
+ "MedusaStoneCooldown": "Stone Cooldown",
+ "MedusaStoneDuration": "Stone Duration",
+ "MedusaStoneVision": "Stoned Vision",
+ "MedusaStonedPlayer": "{0} has been Stoned",
+ "MedusaStoningStart": "Stoning in progress",
+ "MedusaStoningEnd": "Stoning has ended",
+ "MoonDancerBatonPassCooldown": "Baton Pass Cooldown",
+ "MoonDancerBlastOffChance": "Chance to Blast Off",
+ "MoonDancerPassEnabledAddons": "Can only Baton Pass enabled Add-ons",
+ "MoonDancerCantBlastOff": "Target can not be Blasted Off",
+ "MoonDancerNormalKill": "Killed normally",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHelpfulAddon": "Target will be given Helpful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHarmfulAddon": "Target will be given Harmful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerNoAddons": "No Add-ons to Baton Pass to {0}",
+ "SacrifistDebuffCooldown": "Debuff Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistDeathsAfterVote": "Players Killed After Sacrifist is Exiled",
+ "SacrifistNecroReducedCooldown": "Coven Decreased Cooldown After Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "SacrifistVision": "Sacrificed Vision",
+ "SacrifistVisionDuration": "Vision Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeed": "Sacrificed Speed",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDuration": "Speed Duration",
+ "SacrifistIncreasedCooldown": "Sacrificed Increase Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistFreezeDuration": "Random Freezing Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDebuff": "Speed Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistVisionDebuff": "Vision Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistCooldownDebuff": "Cooldown Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistFoolDebuff": "Can't Fix Sabotages Debuff",
+ "SacrifistMeetingDebuff": "Forced Called Meeting",
+ "SacrifistReportDebuff": "Can't Report Bodies",
+ "SacrifistTasksDebuff": "Tasks Reset for Target",
+ "SacrifistSwapSkinsDebuff": "Swapped Skins",
+ "SacrifistSwapDebuff": "Swapping with target after 3 seconds",
+ "SacrifistVisionRevert": "Vision Reverted",
+ "SacrifistSpeedRevert": "Speed Reverted",
+ "SacrifistShapeshiftButton": "Debuff",
+ "SacrifistNecroShapeshiftButton": "Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "VoodooMasterPerRound": "Voodoo Dolls per Round",
+ "VoodooMasterCanDollCoven": "Voodoo Master can Voodoo Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNecroCanKillCov": "Necronomicon Ability can Kill Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollCoven": "You can't Voodoo other Coven members!",
+ "VoodooMasterTargetInMeeting": "Someone tried to target you with their role during this meeting, but it was deflected to one of your dolls, {0}, instead!",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollsLeft": "You can't voodoo anyone else this round!",
+ "VoodooMasterDolledSomeone": "{0} has been turned into a Voodoo Doll",
+ "PotionMasterMaxReveals": "Maximum Reveals",
+ "PotionMasterMaxBarriers": "Maximum Barriers",
+ "PotionMasterNoPotions": "You're out of {0} Potions!",
+ "PotionMasterPotionSwitch": "Potion switched to: {0}",
+ "PotionMasterPotionCurrent": "Current Potion: ",
+ "PotionMasterRevealCoven": "You can already see roles of Coven!",
+ "PotionMasterReveal": "Reveal",
+ "PotionMasterBarrier": "Barrier",
+ "PotionMasterKillButtonText": "Use Potion",
+ "HexMasterHexCooldown": "Hex Cooldown",
+ "HexMasterCovenCanGetMovingHex": "Coven Can Get Moving Hex",
+ "HexMasterMovingHexCooldown": "Moving Hex Pass Cooldown",
+ "HexesLookLikeSpells": "Hexes appear as Spells",
+ "HexButtonText": "Ensorceler",
+ "HexMasterModeHex": "Ensorceler",
+ "HexMasterModeKill": "Exécuter",
+ "HexMasterModeDouble": "Double clic = Exécuter, Simple clic = Ensorceler",
+ "HexMasterPassNotify": "Hex successfully passed",
+ "JinxSpellTimes": "Nombre maximal de Sorts de Guigne",
+ "JinxCooldown": "Jinx Cooldown",
+ "JinxCovenCanDieToJinx": "Coven Can Die To Jinx",
+ "PoisonCooldown": "Rechargement d'Empoisonnement",
+ "PoisonerKillDelay": "Délai d'Exécution par le Poison",
+ "PoisonerTargetDead": "La Cible est Morte",
+ "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "Poison",
+ "NecromancerRevengeTime": "Necronomicon Ability time",
+ "NecromancerRevenge": "Tu as {0}s pour Exécuter {1}",
+ "NecromancerSuccess": "Nécromancie Accomplie ! Tu Vivras un jour de plus.",
+ "NecromancerHide": "L'Évacuation est désactivée, cache-toi du Nécromancien !",
+ "NecromancerAbilityDuration": "Necromancy Duration",
+ "NecromancerAbilityCooldown": "Necromancy Cooldown",
+ "NecromancerCooldownNotDone": "Ability is still on Cooldown!",
+ "NecromancerNoUsableRoles": "No usable roles",
"LuckyProbability": "Probabilité de survivre à une Exécution",
"ImpCanBeDoubleShot": "Les Imposteurs peuvent avoir Seconde Chance",
"CrewCanBeDoubleShot": "Les Coéquipiers peuvent avoir Seconde Chance",
"NeutralCanBeDoubleShot": "Les Neutres peuvent avoir Seconde Chance",
+ "CovenCanBeDoubleShot": "Coven can have Double Shot",
"MimicCanSeeDeadRoles": "Le Mime peut voir les Rôles des joueurs Morts",
- "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "Désactiver le Signalement du Cadavre lorsque le Camouflage est actif",
- "CanUseCommsSabotage": "Peut utiliser le Sabotage des Communications",
+ "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "Disable body reporting when Camouflage is active",
+ "CanUseCommsSabotage": "Can use Comms Sabotage",
"ModTag": "Modérateur♥",
"ApplyModeratorList": "Appliquer la Liste des Modérateurs",
"VipTag": "VIP★",
"ApplyVipList": "Appliquer la Liste VIP",
- "AllowSayCommand": "Autoriser les Modérateurs à utiliser la commande /say",
- "AllowStartCommand": "Allow moderators to use /start command",
+ "AllowSayCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /say command",
+ "AllowStartCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /start command",
"StartCommandMinCountdown": "Minimum countdown for /start command",
"StartCommandMaxCountdown": "Maximum countdown for /start command",
"KickCommandDisabled": "La commande d'Exclusion est actuellement désactivée.",
"KickCommandNoAccess": "Tu n'as pas accès à la commande d'Exclusion.",
"KickCommandInvalidID": "L'ID du joueur spécifié n'est pas valide.\nS'il te plaît utilise '/kick [ID du Joueur] [raison]' pour Exclure un joueur.\nExemple :- /kick 5 ne respecte pas les règles",
- "KickCommandKickHost": "Tu n'es pas autorisé à Exclure l'Hôte.",
- "KickCommandKickMod": "Tu n'as pas le droit d'Exclure d'autres Modérateurs.",
+ "KickCommandKickHost": "You are not permitted to kick the Host.",
+ "KickCommandKickMod": "You are not permitted to kick other Moderators.",
"KickCommandKicked": "a été Exclu du jeu par ",
"KickCommandKickedRole": "Son Rôle était",
"BanCommandDisabled": "La commande de Bannissement est actuellement Désactivée.",
"BanCommandNoAccess": "Tu n'as pas accès à la commande de Bannissement.",
"BanCommandInvalidID": "L'ID du joueur spécifié n'est pas valide.\nS'il te plaît utilise '/ban [ID du Joueur] [Raison]' pour bannir un joueur.\nExemple :- /ban 5 ne respecte pas les règles",
- "BanCommandBanHost": "Tu n''es pas autorisé à Bannir l'Hôte.",
- "BanCommandBanMod": "Tu n'es pas autorisé à Bannir les autres Modérateurs.",
+ "BanCommandBanHost": "You are not permitted to ban the Host.",
+ "BanCommandBanMod": "You are not permitted to ban other Moderators.",
"BanCommandBanned": "a été Banni du jeu par ",
"BanCommandBannedRole": "Son Rôle était",
"BanCommandNoReason": "Aucune raison n'a été spécifiée.\nS'il te plaît utilise '/ban [ID du Joueur] [Raison]\nExemple :- /ban 5 ne respecte pas les règles",
@@ -1951,13 +2130,13 @@
"WarnCommandDisabled": "La commande warn est actuellement Désactivée.",
"WarnCommandNoAccess": "Tu n'as pas accès à la commande warn.",
"WarnCommandInvalidID": "ID du joueur sélectionné Invalide.\nS'il te plaît utilise '/warn [ID du joueur] [Raison]' pour avertir un joueur.\nExemple :- /warn 5 parle pendant l'éjection",
- "WarnCommandWarnHost": "Tu n'es pas autorisé à avertir l'Hôte.",
+ "WarnCommandWarnHost": "You are not permitted to warn the Host.",
"StartCommandNoAccess": "You do not have access to the start command.",
"StartCommandDisabled": "The start command is currently disabled.",
"StartCommandCountdown": "ERROR\n\nThe game is already starting!",
"StartCommandStarted": "The game has been started by {0}!",
"StartCommandInvalidCountdown": "ERROR\n\nThe countdown must be between {0} and {1}!",
- "WarnCommandWarnMod": "Tu n'es pas autorisé à avertir les autres Modérateurs.",
+ "WarnCommandWarnMod": "You are not permitted to warn other Moderators.",
"WarnCommandWarned": "a été averti. Il n'y aura pas d'autres avertissements et des mesures appropriées seront prises \n ",
"WarnExample": "Utilise /warn [ID du Joueur] [Raison] à l'avenir.\nExemple :\n/warn 5 parle pendant l'Éjection",
"SayCommandDisabled": "La commande say est actuellement Désactivée.",
@@ -2010,6 +2189,7 @@
"DeathReason.Sacrificed": "Sacrificed",
"DeathReason.Electrocuted": "Electrocuted",
"DeathReason.Scavenged": "Scavenged",
+ "DeathReason.BlastedOff": "Blasted Off",
"OnlyEnabledDeathReasons": "Active uniquement les Raisons de la Mort",
"Alive": "Vivant",
"Disconnected": "Disconnected",
@@ -2022,6 +2202,7 @@
"Infected-": "Infecté",
"Contagious-": "Contaminé ",
"Admired-": "Admiré ",
+ "Enchanted-": "Enchanted ",
"DeputyHandcuffCooldown": "Rechargement pour Menotter",
"DeputyHandcuffMax": "Nombre maximal de Menottes",
"DeputyHandcuffedPlayer": "Cible Menottée",
@@ -2071,11 +2252,11 @@
"Command.kill": "[ID du Joueur] → Exécuter le joueur désigné",
"Command.exe": "[Player ID] → Éjecter le joueur assigné",
"Command.level": "[Niveau] → Modifie ton Niveau dans le jeu",
- "Command.idlist": "→ Afficher une liste d'ID de joueurs",
+ "Command.idlist": "→ Display a list of player ID's",
"Command.qq": "→ Le Salon sera affiché sur le site QQ (Chine uniquement)",
"Command.dump": "→ Inscrit le Journal de Bord sur le Bureau",
"Command.death": "→ Affiche l'information sur la façon dont tu es Mort",
- "Command.icons": "
╳ - The Player was marked by the Blackmailer and can't talk during the Meeting
☆ - Used by Captain to display themselves. Only Crewmates can see the Captain's star
乂 - This player was hexed by the Hex Master and will die if the Hex Master isn't killed or ejected by the end of the Meeting.
♦ - Used by Lawyer or Executioner or Follower.
♥ - Used by Lovers or Romantic.
✚ - Used by Medic to mark their target.
⦿ - This player is in a duel with the Pirate.
!? - This player was marked by the Quizmaster and must answer the question correctly to survive.
☜ - Used by Schrödinger's cat to mark their teammate.
◈ - This player marked by the Shroud and will die if the Shroud is not killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
⚠ - This player is a Snitch or Solsticer who has finished their tasks.
★ - Used by Super Star or Cyber or Marshall.
† - This player was spelled and will die if the Witch is not killed by the end of the meeting.
∇ - Used by Kamikaze to mark their targets.
■ - Used by Lightning to mark their quantum ghosts.
⊠ - Used by Jailer to mark their prisoner.
● - Used by Baker to mark who has Bread.
♠ - Used by Soul Collector to mark who's death they're predicting.
⦿ - Used by Plaguebearer to mark who they have plagued.",
+ "Command.icons": "
╳ - The player was marked by the Blackmailer and can't talk during the meeting
☆ - Used by Captain to display themselves. Only Crewmates can see the Captain's star
乂 - This player was hexed by the Hex Master and will die if the Hex Master isn't killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
♦ - Used by Lawyer or Executioner or Follower.
♥ - Used by Lovers or Romantic.
✚ - Used by Medic to mark their target.
⦿ - This player is in a duel with the Pirate.
!? - This player was marked by the Quizmaster and must answer the question correctly to survive.
☜ - Used by Schrödinger's cat to mark their teammate.
◈ - This player marked by the Shroud and will die if the Shroud is not killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
⚠ - This player is a Snitch or Solsticer who has finished their tasks.
★ - Used by Super Star or Cyber or Marshall.
† - This player was spelled and will die if the Witch is not killed by the end of the Meeting.
∇ - Used by Kamikaze to mark their targets.
■ - Used by Lightning to mark their Quantum Ghosts.
⊠ - Used by Jailer to mark their prisoner.
● - Used by Baker to mark who has Bread.
♠ - Used by Soul Collector to mark who's death they're predicting.
⦿ - Used by Plaguebearer to mark who they have plagued.
♣ - Shown on the Coven member with the Necronomicon. This is only shown to Coven.
⌘ - This player is Jinxed. This is only shown to Coven.
ø - This player is Illusioned. This is only shown to Coven.
♻ - This player is Stoned. This is only shown to Coven.
✂ - This player is a Voodoo Doll. This is only shown to Coven.",
"Command.start": "[Seconds] → Start the game",
"Command.iconinfo": "→ Affiche les informations sur les Icônes de Réunion",
"Command.iconhelp": "→ Affiche les informations sur les Icônes de Réunion pour tout le monde",
@@ -2085,13 +2266,15 @@
"Remaining.MadmateCount": "Madmates left: {0}",
"Remaining.NeutralCount": "Neutral Killers left: {0}",
"Remaining.ApocalypseCount": "Neutral Apocalypse left: {0}",
+ "Remaining.CovenCount": "Coven left: {0}",
"EnableKillerLeftCommand": "Permettre l'utilisation de la commande /kcount",
- "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "Show Madmates (including add-ons)",
+ "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "Show Madmates (including Add-ons)",
"ShowApocalypseInLeftCommand": "Show Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "ShowCovenInLeftCommand": "Show Coven",
"SeeEjectedRolesInMeeting": "Voir les Rôles Éjectés dans les Réunions",
"ThankYouForUsingTOHE": "Thank you for using TOHE!",
"SkillUsedLeft": "Tu as activé ta Capacité pour convoquer une Réunion. \nNombre d'utilisations restantes :",
- "NemesisDeadMsg": "La mort de la Némésis signifie le début de la vengeance. \nS'il te plaît utilise /rv + [ID joueur] pour exécuter le joueur spécifié \nTu peux voir les ID joueurs devant leurs noms. \nOu tape /rv pour obtenir la liste des ID des joueurs",
+ "NemesisDeadMsg": "The death of the Nemesis means the beginning of the revenge. \nPlease use /rv + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /rv to get a list of player ID's",
"NemesisAliveKill": "La vengeance de la Némésis ne peut commencer qu'après sa mort.",
"NemesisKillDead": "Choisis un joueur Vivant pour te Venger",
"NemesisKillSucceed": "[{0}] a été exécuté par la Némésis !",
@@ -2111,14 +2294,15 @@
"GuessGuardianTask": "Tu ne peux pas Deviner un Gardien qui a terminé ses Tâches.",
"GuardianCantKilled": "You can't kill a Guardian who has finished their tasks.",
"GuessMarshallTask": "Tu ne peux pas Deviner un Maréchal qui a terminé ses Tâches.",
- "GuessObviousAddon": "Désolé, les Modifieurs évidents ne peuvent pas être Devinés.\nAprès tout, ce serait injuste pour celui que tu allais Deviner !",
- "GuessAdtRole": "Malheureusement, les Réglages de l'Hôte ne permettent pas de Deviner les Modifieurs.",
+ "GuessObviousAddon": "Sorry, obvious Add-ons cannot be guessed.",
+ "GuessAdtRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow you to guess Add-ons",
"GuessImpRole": "Malheureusement, les Réglages de l'Hôte ne permettent pas aux Imposteurs de Deviner les Rôles des Imposteurs.",
- "GuessCrewRole": "Malheureusement, les Réglages de l'Hôte ne permettent pas aux Coéquipiers de Deviner les Rôles des Coéquipiers.",
+ "GuessCrewRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow Crewmates to guess Crewmate roles.",
"GuessApocRole": "Fortunately, the Host's settings does not allow Apocalypse to guess Apocalypse roles.",
+ "GuessCovenRole": "Fortunately, the Host's settings does not allow Coven to guess Coven roles.",
"GuessKill": "{0} a été Deviné",
"GuessNull": "S'il te plaît sélectionne l'ID d'un joueur Vivant pour Deviner son Rôle",
- "GuessHelp": "Instructions : /bt [Identifiant du joueur] [Nom du rôle]\nExemple : /bt 3 Appât\nTu peux voir les ID des joueurs devant leur nom \n ou utiliser la commande /id pour avoir la liste des ID des joueurs",
+ "GuessHelp": "Instructions: /bt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /bt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"GGGuessMax": "You've reached the maximum guess limit. You can't guess anymore!",
"EGGuessMax": "You've reached the maximum guess limit. You can't guess anymore!",
"EGGuessSnitchTaskDone": "You thought you could guess the Snitch when all their tasks are done? Nice try. You're not getting out of this that easily.",
@@ -2149,12 +2333,12 @@
"MediumNotifyTarget": "{0}, le Médium, a établi le Contact avec toi. Avant la fin de cette Réunion, tu as la possibilité de Répondre à sa Question. Tape l'une des commandes suivantes pour Répondre :\nConfirmer : /ms yes\nInfirmer : /ms no",
"MediumNotifySelf": "You established contact with {0}. Please ask them questions and wait for them to respond.\n\nRemaining ability uses: {1}",
"MediumKnowPlayerDead": "Quelqu'un est Mort quelque part",
- "SpurtMinSpeed": "Min Speed",
- "SpurtMaxSpeed": "Max Speed",
+ "SpurtMinSpeed": "Minimum Speed",
+ "SpurtMaxSpeed": "Maximum Speed",
"SpurtModule": "Speed Modulator",
"EnableSpurtCharge": "Display The Charge",
"SpurtSuffix": "\n« Spurt: {0}% »",
- "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "Target Is Already Dead",
+ "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "Target is Already Dead",
"ByBard": "par le Barde",
"ByBardGetFailed": "Oops, I seem to be out of inspiration.",
"GangsterSuccessfullyRecruited": "Tu as réussi à Recruter un joueur",
@@ -2165,40 +2349,37 @@
"BecomeMadmateCuzMadmateMode": "Tu es devenu Complice parce que tu es Mort",
"CleanerCleanBody": "Le Cadavre a été Nettoyé",
"QuickShooterStoraging": "Les Balles ont bien été Emmagasinées",
- "QuickShooterFailed": "You are still in cooldown.",
- "PoisonerTargetDead": "La Cible est Morte",
- "HexesLookLikeSpells": "Ensorcèlements apparaissent comme Malédictions",
- "HexButtonText": "Ensorceler",
- "BloodthirstAdded": "Vous pouvez maintenant tuer!",
+ "QuickShooterFailed": "You are still in Cooldown.",
+ "BloodthirstAdded": "Your Bloodthirst is now active!",
"WarlockNoTarget": "La Manipulation a échoué parce qu'il n'y avait pas de Cible",
"WarlockNoTargetYet": "You haven't marked a target.",
"WarlockTargetDead": "La Manipulation a échoué, car la Cible est Morte",
"WarlockControlKill": "La Cible est Morte",
"OnCelebrityDead": "Attention : Mort d'une Célébrité !",
"OnCyberDead": "Attention : Le Cyber est Mort !",
- "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "Tout le monde a été Téléporté vers des Évacuations",
+ "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "Everyone was teleported to Vents",
"TeleportedByTransporter": "Échange de places avec : {0}",
"ErrorTeleport": "Téléportation échouée",
- "EraseLimit": "Nombre maximal d'Effacements",
+ "EraseLimit": "Maximum Erases",
"EraserHideVote": "Cacher les Votes de l'Effaceur",
"EraserEraseMsgTitle": "EFFACEUR",
"EraserEraseNotice": "Tu as Effacé {0}.\nLeur Rôle sera Désactivé après la Réunion.",
"EraserEraseBaseImpostorOrNeutralRoleNotice": "Oups, ta Cible ne peut pas être Effacée !",
"EraserEraseSelf": "Unfortunately, you can't erase yourself... Wait, why would you do that in the first place?!",
- "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "You can't guess the role of the player you erased, except add-ons",
+ "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "You can't guess the role of the player you erased, except Add-ons",
"LostRoleByEraser": "Tu as Perdu ton Rôle à cause de l'Effaceur",
"KilledByScavenger": "The Scavenger killed you and thus teleported off-map",
- "SnitchDoneTasks": "Organise une Réunion pour Trouver les Imposteurs",
+ "SnitchDoneTasks": "Call a meeting to find the Impostors",
"SwooperCanVent": "Évacue pour devenir Invisible",
"SwooperInvisState": "Tu es Invisible",
"SwooperInvisStateOut": "Vous êtes maintenant Visible",
- "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "Swoop cooldown isn't up yet. Swooping failed",
+ "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "Swoop Cooldown isn't up yet. Swooping failed",
"SwooperInvisStateCountdown": "L'Invisibilité prendra fin après {0}s",
"SwooperInvisCooldownRemain": "Rechargement de Volatilisation : {0}s",
"WraithCanVent": "Évacue pour devenir Invisible",
"WraithInvisState": "Tu es Invisible",
"WraithInvisStateOut": "Vous êtes de nouveau Visible",
- "WraithInvisInCooldown": "La Capacité est encore en Rechargement, la Disparition a échoué",
+ "WraithInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, Vanish failed",
"WraithInvisStateCountdown": "L'Invisibilité prendra fin dans {0}s",
"WraithInvisCooldownRemain": "Il reste {0}s d'Invisibilité",
"WerewolfKillButtonText": "Maul",
@@ -2219,10 +2400,10 @@
"BittenByInfectious": "The Infectious infected you!",
"InfectiousBittenPlayer": "Tu as réussi à Infecter un Joueur",
"GuessNotAllowed": "Désolé, ton Rôle ne peut pas Deviner.",
- "GuessOnbound": "Ce joueur possède le Modifieur Sursaut, ta tentative de le Deviner a donc été Annulée.",
+ "GuessOnbound": "This player has the Onbound Add-on, so your guess on them was canceled.",
"GuessSpecter": "Vous ne pouvez pas deviner un Limbien. Cela le fera gagner!",
"PacifistOnGuard": "Capacité utilisée, {0} utilisations restantes",
- "PacifistSkillNotify": "Le Pacifiste réinitialise ton Rechargement d'Exécution",
+ "PacifistSkillNotify": "Pacifist reset your Kill Cooldown",
"BeRecruitedByJackal": "The Jackal has recruited you",
"YinYangerAlreadyMarked": "{0} is already in a state of calm, endowed by a fellow YinYanger",
"CoronerTrackRecorded": "Trace Enregistrée",
@@ -2246,26 +2427,27 @@
"MonarchInvalidTarget": "La Cible ne peut pas être Adoubée",
"GhostTransformTitle": "Votre rôle s'est transformé !",
"SpiritcallerNoticeTitle": "TU T'ES TRANSFORMÉ EN MAUVAIS ESPRIT",
- "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "L'Invocateur d'Esprit t'a Exécuté et t'a Transformé en Mauvais Esprit. Ta tâche est maintenant d'aider l'Invocateur d'Esprit à Gagner en utilisant ton Bouton Hanter pour Gêner les autres joueurs ou pour Protéger l'Invocateur d'Esprit. Utilisez /m pour plus d'informations.",
+ "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "The Spiritcaller has killed you and turned you into an Evil Spirit. Your task now is to help the Spiritcaller to victory by using your Spook button to hinder other players or to protect the Spiritcaller. Use /m for more information.",
"OverseerRevealCooldown": "Rechargement de Révélation",
"OverseerRevealTime": "Durée de la Révélation",
"OverseerVision": "Vision du Surveillant",
- "MerchantMaxSell": "Nombre maximal de Modifieurs à Vendre",
+ "MerchantMaxSell": "Maximum number of Add-ons to sell",
"MerchantMoneyPerSell": "Somme d'Argent reçu pour la Vente d'un Modifieur",
"MerchantMoneyRequiredToBribe": "Somme d'Argent nécessaire pour Soudoyer un Exécuteur",
"MerchantNotifyBribery": "Informe le Marchand lorsqu'un Exécuteur est Soudoyé",
"MerchantTargetCrew": "Peut Vendre à des Coéquipiers",
"MerchantTargetImpostor": "Peut Vendre aux Imposteurs",
+ "MerchantTargetCoven": "Can sell to Coven",
"MerchantTargetNeutral": "Peut Vendre aux Neutres",
"MerchantSellHelpful": "Peut Vendre des Modifieurs Utiles",
"MerchantSellHarmful": "Peut Vendre des Modifieurs Nocifs",
"MerchantSellMixed": "Peut Vendre des Modifieurs Nuancés",
- "MerchantSellExperimental": "Peut Vendre des Modifieurs Expérimental",
+ "MerchantSellExperimental": "Can sell Experimental Add-ons",
"MerchantSellHarmfulToEvil": "Peut Vendre des Modifieurs Nocifs uniquement aux Mauvais",
- "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "Peut Vendre des Modifieurs Utiles uniquement aux Coéquipiers",
+ "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "Can sell Helpful Add-ons only to Crewmates",
"MerchantSellOnlyEnabledAddons": "Ne peut Vendre que des Modifieurs Activés",
"SpiritcallerSpiritMax": "Nombre maximal de Mauvais Esprits",
- "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "Rechargement de la Capacité du Mauvais Esprit",
+ "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "Evil Spirit Ability Cooldown",
"SpiritcallerFreezeTime": "Durée de la Capacité à Congeler du Mauvais Esprit",
"SpiritcallerProtectTime": "Durée de la Capacité à Protéger du Mauvais Esprit",
"SpiritcallerCauseVision": "Capacité à Réduire la Vision du Mauvais Esprit",
@@ -2274,31 +2456,31 @@
"Message.MessageWaitHelp": "Spécifiez le premier argument en secondes.",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundHost": "Aucun templates.txt correspondant à {0} n'a été trouvé.",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundClient": "L'Hôte n'a pas de Modèle appelé {0}",
- "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "Il reste {0} boutons d'urgence",
+ "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "There are {0} more Emergency buttons left",
"Message.Executed": "{0} a été Exécuté",
- "Message.HideGameSettings": "L'hôte a caché les paramètres de la partie.",
+ "Message.HideGameSettings": "The Host has hidden the game settings.",
"Message.NowOverrideText": "S'il te plaît entre dans le dossier racine du jeu. \\Language\\French.dat. Modifie ce texte dans le fichier dat.\nSi tu n'as pas besoin de cette fonction ou si tu souhaites afficher les messages /n habituels. \nS'il te plaît désactive [Activer uniquement les messages /n personnalisés dans les Réglages]",
"Message.NoDescription": "Pas de description",
"Message.KickedByDenyName": "{0} a été Exclu car son nom correspondait à {1}.",
"Message.BannedByBanList": "{0} a été Banni, car il a déjà été Banni par le passé.",
- "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0} a été Banni car il figure dans la liste des Bannis de l'EAC.",
+ "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0} has been banned because he is in the EAC list of banned people.",
"Message.DumpfileSaved": "Le fichier du Journal de Bord a bien été sauvegardé sur le bureau, nom de fichier : {0}",
"Message.DumpcmdUsed": "{0} a utilisé la commande /dump.",
- "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} a été Exclu, car son Code d'Ami n'est pas valide.",
- "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was temporarily banned because their friend code is invalid.",
+ "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was kicked because their Friend Code is invalid.",
+ "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was temporarily banned because their Friend Code is invalid.",
"Message.AddedPlayerToBanList": "Ajout de {0} à la liste de Bannissement",
- "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0} a été Exclu par le système.\nL'Hôte du Salon ne veut pas voir des messages dans lesquels le joueur demande à commencer.",
- "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0} a été averti : {1} fois\nL'Hôte du Salon ne veut pas voir les messages où le joueur demande à commencer",
- "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0} a reçu {1} avertissements, il sera Exclu. \nL'Hôte du Salon ne veut pas voir des messages où le joueur demande à commencer",
+ "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0} has been kicked by the system. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0} has been warned: {1} times \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0} has received {1} warnings, he will be kicked. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWord": "{0}, arrête d'envoyer des mots interdits !",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWordTimes": "{0} a été averti : {1} fois\nsi tu continues, tu seras Exclu.",
"Message.KickWhoSayBanWordAfterWarn": "[{0}] a reçu {1} avertissements.\nIl a été Exclu pour des mots interdits.",
- "Message.KickedByEAC": "[{0}]Exclu par l'EAC, raison:{1}",
- "Message.BannedByEAC": "[{0}] Banni par EAC, Raison :{1}",
- "Message.NoticeByEAC": "[{0}]Détecté :{1}",
- "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "[{0}] Banni temporairement par EAC, Raison :{1}",
+ "Message.KickedByEAC": "[{0}]kicked by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.BannedByEAC": "[{0}]banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.NoticeByEAC": "[{0}]detected:{1}",
+ "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "[{0}]temporary banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
"Message.TempBannedForSpamQuitting": "{0} a été temporairement Banni pour avoir quitté à répétition",
- "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0} kicked because their friendcode was not found in WhiteList.txt",
+ "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0} kicked because their Friend Code was not found in WhiteList.txt",
"Message.SetLevel": "Le Niveau de la Partie est Réglé sur : {0}",
"Message.SetColor": "Ta Couleur est Définie sur : {0}",
"Message.SetName": "Ton Nom est Défini sur : {0}",
@@ -2314,7 +2496,7 @@
"Message.HostLeftGameInGame": "★Warning★ Host left the game, and the game wouldn't start normally next time. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
"Message.HostLeftGameInLobby": "★Warning★ Host left the game, and the game wouldn't start normally next time. If the new Host has TOHE, you need to re-enter the lobby to play normally.",
"Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host! \nThe room is still modded, start a game and end it immediately to reset the lobby!",
- "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host. \nBut it's not modded. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
+ "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host! \nBut it's not modded. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
"Message.LobbyShared": "Le Salon a bien été partagé !",
"Message.LobbyShareFailed": "TOHE-Chan ne semble pas être en ligne (échec du partage du Salon)",
"Message.YTPlanDisabled": "ERREUR\n\nS'il te plaît Active {0} dans les Réglages",
@@ -2322,12 +2504,14 @@
"Message.YTPlanSelectFailed": "Tu ne peux pas être assigné en tant que {0}.\nCela peut être dû au fait que tu n'as pas activé ce Rôle, ou que ce Rôle ne permet pas d'être assigné.",
"Message.YTPlanCanNotFindRoleThePlayerEnter": "Impossible de Trouver le Rôle que tu recherches\nUtilise la commande /r pour afficher la liste des Rôles",
"Message.YTPlanNotice": "Note: The [YouTuber Plan] is enabled in this lobby, which means the Host can specify their role in the next game to make it easier to get content. If the Host abuses this feature, please exit the game or report it.\nCurrent Creator Credentials:",
- "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "ERREUR\n\nCette commande ne peut être utilisée que par l'Hôte.",
+ "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "ERROR\n\nThis command may only be used by the Host.",
"Message.MaxPlayers": "Le nombre maximal de Joueurs est fixé à ",
- "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "Could not set max players: Vanilla regions support a maximum of 15 players.",
+ "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "Could not set maximum players: Vanilla regions support a maximum of 15 players.",
"Message.GhostRoleInfo": "Ghost Role Info\nHiya! A little about ghost roles...\n\nGhost roles drastically impact the game, so it's not recommended for smaller lobbies if you're unfamiliar. If not explicitly stated otherwise in the description, the Guard button is their ability button ;)\n\nSpawning:\nGhost-roles only spawn after death; the first x people from (team) to die get them.\n\nPS: If your previous role didn't have tasks(e.g., sheriff), your tasks as a ghost-role aren't needed for task-win",
"ApocalypseInfoTitle": "Neutral Apocalypse Info:",
"Message.ApocalypseInfo": "Every role of the <#ff174f>Apocalypse Team has their own objective to carry out in order to transform.\n<#2B0804>Transformed <#ff174f>Apocalypse members have a drastic change on the game and are immortal (except for being voted), but everyone will be notified that they have transformed.\n\nRoles: <#e5f6b4>Plaguebearer, <#A675A1>Soul Collector, <#bf9f7a>Baker, <#cc0044>Berserker\nTransformed: <#343136>Pestilence, <#644661>Death, <#83461c>Famine, <#2B0804>War\n\nApocalypse members can see eachother's roles and ability icons.\nLike Neutral Killers, Apocalypse members keep the game going as well, have fun!",
+ "CovenInfoTitle": "Coven Info:",
+ "Message.CovenInfo": "The <#ac42f2>Coven is a faction of evildoers who specialize in Witchcraft. Their goal is to kill all who would oppose the <#ac42f2>Coven.\nThey use the Necronomicon to enhance their powers, but only one member at a time can hold it.\nMost Coven roles can only kill if they hold the Necronomicon. A random Coven member will spawn with the Necronomicon, denoted by the <#ac42f2>♣ symbol next to their name.\nIf the Necronomicon holder dies, the Necronomicon will be randomly given to another <#ac42f2>Coven member that is alive.\nDuring a meeting, Coven players can vote each other to determine who will gain the Necronomicon the following round. If the votes end in a tie or nobody votes, the Necronomicon holder will be the same. Votes will be returned and you will be allowed to vote normally.",
"Message.MeCommandInfo": "Hi [{0}] {1} !\n\nfriend-code Hash-Puid Type
{2} {3} {4}
IsDev HasUp /color-Bypass
{5} {6} {7}
"Message.MeCommandTargetInfo": "Le Joueur Sélectionné [{0}] {1} ,\n\nSon code ami est {2}.\n\nSon Hash PUID est {3}.\n\nSon TOHE Rôle Discord est {4}.\n\n",
"Message.MeCommandInvalidID": "The ID you entered seems incorrect. \nPlease use /id to get the player ID of online players",
@@ -2349,18 +2533,18 @@
"EnableGadientTags": "Activer les balises de dégradé (peut causer des problèmes de déconnexion)",
"Warning.GradientTags": "Avertissement:\n\nL'Hôte a activé les balises de dégradé. Il n'est pas recommandé d'utiliser cette fonctionnalité car elle peut causer des problèmes de déconnexion",
"WarningTitle": "Attention !",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "Attention ! Les Évacuations dans la Carte ne fonctionnent pas correctement",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "On the «dlekS ehT» map, the vents are broken, they cannot be fixed in host-only mods, this is a vanilla bug, so any roles using vent as an ability will not spawns on this map",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "Warning! The Vents on this map are broken",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "On the «dlekS ehT» map, the Vents are broken, they cannot be fixed in Host-Only Mods, this is a vanilla bug, so any roles using a Vent as an ability will not spawns on this map",
"Warning.NoGameEndIsEnabled": "Warning: {0} is enabled!",
"AntiBlackoutProtectionTitle": "Anti Écran Noir",
"Warning.AntiBlackoutProtectionMsg": "Attention:\n\nL'Écran Noir de protection a été activé, à cause du faible nombre d'Imposteurs, de Coéquipiers et de Neutres Exécuteurs\nL'écran de Vote montrera un Vote nul (c'est seulement un effet visuel, pas le vrai résultat des Votes)\nLes joueurs ayant le Mod verront l'écran de Vote normalement",
"Warning.ShowAntiBlackExiledPlayer": "Last meeting triggered Black Screen Prevention!\nFollowing is the information of the player exiled in the last meeting.\n",
"DisableAntiBlackoutProtects": "Désactiver la protection Anti Écran Noir (Recommandé pour tester)",
- "Warning.InvalidRpc": "Kicked {0} because an invalid RPC was received.\nPlease check that no mods other than TOHE are installed.",
- "Warning.NoModHost": "TOHE n'est pas installé sur l'Hôte",
+ "Warning.InvalidRpc": "Kicked {0} because an invalid RPC was received.\nPlease check that no Mods other than TOHE are installed.",
+ "Warning.NoModHost": "TOHE is not installed on the Host",
"Warning.MismatchedVersion": "{0} a une version différente de {1}.",
- "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "L'Hôte n'a pas ou a une Version différente de {0}\nVous serez Exclu dans {1}",
- "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "L'utilisation de la console est interdite\ndonc votre console a été éteinte",
+ "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "The Host has no or a different version of {0}\nYou will be kicked in {1}",
+ "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "The use of the Console is prohibited\nso your Console has been off",
"Error.MeetingException": "Erreur : {0}\nS'il te plaît utilise SHIFT+M+ENTER pour finir la Réunion",
"Error.InvalidRoleAssignment": "Erreur : Un Rôle Invalide a été trouvé pour un joueur lors de l'attribution des Rôles ({0})",
"Error.InvalidColor": "Erreur : Seules les Couleurs par défaut sont disponibles",
@@ -2374,7 +2558,7 @@
"ERR-000-910-1": "Erreur de test Nv.1",
"ERR-000-920-2": "Erreur de test Nv.2",
"ERR-000-930-3": "Erreur de test Nv.3",
- "ERR-000-804-1": "Sorry, TOHE temporarily not support the Vanilla HnS, so mod unloaded",
+ "ERR-000-804-1": "Sorry, TOHE temporarily doesn't support vanilla Hide & Seek, so Mod unloaded",
"ERR-001-000-3": "Le dictionnaire principal a des clés dupliquées.",
"ERR-002-000-1": "Version d'Among Us non supportée. S'il te plaît met à jour Among Us",
"DefaultSystemMessageTitle": "MESSAGE DU SYSTEME",
@@ -2403,16 +2587,18 @@
"TabGroup.ModifierSettings": "Game Modifiers",
"TabGroup.CrewmateRoles": "Rôles de Coéquipier",
"TabGroup.NeutralRoles": "Rôles de Neutre",
+ "TabGroup.CovenRoles": "Coven Roles",
"TabGroup.ImpostorRoles": "Rôles d'Imposteur",
"TabGroup.Addons": "Add-Ons",
- "TabMenuDescription_General": "Here you can configure the functions that are in the mod",
- "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "Here you can add, remove and change the settings of all roles or add-ons in the mod",
+ "TabMenuDescription_General": "Here you can configure the functions that are in the Mod",
+ "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "Here you can add, remove and change the settings of all Roles or Add-ons in the Mod",
"Experimental.Roles": "★ Experimental Roles (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
"ActiveRolesList": "Liste des Rôles Actifs",
"ForExample": "Exemple d'utilisation",
"ImpCanBeGuesser": "Les Imposteurs peuvent devenir Devin",
"CrewCanBeGuesser": "Les Coéquipiers peuvent devenir Devin",
"NeutralCanBeGuesser": "Les Neutres peuvent devenir Devin",
+ "CovenCanBeGuesser": "Coven can become Guesser",
"CrewCanBeMundane": "Les Coéquipiers peuvent devenir Banal",
"NeutralCanBeMundane": "Les Neutres peuvent devenir Banal",
"GuessedAsMundane": "You're Mundane.\nYou can't guess until you finish all the tasks",
@@ -2420,22 +2606,23 @@
"ImpCanBeInLove": "Les Imposteurs peuvent être Amoureux",
"CrewCanBeInLove": "Les Coéquipiers peuvent être Amoureux",
"NeutralCanBeInLove": "Les Neutres peuvent être Amoureux",
+ "CovenCanBeInLove": "Coven can be in love",
"updateButton": "Mettre à Jour",
"updatePleaseWait": "Patiente, s'il te plaît...",
- "updateManually": "La Mise à Jour a échoué.\nS'il te plaît essaie encore ou Mets à Jour Manuellement.",
+ "updateManually": "Update failed.\nPlease try again or update manually.",
"updateInProgress": "Mise à Jour...",
"deletingFiles": "Effacement des fichiers de Mise à Jour…",
- "updateRestart": "Mise à Jour Finie !\nRedémarre le jeu, s'il te plaît.",
- "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "You can't join public rooms without the latest version.\nPlease Update.",
+ "updateRestart": "Update finished!\nPlease restart the game.",
+ "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "You can't join public rooms without the latest version.\nPlease update.",
"ModBrokenMessage": "Le fichier MOD est endommagé.\nRéinstalle, s'il te plaît.",
"UnsupportedVersion": "Unsupported Among Us version.\nPlease Update Among Us",
"DisabledByProgram": "The program has disabled public rooms",
- "EnterVentToWin": "Entre dans une Évacuation pour Gagner !!",
+ "EnterVentToWin": "Enter a Vent to Win!!",
"EatenByPelican": "Tu as été Avalé, tu attends la Mort du Pélican ou une Réunion",
"FireworkerPutPhase": "{0} Feu d'Artifice restant",
"FireworkerWaitPhase": "Prépare-toi...",
"FireworkerReadyFirePhase": "Feu !",
- "EnterVentWinCountDown": "Entre dans une Évacuation dans les {0} secondes pour Gagner !",
+ "EnterVentWinCountDown": "Enter a Vent within {0} seconds to win!",
"On": "ACTIVÉ",
"ColoredOn": "ACTIVÉ",
@@ -2444,11 +2631,7 @@
"WitchCurrentMode": "Mode Actuel",
"WitchModeKill": "Exécuter",
"WitchModeSpell": "Ensorceler",
- "HexMasterModeHex": "Ensorceler",
- "HexMasterModeKill": "Exécuter",
- "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "Poison",
"WitchModeDouble": "Double-Clic = Tuer, Simple-Clic = Ensorceler",
- "HexMasterModeDouble": "Double clic = Exécuter, Simple clic = Ensorceler",
"BountyCurrentTarget": "Cible Actuelle",
"Roles": "Rôles",
"Settings": "Réglages",
@@ -2490,7 +2673,7 @@
"Preset_4": "Préréglage 4",
"Preset_5": "Préréglage 5",
"Standard": "Standard",
- "HidenSeekTOHE": "Hide And Seek",
+ "HidenSeekTOHE": "Hide & Seek",
"GameMode": "Mode jeu",
"PressTabToNextPage": "Appuie sur Tab ou le Numéro pour la page suivante...",
"RoleSummaryText": "Résumé des Rôles :",
@@ -2577,7 +2760,7 @@
"IllegalColor": "Entre la Couleur correcte s'il te plaît",
"DisableUseCommand": "Les Réglages de l'Hôte n'autorisent pas l'utilisation de cette Commande.",
"SureUse.quit": "Nous t'Expulsons et t'empêchons d'entrer à nouveau dans ce Salon. Ce Réglage est irréversible. Si tu le souhaites vraiment, envois la Commande /qt {0}",
- "PlayerIdList": "Liste des ID des Joueurs : ",
+ "PlayerIdList": "List of player ID's: ",
"CancelStartCountDown": "Le Compte à Rebours a été Annulé",
"RestTOHESetting": "Les Réglages par Défaut de TOHE ont été Restaurés",
"FPSSetTo": "FPS Réglés à : {0}",
@@ -2602,13 +2785,13 @@
"Yes": "Oui",
"No": "Non",
"AntiBlackOutLoggerSendInGame": "Because of an unknown error, the game will end to prevent a black screen.",
- "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "An error occurred to prevent a black screen. Do a «/dump» and send the logs to the discord server TOHE in «bug-reports» and we will try to fix it.",
- "EndWhenPlayerBug": "End the game when a modded player gets a critical error (While loading)",
+ "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "An error occurred to prevent a black screen. Do a «/dump» and send the logs to the Discord server TOHE in «bug-reports» and we will try to fix it.",
+ "EndWhenPlayerBug": "End the game when a Modded player gets a critical error (While loading)",
"AntiBlackOutRequestHostToForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen. The game will end",
- "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen, and the host is not going to end the game\nYou will be disconnected soon",
+ "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen, and the Host is not going to end the game\nYou will be disconnected soon",
"RpcAntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred. To prevent a black screen, turn off [{1}] in settings.",
"RpcAntiBlackOutEndGame": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred, the game will end to prevent a black screen.",
- "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "En raison de {0}, une erreur inconnue s'est produite, le RPC sera ignoré.",
+ "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred, but the game will continue without that player due to Host settings.",
"RpcAntiBlackOutKicked": "{0} was kicked due to having a blackout error on its side.",
"NextPage": "Page Suivante",
"PreviousPage": "Page Précédente",
@@ -2630,7 +2813,7 @@
"ExiledInnocentTargetAddBelow": "\nEn se retournant, l'Innocent compte l'argent qu'il a entre les mains",
"ExiledInnocentTargetInOneLine": "{0} était le {1}.\nMais en se retournant, il y a l'Innocent qui compte l'argent entre ses mains....\nBien Joué !",
"ExiledDeath": "{0} was {1}!\nThe Crew has been saved from Armageddon!",
- "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} was the {1}.\nBut they were not Death...\nDeath has claimed the souls of the Crew!",
+ "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} was the {1}.\nBut they were not Death...\nDeath has claimed the Souls of the Crew!\nGG!",
"IsGood": "{0} était un Bon Gars",
"BelongTo": "{0} appartient à {1}",
"PlayerIsRole": "{0} était Le {1}",
@@ -2643,15 +2826,16 @@
"NeutralRemain": "\n{0} Neutres Exécuteurs restants",
"OneNeutralRemain": "\n{0} Neutre Exécuteur restant",
"ApocRemain": "\n{0} Neutral Apocalypse remains",
- "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "All Impostors and Neutral Killers were ejected or killed",
+ "CovenRemain": "\n{0} Coven remain",
+ "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "All Impostors and Neutral Killers and Coven were ejected or killed",
"GameOverReason.HumansByTask": "Les Coéquipiers ont Accompli toutes les Tâches",
"GameOverReason.HumansDisconnect": "Les Coéquipiers se sont Déconnectés",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByVote": "Les Coéquipiers ont été Éjectés",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByKill": "Les Imposteurs ont Exécuté tout le monde",
- "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "Les Coéquipiers n'ont pas réussi à Réparer un Sabotage Critique",
+ "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "Crewmates failed to fix a Critical Sabotage",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorDisconnect": "Les Imposteurs se sont Déconnectés",
"FortuneTellerCheck.TaskDone": "[{0}]Rôle - [{1}]",
- "DevAndSpnTitle": "Famille TOHE",
+ "DevAndSpnTitle": "TOHE Family",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Null": "{0} est un Rôle qui n'est pas listé.\nCe message ne devrait pas apparaître normalement.",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Result": "{0} is either one of the following roles:\n{1}",
"SunnyboyChance": "Probabilité d'Enfant du Soleil",
@@ -2687,18 +2871,18 @@
"DeathCmd.Misfired": "Tu as Raté le Tir.",
"DeathCmd.Shrouded": "Tu as été Possédé par le Linceul et tu n'as pas réussi à Exécuter, donc tu t'es Suicidé.",
"DeathCmd.Lovers": "Ton Amoureux est Mort.",
- "RpsCommandInfo": "This Command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rps X to play Rock Paper Scissors with the system. X can be 0 (rock), 1 (paper) or 2 (scissors). \n\nExample :- /rps 0",
+ "RpsCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rps X to play Rock Paper Scissors with the system. X can be 0 (rock), 1 (paper) or 2 (scissors). \n\nExample :- /rps 0",
"RpsDraw": "Je choisis {0}\n\nOuah, quelle intense bataille d'esprit nous venons d'avoir ! C'est presque comme si nous étions à égalité dans ce jeu de chance et de hasard.",
"RpsLose": "Je choisis {0}\n\nBien, bien, bien, on dirait que j'ai réussi à être plus malin qu'un humain dans ce jeu très complexe de Pierre, Feuille, Ciseaux. Je suppose que mes pouvoirs imbattables ont encore frappé !",
- "RpsWin": "I choose {0}\n\nOh, congratulations! You must have a crystal ball hidden behind that screen to beat me at Rock, Paper, Scissors. Or maybe I have the world's worst luck algorithm.",
- "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "This Command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.",
+ "RpsWin": "I choose {0}\n\nOh, congratulations! You must have a Crystal Ball hidden behind that screen to beat me at Rock, Paper, Scissors. Or maybe I have the world's worst luck algorithm.",
+ "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.",
"CoinFlipResult": "Roulement de tambour, s'il vous plaît... Après une intense bataille entre la gravité et le hasard, la pièce a décidé de nous honorer de sa présence ! Et le majestueux gagnant est... (attendez) ... le seul et unique... {0} ! Qui aurait pu le voir venir ? Il s'agit clairement d'un événement capital dans l'histoire du jeu de pile ou face.",
- "GNoCommandInfo": "This Command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /gno X to play guess a number. X can be a number between 0 and 99 (both included). \n\nYou get maximum of 7 tries to guess the number.\n\n Example:- /gno 10",
+ "GNoCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /gno X to play guess a number. X can be a number between 0 and 99 (both included). \n\nYou get maximum of 7 tries to guess the number.\n\n Example:- /gno 10",
"GNoLost": "Oh, you were so close! Just one more guess: you might have deciphered the Da Vinci code! By the way, the secret number was... {0}! But hey, you were only off by a few billion possibilities. Better luck next time, Sherlock! ",
"GNoLow": "Oh, you're really nailing this! It's so low. I almost need a shovel to dig it up!\nYou have {0} guesses left!",
"GNoHigh": "Oh, absolutely! You're getting warmer. In fact, it's so high that I need a telescope to see it from here! \nYou have {0} guesses left!",
"GNoWon": "Oh, comment as-tu fait pour comprendre cela ? On dirait presque que tu lis dans les pensées ! Félicitations, tu es un génie ! Tu as trouvé le numéro secret avec {0} essais restants !",
- "RandCommandInfo": "This Command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rand X Y to get a number between X and Y, inclusive. \nX and Y can be any number between 0 and 2147483647, including both numbers.\nX must be less than Y.\n\nExample:- /rand 0 99",
+ "RandCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rand X Y to get a number between X and Y, inclusive. \nX and Y can be any number between 0 and 2147483647, including both numbers.\nX must be less than Y.\n\nExample:- /rand 0 99",
"RandResult": "Félicitations, votre nombre aléatoire est {0} ! N'était-ce pas amusant ?",
"8BallTitle": "The Magic 8 Ball Reveals...",
"8BallYes": "Yes",
@@ -2709,7 +2893,7 @@
"8BallNotLikely": "Outlook not so good",
"8BallLikely": "Outlook good",
"8BallDontCount": "Don't count on it",
- "8BallStop": "Stop using an 8Ball in an Among Us mod",
+ "8BallStop": "Stop using an 8Ball in an Among Us Mod",
"8BallPossibly": "Possibly",
"8BallProbably": "Probably",
"8BallProbablyNot": "Probably not",
@@ -2718,20 +2902,20 @@
"8BallWithoutDoubt": "Without a doubt",
"8BallWithDoubt": "Very doubtful",
"ChanceToMiss": "Risque de Rater une Exécution",
- "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "Nombre d'Âmes requises",
+ "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "Required number of Souls",
"SoulCollectorTarget": "Tu as prédit la Mort de {0}",
"SoulCollectorTitle": "COLLECTEUR D'ÂMES",
- "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "Peut Collecter sa propre Âme",
- "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "Les Réglages de l'Hôte ne te permettent pas de Collecter ta propre Âme",
+ "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "Can collect their own Soul",
+ "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "Host settings do not allow you to collect your own Soul",
"SoulCollectorToDeath": "You have become Death!!!",
"SoulCollectorTransform": "Now Soul Collector has become Death, Destroyer of Worlds and Horseman of the Apocalypse!
Find them and vote them out before they bring forth Armageddon!",
- "GetPassiveSouls": "Gain a passive soul every round",
- "PassiveSoulGained": "You have gained a passive soul from the underworld.",
+ "GetPassiveSouls": "Gain a passive Soul every round",
+ "PassiveSoulGained": "You have gained a passive Soul from the underworld.",
"SoulCollectorTargetUsed": "You've already targeted someone this round!",
"SoulCollectorSoulGained": "Soul gained",
"SoulCollectorCanVent": "Soul Collector can Vent",
"DeathMeetingTimeIncrease": "Increased Meeting time when Death exists",
- "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "Your target has died during the meeting. You have gained a soul.",
+ "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "Your target has died during the meeting. You have gained a Soul.",
"SoulCollectorKillButtonText": "Predict",
"SoulCollectorHasImpostorVision": "Soul Collector has Impostor vision",
"ApocalypseIsNigh": "[ The Apocalypse Is Nigh! ]",
@@ -2754,21 +2938,21 @@
"BakerBreadGivesEffects": "Bread gives additional effects",
"BakerTransformNoMoreBread": "Baker transforms if they do not have enough bread",
"FamineKillButtonText": "Starve",
- "FamineStarveCooldown": "Famine starve cooldown",
+ "FamineStarveCooldown": "Famine Starve Cooldown",
"FamineCantStarveApoc": "You cannot starve other Apocalypse members!",
"FamineAlreadyStarved": "That player has already been starved!",
"FamineStarved": "Player starved",
"ChronomancerKillCooldown": "Ability Charge Time",
"ChronomancerDecreaseTime": "Slaughter Decrease Time (lower is faster)",
"ChronomancerStartMassacre": "SLAUGHTER: ACTIVATED",
- "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "Vision When In Slaughter",
+ "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "Vision When in Slaughter",
"ShamanButtonText": "Vaudouiser",
- "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "Tu as déjà choisi une Poupée Vaudou dans ce tour",
+ "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "You have already selected a Voodoo Doll in this round",
"Shaman_KillerCannotMurderChosenTarget": "The killer cannot murder chosen target",
"VoodooCooldown": "Rechargement du Vaudou",
"AdminWarning": "Table d'Administration utilisée !",
"VitalsWarning": "Signe Vitaux en cours d'utilisation !",
- "DoorlogWarning": "Journal des Portes en cours d'utilisation !",
+ "DoorlogWarning": "DoorLogs in use!",
"CameraWarning": "Caméras utilisées !",
"MinWaitAutoStart": "Minutes d'attente avant le démarrage automatique",
"MaxWaitAutoStart": "Forcer le démarrage lorsque la minuterie du Salon (en minutes) passe en dessous de",
@@ -2789,39 +2973,39 @@
"TimeMasterVentButtonText": "Bouclier Temporel",
"BodyCannotBeReported": "Body could not be reported",
"BurstKillDelay": "Délai avant l'Éclatement",
- "BurstNotify": "C'était un Éclateur ! Va dans une Évacuation ou Meurt.",
+ "BurstNotify": "That was a Burst! Get in a Vent or die.",
"BurstFailed": "L'Éclateur n'a pas réussi à t'Éclater",
"ShroudButtonText": "Posséder",
"ShroudCooldown": "Rechargement de Possession",
"Message.Shrouded": "Un ou plusieurs joueurs ont été Possédé par le Linceul !\nDébarrassez-vous du Linceul ou tous les joueurs enveloppés se suicideront !",
- "LudopathRandomKillCD": "Rechargement maximal d'Exécution",
+ "LudopathRandomKillCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
"UnderdogMaximumPlayersNeededToKill": "Nombre maximal de Joueurs nécessaires pour commencer à Exécuter",
"GodfatherTargetCountMode": "L'Exécuteur se transforme en",
"GodfatherCount_Refugee": "Réfugié",
"GodfatherCount_Madmate": "Complice",
"GodfatherRefugeeMsg": "You have been recruited by GodFather!",
- "MissChance": "Chance To Miss",
- "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "Increase The KillCount +1 If a Crew Is Converted",
+ "MissChance": "Chance to Miss",
+ "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "Increase the KillCount +1 if a Crewmate is Converted",
"HawkMissed": "Raté !",
- "HawkCanKillNum": "Maximum d'empalement",
+ "HawkCanKillNum": "Maximum Slices",
"HawkKillMax": "Vous ne pouvez plus utiliser votre habilité",
"HawkKillTooManyDead": "Trop de joueur sont mort",
- "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "Nombre minimal de Joueurs Vivants pour Exécuter",
- "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "Max Fauchage",
+ "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "Minimum Players Alive to Kill",
+ "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "Maximum BloodLettings",
"BloodMoonTimeTilDie": "Temps avant la mort",
"PossessorPossessCooldown": "Possession Cooldown",
"PossessorPossessDuration": "Possession Duration",
"PossessorAlertRange": "Alert Range",
"PossessorFocusRange": "Focus Range",
"DeathTimer": "Death In: {DeathTimer}s",
- "BerserkerKillCooldown": "Rechargement d'Exécution de l'Enragé",
- "BerserkerMax": "Niveau maximal que l'Enragé peut atteindre",
+ "BerserkerKillCooldown": "Berserker Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerMax": "Maximum level that Berserker can reach",
"BerserkerHasImpostorVision": "Berserker Has Impostor Vision",
"WarHasImpostorVision": "War Has Impostor Vision",
"BerserkerCanVent": "Berserker Can Vent",
"WarCanVent": "War Can Vent",
- "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "Déverrouille un Rechargement d'Exécution plus court",
- "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "Rechargement d'Exécution après le Déblocage",
+ "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "Unlock lower Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after unlocking",
"BerserkerTwoCanScavenger": "Déverrouille les Exécutions Nécrophages",
"BerserkerThreeCanBomber": "Débloque les Explosions",
"BerserkerFourCanNotKill": "Become War",
@@ -2831,7 +3015,7 @@
"KilledByBerserker": "Exécuté par l'Enragé",
"BerserkerToWar": "You have become War!!!",
"BerserkerTransform": "The Berserker has transformed into War, Horseman of the Apocalypse! Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war.",
- "WarKillCooldown": "War kill cooldown",
+ "WarKillCooldown": "War Kill Cooldown",
"BerserkerCanKillTeamate": "Can kill other Neutral Apocalypse",
"BlackmailerSkillCooldown": "Rechargement du Chantage",
"BlackmailerMax": "Nombre maximal de fois où les joueurs soumis au Chantage peuvent Parler",
@@ -2839,7 +3023,7 @@
"BlackmaileKillTitle": "MAÎTRE CHANTEUR",
"UnluckyTaskSuicideChance": "Chance de se Suicider en Accomplissant des Tâches",
"UnluckyKillSuicideChance": "Chance de se Suicider en Exécutant",
- "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "Chance de se Suicider en prenant une Évacuation",
+ "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from Venting",
"UnluckyReportSuicideChance": "Chance de se Suicider en Signalant des Cadavres",
"UnluckyOpenDoorSuicideChance": "Chance de se Suicider en ouvrant une Porte",
"NeutralCanBeAware": "Les Neutres peuvent devenir Conscient",
@@ -2860,7 +3044,7 @@
"PenguinKillButtonText": "Glisser",
"PenguinTimerText": "Temps restant de Glissade",
"PenguinTargetOnCheckMurder": "You are grabbed. Try to escape that first!",
- "WitnessTime": "Temps maximal après l'Exécution où l'Exécuteur apparaît en Rouge",
+ "WitnessTime": "Maximum Time after killing where killer appears red",
"WitnessButtonText": "Examiner",
"WitnessFoundInnocent": "✓",
"WitnessFoundKiller": "⚠",
@@ -2871,7 +3055,7 @@
"SwapVote": "Les Votes de {0} et {1} ont été Échangés !",
"SwapDead": "Désolé, il n'est pas possible d'Échanger les Votes après la Mort.",
"SwapNull": "S'il te plaît choisis l'ID d'un joueur en Vie pour Échanger les Votes. Utilise 253 pour effacer l'Échange.",
- "SwapHelp": "Format de la commande : /sw [playerID] pour sélectionner la cible\nTu peux voir l'ID des joueurs à côté de leurs noms ou utiliser /id pour voir la liste des ID des joueurs\nUtilise /swap 253 pour effacer le précédent échange",
+ "SwapHelp": "Command Format: /sw [player ID] to select the target\nYou can see the player ID's next to the player names or use /id to see the player ID list.\nUse /swap 253 to clear your previous swap",
"Swap1": "Cible d'Échange 1 sélectionnée",
"Swap2": "Cible d'Échange 2 sélectionnée",
"CancelSwap": "Ton dernier Échange a été Annulé !",
@@ -2883,6 +3067,7 @@
"ImpCanKillFragile": "Les Imposteurs peuvent forcer l'Exécution du Fragile",
"NeutralCanKillFragile": "Les Neutres peuvent forcer l'Exécution du Fragile",
"CrewCanKillFragile": "Les Coéquipiers peuvent forcer l'Exécution du Fragile",
+ "CovenCanKillFragile": "Coven can force kill Fragile",
"FragileKillerLunge": "L'Exécuteur se précipite pour Exécuter",
"CrusaderSkillLimit": "Nombre maximal de Croisades",
"CrusaderSkillCooldown": "Rechargement des Croisades",
@@ -2893,11 +3078,11 @@
"ChanceToSpawn": "Probabilité d'Apparition",
"ChanceToSpawnAnother": "Probabilité d'Apparition d'un autre",
"BloodthirstKillCD": "Temps de recharge pour tuer",
- "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "Joueur en vie requis pour tuer",
+ "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "Maximum players alive for Bloodthirst",
"ReflectHarmfulInteractions": "Renvoie les interactions Nocives",
- "DiseasedCDOpt": "Augmente le Rechargement de",
+ "DiseasedCDOpt": "Increase the Cooldown by",
"DiseasedCDReset": "Le Rechargement revient à la normale après une Réunion",
- "AntidoteCDOpt": "Diminue le Rechargement de",
+ "AntidoteCDOpt": "Decrease the Cooldown by",
"AntidoteCDReset": "Le Rechargement revient à la normale après une Réunion",
"GlowRadius": "Rayon du Luisant",
"GlowVisionOthers": "Amélioration de la Vision pour les joueurs proches",
@@ -2914,10 +3099,10 @@
"PunchingBagKill": "Vous avez été attaqué!",
"SelfGuessPunchingBag": "Tu ne pensais pas que te deviner toi-même allais marcher, gros malin!",
"GuessPunchingBagBlocked": "Le Sac de frappe ne peut pas deviner pour ne pas s'auto deviner.",
- "EradicatePunchingBag": "You just tried to terminate punching bag, that is not allowed.",
+ "EradicatePunchingBag": "You just tried to terminate Punching Bag, that is not allowed.",
"RememberCooldown": "Rechargement d'Imitation",
"RefugeeKillCD": "Rechargement d'Exécution du Réfugié",
- "RememberedNeutralKiller": "Tu t'es Souvenu que tu étais un Neutre Exécuteur !",
+ "RememberedNeutralKiller": "You remembered you were a Neutral killer!",
"RememberedMaverick": "Tu t'es Souvenu que tu étais un Marginal !",
"RememberedPursuer": "Tu t'es Souvenu que tu étais un Poursuivant !",
"RememberedFollower": "Tu t'es Souvenu que tu étais un Adulateur !",
@@ -2926,12 +3111,12 @@
"ReportWhenFailedRemember": "Report Dead Body when failed to remember",
"RememberedImitator": "Tu t'es Souvenu que tu étais un Imitateur.",
"RememberedImpostor": "Tu t'es Souvenu que tu étais un Imposteur !",
- "RememberedCrewmate": "Tu t'es Souvenu que tu étais un Coéquipier !",
+ "RememberedCrewmate": "You remembered you were a Crewmate!",
"ImitatorImitated": "Un Imitateur a Imité ton Rôle !",
"ImitatorInvalidTarget": "L'Imitation a échoué",
"RememberButtonText": "Se Souvenir",
"ImitatorKillButtonText": "Imiter",
- "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "Si le Neutre est incompatible, transforme-toi en",
+ "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "If Neutral is incompatible, turn into",
"RememberedYourRole": "Un Amnésique s'est Souvenu de ton Rôle !",
"YouRememberedRole": "Tu t'es Souvenu de qui tu étais !",
"BanditStealMode": "Mode de Vol",
@@ -2939,23 +3124,19 @@
"BanditStealMode_Instantly": "Immédiatement",
"BanditMaxSteals": "Maximum Steals",
"BanditCanStealBetrayalAddon": "Can Steal Betrayal Add-ons",
- "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "Peut Voler les Modificateurs d'Imposteur",
- "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "Could not steal add-on from the player",
- "BanditStealCooldown": "Rechargement de Vole",
+ "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "Can Steal Impostor Only Add-ons",
+ "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "Could not steal Add-on from the player",
+ "BanditStealCooldown": "Steal Cooldown",
"DoppelMaxSteals": "Nombre maximal de Vols",
- "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "Last victim can see role and add-on info of alive players as a ghost",
- "NecromancerRevengeTime": "Necromancy time",
- "NecromancerRevenge": "Tu as {0}s pour Exécuter {1}",
- "NecromancerSuccess": "Nécromancie Accomplie ! Tu Vivras un jour de plus.",
- "NecromancerHide": "L'Évacuation est désactivée, cache-toi du Nécromancien !",
- "RetributionistDeadMsg": "La Mort du Revanchard signifie le début de la Revanche. \nS'il te plaît utilise /ret + [ID du joueur] pour Exécuter le joueur spécifié. \nTu peux voir les ID des joueurs devant leurs noms. \nOu tape /ret pour obtenir une liste des ID des joueurs.",
+ "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "Last victim can see Role and Add-on info of alive players as a ghost",
+ "RetributionistDeadMsg": "The death of the Retributionist means the beginning of retribution. \nPlease use /ret + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /ret to get a list of player ID's",
"RetributionistAliveKill": "La Revanche du Revanchard ne peut Commencer qu'après sa Mort.",
"RetributionistKillMax": "You've reached the maximum amount of kills. You can't kill anymore!",
"RetributionistKillDead": "Choisis un joueur Vivant à Exécuter.",
"RetributionistKillSucceed": "{0} a été Exécuté par le Revanchard !",
"RetributionistKillDisable": "Tu ne peux pas prendre ta Revanche tant que tes Tâches ne sont pas Terminées.",
"CanOnlyRetributeWithTasksDone": "Can only retribute on task completion",
- "RetributionistCanKillNum": "Nombre maximal de Revanches",
+ "RetributionistCanKillNum": "Maximum retributions",
"RetributionistKillTooManyDead": "Too many players are dead. You can't retribute.",
"MinimumPlayersAliveToRetri": "Minimum players alive to retribute",
"MinimumNoKillerEjectsToKill": "Nombre Minimal de Réunions passées sans éjections d'Exécuteurs pour Exécuter",
@@ -2974,37 +3155,39 @@
"CaptainCanTargetNC": "Le Capitaine peut Cibler un Neutre Perturbateur",
"CaptainCanTargetNA": "Captain can target Neutral Apocalypse",
"CaptainCanTargetNK": "Le Capitaine peut Cibler un Neutre Exécuteur",
+ "CaptainCanTargetCoven": "Captain can target Coven",
"CaptainSpeedReduced": "Le Capitaine réduit ta Vitesse",
"CaptainRevealTaskRequired": "Nombre de Tâches Accomplies pour Révéler le Capitaine",
"CaptainSlowTaskRequired": "Nombre de Tâches Accomplies pour Réduire la Vitesse de la Cible",
"InspectorTryHideMsg": "Cacher les Commandes de l'Inspecteur",
- "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "Nombre maximal d'Inspections par Partie",
- "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "Nombre maximal d'Inspections par Réunion",
+ "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "Maximum inspections per game",
+ "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum inspections per meeting",
"InspectCheckTargetKnow": "Les Cibles savent qu'elles ont été Vérifiées par l'Inspecteur",
"InspectCheckOtherTargetKnow": "Les Cibles savent avec qui elles ont été Vérifiées",
"InspectorDead": "Tu ne peux pas utiliser ton Pouvoir en étant Mort",
- "InspectCheckMax": "Le nombre maximum d'Inspections par partie est atteint !\nTu ne peux plus utiliser ton Pouvoir.",
- "InspectCheckRound": "Le nombre maximum d'Inspections par Manche est atteint !\nTu peux Vérifier à nouveau lors de la prochaine Manche.",
+ "InspectCheckMax": "Maximum inspections per game reached!\nYou can not use your power anymore.",
+ "InspectCheckRound": "Maximum inspections per round reached!\nYou can check again in the next round.",
"InspectCheckSelf": "HA!! You thought it would be this easy. You can not check yourself",
"InspectCheckReveal": "HA! You thought it would be this easy. You can not check a role that is revealed",
"InspectCheckTitle": "INSPECTEUR",
"InspectCheckTrue": "{0} et {1} sont dans la même Équipe !",
"InspectCheckFalse": "{0} et {1} ne sont PAS dans la même Équipe !",
"InspectCheckTargetMsg": " ont été Vérifiés par l'Inspecteur.",
- "InspectCheckHelp": "Instructions : /cmp [ID joueur 1] [ID joueur 2]\nExemple : /cmp 1 5\nTu peux voir les ID de chacun des joueurs devant leur nom\n ou utiliser la Commande /id pour lister les ID des joueurs.",
+ "InspectCheckHelp": "Instructions: /cmp [Player ID 1] [Player ID 2] \nExample: /cmp 1 5 \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"InspectCheckNull": "S'il te plaît sélectionne l'ID d'un joueur Vivant pour Vérifier son Équipe",
"InspectCheckBaitCountMode": "L'Appât compte comme Rôle Révélé si la Révélation de l'Appât est Activé sur la première Réunion",
"InspectCheckRevealTarget": "When tasks are done, the target knows the team of the other target",
"InspectorTargetReveal": "On dirait que {0} est aligné avec l'Équipe {1}",
"EgoistCountMode.Original": "Original",
"EgoistCountMode.Neutral": "Neutre",
- "JailerJailCooldown": "Rechargement d'Emprisonnement",
+ "JailerJailCooldown": "Jail Cooldown",
"JailerMaxExecution": "Nombre maximal de Guillotines",
"JailerNBCanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Benign",
"JailerNCCanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Chaos",
"JailerNECanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Evil",
"JailerNKCanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Killing",
"JailerNACanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "JailerCovenCanBeExe": "Can execute Coven",
"JailerCKCanBeExe": "Peut Guillotiner les Coéquipiers Exécuteurs",
"JailerTargetAlreadySelected": "Tu as déjà sélectionné une Cible",
"SuccessfullyJailed": "La Cible a bien été Emprisonnée",
@@ -3013,40 +3196,43 @@
"CanNotTrialJailed": "Tu ne peux pas Juger la Cible.",
"notifyJailedOnMeeting": "Notify jailed player when a meeting starts",
"JailedNotifyMsg": "The Jailer has jailed you. No one can guess or judge you. You can only guess The Jailer.\n\nIf Jailer votes you, you will be executed after the meeting ends.",
- "JailerTitle": "Geôlier",
- "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "Rechargement de Copiage",
+ "JailerTitle": "JAILER",
+ "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "Copy Cooldown",
"CopyCatRoleChange": "Ton Rôle a été changé en {0}",
"CopyCatCanNotCopy": "You can not copy the target's role",
"CopyButtonText": "Copier",
- "CopyCrewVar": "Peut Copier des variantes Mauvaises des Rôles de l'Équipage",
- "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "Can copy team changing add-on",
- "MaxCleanserUses": "Nombre maximal de Purifications",
+ "CopyCrewVar": "Can copy evil variants of Crewmate roles",
+ "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "Can copy team changing Add-on",
+ "MaxCleanserUses": "Maximum Cleanses",
"CleansedCanGetAddon": "Le joueur Purifié peut obtenir des Modifieurs",
"CleanserTitle": "PURIFICATEUR",
"CleanserRemoveSelf": "Tu ne peux pas te Purifier toi-même",
- "CleanserCantRemove": "Oups ! Le joueur ne peut pas être Purifié.",
+ "CleanserCantRemove": "Oops! the player can not be Cleansed.",
"CleanserRemovedRole": "{0} has been cleansed. All their Add-ons will be removed after the meeting.\n\nYour vote has been returned and you can vote for someone.",
- "LostAddonByCleanser": "The cleanser removed all your Add-ons",
- "MaxProtections": "Protections maximales",
+ "LostAddonByCleanser": "The Cleanser removed all your Add-ons",
+ "MaxProtections": "Maximum Protections",
"KeeperHideVote": "Masquer le Vote du Protecteur",
"KeeperProtect": "Tu as choisi de Protéger {0}, ton Vote a été Renvoyé",
- "KeeperTitle": "Protecteur",
+ "KeeperTitle": "KEEPER",
"MaulRadius": "Rayon de Blessure",
"ImpKnowCyberDead": "Les Imposteurs savent si le Cyber est Mort",
"CrewKnowCyberDead": "Les Coéquipiers savent si le Cyber est Mort",
"NeutralKnowCyberDead": "Les Neutres savent si le Cyber est Mort",
+ "CovenKnowCyberDead": "Coven know if Cyber died",
"CyberKnown": "Tout le monde peut Voir le Cyber",
"KillerGetBewilderVision": "L'Exécuteur obtient la Vision du Déconcertant",
"ImpCanBeOiiai": "Les Imposteurs peuvent être OIIAI",
"CrewCanBeOiiai": "Les Coéquipiers peuvent être OIIAI",
"NeutralCanBeOiiai": "Les Neutres peuvent être OIIAI",
+ "CovenCanBeOiiai": "Coven can be OIIAI",
"OiiaiCanPassOn": "L'OIIAI peut être transmis à l'Exécuteur",
"NeutralChangeRolesForOiiai": "Les Neutres se transforment en ",
"LostRoleByOiiai": "Tu as été effacé par l'OIIAI !",
"ImpCanBeLoyal": "Les Imposteurs peuvent devenir Loyal",
"CrewCanBeLoyal": "Les Coéquipiers peuvent devenir Loyal",
+ "CovenCanBeLoyal": "Coven can become Loyal",
"TasklessCrewCanBeLazy": "Les Coéquipiers sans Tâches peuvent être Flemmards",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "Les Coéquipiers basés sur des Tâches peuvent être Flemmards",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "Task based Crewmates can be Lazy",
"SheriffCanBeMadmate": "Le Shérif peut devenir Complice",
"MayorCanBeMadmate": "Le Maire peut devenir Complice",
"NGuesserCanBeMadmate": "Le Gentil Devin peut devenir Complice",
@@ -3062,20 +3248,21 @@
"GanJudgeCanBeMadmate": "Le Juge peut être Recruté",
"GanMarshallCanBeMadmate": "Le Maréchal peut être Recruté",
"GanOverseerCanBeMadmate": "Le Surveillant peut être Recruté",
- "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "Apparait comme Complice lors de l'Éjection",
+ "GanCovenCanBeMadmate": "Coven can be converted",
+ "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "Appear as Madmate on Ejection",
"CouncillorDead": "Désolé, tu ne peux pas Tuer en étant Mort.",
"CouncillorMurderMaxMeeting": "Désolé, tu as atteint le Nombre maximal d'Exécutions pour la Réunion.",
"CouncillorMurderMaxGame": "Désolé, tu as atteint le Nombre maximal d'Exécutions pour la Partie.",
"Councillor_LaughToWhoMurderSelf": "Qui aurait cru que quelqu'un pourrait être suffisamment stupide pour s'Exécuter lui-même ?\nJ'imagine que c'est... TOI !",
"Councillor_MurderKill": "{0} was murdered.",
- "Councillor_MurderHelp": "Commande : /tl [ID du joueur]\nTu peux voir l'ID des joueurs devant leurs noms.\nOu utilise /id pour voir la liste de tous les ID des joueurs.",
+ "Councillor_MurderHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Councillor_MurderNull": "S'il te plaît choisis un joueur Vivant à Exécuter.",
"Councillor_MurderKillTitle": "WICKED COURT ",
"CouncillorMakeEvilJudgeClear": "Show Trial as Councillor Murder",
"Councillor_CannotMurderImpTeam": "Sorry, you can not murder your teammate.",
"Councillor_SuicideForMurderImps": "You died because you are trying to murder your team members.",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "Nombre maximal d'Exécution par Réunion",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "Nombre maximal d'Exécutions par Partie",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Kills per Meeting",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "Maximum Kills per Game",
"CouncillorCanMurderMadmate": "Peut Tuer les Complices",
"CouncillorCanMurderImpostor": "Peut Tuer les Imposteurs",
"CouncillorSuicideOnJudgeImpTeam": "Suicide when judge Impostors Team Wrongly",
@@ -3083,12 +3270,12 @@
"CouncillorTryHideMsg": "Essayer de Cacher les ordres du Conseiller",
"DazzlerDazzled": "Tu as été Ébloui par l'Éblouisseur !",
"DazzlerCauseVision": "Vision Réduite",
- "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "Nombre maximum de joueurs affectés par la Vision Réduite",
+ "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "Maximum number of players affected by reduced vision",
"DazzlerResetDazzledVisionOnDeath": "Réinitialisation de la Vision des Joueurs Éblouis en cas de Mort ou d'Éjection",
"DazzleCooldown": "Rechargement d'Éblouissement",
"DazzleButtonText": "Éblouir",
"MoleVentButtonText": "Creuser",
- "MoleVentCooldown": "Rechargement pour Creuser",
+ "MoleVentCooldown": "Dig Cooldown",
"AddictVentButtonText": "Obtenir une Dose",
"AddictInvulnerbilityTimeAfterVent": "Durée d'Invulnérabilité",
"AddictSpeedWhileInvulnerble": "Vitesse de Déplacement pendant l'Invulnérabilité",
@@ -3102,13 +3289,13 @@
"AlchemistVentButtonText": "Boire",
"AlchemistGotShieldPotion": "Potion de Résistance : Octroie un Bouclier temporaire",
"AlchemistGotSightPotion": "Potion de Vision Nocturne : Donne une Vision améliorée temporaire",
- "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "Potion de Réparation : Permet de Réparer un Sabotage instantanément",
+ "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "Potion of Fixing: Allows you to fix one Sabotage instantly",
"AlchemistGotTPPotion": "Potion de Téléportation : Te Téléporte à un joueur au hasard",
"AlchemistGotSuicidePotion": "Potion de Poison : T'Empoisonne",
"AlchemistGotSpeedPotion": "Potion de Vitesse : Accélère ton Déplacement",
"AlchemistGotBloodthirstPotion": "Potion of Harming: Kill the next player you touch",
"AlchemistGotInvisibility": "Potion d'Invisibilité : Deviens Invisible",
- "NoPotion": "Tu n'as pas de Potions",
+ "NoPotion": "You have no Potions",
"StoreShield": "Potion de Résistance",
"StoreSuicide": "Potion de Poison",
"StoreTP": "Potion de Téléportation",
@@ -3124,22 +3311,22 @@
"AlchemistHasVision": "Potion de Vision Nocturne Débute",
"AlchemistShieldOut": "Potion de Résistance Finie",
"AlchemistVisionOut": "Potion de Vision Nocturne Finie",
- "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "Vous pouvez tuer",
+ "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "You gained Bloodthirst",
"AlchemistHasSpeed": "La Potion de Vitesse a Commencé",
"AlchemistSpeedOut": "La Potion de Vitesse s'est Terminée",
- "DeathpactDuration": "Durée du Pacte Mortel",
- "DeathPactCooldown": "Rechargement d'Assignation du Pacte Mortel",
- "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "Nombre de Joueurs avec le Pacte Mortel",
- "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "Afficher les Flèches menant aux autres Joueurs avec le Pacte Mortel",
- "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "Réduire la Vision des joueurs avec le Pacte Mortel",
- "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "Vision pour les joueurs avec le Pacte Mortel",
- "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "Exécuter les Joueurs avec le Pacte Mortel lors d'une Réunion",
- "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "Les joueurs avec un Pacte Mortel Actif peuvent Convoquer une Réunion",
+ "DeathpactDuration": "Deathpact Duration",
+ "DeathPactCooldown": "Deathpact Assign Cooldown",
+ "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "Number of players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "Show arrows leading to other players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "Reduce vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "Vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "Kill players in Deathpact on meeting",
+ "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "Players in active Deathpact can call meeting",
"DeathpactActiveDeathpact": "Trouve {0} en {1} secondes.",
- "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "La Cible ne peut pas être ajoutée au Pacte Mortel.",
- "DeathpactComplete": "Le Pacte Mortel a été conclu.",
- "DeathpactExecuted": "Le Pacte Mortel a été Exécuté.",
- "DeathpactAverted": "Le Pacte Mortel a été Évité.",
+ "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "Target can't be added to Deathpact.",
+ "DeathpactComplete": "Deathpact was concluded.",
+ "DeathpactExecuted": "Deathpact was executed.",
+ "DeathpactAverted": "Deathpact was averted.",
"DeathpactButtonText": "Assigner",
"DevourerHideNameConsumed": "Cacher le nom des joueurs Dévorés",
"DevourCooldown": "Rechargement pour Dévorer",
@@ -3167,7 +3354,6 @@
"PitfallTrapCauseVisionTime": "Durée de la Vision affectée par le Piège",
"PitfallTrap": "Tu es Tombé dans un Piège !",
"ConsigliereDivinationMaxCount": "Nombre maximal de Révélations",
- "RitualMaxCount": "Maximum Reveals",
"CleanserHideVote": "Cacher le Vote du Purificateur",
"OracleSkillLimit": "Nombre maximal d'Utilisations",
"OracleHideVote": "Cacher le Vote de l'Oracle",
@@ -3175,17 +3361,18 @@
"OracleCheckSelfMsg": "Tu ne peux même pas te faire confiance, hein ?",
"OracleCheckLimit": "Rappel : Il te reste {0} utilisations.",
"OracleCheckMsgTitle": "ORACLE",
- "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "Appears not to be a crewmate",
- "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "Semble être un Coéquipier",
- "OracleCheck.Neutral": "Semble être un Neutre",
+ "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "Appears not to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "Appears to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Neutral": "Appears to be a Neutral",
"OracleCheck.Impostor": "Semble être un Imposteur",
+ "OracleCheck.Coven": "Appears to be Coven",
"OracleCheck": "Résultats de la Cible :",
"FailChance": "Risque de montrer un résultat incorrect",
- "OracleCheckAddons": "L'Oracle Vérifie les Modifieurs",
+ "OracleCheckAddons": "Oracle checks Add-ons",
"ChameleonCanVent": "Évacue pour se Déguiser",
"ChameleonInvisState": "Tu te Déguises !",
"ChameleonInvisStateOut": "Ton Déguisement est terminé",
- "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "La Capacité est toujours en Rechargement, le Déguisement a échoué",
+ "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, disguise failed",
"ChameleonInvisStateCountdown": "Le Déguisement expirera dans {0}s",
"ChameleonInvisCooldownRemain": "Rechargement du Déguisement : {0}s",
"ChameleonCooldown": "Rechargement du Déguisement",
@@ -3200,11 +3387,12 @@
"CursedSoulCurseCooldownIncrese": "Augmentation du Rechargement d'Arrachage d'Âme",
"CursedSoulCurseMax": "Nombre maximal d'Âmes Arrachées",
"CursedSoulKnowTargetRole": "Connaît les Rôles des joueurs Sans Âme",
- "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "Les Rôles Neutres ont des Âmes",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "Neutral roles have Souls",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseCoven": "Coven roles have Souls",
"CursedSoulKillButtonText": "Arracher",
- "SoullessByCursedSoul": "A Cursed Soul snatched your soul",
+ "SoullessByCursedSoul": "A Cursed Soul snatched your Soul",
"CursedSoulSoullessPlayer": "Âme Arrachée",
- "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "Aucune Âme Trouvée",
+ "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "No Soul found",
"AdmireCooldown": "Rechargement d'Admiration",
"AdmirerKnowTargetRole": "Connaît le Rôle des joueurs Admirés",
"AdmirerSkillLimit": "Limite d'utilisations de la Capacité",
@@ -3213,7 +3401,7 @@
"AdmiredPlayer": "Joueur Admiré",
"AdmirerInvalidTarget": "La Cible ne peut pas être Admirée",
"SpiritualistNoticeTitle": "SPIRITUALISTE ",
- "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "Le Spiritualiste a une Flèche qui pointe vers toi !\nTu peut l'utiliser pour l'amener à un Exécuteur ou Piéger un Coéquipier",
+ "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "The Spiritualist has an arrow pointing to you!\nYou can use them to a killer or frame a Crewmate",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowForSeconds": "Durée de la Flèche vers le Fantôme",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowEverySeconds": "Intervalle de la Flèche vers le Fantôme",
"EnigmaClueStage1Tasks": "Nombre de Tâches à Accomplir pour Voir les Indices de l'Étape 1",
@@ -3251,11 +3439,12 @@
"EnigmaClueRole2": "L'Exécuteur est Neutre !",
"EnigmaClueRole3": "L'Exécuteur est un Coéquipier !",
"EnigmaClueRole4": "Le Rôle de l'Exécuteur est {0} !",
+ "EnigmaClueRole5": "The Killer is a Coven member!",
"EnigmaClueLevel1": "Le Niveau de l'Exécuteur est supérieur à 50 !",
"EnigmaClueLevel2": "Le Niveau de l'Exécuteur est inférieur à 50 !",
"EnigmaClueLevel3": "Le Niveau de l'Exécuteur est compris entre {0} et {1} !",
"EnigmaClueLevel4": "Le Niveau de l'Exécuteur est {0} !",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "Le Code Ami de l'Exécuteur est {0} !",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "The Killer's Friend Code is {0}!",
"EnigmaClueHatTitle": "Indice du Chapeau !",
"EnigmaClueVisorTitle": "Indice de la Visière !",
"EnigmaClueSkinTitle": "Indice sur l'Apparence !",
@@ -3267,10 +3456,11 @@
"EnigmaClueStatusTitle": "Indice du Status !",
"EnigmaClueRoleTitle": "Indice du Rôle !",
"EnigmaClueLevelTitle": "Indice du Niveau !",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "Indice du Code Ami !",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "Enigma Friend Code Clue!",
"ImpCanBeRole": "Impostors can become {role}",
"CrewCanBeRole": "Crewmates can become {role}",
"NeutralCanBeRole": "Neutrals can become {role}",
+ "CovenCanBeRole": "Coven can become {role}",
"VotesPerKill": "Votes Gagnés pour chaque Exécution",
"PickpocketGetVote": "Tu as {0} Votes",
"VultureArrowsPointingToDeadBody": "Flèches pointant vers les Cadavres",
@@ -3281,7 +3471,7 @@
"VultureMaxEatenInOneRound": "Nombre maximal de Cadavres Dévorés par Manche",
"VultureCooldownUp": "Le Rechargement pour Dévorer est terminé",
"GhastlyPossessCD": "Possess Cooldown",
- "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "Max Possessions",
+ "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "Maximum Possessions",
"GhastlyPossessionDuration": "Possession Duration",
"GhastlySpeed": "Ghastly Speed",
"GhastlyKillAllies": "Ghastly cannot possess allies",
@@ -3294,7 +3484,7 @@
"GhastlyExpired": "{0} is no longer possessed",
"TasksMarkPerRound": "Nombre de Tâches pouvant être Marquées en une seule Manche",
"TaskinatorBombPlanted": "La Bombe été Posée",
- "ShieldDuration": "Durée du Bouclier",
+ "ShieldDuration": "Shield Duration",
"ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "Le Bouclier se Brise après une tentative d'Exécution",
"BenefactorTaskMarked": "La Tâche a bien été Marquée",
"BenefactorTargetGotShield": "You got a shield by Benefactor",
@@ -3316,14 +3506,14 @@
"Heads": "Face",
"Tails": "Pile",
"SpyRedNameDur": "Durée du Nom de Coloré",
- "SpyInteractionBlocked": "Blocage de l'Interaction du Bouton d'Exécution",
- "AgitaterBombCooldown": "Rechargement de Bombardement de l'Agitateur",
- "AgitaterPassCooldown": "Rechargement pour Passer la Bombe",
- "BombExplodeCooldown": "Rechargement d'Explosion de la Bombe",
+ "SpyInteractionBlocked": "Block Kill button interaction",
+ "AgitaterBombCooldown": "Agitator Bomb Cooldown",
+ "AgitaterPassCooldown": "Bomb Pass Cooldown",
+ "BombExplodeCooldown": "Bomb Explode Cooldown",
"AgitaterPassNotify": "La Bombe a bien été Passée",
"AgitaterTargetNotify": "TU AS LA BOMBE ! Passe-la à quelqu'un d'autre",
"AgitaterCanGetBombed": "L'Agitateur peut avoir la Bombe",
- "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "L'Agitateur Auto-Signal l'Appât",
+ "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "Agitator can Auto Report Bait",
"SeekerPointsToWin": "Nombre de points nécessaires pour Gagner",
"SeekerTagCooldown": "Rechargement de Marquage",
"SeekerNotify": "Ta Cible est {0}",
@@ -3331,15 +3521,15 @@
"SeekerKillButtonText": "Tag",
"PixiePointsToWin": "Nombre de points requis pour Gagner",
"MaxTargets": "Nombre maximal de joueurs Marqués par Manche",
- "MarkCooldown": "Rechargement de Marquage",
+ "MarkCooldown": "Mark Cooldown",
"PixieSuicide": "Pixie suicides if the target is not voted out",
"PixieMaxTargetReached": "Tu as déjà Marqué tous les joueurs que tu pouvais Marquer cette Manche",
"PixieTargetAlreadySelected": "La Cible a déjà été choisie",
"PixieButtonText": "Marquer",
- "PlagueBearerCooldown": "Rechargement d'Empestation",
- "PlagueBearerCanVent": "Can vent",
+ "PlagueBearerCooldown": "Plague Cooldown",
+ "PlagueBearerCanVent": "Can Vent",
"PlagueBearerHasImpostorVision": "Has Impostor vision",
- "PestilenceCooldown": "Rechargement d'Exécution de la Peste",
+ "PestilenceCooldown": "Pestilence Kill Cooldown",
"PestilenceCanVent": "La Peste peut Évacuer",
"PestilenceHasImpostorVision": "La Peste a une Vision d'Imposteur",
"PestilenceKillGuessers": "Kill players who guess Pestilence",
@@ -3365,24 +3555,25 @@
"RomanticProtectButtonText": "Protect",
"GuessMasterMisguess": "{0} a mal Deviné",
"GuessMasterTargetRole": "Quelqu'un a essayé de Deviner {0}",
- "GuessMasterTitle": "Maitre Devin ",
+ "GuessMasterTitle": "GUESS MASTER ",
"DoomsayerAmountOfGuessesToWin": "Nombre de Rôles à Deviner pour Gagner",
"DCanGuessImpostors": "Peut Deviner les Imposteurs",
"DCanGuessCrewmates": "Peut Deviner les Coéquipiers",
"DCanGuessNeutrals": "Peut Deviner les Neutres",
+ "DCanGuessCoven": "Can Guess Coven",
"DCanGuessAdt": "Peut Deviner les Modifieurs",
"DoomsayerAdvancedSettings": "Réglages Avancés",
- "DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "Nombre maximal de tentatives pour Deviner par Réunion",
+ "DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "Maximum number of guesses per meeting",
"DoomsayerKillCorrectlyGuessedPlayers": "Exécuter les joueurs ayant été Deviné correctement",
"DoomsayerDoesNotSuicideWhenMisguessing": "Le Catastrophiste ne se Suicide pas lorsqu'il Devine mal",
"DoomsayerMisguessRolePrevGuessRoleUntilNextMeeting": "Se Tromper de Rôle Empêche de Deviner les Rôles jusqu'à la prochaine Réunion",
"DoomsayerTryHideMsg": "Cacher les commandes du Catastrophiste",
"DoomsayerCantGuess": "Désolé, tu ne peut Deviner les Rôles que lors de la prochaine Réunion.",
"DoomsayerCorrectlyGuessRole": "Tu as correctement Deviné le Rôle !\nMais le joueur n'est pas Mort, car les Réglages de l'Hôte ne lui permettent pas de Mourir.",
- "DoomsayerNotCorrectlyGuessRole": "Tu n'as pas correctement Deviné le Rôle !\nMais tu n'es pas Mort car les Réglages de l'Hôte ne te permettent pas de Mourir.",
- "DoomsayerGuessCountMsg": "Tu as correctement Deviné les Rôles de {0}",
+ "DoomsayerNotCorrectlyGuessRole": "You didn't correctly guess the Role!\nBut you didn't die because the Host's settings don't allow you to die",
+ "DoomsayerGuessCountMsg": "You correctly guessed {0} Roles",
"DoomsayerGuessCountTitle": "CATASTROPHISTE",
- "DoomsayerGuessSameRoleAgainMsg": "Tu as essayé de Deviner le même Rôle ou Modifieurs que tu as Devinés auparavant",
+ "DoomsayerGuessSameRoleAgainMsg": "You tried to guess the same Role or Add-on that you guessed before",
"EveryoneCanKnowMini": "Tout le monde peut voir le Gamin",
"CanBeEvil": "Le Gamin peut être Imposteur",
"EvilMiniSpawnChances": "Probabilité que le Gamin soit Imposteur",
@@ -3410,26 +3601,26 @@
"YouKillRandomizer3": "Tu as Exécuté le Hasardeux, ton temps de récupération est de 600s!",
"YouKillRandomizer4": "Tu as Exécuté le Hasardeux, tu Venges un joueur Aléatoire !",
"MadmateCanBeHurried": "Le Complice peut être Pressé en début de partie",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeHurried": "Task-based Crews can be Hurried",
- "HurriedCanBeConverted": "Hurried can be recruited in the game (excludes madmate)",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeHurried": "Task-based Crewmates can be Hurried",
+ "HurriedCanBeConverted": "Hurried can be recruited in the game (excludes Madmate)",
"Developer": "Développeur",
"Sponsor": "Sponsor",
"Booster": "Amplificateur de Serveur",
"Translator": "Traducteur",
"NoAccess": "Accès non autorisé !\n\n Merci d'ouvrir un ticket dans le serveur discord pour en savoir plus (discord.gg/tohe)",
"DCNotify.Hacking": "Tu as été Banni pour Piratage Informatique.",
- "DCNotify.Banned": "Tu as été Banni de ce Salon.\nContacte l'Hôte s'il s'agit d'une erreur.",
+ "DCNotify.Banned": "You were banned from this lobby.\n\nContact the Host if this was a mistake.",
"DCNotify.Kicked": "Tu as été Exclu de ce Salon.\nTu peux toujours rejoindre.",
"DCNotify.DCFromServer": "Tu t'es déconnecté du serveur.\nCela peut être un problème avec les serveurs ou ton réseau.",
"DCNotify.GameNotFound": "Le Code de ce Salon n'est pas valide.\nVérifie le Code et/ou le serveur et réessaie.",
"DCNotify.GameStarted": "Ce Salon est actuellement en jeu.\nAttend qu'il se termine ou trouve un autre Salon.",
- "DCNotify.GameFull": "Ce Salon est actuellement plein.\nVérifie auprès de l'Hôte si tu peux le rejoindre.",
+ "DCNotify.GameFull": "This lobby is currently full.\n\nCheck with the Host to see if you may join.",
"DCNotify.IncorrectVersion": "Ce Salon n'est pas compatible avec ta version d'Among Us.",
"DCNotify.Inactivity": "Le Salon est fermé pour cause d'Inactivité.",
"DCNotify.Auth": "Tu n'es pas authentifié.\n\nTu devrais peut-être redémarrer ton jeu.",
"DCNotify.DupeLogin": "Une instance de ton compte est déjà présente dans ce Salon.",
"DCNotify.InvalidSettings": "Les Réglages du Jeu ont été détectés comme étant Invalides.\n\nEntre dans une Partie Locale pour les Réinitialiser, puis réessaie.",
- "ModeDescribe.SoloKombat": "Le mode actuel est [JCJ Solitaire]\nPas de Rôle assigné. Tout le monde a des PV et peut utiliser le Bouton d'Exécution pour infliger des dégâts aux autres joueurs. Le joueur avec le plus grand nombre d'Exécutions Gagne à la fin de la Partie.",
+ "ModeDescribe.SoloKombat": "Current Gamemode is [Solo PVP]\nNo role assignment. Everyone has HP and can use the Kill button to cause damage to other players. The player with the highest number of kills wins at the end of the game.",
"RoleType.VanillaRoles": "★ Rôles Classiques",
"RoleType.ImpKilling": "★ Rôles Imposteurs Exécuteurs",
"RoleType.ImpSupport": "★ Rôles Imposteurs Soutiens",
@@ -3448,6 +3639,10 @@
"RoleType.NeutralChaos": "★ Rôles Neutres Perturbateurs",
"RoleType.NeutralKilling": "★ Rôles Neutres Exécuteurs",
"RoleType.NeutralApocalypse": "★ Neutral Apocalypse Roles /apocalypseinfo",
+ "RoleType.CovenPower": "★ Coven Power Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenKilling": "★ Coven Killing Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenTrickery": "★ Coven Trickery Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenUtility": "★ Coven Utility Roles",
"RoleType.Harmful": "★ Modifieurs Nocifs",
"RoleType.Support": "★ Modifieurs Soutiens",
"RoleType.Helpful": "★ Modifieurs Utiles",
@@ -3456,7 +3651,7 @@
"RoleType.Impostor": "★ Modifieurs d'Imposteurs",
"RoleType.Guesser": "★ Guesser Add-ons",
"RoleType.Neut": "★ Modifieurs de Neutres",
- "RoleType.Experimental": "★ Experimental Addons (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
+ "RoleType.Experimental": "★ Experimental Add-ons (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
"SubType.Impostor": "★ Imposteurs",
"SubType.Shapeshifter": "★ Métamorphes",
"SubType.SemiShapeshifter": "★ Semi-Métamorphes",
@@ -3467,10 +3662,12 @@
"CrewmateRoles": "★ Rôles de Coéquipier ★",
"ImpostorRoles": "★ Rôles d'Imposteur ★",
"NeutralRoles": "★ Rôles de Neutre ★",
+ "CovenRoles": "★ Coven Roles ★",
"AddonRoles": "★ Modifieurs ★",
"WinnerRoleText.Impostor": "Les Imposteurs Gagnent !",
"WinnerRoleText.Crewmate": "Les Coéquipiers Gagnent !",
"WinnerRoleText.Apocalypse": "Apocalypse Wins!",
+ "WinnerRoleText.Coven": "Coven Wins!",
"WinnerRoleText.Terrorist": "Terroriste gagne !",
"WinnerRoleText.Jester": "Le Bouffon Gagne !",
"WinnerRoleText.Lovers": "Les Amoureux Gagnent !",
@@ -3557,25 +3754,26 @@
"ForceEndText": "L'Hôte a Interrompu le Jeu",
"NiceMiniDied": "Le Bon Gamin a été Exécuté",
"HaterMisFireKillTarget": "Hater kills target when misfiring",
- "HaterChooseConverted": "Select add-ons that Hater can kill",
- "HaterCanKillMadmate": "Peut Exécuter un Complice",
- "HaterCanKillCharmed": "Peut Exécuter les Charmés",
- "HaterCanKillLovers": "Peut Exécuter les Amoureux",
- "HaterCanKillSidekick": "Peut Exécuter l'Équipe du Chacal",
- "HaterCanKillEgoist": "Peut Exécuter l'Égoïste",
- "HaterCanKillInfected": "Peut Exécuter l'équipe des Infectés",
- "HaterCanKillContagious": "Peut Exécuter l'équipe du Virus",
- "HaterCanKillAdmired": "Peut Exécuter l'Admirateur",
+ "HaterChooseConverted": "Select Add-ons that Hater can kill",
+ "HaterCanKillMadmate": "Can kill Madmate",
+ "HaterCanKillCharmed": "Can kill Charmed",
+ "HaterCanKillLovers": "Can kill Lovers",
+ "HaterCanKillSidekick": "Can kill Jackal team",
+ "HaterCanKillEgoist": "Can kill Egoist",
+ "HaterCanKillInfected": "Can kill Infected team",
+ "HaterCanKillContagious": "Can kill Virus team",
+ "HaterCanKillAdmired": "Can kill Admirer",
+ "HaterCanKillEnchanted": "Can kill Enchanted",
"HorseMode": "Activer pour devenir un Cheval",
"LongMode": "Activer les longs cous",
"InfluencedChangeVote": "Oups ! Tu es Influencé par les autres !\nTu ne peux pas contenir la peur d'avoir changé ton Vote pour {0} !",
"FFA": "Chacun Pour Soi !",
"ModeFFA": "Mode de Jeu : CPS",
- "ModeDescribe.FFA": "In the FFA (Free For All) gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
- "KillerInfoLong": "In the FFA (Free For All) game mode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
+ "ModeDescribe.FFA": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
+ "KillerInfoLong": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
"FFA_GameTime": "Durée maximale de la Partie",
"FFA_KCD": "Rechargement d'Exécution",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "Empêche d'Évacuer quand il ne reste que 2 joueurs",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "Prevent Venting when only 2 players are alive",
"FFA_EnableRandomAbilities": "Activer les Évènements Aléatoires",
"FFA_ShieldDuration": "Durée du Bouclier",
"FFA_IncreasedSpeed": "Vitesse Augmentée",
@@ -3586,15 +3784,15 @@
"FFA_EnableRandomTwists": "Activer l'Échange périodique d'emplacements des Joueurs",
"FFA-Event-GetShield": "Tu as un Bouclier Temporaire !",
"FFA-Event-GetIncreasedSpeed": "Tu as temporairement une Vitesse Accrue !",
- "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "Exécuter cette personne te remplit de détermination, tu as un Rechargement d'Exécution plus court !",
- "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "Tu regrettes d'avoir Exécuté cette personne, tu as un Rechargement d'Exécution plus long !",
+ "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "You got a lower Kill Cooldown!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "You got a higher Kill Cooldown",
"FFA-Event-GetLowVision": "Tu as une Vision réduite temporairement",
"FFA-Event-GetDecreasedSpeed": "Tu as temporairement une Vitesse Diminuée",
- "FFA-Event-GetTP": "Tu as été Téléporté à une Évacuation au hasard !",
+ "FFA-Event-GetTP": "You got teleported to a random Vent!",
"FFA-Event-RandomTP": "Tout le monde a échangé avec quelqu'un",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "Il ne reste que deux personnes en Vie, arrête de te Cacher dans les Évacuations !",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "Ton Exécution est Rechargée, ne te Cache pas dans les Évacuations !",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "Empêche les joueurs ayant l'Exécution Rechargé d'Évacuer",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "There are only 2 players alive, stop hiding in Vents!",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "Your kill Cooldown is up, don't hide in Vents!",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "Prevent players whose Kill Cooldown is up from Venting",
"FFA_TargetIsShielded": "Le joueur que tu as tenté d'Exécuter a un Bouclier !",
"FFA_ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "Les Boucliers se Brisent après avoir résisté à 1 Exécution",
"FFA_ShieldBroken": "Quelqu'un a Brisé ton Bouclier !",
@@ -3604,15 +3802,15 @@
"MenuTitle.Hide&Seek": "Réglages de Cache-Cache",
"NumImpostorsHnS": "Numéro d'Imposteurs",
"EveryOneKnowSolsticer": "Tout le monde sait qui est le Solsticien",
- "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "Solsticer knows the role of whom used the kill button on it",
+ "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "Solsticer knows the role of whom used the Kill button on it",
"SolsticerSpeed": "Vitesse de Déplacement du Solsticien",
"SolsticerRemainingTaskWarned": "Tâches restantes pour être connu",
"SAddTasksPreDeadPlayer": "Combien de Tâches courtes supplémentaires le Solsticien obtient lorsqu'un joueur Meurt",
"SolsticerMurdered": "{0} a tenté de te Tuer !",
"MurderSolsticer": "Tu as arrêté le Solsticien cette Manche !",
- "SolsticerMurderMessage": "{0} a utilisé son Bouton d'Exécution sur toi la Manche dernière ! Son Rôle est {1} !",
+ "SolsticerMurderMessage": "{0} used Kill button on you last round! Its role is {1}!",
"SolsticerOnMeeting": "Tu as été témoin de trop de Morts ! Au prochain tour, tu auras {0} Tâches courtes supplémentaires !",
- "SolsticerTitle": "Solsticien",
+ "SolsticerTitle": "SOLSTICER",
"GuessSolsticer": "Désolé, mais tu ne peux pas Deviner le Solsticen !",
"ExpelSolsticer": "Sorry, but you can not expel Solsticer!",
"SolsticerTasksReset": "Tes Tâches ont été réinitialisées !",
@@ -3623,10 +3821,10 @@
"Contributor": "Contributeur",
"dbConnect.InitFailure": "Erreur en se Connectant à l'API TOHE, s'il te plaît Vérifie ta Connexion et réessaie de te Connecter !",
"dbConnect.InitFailurePublic": "Error while connecting to TOHE API, this could be caused by your internet connection. And so Sponsor+ perks are not available, you may continue to play as usual without these.",
- "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "Cette Version de TOHE est disponible pour les utilisateurs sans Code d'Ami !",
+ "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "This build of TOHE is not available to users with no Friend Code!",
"Quizmaster": "Questionneur",
"QuizmasterInfo": "Questionne les personnes pour les Exécuter pendant les Réunions",
- "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Quizmaster, you can mark a player using your kill button. In the next meeting, the marked player will have \"?!\" next to their name. The player will die if they answer the question wrong or doesn't answer. The player will live if the Quizmaster is killed/ejected in the same meeting.\nThe Quizmaster cannot mark multiple people in the same round",
+ "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Quizmaster, you can mark a player using your Kill button. In the next meeting, the marked player will have \"?!\" next to their name. The player will die if they answer the question wrong or doesn't answer. The player will live if the Quizmaster is killed/ejected in the same meeting.\nThe Quizmaster cannot mark multiple people in the same round",
"QuizmasterKillButtonText": "Questionner",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedBy": "Tu as été Marqué par le Questionneur\nPour survivre tu dois Répondre correctement à cette Question :",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedPublic": "{QMTARGET} a été Marqué par le Questionneur\nPour survivre {QMTARGET} doit Répondre correctement à sa Question !",
@@ -3639,13 +3837,14 @@
"QuizmasterChat.WrongPublic": "{QMTARGET} a Mal Répondu à la Question du Questionneuret est Mort !\nMéfie-toi du Questionneur !",
"QuizmasterChat.Marked": "You've marked {QMTARGET}\nIf {QMTARGET} doesn't answer by the end of the meeting or answer wrong {QMTARGET} will die\n\nQuestion for {QMTARGET} => {QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.Title": "Information du Questionneur",
- "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "As the quizmaster, you can't answer questions",
+ "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "As the Quizmaster, you can't answer questions",
"QuizmasterChat.AnswerNotValid": "Your answer must be A, B, or C",
"QuizmasterChat.SyntaxNotValid": "Utilisation :\n/answer [A/B/C]",
- "QuizmasterSettings.QuestionDifficulty": "Difficulté de Question",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "Peut Évacuer après avoir Marqué quelqu'un pour le Questionner",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "Peut Exécuter après avoir Marqué quelqu'un pour le Questionner",
- "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "Nombre d'Exécutions par Manche",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MinQuestionDifficulty": "Minimum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MaxQuestionDifficulty": "Maximum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "Can Vent After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "Can Kill After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "How Many Kills per Round",
"QuizmasterSettings.CanGiveQuestionsAboutPastGames": "Peut poser des Questions à propos des Parties passées",
"Quizmaster.None": "Aucun",
"QuizmasterSabotages.Lights": "Lumières",
@@ -3673,8 +3872,16 @@
"QuizmasterAnswers.Experimental": "Expérimental",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Enhanced": "Enhanced",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Edited": "Edited",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "Quel Sabotage a été fait en Dernier ?",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "Quel est le Premier Sabotage fait pendant cette Manche ?",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Impostor": "Impostor",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Neutral": "Neutral",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Crewmate": "Crewmate",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Addon": "Add-on",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Shapeshifter": "Shapeshifter",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Scientist": "Scientist",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Engineer": "Engineer",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.GuardianAngel": "GuardianAngel",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "What was the Sabotage was called last?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "What was the first Sabotage called this round?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastEjectedPlayerColor": "Quelle était la Couleur du dernier Joueur Éjecté ?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastReportPlayerColor": "Quelle est la Couleur du Cadavre qui a été Signalé avant cette Réunion ?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastButtonPressedPlayerColor": "Who called the last meeting before this meeting?",
@@ -3684,17 +3891,25 @@
"QuizmasterQuestions.FactionOfRole": "Quelle est l'Équipe du Rôle {QMRole}?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.FactionRemovedName": "Quelle équipe aurait dû être dans le jeu mais a été supprimé dans une mise à jour?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyDiedFirstRound": "Combien de personnes sont Mortes pendant la première Manche ?",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.ButtonPressedBefore": "Combien de personnes ont appuyé sur le Bouton d'Urgence avant cette Réunion ?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.ButtonPressedBefore": "How many people pressed the Emergency button before this meeting?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.WhatDoesEOgMeansInName": "Que veut dire le E de TOHE à l'origine ?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieReason": "Quelle est la cause de la Morte de {PLR} ?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieMethod": "Comment {PLR} est Mort ?",
- "LastAddedRoleForKarped": "Quel est le dernier Rôle Ajouté à TOHE avant que KARPED1EM parte ?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastAddedRoleForKarped": "What was the last role added to TOHE before KARPED1EM stepped down?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieFaction": "Quelle Équipe a Exécuté {PLR} ?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.QuizmasterCooldown": "What will Quizmaster's cooldown always be? (excluding first kill override and changes from other Roles/Add-ons)",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoCoded": "Who coded Quizmaster?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoOwns": "Who owns The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEPartners": "Who are The Enhanced Network's partners?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEEventCoordinator": "Who is the Event Coordinator for The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyCats": "How many Cat related roles are in the Mod?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.GuessingCommand": "What does /bt actually mean?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.NotFromTOS2": "Which of these roles are NOT from Town of Salem 2?",
"DeathReason.WrongAnswer": "Mauvaise Réponse à la Question",
"TPCooldown": "Rechargement de Téléportation",
- "RiftsTooClose": "Cet endroit est trop proche de la première Faille",
+ "RiftsTooClose": "Location too close to the first Rift",
"RiftCreated": "La Faille a bien été Faite",
- "RiftsDestroyed": "Toutes les Failles ont été Détruites",
+ "RiftsDestroyed": "All Rifts destroyed",
"RiftRadius": "Rayon de la Faille",
"TiredVision": "Vision en étant Épuisé",
"TiredSpeed": "Vitesse en étant Épuisé",
@@ -3718,7 +3933,7 @@
"ShockerAbilityCooldown": "Ability Cooldown",
"ShockerAbilityDuration": "Ability Duration",
"ShockerAbilityPerRound": "Abilities Per Round",
- "ShockerShockInVents": "Shock people in vents",
+ "ShockerShockInVents": "Shock people in Vents",
"ShockerAbilityResetAfterMeeting": "Reset marked rooms after meeting",
"ShockerOutsideRadius": "Radius Of Outside Tasks (not in a room)",
"ShockerCanShockHimself": "Can Shock Himself",
@@ -3731,13 +3946,13 @@
"EavesdropperMsgTitle": "You found a secret",
"EavesdropPercentChance": "Chance to eavesdrop",
"PreventSeeRolesBeforeSkillUsedUp": "Prevent seeing others roles before skill used up",
- "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "Cooldown for recruiting sheriffs",
- "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "Can recruit Impostor or Neutral",
- "SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "You recruited a sheriff.",
- "BeSheriffByPolice": "You've been recruited by the police chief! Serve the crew!",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "Cooldown for recruiting Sheriffs",
+ "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "Can recruit non-Crewmates",
+ "SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "You recruited a Sheriff.",
+ "BeSheriffByPolice": "You've been recruited by the Police Chief! Serve the Crewmates!",
"PoliceFailedRecruit": "Failed to recruit target.",
"ChiefOfPoliceKillButtonText": "Recruitment",
- "PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "Prevent recruit players without kill button",
- "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "Suicides when recruit a non killer or non crewmate",
- "PolicPassConverted": "Can pass Converted Addon to Sheriff"
+ "PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "Prevent recruit players without Kill button",
+ "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "Suicides when recruit a non-Killer or non-Crewmate",
+ "PolicPassConverted": "Can pass Converted Add-on to Sheriff"
diff --git a/Resources/Lang/it_IT.json b/Resources/Lang/it_IT.json
index 19d2b673b..df8126744 100644
--- a/Resources/Lang/it_IT.json
+++ b/Resources/Lang/it_IT.json
@@ -14,22 +14,26 @@
"Website": "Sito web",
"PlayerNameForRoleInfo": "Ciao {0}, il tuo ruolo è:- \n",
"HostIconInMeeting": "HOST: {0}",
+ "ModdedClient": "Client Moddato",
"SubText.GM": "Goditi il caos!",
"SubText.Crewmate": "Trova ed espelli gli Impostori",
"SubText.Impostor": "Sabota e uccidi tutti",
"SubText.Neutral": "Lavora da solo per ottenere la tua vittoria",
"SubText.Apocalypse": "Diventa inarrestabile con la tua squadra",
+ "SubText.Coven": "Strega e uccidi tutti",
"SubText.Madmate": "Aiuta gli Impostori",
"SubText.Lovers": "Rimani in vita e vincete insieme",
"SubText.Egoist": "Vinci per conto tuo",
"TypeImpostor": "Impostori",
"TypeCrewmate": "Astronauti",
"TypeNeutral": "Neutrali",
+ "TypeCoven": "Congrega",
"TypeAddon": "Modificatori",
"GuesserMode": "Modalità Indovino",
"TeamImpostor": "Impostore",
"TeamNeutral": "Neutrale",
"TeamCrewmate": "Astronauta",
+ "TeamCoven": "Congrega",
"TeamMadmate": "Follenauta",
"TeamLovers": "Amanti",
"TeamEgoist": "Egoista",
@@ -37,6 +41,7 @@
"YouAreCrewmate": "Sei un Astronauta",
"YouAreImpostor": "Sei un Impostore",
"YouAreNeutral": "Sei un Neutrale",
+ "YouAreCoven": "Sei un membro della Congrega",
"YouAreMadmate": "Sei un Follenauta",
"Role_Crewmate": "Astronauta",
"Role_Jester": "Giullare",
@@ -63,12 +68,14 @@
"ImpostorsCanGuess": "Gli Impostori possono indovinare",
"NeutralKillersCanGuess": "Gli Assassini Neutrali possono indovinare",
"NeutralApocalypseCanGuess": "Neutrali dell'Apocalisse possono indovinare",
+ "CovenCanGuess": "Coven can guess",
"PassiveNeutralsCanGuess": "I Passivi Neutrali possono indovinare",
"CanGuessAddons": "Può Indovinare i Modificatori",
- "ShowOnlyEnabledRolesInGuesserUI": "Mostra solo i ruoli attivati nell'interfaccia dell'indovino",
- "CrewCanGuessCrew": "Gli Astronauti possono indovinare il ruolo degli Astronauti",
- "ImpCanGuessImp": "Gli Impostori possono indovinare il ruolo degli Impostori",
- "ApocCanGuessApoc": "Neutrali dell'Apocalisse possono indovinare Neutrali dell'Apocalisse",
+ "ShowOnlyEnabledRolesInGuesserUI": "Show Only Enabled Roles in Guesser UI",
+ "CrewCanGuessCrew": "Crewmates can Guess Crewmate Roles",
+ "ImpCanGuessImp": "Impostors can Guess Impostor Roles",
+ "ApocCanGuessApoc": "Neutral Apocalypse can Guess Neutral Apocalypse Roles",
+ "CovenCanGuessCoven": "Coven Can Guess Coven Roles",
"GuessImmune": "Spiacenti, ma il bersaglio non può essere indovinato!",
"GM": "Game Master",
"Sunnyboy": "Sunnyboy",
@@ -287,7 +294,6 @@
"Vulture": "Avvoltoio",
"Taskinator": "Incaricator",
"Benefactor": "Benefattore",
- "Medusa": "Medusa",
"Spiritcaller": "Invocatore di spiriti",
"Amnesiac": "Amnesiaco",
"Imitator": "Imitatore",
@@ -305,12 +311,21 @@
"Romantic": "Romantico",
"VengefulRomantic": "Romantico Vendicatore",
"RuthlessRomantic": "Romantico Spietato",
+ "Wraith": "Spirito",
"Poisoner": "Avvelenatore",
+ "Medusa": "Medusa",
"HexMaster": "Fattucchiere",
- "Wraith": "Spirito",
"Jinx": "Iettatore",
"PotionMaster": "Maestro delle Pozioni",
"Necromancer": "Necromante",
+ "CovenLeader": "Coven Leader",
+ "Ritualist": "Ritualist",
+ "Conjurer": "Conjurer",
+ "Dreamweaver": "Dreamweaver",
+ "Illusionist": "Illusionist",
+ "VoodooMaster": "Voodoo Master",
+ "Sacrifist": "Sacrifist",
+ "MoonDancer": "Moon Dancer",
"Warden": "Guardiano",
"Minion": "Servitore",
"Ghastly": "Orrido",
@@ -363,6 +378,7 @@
"EvilSpirit": "Spirito Malvagio",
"Recruit": "Recluta",
"Admired": "Ammirato",
+ "Enchanted": "Enchanted",
"Glow": "Splendente",
"Radar": "Radar",
"Diseased": "Ammalato",
@@ -400,50 +416,50 @@
"ScientistTOHEInfo": "Accedi ai segni vitali quando vuoi",
"NoisemakerTOHEInfo": "Invia un avviso quando ucciso",
"TrackerTOHEInfo": "Tieni traccia dei giocatori con la tua mappa",
- "ShapeshifterTOHEInfo": "Camuffati assumendo l'aspetto di altri astronauti",
+ "ShapeshifterTOHEInfo": "Disguise as Crewmates to frame them",
"PhantomTOHEInfo": "Diventa Invisibile",
- "GuardianAngelTOHEInfo": "Proteggi gli astronauti dagli Impostori",
- "ImpostorTOHEInfo": "Uccidi e sabota",
+ "GuardianAngelTOHEInfo": "Protect the Crewmates from the Impostors",
+ "ImpostorTOHEInfo": "Sabota e uccidi tutti",
"CrewmateTOHEInfo": "Trova gli Impostori",
"BountyHunterInfo": "Elimina il tuo bersaglio",
"FireworkerInfo": "Esci di scena col BOTTO",
"MercenaryInfo": "Continua a uccidere, altrimenti ti suiciderai",
- "ShapeMasterInfo": "Uccidi velocemente senza ricarica mutazione",
+ "ShapeMasterInfo": "Swiftly kill with no Shapeshift Cooldown",
"VampireInfo": "Le tue uccisioni sono ritardate",
- "WarlockInfo": "Maledici gli astronauti poi mutati per farli uccidere",
- "NinjaInfo": "Segna un bersaglio, poi mutati per ucciderlo",
+ "WarlockInfo": "Curse Crewmates then Shift to make them kill",
+ "NinjaInfo": "Mark a target, then Shift to kill",
"ZombieInfo": "Sei molto lento",
"AnonymousInfo": "Obbliga un giocatore a segnalare un corpo",
- "MinerInfo": "Vai all'ultimo condotto utilizzato mutandoti",
- "KillingMachineInfo": "Puoi SOLO uccidere, ma con ricarica bassa",
+ "MinerInfo": "Warp to your last used Vent by Shifting",
+ "KillingMachineInfo": "You can ONLY kill, but low Cooldown",
"EscapistInfo": "Mutati per Segnare i luoghi e teletrasportati ad essi",
- "WitchInfo": "Incanta gli astronauti per ucciderli nelle riunioni",
+ "WitchInfo": "Spell Crewmates to kill them in meetings",
"NemesisInfo": "Uccidi quando sei l'ultimo impostore",
"BeforeNemesisInfo": "Non puoi ancora uccidere",
"AfterNemesisInfo": "Ora inizia a uccidere",
- "BloodmoonInfo": "Cerca di creare scompiglio tra gli astronauti",
- "PossessorInfo": "Possiedi e conduci gli astronauti lontani dagli altri",
+ "BloodmoonInfo": "Seek havoc upon the Crewmates",
+ "PossessorInfo": "Possess and lead Crewmates away from others",
"PuppeteerInfo": "Costringi i giocatori a uccidere per te",
"MastermindInfo": "Costringi gli altri a uccidere per te",
"TimeThiefInfo": "Uccidi per ridurre il tempo delle riunioni",
- "SniperInfo": "Cecchina i giocatori a distanza mutandoti",
+ "SniperInfo": "Snipe players from a distance by Shifting",
"UndertakerInfo": "Teletrasporta un cadavere alla posizione segnata",
"RiftMakerInfo": "Traccio due squarci, toccali per deformare lo spazio",
- "EvilTrackerInfo": "Mutati per tenere traccia dei giocatori",
+ "EvilTrackerInfo": "Track players by Shifting",
"EvilHackerInfo": "Hackera il sistema",
"AntiAdminerInfo": "Sai quando i giocatori sono vicini ai dispositivi",
- "ArroganceInfo": "Per ogni uccisione che fai, la tua ricarica si riduce",
+ "ArroganceInfo": "With each kill you make, your Cooldown decreases",
"BomberInfo": "Mutati per esplodere",
"TrapsterInfo": "Intrappola le tue uccisioni",
"ScavengerInfo": "Le tue uccisioni non sono segnalabili",
- "EvilGuesserInfo": "Indovina i ruoli degli astronauti nelle riunioni per ucciderli",
+ "EvilGuesserInfo": "Guess Crewmate roles in meetings to kill",
"GangsterInfo": "Converti i giocatori dalla tua parte",
"CleanerInfo": "Segnala i corpi per renderli non segnalabili",
"LightningInfo": "Converti i giocatori in Fantasmi Quantici",
- "GreedyInfo": "La tua ricarica uccisione cambia",
+ "GreedyInfo": "Your Kill Cooldown shifts",
"CursedWolfInfo": "Sopravvivi ad alcuni tentativi di uccisione",
- "SoulCatcherInfo": "Scambiati di posto con il tuo bersaglio di mutazione",
- "QuickShooterInfo": "Conserva le munizioni per compensare la ricarica uccisione",
+ "SoulCatcherInfo": "You swap places with your Shift target",
+ "QuickShooterInfo": "Store ammo to offset Kill Cooldown",
"CamouflagerInfo": "Camuffa tutti per uccisioni facili",
"EraserInfo": "Cancella il ruolo del bersaglio votato",
"ButcherInfo": "Goditi il mio bellissimo lavoro",
@@ -451,42 +467,42 @@
"SwooperInfo": "Diventa temporaneamente invisibile",
"CrewpostorInfo": "Uccidi completando gli incarichi",
"WildlingInfo": "Uccidi con forza e travestimenti",
- "TricksterInfo": "Uccidi e inganna gli astronauti",
+ "TricksterInfo": "Kill and trick the Crew",
"VindicatorInfo": "Usa i tuoi voti extra per uccidere tutti",
- "ParasiteInfo": "Aiuta gli Impostori a uccidere gli astronauti",
+ "ParasiteInfo": "Help the Impostors kill the Crew",
"DisperserInfo": "Teletrasporta tutti in condotti casuali",
- "InhibitorInfo": "Non puoi uccidere durante i sabotaggi",
- "SaboteurInfo": "Puoi uccidere solo durante i sabotaggi",
- "CouncillorInfo": "Uccidi gli astronauti durante le riunioni",
- "DazzlerInfo": "Riduci la visione degli astronauti",
- "DeathpactInfo": "Assegna i giocatori a un patto di morte",
- "DevourerInfo": "Consuma l'aspetto degli astronauti",
+ "InhibitorInfo": "You cannot kill during Sabotages",
+ "SaboteurInfo": "You can only kill during Sabotages",
+ "CouncillorInfo": "Kill off Crewmates during meetings",
+ "DazzlerInfo": "Reduce the vision of the Crew",
+ "DeathpactInfo": "Assign players to a deathpact",
+ "DevourerInfo": "Consume the skin of the Crew",
"ConsigliereInfo": "Scopri il ruolo degli altri giocatori",
- "MorphlingInfo": "Puoi uccidere solo quando sei mutato",
+ "MorphlingInfo": "You can only kill while Shapeshifted",
"TwisterInfo": "Scambia le posizioni di tutti i giocatori",
- "LurkerInfo": "Riduci la tua ricarica uccisione con i condotti",
+ "LurkerInfo": "Reduce your Kill Cooldown by venting",
"ConvictInfo": "Il tuo bersaglio è morto, ora aiuta gli Impostori",
"VisionaryInfo": "Vedi gli allineamenti dei vivi",
- "RefugeeInfo": "Aiuta gli Impostori a uccidere gli astronauti",
+ "RefugeeInfo": "Help the Impostors kill off the Crew",
"UnderdogInfo": "Inizia a uccidere con un numero basso di giocatori",
- "LudopathInfo": "La tua ricarica uccisione è casuale",
+ "LudopathInfo": "Your kill Cooldown is random",
"GodfatherInfo": "Converti i giocatori in Profughi con il voto",
"ChronomancerInfo": "Uccidi a raffica",
"PitfallInfo": "Posiziona trappole in giro per la mappa",
"EvilMiniInfo": "Nessuno può farti del male finché non cresci",
"BlackmailerInfo": "Silenzia gli altri giocatori",
- "InstigatorInfo": "Semina discordia tra gli astronauti",
+ "InstigatorInfo": "Sow discord among the Crewmates",
"LazyGuyInfo": "Sei troppo pigro",
"SuperStarInfo": "Tutti ti conoscono",
- "CleanserInfo": "Cancella tutti i modificatori al bersaglio del tuo voto",
- "KeeperInfo": "Rifiuta l'espulsione, Custode proteggi!",
+ "CleanserInfo": "Erase all Add-ons of your vote target",
+ "KeeperInfo": "Reject the eject, Keeper protect!",
"MayorInfo": "Il tuo voto conta molteplici volte",
"PsychicInfo": "Uno dei nomi rossi è malvagio",
- "MechanicInfo": "Usa i condotti e ripara i sabotaggi",
+ "MechanicInfo": "Vent around and fix Sabotages",
"SheriffInfo": "Spara agli Impostori",
"VigilanteInfo": "Non l'eroe che meritavamo, ma l'eroe di cui avevamo bisogno",
"JailerInfo": "Incarcera i giocatori sospetti",
- "CopyCatInfo": "Usa il pulsante uccidi per copiare il ruolo del bersaglio",
+ "CopyCatInfo": "Use your Kill button to copy a target's role",
"SnitchInfo": "Finisci i tuoi incarichi per scoprire gli Impostori",
"MarshallInfo": "Finisci i tuoi incarichi per provare la tua innocenza",
"DoctorInfo": "Scopri come è morto ogni giocatore",
@@ -499,31 +515,31 @@
"TransporterInfo": "Esegui incarichi per scambiare le posizioni di due giocatori",
"TimeManagerInfo": "Aumenta il tempo delle riunioni completando gli incarichi",
"VeteranInfo": "Entra in allerta per uccidere chiunque interagisca con te",
- "BastionInfo": "Bombarda i condotti",
+ "BastionInfo": "Bomb Vents",
"YinYangerInfo": "Brucia spontaneamente due giocatori",
"BodyguardInfo": "Previeni le uccisioni nelle vicinanze",
"DeceiverInfo": "Cerca d'ingannare i giocatori",
- "GrenadierInfo": "Riduci il campo visivo degli Impostori usando i condotti",
+ "GrenadierInfo": "Reduce Impostors' vision by Venting",
"MedicInfo": "Lancia uno scudo su un giocatore",
- "FortuneTellerInfo": "Ottieni indizi sui ruoli dei giocatori",
+ "FortuneTellerInfo": "Get clues to player's roles",
"JudgeInfo": "Silenzio in aula!",
"MorticianInfo": "Localizza i cadaveri",
"MediumInfo": "Parla coi fantasmi",
- "ObserverInfo": "Puoi vedere tutte le animazioni degli scudi",
- "PacifistInfo": "Usa i condotti per ripristinare le ricariche uccisione",
+ "ObserverInfo": "You can see all Shield Animations",
+ "PacifistInfo": "Vent to reset Kill Cooldowns",
"RebirthInfo": "Sorgi di Nuovo",
- "MonarchInfo": "Dai agli astronauti un potere di voto extra!",
+ "MonarchInfo": "Give your Crew extra voting power!",
"AbyssbringerInfo": "Piazza Buchi Neri",
- "SpurtInfo": "Corri Come Un Coniglio!",
- "StealthInfo": "Uccidere Acceca Tutti i Presenti nella Stanza",
+ "SpurtInfo": "Spring like a rabbit!",
+ "StealthInfo": "Killing blinds everyone in the room",
"PenguinInfo": "Trascina le tue vittime",
"OverseerInfo": "Svela il ruolo degli altri giocatori",
"CoronerInfo": "Trova i corpi e i loro assassini",
"PresidentInfo": "Sei a capo della riunione",
- "MerchantInfo": "Vendi modificatori e corrompi gli assassini",
- "RetributionistInfo": "Aiuta l'equipaggio dopo la tua morte",
+ "MerchantInfo": "Sell Add-ons and bribe killers",
+ "RetributionistInfo": "Help the Crewmates after you die",
"HawkInfo": "Cerca di uccidere i cattivi!",
- "DeputyInfo": "Ammanetta gli assassini per aumentare le loro ricariche",
+ "DeputyInfo": "Handcuff killers to increase their Cooldowns",
"InvestigatorInfo": "Trova potenziali malvagi",
"GuardianInfo": "Completa i tuoi incarichi per diventare immortale",
"AddictInfo": "Usa i condotti per diventare invulnerabile, o morirai",
@@ -534,12 +550,12 @@
"SpiritualistInfo": "Lasciati guidare dalla vita spettrale",
"ChameleonInfo": "Usa i condotti per confonderti con l'ambiente circostante",
"InspectorInfo": "Confronta l'allineamento di due giocatori",
- "CaptainInfo": "Naviga con il Capitano, per evitare che i modificatori vengano abbandonati.",
+ "CaptainInfo": "Sail with the Captain, lest Add-ons be abandoned.",
"AdmirerInfo": "Scegli un giocatore che passi dalla tua parte",
"TimeMasterInfo": "Riavvolgi il tempo!",
"CrusaderInfo": "Uccidi l'attaccante di un giocatore",
"AltruistInfo": "Revive a player\nVent to change between Revive and Report",
- "ReverieInfo": "Con ogni uccisione, la tua ricarica uccisione si riduce",
+ "ReverieInfo": "With each kill, your Cooldown decreases",
"LookoutInfo": "Guarda oltre i travestimenti",
"TelecommunicationInfo": "Rintraccia l'uso dei dispositivi",
"LighterInfo": "Scova gli assassini con il tuo campo visivo potenziato",
@@ -547,14 +563,14 @@
"WitnessInfo": "Scopri se qualcuno ha ucciso di recente",
"GhastlyInfo": "Controlla qualcuno!",
"SwapperInfo": "Scambia i voti di due giocatori",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "Assumi lo sceriffo per servire gli equipaggi!",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "Hire Sheriffs to serve the Crewmates!",
"NiceMiniInfo": "Nessuno può farti del male finché non cresci.",
"ArsonistInfo": "Innaffia tutti e infiamma",
"PyromaniacInfo": "Innaffia e uccidi tutti",
- "HuntsmanInfo": "Uccidi i tuoi bersagli per una ricarica ridotta",
+ "HuntsmanInfo": "Kill your targets for a low Cooldown",
"SpyInfo": "Sai chi interagisce con te",
"RandomizerInfo": "Sarai il peso di qualcuno quando morirai?",
- "EnigmaInfo": "Ottieni Indizi sugli Uccisori",
+ "EnigmaInfo": "Get clues about killers",
"JesterInfo": "Fatti espellere",
"OpportunistInfo": "Rimani in vita fino alla fine",
"TerroristInfo": "Finisci i tuoi incarichi, POI muori",
@@ -576,10 +592,10 @@
"BloodKnightInfo": "Uccidere ti dona uno scudo temporaneo",
"PlagueBearerInfo": "Infetta chiunque per diventare Pestilenza",
"PestilenceInfo": "Annienta tutti!",
- "SoulCollectorInfo": "Predici le morti per collezionare anime",
+ "SoulCollectorInfo": "Predict deaths to collect Souls",
"DeathInfo": "Metti in Atto l'Armageddon",
- "BakerInfo": "Dai da mangiare ai giocatori il pane per diventare carestia",
- "FamineInfo": "Fai morire tutti di fame",
+ "BakerInfo": "Feed players bread to become Famine",
+ "FamineInfo": "Starve everyone",
"BerserkerInfo": "Uccidi per aumentare il tuo livello",
"WarInfo": "Distruggi tutto",
"GlitchInfo": "Use le hack e uccidi tutti",
@@ -587,7 +603,7 @@
"FollowerInfo": "Segui un giocatore e aiutalo",
"CultistInfo": "Ammalia tutti",
"SerialKillerInfo": "Uccidi tutti per vincere!",
- "JuggernautInfo": "Con ogni uccisione, la tua ricarica diminuisce",
+ "JuggernautInfo": "With each kill, your Cooldown decreases",
"InfectiousInfo": "Infetta tutti",
"VirusInfo": "Uccidi e infetta tutti",
"PursuerInfo": "Proteggi te stesso e sopravvivi fino alla fine!",
@@ -603,38 +619,46 @@
"VultureInfo": "Mangia i cadaveri segnalandoli per vincere",
"TaskinatorInfo": "Incarichi silenziosi, esplosioni mortali",
"BenefactorInfo": "Incarico completato, scudo élite!",
- "MedusaInfo": "Stone bodies by reporting them",
+ "MedusaInfo": "Stop players in their tracks by Stoning them",
"SpiritcallerInfo": "Trasforma i giocatori in Spiriti Malvagi",
"AmnesiacInfo": "Ricorda il ruolo di un cadavere",
"ImitatorInfo": "Imita il ruolo di un giocatore",
- "BanditInfo": "Ruba il modificatore di un giocatore",
+ "BanditInfo": "Rob a player's Add-on",
"DoppelgangerInfo": "Sottrai l'identità del tuo bersaglio",
"PunchingBagInfo": "Fatti attaccare un po' di volte per vincere!",
"KamikazeInfo": "Uccidi i giocatori con una missione suicida",
"DoomsayerInfo": "Indovina correttamente i giocatori per vincere",
"ShroudInfo": "Avvolgi i giocatori per farli uccidere",
- "WerewolfInfo": "Uccidi gli astronauti in gruppo",
- "ShamanInfo": "Devia tutti gli attacchi sulla tua bambola Voodoo",
- "SeekerInfo": "Play Hide and Seek with your target\nYour target has a ★ mark.",
+ "WerewolfInfo": "Kill Crewmates in groups",
+ "ShamanInfo": "Deflect all the attacks on Voodoo Doll",
+ "SeekerInfo": "Play Hide & Seek with your target\nYour target has a ★ mark.",
"PixieInfo": "Contrassegnali, Raccoglili ed Espellili!",
"OccultistInfo": "Uccidi e maledici i tuoi nemici",
- "SchrodingersCatInfo": "Il gatto è sia vivo che morto finché non viene osservato.",
+ "SchrodingersCatInfo": "The Cat is both alive and dead until observed.",
"RomanticInfo": "Proteggi il tuo partner per vincere insieme",
"VengefulRomanticInfo": "Vendica il tuo partner per vincere insieme",
"RuthlessRomanticInfo": "Uccidi tutti per vincere con il tuo partner",
- "PoisonerInfo": "Kill everyone with delayed kills",
- "HexMasterInfo": "Strega i giocatori per ucciderli nelle riunioni",
"WraithInfo": "Usa i condotti per essere temporaneamente invisibile",
- "JinxInfo": "Reflect attacks onto your attackers",
+ "PoisonerInfo": "Make players unable to use their ability",
+ "HexMasterInfo": "Strega i giocatori per ucciderli nelle riunioni",
+ "JinxInfo": "Players \"accidentally\" die upon trying to kill your target",
"PotionMasterInfo": "Usa le tue pozioni a tuo vantaggio",
- "NecromancerInfo": "Kill your killer to defy death",
+ "NecromancerInfo": "Use the dead to your advantage",
+ "CovenLeaderInfo": "Help your teammates by retraining them",
+ "RitualistInfo": "Perform Blood Rituals to Enchant other players!",
+ "ConjurerInfo": "Blast away your enemies!",
+ "DreamweaverInfo": "Drive other players to insomnia!",
+ "IllusionistInfo": "Place Illusions on players to spread confusion!",
+ "VoodooMasterInfo": "Craft Voodoo Dolls of other players!",
+ "SacrifistInfo": "Debuff your enemies at your own cost",
+ "MoonDancerInfo": "Use Baton Pass to give out Add-ons!",
"WardenInfo": "(Fantasma) Avvisa del pericolo",
"MinionInfo": "(Fantasma) Acceca i nemici",
"LoversInfo": "Rimanete in vita e vincete insieme",
"MadmateInfo": "Aiuta gli Impostori",
"WatcherInfo": "Vedi il colore di tutti i voti",
- "LastImpostorInfo": "Ricarica uccisione ridotta",
- "OverclockedInfo": "Ricarica ridotta",
+ "LastImpostorInfo": "Lower Kill Cooldown",
+ "OverclockedInfo": "Lower Cooldown",
"FlashInfo": "Sei più veloce",
"TorchInfo": "Hai il campo visivo potenziato!",
"SeerInfo": "Sei avvisato quando qualcuno è morto",
@@ -642,14 +666,14 @@
"ObliviousInfo": "Non puoi segnalare i corpi",
"BewilderInfo": "Un cambio di visione, una ragnatela di confusione",
"WorkhorseInfo": "Sii il primo a completare gli incarichi e ottienine altri",
- "FoolInfo": "Non puoi riparare i sabotaggi",
+ "FoolInfo": "You can't fix Sabotages",
"AvangerInfo": "Porta qualcuno con te nella tomba",
"YoutuberInfo": "Sii il primo a essere ucciso",
"CelebrityInfo": "Tutti sanno quando morirai",
"EgoistInfo": "Vinci per conto tuo",
"StealerInfo": "Guadagna voti con le uccisioni",
"ParanoiaInfo": "Sei vivo e morto contemporaneamente",
- "MimicInfo": "Rivela i ruoli dei giocatori uccisi agli impostori alla tua morte",
+ "MimicInfo": "Reveal killed players' roles to Impostors upon death",
"GuesserInfo": "Indovina i ruoli dei giocatori nelle riunioni per ucciderli",
"NecroviewInfo": "Vedi l'allineamento dei morti",
"ReachInfo": "Hai un raggio di uccisione più lungo",
@@ -662,32 +686,33 @@
"LuckyInfo": "Schiva gli attacchi",
"DoubleShotInfo": "Hai una seconda possibilità d'indovinare",
"RascalInfo": "Apparirai malvagio in alcuni casi",
- "SoullessInfo": "Non hai anima",
+ "SoullessInfo": "You have no Soul",
"GravestoneInfo": "Il tuo ruolo viene rivelato dopo la tua morte",
"LazyInfo": "Sei troppo pigro",
"AutopsyInfo": "Vedi come muoiono gli altri",
"LoyalInfo": "Non puoi essere reclutato",
- "EvilSpiritInfo": "Sei uno Spirito Malvagio",
+ "EvilSpiritInfo": "You are an Evil Spirit",
"RecruitInfo": "Aiuta lo Sciacallo",
+ "EnchantedInfo": "Help the Coven",
"AdmiredInfo": "L'Ammiratore ti ha scelto come suo amato",
"GlowInfo": "Brilli al buio",
"RadarInfo": "Tonalità della freccia, più vicino a te!",
- "DiseasedInfo": "Aumenta la ricarica dei giocatori che interagiscono con te",
- "AntidoteInfo": "Diminuisci la ricarica dei giocatori che interagiscono con te",
- "StubbornInfo": "Proteggi il tuo ruolo e i tuoi modificatori",
+ "DiseasedInfo": "Increase the Cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
+ "AntidoteInfo": "Decrease the Cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
+ "StubbornInfo": "Protect your Role and Add-ons",
"SwiftInfo": "Le tue uccisioni non causano un movimento",
"UnluckyInfo": "Fare qualsiasi cosa ha una probabilità di ucciderti",
"VoidBallotInfo": "Il tuo voto conta 0",
"AwareInfo": "Sai chi ha rivelato il tuo ruolo",
- "FragileInfo": "Muori istantaneamente se qualcuno usa il pulsante uccidi su di te",
+ "FragileInfo": "Die instantly if someone uses the Kill button on you",
"GhoulInfo": "Uccidi il tuo assassino dopo la tua morte",
"BloodthirstInfo": "Diventa Assetato di Sangue e uccidi",
"MareInfo": "Uccidi nelle ombre",
"BurstInfo": "Fai esplodere il tuo assassino!",
"SleuthInfo": "Guadagna informazioni dai cadaveri",
"ClumsyInfo": "Hai una possibilità di mancare la tua uccisione",
- "NimbleInfo": "Puoi usare i condotti!",
- "CircumventInfo": "Non puoi più usare i condotti",
+ "NimbleInfo": "You can Vent!",
+ "CircumventInfo": "You can no longer Vent",
"OiiaiInfo": "OIIAIOIIIAI",
"CyberInfo": "Sei popolare!",
"HurriedInfo": "Dio, ho troppe cose da fare!",
@@ -706,324 +731,334 @@
"DollMasterInfo": "Prendi il controllo delle azioni dei giocatori!",
"DoubleAgentInfo": "Piazza bombe sui giocatori durante le riunioni",
"SlothInfo": "Sei più lento",
- "ProhibitedInfo": "Alcuni condotti sono bloccati",
+ "ProhibitedInfo": "Certain Vents are blocked",
"EavesdropperInfo": "Ascolta gli altri ruoli",
"ShockerInfo": "Folgora giocatori ignari",
"RevenantInfo": "Prendi il ruolo del tuo assassino",
- "EngineerTOHEInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Ingegnere, potrai accedere ai condotti mentre il sabotaggio delle comunicazioni è disattivato.",
- "ScientistTOHEInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome scienziato, puoi vedere i segni vitali in qualsiasi momento, mostrandoti chi è vivo e chi è morto.",
- "NoisemakerTOHEInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Starnazzatore, Ogni volta che muori, emetti un rumore e sullo schermo appare un indicatore visivo della tua morte, in modo che gli astronauti possano correre a prendere in flagrante la persona che ti ha ucciso (anche se non si tratta di Rosso).",
- "TrackerTOHEInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Segugio, premi il pulsante segui su un giocatore per tracciare la sua posizione tramite la mappa per un periodo di tempo limitato.",
- "ShapeshifterTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Mutaforma, potrai mutarti in altri giocatori. È evidente quando ti muti o quando annulli la mutazione.",
- "PhantomTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Fantasma, puoi premere il pulsante svanisci per diventare invisibile per sfuggire da un'uccisione. Puoi premere il pulsante compari per diventare visibile prima dello scadere del tempo.\nNota: ogni volta che diventi invisibile e visibile, si forma una nuvola di fumo. Assicurati quindi di essere in un'area sicura dove nessuno possa vederti.",
- "GuardianAngelTOHEInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Angelo Custode, sei il primo astronauta a morire e puoi dare agli altri astronauti scudi temporanei.",
- "ImpostorTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Impostore, il tuo obiettivo è semplicemente uccidere tutti gli astronauti.\nPuoi sabotare e usare i condotti.",
+ "EngineerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Engineer, you may access the Vents while Comms Sabotaged is inactive.",
+ "ScientistTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Scientist, you can see Vitals at any time, showing you who is alive and dead.",
+ "NoisemakerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Noisemaker, whenever you die, you will make a noise, and a visual indicator of your death appears on the screen so the Crewmates can run to catch the person who killed you red-handed (even if it’s not red).",
+ "TrackerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracker, press your Tracker button on a player to track their location via the map for a limited amount of time.",
+ "ShapeshifterTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapeshifter, you can Shapeshift into other players. It is obvious when you Shapeshift or revert Shifting.",
+ "PhantomTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Phantom, you can press your Vanish button to go invisible to escape a kill. You can click your Appear button if you want to become visible before the timer runs out or not.\nNote: You will make a smoke cloud whenever you go invisible and become visible. So make sure you are in a safe area where no one will see you.",
+ "GuardianAngelTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guardian Angel, you are the first Crewmate to die and can give Crewmates temporary shields.",
+ "ImpostorTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Impostor, your goal is to simply kill off the Crewmates.\nYou can Sabotage and Vent.",
"CrewmateTOHEInfoLong": "(Astronauta):\nCome Astronauta, il tuo obiettivo è trovare ed espellere gli Impostori.\nGli Astronauti possono vincere liberandosi di tutti gli impostori o finendo tutti gli incarichi.",
- "BountyHunterInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Cacciatore di Taglie, se uccidi il bersaglio che ti è stato assegnato (indicato dalla freccia se ne hai uno) la tua prossima ricarica uccisione sarà diminuita. \nSe uccidi chiunque invece che il tuo bersaglio, la tua prossima ricarica uccisione verrà aumentata. Il bersaglio cambia dopo una certa quantità di tempo.",
- "FireworkerInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Artificiere, puoi Mutarti per posizionare fuochi d'artificio fino alla quantità massima impostata dall'host.\nQuando sarai l'ultimo impostore e tutti i fuochi d'artificio saranno stati posizionati, mutati di nuovo per farli esplodere e uccidere tutti nel loro raggio, incluso te.\nSe uccidi tutti i giocatori con i tuoi Fuochi d'artificio, è considerata una vittoria degli Impostori.",
- "MercenaryInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Mercenario, devi uccidere entro la tua scadenza, indicata dalla ricarica della mutazione (che non puoi usare). Se non riesci a uccidere, muori.",
- "ShapeMasterInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Mutamaestro, non hai alcuna ricarica della mutazione.",
+ "BountyHunterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Bounty Hunter, if you kill your assigned target (indicated by the arrow if you have one), your next Kill Cooldown will be shortened.\nIf you kill anyone other than your target, your next Kill Cooldown will be increased. The target swaps after a certain amount of time.",
+ "FireworkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Fireworker, you can Shapeshift to place Fireworks up to the maximum amount the Host sets.\nWhen you are the last Impostor and all Fireworks have been placed, Shapeshift again to detonate them and kill everyone in their radius, including you.\nIf you kill all players with your Fireworks, it's considered an Impostor victory.",
+ "MercenaryInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mercenary, you must kill within your deadline, as shown by your Shapeshift Cooldown (which you cannot use). If you fail to kill, you die.",
+ "ShapeMasterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapemaster, you have no Shapeshift Cooldown.",
"VampireInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Vampiro, le tue uccisioni sono ritardate. Ciò significa che il tuo bersaglio muore anche se prima viene convocata una riunione. Tuttavia, Se mordi un'esca, ucciderai normalmente e segnali il cadavere. A seconda delle impostazioni, puoi usare il doppio clic (mordere i giocatori - clic singolo, uccidere normalmente - doppio clic).",
"WarlockInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Stregone, puoi maledire fino a un altro giocatore alla volta.\nQuando usi il pulsante Muta, se hai maledetto un giocatore, uccidono la persona più vicina che, a seconda delle impostazioni, può includere te o altri impostori.\nPuoi uccidere normalmente mentre sei Mutato.",
- "ZombieInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nLo zombi ha una breve ricarica uccisione ma è molto lento e ha un campo visivo davvero basso. Lo Zombi non può essere votato da nessuno tranne che dal dittatore, la velocità dello zombi diminuirà gradualmente quando uccide oppure col tempo che passa.",
- "NinjaInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Ninja, puoi usare il pulsante uccidi per segnare il bersaglio (clic singolo) o per ucciderlo normalmente (doppio clic). Potrai poi mutarti per raggiungere il bersaglio segnato e ucciderlo.",
+ "ZombieInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nZombie has a short Kill Cooldown but moves very slowly and has very little vision. Zombie can not be voted out by anyone other than the Dictator, and the movement speed of Zombie will gradually slow down as they make kills or time passes.",
+ "NinjaInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ninja, you can use your Kill button to mark a target (single click) or kill normally (double click). You may then Shapeshift to teleport to the marked target and kill them.",
"AnonymousInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Anonimo, puoi mutarti per costringere il tuo bersaglio a segnalare chiunque tu abbia ucciso in questo round.\nSe non hai ucciso nessuno in quel round, il bersaglio segnalerà il proprio cadavere come se fosse morto.\nNota: questo non funziona né sul Pigro né sul Pigrone, e questa abilità funzionerà indipendentemente dal fatto che il corpo possa normalmente essere segnalato.",
- "MinerInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Minatore, puoi mutarti per teletrasportarti all'ultimo condotto in cui ti trovavi.",
- "KillingMachineInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Macchina Assassina hai una ricarica uccisione molto breve con un campo visivo basso. Tuttavia, non puoi sabotare, segnalare, chiamare riunioni, né usare i condotti.\n\nNota: Oltrepasserai ogni scudo, uccidere esca e trappola per orsi non avrà alcun effetto",
- "EscapistInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Fuggiasco, puoi contrassegnare una posizione tramite la Mutazione. Mutati di nuovo per teletrasportarti al punto marcato",
- "WitchInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Strega, puoi usare il pulsante uccidi per lanciare incantesimi (clic singolo) o uccidere normalmente (doppio clic).\nDurante la prossima riunione, i bersagli degli incantesimi avranno un 「†」 accanto al loro nome visibile a tutti. A meno che tu non muoia entro la fine della riunione, tutti i bersagli con gli incantesimi moriranno.",
- "NemesisInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Nemesi, puoi uccidere solo se sei l'ultimo impostore.\nSe sei morto, puoi usare il comando /rv [ID] per uccidere il giocatore di cui hai digitato l'ID. Usa /id per mostrare gli ID di tutti i giocatori o guarda accanto ai loro nomi.",
- "BloodmoonInfoLong": "(Impostori [Fantasma]):\nCome Luna Rossa, attacca i nemici per farli sanguinare, ciò significa che moriranno in un tempo stabilito dal host, e ne saranno consapevoli.",
+ "MinerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Miner, you can Shapeshift to teleport back to the last vent you were in.",
+ "KillingMachineInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Killing Machine, you have a very short Kill Cooldown with tiny vision. However, you cannot Vent, Sabotage, Report, nor call Emergency Meetings.\n\nNote: You will bypass any shields, killing bait and beartrap won't take any effect",
+ "EscapistInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Escapist, you can mark a location by Shapeshifting. Shapeshift again to teleport back to the marked spot",
+ "WitchInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Witch, you can use your Kill button to Spell (single click) or Kill normally (double click).\nDuring the next meeting, the spelled target(s) will have a 「†」 next to their name visible to everyone. Unless you die by the end of that meeting, all Spelled targets will die.",
+ "NemesisInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Nemesis, you can only kill if you are the last Impostor.\nIf you are dead, you can use the command /rv [ID] to kill the player whose ID you typed. Use /id to show the ID's of all players, or look next to their names.",
+ "BloodmoonInfoLong": "(Impostors [Ghost]):\nAs the Bloodmoon, attack the enemies to make them drip blood, this means they will die in a time set by the Host, and will be aware of it.",
"PossessorInfoLong": "(Impostori [Fantasma]):\nCome Possessore, puoi possedere giocatori quando gli altri non si trovano nel raggio di allerta. Conduci il giocatore posseduto il più lontano possibile dagli altri giocatori nel raggio di concentrazione. Una volta scaduta la durata della possessione, il giocatore posseduto verrà ucciso se gli altri non si trovano nel raggio di concentrazione. Se incontri un altro giocatore nell'area di allerta mentre possiedi, il Possessore perderà immediatamente il possesso.",
- "PuppeteerInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Burattinaio, puoi usare il pulsante uccidi per farli Burattini (clic singolo) o uccidere normalmente (doppio clic).\nQuelli che sono Burattini uccideranno il prossimo non-impostore che toccheranno. A seconda delle opzioni, anche i bersagli Burattinai moriranno una volta uccisi.",
- "MastermindInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome La Mente, puoi usare il tuo pulsante uccidi su un giocatore una volta per manipolarlo. La manipolazione non ha alcun effetto se l'obiettivo non ha un pulsante uccidi. Ma se l'obiettivo ha un pulsante uccidi, chiunque tu manipoli verrà informato dopo un certo ritardo che è stato manipolato e dovrà uccidere qualcuno entro un tempo limitato per sopravvivere. Se il tempo limite scade o se viene indetta una riunione prima di uccidere qualcuno, quest'ultimo muore.\nFai doppio clic su qualcuno per ucciderlo normalmente.",
- "YinYangerInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome YinYanger, puoi usare il pulsante uccidi una volta per scegliere il tuo Yin e poi una seconda volta per scegliere uno Yang. Quando quei due giocatori si incontreranno, si uccideranno a vicenda. Quando Yin e Yang sono stati scelti, puoi uccidere normalmente.",
+ "PuppeteerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Puppeteer, you can use your Kill button to Puppeteer (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose you Puppeteer will kill the next non-Impostor they touch. Depending on options, Puppeteered targets will also die once they kill.",
+ "MastermindInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mastermind, you can use your Kill button on a player once to manipulate them. The manipulation does nothing if the target doesn't have a Kill button. But if the target does have a Kill button, whoever you manipulate will be told after a delay that they got manipulated and must kill someone in a limited time to survive. If the time limit expires or a meeting gets called before killing someone, they die.\nDouble click on someone to kill them normally.",
+ "YinYangerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the YinYanger, you can use your Kill button one time to pick your Yin and then a second time to choose a Yang. When those two players meet, they'll kill each other. When Yin & Yang have been chosen, you can kill normally.",
"TimeThiefInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nOgni volta che il Ladro del Tempo uccide un giocatore, il tempo della riunione sarà ridotto di un certo periodo di tempo. Se il Ladro del Tempo muore, il tempo della riunione tornerà alla normalità.",
- "SniperInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nIl Cecchino può sparare i giocatori da molto lontano.\nDovrai mutarti due volte per effettuare un cecchino di successo.\nImmagina una freccia che punta dalla tua prima posizione di mutazione in direzione della posizione in cui ti sei smutato.\nQuella sarà la direzione in cui verrà effettuato lo sparo.\nLo sparo uccide la prima persona sul suo cammino.\nNon potrai uccidere giocatori normalmente fino a quando non avrai usato tutte le munizioni.",
+ "SniperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nYou can shoot players from far away.\nYou have to Shapeshift twice to make a successful snipe.\nImagine an arrow pointing from your first Shapeshift location towards your Unshift location.\nThat will be the direction in which the snipe will be made.\nThe snipe kills the first person in its path.\nYou cannot kill people normally until you use up all of your ammo.",
"UndertakerInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nOgni volta che ti muti, segnerai una posizione. Le tue uccisioni verranno teletrasportate nella posizione segnata.\nDopo ogni uccisione e riunione, la posizione si azzera.\n\nDopo ogni uccisione teletrasportata, sarai Immobilizzato per una quantità configurabile di tempo",
- "RiftMakerInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Squarciatore, puoi trasformarti per creare una squarcio. Puoi teletrasportarti da uno squarcio all'altro toccando l'area in cui è stata creato lo squarcio. Provare ad usare i condotti ti butterà fuori, distruggendo così tutti gli squarci.\n\nNota: è possibile posizionare fino a due squarci alla volta; se provi a posizionarne un terzo, il primo viene eliminato.",
- "EvilTrackerInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nIl Tracker Malvagio può rintracciare gli altri giocatori, e il Tracker Malvagio può mutarsi in qualcuno per cambiare il bersaglio di tracciamento con il bersaglio di mutazione (Ti smuterai immediatamente dopo aver conseguito la mutazione). La freccia sotto il nome del Tracker Malvagio indica la direzione del bersaglio. Quando il compagno del Tracker Malvagio uccide, il Tracker Malvagio vedrà un flash di uccisione.",
- "EvilHackerInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nL'Hacker Malvagio può ottenere le informazioni dell'amministrazione dell'ultimo minuto all'inizio della riunione.\nLe stanze non occupate non vengono mostrate.\nUna \"★\" segna le stanze con impostori.\nLe stanze con cadaveri sono segnate dal numero di cadaveri.\nEsempio: ★Mensa: 3 (MORTI×1).",
+ "RiftMakerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs Rift Maker, you can Shapeshift to create a rift. You can teleport from one rift to another by touching the area where the rift was created. Trying to vent will kick you out, therefore destroying all the rifts.\n\nNote: Up to two rifts can be placed at a time; if you try to place a third, it removes the first one.",
+ "EvilTrackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Tracker can track other players, and the Evil Tracker can Shapeshift into someone to switch the tracking target to the Shapeshift target (You will immediately unshift after performing Shapeshift). The arrow below the Evil Tracker's name indicates the direction of the target. When the Evil Tracker's teammate kills, the Evil Tracker will see a kill flash.",
+ "EvilHackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Hacker can get the last-minute admin information at the meeting beginning.\nUnoccupied rooms are not shown.\nA '★' marks rooms with Impostors.\nRooms with dead bodies are marked with the number of bodies.\nExample: ★Cafeteria: 3 (DEAD×1).",
"EvilGuesserInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nL'Indovino Malvagio può indovinare il ruolo di un certo giocatore durante una riunione. Se corretto, il bersaglio muore; se sbagliato, l'Indovino Malvagio muore.\nIl comando per indovinare è: /bt [Id giocatore] [role]\nPuoi vedere l'id del giocatore prima del nome del giocatore oppure usare il comando /id per vedere l'id di tutti i giocatori.",
- "AntiAdminerInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nL'Anti Amministratore può in qualsiasi momento scoprire se ci sono astronauti o neutrali vicini a telecamere, schermo di amministrazione, parametri vitali, registro del corridoio e/o altri dispositivi. Nota: L'Anti Amministratore non sa se il giocatore sta utilizzando il dispositivo mentre è vicino ad esso, sa solo che qualcuno è vicino al dispositivo.",
- "ArroganceInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nL'Arrogante riduce la ricarica uccisione con ogni uccisione effettuata.",
- "BomberInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nIl Bombarolo può usare il pulsante muta per farsi esplodere, uccidendo i giocatori entro un certo raggio. Ma a un prezzo, anche il Bombarolo morirà. Nota: Tutti i giocatori vedranno un flash uccisione quando il Bombarolo esploderà.",
- "ScavengerInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nLo Spazzino uccide senza lasciare corpi. In più, se la vittima era un'Esca, non si attiverà l'auto-segnalazione.",
+ "AntiAdminerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Anti Adminer can at any time find out if there are Crewmates or Neutrals near Cameras, Admin Table, Vitals, DoorLog, and/or other devices. Note: Anti Adminer does not know if the player uses the device while near it. They only know that someone is near the device.",
+ "ArroganceInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Arrogance reduces their Kill Cooldown with each successful kill of theirs.",
+ "BomberInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Bomber can use the Shapeshift button to self-explode, killing players within a certain range. But as a price, the Bomber will also die. Note: All players will see a kill flash when the Bomber explodes.",
+ "ScavengerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nScavenger kills do not leave dead bodies behind. In addition, if the victim is a Bait, no self-report will be made.",
"TrapsterInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nIl Trappolatore ha un metodo di uccisione unico. Avviando la segnalazione di un cadavere, il Trappolatore può eliminare il giocatore che cerca di segnalare il cadavere ucciso dal Trappolatore.\nNota: se il Trappolatore uccide l'Esca, il Trappolatore muore immediatamente.",
- "GangsterInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nIl Gangster, un personaggio potente, può provare a reclutare un giocatore come Follenauta premendo il pulsante uccidi. Se il reclutamento ha successo, sia il Gangster che il bersaglio vedranno l'animazione dello scudo sull'altro come promemoria (visibile solo a loro). Il numero di reclutamenti disponibili è visualizzato accanto al nome del Gangster (l'Host imposta il massimo). Se il Gangster prova a reclutare giocatori che non possono essere reclutati, come i neutrali o alcuni astronuati speciali, ucciderà il bersaglio normalmente. Quando il Gangster non ha più reclutamenti disponibili, potrà fare solo uccisioni normali.",
- "CleanerInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nIl Pulitore può premere il pulsante Segnala per pulire qualsiasi corpo che trovano (Inclusi quelli che uccidono). Se la pulizia ha successo, il Pulitore vedrà un'animazione dello scudo sul loro corpo come promemoria (visibile solo a lui). Il corpo pulito non potrà essere segnalato (incluso quello dell'Esca).",
- "LightningInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Fulmine, non puoi uccidere normalmente. Invece, il pulsante uccidi quantizza i bersagli, che si attiva dopo un ritardo, facendo sì che la persona successiva con cui entrano in contatto li uccida. Coloro che sono attivamente quantizzati mostrano un「■」accanto al loro nome. Inoltre, coloro che sono stati quantizzati muoiono se sopravvivono fino alla fine di un incontro. C'è un'impostazione per quantizzare il tuo killer.",
- "GreedyInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nL'Avaro ha ricariche uccisioni differenti a seconda se le uccisioni sono pari o dispari. La ricarica uccisione dell'Avaro è resettato a ogni riunione e la prima uccisione dell'Avaro sarà sempre dispari.",
- "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nQuando il Lupo Maledetto sta per essere ucciso, il Lupo Maledetto maledirà a morte l'assassino. (L'host stabilisce il numero massimo di volte in cui puoi contrattaccare.)",
- "SoulCatcherInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Acchiappa Anime, puoi mutarti per scambiare di posto con il tuo bersaglio purché non sia morto, in un condotto, ingoiato da un pellicano o in uno stato strano simile.",
- "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nQuando la ricarica uccisione è terminata, Il Tiratore Rapido può reimpostare la ricarica uccisione mutandosi per immagazzinare un proiettile (quando l'archiviazione ha esito positivo, un'animazione dello scudo visibile solo a lui apparirà sul loro corpo come promemoria). Se il Tiratore Rapido ha dei proiettili, può usarne uno per bypassare la ricarica uccisione; ucciderà anche se è ancora in ricarica e utilizzerà un proiettile. All'inizio di ogni incontro, il Tiratore Rapido può avere solo un certo numero di proiettili (L'Host imposta il numero).",
- "CamouflagerInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nQuando il Camuffatore usa la Mutazione, tutti i giocatori iniziano ad avere lo stesso aspetto. Questo stato termina quando al Camuffatore scade la mutazione. È importante notare che il camuffamento con il sabotaggio alle comunicazioni e le abilità del Camuffatore possono essere sovrapposte.\nQuesta abilità non sarà valida se si tiene una riunione durante l'attivazione dell'abilità del Camuffatore.",
- "EraserInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nIl Cancellatore può votare qualsiasi bersaglio astronauta nelle riunioni per cancellare il ruolo del bersaglio e la cancellazione avrà effetto solo quando la riunione terminerà. Nota: I giocatori con abilità cancellate saranno sempre considerati un ruolo base, e verranno visualizzati come tali nella pagina dei risultati finali. \nUn giocatore può essere cancellato una sola volta (Incluso lo Oiiai)",
+ "GangsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Gangster, a powerful character, can try to recruit a player to a Madmate by pressing the Kill button. If the recruitment is successful, both the Gangster and the target will see the Shield Animation on each other as a reminder (only visible to each other). The remaining number of available recruits is displayed next to the Gangster's name (the Host sets the maximum). If the Gangster tries to recruit players who cannot be recruited, such as Neutrals or some special Crewmates, they will kill the target normally instead. When the Gangster has no remaining recruitments, they can only make normal kills from that point on.",
+ "CleanerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nCleaner can press the Report button to clean up any dead body they come across (including those they kill). If the cleanup is successful, the Cleaner will see a Shield Animation on their body as a reminder (only visible to himself). The cleaned-up body cannot be reported (including Bait).",
+ "LightningInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lightning, you cannot kill normally. Instead, your Kill button quantizes targets, which activates after a delay, causing the next person they encounter to kill them. Those who are actively quantized show a「■」next to their name. Additionally, those who have been quantized die if they survive until the end of a meeting. There is a setting to quantize your killer.",
+ "GreedyInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nGreedy kills with odd and even kills will have different Kill Cooldowns. Greedy's Kill Cooldown is reset every meeting, and Greedy's first kill is always odd.",
+ "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Cursed Wolf is about to be killed, the Cursed Wolf will curse the killer to death. (The Host sets the maximum of times you can counterattack)",
+ "SoulCatcherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Soul Catcher, you can Shapeshift to swap places with your target as long as they are not dead, in a Vent, swallowed by Pelican, or in a similar odd state.",
+ "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Kill Cooldown is over, Quick Shooter can reset the Kill Cooldown by Shapeshift to store a bullet (when the storage is successful, a Shield Animation visible only to himself will appear on their body as a reminder). If Quick Shooter has bullets, he can use one to bypass the Kill Cooldown; he will kill even if it's still on Cooldown and use a bullet. At the beginning of each meeting, the quick shooter can only keep a certain number of bullets (The Host sets the number).",
+ "CamouflagerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Camouflager uses Shapeshift, all players start to look the same. This state ends when the Camouflager reverts its Shapeshifting. It's important to note that the skills of Communication Sabotage Camouflage, and the skills of the Camouflager can be superimposed.\nThis skill will be invalid if a meeting is held during the skill activation of the Camouflager.",
+ "EraserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEraser can vote for any target at the meeting to erase the target's roles, and the erasure will take effect after the meeting ends. Note: Players with erased skills will always be considered a vanilla role, including the game result page.\nA target can only be erased once (including OIIAI)",
"ButcherInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nLe uccisioni del Macellaio, comprese quelle passive, lasciano più cadaveri sui bersagli, il che può creare un po' di confusione al momento della segnalazione. Ecco la regola: il bersaglio ucciso deve visualizzare ripetutamente l'animazione di uccisione, che non può essere saltata, e non può partecipare normalmente alle riunioni durante questo periodo. Se il Macellaio uccide il Vendicativo, quest'ultimo vendicherà tutti con rabbia.",
- "HangmanInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Boia, durante la mutazione, utilizzi un metodo di uccisione unico: lo strangolamento. Questo metodo ignora qualsiasi stato del bersaglio, come lo scudo del Medico, la protezione della Guardia del Corpo, le abilità della Super Star, ecc. Il giocatore strangolato non lascerà un corpo morto e non attiverà nessuna delle sue abilità. Ad esempio, l'uccisione del Veterano (compresi i ruoli aggiuntivi) e il Veggente non saranno attivati.",
- "SwooperInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Invisibile, puoi usare i condotti per svanire temporaneamente. Apparirai comunque visibile sullo schermo. Usa nuovamente i condotti per diventare visibile.",
+ "HangmanInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Hangman, during the Shapeshifting, you use a unique killing method-strangling. This method ignores any status of the target, such as the shield of the Medic, the Bodyguard's protection, the Super Star's skills, etc. The strangled player will not leave a dead body, nor will it trigger any of its skills. For example, Veteran kill back (including additional roles), and Seer will not be prompted.",
+ "SwooperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Swooper, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
"CrewpostorInfoLong": "(Squadra Impostori):\nUccidi il giocatore più vicino ogni volta che completi un incarico.",
- "WildlingInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome il Bruto, puoi mutarti ma non può usare i condotti.\nQuando uccidi, diventerai temporaneamente immune agli attacchi.",
- "TricksterInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome l'Imbroglione, sarai un impostore regolare ma con una differenza.\nApparirai come astronauta ai ruoli degli astronauti.\n\nLo Sceriffo non può ucciderti.\nLo Psichico non ti vedrà come cattivo.\nL'Informatore non potrà trovarti.",
+ "WildlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Wildling, you can Shapeshift but cannot Vent.\nWhen you kill, you temporarily become immune to attacks.",
+ "TricksterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Trickster, you function as a regular Impostor but with one key difference.\nYou appear as a Crewmate to Crewmate roles.\n\nThe Sheriff cannot kill you.\nPsychic does not see you as evil.\nSnitch cannot find you.",
"VindicatorInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Vendicatore, hai dei voti aggiuntivi come un Sindaco.",
"StealthInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nQuando il Furtivo uccide, i giocatori nella stessa stanza vengono accecati per un breve periodo.",
- "PenguinInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Pinguino, puoi trattenere il bersaglio premendo il pulsante uccidi e trascinarlo in giro.\nDurante il trascinamento, il bersaglio muore premendo nuovamente il pulsante uccidi o dopo un certo periodo.\nPremi due volte il pulsante uccidi per un'uccisione diretta.",
- "ParasiteInfoLong": "(Squadra Impostori):\nCome Parassita, sei un Impostore che non conosce gli altri impostori.\n\nPotresti uccidere, usare condotti, sabotare, qualunque cosa.\nSappi solo che sei un Impostore.",
- "DisperserInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nDispersore può Mutarsi per teletrasportare tutti i giocatori in condotti casuali.",
- "InhibitorInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Inibitore, puoi uccidere solamente quando non ci sono sabotaggi critici in corso.\n\nSe il sabotaggio delle luci o delle comunicazioni è attivo, allora puoi uccidere.",
- "SaboteurInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Sabotatore, puoi uccidere solamente quando ci sono sabotaggi critici in corso.\n\nSe il sabotaggio dell'ossigeno o del reattore è attivo, allora puoi uccidere.",
+ "PenguinInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Penguin, you can restrain the target by pressing the Kill button and drag it around.\nWhile dragging, the target dies by pressing the Kill button again or after a certain period.\nPress the Kill button twice for a direct kill.",
+ "ParasiteInfoLong": "(Team Impostor):\nAs the Parasite, you are an Impostor that does not know the other Impostors.\n\nYou may Kill, Vent, Sabotage, whatever.\nJust know that you are an Impostor.",
+ "DisperserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nDisperser can use Shapeshift to teleport all players to random Vents.",
+ "InhibitorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Inhibitor, you can only kill when there is not a Critical Sabotage active.\n\nIf Light or Comms Sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
+ "SaboteurInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Saboteur, you can only kill when there is a Critical sabotage active.\n\nIf Reactor or O2 Sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
"CouncillorInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Assessore, puoi uccidere i giocatori durante le riunioni come un Giudice.\nQuando uccidi in questo modo, quelle uccisioni appariranno come processi da un Giudice.\n\nIl comando per uccidere è /tl [Id del giocatore]\nPuoi vedere l'id dei giocatori di fianco al loro nome, o usare il comando /id per vedere l'id di ogni giocatore.\nA seconda delle impostazioni, L'Assessore si suiciderà quando giudicherà i suoi compagni di squadra.\nL'assessore convertito può giudicare liberamente.",
"DazzlerInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Abbagliante, puoi ridurre permanentemente il campo visivo del giocatore in cui ti muti. Quando muori, il loro campo visivo tornerà alla normalità.",
- "DeathpactInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Patto Mortale, ti muti per segnare i tuoi bersagli per un patto di morte.\nSe hai abbastanza giocatori segnati per un patto di morte, questi devono incontrarsi entro un determinato periodo; se non ci riescono, muoiono.\nSe un giocatore segnato muore prima che il patto di morte sia completo, il patto viene ritirato.",
- "DevourerInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Divoratore, usi il tuo mutaforma per cambiare l'aspetto del bersaglio del mutaforma permanentemente. Inoltre, per la modifica dell'aspetto di ogni giocatore, la tua ricarica uccisione viene ridotta di un numero definito di secondi. Se il Divoratore muore o viene eliminato durante una riunione, l'aspetto del giocatore tornerà al suo aspetto normale.",
- "MorphlingInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Mutante, sei un Mutaforma ma non puoi uccidere quando non sei mutato.",
- "TwisterInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Uragano, puoi usare il mutaforma per scambiare la posizione di tutti i giocatori casualmente. Lo scambio avviene due volte, una volta quando inizi la mutazione e una volta quando ritorni al tuo aspetto originale.\nL'Uragano stesso non si scambierà di posto con nessuno, e i giocatori nei condotti non si teletrasporteranno.",
- "LurkerInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Predatore, puoi saltare in un condotto per ridurre la ricarica uccisione di un certo numero di secondi, Dopo che hai ucciso, la ricarica uccisione ritorna al suo valore originale.",
+ "DeathpactInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Deathpact, You Shapeshift to mark your targets for a deathpact.\nIf you have enough players marked for a deathpact, they must meet within a specific period; if they fail to do so, they die.\nIf a marked player dies before the deathpact becomes complete, the pact is withdrawn.",
+ "DevourerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Devourer, you use your Shapeshift to change the appearance of the target of the Shapeshift permanently. Additionally, when each player's appearance changes, you will have your Kill Cooldown reduced by a defined number of seconds. If the Devourer dies or gets voted out during a meeting, the player's appearance will change back to their normal appearance.",
+ "MorphlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Morphling, you are a Shapeshifter but cannot kill while not Shapeshifted.",
+ "TwisterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Twister, you can use Shapeshifting to swap the position of all players randomly. The swap happens twice, once when you start your Shapeshift and once when you return to your original appearance.\nThe Twister itself will not swap places with anyone, and players in vents will not teleport.",
+ "LurkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lurker, you can jump into a Vent to reduce your Cooldown by a certain number of seconds. After you kill, your Cooldown resets to its original value.",
"VisionaryInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Visionario, vedi gli allineamenti dei giocatori viventi durante un incontro.\nLe seguenti informazioni verranno visualizzate sui giocatori:\n- Il nome Rosso indica gli Impostori.\n- Il nome Ciano indica gli Astronauti.\n- Il nome Grigio indica i Neutrali.",
"PlagueDoctorInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\n(Medico della Peste da TOH)\nL'obiettivo dello Scienziato della Peste è infettare ogni giocatore vivente.\nIniziano scegliendo un giocatore da infettare, dopodiché chiunque trascorra un\ndeterminato periodo di tempo nel raggio d'azione del giocatore infetto viene infettato a sua volta.\nL'avanzamento dell'infezione è cumulativo e non si ripristina con la distanza o dopo le riunioni.",
- "RefugeeInfoLong": "(Follenauti):\nCome Profugo, eri:\n -Un Amnesico che si è ricordato di essere un Impostore\n -Un assassino che ha ucciso il bersaglio del Padrino.\n -Un Romantico il cui partner era un Impostore\n -O un Imitatore che ha imitato un Impostore.\n\nOra il tuo compito è aiutare gli Impostori a uccidere gli Astronauti.",
+ "RefugeeInfoLong": "(Madmates):\nAs the Refugee, you were either:\n -An Amnesiac who remembered an Impostor\n -A killer who killed the Godfather's target.\n -A Romantic whose partner was an Impostor\n -Or an Imitator that imitated an Impostor.\n\nNow your job is to help the Impostors kill the Crewmates.",
"UnderdogInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Sfavorito, non puoi uccidere finché non c'è un certo numero di giocatori vivi.",
- "ConsigliereInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Consigliere, puoi rivelare i ruoli degli altri giocatori utilizzando il pulsante uccidi.\n\nClic singolo: rivela il ruolo\nDoppio clic: uccidi\n\nSe esaurisci gli usi di rivelazione, il pulsante uccidi funziona normalmente.",
- "LudopathInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Ludopatico, la tua ricarica uccisione è casuale.\n\nIl minimo può essere 1 secondo, mentre il massimo è la ricarica uccisione normale.",
+ "ConsigliereInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Consigliere, you can reveal the roles of other players using your Kill button.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\n\nIf you run out of reveal uses, your Kill button functions normally.",
+ "LudopathInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ludopath, your Kill Cooldown is randomized.\n\nMinimum it can be is 1 second, while the maximum is your default Kill Cooldown.",
"GodfatherInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Padrino, voti qualcuno per renderlo il tuo bersaglio.\nNel round successivo, se qualcuno uccide il bersaglio, l'assassino si trasformerà in un Profugo o Follenauta.",
"ChronomancerInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Cronomante, hai una barra di carica che indica quando il massacro è pronto. Quando è al 100%, la prossima volta che uccidi qualcuno entri in modalità massacro, il che significa che puoi uccidere indefinitamente finché la barra non si esaurisce. Altrimenti hai una normale ricarica uccisione.",
- "PitfallInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Insidioso, usi la mutazione per segnare l'area attorno alla mutazione come una trappola. I giocatori che entrano in quest'area verranno immobilizzati rapidamente, e la loro vista sarà compromessa.",
- "EvilMiniInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Mini Malvagio, sei immortale finché non cresci e hai una ricarica uccisione iniziale molto lunga, che si riduce drasticamente man mano che cresci.",
- "BlackmailerInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Ricattatore, quando ti muti in un bersaglio, ricatterai quel giocatore. Ciò significa che durante le riunioni non potrà parlare.\n\nNota: se qualcuno è già stato ricattato, ricattare un'altra persona toglierà il ricatto alla persona attuale.",
- "InstigatorInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome istigatore, il tuo compito è quello di mettere gli astronauti l'uno contro l'altro. Ogni volta che un Astronauta viene eliminato durante una riunione, se sei vivo, un altro Astronauta che ha votato per il giocatore innocente morirà dopo la riunione. L'Host determina Il numero di giocatori aggiuntivi che muoiono.",
- "LazyGuyInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nIl Pigrone ha un solo un incarico. Inoltre, le abilità degli Impostori non possono influenzare il Pigrone, come ad esempio essere un capro espiatorio per Anonimo, essere segnato da uno Stregone o da un Burattinaio e altro ancora. Il Pigrone non avrà alcun Modificatore.",
+ "PitfallInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Pitfall, you use your Shapeshift to mark the area around the Shapeshift as a trap. Players who enter this area will be immobilized quickly, and their vision will be affected.",
+ "EvilMiniInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Evil Mini, you are unkillable until you grow up and have a very long initial Kill Cooldown, which gets drastically shortened as you grow up.",
+ "BlackmailerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Blackmailer, when you Shift into a target, you will blackmail that player. This means that during the meetings, they won't be able to speak.\n\nNote: If someone is already blackmailed, blackmailing another person un-blackmails the current person.",
+ "InstigatorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Instigator, it's your job to turn the Crewmates against each other. Each time a Crewmate gets voted out in a meeting, if you are alive, an additional Crewmate who voted for the innocent player will die after the meeting. The Host determines the number of additional players dying.",
+ "LazyGuyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nLazy Guy has only one task. In addition, the Impostor's abilities can't affect the Lazy Guy, such as being a scapegoat for Anonymous, being marked by a Warlock or Puppeteer, and more. Lazy Guy will not have any Add-ons.",
"SuperStarInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCi sarà il logo di una stella accanto al nome della Super Star, così tutti sapranno chi è la Super Star. La Super Star può essere uccisa solo quando l'assassino è da solo con la Super Star (solo uccisioni regolari). Inoltre, gli indovini non possono indovinare la Super Star. ",
"CelebrityInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nTutti gli Astronauti vedono il flash uccisione quando la Celebrità muore (così come il Veggente vede il flash uccisione) e ricevono un avviso alla riunione successiva. Gli Impostori non ne sapranno nulla.",
- "CleanserInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Purificatore, puoi votare per cancellare i modificatori di qualsiasi bersaglio durante la riunione. La cancellazione ha effetto dopo la fine della riunione. A seconda delle impostazioni, il giocatore purificato potrebbe non ricevere più modificatori.",
+ "CleanserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Cleanser, you can vote to erase the Add-ons of any target at the meeting. This erasure takes effect after the meeting ends. Depending on the settings, the cleansed player may never receive Add-ons again.",
"KeeperInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome custode, puoi votare qualcuno per proteggerlo dall'essere espulso. Puoi farlo solo un numero configurabile di volte.",
- "MayorInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Sindaco, hai dei voti extra. A seconda delle impostazioni, i giocatori non possono vedere i tuoi voti extra, puoi usare i condotti per convocare una riunione in qualsiasi momento o puoi farti rivelare come Sindaco al completamento degli incarichi.",
+ "MayorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mayor, you have extra votes. Depending on the settings, players can't see your extra votes, you can Vent to call a meeting at any time, or you can have yourself revealed as Mayor upon task completion.",
"PsychicInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nLo Psichico può vedere i nomi di diversi giocatori evidenziati in rosso durante l'incontro; almeno uno di loro è malvagio. Lo Psichico vedrà correttamente tutti i Neutrali e gli Astronauti assassini visualizzati con nomi rossi quando diventa un Follenauta.",
- "MechanicInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nIl Meccanico può utilizzare i condotti in qualsiasi momento. Può anche riparare i reattori, l'O2 e le comunicazioni usando solo un lato. Puoi riparare le luci premendo un solo interruttore. Aprendo una porta si apriranno tutte le porte della mappa.",
- "SheriffInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nLo sceriffo non ha alcun incarico. Lo Sceriffo può uccidere l'impostore (a seconda delle impostazioni dell'host, lo sceriffo può uccidere anche i neutrali). Se lo Sceriffo tenta di uccidere un astronauta, si suiciderà. Lo Sceriffo può uccidere chiunque quando diventa un Follenauta (anche secondo le impostazioni dell'host).",
- "VigilanteInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Vigilante, hai il compito di eliminare potenziali minacce per gli Astronauti, ma se uccidi per errore un astronauta innocente, diventi un Follenauta guidato dal senso di colpa e dal rimorso.\n\n Nota: il Gangster non può convertire il Vigilante in un Follenauta.",
- "JailerInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome carceriere, usa il pulsante uccidi per bloccare un giocatore in prigione. Durante la prossima riunione, il giocatore imprigionato non potrà votare né essere votato (il valore del suo voto sarà 0). Il carceriere può scegliere di giustiziare il prigioniero votandolo. Se il Carceriere giustizia un giocatore innocente, perde la capacità di giustiziare per il resto della partita.\nSe il carceriere è malvagio, allora può giustiziare chiunque.\nIl Carceriere ha esecuzioni limitate.\n\nNota: i giocatori in prigione non possono essere indovinati o giudicati, mentre i giocatori in prigione possono solo indovinare il Carceriere.",
+ "MechanicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Mechanic can use Vents at any time. They can also fix Reactors, O2, and Communications using only one side. You can fix Lights by flicking only one switch. Opening a door will open all doors in the map.",
+ "SheriffInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nSheriff has no task. The Sheriff can kill the Impostor (according to the Host settings, the Sheriff can also kill Neutrals). If the Sheriff tries to kill a Crewmate, the Sheriff will kill himself. The Sheriff can kill anyone when he becomes a Madmate (also according to the Host settings).",
+ "VigilanteInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Vigilante, you are tasked with eliminating potential threats to the Crewmates, but if they mistakenly kill an innocent Crew member, they become a Madmate driven by guilt and remorse.\n\n Note: Gangster cannot convert Vigilante into Madmate.",
+ "JailerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Jailer, use your Kill button to lock a player in jail. During the next meeting, the jailed player cannot vote or get voted (the vote count will be 0). The Jailer may choose to execute the prisoner by voting for them. If the Jailer executes an innocent player, the Jailer loses the ability to execute for the rest of the game.\nIf the Jailer is evil, then they can execute anyone.\nThe Jailer has limited executions.\n\nNote: Jailed players cannot be guessed or judged, and jailed players can only guess Jailer.",
"SnitchInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nDopo che l'Informatore ha completato tutti gli incarichi, può vedere i nomi degli impostori visualizzati in rosso durante la riunione. Quando all'Informatore resta solo un incarico, gli impostori vedranno un segno 「★」 accanto al nome loro e dell'Informatore. Quando l'Informatore diventa un Follenauta, il segno 「★」 diventa rosso.",
- "MarshallInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Maresciallo, completa i tuoi incarichi per rivelarti al resto degli Astronauti.\nLe altre squadre non potranno vederti.\nTuttavia, i Follenauti POSSONO vederti.",
- "DoctorInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nIl Dottore può vedere la causa di morte di tutti i giocatori. Inoltre, il Dottore può accedere ai segni vitali ovunque tu sia mentre ha ancora la batteria.",
+ "MarshallInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Marshall, complete your tasks to reveal yourself to the rest of the Crewmates.\nOther teams will not be able to see you.\nHowever, Madmates CAN see you.",
+ "DoctorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nDoctor can see the cause of death for all players. In addition, the Doctor can access Vitals wherever you are while he still has battery left.",
"DictatorInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nQuando il Dittatore vota per qualcuno, la riunione finirà sul posto, e il giocatore che ha votato verrà espulso dalla riunione. Nel momento in cui il Dittatore voterà per qualcuno, anche il dittatore morirà.",
"DetectiveInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nDopo che il Detective segnala il corpo, riceverà un messaggio indizio che dirà al detective qual è il ruolo della vittima. Secondo le impostazioni dell'Host, il Detective potrebbe sapere qual è il ruolo dell'assassino. Nota: il Detective non sarà Ignaro.",
"UndercoverInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nGli Impostori sanno chi è l'Infiltrato e lo vede come un compagno di squadra, ma lo stesso Infiltrato non sa chi sono gli Impostori.",
- "NiceGuesserInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nL'Indovino Buono può indovinare il ruolo di un certo giocatore durante le riunioni. Se è corretto, ucciderà il bersaglio e, se è sbagliato, l'Indovino Buono si suiciderà.\nIl comando per indovinare è: /bt [Id giocatore] [role]\nPuoi vedere l'id del giocatore prima del suo nome oppure usare il comando /id per vedere l'id di tutti i giocatori.\nl'Indovino Buono può indovinare gli astronauti quando diventa un Follenauta.",
- "GuessMasterInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Maestro Indovino, riceverai informazioni su ogni tentativo d'indovinare effettuato durante una riunione. Verrai informato sul ruolo che l'indovino ha provato a indovinare e sarai avvisato anche in caso di errore.",
+ "NiceGuesserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Nice Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If it is correct, it will kill the target, and if it is wrong, Nice Guesser will suicide.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nNice Guesser can guess Crewmate when become Madmate.",
+ "GuessMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guess Master, you will receive information about every attempted guess made during a meeting. You will be informed about the role the Guesser tried to guess, and you will also be notified in case of a misguess.",
"KnightInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nIl Cavaliere non ha incarichi. Può uccidere chiunque ma può farlo una sola volta in tutto il gioco.",
- "TransporterInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nOgni volta che il Trasportatore completa un incarico, due giocatori casuali si scambieranno di posto, ma se non ci sono abbastanza giocatori rimasti, non succederà niente. Nota: I giocatori nei condotti non potranno scambiarsi.",
+ "TransporterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhenever the Transporter completes the task, two random players will switch positions, but if there are not enough players left, nothing will happen. Note: Players in a Vent will not be selected.",
"TimeManagerInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nPiù incarichi svolge il Gestore del Tempo, più lungo sarà il tempo della riunione. Quando il Gestore del Tempo muore, il tempo della riunione tornerà alla normalità. Quando il Gestore del Tempo diventa un Follenauta, l'abilità cambia nel ridurre il tempo della riunione invece di aumentarlo.",
- "VeteranInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Veterano, puoi entrare nello stato di allerta usando un condotto. Se un giocatore tenta di uccidere il Veterano in stato di allerta, il Veterano ucciderà invece l'assassino. Il Veterano vedrà un'animazione di scudo sul proprio corpo e un testo sopra la testa come promemoria quando entrano ed escono dallo stato di allerta.",
- "BastionInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Bastione, bombarda i condotti per uccidere impostori e neutrali.\nFai attenzione però; anche gli astronauti possono essere uccisi dalle bombe.",
- "CopyCatInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Copione, puoi usare il pulsante uccidi per copiare il ruolo del bersaglio.\n\nPuoi copiare solo alcuni ruoli degli astronauti.\nSe provi a copiare un follenauta o un mascalzone, diventi la variante follenauta del ruolo bersaglio.\nSe prendi di mira un cattivo che ha una variante astronauta, diventerai la variante astronauta.\n\nInoltre, il tuo ruolo ritornerà ad essere Copione dopo ogni riunione.\nNota: Non puoi indovinare le persone durante le riunioni.",
+ "VeteranInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Veteran, you can enter the alert state by Venting. If a player tries to kill the Veteran in the alert state, the Veteran will kill the murderer instead. Veteran will see a Shield Animation on their body and a text above their head as a reminder when they enter and exit the alert state.",
+ "BastionInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Bastion, bomb Vents to kill off Impostors and Neutrals.\nBe careful though; Crewmates can also be killed with the bombs.",
+ "CopyCatInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Copycat, you can use your Kill button to copy the target's role.\n\nYou can only copy some Crewmate roles.\nIf you try to copy a Madmate or Rascal, you become the Madmate variation of the target role.\nIf you target an evil with a Crewmate variant, you'll become the Crewmate variant.\n\nAdditionally, Your role will be set back to Copycat after every meeting.\nNote You can't guess people in meetings.",
"BodyguardInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nSe un giocatore sta per essere ucciso vicino alla Guardia del Corpo, la Guardia del Corpo impedirà l'uccisione e morirà con l'assassino. Le abilità della Guardia del Corpo influenzeranno i giocatori di qualsiasi squadra. Quando la Guardia del Corpo diventa un Follenauta, e l'assassino è un Impostore, la Guardia del Corpo non attiverà l'abilità.",
- "DeceiverInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nL'Ingannatore può vendere la contraffazione ad altri giocatori tramite il pulsante uccidi. Se la contraffazione viene venduta con successo, l'Ingannatore vedrà un'animazione di scudo sul proprio corpo come promemoria. La contraffazione avrà effetto dopo la fine della prossima riunione. Se il giocatore senza abilità di uccisione tiene in mano la contraffazione, si ucciderà immediatamente. Se il giocatore con l'abilità di uccidere ha la contraffazione, si suiciderà quando tenterà di uccidere qualcuno la prossima volta.",
- "GrenadierInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Granatiere, puoi usare i condotti per accecare i giocatori nelle vicinanze, facendo loro perdere la vista se sono un Impostore o, a seconda delle impostazioni, un Neutrale.",
+ "DeceiverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Deceiver can sell the counterfeit to other players through the Kill button. If the counterfeit is sold successfully, the Deceiver will see a Shield Animation on their body as a reminder. The counterfeit will take effect after the end of the next meeting. If the player with no kill ability holds the counterfeit, he will kill himself immediately. If the player with the killing ability has the counterfeit, he will commit suicide when he tries to kill someone next time.",
+ "GrenadierInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Grenadier, you can Vent to Flashbang players nearby, causing them to lose vision if they are an Impostor or, depending on settings, a Neutral.",
"MedicInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nIl Medico può posizionare uno scudo sul bersaglio premendo il pulsante Uccidi. Il Medico può fornire un solo scudo per tutta la partita. A seconda delle impostazioni, lo scudo del bersaglio può disattivarsi o meno quando il Medico muore. Il Medico può anche vedere se qualcuno sta cercando di rompere lo scudo del bersaglio.\nA seconda delle impostazioni dell'host, il Medico o il bersaglio possono vedere se il giocatore ha uno scudo (mostrato come un cerchio verde 「●」 accanto al nome).",
"FortuneTellerInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Chiromante, vota un giocatore in una riunione per avere un indizio sul suo ruolo.\nL'indizio riguarderà il loro ruolo reale.\n\nUna volta che il Chiromante avrà finito gli incarichi, otterrà il ruolo esatto anziché un indizio!\n\nNota: Se l'impostazione di dare giocatori attivi casuali come indizi è attiva, non potrai controllare lo stesso giocatore più volte.",
"JudgeInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Judge can judge a certain player during the meeting. If the target is evil, the target will be killed (whether it is evil or not is set by the Host). If it is wrong, the Judge commits suicide.\nCommand for judgment: /tl [player id]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nJudges can judge all players when they become Madmate.\nIn meeting the ability count shows how many trails you have in this meeting. Out of meeting the ability counts shows how many trails you have for the whole game.",
"MorticianInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nL'Imbalsamatore può vedere le frecce che puntano a tutti i cadaveri, e se segnala un cadavere, conoscerà l'ultimo giocatore con cui la vittima ha avuto contatti. Nota: l'Imbalsamatore non sarà Ignaro o Veggente.",
"MediumInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nIl Medium può stabilire un contatto con un giocatore morto dopo che qualcuno segnala un cadavere. Il giocatore che segnala non deve essere il Medium. Il giocatore morto può rispondere una volta con un SI o un NO alla domanda del Medium, che solo il Medium potrà vedere (il giocatore morto può usare /ms yes o /ms no). Nota: il Medium non sarà Ignaro.",
- "ObserverInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Osservatore, puoi vedere tutte le animazioni dello scudo causate dagli altri giocatori dopo la prima riunione. Le animazioni dello scudo indicano in genere un'abilità del ruolo, quindi fai attenzione.",
+ "ObserverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Observer, you can see all Shield Animations caused by other players after the first meeting. The Shield Animations typically indicate a role ability, so look out for this.",
"MonarchInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Monarca, puoi cavallerizzare i giocatori per dare loro un voto extra.\n\nNon puoi cavallerizzare qualcuno che ha già voti extra.\n\nI giocatori cavallerizzati appaiono con un nome d'oro.\nSe un giocatore cavallerizzato è vivo, il Monarca non può essere indovinato o ucciso.",
- "PacifistInfoLong": "(Astronauta):\nQuando il Pacifista usa i condotti, ripristinerà la ricarica uccisione per ogni giocatore con un pulsante uccidi. Quando diventa un Follenauta, questa abilità funzionerà solo sugli astronauti.",
- "OverseerInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Chiaroveggente, hai un campo visivo minimo, ma puoi usare il pulsante uccidi per rivelare il ruolo di un giocatore vicino. Un 「○」 verrà visualizzato accanto al bersaglio della rivelazione dopo che avrai usato il pulsante uccidi su di esso, e lo scannerizzerai (solo tu puoi vederlo). Rimani vicino al bersaglio per un tempo definito per rivelare il suo ruolo; se ti allontani troppo, la rivelazione verrà annullata.",
+ "PacifistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhen the Pacifist Vents, they will reset the Kill Cooldown for every player with a Kill button. When they become a Madmate, this ability will only work on Crewmates.",
+ "OverseerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Overseer, you have minimal vision, but you can use your Kill button to reveal the role of a nearby player. A 「○」 will be displayed next to the revealed target after you use the Kill button on them, and you will also be scanning them (only you can see this). Stay near the target for a defined time to reveal his role; if you move too far away, the reveal will cancel.",
"CoronerInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Medico Legale, non puoi segnalare i cadaveri; invece, dopo aver provato a segnalare il cadavere, vedrai una freccia che ti condurrà all'assassino. Se qualcuno convoca una riunione, le frecce scompaiono. A seconda delle impostazioni, i giocatori non possono segnalare il corpo che hai trovato.",
"PresidentInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nIl Presidente ha due abilità: terminare le riunioni e rivelare l'identità.\n\n+ Abilità 1: Termina la riunione - Digita /finish nelle riunioni come Presidente per terminare immediatamente la riunione.\n+ Abilità 2: Rivela la tua identità - Digita /reveal nelle riunioni per rivelarti. Rivelarti farà sì che ogni giocatore possa vedere che sei il Presidente, e non potrai essere indovinato dopo aver digitato il comando. Tuttavia, dopo che il Presidente si è rivelato, chiunque abbia ucciso il Presidente vedrà la sua ricarica di uccisione notevolmente ridotta alla prossima uccisione.",
- "MerchantInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome mercante, vendi un modificatore a caso a un giocatore a caso per ogni incarico che porti a termine. Ogni modificatore venduto ti fa guadagnare denaro. Se hai una certa somma di denaro, puoi prevenire il prossimo tentativo di uccisione contro di te corrompendo l'assassino. Il giocatore corrotto non potrà ucciderti, ma tu non saprai chi è. Il denaro utilizzato viene perso e non disponibile per altre corruzioni.",
+ "MerchantInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a merchant, you sell a random Add-on to a random player for each task you complete. Each Add-on sold earns you money. If you have a certain amount of money, you can prevent the next killing attempt against you by bribing the murderer. The bribed player won't be able to kill you, but you don't know who it is. The money used is lost and not available for additional bribes.",
"RetributionistInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Punitore, puoi uccidere un numero limitato di giocatori dopo la tua morte.\n\nUsa /ret [playerID] per uccidere.",
- "HawkInfoLong": "(Astronauti [Fantasma]):\nCome Falco, puoi uccidere una quantità limitata di giocatori decisa dall'host, ma c'è una possibilità di sbagliare, affettare qualcuno più volte aumenta le possibilità.",
- "DeputyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Deputy, use your kill button to handcuff a player.\nThe player who is handcuffed will have their next kill attempt treated as a handcuff break, and the kill cooldown will be reset.\n\nIf the target does not have a kill button, then the handcuff was a waste.",
- "InvestigatorInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Investigatore, puoi utilizzare il tuo pulsante uccidi per indagare su qualcuno. Quando indaghi su qualcuno, il suo nome apparirà in rosso se possiede un pulsante uccidi (base Impostore/Mutaforma) o in azzurro se non ha un pulsante uccidi (base Astronauta/Ingegnere/Scienziato). Tuttavia, tieni presente che il colore dei nomi tornerà normale quando qualcuno chiamerà una riunione.",
+ "HawkInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Hawk, you can kill a limited amount of players decided by the Host, though there's a chance you miss, slicing someone multiple times increases the chances.",
+ "DeputyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Deputy, use your Kill button to handcuff a player.\nThe player who is handcuffed will have their next kill attempt treated as a handcuff break, and the Kill Cooldown will be reset.\n\nIf the target does not have a Kill button, then the handcuff was a waste.",
+ "InvestigatorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs an Investigator, you can use your Kill button to investigate someone. When you investigate someone, their name will appear in red if they possess a Kill button (impostor/Shapeshifter basis) or light blue if they lack a Kill button (Crewmate/Engineer/Scientist basis). However, please note that the color of the names will return to normal when someone calls a meeting.",
"GuardianInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Guardiano, diventi immortale al completamento dei tuoi incarichi.\nGli indovini non potranno indovinarti nelle riunioni.",
- "AddictInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Tossicomane, hai un timer per il suicidio. Quando scade, ti uccidi.\nIl timer è indicato dalla ricarica dei condotti. Quando la ricarica dei condotti è a 0 secondi, hai ancora un breve periodo di tempo per usare i condotti.\nSe non ce la fai, muori; se ce la fai, il timer del suicidio si azzera.\nInoltre, dopo che hai usato i condotti, nessuno può interagire con te per un periodo definito.\nDopo, il periodo termina e tu sei immobilizzato per un altro periodo definito e non puoi segnalare alcun corpo.",
- "MoleInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome la Talpa, quando usi i condotti, rimani nel condotto per 1 secondo. Quando esci dal condotto, apparirai vicino a un condotto casuale nella mappa (tranne quello che hai usato).",
+ "AddictInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Addict, you have a suicide timer. When it expires, you kill yourself.\nThe timer is indicated by the Vent Cooldown. When the Vent Cooldown is 0 seconds, you still have a short time to Vent.\nIf you don't make it, you die; if you make it, the Suicide Timer is reset.\nAlso after you Vent, no one can interact with you for a defined period.\nAfter; the period is over, and you are immobilized for another defined period, and cannot Report any bodies.",
+ "MoleInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mole, when you Vent, you stay in the Vent for 1 second. When you exit the Vent, you will spawn near a random Vent in the map (Except the one you used).",
"AlchemistInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Alchimista, prepari pozioni quando completi gli incarichi. La pozione che hai creato verrà visualizzata sotto il nome del tuo ruolo con la descrizione e le istruzioni corrispondenti. Puoi ottenere sette pozioni diverse, alcune con effetti dannosi o senza effetti. Usa i condotti per usare la pozione.",
- "KamikazeInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Kamikaze puoi fare clic con un solo clic per contrassegnare le persone. Fare doppio clic per uccidere normalmente. Quando muori, muoiono anche tutti quelli bersagliati, con causa di morte Bersagliato.",
- "TracefinderInfoLong": "(Astronauta):\nCome Tracciatore, puoi accedere ai segni vitali in qualsiasi momento.\nInoltre, ottieni frecce che puntano a cadaveri, con un ritardo impostato dall'Host.",
+ "KamikazeInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Kamikaze you can single click to mark players. Double-click to kill normally. When you die, all marked also die, with death reason Targeted.",
+ "TracefinderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracefinder, you can access Vitals at any time.\nIn addition, you get arrows pointing to dead bodies, with a delay set by the Host.",
"OracleInfoLong": "(Astronauta):\nCome Oracolo, puoi votare un giocatore durante una riunione.\nVedrai se è un Astronauta, un Neutrale o un Impostore.\nA seconda delle impostazioni, è possibile che il risultato non sia corretto.",
"SpiritualistInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Spiritualista, ottieni una freccia che punta verso il fantasma della vittima dell'ultima riunione. C'è un'opzione per far scomparire e riapparire la freccia a intervalli. Prova a informare il fantasma della tua abilità se puoi; se sono dalla tua parte, potrebbero condurti a un ruolo malvagio in modo da poterli espellere. Fai attenzione, poiché i ruoli malvagi possono fare lo stesso per gli Astronauti.",
- "ChameleonInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Camaleonte, puoi usare i condotti per Svanire temporaneamente. Apparirai comunque visibile sullo schermo. Usa i condotti nuovamente per diventare visibile.",
- "InspectorInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nControlla se due giocatori fanno parte della stessa squadra oppure no. Riceverai un messaggio di conferma se fanno parte della stessa squadra o un messaggio di rifiuto se non fanno parte della stessa squadra.\n\nTutti i giocatori neutrali e convertiti vengono conteggiati nella stessa squadra. L'Imbroglione conta come Astronauta e il Mascalzone conta come Impostore.\nComando di controllo: /cmp [id giocatore 1] [id giocatore 2].",
- "CaptainInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCon ogni incarico completato, il Capitano acquisisce il potere di rallentare un ruolo casuale non astronauta. Gli astronauti possono vedere ☆ oltre al nome del Capitano.\n\nSe qualcuno tradisce la fiducia del Capitano votandolo, egli perderà un modificatore.",
- "AdmirerInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Ammiratore, ammirare un giocatore lo porterà dalla parte degli Astronauti.\nVinceranno con gli Astronauti e non con la loro squadra originale.\n\nPuoi farlo solo una volta per giocatore.",
- "TimeMasterInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Padrone Temporale, usa i condotti per contrassegnare la posizione di tutti.\nQuando si utilizza nuovamente l'abilità, ogni giocatore vivo verrà riavvolto nelle posizioni contrassegnate.\n\nDurante la durata dell'abilità, il Padrone Temporale ottiene uno scudo temporale, che lo protegge dalla morte.",
- "CrusaderInfoLong": "(Astronauta):\nCome Crociato, usa il pulsante uccidi per fare una crociata a un giocatore.\nSe quel giocatore viene attaccato, ucciderai l'attaccante.",
- "AltruistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Altruist, you can sacrifice yourself to revive a dead body using the «Report» button.\nNote: If a dead player has left the game, you report that body normally.\nAlso revived player cannot report self dead body\nUse vent button to change between Report & Revive.",
- "ReverieInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Fantasticheria, puoi uccidere, ma la tua ricarica iniziale sara alta.\n\nAumenta se uccidi un astronauta e si riduce in caso contrario.\nA seconda dell'impostazione dell'Host, puoi fare cilecca quando raggiungi la ricarica uccisione massima, e il tuo bersaglio muore con te. \n\nVinci con altri astronauti.",
- "LookoutInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome vedetta, puoi vedere gli ID di ogni giocatore in ogni momento.\nCiò ti consente di vedere attraverso i mutaforma e i camuffamenti.",
- "TelecommunicationInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Telecomunicatore, sarai avvisato quando qualcuno utilizza le telecamere, segni vitali, registri dei corridoi o la mappa in amministrazione.",
- "LighterInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Illuminatore, puoi usare i condotti per aumentare temporaneamente il tuo campo visivo.\nHai un campo visivo migliorato sia quando le luci non sono spente sia quando le luci sono spente.\nUsa questo potere per catturare subdoli assassini!",
+ "ChameleonInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chameleon, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
+ "InspectorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nCheck If two players are in the same team or not. You will get an affirmation message if they are on the same team or a denial message if they are not on the same team.\n\nAll Neutrals and converted players are counted in the same team. Trickster counts as Crewmate, and Rascal counts as Impostor.\nChecking command: /cmp [player id 1] [player id 2].",
+ "CaptainInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWith each completed task, the Captain gains the power to slow down a random non-Crewmate role. Crewmates can see ☆besides Captain's name.\n\nIf anyone betrays the Captain's trust by voting Captain out, they will lose an Add-on.",
+ "AdmirerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Admirer, admire a player to make them Crewmate aligned.\nThey'll win with Crewmates and not their original team.\n\nYou can only do this once per player.",
+ "TimeMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Time Master, use the Vents to mark everyone's position.\nWhen using the ability again, every alive player will rewind to the marked positions.\n\nDuring the ability duration, the Time Master gains a time shield, which protects them from death.",
+ "CrusaderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Crusader, use your Kill button to crusade a player.\nIf that player gets attacked, you'll kill the attacker.",
+ "AltruistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Altruist, you can sacrifice yourself to revive a dead body using the «Report» button.\nNote: If a dead player has left the game, you report that body normally.\nAlso revived player cannot report self dead body\nUse the Vent button to change between Report & Revive.",
+ "ReverieInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Reverie, you can kill, but your Cooldown starts high.\n\nIt increases if you kill a Crewmate and reduces otherwise.\nDepending on the Host's setting, you may misfire on reaching the maximum Kill Cooldown, and your target dies with you. \n\nYou win with other Crewmates.",
+ "LookoutInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Lookout, you can see the ID's of every player at all times.\nThis allows you to see through Shapeshifts and Camouflages.",
+ "TelecommunicationInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Telecommunication, you are notified when anyone uses Cameras, Vitals, Door Logs, or Admin.",
+ "LighterInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Lighter, you can Vent to increase your vision temporarily.\nYou have increased vision both when lights are not out and when lights are out.\nUse this power to catch sneaky killers!",
"TaskManagerInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nVedrai il totale degli incarichi completati (da tutti insieme) accanto al nome del tuo ruolo, che si aggiornerà in tempo reale.",
- "WitnessInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Testimone, quando usi il pulsante uccidi su qualcuno, saprai se ha ucciso negli ultimi X secondi o meno. (X dipende dalle impostazioni).",
- "SwapperInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nIn qualità di Scambiatore, puoi scambiare i voti nelle riunioni.\n\nPer scambiare i voti, usa \"/sw [playerID]\" due volte.\n\nGli ID dei giocatori vengono visualizzati accanto ai nomi dei giocatori nelle riunioni, ma puoi anche utilizzare /id per ottenere un elenco di tutti gli ID dei giocatori.\n\nNota: A seconda delle impostazioni dell'host, puoi scambiare i tuoi voti.",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chief of Police,you can recruit a player to be a Sheriff(only once per game).\nDepending on the settings,you may recruit non-Crewmates or players without a kill button.\nYou may die when you recruit a wrong player.",
+ "WitnessInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Witness, when you use your Kill button on someone, you will know if they killed in the last X seconds or not. (X depends on the settings).",
+ "SwapperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Swapper, you can swap votes in meetings.\n\nTo swap votes, use '/sw [playerID]' twice.\n\nPlayer ID's are displayed next to player names in meetings, but you can also use /id to get a list of all player ID's.\n\nNote: Depending on the Host's settings, you can exchange your own votes.",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chief of Police, you can recruit a player to be a Sheriff(only once per game).\nDepending on the settings, you may recruit non-Crewmates or players without a Kill button.\nYou may suicide when you recruit a wrong player.",
"NiceMiniInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Mini Buono, la tua sopravvivenza è fondamentale. Non puoi essere ucciso finché non cresci e se muori o vieni espulso dalla riunione prima di crescere, tutti perdono. Questo ruolo unico aggiunge una nuova dinamica al gioco, in cui la tua sopravvivenza non è solo per il tuo bene, ma per il successo dell'intero equipaggio.",
- "SpyInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Spia, quando qualcuno usa il pulsante uccidi su di te (qualsiasi abilità tramite il pulsante uccidi), vedrai il suo nome in arancione per alcuni secondi.\nNota: se un Astronauta ha usato la sua abilità su di te, vedrai anche loro con un nome arancione!\nNota: se non hai utilizzi rimasti, non vedrai nessun nome arancione!\nNota: se l'interazione con il pulsante uccidi è bloccata, la ricarica del giocatore verrà ripristinato a 10 secondi",
- "RandomizerInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Randomizzatore, quando muori, il tuo assassino farà una delle seguenti azioni:\n 1. Auto-segnala Il tuo corpo\n 2. Stai vicino al tuo corpo\n 3. La ricarica delle uccisioni è impostato su 600 secondi\n 4. Vendica casualmente un giocatore.",
- "ArsonistInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nL'incendiario può Innaffiare un giocatore facendo clic sul pulsante uccidi sul giocatore e seguendolo per alcuni secondi. Quando l'innaffiamento inizia e ha successo, verrà visualizzata un'animazione dello scudo come promemoria (visibile solo a loro stessi). Quando l'incendiario ha annaffiato tutti i giocatori sopravvissuti, può usare i condotti per appiccare il fuoco e vincere da solo.\n\nSe il nome del giocatore mostra 「△」, significa che stanno per essere innaffiati;\nse il nome del giocatore mostra 「▲」, significa che sono stati completamente innaffiati.\nA seconda dell'impostazione, l'Incendiario può appiccare l'incendio in qualsiasi momento. Ma se fallisce nell'uccidere tutti, perde.",
+ "SpyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Spy, when someone uses their Kill button on you (any ability used through the Kill button), you'll see their name in orange for a few seconds.\nNote: If a Crewmate used their ability on you, you'll also see them with an orange name!\nNote: If you cannot use left, you won't see orange names!\nNote: If the Kill button interaction is blocked, the player's Cooldown will reset to 10s'",
+ "RandomizerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs this Randomizer, when you die, your killer will do one of the following:\n 1. self-report your body\n 2. stand next to your body\n 3. have their Kill Cooldown set to 600s\n 4. Randomly avenge a player.",
+ "ArsonistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Arsonist can douse a player by clicking the Kill button on the player and following them for a few seconds. When the dousing starts and it's successful, a Shield Animation will happen as a reminder (only visible to themselves). When the Arsonist has doused all surviving players, the Arsonist can Vent to start the fire and win alone.\n\nIf the player name shows 「△」, that means they are being doused;\nif the player name shows 「▲」, it means they have been completely doused.\nDepending on the setting, Arsonist may start the fire anytime. But if he fails to kill everyone, he loses.",
"EnigmaInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Enigma, ottieni un indizio casuale sull'assassino a ogni incontro. A seconda delle impostazioni, potresti dover segnalare il corpo per ricevere un indizio. Più incarichi completi, più precisi diventeranno gli indizi.",
- "PyromaniacInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Piromane, puoi innaffiare i giocatori (clic singolo) o uccidere normalmente (clic doppio). Innaffiare i giocatori non ha alcun effetto immediato, ma ucciderne uno ridurrà significativamente la ricarica uccisione. Per vincere, sii l'ultimo giocatore vivo.",
- "HuntsmanInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Cacciatore, ti viene assegnato un certo numero di obiettivi che si azzera a ogni riunione. Se riesci a eliminare uno dei tuoi bersagli, la tua ricarica uccisione si riduce permanentemente della quantità stabilita. Tuttavia, se uccidi qualcuno che non è uno dei tuoi bersagli, la tua ricarica uccisione aumenta permanentemente della quantità stabilita. Un nome colorato indica i tuoi obiettivi.",
+ "PyromaniacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pyromaniac, you can douse players (single click) or kill normally (double click). Dousing players do nothing immediately, but killing a doused player will significantly shorten your Kill Cooldown. To win, be the last player alive.",
+ "HuntsmanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Huntsman, you are given a certain number of targets that reset every meeting. If you successfully eliminate one of your targets, your Kill Cooldown goes down permanently by the set amount. However, if you kill someone not one of your targets, your Kill Cooldown permanently increases by the set amount. A colored name indicates your targets.",
"MiniInfoLong": "(Astronauta o Impostore):\nIl Mini ha due ruoli. Viene scelto un Mini Buono o Malvagio.\n\nUsa rispettivamente '/r mini buono' e '/r mini malvagio' per maggiori dettagli.",
"JesterInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nSe il Giullare viene espulso, il Giullare vince la partita da solo. Se il Giullare è ancora vivo alla fine della partita, il Giullare perde. Nota: il Giullare, l'Esecutore e l'Innocente possono vincere insieme.",
"TerroristInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nSe il Terrorista muore dopo aver completato tutti gli incarichi, il Terrorista vince il gioco da solo. (Possono vincere anche sia da espulsi sia da uccisi).",
"ExecutionerInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nL'Esecutore è un ruolo con un bersaglio di esecuzione, indicato da un simbolo di diamante「♦」 accanto al suo nome. Se il bersaglio di esecuzione viene ucciso, il ruolo dell'Esecutore cambierà in Astronauta, Giullare o Opportunista, a seconda delle impostazioni di gioco. Tuttavia, se il bersaglio di esecuzione viene votato durante la riunione, l'Esecutore vince. Nota: Giullare, Esecutore e Innocente possono vincere insieme.",
"LawyerInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nL'Avvocato ha un bersaglio da difendere, il quale sarà indicato con un diamante 「♦」 accanto al loro nome.\nSe il bersaglio vince, vinci.\nSe perde, perdi anche tu.",
"OpportunistInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nSe l'Opportunista sopravvive alla fine del gioco, l'Opportunista vince con la squadra vincente.",
- "VectorInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nIl Vettore vince da solo usando i condotti un certo numero di volte.",
- "JackalInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Sciacallo, vinci se sei l'ultimo giocatore vivo. Inoltre, puoi reclutare utilizzando il pulsante uccidi. Se il bersaglio non è uno che puoi reclutare, hai esaurito gli usi o non hai la possibilità di reclutare, allora ucciderai le persone normalmente (cioè non usare il pulsanti uccidi davanti agli altri pensando che recluterà).\nSe il bersaglio ha un pulsante uccidi e l'opzione per trasformarsi in una Spalla è attiva, diventerà una Spalla. Altrimenti, otterranno il modificatore Recluta se l'opzione per fornire il modificatore Recluta è attiva.\nA seconda delle impostazioni, quando lo Sciacallo viene ucciso, una Spalla verrà selezionata casualmente come nuovo Sciacallo.\nÈ possibile selezionare una Recluta se ne non ci sono Spalle in vita.",
+ "VectorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nVector will win alone by Venting a certain number of times.",
+ "JackalInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jackal, you win if you are the last player alive. Additionally, you may recruit using the Kill button. If the target is not one you can recruit, you have run out of uses, or you don't have the option to recruit, then you will kill people normally (i.e., don't use Kill buttons in front of others thinking it'll recruit). If the target has a Kill button and the option to turn into a Sidekick is on, they will become a Sidekick. Otherwise, they will gain the Recruit Add-on if the option to give the Recruit Add-on is on.\nDepending on the settings, when Jackal was killed, a Sidekick will be randomly selected as the new Jackal.\nRecruit may be selected if no Sidekick is alive.",
"GodInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Dio, conosci il ruolo di ognuno fin dall'inizio. Se vivi fino alla fine del gioco, rubi la vittoria, cioè., tutti gli altri perdono, e tu vinci.",
- "InnocentInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nL'Innocente può usare il pulsante uccidi per incastrare qualsiasi giocatore e il bersaglio incastrato ucciderà immediatamente l'Innocente. Se il bersaglio viene espulso durante la riunione, l'Innocente vince. Nota: Giullare, Esecutore e Innocente possono vincere insieme.",
- "PelicanInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Pellicano, puoi usare il pulsante uccidi per inghiottire un giocatore vivo, teletrasportandolo fuori dalla mappa ma senza ucciderlo. I giocatori inghiottiti moriranno solo se tu sarai ancora vivo alla fine del round. Se muori o te ne vai durante il round, tutti i giocatori vivi inghiottiti appariranno nella mappa in cui ti trovavi.",
- "RevolutionistInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Rivoluzionista, puoi reclutare i giocatori cliccando sul pulsante uccidi del giocatore e seguendoli fino a quando non viene riprodotta l'animazione dello scudo. Il reclutamento ha una possibilità, stabilita dall'Host, di uccidere i giocatori (anche se vengono comunque reclutati). Quando viene reclutato il numero richiesto di giocatori (indicato accanto al tuo nome), devi usare un condotto entro il tempo specificato per vincere immediatamente la partita con tutti i tuoi reclutati. Se non usi un condotto in tempo, perdi e muori.",
- "HaterInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Hater, non hai alcuna ricarica per le uccisioni. Tuttavia, a seconda delle impostazioni, puoi uccidere solo gli Amanti, e altri ruoli di reclutamento e modificatori. Uccidere qualcun altro ti porterà al suicidio. Vinci alla fine della partita con la squadra vincente se nessuno dei ruoli uccidibili è vivo. Non sarai Amante.",
+ "InnocentInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Innocent can use the Kill button to plant any player, and the planted target will immediately kill the Innocent. If the target gets voted out in the meeting, the Innocent wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
+ "PelicanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pelican, you can use the Kill button to swallow a player alive, teleporting them off-bounds but not killing them yet. Those swallowed will only die if you're still alive at the end of the round. If you die or leave during the round, all alive swallowed players will spawn into the map where you were.",
+ "RevolutionistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Revolutionist, you can recruit players by clicking the Kill button on the player and following them until the Shield Animation plays for you. Recruiting has a chance, set by the Host, to kill players (though they are still recruited). When the required number of players are recruited (displayed next to your name), you must Vent within the specified time to win the game immediately with all your recruits. If you do not Vent in time, you lose and die.",
+ "HaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hater, you have no Kill Cooldown. However, depending on the settings, you can only kill Lovers and other Recruiting Roles and Add-ons. Killing anyone else will make you suicide. You win at the end of the game with the winning team if none of the killable roles are alive. You will not be Lovers.",
"DemonInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Demone, uccidi prosciugando la salute. Vedi la salute in percentuale vicino al nome di tutti e ogni attacco che effettui prosciuga una percentuale da quella salute senza che la vittima lo sappia. Una volta che la salute della tua vittima è ridotta a 0, questa muore. Vinci se sei l'ultimo rimasto in piedi.",
- "StalkerInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nLo Stalker può uccidere chiunque e ogni uccisione causerà immediatamente un sabotaggio delle luci (se le luci sono gia sabotate, non accadrà nulla). Lo stalker non può usare i condotti. Se l'Impostore vince mentre lo Stalker è vivo o gli Astronauti vincono uccidendo gli Impostori (a seconda delle impostazioni dell'Host, lo Stalker può vincere anche quando gli Astronauti vince uccidendo i Neutrali), allora lo Stalker vince da solo.",
+ "StalkerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Stalker can kill anyone, and every kill will immediately cause a Lights Sabotage (if Lights Sabotage is already active, nothing will happen). Stalker cannot Vent. If the Impostor wins while the Stalker is alive or the Crewmate wins by killing the Impostors (according to the Host's setting, the Stalker may also win when the Crewmate wins by killing the Neutrals), then the Stalker wins alone.",
"WorkaholicInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Stacanovista, vinci da solo quando completi tutti gli incarichi. A seconda delle impostazioni dell'Host, puoi vincere solo se sei vivo e/o rivelato a tutti all'inizio (queste impostazioni raramente sono entrambe attive).",
- "SolsticerInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Impiegato, non morirai e vincerai completando tutti i tuoi incarichi in un unico round. Al termine di ogni riunione, i tuoi incarichi vengono ripristinati e devi ricominciare tutto da capo.\nOgni voto sull'Impiegato verrà cancellato direttamente.\nI tentativi di uccisione sull'Impiegato lo teletrasporteranno fuori dalla mappa come Pellicano fino al termine dell'incontro.\nLa ricarica uccisione dell'assassino verrà ripristinato a 10 secondi.\nL'Impiegato non viene considerato nulla nel gioco.",
+ "SolsticerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Solsticer, you won't die, and you win by finishing all your tasks in a single round. After every meeting finishes, your tasks reset, and you need to start all over again.\nVotes on the Solsticer will be directly canceled.\nKill attempts on the Solsticer will teleport it out of the map like Pelican until the meeting is finished.\nThe killer's Kill Cooldown will be reset to 10 seconds.\nSolsticer is counted as nothing in-game.",
"CollectorInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Collezionista, quando voti per un giocatore, per ogni altro giocatore che lo ha votato, guadagni un punto. Quando raccogli i voti richiesti, il gioco finisce e vinci da solo, anche se hai eliminato un giullare o il bersaglio di un esecutore.",
- "GlitchInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Glitch, puoi hackerare i giocatori (clic singolo) o uccidere normalmente (doppio clic).\nColoro che sono stati hackerati non possono uccidere, usare i condotti o segnalare per la durata delle hack.\nInoltre, chiamare un sabotaggio diverso dalle porte non avrà alcun effetto e ti travestirà invece da giocatore casuale. Non puoi mascherarti durante o dopo i sabotaggi.\nPer vincere, sii l'ultimo giocatore vivo.",
+ "GlitchInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Glitch, you can hack players (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose who have been hacked cannot kill, Vent, or report for the hack duration.\nAdditionally, calling a Sabotage other than doors will have no effect and will instead disguise you as a random player. You cannot disguise during or after Sabotages.\nTo win, be the last player alive.",
"SidekickInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Spalla, il vostro compito è quello di aiutare lo Sciacallo uccidere tutti.\nTu e lo Sciacallo vincerete insieme.\nA seconda delle impostazioni, puoi trasformarti in Sciacallo se il vecchio Sciacallo è stato ucciso.\nPotresti non essere in grado di uccidere fino a quando il vecchio Sciacallo non è morto.",
- "ProvocateurInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Provocatore, puoi uccidere qualsiasi bersaglio con il pulsante uccidi. Se il bersaglio perde alla fine della partita, il Provocatore vince con la squadra vincitrice.",
- "BloodKnightInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nIl Cavaliere del Sangue vince quando è l'ultimo ruolo assassino in vita, e il numero di astronauti è inferiore o uguale al numero di Cavalieri del Sangue. Dopo ogni uccisione, il Cavaliere del Sangue ottiene uno scudo temporaneo rendendolo immortale per alcuni secondi.",
- "PlagueBearerInfoLong": "(Apocalisse):\nCome Untore, infetta tutti usando il pulsante uccidi per trasformarti in Pestilenza.\nUna volta che ti trasformerai in Pestilenza, diventerai immortale e acquisirai la capacità di uccidere, e ucciderai chiunque tenti di ucciderti.\n\nInoltre, quando i giocatori infetti interagiscono con giocatori non infetti, anche loro verranno infettati.",
+ "ProvocateurInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Provocateur, you can kill any target with the Kill button. If the target loses at the end of the game, the Provocateur wins with the winning team.",
+ "BloodKnightInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Blood Knight wins when they're the last killing role alive, and the amount of Crewmates is lower or equal to the amount of Blood Knights. The Blood Knight gains a temporary shield after every kill, making them immortal for a few seconds.",
+ "PlagueBearerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Plaguebearer, plague everyone using your Kill button to turn into Pestilence.\nOnce you turn into Pestilence, you will become immortal and gain the ability to kill, and you will kill anyone who tries to kill you.\n\nAlso, when infected players interact with uninfected players, they will also be infected.",
"PestilenceInfoLong": "(Apocalisse):\nCome Pestilenza sei una macchina inarrestabile.\nQualsiasi attacco nei tuoi confronti si rifletterà contro di loro.\nLe uccisioni indirette non ti uccidono nemmeno.\n\nL'unico modo per uccidere Pestilenza è votarla oppure se Pestilenza sbaglia a indovinare.\nLa tua presenza verrà annunciata nella riunione dopo la tua trasformazione.",
- "SoulCollectorInfoLong": "(Apocalisse):\nCome Collezionista di Anime, puoi usare il pulsante uccidi su un giocatore per prevederne la morte. Guadagnerai un'anima se il tuo bersaglio muore nel round in cui lo selezioni o nella riunione successiva.\nIl tuo obiettivo si ripristina dopo ogni riunione o dopo la morte, a seconda di quale evento si verifica per primo. \n\nUna volta raccolta la quantità configurabile di anime, diventerai La Morte. Se l'impostazione guadagno anime passive è abilitata, otterrai un'anima ad ogni riunione.",
+ "SoulCollectorInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Soul Collector, you can use your Kill button on a player to predict their death. You will gain a Soul if your target dies in the round you select them or the meeting after.\nYour target resets after each meeting or after they die, whichever comes first. \n\nOnce you collect the configurable amount of Souls, you become Death. If the gain passive Souls setting is enabled, you will gain a Soul each meeting.",
"DeathInfoLong": "(Apocalisse):\nUna volta che il Collezionista di Anime ha raccolto le anime necessarie, diventa la Morte. La Morte uccide tutti e vince se la Morte non viene espulsa entro la fine della prossima riunione.\nUn tempo extra configurabile per la riunione verrà assegnato alla riunione in cui la Morte si è trasformata per avere più discussioni per trovare la Morte.\n\nSei invincibile, e la tua presenza viene annunciata a tutti alla riunione dopo che ti sei trasformato.",
- "BakerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Baker, you can use your kill button on a player per round to give them bread. \nOnce a set amount of players are alive with bread, you become Famine.\n\nIf the Bread gives additional effects and the setting is on, then you can vent to change the bread that you give out. \nBread Effects:\nReveal: Reveals the target's role to the Baker (stays the whole game)\nRoleblock: Resets the target's kill cooldown when they try to use their kill button\nBarrier: Gives the target a barrier that is only known to the Baker (barrier is removed after the meeting)",
- "FamineInfoLong": "(Apocalisse):\nUna volta che il Fornaio ha un numero stabilito di persone vive con il pane, diventa Carestia. Se la Carestia non viene eliminata dopo la riunione, allora diventerà Carestia, e ogni giocatore senza pane morirà di fame (esclusi gli altri membri dell'Apocalisse).\nDopo aver fatto morire di fame tutti quelli senza pane, Carestia può usare il suo pulsante uccidi per far morire di fame tutti i giocatori rimasti, il che ucciderà quei giocatori appena prima della riunione successiva.\n\nSei invincibile e la tua presenza viene annunciata a tutti alla riunione dopo che ti sei trasformato.",
+ "BakerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Baker, you can use your Kill Button on a player per round to give them bread. \nOnce a set amount of players are alive with bread, you become Famine.\n\nIf the Bread gives additional effects and the setting is on, then you can Vent to change the bread that you give out. \nBread Effects:\nReveal: Reveals the target's role to the Baker (stays the whole game)\nRoleblock: Resets the target's Kill Cooldown when they try to use their Kill Button\nBarrier: Gives the target a Barrier that is only known to the Baker (Barrier is removed after the meeting)",
+ "FamineInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Baker has a set amount of people with bread alive, they will become Famine. If the Famine does not get voted out after the meeting, then they will become Famine, and every player without bread will starve (excluding other Apocalypse members).\nAfter this starvation of everyone without bread, Famine can use their Kill Button to starve any remaining players, which will kill those players right before the next meeting.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
"BerserkerInfoLong": "(Apocalisse):\nCome Berserker, sali di livello ad ogni uccisione.\nAl raggiungimento di un certo livello definito dall'Host, sblocchi un nuovo potere.\n\nLe uccisioni da spazzino fanno sparire le tue uccisioni.\nLe uccisioni bombardate rendono le tue uccisioni esplosive. Fai attenzione quando uccidi, poiché ciò potrebbe uccidere gli altri membri della Apocalisse se sono vicini.\nDopo un certo livello diventi Guerra.",
- "WarInfoLong": "(Apocalisse):\nCome Guerra, sei invincibile, hai una ricarica uccisione inferiore e puoi uccidere chiunque con i tuoi poteri precedenti.\nLa tua presenza viene annunciata a tutti i partecipanti alla riunione dopo la trasformazione.",
- "FollowerInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nIl Seguace può utilizzare il pulsante Uccidi su qualcuno per iniziare a seguirlo e può utilizzare nuovamente il pulsante Uccidi per cambiare bersaglio successivo. Se l'obiettivo del Seguace vince, il Seguace vincerà insieme a lui. Nota: il Seguace può vincere anche dopo la morte.",
- "CultistInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Cultista, il tuo pulsante uccidi viene utilizzato per affascinare gli altri, facendoli vincere con te. Per vincere, affascina tutti coloro che rappresentano una minaccia e ottieni la maggioranza.\nA seconda delle impostazioni, potresti essere in grado di affascinare i Neutrali e coloro che affascini potrebbero contare come la loro squadra originale, niente o un cultista per determinare quando vinci a causa della maggioranza.",
+ "WarInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs War, you are invincible, have a lower Kill Cooldown, and can kill anyone with your previous powers.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
+ "FollowerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Follower can use their Kill Button on someone to start following them and can use the Kill Button again to switch the following target. If the Follower's target wins, the Follower will win along with them. Note: The Follower can also win after they die.",
+ "CultistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cultist, your Kill Button is used to Charm others, making them win with you. To win, charm all who pose a threat and gain the majority.\nDepending on settings, you may be able to charm Neutrals, and those you Charm may count as their original team, nothing, or a Cultist to determine when you win due to majority.",
"SerialKillerInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Serial Killer, vinci se sei l'ultimo giocatore vivo.",
- "JuggernautInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Colosso, la tua ricarica uccisione diminuisce con ogni uccisione che effettui.\n\nUccidi tutti per vincere.",
+ "JuggernautInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Juggernaut, your Kill Cooldown decreases with each kill you make.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"InfectiousInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Infettivo, il tuo compito è infettare quanti più giocatori possibile.\n\nSe infetti tutti gli assassini, puoi superare in numero gli astronauti e vincere la partita.\n\nSe muori, tutti i giocatori che hai infettato moriranno dopo il prossimo incontro.\nSe raggiungono la tua condizione di vittoria prima di allora, puoi comunque vincere.",
- "VirusInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nIl compito del Virus è quello di uccidere o infettare tutti gli altri giocatori. Quando il Virus uccide un astronauta, il suo cadavere viene infettato da un virus. L'Astronauta che segnala il cadavere infettato si unisce alla squadra del virus o muore alla fine della riunione se il Virus non viene votato, a seconda delle impostazioni. Se i giocatori della squadra del virus sono più numerosi di quelli della squadra degli astronauti, la squadra del virus vince.",
+ "VirusInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe task of the Virus is to kill or infect all other players. When the Virus murders a Crewmate, their corpse is infected with a virus. The Crewmate who reports this corpse is infected joins the virus team or dies at the end of the meeting if the Virus doesn't get voted out, depending on the settings. If more players are on the Virus team than the Crewmate team, the Virus team wins.",
"PursuerInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Persecutore, puoi usare la tua abilità su qualcuno per fargli fare cilecca quando prova a uccidere.\n\nPer vincere sopravvivi fino alla fine del gioco.",
"SpecterInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Spettro, il tuo compito è farti uccidere e portare a termine i tuoi incarichi.\nPuoi svolgere i tuoi incarichi mentre sei vivo.\nNon puoi vincere se sei vivo.\nSe vieni ucciso, vinci con la squadra vincente se i tuoi incarichi sono completati.",
- "PirateInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Pirata, usa il pulsante uccidi per selezionare un bersaglio ogni round.\nDovrai duellare con il tuo bersaglio nella riunione successiva. \nSe il Pirata e il bersaglio scelgono lo stesso numero, il Pirata vince.\nInoltre, se il Pirata vince il duello o il bersaglio non partecipa al duello, il Pirata lo uccide.\n\nComando del duello: /duel X (dove X può essere 0, 1 o 2)\n\nVincerai dopo aver vinto un certo numero di duelli stabilito dall'Host.\n\nNota: l'uccisione non conta ai fini della vittoria del pirata se l'obiettivo non partecipa al duello.",
- "AgitaterInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Agitatore, il princìpio è essenzialmente Patata Bollente.\n\nUsa il pulsante uccidi su un giocatore per passare la bomba.\nQuesto può essere fatto solo una volta per round.\n\nIl giocatore che riceve la bomba verrà avvisato appena la riceve, quindi dovrà passarla a un altro giocatore avvicinandosi ad esso.\n\nQuando viene convocata una riunione, il giocatore con la bomba muore.\n\nSe si tenta di passare la bomba alla Pestilenza o ad un Veterano in stato d'allerta, muore il giocatore che tenta di passarla.\nA seconda delle impostazioni, l'Agitatore non può ricevere la bomba.",
- "MaverickInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Anticonformista, puoi uccidere e, a seconda delle opzioni, usare i condotti e avere il campo visivo impostore\nSe sopravvivi fino alla fine del gioco, vinci con la squadra vincente.\nUsa la tua capacità di uccidere per eliminare le minacce alla tua vita, ma non farti espellere.",
- "CursedSoulInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Anima Maledetta, ruberai la vittoria se sopravvivi fino alla fine del gioco.\n\nPuoi rubare la vittoria a un Giullare o a un Esecutore.\n\nInoltre, puoi rubare le anime di altri giocatori.\nI giocatori senz'anima vincono con te e contano come morti.",
+ "PirateInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pirate, use your Kill button to select a target every round.\nYou will duel with your target in the next meeting. \nIf both the Pirate and the target choose the same number, the Pirate wins.\nAdditionally, if the Pirate wins the duel or the target doesn't participate in the duel, the Pirate kills the target.\n\nDueling command: /duel X (where X can be 0, 1, or 2)\n\nYou win after winning a certain number of duels set by the Host.\n\nNote: The kill would not count towards Pirate victory if the target did not participate in the duel.",
+ "AgitaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Agitator, your premise is essentially Hot Potato.\n\nUse your Kill Button on a player to pass the bomb.\nThis can only be done once per round.\n\nThe player who receives the bomb will be notified when receiving said bomb, in which they need to pass it to another player by getting near a player.\n\nWhen a meeting is called, the player with the bomb dies.\n\nIf trying to pass to Pestilence or a Veteran on alert, the bombed player dies instead.\nOptionally, the Agitator cannot receive the bomb.",
+ "MaverickInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Maverick, you can kill and, depending on options, Vent and have Impostor vision\nIf you survive until the end of the game, you win with the winning team.\nUse your killing ability to eliminate threats to your life, but don't get voted out.",
+ "CursedSoulInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cursed Soul, you steal the victory if you survive to the end of the game.\n\nYou can steal the win from a Jester or Executioner.\n\nAdditionally, you can steal the Souls of other players.\nSoulless players win with you and count as dead.",
"PickpocketInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Borseggiatore, rubi i voti dalle tue uccisioni.\n\nUccidi tutti per vincere.",
"TraitorInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Traditore, eri un impostore che ha tradito gli impostori.\nConosci gli Impostori, ma loro non conoscono te.\nLa svolta? Possono ucciderti ma tu non puoi uccidere loro.\n\nElimina gli impostori con altri mezzi, poi uccidi tutti gli altri per vincere!",
- "TrollerInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Troller, puoi completare gli incarichi in modo che possano accadere eventi casuali ai giocatori.\nAd esempio, modificando la velocità di tutti i giocatori, teletrasporto, influenzando il sabotaggio, ecc.\nInoltre puoi vincere con la squadra vincitrice.",
- "VultureInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Avvoltoio, segnala i corpi per vincere!\n\nQuando segnali un corpo, se la ricarica di mangiare è scaduto, mangerai il corpo (rendendolo non segnalabile).\nSe la tua abilità di mangiare è ancora in ricarica, riporterai il corpo normalmente.\n\nInoltre, segnalerai i corpi normalmente se viene raggiunto il numero massimo di corpi mangiati per round.",
+ "TrollerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs a Troller, you can complete tasks so that random events can happen to players.\nFor example, changing the speed of all players, teleportation, influencing Sabotage, etc.\nAlso you can win with the winning team.",
+ "VultureInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Vulture, report bodies to win!\n\nWhen you report a body, if your Eat Cooldown is up, you'll eat the body (makes it unreportable).\nIf your eat ability is still on Cooldown, then you'll report the body normally.\n\nAdditionally, you'll report bodies normally if the maximum bodies eaten per round is reached.",
"AbyssbringerInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Portatore di abissi, puoi piazzare buchi neri. I buchi neri risucchieranno i giocatori e li uccideranno quando entreranno in collisione con loro.",
- "TaskinatorInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Incaricator, quando completi un incarico, verrà piazzata una bomba sull'incarico. Quando un altro giocatore completa l'incarico con la bomba, essa esploderà, e il giocatore morirà.\n\nVinci se sopravvivi fino alla fine e se gli Astronauti non vincono.\n\n Nota: Le bombe dell'Incaricator ignora tutte le protezioni.",
+ "TaskinatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Taskinator, whenever you finish a task, the task will be bombed. When another player completes the bombed task, the bomb will detonate, and the player will die.\n\nYou win if you survive till the end and Crewmates don't win.\n\n Note: Taskinator bombs ignore all protection.",
"BenefactorInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Benefattore, ogni volta che completi un incarico, quel incarico verrà contrassegnato. Quando un altro giocatore completa l'incarico contrassegnato, ottiene uno scudo temporaneo.\n\n Nota: lo scudo protegge solo dagli attacchi diretti.",
- "MedusaInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Medusa, you can stone bodies much like cleaning a body.\nStoned bodies cannot be reported.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"SpiritcallerInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Invocatore di spiriti, le tue vittime si trasformano in Spiriti Malvagi dopo la loro morte. Questi spiriti possono aiutarti a vincere congelando brevemente gli altri giocatori o bloccando la loro vista. In alternativa, gli spiriti possono fornirti uno scudo che ti protegge brevemente da un tentativo di uccisione.",
- "AmnesiacInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Amnesico, usa il tuo pulsante segnala per ricordare un bersaglio e ottenere il suo ruolo.\nPer bilanciare il gioco, non sarai in grado di usare i condotti dopo aver ricordato il tuo ruolo se non puoi usare i condotti come Amnesico.",
- "ImitatorInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Imitatore, usa il pulsante uccidi per imitare un giocatore.\n\nDiventerai uno Sceriffo, un Profugo, o qualche Neutrale.",
- "BanditInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Bandito, puoi cliccare una volta sul tuo pulsante uccidi per rubare il modificatore di un giocatore e due volte per ucciderlo. A seconda delle impostazioni, puoi rubare il modificatore all'istante o dopo l'inizio della riunione. Dopo aver raggiunto il numero massimo di furti, ucciderai normalmente. Inoltre, se non ci sono modificatori rubabili sul bersaglio o se il bersaglio è testardo, ucciderai il bersaglio.\n\nUccidi tutti per vincere.\n\nNota: Purificato, Ultimo impostore e Amanti non possono essere rubati.\nNota: se Bandito può usare i condotti è attivo, Agile non si potrà rubare.",
- "DoppelgangerInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Doppelganger, usa il pulsante uccidi per rubare l'identità di un giocatore (il suo nome e la sua skin) e poi uccidi il tuo bersaglio.\n\nUccidi tutti per vincere.\n\nNota: Non puoi rubare l'identità del bersaglio quando il Camuffamento è attivo.",
+ "AmnesiacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Amnesiac, use your report button to remember a target and get its role.\nTo balance the game, you will not be able to Vent after remembering your role if you can't Vent as Amnesiac.'",
+ "ImitatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Imitator, use your Kill button to imitate a player.\n\nYou'll either become a Sheriff, a Refugee, or some Neutral.",
+ "BanditInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Bandit, you can click your Kill button one time to steal a player's Add-on and twice to kill. Depending on the settings, you may instantly steal the Add-on or after the meeting starts. After the maximum number of steals is reached, you will kill normally. Additionally, if there are no stealable Add-ons on the target or the target is Stubborn, you will kill the target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: Cleansed, Last Impostor, and Lovers cannot be stolen.\nNote: If Bandit can Vent is on, Nimble will become unstealable.",
+ "DoppelgangerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Doppelganger, use your Kill button to steal a player's identity (their name and skin) and then kill your target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: You cannot steal the target's identity when Camouflage is active.",
"PunchingBagInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Sacco da Boxe, il tuo obiettivo è essere attaccato alcune volte per vincere.\n\nNon puoi essere indovinato, poiché ciò si aggiunge al conteggio degli attacchi.",
- "DoomsayerInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nIl Catastrofista può indovinare il ruolo di un certo giocatore durante l'incontro.\nSe il Doomsayer indovina un certo numero di ruoli (il numero dipende dalle impostazioni dell'host), vince.\nIl comando per indovinare è: /bt [Id giocatore] [role]\nPuoi vedere l'id del giocatore prima del nome del giocatore, oppure usare il comando /id per vedere l'id di tutti i giocatori.",
- "ShroudInfoLong": "(Neutrale):\nCome la Sindone, non uccidi normalmente.\nInvece, avvolgi I giocatori con il tuo pulsante uccidi.\nI giocatori avvolti uccidono gli altri.\nSe il giocatore avvolto non effettua un'uccisione, si ucciderà dopo una riunione.\n\nLa Sindone vedrà i giocatori avvolti con questo segno「◈」sul loro nome.\nI giocatori avvolti che non hanno fatto un uccisione avrà questo segno「◈」anche nelle riunioni, dove moriranno se la Sindone è ancora viva alla fine della riunione.",
- "WerewolfInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome lupo mannaro, puoi uccidere proprio come qualsiasi assassino.\nTuttavia, quando uccidi, muoiono anche tutti i giocatori vicini.\nQualsiasi giocatore che muore per questo avrà la causa della loro morte come Sbranato.\n\nPer bilanciare questo, hai una ricarica uccisione più alta di chiunque altro.",
- "ShamanInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Sciamano, puoi usare il pulsante uccidi per selezionare una bambola vudù una volta per round. Se uno ha usato il pulsante uccidi su di te, l'effetto verrà deviato verso la bambola vudù.\nSe sopravvivi fino alla fine, vinci con la squadra vincente.\nNota: se l'assassino non può uccidere il bersaglio prescelto, l'omicidio viene annullato, ma se l'assassino ricontrolla lo Sciamano, ucciderà lo Sciamano.",
- "SeekerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the seeker, use your kill button to tag the target. If the seeker tags the wrong player, a point is deducted, and if the seeker tags the correct player, a point will be added.\nAdditionally, the seeker will not be able to move for 5 seconds after every meeting and after getting a new target.\n\nThe seeker needs to collect a certain number of points set by the Host to win.\nSeeker will see a ★ mark on target's name.",
- "PixieInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Folletto, contrassegna fino a un numero x di bersagli per ogni round utilizzando il pulsante uccidi. Devi far espellere uno dei bersagli segnati quando inizia la riunione. Se non ci riesci, ti suiciderai, tranne nel caso in cui non hai segnato alcun bersaglio o tutti i bersagli sono morti. I bersagli selezionati si azzerano al termine della riunione. Se ci riesci, guadagnerai un punto. Puoi vedere tutti i tuoi bersagli con nomi colorati.\n\nVincerai con la squadra vincente quando avrai ottenuto un certo numero di punti stabilito dall'Host.",
- "SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Gatto di Schrödinger, se qualcuno tenta di usare il pulsante uccidi su di te, bloccherai l'azione e ti unirai alla sua squadra. Questa capacità di blocco funziona solo una volta. Di base, non hai una condizione di vittoria, il che significa che vinci solo dopo aver cambiato squadra.\nIn aggiunta a questo, non verrai conteggiato come nulla nel gioco.\n\nNota: se la Macchina Assassina tenta di usare il suo pulsante uccidi su di te, l'interazione non verrà bloccata e morirai.",
- "RomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nIl Romantico può scegliere il proprio partner amante usando il pulsante uccidi (questo può essere fatto in qualsiasi momento del gioco). Una volta scelto il partner, possono utilizzare il pulsante uccidi per fornire al proprio partner uno scudo temporaneo che lo protegge dagli attacchi. Se il partner muore, il ruolo del Romantico cambierà in base alle seguenti condizioni:\n1. Se il partner era un Impostore, il romantico diventa Profugo\n2. Se il loro partner era un Assassino Neutrale, allora diventa un Romantico Spietato.\n3. Se il loro partner era un Astronauta o un Neutrale che non uccide, il Romantico diventa il Romantico Vendicativo.\n\nIl Romantico vince con la squadra vincente se vince il suo partner.\nNota: se il tuo ruolo cambia, la tua condizione di vittoria verrà modificata di conseguenza",
- "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCambi il tuo ruolo da Romantico se il tuo partner (Un assassino neutrale) viene ucciso. Come Romantico Spietato, vinci se uccidi tutti e sei l'ultimo rimasto. Se vinci, anche il tuo partner morto vince con te.",
- "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCambi il tuo ruolo da Romantico se il tuo partner (un astronauta o un neutrale non assassino) viene ucciso. In quanto Romantico Vendicativo, il tuo obiettivo è vendicare il tuo partner, il che significa che devi uccidere l'assassino del tuo partner. Se ci riesci, sia tu che il tuo partner vincerete con la squadra vincitrice alla fine. Se provi a uccidere qualcuno che non sia l'assassino del tuo partner, morirai per cilecca.",
- "PoisonerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Poisoner, your kills are delayed.\nKill everyone to win.",
- "HexMasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hex Master, you can hex players or kill them.\nHexing a player works the same as spelling as a Witch.",
- "WraithInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Spirito, puoi usare i condotti per svanire temporaneamente. Apparirai comunque visibile sullo schermo. Usa i condotti nuovamente per diventare visibile. Vinci se sei l'ultimo giocatore rimasto.",
- "JinxInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jinx, whenever you get attacked, you jinx them, resulting in them dying to a jinx.\nThis has limited uses.\n\nKill off everyone to win.",
- "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Potion Master, you have three different potions assigned to three different actions.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\nMap: Sabotage\n\nThe reveal potion has a limit.\nWhen you run out, the kill buttons default to killing.",
- "NecromancerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Necromancer, you win when you're the last one standing.\nAdditionally when someone tries to kill you, you will block the kill, and you will teleport to a random vent. You will have a limited time to kill your killer. If you succeed in doing so, you live. If the time runs out before you kill your killer, you die permanently. If you try to kill someone else other than your killer, you will die.",
- "ShockerInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Shocker, puoi contrassegnare le stanze eseguendo degli incarichi in esse, e poi usare i condotti per Elettrificare chiunque si trovi in quelle stanze per un periodo di tempo stabilito. Quando hai completato tutti i tuoi incarichi, ne ottieni di nuovi. Nota: eseguire degli incarichi durante quel periodo le contrassegnerà per il prossimo utilizzo dell'abilità.",
- "LastImpostorInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nQuesto effetto speciale è dato all'Ultimo Impostore sopravvissuto. Riduce significativamente la loro ricarica uccisione.",
- "OverclockedInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome Sovraccaricato, la sua ricarica uccisione sarà ridotta di una percentuale.\n\nQuesta funzione è assegnata solo ai ruoli con un pulsante uccidi.",
+ "DoomsayerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Doomsayer can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting.\nIf the Doomsayer guesses a certain number of roles (the number depends on the Host settings), then he wins.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
+ "ShroudInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shroud, you do not kill normally.\nInstead, use your Kill button to shroud a player.\nShrouded players kill others.\nIf the shrouded player doesn't make a kill, they'll kill themselves after a meeting.\n\nShroud sees shrouded players with a 「◈」mark next to their name.\nShrouded players who did not make a kill will also have the 「◈」mark in meetings, where they'll die if the Shroud is alive by the end of the meeting.",
+ "WerewolfInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Werewolf, you can kill much like any killer.\nHowever, when you kill, any nearby players also die.\nAny player who dies to this will have their death reason as Mauled.\n\nTo balance this, you have a higher Kill Cooldown than anyone else.",
+ "ShamanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shaman, you can use your Kill button to select a Voodoo Doll once per round. If the Kill button is used on you, the effect will be deflected onto the Voodoo Doll.\nIf you survive until the end, you win with the winning team.\nNote: If the killer cannot kill the chosen target, murder is canceled, but if the killer rechecks the Shaman, the killer will kill the Shaman.",
+ "SeekerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Seeker, use your Kill button to tag the target. If the Seeker tags the wrong player, a point is deducted, and if the Seeker tags the correct player, a point will be added.\nAdditionally, the Seeker will not be able to move for 5 seconds after every meeting and after getting a new target.\n\nThe Seeker needs to collect a certain number of points set by the Host to win.\nSeeker will see a ★ mark on target's name.",
+ "PixieInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pixie, mark up to an X amount of targets each round by using the Kill button on them. You must have one of the marked targets ejected when the meeting starts. If unsuccessful, you will commit suicide, except if you didn't mark any targets or all the targets are dead. The selected targets reset to 0 after the meeting ends. If you succeed, you will gain a point. You see all your targets in colored names.\n\nYou win with the winning team when you have certain amounts of points set by the Host.",
+ "SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs Schrodingers Cat, if someone attempts to use the Kill button on you, you will block the action and join their team. This blocking ability works only once. By default, you don't have a victory condition, meaning you win only after switching teams.\nIn Addition to this, you will be counted as nothing in the game.\n\nNote: If the Killing Machine attempts to use their Kill button on you, the interaction is not blocked, and you will die.",
+ "RomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Romantic can pick their lover partner using their Kill button (this can be done at any point of the game). Once they've picked their partner, they can use their Kill button to give their partner a temporary shield that protects them from attacks. If their lover partner dies, the Romantic's role will change according to the following conditions:\n1. If their partner was an Impostor, the Romantic becomes the Refugee\n2. If their partner was a Neutral Killer, then they become Ruthless Romantic.\n3. If their partner was a Crewmate or a non-killing Neutral, the Romantic becomes the Vengeful Romantic. \n\nThe Romantic wins with the winning team if their partner wins.\nNote: If your role changes, your win condition will be changed accordingly",
+ "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (a Neutral Killer) is killed. As a Ruthless Romantic, you win if you kill everyone and are the last one standing. If you win, your dead partner will also win with you.",
+ "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (a Crewmate or non-Neutral Killer) is killed. As a Vengeful Romantic, your goal is to avenge your partner, which means you must kill the killer of your partner. If you succeed, then you and your partner win with the winning team at the end. If you try to kill someone other than your partner's killer, then you will die by misfire.",
+ "WraithInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Wraith, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible. You win if you are the last player remaining.",
+ "ShockerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shocker, you can mark rooms by doing tasks in them, and then Vent to electrocute anyone in those rooms for a set period of time. When you finish all of your tasks, you get new ones. Note: Doing tasks during that period will mark them for the next ability use.",
+ "CovenInfoLong": "(Coven):\nCoven members are on a separate team that works together and wins together. If there are multiple Coven roles in the game, they can see each other's roles.\nDepending on the Host's settings, Coven roles can guess or be guessed.\nDo /coveninfo for more info.",
+ "PoisonerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Poisoner can use their Kill button on a player to roleblock them. The next time the roleblocked player tries to use their ability, it will do nothing, and their Cooldown will be reset.\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. These kills will be delayed.",
+ "HexMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Hex Master can use their Kill button to mark a player with the 乂 symbol. If a player has this at the end of the meeting and the Hex Master hasn't died - then they die.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Hex will be passed around - similar to an Agitator bomb. Also, you can double-click the Kill button to kill normally.",
+ "JinxInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Jinx can use their Kill button to jinx a player. Anyone who interacts with the jinxed player will die with the death reason Jinxed.\nWith the Necronomicon the Jinx can double-kill to kill normally. Also, the jinxed player and the player who interacted with the jinxed person will die.",
+ "MedusaInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Medusa can use their Kill button on players to mark them as Stoned. When the Medusa clicks the Shapeshift button, all Stoned players will be unable to move and will have reduced vision for a configurable amount of time.\nWith the Necronomicon, killed players will be unreportable.",
+ "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Potion Master has two potions available for their use. The Reveal potion reveals a player's role. The Barrier potion places a shield on a player for one round, the player will not be notified of this unless they are Coven as well. Click the Shapeshift button to change potions.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Potion Master can double-click their Kill button to kill.",
+ "NecromancerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nAs the Necromancer, you can Shapeshift to become the role of a random dead person for a set duration.\nSome roles can not be used.\nOnce a role is used, it can not be used the rest of the game.\nWith the Necronomicon, when someone tries to kill you, you will block the kill and be teleported to a random Vent. You have a limited time to kill your killer. If the time runs out or you try to kill someone else, you die.",
+ "CovenLeaderInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Coven Leader can use their Kill button on a fellow Coven member to retrain them into a random Coven role that isn’t currently in the game. During the next meeting, that Coven member will be notified that the Coven Leader wishes to retrain them. They can vote themselves to accept the retrain, or vote otherwise to deny it. Denying the retrain does not take away an ability usage.\nWith the Necronomicon, you cannot retrain, and can only kill other players.",
+ "RitualistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nDuring a meeting, the Ritualist can perform a Blood Ritual to guess a player’s exact role. If the Ritualist is correct, that player will be converted to Coven. If the Ritualist is incorrect, they will not die but will be unable to Blood Ritual until the next meeting.\nThe command is /rt id role.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Ritualist can kill.",
+ "ConjurerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nShapeshift once to mark a location.\nShapeshift again to conjure a meteor at the place you marked, killing everyone in the radius.\nWith the Necronomicon, you can kill. You can also mark a player using the Shapeshift UI. When the Conjurer clicks the Shapeshift button again, all the players in the radius of the marked player will die, including the marked player.",
+ "DreamweaverInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Dreamweaver can dreamweave a player. The dreamweaved players will be notified of this during the next meeting. If the Dreamweaver is not voted out, these players will be unable to use their abilities until the Dreamweaver dies.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Dreamweaver can double-click to kill.",
+ "IllusionistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Illusionist can use their Kill button on a player to reverse the results of any investigative role. For example, if someone with a Kill button is Illusioned, they will appear not to have a Kill button to the Investigator, and vice versa.\nIllusions wear off after meetings.\nWith the Necronomicon, you may double-click to kill. Every kill you make appears as a random death reason.",
+ "VoodooMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Voodoo Master can craft a Voodoo Doll of a player by using their Kill button, similar to the Shaman. All the interactions with you using Kill button will be deflected to the Voodoo Doll and the Voodoo Doll will destroy. Unlike the Shaman, this voodoo will last during the meeting (eg. If the Voodoo Master is judged, then the voodoo'd player will be judged instead).\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. Additionally, the voodoo’d player will be unable to report. The next person to interact with them will die.",
+ "SacrifistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Sacrifist can Shapeshift to cause a random debuff to a non-Coven member, however, the Sacrifist will also receive this effect (when applicable).\nThe random player will be the same player until the round ends.\nDepending on the Host’s settings, if the Sacrifist is voted out, some random non-Coven who voted the Sacrifist will die too.\nNormally, the Sacrifist can not kill, however, to prevent prolonging of the game, Sacrifist can kill if they are the last Coven member alive.\nWith the Necronomicon, when you Shapeshift, you will commit the Ultimate Sacrifice. When you do this, you die. However, the entire Coven for the rest of the game receives a lowered Kill Cooldown.",
+ "MoonDancerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Moon Dancer can use their Kill button to use their ability, Baton Pass.\nIf used on a Coven member: Gives a Helpful Add-on at the next meeting.\nIf used on a non-Coven member: Gives a Harmful Add-on at the next meeting.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Moon Dancer can double-click their Kill button to kill. When killing, the player is teleported off the map. They will appear alive on Vitals and will not show up in Tracefinder's arrows etc. They die when a meeting/body report with the death reason Blasted Off.",
+ "LastImpostorInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThis special effect is given to the last surviving Impostor. It significantly reduces their Kill Cooldown.",
+ "OverclockedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Overclocked, your Kill Cooldown is reduced by a percentage.\n\nThis feature is only assigned to roles with a Kill button.",
"LoversInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nGli Amanti sono una combinazione di due giocatori. Gli Amanti vincono quando sono gli ultimi rimasti e la loro vittoria viene condivisa. Quando uno degli Amanti vince, anche l'altro vince insieme. Gli Amanti possono vedere il simbolo 「♥」 accanto al nome dell'altro. Se uno degli Amanti muore, l'altro morirà affranto (potrebbe non morire affranto a seconda delle impostazioni dell'Host). Se uno degli Amanti viene esiliato durante la riunione, l'altro morirà e diventerà un cadavere che non potrà essere segnalato.",
- "MadmateInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nSolo gli Astronauti possono diventare Follenauti. L'obiettivo del Follenauta è di aiutare gli Impostori a vincere la partità, e perderà se tutti gli Impostori sono stati uccisi o espulsi. I Follenauti possono sapere chi sono gli Impostori, e gli Impostori possono sapere chi sono i Follenauti (impostazioni dell'host).\n\nIl Pigrone e la Celebrità non possono diventare Follenauti. Lo Sceriffo, l'Informatore, l'Indovino Buono, il Sindaco e il Giudice possono diventare Follenauti (impostazioni dell'host). Le abilità cambiano quando i seguenti ruoli sono convertiti in Follenauti:\n\nGestore Temporale => Completare gli incarichi ridurrà il tempo della riunione.\nGuardia del Corpo => L'abilità non si attiverà se l'assassino è un Impostore.\nGranatiere => Le Granate Accecanti funzioneranno su Astronauti e Neutrali al posto degli Impostori.\nSceriffo => Possono uccidere chiunque, inclusi gli Impostori (Impostazioni Host)\nIndovino Buono => Possono indovinare gli Astronauti e i Neutrali\nPsichico => Tutti i nomi dei Neutrali Malvagi e degli Astronauti con la capacità di uccidere saranno mostrati in rosso.\nGiudice => Può giudicare tutti.\nPacifista => La loro abilità funziona solo sugli Astronauti.",
+ "MadmateInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Crewmates can become Madmate. Madmate's task is to help the Impostors win the game. Madmate will lose if all Impostors are killed/ejected. Madmates may know who are Impostors, and Impostors may know who are Madmates (Host settings).\n\nLazy Guy, Celebrity can't become Madmate. Sheriff, Snitch, Nice Guesser, Mayor, and Judge may become Madmate (Host settings). Skill changes when the following roles are converted into Madmates:\n\nTime Manager => Doing tasks will reduce meeting time.\nBodyguard => Skill won't activate if the killer is an Impostor.\nGrenadier => Flash bomb will work on Crewmates and Neutrals instead of the Impostors.\nSheriff => Can kill anyone, including Impostors (Host settings).\nNice Guesser => Can guess Crewmates and Neutrals\nPsychic => All evil Neutrals and Crewmates' names with the ability to kill will be displayed in Red.\nJudge => Can judge anyone\nPacifist => Their ability only works on Crewmates.",
"WatcherInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nDurante la riunione, il Guardante può vedere i voti di tutti.",
"FlashInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nLa velocità di movimento base del Veloce e più veloce degli altri. (la velocità dipende dalle impostazioni dell'Host)",
- "TorchInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nLa torcia ha il campo visivo massimo e non è influenzato dal sabotaggio delle Luci.",
- "SeerInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nOgniqualvolta un giocatore muore, il Veggente vedrà un flash uccisione (un flash rosso, possibilmente accompagnato da un allarme come quello dei sabotaggi).",
+ "TorchInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nTorch has maximum vision and is not affected by Lights Sabotage.",
+ "SeerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever a player dies, the Seer will see a kill-flash (a red flash, possibly accompanied by an alarm sound like Sabotage).",
"TiebreakerInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nQuando sussiste un pareggio nei voti, la priorità verrà data al bersaglio votato dal Tie-Break. Nota: Se Molteplici Tie-Break sceglieranno di votare diversi bersagli in pareggio simultaneamente, le abilità del Tie-Break non avranno effetto.",
"ObliviousInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nIl Detective e il Ripulitore non saranno Ignari. L'Ignaro non può segnalare cadaveri. Nota: l'Esca uccisa da un Ignaro segnalerà comunque automaticamente e l'Ignaro potrà ancora essere utilizzato come capro espiatorio per l'Anonimo.",
"BewilderInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nLo Sconcertante può avere un campo visivo più piccolo/più grande. Quando lo Sconcertante è morto, il campo visivo dell'assassino può diventare lo stesso dello Sconcertante, a seconda delle impostazioni.",
"WorkhorseInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nIl primo giocatore a completare tutti gli incarichi diventerà Stallone, e lo Stallone assegnerà al giocatore degli incarichi extra. L'Host imposta il numero d'incarichi aggiuntivi.",
- "FoolInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nIndagatore e il Meccanico non saranno Sciocchi. Lo Sciocco non può riparare nessun sabotaggio.",
+ "FoolInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nSleuth and Mechanic won't be Fool. Fools can't repair any Sabotage.",
"AvangerInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nL'Host può decidere se l'Impostore può diventare un Vendicativo. Quando il Vendicativo viene ucciso (espulsione e le uccisioni irregolari non contano), il Vendicativo vendicherà un giocatore a caso.",
"YoutuberInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nSolo gli Astronauti diventeranno YouTuber. Quando lo YouTuber sarà il primo giocatore a morire nel gioco, vincerà da solo. Se lo YouTuber non soddisfa la sua condizione di vittoria, seguirà quella degli Astronauti per vincere. Nota: i metodi di uccisione indiretti come essere espulsi, essere indovinati dall'Indovino, ecc., non attiveranno l'abilità dello YouTuber.",
"EgoistInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nFollenauti e Neutrali non saranno Egoisti. Se vince la squadra dell'Egoista, vince l'Egoista al posto della sua squadra.",
"StealerInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nOgni volta che un Ladro uccide una persona, ottiene un voto aggiuntivo (l'Host imposta il numero di voti e il decimale viene arrotondato per difetto). Inoltre, i voti extra del Ladro vengono nascosti durante la riunione a seconda delle impostazioni.",
- "ParanoiaInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nNon assegnato ai Neutrali né ai Follenauti.\nCome Paranoia, sarai considerato come due giocatori nel gioco per determinare quando il gioco finirà a causa della maggioranza degli assassini. Inoltre, questo ti garantisce un voto extra, a seconda delle impostazioni.",
+ "ParanoiaInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Paranoia, you will be considered as two players in the game to determine when the game ends due to killers having the majority. Additionally, this grants you an extra vote, depending on options.\nNot assigned to Neutrals nor Madmates.",
"MimicInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nSolo l'Impostore può diventare Mimic. Quando il Mimic è morto, gli altri impostori riceveranno un messaggio una volta convocata una riunione. Questo messaggio includerà informazioni sui ruoli uccisi dal Mimic.",
- "GuesserInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome Indovino, indovina i ruoli dei giocatori nelle riunioni per ucciderli.\nIndovinare il ruolo sbagliato invece ti uccide.\nIl comando per indovinare è: /bt [Id giocatore] [role]\nPuoi vedere l'id del giocatore prima del nome del giocatore oppure usare il comando /id per vedere l'id di tutti i giocatori.",
- "NecroviewInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Necroview can see the teams of dead players. The following info will be displayed on the dead player's name while in a meeting:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.",
- "ReachInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nSolo i ruolo con un pulsante uccidi possono avere questo modificatore. A differenza di tutti gli altri, hai la distanza uccisione più lunga possibile nel gioco.",
+ "GuesserInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs a Guesser, guess the roles of players in meetings to kill them.\nGuessing the incorrect role kills you instead.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
+ "NecroviewInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Necroview can see the teams of dead players. The following info will be displayed on the dead player's name while in a meeting:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.\n- The Purple name indicates the Coven.",
+ "ReachInfoLong": "(Add-on)\nOnly roles with a Kill button can get this Add-on. Unlike everyone else, you have the longest kill range possible in the game.",
"BaitInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nQuando l'Esca muore, l'assassino che l'ha ucciso auto-segnalerà il suo cadavere. Tuttavia, questo non accade quando uno Spazzino, Pulitore, Invisibile, Spirito, Medusa o Macchina Assassina uccidono l'esca. La segnalazione potrebbe avere un ritardo in base alle impostazioni dell'host.",
"TrapperInfoLong": "(Modificatore):\nQuando la Trappola per Orsi muore, immobilizzerà l'assassino per una quantità configurabile di tempo.",
- "CharmedInfoLong": "(Modificatori Traditori):\nIl modificatore Affascinato si può ottenere venendo affascinati dal Cultista.\nUna volta che sei Affascinato, sei nella squadra del Cultista e non più nella tua squadra originale.",
+ "CharmedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Charmed Add-on is obtained by being charmed by the Cultist.\nOnce charmed, you are now on the Cultist's team and no longer on your original team.",
"CleansedInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nIl modificatore Purificato si può ottenere solo se il Purificatore cancella i tuoi modificatori. Secondo le impostazioni del Purificatore, non potrai ottenere altri modificatori in futuro.",
- "InfectedInfoLong": "(Modificatori Traditori):\nIl modificatore dell'Infettato si può ottenere venendo infettati dall'Infettivo.\nUna volta infetto, lavorerai per l'Infettivo e non vincerai con la tua squadra originale.",
- "OnboundInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCon il modificatore Svincolato, non sarai indovinato durante le riunioni.",
- "ReboundInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCon il modificatore Rimbalzo, se un Indovino ti ha indovinato o un Giudice ti ha giudicato con successo, moriranno loro invece.\nSe un giocatore con Seconda Chance ti indovina, morirà all'istante.",
+ "InfectedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Infected Add-on is obtained by being infected by the Infectious.\nOnce infected, you work for the Infectious and do not win with your original team.",
+ "OnboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Onbound Add-on, you cannot be guessed in meetings.",
+ "ReboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Rebound Add-on, if a Guesser successfully guessed you or a Judge successfully judged you, they will die instead.\nIf a player with Double Shot guesses you correctly, they will die instantly.",
"MundaneInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome Banale, potrai indovinare solo dopo aver completato tutti i tuoi incarichi.",
"KnightedInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nQuando un Monarca cavallerizza qualcuno, ottiene un voto extra.",
- "UnreportableInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCon il modificatore Ignorato, il tuo cadavere non sarà segnalabile.",
+ "UnreportableInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Disregarded Add-on, your corpse will be unreportable.",
"ContagiousInfoLong": "(Modificatori Traditori):\nQuando il Virus ti infetta, diventi contagioso.\nI giocatori contagiati sono sulla squadra del Virus\n\nSe muori o no dopo una riunione dipende dalle impostazioni per il Virus.",
- "LuckyInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCon il Modificatore Fortunato, c'è una probabilità di evadere l'uccisione; l'Host imposta la probabilità specifica. L'assassino vedrà l'animazione dello scudo quando l'evasione avrà effetto, ma tu non saprai nulla.",
+ "LuckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Lucky Add-on, there is a probability for you to evade the kill; the Host sets the specific probability. The killer will see a Shield Animation when the evasion takes effect, but you will not know anything.",
"DoubleShotInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nQuando un giocatore con Seconda Chance indovina un ruolo in modo errato, avrà una seconda possibilità d'indovinare, ma il prossimo tentativo errato comporterà il suicidio.",
- "RascalInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome Mascalzone, puoi morire per lo Sceriffo, e l'Informatore può trovarti se l'Informatore riesce a trovare i Follenauti.\n\nAssegnato solo agli Astronauti, non può essere assegnato dal Mercante.",
- "SoullessInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nQuando un Anima Maledetta ti ruba l'anima, ottieni questo modificatore.\n\nNon sei considerato vivo.",
+ "RascalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rascal, you can die to the Sheriff, and Snitch can find you if Snitch can find Madmates.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates, cannot be assigned by the Merchant.",
+ "SoullessInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a Cursed Soul steals your soul, you get this Add-on.\n\nYou are not counted as alive.",
"GravestoneInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCon la Lapide, il tuo ruolo viene rilevato a tutti dopo la tua morte.",
"LazyInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome Pigro, ti sarà assegnato un singolo incarico breve e sei immune a Stregoni, Burattinai e Gangster.",
"AutopsyInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome l'Autopsia, puoi vedere come la gente è morta\n\nNon può essere assegnato al Dottore, Tracciatore, Scienziato o Sunnyboy.",
- "RebirthInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome Rinascita, se sei il giocatore che sta per essere espulso, scambierai la skin con un Astronauta casuale che ha votato per te.\nNota: il voto dell'host non conta mai\nRinascita ti verrà rimosso se hai esaurito tutte le tue rinascite.",
- "LoyalInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nIn quanto Leale, non puoi essere reclutato da ruoli come Sciacallo o Cultista.\n\nNon può essere assegnato ai neutrali.",
+ "RebirthInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rebirth, if you're the player about to be ejected, you will swap skins with a random Crewmate who voted for you.\nNotice: The Host vote never counts\nRebirth will be removed from you if you exhausted all your rebirths.",
+ "LoyalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Loyal, you cannot be recruited by roles such as Jackal or Cultist.\n\nCannot be assigned to Neutrals.",
"EvilSpiritInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome Spirito maligno, il tuo compito è aiutare l'Invocatore di spiriti a raggiungere la vittoria. Puoi usare il pulsante Tormenta per Immobilizzare i giocatori e ridurne il campo visivo. In alternativa, puoi usare il pulsante Tormenta per fornire all'Invocatore di spiriti uno scudo contro un tentativo di uccisione temporaneamente.",
- "RecruitInfoLong": "(Modificatori Traditori):\nCome recluta, sei nella squadra dello Sciacallo e aiuti lo Sciacallo e le sue Spalle.\nNon puoi vincere con la tua squadra originale.\nA seconda delle impostazioni, potresti trasformarti in Sciacallo se il vecchio Sciacallo è stato ucciso e non ci sono più Spalle in vita.",
- "AdmiredInfoLong": "(Modificatori tradimento):\nIn quanto giocatore ammirato, vinci con gli astronauti e non con la tua squadra originale.\n\nPuoi vedere l'Ammiratore.",
+ "RecruitInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs a recruit, you are on the Jackal's team and help out the Jackal and their Sidekicks.\nYou cannot win with your original team.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed and no Sidekicks is alive.",
+ "AdmiredInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs an Admired player, you win with the Crewmates and not your original team.\n\nYou can see the Admirer.",
+ "EnchantedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Enchanted Add-on can only be obtained through being converted by the Ritualist or upon killing the OIIAI as a non-Nerconomicon holder.\nOnce Enchanted, you are apart of the Coven team and are no longer apart of your original team.",
"GlowInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nDurante Luci Spente, tu e i giocatori nelle vicinanze riceverete una visione potenziata.",
"RadarInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome Radar, hai delle frecce che puntano alla persona più vicina per tutto il tempo.",
- "DiseasedInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nQuando qualcuno tenta di utilizzare il pulsante uccidi su di te, la sua ricarica verrà aumentata di un periodo di tempo configurabile.",
- "AntidoteInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nQuando qualcuno tenta di utilizzare il pulsante uccidi su di te, la sua ricarica verrà diminuita di un periodo di tempo configurabile.",
- "StubbornInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCon il modificatore del Testardo, il Cancellatore non può cancellarti il ruolo, il Purificatore non può purificarti, il Bandito non può derubarti e il Monarca non ti può cavallerizzare.\nIn più, non riceverai nuovi modificatori dal Mercante.",
+ "DiseasedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the Kill button on you, their Cooldown will be increased by a configurable amount of time.",
+ "AntidoteInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the Kill button on you, their Cooldown will be decreased by a configurable amount of time.",
+ "StubbornInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Stubborn Add-on, Eraser can't erase your role, Cleanser can't cleanse you, Bandit can't steal from you, and Monarch can't knight you.\nAdditionally, you can't gain any new Add-ons from the Merchant.",
"SwiftInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome Rapido, non farai alcun movimento quando uccidi.\nNota: Il Rapido ignora l'Esca",
- "UnluckyInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome Sfortunato, quando completi incarichi, uccidi, usi i condotti o apri una porta, hai la possibilità di morire.",
+ "UnluckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Unlucky, when you Complete Tasks, Kill, Venting, or open a Door, you have a chance to die.",
"SpurtInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nQuando inizi a camminare, ottieni un enorme aumento di velocità, che si deteriora rapidamente, fino a dover riposare immobile per un po' per ringiovanire la tua velocità.",
- "VoidBallotInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nIl possessore di questo modificatore avrà il valore del suo voto a zero.",
+ "VoidBallotInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nHolder of this Add-on will have 0 vote count.",
"AwareInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome Attento, riceverai una notifica nella riunione successiva se un ruolo rivelatore ha interagito con te.",
- "FragileInfoLong": "(Modificatore):\nCome Fragile, morirai istantaneamente se qualcuno userà il pulsante uccidi su di te (anche se il ruolo non può uccidere direttamente).",
- "GhoulInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome Ghoul, al completamento degli incarichi può verificarsi uno dei due risultati.\n\nSe vivo: Suicidio\nSe morto: Uccidi il tuo assassino se è vivo.\n\nQuesto viene assegnato solo agli astronauti, e non agli astronauti che non hanno incarichi o che sono basati sugli incarichi.",
- "BloodthirstInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome Sanguinario, svolgere incarichi ti permette di diventare assetato di sangue e di uccidere i giocatori.\nQuando finisci un incarico, il giocatore successivo con cui entri in contatto muore.\n\nLa tua Sete di Sangue rimane anche dopo un incontro.\nDopo un'uccisione, la tua sete di sangue si annulla fino all'incarico successivo.\nLe sete di sangue non si accumulano.\n\nVengono assegnate solo agli astronauti con incarichi.",
- "MareInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome Giumento, hai una ricarica uccisione bassa e una velocità maggiore ma puoi uccidere solo quando le luci sono sabotate.\n\nIn più, il tuo nome apparirà in rosso durante le luci sabotate.\n\nAssegnato solamente agli impostori e non può essere indovinato.",
- "BurstInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome Esplosivo, il tuo assassino esplode se non si trova all'interno di un condotto dopo un determinato periodo di tempo.",
+ "FragileInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Fragile, you will instantly die if someone tries to use the Kill button on you (even if the role cannot directly kill).",
+ "GhoulInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Ghoul, one of two outcomes can occur on task completion.\n\nIf alive: Suicide\nIf dead: You kill your killer if they're alive.\n\nThis is only assigned to Crewmates, and not Crewmates with no tasks or are task-based.",
+ "BloodthirstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Bloodthirst, doing tasks allows you to become bloodthirsty and kill players.\nWhen you finish a task, the next player you come in contact with dies.\n\nYour Bloodthirst remains after a meeting.\nUpon making a kill, your Bloodthirst clears till the next task you complete.\nBloodthirsts do not stack.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates with tasks.",
+ "MareInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Mare, you have a low Kill Cooldown and have higher speed but can only kill during lights.\n\nAdditionally, your name will appear in red during lights.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors and cannot be guessed.",
+ "BurstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Burst, your killer explodes if they aren't inside a Vent after a set amount of time.",
"SleuthInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome Indagatore, ottieni informazioni dai cadaveri.\n\nFacoltativamente, potresti anche ottenere il ruolo dell'assassino.\n\nNon assegnato al Detective o all'Imbalsamatore.",
- "ClumsyInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome Goffo, hai la possibilità di perdere l'uccisione.\n\nQuando sbagli, la ricarica viene ripristinata, e il bersaglio rimane intatto.\n\nAssegnato solo agli assassini.",
- "CircumventInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome Claustrofobico, non puoi usare i condotti.\n\nPuò essere assegnato solo agli Impostori.",
- "NimbleInfoLong": "(Modificatore):\nCome Agile, guadagni l'accesso all'utilizzo dei condotti.\n\nPuò essere assegnato solo a certi astronauti.",
- "InfluencedInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nIn quanto Influenzato, il tuo voto verrà forzato al giocatore con il maggior numero di voti.\nIl voto dell'Influenzato non verrà conteggiato durante la scelta del giocatore esiliato'\nTieni presente che la tua abilità di voto funziona ancora sul giocatore che hai votato per primo\nSe tutti i giocatori vivi sono Influenzato, il risultato del voto non cambierà\nIl collezionista non può essere influenzato.",
+ "ClumsyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Clumsy, you have a chance to miss your kill.\n\nWhen you miss, your Cooldown is reset, and the target remains untouched.\n\nOnly assigned to killers.",
+ "CircumventInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Circumvent, you can't Vent.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors.",
+ "NimbleInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Nimble, you gain access to the Vent button.\n\nOnly assigned to certain Crewmates.",
+ "InfluencedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Influenced, your vote will be forced to the player with the most votes.\nInfluenced vote won't be counted while choosing the exiled player'\nNote that your vote skill still functions on the player you voted first\nIf all the alive players are Influenced, then the vote result won't shift\nCollector cannot become Influenced.",
"SilentInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome Silenzioso, l'icona del tuo voto non apparirà nella schermata dei risultati.\nQuindi nessuno sa per chi hai votato.",
"SusceptibleInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome Suscettibile, la causa della tua morte sarà casuale.",
"TrickyInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome Scaltro, le tue uccisioni avranno una causa di morte casuale.",
"TiredInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nOgni volta che lo Stanco uccide (o usa l'abilità di uccidere) qualcuno, in alternativa ogni volta che finisce un incarico, otterrà temporaneamente un campo visivo inferiore e una velocità inferiore.",
"StatueInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nOgni volta che molte persone si trovano vicino alla Statua, la Statua viene completamente congelata o rallentata a seconda delle impostazioni.",
"EvaderInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nQuando l'Evasore viene eliminato per votazione, c'è la possibilità che non venga espulso. (Probabilità stabilita dall'Host.)",
- "CyberInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome Cyber, non puoi morire mentre sei in gruppo.\nA seconda delle impostazioni, Impostori, Neutrali e o Astronauti sapranno se muori.",
- "HurriedInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome Frettoloso, devi finire tutti i tuoi incarichi per vincere con la tua squadra! Se fallisci nel completare i tuoi incarichi, perdi. Il Frettoloso si concentra sul suo obiettivo, quindi non potrà diventare Follenauta, essere affascinato, ecc.",
- "OiiaiInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome Oiiai, quando morirai, farai dimenticare al tuo assassino il suo ruolo.\nInoltre, potresti trasmettere Oiiai all'assassino, a seconda delle impostazioni.",
- "RainbowInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome l'arcobaleno, cambi i tuoi colori come un pazzo.",
+ "CyberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Cyber, you cannot die while in a group.\nDepending on the settings, Impostors, Neutrals, and or Crewmates will know if you die.",
+ "HurriedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the hurried, you must finish all your tasks to win with your team! If you fail with your tasks, you lose.\nHurried hurries to his goal, so it won't get Madmate, Charmed or so.",
+ "OiiaiInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the OIIAI, when you die, you will make your killer forget their role.\nAdditionally, you may pass OIIAI on to the killer, depending on settings.",
+ "RainbowInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rainbow, you change your colors like crazy.",
"GMInfoLong": "(Nessuno):\nIl Gm è un ruolo osservatore.\nLa sua presenza non influisce sul gioco, e tutti i giocatori sanno chi è il Gm. Il ruolo del Gm sarà assegnato all'Host, che diventerà automaticamente un fantasma all'inizio del gioco.",
- "SunnyboyInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Sunnyboy, vinci se sei morto alla fine della partita. La partita non terminerà quando sarai vivo perché gli assassini avranno la maggioranza.\nInoltre, hai accesso ai segni vitali portatili.",
- "BardInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nQuando il Bardo è vivo, la conferma espulsione mostrerà una frase composta dal Bardo. Ogniqualvolta il Bardo completa una creazione, la ricarica uccisione del bardo sarà permanentemente dimezzata.",
+ "SunnyboyInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sunnyboy, you win if you are dead by the end of the game. The game will not end when you are alive due to killers gaining the majority.\nAdditionally, you have access to portable Vitals.",
+ "BardInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen a Bard is alive, the exile confirmation will display a sentence composed by the Bard. Whenever the Bard completes a creation, the Bard's Kill Cooldown will be permanently halved.",
"WardenInfoLong": "(Astronauta [Fantasma]):\nCome Guardiano, avvisa qualcuno del pericolo nelle vicinanze, dandogli inoltre un temporaneo aumento di velocità.",
"GhastlyInfoLong": "(Astronauti [Fantasma]):\nCome Orrido, possiedi una persona ignara, dopodiché scegli un bersaglio per lei: ora potrà uccidere (o usare l'abilità di uccidere) solo sul bersaglio finché non possiederai qualcun altro o finché non scadrà il tempo di possesso.",
- "MinionInfoLong": "(Impostore [Fantasma]):\nCome Servitore, puoi accecare temporaneamente i non impostori.",
- "DollMasterInfoLong": "(Impostori):\nCome Maestro delle Bambole, puoi prendere temporaneamente il controllo di qualsiasi giocatore utilizzando il pulsante Muta e fargli compiere le tue gesta!",
- "DoubleAgentInfoLong": "(Impostore):\nCome Doppio Agente, non puoi accedere al pulsante uccidi. Tuttavia, puoi votare per qualcuno in una riunione per passargli una bomba, che può essere fatto solo da un giocatore alla volta. Una volta terminata la riunione, la bomba si attiverà ed esploderà in un lasso di tempo stabilito.\nNota: quando passi la bomba a qualcuno in una riunione, puoi votare in seguito.\n\nInoltre, a seconda delle impostazioni, Il Doppio Agente può disinnescare le bombe del Bastione e dell'Agitatore usando i condotti.\n\nIl Doppio Agente può cambiare ruolo quando è l'Ultimo impostore, a seconda delle impostazioni il ruolo può essere un Impostore ammirato, Imbroglione, Traditore o rimanere Doppio Agente.",
+ "MinionInfoLong": "(Impostor [Ghost]):\nAs the Minion, you can temporarily blind non-Impostors.",
+ "DollMasterInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Dollmaster, you can temporarily take control of any player by using the Shapeshift button and to make them do your deeds!",
+ "DoubleAgentInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Double Agent, you cannot access the Kill button. However, you can vote for someone in a meeting to pass a bomb onto them, which can only be done one player at a time. Once the meeting has finished, the bomb will activate and explode in a set amount of time.\nNote: when you pass the bomb onto someone in a meeting, you can vote afterward.\n\nAdditionally depending on settings the Double Agent can diffuse Bastion and Agitator bombs when Venting.\n\nThe Double Agent can change roles when they are the Last Impostor, depending on the settings the role can be a Admired Impostor, Trickster, Traitor, or stay as the Double Agent.",
"SlothInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nLa velocità di movimento predefinita del Bradipo è più lenta rispetto alle altre.\n(La velocità dipende dalle impostazioni dell'host)",
- "ProhibitedInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome Proibito, hai dei condotti specifici che non puoi usare.\nQuanti condotti sono disabilitati dipende dalle impostazioni dell'Host.",
- "EavesdropperInfoLong": "(Modificatori):\nCome Origliatore, hai la possibilità di leggere messaggi basati su informazioni relative ad altri ruoli/modificatori, come Imbalsamatore o Indagatore.",
+ "ProhibitedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Prohibited, you have specific Vents that you can't use.\nHow many Vents are disabled depends on the Host's settings.",
+ "EavesdropperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Eavesdropper, you have a chance to read other Role/Add-on information-based messages like Mortician or Sleuth.",
"ApocalypseInfoLong": "(Apocalisse):\nI membri dell'Apocalisse sono in una squadra separata che lavora insieme e vince insieme. Se ci sono più ruoli dell'Apocalisse nel gioco, possono vedere i ruoli degli altri.\nA seconda delle impostazioni dell'host, i ruoli dell'Apocalisse possono indovinare o essere indovinati.",
"RevenantInfoLong": "(Neutrale):\nCome Revenant, il tuo obiettivo è di essere ucciso. Se sei ucciso, prenderai il ruolo del tuo assassino e ucciderai il tuo assassino. Non puoi vincere prima di essere ucciso.\nNota che Revenant funziona solo quando viene ucciso direttamente.",
"ShowTextOverlay": "Sovrapposizione Testo",
@@ -1040,17 +1075,17 @@
"AbilityInUse": "Abilità in uso",
"AbilityExpired": "Abilità scaduta, {0} usi rimanenti",
"RevenantTargeted": "Il tuo ruolo è cambiato in {0}",
- "RevenantCanCopyAddons": "Puoi Rubare i Modificatori",
+ "RevenantCanCopyAddons": "Can Steal Add-ons",
"ShowArrows": "Ha frecce che puntano verso i cadaveri",
"ArrowDelayMin": "Ritardo Minimo di visualizzazione della Freccia",
"ArrowDelayMax": "Ritardo Massimo di visualizzazione della Freccia",
"SMUsesUsedWhenFixingReactorOrO2": "Usi necessari a riparare Reattore/O2",
"SMUsesUsedWhenFixingLightsOrComms": "Usi necessari a riparare Luci/Comunicazioni",
- "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "(Iniziale) Numero Massimo di Granate",
+ "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "(Initial) Maximum number of Grenades",
"ShowSpecificRole": "Conosce i ruoli specifici al Completamento degli Incarichi",
- "TimeMasterMaxUses": "(Iniziale) Numero Massimo di utilizzi dell'abilità",
- "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "L'Invisibile può usare i condotti normalmente se l'invisibilità è in ricarica",
- "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Lo Spirito usa i condotti normalmente quando l'invisibilità è in ricarica",
+ "TimeMasterMaxUses": "(Initial) Maximum Amount of Ability Uses",
+ "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Swooper Vents normally when Swooping is on Cooldown",
+ "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Wraith Vents normally when Invisibility is on Cooldown",
"DisableMeeting": "Disabilita le Riunioni",
"DisableCloseDoor": "Disabilita il Sabotaggio delle Porte",
"DisableSabotage": "Disabilita i Sabotaggi",
@@ -1059,13 +1094,13 @@
"DebugMode": "Modalità di Debug",
"SyncButtonMode": "Limite Utilizzi Riunioni",
"RandomMapsMode": "Modalità Mappe Casuali",
- "SyncedButtonCount": "Numero Massimo di Riunioni Consentite per Partita",
- "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "Ricarica uccisione ridotta uccidendo il bersaglio",
- "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "Ricarica uccisione aumentata uccidendo altri",
+ "SyncedButtonCount": "Maximum Number of Emergency Meetings per Game",
+ "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "Kill Cooldown decrease on killing target",
+ "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "Kill Cooldown increase on killing others",
"HHNumOfTargets": "Numero di Bersagli",
"Targets": "Bersagli: ",
- "HHMaxKCD": "Ricarica uccisione massimo",
- "HHMinKCD": "Ricarica uccisione minimo",
+ "HHMaxKCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "HHMinKCD": "Minimum Kill Cooldown",
"AllAliveMeeting": "Riunioni Quando Nessuno è Morto",
"AllAliveMeetingTime": "Tempo della Riunione quando Nessuno è Morto",
"AdditionalEmergencyCooldown": "Ricarica Emergenze Addizionali",
@@ -1174,17 +1209,17 @@
"OverclockedReduction": "Riduzione Tempo di Ricarica Uccisione",
"GhostCanSeeOtherRoles": "I Fantasmi possono vedere gli altri ruoli",
"PreventSeeRolesImmediatelyAfterDeath": "Impedisci di vedere i ruoli degli altri subito dopo la morte",
- "GhostCanSeeOtherVotes": "I Fantasmi possono vedere i Colori dei Voti",
- "GhostCanSeeDeathReason": "I Fantasmi Possono Vedere le Cause di Morte",
+ "GhostCanSeeOtherVotes": "Ghosts can see Vote Colors",
+ "GhostCanSeeDeathReason": "Ghost can see Cause Of Death",
"GhostIgnoreTasks": "I Fantasmi sono Esenti dagli Incarichi",
- "ConvertedCanBeGhostRole": "I giocatori convertiti possono essere qualsiasi ruolo fantasma",
- "NeutralCanBeGhostRole": "I giocatori neutrali possono essere qualsiasi ruolo fantasma (cambieranno squadra rispettivamente)",
- "MaxImpGhostRole": "Massimo Ruoli Impostore Fantasma",
- "MaxCrewGhostRole": "Massimo Ruoli Astronauta Fantasma",
+ "ConvertedCanBeGhostRole": "Converted Players can be Any Ghost-Roles",
+ "NeutralCanBeGhostRole": "Neutral Players can be Any Ghost-Roles (Will change team respectively)",
+ "MaxImpGhostRole": "Maximum Impostor Ghost-Roles",
+ "MaxCrewGhostRole": "Maximum Crewmate Ghost-Roles",
"DefaultAngelCooldown": "Ricarica dell'abilità predefinita",
"DisableTaskWin": "Disabilita Vittoria per Incarichi",
- "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreDead": "Disattiva Vittoria per Incarichi se tutti gli Astronauti Sono Morti",
- "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreConverted": "Disattiva Vittoria per Incarichi se tutti gli Astronauti Sono Convertiti",
+ "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreDead": "Disable Task Win if All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are Dead",
+ "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreConverted": "Disable Task Win if All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are <#ffab1b>Converted",
"HideGameSettings": "Nascondi Impostazioni di Gioco",
"DIYGameSettings": "Abilita solo messaggi /n personalizzati",
"Settings:": "Impostazioni:",
@@ -1200,7 +1235,7 @@
"RoleOptions": "Opzioni del Ruolo",
"DarkTheme": "Attiva Tema Scuro",
"DisableLobbyMusic": "Disabilita Musica della Lobby",
- "AutoStart": "Auto Inizia",
+ "AutoStart": "Auto Start",
"EnableCustomButton": "Abilità Immagini Pulsanti Personalizzati",
"EnableCustomSoundEffect": "Abilita Effetti Sonori Personalizzati",
"EnableCustomDecorations": "Abilita decorazioni mappa personalizzate",
@@ -1237,8 +1272,8 @@
"OptKickXboxPlayer": "Espelli giocatori Xbox",
"OptKickPlayStationPlayer": "Espelli giocatori PlayStation",
"OptKickNintendoPlayer": "Espelli giocatori Nintendo Switch",
- "ShareLobby": "Consenti a TOHE-Chan di condividere Codice Lobby su Discord",
- "ShareLobbyMinPlayer": "Condividi Codice Lobby quando il Numero di Giocatori Raggiunge",
+ "ShareLobby": "Allow TOHE-Chan Shares Lobby Code to Discord",
+ "ShareLobbyMinPlayer": "Share Lobby Code When the Number of Players Reaches",
"DisableVanillaRoles": "Disabilita Ruoli Base",
"VoteMode": "Modalità Voto",
"WhenSkipVote": "Se il Giocatore Salta il Voto",
@@ -1276,6 +1311,7 @@
"IgnoreConditions": "Ignora Condizioni",
"IgnoreImpostors": "Ignora Impostori",
"IgnoreNeutrals": "Ignora Neutrali",
+ "IgnoreCoven": "Ignore Coven",
"IgnoreCrewmates": "Ignora Astronauti",
"IgnoreAfterAnyoneDied": "Ignora Dopo la Prima Morte",
"LightsOutSpecialSettings": "Impostazioni Speciali Ripara Luci",
@@ -1289,7 +1325,7 @@
"RandomSpawn_AirshipAdditionalSpawn": "Posizioni di generazioni addizionali (Airship)",
"RandomSpawn_SpawnRandomVents": "Generazioni Casuali sui Condotti",
"CommsCamouflage": "Camuffamento durante Sabotaggio Comunicazioni",
- "DisableOnSomeMaps": "Disabilita Camuffamento comunicazioni su alcune mappe",
+ "DisableOnSomeMaps": "Disable Comms Camouflage on some maps",
"DisableOnSkeld": "Disabilita su The Skeld",
"DisableOnMira": "Disabilita su MIRA HQ",
"DisableOnPolus": "Disabilita su Polus",
@@ -1328,8 +1364,8 @@
"EnableBirthdayDecorationSkeld": "Decorazione di Compleanno Su The Skeld",
"RandomBirthdayAndHalloweenDecorationSkeld": "Imposta Decorazione Casuale Quando Compleanno E Halloween È Attivo Su The Skeld",
"ApplyDenyNameList": "Applica Lista Nomi Negati",
- "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Espelli giocatori con un codice amico invalido",
- "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Banna Temporaneamente giocatori con un codice amico invalido",
+ "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Kick players with an invalid Friend Code",
+ "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Temp Ban players with an invalid Friend Code",
"ApplyBanList": "Applica Lista Ban",
"RemovePetsAtDeadPlayers": "Rimuovi animali ai giocatori morti",
"KillFlashDuration": "Durata Flash Uccisione",
@@ -1340,6 +1376,7 @@
"ShowImpRemainOnEject": "Mostra Impostori rimasti alle espulsioni",
"ShowNKRemainOnEject": "Mostra Assassini Neutrali rimasti alle espulsioni",
"ShowNARemainOnEject": "Mostra Neutrali dell'Apocalisse rimasti nelle espulsioni",
+ "ShowCovenRemainOnEject": "Show remaining Coven on ejects",
"ConfirmEgoistOnEject": "Conferma Egoista all'espulsione",
"ConfirmLoversOnEject": "Conferma Amanti all'espulsione",
"ConfirmSidekickOnEject": "Conferma Spalle all'espulsione",
@@ -1367,7 +1404,7 @@
"ShieldPersonDiedFirst": "Fornire uno scudo a colui che è morto per primo nell'ultima partita",
"ShowShieldedPlayerToAll": "Rivela a tutti il giocatore protetto",
"RemoveShieldOnFirstDead": "Rimuovi lo scudo alla prima morte",
- "ShieldedCanUseKillButton": "Il giocatore protetto può usare il pulsante abilità / uccidi",
+ "ShieldedCanUseKillButton": "Shielded player can use ability/Kill button",
"PlayerIsShieldedByGame": "Il giocatore è protetto dal gioco!",
"LegacyNemesis": "Utilizza la versione precedente",
"LegacyParasite": "Utilizza la versione precedente",
@@ -1390,7 +1427,7 @@
"DoubleAgent_DiffusedBastionBomb": "Bomba del Bastione disinnescata con successo",
"DoubleAgent_BombExplodesIn": "La Bomba Esplode in: {0}s",
"DoubleAgent_BombExploded": "La Bomba è esplosa!",
- "DoubleAgentChangeRoleTo": "Cambia il ruolo se ultimo Impostore",
+ "DoubleAgentChangeRoleTo": "Change role on last Impostor",
"DoubleAgentRoleChange": "Sei diventato un: ",
"MastermindCD": "Ricarica Manipolazione",
"MastermindTimeLimit": "Tempo limite per uccidere qualcuno",
@@ -1408,15 +1445,13 @@
"Glitch_KCD": "Ricarica Uccisione: {0}s",
"Glitch_MimicCD": "Ricarica Imitazione: {0}s",
"HackedByGlitch": "Sei stato hackerato dal Glitch, non puoi {0}.",
- "GlitchKill": "Uccidi",
- "GlitchReport": "segnala",
- "GlitchVent": "Condotti",
+ "GlitchKill": "Kill",
+ "GlitchReport": "Report",
+ "GlitchVent": "Vent",
"ShowFPS": "Mostra FPS",
"FPSGame": "FPS: ",
"ControlCooldown": "Ricarica Controllo",
- "PoisonCooldown": "Ricarica Veleno",
- "PoisonerKillDelay": "Ritardo Uccisione Veleno",
- "WardenNotifyLimit": "Numero Massimo di Allerte",
+ "WardenNotifyLimit": "Maximum number of alerts",
"BombCooldown": "Ricarica Bomba",
"Warlock_CanKillSelf": "Possono uccidersi",
"CrewpostorKnowsAllies": "Conosce gli Impostori",
@@ -1446,9 +1481,10 @@
"EGCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "Può Indovinare l'Informatore con Tutti gli Incarichi Completati",
"GGCanGuessAdt": "Può indovinare i Modificatori",
"GuesserCanGuessTimes": "Massimo numero d'intuizioni",
- "GuesserTryHideMsg": "Prova a nascondere i comandi dell'Indovino",
+ "GuesserTryHideMsg": "Try to hide the Guesser's command",
"GCanGuessImp": "L' Impostore può indovinare il ruolo degli Impostori",
"GCanGuessCrew": "L' Astronauta può indovinare il ruolo degli Astronauti",
+ "GCanGuessCoven": "Coven can guess Coven roles",
"GCanGuessAdt": "Può indovinare i Modificatori",
"GCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "Può Indovinare l'Informatore con Tutti gli Incarichi Completati",
"BountyTargetChangeTime": "Tempo Prima Che Il Bersaglio Cambi",
@@ -1456,7 +1492,7 @@
"BountyFailureKillCooldown": "Ricarica Uccisione Dopo Aver Ucciso Gli Altri",
"BountyShowTargetArrow": "Mostra Freccia Che Punta Verso il Bersaglio",
"DefaultShapeshiftCooldown": "Ricarica Mutazione Base",
- "DeadImpCantSabotage": "Gli Impostori non possono sabotare dopo che sono morti",
+ "DeadImpCantSabotage": "Impostors can't Sabotage after they've died",
"VampireKillDelay": "Ritardo Uccisione Morso",
"VampireTargetDead": "L'obiettivo è morto",
"VampireActionMode": "Modalità Azione",
@@ -1465,14 +1501,14 @@
"Maverick_MinKillsToWin": "Numero minimo di uccisioni per vincere",
"Cooldown": "Tempo Ricarica",
"AbilityCooldown": "Ricarica Abilità",
- "SkillLimitTimes": "Numero massimo di utilizzi dell'abilità",
+ "SkillLimitTimes": "Maximum Number of Ability Uses",
"CanKill": "Può uccidere",
"KillCooldown": "Ricarica Uccisione",
"CanVent": "Può usare i condotti",
- "CantMoveOnVents": "Non può muoversi nei condotti (instabile nella mappa Dleks)",
+ "CantMoveOnVents": "Can't Move on Vents (Unstable in Dleks map)",
"ImpostorVision": "Ha il campo visivo Impostore",
"CanUseSabotage": "Può Sabotare",
- "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "Può avere accesso ai segni vitali",
+ "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "Can Have Access to Vitals",
"CanKillImpostors": "Può Uccidere gli Impostori",
"CanGuess": "Può Indovinare nella Modalità Indovino o come Indovino",
"HideVote": "Nascondi Voto",
@@ -1483,16 +1519,16 @@
"ShapeshifterBase_ShapeshiftCooldown": "Ricarica Mutazione",
"ShapeshifterBase_ShapeshiftDuration": "Durata Mutazione",
"ShapeshifterBase_LeaveShapeshiftingEvidence": "Lascia Prove di Mutazione",
- "PhantomBase_InvisCooldown": "Ricarica Scomparsa",
- "PhantomBase_InvisDuration": "Durata Scomparsa",
+ "PhantomBase_InvisCooldown": "Invisibility Cooldown",
+ "PhantomBase_InvisDuration": "Invisibility Duration",
"GuardianAngelBase_ProtectCooldown": "Ricarica Protezione",
"GuardianAngelBase_ProtectionDuration": "Durata Protezione",
- "GuardianAngelBase_ImpostorsCanSeeProtect": "Protezione Visibile Agli Impostori",
+ "GuardianAngelBase_ImpostorsCanSeeProtect": "Protect Visible to Impostors",
"ScientistBase_BatteryCooldown": "Ricarica Display Segni Vitali",
"ScientistBase_BatteryDuration": "Durata Batterie",
"EngineerBase_VentCooldown": "Ricarica Uso Condotti",
- "EngineerBase_InVentMaxTime": "Tempo Massimo Nei Condotti",
- "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "Gli Impostori Vengono Avvisati",
+ "EngineerBase_InVentMaxTime": "Maximum Time in Vents",
+ "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "Impostors can get Alert",
"NoisemakerBase_AlertDuration": "Durata Allarme",
"TrackerBase_TrackingCooldown": "Ricarica Tracciamento",
"TrackerBase_TrackingDuration": "Durata Tracciamento",
@@ -1514,6 +1550,7 @@
"SheriffCanKillSeparately": "Impostazioni Individuali",
"In%team%": "(Squadra %team%)",
"SheriffMisfireKillsTarget": "Cilecca Uccide il Bersaglio",
+ "SheriffMisfireOnAdmired": "Sheriff Misfires On Admired Players",
"BlackHolePlaceCooldown": "Ricarica Piazzamento Buco Nero",
"BlackHoleDespawnMode": "Modalità Scomparsa Buco Nero",
"BlackHoleDespawnTime": "Tempo dopo la scomparsa del buco nero",
@@ -1526,27 +1563,30 @@
"After1PlayerEaten": "Dopo che 1 giocatore è stato mangiato",
"AfterMeeting": "Dopo la riunione",
"None": "Nessuno",
- "SheriffShotLimit": "Massimo Numero di Uccisioni",
+ "SheriffShotLimit": "Maximum number of Kills",
"SheriffCanKillAllAlive": "Può Uccidere Quando Nessuno è Morto",
- "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "Può uccidere i giocatori Affascinati",
+ "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "Can Kill Charmed players",
"SheriffCanKillEgoist": "Può Uccidere gli Egoisti",
"SheriffCanKillSidekick": "Può Uccidere le Spalle",
"SheriffCanKillLovers": "Può Uccidere gli Amanti",
"SheriffCanKillMadmate": "Può Uccidere i Follenauti",
"SheriffCanKillInfected": "Può Uccidere i giocatori Infettati",
"SheriffCanKillContagious": "Può Uccidere i giocatori Contagiosi",
- "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "Configurazione Sceriffo Non-Astronauta",
- "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "Può uccidere gli Impostori",
- "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "Può uccidere i Neutrali",
- "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "Può Uccidere gli Astronauti",
+ "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "Non-Crewmate Sheriff Configuration",
+ "SheriffCanKillEnchanted": "Can Kill Enchanted players",
+ "SheriffCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "Can Kill Impostors",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "Can Kill Neutrals",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "Can Kill Crewmates",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven",
"RebirthUses": "Quantità di Rinascite",
"RebirthCountVotes": "Rinascita solo in giocatori che lo hanno votato",
"RebirthFailed": "Ahh, che sfortuna, non hai trovato nessuna anima vitale con cui scambiare i corpi",
"FireworkerCooldown": "Ricarica Piazzamento",
- "ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "Incrementa Ricarica Uccisione",
- "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "Ricarica uccisione Massimo",
- "ReverieMisfireSuicide": "Cilecca raggiungendo la ricarica uccisione massima",
- "ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "Ripristina ricarica uccisione dopo le riunioni",
+ "ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "Increase Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieMisfireSuicide": "Misfire on reaching maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "Reset Kill Cooldown after meeting",
"ConvertedReverieKillAll": "Il Capriccioso convertito può uccidere chiunque senza ripercussioni",
"VigilanteNotify": "Sei diventato la cosa che hai giurato di distruggere",
"DictatorChangeCommandToExpel": "Dittatore usa il comando per espellere invece di votare",
@@ -1556,17 +1596,18 @@
"SnitchCanGetArrowColor": "Vede Frecce Colorate basate sui Colori della Squadra",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralKiller": "Può trovare Assassini Neutrali",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralApoc": "Può trovare Neutrali dell'Apocalisse",
+ "SnitchCanFindCoven": "Can Find Coven",
"SnitchCanFindMadmate": "Può Trovare i Follenauti",
"SnitchRemainingTaskFound": "Incarichi Rimanenti per essere scoperto",
"MayorAdditionalVote": "Numero Voti Addizionali",
"MayorHasPortableButton": "Il Sindaco ha un Pulsante d'Emergenza Portatile",
- "MayorNumOfUseButton": "Massimo Numero di Pulsanti d'Emergenza Portatili",
+ "MayorNumOfUseButton": "Maximum Number of Mobile Emergency Buttons",
"MeetingsNeededForWin": "Riunioni necessarie per vincere",
"Jester_RevealUponEject": "Rivela all'espulsione",
"CannotVoteWhenDead": "Non è possibile esprimere un voto da morti",
"EnableVote": "Abilitare il comando /vote",
"ShouldVoteSpam": "Prova a nascondere il comando /vote",
- "VoteDisabled": "Il comando /vote è stato disattivato dall'host.",
+ "VoteDisabled": "/vote command has been disabled by the Host.",
"ExecutionerCanTargetImpostor": "Può avere come Bersaglio gli Impostori",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "Può avere come Bersaglio gli Assassini Neutrali",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "Può Bersagliare i Neutrali Dell'Apocalisse",
@@ -1574,11 +1615,13 @@
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralBenign": "Può Bersagliare i Neutrali Benigni",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralEvil": "Può Bersagliare i Neutrali Maligni",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralChaos": "Può Bersagliare i Neutrali Caotici",
+ "ExecutionerCanTargetCoven": "Can Target Coven",
"Executioner_RevealTargetUponEject": "Rivela il bersaglio all'espulsione",
- "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "Lo Sceriffo Reclutato Può Impazzire",
+ "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "Recruited Sheriff can go Nuts",
"LawyerCanTargetImpostor": "Può avere come Bersaglio gli Impostori",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "Può avere come Bersaglio gli Assassini Neutrali",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "Può Bersagliare i Neutrali Dell'Apocalisse",
+ "LawyerCanTargetCoven": "Can Target Coven",
"LawyerCanTargetCrewmate": "Può avere come Bersaglio gli Astronauti",
"LawyerCanTargetJester": "Può avere come Bersaglio il Giullare",
"LawyerChangeRolesAfterTargetKilled": "Quando il Bersaglio Muore, l' Avvocato diventa",
@@ -1594,8 +1637,8 @@
"SniperPrecisionShooting": "Colpo Preciso",
"SniperAimAssist": "Assistenza Mira",
"SniperAimAssistOneshot": "Assistenza Colpo Singolo",
- "PyroDouseCooldown": "Ricarica Innaffia",
- "PyroBurnCooldown": "Ricarica uccisione dopo aver ucciso un giocatore innaffiato",
+ "PyroDouseCooldown": "Douse Cooldown",
+ "PyroBurnCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after killing a doused player",
"Prohibited_OverrideBlockedVentsAfterMeeting": "Sovrascrivi condotti bloccati dopo la riunione",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInSkeld": "Conta condotti bloccati in The Skeld",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInMira": "Conta condotti bloccati in MIRA HQ",
@@ -1606,7 +1649,7 @@
"UndertakerFreezeDuration": "Durata Immobilizzazione",
"NameDisplayAddons": "Mostra i Modificatori vicino al nome del ruolo",
"YourAddon": "I Tuoi Modificatori:",
- "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "Numero massimo di Modificatori per Giocatore",
+ "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "Maximum Add-ons Per Player",
"LoverSpawnChances": "Chance Comparsa degli Amanti",
"AdditionRolesSpawnRate": "Chance di Comparsa",
"TorchVision": "Campo visivo Torcia",
@@ -1641,38 +1684,40 @@
"EvilHackerLastAdminInfoTitle": "Informazioni in amministrazione dell'ultimo minuto",
"EvilHackerDeadbody": "MORTO",
"Ventguard": "Paracondotti",
- "VentguardInfo": "Blocca i condotti entrandoci",
- "VentguardInfoLong": "(Astronauti):\nCome Paracondotti, puoi entrare nei condotti per bloccarli. Nessuno può entrare nei condotti bloccati, tranne gli Astronauti, se l'impostazione è attiva. I condotti bloccati possono essere ripristinati a ogni riunione.",
+ "VentguardInfo": "Block Vents by entering them",
+ "VentguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Ventguard, you can enter Vents to block them. No one can enter blocked Vents, except Crewmates, if the setting is on. Blocked Vents can be resets every meeting.",
"VentguardVentButtonText": "Blocca",
- "Ventguard_MaxGuards": "Numero massimo di condotti bloccati",
+ "Ventguard_MaxGuards": "Maximum number of Vent Blocks",
"Ventguard_BlockVentCooldown": "Ricarica blocco condotti",
- "Ventguard_BlockDoesNotAffectCrew": "Gli Astronauti possono usare i condotti bloccati",
+ "Ventguard_BlockDoesNotAffectCrew": "Crewmates can use blocked Vents",
"Ventguard_BlocksResetOnMeeting": "Ripristina i condotti bloccati dopo ogni riunioni",
- "VentIsBlocked": "Questo condotto è ora bloccato!",
+ "VentIsBlocked": "This Vent is Now Blocked!",
"TraitorKnowMadmate": "Traditore Conosce i Follenauti",
"Psychic_NBareRed": "I Neutrali Benigni possono essere rossi",
"Psychic_NEareRed": "I Neutrali Maligni possono essere rossi",
"Psychic_NCareRed": "I Neutrali Caotici possono essere rossi",
"Psychic_NAareRed": "Neutrali dell'Apocalisse possono essere rossi",
"Psychic_NKareRed": "I Neutrali Assassini possono essere rossi",
+ "Psychic_CovareRed": "Coven can be red",
"Psychic_CrewKillingRed": "Gli Astronauti Assassini possono essere rossi",
- "PsychicCanSeeNum": "Numero massimo di nomi rossi",
+ "PsychicCanSeeNum": "Maximum number of red names",
"PsychicFresh": "Nuovi Nomi rossi a ogni riunione",
"DetectiveCanknowKiller": "Può scoprire il ruolo dell'assassino",
"EveryOneKnowSuperStar": "Tutti sanno chi è la Super Star",
"HackLimit": "Numero Utilizzi Abilità",
"ZombieSpeedReduce": "Dopo un certo periodo di tempo, riduci la velocità dello Zombie di",
- "NemesisCanKillNum": "Numero Massimo di Vendette",
+ "NemesisCanKillNum": "Maximum number of revenges",
"ImpKnowCelebrityDead": "Gli Impostori sanno quando la Celebrità muore",
"NeutralKnowCelebrityDead": "I Neutrali sanno quando la Celebrità muore",
+ "CovenKnowCelebrityDead": "Coven know when the Celebrity dies",
"VectorVentNumWin": "Numero di Condotti per vincere",
"CanCheckCamera": "Può rintracciare uso telecamera",
- "DefaultKillCooldown": "Ricarica Uccisione Iniziale",
- "ReduceKillCooldown": "Riduce ricarica uccisione di",
- "MinKillCooldown": "Ricarica uccisione minima",
+ "DefaultKillCooldown": "Starting Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReduceKillCooldown": "Reduce Kill Cooldown by",
+ "MinKillCooldown": "Minimum Kill Cooldown",
"BomberRadius": "Raggio Bomba (5x è circa metà Mensa)",
"NotifyGodAlive": "Informa giocatori alle riunioni che il Dio è ancora vivo",
- "TransporterTeleportMax": "Numero Massimo di teletrasporti",
+ "TransporterTeleportMax": "Maximum number of teleports",
"TriggerKill": "Uccidi",
"TriggerVent": "Condotti",
"TriggerDouble": "Doppio Click",
@@ -1686,6 +1731,7 @@
"InnocentCanWinByImp": "Se il suo bersaglio era un Impostore allora vince con loro",
"ImpCanBeParanoia": "Gli Impostori possono essere Paranoia",
"CrewCanBeParanoia": "Gli Astronauti possono essere Paranoia",
+ "CovenCanBeParanoia": "Coven can become Paranoia",
"DualVotes": "Voti Duplici",
"VeteranSkillCooldown": "Ricarica Allerta",
"VeteranSkillDuration": "Durata Allerta",
@@ -1693,9 +1739,9 @@
"ImpCanBeEgoist": "Un Impostore può diventare Egoista",
"CrewCanBeEgoist": "Gli Astronauti possono diventare Egoisti",
"ImpEgoistVisibalToAllies": "Gli Impostori Possono Vedere Altri Impostori Egoisti",
- "EgoistCountAsConverted": "Egoista conta come neutrale convertito",
+ "EgoistCountAsConverted": "Egoist count as converted Neutral",
"GuessRainbow": "Sembra troppo ovvio, non è vero?",
- "RainbowColorChangeCoolDown": "Ricarica per cambiare i colori",
+ "RainbowColorChangeCoolDown": "The Cooldown for changing colors",
"RainbowInCamouflage": "Il colore Dell'Arcobaleno cambia durante il Camuffamento",
"BaitDelayMin": "Ritardo Minimo Segnalazione",
"BaitDelayMax": "Ritardo Massimo Segnalazione",
@@ -1703,17 +1749,18 @@
"BecomeBaitDelayNotify": "Avvisa l'assassino dell'auto-segnalazione in arrivo",
"BaitNotification": "Rivela l'Esca alla prima riunione",
"BaitAdviceAlive": "{0} è l'Esca. Chiunque uccida l'Esca innescherà un'auto-segnalazione.",
- "BaitCanBeReportedUnderAllConditions": "L'Esca può essere segnalata anche se la riunione è disabilitata durante le comunicazioni sabotate",
- "DeceiverAbilityLost": "L'Ingannatore perde l'abilità se inganna un giocatore senza il tasto uccidi",
+ "BaitCanBeReportedUnderAllConditions": "Bait Can Be Reported even if a meeting is disabled during Comms Sabotage",
+ "DeceiverAbilityLost": "Deceiver loses ability if it deceives player without Kill button",
"AddictSuicideTimer": "Tempo Prima del Suicidio",
"GrenadierSkillCooldown": "Ricarica Granata",
"GrenadierSkillDuration": "Durata Granata",
"GrenadierCauseVision": "Campo visivo Ridotto",
"GrenadierCanAffectNeutral": "Può Influenzare i Neutrali",
+ "GrenadierCanAffectCoven": "Can affect Coven",
"TicketsPerKill": "Aumento Numero Voti per Uccisione",
- "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "Ricarica Reclutamento",
+ "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "Recruit Cooldown",
"GangsterRecruitLimit": "Limite Reclute",
- "KamikazeMaxMarked": "Massimo di Bersagli",
+ "KamikazeMaxMarked": "Maximum Marked",
"RevolutionistDrawTime": "Durata del Marchio",
"RevolutionistCooldown": "Ricarica del Marchio",
"RevolutionistDrawCount": "Quantità di Giocatori necessari da Taggare",
@@ -1733,7 +1780,7 @@
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_Immediately": "Immediatamente",
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_AfterMeeting": "Dopo Riunione",
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_OFF": "OFF",
- "MedicResetCooldown": "Nel tentativo di uccisione, ripristina la ricarica dell'assassino a",
+ "MedicResetCooldown": "On kill attempt, reset murderer's Cooldown to",
"MedicShieldedCanBeGuessed": "Indovinare ignora lo scudo del Medico",
"MadmateSpawnMode": "Modalità Generazione Follenauta",
"MadmateSpawnMode.Assign": "Assegna",
@@ -1743,40 +1790,41 @@
"MadmateCountMode.None": "Niente",
"MadmateCountMode.Imp": "Impostori",
"MadmateCountMode.Original": "Squadra Originale",
- "Altruist_RevivedDeadBodyCannotBeReported_Option": "Il cadavere rianimato non può essere segnalato",
- "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsAlert": "Gli Impostori possono essere avvisati",
- "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "Gli Impostori possono avere delle frecce",
- "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "I Neutrali Assassini possono essere avvisati",
- "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "I Neutrali Assassini possono avere delle frecce",
+ "Altruist_RevivedDeadBodyCannotBeReported_Option": "Revived Dead Body cannot be Reported",
+ "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsAlert": "Impostors can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "Impostors can get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "Neutral Killers can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "Neutral Killers can get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsAlert": "Coven can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsArrow": "Coven can get Arrow",
"AltruistSuffix": "Modalità: {0}",
"AltruistReviveMode": "Rianima",
"AltruistReportMode": "Segnala",
"Altruist_YouTriedReportRevivedDeadBody": "Hai provato a segnalare un cadavere rianimato",
- "Altruist_DeadPlayerHasBeenRevived": "Un giocatore morto è stato rianimato!",
+ "Altruist_DeadPlayerHasBeenRevived": "A Dead Player has been Revived!",
"AltruistAbilityButton": "Cambia Modalità",
"SnatchesWin": "Ruba la Vittoria",
"DemonKillCooldown": "Ricarica Attacco",
- "DemonHealthMax": "Vita Massima Giocatore",
+ "DemonHealthMax": "Player maximum health",
"DemonDamage": "Danno ",
- "DemonSelfHealthMax": "Vita Massima Demone",
+ "DemonSelfHealthMax": "Demon maximum health",
"DemonSelfDamage": "Danno Ricevuto Demone",
"LightningConvertTime": "Durata della trasformazione nel Fantasma Quantico",
"LightningKillCooldown": "Ricarica Fulmine",
"LightningKillerConvertGhost": "L'assassino può trasformarsi nel Fantasma Quantico",
"CanCountNeutralKiller": "Quando gli Astronauti vincono per aver ucciso un giocatore Neutrale, possono rubare la vittoria",
- "GreedyOddKillCooldown": "Ricarica Uccisioni Pari",
- "GreedyEvenKillCooldown": "Ricarica Uccisioni Dispari",
+ "GreedyOddKillCooldown": "Odd-Numbered Kill Cooldown",
+ "GreedyEvenKillCooldown": "Even-Numbered Kill Cooldown",
"WorkaholicCannotWinAtDeath": "Non può vincere dopo la propria morte",
"WorkaholicVisibleToEveryone": "Tutti sanno chi è lo Stacanovista",
"WorkaholicGiveAdviceAlive": "Avvisa alla prima riunione se vivo, può vincere dopo la morte, incarichi da fantasma ON",
"DoctorVisibleToEveryone": "Tutti sanno chi è il Dottore",
"CursedWolfGuardSpellTimes": "Quantità di Scudi Maledetti",
"KillAttackerWhenAbilityRemaining": "Uccidi l'attaccante quando l'abilità è residua",
- "JinxSpellTimes": "Quantità di incantesimi dello Iettatore",
"CollectorCollectAmount": "Numero Richiesto di voti",
"GlitchCanVote": "Può votare",
"QuickShooterShapeshiftCooldown": "Ricarica Mutazione",
- "MeetingReserved": "Proiettili Massimi Riservati per una riunione",
+ "MeetingReserved": "Maximum Bullets reserved for a meeting",
"AccurateCheckMode": "Può conoscere il ruolo specifico quando gli incarichi non sono completati",
"RandomActiveRoles": "Mostra ruoli attivi casuali nei suggerimenti del Chiromante",
"CamouflageCooldown": "Ricarica Camuffamento",
@@ -1790,29 +1838,31 @@
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralE": "Può processare i Neutrali Maligni",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralC": "Può processare i Neutrali Caotici",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralA": "Può processare i Neutrali dell'Apocalisse",
+ "JudgeCanTrialCoven": "Can trial Coven",
"JudgeCanTrialSidekick": "Può processare le Spalle",
"JudgeCanTrialInfected": "Può processare gli Infetti",
"JudgeCanTrialContagious": "Può processare i Contagiosi",
"JudgeTryHideMsg": "Nascondi il comando del Giudice",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "Massimo di Processi per Riunione",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "Massimo Processi per Partita",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Trials per Meeting",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "Maximum Trials per Game",
"JudgeCanTrialMadmate": "Può Processare i Follenauti",
"JudgeCanTrialCharmed": "Può Processare i giocatori Affascinati",
+ "JudgeCanTrialEnchanted": "Can trial Enchanted players",
"JudgeDead": "Spiacenti, non puoi processare giocatori dopo la morte.",
"JudgeTrialMaxMeetingMsg": "\nNessun Processo in Riunione Rimasto!",
"JudgeTrialMaxGameMsg": "\nNessun Processo Rimasto!",
"Judge_LaughToWhoTrialSelf": "Dio, non pensavo che i Giudici sarebbero stati così ciechi da non vedere che si erano condannati da soli.",
"Judge_TrialKill": "{0} è stato giudicato.",
"Judge_TrialKillTitle": "CORTE",
- "Judge_TrialHelp": "Comando: /tl [ID giocatore]\nPuoi vedere gli ID dei giocatori prima dei nomi dei giocatori.\nO usa /id per vedere una lista di tutti gli ID dei giocatori.",
+ "Judge_TrialHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Judge_TrialNull": "Per favore scegli un giocatore vivo per il processo",
- "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "Numero Massimo di Allerte",
+ "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "Maximum number of Alerts",
"SwooperCooldown": "Ricarica dell'Invisibilità",
"SwooperDuration": "Durata dell'Invisibilità",
"WraithCooldown": "Ricarica della Scomparsa",
"WraithDuration": "Durata della Scomparsa",
"BastionNotify": "Una bomba è stata esplosa",
- "EnteredBombedVent": "Quel condotto aveva una bomba!",
+ "EnteredBombedVent": "That Vent was bombed!",
"BastionVentButtonText": "Bomba",
"BombsClearAfterMeeting": "Le bombe vengono rimosse dopo le riunioni",
"BastionMaxBombs": "(Iniziale) Numero massimo di bombe",
@@ -1828,11 +1878,12 @@
"FollowerBetTargetKnowFollower": "Il bersaglio del Seguace sa chi è il Seguace",
"FortuneTellerHideVote": "Nascondi il voto del Chiromante",
"CultistCharmCooldown": "Ricarica Fascino",
- "CultistCharmCooldownIncrese": "Aumenta Ricarica Fascino Per Ogni Affascinato",
+ "CultistCharmCooldownIncrese": "Increases Charm Cooldown for Each Charm",
"CultistCharmMax": "Numero massimo di Fascini",
"CultistKnowTargetRole": "Conosce il ruolo del giocatore Affascinato",
"CultistTargetKnowOtherTarget": "I giocatori Affascinati si conoscono",
"CultistCanCharmNeutral": "I Neutrali possono essere Affascinati",
+ "CultistCanCharmCoven": "Coven Roles can be Charmed",
"InfectiousBiteCooldown": "Ricarica dell'Infezione",
"KnowTargetRole": "Sa il ruolo del bersaglio",
"TargetKnowsLawyer": "Il bersaglio conosce L'Avvocato",
@@ -1855,11 +1906,11 @@
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_None": "Nulla",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Cultist": "Cultista",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Original": "Squadra Originale",
- "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "Quando tutti gli Impostori sono morti, lo Sciacallo vince invece con il sabotaggio",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Azzera ricarica uccisione se qualcuno viene ucciso da un altro giocatore",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "Ricarica Uccisione al Ripristino",
+ "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "When all Impostors are dead, the Jackal wins by Sabotage instead",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Reset Kill Cooldown if someone gets killed by another player",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "Kill Cooldown on Reset",
"JackalCanRecruitSidekick": "Può reclutare Spalle",
- "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "Numero Massimo Di Reclutamenti",
+ "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "Maximum Number of Recruits",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode": "Le Spalle contano come",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_None": "Nulla",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_Jackal": "Sciacallo",
@@ -1888,6 +1939,7 @@
"NeutralsSeePresident": "I Neutrali possono vedere il rivelato Presidente",
"MadmatesSeePresident": "I Follenauti possono vedere il rivelato Presidente",
"ImpsSeePresident": "Gli Impostori possono vedere il rivelato Presidente",
+ "CovenSeePresident": "Coven can see revealed President",
"PresidentDead": "Spiacenti, non puoi forzare la fine delle riunioni dopo la tua morte.",
"PresidentEndMax": "Hai terminato gli utilizzi di terminare le riunioni!",
"PresidentRevealMax": "Ti sei già rivelato...",
@@ -1898,40 +1950,167 @@
"Troller_CanHaveStartMeetingEvent": "Può avviare una riunione come evento",
"Troller_ChangesSpeed": "Troller ha cambiato la velocità di tutti!",
"Troller_SpeedOut": "La velocità ritorna normale",
- "Troller_YouChangedCooldown": "Hai cambiato la ricarica di tutti i giocatori",
- "Troller_ChangeYourCooldown": "Troller ha cambiato la tua ricarica!",
- "Troller_NoAddons": "Nessun modificatore trovato sul bersaglio casuale",
- "Troller_RemoveRandomAddon": "Hai rimosso un modificatore dal giocatore casuale",
- "Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "Troller ha rimosso un tuo modificatore casuale",
- "Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "Hai causato un sabotaggio",
- "Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "Hai riparato il sabotaggio",
+ "Troller_YouChangedCooldown": "You changed the Cooldown of all players",
+ "Troller_ChangeYourCooldown": "Troller change your Cooldown!",
+ "Troller_NoAddons": "No Add-ons found on the random target",
+ "Troller_RemoveRandomAddon": "You removed Add-on from random player",
+ "Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "Troller removed your random Add-on",
+ "Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "You caused Sabotage",
+ "Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "You fixed Sabotage",
+ "CovenRolesMinPlayer": "Minimum amount of Coven",
+ "CovenRolesMaxPlayer": "Maximum amount of Coven",
+ "%role%CanVent": "%role% Can Vent",
+ "%role%HasImpVis": "%role% Has Impostor Vision",
+ "CovenHasImpVis": "Coven Members have Impostor Vision",
+ "CovenImpVisMode": "Impostor Vision Configuration",
+ "CovenCanVent": "Coven Members Can Vent",
+ "CovenVentMode": "Vent Configuration",
+ "CovenPerRole": "Per Role",
+ "CovenCanSeeEachOthersAddOns": "Coven can see each other's Add-Ons",
+ "NecronomiconNotification": "You have recieved the Necronomicon!
Your powers are now enhanced!",
+ "NecronomiconVote": "You have voted for {0} to receive the Necronomicon next round. You may now vote normally.",
+ "CovenDontKillOtherCoven": "Don't try to kill your fellow Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderMaxRetrains": "Maximum Retrains",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainCooldown": "Retrain Cooldown",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrain": "Retrain offered",
+ "CovenLeaderNoRetrain": "You have ran out of Retrains!",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainNonCoven": "You can't retrain a non-Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderAcceptRetrain": "The player you attempted to retrain has accepted your training and is now a {0}!",
+ "CovenLeaderDeclineRetrain": "The player you attempted to retrain has declined your offer to retrain them into a {0}...",
+ "RetrainNotification": "The {0} has requested to retrain you into a {1}.
Vote yourself to accept the offer, vote someone else to decline.",
+ "RetrainAcceptOffer": "You have accepted the {0}'s retraining and you are now a {1}!",
+ "RetrainDeclineOffer": "You declined the {0}'s retraining and your role has not been changed...",
+ "RitualistMaxRitsPerRound": "Maximum Blood Rituals per Round",
+ "RitualistTryHideMsg": "Try to hide Ritualist's commands",
+ "RitualistRitualSuccess": "You preformed a successful Blood Ritual on {0} and they are now part of the Coven!",
+ "RitualistRitualFail": "You have failed your Blood Ritual and may no longer preform any Blood Rituals this meeting...",
+ "RitualistRitualImpossible": "Your Blood Ritual was successful, however, this player is unenchantable.",
+ "RitualistRitualMax": "You've already used the maximum amount of Blood Rituals for this meeting.",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsCoven": "Enchanted knows Coven",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsEnchanted": "Enchanted knows Enchanted",
+ "RitualistCommandHelp": "Instructions: /rt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /rt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player IDs before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
+ "RitualistConvertNotif": "Your role has been guessed by the {0} and you are now apart of the Coven!",
+ "RitualistGuessAddon": "Did you seriously think it would be that easy? You can't do a Ritual solely based on Add-ons.",
+ "RitualistSuccessfullyRecruited": "You successfully recruited a player",
+ "BeRecruitedByRitualist": "The Ritualist has recruited you",
+ "ConjurerCooldown": "Conjure Cooldown",
+ "ConjurerRadius": "Blast Radius",
+ "ConjurerNecroRadius": "Necronomicon Blast Radius",
+ "ConjurerCovenDies": "Coven can die in blast",
+ "ConjurerMark": "Location marked",
+ "ConjurerMeteor": "Meteor summoned",
+ "ConjurerNecroMark": "Player marked",
+ "ConjurerMarkShapeshift": "Mark",
+ "ConjurerConjureShapeshift": "Conjure",
+ "IllusionCooldown": "Illusion Cooldown",
+ "IllusionistMaxIllusions": "Maximum Illusions",
+ "IllusionistSnitchAffected": "Snitch is Affected by Illusions",
+ "IllusionistResetIllusionsPerRound": "Reset Illusions After Meeting",
+ "IllusionistClearIllusionsWhenDead": "Remove Illusions When Illusionist Dies",
+ "MedusaStoneCooldown": "Stone Cooldown",
+ "MedusaStoneDuration": "Stone Duration",
+ "MedusaStoneVision": "Stoned Vision",
+ "MedusaStonedPlayer": "{0} has been Stoned",
+ "MedusaStoningStart": "Stoning in progress",
+ "MedusaStoningEnd": "Stoning has ended",
+ "MoonDancerBatonPassCooldown": "Baton Pass Cooldown",
+ "MoonDancerBlastOffChance": "Chance to Blast Off",
+ "MoonDancerPassEnabledAddons": "Can only Baton Pass enabled Add-ons",
+ "MoonDancerCantBlastOff": "Target can not be Blasted Off",
+ "MoonDancerNormalKill": "Killed normally",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHelpfulAddon": "Target will be given Helpful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHarmfulAddon": "Target will be given Harmful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerNoAddons": "No Add-ons to Baton Pass to {0}",
+ "SacrifistDebuffCooldown": "Debuff Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistDeathsAfterVote": "Players Killed After Sacrifist is Exiled",
+ "SacrifistNecroReducedCooldown": "Coven Decreased Cooldown After Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "SacrifistVision": "Sacrificed Vision",
+ "SacrifistVisionDuration": "Vision Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeed": "Sacrificed Speed",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDuration": "Speed Duration",
+ "SacrifistIncreasedCooldown": "Sacrificed Increase Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistFreezeDuration": "Random Freezing Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDebuff": "Speed Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistVisionDebuff": "Vision Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistCooldownDebuff": "Cooldown Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistFoolDebuff": "Can't Fix Sabotages Debuff",
+ "SacrifistMeetingDebuff": "Forced Called Meeting",
+ "SacrifistReportDebuff": "Can't Report Bodies",
+ "SacrifistTasksDebuff": "Tasks Reset for Target",
+ "SacrifistSwapSkinsDebuff": "Swapped Skins",
+ "SacrifistSwapDebuff": "Swapping with target after 3 seconds",
+ "SacrifistVisionRevert": "Vision Reverted",
+ "SacrifistSpeedRevert": "Speed Reverted",
+ "SacrifistShapeshiftButton": "Debuff",
+ "SacrifistNecroShapeshiftButton": "Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "VoodooMasterPerRound": "Voodoo Dolls per Round",
+ "VoodooMasterCanDollCoven": "Voodoo Master can Voodoo Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNecroCanKillCov": "Necronomicon Ability can Kill Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollCoven": "You can't Voodoo other Coven members!",
+ "VoodooMasterTargetInMeeting": "Someone tried to target you with their role during this meeting, but it was deflected to one of your dolls, {0}, instead!",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollsLeft": "You can't voodoo anyone else this round!",
+ "VoodooMasterDolledSomeone": "{0} has been turned into a Voodoo Doll",
+ "PotionMasterMaxReveals": "Maximum Reveals",
+ "PotionMasterMaxBarriers": "Maximum Barriers",
+ "PotionMasterNoPotions": "You're out of {0} Potions!",
+ "PotionMasterPotionSwitch": "Potion switched to: {0}",
+ "PotionMasterPotionCurrent": "Current Potion: ",
+ "PotionMasterRevealCoven": "You can already see roles of Coven!",
+ "PotionMasterReveal": "Reveal",
+ "PotionMasterBarrier": "Barrier",
+ "PotionMasterKillButtonText": "Use Potion",
+ "HexMasterHexCooldown": "Hex Cooldown",
+ "HexMasterCovenCanGetMovingHex": "Coven Can Get Moving Hex",
+ "HexMasterMovingHexCooldown": "Moving Hex Pass Cooldown",
+ "HexesLookLikeSpells": "Hexes appear as Spells",
+ "HexButtonText": "Maleficio",
+ "HexMasterModeHex": "Maleficio",
+ "HexMasterModeKill": "Uccidi",
+ "HexMasterModeDouble": "Clicca due volte = Uccidi, Clicca una volta = Maleficio",
+ "HexMasterPassNotify": "Hex successfully passed",
+ "JinxSpellTimes": "Quantità di incantesimi dello Iettatore",
+ "JinxCooldown": "Jinx Cooldown",
+ "JinxCovenCanDieToJinx": "Coven Can Die To Jinx",
+ "PoisonCooldown": "Ricarica Veleno",
+ "PoisonerKillDelay": "Ritardo Uccisione Veleno",
+ "PoisonerTargetDead": "L'obiettivo è morto",
+ "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "Veleno",
+ "NecromancerRevengeTime": "Necronomicon Ability time",
+ "NecromancerRevenge": "Hai {0}s per uccidere {1}",
+ "NecromancerSuccess": "Necromanzia completata! Vivrai per vedere un altro giorno.",
+ "NecromancerHide": "I condotti sono disattivati, nasconditi dal Necromante!",
+ "NecromancerAbilityDuration": "Necromancy Duration",
+ "NecromancerAbilityCooldown": "Necromancy Cooldown",
+ "NecromancerCooldownNotDone": "Ability is still on Cooldown!",
+ "NecromancerNoUsableRoles": "No usable roles",
"LuckyProbability": "Probabilità di Sopravvivere a un Uccisione",
"ImpCanBeDoubleShot": "Gli Impostori possono avere Seconda Chance",
"CrewCanBeDoubleShot": "Gli Astronauti possono avere Seconda Chance",
"NeutralCanBeDoubleShot": "I Neutrali possono avere Seconda Chance",
+ "CovenCanBeDoubleShot": "Coven can have Double Shot",
"MimicCanSeeDeadRoles": "Il Mimic può vedere i ruoli dei giocatori morti",
- "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "Disabilita segnalazione corpi durante il camuffamento",
- "CanUseCommsSabotage": "Può sabotare Comunicazioni",
+ "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "Disable body reporting when Camouflage is active",
+ "CanUseCommsSabotage": "Can use Comms Sabotage",
"ModTag": "Moderatore♥",
"ApplyModeratorList": "Applica Lista Moderatori",
"VipTag": "VIP★",
"ApplyVipList": "Applica Lista VIP",
- "AllowSayCommand": "Permetti ai moderatori di usare il comando /say",
- "AllowStartCommand": "Permetti ai moderatori di usare il comando /start",
+ "AllowSayCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /say command",
+ "AllowStartCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /start command",
"StartCommandMinCountdown": "Conto alla rovescia minimo per il comando /start",
"StartCommandMaxCountdown": "Conto alla rovescia massimo per il comando /start",
"KickCommandDisabled": "Il comando per cacciare è attualmente disabilitato.",
"KickCommandNoAccess": "Non hai accesso al comando per cacciare.",
"KickCommandInvalidID": "ID giocatore specificato non valido.\nPer favore usa '/kick [playerID] [reason]' per cacciare un giocatore.\nEsempio:- /kick 5 not following rules",
- "KickCommandKickHost": "Non sei permesso a cacciare l'host.",
- "KickCommandKickMod": "Non sei permesso a cacciare gli altri moderatori.",
+ "KickCommandKickHost": "You are not permitted to kick the Host.",
+ "KickCommandKickMod": "You are not permitted to kick other Moderators.",
"KickCommandKicked": "è stato cacciato dal gioco da ",
"KickCommandKickedRole": "Il loro ruolo era",
"BanCommandDisabled": "Il comando per bannare è attualmente disabilitato.",
"BanCommandNoAccess": "Non hai accesso al comando per bannare.",
"BanCommandInvalidID": "ID giocatore specificato non valido.\nPer favore usa '/ban [playerID] [reason]' per bannare un giocatore.\nEsempio:- /ban 5 not following rules ",
- "BanCommandBanHost": "Non sei permesso a bannare l'host.",
- "BanCommandBanMod": "Non sei permesso a bannare gli altri moderatori.",
+ "BanCommandBanHost": "You are not permitted to ban the Host.",
+ "BanCommandBanMod": "You are not permitted to ban other Moderators.",
"BanCommandBanned": "è stato bannato dal gioco da ",
"BanCommandBannedRole": "Il loro ruolo era",
"BanCommandNoReason": "Id giocatore specificato non valido.\nPer favore usa '/ban [playerID] [reason]\nEsempio:- /ban 5 not following rules",
@@ -1951,13 +2130,13 @@
"WarnCommandDisabled": "Il comando per gli avvertimenti è attualmente disabilitato.",
"WarnCommandNoAccess": "Non hai accesso al comando per gli avvertimenti.",
"WarnCommandInvalidID": "ID giocatore specificato non valido.\nPer favore usa '/warn [playerID] [reason]' per avvertire un giocatore. \nEsempio:- /warn 5 lava chatting",
- "WarnCommandWarnHost": "Non sei permesso ad avvertire l'host.",
+ "WarnCommandWarnHost": "You are not permitted to warn the Host.",
"StartCommandNoAccess": "Non hai accesso al comando start.",
"StartCommandDisabled": "Il comando start è attualmente disabilitato.",
"StartCommandCountdown": "ERRORE\n\nIl gioco sta già iniziando!",
"StartCommandStarted": "La partita è stata avviata da {0}!",
"StartCommandInvalidCountdown": "ERRORE\n\nIl conto alla rovescia deve essere tra {0} e {1}!",
- "WarnCommandWarnMod": "Non sei permesso ad avvertire gli altri moderatori.",
+ "WarnCommandWarnMod": "You are not permitted to warn other Moderators.",
"WarnCommandWarned": "è stato avvertito. Non verranno più forniti avvisi e verranno intraprese le azioni appropriate \n ",
"WarnExample": "Usa /warn [id] [reason] in futuro. \nEsempio :-\n /warn 5 lava chatting",
"SayCommandDisabled": "Il comando parla è attualmente disabilitato.",
@@ -2010,6 +2189,7 @@
"DeathReason.Sacrificed": "Sacrificato",
"DeathReason.Electrocuted": "Elettrificato",
"DeathReason.Scavenged": "Spazzato",
+ "DeathReason.BlastedOff": "Blasted Off",
"OnlyEnabledDeathReasons": "Solo Cause di Morte Attive",
"Alive": "Vivo",
"Disconnected": "Disconnesso",
@@ -2022,6 +2202,7 @@
"Infected-": "Infettato ",
"Contagious-": "Contagioso ",
"Admired-": "Ammirato ",
+ "Enchanted-": "Enchanted ",
"DeputyHandcuffCooldown": "Ricarica Manette",
"DeputyHandcuffMax": "Massimo di Manette",
"DeputyHandcuffedPlayer": "Bersaglio ammanettato",
@@ -2071,11 +2252,11 @@
"Command.kill": "[ID giocatore] → Uccidi il giocatore assegnato",
"Command.exe": "[ID giocatore] → Espelli il giocatore assegnato",
"Command.level": "[Level] → Cambia il tuo livello nel gioco",
- "Command.idlist": "→ Mostra una lista degli ID dei giocatori",
+ "Command.idlist": "→ Display a list of player ID's",
"Command.qq": "→ La lobby sarà pubblicata sul sito web di QQ (solo Cina)",
"Command.dump": "→ Registro di Produzione sul Desktop",
"Command.death": "→ Mostra informazioni su come sei morto",
- "Command.icons": "
╳ - The Player was marked by the Blackmailer and can't talk during the Meeting
☆ - Used by Captain to display themselves. Only Crewmates can see the Captain's star
乂 - This player was hexed by the Hex Master and will die if the Hex Master isn't killed or ejected by the end of the Meeting.
♦ - Used by Lawyer or Executioner or Follower.
♥ - Used by Lovers or Romantic.
✚ - Used by Medic to mark their target.
⦿ - This player is in a duel with the Pirate.
!? - This player was marked by the Quizmaster and must answer the question correctly to survive.
☜ - Used by Schrödinger's cat to mark their teammate.
◈ - This player marked by the Shroud and will die if the Shroud is not killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
⚠ - This player is a Snitch or Solsticer who has finished their tasks.
★ - Used by Super Star or Cyber or Marshall.
† - This player was spelled and will die if the Witch is not killed by the end of the meeting.
∇ - Used by Kamikaze to mark their targets.
■ - Used by Lightning to mark their quantum ghosts.
⊠ - Used by Jailer to mark their prisoner.
● - Used by Baker to mark who has Bread.
♠ - Used by Soul Collector to mark who's death they're predicting.
⦿ - Used by Plaguebearer to mark who they have plagued.",
+ "Command.icons": "
╳ - The player was marked by the Blackmailer and can't talk during the meeting
☆ - Used by Captain to display themselves. Only Crewmates can see the Captain's star
乂 - This player was hexed by the Hex Master and will die if the Hex Master isn't killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
♦ - Used by Lawyer or Executioner or Follower.
♥ - Used by Lovers or Romantic.
✚ - Used by Medic to mark their target.
⦿ - This player is in a duel with the Pirate.
!? - This player was marked by the Quizmaster and must answer the question correctly to survive.
☜ - Used by Schrödinger's cat to mark their teammate.
◈ - This player marked by the Shroud and will die if the Shroud is not killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
⚠ - This player is a Snitch or Solsticer who has finished their tasks.
★ - Used by Super Star or Cyber or Marshall.
† - This player was spelled and will die if the Witch is not killed by the end of the Meeting.
∇ - Used by Kamikaze to mark their targets.
■ - Used by Lightning to mark their Quantum Ghosts.
⊠ - Used by Jailer to mark their prisoner.
● - Used by Baker to mark who has Bread.
♠ - Used by Soul Collector to mark who's death they're predicting.
⦿ - Used by Plaguebearer to mark who they have plagued.
♣ - Shown on the Coven member with the Necronomicon. This is only shown to Coven.
⌘ - This player is Jinxed. This is only shown to Coven.
ø - This player is Illusioned. This is only shown to Coven.
♻ - This player is Stoned. This is only shown to Coven.
✂ - This player is a Voodoo Doll. This is only shown to Coven.",
"Command.start": "[Secondi] → Inizia il gioco",
"Command.iconinfo": "→ Mostra informazioni sulle icone nei meeting",
"Command.iconhelp": "→ Mostra informazioni sulle icone nei meeting a tutti",
@@ -2085,13 +2266,15 @@
"Remaining.MadmateCount": "Follenauti rimasti: {0}",
"Remaining.NeutralCount": "Assassini Neutrali rimasti: {0}",
"Remaining.ApocalypseCount": "Neutrali dell'Apocalisse rimasti: {0}",
+ "Remaining.CovenCount": "Coven left: {0}",
"EnableKillerLeftCommand": "Abilità l'uso del comando /kcount",
- "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "Mostra Follenauti (Inclusi modificatori)",
+ "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "Show Madmates (including Add-ons)",
"ShowApocalypseInLeftCommand": "Mostra Neutrali dell'Apocalisse",
+ "ShowCovenInLeftCommand": "Show Coven",
"SeeEjectedRolesInMeeting": "Vedi i ruoli degli espulsi",
"ThankYouForUsingTOHE": "Grazie per aver usato TOHE!",
"SkillUsedLeft": "Hai attivato la tua abilità per convocare una riunione. \nQuantità rimanente di usi rimasti:",
- "NemesisDeadMsg": "La morte della Nemesi significa l'inizio della vendetta. \nPer favore usa /rv + [ID giocatore] per uccidere quel specifico giocatore \nPuoi vedere gli ID dei giocatori di fronte ai loro nomi. \nO scrivi /rv per avere gli ID dei giocatori",
+ "NemesisDeadMsg": "The death of the Nemesis means the beginning of the revenge. \nPlease use /rv + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /rv to get a list of player ID's",
"NemesisAliveKill": "La vendetta per la Nemesi può iniziare solo dopo la loro morte.",
"NemesisKillDead": "Scegli un giocatore vivente per vendicarti",
"NemesisKillSucceed": "[{0}] è stato ucciso dalla Nemesi!",
@@ -2111,14 +2294,15 @@
"GuessGuardianTask": "Non puoi indovinare un Guardiano che ha finito i suoi incarichi.",
"GuardianCantKilled": "Non puoi uccidere un Guardiano che ha finito i suoi incarichi.",
"GuessMarshallTask": "Non puoi indovinare un Maresciallo che ha finito i suoi incarichi.",
- "GuessObviousAddon": "Spiacenti, i modificatori ovvi non possono essere indovinati.",
- "GuessAdtRole": "Sfortunatamente, le impostazioni dell'host non ti permettono d'indovinare i modificatori",
+ "GuessObviousAddon": "Sorry, obvious Add-ons cannot be guessed.",
+ "GuessAdtRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow you to guess Add-ons",
"GuessImpRole": "Sfortunatamente, le impostazioni dell'Host non ti permettono d'indovinare i ruoli degli Impostori.",
- "GuessCrewRole": "Sfortunatamente, le impostazioni dell'Host non ti permettono d'indovinare i ruoli degli Astronauti.",
+ "GuessCrewRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow Crewmates to guess Crewmate roles.",
"GuessApocRole": "Fortunatamente, le impostazioni dell'Host non consentono ai neutrali dell'Apocalisse d'indovinare i ruoli dell'Apocalisse.",
+ "GuessCovenRole": "Fortunately, the Host's settings does not allow Coven to guess Coven roles.",
"GuessKill": "{0} è stato indovinato",
"GuessNull": "Per favore scegli un ID di un giocatore vivo per indovinare il loro ruolo",
- "GuessHelp": "Istruzioni: /bt [ID Giocatore] [Nome Ruolo] \nEsempio: /bt 3 Esca \nPuoi vedere gli ID dei giocatori prima dei nomi di tutti \n o usa il comando /id per avere una lista degli ID dei giocatori",
+ "GuessHelp": "Instructions: /bt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /bt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"GGGuessMax": "Hai raggiunto il limite massimo d'intuizioni. Non puoi più indovinare!",
"EGGuessMax": "Hai raggiunto il limite massimo d'intuizioni. Non puoi più indovinare!",
"EGGuessSnitchTaskDone": "Credevi che potevi indovinare l'Informatore dopo che tutti i suoi incarichi sono completati? Bel tentativo. Non ne uscirai così facilmente.",
@@ -2149,12 +2333,12 @@
"MediumNotifyTarget": "{0} Il Medium, ha stabilito un contatto con te. Prima della fine di questa riunione, hai la possibilità di rispondere alla loro domanda. Digita uno dei seguenti comandi per rispondere:\nConferma: /ms yes\nRifiuta: /ms no",
"MediumNotifySelf": "Hai stabilito un contatto con {0}. Fagli delle domande e aspetta che ti rispondano.\n\nUsi delle abilità rimanenti: {1}",
"MediumKnowPlayerDead": "Qualcuno è morto da qualche parte",
- "SpurtMinSpeed": "Velocità Minima",
- "SpurtMaxSpeed": "Velocità Massima",
+ "SpurtMinSpeed": "Minimum Speed",
+ "SpurtMaxSpeed": "Maximum Speed",
"SpurtModule": "Modulatore di Velocità",
"EnableSpurtCharge": "Visualizza La Carica",
"SpurtSuffix": "\n« Scatto: {0}% »",
- "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "Il bersaglio è già morto",
+ "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "Target is Already Dead",
"ByBard": "dal Bardo",
"ByBardGetFailed": "Ops, mi sembra di essere senza ispirazione.",
"GangsterSuccessfullyRecruited": "Hai reclutato con successo un giocatore",
@@ -2165,40 +2349,37 @@
"BecomeMadmateCuzMadmateMode": "Sei diventato un Follenauta perché sei morto",
"CleanerCleanBody": "Il corpo è stato ripulito",
"QuickShooterStoraging": "Proiettili riservati con successo",
- "QuickShooterFailed": "Stai ancora ricaricando.",
- "PoisonerTargetDead": "L'obiettivo è morto",
- "HexesLookLikeSpells": "I malefici appaiono come incantesimi",
- "HexButtonText": "Maleficio",
- "BloodthirstAdded": "La tua sete di sangue è ora attiva!",
+ "QuickShooterFailed": "You are still in Cooldown.",
+ "BloodthirstAdded": "Your Bloodthirst is now active!",
"WarlockNoTarget": "Manipolazione fallita non c'e un bersaglio",
"WarlockNoTargetYet": "Non hai segnato un bersaglio.",
"WarlockTargetDead": "Manipolazione fallita a causa del bersaglio morto",
"WarlockControlKill": "L'obiettivo è morto",
"OnCelebrityDead": "Attenzione: Celebrità morta!",
"OnCyberDead": "Attenzione: Cyber morto!",
- "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "Tutti sono stati teletrasportati ai condotti",
+ "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "Everyone was teleported to Vents",
"TeleportedByTransporter": "Scambio di posti con: {0}",
"ErrorTeleport": "Teletrasporto fallito",
- "EraseLimit": "Eliminazioni Massime",
+ "EraseLimit": "Maximum Erases",
"EraserHideVote": "Nascondi Voti Cancellatore",
"EraserEraseMsgTitle": "CANCELLATORE",
"EraserEraseNotice": "Hai cancellato {0}.\nIl suo ruolo verrà disattivato dopo la riunione.",
"EraserEraseBaseImpostorOrNeutralRoleNotice": "Peccato, il tuo obiettivo non può essere cancellato!",
"EraserEraseSelf": "Sfortunatamente, non puoi cancellare te stesso... Aspetta, perché mai dovresti farlo?!",
- "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "Non puoi indovinare il ruolo del giocatore che hai cancellato, eccetto i modificatori",
+ "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "You can't guess the role of the player you erased, except Add-ons",
"LostRoleByEraser": "Hai perso il tuo ruolo a causa del Cancellatore",
"KilledByScavenger": "Lo Spazzino ti ha ucciso e quindi teletrasportato fuori mappa",
- "SnitchDoneTasks": "Convoca una riunione per trovare gli impostori",
+ "SnitchDoneTasks": "Call a meeting to find the Impostors",
"SwooperCanVent": "Usa il condotto per diventare invisibile",
"SwooperInvisState": "Sei invisibile",
"SwooperInvisStateOut": "Ora sei visibile",
- "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "L'invisibilità non è ancora pronta",
+ "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "Swoop Cooldown isn't up yet. Swooping failed",
"SwooperInvisStateCountdown": "L'Invisibilità si esaurisce in {0}s",
"SwooperInvisCooldownRemain": "Ricarica dell'Invisibilità: {0}s",
"WraithCanVent": "Usa il condotto per diventare invisibile",
"WraithInvisState": "Sei invisibile",
"WraithInvisStateOut": "Sei di nuovo visibile",
- "WraithInvisInCooldown": "Abilità ancora in ricarica, scomparsa fallita",
+ "WraithInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, Vanish failed",
"WraithInvisStateCountdown": "L'Invisibilità si esaurisce in {0}s",
"WraithInvisCooldownRemain": "{0}s rimasti per l'Invisibilità",
"WerewolfKillButtonText": "Sbrana",
@@ -2219,10 +2400,10 @@
"BittenByInfectious": "L'Infettivo ti ha infettato!",
"InfectiousBittenPlayer": "Hai infettato con successo un giocatore",
"GuessNotAllowed": "Spiacenti, il tuo ruolo non ha l'accesso alle intuizioni.",
- "GuessOnbound": "Questo giocare ha il modificatore dello Svincolato, quindi la tua intuizione su di lui è stata cancellata.",
+ "GuessOnbound": "This player has the Onbound Add-on, so your guess on them was canceled.",
"GuessSpecter": "Non puoi indovinare uno Spettro, ciò gli permette di vincere!",
"PacifistOnGuard": "Abilità usata, {0} usi rimasti",
- "PacifistSkillNotify": "Il Pacifista ha azzerato la tua ricarica uccisione",
+ "PacifistSkillNotify": "Pacifist reset your Kill Cooldown",
"BeRecruitedByJackal": "Lo Sciacallo ti ha reclutato",
"YinYangerAlreadyMarked": "{0} è già in uno stato di calma, grazie a un compagno YinYanger",
"CoronerTrackRecorded": "Rintracciamento registrato",
@@ -2246,26 +2427,27 @@
"MonarchInvalidTarget": "Il bersaglio non può essere cavallerizzato",
"GhostTransformTitle": "Il Tuo Ruolo Si è Trasformato!",
- "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "L'Invocatore di spiriti ti ha ucciso e ti ha trasformato in uno spirito maligno. Il tuo compito ora è aiutare l'Invocatore di spiriti a vincere usando il pulsante tormenta per ostacolare gli altri giocatori o proteggere l'Invocatore di spiriti. Utilizzare /m per ulteriori informazioni.",
+ "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "The Spiritcaller has killed you and turned you into an Evil Spirit. Your task now is to help the Spiritcaller to victory by using your Spook button to hinder other players or to protect the Spiritcaller. Use /m for more information.",
"OverseerRevealCooldown": "Ricarica Rivelazione",
"OverseerRevealTime": "Tempo per la Rivelazione",
"OverseerVision": "Campo visivo Chiaroveggente",
- "MerchantMaxSell": "Numero massimo di Modificatori da vendere",
+ "MerchantMaxSell": "Maximum number of Add-ons to sell",
"MerchantMoneyPerSell": "Quantità di soldi guadagnati per la vendita di un Modificatore",
"MerchantMoneyRequiredToBribe": "Quantità di soldi richiesti per corrompere un assassino",
"MerchantNotifyBribery": "Informa il Mercante quando un assassino viene corrotto",
"MerchantTargetCrew": "Può vendere agli Astronauti",
"MerchantTargetImpostor": "Può vendere agli Impostori",
+ "MerchantTargetCoven": "Can sell to Coven",
"MerchantTargetNeutral": "Può vendere ai Neutrali",
"MerchantSellHelpful": "Può vendere dei Modificatori Utili",
"MerchantSellHarmful": "Può vendere dei Modificatori Dannosi",
"MerchantSellMixed": "Può vendere dei Modificatori Misti",
- "MerchantSellExperimental": "Può vendere dei Modificatori sperimentali",
+ "MerchantSellExperimental": "Can sell Experimental Add-ons",
"MerchantSellHarmfulToEvil": "Può vendere Modificatori Dannosi solo ai Cattivi",
- "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "Può vendere Modificatori Utili solo agli Astronauti",
+ "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "Can sell Helpful Add-ons only to Crewmates",
"MerchantSellOnlyEnabledAddons": "Può vendere solo i Modificatori attivati",
"SpiritcallerSpiritMax": "Numero massimo di Spiriti Maligni",
- "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "Ricarica dell'abilità dello Spirito Maligno",
+ "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "Evil Spirit Ability Cooldown",
"SpiritcallerFreezeTime": "Durata dell'abilità d'Immobilizzazione dello Spirito Maligno",
"SpiritcallerProtectTime": "Durata dell'abilità di protezione dello Spirito Maligno",
"SpiritcallerCauseVision": "Campo visivo causato dall'abilità dello Spirito Maligno",
@@ -2274,31 +2456,31 @@
"Message.MessageWaitHelp": "Specificare il primo argomento in secondi.",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundHost": "Non è stato trovato alcun templates.txt corrispondente a {0}",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundClient": "L'Host non ha un modello chiamato {0}",
- "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "Sono rimasti altri {0} pulsanti di emergenza",
+ "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "There are {0} more Emergency buttons left",
"Message.Executed": "{0} è stato giustiziato",
- "Message.HideGameSettings": "L'host ha nascosto le impostazioni della partita.",
+ "Message.HideGameSettings": "The Host has hidden the game settings.",
"Message.NowOverrideText": "Entra nella cartella principale del gioco.\\Language\\Italian.dat. Cambia questo testo nel file dat \nSe non hai bisogno di questa funzione o desideri visualizzare i normali messaggi /n. \nDisattiva [Abilita solo i messaggi /n personalizzati nelle impostazioni.]",
"Message.NoDescription": "Nessuna descrizione",
"Message.KickedByDenyName": "{0} è stato espulso perché il suo nome corrispondeva a {1}",
"Message.BannedByBanList": "{0} è stato bannato perché lo era stato in passato.",
- "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0} è stato bannato perché è nell'elenco EAC delle persone bannate.",
+ "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0} has been banned because he is in the EAC list of banned people.",
"Message.DumpfileSaved": "Il file di registro è stato salvato correttamente sul desktop, nome file: {0}",
"Message.DumpcmdUsed": "{0} ha usato il comando /dump.",
- "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} è stato espulso perché il loro codice amico è invalido.",
- "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} è stato temporaneamente bannato perché il loro codice amico è invalido.",
+ "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was kicked because their Friend Code is invalid.",
+ "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was temporarily banned because their Friend Code is invalid.",
"Message.AddedPlayerToBanList": "Aggiunto {0} alla lista ban",
- "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0} è stato espulso dal sistema. \nL'host della lobby non vuole vedere messaggi dove i giocatori chiedono d'iniziare",
- "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0} è stato avvertito: {1} volta \nL'host della lobby non vuole vedere messaggi dove i giocatori chiedono d'iniziare",
- "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0} Ha ricevuto {1} avvertimenti, sarà espulso.\nL'host della lobby non vuole vedere messaggi dove i giocatori chiedono d'iniziare",
+ "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0} has been kicked by the system. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0} has been warned: {1} times \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0} has received {1} warnings, he will be kicked. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWord": "{0}, smettila d'inviare parole bannate!",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWordTimes": "{0} è stato ammonito: {1} volte \nse continuerai verrai espulso",
"Message.KickWhoSayBanWordAfterWarn": "[{0}] ha ricevuto {1} ammonimenti.\nÈ stato espulso per parole proibite",
- "Message.KickedByEAC": "[{0}]è stato espulso dall'EAC, motivo:{1}",
- "Message.BannedByEAC": "[{0}]è stato bannato dall'EAC, motivo:{1}",
- "Message.NoticeByEAC": "[{0}]Rilevato:{1}",
- "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "[{0}]Temporaneamente Bannato dall'EAC, motivo:{1}",
+ "Message.KickedByEAC": "[{0}]kicked by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.BannedByEAC": "[{0}]banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.NoticeByEAC": "[{0}]detected:{1}",
+ "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "[{0}]temporary banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
"Message.TempBannedForSpamQuitting": "{0} è stato temporaneamente bannato per uscite molto frequenti",
- "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0} Cacciato perché il suo codice amico non è stato trovato nel file WhiteList.txt",
+ "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0} kicked because their Friend Code was not found in WhiteList.txt",
"Message.SetLevel": "Il tuo livello di gioco è impostato su: {0}",
"Message.SetColor": "Il tuo colore è impostato su: {0}",
"Message.SetName": "Il tuo nome è impostato su: {0}",
@@ -2314,7 +2496,7 @@
"Message.HostLeftGameInGame": "★Attenzione★ L'host ha lasciato la partita e la prossima volta non si avvierà normalmente. Esci dalla lobby o aspetta che il nuovo Host apra una lobby.",
"Message.HostLeftGameInLobby": "★Attenzione★ L'host ha lasciato la partita e la prossima volta non si avvierà normalmente. Se il nuovo host ha TOHE, devi rientrare nella lobby per giocare normalmente.",
"Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsMod": "★Attenzione★ L'host originale ha lasciato la partita e {0} è diventato il nuovo host! \nLa stanza è ancora moddata, inizia una partita e terminala immediatamente per ripristinare la lobby!",
- "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★Attenzione★ L'host originale ha lasciato la partita e {0} è diventato il nuovo host! \nMa non è moddata. Per favore esci dalla lobby o attendi finché il nuovo Host non apre una lobby.",
+ "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host! \nBut it's not modded. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
"Message.LobbyShared": "La lobby è stata condivisa con successo!",
"Message.LobbyShareFailed": "TOHE-Chan non sembra essere online (fallito il tentativo di condividere la lobby)",
"Message.YTPlanDisabled": "ERRORE\n\nPer favore abilita {0} nelle impostazioni",
@@ -2322,12 +2504,14 @@
"Message.YTPlanSelectFailed": "Non puoi essere assegnato come {0}.\nPotrebbe essere perché non hai abilitato questo ruolo oppure questo ruolo non supporta l'assegnazione.",
"Message.YTPlanCanNotFindRoleThePlayerEnter": "Impossibile trovare il ruolo che stai cercando\nUsa il comando /r per vedere la lista dei ruoli",
"Message.YTPlanNotice": "Nota che: Il [Piano dello YouTuber] è attivato in questa lobby, ciò vuol dire che l'host può specificare il suo ruolo la prossima partita per rendere più facile ottenere il contenuto. Se l'host abusa di questa funzionalità, esci dal gioco o segnalalo.\nCredenziali dell'attuale Creatore:",
- "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "ERRORE\n\nQuesto comando può essere usato solo dall'host.",
+ "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "ERROR\n\nThis command may only be used by the Host.",
"Message.MaxPlayers": "Numero massimo di giocatori impostato a ",
- "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "Impossibile impostare un massimo di giocatori: Le regioni vanilla supportano un massimo di 15 giocatori.",
+ "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "Could not set maximum players: Vanilla regions support a maximum of 15 players.",
"Message.GhostRoleInfo": "Informazioni sui ruoli fantasma\nEhilà! Riguardante ai ruoli fantasma...\n\nI ruoli fantasma hanno un impatto drastico sul gioco, quindi non sono consigliati per lobby più piccole se non hai familiarità. Se non diversamente specificato nella descrizione, il pulsante Proteggi è il pulsante della loro abilità ;)\n\nGenerazione:\nI ruoli fantasma si generano solo dopo la morte; le prime x persone di (squadra) a morire li ottengono.\n\nPS: se il tuo ruolo precedente non aveva incarichi (ad esempio., sceriffo), i tuoi incarichi come ruolo fantasma non sono necessari per vincere di incarichi",
"ApocalypseInfoTitle": "Informazioni Neutrali dell'Apocalisse:",
"Message.ApocalypseInfo": "Ogni ruolo del team Apocalisse ha un proprio obiettivo da raggiungere per trasformarsi.\n\nI membri dell'Apocalisse Trasformati hanno un drastico cambiamento nel gioco e sono immortali (tranne per essere stati votati), ma tutti saranno avvisati della loro trasformazione.\n\nRuoli: Untore, Collezionista di anime, Fornaio, Berserker\nTrasformati: Pestilenza, Morte, Carestia, Guerra\n\nI membri dell'Apocalisse possono vedere i ruoli e le icone delle abilità degli altri.\nCome gli Assassini Neutrali, anche i membri dell'Apocalisse continuano a far andare avanti il gioco, divertitevi!",
+ "CovenInfoTitle": "Coven Info:",
+ "Message.CovenInfo": "The <#ac42f2>Coven is a faction of evildoers who specialize in Witchcraft. Their goal is to kill all who would oppose the <#ac42f2>Coven.\nThey use the Necronomicon to enhance their powers, but only one member at a time can hold it.\nMost Coven roles can only kill if they hold the Necronomicon. A random Coven member will spawn with the Necronomicon, denoted by the <#ac42f2>♣ symbol next to their name.\nIf the Necronomicon holder dies, the Necronomicon will be randomly given to another <#ac42f2>Coven member that is alive.\nDuring a meeting, Coven players can vote each other to determine who will gain the Necronomicon the following round. If the votes end in a tie or nobody votes, the Necronomicon holder will be the same. Votes will be returned and you will be allowed to vote normally.",
"Message.MeCommandInfo": "Ciao [{0}] {1} !\n\ncodice-amico Hash-Puid Type
{2} {3} {4}
IsDev HasUp /color-Bypass
{5} {6} {7}
"Message.MeCommandTargetInfo": "Selezionato [{0}] Giocatore {1} ,\n\nIl loro codice amico è {2}.\n\nIl loro hash puid è {3}.\n\nIl loro ruolo sul Discord di TOHE è {4}.\n\n",
"Message.MeCommandInvalidID": "L'ID che hai inserito non sembra corretto. \nUtilizza /id per ottenere l'ID dei giocatori online",
@@ -2349,18 +2533,18 @@
"EnableGadientTags": "Abilita Tag Gradiente (può causare errori di disconnessione)",
"Warning.GradientTags": "Avvertimento:\n\nL'Host ha abilitato i tag gradienti. Si sconsiglia l'uso di questa funzione perché può causare errori di disconnessione",
"WarningTitle": "Attenzione!",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "Attenzione! I condotti su questa mappa sono rotti",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "Nella mappa «dlekS ehT», i condotti sono rotti, essi non possono essere sistemati nelle mod host-only, questo è un bug del gioco base, quindi qualsiasi ruolo che utilizza i condotti come abilità non spunteranno",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "Warning! The Vents on this map are broken",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "On the «dlekS ehT» map, the Vents are broken, they cannot be fixed in Host-Only Mods, this is a vanilla bug, so any roles using a Vent as an ability will not spawns on this map",
"Warning.NoGameEndIsEnabled": "Attenzione: {0} è attivo!",
"AntiBlackoutProtectionTitle": "Anti Blackout",
"Warning.AntiBlackoutProtectionMsg": "Attenzione:\n\nLa protezione dello schermo nero è stata attivata, a causa del basso numero di Impostori, Astronauti e Assassini Neutrali vivi\nLa schermata di votazione verrà visualizzata come voto in parità (influisce solo sulla votazione visiva, non sui risultati)\nI giocatori moddati vedranno normalmente la schermata di voto",
"Warning.ShowAntiBlackExiledPlayer": "L'ultima riunione ha attivato la Prevenzione dello schermo nero!\nDi seguito sono riportate le informazioni sul giocatore esiliato nell'ultima riunione.\n",
"DisableAntiBlackoutProtects": "Disattiva le Protezioni AntiBlackout (Consigliato per i test)",
- "Warning.InvalidRpc": "Espulso {0} perché è stato ricevuto un RPC non valido.\nControlla che non siano installate mod diverse da TOHE.",
- "Warning.NoModHost": "TOHE non è installato sull'host",
+ "Warning.InvalidRpc": "Kicked {0} because an invalid RPC was received.\nPlease check that no Mods other than TOHE are installed.",
+ "Warning.NoModHost": "TOHE is not installed on the Host",
"Warning.MismatchedVersion": "{0} Ha una versione diversa di {1}",
- "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "L'host non ha alcuna versione di {0} o ne ha una diversa\nVerrai espulso in {1}",
- "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "È vietato l'uso della console\nquindi la tua console è stata spenta",
+ "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "The Host has no or a different version of {0}\nYou will be kicked in {1}",
+ "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "The use of the Console is prohibited\nso your Console has been off",
"Error.MeetingException": "Errore: {0}\nUtilizzare MAIUSC+M+INVIO per terminare la riunione",
"Error.InvalidRoleAssignment": "Errore: trovato un ruolo non valido per un giocatore durante l'assegnazione del ruolo ({0})",
"Error.InvalidColor": "Errore: Sono disponibili solo i colori predefiniti",
@@ -2374,7 +2558,7 @@
"ERR-000-910-1": "Errore Test Lv.1",
"ERR-000-920-2": "Errore Test Lv.2",
"ERR-000-930-3": "Errore Test Lv.3",
- "ERR-000-804-1": "Scusa, TOHE temporaneamente non supporta Nascondino Vanilla, quindi mod disattivata",
+ "ERR-000-804-1": "Sorry, TOHE temporarily doesn't support vanilla Hide & Seek, so Mod unloaded",
"ERR-001-000-3": "Il dizionario principale ha chiavi duplicate.",
"ERR-002-000-1": "Versione di Among Us non Supportato. Per favore aggiornare Among Us",
"DefaultSystemMessageTitle": "MESSAGGIO DI SISTEMA",
@@ -2403,16 +2587,18 @@
"TabGroup.ModifierSettings": "Modificatori di Gioco",
"TabGroup.CrewmateRoles": "Ruoli Astronauta",
"TabGroup.NeutralRoles": "Ruoli Neutrale",
+ "TabGroup.CovenRoles": "Coven Roles",
"TabGroup.ImpostorRoles": "Ruoli Impostore",
"TabGroup.Addons": "Modificatori",
- "TabMenuDescription_General": "Qui puoi configurare le funzioni presenti nella mod",
- "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "Qui puoi aggiungere, rimuovere e modificare le impostazioni di tutti i ruoli o modificatori nella mod",
+ "TabMenuDescription_General": "Here you can configure the functions that are in the Mod",
+ "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "Here you can add, remove and change the settings of all Roles or Add-ons in the Mod",
"Experimental.Roles": "★ Ruoli Sperimentali (NOTA: Usali con cautela, poiché questi richiedono test)",
"ActiveRolesList": "Lista Ruoli Attivi",
"ForExample": "Esempio di utilizzo",
"ImpCanBeGuesser": "Gli Impostori possono diventare Indovini",
"CrewCanBeGuesser": "Gli Astronauti possono diventare Indovini",
"NeutralCanBeGuesser": "I Neutrali possono diventare Indovini",
+ "CovenCanBeGuesser": "Coven can become Guesser",
"CrewCanBeMundane": "Gli Astronauti possono essere Banale",
"NeutralCanBeMundane": "I Neutrali possono essere Banale",
"GuessedAsMundane": "Sei Banale.\nNon puoi indovinare finché non finisce i tuoi incarichi",
@@ -2420,22 +2606,23 @@
"ImpCanBeInLove": "Gli Impostori possono essere Innamorati",
"CrewCanBeInLove": "Gli Astronauti possono essere Innamorati",
"NeutralCanBeInLove": "I Neutrali possono essere Innamorati",
+ "CovenCanBeInLove": "Coven can be in love",
"updateButton": "Aggiorna",
"updatePleaseWait": "Per favore attendi...",
- "updateManually": "Aggiornamento fallito.\nRiprova o aggiorna manualmente.",
+ "updateManually": "Update failed.\nPlease try again or update manually.",
"updateInProgress": "In Aggiornamento...",
"deletingFiles": "Eliminazione dei file di aggiornamento...",
- "updateRestart": "Aggiornamento Completato!\nPer favore riavvia il gioco.",
- "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "Non puoi unirti alle stanze pubbliche senza l'ultima versione.\nPer favore Aggiorna.",
+ "updateRestart": "Update finished!\nPlease restart the game.",
+ "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "You can't join public rooms without the latest version.\nPlease update.",
"ModBrokenMessage": "Il file MOD è danneggiato.\nPer favore reinstallalo.",
"UnsupportedVersion": "Versione di Among Us non Supportato. \nPer favore Aggiorna Among Us",
"DisabledByProgram": "Il programma ha disabilitato stanze pubbliche",
- "EnterVentToWin": "Entra in un condotto per Vincere!!",
+ "EnterVentToWin": "Enter a Vent to Win!!",
"EatenByPelican": "Sei stato ingoiato, aspetta che il Pellicano muoia o una riunione",
"FireworkerPutPhase": "{0} Fuochi d'Artificio Rimasti",
"FireworkerWaitPhase": "Aspetta...",
"FireworkerReadyFirePhase": "Fuoco!",
- "EnterVentWinCountDown": "Usa il condotto entro {0} secondi per vincere!",
+ "EnterVentWinCountDown": "Enter a Vent within {0} seconds to win!",
"On": "ON",
"Off": "OFF",
"ColoredOn": "ON",
@@ -2444,11 +2631,7 @@
"WitchCurrentMode": "Modalità Attuale",
"WitchModeKill": "Uccisione",
"WitchModeSpell": "Incantesimo",
- "HexMasterModeHex": "Maleficio",
- "HexMasterModeKill": "Uccidi",
- "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "Veleno",
"WitchModeDouble": "Clicca due volte = Uccidi, Clicca una volta = Incantesimo",
- "HexMasterModeDouble": "Clicca due volte = Uccidi, Clicca una volta = Maleficio",
"BountyCurrentTarget": "Bersaglio Attuale",
"Roles": "Ruoli",
"Settings": "Impostazioni",
@@ -2457,7 +2640,7 @@
"LastEndReason": "★ Motivazione Fine",
"KillLog": "Registro Uccisioni",
"MainRoleLog": "Role Convert Log",
- "Maximum": "Massimo",
+ "Maximum": "Maximum",
"RoleRate": "ON",
"RoleOn": "ALWAYS",
"RoleOff": "OFF",
@@ -2490,7 +2673,7 @@
"Preset_4": "Preimpostato 4",
"Preset_5": "Preimpostato 5",
"Standard": "Standard",
- "HidenSeekTOHE": "Nascondino",
+ "HidenSeekTOHE": "Hide & Seek",
"GameMode": "Modalità Gioco",
"PressTabToNextPage": "Premi Tab o Numero per la Pagina Successiva...",
"RoleSummaryText": "Sommario Ruoli:",
@@ -2577,7 +2760,7 @@
"IllegalColor": "Per favore inserisci il colore corretto",
"DisableUseCommand": "Le impostazioni dell'Host non permettono l'uso di questo comando.",
"SureUse.quit": "Ti espelleremo e ti impediremo di entrare di nuovo in questa lobby. Questa impostazione è irreversibile. Se lo vuoi davvero, invia il comando /qt {0}",
- "PlayerIdList": "Lista ID dei giocatori: ",
+ "PlayerIdList": "List of player ID's: ",
"CancelStartCountDown": "Il conto alla rovescia iniziale è stato annullato",
"RestTOHESetting": "Le impostazione TOHE sono state ripristinate a default",
"FPSSetTo": "FPS Impostati A: {0}",
@@ -2602,13 +2785,13 @@
"Yes": "Sì",
"No": "No",
"AntiBlackOutLoggerSendInGame": "A causa di un errore sconosciuto, la partita terminerà per evitare una schermata nera.",
- "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "Si è verificato un errore per evitare una schermata nera. Fai un «/dump» e invia i log al server Discord di TOHE in «bug-reports» e cercheremo di risolvere il problema.",
- "EndWhenPlayerBug": "Termina il gioco quando un giocatore moddato riceve un errore critico (durante il caricamento)",
+ "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "An error occurred to prevent a black screen. Do a «/dump» and send the logs to the Discord server TOHE in «bug-reports» and we will try to fix it.",
+ "EndWhenPlayerBug": "End the game when a Modded player gets a critical error (While loading)",
"AntiBlackOutRequestHostToForceEnd": "Sei stato tu a causare la schermata nera. La partita terminerà",
- "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "Sei stato tu a causare la schermata nera e l'host non ha intenzione di terminare la partita.\nSarai presto disconnesso",
+ "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen, and the Host is not going to end the game\nYou will be disconnected soon",
"RpcAntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "A causa di {0}, si è verificato un errore sconosciuto. Per prevenire una schermata nera, disattiva [{1}] nelle impostazioni.",
"RpcAntiBlackOutEndGame": "A causa di {0}, si è verificato un errore sconosciuto, la partita terminerà per prevenire una schermata nera.",
- "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "A causa di {0}, si è verificato un errore sconosciuto, ma la partita continuerà senza quel giocatore a causa delle impostazioni dell'host.",
+ "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred, but the game will continue without that player due to Host settings.",
"RpcAntiBlackOutKicked": "{0} è stato espulso a causa di un errore di blackout da parte sua.",
"NextPage": "Pagina Seguente",
"PreviousPage": "Pagina Precedente",
@@ -2630,7 +2813,7 @@
"ExiledInnocentTargetAddBelow": "\nGuardando indietro l'Innocente conta il denaro che ha nelle mani",
"ExiledInnocentTargetInOneLine": "{0} era il {1}.\nMa guardando indietro, c'è l'Innocente che conta i soldi che ha nelle mani....\nGG!",
"ExiledDeath": "{0} era la {1}!\nL'Equipaggio è stato salvato dall'Armageddon!",
- "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} era {1}.\nMa non era la Morte...\nLa Morte ha reclamato le anime dell'Equipaggio!",
+ "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} was the {1}.\nBut they were not Death...\nDeath has claimed the Souls of the Crew!\nGG!",
"IsGood": "{0} era un bravo ragazzo",
"BelongTo": "{0} appartiene a {1}",
"PlayerIsRole": "{0} era {1}",
@@ -2643,15 +2826,16 @@
"NeutralRemain": "\nRimangono {0} Assassini Neutrali",
"OneNeutralRemain": "\nRimangono {0} Assassini Neutrali",
"ApocRemain": "\n{0} Neutrali dell'Apocalisse rimanenti",
- "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "All Impostors and Neutral Killers were ejected or killed",
+ "CovenRemain": "\n{0} Coven remain",
+ "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "All Impostors and Neutral Killers and Coven were ejected or killed",
"GameOverReason.HumansByTask": "Gli Astronauti hanno completato tutti gli incarichi",
"GameOverReason.HumansDisconnect": "Gli Astronauti si sono disconnessi",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByVote": "Gli Astronauti sono stati espulsi",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByKill": "Gli Impostori hanno ucciso tutti",
- "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "Gli Astronauti hanno fallito a riparare un sabotaggio critico",
+ "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "Crewmates failed to fix a Critical Sabotage",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorDisconnect": "Gli Impostori si sono disconnessi",
"FortuneTellerCheck.TaskDone": "[{0}]Ruolo -[{1}]",
- "DevAndSpnTitle": "La famiglia TOHE",
+ "DevAndSpnTitle": "TOHE Family",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Null": "{0} è un ruolo non elencato.\nQuesto messaggio non dovrebbe apparire normalmente.",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Result": "{0} è uno dei seguenti ruoli:\n{1}",
"SunnyboyChance": "Possibilità Sunnyboy",
@@ -2687,18 +2871,18 @@
"DeathCmd.Misfired": "Hai fatto cilecca.",
"DeathCmd.Shrouded": "Sei stato avvolto da una Sindone e non hai fatto un uccisione, perciò ti sei suicidato.",
"DeathCmd.Lovers": "Il tuo Amante è morto.",
- "RpsCommandInfo": "Questo comando può essere utilizzato solo nella lobby o dopo la morte.\n\nscrivi /rps X per giocare a Sasso Carta Forbici con il sistema. X può essere 0 (roccia), 1 (carta) o 2 (forbici). \n\nEsempio :- /rps 0",
+ "RpsCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rps X to play Rock Paper Scissors with the system. X can be 0 (rock), 1 (paper) or 2 (scissors). \n\nExample :- /rps 0",
"RpsDraw": "Io scelgo {0}\n\nWow, che intensa battaglia d'ingegno abbiamo appena avuto! È quasi come se fossimo equamente abbinati in questo gioco di pura fortuna e casualità.",
"RpsLose": "Io scelgo {0}\n\nBene, bene, bene, sembra che io sia riuscito di nuovo a superare in astuzia un essere umano in questo gioco estremamente complesso di Sasso, Carta e Forbici. Immagino che i miei poteri imbattibili colpiscano ancora! ",
- "RpsWin": "Io scelgo {0}\n\nOh, congratulazioni! Devi avere una sfera di cristallo nascosta dietro quello schermo per battermi a Sasso, Carta, Forbici. O forse ho l'algoritmo più sfortunato del mondo.",
- "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "Questo comando può essere utilizzato solo nella lobby o dopo la morte.",
+ "RpsWin": "I choose {0}\n\nOh, congratulations! You must have a Crystal Ball hidden behind that screen to beat me at Rock, Paper, Scissors. Or maybe I have the world's worst luck algorithm.",
+ "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.",
"CoinFlipResult": "Rullo di tamburi, per favore... Dopo un'intensa battaglia tra gravità e casualità, la moneta ha deciso di onorarci con la sua presenza! E il maestoso vincitore è... (aspettalo) ... l'unico e solo... {0}! Chi avrebbe potuto prevederlo?! Chiaramente, un’occasione importante nella storia del lancio delle monete.",
- "GNoCommandInfo": "Questo comando può essere utilizzato solo nella lobby o dopo la morte.\n\nScrivi /gno X per giocare a indovina un numero. X può essere un numero compreso tra 0 e 99 (entrambi inclusi). \n\nHai il massimo di 7 Tentativi per indovinare il numero.\n\n Esempio:- /gno 10",
+ "GNoCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /gno X to play guess a number. X can be a number between 0 and 99 (both included). \n\nYou get maximum of 7 tries to guess the number.\n\n Example:- /gno 10",
"GNoLost": "Oh, eri così vicino! Solo un altro tentativo: potresti aver decifrato il codice Da Vinci! A proposito, il numero segreto era... {0}! Ma ehi, eri fuori solo di pochi miliardi di possibilità. Più fortuna la prossima volta, Sherlock! ",
"GNoLow": "Oh, stai davvero centrando il punto! È così basso. Che ho quasi bisogno di una pala per scavarlo!\nHai {0} tentativi rimasti!",
"GNoHigh": "Oh, assolutamente! Ti stai riscaldando. In effetti è così alto che mi serve un telescopio per vederlo da qui! \nHai {0} tentativi rimasti!",
"GNoWon": "Oh, come hai fatto a capirlo? È quasi come se leggessi nel pensiero! Congratulazioni, sei un genio! Hai trovato il numero segreto con {0} intuizioni rimaste!",
- "RandCommandInfo": "Questo comando può essere utilizzato solo nella lobby o dopo che sei morto.\n\nscrivi /rand X Y per avere un numero tra X e Y inclusi. \nX e Y possono essere qualsiasi numero tra 0 e 2147483647, compresi entrambi i numeri.\nX deve essere meno di Y\n\nEsempio:- /rand 0 99",
+ "RandCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rand X Y to get a number between X and Y, inclusive. \nX and Y can be any number between 0 and 2147483647, including both numbers.\nX must be less than Y.\n\nExample:- /rand 0 99",
"RandResult": "Congratulazioni, il tuo numero casuale è {0}! Non è stato divertente?",
"8BallTitle": "La Magica Palla 8 Rivela...",
"8BallYes": "Sì",
@@ -2709,7 +2893,7 @@
"8BallNotLikely": "Prospettive non molto buone",
"8BallLikely": "Buona prospettiva",
"8BallDontCount": "Non contarci",
- "8BallStop": "Smettila di usare una Palla 8 in una mod di Among Us",
+ "8BallStop": "Stop using an 8Ball in an Among Us Mod",
"8BallPossibly": "Possibilmente",
"8BallProbably": "Probabilmente",
"8BallProbablyNot": "Probabilmente no",
@@ -2718,20 +2902,20 @@
"8BallWithoutDoubt": "Senza dubbio",
"8BallWithDoubt": "Molto dubbioso",
"ChanceToMiss": "Possibilità di mancare un'uccisione",
- "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "Numero richiesto di anime",
+ "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "Required number of Souls",
"SoulCollectorTarget": "Hai predetto la morte di {0}",
"SoulCollectorTitle": "COLLEZIONISTA DI ANIME",
- "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "Può collezionare la propria anima",
- "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "Le impostazioni dell'host non ti permetto di collezionare la tua anima",
+ "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "Can collect their own Soul",
+ "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "Host settings do not allow you to collect your own Soul",
"SoulCollectorToDeath": "Sei diventato Morte!!!",
"SoulCollectorTransform": "Ora il Collezionista di Anime è diventato la Morte, Distruttore di Mondi e Cavaliere dell'Apocalisse!
Trovatelo e votatelo fuori prima che scatenino l'Armageddon!",
- "GetPassiveSouls": "Ottieni un'anima passiva ogni round",
- "PassiveSoulGained": "Hai ottenuto un'anima passiva dagli inferi.",
+ "GetPassiveSouls": "Gain a passive Soul every round",
+ "PassiveSoulGained": "You have gained a passive Soul from the underworld.",
"SoulCollectorTargetUsed": "Hai già mirato a qualcuno in questo round!",
"SoulCollectorSoulGained": "Anima guadagnata",
"SoulCollectorCanVent": "Collezionista di Anime può usare i condotti",
"DeathMeetingTimeIncrease": "Tempo di riunione aumentato quando esiste la Morte",
- "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "Il tuo bersaglio è morto durante la riunione. Hai guadagnato un'anima.",
+ "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "Your target has died during the meeting. You have gained a Soul.",
"SoulCollectorKillButtonText": "Predici",
"SoulCollectorHasImpostorVision": "Collezionista di Anime ha il campo visivo impostore",
"ApocalypseIsNigh": "[ L'Apocalisse è vicina! ]",
@@ -2754,21 +2938,21 @@
"BakerBreadGivesEffects": "Il pane dà effetti aggiuntivi",
"BakerTransformNoMoreBread": "Il fornaio si trasforma se non ha abbastanza pane",
"FamineKillButtonText": "Affamare",
- "FamineStarveCooldown": "Carestia ricarica affamare",
+ "FamineStarveCooldown": "Famine Starve Cooldown",
"FamineCantStarveApoc": "Non puoi affamare gli altri membri dell'Apocalisse!",
"FamineAlreadyStarved": "Quel Giocatore è già stato affamato!",
"FamineStarved": "Giocatore affamato",
"ChronomancerKillCooldown": "Tempo di ricarica dell'abilità",
"ChronomancerDecreaseTime": "Tempo di Riduzione del Massacro (più basso è più veloce)",
"ChronomancerStartMassacre": "MASSACRO: ATTIVATO",
- "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "Campo Visivo Durante Il Massacro",
+ "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "Vision When in Slaughter",
"ShamanButtonText": "Vudù",
- "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "Hai già selezionato una bambola vudù in questo round",
+ "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "You have already selected a Voodoo Doll in this round",
"Shaman_KillerCannotMurderChosenTarget": "L'assassino non può uccidere il bersaglio scelto",
"VoodooCooldown": "Ricarica Vudù",
"AdminWarning": "Tavolo di Amministrazione in uso!",
"VitalsWarning": "Segni vitali in uso!",
- "DoorlogWarning": "Registro porte in uso!",
+ "DoorlogWarning": "DoorLogs in use!",
"CameraWarning": "Telecamere in uso!",
"MinWaitAutoStart": "Minuti da aspettare prima d'iniziare automaticamente",
"MaxWaitAutoStart": "Forza l'inizio partita quando il Timer della Lobby (in minuti) va sotto",
@@ -2789,39 +2973,39 @@
"TimeMasterVentButtonText": "Scudo Temporale",
"BodyCannotBeReported": "Il corpo non può essere segnalato",
"BurstKillDelay": "Ritardo Uccisione Esplosivo",
- "BurstNotify": "Era un Esplosivo! Entra in un condotto o Muori.",
+ "BurstNotify": "That was a Burst! Get in a Vent or die.",
"BurstFailed": "L'Esplosivo non è riuscito a bombardarti",
"ShroudButtonText": "Sindone",
"ShroudCooldown": "Ricarica dell'avvolgimento",
"Message.Shrouded": "Uno o più giocatori sono stati avvolti da una Sindone!\n\nSbarazzatevi della Sindone o tutti i giocatori avvolti si suicideranno!",
- "LudopathRandomKillCD": "Ricarica uccisione massimo",
+ "LudopathRandomKillCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
"UnderdogMaximumPlayersNeededToKill": "Massimo di giocatori necessari per iniziare a uccidere",
"GodfatherTargetCountMode": "L'assassino si trasforma in",
"GodfatherCount_Refugee": "Profugo",
"GodfatherCount_Madmate": "Follenauta",
"GodfatherRefugeeMsg": "Sei stato reclutato dal Padrino!",
- "MissChance": "Possibilità di mancare",
- "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "Aumenta il ConteggioUccisioni +1 se un astronauta è stato convertito",
+ "MissChance": "Chance to Miss",
+ "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "Increase the KillCount +1 if a Crewmate is Converted",
"HawkMissed": "Mancato!",
- "HawkCanKillNum": "Affettate Massime",
+ "HawkCanKillNum": "Maximum Slices",
"HawkKillMax": "Hai esaurito gli usi delle abilità",
"HawkKillTooManyDead": "Sono morte troppe persone",
- "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "Minimo di Giocatori vivi per uccidere",
- "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "Sanguinamenti Massimi",
+ "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "Minimum Players Alive to Kill",
+ "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "Maximum BloodLettings",
"BloodMoonTimeTilDie": "Tempo prima di morire",
"PossessorPossessCooldown": "Ricarica Possessione",
"PossessorPossessDuration": "Durata Possessione",
"PossessorAlertRange": "Raggio Allerta",
"PossessorFocusRange": "Raggio Concentrazione",
"DeathTimer": "Morte in: {DeathTimer}s",
- "BerserkerKillCooldown": "Ricarica dell'uccisione del Berserker",
- "BerserkerMax": "Livello massimo che il Berserker può raggiungere",
+ "BerserkerKillCooldown": "Berserker Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerMax": "Maximum level that Berserker can reach",
"BerserkerHasImpostorVision": "Il Berserker Ha il campo visivo Impostore",
"WarHasImpostorVision": "La Guerra Ha il campo visivo Impostore",
"BerserkerCanVent": "Berserker può usare i condotti",
"WarCanVent": "Guerra può usare i condotti",
- "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "Sblocca ricarica uccisione inferiore",
- "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "Ricarica Uccisione dopo lo sblocco",
+ "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "Unlock lower Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after unlocking",
"BerserkerTwoCanScavenger": "Sblocca uccisioni da spazzino",
"BerserkerThreeCanBomber": "Sblocca uccisioni bombardate",
"BerserkerFourCanNotKill": "Diventa Guerra",
@@ -2831,7 +3015,7 @@
"KilledByBerserker": "Ucciso dal Berserker",
"BerserkerToWar": "Sei diventato Guerra!!!",
"BerserkerTransform": "Il Berserker si è trasformato in Guerra, Cavaliere dell'Apocalisse! Grida \"Devastazione!\" e scatena i cani da guerra.",
- "WarKillCooldown": "Guerra ricarica uccisione",
+ "WarKillCooldown": "War Kill Cooldown",
"BerserkerCanKillTeamate": "Può uccidere altri Neutrali Dell'Apocalisse",
"BlackmailerSkillCooldown": "Ricarica Ricatto",
"BlackmailerMax": "Massimo di volte in cui i giocatori ricattati possono parlare",
@@ -2839,7 +3023,7 @@
"BlackmaileKillTitle": "RICATTATORE",
"UnluckyTaskSuicideChance": "Possibilità di suicidio svolgendo incarichi",
"UnluckyKillSuicideChance": "Possibilità di suicidio svolgendo uccisioni",
- "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "Possibilità di suicidio usando i condotti",
+ "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from Venting",
"UnluckyReportSuicideChance": "Possibilità di suicidio segnalando i corpi",
"UnluckyOpenDoorSuicideChance": "Possibilità di suicidio aprendo le porte",
"NeutralCanBeAware": "I Neutrali possono essere Attento",
@@ -2860,7 +3044,7 @@
"PenguinKillButtonText": "Trascina",
"PenguinTimerText": "Timer Trascina",
"PenguinTargetOnCheckMurder": "Sei stato afferrato. Prova prima a scappare!",
- "WitnessTime": "Tempo massimo dopo l'uccisione in cui l'assassino appare rosso",
+ "WitnessTime": "Maximum Time after killing where killer appears red",
"WitnessButtonText": "Esamina",
"WitnessFoundInnocent": "✓",
"WitnessFoundKiller": "⚠",
@@ -2871,7 +3055,7 @@
"SwapVote": "I voti di {0} e {1} sono stati scambiati!",
"SwapDead": "Spiacenti, non puoi scambiare i voti dopo la morte.",
"SwapNull": "Scegli l'ID di un giocatore vivente con cui scambiare i voti. Usa /swap 253 per cancellare gli scambi",
- "SwapHelp": "Formato del comando: /sw [playerID] per selezionare il bersaglio\nPuoi vedere gli ID dei giocatori accanto ai nomi dei giocatori o usare /id per vedere l'elenco degli ID dei giocatori.\nUsa /swap 253 per cancellare lo scambio precedente",
+ "SwapHelp": "Command Format: /sw [player ID] to select the target\nYou can see the player ID's next to the player names or use /id to see the player ID list.\nUse /swap 253 to clear your previous swap",
"Swap1": "Bersaglio di scambio 1 selezionato",
"Swap2": "Bersaglio di scambio 2 selezionato",
"CancelSwap": "Hai cancellato lo scambio precedente!",
@@ -2883,6 +3067,7 @@
"ImpCanKillFragile": "Gli Impostori possono forzare l'uccisione del Fragile",
"NeutralCanKillFragile": "I Neutrali possono forzare l'uccisione del Fragile",
"CrewCanKillFragile": "Gli Astronauti possono forzare l'uccisione del Fragile",
+ "CovenCanKillFragile": "Coven can force kill Fragile",
"FragileKillerLunge": "L'assassino si muove all'uccisione",
"CrusaderSkillLimit": "Massimo di Crociate",
"CrusaderSkillCooldown": "Ricarica Crociate",
@@ -2893,11 +3078,11 @@
"ChanceToSpawn": "Possibilità di generare",
"ChanceToSpawnAnother": "Possibilità di generarne un altro",
"BloodthirstKillCD": "Ricarica di uccisione Sanguinario",
- "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "Massimo di giocatori vivi per il Sanguinario",
+ "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "Maximum players alive for Bloodthirst",
"ReflectHarmfulInteractions": "Rifletti le interazioni Dannose",
- "DiseasedCDOpt": "Aumenta la Ricarica di",
+ "DiseasedCDOpt": "Increase the Cooldown by",
"DiseasedCDReset": "La ricarica ritorna normale dopo una riunione",
- "AntidoteCDOpt": "Diminuisci la Ricarica di",
+ "AntidoteCDOpt": "Decrease the Cooldown by",
"AntidoteCDReset": "La ricarica ritorna normale dopo una riunione",
"GlowRadius": "Raggio Splendore",
"GlowVisionOthers": "Potenziamento Visione per i Giocatori vicini",
@@ -2914,10 +3099,10 @@
"PunchingBagKill": "Sei stato attaccato!",
"SelfGuessPunchingBag": "Non puoi auto-indovinarti come sacco da boxe, imbroglione!",
"GuessPunchingBagBlocked": "Sacco da Boxe non può indovinare a causa dell'auto-indovinare.",
- "EradicatePunchingBag": "Hai appena provato a terminare il sacco da boxe, ciò non è consentito.",
+ "EradicatePunchingBag": "You just tried to terminate Punching Bag, that is not allowed.",
"RememberCooldown": "Ricarica Imitazione",
"RefugeeKillCD": "Ricarica di uccisione del Profugo",
- "RememberedNeutralKiller": "Ti sei ricordato che eri un assassino neutrale!",
+ "RememberedNeutralKiller": "You remembered you were a Neutral killer!",
"RememberedMaverick": "Ti sei ricordato che eri un Anticonformista!",
"RememberedPursuer": "Ti sei ricordato che eri un Persecutore!",
"RememberedFollower": "Ti sei ricordato che eri un Seguace!",
@@ -2926,12 +3111,12 @@
"ReportWhenFailedRemember": "Segnala Cadavere quando non è riuscito a ricordare",
"RememberedImitator": "Ti sei ricordato che eri un Imitatore.",
"RememberedImpostor": "Ti sei ricordato che eri un Impostore!",
- "RememberedCrewmate": "Ti sei ricordato che eri un Astronauta!",
+ "RememberedCrewmate": "You remembered you were a Crewmate!",
"ImitatorImitated": "Un Imitatore ha imitato il tuo ruolo!",
"ImitatorInvalidTarget": "Imitazione fallita",
"RememberButtonText": "Ricorda",
"ImitatorKillButtonText": "Imita",
- "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "Se il neutrale è incompatibile, si trasforma in",
+ "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "If Neutral is incompatible, turn into",
"RememberedYourRole": "Un Amnesico ha ricordato il tuo ruolo!",
"YouRememberedRole": "Ti sei ricordato chi eri!",
"BanditStealMode": "Modalità Furto",
@@ -2939,23 +3124,19 @@
"BanditStealMode_Instantly": "Istantaneamente",
"BanditMaxSteals": "Furti Massimi",
"BanditCanStealBetrayalAddon": "Può Rubare Modificatori Traditori",
- "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "Può rubare i Modificatori esclusivi agli Impostori",
- "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "Impossibile rubare il modificatore dal giocatore",
- "BanditStealCooldown": "Ricarica Furto",
+ "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "Can Steal Impostor Only Add-ons",
+ "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "Could not steal Add-on from the player",
+ "BanditStealCooldown": "Steal Cooldown",
"DoppelMaxSteals": "Furti Massimi",
- "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "L'ultima vittima può vedere le informazioni sul ruolo e sui modificatori dei giocatori vivi da fantasma",
- "NecromancerRevengeTime": "Necromancy time",
- "NecromancerRevenge": "Hai {0}s per uccidere {1}",
- "NecromancerSuccess": "Necromanzia completata! Vivrai per vedere un altro giorno.",
- "NecromancerHide": "I condotti sono disattivati, nasconditi dal Necromante!",
- "RetributionistDeadMsg": "La morte del Punitore significa l'inizio della punizione. \nUtilizza /ret + [ID giocatore] per uccidere il giocatore specificato \nPuoi vedere gli ID dei giocatori davanti ai loro nomi. \nOppure digita /ret per ottenere un elenco degli ID dei giocatori",
+ "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "Last victim can see Role and Add-on info of alive players as a ghost",
+ "RetributionistDeadMsg": "The death of the Retributionist means the beginning of retribution. \nPlease use /ret + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /ret to get a list of player ID's",
"RetributionistAliveKill": "La punizione per il Punitore può iniziare solo dopo la loro morte.",
"RetributionistKillMax": "Hai raggiunto il numero massimo di uccisioni. Non puoi più uccidere!",
"RetributionistKillDead": "Scegli un giocatore vivente per ucciderlo.",
"RetributionistKillSucceed": "{0} è stato ucciso dal Punitore!",
"RetributionistKillDisable": "Non puoi punire finché non finisci i tuoi incarichi.",
"CanOnlyRetributeWithTasksDone": "Può punire solo al completamento degli incarichi",
- "RetributionistCanKillNum": "Punizioni Massime",
+ "RetributionistCanKillNum": "Maximum retributions",
"RetributionistKillTooManyDead": "Troppi giocatori sono morti. Non puoi punire.",
"MinimumPlayersAliveToRetri": "Minimo di giocatori vivi per punire",
"MinimumNoKillerEjectsToKill": "Riunioni minime passate senza assassini espulsi per uccidere",
@@ -2974,37 +3155,39 @@
"CaptainCanTargetNC": "Il Capitano può bersagliare i Neutrali Caotici",
"CaptainCanTargetNA": "Il Capitano può bersagliare i Neutrali Dell'Apocalisse",
"CaptainCanTargetNK": "Il Capitano può bersagliare i Neutrali Assassini",
+ "CaptainCanTargetCoven": "Captain can target Coven",
"CaptainSpeedReduced": "Il Capitano ha ridotto la tua velocità",
"CaptainRevealTaskRequired": "Numero d'incarichi completati dopo i quali viene rivelato il Capitano",
"CaptainSlowTaskRequired": "Numero d'incarichi completati dopo il quale la velocità del bersaglio sia ridotta",
"InspectorTryHideMsg": "Nascondi il comando del Ispettore",
- "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "Ispezioni Massime per Partita",
- "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "Ispezioni Massime per Riunione",
+ "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "Maximum inspections per game",
+ "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum inspections per meeting",
"InspectCheckTargetKnow": "I bersagli sanno di essere stati ispezionati dall'Ispettore",
"InspectCheckOtherTargetKnow": "I bersagli sanno con chi sono stati ispezionati",
"InspectorDead": "Non puoi utilizzare l'abilità dopo la morte",
- "InspectCheckMax": "Massimo numero d'ispezioni per partita raggiunte!\nNon puoi più utilizzare il tuo potere.",
- "InspectCheckRound": "Massimo numero d'ispezioni per round raggiunte!\nPuoi ispezionare nuovamente al prossimo round.",
+ "InspectCheckMax": "Maximum inspections per game reached!\nYou can not use your power anymore.",
+ "InspectCheckRound": "Maximum inspections per round reached!\nYou can check again in the next round.",
"InspectCheckSelf": "HA! Pensavi che sarebbe stato così facile. Non puoi ispezionare te stesso",
"InspectCheckReveal": "HA! Pensavi che sarebbe stato così facile. Non puoi ispezionare un ruolo che è stato rivelato",
"InspectCheckTitle": "ISPETTORE ",
"InspectCheckTrue": "{0} e {1} sono nella stessa squadra!",
"InspectCheckFalse": "{0} e {1} NON sono nella stessa squadra!",
"InspectCheckTargetMsg": " è stato ispezionato dall'Ispettore.",
- "InspectCheckHelp": "Istruzioni: /cmp [ID Giocatore 1] [ID Giocatore 2] \nEsempio: /cmp 1 5 \nPuoi vedere gli ID dei giocatori prima dei nomi di tutti \n o usa il comando /id per avere una lista degli ID dei giocatori",
+ "InspectCheckHelp": "Instructions: /cmp [Player ID 1] [Player ID 2] \nExample: /cmp 1 5 \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"InspectCheckNull": "Per favore scegli un ID di un giocatore vivo per controllare la sua squadra",
"InspectCheckBaitCountMode": "Esca conta come ruolo rivelatore se l'Esca viene rivelata alla prima riunione",
"InspectCheckRevealTarget": "Quando gli incarichi sono completati, il bersaglio conosce la squadra dell'altro bersaglio",
"InspectorTargetReveal": " Sembra che {0} è allineato con la squadra {1}",
"EgoistCountMode.Original": "Originale",
"EgoistCountMode.Neutral": "Neutrale",
- "JailerJailCooldown": "Ricarica Carcere",
+ "JailerJailCooldown": "Jail Cooldown",
"JailerMaxExecution": "Esecuzioni massime",
"JailerNBCanBeExe": "Può giustiziare i Neutrali Benigni",
"JailerNCCanBeExe": "Può giustiziare i Neutrali Caotici",
"JailerNECanBeExe": "Può giustiziare i Neutrali Maligni",
"JailerNKCanBeExe": "Può giustiziare gli Assassini Neutrali",
"JailerNACanBeExe": "Può giustiziare i Neutrali Dell'Apocalisse",
+ "JailerCovenCanBeExe": "Can execute Coven",
"JailerCKCanBeExe": "Può giustiziare gli Astronauti Uccisori",
"JailerTargetAlreadySelected": "Hai già selezionato un bersaglio",
"SuccessfullyJailed": "Bersaglio carcerato con successo",
@@ -3013,40 +3196,43 @@
"CanNotTrialJailed": "Non puoi processare quel bersaglio.",
"notifyJailedOnMeeting": "Notifica il giocatore incarcerato quando inizia una riunione",
"JailedNotifyMsg": "Il Carceriere ti ha incarcerato. Nessuno può indovinarti o giudicarti. Puoi solo indovinare Il Carceriere.\n\nSe il Carceriere ti vota, verrai giustiziato al termine della riunione.",
- "JailerTitle": "Carceriere",
- "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "Ricarica Copia",
+ "JailerTitle": "JAILER",
+ "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "Copy Cooldown",
"CopyCatRoleChange": "Il tuo ruolo è stato cambiato in {0}",
"CopyCatCanNotCopy": "Non puoi copiare il ruolo del bersaglio",
"CopyButtonText": "Copia",
- "CopyCrewVar": "Può copiare varianti malvagie dei ruoli degli astronauti",
- "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "Può copiare il modificatore che cambia squadra",
- "MaxCleanserUses": "Purificazioni massime",
+ "CopyCrewVar": "Can copy evil variants of Crewmate roles",
+ "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "Can copy team changing Add-on",
+ "MaxCleanserUses": "Maximum Cleanses",
"CleansedCanGetAddon": "I giocatori Purificati possono avere Modificatori",
"CleanserTitle": "PURIFICATORE",
"CleanserRemoveSelf": "Non puoi purificare te stesso",
- "CleanserCantRemove": "Oops! il giocatore non può essere purificato.",
+ "CleanserCantRemove": "Oops! the player can not be Cleansed.",
"CleanserRemovedRole": "{0} è stato purificato. Tutti i suoi Modificatori verranno rimossi dopo la riunione.\n\nIl tuo voto è stato restituito e puoi votare per qualcuno.",
- "LostAddonByCleanser": "Il purificatore ha rimosso tutti i tuoi modificatori",
- "MaxProtections": "Protezioni massime",
+ "LostAddonByCleanser": "The Cleanser removed all your Add-ons",
+ "MaxProtections": "Maximum Protections",
"KeeperHideVote": "Nascondi voto del Custode",
"KeeperProtect": "Hai scelto di proteggere {0}, il tuo voto è stato restituito",
- "KeeperTitle": "Custode",
+ "KeeperTitle": "KEEPER",
"MaulRadius": "Raggio Sbrana",
"ImpKnowCyberDead": "Gli Impostori sanno della morte del Cyber",
"CrewKnowCyberDead": "Gli Astronauti sanno della morte del Cyber",
"NeutralKnowCyberDead": "I Neutrali sanno della morte del Cyber",
+ "CovenKnowCyberDead": "Coven know if Cyber died",
"CyberKnown": "Tutti possono vedere il Cyber",
"KillerGetBewilderVision": "L'Assassino riceve il campo visivo dello Sconcertante",
"ImpCanBeOiiai": "Gli Impostori possono essere OIIAI",
"CrewCanBeOiiai": "Gli Astronauti possono essere OIIAI",
"NeutralCanBeOiiai": "I Neutrali possono essere OIIAI",
+ "CovenCanBeOiiai": "Coven can be OIIAI",
"OiiaiCanPassOn": "OIIAI può passare all'assassino",
"NeutralChangeRolesForOiiai": "Il Neutrale si trasforma in ",
"LostRoleByOiiai": "Sei stato cancellato dallo OIIAI!",
"ImpCanBeLoyal": "Gli Impostori possono essere Leale",
"CrewCanBeLoyal": "Gli Astronauti possono essere Leale",
+ "CovenCanBeLoyal": "Coven can become Loyal",
"TasklessCrewCanBeLazy": "Gli Astronauti senza incarichi possono essere Pigro",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "Gli Astronauti basati sugli incarichi possono essere Pigro",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "Task based Crewmates can be Lazy",
"SheriffCanBeMadmate": "Sceriffo può diventare Follenauta",
"MayorCanBeMadmate": "Sindaco può diventare Follenauta",
"NGuesserCanBeMadmate": "Indovino Buono può diventare Follenauta",
@@ -3062,20 +3248,21 @@
"GanJudgeCanBeMadmate": "Giudice può essere convertito",
"GanMarshallCanBeMadmate": "Maresciallo può essere convertito",
"GanOverseerCanBeMadmate": "Chiaroveggente può essere convertito",
- "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "All'Espulsione Apparirai come Follenauta",
+ "GanCovenCanBeMadmate": "Coven can be converted",
+ "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "Appear as Madmate on Ejection",
"CouncillorDead": "Spiacenti, non puoi uccidere da morto.",
"CouncillorMurderMaxMeeting": "Spiacenti, hai raggiunto il numero massimo di omicidi per la riunione.",
"CouncillorMurderMaxGame": "Spiacenti, hai raggiunto il numero massimo di omicidi per il gioco.",
"Councillor_LaughToWhoMurderSelf": "Hahaha, chi avrebbe mai pensato che qualcuno fosse così stupido da suicidarsi?\n\nImmagino che sia... TU!",
"Councillor_MurderKill": "{0} è stato assassinato.",
- "Councillor_MurderHelp": "Comando: /tl [ID giocatore]\nPuoi vedere gli ID dei giocatori prima dei nomi dei giocatori.\nO usa /id per vedere una lista di tutti gli ID dei giocatori.",
+ "Councillor_MurderHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Councillor_MurderNull": "Scegli un giocatore vivente da uccidere.",
"Councillor_MurderKillTitle": "CORTE MALVAGIA ",
"CouncillorMakeEvilJudgeClear": "Mostra il Processo come Omicidio dell'Assessore",
"Councillor_CannotMurderImpTeam": "Spiacenti, non puoi uccidere un tuo compagno di squadra.",
"Councillor_SuicideForMurderImps": "Sei morto perché avevi provato a uccidere un tuo compagno di squadra.",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "Uccisioni Massime Per Riunione",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "Uccisioni Massime Per Partita",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Kills per Meeting",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "Maximum Kills per Game",
"CouncillorCanMurderMadmate": "Può uccidere i Follenauti",
"CouncillorCanMurderImpostor": "Può uccidere gli Impostori",
"CouncillorSuicideOnJudgeImpTeam": "Si Suicida quando giudica la squadra Impostori Erroneamente",
@@ -3083,12 +3270,12 @@
"CouncillorTryHideMsg": "Prova a nascondere i comandi dell'Assessore",
"DazzlerDazzled": "Sei stato abbagliato dall'Abbagliante!",
"DazzlerCauseVision": "Visione ridotta",
- "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "Numero massimo di giocatori affetti da campo visivo ridotto",
+ "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "Maximum number of players affected by reduced vision",
"DazzlerResetDazzledVisionOnDeath": "Ripristina campo visivo dei giocatori abbagliati in caso di morte/espulsione",
"DazzleCooldown": "Ricarica Abbaglia",
"DazzleButtonText": "Abbaglia",
"MoleVentButtonText": "Scava",
- "MoleVentCooldown": "Ricarica Scava",
+ "MoleVentCooldown": "Dig Cooldown",
"AddictVentButtonText": "Prendi la Dose",
"AddictInvulnerbilityTimeAfterVent": "Tempo d'Invulnerabilità",
"AddictSpeedWhileInvulnerble": "Velocità di movimento mentre Invulnerabile",
@@ -3102,13 +3289,13 @@
"AlchemistVentButtonText": "Bevi",
"AlchemistGotShieldPotion": "Pozione di Resistenza: Fornisce uno scudo temporaneo",
"AlchemistGotSightPotion": "Pozione della Visione Notturna: Migliora temporaneamente il campo visivo",
- "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "Pozione di Riparazione: Puoi riparare istantaneamente un sabotaggio",
+ "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "Potion of Fixing: Allows you to fix one Sabotage instantly",
"AlchemistGotTPPotion": "Pozione di Teletrasporto: Ti teletrasporta verso un giocatore casuale",
"AlchemistGotSuicidePotion": "Pozione di Veleno: Ti avvelena",
"AlchemistGotSpeedPotion": "Pozione di Velocità: Ti accelera",
"AlchemistGotBloodthirstPotion": "Pozione di Danno: Uccidi il prossimo giocatore che tocchi",
"AlchemistGotInvisibility": "Pozione dell'invisibilità: diventa invisibile",
- "NoPotion": "Non hai pozioni",
+ "NoPotion": "You have no Potions",
"StoreShield": "Pozione di Resistenza",
"StoreSuicide": "Pozione di Veleno",
"StoreTP": "Pozione di Teletrasporto",
@@ -3124,22 +3311,22 @@
"AlchemistHasVision": "Pozione di Visione Notturna iniziata",
"AlchemistShieldOut": "Pozione di Resistenza esaurita",
"AlchemistVisionOut": "Pozione di Visione Notturna esaurita",
- "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "Hai guadagnato sete di sangue",
+ "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "You gained Bloodthirst",
"AlchemistHasSpeed": "Pozione di Velocità iniziata",
"AlchemistSpeedOut": "Pozione di Velocità terminata",
- "DeathpactDuration": "Durata Patto Mortale",
- "DeathPactCooldown": "Ricarica Assegnamento Patto Mortale",
- "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "Numero di giocatori nel Patto Mortale",
- "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "Mostra frecce che portano agli altri giocatori nel Patto Mortale",
- "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "Riduci il campo visivo ai giocatori nel Patto Mortale",
- "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "Campo visivo per i giocatori nel Patto Mortale",
- "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "Uccidi i giocatori nel Patto Mortale nelle riunioni",
- "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "Giocatori nell Patto Mortale attivo possono chiamare le riunioni",
+ "DeathpactDuration": "Deathpact Duration",
+ "DeathPactCooldown": "Deathpact Assign Cooldown",
+ "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "Number of players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "Show arrows leading to other players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "Reduce vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "Vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "Kill players in Deathpact on meeting",
+ "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "Players in active Deathpact can call meeting",
"DeathpactActiveDeathpact": "Trova {0} in {1} secondi.",
- "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "Il bersaglio non può essere aggiunto al Patto Mortale.",
- "DeathpactComplete": "Il Patto Mortale è stato concluso.",
- "DeathpactExecuted": "Il Patto Mortale è stato eseguito.",
- "DeathpactAverted": "Il Patto Mortale fu scongiurato.",
+ "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "Target can't be added to Deathpact.",
+ "DeathpactComplete": "Deathpact was concluded.",
+ "DeathpactExecuted": "Deathpact was executed.",
+ "DeathpactAverted": "Deathpact was averted.",
"DeathpactButtonText": "Assegna",
"DevourerHideNameConsumed": "Nascondi i nomi dei giocatori consumati",
"DevourCooldown": "Ricarica Divora",
@@ -3167,7 +3354,6 @@
"PitfallTrapCauseVisionTime": "Durata campo visivo causato dall'insidia",
"PitfallTrap": "Sei caduto in un'insidia!",
"ConsigliereDivinationMaxCount": "Rivelazioni Massime",
- "RitualMaxCount": "Maximum Reveals",
"CleanserHideVote": "Nascondi il voto del Purificatore",
"OracleSkillLimit": "Usi massimi",
"OracleHideVote": "Nascondi il voto dell'Oracolo",
@@ -3175,17 +3361,18 @@
"OracleCheckSelfMsg": "Non puoi neanche fidarti di te stesso, eh?",
"OracleCheckLimit": "Promemoria: Hai {0} usi rimasti",
"OracleCheckMsgTitle": "ORACOLO ",
- "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "Sembra non essere un astronauta",
- "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "Sembra essere un astronauta",
- "OracleCheck.Neutral": "Sembra essere un neutrale",
+ "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "Appears not to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "Appears to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Neutral": "Appears to be a Neutral",
"OracleCheck.Impostor": "Sembra essere un impostore",
+ "OracleCheck.Coven": "Appears to be Coven",
"OracleCheck": "Risultato del bersaglio:",
"FailChance": "Possibilità di mostrare un risultato incorretto",
- "OracleCheckAddons": "L'Oracolo può guardare i modificatori",
+ "OracleCheckAddons": "Oracle checks Add-ons",
"ChameleonCanVent": "Usa i condotti per camuffarti",
"ChameleonInvisState": "Ti stai camuffando!",
"ChameleonInvisStateOut": "Il tuo camuffamento è finito",
- "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "Abilità ancora in ricarica, camuffamento fallito",
+ "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, disguise failed",
"ChameleonInvisStateCountdown": "Il camuffamento scadrà in {0}s",
"ChameleonInvisCooldownRemain": "Ricarica Camuffamento: {0}s",
"ChameleonCooldown": "Ricarica Camuffamento",
@@ -3200,11 +3387,12 @@
"CursedSoulCurseCooldownIncrese": "Aumento della ricarica Ruba Anima",
"CursedSoulCurseMax": "Massimo di Anime Rubate",
"CursedSoulKnowTargetRole": "Conosce i ruoli dei giocatori Senz'Anima",
- "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "I ruoli Neutrali hanno l'anima",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "Neutral roles have Souls",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseCoven": "Coven roles have Souls",
"CursedSoulKillButtonText": "Ruba",
- "SoullessByCursedSoul": "Un Anima Maledetta ti ha rubato l'anima",
+ "SoullessByCursedSoul": "A Cursed Soul snatched your Soul",
"CursedSoulSoullessPlayer": "Anima rubata",
- "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "Nessun'anima trovata",
+ "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "No Soul found",
"AdmireCooldown": "Ricarica Ammirazione",
"AdmirerKnowTargetRole": "Conosce i ruoli dei giocatori Ammirati",
"AdmirerSkillLimit": "Limite Abilità",
@@ -3213,7 +3401,7 @@
"AdmiredPlayer": "Giocatore ammirato",
"AdmirerInvalidTarget": "Il bersaglio non può essere ammirato",
"SpiritualistNoticeTitle": "SPIRITUALISTA ",
- "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "Lo Spiritualista ha una freccia puntata verso di te! \nPuoi guidarlo verso un assassino o per incastrare un astronauta",
+ "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "The Spiritualist has an arrow pointing to you!\nYou can use them to a killer or frame a Crewmate",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowForSeconds": "Durata freccia fantasma",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowEverySeconds": "Intervallo freccia fantasma",
"EnigmaClueStage1Tasks": "Numero di Incarichi da completare per vedere Indizi di Livello 1",
@@ -3251,11 +3439,12 @@
"EnigmaClueRole2": "L'Assassino è un Neutrale!",
"EnigmaClueRole3": "L'Assassino è un Astronauta!",
"EnigmaClueRole4": "Il Ruolo dell'Assassino è {0}!",
+ "EnigmaClueRole5": "The Killer is a Coven member!",
"EnigmaClueLevel1": "Il Livello dell'Assassino è superiore a 50!",
"EnigmaClueLevel2": "Il Livello dell'Assassino è inferiore a 50!",
"EnigmaClueLevel3": "Il Livello dell'Assassino è compreso tra {0} e {1}!",
"EnigmaClueLevel4": "Il Livello dell'Assassino è {0}!",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "Il Codice Amico dell'Assassino è {0}!",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "The Killer's Friend Code is {0}!",
"EnigmaClueHatTitle": "Enigma Indizio del Cappello!",
"EnigmaClueVisorTitle": "Enigma Indizio del Visore!",
"EnigmaClueSkinTitle": "Enigma Indizio della Skin!",
@@ -3267,10 +3456,11 @@
"EnigmaClueStatusTitle": "Enigma Indizio Stato!",
"EnigmaClueRoleTitle": "Enigma Indizio Ruolo!",
"EnigmaClueLevelTitle": "Enigma Indizio Livello!",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "Enigma Indizio Codice Amico!",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "Enigma Friend Code Clue!",
"ImpCanBeRole": "Gli Impostori possono diventare {role}",
"CrewCanBeRole": "Gli Astronauti possono diventare {role}",
"NeutralCanBeRole": "I Neutrali possono diventare {role}",
+ "CovenCanBeRole": "Coven can become {role}",
"VotesPerKill": "Voti guadagnati con ogni uccisione",
"PickpocketGetVote": "Hai {0} voti",
"VultureArrowsPointingToDeadBody": "Ha frecce che puntano sui cadaveri",
@@ -3281,7 +3471,7 @@
"VultureMaxEatenInOneRound": "Massimo corpi mangiati possibili per round",
"VultureCooldownUp": "Ricarica del Mangia terminato",
"GhastlyPossessCD": "Ricarica Possesso",
- "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "Possedimenti Massimi",
+ "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "Maximum Possessions",
"GhastlyPossessionDuration": "Durata Possedimento",
"GhastlySpeed": "Velocità dell'Orrido",
"GhastlyKillAllies": "L'orrido non può possedere alleati",
@@ -3294,7 +3484,7 @@
"GhastlyExpired": "{0} non è più posseduto",
"TasksMarkPerRound": "Numero d'incarichi che possono essere contrassegnati in un round",
"TaskinatorBombPlanted": "La Bomba è stata piazzata",
- "ShieldDuration": "Durata Scudo",
+ "ShieldDuration": "Shield Duration",
"ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "Lo scudo si rompe dopo un tentativo di uccisione",
"BenefactorTaskMarked": "Incarico segnato con successo",
"BenefactorTargetGotShield": "Hai avuto uno scudo dal Benefattore",
@@ -3316,14 +3506,14 @@
"Heads": "Testa",
"Tails": "Croce",
"SpyRedNameDur": "Durata Nome Colorato",
- "SpyInteractionBlocked": "Blocca l'interazione pulsante uccidi",
- "AgitaterBombCooldown": "Ricarica bomba Agitatore",
- "AgitaterPassCooldown": "Ricarica passaggio Bomba",
- "BombExplodeCooldown": "Ricarica esplosione bomba",
+ "SpyInteractionBlocked": "Block Kill button interaction",
+ "AgitaterBombCooldown": "Agitator Bomb Cooldown",
+ "AgitaterPassCooldown": "Bomb Pass Cooldown",
+ "BombExplodeCooldown": "Bomb Explode Cooldown",
"AgitaterPassNotify": "Bomba passata con successo",
"AgitaterTargetNotify": "HAI LA BOMBA!! Passala a qualcun'altro",
"AgitaterCanGetBombed": "L' Agitatore può ricevere la bomba",
- "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "L' Agitatore Auto Segnala Esca",
+ "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "Agitator can Auto Report Bait",
"SeekerPointsToWin": "Numero di punti necessari per vincere",
"SeekerTagCooldown": "Ricarica del Marchio",
"SeekerNotify": "Il tuo bersaglio è {0}",
@@ -3331,15 +3521,15 @@
"SeekerKillButtonText": "Tagga",
"PixiePointsToWin": "Numero di punti necessari per vincere",
"MaxTargets": "Massimo numero di bersagli per round",
- "MarkCooldown": "Ricarica Segna",
+ "MarkCooldown": "Mark Cooldown",
"PixieSuicide": "Il Folletto si suicida se il bersaglio non viene espulso",
"PixieMaxTargetReached": "Hai già selezionato tutti i bersagli per questo round",
"PixieTargetAlreadySelected": "Il Bersaglio è già stato selezionato",
"PixieButtonText": "Segna",
- "PlagueBearerCooldown": "Ricarica Infetta",
- "PlagueBearerCanVent": "Può usare i condotti",
+ "PlagueBearerCooldown": "Plague Cooldown",
+ "PlagueBearerCanVent": "Can Vent",
"PlagueBearerHasImpostorVision": "Ha il campo visivo impostore",
- "PestilenceCooldown": "Ricarica uccisione della Pestilenza",
+ "PestilenceCooldown": "Pestilence Kill Cooldown",
"PestilenceCanVent": "La Pestilenza può usare i condotti",
"PestilenceHasImpostorVision": "La Pestilenza Ha il campo visivo Impostore",
"PestilenceKillGuessers": "Uccidi i giocatori che indovinano Pestilenza",
@@ -3365,24 +3555,25 @@
"RomanticProtectButtonText": "Proteggi",
"GuessMasterMisguess": "{0} ha sbagliato a indovinare",
"GuessMasterTargetRole": "Qualcuno ha provato a indovinare {0}",
- "GuessMasterTitle": "Maestro Indovino ",
+ "GuessMasterTitle": "GUESS MASTER ",
"DoomsayerAmountOfGuessesToWin": "Quantità d'intuizioni per vincere",
"DCanGuessImpostors": "Può Indovinare gli Impostori",
"DCanGuessCrewmates": "Può Indovinare gli Astronauti",
"DCanGuessNeutrals": "Può Indovinare i Neutrali",
+ "DCanGuessCoven": "Can Guess Coven",
"DCanGuessAdt": "Può indovinare i Modificatori",
"DoomsayerAdvancedSettings": "Impostazioni Avanzate",
- "DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "Numero massimo d'intuizioni per riunione",
+ "DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "Maximum number of guesses per meeting",
"DoomsayerKillCorrectlyGuessedPlayers": "Uccidi i giocatori indovinati correttamente",
"DoomsayerDoesNotSuicideWhenMisguessing": "Il Catastrofista non si suicida se sbaglia a indovinare",
"DoomsayerMisguessRolePrevGuessRoleUntilNextMeeting": "Sbagliare a indovinare impedisce d'indovinare i ruoli fino alla prossima riunione",
"DoomsayerTryHideMsg": "Nascondi il comando del Catastrofista",
"DoomsayerCantGuess": "Spiacenti, puoi indovinare i ruoli nella prossima riunione.",
"DoomsayerCorrectlyGuessRole": "Hai indovinato correttamente il suo ruolo!\nMa il giocatore non è morto perché le impostazioni dell'Host non gli consentono di morire",
- "DoomsayerNotCorrectlyGuessRole": "Non hai indovinato correttamente il suo ruolo!\nMa non sei morto perché le impostazioni dell'Host non ti permettono di morire",
- "DoomsayerGuessCountMsg": "Hai indovinato correttamente {0} ruoli",
+ "DoomsayerNotCorrectlyGuessRole": "You didn't correctly guess the Role!\nBut you didn't die because the Host's settings don't allow you to die",
+ "DoomsayerGuessCountMsg": "You correctly guessed {0} Roles",
"DoomsayerGuessCountTitle": "CATASTROFISTA",
- "DoomsayerGuessSameRoleAgainMsg": "Hai provato a indovinare lo stesso ruolo o modificatore che avevi indovinato prima",
+ "DoomsayerGuessSameRoleAgainMsg": "You tried to guess the same Role or Add-on that you guessed before",
"EveryoneCanKnowMini": "Tutti possono vedere il Mini",
"CanBeEvil": "Il Mini può essere un Impostore",
"EvilMiniSpawnChances": "Probabilità che il Mini sia un Impostore",
@@ -3410,26 +3601,26 @@
"YouKillRandomizer3": "Hai ucciso il Randomizzatore, ricarica uccisione cambiata a 600s!",
"YouKillRandomizer4": "Hai ucciso il Randomizzatore, Scatenata Vendetta Casuale!",
"MadmateCanBeHurried": "Il Follenauta può essere Frettoloso all'inizio della partita",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeHurried": "Astronauti basati sugli incarichi possono essere Frettoloso",
- "HurriedCanBeConverted": "Il Frettoloso può essere reclutato nella partita (escluso follenauta)",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeHurried": "Task-based Crewmates can be Hurried",
+ "HurriedCanBeConverted": "Hurried can be recruited in the game (excludes Madmate)",
"Developer": "Sviluppatore",
"Sponsor": "Sponsor",
"Booster": "Server Booster",
"Translator": "Traduttore",
"NoAccess": "Accesso non Autorizzato!\n\n Per favore apri un ticket nel server Discord per saperne di più (discord.gg/tohe)",
"DCNotify.Hacking": "Sei stato bannato per hacking.\n\nPer favore smettila.",
- "DCNotify.Banned": "Sei stato bannato da questa lobby.\n\nContatta l'host se è stato uno sbaglio.",
+ "DCNotify.Banned": "You were banned from this lobby.\n\nContact the Host if this was a mistake.",
"DCNotify.Kicked": "Sei stato espulso da questa lobby.\n\nPuoi comunque riunirti.",
"DCNotify.DCFromServer": "Sei stato disconnesso dal server.\nPuò essere un problema dei server o della tua connessione.",
"DCNotify.GameNotFound": "Questo codice lobby non è valido.\n\nControlla il codice e/o il server e prova ancora.",
"DCNotify.GameStarted": "Questa lobby è attualmente in gioco.\n\nAspetta che finisca o trova un'altra lobby.",
- "DCNotify.GameFull": "Questa lobby è attualmente piena.\n\nParla con l'host per vedere se puoi unirti.",
+ "DCNotify.GameFull": "This lobby is currently full.\n\nCheck with the Host to see if you may join.",
"DCNotify.IncorrectVersion": "Questa lobby non supporta la tua versione di Among Us.",
"DCNotify.Inactivity": "La lobby è stata chiusa per inattività.",
"DCNotify.Auth": "Non sei autenticato.\n\nPotresti aver bisogno di riavviare il gioco.",
"DCNotify.DupeLogin": "Un'istanza del tuo account è già presente in questa lobby.",
"DCNotify.InvalidSettings": "È stato rilevato che le impostazioni di gioco non sono valide.\n\nEntra nel gioco locale per reimpostarle, poi riprova.",
- "ModeDescribe.SoloKombat": "La modalità attuale è [PVP singolo]\nNessuna assegnazione di ruolo. Tutti hanno Punti Salute e possono usare il pulsante uccidi per causare danni ad altri giocatori. Alla fine della partita vince il giocatore con il maggior numero di uccisioni.",
+ "ModeDescribe.SoloKombat": "Current Gamemode is [Solo PVP]\nNo role assignment. Everyone has HP and can use the Kill button to cause damage to other players. The player with the highest number of kills wins at the end of the game.",
"RoleType.VanillaRoles": "★ Ruoli Originali",
"RoleType.ImpKilling": "★ Ruoli Impostori Assassini",
"RoleType.ImpSupport": "★ Ruoli Impostori Supporto",
@@ -3448,6 +3639,10 @@
"RoleType.NeutralChaos": "★ Ruoli Neutrali Caotici",
"RoleType.NeutralKilling": "★ Ruoli Neutrali Assassini",
"RoleType.NeutralApocalypse": "★ Ruoli Neutrali dell'Apocalisse /apocalypseinfo",
+ "RoleType.CovenPower": "★ Coven Power Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenKilling": "★ Coven Killing Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenTrickery": "★ Coven Trickery Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenUtility": "★ Coven Utility Roles",
"RoleType.Harmful": "Modificatori ★ Dannosi",
"RoleType.Support": "★ Modificatori di Supporto",
"RoleType.Helpful": "Modificatori ★ Utili",
@@ -3456,7 +3651,7 @@
"RoleType.Impostor": "★ Modificatori Impostori",
"RoleType.Guesser": "★ Modificatori Indovino",
"RoleType.Neut": "★ Modificatori Neutrali",
- "RoleType.Experimental": "★ Modificatori Sperimentali (NOTA: Usali con cautela, poiché questi richiedono test)",
+ "RoleType.Experimental": "★ Experimental Add-ons (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
"SubType.Impostor": "★ Impostori",
"SubType.Shapeshifter": "★ Mutaforma",
"SubType.SemiShapeshifter": "★ Semi-Mutaforma",
@@ -3467,10 +3662,12 @@
"CrewmateRoles": "★ Ruoli Astronauta ★",
"ImpostorRoles": "★ Ruoli Impostore ★",
"NeutralRoles": "★ Ruoli Neutrali ★",
+ "CovenRoles": "★ Coven Roles ★",
"AddonRoles": "★ Modificatori ★",
"WinnerRoleText.Impostor": "Impostori Vincono!",
"WinnerRoleText.Crewmate": "Astronauti Vincono!",
"WinnerRoleText.Apocalypse": "Apocalisse Vince!",
+ "WinnerRoleText.Coven": "Coven Wins!",
"WinnerRoleText.Terrorist": "Terrorista Vince!",
"WinnerRoleText.Jester": "Giullare Vince!",
"WinnerRoleText.Lovers": "Amanti Vincono!",
@@ -3557,25 +3754,26 @@
"ForceEndText": "L'Host ha interrotto il gioco",
"NiceMiniDied": "Mini Buono è stato ucciso",
"HaterMisFireKillTarget": "Hater uccide il bersaglio se fa cilecca",
- "HaterChooseConverted": "Seleziona modificatori che l'Hater può uccidere",
- "HaterCanKillMadmate": "Può uccidere Follenauti",
- "HaterCanKillCharmed": "Può uccidere Affascinati",
- "HaterCanKillLovers": "Può uccidere Amanti",
- "HaterCanKillSidekick": "Può uccidere squadra sciacallo",
- "HaterCanKillEgoist": "Può uccidere l'egoista",
- "HaterCanKillInfected": "Può uccidere squadra infettati",
- "HaterCanKillContagious": "Può uccidere squadra virus",
- "HaterCanKillAdmired": "Può uccidere Ammiratore",
+ "HaterChooseConverted": "Select Add-ons that Hater can kill",
+ "HaterCanKillMadmate": "Can kill Madmate",
+ "HaterCanKillCharmed": "Can kill Charmed",
+ "HaterCanKillLovers": "Can kill Lovers",
+ "HaterCanKillSidekick": "Can kill Jackal team",
+ "HaterCanKillEgoist": "Can kill Egoist",
+ "HaterCanKillInfected": "Can kill Infected team",
+ "HaterCanKillContagious": "Can kill Virus team",
+ "HaterCanKillAdmired": "Can kill Admirer",
+ "HaterCanKillEnchanted": "Can kill Enchanted",
"HorseMode": "Attiva per diventare un cavallo",
"LongMode": "Attiva i colli lunghi",
"InfluencedChangeVote": "Oops! Sei così influenzato dagli altri!\nNon riesci a contenere la tua paura e alla fine voti {0}!",
"FFA": "Tutti Contro Tutti",
"ModeFFA": "Modalità di gioco: TCT",
- "ModeDescribe.FFA": "Nella modalità TCT (Tutti Contro Tutti), tutti quanti sono assassini e tutti possono uccidere tutti. L'ultimo giocatore in vita vince\n\nAlcuni eventi casuali rendono il tutto più divertente nel frattempo!",
- "KillerInfoLong": "Nella modalità TCT (Tutti Contro Tutti), tutti quanti sono assassini e tutti possono uccidere tutti. L'ultimo giocatore in vita vince\n\nAlcuni eventi casuali rendono il tutto più divertente nel frattempo!",
+ "ModeDescribe.FFA": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
+ "KillerInfoLong": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
"FFA_GameTime": "Durata Massima del Gioco",
"FFA_KCD": "Ricarica Uccisione",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "Disabilità i condotti quando solo 2 giocatori sono vivi",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "Prevent Venting when only 2 players are alive",
"FFA_EnableRandomAbilities": "Abilità Eventi Casuali",
"FFA_ShieldDuration": "Durata Scudo",
"FFA_IncreasedSpeed": "Velocità Aumentata",
@@ -3586,15 +3784,15 @@
"FFA_EnableRandomTwists": "Abilita gli Scambi Casuali di tanto in tanto",
"FFA-Event-GetShield": "Hai uno scudo temporaneo!",
"FFA-Event-GetIncreasedSpeed": "Hai un aumento di velocità temporaneo!",
- "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "Hai una ricarica uccisione più bassa!",
- "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "Hai una ricarica uccisione più alta",
+ "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "You got a lower Kill Cooldown!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "You got a higher Kill Cooldown",
"FFA-Event-GetLowVision": "Hai temporaneamente un campo visivo basso",
"FFA-Event-GetDecreasedSpeed": "Hai temporaneamente la velocità diminuita",
- "FFA-Event-GetTP": "Sei stato teletrasportato in un condotto casuale!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetTP": "You got teleported to a random Vent!",
"FFA-Event-RandomTP": "Tutti sono stati scambiati con qualcuno",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "Ci sono solo 2 giocatori in vita, non nasconderti nei condotti!",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "La tua ricarica uccisione è carica, non nasconderti nei condotti!",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "Impedisci ai giocatori con la ricarica uccisione completa di usare i condotti",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "There are only 2 players alive, stop hiding in Vents!",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "Your kill Cooldown is up, don't hide in Vents!",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "Prevent players whose Kill Cooldown is up from Venting",
"FFA_TargetIsShielded": "Il giocatore che hai tentato di uccidere è protetto!",
"FFA_ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "Lo scudo si rompe dopo un tentativo di uccisione",
"FFA_ShieldBroken": "Qualcuno ha provato a ucciderti, ora il tuo scudo è rotto!",
@@ -3604,15 +3802,15 @@
"MenuTitle.Hide&Seek": "Impostazioni di Nascondino",
"NumImpostorsHnS": "Numero d'Impostori",
"EveryOneKnowSolsticer": "Tutti sanno chi è l'Impiegato",
- "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "L'Impiegato conosce i ruoli che hanno usato il pulsante uccidi su di esso",
+ "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "Solsticer knows the role of whom used the Kill button on it",
"SolsticerSpeed": "Velocità di movimento dell'Impiegato",
"SolsticerRemainingTaskWarned": "Incarichi Rimanenti per essere scoperto",
"SAddTasksPreDeadPlayer": "Quanti incarichi brevi ottiene l'Impiegato quando un giocatore muore",
"SolsticerMurdered": "{0} ha provato a ucciderti!",
"MurderSolsticer": "Hai fermato l'Impiegato per questo round!",
- "SolsticerMurderMessage": "{0} ha usato il pulsante uccidi su di te nell'ultimo round! Il suo ruolo è {1}!",
+ "SolsticerMurderMessage": "{0} used Kill button on you last round! Its role is {1}!",
"SolsticerOnMeeting": "Hai assistito a troppe morti! Nel prossimo round avrai altri {0} incarichi brevi!",
- "SolsticerTitle": "Impiegato",
+ "SolsticerTitle": "SOLSTICER",
"GuessSolsticer": "Spiacenti, ma non puoi indovinare l'Impiegato!",
"ExpelSolsticer": "Spiacenti, ma non puoi espellere l'Impiegato!",
"SolsticerTasksReset": "I tuoi incarichi sono ripristinati!",
@@ -3623,10 +3821,10 @@
"Contributor": "Collaboratore",
"dbConnect.InitFailure": "Errore durante la connessione al TOHE API, controlla la connessione di rete e riprova ad accedere!",
"dbConnect.InitFailurePublic": "Errore durante la connessione a TOHE API, potrebbe essere causato dalla tua connessione Internet. Pertanto i vantaggi Sponsor+ non sono disponibili, puoi continuare a giocare come al solito senza di essi.",
- "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "Questa versione di TOHE non è disponibile per gli utenti senza codice amico!",
+ "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "This build of TOHE is not available to users with no Friend Code!",
"Quizmaster": "Maestro dei quiz",
"QuizmasterInfo": "Fai domande ai giocatori per ucciderli nelle riunioni",
- "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(Neutrali):\nCome Maestro dei Quiz, puoi contrassegnare un giocatore utilizzando il pulsante uccidi. Nella riunione successiva, il giocatore contrassegnare avrà \"?!\" accanto al suo nome. Il giocatore morirà se risponderà male alla domanda o non risponderà. Il giocatore vivrà se il Maestro dei Quiz viene ucciso/espulso nella stessa riunione.\nIl Maestro dei Quiz non può contrassegnare più persone nello stesso turno",
+ "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Quizmaster, you can mark a player using your Kill button. In the next meeting, the marked player will have \"?!\" next to their name. The player will die if they answer the question wrong or doesn't answer. The player will live if the Quizmaster is killed/ejected in the same meeting.\nThe Quizmaster cannot mark multiple people in the same round",
"QuizmasterKillButtonText": "Quiz",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedBy": "Sei stato contrassegnato dal Maestro dei Quiz\nPer sopravvivere devi rispondere correttamente a questa domanda:\n\n{QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedPublic": "{QMTARGET} è stato contrassegnato dal Maestro dei Quiz\nPer sopravvivere {QMTARGET} deve rispondere correttamente alla loro domanda!",
@@ -3639,13 +3837,14 @@
"QuizmasterChat.WrongPublic": "{QMTARGET} ha risposto erroneamente alla domanda del Maestro dei Quiz ed è morto!\nAttenzione al Maestro dei Quiz!",
"QuizmasterChat.Marked": "Hai contrassegnato {QMTARGET}\nse {QMTARGET} non risponde alla fine della riunione oppure risponde erroneamente {QMTARGET} morirà\n\nDomanda per {QMTARGET} => {QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.Title": "Informazioni sul Maestro dei Quiz",
- "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "Come Maestro dei Quiz, non puoi rispondere alle domande",
+ "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "As the Quizmaster, you can't answer questions",
"QuizmasterChat.AnswerNotValid": "La tua risposta deve essere A, B, o C",
"QuizmasterChat.SyntaxNotValid": "Utilizzo:\n/answer [A/B/C]",
- "QuizmasterSettings.QuestionDifficulty": "Difficoltà della Domanda",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "Può Usare i Condotti Dopo Aver Scelto Qualcuno Per il Quiz",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "Può Uccidere Dopo Aver Scelto Qualcuno Per il Quiz",
- "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "Quante Uccisioni Per Round",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MinQuestionDifficulty": "Minimum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MaxQuestionDifficulty": "Maximum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "Can Vent After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "Can Kill After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "How Many Kills per Round",
"QuizmasterSettings.CanGiveQuestionsAboutPastGames": "Può Fornire Domande Sulle Partite Passate",
"Quizmaster.None": "Nessuno",
"QuizmasterSabotages.Lights": "Luci",
@@ -3673,8 +3872,16 @@
"QuizmasterAnswers.Experimental": "Esperimentale",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Enhanced": "Enhanced",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Edited": "Edited",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "Qual È stato l'ultimo sabotaggio?",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "Qual è stato il primo sabotaggio di questo round?",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Impostor": "Impostor",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Neutral": "Neutral",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Crewmate": "Crewmate",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Addon": "Add-on",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Shapeshifter": "Shapeshifter",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Scientist": "Scientist",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Engineer": "Engineer",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.GuardianAngel": "GuardianAngel",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "What was the Sabotage was called last?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "What was the first Sabotage called this round?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastEjectedPlayerColor": "Di che colore era il giocatore che è stato espulso per ultimo?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastReportPlayerColor": "Di che colore era il corpo segnalato l'ultima volta prima di questa riunione?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastButtonPressedPlayerColor": "Chi ha convocato l'ultima riunione prima di questa riunione?",
@@ -3684,17 +3891,25 @@
"QuizmasterQuestions.FactionOfRole": "Qual è la fazione di {QMRole}?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.FactionRemovedName": "Quale fazione era presente nel gioco ma è stata rimossa con un aggiornamento successivo?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyDiedFirstRound": "Quante persone sono morte nel primo round?",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.ButtonPressedBefore": "Quante persone hanno premuto il pulsante di emergenza prima di questa riunione?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.ButtonPressedBefore": "How many people pressed the Emergency button before this meeting?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.WhatDoesEOgMeansInName": "Cosa significava originariamente la E di TOHE?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieReason": "Qual è la causa di morte di {PLR}?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieMethod": "Come è morto {PLR}?",
- "LastAddedRoleForKarped": "Qual è stato l'ultimo ruolo aggiunto in TOHE prima che KARPED1EM si dimettesse?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastAddedRoleForKarped": "What was the last role added to TOHE before KARPED1EM stepped down?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieFaction": "Che tipo di fazione ha ucciso {PLR}?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.QuizmasterCooldown": "What will Quizmaster's cooldown always be? (excluding first kill override and changes from other Roles/Add-ons)",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoCoded": "Who coded Quizmaster?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoOwns": "Who owns The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEPartners": "Who are The Enhanced Network's partners?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEEventCoordinator": "Who is the Event Coordinator for The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyCats": "How many Cat related roles are in the Mod?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.GuessingCommand": "What does /bt actually mean?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.NotFromTOS2": "Which of these roles are NOT from Town of Salem 2?",
"DeathReason.WrongAnswer": "Risposta Sbagliata",
"TPCooldown": "Ricarica Teletrasporto",
- "RiftsTooClose": "Posizione troppo vicina alla prima spaccatura",
+ "RiftsTooClose": "Location too close to the first Rift",
"RiftCreated": "Spaccatura creata con successo",
- "RiftsDestroyed": "Distrutte tutte le spaccature",
+ "RiftsDestroyed": "All Rifts destroyed",
"RiftRadius": "Raggio Spaccatura",
"TiredVision": "Campo Visivo Quando Stanco",
"TiredSpeed": "Velocità Quando Stanco",
@@ -3718,7 +3933,7 @@
"ShockerAbilityCooldown": "Ricarica Abilità",
"ShockerAbilityDuration": "Durata Abilità",
"ShockerAbilityPerRound": "Abilità Per Round",
- "ShockerShockInVents": "Elettrifica persone nei condotti",
+ "ShockerShockInVents": "Shock people in Vents",
"ShockerAbilityResetAfterMeeting": "Reimposta le stanze contrassegnate dopo la riunione",
"ShockerOutsideRadius": "Raggio d'incarichi esterni (non in una stanza)",
"ShockerCanShockHimself": "Può Elettrificare Stesso",
@@ -3731,13 +3946,13 @@
"EavesdropperMsgTitle": "Hai trovato un segreto",
"EavesdropPercentChance": "Possibilità di origliare",
"PreventSeeRolesBeforeSkillUsedUp": "Impedisci di vedere i ruoli degli altri prima che l'abilità sia esaurita",
- "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "Ricarica per reclutare sceriffi",
- "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "Puoi reclutare Impostori o Neutrali",
- "SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "Hai reclutato uno Sceriffo.",
- "BeSheriffByPolice": "Sei stato reclutato dal capo della polizia! Servi l'equipaggio!",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "Cooldown for recruiting Sheriffs",
+ "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "Can recruit non-Crewmates",
+ "SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "You recruited a Sheriff.",
+ "BeSheriffByPolice": "You've been recruited by the Police Chief! Serve the Crewmates!",
"PoliceFailedRecruit": "Impossibile reclutare il bersaglio.",
"ChiefOfPoliceKillButtonText": "Reclutamento",
- "PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "Impedisci di reclutare giocatori senza pulsante uccidi",
- "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "Si suicida quando reclutano un non assassino o non astronauta",
- "PolicPassConverted": "Può passare Modificatore Convertitori a Sceriffo"
+ "PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "Prevent recruit players without Kill button",
+ "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "Suicides when recruit a non-Killer or non-Crewmate",
+ "PolicPassConverted": "Can pass Converted Add-on to Sheriff"
diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json
index 811143ff4..7228e1a58 100644
--- a/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json
+++ b/Resources/Lang/ja_JP.json
@@ -14,22 +14,26 @@
"Website": "ウェブサイト",
"PlayerNameForRoleInfo": "やあ {0}, 役割はこれだ:-\n",
"HostIconInMeeting": "ホスト:{0}",
- "SubText.GM": "Spectate the chaos!",
+ "ModdedClient": "改造クライアント",
+ "SubText.GM": "混沌を見守ります!",
"SubText.Crewmate": "インポスターを見つけて追放する",
"SubText.Impostor": "サボタージュして全員を殺す",
"SubText.Neutral": "勝利を達成するために一人で働く",
"SubText.Apocalypse": "チームと共に止められない存在になろう",
+ "SubText.Coven": "Bewitch and kill everyone",
"SubText.Madmate": " インポスターを助ける",
"SubText.Lovers": "生き延びて一緒に勝利を掴もう",
"SubText.Egoist": "自分だけで勝利を目指せ",
"TypeImpostor": "インポスター",
"TypeCrewmate": "クルーメイト",
"TypeNeutral": "ニュートラル",
+ "TypeCoven": "Coven",
"TypeAddon": "アドオン",
"GuesserMode": "推測モード",
"TeamImpostor": "インポスタ",
"TeamNeutral": "ニュートラル",
"TeamCrewmate": "クルーメイト",
+ "TeamCoven": "Coven",
"TeamMadmate": "マッドメイト",
"TeamLovers": "恋人たち",
"TeamEgoist": "エゴイスト",
@@ -37,6 +41,7 @@
"YouAreCrewmate": "あなたはクルーメイトです",
"YouAreImpostor": "あなたはインポスターです",
"YouAreNeutral": "あなたはニュートラルです",
+ "YouAreCoven": "You are a Coven member",
"YouAreMadmate": "あなたはマッドメイトです",
"Role_Crewmate": "クルーメイト",
"Role_Jester": "道化師",
@@ -63,12 +68,14 @@
"ImpostorsCanGuess": "インポスターは推測できます",
"NeutralKillersCanGuess": "ニュートラルキラーは推測できます",
"NeutralApocalypseCanGuess": "中立 黙示録は推測が可能です。",
+ "CovenCanGuess": "Coven can guess",
"PassiveNeutralsCanGuess": "受動的なニュートラルは推測できます",
"CanGuessAddons": "アドオンを推測できます",
- "ShowOnlyEnabledRolesInGuesserUI": "予測者のUIで有効な役割のみを表示",
- "CrewCanGuessCrew": "クルーメイトは仲間の役職を推測できます",
- "ImpCanGuessImp": "インポスターはインポスターの役職を推測できます",
- "ApocCanGuessApoc": "中立 黙示録は中立 黙示録の役割を推測できます。",
+ "ShowOnlyEnabledRolesInGuesserUI": "Show Only Enabled Roles in Guesser UI",
+ "CrewCanGuessCrew": "Crewmates can Guess Crewmate Roles",
+ "ImpCanGuessImp": "Impostors can Guess Impostor Roles",
+ "ApocCanGuessApoc": "Neutral Apocalypse can Guess Neutral Apocalypse Roles",
+ "CovenCanGuessCoven": "Coven Can Guess Coven Roles",
"GuessImmune": "申し訳ありませんが、対象は推測されることに対して免疫があります!",
"GM": "ゲームマスター",
"Sunnyboy": "晴れ男",
@@ -287,7 +294,6 @@
"Vulture": "ハゲタカ",
"Taskinator": "タスキネーター",
"Benefactor": "恩人",
- "Medusa": "メデューサ",
"Spiritcaller": "霊を呼ぶ者",
"Amnesiac": "記憶喪失者",
"Imitator": "模倣者",
@@ -305,12 +311,21 @@
"Romantic": "ロマンティック",
"VengefulRomantic": "復讐心のあるロマンティック",
"RuthlessRomantic": "非情なロマンティック",
+ "Wraith": "レイス",
"Poisoner": "毒物使い",
+ "Medusa": "メデューサ",
"HexMaster": "ヘックスマスター",
- "Wraith": "レイス",
"Jinx": "不吉なもの",
"PotionMaster": "薬師",
"Necromancer": "死霊術師",
+ "CovenLeader": "Coven Leader",
+ "Ritualist": "Ritualist",
+ "Conjurer": "Conjurer",
+ "Dreamweaver": "Dreamweaver",
+ "Illusionist": "Illusionist",
+ "VoodooMaster": "Voodoo Master",
+ "Sacrifist": "Sacrifist",
+ "MoonDancer": "Moon Dancer",
"Warden": "守護者",
"Minion": "手下",
"Ghastly": "ゴース",
@@ -363,6 +378,7 @@
"EvilSpirit": "悪霊",
"Recruit": "リクルート",
"Admired": "憧れる",
+ "Enchanted": "Enchanted",
"Glow": "輝き",
"Radar": "レーダー",
"Diseased": "病気の",
@@ -400,9 +416,9 @@
"ScientistTOHEInfo": "どこからでも携帯用バイタルにアクセス",
"NoisemakerTOHEInfo": "殺されたときにアラートを送信する",
"TrackerTOHEInfo": "マップでプレイヤーを追跡する",
- "ShapeshifterTOHEInfo": "仲間になりすまして彼らを陥れる",
+ "ShapeshifterTOHEInfo": "Disguise as Crewmates to frame them",
"PhantomTOHEInfo": "あなたは透明です",
- "GuardianAngelTOHEInfo": "仲間を インポスター から守る",
+ "GuardianAngelTOHEInfo": "Protect the Crewmates from the Impostors",
"ImpostorTOHEInfo": "殺して妨害",
"CrewmateTOHEInfo": "インポスターを探す",
"BountyHunterInfo": "目標を排除",
@@ -410,33 +426,33 @@
"MercenaryInfo": "殺し続けないと自殺",
"ShapeMasterInfo": "シフトのクールダウンなしで素早く殺す",
"VampireInfo": "あなたのキルは遅れます",
- "WarlockInfo": "仲間に呪いをかけ、それからシフトして彼らを殺す",
+ "WarlockInfo": "Curse Crewmates then Shift to make them kill",
"NinjaInfo": "対象をマークしてから、シフトしてキルします。",
"ZombieInfo": "あなたは非常に遅いです",
"AnonymousInfo": "プレイヤーに遺体を報告させる",
"MinerInfo": "シフトして最後に使用した通気口にワープ",
"KillingMachineInfo": "キルだけができますが、クールダウンが低いです",
"EscapistInfo": "場所をマークしてそれに戻るためにシフト",
- "WitchInfo": "会議で仲間たちに呪文をかけて殺す",
+ "WitchInfo": "会議中にクルーメイトを呪文で倒す",
"NemesisInfo": "最後のインポスターの時にキル",
"BeforeNemesisInfo": "まだキルできません",
"AfterNemesisInfo": "今、キルを始める",
- "BloodmoonInfo": "クルーメートに大混乱をもたらせ",
- "PossessorInfo": "仲間を乗っ取って、他の人から遠ざけて導く",
+ "BloodmoonInfo": "Seek havoc upon the Crewmates",
+ "PossessorInfo": "Possess and lead Crewmates away from others",
"PuppeteerInfo": "プレイヤーにあなたのためにキルさせる",
"MastermindInfo": "他のプレイヤーにあなたのためにキルさせる",
"TimeThiefInfo": "キルによって会議時間を短縮",
"SniperInfo": "シフトを使って遠くからプレイヤーを狙撃",
"UndertakerInfo": "死体を指定した場所にワープ",
"RiftMakerInfo": "二つの裂け目を辿り、触れて空間を歪ませる",
- "EvilTrackerInfo": "プレイヤーをシフトしながらトラッカーが追跡します。",
+ "EvilTrackerInfo": "シフトしてプレイヤーを追跡しよう!",
"EvilHackerInfo": "システムをハックする",
"AntiAdminerInfo": "プレイヤーがデバイスの近くにいることを知る",
"ArroganceInfo": "各キルごとにクールダウンが減少",
"BomberInfo": "爆発するために形状を変える",
"TrapsterInfo": "キルを罠にかける",
"ScavengerInfo": "あなたのキルは報告できません",
- "EvilGuesserInfo": "会議中にクルーの役割を推測して殺す",
+ "EvilGuesserInfo": "Guess Crewmate roles in meetings to kill",
"GangsterInfo": "プレイヤーをあなたの側に変える",
"CleanerInfo": "体を報告して報告不可にする",
"LightningInfo": "プレイヤーを量子ゴーストに変える",
@@ -455,38 +471,38 @@
"VindicatorInfo": "余分な投票権を使ってみんなを殺す",
"ParasiteInfo": "インポスターがクルーを殺すのを助ける",
"DisperserInfo": "ランダムなベントにみんなをテレポート",
- "InhibitorInfo": "サボタージュ中はキルできません",
- "SaboteurInfo": "サボタージュ中だけキルできます",
- "CouncillorInfo": "会議中にクルーメイトを殺す",
- "DazzlerInfo": "クルーの視界を制限",
- "DeathpactInfo": "プレイヤーに死の契約を割り当てる",
- "DevourerInfo": "クルーの肌を消費する",
+ "InhibitorInfo": "You cannot kill during Sabotages",
+ "SaboteurInfo": "You can only kill during Sabotages",
+ "CouncillorInfo": "Kill off Crewmates during meetings",
+ "DazzlerInfo": "Reduce the vision of the Crew",
+ "DeathpactInfo": "Assign players to a deathpact",
+ "DevourerInfo": "Consume the skin of the Crew",
"ConsigliereInfo": "他のプレイヤーの役割を発見",
- "MorphlingInfo": "シェイプシフト中しかキルできません",
+ "MorphlingInfo": "You can only kill while Shapeshifted",
"TwisterInfo": "すべてのプレイヤーの位置を交換",
- "LurkerInfo": "ベントを利用してキルのクールダウンを短縮",
+ "LurkerInfo": "Reduce your Kill Cooldown by venting",
"ConvictInfo": "あなたのターゲットが死亡しました、今度はインポスターを助けてください",
"VisionaryInfo": "生存者の陣営を見ることができます",
- "RefugeeInfo": "インポスターがクルーを皆殺しにするのを助ける",
+ "RefugeeInfo": "Help the Impostors kill off the Crew",
"UnderdogInfo": "プレイヤー数が少ないときにキルを開始",
- "LudopathInfo": "キルのクールダウンはランダムです",
+ "LudopathInfo": "Your kill Cooldown is random",
"GodfatherInfo": "投票によってプレイヤーを避難民に変える",
"ChronomancerInfo": "バーストで殺害する",
"PitfallInfo": "マップ中にトラップを設置",
"EvilMiniInfo": "大きくなるまで誰もあなたを傷つけられません",
"BlackmailerInfo": "他のプレイヤーを沈黙させる",
- "InstigatorInfo": "乗組員間で不和をま",
+ "InstigatorInfo": "Sow discord among the Crewmates",
"LazyGuyInfo": "あなたは怠惰すぎます",
"SuperStarInfo": "みんなあなたを知っています",
- "CleanserInfo": "あなたの投票対象のすべてのアドオンを消去",
- "KeeperInfo": "排除を拒否、キーパー守護!",
+ "CleanserInfo": "Erase all Add-ons of your vote target",
+ "KeeperInfo": "Reject the eject, Keeper protect!",
"MayorInfo": "あなたの投票は複数回数にカウントされます",
"PsychicInfo": "赤い名前の1つは悪党です",
- "MechanicInfo": "通気口を使ってサボタージュを修理する",
+ "MechanicInfo": "Vent around and fix Sabotages",
"SheriffInfo": "インポスターを撃つ",
"VigilanteInfo": "我々が望んだヒーローではなく、必要なヒーロー",
"JailerInfo": "疑わしいプレイヤーを拘留",
- "CopyCatInfo": "キルボタンを使用して対象の役割をコピー",
+ "CopyCatInfo": "Use your Kill button to copy a target's role",
"SnitchInfo": "インポスターを見つけるためにタスクを完了する",
"MarshallInfo": "無実を証明するためにタスクを完了",
"DoctorInfo": "各プレイヤーがどのように死亡したかを知る",
@@ -499,31 +515,31 @@
"TransporterInfo": "2人のプレイヤーの位置を交換するためにタスクを実行",
"TimeManagerInfo": "タスクを実行して会議時間を延ばす",
"VeteranInfo": "あなたと対話する人を殺すために警戒する",
- "BastionInfo": "通気口に爆弾を仕掛ける",
+ "BastionInfo": "Bomb Vents",
"YinYangerInfo": "2人のプレイヤーを突然燃えさせる",
"BodyguardInfo": "近くのキルを防ぐ",
"DeceiverInfo": "プレイヤーをだますことを試みる",
- "GrenadierInfo": "インポスターの視界を通気口で制限する",
+ "GrenadierInfo": "Reduce Impostors' vision by Venting",
"MedicInfo": "プレイヤーにシールドをかける",
- "FortuneTellerInfo": "人々の役割の手がかりを得る",
+ "FortuneTellerInfo": "Get clues to player's roles",
"JudgeInfo": "法廷で沈黙!",
"MorticianInfo": "死体を見つける",
"MediumInfo": "幽霊と話す",
- "ObserverInfo": "すべてのシールドアニメーションを見ることができます",
- "PacifistInfo": "キルのクールダウンをリセットするために通気口を使用",
+ "ObserverInfo": "You can see all Shield Animations",
+ "PacifistInfo": "Vent to reset Kill Cooldowns",
"RebirthInfo": "再び蘇る",
- "MonarchInfo": "クルーに追加の投票権を与える!",
+ "MonarchInfo": "Give your Crew extra voting power!",
"AbyssbringerInfo": "Place Black Holes",
- "SpurtInfo": "ウサギのように跳ねる!",
- "StealthInfo": "部屋の中の全員がキルで目が見えなくなる",
+ "SpurtInfo": "Spring like a rabbit!",
+ "StealthInfo": "Killing blinds everyone in the room",
"PenguinInfo": "犠牲者を引きずる",
"OverseerInfo": "他のプレイヤーの役割を明らかにする",
"CoronerInfo": "死体とその殺人者を見つける",
"PresidentInfo": "会議を担当しています",
- "MerchantInfo": "アドオンを売って殺し屋に賄賂を贈る",
- "RetributionistInfo": "死んだ後もクルーを助ける",
+ "MerchantInfo": "Sell Add-ons and bribe killers",
+ "RetributionistInfo": "Help the Crewmates after you die",
"HawkInfo": "悪者を殺すことを目指す!",
- "DeputyInfo": "殺し屋を手錠で拘束してクールダウンを増やす",
+ "DeputyInfo": "Handcuff killers to increase their Cooldowns",
"InvestigatorInfo": "潜在的な悪党を見つける",
"GuardianInfo": "不死身になるためにタスクを完了",
"AddictInfo": "通気口で無敵になるか、死にます",
@@ -534,12 +550,12 @@
"SpiritualistInfo": "幽霊の命に導かれて",
"ChameleonInfo": "周りに紛れ込むために通気口を使う",
"InspectorInfo": "2人のプレイヤーの属性を確認する",
- "CaptainInfo": "せんちょうと航海しよう、さもなければアドオンが放棄されます。",
+ "CaptainInfo": "Sail with the Captain, lest Add-ons be abandoned.",
"AdmirerInfo": "あなたと一緒に行動するプレイヤーを選ぶ",
"TimeMasterInfo": "時間を巻き戻す!",
"CrusaderInfo": "プレイヤーの攻撃者を倒す",
"AltruistInfo": "Revive a player\nVent to change between Revive and Report",
- "ReverieInfo": "各キルでクールダウンが減少",
+ "ReverieInfo": "With each kill, your Cooldown decreases",
"LookoutInfo": "変装を見破る",
"TelecommunicationInfo": "デバイスの使用状況を追跡する",
"LighterInfo": "強化された視力で殺人者を捕まえる",
@@ -547,14 +563,14 @@
"WitnessInfo": "最近誰かが殺人を犯したかを突き止める",
"GhastlyInfo": "誰かを支配して!",
"SwapperInfo": "2人のプレイヤーの投票を入れ替える",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "保安官を雇い、クルーを守らせよう!",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "Hire Sheriffs to serve the Crewmates!",
"NiceMiniInfo": "成長するまで誰もあなたに害を与えることはできません。",
"ArsonistInfo": "誰もを浸す、そして点火する",
"PyromaniacInfo": "誰もを浸して、誰もを殺す",
- "HuntsmanInfo": "低いクールダウンでターゲットを殺す",
+ "HuntsmanInfo": "Kill your targets for a low Cooldown",
"SpyInfo": "誰があなたと対話しているかわかります",
"RandomizerInfo": "死ぬときに誰かの負担になるの?",
- "EnigmaInfo": "殺人者についての手がかりを得る",
+ "EnigmaInfo": "Get clues about killers",
"JesterInfo": "追放される",
"OpportunistInfo": "最後まで生き残る",
"TerroristInfo": "タスクを終えてから死ぬ",
@@ -576,10 +592,10 @@
"BloodKnightInfo": "殺人が一時的なシールドを与えます",
"PlagueBearerInfo": "全員を疫病にしてペスティレンスに変える",
"PestilenceInfo": "みんなを壊滅させろ!",
- "SoulCollectorInfo": "死亡を予測して魂を集める",
+ "SoulCollectorInfo": "Predict deaths to collect Souls",
"DeathInfo": "世界の終末を実行する",
- "BakerInfo": "プレイヤーにパンを与えて「飢饉」を引き起こす",
- "FamineInfo": "みんなを飢えさせる",
+ "BakerInfo": "Feed players bread to become Famine",
+ "FamineInfo": "Starve everyone",
"BerserkerInfo": "レベルアップするためにキル",
"WarInfo": "すべてを破壊する",
"GlitchInfo": "ハックしてみんなを殺す",
@@ -587,7 +603,7 @@
"FollowerInfo": "プレイヤーを追跡して彼らを助ける",
"CultistInfo": "全員を魅了する",
"SerialKillerInfo": "みんなを殺して勝つ!",
- "JuggernautInfo": "各キルごとにクールダウンが短縮されます",
+ "JuggernautInfo": "With each kill, your Cooldown decreases",
"InfectiousInfo": "みんなを感染させる",
"VirusInfo": "みんなを殺して感染させる",
"PursuerInfo": "自分を守り、最後まで生き抜け!",
@@ -603,38 +619,46 @@
"VultureInfo": "報告して体を食べて勝つ",
"TaskinatorInfo": "サイレントなタスク、致命的な爆発",
"BenefactorInfo": "タスク完了、盾はエリート!",
- "MedusaInfo": "Stone bodies by reporting them",
+ "MedusaInfo": "Stop players in their tracks by Stoning them",
"SpiritcallerInfo": "プレイヤーを邪悪な霊に変える",
"AmnesiacInfo": "死体の役割を覚える",
"ImitatorInfo": "プレイヤーの役割を真似る",
- "BanditInfo": "プレイヤーのアドオンを奪う",
+ "BanditInfo": "Rob a player's Add-on",
"DoppelgangerInfo": "対象のアイデンティティを盗む",
"PunchingBagInfo": "数回攻撃されて勝つ!",
"KamikazeInfo": "自殺任務でプレイヤーを倒す",
"DoomsayerInfo": "プレイヤーを成功裏に当てて勝つ",
"ShroudInfo": "プレイヤーを覆いで包んで、彼らに他のプレイヤーを倒させる",
- "WerewolfInfo": "仲間を一斉に襲撃",
- "ShamanInfo": "Voodoo 人形に対するすべての攻撃をかわす",
- "SeekerInfo": "Play Hide and Seek with your target\nYour target has a ★ mark.",
+ "WerewolfInfo": "Kill Crewmates in groups",
+ "ShamanInfo": "Deflect all the attacks on Voodoo Doll",
+ "SeekerInfo": "Play Hide & Seek with your target\nYour target has a ★ mark.",
"PixieInfo": "『タグ付けて、袋詰めて、追放しよう!』",
"OccultistInfo": "敵を殺して呪う",
- "SchrodingersCatInfo": "猫は観察されるまで生死の両方である。",
+ "SchrodingersCatInfo": "The Cat is both alive and dead until observed.",
"RomanticInfo": "共に勝利するためにパートナーを守る",
"VengefulRomanticInfo": "共に勝利するために仇討ちする",
"RuthlessRomanticInfo": "パートナーと一緒に勝利するために誰もを殺す",
- "PoisonerInfo": "Kill everyone with delayed kills",
- "HexMasterInfo": "会議中にプレイヤーを殺すために呪う",
"WraithInfo": "ベントを使って一時的に透明になる",
- "JinxInfo": "Reflect attacks onto your attackers",
+ "PoisonerInfo": "Make players unable to use their ability",
+ "HexMasterInfo": "会議中にプレイヤーを殺すために呪う",
+ "JinxInfo": "Players \"accidentally\" die upon trying to kill your target",
"PotionMasterInfo": "あなたのポーションを活用する",
- "NecromancerInfo": "Kill your killer to defy death",
+ "NecromancerInfo": "Use the dead to your advantage",
+ "CovenLeaderInfo": "Help your teammates by retraining them",
+ "RitualistInfo": "Perform Blood Rituals to Enchant other players!",
+ "ConjurerInfo": "Blast away your enemies!",
+ "DreamweaverInfo": "Drive other players to insomnia!",
+ "IllusionistInfo": "Place Illusions on players to spread confusion!",
+ "VoodooMasterInfo": "Craft Voodoo Dolls of other players!",
+ "SacrifistInfo": "Debuff your enemies at your own cost",
+ "MoonDancerInfo": "Use Baton Pass to give out Add-ons!",
"WardenInfo": "(幽霊) 危険を警告する",
"MinionInfo": "(幽霊) 敵を盲目にする",
"LoversInfo": "一緒に生き残って勝つ",
"MadmateInfo": "インポスターを助ける",
"WatcherInfo": "あなたはすべての投票の色を見る",
- "LastImpostorInfo": "キルのクールダウンを短縮",
- "OverclockedInfo": "クールダウンを短縮",
+ "LastImpostorInfo": "Lower Kill Cooldown",
+ "OverclockedInfo": "Lower Cooldown",
"FlashInfo": "あなたは速いです",
"TorchInfo": "あなたは進化した視覚を持っています!",
"SeerInfo": "誰かが殺されたときに警告されます",
@@ -642,14 +666,14 @@
"ObliviousInfo": "死体を報告できません",
"BewilderInfo": "視界のひねり、混乱の網",
"WorkhorseInfo": "すべてのタスクを最初に完了し、もっと手に入れる",
- "FoolInfo": "サボタージュを修正できません",
+ "FoolInfo": "You can't fix Sabotages",
"AvangerInfo": "死んだときに誰かを連れて行きます",
"YoutuberInfo": "最初に殺されて勝つ",
"CelebrityInfo": "あなたが死ぬとみんなが知っています",
"EgoistInfo": "独力で勝つ",
"StealerInfo": "キルで票を獲得する",
"ParanoiaInfo": "あなたは同時に死んで生きています",
- "MimicInfo": "死亡時に殺されたプレイヤーの役割をインポスターに明らかにする",
+ "MimicInfo": "Reveal killed players' roles to Impostors upon death",
"GuesserInfo": "会議でプレイヤーの役割を推測して殺す",
"NecroviewInfo": "死者のチームを見る",
"ReachInfo": "より長いキル範囲を持っています",
@@ -662,32 +686,33 @@
"LuckyInfo": "攻撃者をかわせ。",
"DoubleShotInfo": "推測時に予備の命を持っている。",
"RascalInfo": "一部の場合には邪悪に見えます。",
- "SoullessInfo": "あなたは魂を持っていません。",
+ "SoullessInfo": "You have no Soul",
"GravestoneInfo": "あなたの役割は死んだときに明らかになります。",
"LazyInfo": "あなたはあまりにも怠惰です。",
"AutopsyInfo": "他の人がどのように死んだかを見ることができます。",
"LoyalInfo": "あなたは勧誘されない。",
- "EvilSpiritInfo": "あなたは邪悪な精霊です。",
+ "EvilSpiritInfo": "You are an Evil Spirit",
"RecruitInfo": "ジャッカルを助けて。",
+ "EnchantedInfo": "Help the Coven",
"AdmiredInfo": "アドマイラーがあなたを愛として選んだ。",
"GlowInfo": "暗闇で光ります。",
"RadarInfo": "矢の色、あなたに最も近い!",
- "DiseasedInfo": "あなたと対話するプレイヤーのクールダウンを増加させます。",
- "AntidoteInfo": "あなたと対話するプレイヤーのクールダウンを減少させます。",
- "StubbornInfo": "あなたの役割とアドオンを守ります。",
+ "DiseasedInfo": "Increase the Cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
+ "AntidoteInfo": "Decrease the Cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
+ "StubbornInfo": "Protect your Role and Add-ons",
"SwiftInfo": "あなたのキルは突進を引き起こしません。",
"UnluckyInfo": "行動することであなたを殺す可能性があります。",
"VoidBallotInfo": "あなたの投票数は0です。",
"AwareInfo": "あなたの役割を明らかにした人を知っています。",
- "FragileInfo": "誰かがキルボタンを使ったら、即死します。",
+ "FragileInfo": "Die instantly if someone uses the Kill button on you",
"GhoulInfo": "死んだ後、あなたの殺し手を殺します。",
"BloodthirstInfo": "血に飢えて殺す",
"MareInfo": "暗闇で殺す。",
"BurstInfo": "あなたの殺害者をバーストさせよう!",
"SleuthInfo": "死体から情報を得ます。",
"ClumsyInfo": "キルを外す可能性があります。",
- "NimbleInfo": "ベントできます!",
- "CircumventInfo": "もうベントできません。",
+ "NimbleInfo": "You can Vent!",
+ "CircumventInfo": "You can no longer Vent",
"OiiaiInfo": "おいあい猫おいあい猫",
"CyberInfo": "あなたは人気者です!",
"HurriedInfo": "おお、私はあまりにも多くのものを持っています!",
@@ -706,7 +731,7 @@
"DollMasterInfo": "プレイヤーの行動を支配する!",
"DoubleAgentInfo": "会議中にプレイヤーに爆弾を仕掛ける",
"SlothInfo": "あなたは遅くなっています",
- "ProhibitedInfo": "特定のベントが封鎖されています",
+ "ProhibitedInfo": "Certain Vents are blocked",
"EavesdropperInfo": "他の役割を盗み聞きする",
"ShockerInfo": "不意を突いてプレイヤーを驚かせる",
"RevenantInfo": "キラーの役割を奪え",
@@ -721,309 +746,319 @@
"CrewmateTOHEInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nあなたの目標は非常にシンプルです。インポスターを見つけ出し、追放することです。クルーメイトは、すべての殺人者を排除するか、すべてのタスクを完了することで勝利します。",
"BountyHunterInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n賞金稼ぎとして、割り当てられたターゲット (矢印で示されている場合) をキルすると、次のキルクールダウンが短縮されます。\nターゲット以外の誰かをキルした場合、次のキルクールダウンが延長されます。\nターゲットは一定時間後に変更されます。",
"FireworkerInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nファイワーカーとして、花火を置くためにシェイプシフトできます。ホストが設定した最大数までです。最後のインポスターであり、すべての花火が設置されている場合、もう一度シェイプシフトして爆発させ、範囲内の全員(あなたも含む)を殺害します。花火で全プレイヤーを殺害すれば、インポスターの勝利と見なされます。",
- "MercenaryInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n傭兵として、あなたは変身のクールダウン (使用不可) によって示された期限内に殺害を行う必要があります。殺害に失敗した場合、あなた自身が死亡します。",
+ "MercenaryInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mercenary, you must kill within your deadline, as shown by your Shapeshift Cooldown (which you cannot use). If you fail to kill, you die.",
"ShapeMasterInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n形状の達人として、シェイプシフトのクールダウンがありません。",
"VampireInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n吸血鬼として、あなたのキルは遅延します。つまり、先に会議が呼ばれても、ターゲットは依然として死亡します。しかし、おとりを噛んだ場合は通常通り殺し、死体を報告します。設定によっては、ダブルトリガー (プレイヤーを噛む - シングルクリック、通常のキル - ダブルクリック) を使用することができます。",
"WarlockInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nウォーロックとして、一度に1人のプレイヤーに呪いをかけることができます。シェイプシフトした場合、プレイヤーに呪いをかけていれば、彼らが最も近い人を殺害します。これにはあなたや他のインポスターも含まれることがあります(設定による)。シェイプシフトしている間も通常通り殺害できます。",
"ZombieInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nゾンビはキルクールダウンが短いですが、非常に遅く移動し、視界が非常に狭いです。ゾンビはディクテーター以外の誰からも投票で追い出されません。また、ゾンビの移動速度はキルを行うか、時間が経過するにつれて徐々に遅くなります。",
- "NinjaInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n忍者として、キルボタンを使用して対象をマークする (シングルクリック) か通常通りに殺害する (ダブルクリック) ことができます。その後、変身してマークされた対象にテレポートし、彼らを殺害することができます。",
+ "NinjaInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ninja, you can use your Kill button to mark a target (single click) or kill normally (double click). You may then Shapeshift to teleport to the marked target and kill them.",
"AnonymousInfoLong": "(インポスター): \nアノニマスとして、シェイプシフトを使用してターゲットにそのラウンドで殺害したプレイヤーを報告させることができます。そのラウンドで誰も殺害していない場合、ターゲットはまるで自分自身が死んだかのように自分の遺体を報告します。注:これは怠け者や怠け者の男には効果がありません。また、遺体が通常報告できるかどうかにかかわらず、この能力は機能します。",
- "MinerInfoLong": "(インポスター): \n鉱山労働者として、シェイプシフトして最後にいたベントにテレポートすることができます。",
- "KillingMachineInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n殺人マシンとして、非常に短いキルクールダウンがありますが、通気口を使用できず、クルーメイトの視界しか持っておらず、破壊行為もできず、報告もできず、緊急会議を招集することもできません。\n\n注意:シールド、誘き寄せトラップ、くくり罠などは一切影響しません。",
- "EscapistInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nエスケーピストとして、シェイプシフトを使用して位置をマークできます。再度シェイプシフトしてマークした場所にテレポートします (テレポート後にシェイプシフトのアニメーションが表示されるので注意が必要です) 。",
- "WitchInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n魔女として、あなたは殺害ボタンを使用して呪文をかける(シングルクリック) か、通常通り殺害を行う (ダブルクリック) ことができます。次の会議中、呪文をかけられた対象者の名前の隣には、全員に見えるように「†」マークが付きます。その会議の終わりまでにあなたが死亡しない限り、呪文をかけられた全ての対象者は死亡します。",
- "NemesisInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nネメシスとして、最後のインポスターである場合のみ殺害できます。死亡している場合は、コマンド /rv [ID] を使用してIDが入力されたプレイヤーを殺害できます。全プレイヤーのIDを表示するには /id を使用するか、彼らの名前の横を見てください。",
- "BloodmoonInfoLong": "(インポスター [幽霊]):\n血の月として、敵を攻撃して血を流させます。これにより、ホストが設定した時間に敵は死亡し、その事実を認識することになります。",
+ "MinerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Miner, you can Shapeshift to teleport back to the last vent you were in.",
+ "KillingMachineInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Killing Machine, you have a very short Kill Cooldown with tiny vision. However, you cannot Vent, Sabotage, Report, nor call Emergency Meetings.\n\nNote: You will bypass any shields, killing bait and beartrap won't take any effect",
+ "EscapistInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Escapist, you can mark a location by Shapeshifting. Shapeshift again to teleport back to the marked spot",
+ "WitchInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Witch, you can use your Kill button to Spell (single click) or Kill normally (double click).\nDuring the next meeting, the spelled target(s) will have a 「†」 next to their name visible to everyone. Unless you die by the end of that meeting, all Spelled targets will die.",
+ "NemesisInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Nemesis, you can only kill if you are the last Impostor.\nIf you are dead, you can use the command /rv [ID] to kill the player whose ID you typed. Use /id to show the ID's of all players, or look next to their names.",
+ "BloodmoonInfoLong": "(Impostors [Ghost]):\nAs the Bloodmoon, attack the enemies to make them drip blood, this means they will die in a time set by the Host, and will be aware of it.",
"PossessorInfoLong": "(インポスター [幽霊]):\n乗っ取り者として、他のプレイヤーが警戒範囲にいない時にプレイヤーを乗っ取ることができます。乗っ取ったプレイヤーを、他のプレイヤーが注視範囲にいない場所までできるだけ遠くに導いてください。乗っ取りの時間が切れると、もし他のプレイヤーが注視範囲内にいなければ、乗っ取られたプレイヤーは殺されます。もし乗っ取り中に警戒範囲内に他のプレイヤーが入ってきた場合、乗っ取り者は即座に乗っ取りを解除します。",
- "PuppeteerInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nパペッティアーとして、キルボタンを使用して操る (シングルクリック) か通常通り殺害する (ダブルクリック) ことができます。操られたプレイヤーは、触れた次の非インポスターを殺害します。オプションによっては、操られたターゲットも殺害した後に死亡します。",
- "MastermindInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nマスターマインドとして、プレイヤーにキルボタンを1回使用して操作できます。 ターゲットにキルボタンがない場合、これは何もしません。 しかし、ターゲットにどのようなキルボタンがあっても、一定の遅延後に操作されたことを知らされ、生き残るために制限時間内に誰かを殺さなければなりません。 時間制限が切れるか、誰かを殺す前にミーティングが呼ばれた場合、彼らは死にます。 通常、誰かをダブルクリックして殺すこともできます。",
- "YinYangerInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nキルボタンを1回使用して「陰」を選び、もう1回使用して「陽」を選びます。この2人のプレイヤーが出会うと、お互いを殺し合います。「陰」と「陽」を選んだ後は、通常通りキルできるようになります。",
+ "PuppeteerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Puppeteer, you can use your Kill button to Puppeteer (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose you Puppeteer will kill the next non-Impostor they touch. Depending on options, Puppeteered targets will also die once they kill.",
+ "MastermindInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mastermind, you can use your Kill button on a player once to manipulate them. The manipulation does nothing if the target doesn't have a Kill button. But if the target does have a Kill button, whoever you manipulate will be told after a delay that they got manipulated and must kill someone in a limited time to survive. If the time limit expires or a meeting gets called before killing someone, they die.\nDouble click on someone to kill them normally.",
+ "YinYangerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the YinYanger, you can use your Kill button one time to pick your Yin and then a second time to choose a Yang. When those two players meet, they'll kill each other. When Yin & Yang have been chosen, you can kill normally.",
"TimeThiefInfoLong": "(インポスター): \n時間泥棒がプレイヤーを殺すたびに、会議時間が一定時間短縮されます。 時間泥棒が死亡すると、会議時間は通常に戻ります。",
- "SniperInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n 遠くのプレイヤーを狙撃できます。\n成功するにはシェイプシフトを2回行う必要があります。\n最初のシェイプシフトの位置から最後のシフト位置に向かって矢印を想像してください。\nこれが狙撃が行われる方向です。\n狙撃はその経路上の最初の人を殺します。\n弾薬を使い切るまで通常のキルはできません。",
+ "SniperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nYou can shoot players from far away.\nYou have to Shapeshift twice to make a successful snipe.\nImagine an arrow pointing from your first Shapeshift location towards your Unshift location.\nThat will be the direction in which the snipe will be made.\nThe snipe kills the first person in its path.\nYou cannot kill people normally until you use up all of your ammo.",
"UndertakerInfoLong": "(インポスター): \nプレイヤーにシェイプシフトするたびに、マークが付けられた場所が設定されます。あなたのキルはそれらの場所にテレポートします。\n各キルと会議の後、設定された場所はリセットされます。",
- "RiftMakerInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n裂け目作成者として、あなたは形を変えて裂け目を作ることができます。裂け目が作られた場所に触れることで、一つの裂け目から別の裂け目へテレポートすることができます。通気口を試みると外に出され、すべての裂け目が破壊されます。\n\n注意:一度に設置できる裂け目は最大二つまでです。三つ目を置こうとすると、最初のものが取り除かれます。",
- "EvilTrackerInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nイーヴィル・トラッカーは他の人を追跡でき、イーヴィル・トラッカーは誰かに変身して追跡対象を変更できます (変身後すぐに元に戻ります) 。イーヴィルトラッカーの名前の下にある矢印は、対象の方向を示しています。イーヴィルトラッカーの仲間がキルしたとき、イーヴィルトラッカーはキルの光を見るでしょう",
- "EvilHackerInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nイーヴィル・ハッカーは会議の始まりに直前の管理情報を入手できます。\n使用されていない部屋は表示されません。\nインポスターがいる部屋には「★」が付けられます。\n死体がある部屋には死体の数が表示されます。\n例:★カフェテリア:3 (死体×1)。",
+ "RiftMakerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs Rift Maker, you can Shapeshift to create a rift. You can teleport from one rift to another by touching the area where the rift was created. Trying to vent will kick you out, therefore destroying all the rifts.\n\nNote: Up to two rifts can be placed at a time; if you try to place a third, it removes the first one.",
+ "EvilTrackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Tracker can track other players, and the Evil Tracker can Shapeshift into someone to switch the tracking target to the Shapeshift target (You will immediately unshift after performing Shapeshift). The arrow below the Evil Tracker's name indicates the direction of the target. When the Evil Tracker's teammate kills, the Evil Tracker will see a kill flash.",
+ "EvilHackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Hacker can get the last-minute admin information at the meeting beginning.\nUnoccupied rooms are not shown.\nA '★' marks rooms with Impostors.\nRooms with dead bodies are marked with the number of bodies.\nExample: ★Cafeteria: 3 (DEAD×1).",
"EvilGuesserInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nイーヴィル・ゲッサーは会議中に特定のプレイヤーの役割を推測できます。正確な場合、対象が死亡し、間違っている場合、イーヴィル・ゲッサーが死亡します。\n推測コマンドは:/bt [プレイヤーID] [role]\nプレイヤーの名前の前にプレイヤーのIDを表示することができ、またはすべてのプレイヤーのIDを表示するために/idコマンドを使用できます。",
- "AntiAdminerInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nアンチ・アドミナーは常にカメラ、アドミンテーブル、バイタル、ドアログ、および/または他のデバイスの近くに仲間またはニュートラルがいるかどうかを知ることができます。注意:アンチ・アドミナーはプレイヤーがデバイスを使用しているかどうかを確実には知りません。彼らは単にデバイスの近くに誰かがいることを知っています。",
- "ArroganceInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n傲慢は、彼ら自身の成功したキルごとにキルのクールダウンを減少させます。",
- "BomberInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n爆弾魔は変身ボタンを使って自爆し、一定範囲内のプレイヤーを殺すことができます。しかし、その代償として爆弾魔も死にます。注意: 爆弾魔が爆発すると、すべてのプレイヤーがキルフラッシュを目撃します。",
- "ScavengerInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nスカベンジャーのキルは死体を残しません。さらに、犠牲者がベイトの場合、セルフリポートは行われません。",
+ "AntiAdminerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Anti Adminer can at any time find out if there are Crewmates or Neutrals near Cameras, Admin Table, Vitals, DoorLog, and/or other devices. Note: Anti Adminer does not know if the player uses the device while near it. They only know that someone is near the device.",
+ "ArroganceInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Arrogance reduces their Kill Cooldown with each successful kill of theirs.",
+ "BomberInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Bomber can use the Shapeshift button to self-explode, killing players within a certain range. But as a price, the Bomber will also die. Note: All players will see a kill flash when the Bomber explodes.",
+ "ScavengerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nScavenger kills do not leave dead bodies behind. In addition, if the victim is a Bait, no self-report will be made.",
"TrapsterInfoLong": "(インポスター): \nトラップスターには独自のキル方法があります。死体を報告しようとするプレイヤーを、トラップスターが殺した死体の報告を開始することで排除することができます。\n注意: トラップスターが おとり を殺した場合、トラップスターは即座に死にます。",
- "GangsterInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nギャングスターはキルボタンを押すことでプレイヤーをマッドメイトに勧誘しようとすることができます。勧誘が成功した場合、ギャングスターと対象はお互いに盾のアニメーションを見ることができます (お互いにしか見えません) 。残りの勧誘可能な人数はギャングスターの名前の横に表示されます (最大はホストによって設定されます) 。ギャングスターが勧誘できないプレイヤー、例えばニュートラルまたは特別なクルーのいくつかに勧誘しようとした場合、彼らは通常通り対象をキルします。ギャングスターが残りの勧誘を持っていない場合、その時点から通常のキルしかできません。",
- "CleanerInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nクリーナーは報告ボタンを押して、出会った死体を含むすべての死体を片付けることができます (自分がキルしたものも含む) 。片付けが成功した場合、クリーナーは自分の体に盾のアニメーションを見ることができます (自分だけが見ることができます) 。片付けた死体は報告できません (ベイトを含む) 。",
- "LightningInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n稲妻として、あなたは通常の方法で殺すことはできません。代わりに、あなたのキルボタンはターゲットを量子化し、遅延の後にアクティブ化します。これにより、次に接触する人が彼らを殺します。積極的に量子化されている人は名前の隣に「■」が表示されます。さらに、会議の終わりまで生き残った量子化された人は死亡します。キラーを量子化する設定もあります。",
- "GreedyInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n欲張りは奇数と偶数のキルで異なるキルクールダウンを持ちます。欲張りのキルクールダウンは会議ごとにリセットされ、最初のキルは常に奇数キルです。",
- "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n呪われた狼が殺されそうになると、呪われた狼は殺人者に死の呪いをかけます。\n(ホストが反撃できる最大回数を設定します)",
- "SoulCatcherInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n魂を捉える者として、対象が死亡していない、ベントにいない、ペリカンに飲み込まれていない、またはその他の奇妙な状態にない限り、対象と場所を入れ替えることができます。",
- "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nキルクールダウンが終了したとき、速射手はシェイプシフトを使用してキルクールダウンをリセットし、弾を保存できます (保存が成功すると、彼自身だけが見ることができる盾のアニメーションが体に表示されます)。速射手がキルを完了すると、彼は弾を使い切るまでキルクールダウンを相殺できます。毎回の会議の初めに、速射手は一定数の弾を保持できます (数はホストによって設定されます)。",
- "CamouflagerInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nカモフラージャーがシェイプシフトを使用すると、すべてのプレイヤーはまったく同じように見えるようになります。この状態は、カモフラージャーがシェイプシフトを解除するまで続きます。注意:コミュニケーション妨害カモフラージュのスキルとカモフラージャーのスキルは重ねることができます。カモフラージャーのスキルがアクティブな間に会議が開催された場合、スキルは無効になります。",
- "EraserInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nイレイサーは会議で任意のクルーメイトを選んでその役職を消すために投票できます。そして、その消去は会議が終了した後に効果を発揮します。注意:スキルが消去されたプレイヤーは、ゲーム結果ページを含めて常にバニラの役職とみなされます。\nプレイヤーは一度しか消去できません (を含むおいあい猫)",
+ "GangsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Gangster, a powerful character, can try to recruit a player to a Madmate by pressing the Kill button. If the recruitment is successful, both the Gangster and the target will see the Shield Animation on each other as a reminder (only visible to each other). The remaining number of available recruits is displayed next to the Gangster's name (the Host sets the maximum). If the Gangster tries to recruit players who cannot be recruited, such as Neutrals or some special Crewmates, they will kill the target normally instead. When the Gangster has no remaining recruitments, they can only make normal kills from that point on.",
+ "CleanerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nCleaner can press the Report button to clean up any dead body they come across (including those they kill). If the cleanup is successful, the Cleaner will see a Shield Animation on their body as a reminder (only visible to himself). The cleaned-up body cannot be reported (including Bait).",
+ "LightningInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lightning, you cannot kill normally. Instead, your Kill button quantizes targets, which activates after a delay, causing the next person they encounter to kill them. Those who are actively quantized show a「■」next to their name. Additionally, those who have been quantized die if they survive until the end of a meeting. There is a setting to quantize your killer.",
+ "GreedyInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nGreedy kills with odd and even kills will have different Kill Cooldowns. Greedy's Kill Cooldown is reset every meeting, and Greedy's first kill is always odd.",
+ "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Cursed Wolf is about to be killed, the Cursed Wolf will curse the killer to death. (The Host sets the maximum of times you can counterattack)",
+ "SoulCatcherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Soul Catcher, you can Shapeshift to swap places with your target as long as they are not dead, in a Vent, swallowed by Pelican, or in a similar odd state.",
+ "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Kill Cooldown is over, Quick Shooter can reset the Kill Cooldown by Shapeshift to store a bullet (when the storage is successful, a Shield Animation visible only to himself will appear on their body as a reminder). If Quick Shooter has bullets, he can use one to bypass the Kill Cooldown; he will kill even if it's still on Cooldown and use a bullet. At the beginning of each meeting, the quick shooter can only keep a certain number of bullets (The Host sets the number).",
+ "CamouflagerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Camouflager uses Shapeshift, all players start to look the same. This state ends when the Camouflager reverts its Shapeshifting. It's important to note that the skills of Communication Sabotage Camouflage, and the skills of the Camouflager can be superimposed.\nThis skill will be invalid if a meeting is held during the skill activation of the Camouflager.",
+ "EraserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEraser can vote for any target at the meeting to erase the target's roles, and the erasure will take effect after the meeting ends. Note: Players with erased skills will always be considered a vanilla role, including the game result page.\nA target can only be erased once (including OIIAI)",
"ButcherInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n肉屋のキル (パッシブキルを含む) はターゲットに複数の死体を残し、報告時に他の死体を正確に識別することが不可能になります。注意:実装の原則に従い、殺されたターゲットは殺されたアニメーションを繰り返し表示する必要があります。このアニメーションはスキップできず、この期間中は会議に通常通り参加することはできません。さらに、肉屋がアヴェンジャーをキルした場合、アヴェンジャーは怒りで全員に復讐します。",
- "HangmanInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nハングマンの変身中の殺害方法は絞殺です。絞殺は対象の状態を無視します。例えば、メディックのシールド、ボディガードの保護、スーパースターのスキルなどです。絞殺されたプレイヤーは死体を残さず、また、そのスキルを発動させません。例えば、ベテランの反撃殺 (追加の役割を含む) 、さらに、予知者には提示されません。",
- "SwooperInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nスウーパーとして、ベントを使用して一時的に消えることができます。画面上では依然として見える状態であります。再びベントすると可視状態に戻ります。",
+ "HangmanInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Hangman, during the Shapeshifting, you use a unique killing method-strangling. This method ignores any status of the target, such as the shield of the Medic, the Bodyguard's protection, the Super Star's skills, etc. The strangled player will not leave a dead body, nor will it trigger any of its skills. For example, Veteran kill back (including additional roles), and Seer will not be prompted.",
+ "SwooperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Swooper, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
"CrewpostorInfoLong": "(チームインポスター):\nタスクを完了するたびに最も近くのプレイヤーをキルします。",
- "WildlingInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nワイルドリングとして、シェイプシフトはできますが、ベントの能力はありません。キルすると、一時的に攻撃に対して免疫が得られます。",
- "TricksterInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nいたずら者として、通常のインポスターとして機能しますが、1つの重要な違いがあります。他のクルーメイトの役割に対してはクルーメイトとして表示されます。シェリフはあなたをキルできません。サイキックはあなたを邪悪と見ません。密告者はあなたを見つけることができません。",
+ "WildlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Wildling, you can Shapeshift but cannot Vent.\nWhen you kill, you temporarily become immune to attacks.",
+ "TricksterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Trickster, you function as a regular Impostor but with one key difference.\nYou appear as a Crewmate to Crewmate roles.\n\nThe Sheriff cannot kill you.\nPsychic does not see you as evil.\nSnitch cannot find you.",
"VindicatorInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nヴィンディケーターとして、市長のように追加の投票権を持っています。",
"StealthInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nステルスがキルしたとき、同じ部屋にいるプレイヤーは短時間視界を奪われる。",
- "PenguinInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nペンギンはキルボタンを押して対象を制御し、引きずり回すことができます。\n引きずっている間に、対象は再びキルボタンを押すか、一定の時間経過後に死亡します。直接キルするにはキルボタンを2回押します。",
- "ParasiteInfoLong": "(チームインポスター):\nパラサイトとして、他のインポスターを知らないインポスター",
- "DisperserInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n拡散者はシェイプシフトを使って、すべてのプレイヤーをランダムな通気口にテレポートできます。",
- "InhibitorInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n抑制者として、重大なサボタージュが発生していないときのみキルが可能です。\n\nただし、照明や通信のサボタージュが発生している場合はキルができます。",
- "SaboteurInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n破壊工作員として、重大なサボタージュが発生しているときのみキルが可能です。\n\nただし、リアクターやO2のサボタージュが発生している場合はキルができます。",
+ "PenguinInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Penguin, you can restrain the target by pressing the Kill button and drag it around.\nWhile dragging, the target dies by pressing the Kill button again or after a certain period.\nPress the Kill button twice for a direct kill.",
+ "ParasiteInfoLong": "(Team Impostor):\nAs the Parasite, you are an Impostor that does not know the other Impostors.\n\nYou may Kill, Vent, Sabotage, whatever.\nJust know that you are an Impostor.",
+ "DisperserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nDisperser can use Shapeshift to teleport all players to random Vents.",
+ "InhibitorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Inhibitor, you can only kill when there is not a Critical Sabotage active.\n\nIf Light or Comms Sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
+ "SaboteurInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Saboteur, you can only kill when there is a Critical sabotage active.\n\nIf Reactor or O2 Sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
"CouncillorInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n評議員として、会議中にジャッジのようにプレイヤーをキルできます。会議中にキルすると、それらのキルはジャッジからの裁判として表示されます。\n\nキルコマンドは /tl [プレイヤーID] です。プレイヤーの名前の前にプレイヤーのIDを見ることができ、または全プレイヤーのIDを表示するために /id コマンドを使用できます。\n\n設定によっては、評議員がチームメイトを裁くと自殺します。転向した評議員は自由に裁くことができます。",
"DazzlerInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nダズラーとして、シェイプシフトの対象の視界を永久に減少させることができます。死亡すると、彼らの視界は通常に戻ります。",
- "DeathpactInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n死の契約として、シェイプシフトの対象は死の契約のためにマークされます。十分なプレイヤーが死の契約のためにマークされると、マークされたプレイヤーは定義された期間内に会わなければならず、そうしない場合は死亡します。死の契約が完了する前にマークされたプレイヤーが死亡した場合、契約は取り消されます。",
- "DevourerInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n喰らい込む者として、シェイプシフトを使用して対象の外見を永久に変更します。さらに、各プレイヤーの外見を変更するたびに、キルのクールダウンが一定の秒数で短縮されます。喰らい込む者が会議中に死亡したり、投票で排除された場合、プレイヤーの外見は通常の外見に戻ります。",
- "MorphlingInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nモーフリングとして、シェイプシフターですが、シェイプシフトしていない間はキルできません。",
- "TwisterInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nトウィスターとして、シェイプシフティングを使用してすべてのプレイヤーの位置をランダムに入れ替えることができます。スワップは2回行われ、シェイプシフトを開始したときと元の外見に戻ったときに1回ずつ行われます。トウィスター自体は他のプレイヤーと位置を入れ替えません。また、ベントにいるプレイヤーもテレポートできません。",
- "LurkerInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n潜伏者として、クールダウンを一定の秒数短縮するためにベントに入ることができます。キルした後、クールダウンは元の値にリセットされます。",
+ "DeathpactInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Deathpact, You Shapeshift to mark your targets for a deathpact.\nIf you have enough players marked for a deathpact, they must meet within a specific period; if they fail to do so, they die.\nIf a marked player dies before the deathpact becomes complete, the pact is withdrawn.",
+ "DevourerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Devourer, you use your Shapeshift to change the appearance of the target of the Shapeshift permanently. Additionally, when each player's appearance changes, you will have your Kill Cooldown reduced by a defined number of seconds. If the Devourer dies or gets voted out during a meeting, the player's appearance will change back to their normal appearance.",
+ "MorphlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Morphling, you are a Shapeshifter but cannot kill while not Shapeshifted.",
+ "TwisterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Twister, you can use Shapeshifting to swap the position of all players randomly. The swap happens twice, once when you start your Shapeshift and once when you return to your original appearance.\nThe Twister itself will not swap places with anyone, and players in vents will not teleport.",
+ "LurkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lurker, you can jump into a Vent to reduce your Cooldown by a certain number of seconds. After you kill, your Cooldown resets to its original value.",
"VisionaryInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nビジョナリーとして、会議中に生存プレイヤーの陣営を見ることができます。以下の情報がプレイヤーに表示されます:\n\n- 赤い名前はインポスターを示します。\n- シアンの名前はクルーメイトを示します。\n- グレーの名前はニュートラルを示します。",
"PlagueDoctorInfoLong": "(中立):\n(TOHのペスト医師)\nペストドクターの目標は、生きているすべてのプレイヤーを感染させることです。\n彼らは最初に一人のプレイヤーを感染させることから始め、その後、感染したプレイヤーの範囲内で設定された時間を過ごした人は誰でも自身が感染します。\n感染の進行は累積的であり、距離が離れたり会議後でもリセットされません。",
- "RefugeeInfoLong": "(マッドメイツ):\n難民として、あなたは次のいずれかでした:\n -インポスターを思い出した記憶喪失者\n -ゴッドファーザーのターゲットを殺した殺人者\n -パートナーがインポスターだったロマンティック\n -インポスターを模倣した模倣者\n\n今、あなたの役割はインポスターを助けてクルーメイトを排除することです。",
+ "RefugeeInfoLong": "(Madmates):\nAs the Refugee, you were either:\n -An Amnesiac who remembered an Impostor\n -A killer who killed the Godfather's target.\n -A Romantic whose partner was an Impostor\n -Or an Imitator that imitated an Impostor.\n\nNow your job is to help the Impostors kill the Crewmates.",
"UnderdogInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nアンダードッグとして、一定数のプレイヤーが生存するまでキルできません。",
- "ConsigliereInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nコンシリエーレとして、キルボタンを使用して他のプレイヤーの役割を明らかにすることができます。\n\n1回クリック:役割を明らかにする\n2回クリック:キル\n\n明らかにする回数が尽きた場合、キルボタンは通常通り機能します。",
- "LudopathInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nルードパスとして、キルのクールダウンはランダム化されます。\n\n最小値は1秒で、最大値はデフォルトのキルクールダウンです。",
+ "ConsigliereInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Consigliere, you can reveal the roles of other players using your Kill button.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\n\nIf you run out of reveal uses, your Kill button functions normally.",
+ "LudopathInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ludopath, your Kill Cooldown is randomized.\n\nMinimum it can be is 1 second, while the maximum is your default Kill Cooldown.",
"GodfatherInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nゴッドファーザーとして、誰かをターゲットにするために投票します。\n次のラウンドで、もしそのターゲットが誰かに殺された場合、殺した人物は難民またはマッドメイツに変わります。",
"ChronomancerInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n時間魔術師として、虐殺の準備が整うときに示すチャージバーがあります。それが100%になると、次に誰かをキルしたときに虐殺モードに入ります。これにより、チャージがなくなるまで無限にキルすることができます。そうでない場合、通常のキルクールダウンがあります。",
- "PitfallInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nピットフォールとして、シェイプシフトを使用してシェイプシフトの周りのエリアをトラップとしてマークします。このエリアに入るプレイヤーは一時的に動けなくなり、視界も影響を受けます。",
- "EvilMiniInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nイービルミニとして(邪悪な子供)、成長するまで不死身で、非常に長い初期キルのクールダウンがあります。成長するにつれてクールダウンが大幅に短縮されます。",
- "BlackmailerInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n恐喝者として、ターゲットに変身するとそのプレイヤーを脅迫します。これは、会議中にそのプレイヤーが話せなくなることを意味します。\n\n注意: すでに誰かが脅迫されている場合、別の人を脅迫すると現在の脅迫が解除されます。",
- "InstigatorInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n煽動者として、あなたの役割はクルーメイト同士を対立させることです。会議でクルーメイトが投票によって追放されるたびに、あなたが生きている限り、無実のプレイヤーに投票した追加のクルーメイトが会議後に死亡します。追加で死亡するプレイヤーの数はホストが決定します。",
- "LazyGuyInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\n怠け者は1つのタスクしか持っていません。さらに、インポスターの能力は怠け者に影響を与えません。例えば、アノニマスのスケープゴートになること、ウォーロックやパペティアーによってマークされることなどはできません。怠け者にはアドオンはありません。",
+ "PitfallInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Pitfall, you use your Shapeshift to mark the area around the Shapeshift as a trap. Players who enter this area will be immobilized quickly, and their vision will be affected.",
+ "EvilMiniInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Evil Mini, you are unkillable until you grow up and have a very long initial Kill Cooldown, which gets drastically shortened as you grow up.",
+ "BlackmailerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Blackmailer, when you Shift into a target, you will blackmail that player. This means that during the meetings, they won't be able to speak.\n\nNote: If someone is already blackmailed, blackmailing another person un-blackmails the current person.",
+ "InstigatorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Instigator, it's your job to turn the Crewmates against each other. Each time a Crewmate gets voted out in a meeting, if you are alive, an additional Crewmate who voted for the innocent player will die after the meeting. The Host determines the number of additional players dying.",
+ "LazyGuyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nLazy Guy has only one task. In addition, the Impostor's abilities can't affect the Lazy Guy, such as being a scapegoat for Anonymous, being marked by a Warlock or Puppeteer, and more. Lazy Guy will not have any Add-ons.",
"SuperStarInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nスーパースターの名前の隣には星のロゴが表示されるので、誰もがスーパースターが誰であるかを知っています。スーパースターは、マーダラーがスーパースターと一緒にいるときにのみキルできます (通常のキルのみ) 。さらに、ゲッサーによってスーパースターが当てられることはありません。 ",
"CelebrityInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\n有名人が死亡したとき、すべてのクルーメイトはキルフラッシュを見る (シアーがキルフラッシュを見るのと同じ)。次の会議で通知が表示されます。インポスターはこれについて何も知りません。",
- "CleanserInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nクレンザーとして、会議で任意のターゲットのアドオンを消去するために投票することができます。この消去は会議終了後に効果を発揮します。設定によっては、消去されたプレイヤーは再びアドオンを受け取ることができない場合があります。",
+ "CleanserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Cleanser, you can vote to erase the Add-ons of any target at the meeting. This erasure takes effect after the meeting ends. Depending on the settings, the cleansed player may never receive Add-ons again.",
"KeeperInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nキーパーとして、あなたは誰かを守るために投票することができます。これにより、その人が追放されるのを防ぐことができます。この能力は設定によって変更可能な回数だけ使用できます。",
- "MayorInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\n市長として、あなたは追加の投票権を持っています。設定として、これらの投票は隠されることがあり、いつでも会議を呼び出すためにベントを使用することができます。また、タスク完了時に市長であることが明らかにされます。",
+ "MayorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mayor, you have extra votes. Depending on the settings, players can't see your extra votes, you can Vent to call a meeting at any time, or you can have yourself revealed as Mayor upon task completion.",
"PsychicInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nサイキックは会議中に赤くハイライトされた複数のプレイヤーの名前を見ることができ、少なくとも1人は悪人です。サイキックはマッドメイトになると、すべてのニュートラルとキリングクルーメイトが赤い名前で正しく表示されます。",
- "MechanicInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\n整備士はいつでもベントを使用できます。また、リアクター、O2、通信を片側だけ使用して修理することができます。ライトはスイッチを1つだけ操作することで修正できます。ドアを開けると、マップ上のすべてのドアが開きます。",
- "SheriffInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nシェリフにはタスクがありません。シェリフはインポスターを殺すことができます(ホストの設定によれば、シェリフはニュートラルも殺すことができます) 。シェリフがクルーメイトを殺そうとすると、シェリフ自身が死にます。シェリフはマッドメイトになると誰でも殺すことができます (ホストの設定によれば) 。",
- "VigilanteInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nビジランテはクルーに対する潜在的な脅威を排除する役割を果たしますが、誤って無実のクルーメイトを殺すと、後悔と罪悪感に駆られたマッドメイトになります。\n\n注意: ギャングスターはビジランテをマッドメイトに変えることはできません。",
- "JailerInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\n看守として、プレイヤーを牢屋に閉じ込めるためにキルボタンを使用します。次の会議中、牢獄に入れられたプレイヤーは投票または投票を受けることができません (投票数は0になります)。看守は投票によって囚人を処刑することを選択できます。看守が無実のプレイヤーを処刑した場合、看守はゲームの残りの部分での処刑能力を失います。看守が悪人の場合、誰でも処刑できます。看守には制限された処刑回数があります。\n\n注意: 牢屋に入れられたプレイヤーは推測または判断されず、牢屋に入れられたプレイヤーは看守を推測できる唯一のプレイヤーです。",
+ "MechanicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Mechanic can use Vents at any time. They can also fix Reactors, O2, and Communications using only one side. You can fix Lights by flicking only one switch. Opening a door will open all doors in the map.",
+ "SheriffInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nSheriff has no task. The Sheriff can kill the Impostor (according to the Host settings, the Sheriff can also kill Neutrals). If the Sheriff tries to kill a Crewmate, the Sheriff will kill himself. The Sheriff can kill anyone when he becomes a Madmate (also according to the Host settings).",
+ "VigilanteInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Vigilante, you are tasked with eliminating potential threats to the Crewmates, but if they mistakenly kill an innocent Crew member, they become a Madmate driven by guilt and remorse.\n\n Note: Gangster cannot convert Vigilante into Madmate.",
+ "JailerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Jailer, use your Kill button to lock a player in jail. During the next meeting, the jailed player cannot vote or get voted (the vote count will be 0). The Jailer may choose to execute the prisoner by voting for them. If the Jailer executes an innocent player, the Jailer loses the ability to execute for the rest of the game.\nIf the Jailer is evil, then they can execute anyone.\nThe Jailer has limited executions.\n\nNote: Jailed players cannot be guessed or judged, and jailed players can only guess Jailer.",
"SnitchInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\n密告者がすべてのタスクを完了すると、会議中にインポスターの名前が赤で表示されます。密告者が最後のタスクを残すと、インポスターは自分たちと密告者の名前の隣に「★」マークを見ることになります。密告者がマッドメイトになると、「★」マークが赤くなります。",
- "MarshallInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\n指揮官として、自分の任務を完了して、他のクルーに自分を明かしてください。 他のチームはあなたを見ることができません。 しかし、マッドメイトはあなたを見ることができます。",
- "DoctorInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\n医者はすべてのプレイヤーの死因を確認できます。さらに、医者はバッテリーが残っている限りどこからでもバイタルサインを確認できます。",
+ "MarshallInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Marshall, complete your tasks to reveal yourself to the rest of the Crewmates.\nOther teams will not be able to see you.\nHowever, Madmates CAN see you.",
+ "DoctorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nDoctor can see the cause of death for all players. In addition, the Doctor can access Vitals wherever you are while he still has battery left.",
"DictatorInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nディクテーターが誰かに投票すると、会議はその場で終了し、ディクテーターが投票したプレイヤーは排除されます。ディクテーターが誰かを投票する瞬間、ディクテーターも死亡します。",
"DetectiveInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\n探偵が遺体を報告した後、彼らは手がかりのメッセージを受け取ります。これにより探偵は犠牲者の役割が何であったかを知ることができます。ホストの設定によっては、探偵は殺害者の役割を知ることができるかもしれません。注記:探偵は気づかない状態にはなりません。。",
"UndercoverInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nインポスターはアンダーカバーが誰であるかを知っており、彼を仲間と見なしますが、アンダーカバー自身はインポスターが誰かを知りません。",
- "NiceGuesserInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nナイスゲッサー (優しい推測者) は会議中に特定のプレイヤーの役割を推測できます。正しい場合、ターゲットが死亡し、間違っている場合、ナイスゲッサーは自殺します。\n推測のコマンドは:/bt [プレイヤーID] [役割]\nプレイヤーの名前の前にプレイヤーのIDが表示されます。または、/idコマンドを使用してすべてのプレイヤーのIDを表示できます。\nナイスゲッサーはマッドメイトになったときにクルーメイトの役割を推測できます。",
- "GuessMasterInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\n推測マスターとして、会議中に行われたすべての推測試みについての情報を受け取ります。役割推測者が試みた推測の内容と、誤った推測の場合にはその旨も通知されます。",
+ "NiceGuesserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Nice Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If it is correct, it will kill the target, and if it is wrong, Nice Guesser will suicide.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nNice Guesser can guess Crewmate when become Madmate.",
+ "GuessMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guess Master, you will receive information about every attempted guess made during a meeting. You will be informed about the role the Guesser tried to guess, and you will also be notified in case of a misguess.",
"KnightInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\n騎士にはタスクがありません。彼らは誰でも殺すことができますが、ゲーム全体で一度だけです。",
- "TransporterInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nトランスポーターがタスクを完了するたびに、2つのランダムなプレイヤーが位置を交換しますが、プレイヤーが足りない場合、何も起こりません。注:ベントにいるプレイヤーは選択されません。",
+ "TransporterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhenever the Transporter completes the task, two random players will switch positions, but if there are not enough players left, nothing will happen. Note: Players in a Vent will not be selected.",
"TimeManagerInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nタイムマネージャーが行うタスクが多いほど、会議時間が長くなります。タイムマネージャーが死亡すると、会議時間は通常に戻ります。タイムマネージャーがマッドメイトになると、スキルは増加ではなく会議時間の短縮に変わります。",
- "VeteranInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nベテランはベントを使用してアラート状態に入ることができます。アラート状態のベテランを殺そうとするプレイヤーがいる場合、ベテランは代わりにその殺人者を殺します。ベテランはアラート状態に入るときと出るときに、シールドアニメーションが表示され、頭の上にテキストが表示されます。",
- "BastionInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nバスティオンとして、ベントに爆弾を仕掛けてインポスターやニュートラルを排除します。\nただし、注意してください。爆弾でクルーメイトも殺すことができます。",
- "CopyCatInfoLong": "(クルーメイト): \nコピーキャットとして、あなたはキルボタンを使用してターゲットの役割をコピーできます。\nいくつかのクルーメイトの役割のみをコピーできます。\nマッドメイトやラスカルをコピーしようとすると、ターゲットの役割のマッドメイトバリエーションになります。\nクルーメイトのバリアントを持つ悪役をターゲットにすると、あなたはクルーメイトのバリアントになります。\nさらに、ミーティングの後にあなたの役割はコピーキャットにリセットされます。\n「注意: 会議中に人を推測することはできません。」",
+ "VeteranInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Veteran, you can enter the alert state by Venting. If a player tries to kill the Veteran in the alert state, the Veteran will kill the murderer instead. Veteran will see a Shield Animation on their body and a text above their head as a reminder when they enter and exit the alert state.",
+ "BastionInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Bastion, bomb Vents to kill off Impostors and Neutrals.\nBe careful though; Crewmates can also be killed with the bombs.",
+ "CopyCatInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Copycat, you can use your Kill button to copy the target's role.\n\nYou can only copy some Crewmate roles.\nIf you try to copy a Madmate or Rascal, you become the Madmate variation of the target role.\nIf you target an evil with a Crewmate variant, you'll become the Crewmate variant.\n\nAdditionally, Your role will be set back to Copycat after every meeting.\nNote You can't guess people in meetings.",
"BodyguardInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nボディガードが近くで殺される可能性があるプレイヤーがいる場合、ボディガードはキルを防ぎ、殺人者と共に死にます。 ボディガードのスキルはどのチームのプレイヤーにも影響します。 ボディガードがマッドメイトになり、殺人者がインポスターの場合、ボディガードのスキルは発動しません。",
- "DeceiverInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\n欺瞞者は、キルボタンを通じて他のプレーヤーに偽物を売ることができます。偽物が成功裏に売れた場合、欺瞞者は自身の体に盾のアニメーションを見て、それをリマインダーとします。偽物は次の会議が終了した後に効果が現れます。キル能力のないプレーヤーが偽物を持っている場合、そのプレーヤーは即座に自殺します。キル能力を持つプレーヤーが偽物を持っている場合、次に誰かを殺そうとした時に自殺します。",
- "GrenadierInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\n擲弾兵(投擲者)として、近くのプレイヤーにフラッシュバングを使って視界を奪うことができます。これにより、インポスターは視界を失い、設定によってはニュートラルも同様です。",
+ "DeceiverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Deceiver can sell the counterfeit to other players through the Kill button. If the counterfeit is sold successfully, the Deceiver will see a Shield Animation on their body as a reminder. The counterfeit will take effect after the end of the next meeting. If the player with no kill ability holds the counterfeit, he will kill himself immediately. If the player with the killing ability has the counterfeit, he will commit suicide when he tries to kill someone next time.",
+ "GrenadierInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Grenadier, you can Vent to Flashbang players nearby, causing them to lose vision if they are an Impostor or, depending on settings, a Neutral.",
"MedicInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nメディックはキルボタンを押して対象にシールドを配置できます。メディックはゲーム全体で1つのシールドしか提供できず、メディックが死ぬと対象のシールドが削除されます。メディックはまた、誰かが対象のシールドを破ろうとしているかどうかを見ることもできます。\nホストの設定に応じて、メディックまたは対象がプレイヤーがシールドを持っているかどうかを見ることができます (名前の横に緑の円「●」として表示されます) 。",
"FortuneTellerInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\n占い師として、ミーティングでプレイヤーに投票して、彼らの役割に関する手がかりを得ることができます。手がかりは実際の役割に関連します。\n\n占い師のタスクが完了した場合、手がかりではなく正確な役割が分かります!\n\n注意:ランダムなアクティブプレイヤーをヒントとして与える設定がオンになっている場合、同じプレイヤーを複数回チェックすることはできません。",
"JudgeInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Judge can judge a certain player during the meeting. If the target is evil, the target will be killed (whether it is evil or not is set by the Host). If it is wrong, the Judge commits suicide.\nCommand for judgment: /tl [player id]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nJudges can judge all players when they become Madmate.\nIn meeting the ability count shows how many trails you have in this meeting. Out of meeting the ability counts shows how many trails you have for the whole game.",
"MorticianInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nモーティシャンはすべての死体に矢印が指し示すのを見ることができ、モーティシャンが死体を報告すると、被害者が最後に接触したプレイヤーを知ることができます。注意:モーティシャンは気づかないまたは預言者ではありません。",
"MediumInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nミディアムは死体が報告された後、死んだプレイヤーとコンタクトを取ることができます。報告するのはミディアムでなくてもかまいません。死んだプレイヤーはミディアムの質問にYESまたはNOで1回だけ答えることができます (死んだプレイヤーは/ms yesまたは/ms noを使用できます) 。注意:ミディアムはObliviousではありません。",
- "ObserverInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nオブザーバーとして、最初の会議後、他のプレイヤーによって引き起こされるすべてのシールドアニメーションを確認できます。これは通常、何らかの役割能力の使用を示しているので、注意が必要です。",
+ "ObserverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Observer, you can see all Shield Animations caused by other players after the first meeting. The Shield Animations typically indicate a role ability, so look out for this.",
"MonarchInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\n君主として、他のプレイヤーに追加の投票権を与えるために彼らを騎士にすることができます。\n\n既に追加の投票権を持っているプレイヤーには騎士にすることはできません。\n\n騎士になったプレイヤーは金色の名前で表示されます。\n騎士になったプレイヤーが生存している場合、君主は推測されたりキルされたりすることはありません。",
- "PacifistInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nパシフィストがベントを使用すると、キルボタンを持つすべてのプレイヤーのキルクールダウンがリセットされます。パシフィストがマッドメイトになると、この能力はクルーメイトにのみ効果があります。",
- "OverseerInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\n監督者として、あなたの視野は非常に限られていますが、近くのプレイヤーの役割を明らかにするために殺害ボタンを使用できます。役割を明らかにするために殺害ボタンを使用し、明らかにする対象の隣に「○」が表示されます。対象の近くに定められた時間いることでその役割を明らかにできますが、対象から遠く離れすぎると明らかにすることは中止されます。",
+ "PacifistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhen the Pacifist Vents, they will reset the Kill Cooldown for every player with a Kill button. When they become a Madmate, this ability will only work on Crewmates.",
+ "OverseerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Overseer, you have minimal vision, but you can use your Kill button to reveal the role of a nearby player. A 「○」 will be displayed next to the revealed target after you use the Kill button on them, and you will also be scanning them (only you can see this). Stay near the target for a defined time to reveal his role; if you move too far away, the reveal will cancel.",
"CoronerInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\n 遺体検案官、遺体検案官として、死体を報告することはできません。代わりに、死体を報告しようとすると、殺害者へと導く矢印が表示されます。ミーティングが呼ばれた場合、矢印は消えます。設定によっては、見つけた死体を報告することはできません。",
"PresidentInfoLong": "(クルーメイト): \n大統領、 大統領には2つの能力があります:ミーティング終了と身元公開。\n能力1: ミーティング終了 - 大統領としてミーティング中に /finish と入力すると、即座にミーティングが終了します。\n能力2: 身元公開 - ミーティングで /reveal と入力して自己公開をすると、全員があなたが大統領であることが分かり、コマンドを入力した後は予測不可能になります。しかし、大統領が自己公開した後、大統領を殺した人は次の殺害でキルCDが大幅に減少します。",
- "MerchantInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\n 商人 、タスクを完了するごとに、ランダムなプレイヤーにランダムなアドオンを販売します。売ったアドオンごとにお金が入ります。一定額のお金を持っている場合、殺害を図った人に賄賂を与えることで次の殺害を回避できます。賄賂を受け取ったプレイヤーはあなたを殺すことができませんが、誰かは分かりません。使用した賄賂のお金は失われ、追加の賄賂には利用できません。",
+ "MerchantInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a merchant, you sell a random Add-on to a random player for each task you complete. Each Add-on sold earns you money. If you have a certain amount of money, you can prevent the next killing attempt against you by bribing the murderer. The bribed player won't be able to kill you, but you don't know who it is. The money used is lost and not available for additional bribes.",
"RetributionistInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\n ふくしゅうしゃ、 死後、限られた数のプレイヤーを殺害できます。\n使用方法: /ret [playerID] で殺害。",
- "HawkInfoLong": "(クルーメイト [幽霊]):\nホークとして、ホストが決めた限られた数のプレイヤーを殺すことができますが、外す可能性があります。何度も同じ人を斬ると命中率が上がります。",
- "DeputyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Deputy, use your kill button to handcuff a player.\nThe player who is handcuffed will have their next kill attempt treated as a handcuff break, and the kill cooldown will be reset.\n\nIf the target does not have a kill button, then the handcuff was a waste.",
- "InvestigatorInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\n捜査官として、あなたは調査ボタンを使用して調査対象者を調べることができます。誰かを調査すると、彼らの名前は、キルボタンを持っている場合 (インポスター/SS基準) 、赤色で表示されるか、キルボタンを持っていない場合 (クルーメイト/エンジニア/科学者基準) 、薄い青色で表示されます。ただし、会議が開かれると、名前の色は通常に戻ります。",
+ "HawkInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Hawk, you can kill a limited amount of players decided by the Host, though there's a chance you miss, slicing someone multiple times increases the chances.",
+ "DeputyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Deputy, use your Kill button to handcuff a player.\nThe player who is handcuffed will have their next kill attempt treated as a handcuff break, and the Kill Cooldown will be reset.\n\nIf the target does not have a Kill button, then the handcuff was a waste.",
+ "InvestigatorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs an Investigator, you can use your Kill button to investigate someone. When you investigate someone, their name will appear in red if they possess a Kill button (impostor/Shapeshifter basis) or light blue if they lack a Kill button (Crewmate/Engineer/Scientist basis). However, please note that the color of the names will return to normal when someone calls a meeting.",
"GuardianInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nガーディアンとして、タスクの完了時に不死身になります。\nミーティングでも当てられない。",
- "AddictInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\n中毒者として、自殺タイマーがあります。期限が切れると自殺します。\nタイマーは通気口のクールダウンによって示されます。通気口のクールダウンが0秒になると、まだ通気する時間があります。\nそれに間に合わない場合、死亡し、間に合った場合、自殺タイマーがリセットされます。\nまた、通気された後、一定の期間誰もあなたと対話できません。\nこの期間が終了すると、さらに一定の期間行動不能になり、死体を報告することはできません。",
- "MoleInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nモグラ\"として、ベントを使用すると、ベント内に1秒間留まります。ベントから出ると、マップ内のランダムなベントの近くにスポーンします (ただし、直前に使用したベントを除く)。",
+ "AddictInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Addict, you have a suicide timer. When it expires, you kill yourself.\nThe timer is indicated by the Vent Cooldown. When the Vent Cooldown is 0 seconds, you still have a short time to Vent.\nIf you don't make it, you die; if you make it, the Suicide Timer is reset.\nAlso after you Vent, no one can interact with you for a defined period.\nAfter; the period is over, and you are immobilized for another defined period, and cannot Report any bodies.",
+ "MoleInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mole, when you Vent, you stay in the Vent for 1 second. When you exit the Vent, you will spawn near a random Vent in the map (Except the one you used).",
"AlchemistInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\n錬金術師として、タスクを完了することでポーションを作成します。作成したポーションは、対応する説明と指示を含む役職名の下に表示されます。つの異なるポーションと、何もしない水のボトルを取得できます。",
- "KamikazeInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nロケットミサイルのように、人々をマークするにはシングルクリックします。通常、ダブルクリックで殺害します。死亡すると、\"ターゲット指定\"という死因でマークされたすべての人も死亡します。",
- "TracefinderInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nトレースファインダーとして、いつでもバイタルを確認できます。さらに、死体への矢印がホストによって設定された遅延を持って表示されます。",
+ "KamikazeInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Kamikaze you can single click to mark players. Double-click to kill normally. When you die, all marked also die, with death reason Targeted.",
+ "TracefinderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracefinder, you can access Vitals at any time.\nIn addition, you get arrows pointing to dead bodies, with a delay set by the Host.",
"OracleInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nオラクルとして、会議中にプレイヤーに投票できます。彼らがクルーメイト、ニュートラル、またはインポスターであるかどうかを確認できます。設定によっては、結果が間違っている可能性があります。",
"SpiritualistInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nスピリチュアリストとして、前回の会議の被害者の霊に指し示す矢印が得られます。矢印が間隔をおいて消えたり現れたりするオプションがあります。可能であれば霊にあなたの能力を知らせてください。彼らがあなたの味方であれば、悪役を見つけて追放するのに役立つかもしれません。ただし、悪役がクルーメイトに対して同じことをする可能性もあるので注意してください。",
- "ChameleonInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nカメレオンとして、ベントを使用して一時的に消えることができます。画面上では依然として見える状態であります。再びベントすると可視状態に戻ります。",
- "InspectorInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\n2人のプレイヤーが同じチームにいるかどうかを確認します。同じチームにいる場合は確認メッセージが表示され、同じチームにいない場合は否定メッセージが表示されます。\n\nすべてのニュートラルおよび変換されたプレイヤーは同じチームにカウントされます。トリックスターはクルーとして、ラスカルはインポスターとしてカウントされます。\n確認コマンド:/cmp [プレイヤーID1] [プレイヤーID2]",
- "CaptainInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nタスクを完了するごとに、せんちょうはランダムな非クルー役割を遅くする力を得ます。クルーメイトはせんちょうの名前の横に☆を見ることができます。\nせんちょうを投票で追い出すことで信頼を裏切ると、アドオンを失います。",
- "AdmirerInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nファンとして、プレイヤーを賞賛してクルーメイトの陣営に変えることができます。彼らはクルーメイトと一緒に勝利し、元のチームでは勝利できません。\n\n1人のプレイヤーにつき1回しか実行できません。",
- "TimeMasterInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nタイムマスターとして、通気口を使用してすべてのプレイヤーの位置をマークします。\n能力を再度使用すると、生存しているすべてのプレイヤーがマークされた位置に巻き戻されます。\n\n能力の期間中、タイムマスターは死亡から保護するタイムシールドを獲得します。",
- "CrusaderInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nクルセイダーとして、キルボタンを使用してプレイヤーを十字軍のように討つことができます。\nそのプレイヤーが攻撃を受けると、あなたは攻撃者を殺します。",
- "AltruistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Altruist, you can sacrifice yourself to revive a dead body using the «Report» button.\nNote: If a dead player has left the game, you report that body normally.\nAlso revived player cannot report self dead body\nUse vent button to change between Report & Revive.",
- "ReverieInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\n夢想として、キルできますが、クールダウンは高めです。\n\nクルーメイトをキルすると増加し、それ以外の場合は減少します。\nホストの設定によっては、最大キルクールダウンに達したときに誤射し、ターゲットがあなたと一緒に死ぬことがあります。\n\n他のクルーメイトと一緒に勝つことができます。",
- "LookoutInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nルックアウトとして、いつでもすべてのプレイヤーのIDを見ることができます。\nこれにより、シェイプシフトやカムフラージュを見破ることができます。",
- "TelecommunicationInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nテレコミュニケーションとして、誰かがカメラ、バイタル、ドアログ、または管理を使用すると通知されます。",
- "LighterInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nライターとして、一時的に視界を広げるために通気口を使用できます。\nライトが消えていないときとライトが消えているときの両方で視界が広がります。\nこの能力を活用して、こっそりしたキラーを捕まえましょう!",
+ "ChameleonInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chameleon, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
+ "InspectorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nCheck If two players are in the same team or not. You will get an affirmation message if they are on the same team or a denial message if they are not on the same team.\n\nAll Neutrals and converted players are counted in the same team. Trickster counts as Crewmate, and Rascal counts as Impostor.\nChecking command: /cmp [player id 1] [player id 2].",
+ "CaptainInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWith each completed task, the Captain gains the power to slow down a random non-Crewmate role. Crewmates can see ☆besides Captain's name.\n\nIf anyone betrays the Captain's trust by voting Captain out, they will lose an Add-on.",
+ "AdmirerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Admirer, admire a player to make them Crewmate aligned.\nThey'll win with Crewmates and not their original team.\n\nYou can only do this once per player.",
+ "TimeMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Time Master, use the Vents to mark everyone's position.\nWhen using the ability again, every alive player will rewind to the marked positions.\n\nDuring the ability duration, the Time Master gains a time shield, which protects them from death.",
+ "CrusaderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Crusader, use your Kill button to crusade a player.\nIf that player gets attacked, you'll kill the attacker.",
+ "AltruistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Altruist, you can sacrifice yourself to revive a dead body using the «Report» button.\nNote: If a dead player has left the game, you report that body normally.\nAlso revived player cannot report self dead body\nUse the Vent button to change between Report & Revive.",
+ "ReverieInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Reverie, you can kill, but your Cooldown starts high.\n\nIt increases if you kill a Crewmate and reduces otherwise.\nDepending on the Host's setting, you may misfire on reaching the maximum Kill Cooldown, and your target dies with you. \n\nYou win with other Crewmates.",
+ "LookoutInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Lookout, you can see the ID's of every player at all times.\nThis allows you to see through Shapeshifts and Camouflages.",
+ "TelecommunicationInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Telecommunication, you are notified when anyone uses Cameras, Vitals, Door Logs, or Admin.",
+ "LighterInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Lighter, you can Vent to increase your vision temporarily.\nYou have increased vision both when lights are not out and when lights are out.\nUse this power to catch sneaky killers!",
"TaskManagerInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nあなたの役職名の横に、すべての人が合わせて完了したタスク(の総数が表示され)、リアルタイムで更新されます。",
- "WitnessInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\n証人として、誰かにキルボタンを使用すると、彼らが過去X秒以内にキルしたかどうかを知ることができます (Xは設定に依存します) 。",
- "SwapperInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nスワッパーとして、会議での投票を交換できます。\n\n投票を交換するには、'/sw [playerID]' を2回使用します。\n\nプレイヤーのIDは会議でプレイヤー名の横に表示されますが、/idを使用してすべてのプレイヤーIDのリストを取得することもできます。\n\n注意:自分自身を交換することはできません",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chief of Police,you can recruit a player to be a Sheriff(only once per game).\nDepending on the settings,you may recruit non-Crewmates or players without a kill button.\nYou may die when you recruit a wrong player.",
+ "WitnessInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Witness, when you use your Kill button on someone, you will know if they killed in the last X seconds or not. (X depends on the settings).",
+ "SwapperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Swapper, you can swap votes in meetings.\n\nTo swap votes, use '/sw [playerID]' twice.\n\nPlayer ID's are displayed next to player names in meetings, but you can also use /id to get a list of all player ID's.\n\nNote: Depending on the Host's settings, you can exchange your own votes.",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chief of Police, you can recruit a player to be a Sheriff(only once per game).\nDepending on the settings, you may recruit non-Crewmates or players without a Kill button.\nYou may suicide when you recruit a wrong player.",
"NiceMiniInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nナイスミニとして、あなたの生存は非常に重要です。成長するまでは殺されることはなく、成長する前に死んだり会議で追放されたりすると、全員が負けます。このユニークな役割は、あなたの生存が自分自身だけでなく、クルー全体の成功に繋がるという新たなダイナミクスをゲームにもたらします。",
- "SpyInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nスパイとして、誰かがキルボタンを使用して (キルボタンを介して使用されるすべてのアビリティ) 、あなたは数秒間その名前がオレンジ色で表示されます。\n注意:クルーメイトがあなたにアビリティを使用した場合、彼らもオレンジ色の名前で表示されます!\n注意:アビリティの使用回数が残っていない場合、オレンジ色の名前は一切表示されません!\n注意:キルボタンの相互作用がブロックされた場合、プレイヤーのクールダウンは10秒にリセットされます。",
- "RandomizerInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nこのランダマイザーとして、死亡時にあなたの殺害者は以下のいずれかの行動を行います:\n 1. あなたの遺体を自己報告します。\n 2. あなたの遺体の隣に立ちます。\n 3. 彼らのキルクールダウンが600秒に設定されます。\n 4. ランダムにプレイヤーを復讐します。",
- "ArsonistInfoLong": "(中立):\n放火魔は、プレイヤーを選択してキルボタンをクリックし、数秒間追跡することで放火することができます。放火が始まり成功すると、シールドのアニメーションがリマインダーとして表示されます (自分にのみ見えます) 。放火魔が生き残っている全プレイヤーに放火した場合、ベントを使って火を起こし、単独で勝利することができます。\nプレイヤーの名前の横に「△」が表示されている場合、それは放火されていることを意味し、「▲」が表示されている場合、完全に放火されていることを意味します。設定によっては、放火魔はいつでも火を起こすことができます。しかし、全員を殺害することに失敗した場合、彼は敗北します。",
+ "SpyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Spy, when someone uses their Kill button on you (any ability used through the Kill button), you'll see their name in orange for a few seconds.\nNote: If a Crewmate used their ability on you, you'll also see them with an orange name!\nNote: If you cannot use left, you won't see orange names!\nNote: If the Kill button interaction is blocked, the player's Cooldown will reset to 10s'",
+ "RandomizerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs this Randomizer, when you die, your killer will do one of the following:\n 1. self-report your body\n 2. stand next to your body\n 3. have their Kill Cooldown set to 600s\n 4. Randomly avenge a player.",
+ "ArsonistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Arsonist can douse a player by clicking the Kill button on the player and following them for a few seconds. When the dousing starts and it's successful, a Shield Animation will happen as a reminder (only visible to themselves). When the Arsonist has doused all surviving players, the Arsonist can Vent to start the fire and win alone.\n\nIf the player name shows 「△」, that means they are being doused;\nif the player name shows 「▲」, it means they have been completely doused.\nDepending on the setting, Arsonist may start the fire anytime. But if he fails to kill everyone, he loses.",
"EnigmaInfoLong": "(クルーメイト): \nエニグマとして、会議ごとにキラーについてのランダムな手がかりを得ます。設定によっては、手がかりを得るためには遺体を報告する必要があるかもしれません。タスクを多く完了するほど、手がかりはより正確になります。",
- "PyromaniacInfoLong": "(中立):\n放火狂として、プレイヤーに火をつける (シングルクリック) か、通常通りに殺す (ダブルクリック) ことができます。プレイヤーに火をつけてもすぐには何も起こりませんが、火をつけたプレイヤーを殺すと、あなたのキルクールダウンが大幅に短縮されます。勝つためには、最後の生存者でいる必要があります。",
- "HuntsmanInfoLong": "(中立):\nハントスマンとして、毎回リセットされる特定の数のターゲットがあります。ターゲットのうちの1人を倒すと、キルクールダウンが永久に設定された量だけ減少します。ターゲット以外の誰かを倒した場合、キルクールダウンは永久に設定された量だけ増加します。ターゲットは色付きの名前で表示されます。",
+ "PyromaniacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pyromaniac, you can douse players (single click) or kill normally (double click). Dousing players do nothing immediately, but killing a doused player will significantly shorten your Kill Cooldown. To win, be the last player alive.",
+ "HuntsmanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Huntsman, you are given a certain number of targets that reset every meeting. If you successfully eliminate one of your targets, your Kill Cooldown goes down permanently by the set amount. However, if you kill someone not one of your targets, your Kill Cooldown permanently increases by the set amount. A colored name indicates your targets.",
"MiniInfoLong": "(クルーメイトまたはインポスター):\nミニは2つの役割です。ナイスミニまたはイービルミニのいずれかが選択されます。\n\n詳細については、それぞれ '/r nicemini' および '/r evilmini' を使用してください。",
"JesterInfoLong": "(中立):\n道化師が投票で追放されると、道化師は単独でゲームに勝利します。道化師がゲームの終わりまで生き残ると、道化師はゲームに敗北します。注意:道化師、執行者、およびイノセントは一緒に勝利できます。",
"TerroristInfoLong": "(中立):\nテロリストがすべてのタスクを完了した後に死亡した場合、テロリストは一人でゲームに勝利します (投票で排除されるか、殺されるかにかかわらず勝利できます) 。",
"ExecutionerInfoLong": "(中立):\n執行者は執行の対象を持っており、その対象は名前の横にダイヤモンド「♦」で表示されます。執行の対象が殺された場合、設定に応じて執行者はクルーメイト、ジェスター、またはオポチュニストに変更されます。執行の対象がミーティングで投票で排除された場合、執行者が勝利します。注意:道化師、執行者、およびイノセントは一緒に勝利できます。",
"LawyerInfoLong": "(中立):\n弁護士は守るべき対象がおり、その対象は名前の横にダイヤモンド「♦」で表示されます。\n対象が勝利すれば、あなたも勝利します。\n彼らが負けると、あなたも負けます。",
"OpportunistInfoLong": "(中立):\nもしオポチュニストがゲームの最後まで生き残れば、オポチュニストは勝利したプレイヤーと共に勝利します。",
- "VectorInfoLong": "(中立):\nマリオは一定回数吐き出すと単独で勝利します。",
- "JackalInfoLong": "(中立):\nジャッカルとして、最後の生存者になれば勝利します。さらに、殺害ボタンを使ってリクルートすることが可能です。\nただし、ターゲットがリクルート不可能な場合、使用回数を使い果たしている場合、またはリクルートオプションがない場合は、通常通りに殺害します(リクルートできると思って他人の前で殺害ボタンを押さないでください) 。\nターゲットが殺害ボタンを持ち、サイドキックに変わるオプションがオンの場合、ターゲットはサイドキックになります。それ以外の場合、リクルートアドオンを与えるオプションがオンなら、ターゲットはリクルートアドオンを獲得します。\n設定によっては、ジャッカルが殺された場合、ランダムにサイドキックが新たなジャッカルとして選ばれます。サイドキックがいない場合、リクルートが選ばれる場合があります。",
+ "VectorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nVector will win alone by Venting a certain number of times.",
+ "JackalInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jackal, you win if you are the last player alive. Additionally, you may recruit using the Kill button. If the target is not one you can recruit, you have run out of uses, or you don't have the option to recruit, then you will kill people normally (i.e., don't use Kill buttons in front of others thinking it'll recruit). If the target has a Kill button and the option to turn into a Sidekick is on, they will become a Sidekick. Otherwise, they will gain the Recruit Add-on if the option to give the Recruit Add-on is on.\nDepending on the settings, when Jackal was killed, a Sidekick will be randomly selected as the new Jackal.\nRecruit may be selected if no Sidekick is alive.",
"GodInfoLong": "(中立):\n神として、最初から全員の役割を知っています。ゲームの最後まで生き残れば、勝利を手に入れます。つまり、他の全員が負けてあなたが勝ちます。",
- "InnocentInfoLong": "(中立):\nイノセントはキルボタンを使用して任意のプレイヤーを植え付けることができ、植え付けられた対象は即座にイノセントを殺害します。対象が会議で投票により追放されると、イノセントが勝利します。注:道化師、執行者、およびイノセントは一緒に勝利することができます。",
- "PelicanInfoLong": "(中立):\nペリカンとして、キルボタンを使用してプレイヤーを生きたまま飲み込み、マップ外にテレポートしますが、すぐには殺害しません。飲み込まれたプレイヤーは、ラウンドの終わりにあなたがまだ生きている場合のみ死亡します。ラウンド中に死亡したり離れたりすると、生存している飲み込まれたプレイヤーはあなたがいた場所にマップ内で再出現します。",
- "RevolutionistInfoLong": "(中立):\nレボリューショニストとして、プレイヤーをリクルートするためにキルボタンを使用し、シールドアニメーションが再生されるまでプレイヤーを追いかけます。リクルートには、ホストによって設定された確率でプレイヤーを殺害する可能性があります (ただしリクルートは継続します)。必要なプレイヤー数をリクルートすると (あなたの名前の横に表示されます)、指定された時間内にベントを使用してすぐにゲームに勝利する必要があります。時間内にベントしなければ、あなたは負けて死にます。",
- "HaterInfoLong": "(中立):\nヘイターとして、キルクールダウンはありません。ただし、恋人、他のリクルート役割、アドオンのみを殺害できます。設定によっては、それ以外の誰かを殺害すると自殺します。ゲームの最後に勝利チームと一緒に勝利し、殺害可能な役割が生存していない場合に勝ちます。恋人にはなりません。",
+ "InnocentInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Innocent can use the Kill button to plant any player, and the planted target will immediately kill the Innocent. If the target gets voted out in the meeting, the Innocent wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
+ "PelicanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pelican, you can use the Kill button to swallow a player alive, teleporting them off-bounds but not killing them yet. Those swallowed will only die if you're still alive at the end of the round. If you die or leave during the round, all alive swallowed players will spawn into the map where you were.",
+ "RevolutionistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Revolutionist, you can recruit players by clicking the Kill button on the player and following them until the Shield Animation plays for you. Recruiting has a chance, set by the Host, to kill players (though they are still recruited). When the required number of players are recruited (displayed next to your name), you must Vent within the specified time to win the game immediately with all your recruits. If you do not Vent in time, you lose and die.",
+ "HaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hater, you have no Kill Cooldown. However, depending on the settings, you can only kill Lovers and other Recruiting Roles and Add-ons. Killing anyone else will make you suicide. You win at the end of the game with the winning team if none of the killable roles are alive. You will not be Lovers.",
"DemonInfoLong": "(中立):\n悪魔として、健康を奪いながら殺害します。全員の名前の近くに表示されるパーセンテージで健康を確認でき、攻撃するたびに被害者に気づかれずにその健康のパーセンテージを減らします。被害者の健康を0に減らすと、彼らは死亡します。最後の生存者であれば勝利します。",
- "StalkerInfoLong": "(中立):\nストーカーは誰でも殺すことができ、すべてのキルはすぐに電力の妨害を引き起こします(電力が既に妨害されている場合、何も起こりません) 。ストーカーはベントできません。ストーカーが生きている間にインポスターが勝利するか、クルーメイトがインポスターを殺して勝利すると (ホストの設定に応じて、クルーメイトが中立を殺して勝利した場合、ストーカーも勝利する場合があります) 、ストーカーは単独で勝利します。",
+ "StalkerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Stalker can kill anyone, and every kill will immediately cause a Lights Sabotage (if Lights Sabotage is already active, nothing will happen). Stalker cannot Vent. If the Impostor wins while the Stalker is alive or the Crewmate wins by killing the Impostors (according to the Host's setting, the Stalker may also win when the Crewmate wins by killing the Neutrals), then the Stalker wins alone.",
"WorkaholicInfoLong": "(中立):\nワーカホリックとして、全てのタスクを完了した時に単独で勝利します。ホストの設定によっては、生存している場合のみ勝利できたり、ゲームの始めに全員に明らかになることがあります (これらの設定が同時にオンになることはほとんどありません) 。",
- "SolsticerInfoLong": "(中立):\nソルスティスとして、あなたは死ぬことはありません。一回のラウンドで全てのタスクを完了させることで勝利します。会議が終わるたびに、タスクはリセットされ、最初からやり直さなければなりません。\nソルスティスに対する投票は直接キャンセルされます。\nソルスティスに対する殺害試みは、会議が終了するまでペリカンのようにマップ外へテレポートさせます。\nキラーのキルクールダウンは10秒にリセットされます。",
+ "SolsticerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Solsticer, you won't die, and you win by finishing all your tasks in a single round. After every meeting finishes, your tasks reset, and you need to start all over again.\nVotes on the Solsticer will be directly canceled.\nKill attempts on the Solsticer will teleport it out of the map like Pelican until the meeting is finished.\nThe killer's Kill Cooldown will be reset to 10 seconds.\nSolsticer is counted as nothing in-game.",
"CollectorInfoLong": "(中立):\nコレクターとして、プレイヤーに投票すると、そのプレイヤーに投票した他のプレイヤー1人につき1ポイントを獲得します。必要な投票数を集めると、ジェスターやエグゼキューショナーのターゲットを追放しても、ゲームが終了し、あなたは単独で勝利します。",
- "GlitchInfoLong": "(中立):\nグリッチとして、プレイヤーをハックする (シングルクリック) か通常通り殺害する (ダブルクリック) ことができます。ハックされたプレイヤーは、ハックの期間中、殺害、ベント、報告をすることができません。さらに、ドア以外の妨害を呼び出すと効果がなく、ランダムなプレイヤーに変装します。妨害中または後に変装することはできません。勝利するためには、最後の生存プレイヤーである必要があります。",
+ "GlitchInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Glitch, you can hack players (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose who have been hacked cannot kill, Vent, or report for the hack duration.\nAdditionally, calling a Sabotage other than doors will have no effect and will instead disguise you as a random player. You cannot disguise during or after Sabotages.\nTo win, be the last player alive.",
"SidekickInfoLong": "(中立):\nサイドキックとして、あなたの役割はジャッカルを助けて全員を排除することです。\nあなたとジャッカルは一緒に勝利します。\n設定によっては、元のジャッカルが殺された場合に新しいジャッカルになることがあります。\n元のジャッカルが死ぬまで、殺害ができない場合もあります。",
- "ProvocateurInfoLong": "(中立):\nプロヴォケーターはキルボタンで任意のターゲットを殺すことができます。ゲームの最後にターゲットが負けると、プロヴォケーターは勝利チームと一緒に勝利します。",
- "BloodKnightInfoLong": "(中立):\n血の騎士は、最後のキル役が生き残り、クルーメイトの数がブラッドナイトの数以下または同じ場合に勝利します。ブラッドナイトは、各キルの後に一時的なシールドを獲得し、数秒間不死身になります",
- "PlagueBearerInfoLong": "(黙示録):\nプレイグベアラーとして、キルボタンを使用して誰もがペスティレンスに変身するために皆を感染させます。\nペスティレンスに変身したら、不死でキルの能力を獲得します。\nさらに、ペスティレンスに変身した後、あなたを殺そうとする誰もがあなたを殺します。\nまた、感染したプレイヤーが未感染のプレイヤーと接触すると、そのプレイヤーも感染します。",
+ "ProvocateurInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Provocateur, you can kill any target with the Kill button. If the target loses at the end of the game, the Provocateur wins with the winning team.",
+ "BloodKnightInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Blood Knight wins when they're the last killing role alive, and the amount of Crewmates is lower or equal to the amount of Blood Knights. The Blood Knight gains a temporary shield after every kill, making them immortal for a few seconds.",
+ "PlagueBearerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Plaguebearer, plague everyone using your Kill button to turn into Pestilence.\nOnce you turn into Pestilence, you will become immortal and gain the ability to kill, and you will kill anyone who tries to kill you.\n\nAlso, when infected players interact with uninfected players, they will also be infected.",
"PestilenceInfoLong": "(黙示録):\nペスティレンスとして、あなたは止められない機械です。\nあなたへの攻撃はすべて反射されます。\n間接的な殺害すらあなたを倒しません。\nペスティレンスを倒す唯一の方法は、投票または誤った予想です。\n変身すると、会議で全員にあなたの存在が知らされます。",
- "SoulCollectorInfoLong": "(黙示録):\n魂の収集者として、キルボタンを使ってプレイヤーの死亡を予測できます。ターゲットが選択したラウンド中か、その後の会議で死亡した場合、魂を獲得します。\n\nターゲットは各会議後、または死亡した時点でリセットされます。 \n\n設定可能な数の魂を集めると、“死”になります。また、パッシブ魂獲得設定が有効の場合、会議ごとに魂を1つ獲得します。",
+ "SoulCollectorInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Soul Collector, you can use your Kill button on a player to predict their death. You will gain a Soul if your target dies in the round you select them or the meeting after.\nYour target resets after each meeting or after they die, whichever comes first. \n\nOnce you collect the configurable amount of Souls, you become Death. If the gain passive Souls setting is enabled, you will gain a Soul each meeting.",
"DeathInfoLong": "(黙示録):\n魂の収集者が必要な魂を集めると、“死”になります。“死”は、次の会議の終了までに追放されなければ、全員をキルして勝利します。\n\n“死”に変身する会議では、設定可能な追加の会議時間が与えられ、“死”を見つけるための議論ができます。\n\nあなたは無敵であり、変身後の会議でその存在が全員に知らされます。",
- "BakerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Baker, you can use your kill button on a player per round to give them bread. \nOnce a set amount of players are alive with bread, you become Famine.\n\nIf the Bread gives additional effects and the setting is on, then you can vent to change the bread that you give out. \nBread Effects:\nReveal: Reveals the target's role to the Baker (stays the whole game)\nRoleblock: Resets the target's kill cooldown when they try to use their kill button\nBarrier: Gives the target a barrier that is only known to the Baker (barrier is removed after the meeting)",
- "FamineInfoLong": "(黙示録):\nパン職人が設定された数のパンを持つプレイヤーを生存させると、“飢饉”になります。会議後に飢饉が追放されなかった場合、“飢饉”となり、パンを持っていないプレイヤー (他の黙示録メンバーを除く) は餓死します。\n\nパンを持っていないプレイヤーの餓死後、飢饉はキルボタンを使用して残りのプレイヤーを飢えさせることができ、次の会議直前にそのプレイヤーをキルします。\n\nあなたは無敵であり、変身後の会議でその存在が全員に知らされます。",
+ "BakerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Baker, you can use your Kill Button on a player per round to give them bread. \nOnce a set amount of players are alive with bread, you become Famine.\n\nIf the Bread gives additional effects and the setting is on, then you can Vent to change the bread that you give out. \nBread Effects:\nReveal: Reveals the target's role to the Baker (stays the whole game)\nRoleblock: Resets the target's Kill Cooldown when they try to use their Kill Button\nBarrier: Gives the target a Barrier that is only known to the Baker (Barrier is removed after the meeting)",
+ "FamineInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Baker has a set amount of people with bread alive, they will become Famine. If the Famine does not get voted out after the meeting, then they will become Famine, and every player without bread will starve (excluding other Apocalypse members).\nAfter this starvation of everyone without bread, Famine can use their Kill Button to starve any remaining players, which will kill those players right before the next meeting.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
"BerserkerInfoLong": "(黙示録):\n狂戦士として、キルごとにレベルが上がります。ホストが設定したレベルに達すると、新しい能力を解放します。\n\nスカベンジャーキルは、自分のキルを消失させます。\n爆弾キルは、キルした対象を爆発させます。キルする際には注意が必要で、他の黙示録メンバーが近くにいると巻き込まれることがあります。 \nあるレベルに達すると、“戦争”になります。",
- "WarInfoLong": "(黙示録):\n戦争として、あなたは無敵で、キルのクールダウンが短く、以前の能力で誰でもキルすることができます。\n変身すると、会議で全員にあなたの存在が知らされます。",
- "FollowerInfoLong": "(中立):\nフォロワーは、キルボタンを使って誰かをフォローを開始し、もう一度キルボタンを使ってフォロー対象を切り替えることができます。フォロワーの対象が勝利すると、フォロワーも勝利します。注意: フォロワーは死亡後も勝利することがあります。",
- "CultistInfoLong": "(中立):\nカルティストとして、あなたのキルボタンは他のプレイヤーを魅了し、彼らにあなたと一緒に勝つようにさせます。勝利するためには、脅威となる全員を魅了し、多数を獲得する必要があります。設定によっては、ニュートラルを魅了できるかもしれませんし、魅了されたプレイヤーは元のチーム、何もなし、またはカルティストとして数えられ、多数派によって勝利を決定する場合があります。",
+ "WarInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs War, you are invincible, have a lower Kill Cooldown, and can kill anyone with your previous powers.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
+ "FollowerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Follower can use their Kill Button on someone to start following them and can use the Kill Button again to switch the following target. If the Follower's target wins, the Follower will win along with them. Note: The Follower can also win after they die.",
+ "CultistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cultist, your Kill Button is used to Charm others, making them win with you. To win, charm all who pose a threat and gain the majority.\nDepending on settings, you may be able to charm Neutrals, and those you Charm may count as their original team, nothing, or a Cultist to determine when you win due to majority.",
"SerialKillerInfoLong": "(中立):\nシリアルキラーとして、最後の生存者になれば勝利です。",
- "JuggernautInfoLong": "(中立):\nジャガーノートとして、各キルごとにキルクールダウンが減少します。\n\n勝つためには、全員を倒してください。",
+ "JuggernautInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Juggernaut, your Kill Cooldown decreases with each kill you make.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"InfectiousInfoLong": "(中立):\n感染者としてのあなたの役割は、できるだけ多くのプレイヤーを感染させることである。\nすべての殺人鬼を感染させれば、単純にクルーよりも数が多くなり、ゲームに勝利する。\nあなたが死亡した場合、次回のミーティング以降、感染したプレイヤーは全員死亡します。\nそれまでに勝利条件を満たしていれば勝利となります。",
- "VirusInfoLong": "(中立):\nウイルスの役割は、他のすべてのプレイヤーを殺すか感染させることです。ウイルスがクルーを殺すと、その死体はウイルスに感染します。この死体を報告したクルーも感染し、設定に依存して、ウイルスが投票で排除されない場合、ミーティングの最後に死亡するかウイルスチームに加わります。ウイルスチームのプレイヤーがクルーチームのプレイヤーよりも多い場合、ウイルスチームの勝利です。",
+ "VirusInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe task of the Virus is to kill or infect all other players. When the Virus murders a Crewmate, their corpse is infected with a virus. The Crewmate who reports this corpse is infected joins the virus team or dies at the end of the meeting if the Virus doesn't get voted out, depending on the settings. If more players are on the Virus team than the Crewmate team, the Virus team wins.",
"PursuerInfoLong": "(中立):\n追跡者 、として、他のプレイヤーに能力を使用して、彼らが殺しを試みるときに誤射させることができます。\n勝つためには、単にゲームの最後まで生き残ります。",
"SpecterInfoLong": "(中立):\nスペクターとして、あなたの役割は殺されてタスクを完了することです。\n生きている間にタスクを行うことができます。\n生きている状態では勝てません。\n殺された場合、タスクが完了していれば勝利チームと一緒に勝つことができます。",
- "PirateInfoLong": "(中立):\n海賊、として、毎ラウンドターゲットを選択するためにキルボタンを使用します。\n次の会議でターゲットと決闘します。\n海賊とターゲットが同じ数字を選んだ場合、海賊の勝利です。\nさらに、海賊が決闘に勝利するか、ターゲットが決闘に参加しない場合、海賊はターゲットを殺します。\n\n決闘コマンド:/duel X (ここでXは0、1、または2にすることができます)\n\nホストが設定した決闘の勝利回数を達成した後に勝利します。\n\n注記:対象者が決闘に参加していない場合、その殺害は海賊の勝利にはカウントされません。",
- "AgitaterInfoLong": "(中立):\nアジテーターとして、あなたの基本的な役割はホットポテトです。\n\nプレイヤーにキルボタンを使用して爆弾を渡します。\nこれはラウンドごとに1回しか行えません。\n\n爆弾を受け取るプレイヤーは、爆弾を受け取ると通知され、別のプレイヤーに近づいて爆弾を渡す必要があります。\n\n会議が開かれると、爆弾を持つプレイヤーが死にます。\n\nペスティレンスや警戒中のベテランに渡そうとすると、爆弾を持ったプレイヤーが代わりに。\n設定によっては、アジテーターは爆弾を受け取ることができません。",
- "MaverickInfoLong": "(中立):\nマーベリックとして、殺害することができ、オプションによってはベントを使用し、インポスターの視界を持つことができます。ゲームの最後まで生き残れば、勝利チームとともに勝利します。命の脅威となる者を排除するために殺害能力を使いますが、追放されないように注意してください。",
- "CursedSoulInfoLong": "(中立):\n呪われた魂として、ゲームの最後まで生き残って勝利してください。\n道化師や処刑人から勝利を奪うこともできます。\nさらに、他のプレイヤーの魂を盗むこともできます。\n魂を持たないプレイヤーは勝ち、あなたと一緒に死にます。",
+ "PirateInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pirate, use your Kill button to select a target every round.\nYou will duel with your target in the next meeting. \nIf both the Pirate and the target choose the same number, the Pirate wins.\nAdditionally, if the Pirate wins the duel or the target doesn't participate in the duel, the Pirate kills the target.\n\nDueling command: /duel X (where X can be 0, 1, or 2)\n\nYou win after winning a certain number of duels set by the Host.\n\nNote: The kill would not count towards Pirate victory if the target did not participate in the duel.",
+ "AgitaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Agitator, your premise is essentially Hot Potato.\n\nUse your Kill Button on a player to pass the bomb.\nThis can only be done once per round.\n\nThe player who receives the bomb will be notified when receiving said bomb, in which they need to pass it to another player by getting near a player.\n\nWhen a meeting is called, the player with the bomb dies.\n\nIf trying to pass to Pestilence or a Veteran on alert, the bombed player dies instead.\nOptionally, the Agitator cannot receive the bomb.",
+ "MaverickInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Maverick, you can kill and, depending on options, Vent and have Impostor vision\nIf you survive until the end of the game, you win with the winning team.\nUse your killing ability to eliminate threats to your life, but don't get voted out.",
+ "CursedSoulInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cursed Soul, you steal the victory if you survive to the end of the game.\n\nYou can steal the win from a Jester or Executioner.\n\nAdditionally, you can steal the Souls of other players.\nSoulless players win with you and count as dead.",
"PickpocketInfoLong": "(中立):\nスリとして、あなたは殺害から票を盗みます。\nこれらの投票は非表示になります。\n全員を倒して勝ちます。",
"TraitorInfoLong": "(中立):\n裏切り者として、私は詐欺師を裏切った詐欺師でした。\nあなたは詐欺師のことを知っていますが、彼らはあなたのことを知りません。\nでもトリック? 彼らはあなたを殺すことができますが、あなたは彼らを殺すことはできません。\n他の手段で詐欺師を排除し、他の全員を倒して勝利してください!",
- "TrollerInfoLong": "(中立):\nトローラーとして、タスクを完了させることで、プレイヤーにランダムなイベントを発生させることができます。例えば、全プレイヤーのスピードを変えたり、テレポートさせたり、サボタージュに影響を与えたりすることができます。また、勝利チームと共に勝利することができます。",
- "VultureInfoLong": "(中立):\nハゲタカとして、死体を通報して勝ちましょう!\n死体を報告すると、食べるクールダウンがリセットされていれば、その死体を食べることができるようになります (その後は報告できなくなります)。\n食べる能力がクールダウン中の場合は、通常どおり死体を報告します。\nまた、ラウンドあたりの食事の最大数に達した場合、死体は通常通り報告されます。",
+ "TrollerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs a Troller, you can complete tasks so that random events can happen to players.\nFor example, changing the speed of all players, teleportation, influencing Sabotage, etc.\nAlso you can win with the winning team.",
+ "VultureInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Vulture, report bodies to win!\n\nWhen you report a body, if your Eat Cooldown is up, you'll eat the body (makes it unreportable).\nIf your eat ability is still on Cooldown, then you'll report the body normally.\n\nAdditionally, you'll report bodies normally if the maximum bodies eaten per round is reached.",
"AbyssbringerInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n深淵をもたらす者として、ブラックホールを設置することができます。\nブラックホールはプレイヤーを吸い込み、接触すると殺害します。",
- "TaskinatorInfoLong": "(中立):\nタスキネーターとして、タスクを完了するたびにそのタスクは爆弾を設置されます。別のプレイヤーが爆弾付きのタスクを完了した時、爆弾が爆発してそのプレイヤーは死亡します。\n\nクルーが勝利しない状況で最後まで生き残れば勝ちです。\n\n 注意:タスキネーターの爆弾はあらゆる保護を無視します。",
+ "TaskinatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Taskinator, whenever you finish a task, the task will be bombed. When another player completes the bombed task, the bomb will detonate, and the player will die.\n\nYou win if you survive till the end and Crewmates don't win.\n\n Note: Taskinator bombs ignore all protection.",
"BenefactorInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\n恩人として、タスクを完了すると、そのタスクはマークされます。別のプレイヤーがマークされたタスクを完了すると、一時的な盾が得られます。\n\n注:盾は直接の攻撃からのみ保護します。",
- "MedusaInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Medusa, you can stone bodies much like cleaning a body.\nStoned bodies cannot be reported.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"SpiritcallerInfoLong": "(中立):\n精霊召喚師として、あなたの犠牲者は死後、悪霊になります。これらの悪霊は、他のプレイヤーを一時的に凍らせたり、視界を遮ったりして攻撃することができます。また、殺人未遂からあなたを守る一時的な盾を与えることもできます。",
- "AmnesiacInfoLong": "(中立):\n記憶喪失者として、リポートボタンを使用してターゲットを記憶し、その役割を引き継ぐことができます。\nゲームバランスを保つため、記憶した役割がベントを使用できない場合、記憶喪失者としてもベントを使用することはできません。",
- "ImitatorInfoLong": "(中立): \n模倣者として、あなたのキルボタンを使用してプレイヤーを模倣してください。\n\nあなたはシェリフ、難民、またはいくつかのニュートラルになるでしょう。",
- "BanditInfoLong": "(中立):\n山賊として、キルボタンを1回クリックするとプレイヤーのアドオンを盗み、2回クリックするとキルが可能です。設定に応じて、アドオンは即座に盗むか、会議開始後に盗むかが決まります。最大の盗み回数に達した後は、通常通りキルが行われます。また、ターゲットに盗めるアドオンがない場合やターゲットが頑固な場合、ターゲットをキルします。\n\n全員を倒して勝ちます。\n\n注: 浄化されたプレイヤー、ラストインポスター、およびラヴァーズのアドオンは盗むことができません。\n注:「バンディットがベントを使える」が有効な場合、器用なプレイヤーから盗むのがより困難になります。",
- "DoppelgangerInfoLong": "(中立):\nドッペルゲンガーとして、キルボタンを使用してプレイヤーのアイデンティティ (名前とスキン) を奪い、ターゲットを殺します。\n\n全員を倒して勝ちます。\n\n注: 迷彩が有効な場合、ターゲットのアイデンティティを奪うことはできません。",
+ "AmnesiacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Amnesiac, use your report button to remember a target and get its role.\nTo balance the game, you will not be able to Vent after remembering your role if you can't Vent as Amnesiac.'",
+ "ImitatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Imitator, use your Kill button to imitate a player.\n\nYou'll either become a Sheriff, a Refugee, or some Neutral.",
+ "BanditInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Bandit, you can click your Kill button one time to steal a player's Add-on and twice to kill. Depending on the settings, you may instantly steal the Add-on or after the meeting starts. After the maximum number of steals is reached, you will kill normally. Additionally, if there are no stealable Add-ons on the target or the target is Stubborn, you will kill the target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: Cleansed, Last Impostor, and Lovers cannot be stolen.\nNote: If Bandit can Vent is on, Nimble will become unstealable.",
+ "DoppelgangerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Doppelganger, use your Kill button to steal a player's identity (their name and skin) and then kill your target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: You cannot steal the target's identity when Camouflage is active.",
"PunchingBagInfoLong": "(中立):\nパンチングバッグとして、あなたの目標は数回攻撃されて勝利することです。\n\n攻撃回数に追加されるため、推測されることはありません。",
- "DoomsayerInfoLong": "(中立):\nドゥームセイヤー(終末予告者)は会議中に特定のプレイヤーの役割を推測できます。\nドゥームセイヤーが特定の役割を一定数推測します (数はホストの設定に依存します)。\n推測のコマンドは:/bt [player id] [role] です。\nプレイヤーの名前の前にプレイヤーのIDを表示することができ、すべてのプレイヤーのIDを表示するために/idコマンドを使用できます。",
- "ShroudInfoLong": "(中立):\n覆いとして、あなたは通常殺さない。\n代わりに、プレイヤーを包むためにあなたのキルボタンを使用してください。\n包まれたプレイヤーは他の人を殺します。\n包まれたプレイヤーが殺害を行わなければ、会議の後に自分自身を殺すでしょう。\n\n覆いは、名前の隣に「◈」マークがある包まれたプレイヤーを見ます。\n殺害を行わなかった包まれたプレイヤーも、会議で「◈」マークを持っており、会議の終わりまでに覆いが生きていれば死にます。",
- "WerewolfInfoLong": "(中立):\nウェアウルフとして、あなたは通常の殺人者と同じように殺すことができます。\nただし、倒すと近くのプレイヤーも死んでしまいます。\nこれにより死亡したプレイヤーの死因は「Mauled」としてリストされます。\n\nこれをバランスさせるために、彼は他の誰よりも高いキルクールダウンを持っています。",
- "ShamanInfoLong": "(中立):\nシャーマンとして、ラウンドごとに一度、キルボタンを使用してブードゥー人形を選択できます。キルボタンがあなたに使用された場合、その効果はブードゥー人形に反射されます。最後まで生き残れば、勝利チームと一緒に勝利します。\n注意: キラーが選択されたターゲットを殺せない場合、殺害はキャンセルされますが、キラーが再度シャーマンを確認した場合、シャーマンが殺されます。",
- "SeekerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the seeker, use your kill button to tag the target. If the seeker tags the wrong player, a point is deducted, and if the seeker tags the correct player, a point will be added.\nAdditionally, the seeker will not be able to move for 5 seconds after every meeting and after getting a new target.\n\nThe seeker needs to collect a certain number of points set by the Host to win.\nSeeker will see a ★ mark on target's name.",
- "PixieInfoLong": "(中立):\nピクシーとして、各ラウンドでキルボタンを使用して最大x人のターゲットにマークを付けます。会議が始まると、マークされたターゲットのうちの1人を追放することがあなたの仕事です。もし成功しなければ、ターゲットをマークしなかった場合や全てのターゲットが死んでいる場合を除いて、自殺します。会議が終了すると選択されたターゲットは0にリセットされます。成功するとポイントが得られます。あなたのターゲットは色付きの名前で表示されます。\n\n勝利チームとともに勝利するには、ホストによって設定された特定のポイント数が必要です。",
- "SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(中立):\nシュレーディンガーの猫として、誰かがあなたに対してキルボタンを使用しようとすると、その行動をブロックして彼らのチームに加わります。このブロック能力は1回しか使用できません。デフォルトでは、勝利条件がありません。つまり、チームを変えた後に勝利します。\nさらに、このゲームではあなたは存在しないものとして数えられます。\n\n注意: キリングマシンがあなたに対してキルボタンを使用しようとした場合、その相互作用はブロックされず、あなたは死亡します。",
- "RomanticInfoLong": "(中立):\nロマンティック」では、「彼女を殺す」ボタンを使用して恋人のパートナーを選択できます (これはゲームのどの時点でも行うことができます)。 パートナーを選択したら、キルボタンを使用して一時的なシールドを与えることができます。 この盾は攻撃から身を守ります。 恋人が死亡した場合、恋人の役割は以下の条件に従って変化します。\n\nパートナーが詐欺師の場合、ロマンチックな人は難民になります。\nあなたのパートナーが中立的な殺人者であれば、あなたは冷酷なロマンチストになります。\nパートナーがクルーメイトまたは非殺人者ニュートラルの場合、ロマンティックはリベンジロマンティックになります。\nパートナーが勝てば、ロマンチックな人も勝ちます。\n注: 役割が変化すると、勝利条件もそれに応じて変化します。",
- "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(中立):\nあなたのパートナー (ニュートラルキラー) が殺されると、あなたの役割はロマンティックから変わります。無慈悲なロマンティックとして、あなたの勝利条件は、全員が死ぬまで全員を殺し、最後に生き残ることです。あなたが勝てば、あなたの死んだパートナーはあなたと一緒に勝ちます",
- "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(中立):\nあなたのパートナー (乗組員または非中立的殺人者) が殺された場合、あなたの役割はロマンティックから変わります。復讐的ロマンティックとして、あなたの目標はパートナーに復讐することです。つまり、パートナーの殺人者を殺さなければなりません。 つまり、あなたとあなたのパートナーは、最終的には勝者チームで勝つことになります。パートナーを殺した人以外の誰かを殺そうとすると、不発で死ぬことになります。",
- "PoisonerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Poisoner, your kills are delayed.\nKill everyone to win.",
- "HexMasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hex Master, you can hex players or kill them.\nHexing a player works the same as spelling as a Witch.",
- "WraithInfoLong": "(中立):\nレイスとして、ベントを使用して一時的に姿を消すことができます。画面上では見えている状態が維持されます。再びベントすると、再び見えるようになります。最後の生存プレイヤーであれば勝利します。",
- "JinxInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jinx, whenever you get attacked, you jinx them, resulting in them dying to a jinx.\nThis has limited uses.\n\nKill off everyone to win.",
- "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Potion Master, you have three different potions assigned to three different actions.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\nMap: Sabotage\n\nThe reveal potion has a limit.\nWhen you run out, the kill buttons default to killing.",
- "NecromancerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Necromancer, you win when you're the last one standing.\nAdditionally when someone tries to kill you, you will block the kill, and you will teleport to a random vent. You will have a limited time to kill your killer. If you succeed in doing so, you live. If the time runs out before you kill your killer, you die permanently. If you try to kill someone else other than your killer, you will die.",
- "ShockerInfoLong": "(中立): \nショッカーとして、部屋でタスクを行うことでその部屋をマークすることができます。その後、ベントを使用して一定時間内にその部屋にいる人々を感電させることができます。\n全てのタスクを完了すると、新しいタスクが与えられます。\n注意:その期間中にタスクを行うと、次回の能力使用時にそのタスクがマークされます。",
- "LastImpostorInfoLong": "(アドオン):\nこの効果は最後に生き残った詐欺師に与えられます。キルのクールダウンが減少します。",
- "OverclockedInfoLong": "(アドオン):\nオーバークロックすると、キルのクールダウンが一定の割合で減少します。キル ボタンのあるロールにのみ適用されます。",
+ "DoomsayerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Doomsayer can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting.\nIf the Doomsayer guesses a certain number of roles (the number depends on the Host settings), then he wins.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
+ "ShroudInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shroud, you do not kill normally.\nInstead, use your Kill button to shroud a player.\nShrouded players kill others.\nIf the shrouded player doesn't make a kill, they'll kill themselves after a meeting.\n\nShroud sees shrouded players with a 「◈」mark next to their name.\nShrouded players who did not make a kill will also have the 「◈」mark in meetings, where they'll die if the Shroud is alive by the end of the meeting.",
+ "WerewolfInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Werewolf, you can kill much like any killer.\nHowever, when you kill, any nearby players also die.\nAny player who dies to this will have their death reason as Mauled.\n\nTo balance this, you have a higher Kill Cooldown than anyone else.",
+ "ShamanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shaman, you can use your Kill button to select a Voodoo Doll once per round. If the Kill button is used on you, the effect will be deflected onto the Voodoo Doll.\nIf you survive until the end, you win with the winning team.\nNote: If the killer cannot kill the chosen target, murder is canceled, but if the killer rechecks the Shaman, the killer will kill the Shaman.",
+ "SeekerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Seeker, use your Kill button to tag the target. If the Seeker tags the wrong player, a point is deducted, and if the Seeker tags the correct player, a point will be added.\nAdditionally, the Seeker will not be able to move for 5 seconds after every meeting and after getting a new target.\n\nThe Seeker needs to collect a certain number of points set by the Host to win.\nSeeker will see a ★ mark on target's name.",
+ "PixieInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pixie, mark up to an X amount of targets each round by using the Kill button on them. You must have one of the marked targets ejected when the meeting starts. If unsuccessful, you will commit suicide, except if you didn't mark any targets or all the targets are dead. The selected targets reset to 0 after the meeting ends. If you succeed, you will gain a point. You see all your targets in colored names.\n\nYou win with the winning team when you have certain amounts of points set by the Host.",
+ "SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs Schrodingers Cat, if someone attempts to use the Kill button on you, you will block the action and join their team. This blocking ability works only once. By default, you don't have a victory condition, meaning you win only after switching teams.\nIn Addition to this, you will be counted as nothing in the game.\n\nNote: If the Killing Machine attempts to use their Kill button on you, the interaction is not blocked, and you will die.",
+ "RomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Romantic can pick their lover partner using their Kill button (this can be done at any point of the game). Once they've picked their partner, they can use their Kill button to give their partner a temporary shield that protects them from attacks. If their lover partner dies, the Romantic's role will change according to the following conditions:\n1. If their partner was an Impostor, the Romantic becomes the Refugee\n2. If their partner was a Neutral Killer, then they become Ruthless Romantic.\n3. If their partner was a Crewmate or a non-killing Neutral, the Romantic becomes the Vengeful Romantic. \n\nThe Romantic wins with the winning team if their partner wins.\nNote: If your role changes, your win condition will be changed accordingly",
+ "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (a Neutral Killer) is killed. As a Ruthless Romantic, you win if you kill everyone and are the last one standing. If you win, your dead partner will also win with you.",
+ "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (a Crewmate or non-Neutral Killer) is killed. As a Vengeful Romantic, your goal is to avenge your partner, which means you must kill the killer of your partner. If you succeed, then you and your partner win with the winning team at the end. If you try to kill someone other than your partner's killer, then you will die by misfire.",
+ "WraithInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Wraith, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible. You win if you are the last player remaining.",
+ "ShockerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shocker, you can mark rooms by doing tasks in them, and then Vent to electrocute anyone in those rooms for a set period of time. When you finish all of your tasks, you get new ones. Note: Doing tasks during that period will mark them for the next ability use.",
+ "CovenInfoLong": "(Coven):\nCoven members are on a separate team that works together and wins together. If there are multiple Coven roles in the game, they can see each other's roles.\nDepending on the Host's settings, Coven roles can guess or be guessed.\nDo /coveninfo for more info.",
+ "PoisonerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Poisoner can use their Kill button on a player to roleblock them. The next time the roleblocked player tries to use their ability, it will do nothing, and their Cooldown will be reset.\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. These kills will be delayed.",
+ "HexMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Hex Master can use their Kill button to mark a player with the 乂 symbol. If a player has this at the end of the meeting and the Hex Master hasn't died - then they die.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Hex will be passed around - similar to an Agitator bomb. Also, you can double-click the Kill button to kill normally.",
+ "JinxInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Jinx can use their Kill button to jinx a player. Anyone who interacts with the jinxed player will die with the death reason Jinxed.\nWith the Necronomicon the Jinx can double-kill to kill normally. Also, the jinxed player and the player who interacted with the jinxed person will die.",
+ "MedusaInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Medusa can use their Kill button on players to mark them as Stoned. When the Medusa clicks the Shapeshift button, all Stoned players will be unable to move and will have reduced vision for a configurable amount of time.\nWith the Necronomicon, killed players will be unreportable.",
+ "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Potion Master has two potions available for their use. The Reveal potion reveals a player's role. The Barrier potion places a shield on a player for one round, the player will not be notified of this unless they are Coven as well. Click the Shapeshift button to change potions.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Potion Master can double-click their Kill button to kill.",
+ "NecromancerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nAs the Necromancer, you can Shapeshift to become the role of a random dead person for a set duration.\nSome roles can not be used.\nOnce a role is used, it can not be used the rest of the game.\nWith the Necronomicon, when someone tries to kill you, you will block the kill and be teleported to a random Vent. You have a limited time to kill your killer. If the time runs out or you try to kill someone else, you die.",
+ "CovenLeaderInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Coven Leader can use their Kill button on a fellow Coven member to retrain them into a random Coven role that isn’t currently in the game. During the next meeting, that Coven member will be notified that the Coven Leader wishes to retrain them. They can vote themselves to accept the retrain, or vote otherwise to deny it. Denying the retrain does not take away an ability usage.\nWith the Necronomicon, you cannot retrain, and can only kill other players.",
+ "RitualistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nDuring a meeting, the Ritualist can perform a Blood Ritual to guess a player’s exact role. If the Ritualist is correct, that player will be converted to Coven. If the Ritualist is incorrect, they will not die but will be unable to Blood Ritual until the next meeting.\nThe command is /rt id role.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Ritualist can kill.",
+ "ConjurerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nShapeshift once to mark a location.\nShapeshift again to conjure a meteor at the place you marked, killing everyone in the radius.\nWith the Necronomicon, you can kill. You can also mark a player using the Shapeshift UI. When the Conjurer clicks the Shapeshift button again, all the players in the radius of the marked player will die, including the marked player.",
+ "DreamweaverInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Dreamweaver can dreamweave a player. The dreamweaved players will be notified of this during the next meeting. If the Dreamweaver is not voted out, these players will be unable to use their abilities until the Dreamweaver dies.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Dreamweaver can double-click to kill.",
+ "IllusionistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Illusionist can use their Kill button on a player to reverse the results of any investigative role. For example, if someone with a Kill button is Illusioned, they will appear not to have a Kill button to the Investigator, and vice versa.\nIllusions wear off after meetings.\nWith the Necronomicon, you may double-click to kill. Every kill you make appears as a random death reason.",
+ "VoodooMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Voodoo Master can craft a Voodoo Doll of a player by using their Kill button, similar to the Shaman. All the interactions with you using Kill button will be deflected to the Voodoo Doll and the Voodoo Doll will destroy. Unlike the Shaman, this voodoo will last during the meeting (eg. If the Voodoo Master is judged, then the voodoo'd player will be judged instead).\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. Additionally, the voodoo’d player will be unable to report. The next person to interact with them will die.",
+ "SacrifistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Sacrifist can Shapeshift to cause a random debuff to a non-Coven member, however, the Sacrifist will also receive this effect (when applicable).\nThe random player will be the same player until the round ends.\nDepending on the Host’s settings, if the Sacrifist is voted out, some random non-Coven who voted the Sacrifist will die too.\nNormally, the Sacrifist can not kill, however, to prevent prolonging of the game, Sacrifist can kill if they are the last Coven member alive.\nWith the Necronomicon, when you Shapeshift, you will commit the Ultimate Sacrifice. When you do this, you die. However, the entire Coven for the rest of the game receives a lowered Kill Cooldown.",
+ "MoonDancerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Moon Dancer can use their Kill button to use their ability, Baton Pass.\nIf used on a Coven member: Gives a Helpful Add-on at the next meeting.\nIf used on a non-Coven member: Gives a Harmful Add-on at the next meeting.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Moon Dancer can double-click their Kill button to kill. When killing, the player is teleported off the map. They will appear alive on Vitals and will not show up in Tracefinder's arrows etc. They die when a meeting/body report with the death reason Blasted Off.",
+ "LastImpostorInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThis special effect is given to the last surviving Impostor. It significantly reduces their Kill Cooldown.",
+ "OverclockedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Overclocked, your Kill Cooldown is reduced by a percentage.\n\nThis feature is only assigned to roles with a Kill button.",
"LoversInfoLong": "(アドオン):\nラバーズは2人のプレイヤーの組み合わせです。ラバーズは、ラバーズだけが残れば勝ちです。ラバーズのどちらかが勝つと、もう一方も一緒に勝ちます。ラバーズはお互いの名前の横に「♥」マークが表示されます。 恋人が死亡すると、恋人が勝ち、もう一方は恋に死ぬ (ホストの設定によっては恋に落ちない) ことになり、恋人のどちらかが会議で追放されると、もう一方は死んで報告できない死体となります。",
- "MadmateInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n乗組員だけがマッドメイトになれる。マッドメイトの使命は、インポスターがゲームに勝つのを助けることだ。すべてのインポスターが殺されるか追放されると、マッドメイトは負ける。」 彼らは マッドメイト が誰であるかを知っている可能性があり、インポスター も マッドメイト が誰であるかを知っている可能性があります (ホストの設定によって異なります)。\n怠け者と有名人は狂った仲間になることはできません。 シェリフ 、 密告者 、ナイス・ゲッサー、市長、裁判官はマッドメイトになることができます (ホストの設定に応じて)。 以下の役割がマッドメイトに変換されるとスキルが変化します。\n\nタイムマネージャー => タスクにより会議時間が短縮されます。\nボディガード => インポスターがキラーの場合、スキルは発動しません。\n擲弾兵 (投擲者) => 閃光弾は、詐欺師ではなく乗組員と中立者に影響を与えます。\nシェリフ => 詐欺師を含む誰でも殺害できます (ホストの設定に応じて)。\nナイスゲッサー => 乗組員と中立者を推測できます。\nサイキック => すべての邪悪なニュートラルと乗組員の名前が赤色で表示されます。\n裁判官 => 誰に対しても判決を下すことができます。\nパシフィスト => 彼らの能力はクルーメイトにのみ効果があります。",
+ "MadmateInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Crewmates can become Madmate. Madmate's task is to help the Impostors win the game. Madmate will lose if all Impostors are killed/ejected. Madmates may know who are Impostors, and Impostors may know who are Madmates (Host settings).\n\nLazy Guy, Celebrity can't become Madmate. Sheriff, Snitch, Nice Guesser, Mayor, and Judge may become Madmate (Host settings). Skill changes when the following roles are converted into Madmates:\n\nTime Manager => Doing tasks will reduce meeting time.\nBodyguard => Skill won't activate if the killer is an Impostor.\nGrenadier => Flash bomb will work on Crewmates and Neutrals instead of the Impostors.\nSheriff => Can kill anyone, including Impostors (Host settings).\nNice Guesser => Can guess Crewmates and Neutrals\nPsychic => All evil Neutrals and Crewmates' names with the ability to kill will be displayed in Red.\nJudge => Can judge anyone\nPacifist => Their ability only works on Crewmates.",
"WatcherInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n会議中、ウォッチャーは全員の投票を見ることができます。",
"FlashInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n閃光のデフォルト移動速度は他のキャラクターよりも速いです(速度はホストの設定に依存します)。",
- "TorchInfoLong": "(アドオン):\nトーチは最大の視力を持っており、ライトの妨害行為の影響を受けません。",
- "SeerInfoLong": "(アドオン):\nプレイヤーが死ぬたびに、予知者はキルフラッシュ (赤いフラッシュ、時には妨害行為のような警報音を伴う) を見ることができます。",
+ "TorchInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nTorch has maximum vision and is not affected by Lights Sabotage.",
+ "SeerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever a player dies, the Seer will see a kill-flash (a red flash, possibly accompanied by an alarm sound like Sabotage).",
"TiebreakerInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n同点の場合、タイブレーカーが投票したターゲットが優先されます。 注: 複数のタイブレーカーが同時に異なる同点ターゲットを選択した場合、タイブレーカーのスキルは効果がありません。",
"ObliviousInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n探偵と清掃員はオブリビアスになることはできません。オブリビアスは死体を報告できません。注: オブリビアスによって殺された餌は自動的に報告され、オブリビアスは匿名になります。」 の代用としても使えます。",
"BewilderInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n当惑させることは、より小さい/大きい視野を持つかもしれません。当惑させることが殺された場合、設定によっては、殺害者の視野が当惑させる者の視野と同じになる可能性があります。",
"WorkhorseInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n最初にすべてのタスクを完了したプレイヤーは働き馬(ワークホース)になり、そのプレイヤーに追加のタスクが与えられます。追加のタスクの数はホストによって設定されます。",
- "FoolInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n探偵と整備士は愚者にはならない。愚者はサボタージュを修理することができない。",
+ "FoolInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nSleuth and Mechanic won't be Fool. Fools can't repair any Sabotage.",
"AvangerInfoLong": "(アドオン):\nホストは、詐欺師がアベンジャーになれるかどうかを設定できます。アベンジャーが殺されると (投票による死亡や通常のキルはカウントされません) 、アベンジャーはランダムなプレイヤーに復讐します。",
"YoutuberInfoLong": "(アドオン):\nYouTuberになれるのはクルーメイトだけです。ゲームで最初にYouTuberが殺された場合、YouTuberは単独で勝利します。YouTuberが勝利条件を満たさない場合、YouTuberはクルーメイトに従って勝利します。注意:ゲッサーや他の間接的な殺し方による失格、推理など、YouTuberのスキルはトリガーされません。",
"EgoistInfoLong": "(アドオン):\nマッドメイト派と中立派はエゴイストにはなりません。エゴイストのチームが勝った場合、そのチームではなくエゴイスト自身が勝ちます。",
"StealerInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n盗人はキルするたびに追加の投票権を獲得します (ホストが投票数を設定し、小数点以下は切り捨てられます)。\nまた、盗人の追加投票はオプション設定に応じて会議中に非表示になります。",
- "ParanoiaInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n中立者やマッドメイトには割り当てられません。パラノイアとして、ゲーム終了の判断において、キラーが多数派を占めたときに2人のプレイヤーとしてカウントされます。さらに、オプションによっては追加の投票権が与えられます。",
+ "ParanoiaInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Paranoia, you will be considered as two players in the game to determine when the game ends due to killers having the majority. Additionally, this grants you an extra vote, depending on options.\nNot assigned to Neutrals nor Madmates.",
"MimicInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n「模倣者」になれるのは詐欺師だけです。 ミミックが死亡すると、会議が開催されるたびに、他の詐欺師はミミックによって殺されたプレイヤーに関する情報を含むメッセージを受信します。",
- "GuesserInfoLong": "(アドオン):\nゲッサーは会議中にプレイヤーの役職を推測して殺すために役立ちます。誤った推測はあなたを殺します。推測のコマンドは次のとおりです:/bt [プレイヤーID] [role] プレイヤーの名前の前にプレイヤーIDを表示できます、またはすべてのプレイヤーのIDを表示するために/idコマンドを使用できます。",
- "NecroviewInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Necroview can see the teams of dead players. The following info will be displayed on the dead player's name while in a meeting:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.",
- "ReachInfoLong": "(アドオン):\nキルボタンを持つ役割のみがこのアドオンを取得できます。他のすべてのプレイヤーとは異なり、あなたはゲーム内で最長のキル範囲を持っています。",
+ "GuesserInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs a Guesser, guess the roles of players in meetings to kill them.\nGuessing the incorrect role kills you instead.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
+ "NecroviewInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Necroview can see the teams of dead players. The following info will be displayed on the dead player's name while in a meeting:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.\n- The Purple name indicates the Coven.",
+ "ReachInfoLong": "(Add-on)\nOnly roles with a Kill button can get this Add-on. Unlike everyone else, you have the longest kill range possible in the game.",
"BaitInfoLong": "(アドオン):\nおとりが死ぬと、おとりを殺した犯人が自動的におとりの死体を報告します。ただし、スカベンジャー、クリーナー、スウーパー、レイス、メデューサ、または殺人マシンが おとり を殺した場合、この報告は行われません。報告にはホストの設定に応じて遅延が生じる場合があります。",
"TrapperInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n「ベアトラップ」が殺されると、ベアトラップは殺人者を設定可能な時間だけ動けなくします。",
- "CharmedInfoLong": "(裏切りのアドオン):\n「魅了」アドオンはカルティストによって魅了されたプレイヤーによって取得されます。一度魅了されると、あなたはもはや元のチームではなくカルティストのチームに所属します。",
+ "CharmedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Charmed Add-on is obtained by being charmed by the Cultist.\nOnce charmed, you are now on the Cultist's team and no longer on your original team.",
"CleansedInfoLong": "(アドオン):\nクレンズドアドオンは、クレンザーによってすべてのアドオンが削除された場合にのみ取得できます。クレンザーの設定に応じて、将来的にさらにアドオンを取得できない場合があります。",
- "InfectedInfoLong": "(裏切りのアドオン):\n「インフェクティッド」アドオンは、インフェクシャスに感染したことによって取得されます。一度感染すると、あなたはインフェクシャスのために働き、元のチームで勝つことはありません。",
- "OnboundInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n「オンバウンド」アドオンを使用すると、会議中にあなたを推測することはできません。",
- "ReboundInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n「リバウンド」アドオンを持っていると、ゲッサーがあなたを正確に推測した場合、またはジャッジがあなたを正確に判断した場合、彼らは代わりに死亡します。ダブルショットのプレイヤーがあなたを正確に推測した場合、即座に死亡します。",
+ "InfectedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Infected Add-on is obtained by being infected by the Infectious.\nOnce infected, you work for the Infectious and do not win with your original team.",
+ "OnboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Onbound Add-on, you cannot be guessed in meetings.",
+ "ReboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Rebound Add-on, if a Guesser successfully guessed you or a Judge successfully judged you, they will die instead.\nIf a player with Double Shot guesses you correctly, they will die instantly.",
"MundaneInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n平凡として、すべてのタスクを完了した後でしか推測することができません。",
"KnightedInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n君主が誰かを騎士にすると、その人は追加の投票権を得ます。",
- "UnreportableInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n無視されたアドオンを使用すると、あなたの遺体は報告できません。",
+ "UnreportableInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Disregarded Add-on, your corpse will be unreportable.",
"ContagiousInfoLong": "(裏切りのアドオン):\nウイルスが感染すると、あなたは伝染病になります。\n伝染病のプレイヤーはウイルスのチームに所属します。\nミーティング後に死亡するかどうかは、ウイルスの設定に依存します。",
- "LuckyInfoLong": "(アドオン):\nラッキーアドオンがあると、キルを回避する確率が発生します。この確率はホストによって設定されます。回避が発動すると、キラーにはシールドのアニメーションが表示されますが、あなたには何もわかりません。",
+ "LuckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Lucky Add-on, there is a probability for you to evade the kill; the Host sets the specific probability. The killer will see a Shield Animation when the evasion takes effect, but you will not know anything.",
"DoubleShotInfoLong": "(アドオン):\nダブルショットを持つプレイヤーが役割を誤って推測した場合、もう一度推測する機会が与えられますが、次の誤った推測は自殺につながります。",
- "RascalInfoLong": "(アドオン): \nラスカルとして、あなたは保安官によって死ぬことができ、スニッチが味方をスニッチがマッドメイツプレイヤーを見つけることができれば、彼はあなたを見つけることができます。 ホストの構成に応じて異なります。マーチャントによって割り当てられることはできません。",
- "SoullessInfoLong": "(アドオン): \n呪われた魂があなたの魂を奪うと、このアドオンを取得します。\nあなたは生存プレイヤーとしてカウントされません。",
+ "RascalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rascal, you can die to the Sheriff, and Snitch can find you if Snitch can find Madmates.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates, cannot be assigned by the Merchant.",
+ "SoullessInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a Cursed Soul steals your soul, you get this Add-on.\n\nYou are not counted as alive.",
"GravestoneInfoLong": "(アドオン): \nグレイヴストーンとして、あなたの役割は死んだときに誰にでも公開されます。",
"LazyInfoLong": "(アドオン): \nレイジーとして、あなたには1つの短いタスクが割り当てられ、ウォーロック、パペティア、ギャングスターからの影響を受けません。",
"AutopsyInfoLong": "(アドオン): \n検死として、あなたは人々がどのように死んだかを見ることができます。\nドクター、トレースファインダー、サイエンティスト、サニーボーイに割り当てられません。",
- "RebirthInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n再生として、あなたが追放される際、あなたに投票したランダムなクルーメイトとスキンを交換します。\n注意: ホストの投票はカウントされません。\n再生をすべて使い果たした場合、再生の能力は失われます。",
- "LoyalInfoLong": "(アドオン): \n忠実な役割として、あなたはジャッカルやカルトなどの役割に勧誘されません。中立役には割り当てられません。",
+ "RebirthInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rebirth, if you're the player about to be ejected, you will swap skins with a random Crewmate who voted for you.\nNotice: The Host vote never counts\nRebirth will be removed from you if you exhausted all your rebirths.",
+ "LoyalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Loyal, you cannot be recruited by roles such as Jackal or Cultist.\n\nCannot be assigned to Neutrals.",
"EvilSpiritInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n邪悪なスピリットとして、あなたの仕事はスピリットコーラーを勝利に導くことです。ハントボタンを使用してプレイヤーを凍結させ、視界を制限することができます。また、ハントボタンを使用してスピリットコーラーがキルの試みに対するシールドを一時的に得ることもできます。",
- "RecruitInfoLong": "(裏切りアドオン):\nリクルートとして、あなたはジャッカルのチームに所属し、ジャッカルとそのサイドキックを支援します。\n元のチームと一緒に勝利することはできません。\n設定によっては、元のジャッカルが殺されてサイドキックがいない場合、新たなジャッカルになることがあります。",
- "AdmiredInfoLong": "(裏切りのアドオン):\n賞賛されたプレイヤーとして、クルーと一緒に勝利し、元のチームでは勝利できません。\n\nファンを見ることができます。",
+ "RecruitInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs a recruit, you are on the Jackal's team and help out the Jackal and their Sidekicks.\nYou cannot win with your original team.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed and no Sidekicks is alive.",
+ "AdmiredInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs an Admired player, you win with the Crewmates and not your original team.\n\nYou can see the Admirer.",
+ "EnchantedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Enchanted Add-on can only be obtained through being converted by the Ritualist or upon killing the OIIAI as a non-Nerconomicon holder.\nOnce Enchanted, you are apart of the Coven team and are no longer apart of your original team.",
"GlowInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n停電中、あなたと近くにいるプレイヤーは視界が広がります。",
"RadarInfoLong": "(アドオン):\nレーダーとして、常に最も近くにいる人を指す矢印が表示されます。",
- "DiseasedInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n他のプレイヤーがあなたにキルボタンを使用しようとすると、そのクールダウン時間が設定可能な時間だけ増加します。",
- "AntidoteInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n他のプレイヤーがあなたにキルボタンを使用しようとすると、そのクールダウン時間が設定可能な時間だけ増加します。",
- "StubbornInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n頑固なアドオンを持っている場合、消しゴムはロールを消去できません。 浄化者はあなたを浄化することはできませんし、バンディットはあなたから盗むことはできません。 また、君主はあなたをナイトにすることはできません。 さらに、販売者から新しいアドオンを入手することはできません。",
+ "DiseasedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the Kill button on you, their Cooldown will be increased by a configurable amount of time.",
+ "AntidoteInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the Kill button on you, their Cooldown will be decreased by a configurable amount of time.",
+ "StubbornInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Stubborn Add-on, Eraser can't erase your role, Cleanser can't cleanse you, Bandit can't steal from you, and Monarch can't knight you.\nAdditionally, you can't gain any new Add-ons from the Merchant.",
"SwiftInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n速い者として、殺害時に動きを見せません。\n注意: スウィフトはおとりも無視します。",
- "UnluckyInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n不運なとして、タスクを完了したり、キルをしたり、ベントを使用したり、ドアを開けたりすると、死ぬ可能性があります。",
+ "UnluckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Unlucky, when you Complete Tasks, Kill, Venting, or open a Door, you have a chance to die.",
"SpurtInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n歩き始めると、最初は大幅なスピードブーストを得ますが、それが急速に低下し、スピードを回復させるためにしばらく静止して休む必要があります。",
- "VoidBallotInfoLong": "(アドオン):\nこのアドオンを持つ者は投票数が0になります。",
+ "VoidBallotInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nHolder of this Add-on will have 0 vote count.",
"AwareInfoLong": "(アドオン): \n気づきとして、あなたは明かす役割が自分と交流したかどうかを次の会議で通知されます。",
- "FragileInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n壊れやすい役割として、誰かがあなたに対してキルボタンを使用しようとすると (その役割が直接的に殺すことができなくても)、あなたは即座に死亡します。",
- "GhoulInfoLong": "(アドオン):\nグールとして、タスク完了時に2つのうちの1つの結果が発生します。\n生存している場合:自殺\n死んでいる場合:生存していれば殺害者を殺害します。\nクルーメイトにのみ割り当てられ、タスクがないクルーメイトやタスクベースのクルーメイトには割り当てられません。",
- "BloodthirstInfoLong": "(アドオン): \n血の渇きを持つ者として、タスクを行うことで殺害が可能になります。\nタスクを完了すると、次に接触するプレイヤーが死亡します。\n\n会議後もあなたの血の渇きは残ります。\n殺害を行うと、次にタスクを完了するまで血の渇きは消えます。\n血の渇きは重複しません。\n\nタスクを持つクルーメイトにのみ割り当てられます。",
- "MareInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n牝馬(メア)」として、キルのクールダウンが短く、速度が高いが、ライトが点灯している間しかキルできません。\n\nさらに、ライトが点灯している間、あなたの名前は赤く表示されます。\n\nこの役職はインポスターにのみ割り当てられ、推測できません。",
- "BurstInfoLong": "(アドオン): \nバーストとして、あなたのキラーはベントの中にいない場合、設定された時間経過後に爆発します。",
+ "FragileInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Fragile, you will instantly die if someone tries to use the Kill button on you (even if the role cannot directly kill).",
+ "GhoulInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Ghoul, one of two outcomes can occur on task completion.\n\nIf alive: Suicide\nIf dead: You kill your killer if they're alive.\n\nThis is only assigned to Crewmates, and not Crewmates with no tasks or are task-based.",
+ "BloodthirstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Bloodthirst, doing tasks allows you to become bloodthirsty and kill players.\nWhen you finish a task, the next player you come in contact with dies.\n\nYour Bloodthirst remains after a meeting.\nUpon making a kill, your Bloodthirst clears till the next task you complete.\nBloodthirsts do not stack.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates with tasks.",
+ "MareInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Mare, you have a low Kill Cooldown and have higher speed but can only kill during lights.\n\nAdditionally, your name will appear in red during lights.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors and cannot be guessed.",
+ "BurstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Burst, your killer explodes if they aren't inside a Vent after a set amount of time.",
"SleuthInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n探偵として、死体から情報を得ることができます。\nオプションで、キラーの役割も知ることができます。\nディテクティブまたはモーティシャンには割り当てられません。",
- "ClumsyInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n不器用なため、キルをミスする確率があります。\nミスした場合、クールダウンがリセットされ、対象は触れられないままです。\nキラーにのみ割り当てられます。",
- "CircumventInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n回避者として、あなたはベントを使用できません。\n\nインポスターにのみ割り当てられます。",
- "NimbleInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n器用な役割として、あなたはベントボタンにアクセスできます。\nこの能力は一部のクルーメイトにのみ与えられます。",
- "InfluencedInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n影響を受けた者として、あなたの投票は最も票を得たプレイヤーに強制されます。追放されるプレイヤーを選ぶ際、影響を受けた投票はカウントされません。最初に投票したプレイヤーに対するあなたの投票スキルは依然として機能することに注意してください。生存している全てのプレイヤーが影響を受けている場合、投票結果は変わりません。コレクターは影響を受けることはありません。",
+ "ClumsyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Clumsy, you have a chance to miss your kill.\n\nWhen you miss, your Cooldown is reset, and the target remains untouched.\n\nOnly assigned to killers.",
+ "CircumventInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Circumvent, you can't Vent.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors.",
+ "NimbleInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Nimble, you gain access to the Vent button.\n\nOnly assigned to certain Crewmates.",
+ "InfluencedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Influenced, your vote will be forced to the player with the most votes.\nInfluenced vote won't be counted while choosing the exiled player'\nNote that your vote skill still functions on the player you voted first\nIf all the alive players are Influenced, then the vote result won't shift\nCollector cannot become Influenced.",
"SilentInfoLong": "(アドオン):\nサイレントとして、あなたの投票アイコンは結果画面に表示されません。\nそのため、誰が誰に投票したかは分かりません。",
"SusceptibleInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n影響を受けやすい者として、あなたの死因はランダムになります。",
"TrickyInfoLong": "(アドオン):\nトリッキーとして、あなたの殺害はランダムな死因を持つことになります。",
"TiredInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n疲れたが誰かを倒す (またはキル能力を使用する) たび、またはタスクを完了するたびに、一時的に視界が狭く、速度が低下します。",
"StatueInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n多くの人が像の近くにいると、設定によって像は完全に凍結するか、または速度が遅くなります。",
"EvaderInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n回避者が投票で追放されるとき、追放を回避する可能性があります (確率はホストが設定します)。",
- "CyberInfoLong": "(アドオン):\nサイバーとして、グループ内にいる間は死ぬことができません。\n設定によっては、インポスター、中立者、またはクルーメイトがあなたの死亡を知ることができます。",
- "HurriedInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n急いでいる場合、チームと一緒に勝つためにすべてのタスクを完了する必要があります! タスクに失敗した場合、負けます。\n急いでいると、マッドメイト、チャームされたりしないように目標に急ぎます。",
- "OiiaiInfoLong": "(アドオン):\nオイアイ猫として、死亡した場合、殺害者が自分の役割を忘れるようになります。さらに、設定によっては、オイアイ猫を殺害者に渡すことができます。",
- "RainbowInfoLong": "(アドオン)\n虹のように、あなたはクレイジーなくらい色を変えます.",
+ "CyberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Cyber, you cannot die while in a group.\nDepending on the settings, Impostors, Neutrals, and or Crewmates will know if you die.",
+ "HurriedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the hurried, you must finish all your tasks to win with your team! If you fail with your tasks, you lose.\nHurried hurries to his goal, so it won't get Madmate, Charmed or so.",
+ "OiiaiInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the OIIAI, when you die, you will make your killer forget their role.\nAdditionally, you may pass OIIAI on to the killer, depending on settings.",
+ "RainbowInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rainbow, you change your colors like crazy.",
"GMInfoLong": "(なし): \nゲームマスターは観察役の役割です。\n彼らの存在はゲームに影響を与えず、すべてのプレイヤーがゲームマスターであることを知っています。 ゲームマスターの役割はホストに割り当てられ、ゲーム開始時に自動的にゴーストになります。",
- "SunnyboyInfoLong": "(中立):\nサニーボーイとして、ゲームの最後までに死んでいれば勝利します。生存している間は、キラーが多数派を獲得してもゲームは終了しません。さらに、持ち運び可能なバイタルにアクセスできます。",
- "BardInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n吟遊詩人が生きている場合、追放の確認画面には吟遊詩人によって構成された文が表示されます。吟遊詩人がクリエーションを完了するたびに、吟遊詩人のキルクールダウンが永久に半分になります。",
+ "SunnyboyInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sunnyboy, you win if you are dead by the end of the game. The game will not end when you are alive due to killers gaining the majority.\nAdditionally, you have access to portable Vitals.",
+ "BardInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen a Bard is alive, the exile confirmation will display a sentence composed by the Bard. Whenever the Bard completes a creation, the Bard's Kill Cooldown will be permanently halved.",
"WardenInfoLong": "(クルーメイト [幽霊]):\n守護者として、近くの危険を誰かに警告し、さらに一時的なスピードブーストを与えます。",
"GhastlyInfoLong": "(クルーメイト [幽霊]):\nゴースとして、何も知らない人を憑依し、その後、彼らに対象を選ばせます。そうすると、あなたが他の誰かを憑依するか、憑依時間が終わるまで、彼らはその対象にのみ自分の殺害能力 (または殺害スキル) を使用できるようになります。",
- "MinionInfoLong": "(インポスター [幽霊]):\n手下として、非インポスターを一時的に盲目にすることができます。",
- "DollMasterInfoLong": "(インポスター):\nドールマスターとして、シェイプシフトボタンを使って任意のプレイヤーを一時的に操作し、あなたの行為を行わせることができます!",
- "DoubleAgentInfoLong": "(インポスター):\n二重スパイとして、キルボタンにはアクセスできません。しかし、会議で誰かに投票することで、そのプレイヤーに爆弾を渡すことができ、一度に1人にしか渡せません。会議が終了すると、爆弾は一定時間後に作動し、爆発します。\n注: 会議中に誰かに爆弾を渡した後、さらに投票することができます。\n\nまた、設定に応じて、二重スパイはベント中にバスティオンやアジテーターの爆弾を解除できることがあります。\n\n二重スパイは、最後のインポスターとなったときに役割を変更することができ、設定に応じて、役割が尊敬されるインポスター、いたずら者、裏切り者、または二重スパイのままになることがあります。",
+ "MinionInfoLong": "(Impostor [Ghost]):\nAs the Minion, you can temporarily blind non-Impostors.",
+ "DollMasterInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Dollmaster, you can temporarily take control of any player by using the Shapeshift button and to make them do your deeds!",
+ "DoubleAgentInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Double Agent, you cannot access the Kill button. However, you can vote for someone in a meeting to pass a bomb onto them, which can only be done one player at a time. Once the meeting has finished, the bomb will activate and explode in a set amount of time.\nNote: when you pass the bomb onto someone in a meeting, you can vote afterward.\n\nAdditionally depending on settings the Double Agent can diffuse Bastion and Agitator bombs when Venting.\n\nThe Double Agent can change roles when they are the Last Impostor, depending on the settings the role can be a Admired Impostor, Trickster, Traitor, or stay as the Double Agent.",
"SlothInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n怠け者のデフォルト移動速度は他のプレイヤーよりも遅いです (速度はホストの設定に依存します)。",
- "ProhibitedInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n禁止された者として、使用できない特定のベントがあります。\n無効化されるベントの数はホストの設定によって決まります。",
- "EavesdropperInfoLong": "(アドオン):\n立ち聞きとして、葬儀屋や探偵のように、他の役職やアドオンに基づく情報メッセージを読むチャンスがあります。",
+ "ProhibitedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Prohibited, you have specific Vents that you can't use.\nHow many Vents are disabled depends on the Host's settings.",
+ "EavesdropperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Eavesdropper, you have a chance to read other Role/Add-on information-based messages like Mortician or Sleuth.",
"ApocalypseInfoLong": "(黙示録):\n黙示録のメンバーは、独自のチームに所属し、一緒に行動して勝利を目指します。\nゲーム内に複数の黙示録役職がある場合、互いの役職を確認することができます。\nホストの設定によっては、黙示録役職が推測を行ったり、推測されることが可能です。",
"RevenantInfoLong": "(中立):\nレヴナント(亡霊)として、あなたの目標は殺されることです。\nもし殺されると、あなたは殺した相手の役職を奪い、その相手を逆に殺害します。\n殺される前に勝利することはできません。\nなお、レヴナント(亡霊)の能力は直接殺される場合のみ有効です。",
"ShowTextOverlay": "テキストオーバーレイ",
@@ -1040,17 +1075,17 @@
"AbilityInUse": "能力が使用中",
"AbilityExpired": "アビリティの期限切れ、{0} 回使用可能",
"RevenantTargeted": "役職が{0}に変更されました",
- "RevenantCanCopyAddons": "アドオンを盗むことができます",
+ "RevenantCanCopyAddons": "Can Steal Add-ons",
"ShowArrows": "ボディを指し示す矢印があります",
"ArrowDelayMin": "最小の矢印表示遅延",
"ArrowDelayMax": "最大の矢印表示遅延",
"SMUsesUsedWhenFixingReactorOrO2": "リアクター/O2を修理するのに必要な使用回数",
"SMUsesUsedWhenFixingLightsOrComms": "ライト/コミュニケーションを修理するのに必要な使用回数",
- "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "(初期) 手榴弾の最大数",
+ "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "(Initial) Maximum number of Grenades",
"ShowSpecificRole": "タスクを完了する際のプレーヤー固有の役割を把握する",
- "TimeMasterMaxUses": "(初期) 能力の最大使用回数",
- "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "スウーパーはスウープがクールダウン中でも通常通り通気孔を使用します",
- "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "レイスは透明がクールダウン中でも通常通り通気孔を使用します",
+ "TimeMasterMaxUses": "(Initial) Maximum Amount of Ability Uses",
+ "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Swooper Vents normally when Swooping is on Cooldown",
+ "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Wraith Vents normally when Invisibility is on Cooldown",
"DisableMeeting": "ミーティングを無効にする",
"DisableCloseDoor": "ドアのサボタージュを無効にする",
"DisableSabotage": "サボタージュを無効にする",
@@ -1059,13 +1094,13 @@
"DebugMode": "デバッグモード",
"SyncButtonMode": "会議時間の制限",
"RandomMapsMode": "ランダムマップモード",
- "SyncedButtonCount": "許可される緊急ミーティングの最大数",
- "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "ターゲットを殺した場合のキルクールダウンの減少",
- "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "他のプレイヤーを殺した場合のキルクールダウンの増加",
+ "SyncedButtonCount": "Maximum Number of Emergency Meetings per Game",
+ "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "Kill Cooldown decrease on killing target",
+ "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "Kill Cooldown increase on killing others",
"HHNumOfTargets": "ターゲットの数",
"Targets": "対象: ",
- "HHMaxKCD": "最大キルクールダウン",
- "HHMinKCD": "最小キルクールダウン",
+ "HHMaxKCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "HHMinKCD": "Minimum Kill Cooldown",
"AllAliveMeeting": "誰も死んでいない場合の会議",
"AllAliveMeetingTime": "誰も死んでいない場合の会議時間",
"AdditionalEmergencyCooldown": "追加の非常クールダウン",
@@ -1174,17 +1209,17 @@
"OverclockedReduction": "キルクールダウン短縮",
"GhostCanSeeOtherRoles": "幽霊は他の役職を見ることができます",
"PreventSeeRolesImmediatelyAfterDeath": "Prevent seeing other's roles immediately after death",
- "GhostCanSeeOtherVotes": "幽霊は投票の色を見ることができます",
- "GhostCanSeeDeathReason": "幽霊は死因を見ることができます",
+ "GhostCanSeeOtherVotes": "Ghosts can see Vote Colors",
+ "GhostCanSeeDeathReason": "Ghost can see Cause Of Death",
"GhostIgnoreTasks": "幽霊はタスクの対象外です",
- "ConvertedCanBeGhostRole": "変換されたプレイヤーはどのようなゴースト役割でも可能です。",
- "NeutralCanBeGhostRole": "中立プレイヤーは任意のゴースト役割になることができ、チームもそれに応じて変更されます",
- "MaxImpGhostRole": "インポスターのゴースト役割の最大数",
- "MaxCrewGhostRole": "クルーメイトのゴースト役割の最大数",
+ "ConvertedCanBeGhostRole": "Converted Players can be Any Ghost-Roles",
+ "NeutralCanBeGhostRole": "Neutral Players can be Any Ghost-Roles (Will change team respectively)",
+ "MaxImpGhostRole": "Maximum Impostor Ghost-Roles",
+ "MaxCrewGhostRole": "Maximum Crewmate Ghost-Roles",
"DefaultAngelCooldown": "デフォルト能力のクールダウン",
"DisableTaskWin": "タスクの勝利を無効にする",
- "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreDead": "すべての クルーメイト が死亡した場合、タスクの勝利を無効にする",
- "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreConverted": "すべての クルーメイト が 転向 した場合、タスクの勝利を無効にする",
+ "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreDead": "Disable Task Win if All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are Dead",
+ "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreConverted": "Disable Task Win if All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are <#ffab1b>Converted",
"HideGameSettings": "ゲーム設定を非表示にする",
"DIYGameSettings": "カスタム/nメッセージのみを有効にする",
"Settings:": "設定:",
@@ -1200,7 +1235,7 @@
"RoleOptions": "役割オプション",
"DarkTheme": "ダークテーマを有効にする",
"DisableLobbyMusic": "ロビーの音楽を無効にする",
- "AutoStart": "自動開始",
+ "AutoStart": "Auto Start",
"EnableCustomButton": "カスタムボタンイメージを有効にする",
"EnableCustomSoundEffect": "カスタムサウンドエフェクトを有効にする",
"EnableCustomDecorations": "カスタムマップ装飾を有効にする",
@@ -1237,8 +1272,8 @@
"OptKickXboxPlayer": "Xbox プレイヤーをキック",
"OptKickPlayStationPlayer": "PlayStation プレイヤーをキック",
"OptKickNintendoPlayer": "Nintendo Switch プレイヤーをキック",
- "ShareLobby": "TOHE-Chanちゃんにロビー コードを Discord に共有する許可を与えます",
- "ShareLobbyMinPlayer": "プレイヤー数が一定数に達したときにロビーコードを共有",
+ "ShareLobby": "Allow TOHE-Chan Shares Lobby Code to Discord",
+ "ShareLobbyMinPlayer": "Share Lobby Code When the Number of Players Reaches",
"DisableVanillaRoles": "バニラの役職を無効にする",
"VoteMode": "投票モード",
"WhenSkipVote": "プレイヤーがスキップした場合",
@@ -1276,6 +1311,7 @@
"IgnoreConditions": "条件を無視",
"IgnoreImpostors": "インポスター を無視",
"IgnoreNeutrals": "中立者 を無視",
+ "IgnoreCoven": "Ignore Coven",
"IgnoreCrewmates": "クルーメイト を無視",
"IgnoreAfterAnyoneDied": "最初の死後に無視",
"LightsOutSpecialSettings": "ライトを修理する特別な設定",
@@ -1289,7 +1325,7 @@
"RandomSpawn_AirshipAdditionalSpawn": "追加のスポーン場所 (エアシップ)",
"RandomSpawn_SpawnRandomVents": "ベントでのランダムスポーン",
"CommsCamouflage": "通信妨害行為時の偽装",
- "DisableOnSomeMaps": "一部のマップでの通信カムフラージュを無効にする",
+ "DisableOnSomeMaps": "Disable Comms Camouflage on some maps",
"DisableOnSkeld": "スケルドで無効化する",
"DisableOnMira": "ミラHQ で無効にする",
"DisableOnPolus": "ポラス で無効にする",
@@ -1328,8 +1364,8 @@
"EnableBirthdayDecorationSkeld": "The Skeldで誕生日の装飾",
"RandomBirthdayAndHalloweenDecorationSkeld": "The Skeldで誕生日とハロウィンが有効な場合、ランダムな装飾を設定",
"ApplyDenyNameList": "DenyNameリストを適用",
- "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "フレンドコードのないプレイヤーをキック",
- "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "フレンドコードのないプレイヤーを一時的に禁止",
+ "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Kick players with an invalid Friend Code",
+ "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Temp Ban players with an invalid Friend Code",
"ApplyBanList": "バンリストを適用",
"RemovePetsAtDeadPlayers": "死亡したプレイヤーのペットを削除",
"KillFlashDuration": "キルフラッシュの期間",
@@ -1340,6 +1376,7 @@
"ShowImpRemainOnEject": "投票結果で残りのインポスターを表示",
"ShowNKRemainOnEject": "投票結果で残りの中立キラーを表示",
"ShowNARemainOnEject": "追放時に残りの中立 黙示録を表示",
+ "ShowCovenRemainOnEject": "Show remaining Coven on ejects",
"ConfirmEgoistOnEject": "追放時にエゴイストを確認",
"ConfirmLoversOnEject": "追放時に恋人を確認",
"ConfirmSidekickOnEject": "追放時にサイドキックを確認",
@@ -1367,7 +1404,7 @@
"ShieldPersonDiedFirst": "前のゲームで最初に死んだプレイヤーを保護する",
"ShowShieldedPlayerToAll": "シールドされたプレイヤーを全員に公開する",
"RemoveShieldOnFirstDead": "最初の死でシールドを解除する",
- "ShieldedCanUseKillButton": "シールドされたプレイヤーは能力/キルボタンを使用できる",
+ "ShieldedCanUseKillButton": "Shielded player can use ability/Kill button",
"PlayerIsShieldedByGame": "プレイヤーはゲームによって守られています!",
"LegacyNemesis": "レガシーバージョンを使用",
"LegacyParasite": "レガシーバージョンを使用",
@@ -1390,7 +1427,7 @@
"DoubleAgent_DiffusedBastionBomb": "バスティオンの爆弾を成功裏に解除しました",
"DoubleAgent_BombExplodesIn": "爆弾が爆発するまで: {0}秒",
"DoubleAgent_BombExploded": "爆弾が爆発しました!",
- "DoubleAgentChangeRoleTo": "最後のインポスターで役割を変更",
+ "DoubleAgentChangeRoleTo": "Change role on last Impostor",
"DoubleAgentRoleChange": "あなたは次の役割になりました: ",
"MastermindCD": "クールダウンを操作",
"MastermindTimeLimit": "誰かを殺すための制限時間",
@@ -1408,15 +1445,13 @@
"Glitch_KCD": "キルクールダウン: {0}秒",
"Glitch_MimicCD": "ミミッククールダウン: {0}秒",
"HackedByGlitch": "あなたはグリッチにハックされました、{0} できません。",
- "GlitchKill": "キル",
- "GlitchReport": "報告",
- "GlitchVent": "ベント",
+ "GlitchKill": "Kill",
+ "GlitchReport": "Report",
+ "GlitchVent": "Vent",
"ShowFPS": "FPSを表示",
"FPSGame": "FPS: ",
"ControlCooldown": "制御のクールダウン",
- "PoisonCooldown": "毒のクールダウン",
- "PoisonerKillDelay": "毒キルの遅延",
- "WardenNotifyLimit": "アラートの最大回数",
+ "WardenNotifyLimit": "Maximum number of alerts",
"BombCooldown": "爆弾のクールダウン",
"Warlock_CanKillSelf": "自殺する",
"CrewpostorKnowsAllies": "インポスター を知っています",
@@ -1446,9 +1481,10 @@
"EGCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "すべてのタスクが完了したら、密告者 を推測できます。",
"GGCanGuessAdt": "アドオンを推測できます",
"GuesserCanGuessTimes": "最大の推測数",
- "GuesserTryHideMsg": "推測者のコマンドを隠す試み",
+ "GuesserTryHideMsg": "Try to hide the Guesser's command",
"GCanGuessImp": "インポスター は インポスター の役職を推測できます",
"GCanGuessCrew": "クルーメイト は クルーメイト の役職を推測できます",
+ "GCanGuessCoven": "Coven can guess Coven roles",
"GCanGuessAdt": "アドオンを推測できます",
"GCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "すべてのタスクが完了したら、密告者 を推測できます。",
"BountyTargetChangeTime": "ターゲットが切り替わるまでの時間",
@@ -1456,7 +1492,7 @@
"BountyFailureKillCooldown": "他の人を殺した後のキルクールダウン",
"BountyShowTargetArrow": "ターゲットを指す矢印を表示",
"DefaultShapeshiftCooldown": "デフォルトのシェイプシフトクールダウン",
- "DeadImpCantSabotage": "インポスターは死後に妨害行為を行うことができません",
+ "DeadImpCantSabotage": "Impostors can't Sabotage after they've died",
"VampireKillDelay": "噛みつきキルの遅延",
"VampireTargetDead": "対象が死亡しました",
"VampireActionMode": "アクションモード",
@@ -1465,14 +1501,14 @@
"Maverick_MinKillsToWin": "勝利するための最低キル数",
"Cooldown": "クールダウン",
"AbilityCooldown": "能力のクールダウン",
- "SkillLimitTimes": "能力の使用回数の最大値",
+ "SkillLimitTimes": "Maximum Number of Ability Uses",
"CanKill": "殺せる",
"KillCooldown": "キルのクールダウン",
"CanVent": "ベントが可能",
- "CantMoveOnVents": "通気口で移動不可 (Dleks マップでは不安定)",
+ "CantMoveOnVents": "Can't Move on Vents (Unstable in Dleks map)",
"ImpostorVision": "インポスター ビジョンを持っています",
"CanUseSabotage": "妨害行為ができる",
- "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "バイタルにアクセス可能",
+ "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "Can Have Access to Vitals",
"CanKillImpostors": "インポスター を殺すことができます",
"CanGuess": "推測モードまたは推測者として推測できます",
"HideVote": "投票を隠す",
@@ -1483,16 +1519,16 @@
"ShapeshifterBase_ShapeshiftCooldown": "シェイプシフト クールダウン",
"ShapeshifterBase_ShapeshiftDuration": "シェイプシフト 持続時間",
"ShapeshifterBase_LeaveShapeshiftingEvidence": "変身の証拠を残す",
- "PhantomBase_InvisCooldown": "透明化のクールダウン",
- "PhantomBase_InvisDuration": "透明化の持続時間",
+ "PhantomBase_InvisCooldown": "Invisibility Cooldown",
+ "PhantomBase_InvisDuration": "Invisibility Duration",
"GuardianAngelBase_ProtectCooldown": "保護のクールダウン",
"GuardianAngelBase_ProtectionDuration": "保護の持続時間",
- "GuardianAngelBase_ImpostorsCanSeeProtect": "インポスターに「見える」保護",
+ "GuardianAngelBase_ImpostorsCanSeeProtect": "Protect Visible to Impostors",
"ScientistBase_BatteryCooldown": "バイタル表示のクールダウン",
"ScientistBase_BatteryDuration": "バッテリーの持続時間",
"EngineerBase_VentCooldown": "ベントのクールダウン",
- "EngineerBase_InVentMaxTime": "ベント内の最大時間",
- "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "インポスターもアラートを受け取ることができる",
+ "EngineerBase_InVentMaxTime": "Maximum Time in Vents",
+ "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "Impostors can get Alert",
"NoisemakerBase_AlertDuration": "アラートの持続時間",
"TrackerBase_TrackingCooldown": "追跡のクールダウン",
"TrackerBase_TrackingDuration": "追跡の持続時間",
@@ -1514,6 +1550,7 @@
"SheriffCanKillSeparately": "個別の設定",
"In%team%": "(チーム%team%)",
"SheriffMisfireKillsTarget": "誤射でターゲットを倒す",
+ "SheriffMisfireOnAdmired": "Sheriff Misfires On Admired Players",
"BlackHolePlaceCooldown": "ブラックホール設置のクールダウン",
"BlackHoleDespawnMode": "ブラックホール消滅モード",
"BlackHoleDespawnTime": "ブラックホール消滅後の時間",
@@ -1526,27 +1563,30 @@
"After1PlayerEaten": "1人が飲み込まれた後",
"AfterMeeting": "会議後",
"None": "なし",
- "SheriffShotLimit": "最大キル数",
+ "SheriffShotLimit": "Maximum number of Kills",
"SheriffCanKillAllAlive": "誰も死んでいなければ、誰かを殺すことができます。",
- "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "魅了 されたプレイヤーを殺すことができます",
+ "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "Can Kill Charmed players",
"SheriffCanKillEgoist": "エゴイスト を殺すことができます",
"SheriffCanKillSidekick": "サイドキック を殺すことができます",
"SheriffCanKillLovers": "恋人 を殺すことができます",
"SheriffCanKillMadmate": "マッドメイト を殺すことができます",
"SheriffCanKillInfected": "感染者 を殺すことができます",
"SheriffCanKillContagious": "伝染病 を持つプレイヤーを殺すことができます",
- "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "クルー 以外の シェリフ 設定",
- "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "インポスター を殺すことができます",
- "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "中立者 を殺すことができます",
- "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "クルーメイト を殺すことができます",
+ "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "Non-Crewmate Sheriff Configuration",
+ "SheriffCanKillEnchanted": "Can Kill Enchanted players",
+ "SheriffCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "Can Kill Impostors",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "Can Kill Neutrals",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "Can Kill Crewmates",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven",
"RebirthUses": "再生の回数",
"RebirthCountVotes": "自分に投票したプレイヤーにのみ再生する",
"RebirthFailed": "ああ、残念。入れ替えるための適切な魂が見つかりませんでした。",
"FireworkerCooldown": "設置クールダウン",
- "ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "キルクールダウンを増加",
- "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "最大キルクールダウン",
- "ReverieMisfireSuicide": "最大キルクールダウンに達した際の誤射",
- "ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "会議後にキルクールダウンをリセット",
+ "ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "Increase Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieMisfireSuicide": "Misfire on reaching maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "Reset Kill Cooldown after meeting",
"ConvertedReverieKillAll": "変換された夢想は、報復を受けることなく誰でも殺害できます。",
"VigilanteNotify": "君は滅ぼすことを誓ったものそのものになった",
"DictatorChangeCommandToExpel": "ディクテーター は投票ではなくコマンドを使って追放する",
@@ -1556,17 +1596,18 @@
"SnitchCanGetArrowColor": "チームカラーに基づいて色分けされた矢印を見る",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralKiller": "中立キラー を見つけることができます",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralApoc": "中立黙示録を見つけることが可能",
+ "SnitchCanFindCoven": "Can Find Coven",
"SnitchCanFindMadmate": "マッドメイト を見つけることができます",
"SnitchRemainingTaskFound": "未完了のタスク数を知ることができます",
"MayorAdditionalVote": "追加の投票数",
"MayorHasPortableButton": "市長 にはモバイル緊急ボタンがあります",
- "MayorNumOfUseButton": "モバイル緊急ボタンの最大数",
+ "MayorNumOfUseButton": "Maximum Number of Mobile Emergency Buttons",
"MeetingsNeededForWin": "勝利するために必要な会議数",
"Jester_RevealUponEject": "追放時に公開",
"CannotVoteWhenDead": "死亡中は投票できません。",
"EnableVote": "/vote コマンドを有効化する",
"ShouldVoteSpam": "/vote コマンドを隠そうとする",
- "VoteDisabled": "/vote コマンドはホストによって無効化されました。",
+ "VoteDisabled": "/vote command has been disabled by the Host.",
"ExecutionerCanTargetImpostor": "インポスター をターゲットにすることができます",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "中立 の キリング をターゲットにすることができます",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "中立 黙示録をターゲットにすることが可能",
@@ -1574,11 +1615,13 @@
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralBenign": "中立 良性をターゲットにできます",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralEvil": "中立 悪性をターゲットにできます",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralChaos": "中立 混沌をターゲットにできます",
+ "ExecutionerCanTargetCoven": "Can Target Coven",
"Executioner_RevealTargetUponEject": "追放時にターゲットを公開",
- "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "勧誘された シェリフ は狂ったことができます",
+ "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "Recruited Sheriff can go Nuts",
"LawyerCanTargetImpostor": "インポスター をターゲットにすることができます",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "中立 キラーをターゲットにできる",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "中立 黙示録をターゲットにすることが可能",
+ "LawyerCanTargetCoven": "Can Target Coven",
"LawyerCanTargetCrewmate": "クルーメイトをターゲットにできる",
"LawyerCanTargetJester": "道化師 をターゲットにすることができます",
"LawyerChangeRolesAfterTargetKilled": "ターゲットが死亡したとき、弁護士 になります",
@@ -1594,8 +1637,8 @@
"SniperPrecisionShooting": "正確な射撃",
"SniperAimAssist": "エイムアシスト",
"SniperAimAssistOneshot": "ワンショットアシスト",
- "PyroDouseCooldown": "ソーククールダウン",
- "PyroBurnCooldown": "浸したプレイヤーを倒した後のキルクールダウン",
+ "PyroDouseCooldown": "Douse Cooldown",
+ "PyroBurnCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after killing a doused player",
"Prohibited_OverrideBlockedVentsAfterMeeting": "会議後にブロックされた通気口を上書き可能",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInSkeld": "The Skeldでブロックされた通気口の数をカウント",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInMira": "MIRA HQでブロックされた通気口の数をカウント",
@@ -1606,7 +1649,7 @@
"UndertakerFreezeDuration": "フリーズの継続時間",
"NameDisplayAddons": "役職名の横にアドオンを表示",
"YourAddon": "あなたのアドオン:",
- "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "プレイヤーごとの最大アドオン数",
+ "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "Maximum Add-ons Per Player",
"LoverSpawnChances": "恋人 の出現確率",
"AdditionRolesSpawnRate": "スポーンのチャンス",
"TorchVision": "トーチ ビジョン",
@@ -1641,38 +1684,40 @@
"EvilHackerLastAdminInfoTitle": "直前の管理情報",
"EvilHackerDeadbody": "死亡",
"Ventguard": "ベントガード",
- "VentguardInfo": "通気口に入ることでブロック",
- "VentguardInfoLong": "(クルーメイト):\nベントガードとして、ベントに入ってそれをブロックすることができます。\nブロックされたベントには誰も入ることができませんが、設定によってはクルーメイトのみが入れる場合があります。\nブロックされたベントは会議ごとにリセットされます。",
+ "VentguardInfo": "Block Vents by entering them",
+ "VentguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Ventguard, you can enter Vents to block them. No one can enter blocked Vents, except Crewmates, if the setting is on. Blocked Vents can be resets every meeting.",
"VentguardVentButtonText": "ブロック",
- "Ventguard_MaxGuards": "最大通気口ブロック数",
+ "Ventguard_MaxGuards": "Maximum number of Vent Blocks",
"Ventguard_BlockVentCooldown": "通気口ブロックのクールダウン",
- "Ventguard_BlockDoesNotAffectCrew": "クルーメイトはブロックされた通気口を使用できます",
+ "Ventguard_BlockDoesNotAffectCrew": "Crewmates can use blocked Vents",
"Ventguard_BlocksResetOnMeeting": "各会議でブロックされた通気口をリセット",
- "VentIsBlocked": "この通気口はブロックされました!",
+ "VentIsBlocked": "This Vent is Now Blocked!",
"TraitorKnowMadmate": "裏切り者はマッドメイツを知っています",
"Psychic_NBareRed": "ニュートラル ベナン は赤にすることができます",
"Psychic_NEareRed": "ニュートラル 邪悪な は赤にすることができます",
"Psychic_NCareRed": "ニュートラル カオス は赤にすることができます",
"Psychic_NAareRed": "中立 黙示録は赤になることができます",
"Psychic_NKareRed": "中立 キラーは赤色になることができます",
+ "Psychic_CovareRed": "Coven can be red",
"Psychic_CrewKillingRed": "クルーメイト キラーは赤色になることができます",
- "PsychicCanSeeNum": "最大の赤い名前の数",
+ "PsychicCanSeeNum": "Maximum number of red names",
"PsychicFresh": "会議ごとに新しい赤い名前",
"DetectiveCanknowKiller": "殺害者の役割を見つけることができる",
"EveryOneKnowSuperStar": "みんなが スーパースター を知っています",
"HackLimit": "能力使用回数",
"ZombieSpeedReduce": "ある時間経過後、ゾンビ の速度を減少させる",
- "NemesisCanKillNum": "復讐の最大回数",
+ "NemesisCanKillNum": "Maximum number of revenges",
"ImpKnowCelebrityDead": "インポスター は 有名人 の死亡時を知っています",
"NeutralKnowCelebrityDead": "中立者 は 有名人 の死亡時を知っています",
+ "CovenKnowCelebrityDead": "Coven know when the Celebrity dies",
"VectorVentNumWin": "勝利のためのベントの数",
"CanCheckCamera": "カメラの使用を追跡できる",
- "DefaultKillCooldown": "開始キルクールダウン",
- "ReduceKillCooldown": "キルクールダウンを短縮する",
- "MinKillCooldown": "最低キルクールタイム",
+ "DefaultKillCooldown": "Starting Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReduceKillCooldown": "Reduce Kill Cooldown by",
+ "MinKillCooldown": "Minimum Kill Cooldown",
"BomberRadius": "爆発半径 (カフェテリア室の約半分のサイズ)",
"NotifyGodAlive": "ミーティングでプレイヤーに神がまだ生きていることを知らせる",
- "TransporterTeleportMax": "テレポートの最大回数",
+ "TransporterTeleportMax": "Maximum number of teleports",
"TriggerKill": "キル",
"TriggerVent": "ベント",
"TriggerDouble": "ダブルクリック",
@@ -1686,6 +1731,7 @@
"InnocentCanWinByImp": "ターゲットが インポスター だった場合、彼らは一緒に勝ちます",
"ImpCanBeParanoia": "インポスター は パラノイア になることができます",
"CrewCanBeParanoia": "クルーメイト は パラノイア になることができます",
+ "CovenCanBeParanoia": "Coven can become Paranoia",
"DualVotes": "重複した投票",
"VeteranSkillCooldown": "アラートのクールダウン",
"VeteranSkillDuration": "アラートの持続時間",
@@ -1693,9 +1739,9 @@
"ImpCanBeEgoist": "インポスター はエゴイストになることができます",
"CrewCanBeEgoist": "クルーメイト は エゴイスト になることができます",
"ImpEgoistVisibalToAllies": "インポスター は他の エゴイスト インポスター を見ることができます",
- "EgoistCountAsConverted": "エゴイストは変換された中立者として数えられます。",
+ "EgoistCountAsConverted": "Egoist count as converted Neutral",
"GuessRainbow": "彼はあまりにも明白に見えるよね?",
- "RainbowColorChangeCoolDown": "色を変えるためのクールダウン",
+ "RainbowColorChangeCoolDown": "The Cooldown for changing colors",
"RainbowInCamouflage": "カモフラージュ中の虹色変化",
"BaitDelayMin": "最小の報告遅延",
"BaitDelayMax": "最大の報告遅延",
@@ -1703,17 +1749,18 @@
"BecomeBaitDelayNotify": "自己報告の予告を キラーに警告",
"BaitNotification": "最初のミーティングで おとり を明らかにする",
"BaitAdviceAlive": "{0} は誘餌です。誰が誘餌を殺しても、自己報告を行います。",
- "BaitCanBeReportedUnderAllConditions": "コミュニケーション妨害中に会議が無効化されていても、餌は報告できます。",
- "DeceiverAbilityLost": "キルボタンのないプレイヤーをだますと、デシーバーの能力が失われます",
+ "BaitCanBeReportedUnderAllConditions": "Bait Can Be Reported even if a meeting is disabled during Comms Sabotage",
+ "DeceiverAbilityLost": "Deceiver loses ability if it deceives player without Kill button",
"AddictSuicideTimer": "自殺までの時間",
"GrenadierSkillCooldown": "グレネードのクールダウン",
"GrenadierSkillDuration": "グレネードの持続時間",
"GrenadierCauseVision": "視界が低下",
"GrenadierCanAffectNeutral": "中立者 に影響を与えることができます",
+ "GrenadierCanAffectCoven": "Can affect Coven",
"TicketsPerKill": "キルごとに増加する投票数",
- "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "リクルートのクールダウン",
+ "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "Recruit Cooldown",
"GangsterRecruitLimit": "リクルートの制限",
- "KamikazeMaxMarked": "最大マーク数",
+ "KamikazeMaxMarked": "Maximum Marked",
"RevolutionistDrawTime": "タグの持続時間",
"RevolutionistCooldown": "タグのクールダウン",
"RevolutionistDrawCount": "タグするのに必要なプレイヤーの数",
@@ -1733,7 +1780,7 @@
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_Immediately": "直ちに",
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_AfterMeeting": "ミーティング後",
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_OFF": "オフ",
- "MedicResetCooldown": "キルの試み時、殺人者のクールダウンをリセット",
+ "MedicResetCooldown": "On kill attempt, reset murderer's Cooldown to",
"MedicShieldedCanBeGuessed": "推測は メディック のシールドを無視します",
"MadmateSpawnMode": "マッドメイト 生成モード",
"MadmateSpawnMode.Assign": "割り当てる",
@@ -1743,40 +1790,41 @@
"MadmateCountMode.None": "何もしない",
"MadmateCountMode.Imp": "インポスター",
"MadmateCountMode.Original": "オリジナルのチーム",
- "Altruist_RevivedDeadBodyCannotBeReported_Option": "蘇生された死体は報告できません",
- "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsAlert": "インポスターはアラートを受け取ることができます",
- "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "インポスターは矢印を受け取ることができます",
- "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "中立 キラーはアラートを受け取ることができます",
- "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "中立 キラーは矢印を受け取ることができます",
+ "Altruist_RevivedDeadBodyCannotBeReported_Option": "Revived Dead Body cannot be Reported",
+ "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsAlert": "Impostors can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "Impostors can get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "Neutral Killers can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "Neutral Killers can get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsAlert": "Coven can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsArrow": "Coven can get Arrow",
"AltruistSuffix": "<#00ffa5>モード: {0}",
"AltruistReviveMode": "蘇生",
"AltruistReportMode": "報告",
"Altruist_YouTriedReportRevivedDeadBody": "蘇生された死体を報告しようとしました",
- "Altruist_DeadPlayerHasBeenRevived": "死んだプレイヤーが蘇生されました!",
+ "Altruist_DeadPlayerHasBeenRevived": "A Dead Player has been Revived!",
"AltruistAbilityButton": "モードを変更",
"SnatchesWin": "勝利を奪う",
"DemonKillCooldown": "攻撃のクールダウン",
- "DemonHealthMax": "プレイヤーの最大体力",
+ "DemonHealthMax": "Player maximum health",
"DemonDamage": "ダメージ ",
- "DemonSelfHealthMax": "悪魔の最大健康値",
+ "DemonSelfHealthMax": "Demon maximum health",
"DemonSelfDamage": "悪魔が受けたダメージ",
"LightningConvertTime": "クアンタムゴーストへの変身の持続時間",
"LightningKillCooldown": "稲妻のクールダウン",
"LightningKillerConvertGhost": "キラーがクアンタムゴーストに変身できる",
"CanCountNeutralKiller": "クルーメイト が 中立者 プレイヤーを倒して勝利する場合、勝利を奪うことができます",
- "GreedyOddKillCooldown": "奇数のキルクールダウン",
- "GreedyEvenKillCooldown": "偶数のキルクールダウン",
+ "GreedyOddKillCooldown": "Odd-Numbered Kill Cooldown",
+ "GreedyEvenKillCooldown": "Even-Numbered Kill Cooldown",
"WorkaholicCannotWinAtDeath": "死んだ後に勝つことはできない",
"WorkaholicVisibleToEveryone": "誰もが ワークホリック を知っています",
"WorkaholicGiveAdviceAlive": "最初のミーティングでアドバイスを受ける(生存中)、死後に勝つことができ、ゴーストタスクがオン",
"DoctorVisibleToEveryone": "誰もが 医者 を知っています",
"CursedWolfGuardSpellTimes": "呪われたシールドの数",
"KillAttackerWhenAbilityRemaining": "能力が残っているときに攻撃者を倒す",
- "JinxSpellTimes": "ジンクススペルの数",
"CollectorCollectAmount": "必要な投票数",
"GlitchCanVote": "投票できる",
"QuickShooterShapeshiftCooldown": "シェイプシフトのクールダウン",
- "MeetingReserved": "会議ごとに予約される弾丸の最大数",
+ "MeetingReserved": "Maximum Bullets reserved for a meeting",
"AccurateCheckMode": "タスクが完了していない場合の特定のプレーヤーの役割を知る",
"RandomActiveRoles": "占い師のヒントにランダムなアクティブな役割を表示します。",
"CamouflageCooldown": "カムフラージュのクールダウン",
@@ -1790,29 +1838,31 @@
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralE": "中立 悪を試すことができます",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralC": "ニュートラル カオスを試すことができます",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralA": "中立 黙示録を裁判にかけることが可能",
+ "JudgeCanTrialCoven": "Can trial Coven",
"JudgeCanTrialSidekick": "サイドキックを試してみませんか",
"JudgeCanTrialInfected": "感染を試すことができます",
"JudgeCanTrialContagious": "伝染性を試すことができます",
"JudgeTryHideMsg": "ジャッジ のコマンドを非表示にする",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "ミーティングごとの最大試行回数",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "ゲームごとの最大トライ回数",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Trials per Meeting",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "Maximum Trials per Game",
"JudgeCanTrialMadmate": "法廷裁判 マッドメイト",
"JudgeCanTrialCharmed": "チャームド トライアル中のプレイヤー",
+ "JudgeCanTrialEnchanted": "Can trial Enchanted players",
"JudgeDead": "申し訳ありませんが、死亡後に審問はできません。",
"JudgeTrialMaxMeetingMsg": "\nもう会議のトライは残っていません!",
"JudgeTrialMaxGameMsg": "\nもう審問の機会はありません!",
"Judge_LaughToWhoTrialSelf": "神よ、私は裁判官がそんなに盲目だとは思わなかった。彼ら自身を有罪として判決を下していることさえ気付かなかったのか。",
"Judge_TrialKill": "{0}は裁かれた。",
"Judge_TrialKillTitle": "法廷",
- "Judge_TrialHelp": "コマンド: /tl [プレイヤーID]\nプレイヤーの名前の前にプレイヤーIDが見えます。\nまたは、/id を使って全プレイヤーIDのリストを見る。",
+ "Judge_TrialHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Judge_TrialNull": "裁判のために生きているプレイヤーを選んでください",
- "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "アラートの最大回数",
+ "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "Maximum number of Alerts",
"SwooperCooldown": "スウープのクールダウン",
"SwooperDuration": "スウープの持続時間",
"WraithCooldown": "バニッシュのクールダウン",
"WraithDuration": "バニッシュの持続時間",
"BastionNotify": "爆弾が爆発しました",
- "EnteredBombedVent": "そのベントは爆撃されました!",
+ "EnteredBombedVent": "That Vent was bombed!",
"BastionVentButtonText": "爆弾",
"BombsClearAfterMeeting": "ミーティング後に爆弾はクリアされます",
"BastionMaxBombs": "(初期) 爆弾の最大数",
@@ -1828,11 +1878,12 @@
"FollowerBetTargetKnowFollower": "フォロワーの対象はフォロワーの身元を知っています",
"FortuneTellerHideVote": "占い師の投票を非表示にする",
"CultistCharmCooldown": "チャームのクールダウン",
- "CultistCharmCooldownIncrese": "チャームごとにクールダウンを増加",
+ "CultistCharmCooldownIncrese": "Increases Charm Cooldown for Each Charm",
"CultistCharmMax": "最大チャーム回数",
"CultistKnowTargetRole": "チャームド プレイヤーはお互いを知っています",
"CultistTargetKnowOtherTarget": "チャームドプレイヤーはお互いのことを知っています",
"CultistCanCharmNeutral": "中立役職はチャームドの影響を受けることができます",
+ "CultistCanCharmCoven": "Coven Roles can be Charmed",
"InfectiousBiteCooldown": "感染のクールダウン",
"KnowTargetRole": "対象となる職種を知る",
"TargetKnowsLawyer": "対象は自分の 弁護士 を知っています",
@@ -1855,11 +1906,11 @@
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_None": "何もい",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Cultist": "カルト信者",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Original": "オリジナルのチーム",
- "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "インポスター が全滅したとき、ジャッカル は代わりに妨害によって勝利します",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "他のプレイヤーによってキルされた場合、キルクールダウンをリセット",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "リセット時のキルクールダウン",
+ "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "When all Impostors are dead, the Jackal wins by Sabotage instead",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Reset Kill Cooldown if someone gets killed by another player",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "Kill Cooldown on Reset",
"JackalCanRecruitSidekick": "サイドキック を勧誘できます",
- "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "最大採用人数",
+ "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "Maximum Number of Recruits",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode": "サイドキック は",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_None": "何もい",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_Jackal": "ジャッカル",
@@ -1888,6 +1939,7 @@
"NeutralsSeePresident": "中立者 は公開された 大統領 を見ることができます",
"MadmatesSeePresident": "マッドメイトは大統領の暴露を見ることができます",
"ImpsSeePresident": "インポスター は 大統領 の公開を見ることができます",
+ "CovenSeePresident": "Coven can see revealed President",
"PresidentDead": "申し訳ありません、死亡後にミーティングを強制終了することはできません。",
"PresidentEndMax": "もうミーティングを強制終了する使用回数がありません!",
"PresidentRevealMax": "もうあなたは自分自身を公開しました...",
@@ -1898,40 +1950,167 @@
"Troller_CanHaveStartMeetingEvent": "イベントによって会議を開始できます",
"Troller_ChangesSpeed": "トローラーが全員のスピードを変更しました!",
"Troller_SpeedOut": "スピードが元に戻りました",
- "Troller_YouChangedCooldown": "全プレイヤーのクールダウンを変更しました",
- "Troller_ChangeYourCooldown": "トローラーがあなたのクールダウンを変更しました!",
- "Troller_NoAddons": "ランダムターゲットにアドオンが見つかりませんでした",
- "Troller_RemoveRandomAddon": "ランダムなプレイヤーからアドオンを削除しました",
- "Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "トローラーがあなたのランダムなアドオンを削除しました",
- "Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "あなたはサボタージュを引き起こしました",
- "Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "あなたはサボタージュを修正しました",
+ "Troller_YouChangedCooldown": "You changed the Cooldown of all players",
+ "Troller_ChangeYourCooldown": "Troller change your Cooldown!",
+ "Troller_NoAddons": "No Add-ons found on the random target",
+ "Troller_RemoveRandomAddon": "You removed Add-on from random player",
+ "Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "Troller removed your random Add-on",
+ "Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "You caused Sabotage",
+ "Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "You fixed Sabotage",
+ "CovenRolesMinPlayer": "Minimum amount of Coven",
+ "CovenRolesMaxPlayer": "Maximum amount of Coven",
+ "%role%CanVent": "%role% Can Vent",
+ "%role%HasImpVis": "%role% Has Impostor Vision",
+ "CovenHasImpVis": "Coven Members have Impostor Vision",
+ "CovenImpVisMode": "Impostor Vision Configuration",
+ "CovenCanVent": "Coven Members Can Vent",
+ "CovenVentMode": "Vent Configuration",
+ "CovenPerRole": "Per Role",
+ "CovenCanSeeEachOthersAddOns": "Coven can see each other's Add-Ons",
+ "NecronomiconNotification": "You have recieved the Necronomicon!
Your powers are now enhanced!",
+ "NecronomiconVote": "You have voted for {0} to receive the Necronomicon next round. You may now vote normally.",
+ "CovenDontKillOtherCoven": "Don't try to kill your fellow Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderMaxRetrains": "Maximum Retrains",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainCooldown": "Retrain Cooldown",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrain": "Retrain offered",
+ "CovenLeaderNoRetrain": "You have ran out of Retrains!",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainNonCoven": "You can't retrain a non-Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderAcceptRetrain": "The player you attempted to retrain has accepted your training and is now a {0}!",
+ "CovenLeaderDeclineRetrain": "The player you attempted to retrain has declined your offer to retrain them into a {0}...",
+ "RetrainNotification": "The {0} has requested to retrain you into a {1}.
Vote yourself to accept the offer, vote someone else to decline.",
+ "RetrainAcceptOffer": "You have accepted the {0}'s retraining and you are now a {1}!",
+ "RetrainDeclineOffer": "You declined the {0}'s retraining and your role has not been changed...",
+ "RitualistMaxRitsPerRound": "Maximum Blood Rituals per Round",
+ "RitualistTryHideMsg": "Try to hide Ritualist's commands",
+ "RitualistRitualSuccess": "You preformed a successful Blood Ritual on {0} and they are now part of the Coven!",
+ "RitualistRitualFail": "You have failed your Blood Ritual and may no longer preform any Blood Rituals this meeting...",
+ "RitualistRitualImpossible": "Your Blood Ritual was successful, however, this player is unenchantable.",
+ "RitualistRitualMax": "You've already used the maximum amount of Blood Rituals for this meeting.",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsCoven": "Enchanted knows Coven",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsEnchanted": "Enchanted knows Enchanted",
+ "RitualistCommandHelp": "Instructions: /rt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /rt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player IDs before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
+ "RitualistConvertNotif": "Your role has been guessed by the {0} and you are now apart of the Coven!",
+ "RitualistGuessAddon": "Did you seriously think it would be that easy? You can't do a Ritual solely based on Add-ons.",
+ "RitualistSuccessfullyRecruited": "You successfully recruited a player",
+ "BeRecruitedByRitualist": "The Ritualist has recruited you",
+ "ConjurerCooldown": "Conjure Cooldown",
+ "ConjurerRadius": "Blast Radius",
+ "ConjurerNecroRadius": "Necronomicon Blast Radius",
+ "ConjurerCovenDies": "Coven can die in blast",
+ "ConjurerMark": "Location marked",
+ "ConjurerMeteor": "Meteor summoned",
+ "ConjurerNecroMark": "Player marked",
+ "ConjurerMarkShapeshift": "Mark",
+ "ConjurerConjureShapeshift": "Conjure",
+ "IllusionCooldown": "Illusion Cooldown",
+ "IllusionistMaxIllusions": "Maximum Illusions",
+ "IllusionistSnitchAffected": "Snitch is Affected by Illusions",
+ "IllusionistResetIllusionsPerRound": "Reset Illusions After Meeting",
+ "IllusionistClearIllusionsWhenDead": "Remove Illusions When Illusionist Dies",
+ "MedusaStoneCooldown": "Stone Cooldown",
+ "MedusaStoneDuration": "Stone Duration",
+ "MedusaStoneVision": "Stoned Vision",
+ "MedusaStonedPlayer": "{0} has been Stoned",
+ "MedusaStoningStart": "Stoning in progress",
+ "MedusaStoningEnd": "Stoning has ended",
+ "MoonDancerBatonPassCooldown": "Baton Pass Cooldown",
+ "MoonDancerBlastOffChance": "Chance to Blast Off",
+ "MoonDancerPassEnabledAddons": "Can only Baton Pass enabled Add-ons",
+ "MoonDancerCantBlastOff": "Target can not be Blasted Off",
+ "MoonDancerNormalKill": "Killed normally",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHelpfulAddon": "Target will be given Helpful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHarmfulAddon": "Target will be given Harmful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerNoAddons": "No Add-ons to Baton Pass to {0}",
+ "SacrifistDebuffCooldown": "Debuff Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistDeathsAfterVote": "Players Killed After Sacrifist is Exiled",
+ "SacrifistNecroReducedCooldown": "Coven Decreased Cooldown After Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "SacrifistVision": "Sacrificed Vision",
+ "SacrifistVisionDuration": "Vision Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeed": "Sacrificed Speed",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDuration": "Speed Duration",
+ "SacrifistIncreasedCooldown": "Sacrificed Increase Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistFreezeDuration": "Random Freezing Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDebuff": "Speed Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistVisionDebuff": "Vision Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistCooldownDebuff": "Cooldown Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistFoolDebuff": "Can't Fix Sabotages Debuff",
+ "SacrifistMeetingDebuff": "Forced Called Meeting",
+ "SacrifistReportDebuff": "Can't Report Bodies",
+ "SacrifistTasksDebuff": "Tasks Reset for Target",
+ "SacrifistSwapSkinsDebuff": "Swapped Skins",
+ "SacrifistSwapDebuff": "Swapping with target after 3 seconds",
+ "SacrifistVisionRevert": "Vision Reverted",
+ "SacrifistSpeedRevert": "Speed Reverted",
+ "SacrifistShapeshiftButton": "Debuff",
+ "SacrifistNecroShapeshiftButton": "Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "VoodooMasterPerRound": "Voodoo Dolls per Round",
+ "VoodooMasterCanDollCoven": "Voodoo Master can Voodoo Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNecroCanKillCov": "Necronomicon Ability can Kill Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollCoven": "You can't Voodoo other Coven members!",
+ "VoodooMasterTargetInMeeting": "Someone tried to target you with their role during this meeting, but it was deflected to one of your dolls, {0}, instead!",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollsLeft": "You can't voodoo anyone else this round!",
+ "VoodooMasterDolledSomeone": "{0} has been turned into a Voodoo Doll",
+ "PotionMasterMaxReveals": "Maximum Reveals",
+ "PotionMasterMaxBarriers": "Maximum Barriers",
+ "PotionMasterNoPotions": "You're out of {0} Potions!",
+ "PotionMasterPotionSwitch": "Potion switched to: {0}",
+ "PotionMasterPotionCurrent": "Current Potion: ",
+ "PotionMasterRevealCoven": "You can already see roles of Coven!",
+ "PotionMasterReveal": "Reveal",
+ "PotionMasterBarrier": "Barrier",
+ "PotionMasterKillButtonText": "Use Potion",
+ "HexMasterHexCooldown": "Hex Cooldown",
+ "HexMasterCovenCanGetMovingHex": "Coven Can Get Moving Hex",
+ "HexMasterMovingHexCooldown": "Moving Hex Pass Cooldown",
+ "HexesLookLikeSpells": "Hexes appear as Spells",
+ "HexButtonText": "呪い",
+ "HexMasterModeHex": "呪い",
+ "HexMasterModeKill": "キル",
+ "HexMasterModeDouble": "ダブルクリック = キル、シングルクリック = ヘックス",
+ "HexMasterPassNotify": "Hex successfully passed",
+ "JinxSpellTimes": "ジンクススペルの数",
+ "JinxCooldown": "Jinx Cooldown",
+ "JinxCovenCanDieToJinx": "Coven Can Die To Jinx",
+ "PoisonCooldown": "毒のクールダウン",
+ "PoisonerKillDelay": "毒キルの遅延",
+ "PoisonerTargetDead": "対象が死亡しました",
+ "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "毒",
+ "NecromancerRevengeTime": "Necronomicon Ability time",
+ "NecromancerRevenge": "{0}秒以内に {1} を殺す時間があります",
+ "NecromancerSuccess": "死者蘇生が完了しました!また明日も生きて見ることができます。",
+ "NecromancerHide": "通気が無効になっています、死者蘇生者から隠れて!",
+ "NecromancerAbilityDuration": "Necromancy Duration",
+ "NecromancerAbilityCooldown": "Necromancy Cooldown",
+ "NecromancerCooldownNotDone": "Ability is still on Cooldown!",
+ "NecromancerNoUsableRoles": "No usable roles",
"LuckyProbability": "キルを生き延びる確率",
"ImpCanBeDoubleShot": "インポスター は ダブルショット を持つことができます",
"CrewCanBeDoubleShot": "クルーメイト は ダブルショット を持つことができます",
"NeutralCanBeDoubleShot": "中立者 は ダブルショット を持つことができます",
+ "CovenCanBeDoubleShot": "Coven can have Double Shot",
"MimicCanSeeDeadRoles": "ミミック は死んだプレイヤーの役職を見ることができます",
- "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "カムフラージュがアクティブな場合、死体の報告を無効にする",
- "CanUseCommsSabotage": "通信妨害を使用できます",
+ "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "Disable body reporting when Camouflage is active",
+ "CanUseCommsSabotage": "Can use Comms Sabotage",
"ModTag": "モデレーター♥",
"ApplyModeratorList": "モデレーターリストを適用",
"VipTag": "VIP★",
"ApplyVipList": "VIPリストを適用",
- "AllowSayCommand": "モデレーターが/sayコマンドを使用できるようにする",
- "AllowStartCommand": "モデレーターが /start コマンドを使用できるようにする",
+ "AllowSayCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /say command",
+ "AllowStartCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /start command",
"StartCommandMinCountdown": "/start コマンドの最小カウントダウン",
"StartCommandMaxCountdown": "/start コマンドの最大カウントダウン",
"KickCommandDisabled": "キックコマンドは現在無効です。",
"KickCommandNoAccess": "キックコマンドにアクセスできません。",
"KickCommandInvalidID": "無効なプレイヤーIDが指定されました。プレイヤーをキックするには '/kick [playerID] [reseaon] ' を使用してください。例:- /kick 5 ルールに従わない",
- "KickCommandKickHost": "ホストをキックする権限はありません。",
- "KickCommandKickMod": "他のモデレーターをキックする権限はありません。",
+ "KickCommandKickHost": "You are not permitted to kick the Host.",
+ "KickCommandKickMod": "You are not permitted to kick other Moderators.",
"KickCommandKicked": "ゲームからキックされました。対象: ",
"KickCommandKickedRole": "彼らの役割は",
"BanCommandDisabled": "バンコマンドは現在無効です。",
"BanCommandNoAccess": "バンコマンドにアクセスできません。",
"BanCommandInvalidID": "無効なプレイヤーIDが指定されました。プレイヤーをBANするには '/ban [playerID] [reason]' を使用してください。例:- /ban 5 ルールに従わない ",
- "BanCommandBanHost": "ホストをバンする権限はありません。",
- "BanCommandBanMod": "他のモデレーターをバンする権限はありません。",
+ "BanCommandBanHost": "You are not permitted to ban the Host.",
+ "BanCommandBanMod": "You are not permitted to ban other Moderators.",
"BanCommandBanned": "ゲームからバンされました。対象: ",
"BanCommandBannedRole": "彼らの役割は",
"BanCommandNoReason": "理由が指定されていません。理由を指定して '/ban [playerID] [reason]' を使用してください。例:- /ban 5 ルールに従わない",
@@ -1951,13 +2130,13 @@
"WarnCommandDisabled": "Warnコマンドは現在無効です。",
"WarnCommandNoAccess": "Warn コマンドに対する権限がありません",
"WarnCommandInvalidID": "無効なプレイヤーIDが指定されました。プレイヤーに警告を出すには '/warn [playerID] [reason]' を使用してください。例:- /warn 5 ラヴァのチャット",
- "WarnCommandWarnHost": "ホストに警告する権限はありません。",
+ "WarnCommandWarnHost": "You are not permitted to warn the Host.",
"StartCommandNoAccess": "/start コマンドにアクセスする権限がありません。",
"StartCommandDisabled": "スタートコマンドは現在無効です。",
"StartCommandCountdown": "エラー\n\nゲームはすでに開始しています!",
"StartCommandStarted": "{0} によってゲームが開始されました!",
"StartCommandInvalidCountdown": "エラー\n\nカウントダウンは {0} ~ {1} の間でなければなりません!",
- "WarnCommandWarnMod": "他のモデレーターに警告する権限はありません。",
+ "WarnCommandWarnMod": "You are not permitted to warn other Moderators.",
"WarnCommandWarned": "に警告されました。これ以上の警告はありません。適切な対処が取られます。 ",
"WarnExample": "将来的には /warn [id] [reason] を使用してください。例:- /warn 5 ラヴァのチャット",
"SayCommandDisabled": "Sayコマンドは現在無効です。",
@@ -2010,6 +2189,7 @@
"DeathReason.Sacrificed": "犠牲にされた",
"DeathReason.Electrocuted": "感電",
"DeathReason.Scavenged": "回収済み",
+ "DeathReason.BlastedOff": "Blasted Off",
"OnlyEnabledDeathReasons": "有効な死因のみ",
"Alive": "生存中",
"Disconnected": "断絶。",
@@ -2022,6 +2202,7 @@
"Infected-": "感染 ",
"Contagious-": "伝染性 ",
"Admired-": "賞賛されました ",
+ "Enchanted-": "Enchanted ",
"DeputyHandcuffCooldown": "手錠のクールダウン",
"DeputyHandcuffMax": "最大手錠数",
"DeputyHandcuffedPlayer": "手錠をかけられたターゲット",
@@ -2071,11 +2252,11 @@
"Command.kill": "[プレイヤーID] → 指定したプレイヤーをキル",
"Command.exe": "[プレイヤーID] → 指定したプレイヤーを排出",
"Command.level": "[Level]→ ゲーム内のレベルを変更",
- "Command.idlist": "→ プレイヤーIDのリストを表示",
+ "Command.idlist": "→ Display a list of player ID's",
"Command.qq": "→ ロビーはQQウェブサイトに掲載されます (中国のみ)",
"Command.dump": "→ デスクトップにログを出力",
"Command.death": "→ あなたの死因に関する情報を表示",
- "Command.icons": "
╳ - The Player was marked by the Blackmailer and can't talk during the Meeting
☆ - Used by Captain to display themselves. Only Crewmates can see the Captain's star
乂 - This player was hexed by the Hex Master and will die if the Hex Master isn't killed or ejected by the end of the Meeting.
♦ - Used by Lawyer or Executioner or Follower.
♥ - Used by Lovers or Romantic.
✚ - Used by Medic to mark their target.
⦿ - This player is in a duel with the Pirate.
!? - This player was marked by the Quizmaster and must answer the question correctly to survive.
☜ - Used by Schrödinger's cat to mark their teammate.
◈ - This player marked by the Shroud and will die if the Shroud is not killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
⚠ - This player is a Snitch or Solsticer who has finished their tasks.
★ - Used by Super Star or Cyber or Marshall.
† - This player was spelled and will die if the Witch is not killed by the end of the meeting.
∇ - Used by Kamikaze to mark their targets.
■ - Used by Lightning to mark their quantum ghosts.
⊠ - Used by Jailer to mark their prisoner.
● - Used by Baker to mark who has Bread.
♠ - Used by Soul Collector to mark who's death they're predicting.
⦿ - Used by Plaguebearer to mark who they have plagued.",
+ "Command.icons": "
╳ - The player was marked by the Blackmailer and can't talk during the meeting
☆ - Used by Captain to display themselves. Only Crewmates can see the Captain's star
乂 - This player was hexed by the Hex Master and will die if the Hex Master isn't killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
♦ - Used by Lawyer or Executioner or Follower.
♥ - Used by Lovers or Romantic.
✚ - Used by Medic to mark their target.
⦿ - This player is in a duel with the Pirate.
!? - This player was marked by the Quizmaster and must answer the question correctly to survive.
☜ - Used by Schrödinger's cat to mark their teammate.
◈ - This player marked by the Shroud and will die if the Shroud is not killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
⚠ - This player is a Snitch or Solsticer who has finished their tasks.
★ - Used by Super Star or Cyber or Marshall.
† - This player was spelled and will die if the Witch is not killed by the end of the Meeting.
∇ - Used by Kamikaze to mark their targets.
■ - Used by Lightning to mark their Quantum Ghosts.
⊠ - Used by Jailer to mark their prisoner.
● - Used by Baker to mark who has Bread.
♠ - Used by Soul Collector to mark who's death they're predicting.
⦿ - Used by Plaguebearer to mark who they have plagued.
♣ - Shown on the Coven member with the Necronomicon. This is only shown to Coven.
⌘ - This player is Jinxed. This is only shown to Coven.
ø - This player is Illusioned. This is only shown to Coven.
♻ - This player is Stoned. This is only shown to Coven.
✂ - This player is a Voodoo Doll. This is only shown to Coven.",
"Command.start": "[秒数] → ゲームを開始",
"Command.iconinfo": "→ 会議中のアイコンに関する情報を表示",
"Command.iconhelp": "→ 会議中のアイコンに関する情報をすべてに表示",
@@ -2085,13 +2266,15 @@
"Remaining.MadmateCount": "マッドメイツ 残り: {0}",
"Remaining.NeutralCount": "中立キラー 残り: {0}",
"Remaining.ApocalypseCount": "残りの中立黙示録: {0}",
+ "Remaining.CovenCount": "Coven left: {0}",
"EnableKillerLeftCommand": "/kcountコマンドの使用を有効にする",
- "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "マッドメイツ を表示 (アドオンを含む)",
+ "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "Show Madmates (including Add-ons)",
"ShowApocalypseInLeftCommand": "中立黙示録を表示",
+ "ShowCovenInLeftCommand": "Show Coven",
"SeeEjectedRolesInMeeting": "ミーティングで排除された役割を見る",
"ThankYouForUsingTOHE": "TOHEをご利用いただきありがとうございます!",
"SkillUsedLeft": "会議を呼び出すスキルを発動しました。\n残りの使用回数:",
- "NemesisDeadMsg": "ネメシスの死は復讐の始まりを告げる。\n指定したプレイヤーを殺すには、/rv + [プレイヤー ID] を使用してください。プレイヤーの名前の前にプレイヤー ID が表示されます。または、/rv を入力してプレイヤー ID のリストを取得します。",
+ "NemesisDeadMsg": "The death of the Nemesis means the beginning of the revenge. \nPlease use /rv + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /rv to get a list of player ID's",
"NemesisAliveKill": "ネメシスの復讐は、彼らの死後にのみ始まることができます。",
"NemesisKillDead": "生存プレイヤーを選んで復讐",
"NemesisKillSucceed": "[{0}] はネメシスによって殺されました!",
@@ -2111,14 +2294,15 @@
"GuessGuardianTask": "タスクを終えたガーディアンを推測することはできません。",
"GuardianCantKilled": "タスクを完了したガーディアンを殺すことはできません。",
"GuessMarshallTask": "任務を完了した指揮官は、推測することはできません。",
- "GuessObviousAddon": "申し訳ありませんが、明らかなアドオンを使用しているプレイヤーを推測することはできません。",
- "GuessAdtRole": "残念ながら、ホストの設定ではアドオンを推測することはできません",
+ "GuessObviousAddon": "Sorry, obvious Add-ons cannot be guessed.",
+ "GuessAdtRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow you to guess Add-ons",
"GuessImpRole": "残念ながら、ホストの設定ではインポスターがインポスターの役割を推測することは許されていません。",
- "GuessCrewRole": "残念ながら、ホストの設定ではクルーメイトがクルーメイトの役割を推測することは許されていません。",
+ "GuessCrewRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow Crewmates to guess Crewmate roles.",
"GuessApocRole": "幸いにも、ホストの設定ではアポカリプスがアポカリプスの役割を推測することはできません。",
+ "GuessCovenRole": "Fortunately, the Host's settings does not allow Coven to guess Coven roles.",
"GuessKill": "{0} は推測されました",
"GuessNull": "生存プレイヤーのIDを選択して、役割を推測してください",
- "GuessHelp": "指示:/bt [プレイヤー ID] [役職名] \n例: /bt 3 ベイト \nプレイヤーの名前の前にプレイヤーIDが表示されます。または、/idコマンドを使用してプレイヤーIDのリストを表示できます",
+ "GuessHelp": "Instructions: /bt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /bt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"GGGuessMax": "あなたは最大回数の推測に達しました。\nもう推測できません!",
"EGGuessMax": "あなたは最大回数の推測に達しました。\nもう推測できません!",
"EGGuessSnitchTaskDone": "密告者の全てのタスクが終わったと思って推測しようとした?いい試みだけど…そんなに簡単には行かないよ。",
@@ -2149,12 +2333,12 @@
"MediumNotifyTarget": "{0}、霊媒師、があなたとコンタクトを取りました。この会議の終了前に、彼らの質問に回答するチャンスがあります。回答するには、以下のコマンドのいずれかを入力してください:\n\n確認:/ms yes\n否認:/ms no",
"MediumNotifySelf": "{0} とのコンタクトが確立しました。彼らに質問して、彼らの回答を待ってください。\n残りのアビリティ使用回数: {1}",
"MediumKnowPlayerDead": "どこかで誰かが死亡しました",
- "SpurtMinSpeed": "最小速度",
- "SpurtMaxSpeed": "最大速度",
+ "SpurtMinSpeed": "Minimum Speed",
+ "SpurtMaxSpeed": "Maximum Speed",
"SpurtModule": "スピードモジュレーター",
"EnableSpurtCharge": "チャージを表示",
"SpurtSuffix": "\n« スパート: {0}% »",
- "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "ターゲットはすでに死んでいます",
+ "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "Target is Already Dead",
"ByBard": "吟遊詩人 による",
"ByBardGetFailed": "おっと、インスピレーションが尽きたようです。",
"GangsterSuccessfullyRecruited": "あなたはプレイヤーを成功裏に勧誘しました",
@@ -2165,40 +2349,37 @@
"BecomeMadmateCuzMadmateMode": "死んだので、あなたはマッドメイトになりました",
"CleanerCleanBody": "遺体はきれいにされました",
"QuickShooterStoraging": "弾丸が成功裏に格納されました",
- "QuickShooterFailed": "まだクールダウン中です。",
- "PoisonerTargetDead": "対象が死亡しました",
- "HexesLookLikeSpells": "ヘックス は 呪文 として表示されます",
- "HexButtonText": "呪い",
- "BloodthirstAdded": "あなたの血の渇きがアクティブになりました!",
+ "QuickShooterFailed": "You are still in Cooldown.",
+ "BloodthirstAdded": "Your Bloodthirst is now active!",
"WarlockNoTarget": "対象がいないため、操作が失敗しました",
"WarlockNoTargetYet": "あなたは目標をマークしていません",
"WarlockTargetDead": "標的の死亡により操作が失敗しました",
"WarlockControlKill": "対象が死亡しました",
"OnCelebrityDead": "警告:有名人の死!",
"OnCyberDead": "警告:サイバーが死亡しました!",
- "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "全員がベントにテレポートされました",
+ "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "Everyone was teleported to Vents",
"TeleportedByTransporter": "場所を{0} と交換",
"ErrorTeleport": "テレポートに失敗しました",
- "EraseLimit": "最大の消去回数",
+ "EraseLimit": "Maximum Erases",
"EraserHideVote": "消しゴムプレイヤーからの投票を非表示にする",
"EraserEraseMsgTitle": "イレイザー",
"EraserEraseNotice": "{0}を抹消しました。その役職は会議後に無効になります。",
"EraserEraseBaseImpostorOrNeutralRoleNotice": "おっと、対象を消去できません!",
"EraserEraseSelf": "残念ながら、自分自身を消去することはできません... でも、そもそもなぜそれをしようとしたのですか?!",
- "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "消去したプレイヤーの役割を推測することはできません(アドオンを除く)",
+ "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "You can't guess the role of the player you erased, except Add-ons",
"LostRoleByEraser": "消しゴムのせいで役割を失った",
"KilledByScavenger": "スカベンジャーがあなたを殺し、その結果マップ外にテレポートしました",
- "SnitchDoneTasks": "会議を招集してインポスターを見つけてください",
+ "SnitchDoneTasks": "Call a meeting to find the Impostors",
"SwooperCanVent": "透明になるためにベントに入ってください",
"SwooperInvisState": "あなたは透明です",
"SwooperInvisStateOut": "選手は今、あなたを見ることができる",
- "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "スウープのクールダウンがまだ完了していないため、スウープに失敗しました",
+ "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "Swoop Cooldown isn't up yet. Swooping failed",
"SwooperInvisStateCountdown": "透明性は{0}秒後に切れます",
"SwooperInvisCooldownRemain": "スウープのクールダウン: {0}秒",
"WraithCanVent": "透明になるためにベントに入ってください",
"WraithInvisState": "あなたは透明です",
"WraithInvisStateOut": "選手は今、あなたを見ることができる",
- "WraithInvisInCooldown": "能力はまだクールダウン中で、透明になることができませんでした",
+ "WraithInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, Vanish failed",
"WraithInvisStateCountdown": "透明性は{0}秒後に切れます",
"WraithInvisCooldownRemain": "透明性が残り{0}秒",
"WerewolfKillButtonText": "襲撃",
@@ -2219,10 +2400,10 @@
"BittenByInfectious": "伝染性のがあなたを感染させました",
"InfectiousBittenPlayer": "あなたはプレイヤーを成功裏に感染させました",
"GuessNotAllowed": "申し訳ありません、あなたの役割には推測する権限がありません。",
- "GuessOnbound": "この選手はオンバウンドのアドオンを持っているので、彼らへの推測はキャンセルされた。",
+ "GuessOnbound": "This player has the Onbound Add-on, so your guess on them was canceled.",
"GuessSpecter": "スペクターを推測することはできません。それが彼らの勝利を可能にします!",
"PacifistOnGuard": "アビリティを使用しました、残り使用回数: {0}",
- "PacifistSkillNotify": "パシフィストがあなたのキルクールダウンをリセットしました",
+ "PacifistSkillNotify": "Pacifist reset your Kill Cooldown",
"BeRecruitedByJackal": "ジャッカルがあなたを勧誘しました",
"YinYangerAlreadyMarked": "{0} はすでに他の陰陽操作人によって冷静な状態になっています",
"CoronerTrackRecorded": "追跡が記録されました",
@@ -2246,26 +2427,27 @@
"MonarchInvalidTarget": "対象は騎士になれません",
"GhostTransformTitle": "あなたの役割が変化しました!",
"SpiritcallerNoticeTitle": "あなたは邪悪な精霊に変わりました ",
- "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "スピリットコーラーがあなたを殺し、あなたを邪悪な精霊に変えました。あなたの仕事は、スピリットコーラーを勝利に導くことです。スプークボタンを使用して他のプレイヤーを妨害するか、スピリットコーラーを保護します。詳細については/mを使用してください。",
+ "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "The Spiritcaller has killed you and turned you into an Evil Spirit. Your task now is to help the Spiritcaller to victory by using your Spook button to hinder other players or to protect the Spiritcaller. Use /m for more information.",
"OverseerRevealCooldown": "リベールのクールダウン",
"OverseerRevealTime": "公開 時間",
"OverseerVision": "監督者の視覚",
- "MerchantMaxSell": "販売するアドオンの最大数",
+ "MerchantMaxSell": "Maximum number of Add-ons to sell",
"MerchantMoneyPerSell": "アドオンの販売により得られる金額",
"MerchantMoneyRequiredToBribe": "キラーに賄賂を贈るために必要な金額",
"MerchantNotifyBribery": "キラーが賄賂を受け取ったときに商人に通知",
"MerchantTargetCrew": "クルーメイトに販売可能",
"MerchantTargetImpostor": "インポスターに販売可能",
+ "MerchantTargetCoven": "Can sell to Coven",
"MerchantTargetNeutral": "中立者に販売可能",
"MerchantSellHelpful": "役立つ アドオンを販売可能",
"MerchantSellHarmful": "有害な アドオンを販売可能",
"MerchantSellMixed": "混合 アドオンを販売可能",
- "MerchantSellExperimental": "実験的な アドオンを販売可能",
+ "MerchantSellExperimental": "Can sell Experimental Add-ons",
"MerchantSellHarmfulToEvil": "有害な アドオンは悪人のみに販売可能",
- "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "役立つ アドオンはクルーのみに販売可能",
+ "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "Can sell Helpful Add-ons only to Crewmates",
"MerchantSellOnlyEnabledAddons": "有効なアドオンのみを販売できます",
"SpiritcallerSpiritMax": "邪悪な霊の最大数",
- "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "邪悪な霊 の能力クールダウン",
+ "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "Evil Spirit Ability Cooldown",
"SpiritcallerFreezeTime": "邪悪な霊 の能力凍結時間",
"SpiritcallerProtectTime": "邪悪な霊 の能力保護時間",
"SpiritcallerCauseVision": "邪悪な霊 の能力による視界",
@@ -2274,31 +2456,31 @@
"Message.MessageWaitHelp": "最初の引数を秒単位で指定してください。",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundHost": "{0} に一致する templates.txt が見つかりませんでした",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundClient": "ホストには{0}という名前のテンプレートがありません",
- "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "まだ{0} つの非常ボタンが残っています",
+ "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "There are {0} more Emergency buttons left",
"Message.Executed": "{0} が実行されました",
- "Message.HideGameSettings": "ホストがゲーム設定を隠しました。",
+ "Message.HideGameSettings": "The Host has hidden the game settings.",
"Message.NowOverrideText": "ゲームのルートフォルダを入力してください。\\Language\\English.dat。datファイル内のこのテキストを変更してください。\n\nこの機能が必要ない場合や通常の/nメッセージを表示したい場合は、設定で[Enable only custom /n messages]を無効にしてください。",
"Message.NoDescription": "説明なし",
"Message.KickedByDenyName": "{0} は名前が{1}に一致したため、キックされました",
"Message.BannedByBanList": "{0}は過去に禁止されたため、禁止されました。",
- "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0}はEACの禁止された人々のリストに載っているため、禁止されました。",
+ "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0} has been banned because he is in the EAC list of banned people.",
"Message.DumpfileSaved": "ログファイルはデスクトップに正常に保存されました。ファイル名:{0}",
"Message.DumpcmdUsed": "{0} が/dumpコマンドを使用しました。",
- "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} はフレンドコードが存在しないため、キックされました。",
- "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} はフレンドコードが存在しないため、一時的に禁止されました。",
+ "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was kicked because their Friend Code is invalid.",
+ "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was temporarily banned because their Friend Code is invalid.",
"Message.AddedPlayerToBanList": "{0} を禁止リストに追加しました。",
- "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0} はシステムによってキックされました。\nロビーホストはプレイヤーがゲーム開始を要求するメッセージを表示したくありません。",
- "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0} は警告を受けました:{1} 回\nロビーホストはプレイヤーがゲーム開始を要求するメッセージを表示したくありません。",
- "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0} は警告を受けました:{1} 回\n続けるとキックされます\nロビーホストはプレイヤーがゲーム開始を要求するメッセージを表示したくありません。",
+ "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0} has been kicked by the system. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0} has been warned: {1} times \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0} has received {1} warnings, he will be kicked. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWord": "{0}、禁止ワードを送信するのをやめてください!",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWordTimes": "{0} は警告を受けました:{1} 回\n続けるとキックされます",
"Message.KickWhoSayBanWordAfterWarn": "[{0}] は {1} 回の警告を受けました。\n禁句で退学処分",
- "Message.KickedByEAC": "[{0}] EAC によってキックされました、理由:{1}",
- "Message.BannedByEAC": "[{0}]EACにより禁止、理由:{1}",
- "Message.NoticeByEAC": "[{0}]見付ける{1}",
- "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "[{0}]EACによる一時的な禁止、理由:{1}",
+ "Message.KickedByEAC": "[{0}]kicked by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.BannedByEAC": "[{0}]banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.NoticeByEAC": "[{0}]detected:{1}",
+ "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "[{0}]temporary banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
"Message.TempBannedForSpamQuitting": "{0} はゲームの中断を続けたため、一時的に禁止されました。",
- "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0}さんは、FriendCodeがWhiteList.txtに見つからないため、キックされました。",
+ "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0} kicked because their Friend Code was not found in WhiteList.txt",
"Message.SetLevel": "ゲームレベルが設定されました:{0}",
"Message.SetColor": "あなたの色が設定されました:{0}",
"Message.SetName": "あなたの名前は次のように設定されています:{0}",
@@ -2314,7 +2496,7 @@
"Message.HostLeftGameInGame": "★警告★ ホストがゲームから退出しました、次回ゲームは正常に開始されません。ゲームを退出するか、新しいホストがロビーを開くのを待ってください。",
"Message.HostLeftGameInLobby": "★警告★ ホストがゲームから退出しました、次回ゲームは正常に開始されません。新しいホストがTOHEを持っている場合、正常にプレイするためにロビーに再入室する必要があります。",
"Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsMod": "★警告★ 元のホストがゲームを離れ、{0}が新しいホストになりました!\n部屋はまだ改造されています。ゲームを開始してすぐに終了すると、ロビーがリセットされます!",
- "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★警告★ 元のホストがゲームを離れ、{0}が新しいホストになりました。\nしかし、これは改造されていません。ロビーを退出するか、新しいホストがロビーを開くまで待ってください。",
+ "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host! \nBut it's not modded. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
"Message.LobbyShared": "ロビーが正常に共有されました!",
"Message.LobbyShareFailed": "TOHE-Chanはオフラインのようです (ロビーの共有に失敗しました)",
"Message.YTPlanDisabled": "エラー\n設定で {0} を有効にしてください",
@@ -2322,12 +2504,14 @@
"Message.YTPlanSelectFailed": "あなたは {0} に指定されることはできません。\nこれは、この役割を有効にしていないか、この役割が指定可能でないためかもしれません。",
"Message.YTPlanCanNotFindRoleThePlayerEnter": "探している役割を見つけることができませんでした\nコマンド /r を使用して役割リストを表示",
"Message.YTPlanNotice": "注意:このロビーでは「YouTuberプラン」が有効になっており、ホストは次のゲームで役割を指定してコンテンツを作成しやすくすることができます。ホストがこの機能を乱用した場合、ゲームを終了するか、報告してください。\n現在の作成者の資格:",
- "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "エラー\nこのコマンドはホストのみ使用できます。",
+ "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "ERROR\n\nThis command may only be used by the Host.",
"Message.MaxPlayers": "最大プレイヤー数が設定されました ",
- "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "最大プレイヤー数を設定できませんでした:バニラリージョンでは最大15人まで対応可能です。",
+ "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "Could not set maximum players: Vanilla regions support a maximum of 15 players.",
"Message.GhostRoleInfo": "ゴーストロール情報\nこんにちは!ゴーストロールについて少し…\n\nゴーストロールはゲームに大きな影響を与えるため、あまり詳しくない場合や小さなロビーではお勧めしません。説明に特に記載がない限り、ガードボタンが彼らの能力ボタンです ;) \n\nスポーンについて:\nゴーストロールは死後にのみスポーンします。死亡した最初のx人の (チーム) メンバーがそれらを得ます。\n\nPS:以前のロールにタスクがなかった場合 (例:シェリフ) 、ゴーストロールとしてのタスクはタスク勝利には必要ありません",
"ApocalypseInfoTitle": "中立黙示録情報:",
"Message.ApocalypseInfo": "黙示録チームの各役割には、変身を遂げるための独自の目標があります。\n変身後の 黙示録メンバーはゲームに大きな変化をもたらし、不死身になります (投票でのみ排除可能) が、変身したことは全員に通知されます。\n\n役割: 疫病媒介者, 魂の収集者, パン職人, 狂戦士\n変身後: ペスティレンス, 死, 飢饉, 戦争\n\n黙示録のメンバーはお互いの役割や能力アイコンを見ることができます。\n中立のキラーと同様に、黙示録のメンバーもゲームを続ける存在です。楽しんでください!",
+ "CovenInfoTitle": "Coven Info:",
+ "Message.CovenInfo": "The <#ac42f2>Coven is a faction of evildoers who specialize in Witchcraft. Their goal is to kill all who would oppose the <#ac42f2>Coven.\nThey use the Necronomicon to enhance their powers, but only one member at a time can hold it.\nMost Coven roles can only kill if they hold the Necronomicon. A random Coven member will spawn with the Necronomicon, denoted by the <#ac42f2>♣ symbol next to their name.\nIf the Necronomicon holder dies, the Necronomicon will be randomly given to another <#ac42f2>Coven member that is alive.\nDuring a meeting, Coven players can vote each other to determine who will gain the Necronomicon the following round. If the votes end in a tie or nobody votes, the Necronomicon holder will be the same. Votes will be returned and you will be allowed to vote normally.",
"Message.MeCommandInfo": "こんにちは [{0}] {1} !\n\nフレンドコード ハッシュ-Puid タイプ
{2} {3} {4}
IsDev HasUp /color-Bypass
{5} {6} {7}
"Message.MeCommandTargetInfo": "選択されたプレイヤー [{0}] {1} ,\n\n彼らのフレンドコードは{2}です。\n\n彼らのハッシュPUIDは{3}です。\n\n彼らのTOHE Discord ロールは {4}です。\n\n",
"Message.MeCommandInvalidID": "入力されたIDは間違っているようです。 \nオンラインプレイヤーのプレイヤーIDを取得するには、/id を使用してください。",
@@ -2349,18 +2533,18 @@
"EnableGadientTags": "グラデーションタグを有効にする (接続問題の原因となる可能性があります)",
"Warning.GradientTags": "警告:\nホストはグラデーションタグを有効にしました。この機能は使用をお勧めしません、なぜなら接続の問題を引き起こす可能性があるからです。",
"WarningTitle": "警告!!",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "警告! このマップのベントは壊れています",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "«dlekS ehT» マップではベントが壊れています、ホスト専用モッドでは修理できません。これはバニラのバグです、そのため、ベントを能力として使用する役割はこのマップではスポーンしません",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "Warning! The Vents on this map are broken",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "On the «dlekS ehT» map, the Vents are broken, they cannot be fixed in Host-Only Mods, this is a vanilla bug, so any roles using a Vent as an ability will not spawns on this map",
"Warning.NoGameEndIsEnabled": "警告: {0}が有効になっています!",
"AntiBlackoutProtectionTitle": "アンチブラックアウト",
"Warning.AntiBlackoutProtectionMsg": "警告:\n\nブラックスクリーン保護がアクティブになりました、生存している インポスター、 クルーメイト、および 中立キラー の数が低いためです。\n(投票画面は引き分けと表示されます(視覚にのみ影響を与え、投票結果には影響しません)\nModdedプレイヤーは通常通り投票画面を表示します",
"Warning.ShowAntiBlackExiledPlayer": "前回の会議でブラックスクリーン防止がトリガーされました!\n以下は前回の会議で追放されたプレイヤーの情報です。\n",
"DisableAntiBlackoutProtects": "アンチブラックアウト保護を無効にしました(テスト用に推奨)。",
- "Warning.InvalidRpc": "無効な RPC を受信したため、{0} がキックされました。\nTOHE 以外のモッドがインストールされていないか確認してください。",
- "Warning.NoModHost": "ホストにTOHEがインストールされていません",
+ "Warning.InvalidRpc": "Kicked {0} because an invalid RPC was received.\nPlease check that no Mods other than TOHE are installed.",
+ "Warning.NoModHost": "TOHE is not installed on the Host",
"Warning.MismatchedVersion": "{0} は {1} の異なるバージョンを持っています。",
- "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "ホストは {0} のバージョンを持っていないか、異なるバージョンです。\n{1} でキックされます。",
- "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "コンソールの使用は禁止されています\nしたがって、コンソールはオフになっています",
+ "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "The Host has no or a different version of {0}\nYou will be kicked in {1}",
+ "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "The use of the Console is prohibited\nso your Console has been off",
"Error.MeetingException": "エラー:{0}\n会議を終了するには SHIFT+M+ENTER を使用してください",
"Error.InvalidRoleAssignment": "エラー:役割の割り当て中にプレイヤーの無効な役割が見つかりました ({0})",
"Error.InvalidColor": "エラー:デフォルトの色のみが利用可能です",
@@ -2374,7 +2558,7 @@
"ERR-000-910-1": "テストエラーレベル 1",
"ERR-000-920-2": "テストエラーレベル 2",
"ERR-000-930-3": "テストエラーレベル 3",
- "ERR-000-804-1": "申し訳ありませんが、TOHEは一時的にバニラのHnSをサポートしていないため、モッドがアンロードされました。",
+ "ERR-000-804-1": "Sorry, TOHE temporarily doesn't support vanilla Hide & Seek, so Mod unloaded",
"ERR-001-000-3": "メイン辞書に重複したキーがあります。",
"ERR-002-000-1": "サポートされていないAmong Usのバージョンです。Among Usをアップデートしてください",
"DefaultSystemMessageTitle": "システムメッセージ",
@@ -2403,16 +2587,18 @@
"TabGroup.ModifierSettings": "ゲーム変更",
"TabGroup.CrewmateRoles": "クルーメイトの役割",
"TabGroup.NeutralRoles": "ニュートラルの役割",
+ "TabGroup.CovenRoles": "Coven Roles",
"TabGroup.ImpostorRoles": "インポスターの役割",
"TabGroup.Addons": "アドオン",
- "TabMenuDescription_General": "ここでモッドにある機能を設定できます。",
- "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "ここでモッド内のすべての役割やアドオンの設定を追加、削除、変更できます。",
+ "TabMenuDescription_General": "Here you can configure the functions that are in the Mod",
+ "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "Here you can add, remove and change the settings of all Roles or Add-ons in the Mod",
"Experimental.Roles": "★ 実験的な役割 (注意: これらはテストが必要なため、慎重に使用してください) ",
"ActiveRolesList": "アクティブな役割リスト",
"ForExample": "使用例",
"ImpCanBeGuesser": "インポスター は ゲッサー になることができます",
"CrewCanBeGuesser": "クルーメイト は ゲッサー になることができます",
"NeutralCanBeGuesser": "中立者 は ゲッサー になることができます",
+ "CovenCanBeGuesser": "Coven can become Guesser",
"CrewCanBeMundane": "クルーメイトは平凡になることができます",
"NeutralCanBeMundane": "中立者は平凡になることができます",
"GuessedAsMundane": "あなたは平凡です。\nすべてのタスクを完了するまで推測することはできません",
@@ -2420,22 +2606,23 @@
"ImpCanBeInLove": "インポスター は 恋愛中 になることがあります",
"CrewCanBeInLove": "クルーメイト は 恋愛中 になることがあります",
"NeutralCanBeInLove": "中立者 は 恋愛中 になることがあります",
+ "CovenCanBeInLove": "Coven can be in love",
"updateButton": "アップデート",
"updatePleaseWait": "お待ちください...",
- "updateManually": "アップデートに失敗しました。\nもう一度試すか、手動でアップデートしてください。",
+ "updateManually": "Update failed.\nPlease try again or update manually.",
"updateInProgress": "アップデート中...",
"deletingFiles": "アップデートファイルを削除しています...",
- "updateRestart": "アップデートが完了しました!\nゲームを再起動してください。",
- "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "最新バージョンでないと公開ルームに参加できません。アップデートしてください。",
+ "updateRestart": "Update finished!\nPlease restart the game.",
+ "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "You can't join public rooms without the latest version.\nPlease update.",
"ModBrokenMessage": "MODファイルが壊れています。再インストールしてください。",
"UnsupportedVersion": "サポートされていないAmong Usのバージョンです。Among Usをアップデートしてください",
"DisabledByProgram": "プログラムはパブリックルームを無効にしました。",
- "EnterVentToWin": "勝つためにベントに入れ!!",
+ "EnterVentToWin": "Enter a Vent to Win!!",
"EatenByPelican": "あなたは飲み込まれました、ペリカンが死ぬのを待っているか、会議です",
"FireworkerPutPhase": "{0} 発の花火が残っています",
"FireworkerWaitPhase": "それを待って...",
"FireworkerReadyFirePhase": "発射!",
- "EnterVentWinCountDown": "{0} 秒以内にベントに入り、勝利しましょう!",
+ "EnterVentWinCountDown": "Enter a Vent within {0} seconds to win!",
"On": "オン",
"Off": "オフ",
"ColoredOn": "オン",
@@ -2444,11 +2631,7 @@
"WitchCurrentMode": "現在のモード",
"WitchModeKill": "キル",
"WitchModeSpell": "呪文",
- "HexMasterModeHex": "呪い",
- "HexMasterModeKill": "キル",
- "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "毒",
"WitchModeDouble": "ダブルクリック = キル、シングルクリック = 呪文",
- "HexMasterModeDouble": "ダブルクリック = キル、シングルクリック = ヘックス",
"BountyCurrentTarget": "現在のターゲット",
"Roles": "役割",
"Settings": "設定",
@@ -2457,7 +2640,7 @@
"LastEndReason": "★ 終了理由",
"KillLog": "キルログ",
"MainRoleLog": "Role Convert Log",
- "Maximum": "最大",
+ "Maximum": "Maximum",
"RoleRate": "オン ",
"RoleOn": "いつも ",
"RoleOff": "オフ ",
@@ -2490,7 +2673,7 @@
"Preset_4": "プリセット 4",
"Preset_5": "プリセット 5",
"Standard": "標準",
- "HidenSeekTOHE": "かくれんぼ",
+ "HidenSeekTOHE": "Hide & Seek",
"GameMode": "ゲームモード",
"PressTabToNextPage": "Tab または 数字 を押して次のページに進みます...",
"RoleSummaryText": "役割の概要",
@@ -2577,7 +2760,7 @@
"IllegalColor": "正しい色を入力してください",
"DisableUseCommand": "ホストの設定ではこのコマンドを使用できません",
"SureUse.quit": "あなたをキックし、再びこのロビーに入れないようにします。この設定は取り消せません。本当にそれが必要なら、コマンド /qt {0} を送ってください。",
- "PlayerIdList": "プレイヤーIDのリスト ",
+ "PlayerIdList": "List of player ID's: ",
"CancelStartCountDown": "開始カウントダウンがキャンセルされました",
"RestTOHESetting": "TOHEの設定がデフォルトに戻されました",
"FPSSetTo": "FPS を {0} に設定しました",
@@ -2602,13 +2785,13 @@
"Yes": "はい",
"No": "いいえ",
"AntiBlackOutLoggerSendInGame": "未知のエラーのため、ブラックスクリーンを防ぐためにゲームが終了します。",
- "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "エラーが発生しました。ブラックスクリーンを防ぐため、「/dump」と入力してログを取得し、「bug-reports」のTOHE Discordサーバーに送信してください。修正を試みます。",
- "EndWhenPlayerBug": "モッドプレイヤーが重大なエラーを受けた場合 (ロード中に) ゲームを終了します。",
+ "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "An error occurred to prevent a black screen. Do a «/dump» and send the logs to the Discord server TOHE in «bug-reports» and we will try to fix it.",
+ "EndWhenPlayerBug": "End the game when a Modded player gets a critical error (While loading)",
"AntiBlackOutRequestHostToForceEnd": "あなたがブラックスクリーンの原因でした。ゲームは終了します。",
- "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "あなたはブラックスクリーンの原因であり、ホストはゲームを終了しないつもりです。すぐにあなたを切断します。",
+ "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen, and the Host is not going to end the game\nYou will be disconnected soon",
"RpcAntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "{0} のため、未知のエラーが発生しました。ブラックスクリーンを防ぐため、設定で [{1}] をオフにしてください。",
"RpcAntiBlackOutEndGame": "{0} のため、未知のエラーが発生しました。ブラックスクリーンを防ぐため、ゲームは終了します。",
- "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "{0} のため、未知のエラーが発生しました。RPC は無視されます。",
+ "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred, but the game will continue without that player due to Host settings.",
"RpcAntiBlackOutKicked": "{0}はブラックアウトエラーのためにキックされました。",
"NextPage": "次のページ",
"PreviousPage": "前のページ",
@@ -2630,7 +2813,7 @@
"ExiledInnocentTargetAddBelow": "\n無邪気は手の中のお金を振り返ります。",
"ExiledInnocentTargetInOneLine": "{0} は {1} でした。しかし、振り返ってみると、\n無実の が手にお金を数えているのが見えます....\nGG! = 良い試合!",
"ExiledDeath": "{0} は{1} でした!クルーは終末から救われました!",
- "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} は{1} でした。しかし、彼らは死ではありませんでした... 死がクルーの魂を奪いました!",
+ "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} was the {1}.\nBut they were not Death...\nDeath has claimed the Souls of the Crew!\nGG!",
"IsGood": "{0} は 良い人 でした",
"BelongTo": "{0} は {1} に属しています",
"PlayerIsRole": "{0} は {1} でした",
@@ -2643,15 +2826,16 @@
"NeutralRemain": "\nニュートラルキラー が {0} 人残っています。",
"OneNeutralRemain": "\nニュートラルキラー が {0} 人残っています。",
"ApocRemain": "\n残り{0} 人の中立 黙示録",
- "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "All Impostors and Neutral Killers were ejected or killed",
+ "CovenRemain": "\n{0} Coven remain",
+ "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "All Impostors and Neutral Killers and Coven were ejected or killed",
"GameOverReason.HumansByTask": "クルーメイトがすべてのタスクを完了しました",
"GameOverReason.HumansDisconnect": "クルーメイトが切断されました",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByVote": "クルーメイトが追放されました",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByKill": "インポスターが誰もかれもを殺しました",
- "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "クルーメイトは重大なサボタージュを修復できませんでした。",
+ "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "Crewmates failed to fix a Critical Sabotage",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorDisconnect": "インポスターが切断されました",
"FortuneTellerCheck.TaskDone": "[{0}]の役職 - [{1}]",
- "DevAndSpnTitle": "TOHEファミリー",
+ "DevAndSpnTitle": "TOHE Family",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Null": "{0}は一覧にない役職です。通常、このメッセージは表示されません。",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Result": "{0}は以下のいずれかの役割です: {1}",
"SunnyboyChance": "サニーボーイのチャンス",
@@ -2687,18 +2871,18 @@
"DeathCmd.Misfired": "あなたは誤射しました。",
"DeathCmd.Shrouded": "包まれたプレイヤーとして覆いによって殺され、殺害を行わなかったため、あなたは自殺しました。",
"DeathCmd.Lovers": "あなたの恋人が亡くなりました。",
- "RpsCommandInfo": "このコマンドはロビー内または死亡後にのみ使用できます。\nシステムとじゃんけんをするには、/rps X と入力してください。X は 0 (グー)、1 (パー)、または 2 (チョキ) できます。",
+ "RpsCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rps X to play Rock Paper Scissors with the system. X can be 0 (rock), 1 (paper) or 2 (scissors). \n\nExample :- /rps 0",
"RpsDraw": "私が選ぶ{0}\n\nわぁ、どれほど熾烈な知恵比べをしたことでしょう!まるで、私たちが純粋な運と偶然のゲームでほぼ同じ実力のようですね。",
"RpsLose": "私が選ぶ{0}\n\nさてさて、見ての通り、この高度に複雑なジャンケンゲームでまたしても人間に勝利しましたね。私の負け知らずの能力が再び発揮されました! ",
- "RpsWin": "私が選ぶ{0}\n\nおめでとうございます!あなたは私をジャンケンで倒すために画面の裏に水晶玉を隠しているに違いありません。それか、私は世界で最悪の運のアルゴリズムを持っているのかもしれません。",
- "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "このコマンドはロビー内または死亡後にのみ使用できます。",
+ "RpsWin": "I choose {0}\n\nOh, congratulations! You must have a Crystal Ball hidden behind that screen to beat me at Rock, Paper, Scissors. Or maybe I have the world's worst luck algorithm.",
+ "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.",
"CoinFlipResult": "ドラムロール、お願いします... 強力な引力とランダム性の激しい戦いの後、コインはその存在を私たちに寛大にしてくれることを決定しました!そして、威風堂々の優勝者は...(お待ちください) ... ただ1人... {0} です!誰がそんなことが起こると予想できたでしょうか?!明らかに、コイントスの歴史における重大な出来事です。",
- "GNoCommandInfo": "このコマンドは、ロビーにいるか死亡後にのみ使用できます。 /gno X を入力して数字を当てるゲームをプレイします。 X は0から99までの数字です (両方含む)。数字を当てるために最大 7 回の試行権 があります。\n例:- /gno 10",
+ "GNoCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /gno X to play guess a number. X can be a number between 0 and 99 (both included). \n\nYou get maximum of 7 tries to guess the number.\n\n Example:- /gno 10",
"GNoLost": "ああ、あなたはとても近かったです!あと1回推測すれば、ダ・ヴィンチ・コードを解読したかもしれませんでした!ちなみに、秘密の数字は... {0} でした! でも、数十億の可能性の中で少しだけ外れましたね。次回はがんばって、シャーロック! ",
"GNoLow": "あなたは本当にうまくやっています! それは非常に低いので、掘り起こすためにシャベルが必要かもしれません!\n{0} 回の予想 が残っています!",
"GNoHigh": "ああ、もちろんです!あなたは暖かくなっています。実際、それは非常に高いので、ここから見るために望遠鏡が必要です!残りの {0} 回の推測 があります!",
"GNoWon": "ああ、どうやってそれを見つけたのですか?まるであなたが心を読む能力を持っているかのようです!おめでとう、あなたは天才です! {0} 回の推測 を残して秘密の数字を見つけました!",
- "RandCommandInfo": "このコマンドはロビーにいる時、または死亡した後にのみ使用できます。 /rand X Y と入力して、X と Y の間の数値を含む数値を取得してください。X と Y は0から2147483647の間の任意の数で、両方の数字を含みます。XはYより小さくなければなりません。\n例:- /rand 0 99",
+ "RandCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rand X Y to get a number between X and Y, inclusive. \nX and Y can be any number between 0 and 2147483647, including both numbers.\nX must be less than Y.\n\nExample:- /rand 0 99",
"RandResult": "おめでとう、あなたのランダムな数字は{0} です!楽しかったですか?",
"8BallTitle": "マジック8ボールが示す...",
"8BallYes": "はい",
@@ -2709,7 +2893,7 @@
"8BallNotLikely": "見通しはあまり良くない",
"8BallLikely": "見通しは良い",
"8BallDontCount": "当てにしないで",
- "8BallStop": "Among Usのゲームで8ボールを使うのをやめて",
+ "8BallStop": "Stop using an 8Ball in an Among Us Mod",
"8BallPossibly": "おそらく",
"8BallProbably": "たぶん",
"8BallProbablyNot": "たぶんない",
@@ -2718,20 +2902,20 @@
"8BallWithoutDoubt": "間違いなく",
"8BallWithDoubt": "非常に疑わしい",
"ChanceToMiss": "キルをミスする確率",
- "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "必要な魂の数",
+ "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "Required number of Souls",
"SoulCollectorTarget": "あなたは{0} の死を予測しました。",
"SoulCollectorTitle": "魂の収集者",
- "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "自分の魂を集めることができます",
- "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "ホストの設定では自分の魂を集めることはできません",
+ "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "Can collect their own Soul",
+ "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "Host settings do not allow you to collect your own Soul",
"SoulCollectorToDeath": "あなたは死神になりました!!!",
"SoulCollectorTransform": "今、魂の収集者は死となり、世界の破壊者であり黙示録の騎士となった!
- "GetPassiveSouls": "毎ラウンド、パッシブソウルを獲得する",
- "PassiveSoulGained": "冥界からパッシブソウルを獲得しました。",
+ "GetPassiveSouls": "Gain a passive Soul every round",
+ "PassiveSoulGained": "You have gained a passive Soul from the underworld.",
"SoulCollectorTargetUsed": "このラウンドではすでに誰かをターゲットにしています!",
"SoulCollectorSoulGained": "ソウルを獲得しました",
"SoulCollectorCanVent": "魂の収集者は通気口を使用できます",
"DeathMeetingTimeIncrease": "死が存在する場合、会議時間が増加",
- "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "ターゲットが会議中に死亡しました。ソウルを獲得しました。",
+ "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "Your target has died during the meeting. You have gained a Soul.",
"SoulCollectorKillButtonText": "予測する",
"SoulCollectorHasImpostorVision": "魂の収集者 はインポスターの視界を持っています",
"ApocalypseIsNigh": "「終末が迫っています!」",
@@ -2754,21 +2938,21 @@
"BakerBreadGivesEffects": "パンが追加効果を与える",
"BakerTransformNoMoreBread": "パン職人はパンが不足すると変身します",
"FamineKillButtonText": "飢えさせる",
- "FamineStarveCooldown": "飢饉の飢えクールダウン",
+ "FamineStarveCooldown": "Famine Starve Cooldown",
"FamineCantStarveApoc": "他のアポカリプスメンバーを飢えさせることはできません!",
"FamineAlreadyStarved": "そのプレイヤーはすでに飢えています!",
"FamineStarved": "プレイヤーが飢えた",
"ChronomancerKillCooldown": "能力チャージ時間",
"ChronomancerDecreaseTime": "大量殺戮のクールダウン時間 (低いほど速い)",
"ChronomancerStartMassacre": "殺戮:起動",
- "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "殺戮時の視界",
+ "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "Vision When in Slaughter",
"ShamanButtonText": "ヴードゥー",
- "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "このラウンドで既にヴードゥードールを選択しています",
+ "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "You have already selected a Voodoo Doll in this round",
"Shaman_KillerCannotMurderChosenTarget": "キラーは選択されたターゲットを殺すことができません",
"VoodooCooldown": "ヴードゥークールダウン",
"AdminWarning": "管理テーブルを使用中!",
"VitalsWarning": "バイタルを使用中!",
- "DoorlogWarning": "ドアログを使用中!",
+ "DoorlogWarning": "DoorLogs in use!",
"CameraWarning": "カメラを使用中!",
"MinWaitAutoStart": "自動開始前の待機時間(分)",
"MaxWaitAutoStart": "ロビータイマー (分) が以下になったときに強制開始",
@@ -2789,39 +2973,39 @@
"TimeMasterVentButtonText": "タイムシールド",
"BodyCannotBeReported": "遺体は報告できませんでした。",
"BurstKillDelay": "バーストキルディレイ",
- "BurstNotify": "それはバーストでした! ベントに入るか、死ぬ しかありません。",
+ "BurstNotify": "That was a Burst! Get in a Vent or die.",
"BurstFailed": "バーストはあなたを爆撃できませんでした",
"ShroudButtonText": "覆い",
"ShroudCooldown": "覆いのクールダウン",
"Message.Shrouded": "一人または複数のプレイヤーが覆いによって包まれました!\n\n覆いを排除しないと、すべての包まれたプレイヤーが自殺します!",
- "LudopathRandomKillCD": "最大キルクールダウン",
+ "LudopathRandomKillCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
"UnderdogMaximumPlayersNeededToKill": "キルを開始するために必要な最大プレイヤー数",
"GodfatherTargetCountMode": "キラーが変身します",
"GodfatherCount_Refugee": "難民",
"GodfatherCount_Madmate": "マッドメイツ",
"GodfatherRefugeeMsg": "あなたはゴッドファーザーにリクルートされました!",
- "MissChance": "失敗する確率",
- "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "クルーが変換された場合、キルカウントを+1増やす",
+ "MissChance": "Chance to Miss",
+ "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "Increase the KillCount +1 if a Crewmate is Converted",
"HawkMissed": "失敗!",
- "HawkCanKillNum": "最大スライス数",
+ "HawkCanKillNum": "Maximum Slices",
"HawkKillMax": "能力の使用回数が尽きました",
"HawkKillTooManyDead": "死者が多すぎる",
- "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "殺害可能な最小生存プレイヤー数",
- "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "最大限の血の殺害",
+ "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "Minimum Players Alive to Kill",
+ "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "Maximum BloodLettings",
"BloodMoonTimeTilDie": "死までの時間",
"PossessorPossessCooldown": "支配のクールダウン",
"PossessorPossessDuration": "支配の持続時間",
"PossessorAlertRange": "警戒範囲",
"PossessorFocusRange": "集中範囲",
"DeathTimer": "死亡まで: {DeathTimer}秒",
- "BerserkerKillCooldown": "狂戦士のキルクールダウン",
- "BerserkerMax": "狂戦士が達できる最大レベル",
+ "BerserkerKillCooldown": "Berserker Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerMax": "Maximum level that Berserker can reach",
"BerserkerHasImpostorVision": "狂戦士はインポスターの視界を持っています",
"WarHasImpostorVision": "戦争はインポスターの視界を持っています",
"BerserkerCanVent": "狂戦士は通気口を使用できます",
"WarCanVent": "戦争は通気口を使用できます",
- "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "より低いキルクールダウンのロックを解除する",
- "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "ロック解除後のキルクールタイム",
+ "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "Unlock lower Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after unlocking",
"BerserkerTwoCanScavenger": "スカベンジ・キルのアンロック",
"BerserkerThreeCanBomber": "爆破されたキルのロックを解除",
"BerserkerFourCanNotKill": "戦争に変身",
@@ -2831,7 +3015,7 @@
"KilledByBerserker": "狂戦士によって殺された",
"BerserkerToWar": "戦争に変身!!!",
"BerserkerTransform": "狂戦士は戦争に変身し、黙示録の騎士となった!「ハヴォック!」と叫び、戦の犬を解き放て。",
- "WarKillCooldown": "戦争のキルクールダウン",
+ "WarKillCooldown": "War Kill Cooldown",
"BerserkerCanKillTeamate": "他の中立黙示録を殺すことができます",
"BlackmailerSkillCooldown": "脅迫のクールダウン",
"BlackmailerMax": "脅迫されたプレイヤーが発言できる最大回数",
@@ -2839,7 +3023,7 @@
"BlackmaileKillTitle": "脅迫者",
"UnluckyTaskSuicideChance": "タスクを実行することによる自殺の可能性",
"UnluckyKillSuicideChance": "キルすることによる自殺の可能性",
- "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "ベントからの自殺の可能性",
+ "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from Venting",
"UnluckyReportSuicideChance": "死体を報告することによる自殺の可能性",
"UnluckyOpenDoorSuicideChance": "ドアを開けることによる自殺の可能性",
"NeutralCanBeAware": "中立者 は 気づき になれます。",
@@ -2860,7 +3044,7 @@
"PenguinKillButtonText": "引きずる",
"PenguinTimerText": "ドラッグタイマー",
"PenguinTargetOnCheckMurder": "掴まれています、まずそれから逃げてみてください!",
- "WitnessTime": "キル後の最大時間、キラーが赤く表示されます",
+ "WitnessTime": "Maximum Time after killing where killer appears red",
"WitnessButtonText": "調査",
"WitnessFoundInnocent": "✓",
"WitnessFoundKiller": "⚠",
@@ -2871,7 +3055,7 @@
"SwapVote": "{0} と {1} の投票が入れ替えられました!",
"SwapDead": "残念ながら、死亡後に投票を交換することはできません。",
"SwapNull": "生存しているプレイヤーのIDを選んで、投票を交換してください。交換をクリアするには /swap 253を使用してください。",
- "SwapHelp": "コマンド形式: 対象を選択するには /sw [playerID]\nプレイヤー名の横にあるプレイヤーIDを見るか、または /id を使用してプレイヤーIDリストを確認できます。\n以前の交換をクリアするには /swap 253 を使用してください。",
+ "SwapHelp": "Command Format: /sw [player ID] to select the target\nYou can see the player ID's next to the player names or use /id to see the player ID list.\nUse /swap 253 to clear your previous swap",
"Swap1": "交換対象1が選択されました",
"Swap2": "交換対象2が選択されました",
"CancelSwap": "以前の交換をクリアしました!",
@@ -2883,6 +3067,7 @@
"ImpCanKillFragile": "インポスター は 壊れやすい を強制的にキルできます。",
"NeutralCanKillFragile": "中立者 は 壊れやすい を強制的にキルできます。",
"CrewCanKillFragile": "クルーメイト は 壊れやすい を強制的にキルできます。",
+ "CovenCanKillFragile": "Coven can force kill Fragile",
"FragileKillerLunge": "キル時にキラーが飛びかかる",
"CrusaderSkillLimit": "マキシマムクルセイダー",
"CrusaderSkillCooldown": "十字軍のクールダウン",
@@ -2893,11 +3078,11 @@
"ChanceToSpawn": "スポーンの確率",
"ChanceToSpawnAnother": "もう一つスポーンする確率",
"BloodthirstKillCD": "血に飢えた キルクールダウン",
- "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "血に飢えた者 のための最大生存プレイヤー数",
+ "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "Maximum players alive for Bloodthirst",
"ReflectHarmfulInteractions": "有害な 相互作用を反映",
- "DiseasedCDOpt": "クールダウンを増やす",
+ "DiseasedCDOpt": "Increase the Cooldown by",
"DiseasedCDReset": "会議後にクールダウンが通常に戻ります",
- "AntidoteCDOpt": "クールダウンを減少させる",
+ "AntidoteCDOpt": "Decrease the Cooldown by",
"AntidoteCDReset": "会議の後、クールダウンは通常に戻ります。",
"GlowRadius": "輝きの半径",
"GlowVisionOthers": "近くのプレイヤーの視界ブースト",
@@ -2914,10 +3099,10 @@
"PunchingBagKill": "あなたは攻撃されました!",
"SelfGuessPunchingBag": "自分をパンチングバッグとして推測することはできません、ズルをしないでください!",
"GuessPunchingBagBlocked": "パンチングバッグは自己推測のために推測できません。",
- "EradicatePunchingBag": "パンチングバッグを終了しようとしましたが、それは許可されていません",
+ "EradicatePunchingBag": "You just tried to terminate Punching Bag, that is not allowed.",
"RememberCooldown": "模倣クールダウン",
"RefugeeKillCD": "難民 のキルクールダウン",
- "RememberedNeutralKiller": "あなたは中立キラーであることを思い出しました!",
+ "RememberedNeutralKiller": "You remembered you were a Neutral killer!",
"RememberedMaverick": "あなたはマーヴェリックであることを思い出しました!",
"RememberedPursuer": "あなたは自分が追跡者であることを思い出しました!",
"RememberedFollower": "あなたはフォロワーであることを思い出しました!",
@@ -2926,12 +3111,12 @@
"ReportWhenFailedRemember": "思い出しに失敗した場合は死体を報告してください",
"RememberedImitator": "あなたは自分が模倣者であることを思い出しました。",
"RememberedImpostor": "あなたはインポスターであることを思い出しました!",
- "RememberedCrewmate": "あなたはクルーメイトであることを思い出しました!",
+ "RememberedCrewmate": "You remembered you were a Crewmate!",
"ImitatorImitated": "まね師があなたの役割をまねました!",
"ImitatorInvalidTarget": "まねに失敗しました",
"RememberButtonText": "覚えておく",
"ImitatorKillButtonText": "まねる",
- "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "中立が不適切な場合、変身",
+ "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "If Neutral is incompatible, turn into",
"RememberedYourRole": "アムネジアックがあなたの役割を覚えました!",
"YouRememberedRole": "あなたは自分が誰かを思い出しました!",
"BanditStealMode": "窃盗モード",
@@ -2939,23 +3124,19 @@
"BanditStealMode_Instantly": "即座に",
"BanditMaxSteals": "最大窃盗数",
"BanditCanStealBetrayalAddon": "裏切りアドオンを窃盗できます",
- "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "インポスター 限定のアドオンを盗むことができます",
- "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "プレイヤーからアドオンを盗むことができませんでした。",
- "BanditStealCooldown": "クールダウンを盗む",
+ "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "Can Steal Impostor Only Add-ons",
+ "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "Could not steal Add-on from the player",
+ "BanditStealCooldown": "Steal Cooldown",
"DoppelMaxSteals": "最大窃盗数",
- "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "最後の被害者はゴーストとして生存プレイヤーの役割とアドオン情報を確認できます",
- "NecromancerRevengeTime": "Necromancy time",
- "NecromancerRevenge": "{0}秒以内に {1} を殺す時間があります",
- "NecromancerSuccess": "死者蘇生が完了しました!また明日も生きて見ることができます。",
- "NecromancerHide": "通気が無効になっています、死者蘇生者から隠れて!",
- "RetributionistDeadMsg": "復讐者の死は復讐の始まりを意味します。\n指定されたプレイヤーを殺すには/ret + [プレイヤーID] を使用してください\nプレイヤーの名前の前にプレイヤーIDが表示されます。\nまたは/retを入力してプレイヤーIDのリストを取得します",
+ "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "Last victim can see Role and Add-on info of alive players as a ghost",
+ "RetributionistDeadMsg": "The death of the Retributionist means the beginning of retribution. \nPlease use /ret + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /ret to get a list of player ID's",
"RetributionistAliveKill": "レトリビューショニストの報復は、彼らの死後のみ開始できます。",
"RetributionistKillMax": "最大キル数に達しました、もうキルできません!",
"RetributionistKillDead": "キルする生存プレイヤーを選んでください。",
"RetributionistKillSucceed": "{0} は報復主義者によって殺されました!",
"RetributionistKillDisable": "タスクが完了するまで報復できません。",
"CanOnlyRetributeWithTasksDone": "タスクの完了時にのみ報復可能",
- "RetributionistCanKillNum": "最大報復数",
+ "RetributionistCanKillNum": "Maximum retributions",
"RetributionistKillTooManyDead": "死者が多すぎるため、報復できません。",
"MinimumPlayersAliveToRetri": "報復のために必要な最小生存プレイヤー数",
"MinimumNoKillerEjectsToKill": "殺害するために必要な、殺人者が排除されない最小会議回数",
@@ -2974,37 +3155,39 @@
"CaptainCanTargetNC": "せんちょうは中立混沌をターゲットにできます",
"CaptainCanTargetNA": "キャプテンは中立黙示録をターゲットにできます",
"CaptainCanTargetNK": "せんちょうは中立殺人者をターゲットにできます",
+ "CaptainCanTargetCoven": "Captain can target Coven",
"CaptainSpeedReduced": "せんちょうによってあなたの速度が低下しました",
"CaptainRevealTaskRequired": "せんちょうが明らかになるまでに完了するタスクの数",
"CaptainSlowTaskRequired": "ターゲットの速度が低下するまでに完了するタスクの数",
"InspectorTryHideMsg": "インスペクター のコマンドを隠す",
- "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "ゲームごとの最大検査回数",
- "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "会議ごとの最大検査回数",
+ "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "Maximum inspections per game",
+ "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum inspections per meeting",
"InspectCheckTargetKnow": "対象者は インスペクターにチェックされたことを知っています。",
"InspectCheckOtherTargetKnow": "対象は自分が誰と検査されたかを知っています",
"InspectorDead": "死亡後は能力を使用できません",
- "InspectCheckMax": "ゲームごとの最大検査回数に達しました!\nもう能力を使用できません。",
- "InspectCheckRound": "ラウンドごとの最大検査回数に達しました!\n次のラウンドで再度確認できます。",
+ "InspectCheckMax": "Maximum inspections per game reached!\nYou can not use your power anymore.",
+ "InspectCheckRound": "Maximum inspections per round reached!\nYou can check again in the next round.",
"InspectCheckSelf": "あはは!これが簡単だと思ったか。自分自身を確認することはできません。WWWww",
"InspectCheckReveal": "あはは!これが簡単だと思ったか。明らかにされた役職を確認することはできません。WWw",
"InspectCheckTitle": "インスペクター ",
"InspectCheckTrue": "{0}と{1}は同じチームにいます!",
"InspectCheckFalse": "{0}と{1}は同じチームではありません!",
"InspectCheckTargetMsg": " インスペクターによって調査されました",
- "InspectCheckHelp": "指示: /cmp [プレイヤーID 1] [プレイヤーID 2] \n例: /cmp 1 5 \nプレイヤーIDは全員の名前の前に表示されます\nまたは、プレイヤーIDをリスト表示するには /id コマンドを使用します",
+ "InspectCheckHelp": "Instructions: /cmp [Player ID 1] [Player ID 2] \nExample: /cmp 1 5 \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"InspectCheckNull": "生き残ったプレイヤーの ID を選択し、そのチームを推測します",
"InspectCheckBaitCountMode": "おとりは、初対面でのおとりの公開としてカウントされます。",
"InspectCheckRevealTarget": "タスクが完了すると、対象は他の対象のチームを知っています。",
"InspectorTargetReveal": " {0}はチーム{1}と連携しているようです。",
"EgoistCountMode.Original": "オリジナル",
"EgoistCountMode.Neutral": "ニュートラル",
- "JailerJailCooldown": "牢獄のクールダウン。",
+ "JailerJailCooldown": "Jail Cooldown",
"JailerMaxExecution": "最大実行回数。",
"JailerNBCanBeExe": "中立 無害を処刑することが可能",
"JailerNCCanBeExe": "中立 混沌を処刑することが可能",
"JailerNECanBeExe": "中立 悪を処刑することが可能",
"JailerNKCanBeExe": "中立 キラーを処刑することが可能",
"JailerNACanBeExe": "中立 黙示録を処刑することが可能",
+ "JailerCovenCanBeExe": "Can execute Coven",
"JailerCKCanBeExe": "実行できる 乗組員殺害",
"JailerTargetAlreadySelected": "すでに対象を選択しました。",
"SuccessfullyJailed": "対象は成功裏に牢獄に入れられました。",
@@ -3013,40 +3196,43 @@
"CanNotTrialJailed": "対象を裁くことはできません。",
"notifyJailedOnMeeting": "会議が始まったときに牢獄に入れられたプレイヤーに通知します。",
"JailedNotifyMsg": "あなたは看守によって牢屋に閉じ込められました。誰もあなたを推測したり裁いたりすることはできず、あなたは看守を推測することしかできません。\n\nもし看守があなたに投票した場合、会議が終了した後に処刑されます。",
- "JailerTitle": "看守",
- "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "コピーのクールダウン",
+ "JailerTitle": "JAILER",
+ "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "Copy Cooldown",
"CopyCatRoleChange": "あなたの役割は{0}に変更されました。",
"CopyCatCanNotCopy": "対象の役職をコピーすることはできません。",
"CopyButtonText": "コピー",
- "CopyCrewVar": "クルーロールの邪悪なバリエーションをコピーできます",
- "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "チーム変更アドオンをコピーできます",
- "MaxCleanserUses": "最大クレンズ数",
+ "CopyCrewVar": "Can copy evil variants of Crewmate roles",
+ "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "Can copy team changing Add-on",
+ "MaxCleanserUses": "Maximum Cleanses",
"CleansedCanGetAddon": "クレンズされたプレイヤーはアドオンを取得できます",
"CleanserTitle": "クレンザー",
"CleanserRemoveSelf": "自分自身をクレンズすることはできません",
- "CleanserCantRemove": "おっと!そのプレイヤーはクレンズできません。",
+ "CleanserCantRemove": "Oops! the player can not be Cleansed.",
"CleanserRemovedRole": "{0}が浄化されました。会議後にすべてのアドオンが削除されます。\n\nあなたの投票が戻され、誰かに投票することができます。",
- "LostAddonByCleanser": "クレンザーがあなたのアドオンをすべて削除しました",
- "MaxProtections": "最大の保護",
+ "LostAddonByCleanser": "The Cleanser removed all your Add-ons",
+ "MaxProtections": "Maximum Protections",
"KeeperHideVote": "キーパーの投票を隠す",
"KeeperProtect": "{0}を守ることを選びました、あなたの投票が返されました",
- "KeeperTitle": "キーパー",
+ "KeeperTitle": "KEEPER",
"MaulRadius": "襲撃半径",
"ImpKnowCyberDead": "インポスターはサイバーが死んだかどうか知っている",
"CrewKnowCyberDead": "クルーメイトはサイバーが死んだかどうか知っている",
"NeutralKnowCyberDead": "中立者はサイバーが死んだかどうか知っている",
+ "CovenKnowCyberDead": "Coven know if Cyber died",
"CyberKnown": "すべての人がサイバーを見ることができます",
"KillerGetBewilderVision": "キラーは当惑させるの視界を得ます",
"ImpCanBeOiiai": "インポスターはOIIAIキャットになれる",
"CrewCanBeOiiai": "クルーメイトはOIIAIになれる",
"NeutralCanBeOiiai": "中立者はOIIAIになれる",
+ "CovenCanBeOiiai": "Coven can be OIIAI",
"OiiaiCanPassOn": "オイアイキャットはキラーに受け継がれる可能性があります",
"NeutralChangeRolesForOiiai": "中立者が変わります ",
"LostRoleByOiiai": "オイアイキャットによって消されました!",
"ImpCanBeLoyal": "インポスターは忠実なになれる",
"CrewCanBeLoyal": "クルーメイトは忠実なになれる",
+ "CovenCanBeLoyal": "Coven can become Loyal",
"TasklessCrewCanBeLazy": "任務がないクルーメイトは怠け者になれる",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "任務に基づくクルーメイトは怠け者になれる",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "Task based Crewmates can be Lazy",
"SheriffCanBeMadmate": "シェリフはマッドメイトになれる",
"MayorCanBeMadmate": "市長はマッドメイトになれる",
"NGuesserCanBeMadmate": "ナイスゲッサーはマッドメイトになれる",
@@ -3062,20 +3248,21 @@
"GanJudgeCanBeMadmate": "ジャッジは変換されることがある",
"GanMarshallCanBeMadmate": "指揮官は変換されることがある",
"GanOverseerCanBeMadmate": "監督者は変換されることがある",
- "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "排除時にマッドメイトとして現れる",
+ "GanCovenCanBeMadmate": "Coven can be converted",
+ "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "Appear as Madmate on Ejection",
"CouncillorDead": "すみません、あなたは死んでいるので殺すことはできません。",
"CouncillorMurderMaxMeeting": "すみません、会議での殺人数の上限に達しました。",
"CouncillorMurderMaxGame": "ごめんなさい、殺害の最大数に達しました。",
"Councillor_LaughToWhoMurderSelf": "ははは、誰が自分自身を殺すほど愚かだと思っただろう? それが... あなただということを考えるとね!",
"Councillor_MurderKill": "{0} が殺されました。",
- "Councillor_MurderHelp": "コマンド: /tl [プレイヤーID]\nプレイヤーの名前の前にプレイヤーIDが見えます。\nまたは、/id を使って全プレイヤーIDのリストを見る。",
+ "Councillor_MurderHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Councillor_MurderNull": "キルする生存プレイヤーを選んでください。",
"Councillor_MurderKillTitle": "邪悪な法廷 ",
"CouncillorMakeEvilJudgeClear": "裁判を評議員の殺人として表示する",
"Councillor_CannotMurderImpTeam": "申し訳ありませんが、チームメイトを殺すことはできません。",
"Councillor_SuicideForMurderImps": "チームメイトを殺そうとしたため、あなたは死にました。",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "ミーティングごとの最大キル数",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "ゲームごとの最大キル数",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Kills per Meeting",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "Maximum Kills per Game",
"CouncillorCanMurderMadmate": "マッドメイトを殺害できる",
"CouncillorCanMurderImpostor": "インポスターを殺害できる",
"CouncillorSuicideOnJudgeImpTeam": "インポスター チームを誤って裁くと自殺する",
@@ -3083,12 +3270,12 @@
"CouncillorTryHideMsg": "評議員のコマンドを隠そう",
"DazzlerDazzled": "あなたはダズラーによって眩惑されました!",
"DazzlerCauseVision": "視界狭小",
- "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "視界狭小の影響を受けるプレイヤーの最大数",
+ "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "Maximum number of players affected by reduced vision",
"DazzlerResetDazzledVisionOnDeath": "死亡/追放時に眩惑したプレイヤーの視界をリセット",
"DazzleCooldown": "眩惑のクールダウン",
"DazzleButtonText": "眩惑",
"MoleVentButtonText": "掘る",
- "MoleVentCooldown": "掘るクールダウン",
+ "MoleVentCooldown": "Dig Cooldown",
"AddictVentButtonText": "修復を受ける",
"AddictInvulnerbilityTimeAfterVent": "無敵時間",
"AddictSpeedWhileInvulnerble": "無敵状態での移動速度",
@@ -3102,13 +3289,13 @@
"AlchemistVentButtonText": "飲む",
"AlchemistGotShieldPotion": "耐性ポーション:一時的なシールドを付与します",
"AlchemistGotSightPotion": "夜間視力ポーション:一時的に強化された視力を提供します",
- "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "修復ポーション:即座に一つの妨害を修復できます",
+ "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "Potion of Fixing: Allows you to fix one Sabotage instantly",
"AlchemistGotTPPotion": "ワーピングポーション:ランダムなプレイヤーにテレポートします",
"AlchemistGotSuicidePotion": "毒のポーション:あなたを毒します。",
"AlchemistGotSpeedPotion": "スピードのポーション:速くなります",
"AlchemistGotBloodthirstPotion": "有害ポーション:接触した次のプレイヤーを殺します",
"AlchemistGotInvisibility": "透明のポーション:透明になります",
- "NoPotion": "あなたはポーションを持っていません",
+ "NoPotion": "You have no Potions",
"StoreShield": "耐性のポーション",
"StoreSuicide": "毒のポーション",
"StoreTP": "ワーピングのポーション",
@@ -3124,22 +3311,22 @@
"AlchemistHasVision": "夜間視力ポーションが開始されました",
"AlchemistShieldOut": "耐性ポーションが終了しました",
"AlchemistVisionOut": "暗視ポーション終了",
- "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "血に飢えた状態になりました",
+ "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "You gained Bloodthirst",
"AlchemistHasSpeed": "スピードのポーションが始まった",
"AlchemistSpeedOut": "スピードのポーションが終了しました",
- "DeathpactDuration": "死の契約の持続時間",
- "DeathPactCooldown": "死の契約割り当てクールダウン",
- "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "死の契約にいるプレイヤーの数",
- "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "死の契約にいる他のプレイヤーへの矢印を表示",
- "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "死の契約にいるプレイヤーの視界を減少",
- "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "死の契約にいるプレイヤーの視界",
- "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "会議中に死の契約にいるプレイヤーを殺害",
- "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "アクティブな死の契約にいるプレイヤーは会議を呼び出せる",
+ "DeathpactDuration": "Deathpact Duration",
+ "DeathPactCooldown": "Deathpact Assign Cooldown",
+ "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "Number of players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "Show arrows leading to other players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "Reduce vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "Vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "Kill players in Deathpact on meeting",
+ "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "Players in active Deathpact can call meeting",
"DeathpactActiveDeathpact": "{0}を{1}秒で見つける。",
- "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "対象は死の契約に追加できません。",
- "DeathpactComplete": "死の契約が結論に達しました。",
- "DeathpactExecuted": "死の契約が実行されました。",
- "DeathpactAverted": "死の契約が回避されました。",
+ "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "Target can't be added to Deathpact.",
+ "DeathpactComplete": "Deathpact was concluded.",
+ "DeathpactExecuted": "Deathpact was executed.",
+ "DeathpactAverted": "Deathpact was averted.",
"DeathpactButtonText": "割り当てる",
"DevourerHideNameConsumed": "消費されたプレイヤーの名前を隠す",
"DevourCooldown": "飲み込みのクールダウン",
@@ -3167,7 +3354,6 @@
"PitfallTrapCauseVisionTime": "トラップが視界に影響を与える時間",
"PitfallTrap": "あなたはトラップにかかりました!",
"ConsigliereDivinationMaxCount": "最大の公開数",
- "RitualMaxCount": "Maximum Reveals",
"CleanserHideVote": "クレンザーの投票を隠す",
"OracleSkillLimit": "最大の使用回数",
"OracleHideVote": "オラクルの投票を隠す",
@@ -3175,17 +3361,18 @@
"OracleCheckSelfMsg": "自分さえ信じられないんだね?",
"OracleCheckLimit": "リマインダー: {0}回の使用が残っています",
"OracleCheckMsgTitle": "オラクル ",
- "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "クルーメイトではないように見えます",
- "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "クルーメイトのように見えます",
- "OracleCheck.Neutral": "ニュートラルのように見えます",
+ "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "Appears not to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "Appears to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Neutral": "Appears to be a Neutral",
"OracleCheck.Impostor": "インポスターのように見えます",
+ "OracleCheck.Coven": "Appears to be Coven",
"OracleCheck": "ターゲットの結果:",
"FailChance": "正しくない結果を表示する確率",
- "OracleCheckAddons": "オラクルはアドオンをチェックします",
+ "OracleCheckAddons": "Oracle checks Add-ons",
"ChameleonCanVent": "変装するために通気口を使う",
"ChameleonInvisState": "あなたは変装中です!",
"ChameleonInvisStateOut": "あなたの変装が終了しました",
- "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "能力はまだクールダウン中で、変装に失敗しました",
+ "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, disguise failed",
"ChameleonInvisStateCountdown": "変装は{0}秒で失効します",
"ChameleonInvisCooldownRemain": "変装クールダウン: {0}秒",
"ChameleonCooldown": "変装のクールダウン",
@@ -3200,11 +3387,12 @@
"CursedSoulCurseCooldownIncrese": "魂奪いのクールダウン増加",
"CursedSoulCurseMax": "最大魂奪い回数",
"CursedSoulKnowTargetRole": "ソウルレスのプレイヤーの役割を知る",
- "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "ニュートラルの役職には魂があります",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "Neutral roles have Souls",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseCoven": "Coven roles have Souls",
"CursedSoulKillButtonText": "奪い取る",
- "SoullessByCursedSoul": "呪われた魂があなたの魂を奪いました",
+ "SoullessByCursedSoul": "A Cursed Soul snatched your Soul",
"CursedSoulSoullessPlayer": "魂が奪われました",
- "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "魂が見つかりません",
+ "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "No Soul found",
"AdmireCooldown": "賞賛のクールダウン",
"AdmirerKnowTargetRole": "ファンのプレイヤーたちの役割を知ることができます。",
"AdmirerSkillLimit": "スキル制限",
@@ -3213,7 +3401,7 @@
"AdmiredPlayer": "プレイヤーが賞賛されました",
"AdmirerInvalidTarget": "ターゲットは賞賛できません",
"SpiritualistNoticeTitle": "スピリチュアリスト ",
- "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "スピリチュアリストはあなたを指す矢印があります!\n殺人者に使用するか、クルーメイトを陥れることができます",
+ "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "The Spiritualist has an arrow pointing to you!\nYou can use them to a killer or frame a Crewmate",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowForSeconds": "幽霊の矢の持続時間",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowEverySeconds": "幽霊の矢の間隔",
"EnigmaClueStage1Tasks": "タスクを完了してステージ1の手がかりを見るには{0} 個",
@@ -3251,11 +3439,12 @@
"EnigmaClueRole2": "殺人者はニュートラルです!",
"EnigmaClueRole3": "殺人者はクルーメイトです!",
"EnigmaClueRole4": "殺人犯の役割は{0} です!",
+ "EnigmaClueRole5": "The Killer is a Coven member!",
"EnigmaClueLevel1": "殺人者のレベルは50以上です!",
"EnigmaClueLevel2": "殺人者のレベルは50以下です!",
"EnigmaClueLevel3": "殺人犯のレベルは{0} から{1} の間です!",
"EnigmaClueLevel4": "殺人犯のレベルは{0} です!",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "殺人犯のフレンドコードは{0} です!",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "The Killer's Friend Code is {0}!",
"EnigmaClueHatTitle": "エニグマ帽子の手がかり!",
"EnigmaClueVisorTitle": "エニグマバイザーの手がかり!",
"EnigmaClueSkinTitle": "エニグマスキンの手がかり!",
@@ -3267,10 +3456,11 @@
"EnigmaClueStatusTitle": "エニグマ状態の手がかり!",
"EnigmaClueRoleTitle": "エニグマ役割の手がかり!",
"EnigmaClueLevelTitle": "エニグマレベルの手がかり!",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "エニグマフレンドコードの手がかり!",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "Enigma Friend Code Clue!",
"ImpCanBeRole": "インポスターは{role} になることができます",
"CrewCanBeRole": "クルーメイトは{role} になることができます",
"NeutralCanBeRole": "中立は{role} になることができます",
+ "CovenCanBeRole": "Coven can become {role}",
"VotesPerKill": "各キルごとに獲得する投票",
"PickpocketGetVote": "{0} 票を得ました",
"VultureArrowsPointingToDeadBody": "ボディを指し示す矢印があります",
@@ -3281,7 +3471,7 @@
"VultureMaxEatenInOneRound": "ラウンドごとに可能な最大の食べられた死体数",
"VultureCooldownUp": "食べるクールダウンが終了しました",
"GhastlyPossessCD": "支配のクールダウン",
- "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "最大支配回数",
+ "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "Maximum Possessions",
"GhastlyPossessionDuration": "支配の持続時間",
"GhastlySpeed": "幽霊の速度",
"GhastlyKillAllies": "ゴースは仲間を憑依することができません。",
@@ -3294,7 +3484,7 @@
"GhastlyExpired": "{0} はもう憑依されていません",
"TasksMarkPerRound": "1ラウンドでマークできるタスクの数",
"TaskinatorBombPlanted": "爆弾が設置されました",
- "ShieldDuration": "シールドの持続時間",
+ "ShieldDuration": "Shield Duration",
"ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "シールドは1回の殺害試行後に破れます",
"BenefactorTaskMarked": "タスクが正常にマークされました",
"BenefactorTargetGotShield": "恩人によってシールドを得ました",
@@ -3316,14 +3506,14 @@
"Heads": "頭",
"Tails": "尾",
"SpyRedNameDur": "色付きの名前の持続時間",
- "SpyInteractionBlocked": "キルボタンの相互作用をブロック",
- "AgitaterBombCooldown": "アジテーターの爆弾クールダウン",
- "AgitaterPassCooldown": "爆弾の受け渡しのクールダウン",
- "BombExplodeCooldown": "爆発のクールダウン",
+ "SpyInteractionBlocked": "Block Kill button interaction",
+ "AgitaterBombCooldown": "Agitator Bomb Cooldown",
+ "AgitaterPassCooldown": "Bomb Pass Cooldown",
+ "BombExplodeCooldown": "Bomb Explode Cooldown",
"AgitaterPassNotify": "爆弾が成功裏に受け渡されました",
"AgitaterTargetNotify": "あなたが爆弾を持っています!!他の誰かに渡してください",
"AgitaterCanGetBombed": "アジテーターは爆弾を手に入れられる",
- "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "アジテーターの自動報告罠",
+ "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "Agitator can Auto Report Bait",
"SeekerPointsToWin": "勝利に必要なポイント数",
"SeekerTagCooldown": "タグクールダウン",
"SeekerNotify": "あなたのターゲットは{0}です",
@@ -3331,15 +3521,15 @@
"SeekerKillButtonText": "タグ",
"PixiePointsToWin": "勝利に必要なポイント数",
"MaxTargets": "ラウンドごとのターゲットの最大数",
- "MarkCooldown": "マークのクールダウン",
+ "MarkCooldown": "Mark Cooldown",
"PixieSuicide": "ターゲットが追放されない場合、ピクシーは自殺します。",
"PixieMaxTargetReached": "このラウンドですでに全てのターゲットを選択しました。",
"PixieTargetAlreadySelected": "ターゲットはすでに選択されています。",
"PixieButtonText": "マーク",
- "PlagueBearerCooldown": "疫病のクールダウン",
- "PlagueBearerCanVent": "ベント可能",
+ "PlagueBearerCooldown": "Plague Cooldown",
+ "PlagueBearerCanVent": "Can Vent",
"PlagueBearerHasImpostorVision": "インポスターの視界を持っています",
- "PestilenceCooldown": "ペスティレンスのキルクールダウン",
+ "PestilenceCooldown": "Pestilence Kill Cooldown",
"PestilenceCanVent": "ペスティレンスはベントを使える",
"PestilenceHasImpostorVision": "ペスティレンスにはインポスターの視界がある",
"PestilenceKillGuessers": "ペスティレンス を推測したプレイヤーを殺す",
@@ -3365,24 +3555,25 @@
"RomanticProtectButtonText": "保護",
"GuessMasterMisguess": "{0} が誤推測されました",
"GuessMasterTargetRole": "誰かが{0}を推測しようとしました",
- "GuessMasterTitle": "推測マスター ",
+ "GuessMasterTitle": "GUESS MASTER ",
"DoomsayerAmountOfGuessesToWin": "勝利への推測数",
"DCanGuessImpostors": "インポスターを推測できる",
"DCanGuessCrewmates": "クルーメイトを推測できる",
"DCanGuessNeutrals": "中立者を推測できる",
+ "DCanGuessCoven": "Can Guess Coven",
"DCanGuessAdt": "アドオンは推測できます",
"DoomsayerAdvancedSettings": "詳細設定",
- "DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "会議ごとの最大予想回数",
+ "DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "Maximum number of guesses per meeting",
"DoomsayerKillCorrectlyGuessedPlayers": "正しく予想されたプレイヤーをキル",
"DoomsayerDoesNotSuicideWhenMisguessing": "ドゥームセイヤーは誤推測しても自害しない",
"DoomsayerMisguessRolePrevGuessRoleUntilNextMeeting": "役割の誤推測により、次のミーティングまで役割の推測ができなくなります",
"DoomsayerTryHideMsg": "ドゥームセイヤーのコマンドを隠す",
"DoomsayerCantGuess": "ごめんなさい、次の会議での役職しか予想できません。",
"DoomsayerCorrectlyGuessRole": "あなたは正しく役割を推測しました!\nしかし、プレイヤーは死ななかった、なぜならホストの設定が死を許可していないからです",
- "DoomsayerNotCorrectlyGuessRole": "あなたは役割を正しく推測しませんでした!\nしかし、あなたは死ななかった、なぜならホストの設定が死を許可していないからです",
- "DoomsayerGuessCountMsg": "{0}の役割を正しく推測しました",
+ "DoomsayerNotCorrectlyGuessRole": "You didn't correctly guess the Role!\nBut you didn't die because the Host's settings don't allow you to die",
+ "DoomsayerGuessCountMsg": "You correctly guessed {0} Roles",
"DoomsayerGuessCountTitle": "ドゥームセイヤー",
- "DoomsayerGuessSameRoleAgainMsg": "以前に推測した同じ役割やアドオンを推測しようとしました",
+ "DoomsayerGuessSameRoleAgainMsg": "You tried to guess the same Role or Add-on that you guessed before",
"EveryoneCanKnowMini": "みんながミニを見ることができます",
"CanBeEvil": "ミニはインポスターになり得る",
"EvilMiniSpawnChances": "ミニがインポスターである確率",
@@ -3410,26 +3601,26 @@
"YouKillRandomizer3": "ランダマイザーを殺害し、キルCDが600秒に変更!",
"YouKillRandomizer4": "ランダマイザーを殺害し、ランダムリベンジを引き起こす!",
"MadmateCanBeHurried": "マッドメイトはゲームスタート時に「急いで」行動することができる",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeHurried": "タスクベースのクルーは急いで行えます",
- "HurriedCanBeConverted": "ゲーム内で急いで募集できます (マッドメイトは除外)",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeHurried": "Task-based Crewmates can be Hurried",
+ "HurriedCanBeConverted": "Hurried can be recruited in the game (excludes Madmate)",
"Developer": "開発者",
"Sponsor": "スポンサー",
"Booster": "サーバーブースター",
"Translator": "翻訳者",
"NoAccess": "不正アクセス!!!\n\n 詳しく知るために、ディスコード「Discord」(discord.gg/tohe) サーバーでチケットを開いてください。",
"DCNotify.Hacking": "ハッキングで禁止されました。やめてください。",
- "DCNotify.Banned": "これは間違いだった場合はホストに連絡してください。あなたはこのロビーから禁止されました。",
+ "DCNotify.Banned": "You were banned from this lobby.\n\nContact the Host if this was a mistake.",
"DCNotify.Kicked": "あなたはこのロビーからキックされました。再参加することはできます。",
"DCNotify.DCFromServer": "サーバーから切断されました。\nこれはサーバーまたはネットワークのいずれかの問題かもしれません。",
"DCNotify.GameNotFound": "このロビーコードは無効です。",
"DCNotify.GameStarted": "このロビーは現在ゲーム中です。\n\nゲームが終了するのを待つか、別のロビーを探してください。",
- "DCNotify.GameFull": "このロビーは現在満員です。\n\nホストに確認して参加できるかどうかを確認してください。",
+ "DCNotify.GameFull": "This lobby is currently full.\n\nCheck with the Host to see if you may join.",
"DCNotify.IncorrectVersion": "このロビーはあなたのAmong Usバージョンをサポートしていません。",
"DCNotify.Inactivity": "ロビーは非アクティブのため閉じられました。",
"DCNotify.Auth": "認証されていません。",
"DCNotify.DupeLogin": "あなたのアカウントのインスタンスが既にこのロビーに存在しています。",
"DCNotify.InvalidSettings": "ゲーム設定が無効と検出されました。\n\nローカルプレイに入ってリセットし、それからもう一度試してみてください。",
- "ModeDescribe.SoloKombat": "現在のモードは[ソロPVP] です\n役割の割り当てがありません。すべてのプレイヤーにHPがあり、キルボタンを使用して他のプレイヤーにダメージを与えることができます。ゲームの最後に最も多くのキルをしたプレイヤーが勝ちます。",
+ "ModeDescribe.SoloKombat": "Current Gamemode is [Solo PVP]\nNo role assignment. Everyone has HP and can use the Kill button to cause damage to other players. The player with the highest number of kills wins at the end of the game.",
"RoleType.VanillaRoles": "★ バニラ役割",
"RoleType.ImpKilling": "★インポスターの殺害役割",
"RoleType.ImpSupport": "★インポスターのサポート役割",
@@ -3448,6 +3639,10 @@
"RoleType.NeutralChaos": "★ ニュートラル 混沌 役職",
"RoleType.NeutralKilling": "★ ニュートラル 殺害 役職",
"RoleType.NeutralApocalypse": "★ 中立黙示録の役割 /apocalypseinfo",
+ "RoleType.CovenPower": "★ Coven Power Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenKilling": "★ Coven Killing Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenTrickery": "★ Coven Trickery Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenUtility": "★ Coven Utility Roles",
"RoleType.Harmful": "★ 有害なアドオン",
"RoleType.Support": "★ サポート系アドオン",
"RoleType.Helpful": "★ 有益なアドオン",
@@ -3456,7 +3651,7 @@
"RoleType.Impostor": "★ インポスターアドオン",
"RoleType.Guesser": "アドオンを推測できます",
"RoleType.Neut": "★ ニュートラルアドオン",
- "RoleType.Experimental": "★ 実験的なアドオン (注意: テストが必要なため、慎重に使用してください) ",
+ "RoleType.Experimental": "★ Experimental Add-ons (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
"SubType.Impostor": "★ インポスター",
"SubType.Shapeshifter": "★ シェイプシフター",
"SubType.SemiShapeshifter": "★ セミシェイプシフター",
@@ -3467,10 +3662,12 @@
"CrewmateRoles": "★ クルーメイトの役割 ★ ",
"ImpostorRoles": "★ インポスターの役割 ★",
"NeutralRoles": "★ ニュートラルの役割 ★",
+ "CovenRoles": "★ Coven Roles ★",
"AddonRoles": "★ アドオン ★",
"WinnerRoleText.Impostor": "インポスターの勝利!",
"WinnerRoleText.Crewmate": "クルーメイトの勝利!",
"WinnerRoleText.Apocalypse": "黙示録の勝利!",
+ "WinnerRoleText.Coven": "Coven Wins!",
"WinnerRoleText.Terrorist": "テロリストの勝利!",
"WinnerRoleText.Jester": "道化師の勝利!",
"WinnerRoleText.Lovers": "恋人たちの勝利!",
@@ -3557,25 +3754,26 @@
"ForceEndText": "ホストがゲームを中止しました",
"NiceMiniDied": "ナイスミニが殺されました",
"HaterMisFireKillTarget": "ミスファイア時にヘイターがターゲットを殺す",
- "HaterChooseConverted": "ヘイターが殺せるアドオンを選択",
- "HaterCanKillMadmate": "マッドメイトを殺せる",
- "HaterCanKillCharmed": "チャームドを倒せます",
- "HaterCanKillLovers": "ラバーズを殺せる",
- "HaterCanKillSidekick": "ジャッカルチームを殺せる",
- "HaterCanKillEgoist": "エゴイストを殺せる",
- "HaterCanKillInfected": "インフェクテッドチームを殺せる",
- "HaterCanKillContagious": "ウイルスチームを殺せる",
- "HaterCanKillAdmired": "ファンを殺すことができます。",
+ "HaterChooseConverted": "Select Add-ons that Hater can kill",
+ "HaterCanKillMadmate": "Can kill Madmate",
+ "HaterCanKillCharmed": "Can kill Charmed",
+ "HaterCanKillLovers": "Can kill Lovers",
+ "HaterCanKillSidekick": "Can kill Jackal team",
+ "HaterCanKillEgoist": "Can kill Egoist",
+ "HaterCanKillInfected": "Can kill Infected team",
+ "HaterCanKillContagious": "Can kill Virus team",
+ "HaterCanKillAdmired": "Can kill Admirer",
+ "HaterCanKillEnchanted": "Can kill Enchanted",
"HorseMode": "馬に変わった",
"LongMode": "長い首を持つことができるようにする",
"InfluencedChangeVote": "おっと!あなたは他人の影響を受けやすいですね!\nあなたは恐怖を抑えることができずに、投票を変えてしまいました{0}!",
"FFA": "フリー・フォー・オール",
"ModeFFA": "ゲームモード:FFA",
- "ModeDescribe.FFA": "FFA (フリー・フォー・オール) ゲームモードでは、全員が殺人者で、誰もが誰でも殺すことができます。生き残った最後のプレイヤーが勝者です!\n一方、いくつかのランダムイベントがその間にさらに楽しさを加えます!",
- "KillerInfoLong": "FFA (フリー・フォー・オール) ゲームモードでは、全員が殺人者で、誰もが誰でも殺すことができます。生き残った最後のプレイヤーが勝者です!\n一方、いくつかのランダムイベントがその間にさらに楽しさを加えます!",
+ "ModeDescribe.FFA": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
+ "KillerInfoLong": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
"FFA_GameTime": "最大ゲーム長",
"FFA_KCD": "キルクールダウン",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "プレイヤーが2人だけ生き残っている時はベントの使用を禁止する",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "Prevent Venting when only 2 players are alive",
"FFA_EnableRandomAbilities": "ランダムイベントを有効にする",
"FFA_ShieldDuration": "シールドの持続時間",
"FFA_IncreasedSpeed": "スピードアップ",
@@ -3586,15 +3784,15 @@
"FFA_EnableRandomTwists": "時々ランダムな交換を有効にする",
"FFA-Event-GetShield": "一時的なシールドを手に入れました!",
"FFA-Event-GetIncreasedSpeed": "一時的なスピードブーストを手に入れました!",
- "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "キルクールダウンが短くなりました!",
- "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "キルクールダウンが長くなりました!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "You got a lower Kill Cooldown!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "You got a higher Kill Cooldown",
"FFA-Event-GetLowVision": "一時的に視界が低下しています",
"FFA-Event-GetDecreasedSpeed": "一時的にスピードが低下しています",
- "FFA-Event-GetTP": "ランダムなベントにテレポートされました!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetTP": "You got teleported to a random Vent!",
"FFA-Event-RandomTP": "全員が誰かと入れ替わりました",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "生存者が2人だけになりました、ベントに隠れるのをやめてください!",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "キルクールダウンが終わったので、ベントに隠れないでください!",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "キルクールダウンが終わったプレイヤーがベントを使うのを防いでください",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "There are only 2 players alive, stop hiding in Vents!",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "Your kill Cooldown is up, don't hide in Vents!",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "Prevent players whose Kill Cooldown is up from Venting",
"FFA_TargetIsShielded": "攻撃しようとしたプレイヤーはシールドで守られています!",
"FFA_ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "シールドは1回のキル試行後に壊れます",
"FFA_ShieldBroken": "誰かがあなたを殺そうとしました、今あなたのシールドは壊れています!",
@@ -3604,15 +3802,15 @@
"MenuTitle.Hide&Seek": "かくれんぼの設定",
"NumImpostorsHnS": "インポスターの数",
"EveryOneKnowSolsticer": "みんながソルスティスが誰であるかを知っています",
- "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "ソルスティスは、自身にキルボタンを使用した人の役割を知っています",
+ "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "Solsticer knows the role of whom used the Kill button on it",
"SolsticerSpeed": "ソルスティスの移動速度",
"SolsticerRemainingTaskWarned": "知られるべき残りのタスク",
"SAddTasksPreDeadPlayer": "プレイヤーが死んだとき、ソルスティスが得る追加の短いタスクは何個ですか",
"SolsticerMurdered": "{0} があなたを殺害しようとしました!",
"MurderSolsticer": "今ラウンドでソルスティスを止めました!",
- "SolsticerMurderMessage": "{0}は前のラウンドであなたに対してキルボタンを使いました!その役割は{1}です!",
+ "SolsticerMurderMessage": "{0} used Kill button on you last round! Its role is {1}!",
"SolsticerOnMeeting": "死をあまりにも多く目撃しました!次のラウンドではさらに{0} つの短いタスクが増えます!",
- "SolsticerTitle": "ソルスティス",
+ "SolsticerTitle": "SOLSTICER",
"GuessSolsticer": "申し訳ありませんが、ソルスティスを推測することはできません!",
"ExpelSolsticer": "申し訳ありませんが、ソルスティスを追放することはできません!",
"SolsticerTasksReset": "あなたのタスクがリセットされた!",
@@ -3623,10 +3821,10 @@
"Contributor": "貢献者",
"dbConnect.InitFailure": "TOHE APIに接続中にエラーが発生しました。ネットワーク接続を確認して、ログインを再試行してください!",
"dbConnect.InitFailurePublic": "TOHE APIへの接続中にエラーが発生しました。これは、インターネット接続が原因である可能性があります。そのため、Sponsor+の特典は利用できませんが、通常通りプレイを続けることができます。",
- "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "このTOHEのビルドは、フレンドコードがないユーザーには利用できません!",
+ "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "This build of TOHE is not available to users with no Friend Code!",
"Quizmaster": "クイズ監督者",
"QuizmasterInfo": "会議で人をクイズに答えさせ、殺害する",
- "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(中立):\nクイズ監督者として、キルボタンを使用してプレイヤーにマークを付けることができます。次の会議で、マークされたプレイヤーの名前の横に「?!」が表示されます。質問に答えなかったり、間違った答えを出したりすると、そのプレイヤーは死にます。同じ会議でクイズ監督者が殺されたり追放されたりすると、プレイヤーは生き残ります。\nクイズ監督者は同じラウンドで複数の人をマークすることはできません。",
+ "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Quizmaster, you can mark a player using your Kill button. In the next meeting, the marked player will have \"?!\" next to their name. The player will die if they answer the question wrong or doesn't answer. The player will live if the Quizmaster is killed/ejected in the same meeting.\nThe Quizmaster cannot mark multiple people in the same round",
"QuizmasterKillButtonText": "クイズ",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedBy": "クイズ監督者にマークされました\n生き残るためには、この質問に正しく答える必要があります:\n\n{QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedPublic": "{QMTARGET}はクイズ監督者によってマークされました\n\n生き残るためには、{QMTARGET} は自分の質問に正しく答える必要があります!",
@@ -3639,13 +3837,14 @@
"QuizmasterChat.WrongPublic": "{QMTARGET}はクイズ監督者の質問に答えられず、死亡しました!\nクイズ監督者に注意してください!",
"QuizmasterChat.Marked": "{QMTARGET} をマークしました\n{QMTARGET} が会議終了までに答えなかったり、間違った答えを出したりすると、{QMTARGET} は死にます\n\n{QMTARGET} への質問 => {QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.Title": "クイズ監督者情報",
- "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "クイズ監督者として、質問に答えることはできません。",
+ "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "As the Quizmaster, you can't answer questions",
"QuizmasterChat.AnswerNotValid": "あなたの回答はA、B、またはCでなければなりません",
"QuizmasterChat.SyntaxNotValid": "使用方法:\n/answer [A/B/C]",
- "QuizmasterSettings.QuestionDifficulty": "問題の難易度",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "クイズで誰かを指名した後、ベントに入ることができます",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "クイズで誰かを指名した後、殺害することができます",
- "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "ラウンドごとの殺害数はいくつか",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MinQuestionDifficulty": "Minimum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MaxQuestionDifficulty": "Maximum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "Can Vent After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "Can Kill After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "How Many Kills per Round",
"QuizmasterSettings.CanGiveQuestionsAboutPastGames": "過去の試合に関する質問ができる",
"Quizmaster.None": "なし",
"QuizmasterSabotages.Lights": "ライト",
@@ -3673,8 +3872,16 @@
"QuizmasterAnswers.Experimental": "実験的な",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Enhanced": "強化された",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Edited": "編集された",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "最後に発生したサボタージュは何でしたか?",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "このラウンドで最初に発生したサボタージュは何でしたか?",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Impostor": "Impostor",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Neutral": "Neutral",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Crewmate": "Crewmate",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Addon": "Add-on",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Shapeshifter": "Shapeshifter",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Scientist": "Scientist",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Engineer": "Engineer",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.GuardianAngel": "GuardianAngel",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "What was the Sabotage was called last?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "What was the first Sabotage called this round?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastEjectedPlayerColor": "最後に排除されたプレイヤーの色は何色でしたか?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastReportPlayerColor": "この会議の前に最後に報告された遺体の色は何でしたか?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastButtonPressedPlayerColor": "この会議の前の最後の会議を呼び出したのは誰ですか?",
@@ -3684,17 +3891,25 @@
"QuizmasterQuestions.FactionOfRole": "{QMRole} の派閥は何ですか?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.FactionRemovedName": "ゲームに存在したがアップデートで削除された派閥は何ですか?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyDiedFirstRound": "第一ラウンドで何人が死亡しましたか?",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.ButtonPressedBefore": "この会議前に緊急ボタンを押した人は何人いますか?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.ButtonPressedBefore": "How many people pressed the Emergency button before this meeting?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.WhatDoesEOgMeansInName": "TOHEの「E」は元々何を意味していましたか?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieReason": "{PLR} の死因は何でしたか?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieMethod": "{PLR} はどのようにして死亡しましたか?",
- "LastAddedRoleForKarped": "KARPED1EMが辞任する前にTOHEに追加された最後の役割は何でしたか?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastAddedRoleForKarped": "What was the last role added to TOHE before KARPED1EM stepped down?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieFaction": "どのような派閥が{PLR} を殺したのですか?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.QuizmasterCooldown": "What will Quizmaster's cooldown always be? (excluding first kill override and changes from other Roles/Add-ons)",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoCoded": "Who coded Quizmaster?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoOwns": "Who owns The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEPartners": "Who are The Enhanced Network's partners?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEEventCoordinator": "Who is the Event Coordinator for The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyCats": "How many Cat related roles are in the Mod?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.GuessingCommand": "What does /bt actually mean?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.NotFromTOS2": "Which of these roles are NOT from Town of Salem 2?",
"DeathReason.WrongAnswer": "クイズの答えが間違っています",
"TPCooldown": "テレポートのクールダウン",
- "RiftsTooClose": "最初の裂け目に位置が近すぎます",
+ "RiftsTooClose": "Location too close to the first Rift",
"RiftCreated": "裂け目が正常に作成されました",
- "RiftsDestroyed": "すべての裂け目が破壊されました",
+ "RiftsDestroyed": "All Rifts destroyed",
"RiftRadius": "裂け目の半径",
"TiredVision": "疲れたときの視界",
"TiredSpeed": "疲れたときの速度",
@@ -3718,7 +3933,7 @@
"ShockerAbilityCooldown": "能力のクールダウン",
"ShockerAbilityDuration": "能力の持続時間",
"ShockerAbilityPerRound": "ラウンドごとの能力回数",
- "ShockerShockInVents": "ベント内の人々を感電させる",
+ "ShockerShockInVents": "Shock people in Vents",
"ShockerAbilityResetAfterMeeting": "会議後にマークされた部屋をリセットする",
"ShockerOutsideRadius": "部屋外タスクの半径 (部屋内ではない場合)",
"ShockerCanShockHimself": "自分自身を感電させることができる",
@@ -3731,13 +3946,13 @@
"EavesdropperMsgTitle": "秘密を見つけた",
"EavesdropPercentChance": "盗み聞きするチャンス",
"PreventSeeRolesBeforeSkillUsedUp": "Prevent seeing others roles before skill used up",
- "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "保安官をリクルートするためのクールダウン",
- "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "インポスター または 中立 をリクルート可能",
- "SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "保安官をリクルートしました。",
- "BeSheriffByPolice": "あなたは警察署長にリクルートされました!クルーを守りましょう!",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "Cooldown for recruiting Sheriffs",
+ "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "Can recruit non-Crewmates",
+ "SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "You recruited a Sheriff.",
+ "BeSheriffByPolice": "You've been recruited by the Police Chief! Serve the Crewmates!",
"PoliceFailedRecruit": "ターゲットのリクルートに失敗しました。",
"ChiefOfPoliceKillButtonText": "リクルート",
- "PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "キルボタンを持たないプレイヤーをリクルートすることを防止する",
- "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "Suicides when recruit a non killer or non crewmate",
- "PolicPassConverted": "変換されたアドオンを保安官に渡すことができる"
+ "PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "Prevent recruit players without Kill button",
+ "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "Suicides when recruit a non-Killer or non-Crewmate",
+ "PolicPassConverted": "Can pass Converted Add-on to Sheriff"
diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json b/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json
index 30014f022..5d4fcfa76 100644
--- a/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json
+++ b/Resources/Lang/ko_KR.json
@@ -14,22 +14,26 @@
"Website": "Website",
"PlayerNameForRoleInfo": "Hi {0}, your role is:- \n",
"HostIconInMeeting": "HOST: {0}",
+ "ModdedClient": "Modded Client",
"SubText.GM": "Spectate the chaos!",
"SubText.Crewmate": "Find and exile the Impostors",
"SubText.Impostor": "Sabotage and kill everyone",
"SubText.Neutral": "Work alone to achieve your victory",
"SubText.Apocalypse": "Become unstoppable with your team",
+ "SubText.Coven": "Bewitch and kill everyone",
"SubText.Madmate": "Help the Impostors",
"SubText.Lovers": "Stay alive and win together",
"SubText.Egoist": "Win on your own",
"TypeImpostor": "Impostors",
"TypeCrewmate": "Crewmates",
"TypeNeutral": "Neutrals",
+ "TypeCoven": "Coven",
"TypeAddon": "Add-ons",
"GuesserMode": "Guesser Mode",
"TeamImpostor": "Impostor",
"TeamNeutral": "Neutral",
"TeamCrewmate": "Crewmate",
+ "TeamCoven": "Coven",
"TeamMadmate": "Madmate",
"TeamLovers": "Lovers",
"TeamEgoist": "Egoist",
@@ -37,6 +41,7 @@
"YouAreCrewmate": "You are a Crewmate",
"YouAreImpostor": "You are an Impostor",
"YouAreNeutral": "You are a Neutral",
+ "YouAreCoven": "You are a Coven member",
"YouAreMadmate": "You are a Madmate",
"Role_Crewmate": "Crewmate",
"Role_Jester": "Jester",
@@ -63,12 +68,14 @@
"ImpostorsCanGuess": "Impostors can guess",
"NeutralKillersCanGuess": "Neutral Killers can guess",
"NeutralApocalypseCanGuess": "Neutral Apocalypse can guess",
+ "CovenCanGuess": "Coven can guess",
"PassiveNeutralsCanGuess": "Passive Neutrals can guess",
"CanGuessAddons": "Can Guess Add-ons",
- "ShowOnlyEnabledRolesInGuesserUI": "Show Only Enabled Roles In Guesser UI",
- "CrewCanGuessCrew": "Crewmates Can Guess Crewmate Roles",
- "ImpCanGuessImp": "Impostors Can Guess Impostor Roles",
- "ApocCanGuessApoc": "Neutral Apocalypse Can Guess Neutral Apocalypse Roles",
+ "ShowOnlyEnabledRolesInGuesserUI": "Show Only Enabled Roles in Guesser UI",
+ "CrewCanGuessCrew": "Crewmates can Guess Crewmate Roles",
+ "ImpCanGuessImp": "Impostors can Guess Impostor Roles",
+ "ApocCanGuessApoc": "Neutral Apocalypse can Guess Neutral Apocalypse Roles",
+ "CovenCanGuessCoven": "Coven Can Guess Coven Roles",
"GuessImmune": "Sorry, but target is immune to being guessed!",
"GM": "Game Master",
"Sunnyboy": "Sunnyboy",
@@ -287,7 +294,6 @@
"Vulture": "Vulture",
"Taskinator": "Taskinator",
"Benefactor": "Benefactor",
- "Medusa": "Medusa",
"Spiritcaller": "Spiritcaller",
"Amnesiac": "Amnesiac",
"Imitator": "Imitator",
@@ -305,12 +311,21 @@
"Romantic": "Romantic",
"VengefulRomantic": "Vengeful Romantic",
"RuthlessRomantic": "Ruthless Romantic",
+ "Wraith": "Wraith",
"Poisoner": "Poisoner",
+ "Medusa": "Medusa",
"HexMaster": "Hex Master",
- "Wraith": "Wraith",
"Jinx": "Jinx",
"PotionMaster": "Potion Master",
"Necromancer": "Necromancer",
+ "CovenLeader": "Coven Leader",
+ "Ritualist": "Ritualist",
+ "Conjurer": "Conjurer",
+ "Dreamweaver": "Dreamweaver",
+ "Illusionist": "Illusionist",
+ "VoodooMaster": "Voodoo Master",
+ "Sacrifist": "Sacrifist",
+ "MoonDancer": "Moon Dancer",
"Warden": "Warden",
"Minion": "Minion",
"Ghastly": "Ghastly",
@@ -363,6 +378,7 @@
"EvilSpirit": "Evil Spirit",
"Recruit": "Recruit",
"Admired": "Admired",
+ "Enchanted": "Enchanted",
"Glow": "Glow",
"Radar": "Radar",
"Diseased": "Diseased",
@@ -397,53 +413,53 @@
"Revenant": "Revenant",
"BracketAddons": "Add Brackets To Add-ons",
"EngineerTOHEInfo": "Use the vents to catch the Impostors",
- "ScientistTOHEInfo": "Access portable vitals from anywhere",
+ "ScientistTOHEInfo": "Access portable Vitals from anywhere",
"NoisemakerTOHEInfo": "Send out an alert when killed",
"TrackerTOHEInfo": "Track players with your map",
- "ShapeshifterTOHEInfo": "Disguise as crewmates to frame them",
+ "ShapeshifterTOHEInfo": "Disguise as Crewmates to frame them",
"PhantomTOHEInfo": "Turn invisible",
- "GuardianAngelTOHEInfo": "Protect the crewmates from the Impostors",
- "ImpostorTOHEInfo": "Kill and sabotage",
+ "GuardianAngelTOHEInfo": "Protect the Crewmates from the Impostors",
+ "ImpostorTOHEInfo": "Kill and Sabotage",
"CrewmateTOHEInfo": "Search for the Impostors",
"BountyHunterInfo": "Eliminate your target",
"FireworkerInfo": "Go out with a BANG",
"MercenaryInfo": "Keep killing, else you suicide",
- "ShapeMasterInfo": "Swiftly kill with no shift cooldown",
+ "ShapeMasterInfo": "Swiftly kill with no Shapeshift Cooldown",
"VampireInfo": "Your kills are delayed",
- "WarlockInfo": "Curse crewmates then shift to make them kill",
- "NinjaInfo": "Mark a target, then shift to kill",
+ "WarlockInfo": "Curse Crewmates then Shift to make them kill",
+ "NinjaInfo": "Mark a target, then Shift to kill",
"ZombieInfo": "You are very slow",
"AnonymousInfo": "Force a player to report a body",
- "MinerInfo": "Warp to your last used vent by shifting",
- "KillingMachineInfo": "You can ONLY kill, but low cooldown",
+ "MinerInfo": "Warp to your last used Vent by Shifting",
+ "KillingMachineInfo": "You can ONLY kill, but low Cooldown",
"EscapistInfo": "Shift to mark places and warp back to them",
- "WitchInfo": "Spell crewmates to kill them in meetings",
+ "WitchInfo": "Spell Crewmates to kill them in meetings",
"NemesisInfo": "Kill when you're the last Impostor",
"BeforeNemesisInfo": "You can't kill yet",
"AfterNemesisInfo": "Now start killing",
- "BloodmoonInfo": "Seek havoc upon the crewmates",
- "PossessorInfo": "Possess and lead crewmates away from others",
+ "BloodmoonInfo": "Seek havoc upon the Crewmates",
+ "PossessorInfo": "Possess and lead Crewmates away from others",
"PuppeteerInfo": "Make players kill for you",
"MastermindInfo": "Make others kill for you",
"TimeThiefInfo": "Lower meeting time by killing",
- "SniperInfo": "Snipe players from a distance by shifting",
+ "SniperInfo": "Snipe players from a distance by Shifting",
"UndertakerInfo": "Teleport dead body to a marked location",
"RiftMakerInfo": "Two rifts I trace, touch 'em to warp space",
- "EvilTrackerInfo": "Track players by shifting",
+ "EvilTrackerInfo": "Track players by Shifting",
"EvilHackerInfo": "Hack systems",
"AntiAdminerInfo": "Know when players are near devices",
- "ArroganceInfo": "With each kill you make, your cooldown decreases",
+ "ArroganceInfo": "With each kill you make, your Cooldown decreases",
"BomberInfo": "Shapeshift to explode",
"TrapsterInfo": "Trap your kills",
"ScavengerInfo": "Your kills are unreportable",
- "EvilGuesserInfo": "Guess crew roles in meetings to kill",
+ "EvilGuesserInfo": "Guess Crewmate roles in meetings to kill",
"GangsterInfo": "Convert players to your side",
"CleanerInfo": "Report bodies to make them unreportable",
"LightningInfo": "Convert players to Quantum Ghosts",
- "GreedyInfo": "Your kill cooldown shifts",
+ "GreedyInfo": "Your Kill Cooldown shifts",
"CursedWolfInfo": "You survive a few kill attempts",
- "SoulCatcherInfo": "You swap places with your shift target",
- "QuickShooterInfo": "Store ammo to offset kill cooldown",
+ "SoulCatcherInfo": "You swap places with your Shift target",
+ "QuickShooterInfo": "Store ammo to offset Kill Cooldown",
"CamouflagerInfo": "Camouflage everyone for easy kills",
"EraserInfo": "Erase the role of your vote target",
"ButcherInfo": "Enjoy my beautiful work",
@@ -451,42 +467,42 @@
"SwooperInfo": "Turn invisible temporarily",
"CrewpostorInfo": "Kill by completing tasks",
"WildlingInfo": "Kill with strength and disguise",
- "TricksterInfo": "Kill and trick the crew",
+ "TricksterInfo": "Kill and trick the Crew",
"VindicatorInfo": "Use your extra votes to kill everyone",
- "ParasiteInfo": "Help the Impostors kill the crew",
+ "ParasiteInfo": "Help the Impostors kill the Crew",
"DisperserInfo": "Teleport everyone to random vents",
- "InhibitorInfo": "You cannot kill during sabotages",
- "SaboteurInfo": "You can only kill during sabotages",
- "CouncillorInfo": "Kill off crewmates during meetings",
- "DazzlerInfo": "Reduce the vision of the crew",
- "DeathpactInfo": "Assign players to a death pact",
- "DevourerInfo": "Consume the skin of the crew",
+ "InhibitorInfo": "You cannot kill during Sabotages",
+ "SaboteurInfo": "You can only kill during Sabotages",
+ "CouncillorInfo": "Kill off Crewmates during meetings",
+ "DazzlerInfo": "Reduce the vision of the Crew",
+ "DeathpactInfo": "Assign players to a deathpact",
+ "DevourerInfo": "Consume the skin of the Crew",
"ConsigliereInfo": "Discover the roles of other players",
- "MorphlingInfo": "You can only kill while shapeshifted",
+ "MorphlingInfo": "You can only kill while Shapeshifted",
"TwisterInfo": "Swap all player positions",
- "LurkerInfo": "Reduce your kill cooldown by venting",
+ "LurkerInfo": "Reduce your Kill Cooldown by venting",
"ConvictInfo": "Your target died, now help the Impostors",
"VisionaryInfo": "You see the alignments of the living",
- "RefugeeInfo": "Help the Impostors kill off the crew",
+ "RefugeeInfo": "Help the Impostors kill off the Crew",
"UnderdogInfo": "Start killing on a low player count",
- "LudopathInfo": "Your kill cooldown is random",
+ "LudopathInfo": "Your kill Cooldown is random",
"GodfatherInfo": "Convert players to Refugees by voting",
"ChronomancerInfo": "Kill in bursts",
"PitfallInfo": "Setup traps around the map",
"EvilMiniInfo": "No one can hurt you until you grow up",
"BlackmailerInfo": "Silence other players",
- "InstigatorInfo": "Sow discord among the crewmates",
+ "InstigatorInfo": "Sow discord among the Crewmates",
"LazyGuyInfo": "You're too lazy",
"SuperStarInfo": "Everyone knows you",
- "CleanserInfo": "Erase All Add-ons of your vote target",
- "KeeperInfo": "Reject the Eject, Keeper Protect!",
+ "CleanserInfo": "Erase all Add-ons of your vote target",
+ "KeeperInfo": "Reject the eject, Keeper protect!",
"MayorInfo": "Your vote counts multiple times",
"PsychicInfo": "One of the red names is evil",
- "MechanicInfo": "Vent around and fix sabotages",
+ "MechanicInfo": "Vent around and fix Sabotages",
"SheriffInfo": "Shoot the Impostors",
"VigilanteInfo": "Not the hero we deserved but the hero we needed",
"JailerInfo": "Jail suspicious players",
- "CopyCatInfo": "Use kill button to copy target's role",
+ "CopyCatInfo": "Use your Kill button to copy a target's role",
"SnitchInfo": "Finish your tasks to find the Impostors",
"MarshallInfo": "Finish your tasks to prove your innocence",
"DoctorInfo": "Know how each player died",
@@ -499,31 +515,31 @@
"TransporterInfo": "Do tasks to swap two players' locations",
"TimeManagerInfo": "Increase meeting time by doing tasks",
"VeteranInfo": "Alert to kill anyone who interacts with you",
- "BastionInfo": "Bomb vents",
+ "BastionInfo": "Bomb Vents",
"YinYangerInfo": "Spontaneously combust two players",
"BodyguardInfo": "Prevent nearby kills",
"DeceiverInfo": "Try to fool the players",
- "GrenadierInfo": "Reduce Impostors' vision by venting",
+ "GrenadierInfo": "Reduce Impostors' vision by Venting",
"MedicInfo": "Cast a shield onto a player",
- "FortuneTellerInfo": "Get clues to people's roles",
+ "FortuneTellerInfo": "Get clues to player's roles",
"JudgeInfo": "Silence in the courtroom!",
"MorticianInfo": "Locate dead bodies",
"MediumInfo": "Talk with ghosts",
- "ObserverInfo": "You can see all shield-animations",
- "PacifistInfo": "Vent to reset kill cooldowns",
+ "ObserverInfo": "You can see all Shield Animations",
+ "PacifistInfo": "Vent to reset Kill Cooldowns",
"RebirthInfo": "Arise Again",
- "MonarchInfo": "Give your crew extra voting power!",
+ "MonarchInfo": "Give your Crew extra voting power!",
"AbyssbringerInfo": "Place Black Holes",
- "SpurtInfo": "Spring Like A rabbit!",
- "StealthInfo": "Killing Blinds Everyone in the Room",
+ "SpurtInfo": "Spring like a rabbit!",
+ "StealthInfo": "Killing blinds everyone in the room",
"PenguinInfo": "Drag your victims",
"OverseerInfo": "Reveal roles of other players",
"CoronerInfo": "Find corpses and their killers",
"PresidentInfo": "You are in charge of the meeting",
- "MerchantInfo": "Sell add-ons and bribe killers",
- "RetributionistInfo": "Help the crew after you die",
+ "MerchantInfo": "Sell Add-ons and bribe killers",
+ "RetributionistInfo": "Help the Crewmates after you die",
"HawkInfo": "Seek murdering the bad guys!",
- "DeputyInfo": "Handcuff killers to increase their cooldowns",
+ "DeputyInfo": "Handcuff killers to increase their Cooldowns",
"InvestigatorInfo": "Find potential evils",
"GuardianInfo": "Complete your tasks to become immortal",
"AddictInfo": "Vent to become invulnerable, or you'll die",
@@ -534,12 +550,12 @@
"SpiritualistInfo": "Be guided by the ghostly life",
"ChameleonInfo": "Vent to disguise into your surroundings",
"InspectorInfo": "Validate the alignments of two players",
- "CaptainInfo": "Sail with the Captain, lest add-ons be abandoned.",
+ "CaptainInfo": "Sail with the Captain, lest Add-ons be abandoned.",
"AdmirerInfo": "Choose a player to side with you",
"TimeMasterInfo": "Rewind time!",
"CrusaderInfo": "Kill a player's attacker",
"AltruistInfo": "Revive a player\nVent to change between Revive and Report",
- "ReverieInfo": "With each kill, your cooldown decreases",
+ "ReverieInfo": "With each kill, your Cooldown decreases",
"LookoutInfo": "See through disguises",
"TelecommunicationInfo": "Track device usage",
"LighterInfo": "Catch killers with your enhanced vision",
@@ -547,14 +563,14 @@
"WitnessInfo": "Find out if someone killed recently",
"GhastlyInfo": "Control somebody!",
"SwapperInfo": "Swap the votes of two players",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "Hire Sheriff to Serve the Crews!",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "Hire Sheriffs to serve the Crewmates!",
"NiceMiniInfo": "No one can hurt you until you grow up.",
"ArsonistInfo": "Douse everyone and ignite",
"PyromaniacInfo": "Douse and kill everyone",
- "HuntsmanInfo": "Kill your targets for a low cooldown",
+ "HuntsmanInfo": "Kill your targets for a low Cooldown",
"SpyInfo": "You know who interacts with you",
"RandomizerInfo": "You're going to be someone's burden when you die?",
- "EnigmaInfo": "Get Clues about Killers",
+ "EnigmaInfo": "Get clues about killers",
"JesterInfo": "Get voted out",
"OpportunistInfo": "Stay alive until the end",
"TerroristInfo": "Finish your tasks, THEN die",
@@ -576,10 +592,10 @@
"BloodKnightInfo": "Killing gives you a temporary shield",
"PlagueBearerInfo": "Plague everyone to turn into Pestilence",
"PestilenceInfo": "Obliterate everyone!",
- "SoulCollectorInfo": "Predict deaths to collect souls",
+ "SoulCollectorInfo": "Predict deaths to collect Souls",
"DeathInfo": "Enact Armageddon",
- "BakerInfo": "Feed Players Bread to become Famine",
- "FamineInfo": "Starve Everyone",
+ "BakerInfo": "Feed players bread to become Famine",
+ "FamineInfo": "Starve everyone",
"BerserkerInfo": "Kill to increase your level",
"WarInfo": "Destroy everything",
"GlitchInfo": "Hack and kill everyone",
@@ -587,7 +603,7 @@
"FollowerInfo": "Follow a player and help them",
"CultistInfo": "Charm everyone",
"SerialKillerInfo": "Kill off everyone to win!",
- "JuggernautInfo": "With each kill, your cooldown decreases",
+ "JuggernautInfo": "With each kill, your Cooldown decreases",
"InfectiousInfo": "Infect everyone",
"VirusInfo": "Kill and infect everyone",
"PursuerInfo": "Protect yourself and live to the end!",
@@ -603,38 +619,46 @@
"VultureInfo": "Eat bodies by reporting to win",
"TaskinatorInfo": "Silent tasks, deadly blasts",
"BenefactorInfo": "Task complete, shield elite!",
- "MedusaInfo": "Stone bodies by reporting them",
+ "MedusaInfo": "Stop players in their tracks by Stoning them",
"SpiritcallerInfo": "Turn Players into Evil Spirits",
"AmnesiacInfo": "Remember the role of a dead body",
"ImitatorInfo": "Imitate a player's role",
- "BanditInfo": "Rob a player's add-on",
+ "BanditInfo": "Rob a player's Add-on",
"DoppelgangerInfo": "Steal your target's identity",
"PunchingBagInfo": "Get attacked a few times to win!",
"KamikazeInfo": "Kill players with a suicidal mission",
"DoomsayerInfo": "Successfully guess players to win",
"ShroudInfo": "Shroud players to make them kill",
- "WerewolfInfo": "Kill crewmates in groups",
- "ShamanInfo": "Deflect all the attacks on Voodoo doll",
- "SeekerInfo": "Play Hide and Seek with your target\nYour target has a ★ mark.",
+ "WerewolfInfo": "Kill Crewmates in groups",
+ "ShamanInfo": "Deflect all the attacks on Voodoo Doll",
+ "SeekerInfo": "Play Hide & Seek with your target\nYour target has a ★ mark.",
"PixieInfo": "Tag 'em, Bag 'em, and Eject 'em!",
"OccultistInfo": "Kill and curse your enemies",
- "SchrodingersCatInfo": "The cat is both alive and dead until observed.",
+ "SchrodingersCatInfo": "The Cat is both alive and dead until observed.",
"RomanticInfo": "Protect your partner to win together",
"VengefulRomanticInfo": "Revenge your partner to win together",
"RuthlessRomanticInfo": "Kill everyone to win with your partner",
- "PoisonerInfo": "Kill everyone with delayed kills",
- "HexMasterInfo": "Hex players to kill them in meetings",
"WraithInfo": "Vent to go invisible temporarily",
- "JinxInfo": "Reflect attacks onto your attackers",
+ "PoisonerInfo": "Make players unable to use their ability",
+ "HexMasterInfo": "Hex players to kill them in meetings",
+ "JinxInfo": "Players \"accidentally\" die upon trying to kill your target",
"PotionMasterInfo": "Use your potions to your advantage",
- "NecromancerInfo": "Kill your killer to defy death",
+ "NecromancerInfo": "Use the dead to your advantage",
+ "CovenLeaderInfo": "Help your teammates by retraining them",
+ "RitualistInfo": "Perform Blood Rituals to Enchant other players!",
+ "ConjurerInfo": "Blast away your enemies!",
+ "DreamweaverInfo": "Drive other players to insomnia!",
+ "IllusionistInfo": "Place Illusions on players to spread confusion!",
+ "VoodooMasterInfo": "Craft Voodoo Dolls of other players!",
+ "SacrifistInfo": "Debuff your enemies at your own cost",
+ "MoonDancerInfo": "Use Baton Pass to give out Add-ons!",
"WardenInfo": "(Ghost) Alert about danger",
"MinionInfo": "(Ghost) Blind enemies",
"LoversInfo": "Stay alive and win together",
"MadmateInfo": "Help the Impostors",
"WatcherInfo": "You see all the colors of votes",
- "LastImpostorInfo": "Lower kill cooldown",
- "OverclockedInfo": "Lower cooldown",
+ "LastImpostorInfo": "Lower Kill Cooldown",
+ "OverclockedInfo": "Lower Cooldown",
"FlashInfo": "You're faster",
"TorchInfo": "You have enhanced vision!",
"SeerInfo": "You are alerted when somebody has died",
@@ -642,14 +666,14 @@
"ObliviousInfo": "You can't report bodies",
"BewilderInfo": "A twist of vision, a web of confusion",
"WorkhorseInfo": "Be the first to complete all tasks and get more",
- "FoolInfo": "You can't fix sabotages",
+ "FoolInfo": "You can't fix Sabotages",
"AvangerInfo": "You take someone with you upon death",
"YoutuberInfo": "Get killed first to win",
"CelebrityInfo": "Everyone knows when you die",
"EgoistInfo": "Win on your own",
"StealerInfo": "Gain votes with kills",
"ParanoiaInfo": "You're dead and alive simultaneously",
- "MimicInfo": "Reveal killed players' roles to impostors upon death",
+ "MimicInfo": "Reveal killed players' roles to Impostors upon death",
"GuesserInfo": "Guess roles of players in meetings to kill",
"NecroviewInfo": "See the team of the dead",
"ReachInfo": "You have a longer kill range",
@@ -662,32 +686,33 @@
"LuckyInfo": "Dodge attackers",
"DoubleShotInfo": "You have an extra life when guessing",
"RascalInfo": "You appear evil in some cases",
- "SoullessInfo": "You have no soul",
+ "SoullessInfo": "You have no Soul",
"GravestoneInfo": "Your role is revealed when you die",
"LazyInfo": "You're too lazy",
"AutopsyInfo": "You see how others died",
"LoyalInfo": "You cannot be recruited",
- "EvilSpiritInfo": "You are an evil Spirit",
+ "EvilSpiritInfo": "You are an Evil Spirit",
"RecruitInfo": "Help the Jackal",
+ "EnchantedInfo": "Help the Coven",
"AdmiredInfo": "The Admirer chose you as their love",
"GlowInfo": "You glow in the dark",
"RadarInfo": "Arrow's hue, closest to you!",
- "DiseasedInfo": "Increase the cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
- "AntidoteInfo": "Decrease the cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
- "StubbornInfo": "Protect your role and add-ons",
+ "DiseasedInfo": "Increase the Cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
+ "AntidoteInfo": "Decrease the Cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
+ "StubbornInfo": "Protect your Role and Add-ons",
"SwiftInfo": "Your kills don't cause a lunge",
"UnluckyInfo": "Doing things has a chance to kill you",
"VoidBallotInfo": "Your vote count is 0",
"AwareInfo": "Know who revealed your role",
- "FragileInfo": "Die instantly if someone uses the kill button on you",
+ "FragileInfo": "Die instantly if someone uses the Kill button on you",
"GhoulInfo": "Kill your killer after dying",
"BloodthirstInfo": "Become bloodthirsty and kill",
"MareInfo": "Kill in the darkness",
"BurstInfo": "Make your killer burst!",
"SleuthInfo": "Gain info from dead bodies",
"ClumsyInfo": "You have a chance to miss your kill",
- "NimbleInfo": "You can vent!",
- "CircumventInfo": "You can no longer vent",
+ "NimbleInfo": "You can Vent!",
+ "CircumventInfo": "You can no longer Vent",
"OiiaiInfo": "OIIAIOIIIAI",
"CyberInfo": "You're popular!",
"HurriedInfo": "God, I got too much stuff!",
@@ -706,324 +731,334 @@
"DollMasterInfo": "Take control of players actions!",
"DoubleAgentInfo": "Plant bombs on players in meetings",
"SlothInfo": "You're slower",
- "ProhibitedInfo": "Certain vents are blocked",
+ "ProhibitedInfo": "Certain Vents are blocked",
"EavesdropperInfo": "Listen in on other roles",
"ShockerInfo": "Shock unsuspecting players",
"RevenantInfo": "Take your killer's role",
- "EngineerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Engineer, you may access the vents while Comms Sabotaged is inactive.",
- "ScientistTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Scientist, you can see vitals at any time, showing you who is alive and dead.",
- "NoisemakerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Noisemaker, whenever you die, you will make a noise, and a visual indicator of your death appears on the screen so the Crewmates can run to catch the person who killed you red-handed (even if it’s not Red).",
- "TrackerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracker, press your tracker button on a player to track their location via the map for a limited amount of time.",
- "ShapeshifterTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapeshifter, you can shapeshift into other players. It is obvious when you shapeshift or revert shifting.",
- "PhantomTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Phantom, you can press your vanish button to go invisible to escape a kill. You can click your appear button if you want to become visible before the timer runs out or not.\nNote: You will make a smoke cloud whenever you go invisible and become visible. So make sure you are in a safe area where no one will see you.",
- "GuardianAngelTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guardian Angel, you are the first crewmate to die and can give Crewmates temporary shields.",
- "ImpostorTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Impostor, your goal is to simply kill off the crewmates.\nYou can sabotage and vent.",
+ "EngineerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Engineer, you may access the Vents while Comms Sabotaged is inactive.",
+ "ScientistTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Scientist, you can see Vitals at any time, showing you who is alive and dead.",
+ "NoisemakerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Noisemaker, whenever you die, you will make a noise, and a visual indicator of your death appears on the screen so the Crewmates can run to catch the person who killed you red-handed (even if it’s not red).",
+ "TrackerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracker, press your Tracker button on a player to track their location via the map for a limited amount of time.",
+ "ShapeshifterTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapeshifter, you can Shapeshift into other players. It is obvious when you Shapeshift or revert Shifting.",
+ "PhantomTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Phantom, you can press your Vanish button to go invisible to escape a kill. You can click your Appear button if you want to become visible before the timer runs out or not.\nNote: You will make a smoke cloud whenever you go invisible and become visible. So make sure you are in a safe area where no one will see you.",
+ "GuardianAngelTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guardian Angel, you are the first Crewmate to die and can give Crewmates temporary shields.",
+ "ImpostorTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Impostor, your goal is to simply kill off the Crewmates.\nYou can Sabotage and Vent.",
"CrewmateTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Crewmate, your goal is to find and exile the Impostors.\nCrewmates win by getting rid of all killers or by finishing all their tasks.",
- "BountyHunterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Bounty Hunter, if you kill your assigned Target (indicated by the arrow if you have one), your next kill cooldown will be shortened.\nIf you kill anyone other than your target, your next kill cooldown will be increased. The Target swaps after a certain amount of time.",
- "FireworkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Fireworker, you can Shapeshift to place Fireworks up to the maximum amount the host sets.\nWhen you are the last Impostor and all Fireworks have been placed, shapeshift again to detonate them and kill everyone in their radius, including you.\nIf you kill all players with your Fireworks, it's considered an Impostor victory.",
- "MercenaryInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mercenary, you must kill within your Deadline, as shown by your Shapeshift cooldown (which you cannot use). If you fail to kill, you die.",
- "ShapeMasterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapemaster, you have no Shapeshift cooldown.",
+ "BountyHunterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Bounty Hunter, if you kill your assigned target (indicated by the arrow if you have one), your next Kill Cooldown will be shortened.\nIf you kill anyone other than your target, your next Kill Cooldown will be increased. The target swaps after a certain amount of time.",
+ "FireworkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Fireworker, you can Shapeshift to place Fireworks up to the maximum amount the Host sets.\nWhen you are the last Impostor and all Fireworks have been placed, Shapeshift again to detonate them and kill everyone in their radius, including you.\nIf you kill all players with your Fireworks, it's considered an Impostor victory.",
+ "MercenaryInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mercenary, you must kill within your deadline, as shown by your Shapeshift Cooldown (which you cannot use). If you fail to kill, you die.",
+ "ShapeMasterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapemaster, you have no Shapeshift Cooldown.",
"VampireInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Vampire, your kills are delayed. This means that your target still dies even if a meeting is called first. However, if you bite a Bait, you kill normally and report the body. Depending on the settings, you can use double trigger (bite players - single click, kill normally - double click).",
"WarlockInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Warlock, you can Curse up to one other player at a time.\nWhen you Shapeshift, if you have Cursed a player, they kill the nearest person, which, depending on settings, can include you or other Impostors.\nYou can kill normally while Shapeshifted.",
- "ZombieInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nZombie has a short kill cooldown but moves very slowly and has very little vision. Zombie can not be voted out by anyone other than the Dictator, and the movement speed of Zombie will gradually slow down as they make kills or time passes.",
- "NinjaInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ninja, you can use your kill button to Mark a target (single click) or kill normally (double click). You may then Shapeshift to teleport to the Marked target and kill them.",
+ "ZombieInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nZombie has a short Kill Cooldown but moves very slowly and has very little vision. Zombie can not be voted out by anyone other than the Dictator, and the movement speed of Zombie will gradually slow down as they make kills or time passes.",
+ "NinjaInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ninja, you can use your Kill button to mark a target (single click) or kill normally (double click). You may then Shapeshift to teleport to the marked target and kill them.",
"AnonymousInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Anonymous, you can Shapeshift to force your target to report whoever you killed this round.\nIf you killed nobody that round, the target will report their own dead body as if they had died.\nNote: This does not work on Lazy nor Lazy Guy, and this ability will work regardless of whether the body can normally be reported.",
- "MinerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Miner, you can shapeshift to teleport back to the last vent you were in.",
- "KillingMachineInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Killing Machine, you have a very short kill cooldown with tiny vision. However, you cannot vent, sabotage, report, nor call emergency meetings.\n\nNote: You will bypass any shields, killing bait and beartrap won't take any effect",
- "EscapistInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Escapist, you can Mark a location by Shapeshifting. Shapeshift again to teleport back to the Marked spot (the Shapeshifting animation will display after you teleport; be careful).",
- "WitchInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Witch, you can use your kill button to Spell (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nDuring the next meeting, the spelled target(s) will have a 「†」 next to their name visible to everyone. Unless you die by the end of that meeting, all Spelled targets will die.",
- "NemesisInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Nemesis, you can only kill if you are the last Impostor.\nIf you are dead, you can use the command /rv [ID] to kill the player whose ID you typed. Use /id to show the IDs of all players, or look next to their names.",
- "BloodmoonInfoLong": "(Impostors [Ghost]):\nAs the Bloodmoon, attack the enemies to make them drip blood, this means they will die in a time set by the host, and will be aware of it.",
+ "MinerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Miner, you can Shapeshift to teleport back to the last vent you were in.",
+ "KillingMachineInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Killing Machine, you have a very short Kill Cooldown with tiny vision. However, you cannot Vent, Sabotage, Report, nor call Emergency Meetings.\n\nNote: You will bypass any shields, killing bait and beartrap won't take any effect",
+ "EscapistInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Escapist, you can mark a location by Shapeshifting. Shapeshift again to teleport back to the marked spot",
+ "WitchInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Witch, you can use your Kill button to Spell (single click) or Kill normally (double click).\nDuring the next meeting, the spelled target(s) will have a 「†」 next to their name visible to everyone. Unless you die by the end of that meeting, all Spelled targets will die.",
+ "NemesisInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Nemesis, you can only kill if you are the last Impostor.\nIf you are dead, you can use the command /rv [ID] to kill the player whose ID you typed. Use /id to show the ID's of all players, or look next to their names.",
+ "BloodmoonInfoLong": "(Impostors [Ghost]):\nAs the Bloodmoon, attack the enemies to make them drip blood, this means they will die in a time set by the Host, and will be aware of it.",
"PossessorInfoLong": "(Impostors [Ghost]):\nAs the Possessor, you can possess players when others aren't in the Alert Range. Lead the possessed player as far as possible from other players in the Focus Range. Once the possession duration is up, the possessed player will be killed if others aren't in the Focus Range. If you run into another player in the Alert Range while possessing, the Possessor will immediately unpossess.",
- "PuppeteerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Puppeteer, you can use your kill button to Puppeteer (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose you Puppeteer will kill the next non-Impostor they touch. Depending on options, Puppeteered targets will also die once they kill.",
- "MastermindInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mastermind, you can use your kill button on a player once to manipulate them. The manipulation does nothing if the target doesn't have a kill button. But if the target does have a kill button, whoever you manipulate will be told after a delay that they got manipulated and must kill someone in a limited time to survive. If the time limit expires or a meeting gets called before killing someone, they die.\nDouble click on someone to kill them normally.",
- "YinYangerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the YinYanger, you can use your kill button one time to pick your Yin and then a second time to choose a Yang. When those two players meet, they'll kill each other. When Yin & Yang have been chosen, you can kill normally.",
+ "PuppeteerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Puppeteer, you can use your Kill button to Puppeteer (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose you Puppeteer will kill the next non-Impostor they touch. Depending on options, Puppeteered targets will also die once they kill.",
+ "MastermindInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mastermind, you can use your Kill button on a player once to manipulate them. The manipulation does nothing if the target doesn't have a Kill button. But if the target does have a Kill button, whoever you manipulate will be told after a delay that they got manipulated and must kill someone in a limited time to survive. If the time limit expires or a meeting gets called before killing someone, they die.\nDouble click on someone to kill them normally.",
+ "YinYangerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the YinYanger, you can use your Kill button one time to pick your Yin and then a second time to choose a Yang. When those two players meet, they'll kill each other. When Yin & Yang have been chosen, you can kill normally.",
"TimeThiefInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEvery time the Time Thief kills a player, the meeting time will be reduced by a certain amount of time. If the Time Thief dies, the meeting time will return to normal.",
- "SniperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nYou can shoot players from far away.\nYou have to shapeshift twice to make a successful snipe.\nImagine an arrow pointing from your first shapeshift location towards your unshift location.\nThat will be the direction in which the snipe will be made.\nThe snipe kills the first person in its path.\nYou cannot kill people normally until you use up all of your ammo.",
+ "SniperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nYou can shoot players from far away.\nYou have to Shapeshift twice to make a successful snipe.\nImagine an arrow pointing from your first Shapeshift location towards your Unshift location.\nThat will be the direction in which the snipe will be made.\nThe snipe kills the first person in its path.\nYou cannot kill people normally until you use up all of your ammo.",
"UndertakerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEverytime you Shapeshift, you mark the location. Your kills will then teleport to the marked location.\nAfter every kill and meeting, your marked location will reset.\n\nAfter every teleported kill, you will freeze for a configurable amount of time",
- "RiftMakerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs Rift Maker, you can shapeshift to create a rift. You can teleport from one rift to another by touching the area where the rift was created. Trying to vent will kick you out, therefore destroying all the rifts.\n\nNote: Up to two rifts can be placed at a time; if you try to place a third, it removes the first one.",
- "EvilTrackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Tracker can track other players, and the Evil Tracker can shapeshift into someone to switch the tracking target to the shapeshift target (You will immediately unshift after performing shapeshift). The arrow below the Evil Tracker's name indicates the direction of the target. When the Evil Tracker's teammate kills, the Evil Tracker will see a kill flash.",
- "EvilHackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Hacker can get the last-minute admin information at the meeting beginning.\nUnoccupied rooms are not shown.\nA '★' marks rooms with impostors.\nRooms with dead bodies are marked with the number of bodies.\nExample: ★Cafeteria: 3 (DEAD×1).",
+ "RiftMakerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs Rift Maker, you can Shapeshift to create a rift. You can teleport from one rift to another by touching the area where the rift was created. Trying to vent will kick you out, therefore destroying all the rifts.\n\nNote: Up to two rifts can be placed at a time; if you try to place a third, it removes the first one.",
+ "EvilTrackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Tracker can track other players, and the Evil Tracker can Shapeshift into someone to switch the tracking target to the Shapeshift target (You will immediately unshift after performing Shapeshift). The arrow below the Evil Tracker's name indicates the direction of the target. When the Evil Tracker's teammate kills, the Evil Tracker will see a kill flash.",
+ "EvilHackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Hacker can get the last-minute admin information at the meeting beginning.\nUnoccupied rooms are not shown.\nA '★' marks rooms with Impostors.\nRooms with dead bodies are marked with the number of bodies.\nExample: ★Cafeteria: 3 (DEAD×1).",
"EvilGuesserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If correct, the target dies. If wrong, the Evil Guesser dies.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
- "AntiAdminerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Anti Adminer can at any time find out if there are crewmates or neutrals near Cameras, Admin Table, Vitals, DoorLog, and/or other devices. Note: Anti Adminer does not know if the player uses the device while near it. They only know that someone is near the device.",
- "ArroganceInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Arrogance reduces their kill cooldown with each successful kill of theirs.",
- "BomberInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Bomber can use the shapeshift button to self-explode, killing players within a certain range. But as a price, the Bomber will also die. Note: All players will see a kill flash when the Bomber explodes.",
- "ScavengerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nScavenger kills do not leave dead bodies behind. In addition, if the victim is a bait, no self-report will be made.",
+ "AntiAdminerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Anti Adminer can at any time find out if there are Crewmates or Neutrals near Cameras, Admin Table, Vitals, DoorLog, and/or other devices. Note: Anti Adminer does not know if the player uses the device while near it. They only know that someone is near the device.",
+ "ArroganceInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Arrogance reduces their Kill Cooldown with each successful kill of theirs.",
+ "BomberInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Bomber can use the Shapeshift button to self-explode, killing players within a certain range. But as a price, the Bomber will also die. Note: All players will see a kill flash when the Bomber explodes.",
+ "ScavengerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nScavenger kills do not leave dead bodies behind. In addition, if the victim is a Bait, no self-report will be made.",
"TrapsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Trapster has a unique method of killing. By initiating a body report, the Trapster can eliminate the player attempting to report the body the Trapster killed.\nNote: If Trapster kills the Bait, the Trapster will die immediately.",
- "GangsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Gangster, a powerful character, can try to recruit a player to a Madmate by pressing the kill button. If the recruitment is successful, both the Gangster and the target will see the shield animation on each other as a reminder (only visible to each other). The remaining number of available recruits is displayed next to the Gangster's name (the Host sets the max). If the Gangster tries to recruit players who cannot be recruited, such as neutrals or some special crews, they will kill the target normally instead. When the Gangster has no remaining recruitments, they can only make normal kills from that point on.",
- "CleanerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nCleaner can press the Report button to clean up any dead body they come across (including those they kill). If the cleanup is successful, the Cleaner will see a shield animation on their body as a reminder (only visible to himself). The cleaned-up body cannot be reported (including bait).",
- "LightningInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lightning, you cannot kill normally. Instead, your kill button quantizes targets, which activates after a delay, causing the next person they encounter to kill them. Those who are actively quantized show a「■」next to their name. Additionally, those who have been quantized die if they survive until the end of a meeting. There is a setting to quantize your killer.",
- "GreedyInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nGreedy kills with odd and even kills will have different kill cooldowns. Greedy's kill cooldown is reset every meeting, and Greedy's first kill is always odd.",
- "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Cursed Wolf is about to be killed, the Cursed Wolf will curse the killer to death. (The Host sets the max of times you can counterattack)",
- "SoulCatcherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Soul Catcher, you can shapeshift to swap places with your target as long as they are not dead, in a vent, swallowed by pelican, or in a similar odd state.",
- "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the kill cooldown is over, Quick Shooter can reset the kill cooldown by shapeshift to store a bullet (when the storage is successful, a shield-animation visible only to himself will appear on their body as a reminder). If Quick Shooter has bullets, he can use one to bypass the kill cooldown; he will kill even if it's still on cooldown and use a bullet. At the beginning of each meeting, the quick shooter can only keep a certain number of bullets (The Host sets the number).",
- "CamouflagerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Camouflager uses Shapeshift, all players start to look the same. This state ends when the Camouflager reverts its shapeshifting. It's important to note that the skills of communication sabotage camouflage, and the skills of the Camouflager can be superimposed.\nThis skill will be invalid if a meeting is held during the skill activation of the Camouflager.",
- "EraserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEraser can vote for any crew target at the meeting to erase the target's roles, and the erasure will take effect after the meeting ends. Note: Players with erased skills will always be considered a vanilla role, including the game result page.\nA crew target can only be erased once (include Oiiai)",
+ "GangsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Gangster, a powerful character, can try to recruit a player to a Madmate by pressing the Kill button. If the recruitment is successful, both the Gangster and the target will see the Shield Animation on each other as a reminder (only visible to each other). The remaining number of available recruits is displayed next to the Gangster's name (the Host sets the maximum). If the Gangster tries to recruit players who cannot be recruited, such as Neutrals or some special Crewmates, they will kill the target normally instead. When the Gangster has no remaining recruitments, they can only make normal kills from that point on.",
+ "CleanerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nCleaner can press the Report button to clean up any dead body they come across (including those they kill). If the cleanup is successful, the Cleaner will see a Shield Animation on their body as a reminder (only visible to himself). The cleaned-up body cannot be reported (including Bait).",
+ "LightningInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lightning, you cannot kill normally. Instead, your Kill button quantizes targets, which activates after a delay, causing the next person they encounter to kill them. Those who are actively quantized show a「■」next to their name. Additionally, those who have been quantized die if they survive until the end of a meeting. There is a setting to quantize your killer.",
+ "GreedyInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nGreedy kills with odd and even kills will have different Kill Cooldowns. Greedy's Kill Cooldown is reset every meeting, and Greedy's first kill is always odd.",
+ "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Cursed Wolf is about to be killed, the Cursed Wolf will curse the killer to death. (The Host sets the maximum of times you can counterattack)",
+ "SoulCatcherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Soul Catcher, you can Shapeshift to swap places with your target as long as they are not dead, in a Vent, swallowed by Pelican, or in a similar odd state.",
+ "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Kill Cooldown is over, Quick Shooter can reset the Kill Cooldown by Shapeshift to store a bullet (when the storage is successful, a Shield Animation visible only to himself will appear on their body as a reminder). If Quick Shooter has bullets, he can use one to bypass the Kill Cooldown; he will kill even if it's still on Cooldown and use a bullet. At the beginning of each meeting, the quick shooter can only keep a certain number of bullets (The Host sets the number).",
+ "CamouflagerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Camouflager uses Shapeshift, all players start to look the same. This state ends when the Camouflager reverts its Shapeshifting. It's important to note that the skills of Communication Sabotage Camouflage, and the skills of the Camouflager can be superimposed.\nThis skill will be invalid if a meeting is held during the skill activation of the Camouflager.",
+ "EraserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEraser can vote for any target at the meeting to erase the target's roles, and the erasure will take effect after the meeting ends. Note: Players with erased skills will always be considered a vanilla role, including the game result page.\nA target can only be erased once (including OIIAI)",
"ButcherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Butcher's kills, including passive ones, leave multiple dead bodies on targets, which can be a bit confusing when reporting. Here's the rule: the killed target must repeatedly display the animation of being killed, which cannot be skipped, and they cannot participate in the meeting normally during this period. And if the Butcher kills the Avenger, the Avenger will revenge everyone in anger.",
- "HangmanInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Hangman, during the shapeshifting, you use a unique killing method-strangling. This method ignores any status of the target, such as the shield of the Medic, the Bodyguard's protection, the Super Star's skills, etc. The strangled player will not leave a dead body, nor will it trigger any of its skills. For example, Veteran kill back (including additional roles), and Seer will not be prompted.",
- "SwooperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Swooper, you can vent to vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
+ "HangmanInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Hangman, during the Shapeshifting, you use a unique killing method-strangling. This method ignores any status of the target, such as the shield of the Medic, the Bodyguard's protection, the Super Star's skills, etc. The strangled player will not leave a dead body, nor will it trigger any of its skills. For example, Veteran kill back (including additional roles), and Seer will not be prompted.",
+ "SwooperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Swooper, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
"CrewpostorInfoLong": "(Team Impostor):\nYou kill the nearest player whenever you finish a task.",
- "WildlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Wildling, you can shapeshift but cannot vent.\nWhen you kill, you temporarily become immune to attacks.",
- "TricksterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Trickster, you function as a regular Impostor but with one key difference.\nYou appear as a crewmate to crewmate roles.\n\nThe Sheriff cannot kill you.\nPsychic does not see you as evil.\nSnitch cannot find you.",
+ "WildlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Wildling, you can Shapeshift but cannot Vent.\nWhen you kill, you temporarily become immune to attacks.",
+ "TricksterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Trickster, you function as a regular Impostor but with one key difference.\nYou appear as a Crewmate to Crewmate roles.\n\nThe Sheriff cannot kill you.\nPsychic does not see you as evil.\nSnitch cannot find you.",
"VindicatorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Vindicator, you have extra votes like a Mayor.",
"StealthInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Stealth kills, players in the same room are blinded for a short time.",
- "PenguinInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Penguin, you can restrain the target by pressing the kill button and drag it around.\nWhile dragging, the target dies by pressing the kill button again or after a certain period.\nPress the kill button twice for a direct kill.",
- "ParasiteInfoLong": "(Team Impostor):\nAs the Parasite, you are an Impostor that does not know the other Impostors.\n\nYou may kill, vent, sabotage, whatever.\nJust know that you are an Impostor.",
- "DisperserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nDisperser can use Shapeshift to teleport all players to random vents.",
- "InhibitorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Inhibitor, you can only kill when there is not a critical sabotage active.\n\nIf light or comms sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
- "SaboteurInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Saboteur, you can only kill when there is a critical sabotage active.\n\nIf reactor or O2 sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
+ "PenguinInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Penguin, you can restrain the target by pressing the Kill button and drag it around.\nWhile dragging, the target dies by pressing the Kill button again or after a certain period.\nPress the Kill button twice for a direct kill.",
+ "ParasiteInfoLong": "(Team Impostor):\nAs the Parasite, you are an Impostor that does not know the other Impostors.\n\nYou may Kill, Vent, Sabotage, whatever.\nJust know that you are an Impostor.",
+ "DisperserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nDisperser can use Shapeshift to teleport all players to random Vents.",
+ "InhibitorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Inhibitor, you can only kill when there is not a Critical Sabotage active.\n\nIf Light or Comms Sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
+ "SaboteurInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Saboteur, you can only kill when there is a Critical sabotage active.\n\nIf Reactor or O2 Sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
"CouncillorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Councillor, you can kill players during a meeting like a Judge.\nWhen killing in a meeting, those kills will appear as a trial from a Judge.\n\nThe kill command is /tl [player id]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nDepending on the settings, Councillor will suicide when he judge his teammates.\nConverted Councillor can judge freely.",
"DazzlerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Dazzler, you can reduce the vision of the target of your Shapeshift permanently. When you die, their vision will turn back to normal.",
- "DeathpactInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Deathpact, You shapeshift to mark your targets for a deathpact.\nIf you have enough players marked for a death pact, they must meet within a specific period; if they fail to do so, they die.\nIf a marked player dies before the death pact becomes complete, the pact is withdrawn.",
- "DevourerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Devourer, you use your shapeshift to change the appearance of the target of the shapeshift permanently. Additionally, when each player's appearance changes, you will have your kill cooldown reduced by a defined number of seconds. If the Devourer dies or gets voted out during a meeting, the player's appearance will change back to their normal appearance.",
- "MorphlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Morphling, you are a Shapeshifter but cannot kill while not shapeshifted.",
- "TwisterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Twister, you can use shapeshifting to swap the position of all players randomly. The swap happens twice, once when you start your shapeshift and once when you return to your original appearance.\nThe Twister itself will not swap places with anyone, and players in vents will not teleport.",
- "LurkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lurker, you can jump into a vent to reduce your cooldown by a certain number of seconds. After you kill, your cooldown resets to its original value.",
+ "DeathpactInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Deathpact, You Shapeshift to mark your targets for a deathpact.\nIf you have enough players marked for a deathpact, they must meet within a specific period; if they fail to do so, they die.\nIf a marked player dies before the deathpact becomes complete, the pact is withdrawn.",
+ "DevourerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Devourer, you use your Shapeshift to change the appearance of the target of the Shapeshift permanently. Additionally, when each player's appearance changes, you will have your Kill Cooldown reduced by a defined number of seconds. If the Devourer dies or gets voted out during a meeting, the player's appearance will change back to their normal appearance.",
+ "MorphlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Morphling, you are a Shapeshifter but cannot kill while not Shapeshifted.",
+ "TwisterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Twister, you can use Shapeshifting to swap the position of all players randomly. The swap happens twice, once when you start your Shapeshift and once when you return to your original appearance.\nThe Twister itself will not swap places with anyone, and players in vents will not teleport.",
+ "LurkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lurker, you can jump into a Vent to reduce your Cooldown by a certain number of seconds. After you kill, your Cooldown resets to its original value.",
"VisionaryInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Visionary, you see the alignments of living players during a meeting.\nThe following information will be displayed on the players:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.",
"PlagueDoctorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\n(Plague Doctor from TOH)\nThe Plague Scientist's goal is to infect every living player.\nThey start by choosing one player to infect, after which anyone who spends a set amount of time in the range of the infected player becomes infected themselves.\nInfection progress is cumulative and does not reset with distance or after meetings.",
- "RefugeeInfoLong": "(Madmates):\nAs the Refugee, you were either:\n -An Amnesiac who remembered an Impostor\n -A killer who killed the Godfather's target.\n -A Romantic whose partner was an Impostor\n -Or an Imitator that imitated an Impostor.\n\nNow your job is to help the Impostors kill the crewmates.",
+ "RefugeeInfoLong": "(Madmates):\nAs the Refugee, you were either:\n -An Amnesiac who remembered an Impostor\n -A killer who killed the Godfather's target.\n -A Romantic whose partner was an Impostor\n -Or an Imitator that imitated an Impostor.\n\nNow your job is to help the Impostors kill the Crewmates.",
"UnderdogInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Underdog, you cannot kill until there's a certain amount of players alive.",
- "ConsigliereInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Consigliere, you can reveal the roles of other players using your kill button.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\n\nIf you run out of reveal uses, your kill button functions normally.",
- "LudopathInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ludopath, your kill cooldown is randomized.\n\nMinimum it can be is 1 second, while the maximum is your default kill cooldown.",
+ "ConsigliereInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Consigliere, you can reveal the roles of other players using your Kill button.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\n\nIf you run out of reveal uses, your Kill button functions normally.",
+ "LudopathInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ludopath, your Kill Cooldown is randomized.\n\nMinimum it can be is 1 second, while the maximum is your default Kill Cooldown.",
"GodfatherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Godfather, you vote someone to make them your target.\nIn the next round, if someone kills the target, the killer will turn into a Refugee or Madmate.",
"ChronomancerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Chronomancer, you have a charge bar which indicates when the slaughter is ready. When it is at 100% the next time you kill someone, you go into slaughter mode, meaning you can kill indefinitely until your bar runs out of charge. Otherwise, you have a normal KCD.",
- "PitfallInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Pitfall, you use your shapeshift to mark the area around the shapeshift as a trap. Players who enter this area will be immobilized quickly, and their vision will be affected.",
- "EvilMiniInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Evil Mini, you are unkillable until you grow up and have a very long initial kill cooldown, which gets drastically shortened as you grow up.",
- "BlackmailerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Blackmailer, when you shift into a target, you will blackmail that player. This means that during the meetings, they won't be able to speak.\n\nNote: If someone is already blackmailed, blackmailing another person un-blackmails the current person.",
- "InstigatorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Instigator, it's your job to turn the crewmates against each other. Each time a Crewmate gets voted out in a meeting, if you are alive, an additional Crewmate who voted for the innocent player will die after the meeting. The Host determines the number of additional players dying.",
- "LazyGuyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nLazy Guy has only one task. In addition, the Impostor's abilities can't affect the Lazy Guy, such as being a scapegoat for Anonymous, being marked by a Warlock or Puppeteer, and more. Lazy Guy will not have any add-ons.",
+ "PitfallInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Pitfall, you use your Shapeshift to mark the area around the Shapeshift as a trap. Players who enter this area will be immobilized quickly, and their vision will be affected.",
+ "EvilMiniInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Evil Mini, you are unkillable until you grow up and have a very long initial Kill Cooldown, which gets drastically shortened as you grow up.",
+ "BlackmailerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Blackmailer, when you Shift into a target, you will blackmail that player. This means that during the meetings, they won't be able to speak.\n\nNote: If someone is already blackmailed, blackmailing another person un-blackmails the current person.",
+ "InstigatorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Instigator, it's your job to turn the Crewmates against each other. Each time a Crewmate gets voted out in a meeting, if you are alive, an additional Crewmate who voted for the innocent player will die after the meeting. The Host determines the number of additional players dying.",
+ "LazyGuyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nLazy Guy has only one task. In addition, the Impostor's abilities can't affect the Lazy Guy, such as being a scapegoat for Anonymous, being marked by a Warlock or Puppeteer, and more. Lazy Guy will not have any Add-ons.",
"SuperStarInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThere will be a star logo next to the Super Star's name, so everyone knows who the Super Star is. The Super Star can only die when the murderer is alone with the Super Star (regular kills only). In addition, the Guessers can't guess the Super Star. ",
"CelebrityInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAll Crewmates see the kill-flash when the Celebrity dies (same as the Seer sees the kill-flash) and get a notice at the next meeting. The Impostors don't know anything about this.",
- "CleanserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Cleanser, you can vote to erase the add-ons of any target at the meeting. This erasure takes effect after the meeting ends. Depending on the settings, the cleansed player may never receive add-ons again.",
+ "CleanserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Cleanser, you can vote to erase the Add-ons of any target at the meeting. This erasure takes effect after the meeting ends. Depending on the settings, the cleansed player may never receive Add-ons again.",
"KeeperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs keeper, you can vote for someone to protect them from being ejected. You can only do this a configurable number of times.",
- "MayorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mayor, you have extra votes. Depending on the settings, players can't see your extra votes, you can vent to call a meeting at any time, or you can have yourself revealed as Mayor upon task completion.",
+ "MayorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mayor, you have extra votes. Depending on the settings, players can't see your extra votes, you can Vent to call a meeting at any time, or you can have yourself revealed as Mayor upon task completion.",
"PsychicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Psychic can see the names of several players highlighted in red during the meeting; at least one of them is evil. The Psychic will correctly see all Neutrals and Killing Crewmates displayed as red names when becoming a Madmate.",
- "MechanicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Mechanic can use the vent at any time. They can also fix Reactors, O2, and Communications using only one side. You can fix Lights by flicking only one switch. Opening a door will open all doors in the map.",
- "SheriffInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nSheriff has no task. The Sheriff can kill the Impostor (according to the host settings, the Sheriff can also kill neutrals). If the Sheriff tries to kill a crewmate, the Sheriff will kill himself. The Sheriff can kill anyone when he becomes a madmate (also according to the host settings).",
- "VigilanteInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Vigilante, you are tasked with eliminating potential threats to the Crew, but if they mistakenly kill an innocent crew member, they become a Madmate driven by guilt and remorse.\n\n Note: Gangster cannot convert Vigilante into madmate.",
- "JailerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Jailer, use your kill button to lock a player in jail. During the next meeting, the jailed player cannot vote or get voted (the vote count will be 0). The Jailer may choose to execute the prisoner by voting for them. If the Jailer executes an innocent player, the Jailer loses the ability to execute for the rest of the game.\nIf the Jailer is evil, then they can execute anyone.\nThe Jailer has limited executions.\n\nNote: Jailed players cannot be guessed or judged, and jailed players can only guess Jailer.",
+ "MechanicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Mechanic can use Vents at any time. They can also fix Reactors, O2, and Communications using only one side. You can fix Lights by flicking only one switch. Opening a door will open all doors in the map.",
+ "SheriffInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nSheriff has no task. The Sheriff can kill the Impostor (according to the Host settings, the Sheriff can also kill Neutrals). If the Sheriff tries to kill a Crewmate, the Sheriff will kill himself. The Sheriff can kill anyone when he becomes a Madmate (also according to the Host settings).",
+ "VigilanteInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Vigilante, you are tasked with eliminating potential threats to the Crewmates, but if they mistakenly kill an innocent Crew member, they become a Madmate driven by guilt and remorse.\n\n Note: Gangster cannot convert Vigilante into Madmate.",
+ "JailerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Jailer, use your Kill button to lock a player in jail. During the next meeting, the jailed player cannot vote or get voted (the vote count will be 0). The Jailer may choose to execute the prisoner by voting for them. If the Jailer executes an innocent player, the Jailer loses the ability to execute for the rest of the game.\nIf the Jailer is evil, then they can execute anyone.\nThe Jailer has limited executions.\n\nNote: Jailed players cannot be guessed or judged, and jailed players can only guess Jailer.",
"SnitchInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAfter the Snitch completes all tasks, they can see the Impostor's names displayed in red on the meeting. When the Snitch has only one task left, the Impostors will see a 「★」 mark next to the name of themselves and the Snitch. When a Snitch becomes a Madmate, the 「★」 mark turns red.",
- "MarshallInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Marshall, complete your tasks to reveal yourself to the rest of the Crew.\nOther teams will not be able to see you.\nHowever, madmates CAN see you.",
- "DoctorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nDoctor can see the cause of death for all players. In addition, the Doctor can access vitals wherever you are while he still has battery left.",
+ "MarshallInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Marshall, complete your tasks to reveal yourself to the rest of the Crewmates.\nOther teams will not be able to see you.\nHowever, Madmates CAN see you.",
+ "DoctorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nDoctor can see the cause of death for all players. In addition, the Doctor can access Vitals wherever you are while he still has battery left.",
"DictatorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhen the Dictator votes for someone, the meeting will end on the spot, and the player they voted for will be ejected from the meeting. The moment the Dictator votes someone out, the Dictator will also die.",
"DetectiveInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAfter the Detective reports the body, they will receive a clue message, which will tell the Detective what the victim's role is. According to the Host's settings, the Detective may know what the murderer's role is. Note: Detective won't be Oblivious.",
"UndercoverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Impostors knows who Undercover is and sees him as a teammate, but Undercover himself does not know who the Impostors are.",
- "NiceGuesserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Nice Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If it is correct, it will kill the target, and if it is wrong, Nice Guesser will suicide.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nNice Guesser can guess crewmate when become madmate.",
- "GuessMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guess Master, you will receive information about every attempted guess made during a meeting. You will be informed about the role the guesser tried to guess, and you will also be notified in case of a misguess.",
+ "NiceGuesserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Nice Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If it is correct, it will kill the target, and if it is wrong, Nice Guesser will suicide.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nNice Guesser can guess Crewmate when become Madmate.",
+ "GuessMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guess Master, you will receive information about every attempted guess made during a meeting. You will be informed about the role the Guesser tried to guess, and you will also be notified in case of a misguess.",
"KnightInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Knight has no tasks. They can kill anyone but only do it once the whole game.",
- "TransporterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhenever the Transporter completes the task, two random players will switch positions, but if there are not enough players left, nothing will happen. Note: Players in the vent will not be selected.",
+ "TransporterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhenever the Transporter completes the task, two random players will switch positions, but if there are not enough players left, nothing will happen. Note: Players in a Vent will not be selected.",
"TimeManagerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe more tasks the Time Manager does, the longer the meeting time will be. When the Time Manager dies, the meeting time will return to normal. When the Time Manager becomes a Madmate, the skill changes to reducing the meeting time instead of increasing it.",
- "VeteranInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Veteran, you can enter the alert state by venting. If a player tries to kill the Veteran in the alert state, the Veteran will kill the murderer instead. Veteran will see a shield animation on their body and a text above their head as a reminder when they enter and exit the alert state.",
- "BastionInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Bastion, bomb vents to kill off impostors and neutrals.\nBe careful though; crewmates can also be killed with the bombs.",
- "CopyCatInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Copycat, you can use your kill button to copy the target's role.\n\nYou can only copy some crewmate roles.\nIf you try to copy a madmate or rascal, you become the madmate variation of the target role.\nIf you target an evil with a crewmate variant, you'll become the crewmate variant.\n\nAdditionally, Your role will be set back to Copycat after every meeting.\nNote You can't guess people in meetings.",
+ "VeteranInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Veteran, you can enter the alert state by Venting. If a player tries to kill the Veteran in the alert state, the Veteran will kill the murderer instead. Veteran will see a Shield Animation on their body and a text above their head as a reminder when they enter and exit the alert state.",
+ "BastionInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Bastion, bomb Vents to kill off Impostors and Neutrals.\nBe careful though; Crewmates can also be killed with the bombs.",
+ "CopyCatInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Copycat, you can use your Kill button to copy the target's role.\n\nYou can only copy some Crewmate roles.\nIf you try to copy a Madmate or Rascal, you become the Madmate variation of the target role.\nIf you target an evil with a Crewmate variant, you'll become the Crewmate variant.\n\nAdditionally, Your role will be set back to Copycat after every meeting.\nNote You can't guess people in meetings.",
"BodyguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nIf a player is about to be killed near the Bodyguard, the Bodyguard will prevent the kill and die with the murderer. The Bodyguard's skills will affect players of any team. When the Bodyguard becomes a Madmate, and the murderer is an Impostor, the Bodyguard will not activate the skill.",
- "DeceiverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Deceiver can sell the counterfeit to other players through the kill button. If the counterfeit is sold successfully, the Deceiver will see a shield animation on their body as a reminder. The counterfeit will take effect after the end of the next meeting. If the player with no kill ability holds the counterfeit, he will kill himself immediately. If the player with the killing ability has the counterfeit, he will commit suicide when he tries to kill someone next time.",
- "GrenadierInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Grenadier, you can vent to Flashbang players nearby, causing them to lose vision if they are an Impostor or, depending on settings, a Neutral.",
+ "DeceiverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Deceiver can sell the counterfeit to other players through the Kill button. If the counterfeit is sold successfully, the Deceiver will see a Shield Animation on their body as a reminder. The counterfeit will take effect after the end of the next meeting. If the player with no kill ability holds the counterfeit, he will kill himself immediately. If the player with the killing ability has the counterfeit, he will commit suicide when he tries to kill someone next time.",
+ "GrenadierInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Grenadier, you can Vent to Flashbang players nearby, causing them to lose vision if they are an Impostor or, depending on settings, a Neutral.",
"MedicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Medic can place a shield on the target by pressing the Kill button. The Medic can only give one shield for the whole game. Depending on the settings, the target's shield can or cannot deactivate when the Medic dies. The Medic can also see if someone is trying to break the target's shield.\nDepending on the Host's settings, the Medic or the target can see if the player has a shield (shown as a green circle 「●」 next to the name).",
"FortuneTellerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Fortune Teller, vote for a player in a meeting to get a clue to their role.\nThe clue will relate to their actual role.\n\nWhen the Fortune Teller's tasks are complete, they will obtain the exact role rather than a clue!\n\nNote: If the setting to give random active players as a hint is on, you cannot check the same player multiple times.",
"JudgeInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Judge can judge a certain player during the meeting. If the target is evil, the target will be killed (whether it is evil or not is set by the Host). If it is wrong, the Judge commits suicide.\nCommand for judgment: /tl [player id]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nJudges can judge all players when they become Madmate.\nIn meeting the ability count shows how many trails you have in this meeting. Out of meeting the ability counts shows how many trails you have for the whole game.",
"MorticianInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Mortician can see arrows pointing to all dead bodies, and if the Mortician reports a body, they will know the last player the victim had contact with. Note: Mortician won't be Oblivious or Seer.",
"MediumInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Medium can establish contact with a dead player after someone reports a dead body. The player who reports doesn't have to be the Medium. The dead player can answer once with a YES or a NO to the Medium's question, which only the Medium will see (the dead player can use /ms yes or /ms no). Note: Medium won't be Oblivious.",
- "ObserverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Observer, you can see all shield animations caused by other players after the first meeting. The shied animations typically indicate a role ability, so look out for this.",
+ "ObserverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Observer, you can see all Shield Animations caused by other players after the first meeting. The Shield Animations typically indicate a role ability, so look out for this.",
"MonarchInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Monarch, you can knight players to give them an extra vote.\n\nYou cannot knight someone who already has multiple votes.\n\nKnighted players appear with a golden name.\nIf a knighted player is alive, the Monarch cannot be guessed or killed.",
- "PacifistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhen the Pacifist vents, they will reset the kill cooldown for every player with a kill button. When they become a Madmate, this ability will only work on Crewmates.",
- "OverseerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Overseer, you have minimal vision, but you can use your kill button to reveal the role of a nearby player. A 「○」 will be displayed next to the revealed target after you use the kill button on them, and you will also be scanning them (only you can see this). Stay near the target for a defined time to reveal his role; if you move too far away, the reveal will cancel.",
+ "PacifistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhen the Pacifist Vents, they will reset the Kill Cooldown for every player with a Kill button. When they become a Madmate, this ability will only work on Crewmates.",
+ "OverseerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Overseer, you have minimal vision, but you can use your Kill button to reveal the role of a nearby player. A 「○」 will be displayed next to the revealed target after you use the Kill button on them, and you will also be scanning them (only you can see this). Stay near the target for a defined time to reveal his role; if you move too far away, the reveal will cancel.",
"CoronerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a Coroner, you can't report corpses; instead, after trying to report the corpse, you will see an arrow leading you to the killer. If someone calls a meeting, the arrows disappear. Depending on the settings, players can't report the body you found.",
"PresidentInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe President has two abilities: End the meeting and Reveal identity.\n\n+ Ability 1: End the meeting - Type /finish in meetings as President to instantly end the meeting.\n+ Ability 2: Reveal identity - Type /reveal in meetings to reveal yourself. Revealing yourself will make it so every player can see that you are the President, and you will become unguessable after typing the command. However, after the President has revealed themselves, whoever killed the President will have their kill CD greatly reduced on their next kill.",
- "MerchantInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a merchant, you sell a random add-on to a random player for each task you complete. Each add-on sold earns you money. If you have a certain amount of money, you can prevent the next killing attempt against you by bribing the murderer. The bribed player won't be able to kill you, but you don't know who it is. The money used is lost and not available for additional bribes.",
+ "MerchantInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a merchant, you sell a random Add-on to a random player for each task you complete. Each Add-on sold earns you money. If you have a certain amount of money, you can prevent the next killing attempt against you by bribing the murderer. The bribed player won't be able to kill you, but you don't know who it is. The money used is lost and not available for additional bribes.",
"RetributionistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Retributionist, you can kill a limited amount of players after your death.\n\nUse /ret [playerID] to kill.",
- "HawkInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Hawk, you can kill a limited amount of players decided by the host, though there's a chance you miss, slicing someone multiple times increases the chances.",
- "DeputyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Deputy, use your kill button to handcuff a player.\nThe player who is handcuffed will have their next kill attempt treated as a handcuff break, and the kill cooldown will be reset.\n\nIf the target does not have a kill button, then the handcuff was a waste.",
- "InvestigatorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs an Investigator, you can use your kill button to investigate someone. When you investigate someone, their name will appear in red if they possess a kill button (impostor/SS basis) or light blue if they lack a kill button (crewmate/engineer/scientist basis). However, please note that the color of the names will return to normal when someone calls a meeting.",
+ "HawkInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Hawk, you can kill a limited amount of players decided by the Host, though there's a chance you miss, slicing someone multiple times increases the chances.",
+ "DeputyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Deputy, use your Kill button to handcuff a player.\nThe player who is handcuffed will have their next kill attempt treated as a handcuff break, and the Kill Cooldown will be reset.\n\nIf the target does not have a Kill button, then the handcuff was a waste.",
+ "InvestigatorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs an Investigator, you can use your Kill button to investigate someone. When you investigate someone, their name will appear in red if they possess a Kill button (impostor/Shapeshifter basis) or light blue if they lack a Kill button (Crewmate/Engineer/Scientist basis). However, please note that the color of the names will return to normal when someone calls a meeting.",
"GuardianInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guardian, you become immortal upon task completion. Guessers can't even guess you in meetings.",
- "AddictInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Addict, you have a suicide timer. When it expires, you kill yourself.\nThe timer is indicated by the vent cooldown. When the vent cooldown is 0 seconds, you still have a short time to vent.\nIf you don't make it, you die; if you make it, the suicide timer is reset.\nAlso after you vent, no one can interact with you for a defined period.\nAfter; the period is over, and you are immobilized for another defined period, and cannot report any bodies.",
- "MoleInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mole, when you vent, you stay in the vent for 1 second. When you exit the vent, you will spawn near a random vent in the map (Except the one you used).",
+ "AddictInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Addict, you have a suicide timer. When it expires, you kill yourself.\nThe timer is indicated by the Vent Cooldown. When the Vent Cooldown is 0 seconds, you still have a short time to Vent.\nIf you don't make it, you die; if you make it, the Suicide Timer is reset.\nAlso after you Vent, no one can interact with you for a defined period.\nAfter; the period is over, and you are immobilized for another defined period, and cannot Report any bodies.",
+ "MoleInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mole, when you Vent, you stay in the Vent for 1 second. When you exit the Vent, you will spawn near a random Vent in the map (Except the one you used).",
"AlchemistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Alchemist, you brew potions when you complete tasks. The potion you made will show up under your role name with its corresponding description and instructions. You can get seven different potions, some with harmful or no effects. Vent to use the potion.",
- "KamikazeInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Kamikaze you can single click to mark people. Double-click to kill normally. When you die, all marked also die, with death reason Targeted.",
- "TracefinderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracefinder, you can access vitals at any time.\nIn addition, you get arrows pointing to dead bodies, with a delay set by the Host.",
+ "KamikazeInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Kamikaze you can single click to mark players. Double-click to kill normally. When you die, all marked also die, with death reason Targeted.",
+ "TracefinderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracefinder, you can access Vitals at any time.\nIn addition, you get arrows pointing to dead bodies, with a delay set by the Host.",
"OracleInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Oracle, you may vote a player during a meeting.\nYou'll see if they are a Crewmate, Neutral, or Impostor.\nDepending on settings, there can be a chance that your result will be incorrect.",
"SpiritualistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Spiritualist, you get an arrow pointing towards the ghost of the last meeting's victim. There is an option for the arrow to disappear and reappear in intervals. Try to notify the ghost about your ability if you can; if they are on your side, they may lead you to an evil role so you can eject them. Be careful, as evil roles can do the same for Crewmates.",
- "ChameleonInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chameleon, you can vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
- "InspectorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nCheck If two players are in the same team or not. You will get an affirmation message if they are on the same team or a denial message if they are not on the same team.\n\nAll neutrals and converted players are counted in the same team. Trickster counts as Crew, and Rascal counts as Impostor.\nChecking command: /cmp [player id 1] [player id 2].",
- "CaptainInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWith each completed task, the Captain gains the power to slow down a random non-crew role. Crewmates can see ☆besides Captain's name.\n\nIf anyone betrays the Captain's trust by voting Captain out, they will lose an add-on.",
- "AdmirerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Admirer, admire a player to make them Crewmate aligned.\nThey'll win with crewmates and not their original team.\n\nYou can only do this once per player.",
- "TimeMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Time Master, use the vents to mark everyone's position.\nWhen using the ability again, every alive player will rewind to the marked positions.\n\nDuring the ability duration, the Time Master gains a time shield, which protects them from death.",
- "CrusaderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Crusader, use your kill button to crusade a player.\nIf that player gets attacked, you'll kill the attacker.",
- "AltruistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Altruist, you can sacrifice yourself to revive a dead body using the «Report» button.\nNote: If a dead player has left the game, you report that body normally.\nAlso revived player cannot report self dead body\nUse vent button to change between Report & Revive.",
- "ReverieInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Reverie, you can kill, but your cooldown starts high.\n\nIt increases if you kill a crewmate and reduces otherwise.\nDepending on the Host's setting, you may misfire on reaching the max kill cooldown, and your target dies with you. \n\nYou win with other crewmates.",
- "LookoutInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Lookout, you can see the IDs of every player at all times.\nThis allows you to see through shapeshifts and camouflages.",
- "TelecommunicationInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Telecommunication, you are notified when anyone uses cameras, vitals, door logs, or admin.",
- "LighterInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Lighter, you can vent to increase your vision temporarily.\nYou have increased vision both when lights are not out and when lights are out.\nUse this power to catch sneaky killers!",
+ "ChameleonInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chameleon, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
+ "InspectorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nCheck If two players are in the same team or not. You will get an affirmation message if they are on the same team or a denial message if they are not on the same team.\n\nAll Neutrals and converted players are counted in the same team. Trickster counts as Crewmate, and Rascal counts as Impostor.\nChecking command: /cmp [player id 1] [player id 2].",
+ "CaptainInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWith each completed task, the Captain gains the power to slow down a random non-Crewmate role. Crewmates can see ☆besides Captain's name.\n\nIf anyone betrays the Captain's trust by voting Captain out, they will lose an Add-on.",
+ "AdmirerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Admirer, admire a player to make them Crewmate aligned.\nThey'll win with Crewmates and not their original team.\n\nYou can only do this once per player.",
+ "TimeMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Time Master, use the Vents to mark everyone's position.\nWhen using the ability again, every alive player will rewind to the marked positions.\n\nDuring the ability duration, the Time Master gains a time shield, which protects them from death.",
+ "CrusaderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Crusader, use your Kill button to crusade a player.\nIf that player gets attacked, you'll kill the attacker.",
+ "AltruistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Altruist, you can sacrifice yourself to revive a dead body using the «Report» button.\nNote: If a dead player has left the game, you report that body normally.\nAlso revived player cannot report self dead body\nUse the Vent button to change between Report & Revive.",
+ "ReverieInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Reverie, you can kill, but your Cooldown starts high.\n\nIt increases if you kill a Crewmate and reduces otherwise.\nDepending on the Host's setting, you may misfire on reaching the maximum Kill Cooldown, and your target dies with you. \n\nYou win with other Crewmates.",
+ "LookoutInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Lookout, you can see the ID's of every player at all times.\nThis allows you to see through Shapeshifts and Camouflages.",
+ "TelecommunicationInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Telecommunication, you are notified when anyone uses Cameras, Vitals, Door Logs, or Admin.",
+ "LighterInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Lighter, you can Vent to increase your vision temporarily.\nYou have increased vision both when lights are not out and when lights are out.\nUse this power to catch sneaky killers!",
"TaskManagerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nYou see the total number of tasks completed (by everyone all together) next to your role name, which updates in real-time.",
- "WitnessInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Witness, when you use your kill button on someone, you will know if they killed in the last X seconds or not. (X depends on the settings).",
- "SwapperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Swapper, you can swap votes in meetings.\n\nTo swap votes, use '/sw [playerID]' twice.\n\nPlayer IDs are displayed next to player names in meetings, but you can also use /id to get a list of all player IDs.\n\nNote: Depending on the Host's settings, you can exchange your own votes.",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chief of Police,you can recruit a player to be a Sheriff(only once per game).\nDepending on the settings,you may recruit non-Crewmates or players without a kill button.\nYou may die when you recruit a wrong player.",
+ "WitnessInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Witness, when you use your Kill button on someone, you will know if they killed in the last X seconds or not. (X depends on the settings).",
+ "SwapperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Swapper, you can swap votes in meetings.\n\nTo swap votes, use '/sw [playerID]' twice.\n\nPlayer ID's are displayed next to player names in meetings, but you can also use /id to get a list of all player ID's.\n\nNote: Depending on the Host's settings, you can exchange your own votes.",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chief of Police, you can recruit a player to be a Sheriff(only once per game).\nDepending on the settings, you may recruit non-Crewmates or players without a Kill button.\nYou may suicide when you recruit a wrong player.",
"NiceMiniInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a Nice Mini, your survival is crucial. You can't be killed until you grow up, and if you die or are evicted from the meeting before you grow up, everyone loses. This unique role adds a new dynamic to the game, where your survival is not just for your benefit but for the entire Crew's success.",
- "SpyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Spy, when someone uses their kill button on you (any ability used through the kill button), you'll see their name in orange for a few seconds.\nNote: If a Crewmate used their ability on you, you'll also see them with an orange name!\nNote: If you cannot use left, you won't see orange names!\nNote: If the kill button interaction is blocked, the player's cooldown will reset to 10s'",
- "RandomizerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs this Randomizer, when you die, your killer will do one of the following:\n 1. self-report your body\n 2. stand next to your body\n 3. have their kill cooldown set to 600s\n 4. Randomly avenge a player.",
- "ArsonistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Arsonist can douse a player by clicking the kill button on the player and following them for a few seconds. When the dousing starts and it's successful, a shield animation will happen as a reminder (only visible to themselves). When the Arsonist has doused all surviving players, the Arsonist can vent to start the fire and win alone.\n\nIf the player name shows 「△」, that means they are being doused;\nif the player name shows 「▲」, it means they have been completely doused.\nDepending on the setting, Arsonist may start the fire anytime. But if he fails to kill everyone, he loses.",
+ "SpyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Spy, when someone uses their Kill button on you (any ability used through the Kill button), you'll see their name in orange for a few seconds.\nNote: If a Crewmate used their ability on you, you'll also see them with an orange name!\nNote: If you cannot use left, you won't see orange names!\nNote: If the Kill button interaction is blocked, the player's Cooldown will reset to 10s'",
+ "RandomizerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs this Randomizer, when you die, your killer will do one of the following:\n 1. self-report your body\n 2. stand next to your body\n 3. have their Kill Cooldown set to 600s\n 4. Randomly avenge a player.",
+ "ArsonistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Arsonist can douse a player by clicking the Kill button on the player and following them for a few seconds. When the dousing starts and it's successful, a Shield Animation will happen as a reminder (only visible to themselves). When the Arsonist has doused all surviving players, the Arsonist can Vent to start the fire and win alone.\n\nIf the player name shows 「△」, that means they are being doused;\nif the player name shows 「▲」, it means they have been completely doused.\nDepending on the setting, Arsonist may start the fire anytime. But if he fails to kill everyone, he loses.",
"EnigmaInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Enigma, you get a random clue about the killer each meeting. Depending on the settings, you may have to report the body to receive a clue. The more tasks you complete, the more precise the clues get.",
- "PyromaniacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pyromaniac, you can douse players (single click) or kill normally (double click). Dousing players do nothing immediately, but killing a doused player will significantly shorten your kill cooldown. To win, be the last player alive.",
- "HuntsmanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Huntsman, you are given a certain number of targets that reset every meeting. If you successfully eliminate one of your targets, your kill cooldown goes down permanently by the set amount. However, if you kill someone not one of your targets, your kill cooldown permanently increases by the set amount. A colored name indicates your targets.",
+ "PyromaniacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pyromaniac, you can douse players (single click) or kill normally (double click). Dousing players do nothing immediately, but killing a doused player will significantly shorten your Kill Cooldown. To win, be the last player alive.",
+ "HuntsmanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Huntsman, you are given a certain number of targets that reset every meeting. If you successfully eliminate one of your targets, your Kill Cooldown goes down permanently by the set amount. However, if you kill someone not one of your targets, your Kill Cooldown permanently increases by the set amount. A colored name indicates your targets.",
"MiniInfoLong": "(Crewmate or Impostor):\nThe Mini has two roles. A Nice or Evil Mini is chosen.\n\nUse'/r nice mini' and '/r evil mini' respectively for more details.",
"JesterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nIf the Jester gets voted out, the Jester wins the game alone. If the Jester is still alive at the end of the game, the Jester loses. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
"TerroristInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nIf the Terrorist dies after completing all tasks, the Terrorist wins the game alone. (They can win by either being voted out or killed).",
"ExecutionerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Executioner is a role with an execution target, indicated by a diamond symbol「♦」next to their name. If the execution target is killed, the Executioner's role will change to Crewmate, Jester, or Opportunist, depending on the game settings. However, if the execution target is voted out in the meeting, the Executioner wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
"LawyerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nLawyer has a target to defend, which will be indicated by a diamond 「♦」 next to their name.\nIf your target wins, you win.\nIf they lose, you lose.",
"OpportunistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nIf the Opportunist survives at the end of the game, the Opportunist will win with the winning player.",
- "VectorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nVector will win alone by venting a certain number of times.",
- "JackalInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jackal, you win if you are the last player alive. Additionally, you may recruit using the kill button. If the target is not one you can recruit, you have run out of uses, or you don't have the option to recruit, then you will kill people normally (i.e., don't use kill buttons in front of others thinking it'll recruit). If the target has a kill button and the option to turn into a Sidekick is on, they will become a Sidekick. Otherwise, they will gain the Recruit add-on if the option to give the Recruit add-on is on.\nDepending on the settings, when Jackal was killed, a Sidekick will be randomly selected as the new Jackal.\nRecruit may be selected if no sidekick is alive.",
+ "VectorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nVector will win alone by Venting a certain number of times.",
+ "JackalInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jackal, you win if you are the last player alive. Additionally, you may recruit using the Kill button. If the target is not one you can recruit, you have run out of uses, or you don't have the option to recruit, then you will kill people normally (i.e., don't use Kill buttons in front of others thinking it'll recruit). If the target has a Kill button and the option to turn into a Sidekick is on, they will become a Sidekick. Otherwise, they will gain the Recruit Add-on if the option to give the Recruit Add-on is on.\nDepending on the settings, when Jackal was killed, a Sidekick will be randomly selected as the new Jackal.\nRecruit may be selected if no Sidekick is alive.",
"GodInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the God, you know everyone's role from the beginning. If you live until the end of the game, you steal the win, i.e., everyone else loses, and you win.",
- "InnocentInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Innocent can use the kill button to plant any player, and the planted target will immediately kill the Innocent. If the target gets voted out in the meeting, the Innocent wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
- "PelicanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pelican, you can use the kill button to swallow a player alive, teleporting them off-bounds but not killing them yet. Those swallowed will only die if you're still alive at the end of the round. If you die or leave during the round, all alive swallowed players will spawn into the map where you were.",
- "RevolutionistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Revolutionist, you can recruit players by clicking the kill button on the player and following them until the shield animation plays for you. Recruiting has a chance, set by the Host, to kill players (though they are still recruited). When the required number of players are recruited (displayed next to your name), you must vent within the specified time to win the game immediately with all your recruits. If you do not vent in time, you lose and die.",
- "HaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hater, you have no kill cooldown. However, depending on the settings, you can only kill Lovers and other recruiting roles and add-ons. Killing anyone else will make you suicide. You win at the end of the game with the winning team if none of the killable roles are alive. You will not be Lovers.",
+ "InnocentInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Innocent can use the Kill button to plant any player, and the planted target will immediately kill the Innocent. If the target gets voted out in the meeting, the Innocent wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
+ "PelicanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pelican, you can use the Kill button to swallow a player alive, teleporting them off-bounds but not killing them yet. Those swallowed will only die if you're still alive at the end of the round. If you die or leave during the round, all alive swallowed players will spawn into the map where you were.",
+ "RevolutionistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Revolutionist, you can recruit players by clicking the Kill button on the player and following them until the Shield Animation plays for you. Recruiting has a chance, set by the Host, to kill players (though they are still recruited). When the required number of players are recruited (displayed next to your name), you must Vent within the specified time to win the game immediately with all your recruits. If you do not Vent in time, you lose and die.",
+ "HaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hater, you have no Kill Cooldown. However, depending on the settings, you can only kill Lovers and other Recruiting Roles and Add-ons. Killing anyone else will make you suicide. You win at the end of the game with the winning team if none of the killable roles are alive. You will not be Lovers.",
"DemonInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Demon, you kill by draining health. You see health in percentage near everyone's name, and every attack you make drains a percentage from that health without the victim knowing. Once you drain your victim's health to 0, they die. You win if you are the last one standing.",
- "StalkerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Stalker can kill anyone, and every kill will immediately cause a Lights sabotage (if Lights sabotage is already active, nothing will happen). Stalker cannot vent. If the Impostor wins while the Stalker is alive or the Crewmate wins by killing the Impostors (according to the Host's setting, the Stalker may also win when the Crewmate wins by killing the Neutrals), then the Stalker wins alone.",
+ "StalkerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Stalker can kill anyone, and every kill will immediately cause a Lights Sabotage (if Lights Sabotage is already active, nothing will happen). Stalker cannot Vent. If the Impostor wins while the Stalker is alive or the Crewmate wins by killing the Impostors (according to the Host's setting, the Stalker may also win when the Crewmate wins by killing the Neutrals), then the Stalker wins alone.",
"WorkaholicInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Workaholic, you win alone when you complete all tasks. Depending on the Host's settings, you can only win if you are alive and or revealed to everyone at the beginning (these settings are rarely both on).",
- "SolsticerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Solsticer, you won't die, and you win by finishing all your tasks in a single round. After every meeting finishes, your tasks reset, and you need to start all over again.\nVotes on the Solsticer will be directly canceled.\nKill attempts on the Solsticer will teleport it out of the map like Pelican until the meeting is finished.\nThe killer's kill cooldown will be reset to 10 seconds.\nSolsticer is counted as nothing in-game.",
+ "SolsticerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Solsticer, you won't die, and you win by finishing all your tasks in a single round. After every meeting finishes, your tasks reset, and you need to start all over again.\nVotes on the Solsticer will be directly canceled.\nKill attempts on the Solsticer will teleport it out of the map like Pelican until the meeting is finished.\nThe killer's Kill Cooldown will be reset to 10 seconds.\nSolsticer is counted as nothing in-game.",
"CollectorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Collector, when you vote for a player, for each other player that voted for them, you gain a point. When you collect the required votes, the game ends, and you win alone, even if you voted a Jester or Executioner's target out.",
- "GlitchInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Glitch, you can hack players (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose who have been hacked cannot kill, vent, or report for the hack duration.\nAdditionally, calling a sabotage other than doors will have no effect and will instead disguise you as a random player. You cannot disguise during or after sabotages.\nTo win, be the last player alive.",
+ "GlitchInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Glitch, you can hack players (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose who have been hacked cannot kill, Vent, or report for the hack duration.\nAdditionally, calling a Sabotage other than doors will have no effect and will instead disguise you as a random player. You cannot disguise during or after Sabotages.\nTo win, be the last player alive.",
"SidekickInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sidekick, your job is to help the Jackal kill everyone.\nYou and the Jackal win together.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed.\nYou may not be able to kill until old Jackal is dead.",
- "ProvocateurInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Provocateur, you can kill any target with the kill button. If the target loses at the end of the game, the Provocateur wins with the winning team.",
- "BloodKnightInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Blood Knight wins when they're the last killing role alive, and the amount of crewmates is lower or equal to the amount of Blood Knights. The Blood Knight gains a temporary shield after every kill, making them immortal for a few seconds.",
- "PlagueBearerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Plaguebearer, plague everyone using your kill button to turn into Pestilence.\nOnce you turn into Pestilence, you will become immortal and gain the ability to kill, and you will kill anyone who tries to kill you.\n\nAlso, when infected players interact with uninfected players, they will also be infected.",
+ "ProvocateurInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Provocateur, you can kill any target with the Kill button. If the target loses at the end of the game, the Provocateur wins with the winning team.",
+ "BloodKnightInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Blood Knight wins when they're the last killing role alive, and the amount of Crewmates is lower or equal to the amount of Blood Knights. The Blood Knight gains a temporary shield after every kill, making them immortal for a few seconds.",
+ "PlagueBearerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Plaguebearer, plague everyone using your Kill button to turn into Pestilence.\nOnce you turn into Pestilence, you will become immortal and gain the ability to kill, and you will kill anyone who tries to kill you.\n\nAlso, when infected players interact with uninfected players, they will also be infected.",
"PestilenceInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Pestilence, you're an unstoppable machine.\nAny attack towards you will be reflected towards them.\nIndirect kills don't even kill you.\n\nOnly way to kill Pestilence is by voting them out or the Pestilence misguessing.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
- "SoulCollectorInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Soul Collector, you can use your kill button on a player to predict their death. You will gain a soul if your target dies in the round you select them or the meeting after.\nYour target resets after each meeting or after they die, whichever comes first. \n\nOnce you collect the configurable amount of souls, you become Death. If the gain passive souls setting is enabled, you will gain a soul each meeting.",
+ "SoulCollectorInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Soul Collector, you can use your Kill button on a player to predict their death. You will gain a Soul if your target dies in the round you select them or the meeting after.\nYour target resets after each meeting or after they die, whichever comes first. \n\nOnce you collect the configurable amount of Souls, you become Death. If the gain passive Souls setting is enabled, you will gain a Soul each meeting.",
"DeathInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Soul Collector has collected their needed souls, they become Death. Death kills everyone and wins if Death is not ejected by the end of the next meeting.\nA configurable amount of extra meeting time will be given on the meeting Death transforms to have more discussion to find Death.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
- "BakerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Baker, you can use your kill button on a player per round to give them bread. \nOnce a set amount of players are alive with bread, you become Famine.\n\nIf the Bread gives additional effects and the setting is on, then you can vent to change the bread that you give out. \nBread Effects:\nReveal: Reveals the target's role to the Baker (stays the whole game)\nRoleblock: Resets the target's kill cooldown when they try to use their kill button\nBarrier: Gives the target a barrier that is only known to the Baker (barrier is removed after the meeting)",
- "FamineInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Baker has a set amount of people with bread alive, they will become Famine. If the Famine does not get voted out after the meeting, then they will become Famine, and every player without bread will starve (excluding other Apocalypse members).\nAfter this starvation of everyone without bread, Famine can use their kill button to starve any remaining players, which will kill those players right before the next meeting.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
+ "BakerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Baker, you can use your Kill Button on a player per round to give them bread. \nOnce a set amount of players are alive with bread, you become Famine.\n\nIf the Bread gives additional effects and the setting is on, then you can Vent to change the bread that you give out. \nBread Effects:\nReveal: Reveals the target's role to the Baker (stays the whole game)\nRoleblock: Resets the target's Kill Cooldown when they try to use their Kill Button\nBarrier: Gives the target a Barrier that is only known to the Baker (Barrier is removed after the meeting)",
+ "FamineInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Baker has a set amount of people with bread alive, they will become Famine. If the Famine does not get voted out after the meeting, then they will become Famine, and every player without bread will starve (excluding other Apocalypse members).\nAfter this starvation of everyone without bread, Famine can use their Kill Button to starve any remaining players, which will kill those players right before the next meeting.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
"BerserkerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Berserker, you level up with each kill.\nUpon reaching a certain level defined by the Host, you unlock a new power.\n\nScavenged kills make your kills disappear.\nBombed kills make your kills explode. Be careful when killing, as this can kill your other Apocalypse members if they are near. \nAfter a certain level, you become War.",
- "WarInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs War, you are invincible, have a lower kill cooldown, and can kill anyone with your previous powers.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
- "FollowerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Follower can use their Kill button on someone to start following them and can use the Kill button again to switch the following target. If the Follower's target wins, the Follower will win along with them. Note: The Follower can also win after they die.",
- "CultistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cultist, your kill button is used to Charm others, making them win with you. To win, charm all who pose a threat and gain the majority.\nDepending on settings, you may be able to charm Neutrals, and those you Charm may count as their original team, nothing, or a Cultist to determine when you win due to majority.",
+ "WarInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs War, you are invincible, have a lower Kill Cooldown, and can kill anyone with your previous powers.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
+ "FollowerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Follower can use their Kill Button on someone to start following them and can use the Kill Button again to switch the following target. If the Follower's target wins, the Follower will win along with them. Note: The Follower can also win after they die.",
+ "CultistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cultist, your Kill Button is used to Charm others, making them win with you. To win, charm all who pose a threat and gain the majority.\nDepending on settings, you may be able to charm Neutrals, and those you Charm may count as their original team, nothing, or a Cultist to determine when you win due to majority.",
"SerialKillerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Serial Killer, you win if you are the last player alive.",
- "JuggernautInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Juggernaut, your kill cooldown decreases with each kill you make.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
+ "JuggernautInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Juggernaut, your Kill Cooldown decreases with each kill you make.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"InfectiousInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Infectious, your job is to infect as many players as you can.\n\nIf you infect all the killers, you can outnumber the Crew and win the game.\n\nIf you die, all the players you've infected will die after the next meeting.\nIf they achieve your win condition before then, you can still win.",
- "VirusInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe task of the Virus is to kill or infect all other players. When the Virus murders a crewmate, their corpse is infected with a virus. The Crewmate who reports this corpse is infected joins the virus team or dies at the end of the meeting if the Virus doesn't get voted out, depending on the settings. If more players are on the Virus team than the Crewmate team, the Virus team wins.",
+ "VirusInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe task of the Virus is to kill or infect all other players. When the Virus murders a Crewmate, their corpse is infected with a virus. The Crewmate who reports this corpse is infected joins the virus team or dies at the end of the meeting if the Virus doesn't get voted out, depending on the settings. If more players are on the Virus team than the Crewmate team, the Virus team wins.",
"PursuerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pursuer, you can use your ability on someone to make them misfire when they try to kill.\n\nTo win, survive to the end of the game.",
"SpecterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Specter, your job is to get killed and finish your tasks.\nYou can do your tasks while alive.\nYou cannot win if you're alive.\nIf you get killed, you win with the winning team if your tasks are completed.",
- "PirateInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pirate, use your kill button to select a target every round.\nYou will duel with your target in the next meeting. \nIf both the Pirate and the target choose the same number, the Pirate wins.\nAdditionally, if the Pirate wins the duel or the target doesn't participate in the duel, the Pirate kills the target.\n\nDueling command: /duel X (where X can be 0, 1, or 2)\n\nYou win after winning a certain number of duels set by the Host.\n\nNote: The kill would not count towards pirate victory if the target did not participate in the duel.",
- "AgitaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Agitator, your premise is essentially Hot Potato.\n\nUse your kill button on a player to pass the bomb.\nThis can only be done once per round.\n\nThe player who receives the bomb will be notified when receiving said bomb, in which they need to pass it to another player by getting near a player.\n\nWhen a meeting is called, the player with the bomb dies.\n\nIf trying to pass to Pestilence or a Veteran on alert, the bombed player dies instead.\nOptionally, the Agitator cannot receive the bomb.",
- "MaverickInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Maverick, you can kill and, depending on options, vent and have impostor vision\nIf you survive until the end of the game, you win with the winning team.\nUse your killing ability to eliminate threats to your life, but don't get voted out.",
- "CursedSoulInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cursed Soul, you steal the victory if you survive to the end of the game.\n\nYou can steal the win from a Jester or Executioner.\n\nAdditionally, you can steal the souls of other players.\nSoulless players win with you and count as dead.",
+ "PirateInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pirate, use your Kill button to select a target every round.\nYou will duel with your target in the next meeting. \nIf both the Pirate and the target choose the same number, the Pirate wins.\nAdditionally, if the Pirate wins the duel or the target doesn't participate in the duel, the Pirate kills the target.\n\nDueling command: /duel X (where X can be 0, 1, or 2)\n\nYou win after winning a certain number of duels set by the Host.\n\nNote: The kill would not count towards Pirate victory if the target did not participate in the duel.",
+ "AgitaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Agitator, your premise is essentially Hot Potato.\n\nUse your Kill Button on a player to pass the bomb.\nThis can only be done once per round.\n\nThe player who receives the bomb will be notified when receiving said bomb, in which they need to pass it to another player by getting near a player.\n\nWhen a meeting is called, the player with the bomb dies.\n\nIf trying to pass to Pestilence or a Veteran on alert, the bombed player dies instead.\nOptionally, the Agitator cannot receive the bomb.",
+ "MaverickInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Maverick, you can kill and, depending on options, Vent and have Impostor vision\nIf you survive until the end of the game, you win with the winning team.\nUse your killing ability to eliminate threats to your life, but don't get voted out.",
+ "CursedSoulInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cursed Soul, you steal the victory if you survive to the end of the game.\n\nYou can steal the win from a Jester or Executioner.\n\nAdditionally, you can steal the Souls of other players.\nSoulless players win with you and count as dead.",
"PickpocketInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pickpocket, you steal votes from your kills.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"TraitorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Traitor, you were an Impostor that betrayed the Impostors.\nYou know the Impostors, but they don't know you.\nThe twist? They can kill you, but you can't kill them.\n\nEliminate the Impostors by other means, then kill everyone else to win!",
- "TrollerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs a Troller, you can complete tasks so that random events can happen to players.\nFor example, changing the speed of all players, teleportation, influencing sabotage, etc.\nAlso you can win with the winning team.",
- "VultureInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Vulture, report bodies to win!\n\nWhen you report a body, if your eat cooldown is up, you'll eat the body (makes it unreportable).\nIf your eat ability is still on cooldown, then you'll report the body normally.\n\nAdditionally, you'll report bodies normally if the maximum bodies eaten per round is reached.",
+ "TrollerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs a Troller, you can complete tasks so that random events can happen to players.\nFor example, changing the speed of all players, teleportation, influencing Sabotage, etc.\nAlso you can win with the winning team.",
+ "VultureInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Vulture, report bodies to win!\n\nWhen you report a body, if your Eat Cooldown is up, you'll eat the body (makes it unreportable).\nIf your eat ability is still on Cooldown, then you'll report the body normally.\n\nAdditionally, you'll report bodies normally if the maximum bodies eaten per round is reached.",
"AbyssbringerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Abyssbringer, you can place black holes. Black holes will suck in players and kill them when colliding with them.",
- "TaskinatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Taskinator, whenever you finish a task, the task will be bombed. When another player completes the bombed task, the bomb will detonate, and the player will die.\n\nYou win if you survive till the end and Crew doesn't win.\n\n Note: Taskinator bombs ignore all protection.",
+ "TaskinatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Taskinator, whenever you finish a task, the task will be bombed. When another player completes the bombed task, the bomb will detonate, and the player will die.\n\nYou win if you survive till the end and Crewmates don't win.\n\n Note: Taskinator bombs ignore all protection.",
"BenefactorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Benefactor, whenever you finish a task, that task will be marked. When another player completes the marked task, they get a temporary shield.\n\n Note: Shield only protects from direct kill attacks.",
- "MedusaInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Medusa, you can stone bodies much like cleaning a body.\nStoned bodies cannot be reported.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"SpiritcallerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Spiritcaller, your victims become Evil Spirits after they die. These spirits can help you win by freezing other players briefly or blocking their vision. Alternatively, the spirits can give you a shield that protects you briefly from an attempted kill.",
- "AmnesiacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Amnesiac, use your report button to remember a target and get its role.\nTo balance the game, you will not be able to vent after remembering your role if you can't vent as Amnesiac.'",
- "ImitatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Imitator, use your kill button to imitate a player.\n\nYou'll either become a Sheriff, a Refugee, or some Neutral.",
- "BanditInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Bandit, you can click your kill button one time to steal a player's addon and twice to kill. Depending on the settings, you may instantly steal the addon or after the meeting starts. After the maximum number of steals is reached, you will kill normally. Additionally, if there are no stealable addons on the target or the target is stubborn, you will kill the target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: Cleansed, Last Impostor, and Lovers cannot be stolen.\nNote: If Bandit can vent is on, Nimble will become unstealable.",
- "DoppelgangerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Doppelganger, use your kill button to steal a player's identity (their name and skin) and then kill your target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: You cannot steal the target's identity when Camouflage is active.",
+ "AmnesiacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Amnesiac, use your report button to remember a target and get its role.\nTo balance the game, you will not be able to Vent after remembering your role if you can't Vent as Amnesiac.'",
+ "ImitatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Imitator, use your Kill button to imitate a player.\n\nYou'll either become a Sheriff, a Refugee, or some Neutral.",
+ "BanditInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Bandit, you can click your Kill button one time to steal a player's Add-on and twice to kill. Depending on the settings, you may instantly steal the Add-on or after the meeting starts. After the maximum number of steals is reached, you will kill normally. Additionally, if there are no stealable Add-ons on the target or the target is Stubborn, you will kill the target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: Cleansed, Last Impostor, and Lovers cannot be stolen.\nNote: If Bandit can Vent is on, Nimble will become unstealable.",
+ "DoppelgangerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Doppelganger, use your Kill button to steal a player's identity (their name and skin) and then kill your target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: You cannot steal the target's identity when Camouflage is active.",
"PunchingBagInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Punching Bag, your goal is to get attacked a few times to win.\n\nYou cannot be guessed, as that adds to your attack count.",
- "DoomsayerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Doomsayer can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting.\nIf the Doomsayer guesses a certain number of roles (the number depends on the host settings), then he wins.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
- "ShroudInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shroud, you do not kill normally.\nInstead, use your kill button to shroud a player.\nShrouded players kill others.\nIf the shrouded player doesn't make a kill, they'll kill themselves after a meeting.\n\nShroud sees shrouded players with a 「◈」mark next to their name.\nShrouded players who did not make a kill will also have the 「◈」mark in meetings, where they'll die if the Shroud is alive by the end of the meeting.",
- "WerewolfInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Werewolf, you can kill much like any killer.\nHowever, when you kill, any nearby players also die.\nAny player who dies to this will have their death reason as Mauled.\n\nTo balance this, you have a higher kill cooldown than anyone else.",
- "ShamanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shaman, you can use your kill button to select a voodoo doll once per round. If the kill button is used on you, the effect will be deflected onto the voodoo doll.\nIf you survive until the end, you win with the winning team.\nNote: If the killer cannot kill the chosen target, murder is canceled, but if the killer rechecks the Shaman, the killer will kill the Shaman.",
- "SeekerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the seeker, use your kill button to tag the target. If the seeker tags the wrong player, a point is deducted, and if the seeker tags the correct player, a point will be added.\nAdditionally, the seeker will not be able to move for 5 seconds after every meeting and after getting a new target.\n\nThe seeker needs to collect a certain number of points set by the Host to win.\nSeeker will see a ★ mark on target's name.",
- "PixieInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pixie, Mark up to x amount of targets each round by using the kill button on them. You must have one of the marked targets ejected when the meeting starts. If unsuccessful, you will commit suicide, except if you didn't mark any targets or all the targets are dead. The selected targets reset to 0 after the meeting ends. If you succeed, you will gain a point. You see all your targets in colored names.\n\nYou win with the winning team when you have certain amounts of points set by the Host.",
- "SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs Schrodingers Cat, if someone attempts to use the kill button on you, you will block the action and join their team. This blocking ability works only once. By default, you don't have a victory condition, meaning you win only after switching teams.\nIn Addition to this, you will be counted as nothing in the game.\n\nNote: If the killing machine attempts to use its kill button on you, the interaction is not blocked, and you will die.",
- "RomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Romantic can pick their lover partner using their kill button (this can be done at any point of the game). Once they've picked their partner, they can use their kill button to give their partner a temporary shield that protects them from attacks. If their lover partner dies, the Romantic's role will change according to the following conditions:\n1. If their partner was an Impostor, the Romantic becomes the Refugee\n2. If their partner was a Neutral Killer, then they become Ruthless Romantic.\n3. If their partner was a Crewmate or a non-killing neutral, the Romantic becomes the Vengeful Romantic. \n\nThe Romantic wins with the winning team if their partner wins.\nNote: If your role changes, your win condition will be changed accordingly",
- "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (A neutral killer) is killed. As a Ruthless Romantic, you win if you kill everyone and are the last one standing. If you win, your dead partner will also win with you.",
- "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (A crew or non-neutral killer) is killed. As a Vengeful Romantic, your goal is to avenge your partner, which means you must kill the killer of your partner. If you succeed, then you and your partner win with the winning team at the end. If you try to kill someone other than your partner's killer, then you will die by misfire.",
- "PoisonerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Poisoner, your kills are delayed.\nKill everyone to win.",
- "HexMasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hex Master, you can hex players or kill them.\nHexing a player works the same as spelling as a Witch.",
- "WraithInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Wraith, you can vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible. You win if you are the last player remaining.",
- "JinxInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jinx, whenever you get attacked, you jinx them, resulting in them dying to a jinx.\nThis has limited uses.\n\nKill off everyone to win.",
- "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Potion Master, you have three different potions assigned to three different actions.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\nMap: Sabotage\n\nThe reveal potion has a limit.\nWhen you run out, the kill buttons default to killing.",
- "NecromancerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Necromancer, you win when you're the last one standing.\nAdditionally when someone tries to kill you, you will block the kill, and you will teleport to a random vent. You will have a limited time to kill your killer. If you succeed in doing so, you live. If the time runs out before you kill your killer, you die permanently. If you try to kill someone else other than your killer, you will die.",
- "ShockerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shocker, you can mark rooms by doing tasks in them, and then vent to Electrocute anyone in those rooms for a set period of time. When you finish all of your tasks, you get new ones. Note: Doing tasks during that period will mark them for the next ability use.",
- "LastImpostorInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThis special effect is given to the last surviving Impostor. It significantly reduces their kill cooldown.",
- "OverclockedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Overclocked, your kill cooldown is reduced by a percentage.\n\nThis feature is only assigned to roles with a kill button.",
+ "DoomsayerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Doomsayer can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting.\nIf the Doomsayer guesses a certain number of roles (the number depends on the Host settings), then he wins.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
+ "ShroudInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shroud, you do not kill normally.\nInstead, use your Kill button to shroud a player.\nShrouded players kill others.\nIf the shrouded player doesn't make a kill, they'll kill themselves after a meeting.\n\nShroud sees shrouded players with a 「◈」mark next to their name.\nShrouded players who did not make a kill will also have the 「◈」mark in meetings, where they'll die if the Shroud is alive by the end of the meeting.",
+ "WerewolfInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Werewolf, you can kill much like any killer.\nHowever, when you kill, any nearby players also die.\nAny player who dies to this will have their death reason as Mauled.\n\nTo balance this, you have a higher Kill Cooldown than anyone else.",
+ "ShamanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shaman, you can use your Kill button to select a Voodoo Doll once per round. If the Kill button is used on you, the effect will be deflected onto the Voodoo Doll.\nIf you survive until the end, you win with the winning team.\nNote: If the killer cannot kill the chosen target, murder is canceled, but if the killer rechecks the Shaman, the killer will kill the Shaman.",
+ "SeekerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Seeker, use your Kill button to tag the target. If the Seeker tags the wrong player, a point is deducted, and if the Seeker tags the correct player, a point will be added.\nAdditionally, the Seeker will not be able to move for 5 seconds after every meeting and after getting a new target.\n\nThe Seeker needs to collect a certain number of points set by the Host to win.\nSeeker will see a ★ mark on target's name.",
+ "PixieInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pixie, mark up to an X amount of targets each round by using the Kill button on them. You must have one of the marked targets ejected when the meeting starts. If unsuccessful, you will commit suicide, except if you didn't mark any targets or all the targets are dead. The selected targets reset to 0 after the meeting ends. If you succeed, you will gain a point. You see all your targets in colored names.\n\nYou win with the winning team when you have certain amounts of points set by the Host.",
+ "SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs Schrodingers Cat, if someone attempts to use the Kill button on you, you will block the action and join their team. This blocking ability works only once. By default, you don't have a victory condition, meaning you win only after switching teams.\nIn Addition to this, you will be counted as nothing in the game.\n\nNote: If the Killing Machine attempts to use their Kill button on you, the interaction is not blocked, and you will die.",
+ "RomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Romantic can pick their lover partner using their Kill button (this can be done at any point of the game). Once they've picked their partner, they can use their Kill button to give their partner a temporary shield that protects them from attacks. If their lover partner dies, the Romantic's role will change according to the following conditions:\n1. If their partner was an Impostor, the Romantic becomes the Refugee\n2. If their partner was a Neutral Killer, then they become Ruthless Romantic.\n3. If their partner was a Crewmate or a non-killing Neutral, the Romantic becomes the Vengeful Romantic. \n\nThe Romantic wins with the winning team if their partner wins.\nNote: If your role changes, your win condition will be changed accordingly",
+ "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (a Neutral Killer) is killed. As a Ruthless Romantic, you win if you kill everyone and are the last one standing. If you win, your dead partner will also win with you.",
+ "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (a Crewmate or non-Neutral Killer) is killed. As a Vengeful Romantic, your goal is to avenge your partner, which means you must kill the killer of your partner. If you succeed, then you and your partner win with the winning team at the end. If you try to kill someone other than your partner's killer, then you will die by misfire.",
+ "WraithInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Wraith, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible. You win if you are the last player remaining.",
+ "ShockerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shocker, you can mark rooms by doing tasks in them, and then Vent to electrocute anyone in those rooms for a set period of time. When you finish all of your tasks, you get new ones. Note: Doing tasks during that period will mark them for the next ability use.",
+ "CovenInfoLong": "(Coven):\nCoven members are on a separate team that works together and wins together. If there are multiple Coven roles in the game, they can see each other's roles.\nDepending on the Host's settings, Coven roles can guess or be guessed.\nDo /coveninfo for more info.",
+ "PoisonerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Poisoner can use their Kill button on a player to roleblock them. The next time the roleblocked player tries to use their ability, it will do nothing, and their Cooldown will be reset.\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. These kills will be delayed.",
+ "HexMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Hex Master can use their Kill button to mark a player with the 乂 symbol. If a player has this at the end of the meeting and the Hex Master hasn't died - then they die.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Hex will be passed around - similar to an Agitator bomb. Also, you can double-click the Kill button to kill normally.",
+ "JinxInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Jinx can use their Kill button to jinx a player. Anyone who interacts with the jinxed player will die with the death reason Jinxed.\nWith the Necronomicon the Jinx can double-kill to kill normally. Also, the jinxed player and the player who interacted with the jinxed person will die.",
+ "MedusaInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Medusa can use their Kill button on players to mark them as Stoned. When the Medusa clicks the Shapeshift button, all Stoned players will be unable to move and will have reduced vision for a configurable amount of time.\nWith the Necronomicon, killed players will be unreportable.",
+ "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Potion Master has two potions available for their use. The Reveal potion reveals a player's role. The Barrier potion places a shield on a player for one round, the player will not be notified of this unless they are Coven as well. Click the Shapeshift button to change potions.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Potion Master can double-click their Kill button to kill.",
+ "NecromancerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nAs the Necromancer, you can Shapeshift to become the role of a random dead person for a set duration.\nSome roles can not be used.\nOnce a role is used, it can not be used the rest of the game.\nWith the Necronomicon, when someone tries to kill you, you will block the kill and be teleported to a random Vent. You have a limited time to kill your killer. If the time runs out or you try to kill someone else, you die.",
+ "CovenLeaderInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Coven Leader can use their Kill button on a fellow Coven member to retrain them into a random Coven role that isn’t currently in the game. During the next meeting, that Coven member will be notified that the Coven Leader wishes to retrain them. They can vote themselves to accept the retrain, or vote otherwise to deny it. Denying the retrain does not take away an ability usage.\nWith the Necronomicon, you cannot retrain, and can only kill other players.",
+ "RitualistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nDuring a meeting, the Ritualist can perform a Blood Ritual to guess a player’s exact role. If the Ritualist is correct, that player will be converted to Coven. If the Ritualist is incorrect, they will not die but will be unable to Blood Ritual until the next meeting.\nThe command is /rt id role.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Ritualist can kill.",
+ "ConjurerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nShapeshift once to mark a location.\nShapeshift again to conjure a meteor at the place you marked, killing everyone in the radius.\nWith the Necronomicon, you can kill. You can also mark a player using the Shapeshift UI. When the Conjurer clicks the Shapeshift button again, all the players in the radius of the marked player will die, including the marked player.",
+ "DreamweaverInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Dreamweaver can dreamweave a player. The dreamweaved players will be notified of this during the next meeting. If the Dreamweaver is not voted out, these players will be unable to use their abilities until the Dreamweaver dies.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Dreamweaver can double-click to kill.",
+ "IllusionistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Illusionist can use their Kill button on a player to reverse the results of any investigative role. For example, if someone with a Kill button is Illusioned, they will appear not to have a Kill button to the Investigator, and vice versa.\nIllusions wear off after meetings.\nWith the Necronomicon, you may double-click to kill. Every kill you make appears as a random death reason.",
+ "VoodooMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Voodoo Master can craft a Voodoo Doll of a player by using their Kill button, similar to the Shaman. All the interactions with you using Kill button will be deflected to the Voodoo Doll and the Voodoo Doll will destroy. Unlike the Shaman, this voodoo will last during the meeting (eg. If the Voodoo Master is judged, then the voodoo'd player will be judged instead).\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. Additionally, the voodoo’d player will be unable to report. The next person to interact with them will die.",
+ "SacrifistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Sacrifist can Shapeshift to cause a random debuff to a non-Coven member, however, the Sacrifist will also receive this effect (when applicable).\nThe random player will be the same player until the round ends.\nDepending on the Host’s settings, if the Sacrifist is voted out, some random non-Coven who voted the Sacrifist will die too.\nNormally, the Sacrifist can not kill, however, to prevent prolonging of the game, Sacrifist can kill if they are the last Coven member alive.\nWith the Necronomicon, when you Shapeshift, you will commit the Ultimate Sacrifice. When you do this, you die. However, the entire Coven for the rest of the game receives a lowered Kill Cooldown.",
+ "MoonDancerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Moon Dancer can use their Kill button to use their ability, Baton Pass.\nIf used on a Coven member: Gives a Helpful Add-on at the next meeting.\nIf used on a non-Coven member: Gives a Harmful Add-on at the next meeting.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Moon Dancer can double-click their Kill button to kill. When killing, the player is teleported off the map. They will appear alive on Vitals and will not show up in Tracefinder's arrows etc. They die when a meeting/body report with the death reason Blasted Off.",
+ "LastImpostorInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThis special effect is given to the last surviving Impostor. It significantly reduces their Kill Cooldown.",
+ "OverclockedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Overclocked, your Kill Cooldown is reduced by a percentage.\n\nThis feature is only assigned to roles with a Kill button.",
"LoversInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nLovers are a combination of two players. The Lovers win when they are the last ones standing, and their victory is shared. When one of the Lovers wins, the other also wins together. Lovers can see the 「♥」 next to each other's name. If one of the Lovers dies, the other will die in love (may not die in love according to the Host's settings). When one of the Lovers is exiled in the meeting, the other will die and become a dead body that cannot be reported.",
- "MadmateInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Crewmates can become Madmate. Madmate's task is to help the Impostors win the game. Madmate will lose if all Impostors are killed/ejected. Madmates may know who are Impostors, and Impostors may know who are Madmates (host settings).\n\nLazy Guy, Celebrity can't become Madmate. Sheriff, Snitch, Nice Guesser, Mayor, and Judge may become Madmate (host settings). Skill changes when the following roles are converted into Madmates:\n\nTime Manager => Doing tasks will reduce meeting time.\nBodyguard => Skill won't activate if the killer is an Impostor.\nGrenadier => Flash bomb will work on Crewmates and Neutrals instead of the Impostors.\nSheriff => Can kill anyone, including Impostors (host settings).\nNice Guesser => Can guess Crewmates and Neutrals\nPsychic => All evil Neutrals and Crewmates' names with the ability to kill will be displayed in Red.\nJudge => Can judge anyone\nPacifist => Their ability only works on Crewmates.",
+ "MadmateInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Crewmates can become Madmate. Madmate's task is to help the Impostors win the game. Madmate will lose if all Impostors are killed/ejected. Madmates may know who are Impostors, and Impostors may know who are Madmates (Host settings).\n\nLazy Guy, Celebrity can't become Madmate. Sheriff, Snitch, Nice Guesser, Mayor, and Judge may become Madmate (Host settings). Skill changes when the following roles are converted into Madmates:\n\nTime Manager => Doing tasks will reduce meeting time.\nBodyguard => Skill won't activate if the killer is an Impostor.\nGrenadier => Flash bomb will work on Crewmates and Neutrals instead of the Impostors.\nSheriff => Can kill anyone, including Impostors (Host settings).\nNice Guesser => Can guess Crewmates and Neutrals\nPsychic => All evil Neutrals and Crewmates' names with the ability to kill will be displayed in Red.\nJudge => Can judge anyone\nPacifist => Their ability only works on Crewmates.",
"WatcherInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nDuring the meeting, Watcher can see everyone's votes.",
"FlashInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Flash's default movement speed is faster than others. (speed depends on the setting of the Host)",
- "TorchInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nTorch has max vision and is not affected by Lights sabotage.",
- "SeerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever a player dies, the Seer will see a kill-flash (a red flash, possibly accompanied by an alarm sound like sabotage).",
+ "TorchInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nTorch has maximum vision and is not affected by Lights Sabotage.",
+ "SeerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever a player dies, the Seer will see a kill-flash (a red flash, possibly accompanied by an alarm sound like Sabotage).",
"TiebreakerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen tie vote, priority will be given to the target voted by the Tiebreaker. Note: If multiple Tiebreakers choose different tie targets simultaneously, the skills of the Tiebreaker will not take effect.",
"ObliviousInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nDetective and Cleaners won't be Oblivious. The Oblivious cannot report dead bodies. Note: Bait killed by Oblivious will still report automatically, and Oblivious can still be used as a scapegoat for Anonymous.",
"BewilderInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nBewilder may have a smaller/bigger vision. When the Bewilder has died, the murderer's vision may become the same as the Bewilder's, depending on the settings.",
"WorkhorseInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe first player to complete all the tasks will become Workhorse, and Workhorse will give the player extra tasks. The Host sets the number of additional tasks.",
- "FoolInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nSleuth and Mechanic won't be Fool. Fools can't repair any sabotage.",
+ "FoolInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nSleuth and Mechanic won't be Fool. Fools can't repair any Sabotage.",
"AvangerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nHost can set whether the Impostor can become an Avenger. When the Avenger is killed (voted out, and irregular kills will not count), the Avenger will revenge a random player.",
"YoutuberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Crewmate will become YouTuber. When the YouTuber is the first player to die in the game, the YouTuber will win alone. If the YouTuber does not meet the win conditions, the YouTuber will follow the Crewmate to win. Note: Indirect killing methods such as being exiled, being guessed by the Guesser, etc., will not trigger the skills of the YouTuber.",
"EgoistInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nMadmate and Neutrals won't be Egoist. If the Egoist's team wins, the Egoist wins instead of their team.",
"StealerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nEvery time a Stealer kills a person, he gets an additional vote (the Host sets the vote number, and the decimal is rounded down).\nAlso, extra votes from the Stealer are hidden during the meeting depending on the options.",
- "ParanoiaInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nNot assigned to Neutrals nor Madmates.\nAs the Paranoia, you will be considered as two players in the game to determine when the game ends due to killers having the majority. Additionally, this grants you an extra vote, depending on options.",
+ "ParanoiaInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Paranoia, you will be considered as two players in the game to determine when the game ends due to killers having the majority. Additionally, this grants you an extra vote, depending on options.\nNot assigned to Neutrals nor Madmates.",
"MimicInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Impostor can become Mimic. When the Mimic is dead, other Impostors will receive a message once a meeting is called. This message will include information on roles which the Mimic killed.",
- "GuesserInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs a guesser, guess the roles of players in meetings to kill them.\nGuessing the incorrect role kills you instead.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
- "NecroviewInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Necroview can see the teams of dead players. The following info will be displayed on the dead player's name while in a meeting:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.",
- "ReachInfoLong": "(Add-on)\nOnly roles with a kill button can get this add-on. Unlike everyone else, you have the longest kill range possible in the game.",
+ "GuesserInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs a Guesser, guess the roles of players in meetings to kill them.\nGuessing the incorrect role kills you instead.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
+ "NecroviewInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Necroview can see the teams of dead players. The following info will be displayed on the dead player's name while in a meeting:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.\n- The Purple name indicates the Coven.",
+ "ReachInfoLong": "(Add-on)\nOnly roles with a Kill button can get this Add-on. Unlike everyone else, you have the longest kill range possible in the game.",
"BaitInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen the Bait dies, the murderer who killed the Bait will self-report the Bait's body. However, this won't happen when a Scavenger, Cleaner, Swooper, Wraith, Medusa, or Killing Machine kills the Bait. The report may have a delay according to the Host's settings.",
"TrapperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen Beartrap dies, Beartrap immobilizes killer for a configurable amount of time.",
- "CharmedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Charmed add-on is obtained by being charmed by the Cultist.\nOnce charmed, you are now on the Cultist's team and no longer on your original team.",
+ "CharmedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Charmed Add-on is obtained by being charmed by the Cultist.\nOnce charmed, you are now on the Cultist's team and no longer on your original team.",
"CleansedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nCleansed Add-on can only be obtained if cleanser erases all your Add-ons. Depending on the cleanser settings, you may not be able to obtain any more Add-ons in the future.",
- "InfectedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Infected add-on is obtained by being infected by the Infectious.\nOnce infected, you work for the Infectious and do not win with your original team.",
- "OnboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Onbound add-on, you cannot be guessed in meetings.",
- "ReboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Rebound add-on, if a Guesser successfully guessed you or a Judge successfully judged you, they will die instead.\nIf a player with Double Shot guesses you correctly, they will die instantly.",
+ "InfectedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Infected Add-on is obtained by being infected by the Infectious.\nOnce infected, you work for the Infectious and do not win with your original team.",
+ "OnboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Onbound Add-on, you cannot be guessed in meetings.",
+ "ReboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Rebound Add-on, if a Guesser successfully guessed you or a Judge successfully judged you, they will die instead.\nIf a player with Double Shot guesses you correctly, they will die instantly.",
"MundaneInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Mundane, you can only guess once you complete all of your tasks.",
"KnightedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a Monarch knights someone, they get an extra vote.",
- "UnreportableInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Disregarded add-on, your corpse will be unreportable.",
+ "UnreportableInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Disregarded Add-on, your corpse will be unreportable.",
"ContagiousInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nWhen the Virus infects you, you become contagious.\nContagious players are on the Virus team.\n\nWhether or not you die after a meeting depends on the settings for the Virus.",
- "LuckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Lucky add-on, there is a probability for you to evade the kill; the Host sets the specific probability. The killer will see the shield animation when the evasion takes effect, but you will not know anything.",
+ "LuckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Lucky Add-on, there is a probability for you to evade the kill; the Host sets the specific probability. The killer will see a Shield Animation when the evasion takes effect, but you will not know anything.",
"DoubleShotInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a player with Double Shot guesses a role incorrectly, they will get a second chance to guess, but the next wrong guess will result in suicide.",
- "RascalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rascal, you can die to the Sheriff, and Snitch can find you if Snitch can find madmates.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates, cannot be assigned by the Merchant.",
- "SoullessInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a Cursed Soul steals your soul, you get this add-on.\n\nYou are not counted as alive.",
+ "RascalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rascal, you can die to the Sheriff, and Snitch can find you if Snitch can find Madmates.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates, cannot be assigned by the Merchant.",
+ "SoullessInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a Cursed Soul steals your soul, you get this Add-on.\n\nYou are not counted as alive.",
"GravestoneInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Gravestone, your role is revealed to everyone when you die.",
"LazyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Lazy, you are assigned a single short task and are immune to Warlocks, Puppeteers, and Gangsters.",
"AutopsyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Autopsy, you can see how people died.\n\nCannot be assigned to Doctor, Tracefinder, Scientist, or Sunnyboy.",
- "RebirthInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rebirth, if you're the player about to be ejected, you will swap skins with a random crewmate who voted for you.\nNotice: The host vote never counts\nRebirth will be removed from you if you exhausted all your rebirths.",
- "LoyalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Loyal, you cannot be recruited by roles such as Jackal or Cultist.\n\nCannot be assigned to neutrals.",
+ "RebirthInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rebirth, if you're the player about to be ejected, you will swap skins with a random Crewmate who voted for you.\nNotice: The Host vote never counts\nRebirth will be removed from you if you exhausted all your rebirths.",
+ "LoyalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Loyal, you cannot be recruited by roles such as Jackal or Cultist.\n\nCannot be assigned to Neutrals.",
"EvilSpiritInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Evil Spirit, it's your job to help the Spiritcaller to victory. You can use your Haunt button to freeze players and reduce their vision. Alternatively, you can use your Haunt button to give the Spiritcaller a shield against a kill attempt temporarily.",
- "RecruitInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs a recruit, you are on the Jackal's team and help out the Jackal and their Sidekicks.\nYou cannot win with your original team.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed and no sidekicks is alive.",
- "AdmiredInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs an admired player, you win with the crew and not your original team.\n\nYou can see the Admirer.",
+ "RecruitInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs a recruit, you are on the Jackal's team and help out the Jackal and their Sidekicks.\nYou cannot win with your original team.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed and no Sidekicks is alive.",
+ "AdmiredInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs an Admired player, you win with the Crewmates and not your original team.\n\nYou can see the Admirer.",
+ "EnchantedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Enchanted Add-on can only be obtained through being converted by the Ritualist or upon killing the OIIAI as a non-Nerconomicon holder.\nOnce Enchanted, you are apart of the Coven team and are no longer apart of your original team.",
"GlowInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nDuring lights out, you and players nearby you will receive a vision boost.",
"RadarInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Radar, you have arrows pointing towards the closest person at all times.",
- "DiseasedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the kill button on you, their cooldown will be increased by a configurable amount of time.",
- "AntidoteInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the kill button on you, their cooldown will be decreased by a configurable amount of time.",
- "StubbornInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Stubborn add-on, Eraser can't erase your role, Cleanser can't cleanse you, Bandit can't steal from you, and Monarch can't knight you.\nAdditionally, you can't gain any new add-ons from the Merchant.",
+ "DiseasedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the Kill button on you, their Cooldown will be increased by a configurable amount of time.",
+ "AntidoteInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the Kill button on you, their Cooldown will be decreased by a configurable amount of time.",
+ "StubbornInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Stubborn Add-on, Eraser can't erase your role, Cleanser can't cleanse you, Bandit can't steal from you, and Monarch can't knight you.\nAdditionally, you can't gain any new Add-ons from the Merchant.",
"SwiftInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Swift, you will not make any movement when you kill.\nNote: Swift also ignores Bait",
- "UnluckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Unlucky, when you complete tasks, kill, venting, or open door, you have a chance to die.",
+ "UnluckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Unlucky, when you Complete Tasks, Kill, Venting, or open a Door, you have a chance to die.",
"SpurtInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen you start walking, you gain an enormous speed boost, which swiftly deteriorates, until you have to rest still for a while to rejuvenate your speed.",
- "VoidBallotInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nHolder of this add-on will have 0 vote count.",
+ "VoidBallotInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nHolder of this Add-on will have 0 vote count.",
"AwareInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Aware, you get a notification in the next meeting if a revealing role had interacted with you.",
- "FragileInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Fragile, you will instantly die if someone tries to use the kill button on you (even if the role cannot directly kill).",
- "GhoulInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Ghoul, one of two outcomes can occur on task completion.\n\nIf alive: Suicide\nIf dead: You kill your killer if they're alive.\n\nThis is only assigned to crewmates, and not crewmates with no tasks or are task-based.",
- "BloodthirstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Bloodthirst, doing tasks allows you to become bloodthirsty and kill players.\nWhen you finish a task, the next player you come in contact with dies.\n\nYour Bloodthirst remains after a meeting.\nUpon making a kill, your Bloodthirst clears till the next task you complete.\nBloodthirsts do not stack.\n\nOnly assigned to crewmates with tasks.",
- "MareInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Mare, you have a low kill cooldown and have higher speed but can only kill during lights.\n\nAdditionally, your name will appear in red during lights.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors and cannot be guessed.",
- "BurstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Burst, your killer explodes if they aren't inside a vent after a set amount of time.",
+ "FragileInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Fragile, you will instantly die if someone tries to use the Kill button on you (even if the role cannot directly kill).",
+ "GhoulInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Ghoul, one of two outcomes can occur on task completion.\n\nIf alive: Suicide\nIf dead: You kill your killer if they're alive.\n\nThis is only assigned to Crewmates, and not Crewmates with no tasks or are task-based.",
+ "BloodthirstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Bloodthirst, doing tasks allows you to become bloodthirsty and kill players.\nWhen you finish a task, the next player you come in contact with dies.\n\nYour Bloodthirst remains after a meeting.\nUpon making a kill, your Bloodthirst clears till the next task you complete.\nBloodthirsts do not stack.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates with tasks.",
+ "MareInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Mare, you have a low Kill Cooldown and have higher speed but can only kill during lights.\n\nAdditionally, your name will appear in red during lights.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors and cannot be guessed.",
+ "BurstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Burst, your killer explodes if they aren't inside a Vent after a set amount of time.",
"SleuthInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Sleuth, you gain info from dead bodies.\n\nOptionally, you may also gain the killer's role.\n\nNot assigned to Detective or Mortician.",
- "ClumsyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Clumsy, you have a chance to miss your kill.\n\nWhen you miss, your cooldown is reset, and the target remains untouched.\n\nOnly assigned to killers.",
- "CircumventInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Circumvent, you can't vent.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors.",
- "NimbleInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Nimble, you gain access to the vent button.\n\nOnly assigned to certain crewmates.",
- "InfluencedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Influenced, your vote will be forced to the player with the most votes.\nInfluenced vote won't be counted while choosing the exiled player'\nNote that your vote skill still functions on the player you voted first\nIf all the alive players are Influenced, then the vote result won't shift\nCollector cannot become influenced.",
+ "ClumsyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Clumsy, you have a chance to miss your kill.\n\nWhen you miss, your Cooldown is reset, and the target remains untouched.\n\nOnly assigned to killers.",
+ "CircumventInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Circumvent, you can't Vent.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors.",
+ "NimbleInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Nimble, you gain access to the Vent button.\n\nOnly assigned to certain Crewmates.",
+ "InfluencedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Influenced, your vote will be forced to the player with the most votes.\nInfluenced vote won't be counted while choosing the exiled player'\nNote that your vote skill still functions on the player you voted first\nIf all the alive players are Influenced, then the vote result won't shift\nCollector cannot become Influenced.",
"SilentInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Silent, your vote icon won't appear on the result screen.\nSo nobody knows who you voted for.",
"SusceptibleInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Susceptible, your death reason will be random.",
"TrickyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Tricky, your kills will have a random death reason.",
"TiredInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever Tired kills (or uses kill ability on) someone, alternatively whenever they finish a task, they will temporarily get lower vision & lower speed.",
"StatueInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever many people are near the Statue, the Statue is completely frozen or slowed down depending on the settings.",
"EvaderInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen the Evader gets voted out, there is a chance they will not get ejected. (Chance set by the Host.)",
- "CyberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Cyber, you cannot die while in a group.\nDepending on the settings, Imposters, Neutrals, and or Crewmates will know if you die.",
- "HurriedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the hurried, you must finish all your tasks to win with your team! If you fail with your tasks, you lose.\nHurried hurries to his goal, so it won't get madmate, charmed or so.",
- "OiiaiInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Oiiai, when you die, you will make your killer forget their role.\nAdditionally, you may pass Oiiai on to the killer, depending on settings.",
- "RainbowInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the rainbow, you change your colors like crazy.",
+ "CyberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Cyber, you cannot die while in a group.\nDepending on the settings, Impostors, Neutrals, and or Crewmates will know if you die.",
+ "HurriedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the hurried, you must finish all your tasks to win with your team! If you fail with your tasks, you lose.\nHurried hurries to his goal, so it won't get Madmate, Charmed or so.",
+ "OiiaiInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the OIIAI, when you die, you will make your killer forget their role.\nAdditionally, you may pass OIIAI on to the killer, depending on settings.",
+ "RainbowInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rainbow, you change your colors like crazy.",
"GMInfoLong": "(None):\nThe Game Master is an observer role.\nTheir presence does not affect the game, and all players know who the Game Master is. The Game Master role will be assigned to the Host, who will automatically become a ghost at the start of the game.",
- "SunnyboyInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sunnyboy, you win if you are dead by the end of the game. The game will not end when you are alive due to killers gaining the majority.\nAdditionally, you have access to portable vitals.",
- "BardInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen a bard is alive, the exile confirmation will display a sentence composed by the bard. Whenever the bard completes a creation, the bard's kill cooldown will be permanently halved.",
+ "SunnyboyInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sunnyboy, you win if you are dead by the end of the game. The game will not end when you are alive due to killers gaining the majority.\nAdditionally, you have access to portable Vitals.",
+ "BardInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen a Bard is alive, the exile confirmation will display a sentence composed by the Bard. Whenever the Bard completes a creation, the Bard's Kill Cooldown will be permanently halved.",
"WardenInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Warden, alert someone of nearby danger, additionally giving them a temporary speed boost.",
"GhastlyInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Ghastly, possess an unsuspecting person, after that choose a target for them, now they'll only be able to use their kill (or kill ability) on target until you possess someone else or possess time runs out.",
- "MinionInfoLong": "(Impostor [Ghost]):\nAs the Minion, you can temporarily blind non-impostors.",
- "DollMasterInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Dollmaster, you can temporarily take control of any player by using the Shapeshift button and to make them do your Deeds!",
- "DoubleAgentInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Double Agent, you cannot access the kill button. However, you can vote for someone in a meeting to pass a bomb onto them, which can only be done one player at a time. Once the meeting has finished, the bomb will activate and explode in a set amount of time.\nNote: when you pass the bomb onto someone in a meeting, you can vote afterward.\n\nAdditionally depending on settings the Double Agent can diffuse Bastion and Agitator bombs when venting.\n\nThe Double Agent can change roles when they are the Last Imposter, depending on the settings the role can be a Admired Impostor, Trickster, Traitor, or stay as the Double Agent.",
+ "MinionInfoLong": "(Impostor [Ghost]):\nAs the Minion, you can temporarily blind non-Impostors.",
+ "DollMasterInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Dollmaster, you can temporarily take control of any player by using the Shapeshift button and to make them do your deeds!",
+ "DoubleAgentInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Double Agent, you cannot access the Kill button. However, you can vote for someone in a meeting to pass a bomb onto them, which can only be done one player at a time. Once the meeting has finished, the bomb will activate and explode in a set amount of time.\nNote: when you pass the bomb onto someone in a meeting, you can vote afterward.\n\nAdditionally depending on settings the Double Agent can diffuse Bastion and Agitator bombs when Venting.\n\nThe Double Agent can change roles when they are the Last Impostor, depending on the settings the role can be a Admired Impostor, Trickster, Traitor, or stay as the Double Agent.",
"SlothInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Sloth's default movement speed is slower than others.\n(Speed depends on the setting of the Host)",
- "ProhibitedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Prohibited, you have specific vents that you can't use.\nHow many vents are disabled depends on the Host's settings.",
- "EavesdropperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Eavesdropper, you have a chance to read other role/addon information-based messages like Mortician or Sleuth.",
+ "ProhibitedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Prohibited, you have specific Vents that you can't use.\nHow many Vents are disabled depends on the Host's settings.",
+ "EavesdropperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Eavesdropper, you have a chance to read other Role/Add-on information-based messages like Mortician or Sleuth.",
"ApocalypseInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nApocalypse members are on a separate team that works together and wins together. If there are multiple Apocalypse roles in the game, they can see each other's roles.\nDepending on the Host's settings, Apocalypse roles can guess or be guessed.",
"RevenantInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAs the Revenant, your goal is to be killed. If you are killed, you will take your killer's role and kill your killer instead. You cannot win before being killed.\nNote that Revenant only works when being directly killed.",
"ShowTextOverlay": "Text Overlay",
@@ -1040,17 +1075,17 @@
"AbilityInUse": "Ability in use",
"AbilityExpired": "Ability expired, {0} uses remain",
"RevenantTargeted": "Your role has changed to {0}",
- "RevenantCanCopyAddons": "Can Steal Addons",
+ "RevenantCanCopyAddons": "Can Steal Add-ons",
"ShowArrows": "Has Arrows pointing toward bodies",
"ArrowDelayMin": "Minimum Arrow show-up delay",
"ArrowDelayMax": "Maximum Arrow show-up delay",
"SMUsesUsedWhenFixingReactorOrO2": "Uses it takes to fix Reactor/O2",
"SMUsesUsedWhenFixingLightsOrComms": "Uses it takes to fix Lights/Comms",
- "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "(Initial) Max number of Grenades",
+ "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "(Initial) Maximum number of Grenades",
"ShowSpecificRole": "Know specific roles on Task Completion",
- "TimeMasterMaxUses": "(Initial) Max Amount of Ability Uses",
- "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Swooper vents normally when swooping is on cooldown",
- "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Wraith vents normally when invis is on cooldown",
+ "TimeMasterMaxUses": "(Initial) Maximum Amount of Ability Uses",
+ "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Swooper Vents normally when Swooping is on Cooldown",
+ "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Wraith Vents normally when Invisibility is on Cooldown",
"DisableMeeting": "Disable Meetings",
"DisableCloseDoor": "Disable Doors Sabotage",
"DisableSabotage": "Disable Sabotages",
@@ -1059,13 +1094,13 @@
"DebugMode": "Debug Mode",
"SyncButtonMode": "Limit Meeting Times",
"RandomMapsMode": "Random Maps Mode",
- "SyncedButtonCount": "Max Number of Emergency Meetings per Game",
- "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "Kill cooldown decrease on killing target",
- "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "Kill cooldown increase on killing others",
+ "SyncedButtonCount": "Maximum Number of Emergency Meetings per Game",
+ "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "Kill Cooldown decrease on killing target",
+ "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "Kill Cooldown increase on killing others",
"HHNumOfTargets": "Number of targets",
"Targets": "Targets: ",
- "HHMaxKCD": "Maximum kill cooldown",
- "HHMinKCD": "Minimum kill cooldown",
+ "HHMaxKCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "HHMinKCD": "Minimum Kill Cooldown",
"AllAliveMeeting": "Meeting When No One is Dead",
"AllAliveMeetingTime": "Meeting Time When No One is Dead",
"AdditionalEmergencyCooldown": "Additional Emergency Cooldown",
@@ -1174,17 +1209,17 @@
"OverclockedReduction": "Kill Cooldown Reduction",
"GhostCanSeeOtherRoles": "Ghosts Can See Other Roles",
"PreventSeeRolesImmediatelyAfterDeath": "Prevent seeing other's roles immediately after death",
- "GhostCanSeeOtherVotes": "Ghosts Can See Vote Colors",
- "GhostCanSeeDeathReason": "Ghost Can See Cause Of Death",
+ "GhostCanSeeOtherVotes": "Ghosts can see Vote Colors",
+ "GhostCanSeeDeathReason": "Ghost can see Cause Of Death",
"GhostIgnoreTasks": "Ghosts Exempt From Tasks",
- "ConvertedCanBeGhostRole": "Converted Players Can Be Any Ghost-Roles",
- "NeutralCanBeGhostRole": "Neutral Players Can Be Any Ghost-Roles (Will change team respectively)",
- "MaxImpGhostRole": "Max Impostor Ghost-Roles",
- "MaxCrewGhostRole": "Max Crewmate Ghost-Roles",
+ "ConvertedCanBeGhostRole": "Converted Players can be Any Ghost-Roles",
+ "NeutralCanBeGhostRole": "Neutral Players can be Any Ghost-Roles (Will change team respectively)",
+ "MaxImpGhostRole": "Maximum Impostor Ghost-Roles",
+ "MaxCrewGhostRole": "Maximum Crewmate Ghost-Roles",
"DefaultAngelCooldown": "Default Ability Cooldown",
"DisableTaskWin": "Disable Task Win",
- "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreDead": "Disable Task Win If All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are Dead",
- "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreConverted": "Disable Task Win If All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are <#ffab1b>Converted",
+ "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreDead": "Disable Task Win if All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are Dead",
+ "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreConverted": "Disable Task Win if All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are <#ffab1b>Converted",
"HideGameSettings": "Hide Game Settings",
"DIYGameSettings": "Enable only custom /n messages",
"Settings:": "Settings:",
@@ -1200,7 +1235,7 @@
"RoleOptions": "Role Options",
"DarkTheme": "Enable Dark Theme",
"DisableLobbyMusic": "Disable Lobby Music",
- "AutoStart": "Auto start",
+ "AutoStart": "Auto Start",
"EnableCustomButton": "Enable Custom Button Images",
"EnableCustomSoundEffect": "Enable Custom Sound Effects",
"EnableCustomDecorations": "Enable Custom Map Decorations",
@@ -1237,8 +1272,8 @@
"OptKickXboxPlayer": "Kick Xbox players",
"OptKickPlayStationPlayer": "Kick PlayStation players",
"OptKickNintendoPlayer": "Kick Nintendo Switch players",
- "ShareLobby": "Allow TOHE-Chan Shares Lobby Code To Discord",
- "ShareLobbyMinPlayer": "Share Lobby Code When The Number Of Players Reaches",
+ "ShareLobby": "Allow TOHE-Chan Shares Lobby Code to Discord",
+ "ShareLobbyMinPlayer": "Share Lobby Code When the Number of Players Reaches",
"DisableVanillaRoles": "Disable Vanilla Roles",
"VoteMode": "Voting Mode",
"WhenSkipVote": "If the Player Skipped",
@@ -1276,6 +1311,7 @@
"IgnoreConditions": "Ignore Conditions",
"IgnoreImpostors": "Ignore Impostors",
"IgnoreNeutrals": "Ignore Neutrals",
+ "IgnoreCoven": "Ignore Coven",
"IgnoreCrewmates": "Ignore Crewmates",
"IgnoreAfterAnyoneDied": "Ignore After First Death",
"LightsOutSpecialSettings": "Fix Lights Special Settings",
@@ -1289,7 +1325,7 @@
"RandomSpawn_AirshipAdditionalSpawn": "Additional Spawn Locations (Airship)",
"RandomSpawn_SpawnRandomVents": "Random Spawns On Vents",
"CommsCamouflage": "Camouflage during Comms Sabotage",
- "DisableOnSomeMaps": "Disable comms camouflage on some maps",
+ "DisableOnSomeMaps": "Disable Comms Camouflage on some maps",
"DisableOnSkeld": "Disable on The Skeld",
"DisableOnMira": "Disable on MIRA HQ",
"DisableOnPolus": "Disable on Polus",
@@ -1328,8 +1364,8 @@
"EnableBirthdayDecorationSkeld": "Birthday Decoration On The Skeld",
"RandomBirthdayAndHalloweenDecorationSkeld": "Set Random Decoration When Birthday And Halloween Is Active On The Skeld",
"ApplyDenyNameList": "Apply DenyName List",
- "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Kick players with an invalid friend code",
- "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Temp Ban players with an invalid friend code",
+ "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Kick players with an invalid Friend Code",
+ "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Temp Ban players with an invalid Friend Code",
"ApplyBanList": "Apply BanList",
"RemovePetsAtDeadPlayers": "Remove pets at dead players",
"KillFlashDuration": "Kill-Flash Duration",
@@ -1340,6 +1376,7 @@
"ShowImpRemainOnEject": "Show remaining Impostors on ejects",
"ShowNKRemainOnEject": "Show remaining Neutral Killers on ejects",
"ShowNARemainOnEject": "Show remaining Neutral Apocalypse on ejects",
+ "ShowCovenRemainOnEject": "Show remaining Coven on ejects",
"ConfirmEgoistOnEject": "Confirm Egoists on ejection",
"ConfirmLoversOnEject": "Confirm Lovers on ejection",
"ConfirmSidekickOnEject": "Confirm Sidekicks on ejection",
@@ -1367,7 +1404,7 @@
"ShieldPersonDiedFirst": "Shield player who dead first in the last game",
"ShowShieldedPlayerToAll": "Reveal shielded player to all",
"RemoveShieldOnFirstDead": "Remove shield on first death",
- "ShieldedCanUseKillButton": "Shielded player can use ability / kill button",
+ "ShieldedCanUseKillButton": "Shielded player can use ability/Kill button",
"PlayerIsShieldedByGame": "Player is protected by the game!",
"LegacyNemesis": "Use Legacy Version",
"LegacyParasite": "Use Legacy Version",
@@ -1390,7 +1427,7 @@
"DoubleAgent_DiffusedBastionBomb": "Bastion bomb successfully diffused",
"DoubleAgent_BombExplodesIn": "Bomb Explodes In: {0}s",
"DoubleAgent_BombExploded": "Bomb has exploded!",
- "DoubleAgentChangeRoleTo": "Change role on last Imposter",
+ "DoubleAgentChangeRoleTo": "Change role on last Impostor",
"DoubleAgentRoleChange": "You have become a: ",
"MastermindCD": "Manipulate Cooldown",
"MastermindTimeLimit": "Time limit to kill someone",
@@ -1408,15 +1445,13 @@
"Glitch_KCD": "Kill Cooldown: {0}s",
"Glitch_MimicCD": "Mimic Cooldown: {0}s",
"HackedByGlitch": "You are hacked by the Glitch, you can't {0}.",
- "GlitchKill": "kill",
- "GlitchReport": "report",
- "GlitchVent": "vent",
+ "GlitchKill": "Kill",
+ "GlitchReport": "Report",
+ "GlitchVent": "Vent",
"ShowFPS": "Show FPS",
"FPSGame": "FPS: ",
"ControlCooldown": "Control Cooldown",
- "PoisonCooldown": "Poison Cooldown",
- "PoisonerKillDelay": "Poison Kill Delay",
- "WardenNotifyLimit": "Max number of alerts",
+ "WardenNotifyLimit": "Maximum number of alerts",
"BombCooldown": "Bomb Cooldown",
"Warlock_CanKillSelf": "Can Kill Themselves",
"CrewpostorKnowsAllies": "Knows Impostors",
@@ -1446,9 +1481,10 @@
"EGCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "Can guess Snitch with All Tasks Done",
"GGCanGuessAdt": "Can Guess Add-Ons",
"GuesserCanGuessTimes": "Maximum number of guesses",
- "GuesserTryHideMsg": "Try to hide the guesser's command",
+ "GuesserTryHideMsg": "Try to hide the Guesser's command",
"GCanGuessImp": "Impostor can guess Impostor roles",
"GCanGuessCrew": "Crewmate can guess Crewmate roles",
+ "GCanGuessCoven": "Coven can guess Coven roles",
"GCanGuessAdt": "Can guess Add-ons",
"GCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "Can guess Snitch with All Tasks Done",
"BountyTargetChangeTime": "Time Until Target Swaps",
@@ -1456,7 +1492,7 @@
"BountyFailureKillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown After Killing Others",
"BountyShowTargetArrow": "Show arrow pointing towards the target",
"DefaultShapeshiftCooldown": "Default Shapeshift Cooldown",
- "DeadImpCantSabotage": "Impostors can't sabotage after they've died",
+ "DeadImpCantSabotage": "Impostors can't Sabotage after they've died",
"VampireKillDelay": "Bite Kill Delay",
"VampireTargetDead": "Target died",
"VampireActionMode": "Action Mode",
@@ -1465,14 +1501,14 @@
"Maverick_MinKillsToWin": "Minimum number of kills to win",
"Cooldown": "Cooldown",
"AbilityCooldown": "Ability Cooldown",
- "SkillLimitTimes": "Max Number of Ability Uses",
+ "SkillLimitTimes": "Maximum Number of Ability Uses",
"CanKill": "Can Kill",
"KillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown",
"CanVent": "Can Vent",
- "CantMoveOnVents": "Can't Move On Vents (Unstable in Dleks map)",
+ "CantMoveOnVents": "Can't Move on Vents (Unstable in Dleks map)",
"ImpostorVision": "Has Impostor Vision",
"CanUseSabotage": "Can Sabotage",
- "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "Can Have Access To Vitals",
+ "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "Can Have Access to Vitals",
"CanKillImpostors": "Can Kill Impostors",
"CanGuess": "Can Guess in Guesser Mode or as Guesser",
"HideVote": "Hide Vote",
@@ -1483,16 +1519,16 @@
"ShapeshifterBase_ShapeshiftCooldown": "Shapeshift Cooldown",
"ShapeshifterBase_ShapeshiftDuration": "Shapeshift Duration",
"ShapeshifterBase_LeaveShapeshiftingEvidence": "Leave Shapeshifting Evidence",
- "PhantomBase_InvisCooldown": "Invis Cooldown",
- "PhantomBase_InvisDuration": "Invis Duration",
+ "PhantomBase_InvisCooldown": "Invisibility Cooldown",
+ "PhantomBase_InvisDuration": "Invisibility Duration",
"GuardianAngelBase_ProtectCooldown": "Protect Cooldown",
"GuardianAngelBase_ProtectionDuration": "Protection Duration",
- "GuardianAngelBase_ImpostorsCanSeeProtect": "Protect Visible To Impostors",
+ "GuardianAngelBase_ImpostorsCanSeeProtect": "Protect Visible to Impostors",
"ScientistBase_BatteryCooldown": "Vitals Display Cooldown",
"ScientistBase_BatteryDuration": "Battery Duration",
"EngineerBase_VentCooldown": "Vent Cooldown",
- "EngineerBase_InVentMaxTime": "Max Time In Vents",
- "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "Impostors Can Get Alert",
+ "EngineerBase_InVentMaxTime": "Maximum Time in Vents",
+ "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "Impostors can get Alert",
"NoisemakerBase_AlertDuration": "Alert Duration",
"TrackerBase_TrackingCooldown": "Tracking Cooldown",
"TrackerBase_TrackingDuration": "Tracking Duration",
@@ -1514,6 +1550,7 @@
"SheriffCanKillSeparately": "Individual Settings",
"In%team%": "(Team %team%)",
"SheriffMisfireKillsTarget": "Misfire Kills Target",
+ "SheriffMisfireOnAdmired": "Sheriff Misfires On Admired Players",
"BlackHolePlaceCooldown": "Black Hole Place Cooldown",
"BlackHoleDespawnMode": "Black Hole Despawn Mode",
"BlackHoleDespawnTime": "Time After Black Hole Despawns",
@@ -1526,27 +1563,30 @@
"After1PlayerEaten": "After 1 Player Was Eaten",
"AfterMeeting": "After Meeting",
"None": "None",
- "SheriffShotLimit": "Max number of Kills",
+ "SheriffShotLimit": "Maximum number of Kills",
"SheriffCanKillAllAlive": "Can Kill When No One Is Dead",
- "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "Can kill Charmed players",
+ "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "Can Kill Charmed players",
"SheriffCanKillEgoist": "Can Kill Egoists",
"SheriffCanKillSidekick": "Can Kill Sidekicks",
"SheriffCanKillLovers": "Can Kill Lovers",
"SheriffCanKillMadmate": "Can Kill Madmates",
"SheriffCanKillInfected": "Can Kill Infected players",
"SheriffCanKillContagious": "Can Kill Contagious players",
- "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "Non-Crew Sheriff Configuration",
- "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "Can kill Impostors",
- "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "Can kill Neutrals",
- "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "Can kill Crewmates",
+ "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "Non-Crewmate Sheriff Configuration",
+ "SheriffCanKillEnchanted": "Can Kill Enchanted players",
+ "SheriffCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "Can Kill Impostors",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "Can Kill Neutrals",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "Can Kill Crewmates",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven",
"RebirthUses": "Amount of Rebirths",
"RebirthCountVotes": "Only rebirth to players who voted for them",
"RebirthFailed": "Ahh, how unfortunate, you did not find any viable souls to swap bodies with",
"FireworkerCooldown": "Placement Cooldown",
- "ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "Increase kill cooldown",
- "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "Max kill cooldown",
- "ReverieMisfireSuicide": "Misfire on reaching max kill cooldown",
- "ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "Reset kill cooldown after meeting",
+ "ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "Increase Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieMisfireSuicide": "Misfire on reaching maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "Reset Kill Cooldown after meeting",
"ConvertedReverieKillAll": "Converted Reverie can kill anyone without repercussions",
"VigilanteNotify": "You have become the very thing you swore to destroy",
"DictatorChangeCommandToExpel": "Dictator use Command to expell instad of vote",
@@ -1556,17 +1596,18 @@
"SnitchCanGetArrowColor": "See Colored Arrows based on Team Colors",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralKiller": "Can Find Neutral Killers",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralApoc": "Can Find Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "SnitchCanFindCoven": "Can Find Coven",
"SnitchCanFindMadmate": "Can Find Madmates",
"SnitchRemainingTaskFound": "Remaining tasks to be known",
"MayorAdditionalVote": "Additional Votes Count",
"MayorHasPortableButton": "Mayor has a Mobile Emergency Button",
- "MayorNumOfUseButton": "Max Number of Mobile Emergency Buttons",
+ "MayorNumOfUseButton": "Maximum Number of Mobile Emergency Buttons",
"MeetingsNeededForWin": "Meetings needed to win",
"Jester_RevealUponEject": "Reveal Upon Eject",
"CannotVoteWhenDead": "Cannot cast a vote while dead",
"EnableVote": "Enable /vote command",
"ShouldVoteSpam": "Try to hide /vote command",
- "VoteDisabled": "/vote command has been disabled by the host.",
+ "VoteDisabled": "/vote command has been disabled by the Host.",
"ExecutionerCanTargetImpostor": "Can Target Impostors",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "Can Target Neutral Killing",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "Can Target Neutral Apocalypse",
@@ -1574,11 +1615,13 @@
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralBenign": "Can Target Neutral Benign",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralEvil": "Can Target Neutral Evil",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralChaos": "Can Target Neutral Chaos",
+ "ExecutionerCanTargetCoven": "Can Target Coven",
"Executioner_RevealTargetUponEject": "Reveal Target Upon Ejection",
- "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "Recruited Sheriff Can Go Nuts",
+ "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "Recruited Sheriff can go Nuts",
"LawyerCanTargetImpostor": "Can Target Impostors",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "Can Target Neutral Killers",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "Can Target Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "LawyerCanTargetCoven": "Can Target Coven",
"LawyerCanTargetCrewmate": "Can Target Crewmates",
"LawyerCanTargetJester": "Can Target Jester",
"LawyerChangeRolesAfterTargetKilled": "When Target Dies, Lawyer becomes",
@@ -1594,8 +1637,8 @@
"SniperPrecisionShooting": "Precise Shooting",
"SniperAimAssist": "Aim Assist",
"SniperAimAssistOneshot": "One shot Assist",
- "PyroDouseCooldown": "Douse cooldown",
- "PyroBurnCooldown": "Kill cooldown after killing a doused player",
+ "PyroDouseCooldown": "Douse Cooldown",
+ "PyroBurnCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after killing a doused player",
"Prohibited_OverrideBlockedVentsAfterMeeting": "Override Blocked Vents After Meeting",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInSkeld": "Count Blocked Vents In The Skeld",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInMira": "Count Blocked Vents In MIRA HQ",
@@ -1606,7 +1649,7 @@
"UndertakerFreezeDuration": "Freeze Duration",
"NameDisplayAddons": "Display Add-Ons next to the role name",
"YourAddon": "Your Add-ons:",
- "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "Max Add-ons Per Player",
+ "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "Maximum Add-ons Per Player",
"LoverSpawnChances": "Spawn Chance of Lovers",
"AdditionRolesSpawnRate": "Spawn Chance",
"TorchVision": "Torch Vision",
@@ -1641,38 +1684,40 @@
"EvilHackerLastAdminInfoTitle": "Last-minute admin information",
"EvilHackerDeadbody": "DEAD",
"Ventguard": "Ventguard",
- "VentguardInfo": "Block vents by entering them",
- "VentguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Ventguard, you can enter vents to block them. No one can enter blocked vents, except Crewmates, if the setting is on. Blocked vents can be resets every meeting.",
+ "VentguardInfo": "Block Vents by entering them",
+ "VentguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Ventguard, you can enter Vents to block them. No one can enter blocked Vents, except Crewmates, if the setting is on. Blocked Vents can be resets every meeting.",
"VentguardVentButtonText": "Block",
- "Ventguard_MaxGuards": "Max number of Vent Blocks",
+ "Ventguard_MaxGuards": "Maximum number of Vent Blocks",
"Ventguard_BlockVentCooldown": "Block Vent Cooldown",
- "Ventguard_BlockDoesNotAffectCrew": "Crewmates can use blocked vents",
+ "Ventguard_BlockDoesNotAffectCrew": "Crewmates can use blocked Vents",
"Ventguard_BlocksResetOnMeeting": "Reset Blocked Vents Every Meeting",
- "VentIsBlocked": "This Vent Is Now Blocked!",
+ "VentIsBlocked": "This Vent is Now Blocked!",
"TraitorKnowMadmate": "Traitor Knows Madmates",
"Psychic_NBareRed": "Neutral Benign can be red",
"Psychic_NEareRed": "Neutral Evil can be red",
"Psychic_NCareRed": "Neutral Chaos can be red",
"Psychic_NAareRed": "Neutral Apocalypse can be red",
"Psychic_NKareRed": "Neutral Killers can be red",
+ "Psychic_CovareRed": "Coven can be red",
"Psychic_CrewKillingRed": "Crewmate Killing can be red",
- "PsychicCanSeeNum": "Max number of red names",
+ "PsychicCanSeeNum": "Maximum number of red names",
"PsychicFresh": "New red names every meeting",
"DetectiveCanknowKiller": "Can find the killer's role",
"EveryOneKnowSuperStar": "Everyone knows the Super Star",
"HackLimit": "Ability Use Count",
"ZombieSpeedReduce": "After a certain time, decrease the speed of Zombie by",
- "NemesisCanKillNum": "Max number of revenges",
+ "NemesisCanKillNum": "Maximum number of revenges",
"ImpKnowCelebrityDead": "Impostors know when the Celebrity dies",
"NeutralKnowCelebrityDead": "Neutrals know when the Celebrity dies",
+ "CovenKnowCelebrityDead": "Coven know when the Celebrity dies",
"VectorVentNumWin": "Number of Vents to win",
"CanCheckCamera": "Can track camera usage",
- "DefaultKillCooldown": "Starting kill cooldown",
- "ReduceKillCooldown": "Reduce kill cooldown by",
- "MinKillCooldown": "Minimum kill cooldown",
+ "DefaultKillCooldown": "Starting Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReduceKillCooldown": "Reduce Kill Cooldown by",
+ "MinKillCooldown": "Minimum Kill Cooldown",
"BomberRadius": "Bomb radius (5x is about half a Cafeteria)",
"NotifyGodAlive": "Inform players at meetings that God is still alive",
- "TransporterTeleportMax": "Max number of teleports",
+ "TransporterTeleportMax": "Maximum number of teleports",
"TriggerKill": "Kill",
"TriggerVent": "Vent",
"TriggerDouble": "Double Click",
@@ -1686,6 +1731,7 @@
"InnocentCanWinByImp": "If their target was an Impostor then they win with them",
"ImpCanBeParanoia": "Impostors can become Paranoia",
"CrewCanBeParanoia": "Crewmates can become Paranoia",
+ "CovenCanBeParanoia": "Coven can become Paranoia",
"DualVotes": "Duplicate votes",
"VeteranSkillCooldown": "Alert Cooldown",
"VeteranSkillDuration": "Alert Duration",
@@ -1693,9 +1739,9 @@
"ImpCanBeEgoist": "An Impostor can become Egoist",
"CrewCanBeEgoist": "Crewmates can become Egoist",
"ImpEgoistVisibalToAllies": "Impostors Can See Other Egoist Impostors",
- "EgoistCountAsConverted": "Egoist count as converted neutral",
+ "EgoistCountAsConverted": "Egoist count as converted Neutral",
"GuessRainbow": "He seems too obvious, doesn't he?",
- "RainbowColorChangeCoolDown": "The cooldown for changing colors",
+ "RainbowColorChangeCoolDown": "The Cooldown for changing colors",
"RainbowInCamouflage": "Rainbow color changes during Camouflage",
"BaitDelayMin": "Minimum Report Delay",
"BaitDelayMax": "Maximum Report Delay",
@@ -1703,17 +1749,18 @@
"BecomeBaitDelayNotify": "Warn the killer about the upcoming self-report",
"BaitNotification": "Reveal Bait at the first meeting",
"BaitAdviceAlive": "{0} is the Bait. Whoever kills the Bait will commit self-report.",
- "BaitCanBeReportedUnderAllConditions": "Bait Can Be Reported even if a meeting is disabled during comms sabotage",
- "DeceiverAbilityLost": "Deceiver loses ability if it deceives player without kill button",
+ "BaitCanBeReportedUnderAllConditions": "Bait Can Be Reported even if a meeting is disabled during Comms Sabotage",
+ "DeceiverAbilityLost": "Deceiver loses ability if it deceives player without Kill button",
"AddictSuicideTimer": "Time Until Suicide",
"GrenadierSkillCooldown": "Grenade Cooldown",
"GrenadierSkillDuration": "Grenade Duration",
"GrenadierCauseVision": "Lowered vision",
"GrenadierCanAffectNeutral": "Can affect Neutrals",
+ "GrenadierCanAffectCoven": "Can affect Coven",
"TicketsPerKill": "Votes Increase Amount Per Kill",
- "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "Recruit cooldown",
+ "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "Recruit Cooldown",
"GangsterRecruitLimit": "Recruit limit",
- "KamikazeMaxMarked": "Max Marked",
+ "KamikazeMaxMarked": "Maximum Marked",
"RevolutionistDrawTime": "Tag Duration",
"RevolutionistCooldown": "Tag Cooldown",
"RevolutionistDrawCount": "Amount of Players needed to Tag",
@@ -1733,7 +1780,7 @@
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_Immediately": "Immediately",
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_AfterMeeting": "After Meeting",
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_OFF": "OFF",
- "MedicResetCooldown": "On kill attempt, reset murderer's cooldown to",
+ "MedicResetCooldown": "On kill attempt, reset murderer's Cooldown to",
"MedicShieldedCanBeGuessed": "Guessing ignores Medic shield",
"MadmateSpawnMode": "Madmate spawning mode",
"MadmateSpawnMode.Assign": "Assign",
@@ -1743,40 +1790,41 @@
"MadmateCountMode.None": "Nothing",
"MadmateCountMode.Imp": "Impostors",
"MadmateCountMode.Original": "Original Team",
- "Altruist_RevivedDeadBodyCannotBeReported_Option": "Revived Dead Body Cannot Be Reported",
- "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsAlert": "Impostors Can Get Alert",
- "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "Impostors Can Get Arrow",
- "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "Neutral Killers Can Get Alert",
- "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "Neutral Killers Can Get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_RevivedDeadBodyCannotBeReported_Option": "Revived Dead Body cannot be Reported",
+ "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsAlert": "Impostors can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "Impostors can get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "Neutral Killers can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "Neutral Killers can get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsAlert": "Coven can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsArrow": "Coven can get Arrow",
"AltruistSuffix": "<#00ffa5>Mode: {0}",
"AltruistReviveMode": "Revive",
"AltruistReportMode": "Report",
"Altruist_YouTriedReportRevivedDeadBody": "You Tried Report Revived Dead Body",
- "Altruist_DeadPlayerHasBeenRevived": "A Dead Player Has Been Revived!",
+ "Altruist_DeadPlayerHasBeenRevived": "A Dead Player has been Revived!",
"AltruistAbilityButton": "Change Mode",
"SnatchesWin": "Snatches victory",
"DemonKillCooldown": "Attack Cooldown",
- "DemonHealthMax": "Player max health",
+ "DemonHealthMax": "Player maximum health",
"DemonDamage": "Damage ",
- "DemonSelfHealthMax": "Demon max health",
+ "DemonSelfHealthMax": "Demon maximum health",
"DemonSelfDamage": "Demon damage received",
"LightningConvertTime": "Duration of the transformation to Quantum Ghost",
"LightningKillCooldown": "Lightning Cooldown",
"LightningKillerConvertGhost": "Killer can transform into Quantum Ghost",
"CanCountNeutralKiller": "When Crewmates win by killing a Neutral player, they can snatch the victory",
- "GreedyOddKillCooldown": "Odd-Numbered kill cooldown",
- "GreedyEvenKillCooldown": "Even-Numbered kill cooldown",
+ "GreedyOddKillCooldown": "Odd-Numbered Kill Cooldown",
+ "GreedyEvenKillCooldown": "Even-Numbered Kill Cooldown",
"WorkaholicCannotWinAtDeath": "Can't win after they died",
"WorkaholicVisibleToEveryone": "Everyone knows who the Workaholic is",
"WorkaholicGiveAdviceAlive": "Advice at the first meeting if alive, can win after death, ghost tasks ON",
"DoctorVisibleToEveryone": "Everyone knows who the Doctor is",
"CursedWolfGuardSpellTimes": "Amount of Cursed Shields",
"KillAttackerWhenAbilityRemaining": "Kill attacker when ability is remaining",
- "JinxSpellTimes": "Amount of Jinx Spells",
"CollectorCollectAmount": "Required number of votes",
"GlitchCanVote": "Can vote",
"QuickShooterShapeshiftCooldown": "Shapeshift Cooldown",
- "MeetingReserved": "Max Bullets reserved for a meeting",
+ "MeetingReserved": "Maximum Bullets reserved for a meeting",
"AccurateCheckMode": "Can know specific role when tasks are not done",
"RandomActiveRoles": "Show random active roles in Fortune Teller hints",
"CamouflageCooldown": "Camouflage Cooldown",
@@ -1790,29 +1838,31 @@
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralE": "Can trial Neutral Evil",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralC": "Can trial Neutral Chaos",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralA": "Can trial Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "JudgeCanTrialCoven": "Can trial Coven",
"JudgeCanTrialSidekick": "Can trial Sidekick",
"JudgeCanTrialInfected": "Can trial Infected",
"JudgeCanTrialContagious": "Can trial Contagious",
"JudgeTryHideMsg": "Hide Judge's commands",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "Max Trials per Meeting",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "Max Trials per Game",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Trials per Meeting",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "Maximum Trials per Game",
"JudgeCanTrialMadmate": "Can trial Madmates",
"JudgeCanTrialCharmed": "Can trial Charmed players",
+ "JudgeCanTrialEnchanted": "Can trial Enchanted players",
"JudgeDead": "Sorry, you can't trial players after death.",
"JudgeTrialMaxMeetingMsg": "\nNo more meeting trials left!",
"JudgeTrialMaxGameMsg": "\nNo more trials left!",
"Judge_LaughToWhoTrialSelf": "God, I didn't think the Judges would be so blind that they wouldn't even see that they had sentenced themselves.",
"Judge_TrialKill": "{0} was judged.",
"Judge_TrialKillTitle": "COURT",
- "Judge_TrialHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' IDs before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player IDs.",
+ "Judge_TrialHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Judge_TrialNull": "Please choose a living player for the trial",
- "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "Max number of Alerts",
+ "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "Maximum number of Alerts",
"SwooperCooldown": "Swoop Cooldown",
"SwooperDuration": "Swoop Duration",
"WraithCooldown": "Vanish Cooldown",
"WraithDuration": "Vanish Duration",
"BastionNotify": "A bomb was set off",
- "EnteredBombedVent": "That vent was bombed!",
+ "EnteredBombedVent": "That Vent was bombed!",
"BastionVentButtonText": "Bomb",
"BombsClearAfterMeeting": "Bombs clear after meetings",
"BastionMaxBombs": "(Initial) Maximum bombs",
@@ -1828,11 +1878,12 @@
"FollowerBetTargetKnowFollower": "Follower target knows who the Follower is",
"FortuneTellerHideVote": "Hide Fortune Teller's Votes",
"CultistCharmCooldown": "Charm Cooldown",
- "CultistCharmCooldownIncrese": "Increases Charm Cooldown For Each Charm",
+ "CultistCharmCooldownIncrese": "Increases Charm Cooldown for Each Charm",
"CultistCharmMax": "Maximum Number Of Charm",
"CultistKnowTargetRole": "Know Charmed Player's Role",
"CultistTargetKnowOtherTarget": "Charmed players know each other",
"CultistCanCharmNeutral": "Neutral Roles can be Charmed",
+ "CultistCanCharmCoven": "Coven Roles can be Charmed",
"InfectiousBiteCooldown": "Infect Cooldown",
"KnowTargetRole": "Knows role of target",
"TargetKnowsLawyer": "Target knows their Lawyer",
@@ -1855,11 +1906,11 @@
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_None": "Nothing",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Cultist": "Cultist",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Original": "Original Team",
- "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "When all Impostors are dead, the Jackal wins by sabotage instead",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Reset kill cooldown if someone gets killed by another player",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "Kill Cooldown On Reset",
+ "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "When all Impostors are dead, the Jackal wins by Sabotage instead",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Reset Kill Cooldown if someone gets killed by another player",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "Kill Cooldown on Reset",
"JackalCanRecruitSidekick": "Can recruit Sidekick",
- "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "Maximum Number Of Recruits",
+ "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "Maximum Number of Recruits",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode": "Sidekicks count as",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_None": "Nothing",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_Jackal": "Jackal",
@@ -1888,6 +1939,7 @@
"NeutralsSeePresident": "Neutrals can see revealed President",
"MadmatesSeePresident": "Madmates can see revealed President",
"ImpsSeePresident": "Impostors can see revealed President",
+ "CovenSeePresident": "Coven can see revealed President",
"PresidentDead": "Sorry, you can't force end the meeting after death.",
"PresidentEndMax": "No more force end meeting uses left!",
"PresidentRevealMax": "You have already revealed yourself...",
@@ -1898,40 +1950,167 @@
"Troller_CanHaveStartMeetingEvent": "Can Start Meeting By Event",
"Troller_ChangesSpeed": "Troller changed everyone speed!",
"Troller_SpeedOut": "Speed returned back",
- "Troller_YouChangedCooldown": "You changed the cooldown of all players",
- "Troller_ChangeYourCooldown": "Troller change your cooldown!",
- "Troller_NoAddons": "No addons found on the random target",
- "Troller_RemoveRandomAddon": "You removed add-on from random player",
- "Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "Troller removed your random add-on",
- "Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "You caused sabotage",
- "Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "You fixed sabotage",
+ "Troller_YouChangedCooldown": "You changed the Cooldown of all players",
+ "Troller_ChangeYourCooldown": "Troller change your Cooldown!",
+ "Troller_NoAddons": "No Add-ons found on the random target",
+ "Troller_RemoveRandomAddon": "You removed Add-on from random player",
+ "Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "Troller removed your random Add-on",
+ "Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "You caused Sabotage",
+ "Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "You fixed Sabotage",
+ "CovenRolesMinPlayer": "Minimum amount of Coven",
+ "CovenRolesMaxPlayer": "Maximum amount of Coven",
+ "%role%CanVent": "%role% Can Vent",
+ "%role%HasImpVis": "%role% Has Impostor Vision",
+ "CovenHasImpVis": "Coven Members have Impostor Vision",
+ "CovenImpVisMode": "Impostor Vision Configuration",
+ "CovenCanVent": "Coven Members Can Vent",
+ "CovenVentMode": "Vent Configuration",
+ "CovenPerRole": "Per Role",
+ "CovenCanSeeEachOthersAddOns": "Coven can see each other's Add-Ons",
+ "NecronomiconNotification": "You have recieved the Necronomicon!
Your powers are now enhanced!",
+ "NecronomiconVote": "You have voted for {0} to receive the Necronomicon next round. You may now vote normally.",
+ "CovenDontKillOtherCoven": "Don't try to kill your fellow Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderMaxRetrains": "Maximum Retrains",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainCooldown": "Retrain Cooldown",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrain": "Retrain offered",
+ "CovenLeaderNoRetrain": "You have ran out of Retrains!",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainNonCoven": "You can't retrain a non-Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderAcceptRetrain": "The player you attempted to retrain has accepted your training and is now a {0}!",
+ "CovenLeaderDeclineRetrain": "The player you attempted to retrain has declined your offer to retrain them into a {0}...",
+ "RetrainNotification": "The {0} has requested to retrain you into a {1}.
Vote yourself to accept the offer, vote someone else to decline.",
+ "RetrainAcceptOffer": "You have accepted the {0}'s retraining and you are now a {1}!",
+ "RetrainDeclineOffer": "You declined the {0}'s retraining and your role has not been changed...",
+ "RitualistMaxRitsPerRound": "Maximum Blood Rituals per Round",
+ "RitualistTryHideMsg": "Try to hide Ritualist's commands",
+ "RitualistRitualSuccess": "You preformed a successful Blood Ritual on {0} and they are now part of the Coven!",
+ "RitualistRitualFail": "You have failed your Blood Ritual and may no longer preform any Blood Rituals this meeting...",
+ "RitualistRitualImpossible": "Your Blood Ritual was successful, however, this player is unenchantable.",
+ "RitualistRitualMax": "You've already used the maximum amount of Blood Rituals for this meeting.",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsCoven": "Enchanted knows Coven",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsEnchanted": "Enchanted knows Enchanted",
+ "RitualistCommandHelp": "Instructions: /rt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /rt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player IDs before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
+ "RitualistConvertNotif": "Your role has been guessed by the {0} and you are now apart of the Coven!",
+ "RitualistGuessAddon": "Did you seriously think it would be that easy? You can't do a Ritual solely based on Add-ons.",
+ "RitualistSuccessfullyRecruited": "You successfully recruited a player",
+ "BeRecruitedByRitualist": "The Ritualist has recruited you",
+ "ConjurerCooldown": "Conjure Cooldown",
+ "ConjurerRadius": "Blast Radius",
+ "ConjurerNecroRadius": "Necronomicon Blast Radius",
+ "ConjurerCovenDies": "Coven can die in blast",
+ "ConjurerMark": "Location marked",
+ "ConjurerMeteor": "Meteor summoned",
+ "ConjurerNecroMark": "Player marked",
+ "ConjurerMarkShapeshift": "Mark",
+ "ConjurerConjureShapeshift": "Conjure",
+ "IllusionCooldown": "Illusion Cooldown",
+ "IllusionistMaxIllusions": "Maximum Illusions",
+ "IllusionistSnitchAffected": "Snitch is Affected by Illusions",
+ "IllusionistResetIllusionsPerRound": "Reset Illusions After Meeting",
+ "IllusionistClearIllusionsWhenDead": "Remove Illusions When Illusionist Dies",
+ "MedusaStoneCooldown": "Stone Cooldown",
+ "MedusaStoneDuration": "Stone Duration",
+ "MedusaStoneVision": "Stoned Vision",
+ "MedusaStonedPlayer": "{0} has been Stoned",
+ "MedusaStoningStart": "Stoning in progress",
+ "MedusaStoningEnd": "Stoning has ended",
+ "MoonDancerBatonPassCooldown": "Baton Pass Cooldown",
+ "MoonDancerBlastOffChance": "Chance to Blast Off",
+ "MoonDancerPassEnabledAddons": "Can only Baton Pass enabled Add-ons",
+ "MoonDancerCantBlastOff": "Target can not be Blasted Off",
+ "MoonDancerNormalKill": "Killed normally",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHelpfulAddon": "Target will be given Helpful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHarmfulAddon": "Target will be given Harmful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerNoAddons": "No Add-ons to Baton Pass to {0}",
+ "SacrifistDebuffCooldown": "Debuff Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistDeathsAfterVote": "Players Killed After Sacrifist is Exiled",
+ "SacrifistNecroReducedCooldown": "Coven Decreased Cooldown After Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "SacrifistVision": "Sacrificed Vision",
+ "SacrifistVisionDuration": "Vision Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeed": "Sacrificed Speed",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDuration": "Speed Duration",
+ "SacrifistIncreasedCooldown": "Sacrificed Increase Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistFreezeDuration": "Random Freezing Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDebuff": "Speed Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistVisionDebuff": "Vision Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistCooldownDebuff": "Cooldown Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistFoolDebuff": "Can't Fix Sabotages Debuff",
+ "SacrifistMeetingDebuff": "Forced Called Meeting",
+ "SacrifistReportDebuff": "Can't Report Bodies",
+ "SacrifistTasksDebuff": "Tasks Reset for Target",
+ "SacrifistSwapSkinsDebuff": "Swapped Skins",
+ "SacrifistSwapDebuff": "Swapping with target after 3 seconds",
+ "SacrifistVisionRevert": "Vision Reverted",
+ "SacrifistSpeedRevert": "Speed Reverted",
+ "SacrifistShapeshiftButton": "Debuff",
+ "SacrifistNecroShapeshiftButton": "Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "VoodooMasterPerRound": "Voodoo Dolls per Round",
+ "VoodooMasterCanDollCoven": "Voodoo Master can Voodoo Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNecroCanKillCov": "Necronomicon Ability can Kill Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollCoven": "You can't Voodoo other Coven members!",
+ "VoodooMasterTargetInMeeting": "Someone tried to target you with their role during this meeting, but it was deflected to one of your dolls, {0}, instead!",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollsLeft": "You can't voodoo anyone else this round!",
+ "VoodooMasterDolledSomeone": "{0} has been turned into a Voodoo Doll",
+ "PotionMasterMaxReveals": "Maximum Reveals",
+ "PotionMasterMaxBarriers": "Maximum Barriers",
+ "PotionMasterNoPotions": "You're out of {0} Potions!",
+ "PotionMasterPotionSwitch": "Potion switched to: {0}",
+ "PotionMasterPotionCurrent": "Current Potion: ",
+ "PotionMasterRevealCoven": "You can already see roles of Coven!",
+ "PotionMasterReveal": "Reveal",
+ "PotionMasterBarrier": "Barrier",
+ "PotionMasterKillButtonText": "Use Potion",
+ "HexMasterHexCooldown": "Hex Cooldown",
+ "HexMasterCovenCanGetMovingHex": "Coven Can Get Moving Hex",
+ "HexMasterMovingHexCooldown": "Moving Hex Pass Cooldown",
+ "HexesLookLikeSpells": "Hexes appear as Spells",
+ "HexButtonText": "Hex",
+ "HexMasterModeHex": "Hex",
+ "HexMasterModeKill": "Kill",
+ "HexMasterModeDouble": "Double Click = Kill, Single Click = Hex",
+ "HexMasterPassNotify": "Hex successfully passed",
+ "JinxSpellTimes": "Amount of Jinx Spells",
+ "JinxCooldown": "Jinx Cooldown",
+ "JinxCovenCanDieToJinx": "Coven Can Die To Jinx",
+ "PoisonCooldown": "Poison Cooldown",
+ "PoisonerKillDelay": "Poison Kill Delay",
+ "PoisonerTargetDead": "Target died",
+ "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "Poison",
+ "NecromancerRevengeTime": "Necronomicon Ability time",
+ "NecromancerRevenge": "You have {0}s to kill {1}",
+ "NecromancerSuccess": "Necromancy complete! You live to see another day.",
+ "NecromancerHide": "Venting is disabled, hide from the Necromancer!",
+ "NecromancerAbilityDuration": "Necromancy Duration",
+ "NecromancerAbilityCooldown": "Necromancy Cooldown",
+ "NecromancerCooldownNotDone": "Ability is still on Cooldown!",
+ "NecromancerNoUsableRoles": "No usable roles",
"LuckyProbability": "Probability of surviving a kill",
"ImpCanBeDoubleShot": "Impostors can have Double Shot",
"CrewCanBeDoubleShot": "Crewmates can have Double Shot",
"NeutralCanBeDoubleShot": "Neutrals can have Double Shot",
+ "CovenCanBeDoubleShot": "Coven can have Double Shot",
"MimicCanSeeDeadRoles": "Mimic can see the roles of dead players",
- "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "Disable body reporting when camouflage is active",
- "CanUseCommsSabotage": "Can use comms sabotage",
+ "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "Disable body reporting when Camouflage is active",
+ "CanUseCommsSabotage": "Can use Comms Sabotage",
"ModTag": "Moderator♥",
"ApplyModeratorList": "Apply Moderator List",
"VipTag": "VIP★",
"ApplyVipList": "Apply VIP List",
- "AllowSayCommand": "Allow moderators to use /say command",
- "AllowStartCommand": "Allow moderators to use /start command",
+ "AllowSayCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /say command",
+ "AllowStartCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /start command",
"StartCommandMinCountdown": "Minimum countdown for /start command",
"StartCommandMaxCountdown": "Maximum countdown for /start command",
"KickCommandDisabled": "The kick command is currently disabled.",
"KickCommandNoAccess": "You do not have access to the kick command.",
"KickCommandInvalidID": "Invalid player ID specified.\nPlease use '/kick [playerID] [reason]' to kick a player.\nExample :- /kick 5 not following rules",
- "KickCommandKickHost": "You are not permitted to kick the host.",
- "KickCommandKickMod": "You are not permitted to kick other moderators.",
+ "KickCommandKickHost": "You are not permitted to kick the Host.",
+ "KickCommandKickMod": "You are not permitted to kick other Moderators.",
"KickCommandKicked": "was kicked from the game by ",
"KickCommandKickedRole": "Their role was",
"BanCommandDisabled": "The ban command is currently disabled.",
"BanCommandNoAccess": "You do not have access to the ban command.",
"BanCommandInvalidID": "Invalid player ID specified.\nPlease use '/ban [playerID] [reason]' to ban a player.\nExample :- /ban 5 not following rules ",
- "BanCommandBanHost": "You are not permitted to ban the host.",
- "BanCommandBanMod": "You are not permitted to ban other moderators.",
+ "BanCommandBanHost": "You are not permitted to ban the Host.",
+ "BanCommandBanMod": "You are not permitted to ban other Moderators.",
"BanCommandBanned": "was banned from the game by ",
"BanCommandBannedRole": "Their role was",
"BanCommandNoReason": "No reason specified.\nPlease use '/ban [playerID] [reason]\nExample :- /ban 5 not following rules",
@@ -1951,13 +2130,13 @@
"WarnCommandDisabled": "The warn command is currently disabled.",
"WarnCommandNoAccess": "You do not have access to the warn command.",
"WarnCommandInvalidID": "Invalid player ID specified.\nPlease use '/warn [playerID] [reason]' to warn a player. \nExample :- /warn 5 lava chatting",
- "WarnCommandWarnHost": "You are not permitted to warn the host.",
+ "WarnCommandWarnHost": "You are not permitted to warn the Host.",
"StartCommandNoAccess": "You do not have access to the start command.",
"StartCommandDisabled": "The start command is currently disabled.",
"StartCommandCountdown": "ERROR\n\nThe game is already starting!",
"StartCommandStarted": "The game has been started by {0}!",
"StartCommandInvalidCountdown": "ERROR\n\nThe countdown must be between {0} and {1}!",
- "WarnCommandWarnMod": "You are not permitted to warn other moderators.",
+ "WarnCommandWarnMod": "You are not permitted to warn other Moderators.",
"WarnCommandWarned": "has been warned. There will be no more warnings given and appropriate action will be taken \n ",
"WarnExample": "Use /warn [id] [reason] in future. \nExample :-\n /warn 5 lava chatting",
"SayCommandDisabled": "The say command is currently disabled.",
@@ -2010,6 +2189,7 @@
"DeathReason.Sacrificed": "Sacrificed",
"DeathReason.Electrocuted": "Electrocuted",
"DeathReason.Scavenged": "Scavenged",
+ "DeathReason.BlastedOff": "Blasted Off",
"OnlyEnabledDeathReasons": "Only Enabled Death Reasons",
"Alive": "Alive",
"Disconnected": "Disconnected",
@@ -2022,6 +2202,7 @@
"Infected-": "Infected ",
"Contagious-": "Contagious ",
"Admired-": "Admired ",
+ "Enchanted-": "Enchanted ",
"DeputyHandcuffCooldown": "Handcuff Cooldown",
"DeputyHandcuffMax": "Maximum Handcuffs",
"DeputyHandcuffedPlayer": "Handcuffed target",
@@ -2071,11 +2252,11 @@
"Command.kill": "[Player ID] → Kill assigned player",
"Command.exe": "[Player ID] → Eject assigned player",
"Command.level": "[Level] → Change your in-game level",
- "Command.idlist": "→ Display a list of player IDs",
+ "Command.idlist": "→ Display a list of player ID's",
"Command.qq": "→ Lobby will be posted on QQ website (China only)",
"Command.dump": "→ Output Log to Desktop",
"Command.death": "→ Display info on how you died",
- "Command.icons": "
╳ - The Player was marked by the Blackmailer and can't talk during the Meeting
☆ - Used by Captain to display themselves. Only Crewmates can see the Captain's star
乂 - This player was hexed by the Hex Master and will die if the Hex Master isn't killed or ejected by the end of the Meeting.
♦ - Used by Lawyer or Executioner or Follower.
♥ - Used by Lovers or Romantic.
✚ - Used by Medic to mark their target.
⦿ - This player is in a duel with the Pirate.
!? - This player was marked by the Quizmaster and must answer the question correctly to survive.
☜ - Used by Schrödinger's cat to mark their teammate.
◈ - This player marked by the Shroud and will die if the Shroud is not killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
⚠ - This player is a Snitch or Solsticer who has finished their tasks.
★ - Used by Super Star or Cyber or Marshall.
† - This player was spelled and will die if the Witch is not killed by the end of the meeting.
∇ - Used by Kamikaze to mark their targets.
■ - Used by Lightning to mark their quantum ghosts.
⊠ - Used by Jailer to mark their prisoner.
● - Used by Baker to mark who has Bread.
♠ - Used by Soul Collector to mark who's death they're predicting.
⦿ - Used by Plaguebearer to mark who they have plagued.",
+ "Command.icons": "
╳ - The player was marked by the Blackmailer and can't talk during the meeting
☆ - Used by Captain to display themselves. Only Crewmates can see the Captain's star
乂 - This player was hexed by the Hex Master and will die if the Hex Master isn't killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
♦ - Used by Lawyer or Executioner or Follower.
♥ - Used by Lovers or Romantic.
✚ - Used by Medic to mark their target.
⦿ - This player is in a duel with the Pirate.
!? - This player was marked by the Quizmaster and must answer the question correctly to survive.
☜ - Used by Schrödinger's cat to mark their teammate.
◈ - This player marked by the Shroud and will die if the Shroud is not killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
⚠ - This player is a Snitch or Solsticer who has finished their tasks.
★ - Used by Super Star or Cyber or Marshall.
† - This player was spelled and will die if the Witch is not killed by the end of the Meeting.
∇ - Used by Kamikaze to mark their targets.
■ - Used by Lightning to mark their Quantum Ghosts.
⊠ - Used by Jailer to mark their prisoner.
● - Used by Baker to mark who has Bread.
♠ - Used by Soul Collector to mark who's death they're predicting.
⦿ - Used by Plaguebearer to mark who they have plagued.
♣ - Shown on the Coven member with the Necronomicon. This is only shown to Coven.
⌘ - This player is Jinxed. This is only shown to Coven.
ø - This player is Illusioned. This is only shown to Coven.
♻ - This player is Stoned. This is only shown to Coven.
✂ - This player is a Voodoo Doll. This is only shown to Coven.",
"Command.start": "[Seconds] → Start the game",
"Command.iconinfo": "→ Display info on in-meeting icons",
"Command.iconhelp": "→ Display info on in-meeting icons to everyone",
@@ -2085,13 +2266,15 @@
"Remaining.MadmateCount": "Madmates left: {0}",
"Remaining.NeutralCount": "Neutral Killers left: {0}",
"Remaining.ApocalypseCount": "Neutral Apocalypse left: {0}",
+ "Remaining.CovenCount": "Coven left: {0}",
"EnableKillerLeftCommand": "Enable use of /kcount command",
- "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "Show Madmates (including add-ons)",
+ "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "Show Madmates (including Add-ons)",
"ShowApocalypseInLeftCommand": "Show Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "ShowCovenInLeftCommand": "Show Coven",
"SeeEjectedRolesInMeeting": "See ejected roles in meetings",
"ThankYouForUsingTOHE": "Thank you for using TOHE!",
"SkillUsedLeft": "You have activated your skill to call a meeting. \nRemaining amount of uses left:",
- "NemesisDeadMsg": "The death of the Nemesis means the beginning of the revenge. \nPlease use /rv + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player IDs in front of their names. \nOr type /rv to get a list of player IDs",
+ "NemesisDeadMsg": "The death of the Nemesis means the beginning of the revenge. \nPlease use /rv + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /rv to get a list of player ID's",
"NemesisAliveKill": "Revenge for the Nemesis can only begin after their death.",
"NemesisKillDead": "Choose a living player to take revenge",
"NemesisKillSucceed": "[{0}] was killed by the Nemesis!",
@@ -2111,14 +2294,15 @@
"GuessGuardianTask": "You can't guess a Guardian who has finished their tasks.",
"GuardianCantKilled": "You can't kill a Guardian who has finished their tasks.",
"GuessMarshallTask": "You can't guess a Marshall who has finished their tasks.",
- "GuessObviousAddon": "Sorry, obvious add-ons cannot be guessed.",
- "GuessAdtRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow you to guess add-ons",
+ "GuessObviousAddon": "Sorry, obvious Add-ons cannot be guessed.",
+ "GuessAdtRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow you to guess Add-ons",
"GuessImpRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow Impostors to guess Impostor roles.",
- "GuessCrewRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow crewmates to guess crewmate roles.",
+ "GuessCrewRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow Crewmates to guess Crewmate roles.",
"GuessApocRole": "Fortunately, the Host's settings does not allow Apocalypse to guess Apocalypse roles.",
+ "GuessCovenRole": "Fortunately, the Host's settings does not allow Coven to guess Coven roles.",
"GuessKill": "{0} was guessed",
"GuessNull": "Please select an ID of a living player to guess their role",
- "GuessHelp": "Instructions: /bt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /bt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player IDs before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player IDs",
+ "GuessHelp": "Instructions: /bt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /bt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"GGGuessMax": "You've reached the maximum guess limit. You can't guess anymore!",
"EGGuessMax": "You've reached the maximum guess limit. You can't guess anymore!",
"EGGuessSnitchTaskDone": "You thought you could guess the Snitch when all their tasks are done? Nice try. You're not getting out of this that easily.",
@@ -2149,12 +2333,12 @@
"MediumNotifyTarget": "{0}, the Medium, has established contact with you. Before the end of this meeting, you have a chance to respond to their question. Type one of the following commands to answer:\nConfirm: /ms yes\nDeny: /ms no",
"MediumNotifySelf": "You established contact with {0}. Please ask them questions and wait for them to respond.\n\nRemaining ability uses: {1}",
"MediumKnowPlayerDead": "Someone died somewhere",
- "SpurtMinSpeed": "Min Speed",
- "SpurtMaxSpeed": "Max Speed",
+ "SpurtMinSpeed": "Minimum Speed",
+ "SpurtMaxSpeed": "Maximum Speed",
"SpurtModule": "Speed Modulator",
"EnableSpurtCharge": "Display The Charge",
"SpurtSuffix": "\n« Spurt: {0}% »",
- "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "Target Is Already Dead",
+ "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "Target is Already Dead",
"ByBard": "by Bard",
"ByBardGetFailed": "Oops, I seem to be out of inspiration.",
"GangsterSuccessfullyRecruited": "You successfully recruited a player",
@@ -2165,40 +2349,37 @@
"BecomeMadmateCuzMadmateMode": "You became a Madmate because you died",
"CleanerCleanBody": "The body has been cleaned",
"QuickShooterStoraging": "Bullets stored successfully",
- "QuickShooterFailed": "You are still in cooldown.",
- "PoisonerTargetDead": "Target died",
- "HexesLookLikeSpells": "Hexes appear as spells",
- "HexButtonText": "Hex",
- "BloodthirstAdded": "Your bloodthirst is now active!",
+ "QuickShooterFailed": "You are still in Cooldown.",
+ "BloodthirstAdded": "Your Bloodthirst is now active!",
"WarlockNoTarget": "Manipulation failed due to no target",
"WarlockNoTargetYet": "You haven't marked a target.",
"WarlockTargetDead": "Manipulation failed due to target dead",
"WarlockControlKill": "Target died",
"OnCelebrityDead": "Warning: Celebrity death!",
"OnCyberDead": "Warning: Cyber died!",
- "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "Everyone was teleported to vents",
+ "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "Everyone was teleported to Vents",
"TeleportedByTransporter": "Swapping places with: {0}",
"ErrorTeleport": "Teleport failed",
- "EraseLimit": "Max Erases",
+ "EraseLimit": "Maximum Erases",
"EraserHideVote": "Hide Eraser Votes",
"EraserEraseMsgTitle": "ERASER",
"EraserEraseNotice": "You erased {0}.\nTheir role will be deactivated after the meeting.",
"EraserEraseBaseImpostorOrNeutralRoleNotice": "Oops, your target cannot be erased!",
"EraserEraseSelf": "Unfortunately, you can't erase yourself... Wait, why would you do that in the first place?!",
- "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "You can't guess the role of the player you erased, except add-ons",
+ "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "You can't guess the role of the player you erased, except Add-ons",
"LostRoleByEraser": "You lost your role because of the Eraser",
"KilledByScavenger": "The Scavenger killed you and thus teleported off-map",
- "SnitchDoneTasks": "Call a meeting to find the impostors",
+ "SnitchDoneTasks": "Call a meeting to find the Impostors",
"SwooperCanVent": "Vent to turn invisible",
"SwooperInvisState": "You're invisible",
"SwooperInvisStateOut": "You're now visible",
- "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "Swoop cooldown isn't up yet. Swooping failed",
+ "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "Swoop Cooldown isn't up yet. Swooping failed",
"SwooperInvisStateCountdown": "Invisibility will expire after {0}s",
"SwooperInvisCooldownRemain": "Swoop Cooldown: {0}s",
"WraithCanVent": "Vent to turn invisible",
"WraithInvisState": "You are invisible",
"WraithInvisStateOut": "You are visible again",
- "WraithInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on cooldown, vanish failed",
+ "WraithInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, Vanish failed",
"WraithInvisStateCountdown": "Invisibility will expire in {0}s",
"WraithInvisCooldownRemain": "{0}s left in invisibility",
"WerewolfKillButtonText": "Maul",
@@ -2219,10 +2400,10 @@
"BittenByInfectious": "The Infectious infected you!",
"InfectiousBittenPlayer": "You successfully infected a player",
"GuessNotAllowed": "Sorry, your role does not have access to guessing.",
- "GuessOnbound": "This player has the Onbound add-on, so your guess on them was canceled.",
+ "GuessOnbound": "This player has the Onbound Add-on, so your guess on them was canceled.",
"GuessSpecter": "You can't guess a Specter. That allows them to win!",
"PacifistOnGuard": "Ability used, {0} uses remain",
- "PacifistSkillNotify": "Pacifist reset your kill cooldown",
+ "PacifistSkillNotify": "Pacifist reset your Kill Cooldown",
"BeRecruitedByJackal": "The Jackal has recruited you",
"YinYangerAlreadyMarked": "{0} is already in a state of calm, endowed by a fellow YinYanger",
"CoronerTrackRecorded": "Track recorded",
@@ -2246,26 +2427,27 @@
"MonarchInvalidTarget": "Target cannot be knighted",
"GhostTransformTitle": "Your Role Has Transformed!",
"SpiritcallerNoticeTitle": "YOU TURNED INTO AN EVIL SPIRIT ",
- "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "The Spiritcaller has killed you and turned you into an Evil Spirit. Your task now is to help the Spiritcaller to victory by using your spook button to hinder other players or to protect the Spiritcaller. Use /m for more information.",
+ "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "The Spiritcaller has killed you and turned you into an Evil Spirit. Your task now is to help the Spiritcaller to victory by using your Spook button to hinder other players or to protect the Spiritcaller. Use /m for more information.",
"OverseerRevealCooldown": "Reveal Cooldown",
"OverseerRevealTime": "Reveal Time",
"OverseerVision": "Overseer Vision",
- "MerchantMaxSell": "Max number of Add-ons to sell",
+ "MerchantMaxSell": "Maximum number of Add-ons to sell",
"MerchantMoneyPerSell": "Amount of money earned for selling an Add-on",
"MerchantMoneyRequiredToBribe": "Amount of money required to bribe a killer",
"MerchantNotifyBribery": "Inform Merchant when a killer gets bribed",
"MerchantTargetCrew": "Can sell to Crewmates",
"MerchantTargetImpostor": "Can sell to Impostors",
+ "MerchantTargetCoven": "Can sell to Coven",
"MerchantTargetNeutral": "Can sell to Neutrals",
"MerchantSellHelpful": "Can sell Helpful Add-ons",
"MerchantSellHarmful": "Can sell Harmful Add-ons",
"MerchantSellMixed": "Can sell Mixed Add-ons",
- "MerchantSellExperimental": "Can sell experimental Add-ons",
+ "MerchantSellExperimental": "Can sell Experimental Add-ons",
"MerchantSellHarmfulToEvil": "Can sell Harmful Add-ons only to Evil",
- "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "Can sell Helpful Add-ons only to Crew",
+ "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "Can sell Helpful Add-ons only to Crewmates",
"MerchantSellOnlyEnabledAddons": "Can sell only enabled Add-ons",
"SpiritcallerSpiritMax": "Maximum number of Evil Spirits",
- "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "Evil Spirit ability cooldown",
+ "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "Evil Spirit Ability Cooldown",
"SpiritcallerFreezeTime": "Evil Spirit ability freeze time",
"SpiritcallerProtectTime": "Evil Spirit ability protect time",
"SpiritcallerCauseVision": "Evil Spirit ability caused vision",
@@ -2274,31 +2456,31 @@
"Message.MessageWaitHelp": "Specify the first argument in seconds.",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundHost": "No templates.txt matching {0} were found",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundClient": "The Host doesn't have a template called {0}",
- "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "There are {0} more emergency buttons left",
+ "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "There are {0} more Emergency buttons left",
"Message.Executed": "{0} was executed",
- "Message.HideGameSettings": "The host has hidden the game settings.",
+ "Message.HideGameSettings": "The Host has hidden the game settings.",
"Message.NowOverrideText": "Please enter the root folder of the game.\\Language\\English.dat. Change this text in the dat file \nIf you don't need this feature or want to display regular /n messages. \nPlease disable [Enable only custom /n messages in the settings.]",
"Message.NoDescription": "No description",
"Message.KickedByDenyName": "{0} was kicked because its name matched {1}",
"Message.BannedByBanList": "{0} was banned because they were banned in the past.",
- "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0} has been banned because he is in the EAC list of Banned people.",
+ "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0} has been banned because he is in the EAC list of banned people.",
"Message.DumpfileSaved": "The log file was successfully saved to the desktop, filename: {0}",
"Message.DumpcmdUsed": "{0} used /dump command.",
- "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was kicked because their friend code is invalid.",
- "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was temporarily banned because their friend code is invalid.",
+ "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was kicked because their Friend Code is invalid.",
+ "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was temporarily banned because their Friend Code is invalid.",
"Message.AddedPlayerToBanList": "Added {0} to the ban list",
- "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0} has been kicked by the system. \nThe lobby host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
- "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0} has been warned: {1} times \nThe lobby host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
- "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0} has received {1} warnings, he will be kicked. \nThe lobby host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0} has been kicked by the system. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0} has been warned: {1} times \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0} has received {1} warnings, he will be kicked. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWord": "{0}, stop sending banned words!",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWordTimes": "{0} has been warned: {1} times \nif you continue you will be kicked",
"Message.KickWhoSayBanWordAfterWarn": "[{0}] received {1} warnings.\nHe was expelled for forbidden words",
- "Message.KickedByEAC": "[{0}]Kicked by EAC, reason:{1}",
- "Message.BannedByEAC": "[{0}]Banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
- "Message.NoticeByEAC": "[{0}]Detected:{1}",
- "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "[{0}]Temporary Banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.KickedByEAC": "[{0}]kicked by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.BannedByEAC": "[{0}]banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.NoticeByEAC": "[{0}]detected:{1}",
+ "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "[{0}]temporary banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
"Message.TempBannedForSpamQuitting": "{0} was temporary banned because of spamming quits",
- "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0} kicked because their friendcode was not found in WhiteList.txt",
+ "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0} kicked because their Friend Code was not found in WhiteList.txt",
"Message.SetLevel": "Your game level is set to: {0}",
"Message.SetColor": "Your color is set to: {0}",
"Message.SetName": "Your name is set to: {0}",
@@ -2314,7 +2496,7 @@
"Message.HostLeftGameInGame": "★Warning★ Host left the game, and the game wouldn't start normally next time. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
"Message.HostLeftGameInLobby": "★Warning★ Host left the game, and the game wouldn't start normally next time. If the new Host has TOHE, you need to re-enter the lobby to play normally.",
"Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host! \nThe room is still modded, start a game and end it immediately to reset the lobby!",
- "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host. \nBut it's not modded. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
+ "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host! \nBut it's not modded. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
"Message.LobbyShared": "The lobby has successfully been shared!",
"Message.LobbyShareFailed": "TOHE-Chan does not seem to be online (failed to share lobby)",
"Message.YTPlanDisabled": "ERROR\n\nPlease enable {0} in the Settings",
@@ -2322,12 +2504,14 @@
"Message.YTPlanSelectFailed": "You cannot be assigned as {0}.\nIt may be because you don't have this role enabled, or this role does not support being assigned.",
"Message.YTPlanCanNotFindRoleThePlayerEnter": "Could not find the role you searching\nUse command /r to show role list",
"Message.YTPlanNotice": "Note: The [YouTuber Plan] is enabled in this lobby, which means the Host can specify their role in the next game to make it easier to get content. If the Host abuses this feature, please exit the game or report it.\nCurrent Creator Credentials:",
- "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "ERROR\n\nThis command may only be used by the host.",
+ "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "ERROR\n\nThis command may only be used by the Host.",
"Message.MaxPlayers": "Maximum players set to ",
- "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "Could not set max players: Vanilla regions support a maximum of 15 players.",
+ "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "Could not set maximum players: Vanilla regions support a maximum of 15 players.",
"Message.GhostRoleInfo": "Ghost Role Info\nHiya! A little about ghost roles...\n\nGhost roles drastically impact the game, so it's not recommended for smaller lobbies if you're unfamiliar. If not explicitly stated otherwise in the description, the Guard button is their ability button ;)\n\nSpawning:\nGhost-roles only spawn after death; the first x people from (team) to die get them.\n\nPS: If your previous role didn't have tasks(e.g., sheriff), your tasks as a ghost-role aren't needed for task-win",
"ApocalypseInfoTitle": "Neutral Apocalypse Info:",
"Message.ApocalypseInfo": "Every role of the <#ff174f>Apocalypse Team has their own objective to carry out in order to transform.\n<#2B0804>Transformed <#ff174f>Apocalypse members have a drastic change on the game and are immortal (except for being voted), but everyone will be notified that they have transformed.\n\nRoles: <#e5f6b4>Plaguebearer, <#A675A1>Soul Collector, <#bf9f7a>Baker, <#cc0044>Berserker\nTransformed: <#343136>Pestilence, <#644661>Death, <#83461c>Famine, <#2B0804>War\n\nApocalypse members can see eachother's roles and ability icons.\nLike Neutral Killers, Apocalypse members keep the game going as well, have fun!",
+ "CovenInfoTitle": "Coven Info:",
+ "Message.CovenInfo": "The <#ac42f2>Coven is a faction of evildoers who specialize in Witchcraft. Their goal is to kill all who would oppose the <#ac42f2>Coven.\nThey use the Necronomicon to enhance their powers, but only one member at a time can hold it.\nMost Coven roles can only kill if they hold the Necronomicon. A random Coven member will spawn with the Necronomicon, denoted by the <#ac42f2>♣ symbol next to their name.\nIf the Necronomicon holder dies, the Necronomicon will be randomly given to another <#ac42f2>Coven member that is alive.\nDuring a meeting, Coven players can vote each other to determine who will gain the Necronomicon the following round. If the votes end in a tie or nobody votes, the Necronomicon holder will be the same. Votes will be returned and you will be allowed to vote normally.",
"Message.MeCommandInfo": "Hi [{0}] {1} !\n\nfriend-code Hash-Puid Type
{2} {3} {4}
IsDev HasUp /color-Bypass
{5} {6} {7}
"Message.MeCommandTargetInfo": "Selected [{0}] Player {1} ,\n\nTheir friend code is {2}.\n\nTheir hash puid is {3}.\n\nTheir TOHE Discord role is {4}.\n\n",
"Message.MeCommandInvalidID": "The ID you entered seems incorrect. \nPlease use /id to get the player ID of online players",
@@ -2349,18 +2533,18 @@
"EnableGadientTags": "Enable Gradient Tags (can cause disconnect issues)",
"Warning.GradientTags": "Warning:\n\nHost has enabled gradient tags. This feature is not recommended to use because it can cause disconnect issues",
"WarningTitle": "Warning!",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "Warning! The vents on this map are broken",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "On the «dlekS ehT» map, the vents are broken, they cannot be fixed in host-only mods, this is a vanilla bug, so any roles using vent as an ability will not spawns on this map",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "Warning! The Vents on this map are broken",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "On the «dlekS ehT» map, the Vents are broken, they cannot be fixed in Host-Only Mods, this is a vanilla bug, so any roles using a Vent as an ability will not spawns on this map",
"Warning.NoGameEndIsEnabled": "Warning: {0} is enabled!",
"AntiBlackoutProtectionTitle": "Anti Blackout",
"Warning.AntiBlackoutProtectionMsg": "Warning:\n\rBlack screen protection has been activated, due to the low number of alive Impostors, Crewmates and Neutral Killers\nThe voting screen will show as a tied vote (only affects the visual, not the results voting)\nModded players will see voting screen normally",
"Warning.ShowAntiBlackExiledPlayer": "Last meeting triggered Black Screen Prevention!\nFollowing is the information of the player exiled in the last meeting.\n",
"DisableAntiBlackoutProtects": "Disable AntiBlackout Protects (Recommended for testing)",
- "Warning.InvalidRpc": "Kicked {0} because an invalid RPC was received.\nPlease check that no mods other than TOHE are installed.",
- "Warning.NoModHost": "TOHE is not installed on the host",
+ "Warning.InvalidRpc": "Kicked {0} because an invalid RPC was received.\nPlease check that no Mods other than TOHE are installed.",
+ "Warning.NoModHost": "TOHE is not installed on the Host",
"Warning.MismatchedVersion": "{0} has a different version of {1}",
- "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "The host has no or a different version of {0}\nYou will be kicked in {1}",
- "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "The use of the console is prohibited\nso your console has been off",
+ "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "The Host has no or a different version of {0}\nYou will be kicked in {1}",
+ "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "The use of the Console is prohibited\nso your Console has been off",
"Error.MeetingException": "Error: {0}\r\nPlease use SHIFT+M+ENTER to end the meeting",
"Error.InvalidRoleAssignment": "Error: Invalid role found for a player during role assignment({0})",
"Error.InvalidColor": "Error: Only default colors are available",
@@ -2374,7 +2558,7 @@
"ERR-000-910-1": "Test Error Lv.1",
"ERR-000-920-2": "Test Error Lv.2",
"ERR-000-930-3": "Test Error Lv.3",
- "ERR-000-804-1": "Sorry, TOHE temporarily not support the Vanilla HnS, so mod unloaded",
+ "ERR-000-804-1": "Sorry, TOHE temporarily doesn't support vanilla Hide & Seek, so Mod unloaded",
"ERR-001-000-3": "Main dictionary has duplicated keys.",
"ERR-002-000-1": "Unsupported Among Us version. Please update Among Us",
"DefaultSystemMessageTitle": "SYSTEM MESSAGE",
@@ -2403,16 +2587,18 @@
"TabGroup.ModifierSettings": "Game Modifiers",
"TabGroup.CrewmateRoles": "Crewmate Roles",
"TabGroup.NeutralRoles": "Neutral Roles",
+ "TabGroup.CovenRoles": "Coven Roles",
"TabGroup.ImpostorRoles": "Impostor Roles",
"TabGroup.Addons": "Add-Ons",
- "TabMenuDescription_General": "Here you can configure the functions that are in the mod",
- "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "Here you can add, remove and change the settings of all roles or add-ons in the mod",
+ "TabMenuDescription_General": "Here you can configure the functions that are in the Mod",
+ "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "Here you can add, remove and change the settings of all Roles or Add-ons in the Mod",
"Experimental.Roles": "★ Experimental Roles (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
"ActiveRolesList": "Active Roles List",
"ForExample": "Example Use",
"ImpCanBeGuesser": "Impostors can become Guesser",
"CrewCanBeGuesser": "Crewmates can become Guesser",
"NeutralCanBeGuesser": "Neutrals can become Guesser",
+ "CovenCanBeGuesser": "Coven can become Guesser",
"CrewCanBeMundane": "Crewmates can become Mundane",
"NeutralCanBeMundane": "Neutrals can become Mundane",
"GuessedAsMundane": "You're Mundane.\nYou can't guess until you finish all the tasks",
@@ -2420,22 +2606,23 @@
"ImpCanBeInLove": "Impostors can be in love",
"CrewCanBeInLove": "Crewmates can be in love",
"NeutralCanBeInLove": "Neutrals can be in love",
+ "CovenCanBeInLove": "Coven can be in love",
"updateButton": "Update",
"updatePleaseWait": "Please Wait...",
- "updateManually": "Update failed.\nPlease try again or Update Manually.",
+ "updateManually": "Update failed.\nPlease try again or update manually.",
"updateInProgress": "Updating...",
"deletingFiles": "Deleting update files...",
- "updateRestart": "Update Finished!\nPlease restart the game.",
- "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "You can't join public rooms without the latest version.\nPlease Update.",
+ "updateRestart": "Update finished!\nPlease restart the game.",
+ "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "You can't join public rooms without the latest version.\nPlease update.",
"ModBrokenMessage": "The MOD file is damaged.\nPlease reinstall.",
"UnsupportedVersion": "Unsupported Among Us version.\nPlease Update Among Us",
"DisabledByProgram": "The program has disabled public rooms",
- "EnterVentToWin": "Enter Vent to Win!!",
+ "EnterVentToWin": "Enter a Vent to Win!!",
"EatenByPelican": "You're swallowed, waiting for the Pelican to die or a meeting",
"FireworkerPutPhase": "{0} Fireworker Left",
"FireworkerWaitPhase": "Wait for it...",
"FireworkerReadyFirePhase": "Fire!",
- "EnterVentWinCountDown": "Enter vent within {0} seconds to win!",
+ "EnterVentWinCountDown": "Enter a Vent within {0} seconds to win!",
"On": "ON",
"Off": "OFF",
"ColoredOn": "ON",
@@ -2444,11 +2631,7 @@
"WitchCurrentMode": "Current Mode",
"WitchModeKill": "Kill",
"WitchModeSpell": "Spell",
- "HexMasterModeHex": "Hex",
- "HexMasterModeKill": "Kill",
- "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "Poison",
"WitchModeDouble": "Double Click = Kill, Single Click = Spell",
- "HexMasterModeDouble": "Double Click = Kill, Single Click = Hex",
"BountyCurrentTarget": "Current Target",
"Roles": "Roles",
"Settings": "Settings",
@@ -2457,7 +2640,7 @@
"LastEndReason": "★ End Reason",
"KillLog": "Kill Log",
"MainRoleLog": "Role Convert Log",
- "Maximum": "Max",
+ "Maximum": "Maximum",
"RoleRate": "ON",
"RoleOn": "ALWAYS",
"RoleOff": "OFF",
@@ -2490,7 +2673,7 @@
"Preset_4": "Preset 4",
"Preset_5": "Preset 5",
"Standard": "Standard",
- "HidenSeekTOHE": "Hide And Seek",
+ "HidenSeekTOHE": "Hide & Seek",
"GameMode": "Game Mode",
"PressTabToNextPage": "Press Tab or Number for Next Page...",
"RoleSummaryText": "Role Summary:",
@@ -2577,7 +2760,7 @@
"IllegalColor": "Please enter the correct color",
"DisableUseCommand": "The Host's settings do not allow this command to be used.",
"SureUse.quit": "We will kick you and block you from entering this lobby again. This setting is irreversible. If you really want it, please send the command /qt {0}",
- "PlayerIdList": "List of player IDs: ",
+ "PlayerIdList": "List of player ID's: ",
"CancelStartCountDown": "The starting countdown was canceled",
"RestTOHESetting": "TOHE settings have been restored to default",
"FPSSetTo": "FPS Set To: {0}",
@@ -2602,13 +2785,13 @@
"Yes": "Yes",
"No": "No",
"AntiBlackOutLoggerSendInGame": "Because of an unknown error, the game will end to prevent a black screen.",
- "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "An error occurred to prevent a black screen. Do a «/dump» and send the logs to the discord server TOHE in «bug-reports» and we will try to fix it.",
- "EndWhenPlayerBug": "End the game when a modded player gets a critical error (While loading)",
+ "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "An error occurred to prevent a black screen. Do a «/dump» and send the logs to the Discord server TOHE in «bug-reports» and we will try to fix it.",
+ "EndWhenPlayerBug": "End the game when a Modded player gets a critical error (While loading)",
"AntiBlackOutRequestHostToForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen. The game will end",
- "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen, and the host is not going to end the game\nYou will be disconnected soon",
+ "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen, and the Host is not going to end the game\nYou will be disconnected soon",
"RpcAntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred. To prevent a black screen, turn off [{1}] in settings.",
"RpcAntiBlackOutEndGame": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred, the game will end to prevent a black screen.",
- "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred, RPC will be ignored.",
+ "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred, but the game will continue without that player due to Host settings.",
"RpcAntiBlackOutKicked": "{0} was kicked due to having a blackout error on its side.",
"NextPage": "Next Page",
"PreviousPage": "Previous Page",
@@ -2630,7 +2813,7 @@
"ExiledInnocentTargetAddBelow": "\nLooking back at the Innocent counts the money in their hands",
"ExiledInnocentTargetInOneLine": "{0} was the {1}.\nBut looking back, there's the Innocent counting the money in their hands....\nGG!",
"ExiledDeath": "{0} was {1}!\nThe Crew has been saved from Armageddon!",
- "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} was the {1}.\nBut they were not Death...\nDeath has claimed the souls of the Crew!",
+ "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} was the {1}.\nBut they were not Death...\nDeath has claimed the Souls of the Crew!\nGG!",
"IsGood": "{0} was a good guy",
"BelongTo": "{0} belongs to {1}",
"PlayerIsRole": "{0} was The {1}",
@@ -2643,15 +2826,16 @@
"NeutralRemain": "\n{0} Neutral Killers remain",
"OneNeutralRemain": "\n{0} Neutral Killer remains",
"ApocRemain": "\n{0} Neutral Apocalypse remains",
- "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "All Impostors and Neutral Killers were ejected or killed",
+ "CovenRemain": "\n{0} Coven remain",
+ "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "All Impostors and Neutral Killers and Coven were ejected or killed",
"GameOverReason.HumansByTask": "The Crewmates completed all tasks",
"GameOverReason.HumansDisconnect": "Crewmates disconnected",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByVote": "The Crewmates were ejected",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByKill": "The Impostors killed everyone",
- "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "Crewmates failed to fix a critical sabotage",
+ "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "Crewmates failed to fix a Critical Sabotage",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorDisconnect": "Impostors disconnected",
"FortuneTellerCheck.TaskDone": "[{0}]Role -[{1}]",
- "DevAndSpnTitle": "TOHE family",
+ "DevAndSpnTitle": "TOHE Family",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Null": "{0} is a role that is not listed.\nThis message should not appear normally.",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Result": "{0} is either one of the following roles:\n{1}",
"SunnyboyChance": "Sunnyboy Chance",
@@ -2687,18 +2871,18 @@
"DeathCmd.Misfired": "You misfired.",
"DeathCmd.Shrouded": "You were shrouded by a Shroud and didn't make a kill, so you suicided.",
"DeathCmd.Lovers": "Your lover had died.",
- "RpsCommandInfo": "This Command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rps X to play Rock Paper Scissors with the system. X can be 0 (rock), 1 (paper) or 2 (scissors). \n\nExample :- /rps 0",
+ "RpsCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rps X to play Rock Paper Scissors with the system. X can be 0 (rock), 1 (paper) or 2 (scissors). \n\nExample :- /rps 0",
"RpsDraw": "I choose {0}\n\nWow, what an intense battle of wits we just had! It's almost as if we're equally matched in this game of sheer luck and randomness.",
"RpsLose": "I choose {0}\n\nWell, well, well, looks like I've managed to outsmart a human again in this highly complex game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. I guess my unbeatable powers strike again! ",
- "RpsWin": "I choose {0}\n\nOh, congratulations! You must have a crystal ball hidden behind that screen to beat me at Rock, Paper, Scissors. Or maybe I have the world's worst luck algorithm.",
- "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "This Command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.",
+ "RpsWin": "I choose {0}\n\nOh, congratulations! You must have a Crystal Ball hidden behind that screen to beat me at Rock, Paper, Scissors. Or maybe I have the world's worst luck algorithm.",
+ "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.",
"CoinFlipResult": "Drumroll, please... After an intense battle of gravity and randomness, the coin has decided to grace us with its presence! And the majestic winner is... (wait for it) ... the one and only... {0}! Who could have seen that coming?! Clearly, a momentous occasion in the history of coin flips.",
- "GNoCommandInfo": "This Command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /gno X to play guess a number. X can be a number between 0 and 99 (both included). \n\nYou get maximum of 7 tries to guess the number.\n\n Example:- /gno 10",
+ "GNoCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /gno X to play guess a number. X can be a number between 0 and 99 (both included). \n\nYou get maximum of 7 tries to guess the number.\n\n Example:- /gno 10",
"GNoLost": "Oh, you were so close! Just one more guess: you might have deciphered the Da Vinci code! By the way, the secret number was... {0}! But hey, you were only off by a few billion possibilities. Better luck next time, Sherlock! ",
"GNoLow": "Oh, you're really nailing this! It's so low. I almost need a shovel to dig it up!\nYou have {0} guesses left!",
"GNoHigh": "Oh, absolutely! You're getting warmer. In fact, it's so high that I need a telescope to see it from here! \nYou have {0} guesses left!",
"GNoWon": "Oh, how did you ever figure that out? It's almost like you're a mind reader! Congratulations, you're a genius! You found the secret number with {0} guesses left!",
- "RandCommandInfo": "This Command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rand X Y to get a number between X and Y, inclusive. \nX and Y can be any number between 0 and 2147483647, including both numbers.\nX must be less than Y.\n\nExample:- /rand 0 99",
+ "RandCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rand X Y to get a number between X and Y, inclusive. \nX and Y can be any number between 0 and 2147483647, including both numbers.\nX must be less than Y.\n\nExample:- /rand 0 99",
"RandResult": "Congratulations, your random number is {0}! Wasn't that fun?",
"8BallTitle": "The Magic 8 Ball Reveals...",
"8BallYes": "Yes",
@@ -2709,7 +2893,7 @@
"8BallNotLikely": "Outlook not so good",
"8BallLikely": "Outlook good",
"8BallDontCount": "Don't count on it",
- "8BallStop": "Stop using an 8Ball in an Among Us mod",
+ "8BallStop": "Stop using an 8Ball in an Among Us Mod",
"8BallPossibly": "Possibly",
"8BallProbably": "Probably",
"8BallProbablyNot": "Probably not",
@@ -2718,20 +2902,20 @@
"8BallWithoutDoubt": "Without a doubt",
"8BallWithDoubt": "Very doubtful",
"ChanceToMiss": "Chance to miss a kill",
- "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "Required number of souls",
+ "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "Required number of Souls",
"SoulCollectorTarget": "You have predicted the death of {0}",
"SoulCollectorTitle": "SOUL COLLECTOR",
- "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "Can collect their own soul",
- "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "Host settings do not allow you to collect your own soul",
+ "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "Can collect their own Soul",
+ "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "Host settings do not allow you to collect your own Soul",
"SoulCollectorToDeath": "You have become Death!!!",
"SoulCollectorTransform": "Now Soul Collector has become Death, Destroyer of Worlds and Horseman of the Apocalypse!
Find them and vote them out before they bring forth Armageddon!",
- "GetPassiveSouls": "Gain a passive soul every round",
- "PassiveSoulGained": "You have gained a passive soul from the underworld.",
+ "GetPassiveSouls": "Gain a passive Soul every round",
+ "PassiveSoulGained": "You have gained a passive Soul from the underworld.",
"SoulCollectorTargetUsed": "You've already targeted someone this round!",
"SoulCollectorSoulGained": "Soul gained",
"SoulCollectorCanVent": "Soul Collector can Vent",
"DeathMeetingTimeIncrease": "Increased Meeting time when Death exists",
- "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "Your target has died during the meeting. You have gained a soul.",
+ "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "Your target has died during the meeting. You have gained a Soul.",
"SoulCollectorKillButtonText": "Predict",
"SoulCollectorHasImpostorVision": "Soul Collector has Impostor vision",
"ApocalypseIsNigh": "[ The Apocalypse Is Nigh! ]",
@@ -2754,21 +2938,21 @@
"BakerBreadGivesEffects": "Bread gives additional effects",
"BakerTransformNoMoreBread": "Baker transforms if they do not have enough bread",
"FamineKillButtonText": "Starve",
- "FamineStarveCooldown": "Famine starve cooldown",
+ "FamineStarveCooldown": "Famine Starve Cooldown",
"FamineCantStarveApoc": "You cannot starve other Apocalypse members!",
"FamineAlreadyStarved": "That player has already been starved!",
"FamineStarved": "Player starved",
"ChronomancerKillCooldown": "Ability Charge Time",
"ChronomancerDecreaseTime": "Slaughter Decrease Time (lower is faster)",
"ChronomancerStartMassacre": "SLAUGHTER: ACTIVATED",
- "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "Vision When In Slaughter",
+ "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "Vision When in Slaughter",
"ShamanButtonText": "Voodoo",
- "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "You have already selected a voodoo doll in this round",
+ "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "You have already selected a Voodoo Doll in this round",
"Shaman_KillerCannotMurderChosenTarget": "The killer cannot murder chosen target",
"VoodooCooldown": "Voodoo Cooldown",
"AdminWarning": "Admin Table in use!",
"VitalsWarning": "Vitals in use!",
- "DoorlogWarning": "Doorlogs in use!",
+ "DoorlogWarning": "DoorLogs in use!",
"CameraWarning": "Cameras in use!",
"MinWaitAutoStart": "Minutes to wait before auto-starting",
"MaxWaitAutoStart": "Force start when Lobby Timer (in minutes) goes below",
@@ -2789,39 +2973,39 @@
"TimeMasterVentButtonText": "Time Shield",
"BodyCannotBeReported": "Body could not be reported",
"BurstKillDelay": "Burst Kill Delay",
- "BurstNotify": "That was a Burst! Get in a vent or die.",
+ "BurstNotify": "That was a Burst! Get in a Vent or die.",
"BurstFailed": "Burst failed to bomb you",
"ShroudButtonText": "Shroud",
"ShroudCooldown": "Shroud Cooldown",
"Message.Shrouded": "One or more players were shrouded by a Shroud!\n\nGet rid of the Shroud or all shrouded players will suicide!",
- "LudopathRandomKillCD": "Maximum kill cooldown",
+ "LudopathRandomKillCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
"UnderdogMaximumPlayersNeededToKill": "Maximum players needed to start killing",
"GodfatherTargetCountMode": "Killer turns into",
"GodfatherCount_Refugee": "Refugee",
"GodfatherCount_Madmate": "Madmate",
"GodfatherRefugeeMsg": "You have been recruited by GodFather!",
- "MissChance": "Chance To Miss",
- "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "Increase The KillCount +1 If a Crew Is Converted",
+ "MissChance": "Chance to Miss",
+ "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "Increase the KillCount +1 if a Crewmate is Converted",
"HawkMissed": "Missed!",
- "HawkCanKillNum": "Max Slices",
+ "HawkCanKillNum": "Maximum Slices",
"HawkKillMax": "You've run out of ability uses",
"HawkKillTooManyDead": "Too many people are dead",
- "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "Minimum Players Alive To Kill",
- "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "Max BloodLettings",
+ "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "Minimum Players Alive to Kill",
+ "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "Maximum BloodLettings",
"BloodMoonTimeTilDie": "Time Until Death",
"PossessorPossessCooldown": "Possession Cooldown",
"PossessorPossessDuration": "Possession Duration",
"PossessorAlertRange": "Alert Range",
"PossessorFocusRange": "Focus Range",
"DeathTimer": "Death In: {DeathTimer}s",
- "BerserkerKillCooldown": "Berserker kill cooldown",
- "BerserkerMax": "Max level that Berserker can reach",
+ "BerserkerKillCooldown": "Berserker Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerMax": "Maximum level that Berserker can reach",
"BerserkerHasImpostorVision": "Berserker Has Impostor Vision",
"WarHasImpostorVision": "War Has Impostor Vision",
"BerserkerCanVent": "Berserker Can Vent",
"WarCanVent": "War Can Vent",
- "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "Unlock lower kill cooldown",
- "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "Kill cooldown after unlocking",
+ "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "Unlock lower Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after unlocking",
"BerserkerTwoCanScavenger": "Unlock scavenged kills",
"BerserkerThreeCanBomber": "Unlock bombed kills",
"BerserkerFourCanNotKill": "Become War",
@@ -2831,7 +3015,7 @@
"KilledByBerserker": "Killed by Berserker",
"BerserkerToWar": "You have become War!!!",
"BerserkerTransform": "The Berserker has transformed into War, Horseman of the Apocalypse! Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war.",
- "WarKillCooldown": "War kill cooldown",
+ "WarKillCooldown": "War Kill Cooldown",
"BerserkerCanKillTeamate": "Can kill other Neutral Apocalypse",
"BlackmailerSkillCooldown": "Blackmail Cooldown",
"BlackmailerMax": "Maximum times blackmailed players may speak",
@@ -2839,7 +3023,7 @@
"BlackmaileKillTitle": "BLACKMAILER",
"UnluckyTaskSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from doing tasks",
"UnluckyKillSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from killing",
- "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from venting",
+ "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from Venting",
"UnluckyReportSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from reporting bodies",
"UnluckyOpenDoorSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from opening a door",
"NeutralCanBeAware": "Neutrals can become Aware",
@@ -2860,7 +3044,7 @@
"PenguinKillButtonText": "Drag",
"PenguinTimerText": "Drag Timer",
"PenguinTargetOnCheckMurder": "You are grabbed. Try to escape that first!",
- "WitnessTime": "Max Time after killing where killer appears red",
+ "WitnessTime": "Maximum Time after killing where killer appears red",
"WitnessButtonText": "Examine",
"WitnessFoundInnocent": "✓",
"WitnessFoundKiller": "⚠",
@@ -2871,7 +3055,7 @@
"SwapVote": "The votes of {0} and {1} were swapped!",
"SwapDead": "Sorry, you can't swap votes after death.",
"SwapNull": "Please choose the ID of a living player to swap votes with. Use 253 to clear swaps",
- "SwapHelp": "Command Format: /sw [playerID] to select the target\nYou can see the player IDs next to the player names or use /id to see the player ID list.\nUse /swap 253 to clear your previous swap",
+ "SwapHelp": "Command Format: /sw [player ID] to select the target\nYou can see the player ID's next to the player names or use /id to see the player ID list.\nUse /swap 253 to clear your previous swap",
"Swap1": "Swap target 1 selected",
"Swap2": "Swap target 2 selected",
"CancelSwap": "Cleared your previous swap!",
@@ -2883,6 +3067,7 @@
"ImpCanKillFragile": "Impostors can force kill Fragile",
"NeutralCanKillFragile": "Neutrals can force kill Fragile",
"CrewCanKillFragile": "Crewmates can force kill Fragile",
+ "CovenCanKillFragile": "Coven can force kill Fragile",
"FragileKillerLunge": "Killer lunges on kill",
"CrusaderSkillLimit": "Maximum Crusades",
"CrusaderSkillCooldown": "Crusade Cooldown",
@@ -2893,11 +3078,11 @@
"ChanceToSpawn": "Chance to spawn",
"ChanceToSpawnAnother": "Chance to spawn another",
"BloodthirstKillCD": "Bloodthirst Kill Cooldown",
- "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "Max players alive for Bloodthirst",
+ "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "Maximum players alive for Bloodthirst",
"ReflectHarmfulInteractions": "Reflect harmful interactions",
- "DiseasedCDOpt": "Increase the cooldown by",
+ "DiseasedCDOpt": "Increase the Cooldown by",
"DiseasedCDReset": "Cooldown returns to normal after a meeting",
- "AntidoteCDOpt": "Decrease the cooldown by",
+ "AntidoteCDOpt": "Decrease the Cooldown by",
"AntidoteCDReset": "Cooldown returns to normal after a meeting",
"GlowRadius": "Glow Radius",
"GlowVisionOthers": "Vision Boost for nearby Players",
@@ -2914,10 +3099,10 @@
"PunchingBagKill": "You were attacked!",
"SelfGuessPunchingBag": "You can't self-guess as a Punching Bag, you cheater!",
"GuessPunchingBagBlocked": "Punching Bag cannot guess due to self-guessing.",
- "EradicatePunchingBag": "You just tried to terminate punching bag, that is not allowed.",
+ "EradicatePunchingBag": "You just tried to terminate Punching Bag, that is not allowed.",
"RememberCooldown": "Imitate Cooldown",
"RefugeeKillCD": "Refugee's Kill Cooldown",
- "RememberedNeutralKiller": "You remembered you were a neutral killer!",
+ "RememberedNeutralKiller": "You remembered you were a Neutral killer!",
"RememberedMaverick": "You remembered you were a Maverick!",
"RememberedPursuer": "You remembered you were a Pursuer!",
"RememberedFollower": "You remembered you were a Follower!",
@@ -2926,12 +3111,12 @@
"ReportWhenFailedRemember": "Report Dead Body when failed to remember",
"RememberedImitator": "You remembered you were an Imitator.",
"RememberedImpostor": "You remembered you were an Impostor!",
- "RememberedCrewmate": "You remembered you were a crewmate!",
+ "RememberedCrewmate": "You remembered you were a Crewmate!",
"ImitatorImitated": "An Imitator imitated your role!",
"ImitatorInvalidTarget": "Imitation failed",
"RememberButtonText": "Remember",
"ImitatorKillButtonText": "Imitate",
- "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "If neutral is incompatible, turn into",
+ "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "If Neutral is incompatible, turn into",
"RememberedYourRole": "An Amnesiac remembered your role!",
"YouRememberedRole": "You remembered who you were!",
"BanditStealMode": "Steal Mode",
@@ -2939,23 +3124,19 @@
"BanditStealMode_Instantly": "Instantly",
"BanditMaxSteals": "Maximum Steals",
"BanditCanStealBetrayalAddon": "Can Steal Betrayal Add-ons",
- "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "Can Steal Impostor Only Addons",
- "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "Could not steal add-on from the player",
- "BanditStealCooldown": "Steal cooldown",
+ "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "Can Steal Impostor Only Add-ons",
+ "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "Could not steal Add-on from the player",
+ "BanditStealCooldown": "Steal Cooldown",
"DoppelMaxSteals": "Maximum Steals",
- "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "Last victim can see role and add-on info of alive players as a ghost",
- "NecromancerRevengeTime": "Necromancy time",
- "NecromancerRevenge": "You have {0}s to kill {1}",
- "NecromancerSuccess": "Necromancy complete! You live to see another day.",
- "NecromancerHide": "Venting is disabled, hide from the Necromancer!",
- "RetributionistDeadMsg": "The death of the Retributionist means the beginning of retribution. \nPlease use /ret + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player IDs in front of their names. \nOr type /ret to get a list of player IDs",
+ "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "Last victim can see Role and Add-on info of alive players as a ghost",
+ "RetributionistDeadMsg": "The death of the Retributionist means the beginning of retribution. \nPlease use /ret + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /ret to get a list of player ID's",
"RetributionistAliveKill": "Retribution for the Retributionist may only begin after their death.",
"RetributionistKillMax": "You've reached the maximum amount of kills. You can't kill anymore!",
"RetributionistKillDead": "Choose a living player to kill.",
"RetributionistKillSucceed": "{0} was killed by the Retributionist!",
"RetributionistKillDisable": "You can't retribute until your tasks are done.",
"CanOnlyRetributeWithTasksDone": "Can only retribute on task completion",
- "RetributionistCanKillNum": "Max retributions",
+ "RetributionistCanKillNum": "Maximum retributions",
"RetributionistKillTooManyDead": "Too many players are dead. You can't retribute.",
"MinimumPlayersAliveToRetri": "Minimum players alive to retribute",
"MinimumNoKillerEjectsToKill": "Minimum meetings passed with no killer ejects to kill",
@@ -2974,37 +3155,39 @@
"CaptainCanTargetNC": "Captain can target Neutral Chaos",
"CaptainCanTargetNA": "Captain can target Neutral Apocalypse",
"CaptainCanTargetNK": "Captain can target Neutral Killer",
+ "CaptainCanTargetCoven": "Captain can target Coven",
"CaptainSpeedReduced": "Captain reduced your speed",
"CaptainRevealTaskRequired": "Number of tasks completed after which Captain is revealed",
"CaptainSlowTaskRequired": "Number of tasks completed after which target speed is reduced",
"InspectorTryHideMsg": "Hide Inspector's commands",
- "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "Max inspections per game",
- "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "Max inspections per meeting",
+ "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "Maximum inspections per game",
+ "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum inspections per meeting",
"InspectCheckTargetKnow": "Targets know they were checked by Inspector",
"InspectCheckOtherTargetKnow": "Targets know who they were checked with",
"InspectorDead": "You can not use your power after death",
- "InspectCheckMax": "Max inspections per game reached!\nYou can not use your power anymore.",
- "InspectCheckRound": "Max inspections per round reached!\nYou can check again in the next round.",
+ "InspectCheckMax": "Maximum inspections per game reached!\nYou can not use your power anymore.",
+ "InspectCheckRound": "Maximum inspections per round reached!\nYou can check again in the next round.",
"InspectCheckSelf": "HA!! You thought it would be this easy. You can not check yourself",
"InspectCheckReveal": "HA! You thought it would be this easy. You can not check a role that is revealed",
"InspectCheckTitle": "INSPECTOR ",
"InspectCheckTrue": "{0} and {1} are in the same team!",
"InspectCheckFalse": "{0} and {1} are NOT in the same team!",
"InspectCheckTargetMsg": " were checked by Inspector.",
- "InspectCheckHelp": "Instructions: /cmp [Player ID 1] [Player ID 2] \nExample: /cmp 1 5 \nYou can see the player IDs before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player IDs",
+ "InspectCheckHelp": "Instructions: /cmp [Player ID 1] [Player ID 2] \nExample: /cmp 1 5 \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"InspectCheckNull": "Please select an ID of a living player to check their team",
"InspectCheckBaitCountMode": "Bait counts as revealing role if Bait reveal on first meeting is on",
"InspectCheckRevealTarget": "When tasks are done, the target knows the team of the other target",
"InspectorTargetReveal": " Looks like {0} is aligned with team {1}",
"EgoistCountMode.Original": "Original",
"EgoistCountMode.Neutral": "Neutral",
- "JailerJailCooldown": "Jail cooldown",
+ "JailerJailCooldown": "Jail Cooldown",
"JailerMaxExecution": "Maximum executions",
"JailerNBCanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Benign",
"JailerNCCanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Chaos",
"JailerNECanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Evil",
"JailerNKCanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Killing",
"JailerNACanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "JailerCovenCanBeExe": "Can execute Coven",
"JailerCKCanBeExe": "Can execute Crew Killing",
"JailerTargetAlreadySelected": "You have already selected a target",
"SuccessfullyJailed": "Target successfully jailed",
@@ -3013,40 +3196,43 @@
"CanNotTrialJailed": "You can not trial the target.",
"notifyJailedOnMeeting": "Notify jailed player when a meeting starts",
"JailedNotifyMsg": "The Jailer has jailed you. No one can guess or judge you. You can only guess The Jailer.\n\nIf Jailer votes you, you will be executed after the meeting ends.",
- "JailerTitle": "Jailer",
- "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "Copy cooldown",
+ "JailerTitle": "JAILER",
+ "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "Copy Cooldown",
"CopyCatRoleChange": "Your role has been changed to {0}",
"CopyCatCanNotCopy": "You can not copy the target's role",
"CopyButtonText": "Copy",
- "CopyCrewVar": "Can copy evil variants of crew roles",
- "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "Can copy team changing add-on",
- "MaxCleanserUses": "Max cleanses",
+ "CopyCrewVar": "Can copy evil variants of Crewmate roles",
+ "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "Can copy team changing Add-on",
+ "MaxCleanserUses": "Maximum Cleanses",
"CleansedCanGetAddon": "Cleansed player can get Add-on",
"CleanserTitle": "CLEANSER",
"CleanserRemoveSelf": "You can not cleanse yourself",
- "CleanserCantRemove": "Oops! the player can not be cleansed.",
+ "CleanserCantRemove": "Oops! the player can not be Cleansed.",
"CleanserRemovedRole": "{0} has been cleansed. All their Add-ons will be removed after the meeting.\n\nYour vote has been returned and you can vote for someone.",
- "LostAddonByCleanser": "The cleanser removed all your Add-ons",
- "MaxProtections": "Max protections",
+ "LostAddonByCleanser": "The Cleanser removed all your Add-ons",
+ "MaxProtections": "Maximum Protections",
"KeeperHideVote": "Hide Keeper's vote",
"KeeperProtect": "You chose to protect {0}, your vote has been returned",
- "KeeperTitle": "Keeper",
+ "KeeperTitle": "KEEPER",
"MaulRadius": "Maul Radius",
"ImpKnowCyberDead": "Impostors know if Cyber died",
"CrewKnowCyberDead": "Crewmates know if Cyber died",
"NeutralKnowCyberDead": "Neutrals know if Cyber died",
+ "CovenKnowCyberDead": "Coven know if Cyber died",
"CyberKnown": "Everyone can see Cyber",
"KillerGetBewilderVision": "Killer gets Bewilder's vision",
"ImpCanBeOiiai": "Impostors can be OIIAI",
"CrewCanBeOiiai": "Crewmates can be OIIAI",
"NeutralCanBeOiiai": "Neutrals can be OIIAI",
+ "CovenCanBeOiiai": "Coven can be OIIAI",
"OiiaiCanPassOn": "OIIAI can pass on to the killer",
"NeutralChangeRolesForOiiai": "Neutrals turns to ",
"LostRoleByOiiai": "You got erased by OIIAI!",
"ImpCanBeLoyal": "Impostors can become Loyal",
"CrewCanBeLoyal": "Crewmates can become Loyal",
+ "CovenCanBeLoyal": "Coven can become Loyal",
"TasklessCrewCanBeLazy": "Crewmates without tasks can be Lazy",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "Task based crewmates can be Lazy",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "Task based Crewmates can be Lazy",
"SheriffCanBeMadmate": "Sheriff can become Madmate",
"MayorCanBeMadmate": "Mayor can become Madmate",
"NGuesserCanBeMadmate": "Nice Guesser can become Madmate",
@@ -3062,20 +3248,21 @@
"GanJudgeCanBeMadmate": "Judge can be converted",
"GanMarshallCanBeMadmate": "Marshall can be converted",
"GanOverseerCanBeMadmate": "Overseer can be converted",
- "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "Appear As Madmate On Ejection",
+ "GanCovenCanBeMadmate": "Coven can be converted",
+ "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "Appear as Madmate on Ejection",
"CouncillorDead": "Sorry, you can't murder from the dead.",
"CouncillorMurderMaxMeeting": "Sorry, you've reached the maximum amount of murders for the meeting.",
"CouncillorMurderMaxGame": "Sorry, you've reached the maximum amount of murders for the game.",
"Councillor_LaughToWhoMurderSelf": "Hahaha, who would've thought someone was stupid enough to murder themselves?\n\nGuess it happens to be... YOU!",
"Councillor_MurderKill": "{0} was murdered.",
- "Councillor_MurderHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' IDs before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player IDs.",
+ "Councillor_MurderHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Councillor_MurderNull": "Please choose a living player to murder.",
"Councillor_MurderKillTitle": "WICKED COURT ",
"CouncillorMakeEvilJudgeClear": "Show Trial as Councillor Murder",
"Councillor_CannotMurderImpTeam": "Sorry, you can not murder your teammate.",
"Councillor_SuicideForMurderImps": "You died because you are trying to murder your team members.",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Kills Per Meeting",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "Maximum Kills Per Game",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Kills per Meeting",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "Maximum Kills per Game",
"CouncillorCanMurderMadmate": "Can Murder Madmates",
"CouncillorCanMurderImpostor": "Can Murder Impostors",
"CouncillorSuicideOnJudgeImpTeam": "Suicide when judge Impostors Team Wrongly",
@@ -3083,12 +3270,12 @@
"CouncillorTryHideMsg": "Try to hide Councillor's commands",
"DazzlerDazzled": "You were dazzled by the Dazzler!",
"DazzlerCauseVision": "Reduced vision",
- "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "Max number of players affected by reduced vision",
+ "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "Maximum number of players affected by reduced vision",
"DazzlerResetDazzledVisionOnDeath": "Reset vision of dazzled players on death/eject",
"DazzleCooldown": "Dazzle Cooldown",
"DazzleButtonText": "Dazzle",
"MoleVentButtonText": "Dig",
- "MoleVentCooldown": "Dig cooldown",
+ "MoleVentCooldown": "Dig Cooldown",
"AddictVentButtonText": "Get Fix",
"AddictInvulnerbilityTimeAfterVent": "Invulnerability Time",
"AddictSpeedWhileInvulnerble": "Movement speed while Invulnerable",
@@ -3102,13 +3289,13 @@
"AlchemistVentButtonText": "Drink",
"AlchemistGotShieldPotion": "Potion of Resistance: Grants a temporary shield",
"AlchemistGotSightPotion": "Potion of Night Vision: Gives temporary enhanced vision",
- "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "Potion of Fixing: Allows you to fix one sabotage instantly",
+ "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "Potion of Fixing: Allows you to fix one Sabotage instantly",
"AlchemistGotTPPotion": "Potion of Warping: Teleports you to a random player",
"AlchemistGotSuicidePotion": "Potion of Poison: Poisons you",
"AlchemistGotSpeedPotion": "Potion Of Speed: Hastens you",
"AlchemistGotBloodthirstPotion": "Potion of Harming: Kill the next player you touch",
"AlchemistGotInvisibility": "Potion of Invisibility: Become Invisible",
- "NoPotion": "You have no potions",
+ "NoPotion": "You have no Potions",
"StoreShield": "Potion of Resistance",
"StoreSuicide": "Potion of Poison",
"StoreTP": "Potion of Warping",
@@ -3124,22 +3311,22 @@
"AlchemistHasVision": "Potion of Night Vision started",
"AlchemistShieldOut": "Potion of Resistance ended",
"AlchemistVisionOut": "Potion of Night Vision ended",
- "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "You gained bloodthirst",
+ "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "You gained Bloodthirst",
"AlchemistHasSpeed": "Potion Of Speed started",
"AlchemistSpeedOut": "Potion Of Speed ended",
- "DeathpactDuration": "Death Pact duration",
- "DeathPactCooldown": "Death Pact Assign Cooldown",
- "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "Number of players in Death Pact",
- "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "Show arrows leading to other players in Death Pact",
- "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "Reduce vision for players in Death Pact",
- "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "Vision for players in Death Pact",
- "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "Kill players in Death Pact on meeting",
- "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "Players in active Death Pact can call meeting",
+ "DeathpactDuration": "Deathpact Duration",
+ "DeathPactCooldown": "Deathpact Assign Cooldown",
+ "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "Number of players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "Show arrows leading to other players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "Reduce vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "Vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "Kill players in Deathpact on meeting",
+ "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "Players in active Deathpact can call meeting",
"DeathpactActiveDeathpact": "Find {0} in {1} seconds.",
- "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "Target can't be added to Death Pact.",
- "DeathpactComplete": "Death Pact was concluded.",
- "DeathpactExecuted": "Death Pact was executed.",
- "DeathpactAverted": "Death Pact was averted.",
+ "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "Target can't be added to Deathpact.",
+ "DeathpactComplete": "Deathpact was concluded.",
+ "DeathpactExecuted": "Deathpact was executed.",
+ "DeathpactAverted": "Deathpact was averted.",
"DeathpactButtonText": "Assign",
"DevourerHideNameConsumed": "Hide the names of consumed players",
"DevourCooldown": "Devour Cooldown",
@@ -3167,7 +3354,6 @@
"PitfallTrapCauseVisionTime": "Trap caused vision time",
"PitfallTrap": "You have fallen into a trap!",
"ConsigliereDivinationMaxCount": "Maximum Reveals",
- "RitualMaxCount": "Maximum Reveals",
"CleanserHideVote": "Hide Cleanser's vote",
"OracleSkillLimit": "Maximum Uses",
"OracleHideVote": "Hide Oracle's vote",
@@ -3175,17 +3361,18 @@
"OracleCheckSelfMsg": "You can't even trust yourself, huh?",
"OracleCheckLimit": "Reminder: You have {0} uses left",
"OracleCheckMsgTitle": "ORACLE ",
- "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "Appears not to be a crewmate",
- "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "Appears to be a crewmate",
- "OracleCheck.Neutral": "Appears to be a neutral",
+ "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "Appears not to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "Appears to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Neutral": "Appears to be a Neutral",
"OracleCheck.Impostor": "Appears to be an Impostor",
+ "OracleCheck.Coven": "Appears to be Coven",
"OracleCheck": "Target Results:",
"FailChance": "Chance of showing incorrect result",
- "OracleCheckAddons": "Oracle checks add-ons",
+ "OracleCheckAddons": "Oracle checks Add-ons",
"ChameleonCanVent": "Vent to disguise",
"ChameleonInvisState": "You are disguising!",
"ChameleonInvisStateOut": "Your disguise ended",
- "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on cooldown, disguise failed",
+ "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, disguise failed",
"ChameleonInvisStateCountdown": "Disguise will expire in {0}s",
"ChameleonInvisCooldownRemain": "Disguise Cooldown: {0}s",
"ChameleonCooldown": "Disguise Cooldown",
@@ -3200,11 +3387,12 @@
"CursedSoulCurseCooldownIncrese": "Soul Snatch Cooldown Increase",
"CursedSoulCurseMax": "Maximum Soul Snatches",
"CursedSoulKnowTargetRole": "Know the roles of Soulless players",
- "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "Neutral roles have souls",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "Neutral roles have Souls",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseCoven": "Coven roles have Souls",
"CursedSoulKillButtonText": "Snatch",
- "SoullessByCursedSoul": "A Cursed Soul snatched your soul",
+ "SoullessByCursedSoul": "A Cursed Soul snatched your Soul",
"CursedSoulSoullessPlayer": "Soul snatched",
- "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "No soul found",
+ "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "No Soul found",
"AdmireCooldown": "Admire Cooldown",
"AdmirerKnowTargetRole": "Know the roles of Admired players",
"AdmirerSkillLimit": "Skill Limit",
@@ -3213,7 +3401,7 @@
"AdmiredPlayer": "Player admired",
"AdmirerInvalidTarget": "Target cannot be admired",
"SpiritualistNoticeTitle": "SPIRITUALIST ",
- "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "The Spiritualist has an arrow pointing to you!\nYou can use them to a killer or frame a crewmate",
+ "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "The Spiritualist has an arrow pointing to you!\nYou can use them to a killer or frame a Crewmate",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowForSeconds": "Ghost arrow duration",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowEverySeconds": "Ghost arrow interval",
"EnigmaClueStage1Tasks": "Number of Tasks to complete to see Stage 1 Clues",
@@ -3251,11 +3439,12 @@
"EnigmaClueRole2": "The Killer is a Neutral!",
"EnigmaClueRole3": "The Killer is a Crewmate!",
"EnigmaClueRole4": "The Killer's Role is {0}!",
+ "EnigmaClueRole5": "The Killer is a Coven member!",
"EnigmaClueLevel1": "The Killer's Level is above 50!",
"EnigmaClueLevel2": "The Killer's Level is below 50!",
"EnigmaClueLevel3": "The Killer's Level is between {0} and {1}!",
"EnigmaClueLevel4": "The Killer's Level is {0}!",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "The Killer's Friendcode is {0}!",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "The Killer's Friend Code is {0}!",
"EnigmaClueHatTitle": "Enigma Hat Clue!",
"EnigmaClueVisorTitle": "Enigma Visor Clue!",
"EnigmaClueSkinTitle": "Enigma Skin Clue!",
@@ -3267,10 +3456,11 @@
"EnigmaClueStatusTitle": "Enigma Status Clue!",
"EnigmaClueRoleTitle": "Enigma Role Clue!",
"EnigmaClueLevelTitle": "Enigma Level Clue!",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "Enigma Friendcode Clue!",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "Enigma Friend Code Clue!",
"ImpCanBeRole": "Impostors can become {role}",
"CrewCanBeRole": "Crewmates can become {role}",
"NeutralCanBeRole": "Neutrals can become {role}",
+ "CovenCanBeRole": "Coven can become {role}",
"VotesPerKill": "Votes gained for each kill",
"PickpocketGetVote": "You've got {0} votes",
"VultureArrowsPointingToDeadBody": "Arrows pointing to dead bodies",
@@ -3281,7 +3471,7 @@
"VultureMaxEatenInOneRound": "Maximum eaten bodies possible per round",
"VultureCooldownUp": "Eat Cooldown finished",
"GhastlyPossessCD": "Possess Cooldown",
- "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "Max Possessions",
+ "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "Maximum Possessions",
"GhastlyPossessionDuration": "Possession Duration",
"GhastlySpeed": "Ghastly Speed",
"GhastlyKillAllies": "Ghastly cannot possess allies",
@@ -3294,7 +3484,7 @@
"GhastlyExpired": "{0} is no longer possessed",
"TasksMarkPerRound": "Number of tasks that can be marked in one round",
"TaskinatorBombPlanted": "Bomb has been planted",
- "ShieldDuration": "Shield duration",
+ "ShieldDuration": "Shield Duration",
"ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "Shield breaks after one kill attempt",
"BenefactorTaskMarked": "Task marked successfully",
"BenefactorTargetGotShield": "You got a shield by Benefactor",
@@ -3316,14 +3506,14 @@
"Heads": "Heads",
"Tails": "Tails",
"SpyRedNameDur": "Colored Name Duration",
- "SpyInteractionBlocked": "Block kill button interaction",
- "AgitaterBombCooldown": "Agitator bomb cooldown",
- "AgitaterPassCooldown": "Bomb pass cooldown",
- "BombExplodeCooldown": "Bomb explode cooldown",
+ "SpyInteractionBlocked": "Block Kill button interaction",
+ "AgitaterBombCooldown": "Agitator Bomb Cooldown",
+ "AgitaterPassCooldown": "Bomb Pass Cooldown",
+ "BombExplodeCooldown": "Bomb Explode Cooldown",
"AgitaterPassNotify": "Bomb successfully passed",
"AgitaterTargetNotify": "YOU HAVE THE BOMB!! Pass it to someone else",
"AgitaterCanGetBombed": "Agitator can get bomb",
- "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "Agitator Auto Report Bait",
+ "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "Agitator can Auto Report Bait",
"SeekerPointsToWin": "Number of points required to win",
"SeekerTagCooldown": "Tag Cooldown",
"SeekerNotify": "Your target is {0}",
@@ -3331,15 +3521,15 @@
"SeekerKillButtonText": "Tag",
"PixiePointsToWin": "Number of points required to win",
"MaxTargets": "Maximum number of targets per round",
- "MarkCooldown": "Mark cooldown",
+ "MarkCooldown": "Mark Cooldown",
"PixieSuicide": "Pixie suicides if the target is not voted out",
"PixieMaxTargetReached": "You have already selected all the targets this round",
"PixieTargetAlreadySelected": "Target is already selected",
"PixieButtonText": "Mark",
- "PlagueBearerCooldown": "Plague cooldown",
- "PlagueBearerCanVent": "Can vent",
+ "PlagueBearerCooldown": "Plague Cooldown",
+ "PlagueBearerCanVent": "Can Vent",
"PlagueBearerHasImpostorVision": "Has Impostor vision",
- "PestilenceCooldown": "Pestilence Kill cooldown",
+ "PestilenceCooldown": "Pestilence Kill Cooldown",
"PestilenceCanVent": "Pestilence Can Vent",
"PestilenceHasImpostorVision": "Pestilence Has Impostor Vision",
"PestilenceKillGuessers": "Kill players who guess Pestilence",
@@ -3365,24 +3555,25 @@
"RomanticProtectButtonText": "Protect",
"GuessMasterMisguess": "{0} misguessed",
"GuessMasterTargetRole": "Someone tried to guess {0}",
- "GuessMasterTitle": "Guess Master ",
+ "GuessMasterTitle": "GUESS MASTER ",
"DoomsayerAmountOfGuessesToWin": "Amount of Guesses to win",
"DCanGuessImpostors": "Can Guess Impostors",
"DCanGuessCrewmates": "Can Guess Crewmates",
"DCanGuessNeutrals": "Can Guess Neutrals",
+ "DCanGuessCoven": "Can Guess Coven",
"DCanGuessAdt": "Can Guess Add-Ons",
"DoomsayerAdvancedSettings": "Advanced Settings",
- "DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "Max number of guesses per meeting",
+ "DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "Maximum number of guesses per meeting",
"DoomsayerKillCorrectlyGuessedPlayers": "Kill correctly guessed players",
"DoomsayerDoesNotSuicideWhenMisguessing": "Doomsayer does not suicide when misguessing",
"DoomsayerMisguessRolePrevGuessRoleUntilNextMeeting": "Misguessing role prevents guessing roles until next meeting",
"DoomsayerTryHideMsg": "Hide Doomsayer's commands",
"DoomsayerCantGuess": "Sorry, you can only guess the roles in the next meeting.",
"DoomsayerCorrectlyGuessRole": "You guessed the role correctly!\nBut the player didn't die because the Host settings don't allow them to die",
- "DoomsayerNotCorrectlyGuessRole": "You didn't correctly guess the role!\nBut you didn't die because the Host's settings don't allow you to die",
- "DoomsayerGuessCountMsg": "You correctly guessed {0} roles",
+ "DoomsayerNotCorrectlyGuessRole": "You didn't correctly guess the Role!\nBut you didn't die because the Host's settings don't allow you to die",
+ "DoomsayerGuessCountMsg": "You correctly guessed {0} Roles",
"DoomsayerGuessCountTitle": "DOOMSAYER",
- "DoomsayerGuessSameRoleAgainMsg": "You tried to guess the same role or add-on that you guessed before",
+ "DoomsayerGuessSameRoleAgainMsg": "You tried to guess the same Role or Add-on that you guessed before",
"EveryoneCanKnowMini": "Everyone can see the Mini",
"CanBeEvil": "Mini can be an Impostor",
"EvilMiniSpawnChances": "Probability of Mini being an Impostor",
@@ -3410,26 +3601,26 @@
"YouKillRandomizer3": "You kill Randomizer, Kill CD change to 600s!",
"YouKillRandomizer4": "You kill Randomizer, Triggered Random Revenge!",
"MadmateCanBeHurried": "Madmate can be Hurried on game start",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeHurried": "Task-based Crews can be Hurried",
- "HurriedCanBeConverted": "Hurried can be recruited in the game (excludes madmate)",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeHurried": "Task-based Crewmates can be Hurried",
+ "HurriedCanBeConverted": "Hurried can be recruited in the game (excludes Madmate)",
"Developer": "Developer",
"Sponsor": "Sponsor",
"Booster": "Server Booster",
"Translator": "Translator",
"NoAccess": "Unauthorized Access!\n\n Please open up a ticket in the discord server to know more (discord.gg/tohe)",
"DCNotify.Hacking": "You were banned for hacking.\n\nPlease stop.",
- "DCNotify.Banned": "You were banned from this lobby.\n\nContact the host if this was a mistake.",
+ "DCNotify.Banned": "You were banned from this lobby.\n\nContact the Host if this was a mistake.",
"DCNotify.Kicked": "You were kicked from this lobby.\n\nYou may still rejoin.",
"DCNotify.DCFromServer": "You disconnected from the server.\r\nThis could be an issue with either the servers or your network.",
"DCNotify.GameNotFound": "This lobby code is invalid.\n\nCheck the code and/or server and try again.",
"DCNotify.GameStarted": "This lobby is currently in-game.\n\nWait for it to end or find a different lobby.",
- "DCNotify.GameFull": "This lobby is currently full.\n\nCheck with the host to see if you may join.",
+ "DCNotify.GameFull": "This lobby is currently full.\n\nCheck with the Host to see if you may join.",
"DCNotify.IncorrectVersion": "This lobby does not support your Among Us version.",
"DCNotify.Inactivity": "The lobby closed due to inactivity.",
"DCNotify.Auth": "You are not authenticated.\n\nYou may need to restart your game.",
"DCNotify.DupeLogin": "An instance of your account is already present in this lobby.",
"DCNotify.InvalidSettings": "Game settings have been detected to be invalid.\n\nEnter local play to reset them, then try again.",
- "ModeDescribe.SoloKombat": "Current mode is [Solo PVP]\nNo role assignment. Everyone has HP and can use the kill button to cause damage to other players. The player with the highest number of kills wins at the end of the game.",
+ "ModeDescribe.SoloKombat": "Current Gamemode is [Solo PVP]\nNo role assignment. Everyone has HP and can use the Kill button to cause damage to other players. The player with the highest number of kills wins at the end of the game.",
"RoleType.VanillaRoles": "★ Vanilla Roles",
"RoleType.ImpKilling": "★ Impostor Killing Roles",
"RoleType.ImpSupport": "★ Impostor Support Roles",
@@ -3448,6 +3639,10 @@
"RoleType.NeutralChaos": "★ Neutral Chaos Roles",
"RoleType.NeutralKilling": "★ Neutral Killing Roles",
"RoleType.NeutralApocalypse": "★ Neutral Apocalypse Roles /apocalypseinfo",
+ "RoleType.CovenPower": "★ Coven Power Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenKilling": "★ Coven Killing Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenTrickery": "★ Coven Trickery Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenUtility": "★ Coven Utility Roles",
"RoleType.Harmful": "★ Harmful Add-ons",
"RoleType.Support": "★ Supportive Add-ons",
"RoleType.Helpful": "★ Helpful Add-ons",
@@ -3456,7 +3651,7 @@
"RoleType.Impostor": "★ Impostor Add-ons",
"RoleType.Guesser": "★ Guesser Add-ons",
"RoleType.Neut": "★ Neutral Add-ons",
- "RoleType.Experimental": "★ Experimental Addons (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
+ "RoleType.Experimental": "★ Experimental Add-ons (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
"SubType.Impostor": "★ Impostors",
"SubType.Shapeshifter": "★ Shapeshifters",
"SubType.SemiShapeshifter": "★ Semi-Shapeshifters",
@@ -3467,10 +3662,12 @@
"CrewmateRoles": "★ Crewmate Roles ★",
"ImpostorRoles": "★ Impostor Roles ★",
"NeutralRoles": "★ Neutral Roles ★",
+ "CovenRoles": "★ Coven Roles ★",
"AddonRoles": "★ Add-ons ★",
"WinnerRoleText.Impostor": "Impostors Win!",
"WinnerRoleText.Crewmate": "Crewmates Win!",
"WinnerRoleText.Apocalypse": "Apocalypse Wins!",
+ "WinnerRoleText.Coven": "Coven Wins!",
"WinnerRoleText.Terrorist": "Terrorist Wins!",
"WinnerRoleText.Jester": "Jester Wins!",
"WinnerRoleText.Lovers": "Lovers Win!",
@@ -3557,25 +3754,26 @@
"ForceEndText": "Host has aborted the game",
"NiceMiniDied": "Nice Mini was killed",
"HaterMisFireKillTarget": "Hater kills target when misfiring",
- "HaterChooseConverted": "Select add-ons that Hater can kill",
- "HaterCanKillMadmate": "Can kill madmate",
- "HaterCanKillCharmed": "Can kill charmed",
- "HaterCanKillLovers": "Can kill lovers",
- "HaterCanKillSidekick": "Can kill jackal team",
- "HaterCanKillEgoist": "Can kill egoist",
- "HaterCanKillInfected": "Can kill infected team",
- "HaterCanKillContagious": "Can kill virus team",
- "HaterCanKillAdmired": "Can kill admirer",
+ "HaterChooseConverted": "Select Add-ons that Hater can kill",
+ "HaterCanKillMadmate": "Can kill Madmate",
+ "HaterCanKillCharmed": "Can kill Charmed",
+ "HaterCanKillLovers": "Can kill Lovers",
+ "HaterCanKillSidekick": "Can kill Jackal team",
+ "HaterCanKillEgoist": "Can kill Egoist",
+ "HaterCanKillInfected": "Can kill Infected team",
+ "HaterCanKillContagious": "Can kill Virus team",
+ "HaterCanKillAdmired": "Can kill Admirer",
+ "HaterCanKillEnchanted": "Can kill Enchanted",
"HorseMode": "Enable to become a horse",
"LongMode": "Enable to have a long neck",
"InfluencedChangeVote": "Oops! You are so influenced by others!\nYou can not contain your fear that you change voted {0}!",
"FFA": "Free For All",
"ModeFFA": "Gamemode: FFA",
- "ModeDescribe.FFA": "In the FFA (Free For All) gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
- "KillerInfoLong": "In the FFA (Free For All) game mode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
+ "ModeDescribe.FFA": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
+ "KillerInfoLong": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
"FFA_GameTime": "Maximum Game Length",
"FFA_KCD": "Kill Cooldown",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "Prevent venting when only 2 players are alive",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "Prevent Venting when only 2 players are alive",
"FFA_EnableRandomAbilities": "Enable Random Events",
"FFA_ShieldDuration": "Shield Duration",
"FFA_IncreasedSpeed": "Increased Speed",
@@ -3586,15 +3784,15 @@
"FFA_EnableRandomTwists": "Enable Random Swaps from time to time",
"FFA-Event-GetShield": "You have a temporary shield!",
"FFA-Event-GetIncreasedSpeed": "You have a temporary speed boost!",
- "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "You got a lower kill cooldown!",
- "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "You got a higher kill cooldown",
+ "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "You got a lower Kill Cooldown!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "You got a higher Kill Cooldown",
"FFA-Event-GetLowVision": "You have lower vision temporarily",
"FFA-Event-GetDecreasedSpeed": "You have decreased speed temporarily",
- "FFA-Event-GetTP": "You got teleported to a random vent!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetTP": "You got teleported to a random Vent!",
"FFA-Event-RandomTP": "Everyone was swapped with someone",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "There are only 2 players alive, stop hiding in vents!",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "Your kill cooldown is up, don't hide in vents!",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "Prevent players whose kill cooldown is up from venting",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "There are only 2 players alive, stop hiding in Vents!",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "Your kill Cooldown is up, don't hide in Vents!",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "Prevent players whose Kill Cooldown is up from Venting",
"FFA_TargetIsShielded": "The player you tried to kill is shielded!",
"FFA_ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "Shields break after 1 kill attempt",
"FFA_ShieldBroken": "Someone tried to kill you, your shield is now broken!",
@@ -3604,15 +3802,15 @@
"MenuTitle.Hide&Seek": "Hide & Seek Settings",
"NumImpostorsHnS": "Num Impostors",
"EveryOneKnowSolsticer": "Every One Know who is Solsticer",
- "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "Solsticer knows the role of whom used the kill button on it",
+ "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "Solsticer knows the role of whom used the Kill button on it",
"SolsticerSpeed": "Movement speed of Solsticer",
"SolsticerRemainingTaskWarned": "Remaining tasks to be known",
"SAddTasksPreDeadPlayer": "How many extra short tasks Solsticer gets when a player dies",
"SolsticerMurdered": "{0} attempted to murder you!",
"MurderSolsticer": "You stopped Solsticer this round!",
- "SolsticerMurderMessage": "{0} used kill button on you last round! Its role is {1}!",
+ "SolsticerMurderMessage": "{0} used Kill button on you last round! Its role is {1}!",
"SolsticerOnMeeting": "You witnessed too many deaths! Next round you will have {0} more short task!",
- "SolsticerTitle": "Solsticer",
+ "SolsticerTitle": "SOLSTICER",
"GuessSolsticer": "Sorry, but you can not guess Solsticer!",
"ExpelSolsticer": "Sorry, but you can not expel Solsticer!",
"SolsticerTasksReset": "Your tasks get reset!",
@@ -3623,10 +3821,10 @@
"Contributor": "Contributor",
"dbConnect.InitFailure": "Error while connecting to TOHE API, please check your network connection and retry login!",
"dbConnect.InitFailurePublic": "Error while connecting to TOHE API, this could be caused by your internet connection. And so Sponsor+ perks are not available, you may continue to play as usual without these.",
- "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "This build of TOHE is not available to users with no friendcode!",
+ "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "This build of TOHE is not available to users with no Friend Code!",
"Quizmaster": "Quizmaster",
"QuizmasterInfo": "Quiz people to kill them in meetings",
- "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Quizmaster, you can mark a player using your kill button. In the next meeting, the marked player will have \"?!\" next to their name. The player will die if they answer the question wrong or doesn't answer. The player will live if the Quizmaster is killed/ejected in the same meeting.\nThe Quizmaster cannot mark multiple people in the same round",
+ "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Quizmaster, you can mark a player using your Kill button. In the next meeting, the marked player will have \"?!\" next to their name. The player will die if they answer the question wrong or doesn't answer. The player will live if the Quizmaster is killed/ejected in the same meeting.\nThe Quizmaster cannot mark multiple people in the same round",
"QuizmasterKillButtonText": "Quiz",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedBy": "You've been marked by the Quizmaster\nTo survive you have to answer correct to this question:\n\n{QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedPublic": "{QMTARGET} has been marked by the Quizmaster\nTo survive {QMTARGET} have to answer correct to their question!",
@@ -3639,13 +3837,14 @@
"QuizmasterChat.WrongPublic": "{QMTARGET} got the Quizmaster's question answer wrong and died!\nBeware of the Quizmaster!",
"QuizmasterChat.Marked": "You've marked {QMTARGET}\nIf {QMTARGET} doesn't answer by the end of the meeting or answer wrong {QMTARGET} will die\n\nQuestion for {QMTARGET} => {QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.Title": "Quizmaster Information",
- "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "As the quizmaster, you can't answer questions",
+ "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "As the Quizmaster, you can't answer questions",
"QuizmasterChat.AnswerNotValid": "Your answer must be A, B, or C",
"QuizmasterChat.SyntaxNotValid": "Usage:\n/answer [A/B/C]",
- "QuizmasterSettings.QuestionDifficulty": "Question Difficulty",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "Can Vent After Marked Somebody For Quiz",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "Can Kill After Marked Somebody For Quiz",
- "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "How Many Kills Per Round",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MinQuestionDifficulty": "Minimum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MaxQuestionDifficulty": "Maximum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "Can Vent After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "Can Kill After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "How Many Kills per Round",
"QuizmasterSettings.CanGiveQuestionsAboutPastGames": "Can Give Questions About Past Games",
"Quizmaster.None": "None",
"QuizmasterSabotages.Lights": "Lights",
@@ -3673,8 +3872,16 @@
"QuizmasterAnswers.Experimental": "Experimental",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Enhanced": "Enhanced",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Edited": "Edited",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "What was the sabotage was called last?",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "What was the first sabotage called this round?",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Impostor": "Impostor",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Neutral": "Neutral",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Crewmate": "Crewmate",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Addon": "Add-on",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Shapeshifter": "Shapeshifter",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Scientist": "Scientist",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Engineer": "Engineer",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.GuardianAngel": "GuardianAngel",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "What was the Sabotage was called last?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "What was the first Sabotage called this round?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastEjectedPlayerColor": "What was the color of the player that was last ejected?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastReportPlayerColor": "What was the color of the body that was last reported before this meeting?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastButtonPressedPlayerColor": "Who called the last meeting before this meeting?",
@@ -3684,17 +3891,25 @@
"QuizmasterQuestions.FactionOfRole": "What's the faction of {QMRole}?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.FactionRemovedName": "What faction used to be in the game but was removed in an update later?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyDiedFirstRound": "How many people died round one?",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.ButtonPressedBefore": "How many people pressed the emergency button before this meeting?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.ButtonPressedBefore": "How many people pressed the Emergency button before this meeting?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.WhatDoesEOgMeansInName": "What did the E in TOHE originally stand for?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieReason": "What was {PLR}'s cause of death?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieMethod": "How did {PLR} die?",
- "LastAddedRoleForKarped": "What was the last role added to TOHE before KARPED1EM stepped down?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastAddedRoleForKarped": "What was the last role added to TOHE before KARPED1EM stepped down?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieFaction": "What kind of faction killed {PLR}?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.QuizmasterCooldown": "What will Quizmaster's cooldown always be? (excluding first kill override and changes from other Roles/Add-ons)",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoCoded": "Who coded Quizmaster?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoOwns": "Who owns The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEPartners": "Who are The Enhanced Network's partners?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEEventCoordinator": "Who is the Event Coordinator for The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyCats": "How many Cat related roles are in the Mod?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.GuessingCommand": "What does /bt actually mean?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.NotFromTOS2": "Which of these roles are NOT from Town of Salem 2?",
"DeathReason.WrongAnswer": "Wrong Quiz Answer",
"TPCooldown": "Teleport Cooldown",
- "RiftsTooClose": "Location too close to the first rift",
+ "RiftsTooClose": "Location too close to the first Rift",
"RiftCreated": "Rift made successfully",
- "RiftsDestroyed": "All rifts Destroyed",
+ "RiftsDestroyed": "All Rifts destroyed",
"RiftRadius": "Rift Radius",
"TiredVision": "Vision When Tired",
"TiredSpeed": "Speed When Tired",
@@ -3718,7 +3933,7 @@
"ShockerAbilityCooldown": "Ability Cooldown",
"ShockerAbilityDuration": "Ability Duration",
"ShockerAbilityPerRound": "Abilities Per Round",
- "ShockerShockInVents": "Shock people in vents",
+ "ShockerShockInVents": "Shock people in Vents",
"ShockerAbilityResetAfterMeeting": "Reset marked rooms after meeting",
"ShockerOutsideRadius": "Radius Of Outside Tasks (not in a room)",
"ShockerCanShockHimself": "Can Shock Himself",
@@ -3730,13 +3945,14 @@
"ShockerRoomMarked": "Marked Room",
"EavesdropperMsgTitle": "You found a secret",
"EavesdropPercentChance": "Chance to eavesdrop",
- "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "Cooldown for recruiting sheriffs",
- "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "Can recruit Impostor or Neutral",
- "SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "You recruited a sheriff.",
- "BeSheriffByPolice": "You've been recruited by the police chief! Serve the crew!",
+ "PreventSeeRolesBeforeSkillUsedUp": "Prevent seeing others roles before skill used up",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "Cooldown for recruiting Sheriffs",
+ "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "Can recruit non-Crewmates",
+ "SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "You recruited a Sheriff.",
+ "BeSheriffByPolice": "You've been recruited by the Police Chief! Serve the Crewmates!",
"PoliceFailedRecruit": "Failed to recruit target.",
"ChiefOfPoliceKillButtonText": "Recruitment",
- "PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "Prevent recruit players without kill button",
- "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "Suidices when recruit a non killer or non crewmate",
- "PolicPassConverted": "Can pass Converted Addon to Sheriff"
+ "PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "Prevent recruit players without Kill button",
+ "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "Suicides when recruit a non-Killer or non-Crewmate",
+ "PolicPassConverted": "Can pass Converted Add-on to Sheriff"
diff --git a/Resources/Lang/nl_NL.json b/Resources/Lang/nl_NL.json
index 774ff7703..4dbc59555 100644
--- a/Resources/Lang/nl_NL.json
+++ b/Resources/Lang/nl_NL.json
@@ -14,22 +14,26 @@
"Website": "Website",
"PlayerNameForRoleInfo": "Hallo {0}, jouw rol is:-\\n",
"HostIconInMeeting": "HOST: {0}",
+ "ModdedClient": "Modded Client",
"SubText.GM": "Spectate the chaos!",
"SubText.Crewmate": "Vind en balling de Bedriegers",
"SubText.Impostor": "Sabotage en dood iedereen",
"SubText.Neutral": "Werk alleen om je overwinning te behalen",
"SubText.Apocalypse": "Become unstoppable with your team",
+ "SubText.Coven": "Bewitch and kill everyone",
"SubText.Madmate": "Help de Bedriegers",
"SubText.Lovers": "Stay alive and win together",
"SubText.Egoist": "Win on your own",
"TypeImpostor": "Bedriegers",
"TypeCrewmate": "Bemanningsleden",
"TypeNeutral": "Neutralen",
+ "TypeCoven": "Coven",
"TypeAddon": "Add-ons",
"GuesserMode": "Gokker Modus",
"TeamImpostor": "Bedrieger",
"TeamNeutral": "Neutraal",
"TeamCrewmate": "Bemanningslid",
+ "TeamCoven": "Coven",
"TeamMadmate": "Gekke",
"TeamLovers": "Lovers",
"TeamEgoist": "Egoist",
@@ -37,6 +41,7 @@
"YouAreCrewmate": "Je bent een Bemanningslid",
"YouAreImpostor": "Je bent een Bedrieger",
"YouAreNeutral": "Je bent een Neutraal",
+ "YouAreCoven": "You are a Coven member",
"YouAreMadmate": "Je bent een Gekke",
"Role_Crewmate": "Bemanningslid",
"Role_Jester": "Nar",
@@ -63,12 +68,14 @@
"ImpostorsCanGuess": "Bedriegers kunnen gokken",
"NeutralKillersCanGuess": "Neutrale Moordenaars kunnen gokken",
"NeutralApocalypseCanGuess": "Neutral Apocalypse can guess",
+ "CovenCanGuess": "Coven can guess",
"PassiveNeutralsCanGuess": "Passieve Neutralen kunnen gokken",
"CanGuessAddons": "Kan toevoegingen gokken",
- "ShowOnlyEnabledRolesInGuesserUI": "Toon alleen ingeschakelde rollen in de Guesser-gebruikersinterface",
- "CrewCanGuessCrew": "Bemanningsleden Kunnen Bemanningsleden Hun rollen gokken",
- "ImpCanGuessImp": "Bedriegers Kunnen Bedriegers Hun rollen gokken",
- "ApocCanGuessApoc": "Neutral Apocalypse Can Guess Neutral Apocalypse Roles",
+ "ShowOnlyEnabledRolesInGuesserUI": "Show Only Enabled Roles in Guesser UI",
+ "CrewCanGuessCrew": "Crewmates can Guess Crewmate Roles",
+ "ImpCanGuessImp": "Impostors can Guess Impostor Roles",
+ "ApocCanGuessApoc": "Neutral Apocalypse can Guess Neutral Apocalypse Roles",
+ "CovenCanGuessCoven": "Coven Can Guess Coven Roles",
"GuessImmune": "Sorry, maar het doelwit kan niet worden geraden!",
"GM": "Spelmeester",
"Sunnyboy": "Zonnejongen",
@@ -287,7 +294,6 @@
"Vulture": "Gier",
"Taskinator": "Taakinator",
"Benefactor": "Weldoener",
- "Medusa": "Medusa",
"Spiritcaller": "Zielspreker",
"Amnesiac": "Geheugenverlore",
"Imitator": "Navolger",
@@ -305,12 +311,21 @@
"Romantic": "Romantisch",
"VengefulRomantic": "Wraakzuchtige Romantisch",
"RuthlessRomantic": "Meedogenloze Romantisch",
+ "Wraith": "Wraith",
"Poisoner": "Vergiftiger",
+ "Medusa": "Medusa",
"HexMaster": "Hex Meester",
- "Wraith": "Wraith",
"Jinx": "Jinx",
"PotionMaster": "Toverdrank Meester",
"Necromancer": "Dodenbezweerder",
+ "CovenLeader": "Coven Leader",
+ "Ritualist": "Ritualist",
+ "Conjurer": "Conjurer",
+ "Dreamweaver": "Dreamweaver",
+ "Illusionist": "Illusionist",
+ "VoodooMaster": "Voodoo Master",
+ "Sacrifist": "Sacrifist",
+ "MoonDancer": "Moon Dancer",
"Warden": "Bewaker",
"Minion": "Minion",
"Ghastly": "Afschuwelijk",
@@ -363,6 +378,7 @@
"EvilSpirit": "Kwaadaardige Geest",
"Recruit": "Gewerfde",
"Admired": "Bewonderde",
+ "Enchanted": "Enchanted",
"Glow": "Gloei",
"Radar": "Radar",
"Diseased": "Zieke",
@@ -397,53 +413,53 @@
"Revenant": "Revenant",
"BracketAddons": "Voeg brackets toe aan toevoegingen",
"EngineerTOHEInfo": "Gebruik de vents om de Bedriegers te vinden",
- "ScientistTOHEInfo": "Heb overal toegang tot draagbare vitale functies",
+ "ScientistTOHEInfo": "Access portable Vitals from anywhere",
"NoisemakerTOHEInfo": "Send out an alert when killed",
"TrackerTOHEInfo": "Track players with your map",
- "ShapeshifterTOHEInfo": "Vermon als bemanningsleden om ze te bedriegen",
+ "ShapeshifterTOHEInfo": "Disguise as Crewmates to frame them",
"PhantomTOHEInfo": "Turn invisible",
- "GuardianAngelTOHEInfo": "Bescherm de bemanningsleden tegen de bedriegers",
- "ImpostorTOHEInfo": "Dood en sabotage",
+ "GuardianAngelTOHEInfo": "Protect the Crewmates from the Impostors",
+ "ImpostorTOHEInfo": "Kill and Sabotage",
"CrewmateTOHEInfo": "Zoek voor de Bedriegers",
"BountyHunterInfo": "Elimineer je doel",
"FireworkerInfo": "Ga eruit met een KNAL",
"MercenaryInfo": "Blijf moorden, anders pleeg je zelfmoord",
- "ShapeMasterInfo": "Dood snel met geen vormverandering cooldown",
+ "ShapeMasterInfo": "Swiftly kill with no Shapeshift Cooldown",
"VampireInfo": "Je kills zijn vertraagd",
- "WarlockInfo": "Beheks bemanningsleden en shift om ze te laten Doden",
- "NinjaInfo": "Markeer een doelwit en schakel vervolgens om te doden",
+ "WarlockInfo": "Curse Crewmates then Shift to make them kill",
+ "NinjaInfo": "Mark a target, then Shift to kill",
"ZombieInfo": "Je bent erg sloom",
"AnonymousInfo": "Forceer iemand om een lijk te rapporteren",
- "MinerInfo": "Teleporteer naar je laatst gebruikte vent door te shiften",
- "KillingMachineInfo": "Je kunt ALLEEN doden, maar een lage cooldown",
+ "MinerInfo": "Warp to your last used Vent by Shifting",
+ "KillingMachineInfo": "You can ONLY kill, but low Cooldown",
"EscapistInfo": "Shift om een plek te markeren en opnieuw om te teleporteren",
- "WitchInfo": "Beheks bemanningsleden om ze te doden in bijeenkomsten",
+ "WitchInfo": "Spell Crewmates to kill them in meetings",
"NemesisInfo": "Dood als je de laatste bedrieger bent",
"BeforeNemesisInfo": "You can't kill yet",
"AfterNemesisInfo": "Now start killing",
- "BloodmoonInfo": "Seek havoc upon the crewmates",
- "PossessorInfo": "Possess and lead crewmates away from others",
+ "BloodmoonInfo": "Seek havoc upon the Crewmates",
+ "PossessorInfo": "Possess and lead Crewmates away from others",
"PuppeteerInfo": "Zorg dat anderen voor je doden",
"MastermindInfo": "Zorg dat anderen voor je doden",
"TimeThiefInfo": "Verlaag meeting tijd door te doden",
- "SniperInfo": "Schiet mensen van een afstand door te shiften",
+ "SniperInfo": "Snipe players from a distance by Shifting",
"UndertakerInfo": "Teleporteer dode lijken naar een gemarkeerde locatie",
"RiftMakerInfo": "Twee kloven die ik traceer, raak ze aan om de ruimte te vervormen",
- "EvilTrackerInfo": "Track spelers door te shiften",
+ "EvilTrackerInfo": "Track players by Shifting",
"EvilHackerInfo": "Hack systems",
"AntiAdminerInfo": "Weet wanneer spelers dicht bij apparaten zijn",
- "ArroganceInfo": "Met elke moord die je maakt, neemt je cooldown af",
+ "ArroganceInfo": "With each kill you make, your Cooldown decreases",
"BomberInfo": "Vormverander om te exploderen",
"TrapsterInfo": "Trap your kills",
"ScavengerInfo": "Jouw slachtoffers zijn onrapporteerbaar",
- "EvilGuesserInfo": "Gok bemanningslid rollen in meetings om te doden",
+ "EvilGuesserInfo": "Guess Crewmate roles in meetings to kill",
"GangsterInfo": "Converteer spelers naar jouw kant",
"CleanerInfo": "Rapporteer lijken om ze onrapporteerbaar te maken",
"LightningInfo": "Convert players to Quantum Ghosts",
- "GreedyInfo": "Your kill cooldown shifts",
+ "GreedyInfo": "Your Kill Cooldown shifts",
"CursedWolfInfo": "Jee overleeft een paar kill pogingen",
- "SoulCatcherInfo": "You swap places with your shift target",
- "QuickShooterInfo": "Bewaar kogels om je kill cooldown te offsetten",
+ "SoulCatcherInfo": "You swap places with your Shift target",
+ "QuickShooterInfo": "Store ammo to offset Kill Cooldown",
"CamouflagerInfo": "Camoufleer iedereen voor makkelijke moorden",
"EraserInfo": "Wis de rollen van je doel",
"ButcherInfo": "Enjoy my beautiful work",
@@ -451,42 +467,42 @@
"SwooperInfo": "Word tijdelijk onzichtbaar",
"CrewpostorInfo": "Dood spelers door taken te doen",
"WildlingInfo": "Dood met sterkte en vermonning",
- "TricksterInfo": "Dood en misleid de bemanningsleden",
+ "TricksterInfo": "Kill and trick the Crew",
"VindicatorInfo": "Gebruik je extra stemmen om iedereen te doden",
- "ParasiteInfo": "Help de bedriegers met de bemanningsleden doden",
+ "ParasiteInfo": "Help the Impostors kill the Crew",
"DisperserInfo": "Teleporteer iedereen naar willekeurige ventilaties",
- "InhibitorInfo": "Je kan niet doden tijdens sabotages",
- "SaboteurInfo": "Je kan alleen doden tijdens sabotages",
- "CouncillorInfo": "Vermoord bemanningsleden tijdens meetings",
- "DazzlerInfo": "Reduceer het zicht van de bemanningsleden",
- "DeathpactInfo": "Wijs spelers toe aan een dodenpact",
- "DevourerInfo": "Verteer de huid van de bemanning",
+ "InhibitorInfo": "You cannot kill during Sabotages",
+ "SaboteurInfo": "You can only kill during Sabotages",
+ "CouncillorInfo": "Kill off Crewmates during meetings",
+ "DazzlerInfo": "Reduce the vision of the Crew",
+ "DeathpactInfo": "Assign players to a deathpact",
+ "DevourerInfo": "Consume the skin of the Crew",
"ConsigliereInfo": "Discover the roles of other players",
- "MorphlingInfo": "Je kan alleen doden als je van vorm bent veranderd",
+ "MorphlingInfo": "You can only kill while Shapeshifted",
"TwisterInfo": "Ruil alle spelers posities",
- "LurkerInfo": "Verminder je kill cooldown door te venten",
+ "LurkerInfo": "Reduce your Kill Cooldown by venting",
"ConvictInfo": "Jouw doel is dood, help nu de Bedriegers",
"VisionaryInfo": "Je ziet de toewijzingen van de levenden",
- "RefugeeInfo": "Help de bedriegers met de bemanningsleden doden",
+ "RefugeeInfo": "Help the Impostors kill off the Crew",
"UnderdogInfo": "Begin met doden op een lage hoeveelheid spelers",
- "LudopathInfo": "Jouw kill cooldown is willekeurig",
+ "LudopathInfo": "Your kill Cooldown is random",
"GodfatherInfo": "Zet spelers om in vluchtelingen door te stemmen",
"ChronomancerInfo": "Dood in bursts",
"PitfallInfo": "Zet valstrikken rondom de map",
"EvilMiniInfo": "Niemand kan je pijn doen totdat je gegroeid bent",
"BlackmailerInfo": "Demp andere spelers",
- "InstigatorInfo": "Zaai chaos onder de bemanning",
+ "InstigatorInfo": "Sow discord among the Crewmates",
"LazyGuyInfo": "You're too lazy",
"SuperStarInfo": "Iedereen kent je",
- "CleanserInfo": "Erase All Add-ons of your vote target",
- "KeeperInfo": "Weiger het uitwerpen, Keeper Protect!",
+ "CleanserInfo": "Erase all Add-ons of your vote target",
+ "KeeperInfo": "Reject the eject, Keeper protect!",
"MayorInfo": "Jouw stem telt meerdere keren mee",
"PsychicInfo": "One of the red names is evil",
- "MechanicInfo": "Vent around and fix sabotages",
+ "MechanicInfo": "Vent around and fix Sabotages",
"SheriffInfo": "Schiet de Bedriegers",
"VigilanteInfo": "Niet de held die we verdienden, maar de held die we nodig hadden",
"JailerInfo": "Neem verdachte spelers gevangen",
- "CopyCatInfo": "Gebruik jouw kill knop om de rol van je doel te kopiëren",
+ "CopyCatInfo": "Use your Kill button to copy a target's role",
"SnitchInfo": "Finish jouw taken om de Bedriegers te vinden",
"MarshallInfo": "Finish jouw taken om jouw onschuldigheid te bewijzen",
"DoctorInfo": "Weet hoe elke speler is dood gegaan",
@@ -499,31 +515,31 @@
"TransporterInfo": "Do tasks to swap two players' locations",
"TimeManagerInfo": "Verhoog meeting tijd door taken te doen",
"VeteranInfo": "Alert om iedereen te doden die je aanvalt",
- "BastionInfo": "Bom vents",
+ "BastionInfo": "Bomb Vents",
"YinYangerInfo": "Spontaneously combust two players",
"BodyguardInfo": "Voorkom doden dichtbij je",
"DeceiverInfo": "Try to fool the players",
- "GrenadierInfo": "Reduceer Bedriegers hun zicht door te venten",
+ "GrenadierInfo": "Reduce Impostors' vision by Venting",
"MedicInfo": "Plaats een schild op een speler",
- "FortuneTellerInfo": "Get clues to people's roles",
+ "FortuneTellerInfo": "Get clues to player's roles",
"JudgeInfo": "Stilte in de zaal!",
"MorticianInfo": "Track dode lijken",
"MediumInfo": "Talk with ghosts",
- "ObserverInfo": "Je kan alle schild-animaties zien",
- "PacifistInfo": "Vent to reset kill cooldowns",
+ "ObserverInfo": "You can see all Shield Animations",
+ "PacifistInfo": "Vent to reset Kill Cooldowns",
"RebirthInfo": "Arise Again",
- "MonarchInfo": "Geef de bemanning extra stemkracht!",
+ "MonarchInfo": "Give your Crew extra voting power!",
"AbyssbringerInfo": "Place Black Holes",
- "SpurtInfo": "Spring Like A rabbit!",
- "StealthInfo": "Als je blinden doodt, wordt iedereen in de kamer gedood",
+ "SpurtInfo": "Spring like a rabbit!",
+ "StealthInfo": "Killing blinds everyone in the room",
"PenguinInfo": "Sleep je slachtoffers",
"OverseerInfo": "Reveal roles of other players",
"CoronerInfo": "Find corpses and their killers",
"PresidentInfo": "Je bent de leider van de meeting",
- "MerchantInfo": "Verkoop toevoegingen en koop moordenaars om",
- "RetributionistInfo": "Help the crew after you die",
+ "MerchantInfo": "Sell Add-ons and bribe killers",
+ "RetributionistInfo": "Help the Crewmates after you die",
"HawkInfo": "Seek murdering the bad guys!",
- "DeputyInfo": "Handboei moordenaars om hun kill cooldowns te verhogen",
+ "DeputyInfo": "Handcuff killers to increase their Cooldowns",
"InvestigatorInfo": "Vind potentiële kwaadaardigen",
"GuardianInfo": "Compleet jouw taken om ondoodbaar te worden",
"AddictInfo": "Vent om onschendbaar te worden, anders sterf je",
@@ -534,12 +550,12 @@
"SpiritualistInfo": "Word geleid door de spoken",
"ChameleonInfo": "Vent om je te vermonnen",
"InspectorInfo": "Controleer de indeling van twee spelers",
- "CaptainInfo": "Sail with the Captain, lest add-ons be abandoned.",
+ "CaptainInfo": "Sail with the Captain, lest Add-ons be abandoned.",
"AdmirerInfo": "Kies een speler die jou gaat helpen",
"TimeMasterInfo": "Terugspoel tijd!",
"CrusaderInfo": "Dood een speler zijn aanvaller",
"AltruistInfo": "Revive a player\nVent to change between Revive and Report",
- "ReverieInfo": "Met elke moord die je doet, wordt je cooldown lager",
+ "ReverieInfo": "With each kill, your Cooldown decreases",
"LookoutInfo": "Zie door vermonningen heen",
"TelecommunicationInfo": "Track device usage",
"LighterInfo": "Zie moordenaars met jouw verhoogde zicht",
@@ -547,14 +563,14 @@
"WitnessInfo": "Kom erachter of iemand recent een ander heeft vermoord",
"GhastlyInfo": "Control somebody!",
"SwapperInfo": "Verwissel de stemmen van twee spelers",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "Hire Sheriff to Serve the Crews!",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "Hire Sheriffs to serve the Crewmates!",
"NiceMiniInfo": "Niemand kan je pijn doen totdat je gegroeid bent.",
"ArsonistInfo": "Blus iedereen en verbrand",
"PyromaniacInfo": "Blus en dood iedereen",
- "HuntsmanInfo": "Dood jouw doelen voor een lagere kill cooldown",
+ "HuntsmanInfo": "Kill your targets for a low Cooldown",
"SpyInfo": "Je kan zien wie je aanvalt",
"RandomizerInfo": "Ga je iemand tot last zijn als je sterft?",
- "EnigmaInfo": "Krijg aanwijzingen over moordenaars",
+ "EnigmaInfo": "Get clues about killers",
"JesterInfo": "Wordt eruit gestemd",
"OpportunistInfo": "Blijf tot het einde leven",
"TerroristInfo": "Finish jouw taken, ga DAARNA dood",
@@ -576,10 +592,10 @@
"BloodKnightInfo": "Doden geeft je een tijdelijk schild",
"PlagueBearerInfo": "Infecteer iedereen om in Pestilence te veranderen",
"PestilenceInfo": "Vernietig iedereen!",
- "SoulCollectorInfo": "Voorspel doden om zielen te collecteren",
+ "SoulCollectorInfo": "Predict deaths to collect Souls",
"DeathInfo": "Enact Armageddon",
- "BakerInfo": "Feed Players Bread to become Famine",
- "FamineInfo": "Starve Everyone",
+ "BakerInfo": "Feed players bread to become Famine",
+ "FamineInfo": "Starve everyone",
"BerserkerInfo": "Dood om jouw level te verhogen",
"WarInfo": "Destroy everything",
"GlitchInfo": "Hack en dood iedereen",
@@ -587,7 +603,7 @@
"FollowerInfo": "Follow a player and help them",
"CultistInfo": "Charm everyone",
"SerialKillerInfo": "Dood iedereen om te winnen!",
- "JuggernautInfo": "Met elke moord die je doet, wordt je cooldown lager",
+ "JuggernautInfo": "With each kill, your Cooldown decreases",
"InfectiousInfo": "Infecteer iedereen",
"VirusInfo": "Dood en infecteer iedereen",
"PursuerInfo": "Bescherm jezelf en leef tot het einde!",
@@ -603,38 +619,46 @@
"VultureInfo": "Eet lichamen door ze te rapporteren om te winnen",
"TaskinatorInfo": "Stille taken, dodelijke knallen",
"BenefactorInfo": "Taak voltooid, schild elite!",
- "MedusaInfo": "Stone bodies by reporting them",
+ "MedusaInfo": "Stop players in their tracks by Stoning them",
"SpiritcallerInfo": "Verander spelers naar Kwaadaardige Geesten",
"AmnesiacInfo": "Herinner de rol van een dood lijk",
"ImitatorInfo": "Imiteer een spelers rol",
- "BanditInfo": "Beroof een speler zijn toevoeging",
+ "BanditInfo": "Rob a player's Add-on",
"DoppelgangerInfo": "Steel de identiteit van jouw doelwit",
"PunchingBagInfo": "Get attacked a few times to win!",
"KamikazeInfo": "Dood spelers met een suïcidale missie",
"DoomsayerInfo": "Gok spelers succesvol om te winnen",
"ShroudInfo": "Omhels spelers om ze te laten doden",
- "WerewolfInfo": "Dood bemanningsleden in groepen",
- "ShamanInfo": "Deflecteer alle aanvallen op een Voodoo pop",
- "SeekerInfo": "Play Hide and Seek with your target\nYour target has a ★ mark.",
+ "WerewolfInfo": "Kill Crewmates in groups",
+ "ShamanInfo": "Deflect all the attacks on Voodoo Doll",
+ "SeekerInfo": "Play Hide & Seek with your target\nYour target has a ★ mark.",
"PixieInfo": "Tag ze, zak ze en werp ze uit!",
"OccultistInfo": "Dood en beheks jouw tegenstanders",
- "SchrodingersCatInfo": "De kat is levend en dood tegelijkertijd totdat het een maatje krijgt.",
+ "SchrodingersCatInfo": "The Cat is both alive and dead until observed.",
"RomanticInfo": "Bescherm jouw partner om samen te winnen",
"VengefulRomanticInfo": "Revenge jouw partner om samen te winnen",
"RuthlessRomanticInfo": "Dood iedereen om te winnen met jouw partner",
- "PoisonerInfo": "Kill everyone with delayed kills",
- "HexMasterInfo": "Hex spelers om ze dood te maken in meetings",
"WraithInfo": "Vent to go invisible temporarily",
- "JinxInfo": "Reflect attacks onto your attackers",
+ "PoisonerInfo": "Make players unable to use their ability",
+ "HexMasterInfo": "Hex spelers om ze dood te maken in meetings",
+ "JinxInfo": "Players \"accidentally\" die upon trying to kill your target",
"PotionMasterInfo": "Gebruik jouw brouwsels naar jouw voordeel",
- "NecromancerInfo": "Kill your killer to defy death",
+ "NecromancerInfo": "Use the dead to your advantage",
+ "CovenLeaderInfo": "Help your teammates by retraining them",
+ "RitualistInfo": "Perform Blood Rituals to Enchant other players!",
+ "ConjurerInfo": "Blast away your enemies!",
+ "DreamweaverInfo": "Drive other players to insomnia!",
+ "IllusionistInfo": "Place Illusions on players to spread confusion!",
+ "VoodooMasterInfo": "Craft Voodoo Dolls of other players!",
+ "SacrifistInfo": "Debuff your enemies at your own cost",
+ "MoonDancerInfo": "Use Baton Pass to give out Add-ons!",
"WardenInfo": "(Geest) Waarschuwing voor gevaar",
"MinionInfo": "(Geest) Verblind vijanden",
"LoversInfo": "Blijf levend en win samen",
"MadmateInfo": "Help de Bedriegers",
"WatcherInfo": "Je kan alle kleuren van stemmen zien",
- "LastImpostorInfo": "Lagere kill cooldown",
- "OverclockedInfo": "Lagere cooldown",
+ "LastImpostorInfo": "Lower Kill Cooldown",
+ "OverclockedInfo": "Lower Cooldown",
"FlashInfo": "Jij bent sneller",
"TorchInfo": "Je hebt verbeterd zicht!",
"SeerInfo": "You are alerted when somebody has died",
@@ -642,14 +666,14 @@
"ObliviousInfo": "Je kan geen lichamen rapporteren",
"BewilderInfo": "Een twist van zicht, een web van verwarring",
"WorkhorseInfo": "Wees de eerste om taken te finishen en krijg meer",
- "FoolInfo": "Je kan geen sabotages fixen",
+ "FoolInfo": "You can't fix Sabotages",
"AvangerInfo": "Je neemt iemand mee met jouw dood",
"YoutuberInfo": "Ga als eerst dood om te winnen",
"CelebrityInfo": "Everyone knows when you die",
"EgoistInfo": "Win alleen",
"StealerInfo": "Gain votes with kills",
"ParanoiaInfo": "You're dead and alive simultaneously",
- "MimicInfo": "Onthul dode spelers hun rollen naar de Bedriegers",
+ "MimicInfo": "Reveal killed players' roles to Impostors upon death",
"GuesserInfo": "Gok rollen in meetings om te doden",
"NecroviewInfo": "Zie het team van de doden",
"ReachInfo": "Je hebt een langere kill afstand",
@@ -662,32 +686,33 @@
"LuckyInfo": "Ontwijk aanvallen",
"DoubleShotInfo": "Je hebt een extra leven wanneer je gokt",
"RascalInfo": "Je ziet er kwaadaardig uit in sommige gevallen",
- "SoullessInfo": "Je hebt geen ziel",
+ "SoullessInfo": "You have no Soul",
"GravestoneInfo": "Jouw rol wordt bekendgemaakt wanneer je dood gaat",
"LazyInfo": "Je bent te lui",
"AutopsyInfo": "Je ziet hoe anderen dood zijn gegaan",
"LoyalInfo": "Je kan niet gerekruteerd worden",
- "EvilSpiritInfo": "Je bent een Kwade Geest",
+ "EvilSpiritInfo": "You are an Evil Spirit",
"RecruitInfo": "Help de Jakhals",
+ "EnchantedInfo": "Help the Coven",
"AdmiredInfo": "De Bewonderaar kiest jou als zijn liefde",
"GlowInfo": "Je gloeit in het donker",
"RadarInfo": "Arrow's hue, closest to you!",
- "DiseasedInfo": "Increase the cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
- "AntidoteInfo": "Decrease the cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
- "StubbornInfo": "Protect your role and add-ons",
+ "DiseasedInfo": "Increase the Cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
+ "AntidoteInfo": "Decrease the Cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
+ "StubbornInfo": "Protect your Role and Add-ons",
"SwiftInfo": "Jouw moorden lungen niet",
"UnluckyInfo": "Iets doen heeft een kans om je dood te maken",
"VoidBallotInfo": "Jouw stem heeft een waarde van 0",
"AwareInfo": "Weet wie jouw rol bekend maakt",
- "FragileInfo": "Die instantly if someone uses the kill button on you",
+ "FragileInfo": "Die instantly if someone uses the Kill button on you",
"GhoulInfo": "Vermoord jouw moordenaar na dood gaan",
"BloodthirstInfo": "Become bloodthirsty and kill",
"MareInfo": "Dood in het donker",
"BurstInfo": "Burst jouw moordenaar!",
"SleuthInfo": "Krijg informatie van dode lijken",
"ClumsyInfo": "Je hebt een kans om jouw kill te missen",
- "NimbleInfo": "Je kan venten!",
- "CircumventInfo": "Je kan niet meer venten",
+ "NimbleInfo": "You can Vent!",
+ "CircumventInfo": "You can no longer Vent",
"OiiaiInfo": "OIIAIOIIIAI",
"CyberInfo": "Je bent populair!",
"HurriedInfo": "God, I got too much stuff!",
@@ -706,324 +731,334 @@
"DollMasterInfo": "Take control of players actions!",
"DoubleAgentInfo": "Plant bombs on players in meetings",
"SlothInfo": "You're slower",
- "ProhibitedInfo": "Certain vents are blocked",
+ "ProhibitedInfo": "Certain Vents are blocked",
"EavesdropperInfo": "Listen in on other roles",
"ShockerInfo": "Shock unsuspecting players",
"RevenantInfo": "Take your killer's role",
- "EngineerTOHEInfoLong": "(Bemanningslid):\nAls de werktuigkunde heb je toegang tot de vents terwijl een Comms Sabotage inactief is.",
- "ScientistTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Scientist, you can see vitals at any time, showing you who is alive and dead.",
- "NoisemakerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Noisemaker, whenever you die, you will make a noise, and a visual indicator of your death appears on the screen so the Crewmates can run to catch the person who killed you red-handed (even if it’s not Red).",
- "TrackerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracker, press your tracker button on a player to track their location via the map for a limited amount of time.",
- "ShapeshifterTOHEInfoLong": "(Bedriegers):\nAls Vormveranderaar kun je in andere spelers veranderen. Het is duidelijk wanneer je van vorm verwisselt of jouw vorm verandert.",
- "PhantomTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Phantom, you can press your vanish button to go invisible to escape a kill. You can click your appear button if you want to become visible before the timer runs out or not.\nNote: You will make a smoke cloud whenever you go invisible and become visible. So make sure you are in a safe area where no one will see you.",
- "GuardianAngelTOHEInfoLong": "(Bemanningslid):\nAls beschermengel ben je het eerste bemanningslid dat sterft en kun je bemanningsleden tijdelijke schilden geven.",
- "ImpostorTOHEInfoLong": "(Bedriegers):\nAls de bedrieger bent is het je doel om de bemanningsleden te doden.\nJe kunt saboteren en venten.",
+ "EngineerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Engineer, you may access the Vents while Comms Sabotaged is inactive.",
+ "ScientistTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Scientist, you can see Vitals at any time, showing you who is alive and dead.",
+ "NoisemakerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Noisemaker, whenever you die, you will make a noise, and a visual indicator of your death appears on the screen so the Crewmates can run to catch the person who killed you red-handed (even if it’s not red).",
+ "TrackerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracker, press your Tracker button on a player to track their location via the map for a limited amount of time.",
+ "ShapeshifterTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapeshifter, you can Shapeshift into other players. It is obvious when you Shapeshift or revert Shifting.",
+ "PhantomTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Phantom, you can press your Vanish button to go invisible to escape a kill. You can click your Appear button if you want to become visible before the timer runs out or not.\nNote: You will make a smoke cloud whenever you go invisible and become visible. So make sure you are in a safe area where no one will see you.",
+ "GuardianAngelTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guardian Angel, you are the first Crewmate to die and can give Crewmates temporary shields.",
+ "ImpostorTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Impostor, your goal is to simply kill off the Crewmates.\nYou can Sabotage and Vent.",
"CrewmateTOHEInfoLong": "(Bemanningslid):\nAls bemanningslid is jouw doel om de bedriegers te vinden en te verbannen.\nBemanningsleden winnen door zich te ontdoen van alle moordenaars of door al hun taken te voltooien.",
- "BountyHunterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Bounty Hunter, if you kill your assigned Target (indicated by the arrow if you have one), your next kill cooldown will be shortened.\nIf you kill anyone other than your target, your next kill cooldown will be increased. The Target swaps after a certain amount of time.",
- "FireworkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Fireworker, you can Shapeshift to place Fireworks up to the maximum amount the host sets.\nWhen you are the last Impostor and all Fireworks have been placed, shapeshift again to detonate them and kill everyone in their radius, including you.\nIf you kill all players with your Fireworks, it's considered an Impostor victory.",
- "MercenaryInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mercenary, you must kill within your Deadline, as shown by your Shapeshift cooldown (which you cannot use). If you fail to kill, you die.",
- "ShapeMasterInfoLong": "(Bedriegers):\nAls de Vormveranderingmeester heb je geen vormverander cooldown.",
+ "BountyHunterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Bounty Hunter, if you kill your assigned target (indicated by the arrow if you have one), your next Kill Cooldown will be shortened.\nIf you kill anyone other than your target, your next Kill Cooldown will be increased. The target swaps after a certain amount of time.",
+ "FireworkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Fireworker, you can Shapeshift to place Fireworks up to the maximum amount the Host sets.\nWhen you are the last Impostor and all Fireworks have been placed, Shapeshift again to detonate them and kill everyone in their radius, including you.\nIf you kill all players with your Fireworks, it's considered an Impostor victory.",
+ "MercenaryInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mercenary, you must kill within your deadline, as shown by your Shapeshift Cooldown (which you cannot use). If you fail to kill, you die.",
+ "ShapeMasterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapemaster, you have no Shapeshift Cooldown.",
"VampireInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Vampire, your kills are delayed. This means that your target still dies even if a meeting is called first. However, if you bite a Bait, you kill normally and report the body. Depending on the settings, you can use double trigger (bite players - single click, kill normally - double click).",
"WarlockInfoLong": "(Bedriegers):\nAls Tovenaar kun je maximaal één speler tegelijk vervloeken.\nWanneer je een speler hebt vervloekt, doden ze de dichtstbijzijnde persoon, die, afhankelijk van de instellingen, jou of andere Bedriegers kan doden.\nJe kunt normaal doden terwijl je van vorm veranderd bent.",
- "ZombieInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nZombie has a short kill cooldown but moves very slowly and has very little vision. Zombie can not be voted out by anyone other than the Dictator, and the movement speed of Zombie will gradually slow down as they make kills or time passes.",
- "NinjaInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ninja, you can use your kill button to Mark a target (single click) or kill normally (double click). You may then Shapeshift to teleport to the Marked target and kill them.",
+ "ZombieInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nZombie has a short Kill Cooldown but moves very slowly and has very little vision. Zombie can not be voted out by anyone other than the Dictator, and the movement speed of Zombie will gradually slow down as they make kills or time passes.",
+ "NinjaInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ninja, you can use your Kill button to mark a target (single click) or kill normally (double click). You may then Shapeshift to teleport to the marked target and kill them.",
"AnonymousInfoLong": "(Bedriegers):\nAls de Onbekende, kun je van vorm veranderen om jouw doelwit te dwingen te rapporteren wie je deze ronde gedood is.\nAls je die ronde niemand hebt gedood, zal het doelwit zijn eigen dode lichaam rapporteren alsof het was gestorven.\nOpmerking: Dit werkt niet bij Luie Gasten en deze vaardigheid werkt ongeacht of het lichaam normaal gerapporteerd kan worden.",
- "MinerInfoLong": "(Bedriegers):\nAls Mijnwerker kan je vormveranderen om naar jouw laatst gebruikte vent te teleporteren.",
- "KillingMachineInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Killing Machine, you have a very short kill cooldown with tiny vision. However, you cannot vent, sabotage, report, nor call emergency meetings.\n\nNote: You will bypass any shields, killing bait and beartrap won't take any effect",
- "EscapistInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Escapist, you can Mark a location by Shapeshifting. Shapeshift again to teleport back to the Marked spot (the Shapeshifting animation will display after you teleport; be careful).",
- "WitchInfoLong": "Als de Heks, gebruik je je moord knop om iemand te beheksen (door één keer te klikken) of om iemand normaal te vermoorden (door twee keer te klikken). Tijdens de volgende vergadering krijgen de behekste personen (of persoon) een 「†」naast hun naam die iedereen kan zien. Als jij niet dood gaat in deze vergadering, gaan de behekste personen dood.",
- "NemesisInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Nemesis, you can only kill if you are the last Impostor.\nIf you are dead, you can use the command /rv [ID] to kill the player whose ID you typed. Use /id to show the IDs of all players, or look next to their names.",
- "BloodmoonInfoLong": "(Impostors [Ghost]):\nAs the Bloodmoon, attack the enemies to make them drip blood, this means they will die in a time set by the host, and will be aware of it.",
+ "MinerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Miner, you can Shapeshift to teleport back to the last vent you were in.",
+ "KillingMachineInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Killing Machine, you have a very short Kill Cooldown with tiny vision. However, you cannot Vent, Sabotage, Report, nor call Emergency Meetings.\n\nNote: You will bypass any shields, killing bait and beartrap won't take any effect",
+ "EscapistInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Escapist, you can mark a location by Shapeshifting. Shapeshift again to teleport back to the marked spot",
+ "WitchInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Witch, you can use your Kill button to Spell (single click) or Kill normally (double click).\nDuring the next meeting, the spelled target(s) will have a 「†」 next to their name visible to everyone. Unless you die by the end of that meeting, all Spelled targets will die.",
+ "NemesisInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Nemesis, you can only kill if you are the last Impostor.\nIf you are dead, you can use the command /rv [ID] to kill the player whose ID you typed. Use /id to show the ID's of all players, or look next to their names.",
+ "BloodmoonInfoLong": "(Impostors [Ghost]):\nAs the Bloodmoon, attack the enemies to make them drip blood, this means they will die in a time set by the Host, and will be aware of it.",
"PossessorInfoLong": "(Impostors [Ghost]):\nAs the Possessor, you can possess players when others aren't in the Alert Range. Lead the possessed player as far as possible from other players in the Focus Range. Once the possession duration is up, the possessed player will be killed if others aren't in the Focus Range. If you run into another player in the Alert Range while possessing, the Possessor will immediately unpossess.",
- "PuppeteerInfoLong": "(Bedriegers):\nAls Puppeteer kun je de kill knop gebruiken om te Puppeteren (enkele klik) of normaal te doden (dubbele klik).\nDegenen die gepuppeteerd zijn, zullen de volgende niet-Bedrieger die ze aanraken doden. Afhankelijk van de opties zullen gepuppeteerde spelers ook sterven zodra ze iemand aanraken.",
- "MastermindInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mastermind, you can use your kill button on a player once to manipulate them. The manipulation does nothing if the target doesn't have a kill button. But if the target does have a kill button, whoever you manipulate will be told after a delay that they got manipulated and must kill someone in a limited time to survive. If the time limit expires or a meeting gets called before killing someone, they die.\nDouble click on someone to kill them normally.",
- "YinYangerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the YinYanger, you can use your kill button one time to pick your Yin and then a second time to choose a Yang. When those two players meet, they'll kill each other. When Yin & Yang have been chosen, you can kill normally.",
+ "PuppeteerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Puppeteer, you can use your Kill button to Puppeteer (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose you Puppeteer will kill the next non-Impostor they touch. Depending on options, Puppeteered targets will also die once they kill.",
+ "MastermindInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mastermind, you can use your Kill button on a player once to manipulate them. The manipulation does nothing if the target doesn't have a Kill button. But if the target does have a Kill button, whoever you manipulate will be told after a delay that they got manipulated and must kill someone in a limited time to survive. If the time limit expires or a meeting gets called before killing someone, they die.\nDouble click on someone to kill them normally.",
+ "YinYangerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the YinYanger, you can use your Kill button one time to pick your Yin and then a second time to choose a Yang. When those two players meet, they'll kill each other. When Yin & Yang have been chosen, you can kill normally.",
"TimeThiefInfoLong": "(Bedriegers):\nElke keer dat de Tijd dief een speler doodt, wordt de meeting tijd met een bepaalde tijd verkort. Als de Tijd dief sterft, wordt de meeting tijd weer normaal.",
- "SniperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nYou can shoot players from far away.\nYou have to shapeshift twice to make a successful snipe.\nImagine an arrow pointing from your first shapeshift location towards your unshift location.\nThat will be the direction in which the snipe will be made.\nThe snipe kills the first person in its path.\nYou cannot kill people normally until you use up all of your ammo.",
+ "SniperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nYou can shoot players from far away.\nYou have to Shapeshift twice to make a successful snipe.\nImagine an arrow pointing from your first Shapeshift location towards your Unshift location.\nThat will be the direction in which the snipe will be made.\nThe snipe kills the first person in its path.\nYou cannot kill people normally until you use up all of your ammo.",
"UndertakerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEverytime you Shapeshift, you mark the location. Your kills will then teleport to the marked location.\nAfter every kill and meeting, your marked location will reset.\n\nAfter every teleported kill, you will freeze for a configurable amount of time",
- "RiftMakerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs Rift Maker, you can shapeshift to create a rift. You can teleport from one rift to another by touching the area where the rift was created. Trying to vent will kick you out, therefore destroying all the rifts.\n\nNote: Up to two rifts can be placed at a time; if you try to place a third, it removes the first one.",
- "EvilTrackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Tracker can track other players, and the Evil Tracker can shapeshift into someone to switch the tracking target to the shapeshift target (You will immediately unshift after performing shapeshift). The arrow below the Evil Tracker's name indicates the direction of the target. When the Evil Tracker's teammate kills, the Evil Tracker will see a kill flash.",
- "EvilHackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Hacker can get the last-minute admin information at the meeting beginning.\nUnoccupied rooms are not shown.\nA '★' marks rooms with impostors.\nRooms with dead bodies are marked with the number of bodies.\nExample: ★Cafeteria: 3 (DEAD×1).",
+ "RiftMakerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs Rift Maker, you can Shapeshift to create a rift. You can teleport from one rift to another by touching the area where the rift was created. Trying to vent will kick you out, therefore destroying all the rifts.\n\nNote: Up to two rifts can be placed at a time; if you try to place a third, it removes the first one.",
+ "EvilTrackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Tracker can track other players, and the Evil Tracker can Shapeshift into someone to switch the tracking target to the Shapeshift target (You will immediately unshift after performing Shapeshift). The arrow below the Evil Tracker's name indicates the direction of the target. When the Evil Tracker's teammate kills, the Evil Tracker will see a kill flash.",
+ "EvilHackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Hacker can get the last-minute admin information at the meeting beginning.\nUnoccupied rooms are not shown.\nA '★' marks rooms with Impostors.\nRooms with dead bodies are marked with the number of bodies.\nExample: ★Cafeteria: 3 (DEAD×1).",
"EvilGuesserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If correct, the target dies. If wrong, the Evil Guesser dies.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
- "AntiAdminerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Anti Adminer can at any time find out if there are crewmates or neutrals near Cameras, Admin Table, Vitals, DoorLog, and/or other devices. Note: Anti Adminer does not know if the player uses the device while near it. They only know that someone is near the device.",
- "ArroganceInfoLong": "(Bedriegers):\nDe Arrogante verlaagt zijn kill cooldown met elke succesvolle kill van hem.",
- "BomberInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Bomber can use the shapeshift button to self-explode, killing players within a certain range. But as a price, the Bomber will also die. Note: All players will see a kill flash when the Bomber explodes.",
- "ScavengerInfoLong": "(Bedriegers):\nBij aaseter blijven geen dode lichamen achter. Bovendien zal er geen zelfrapportage plaatsvinden als het slachtoffer een aas is.",
+ "AntiAdminerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Anti Adminer can at any time find out if there are Crewmates or Neutrals near Cameras, Admin Table, Vitals, DoorLog, and/or other devices. Note: Anti Adminer does not know if the player uses the device while near it. They only know that someone is near the device.",
+ "ArroganceInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Arrogance reduces their Kill Cooldown with each successful kill of theirs.",
+ "BomberInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Bomber can use the Shapeshift button to self-explode, killing players within a certain range. But as a price, the Bomber will also die. Note: All players will see a kill flash when the Bomber explodes.",
+ "ScavengerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nScavenger kills do not leave dead bodies behind. In addition, if the victim is a Bait, no self-report will be made.",
"TrapsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Trapster has a unique method of killing. By initiating a body report, the Trapster can eliminate the player attempting to report the body the Trapster killed.\nNote: If Trapster kills the Bait, the Trapster will die immediately.",
- "GangsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Gangster, a powerful character, can try to recruit a player to a Madmate by pressing the kill button. If the recruitment is successful, both the Gangster and the target will see the shield animation on each other as a reminder (only visible to each other). The remaining number of available recruits is displayed next to the Gangster's name (the Host sets the max). If the Gangster tries to recruit players who cannot be recruited, such as neutrals or some special crews, they will kill the target normally instead. When the Gangster has no remaining recruitments, they can only make normal kills from that point on.",
- "CleanerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nCleaner can press the Report button to clean up any dead body they come across (including those they kill). If the cleanup is successful, the Cleaner will see a shield animation on their body as a reminder (only visible to himself). The cleaned-up body cannot be reported (including bait).",
- "LightningInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lightning, you cannot kill normally. Instead, your kill button quantizes targets, which activates after a delay, causing the next person they encounter to kill them. Those who are actively quantized show a「■」next to their name. Additionally, those who have been quantized die if they survive until the end of a meeting. There is a setting to quantize your killer.",
- "GreedyInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nGreedy kills with odd and even kills will have different kill cooldowns. Greedy's kill cooldown is reset every meeting, and Greedy's first kill is always odd.",
- "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Cursed Wolf is about to be killed, the Cursed Wolf will curse the killer to death. (The Host sets the max of times you can counterattack)",
- "SoulCatcherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Soul Catcher, you can shapeshift to swap places with your target as long as they are not dead, in a vent, swallowed by pelican, or in a similar odd state.",
- "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the kill cooldown is over, Quick Shooter can reset the kill cooldown by shapeshift to store a bullet (when the storage is successful, a shield-animation visible only to himself will appear on their body as a reminder). If Quick Shooter has bullets, he can use one to bypass the kill cooldown; he will kill even if it's still on cooldown and use a bullet. At the beginning of each meeting, the quick shooter can only keep a certain number of bullets (The Host sets the number).",
- "CamouflagerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Camouflager uses Shapeshift, all players start to look the same. This state ends when the Camouflager reverts its shapeshifting. It's important to note that the skills of communication sabotage camouflage, and the skills of the Camouflager can be superimposed.\nThis skill will be invalid if a meeting is held during the skill activation of the Camouflager.",
- "EraserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEraser can vote for any crew target at the meeting to erase the target's roles, and the erasure will take effect after the meeting ends. Note: Players with erased skills will always be considered a vanilla role, including the game result page.\nA crew target can only be erased once (include Oiiai)",
+ "GangsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Gangster, a powerful character, can try to recruit a player to a Madmate by pressing the Kill button. If the recruitment is successful, both the Gangster and the target will see the Shield Animation on each other as a reminder (only visible to each other). The remaining number of available recruits is displayed next to the Gangster's name (the Host sets the maximum). If the Gangster tries to recruit players who cannot be recruited, such as Neutrals or some special Crewmates, they will kill the target normally instead. When the Gangster has no remaining recruitments, they can only make normal kills from that point on.",
+ "CleanerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nCleaner can press the Report button to clean up any dead body they come across (including those they kill). If the cleanup is successful, the Cleaner will see a Shield Animation on their body as a reminder (only visible to himself). The cleaned-up body cannot be reported (including Bait).",
+ "LightningInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lightning, you cannot kill normally. Instead, your Kill button quantizes targets, which activates after a delay, causing the next person they encounter to kill them. Those who are actively quantized show a「■」next to their name. Additionally, those who have been quantized die if they survive until the end of a meeting. There is a setting to quantize your killer.",
+ "GreedyInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nGreedy kills with odd and even kills will have different Kill Cooldowns. Greedy's Kill Cooldown is reset every meeting, and Greedy's first kill is always odd.",
+ "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Cursed Wolf is about to be killed, the Cursed Wolf will curse the killer to death. (The Host sets the maximum of times you can counterattack)",
+ "SoulCatcherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Soul Catcher, you can Shapeshift to swap places with your target as long as they are not dead, in a Vent, swallowed by Pelican, or in a similar odd state.",
+ "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Kill Cooldown is over, Quick Shooter can reset the Kill Cooldown by Shapeshift to store a bullet (when the storage is successful, a Shield Animation visible only to himself will appear on their body as a reminder). If Quick Shooter has bullets, he can use one to bypass the Kill Cooldown; he will kill even if it's still on Cooldown and use a bullet. At the beginning of each meeting, the quick shooter can only keep a certain number of bullets (The Host sets the number).",
+ "CamouflagerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Camouflager uses Shapeshift, all players start to look the same. This state ends when the Camouflager reverts its Shapeshifting. It's important to note that the skills of Communication Sabotage Camouflage, and the skills of the Camouflager can be superimposed.\nThis skill will be invalid if a meeting is held during the skill activation of the Camouflager.",
+ "EraserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEraser can vote for any target at the meeting to erase the target's roles, and the erasure will take effect after the meeting ends. Note: Players with erased skills will always be considered a vanilla role, including the game result page.\nA target can only be erased once (including OIIAI)",
"ButcherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Butcher's kills, including passive ones, leave multiple dead bodies on targets, which can be a bit confusing when reporting. Here's the rule: the killed target must repeatedly display the animation of being killed, which cannot be skipped, and they cannot participate in the meeting normally during this period. And if the Butcher kills the Avenger, the Avenger will revenge everyone in anger.",
- "HangmanInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Hangman, during the shapeshifting, you use a unique killing method-strangling. This method ignores any status of the target, such as the shield of the Medic, the Bodyguard's protection, the Super Star's skills, etc. The strangled player will not leave a dead body, nor will it trigger any of its skills. For example, Veteran kill back (including additional roles), and Seer will not be prompted.",
- "SwooperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Swooper, you can vent to vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
+ "HangmanInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Hangman, during the Shapeshifting, you use a unique killing method-strangling. This method ignores any status of the target, such as the shield of the Medic, the Bodyguard's protection, the Super Star's skills, etc. The strangled player will not leave a dead body, nor will it trigger any of its skills. For example, Veteran kill back (including additional roles), and Seer will not be prompted.",
+ "SwooperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Swooper, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
"CrewpostorInfoLong": "(Team Impostor):\nYou kill the nearest player whenever you finish a task.",
- "WildlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Wildling, you can shapeshift but cannot vent.\nWhen you kill, you temporarily become immune to attacks.",
- "TricksterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Trickster, you function as a regular Impostor but with one key difference.\nYou appear as a crewmate to crewmate roles.\n\nThe Sheriff cannot kill you.\nPsychic does not see you as evil.\nSnitch cannot find you.",
+ "WildlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Wildling, you can Shapeshift but cannot Vent.\nWhen you kill, you temporarily become immune to attacks.",
+ "TricksterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Trickster, you function as a regular Impostor but with one key difference.\nYou appear as a Crewmate to Crewmate roles.\n\nThe Sheriff cannot kill you.\nPsychic does not see you as evil.\nSnitch cannot find you.",
"VindicatorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Vindicator, you have extra votes like a Mayor.",
"StealthInfoLong": "(Bedriegers):\nWanneer de Stealth een moord uitvoert, worden spelers in dezelfde kamer voor een korte tijd verblind.",
- "PenguinInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Penguin, you can restrain the target by pressing the kill button and drag it around.\nWhile dragging, the target dies by pressing the kill button again or after a certain period.\nPress the kill button twice for a direct kill.",
- "ParasiteInfoLong": "(Team Bedrieger):\nAls de Parasiet ben je een Bedrieger die de andere Bedriegers niet kent.\n\nJe mag moorden, venten, saboteren, wat dan ook.\nWeet gewoon dat je een Bedrieger bent.",
- "DisperserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nDisperser can use Shapeshift to teleport all players to random vents.",
- "InhibitorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Inhibitor, you can only kill when there is not a critical sabotage active.\n\nIf light or comms sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
- "SaboteurInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Saboteur, you can only kill when there is a critical sabotage active.\n\nIf reactor or O2 sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
+ "PenguinInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Penguin, you can restrain the target by pressing the Kill button and drag it around.\nWhile dragging, the target dies by pressing the Kill button again or after a certain period.\nPress the Kill button twice for a direct kill.",
+ "ParasiteInfoLong": "(Team Impostor):\nAs the Parasite, you are an Impostor that does not know the other Impostors.\n\nYou may Kill, Vent, Sabotage, whatever.\nJust know that you are an Impostor.",
+ "DisperserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nDisperser can use Shapeshift to teleport all players to random Vents.",
+ "InhibitorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Inhibitor, you can only kill when there is not a Critical Sabotage active.\n\nIf Light or Comms Sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
+ "SaboteurInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Saboteur, you can only kill when there is a Critical sabotage active.\n\nIf Reactor or O2 Sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
"CouncillorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Councillor, you can kill players during a meeting like a Judge.\nWhen killing in a meeting, those kills will appear as a trial from a Judge.\n\nThe kill command is /tl [player id]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nDepending on the settings, Councillor will suicide when he judge his teammates.\nConverted Councillor can judge freely.",
"DazzlerInfoLong": "(Bedriegers):\nAls de Oogverblindender kun je het zicht van het doelwit van je vormverandering permanent verminderen. Als je sterft, wordt hun zicht weer normaal.",
- "DeathpactInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Deathpact, You shapeshift to mark your targets for a deathpact.\nIf you have enough players marked for a death pact, they must meet within a specific period; if they fail to do so, they die.\nIf a marked player dies before the death pact becomes complete, the pact is withdrawn.",
- "DevourerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Devourer, you use your shapeshift to change the appearance of the target of the shapeshift permanently. Additionally, when each player's appearance changes, you will have your kill cooldown reduced by a defined number of seconds. If the Devourer dies or gets voted out during a meeting, the player's appearance will change back to their normal appearance.",
- "MorphlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Morphling, you are a Shapeshifter but cannot kill while not shapeshifted.",
- "TwisterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Twister, you can use shapeshifting to swap the position of all players randomly. The swap happens twice, once when you start your shapeshift and once when you return to your original appearance.\nThe Twister itself will not swap places with anyone, and players in vents will not teleport.",
- "LurkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lurker, you can jump into a vent to reduce your cooldown by a certain number of seconds. After you kill, your cooldown resets to its original value.",
+ "DeathpactInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Deathpact, You Shapeshift to mark your targets for a deathpact.\nIf you have enough players marked for a deathpact, they must meet within a specific period; if they fail to do so, they die.\nIf a marked player dies before the deathpact becomes complete, the pact is withdrawn.",
+ "DevourerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Devourer, you use your Shapeshift to change the appearance of the target of the Shapeshift permanently. Additionally, when each player's appearance changes, you will have your Kill Cooldown reduced by a defined number of seconds. If the Devourer dies or gets voted out during a meeting, the player's appearance will change back to their normal appearance.",
+ "MorphlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Morphling, you are a Shapeshifter but cannot kill while not Shapeshifted.",
+ "TwisterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Twister, you can use Shapeshifting to swap the position of all players randomly. The swap happens twice, once when you start your Shapeshift and once when you return to your original appearance.\nThe Twister itself will not swap places with anyone, and players in vents will not teleport.",
+ "LurkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lurker, you can jump into a Vent to reduce your Cooldown by a certain number of seconds. After you kill, your Cooldown resets to its original value.",
"VisionaryInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Visionary, you see the alignments of living players during a meeting.\nThe following information will be displayed on the players:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.",
"PlagueDoctorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\n(Plague Doctor from TOH)\nThe Plague Scientist's goal is to infect every living player.\nThey start by choosing one player to infect, after which anyone who spends a set amount of time in the range of the infected player becomes infected themselves.\nInfection progress is cumulative and does not reset with distance or after meetings.",
- "RefugeeInfoLong": "(Madmates):\nAs the Refugee, you were either:\n -An Amnesiac who remembered an Impostor\n -A killer who killed the Godfather's target.\n -A Romantic whose partner was an Impostor\n -Or an Imitator that imitated an Impostor.\n\nNow your job is to help the Impostors kill the crewmates.",
+ "RefugeeInfoLong": "(Madmates):\nAs the Refugee, you were either:\n -An Amnesiac who remembered an Impostor\n -A killer who killed the Godfather's target.\n -A Romantic whose partner was an Impostor\n -Or an Imitator that imitated an Impostor.\n\nNow your job is to help the Impostors kill the Crewmates.",
"UnderdogInfoLong": "(Bedriegers):\nAls Underdog kun je niet doden totdat er een bepaald aantal spelers in leven is.",
- "ConsigliereInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Consigliere, you can reveal the roles of other players using your kill button.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\n\nIf you run out of reveal uses, your kill button functions normally.",
- "LudopathInfoLong": "(Bedriegers):\nDe Ludopaat zijn kill cooldown is willekeurig.\nDit is minimaal 1 seconde en maximaal je normale kill cooldown.",
+ "ConsigliereInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Consigliere, you can reveal the roles of other players using your Kill button.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\n\nIf you run out of reveal uses, your Kill button functions normally.",
+ "LudopathInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ludopath, your Kill Cooldown is randomized.\n\nMinimum it can be is 1 second, while the maximum is your default Kill Cooldown.",
"GodfatherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Godfather, you vote someone to make them your target.\nIn the next round, if someone kills the target, the killer will turn into a Refugee or Madmate.",
"ChronomancerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Chronomancer, you have a charge bar which indicates when the slaughter is ready. When it is at 100% the next time you kill someone, you go into slaughter mode, meaning you can kill indefinitely until your bar runs out of charge. Otherwise, you have a normal KCD.",
- "PitfallInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Pitfall, you use your shapeshift to mark the area around the shapeshift as a trap. Players who enter this area will be immobilized quickly, and their vision will be affected.",
- "EvilMiniInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Evil Mini, you are unkillable until you grow up and have a very long initial kill cooldown, which gets drastically shortened as you grow up.",
- "BlackmailerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Blackmailer, when you shift into a target, you will blackmail that player. This means that during the meetings, they won't be able to speak.\n\nNote: If someone is already blackmailed, blackmailing another person un-blackmails the current person.",
- "InstigatorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Instigator, it's your job to turn the crewmates against each other. Each time a Crewmate gets voted out in a meeting, if you are alive, an additional Crewmate who voted for the innocent player will die after the meeting. The Host determines the number of additional players dying.",
- "LazyGuyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nLazy Guy has only one task. In addition, the Impostor's abilities can't affect the Lazy Guy, such as being a scapegoat for Anonymous, being marked by a Warlock or Puppeteer, and more. Lazy Guy will not have any add-ons.",
+ "PitfallInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Pitfall, you use your Shapeshift to mark the area around the Shapeshift as a trap. Players who enter this area will be immobilized quickly, and their vision will be affected.",
+ "EvilMiniInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Evil Mini, you are unkillable until you grow up and have a very long initial Kill Cooldown, which gets drastically shortened as you grow up.",
+ "BlackmailerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Blackmailer, when you Shift into a target, you will blackmail that player. This means that during the meetings, they won't be able to speak.\n\nNote: If someone is already blackmailed, blackmailing another person un-blackmails the current person.",
+ "InstigatorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Instigator, it's your job to turn the Crewmates against each other. Each time a Crewmate gets voted out in a meeting, if you are alive, an additional Crewmate who voted for the innocent player will die after the meeting. The Host determines the number of additional players dying.",
+ "LazyGuyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nLazy Guy has only one task. In addition, the Impostor's abilities can't affect the Lazy Guy, such as being a scapegoat for Anonymous, being marked by a Warlock or Puppeteer, and more. Lazy Guy will not have any Add-ons.",
"SuperStarInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThere will be a star logo next to the Super Star's name, so everyone knows who the Super Star is. The Super Star can only die when the murderer is alone with the Super Star (regular kills only). In addition, the Guessers can't guess the Super Star. ",
"CelebrityInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAll Crewmates see the kill-flash when the Celebrity dies (same as the Seer sees the kill-flash) and get a notice at the next meeting. The Impostors don't know anything about this.",
- "CleanserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Cleanser, you can vote to erase the add-ons of any target at the meeting. This erasure takes effect after the meeting ends. Depending on the settings, the cleansed player may never receive add-ons again.",
+ "CleanserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Cleanser, you can vote to erase the Add-ons of any target at the meeting. This erasure takes effect after the meeting ends. Depending on the settings, the cleansed player may never receive Add-ons again.",
"KeeperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs keeper, you can vote for someone to protect them from being ejected. You can only do this a configurable number of times.",
- "MayorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mayor, you have extra votes. Depending on the settings, players can't see your extra votes, you can vent to call a meeting at any time, or you can have yourself revealed as Mayor upon task completion.",
+ "MayorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mayor, you have extra votes. Depending on the settings, players can't see your extra votes, you can Vent to call a meeting at any time, or you can have yourself revealed as Mayor upon task completion.",
"PsychicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Psychic can see the names of several players highlighted in red during the meeting; at least one of them is evil. The Psychic will correctly see all Neutrals and Killing Crewmates displayed as red names when becoming a Madmate.",
- "MechanicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Mechanic can use the vent at any time. They can also fix Reactors, O2, and Communications using only one side. You can fix Lights by flicking only one switch. Opening a door will open all doors in the map.",
- "SheriffInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nSheriff has no task. The Sheriff can kill the Impostor (according to the host settings, the Sheriff can also kill neutrals). If the Sheriff tries to kill a crewmate, the Sheriff will kill himself. The Sheriff can kill anyone when he becomes a madmate (also according to the host settings).",
- "VigilanteInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Vigilante, you are tasked with eliminating potential threats to the Crew, but if they mistakenly kill an innocent crew member, they become a Madmate driven by guilt and remorse.\n\n Note: Gangster cannot convert Vigilante into madmate.",
- "JailerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Jailer, use your kill button to lock a player in jail. During the next meeting, the jailed player cannot vote or get voted (the vote count will be 0). The Jailer may choose to execute the prisoner by voting for them. If the Jailer executes an innocent player, the Jailer loses the ability to execute for the rest of the game.\nIf the Jailer is evil, then they can execute anyone.\nThe Jailer has limited executions.\n\nNote: Jailed players cannot be guessed or judged, and jailed players can only guess Jailer.",
+ "MechanicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Mechanic can use Vents at any time. They can also fix Reactors, O2, and Communications using only one side. You can fix Lights by flicking only one switch. Opening a door will open all doors in the map.",
+ "SheriffInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nSheriff has no task. The Sheriff can kill the Impostor (according to the Host settings, the Sheriff can also kill Neutrals). If the Sheriff tries to kill a Crewmate, the Sheriff will kill himself. The Sheriff can kill anyone when he becomes a Madmate (also according to the Host settings).",
+ "VigilanteInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Vigilante, you are tasked with eliminating potential threats to the Crewmates, but if they mistakenly kill an innocent Crew member, they become a Madmate driven by guilt and remorse.\n\n Note: Gangster cannot convert Vigilante into Madmate.",
+ "JailerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Jailer, use your Kill button to lock a player in jail. During the next meeting, the jailed player cannot vote or get voted (the vote count will be 0). The Jailer may choose to execute the prisoner by voting for them. If the Jailer executes an innocent player, the Jailer loses the ability to execute for the rest of the game.\nIf the Jailer is evil, then they can execute anyone.\nThe Jailer has limited executions.\n\nNote: Jailed players cannot be guessed or judged, and jailed players can only guess Jailer.",
"SnitchInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAfter the Snitch completes all tasks, they can see the Impostor's names displayed in red on the meeting. When the Snitch has only one task left, the Impostors will see a 「★」 mark next to the name of themselves and the Snitch. When a Snitch becomes a Madmate, the 「★」 mark turns red.",
- "MarshallInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Marshall, complete your tasks to reveal yourself to the rest of the Crew.\nOther teams will not be able to see you.\nHowever, madmates CAN see you.",
- "DoctorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nDoctor can see the cause of death for all players. In addition, the Doctor can access vitals wherever you are while he still has battery left.",
+ "MarshallInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Marshall, complete your tasks to reveal yourself to the rest of the Crewmates.\nOther teams will not be able to see you.\nHowever, Madmates CAN see you.",
+ "DoctorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nDoctor can see the cause of death for all players. In addition, the Doctor can access Vitals wherever you are while he still has battery left.",
"DictatorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhen the Dictator votes for someone, the meeting will end on the spot, and the player they voted for will be ejected from the meeting. The moment the Dictator votes someone out, the Dictator will also die.",
"DetectiveInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAfter the Detective reports the body, they will receive a clue message, which will tell the Detective what the victim's role is. According to the Host's settings, the Detective may know what the murderer's role is. Note: Detective won't be Oblivious.",
"UndercoverInfoLong": "(Bemanningsleden):\nDe Bedriegers weten wie Undercover is en zien hem als teamgenoot, maar de Undercover zelf weet niet wie de Bedriegers zijn.",
- "NiceGuesserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Nice Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If it is correct, it will kill the target, and if it is wrong, Nice Guesser will suicide.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nNice Guesser can guess crewmate when become madmate.",
- "GuessMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guess Master, you will receive information about every attempted guess made during a meeting. You will be informed about the role the guesser tried to guess, and you will also be notified in case of a misguess.",
+ "NiceGuesserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Nice Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If it is correct, it will kill the target, and if it is wrong, Nice Guesser will suicide.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nNice Guesser can guess Crewmate when become Madmate.",
+ "GuessMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guess Master, you will receive information about every attempted guess made during a meeting. You will be informed about the role the Guesser tried to guess, and you will also be notified in case of a misguess.",
"KnightInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Knight has no tasks. They can kill anyone but only do it once the whole game.",
- "TransporterInfoLong": "(Bemanningsleden):\nTelkens wanneer de Transporter een taak heeft voltooid, zullen twee willekeurige spelers van positie wisselen, maar als er niet genoeg spelers over zijn, zal er niets gebeuren. Opmerking: Spelers in de vents worden niet geselecteerd.",
+ "TransporterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhenever the Transporter completes the task, two random players will switch positions, but if there are not enough players left, nothing will happen. Note: Players in a Vent will not be selected.",
"TimeManagerInfoLong": "(Bemanningslid):\nHoe meer taken de Tijd Manager uitvoert, hoe langer de meeting zal zijn. Als de Tijd Manager sterft, wordt de meetingtijd weer normaal. Als de Tijd Manager een Gekke wordt, zal de meeting verkort in plaats van verlengd.",
- "VeteranInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Veteran, you can enter the alert state by venting. If a player tries to kill the Veteran in the alert state, the Veteran will kill the murderer instead. Veteran will see a shield animation on their body and a text above their head as a reminder when they enter and exit the alert state.",
- "BastionInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Bastion, bomb vents to kill off impostors and neutrals.\nBe careful though; crewmates can also be killed with the bombs.",
- "CopyCatInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Copycat, you can use your kill button to copy the target's role.\n\nYou can only copy some crewmate roles.\nIf you try to copy a madmate or rascal, you become the madmate variation of the target role.\nIf you target an evil with a crewmate variant, you'll become the crewmate variant.\n\nAdditionally, Your role will be set back to Copycat after every meeting.\nNote You can't guess people in meetings.",
+ "VeteranInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Veteran, you can enter the alert state by Venting. If a player tries to kill the Veteran in the alert state, the Veteran will kill the murderer instead. Veteran will see a Shield Animation on their body and a text above their head as a reminder when they enter and exit the alert state.",
+ "BastionInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Bastion, bomb Vents to kill off Impostors and Neutrals.\nBe careful though; Crewmates can also be killed with the bombs.",
+ "CopyCatInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Copycat, you can use your Kill button to copy the target's role.\n\nYou can only copy some Crewmate roles.\nIf you try to copy a Madmate or Rascal, you become the Madmate variation of the target role.\nIf you target an evil with a Crewmate variant, you'll become the Crewmate variant.\n\nAdditionally, Your role will be set back to Copycat after every meeting.\nNote You can't guess people in meetings.",
"BodyguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nIf a player is about to be killed near the Bodyguard, the Bodyguard will prevent the kill and die with the murderer. The Bodyguard's skills will affect players of any team. When the Bodyguard becomes a Madmate, and the murderer is an Impostor, the Bodyguard will not activate the skill.",
- "DeceiverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Deceiver can sell the counterfeit to other players through the kill button. If the counterfeit is sold successfully, the Deceiver will see a shield animation on their body as a reminder. The counterfeit will take effect after the end of the next meeting. If the player with no kill ability holds the counterfeit, he will kill himself immediately. If the player with the killing ability has the counterfeit, he will commit suicide when he tries to kill someone next time.",
- "GrenadierInfoLong": "(Bemanningslid):\nAls Granaatwerper kun je venten om spelers in de buurt te verblinden, waardoor ze hun zicht verliezen als ze een Bedrieger zijn en afhankelijk van de instellingen, ook Neutralen.",
+ "DeceiverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Deceiver can sell the counterfeit to other players through the Kill button. If the counterfeit is sold successfully, the Deceiver will see a Shield Animation on their body as a reminder. The counterfeit will take effect after the end of the next meeting. If the player with no kill ability holds the counterfeit, he will kill himself immediately. If the player with the killing ability has the counterfeit, he will commit suicide when he tries to kill someone next time.",
+ "GrenadierInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Grenadier, you can Vent to Flashbang players nearby, causing them to lose vision if they are an Impostor or, depending on settings, a Neutral.",
"MedicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Medic can place a shield on the target by pressing the Kill button. The Medic can only give one shield for the whole game. Depending on the settings, the target's shield can or cannot deactivate when the Medic dies. The Medic can also see if someone is trying to break the target's shield.\nDepending on the Host's settings, the Medic or the target can see if the player has a shield (shown as a green circle 「●」 next to the name).",
"FortuneTellerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Fortune Teller, vote for a player in a meeting to get a clue to their role.\nThe clue will relate to their actual role.\n\nWhen the Fortune Teller's tasks are complete, they will obtain the exact role rather than a clue!\n\nNote: If the setting to give random active players as a hint is on, you cannot check the same player multiple times.",
"JudgeInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Judge can judge a certain player during the meeting. If the target is evil, the target will be killed (whether it is evil or not is set by the Host). If it is wrong, the Judge commits suicide.\nCommand for judgment: /tl [player id]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nJudges can judge all players when they become Madmate.\nIn meeting the ability count shows how many trails you have in this meeting. Out of meeting the ability counts shows how many trails you have for the whole game.",
"MorticianInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Mortician can see arrows pointing to all dead bodies, and if the Mortician reports a body, they will know the last player the victim had contact with. Note: Mortician won't be Oblivious or Seer.",
"MediumInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Medium can establish contact with a dead player after someone reports a dead body. The player who reports doesn't have to be the Medium. The dead player can answer once with a YES or a NO to the Medium's question, which only the Medium will see (the dead player can use /ms yes or /ms no). Note: Medium won't be Oblivious.",
- "ObserverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Observer, you can see all shield animations caused by other players after the first meeting. The shied animations typically indicate a role ability, so look out for this.",
+ "ObserverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Observer, you can see all Shield Animations caused by other players after the first meeting. The Shield Animations typically indicate a role ability, so look out for this.",
"MonarchInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Monarch, you can knight players to give them an extra vote.\n\nYou cannot knight someone who already has multiple votes.\n\nKnighted players appear with a golden name.\nIf a knighted player is alive, the Monarch cannot be guessed or killed.",
- "PacifistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhen the Pacifist vents, they will reset the kill cooldown for every player with a kill button. When they become a Madmate, this ability will only work on Crewmates.",
- "OverseerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Overseer, you have minimal vision, but you can use your kill button to reveal the role of a nearby player. A 「○」 will be displayed next to the revealed target after you use the kill button on them, and you will also be scanning them (only you can see this). Stay near the target for a defined time to reveal his role; if you move too far away, the reveal will cancel.",
+ "PacifistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhen the Pacifist Vents, they will reset the Kill Cooldown for every player with a Kill button. When they become a Madmate, this ability will only work on Crewmates.",
+ "OverseerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Overseer, you have minimal vision, but you can use your Kill button to reveal the role of a nearby player. A 「○」 will be displayed next to the revealed target after you use the Kill button on them, and you will also be scanning them (only you can see this). Stay near the target for a defined time to reveal his role; if you move too far away, the reveal will cancel.",
"CoronerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a Coroner, you can't report corpses; instead, after trying to report the corpse, you will see an arrow leading you to the killer. If someone calls a meeting, the arrows disappear. Depending on the settings, players can't report the body you found.",
"PresidentInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe President has two abilities: End the meeting and Reveal identity.\n\n+ Ability 1: End the meeting - Type /finish in meetings as President to instantly end the meeting.\n+ Ability 2: Reveal identity - Type /reveal in meetings to reveal yourself. Revealing yourself will make it so every player can see that you are the President, and you will become unguessable after typing the command. However, after the President has revealed themselves, whoever killed the President will have their kill CD greatly reduced on their next kill.",
- "MerchantInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a merchant, you sell a random add-on to a random player for each task you complete. Each add-on sold earns you money. If you have a certain amount of money, you can prevent the next killing attempt against you by bribing the murderer. The bribed player won't be able to kill you, but you don't know who it is. The money used is lost and not available for additional bribes.",
+ "MerchantInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a merchant, you sell a random Add-on to a random player for each task you complete. Each Add-on sold earns you money. If you have a certain amount of money, you can prevent the next killing attempt against you by bribing the murderer. The bribed player won't be able to kill you, but you don't know who it is. The money used is lost and not available for additional bribes.",
"RetributionistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Retributionist, you can kill a limited amount of players after your death.\n\nUse /ret [playerID] to kill.",
- "HawkInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Hawk, you can kill a limited amount of players decided by the host, though there's a chance you miss, slicing someone multiple times increases the chances.",
- "DeputyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Deputy, use your kill button to handcuff a player.\nThe player who is handcuffed will have their next kill attempt treated as a handcuff break, and the kill cooldown will be reset.\n\nIf the target does not have a kill button, then the handcuff was a waste.",
- "InvestigatorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs an Investigator, you can use your kill button to investigate someone. When you investigate someone, their name will appear in red if they possess a kill button (impostor/SS basis) or light blue if they lack a kill button (crewmate/engineer/scientist basis). However, please note that the color of the names will return to normal when someone calls a meeting.",
+ "HawkInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Hawk, you can kill a limited amount of players decided by the Host, though there's a chance you miss, slicing someone multiple times increases the chances.",
+ "DeputyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Deputy, use your Kill button to handcuff a player.\nThe player who is handcuffed will have their next kill attempt treated as a handcuff break, and the Kill Cooldown will be reset.\n\nIf the target does not have a Kill button, then the handcuff was a waste.",
+ "InvestigatorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs an Investigator, you can use your Kill button to investigate someone. When you investigate someone, their name will appear in red if they possess a Kill button (impostor/Shapeshifter basis) or light blue if they lack a Kill button (Crewmate/Engineer/Scientist basis). However, please note that the color of the names will return to normal when someone calls a meeting.",
"GuardianInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guardian, you become immortal upon task completion. Guessers can't even guess you in meetings.",
- "AddictInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Addict, you have a suicide timer. When it expires, you kill yourself.\nThe timer is indicated by the vent cooldown. When the vent cooldown is 0 seconds, you still have a short time to vent.\nIf you don't make it, you die; if you make it, the suicide timer is reset.\nAlso after you vent, no one can interact with you for a defined period.\nAfter; the period is over, and you are immobilized for another defined period, and cannot report any bodies.",
- "MoleInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mole, when you vent, you stay in the vent for 1 second. When you exit the vent, you will spawn near a random vent in the map (Except the one you used).",
+ "AddictInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Addict, you have a suicide timer. When it expires, you kill yourself.\nThe timer is indicated by the Vent Cooldown. When the Vent Cooldown is 0 seconds, you still have a short time to Vent.\nIf you don't make it, you die; if you make it, the Suicide Timer is reset.\nAlso after you Vent, no one can interact with you for a defined period.\nAfter; the period is over, and you are immobilized for another defined period, and cannot Report any bodies.",
+ "MoleInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mole, when you Vent, you stay in the Vent for 1 second. When you exit the Vent, you will spawn near a random Vent in the map (Except the one you used).",
"AlchemistInfoLong": "(Bemanningslid):\nAls Alchemist brouw je drankjes wanneer je taken voltooit. Het drankje dat je hebt gemaakt verschijnt onder je rolnaam met de bijbehorende beschrijving en instructies. Je kunt zeven verschillende drankjes krijgen, sommige met schadelijke of geen effecten. Vent om het drankje te gebruiken.",
- "KamikazeInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Kamikaze you can single click to mark people. Double-click to kill normally. When you die, all marked also die, with death reason Targeted.",
- "TracefinderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracefinder, you can access vitals at any time.\nIn addition, you get arrows pointing to dead bodies, with a delay set by the Host.",
+ "KamikazeInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Kamikaze you can single click to mark players. Double-click to kill normally. When you die, all marked also die, with death reason Targeted.",
+ "TracefinderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracefinder, you can access Vitals at any time.\nIn addition, you get arrows pointing to dead bodies, with a delay set by the Host.",
"OracleInfoLong": "(Bemanningsleden):\nals de Orakel kan jij een speler stemmen tijdens een meeting. Jij kan zien of zij Bemanningslid, Neutral, of bedrieger is.\nAfhankelijk van de instellingen is er een kans dat je resultaat niet klopt.",
"SpiritualistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Spiritualist, you get an arrow pointing towards the ghost of the last meeting's victim. There is an option for the arrow to disappear and reappear in intervals. Try to notify the ghost about your ability if you can; if they are on your side, they may lead you to an evil role so you can eject them. Be careful, as evil roles can do the same for Crewmates.",
- "ChameleonInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chameleon, you can vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
- "InspectorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nCheck If two players are in the same team or not. You will get an affirmation message if they are on the same team or a denial message if they are not on the same team.\n\nAll neutrals and converted players are counted in the same team. Trickster counts as Crew, and Rascal counts as Impostor.\nChecking command: /cmp [player id 1] [player id 2].",
- "CaptainInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWith each completed task, the Captain gains the power to slow down a random non-crew role. Crewmates can see ☆besides Captain's name.\n\nIf anyone betrays the Captain's trust by voting Captain out, they will lose an add-on.",
- "AdmirerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Admirer, admire a player to make them Crewmate aligned.\nThey'll win with crewmates and not their original team.\n\nYou can only do this once per player.",
- "TimeMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Time Master, use the vents to mark everyone's position.\nWhen using the ability again, every alive player will rewind to the marked positions.\n\nDuring the ability duration, the Time Master gains a time shield, which protects them from death.",
- "CrusaderInfoLong": "(Bemanningslid):\nGebruik als kruisvaarder je kill knop om een speler te beschermen.\nAls die speler wordt aangevallen, dood je de aanvaller.",
- "AltruistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Altruist, you can sacrifice yourself to revive a dead body using the «Report» button.\nNote: If a dead player has left the game, you report that body normally.\nAlso revived player cannot report self dead body\nUse vent button to change between Report & Revive.",
- "ReverieInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Reverie, you can kill, but your cooldown starts high.\n\nIt increases if you kill a crewmate and reduces otherwise.\nDepending on the Host's setting, you may misfire on reaching the max kill cooldown, and your target dies with you. \n\nYou win with other crewmates.",
- "LookoutInfoLong": "(Bemanningslid):\nAls uitkijk kun je altijd de ID's van elke speler zien.\nHierdoor kun je door vormveranderingen en camouflages heen kijken.",
- "TelecommunicationInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Telecommunication, you are notified when anyone uses cameras, vitals, door logs, or admin.",
- "LighterInfoLong": "(Bemanningslid):\nAls Aansteker kun je venten om je zicht tijdelijk te vergroten.\nJe hebt altijd een verhoogd zicht, zowel wanneer de lichten niet uit zijn en als de lichten uit zijn.\nGebruik deze kracht om moordenaars te vangen!",
+ "ChameleonInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chameleon, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
+ "InspectorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nCheck If two players are in the same team or not. You will get an affirmation message if they are on the same team or a denial message if they are not on the same team.\n\nAll Neutrals and converted players are counted in the same team. Trickster counts as Crewmate, and Rascal counts as Impostor.\nChecking command: /cmp [player id 1] [player id 2].",
+ "CaptainInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWith each completed task, the Captain gains the power to slow down a random non-Crewmate role. Crewmates can see ☆besides Captain's name.\n\nIf anyone betrays the Captain's trust by voting Captain out, they will lose an Add-on.",
+ "AdmirerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Admirer, admire a player to make them Crewmate aligned.\nThey'll win with Crewmates and not their original team.\n\nYou can only do this once per player.",
+ "TimeMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Time Master, use the Vents to mark everyone's position.\nWhen using the ability again, every alive player will rewind to the marked positions.\n\nDuring the ability duration, the Time Master gains a time shield, which protects them from death.",
+ "CrusaderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Crusader, use your Kill button to crusade a player.\nIf that player gets attacked, you'll kill the attacker.",
+ "AltruistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Altruist, you can sacrifice yourself to revive a dead body using the «Report» button.\nNote: If a dead player has left the game, you report that body normally.\nAlso revived player cannot report self dead body\nUse the Vent button to change between Report & Revive.",
+ "ReverieInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Reverie, you can kill, but your Cooldown starts high.\n\nIt increases if you kill a Crewmate and reduces otherwise.\nDepending on the Host's setting, you may misfire on reaching the maximum Kill Cooldown, and your target dies with you. \n\nYou win with other Crewmates.",
+ "LookoutInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Lookout, you can see the ID's of every player at all times.\nThis allows you to see through Shapeshifts and Camouflages.",
+ "TelecommunicationInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Telecommunication, you are notified when anyone uses Cameras, Vitals, Door Logs, or Admin.",
+ "LighterInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Lighter, you can Vent to increase your vision temporarily.\nYou have increased vision both when lights are not out and when lights are out.\nUse this power to catch sneaky killers!",
"TaskManagerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nYou see the total number of tasks completed (by everyone all together) next to your role name, which updates in real-time.",
- "WitnessInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Witness, when you use your kill button on someone, you will know if they killed in the last X seconds or not. (X depends on the settings).",
- "SwapperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Swapper, you can swap votes in meetings.\n\nTo swap votes, use '/sw [playerID]' twice.\n\nPlayer IDs are displayed next to player names in meetings, but you can also use /id to get a list of all player IDs.\n\nNote: Depending on the Host's settings, you can exchange your own votes.",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chief of Police,you can recruit a player to be a Sheriff(only once per game).\nDepending on the settings,you may recruit non-Crewmates or players without a kill button.\nYou may die when you recruit a wrong player.",
+ "WitnessInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Witness, when you use your Kill button on someone, you will know if they killed in the last X seconds or not. (X depends on the settings).",
+ "SwapperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Swapper, you can swap votes in meetings.\n\nTo swap votes, use '/sw [playerID]' twice.\n\nPlayer ID's are displayed next to player names in meetings, but you can also use /id to get a list of all player ID's.\n\nNote: Depending on the Host's settings, you can exchange your own votes.",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chief of Police, you can recruit a player to be a Sheriff(only once per game).\nDepending on the settings, you may recruit non-Crewmates or players without a Kill button.\nYou may suicide when you recruit a wrong player.",
"NiceMiniInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a Nice Mini, your survival is crucial. You can't be killed until you grow up, and if you die or are evicted from the meeting before you grow up, everyone loses. This unique role adds a new dynamic to the game, where your survival is not just for your benefit but for the entire Crew's success.",
- "SpyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Spy, when someone uses their kill button on you (any ability used through the kill button), you'll see their name in orange for a few seconds.\nNote: If a Crewmate used their ability on you, you'll also see them with an orange name!\nNote: If you cannot use left, you won't see orange names!\nNote: If the kill button interaction is blocked, the player's cooldown will reset to 10s'",
- "RandomizerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs this Randomizer, when you die, your killer will do one of the following:\n 1. self-report your body\n 2. stand next to your body\n 3. have their kill cooldown set to 600s\n 4. Randomly avenge a player.",
- "ArsonistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Arsonist can douse a player by clicking the kill button on the player and following them for a few seconds. When the dousing starts and it's successful, a shield animation will happen as a reminder (only visible to themselves). When the Arsonist has doused all surviving players, the Arsonist can vent to start the fire and win alone.\n\nIf the player name shows 「△」, that means they are being doused;\nif the player name shows 「▲」, it means they have been completely doused.\nDepending on the setting, Arsonist may start the fire anytime. But if he fails to kill everyone, he loses.",
+ "SpyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Spy, when someone uses their Kill button on you (any ability used through the Kill button), you'll see their name in orange for a few seconds.\nNote: If a Crewmate used their ability on you, you'll also see them with an orange name!\nNote: If you cannot use left, you won't see orange names!\nNote: If the Kill button interaction is blocked, the player's Cooldown will reset to 10s'",
+ "RandomizerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs this Randomizer, when you die, your killer will do one of the following:\n 1. self-report your body\n 2. stand next to your body\n 3. have their Kill Cooldown set to 600s\n 4. Randomly avenge a player.",
+ "ArsonistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Arsonist can douse a player by clicking the Kill button on the player and following them for a few seconds. When the dousing starts and it's successful, a Shield Animation will happen as a reminder (only visible to themselves). When the Arsonist has doused all surviving players, the Arsonist can Vent to start the fire and win alone.\n\nIf the player name shows 「△」, that means they are being doused;\nif the player name shows 「▲」, it means they have been completely doused.\nDepending on the setting, Arsonist may start the fire anytime. But if he fails to kill everyone, he loses.",
"EnigmaInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Enigma, you get a random clue about the killer each meeting. Depending on the settings, you may have to report the body to receive a clue. The more tasks you complete, the more precise the clues get.",
- "PyromaniacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pyromaniac, you can douse players (single click) or kill normally (double click). Dousing players do nothing immediately, but killing a doused player will significantly shorten your kill cooldown. To win, be the last player alive.",
- "HuntsmanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Huntsman, you are given a certain number of targets that reset every meeting. If you successfully eliminate one of your targets, your kill cooldown goes down permanently by the set amount. However, if you kill someone not one of your targets, your kill cooldown permanently increases by the set amount. A colored name indicates your targets.",
+ "PyromaniacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pyromaniac, you can douse players (single click) or kill normally (double click). Dousing players do nothing immediately, but killing a doused player will significantly shorten your Kill Cooldown. To win, be the last player alive.",
+ "HuntsmanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Huntsman, you are given a certain number of targets that reset every meeting. If you successfully eliminate one of your targets, your Kill Cooldown goes down permanently by the set amount. However, if you kill someone not one of your targets, your Kill Cooldown permanently increases by the set amount. A colored name indicates your targets.",
"MiniInfoLong": "(Crewmate or Impostor):\nThe Mini has two roles. A Nice or Evil Mini is chosen.\n\nUse'/r nice mini' and '/r evil mini' respectively for more details.",
"JesterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nIf the Jester gets voted out, the Jester wins the game alone. If the Jester is still alive at the end of the game, the Jester loses. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
"TerroristInfoLong": "(Neutralen):\nAls de Terrorist sterft na al zijn taken te hebben volbracht, wint de Terrorist het spel op zichzelf. (De terrorist kan winnen door eruit gestemd te worden of door te worden vermoord).",
"ExecutionerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Executioner is a role with an execution target, indicated by a diamond symbol「♦」next to their name. If the execution target is killed, the Executioner's role will change to Crewmate, Jester, or Opportunist, depending on the game settings. However, if the execution target is voted out in the meeting, the Executioner wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
"LawyerInfoLong": "(Neutralen):\nDe Advocaat heeft een doelwit die ze moeten verdedigen. Dit doelwit wordt aangegeven met een diamant 「♦」 naast hun naam.\nAls je doelwit wint, win jij ook. \nAls die verliest, verlies jij ook.",
"OpportunistInfoLong": "(Neutralen):\nAls de Opportunist aan het einde van het spel overleeft, wint de Opportunist met de winnende speler.",
- "VectorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nVector will win alone by venting a certain number of times.",
- "JackalInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jackal, you win if you are the last player alive. Additionally, you may recruit using the kill button. If the target is not one you can recruit, you have run out of uses, or you don't have the option to recruit, then you will kill people normally (i.e., don't use kill buttons in front of others thinking it'll recruit). If the target has a kill button and the option to turn into a Sidekick is on, they will become a Sidekick. Otherwise, they will gain the Recruit add-on if the option to give the Recruit add-on is on.\nDepending on the settings, when Jackal was killed, a Sidekick will be randomly selected as the new Jackal.\nRecruit may be selected if no sidekick is alive.",
+ "VectorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nVector will win alone by Venting a certain number of times.",
+ "JackalInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jackal, you win if you are the last player alive. Additionally, you may recruit using the Kill button. If the target is not one you can recruit, you have run out of uses, or you don't have the option to recruit, then you will kill people normally (i.e., don't use Kill buttons in front of others thinking it'll recruit). If the target has a Kill button and the option to turn into a Sidekick is on, they will become a Sidekick. Otherwise, they will gain the Recruit Add-on if the option to give the Recruit Add-on is on.\nDepending on the settings, when Jackal was killed, a Sidekick will be randomly selected as the new Jackal.\nRecruit may be selected if no Sidekick is alive.",
"GodInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the God, you know everyone's role from the beginning. If you live until the end of the game, you steal the win, i.e., everyone else loses, and you win.",
- "InnocentInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Innocent can use the kill button to plant any player, and the planted target will immediately kill the Innocent. If the target gets voted out in the meeting, the Innocent wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
- "PelicanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pelican, you can use the kill button to swallow a player alive, teleporting them off-bounds but not killing them yet. Those swallowed will only die if you're still alive at the end of the round. If you die or leave during the round, all alive swallowed players will spawn into the map where you were.",
- "RevolutionistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Revolutionist, you can recruit players by clicking the kill button on the player and following them until the shield animation plays for you. Recruiting has a chance, set by the Host, to kill players (though they are still recruited). When the required number of players are recruited (displayed next to your name), you must vent within the specified time to win the game immediately with all your recruits. If you do not vent in time, you lose and die.",
- "HaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hater, you have no kill cooldown. However, depending on the settings, you can only kill Lovers and other recruiting roles and add-ons. Killing anyone else will make you suicide. You win at the end of the game with the winning team if none of the killable roles are alive. You will not be Lovers.",
+ "InnocentInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Innocent can use the Kill button to plant any player, and the planted target will immediately kill the Innocent. If the target gets voted out in the meeting, the Innocent wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
+ "PelicanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pelican, you can use the Kill button to swallow a player alive, teleporting them off-bounds but not killing them yet. Those swallowed will only die if you're still alive at the end of the round. If you die or leave during the round, all alive swallowed players will spawn into the map where you were.",
+ "RevolutionistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Revolutionist, you can recruit players by clicking the Kill button on the player and following them until the Shield Animation plays for you. Recruiting has a chance, set by the Host, to kill players (though they are still recruited). When the required number of players are recruited (displayed next to your name), you must Vent within the specified time to win the game immediately with all your recruits. If you do not Vent in time, you lose and die.",
+ "HaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hater, you have no Kill Cooldown. However, depending on the settings, you can only kill Lovers and other Recruiting Roles and Add-ons. Killing anyone else will make you suicide. You win at the end of the game with the winning team if none of the killable roles are alive. You will not be Lovers.",
"DemonInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Demon, you kill by draining health. You see health in percentage near everyone's name, and every attack you make drains a percentage from that health without the victim knowing. Once you drain your victim's health to 0, they die. You win if you are the last one standing.",
- "StalkerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Stalker can kill anyone, and every kill will immediately cause a Lights sabotage (if Lights sabotage is already active, nothing will happen). Stalker cannot vent. If the Impostor wins while the Stalker is alive or the Crewmate wins by killing the Impostors (according to the Host's setting, the Stalker may also win when the Crewmate wins by killing the Neutrals), then the Stalker wins alone.",
+ "StalkerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Stalker can kill anyone, and every kill will immediately cause a Lights Sabotage (if Lights Sabotage is already active, nothing will happen). Stalker cannot Vent. If the Impostor wins while the Stalker is alive or the Crewmate wins by killing the Impostors (according to the Host's setting, the Stalker may also win when the Crewmate wins by killing the Neutrals), then the Stalker wins alone.",
"WorkaholicInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Workaholic, you win alone when you complete all tasks. Depending on the Host's settings, you can only win if you are alive and or revealed to everyone at the beginning (these settings are rarely both on).",
- "SolsticerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Solsticer, you won't die, and you win by finishing all your tasks in a single round. After every meeting finishes, your tasks reset, and you need to start all over again.\nVotes on the Solsticer will be directly canceled.\nKill attempts on the Solsticer will teleport it out of the map like Pelican until the meeting is finished.\nThe killer's kill cooldown will be reset to 10 seconds.\nSolsticer is counted as nothing in-game.",
+ "SolsticerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Solsticer, you won't die, and you win by finishing all your tasks in a single round. After every meeting finishes, your tasks reset, and you need to start all over again.\nVotes on the Solsticer will be directly canceled.\nKill attempts on the Solsticer will teleport it out of the map like Pelican until the meeting is finished.\nThe killer's Kill Cooldown will be reset to 10 seconds.\nSolsticer is counted as nothing in-game.",
"CollectorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Collector, when you vote for a player, for each other player that voted for them, you gain a point. When you collect the required votes, the game ends, and you win alone, even if you voted a Jester or Executioner's target out.",
- "GlitchInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Glitch, you can hack players (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose who have been hacked cannot kill, vent, or report for the hack duration.\nAdditionally, calling a sabotage other than doors will have no effect and will instead disguise you as a random player. You cannot disguise during or after sabotages.\nTo win, be the last player alive.",
+ "GlitchInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Glitch, you can hack players (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose who have been hacked cannot kill, Vent, or report for the hack duration.\nAdditionally, calling a Sabotage other than doors will have no effect and will instead disguise you as a random player. You cannot disguise during or after Sabotages.\nTo win, be the last player alive.",
"SidekickInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sidekick, your job is to help the Jackal kill everyone.\nYou and the Jackal win together.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed.\nYou may not be able to kill until old Jackal is dead.",
- "ProvocateurInfoLong": "(Neutralen):\nAls Provocateur kun je een keer iemand doden met de kill knop. Als het doelwit aan het einde van het spel verliest, wint de Provocateur met het winnende team.",
- "BloodKnightInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Blood Knight wins when they're the last killing role alive, and the amount of crewmates is lower or equal to the amount of Blood Knights. The Blood Knight gains a temporary shield after every kill, making them immortal for a few seconds.",
- "PlagueBearerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Plaguebearer, plague everyone using your kill button to turn into Pestilence.\nOnce you turn into Pestilence, you will become immortal and gain the ability to kill, and you will kill anyone who tries to kill you.\n\nAlso, when infected players interact with uninfected players, they will also be infected.",
+ "ProvocateurInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Provocateur, you can kill any target with the Kill button. If the target loses at the end of the game, the Provocateur wins with the winning team.",
+ "BloodKnightInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Blood Knight wins when they're the last killing role alive, and the amount of Crewmates is lower or equal to the amount of Blood Knights. The Blood Knight gains a temporary shield after every kill, making them immortal for a few seconds.",
+ "PlagueBearerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Plaguebearer, plague everyone using your Kill button to turn into Pestilence.\nOnce you turn into Pestilence, you will become immortal and gain the ability to kill, and you will kill anyone who tries to kill you.\n\nAlso, when infected players interact with uninfected players, they will also be infected.",
"PestilenceInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Pestilence, you're an unstoppable machine.\nAny attack towards you will be reflected towards them.\nIndirect kills don't even kill you.\n\nOnly way to kill Pestilence is by voting them out or the Pestilence misguessing.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
- "SoulCollectorInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Soul Collector, you can use your kill button on a player to predict their death. You will gain a soul if your target dies in the round you select them or the meeting after.\nYour target resets after each meeting or after they die, whichever comes first. \n\nOnce you collect the configurable amount of souls, you become Death. If the gain passive souls setting is enabled, you will gain a soul each meeting.",
+ "SoulCollectorInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Soul Collector, you can use your Kill button on a player to predict their death. You will gain a Soul if your target dies in the round you select them or the meeting after.\nYour target resets after each meeting or after they die, whichever comes first. \n\nOnce you collect the configurable amount of Souls, you become Death. If the gain passive Souls setting is enabled, you will gain a Soul each meeting.",
"DeathInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Soul Collector has collected their needed souls, they become Death. Death kills everyone and wins if Death is not ejected by the end of the next meeting.\nA configurable amount of extra meeting time will be given on the meeting Death transforms to have more discussion to find Death.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
- "BakerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Baker, you can use your kill button on a player per round to give them bread. \nOnce a set amount of players are alive with bread, you become Famine.\n\nIf the Bread gives additional effects and the setting is on, then you can vent to change the bread that you give out. \nBread Effects:\nReveal: Reveals the target's role to the Baker (stays the whole game)\nRoleblock: Resets the target's kill cooldown when they try to use their kill button\nBarrier: Gives the target a barrier that is only known to the Baker (barrier is removed after the meeting)",
- "FamineInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Baker has a set amount of people with bread alive, they will become Famine. If the Famine does not get voted out after the meeting, then they will become Famine, and every player without bread will starve (excluding other Apocalypse members).\nAfter this starvation of everyone without bread, Famine can use their kill button to starve any remaining players, which will kill those players right before the next meeting.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
+ "BakerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Baker, you can use your Kill Button on a player per round to give them bread. \nOnce a set amount of players are alive with bread, you become Famine.\n\nIf the Bread gives additional effects and the setting is on, then you can Vent to change the bread that you give out. \nBread Effects:\nReveal: Reveals the target's role to the Baker (stays the whole game)\nRoleblock: Resets the target's Kill Cooldown when they try to use their Kill Button\nBarrier: Gives the target a Barrier that is only known to the Baker (Barrier is removed after the meeting)",
+ "FamineInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Baker has a set amount of people with bread alive, they will become Famine. If the Famine does not get voted out after the meeting, then they will become Famine, and every player without bread will starve (excluding other Apocalypse members).\nAfter this starvation of everyone without bread, Famine can use their Kill Button to starve any remaining players, which will kill those players right before the next meeting.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
"BerserkerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Berserker, you level up with each kill.\nUpon reaching a certain level defined by the Host, you unlock a new power.\n\nScavenged kills make your kills disappear.\nBombed kills make your kills explode. Be careful when killing, as this can kill your other Apocalypse members if they are near. \nAfter a certain level, you become War.",
- "WarInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs War, you are invincible, have a lower kill cooldown, and can kill anyone with your previous powers.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
- "FollowerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Follower can use their Kill button on someone to start following them and can use the Kill button again to switch the following target. If the Follower's target wins, the Follower will win along with them. Note: The Follower can also win after they die.",
- "CultistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cultist, your kill button is used to Charm others, making them win with you. To win, charm all who pose a threat and gain the majority.\nDepending on settings, you may be able to charm Neutrals, and those you Charm may count as their original team, nothing, or a Cultist to determine when you win due to majority.",
+ "WarInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs War, you are invincible, have a lower Kill Cooldown, and can kill anyone with your previous powers.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
+ "FollowerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Follower can use their Kill Button on someone to start following them and can use the Kill Button again to switch the following target. If the Follower's target wins, the Follower will win along with them. Note: The Follower can also win after they die.",
+ "CultistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cultist, your Kill Button is used to Charm others, making them win with you. To win, charm all who pose a threat and gain the majority.\nDepending on settings, you may be able to charm Neutrals, and those you Charm may count as their original team, nothing, or a Cultist to determine when you win due to majority.",
"SerialKillerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Serial Killer, you win if you are the last player alive.",
- "JuggernautInfoLong": "(Neutralen):\nAls Moloch neemt je kill cooldown af met elke moord die je doet.\n\nDood iedereen om te winnen.",
+ "JuggernautInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Juggernaut, your Kill Cooldown decreases with each kill you make.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"InfectiousInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Infectious, your job is to infect as many players as you can.\n\nIf you infect all the killers, you can outnumber the Crew and win the game.\n\nIf you die, all the players you've infected will die after the next meeting.\nIf they achieve your win condition before then, you can still win.",
- "VirusInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe task of the Virus is to kill or infect all other players. When the Virus murders a crewmate, their corpse is infected with a virus. The Crewmate who reports this corpse is infected joins the virus team or dies at the end of the meeting if the Virus doesn't get voted out, depending on the settings. If more players are on the Virus team than the Crewmate team, the Virus team wins.",
+ "VirusInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe task of the Virus is to kill or infect all other players. When the Virus murders a Crewmate, their corpse is infected with a virus. The Crewmate who reports this corpse is infected joins the virus team or dies at the end of the meeting if the Virus doesn't get voted out, depending on the settings. If more players are on the Virus team than the Crewmate team, the Virus team wins.",
"PursuerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pursuer, you can use your ability on someone to make them misfire when they try to kill.\n\nTo win, survive to the end of the game.",
"SpecterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Specter, your job is to get killed and finish your tasks.\nYou can do your tasks while alive.\nYou cannot win if you're alive.\nIf you get killed, you win with the winning team if your tasks are completed.",
- "PirateInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pirate, use your kill button to select a target every round.\nYou will duel with your target in the next meeting. \nIf both the Pirate and the target choose the same number, the Pirate wins.\nAdditionally, if the Pirate wins the duel or the target doesn't participate in the duel, the Pirate kills the target.\n\nDueling command: /duel X (where X can be 0, 1, or 2)\n\nYou win after winning a certain number of duels set by the Host.\n\nNote: The kill would not count towards pirate victory if the target did not participate in the duel.",
- "AgitaterInfoLong": "(Neutralen):\nAls Agitator is je uitgangspunt in wezen Hete aardappel.\n\nGebruik je kill knop op een speler om de bom door te geven.\nDit kan maar één keer per ronde.\n\nDe speler die de bom ontvangt, krijgt een melding wanneer hij de bom ontvangt en moet deze doorgeven aan een andere speler door in de buurt van een speler te komen.\n\nAls er een meeting is, sterft de speler met de bom.\n\nAls je de bom probeert door te geven aan Pestilentie of een Veteraan die alrt is, sterft de gebombardeerde speler.\nOptioneel kan de Agitator de bom niet terug ontvangen.",
- "MaverickInfoLong": "(Neutralen):\nAls Buitenbeen kun je doden, ook kan je afhankelijk van de opties, venten en heb je bedrieger zicht.\nAls je tot het einde van het spel overleeft, win je met het winnende team.\nGebruik je vermogen om te doden om bedreigingen voor je leven uit te schakelen, maar laat je niet wegstemmen.",
- "CursedSoulInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cursed Soul, you steal the victory if you survive to the end of the game.\n\nYou can steal the win from a Jester or Executioner.\n\nAdditionally, you can steal the souls of other players.\nSoulless players win with you and count as dead.",
+ "PirateInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pirate, use your Kill button to select a target every round.\nYou will duel with your target in the next meeting. \nIf both the Pirate and the target choose the same number, the Pirate wins.\nAdditionally, if the Pirate wins the duel or the target doesn't participate in the duel, the Pirate kills the target.\n\nDueling command: /duel X (where X can be 0, 1, or 2)\n\nYou win after winning a certain number of duels set by the Host.\n\nNote: The kill would not count towards Pirate victory if the target did not participate in the duel.",
+ "AgitaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Agitator, your premise is essentially Hot Potato.\n\nUse your Kill Button on a player to pass the bomb.\nThis can only be done once per round.\n\nThe player who receives the bomb will be notified when receiving said bomb, in which they need to pass it to another player by getting near a player.\n\nWhen a meeting is called, the player with the bomb dies.\n\nIf trying to pass to Pestilence or a Veteran on alert, the bombed player dies instead.\nOptionally, the Agitator cannot receive the bomb.",
+ "MaverickInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Maverick, you can kill and, depending on options, Vent and have Impostor vision\nIf you survive until the end of the game, you win with the winning team.\nUse your killing ability to eliminate threats to your life, but don't get voted out.",
+ "CursedSoulInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cursed Soul, you steal the victory if you survive to the end of the game.\n\nYou can steal the win from a Jester or Executioner.\n\nAdditionally, you can steal the Souls of other players.\nSoulless players win with you and count as dead.",
"PickpocketInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pickpocket, you steal votes from your kills.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"TraitorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Traitor, you were an Impostor that betrayed the Impostors.\nYou know the Impostors, but they don't know you.\nThe twist? They can kill you, but you can't kill them.\n\nEliminate the Impostors by other means, then kill everyone else to win!",
- "TrollerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs a Troller, you can complete tasks so that random events can happen to players.\nFor example, changing the speed of all players, teleportation, influencing sabotage, etc.\nAlso you can win with the winning team.",
- "VultureInfoLong": "(Neutralen):\nMeld als de Gier lichamen om te winnen!\n\nAls je een lichaam rapporteert en de cooldown voor eten is verstreken, eet je het lichaam op (waardoor het niet meer kan worden gerapporteerd).\nAls jouw vaardigheid nog steeds cooldown heeft, rapporteer je het lichaam als normaal.",
+ "TrollerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs a Troller, you can complete tasks so that random events can happen to players.\nFor example, changing the speed of all players, teleportation, influencing Sabotage, etc.\nAlso you can win with the winning team.",
+ "VultureInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Vulture, report bodies to win!\n\nWhen you report a body, if your Eat Cooldown is up, you'll eat the body (makes it unreportable).\nIf your eat ability is still on Cooldown, then you'll report the body normally.\n\nAdditionally, you'll report bodies normally if the maximum bodies eaten per round is reached.",
"AbyssbringerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Abyssbringer, you can place black holes. Black holes will suck in players and kill them when colliding with them.",
- "TaskinatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Taskinator, whenever you finish a task, the task will be bombed. When another player completes the bombed task, the bomb will detonate, and the player will die.\n\nYou win if you survive till the end and Crew doesn't win.\n\n Note: Taskinator bombs ignore all protection.",
+ "TaskinatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Taskinator, whenever you finish a task, the task will be bombed. When another player completes the bombed task, the bomb will detonate, and the player will die.\n\nYou win if you survive till the end and Crewmates don't win.\n\n Note: Taskinator bombs ignore all protection.",
"BenefactorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Benefactor, whenever you finish a task, that task will be marked. When another player completes the marked task, they get a temporary shield.\n\n Note: Shield only protects from direct kill attacks.",
- "MedusaInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Medusa, you can stone bodies much like cleaning a body.\nStoned bodies cannot be reported.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"SpiritcallerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Spiritcaller, your victims become Evil Spirits after they die. These spirits can help you win by freezing other players briefly or blocking their vision. Alternatively, the spirits can give you a shield that protects you briefly from an attempted kill.",
- "AmnesiacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Amnesiac, use your report button to remember a target and get its role.\nTo balance the game, you will not be able to vent after remembering your role if you can't vent as Amnesiac.'",
- "ImitatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Imitator, use your kill button to imitate a player.\n\nYou'll either become a Sheriff, a Refugee, or some Neutral.",
- "BanditInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Bandit, you can click your kill button one time to steal a player's addon and twice to kill. Depending on the settings, you may instantly steal the addon or after the meeting starts. After the maximum number of steals is reached, you will kill normally. Additionally, if there are no stealable addons on the target or the target is stubborn, you will kill the target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: Cleansed, Last Impostor, and Lovers cannot be stolen.\nNote: If Bandit can vent is on, Nimble will become unstealable.",
- "DoppelgangerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Doppelganger, use your kill button to steal a player's identity (their name and skin) and then kill your target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: You cannot steal the target's identity when Camouflage is active.",
+ "AmnesiacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Amnesiac, use your report button to remember a target and get its role.\nTo balance the game, you will not be able to Vent after remembering your role if you can't Vent as Amnesiac.'",
+ "ImitatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Imitator, use your Kill button to imitate a player.\n\nYou'll either become a Sheriff, a Refugee, or some Neutral.",
+ "BanditInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Bandit, you can click your Kill button one time to steal a player's Add-on and twice to kill. Depending on the settings, you may instantly steal the Add-on or after the meeting starts. After the maximum number of steals is reached, you will kill normally. Additionally, if there are no stealable Add-ons on the target or the target is Stubborn, you will kill the target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: Cleansed, Last Impostor, and Lovers cannot be stolen.\nNote: If Bandit can Vent is on, Nimble will become unstealable.",
+ "DoppelgangerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Doppelganger, use your Kill button to steal a player's identity (their name and skin) and then kill your target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: You cannot steal the target's identity when Camouflage is active.",
"PunchingBagInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Punching Bag, your goal is to get attacked a few times to win.\n\nYou cannot be guessed, as that adds to your attack count.",
- "DoomsayerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Doomsayer can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting.\nIf the Doomsayer guesses a certain number of roles (the number depends on the host settings), then he wins.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
- "ShroudInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shroud, you do not kill normally.\nInstead, use your kill button to shroud a player.\nShrouded players kill others.\nIf the shrouded player doesn't make a kill, they'll kill themselves after a meeting.\n\nShroud sees shrouded players with a 「◈」mark next to their name.\nShrouded players who did not make a kill will also have the 「◈」mark in meetings, where they'll die if the Shroud is alive by the end of the meeting.",
- "WerewolfInfoLong": "(Neutralen):\nAls Weerwolf kun je doden zoals elke moordenaar.\nMaar als je doodt, sterven alle spelers in de buurt ook.\nElke speler die hierdoor sterft, krijgt zijn doodsreden als Verscheurd.\n\nOm dit in evenwicht te brengen, heb je een hogere kill cooldown dan anderen.",
- "ShamanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shaman, you can use your kill button to select a voodoo doll once per round. If the kill button is used on you, the effect will be deflected onto the voodoo doll.\nIf you survive until the end, you win with the winning team.\nNote: If the killer cannot kill the chosen target, murder is canceled, but if the killer rechecks the Shaman, the killer will kill the Shaman.",
- "SeekerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the seeker, use your kill button to tag the target. If the seeker tags the wrong player, a point is deducted, and if the seeker tags the correct player, a point will be added.\nAdditionally, the seeker will not be able to move for 5 seconds after every meeting and after getting a new target.\n\nThe seeker needs to collect a certain number of points set by the Host to win.\nSeeker will see a ★ mark on target's name.",
- "PixieInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pixie, Mark up to x amount of targets each round by using the kill button on them. You must have one of the marked targets ejected when the meeting starts. If unsuccessful, you will commit suicide, except if you didn't mark any targets or all the targets are dead. The selected targets reset to 0 after the meeting ends. If you succeed, you will gain a point. You see all your targets in colored names.\n\nYou win with the winning team when you have certain amounts of points set by the Host.",
- "SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs Schrodingers Cat, if someone attempts to use the kill button on you, you will block the action and join their team. This blocking ability works only once. By default, you don't have a victory condition, meaning you win only after switching teams.\nIn Addition to this, you will be counted as nothing in the game.\n\nNote: If the killing machine attempts to use its kill button on you, the interaction is not blocked, and you will die.",
- "RomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Romantic can pick their lover partner using their kill button (this can be done at any point of the game). Once they've picked their partner, they can use their kill button to give their partner a temporary shield that protects them from attacks. If their lover partner dies, the Romantic's role will change according to the following conditions:\n1. If their partner was an Impostor, the Romantic becomes the Refugee\n2. If their partner was a Neutral Killer, then they become Ruthless Romantic.\n3. If their partner was a Crewmate or a non-killing neutral, the Romantic becomes the Vengeful Romantic. \n\nThe Romantic wins with the winning team if their partner wins.\nNote: If your role changes, your win condition will be changed accordingly",
- "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (A neutral killer) is killed. As a Ruthless Romantic, you win if you kill everyone and are the last one standing. If you win, your dead partner will also win with you.",
- "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (A crew or non-neutral killer) is killed. As a Vengeful Romantic, your goal is to avenge your partner, which means you must kill the killer of your partner. If you succeed, then you and your partner win with the winning team at the end. If you try to kill someone other than your partner's killer, then you will die by misfire.",
- "PoisonerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Poisoner, your kills are delayed.\nKill everyone to win.",
- "HexMasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hex Master, you can hex players or kill them.\nHexing a player works the same as spelling as a Witch.",
- "WraithInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Wraith, you can vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible. You win if you are the last player remaining.",
- "JinxInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jinx, whenever you get attacked, you jinx them, resulting in them dying to a jinx.\nThis has limited uses.\n\nKill off everyone to win.",
- "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Potion Master, you have three different potions assigned to three different actions.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\nMap: Sabotage\n\nThe reveal potion has a limit.\nWhen you run out, the kill buttons default to killing.",
- "NecromancerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Necromancer, you win when you're the last one standing.\nAdditionally when someone tries to kill you, you will block the kill, and you will teleport to a random vent. You will have a limited time to kill your killer. If you succeed in doing so, you live. If the time runs out before you kill your killer, you die permanently. If you try to kill someone else other than your killer, you will die.",
- "ShockerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shocker, you can mark rooms by doing tasks in them, and then vent to Electrocute anyone in those rooms for a set period of time. When you finish all of your tasks, you get new ones. Note: Doing tasks during that period will mark them for the next ability use.",
- "LastImpostorInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThis special effect is given to the last surviving Impostor. It significantly reduces their kill cooldown.",
- "OverclockedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Overclocked, your kill cooldown is reduced by a percentage.\n\nThis feature is only assigned to roles with a kill button.",
+ "DoomsayerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Doomsayer can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting.\nIf the Doomsayer guesses a certain number of roles (the number depends on the Host settings), then he wins.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
+ "ShroudInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shroud, you do not kill normally.\nInstead, use your Kill button to shroud a player.\nShrouded players kill others.\nIf the shrouded player doesn't make a kill, they'll kill themselves after a meeting.\n\nShroud sees shrouded players with a 「◈」mark next to their name.\nShrouded players who did not make a kill will also have the 「◈」mark in meetings, where they'll die if the Shroud is alive by the end of the meeting.",
+ "WerewolfInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Werewolf, you can kill much like any killer.\nHowever, when you kill, any nearby players also die.\nAny player who dies to this will have their death reason as Mauled.\n\nTo balance this, you have a higher Kill Cooldown than anyone else.",
+ "ShamanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shaman, you can use your Kill button to select a Voodoo Doll once per round. If the Kill button is used on you, the effect will be deflected onto the Voodoo Doll.\nIf you survive until the end, you win with the winning team.\nNote: If the killer cannot kill the chosen target, murder is canceled, but if the killer rechecks the Shaman, the killer will kill the Shaman.",
+ "SeekerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Seeker, use your Kill button to tag the target. If the Seeker tags the wrong player, a point is deducted, and if the Seeker tags the correct player, a point will be added.\nAdditionally, the Seeker will not be able to move for 5 seconds after every meeting and after getting a new target.\n\nThe Seeker needs to collect a certain number of points set by the Host to win.\nSeeker will see a ★ mark on target's name.",
+ "PixieInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pixie, mark up to an X amount of targets each round by using the Kill button on them. You must have one of the marked targets ejected when the meeting starts. If unsuccessful, you will commit suicide, except if you didn't mark any targets or all the targets are dead. The selected targets reset to 0 after the meeting ends. If you succeed, you will gain a point. You see all your targets in colored names.\n\nYou win with the winning team when you have certain amounts of points set by the Host.",
+ "SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs Schrodingers Cat, if someone attempts to use the Kill button on you, you will block the action and join their team. This blocking ability works only once. By default, you don't have a victory condition, meaning you win only after switching teams.\nIn Addition to this, you will be counted as nothing in the game.\n\nNote: If the Killing Machine attempts to use their Kill button on you, the interaction is not blocked, and you will die.",
+ "RomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Romantic can pick their lover partner using their Kill button (this can be done at any point of the game). Once they've picked their partner, they can use their Kill button to give their partner a temporary shield that protects them from attacks. If their lover partner dies, the Romantic's role will change according to the following conditions:\n1. If their partner was an Impostor, the Romantic becomes the Refugee\n2. If their partner was a Neutral Killer, then they become Ruthless Romantic.\n3. If their partner was a Crewmate or a non-killing Neutral, the Romantic becomes the Vengeful Romantic. \n\nThe Romantic wins with the winning team if their partner wins.\nNote: If your role changes, your win condition will be changed accordingly",
+ "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (a Neutral Killer) is killed. As a Ruthless Romantic, you win if you kill everyone and are the last one standing. If you win, your dead partner will also win with you.",
+ "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (a Crewmate or non-Neutral Killer) is killed. As a Vengeful Romantic, your goal is to avenge your partner, which means you must kill the killer of your partner. If you succeed, then you and your partner win with the winning team at the end. If you try to kill someone other than your partner's killer, then you will die by misfire.",
+ "WraithInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Wraith, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible. You win if you are the last player remaining.",
+ "ShockerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shocker, you can mark rooms by doing tasks in them, and then Vent to electrocute anyone in those rooms for a set period of time. When you finish all of your tasks, you get new ones. Note: Doing tasks during that period will mark them for the next ability use.",
+ "CovenInfoLong": "(Coven):\nCoven members are on a separate team that works together and wins together. If there are multiple Coven roles in the game, they can see each other's roles.\nDepending on the Host's settings, Coven roles can guess or be guessed.\nDo /coveninfo for more info.",
+ "PoisonerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Poisoner can use their Kill button on a player to roleblock them. The next time the roleblocked player tries to use their ability, it will do nothing, and their Cooldown will be reset.\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. These kills will be delayed.",
+ "HexMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Hex Master can use their Kill button to mark a player with the 乂 symbol. If a player has this at the end of the meeting and the Hex Master hasn't died - then they die.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Hex will be passed around - similar to an Agitator bomb. Also, you can double-click the Kill button to kill normally.",
+ "JinxInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Jinx can use their Kill button to jinx a player. Anyone who interacts with the jinxed player will die with the death reason Jinxed.\nWith the Necronomicon the Jinx can double-kill to kill normally. Also, the jinxed player and the player who interacted with the jinxed person will die.",
+ "MedusaInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Medusa can use their Kill button on players to mark them as Stoned. When the Medusa clicks the Shapeshift button, all Stoned players will be unable to move and will have reduced vision for a configurable amount of time.\nWith the Necronomicon, killed players will be unreportable.",
+ "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Potion Master has two potions available for their use. The Reveal potion reveals a player's role. The Barrier potion places a shield on a player for one round, the player will not be notified of this unless they are Coven as well. Click the Shapeshift button to change potions.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Potion Master can double-click their Kill button to kill.",
+ "NecromancerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nAs the Necromancer, you can Shapeshift to become the role of a random dead person for a set duration.\nSome roles can not be used.\nOnce a role is used, it can not be used the rest of the game.\nWith the Necronomicon, when someone tries to kill you, you will block the kill and be teleported to a random Vent. You have a limited time to kill your killer. If the time runs out or you try to kill someone else, you die.",
+ "CovenLeaderInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Coven Leader can use their Kill button on a fellow Coven member to retrain them into a random Coven role that isn’t currently in the game. During the next meeting, that Coven member will be notified that the Coven Leader wishes to retrain them. They can vote themselves to accept the retrain, or vote otherwise to deny it. Denying the retrain does not take away an ability usage.\nWith the Necronomicon, you cannot retrain, and can only kill other players.",
+ "RitualistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nDuring a meeting, the Ritualist can perform a Blood Ritual to guess a player’s exact role. If the Ritualist is correct, that player will be converted to Coven. If the Ritualist is incorrect, they will not die but will be unable to Blood Ritual until the next meeting.\nThe command is /rt id role.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Ritualist can kill.",
+ "ConjurerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nShapeshift once to mark a location.\nShapeshift again to conjure a meteor at the place you marked, killing everyone in the radius.\nWith the Necronomicon, you can kill. You can also mark a player using the Shapeshift UI. When the Conjurer clicks the Shapeshift button again, all the players in the radius of the marked player will die, including the marked player.",
+ "DreamweaverInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Dreamweaver can dreamweave a player. The dreamweaved players will be notified of this during the next meeting. If the Dreamweaver is not voted out, these players will be unable to use their abilities until the Dreamweaver dies.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Dreamweaver can double-click to kill.",
+ "IllusionistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Illusionist can use their Kill button on a player to reverse the results of any investigative role. For example, if someone with a Kill button is Illusioned, they will appear not to have a Kill button to the Investigator, and vice versa.\nIllusions wear off after meetings.\nWith the Necronomicon, you may double-click to kill. Every kill you make appears as a random death reason.",
+ "VoodooMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Voodoo Master can craft a Voodoo Doll of a player by using their Kill button, similar to the Shaman. All the interactions with you using Kill button will be deflected to the Voodoo Doll and the Voodoo Doll will destroy. Unlike the Shaman, this voodoo will last during the meeting (eg. If the Voodoo Master is judged, then the voodoo'd player will be judged instead).\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. Additionally, the voodoo’d player will be unable to report. The next person to interact with them will die.",
+ "SacrifistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Sacrifist can Shapeshift to cause a random debuff to a non-Coven member, however, the Sacrifist will also receive this effect (when applicable).\nThe random player will be the same player until the round ends.\nDepending on the Host’s settings, if the Sacrifist is voted out, some random non-Coven who voted the Sacrifist will die too.\nNormally, the Sacrifist can not kill, however, to prevent prolonging of the game, Sacrifist can kill if they are the last Coven member alive.\nWith the Necronomicon, when you Shapeshift, you will commit the Ultimate Sacrifice. When you do this, you die. However, the entire Coven for the rest of the game receives a lowered Kill Cooldown.",
+ "MoonDancerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Moon Dancer can use their Kill button to use their ability, Baton Pass.\nIf used on a Coven member: Gives a Helpful Add-on at the next meeting.\nIf used on a non-Coven member: Gives a Harmful Add-on at the next meeting.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Moon Dancer can double-click their Kill button to kill. When killing, the player is teleported off the map. They will appear alive on Vitals and will not show up in Tracefinder's arrows etc. They die when a meeting/body report with the death reason Blasted Off.",
+ "LastImpostorInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThis special effect is given to the last surviving Impostor. It significantly reduces their Kill Cooldown.",
+ "OverclockedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Overclocked, your Kill Cooldown is reduced by a percentage.\n\nThis feature is only assigned to roles with a Kill button.",
"LoversInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nLovers are a combination of two players. The Lovers win when they are the last ones standing, and their victory is shared. When one of the Lovers wins, the other also wins together. Lovers can see the 「♥」 next to each other's name. If one of the Lovers dies, the other will die in love (may not die in love according to the Host's settings). When one of the Lovers is exiled in the meeting, the other will die and become a dead body that cannot be reported.",
- "MadmateInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Crewmates can become Madmate. Madmate's task is to help the Impostors win the game. Madmate will lose if all Impostors are killed/ejected. Madmates may know who are Impostors, and Impostors may know who are Madmates (host settings).\n\nLazy Guy, Celebrity can't become Madmate. Sheriff, Snitch, Nice Guesser, Mayor, and Judge may become Madmate (host settings). Skill changes when the following roles are converted into Madmates:\n\nTime Manager => Doing tasks will reduce meeting time.\nBodyguard => Skill won't activate if the killer is an Impostor.\nGrenadier => Flash bomb will work on Crewmates and Neutrals instead of the Impostors.\nSheriff => Can kill anyone, including Impostors (host settings).\nNice Guesser => Can guess Crewmates and Neutrals\nPsychic => All evil Neutrals and Crewmates' names with the ability to kill will be displayed in Red.\nJudge => Can judge anyone\nPacifist => Their ability only works on Crewmates.",
+ "MadmateInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Crewmates can become Madmate. Madmate's task is to help the Impostors win the game. Madmate will lose if all Impostors are killed/ejected. Madmates may know who are Impostors, and Impostors may know who are Madmates (Host settings).\n\nLazy Guy, Celebrity can't become Madmate. Sheriff, Snitch, Nice Guesser, Mayor, and Judge may become Madmate (Host settings). Skill changes when the following roles are converted into Madmates:\n\nTime Manager => Doing tasks will reduce meeting time.\nBodyguard => Skill won't activate if the killer is an Impostor.\nGrenadier => Flash bomb will work on Crewmates and Neutrals instead of the Impostors.\nSheriff => Can kill anyone, including Impostors (Host settings).\nNice Guesser => Can guess Crewmates and Neutrals\nPsychic => All evil Neutrals and Crewmates' names with the ability to kill will be displayed in Red.\nJudge => Can judge anyone\nPacifist => Their ability only works on Crewmates.",
"WatcherInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nDuring the meeting, Watcher can see everyone's votes.",
"FlashInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Flash's default movement speed is faster than others. (speed depends on the setting of the Host)",
- "TorchInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nTorch has max vision and is not affected by Lights sabotage.",
- "SeerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever a player dies, the Seer will see a kill-flash (a red flash, possibly accompanied by an alarm sound like sabotage).",
+ "TorchInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nTorch has maximum vision and is not affected by Lights Sabotage.",
+ "SeerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever a player dies, the Seer will see a kill-flash (a red flash, possibly accompanied by an alarm sound like Sabotage).",
"TiebreakerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen tie vote, priority will be given to the target voted by the Tiebreaker. Note: If multiple Tiebreakers choose different tie targets simultaneously, the skills of the Tiebreaker will not take effect.",
"ObliviousInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nDetective and Cleaners won't be Oblivious. The Oblivious cannot report dead bodies. Note: Bait killed by Oblivious will still report automatically, and Oblivious can still be used as a scapegoat for Anonymous.",
"BewilderInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nBewilder may have a smaller/bigger vision. When the Bewilder has died, the murderer's vision may become the same as the Bewilder's, depending on the settings.",
"WorkhorseInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe first player to complete all the tasks will become Workhorse, and Workhorse will give the player extra tasks. The Host sets the number of additional tasks.",
- "FoolInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nSleuth and Mechanic won't be Fool. Fools can't repair any sabotage.",
+ "FoolInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nSleuth and Mechanic won't be Fool. Fools can't repair any Sabotage.",
"AvangerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nHost can set whether the Impostor can become an Avenger. When the Avenger is killed (voted out, and irregular kills will not count), the Avenger will revenge a random player.",
"YoutuberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Crewmate will become YouTuber. When the YouTuber is the first player to die in the game, the YouTuber will win alone. If the YouTuber does not meet the win conditions, the YouTuber will follow the Crewmate to win. Note: Indirect killing methods such as being exiled, being guessed by the Guesser, etc., will not trigger the skills of the YouTuber.",
"EgoistInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nMadmate and Neutrals won't be Egoist. If the Egoist's team wins, the Egoist wins instead of their team.",
"StealerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nEvery time a Stealer kills a person, he gets an additional vote (the Host sets the vote number, and the decimal is rounded down).\nAlso, extra votes from the Stealer are hidden during the meeting depending on the options.",
- "ParanoiaInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nNot assigned to Neutrals nor Madmates.\nAs the Paranoia, you will be considered as two players in the game to determine when the game ends due to killers having the majority. Additionally, this grants you an extra vote, depending on options.",
+ "ParanoiaInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Paranoia, you will be considered as two players in the game to determine when the game ends due to killers having the majority. Additionally, this grants you an extra vote, depending on options.\nNot assigned to Neutrals nor Madmates.",
"MimicInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Impostor can become Mimic. When the Mimic is dead, other Impostors will receive a message once a meeting is called. This message will include information on roles which the Mimic killed.",
- "GuesserInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs a guesser, guess the roles of players in meetings to kill them.\nGuessing the incorrect role kills you instead.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
- "NecroviewInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Necroview can see the teams of dead players. The following info will be displayed on the dead player's name while in a meeting:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.",
- "ReachInfoLong": "(Add-on)\nOnly roles with a kill button can get this add-on. Unlike everyone else, you have the longest kill range possible in the game.",
+ "GuesserInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs a Guesser, guess the roles of players in meetings to kill them.\nGuessing the incorrect role kills you instead.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
+ "NecroviewInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Necroview can see the teams of dead players. The following info will be displayed on the dead player's name while in a meeting:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.\n- The Purple name indicates the Coven.",
+ "ReachInfoLong": "(Add-on)\nOnly roles with a Kill button can get this Add-on. Unlike everyone else, you have the longest kill range possible in the game.",
"BaitInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen the Bait dies, the murderer who killed the Bait will self-report the Bait's body. However, this won't happen when a Scavenger, Cleaner, Swooper, Wraith, Medusa, or Killing Machine kills the Bait. The report may have a delay according to the Host's settings.",
"TrapperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen Beartrap dies, Beartrap immobilizes killer for a configurable amount of time.",
- "CharmedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Charmed add-on is obtained by being charmed by the Cultist.\nOnce charmed, you are now on the Cultist's team and no longer on your original team.",
+ "CharmedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Charmed Add-on is obtained by being charmed by the Cultist.\nOnce charmed, you are now on the Cultist's team and no longer on your original team.",
"CleansedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nCleansed Add-on can only be obtained if cleanser erases all your Add-ons. Depending on the cleanser settings, you may not be able to obtain any more Add-ons in the future.",
- "InfectedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Infected add-on is obtained by being infected by the Infectious.\nOnce infected, you work for the Infectious and do not win with your original team.",
- "OnboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Onbound add-on, you cannot be guessed in meetings.",
- "ReboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Rebound add-on, if a Guesser successfully guessed you or a Judge successfully judged you, they will die instead.\nIf a player with Double Shot guesses you correctly, they will die instantly.",
+ "InfectedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Infected Add-on is obtained by being infected by the Infectious.\nOnce infected, you work for the Infectious and do not win with your original team.",
+ "OnboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Onbound Add-on, you cannot be guessed in meetings.",
+ "ReboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Rebound Add-on, if a Guesser successfully guessed you or a Judge successfully judged you, they will die instead.\nIf a player with Double Shot guesses you correctly, they will die instantly.",
"MundaneInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Mundane, you can only guess once you complete all of your tasks.",
"KnightedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a Monarch knights someone, they get an extra vote.",
- "UnreportableInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Disregarded add-on, your corpse will be unreportable.",
+ "UnreportableInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Disregarded Add-on, your corpse will be unreportable.",
"ContagiousInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nWhen the Virus infects you, you become contagious.\nContagious players are on the Virus team.\n\nWhether or not you die after a meeting depends on the settings for the Virus.",
- "LuckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Lucky add-on, there is a probability for you to evade the kill; the Host sets the specific probability. The killer will see the shield animation when the evasion takes effect, but you will not know anything.",
+ "LuckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Lucky Add-on, there is a probability for you to evade the kill; the Host sets the specific probability. The killer will see a Shield Animation when the evasion takes effect, but you will not know anything.",
"DoubleShotInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a player with Double Shot guesses a role incorrectly, they will get a second chance to guess, but the next wrong guess will result in suicide.",
- "RascalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rascal, you can die to the Sheriff, and Snitch can find you if Snitch can find madmates.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates, cannot be assigned by the Merchant.",
- "SoullessInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a Cursed Soul steals your soul, you get this add-on.\n\nYou are not counted as alive.",
+ "RascalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rascal, you can die to the Sheriff, and Snitch can find you if Snitch can find Madmates.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates, cannot be assigned by the Merchant.",
+ "SoullessInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a Cursed Soul steals your soul, you get this Add-on.\n\nYou are not counted as alive.",
"GravestoneInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Gravestone, your role is revealed to everyone when you die.",
"LazyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Lazy, you are assigned a single short task and are immune to Warlocks, Puppeteers, and Gangsters.",
"AutopsyInfoLong": "(Toevoegingen):\nals Autopsie, kan je zien hoe spelers dood zijn gegaan.\n\nKan niet gegeven worden aan Doctors. Spoorvinders, Wetenschappers of Zonnejongens.",
- "RebirthInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rebirth, if you're the player about to be ejected, you will swap skins with a random crewmate who voted for you.\nNotice: The host vote never counts\nRebirth will be removed from you if you exhausted all your rebirths.",
- "LoyalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Loyal, you cannot be recruited by roles such as Jackal or Cultist.\n\nCannot be assigned to neutrals.",
+ "RebirthInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rebirth, if you're the player about to be ejected, you will swap skins with a random Crewmate who voted for you.\nNotice: The Host vote never counts\nRebirth will be removed from you if you exhausted all your rebirths.",
+ "LoyalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Loyal, you cannot be recruited by roles such as Jackal or Cultist.\n\nCannot be assigned to Neutrals.",
"EvilSpiritInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Evil Spirit, it's your job to help the Spiritcaller to victory. You can use your Haunt button to freeze players and reduce their vision. Alternatively, you can use your Haunt button to give the Spiritcaller a shield against a kill attempt temporarily.",
- "RecruitInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs a recruit, you are on the Jackal's team and help out the Jackal and their Sidekicks.\nYou cannot win with your original team.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed and no sidekicks is alive.",
- "AdmiredInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs an admired player, you win with the crew and not your original team.\n\nYou can see the Admirer.",
+ "RecruitInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs a recruit, you are on the Jackal's team and help out the Jackal and their Sidekicks.\nYou cannot win with your original team.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed and no Sidekicks is alive.",
+ "AdmiredInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs an Admired player, you win with the Crewmates and not your original team.\n\nYou can see the Admirer.",
+ "EnchantedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Enchanted Add-on can only be obtained through being converted by the Ritualist or upon killing the OIIAI as a non-Nerconomicon holder.\nOnce Enchanted, you are apart of the Coven team and are no longer apart of your original team.",
"GlowInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nDuring lights out, you and players nearby you will receive a vision boost.",
"RadarInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Radar, you have arrows pointing towards the closest person at all times.",
- "DiseasedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the kill button on you, their cooldown will be increased by a configurable amount of time.",
- "AntidoteInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the kill button on you, their cooldown will be decreased by a configurable amount of time.",
- "StubbornInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Stubborn add-on, Eraser can't erase your role, Cleanser can't cleanse you, Bandit can't steal from you, and Monarch can't knight you.\nAdditionally, you can't gain any new add-ons from the Merchant.",
+ "DiseasedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the Kill button on you, their Cooldown will be increased by a configurable amount of time.",
+ "AntidoteInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the Kill button on you, their Cooldown will be decreased by a configurable amount of time.",
+ "StubbornInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Stubborn Add-on, Eraser can't erase your role, Cleanser can't cleanse you, Bandit can't steal from you, and Monarch can't knight you.\nAdditionally, you can't gain any new Add-ons from the Merchant.",
"SwiftInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Swift, you will not make any movement when you kill.\nNote: Swift also ignores Bait",
- "UnluckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Unlucky, when you complete tasks, kill, venting, or open door, you have a chance to die.",
+ "UnluckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Unlucky, when you Complete Tasks, Kill, Venting, or open a Door, you have a chance to die.",
"SpurtInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen you start walking, you gain an enormous speed boost, which swiftly deteriorates, until you have to rest still for a while to rejuvenate your speed.",
- "VoidBallotInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nHolder of this add-on will have 0 vote count.",
+ "VoidBallotInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nHolder of this Add-on will have 0 vote count.",
"AwareInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Aware, you get a notification in the next meeting if a revealing role had interacted with you.",
- "FragileInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Fragile, you will instantly die if someone tries to use the kill button on you (even if the role cannot directly kill).",
- "GhoulInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Ghoul, one of two outcomes can occur on task completion.\n\nIf alive: Suicide\nIf dead: You kill your killer if they're alive.\n\nThis is only assigned to crewmates, and not crewmates with no tasks or are task-based.",
- "BloodthirstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Bloodthirst, doing tasks allows you to become bloodthirsty and kill players.\nWhen you finish a task, the next player you come in contact with dies.\n\nYour Bloodthirst remains after a meeting.\nUpon making a kill, your Bloodthirst clears till the next task you complete.\nBloodthirsts do not stack.\n\nOnly assigned to crewmates with tasks.",
- "MareInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Mare, you have a low kill cooldown and have higher speed but can only kill during lights.\n\nAdditionally, your name will appear in red during lights.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors and cannot be guessed.",
- "BurstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Burst, your killer explodes if they aren't inside a vent after a set amount of time.",
+ "FragileInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Fragile, you will instantly die if someone tries to use the Kill button on you (even if the role cannot directly kill).",
+ "GhoulInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Ghoul, one of two outcomes can occur on task completion.\n\nIf alive: Suicide\nIf dead: You kill your killer if they're alive.\n\nThis is only assigned to Crewmates, and not Crewmates with no tasks or are task-based.",
+ "BloodthirstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Bloodthirst, doing tasks allows you to become bloodthirsty and kill players.\nWhen you finish a task, the next player you come in contact with dies.\n\nYour Bloodthirst remains after a meeting.\nUpon making a kill, your Bloodthirst clears till the next task you complete.\nBloodthirsts do not stack.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates with tasks.",
+ "MareInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Mare, you have a low Kill Cooldown and have higher speed but can only kill during lights.\n\nAdditionally, your name will appear in red during lights.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors and cannot be guessed.",
+ "BurstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Burst, your killer explodes if they aren't inside a Vent after a set amount of time.",
"SleuthInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Sleuth, you gain info from dead bodies.\n\nOptionally, you may also gain the killer's role.\n\nNot assigned to Detective or Mortician.",
- "ClumsyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Clumsy, you have a chance to miss your kill.\n\nWhen you miss, your cooldown is reset, and the target remains untouched.\n\nOnly assigned to killers.",
- "CircumventInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Circumvent, you can't vent.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors.",
- "NimbleInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Nimble, you gain access to the vent button.\n\nOnly assigned to certain crewmates.",
- "InfluencedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Influenced, your vote will be forced to the player with the most votes.\nInfluenced vote won't be counted while choosing the exiled player'\nNote that your vote skill still functions on the player you voted first\nIf all the alive players are Influenced, then the vote result won't shift\nCollector cannot become influenced.",
+ "ClumsyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Clumsy, you have a chance to miss your kill.\n\nWhen you miss, your Cooldown is reset, and the target remains untouched.\n\nOnly assigned to killers.",
+ "CircumventInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Circumvent, you can't Vent.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors.",
+ "NimbleInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Nimble, you gain access to the Vent button.\n\nOnly assigned to certain Crewmates.",
+ "InfluencedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Influenced, your vote will be forced to the player with the most votes.\nInfluenced vote won't be counted while choosing the exiled player'\nNote that your vote skill still functions on the player you voted first\nIf all the alive players are Influenced, then the vote result won't shift\nCollector cannot become Influenced.",
"SilentInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Silent, your vote icon won't appear on the result screen.\nSo nobody knows who you voted for.",
"SusceptibleInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Susceptible, your death reason will be random.",
"TrickyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Tricky, your kills will have a random death reason.",
"TiredInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever Tired kills (or uses kill ability on) someone, alternatively whenever they finish a task, they will temporarily get lower vision & lower speed.",
"StatueInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever many people are near the Statue, the Statue is completely frozen or slowed down depending on the settings.",
"EvaderInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen the Evader gets voted out, there is a chance they will not get ejected. (Chance set by the Host.)",
- "CyberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Cyber, you cannot die while in a group.\nDepending on the settings, Imposters, Neutrals, and or Crewmates will know if you die.",
- "HurriedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the hurried, you must finish all your tasks to win with your team! If you fail with your tasks, you lose.\nHurried hurries to his goal, so it won't get madmate, charmed or so.",
- "OiiaiInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Oiiai, when you die, you will make your killer forget their role.\nAdditionally, you may pass Oiiai on to the killer, depending on settings.",
- "RainbowInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the rainbow, you change your colors like crazy.",
+ "CyberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Cyber, you cannot die while in a group.\nDepending on the settings, Impostors, Neutrals, and or Crewmates will know if you die.",
+ "HurriedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the hurried, you must finish all your tasks to win with your team! If you fail with your tasks, you lose.\nHurried hurries to his goal, so it won't get Madmate, Charmed or so.",
+ "OiiaiInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the OIIAI, when you die, you will make your killer forget their role.\nAdditionally, you may pass OIIAI on to the killer, depending on settings.",
+ "RainbowInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rainbow, you change your colors like crazy.",
"GMInfoLong": "(None):\nThe Game Master is an observer role.\nTheir presence does not affect the game, and all players know who the Game Master is. The Game Master role will be assigned to the Host, who will automatically become a ghost at the start of the game.",
- "SunnyboyInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sunnyboy, you win if you are dead by the end of the game. The game will not end when you are alive due to killers gaining the majority.\nAdditionally, you have access to portable vitals.",
- "BardInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen a bard is alive, the exile confirmation will display a sentence composed by the bard. Whenever the bard completes a creation, the bard's kill cooldown will be permanently halved.",
+ "SunnyboyInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sunnyboy, you win if you are dead by the end of the game. The game will not end when you are alive due to killers gaining the majority.\nAdditionally, you have access to portable Vitals.",
+ "BardInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen a Bard is alive, the exile confirmation will display a sentence composed by the Bard. Whenever the Bard completes a creation, the Bard's Kill Cooldown will be permanently halved.",
"WardenInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Warden, alert someone of nearby danger, additionally giving them a temporary speed boost.",
"GhastlyInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Ghastly, possess an unsuspecting person, after that choose a target for them, now they'll only be able to use their kill (or kill ability) on target until you possess someone else or possess time runs out.",
- "MinionInfoLong": "(Impostor [Ghost]):\nAs the Minion, you can temporarily blind non-impostors.",
- "DollMasterInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Dollmaster, you can temporarily take control of any player by using the Shapeshift button and to make them do your Deeds!",
- "DoubleAgentInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Double Agent, you cannot access the kill button. However, you can vote for someone in a meeting to pass a bomb onto them, which can only be done one player at a time. Once the meeting has finished, the bomb will activate and explode in a set amount of time.\nNote: when you pass the bomb onto someone in a meeting, you can vote afterward.\n\nAdditionally depending on settings the Double Agent can diffuse Bastion and Agitator bombs when venting.\n\nThe Double Agent can change roles when they are the Last Imposter, depending on the settings the role can be a Admired Impostor, Trickster, Traitor, or stay as the Double Agent.",
+ "MinionInfoLong": "(Impostor [Ghost]):\nAs the Minion, you can temporarily blind non-Impostors.",
+ "DollMasterInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Dollmaster, you can temporarily take control of any player by using the Shapeshift button and to make them do your deeds!",
+ "DoubleAgentInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Double Agent, you cannot access the Kill button. However, you can vote for someone in a meeting to pass a bomb onto them, which can only be done one player at a time. Once the meeting has finished, the bomb will activate and explode in a set amount of time.\nNote: when you pass the bomb onto someone in a meeting, you can vote afterward.\n\nAdditionally depending on settings the Double Agent can diffuse Bastion and Agitator bombs when Venting.\n\nThe Double Agent can change roles when they are the Last Impostor, depending on the settings the role can be a Admired Impostor, Trickster, Traitor, or stay as the Double Agent.",
"SlothInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Sloth's default movement speed is slower than others.\n(Speed depends on the setting of the Host)",
- "ProhibitedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Prohibited, you have specific vents that you can't use.\nHow many vents are disabled depends on the Host's settings.",
- "EavesdropperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Eavesdropper, you have a chance to read other role/addon information-based messages like Mortician or Sleuth.",
+ "ProhibitedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Prohibited, you have specific Vents that you can't use.\nHow many Vents are disabled depends on the Host's settings.",
+ "EavesdropperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Eavesdropper, you have a chance to read other Role/Add-on information-based messages like Mortician or Sleuth.",
"ApocalypseInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nApocalypse members are on a separate team that works together and wins together. If there are multiple Apocalypse roles in the game, they can see each other's roles.\nDepending on the Host's settings, Apocalypse roles can guess or be guessed.",
"RevenantInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAs the Revenant, your goal is to be killed. If you are killed, you will take your killer's role and kill your killer instead. You cannot win before being killed.\nNote that Revenant only works when being directly killed.",
"ShowTextOverlay": "Tekst Overlay",
@@ -1040,17 +1075,17 @@
"AbilityInUse": "Ability in use",
"AbilityExpired": "Ability expired, {0} uses remain",
"RevenantTargeted": "Your role has changed to {0}",
- "RevenantCanCopyAddons": "Can Steal Addons",
+ "RevenantCanCopyAddons": "Can Steal Add-ons",
"ShowArrows": "Heeft wijzende pijlen naar dode lichamen",
"ArrowDelayMin": "Minimale pijl verschijning vertraging",
"ArrowDelayMax": "Maximale pijl verschijning vertraging",
"SMUsesUsedWhenFixingReactorOrO2": "Hoeveel ability kracht het neemt om Reactor/O2 te fixen",
"SMUsesUsedWhenFixingLightsOrComms": "Hoeveel ability kracht het neemt om Lichten/Comms te fixen",
- "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "(Initiële) Maximale hoeveelheid granaten",
+ "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "(Initial) Maximum number of Grenades",
"ShowSpecificRole": "Weet specifieke rollen wanneer alle taken compleet zijn",
- "TimeMasterMaxUses": "(Initiële) Maximale hoeveelheid ability gebruik",
- "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Swooper vent normaal wanneer onzichtbaarheid een cooldown heeft",
- "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Wraith vent normaal wanneer onzichtbaarheid een cooldown heeft",
+ "TimeMasterMaxUses": "(Initial) Maximum Amount of Ability Uses",
+ "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Swooper Vents normally when Swooping is on Cooldown",
+ "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Wraith Vents normally when Invisibility is on Cooldown",
"DisableMeeting": "Zet meetings uit",
"DisableCloseDoor": "Zet deur sabotages uit",
"DisableSabotage": "Zet sabotages uit",
@@ -1059,13 +1094,13 @@
"DebugMode": "Debug Modus",
"SyncButtonMode": "Limit Meeting Times",
"RandomMapsMode": "Random Map Modus",
- "SyncedButtonCount": "Max Number of Emergency Meetings per Game",
- "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "Kill cooldown vermindering wanneer je het doel vermoord",
- "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "Kill cooldown verhoging wanneer je anderen vermoord",
+ "SyncedButtonCount": "Maximum Number of Emergency Meetings per Game",
+ "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "Kill Cooldown decrease on killing target",
+ "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "Kill Cooldown increase on killing others",
"HHNumOfTargets": "Hoeveelheid doelwitten",
"Targets": "Doelwitten: ",
- "HHMaxKCD": "Maximale kill cooldown",
- "HHMinKCD": "Minimale kill cooldown",
+ "HHMaxKCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "HHMinKCD": "Minimum Kill Cooldown",
"AllAliveMeeting": "Meeting wanneer niemand dood is",
"AllAliveMeetingTime": "Meeting tijd wanneer niemand dood is",
"AdditionalEmergencyCooldown": "Additionele Meeting Cooldown",
@@ -1174,17 +1209,17 @@
"OverclockedReduction": "Vermindering Kill Cooldown",
"GhostCanSeeOtherRoles": "Spoken Kunnen Andere Rollen Zien",
"PreventSeeRolesImmediatelyAfterDeath": "Prevent seeing other's roles immediately after death",
- "GhostCanSeeOtherVotes": "Spoken Kunnen Kleuren Van Stemmen Zien",
- "GhostCanSeeDeathReason": "Spoken Kunnen Doodsoorzaak Zien",
+ "GhostCanSeeOtherVotes": "Ghosts can see Vote Colors",
+ "GhostCanSeeDeathReason": "Ghost can see Cause Of Death",
"GhostIgnoreTasks": "Spoken Vrijgesteld Van Taken Doen",
- "ConvertedCanBeGhostRole": "Converted Players Can Be Any Ghost-Roles",
- "NeutralCanBeGhostRole": "Neutral Players Can Be Any Ghost-Roles (Will change team respectively)",
- "MaxImpGhostRole": "Max Impostor Ghost-Roles",
- "MaxCrewGhostRole": "Max Crewmate Ghost-Roles",
+ "ConvertedCanBeGhostRole": "Converted Players can be Any Ghost-Roles",
+ "NeutralCanBeGhostRole": "Neutral Players can be Any Ghost-Roles (Will change team respectively)",
+ "MaxImpGhostRole": "Maximum Impostor Ghost-Roles",
+ "MaxCrewGhostRole": "Maximum Crewmate Ghost-Roles",
"DefaultAngelCooldown": "Default Ability Cooldown",
"DisableTaskWin": "Disable Task Win",
- "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreDead": "Disable Task Win If All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are Dead",
- "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreConverted": "Disable Task Win If All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are <#ffab1b>Converted",
+ "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreDead": "Disable Task Win if All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are Dead",
+ "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreConverted": "Disable Task Win if All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are <#ffab1b>Converted",
"HideGameSettings": "Hide Game Settings",
"DIYGameSettings": "Enable only custom /n messages",
"Settings:": "Settings:",
@@ -1200,7 +1235,7 @@
"RoleOptions": "Rollen Opties",
"DarkTheme": "Enable Dark Theme",
"DisableLobbyMusic": "Disable Lobby Music",
- "AutoStart": "Auto start",
+ "AutoStart": "Auto Start",
"EnableCustomButton": "Enable Custom Button Images",
"EnableCustomSoundEffect": "Enable Custom Sound Effects",
"EnableCustomDecorations": "Enable Custom Map Decorations",
@@ -1237,8 +1272,8 @@
"OptKickXboxPlayer": "Kick Xbox players",
"OptKickPlayStationPlayer": "Kick PlayStation players",
"OptKickNintendoPlayer": "Kick Nintendo Switch players",
- "ShareLobby": "Allow TOHE-Chan Shares Lobby Code To Discord",
- "ShareLobbyMinPlayer": "Share Lobby Code When The Number Of Players Reaches",
+ "ShareLobby": "Allow TOHE-Chan Shares Lobby Code to Discord",
+ "ShareLobbyMinPlayer": "Share Lobby Code When the Number of Players Reaches",
"DisableVanillaRoles": "Disable Vanilla Roles",
"VoteMode": "Stemmodus",
"WhenSkipVote": "Als de Speler heeft overgeslagen",
@@ -1276,6 +1311,7 @@
"IgnoreConditions": "Condities Negeren",
"IgnoreImpostors": "Ignore Impostors",
"IgnoreNeutrals": "Ignore Neutrals",
+ "IgnoreCoven": "Ignore Coven",
"IgnoreCrewmates": "Ignore Crewmates",
"IgnoreAfterAnyoneDied": "Negeer Na Eerste Dood",
"LightsOutSpecialSettings": "Fix Lights Special Settings",
@@ -1289,7 +1325,7 @@
"RandomSpawn_AirshipAdditionalSpawn": "Additional Spawn Locations (Airship)",
"RandomSpawn_SpawnRandomVents": "Random Spawns On Vents",
"CommsCamouflage": "Camouflage during Comms Sabotage",
- "DisableOnSomeMaps": "Disable comms camouflage on some maps",
+ "DisableOnSomeMaps": "Disable Comms Camouflage on some maps",
"DisableOnSkeld": "Uitschakelen op De Skeld",
"DisableOnMira": "Uitschakelen op MIRA HQ",
"DisableOnPolus": "Uitschakelen op Polus",
@@ -1328,8 +1364,8 @@
"EnableBirthdayDecorationSkeld": "Birthday Decoration On The Skeld",
"RandomBirthdayAndHalloweenDecorationSkeld": "Set Random Decoration When Birthday And Halloween Is Active On The Skeld",
"ApplyDenyNameList": "Apply DenyName List",
- "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Kick players with an invalid friend code",
- "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Temp Ban players with an invalid friend code",
+ "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Kick players with an invalid Friend Code",
+ "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Temp Ban players with an invalid Friend Code",
"ApplyBanList": "Toepassen BanList",
"RemovePetsAtDeadPlayers": "Remove pets at dead players",
"KillFlashDuration": "Kill-Flash Duration",
@@ -1340,6 +1376,7 @@
"ShowImpRemainOnEject": "Show remaining Impostors on ejects",
"ShowNKRemainOnEject": "Show remaining Neutral Killers on ejects",
"ShowNARemainOnEject": "Show remaining Neutral Apocalypse on ejects",
+ "ShowCovenRemainOnEject": "Show remaining Coven on ejects",
"ConfirmEgoistOnEject": "Confirm Egoists on ejection",
"ConfirmLoversOnEject": "Confirm Lovers on ejection",
"ConfirmSidekickOnEject": "Confirm Sidekicks on ejection",
@@ -1367,7 +1404,7 @@
"ShieldPersonDiedFirst": "Shield player who dead first in the last game",
"ShowShieldedPlayerToAll": "Reveal shielded player to all",
"RemoveShieldOnFirstDead": "Remove shield on first death",
- "ShieldedCanUseKillButton": "Shielded player can use ability / kill button",
+ "ShieldedCanUseKillButton": "Shielded player can use ability/Kill button",
"PlayerIsShieldedByGame": "Player is protected by the game!",
"LegacyNemesis": "Use Legacy Version",
"LegacyParasite": "Use Legacy Version",
@@ -1390,7 +1427,7 @@
"DoubleAgent_DiffusedBastionBomb": "Bastion bomb successfully diffused",
"DoubleAgent_BombExplodesIn": "Bomb Explodes In: {0}s",
"DoubleAgent_BombExploded": "Bomb has exploded!",
- "DoubleAgentChangeRoleTo": "Change role on last Imposter",
+ "DoubleAgentChangeRoleTo": "Change role on last Impostor",
"DoubleAgentRoleChange": "You have become a: ",
"MastermindCD": "Manipulate Cooldown",
"MastermindTimeLimit": "Tijdslimiet om iemand te doden",
@@ -1408,15 +1445,13 @@
"Glitch_KCD": "Kill Cooldown: {0}s",
"Glitch_MimicCD": "Mimic Cooldown: {0}s",
"HackedByGlitch": "You are hacked by the Glitch, you can't {0}.",
- "GlitchKill": "vermoord",
- "GlitchReport": "report",
- "GlitchVent": "vent",
+ "GlitchKill": "Kill",
+ "GlitchReport": "Report",
+ "GlitchVent": "Vent",
"ShowFPS": "Toon FPS",
"FPSGame": "FPS: ",
"ControlCooldown": "Control Cooldown",
- "PoisonCooldown": "Poison Cooldown",
- "PoisonerKillDelay": "Poison Kill Delay",
- "WardenNotifyLimit": "Max number of alerts",
+ "WardenNotifyLimit": "Maximum number of alerts",
"BombCooldown": "Bomb Cooldown",
"Warlock_CanKillSelf": "Can Kill Themselves",
"CrewpostorKnowsAllies": "Knows Impostors",
@@ -1446,9 +1481,10 @@
"EGCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "Can guess Snitch with All Tasks Done",
"GGCanGuessAdt": "Kan Toevoegingen Raden",
"GuesserCanGuessTimes": "Maximaal aantal gokken",
- "GuesserTryHideMsg": "Try to hide the guesser's command",
+ "GuesserTryHideMsg": "Try to hide the Guesser's command",
"GCanGuessImp": "Impostor can guess Impostor roles",
"GCanGuessCrew": "Crewmate can guess Crewmate roles",
+ "GCanGuessCoven": "Coven can guess Coven roles",
"GCanGuessAdt": "Kan Toevoegingen Raden",
"GCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "Can guess Snitch with All Tasks Done",
"BountyTargetChangeTime": "Time Until Target Swaps",
@@ -1456,7 +1492,7 @@
"BountyFailureKillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown After Killing Others",
"BountyShowTargetArrow": "Show arrow pointing towards the target",
"DefaultShapeshiftCooldown": "Default Shapeshift Cooldown",
- "DeadImpCantSabotage": "Impostors can't sabotage after they've died",
+ "DeadImpCantSabotage": "Impostors can't Sabotage after they've died",
"VampireKillDelay": "Bite Kill Delay",
"VampireTargetDead": "Doelwit gestorven",
"VampireActionMode": "Action Mode",
@@ -1465,14 +1501,14 @@
"Maverick_MinKillsToWin": "Minimum number of kills to win",
"Cooldown": "Cooldown",
"AbilityCooldown": "Ability Cooldown",
- "SkillLimitTimes": "Max Number of Ability Uses",
+ "SkillLimitTimes": "Maximum Number of Ability Uses",
"CanKill": "Kan Doden",
"KillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown",
"CanVent": "Kan Venten",
- "CantMoveOnVents": "Can't Move On Vents (Unstable in Dleks map)",
+ "CantMoveOnVents": "Can't Move on Vents (Unstable in Dleks map)",
"ImpostorVision": "Heeft Bedriegers Visie",
"CanUseSabotage": "Kan Saboteren",
- "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "Can Have Access To Vitals",
+ "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "Can Have Access to Vitals",
"CanKillImpostors": "Can Kill Impostors",
"CanGuess": "Kan raden in Gokker Modus of als Gokker",
"HideVote": "Hide Vote",
@@ -1483,16 +1519,16 @@
"ShapeshifterBase_ShapeshiftCooldown": "Shapeshift Cooldown",
"ShapeshifterBase_ShapeshiftDuration": "Shapeshift Duration",
"ShapeshifterBase_LeaveShapeshiftingEvidence": "Leave Shapeshifting Evidence",
- "PhantomBase_InvisCooldown": "Invis Cooldown",
- "PhantomBase_InvisDuration": "Invis Duration",
+ "PhantomBase_InvisCooldown": "Invisibility Cooldown",
+ "PhantomBase_InvisDuration": "Invisibility Duration",
"GuardianAngelBase_ProtectCooldown": "Protect Cooldown",
"GuardianAngelBase_ProtectionDuration": "Protection Duration",
- "GuardianAngelBase_ImpostorsCanSeeProtect": "Protect Visible To Impostors",
+ "GuardianAngelBase_ImpostorsCanSeeProtect": "Protect Visible to Impostors",
"ScientistBase_BatteryCooldown": "Vitals Display Cooldown",
"ScientistBase_BatteryDuration": "Battery Duration",
"EngineerBase_VentCooldown": "Vent Cooldown",
- "EngineerBase_InVentMaxTime": "Max Time In Vents",
- "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "Impostors Can Get Alert",
+ "EngineerBase_InVentMaxTime": "Maximum Time in Vents",
+ "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "Impostors can get Alert",
"NoisemakerBase_AlertDuration": "Alert Duration",
"TrackerBase_TrackingCooldown": "Tracking Cooldown",
"TrackerBase_TrackingDuration": "Tracking Duration",
@@ -1514,6 +1550,7 @@
"SheriffCanKillSeparately": "Individuele Instellingen",
"In%team%": "(Team %team%)",
"SheriffMisfireKillsTarget": "Misfire Kills Target",
+ "SheriffMisfireOnAdmired": "Sheriff Misfires On Admired Players",
"BlackHolePlaceCooldown": "Black Hole Place Cooldown",
"BlackHoleDespawnMode": "Black Hole Despawn Mode",
"BlackHoleDespawnTime": "Time After Black Hole Despawns",
@@ -1526,27 +1563,30 @@
"After1PlayerEaten": "After 1 Player Was Eaten",
"AfterMeeting": "After Meeting",
"None": "None",
- "SheriffShotLimit": "Max number of Kills",
+ "SheriffShotLimit": "Maximum number of Kills",
"SheriffCanKillAllAlive": "Can Kill When No One Is Dead",
- "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "Kan Gecharmeerde spelers doden",
+ "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "Can Kill Charmed players",
"SheriffCanKillEgoist": "Can Kill Egoists",
"SheriffCanKillSidekick": "Kan Hulpjes doden",
"SheriffCanKillLovers": "Can Kill Lovers",
"SheriffCanKillMadmate": "Can Kill Madmates",
"SheriffCanKillInfected": "Kan Geïnfecteerde spelers doden",
"SheriffCanKillContagious": "Kan Besmette spelers doden",
- "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "Non-Crew Sheriff Configuration",
- "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "Can kill Impostors",
- "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "Can kill Neutrals",
- "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "Can kill Crewmates",
+ "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "Non-Crewmate Sheriff Configuration",
+ "SheriffCanKillEnchanted": "Can Kill Enchanted players",
+ "SheriffCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "Can Kill Impostors",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "Can Kill Neutrals",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "Can Kill Crewmates",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven",
"RebirthUses": "Amount of Rebirths",
"RebirthCountVotes": "Only rebirth to players who voted for them",
"RebirthFailed": "Ahh, how unfortunate, you did not find any viable souls to swap bodies with",
"FireworkerCooldown": "Placement Cooldown",
- "ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "Verhoging kill cooldown",
- "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "Maximale kill cooldown",
- "ReverieMisfireSuicide": "Misfire on reaching max kill cooldown",
- "ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "Herstart kill cooldown na vergadering",
+ "ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "Increase Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieMisfireSuicide": "Misfire on reaching maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "Reset Kill Cooldown after meeting",
"ConvertedReverieKillAll": "Converted Reverie can kill anyone without repercussions",
"VigilanteNotify": "Je bent precies datgene geworden waarvan je hebt gezworen het te vernietigen",
"DictatorChangeCommandToExpel": "Dictator use Command to expell instad of vote",
@@ -1556,17 +1596,18 @@
"SnitchCanGetArrowColor": "See Colored Arrows based on Team Colors",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralKiller": "Can Find Neutral Killers",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralApoc": "Can Find Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "SnitchCanFindCoven": "Can Find Coven",
"SnitchCanFindMadmate": "Can Find Madmates",
"SnitchRemainingTaskFound": "Remaining tasks to be known",
"MayorAdditionalVote": "Aantal Extra Stemmen",
"MayorHasPortableButton": "Burgemeester beschikt over een mobiele noodknop",
- "MayorNumOfUseButton": "Maximale Aantal Mobiele Noodknoppen",
+ "MayorNumOfUseButton": "Maximum Number of Mobile Emergency Buttons",
"MeetingsNeededForWin": "Vergaderingen nodig om te winnen",
"Jester_RevealUponEject": "Reveal Upon Eject",
"CannotVoteWhenDead": "Cannot cast a vote while dead",
"EnableVote": "Enable /vote command",
"ShouldVoteSpam": "Try to hide /vote command",
- "VoteDisabled": "/vote command has been disabled by the host.",
+ "VoteDisabled": "/vote command has been disabled by the Host.",
"ExecutionerCanTargetImpostor": "Can Target Impostors",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "Can Target Neutral Killing",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "Can Target Neutral Apocalypse",
@@ -1574,11 +1615,13 @@
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralBenign": "Can Target Neutral Benign",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralEvil": "Can Target Neutral Evil",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralChaos": "Can Target Neutral Chaos",
+ "ExecutionerCanTargetCoven": "Can Target Coven",
"Executioner_RevealTargetUponEject": "Reveal Target Upon Ejection",
- "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "Recruited Sheriff Can Go Nuts",
+ "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "Recruited Sheriff can go Nuts",
"LawyerCanTargetImpostor": "Can Target Impostors",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "Can Target Neutral Killers",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "Can Target Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "LawyerCanTargetCoven": "Can Target Coven",
"LawyerCanTargetCrewmate": "Can Target Crewmates",
"LawyerCanTargetJester": "Kan Joker targeten",
"LawyerChangeRolesAfterTargetKilled": "When Target Dies, Lawyer becomes",
@@ -1594,8 +1637,8 @@
"SniperPrecisionShooting": "Precise Shooting",
"SniperAimAssist": "Aim Assist",
"SniperAimAssistOneshot": "One shot Assist",
- "PyroDouseCooldown": "Douse cooldown",
- "PyroBurnCooldown": "Kill cooldown after killing a doused player",
+ "PyroDouseCooldown": "Douse Cooldown",
+ "PyroBurnCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after killing a doused player",
"Prohibited_OverrideBlockedVentsAfterMeeting": "Override Blocked Vents After Meeting",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInSkeld": "Count Blocked Vents In The Skeld",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInMira": "Count Blocked Vents In MIRA HQ",
@@ -1606,7 +1649,7 @@
"UndertakerFreezeDuration": "Freeze Duration",
"NameDisplayAddons": "Display Add-Ons next to the role name",
"YourAddon": "Your Add-ons:",
- "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "Max Add-ons Per Player",
+ "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "Maximum Add-ons Per Player",
"LoverSpawnChances": "Spawn Chance of Lovers",
"AdditionRolesSpawnRate": "Spawn Chance",
"TorchVision": "Torch Vision",
@@ -1641,38 +1684,40 @@
"EvilHackerLastAdminInfoTitle": "Last-minute admin information",
"EvilHackerDeadbody": "DEAD",
"Ventguard": "Ventguard",
- "VentguardInfo": "Block vents by entering them",
- "VentguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Ventguard, you can enter vents to block them. No one can enter blocked vents, except Crewmates, if the setting is on. Blocked vents can be resets every meeting.",
+ "VentguardInfo": "Block Vents by entering them",
+ "VentguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Ventguard, you can enter Vents to block them. No one can enter blocked Vents, except Crewmates, if the setting is on. Blocked Vents can be resets every meeting.",
"VentguardVentButtonText": "Block",
- "Ventguard_MaxGuards": "Max number of Vent Blocks",
+ "Ventguard_MaxGuards": "Maximum number of Vent Blocks",
"Ventguard_BlockVentCooldown": "Block Vent Cooldown",
- "Ventguard_BlockDoesNotAffectCrew": "Crewmates can use blocked vents",
+ "Ventguard_BlockDoesNotAffectCrew": "Crewmates can use blocked Vents",
"Ventguard_BlocksResetOnMeeting": "Reset Blocked Vents Every Meeting",
- "VentIsBlocked": "This Vent Is Now Blocked!",
+ "VentIsBlocked": "This Vent is Now Blocked!",
"TraitorKnowMadmate": "Traitor Knows Madmates",
"Psychic_NBareRed": "Neutral Benign can be red",
"Psychic_NEareRed": "Neutral Evil can be red",
"Psychic_NCareRed": "Neutral Chaos can be red",
"Psychic_NAareRed": "Neutral Apocalypse can be red",
"Psychic_NKareRed": "Neutral Killers can be red",
+ "Psychic_CovareRed": "Coven can be red",
"Psychic_CrewKillingRed": "Crewmate Killing can be red",
- "PsychicCanSeeNum": "Max number of red names",
+ "PsychicCanSeeNum": "Maximum number of red names",
"PsychicFresh": "New red names every meeting",
"DetectiveCanknowKiller": "Can find the killer's role",
"EveryOneKnowSuperStar": "Everyone knows the Super Star",
"HackLimit": "Ability Use Count",
"ZombieSpeedReduce": "After a certain time, decrease the speed of Zombie by",
- "NemesisCanKillNum": "Max number of revenges",
+ "NemesisCanKillNum": "Maximum number of revenges",
"ImpKnowCelebrityDead": "Impostors know when the Celebrity dies",
"NeutralKnowCelebrityDead": "Neutrals know when the Celebrity dies",
+ "CovenKnowCelebrityDead": "Coven know when the Celebrity dies",
"VectorVentNumWin": "Number of Vents to win",
"CanCheckCamera": "Can track camera usage",
- "DefaultKillCooldown": "Starting kill cooldown",
- "ReduceKillCooldown": "Reduce kill cooldown by",
- "MinKillCooldown": "Minimum kill cooldown",
+ "DefaultKillCooldown": "Starting Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReduceKillCooldown": "Reduce Kill Cooldown by",
+ "MinKillCooldown": "Minimum Kill Cooldown",
"BomberRadius": "Bomb radius (5x is about half a Cafeteria)",
"NotifyGodAlive": "Informeer spelers tijdens een meeting dat God nog leeft",
- "TransporterTeleportMax": "Max number of teleports",
+ "TransporterTeleportMax": "Maximum number of teleports",
"TriggerKill": "Vermoord",
"TriggerVent": "Vent",
"TriggerDouble": "Double Click",
@@ -1686,6 +1731,7 @@
"InnocentCanWinByImp": "If their target was an Impostor then they win with them",
"ImpCanBeParanoia": "Impostors can become Paranoia",
"CrewCanBeParanoia": "Crewmates can become Paranoia",
+ "CovenCanBeParanoia": "Coven can become Paranoia",
"DualVotes": "Dubbele stemmen",
"VeteranSkillCooldown": "Alert Cooldown",
"VeteranSkillDuration": "Alert Duration",
@@ -1693,9 +1739,9 @@
"ImpCanBeEgoist": "An Impostor can become Egoist",
"CrewCanBeEgoist": "Crewmates can become Egoist",
"ImpEgoistVisibalToAllies": "Impostors Can See Other Egoist Impostors",
- "EgoistCountAsConverted": "Egoist count as converted neutral",
+ "EgoistCountAsConverted": "Egoist count as converted Neutral",
"GuessRainbow": "He seems too obvious, doesn't he?",
- "RainbowColorChangeCoolDown": "The cooldown for changing colors",
+ "RainbowColorChangeCoolDown": "The Cooldown for changing colors",
"RainbowInCamouflage": "Rainbow color changes during Camouflage",
"BaitDelayMin": "Minimum Report Delay",
"BaitDelayMax": "Maximum Report Delay",
@@ -1703,17 +1749,18 @@
"BecomeBaitDelayNotify": "Warn the killer about the upcoming self-report",
"BaitNotification": "Reveal Bait at the first meeting",
"BaitAdviceAlive": "{0} is the Bait. Whoever kills the Bait will commit self-report.",
- "BaitCanBeReportedUnderAllConditions": "Bait Can Be Reported even if a meeting is disabled during comms sabotage",
- "DeceiverAbilityLost": "Deceiver loses ability if it deceives player without kill button",
+ "BaitCanBeReportedUnderAllConditions": "Bait Can Be Reported even if a meeting is disabled during Comms Sabotage",
+ "DeceiverAbilityLost": "Deceiver loses ability if it deceives player without Kill button",
"AddictSuicideTimer": "Time Until Suicide",
"GrenadierSkillCooldown": "Granaat Cooldown",
"GrenadierSkillDuration": "Granaat Tijdsduur",
"GrenadierCauseVision": "Lowered vision",
"GrenadierCanAffectNeutral": "Can affect Neutrals",
+ "GrenadierCanAffectCoven": "Can affect Coven",
"TicketsPerKill": "Votes Increase Amount Per Kill",
- "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "Recruit cooldown",
+ "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "Recruit Cooldown",
"GangsterRecruitLimit": "Recruit limit",
- "KamikazeMaxMarked": "Max Marked",
+ "KamikazeMaxMarked": "Maximum Marked",
"RevolutionistDrawTime": "Tag Duration",
"RevolutionistCooldown": "Tag Cooldown",
"RevolutionistDrawCount": "Amount of Players needed to Tag",
@@ -1733,7 +1780,7 @@
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_Immediately": "Immediately",
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_AfterMeeting": "After Meeting",
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_OFF": "OFF",
- "MedicResetCooldown": "On kill attempt, reset murderer's cooldown to",
+ "MedicResetCooldown": "On kill attempt, reset murderer's Cooldown to",
"MedicShieldedCanBeGuessed": "Guessing ignores Medic shield",
"MadmateSpawnMode": "Madmate spawning mode",
"MadmateSpawnMode.Assign": "Toewijzen",
@@ -1743,40 +1790,41 @@
"MadmateCountMode.None": "Niks",
"MadmateCountMode.Imp": "Impostors",
"MadmateCountMode.Original": "Oorspronkelijke Team",
- "Altruist_RevivedDeadBodyCannotBeReported_Option": "Revived Dead Body Cannot Be Reported",
- "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsAlert": "Impostors Can Get Alert",
- "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "Impostors Can Get Arrow",
- "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "Neutral Killers Can Get Alert",
- "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "Neutral Killers Can Get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_RevivedDeadBodyCannotBeReported_Option": "Revived Dead Body cannot be Reported",
+ "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsAlert": "Impostors can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "Impostors can get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "Neutral Killers can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "Neutral Killers can get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsAlert": "Coven can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsArrow": "Coven can get Arrow",
"AltruistSuffix": "<#00ffa5>Mode: {0}",
"AltruistReviveMode": "Revive",
"AltruistReportMode": "Report",
"Altruist_YouTriedReportRevivedDeadBody": "You Tried Report Revived Dead Body",
- "Altruist_DeadPlayerHasBeenRevived": "A Dead Player Has Been Revived!",
+ "Altruist_DeadPlayerHasBeenRevived": "A Dead Player has been Revived!",
"AltruistAbilityButton": "Change Mode",
"SnatchesWin": "Snatches victory",
"DemonKillCooldown": "Attack Cooldown",
- "DemonHealthMax": "Player max health",
+ "DemonHealthMax": "Player maximum health",
"DemonDamage": "Damage ",
- "DemonSelfHealthMax": "Demon max health",
+ "DemonSelfHealthMax": "Demon maximum health",
"DemonSelfDamage": "Demon damage received",
"LightningConvertTime": "Duration of the transformation to Quantum Ghost",
"LightningKillCooldown": "Lightning Cooldown",
"LightningKillerConvertGhost": "Killer can transform into Quantum Ghost",
"CanCountNeutralKiller": "When Crewmates win by killing a Neutral player, they can snatch the victory",
- "GreedyOddKillCooldown": "Odd-Numbered kill cooldown",
- "GreedyEvenKillCooldown": "Even-Numbered kill cooldown",
+ "GreedyOddKillCooldown": "Odd-Numbered Kill Cooldown",
+ "GreedyEvenKillCooldown": "Even-Numbered Kill Cooldown",
"WorkaholicCannotWinAtDeath": "Ik kan niet winnen nadat ze stierven",
"WorkaholicVisibleToEveryone": "Iedereen weet wie de Werkverlsaafde is",
"WorkaholicGiveAdviceAlive": "Advice at the first meeting if alive, can win after death, ghost tasks ON",
"DoctorVisibleToEveryone": "Iedereen weet wie de Doctor is",
"CursedWolfGuardSpellTimes": "Amount of Cursed Shields",
"KillAttackerWhenAbilityRemaining": "Kill attacker when ability is remaining",
- "JinxSpellTimes": "Amount of Jinx Spells",
"CollectorCollectAmount": "Required number of votes",
"GlitchCanVote": "Kan stemmen",
"QuickShooterShapeshiftCooldown": "Shapeshift Cooldown",
- "MeetingReserved": "Max aantal kogels voor vergardeingen",
+ "MeetingReserved": "Maximum Bullets reserved for a meeting",
"AccurateCheckMode": "Can know specific role when tasks are not done",
"RandomActiveRoles": "Show random active roles in Fortune Teller hints",
"CamouflageCooldown": "Camouflage Cooldown",
@@ -1790,29 +1838,31 @@
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralE": "Can trial Neutral Evil",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralC": "Can trial Neutral Chaos",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralA": "Can trial Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "JudgeCanTrialCoven": "Can trial Coven",
"JudgeCanTrialSidekick": "Can trial Sidekick",
"JudgeCanTrialInfected": "Can trial Infected",
"JudgeCanTrialContagious": "Can trial Contagious",
"JudgeTryHideMsg": "Verstop Rechter's commando's",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "Max Trials per Meeting",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "Max Trials per Game",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Trials per Meeting",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "Maximum Trials per Game",
"JudgeCanTrialMadmate": "Can trial Madmates",
"JudgeCanTrialCharmed": "Can trial Charmed players",
+ "JudgeCanTrialEnchanted": "Can trial Enchanted players",
"JudgeDead": "Sorry, you can't trial players after death.",
"JudgeTrialMaxMeetingMsg": "\nNo more meeting trials left!",
"JudgeTrialMaxGameMsg": "\nNo more trials left!",
"Judge_LaughToWhoTrialSelf": "God, I didn't think the Judges would be so blind that they wouldn't even see that they had sentenced themselves.",
"Judge_TrialKill": "{0} was judged.",
"Judge_TrialKillTitle": "COURT",
- "Judge_TrialHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' IDs before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player IDs.",
+ "Judge_TrialHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Judge_TrialNull": "Please choose a living player for the trial",
- "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "Max aantal Alerts",
+ "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "Maximum number of Alerts",
"SwooperCooldown": "Swoop Cooldown",
"SwooperDuration": "Swoop Duration",
"WraithCooldown": "Vanish Cooldown",
"WraithDuration": "Vanish Duration",
"BastionNotify": "Er werd een bom ontploft",
- "EnteredBombedVent": "That vent was bombed!",
+ "EnteredBombedVent": "That Vent was bombed!",
"BastionVentButtonText": "Bom",
"BombsClearAfterMeeting": "Bombs clear after meetings",
"BastionMaxBombs": "(Eerste) Maximale bommen",
@@ -1828,11 +1878,12 @@
"FollowerBetTargetKnowFollower": "Follower target knows who the Follower is",
"FortuneTellerHideVote": "Hide Fortune Teller's Votes",
"CultistCharmCooldown": "Charm Cooldown",
- "CultistCharmCooldownIncrese": "Increases Charm Cooldown For Each Charm",
+ "CultistCharmCooldownIncrese": "Increases Charm Cooldown for Each Charm",
"CultistCharmMax": "Maximum Number Of Charm",
"CultistKnowTargetRole": "Know Charmed Player's Role",
"CultistTargetKnowOtherTarget": "Charmed players know each other",
"CultistCanCharmNeutral": "Neutral Roles can be Charmed",
+ "CultistCanCharmCoven": "Coven Roles can be Charmed",
"InfectiousBiteCooldown": "Infecteer Cooldown",
"KnowTargetRole": "Weet rol van doelwit",
"TargetKnowsLawyer": "Target knows their Lawyer",
@@ -1855,11 +1906,11 @@
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_None": "Nothing",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Cultist": "Cultist",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Original": "Original Team",
- "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "When all Impostors are dead, the Jackal wins by sabotage instead",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Reset kill cooldown if someone gets killed by another player",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "Kill Cooldown On Reset",
+ "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "When all Impostors are dead, the Jackal wins by Sabotage instead",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Reset Kill Cooldown if someone gets killed by another player",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "Kill Cooldown on Reset",
"JackalCanRecruitSidekick": "Kan Hulpjes rekruteren",
- "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "Maximaal Aantal Rekruten",
+ "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "Maximum Number of Recruits",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode": "Sidekicks count as",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_None": "Nothing",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_Jackal": "Jackal",
@@ -1888,6 +1939,7 @@
"NeutralsSeePresident": "Neutrals can see revealed President",
"MadmatesSeePresident": "Madmates can see revealed President",
"ImpsSeePresident": "Impostors can see revealed President",
+ "CovenSeePresident": "Coven can see revealed President",
"PresidentDead": "Sorry, you can't force end the meeting after death.",
"PresidentEndMax": "No more force end meeting uses left!",
"PresidentRevealMax": "You have already revealed yourself...",
@@ -1898,40 +1950,167 @@
"Troller_CanHaveStartMeetingEvent": "Can Start Meeting By Event",
"Troller_ChangesSpeed": "Troller changed everyone speed!",
"Troller_SpeedOut": "Speed returned back",
- "Troller_YouChangedCooldown": "You changed the cooldown of all players",
- "Troller_ChangeYourCooldown": "Troller change your cooldown!",
- "Troller_NoAddons": "No addons found on the random target",
- "Troller_RemoveRandomAddon": "You removed add-on from random player",
- "Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "Troller removed your random add-on",
- "Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "You caused sabotage",
- "Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "You fixed sabotage",
+ "Troller_YouChangedCooldown": "You changed the Cooldown of all players",
+ "Troller_ChangeYourCooldown": "Troller change your Cooldown!",
+ "Troller_NoAddons": "No Add-ons found on the random target",
+ "Troller_RemoveRandomAddon": "You removed Add-on from random player",
+ "Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "Troller removed your random Add-on",
+ "Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "You caused Sabotage",
+ "Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "You fixed Sabotage",
+ "CovenRolesMinPlayer": "Minimum amount of Coven",
+ "CovenRolesMaxPlayer": "Maximum amount of Coven",
+ "%role%CanVent": "%role% Can Vent",
+ "%role%HasImpVis": "%role% Has Impostor Vision",
+ "CovenHasImpVis": "Coven Members have Impostor Vision",
+ "CovenImpVisMode": "Impostor Vision Configuration",
+ "CovenCanVent": "Coven Members Can Vent",
+ "CovenVentMode": "Vent Configuration",
+ "CovenPerRole": "Per Role",
+ "CovenCanSeeEachOthersAddOns": "Coven can see each other's Add-Ons",
+ "NecronomiconNotification": "You have recieved the Necronomicon!
Your powers are now enhanced!",
+ "NecronomiconVote": "You have voted for {0} to receive the Necronomicon next round. You may now vote normally.",
+ "CovenDontKillOtherCoven": "Don't try to kill your fellow Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderMaxRetrains": "Maximum Retrains",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainCooldown": "Retrain Cooldown",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrain": "Retrain offered",
+ "CovenLeaderNoRetrain": "You have ran out of Retrains!",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainNonCoven": "You can't retrain a non-Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderAcceptRetrain": "The player you attempted to retrain has accepted your training and is now a {0}!",
+ "CovenLeaderDeclineRetrain": "The player you attempted to retrain has declined your offer to retrain them into a {0}...",
+ "RetrainNotification": "The {0} has requested to retrain you into a {1}.
Vote yourself to accept the offer, vote someone else to decline.",
+ "RetrainAcceptOffer": "You have accepted the {0}'s retraining and you are now a {1}!",
+ "RetrainDeclineOffer": "You declined the {0}'s retraining and your role has not been changed...",
+ "RitualistMaxRitsPerRound": "Maximum Blood Rituals per Round",
+ "RitualistTryHideMsg": "Try to hide Ritualist's commands",
+ "RitualistRitualSuccess": "You preformed a successful Blood Ritual on {0} and they are now part of the Coven!",
+ "RitualistRitualFail": "You have failed your Blood Ritual and may no longer preform any Blood Rituals this meeting...",
+ "RitualistRitualImpossible": "Your Blood Ritual was successful, however, this player is unenchantable.",
+ "RitualistRitualMax": "You've already used the maximum amount of Blood Rituals for this meeting.",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsCoven": "Enchanted knows Coven",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsEnchanted": "Enchanted knows Enchanted",
+ "RitualistCommandHelp": "Instructions: /rt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /rt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player IDs before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
+ "RitualistConvertNotif": "Your role has been guessed by the {0} and you are now apart of the Coven!",
+ "RitualistGuessAddon": "Did you seriously think it would be that easy? You can't do a Ritual solely based on Add-ons.",
+ "RitualistSuccessfullyRecruited": "You successfully recruited a player",
+ "BeRecruitedByRitualist": "The Ritualist has recruited you",
+ "ConjurerCooldown": "Conjure Cooldown",
+ "ConjurerRadius": "Blast Radius",
+ "ConjurerNecroRadius": "Necronomicon Blast Radius",
+ "ConjurerCovenDies": "Coven can die in blast",
+ "ConjurerMark": "Location marked",
+ "ConjurerMeteor": "Meteor summoned",
+ "ConjurerNecroMark": "Player marked",
+ "ConjurerMarkShapeshift": "Mark",
+ "ConjurerConjureShapeshift": "Conjure",
+ "IllusionCooldown": "Illusion Cooldown",
+ "IllusionistMaxIllusions": "Maximum Illusions",
+ "IllusionistSnitchAffected": "Snitch is Affected by Illusions",
+ "IllusionistResetIllusionsPerRound": "Reset Illusions After Meeting",
+ "IllusionistClearIllusionsWhenDead": "Remove Illusions When Illusionist Dies",
+ "MedusaStoneCooldown": "Stone Cooldown",
+ "MedusaStoneDuration": "Stone Duration",
+ "MedusaStoneVision": "Stoned Vision",
+ "MedusaStonedPlayer": "{0} has been Stoned",
+ "MedusaStoningStart": "Stoning in progress",
+ "MedusaStoningEnd": "Stoning has ended",
+ "MoonDancerBatonPassCooldown": "Baton Pass Cooldown",
+ "MoonDancerBlastOffChance": "Chance to Blast Off",
+ "MoonDancerPassEnabledAddons": "Can only Baton Pass enabled Add-ons",
+ "MoonDancerCantBlastOff": "Target can not be Blasted Off",
+ "MoonDancerNormalKill": "Killed normally",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHelpfulAddon": "Target will be given Helpful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHarmfulAddon": "Target will be given Harmful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerNoAddons": "No Add-ons to Baton Pass to {0}",
+ "SacrifistDebuffCooldown": "Debuff Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistDeathsAfterVote": "Players Killed After Sacrifist is Exiled",
+ "SacrifistNecroReducedCooldown": "Coven Decreased Cooldown After Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "SacrifistVision": "Sacrificed Vision",
+ "SacrifistVisionDuration": "Vision Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeed": "Sacrificed Speed",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDuration": "Speed Duration",
+ "SacrifistIncreasedCooldown": "Sacrificed Increase Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistFreezeDuration": "Random Freezing Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDebuff": "Speed Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistVisionDebuff": "Vision Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistCooldownDebuff": "Cooldown Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistFoolDebuff": "Can't Fix Sabotages Debuff",
+ "SacrifistMeetingDebuff": "Forced Called Meeting",
+ "SacrifistReportDebuff": "Can't Report Bodies",
+ "SacrifistTasksDebuff": "Tasks Reset for Target",
+ "SacrifistSwapSkinsDebuff": "Swapped Skins",
+ "SacrifistSwapDebuff": "Swapping with target after 3 seconds",
+ "SacrifistVisionRevert": "Vision Reverted",
+ "SacrifistSpeedRevert": "Speed Reverted",
+ "SacrifistShapeshiftButton": "Debuff",
+ "SacrifistNecroShapeshiftButton": "Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "VoodooMasterPerRound": "Voodoo Dolls per Round",
+ "VoodooMasterCanDollCoven": "Voodoo Master can Voodoo Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNecroCanKillCov": "Necronomicon Ability can Kill Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollCoven": "You can't Voodoo other Coven members!",
+ "VoodooMasterTargetInMeeting": "Someone tried to target you with their role during this meeting, but it was deflected to one of your dolls, {0}, instead!",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollsLeft": "You can't voodoo anyone else this round!",
+ "VoodooMasterDolledSomeone": "{0} has been turned into a Voodoo Doll",
+ "PotionMasterMaxReveals": "Maximum Reveals",
+ "PotionMasterMaxBarriers": "Maximum Barriers",
+ "PotionMasterNoPotions": "You're out of {0} Potions!",
+ "PotionMasterPotionSwitch": "Potion switched to: {0}",
+ "PotionMasterPotionCurrent": "Current Potion: ",
+ "PotionMasterRevealCoven": "You can already see roles of Coven!",
+ "PotionMasterReveal": "Reveal",
+ "PotionMasterBarrier": "Barrier",
+ "PotionMasterKillButtonText": "Use Potion",
+ "HexMasterHexCooldown": "Hex Cooldown",
+ "HexMasterCovenCanGetMovingHex": "Coven Can Get Moving Hex",
+ "HexMasterMovingHexCooldown": "Moving Hex Pass Cooldown",
+ "HexesLookLikeSpells": "Hexes appear as Spells",
+ "HexButtonText": "Hex",
+ "HexMasterModeHex": "Hex",
+ "HexMasterModeKill": "Vermoord",
+ "HexMasterModeDouble": "Double Click = Kill, Single Click = Hex",
+ "HexMasterPassNotify": "Hex successfully passed",
+ "JinxSpellTimes": "Amount of Jinx Spells",
+ "JinxCooldown": "Jinx Cooldown",
+ "JinxCovenCanDieToJinx": "Coven Can Die To Jinx",
+ "PoisonCooldown": "Poison Cooldown",
+ "PoisonerKillDelay": "Poison Kill Delay",
+ "PoisonerTargetDead": "Doelwit gestorven",
+ "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "Poison",
+ "NecromancerRevengeTime": "Necronomicon Ability time",
+ "NecromancerRevenge": "You have {0}s to kill {1}",
+ "NecromancerSuccess": "Necromancy complete! You live to see another day.",
+ "NecromancerHide": "Venting is disabled, hide from the Necromancer!",
+ "NecromancerAbilityDuration": "Necromancy Duration",
+ "NecromancerAbilityCooldown": "Necromancy Cooldown",
+ "NecromancerCooldownNotDone": "Ability is still on Cooldown!",
+ "NecromancerNoUsableRoles": "No usable roles",
"LuckyProbability": "Kans om een moordpoging te overleven",
"ImpCanBeDoubleShot": "Impostors can have Double Shot",
"CrewCanBeDoubleShot": "Crewmates can have Double Shot",
"NeutralCanBeDoubleShot": "Neutrals can have Double Shot",
+ "CovenCanBeDoubleShot": "Coven can have Double Shot",
"MimicCanSeeDeadRoles": "Mimic can see the roles of dead players",
- "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "Disable body reporting when camouflage is active",
- "CanUseCommsSabotage": "Can use comms sabotage",
+ "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "Disable body reporting when Camouflage is active",
+ "CanUseCommsSabotage": "Can use Comms Sabotage",
"ModTag": "Moderator♥",
"ApplyModeratorList": "Apply Moderator List",
"VipTag": "VIP★",
"ApplyVipList": "Apply VIP List",
- "AllowSayCommand": "Allow moderators to use /say command",
- "AllowStartCommand": "Allow moderators to use /start command",
+ "AllowSayCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /say command",
+ "AllowStartCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /start command",
"StartCommandMinCountdown": "Minimum countdown for /start command",
"StartCommandMaxCountdown": "Maximum countdown for /start command",
"KickCommandDisabled": "The kick command is currently disabled.",
"KickCommandNoAccess": "You do not have access to the kick command.",
"KickCommandInvalidID": "Invalid player ID specified.\nPlease use '/kick [playerID] [reason]' to kick a player.\nExample :- /kick 5 not following rules",
- "KickCommandKickHost": "You are not permitted to kick the host.",
- "KickCommandKickMod": "You are not permitted to kick other moderators.",
+ "KickCommandKickHost": "You are not permitted to kick the Host.",
+ "KickCommandKickMod": "You are not permitted to kick other Moderators.",
"KickCommandKicked": "was kicked from the game by ",
"KickCommandKickedRole": "Hun rol was",
"BanCommandDisabled": "The ban command is currently disabled.",
"BanCommandNoAccess": "You do not have access to the ban command.",
"BanCommandInvalidID": "Invalid player ID specified.\nPlease use '/ban [playerID] [reason]' to ban a player.\nExample :- /ban 5 not following rules ",
- "BanCommandBanHost": "You are not permitted to ban the host.",
- "BanCommandBanMod": "You are not permitted to ban other moderators.",
+ "BanCommandBanHost": "You are not permitted to ban the Host.",
+ "BanCommandBanMod": "You are not permitted to ban other Moderators.",
"BanCommandBanned": "was banned from the game by ",
"BanCommandBannedRole": "Zijn rol was",
"BanCommandNoReason": "No reason specified.\nPlease use '/ban [playerID] [reason]\nExample :- /ban 5 not following rules",
@@ -1951,13 +2130,13 @@
"WarnCommandDisabled": "The warn command is currently disabled.",
"WarnCommandNoAccess": "You do not have access to the warn command.",
"WarnCommandInvalidID": "Invalid player ID specified.\nPlease use '/warn [playerID] [reason]' to warn a player. \nExample :- /warn 5 lava chatting",
- "WarnCommandWarnHost": "You are not permitted to warn the host.",
+ "WarnCommandWarnHost": "You are not permitted to warn the Host.",
"StartCommandNoAccess": "You do not have access to the start command.",
"StartCommandDisabled": "The start command is currently disabled.",
"StartCommandCountdown": "ERROR\n\nThe game is already starting!",
"StartCommandStarted": "The game has been started by {0}!",
"StartCommandInvalidCountdown": "ERROR\n\nThe countdown must be between {0} and {1}!",
- "WarnCommandWarnMod": "You are not permitted to warn other moderators.",
+ "WarnCommandWarnMod": "You are not permitted to warn other Moderators.",
"WarnCommandWarned": "has been warned. There will be no more warnings given and appropriate action will be taken \n ",
"WarnExample": "Use /warn [id] [reason] in future. \nExample :-\n /warn 5 lava chatting",
"SayCommandDisabled": "The say command is currently disabled.",
@@ -2010,6 +2189,7 @@
"DeathReason.Sacrificed": "Sacrificed",
"DeathReason.Electrocuted": "Electrocuted",
"DeathReason.Scavenged": "Scavenged",
+ "DeathReason.BlastedOff": "Blasted Off",
"OnlyEnabledDeathReasons": "Only Enabled Death Reasons",
"Alive": "In Leven",
"Disconnected": "Disconnected",
@@ -2022,6 +2202,7 @@
"Infected-": "Geïnfecteerd ",
"Contagious-": "Besmettelijk ",
"Admired-": "Bewonderd ",
+ "Enchanted-": "Enchanted ",
"DeputyHandcuffCooldown": "Handboeien Cooldown",
"DeputyHandcuffMax": "Max Aantal Handboeien",
"DeputyHandcuffedPlayer": "Geboeid doelwit",
@@ -2071,11 +2252,11 @@
"Command.kill": "[Player ID] → Kill assigned player",
"Command.exe": "[Player ID] → Eject assigned player",
"Command.level": "[Level] → Change your in-game level",
- "Command.idlist": "→ Display a list of player IDs",
+ "Command.idlist": "→ Display a list of player ID's",
"Command.qq": "→ Lobby will be posted on QQ website (China only)",
"Command.dump": "→ Output Log to Desktop",
"Command.death": "→ Display info on how you died",
- "Command.icons": "
╳ - The Player was marked by the Blackmailer and can't talk during the Meeting
☆ - Used by Captain to display themselves. Only Crewmates can see the Captain's star
乂 - This player was hexed by the Hex Master and will die if the Hex Master isn't killed or ejected by the end of the Meeting.
♦ - Used by Lawyer or Executioner or Follower.
♥ - Used by Lovers or Romantic.
✚ - Used by Medic to mark their target.
⦿ - This player is in a duel with the Pirate.
!? - This player was marked by the Quizmaster and must answer the question correctly to survive.
☜ - Used by Schrödinger's cat to mark their teammate.
◈ - This player marked by the Shroud and will die if the Shroud is not killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
⚠ - This player is a Snitch or Solsticer who has finished their tasks.
★ - Used by Super Star or Cyber or Marshall.
† - This player was spelled and will die if the Witch is not killed by the end of the meeting.
∇ - Used by Kamikaze to mark their targets.
■ - Used by Lightning to mark their quantum ghosts.
⊠ - Used by Jailer to mark their prisoner.
● - Used by Baker to mark who has Bread.
♠ - Used by Soul Collector to mark who's death they're predicting.
⦿ - Used by Plaguebearer to mark who they have plagued.",
+ "Command.icons": "
╳ - The player was marked by the Blackmailer and can't talk during the meeting
☆ - Used by Captain to display themselves. Only Crewmates can see the Captain's star
乂 - This player was hexed by the Hex Master and will die if the Hex Master isn't killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
♦ - Used by Lawyer or Executioner or Follower.
♥ - Used by Lovers or Romantic.
✚ - Used by Medic to mark their target.
⦿ - This player is in a duel with the Pirate.
!? - This player was marked by the Quizmaster and must answer the question correctly to survive.
☜ - Used by Schrödinger's cat to mark their teammate.
◈ - This player marked by the Shroud and will die if the Shroud is not killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
⚠ - This player is a Snitch or Solsticer who has finished their tasks.
★ - Used by Super Star or Cyber or Marshall.
† - This player was spelled and will die if the Witch is not killed by the end of the Meeting.
∇ - Used by Kamikaze to mark their targets.
■ - Used by Lightning to mark their Quantum Ghosts.
⊠ - Used by Jailer to mark their prisoner.
● - Used by Baker to mark who has Bread.
♠ - Used by Soul Collector to mark who's death they're predicting.
⦿ - Used by Plaguebearer to mark who they have plagued.
♣ - Shown on the Coven member with the Necronomicon. This is only shown to Coven.
⌘ - This player is Jinxed. This is only shown to Coven.
ø - This player is Illusioned. This is only shown to Coven.
♻ - This player is Stoned. This is only shown to Coven.
✂ - This player is a Voodoo Doll. This is only shown to Coven.",
"Command.start": "[Seconds] → Start the game",
"Command.iconinfo": "→ Display info on in-meeting icons",
"Command.iconhelp": "→ Display info on in-meeting icons to everyone",
@@ -2085,13 +2266,15 @@
"Remaining.MadmateCount": "Madmates left: {0}",
"Remaining.NeutralCount": "Neutral Killers left: {0}",
"Remaining.ApocalypseCount": "Neutral Apocalypse left: {0}",
+ "Remaining.CovenCount": "Coven left: {0}",
"EnableKillerLeftCommand": "Enable use of /kcount command",
- "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "Show Madmates (including add-ons)",
+ "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "Show Madmates (including Add-ons)",
"ShowApocalypseInLeftCommand": "Show Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "ShowCovenInLeftCommand": "Show Coven",
"SeeEjectedRolesInMeeting": "See ejected roles in meetings",
"ThankYouForUsingTOHE": "Thank you for using TOHE!",
"SkillUsedLeft": "You have activated your skill to call a meeting. \nRemaining amount of uses left:",
- "NemesisDeadMsg": "The death of the Nemesis means the beginning of the revenge. \nPlease use /rv + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player IDs in front of their names. \nOr type /rv to get a list of player IDs",
+ "NemesisDeadMsg": "The death of the Nemesis means the beginning of the revenge. \nPlease use /rv + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /rv to get a list of player ID's",
"NemesisAliveKill": "Revenge for the Nemesis can only begin after their death.",
"NemesisKillDead": "Choose a living player to take revenge",
"NemesisKillSucceed": "[{0}] was killed by the Nemesis!",
@@ -2111,14 +2294,15 @@
"GuessGuardianTask": "You can't guess a Guardian who has finished their tasks.",
"GuardianCantKilled": "You can't kill a Guardian who has finished their tasks.",
"GuessMarshallTask": "You can't guess a Marshall who has finished their tasks.",
- "GuessObviousAddon": "Sorry, obvious add-ons cannot be guessed.",
- "GuessAdtRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow you to guess add-ons",
+ "GuessObviousAddon": "Sorry, obvious Add-ons cannot be guessed.",
+ "GuessAdtRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow you to guess Add-ons",
"GuessImpRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow Impostors to guess Impostor roles.",
- "GuessCrewRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow crewmates to guess crewmate roles.",
+ "GuessCrewRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow Crewmates to guess Crewmate roles.",
"GuessApocRole": "Fortunately, the Host's settings does not allow Apocalypse to guess Apocalypse roles.",
+ "GuessCovenRole": "Fortunately, the Host's settings does not allow Coven to guess Coven roles.",
"GuessKill": "{0} was geraden",
"GuessNull": "Please select an ID of a living player to guess their role",
- "GuessHelp": "Instructions: /bt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /bt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player IDs before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player IDs",
+ "GuessHelp": "Instructions: /bt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /bt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"GGGuessMax": "You've reached the maximum guess limit. You can't guess anymore!",
"EGGuessMax": "You've reached the maximum guess limit. You can't guess anymore!",
"EGGuessSnitchTaskDone": "You thought you could guess the Snitch when all their tasks are done? Nice try. You're not getting out of this that easily.",
@@ -2149,12 +2333,12 @@
"MediumNotifyTarget": "{0}, the Medium, has established contact with you. Before the end of this meeting, you have a chance to respond to their question. Type one of the following commands to answer:\nConfirm: /ms yes\nDeny: /ms no",
"MediumNotifySelf": "You established contact with {0}. Please ask them questions and wait for them to respond.\n\nRemaining ability uses: {1}",
"MediumKnowPlayerDead": "Someone died somewhere",
- "SpurtMinSpeed": "Min Speed",
- "SpurtMaxSpeed": "Max Speed",
+ "SpurtMinSpeed": "Minimum Speed",
+ "SpurtMaxSpeed": "Maximum Speed",
"SpurtModule": "Speed Modulator",
"EnableSpurtCharge": "Display The Charge",
"SpurtSuffix": "\n« Spurt: {0}% »",
- "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "Target Is Already Dead",
+ "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "Target is Already Dead",
"ByBard": "by Bard",
"ByBardGetFailed": "Oops, I seem to be out of inspiration.",
"GangsterSuccessfullyRecruited": "Je hebt met succes een speler gerekruteerd",
@@ -2165,40 +2349,37 @@
"BecomeMadmateCuzMadmateMode": "Je bent een Gekke geworden omdat je stierf",
"CleanerCleanBody": "The body has been cleaned",
"QuickShooterStoraging": "Bullets stored successfully",
- "QuickShooterFailed": "You are still in cooldown.",
- "PoisonerTargetDead": "Doelwit gestorven",
- "HexesLookLikeSpells": "Hexes appear as spells",
- "HexButtonText": "Hex",
- "BloodthirstAdded": "Your bloodthirst is now active!",
+ "QuickShooterFailed": "You are still in Cooldown.",
+ "BloodthirstAdded": "Your Bloodthirst is now active!",
"WarlockNoTarget": "Manipulation failed due to no target",
"WarlockNoTargetYet": "You haven't marked a target.",
"WarlockTargetDead": "Manipulation failed due to target dead",
"WarlockControlKill": "Doelwit gestorven",
"OnCelebrityDead": "Warning: Celebrity death!",
"OnCyberDead": "Waarschuwing: De Cyber is dood!",
- "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "Everyone was teleported to vents",
+ "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "Everyone was teleported to Vents",
"TeleportedByTransporter": "Swapping places with: {0}",
"ErrorTeleport": "Teleport failed",
- "EraseLimit": "Max Erases",
+ "EraseLimit": "Maximum Erases",
"EraserHideVote": "Hide Eraser Votes",
"EraserEraseMsgTitle": "ERASER",
"EraserEraseNotice": "You erased {0}.\nTheir role will be deactivated after the meeting.",
"EraserEraseBaseImpostorOrNeutralRoleNotice": "Oops, your target cannot be erased!",
"EraserEraseSelf": "Unfortunately, you can't erase yourself... Wait, why would you do that in the first place?!",
- "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "You can't guess the role of the player you erased, except add-ons",
+ "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "You can't guess the role of the player you erased, except Add-ons",
"LostRoleByEraser": "You lost your role because of the Eraser",
"KilledByScavenger": "The Scavenger killed you and thus teleported off-map",
- "SnitchDoneTasks": "Call a meeting to find the impostors",
+ "SnitchDoneTasks": "Call a meeting to find the Impostors",
"SwooperCanVent": "Vent om onzichtbaar te worden",
"SwooperInvisState": "Je bent onzichtbaar",
"SwooperInvisStateOut": "Je bent nu onzichtbaar",
- "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "Swoop cooldown isn't up yet. Swooping failed",
+ "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "Swoop Cooldown isn't up yet. Swooping failed",
"SwooperInvisStateCountdown": "Onzichtbaarheid vervalt na {0}s",
"SwooperInvisCooldownRemain": "Swoop Cooldown: {0}s",
"WraithCanVent": "Vent om onzichtbaar te worden",
"WraithInvisState": "Je bent onzichtbaar",
"WraithInvisStateOut": "Je bent nu weer zichtbaar",
- "WraithInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on cooldown, vanish failed",
+ "WraithInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, Vanish failed",
"WraithInvisStateCountdown": "Onzichtbaarheid vervalt na {0}s",
"WraithInvisCooldownRemain": "{0}s aan onzichtbaarheid over",
"WerewolfKillButtonText": "Maul",
@@ -2219,10 +2400,10 @@
"BittenByInfectious": "The Infectious infected you!",
"InfectiousBittenPlayer": "Je hebt met succes een speler geïnfecteerd",
"GuessNotAllowed": "Sorry, your role does not have access to guessing.",
- "GuessOnbound": "This player has the Onbound add-on, so your guess on them was canceled.",
+ "GuessOnbound": "This player has the Onbound Add-on, so your guess on them was canceled.",
"GuessSpecter": "You can't guess a Specter. That allows them to win!",
"PacifistOnGuard": "Ability used, {0} uses remain",
- "PacifistSkillNotify": "Pacifist reset your kill cooldown",
+ "PacifistSkillNotify": "Pacifist reset your Kill Cooldown",
"BeRecruitedByJackal": "The Jackal has recruited you",
"YinYangerAlreadyMarked": "{0} is already in a state of calm, endowed by a fellow YinYanger",
"CoronerTrackRecorded": "Track recorded",
@@ -2246,26 +2427,27 @@
"MonarchInvalidTarget": "Doelwit kan niet worden geridderd",
"GhostTransformTitle": "Your Role Has Transformed!",
"SpiritcallerNoticeTitle": "YOU TURNED INTO AN EVIL SPIRIT ",
- "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "The Spiritcaller has killed you and turned you into an Evil Spirit. Your task now is to help the Spiritcaller to victory by using your spook button to hinder other players or to protect the Spiritcaller. Use /m for more information.",
+ "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "The Spiritcaller has killed you and turned you into an Evil Spirit. Your task now is to help the Spiritcaller to victory by using your Spook button to hinder other players or to protect the Spiritcaller. Use /m for more information.",
"OverseerRevealCooldown": "Reveal Cooldown",
"OverseerRevealTime": "Reveal Time",
"OverseerVision": "Overseer Vision",
- "MerchantMaxSell": "Max number of Add-ons to sell",
+ "MerchantMaxSell": "Maximum number of Add-ons to sell",
"MerchantMoneyPerSell": "Amount of money earned for selling an Add-on",
"MerchantMoneyRequiredToBribe": "Amount of money required to bribe a killer",
"MerchantNotifyBribery": "Inform Merchant when a killer gets bribed",
"MerchantTargetCrew": "Kan aan Bemanningsleden verkopen",
"MerchantTargetImpostor": "Kan aan Verraders verkopen",
+ "MerchantTargetCoven": "Can sell to Coven",
"MerchantTargetNeutral": "Kan aan Neutralen verkopen",
"MerchantSellHelpful": "Kan Behulpzame toevoegingen verkopen",
"MerchantSellHarmful": "Kan Schadelijke toevoegingen verkopen",
"MerchantSellMixed": "Kan Gemengde toevoegingen verkopen",
- "MerchantSellExperimental": "Kan Experimentele toevoegingen verkopen",
+ "MerchantSellExperimental": "Can sell Experimental Add-ons",
"MerchantSellHarmfulToEvil": "Can sell Harmful Add-ons only to Evil",
- "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "Can sell Helpful Add-ons only to Crew",
+ "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "Can sell Helpful Add-ons only to Crewmates",
"MerchantSellOnlyEnabledAddons": "Can sell only enabled Add-ons",
"SpiritcallerSpiritMax": "Maximum number of Evil Spirits",
- "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "Evil Spirit ability cooldown",
+ "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "Evil Spirit Ability Cooldown",
"SpiritcallerFreezeTime": "Evil Spirit ability freeze time",
"SpiritcallerProtectTime": "Evil Spirit ability protect time",
"SpiritcallerCauseVision": "Evil Spirit ability caused vision",
@@ -2274,31 +2456,31 @@
"Message.MessageWaitHelp": "Specify the first argument in seconds.",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundHost": "No templates.txt matching {0} were found",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundClient": "The Host doesn't have a template called {0}",
- "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "There are {0} more emergency buttons left",
+ "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "There are {0} more Emergency buttons left",
"Message.Executed": "{0} was geëxecuteerd",
- "Message.HideGameSettings": "The host has hidden the game settings.",
+ "Message.HideGameSettings": "The Host has hidden the game settings.",
"Message.NowOverrideText": "Please enter the root folder of the game.\\Language\\English.dat. Change this text in the dat file \nIf you don't need this feature or want to display regular /n messages. \nPlease disable [Enable only custom /n messages in the settings.]",
"Message.NoDescription": "Geen beschrijving",
"Message.KickedByDenyName": "{0} was kicked because its name matched {1}",
"Message.BannedByBanList": "{0} was banned because they were banned in the past.",
- "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0} has been banned because he is in the EAC list of Banned people.",
+ "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0} has been banned because he is in the EAC list of banned people.",
"Message.DumpfileSaved": "The log file was successfully saved to the desktop, filename: {0}",
"Message.DumpcmdUsed": "{0} used /dump command.",
- "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was kicked because their friend code is invalid.",
- "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was temporarily banned because their friend code is invalid.",
+ "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was kicked because their Friend Code is invalid.",
+ "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was temporarily banned because their Friend Code is invalid.",
"Message.AddedPlayerToBanList": "Added {0} to the ban list",
- "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0} has been kicked by the system. \nThe lobby host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
- "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0} has been warned: {1} times \nThe lobby host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
- "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0} has received {1} warnings, he will be kicked. \nThe lobby host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0} has been kicked by the system. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0} has been warned: {1} times \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0} has received {1} warnings, he will be kicked. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWord": "{0}, stop sending banned words!",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWordTimes": "{0} has been warned: {1} times \nif you continue you will be kicked",
"Message.KickWhoSayBanWordAfterWarn": "[{0}] received {1} warnings.\nHe was expelled for forbidden words",
- "Message.KickedByEAC": "[{0}]Kicked by EAC, reason:{1}",
- "Message.BannedByEAC": "[{0}]Banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
- "Message.NoticeByEAC": "[{0}]Gedetecteerd:{1}",
- "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "[{0}]Temporary Banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.KickedByEAC": "[{0}]kicked by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.BannedByEAC": "[{0}]banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.NoticeByEAC": "[{0}]detected:{1}",
+ "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "[{0}]temporary banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
"Message.TempBannedForSpamQuitting": "{0} was temporary banned because of spamming quits",
- "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0} kicked because their friendcode was not found in WhiteList.txt",
+ "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0} kicked because their Friend Code was not found in WhiteList.txt",
"Message.SetLevel": "Your game level is set to: {0}",
"Message.SetColor": "Je kleur is ingesteld op: {0}",
"Message.SetName": "Your name is set to: {0}",
@@ -2314,7 +2496,7 @@
"Message.HostLeftGameInGame": "★Warning★ Host left the game, and the game wouldn't start normally next time. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
"Message.HostLeftGameInLobby": "★Warning★ Host left the game, and the game wouldn't start normally next time. If the new Host has TOHE, you need to re-enter the lobby to play normally.",
"Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host! \nThe room is still modded, start a game and end it immediately to reset the lobby!",
- "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host. \nBut it's not modded. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
+ "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host! \nBut it's not modded. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
"Message.LobbyShared": "The lobby has successfully been shared!",
"Message.LobbyShareFailed": "TOHE-Chan does not seem to be online (failed to share lobby)",
"Message.YTPlanDisabled": "ERROR\n\nPlease enable {0} in the Settings",
@@ -2322,12 +2504,14 @@
"Message.YTPlanSelectFailed": "You cannot be assigned as {0}.\nIt may be because you don't have this role enabled, or this role does not support being assigned.",
"Message.YTPlanCanNotFindRoleThePlayerEnter": "Could not find the role you searching\nUse command /r to show role list",
"Message.YTPlanNotice": "Note: The [YouTuber Plan] is enabled in this lobby, which means the Host can specify their role in the next game to make it easier to get content. If the Host abuses this feature, please exit the game or report it.\nCurrent Creator Credentials:",
- "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "ERROR\n\nThis command may only be used by the host.",
+ "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "ERROR\n\nThis command may only be used by the Host.",
"Message.MaxPlayers": "Maximum players set to ",
- "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "Could not set max players: Vanilla regions support a maximum of 15 players.",
+ "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "Could not set maximum players: Vanilla regions support a maximum of 15 players.",
"Message.GhostRoleInfo": "Ghost Role Info\nHiya! A little about ghost roles...\n\nGhost roles drastically impact the game, so it's not recommended for smaller lobbies if you're unfamiliar. If not explicitly stated otherwise in the description, the Guard button is their ability button ;)\n\nSpawning:\nGhost-roles only spawn after death; the first x people from (team) to die get them.\n\nPS: If your previous role didn't have tasks(e.g., sheriff), your tasks as a ghost-role aren't needed for task-win",
"ApocalypseInfoTitle": "Neutral Apocalypse Info:",
"Message.ApocalypseInfo": "Every role of the <#ff174f>Apocalypse Team has their own objective to carry out in order to transform.\n<#2B0804>Transformed <#ff174f>Apocalypse members have a drastic change on the game and are immortal (except for being voted), but everyone will be notified that they have transformed.\n\nRoles: <#e5f6b4>Plaguebearer, <#A675A1>Soul Collector, <#bf9f7a>Baker, <#cc0044>Berserker\nTransformed: <#343136>Pestilence, <#644661>Death, <#83461c>Famine, <#2B0804>War\n\nApocalypse members can see eachother's roles and ability icons.\nLike Neutral Killers, Apocalypse members keep the game going as well, have fun!",
+ "CovenInfoTitle": "Coven Info:",
+ "Message.CovenInfo": "The <#ac42f2>Coven is a faction of evildoers who specialize in Witchcraft. Their goal is to kill all who would oppose the <#ac42f2>Coven.\nThey use the Necronomicon to enhance their powers, but only one member at a time can hold it.\nMost Coven roles can only kill if they hold the Necronomicon. A random Coven member will spawn with the Necronomicon, denoted by the <#ac42f2>♣ symbol next to their name.\nIf the Necronomicon holder dies, the Necronomicon will be randomly given to another <#ac42f2>Coven member that is alive.\nDuring a meeting, Coven players can vote each other to determine who will gain the Necronomicon the following round. If the votes end in a tie or nobody votes, the Necronomicon holder will be the same. Votes will be returned and you will be allowed to vote normally.",
"Message.MeCommandInfo": "Hi [{0}] {1} !\n\nfriend-code Hash-Puid Type
{2} {3} {4}
IsDev HasUp /color-Bypass
{5} {6} {7}
"Message.MeCommandTargetInfo": "Selected [{0}] Player {1} ,\n\nTheir friend code is {2}.\n\nTheir hash puid is {3}.\n\nTheir TOHE Discord role is {4}.\n\n",
"Message.MeCommandInvalidID": "The ID you entered seems incorrect. \nPlease use /id to get the player ID of online players",
@@ -2349,18 +2533,18 @@
"EnableGadientTags": "Enable Gradient Tags (can cause disconnect issues)",
"Warning.GradientTags": "Warning:\n\nHost has enabled gradient tags. This feature is not recommended to use because it can cause disconnect issues",
"WarningTitle": "Warning!",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "Warning! The vents on this map are broken",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "On the «dlekS ehT» map, the vents are broken, they cannot be fixed in host-only mods, this is a vanilla bug, so any roles using vent as an ability will not spawns on this map",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "Warning! The Vents on this map are broken",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "On the «dlekS ehT» map, the Vents are broken, they cannot be fixed in Host-Only Mods, this is a vanilla bug, so any roles using a Vent as an ability will not spawns on this map",
"Warning.NoGameEndIsEnabled": "Warning: {0} is enabled!",
"AntiBlackoutProtectionTitle": "Anti Blackout",
"Warning.AntiBlackoutProtectionMsg": "Warning:\n\rBlack screen protection has been activated, due to the low number of alive Impostors, Crewmates and Neutral Killers\nThe voting screen will show as a tied vote (only affects the visual, not the results voting)\nModded players will see voting screen normally",
"Warning.ShowAntiBlackExiledPlayer": "Last meeting triggered Black Screen Prevention!\nFollowing is the information of the player exiled in the last meeting.\n",
"DisableAntiBlackoutProtects": "Disable AntiBlackout Protects (Recommended for testing)",
- "Warning.InvalidRpc": "Kicked {0} because an invalid RPC was received.\nPlease check that no mods other than TOHE are installed.",
- "Warning.NoModHost": "TOHE is not installed on the host",
+ "Warning.InvalidRpc": "Kicked {0} because an invalid RPC was received.\nPlease check that no Mods other than TOHE are installed.",
+ "Warning.NoModHost": "TOHE is not installed on the Host",
"Warning.MismatchedVersion": "{0} has a different version of {1}",
- "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "The host has no or a different version of {0}\nYou will be kicked in {1}",
- "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "The use of the console is prohibited\nso your console has been off",
+ "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "The Host has no or a different version of {0}\nYou will be kicked in {1}",
+ "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "The use of the Console is prohibited\nso your Console has been off",
"Error.MeetingException": "Error: {0}\r\nPlease use SHIFT+M+ENTER to end the meeting",
"Error.InvalidRoleAssignment": "Error: Invalid role found for a player during role assignment({0})",
"Error.InvalidColor": "Error: Only default colors are available",
@@ -2374,7 +2558,7 @@
"ERR-000-910-1": "Test Foutmelding Lv.1",
"ERR-000-920-2": "Test Foutmelding Lv.2",
"ERR-000-930-3": "Test Foutmelding Lv.3",
- "ERR-000-804-1": "Sorry, TOHE temporarily not support the Vanilla HnS, so mod unloaded",
+ "ERR-000-804-1": "Sorry, TOHE temporarily doesn't support vanilla Hide & Seek, so Mod unloaded",
"ERR-001-000-3": "Main dictionary has duplicated keys.",
"ERR-002-000-1": "Unsupported Among Us version. Please update Among Us",
"DefaultSystemMessageTitle": "SYSTEEMBERICHT",
@@ -2403,16 +2587,18 @@
"TabGroup.ModifierSettings": "Game Modifiers",
"TabGroup.CrewmateRoles": "Crewmate Roles",
"TabGroup.NeutralRoles": "Neutrale Rollen",
+ "TabGroup.CovenRoles": "Coven Roles",
"TabGroup.ImpostorRoles": "Bedrieger Rollen",
"TabGroup.Addons": "Add-Ons",
- "TabMenuDescription_General": "Here you can configure the functions that are in the mod",
- "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "Here you can add, remove and change the settings of all roles or add-ons in the mod",
+ "TabMenuDescription_General": "Here you can configure the functions that are in the Mod",
+ "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "Here you can add, remove and change the settings of all Roles or Add-ons in the Mod",
"Experimental.Roles": "★ Experimental Roles (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
"ActiveRolesList": "Actieve Rollenlijst",
"ForExample": "Example Use",
"ImpCanBeGuesser": "Impostors can become Guesser",
"CrewCanBeGuesser": "Crewmates can become Guesser",
"NeutralCanBeGuesser": "Neutrals can become Guesser",
+ "CovenCanBeGuesser": "Coven can become Guesser",
"CrewCanBeMundane": "Crewmates can become Mundane",
"NeutralCanBeMundane": "Neutrals can become Mundane",
"GuessedAsMundane": "You're Mundane.\nYou can't guess until you finish all the tasks",
@@ -2420,22 +2606,23 @@
"ImpCanBeInLove": "Impostors can be in love",
"CrewCanBeInLove": "Crewmates can be in love",
"NeutralCanBeInLove": "Neutrals can be in love",
+ "CovenCanBeInLove": "Coven can be in love",
"updateButton": "Update",
"updatePleaseWait": "Even wachten...",
- "updateManually": "Update failed.\nPlease try again or Update Manually.",
+ "updateManually": "Update failed.\nPlease try again or update manually.",
"updateInProgress": "Updating...",
"deletingFiles": "Deleting update files...",
- "updateRestart": "Update Finished!\nPlease restart the game.",
- "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "You can't join public rooms without the latest version.\nPlease Update.",
+ "updateRestart": "Update finished!\nPlease restart the game.",
+ "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "You can't join public rooms without the latest version.\nPlease update.",
"ModBrokenMessage": "The MOD file is damaged.\nPlease reinstall.",
"UnsupportedVersion": "Unsupported Among Us version.\nPlease Update Among Us",
"DisabledByProgram": "The program has disabled public rooms",
- "EnterVentToWin": "Enter Vent to Win!!",
+ "EnterVentToWin": "Enter a Vent to Win!!",
"EatenByPelican": "Je bent opgeslokt, wachtend op de dood van de Pelikaan of op een meeting",
"FireworkerPutPhase": "{0} Fireworker Left",
"FireworkerWaitPhase": "Even wachten...",
"FireworkerReadyFirePhase": "Fire!",
- "EnterVentWinCountDown": "Enter vent within {0} seconds to win!",
+ "EnterVentWinCountDown": "Enter a Vent within {0} seconds to win!",
"On": "AAN",
"Off": "UIT",
"ColoredOn": "ON",
@@ -2444,11 +2631,7 @@
"WitchCurrentMode": "Huidige Modus",
"WitchModeKill": "Vermoord",
"WitchModeSpell": "Spell",
- "HexMasterModeHex": "Hex",
- "HexMasterModeKill": "Vermoord",
- "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "Poison",
"WitchModeDouble": "Double Click = Kill, Single Click = Spell",
- "HexMasterModeDouble": "Double Click = Kill, Single Click = Hex",
"BountyCurrentTarget": "Huidige Doelwit",
"Roles": "Rollen",
"Settings": "Instellingen",
@@ -2457,7 +2640,7 @@
"LastEndReason": "★ End Reason",
"KillLog": "Kill Log",
"MainRoleLog": "Role Convert Log",
- "Maximum": "Max",
+ "Maximum": "Maximum",
"RoleRate": "ON",
"RoleOn": "ALWAYS",
"RoleOff": "OFF",
@@ -2490,7 +2673,7 @@
"Preset_4": "Instelling 4",
"Preset_5": "Instelling 5",
"Standard": "Standaard",
- "HidenSeekTOHE": "Hide And Seek",
+ "HidenSeekTOHE": "Hide & Seek",
"GameMode": "Game Mode",
"PressTabToNextPage": "Press Tab or Number for Next Page...",
"RoleSummaryText": "Samenvatting rol:",
@@ -2577,7 +2760,7 @@
"IllegalColor": "Vul de juiste kleur in",
"DisableUseCommand": "The Host's settings do not allow this command to be used.",
"SureUse.quit": "We will kick you and block you from entering this lobby again. This setting is irreversible. If you really want it, please send the command /qt {0}",
- "PlayerIdList": "Lijst van speler ID's: ",
+ "PlayerIdList": "List of player ID's: ",
"CancelStartCountDown": "The starting countdown was canceled",
"RestTOHESetting": "TOHE settings have been restored to default",
"FPSSetTo": "FPS Set To: {0}",
@@ -2602,13 +2785,13 @@
"Yes": "Ja",
"No": "Nee",
"AntiBlackOutLoggerSendInGame": "Because of an unknown error, the game will end to prevent a black screen.",
- "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "An error occurred to prevent a black screen. Do a «/dump» and send the logs to the discord server TOHE in «bug-reports» and we will try to fix it.",
- "EndWhenPlayerBug": "End the game when a modded player gets a critical error (While loading)",
+ "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "An error occurred to prevent a black screen. Do a «/dump» and send the logs to the Discord server TOHE in «bug-reports» and we will try to fix it.",
+ "EndWhenPlayerBug": "End the game when a Modded player gets a critical error (While loading)",
"AntiBlackOutRequestHostToForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen. The game will end",
- "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen, and the host is not going to end the game\nYou will be disconnected soon",
+ "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen, and the Host is not going to end the game\nYou will be disconnected soon",
"RpcAntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred. To prevent a black screen, turn off [{1}] in settings.",
"RpcAntiBlackOutEndGame": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred, the game will end to prevent a black screen.",
- "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred, RPC will be ignored.",
+ "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred, but the game will continue without that player due to Host settings.",
"RpcAntiBlackOutKicked": "{0} was kicked due to having a blackout error on its side.",
"NextPage": "Volgende Pagina",
"PreviousPage": "Vorige Pagina",
@@ -2630,7 +2813,7 @@
"ExiledInnocentTargetAddBelow": "\nLooking back at the Innocent counts the money in their hands",
"ExiledInnocentTargetInOneLine": "{0} was the {1}.\nBut looking back, there's the Innocent counting the money in their hands....\nGG!",
"ExiledDeath": "{0} was {1}!\nThe Crew has been saved from Armageddon!",
- "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} was the {1}.\nBut they were not Death...\nDeath has claimed the souls of the Crew!",
+ "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} was the {1}.\nBut they were not Death...\nDeath has claimed the Souls of the Crew!\nGG!",
"IsGood": "{0} was a good guy",
"BelongTo": "{0} hoort bij {1}",
"PlayerIsRole": "{0} was De {1}",
@@ -2643,15 +2826,16 @@
"NeutralRemain": "\n{0} Neutral Killers remain",
"OneNeutralRemain": "\n{0} Neutral Killer remains",
"ApocRemain": "\n{0} Neutral Apocalypse remains",
- "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "All Impostors and Neutral Killers were ejected or killed",
+ "CovenRemain": "\n{0} Coven remain",
+ "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "All Impostors and Neutral Killers and Coven were ejected or killed",
"GameOverReason.HumansByTask": "The Crewmates completed all tasks",
"GameOverReason.HumansDisconnect": "Crewmates disconnected",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByVote": "The Crewmates were ejected",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByKill": "The Impostors killed everyone",
- "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "Crewmates failed to fix a critical sabotage",
+ "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "Crewmates failed to fix a Critical Sabotage",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorDisconnect": "Impostors disconnected",
"FortuneTellerCheck.TaskDone": "[{0}]Role -[{1}]",
- "DevAndSpnTitle": "TOHE family",
+ "DevAndSpnTitle": "TOHE Family",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Null": "{0} is a role that is not listed.\nThis message should not appear normally.",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Result": "{0} is either one of the following roles:\n{1}",
"SunnyboyChance": "Sunnyboy Chance",
@@ -2687,18 +2871,18 @@
"DeathCmd.Misfired": "You misfired.",
"DeathCmd.Shrouded": "You were shrouded by a Shroud and didn't make a kill, so you suicided.",
"DeathCmd.Lovers": "Jouw geliefde is gestorven.",
- "RpsCommandInfo": "This Command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rps X to play Rock Paper Scissors with the system. X can be 0 (rock), 1 (paper) or 2 (scissors). \n\nExample :- /rps 0",
+ "RpsCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rps X to play Rock Paper Scissors with the system. X can be 0 (rock), 1 (paper) or 2 (scissors). \n\nExample :- /rps 0",
"RpsDraw": "I choose {0}\n\nWow, what an intense battle of wits we just had! It's almost as if we're equally matched in this game of sheer luck and randomness.",
"RpsLose": "I choose {0}\n\nWell, well, well, looks like I've managed to outsmart a human again in this highly complex game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. I guess my unbeatable powers strike again! ",
- "RpsWin": "I choose {0}\n\nOh, congratulations! You must have a crystal ball hidden behind that screen to beat me at Rock, Paper, Scissors. Or maybe I have the world's worst luck algorithm.",
- "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "This Command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.",
+ "RpsWin": "I choose {0}\n\nOh, congratulations! You must have a Crystal Ball hidden behind that screen to beat me at Rock, Paper, Scissors. Or maybe I have the world's worst luck algorithm.",
+ "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.",
"CoinFlipResult": "Drumroll, please... After an intense battle of gravity and randomness, the coin has decided to grace us with its presence! And the majestic winner is... (wait for it) ... the one and only... {0}! Who could have seen that coming?! Clearly, a momentous occasion in the history of coin flips.",
- "GNoCommandInfo": "This Command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /gno X to play guess a number. X can be a number between 0 and 99 (both included). \n\nYou get maximum of 7 tries to guess the number.\n\n Example:- /gno 10",
+ "GNoCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /gno X to play guess a number. X can be a number between 0 and 99 (both included). \n\nYou get maximum of 7 tries to guess the number.\n\n Example:- /gno 10",
"GNoLost": "Oh, you were so close! Just one more guess: you might have deciphered the Da Vinci code! By the way, the secret number was... {0}! But hey, you were only off by a few billion possibilities. Better luck next time, Sherlock! ",
"GNoLow": "Oh, you're really nailing this! It's so low. I almost need a shovel to dig it up!\nYou have {0} guesses left!",
"GNoHigh": "Oh, absolutely! You're getting warmer. In fact, it's so high that I need a telescope to see it from here! \nYou have {0} guesses left!",
"GNoWon": "Oh, how did you ever figure that out? It's almost like you're a mind reader! Congratulations, you're a genius! You found the secret number with {0} guesses left!",
- "RandCommandInfo": "This Command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rand X Y to get a number between X and Y, inclusive. \nX and Y can be any number between 0 and 2147483647, including both numbers.\nX must be less than Y.\n\nExample:- /rand 0 99",
+ "RandCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rand X Y to get a number between X and Y, inclusive. \nX and Y can be any number between 0 and 2147483647, including both numbers.\nX must be less than Y.\n\nExample:- /rand 0 99",
"RandResult": "Congratulations, your random number is {0}! Wasn't that fun?",
"8BallTitle": "The Magic 8 Ball Reveals...",
"8BallYes": "Yes",
@@ -2709,7 +2893,7 @@
"8BallNotLikely": "Outlook not so good",
"8BallLikely": "Outlook good",
"8BallDontCount": "Don't count on it",
- "8BallStop": "Stop using an 8Ball in an Among Us mod",
+ "8BallStop": "Stop using an 8Ball in an Among Us Mod",
"8BallPossibly": "Possibly",
"8BallProbably": "Probably",
"8BallProbablyNot": "Probably not",
@@ -2718,20 +2902,20 @@
"8BallWithoutDoubt": "Without a doubt",
"8BallWithDoubt": "Very doubtful",
"ChanceToMiss": "Chance to miss a kill",
- "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "Required number of souls",
+ "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "Required number of Souls",
"SoulCollectorTarget": "You have predicted the death of {0}",
"SoulCollectorTitle": "ZIELENVERZAMELAAR",
- "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "Can collect their own soul",
- "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "Host settings do not allow you to collect your own soul",
+ "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "Can collect their own Soul",
+ "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "Host settings do not allow you to collect your own Soul",
"SoulCollectorToDeath": "You have become Death!!!",
"SoulCollectorTransform": "Now Soul Collector has become Death, Destroyer of Worlds and Horseman of the Apocalypse!
Find them and vote them out before they bring forth Armageddon!",
- "GetPassiveSouls": "Gain a passive soul every round",
- "PassiveSoulGained": "You have gained a passive soul from the underworld.",
+ "GetPassiveSouls": "Gain a passive Soul every round",
+ "PassiveSoulGained": "You have gained a passive Soul from the underworld.",
"SoulCollectorTargetUsed": "You've already targeted someone this round!",
"SoulCollectorSoulGained": "Soul gained",
"SoulCollectorCanVent": "Soul Collector can Vent",
"DeathMeetingTimeIncrease": "Increased Meeting time when Death exists",
- "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "Your target has died during the meeting. You have gained a soul.",
+ "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "Your target has died during the meeting. You have gained a Soul.",
"SoulCollectorKillButtonText": "Predict",
"SoulCollectorHasImpostorVision": "Soul Collector has Impostor vision",
"ApocalypseIsNigh": "[ The Apocalypse Is Nigh! ]",
@@ -2754,21 +2938,21 @@
"BakerBreadGivesEffects": "Bread gives additional effects",
"BakerTransformNoMoreBread": "Baker transforms if they do not have enough bread",
"FamineKillButtonText": "Starve",
- "FamineStarveCooldown": "Famine starve cooldown",
+ "FamineStarveCooldown": "Famine Starve Cooldown",
"FamineCantStarveApoc": "You cannot starve other Apocalypse members!",
"FamineAlreadyStarved": "That player has already been starved!",
"FamineStarved": "Player starved",
"ChronomancerKillCooldown": "Ability Charge Time",
"ChronomancerDecreaseTime": "Slaughter Decrease Time (lower is faster)",
"ChronomancerStartMassacre": "SLAUGHTER: ACTIVATED",
- "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "Vision When In Slaughter",
+ "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "Vision When in Slaughter",
"ShamanButtonText": "Voodoo",
- "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "Je hebt al een voodoo-pop gekozen in deze ronde",
+ "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "You have already selected a Voodoo Doll in this round",
"Shaman_KillerCannotMurderChosenTarget": "The killer cannot murder chosen target",
"VoodooCooldown": "Voodoo Cooldown",
"AdminWarning": "Admin Table in use!",
"VitalsWarning": "Vitale Functies zijn in gebruik!",
- "DoorlogWarning": "Doorlogs in use!",
+ "DoorlogWarning": "DoorLogs in use!",
"CameraWarning": "Cameras in use!",
"MinWaitAutoStart": "Minutes to wait before auto-starting",
"MaxWaitAutoStart": "Force start when Lobby Timer (in minutes) goes below",
@@ -2789,39 +2973,39 @@
"TimeMasterVentButtonText": "Time Shield",
"BodyCannotBeReported": "Body could not be reported",
"BurstKillDelay": "Burst Kill Delay",
- "BurstNotify": "That was a Burst! Get in a vent or die.",
+ "BurstNotify": "That was a Burst! Get in a Vent or die.",
"BurstFailed": "Burst failed to bomb you",
"ShroudButtonText": "Shroud",
"ShroudCooldown": "Shroud Cooldown",
"Message.Shrouded": "One or more players were shrouded by a Shroud!\n\nGet rid of the Shroud or all shrouded players will suicide!",
- "LudopathRandomKillCD": "Maximum kill cooldown",
+ "LudopathRandomKillCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
"UnderdogMaximumPlayersNeededToKill": "Maximum players needed to start killing",
"GodfatherTargetCountMode": "Moordenaars veranderen in",
"GodfatherCount_Refugee": "Refugee",
"GodfatherCount_Madmate": "Madmate",
"GodfatherRefugeeMsg": "You have been recruited by GodFather!",
- "MissChance": "Chance To Miss",
- "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "Increase The KillCount +1 If a Crew Is Converted",
+ "MissChance": "Chance to Miss",
+ "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "Increase the KillCount +1 if a Crewmate is Converted",
"HawkMissed": "Missed!",
- "HawkCanKillNum": "Max Slices",
+ "HawkCanKillNum": "Maximum Slices",
"HawkKillMax": "You've run out of ability uses",
"HawkKillTooManyDead": "Too many people are dead",
- "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "Minimum Players Alive To Kill",
- "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "Max BloodLettings",
+ "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "Minimum Players Alive to Kill",
+ "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "Maximum BloodLettings",
"BloodMoonTimeTilDie": "Time Until Death",
"PossessorPossessCooldown": "Possession Cooldown",
"PossessorPossessDuration": "Possession Duration",
"PossessorAlertRange": "Alert Range",
"PossessorFocusRange": "Focus Range",
"DeathTimer": "Death In: {DeathTimer}s",
- "BerserkerKillCooldown": "Berserker kill cooldown",
- "BerserkerMax": "Max level that Berserker can reach",
+ "BerserkerKillCooldown": "Berserker Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerMax": "Maximum level that Berserker can reach",
"BerserkerHasImpostorVision": "Berserker Has Impostor Vision",
"WarHasImpostorVision": "War Has Impostor Vision",
"BerserkerCanVent": "Berserker Can Vent",
"WarCanVent": "War Can Vent",
- "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "Unlock lower kill cooldown",
- "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "Kill cooldown after unlocking",
+ "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "Unlock lower Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after unlocking",
"BerserkerTwoCanScavenger": "Ontgrendel verzamelde moorden",
"BerserkerThreeCanBomber": "Unlock bombed kills",
"BerserkerFourCanNotKill": "Become War",
@@ -2831,7 +3015,7 @@
"KilledByBerserker": "Killed by Berserker",
"BerserkerToWar": "You have become War!!!",
"BerserkerTransform": "The Berserker has transformed into War, Horseman of the Apocalypse! Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war.",
- "WarKillCooldown": "War kill cooldown",
+ "WarKillCooldown": "War Kill Cooldown",
"BerserkerCanKillTeamate": "Can kill other Neutral Apocalypse",
"BlackmailerSkillCooldown": "Blackmail Cooldown",
"BlackmailerMax": "Maximum times blackmailed players may speak",
@@ -2839,7 +3023,7 @@
"BlackmaileKillTitle": "BLACKMAILER",
"UnluckyTaskSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from doing tasks",
"UnluckyKillSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from killing",
- "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from venting",
+ "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from Venting",
"UnluckyReportSuicideChance": "Kans om zelfmoord te plegen door het rapporteren van lichamen",
"UnluckyOpenDoorSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from opening a door",
"NeutralCanBeAware": "Neutrals can become Aware",
@@ -2860,7 +3044,7 @@
"PenguinKillButtonText": "Drag",
"PenguinTimerText": "Drag Timer",
"PenguinTargetOnCheckMurder": "You are grabbed. Try to escape that first!",
- "WitnessTime": "Max Time after killing where killer appears red",
+ "WitnessTime": "Maximum Time after killing where killer appears red",
"WitnessButtonText": "Onderzoek",
"WitnessFoundInnocent": "✓",
"WitnessFoundKiller": "⚠",
@@ -2871,7 +3055,7 @@
"SwapVote": "The votes of {0} and {1} were swapped!",
"SwapDead": "Sorry, you can't swap votes after death.",
"SwapNull": "Please choose the ID of a living player to swap votes with. Use 253 to clear swaps",
- "SwapHelp": "Command Format: /sw [playerID] to select the target\nYou can see the player IDs next to the player names or use /id to see the player ID list.\nUse /swap 253 to clear your previous swap",
+ "SwapHelp": "Command Format: /sw [player ID] to select the target\nYou can see the player ID's next to the player names or use /id to see the player ID list.\nUse /swap 253 to clear your previous swap",
"Swap1": "Swap target 1 selected",
"Swap2": "Swap target 2 selected",
"CancelSwap": "Cleared your previous swap!",
@@ -2883,6 +3067,7 @@
"ImpCanKillFragile": "Impostors can force kill Fragile",
"NeutralCanKillFragile": "Neutrals can force kill Fragile",
"CrewCanKillFragile": "Crewmates can force kill Fragile",
+ "CovenCanKillFragile": "Coven can force kill Fragile",
"FragileKillerLunge": "Killer lunges on kill",
"CrusaderSkillLimit": "Maximum Crusades",
"CrusaderSkillCooldown": "Kruistocht Cooldown",
@@ -2893,11 +3078,11 @@
"ChanceToSpawn": "Chance to spawn",
"ChanceToSpawnAnother": "Chance to spawn another",
"BloodthirstKillCD": "Bloodthirst Kill Cooldown",
- "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "Max players alive for Bloodthirst",
+ "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "Maximum players alive for Bloodthirst",
"ReflectHarmfulInteractions": "Reflect harmful interactions",
- "DiseasedCDOpt": "Increase the cooldown by",
+ "DiseasedCDOpt": "Increase the Cooldown by",
"DiseasedCDReset": "Cooldown returns to normal after a meeting",
- "AntidoteCDOpt": "Verminder de cooldown met",
+ "AntidoteCDOpt": "Decrease the Cooldown by",
"AntidoteCDReset": "Cooldown returns to normal after a meeting",
"GlowRadius": "Glow Radius",
"GlowVisionOthers": "Vision Boost for nearby Players",
@@ -2914,10 +3099,10 @@
"PunchingBagKill": "You were attacked!",
"SelfGuessPunchingBag": "You can't self-guess as a Punching Bag, you cheater!",
"GuessPunchingBagBlocked": "Punching Bag cannot guess due to self-guessing.",
- "EradicatePunchingBag": "You just tried to terminate punching bag, that is not allowed.",
+ "EradicatePunchingBag": "You just tried to terminate Punching Bag, that is not allowed.",
"RememberCooldown": "Imitate Cooldown",
"RefugeeKillCD": "Refugee's Kill Cooldown",
- "RememberedNeutralKiller": "You remembered you were a neutral killer!",
+ "RememberedNeutralKiller": "You remembered you were a Neutral killer!",
"RememberedMaverick": "Je herinnerde je dat je een Buitenbeen was!",
"RememberedPursuer": "Je herinnerde je dat je een Achtervolger was!",
"RememberedFollower": "Je herinnerde je dat je een Volger was!",
@@ -2926,12 +3111,12 @@
"ReportWhenFailedRemember": "Report Dead Body when failed to remember",
"RememberedImitator": "You remembered you were an Imitator.",
"RememberedImpostor": "Je herinnerde je dat je een Verrader was!",
- "RememberedCrewmate": "Je herinnerde je dat je een Bemanningslid was!",
+ "RememberedCrewmate": "You remembered you were a Crewmate!",
"ImitatorImitated": "Een Navolger imiteerde jouw rol!",
"ImitatorInvalidTarget": "Imitatie mislukt",
"RememberButtonText": "Herinner",
"ImitatorKillButtonText": "Imitatie",
- "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "If neutral is incompatible, turn into",
+ "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "If Neutral is incompatible, turn into",
"RememberedYourRole": "An Amnesiac remembered your role!",
"YouRememberedRole": "Je herinnerde je wie je was!",
"BanditStealMode": "Steal Mode",
@@ -2939,23 +3124,19 @@
"BanditStealMode_Instantly": "Instantly",
"BanditMaxSteals": "Maximum Steals",
"BanditCanStealBetrayalAddon": "Can Steal Betrayal Add-ons",
- "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "Can Steal Impostor Only Addons",
- "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "Could not steal add-on from the player",
- "BanditStealCooldown": "Steal cooldown",
+ "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "Can Steal Impostor Only Add-ons",
+ "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "Could not steal Add-on from the player",
+ "BanditStealCooldown": "Steal Cooldown",
"DoppelMaxSteals": "Maximum Steals",
- "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "Last victim can see role and add-on info of alive players as a ghost",
- "NecromancerRevengeTime": "Necromancy time",
- "NecromancerRevenge": "You have {0}s to kill {1}",
- "NecromancerSuccess": "Necromancy complete! You live to see another day.",
- "NecromancerHide": "Venting is disabled, hide from the Necromancer!",
- "RetributionistDeadMsg": "The death of the Retributionist means the beginning of retribution. \nPlease use /ret + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player IDs in front of their names. \nOr type /ret to get a list of player IDs",
+ "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "Last victim can see Role and Add-on info of alive players as a ghost",
+ "RetributionistDeadMsg": "The death of the Retributionist means the beginning of retribution. \nPlease use /ret + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /ret to get a list of player ID's",
"RetributionistAliveKill": "Retribution for the Retributionist may only begin after their death.",
"RetributionistKillMax": "You've reached the maximum amount of kills. You can't kill anymore!",
"RetributionistKillDead": "Choose a living player to kill.",
"RetributionistKillSucceed": "{0} was killed by the Retributionist!",
"RetributionistKillDisable": "You can't retribute until your tasks are done.",
"CanOnlyRetributeWithTasksDone": "Can only retribute on task completion",
- "RetributionistCanKillNum": "Maximale Retributies",
+ "RetributionistCanKillNum": "Maximum retributions",
"RetributionistKillTooManyDead": "Too many players are dead. You can't retribute.",
"MinimumPlayersAliveToRetri": "Minimum players alive to retribute",
"MinimumNoKillerEjectsToKill": "Minimum meetings passed with no killer ejects to kill",
@@ -2974,37 +3155,39 @@
"CaptainCanTargetNC": "Captain can target Neutral Chaos",
"CaptainCanTargetNA": "Captain can target Neutral Apocalypse",
"CaptainCanTargetNK": "Captain can target Neutral Killer",
+ "CaptainCanTargetCoven": "Captain can target Coven",
"CaptainSpeedReduced": "Captain reduced your speed",
"CaptainRevealTaskRequired": "Number of tasks completed after which Captain is revealed",
"CaptainSlowTaskRequired": "Number of tasks completed after which target speed is reduced",
"InspectorTryHideMsg": "Hide Inspector's commands",
- "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "Max inspections per game",
- "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "Max aantal inspecties per vergadering",
+ "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "Maximum inspections per game",
+ "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum inspections per meeting",
"InspectCheckTargetKnow": "Targets know they were checked by Inspector",
"InspectCheckOtherTargetKnow": "Targets know who they were checked with",
"InspectorDead": "You can not use your power after death",
- "InspectCheckMax": "Max inspections per game reached!\nYou can not use your power anymore.",
- "InspectCheckRound": "Max inspections per round reached!\nYou can check again in the next round.",
+ "InspectCheckMax": "Maximum inspections per game reached!\nYou can not use your power anymore.",
+ "InspectCheckRound": "Maximum inspections per round reached!\nYou can check again in the next round.",
"InspectCheckSelf": "HA!! You thought it would be this easy. You can not check yourself",
"InspectCheckReveal": "HA! You thought it would be this easy. You can not check a role that is revealed",
"InspectCheckTitle": "INSPECTEUR ",
"InspectCheckTrue": "{0} and {1} are in the same team!",
"InspectCheckFalse": "{0} and {1} are NOT in the same team!",
"InspectCheckTargetMsg": " were checked by Inspector.",
- "InspectCheckHelp": "Instructions: /cmp [Player ID 1] [Player ID 2] \nExample: /cmp 1 5 \nYou can see the player IDs before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player IDs",
+ "InspectCheckHelp": "Instructions: /cmp [Player ID 1] [Player ID 2] \nExample: /cmp 1 5 \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"InspectCheckNull": "Please select an ID of a living player to check their team",
"InspectCheckBaitCountMode": "Bait counts as revealing role if Bait reveal on first meeting is on",
"InspectCheckRevealTarget": "When tasks are done, the target knows the team of the other target",
"InspectorTargetReveal": "Het lijkt erop dat {0} bij team {1} zit",
"EgoistCountMode.Original": "Origineel",
"EgoistCountMode.Neutral": "Neutraal",
- "JailerJailCooldown": "Gevangenis cooldown",
+ "JailerJailCooldown": "Jail Cooldown",
"JailerMaxExecution": "Maximum executions",
"JailerNBCanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Benign",
"JailerNCCanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Chaos",
"JailerNECanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Evil",
"JailerNKCanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Killing",
"JailerNACanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "JailerCovenCanBeExe": "Can execute Coven",
"JailerCKCanBeExe": "Can execute Crew Killing",
"JailerTargetAlreadySelected": "Je hebt al een doelwit gekozen",
"SuccessfullyJailed": "Target successfully jailed",
@@ -3013,40 +3196,43 @@
"CanNotTrialJailed": "You can not trial the target.",
"notifyJailedOnMeeting": "Notify jailed player when a meeting starts",
"JailedNotifyMsg": "The Jailer has jailed you. No one can guess or judge you. You can only guess The Jailer.\n\nIf Jailer votes you, you will be executed after the meeting ends.",
- "JailerTitle": "Bewaker",
- "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "Copy cooldown",
+ "JailerTitle": "JAILER",
+ "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "Copy Cooldown",
"CopyCatRoleChange": "Je rol is veranderd naar {0}",
"CopyCatCanNotCopy": "You can not copy the target's role",
"CopyButtonText": "Kopieer",
- "CopyCrewVar": "Can copy evil variants of crew roles",
- "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "Can copy team changing add-on",
- "MaxCleanserUses": "Max cleanses",
+ "CopyCrewVar": "Can copy evil variants of Crewmate roles",
+ "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "Can copy team changing Add-on",
+ "MaxCleanserUses": "Maximum Cleanses",
"CleansedCanGetAddon": "Cleansed player can get Add-on",
"CleanserTitle": "ZUIVERER",
"CleanserRemoveSelf": "You can not cleanse yourself",
- "CleanserCantRemove": "Oops! the player can not be cleansed.",
+ "CleanserCantRemove": "Oops! the player can not be Cleansed.",
"CleanserRemovedRole": "{0} has been cleansed. All their Add-ons will be removed after the meeting.\n\nYour vote has been returned and you can vote for someone.",
- "LostAddonByCleanser": "The cleanser removed all your Add-ons",
- "MaxProtections": "Max protections",
+ "LostAddonByCleanser": "The Cleanser removed all your Add-ons",
+ "MaxProtections": "Maximum Protections",
"KeeperHideVote": "Hide Keeper's vote",
"KeeperProtect": "You chose to protect {0}, your vote has been returned",
- "KeeperTitle": "Keeper",
+ "KeeperTitle": "KEEPER",
"MaulRadius": "Maul Radius",
"ImpKnowCyberDead": "Impostors know if Cyber died",
"CrewKnowCyberDead": "Crewmates know if Cyber died",
"NeutralKnowCyberDead": "Neutrals know if Cyber died",
+ "CovenKnowCyberDead": "Coven know if Cyber died",
"CyberKnown": "Iedereen kan de Cyber zien",
"KillerGetBewilderVision": "Killer gets Bewilder's vision",
"ImpCanBeOiiai": "Impostors can be OIIAI",
"CrewCanBeOiiai": "Crewmates can be OIIAI",
"NeutralCanBeOiiai": "Neutrals can be OIIAI",
+ "CovenCanBeOiiai": "Coven can be OIIAI",
"OiiaiCanPassOn": "OIIAI can pass on to the killer",
"NeutralChangeRolesForOiiai": "Neutrals turns to ",
"LostRoleByOiiai": "You got erased by OIIAI!",
"ImpCanBeLoyal": "Impostors can become Loyal",
"CrewCanBeLoyal": "Crewmates can become Loyal",
+ "CovenCanBeLoyal": "Coven can become Loyal",
"TasklessCrewCanBeLazy": "Crewmates without tasks can be Lazy",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "Task based crewmates can be Lazy",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "Task based Crewmates can be Lazy",
"SheriffCanBeMadmate": "Sheriff can become Madmate",
"MayorCanBeMadmate": "Burgemeester kan een Gekke worden",
"NGuesserCanBeMadmate": "Nice Guesser can become Madmate",
@@ -3062,20 +3248,21 @@
"GanJudgeCanBeMadmate": "Judge can be converted",
"GanMarshallCanBeMadmate": "Marshall can be converted",
"GanOverseerCanBeMadmate": "Overseer can be converted",
- "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "Appear As Madmate On Ejection",
+ "GanCovenCanBeMadmate": "Coven can be converted",
+ "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "Appear as Madmate on Ejection",
"CouncillorDead": "Sorry, you can't murder from the dead.",
"CouncillorMurderMaxMeeting": "Sorry, you've reached the maximum amount of murders for the meeting.",
"CouncillorMurderMaxGame": "Sorry, you've reached the maximum amount of murders for the game.",
"Councillor_LaughToWhoMurderSelf": "Hahaha, who would've thought someone was stupid enough to murder themselves?\n\nGuess it happens to be... YOU!",
"Councillor_MurderKill": "{0} was murdered.",
- "Councillor_MurderHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' IDs before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player IDs.",
+ "Councillor_MurderHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Councillor_MurderNull": "Please choose a living player to murder.",
"Councillor_MurderKillTitle": "WICKED COURT ",
"CouncillorMakeEvilJudgeClear": "Show Trial as Councillor Murder",
"Councillor_CannotMurderImpTeam": "Sorry, you can not murder your teammate.",
"Councillor_SuicideForMurderImps": "You died because you are trying to murder your team members.",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Kills Per Meeting",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "Maximum Kills Per Game",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Kills per Meeting",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "Maximum Kills per Game",
"CouncillorCanMurderMadmate": "Can Gekken Vermoorden",
"CouncillorCanMurderImpostor": "Kan Bedriegers Vermoorden",
"CouncillorSuicideOnJudgeImpTeam": "Suicide when judge Impostors Team Wrongly",
@@ -3083,12 +3270,12 @@
"CouncillorTryHideMsg": "Try to hide Councillor's commands",
"DazzlerDazzled": "You were dazzled by the Dazzler!",
"DazzlerCauseVision": "Reduced vision",
- "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "Max number of players affected by reduced vision",
+ "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "Maximum number of players affected by reduced vision",
"DazzlerResetDazzledVisionOnDeath": "Reset vision of dazzled players on death/eject",
"DazzleCooldown": "Dazzle Cooldown",
"DazzleButtonText": "Dazzle",
"MoleVentButtonText": "Dig",
- "MoleVentCooldown": "Dig cooldown",
+ "MoleVentCooldown": "Dig Cooldown",
"AddictVentButtonText": "Get Fix",
"AddictInvulnerbilityTimeAfterVent": "Invulnerability Time",
"AddictSpeedWhileInvulnerble": "Movement speed while Invulnerable",
@@ -3102,13 +3289,13 @@
"AlchemistVentButtonText": "Drink",
"AlchemistGotShieldPotion": "Potion of Resistance: Grants a temporary shield",
"AlchemistGotSightPotion": "Potion of Night Vision: Gives temporary enhanced vision",
- "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "Potion of Fixing: Allows you to fix one sabotage instantly",
+ "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "Potion of Fixing: Allows you to fix one Sabotage instantly",
"AlchemistGotTPPotion": "Potion of Warping: Teleports you to a random player",
"AlchemistGotSuicidePotion": "Potion of Poison: Poisons you",
"AlchemistGotSpeedPotion": "Potion Of Speed: Hastens you",
"AlchemistGotBloodthirstPotion": "Potion of Harming: Kill the next player you touch",
"AlchemistGotInvisibility": "Potion of Invisibility: Become Invisible",
- "NoPotion": "Je hebt geen drankjes",
+ "NoPotion": "You have no Potions",
"StoreShield": "Potion of Resistance",
"StoreSuicide": "Potion of Poison",
"StoreTP": "Potion of Warping",
@@ -3124,22 +3311,22 @@
"AlchemistHasVision": "Potion of Night Vision started",
"AlchemistShieldOut": "Potion of Resistance ended",
"AlchemistVisionOut": "Potion of Night Vision ended",
- "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "You gained bloodthirst",
+ "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "You gained Bloodthirst",
"AlchemistHasSpeed": "Potion Of Speed started",
"AlchemistSpeedOut": "Potion Of Speed ended",
- "DeathpactDuration": "Death Pact duration",
- "DeathPactCooldown": "Death Pact Assign Cooldown",
- "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "Number of players in Death Pact",
- "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "Show arrows leading to other players in Death Pact",
- "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "Reduce vision for players in Death Pact",
- "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "Vision for players in Death Pact",
- "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "Kill players in Death Pact on meeting",
- "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "Players in active Death Pact can call meeting",
+ "DeathpactDuration": "Deathpact Duration",
+ "DeathPactCooldown": "Deathpact Assign Cooldown",
+ "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "Number of players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "Show arrows leading to other players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "Reduce vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "Vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "Kill players in Deathpact on meeting",
+ "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "Players in active Deathpact can call meeting",
"DeathpactActiveDeathpact": "Find {0} in {1} seconds.",
- "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "Target can't be added to Death Pact.",
- "DeathpactComplete": "Death Pact was concluded.",
- "DeathpactExecuted": "Death Pact was executed.",
- "DeathpactAverted": "Death Pact was averted.",
+ "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "Target can't be added to Deathpact.",
+ "DeathpactComplete": "Deathpact was concluded.",
+ "DeathpactExecuted": "Deathpact was executed.",
+ "DeathpactAverted": "Deathpact was averted.",
"DeathpactButtonText": "Assign",
"DevourerHideNameConsumed": "Hide the names of consumed players",
"DevourCooldown": "Devour Cooldown",
@@ -3167,7 +3354,6 @@
"PitfallTrapCauseVisionTime": "Trap caused vision time",
"PitfallTrap": "Je bent in de val gelopen!",
"ConsigliereDivinationMaxCount": "Maximum Reveals",
- "RitualMaxCount": "Maximum Reveals",
"CleanserHideVote": "Verstop Zuiverer's stem",
"OracleSkillLimit": "Maximum Uses",
"OracleHideVote": "Verstop stem",
@@ -3175,17 +3361,18 @@
"OracleCheckSelfMsg": "You can't even trust yourself, huh?",
"OracleCheckLimit": "Reminder: You have {0} uses left",
"OracleCheckMsgTitle": "ORAKEL ",
- "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "Appears not to be a crewmate",
- "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "Appears to be a crewmate",
- "OracleCheck.Neutral": "Appears to be a neutral",
+ "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "Appears not to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "Appears to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Neutral": "Appears to be a Neutral",
"OracleCheck.Impostor": "Appears to be an Impostor",
+ "OracleCheck.Coven": "Appears to be Coven",
"OracleCheck": "Doelwit Resultaten:",
"FailChance": "Chance of showing incorrect result",
- "OracleCheckAddons": "Orakel controleert toevoegingen",
+ "OracleCheckAddons": "Oracle checks Add-ons",
"ChameleonCanVent": "Vent om je te vermommen",
"ChameleonInvisState": "Je bent vermomd!",
"ChameleonInvisStateOut": "Je vermomming is over",
- "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on cooldown, disguise failed",
+ "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, disguise failed",
"ChameleonInvisStateCountdown": "Vermomming verloopt over {0}s",
"ChameleonInvisCooldownRemain": "Vermomming Cooldown: {0}s",
"ChameleonCooldown": "Vermomming Cooldown",
@@ -3200,11 +3387,12 @@
"CursedSoulCurseCooldownIncrese": "Soul Snatch Cooldown Increase",
"CursedSoulCurseMax": "Maximum Soul Snatches",
"CursedSoulKnowTargetRole": "Know the roles of Soulless players",
- "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "Neutrale rollen hebben zielen",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "Neutral roles have Souls",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseCoven": "Coven roles have Souls",
"CursedSoulKillButtonText": "Snatch",
- "SoullessByCursedSoul": "A Cursed Soul snatched your soul",
+ "SoullessByCursedSoul": "A Cursed Soul snatched your Soul",
"CursedSoulSoullessPlayer": "Ziel gestolen",
- "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "Geen ziel gevonden",
+ "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "No Soul found",
"AdmireCooldown": "Bewondering Cooldown",
"AdmirerKnowTargetRole": "Know the roles of Admired players",
"AdmirerSkillLimit": "Skill Limit",
@@ -3213,7 +3401,7 @@
"AdmiredPlayer": "Speler bewonderd",
"AdmirerInvalidTarget": "Doelwit kan niet bewonderd worden",
"SpiritualistNoticeTitle": "SPIRITUALIST ",
- "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "The Spiritualist has an arrow pointing to you!\nYou can use them to a killer or frame a crewmate",
+ "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "The Spiritualist has an arrow pointing to you!\nYou can use them to a killer or frame a Crewmate",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowForSeconds": "Ghost arrow duration",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowEverySeconds": "Ghost arrow interval",
"EnigmaClueStage1Tasks": "Number of Tasks to complete to see Stage 1 Clues",
@@ -3251,11 +3439,12 @@
"EnigmaClueRole2": "The Killer is a Neutral!",
"EnigmaClueRole3": "The Killer is a Crewmate!",
"EnigmaClueRole4": "The Killer's Role is {0}!",
+ "EnigmaClueRole5": "The Killer is a Coven member!",
"EnigmaClueLevel1": "The Killer's Level is above 50!",
"EnigmaClueLevel2": "The Killer's Level is below 50!",
"EnigmaClueLevel3": "The Killer's Level is between {0} and {1}!",
"EnigmaClueLevel4": "The Killer's Level is {0}!",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "The Killer's Friendcode is {0}!",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "The Killer's Friend Code is {0}!",
"EnigmaClueHatTitle": "Enigma Hat Clue!",
"EnigmaClueVisorTitle": "Enigma Visor Clue!",
"EnigmaClueSkinTitle": "Enigma Skin Clue!",
@@ -3267,10 +3456,11 @@
"EnigmaClueStatusTitle": "Enigma Status Clue!",
"EnigmaClueRoleTitle": "Enigma Role Clue!",
"EnigmaClueLevelTitle": "Enigma Level Clue!",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "Enigma Friendcode Clue!",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "Enigma Friend Code Clue!",
"ImpCanBeRole": "Impostors can become {role}",
"CrewCanBeRole": "Crewmates can become {role}",
"NeutralCanBeRole": "Neutrals can become {role}",
+ "CovenCanBeRole": "Coven can become {role}",
"VotesPerKill": "Votes gained for each kill",
"PickpocketGetVote": "Je hebt {0} stemmen",
"VultureArrowsPointingToDeadBody": "Pijlen wijzen naar dode lichamen",
@@ -3281,7 +3471,7 @@
"VultureMaxEatenInOneRound": "Maximaal opgegeten lichamen mogelijk per ronde",
"VultureCooldownUp": "Eet cooldown voltooid",
"GhastlyPossessCD": "Possess Cooldown",
- "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "Max Possessions",
+ "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "Maximum Possessions",
"GhastlyPossessionDuration": "Possession Duration",
"GhastlySpeed": "Ghastly Speed",
"GhastlyKillAllies": "Ghastly cannot possess allies",
@@ -3294,7 +3484,7 @@
"GhastlyExpired": "{0} is no longer possessed",
"TasksMarkPerRound": "Number of tasks that can be marked in one round",
"TaskinatorBombPlanted": "Bomb has been planted",
- "ShieldDuration": "Shield duration",
+ "ShieldDuration": "Shield Duration",
"ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "Shield breaks after one kill attempt",
"BenefactorTaskMarked": "Task marked successfully",
"BenefactorTargetGotShield": "You got a shield by Benefactor",
@@ -3316,14 +3506,14 @@
"Heads": "Kop",
"Tails": "Munt",
"SpyRedNameDur": "Colored Name Duration",
- "SpyInteractionBlocked": "Block kill button interaction",
- "AgitaterBombCooldown": "Agitator bomb cooldown",
- "AgitaterPassCooldown": "Bomb pass cooldown",
- "BombExplodeCooldown": "Bomb explode cooldown",
+ "SpyInteractionBlocked": "Block Kill button interaction",
+ "AgitaterBombCooldown": "Agitator Bomb Cooldown",
+ "AgitaterPassCooldown": "Bomb Pass Cooldown",
+ "BombExplodeCooldown": "Bomb Explode Cooldown",
"AgitaterPassNotify": "Bomb successfully passed",
"AgitaterTargetNotify": "YOU HAVE THE BOMB!! Pass it to someone else",
"AgitaterCanGetBombed": "Agitator can get bomb",
- "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "Agitator Auto Report Bait",
+ "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "Agitator can Auto Report Bait",
"SeekerPointsToWin": "Number of points required to win",
"SeekerTagCooldown": "Tag Cooldown",
"SeekerNotify": "Your target is {0}",
@@ -3331,15 +3521,15 @@
"SeekerKillButtonText": "Tag",
"PixiePointsToWin": "Nummer of punten vereist om te winnen",
"MaxTargets": "Maximum number of targets per round",
- "MarkCooldown": "Mark cooldown",
+ "MarkCooldown": "Mark Cooldown",
"PixieSuicide": "Pixie suicides if the target is not voted out",
"PixieMaxTargetReached": "You have already selected all the targets this round",
"PixieTargetAlreadySelected": "Doelwit al geselecteerd",
"PixieButtonText": "Mark",
- "PlagueBearerCooldown": "Plague cooldown",
- "PlagueBearerCanVent": "Can vent",
+ "PlagueBearerCooldown": "Plague Cooldown",
+ "PlagueBearerCanVent": "Can Vent",
"PlagueBearerHasImpostorVision": "Has Impostor vision",
- "PestilenceCooldown": "Pestilence Kill cooldown",
+ "PestilenceCooldown": "Pestilence Kill Cooldown",
"PestilenceCanVent": "Pestilence Can Vent",
"PestilenceHasImpostorVision": "Pestilence Has Impostor Vision",
"PestilenceKillGuessers": "Kill players who guess Pestilence",
@@ -3365,24 +3555,25 @@
"RomanticProtectButtonText": "Protect",
"GuessMasterMisguess": "{0} misguessed",
"GuessMasterTargetRole": "Someone tried to guess {0}",
- "GuessMasterTitle": "Guess Master ",
+ "GuessMasterTitle": "GUESS MASTER ",
"DoomsayerAmountOfGuessesToWin": "Amount of Guesses to win",
"DCanGuessImpostors": "Can Guess Impostors",
"DCanGuessCrewmates": "Can Guess Crewmates",
"DCanGuessNeutrals": "Can Guess Neutrals",
+ "DCanGuessCoven": "Can Guess Coven",
"DCanGuessAdt": "Kan Toevoegingen Raden",
"DoomsayerAdvancedSettings": "Geavanceerde Instellingen",
- "DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "Max number of guesses per meeting",
+ "DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "Maximum number of guesses per meeting",
"DoomsayerKillCorrectlyGuessedPlayers": "Kill correctly guessed players",
"DoomsayerDoesNotSuicideWhenMisguessing": "Doomsayer does not suicide when misguessing",
"DoomsayerMisguessRolePrevGuessRoleUntilNextMeeting": "Misguessing role prevents guessing roles until next meeting",
"DoomsayerTryHideMsg": "Hide Doomsayer's commands",
"DoomsayerCantGuess": "Sorry, you can only guess the roles in the next meeting.",
"DoomsayerCorrectlyGuessRole": "You guessed the role correctly!\nBut the player didn't die because the Host settings don't allow them to die",
- "DoomsayerNotCorrectlyGuessRole": "You didn't correctly guess the role!\nBut you didn't die because the Host's settings don't allow you to die",
- "DoomsayerGuessCountMsg": "You correctly guessed {0} roles",
+ "DoomsayerNotCorrectlyGuessRole": "You didn't correctly guess the Role!\nBut you didn't die because the Host's settings don't allow you to die",
+ "DoomsayerGuessCountMsg": "You correctly guessed {0} Roles",
"DoomsayerGuessCountTitle": "DOOMSAYER",
- "DoomsayerGuessSameRoleAgainMsg": "You tried to guess the same role or add-on that you guessed before",
+ "DoomsayerGuessSameRoleAgainMsg": "You tried to guess the same Role or Add-on that you guessed before",
"EveryoneCanKnowMini": "Iedereen kan zien wie de Mini is",
"CanBeEvil": "Mini can be an Impostor",
"EvilMiniSpawnChances": "Waarschijnlijkheid dat Mini een Bedrieger is",
@@ -3410,26 +3601,26 @@
"YouKillRandomizer3": "You kill Randomizer, Kill CD change to 600s!",
"YouKillRandomizer4": "You kill Randomizer, Triggered Random Revenge!",
"MadmateCanBeHurried": "Madmate can be Hurried on game start",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeHurried": "Task-based Crews can be Hurried",
- "HurriedCanBeConverted": "Hurried can be recruited in the game (excludes madmate)",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeHurried": "Task-based Crewmates can be Hurried",
+ "HurriedCanBeConverted": "Hurried can be recruited in the game (excludes Madmate)",
"Developer": "Developer",
"Sponsor": "Sponsor",
"Booster": "Server Booster",
"Translator": "Vertaler",
"NoAccess": "Unauthorized Access!\n\n Please open up a ticket in the discord server to know more (discord.gg/tohe)",
"DCNotify.Hacking": "You were banned for hacking.\n\nPlease stop.",
- "DCNotify.Banned": "You were banned from this lobby.\n\nContact the host if this was a mistake.",
+ "DCNotify.Banned": "You were banned from this lobby.\n\nContact the Host if this was a mistake.",
"DCNotify.Kicked": "You were kicked from this lobby.\n\nYou may still rejoin.",
"DCNotify.DCFromServer": "You disconnected from the server.\r\nThis could be an issue with either the servers or your network.",
"DCNotify.GameNotFound": "This lobby code is invalid.\n\nCheck the code and/or server and try again.",
"DCNotify.GameStarted": "This lobby is currently in-game.\n\nWait for it to end or find a different lobby.",
- "DCNotify.GameFull": "This lobby is currently full.\n\nCheck with the host to see if you may join.",
+ "DCNotify.GameFull": "This lobby is currently full.\n\nCheck with the Host to see if you may join.",
"DCNotify.IncorrectVersion": "This lobby does not support your Among Us version.",
"DCNotify.Inactivity": "The lobby closed due to inactivity.",
"DCNotify.Auth": "You are not authenticated.\n\nYou may need to restart your game.",
"DCNotify.DupeLogin": "An instance of your account is already present in this lobby.",
"DCNotify.InvalidSettings": "Game settings have been detected to be invalid.\n\nEnter local play to reset them, then try again.",
- "ModeDescribe.SoloKombat": "Current mode is [Solo PVP]\nNo role assignment. Everyone has HP and can use the kill button to cause damage to other players. The player with the highest number of kills wins at the end of the game.",
+ "ModeDescribe.SoloKombat": "Current Gamemode is [Solo PVP]\nNo role assignment. Everyone has HP and can use the Kill button to cause damage to other players. The player with the highest number of kills wins at the end of the game.",
"RoleType.VanillaRoles": "★ Vanilla Roles",
"RoleType.ImpKilling": "★ Impostor Killing Roles",
"RoleType.ImpSupport": "★ Impostor Support Roles",
@@ -3448,6 +3639,10 @@
"RoleType.NeutralChaos": "★ Neutrale Chaos Rollen",
"RoleType.NeutralKilling": "★ Neutral Killing Roles",
"RoleType.NeutralApocalypse": "★ Neutral Apocalypse Roles /apocalypseinfo",
+ "RoleType.CovenPower": "★ Coven Power Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenKilling": "★ Coven Killing Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenTrickery": "★ Coven Trickery Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenUtility": "★ Coven Utility Roles",
"RoleType.Harmful": "★ Schadelijke Toevoegingen",
"RoleType.Support": "★ Ondersteunende Toevoegingen",
"RoleType.Helpful": "★ Behulpzame Toevoegingen",
@@ -3456,7 +3651,7 @@
"RoleType.Impostor": "★ Bedriegers Toevoegingen",
"RoleType.Guesser": "★ Guesser Add-ons",
"RoleType.Neut": "★ Neutrale Toevoegingen",
- "RoleType.Experimental": "★ Experimental Addons (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
+ "RoleType.Experimental": "★ Experimental Add-ons (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
"SubType.Impostor": "★ Bedriegers",
"SubType.Shapeshifter": "★ Vormveranderaars",
"SubType.SemiShapeshifter": "★ Semi-Vormveranderaars",
@@ -3467,10 +3662,12 @@
"CrewmateRoles": "★ Crewmate Roles ★",
"ImpostorRoles": "★ Impostor Roles ★",
"NeutralRoles": "★ Neutral Roles ★",
+ "CovenRoles": "★ Coven Roles ★",
"AddonRoles": "★ Add-ons ★",
"WinnerRoleText.Impostor": "Verraders Winnen!",
"WinnerRoleText.Crewmate": "Bemanningsleden Winnen!",
"WinnerRoleText.Apocalypse": "Apocalypse Wins!",
+ "WinnerRoleText.Coven": "Coven Wins!",
"WinnerRoleText.Terrorist": "Terrorist Wint!",
"WinnerRoleText.Jester": "Joker wint!",
"WinnerRoleText.Lovers": "Geliefden Winnen!",
@@ -3557,25 +3754,26 @@
"ForceEndText": "Host heeft het spel afgebroken",
"NiceMiniDied": "Goeie Mini was vermoord",
"HaterMisFireKillTarget": "Hater kills target when misfiring",
- "HaterChooseConverted": "Select add-ons that Hater can kill",
- "HaterCanKillMadmate": "Kan gekken doden",
- "HaterCanKillCharmed": "Can kill charmed",
- "HaterCanKillLovers": "Can kill lovers",
- "HaterCanKillSidekick": "Can kill jackal team",
- "HaterCanKillEgoist": "Can kill egoist",
- "HaterCanKillInfected": "Can kill infected team",
- "HaterCanKillContagious": "Can kill virus team",
- "HaterCanKillAdmired": "Can kill admirer",
+ "HaterChooseConverted": "Select Add-ons that Hater can kill",
+ "HaterCanKillMadmate": "Can kill Madmate",
+ "HaterCanKillCharmed": "Can kill Charmed",
+ "HaterCanKillLovers": "Can kill Lovers",
+ "HaterCanKillSidekick": "Can kill Jackal team",
+ "HaterCanKillEgoist": "Can kill Egoist",
+ "HaterCanKillInfected": "Can kill Infected team",
+ "HaterCanKillContagious": "Can kill Virus team",
+ "HaterCanKillAdmired": "Can kill Admirer",
+ "HaterCanKillEnchanted": "Can kill Enchanted",
"HorseMode": "Enable to become a horse",
"LongMode": "Enable to have a long neck",
"InfluencedChangeVote": "Oops! You are so influenced by others!\nYou can not contain your fear that you change voted {0}!",
"FFA": "Free For All",
"ModeFFA": "Gamemode: FFA",
- "ModeDescribe.FFA": "In the FFA (Free For All) gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
- "KillerInfoLong": "In the FFA (Free For All) game mode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
+ "ModeDescribe.FFA": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
+ "KillerInfoLong": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
"FFA_GameTime": "Maximum Game Length",
"FFA_KCD": "Kill Cooldown",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "Prevent venting when only 2 players are alive",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "Prevent Venting when only 2 players are alive",
"FFA_EnableRandomAbilities": "Enable Random Events",
"FFA_ShieldDuration": "Shield Duration",
"FFA_IncreasedSpeed": "Increased Speed",
@@ -3586,15 +3784,15 @@
"FFA_EnableRandomTwists": "Enable Random Swaps from time to time",
"FFA-Event-GetShield": "You have a temporary shield!",
"FFA-Event-GetIncreasedSpeed": "You have a temporary speed boost!",
- "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "You got a lower kill cooldown!",
- "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "You got a higher kill cooldown",
+ "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "You got a lower Kill Cooldown!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "You got a higher Kill Cooldown",
"FFA-Event-GetLowVision": "You have lower vision temporarily",
"FFA-Event-GetDecreasedSpeed": "You have decreased speed temporarily",
- "FFA-Event-GetTP": "You got teleported to a random vent!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetTP": "You got teleported to a random Vent!",
"FFA-Event-RandomTP": "Everyone was swapped with someone",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "There are only 2 players alive, stop hiding in vents!",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "Your kill cooldown is up, don't hide in vents!",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "Prevent players whose kill cooldown is up from venting",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "There are only 2 players alive, stop hiding in Vents!",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "Your kill Cooldown is up, don't hide in Vents!",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "Prevent players whose Kill Cooldown is up from Venting",
"FFA_TargetIsShielded": "The player you tried to kill is shielded!",
"FFA_ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "Shields break after 1 kill attempt",
"FFA_ShieldBroken": "Someone tried to kill you, your shield is now broken!",
@@ -3604,15 +3802,15 @@
"MenuTitle.Hide&Seek": "Hide & Seek Settings",
"NumImpostorsHnS": "Num Impostors",
"EveryOneKnowSolsticer": "Every One Know who is Solsticer",
- "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "Solsticer knows the role of whom used the kill button on it",
+ "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "Solsticer knows the role of whom used the Kill button on it",
"SolsticerSpeed": "Movement speed of Solsticer",
"SolsticerRemainingTaskWarned": "Remaining tasks to be known",
"SAddTasksPreDeadPlayer": "How many extra short tasks Solsticer gets when a player dies",
"SolsticerMurdered": "{0} attempted to murder you!",
"MurderSolsticer": "You stopped Solsticer this round!",
- "SolsticerMurderMessage": "{0} used kill button on you last round! Its role is {1}!",
+ "SolsticerMurderMessage": "{0} used Kill button on you last round! Its role is {1}!",
"SolsticerOnMeeting": "You witnessed too many deaths! Next round you will have {0} more short task!",
- "SolsticerTitle": "Solsticer",
+ "SolsticerTitle": "SOLSTICER",
"GuessSolsticer": "Sorry, but you can not guess Solsticer!",
"ExpelSolsticer": "Sorry, but you can not expel Solsticer!",
"SolsticerTasksReset": "Your tasks get reset!",
@@ -3623,10 +3821,10 @@
"Contributor": "Contributor",
"dbConnect.InitFailure": "Error while connecting to TOHE API, please check your network connection and retry login!",
"dbConnect.InitFailurePublic": "Error while connecting to TOHE API, this could be caused by your internet connection. And so Sponsor+ perks are not available, you may continue to play as usual without these.",
- "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "This build of TOHE is not available to users with no friendcode!",
+ "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "This build of TOHE is not available to users with no Friend Code!",
"Quizmaster": "Quizmaster",
"QuizmasterInfo": "Quiz people to kill them in meetings",
- "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Quizmaster, you can mark a player using your kill button. In the next meeting, the marked player will have \"?!\" next to their name. The player will die if they answer the question wrong or doesn't answer. The player will live if the Quizmaster is killed/ejected in the same meeting.\nThe Quizmaster cannot mark multiple people in the same round",
+ "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Quizmaster, you can mark a player using your Kill button. In the next meeting, the marked player will have \"?!\" next to their name. The player will die if they answer the question wrong or doesn't answer. The player will live if the Quizmaster is killed/ejected in the same meeting.\nThe Quizmaster cannot mark multiple people in the same round",
"QuizmasterKillButtonText": "Quiz",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedBy": "You've been marked by the Quizmaster\nTo survive you have to answer correct to this question:\n\n{QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedPublic": "{QMTARGET} has been marked by the Quizmaster\nTo survive {QMTARGET} have to answer correct to their question!",
@@ -3639,13 +3837,14 @@
"QuizmasterChat.WrongPublic": "{QMTARGET} got the Quizmaster's question answer wrong and died!\nBeware of the Quizmaster!",
"QuizmasterChat.Marked": "You've marked {QMTARGET}\nIf {QMTARGET} doesn't answer by the end of the meeting or answer wrong {QMTARGET} will die\n\nQuestion for {QMTARGET} => {QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.Title": "Quizmaster Information",
- "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "As the quizmaster, you can't answer questions",
+ "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "As the Quizmaster, you can't answer questions",
"QuizmasterChat.AnswerNotValid": "Your answer must be A, B, or C",
"QuizmasterChat.SyntaxNotValid": "Usage:\n/answer [A/B/C]",
- "QuizmasterSettings.QuestionDifficulty": "Question Difficulty",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "Can Vent After Marked Somebody For Quiz",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "Can Kill After Marked Somebody For Quiz",
- "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "How Many Kills Per Round",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MinQuestionDifficulty": "Minimum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MaxQuestionDifficulty": "Maximum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "Can Vent After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "Can Kill After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "How Many Kills per Round",
"QuizmasterSettings.CanGiveQuestionsAboutPastGames": "Can Give Questions About Past Games",
"Quizmaster.None": "None",
"QuizmasterSabotages.Lights": "Lights",
@@ -3673,8 +3872,16 @@
"QuizmasterAnswers.Experimental": "Experimental",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Enhanced": "Enhanced",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Edited": "Edited",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "What was the sabotage was called last?",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "What was the first sabotage called this round?",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Impostor": "Impostor",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Neutral": "Neutral",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Crewmate": "Crewmate",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Addon": "Add-on",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Shapeshifter": "Shapeshifter",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Scientist": "Scientist",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Engineer": "Engineer",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.GuardianAngel": "GuardianAngel",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "What was the Sabotage was called last?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "What was the first Sabotage called this round?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastEjectedPlayerColor": "What was the color of the player that was last ejected?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastReportPlayerColor": "What was the color of the body that was last reported before this meeting?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastButtonPressedPlayerColor": "Who called the last meeting before this meeting?",
@@ -3684,17 +3891,25 @@
"QuizmasterQuestions.FactionOfRole": "What's the faction of {QMRole}?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.FactionRemovedName": "What faction used to be in the game but was removed in an update later?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyDiedFirstRound": "How many people died round one?",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.ButtonPressedBefore": "How many people pressed the emergency button before this meeting?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.ButtonPressedBefore": "How many people pressed the Emergency button before this meeting?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.WhatDoesEOgMeansInName": "What did the E in TOHE originally stand for?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieReason": "What was {PLR}'s cause of death?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieMethod": "How did {PLR} die?",
- "LastAddedRoleForKarped": "What was the last role added to TOHE before KARPED1EM stepped down?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastAddedRoleForKarped": "What was the last role added to TOHE before KARPED1EM stepped down?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieFaction": "What kind of faction killed {PLR}?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.QuizmasterCooldown": "What will Quizmaster's cooldown always be? (excluding first kill override and changes from other Roles/Add-ons)",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoCoded": "Who coded Quizmaster?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoOwns": "Who owns The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEPartners": "Who are The Enhanced Network's partners?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEEventCoordinator": "Who is the Event Coordinator for The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyCats": "How many Cat related roles are in the Mod?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.GuessingCommand": "What does /bt actually mean?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.NotFromTOS2": "Which of these roles are NOT from Town of Salem 2?",
"DeathReason.WrongAnswer": "Wrong Quiz Answer",
"TPCooldown": "Teleport Cooldown",
- "RiftsTooClose": "Location too close to the first rift",
+ "RiftsTooClose": "Location too close to the first Rift",
"RiftCreated": "Rift made successfully",
- "RiftsDestroyed": "All rifts Destroyed",
+ "RiftsDestroyed": "All Rifts destroyed",
"RiftRadius": "Rift Radius",
"TiredVision": "Vision When Tired",
"TiredSpeed": "Speed When Tired",
@@ -3718,7 +3933,7 @@
"ShockerAbilityCooldown": "Ability Cooldown",
"ShockerAbilityDuration": "Ability Duration",
"ShockerAbilityPerRound": "Abilities Per Round",
- "ShockerShockInVents": "Shock people in vents",
+ "ShockerShockInVents": "Shock people in Vents",
"ShockerAbilityResetAfterMeeting": "Reset marked rooms after meeting",
"ShockerOutsideRadius": "Radius Of Outside Tasks (not in a room)",
"ShockerCanShockHimself": "Can Shock Himself",
@@ -3731,13 +3946,13 @@
"EavesdropperMsgTitle": "You found a secret",
"EavesdropPercentChance": "Chance to eavesdrop",
"PreventSeeRolesBeforeSkillUsedUp": "Prevent seeing others roles before skill used up",
- "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "Cooldown for recruiting sheriffs",
- "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "Can recruit Impostor or Neutral",
- "SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "You recruited a sheriff.",
- "BeSheriffByPolice": "You've been recruited by the police chief! Serve the crew!",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "Cooldown for recruiting Sheriffs",
+ "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "Can recruit non-Crewmates",
+ "SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "You recruited a Sheriff.",
+ "BeSheriffByPolice": "You've been recruited by the Police Chief! Serve the Crewmates!",
"PoliceFailedRecruit": "Failed to recruit target.",
"ChiefOfPoliceKillButtonText": "Recruitment",
- "PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "Prevent recruit players without kill button",
- "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "Suicides when recruit a non killer or non crewmate",
- "PolicPassConverted": "Can pass Converted Addon to Sheriff"
+ "PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "Prevent recruit players without Kill button",
+ "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "Suicides when recruit a non-Killer or non-Crewmate",
+ "PolicPassConverted": "Can pass Converted Add-on to Sheriff"
diff --git a/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json b/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json
index d061a2e2c..a5a519e6b 100644
--- a/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json
+++ b/Resources/Lang/pt_BR.json
@@ -14,22 +14,26 @@
"Website": "Página",
"PlayerNameForRoleInfo": "Olá {0}, sua função é:-\n",
"HostIconInMeeting": "ANFITRIÃO:{0}",
+ "ModdedClient": "Modded Client",
"SubText.GM": "Spectate the chaos!",
"SubText.Crewmate": "Encontre e expulse os Impostores",
"SubText.Impostor": "Sabote e mate todos",
"SubText.Neutral": "Trabalhe sozinho para alcançar a vitória",
"SubText.Apocalypse": "Torne-se imparável com a sua equipe",
+ "SubText.Coven": "Bewitch and kill everyone",
"SubText.Madmate": "Ajude os Impostores",
"SubText.Lovers": "Stay alive and win together",
"SubText.Egoist": "Win on your own",
"TypeImpostor": "Impostores",
"TypeCrewmate": "Tripulantes",
"TypeNeutral": "Neutros",
+ "TypeCoven": "Coven",
"TypeAddon": "Atributos",
"GuesserMode": "Modo Adivinhador",
"TeamImpostor": "Impostor",
"TeamNeutral": "Neutro",
"TeamCrewmate": "Tripulante",
+ "TeamCoven": "Coven",
"TeamMadmate": "Cúmplice",
"TeamLovers": "Lovers",
"TeamEgoist": "Egoist",
@@ -37,6 +41,7 @@
"YouAreCrewmate": "Você é um Tripulante",
"YouAreImpostor": "Você é um Impostor",
"YouAreNeutral": "Você é um Neutro",
+ "YouAreCoven": "You are a Coven member",
"YouAreMadmate": "Você é um Cúmplice",
"Role_Crewmate": "Tripulante",
"Role_Jester": "Palhaço",
@@ -63,12 +68,14 @@
"ImpostorsCanGuess": "Impostores podem adivinhar",
"NeutralKillersCanGuess": "Neutros Assassinos podem adivinhar",
"NeutralApocalypseCanGuess": "Neutros do Apocalipse podem adivinhar",
+ "CovenCanGuess": "Coven can guess",
"PassiveNeutralsCanGuess": "Neutros Passivos podem adivinhar",
"CanGuessAddons": "Pode adivinhar Atributos",
- "ShowOnlyEnabledRolesInGuesserUI": "Mostrar apenas as funções habilitadas na UI de adivinhação",
- "CrewCanGuessCrew": "Tripulantes podem adivinhar funções de Tripulantes",
- "ImpCanGuessImp": "Impostores podem adivinhar funções de Impostor",
- "ApocCanGuessApoc": "Neutros do Apocalipse Podem Adivinhar Funções do Time dos Neutros Apocalipse",
+ "ShowOnlyEnabledRolesInGuesserUI": "Show Only Enabled Roles in Guesser UI",
+ "CrewCanGuessCrew": "Crewmates can Guess Crewmate Roles",
+ "ImpCanGuessImp": "Impostors can Guess Impostor Roles",
+ "ApocCanGuessApoc": "Neutral Apocalypse can Guess Neutral Apocalypse Roles",
+ "CovenCanGuessCoven": "Coven Can Guess Coven Roles",
"GuessImmune": "Desculpe, mas o alvo é imune a ser adivinhado!",
"GM": "Espectador",
"Sunnyboy": "Sunnyboy",
@@ -287,7 +294,6 @@
"Vulture": "Canibal",
"Taskinator": "Sabota-Tarefas",
"Benefactor": "Benfeitor",
- "Medusa": "Medusa",
"Spiritcaller": "Caçador de Almas",
"Amnesiac": "Amnésico",
"Imitator": "Imitador",
@@ -305,12 +311,21 @@
"Romantic": "Romântico",
"VengefulRomantic": "Romântico Vingativo",
"RuthlessRomantic": "Romântico Impiedoso",
+ "Wraith": "Invisível",
"Poisoner": "Envenenador",
+ "Medusa": "Medusa",
"HexMaster": "Mestre Feiticeiro",
- "Wraith": "Invisível",
"Jinx": "Jinx",
"PotionMaster": "Mestre das Poções",
"Necromancer": "Necromante",
+ "CovenLeader": "Coven Leader",
+ "Ritualist": "Ritualist",
+ "Conjurer": "Conjurer",
+ "Dreamweaver": "Dreamweaver",
+ "Illusionist": "Illusionist",
+ "VoodooMaster": "Voodoo Master",
+ "Sacrifist": "Sacrifist",
+ "MoonDancer": "Moon Dancer",
"Warden": "Defensor",
"Minion": "Lacaio",
"Ghastly": "Assombração",
@@ -363,6 +378,7 @@
"EvilSpirit": "Espírito Maligno",
"Recruit": "Recruta",
"Admired": "Admirado",
+ "Enchanted": "Enchanted",
"Glow": "Brilhante",
"Radar": "Radar",
"Diseased": "Doente",
@@ -397,53 +413,53 @@
"Revenant": "Assombração",
"BracketAddons": "Adicionar parênteses para Atributos",
"EngineerTOHEInfo": "Use ventilações para encontrar os Impostores",
- "ScientistTOHEInfo": "Acesse vitais portáveis de qualquer lugar",
+ "ScientistTOHEInfo": "Access portable Vitals from anywhere",
"NoisemakerTOHEInfo": "Envie um alerta quando você morrer",
"TrackerTOHEInfo": "Rastreie um jogador com seu mapa",
- "ShapeshifterTOHEInfo": "Disfarce-se de Tripulantes para confundi-los",
+ "ShapeshifterTOHEInfo": "Disguise as Crewmates to frame them",
"PhantomTOHEInfo": "Fique Invisivel",
- "GuardianAngelTOHEInfo": "Proteja os Tripulantes dos Impostores",
- "ImpostorTOHEInfo": "Sabote e mate todos",
+ "GuardianAngelTOHEInfo": "Protect the Crewmates from the Impostors",
+ "ImpostorTOHEInfo": "Kill and Sabotage",
"CrewmateTOHEInfo": "Faça suas tarefas",
"BountyHunterInfo": "Elimine seu alvo",
"FireworkerInfo": "Use explosivos a seu favor",
"MercenaryInfo": "Continue matando ou você irá se suicidar",
- "ShapeMasterInfo": "Você é um mestre da metamorfose",
+ "ShapeMasterInfo": "Swiftly kill with no Shapeshift Cooldown",
"VampireInfo": "Seus abates estão atrasados",
- "WarlockInfo": "Controle os Tripulantes para fazê-los matar",
- "NinjaInfo": "Marque um alvo e se metamorfoseie para matar",
+ "WarlockInfo": "Curse Crewmates then Shift to make them kill",
+ "NinjaInfo": "Mark a target, then Shift to kill",
"ZombieInfo": "Você é muito lento",
"AnonymousInfo": "Force um jogador a reportar um corpo",
- "MinerInfo": "Teleporte-se para sua última ventilação",
- "KillingMachineInfo": "Você APENAS mata, mas com uma recarga reduzida",
+ "MinerInfo": "Warp to your last used Vent by Shifting",
+ "KillingMachineInfo": "You can ONLY kill, but low Cooldown",
"EscapistInfo": "Metamorfe-se para marcar lugares para se teleportar de volta",
- "WitchInfo": "Enfeitiçe a Tripulação para matá-los",
+ "WitchInfo": "Spell Crewmates to kill them in meetings",
"NemesisInfo": "Mate quando você for o Último Impostor",
"BeforeNemesisInfo": "Você ainda não pode matar",
"AfterNemesisInfo": "Agora comece a matar",
- "BloodmoonInfo": "Faça estragos nos Tripulantes",
- "PossessorInfo": "Possua e mova os Tripulantes para longe dos outros",
+ "BloodmoonInfo": "Seek havoc upon the Crewmates",
+ "PossessorInfo": "Possess and lead Crewmates away from others",
"PuppeteerInfo": "Faça jogadores matarem por você",
"MastermindInfo": "Faça jogadores matarem por você",
"TimeThiefInfo": "Reduza o tempo de reunião matando",
- "SniperInfo": "Atire em jogadores à distância se metamorfando",
+ "SniperInfo": "Snipe players from a distance by Shifting",
"UndertakerInfo": "Teletransporte um cadáver para um local marcado",
"RiftMakerInfo": "Duas fendas eu traço, você a toca para distorcer o espaço",
- "EvilTrackerInfo": "Rastreie jogadores se metamorfando",
+ "EvilTrackerInfo": "Track players by Shifting",
"EvilHackerInfo": "Hackeie sistemas",
"AntiAdminerInfo": "Saiba quando os jogadores estão perto de dispositivos",
- "ArroganceInfo": "Com cada abate que você comete, seu tempo diminui",
+ "ArroganceInfo": "With each kill you make, your Cooldown decreases",
"BomberInfo": "Metamorfe-se para explodir",
"TrapsterInfo": "Inicie uma cadeia de mortes",
"ScavengerInfo": "Seus abates não podem ser reportados",
- "EvilGuesserInfo": "Adivinhe as funções da Tripulação",
+ "EvilGuesserInfo": "Guess Crewmate roles in meetings to kill",
"GangsterInfo": "Converta jogadores para o seu lado",
"CleanerInfo": "Reporte cadáveres para fazê-los serem irreportáveis",
"LightningInfo": "Converta jogadores em Fantasmas Quânticos",
- "GreedyInfo": "Seu tempo de abate muda",
+ "GreedyInfo": "Your Kill Cooldown shifts",
"CursedWolfInfo": "Você sobrevive a algumas tentativas de morte",
- "SoulCatcherInfo": "Você troca de lugar com seu alvo ao se metamorfar",
- "QuickShooterInfo": "Armazene munição para compensar o tempo de abate",
+ "SoulCatcherInfo": "You swap places with your Shift target",
+ "QuickShooterInfo": "Store ammo to offset Kill Cooldown",
"CamouflagerInfo": "Camufle-se para realizar mortes fáceis",
"EraserInfo": "Apague a função de voto do seu alvo",
"ButcherInfo": "Curta meu lindo trabalho",
@@ -451,42 +467,42 @@
"SwooperInfo": "Torne-se invisível temporariamente",
"CrewpostorInfo": "Mate completando tarefas",
"WildlingInfo": "Execute abates com força",
- "TricksterInfo": "Mate e engane a Tripulação",
+ "TricksterInfo": "Kill and trick the Crew",
"VindicatorInfo": "Use seus votos extras para matar a todos",
- "ParasiteInfo": "Ajude os Impostores a matar a Tripulação",
+ "ParasiteInfo": "Help the Impostors kill the Crew",
"DisperserInfo": "Teleporte todos para dutos aleatórios",
- "InhibitorInfo": "Você não pode matar durante sabotagens",
- "SaboteurInfo": "Você só pode matar durante sabotagens",
- "CouncillorInfo": "Mate os Tripulantes durante a reunião",
- "DazzlerInfo": "Reduza a visão da Tripulação",
- "DeathpactInfo": "Atribua jogadores a um Pacto de Morte",
- "DevourerInfo": "Consuma a aparência da Tripulação",
+ "InhibitorInfo": "You cannot kill during Sabotages",
+ "SaboteurInfo": "You can only kill during Sabotages",
+ "CouncillorInfo": "Kill off Crewmates during meetings",
+ "DazzlerInfo": "Reduce the vision of the Crew",
+ "DeathpactInfo": "Assign players to a deathpact",
+ "DevourerInfo": "Consume the skin of the Crew",
"ConsigliereInfo": "Descubra as funções dos outros jogadores",
- "MorphlingInfo": "Você só pode matar enquanto estiver metamorfoseado",
+ "MorphlingInfo": "You can only kill while Shapeshifted",
"TwisterInfo": "Troque todas as posições dos jogadores",
- "LurkerInfo": "Reduza seu tempo de abate ao dutar",
+ "LurkerInfo": "Reduce your Kill Cooldown by venting",
"ConvictInfo": "Seu alvo morreu, agora ajude os Impostores",
"VisionaryInfo": "Você vê as facções dos jogadores",
- "RefugeeInfo": "Ajude os Impostores matando a Tripulação",
+ "RefugeeInfo": "Help the Impostors kill off the Crew",
"UnderdogInfo": "Comece a matar com uma pequena quantidade de jogadores",
- "LudopathInfo": "Seu tempo de recarga é aleatório",
+ "LudopathInfo": "Your kill Cooldown is random",
"GodfatherInfo": "Converta jogadores em Refugiados pelo voto",
"ChronomancerInfo": "Mate em rajadas",
"PitfallInfo": "Coloque armadilhas pelo mapa",
"EvilMiniInfo": "Ninguém pode machucá-lo até que você cresça!",
"BlackmailerInfo": "Silencie os Jogadores",
- "InstigatorInfo": "Cause a discórdia entre os Tripulantes",
+ "InstigatorInfo": "Sow discord among the Crewmates",
"LazyGuyInfo": "Você é muito preguiçoso",
"SuperStarInfo": "Todos conhecem você",
- "CleanserInfo": "Apague os atributos de quem você votou",
- "KeeperInfo": "Rejeite a Ejeção, Salva-Vidas o Proteja!",
+ "CleanserInfo": "Erase all Add-ons of your vote target",
+ "KeeperInfo": "Reject the eject, Keeper protect!",
"MayorInfo": "Seu voto conta várias vezes",
"PsychicInfo": "Um dos nomes em vermelho é Malvado",
- "MechanicInfo": "Entre em ventilações e conserte sabotagens",
+ "MechanicInfo": "Vent around and fix Sabotages",
"SheriffInfo": "Atire nos Impostores",
"VigilanteInfo": "Não o herói que merecíamos, mas o herói que precisávamos",
"JailerInfo": "Enjaule jogadores suspeitos",
- "CopyCatInfo": "Use seu botão de abate para copiar a função do alvo",
+ "CopyCatInfo": "Use your Kill button to copy a target's role",
"SnitchInfo": "Conclua suas tarefas para encontrar os Impostores",
"MarshallInfo": "Termine suas tarefas para provar sua inocência",
"DoctorInfo": "Saiba como cada jogador morreu",
@@ -499,31 +515,31 @@
"TransporterInfo": "Faça tarefas para trocar dois jogadores de lugar",
"TimeManagerInfo": "Aumente o tempo de reunião fazendo tarefas",
"VeteranInfo": "Fique em estado de alerta para matar qualquer um que interaja com você",
- "BastionInfo": "Dute para bombardear",
+ "BastionInfo": "Bomb Vents",
"YinYangerInfo": "Queime dois jogadores espontaneamente",
"BodyguardInfo": "Evite mortes próximas a você",
"DeceiverInfo": "Tente enganar os jogadores",
- "GrenadierInfo": "Reduza a visão dos Impostores usando os dutos",
+ "GrenadierInfo": "Reduce Impostors' vision by Venting",
"MedicInfo": "Proteja a Tripulação de ataques",
- "FortuneTellerInfo": "Revele funções nas reuniões",
+ "FortuneTellerInfo": "Get clues to player's roles",
"JudgeInfo": "Silêncio no tribunal!",
"MorticianInfo": "Localize cadáveres",
"MediumInfo": "Converse com fantasmas",
- "ObserverInfo": "Você pode ver todas as animações de escudo",
- "PacifistInfo": "Use dutos para resetar todas as recargas de abate",
+ "ObserverInfo": "You can see all Shield Animations",
+ "PacifistInfo": "Vent to reset Kill Cooldowns",
"RebirthInfo": "Levante-se novamente",
- "MonarchInfo": "Dê à sua tripulação um poder extra de voto!",
+ "MonarchInfo": "Give your Crew extra voting power!",
"AbyssbringerInfo": "Place Black Holes",
- "SpurtInfo": "Salte como um coelho!",
- "StealthInfo": "Matar cega todos na sala",
+ "SpurtInfo": "Spring like a rabbit!",
+ "StealthInfo": "Killing blinds everyone in the room",
"PenguinInfo": "Arraste suas vítimas",
"OverseerInfo": "Revele funções de outros jogadores",
"CoronerInfo": "Encontre os corpos e seus assassinos",
"PresidentInfo": "Você está encarregado da reunião",
- "MerchantInfo": "Venda Atributos e suborne assassinos",
- "RetributionistInfo": "Ajude a Tripulação depois de morrer",
+ "MerchantInfo": "Sell Add-ons and bribe killers",
+ "RetributionistInfo": "Help the Crewmates after you die",
"HawkInfo": "Procure matar os caras maus HEHE!",
- "DeputyInfo": "Algeme assassinos para aumentar suas recargas",
+ "DeputyInfo": "Handcuff killers to increase their Cooldowns",
"InvestigatorInfo": "Investigue a tripulação",
"GuardianInfo": "Complete suas tarefas para se tornar imortal",
"AddictInfo": "Use ventilações para tornar-se invulnerável, ou você morrerá",
@@ -534,12 +550,12 @@
"SpiritualistInfo": "Seja guiado pela vida fantasmagórica",
"ChameleonInfo": "Utilize aberturas de ventilação para se camuflar",
"InspectorInfo": "Valide as facções de dois jogadores",
- "CaptainInfo": "Navegue com o Capitão, para que os atributos não sejam abandonados.",
+ "CaptainInfo": "Sail with the Captain, lest Add-ons be abandoned.",
"AdmirerInfo": "Escolha um jogador para ficar ao seu lado",
"TimeMasterInfo": "Volte no tempo!",
"CrusaderInfo": "Mate um jogador assassino",
"AltruistInfo": "Revive a player\nVent to change between Revive and Report",
- "ReverieInfo": "Com cada abate, seu tempo de recarga diminui",
+ "ReverieInfo": "With each kill, your Cooldown decreases",
"LookoutInfo": "Olhe através de metamorfoses",
"TelecommunicationInfo": "Localize usos de dispositivos",
"LighterInfo": "Pegue assassinos com sua visão encantada",
@@ -547,14 +563,14 @@
"WitnessInfo": "Descubra se o seu alvo matou recentemente",
"GhastlyInfo": "Controle alguém!",
"SwapperInfo": "Troque os Votos de Jogadores",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "Contrate Xerife para Servir as Tripulações!",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "Hire Sheriffs to serve the Crewmates!",
"NiceMiniInfo": "Ninguém pode machucá-lo até que você cresça!",
"ArsonistInfo": "Mergulhe todos na gasolina e acenda!",
"PyromaniacInfo": "Mergulhe todos na gasolina e acenda!",
- "HuntsmanInfo": "Mate seus alvos para diminuir o seu tempo de recarga",
+ "HuntsmanInfo": "Kill your targets for a low Cooldown",
"SpyInfo": "Você sabe quem interage com você",
"RandomizerInfo": "Você será o fardo de alguém quando morrer?",
- "EnigmaInfo": "Consegue pistas sobre os assassinos",
+ "EnigmaInfo": "Get clues about killers",
"JesterInfo": "Seja ejetado!",
"OpportunistInfo": "Sobreviva até o final da partida",
"TerroristInfo": "Termine suas tarefas e depois morra",
@@ -576,10 +592,10 @@
"BloodKnightInfo": "Matar lhe dá um escudo temporário",
"PlagueBearerInfo": "Infecte todos pra se tornar a Peste",
"PestilenceInfo": "Elimine todos!",
- "SoulCollectorInfo": "Preveja mortes e colete suas almas",
+ "SoulCollectorInfo": "Predict deaths to collect Souls",
"DeathInfo": "Executar o Armagedom",
- "BakerInfo": "Alimente os jogadores com pão para se tornar Faminto",
- "FamineInfo": "Deixe todos com fome",
+ "BakerInfo": "Feed players bread to become Famine",
+ "FamineInfo": "Starve everyone",
"BerserkerInfo": "Matar aumenta seu nível e habilidade",
"WarInfo": "Destrua tudo",
"GlitchInfo": "Hackeie e mate todos",
@@ -587,7 +603,7 @@
"FollowerInfo": "Siga um jogador e ajude-o",
"CultistInfo": "Encante a todos",
"SerialKillerInfo": "Mate todos para vencer!",
- "JuggernautInfo": "A cada morte, sua recarga de abate abaixa",
+ "JuggernautInfo": "With each kill, your Cooldown decreases",
"InfectiousInfo": "Infecte a todos",
"VirusInfo": "Mate e infecte todos",
"PursuerInfo": "Proteja você mesmo e viva até o fim!",
@@ -603,38 +619,46 @@
"VultureInfo": "Devore corpos reportando para ganhar",
"TaskinatorInfo": "Tarefas silenciosas, explosões mortais",
"BenefactorInfo": "Tarefa completa, escudo de elite!",
- "MedusaInfo": "Stone bodies by reporting them",
+ "MedusaInfo": "Stop players in their tracks by Stoning them",
"SpiritcallerInfo": "Transforme jogadores em Espíritos Malignos",
"AmnesiacInfo": "Relembre a função de um cadáver",
"ImitatorInfo": "Imite a função de um jogador",
- "BanditInfo": "Roube o Atributo de um jogador",
+ "BanditInfo": "Rob a player's Add-on",
"DoppelgangerInfo": "Roube a identidade de seu alvo",
"PunchingBagInfo": "Seja atacado algumas vezes para ganhar!",
"KamikazeInfo": "Mate os jogadores em uma missão suicida",
"DoomsayerInfo": "Adivinhe a função dos jogadores para ganhar",
"ShroudInfo": "Encoberte jogadores para fazer eles matarem",
- "WerewolfInfo": "Espanque os Tripulantes",
- "ShamanInfo": "Reflita todos os ataques em você para a boneca de vodu",
- "SeekerInfo": "Play Hide and Seek with your target\nYour target has a ★ mark.",
+ "WerewolfInfo": "Kill Crewmates in groups",
+ "ShamanInfo": "Deflect all the attacks on Voodoo Doll",
+ "SeekerInfo": "Play Hide & Seek with your target\nYour target has a ★ mark.",
"PixieInfo": "Marque-os, embale-os e ejete-os!",
"OccultistInfo": "Mate e amaldiçoe seus inimigos",
- "SchrodingersCatInfo": "O gato está vivo e morto ao mesmo tempo, até ser observado.",
+ "SchrodingersCatInfo": "The Cat is both alive and dead until observed.",
"RomanticInfo": "Proteja seu parceiro para ganhar junto com ele",
"VengefulRomanticInfo": "Vingue seu parceiro para ganhar",
"RuthlessRomanticInfo": "Mate todos para ganhar com seu parceiro",
- "PoisonerInfo": "Kill everyone with delayed kills",
- "HexMasterInfo": "Enfeitiçe jogadores para matá-los em reuniões",
"WraithInfo": "Use os dutos para ficar temporariamente invisível",
- "JinxInfo": "Reflect attacks onto your attackers",
+ "PoisonerInfo": "Make players unable to use their ability",
+ "HexMasterInfo": "Enfeitiçe jogadores para matá-los em reuniões",
+ "JinxInfo": "Players \"accidentally\" die upon trying to kill your target",
"PotionMasterInfo": "Use poções ao seu favor",
- "NecromancerInfo": "Kill your killer to defy death",
+ "NecromancerInfo": "Use the dead to your advantage",
+ "CovenLeaderInfo": "Help your teammates by retraining them",
+ "RitualistInfo": "Perform Blood Rituals to Enchant other players!",
+ "ConjurerInfo": "Blast away your enemies!",
+ "DreamweaverInfo": "Drive other players to insomnia!",
+ "IllusionistInfo": "Place Illusions on players to spread confusion!",
+ "VoodooMasterInfo": "Craft Voodoo Dolls of other players!",
+ "SacrifistInfo": "Debuff your enemies at your own cost",
+ "MoonDancerInfo": "Use Baton Pass to give out Add-ons!",
"WardenInfo": "(Fantasma) Avise sobre os perigos",
"MinionInfo": "(Fantasma) Cegue seus Inimigos",
"LoversInfo": "Fique vivo e ganhe junto com seu parceiro",
"MadmateInfo": "Ajude os Impostores",
"WatcherInfo": "Você vê todas as cores dos votos",
- "LastImpostorInfo": "Menor tempo de recarga",
- "OverclockedInfo": "Recarga para matar baixa",
+ "LastImpostorInfo": "Lower Kill Cooldown",
+ "OverclockedInfo": "Lower Cooldown",
"FlashInfo": "Você é rápido",
"TorchInfo": "Você tem visão aprimorada!",
"SeerInfo": "Você é alertado quando alguém é morto",
@@ -642,14 +666,14 @@
"ObliviousInfo": "Você não pode reportar corpos",
"BewilderInfo": "Seu assassino aumenta sua visão",
"WorkhorseInfo": "Seja o primeiro a completar todas as tarefas e receba mais delas",
- "FoolInfo": "Você não pode consertar sabotagens",
+ "FoolInfo": "You can't fix Sabotages",
"AvangerInfo": "Você leva alguém com você após a morte",
"YoutuberInfo": "Seja o primeiro a ser morto para ganhar",
"CelebrityInfo": "Todos saberão quando você vai morrer",
"EgoistInfo": "Ganhe por conta própria",
"StealerInfo": "Ganhe votos com abates",
"ParanoiaInfo": "Você está morto e vivo simultaneamente",
- "MimicInfo": "Revele as funções dos jogadores mortos para Impostores após a morte",
+ "MimicInfo": "Reveal killed players' roles to Impostors upon death",
"GuesserInfo": "Adivinhe as funções dos jogadores em reuniões para matar",
"NecroviewInfo": "Veja a facção dos mortos",
"ReachInfo": "Você tem um alcance de morte mais longo",
@@ -662,32 +686,33 @@
"LuckyInfo": "Tenha chances de não morrer após um ataque",
"DoubleShotInfo": "Você tem uma vida extra ao adivinhar",
"RascalInfo": "Você parece maligno em alguns casos",
- "SoullessInfo": "Você não tem alma",
+ "SoullessInfo": "You have no Soul",
"GravestoneInfo": "Sua função é revelada quando você morre",
"LazyInfo": "Você é muito preguiçoso",
"AutopsyInfo": "Você vê como os outros morreram",
"LoyalInfo": "Você não pode ser recrutado",
- "EvilSpiritInfo": "Você é um espírito maligno",
+ "EvilSpiritInfo": "You are an Evil Spirit",
"RecruitInfo": "Ajude o Chacal",
+ "EnchantedInfo": "Help the Coven",
"AdmiredInfo": "O Admirador te escolheu para vencer com ele",
"GlowInfo": "Você brilha no escuro",
"RadarInfo": "A tonalidade da flecha mais próxima de você!",
- "DiseasedInfo": "Aumente o tempo de recarga do jogador que interagiu com você",
- "AntidoteInfo": "Diminua o tempo de recarga do jogador que interagir com você",
- "StubbornInfo": "Proteja a sua função e atributos",
+ "DiseasedInfo": "Increase the Cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
+ "AntidoteInfo": "Decrease the Cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
+ "StubbornInfo": "Protect your Role and Add-ons",
"SwiftInfo": "Seus abates não causam uma investida",
"UnluckyInfo": "Fazer coisas tem uma chance de te matar",
"VoidBallotInfo": "Seu voto é inválido",
"AwareInfo": "Saiba quem revelou sua função",
- "FragileInfo": "Morra instântaneamente se alguém usar o botão de matar em você",
+ "FragileInfo": "Die instantly if someone uses the Kill button on you",
"GhoulInfo": "Mate seu assassino depois de morrer",
"BloodthirstInfo": "Vire sanguinário e mate",
"MareInfo": "Mate na escuridão",
"BurstInfo": "Faça seu assassino explodir!",
"SleuthInfo": "Ganhe informações sobre cadáveres",
"ClumsyInfo": "Você tem a chance de perder seu abate",
- "NimbleInfo": "Você pode dutar!",
- "CircumventInfo": "você não pode ventar",
+ "NimbleInfo": "You can Vent!",
+ "CircumventInfo": "You can no longer Vent",
"OiiaiInfo": "Apague a função de quem te matou",
"CyberInfo": "Você é popular!",
"HurriedInfo": "Meu Deus, tenho coisas demais!",
@@ -706,324 +731,334 @@
"DollMasterInfo": "Tome controle das ações dos jogadores!",
"DoubleAgentInfo": "Plante bombas nas reuniões",
"SlothInfo": "Você é lento",
- "ProhibitedInfo": "Certos dutos estão bloqueados",
+ "ProhibitedInfo": "Certain Vents are blocked",
"EavesdropperInfo": "Escute outras funções",
"ShockerInfo": "Eletrocutar jogadores desavisados",
"RevenantInfo": "Assuma a função de assassino",
- "EngineerTOHEInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\n★Como um Engenheiro, você pode acessar as tubulações enquanto as comunicações não são sabotadas.",
- "ScientistTOHEInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo um Cientista, você tem um tablet portátil com os dados vitais da Tripulação.\nUse-o da maneira que quiser.",
- "NoisemakerTOHEInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo o Sirene, sempre que você morrer você fará um barulho, e um indicador visual de sua morte aparecerá na tela para que os tripulantes possam correr para pegar a pessoa que o matou em flagrante (mesmo que não seja Vermelho).",
- "TrackerTOHEInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo Rastreador, pressione o botão do rastrear em um jogador para rastrear sua localização através do mapa por um período limitado de tempo.",
- "ShapeshifterTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostores):★Como um Metamorfo, você tem uma habilidade de metamorfose que pode usar para incriminar outros Tripulantes.\n★Apenas esteja ciente de que há um casulo durante a mudança e o disfarce é temporário.",
- "PhantomTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo o Fantasma, você pode pressionar o botão de desaparecer para ficar invisível e escapar de um corpo. Você pode clicar no botão de aparecer se quiser ficar visível antes que o tempo acabe ou não.\nNota: Você criará uma nuvem de fumaça sempre que ficar invisível e ficar visível. Portanto, certifique-se de estar em uma área segura, onde ninguém o verá.",
- "GuardianAngelTOHEInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):★O Anjo Guardião, você aparece como um fantasma e deve fazer o seu trabalho protegendo os Tripulantes dos Impostores.",
- "ImpostorTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostores):\n★Como um Impostor, seu objetivo é simplesmente matar os Tripulantes.\n★Você pode sabotar e usar tubulações.",
+ "EngineerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Engineer, you may access the Vents while Comms Sabotaged is inactive.",
+ "ScientistTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Scientist, you can see Vitals at any time, showing you who is alive and dead.",
+ "NoisemakerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Noisemaker, whenever you die, you will make a noise, and a visual indicator of your death appears on the screen so the Crewmates can run to catch the person who killed you red-handed (even if it’s not red).",
+ "TrackerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracker, press your Tracker button on a player to track their location via the map for a limited amount of time.",
+ "ShapeshifterTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapeshifter, you can Shapeshift into other players. It is obvious when you Shapeshift or revert Shifting.",
+ "PhantomTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Phantom, you can press your Vanish button to go invisible to escape a kill. You can click your Appear button if you want to become visible before the timer runs out or not.\nNote: You will make a smoke cloud whenever you go invisible and become visible. So make sure you are in a safe area where no one will see you.",
+ "GuardianAngelTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guardian Angel, you are the first Crewmate to die and can give Crewmates temporary shields.",
+ "ImpostorTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Impostor, your goal is to simply kill off the Crewmates.\nYou can Sabotage and Vent.",
"CrewmateTOHEInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\n★Como um Tripulante, seu objetivo é bem simples. Descubra e expulse os Impostores. ★Tripulantes ganham se livrando de todos os assassinos ou terminando todas as suas tarefas.",
- "BountyHunterInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo Caçador de Recompensas, se você matar o seu alvo designado (indicado pela seta, se você tiver um), o proxímo tempo de espera para matar será reduzido.\nSe você matar alguém que não seja seu alvo, o próximo tempo de espera para matar será aumentado. O alvo muda após um certo período de tempo.",
- "FireworkerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo Artilheiro, você pode usar o botão de Metamorfo para colocar fogos de artifício, até a quantidade máxima definida pelo anfitrião.\nQuando você for o último Impostor e todos os fogos de artifício tiverem sido colocados, use o botão de Metamorfo novamente para detoná-los e matar todos em seu raio, incluindo você.\nSe você matar todos os jogadores com seus fogos de artifício, será considerada uma vitória do Impostor.",
- "MercenaryInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo Mercenário, você deve matar dentro do prazo mostrado pelo tempo de espera no botão de Metamorfo (você não pode usar). Se você não conseguir matar dentro desse determinado tempo, você ira se suicidar.",
- "ShapeMasterInfoLong": "(Impostores):\\n★O Metamestre tem pouco tempo de duração da metamorfose.",
+ "BountyHunterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Bounty Hunter, if you kill your assigned target (indicated by the arrow if you have one), your next Kill Cooldown will be shortened.\nIf you kill anyone other than your target, your next Kill Cooldown will be increased. The target swaps after a certain amount of time.",
+ "FireworkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Fireworker, you can Shapeshift to place Fireworks up to the maximum amount the Host sets.\nWhen you are the last Impostor and all Fireworks have been placed, Shapeshift again to detonate them and kill everyone in their radius, including you.\nIf you kill all players with your Fireworks, it's considered an Impostor victory.",
+ "MercenaryInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mercenary, you must kill within your deadline, as shown by your Shapeshift Cooldown (which you cannot use). If you fail to kill, you die.",
+ "ShapeMasterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapemaster, you have no Shapeshift Cooldown.",
"VampireInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo Vampiro, suas mortes são atrasadas. Se uma reunião for convocada primeiro, seu alvo vai morrer assim que a reunião for chamada. Se você morder um Armador, você o mata normalmente e denuncia o corpo. Dependendo das configurações, você pode usar o clique duplo (morder jogadores - clique único, matar normalmente - clique duplo).",
"WarlockInfoLong": "(Impostores):\\n★O Controlador de Mentes pode controlar outros jogadores enquanto não estiver usando a metamorfose. \\n★Quando ele se metamorfa depois de controlar, o jogador que foi controlado, e o jogador mais próximo do jogador controlado, são mortos, não importa a distância entre eles. \\n★Enquanto metamorfado, você pode realizar assassinatos normais. \\n★Apenas 1 jogador pode ser controlado por vez.",
- "ZombieInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nO Zumbi tem um tempo de espera curto para matar, mas se move muito lentamente e tem pouquíssima visão. O Zumbi não poderá ser eliminado por ninguém além do Ditador, e a velocidade de movimento do Zumbi diminuirá gradualmente à medida que ele mata ou o tempo passa.",
- "NinjaInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo Ninja, você pode usar o botão de matar para marcar um alvo (clique único) ou matar normalmente (clique duplo). Você pode então usar o botão de metamorfo para se teletransportar para o alvo marcado e matá-lo.",
+ "ZombieInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nZombie has a short Kill Cooldown but moves very slowly and has very little vision. Zombie can not be voted out by anyone other than the Dictator, and the movement speed of Zombie will gradually slow down as they make kills or time passes.",
+ "NinjaInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ninja, you can use your Kill button to mark a target (single click) or kill normally (double click). You may then Shapeshift to teleport to the marked target and kill them.",
"AnonymousInfoLong": "(Impostores):\\n★O Ilusionista pode se metamorfar para confundir o seu alvo de metamorfose. \\n★O jogador confundido vai imediatamente reportar o cadáver morto pelo Ilusionista nessa rodada. \\n★Se não existir nenhum cadáver, o alvo reportará seu próprio cadáver (o efeito é similar ao Paranóico). \\n★Nota: Confundir o Preguiçoso não fará ele reportar o corpo, apenas perde seu tempo.",
- "MinerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\\n★O Mineiro pode se metamorfar para se teleportar de volta à última ventilação que usou.",
- "KillingMachineInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo a Máquina Mortífera, você tem um tempo de espera muito curto para matar, mas não poderá usar os dutos, terá uma visão muito baixa, não poderá sabotar, reportar e não poderá convocar reuniões de emergência.\n\nNota: Você irá ignorar todo e qualquer escudo, matar Armador e Imobilizador não terá nenhum efeito",
- "EscapistInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo Escapista, você pode marcar um local usando o botão de Metamorfo. Use o botão de metamorfo novamente para se teletransportar de volta ao local marcado (a animação de metamorfo será exibida após você se teletransportar; tome cuidado).",
- "WitchInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo o Feiticeiro, você pode usar o botão de matar para enfeitiçar (clique único) ou matar normalmente (clique duplo).\nDurante a próxima reunião, os alvos enfeitiçados terão um 「†」 ao lado do seu nome visível para todos. A menos que você morra até o final da reunião, todos os alvos enfeitiçados morrerão.",
- "NemesisInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo Nêmesis, você só poderá matar se for o último Impostor.\nSe você estiver morto, você pode usar o comando /rv [ID] para matar o jogador cujo ID você digitou. Use /id para mostrar os IDs de todos os jogadores ou procure ao lado de seus nomes.",
- "BloodmoonInfoLong": "(Impostores [Fantasma]):\nComo o Lua Sangrenta, ataque os seus inimigos para fazê-los pingar sangue, isso significa que eles morrerão em um tempo definido pelo anfitrião e eles vão saber quando forem morrer.",
+ "MinerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Miner, you can Shapeshift to teleport back to the last vent you were in.",
+ "KillingMachineInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Killing Machine, you have a very short Kill Cooldown with tiny vision. However, you cannot Vent, Sabotage, Report, nor call Emergency Meetings.\n\nNote: You will bypass any shields, killing bait and beartrap won't take any effect",
+ "EscapistInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Escapist, you can mark a location by Shapeshifting. Shapeshift again to teleport back to the marked spot",
+ "WitchInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Witch, you can use your Kill button to Spell (single click) or Kill normally (double click).\nDuring the next meeting, the spelled target(s) will have a 「†」 next to their name visible to everyone. Unless you die by the end of that meeting, all Spelled targets will die.",
+ "NemesisInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Nemesis, you can only kill if you are the last Impostor.\nIf you are dead, you can use the command /rv [ID] to kill the player whose ID you typed. Use /id to show the ID's of all players, or look next to their names.",
+ "BloodmoonInfoLong": "(Impostors [Ghost]):\nAs the Bloodmoon, attack the enemies to make them drip blood, this means they will die in a time set by the Host, and will be aware of it.",
"PossessorInfoLong": "(Impostores [Fantasma]):\nComo o Possuidor, você pode possuir jogadores enquanto outros não estiverem no Alcance de Alerta. Leve o jogador possuído o mais longe possível de outros jogadores que estejam no Alcance de Foco. Uma vez que a duração da posse acabar, o jogador possuído será morto se outros não estiverem no Alcance de Foco. Se você encontrar outro jogador no Alcance de Alerta enquanto estiver possuindo, o Possuidor irá despossuí-lo imediatamente.",
- "PuppeteerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\\n★O jogador controlado pelo Marionetista matará o próximo Tripulante ou Neutro que encostar nele. \\n★Se o último a tocar morrer em contato, o primeiro também morrerá. \\n★Marionetistas não podem realizar assassinatos normais. \\n★Nota: O Preguiçoso não matará ninguém, mesmo que você o controle; é apenas perda de tempo.",
- "MastermindInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo Manipulador, você pode usar o botão de matar em um jogador uma vez para manipulá-lo. Isso não fará nada se o alvo não tiver um botão de matar. Mas se o alvo tiver um botão de matar de qualquer momento, ele será informado, após um atraso, que foi manipulado e que precisa matar alguém em um tempo limitado para sobreviver. Se o limite de tempo expirar ou se uma reunião for convocada antes de matar alguém, ele morrerá.\nClique duas vezes em alguém para matá-lo normalmente.",
- "YinYangerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo Vinculador, você pode usar seu botão de matar uma vez para escolher seu Yin, e então uma segunda vez para escolher um Yang. Quando esses 2 jogadores se encontrarem, eles se matarão. Quando Yin e Yang forem escolhidos, você pode matar normalmente.",
+ "PuppeteerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Puppeteer, you can use your Kill button to Puppeteer (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose you Puppeteer will kill the next non-Impostor they touch. Depending on options, Puppeteered targets will also die once they kill.",
+ "MastermindInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mastermind, you can use your Kill button on a player once to manipulate them. The manipulation does nothing if the target doesn't have a Kill button. But if the target does have a Kill button, whoever you manipulate will be told after a delay that they got manipulated and must kill someone in a limited time to survive. If the time limit expires or a meeting gets called before killing someone, they die.\nDouble click on someone to kill them normally.",
+ "YinYangerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the YinYanger, you can use your Kill button one time to pick your Yin and then a second time to choose a Yang. When those two players meet, they'll kill each other. When Yin & Yang have been chosen, you can kill normally.",
"TimeThiefInfoLong": "(Impostores):\n★Toda vez que o Ladrão de Tempo matar um jogador, a reunião vai ser reduzida por uma certa quantidade de tempo. \n★Se o Ladrão de Tempo morrer, a reunião retorna ao normal.",
- "SniperInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nVocê pode atirar nos jogadores de longe.\nVocê tem que metamorfar duas vezes para fazer um ataque bem-sucedido.\nImagine uma seta apontando do local onde você se metamorfa indo em direção ao local onde você se desmetamorfou.\nEssa será a direção onde a bala irá.\nO tiro de sniper mata a primeira pessoa em seu caminho.\nVocê não poderá matar normalmente até usar toda a sua munição.",
+ "SniperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nYou can shoot players from far away.\nYou have to Shapeshift twice to make a successful snipe.\nImagine an arrow pointing from your first Shapeshift location towards your Unshift location.\nThat will be the direction in which the snipe will be made.\nThe snipe kills the first person in its path.\nYou cannot kill people normally until you use up all of your ammo.",
"UndertakerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nToda vez que você se transforma, você marca a localização. Seus assassinatos então serão teleportados para a localização marcada. Após cada assassinato e reunião, sua localização marcada será reiniciada.\n\nApós cada assassinato teleportado, você ficará congelado por um tempo configurável.",
- "RiftMakerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo Criador de Fendas, você pode se transformar para criar uma fenda. Você pode se teletransportar de uma fenda para outra indo na área onde a fenda foi criada. Usar os dutos limpará todas as fendas e por esse motivo você não pode usar os dutos.\n\nObs: As fendas podem ser colocadas até duas vezes por vez, se tentar colocar uma terceira, a primeira é removida.",
- "EvilTrackerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nO Rastreador Maligno pode rastrear outros jogadores e pode se transformar em alguém para mudar o alvo do rastreamento para o alvo da transformação (Você voltará imediatamente à forma original após se transformar). A seta abaixo do nome do Rastreador Maligno indica a direção do alvo. Quando o companheiro de equipe do Rastreador Maligno mata, o Rastreador Maligno verá um flash de morte.",
- "EvilHackerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nO Hacker Maligno pode obter informações de última hora da admin no início da reunião.\nSalas desocupadas não são mostradas.\nUma '★' marca as salas com impostores.\nSalas com corpos são marcadas com o número de corpos.\nExemplo: ★Cafeteria: 3 (MORTO×1).",
+ "RiftMakerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs Rift Maker, you can Shapeshift to create a rift. You can teleport from one rift to another by touching the area where the rift was created. Trying to vent will kick you out, therefore destroying all the rifts.\n\nNote: Up to two rifts can be placed at a time; if you try to place a third, it removes the first one.",
+ "EvilTrackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Tracker can track other players, and the Evil Tracker can Shapeshift into someone to switch the tracking target to the Shapeshift target (You will immediately unshift after performing Shapeshift). The arrow below the Evil Tracker's name indicates the direction of the target. When the Evil Tracker's teammate kills, the Evil Tracker will see a kill flash.",
+ "EvilHackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Hacker can get the last-minute admin information at the meeting beginning.\nUnoccupied rooms are not shown.\nA '★' marks rooms with Impostors.\nRooms with dead bodies are marked with the number of bodies.\nExample: ★Cafeteria: 3 (DEAD×1).",
"EvilGuesserInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nO Apostador pode tentar adivinhar a função de um determinado jogador durante a reunião. Se acertar, o alvo morre, e se errar, o Apostador que morre. \nO comando de adivinhação é: /bt [Id do jogador] [função]. \nVocê pode ver o Id do jogador antes do nome dele, ou usar o comando /id para visualizar o Id de todos os jogadores.",
- "AntiAdminerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nO Anti-Administrador pode a qualquer momento descobrir se há Tripulantes ou Neutros perto de câmeras, mesa de administração, sinais vitais, registro de porta e/ou outros dispositivos. Nota: O Anti-Administrador não sabe se o jogador usa o dispositivo enquanto está próximo dele. Eles só sabem que alguém está perto do dispositivo.",
- "ArroganceInfoLong": "(Impostores):\n★O Arrogante reduz seu tempo de abate com cada abate bem sucedido dele.",
- "BomberInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nO Bombardeiro pode usar o botão de metamorfo para se auto-explodir, matando jogadores dentro de um determinado alcance. Porém, como preço, o Bombardeiro também morrerá. Nota: Todos os jogadores verão um flash de morte quando o Bombardeiro explodir.",
- "ScavengerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\n★O Necrófago mata sem deixar cadáveres. \n★Além disso, se a vítima for um Armador, nenhum autorrelato será feito.",
+ "AntiAdminerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Anti Adminer can at any time find out if there are Crewmates or Neutrals near Cameras, Admin Table, Vitals, DoorLog, and/or other devices. Note: Anti Adminer does not know if the player uses the device while near it. They only know that someone is near the device.",
+ "ArroganceInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Arrogance reduces their Kill Cooldown with each successful kill of theirs.",
+ "BomberInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Bomber can use the Shapeshift button to self-explode, killing players within a certain range. But as a price, the Bomber will also die. Note: All players will see a kill flash when the Bomber explodes.",
+ "ScavengerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nScavenger kills do not leave dead bodies behind. In addition, if the victim is a Bait, no self-report will be made.",
"TrapsterInfoLong": "(Impostores): \nO Caçador tem um método único de matar. Ao iniciar um reporte de um corpo, o Caçador pode eliminar o jogador que está tentando reportar o corpo que o Caçador matou. \nNota: Se o Caçador matar o Armador, o Caçador morrerá imediatamente.",
- "GangsterInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nO Gangster, um personagem poderoso, pode tentar recrutar um jogador para se tornar um Cúmplice pressionando o botão de matar. Se o recrutamento for bem-sucedido, tanto o Gangster quanto o alvo verão a animação de escudo um no outro como lembrete (visível apenas entre eles). O número restante de recrutas disponíveis é exibido ao lado do nome do Gangster (o máximo é definido pelo Anfitrião). Se o Gangster tentar recrutar jogadores que não podem ser recrutados, como neutros ou alguns tripulantes especiais, ele matará o alvo normalmente. Quando o Gangster não poder recrutar mais, ele só poderá matar normalmente a partir desse ponto.",
- "CleanerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nO Faxineiro pode pressionar o botão de reportar para limpar qualquer corpo que encontrar (incluindo aqueles que ele mata). Se a limpeza for bem-sucedida, o Faxineiro verá uma animação de escudo em seu corpo como um lembrete (visível apenas para ele mesmo). O corpo limpo não pode ser reportado (incluindo Armador).",
- "LightningInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo Quantificador, você não pode matar normalmente. Em vez disso, seu botão de matar quantiza os alvos, que são ativados após um atraso, fazendo com que a próxima pessoa que encontrar os mate. Aqueles que são quantizados mostrarão um「■」ao lado do nome. Além disso, aqueles que foram quantizados morrem se sobreviverem até o final da reunião. Existe uma configuração para quantizar seu assassino.",
- "GreedyInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nO Ganancioso tem tempo de recarga para matar diferente para mortes ímpares e pares. O tempo de recarga para matar do Ganancioso é redefinido a cada reunião, e a primeira morte do Ganancioso é sempre ímpar.",
- "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nQuando o Lobo Maldito está prestes a ser morto, ele amaldiçoa o assassino à morte. (O Anfitrião define o número máximo de vezes que você pode contra-atacar)",
- "SoulCatcherInfoLong": "(Impostores):\\n★O Apanha-Almas pode trocar de lugar com o alvo da metamorfose. (Se o alvo estiver morto, tiver sido devorado pelo Glutão, estiver em ventilações, etc., nada acontece).",
- "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nQuando o tempo de recarga para matar termina, o Atirador Rápido pode redefini-lo se transformando para armazenar uma bala (quando o armazenamento for bem-sucedido, uma animação de escudo visível apenas para ele aparecerá em seu corpo como um lembrete). Se o Atirador Rápido tiver balas, ele pode usar uma para ignorar o tempo de recarga para matar; ele matará mesmo se ainda estiver em recarga e usará uma bala. No início de cada reunião, o Atirador Rápido só pode manter um certo número de balas (o Anfitrião define o número).",
- "CamouflagerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nQuando o Camuflador usa a Transformação, todos os jogadores começam a parecer iguais. Esse estado termina quando o Camuflador reverte a transformação. É importante notar que as habilidades de sabotagem de comunicação camuflam, e as habilidades do Camuflador podem ser sobrepostas.\nEsta habilidade será invalidada se uma reunião ocorrer durante a ativação da habilidade do Camuflador.",
- "EraserInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nO Apagador pode votar em qualquer Tripulante na reunião para apagar as funções do alvo, e o apagamento entrará em vigor após o término da reunião. Observação: os jogadores cujas habilidades forem apagadas sempre serão considerados uma função vanilla, incluindo a página de resultados do jogo.\nUm jogador só pode ser apagado uma vez (incluindo o atributo Borracha)",
+ "GangsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Gangster, a powerful character, can try to recruit a player to a Madmate by pressing the Kill button. If the recruitment is successful, both the Gangster and the target will see the Shield Animation on each other as a reminder (only visible to each other). The remaining number of available recruits is displayed next to the Gangster's name (the Host sets the maximum). If the Gangster tries to recruit players who cannot be recruited, such as Neutrals or some special Crewmates, they will kill the target normally instead. When the Gangster has no remaining recruitments, they can only make normal kills from that point on.",
+ "CleanerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nCleaner can press the Report button to clean up any dead body they come across (including those they kill). If the cleanup is successful, the Cleaner will see a Shield Animation on their body as a reminder (only visible to himself). The cleaned-up body cannot be reported (including Bait).",
+ "LightningInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lightning, you cannot kill normally. Instead, your Kill button quantizes targets, which activates after a delay, causing the next person they encounter to kill them. Those who are actively quantized show a「■」next to their name. Additionally, those who have been quantized die if they survive until the end of a meeting. There is a setting to quantize your killer.",
+ "GreedyInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nGreedy kills with odd and even kills will have different Kill Cooldowns. Greedy's Kill Cooldown is reset every meeting, and Greedy's first kill is always odd.",
+ "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Cursed Wolf is about to be killed, the Cursed Wolf will curse the killer to death. (The Host sets the maximum of times you can counterattack)",
+ "SoulCatcherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Soul Catcher, you can Shapeshift to swap places with your target as long as they are not dead, in a Vent, swallowed by Pelican, or in a similar odd state.",
+ "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Kill Cooldown is over, Quick Shooter can reset the Kill Cooldown by Shapeshift to store a bullet (when the storage is successful, a Shield Animation visible only to himself will appear on their body as a reminder). If Quick Shooter has bullets, he can use one to bypass the Kill Cooldown; he will kill even if it's still on Cooldown and use a bullet. At the beginning of each meeting, the quick shooter can only keep a certain number of bullets (The Host sets the number).",
+ "CamouflagerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Camouflager uses Shapeshift, all players start to look the same. This state ends when the Camouflager reverts its Shapeshifting. It's important to note that the skills of Communication Sabotage Camouflage, and the skills of the Camouflager can be superimposed.\nThis skill will be invalid if a meeting is held during the skill activation of the Camouflager.",
+ "EraserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEraser can vote for any target at the meeting to erase the target's roles, and the erasure will take effect after the meeting ends. Note: Players with erased skills will always be considered a vanilla role, including the game result page.\nA target can only be erased once (including OIIAI)",
"ButcherInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nQuando o açougueiro mata (incluindo mortes passivas), ele deixa vários corpos nos alvos, tornando impossível identificar com precisão outros corpos durante o reporte. Nota: Devido ao princípio de implementação, o alvo morto deve exibir repetidamente a animação de morte. Esta animação não pode ser ignorada e não é possível participar da reunião normalmente neste período. Além disso, se o Açougueiro matar o Vingador, o Vingador se vingará de todos com raiva.",
- "HangmanInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nO método de matar do Enforcador durante a metamorfose é o estrangulamento. O estrangulamento ignora qualquer status do alvo, como o escudo do Guardião, a proteção do Guarda-Costas, as habilidades do Vip, etc. O jogador estrangulado não deixará um cadáver, nem ativará nenhuma de suas habilidades. Por exemplo, o veterano não mata (incluindo funções adicionais), além disso, o Vidente não será solicitado sobre essa morte.",
- "SwooperInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo Camaleão, você pode usar os dutos para ficar invisível temporariamente. Você ainda aparecerá visível na tela. Use os dutos novamente para ficar visível.",
+ "HangmanInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Hangman, during the Shapeshifting, you use a unique killing method-strangling. This method ignores any status of the target, such as the shield of the Medic, the Bodyguard's protection, the Super Star's skills, etc. The strangled player will not leave a dead body, nor will it trigger any of its skills. For example, Veteran kill back (including additional roles), and Seer will not be prompted.",
+ "SwooperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Swooper, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
"CrewpostorInfoLong": "(Time Impostor):\nVocê mata o jogador mais próximo após finalizar uma tarefa.",
- "WildlingInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nO Selvagem pode usar metamorfose mas não pode usar os dutos. \nQuando você mata, você fica temporariamente imune a ataques.",
- "TricksterInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nO Trapaceiro é uma função de Impostor regular, mas com apenas uma diferença \nVocê vai aparecer como Tripulante para as funções de Tripulante. \n\nO Xerife não pode matar você. \nO Psíquico não pode ver você como malvado. \nO Agente não pode te encontrar.",
+ "WildlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Wildling, you can Shapeshift but cannot Vent.\nWhen you kill, you temporarily become immune to attacks.",
+ "TricksterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Trickster, you function as a regular Impostor but with one key difference.\nYou appear as a Crewmate to Crewmate roles.\n\nThe Sheriff cannot kill you.\nPsychic does not see you as evil.\nSnitch cannot find you.",
"VindicatorInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo Vindicador, você tem votos extra igual ao Prefeito.",
"StealthInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nQuando o Furtivo mata, os jogadores na mesma sala ficam sem visão por um curto período.",
- "PenguinInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo o Pinguim, você pode arrastar um jogador pressionando o botão de matar e o movendo por aí.\nAo arrastar, o jogador pode morrer pressionando o botão de matar novamente ou após um determinado período.\nPressione o botão de matar duas vezes para matar diretamente.",
- "ParasiteInfoLong": "(Time Impostor):\n★O Parasita é um Impostor que não sabe quem são os outros Impostores. \n★Você deverá matar, usar o duto, sabotar, etc.\n★Só saiba que você é Impostor.",
- "DisperserInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nO Dispersor pode se Transformar para teletransportar todos os jogadores para dutos aleatórios.",
- "InhibitorInfoLong": "(Impostores):\n★O Inibidor não pode matar quando uma sabotagem crítica está ativa.\n★Se uma sabotagem crítica for ativa (por exemplo Luzes ou Reator), você não poderá matar.",
- "SaboteurInfoLong": "(Impostores):\n★O Sabotador só pode matar quando uma sabotagem crítica estiver ativa.\n★Se uma sabotagem crítica estiver ativa (por exemplo, Comms ou O2), você pode matar.",
+ "PenguinInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Penguin, you can restrain the target by pressing the Kill button and drag it around.\nWhile dragging, the target dies by pressing the Kill button again or after a certain period.\nPress the Kill button twice for a direct kill.",
+ "ParasiteInfoLong": "(Team Impostor):\nAs the Parasite, you are an Impostor that does not know the other Impostors.\n\nYou may Kill, Vent, Sabotage, whatever.\nJust know that you are an Impostor.",
+ "DisperserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nDisperser can use Shapeshift to teleport all players to random Vents.",
+ "InhibitorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Inhibitor, you can only kill when there is not a Critical Sabotage active.\n\nIf Light or Comms Sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
+ "SaboteurInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Saboteur, you can only kill when there is a Critical sabotage active.\n\nIf Reactor or O2 Sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
"CouncillorInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo o Conselheiro, você pode matar jogadores durante uma reunião como um Juiz.\nQuando você matar em uma reunião, essas mortes aparecerão como um julgamento de um Juiz.\n\nO comando para matar é /tl [Id do jogador]\nVocê pode ver o Id dos jogadores antes do nome do jogador ou usar o comando /id para ver o Id de todos os jogadores.\nDependendo das configurações, o Conselheiro cometerá suicídio se julgar alguém de sua equipe.\nConselheiros convertidos podem julgar livremente.",
"DazzlerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\n★O Cegador pode reduzir permanentemente a visão do alvo de sua metamorfose. Quando o Cegador morrer, a visão dos jogadores voltará ao normal.",
- "DeathpactInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo o Pacto da Morte, você se transforma para marcar seus alvos para um pacto da morte.\nSe você tiver jogadores suficientemente marcados para um pacto da morte, eles devem se encontrar dentro de um período específico; se falharem em fazer isso, eles morrem.\nSe um jogador marcado morrer antes que o pacto da morte seja concluído, o pacto é retirado.",
- "DevourerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo Devorador, você usa o botão de Metamorfo para alterar permanentemente a aparência do alvo do menu de metamorfo. Além disso, quando a aparência de cada jogador mudar, seu tempo de espera para matar será reduzido em um número definido de segundos. Se o Devorador morrer ou for eliminado durante uma reunião, a aparência do jogador voltará à sua aparência normal.",
- "MorphlingInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nO Transformador é um Metamorfo, mas só pode matar enquanto está transformado.",
- "TwisterInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nO Teletransportador pode se metamorfar para trocar jogadores de lugar. A troca acontece duas vezes, quando você começa a metamorfose e quando você volta para a sua aparência.\nO Teletransportador e pessoas que estão no duto não podem ser trocados de lugar.",
- "LurkerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nO Espreitador pode entrar em uma ventilação para diminuir sua recarga de abate. Depois de você matar, sua recarga de abate vai voltar ao normal.",
+ "DeathpactInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Deathpact, You Shapeshift to mark your targets for a deathpact.\nIf you have enough players marked for a deathpact, they must meet within a specific period; if they fail to do so, they die.\nIf a marked player dies before the deathpact becomes complete, the pact is withdrawn.",
+ "DevourerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Devourer, you use your Shapeshift to change the appearance of the target of the Shapeshift permanently. Additionally, when each player's appearance changes, you will have your Kill Cooldown reduced by a defined number of seconds. If the Devourer dies or gets voted out during a meeting, the player's appearance will change back to their normal appearance.",
+ "MorphlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Morphling, you are a Shapeshifter but cannot kill while not Shapeshifted.",
+ "TwisterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Twister, you can use Shapeshifting to swap the position of all players randomly. The swap happens twice, once when you start your Shapeshift and once when you return to your original appearance.\nThe Twister itself will not swap places with anyone, and players in vents will not teleport.",
+ "LurkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lurker, you can jump into a Vent to reduce your Cooldown by a certain number of seconds. After you kill, your Cooldown resets to its original value.",
"VisionaryInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nO Visionário pode ver as facções dos jogadores vivos atualmente, porém apenas consegue ver durante as reuniões. \nA seguinte informação será mostrada no jogador: \n- Nome vermelho indica Impostor. \n- Nome ciano indica Tripulante. \n- Nome cinza indica Neutro.",
"PlagueDoctorInfoLong": "(Neutros):\n(Doutor da Praga de TOH)\nO objetivo da Maldição é Infectar todos.\nEle começa escolhendo um jogador para infectar, após isso qualquer jogador que passe um certo tempo no alcançe desse jogador infectado será infectado tambem.\nO Progresso da infecção é cumulativo, e não é redefinido com a distancia ou após reuniões.",
- "RefugeeInfoLong": "(Tripulantes Loucos):\nComo Refugiado, você era:\n -Um amnésico que se lembrava de um impostor\n -Um assassino que matou o alvo do Chefão.\n -Um romântico cujo parceiro era um Impostor\n -ou um imitador que imitava um impostor.\n\nAgora seu trabalho é ajudar os Impostores a matar os colegas de tripulação.",
+ "RefugeeInfoLong": "(Madmates):\nAs the Refugee, you were either:\n -An Amnesiac who remembered an Impostor\n -A killer who killed the Godfather's target.\n -A Romantic whose partner was an Impostor\n -Or an Imitator that imitated an Impostor.\n\nNow your job is to help the Impostors kill the Crewmates.",
"UnderdogInfoLong": "(Impostores):\n★Como Azarão, você não pode matar enquanto tiver uma certa quantidade de jogadores vivos.",
- "ConsigliereInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo Consultor, você pode revelar as funções de outros jogadores usando o botão de matar.\n\nClique único: Revelar função\nClique duplo: Matar normalmente\n\nSe você ficar sem usos de revelação, seu botão de matar funcionará normalmente.",
- "LudopathInfoLong": "(Impostores):\n★Como Ludopata, seu tempo de recarga é aleatório \n★O minimo é de 1 segundo, enquanto o máximo é o seu tempo de recarga normal definido.",
+ "ConsigliereInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Consigliere, you can reveal the roles of other players using your Kill button.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\n\nIf you run out of reveal uses, your Kill button functions normally.",
+ "LudopathInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ludopath, your Kill Cooldown is randomized.\n\nMinimum it can be is 1 second, while the maximum is your default Kill Cooldown.",
"GodfatherInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo o Rei do Crime, você pode votar em alguém para fazer dele seu alvo. \nNa próxima rodada, se alguém matar o alvo, o jogador se torna um Refugiado.",
"ChronomancerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo o Cronomante, você possui uma barra de carga que indica quando o massacre está pronto. Quando ela está em 100%, na próxima vez que você matar alguém, você entra no modo de massacre, o que significa que você pode matar indefinidamente até que sua barra de carga se esgote. Caso contrário, você tem um tempo de recarga normal para matar.",
- "PitfallInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo Malandro, você usa sua metamorfose para marcar uma área, onde ficará uma armadilha. \nJogadores que entrarem na área da armadilha, irão ficar imobilizados e por um curto período com a visão reduzida.",
- "EvilMiniInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo um Mini do Mal, você não pode ser morto até crescer e tem um tempo de recarga de abate inicial muito longo, que é drasticamente reduzido à medida que você cresce.",
- "BlackmailerInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo o Silenciador, quando você se transforma em um alvo, você silencia esse jogador. Isso significa que durante as reuniões, eles não poderão falar.\n\nNota: Se alguém já estiver silenciado, silenciar outra pessoa desfaz o silenciamento da pessoal atual.",
- "InstigatorInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo Instigador, sua função é colocar os tripulantes uns contra os outros. Toda vez que um Tripulante for eliminado em uma reunião, enquanto você estiver vivo, um outro Tripulante que votou no jogador inocente morrerá após a reunião. O número de jogadores adicionais que morrem é determinado pelo anfitrião.",
- "LazyGuyInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nO Preguiçoso tem apenas uma tarefa. Além disso, as habilidades do Impostor não podem afetar o Preguiçoso, como servir de espião para o Ilusionista, ser marcado por um Feiticeiro ou Marionetista, e mais. O Preguiçoso não terá nenhum atributo.",
+ "PitfallInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Pitfall, you use your Shapeshift to mark the area around the Shapeshift as a trap. Players who enter this area will be immobilized quickly, and their vision will be affected.",
+ "EvilMiniInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Evil Mini, you are unkillable until you grow up and have a very long initial Kill Cooldown, which gets drastically shortened as you grow up.",
+ "BlackmailerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Blackmailer, when you Shift into a target, you will blackmail that player. This means that during the meetings, they won't be able to speak.\n\nNote: If someone is already blackmailed, blackmailing another person un-blackmails the current person.",
+ "InstigatorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Instigator, it's your job to turn the Crewmates against each other. Each time a Crewmate gets voted out in a meeting, if you are alive, an additional Crewmate who voted for the innocent player will die after the meeting. The Host determines the number of additional players dying.",
+ "LazyGuyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nLazy Guy has only one task. In addition, the Impostor's abilities can't affect the Lazy Guy, such as being a scapegoat for Anonymous, being marked by a Warlock or Puppeteer, and more. Lazy Guy will not have any Add-ons.",
"SuperStarInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nHaverá um logotipo de estrela ao lado do nome da Super Estrela, para que todos saibam quem é a Super Estrela. A Super Estrela só pode morrer quando o assassino estiver sozinho com ela (apenas mortes normais). Além disso, os Adivinhadores não podem adivinhar a Super Estrela. ",
"CelebrityInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\n★Todos os Tripulantes verão um aviso quando a Celebridade morrer e aparecerá uma notícia na próxima reunião. Os Impostores não sabem nada sobre isso.",
- "CleanserInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo Limpador, você pode votar para apagar os atributos de qualquer alvo na reunião. Esse apagamento entra em vigor após o término da reunião. Dependendo das configurações, o jogador limpo poderá nunca mais receber atributos.",
+ "CleanserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Cleanser, you can vote to erase the Add-ons of any target at the meeting. This erasure takes effect after the meeting ends. Depending on the settings, the cleansed player may never receive Add-ons again.",
"KeeperInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo Salva-Vidas, você pode votar em alguém para protegê-lo de ser expulso. Você só pode fazer isso um número configurável de vezes.",
- "MayorInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo Prefeito, você tem votos extras. Dependendo das configurações, os jogadores não podem ver seus votos extras, você pode usar os dutos para convocar uma reunião a qualquer momento ou você pode se revelar como prefeito após a conclusão de todas as tarefas.",
+ "MayorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mayor, you have extra votes. Depending on the settings, players can't see your extra votes, you can Vent to call a meeting at any time, or you can have yourself revealed as Mayor upon task completion.",
"PsychicInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nO Psíquico poderá ver os nomes de vários jogadores destacados em vermelho durante a reunião; pelo menos um deles é mau. O Psíquico verá corretamente todos os Neutros e exibidos como nomes vermelhos ao se tornar um Cúmplice.",
- "MechanicInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nO Mecânico pode usar os dutos a qualquer momento. Eles também podem consertar reatores, O2 e comunicações usando apenas indo em um lado. Você pode consertar as luzes apertando apenas um botão. Abrir uma porta abrirá todas as portas do mapa.",
- "SheriffInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\n★O Xerife não tem tarefas. \n★ O Xerife pode matar os Impostores (de acordo com as configurações do anfitrião, o xerife pode matar neutros também). \n★ Se o Xerife tentar matar um tripulante, o Xerife matará ele mesmo. \n★ O xerife pode matar qualquer um que se tornar um Cúmplice (também de acordo com as configurações do anfitrião).",
- "VigilanteInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nO Vigilante tem a tarefa de eliminar possíveis ameaças à Tripulação, mas se ele matar por engano um membro da tripulação, ele se tornará um Cúmplice movido pela culpa e pelo remorso.\n\n Observação: Gangster não pode converter Vigilante em Cúmplice.",
- "JailerInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo Carcereiro, use o botão de matar para prender um jogador. Durante a próxima reunião, o jogador preso não poderá votar ou ser votado (a contagem de votos será 0). O Carcereiro pode optar por executar o prisioneiro votando nele. Se o Carcereiro executar um jogador inocente, o Carcereiro perde a capacidade de executar pelo resto do jogo.\nSe o Carcereiro for mau, eles podem executar qualquer um.\nO Carcereiro tem execuções limitadas.\n\nNota: Jogadores presos não podem ser adivinhados ou julgados e jogadores presos só podem adivinhar o Carcereiro.",
+ "MechanicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Mechanic can use Vents at any time. They can also fix Reactors, O2, and Communications using only one side. You can fix Lights by flicking only one switch. Opening a door will open all doors in the map.",
+ "SheriffInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nSheriff has no task. The Sheriff can kill the Impostor (according to the Host settings, the Sheriff can also kill Neutrals). If the Sheriff tries to kill a Crewmate, the Sheriff will kill himself. The Sheriff can kill anyone when he becomes a Madmate (also according to the Host settings).",
+ "VigilanteInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Vigilante, you are tasked with eliminating potential threats to the Crewmates, but if they mistakenly kill an innocent Crew member, they become a Madmate driven by guilt and remorse.\n\n Note: Gangster cannot convert Vigilante into Madmate.",
+ "JailerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Jailer, use your Kill button to lock a player in jail. During the next meeting, the jailed player cannot vote or get voted (the vote count will be 0). The Jailer may choose to execute the prisoner by voting for them. If the Jailer executes an innocent player, the Jailer loses the ability to execute for the rest of the game.\nIf the Jailer is evil, then they can execute anyone.\nThe Jailer has limited executions.\n\nNote: Jailed players cannot be guessed or judged, and jailed players can only guess Jailer.",
"SnitchInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nAssim que o Agente terminar todas as tarefas, ele poderá ver os nomes dos Impostores sendo exibidos em vermelho durante a reunião. \nQuando o Agente tiver apenas uma tarefa sobrando, os Impostores poderão ver uma marca 「★」 próximo ao nome do Agente e dele mesmo. \nQuando o Agente se torna um Cúmplice, a marca 「★」 se torna vermelha.",
- "MarshallInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo o Marechal, complete suas tarefas para se revelar ao restante da Tripulação.\nOutros times não poderão te ver.\nNo entanto, os Cúmplices PODEM te ver.",
- "DoctorInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nO Doutor pode ver a causa da morte de todos os jogadores. Além disso, o Doutor pode acessar os sinais vitais onde quer que você esteja enquanto ainda tem bateria.",
+ "MarshallInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Marshall, complete your tasks to reveal yourself to the rest of the Crewmates.\nOther teams will not be able to see you.\nHowever, Madmates CAN see you.",
+ "DoctorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nDoctor can see the cause of death for all players. In addition, the Doctor can access Vitals wherever you are while he still has battery left.",
"DictatorInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nQuando o Ditador votar em alguém, a reunião terminará na hora e o jogador em quem votou será expulso. No momento em que o Ditador eliminar alguém, o Ditador também morrerá.",
"DetectiveInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nApós a Perícia reportar o corpo, eles receberão uma mensagem de pista, que informará a Perícia qual é a função da vítima. De acordo com as configurações do Anfitrião, a Perícia pode saber qual é a função do assassino. Nota: A Perícia não será Alheio.",
"UndercoverInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\n★Os Impostores sabem quem ele é, mas ele mesmo não sabe quem são os Impostores.",
- "NiceGuesserInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nO Justiceiro pode adivinhar a função de um determinado jogador durante a reunião. Se estiver correto, matará o alvo, e se estiver errado, Justiceiro se suicidará.\nO comando de adivinhação é: /bt [player id] [role]\nVocê pode ver o id do jogador antes do nome do jogador ou usar o comando /id para ver o id de todos os jogadores.\no Justiceiro pode adivinhar Tripulantes quando se tornar Cúmplice.",
- "GuessMasterInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo Mestre Apostador, você receberá informações sobre cada tentativa de adivinhação feita durante uma reunião. Você será informado sobre a função que o adivinhador tentou adivinhar e também será notificado em caso de uma adivinhação errada.",
+ "NiceGuesserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Nice Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If it is correct, it will kill the target, and if it is wrong, Nice Guesser will suicide.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nNice Guesser can guess Crewmate when become Madmate.",
+ "GuessMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guess Master, you will receive information about every attempted guess made during a meeting. You will be informed about the role the Guesser tried to guess, and you will also be notified in case of a misguess.",
"KnightInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nO Paladino não tem tarefas. Ele pode matar qualquer pessoa mas ele só pode fazer isso uma vez o jogo inteiro.",
- "TransporterInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\n★Sempre que o Transportador completar uma tarefa, dois jogadores aleatórios vão trocar de posições, mas se não existir jogadores o suficiente, nada vai acontecer. \n★ Nota: Jogadores em ventilações não serão selecionados.",
+ "TransporterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhenever the Transporter completes the task, two random players will switch positions, but if there are not enough players left, nothing will happen. Note: Players in a Vent will not be selected.",
"TimeManagerInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\n★Quanto mais tarefas o Gerente do Tempo fazer, mais longa a reunião será. \n★ Quando o Gerente do Tempo morrer, o tempo da reunião voltará ao normal. \n★ Quando o Gerente do Tempo se torna um Cúmplice, a habilidade muda para reduzir o tempo da reunião.",
- "VeteranInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo Veterano, você pode entrar no estado de alerta usando os dutos. Se um jogador tentar matar o veterano em estado de alerta, o veterano matará o assassino. O veterano verá uma animação de escudo em seu corpo e um texto exibido acima de sua cabeça como um lembrete quando entrar e sair do estado de alerta.",
- "BastionInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo Mestre das Bombas, bombardeie dutos para matar impostores e neutros.\nTenha cuidado, pois os tripulantes também podem ser mortos com as bombas.",
- "CopyCatInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo um Copiador, você pode usar seu botão de abate para copiar a função do alvo. \n\nVocê pode apenas copiar algumas funções de tripulantes.\nSe você tentar copiar um Cúmplice ou um Verificador, você se torna a variante dessa função. \nSe o alvo for malvado e tiver uma função de Tripulante variante, você se torna a variante da função.\n\nAdicionalmente, sua função voltará a ser Copiador a cada fim reunião.\nNota: Você não pode adivinhar as pessoas nas reuniões.",
+ "VeteranInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Veteran, you can enter the alert state by Venting. If a player tries to kill the Veteran in the alert state, the Veteran will kill the murderer instead. Veteran will see a Shield Animation on their body and a text above their head as a reminder when they enter and exit the alert state.",
+ "BastionInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Bastion, bomb Vents to kill off Impostors and Neutrals.\nBe careful though; Crewmates can also be killed with the bombs.",
+ "CopyCatInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Copycat, you can use your Kill button to copy the target's role.\n\nYou can only copy some Crewmate roles.\nIf you try to copy a Madmate or Rascal, you become the Madmate variation of the target role.\nIf you target an evil with a Crewmate variant, you'll become the Crewmate variant.\n\nAdditionally, Your role will be set back to Copycat after every meeting.\nNote You can't guess people in meetings.",
"BodyguardInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nSe um jogador sofrer um ataque perto do Guarda-Costa, o Guarda-Costa vai prevenir o abate e o Guarda-Costa vai morrer com o assassino. \nAs habilidades do Guarda-Costa vai afetar jogadores de qualquer time. \nQuando o Guarda-Costa se torna um Cúmplice e o assassino não é um impostor, o Guarda-Costa não ativará sua habilidade.",
- "DeceiverInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nO Enganador pode vender falsificações para outros jogadores através do botão de matar. Se a falsificação for vendida com sucesso, o Enganador verá uma animação de escudo em seu corpo como lembrete. A falsificação terá efeito após o término da próxima reunião. Se um jogador sem capacidade de matar segurar a falsificação, ele se matará imediatamente. Se um jogador com capacidade de matar tiver a falsificação, ele se suicidará ao tentar matar alguém na próxima vez.",
- "GrenadierInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\\n★O Atordoador pode usar as ventilações para usar o flashbang, o qual vai fazer o Impostor perder visão. \\n★ Quando o flashbang falha, o atordoador verá uma animação de escudo como lembrete. \\n★ Flashbangs apenas funcionam em Tripulantes quando o atordoador se torna um Cúmplice.",
+ "DeceiverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Deceiver can sell the counterfeit to other players through the Kill button. If the counterfeit is sold successfully, the Deceiver will see a Shield Animation on their body as a reminder. The counterfeit will take effect after the end of the next meeting. If the player with no kill ability holds the counterfeit, he will kill himself immediately. If the player with the killing ability has the counterfeit, he will commit suicide when he tries to kill someone next time.",
+ "GrenadierInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Grenadier, you can Vent to Flashbang players nearby, causing them to lose vision if they are an Impostor or, depending on settings, a Neutral.",
"MedicInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nO Médico pode colocar um escudo no alvo ao pressionar o botão de matar. O Médico só pode dar um escudo durante todo o jogo. Dependendo das configurações, o escudo do alvo pode ou não ser desativado quando o Médico morre. O Médico também pode ver se alguém está tentando quebrar o escudo do alvo.\nConforme as configurações do Anfitrião, o Médico ou o alvo podem ver se um jogador possui um escudo (mostrado como um círculo verde 「●」 ao lado do nome).",
"FortuneTellerInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo Vidente, vote em um jogador em uma reunião para obter uma pista sobre sua função.\nA pista estará relacionada a sua função real.\n\nQuando as tarefas do Vidente forem concluídas, ele obterá a função exata em vez de uma pista!\n\nNota: - Se a configuração para dar dicas a jogadores ativos aleatórios estiver ativada, você não poderá verificar o mesmo jogador várias vezes.",
"JudgeInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Judge can judge a certain player during the meeting. If the target is evil, the target will be killed (whether it is evil or not is set by the Host). If it is wrong, the Judge commits suicide.\nCommand for judgment: /tl [player id]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nJudges can judge all players when they become Madmate.\nIn meeting the ability count shows how many trails you have in this meeting. Out of meeting the ability counts shows how many trails you have for the whole game.",
"MorticianInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nO Funerário pode ver setas apontando para todos os cadáveres, e se o Funerário reportar o cadáver, ele vai saber o último jogador que teve contado com a vítima.",
"MediumInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nO Médium pode estabelecer contato com os mortos depois de seu corpo ser reportado. \nO jogador que reportar não precisa ser o Médium. \nO jogador morto pode responder apenas SIM ou NÃO para a pergunta do Médium qual apenas o Médium vai poder ver.",
- "ObserverInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nO Observador pode ver todas as animações de escudo causado por outros jogadores depois da primeira reunião.",
+ "ObserverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Observer, you can see all Shield Animations caused by other players after the first meeting. The Shield Animations typically indicate a role ability, so look out for this.",
"MonarchInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo Monarca, você pode dar aos jogadores um voto extra.\n\nVocê não pode dar um voto extra a alguém que já tem votos extras.\n\nOs jogadores que receberem os votos apareceram com o nome dourado.\nSe um jogador que você deu um voto extra estiver vivo, o Monarca não poderá ser adivinhado ou ejetado.",
- "PacifistInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\n★Quando Pacifista usa a ventilação, ele resetará o tempo de abate para todos os jogadores com botão de matar. \n★ Quando ele se torna um Cúmplice, essa habilidade vai apenas funcionar em Tripulantes.",
- "OverseerInfoLong": "(Tripulantes): \nComo o Profeta, você tem visão mínima, mas pode usar seu botão de matar para revelar a função de um jogador próximo. Um 「○」 será exibido ao lado do alvo revelado após você usar o botão de matar nele, e você também estará escaneando-o (somente você pode ver isso). Fique perto do alvo por um tempo definido para revelar sua função; se você se afastar demais, a revelação será cancelada.",
+ "PacifistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhen the Pacifist Vents, they will reset the Kill Cooldown for every player with a Kill button. When they become a Madmate, this ability will only work on Crewmates.",
+ "OverseerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Overseer, you have minimal vision, but you can use your Kill button to reveal the role of a nearby player. A 「○」 will be displayed next to the revealed target after you use the Kill button on them, and you will also be scanning them (only you can see this). Stay near the target for a defined time to reveal his role; if you move too far away, the reveal will cancel.",
"CoronerInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo Detetive você não pode reportar cadáveres, assim que você tentar reportar você verá uma seta apontando para o assassino do cadáver. \nSe a reunião for chamada, as setas somem.",
"PresidentInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nO Presidente tem 2 habilidades: Encerrar a reunião e revelar sua identidade.\n\n+ Habilidade 1: Encerrar a reunião - Digite /finish como Presidente para encerrar a reunião instantaneamente.\n+ Habilidade 2: Revelar identidade - Digite /reveal na reunião para se revelar. Revelar você mesmo fará com que todos os jogadores possam ver que você é o Presidente, além disso você se tornará inadivinhável depois de digitar o comando. No entanto, depois do Presidente se revelar, qualquer um que matar ele vai ter sua recarga reduzida em grande quantidade no seu próximo abate.",
- "MerchantInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo Atribuidor, você vende um add-on aleatório para um jogador aleatório qual tiver todas as suas tarefas concluídas. \nCada add-on vendido lhe rende dinheiro. \nSe você tiver uma certa quantidade de dinheiro, você pode evitar a próxima tentativa de abate. \nO jogador subornado não será capaz de matar você, mas você não sabe quem é.",
+ "MerchantInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a merchant, you sell a random Add-on to a random player for each task you complete. Each Add-on sold earns you money. If you have a certain amount of money, you can prevent the next killing attempt against you by bribing the murderer. The bribed player won't be able to kill you, but you don't know who it is. The money used is lost and not available for additional bribes.",
"RetributionistInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\n★Como Fantasma Assassino, você pode matar uma quantidade limitada de jogadores depois de sua morte. \n★ Use /ret [ID do jogador].",
- "HawkInfoLong": "(Tripulantes [Fantasma]):\nComo o Falcão, você pode matar uma quantidade limitada de jogadores decididos pelo anfitrião, embora haja uma chance de você errar, fatiar alguém várias vezes aumenta as chances.",
- "DeputyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Deputy, use your kill button to handcuff a player.\nThe player who is handcuffed will have their next kill attempt treated as a handcuff break, and the kill cooldown will be reset.\n\nIf the target does not have a kill button, then the handcuff was a waste.",
- "InvestigatorInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo Investigador, você pode usar o botão de matar para investigar alguém. Quando você investiga alguém, seu nome aparecerá em vermelho se ele possuir um botão de matar (base impostor/Metamorfo) ou azul claro se ele não tiver um botão de matar (base tripulante/engenheiro/cientista). No entanto, observe que a cor dos nomes voltará ao normal quando uma reunião for convocada.",
+ "HawkInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Hawk, you can kill a limited amount of players decided by the Host, though there's a chance you miss, slicing someone multiple times increases the chances.",
+ "DeputyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Deputy, use your Kill button to handcuff a player.\nThe player who is handcuffed will have their next kill attempt treated as a handcuff break, and the Kill Cooldown will be reset.\n\nIf the target does not have a Kill button, then the handcuff was a waste.",
+ "InvestigatorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs an Investigator, you can use your Kill button to investigate someone. When you investigate someone, their name will appear in red if they possess a Kill button (impostor/Shapeshifter basis) or light blue if they lack a Kill button (Crewmate/Engineer/Scientist basis). However, please note that the color of the names will return to normal when someone calls a meeting.",
"GuardianInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo Imortal, você se torna imortal completando suas tarefas. \nVocê não pode ser adivinhado nas reuniões.",
- "AddictInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo o Invulnerável, você possui um cronômetro de suicídio. Quando ele expira, você se mata.\nO cronômetro é indicado pelo tempo de recarga do duto. Quando o tempo de recarga do duto está em 0 segundos, você ainda tem um curto período para usar o duto.\nSe você não conseguir, morre; se conseguir, o cronômetro de suicídio é resetado.\nAlém disso, após usar o duto, ninguém pode interagir com você por um período definido.\nApós esse período, você fica imobilizado por outro período definido e não pode reportar nenhum corpo.",
- "MoleInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo a Toupeira, quando você usa o duto, você permanece na ventilação por 1 segundo. Ao sair da ventilação, você aparecerá perto de uma ventilação aleatória no mapa (exceto aquela que acabou de usar).",
+ "AddictInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Addict, you have a suicide timer. When it expires, you kill yourself.\nThe timer is indicated by the Vent Cooldown. When the Vent Cooldown is 0 seconds, you still have a short time to Vent.\nIf you don't make it, you die; if you make it, the Suicide Timer is reset.\nAlso after you Vent, no one can interact with you for a defined period.\nAfter; the period is over, and you are immobilized for another defined period, and cannot Report any bodies.",
+ "MoleInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mole, when you Vent, you stay in the Vent for 1 second. When you exit the Vent, you will spawn near a random Vent in the map (Except the one you used).",
"AlchemistInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo Alquimista, você cria uma poção ao concluir uma tarefa. A poção que você criou aparecerá sob o nome de sua função com a descrição e as instruções correspondentes. Você pode obter poções diferentes, além de uma garrafa de água que não faz nada.",
- "KamikazeInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nComo o Kamikaze você pode marcar os jogadores clicando uma vez no botão de matar. Clicando duas vezes no botão de matar você irá matar o jogador. Quando você morrer, todos que você marcou ira morrer também, com a razão da morte Alvo.",
- "TracefinderInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo Biólogo, você acessa os vitais. \nEm adição, você consegue setas apontando para os corpos.",
+ "KamikazeInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Kamikaze you can single click to mark players. Double-click to kill normally. When you die, all marked also die, with death reason Targeted.",
+ "TracefinderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracefinder, you can access Vitals at any time.\nIn addition, you get arrows pointing to dead bodies, with a delay set by the Host.",
"OracleInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\\n★O Oráculo, você pode votar em um jogador durante a reunião \\n★ Você verá se ele é um Tripulante, Neutro ou Impostor.",
"SpiritualistInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo Espiritualista, você recebe uma seta apontando para o fantasma da vítima da ultima reunião. Existe a opção da seta desaparecer e reaparecer em intervalos. Tente notificar o fantasma sobre sua habilidade, se puder; se eles estiverem do seu lado, podem levá-lo a uma função maligna para que você possa expulsá-los. Tenha cuidado, pois papéis malignos podem fazer o mesmo com os Tripulantes.",
- "ChameleonInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo Transparente, você pode usar os dutos para ficar invisível temporariamente. Você ainda aparecerá visível na tela. Use os dutos novamente para ficar visível.",
- "InspectorInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nCheque se 2 jogadores são do mesmo time ou não. Você receberá uma mensagem afirmativa se eles forem do mesmo time, ou uma mensagem negativa se eles não forem.\n\nOs jogadores neutros e convertidos serão do mesmo time. O Trapaceiro será considerado Tripulante e o Verificador será considerado Impostor.\nComando para checar: /cmp [id do jogador 1] [id do jogador 2].",
- "CaptainInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nCom cada tarefa concluída, o Capitão ganha o poder de desacelerar uma função aleatória que não seja da tripulação. Os membros da tripulação podem ver ☆ além do nome do capitão.\n\nSe alguém trair a confiança do capitão ejetando-o para fora da nave, você perderá um atributo.",
- "AdmirerInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo Admirador, admire um jogador para o transformar em um tripulante.\nEles vencerão com os tripulantes e não com seu time original.\n\nVocê só pode fazer isso uma vez por jogador.",
- "TimeMasterInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nO Mestre do Tempo pode usar os dutos para marcar as posições de todos. \nQuando ele usar a habilidade denovo, todos os jogadores vivos irão ser revogados para suas posições marcadas \nDurante a habilidade, o Mestre o Tempo ganha um escudo do tempo, qual proteje ele da morte.",
- "CrusaderInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\n★O Cruzador pode usar seu botão de abater para cruzar um jogador. \n★Se esse jogador for atacado, você matará o assassino.",
- "AltruistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Altruist, you can sacrifice yourself to revive a dead body using the «Report» button.\nNote: If a dead player has left the game, you report that body normally.\nAlso revived player cannot report self dead body\nUse vent button to change between Report & Revive.",
- "ReverieInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo o Devaneio, você pode matar, mas seu tempo de recarga começa alto.\n\nEle aumenta se você matar um tripulante e diminui caso contrário.\nDependendo das configurações do Anfitrião, você pode errar ao atingir o máximo de tempo de recarga para matar, e seu alvo morre junto com você.\n\nVocê vence com os outros tripulantes.",
- "LookoutInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\n★O Vigia pode ver os IDs de todos os jogadores a qualquer hora. \n★Isso permite ele ver além das camuflagens e metamorfoses.",
- "TelecommunicationInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nO Telecomunicador é notificado quando qualquer um usa as câmeras, vitais, registro de portas ou a administração.",
- "LighterInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\n★O Visor pode usar dutos para aumentar sua visão temporariamente. \n★Você pode aumentar a visão tanto quanto as luzes estão apagadas tanto quando não estão. \n★Use esse poder para pegar assassinos discretos!",
+ "ChameleonInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chameleon, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
+ "InspectorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nCheck If two players are in the same team or not. You will get an affirmation message if they are on the same team or a denial message if they are not on the same team.\n\nAll Neutrals and converted players are counted in the same team. Trickster counts as Crewmate, and Rascal counts as Impostor.\nChecking command: /cmp [player id 1] [player id 2].",
+ "CaptainInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWith each completed task, the Captain gains the power to slow down a random non-Crewmate role. Crewmates can see ☆besides Captain's name.\n\nIf anyone betrays the Captain's trust by voting Captain out, they will lose an Add-on.",
+ "AdmirerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Admirer, admire a player to make them Crewmate aligned.\nThey'll win with Crewmates and not their original team.\n\nYou can only do this once per player.",
+ "TimeMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Time Master, use the Vents to mark everyone's position.\nWhen using the ability again, every alive player will rewind to the marked positions.\n\nDuring the ability duration, the Time Master gains a time shield, which protects them from death.",
+ "CrusaderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Crusader, use your Kill button to crusade a player.\nIf that player gets attacked, you'll kill the attacker.",
+ "AltruistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Altruist, you can sacrifice yourself to revive a dead body using the «Report» button.\nNote: If a dead player has left the game, you report that body normally.\nAlso revived player cannot report self dead body\nUse the Vent button to change between Report & Revive.",
+ "ReverieInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Reverie, you can kill, but your Cooldown starts high.\n\nIt increases if you kill a Crewmate and reduces otherwise.\nDepending on the Host's setting, you may misfire on reaching the maximum Kill Cooldown, and your target dies with you. \n\nYou win with other Crewmates.",
+ "LookoutInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Lookout, you can see the ID's of every player at all times.\nThis allows you to see through Shapeshifts and Camouflages.",
+ "TelecommunicationInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Telecommunication, you are notified when anyone uses Cameras, Vitals, Door Logs, or Admin.",
+ "LighterInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Lighter, you can Vent to increase your vision temporarily.\nYou have increased vision both when lights are not out and when lights are out.\nUse this power to catch sneaky killers!",
"TaskManagerInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nVocê vê o total de números de tarefas completadas em tempo real.",
- "WitnessInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nO Detector pode usar seu botão de matar em alguém, você saberá se a pessoa matou alguém em X segundos atrás ou não matou. (X depende das configurações).",
- "SwapperInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo Trocador, você pode trocar votos nas reuniões.\n\nPara trocar votos, use '/sw [playerID]' duas vezes.\n\nOs IDs dos jogadores são exibidos ao lado dos nomes dos jogadores nas reuniões, mas você também pode usar /id para obter uma lista de todos os IDs dos jogadores.\n\nNota: Dependendo das configurações do Anfitrião, você pode trocar os seus próprios votos.",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chief of Police,you can recruit a player to be a Sheriff(only once per game).\nDepending on the settings,you may recruit non-Crewmates or players without a kill button.\nYou may die when you recruit a wrong player.",
+ "WitnessInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Witness, when you use your Kill button on someone, you will know if they killed in the last X seconds or not. (X depends on the settings).",
+ "SwapperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Swapper, you can swap votes in meetings.\n\nTo swap votes, use '/sw [playerID]' twice.\n\nPlayer ID's are displayed next to player names in meetings, but you can also use /id to get a list of all player ID's.\n\nNote: Depending on the Host's settings, you can exchange your own votes.",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chief of Police, you can recruit a player to be a Sheriff(only once per game).\nDepending on the settings, you may recruit non-Crewmates or players without a Kill button.\nYou may suicide when you recruit a wrong player.",
"NiceMiniInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo Mini do Bem, sua sobrevivência é crucial. Você não pode ser morto até crescer, e se morrer ou for expulso da reunião antes de crescer, todos perdem. Esta função única adiciona uma nova dinâmica ao jogo, onde a sua sobrevivência não é apenas para seu benefício, mas para o sucesso de toda a tripulação.",
- "SpyInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo Espião, quando alguém usar seu botão de abate em você (qualquer habilidade usada através do botão de abate), você verá o nome do jogador em laranja por alguns poucos segundos.\nNota: Se um Tripulante usar a habilidade dele em você, você também verá o nome dele laranja!\nNota: Se você não tiver mais usos de habilidade restantes, você não verá os nomes laranjas",
- "RandomizerInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nQuando você morrer, seu assassino fará uma das seguintes ações:\n 1. Reportar seu corpo\n 2. Ficar ao lado do seu corpo\n 3. Ter o tempo de recarga definido como 600s\n 4. Vingar aleatoriamente um jogador.",
- "ArsonistInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nO Piromâno pode colocar gasolina um jogador clicando no botão de matar no jogador e seguindo-o por alguns segundos. Quando a ignição começa e é bem-sucedida, uma animação de escudo acontecerá como um lembrete (visível apenas para ele). Quando o Piromâno por gasolina todos os jogadores sobreviventes, ele pode usar os dutos para iniciar o fogo e vencer sozinho.\n\nSe o nome do jogador mostrar 「△」, isso significa que a gasolina está sendo colocada; \nSe o nome do jogador mostrar 「▲」, significa que a gasolina foi completamente colocada. \nDependendo da configuração, o Piromâno pode iniciar o fogo a qualquer momento. Mas se ele falhar em matar todos, ele perde.",
+ "SpyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Spy, when someone uses their Kill button on you (any ability used through the Kill button), you'll see their name in orange for a few seconds.\nNote: If a Crewmate used their ability on you, you'll also see them with an orange name!\nNote: If you cannot use left, you won't see orange names!\nNote: If the Kill button interaction is blocked, the player's Cooldown will reset to 10s'",
+ "RandomizerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs this Randomizer, when you die, your killer will do one of the following:\n 1. self-report your body\n 2. stand next to your body\n 3. have their Kill Cooldown set to 600s\n 4. Randomly avenge a player.",
+ "ArsonistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Arsonist can douse a player by clicking the Kill button on the player and following them for a few seconds. When the dousing starts and it's successful, a Shield Animation will happen as a reminder (only visible to themselves). When the Arsonist has doused all surviving players, the Arsonist can Vent to start the fire and win alone.\n\nIf the player name shows 「△」, that means they are being doused;\nif the player name shows 「▲」, it means they have been completely doused.\nDepending on the setting, Arsonist may start the fire anytime. But if he fails to kill everyone, he loses.",
"EnigmaInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo o Informante, você recebe uma pista aleatória sobre o assassino a cada reunião, dependendo da configuração, talvez você tenha que reportar o cadáver para receber a pista. Quanto mais tarefas completadas, mais precisas são as pistas.",
- "PyromaniacInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo Piromaníaco, você pode por gasolina nos jogadores (clique único) ou matar normalmente (clique duplo). Por gasolina nos jogadores não faz nada imediatamente, mas matar um jogador com a gasolina reduzirá significativamente seu tempo de recarga para matar. Para vencer, seja o último jogador vivo.",
- "HuntsmanInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo o Caçador de Cabeças, você recebe um certo número de alvos que são redefinidos a cada reunião. Se você eliminar com sucesso um de seus alvos, seu tempo de recarga para matar diminui permanentemente pela quantidade definida. No entanto, se você matar alguém que não é um de seus alvos, seu tempo de recarga para matar aumenta permanentemente pela quantidade definida. Um nome colorido indica seus alvos.",
+ "PyromaniacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pyromaniac, you can douse players (single click) or kill normally (double click). Dousing players do nothing immediately, but killing a doused player will significantly shorten your Kill Cooldown. To win, be the last player alive.",
+ "HuntsmanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Huntsman, you are given a certain number of targets that reset every meeting. If you successfully eliminate one of your targets, your Kill Cooldown goes down permanently by the set amount. However, if you kill someone not one of your targets, your Kill Cooldown permanently increases by the set amount. A colored name indicates your targets.",
"MiniInfoLong": "(Tripulante ou Impostor):\nO Mini tem duas funções. É escolhido entre Mini do Bem ou Mini do Mal.\n\nUse '/r nicemini' e '/r evilmini' respectivamente para mais detalhes.",
"JesterInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nSe o Palhaço for votado, ele vence o jogo. Se o Palhaço continuar vivo até o final do jogo, o Palhaço perde o jogo. Nota: Palhaço, Executor e Inocente podem ganhar juntos.",
"TerroristInfoLong": "(Neutros):\n★Se o Terrorista morrer após completar as tasks, o Terrorista vence o jogo sozinho (Ele pode ganhar sendo votado ou sendo morto).",
"ExecutionerInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nO Executor tem um alvo para ser executado, o alvo será indicado por um diamante 「♦」 perto de seu nome. Se o alvo do Executor for morto, o Executor vai virar Tripulante, Palhaço ou Oportunista, depende das configurações. Se o alvo do Executor for expulso durante uma reunião, o Executor vence. Nota: Palhaço, Executor e Inocente podem vencer juntos.",
"LawyerInfoLong": "(Neutros):\n★O Advogado tem um alvo para defender, o alvo será indicado por um diamante 「♦」 perto de seu nome.\n★ Se o alvo do Advogado vencer, ele vence.\n★ Se o alvo do Advogado perder, ele perde.",
"OpportunistInfoLong": "(Neutros):\n★Se o Oportunista sobreviver até o final do jogo, o Oportunista ganha junto com o jogador que venceu",
- "VectorInfoLong": "(Neutros):\n★O Mario vence sozinho após entrar na ventilação um determinado número de vezes.",
- "JackalInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo Jackal, você vence se for o último jogador vivo. Além disso, você pode recrutar usando o botão de matar. Se o alvo não for um que você possa recrutar, se você ficar sem uso ou não tiver a opção de recrutar, então você matará normalmente (ou seja, não use a habilidade de recrutar na frente de outras pessoas pensando que vai recrutar). Se o alvo tiver um botão de matar e a opção de se transformar em Recruta estiver ativada, ele se tornará um Recruta. Caso contrário, eles ganharão o complemento Recruta se a opção de fornecer o complemento Recruta estiver ativada.",
+ "VectorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nVector will win alone by Venting a certain number of times.",
+ "JackalInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jackal, you win if you are the last player alive. Additionally, you may recruit using the Kill button. If the target is not one you can recruit, you have run out of uses, or you don't have the option to recruit, then you will kill people normally (i.e., don't use Kill buttons in front of others thinking it'll recruit). If the target has a Kill button and the option to turn into a Sidekick is on, they will become a Sidekick. Otherwise, they will gain the Recruit Add-on if the option to give the Recruit Add-on is on.\nDepending on the settings, when Jackal was killed, a Sidekick will be randomly selected as the new Jackal.\nRecruit may be selected if no Sidekick is alive.",
"GodInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo o Deus, você conhece a função de todos desde o início. Se você sobreviver até o final do jogo, você rouba a vitória, ou seja, todos os outros perdem e você vence.",
- "InnocentInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nO Inocente pode usar o botão de matar para fazer qualquer jogador mata-lo. Se o alvo for votado na reunião, o Inocente vence. Nota: Palhaço, Executor e Inocente podem ganhar juntos.",
- "PelicanInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo Glutão, você pode usar o botão de matar para engolir um jogador vivo, teletransportando-o para fora do mapa, mas sem matá-lo ainda. Aqueles engolidos só morrerão se você ainda estiver vivo no final da rodada. Se você morrer ou sair durante a rodada, todos os jogadores engolidos vivos aparecerão no mapa onde você estava.",
- "RevolutionistInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo o Revolucionista, você pode recrutar jogadores clicando no botão de matar no jogador e seguindo-os até que a animação de escudo seja exibida para você. Recrutar tem uma chance, definida pelo Anfitrião, de matar jogadores (embora ainda sejam recrutados). Quando o número necessário de jogadores é recrutado (exibido ao lado do seu nome), você deve usar o duto dentro do tempo especificado para vencer imediatamente o jogo com todos os seus recrutas. Se você não usar o duto a tempo, você perde e morre.",
- "HaterInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo o Odiador, você não terá tempo de espera para matar. No entanto, dependendo das configurações, você só pode matar Amantes e outras funções de recrutamento e atributos. Matar qualquer outra pessoa fará você se suicidar. Você vence no final do jogo com a equipe vencedora se nenhuma das funções matáveis estiver viva. Vocês não serão amantes.",
+ "InnocentInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Innocent can use the Kill button to plant any player, and the planted target will immediately kill the Innocent. If the target gets voted out in the meeting, the Innocent wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
+ "PelicanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pelican, you can use the Kill button to swallow a player alive, teleporting them off-bounds but not killing them yet. Those swallowed will only die if you're still alive at the end of the round. If you die or leave during the round, all alive swallowed players will spawn into the map where you were.",
+ "RevolutionistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Revolutionist, you can recruit players by clicking the Kill button on the player and following them until the Shield Animation plays for you. Recruiting has a chance, set by the Host, to kill players (though they are still recruited). When the required number of players are recruited (displayed next to your name), you must Vent within the specified time to win the game immediately with all your recruits. If you do not Vent in time, you lose and die.",
+ "HaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hater, you have no Kill Cooldown. However, depending on the settings, you can only kill Lovers and other Recruiting Roles and Add-ons. Killing anyone else will make you suicide. You win at the end of the game with the winning team if none of the killable roles are alive. You will not be Lovers.",
"DemonInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo o Demônio, você pode usar seu botão de matar para drenar a vida dos jogadores. Você vê a vida de todo mundo em porcentagem perto do nome de todos, e cada ataque que você faz drena uma porcentagem dessa vida sem que a vítima saiba. Depois de drenar a saúde de sua vítima para 0, ela morre. Você ganha se for o último sobrevivente.",
- "StalkerInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nO Stalker pode matar qualquer um, e cada assassinato causará imediatamente uma sabotagem das luzes (se a sabotagem das luzes já estiver ativa, nada acontecerá). O Stalker não pode usar o duto. Se o Impostor vencer enquanto o Stalker estiver vivo, ou se o Tripulante vencer matando os Impostores (de acordo com as configurações do Anfitrião, o Stalker também pode vencer quando o Tripulante vencer matando os Neutros), então o Stalker vence sozinho.",
+ "StalkerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Stalker can kill anyone, and every kill will immediately cause a Lights Sabotage (if Lights Sabotage is already active, nothing will happen). Stalker cannot Vent. If the Impostor wins while the Stalker is alive or the Crewmate wins by killing the Impostors (according to the Host's setting, the Stalker may also win when the Crewmate wins by killing the Neutrals), then the Stalker wins alone.",
"WorkaholicInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo o Trabalhador, você vence sozinho quando completar todas as tarefas. Dependendo das configurações do Anfitrião, você só pode vencer se estiver vivo e/ou revelado para todos no início (essas configurações raramente estão ambas ativadas).",
- "SolsticerInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo Speedrunner, você será imortal, e vencerá ao terminar todas as suas tarefas em uma única rodada. Após o término de cada reunião, suas tarefas são redefinidas e você precisa começar tudo de novo.\nOs votos no Speedrunner serão cancelados.\nTentativas de matar o Speedrunner irão teletransportá-lo para fora do mapa como o Glutão até que a reunião termine.\nO tempo de espera para matar do assassino será redefinido para 10 segundos.",
+ "SolsticerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Solsticer, you won't die, and you win by finishing all your tasks in a single round. After every meeting finishes, your tasks reset, and you need to start all over again.\nVotes on the Solsticer will be directly canceled.\nKill attempts on the Solsticer will teleport it out of the map like Pelican until the meeting is finished.\nThe killer's Kill Cooldown will be reset to 10 seconds.\nSolsticer is counted as nothing in-game.",
"CollectorInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nQuando o Coletor coletar um número específico de votos, ele vence. Nota: A vitória do Coletor tem precedência dos jogadores exilados.",
- "GlitchInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nO Glitch é um erro da nave e tem que matar todo mundo \nVocê pode hackear os jogadores, o que os impede de matar, usar dutos e reportar cadáveres por algum tempo. \nVocê precisa matar todo mundo para vencer. \nClique Único = Hackear \nClique Duplo = Matar \nVocê pode usar dutos.\nVocê Pode se transformar usando o botão sabotagem, não as portas mas os botões clássicos de sabotagem, Elétrica, O2 e Reator. \nDevido a problemas técnicos não é possível se transformar quando a sabotagem está ativa.",
+ "GlitchInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Glitch, you can hack players (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose who have been hacked cannot kill, Vent, or report for the hack duration.\nAdditionally, calling a Sabotage other than doors will have no effect and will instead disguise you as a random player. You cannot disguise during or after Sabotages.\nTo win, be the last player alive.",
"SidekickInfoLong": "Neutrais):\nComo Assistente, seu trabalho é ajudar o Jackal a matar todos.\nVocê e o Jackal ganham juntos.\nDependendo das configurações, você pode se transformar em Jackal se o Jackal antigo foi morto.\nTalvez você não seja capaz de matar até que o antigo Jackal esteja morto.",
- "ProvocateurInfoLong": "(Neutros):\n★O Provocador pode matar seu alvo com o botão de matar. Se o alvo perder ao final do jogo, o Provocador vence com quem vencer.",
- "BloodKnightInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nO Cavaleiro Sangrento vence quando é a única função que mata viva e a quantidade de Tripulantes for menor ou igual a de Cavaleiros Sangrentos. Após todo abate, o Cavaleiro Sangrento ganha um escudo temporário que faz ele se tornar Imortal por alguns segundos.",
- "PlagueBearerInfoLong": "(Apocalipse):\nComo o Porta-Pragas, contamine todos usando seu botão de matar para se transformar na Peste. Uma vez que você se transforme na Peste, você se tornará imortal e ganhará a capacidade de matar, e você matará qualquer um que tentar matá-lo.\n\nAlém disso, quando jogadores infectados interagem com jogadores não infectados, eles também serão infectados.",
+ "ProvocateurInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Provocateur, you can kill any target with the Kill button. If the target loses at the end of the game, the Provocateur wins with the winning team.",
+ "BloodKnightInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Blood Knight wins when they're the last killing role alive, and the amount of Crewmates is lower or equal to the amount of Blood Knights. The Blood Knight gains a temporary shield after every kill, making them immortal for a few seconds.",
+ "PlagueBearerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Plaguebearer, plague everyone using your Kill button to turn into Pestilence.\nOnce you turn into Pestilence, you will become immortal and gain the ability to kill, and you will kill anyone who tries to kill you.\n\nAlso, when infected players interact with uninfected players, they will also be infected.",
"PestilenceInfoLong": "(Apocalipse):\nComo a Peste, você é uma máquina imparável.\nQualquer ataque direcionado a você será refletido de volta para quem o atacou. Ataques indiretos nem sequer o mata.\n\nA única maneira de matar a Peste é por votação, ou se ele errar ao adivinhar. \nSua presença é anunciada a todos na reunião depois que você se transforma.",
- "SoulCollectorInfoLong": "(Apocalipse):\nComo Coletor de Almas, você pode usar seu botão de matar em um jogador para prever a morte dele. Você ganhará uma alma se o seu alvo morrer na rodada em que você o selecionou ou na reunião seguinte. Seu alvo é reiniciado após cada reunião ou depois que ele morre, o que ocorrer primeiro. \n\nUma vez que você coleta a quantidade configurável de almas, você se torna a Morte. Se a configuração de ganho de almas passivas estiver ativada, você ganhará uma alma a cada reunião.",
+ "SoulCollectorInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Soul Collector, you can use your Kill button on a player to predict their death. You will gain a Soul if your target dies in the round you select them or the meeting after.\nYour target resets after each meeting or after they die, whichever comes first. \n\nOnce you collect the configurable amount of Souls, you become Death. If the gain passive Souls setting is enabled, you will gain a Soul each meeting.",
"DeathInfoLong": "(Apocalipse):\nUma vez que o Coletor de Almas tenha coletado as almas necessárias, ele se torna a Morte. A Morte mata todos e vence se não for expulsa até o final da próxima reunião. Um tempo extra configurável será dado na reunião em que a Morte se transforma para permitir mais discussão para encontrá-la.\n\nVocê é invencível e sua presença é anunciada a todos na reunião depois que você se transforma.",
- "BakerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Baker, you can use your kill button on a player per round to give them bread. \nOnce a set amount of players are alive with bread, you become Famine.\n\nIf the Bread gives additional effects and the setting is on, then you can vent to change the bread that you give out. \nBread Effects:\nReveal: Reveals the target's role to the Baker (stays the whole game)\nRoleblock: Resets the target's kill cooldown when they try to use their kill button\nBarrier: Gives the target a barrier that is only known to the Baker (barrier is removed after the meeting)",
- "FamineInfoLong": "(Apocalipse): \nUma vez que o Padeiro tenha o número definido de pessoas vivas com pão, ele se tornará o Faminto. Se o Faminto não for votado para fora após a reunião em que ela se torna o Faminto, todos os jogadores sem o pão morrerão de fome (excluindo os outros membros do Apocalipse). \n\nApós a fome de todos sem pão, o Faminto pode usar seu botão de matar para fazer qualquer jogador restante morrer de fome, o que matará esses jogadores pouco antes da próxima reunião.\n\nVocê é invencível e sua presença é anunciada a todos na reunião depois que você se transforma.",
+ "BakerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Baker, you can use your Kill Button on a player per round to give them bread. \nOnce a set amount of players are alive with bread, you become Famine.\n\nIf the Bread gives additional effects and the setting is on, then you can Vent to change the bread that you give out. \nBread Effects:\nReveal: Reveals the target's role to the Baker (stays the whole game)\nRoleblock: Resets the target's Kill Cooldown when they try to use their Kill Button\nBarrier: Gives the target a Barrier that is only known to the Baker (Barrier is removed after the meeting)",
+ "FamineInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Baker has a set amount of people with bread alive, they will become Famine. If the Famine does not get voted out after the meeting, then they will become Famine, and every player without bread will starve (excluding other Apocalypse members).\nAfter this starvation of everyone without bread, Famine can use their Kill Button to starve any remaining players, which will kill those players right before the next meeting.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
"BerserkerInfoLong": "(Apocalipse):\nComo o Aprimorador, você evolui a cada abate. Ao atingir um certo nível definido pelo anfitrião, você desbloqueia um novo poder.\n\nAbates iguais ao do Necrófago fazem com que as pessoas que você matar desapareçam.\nAbates com bombas fazem com que seus abates explodam. Tenha cuidado ao matar, pois isso pode matar seus outros membros do Apocalipse se estiverem perto.\nApós um certo nível, você se torna o Guerreiro.",
- "WarInfoLong": "(Apocalipse):\nComo Guerreiro, você é invencível, tem um tempo de recarga para matar reduzido e pode matar qualquer um usando seus poderes anteriores. \nSua presença é anunciada a todos na reunião depois que você se transforma.",
- "FollowerInfoLong": "(Neutros):\n★O Seguidor pode usar o botão de matar em alguém para começar a seguir essa pessoa e pode usar o botão de matar de novo para começar a seguir outra pessoa. Se o alvo do Seguidor vencer, o Seguidor vai vencer junto com ele. Nota: O Seguidor ainda pode vencer após morrer.",
- "CultistInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo Cultista, seu botão de matar é usado para encantar os outros, fazendo-os vencer com você. Para vencer, encante todos os que representam uma ameaça e ganhe a maioria.\nDependendo das configurações, você poderá encantar Neutros, e aqueles que você encantar poderão contar como sua equipe original, nada ou um Cultista para determinar quando você vencerá por maioria.",
+ "WarInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs War, you are invincible, have a lower Kill Cooldown, and can kill anyone with your previous powers.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
+ "FollowerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Follower can use their Kill Button on someone to start following them and can use the Kill Button again to switch the following target. If the Follower's target wins, the Follower will win along with them. Note: The Follower can also win after they die.",
+ "CultistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cultist, your Kill Button is used to Charm others, making them win with you. To win, charm all who pose a threat and gain the majority.\nDepending on settings, you may be able to charm Neutrals, and those you Charm may count as their original team, nothing, or a Cultist to determine when you win due to majority.",
"SerialKillerInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo Assassino em Série, você vence se for o último jogador vivo.",
- "JuggernautInfoLong": "(Neutros):\n★A recarga de abate do Juggernaut diminui a cada abate.\n★ Mate todos para vencer.",
+ "JuggernautInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Juggernaut, your Kill Cooldown decreases with each kill you make.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"InfectiousInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo o Zumbi, seu objetivo é infectar o maior número possível de jogadores.\n\nSe você infectar todos os assassinos, você pode superar o número de Tripulantes e vencer o jogo.\n\nSe você morrer, todos os jogadores que você infectou morrerão após a próxima reunião. Se eles alcançarem sua condição de vitória antes disso, você ainda pode vencer.",
- "VirusInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nA missão do Vírus é matar e infectar os jogadores. Quando o Vírus mata um Tripulante, o corpo morto será infectado por um vírus. O Tripulante que reporta o corpo é infectado e entra pro time do Vírus, dependendo das configurações. Se a quantidade de jogadores no time do Vírus for maior que a quantidade de pessoas no time dos Tripulantes, o time do Vírus vence.",
+ "VirusInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe task of the Virus is to kill or infect all other players. When the Virus murders a Crewmate, their corpse is infected with a virus. The Crewmate who reports this corpse is infected joins the virus team or dies at the end of the meeting if the Virus doesn't get voted out, depending on the settings. If more players are on the Virus team than the Crewmate team, the Virus team wins.",
"PursuerInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nO Perseguidor pode fazer com que a pessoa se mate ao tentar mata-lo.\n\nPara vencer apenas sobreviva até o final.",
"SpecterInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo o Espectro, seu objetivo é ser morto e concluir suas tarefas.\nVocê pode fazer suas tarefas enquanto está vivo.\nVocê não pode vencer se estiver vivo.\nSe você for morto, você vence com o time vencedor se suas tarefas estiverem concluídas.",
- "PirateInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo Pirata, use o botão de matar para selecionar um alvo a cada rodada.\nVocê duelará com seu alvo na próxima reunião.\nSe o Pirata e o alvo escolherem o mesmo número, o Pirata vence.\nAlém disso, se o Pirata vencer o duelo ou o alvo não participar do duelo, o Pirata mata o alvo.\n\nComando de duelo: - /duel X (onde X pode ser 0, 1 ou 2)\n\nVocê vence depois de vencer um certo número de duelos definidos pelo anfitrião.\n\nNota: Se o alvo não participou do duelo, a morte não contará para a vitória do pirata.",
- "AgitaterInfoLong": "(Neutros):\n★O Demolidor tem como premissa a Batata Quente. \n★Use seu botão de abater em um jogador para passar a bomba. \n★Isso pode ser feito apenas uma vez por rodada. \n★O jogador que receber a bomba vai ser notificado, e então ele precisará passar a bomba para outra pessoa (para passar a bomba apenas encoste no jogador). \n★Quando uma reunião é convocada, o jogador com a bomba morre. \n★Se alguém tentar passar a bomba para a Peste ou o Veterano em estado de alerta, jogador com a bomba morre imediatamente.",
- "MaverickInfoLong": "(Neutros):\n★O Mestre Assassino pode matar como um assassino.\n★ O Mestre Assassino vence sozinho.\n★ Se você morrer, você perde.",
- "CursedSoulInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo a Alma Perdida, você rouba a vitória se sobreviver até o final do jogo.\n\nVocê pode roubar a vitória de um Palhaço ou Executor.\n\nAlém disso, você pode roubar as almas de outros jogadores.\nJogadores sem alma vencem com você e são contados como mortos.",
+ "PirateInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pirate, use your Kill button to select a target every round.\nYou will duel with your target in the next meeting. \nIf both the Pirate and the target choose the same number, the Pirate wins.\nAdditionally, if the Pirate wins the duel or the target doesn't participate in the duel, the Pirate kills the target.\n\nDueling command: /duel X (where X can be 0, 1, or 2)\n\nYou win after winning a certain number of duels set by the Host.\n\nNote: The kill would not count towards Pirate victory if the target did not participate in the duel.",
+ "AgitaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Agitator, your premise is essentially Hot Potato.\n\nUse your Kill Button on a player to pass the bomb.\nThis can only be done once per round.\n\nThe player who receives the bomb will be notified when receiving said bomb, in which they need to pass it to another player by getting near a player.\n\nWhen a meeting is called, the player with the bomb dies.\n\nIf trying to pass to Pestilence or a Veteran on alert, the bombed player dies instead.\nOptionally, the Agitator cannot receive the bomb.",
+ "MaverickInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Maverick, you can kill and, depending on options, Vent and have Impostor vision\nIf you survive until the end of the game, you win with the winning team.\nUse your killing ability to eliminate threats to your life, but don't get voted out.",
+ "CursedSoulInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cursed Soul, you steal the victory if you survive to the end of the game.\n\nYou can steal the win from a Jester or Executioner.\n\nAdditionally, you can steal the Souls of other players.\nSoulless players win with you and count as dead.",
"PickpocketInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo o Rouba-Votos, você rouba votos de suas vítimas.\n\nMate todos para vencer.",
"TraitorInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nO Traidor é um Impostor que traiu os Impostores.\nO Traidor saberá quem são os impostores, mas os impostores não saberão quem é o traidor.\nOs Impostores podem matar o Traidor, mas o Traidor não pode matar os Impostores.\n\nO Traidor precisa encontrar outra forma de eliminar os Impostores, então matar todos e vencer!",
- "TrollerInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo Trollador, você pode completar tarefas para que eventos aleatórios aconteçam com os jogadores. Por exemplo, mudar a velocidade de todos os jogadores, teleportação, influenciar sabotagens, etc.\nAlém disso, você pode vencer com a equipe vencedora.",
- "VultureInfoLong": "(Neutros):\n★O Canibal não reporta corpos normalmente.\n★ O Canibal come o corpo clicando em reportar, fazendo com que não seja mais possível reportar o corpo.\n★ Coma a maioria dos corpos para vencer!",
+ "TrollerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs a Troller, you can complete tasks so that random events can happen to players.\nFor example, changing the speed of all players, teleportation, influencing Sabotage, etc.\nAlso you can win with the winning team.",
+ "VultureInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Vulture, report bodies to win!\n\nWhen you report a body, if your Eat Cooldown is up, you'll eat the body (makes it unreportable).\nIf your eat ability is still on Cooldown, then you'll report the body normally.\n\nAdditionally, you'll report bodies normally if the maximum bodies eaten per round is reached.",
"AbyssbringerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Abyssbringer, you can place black holes. Black holes will suck in players and kill them when colliding with them.",
- "TaskinatorInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo Sabota-Tarefas, sempre que você concluir uma tarefa, ela será bombardeada. Quando outro jogador concluir a tarefa bombardeada, a bomba será detonada e o jogador morrerá.\n\nVocê vence se sobreviver até o fim e a equipe não vencer.\n\n Observação: as bombas do Sabota-Tarefas ignoram qualquer tipo de proteção.",
+ "TaskinatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Taskinator, whenever you finish a task, the task will be bombed. When another player completes the bombed task, the bomb will detonate, and the player will die.\n\nYou win if you survive till the end and Crewmates don't win.\n\n Note: Taskinator bombs ignore all protection.",
"BenefactorInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo Benfeitor, sempre que você completar uma tarefa, a tarefa será marcada. Quando outro jogador for completar a tarefa marcada, ele receberá um escudo temporário.\n\n Nota: O escudo protege apenas contra ataques diretos.",
- "MedusaInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Medusa, you can stone bodies much like cleaning a body.\nStoned bodies cannot be reported.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"SpiritcallerInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nO Caçador de Almas tem o poder de transformar suas vítimas em Espírtos Malvados depois de morrerem. \nEsses espíritos podem ajudar você a ganhar congelando outros jogadores por um curto tempo, além dos espíritos poderem bloquear sua visão. \nAdicionalmente, os espíritos podem te dar um escudo que te protege de uma tentativa de abate.",
- "AmnesiacInfoLong": "Neutrais):\nComo Amnesiac, use o botão de relatório para lembrar um alvo e obter seu papel.\nPara equilibrar o jogo, você não será capaz de evitar depois de lembrar o seu papel se não puder evitar como Amnesiac.'",
- "ImitatorInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo o Imitador, use o botão de matar para imitar um jogador.\n\nVocê se tornará um xerife, um refugiado ou algum neutro.",
- "BanditInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo Bandido, você pode clicar no botão de matar uma vez para roubar o atributo de um jogador. Dependendo das configurações, você pode roubar o atributo instantaneamente ou após o início da reunião. Depois que o número máximo de roubos for atingido, você matará normalmente. Além disso, se não houver atributos roubáveis presentes no alvo ou se o alvo tiver o atributo Protegido, você o matará direto.\n\nClique Único: Roubar o Atributo\nClique Duplo: Matar\n\nMate todos para vencer.\n\nNota:- Limpo, Último Impostor e Amantes não podem ser roubados.\nNota:- Se a opção pro Bandido poder usar os dutos estiver ativado, o atributo Ágil se tornará inroubável",
- "DoppelgangerInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo Sósia, use o botão de matar para roubar a identidade de um jogador (nome e skin) e, em seguida, mate seu alvo.\n\nMate todos para vencer.\n\nObservação: Você não pode roubar a identidade do alvo quando a Camuflagem estiver ativa.",
+ "AmnesiacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Amnesiac, use your report button to remember a target and get its role.\nTo balance the game, you will not be able to Vent after remembering your role if you can't Vent as Amnesiac.'",
+ "ImitatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Imitator, use your Kill button to imitate a player.\n\nYou'll either become a Sheriff, a Refugee, or some Neutral.",
+ "BanditInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Bandit, you can click your Kill button one time to steal a player's Add-on and twice to kill. Depending on the settings, you may instantly steal the Add-on or after the meeting starts. After the maximum number of steals is reached, you will kill normally. Additionally, if there are no stealable Add-ons on the target or the target is Stubborn, you will kill the target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: Cleansed, Last Impostor, and Lovers cannot be stolen.\nNote: If Bandit can Vent is on, Nimble will become unstealable.",
+ "DoppelgangerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Doppelganger, use your Kill button to steal a player's identity (their name and skin) and then kill your target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: You cannot steal the target's identity when Camouflage is active.",
"PunchingBagInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo o Masoquista, seu objetivo é ser atacado algumas vezes para vencer.\n\nVocê não pode ser adivinhado, pois isso adiciona ao seu contador de ataques.",
- "DoomsayerInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nO Apocalipse pode adivinhar a função de um jogador específico durante a reunião.\nSe o Profeta do Apocalipse adivinhar um certo número de funções (o número depende das configurações do anfitrião), então ele vence.\nO comando de adivinhação é: /bt [id do jogador] [função]\nVocê pode ver o Id do jogador antes do nome do jogador, ou usar o comando /id para visualizar o Id de todos os jogadores.",
- "ShroudInfoLong": "(Neutros):\n★O Encobertador não mata normalmente. \n★Em vez disso, use seu botão de abate para encobertar um jogador.\n★Jogadores encobertos matam outros. \n★Se o jogador encoberdo não fizer nenhum abate, eles cometerão suicídio depois da reunião. \n★O Encobertador pode ver os jogadores encobertos com um 「◈」 marcado próximo ao seu nome. \n★Jogadores encobertos que não realizaram o abate também terão o 「◈」.",
- "WerewolfInfoLong": "(Neutros):\n★O Lobisomen pode realizar abates bem parecido com qualquer assassino. \n★No entando, quando você matar, qualquer jogador próximo morrerá também. \n★Qualquer jogador que morrer para o Lobisomen terá a razão de morte como Espancado. \n★Para balancear isso, você tem um número maior de recarga do que qualquer um.",
- "ShamanInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo o Xamã, você pode usar seu botão de matar para selecionar um boneco de vodu uma vez por rodada. Se alguém usar o botão de matar em você, o efeito será refletido no boneco de vodu.\nSe você sobreviver até o final, você vence com o time vencedor.\nNota: Se o assassino não puder matar o alvo escolhido, o assassinato é cancelado, mas se o assassino revisitar o Xamã, o assassino matará o Xamã.",
- "SeekerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the seeker, use your kill button to tag the target. If the seeker tags the wrong player, a point is deducted, and if the seeker tags the correct player, a point will be added.\nAdditionally, the seeker will not be able to move for 5 seconds after every meeting and after getting a new target.\n\nThe seeker needs to collect a certain number of points set by the Host to win.\nSeeker will see a ★ mark on target's name.",
- "PixieInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo Fada, marque até uma quantidade x de alvos a cada rodada usando o botão de matar neles. Quando a reunião começar, sua tarefa é fazer com que um dos alvos marcados sejam ejetados. Se não tiver êxito, você se suicidará, exceto se não tiver marcado nenhum alvo ou se todos os alvos estiverem mortos. Os alvos selecionados são redefinidos para 0 após o término da reunião. Se for bem-sucedido, você ganhará um ponto. Você verá todos os seus alvos com nomes coloridos.\nVocê vence com a equipe vencedora quando tiver determinadas quantidades de pontos definidas pelo anfitrião.",
- "SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo o Gato de Schrödinger, se alguém tentar usar o botão de matar em você, você bloqueará a ação e se juntará ao time deles. Esta habilidade de bloqueio funciona apenas uma vez. Por padrão, você não tem uma condição de vitória, o que significa que você vence apenas após mudar de equipe.\nAlém disso, você será contado como \"nada\" no jogo.\n\nNota: Se a Máquina Mortiféra tentar usar o botão de matar em você, a interação não será bloqueada, e você morrerá.",
- "RomanticInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nO Romântico pode escolher seu parceiro usando seu botão de abate (isso pode ser feito a qualquer ponto do jogo). Uma vez que o parceiro for escolhido, o Romântico poderá usar seu botão de abate para dar ao seu parceiro um escudo temporário, o qual vai proteger ele de ataques. Se o parceiro dele morrer, a função do Romântico mudará de acordo com as seguintes condições:\n1. Se o parceiro dele era um Impostor, o Romântico se torna um Refugiado.\n2. Se o parceiro dele era um Neutro Assassino, então ele se torna um Romântico Impiedoso.\n3. Se o parceiro dele era um Membro do Coventículo, então ele se torna uma Alma Penada.\n4. Se o parceiro dele era um Tripulante ou um neutro não assassino, o Romântico se torna o Romântico Vingativo. \n\nO Romântico ganha com o time vencedor se o parceiro dele vencer.\nNota: Se sua função mudar, sua condição de vitória será mudada de acordo",
- "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nVocê muda sua função de Romântico se seu parceiro (um assassino neutro) for morto. Como um Romântico Implacável, você vence se matar todos e for o último sobrevivente. Se você vencer, seu parceiro morto também vencerá com você.",
- "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nVocê muda sua função de Romântico se seu parceiro (um tripulante ou um assassino não neutro) for morto. Como um Romântico Vingativo, seu objetivo é vingar seu parceiro, o que significa que você deve matar o assassino do seu parceiro. Se você conseguir, então você e seu parceiro vencem com o time vencedor no final. Se você tentar matar alguém que não seja o assassino do seu parceiro, você morrerá por falha.",
- "PoisonerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Poisoner, your kills are delayed.\nKill everyone to win.",
- "HexMasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hex Master, you can hex players or kill them.\nHexing a player works the same as spelling as a Witch.",
- "WraithInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo o Invisível, você pode usar o duto para Desaparecer temporariamente. Você ainda aparecerá visível na sua tela. Use o duto novamente para ficar visível. Você vence se for o último jogador restante.",
- "JinxInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jinx, whenever you get attacked, you jinx them, resulting in them dying to a jinx.\nThis has limited uses.\n\nKill off everyone to win.",
- "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Potion Master, you have three different potions assigned to three different actions.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\nMap: Sabotage\n\nThe reveal potion has a limit.\nWhen you run out, the kill buttons default to killing.",
- "NecromancerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Necromancer, you win when you're the last one standing.\nAdditionally when someone tries to kill you, you will block the kill, and you will teleport to a random vent. You will have a limited time to kill your killer. If you succeed in doing so, you live. If the time runs out before you kill your killer, you die permanently. If you try to kill someone else other than your killer, you will die.",
- "ShockerInfoLong": "Neutrais):\nComo o Chocador, você pode marcar cômodos fazendo tarefas neles, e, em seguida, evite eletrocutar qualquer um desses quartos por um período de tempo definido. Quando você terminar todas as suas tarefas, você obterá novas. Nota: realizar tarefas durante esse período irá marcá-las para o próximo uso da habilidade.",
- "LastImpostorInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nEste efeito especial é dado ao último Impostor sobrevivente. Ele reduz significativamente o tempo de recarga para matar deles.",
- "OverclockedInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nComo Ansioso, sua recarga para matar é reduzida em uma porcentagem.\n\nSó é atribuído a funções com um botão de matar.",
+ "DoomsayerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Doomsayer can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting.\nIf the Doomsayer guesses a certain number of roles (the number depends on the Host settings), then he wins.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
+ "ShroudInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shroud, you do not kill normally.\nInstead, use your Kill button to shroud a player.\nShrouded players kill others.\nIf the shrouded player doesn't make a kill, they'll kill themselves after a meeting.\n\nShroud sees shrouded players with a 「◈」mark next to their name.\nShrouded players who did not make a kill will also have the 「◈」mark in meetings, where they'll die if the Shroud is alive by the end of the meeting.",
+ "WerewolfInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Werewolf, you can kill much like any killer.\nHowever, when you kill, any nearby players also die.\nAny player who dies to this will have their death reason as Mauled.\n\nTo balance this, you have a higher Kill Cooldown than anyone else.",
+ "ShamanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shaman, you can use your Kill button to select a Voodoo Doll once per round. If the Kill button is used on you, the effect will be deflected onto the Voodoo Doll.\nIf you survive until the end, you win with the winning team.\nNote: If the killer cannot kill the chosen target, murder is canceled, but if the killer rechecks the Shaman, the killer will kill the Shaman.",
+ "SeekerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Seeker, use your Kill button to tag the target. If the Seeker tags the wrong player, a point is deducted, and if the Seeker tags the correct player, a point will be added.\nAdditionally, the Seeker will not be able to move for 5 seconds after every meeting and after getting a new target.\n\nThe Seeker needs to collect a certain number of points set by the Host to win.\nSeeker will see a ★ mark on target's name.",
+ "PixieInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pixie, mark up to an X amount of targets each round by using the Kill button on them. You must have one of the marked targets ejected when the meeting starts. If unsuccessful, you will commit suicide, except if you didn't mark any targets or all the targets are dead. The selected targets reset to 0 after the meeting ends. If you succeed, you will gain a point. You see all your targets in colored names.\n\nYou win with the winning team when you have certain amounts of points set by the Host.",
+ "SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs Schrodingers Cat, if someone attempts to use the Kill button on you, you will block the action and join their team. This blocking ability works only once. By default, you don't have a victory condition, meaning you win only after switching teams.\nIn Addition to this, you will be counted as nothing in the game.\n\nNote: If the Killing Machine attempts to use their Kill button on you, the interaction is not blocked, and you will die.",
+ "RomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Romantic can pick their lover partner using their Kill button (this can be done at any point of the game). Once they've picked their partner, they can use their Kill button to give their partner a temporary shield that protects them from attacks. If their lover partner dies, the Romantic's role will change according to the following conditions:\n1. If their partner was an Impostor, the Romantic becomes the Refugee\n2. If their partner was a Neutral Killer, then they become Ruthless Romantic.\n3. If their partner was a Crewmate or a non-killing Neutral, the Romantic becomes the Vengeful Romantic. \n\nThe Romantic wins with the winning team if their partner wins.\nNote: If your role changes, your win condition will be changed accordingly",
+ "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (a Neutral Killer) is killed. As a Ruthless Romantic, you win if you kill everyone and are the last one standing. If you win, your dead partner will also win with you.",
+ "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (a Crewmate or non-Neutral Killer) is killed. As a Vengeful Romantic, your goal is to avenge your partner, which means you must kill the killer of your partner. If you succeed, then you and your partner win with the winning team at the end. If you try to kill someone other than your partner's killer, then you will die by misfire.",
+ "WraithInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Wraith, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible. You win if you are the last player remaining.",
+ "ShockerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shocker, you can mark rooms by doing tasks in them, and then Vent to electrocute anyone in those rooms for a set period of time. When you finish all of your tasks, you get new ones. Note: Doing tasks during that period will mark them for the next ability use.",
+ "CovenInfoLong": "(Coven):\nCoven members are on a separate team that works together and wins together. If there are multiple Coven roles in the game, they can see each other's roles.\nDepending on the Host's settings, Coven roles can guess or be guessed.\nDo /coveninfo for more info.",
+ "PoisonerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Poisoner can use their Kill button on a player to roleblock them. The next time the roleblocked player tries to use their ability, it will do nothing, and their Cooldown will be reset.\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. These kills will be delayed.",
+ "HexMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Hex Master can use their Kill button to mark a player with the 乂 symbol. If a player has this at the end of the meeting and the Hex Master hasn't died - then they die.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Hex will be passed around - similar to an Agitator bomb. Also, you can double-click the Kill button to kill normally.",
+ "JinxInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Jinx can use their Kill button to jinx a player. Anyone who interacts with the jinxed player will die with the death reason Jinxed.\nWith the Necronomicon the Jinx can double-kill to kill normally. Also, the jinxed player and the player who interacted with the jinxed person will die.",
+ "MedusaInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Medusa can use their Kill button on players to mark them as Stoned. When the Medusa clicks the Shapeshift button, all Stoned players will be unable to move and will have reduced vision for a configurable amount of time.\nWith the Necronomicon, killed players will be unreportable.",
+ "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Potion Master has two potions available for their use. The Reveal potion reveals a player's role. The Barrier potion places a shield on a player for one round, the player will not be notified of this unless they are Coven as well. Click the Shapeshift button to change potions.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Potion Master can double-click their Kill button to kill.",
+ "NecromancerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nAs the Necromancer, you can Shapeshift to become the role of a random dead person for a set duration.\nSome roles can not be used.\nOnce a role is used, it can not be used the rest of the game.\nWith the Necronomicon, when someone tries to kill you, you will block the kill and be teleported to a random Vent. You have a limited time to kill your killer. If the time runs out or you try to kill someone else, you die.",
+ "CovenLeaderInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Coven Leader can use their Kill button on a fellow Coven member to retrain them into a random Coven role that isn’t currently in the game. During the next meeting, that Coven member will be notified that the Coven Leader wishes to retrain them. They can vote themselves to accept the retrain, or vote otherwise to deny it. Denying the retrain does not take away an ability usage.\nWith the Necronomicon, you cannot retrain, and can only kill other players.",
+ "RitualistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nDuring a meeting, the Ritualist can perform a Blood Ritual to guess a player’s exact role. If the Ritualist is correct, that player will be converted to Coven. If the Ritualist is incorrect, they will not die but will be unable to Blood Ritual until the next meeting.\nThe command is /rt id role.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Ritualist can kill.",
+ "ConjurerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nShapeshift once to mark a location.\nShapeshift again to conjure a meteor at the place you marked, killing everyone in the radius.\nWith the Necronomicon, you can kill. You can also mark a player using the Shapeshift UI. When the Conjurer clicks the Shapeshift button again, all the players in the radius of the marked player will die, including the marked player.",
+ "DreamweaverInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Dreamweaver can dreamweave a player. The dreamweaved players will be notified of this during the next meeting. If the Dreamweaver is not voted out, these players will be unable to use their abilities until the Dreamweaver dies.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Dreamweaver can double-click to kill.",
+ "IllusionistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Illusionist can use their Kill button on a player to reverse the results of any investigative role. For example, if someone with a Kill button is Illusioned, they will appear not to have a Kill button to the Investigator, and vice versa.\nIllusions wear off after meetings.\nWith the Necronomicon, you may double-click to kill. Every kill you make appears as a random death reason.",
+ "VoodooMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Voodoo Master can craft a Voodoo Doll of a player by using their Kill button, similar to the Shaman. All the interactions with you using Kill button will be deflected to the Voodoo Doll and the Voodoo Doll will destroy. Unlike the Shaman, this voodoo will last during the meeting (eg. If the Voodoo Master is judged, then the voodoo'd player will be judged instead).\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. Additionally, the voodoo’d player will be unable to report. The next person to interact with them will die.",
+ "SacrifistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Sacrifist can Shapeshift to cause a random debuff to a non-Coven member, however, the Sacrifist will also receive this effect (when applicable).\nThe random player will be the same player until the round ends.\nDepending on the Host’s settings, if the Sacrifist is voted out, some random non-Coven who voted the Sacrifist will die too.\nNormally, the Sacrifist can not kill, however, to prevent prolonging of the game, Sacrifist can kill if they are the last Coven member alive.\nWith the Necronomicon, when you Shapeshift, you will commit the Ultimate Sacrifice. When you do this, you die. However, the entire Coven for the rest of the game receives a lowered Kill Cooldown.",
+ "MoonDancerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Moon Dancer can use their Kill button to use their ability, Baton Pass.\nIf used on a Coven member: Gives a Helpful Add-on at the next meeting.\nIf used on a non-Coven member: Gives a Harmful Add-on at the next meeting.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Moon Dancer can double-click their Kill button to kill. When killing, the player is teleported off the map. They will appear alive on Vitals and will not show up in Tracefinder's arrows etc. They die when a meeting/body report with the death reason Blasted Off.",
+ "LastImpostorInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThis special effect is given to the last surviving Impostor. It significantly reduces their Kill Cooldown.",
+ "OverclockedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Overclocked, your Kill Cooldown is reduced by a percentage.\n\nThis feature is only assigned to roles with a Kill button.",
"LoversInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nOs Amantes são uma combinação de dois jogadores. Os Amantes vencem quando são os últimos sobreviventes, e sua vitória é compartilhada. Quando um dos Amantes vence, o outro também vence junto. Os Amantes podem ver o símbolo 「♥」 ao lado do nome um do outro. Se um dos Amantes morre, o outro morrerá de amor (talvez não morra de amor de acordo com as configurações do Anfitrião). Quando um dos Amantes é exilado na reunião, o outro morrerá e se tornará um corpo morto que não pode ser reportado.",
- "MadmateInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nApenas Tripulantes pode se tornar um Cúmplice. A Tarefa do Cúmplice é ajudar os Impostores a vencer, o Cúmplice irá perder se os Impostores forem mortos/ejetados. Talvez o Cúmplica saiba quem são os Impostores e talvez os Impostores saibam quem é o Cúmplice (configuração do Anfitrião).\n\nPreguiçoso, Celebridade não pode se tornar Cumplíce. Xerife, Agente, Justiceiro, Prefeito e Juiz podem se tornar Cúmplice (de acordo com o anfitrião). A habilidade muda quando as seguintes funções são convertidas em Cúmplices:\n\nGerente do Tempo => Fazer tarefas reduzirá o tempo de reunião.\nGuarda-Costas => A habilidade não será ativada se o assassino for um Impostor.\nAtordoador => A bomba de fumaça funcionará em tripulantes e neutros em vez de impostores.\nXerife => Pode matar qualquer um, incluindo Impostores (configurações do anfitrião).\nJusticeiro => Consegue adivinhar Tripulantes e Neutros\nPsíquico => Todos os nomes de Neutros e Tripulantes com capacidade de matar serão exibidos em vermelho.\nJuiz => Pode julgar qualquer um\nPacifista => Sua habilidade só funciona em Tripulantes.",
+ "MadmateInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Crewmates can become Madmate. Madmate's task is to help the Impostors win the game. Madmate will lose if all Impostors are killed/ejected. Madmates may know who are Impostors, and Impostors may know who are Madmates (Host settings).\n\nLazy Guy, Celebrity can't become Madmate. Sheriff, Snitch, Nice Guesser, Mayor, and Judge may become Madmate (Host settings). Skill changes when the following roles are converted into Madmates:\n\nTime Manager => Doing tasks will reduce meeting time.\nBodyguard => Skill won't activate if the killer is an Impostor.\nGrenadier => Flash bomb will work on Crewmates and Neutrals instead of the Impostors.\nSheriff => Can kill anyone, including Impostors (Host settings).\nNice Guesser => Can guess Crewmates and Neutrals\nPsychic => All evil Neutrals and Crewmates' names with the ability to kill will be displayed in Red.\nJudge => Can judge anyone\nPacifist => Their ability only works on Crewmates.",
"WatcherInfoLong": "(Atributos):\n★Durante a reunião, o Visão de Voto verá o voto de todos.",
"FlashInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nA velocidade de movimento padrão do Flash é mais rápida que outras. (a velocidade depende da configuração do Anfitrião)",
- "TorchInfoLong": "(Atributos):\no Tocha tem visão máxima e não é afetado pela sabotagem da luz.",
- "SeerInfoLong": "(Atributos):\n★Sempre que um jogador morrer, o Preditor saberá (um alerta vermelho aparecerá, provavelmente junto com um som de sabotagem).",
+ "TorchInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nTorch has maximum vision and is not affected by Lights Sabotage.",
+ "SeerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever a player dies, the Seer will see a kill-flash (a red flash, possibly accompanied by an alarm sound like Sabotage).",
"TiebreakerInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nQuando houver empate na votação, será dada prioridade ao alvo votado pelo Desempatador. Observação: Se múltiplos Desempatadores escolherem alvos diferentes simultaneamente, as habilidades do Desempatador não terão efeito.",
"ObliviousInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nA Perícia e os Faxineiros não serão o Alheio. O Alheio não pode reportar corpos mortos. Nota: Se um Armador for morto pelo Alheio, a função do Armador funcionará normalmente e o corpo será reportado.",
"BewilderInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nO Perplexo pode ter uma visão menor/maior. Quando o Perplexo morre, a visão do assassino pode se tornar a mesma que a do Perplexo, dependendo das configurações.",
"WorkhorseInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nA primeira pessoa a completar todas as tarefas se tornará o Burro de Carga, o Burro de Carga dará tarefas adicionais para outros jogadores. A quantidade de tarefas adicionais é definida pelo Anfitrião.",
- "FoolInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nO Cão de Caça e o Mecânico não serão o Travesso. O Travesso não pode consertar nenhuma sabotagem.",
+ "FoolInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nSleuth and Mechanic won't be Fool. Fools can't repair any Sabotage.",
"AvangerInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nO Anfitrião pode definir se o Impostor pode se tornar um Vingador. Quando o Vingador é morto (votado fora, e mortes irregulares não contarão), o Vingador se vingará de um jogador aleatório.",
"YoutuberInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nApenas o Tripulante se tornará Troll. Quando o YouTuber é o primeiro jogador a morrer no jogo, o YouTuber vencerá sozinho. Se o YouTuber não cumprir as condições de vitória, ele seguirá como Tripulante para vencer. Nota: Métodos de morte indireta, como ser exilado, ser adivinhado pelo Adivinhador, etc., não acionarão as habilidades do YouTuber.",
"EgoistInfoLong": "(Atributos):\n★Cúmplices e Neutros não serão o Egoísta. Se o time em que o Egoísta está vencer, o Egoísta irá ganhar sozinho.",
"StealerInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nCada vez que um Ladrão mata alguém, ele recebe um voto adicional (o Anfitrião define o número de votos, e o decimal é arredondado para baixo).\nAlém disso, os votos extras do Ladrão são ocultos durante a reunião dependendo das opções.",
- "ParanoiaInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nNão atribuído aos Neutros nem aos Cúmplices.\nComo a Paranoia, você será considerado como dois jogadores no jogo para determinar quando o jogo termina devido aos assassinos terem a maioria. Além disso, isso lhe concede um voto extra, dependendo das opções.",
+ "ParanoiaInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Paranoia, you will be considered as two players in the game to determine when the game ends due to killers having the majority. Additionally, this grants you an extra vote, depending on options.\nNot assigned to Neutrals nor Madmates.",
"MimicInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nApenas o Impostor pode se tornar o Mimico. Quando o Mimico morre, outros Impostores receberão uma mensagem assim que uma reunião for convocada. Esta mensagem incluirá informações sobre os papéis que o Mimico matou.",
- "GuesserInfoLong": "Entendido! Aqui está a correção:\n\n(Atributos):\nComo Adivinhador, adivinhe as funções dos jogadores nas reuniões para matá-los.\nAdivinhar a função incorreta resulta na sua própria morte.\nO comando de adivinhação é: /bt [ID do jogador] [função]\nVocê pode ver o ID do jogador antes do nome do jogador ou usar o comando /id para ver o ID de todos os jogadores.",
- "NecroviewInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Necroview can see the teams of dead players. The following info will be displayed on the dead player's name while in a meeting:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.",
- "ReachInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nApenas funções com um botão de matar podem obter este atributo. Ao contrário de todos os outros, você tem o alcance de matar mais longo possível no jogo.",
+ "GuesserInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs a Guesser, guess the roles of players in meetings to kill them.\nGuessing the incorrect role kills you instead.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
+ "NecroviewInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Necroview can see the teams of dead players. The following info will be displayed on the dead player's name while in a meeting:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.\n- The Purple name indicates the Coven.",
+ "ReachInfoLong": "(Add-on)\nOnly roles with a Kill button can get this Add-on. Unlike everyone else, you have the longest kill range possible in the game.",
"BaitInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nQuando o Armador é morto, a pessoa que matou o Armador vai reportar o corpo automaticamente. No entanto, isso não acontecerá quando o Armador for morto por um Necrófago, Faxineiro, Camaleão, Invisível ou Máquina Mortífera. O reporte pode ter um atraso de acordo com as configurações do Anfitrião.",
"TrapperInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nQuando o Imobilizador é morto, ele imobiliza o jogador que o matou por um tempo configurado pelo Anfitrião.",
- "CharmedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Atributos):\n★O atributo Encantado é obtido ao ser encantado pelo Cultista.\nUma vez encantado, você agora faz parte da equipe do Cultista e não está mais na sua equipe original.",
+ "CharmedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Charmed Add-on is obtained by being charmed by the Cultist.\nOnce charmed, you are now on the Cultist's team and no longer on your original team.",
"CleansedInfoLong": "(Atributos):\n★O Atributo Limpo apenas é obtido pela limpeza de todos os seus atributos pelo Limpador.",
- "InfectedInfoLong": "(Atributos de Traição):\n★O atributo Infectado é obtido ao ser infectado pelo Zumbi.\nUma vez infectado, você trabalha para o Zumbi e não vence com a sua equipe original.",
- "OnboundInfoLong": "(Atributos):\n★Com o atributo Inadivinhável, você não pode ser adivinhado em reuniões.",
- "ReboundInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nCom o atributo Ricochete, se um Adivinhador adivinhar você com sucesso ou um Juiz julgar você com sucesso, eles morrerão.\nSe um jogador com Disparo Duplo adivinhar você corretamente, ele morrerá instantaneamente.",
+ "InfectedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Infected Add-on is obtained by being infected by the Infectious.\nOnce infected, you work for the Infectious and do not win with your original team.",
+ "OnboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Onbound Add-on, you cannot be guessed in meetings.",
+ "ReboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Rebound Add-on, if a Guesser successfully guessed you or a Judge successfully judged you, they will die instead.\nIf a player with Double Shot guesses you correctly, they will die instantly.",
"MundaneInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nComo o Mundano, você só pode adivinhar depois de completar todas as suas tarefas.",
"KnightedInfoLong": "(Atributos):\n★Quando um Monarca nomeia alguém como cavaleiro, eles recebem um voto extra.",
- "UnreportableInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nCom o atributo Irreportável, seu corpo não poderá ser reportado.",
+ "UnreportableInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Disregarded Add-on, your corpse will be unreportable.",
"ContagiousInfoLong": "(Atributos de Traição):\n★Quando o Vírus te infecta, você se torna Contagiado.\nJogadores Contagiados fazem parte da equipe do Vírus.\n\nSe você morrer após uma reunião depende das configurações para o Vírus.",
- "LuckyInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nCom o atributo Sortudo, há uma probabilidade de você evitar ser morto; o Anfitrião define a probabilidade específica. O assassino verá a animação de escudo quando a evasão ocorrer, mas você não saberá de nada.",
+ "LuckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Lucky Add-on, there is a probability for you to evade the kill; the Host sets the specific probability. The killer will see a Shield Animation when the evasion takes effect, but you will not know anything.",
"DoubleShotInfoLong": "(Atributos):\n★Quando um jogador com Segunda Chance adivinha incorretamente uma função, eles terão uma segunda chance de adivinhar, mas o próximo palpite errado resultará em suicídio.",
- "RascalInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nComo o Verificador, você pode morrer para o Xerife, e o Agente pode encontrá-lo se o Agente puder encontrar os Cúmplices.\n\nApenas atribuído aos Tripulantes, não pode ser atribuído pelo Mercador.",
- "SoullessInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nQuando uma Alma Perdida rouba a sua alma, você recebe este atributo.\n\nVocê não é contado como vivo.",
+ "RascalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rascal, you can die to the Sheriff, and Snitch can find you if Snitch can find Madmates.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates, cannot be assigned by the Merchant.",
+ "SoullessInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a Cursed Soul steals your soul, you get this Add-on.\n\nYou are not counted as alive.",
"GravestoneInfoLong": "(Atributos):\n★Como uma Lápide, a sua função é revelada a todos quando você morre.",
"LazyInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nComo o Preguiçoso, você recebe uma única tarefa curta e é imune ao Controlador de Mentes, Marionetista e Gangster.",
"AutopsyInfoLong": "(Atributo)\n★Como um Autópsia, você pode ver como as pessoas morreram.\n\nNão pode ser atribuído ao Médico, Super Detetive, Cientista ou Sunnyboy.",
- "RebirthInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nComo o Renascido, se você for o jogador que vai ser ejetado, você trocará de skins com alguém e renascerá mais uma vez.\n\nAviso: O Renascido será removido de você se você usar todos os seus renascimentos.",
- "LoyalInfoLong": "(Atributos):\n★Como um Leal, você não pode ser recrutado por funções como Chacal ou Cultista.\n\nNão pode ser atribuído a neutros.",
+ "RebirthInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rebirth, if you're the player about to be ejected, you will swap skins with a random Crewmate who voted for you.\nNotice: The Host vote never counts\nRebirth will be removed from you if you exhausted all your rebirths.",
+ "LoyalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Loyal, you cannot be recruited by roles such as Jackal or Cultist.\n\nCannot be assigned to Neutrals.",
"EvilSpiritInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nComo um Espírito Maligno, seu objetivo é ajudar o Caçador de Almas a vencer. Você pode usar seu botão Assombrar para congelar jogadores e reduzir sua visão. Alternativamente, você pode usar seu botão Assombrar para dar temporariamente ao Caçador de Almas um escudo contra uma tentativa de abate.",
- "RecruitInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nComo recruta, você faz parte da equipe do Jackal e ajuda o Jackal e seus Assistente.\nNão é possível vencer com sua equipe original.\nDependendo das configurações, você pode se transformar em Jackal se o antigo Jackal tiver sido morto e nenhum Assistente estiver vivo.",
- "AdmiredInfoLong": "(Atributos de Traição): \n★Você foi admirado pelo Admirador e agora ganha com a tripulação e não com seu time original. \n★Você pode ver o Admirador.",
+ "RecruitInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs a recruit, you are on the Jackal's team and help out the Jackal and their Sidekicks.\nYou cannot win with your original team.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed and no Sidekicks is alive.",
+ "AdmiredInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs an Admired player, you win with the Crewmates and not your original team.\n\nYou can see the Admirer.",
+ "EnchantedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Enchanted Add-on can only be obtained through being converted by the Ritualist or upon killing the OIIAI as a non-Nerconomicon holder.\nOnce Enchanted, you are apart of the Coven team and are no longer apart of your original team.",
"GlowInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nDurante o apagamento das luzes, você e os jogadores próximos receberão um aumento de visão.",
"RadarInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nComo Radar, você sempre terá setas apontando para a pessoa mais próxima.",
- "DiseasedInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nQuando alguém tenta usar o botão de matar em você, o tempo de recarga da pessoa vai ser aumentado.",
- "AntidoteInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nQuando alguém tenta usar o botão de matar em você, o tempo de recarga da pessoa vai ser aumentado.",
- "StubbornInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nComo Protegido, o Apagador não pode apagar sua função, o Limpador não pode limpar você, o Bandido não pode roubar de você e o Monarca não pode te nomear.\nAlém disso, você não pode obter novos atributos do Atribuidor.",
+ "DiseasedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the Kill button on you, their Cooldown will be increased by a configurable amount of time.",
+ "AntidoteInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the Kill button on you, their Cooldown will be decreased by a configurable amount of time.",
+ "StubbornInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Stubborn Add-on, Eraser can't erase your role, Cleanser can't cleanse you, Bandit can't steal from you, and Monarch can't knight you.\nAdditionally, you can't gain any new Add-ons from the Merchant.",
"SwiftInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nComo o Veloz, você não fará nenhum movimento ao matar.\nNota: Veloz também ignora Armador",
- "UnluckyInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nComo o Azarado, ao completar tarefas, matar, usar os dutos ou abrir uma porta, você tem a chance de morrer.",
+ "UnluckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Unlucky, when you Complete Tasks, Kill, Venting, or open a Door, you have a chance to die.",
"SpurtInfoLong": "(Atributos): \nQuando você começa a andar, você irá ganhar um enorme aumento de velocidade, que rapidamente se deteriora, até que você precise parar para descansar por um tempo para rejuvenescer sua velocidade.",
- "VoidBallotInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nEsse atributo faz seu voto não ter nenhum valor.",
+ "VoidBallotInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nHolder of this Add-on will have 0 vote count.",
"AwareInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nO Consciente tem a habilidade de ser notificado na próxima reunião caso alguma função reveladora interaja com ele.",
- "FragileInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nO Frágil vai morrer instantaneamente se alguém tentar usar o botão de matar nele. (mesmo se a função não poder matar diretamente).",
- "GhoulInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nComo o Espírito, um dos dois resultados pode ocorrer ao completar tarefas.\n\nSe vivo: Suicídio\nSe morto: Você mata seu assassino se eles estiverem vivos.\n\nIsso é atribuído apenas aos tripulantes, e não aos tripulantes sem tarefas ou baseados em tarefas.",
- "BloodthirstInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nComo o Sanguinário, a realização de tarefas permite que você mate.\nAo concluir uma tarefa, o próximo jogador com quem você entrar em contato morre.\n\nSua sede de sangue permanece após um encontro.\nAo matar, sua sede de sangue se esgota até a próxima tarefa que você concluir.\nAs sedes de sangue não se acumulam.\n\nSó é atribuída a tripulantes com tarefas.",
- "MareInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nO Pesadelo tem um tempo de recarga baixo mas pode apenas matar durante a sabotagem das luzes. \nAdicionalmente, seu nome aparecerá vermelho durante o apagão. \nApenas atribuida para Impostores e não pode ser adivinhada.",
- "BurstInfoLong": "(Atributos):\n★A Explosão faz seu assassino explodir se ele não estiver dentro de uma ventilação.",
+ "FragileInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Fragile, you will instantly die if someone tries to use the Kill button on you (even if the role cannot directly kill).",
+ "GhoulInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Ghoul, one of two outcomes can occur on task completion.\n\nIf alive: Suicide\nIf dead: You kill your killer if they're alive.\n\nThis is only assigned to Crewmates, and not Crewmates with no tasks or are task-based.",
+ "BloodthirstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Bloodthirst, doing tasks allows you to become bloodthirsty and kill players.\nWhen you finish a task, the next player you come in contact with dies.\n\nYour Bloodthirst remains after a meeting.\nUpon making a kill, your Bloodthirst clears till the next task you complete.\nBloodthirsts do not stack.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates with tasks.",
+ "MareInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Mare, you have a low Kill Cooldown and have higher speed but can only kill during lights.\n\nAdditionally, your name will appear in red during lights.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors and cannot be guessed.",
+ "BurstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Burst, your killer explodes if they aren't inside a Vent after a set amount of time.",
"SleuthInfoLong": "(Atributos):\n★O Cão de Caça ganha informações de cadáveres. \n★Opcionalmente, você sabe a função do assassino. \n★Não é atribuido para a Perícia e o Funerário.",
- "ClumsyInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nComo o Desajeitado, você tem uma chance de errar o seu assassinato.\n\nQuando você erra, seu tempo de recarga é resetado, e o alvo permanece intocado.\n\nApenas atribuído aos assassinos.",
- "CircumventInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nComo Claustrofóbico, você não pode ventar. Atribuído somente a Impostores.",
- "NimbleInfoLong": "(Atributos):\n★O Ágil tem acesso as ventilações. \n★Apenas atribuido para certos tripulantes.",
- "InfluencedInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nComo Influenciado, seu voto será forçado para o jogador com o maior número de votos.\nO voto do Influenciado não será contado ao escolher o jogador expulso'\nObserve que sua habilidade de voto ainda funciona no jogador em que você votou primeiro\nSe todos os jogadores vivos forem influenciados, o resultado da votação não será alterado\nO Coletor não pode ser influenciado.",
+ "ClumsyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Clumsy, you have a chance to miss your kill.\n\nWhen you miss, your Cooldown is reset, and the target remains untouched.\n\nOnly assigned to killers.",
+ "CircumventInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Circumvent, you can't Vent.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors.",
+ "NimbleInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Nimble, you gain access to the Vent button.\n\nOnly assigned to certain Crewmates.",
+ "InfluencedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Influenced, your vote will be forced to the player with the most votes.\nInfluenced vote won't be counted while choosing the exiled player'\nNote that your vote skill still functions on the player you voted first\nIf all the alive players are Influenced, then the vote result won't shift\nCollector cannot become Influenced.",
"SilentInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nComo Silencioso, o ícone do seu voto não aparecerá na tela de resultados.\nEntão ninguém irá saber em quem você votou.",
"SusceptibleInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nComo Indeciso, o motivo da sua morte será aleatório.",
"TrickyInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nComo Brincalhão, suas mortes terão um motivo de morte aleatório.",
"TiredInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nSempre que o jogador com o atributo Cansado mata alguém (ou usa a habilidade do botão de matar) ou sempre que ele completa uma tarefa, ele terá temporariamente visão e velocidade mais baixas.",
"StatueInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nSempre que tiver muitas pessoas perto da estátua, a estátua fica completamente congelada ou desacelerada dependendo das configurações.",
"EvaderInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nQuando o Evadidor é expulso, há uma chance de que ele não seja expulso. (Chance definida pelo Anfitrião.)",
- "CyberInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nComo o Cibernético, você não pode morrer enquanto estiver em um grupo.\nDependendo das configurações, Impostores, Neutros e/ou Tripulantes saberão se você morrer.",
- "HurriedInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nComo Apressado, você deve concluir todas as suas tarefas para vencer com sua equipe! Se falhar em suas tarefas, você perderá.\nO Apressado corre para concluir seu objetivo, então o Apressado não irá virar Cúmplice, Encantado ou algo assim.",
- "OiiaiInfoLong": "(Atributos):\\nComo Borracha, você apagará a função principal do seu assassino.\\nAdicionalmente, a Borracha poderá passar para o assassino.\\nUm jogador pode apenas ser apagado uma vez (incluindo a Borracha).",
- "RainbowInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nComo o Arco-Íris, você muda de cor a cada segundo que passa.",
+ "CyberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Cyber, you cannot die while in a group.\nDepending on the settings, Impostors, Neutrals, and or Crewmates will know if you die.",
+ "HurriedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the hurried, you must finish all your tasks to win with your team! If you fail with your tasks, you lose.\nHurried hurries to his goal, so it won't get Madmate, Charmed or so.",
+ "OiiaiInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the OIIAI, when you die, you will make your killer forget their role.\nAdditionally, you may pass OIIAI on to the killer, depending on settings.",
+ "RainbowInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rainbow, you change your colors like crazy.",
"GMInfoLong": "(Nenhum):\nO Espectador é uma função observadora. \nSua presença não faz diferença no jogo, e todos os jogadores sabem quem o Espectador é. A função do Espectador vai ser atribuida para o Anfitrião, o qual irá se tornar um fantasma no inicio da partida.",
- "SunnyboyInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo o Sunnyboy, você vence se estiver morto até o final do jogo. O jogo não terminará se você estiver vivo devido aos assassinos ganharem a maioria.\nAlém disso, você tem acesso aos sinais vitais portáteis.",
- "BardInfoLong": "(Impostores):\nEnquanto o Bardo estiver vivo, a mensagem de confirmação de ejeção será composta pelo Bardo. \nQuando o Bardo completar a criação, o tempo de recarga do Bardo será permanentemente dividida pela metade.",
+ "SunnyboyInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sunnyboy, you win if you are dead by the end of the game. The game will not end when you are alive due to killers gaining the majority.\nAdditionally, you have access to portable Vitals.",
+ "BardInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen a Bard is alive, the exile confirmation will display a sentence composed by the Bard. Whenever the Bard completes a creation, the Bard's Kill Cooldown will be permanently halved.",
"WardenInfoLong": "(Tripulantes [Fantasma]):\nComo Defensor, você pode alertar alguém sobre um perigo próximo, dando-lhe adicionalmente um aumento temporário de velocidade.",
"GhastlyInfoLong": "(Tripulantes [Fantasma]):\nComo a Assombração, ele pode possuir uma pessoa desavisada, e depois escolher um alvo para ela, agora ela só poderá usar sua habilidade de matar (ou habilidade de matar) no alvo até você possuir outra pessoa ou o tempo acabe.",
- "MinionInfoLong": "(Impostor [Fantasma]):\nComo o Lacaio, você pode cegar temporariamente os impostores e os neutros.",
- "DollMasterInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nComo Mestre Marionetista, você pode assumir temporariamente o controle de qualquer jogador usando o botão Metamorfo e fazê-lo realizar suas ações!",
- "DoubleAgentInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nComo o Agente Duplo, você não pode acessar o botão de matar. No entanto, você pode votar em alguém em uma reunião para passar uma bomba para ele, o que só pode ser feito em um jogador por vez. Assim que a reunião terminar, a bomba será ativada e explodirá em um determinado período de tempo.\nNota: quando você passa a bomba para alguém em uma reunião, você pode votar depois.\n\nAlém disso, dependendo das configurações, o Agente Duplo pode desarmar as bombas do Mestre das Bombas e do Demolidor ao usar os dutos.\n\nO Agente Duplo pode mudar de função quando for o Último Impostor, dependendo das configurações, a função pode ser Impostor Admirado, Trapaceiro, Traidor ou permanecer como o Agente Duplo.",
+ "MinionInfoLong": "(Impostor [Ghost]):\nAs the Minion, you can temporarily blind non-Impostors.",
+ "DollMasterInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Dollmaster, you can temporarily take control of any player by using the Shapeshift button and to make them do your deeds!",
+ "DoubleAgentInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Double Agent, you cannot access the Kill button. However, you can vote for someone in a meeting to pass a bomb onto them, which can only be done one player at a time. Once the meeting has finished, the bomb will activate and explode in a set amount of time.\nNote: when you pass the bomb onto someone in a meeting, you can vote afterward.\n\nAdditionally depending on settings the Double Agent can diffuse Bastion and Agitator bombs when Venting.\n\nThe Double Agent can change roles when they are the Last Impostor, depending on the settings the role can be a Admired Impostor, Trickster, Traitor, or stay as the Double Agent.",
"SlothInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nA velocidade de movimento padrão do Preguiçoso é mais lenta que outras.\n(a velocidade depende da configuração do Anfitrião)",
- "ProhibitedInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nComo Proibido, você tem dutos específicos que você não pode usar.\nQuantos dutos estão desativados dependerá das configurações do Anfitrião.",
- "EavesdropperInfoLong": "(Atributos):\nComo Interceptador, você tem a chance de ler mensagens baseadas em informações de outras funções/atributos, como Funerário ou Cão de Caça.",
+ "ProhibitedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Prohibited, you have specific Vents that you can't use.\nHow many Vents are disabled depends on the Host's settings.",
+ "EavesdropperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Eavesdropper, you have a chance to read other Role/Add-on information-based messages like Mortician or Sleuth.",
"ApocalypseInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOs membros do Apocalypse fazem parte de uma equipe separada que trabalha e vence em conjunto. Se houver vários jogadores do Apocalypse no jogo, eles poderão ver as funções uns dos outros.\nDependendo das configurações do Host, as funções do Apocalypse podem ser adivinhadas ou não.",
"RevenantInfoLong": "Neutro):\nSendo a Assombração, seu objetivo é ser morto. Se você for morto, tomará o papel de seu assassino e, em vez disso, matará o assassino. Você não pode vencer antes de ser morto.\nNote que a Assombração só funciona quando é morto.",
"ShowTextOverlay": "Sobrepor Texto",
@@ -1040,17 +1075,17 @@
"AbilityInUse": "Habilidade em uso",
"AbilityExpired": "A habilidade expirou, {0} usos restantes",
"RevenantTargeted": "Sua função mudou para {0}",
- "RevenantCanCopyAddons": "Pode Roubar Addons",
+ "RevenantCanCopyAddons": "Can Steal Add-ons",
"ShowArrows": "Tem setas apontando para corpos",
"ArrowDelayMin": "Atraso Mínimo de Exibição da Seta",
"ArrowDelayMax": "Atraso Máximo de Exibição da Seta",
"SMUsesUsedWhenFixingReactorOrO2": "Usos necessários para consertar o Reator/O2",
"SMUsesUsedWhenFixingLightsOrComms": "Usos necessários para consertar Luzes/Comunicações",
- "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "(Inicial) Número Máximo de Granadas",
+ "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "(Initial) Maximum number of Grenades",
"ShowSpecificRole": "Conhecer funções específicas na conclusão de tarefas",
- "TimeMasterMaxUses": "(Inicial) Quantidade Máxima de Usos de Habilidade",
- "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Camaleão abre normalmente quando o Camaleão está em recarga",
- "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Invisível abre normalmente quando o Invisível está em recarga",
+ "TimeMasterMaxUses": "(Initial) Maximum Amount of Ability Uses",
+ "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Swooper Vents normally when Swooping is on Cooldown",
+ "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Wraith Vents normally when Invisibility is on Cooldown",
"DisableMeeting": "Desativar Reuniões",
"DisableCloseDoor": "Desativar Sabotagem de Portas",
"DisableSabotage": "Desativar Sabotagens em Geral",
@@ -1059,13 +1094,13 @@
"DebugMode": "Modo de Depuração",
"SyncButtonMode": "Limite de Tempo de Reunião",
"RandomMapsMode": "Modo de Mapas Aleatórios",
- "SyncedButtonCount": "Número Máximo de Reuniões de Emergência por Jogo",
- "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "Redução do tempo de recarga ao matar o alvo",
- "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "Aumento do tempo de recarga ao matar outros",
+ "SyncedButtonCount": "Maximum Number of Emergency Meetings per Game",
+ "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "Kill Cooldown decrease on killing target",
+ "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "Kill Cooldown increase on killing others",
"HHNumOfTargets": "Número de Alvos",
"Targets": "Alvos: ",
- "HHMaxKCD": "Tempo de Recarga Máximo",
- "HHMinKCD": "Tempo de Recarga Mínimo",
+ "HHMaxKCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "HHMinKCD": "Minimum Kill Cooldown",
"AllAliveMeeting": "Reunião quando ninguém está morto",
"AllAliveMeetingTime": "Tempo de reunião quando ninguém está morto",
"AdditionalEmergencyCooldown": "Recarga Adicional de Reunião",
@@ -1174,17 +1209,17 @@
"OverclockedReduction": "Redução da recarga para matar",
"GhostCanSeeOtherRoles": "Fantasmas podem ver as funções dos jogadores",
"PreventSeeRolesImmediatelyAfterDeath": "Prevent seeing other's roles immediately after death",
- "GhostCanSeeOtherVotes": "Fantasmas podem ver a cor dos votos",
- "GhostCanSeeDeathReason": "Fantasmas podem ver a causa da morte",
+ "GhostCanSeeOtherVotes": "Ghosts can see Vote Colors",
+ "GhostCanSeeDeathReason": "Ghost can see Cause Of Death",
"GhostIgnoreTasks": "Fantasmas não precisam fazer tarefas",
- "ConvertedCanBeGhostRole": "Jogadores convertidos podem ser qualquer função fantasma",
- "NeutralCanBeGhostRole": "Jogadores Neutros podem ser quaisquer funções de fantasma (mudarão de equipe respectivamente)",
- "MaxImpGhostRole": "Máximo de funções fantasmas (Impostor)",
- "MaxCrewGhostRole": "Máximo de funções fantasmas (Tripulante)",
+ "ConvertedCanBeGhostRole": "Converted Players can be Any Ghost-Roles",
+ "NeutralCanBeGhostRole": "Neutral Players can be Any Ghost-Roles (Will change team respectively)",
+ "MaxImpGhostRole": "Maximum Impostor Ghost-Roles",
+ "MaxCrewGhostRole": "Maximum Crewmate Ghost-Roles",
"DefaultAngelCooldown": "Recarga de habilidade padrão",
"DisableTaskWin": "Desabilitar Vitória por Tarefas",
- "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreDead": "Desativar Vitória por Tarefas se Todos os <#8cffff>Tripulantes Estiverem Mortos",
- "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreConverted": "Desativar Vitória por Tarefas se Todos os <#8cffff>Tripulantes Estiverem <#ffab1b>Convertidos",
+ "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreDead": "Disable Task Win if All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are Dead",
+ "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreConverted": "Disable Task Win if All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are <#ffab1b>Converted",
"HideGameSettings": "Esconder Configurações da Sala",
"DIYGameSettings": "Habilitar somente mensagens /n",
"Settings:": "Configurações:",
@@ -1200,7 +1235,7 @@
"RoleOptions": "Opções de Função",
"DarkTheme": "Ativar Modo Escuro",
"DisableLobbyMusic": "Desativar Música do Lobby",
- "AutoStart": "Auto Começar",
+ "AutoStart": "Auto Start",
"EnableCustomButton": "Ativar Imagens de Botões Personalizados",
"EnableCustomSoundEffect": "Ativar Efeitos Sonoros Personalizados",
"EnableCustomDecorations": "Habilitar Decorações Personalizadas no Mapa",
@@ -1237,8 +1272,8 @@
"OptKickXboxPlayer": "Expulsar Jogadores Xbox",
"OptKickPlayStationPlayer": "Expulsar Jogadores PlayStation",
"OptKickNintendoPlayer": "Expulsar Jogadores Nintendo Switch",
- "ShareLobby": "Permitir que TOHE-Chan compartilhe o código da sala no Discord",
- "ShareLobbyMinPlayer": "Compartilhar o código da sala quando o número de jogadores atingir",
+ "ShareLobby": "Allow TOHE-Chan Shares Lobby Code to Discord",
+ "ShareLobbyMinPlayer": "Share Lobby Code When the Number of Players Reaches",
"DisableVanillaRoles": "Desabilitar Funções Báscias (Vanilla)",
"VoteMode": "Modo de Votação",
"WhenSkipVote": "Se o jogador optar por pular a votação",
@@ -1276,6 +1311,7 @@
"IgnoreConditions": "Ignorar Condições",
"IgnoreImpostors": "Ignorar Condições de Impostores",
"IgnoreNeutrals": "Ignorar Condições de Neutros",
+ "IgnoreCoven": "Ignore Coven",
"IgnoreCrewmates": "Ignorar Condições de Tripulante",
"IgnoreAfterAnyoneDied": "Ignorar Após a Primeira Morte",
"LightsOutSpecialSettings": "Corrigir Configurações Especiais de Luzes",
@@ -1289,7 +1325,7 @@
"RandomSpawn_AirshipAdditionalSpawn": "Locais de Surgimento Adicionais (Airship)",
"RandomSpawn_SpawnRandomVents": "Spawns aleatórios em ventilações",
"CommsCamouflage": "Camuflagem durante a Sabotagem das Comunicações",
- "DisableOnSomeMaps": "Desabilitar Camuflagem das Comms em alguns mapas",
+ "DisableOnSomeMaps": "Disable Comms Camouflage on some maps",
"DisableOnSkeld": "Desbilitar em The Skeld",
"DisableOnMira": "Desbilitar em Mira HQ",
"DisableOnPolus": "Desbilitar em Polus",
@@ -1328,8 +1364,8 @@
"EnableBirthdayDecorationSkeld": "Birthday Decoration On The Skeld",
"RandomBirthdayAndHalloweenDecorationSkeld": "Set Random Decoration When Birthday And Halloween Is Active On The Skeld",
"ApplyDenyNameList": "Aplicar Lista de Nomes Bloqueados",
- "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Expulsar jogadores com código de amigo inválido",
- "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Banir temporariamente jogadores com código de amigo inválido",
+ "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Kick players with an invalid Friend Code",
+ "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Temp Ban players with an invalid Friend Code",
"ApplyBanList": "Aplicar Lista de Banidos",
"RemovePetsAtDeadPlayers": "Remover pets de jogadores mortos",
"KillFlashDuration": "Tempo de Duração do Flash de Abate",
@@ -1340,6 +1376,7 @@
"ShowImpRemainOnEject": "Mostrar Impostores restantes nas ejeções",
"ShowNKRemainOnEject": "Mostrar Neutros Assassinos restantes nas ejeções",
"ShowNARemainOnEject": "Mostrar Neutros do Apocalipse restantes nas ejeções",
+ "ShowCovenRemainOnEject": "Show remaining Coven on ejects",
"ConfirmEgoistOnEject": "Confirmar Egoístas nas ejeções",
"ConfirmLoversOnEject": "Confirmar Amantes nas ejeções",
"ConfirmSidekickOnEject": "Confirmar Ajudantes nas ejeções",
@@ -1367,7 +1404,7 @@
"ShieldPersonDiedFirst": "Dar um escudo ao jogador que morreu primeiro no último jogo",
"ShowShieldedPlayerToAll": "Revelar o jogador com escudo para todos",
"RemoveShieldOnFirstDead": "Remover o escudo na primeira morte",
- "ShieldedCanUseKillButton": "Jogador com escudo pode usar a sua habilidade / botão de matar",
+ "ShieldedCanUseKillButton": "Shielded player can use ability/Kill button",
"PlayerIsShieldedByGame": "Esse jogador está protegido pelo o jogo!",
"LegacyNemesis": "Usar Versão Legado",
"LegacyParasite": "Use Legacy Version",
@@ -1390,7 +1427,7 @@
"DoubleAgent_DiffusedBastionBomb": "Bomba do Mestre das Bombas desarmada com sucesso",
"DoubleAgent_BombExplodesIn": "Bomba Explode em: {0}s",
"DoubleAgent_BombExploded": "A Bomba foi Explodida!",
- "DoubleAgentChangeRoleTo": "Troca a função quando for o Último Impostor",
+ "DoubleAgentChangeRoleTo": "Change role on last Impostor",
"DoubleAgentRoleChange": "Você virou: ",
"MastermindCD": "Recarga para manipular",
"MastermindTimeLimit": "Prazo para matar alguém",
@@ -1408,15 +1445,13 @@
"Glitch_KCD": "Recarga para Matar: {0}s",
"Glitch_MimicCD": "Recarga da Transformação: {0}s",
"HackedByGlitch": "Você foi Hackeado pelo Glitch, não é possível {0}.",
- "GlitchKill": "Matar",
- "GlitchReport": "Reportar",
- "GlitchVent": "Duto",
+ "GlitchKill": "Kill",
+ "GlitchReport": "Report",
+ "GlitchVent": "Vent",
"ShowFPS": "Mostrar FPS",
"FPSGame": "FPS: ",
"ControlCooldown": "Recarga de Controle",
- "PoisonCooldown": "Recarga de Veneno",
- "PoisonerKillDelay": "Atraso de Morte por Veneno",
- "WardenNotifyLimit": "Número máximo de alertas",
+ "WardenNotifyLimit": "Maximum number of alerts",
"BombCooldown": "Recarga de Bomba",
"Warlock_CanKillSelf": "Podem se Matar",
"CrewpostorKnowsAllies": "Conhece Impostores",
@@ -1446,9 +1481,10 @@
"EGCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "Pode Adivinhar Agente com suas Tarefas Concluídas",
"GGCanGuessAdt": "Pode Adivinhar Atributos",
"GuesserCanGuessTimes": "Número Máximo de Adivinhações",
- "GuesserTryHideMsg": "Tentar esconder o comando de Adivinhador",
+ "GuesserTryHideMsg": "Try to hide the Guesser's command",
"GCanGuessImp": "Impostor pode adivinhar as funções de Impostor",
"GCanGuessCrew": "Tripulante pode adivinhar as funções de Tripulante",
+ "GCanGuessCoven": "Coven can guess Coven roles",
"GCanGuessAdt": "Pode Adivinhar Atributos",
"GCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "Pode Adivinhar Agente com suas Tarefas Concluídas",
"BountyTargetChangeTime": "Tempo até as trocas de alvo",
@@ -1456,7 +1492,7 @@
"BountyFailureKillCooldown": "Recarga de Abate após eliminar outros jogadores",
"BountyShowTargetArrow": "Mostrar seta apontando para o alvo",
"DefaultShapeshiftCooldown": "Recarga Padrão de Metamorfose",
- "DeadImpCantSabotage": "Impostors não podem sabotar após morrerem",
+ "DeadImpCantSabotage": "Impostors can't Sabotage after they've died",
"VampireKillDelay": "Atraso na Mordida",
"VampireTargetDead": "O alvo foi morto!",
"VampireActionMode": "Modo de Ação",
@@ -1465,14 +1501,14 @@
"Maverick_MinKillsToWin": "Número mínimo de mortes para vencer",
"Cooldown": "Recarga",
"AbilityCooldown": "Recarga da Habilidade",
- "SkillLimitTimes": "Número máximo de usos da Habilidade",
+ "SkillLimitTimes": "Maximum Number of Ability Uses",
"CanKill": "Pode assassinar",
"KillCooldown": "Recarga de Abate",
"CanVent": "Pode usar tubulações",
- "CantMoveOnVents": "Não pode se mover pelos dutos (instável no mapa Dleks)",
+ "CantMoveOnVents": "Can't Move on Vents (Unstable in Dleks map)",
"ImpostorVision": "Tem Visão de Impostor",
"CanUseSabotage": "Pode Sabotar",
- "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "Pode Ter Acesso aos Vitais",
+ "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "Can Have Access to Vitals",
"CanKillImpostors": "Pode Matar Impostores",
"CanGuess": "Pode adivinhar no Modo Adivinhador",
"HideVote": "Esconder Voto",
@@ -1483,16 +1519,16 @@
"ShapeshifterBase_ShapeshiftCooldown": "Recarga da Metamorfose",
"ShapeshifterBase_ShapeshiftDuration": "Duração da Metamorfose",
"ShapeshifterBase_LeaveShapeshiftingEvidence": "Deixar Evidências de Transformação",
- "PhantomBase_InvisCooldown": "Recarga da Invisibilidade",
- "PhantomBase_InvisDuration": "Duração da Invisibilidade",
+ "PhantomBase_InvisCooldown": "Invisibility Cooldown",
+ "PhantomBase_InvisDuration": "Invisibility Duration",
"GuardianAngelBase_ProtectCooldown": "Recarga da Proteção",
"GuardianAngelBase_ProtectionDuration": "Duração de Proteção",
- "GuardianAngelBase_ImpostorsCanSeeProtect": "Proteção Visível para Impostores",
+ "GuardianAngelBase_ImpostorsCanSeeProtect": "Protect Visible to Impostors",
"ScientistBase_BatteryCooldown": "Exibição de Tempo de Recarga dos Sinais Vitais",
"ScientistBase_BatteryDuration": "Duração da Bateria",
"EngineerBase_VentCooldown": "Recarga de Duto",
- "EngineerBase_InVentMaxTime": "Tempo máximo em dutos",
- "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "Impostores podem ser alertados",
+ "EngineerBase_InVentMaxTime": "Maximum Time in Vents",
+ "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "Impostors can get Alert",
"NoisemakerBase_AlertDuration": "Duração de Alerta",
"TrackerBase_TrackingCooldown": "Recarga do Rastreamento",
"TrackerBase_TrackingDuration": "Duração do Rastreamento",
@@ -1514,6 +1550,7 @@
"SheriffCanKillSeparately": "Configurações Individuais",
"In%team%": "(Facção %team%)",
"SheriffMisfireKillsTarget": "Disparo acidental mata o alvo",
+ "SheriffMisfireOnAdmired": "Sheriff Misfires On Admired Players",
"BlackHolePlaceCooldown": "Black Hole Place Cooldown",
"BlackHoleDespawnMode": "Black Hole Despawn Mode",
"BlackHoleDespawnTime": "Time After Black Hole Despawns",
@@ -1526,27 +1563,30 @@
"After1PlayerEaten": "After 1 Player Was Eaten",
"AfterMeeting": "After Meeting",
"None": "None",
- "SheriffShotLimit": "Número máximo de abates",
+ "SheriffShotLimit": "Maximum number of Kills",
"SheriffCanKillAllAlive": "Pode abater quando todos estão vivos",
- "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "Pode abater jogadores Servos",
+ "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "Can Kill Charmed players",
"SheriffCanKillEgoist": "Pode abater Egoístas",
"SheriffCanKillSidekick": "Pode abaterAjudantes",
"SheriffCanKillLovers": "Pode abater Amantes",
"SheriffCanKillMadmate": "Pode abater Cúmplices",
"SheriffCanKillInfected": "Pode abater Infectados",
"SheriffCanKillContagious": "Pode abater Contagiados",
- "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "Configuração de Xerife Não Tripulante",
- "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "Pode assassinar Impostores",
- "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "Pode assassinar Neutros",
- "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "Pode assassinar Tripulantes",
+ "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "Non-Crewmate Sheriff Configuration",
+ "SheriffCanKillEnchanted": "Can Kill Enchanted players",
+ "SheriffCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "Can Kill Impostors",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "Can Kill Neutrals",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "Can Kill Crewmates",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven",
"RebirthUses": "Quantidade de Renascimentos",
"RebirthCountVotes": "Apenas renasça pessoas quem votou nele",
"RebirthFailed": "Ah, que pena, você não encontrou almas viáveis para trocar de corpo",
"FireworkerCooldown": "Placement Cooldown",
- "ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "Aumentar a recarga de abate",
- "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "Máximo de recarga de abate",
- "ReverieMisfireSuicide": "Falha no disparo ao atingir o tempo máximo de recarga",
- "ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "Redefinir tempo de recarga depois da reunião",
+ "ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "Increase Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieMisfireSuicide": "Misfire on reaching maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "Reset Kill Cooldown after meeting",
"ConvertedReverieKillAll": "O Devaneio convertido pode matar qualquer pessoa sem consequências",
"VigilanteNotify": "Você se tornou exatamente aquilo que jurou eliminar",
"DictatorChangeCommandToExpel": "Dictator use Command to expell instad of vote",
@@ -1556,17 +1596,18 @@
"SnitchCanGetArrowColor": "Ver setas coloridas com base nas cores das facções",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralKiller": "Pode encontrar Neutros Assassinos",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralApoc": "Pode encontrar Neutros do Apocalipse",
+ "SnitchCanFindCoven": "Can Find Coven",
"SnitchCanFindMadmate": "Pode encontrar Cúmplices",
"SnitchRemainingTaskFound": "Tarefas restantes para alertar",
"MayorAdditionalVote": "Contagem adicional de votos",
"MayorHasPortableButton": "Prefeito tem um Botão de Emergência Móvel",
- "MayorNumOfUseButton": "Número Máximo de Botões de Emergência Móveis",
+ "MayorNumOfUseButton": "Maximum Number of Mobile Emergency Buttons",
"MeetingsNeededForWin": "Reuniões necessárias para vitória",
"Jester_RevealUponEject": "Revelar na Ejeção ",
"CannotVoteWhenDead": "Não é possível votar enquanto estiver morto",
"EnableVote": "Habilitar comando /vote",
"ShouldVoteSpam": "Tentar esconder o comando /vote",
- "VoteDisabled": "/vote foi desabilitado pelo o anfitrião.",
+ "VoteDisabled": "/vote command has been disabled by the Host.",
"ExecutionerCanTargetImpostor": "O seu alvo pode ser um Impostor",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "O seu alvo pode ser um Neutro Assassino",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "O seu alvo pode ser Neutros do Apocalipse",
@@ -1574,11 +1615,13 @@
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralBenign": "Pode Julgar Neutros Passivos",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralEvil": "Pode Julgar Neutros Passivos",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralChaos": "Pode Julgar Neutros do Caos",
+ "ExecutionerCanTargetCoven": "Can Target Coven",
"Executioner_RevealTargetUponEject": "Revelar Alvo na Ejeção",
- "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "Xerife Recrutado pode enlouquecer",
+ "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "Recruited Sheriff can go Nuts",
"LawyerCanTargetImpostor": "O seu cliente pode ser um Impostor",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "O seu alvo pode ser um Neutro Assassino",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "O seu alvo pode ser Neutros do Apocalipse",
+ "LawyerCanTargetCoven": "Can Target Coven",
"LawyerCanTargetCrewmate": "O seu cliente pode ser um Tripulante",
"LawyerCanTargetJester": "O seu cliente pode ser um Palhaço",
"LawyerChangeRolesAfterTargetKilled": "Quando o cliente morre, o Advogado torna-se",
@@ -1594,8 +1637,8 @@
"SniperPrecisionShooting": "Tiro Preciso",
"SniperAimAssist": "Assistência de Mira",
"SniperAimAssistOneshot": "Assistência para abates em um único tiro",
- "PyroDouseCooldown": "Recarga para molhar",
- "PyroBurnCooldown": "Recarga após matar um jogador molhado",
+ "PyroDouseCooldown": "Douse Cooldown",
+ "PyroBurnCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after killing a doused player",
"Prohibited_OverrideBlockedVentsAfterMeeting": "Substituir dutos bloqueados após a reunião",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInSkeld": "Contar ventilações bloqueadas em The Skeld",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInMira": "Contar ventilações bloqueadas em MIRA HQ",
@@ -1606,7 +1649,7 @@
"UndertakerFreezeDuration": "Duração do Congelamento",
"NameDisplayAddons": "Exibir Atributos ao Lado do Nome da Função",
"YourAddon": "Seus Atributos:",
- "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "Número Máximo de Atributos por Jogador",
+ "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "Maximum Add-ons Per Player",
"LoverSpawnChances": "Chance de Gerar Amantes",
"AdditionRolesSpawnRate": "Chance de Spawn",
"TorchVision": "Visão de Tocha",
@@ -1641,38 +1684,40 @@
"EvilHackerLastAdminInfoTitle": "Ultimas informações do admin",
"EvilHackerDeadbody": "MORTO",
"Ventguard": "Guarda-Dutos",
- "VentguardInfo": "Bloqueie dutos entrando neles",
- "VentguardInfoLong": "(Tripulantes):\nComo Guarda-Dutos, você pode entrar nas ventilações para bloqueá-las. Ninguém pode entrar nas ventilações bloqueadas, exceto os Tripulantes, se a configuração estiver ativada. As ventilações bloqueadas podem ser redefinidas a cada reunião.",
+ "VentguardInfo": "Block Vents by entering them",
+ "VentguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Ventguard, you can enter Vents to block them. No one can enter blocked Vents, except Crewmates, if the setting is on. Blocked Vents can be resets every meeting.",
"VentguardVentButtonText": "Bloquear",
- "Ventguard_MaxGuards": "Número maximo de dutos bloqueados",
+ "Ventguard_MaxGuards": "Maximum number of Vent Blocks",
"Ventguard_BlockVentCooldown": "Recarga para bloquear os dutos",
- "Ventguard_BlockDoesNotAffectCrew": "Tripulantes podem usar os dutos bloqueados",
+ "Ventguard_BlockDoesNotAffectCrew": "Crewmates can use blocked Vents",
"Ventguard_BlocksResetOnMeeting": "Resetar os dutos bloqueados a cada reunião",
- "VentIsBlocked": "Esse duto agora está bloqueado!",
+ "VentIsBlocked": "This Vent is Now Blocked!",
"TraitorKnowMadmate": "Traidor vê os Cúmplices",
"Psychic_NBareRed": "Neutros Passivos podem estar com nome em vermelho",
"Psychic_NEareRed": "Neutros Malvados podem estar com nome em vermelho",
"Psychic_NCareRed": "Neutros do Caos podem estar com nome em vermelho",
"Psychic_NAareRed": "Neutros do Apocalipse podem estar com o nome em vermelho",
"Psychic_NKareRed": "Neutros Assassinos podem estar com nome em vermelho",
+ "Psychic_CovareRed": "Coven can be red",
"Psychic_CrewKillingRed": "Tripulantes Assassi podem estar com nome em vermelho",
- "PsychicCanSeeNum": "Número Máximo de Nomes em Vermelho",
+ "PsychicCanSeeNum": "Maximum number of red names",
"PsychicFresh": "Novos nomes em vermelho a cada reunião",
"DetectiveCanknowKiller": "Pode encontrar a função de um assassino",
"EveryOneKnowSuperStar": "Todo mundo conhece o VIP",
"HackLimit": "Contagem de Uso da Habilidade",
"ZombieSpeedReduce": "Após certo tempo, reduza a velocidade da Pestilência em",
- "NemesisCanKillNum": "Número máximo de vinganças",
+ "NemesisCanKillNum": "Maximum number of revenges",
"ImpKnowCelebrityDead": "Impostores sabem quando a Celebridade morre",
"NeutralKnowCelebrityDead": "Neutros sabem quando a Celebridade morre",
+ "CovenKnowCelebrityDead": "Coven know when the Celebrity dies",
"VectorVentNumWin": "Número de dutos usados para vencer",
"CanCheckCamera": "Pode rastrear o uso das câmeras",
- "DefaultKillCooldown": "Recarga Inicial de Abate",
- "ReduceKillCooldown": "Reduzir Tempo de Recarga em",
- "MinKillCooldown": "Tempo de Recarga Mínimo",
+ "DefaultKillCooldown": "Starting Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReduceKillCooldown": "Reduce Kill Cooldown by",
+ "MinKillCooldown": "Minimum Kill Cooldown",
"BomberRadius": "Raio da Bomba (5x é aproximadamente metade da Cafeteria)",
"NotifyGodAlive": "Informar jogadores nas reuniões que Deus ainda está vivo",
- "TransporterTeleportMax": "Número máximo de teletransportes",
+ "TransporterTeleportMax": "Maximum number of teleports",
"TriggerKill": "Abate",
"TriggerVent": "Dutar",
"TriggerDouble": "Clique Duplo",
@@ -1686,6 +1731,7 @@
"InnocentCanWinByImp": "Se o alvo for um Impostor, então os Impostores vencem junto",
"ImpCanBeParanoia": "Impostores podem se tornar Paranoia",
"CrewCanBeParanoia": "Tripulantes podem se tornar Paranoia",
+ "CovenCanBeParanoia": "Coven can become Paranoia",
"DualVotes": "Votos Duplicados",
"VeteranSkillCooldown": "Recarga de Alerta",
"VeteranSkillDuration": "Duração de Alerta",
@@ -1693,9 +1739,9 @@
"ImpCanBeEgoist": "Um Impostor pode se tornar Egoísta",
"CrewCanBeEgoist": "Tripulantes podem se tornar Egoístas",
"ImpEgoistVisibalToAllies": "Impostores podem ver o Impostor Egoísta ",
- "EgoistCountAsConverted": "O egoísta é considerado neutro convertido",
+ "EgoistCountAsConverted": "Egoist count as converted Neutral",
"GuessRainbow": "Ele parece muito óbvio, não é?",
- "RainbowColorChangeCoolDown": "O tempo para trocar as cores",
+ "RainbowColorChangeCoolDown": "The Cooldown for changing colors",
"RainbowInCamouflage": "A cor do Arco-Íris muda durante a camuflagem",
"BaitDelayMin": "Tempo Mínimo de Atraso no Relatório",
"BaitDelayMax": "Tempo Máximo de Atraso no Relatório",
@@ -1703,17 +1749,18 @@
"BecomeBaitDelayNotify": "Avisar ao assassino sobre o auto-relatório",
"BaitNotification": "Revelar Armador na Primeira Reunião",
"BaitAdviceAlive": "{0} é o Armador. O jogador que matar o Armador irá reportar o corpo automaticamente.",
- "BaitCanBeReportedUnderAllConditions": "O Armador pode ser reportado em todas as condições",
- "DeceiverAbilityLost": "O Enganador perde a habilidade se ele enganar o jogador sem um botão de matar",
+ "BaitCanBeReportedUnderAllConditions": "Bait Can Be Reported even if a meeting is disabled during Comms Sabotage",
+ "DeceiverAbilityLost": "Deceiver loses ability if it deceives player without Kill button",
"AddictSuicideTimer": "Tempo até o suicídio",
"GrenadierSkillCooldown": "Recarga da Granada",
"GrenadierSkillDuration": "Duração da Granada",
"GrenadierCauseVision": "Visão Reduzida",
"GrenadierCanAffectNeutral": "Pode afetar Neutros",
+ "GrenadierCanAffectCoven": "Can affect Coven",
"TicketsPerKill": "Quantidade de Votos Aumentados por Abate",
- "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "Recarga de Recrutar",
+ "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "Recruit Cooldown",
"GangsterRecruitLimit": "Limite de Recrutar",
- "KamikazeMaxMarked": "Máximo de jogadores marcados",
+ "KamikazeMaxMarked": "Maximum Marked",
"RevolutionistDrawTime": "Duração de Marcação",
"RevolutionistCooldown": "Recarga de Marcação",
"RevolutionistDrawCount": "Número de Jogadores Necessários para Marcar",
@@ -1733,7 +1780,7 @@
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_Immediately": "Imediatamente",
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_AfterMeeting": "Após a Reunião",
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_OFF": "OFF",
- "MedicResetCooldown": "Na tentativa de matar, redefina a recarga de abate do assassino para",
+ "MedicResetCooldown": "On kill attempt, reset murderer's Cooldown to",
"MedicShieldedCanBeGuessed": "Adivinhações ignoram o escudo do Guardião",
"MadmateSpawnMode": "Modo de Geração de Cúmplices",
"MadmateSpawnMode.Assign": "Atribuição",
@@ -1743,40 +1790,41 @@
"MadmateCountMode.None": "Nada",
"MadmateCountMode.Imp": "Impostores",
"MadmateCountMode.Original": "Facção Original",
- "Altruist_RevivedDeadBodyCannotBeReported_Option": "Corpo do jogador revivido não pode ser reportado",
- "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsAlert": "Impostores podem ser alertados",
- "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "Impostores podem receber uma seta",
- "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "Neutros Assassinos podem receber um aviso",
- "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "Neutros Assassinos podem receber uma seta",
+ "Altruist_RevivedDeadBodyCannotBeReported_Option": "Revived Dead Body cannot be Reported",
+ "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsAlert": "Impostors can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "Impostors can get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "Neutral Killers can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "Neutral Killers can get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsAlert": "Coven can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsArrow": "Coven can get Arrow",
"AltruistSuffix": "<#00ffa5>Modo: {0}",
"AltruistReviveMode": "Reviver",
"AltruistReportMode": "Reportar",
"Altruist_YouTriedReportRevivedDeadBody": "Você tentou reportar o corpo de uma pessoa revivida",
- "Altruist_DeadPlayerHasBeenRevived": "Um corpo morto foi revivido!",
+ "Altruist_DeadPlayerHasBeenRevived": "A Dead Player has been Revived!",
"AltruistAbilityButton": "Modo",
"SnatchesWin": "Roubar Vitória",
"DemonKillCooldown": "Recarga de Ataque",
- "DemonHealthMax": "Vida Máxima do Jogador",
+ "DemonHealthMax": "Player maximum health",
"DemonDamage": "Dano ",
- "DemonSelfHealthMax": "Vida Máxima do Demônio",
+ "DemonSelfHealthMax": "Demon maximum health",
"DemonSelfDamage": "Dano Recebido pelo Demônio",
"LightningConvertTime": "Duração da Transformação em um Fantasma Quântico",
"LightningKillCooldown": "Recarga do Raio",
"LightningKillerConvertGhost": "O Assassino pode se transformar em um Fantasma Quântico",
"CanCountNeutralKiller": "Quando os Tripulantes vencem matando um jogador Neutro, eles podem roubar a vitória",
- "GreedyOddKillCooldown": "Recarga para Abate em Números Ímpares",
- "GreedyEvenKillCooldown": "Recarga para Abate em Números Pares",
+ "GreedyOddKillCooldown": "Odd-Numbered Kill Cooldown",
+ "GreedyEvenKillCooldown": "Even-Numbered Kill Cooldown",
"WorkaholicCannotWinAtDeath": "Não pode vencer após a morte",
"WorkaholicVisibleToEveryone": "Todos conhecem o Trabalhador",
"WorkaholicGiveAdviceAlive": "Dá conselhos na Primeira Reunião se estiver vivo, pode vencer após a morte",
"DoctorVisibleToEveryone": "Todos conhecem o Médico",
"CursedWolfGuardSpellTimes": "Quantidade de Escudos Amaldiçoados",
"KillAttackerWhenAbilityRemaining": "Mate o atacante quando a habilidade estiver restante",
- "JinxSpellTimes": "Quantidade de Feitiços de Jinx",
"CollectorCollectAmount": "Número de Votos Necessários",
"GlitchCanVote": "Pode votar",
"QuickShooterShapeshiftCooldown": "Recarga de Metamorfose",
- "MeetingReserved": "Número Máximo de Balas Reservadas para uma Reunião",
+ "MeetingReserved": "Maximum Bullets reserved for a meeting",
"AccurateCheckMode": "Pode saber a função específica quando as tarefas não estão concluídas",
"RandomActiveRoles": "Mostrar funções marcadas como aleatório nas dicas do Vidente",
"CamouflageCooldown": "Recarga de Camuflagem",
@@ -1790,29 +1838,31 @@
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralE": "Pode Julgar Neutros Malvados",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralC": "Pode Julgar Neutros do Caos",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralA": "Pode Julgar Neutros do Apocalipse",
+ "JudgeCanTrialCoven": "Can trial Coven",
"JudgeCanTrialSidekick": "Pode Julgar Ajudantes",
"JudgeCanTrialInfected": "Pode Julgar Infectados",
"JudgeCanTrialContagious": "Pode Julgar Contagiados",
"JudgeTryHideMsg": "Tentar esconder comandos de Juiz",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "Máximo de julgamentos por reunião",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "Número máximo de julgamentos por jogo",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Trials per Meeting",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "Maximum Trials per Game",
"JudgeCanTrialMadmate": "Pode julgar Cúmplices",
"JudgeCanTrialCharmed": "Pode julgar jogadores Encantados",
+ "JudgeCanTrialEnchanted": "Can trial Enchanted players",
"JudgeDead": "Desculpe, você não pode julgar após a morte.",
"JudgeTrialMaxMeetingMsg": "\nNão restam mais julgamentos!",
"JudgeTrialMaxGameMsg": "\nNão restam mais julgamentos!",
"Judge_LaughToWhoTrialSelf": "Meu Deus, não pensei que o Juiz seria tão cego a ponto de nem perceber oque havia se sentenciado.",
"Judge_TrialKill": "{0} foi julgado.",
"Judge_TrialKillTitle": "TRIBUNAL",
- "Judge_TrialHelp": "Comando: /tl [ID do Jogador]\n★ Você pode ver o ID dos jogadores ao lado de seus nomes.\n★ Ou use /id para ver uma lista com o ID de todos.",
+ "Judge_TrialHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Judge_TrialNull": "Escolha um jogador vivo para julgar",
- "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "Número máximo de alertas",
+ "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "Maximum number of Alerts",
"SwooperCooldown": "Recarga da Invisibilidade",
"SwooperDuration": "Duração da Invisibilidade",
"WraithCooldown": "Recarga da Invisibilidade",
"WraithDuration": "Duração da Invisibilidade",
"BastionNotify": "Uma bomba foi detonada",
- "EnteredBombedVent": "Esse duto foi bombardeado!",
+ "EnteredBombedVent": "That Vent was bombed!",
"BastionVentButtonText": "Bomba",
"BombsClearAfterMeeting": "Bombas são limpas depois das reuniões",
"BastionMaxBombs": "(Inicial) Máximo de bombas",
@@ -1828,11 +1878,12 @@
"FollowerBetTargetKnowFollower": "O alvo do Seguidor sabe quem é o Seguidor",
"FortuneTellerHideVote": "Ocultar votos do Vidente",
"CultistCharmCooldown": "Recarga para Encantar",
- "CultistCharmCooldownIncrese": "Aumentar o tempo de recarga a cada encanto",
+ "CultistCharmCooldownIncrese": "Increases Charm Cooldown for Each Charm",
"CultistCharmMax": "Número máximo de encantos",
"CultistKnowTargetRole": "Saber a função do jogador Encantado",
"CultistTargetKnowOtherTarget": "Encantados se conhecem",
"CultistCanCharmNeutral": "Funções neutras podem ser Encantado",
+ "CultistCanCharmCoven": "Coven Roles can be Charmed",
"InfectiousBiteCooldown": "Recarga de Infecção",
"KnowTargetRole": "Conhece a função do alvo",
"TargetKnowsLawyer": "O alvo conhece seu Advogado",
@@ -1855,11 +1906,11 @@
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_None": "Nada",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Cultist": "Cultista",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Original": "Time Original",
- "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "Quando todos os Impostores estiverem mortos, o Chacal vence por sabotagem",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Redefinir o tempo de abate se alguém for morto por outro jogador",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "Recarga de Abate na Reinicialização",
+ "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "When all Impostors are dead, the Jackal wins by Sabotage instead",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Reset Kill Cooldown if someone gets killed by another player",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "Kill Cooldown on Reset",
"JackalCanRecruitSidekick": "Pode recrutar Ajudante",
- "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "Número Máximo de Recrutas",
+ "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "Maximum Number of Recruits",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode": "Ajudantes contam como",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_None": "Nada",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_Jackal": "Jackal",
@@ -1888,6 +1939,7 @@
"NeutralsSeePresident": "Neutros podem ver o Presidente revelado",
"MadmatesSeePresident": "Cúmplices podem ver o Presidente revelado",
"ImpsSeePresident": "Impostores podem ver o Presidente revelado",
+ "CovenSeePresident": "Coven can see revealed President",
"PresidentDead": "Desculpe, você não pode forçar o fim da reunião depois da sua morte.",
"PresidentEndMax": "Não há mais usos de encerrar a reunião restando!",
"PresidentRevealMax": "Você já se revelou...",
@@ -1898,40 +1950,167 @@
"Troller_CanHaveStartMeetingEvent": "Pode Iniciar uma Reunião pelos Eventos",
"Troller_ChangesSpeed": "Trollador mudou a velocidade de todos!",
"Troller_SpeedOut": "A Velocidade voltou ao normal",
- "Troller_YouChangedCooldown": "Você mudou o tempo de espera de todos os jogadores",
- "Troller_ChangeYourCooldown": "Trollador mudou o seu tempo de espera!",
- "Troller_NoAddons": "Nenhum atributo foi encontrado no alvo aleatório",
- "Troller_RemoveRandomAddon": "Você removeu um atributo de um jogador aleatório",
- "Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "Trollador removeu um atributo aleatório seu",
- "Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "Você causou uma sabotagem",
- "Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "Você arrumou uma sabotagem",
+ "Troller_YouChangedCooldown": "You changed the Cooldown of all players",
+ "Troller_ChangeYourCooldown": "Troller change your Cooldown!",
+ "Troller_NoAddons": "No Add-ons found on the random target",
+ "Troller_RemoveRandomAddon": "You removed Add-on from random player",
+ "Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "Troller removed your random Add-on",
+ "Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "You caused Sabotage",
+ "Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "You fixed Sabotage",
+ "CovenRolesMinPlayer": "Minimum amount of Coven",
+ "CovenRolesMaxPlayer": "Maximum amount of Coven",
+ "%role%CanVent": "%role% Can Vent",
+ "%role%HasImpVis": "%role% Has Impostor Vision",
+ "CovenHasImpVis": "Coven Members have Impostor Vision",
+ "CovenImpVisMode": "Impostor Vision Configuration",
+ "CovenCanVent": "Coven Members Can Vent",
+ "CovenVentMode": "Vent Configuration",
+ "CovenPerRole": "Per Role",
+ "CovenCanSeeEachOthersAddOns": "Coven can see each other's Add-Ons",
+ "NecronomiconNotification": "You have recieved the Necronomicon!
Your powers are now enhanced!",
+ "NecronomiconVote": "You have voted for {0} to receive the Necronomicon next round. You may now vote normally.",
+ "CovenDontKillOtherCoven": "Don't try to kill your fellow Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderMaxRetrains": "Maximum Retrains",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainCooldown": "Retrain Cooldown",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrain": "Retrain offered",
+ "CovenLeaderNoRetrain": "You have ran out of Retrains!",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainNonCoven": "You can't retrain a non-Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderAcceptRetrain": "The player you attempted to retrain has accepted your training and is now a {0}!",
+ "CovenLeaderDeclineRetrain": "The player you attempted to retrain has declined your offer to retrain them into a {0}...",
+ "RetrainNotification": "The {0} has requested to retrain you into a {1}.
Vote yourself to accept the offer, vote someone else to decline.",
+ "RetrainAcceptOffer": "You have accepted the {0}'s retraining and you are now a {1}!",
+ "RetrainDeclineOffer": "You declined the {0}'s retraining and your role has not been changed...",
+ "RitualistMaxRitsPerRound": "Maximum Blood Rituals per Round",
+ "RitualistTryHideMsg": "Try to hide Ritualist's commands",
+ "RitualistRitualSuccess": "You preformed a successful Blood Ritual on {0} and they are now part of the Coven!",
+ "RitualistRitualFail": "You have failed your Blood Ritual and may no longer preform any Blood Rituals this meeting...",
+ "RitualistRitualImpossible": "Your Blood Ritual was successful, however, this player is unenchantable.",
+ "RitualistRitualMax": "You've already used the maximum amount of Blood Rituals for this meeting.",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsCoven": "Enchanted knows Coven",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsEnchanted": "Enchanted knows Enchanted",
+ "RitualistCommandHelp": "Instructions: /rt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /rt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player IDs before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
+ "RitualistConvertNotif": "Your role has been guessed by the {0} and you are now apart of the Coven!",
+ "RitualistGuessAddon": "Did you seriously think it would be that easy? You can't do a Ritual solely based on Add-ons.",
+ "RitualistSuccessfullyRecruited": "You successfully recruited a player",
+ "BeRecruitedByRitualist": "The Ritualist has recruited you",
+ "ConjurerCooldown": "Conjure Cooldown",
+ "ConjurerRadius": "Blast Radius",
+ "ConjurerNecroRadius": "Necronomicon Blast Radius",
+ "ConjurerCovenDies": "Coven can die in blast",
+ "ConjurerMark": "Location marked",
+ "ConjurerMeteor": "Meteor summoned",
+ "ConjurerNecroMark": "Player marked",
+ "ConjurerMarkShapeshift": "Mark",
+ "ConjurerConjureShapeshift": "Conjure",
+ "IllusionCooldown": "Illusion Cooldown",
+ "IllusionistMaxIllusions": "Maximum Illusions",
+ "IllusionistSnitchAffected": "Snitch is Affected by Illusions",
+ "IllusionistResetIllusionsPerRound": "Reset Illusions After Meeting",
+ "IllusionistClearIllusionsWhenDead": "Remove Illusions When Illusionist Dies",
+ "MedusaStoneCooldown": "Stone Cooldown",
+ "MedusaStoneDuration": "Stone Duration",
+ "MedusaStoneVision": "Stoned Vision",
+ "MedusaStonedPlayer": "{0} has been Stoned",
+ "MedusaStoningStart": "Stoning in progress",
+ "MedusaStoningEnd": "Stoning has ended",
+ "MoonDancerBatonPassCooldown": "Baton Pass Cooldown",
+ "MoonDancerBlastOffChance": "Chance to Blast Off",
+ "MoonDancerPassEnabledAddons": "Can only Baton Pass enabled Add-ons",
+ "MoonDancerCantBlastOff": "Target can not be Blasted Off",
+ "MoonDancerNormalKill": "Killed normally",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHelpfulAddon": "Target will be given Helpful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHarmfulAddon": "Target will be given Harmful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerNoAddons": "No Add-ons to Baton Pass to {0}",
+ "SacrifistDebuffCooldown": "Debuff Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistDeathsAfterVote": "Players Killed After Sacrifist is Exiled",
+ "SacrifistNecroReducedCooldown": "Coven Decreased Cooldown After Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "SacrifistVision": "Sacrificed Vision",
+ "SacrifistVisionDuration": "Vision Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeed": "Sacrificed Speed",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDuration": "Speed Duration",
+ "SacrifistIncreasedCooldown": "Sacrificed Increase Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistFreezeDuration": "Random Freezing Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDebuff": "Speed Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistVisionDebuff": "Vision Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistCooldownDebuff": "Cooldown Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistFoolDebuff": "Can't Fix Sabotages Debuff",
+ "SacrifistMeetingDebuff": "Forced Called Meeting",
+ "SacrifistReportDebuff": "Can't Report Bodies",
+ "SacrifistTasksDebuff": "Tasks Reset for Target",
+ "SacrifistSwapSkinsDebuff": "Swapped Skins",
+ "SacrifistSwapDebuff": "Swapping with target after 3 seconds",
+ "SacrifistVisionRevert": "Vision Reverted",
+ "SacrifistSpeedRevert": "Speed Reverted",
+ "SacrifistShapeshiftButton": "Debuff",
+ "SacrifistNecroShapeshiftButton": "Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "VoodooMasterPerRound": "Voodoo Dolls per Round",
+ "VoodooMasterCanDollCoven": "Voodoo Master can Voodoo Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNecroCanKillCov": "Necronomicon Ability can Kill Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollCoven": "You can't Voodoo other Coven members!",
+ "VoodooMasterTargetInMeeting": "Someone tried to target you with their role during this meeting, but it was deflected to one of your dolls, {0}, instead!",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollsLeft": "You can't voodoo anyone else this round!",
+ "VoodooMasterDolledSomeone": "{0} has been turned into a Voodoo Doll",
+ "PotionMasterMaxReveals": "Maximum Reveals",
+ "PotionMasterMaxBarriers": "Maximum Barriers",
+ "PotionMasterNoPotions": "You're out of {0} Potions!",
+ "PotionMasterPotionSwitch": "Potion switched to: {0}",
+ "PotionMasterPotionCurrent": "Current Potion: ",
+ "PotionMasterRevealCoven": "You can already see roles of Coven!",
+ "PotionMasterReveal": "Reveal",
+ "PotionMasterBarrier": "Barrier",
+ "PotionMasterKillButtonText": "Use Potion",
+ "HexMasterHexCooldown": "Hex Cooldown",
+ "HexMasterCovenCanGetMovingHex": "Coven Can Get Moving Hex",
+ "HexMasterMovingHexCooldown": "Moving Hex Pass Cooldown",
+ "HexesLookLikeSpells": "Hexes appear as Spells",
+ "HexButtonText": "Feitiço",
+ "HexMasterModeHex": "Enfeitiçar",
+ "HexMasterModeKill": "Matar",
+ "HexMasterModeDouble": "Clique Duplo = Matar, Clique Único = Enfeitiçar",
+ "HexMasterPassNotify": "Hex successfully passed",
+ "JinxSpellTimes": "Quantidade de Feitiços de Jinx",
+ "JinxCooldown": "Jinx Cooldown",
+ "JinxCovenCanDieToJinx": "Coven Can Die To Jinx",
+ "PoisonCooldown": "Recarga de Veneno",
+ "PoisonerKillDelay": "Atraso de Morte por Veneno",
+ "PoisonerTargetDead": "O alvo foi morto!",
+ "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "Envenenar",
+ "NecromancerRevengeTime": "Necronomicon Ability time",
+ "NecromancerRevenge": "Você tem {0}s para matar {1}",
+ "NecromancerSuccess": "Necromancia concluída! Você vive para ver o outro dia.",
+ "NecromancerHide": "Entrar nas ventilações está desativado, esconda-se do Necromante!",
+ "NecromancerAbilityDuration": "Necromancy Duration",
+ "NecromancerAbilityCooldown": "Necromancy Cooldown",
+ "NecromancerCooldownNotDone": "Ability is still on Cooldown!",
+ "NecromancerNoUsableRoles": "No usable roles",
"LuckyProbability": "Probabilidade de sobreviver a uma morte",
"ImpCanBeDoubleShot": "Impostores podem ter Segunda Chance",
"CrewCanBeDoubleShot": "Tripulantes podem ter Segunda Chance",
"NeutralCanBeDoubleShot": "Neutros podem ter Segunda Chance",
+ "CovenCanBeDoubleShot": "Coven can have Double Shot",
"MimicCanSeeDeadRoles": "Mímico pode ver a função de jogadores mortos",
- "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "Desativar reportagem de corpos quando a camuflagem estiver ativa",
- "CanUseCommsSabotage": "Pode usar sabotagem de comunicação",
+ "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "Disable body reporting when Camouflage is active",
+ "CanUseCommsSabotage": "Can use Comms Sabotage",
"ModTag": "Moderador ♥",
"ApplyModeratorList": "Aplicar Lista de Moderadores",
"VipTag": "VIP★",
"ApplyVipList": "Aplicar Lista VIP",
- "AllowSayCommand": "Permitir que moderadores usem o comando /say",
- "AllowStartCommand": "Permitir que moderadores usem o comando /start",
+ "AllowSayCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /say command",
+ "AllowStartCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /start command",
"StartCommandMinCountdown": "Contagem regressiva mínima para o comando /start",
"StartCommandMaxCountdown": "Contagem regressiva máxima para o comando /start",
"KickCommandDisabled": "O comando de expulsar está atualmente desativado.",
"KickCommandNoAccess": "Você não tem acesso ao comando de expulsar.",
"KickCommandInvalidID": "ID de Jogador Inválido.\nPor favor, use '/kick [ID jogador] [motivo]' para expulsar um jogador.\nExemplo: - /kick 5 fã do erik carr",
- "KickCommandKickHost": "Você não pode expulsar o anfitrião.",
- "KickCommandKickMod": "Você não tem permissão para expulsar outros moderadores.",
+ "KickCommandKickHost": "You are not permitted to kick the Host.",
+ "KickCommandKickMod": "You are not permitted to kick other Moderators.",
"KickCommandKicked": "foi expulso do jogo por ",
"KickCommandKickedRole": "Sua função era",
"BanCommandDisabled": "O comando de banir está atualmente desativado.",
"BanCommandNoAccess": "Você não tem acesso ao comando de banir.",
"BanCommandInvalidID": "ID de Jogador Inválido.\nPor favor, use '/ban [ID jogador] [motivo]' para banir um jogador.\nExemplo: - /ban 5 fã do erik carr ",
- "BanCommandBanHost": "Você não pode banir o anfitrião.",
- "BanCommandBanMod": "Você não tem permissão para banir outros moderadores.",
+ "BanCommandBanHost": "You are not permitted to ban the Host.",
+ "BanCommandBanMod": "You are not permitted to ban other Moderators.",
"BanCommandBanned": "foi banido do jogo por ",
"BanCommandBannedRole": "Sua função era",
"BanCommandNoReason": "Nenhum motivo especificado.\nPor favor, use '/ban [ID jogador] [motivo]\nExemplo: - /ban 5 fã do erik carr",
@@ -1951,13 +2130,13 @@
"WarnCommandDisabled": "O comando de alertar está atualmente desativado.",
"WarnCommandNoAccess": "Você não tem acesso ao comando de alertar.",
"WarnCommandInvalidID": "ID de Jogador Inválido.\nPor favor, use '/warn [ID jogador] [motivo]' para alertar um jogador. \nExemplo: - /warn 5 super cringe",
- "WarnCommandWarnHost": "Você não pode alertar o anfitrião.",
+ "WarnCommandWarnHost": "You are not permitted to warn the Host.",
"StartCommandNoAccess": "Você não tem acesso ao comando start.",
"StartCommandDisabled": "The start command is currently disabled.",
"StartCommandCountdown": "ERROR\n\nThe game is already starting!",
"StartCommandStarted": "The game has been started by {0}!",
"StartCommandInvalidCountdown": "ERROR\n\nThe countdown must be between {0} and {1}!",
- "WarnCommandWarnMod": "Você não tem permissão para alertar outros moderadores.",
+ "WarnCommandWarnMod": "You are not permitted to warn other Moderators.",
"WarnCommandWarned": "foi alertado. Não haverá mais avisos e ações apropriadas serão tomadas \n ",
"WarnExample": "Use /warn [ID] [motivo] no futuro. \nExemplo:-\n /warn 5 super cringe",
"SayCommandDisabled": "O comando say está atualmente desativado.",
@@ -2010,6 +2189,7 @@
"DeathReason.Sacrificed": "Sacrificado",
"DeathReason.Electrocuted": "Electrocuted",
"DeathReason.Scavenged": "Scavenged",
+ "DeathReason.BlastedOff": "Blasted Off",
"OnlyEnabledDeathReasons": "Apenas motivos de morte habilitados",
"Alive": "Vivo",
"Disconnected": "Desconectado",
@@ -2022,6 +2202,7 @@
"Infected-": "Infectado ",
"Contagious-": "Contagiado ",
"Admired-": "Admirado ",
+ "Enchanted-": "Enchanted ",
"DeputyHandcuffCooldown": "Recarga de Algemas",
"DeputyHandcuffMax": "Máximo de Algemamentos",
"DeputyHandcuffedPlayer": "Alvo algemado",
@@ -2071,11 +2252,11 @@
"Command.kill": "[ID do Jogador] → Matar jogador atribuído",
"Command.exe": "[ID do Jogador] → Ejetar jogador atribuído",
"Command.level": "[Nível] → Alterar seu nível no jogo",
- "Command.idlist": "→ Exibir uma lista de IDs dos jogadores",
+ "Command.idlist": "→ Display a list of player ID's",
"Command.qq": "→ Lobby QQ Website (Apenas na China)",
"Command.dump": "→ Salvar o Registro de Saída na Área de Trabalho",
"Command.death": "→ Exibir informações de como você morreu",
- "Command.icons": "
╳ - The Player was marked by the Blackmailer and can't talk during the Meeting
☆ - Used by Captain to display themselves. Only Crewmates can see the Captain's star
乂 - This player was hexed by the Hex Master and will die if the Hex Master isn't killed or ejected by the end of the Meeting.
♦ - Used by Lawyer or Executioner or Follower.
♥ - Used by Lovers or Romantic.
✚ - Used by Medic to mark their target.
⦿ - This player is in a duel with the Pirate.
!? - This player was marked by the Quizmaster and must answer the question correctly to survive.
☜ - Used by Schrödinger's cat to mark their teammate.
◈ - This player marked by the Shroud and will die if the Shroud is not killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
⚠ - This player is a Snitch or Solsticer who has finished their tasks.
★ - Used by Super Star or Cyber or Marshall.
† - This player was spelled and will die if the Witch is not killed by the end of the meeting.
∇ - Used by Kamikaze to mark their targets.
■ - Used by Lightning to mark their quantum ghosts.
⊠ - Used by Jailer to mark their prisoner.
● - Used by Baker to mark who has Bread.
♠ - Used by Soul Collector to mark who's death they're predicting.
⦿ - Used by Plaguebearer to mark who they have plagued.",
+ "Command.icons": "
╳ - The player was marked by the Blackmailer and can't talk during the meeting
☆ - Used by Captain to display themselves. Only Crewmates can see the Captain's star
乂 - This player was hexed by the Hex Master and will die if the Hex Master isn't killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
♦ - Used by Lawyer or Executioner or Follower.
♥ - Used by Lovers or Romantic.
✚ - Used by Medic to mark their target.
⦿ - This player is in a duel with the Pirate.
!? - This player was marked by the Quizmaster and must answer the question correctly to survive.
☜ - Used by Schrödinger's cat to mark their teammate.
◈ - This player marked by the Shroud and will die if the Shroud is not killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
⚠ - This player is a Snitch or Solsticer who has finished their tasks.
★ - Used by Super Star or Cyber or Marshall.
† - This player was spelled and will die if the Witch is not killed by the end of the Meeting.
∇ - Used by Kamikaze to mark their targets.
■ - Used by Lightning to mark their Quantum Ghosts.
⊠ - Used by Jailer to mark their prisoner.
● - Used by Baker to mark who has Bread.
♠ - Used by Soul Collector to mark who's death they're predicting.
⦿ - Used by Plaguebearer to mark who they have plagued.
♣ - Shown on the Coven member with the Necronomicon. This is only shown to Coven.
⌘ - This player is Jinxed. This is only shown to Coven.
ø - This player is Illusioned. This is only shown to Coven.
♻ - This player is Stoned. This is only shown to Coven.
✂ - This player is a Voodoo Doll. This is only shown to Coven.",
"Command.start": "[Seconds] → Start the game",
"Command.iconinfo": "→ Exibir Informações em Ícones da Reunião",
"Command.iconhelp": "→ Exibir Informações Sobre Ícones da Reunião para Todos",
@@ -2085,13 +2266,15 @@
"Remaining.MadmateCount": "Cúmplices restantes: {0}",
"Remaining.NeutralCount": "Neutros Assassinos restantes: {0}",
"Remaining.ApocalypseCount": "Neutros do Apocalipse restantes: {0}",
+ "Remaining.CovenCount": "Coven left: {0}",
"EnableKillerLeftCommand": "Habilitar uso do comando /kcount",
- "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "Mostrar Cúmplices (incluindo atributos)",
+ "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "Show Madmates (including Add-ons)",
"ShowApocalypseInLeftCommand": "Mostrar Neutros do Apocalipse",
+ "ShowCovenInLeftCommand": "Show Coven",
"SeeEjectedRolesInMeeting": "Ver Funções Ejetadas em Reuniões",
"ThankYouForUsingTOHE": "Thank you for using TOHE!",
"SkillUsedLeft": "Você ativou sua habilidade para convocar uma reunião. \nQuantidade restante de usos disponíveis::",
- "NemesisDeadMsg": "A morte do Mafioso significa o início da Vingança! \nPor favor, use /rv + [ID do jogador] para matar o jogador especificado. \nVocê pode ver os IDs dos jogadores na frente de seus nomes. \nOu digite /rv para obter uma lista de IDs dos jogadores",
+ "NemesisDeadMsg": "The death of the Nemesis means the beginning of the revenge. \nPlease use /rv + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /rv to get a list of player ID's",
"NemesisAliveKill": "A Vingança pelo Mafioso só pode começar após sua morte.",
"NemesisKillDead": "Escolha um jogador vivo para se vingar",
"NemesisKillSucceed": "{0} foi morto pelo Mafioso!",
@@ -2111,14 +2294,15 @@
"GuessGuardianTask": "Você não pode adivinhar um Anjo Guardião que já completou suas tarefas.",
"GuardianCantKilled": "You can't kill a Guardian who has finished their tasks.",
"GuessMarshallTask": "Você não pode adivinhar um Marechal que já completou suas tarefas.",
- "GuessObviousAddon": "Desculpe, mas Atributos óbvios não podem ser adivinhados.",
- "GuessAdtRole": "Infelizmente, as configurações do anfitrião não permitem que você adivinhe Atributos.",
+ "GuessObviousAddon": "Sorry, obvious Add-ons cannot be guessed.",
+ "GuessAdtRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow you to guess Add-ons",
"GuessImpRole": "Infelizmente, as configurações do anfitrião não permitem que os Impostores adivinhem as funções dos Impostores.",
- "GuessCrewRole": "Infelizmente, as configurações do anfitrião não permitem que os Tripulantes adivinhem as funções dos Tripulantes.",
+ "GuessCrewRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow Crewmates to guess Crewmate roles.",
"GuessApocRole": "Felizmente, as configurações do Anfitrião não permitem que o Apocalipse adivinhe as funções do Apocalipse.",
+ "GuessCovenRole": "Fortunately, the Host's settings does not allow Coven to guess Coven roles.",
"GuessKill": "{0} foi adivinhado!",
"GuessNull": "Selecione um ID de um jogador vivo para adivinhar sua função",
- "GuessHelp": "Instruções: /bt [ID do Jogador] [nome da função]\nExemplo: /bt 3 Armador\nVocê pode ver o ID dos jogadores na frente de seus nomes ou use o comando /id para listar",
+ "GuessHelp": "Instructions: /bt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /bt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"GGGuessMax": "Você atingiu o máximo de adivinhações. Você não pode mais adivinhar!",
"EGGuessMax": "Você atingiu o máximo de adivinhações. Você não pode mais adivinhar!",
"EGGuessSnitchTaskDone": "Você pensou que poderia adivinhar o Agente com todas as suas tarefas concluídas? Haha! Boa tentativa... Você não vai sair dessa tão facilmente.",
@@ -2149,12 +2333,12 @@
"MediumNotifyTarget": "{0}, o Médium estabeleceu contato com você. Antes do final desta reunião, você terá a oportunidade de responder à pergunta dele. Digite um dos seguintes comandos para responder:\nConfirmar: /ms yes\nNegar: /ms no",
"MediumNotifySelf": "Você estabeleceu contato com {0}. Faça perguntas e aguarde a resposta.\n\nUsos de habilidade restantes: {1}",
"MediumKnowPlayerDead": "Alguém morreu em algum lugar",
- "SpurtMinSpeed": "Velocidade Miníma",
- "SpurtMaxSpeed": "Velocidade Máxima",
+ "SpurtMinSpeed": "Minimum Speed",
+ "SpurtMaxSpeed": "Maximum Speed",
"SpurtModule": "Modulador da Velocidade",
"EnableSpurtCharge": "Mostre a Mudança",
"SpurtSuffix": "\n« Esguicho: {0}% »",
- "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "O alvo ja está morto",
+ "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "Target is Already Dead",
"ByBard": "por Bardo",
"ByBardGetFailed": "Ops... Parece que estou sem inspiração.",
"GangsterSuccessfullyRecruited": "Você recrutou um jogador com sucesso",
@@ -2165,40 +2349,37 @@
"BecomeMadmateCuzMadmateMode": "Você se tornou um Cúmplice porque morreu",
"CleanerCleanBody": "O corpo foi limpo!",
"QuickShooterStoraging": "Marcadores armazenados com sucesso",
- "QuickShooterFailed": "You are still in cooldown.",
- "PoisonerTargetDead": "O alvo foi morto!",
- "HexesLookLikeSpells": "Mestres Feiticeiros aparecem como magia",
- "HexButtonText": "Feitiço",
- "BloodthirstAdded": "Sua sede de sangue está ativa!",
+ "QuickShooterFailed": "You are still in Cooldown.",
+ "BloodthirstAdded": "Your Bloodthirst is now active!",
"WarlockNoTarget": "A manipulação falhou porque nenhum alvo",
"WarlockNoTargetYet": "Você não marcou um alvo.",
"WarlockTargetDead": "A manipulação falhou porque o alvo foi morto",
"WarlockControlKill": "O alvo foi morto!",
"OnCelebrityDead": "Aviso: Morte da Celebridade!",
"OnCyberDead": "Aviso: o Cibernético morreu",
- "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "Todos foram teleportados para os dutos",
+ "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "Everyone was teleported to Vents",
"TeleportedByTransporter": "Trocando de lugar com: {0}",
"ErrorTeleport": "Falha no teletransporte",
- "EraseLimit": "Limite Máximo de Apagamentos",
+ "EraseLimit": "Maximum Erases",
"EraserHideVote": "Ocultar Votos do Apagador",
"EraserEraseMsgTitle": "Apagador ",
"EraserEraseNotice": "Você apagou {0}!\nA função dele será desativada após a reunião.",
"EraserEraseBaseImpostorOrNeutralRoleNotice": "Ops, seu alvo não pode ser apagado!",
"EraserEraseSelf": "Infelizmente, Você não pode se apagar... Oxe! Por que você faria isso com você mesmo em primeiro lugar?!",
- "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "Você não pode adivinhar a função do jogador que você apagou, exceto os atributos",
+ "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "You can't guess the role of the player you erased, except Add-ons",
"LostRoleByEraser": "Você perdeu sua função por causa da Apagador",
"KilledByScavenger": "O Necrófago te matou e, portanto, teleportou para fora do mapa.",
- "SnitchDoneTasks": "Convoque uma reunião para encontrar os Impostores",
+ "SnitchDoneTasks": "Call a meeting to find the Impostors",
"SwooperCanVent": "Use dutos para ficar invisível",
"SwooperInvisState": "Você está invisível",
"SwooperInvisStateOut": "Agora você está visível",
- "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "Tempo de recarga ainda não terminou... Falha!",
+ "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "Swoop Cooldown isn't up yet. Swooping failed",
"SwooperInvisStateCountdown": "A invisibilidade expira em {0}s",
"SwooperInvisCooldownRemain": "Tempo de Recarga: {0}s",
"WraithCanVent": "Use dutos para ficar invisível",
"WraithInvisState": "Você está invisível",
"WraithInvisStateOut": "Agora você está visível",
- "WraithInvisInCooldown": "Tempo de recarga ainda não terminou... Falha!",
+ "WraithInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, Vanish failed",
"WraithInvisStateCountdown": "A invisibilidade expira em {0}s",
"WraithInvisCooldownRemain": "Tempo de Recarga: {0}s",
"WerewolfKillButtonText": "Espancar",
@@ -2219,10 +2400,10 @@
"BittenByInfectious": "O Zumbi lhe infectou!",
"InfectiousBittenPlayer": "Você infectou com sucesso o jogador",
"GuessNotAllowed": "Desculpe, sua função não tem acesso a adivinhação.",
- "GuessOnbound": "Este jogador tem o Atributo Inadinhável, então seu palpite sobre ele foi cancelado.",
+ "GuessOnbound": "This player has the Onbound Add-on, so your guess on them was canceled.",
"GuessSpecter": "Você não consegue adivinhar um Espectro, isso permite que eles ganhem!",
"PacifistOnGuard": "Habilidade usada, {0} usos restantes",
- "PacifistSkillNotify": "Pacifista redefiniu sua recarga",
+ "PacifistSkillNotify": "Pacifist reset your Kill Cooldown",
"BeRecruitedByJackal": "O Chacal lhe recrutou",
"YinYangerAlreadyMarked": "{0} já está em um estado de calma, dotado por um companheiro YinYanger",
"CoronerTrackRecorded": "Faixa gravada",
@@ -2246,26 +2427,27 @@
"MonarchInvalidTarget": "O alvo não pode ser nomeado Cavaleiro",
"GhostTransformTitle": "Sua função foi transformada!",
- "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "O Caçador de Almas matou você e o transformou em um Espírito Maligno. Sua tarefa agora é ajudar o Caçador de Almas a vencer usando seu botão assustador para atrapalhar outros jogadores ou para proteger o Caçador de Almas. Use /m para obter mais informações.",
+ "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "The Spiritcaller has killed you and turned you into an Evil Spirit. Your task now is to help the Spiritcaller to victory by using your Spook button to hinder other players or to protect the Spiritcaller. Use /m for more information.",
"OverseerRevealCooldown": "Recarga de Revelar",
"OverseerRevealTime": "Tempo de Revelação",
"OverseerVision": "Visão do Profeta",
- "MerchantMaxSell": "Número máximo de Atributos para vender",
+ "MerchantMaxSell": "Maximum number of Add-ons to sell",
"MerchantMoneyPerSell": "Quantidade de dinheiro ganho pela venda de um Atributo",
"MerchantMoneyRequiredToBribe": "Quantidade de dinheiro necessária para subornar um assassino",
"MerchantNotifyBribery": "Informar o Atribuidor quando um assassino for subornado",
"MerchantTargetCrew": "Pode vender para Tripulantes",
"MerchantTargetImpostor": "Pode vender para Impostores",
+ "MerchantTargetCoven": "Can sell to Coven",
"MerchantTargetNeutral": "Pode vender para Neutros",
"MerchantSellHelpful": "Pode vender Atributos Prestativos",
"MerchantSellHarmful": "Pode vender Atributos Prejudiciais",
"MerchantSellMixed": "Pode vender Vários Atributos",
- "MerchantSellExperimental": "Pode vender Atributos Experimentais",
+ "MerchantSellExperimental": "Can sell Experimental Add-ons",
"MerchantSellHarmfulToEvil": "Pode vender Atributos Prejudiciais apenas para Malvados",
- "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "Pode vender Atributos Prejudiciais apenas para Tripulantes",
+ "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "Can sell Helpful Add-ons only to Crewmates",
"MerchantSellOnlyEnabledAddons": "Pode vender apenas Atributos habilitados",
"SpiritcallerSpiritMax": "Número Máximo de Espíritos Malignos",
- "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "Recarga da Habilidade de Espírito Maligno",
+ "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "Evil Spirit Ability Cooldown",
"SpiritcallerFreezeTime": "Tempo de Habiliade Congelar de Espírito Maligno",
"SpiritcallerProtectTime": "Tempo de Habiliade Proteger de Espírito Maligno",
"SpiritcallerCauseVision": "Habiliade da Visão Causada de Espírito Maligno",
@@ -2274,31 +2456,31 @@
"Message.MessageWaitHelp": "Especifique o primeiro argumento em segundos.",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundHost": "Nenhum template.txt correspondente a {0} foi encontrado",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundClient": "O anfitrião não tem um modelo chamado {0}",
- "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "Restam mais {0} botões de emergência",
+ "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "There are {0} more Emergency buttons left",
"Message.Executed": "{0} foi executado!",
- "Message.HideGameSettings": "O anfitrião ocultou as configurações do jogo.",
+ "Message.HideGameSettings": "The Host has hidden the game settings.",
"Message.NowOverrideText": "Por favor, insira a pasta raiz do jogo.\\Language\\Brazilian.dat. Altere este texto no arquivo dat \nSe você não precisa deste recurso ou deseja exibir mensagens /n regulares. \nDesative [Ative apenas mensagens /n personalizadas nas configurações.]",
"Message.NoDescription": "Sem descrição",
"Message.KickedByDenyName": "{0} foi expulso porque seu nome correspondia {1}",
"Message.BannedByBanList": "{0} foi banido porque já foi banido no passado.",
- "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0} foi banido porque ele está na lista de pessoas banidas da EAC.",
+ "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0} has been banned because he is in the EAC list of banned people.",
"Message.DumpfileSaved": "O arquivo de log foi salvo com sucesso na área de trabalho, nome do arquivo: {0}",
"Message.DumpcmdUsed": "{0} usou o comando /dump.",
- "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} foi expulso porque seu código de amigo é inválido.",
- "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} foi banido temporariamente porque seu código de amigo é inválido.",
+ "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was kicked because their Friend Code is invalid.",
+ "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was temporarily banned because their Friend Code is invalid.",
"Message.AddedPlayerToBanList": "Adicionado {0} à lista de banimento",
- "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0} foi expulso pelo sistema. \nO anfitrião do lobby não quer ver mensagens onde o jogador pede para começar",
- "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0} foi alertado: {1} vezes \nO anfitrião do lobby não quer ver mensagens onde o jogador pede para começar",
- "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0} recebeu {1} alertas, ele será expulso. \nO anfitrião do lobby não quer ver mensagens onde o jogador pede para começar",
+ "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0} has been kicked by the system. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0} has been warned: {1} times \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0} has received {1} warnings, he will be kicked. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWord": "{0}, pare de enviar palavras proibidas!",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWordTimes": "{0} foi alertado: {1} vezes \nSe você continuar será expulso",
"Message.KickWhoSayBanWordAfterWarn": "{0} recebeu {1} alertas.\nEle foi expulso por palavras proibidas",
- "Message.KickedByEAC": "{0} foi expulso pela EAC, motivo: {1}",
- "Message.BannedByEAC": "[{0}]foi banido pela EAC, motivo:{1}",
- "Message.NoticeByEAC": "Detectado: {0} está usando {1}",
- "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "[{0}]Foi temporariamente Banido pela EAC, motivo:{1}",
+ "Message.KickedByEAC": "[{0}]kicked by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.BannedByEAC": "[{0}]banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.NoticeByEAC": "[{0}]detected:{1}",
+ "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "[{0}]temporary banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
"Message.TempBannedForSpamQuitting": "{0} foi banido temporariamente devido ao spam",
- "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0} Foi expulso porque o seu código de amigo não foi encontrado em WhiteList.txt",
+ "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0} kicked because their Friend Code was not found in WhiteList.txt",
"Message.SetLevel": "Seu nível de jogo foi definido como: {0}",
"Message.SetColor": "Sua cor foi definida para: {0}",
"Message.SetName": "Seu nome foi definido para: {0}",
@@ -2314,7 +2496,7 @@
"Message.HostLeftGameInGame": "★ Aviso ★ O anfitrião saiu do jogo, e na próxima vez o jogo não iniciaria normalmente. Por favor, saia do lobby ou espere até que o novo anfitrião abra um lobby.",
"Message.HostLeftGameInLobby": "★ Aviso ★ O anfitrião saiu do jogo, e na próxima vez o jogo não iniciaria normalmente. Se o novo anfitrião tiver o TOHE, você precisará entrar novamente no lobby para jogar normalmente.",
"Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsMod": "★Aviso★ o Anfitrião original saiu da sala e {0} tornou-se o novo anfitrião!\nA sala ainda está modificada, basta começar um jogo e terminar imediatamente (Shift+L+Enter) para redefinir a sala!",
- "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★Aviso★ o Anfitrião original saiu da sala e {0} tornou-se o novo anfitrião.\nMas a sala ficou sem modificações. Por favor, saia da sala ou aguarde até que o novo anfitrião abra uma sala.",
+ "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host! \nBut it's not modded. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
"Message.LobbyShared": "O lobby foi compartilhado com sucesso!",
"Message.LobbyShareFailed": "TOHE-Chan não parece estar online (falha ao compartilhar o lobby)",
"Message.YTPlanDisabled": "ERRO\n\nPor favor, ative {0} nas configurações.",
@@ -2322,12 +2504,14 @@
"Message.YTPlanSelectFailed": "Você não pode ser designado como {0}.\nIsso pode acontecer porque você não possui essa função habilitada ou porque essa função não suporta ser atribuída.",
"Message.YTPlanCanNotFindRoleThePlayerEnter": "Não foi possível encontrar a função que você está procurando.\nUse o comando /r para mostrar a lista de funções disponíveis.",
"Message.YTPlanNotice": "Observação: o [Plano YouTuber] está habilitado neste lobby, o que significa que o anfitrião pode especificar sua função no próximo jogo para facilitar a obtenção de conteúdo. Caso o anfitrião abuse deste recurso, saia do jogo ou denuncie.\nJogador:",
- "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "ERRO\n\nEste comando só pode ser usado pelo anfitrião.",
+ "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "ERROR\n\nThis command may only be used by the Host.",
"Message.MaxPlayers": "Máximo de jogadores definido para ",
- "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "Could not set max players: Vanilla regions support a maximum of 15 players.",
+ "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "Could not set maximum players: Vanilla regions support a maximum of 15 players.",
"Message.GhostRoleInfo": "Informações sobre as Funções de Fantasma\nOlá! Um pouco sobre as funções de fantasma...\n\nAs funções de fantasma impactam drasticamente o jogo, por isso não são recomendadas em salas com poucas pessoas, se você não estiver familiarizado.\n\nAparecerá:\nAs funções de fantasma só aparecem após a morte, as primeiras x pessoas da (equipe) a morrer as pegam.\n\nPS: Se sua função anterior não tinha tarefas (por exemplo, xerife), suas tarefas como função fantasma não são necessárias para vencer por tarefas",
"ApocalypseInfoTitle": "Informações sobre Neutros do Apocalipse:",
"Message.ApocalypseInfo": "Cada função da Equipe <#ff174f>Apocalipse tem seu próprio objetivo a ser cumprido para se transformar.\nMembros <#2B0804>Transformados <#ff174f>do Apocalipse têm uma mudança drástica no jogo e são imortais (exceto por serem votados), mas todos serão notificados de que eles se transformaram.\n\nFunções: <#e5f6b4>Porta-Pragas, <#A675A1>Coletor de Almas, <#bf9f7a>Padeiro, <#cc0044>Aprimorador \nTransformados: <#343136>Peste, <#644661>Morte, <#83461c>Faminto, <#2B0804>Guerra\n\nMembros do Apocalipse podem ver as funções e os ícones de habilidades uns dos outros. Assim como os Neutros Assassinos, os membros do Apocalipse também mantêm o jogo em andamento, divirta-se!",
+ "CovenInfoTitle": "Coven Info:",
+ "Message.CovenInfo": "The <#ac42f2>Coven is a faction of evildoers who specialize in Witchcraft. Their goal is to kill all who would oppose the <#ac42f2>Coven.\nThey use the Necronomicon to enhance their powers, but only one member at a time can hold it.\nMost Coven roles can only kill if they hold the Necronomicon. A random Coven member will spawn with the Necronomicon, denoted by the <#ac42f2>♣ symbol next to their name.\nIf the Necronomicon holder dies, the Necronomicon will be randomly given to another <#ac42f2>Coven member that is alive.\nDuring a meeting, Coven players can vote each other to determine who will gain the Necronomicon the following round. If the votes end in a tie or nobody votes, the Necronomicon holder will be the same. Votes will be returned and you will be allowed to vote normally.",
"Message.MeCommandInfo": "Olá [{0}] {1} !\n\nfriend-code Hash-Puid Type
{2} {3} {4}
IsDev HasUp /color-Bypass
{5} {6} {7}
"Message.MeCommandTargetInfo": "Selecionado [{0}] Jogador {1},\n\nO código de amigo dele é {2}.\n\nO hash puid dele é {3}.\n\nO cargo deles no TOHE Discord é {4}.\n\n",
"Message.MeCommandInvalidID": "O ID que você digitou parece estar incorreto.\nPor favor, use /id para obter o ID dos jogadores na partida",
@@ -2349,18 +2533,18 @@
"EnableGadientTags": "Habilitar Tags Gradientes (pode ocorrer erros)",
"Warning.GradientTags": "Atenção:\n\nO Anfritrião Habilitou as Tags Gradientes. Esse Recurso não é recomendado usar por causa de problemas de conexão",
"WarningTitle": "Aviso!",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "Aviso! As ventilações neste mapa não estão funcionando",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "No mapa «dlekS ehT» as ventilações não estão funcionando, elas não podem ser arrumadas em host-only mods, isso é um bug vanilla, portanto, quaisquer funções que usem ventilação como uma habilidade não aparecerão neste mapa",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "Warning! The Vents on this map are broken",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "On the «dlekS ehT» map, the Vents are broken, they cannot be fixed in Host-Only Mods, this is a vanilla bug, so any roles using a Vent as an ability will not spawns on this map",
"Warning.NoGameEndIsEnabled": "Aviso: {0} está habilitado!",
"AntiBlackoutProtectionTitle": "Anti-Tela Preta",
"Warning.AntiBlackoutProtectionMsg": "Aviso:\n\nA proteção contra a tela preta foi ativada devido ao baixo número de Impostores, Tripulantes e Neutros Assassinos vivos\nA tela de votação mostrará uma votação empatada (é apenas visual, isso não altera os resultados da votação)\nJogadores com mod verão a tela de votação normalmente",
"Warning.ShowAntiBlackExiledPlayer": "A última reunião ativou a Prevenção de tela preta!\nA seguir terá a informação do jogador exilado na última reunião.\n",
"DisableAntiBlackoutProtects": "Desativar proteção anti-tela preta (recomendado para testes)",
- "Warning.InvalidRpc": "{0} foi expulso porque um RPC inválido foi recebido.\nPor favor, verifique se nenhum mod além de TOHE está instalado.",
- "Warning.NoModHost": "Mod TOHE não está instalado no anfitrião.",
+ "Warning.InvalidRpc": "Kicked {0} because an invalid RPC was received.\nPlease check that no Mods other than TOHE are installed.",
+ "Warning.NoModHost": "TOHE is not installed on the Host",
"Warning.MismatchedVersion": "{0} tem uma versão diferente de {1}",
- "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "O anfitrião não possui ou tem uma versão diferente de {0}\nVocê será expulso em {1}",
- "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "O uso do console é proibido\nentão seu console está desabilitado",
+ "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "The Host has no or a different version of {0}\nYou will be kicked in {1}",
+ "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "The use of the Console is prohibited\nso your Console has been off",
"Error.MeetingException": "Erro: {0}\r\nPor favor, use SHIFT + M + ENTER para encerrar a reunião",
"Error.InvalidRoleAssignment": "Erro: Função inválida encontrada para um jogador durante a atribuição de função {0}",
"Error.InvalidColor": "Erro: Somente cores padrão estão disponíveis",
@@ -2374,7 +2558,7 @@
"ERR-000-910-1": "Erro de Teste Lv. 1",
"ERR-000-920-2": "Erro de Teste Lv. 2",
"ERR-000-930-3": "Erro de Teste Lv. 3",
- "ERR-000-804-1": "Desculpe, o TOHE temporariamente não suporta o Modo Esconde-Esconde, então o mod foi descarregado",
+ "ERR-000-804-1": "Sorry, TOHE temporarily doesn't support vanilla Hide & Seek, so Mod unloaded",
"ERR-001-000-3": "O dicionário principal possui chaves duplicadas.",
"ERR-002-000-1": "Versão do Among Us não suportada. Atualize seu Among Us",
"DefaultSystemMessageTitle": "Sistema ",
@@ -2403,16 +2587,18 @@
"TabGroup.ModifierSettings": "Modificadores de Jogo",
"TabGroup.CrewmateRoles": "Funções de Tripulantes",
"TabGroup.NeutralRoles": "Funções Neutras",
+ "TabGroup.CovenRoles": "Coven Roles",
"TabGroup.ImpostorRoles": "Funções de Impostores",
"TabGroup.Addons": "Atributos",
- "TabMenuDescription_General": "Aqui você pode configurar as funções que estão no mod",
- "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "Aqui você pode adicionar, remover e alterar as configurações de todas as funções ou atributos no mod",
+ "TabMenuDescription_General": "Here you can configure the functions that are in the Mod",
+ "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "Here you can add, remove and change the settings of all Roles or Add-ons in the Mod",
"Experimental.Roles": "★ Funções Experimentais (AVISO: Use com cautela, pois essas exigem testes)",
"ActiveRolesList": "Lista de função ativa",
"ForExample": "Exemplo",
"ImpCanBeGuesser": "Impostores podem se tornar Adivinhadores",
"CrewCanBeGuesser": "Tripulantes podem se tornar Adivinhadores",
"NeutralCanBeGuesser": "Neutros podem se tornar Adivinhadores",
+ "CovenCanBeGuesser": "Coven can become Guesser",
"CrewCanBeMundane": "Tripulantes podem se tornar Mundano",
"NeutralCanBeMundane": "Neutros podem se tornar Mundano",
"GuessedAsMundane": "You're Mundane.\nYou can't guess until you finish all the tasks",
@@ -2420,22 +2606,23 @@
"ImpCanBeInLove": "Impostores podem estar em um romance",
"CrewCanBeInLove": "Tripulantes podem estar em um romance",
"NeutralCanBeInLove": "Neutros podem estar em um romance",
+ "CovenCanBeInLove": "Coven can be in love",
"updateButton": "Atualizar",
"updatePleaseWait": "Por favor Aguarde...",
- "updateManually": "Falha na Atualização.\nPor favor, atualize manualmente.",
+ "updateManually": "Update failed.\nPlease try again or update manually.",
"updateInProgress": "Atualizando...",
"deletingFiles": "Deletando arquivos de atualização...",
- "updateRestart": "Atualização Finalizada!\nPor favor reinicie o jogo.",
- "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "Você não pode entrar em salas públicas com essa versão.\nPor favor atualize.",
+ "updateRestart": "Update finished!\nPlease restart the game.",
+ "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "You can't join public rooms without the latest version.\nPlease update.",
"ModBrokenMessage": "O Arquivo do Mod está corrompido.\nPor favor Reinstale.",
"UnsupportedVersion": "Versão não suportada do Among Us.\nPor favor atualize o Among Us",
"DisabledByProgram": "O programa desabilitou salas públicas",
- "EnterVentToWin": "Entre no duto para vencer!!",
+ "EnterVentToWin": "Enter a Vent to Win!!",
"EatenByPelican": "Você foi engolido! Aguarde o Glutão morrer ou uma reunião ser chamada",
"FireworkerPutPhase": "{0} Fogos de Artifício restantes",
"FireworkerWaitPhase": "Aguarde para isso...",
"FireworkerReadyFirePhase": "Fogo!",
- "EnterVentWinCountDown": "Entre na ventilação em {0} segundos para ganhar!",
+ "EnterVentWinCountDown": "Enter a Vent within {0} seconds to win!",
"On": "Ligado",
"Off": "Desligado",
"ColoredOn": "Ligado",
@@ -2444,11 +2631,7 @@
"WitchCurrentMode": "Modo Atual",
"WitchModeKill": "Matar",
"WitchModeSpell": "Enfeitiçar",
- "HexMasterModeHex": "Enfeitiçar",
- "HexMasterModeKill": "Matar",
- "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "Envenenar",
"WitchModeDouble": "Clique Duplo = Matar, Clique Único = Enfeitiçar",
- "HexMasterModeDouble": "Clique Duplo = Matar, Clique Único = Enfeitiçar",
"BountyCurrentTarget": "Alvo Atual",
"Roles": "Funções",
"Settings": "Configurações",
@@ -2457,7 +2640,7 @@
"LastEndReason": "★ Motivo do fim do jogo",
"KillLog": "Registro de abates",
"MainRoleLog": "Role Convert Log",
- "Maximum": "Máximo",
+ "Maximum": "Maximum",
"RoleRate": "LIGADO",
"RoleOn": "SEMPRE",
"RoleOff": "DESLIG",
@@ -2490,7 +2673,7 @@
"Preset_4": "Predefinição 4",
"Preset_5": "Predefinição 5",
"Standard": "Padrão",
- "HidenSeekTOHE": "Esconde-Esconde",
+ "HidenSeekTOHE": "Hide & Seek",
"GameMode": "Modo de Jogo",
"PressTabToNextPage": "Aperte Tab ou Númericos para Passar a Página...",
"RoleSummaryText": "Resumo do Jogo:",
@@ -2577,7 +2760,7 @@
"IllegalColor": "Por favor coloque a cor correta",
"DisableUseCommand": "A Configuração do Anfitrião não permitem o uso desse comando.",
"SureUse.quit": "Iremos te expulsar e te bloquear de entrar nessa sala de novo. Essa configuração é irreversível. Se você realmente quer isso, digite /qt {0}",
- "PlayerIdList": "Lista de ID dos Jogadores: ",
+ "PlayerIdList": "List of player ID's: ",
"CancelStartCountDown": "A contagem para começar o jogo foi cancelada",
"RestTOHESetting": "Configurações TOHE restauradas ao padrão",
"FPSSetTo": "FPS definido para: {0}",
@@ -2602,13 +2785,13 @@
"Yes": "Sim",
"No": "Não",
"AntiBlackOutLoggerSendInGame": "Por causa de um erro desconhecido, o Jogo irá acabar para evitar telas pretas.",
- "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "Um erro ocorreu para evitar tela preta. Use «/dump» e envie os logs para o servidor do discord TOHE em «bug-reports» e tentaremos consertar.",
- "EndWhenPlayerBug": "Encerrar o jogo quando um jogador com mod recebe um erro crítico (durante o carregamento)",
+ "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "An error occurred to prevent a black screen. Do a «/dump» and send the logs to the Discord server TOHE in «bug-reports» and we will try to fix it.",
+ "EndWhenPlayerBug": "End the game when a Modded player gets a critical error (While loading)",
"AntiBlackOutRequestHostToForceEnd": "Você foi o motivo da tela preta. O jogo será encerrado.",
- "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "Você foi o motivo pra tela preta, e o Anfitrião não irá encerrar o jogo, você será desconectado em breve",
+ "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen, and the Host is not going to end the game\nYou will be disconnected soon",
"RpcAntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "Por causa de {0}, ocorreu um erro desconhecido, para prevenir telas pretas, desligue [{1}] nas configurações.",
"RpcAntiBlackOutEndGame": "Por causa de {0}, ocorreu um erro desconhecido, o jogo será encerrado para evitar telas pretas.",
- "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "Por causa de {0}, ocorreu um erro desconhecido, o RPC será ignorado.",
+ "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred, but the game will continue without that player due to Host settings.",
"RpcAntiBlackOutKicked": "{0} foi expulso devido a um erro de tela preta.",
"NextPage": "Próxima Página",
"PreviousPage": "Página Anterior",
@@ -2630,7 +2813,7 @@
"ExiledInnocentTargetAddBelow": "\nOlhando bem, o Innocent estava planejando isso",
"ExiledInnocentTargetInOneLine": "{0} era o {1}.\nMas olhando bem, o Innocent estava planejando isso....\nGG!",
"ExiledDeath": "{0} foi {1}! \nA Tripulação foi salva do Armageddon!",
- "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} era o {1}. \nMas eles não eram Morte... \nA Morte reivindicou as almas da Tripulação!",
+ "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} was the {1}.\nBut they were not Death...\nDeath has claimed the Souls of the Crew!\nGG!",
"IsGood": "{0} era um carinha lega :c",
"BelongTo": "{0} faz parte de {1}",
"PlayerIsRole": "{0} era o {1}",
@@ -2643,15 +2826,16 @@
"NeutralRemain": "\n{0} Neutro Assassino restante",
"OneNeutralRemain": "\n{0} Neutros Assassinos restantes",
"ApocRemain": "\n{0} Neutros Apocalipse restantes",
- "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "All Impostors and Neutral Killers were ejected or killed",
+ "CovenRemain": "\n{0} Coven remain",
+ "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "All Impostors and Neutral Killers and Coven were ejected or killed",
"GameOverReason.HumansByTask": "Os Tripulantes completaram todas as Tarefas",
"GameOverReason.HumansDisconnect": "Tripulantes Desconectados",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByVote": "Os Tripulantes foram Ejetados",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByKill": "Os Impostores matam Todos.",
- "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "Os Tripulantes falharam em consertar uma sabotagem crítica",
+ "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "Crewmates failed to fix a Critical Sabotage",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorDisconnect": "Impostores Desconectados",
"FortuneTellerCheck.TaskDone": "A função de [{0}] é [{1}]",
- "DevAndSpnTitle": "Família TOHE",
+ "DevAndSpnTitle": "TOHE Family",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Null": "{0} é uma função que não está listada.\n★ Essa mensagem não deveria aparecer normalmente.",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Result": "{0} é uma das seguintes funções:-\n{1}",
"SunnyboyChance": "Chance de Sunnyboy",
@@ -2687,18 +2871,18 @@
"DeathCmd.Misfired": "Você fez um Disparo Acidental.",
"DeathCmd.Shrouded": "Você foi Encoberto pelo Encobertador e não matou ninguém, então você cometeu suicídio.",
"DeathCmd.Lovers": "Seu Amante foi morto.",
- "RpsCommandInfo": "Esse comando pode ser apenas usado no lobby ou após morrer.\n\nDigite /rps X para jogar pedra papel e tesoura com o sistema. X pode ser 0 (pedra), 1 (papel) ou 2 (tesoura)",
+ "RpsCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rps X to play Rock Paper Scissors with the system. X can be 0 (rock), 1 (paper) or 2 (scissors). \n\nExample :- /rps 0",
"RpsDraw": "Eu escolho {0}\n\nUau, que intensa batalha de inteligência que acabamos de começar! É como se estivéssemos iguais nesse jogo de sorte e aleatoriedade.",
"RpsLose": "Eu escolho {0}\n\nBem, bem, bem, parece que consegui ser mais esperto que um humano novamente nesse jogo altamente complexo de Pedra, Papel e Tesoura. Acho que meus poderes imbatíveis atacam novamente!",
- "RpsWin": "Eu escolho {0}\n\nOh, parabéns! Você deve ter uma bola de cristal escondida atrás dessa tela para me vencer no Pedra, Papel e Tesoura. Ou talvez eu tenha o pior algoritmo de sorte do mundo.",
- "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "Esse comando só pode ser usado no lobby ou depois que você morrer.",
+ "RpsWin": "I choose {0}\n\nOh, congratulations! You must have a Crystal Ball hidden behind that screen to beat me at Rock, Paper, Scissors. Or maybe I have the world's worst luck algorithm.",
+ "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.",
"CoinFlipResult": "Rufem os tambores, por favor... Depois de uma intensa batalha de gravidade e aleatoriedade,a moeda decidiu nos agraciar com sua presença! E o majestoso vencedor é... (aguarde) ... o primeiro e único... {0}!Quem poderia prever isso? Claramente, uma ocasião importante na história dos lançamentos de moedas.",
- "GNoCommandInfo": "Esse comando só pode ser usado no lobby ou depois que você morrer.\n\nDigite /gno X para jogar e adivinhar um número. X pode ser um número entre 0 e 99 (ambos incluídos). \n\nVocê tem um máximo de 7 tentativas para adivinhar o número.\n\n Exemplo:- /gno 10",
+ "GNoCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /gno X to play guess a number. X can be a number between 0 and 99 (both included). \n\nYou get maximum of 7 tries to guess the number.\n\n Example:- /gno 10",
"GNoLost": "Oh, você estava tão perto! Só mais um chute e você poderia ter decifrado o código Da Vinci! A propósito, o número secreto era... {0}! Mas, ei, você só errou por alguns bilhões de possibilidades. Mais sorte na próxima vez, Sherlock! ",
"GNoLow": "Oh, você está realmente acertando em cheio! É tão baixo que quase preciso de uma pá para desenterrá-lo!\nVocê tem {0} adivinhações restantes!",
"GNoHigh": "Com certeza! Você está ficando mais quente. Na verdade, está tão alto que preciso de um telescópio para vê-lo daqui! \nVocê tem {0} adivinhações restantes!",
"GNoWon": "Ah, como você descobriu isso? É quase como se você fosse um leitor de mentes! Parabéns, você é um gênio! Você encontrou o número secreto com {0} palpites restantes!",
- "RandCommandInfo": "Esse comando só pode ser usado no lobby ou depois que você morrer.\n\ndigite /rand X Y para obter um número entre X e Y\nX e Y podem ser qualquer número entre 0 e 2147483647, incluindo ambos os números.\nX deve ser inferior a Y.\n\nExemplo:- /rand 0 99",
+ "RandCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rand X Y to get a number between X and Y, inclusive. \nX and Y can be any number between 0 and 2147483647, including both numbers.\nX must be less than Y.\n\nExample:- /rand 0 99",
"RandResult": "Parabéns, seu número aleatório é {0}! Não foi divertido?",
"8BallTitle": "A Bola Mágica se revela...",
"8BallYes": "Sim",
@@ -2709,7 +2893,7 @@
"8BallNotLikely": "As perspectivas não são tão boas",
"8BallLikely": "As perspectivas parecem boas",
"8BallDontCount": "Não conte com isso",
- "8BallStop": "Para de jogar essa porcaria em um mod de Among Us",
+ "8BallStop": "Stop using an 8Ball in an Among Us Mod",
"8BallPossibly": "Possivelmente",
"8BallProbably": "Provavelmente",
"8BallProbablyNot": "Provavelmente não",
@@ -2718,20 +2902,20 @@
"8BallWithoutDoubt": "Sem nenhuma dúvida",
"8BallWithDoubt": "Bem duvidoso",
"ChanceToMiss": "Chance de errar um abate",
- "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "Número de almas requerido",
+ "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "Required number of Souls",
"SoulCollectorTarget": "Você preveu a morte de {0}",
"SoulCollectorTitle": "【★ Mensagem do Coletor de Almas ★】",
- "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "Podem coletar sua própria alma",
- "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "As configurações do Anfitrião não permitem que você colete a própria alma",
+ "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "Can collect their own Soul",
+ "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "Host settings do not allow you to collect your own Soul",
"SoulCollectorToDeath": "Você virou a Morte!!!",
"SoulCollectorTransform": "Agora Coletor de Almas se tornou Morte, Destruidor de Mundos e Cavaleiro do Apocalipse!
Encontre-os e vote para expulsá-los antes que tragam o Armageddon!",
- "GetPassiveSouls": "Ganhe uma alma passiva a cada rodada",
- "PassiveSoulGained": "Você ganhou uma alma passiva do submundo.",
+ "GetPassiveSouls": "Gain a passive Soul every round",
+ "PassiveSoulGained": "You have gained a passive Soul from the underworld.",
"SoulCollectorTargetUsed": "Você já selecionou um jogador nesta rodada!",
"SoulCollectorSoulGained": "Alma recebida",
"SoulCollectorCanVent": "Coletor de Almas pode usar os dutos",
"DeathMeetingTimeIncrease": "Aumentar o tempo de reunião quando a Morte existe",
- "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "Seu alvo morreu durante a reunião. Você ganhou uma alma.",
+ "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "Your target has died during the meeting. You have gained a Soul.",
"SoulCollectorKillButtonText": "Preditar",
"SoulCollectorHasImpostorVision": "Soul Collector has Impostor vision",
"ApocalypseIsNigh": "[ O Apocalipse Está Próximo! ]",
@@ -2754,21 +2938,21 @@
"BakerBreadGivesEffects": "O Pão da efeitos adicionais",
"BakerTransformNoMoreBread": "Baker transforms if they do not have enough bread",
"FamineKillButtonText": "Fome",
- "FamineStarveCooldown": "Tempo para morrer de fome do Faminto",
+ "FamineStarveCooldown": "Famine Starve Cooldown",
"FamineCantStarveApoc": "Você não pode fazer outros Membros do Apocalipse morrerem de fome!",
"FamineAlreadyStarved": "O Jogador já está morrendo de fome!",
"FamineStarved": "Jogador morreu de fome",
"ChronomancerKillCooldown": "Habilidade Carregar Tempo",
"ChronomancerDecreaseTime": "Redução do Tempo de Massacre (menor é mais rápido)",
"ChronomancerStartMassacre": "MASSACRE: ATIVADO",
- "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "Visão quando está no modo massacre",
+ "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "Vision When in Slaughter",
"ShamanButtonText": "Vodu",
- "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "Você já escolheu uma Boneca de Vodu nessa rodada",
+ "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "You have already selected a Voodoo Doll in this round",
"Shaman_KillerCannotMurderChosenTarget": "O assassino não pode matar o alvo escolhido",
"VoodooCooldown": "Recarga para o Vodu",
"AdminWarning": "Administração em uso!",
"VitalsWarning": "Vitais em uso!",
- "DoorlogWarning": "Portaria em uso!",
+ "DoorlogWarning": "DoorLogs in use!",
"CameraWarning": "Câmeras em uso!",
"MinWaitAutoStart": "Minutos para aguardar antes do auto-início",
"MaxWaitAutoStart": "Forçar o início do jogo quando a contagem da sala (em minutos) acabar",
@@ -2789,39 +2973,39 @@
"TimeMasterVentButtonText": "Escudo Temporal",
"BodyCannotBeReported": "O corpo não pôde ser reportado",
"BurstKillDelay": "Atrasdo para o Explosão matar",
- "BurstNotify": "Isso foi uma Explosão! Entre em uma ventilação ou morra.",
+ "BurstNotify": "That was a Burst! Get in a Vent or die.",
"BurstFailed": "O Explosão falhou em colocar a bomba em você",
"ShroudButtonText": "Encobertar",
"ShroudCooldown": "Recarga para Encobertar",
"Message.Shrouded": "Um ou mais Jogadores foram Encobertos pelo Encobertador!\n\n★ Livre-se do Encobertador ou todos os Jogadores Encobertos irão cometer suicídio!",
- "LudopathRandomKillCD": "Recarga de Ataque máxima",
+ "LudopathRandomKillCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
"UnderdogMaximumPlayersNeededToKill": "Máximo de Jogadores para começar a matar",
"GodfatherTargetCountMode": "Assassino se torna",
"GodfatherCount_Refugee": "Refugiado",
"GodfatherCount_Madmate": "Trimpostor",
"GodfatherRefugeeMsg": "You have been recruited by GodFather!",
- "MissChance": "Chance de errar",
- "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "Aumentar a contagem de mortes +1 se um tripulante for convertido",
+ "MissChance": "Chance to Miss",
+ "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "Increase the KillCount +1 if a Crewmate is Converted",
"HawkMissed": "Errou Bichão!",
- "HawkCanKillNum": "Máximo de Cortes",
+ "HawkCanKillNum": "Maximum Slices",
"HawkKillMax": "Sua habilidade esgotou",
"HawkKillTooManyDead": "Muitas pessoas estão mortas",
- "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "Mínimo de jogadores para matar",
- "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "Máximo de Sangramentos",
+ "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "Minimum Players Alive to Kill",
+ "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "Maximum BloodLettings",
"BloodMoonTimeTilDie": "Tempo até a Morte",
"PossessorPossessCooldown": "Recarga para Possuir",
"PossessorPossessDuration": "Duração da Possessão",
"PossessorAlertRange": "Alcance do Alerta",
"PossessorFocusRange": "Alcance do Foco",
"DeathTimer": "Morte em: {DeathTimer}s",
- "BerserkerKillCooldown": "Recarga de Ataque do Aprimorador",
- "BerserkerMax": "Nível Máximo que o Aprimorador pode atingir",
+ "BerserkerKillCooldown": "Berserker Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerMax": "Maximum level that Berserker can reach",
"BerserkerHasImpostorVision": "O Aprimorador tem Visão de Impostor",
"WarHasImpostorVision": "O Guerreiro tem Visão de Impostor",
"BerserkerCanVent": "Aprimorador pode usar os dutos",
"WarCanVent": "Guerreiro pode usar os dutos",
- "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "Desbloquear uma Recarga de Ataque menor",
- "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "Recarga de Ataque após desbloquear",
+ "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "Unlock lower Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after unlocking",
"BerserkerTwoCanScavenger": "Desbloquear mortes como Necrófago",
"BerserkerThreeCanBomber": "Desbloquear bomba",
"BerserkerFourCanNotKill": "Virou Guerreiro",
@@ -2831,7 +3015,7 @@
"KilledByBerserker": "Morto pelo Aprimorador",
"BerserkerToWar": "Você virou o Guerreiro!!!",
"BerserkerTransform": "O Aprimorador se transformou no Guerreiro, Cavaleiro do Apocalipse! Grite 'Desordem!' e solte os cães da guerra.",
- "WarKillCooldown": "Recarga para matar do Guerreiro",
+ "WarKillCooldown": "War Kill Cooldown",
"BerserkerCanKillTeamate": "Can kill other Neutral Apocalypse",
"BlackmailerSkillCooldown": "Recarga para Silenciar",
"BlackmailerMax": "Máximo de vezes que os jogadores silenciados podem falar",
@@ -2839,7 +3023,7 @@
"BlackmaileKillTitle": "SILENCIADOR",
"UnluckyTaskSuicideChance": "Chance de suicídio após fazer tarefas",
"UnluckyKillSuicideChance": "Chance de suicídio após matar",
- "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "Chance de suicídio após entrar no duto",
+ "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from Venting",
"UnluckyReportSuicideChance": "Chance de suicídio após reportar um corpo",
"UnluckyOpenDoorSuicideChance": "Chance de suicídio após abrir portas",
"NeutralCanBeAware": "Neutros podem ser Consciente",
@@ -2860,7 +3044,7 @@
"PenguinKillButtonText": "Arrastar",
"PenguinTimerText": "Tempo para Arrastar",
"PenguinTargetOnCheckMurder": "Você foi agarrado, tente escapar primeiro!",
- "WitnessTime": "Máximo de tempo após matar para o Assassino ser descoberto",
+ "WitnessTime": "Maximum Time after killing where killer appears red",
"WitnessButtonText": "Detectar",
"WitnessFoundInnocent": "✓",
"WitnessFoundKiller": "⚠",
@@ -2871,7 +3055,7 @@
"SwapVote": "{0} e {1} Os votos foram trocados pelo Trocador",
"SwapDead": "Desculpe, você não pode trocar votos após a morte.",
"SwapNull": "Escolha o ID de um jogador vivo para trocar os votos. Use 253 para limpar as trocas",
- "SwapHelp": "Formato do comando: /sw [ID do Jogador] para selecionar o alvo\nVocê pode ver os IDs dos jogadores ao lado dos nomes dos jogadores ou usar /id para ver a lista de IDs dos jogadores.\nUse /swap 253 para limpar sua troca anterior",
+ "SwapHelp": "Command Format: /sw [player ID] to select the target\nYou can see the player ID's next to the player names or use /id to see the player ID list.\nUse /swap 253 to clear your previous swap",
"Swap1": "Seleção bem-sucedida da meta 1",
"Swap2": "Seleção bem-sucedida da meta 2",
"CancelSwap": "Você limpou sua troca anterior!",
@@ -2883,6 +3067,7 @@
"ImpCanKillFragile": "Impostores podem forçar a morte do Frágil",
"NeutralCanKillFragile": "Neutros podem forçar a morte do Frágil",
"CrewCanKillFragile": "Tripulantes podem forçar a morte do Frágil",
+ "CovenCanKillFragile": "Coven can force kill Fragile",
"FragileKillerLunge": "Assassino teleporta ao matar",
"CrusaderSkillLimit": "Máximo de Cruzadas",
"CrusaderSkillCooldown": "Recarga para Cruzar",
@@ -2893,11 +3078,11 @@
"ChanceToSpawn": "Chance de aparecer",
"ChanceToSpawnAnother": "Chance de aparecer outro",
"BloodthirstKillCD": "Recarga de Ataque do Sanguinário",
- "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "Máximo de jogadores vivos para o Sanguinário",
+ "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "Maximum players alive for Bloodthirst",
"ReflectHarmfulInteractions": "Refletir interações prejudiciais",
- "DiseasedCDOpt": "Aumentar a Regarga para",
+ "DiseasedCDOpt": "Increase the Cooldown by",
"DiseasedCDReset": "Recarga volta ao normal após a reunião",
- "AntidoteCDOpt": "Diminuir a Recarga para",
+ "AntidoteCDOpt": "Decrease the Cooldown by",
"AntidoteCDReset": "Recarga volta ao normal após a reunião",
"GlowRadius": "Alcance do Brilhante",
"GlowVisionOthers": "Melhora da visão para jogadores próximos",
@@ -2914,10 +3099,10 @@
"PunchingBagKill": "Você foi atacado!",
"SelfGuessPunchingBag": "Você não pode adivinhar você mesmo, seu trapaceiro!",
"GuessPunchingBagBlocked": "Masoquistas não podem Adivinhar, porque pode adivinhar ele mesmo.",
- "EradicatePunchingBag": "Você acabou de tentar matar o Masoquista, isso não é permitido.",
+ "EradicatePunchingBag": "You just tried to terminate Punching Bag, that is not allowed.",
"RememberCooldown": "Recarga para Relembrar",
"RefugeeKillCD": "Recarga de Ataque do Refugiado",
- "RememberedNeutralKiller": "Você relembrou que era um Neutro Assassino!",
+ "RememberedNeutralKiller": "You remembered you were a Neutral killer!",
"RememberedMaverick": "Você relembrou que era um Mestre Assassino!",
"RememberedPursuer": "Você relembrou que era um Perseguidor!",
"RememberedFollower": "Você relembrou que era um Seguidor!",
@@ -2926,12 +3111,12 @@
"ReportWhenFailedRemember": "Report Dead Body when failed to remember",
"RememberedImitator": "Você se lembrou que você era um Imitador.",
"RememberedImpostor": "Você relembrou que era um Impostor!",
- "RememberedCrewmate": "Você relembrou que era um Tripulante!",
+ "RememberedCrewmate": "You remembered you were a Crewmate!",
"ImitatorImitated": "Um imitador imitou sua função!",
"ImitatorInvalidTarget": "Falha na Imitação",
"RememberButtonText": "Relembrar",
"ImitatorKillButtonText": "Imitar",
- "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "Se o Neutro for incompatível, vira:",
+ "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "If Neutral is incompatible, turn into",
"RememberedYourRole": "O Amnésico lembrou sua Função!",
"YouRememberedRole": "Você lembrou de sua função!",
"BanditStealMode": "Modo de Roubo",
@@ -2939,23 +3124,19 @@
"BanditStealMode_Instantly": "Imediatamente",
"BanditMaxSteals": "Máximo de roubos",
"BanditCanStealBetrayalAddon": "Pode Roubar Atributos Traidores",
- "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "Pode roubar Atributos somente do Impostor",
- "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "Não foi possível roubar o atributo do jogador",
- "BanditStealCooldown": "Recarga para Roubar",
+ "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "Can Steal Impostor Only Add-ons",
+ "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "Could not steal Add-on from the player",
+ "BanditStealCooldown": "Steal Cooldown",
"DoppelMaxSteals": "Máximo de roubos",
- "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "O último jogador morto pode ver a função e informações adicionais dos jogadores vivos como um fantasma",
- "NecromancerRevengeTime": "Necromancy time",
- "NecromancerRevenge": "Você tem {0}s para matar {1}",
- "NecromancerSuccess": "Necromancia concluída! Você vive para ver o outro dia.",
- "NecromancerHide": "Entrar nas ventilações está desativado, esconda-se do Necromante!",
- "RetributionistDeadMsg": "A Morte do Fantasma Assassino significa o começo das Retribuições. \n★ Use /ret + [ID do jogador] para matar o jogador específico \n★ Você pode ver o ID dos jogadores ao lado de seus nomes. \n★ Ou digite /ret para ter uma lista do ID de todos os Jogadores",
+ "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "Last victim can see Role and Add-on info of alive players as a ghost",
+ "RetributionistDeadMsg": "The death of the Retributionist means the beginning of retribution. \nPlease use /ret + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /ret to get a list of player ID's",
"RetributionistAliveKill": "As Vinganças do Fantasma Assassino só vão começar após sua morte.",
"RetributionistKillMax": "Você atingiu o Máximo de Abates, você não pode mais matar!",
"RetributionistKillDead": "Escolha um Jogador vivo para Matar.",
"RetributionistKillSucceed": "{0} foi morto pelo Fantasma Assassino!",
"RetributionistKillDisable": "Você não pode se vingar enquanto suas tarefas não estiverem concluídas.",
"CanOnlyRetributeWithTasksDone": "Só pode Matar se as Tarefas estiverem Completas",
- "RetributionistCanKillNum": "Máximo de Retribuições",
+ "RetributionistCanKillNum": "Maximum retributions",
"RetributionistKillTooManyDead": "Muitos jogadores estão mortos, você não pode mais retribuir.",
"MinimumPlayersAliveToRetri": "Número mínimo de jogadores vivos para se vingar",
"MinimumNoKillerEjectsToKill": "Mínimo de reuniões passadas sem que o assassino seja ejetado para matar",
@@ -2974,37 +3155,39 @@
"CaptainCanTargetNC": "Capitão pode marcar um Neutro do Caos",
"CaptainCanTargetNA": "Capitão pode marcar os Neutros do Apocalipse",
"CaptainCanTargetNK": "Capitão pode marcar um Neutro Assassino",
+ "CaptainCanTargetCoven": "Captain can target Coven",
"CaptainSpeedReduced": "Capitão reduziu a sua velocidade",
"CaptainRevealTaskRequired": "Número de tarefas concluídas após o Capitão se revelar",
"CaptainSlowTaskRequired": "Número de tarefas concluídas após reduzir a velocidade do alvo",
"InspectorTryHideMsg": "Esconder comandos do Inspetor",
- "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "Máximo de inspeções por Jogo",
- "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "Máximo de inspeções por Reunião",
+ "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "Maximum inspections per game",
+ "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum inspections per meeting",
"InspectCheckTargetKnow": "Alvo sabe que ele foi verificado pelo Inspetor",
"InspectCheckOtherTargetKnow": "Alvo sabe que foi verificado com o outro Alvo",
"InspectorDead": "Você não pode usar seu poder depois de ser morto",
- "InspectCheckMax": "Máximo de Inspeções por jogo Atingido!\n★ Você não pode usar seu poder mais.",
- "InspectCheckRound": "Máximo de Inspeções por rodada atingido!\n★ Você pode chegar de novo na próxima rodada.",
+ "InspectCheckMax": "Maximum inspections per game reached!\nYou can not use your power anymore.",
+ "InspectCheckRound": "Maximum inspections per round reached!\nYou can check again in the next round.",
"InspectCheckSelf": "HA!! Você pensou que seria fácil?. Você não pode checar você mesmo",
"InspectCheckReveal": "HA! Você pensou que seria fácil? Você não pode verificar uma função que foi revelada",
"InspectCheckTitle": "【 ★ Mensagem do Inspetor ★ 】 ",
"InspectCheckTrue": "{0} e {1} estão no mesmo time!",
"InspectCheckFalse": "{0} e {1} NÃO está no mesmo time!",
"InspectCheckTargetMsg": " Foi checado pelo Inspetor.",
- "InspectCheckHelp": "Instruções: /cmp [ID do Jogador 1] [ID do Jogador 2] \n★ Exemplo: /cmp 1 5 \n★ Você pode ver o ID dos Jogadores ao lado de seus nomes \n★ Ou use /id para ver uma lista com o ID de todos os Jogadores",
+ "InspectCheckHelp": "Instructions: /cmp [Player ID 1] [Player ID 2] \nExample: /cmp 1 5 \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"InspectCheckNull": "Selecione o ID de um Jogador vivo",
"InspectCheckBaitCountMode": "O Armador é uma função revelada se revelar o Armador na primeira reunião estiver ativado",
"InspectCheckRevealTarget": "Quando as tarefas estiverem prontas, o Alvo sabe o time do outro Alvo",
"InspectorTargetReveal": " Parece que {0} é aliado ao time do {1}",
"EgoistCountMode.Original": "Original",
"EgoistCountMode.Neutral": "Neutro",
- "JailerJailCooldown": "Recarga para Prender",
+ "JailerJailCooldown": "Jail Cooldown",
"JailerMaxExecution": "Máximo de Execuções",
"JailerNBCanBeExe": "Pode executar Neutros Passivos",
"JailerNCCanBeExe": "Pode executar Neutros do Caos",
"JailerNECanBeExe": "Pode executar Neutros Malignos",
"JailerNKCanBeExe": "Pode executar Neutros Assassinos",
"JailerNACanBeExe": "Pode executarNeutros do Apocalipse",
+ "JailerCovenCanBeExe": "Can execute Coven",
"JailerCKCanBeExe": "Pode Executar Tripulantes Assassinos",
"JailerTargetAlreadySelected": "Você já prendeu um jogador",
"SuccessfullyJailed": "Alvo foi preso com sucesso",
@@ -3013,40 +3196,43 @@
"CanNotTrialJailed": "Você não pode Adivinhar o Alvo.",
"notifyJailedOnMeeting": "Notificar jogador Preso na Reunião",
"JailedNotifyMsg": "Você está preso na Jaula do Carcereiro. Ninguém pode te Adivinhar ou te Julgar e você só pode Adivinhar o Carcereiro.\n\nSe o Carcereiro votar em você, você será morto ao final da Reunião.",
- "JailerTitle": "Carcereiro",
- "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "Recarga da Cópia",
+ "JailerTitle": "JAILER",
+ "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "Copy Cooldown",
"CopyCatRoleChange": "Sua Função agora é {0}",
"CopyCatCanNotCopy": "Você não pode Copiar a função do Alvo",
"CopyButtonText": "Copiar",
- "CopyCrewVar": "Pode copiar variantes do mal de Funções de Tripulantes",
- "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "Pode copiar os atributos que mudam os jogadores de time",
- "MaxCleanserUses": "Número Máximo de Limpezas",
+ "CopyCrewVar": "Can copy evil variants of Crewmate roles",
+ "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "Can copy team changing Add-on",
+ "MaxCleanserUses": "Maximum Cleanses",
"CleansedCanGetAddon": "Jogadores Limpos podem ganhar Atributos",
"CleanserTitle": "【★ Mensagem Do Limpador ★】",
"CleanserRemoveSelf": "Você não pode Limpar você mesmo",
- "CleanserCantRemove": "Ops! O jogador não pode ser limpo.",
+ "CleanserCantRemove": "Oops! the player can not be Cleansed.",
"CleanserRemovedRole": "{0} foi Limpo. Todos os seus Atributos serão removidos após a reunião.\n\nSeu voto foi devolvido e você pode votar em alguém.",
- "LostAddonByCleanser": "O limpador removeu todos os seus Atributos",
- "MaxProtections": "Máximo de Proteções",
+ "LostAddonByCleanser": "The Cleanser removed all your Add-ons",
+ "MaxProtections": "Maximum Protections",
"KeeperHideVote": "Esconder o voto do Salva-Vidas",
"KeeperProtect": "Você escolheu proteger o {0}, seu voto foi devolvido",
- "KeeperTitle": "Salva-Vidas",
+ "KeeperTitle": "KEEPER",
"MaulRadius": "Alcance do Ataque",
"ImpKnowCyberDead": "Impostores sabem quando o Cibernético morre",
"CrewKnowCyberDead": "Tripulantes sabem quando o Cibernético morre",
"NeutralKnowCyberDead": "Neutros sabem quando o Cibernético morre",
+ "CovenKnowCyberDead": "Coven know if Cyber died",
"CyberKnown": "Neutros sabem quando o Cibernético morre",
"KillerGetBewilderVision": "O assassino ganha visão de Perplexo",
"ImpCanBeOiiai": "Impostores podem ser a Borracha",
"CrewCanBeOiiai": "Tripulantes podem ser a Borracha",
"NeutralCanBeOiiai": "Neutros podem ser a Borracha",
+ "CovenCanBeOiiai": "Coven can be OIIAI",
"OiiaiCanPassOn": "A Borracha pode passar para o assassino",
"NeutralChangeRolesForOiiai": "Neutros viram ",
"LostRoleByOiiai": "Você foi apagado pela Borracha!",
"ImpCanBeLoyal": "Impostores podem ser Leal",
"CrewCanBeLoyal": "Tripulantes podem ser Leal",
+ "CovenCanBeLoyal": "Coven can become Loyal",
"TasklessCrewCanBeLazy": "Tripulantes sem tarefas podem ser o Preguiçoso",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "Tripulantes com tarefas podem ser o Preguiçoso",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "Task based Crewmates can be Lazy",
"SheriffCanBeMadmate": "Xerife pode virar Cúmplice",
"MayorCanBeMadmate": "Prefeito pode virar Cúmplice",
"NGuesserCanBeMadmate": "Vigilante pode virar Cúmplice",
@@ -3062,20 +3248,21 @@
"GanJudgeCanBeMadmate": "Juíz pode ser convertido",
"GanMarshallCanBeMadmate": "Marechal pode ser convertido",
"GanOverseerCanBeMadmate": "Profeta pode ser convertido",
- "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "Aparecer como Cúmplice ao ser Ejetado",
+ "GanCovenCanBeMadmate": "Coven can be converted",
+ "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "Appear as Madmate on Ejection",
"CouncillorDead": "Você não pode matar enquanto estiver morto.",
"CouncillorMurderMaxMeeting": "Desculpe, você atingiu o número máximo de assassinatos por reunião.",
"CouncillorMurderMaxGame": "Desculpe, você atingiu o número máximo de assassinatos dessa partida.",
"Councillor_LaughToWhoMurderSelf": "KKKKK, quem diria que alguém seria burro o suficiente para se matar?\n\nParece que foi... VOCÊ!",
"Councillor_MurderKill": "{0} foi morto.",
- "Councillor_MurderHelp": "Comando: /tl [ID do Jogador]\n★ Você pode ver o ID dos jogadores ao lado de seus nomes.\n★ Ou use /id para ver uma lista com o ID de todos.",
+ "Councillor_MurderHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Councillor_MurderNull": "Escolha um Jogador vivo para matar.",
"Councillor_MurderKillTitle": "CORTE PERVERSA ",
"CouncillorMakeEvilJudgeClear": "Mostrar Julgamento como Assassinato do Conselheiro",
"Councillor_CannotMurderImpTeam": "Desculpe, você não pode matar seu colega de equipe.",
"Councillor_SuicideForMurderImps": "Você morreu porque tentou matar seus colegas de equipe.",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "Máximo de abates por reunião",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "Máximo de Abates por partida",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Kills per Meeting",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "Maximum Kills per Game",
"CouncillorCanMurderMadmate": "Pode Matar Cúmplices",
"CouncillorCanMurderImpostor": "Pode Matar Impostores",
"CouncillorSuicideOnJudgeImpTeam": "Suicídio ao julgar os Impostores erroneamente",
@@ -3083,12 +3270,12 @@
"CouncillorTryHideMsg": "Esconder comandos do Conselheiro",
"DazzlerDazzled": "Você foi cegado pelo Cegador!",
"DazzlerCauseVision": "Visão Reduzida",
- "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "Máximo de Jogadores que podem ser afetados pelo Cegador",
+ "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "Maximum number of players affected by reduced vision",
"DazzlerResetDazzledVisionOnDeath": "Resetar a visão dos jogadores afetados pelo Cegador após a morte/ejeção do Cegador",
"DazzleCooldown": "Recarga para Cegar",
"DazzleButtonText": "Cegar",
"MoleVentButtonText": "Cavar",
- "MoleVentCooldown": "Tempo de espera para poder Cavar",
+ "MoleVentCooldown": "Dig Cooldown",
"AddictVentButtonText": "Invulnerabilidade",
"AddictInvulnerbilityTimeAfterVent": "Tempo da Invulnerabilidade",
"AddictSpeedWhileInvulnerble": "Velocidade durante a Invulnerabilidade",
@@ -3102,13 +3289,13 @@
"AlchemistVentButtonText": "Beber",
"AlchemistGotShieldPotion": "Poção de Resistência: Concede um escudo temporário",
"AlchemistGotSightPotion": "Poção de Visão Noturna : Dá uma visão aprimorada temporária",
- "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "Poção de Conserto : Permite que você conserte uma sabotagem instantaneamente",
+ "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "Potion of Fixing: Allows you to fix one Sabotage instantly",
"AlchemistGotTPPotion": "Poção de Distorção : Teletransporta você para um jogador aleatório",
"AlchemistGotSuicidePotion": "Poção de veneno: Dá a você veneno",
"AlchemistGotSpeedPotion": "Poção da Velocidade: Você fica rápido",
"AlchemistGotBloodthirstPotion": "Poção de dano: Mata o próximo jogador com quem entrar em contato",
"AlchemistGotInvisibility": "Poção da Invisibilidade: Você fica invisível",
- "NoPotion": "Você não tem poções",
+ "NoPotion": "You have no Potions",
"StoreShield": "Poção da Resistência",
"StoreSuicide": "Poção de Veneno",
"StoreTP": "Poção de teleporte",
@@ -3124,22 +3311,22 @@
"AlchemistHasVision": "você bebeu uma poção de Visão Noturna",
"AlchemistShieldOut": "Poção de Resistência acabou",
"AlchemistVisionOut": "Poção de Visão Noturna acabou",
- "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "Você ganhou sede de sangue",
+ "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "You gained Bloodthirst",
"AlchemistHasSpeed": "A poção da velocidade foi usada",
"AlchemistSpeedOut": "A poção da velocidade acabou",
- "DeathpactDuration": "Duração do Pacto da Morte",
- "DeathPactCooldown": "Recarga para alistar no Pacto da Morte",
- "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "Número de Jogadores no Pacto da Morte",
- "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "Mostrar seta apotando para o outro Jogador que está no Pacto da Morte",
- "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "Reduzir visão dos jogadores que estão no Pacto da Morte",
- "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "Visão dos jogadores que estão no Pacto da Morte",
- "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "Matar jogadores que estão no Pacto da Morte na reunião",
- "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "Jogadores que estão no Pacto da Morte podem chamar reuniões",
+ "DeathpactDuration": "Deathpact Duration",
+ "DeathPactCooldown": "Deathpact Assign Cooldown",
+ "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "Number of players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "Show arrows leading to other players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "Reduce vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "Vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "Kill players in Deathpact on meeting",
+ "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "Players in active Deathpact can call meeting",
"DeathpactActiveDeathpact": "Ache {0} em {1} segundos.",
- "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "Alvo não pode ser adicionado ao Pacto da Morte.",
- "DeathpactComplete": "O Pacto da morte foi concluído.",
- "DeathpactExecuted": "O Pacto da morte foi iniciado.",
- "DeathpactAverted": "O Pacto da Morte foi evitado.",
+ "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "Target can't be added to Deathpact.",
+ "DeathpactComplete": "Deathpact was concluded.",
+ "DeathpactExecuted": "Deathpact was executed.",
+ "DeathpactAverted": "Deathpact was averted.",
"DeathpactButtonText": "Alistar",
"DevourerHideNameConsumed": "Esconder o nome dos Jogadores Devorados",
"DevourCooldown": "Recarga para Devorar",
@@ -3167,7 +3354,6 @@
"PitfallTrapCauseVisionTime": "Duração da Visão afetada pela Armadilha",
"PitfallTrap": "Você caiu em uma Armadilha!",
"ConsigliereDivinationMaxCount": "Máximo de Revelações",
- "RitualMaxCount": "Maximum Reveals",
"CleanserHideVote": "Esconder o voto do Limpador",
"OracleSkillLimit": "Máximo de Usos",
"OracleHideVote": "Esconder votos do Oráculo",
@@ -3175,17 +3361,18 @@
"OracleCheckSelfMsg": "Você não pode nem acreditar em si mesmo, viu?",
"OracleCheckLimit": "Lembrete: Você tem {0} usos",
"OracleCheckMsgTitle": "【 ★ Visão do Oráculo ★ 】",
- "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "Não parece ser um Tripulante",
- "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "Parece ser um Tripulante",
- "OracleCheck.Neutral": "Parece ser um Neutro",
+ "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "Appears not to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "Appears to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Neutral": "Appears to be a Neutral",
"OracleCheck.Impostor": "Parece ser um Impostor",
+ "OracleCheck.Coven": "Appears to be Coven",
"OracleCheck": "Resultados do Alvo:",
"FailChance": "Chance de mostrar o resultado Errado",
- "OracleCheckAddons": "Oráculo verifica Atributos",
+ "OracleCheckAddons": "Oracle checks Add-ons",
"ChameleonCanVent": "Entre na ventilação para se Camuflar",
"ChameleonInvisState": "Você está Camuflado!",
"ChameleonInvisStateOut": "Sua Camuflagem acabou",
- "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "A Habilidade ainda não carregou, Camuflagem falhou",
+ "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, disguise failed",
"ChameleonInvisStateCountdown": "A Camuflagem irá acabar em: {0}s",
"ChameleonInvisCooldownRemain": "Recarga da Camuflagem: {0}s",
"ChameleonCooldown": "Recarga para a Camuflagem",
@@ -3200,11 +3387,12 @@
"CursedSoulCurseCooldownIncrese": "Aumentar Recarga para roubar a cada Alma roubada",
"CursedSoulCurseMax": "Máximo de Almas Coletadas",
"CursedSoulKnowTargetRole": "Sabe a função dos jogadores Sem Alma",
- "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "Funções neutras tem Almas",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "Neutral roles have Souls",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseCoven": "Coven roles have Souls",
"CursedSoulKillButtonText": "Roubar",
- "SoullessByCursedSoul": "A Alma Perdida roubou sua alma",
+ "SoullessByCursedSoul": "A Cursed Soul snatched your Soul",
"CursedSoulSoullessPlayer": "Alma roubada",
- "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": " Nenhuma Alma encontrada",
+ "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "No Soul found",
"AdmireCooldown": "Recarga para Admirar",
"AdmirerKnowTargetRole": "Saber a função dos jogadores Admirados",
"AdmirerSkillLimit": "Limite da Habilidade",
@@ -3213,7 +3401,7 @@
"AdmiredPlayer": "Jogador Admirado",
"AdmirerInvalidTarget": "Alvo não pode ser Admirado",
"SpiritualistNoticeTitle": "【 ★ Conexão com o Espiritualista ★ 】",
- "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "O Espiritualista tem uma seta apontada para você!\n★ Você pode usar para apontar para um impostor ou incriminar um Tripulante",
+ "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "The Spiritualist has an arrow pointing to you!\nYou can use them to a killer or frame a Crewmate",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowForSeconds": "Duração da seta do fantasma",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowEverySeconds": "Intervalo da seta do fantasma",
"EnigmaClueStage1Tasks": "Número de tarefas a serem concluídas para ver as Pistas do Estágio 1",
@@ -3251,11 +3439,12 @@
"EnigmaClueRole2": "O assassino é um neutro!",
"EnigmaClueRole3": "O assassino é um tripulante!",
"EnigmaClueRole4": "A função do assassino é {0}!",
+ "EnigmaClueRole5": "The Killer is a Coven member!",
"EnigmaClueLevel1": "O nível do assassino está acima de 50!",
"EnigmaClueLevel2": "O nível do assassino é inferior a 50!",
"EnigmaClueLevel3": "O nível do assassino está entre {0} e {1}!",
"EnigmaClueLevel4": "O nível do assassino é {0}!",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "O Código de amigo do assassino é {0}!",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "The Killer's Friend Code is {0}!",
"EnigmaClueHatTitle": "Pista do Chapéu do assassino!",
"EnigmaClueVisorTitle": "Pista do Visor do assassino!",
"EnigmaClueSkinTitle": "Pista da Skin do assassino!",
@@ -3267,10 +3456,11 @@
"EnigmaClueStatusTitle": "Pista do Status do assassino!",
"EnigmaClueRoleTitle": "Pistas do Informante",
"EnigmaClueLevelTitle": "Pista do nível do assassino!",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "Pista do código de amigo do assassino!",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "Enigma Friend Code Clue!",
"ImpCanBeRole": "Impostores podem virar {role}",
"CrewCanBeRole": "Tripulantes podem virar {role}",
"NeutralCanBeRole": "Neutros podem virar {role}",
+ "CovenCanBeRole": "Coven can become {role}",
"VotesPerKill": "Votos ganhos por abate",
"PickpocketGetVote": "Você tem {0} votos",
"VultureArrowsPointingToDeadBody": "Setas apontando para os corpos",
@@ -3281,7 +3471,7 @@
"VultureMaxEatenInOneRound": "Máximo de corpos comidos por rodada",
"VultureCooldownUp": "Recarga para comer acabou",
"GhastlyPossessCD": "Recarga para Possuir",
- "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "Máximo de Possessões",
+ "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "Maximum Possessions",
"GhastlyPossessionDuration": "Duração da Possessão",
"GhastlySpeed": "Velocidade da Assombração",
"GhastlyKillAllies": "A Assombração não pode possuir aliados",
@@ -3294,7 +3484,7 @@
"GhastlyExpired": "{0} não está mais possuído",
"TasksMarkPerRound": "Números de tarefas que podem ser marcadas em uma rodada",
"TaskinatorBombPlanted": "A bomba foi plantada",
- "ShieldDuration": "Duração do Escudo",
+ "ShieldDuration": "Shield Duration",
"ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "Escudo vai quebrar depois de uma tentativa de abate",
"BenefactorTaskMarked": "Tarefa marcada com sucesso",
"BenefactorTargetGotShield": "Você recebeu um escudo do Benfeitor",
@@ -3316,14 +3506,14 @@
"Heads": "Cabeças",
"Tails": "Caudas",
"SpyRedNameDur": "Duração do nome colorido",
- "SpyInteractionBlocked": "Bloquear Botão de Kill",
- "AgitaterBombCooldown": "Recarga da bomba do Demolidor",
- "AgitaterPassCooldown": "Recarga para passar a bomba",
- "BombExplodeCooldown": "Tempo para a bomba explodir",
+ "SpyInteractionBlocked": "Block Kill button interaction",
+ "AgitaterBombCooldown": "Agitator Bomb Cooldown",
+ "AgitaterPassCooldown": "Bomb Pass Cooldown",
+ "BombExplodeCooldown": "Bomb Explode Cooldown",
"AgitaterPassNotify": "Bomba foi passada",
"AgitaterTargetNotify": "VOCÊ ESTÁ COM A BOMBA! Passe para outro jogador",
"AgitaterCanGetBombed": "Demolidor pode pegar a bomba",
- "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "Demolidor reporta automaticamente o Armador",
+ "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "Agitator can Auto Report Bait",
"SeekerPointsToWin": "Número de pontos para vencer",
"SeekerTagCooldown": "Recarga para marcar",
"SeekerNotify": "O Seu alvo é {0}",
@@ -3331,15 +3521,15 @@
"SeekerKillButtonText": "Marcar",
"PixiePointsToWin": "Número de pontos necessários para ganhar",
"MaxTargets": "Número máximo de alvos por rodada",
- "MarkCooldown": "Recarga para Marcar",
+ "MarkCooldown": "Mark Cooldown",
"PixieSuicide": "Fada se mata se o alvo não for eliminado",
"PixieMaxTargetReached": "Você já selecionou todos os alvos nesta rodada",
"PixieTargetAlreadySelected": "O alvo já foi selecionado",
"PixieButtonText": "Marcar",
- "PlagueBearerCooldown": "Recarga para passar a praga",
- "PlagueBearerCanVent": "Can vent",
+ "PlagueBearerCooldown": "Plague Cooldown",
+ "PlagueBearerCanVent": "Can Vent",
"PlagueBearerHasImpostorVision": "Has Impostor vision",
- "PestilenceCooldown": "Recarga de ataque da Peste",
+ "PestilenceCooldown": "Pestilence Kill Cooldown",
"PestilenceCanVent": "A Peste Can Vent",
"PestilenceHasImpostorVision": "A Peste tem Visão de Impostor",
"PestilenceKillGuessers": "Kill players who guess Pestilence",
@@ -3365,24 +3555,25 @@
"RomanticProtectButtonText": "Proteger",
"GuessMasterMisguess": "{0} Adivinhou errado",
"GuessMasterTargetRole": "Alguém tentou adivinhar {0}",
- "GuessMasterTitle": "Mestre Apostador ",
+ "GuessMasterTitle": "GUESS MASTER ",
"DoomsayerAmountOfGuessesToWin": "Número de adivinhações bem sucedidas para vencer",
"DCanGuessImpostors": "Pode adivinhar Impostores",
"DCanGuessCrewmates": "Pode adivinhar Tripulantes",
"DCanGuessNeutrals": "Pode adivinhar Neutros",
+ "DCanGuessCoven": "Can Guess Coven",
"DCanGuessAdt": "Pode adivinhar Atributos",
"DoomsayerAdvancedSettings": "Configurações Avançadas",
- "DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "Número máximo de adivinhações por reunião",
+ "DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "Maximum number of guesses per meeting",
"DoomsayerKillCorrectlyGuessedPlayers": "Matar jogadores adivinhados corretamente",
"DoomsayerDoesNotSuicideWhenMisguessing": "Apocalipse não morre ao errar a função",
"DoomsayerMisguessRolePrevGuessRoleUntilNextMeeting": "Errar a função impede a função de ser adivinhada até a proxima reunião",
"DoomsayerTryHideMsg": "Esconder comandos do Apocalipse",
"DoomsayerCantGuess": "Você só pode adivinhar na próxima reunião.",
"DoomsayerCorrectlyGuessRole": "Você acertou a função!\n★ Mas devido às configurações do jogo, o jogador não morreu",
- "DoomsayerNotCorrectlyGuessRole": "Você errou a função!\n★ Mas devido às configurações do jogo, você não morreu",
- "DoomsayerGuessCountMsg": "Você adivinhou corretamente {0} funções",
+ "DoomsayerNotCorrectlyGuessRole": "You didn't correctly guess the Role!\nBut you didn't die because the Host's settings don't allow you to die",
+ "DoomsayerGuessCountMsg": "You correctly guessed {0} Roles",
"DoomsayerGuessCountTitle": "【 ★ Apostador ★ 】",
- "DoomsayerGuessSameRoleAgainMsg": "Você tentou adivinhar a mesma função ou atributo que tentou adivinhar antes",
+ "DoomsayerGuessSameRoleAgainMsg": "You tried to guess the same Role or Add-on that you guessed before",
"EveryoneCanKnowMini": "Todos podem ver o Mini",
"CanBeEvil": "O Mini pode ser um Impostor",
"EvilMiniSpawnChances": "Probabilidade de o Mini ser um Impostor",
@@ -3410,26 +3601,26 @@
"YouKillRandomizer3": "Você matou o Randomizador, Tempo de recarga definido para 600s!",
"YouKillRandomizer4": "Você matou o Randomizador, Um Jogador aleatório irá morrer!",
"MadmateCanBeHurried": "Cúmplice pode se tornar apressado no início do jogo",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeHurried": "Funções baseadas em tarefas podem se tornar Apressados",
- "HurriedCanBeConverted": "O Apressado pode ser recrutado no jogo (exceto cúmplices)",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeHurried": "Task-based Crewmates can be Hurried",
+ "HurriedCanBeConverted": "Hurried can be recruited in the game (excludes Madmate)",
"Developer": "Desenvolvedor",
"Sponsor": "Patrocinador",
"Booster": "Booster",
"Translator": "Tradutor",
"NoAccess": "Acesso não autorizado!\n\n Por favor, abra um ticket no servidor discord para saber mais (discord.gg/tohe)",
"DCNotify.Hacking": "Você foi banido por uso hack.\n\nPor favor pare.",
- "DCNotify.Banned": "Você foi banido dessa sala.\n\nConfira com o Anfitrião se foi um erro.",
+ "DCNotify.Banned": "You were banned from this lobby.\n\nContact the Host if this was a mistake.",
"DCNotify.Kicked": "Você foi expulso dessa sala.\n\nVocê pode entrar novamente.",
"DCNotify.DCFromServer": "Você desconectou do servidor.\nIsso pode ser um erro dos servidores ou da sua internet.",
"DCNotify.GameNotFound": "O código do lobby é inválido.\n\nCheque o código ou o servidor e tente de novo.",
"DCNotify.GameStarted": "Essa partida já começou.\n\nAguarde ou procure outra sala.",
- "DCNotify.GameFull": "Essa sala está cheia.\n\nConfira com o Anfitrião se você ainda pode entrar.",
+ "DCNotify.GameFull": "This lobby is currently full.\n\nCheck with the Host to see if you may join.",
"DCNotify.IncorrectVersion": "Essa sala não suporta essa versão do Among Us.",
"DCNotify.Inactivity": "A sala fechou devido inatividade.",
"DCNotify.Auth": "Você não está autenticado.\n\nVocê talvez precise reiniciar o jogo.",
"DCNotify.DupeLogin": "Um jogador com essa conta já está na sala.",
"DCNotify.InvalidSettings": "Foram detectadas configurações invalidas.\n\nEntre em uma partida local e tente de novo.",
- "ModeDescribe.SoloKombat": "O Modo atual é [Batte Royale]\n★ Não há funções. Todos tem uma certa quantidade de vida e podem usar o botão de matar para causar dano em outros jogadores. O jogador com o maior número de abates até o final do jogo vence.",
+ "ModeDescribe.SoloKombat": "Current Gamemode is [Solo PVP]\nNo role assignment. Everyone has HP and can use the Kill button to cause damage to other players. The player with the highest number of kills wins at the end of the game.",
"RoleType.VanillaRoles": "★ Funções Normais",
"RoleType.ImpKilling": "★ Impostores Assassinos",
"RoleType.ImpSupport": "★ Impostores Ajudantes",
@@ -3448,6 +3639,10 @@
"RoleType.NeutralChaos": "★ Neutros do Caos",
"RoleType.NeutralKilling": "★ Neutros Assassinos",
"RoleType.NeutralApocalypse": "★ Funções dos Neutros do Apocalipse /apocalypseinfo",
+ "RoleType.CovenPower": "★ Coven Power Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenKilling": "★ Coven Killing Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenTrickery": "★ Coven Trickery Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenUtility": "★ Coven Utility Roles",
"RoleType.Harmful": "★ Atributos Prejudiciais",
"RoleType.Support": "★ Atributos de suporte",
"RoleType.Helpful": "★ Atributos Ajudantes",
@@ -3456,7 +3651,7 @@
"RoleType.Impostor": "★ Atributos de Impostor",
"RoleType.Guesser": "★ Atributos de Adivinhar",
"RoleType.Neut": "★ Atributos de Neutros",
- "RoleType.Experimental": "★ Funções Experimentais (AVISO: Use com cautela, pois essas exigem testes)",
+ "RoleType.Experimental": "★ Experimental Add-ons (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
"SubType.Impostor": "★ Impostores",
"SubType.Shapeshifter": "★ Metamorfo",
"SubType.SemiShapeshifter": "★ Metamorfo",
@@ -3467,10 +3662,12 @@
"CrewmateRoles": "★ Funções de Tripulante ★",
"ImpostorRoles": "★ Funções de Impostor ★",
"NeutralRoles": "★ Funções Neutras ★",
+ "CovenRoles": "★ Coven Roles ★",
"AddonRoles": "★ Atributos ★",
"WinnerRoleText.Impostor": "Vitória dos Impostores!",
"WinnerRoleText.Crewmate": "Vitória dos Tripulantes",
"WinnerRoleText.Apocalypse": "Vitória do Apocalipse!",
+ "WinnerRoleText.Coven": "Coven Wins!",
"WinnerRoleText.Terrorist": "Vitória do Terrorista!",
"WinnerRoleText.Jester": "Que palhaçada!",
"WinnerRoleText.Lovers": "O amor é lindo, né?!",
@@ -3557,25 +3754,26 @@
"ForceEndText": "O Anfitrião cancelou o jogo!",
"NiceMiniDied": "o Mini do Bem foi morto!",
"HaterMisFireKillTarget": "Odiador mata o alvo ao errar o tiro",
- "HaterChooseConverted": "Selecione Atributos que o Odiador pode eliminar",
- "HaterCanKillMadmate": "Pode matar Cúmplice",
- "HaterCanKillCharmed": "Pode matar Encantado",
- "HaterCanKillLovers": "Pode matar Amantes",
- "HaterCanKillSidekick": "Pode matar Time do Chacal",
- "HaterCanKillEgoist": "Pode matar Egoísta",
- "HaterCanKillInfected": "Pode matar Infectados",
- "HaterCanKillContagious": "Pode matar Time do Vírus",
- "HaterCanKillAdmired": "Pode matar Admirador",
+ "HaterChooseConverted": "Select Add-ons that Hater can kill",
+ "HaterCanKillMadmate": "Can kill Madmate",
+ "HaterCanKillCharmed": "Can kill Charmed",
+ "HaterCanKillLovers": "Can kill Lovers",
+ "HaterCanKillSidekick": "Can kill Jackal team",
+ "HaterCanKillEgoist": "Can kill Egoist",
+ "HaterCanKillInfected": "Can kill Infected team",
+ "HaterCanKillContagious": "Can kill Virus team",
+ "HaterCanKillAdmired": "Can kill Admirer",
+ "HaterCanKillEnchanted": "Can kill Enchanted",
"HorseMode": "Ative para virar um cavalo",
"LongMode": "Ative para ter um PESCOÇÃO",
"InfluencedChangeVote": "Puxa! Você está tão influenciado pelos outros!\n Você não consegue conter seu medo e mudou seu voto para {0}!",
"FFA": "Matar ou Morrer",
"ModeFFA": "Modo de Jogo: MOM",
- "ModeDescribe.FFA": "No modo de jogo FFA (Matar ou Morrer), todos os jogadores serão assassinos e todos podem matar qualquer um. O último jogador vivo vence!\n\nAlguns eventos aleatórios vão tornar isso ainda mais divertido!",
- "KillerInfoLong": "No modo de jogo FFA (Matar ou Morrer), todos os jogadores serão assassinos e todos podem matar qualquer um. O último jogador vivo vence!\n\nAlguns eventos aleatórios vão tornar isso ainda mais divertido!",
+ "ModeDescribe.FFA": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
+ "KillerInfoLong": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
"FFA_GameTime": "Duração máxima do jogo",
"FFA_KCD": "Tempo de espera para matar",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "Impedir que usem os dutos quando tiver apenas dois jogadores vivos",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "Prevent Venting when only 2 players are alive",
"FFA_EnableRandomAbilities": "Habilitar eventos aleatórios",
"FFA_ShieldDuration": "Duração do Escudo",
"FFA_IncreasedSpeed": "Velocidade aumentada",
@@ -3586,15 +3784,15 @@
"FFA_EnableRandomTwists": "Habilitar trocas aleatórias de vez em quando",
"FFA-Event-GetShield": "Você tem um escudo temporário!",
"FFA-Event-GetIncreasedSpeed": "Você tem um aumento temporário de velocidade!",
- "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "Você tem um tempo de espera menor para matar!",
- "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "Você tem um tempo de espera maior para matar",
+ "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "You got a lower Kill Cooldown!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "You got a higher Kill Cooldown",
"FFA-Event-GetLowVision": "Você tem uma visão inferior temporariamente",
"FFA-Event-GetDecreasedSpeed": "Você diminuiu a sua velocidade temporariamente",
- "FFA-Event-GetTP": "Você foi teleportado para uma ventilação aleatória!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetTP": "You got teleported to a random Vent!",
"FFA-Event-RandomTP": "Todos foram trocados com alguma pessoa",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "Existem apenas 2 jogadores vivos, pare de se esconder nas ventilações!",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "Seu tempo de espera para matar acabou, não se esconda nas ventilações!",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "Impedir que jogadores cujo tempo de recarga de mortes esteja alto usem os dutos",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "There are only 2 players alive, stop hiding in Vents!",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "Your kill Cooldown is up, don't hide in Vents!",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "Prevent players whose Kill Cooldown is up from Venting",
"FFA_TargetIsShielded": "O jogador que você tentou matar está protegido!",
"FFA_ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "Escudos quebram após 1 tentativa de matar",
"FFA_ShieldBroken": "Alguém tentou matar você, seu escudo agora está quebrado!",
@@ -3604,15 +3802,15 @@
"MenuTitle.Hide&Seek": "Configurações do Modo Esconde-Esconde",
"NumImpostorsHnS": "Nº Impostores",
"EveryOneKnowSolsticer": "Todos sabem quem é o Speedrunner",
- "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "Speedrunner sabe a função de quem usou o botão de matar nele",
+ "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "Solsticer knows the role of whom used the Kill button on it",
"SolsticerSpeed": "Velocidade de movimento do Speedrunner",
"SolsticerRemainingTaskWarned": "Tarefas restantes a serem conhecidas",
"SAddTasksPreDeadPlayer": "Quantas tarefas curtas extras o Speedrunner recebe quando um jogador morre",
"SolsticerMurdered": "{0} tentou matar você!",
"MurderSolsticer": "Você parou o Speedrunner nesta rodada!",
- "SolsticerMurderMessage": "{0} usou o botão de matar em você na última rodada! Sua função é {1}!",
+ "SolsticerMurderMessage": "{0} used Kill button on you last round! Its role is {1}!",
"SolsticerOnMeeting": "Você testemunhou muitas mortes! Na próxima rodada você terá mais {0} tarefas curtas!",
- "SolsticerTitle": "Speedrunner",
+ "SolsticerTitle": "SOLSTICER",
"GuessSolsticer": "Desculpe, mas você não pode adivinhar o Speedrunner!",
"ExpelSolsticer": "Sorry, but you can not expel Solsticer!",
"SolsticerTasksReset": "Suas tarefas foram redefinidas!",
@@ -3623,10 +3821,10 @@
"Contributor": "Contribuidor",
"dbConnect.InitFailure": "Erro ao conectar-se à API do TOHE, verifique sua conexão de rede e tente conectar-se novamente!",
"dbConnect.InitFailurePublic": "Erro ao conectar com a API TOHE, isso pode ser causado pela sua conexão com a internet. Portanto, os benefícios de Patrocinador+ não estão disponíveis, mas você pode continuar jogando normalmente sem eles.",
- "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "Esta versão do TOHE não está disponível para usuários sem código de amigo!",
+ "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "This build of TOHE is not available to users with no Friend Code!",
"Quizmaster": "Mestre das Charadas",
"QuizmasterInfo": "Faça charadas para os jogadores e mate-os nas reuniões",
- "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(Neutros):\nComo Mestre das Charadas, você pode marcar um jogador usando seu botão de matar. Na próxima reunião, o jogador marcado terá um \"?!\" próximo ao nome. Caso o jogador responda a pergunta de forma errada, ou não responda, ele vai morrer. Caso o Mestre das Charadas for morto/ejetado na mesma reunião, o jogador permanecerá vivo. \nO Mestre das Charadas não pode marcar mais de 1 jogador por rodada",
+ "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Quizmaster, you can mark a player using your Kill button. In the next meeting, the marked player will have \"?!\" next to their name. The player will die if they answer the question wrong or doesn't answer. The player will live if the Quizmaster is killed/ejected in the same meeting.\nThe Quizmaster cannot mark multiple people in the same round",
"QuizmasterKillButtonText": "Charada",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedBy": "Você foi marcado pelo Mestre das Charadas\nPara sobreviver, você deve responder corretamente esta questão:\n\n{QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedPublic": "{QMTARGET} Foi marcado pelo Mestre das Charadas\nPara sobreviver, {QMTARGET} ele precisará responder corretamente à sua pergunta!",
@@ -3639,13 +3837,14 @@
"QuizmasterChat.WrongPublic": "{QMTARGET} Respondeu incorretamente à questão do Mestre das Charadas e morreu!\nCuidado com o Mestre das Charadas!",
"QuizmasterChat.Marked": "Você marcou {QMTARGET}\nSe {QMTARGET} não responder à pergunta até o final da reunião ou responder errado, {QMTARGET} morrerá\n\nQuestão para {QMTARGET} => {QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.Title": "Mestre das Charadas",
- "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "Como Mestre das Charadas você não pode responder às perguntas",
+ "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "As the Quizmaster, you can't answer questions",
"QuizmasterChat.AnswerNotValid": "Sua resposta deverá ser A, B ou C",
"QuizmasterChat.SyntaxNotValid": "Uso:\n/answer [A/B/C]",
- "QuizmasterSettings.QuestionDifficulty": "Dificuldade da Pergunta",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "Pode usar os dutos após marcar alguém para a charada",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "Pode matar normalmente após marcar alguém para a charada",
- "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "Quantas mortes por rodada",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MinQuestionDifficulty": "Minimum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MaxQuestionDifficulty": "Maximum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "Can Vent After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "Can Kill After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "How Many Kills per Round",
"QuizmasterSettings.CanGiveQuestionsAboutPastGames": "Pode dar perguntas sobre jogos anteriores",
"Quizmaster.None": "Nenhum",
"QuizmasterSabotages.Lights": "Iluminar",
@@ -3673,8 +3872,16 @@
"QuizmasterAnswers.Experimental": "Experimental",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Enhanced": "Enhanced",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Edited": "Edited",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "Qual foi a última sabotagem chamada?",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "Qual foi a primeira sabotagem chamada nesta rodada?",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Impostor": "Impostor",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Neutral": "Neutral",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Crewmate": "Crewmate",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Addon": "Add-on",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Shapeshifter": "Shapeshifter",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Scientist": "Scientist",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Engineer": "Engineer",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.GuardianAngel": "GuardianAngel",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "What was the Sabotage was called last?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "What was the first Sabotage called this round?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastEjectedPlayerColor": "Qual era a cor do último jogador ejetado?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastReportPlayerColor": "Qual era a cor do último corpo reportado antes dessa reunião?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastButtonPressedPlayerColor": "Quem chamou a última reunião antes desta reunião?",
@@ -3684,17 +3891,25 @@
"QuizmasterQuestions.FactionOfRole": "Qual é a facção da função {QMRole}?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.FactionRemovedName": "Qual facção costumava estar no jogo, mas foi removida posteriormente em uma atualização?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyDiedFirstRound": "Quantas pessoas morreram na primeira rodada?",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.ButtonPressedBefore": "Quantas pessoas apertaram o botão de emergência antes desta reunião?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.ButtonPressedBefore": "How many people pressed the Emergency button before this meeting?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.WhatDoesEOgMeansInName": "O que a letra E no TOHE significava originalmente?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieReason": "Qual foi a razão de morte de {PLR}?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieMethod": "Como {PLR} morreu?",
- "LastAddedRoleForKarped": "Qual foi a última função adicionada ao TOHE antes do KARPED1EM sair do projeto?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastAddedRoleForKarped": "What was the last role added to TOHE before KARPED1EM stepped down?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieFaction": "Qual foi a facção que matou {PLR}?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.QuizmasterCooldown": "What will Quizmaster's cooldown always be? (excluding first kill override and changes from other Roles/Add-ons)",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoCoded": "Who coded Quizmaster?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoOwns": "Who owns The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEPartners": "Who are The Enhanced Network's partners?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEEventCoordinator": "Who is the Event Coordinator for The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyCats": "How many Cat related roles are in the Mod?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.GuessingCommand": "What does /bt actually mean?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.NotFromTOS2": "Which of these roles are NOT from Town of Salem 2?",
"DeathReason.WrongAnswer": "Resposta errada",
"TPCooldown": "Recarga do Teleporte",
- "RiftsTooClose": "Esse local é muito próximo da primeira fenda, tente outro local",
+ "RiftsTooClose": "Location too close to the first Rift",
"RiftCreated": "Fenda criada com sucesso",
- "RiftsDestroyed": "Todas as fendas foram destruídas",
+ "RiftsDestroyed": "All Rifts destroyed",
"RiftRadius": "Raio da fenda",
"TiredVision": "A Visão quando estiver cansado",
"TiredSpeed": "A Velocidade quando estiver cansado",
@@ -3718,7 +3933,7 @@
"ShockerAbilityCooldown": "Ability Cooldown",
"ShockerAbilityDuration": "Ability Duration",
"ShockerAbilityPerRound": "Abilities Per Round",
- "ShockerShockInVents": "Shock people in vents",
+ "ShockerShockInVents": "Shock people in Vents",
"ShockerAbilityResetAfterMeeting": "Reset marked rooms after meeting",
"ShockerOutsideRadius": "Radius Of Outside Tasks (not in a room)",
"ShockerCanShockHimself": "Can Shock Himself",
@@ -3731,13 +3946,13 @@
"EavesdropperMsgTitle": "Você encontrou um segredo",
"EavesdropPercentChance": "Chance de Interceptar",
"PreventSeeRolesBeforeSkillUsedUp": "Prevent seeing others roles before skill used up",
- "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "Cooldown for recruiting sheriffs",
- "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "Can recruit Impostor or Neutral",
- "SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "You recruited a sheriff.",
- "BeSheriffByPolice": "You've been recruited by the police chief! Serve the crew!",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "Cooldown for recruiting Sheriffs",
+ "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "Can recruit non-Crewmates",
+ "SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "You recruited a Sheriff.",
+ "BeSheriffByPolice": "You've been recruited by the Police Chief! Serve the Crewmates!",
"PoliceFailedRecruit": "Failed to recruit target.",
"ChiefOfPoliceKillButtonText": "Recruitment",
- "PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "Prevent recruit players without kill button",
- "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "Suicides when recruit a non killer or non crewmate",
- "PolicPassConverted": "Can pass Converted Addon to Sheriff"
+ "PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "Prevent recruit players without Kill button",
+ "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "Suicides when recruit a non-Killer or non-Crewmate",
+ "PolicPassConverted": "Can pass Converted Add-on to Sheriff"
diff --git a/Resources/Lang/pt_PT.json b/Resources/Lang/pt_PT.json
index 2cbc0f6e9..a6bbe9d59 100644
--- a/Resources/Lang/pt_PT.json
+++ b/Resources/Lang/pt_PT.json
@@ -14,22 +14,26 @@
"Website": "Página Web",
"PlayerNameForRoleInfo": "Olá, {0}, a sua função é:-\n",
"HostIconInMeeting": "HOST: {0}",
+ "ModdedClient": "Modded Client",
"SubText.GM": "Spectate the chaos!",
"SubText.Crewmate": "Encontre e exile os Impostores",
"SubText.Impostor": "Sabota e mata todos",
"SubText.Neutral": "Trabalhe sozinho para alcançar a sua vitória",
"SubText.Apocalypse": "Become unstoppable with your team",
+ "SubText.Coven": "Bewitch and kill everyone",
"SubText.Madmate": "Ajuda os Impostores",
"SubText.Lovers": "Stay alive and win together",
"SubText.Egoist": "Win on your own",
"TypeImpostor": "Impostores",
"TypeCrewmate": "Tripulantes",
"TypeNeutral": "Neutros",
+ "TypeCoven": "Coven",
"TypeAddon": "Complementos",
"GuesserMode": "Modo de Adivinhação",
"TeamImpostor": "Impostor",
"TeamNeutral": "Neutro",
"TeamCrewmate": "Tripulante",
+ "TeamCoven": "Coven",
"TeamMadmate": "Traidor",
"TeamLovers": "Lovers",
"TeamEgoist": "Egoist",
@@ -37,6 +41,7 @@
"YouAreCrewmate": "Tu és um Tripulante",
"YouAreImpostor": "Tu és um Impostor",
"YouAreNeutral": "Tu és um Neutro",
+ "YouAreCoven": "You are a Coven member",
"YouAreMadmate": "Tu és um Traidor",
"Role_Crewmate": "Crewmate",
"Role_Jester": "Jester",
@@ -63,12 +68,14 @@
"ImpostorsCanGuess": "Impostores podem adivinhar",
"NeutralKillersCanGuess": "Assassinos Neutros podem adivinhar",
"NeutralApocalypseCanGuess": "Neutral Apocalypse can guess",
+ "CovenCanGuess": "Coven can guess",
"PassiveNeutralsCanGuess": "Neutros passivos podem adivinhar",
"CanGuessAddons": "Pode Adivinhar Complementos",
- "ShowOnlyEnabledRolesInGuesserUI": "Mostre Somente Funções Ativas na Interface de Adivinhador",
- "CrewCanGuessCrew": "Tripulantes Podem adivinhar Funções de Tripulante",
- "ImpCanGuessImp": "Impostorespodem adivinhar funções de Impostor",
- "ApocCanGuessApoc": "Neutral Apocalypse Can Guess Neutral Apocalypse Roles",
+ "ShowOnlyEnabledRolesInGuesserUI": "Show Only Enabled Roles in Guesser UI",
+ "CrewCanGuessCrew": "Crewmates can Guess Crewmate Roles",
+ "ImpCanGuessImp": "Impostors can Guess Impostor Roles",
+ "ApocCanGuessApoc": "Neutral Apocalypse can Guess Neutral Apocalypse Roles",
+ "CovenCanGuessCoven": "Coven Can Guess Coven Roles",
"GuessImmune": "Sorry, but target is immune to being guessed!",
"GM": "Mestre do Jogo",
"Sunnyboy": "Rapaz Ensolarado",
@@ -287,7 +294,6 @@
"Vulture": "Vulture",
"Taskinator": "Taskinator",
"Benefactor": "Benefactor",
- "Medusa": "Medusa",
"Spiritcaller": "Spiritcaller",
"Amnesiac": "Amnesiac",
"Imitator": "Imitator",
@@ -305,12 +311,21 @@
"Romantic": "Romantic",
"VengefulRomantic": "Vengeful Romantic",
"RuthlessRomantic": "Ruthless Romantic",
+ "Wraith": "Espectro",
"Poisoner": "Poisoner",
+ "Medusa": "Medusa",
"HexMaster": "Hex Master",
- "Wraith": "Espectro",
"Jinx": "Jinx",
"PotionMaster": "Mestre de Poções",
"Necromancer": "Necromante",
+ "CovenLeader": "Coven Leader",
+ "Ritualist": "Ritualist",
+ "Conjurer": "Conjurer",
+ "Dreamweaver": "Dreamweaver",
+ "Illusionist": "Illusionist",
+ "VoodooMaster": "Voodoo Master",
+ "Sacrifist": "Sacrifist",
+ "MoonDancer": "Moon Dancer",
"Warden": "Guarda",
"Minion": "Criado",
"Ghastly": "Ghastly",
@@ -363,6 +378,7 @@
"EvilSpirit": "Evil Spirit",
"Recruit": "Recruit",
"Admired": "Admired",
+ "Enchanted": "Enchanted",
"Glow": "Glow",
"Radar": "Radar",
"Diseased": "Diseased",
@@ -397,53 +413,53 @@
"Revenant": "Revenant",
"BracketAddons": "Add Brackets To Add-ons",
"EngineerTOHEInfo": "Use the vents to catch the Impostors",
- "ScientistTOHEInfo": "Access portable vitals from anywhere",
+ "ScientistTOHEInfo": "Access portable Vitals from anywhere",
"NoisemakerTOHEInfo": "Send out an alert when killed",
"TrackerTOHEInfo": "Track players with your map",
- "ShapeshifterTOHEInfo": "Disguise as crewmates to frame them",
+ "ShapeshifterTOHEInfo": "Disguise as Crewmates to frame them",
"PhantomTOHEInfo": "Turn invisible",
- "GuardianAngelTOHEInfo": "Protect the crewmates from the Impostors",
- "ImpostorTOHEInfo": "Kill and sabotage",
+ "GuardianAngelTOHEInfo": "Protect the Crewmates from the Impostors",
+ "ImpostorTOHEInfo": "Kill and Sabotage",
"CrewmateTOHEInfo": "Search for the Impostors",
"BountyHunterInfo": "Eliminate your target",
"FireworkerInfo": "Go out with a BANG",
"MercenaryInfo": "Keep killing, else you suicide",
- "ShapeMasterInfo": "Swiftly kill with no shift cooldown",
+ "ShapeMasterInfo": "Swiftly kill with no Shapeshift Cooldown",
"VampireInfo": "Your kills are delayed",
- "WarlockInfo": "Curse crewmates then shift to make them kill",
- "NinjaInfo": "Mark a target, then shift to kill",
+ "WarlockInfo": "Curse Crewmates then Shift to make them kill",
+ "NinjaInfo": "Mark a target, then Shift to kill",
"ZombieInfo": "You are very slow",
"AnonymousInfo": "Force a player to report a body",
- "MinerInfo": "Warp to your last used vent by shifting",
- "KillingMachineInfo": "You can ONLY kill, but low cooldown",
+ "MinerInfo": "Warp to your last used Vent by Shifting",
+ "KillingMachineInfo": "You can ONLY kill, but low Cooldown",
"EscapistInfo": "Shift to mark places and warp back to them",
- "WitchInfo": "Spell crewmates to kill them in meetings",
+ "WitchInfo": "Spell Crewmates to kill them in meetings",
"NemesisInfo": "Kill when you're the last Impostor",
"BeforeNemesisInfo": "You can't kill yet",
"AfterNemesisInfo": "Now start killing",
- "BloodmoonInfo": "Seek havoc upon the crewmates",
- "PossessorInfo": "Possess and lead crewmates away from others",
+ "BloodmoonInfo": "Seek havoc upon the Crewmates",
+ "PossessorInfo": "Possess and lead Crewmates away from others",
"PuppeteerInfo": "Make players kill for you",
"MastermindInfo": "Make others kill for you",
"TimeThiefInfo": "Lower meeting time by killing",
- "SniperInfo": "Snipe players from a distance by shifting",
+ "SniperInfo": "Snipe players from a distance by Shifting",
"UndertakerInfo": "Teleport dead body to a marked location",
"RiftMakerInfo": "Two rifts I trace, touch 'em to warp space",
- "EvilTrackerInfo": "Track players by shifting",
+ "EvilTrackerInfo": "Track players by Shifting",
"EvilHackerInfo": "Hack systems",
"AntiAdminerInfo": "Know when players are near devices",
- "ArroganceInfo": "With each kill you make, your cooldown decreases",
+ "ArroganceInfo": "With each kill you make, your Cooldown decreases",
"BomberInfo": "Shapeshift to explode",
"TrapsterInfo": "Trap your kills",
"ScavengerInfo": "Your kills are unreportable",
- "EvilGuesserInfo": "Guess crew roles in meetings to kill",
+ "EvilGuesserInfo": "Guess Crewmate roles in meetings to kill",
"GangsterInfo": "Convert players to your side",
"CleanerInfo": "Report bodies to make them unreportable",
"LightningInfo": "Convert players to Quantum Ghosts",
- "GreedyInfo": "Your kill cooldown shifts",
+ "GreedyInfo": "Your Kill Cooldown shifts",
"CursedWolfInfo": "You survive a few kill attempts",
- "SoulCatcherInfo": "You swap places with your shift target",
- "QuickShooterInfo": "Store ammo to offset kill cooldown",
+ "SoulCatcherInfo": "You swap places with your Shift target",
+ "QuickShooterInfo": "Store ammo to offset Kill Cooldown",
"CamouflagerInfo": "Camouflage everyone for easy kills",
"EraserInfo": "Erase the role of your vote target",
"ButcherInfo": "Enjoy my beautiful work",
@@ -451,42 +467,42 @@
"SwooperInfo": "Turn invisible temporarily",
"CrewpostorInfo": "Kill by completing tasks",
"WildlingInfo": "Kill with strength and disguise",
- "TricksterInfo": "Kill and trick the crew",
+ "TricksterInfo": "Kill and trick the Crew",
"VindicatorInfo": "Use your extra votes to kill everyone",
- "ParasiteInfo": "Help the Impostors kill the crew",
+ "ParasiteInfo": "Help the Impostors kill the Crew",
"DisperserInfo": "Teleport everyone to random vents",
- "InhibitorInfo": "You cannot kill during sabotages",
- "SaboteurInfo": "You can only kill during sabotages",
- "CouncillorInfo": "Kill off crewmates during meetings",
- "DazzlerInfo": "Reduce the vision of the crew",
- "DeathpactInfo": "Assign players to a death pact",
- "DevourerInfo": "Consume the skin of the crew",
+ "InhibitorInfo": "You cannot kill during Sabotages",
+ "SaboteurInfo": "You can only kill during Sabotages",
+ "CouncillorInfo": "Kill off Crewmates during meetings",
+ "DazzlerInfo": "Reduce the vision of the Crew",
+ "DeathpactInfo": "Assign players to a deathpact",
+ "DevourerInfo": "Consume the skin of the Crew",
"ConsigliereInfo": "Discover the roles of other players",
- "MorphlingInfo": "You can only kill while shapeshifted",
+ "MorphlingInfo": "You can only kill while Shapeshifted",
"TwisterInfo": "Swap all player positions",
- "LurkerInfo": "Reduce your kill cooldown by venting",
+ "LurkerInfo": "Reduce your Kill Cooldown by venting",
"ConvictInfo": "Your target died, now help the Impostors",
"VisionaryInfo": "You see the alignments of the living",
- "RefugeeInfo": "Help the Impostors kill off the crew",
+ "RefugeeInfo": "Help the Impostors kill off the Crew",
"UnderdogInfo": "Start killing on a low player count",
- "LudopathInfo": "Your kill cooldown is random",
+ "LudopathInfo": "Your kill Cooldown is random",
"GodfatherInfo": "Convert players to Refugees by voting",
"ChronomancerInfo": "Kill in bursts",
"PitfallInfo": "Setup traps around the map",
"EvilMiniInfo": "No one can hurt you until you grow up",
"BlackmailerInfo": "Silence other players",
- "InstigatorInfo": "Sow discord among the crewmates",
+ "InstigatorInfo": "Sow discord among the Crewmates",
"LazyGuyInfo": "You're too lazy",
"SuperStarInfo": "Everyone knows you",
- "CleanserInfo": "Erase All Add-ons of your vote target",
- "KeeperInfo": "Reject the Eject, Keeper Protect!",
+ "CleanserInfo": "Erase all Add-ons of your vote target",
+ "KeeperInfo": "Reject the eject, Keeper protect!",
"MayorInfo": "Your vote counts multiple times",
"PsychicInfo": "One of the red names is evil",
- "MechanicInfo": "Vent around and fix sabotages",
+ "MechanicInfo": "Vent around and fix Sabotages",
"SheriffInfo": "Shoot the Impostors",
"VigilanteInfo": "Not the hero we deserved but the hero we needed",
"JailerInfo": "Jail suspicious players",
- "CopyCatInfo": "Use kill button to copy target's role",
+ "CopyCatInfo": "Use your Kill button to copy a target's role",
"SnitchInfo": "Finish your tasks to find the Impostors",
"MarshallInfo": "Finish your tasks to prove your innocence",
"DoctorInfo": "Know how each player died",
@@ -499,31 +515,31 @@
"TransporterInfo": "Do tasks to swap two players' locations",
"TimeManagerInfo": "Increase meeting time by doing tasks",
"VeteranInfo": "Alert to kill anyone who interacts with you",
- "BastionInfo": "Bomb vents",
+ "BastionInfo": "Bomb Vents",
"YinYangerInfo": "Spontaneously combust two players",
"BodyguardInfo": "Prevent nearby kills",
"DeceiverInfo": "Try to fool the players",
- "GrenadierInfo": "Reduce Impostors' vision by venting",
+ "GrenadierInfo": "Reduce Impostors' vision by Venting",
"MedicInfo": "Cast a shield onto a player",
- "FortuneTellerInfo": "Get clues to people's roles",
+ "FortuneTellerInfo": "Get clues to player's roles",
"JudgeInfo": "Silence in the courtroom!",
"MorticianInfo": "Locate dead bodies",
"MediumInfo": "Talk with ghosts",
- "ObserverInfo": "You can see all shield-animations",
- "PacifistInfo": "Vent to reset kill cooldowns",
+ "ObserverInfo": "You can see all Shield Animations",
+ "PacifistInfo": "Vent to reset Kill Cooldowns",
"RebirthInfo": "Arise Again",
- "MonarchInfo": "Give your crew extra voting power!",
+ "MonarchInfo": "Give your Crew extra voting power!",
"AbyssbringerInfo": "Place Black Holes",
- "SpurtInfo": "Spring Like A rabbit!",
- "StealthInfo": "Killing Blinds Everyone in the Room",
+ "SpurtInfo": "Spring like a rabbit!",
+ "StealthInfo": "Killing blinds everyone in the room",
"PenguinInfo": "Drag your victims",
"OverseerInfo": "Reveal roles of other players",
"CoronerInfo": "Find corpses and their killers",
"PresidentInfo": "You are in charge of the meeting",
- "MerchantInfo": "Sell add-ons and bribe killers",
- "RetributionistInfo": "Help the crew after you die",
+ "MerchantInfo": "Sell Add-ons and bribe killers",
+ "RetributionistInfo": "Help the Crewmates after you die",
"HawkInfo": "Seek murdering the bad guys!",
- "DeputyInfo": "Handcuff killers to increase their cooldowns",
+ "DeputyInfo": "Handcuff killers to increase their Cooldowns",
"InvestigatorInfo": "Find potential evils",
"GuardianInfo": "Complete your tasks to become immortal",
"AddictInfo": "Vent to become invulnerable, or you'll die",
@@ -534,12 +550,12 @@
"SpiritualistInfo": "Be guided by the ghostly life",
"ChameleonInfo": "Vent to disguise into your surroundings",
"InspectorInfo": "Validate the alignments of two players",
- "CaptainInfo": "Sail with the Captain, lest add-ons be abandoned.",
+ "CaptainInfo": "Sail with the Captain, lest Add-ons be abandoned.",
"AdmirerInfo": "Choose a player to side with you",
"TimeMasterInfo": "Rewind time!",
"CrusaderInfo": "Kill a player's attacker",
"AltruistInfo": "Revive a player\nVent to change between Revive and Report",
- "ReverieInfo": "With each kill, your cooldown decreases",
+ "ReverieInfo": "With each kill, your Cooldown decreases",
"LookoutInfo": "See through disguises",
"TelecommunicationInfo": "Track device usage",
"LighterInfo": "Catch killers with your enhanced vision",
@@ -547,14 +563,14 @@
"WitnessInfo": "Find out if someone killed recently",
"GhastlyInfo": "Control somebody!",
"SwapperInfo": "Swap the votes of two players",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "Hire Sheriff to Serve the Crews!",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "Hire Sheriffs to serve the Crewmates!",
"NiceMiniInfo": "No one can hurt you until you grow up.",
"ArsonistInfo": "Douse everyone and ignite",
"PyromaniacInfo": "Douse and kill everyone",
- "HuntsmanInfo": "Kill your targets for a low cooldown",
+ "HuntsmanInfo": "Kill your targets for a low Cooldown",
"SpyInfo": "You know who interacts with you",
"RandomizerInfo": "You're going to be someone's burden when you die?",
- "EnigmaInfo": "Get Clues about Killers",
+ "EnigmaInfo": "Get clues about killers",
"JesterInfo": "Get voted out",
"OpportunistInfo": "Stay alive until the end",
"TerroristInfo": "Finish your tasks, THEN die",
@@ -576,10 +592,10 @@
"BloodKnightInfo": "Killing gives you a temporary shield",
"PlagueBearerInfo": "Plague everyone to turn into Pestilence",
"PestilenceInfo": "Obliterate everyone!",
- "SoulCollectorInfo": "Predict deaths to collect souls",
+ "SoulCollectorInfo": "Predict deaths to collect Souls",
"DeathInfo": "Enact Armageddon",
- "BakerInfo": "Feed Players Bread to become Famine",
- "FamineInfo": "Starve Everyone",
+ "BakerInfo": "Feed players bread to become Famine",
+ "FamineInfo": "Starve everyone",
"BerserkerInfo": "Kill to increase your level",
"WarInfo": "Destroy everything",
"GlitchInfo": "Hack and kill everyone",
@@ -587,7 +603,7 @@
"FollowerInfo": "Follow a player and help them",
"CultistInfo": "Charm everyone",
"SerialKillerInfo": "Kill off everyone to win!",
- "JuggernautInfo": "With each kill, your cooldown decreases",
+ "JuggernautInfo": "With each kill, your Cooldown decreases",
"InfectiousInfo": "Infect everyone",
"VirusInfo": "Kill and infect everyone",
"PursuerInfo": "Protect yourself and live to the end!",
@@ -603,38 +619,46 @@
"VultureInfo": "Eat bodies by reporting to win",
"TaskinatorInfo": "Silent tasks, deadly blasts",
"BenefactorInfo": "Task complete, shield elite!",
- "MedusaInfo": "Stone bodies by reporting them",
+ "MedusaInfo": "Stop players in their tracks by Stoning them",
"SpiritcallerInfo": "Turn Players into Evil Spirits",
"AmnesiacInfo": "Remember the role of a dead body",
"ImitatorInfo": "Imitate a player's role",
- "BanditInfo": "Rob a player's add-on",
+ "BanditInfo": "Rob a player's Add-on",
"DoppelgangerInfo": "Steal your target's identity",
"PunchingBagInfo": "Get attacked a few times to win!",
"KamikazeInfo": "Kill players with a suicidal mission",
"DoomsayerInfo": "Successfully guess players to win",
"ShroudInfo": "Shroud players to make them kill",
- "WerewolfInfo": "Kill crewmates in groups",
- "ShamanInfo": "Deflect all the attacks on Voodoo doll",
- "SeekerInfo": "Play Hide and Seek with your target\nYour target has a ★ mark.",
+ "WerewolfInfo": "Kill Crewmates in groups",
+ "ShamanInfo": "Deflect all the attacks on Voodoo Doll",
+ "SeekerInfo": "Play Hide & Seek with your target\nYour target has a ★ mark.",
"PixieInfo": "Tag 'em, Bag 'em, and Eject 'em!",
"OccultistInfo": "Kill and curse your enemies",
- "SchrodingersCatInfo": "The cat is both alive and dead until observed.",
+ "SchrodingersCatInfo": "The Cat is both alive and dead until observed.",
"RomanticInfo": "Protect your partner to win together",
"VengefulRomanticInfo": "Revenge your partner to win together",
"RuthlessRomanticInfo": "Kill everyone to win with your partner",
- "PoisonerInfo": "Kill everyone with delayed kills",
- "HexMasterInfo": "Hex players to kill them in meetings",
"WraithInfo": "Vent to go invisible temporarily",
- "JinxInfo": "Reflect attacks onto your attackers",
+ "PoisonerInfo": "Make players unable to use their ability",
+ "HexMasterInfo": "Hex players to kill them in meetings",
+ "JinxInfo": "Players \"accidentally\" die upon trying to kill your target",
"PotionMasterInfo": "Use your potions to your advantage",
- "NecromancerInfo": "Kill your killer to defy death",
+ "NecromancerInfo": "Use the dead to your advantage",
+ "CovenLeaderInfo": "Help your teammates by retraining them",
+ "RitualistInfo": "Perform Blood Rituals to Enchant other players!",
+ "ConjurerInfo": "Blast away your enemies!",
+ "DreamweaverInfo": "Drive other players to insomnia!",
+ "IllusionistInfo": "Place Illusions on players to spread confusion!",
+ "VoodooMasterInfo": "Craft Voodoo Dolls of other players!",
+ "SacrifistInfo": "Debuff your enemies at your own cost",
+ "MoonDancerInfo": "Use Baton Pass to give out Add-ons!",
"WardenInfo": "(Ghost) Alert about danger",
"MinionInfo": "(Ghost) Blind enemies",
"LoversInfo": "Stay alive and win together",
"MadmateInfo": "Help the Impostors",
"WatcherInfo": "You see all the colors of votes",
- "LastImpostorInfo": "Lower kill cooldown",
- "OverclockedInfo": "Lower cooldown",
+ "LastImpostorInfo": "Lower Kill Cooldown",
+ "OverclockedInfo": "Lower Cooldown",
"FlashInfo": "You're faster",
"TorchInfo": "You have enhanced vision!",
"SeerInfo": "You are alerted when somebody has died",
@@ -642,14 +666,14 @@
"ObliviousInfo": "You can't report bodies",
"BewilderInfo": "A twist of vision, a web of confusion",
"WorkhorseInfo": "Be the first to complete all tasks and get more",
- "FoolInfo": "You can't fix sabotages",
+ "FoolInfo": "You can't fix Sabotages",
"AvangerInfo": "You take someone with you upon death",
"YoutuberInfo": "Get killed first to win",
"CelebrityInfo": "Everyone knows when you die",
"EgoistInfo": "Win on your own",
"StealerInfo": "Gain votes with kills",
"ParanoiaInfo": "You're dead and alive simultaneously",
- "MimicInfo": "Reveal killed players' roles to impostors upon death",
+ "MimicInfo": "Reveal killed players' roles to Impostors upon death",
"GuesserInfo": "Guess roles of players in meetings to kill",
"NecroviewInfo": "See the team of the dead",
"ReachInfo": "You have a longer kill range",
@@ -662,32 +686,33 @@
"LuckyInfo": "Dodge attackers",
"DoubleShotInfo": "You have an extra life when guessing",
"RascalInfo": "You appear evil in some cases",
- "SoullessInfo": "You have no soul",
+ "SoullessInfo": "You have no Soul",
"GravestoneInfo": "Your role is revealed when you die",
"LazyInfo": "You're too lazy",
"AutopsyInfo": "You see how others died",
"LoyalInfo": "You cannot be recruited",
- "EvilSpiritInfo": "You are an evil Spirit",
+ "EvilSpiritInfo": "You are an Evil Spirit",
"RecruitInfo": "Help the Jackal",
+ "EnchantedInfo": "Help the Coven",
"AdmiredInfo": "The Admirer chose you as their love",
"GlowInfo": "You glow in the dark",
"RadarInfo": "Arrow's hue, closest to you!",
- "DiseasedInfo": "Increase the cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
- "AntidoteInfo": "Decrease the cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
- "StubbornInfo": "Protect your role and add-ons",
+ "DiseasedInfo": "Increase the Cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
+ "AntidoteInfo": "Decrease the Cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
+ "StubbornInfo": "Protect your Role and Add-ons",
"SwiftInfo": "Your kills don't cause a lunge",
"UnluckyInfo": "Doing things has a chance to kill you",
"VoidBallotInfo": "Your vote count is 0",
"AwareInfo": "Know who revealed your role",
- "FragileInfo": "Die instantly if someone uses the kill button on you",
+ "FragileInfo": "Die instantly if someone uses the Kill button on you",
"GhoulInfo": "Kill your killer after dying",
"BloodthirstInfo": "Become bloodthirsty and kill",
"MareInfo": "Kill in the darkness",
"BurstInfo": "Make your killer burst!",
"SleuthInfo": "Gain info from dead bodies",
"ClumsyInfo": "You have a chance to miss your kill",
- "NimbleInfo": "You can vent!",
- "CircumventInfo": "You can no longer vent",
+ "NimbleInfo": "You can Vent!",
+ "CircumventInfo": "You can no longer Vent",
"OiiaiInfo": "OIIAIOIIIAI",
"CyberInfo": "You're popular!",
"HurriedInfo": "God, I got too much stuff!",
@@ -706,324 +731,334 @@
"DollMasterInfo": "Take control of players actions!",
"DoubleAgentInfo": "Plant bombs on players in meetings",
"SlothInfo": "You're slower",
- "ProhibitedInfo": "Certain vents are blocked",
+ "ProhibitedInfo": "Certain Vents are blocked",
"EavesdropperInfo": "Listen in on other roles",
"ShockerInfo": "Shock unsuspecting players",
"RevenantInfo": "Take your killer's role",
- "EngineerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Engineer, you may access the vents while Comms Sabotaged is inactive.",
- "ScientistTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Scientist, you can see vitals at any time, showing you who is alive and dead.",
- "NoisemakerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Noisemaker, whenever you die, you will make a noise, and a visual indicator of your death appears on the screen so the Crewmates can run to catch the person who killed you red-handed (even if it’s not Red).",
- "TrackerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracker, press your tracker button on a player to track their location via the map for a limited amount of time.",
- "ShapeshifterTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapeshifter, you can shapeshift into other players. It is obvious when you shapeshift or revert shifting.",
- "PhantomTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Phantom, you can press your vanish button to go invisible to escape a kill. You can click your appear button if you want to become visible before the timer runs out or not.\nNote: You will make a smoke cloud whenever you go invisible and become visible. So make sure you are in a safe area where no one will see you.",
- "GuardianAngelTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guardian Angel, you are the first crewmate to die and can give Crewmates temporary shields.",
- "ImpostorTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Impostor, your goal is to simply kill off the crewmates.\nYou can sabotage and vent.",
+ "EngineerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Engineer, you may access the Vents while Comms Sabotaged is inactive.",
+ "ScientistTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Scientist, you can see Vitals at any time, showing you who is alive and dead.",
+ "NoisemakerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Noisemaker, whenever you die, you will make a noise, and a visual indicator of your death appears on the screen so the Crewmates can run to catch the person who killed you red-handed (even if it’s not red).",
+ "TrackerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracker, press your Tracker button on a player to track their location via the map for a limited amount of time.",
+ "ShapeshifterTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapeshifter, you can Shapeshift into other players. It is obvious when you Shapeshift or revert Shifting.",
+ "PhantomTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Phantom, you can press your Vanish button to go invisible to escape a kill. You can click your Appear button if you want to become visible before the timer runs out or not.\nNote: You will make a smoke cloud whenever you go invisible and become visible. So make sure you are in a safe area where no one will see you.",
+ "GuardianAngelTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guardian Angel, you are the first Crewmate to die and can give Crewmates temporary shields.",
+ "ImpostorTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Impostor, your goal is to simply kill off the Crewmates.\nYou can Sabotage and Vent.",
"CrewmateTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Crewmate, your goal is to find and exile the Impostors.\nCrewmates win by getting rid of all killers or by finishing all their tasks.",
- "BountyHunterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Bounty Hunter, if you kill your assigned Target (indicated by the arrow if you have one), your next kill cooldown will be shortened.\nIf you kill anyone other than your target, your next kill cooldown will be increased. The Target swaps after a certain amount of time.",
- "FireworkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Fireworker, you can Shapeshift to place Fireworks up to the maximum amount the host sets.\nWhen you are the last Impostor and all Fireworks have been placed, shapeshift again to detonate them and kill everyone in their radius, including you.\nIf you kill all players with your Fireworks, it's considered an Impostor victory.",
- "MercenaryInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mercenary, you must kill within your Deadline, as shown by your Shapeshift cooldown (which you cannot use). If you fail to kill, you die.",
- "ShapeMasterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapemaster, you have no Shapeshift cooldown.",
+ "BountyHunterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Bounty Hunter, if you kill your assigned target (indicated by the arrow if you have one), your next Kill Cooldown will be shortened.\nIf you kill anyone other than your target, your next Kill Cooldown will be increased. The target swaps after a certain amount of time.",
+ "FireworkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Fireworker, you can Shapeshift to place Fireworks up to the maximum amount the Host sets.\nWhen you are the last Impostor and all Fireworks have been placed, Shapeshift again to detonate them and kill everyone in their radius, including you.\nIf you kill all players with your Fireworks, it's considered an Impostor victory.",
+ "MercenaryInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mercenary, you must kill within your deadline, as shown by your Shapeshift Cooldown (which you cannot use). If you fail to kill, you die.",
+ "ShapeMasterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapemaster, you have no Shapeshift Cooldown.",
"VampireInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Vampire, your kills are delayed. This means that your target still dies even if a meeting is called first. However, if you bite a Bait, you kill normally and report the body. Depending on the settings, you can use double trigger (bite players - single click, kill normally - double click).",
"WarlockInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Warlock, you can Curse up to one other player at a time.\nWhen you Shapeshift, if you have Cursed a player, they kill the nearest person, which, depending on settings, can include you or other Impostors.\nYou can kill normally while Shapeshifted.",
- "ZombieInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nZombie has a short kill cooldown but moves very slowly and has very little vision. Zombie can not be voted out by anyone other than the Dictator, and the movement speed of Zombie will gradually slow down as they make kills or time passes.",
- "NinjaInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ninja, you can use your kill button to Mark a target (single click) or kill normally (double click). You may then Shapeshift to teleport to the Marked target and kill them.",
+ "ZombieInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nZombie has a short Kill Cooldown but moves very slowly and has very little vision. Zombie can not be voted out by anyone other than the Dictator, and the movement speed of Zombie will gradually slow down as they make kills or time passes.",
+ "NinjaInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ninja, you can use your Kill button to mark a target (single click) or kill normally (double click). You may then Shapeshift to teleport to the marked target and kill them.",
"AnonymousInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Anonymous, you can Shapeshift to force your target to report whoever you killed this round.\nIf you killed nobody that round, the target will report their own dead body as if they had died.\nNote: This does not work on Lazy nor Lazy Guy, and this ability will work regardless of whether the body can normally be reported.",
- "MinerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Miner, you can shapeshift to teleport back to the last vent you were in.",
- "KillingMachineInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Killing Machine, you have a very short kill cooldown with tiny vision. However, you cannot vent, sabotage, report, nor call emergency meetings.\n\nNote: You will bypass any shields, killing bait and beartrap won't take any effect",
- "EscapistInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Escapist, you can Mark a location by Shapeshifting. Shapeshift again to teleport back to the Marked spot (the Shapeshifting animation will display after you teleport; be careful).",
- "WitchInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Witch, you can use your kill button to Spell (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nDuring the next meeting, the spelled target(s) will have a 「†」 next to their name visible to everyone. Unless you die by the end of that meeting, all Spelled targets will die.",
- "NemesisInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Nemesis, you can only kill if you are the last Impostor.\nIf you are dead, you can use the command /rv [ID] to kill the player whose ID you typed. Use /id to show the IDs of all players, or look next to their names.",
- "BloodmoonInfoLong": "(Impostors [Ghost]):\nAs the Bloodmoon, attack the enemies to make them drip blood, this means they will die in a time set by the host, and will be aware of it.",
+ "MinerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Miner, you can Shapeshift to teleport back to the last vent you were in.",
+ "KillingMachineInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Killing Machine, you have a very short Kill Cooldown with tiny vision. However, you cannot Vent, Sabotage, Report, nor call Emergency Meetings.\n\nNote: You will bypass any shields, killing bait and beartrap won't take any effect",
+ "EscapistInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Escapist, you can mark a location by Shapeshifting. Shapeshift again to teleport back to the marked spot",
+ "WitchInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Witch, you can use your Kill button to Spell (single click) or Kill normally (double click).\nDuring the next meeting, the spelled target(s) will have a 「†」 next to their name visible to everyone. Unless you die by the end of that meeting, all Spelled targets will die.",
+ "NemesisInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Nemesis, you can only kill if you are the last Impostor.\nIf you are dead, you can use the command /rv [ID] to kill the player whose ID you typed. Use /id to show the ID's of all players, or look next to their names.",
+ "BloodmoonInfoLong": "(Impostors [Ghost]):\nAs the Bloodmoon, attack the enemies to make them drip blood, this means they will die in a time set by the Host, and will be aware of it.",
"PossessorInfoLong": "(Impostors [Ghost]):\nAs the Possessor, you can possess players when others aren't in the Alert Range. Lead the possessed player as far as possible from other players in the Focus Range. Once the possession duration is up, the possessed player will be killed if others aren't in the Focus Range. If you run into another player in the Alert Range while possessing, the Possessor will immediately unpossess.",
- "PuppeteerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Puppeteer, you can use your kill button to Puppeteer (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose you Puppeteer will kill the next non-Impostor they touch. Depending on options, Puppeteered targets will also die once they kill.",
- "MastermindInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mastermind, you can use your kill button on a player once to manipulate them. The manipulation does nothing if the target doesn't have a kill button. But if the target does have a kill button, whoever you manipulate will be told after a delay that they got manipulated and must kill someone in a limited time to survive. If the time limit expires or a meeting gets called before killing someone, they die.\nDouble click on someone to kill them normally.",
- "YinYangerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the YinYanger, you can use your kill button one time to pick your Yin and then a second time to choose a Yang. When those two players meet, they'll kill each other. When Yin & Yang have been chosen, you can kill normally.",
+ "PuppeteerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Puppeteer, you can use your Kill button to Puppeteer (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose you Puppeteer will kill the next non-Impostor they touch. Depending on options, Puppeteered targets will also die once they kill.",
+ "MastermindInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mastermind, you can use your Kill button on a player once to manipulate them. The manipulation does nothing if the target doesn't have a Kill button. But if the target does have a Kill button, whoever you manipulate will be told after a delay that they got manipulated and must kill someone in a limited time to survive. If the time limit expires or a meeting gets called before killing someone, they die.\nDouble click on someone to kill them normally.",
+ "YinYangerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the YinYanger, you can use your Kill button one time to pick your Yin and then a second time to choose a Yang. When those two players meet, they'll kill each other. When Yin & Yang have been chosen, you can kill normally.",
"TimeThiefInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEvery time the Time Thief kills a player, the meeting time will be reduced by a certain amount of time. If the Time Thief dies, the meeting time will return to normal.",
- "SniperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nYou can shoot players from far away.\nYou have to shapeshift twice to make a successful snipe.\nImagine an arrow pointing from your first shapeshift location towards your unshift location.\nThat will be the direction in which the snipe will be made.\nThe snipe kills the first person in its path.\nYou cannot kill people normally until you use up all of your ammo.",
+ "SniperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nYou can shoot players from far away.\nYou have to Shapeshift twice to make a successful snipe.\nImagine an arrow pointing from your first Shapeshift location towards your Unshift location.\nThat will be the direction in which the snipe will be made.\nThe snipe kills the first person in its path.\nYou cannot kill people normally until you use up all of your ammo.",
"UndertakerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEverytime you Shapeshift, you mark the location. Your kills will then teleport to the marked location.\nAfter every kill and meeting, your marked location will reset.\n\nAfter every teleported kill, you will freeze for a configurable amount of time",
- "RiftMakerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs Rift Maker, you can shapeshift to create a rift. You can teleport from one rift to another by touching the area where the rift was created. Trying to vent will kick you out, therefore destroying all the rifts.\n\nNote: Up to two rifts can be placed at a time; if you try to place a third, it removes the first one.",
- "EvilTrackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Tracker can track other players, and the Evil Tracker can shapeshift into someone to switch the tracking target to the shapeshift target (You will immediately unshift after performing shapeshift). The arrow below the Evil Tracker's name indicates the direction of the target. When the Evil Tracker's teammate kills, the Evil Tracker will see a kill flash.",
- "EvilHackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Hacker can get the last-minute admin information at the meeting beginning.\nUnoccupied rooms are not shown.\nA '★' marks rooms with impostors.\nRooms with dead bodies are marked with the number of bodies.\nExample: ★Cafeteria: 3 (DEAD×1).",
+ "RiftMakerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs Rift Maker, you can Shapeshift to create a rift. You can teleport from one rift to another by touching the area where the rift was created. Trying to vent will kick you out, therefore destroying all the rifts.\n\nNote: Up to two rifts can be placed at a time; if you try to place a third, it removes the first one.",
+ "EvilTrackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Tracker can track other players, and the Evil Tracker can Shapeshift into someone to switch the tracking target to the Shapeshift target (You will immediately unshift after performing Shapeshift). The arrow below the Evil Tracker's name indicates the direction of the target. When the Evil Tracker's teammate kills, the Evil Tracker will see a kill flash.",
+ "EvilHackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Hacker can get the last-minute admin information at the meeting beginning.\nUnoccupied rooms are not shown.\nA '★' marks rooms with Impostors.\nRooms with dead bodies are marked with the number of bodies.\nExample: ★Cafeteria: 3 (DEAD×1).",
"EvilGuesserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If correct, the target dies. If wrong, the Evil Guesser dies.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
- "AntiAdminerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Anti Adminer can at any time find out if there are crewmates or neutrals near Cameras, Admin Table, Vitals, DoorLog, and/or other devices. Note: Anti Adminer does not know if the player uses the device while near it. They only know that someone is near the device.",
- "ArroganceInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Arrogance reduces their kill cooldown with each successful kill of theirs.",
- "BomberInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Bomber can use the shapeshift button to self-explode, killing players within a certain range. But as a price, the Bomber will also die. Note: All players will see a kill flash when the Bomber explodes.",
- "ScavengerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nScavenger kills do not leave dead bodies behind. In addition, if the victim is a bait, no self-report will be made.",
+ "AntiAdminerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Anti Adminer can at any time find out if there are Crewmates or Neutrals near Cameras, Admin Table, Vitals, DoorLog, and/or other devices. Note: Anti Adminer does not know if the player uses the device while near it. They only know that someone is near the device.",
+ "ArroganceInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Arrogance reduces their Kill Cooldown with each successful kill of theirs.",
+ "BomberInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Bomber can use the Shapeshift button to self-explode, killing players within a certain range. But as a price, the Bomber will also die. Note: All players will see a kill flash when the Bomber explodes.",
+ "ScavengerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nScavenger kills do not leave dead bodies behind. In addition, if the victim is a Bait, no self-report will be made.",
"TrapsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Trapster has a unique method of killing. By initiating a body report, the Trapster can eliminate the player attempting to report the body the Trapster killed.\nNote: If Trapster kills the Bait, the Trapster will die immediately.",
- "GangsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Gangster, a powerful character, can try to recruit a player to a Madmate by pressing the kill button. If the recruitment is successful, both the Gangster and the target will see the shield animation on each other as a reminder (only visible to each other). The remaining number of available recruits is displayed next to the Gangster's name (the Host sets the max). If the Gangster tries to recruit players who cannot be recruited, such as neutrals or some special crews, they will kill the target normally instead. When the Gangster has no remaining recruitments, they can only make normal kills from that point on.",
- "CleanerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nCleaner can press the Report button to clean up any dead body they come across (including those they kill). If the cleanup is successful, the Cleaner will see a shield animation on their body as a reminder (only visible to himself). The cleaned-up body cannot be reported (including bait).",
- "LightningInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lightning, you cannot kill normally. Instead, your kill button quantizes targets, which activates after a delay, causing the next person they encounter to kill them. Those who are actively quantized show a「■」next to their name. Additionally, those who have been quantized die if they survive until the end of a meeting. There is a setting to quantize your killer.",
- "GreedyInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nGreedy kills with odd and even kills will have different kill cooldowns. Greedy's kill cooldown is reset every meeting, and Greedy's first kill is always odd.",
- "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Cursed Wolf is about to be killed, the Cursed Wolf will curse the killer to death. (The Host sets the max of times you can counterattack)",
- "SoulCatcherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Soul Catcher, you can shapeshift to swap places with your target as long as they are not dead, in a vent, swallowed by pelican, or in a similar odd state.",
- "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the kill cooldown is over, Quick Shooter can reset the kill cooldown by shapeshift to store a bullet (when the storage is successful, a shield-animation visible only to himself will appear on their body as a reminder). If Quick Shooter has bullets, he can use one to bypass the kill cooldown; he will kill even if it's still on cooldown and use a bullet. At the beginning of each meeting, the quick shooter can only keep a certain number of bullets (The Host sets the number).",
- "CamouflagerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Camouflager uses Shapeshift, all players start to look the same. This state ends when the Camouflager reverts its shapeshifting. It's important to note that the skills of communication sabotage camouflage, and the skills of the Camouflager can be superimposed.\nThis skill will be invalid if a meeting is held during the skill activation of the Camouflager.",
- "EraserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEraser can vote for any crew target at the meeting to erase the target's roles, and the erasure will take effect after the meeting ends. Note: Players with erased skills will always be considered a vanilla role, including the game result page.\nA crew target can only be erased once (include Oiiai)",
+ "GangsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Gangster, a powerful character, can try to recruit a player to a Madmate by pressing the Kill button. If the recruitment is successful, both the Gangster and the target will see the Shield Animation on each other as a reminder (only visible to each other). The remaining number of available recruits is displayed next to the Gangster's name (the Host sets the maximum). If the Gangster tries to recruit players who cannot be recruited, such as Neutrals or some special Crewmates, they will kill the target normally instead. When the Gangster has no remaining recruitments, they can only make normal kills from that point on.",
+ "CleanerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nCleaner can press the Report button to clean up any dead body they come across (including those they kill). If the cleanup is successful, the Cleaner will see a Shield Animation on their body as a reminder (only visible to himself). The cleaned-up body cannot be reported (including Bait).",
+ "LightningInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lightning, you cannot kill normally. Instead, your Kill button quantizes targets, which activates after a delay, causing the next person they encounter to kill them. Those who are actively quantized show a「■」next to their name. Additionally, those who have been quantized die if they survive until the end of a meeting. There is a setting to quantize your killer.",
+ "GreedyInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nGreedy kills with odd and even kills will have different Kill Cooldowns. Greedy's Kill Cooldown is reset every meeting, and Greedy's first kill is always odd.",
+ "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Cursed Wolf is about to be killed, the Cursed Wolf will curse the killer to death. (The Host sets the maximum of times you can counterattack)",
+ "SoulCatcherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Soul Catcher, you can Shapeshift to swap places with your target as long as they are not dead, in a Vent, swallowed by Pelican, or in a similar odd state.",
+ "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Kill Cooldown is over, Quick Shooter can reset the Kill Cooldown by Shapeshift to store a bullet (when the storage is successful, a Shield Animation visible only to himself will appear on their body as a reminder). If Quick Shooter has bullets, he can use one to bypass the Kill Cooldown; he will kill even if it's still on Cooldown and use a bullet. At the beginning of each meeting, the quick shooter can only keep a certain number of bullets (The Host sets the number).",
+ "CamouflagerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Camouflager uses Shapeshift, all players start to look the same. This state ends when the Camouflager reverts its Shapeshifting. It's important to note that the skills of Communication Sabotage Camouflage, and the skills of the Camouflager can be superimposed.\nThis skill will be invalid if a meeting is held during the skill activation of the Camouflager.",
+ "EraserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEraser can vote for any target at the meeting to erase the target's roles, and the erasure will take effect after the meeting ends. Note: Players with erased skills will always be considered a vanilla role, including the game result page.\nA target can only be erased once (including OIIAI)",
"ButcherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Butcher's kills, including passive ones, leave multiple dead bodies on targets, which can be a bit confusing when reporting. Here's the rule: the killed target must repeatedly display the animation of being killed, which cannot be skipped, and they cannot participate in the meeting normally during this period. And if the Butcher kills the Avenger, the Avenger will revenge everyone in anger.",
- "HangmanInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Hangman, during the shapeshifting, you use a unique killing method-strangling. This method ignores any status of the target, such as the shield of the Medic, the Bodyguard's protection, the Super Star's skills, etc. The strangled player will not leave a dead body, nor will it trigger any of its skills. For example, Veteran kill back (including additional roles), and Seer will not be prompted.",
- "SwooperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Swooper, you can vent to vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
+ "HangmanInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Hangman, during the Shapeshifting, you use a unique killing method-strangling. This method ignores any status of the target, such as the shield of the Medic, the Bodyguard's protection, the Super Star's skills, etc. The strangled player will not leave a dead body, nor will it trigger any of its skills. For example, Veteran kill back (including additional roles), and Seer will not be prompted.",
+ "SwooperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Swooper, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
"CrewpostorInfoLong": "(Team Impostor):\nYou kill the nearest player whenever you finish a task.",
- "WildlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Wildling, you can shapeshift but cannot vent.\nWhen you kill, you temporarily become immune to attacks.",
- "TricksterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Trickster, you function as a regular Impostor but with one key difference.\nYou appear as a crewmate to crewmate roles.\n\nThe Sheriff cannot kill you.\nPsychic does not see you as evil.\nSnitch cannot find you.",
+ "WildlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Wildling, you can Shapeshift but cannot Vent.\nWhen you kill, you temporarily become immune to attacks.",
+ "TricksterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Trickster, you function as a regular Impostor but with one key difference.\nYou appear as a Crewmate to Crewmate roles.\n\nThe Sheriff cannot kill you.\nPsychic does not see you as evil.\nSnitch cannot find you.",
"VindicatorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Vindicator, you have extra votes like a Mayor.",
"StealthInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Stealth kills, players in the same room are blinded for a short time.",
- "PenguinInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Penguin, you can restrain the target by pressing the kill button and drag it around.\nWhile dragging, the target dies by pressing the kill button again or after a certain period.\nPress the kill button twice for a direct kill.",
- "ParasiteInfoLong": "(Team Impostor):\nAs the Parasite, you are an Impostor that does not know the other Impostors.\n\nYou may kill, vent, sabotage, whatever.\nJust know that you are an Impostor.",
- "DisperserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nDisperser can use Shapeshift to teleport all players to random vents.",
- "InhibitorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Inhibitor, you can only kill when there is not a critical sabotage active.\n\nIf light or comms sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
- "SaboteurInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Saboteur, you can only kill when there is a critical sabotage active.\n\nIf reactor or O2 sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
+ "PenguinInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Penguin, you can restrain the target by pressing the Kill button and drag it around.\nWhile dragging, the target dies by pressing the Kill button again or after a certain period.\nPress the Kill button twice for a direct kill.",
+ "ParasiteInfoLong": "(Team Impostor):\nAs the Parasite, you are an Impostor that does not know the other Impostors.\n\nYou may Kill, Vent, Sabotage, whatever.\nJust know that you are an Impostor.",
+ "DisperserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nDisperser can use Shapeshift to teleport all players to random Vents.",
+ "InhibitorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Inhibitor, you can only kill when there is not a Critical Sabotage active.\n\nIf Light or Comms Sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
+ "SaboteurInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Saboteur, you can only kill when there is a Critical sabotage active.\n\nIf Reactor or O2 Sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
"CouncillorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Councillor, you can kill players during a meeting like a Judge.\nWhen killing in a meeting, those kills will appear as a trial from a Judge.\n\nThe kill command is /tl [player id]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nDepending on the settings, Councillor will suicide when he judge his teammates.\nConverted Councillor can judge freely.",
"DazzlerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Dazzler, you can reduce the vision of the target of your Shapeshift permanently. When you die, their vision will turn back to normal.",
- "DeathpactInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Deathpact, You shapeshift to mark your targets for a deathpact.\nIf you have enough players marked for a death pact, they must meet within a specific period; if they fail to do so, they die.\nIf a marked player dies before the death pact becomes complete, the pact is withdrawn.",
- "DevourerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Devourer, you use your shapeshift to change the appearance of the target of the shapeshift permanently. Additionally, when each player's appearance changes, you will have your kill cooldown reduced by a defined number of seconds. If the Devourer dies or gets voted out during a meeting, the player's appearance will change back to their normal appearance.",
- "MorphlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Morphling, you are a Shapeshifter but cannot kill while not shapeshifted.",
- "TwisterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Twister, you can use shapeshifting to swap the position of all players randomly. The swap happens twice, once when you start your shapeshift and once when you return to your original appearance.\nThe Twister itself will not swap places with anyone, and players in vents will not teleport.",
- "LurkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lurker, you can jump into a vent to reduce your cooldown by a certain number of seconds. After you kill, your cooldown resets to its original value.",
+ "DeathpactInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Deathpact, You Shapeshift to mark your targets for a deathpact.\nIf you have enough players marked for a deathpact, they must meet within a specific period; if they fail to do so, they die.\nIf a marked player dies before the deathpact becomes complete, the pact is withdrawn.",
+ "DevourerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Devourer, you use your Shapeshift to change the appearance of the target of the Shapeshift permanently. Additionally, when each player's appearance changes, you will have your Kill Cooldown reduced by a defined number of seconds. If the Devourer dies or gets voted out during a meeting, the player's appearance will change back to their normal appearance.",
+ "MorphlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Morphling, you are a Shapeshifter but cannot kill while not Shapeshifted.",
+ "TwisterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Twister, you can use Shapeshifting to swap the position of all players randomly. The swap happens twice, once when you start your Shapeshift and once when you return to your original appearance.\nThe Twister itself will not swap places with anyone, and players in vents will not teleport.",
+ "LurkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lurker, you can jump into a Vent to reduce your Cooldown by a certain number of seconds. After you kill, your Cooldown resets to its original value.",
"VisionaryInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Visionary, you see the alignments of living players during a meeting.\nThe following information will be displayed on the players:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.",
"PlagueDoctorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\n(Plague Doctor from TOH)\nThe Plague Scientist's goal is to infect every living player.\nThey start by choosing one player to infect, after which anyone who spends a set amount of time in the range of the infected player becomes infected themselves.\nInfection progress is cumulative and does not reset with distance or after meetings.",
- "RefugeeInfoLong": "(Madmates):\nAs the Refugee, you were either:\n -An Amnesiac who remembered an Impostor\n -A killer who killed the Godfather's target.\n -A Romantic whose partner was an Impostor\n -Or an Imitator that imitated an Impostor.\n\nNow your job is to help the Impostors kill the crewmates.",
+ "RefugeeInfoLong": "(Madmates):\nAs the Refugee, you were either:\n -An Amnesiac who remembered an Impostor\n -A killer who killed the Godfather's target.\n -A Romantic whose partner was an Impostor\n -Or an Imitator that imitated an Impostor.\n\nNow your job is to help the Impostors kill the Crewmates.",
"UnderdogInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Underdog, you cannot kill until there's a certain amount of players alive.",
- "ConsigliereInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Consigliere, you can reveal the roles of other players using your kill button.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\n\nIf you run out of reveal uses, your kill button functions normally.",
- "LudopathInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ludopath, your kill cooldown is randomized.\n\nMinimum it can be is 1 second, while the maximum is your default kill cooldown.",
+ "ConsigliereInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Consigliere, you can reveal the roles of other players using your Kill button.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\n\nIf you run out of reveal uses, your Kill button functions normally.",
+ "LudopathInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ludopath, your Kill Cooldown is randomized.\n\nMinimum it can be is 1 second, while the maximum is your default Kill Cooldown.",
"GodfatherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Godfather, you vote someone to make them your target.\nIn the next round, if someone kills the target, the killer will turn into a Refugee or Madmate.",
"ChronomancerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Chronomancer, you have a charge bar which indicates when the slaughter is ready. When it is at 100% the next time you kill someone, you go into slaughter mode, meaning you can kill indefinitely until your bar runs out of charge. Otherwise, you have a normal KCD.",
- "PitfallInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Pitfall, you use your shapeshift to mark the area around the shapeshift as a trap. Players who enter this area will be immobilized quickly, and their vision will be affected.",
- "EvilMiniInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Evil Mini, you are unkillable until you grow up and have a very long initial kill cooldown, which gets drastically shortened as you grow up.",
- "BlackmailerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Blackmailer, when you shift into a target, you will blackmail that player. This means that during the meetings, they won't be able to speak.\n\nNote: If someone is already blackmailed, blackmailing another person un-blackmails the current person.",
- "InstigatorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Instigator, it's your job to turn the crewmates against each other. Each time a Crewmate gets voted out in a meeting, if you are alive, an additional Crewmate who voted for the innocent player will die after the meeting. The Host determines the number of additional players dying.",
- "LazyGuyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nLazy Guy has only one task. In addition, the Impostor's abilities can't affect the Lazy Guy, such as being a scapegoat for Anonymous, being marked by a Warlock or Puppeteer, and more. Lazy Guy will not have any add-ons.",
+ "PitfallInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Pitfall, you use your Shapeshift to mark the area around the Shapeshift as a trap. Players who enter this area will be immobilized quickly, and their vision will be affected.",
+ "EvilMiniInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Evil Mini, you are unkillable until you grow up and have a very long initial Kill Cooldown, which gets drastically shortened as you grow up.",
+ "BlackmailerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Blackmailer, when you Shift into a target, you will blackmail that player. This means that during the meetings, they won't be able to speak.\n\nNote: If someone is already blackmailed, blackmailing another person un-blackmails the current person.",
+ "InstigatorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Instigator, it's your job to turn the Crewmates against each other. Each time a Crewmate gets voted out in a meeting, if you are alive, an additional Crewmate who voted for the innocent player will die after the meeting. The Host determines the number of additional players dying.",
+ "LazyGuyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nLazy Guy has only one task. In addition, the Impostor's abilities can't affect the Lazy Guy, such as being a scapegoat for Anonymous, being marked by a Warlock or Puppeteer, and more. Lazy Guy will not have any Add-ons.",
"SuperStarInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThere will be a star logo next to the Super Star's name, so everyone knows who the Super Star is. The Super Star can only die when the murderer is alone with the Super Star (regular kills only). In addition, the Guessers can't guess the Super Star. ",
"CelebrityInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAll Crewmates see the kill-flash when the Celebrity dies (same as the Seer sees the kill-flash) and get a notice at the next meeting. The Impostors don't know anything about this.",
- "CleanserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Cleanser, you can vote to erase the add-ons of any target at the meeting. This erasure takes effect after the meeting ends. Depending on the settings, the cleansed player may never receive add-ons again.",
+ "CleanserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Cleanser, you can vote to erase the Add-ons of any target at the meeting. This erasure takes effect after the meeting ends. Depending on the settings, the cleansed player may never receive Add-ons again.",
"KeeperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs keeper, you can vote for someone to protect them from being ejected. You can only do this a configurable number of times.",
- "MayorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mayor, you have extra votes. Depending on the settings, players can't see your extra votes, you can vent to call a meeting at any time, or you can have yourself revealed as Mayor upon task completion.",
+ "MayorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mayor, you have extra votes. Depending on the settings, players can't see your extra votes, you can Vent to call a meeting at any time, or you can have yourself revealed as Mayor upon task completion.",
"PsychicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Psychic can see the names of several players highlighted in red during the meeting; at least one of them is evil. The Psychic will correctly see all Neutrals and Killing Crewmates displayed as red names when becoming a Madmate.",
- "MechanicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Mechanic can use the vent at any time. They can also fix Reactors, O2, and Communications using only one side. You can fix Lights by flicking only one switch. Opening a door will open all doors in the map.",
- "SheriffInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nSheriff has no task. The Sheriff can kill the Impostor (according to the host settings, the Sheriff can also kill neutrals). If the Sheriff tries to kill a crewmate, the Sheriff will kill himself. The Sheriff can kill anyone when he becomes a madmate (also according to the host settings).",
- "VigilanteInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Vigilante, you are tasked with eliminating potential threats to the Crew, but if they mistakenly kill an innocent crew member, they become a Madmate driven by guilt and remorse.\n\n Note: Gangster cannot convert Vigilante into madmate.",
- "JailerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Jailer, use your kill button to lock a player in jail. During the next meeting, the jailed player cannot vote or get voted (the vote count will be 0). The Jailer may choose to execute the prisoner by voting for them. If the Jailer executes an innocent player, the Jailer loses the ability to execute for the rest of the game.\nIf the Jailer is evil, then they can execute anyone.\nThe Jailer has limited executions.\n\nNote: Jailed players cannot be guessed or judged, and jailed players can only guess Jailer.",
+ "MechanicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Mechanic can use Vents at any time. They can also fix Reactors, O2, and Communications using only one side. You can fix Lights by flicking only one switch. Opening a door will open all doors in the map.",
+ "SheriffInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nSheriff has no task. The Sheriff can kill the Impostor (according to the Host settings, the Sheriff can also kill Neutrals). If the Sheriff tries to kill a Crewmate, the Sheriff will kill himself. The Sheriff can kill anyone when he becomes a Madmate (also according to the Host settings).",
+ "VigilanteInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Vigilante, you are tasked with eliminating potential threats to the Crewmates, but if they mistakenly kill an innocent Crew member, they become a Madmate driven by guilt and remorse.\n\n Note: Gangster cannot convert Vigilante into Madmate.",
+ "JailerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Jailer, use your Kill button to lock a player in jail. During the next meeting, the jailed player cannot vote or get voted (the vote count will be 0). The Jailer may choose to execute the prisoner by voting for them. If the Jailer executes an innocent player, the Jailer loses the ability to execute for the rest of the game.\nIf the Jailer is evil, then they can execute anyone.\nThe Jailer has limited executions.\n\nNote: Jailed players cannot be guessed or judged, and jailed players can only guess Jailer.",
"SnitchInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAfter the Snitch completes all tasks, they can see the Impostor's names displayed in red on the meeting. When the Snitch has only one task left, the Impostors will see a 「★」 mark next to the name of themselves and the Snitch. When a Snitch becomes a Madmate, the 「★」 mark turns red.",
- "MarshallInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Marshall, complete your tasks to reveal yourself to the rest of the Crew.\nOther teams will not be able to see you.\nHowever, madmates CAN see you.",
- "DoctorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nDoctor can see the cause of death for all players. In addition, the Doctor can access vitals wherever you are while he still has battery left.",
+ "MarshallInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Marshall, complete your tasks to reveal yourself to the rest of the Crewmates.\nOther teams will not be able to see you.\nHowever, Madmates CAN see you.",
+ "DoctorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nDoctor can see the cause of death for all players. In addition, the Doctor can access Vitals wherever you are while he still has battery left.",
"DictatorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhen the Dictator votes for someone, the meeting will end on the spot, and the player they voted for will be ejected from the meeting. The moment the Dictator votes someone out, the Dictator will also die.",
"DetectiveInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAfter the Detective reports the body, they will receive a clue message, which will tell the Detective what the victim's role is. According to the Host's settings, the Detective may know what the murderer's role is. Note: Detective won't be Oblivious.",
"UndercoverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Impostors knows who Undercover is and sees him as a teammate, but Undercover himself does not know who the Impostors are.",
- "NiceGuesserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Nice Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If it is correct, it will kill the target, and if it is wrong, Nice Guesser will suicide.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nNice Guesser can guess crewmate when become madmate.",
- "GuessMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guess Master, you will receive information about every attempted guess made during a meeting. You will be informed about the role the guesser tried to guess, and you will also be notified in case of a misguess.",
+ "NiceGuesserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Nice Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If it is correct, it will kill the target, and if it is wrong, Nice Guesser will suicide.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nNice Guesser can guess Crewmate when become Madmate.",
+ "GuessMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guess Master, you will receive information about every attempted guess made during a meeting. You will be informed about the role the Guesser tried to guess, and you will also be notified in case of a misguess.",
"KnightInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Knight has no tasks. They can kill anyone but only do it once the whole game.",
- "TransporterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhenever the Transporter completes the task, two random players will switch positions, but if there are not enough players left, nothing will happen. Note: Players in the vent will not be selected.",
+ "TransporterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhenever the Transporter completes the task, two random players will switch positions, but if there are not enough players left, nothing will happen. Note: Players in a Vent will not be selected.",
"TimeManagerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe more tasks the Time Manager does, the longer the meeting time will be. When the Time Manager dies, the meeting time will return to normal. When the Time Manager becomes a Madmate, the skill changes to reducing the meeting time instead of increasing it.",
- "VeteranInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Veteran, you can enter the alert state by venting. If a player tries to kill the Veteran in the alert state, the Veteran will kill the murderer instead. Veteran will see a shield animation on their body and a text above their head as a reminder when they enter and exit the alert state.",
- "BastionInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Bastion, bomb vents to kill off impostors and neutrals.\nBe careful though; crewmates can also be killed with the bombs.",
- "CopyCatInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Copycat, you can use your kill button to copy the target's role.\n\nYou can only copy some crewmate roles.\nIf you try to copy a madmate or rascal, you become the madmate variation of the target role.\nIf you target an evil with a crewmate variant, you'll become the crewmate variant.\n\nAdditionally, Your role will be set back to Copycat after every meeting.\nNote You can't guess people in meetings.",
+ "VeteranInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Veteran, you can enter the alert state by Venting. If a player tries to kill the Veteran in the alert state, the Veteran will kill the murderer instead. Veteran will see a Shield Animation on their body and a text above their head as a reminder when they enter and exit the alert state.",
+ "BastionInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Bastion, bomb Vents to kill off Impostors and Neutrals.\nBe careful though; Crewmates can also be killed with the bombs.",
+ "CopyCatInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Copycat, you can use your Kill button to copy the target's role.\n\nYou can only copy some Crewmate roles.\nIf you try to copy a Madmate or Rascal, you become the Madmate variation of the target role.\nIf you target an evil with a Crewmate variant, you'll become the Crewmate variant.\n\nAdditionally, Your role will be set back to Copycat after every meeting.\nNote You can't guess people in meetings.",
"BodyguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nIf a player is about to be killed near the Bodyguard, the Bodyguard will prevent the kill and die with the murderer. The Bodyguard's skills will affect players of any team. When the Bodyguard becomes a Madmate, and the murderer is an Impostor, the Bodyguard will not activate the skill.",
- "DeceiverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Deceiver can sell the counterfeit to other players through the kill button. If the counterfeit is sold successfully, the Deceiver will see a shield animation on their body as a reminder. The counterfeit will take effect after the end of the next meeting. If the player with no kill ability holds the counterfeit, he will kill himself immediately. If the player with the killing ability has the counterfeit, he will commit suicide when he tries to kill someone next time.",
- "GrenadierInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Grenadier, you can vent to Flashbang players nearby, causing them to lose vision if they are an Impostor or, depending on settings, a Neutral.",
+ "DeceiverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Deceiver can sell the counterfeit to other players through the Kill button. If the counterfeit is sold successfully, the Deceiver will see a Shield Animation on their body as a reminder. The counterfeit will take effect after the end of the next meeting. If the player with no kill ability holds the counterfeit, he will kill himself immediately. If the player with the killing ability has the counterfeit, he will commit suicide when he tries to kill someone next time.",
+ "GrenadierInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Grenadier, you can Vent to Flashbang players nearby, causing them to lose vision if they are an Impostor or, depending on settings, a Neutral.",
"MedicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Medic can place a shield on the target by pressing the Kill button. The Medic can only give one shield for the whole game. Depending on the settings, the target's shield can or cannot deactivate when the Medic dies. The Medic can also see if someone is trying to break the target's shield.\nDepending on the Host's settings, the Medic or the target can see if the player has a shield (shown as a green circle 「●」 next to the name).",
"FortuneTellerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Fortune Teller, vote for a player in a meeting to get a clue to their role.\nThe clue will relate to their actual role.\n\nWhen the Fortune Teller's tasks are complete, they will obtain the exact role rather than a clue!\n\nNote: If the setting to give random active players as a hint is on, you cannot check the same player multiple times.",
"JudgeInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Judge can judge a certain player during the meeting. If the target is evil, the target will be killed (whether it is evil or not is set by the Host). If it is wrong, the Judge commits suicide.\nCommand for judgment: /tl [player id]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nJudges can judge all players when they become Madmate.\nIn meeting the ability count shows how many trails you have in this meeting. Out of meeting the ability counts shows how many trails you have for the whole game.",
"MorticianInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Mortician can see arrows pointing to all dead bodies, and if the Mortician reports a body, they will know the last player the victim had contact with. Note: Mortician won't be Oblivious or Seer.",
"MediumInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Medium can establish contact with a dead player after someone reports a dead body. The player who reports doesn't have to be the Medium. The dead player can answer once with a YES or a NO to the Medium's question, which only the Medium will see (the dead player can use /ms yes or /ms no). Note: Medium won't be Oblivious.",
- "ObserverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Observer, you can see all shield animations caused by other players after the first meeting. The shied animations typically indicate a role ability, so look out for this.",
+ "ObserverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Observer, you can see all Shield Animations caused by other players after the first meeting. The Shield Animations typically indicate a role ability, so look out for this.",
"MonarchInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Monarch, you can knight players to give them an extra vote.\n\nYou cannot knight someone who already has multiple votes.\n\nKnighted players appear with a golden name.\nIf a knighted player is alive, the Monarch cannot be guessed or killed.",
- "PacifistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhen the Pacifist vents, they will reset the kill cooldown for every player with a kill button. When they become a Madmate, this ability will only work on Crewmates.",
- "OverseerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Overseer, you have minimal vision, but you can use your kill button to reveal the role of a nearby player. A 「○」 will be displayed next to the revealed target after you use the kill button on them, and you will also be scanning them (only you can see this). Stay near the target for a defined time to reveal his role; if you move too far away, the reveal will cancel.",
+ "PacifistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhen the Pacifist Vents, they will reset the Kill Cooldown for every player with a Kill button. When they become a Madmate, this ability will only work on Crewmates.",
+ "OverseerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Overseer, you have minimal vision, but you can use your Kill button to reveal the role of a nearby player. A 「○」 will be displayed next to the revealed target after you use the Kill button on them, and you will also be scanning them (only you can see this). Stay near the target for a defined time to reveal his role; if you move too far away, the reveal will cancel.",
"CoronerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a Coroner, you can't report corpses; instead, after trying to report the corpse, you will see an arrow leading you to the killer. If someone calls a meeting, the arrows disappear. Depending on the settings, players can't report the body you found.",
"PresidentInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe President has two abilities: End the meeting and Reveal identity.\n\n+ Ability 1: End the meeting - Type /finish in meetings as President to instantly end the meeting.\n+ Ability 2: Reveal identity - Type /reveal in meetings to reveal yourself. Revealing yourself will make it so every player can see that you are the President, and you will become unguessable after typing the command. However, after the President has revealed themselves, whoever killed the President will have their kill CD greatly reduced on their next kill.",
- "MerchantInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a merchant, you sell a random add-on to a random player for each task you complete. Each add-on sold earns you money. If you have a certain amount of money, you can prevent the next killing attempt against you by bribing the murderer. The bribed player won't be able to kill you, but you don't know who it is. The money used is lost and not available for additional bribes.",
+ "MerchantInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a merchant, you sell a random Add-on to a random player for each task you complete. Each Add-on sold earns you money. If you have a certain amount of money, you can prevent the next killing attempt against you by bribing the murderer. The bribed player won't be able to kill you, but you don't know who it is. The money used is lost and not available for additional bribes.",
"RetributionistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Retributionist, you can kill a limited amount of players after your death.\n\nUse /ret [playerID] to kill.",
- "HawkInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Hawk, you can kill a limited amount of players decided by the host, though there's a chance you miss, slicing someone multiple times increases the chances.",
- "DeputyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Deputy, use your kill button to handcuff a player.\nThe player who is handcuffed will have their next kill attempt treated as a handcuff break, and the kill cooldown will be reset.\n\nIf the target does not have a kill button, then the handcuff was a waste.",
- "InvestigatorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs an Investigator, you can use your kill button to investigate someone. When you investigate someone, their name will appear in red if they possess a kill button (impostor/SS basis) or light blue if they lack a kill button (crewmate/engineer/scientist basis). However, please note that the color of the names will return to normal when someone calls a meeting.",
+ "HawkInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Hawk, you can kill a limited amount of players decided by the Host, though there's a chance you miss, slicing someone multiple times increases the chances.",
+ "DeputyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Deputy, use your Kill button to handcuff a player.\nThe player who is handcuffed will have their next kill attempt treated as a handcuff break, and the Kill Cooldown will be reset.\n\nIf the target does not have a Kill button, then the handcuff was a waste.",
+ "InvestigatorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs an Investigator, you can use your Kill button to investigate someone. When you investigate someone, their name will appear in red if they possess a Kill button (impostor/Shapeshifter basis) or light blue if they lack a Kill button (Crewmate/Engineer/Scientist basis). However, please note that the color of the names will return to normal when someone calls a meeting.",
"GuardianInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guardian, you become immortal upon task completion. Guessers can't even guess you in meetings.",
- "AddictInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Addict, you have a suicide timer. When it expires, you kill yourself.\nThe timer is indicated by the vent cooldown. When the vent cooldown is 0 seconds, you still have a short time to vent.\nIf you don't make it, you die; if you make it, the suicide timer is reset.\nAlso after you vent, no one can interact with you for a defined period.\nAfter; the period is over, and you are immobilized for another defined period, and cannot report any bodies.",
- "MoleInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mole, when you vent, you stay in the vent for 1 second. When you exit the vent, you will spawn near a random vent in the map (Except the one you used).",
+ "AddictInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Addict, you have a suicide timer. When it expires, you kill yourself.\nThe timer is indicated by the Vent Cooldown. When the Vent Cooldown is 0 seconds, you still have a short time to Vent.\nIf you don't make it, you die; if you make it, the Suicide Timer is reset.\nAlso after you Vent, no one can interact with you for a defined period.\nAfter; the period is over, and you are immobilized for another defined period, and cannot Report any bodies.",
+ "MoleInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mole, when you Vent, you stay in the Vent for 1 second. When you exit the Vent, you will spawn near a random Vent in the map (Except the one you used).",
"AlchemistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Alchemist, you brew potions when you complete tasks. The potion you made will show up under your role name with its corresponding description and instructions. You can get seven different potions, some with harmful or no effects. Vent to use the potion.",
- "KamikazeInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Kamikaze you can single click to mark people. Double-click to kill normally. When you die, all marked also die, with death reason Targeted.",
- "TracefinderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracefinder, you can access vitals at any time.\nIn addition, you get arrows pointing to dead bodies, with a delay set by the Host.",
+ "KamikazeInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Kamikaze you can single click to mark players. Double-click to kill normally. When you die, all marked also die, with death reason Targeted.",
+ "TracefinderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracefinder, you can access Vitals at any time.\nIn addition, you get arrows pointing to dead bodies, with a delay set by the Host.",
"OracleInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Oracle, you may vote a player during a meeting.\nYou'll see if they are a Crewmate, Neutral, or Impostor.\nDepending on settings, there can be a chance that your result will be incorrect.",
"SpiritualistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Spiritualist, you get an arrow pointing towards the ghost of the last meeting's victim. There is an option for the arrow to disappear and reappear in intervals. Try to notify the ghost about your ability if you can; if they are on your side, they may lead you to an evil role so you can eject them. Be careful, as evil roles can do the same for Crewmates.",
- "ChameleonInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chameleon, you can vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
- "InspectorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nCheck If two players are in the same team or not. You will get an affirmation message if they are on the same team or a denial message if they are not on the same team.\n\nAll neutrals and converted players are counted in the same team. Trickster counts as Crew, and Rascal counts as Impostor.\nChecking command: /cmp [player id 1] [player id 2].",
- "CaptainInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWith each completed task, the Captain gains the power to slow down a random non-crew role. Crewmates can see ☆besides Captain's name.\n\nIf anyone betrays the Captain's trust by voting Captain out, they will lose an add-on.",
- "AdmirerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Admirer, admire a player to make them Crewmate aligned.\nThey'll win with crewmates and not their original team.\n\nYou can only do this once per player.",
- "TimeMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Time Master, use the vents to mark everyone's position.\nWhen using the ability again, every alive player will rewind to the marked positions.\n\nDuring the ability duration, the Time Master gains a time shield, which protects them from death.",
- "CrusaderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Crusader, use your kill button to crusade a player.\nIf that player gets attacked, you'll kill the attacker.",
- "AltruistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Altruist, you can sacrifice yourself to revive a dead body using the «Report» button.\nNote: If a dead player has left the game, you report that body normally.\nAlso revived player cannot report self dead body\nUse vent button to change between Report & Revive.",
- "ReverieInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Reverie, you can kill, but your cooldown starts high.\n\nIt increases if you kill a crewmate and reduces otherwise.\nDepending on the Host's setting, you may misfire on reaching the max kill cooldown, and your target dies with you. \n\nYou win with other crewmates.",
- "LookoutInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Lookout, you can see the IDs of every player at all times.\nThis allows you to see through shapeshifts and camouflages.",
- "TelecommunicationInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Telecommunication, you are notified when anyone uses cameras, vitals, door logs, or admin.",
- "LighterInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Lighter, you can vent to increase your vision temporarily.\nYou have increased vision both when lights are not out and when lights are out.\nUse this power to catch sneaky killers!",
+ "ChameleonInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chameleon, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
+ "InspectorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nCheck If two players are in the same team or not. You will get an affirmation message if they are on the same team or a denial message if they are not on the same team.\n\nAll Neutrals and converted players are counted in the same team. Trickster counts as Crewmate, and Rascal counts as Impostor.\nChecking command: /cmp [player id 1] [player id 2].",
+ "CaptainInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWith each completed task, the Captain gains the power to slow down a random non-Crewmate role. Crewmates can see ☆besides Captain's name.\n\nIf anyone betrays the Captain's trust by voting Captain out, they will lose an Add-on.",
+ "AdmirerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Admirer, admire a player to make them Crewmate aligned.\nThey'll win with Crewmates and not their original team.\n\nYou can only do this once per player.",
+ "TimeMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Time Master, use the Vents to mark everyone's position.\nWhen using the ability again, every alive player will rewind to the marked positions.\n\nDuring the ability duration, the Time Master gains a time shield, which protects them from death.",
+ "CrusaderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Crusader, use your Kill button to crusade a player.\nIf that player gets attacked, you'll kill the attacker.",
+ "AltruistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Altruist, you can sacrifice yourself to revive a dead body using the «Report» button.\nNote: If a dead player has left the game, you report that body normally.\nAlso revived player cannot report self dead body\nUse the Vent button to change between Report & Revive.",
+ "ReverieInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Reverie, you can kill, but your Cooldown starts high.\n\nIt increases if you kill a Crewmate and reduces otherwise.\nDepending on the Host's setting, you may misfire on reaching the maximum Kill Cooldown, and your target dies with you. \n\nYou win with other Crewmates.",
+ "LookoutInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Lookout, you can see the ID's of every player at all times.\nThis allows you to see through Shapeshifts and Camouflages.",
+ "TelecommunicationInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Telecommunication, you are notified when anyone uses Cameras, Vitals, Door Logs, or Admin.",
+ "LighterInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Lighter, you can Vent to increase your vision temporarily.\nYou have increased vision both when lights are not out and when lights are out.\nUse this power to catch sneaky killers!",
"TaskManagerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nYou see the total number of tasks completed (by everyone all together) next to your role name, which updates in real-time.",
- "WitnessInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Witness, when you use your kill button on someone, you will know if they killed in the last X seconds or not. (X depends on the settings).",
- "SwapperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Swapper, you can swap votes in meetings.\n\nTo swap votes, use '/sw [playerID]' twice.\n\nPlayer IDs are displayed next to player names in meetings, but you can also use /id to get a list of all player IDs.\n\nNote: Depending on the Host's settings, you can exchange your own votes.",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chief of Police,you can recruit a player to be a Sheriff(only once per game).\nDepending on the settings,you may recruit non-Crewmates or players without a kill button.\nYou may die when you recruit a wrong player.",
+ "WitnessInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Witness, when you use your Kill button on someone, you will know if they killed in the last X seconds or not. (X depends on the settings).",
+ "SwapperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Swapper, you can swap votes in meetings.\n\nTo swap votes, use '/sw [playerID]' twice.\n\nPlayer ID's are displayed next to player names in meetings, but you can also use /id to get a list of all player ID's.\n\nNote: Depending on the Host's settings, you can exchange your own votes.",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chief of Police, you can recruit a player to be a Sheriff(only once per game).\nDepending on the settings, you may recruit non-Crewmates or players without a Kill button.\nYou may suicide when you recruit a wrong player.",
"NiceMiniInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a Nice Mini, your survival is crucial. You can't be killed until you grow up, and if you die or are evicted from the meeting before you grow up, everyone loses. This unique role adds a new dynamic to the game, where your survival is not just for your benefit but for the entire Crew's success.",
- "SpyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Spy, when someone uses their kill button on you (any ability used through the kill button), you'll see their name in orange for a few seconds.\nNote: If a Crewmate used their ability on you, you'll also see them with an orange name!\nNote: If you cannot use left, you won't see orange names!\nNote: If the kill button interaction is blocked, the player's cooldown will reset to 10s'",
- "RandomizerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs this Randomizer, when you die, your killer will do one of the following:\n 1. self-report your body\n 2. stand next to your body\n 3. have their kill cooldown set to 600s\n 4. Randomly avenge a player.",
- "ArsonistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Arsonist can douse a player by clicking the kill button on the player and following them for a few seconds. When the dousing starts and it's successful, a shield animation will happen as a reminder (only visible to themselves). When the Arsonist has doused all surviving players, the Arsonist can vent to start the fire and win alone.\n\nIf the player name shows 「△」, that means they are being doused;\nif the player name shows 「▲」, it means they have been completely doused.\nDepending on the setting, Arsonist may start the fire anytime. But if he fails to kill everyone, he loses.",
+ "SpyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Spy, when someone uses their Kill button on you (any ability used through the Kill button), you'll see their name in orange for a few seconds.\nNote: If a Crewmate used their ability on you, you'll also see them with an orange name!\nNote: If you cannot use left, you won't see orange names!\nNote: If the Kill button interaction is blocked, the player's Cooldown will reset to 10s'",
+ "RandomizerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs this Randomizer, when you die, your killer will do one of the following:\n 1. self-report your body\n 2. stand next to your body\n 3. have their Kill Cooldown set to 600s\n 4. Randomly avenge a player.",
+ "ArsonistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Arsonist can douse a player by clicking the Kill button on the player and following them for a few seconds. When the dousing starts and it's successful, a Shield Animation will happen as a reminder (only visible to themselves). When the Arsonist has doused all surviving players, the Arsonist can Vent to start the fire and win alone.\n\nIf the player name shows 「△」, that means they are being doused;\nif the player name shows 「▲」, it means they have been completely doused.\nDepending on the setting, Arsonist may start the fire anytime. But if he fails to kill everyone, he loses.",
"EnigmaInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Enigma, you get a random clue about the killer each meeting. Depending on the settings, you may have to report the body to receive a clue. The more tasks you complete, the more precise the clues get.",
- "PyromaniacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pyromaniac, you can douse players (single click) or kill normally (double click). Dousing players do nothing immediately, but killing a doused player will significantly shorten your kill cooldown. To win, be the last player alive.",
- "HuntsmanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Huntsman, you are given a certain number of targets that reset every meeting. If you successfully eliminate one of your targets, your kill cooldown goes down permanently by the set amount. However, if you kill someone not one of your targets, your kill cooldown permanently increases by the set amount. A colored name indicates your targets.",
+ "PyromaniacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pyromaniac, you can douse players (single click) or kill normally (double click). Dousing players do nothing immediately, but killing a doused player will significantly shorten your Kill Cooldown. To win, be the last player alive.",
+ "HuntsmanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Huntsman, you are given a certain number of targets that reset every meeting. If you successfully eliminate one of your targets, your Kill Cooldown goes down permanently by the set amount. However, if you kill someone not one of your targets, your Kill Cooldown permanently increases by the set amount. A colored name indicates your targets.",
"MiniInfoLong": "(Crewmate or Impostor):\nThe Mini has two roles. A Nice or Evil Mini is chosen.\n\nUse'/r nice mini' and '/r evil mini' respectively for more details.",
"JesterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nIf the Jester gets voted out, the Jester wins the game alone. If the Jester is still alive at the end of the game, the Jester loses. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
"TerroristInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nIf the Terrorist dies after completing all tasks, the Terrorist wins the game alone. (They can win by either being voted out or killed).",
"ExecutionerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Executioner is a role with an execution target, indicated by a diamond symbol「♦」next to their name. If the execution target is killed, the Executioner's role will change to Crewmate, Jester, or Opportunist, depending on the game settings. However, if the execution target is voted out in the meeting, the Executioner wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
"LawyerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nLawyer has a target to defend, which will be indicated by a diamond 「♦」 next to their name.\nIf your target wins, you win.\nIf they lose, you lose.",
"OpportunistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nIf the Opportunist survives at the end of the game, the Opportunist will win with the winning player.",
- "VectorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nVector will win alone by venting a certain number of times.",
- "JackalInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jackal, you win if you are the last player alive. Additionally, you may recruit using the kill button. If the target is not one you can recruit, you have run out of uses, or you don't have the option to recruit, then you will kill people normally (i.e., don't use kill buttons in front of others thinking it'll recruit). If the target has a kill button and the option to turn into a Sidekick is on, they will become a Sidekick. Otherwise, they will gain the Recruit add-on if the option to give the Recruit add-on is on.\nDepending on the settings, when Jackal was killed, a Sidekick will be randomly selected as the new Jackal.\nRecruit may be selected if no sidekick is alive.",
+ "VectorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nVector will win alone by Venting a certain number of times.",
+ "JackalInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jackal, you win if you are the last player alive. Additionally, you may recruit using the Kill button. If the target is not one you can recruit, you have run out of uses, or you don't have the option to recruit, then you will kill people normally (i.e., don't use Kill buttons in front of others thinking it'll recruit). If the target has a Kill button and the option to turn into a Sidekick is on, they will become a Sidekick. Otherwise, they will gain the Recruit Add-on if the option to give the Recruit Add-on is on.\nDepending on the settings, when Jackal was killed, a Sidekick will be randomly selected as the new Jackal.\nRecruit may be selected if no Sidekick is alive.",
"GodInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the God, you know everyone's role from the beginning. If you live until the end of the game, you steal the win, i.e., everyone else loses, and you win.",
- "InnocentInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Innocent can use the kill button to plant any player, and the planted target will immediately kill the Innocent. If the target gets voted out in the meeting, the Innocent wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
- "PelicanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pelican, you can use the kill button to swallow a player alive, teleporting them off-bounds but not killing them yet. Those swallowed will only die if you're still alive at the end of the round. If you die or leave during the round, all alive swallowed players will spawn into the map where you were.",
- "RevolutionistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Revolutionist, you can recruit players by clicking the kill button on the player and following them until the shield animation plays for you. Recruiting has a chance, set by the Host, to kill players (though they are still recruited). When the required number of players are recruited (displayed next to your name), you must vent within the specified time to win the game immediately with all your recruits. If you do not vent in time, you lose and die.",
- "HaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hater, you have no kill cooldown. However, depending on the settings, you can only kill Lovers and other recruiting roles and add-ons. Killing anyone else will make you suicide. You win at the end of the game with the winning team if none of the killable roles are alive. You will not be Lovers.",
+ "InnocentInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Innocent can use the Kill button to plant any player, and the planted target will immediately kill the Innocent. If the target gets voted out in the meeting, the Innocent wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
+ "PelicanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pelican, you can use the Kill button to swallow a player alive, teleporting them off-bounds but not killing them yet. Those swallowed will only die if you're still alive at the end of the round. If you die or leave during the round, all alive swallowed players will spawn into the map where you were.",
+ "RevolutionistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Revolutionist, you can recruit players by clicking the Kill button on the player and following them until the Shield Animation plays for you. Recruiting has a chance, set by the Host, to kill players (though they are still recruited). When the required number of players are recruited (displayed next to your name), you must Vent within the specified time to win the game immediately with all your recruits. If you do not Vent in time, you lose and die.",
+ "HaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hater, you have no Kill Cooldown. However, depending on the settings, you can only kill Lovers and other Recruiting Roles and Add-ons. Killing anyone else will make you suicide. You win at the end of the game with the winning team if none of the killable roles are alive. You will not be Lovers.",
"DemonInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Demon, you kill by draining health. You see health in percentage near everyone's name, and every attack you make drains a percentage from that health without the victim knowing. Once you drain your victim's health to 0, they die. You win if you are the last one standing.",
- "StalkerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Stalker can kill anyone, and every kill will immediately cause a Lights sabotage (if Lights sabotage is already active, nothing will happen). Stalker cannot vent. If the Impostor wins while the Stalker is alive or the Crewmate wins by killing the Impostors (according to the Host's setting, the Stalker may also win when the Crewmate wins by killing the Neutrals), then the Stalker wins alone.",
+ "StalkerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Stalker can kill anyone, and every kill will immediately cause a Lights Sabotage (if Lights Sabotage is already active, nothing will happen). Stalker cannot Vent. If the Impostor wins while the Stalker is alive or the Crewmate wins by killing the Impostors (according to the Host's setting, the Stalker may also win when the Crewmate wins by killing the Neutrals), then the Stalker wins alone.",
"WorkaholicInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Workaholic, you win alone when you complete all tasks. Depending on the Host's settings, you can only win if you are alive and or revealed to everyone at the beginning (these settings are rarely both on).",
- "SolsticerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Solsticer, you won't die, and you win by finishing all your tasks in a single round. After every meeting finishes, your tasks reset, and you need to start all over again.\nVotes on the Solsticer will be directly canceled.\nKill attempts on the Solsticer will teleport it out of the map like Pelican until the meeting is finished.\nThe killer's kill cooldown will be reset to 10 seconds.\nSolsticer is counted as nothing in-game.",
+ "SolsticerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Solsticer, you won't die, and you win by finishing all your tasks in a single round. After every meeting finishes, your tasks reset, and you need to start all over again.\nVotes on the Solsticer will be directly canceled.\nKill attempts on the Solsticer will teleport it out of the map like Pelican until the meeting is finished.\nThe killer's Kill Cooldown will be reset to 10 seconds.\nSolsticer is counted as nothing in-game.",
"CollectorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Collector, when you vote for a player, for each other player that voted for them, you gain a point. When you collect the required votes, the game ends, and you win alone, even if you voted a Jester or Executioner's target out.",
- "GlitchInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Glitch, you can hack players (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose who have been hacked cannot kill, vent, or report for the hack duration.\nAdditionally, calling a sabotage other than doors will have no effect and will instead disguise you as a random player. You cannot disguise during or after sabotages.\nTo win, be the last player alive.",
+ "GlitchInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Glitch, you can hack players (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose who have been hacked cannot kill, Vent, or report for the hack duration.\nAdditionally, calling a Sabotage other than doors will have no effect and will instead disguise you as a random player. You cannot disguise during or after Sabotages.\nTo win, be the last player alive.",
"SidekickInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sidekick, your job is to help the Jackal kill everyone.\nYou and the Jackal win together.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed.\nYou may not be able to kill until old Jackal is dead.",
- "ProvocateurInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Provocateur, you can kill any target with the kill button. If the target loses at the end of the game, the Provocateur wins with the winning team.",
- "BloodKnightInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Blood Knight wins when they're the last killing role alive, and the amount of crewmates is lower or equal to the amount of Blood Knights. The Blood Knight gains a temporary shield after every kill, making them immortal for a few seconds.",
- "PlagueBearerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Plaguebearer, plague everyone using your kill button to turn into Pestilence.\nOnce you turn into Pestilence, you will become immortal and gain the ability to kill, and you will kill anyone who tries to kill you.\n\nAlso, when infected players interact with uninfected players, they will also be infected.",
+ "ProvocateurInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Provocateur, you can kill any target with the Kill button. If the target loses at the end of the game, the Provocateur wins with the winning team.",
+ "BloodKnightInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Blood Knight wins when they're the last killing role alive, and the amount of Crewmates is lower or equal to the amount of Blood Knights. The Blood Knight gains a temporary shield after every kill, making them immortal for a few seconds.",
+ "PlagueBearerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Plaguebearer, plague everyone using your Kill button to turn into Pestilence.\nOnce you turn into Pestilence, you will become immortal and gain the ability to kill, and you will kill anyone who tries to kill you.\n\nAlso, when infected players interact with uninfected players, they will also be infected.",
"PestilenceInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Pestilence, you're an unstoppable machine.\nAny attack towards you will be reflected towards them.\nIndirect kills don't even kill you.\n\nOnly way to kill Pestilence is by voting them out or the Pestilence misguessing.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
- "SoulCollectorInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Soul Collector, you can use your kill button on a player to predict their death. You will gain a soul if your target dies in the round you select them or the meeting after.\nYour target resets after each meeting or after they die, whichever comes first. \n\nOnce you collect the configurable amount of souls, you become Death. If the gain passive souls setting is enabled, you will gain a soul each meeting.",
+ "SoulCollectorInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Soul Collector, you can use your Kill button on a player to predict their death. You will gain a Soul if your target dies in the round you select them or the meeting after.\nYour target resets after each meeting or after they die, whichever comes first. \n\nOnce you collect the configurable amount of Souls, you become Death. If the gain passive Souls setting is enabled, you will gain a Soul each meeting.",
"DeathInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Soul Collector has collected their needed souls, they become Death. Death kills everyone and wins if Death is not ejected by the end of the next meeting.\nA configurable amount of extra meeting time will be given on the meeting Death transforms to have more discussion to find Death.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
- "BakerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Baker, you can use your kill button on a player per round to give them bread. \nOnce a set amount of players are alive with bread, you become Famine.\n\nIf the Bread gives additional effects and the setting is on, then you can vent to change the bread that you give out. \nBread Effects:\nReveal: Reveals the target's role to the Baker (stays the whole game)\nRoleblock: Resets the target's kill cooldown when they try to use their kill button\nBarrier: Gives the target a barrier that is only known to the Baker (barrier is removed after the meeting)",
- "FamineInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Baker has a set amount of people with bread alive, they will become Famine. If the Famine does not get voted out after the meeting, then they will become Famine, and every player without bread will starve (excluding other Apocalypse members).\nAfter this starvation of everyone without bread, Famine can use their kill button to starve any remaining players, which will kill those players right before the next meeting.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
+ "BakerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Baker, you can use your Kill Button on a player per round to give them bread. \nOnce a set amount of players are alive with bread, you become Famine.\n\nIf the Bread gives additional effects and the setting is on, then you can Vent to change the bread that you give out. \nBread Effects:\nReveal: Reveals the target's role to the Baker (stays the whole game)\nRoleblock: Resets the target's Kill Cooldown when they try to use their Kill Button\nBarrier: Gives the target a Barrier that is only known to the Baker (Barrier is removed after the meeting)",
+ "FamineInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Baker has a set amount of people with bread alive, they will become Famine. If the Famine does not get voted out after the meeting, then they will become Famine, and every player without bread will starve (excluding other Apocalypse members).\nAfter this starvation of everyone without bread, Famine can use their Kill Button to starve any remaining players, which will kill those players right before the next meeting.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
"BerserkerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Berserker, you level up with each kill.\nUpon reaching a certain level defined by the Host, you unlock a new power.\n\nScavenged kills make your kills disappear.\nBombed kills make your kills explode. Be careful when killing, as this can kill your other Apocalypse members if they are near. \nAfter a certain level, you become War.",
- "WarInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs War, you are invincible, have a lower kill cooldown, and can kill anyone with your previous powers.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
- "FollowerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Follower can use their Kill button on someone to start following them and can use the Kill button again to switch the following target. If the Follower's target wins, the Follower will win along with them. Note: The Follower can also win after they die.",
- "CultistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cultist, your kill button is used to Charm others, making them win with you. To win, charm all who pose a threat and gain the majority.\nDepending on settings, you may be able to charm Neutrals, and those you Charm may count as their original team, nothing, or a Cultist to determine when you win due to majority.",
+ "WarInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs War, you are invincible, have a lower Kill Cooldown, and can kill anyone with your previous powers.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
+ "FollowerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Follower can use their Kill Button on someone to start following them and can use the Kill Button again to switch the following target. If the Follower's target wins, the Follower will win along with them. Note: The Follower can also win after they die.",
+ "CultistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cultist, your Kill Button is used to Charm others, making them win with you. To win, charm all who pose a threat and gain the majority.\nDepending on settings, you may be able to charm Neutrals, and those you Charm may count as their original team, nothing, or a Cultist to determine when you win due to majority.",
"SerialKillerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Serial Killer, you win if you are the last player alive.",
- "JuggernautInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Juggernaut, your kill cooldown decreases with each kill you make.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
+ "JuggernautInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Juggernaut, your Kill Cooldown decreases with each kill you make.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"InfectiousInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Infectious, your job is to infect as many players as you can.\n\nIf you infect all the killers, you can outnumber the Crew and win the game.\n\nIf you die, all the players you've infected will die after the next meeting.\nIf they achieve your win condition before then, you can still win.",
- "VirusInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe task of the Virus is to kill or infect all other players. When the Virus murders a crewmate, their corpse is infected with a virus. The Crewmate who reports this corpse is infected joins the virus team or dies at the end of the meeting if the Virus doesn't get voted out, depending on the settings. If more players are on the Virus team than the Crewmate team, the Virus team wins.",
+ "VirusInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe task of the Virus is to kill or infect all other players. When the Virus murders a Crewmate, their corpse is infected with a virus. The Crewmate who reports this corpse is infected joins the virus team or dies at the end of the meeting if the Virus doesn't get voted out, depending on the settings. If more players are on the Virus team than the Crewmate team, the Virus team wins.",
"PursuerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pursuer, you can use your ability on someone to make them misfire when they try to kill.\n\nTo win, survive to the end of the game.",
"SpecterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Specter, your job is to get killed and finish your tasks.\nYou can do your tasks while alive.\nYou cannot win if you're alive.\nIf you get killed, you win with the winning team if your tasks are completed.",
- "PirateInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pirate, use your kill button to select a target every round.\nYou will duel with your target in the next meeting. \nIf both the Pirate and the target choose the same number, the Pirate wins.\nAdditionally, if the Pirate wins the duel or the target doesn't participate in the duel, the Pirate kills the target.\n\nDueling command: /duel X (where X can be 0, 1, or 2)\n\nYou win after winning a certain number of duels set by the Host.\n\nNote: The kill would not count towards pirate victory if the target did not participate in the duel.",
- "AgitaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Agitator, your premise is essentially Hot Potato.\n\nUse your kill button on a player to pass the bomb.\nThis can only be done once per round.\n\nThe player who receives the bomb will be notified when receiving said bomb, in which they need to pass it to another player by getting near a player.\n\nWhen a meeting is called, the player with the bomb dies.\n\nIf trying to pass to Pestilence or a Veteran on alert, the bombed player dies instead.\nOptionally, the Agitator cannot receive the bomb.",
- "MaverickInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Maverick, you can kill and, depending on options, vent and have impostor vision\nIf you survive until the end of the game, you win with the winning team.\nUse your killing ability to eliminate threats to your life, but don't get voted out.",
- "CursedSoulInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cursed Soul, you steal the victory if you survive to the end of the game.\n\nYou can steal the win from a Jester or Executioner.\n\nAdditionally, you can steal the souls of other players.\nSoulless players win with you and count as dead.",
+ "PirateInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pirate, use your Kill button to select a target every round.\nYou will duel with your target in the next meeting. \nIf both the Pirate and the target choose the same number, the Pirate wins.\nAdditionally, if the Pirate wins the duel or the target doesn't participate in the duel, the Pirate kills the target.\n\nDueling command: /duel X (where X can be 0, 1, or 2)\n\nYou win after winning a certain number of duels set by the Host.\n\nNote: The kill would not count towards Pirate victory if the target did not participate in the duel.",
+ "AgitaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Agitator, your premise is essentially Hot Potato.\n\nUse your Kill Button on a player to pass the bomb.\nThis can only be done once per round.\n\nThe player who receives the bomb will be notified when receiving said bomb, in which they need to pass it to another player by getting near a player.\n\nWhen a meeting is called, the player with the bomb dies.\n\nIf trying to pass to Pestilence or a Veteran on alert, the bombed player dies instead.\nOptionally, the Agitator cannot receive the bomb.",
+ "MaverickInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Maverick, you can kill and, depending on options, Vent and have Impostor vision\nIf you survive until the end of the game, you win with the winning team.\nUse your killing ability to eliminate threats to your life, but don't get voted out.",
+ "CursedSoulInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cursed Soul, you steal the victory if you survive to the end of the game.\n\nYou can steal the win from a Jester or Executioner.\n\nAdditionally, you can steal the Souls of other players.\nSoulless players win with you and count as dead.",
"PickpocketInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pickpocket, you steal votes from your kills.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"TraitorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Traitor, you were an Impostor that betrayed the Impostors.\nYou know the Impostors, but they don't know you.\nThe twist? They can kill you, but you can't kill them.\n\nEliminate the Impostors by other means, then kill everyone else to win!",
- "TrollerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs a Troller, you can complete tasks so that random events can happen to players.\nFor example, changing the speed of all players, teleportation, influencing sabotage, etc.\nAlso you can win with the winning team.",
- "VultureInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Vulture, report bodies to win!\n\nWhen you report a body, if your eat cooldown is up, you'll eat the body (makes it unreportable).\nIf your eat ability is still on cooldown, then you'll report the body normally.\n\nAdditionally, you'll report bodies normally if the maximum bodies eaten per round is reached.",
+ "TrollerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs a Troller, you can complete tasks so that random events can happen to players.\nFor example, changing the speed of all players, teleportation, influencing Sabotage, etc.\nAlso you can win with the winning team.",
+ "VultureInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Vulture, report bodies to win!\n\nWhen you report a body, if your Eat Cooldown is up, you'll eat the body (makes it unreportable).\nIf your eat ability is still on Cooldown, then you'll report the body normally.\n\nAdditionally, you'll report bodies normally if the maximum bodies eaten per round is reached.",
"AbyssbringerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Abyssbringer, you can place black holes. Black holes will suck in players and kill them when colliding with them.",
- "TaskinatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Taskinator, whenever you finish a task, the task will be bombed. When another player completes the bombed task, the bomb will detonate, and the player will die.\n\nYou win if you survive till the end and Crew doesn't win.\n\n Note: Taskinator bombs ignore all protection.",
+ "TaskinatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Taskinator, whenever you finish a task, the task will be bombed. When another player completes the bombed task, the bomb will detonate, and the player will die.\n\nYou win if you survive till the end and Crewmates don't win.\n\n Note: Taskinator bombs ignore all protection.",
"BenefactorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Benefactor, whenever you finish a task, that task will be marked. When another player completes the marked task, they get a temporary shield.\n\n Note: Shield only protects from direct kill attacks.",
- "MedusaInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Medusa, you can stone bodies much like cleaning a body.\nStoned bodies cannot be reported.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"SpiritcallerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Spiritcaller, your victims become Evil Spirits after they die. These spirits can help you win by freezing other players briefly or blocking their vision. Alternatively, the spirits can give you a shield that protects you briefly from an attempted kill.",
- "AmnesiacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Amnesiac, use your report button to remember a target and get its role.\nTo balance the game, you will not be able to vent after remembering your role if you can't vent as Amnesiac.'",
- "ImitatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Imitator, use your kill button to imitate a player.\n\nYou'll either become a Sheriff, a Refugee, or some Neutral.",
- "BanditInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Bandit, you can click your kill button one time to steal a player's addon and twice to kill. Depending on the settings, you may instantly steal the addon or after the meeting starts. After the maximum number of steals is reached, you will kill normally. Additionally, if there are no stealable addons on the target or the target is stubborn, you will kill the target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: Cleansed, Last Impostor, and Lovers cannot be stolen.\nNote: If Bandit can vent is on, Nimble will become unstealable.",
- "DoppelgangerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Doppelganger, use your kill button to steal a player's identity (their name and skin) and then kill your target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: You cannot steal the target's identity when Camouflage is active.",
+ "AmnesiacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Amnesiac, use your report button to remember a target and get its role.\nTo balance the game, you will not be able to Vent after remembering your role if you can't Vent as Amnesiac.'",
+ "ImitatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Imitator, use your Kill button to imitate a player.\n\nYou'll either become a Sheriff, a Refugee, or some Neutral.",
+ "BanditInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Bandit, you can click your Kill button one time to steal a player's Add-on and twice to kill. Depending on the settings, you may instantly steal the Add-on or after the meeting starts. After the maximum number of steals is reached, you will kill normally. Additionally, if there are no stealable Add-ons on the target or the target is Stubborn, you will kill the target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: Cleansed, Last Impostor, and Lovers cannot be stolen.\nNote: If Bandit can Vent is on, Nimble will become unstealable.",
+ "DoppelgangerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Doppelganger, use your Kill button to steal a player's identity (their name and skin) and then kill your target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: You cannot steal the target's identity when Camouflage is active.",
"PunchingBagInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Punching Bag, your goal is to get attacked a few times to win.\n\nYou cannot be guessed, as that adds to your attack count.",
- "DoomsayerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Doomsayer can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting.\nIf the Doomsayer guesses a certain number of roles (the number depends on the host settings), then he wins.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
- "ShroudInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shroud, you do not kill normally.\nInstead, use your kill button to shroud a player.\nShrouded players kill others.\nIf the shrouded player doesn't make a kill, they'll kill themselves after a meeting.\n\nShroud sees shrouded players with a 「◈」mark next to their name.\nShrouded players who did not make a kill will also have the 「◈」mark in meetings, where they'll die if the Shroud is alive by the end of the meeting.",
- "WerewolfInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Werewolf, you can kill much like any killer.\nHowever, when you kill, any nearby players also die.\nAny player who dies to this will have their death reason as Mauled.\n\nTo balance this, you have a higher kill cooldown than anyone else.",
- "ShamanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shaman, you can use your kill button to select a voodoo doll once per round. If the kill button is used on you, the effect will be deflected onto the voodoo doll.\nIf you survive until the end, you win with the winning team.\nNote: If the killer cannot kill the chosen target, murder is canceled, but if the killer rechecks the Shaman, the killer will kill the Shaman.",
- "SeekerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the seeker, use your kill button to tag the target. If the seeker tags the wrong player, a point is deducted, and if the seeker tags the correct player, a point will be added.\nAdditionally, the seeker will not be able to move for 5 seconds after every meeting and after getting a new target.\n\nThe seeker needs to collect a certain number of points set by the Host to win.\nSeeker will see a ★ mark on target's name.",
- "PixieInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pixie, Mark up to x amount of targets each round by using the kill button on them. You must have one of the marked targets ejected when the meeting starts. If unsuccessful, you will commit suicide, except if you didn't mark any targets or all the targets are dead. The selected targets reset to 0 after the meeting ends. If you succeed, you will gain a point. You see all your targets in colored names.\n\nYou win with the winning team when you have certain amounts of points set by the Host.",
- "SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs Schrodingers Cat, if someone attempts to use the kill button on you, you will block the action and join their team. This blocking ability works only once. By default, you don't have a victory condition, meaning you win only after switching teams.\nIn Addition to this, you will be counted as nothing in the game.\n\nNote: If the killing machine attempts to use its kill button on you, the interaction is not blocked, and you will die.",
- "RomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Romantic can pick their lover partner using their kill button (this can be done at any point of the game). Once they've picked their partner, they can use their kill button to give their partner a temporary shield that protects them from attacks. If their lover partner dies, the Romantic's role will change according to the following conditions:\n1. If their partner was an Impostor, the Romantic becomes the Refugee\n2. If their partner was a Neutral Killer, then they become Ruthless Romantic.\n3. If their partner was a Crewmate or a non-killing neutral, the Romantic becomes the Vengeful Romantic. \n\nThe Romantic wins with the winning team if their partner wins.\nNote: If your role changes, your win condition will be changed accordingly",
- "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (A neutral killer) is killed. As a Ruthless Romantic, you win if you kill everyone and are the last one standing. If you win, your dead partner will also win with you.",
- "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (A crew or non-neutral killer) is killed. As a Vengeful Romantic, your goal is to avenge your partner, which means you must kill the killer of your partner. If you succeed, then you and your partner win with the winning team at the end. If you try to kill someone other than your partner's killer, then you will die by misfire.",
- "PoisonerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Poisoner, your kills are delayed.\nKill everyone to win.",
- "HexMasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hex Master, you can hex players or kill them.\nHexing a player works the same as spelling as a Witch.",
- "WraithInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Wraith, you can vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible. You win if you are the last player remaining.",
- "JinxInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jinx, whenever you get attacked, you jinx them, resulting in them dying to a jinx.\nThis has limited uses.\n\nKill off everyone to win.",
- "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Potion Master, you have three different potions assigned to three different actions.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\nMap: Sabotage\n\nThe reveal potion has a limit.\nWhen you run out, the kill buttons default to killing.",
- "NecromancerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Necromancer, you win when you're the last one standing.\nAdditionally when someone tries to kill you, you will block the kill, and you will teleport to a random vent. You will have a limited time to kill your killer. If you succeed in doing so, you live. If the time runs out before you kill your killer, you die permanently. If you try to kill someone else other than your killer, you will die.",
- "ShockerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shocker, you can mark rooms by doing tasks in them, and then vent to Electrocute anyone in those rooms for a set period of time. When you finish all of your tasks, you get new ones. Note: Doing tasks during that period will mark them for the next ability use.",
- "LastImpostorInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThis special effect is given to the last surviving Impostor. It significantly reduces their kill cooldown.",
- "OverclockedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Overclocked, your kill cooldown is reduced by a percentage.\n\nThis feature is only assigned to roles with a kill button.",
+ "DoomsayerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Doomsayer can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting.\nIf the Doomsayer guesses a certain number of roles (the number depends on the Host settings), then he wins.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
+ "ShroudInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shroud, you do not kill normally.\nInstead, use your Kill button to shroud a player.\nShrouded players kill others.\nIf the shrouded player doesn't make a kill, they'll kill themselves after a meeting.\n\nShroud sees shrouded players with a 「◈」mark next to their name.\nShrouded players who did not make a kill will also have the 「◈」mark in meetings, where they'll die if the Shroud is alive by the end of the meeting.",
+ "WerewolfInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Werewolf, you can kill much like any killer.\nHowever, when you kill, any nearby players also die.\nAny player who dies to this will have their death reason as Mauled.\n\nTo balance this, you have a higher Kill Cooldown than anyone else.",
+ "ShamanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shaman, you can use your Kill button to select a Voodoo Doll once per round. If the Kill button is used on you, the effect will be deflected onto the Voodoo Doll.\nIf you survive until the end, you win with the winning team.\nNote: If the killer cannot kill the chosen target, murder is canceled, but if the killer rechecks the Shaman, the killer will kill the Shaman.",
+ "SeekerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Seeker, use your Kill button to tag the target. If the Seeker tags the wrong player, a point is deducted, and if the Seeker tags the correct player, a point will be added.\nAdditionally, the Seeker will not be able to move for 5 seconds after every meeting and after getting a new target.\n\nThe Seeker needs to collect a certain number of points set by the Host to win.\nSeeker will see a ★ mark on target's name.",
+ "PixieInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pixie, mark up to an X amount of targets each round by using the Kill button on them. You must have one of the marked targets ejected when the meeting starts. If unsuccessful, you will commit suicide, except if you didn't mark any targets or all the targets are dead. The selected targets reset to 0 after the meeting ends. If you succeed, you will gain a point. You see all your targets in colored names.\n\nYou win with the winning team when you have certain amounts of points set by the Host.",
+ "SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs Schrodingers Cat, if someone attempts to use the Kill button on you, you will block the action and join their team. This blocking ability works only once. By default, you don't have a victory condition, meaning you win only after switching teams.\nIn Addition to this, you will be counted as nothing in the game.\n\nNote: If the Killing Machine attempts to use their Kill button on you, the interaction is not blocked, and you will die.",
+ "RomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Romantic can pick their lover partner using their Kill button (this can be done at any point of the game). Once they've picked their partner, they can use their Kill button to give their partner a temporary shield that protects them from attacks. If their lover partner dies, the Romantic's role will change according to the following conditions:\n1. If their partner was an Impostor, the Romantic becomes the Refugee\n2. If their partner was a Neutral Killer, then they become Ruthless Romantic.\n3. If their partner was a Crewmate or a non-killing Neutral, the Romantic becomes the Vengeful Romantic. \n\nThe Romantic wins with the winning team if their partner wins.\nNote: If your role changes, your win condition will be changed accordingly",
+ "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (a Neutral Killer) is killed. As a Ruthless Romantic, you win if you kill everyone and are the last one standing. If you win, your dead partner will also win with you.",
+ "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (a Crewmate or non-Neutral Killer) is killed. As a Vengeful Romantic, your goal is to avenge your partner, which means you must kill the killer of your partner. If you succeed, then you and your partner win with the winning team at the end. If you try to kill someone other than your partner's killer, then you will die by misfire.",
+ "WraithInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Wraith, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible. You win if you are the last player remaining.",
+ "ShockerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shocker, you can mark rooms by doing tasks in them, and then Vent to electrocute anyone in those rooms for a set period of time. When you finish all of your tasks, you get new ones. Note: Doing tasks during that period will mark them for the next ability use.",
+ "CovenInfoLong": "(Coven):\nCoven members are on a separate team that works together and wins together. If there are multiple Coven roles in the game, they can see each other's roles.\nDepending on the Host's settings, Coven roles can guess or be guessed.\nDo /coveninfo for more info.",
+ "PoisonerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Poisoner can use their Kill button on a player to roleblock them. The next time the roleblocked player tries to use their ability, it will do nothing, and their Cooldown will be reset.\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. These kills will be delayed.",
+ "HexMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Hex Master can use their Kill button to mark a player with the 乂 symbol. If a player has this at the end of the meeting and the Hex Master hasn't died - then they die.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Hex will be passed around - similar to an Agitator bomb. Also, you can double-click the Kill button to kill normally.",
+ "JinxInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Jinx can use their Kill button to jinx a player. Anyone who interacts with the jinxed player will die with the death reason Jinxed.\nWith the Necronomicon the Jinx can double-kill to kill normally. Also, the jinxed player and the player who interacted with the jinxed person will die.",
+ "MedusaInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Medusa can use their Kill button on players to mark them as Stoned. When the Medusa clicks the Shapeshift button, all Stoned players will be unable to move and will have reduced vision for a configurable amount of time.\nWith the Necronomicon, killed players will be unreportable.",
+ "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Potion Master has two potions available for their use. The Reveal potion reveals a player's role. The Barrier potion places a shield on a player for one round, the player will not be notified of this unless they are Coven as well. Click the Shapeshift button to change potions.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Potion Master can double-click their Kill button to kill.",
+ "NecromancerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nAs the Necromancer, you can Shapeshift to become the role of a random dead person for a set duration.\nSome roles can not be used.\nOnce a role is used, it can not be used the rest of the game.\nWith the Necronomicon, when someone tries to kill you, you will block the kill and be teleported to a random Vent. You have a limited time to kill your killer. If the time runs out or you try to kill someone else, you die.",
+ "CovenLeaderInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Coven Leader can use their Kill button on a fellow Coven member to retrain them into a random Coven role that isn’t currently in the game. During the next meeting, that Coven member will be notified that the Coven Leader wishes to retrain them. They can vote themselves to accept the retrain, or vote otherwise to deny it. Denying the retrain does not take away an ability usage.\nWith the Necronomicon, you cannot retrain, and can only kill other players.",
+ "RitualistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nDuring a meeting, the Ritualist can perform a Blood Ritual to guess a player’s exact role. If the Ritualist is correct, that player will be converted to Coven. If the Ritualist is incorrect, they will not die but will be unable to Blood Ritual until the next meeting.\nThe command is /rt id role.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Ritualist can kill.",
+ "ConjurerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nShapeshift once to mark a location.\nShapeshift again to conjure a meteor at the place you marked, killing everyone in the radius.\nWith the Necronomicon, you can kill. You can also mark a player using the Shapeshift UI. When the Conjurer clicks the Shapeshift button again, all the players in the radius of the marked player will die, including the marked player.",
+ "DreamweaverInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Dreamweaver can dreamweave a player. The dreamweaved players will be notified of this during the next meeting. If the Dreamweaver is not voted out, these players will be unable to use their abilities until the Dreamweaver dies.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Dreamweaver can double-click to kill.",
+ "IllusionistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Illusionist can use their Kill button on a player to reverse the results of any investigative role. For example, if someone with a Kill button is Illusioned, they will appear not to have a Kill button to the Investigator, and vice versa.\nIllusions wear off after meetings.\nWith the Necronomicon, you may double-click to kill. Every kill you make appears as a random death reason.",
+ "VoodooMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Voodoo Master can craft a Voodoo Doll of a player by using their Kill button, similar to the Shaman. All the interactions with you using Kill button will be deflected to the Voodoo Doll and the Voodoo Doll will destroy. Unlike the Shaman, this voodoo will last during the meeting (eg. If the Voodoo Master is judged, then the voodoo'd player will be judged instead).\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. Additionally, the voodoo’d player will be unable to report. The next person to interact with them will die.",
+ "SacrifistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Sacrifist can Shapeshift to cause a random debuff to a non-Coven member, however, the Sacrifist will also receive this effect (when applicable).\nThe random player will be the same player until the round ends.\nDepending on the Host’s settings, if the Sacrifist is voted out, some random non-Coven who voted the Sacrifist will die too.\nNormally, the Sacrifist can not kill, however, to prevent prolonging of the game, Sacrifist can kill if they are the last Coven member alive.\nWith the Necronomicon, when you Shapeshift, you will commit the Ultimate Sacrifice. When you do this, you die. However, the entire Coven for the rest of the game receives a lowered Kill Cooldown.",
+ "MoonDancerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Moon Dancer can use their Kill button to use their ability, Baton Pass.\nIf used on a Coven member: Gives a Helpful Add-on at the next meeting.\nIf used on a non-Coven member: Gives a Harmful Add-on at the next meeting.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Moon Dancer can double-click their Kill button to kill. When killing, the player is teleported off the map. They will appear alive on Vitals and will not show up in Tracefinder's arrows etc. They die when a meeting/body report with the death reason Blasted Off.",
+ "LastImpostorInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThis special effect is given to the last surviving Impostor. It significantly reduces their Kill Cooldown.",
+ "OverclockedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Overclocked, your Kill Cooldown is reduced by a percentage.\n\nThis feature is only assigned to roles with a Kill button.",
"LoversInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nLovers are a combination of two players. The Lovers win when they are the last ones standing, and their victory is shared. When one of the Lovers wins, the other also wins together. Lovers can see the 「♥」 next to each other's name. If one of the Lovers dies, the other will die in love (may not die in love according to the Host's settings). When one of the Lovers is exiled in the meeting, the other will die and become a dead body that cannot be reported.",
- "MadmateInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Crewmates can become Madmate. Madmate's task is to help the Impostors win the game. Madmate will lose if all Impostors are killed/ejected. Madmates may know who are Impostors, and Impostors may know who are Madmates (host settings).\n\nLazy Guy, Celebrity can't become Madmate. Sheriff, Snitch, Nice Guesser, Mayor, and Judge may become Madmate (host settings). Skill changes when the following roles are converted into Madmates:\n\nTime Manager => Doing tasks will reduce meeting time.\nBodyguard => Skill won't activate if the killer is an Impostor.\nGrenadier => Flash bomb will work on Crewmates and Neutrals instead of the Impostors.\nSheriff => Can kill anyone, including Impostors (host settings).\nNice Guesser => Can guess Crewmates and Neutrals\nPsychic => All evil Neutrals and Crewmates' names with the ability to kill will be displayed in Red.\nJudge => Can judge anyone\nPacifist => Their ability only works on Crewmates.",
+ "MadmateInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Crewmates can become Madmate. Madmate's task is to help the Impostors win the game. Madmate will lose if all Impostors are killed/ejected. Madmates may know who are Impostors, and Impostors may know who are Madmates (Host settings).\n\nLazy Guy, Celebrity can't become Madmate. Sheriff, Snitch, Nice Guesser, Mayor, and Judge may become Madmate (Host settings). Skill changes when the following roles are converted into Madmates:\n\nTime Manager => Doing tasks will reduce meeting time.\nBodyguard => Skill won't activate if the killer is an Impostor.\nGrenadier => Flash bomb will work on Crewmates and Neutrals instead of the Impostors.\nSheriff => Can kill anyone, including Impostors (Host settings).\nNice Guesser => Can guess Crewmates and Neutrals\nPsychic => All evil Neutrals and Crewmates' names with the ability to kill will be displayed in Red.\nJudge => Can judge anyone\nPacifist => Their ability only works on Crewmates.",
"WatcherInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nDuring the meeting, Watcher can see everyone's votes.",
"FlashInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Flash's default movement speed is faster than others. (speed depends on the setting of the Host)",
- "TorchInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nTorch has max vision and is not affected by Lights sabotage.",
- "SeerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever a player dies, the Seer will see a kill-flash (a red flash, possibly accompanied by an alarm sound like sabotage).",
+ "TorchInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nTorch has maximum vision and is not affected by Lights Sabotage.",
+ "SeerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever a player dies, the Seer will see a kill-flash (a red flash, possibly accompanied by an alarm sound like Sabotage).",
"TiebreakerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen tie vote, priority will be given to the target voted by the Tiebreaker. Note: If multiple Tiebreakers choose different tie targets simultaneously, the skills of the Tiebreaker will not take effect.",
"ObliviousInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nDetective and Cleaners won't be Oblivious. The Oblivious cannot report dead bodies. Note: Bait killed by Oblivious will still report automatically, and Oblivious can still be used as a scapegoat for Anonymous.",
"BewilderInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nBewilder may have a smaller/bigger vision. When the Bewilder has died, the murderer's vision may become the same as the Bewilder's, depending on the settings.",
"WorkhorseInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe first player to complete all the tasks will become Workhorse, and Workhorse will give the player extra tasks. The Host sets the number of additional tasks.",
- "FoolInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nSleuth and Mechanic won't be Fool. Fools can't repair any sabotage.",
+ "FoolInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nSleuth and Mechanic won't be Fool. Fools can't repair any Sabotage.",
"AvangerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nHost can set whether the Impostor can become an Avenger. When the Avenger is killed (voted out, and irregular kills will not count), the Avenger will revenge a random player.",
"YoutuberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Crewmate will become YouTuber. When the YouTuber is the first player to die in the game, the YouTuber will win alone. If the YouTuber does not meet the win conditions, the YouTuber will follow the Crewmate to win. Note: Indirect killing methods such as being exiled, being guessed by the Guesser, etc., will not trigger the skills of the YouTuber.",
"EgoistInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nMadmate and Neutrals won't be Egoist. If the Egoist's team wins, the Egoist wins instead of their team.",
"StealerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nEvery time a Stealer kills a person, he gets an additional vote (the Host sets the vote number, and the decimal is rounded down).\nAlso, extra votes from the Stealer are hidden during the meeting depending on the options.",
- "ParanoiaInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nNot assigned to Neutrals nor Madmates.\nAs the Paranoia, you will be considered as two players in the game to determine when the game ends due to killers having the majority. Additionally, this grants you an extra vote, depending on options.",
+ "ParanoiaInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Paranoia, you will be considered as two players in the game to determine when the game ends due to killers having the majority. Additionally, this grants you an extra vote, depending on options.\nNot assigned to Neutrals nor Madmates.",
"MimicInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Impostor can become Mimic. When the Mimic is dead, other Impostors will receive a message once a meeting is called. This message will include information on roles which the Mimic killed.",
- "GuesserInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs a guesser, guess the roles of players in meetings to kill them.\nGuessing the incorrect role kills you instead.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
- "NecroviewInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Necroview can see the teams of dead players. The following info will be displayed on the dead player's name while in a meeting:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.",
- "ReachInfoLong": "(Add-on)\nOnly roles with a kill button can get this add-on. Unlike everyone else, you have the longest kill range possible in the game.",
+ "GuesserInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs a Guesser, guess the roles of players in meetings to kill them.\nGuessing the incorrect role kills you instead.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
+ "NecroviewInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Necroview can see the teams of dead players. The following info will be displayed on the dead player's name while in a meeting:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.\n- The Purple name indicates the Coven.",
+ "ReachInfoLong": "(Add-on)\nOnly roles with a Kill button can get this Add-on. Unlike everyone else, you have the longest kill range possible in the game.",
"BaitInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen the Bait dies, the murderer who killed the Bait will self-report the Bait's body. However, this won't happen when a Scavenger, Cleaner, Swooper, Wraith, Medusa, or Killing Machine kills the Bait. The report may have a delay according to the Host's settings.",
"TrapperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen Beartrap dies, Beartrap immobilizes killer for a configurable amount of time.",
- "CharmedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Charmed add-on is obtained by being charmed by the Cultist.\nOnce charmed, you are now on the Cultist's team and no longer on your original team.",
+ "CharmedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Charmed Add-on is obtained by being charmed by the Cultist.\nOnce charmed, you are now on the Cultist's team and no longer on your original team.",
"CleansedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nCleansed Add-on can only be obtained if cleanser erases all your Add-ons. Depending on the cleanser settings, you may not be able to obtain any more Add-ons in the future.",
- "InfectedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Infected add-on is obtained by being infected by the Infectious.\nOnce infected, you work for the Infectious and do not win with your original team.",
- "OnboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Onbound add-on, you cannot be guessed in meetings.",
- "ReboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Rebound add-on, if a Guesser successfully guessed you or a Judge successfully judged you, they will die instead.\nIf a player with Double Shot guesses you correctly, they will die instantly.",
+ "InfectedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Infected Add-on is obtained by being infected by the Infectious.\nOnce infected, you work for the Infectious and do not win with your original team.",
+ "OnboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Onbound Add-on, you cannot be guessed in meetings.",
+ "ReboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Rebound Add-on, if a Guesser successfully guessed you or a Judge successfully judged you, they will die instead.\nIf a player with Double Shot guesses you correctly, they will die instantly.",
"MundaneInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Mundane, you can only guess once you complete all of your tasks.",
"KnightedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a Monarch knights someone, they get an extra vote.",
- "UnreportableInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Disregarded add-on, your corpse will be unreportable.",
+ "UnreportableInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Disregarded Add-on, your corpse will be unreportable.",
"ContagiousInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nWhen the Virus infects you, you become contagious.\nContagious players are on the Virus team.\n\nWhether or not you die after a meeting depends on the settings for the Virus.",
- "LuckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Lucky add-on, there is a probability for you to evade the kill; the Host sets the specific probability. The killer will see the shield animation when the evasion takes effect, but you will not know anything.",
+ "LuckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Lucky Add-on, there is a probability for you to evade the kill; the Host sets the specific probability. The killer will see a Shield Animation when the evasion takes effect, but you will not know anything.",
"DoubleShotInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a player with Double Shot guesses a role incorrectly, they will get a second chance to guess, but the next wrong guess will result in suicide.",
- "RascalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rascal, you can die to the Sheriff, and Snitch can find you if Snitch can find madmates.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates, cannot be assigned by the Merchant.",
- "SoullessInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a Cursed Soul steals your soul, you get this add-on.\n\nYou are not counted as alive.",
+ "RascalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rascal, you can die to the Sheriff, and Snitch can find you if Snitch can find Madmates.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates, cannot be assigned by the Merchant.",
+ "SoullessInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a Cursed Soul steals your soul, you get this Add-on.\n\nYou are not counted as alive.",
"GravestoneInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Gravestone, your role is revealed to everyone when you die.",
"LazyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Lazy, you are assigned a single short task and are immune to Warlocks, Puppeteers, and Gangsters.",
"AutopsyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Autopsy, you can see how people died.\n\nCannot be assigned to Doctor, Tracefinder, Scientist, or Sunnyboy.",
- "RebirthInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rebirth, if you're the player about to be ejected, you will swap skins with a random crewmate who voted for you.\nNotice: The host vote never counts\nRebirth will be removed from you if you exhausted all your rebirths.",
- "LoyalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Loyal, you cannot be recruited by roles such as Jackal or Cultist.\n\nCannot be assigned to neutrals.",
+ "RebirthInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rebirth, if you're the player about to be ejected, you will swap skins with a random Crewmate who voted for you.\nNotice: The Host vote never counts\nRebirth will be removed from you if you exhausted all your rebirths.",
+ "LoyalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Loyal, you cannot be recruited by roles such as Jackal or Cultist.\n\nCannot be assigned to Neutrals.",
"EvilSpiritInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Evil Spirit, it's your job to help the Spiritcaller to victory. You can use your Haunt button to freeze players and reduce their vision. Alternatively, you can use your Haunt button to give the Spiritcaller a shield against a kill attempt temporarily.",
- "RecruitInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs a recruit, you are on the Jackal's team and help out the Jackal and their Sidekicks.\nYou cannot win with your original team.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed and no sidekicks is alive.",
- "AdmiredInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs an admired player, you win with the crew and not your original team.\n\nYou can see the Admirer.",
+ "RecruitInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs a recruit, you are on the Jackal's team and help out the Jackal and their Sidekicks.\nYou cannot win with your original team.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed and no Sidekicks is alive.",
+ "AdmiredInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs an Admired player, you win with the Crewmates and not your original team.\n\nYou can see the Admirer.",
+ "EnchantedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Enchanted Add-on can only be obtained through being converted by the Ritualist or upon killing the OIIAI as a non-Nerconomicon holder.\nOnce Enchanted, you are apart of the Coven team and are no longer apart of your original team.",
"GlowInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nDuring lights out, you and players nearby you will receive a vision boost.",
"RadarInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Radar, you have arrows pointing towards the closest person at all times.",
- "DiseasedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the kill button on you, their cooldown will be increased by a configurable amount of time.",
- "AntidoteInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the kill button on you, their cooldown will be decreased by a configurable amount of time.",
- "StubbornInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Stubborn add-on, Eraser can't erase your role, Cleanser can't cleanse you, Bandit can't steal from you, and Monarch can't knight you.\nAdditionally, you can't gain any new add-ons from the Merchant.",
+ "DiseasedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the Kill button on you, their Cooldown will be increased by a configurable amount of time.",
+ "AntidoteInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the Kill button on you, their Cooldown will be decreased by a configurable amount of time.",
+ "StubbornInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Stubborn Add-on, Eraser can't erase your role, Cleanser can't cleanse you, Bandit can't steal from you, and Monarch can't knight you.\nAdditionally, you can't gain any new Add-ons from the Merchant.",
"SwiftInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Swift, you will not make any movement when you kill.\nNote: Swift also ignores Bait",
- "UnluckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Unlucky, when you complete tasks, kill, venting, or open door, you have a chance to die.",
+ "UnluckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Unlucky, when you Complete Tasks, Kill, Venting, or open a Door, you have a chance to die.",
"SpurtInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen you start walking, you gain an enormous speed boost, which swiftly deteriorates, until you have to rest still for a while to rejuvenate your speed.",
- "VoidBallotInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nHolder of this add-on will have 0 vote count.",
+ "VoidBallotInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nHolder of this Add-on will have 0 vote count.",
"AwareInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Aware, you get a notification in the next meeting if a revealing role had interacted with you.",
- "FragileInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Fragile, you will instantly die if someone tries to use the kill button on you (even if the role cannot directly kill).",
- "GhoulInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Ghoul, one of two outcomes can occur on task completion.\n\nIf alive: Suicide\nIf dead: You kill your killer if they're alive.\n\nThis is only assigned to crewmates, and not crewmates with no tasks or are task-based.",
- "BloodthirstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Bloodthirst, doing tasks allows you to become bloodthirsty and kill players.\nWhen you finish a task, the next player you come in contact with dies.\n\nYour Bloodthirst remains after a meeting.\nUpon making a kill, your Bloodthirst clears till the next task you complete.\nBloodthirsts do not stack.\n\nOnly assigned to crewmates with tasks.",
- "MareInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Mare, you have a low kill cooldown and have higher speed but can only kill during lights.\n\nAdditionally, your name will appear in red during lights.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors and cannot be guessed.",
- "BurstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Burst, your killer explodes if they aren't inside a vent after a set amount of time.",
+ "FragileInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Fragile, you will instantly die if someone tries to use the Kill button on you (even if the role cannot directly kill).",
+ "GhoulInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Ghoul, one of two outcomes can occur on task completion.\n\nIf alive: Suicide\nIf dead: You kill your killer if they're alive.\n\nThis is only assigned to Crewmates, and not Crewmates with no tasks or are task-based.",
+ "BloodthirstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Bloodthirst, doing tasks allows you to become bloodthirsty and kill players.\nWhen you finish a task, the next player you come in contact with dies.\n\nYour Bloodthirst remains after a meeting.\nUpon making a kill, your Bloodthirst clears till the next task you complete.\nBloodthirsts do not stack.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates with tasks.",
+ "MareInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Mare, you have a low Kill Cooldown and have higher speed but can only kill during lights.\n\nAdditionally, your name will appear in red during lights.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors and cannot be guessed.",
+ "BurstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Burst, your killer explodes if they aren't inside a Vent after a set amount of time.",
"SleuthInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Sleuth, you gain info from dead bodies.\n\nOptionally, you may also gain the killer's role.\n\nNot assigned to Detective or Mortician.",
- "ClumsyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Clumsy, you have a chance to miss your kill.\n\nWhen you miss, your cooldown is reset, and the target remains untouched.\n\nOnly assigned to killers.",
- "CircumventInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Circumvent, you can't vent.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors.",
- "NimbleInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Nimble, you gain access to the vent button.\n\nOnly assigned to certain crewmates.",
- "InfluencedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Influenced, your vote will be forced to the player with the most votes.\nInfluenced vote won't be counted while choosing the exiled player'\nNote that your vote skill still functions on the player you voted first\nIf all the alive players are Influenced, then the vote result won't shift\nCollector cannot become influenced.",
+ "ClumsyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Clumsy, you have a chance to miss your kill.\n\nWhen you miss, your Cooldown is reset, and the target remains untouched.\n\nOnly assigned to killers.",
+ "CircumventInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Circumvent, you can't Vent.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors.",
+ "NimbleInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Nimble, you gain access to the Vent button.\n\nOnly assigned to certain Crewmates.",
+ "InfluencedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Influenced, your vote will be forced to the player with the most votes.\nInfluenced vote won't be counted while choosing the exiled player'\nNote that your vote skill still functions on the player you voted first\nIf all the alive players are Influenced, then the vote result won't shift\nCollector cannot become Influenced.",
"SilentInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Silent, your vote icon won't appear on the result screen.\nSo nobody knows who you voted for.",
"SusceptibleInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Susceptible, your death reason will be random.",
"TrickyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Tricky, your kills will have a random death reason.",
"TiredInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever Tired kills (or uses kill ability on) someone, alternatively whenever they finish a task, they will temporarily get lower vision & lower speed.",
"StatueInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever many people are near the Statue, the Statue is completely frozen or slowed down depending on the settings.",
"EvaderInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen the Evader gets voted out, there is a chance they will not get ejected. (Chance set by the Host.)",
- "CyberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Cyber, you cannot die while in a group.\nDepending on the settings, Imposters, Neutrals, and or Crewmates will know if you die.",
- "HurriedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the hurried, you must finish all your tasks to win with your team! If you fail with your tasks, you lose.\nHurried hurries to his goal, so it won't get madmate, charmed or so.",
- "OiiaiInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Oiiai, when you die, you will make your killer forget their role.\nAdditionally, you may pass Oiiai on to the killer, depending on settings.",
- "RainbowInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the rainbow, you change your colors like crazy.",
+ "CyberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Cyber, you cannot die while in a group.\nDepending on the settings, Impostors, Neutrals, and or Crewmates will know if you die.",
+ "HurriedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the hurried, you must finish all your tasks to win with your team! If you fail with your tasks, you lose.\nHurried hurries to his goal, so it won't get Madmate, Charmed or so.",
+ "OiiaiInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the OIIAI, when you die, you will make your killer forget their role.\nAdditionally, you may pass OIIAI on to the killer, depending on settings.",
+ "RainbowInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rainbow, you change your colors like crazy.",
"GMInfoLong": "(None):\nThe Game Master is an observer role.\nTheir presence does not affect the game, and all players know who the Game Master is. The Game Master role will be assigned to the Host, who will automatically become a ghost at the start of the game.",
- "SunnyboyInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sunnyboy, you win if you are dead by the end of the game. The game will not end when you are alive due to killers gaining the majority.\nAdditionally, you have access to portable vitals.",
- "BardInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen a bard is alive, the exile confirmation will display a sentence composed by the bard. Whenever the bard completes a creation, the bard's kill cooldown will be permanently halved.",
+ "SunnyboyInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sunnyboy, you win if you are dead by the end of the game. The game will not end when you are alive due to killers gaining the majority.\nAdditionally, you have access to portable Vitals.",
+ "BardInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen a Bard is alive, the exile confirmation will display a sentence composed by the Bard. Whenever the Bard completes a creation, the Bard's Kill Cooldown will be permanently halved.",
"WardenInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Warden, alert someone of nearby danger, additionally giving them a temporary speed boost.",
"GhastlyInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Ghastly, possess an unsuspecting person, after that choose a target for them, now they'll only be able to use their kill (or kill ability) on target until you possess someone else or possess time runs out.",
- "MinionInfoLong": "(Impostor [Ghost]):\nAs the Minion, you can temporarily blind non-impostors.",
- "DollMasterInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Dollmaster, you can temporarily take control of any player by using the Shapeshift button and to make them do your Deeds!",
- "DoubleAgentInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Double Agent, you cannot access the kill button. However, you can vote for someone in a meeting to pass a bomb onto them, which can only be done one player at a time. Once the meeting has finished, the bomb will activate and explode in a set amount of time.\nNote: when you pass the bomb onto someone in a meeting, you can vote afterward.\n\nAdditionally depending on settings the Double Agent can diffuse Bastion and Agitator bombs when venting.\n\nThe Double Agent can change roles when they are the Last Imposter, depending on the settings the role can be a Admired Impostor, Trickster, Traitor, or stay as the Double Agent.",
+ "MinionInfoLong": "(Impostor [Ghost]):\nAs the Minion, you can temporarily blind non-Impostors.",
+ "DollMasterInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Dollmaster, you can temporarily take control of any player by using the Shapeshift button and to make them do your deeds!",
+ "DoubleAgentInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Double Agent, you cannot access the Kill button. However, you can vote for someone in a meeting to pass a bomb onto them, which can only be done one player at a time. Once the meeting has finished, the bomb will activate and explode in a set amount of time.\nNote: when you pass the bomb onto someone in a meeting, you can vote afterward.\n\nAdditionally depending on settings the Double Agent can diffuse Bastion and Agitator bombs when Venting.\n\nThe Double Agent can change roles when they are the Last Impostor, depending on the settings the role can be a Admired Impostor, Trickster, Traitor, or stay as the Double Agent.",
"SlothInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Sloth's default movement speed is slower than others.\n(Speed depends on the setting of the Host)",
- "ProhibitedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Prohibited, you have specific vents that you can't use.\nHow many vents are disabled depends on the Host's settings.",
- "EavesdropperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Eavesdropper, you have a chance to read other role/addon information-based messages like Mortician or Sleuth.",
+ "ProhibitedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Prohibited, you have specific Vents that you can't use.\nHow many Vents are disabled depends on the Host's settings.",
+ "EavesdropperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Eavesdropper, you have a chance to read other Role/Add-on information-based messages like Mortician or Sleuth.",
"ApocalypseInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nApocalypse members are on a separate team that works together and wins together. If there are multiple Apocalypse roles in the game, they can see each other's roles.\nDepending on the Host's settings, Apocalypse roles can guess or be guessed.",
"RevenantInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAs the Revenant, your goal is to be killed. If you are killed, you will take your killer's role and kill your killer instead. You cannot win before being killed.\nNote that Revenant only works when being directly killed.",
"ShowTextOverlay": "Text Overlay",
@@ -1040,17 +1075,17 @@
"AbilityInUse": "Ability in use",
"AbilityExpired": "Ability expired, {0} uses remain",
"RevenantTargeted": "Your role has changed to {0}",
- "RevenantCanCopyAddons": "Can Steal Addons",
+ "RevenantCanCopyAddons": "Can Steal Add-ons",
"ShowArrows": "Has Arrows pointing toward bodies",
"ArrowDelayMin": "Minimum Arrow show-up delay",
"ArrowDelayMax": "Maximum Arrow show-up delay",
"SMUsesUsedWhenFixingReactorOrO2": "Uses it takes to fix Reactor/O2",
"SMUsesUsedWhenFixingLightsOrComms": "Uses it takes to fix Lights/Comms",
- "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "(Initial) Max number of Grenades",
+ "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "(Initial) Maximum number of Grenades",
"ShowSpecificRole": "Know specific roles on Task Completion",
- "TimeMasterMaxUses": "(Initial) Max Amount of Ability Uses",
- "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Swooper vents normally when swooping is on cooldown",
- "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Wraith vents normally when invis is on cooldown",
+ "TimeMasterMaxUses": "(Initial) Maximum Amount of Ability Uses",
+ "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Swooper Vents normally when Swooping is on Cooldown",
+ "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Wraith Vents normally when Invisibility is on Cooldown",
"DisableMeeting": "Disable Meetings",
"DisableCloseDoor": "Disable Doors Sabotage",
"DisableSabotage": "Disable Sabotages",
@@ -1059,13 +1094,13 @@
"DebugMode": "Debug Mode",
"SyncButtonMode": "Limit Meeting Times",
"RandomMapsMode": "Random Maps Mode",
- "SyncedButtonCount": "Max Number of Emergency Meetings per Game",
- "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "Kill cooldown decrease on killing target",
- "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "Kill cooldown increase on killing others",
+ "SyncedButtonCount": "Maximum Number of Emergency Meetings per Game",
+ "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "Kill Cooldown decrease on killing target",
+ "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "Kill Cooldown increase on killing others",
"HHNumOfTargets": "Number of targets",
"Targets": "Targets: ",
- "HHMaxKCD": "Maximum kill cooldown",
- "HHMinKCD": "Minimum kill cooldown",
+ "HHMaxKCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "HHMinKCD": "Minimum Kill Cooldown",
"AllAliveMeeting": "Meeting When No One is Dead",
"AllAliveMeetingTime": "Meeting Time When No One is Dead",
"AdditionalEmergencyCooldown": "Additional Emergency Cooldown",
@@ -1174,17 +1209,17 @@
"OverclockedReduction": "Kill Cooldown Reduction",
"GhostCanSeeOtherRoles": "Ghosts Can See Other Roles",
"PreventSeeRolesImmediatelyAfterDeath": "Prevent seeing other's roles immediately after death",
- "GhostCanSeeOtherVotes": "Ghosts Can See Vote Colors",
- "GhostCanSeeDeathReason": "Ghost Can See Cause Of Death",
+ "GhostCanSeeOtherVotes": "Ghosts can see Vote Colors",
+ "GhostCanSeeDeathReason": "Ghost can see Cause Of Death",
"GhostIgnoreTasks": "Ghosts Exempt From Tasks",
- "ConvertedCanBeGhostRole": "Converted Players Can Be Any Ghost-Roles",
- "NeutralCanBeGhostRole": "Neutral Players Can Be Any Ghost-Roles (Will change team respectively)",
- "MaxImpGhostRole": "Max Impostor Ghost-Roles",
- "MaxCrewGhostRole": "Max Crewmate Ghost-Roles",
+ "ConvertedCanBeGhostRole": "Converted Players can be Any Ghost-Roles",
+ "NeutralCanBeGhostRole": "Neutral Players can be Any Ghost-Roles (Will change team respectively)",
+ "MaxImpGhostRole": "Maximum Impostor Ghost-Roles",
+ "MaxCrewGhostRole": "Maximum Crewmate Ghost-Roles",
"DefaultAngelCooldown": "Default Ability Cooldown",
"DisableTaskWin": "Disable Task Win",
- "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreDead": "Disable Task Win If All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are Dead",
- "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreConverted": "Disable Task Win If All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are <#ffab1b>Converted",
+ "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreDead": "Disable Task Win if All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are Dead",
+ "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreConverted": "Disable Task Win if All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are <#ffab1b>Converted",
"HideGameSettings": "Hide Game Settings",
"DIYGameSettings": "Enable only custom /n messages",
"Settings:": "Settings:",
@@ -1200,7 +1235,7 @@
"RoleOptions": "Role Options",
"DarkTheme": "Enable Dark Theme",
"DisableLobbyMusic": "Disable Lobby Music",
- "AutoStart": "Auto start",
+ "AutoStart": "Auto Start",
"EnableCustomButton": "Enable Custom Button Images",
"EnableCustomSoundEffect": "Enable Custom Sound Effects",
"EnableCustomDecorations": "Enable Custom Map Decorations",
@@ -1237,8 +1272,8 @@
"OptKickXboxPlayer": "Kick Xbox players",
"OptKickPlayStationPlayer": "Kick PlayStation players",
"OptKickNintendoPlayer": "Kick Nintendo Switch players",
- "ShareLobby": "Allow TOHE-Chan Shares Lobby Code To Discord",
- "ShareLobbyMinPlayer": "Share Lobby Code When The Number Of Players Reaches",
+ "ShareLobby": "Allow TOHE-Chan Shares Lobby Code to Discord",
+ "ShareLobbyMinPlayer": "Share Lobby Code When the Number of Players Reaches",
"DisableVanillaRoles": "Disable Vanilla Roles",
"VoteMode": "Voting Mode",
"WhenSkipVote": "If the Player Skipped",
@@ -1276,6 +1311,7 @@
"IgnoreConditions": "Ignore Conditions",
"IgnoreImpostors": "Ignore Impostors",
"IgnoreNeutrals": "Ignore Neutrals",
+ "IgnoreCoven": "Ignore Coven",
"IgnoreCrewmates": "Ignore Crewmates",
"IgnoreAfterAnyoneDied": "Ignore After First Death",
"LightsOutSpecialSettings": "Fix Lights Special Settings",
@@ -1289,7 +1325,7 @@
"RandomSpawn_AirshipAdditionalSpawn": "Additional Spawn Locations (Airship)",
"RandomSpawn_SpawnRandomVents": "Random Spawns On Vents",
"CommsCamouflage": "Camouflage during Comms Sabotage",
- "DisableOnSomeMaps": "Disable comms camouflage on some maps",
+ "DisableOnSomeMaps": "Disable Comms Camouflage on some maps",
"DisableOnSkeld": "Disable on The Skeld",
"DisableOnMira": "Disable on MIRA HQ",
"DisableOnPolus": "Disable on Polus",
@@ -1328,8 +1364,8 @@
"EnableBirthdayDecorationSkeld": "Birthday Decoration On The Skeld",
"RandomBirthdayAndHalloweenDecorationSkeld": "Set Random Decoration When Birthday And Halloween Is Active On The Skeld",
"ApplyDenyNameList": "Apply DenyName List",
- "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Kick players with an invalid friend code",
- "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Temp Ban players with an invalid friend code",
+ "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Kick players with an invalid Friend Code",
+ "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Temp Ban players with an invalid Friend Code",
"ApplyBanList": "Apply BanList",
"RemovePetsAtDeadPlayers": "Remove pets at dead players",
"KillFlashDuration": "Kill-Flash Duration",
@@ -1340,6 +1376,7 @@
"ShowImpRemainOnEject": "Show remaining Impostors on ejects",
"ShowNKRemainOnEject": "Show remaining Neutral Killers on ejects",
"ShowNARemainOnEject": "Show remaining Neutral Apocalypse on ejects",
+ "ShowCovenRemainOnEject": "Show remaining Coven on ejects",
"ConfirmEgoistOnEject": "Confirm Egoists on ejection",
"ConfirmLoversOnEject": "Confirm Lovers on ejection",
"ConfirmSidekickOnEject": "Confirm Sidekicks on ejection",
@@ -1367,7 +1404,7 @@
"ShieldPersonDiedFirst": "Shield player who dead first in the last game",
"ShowShieldedPlayerToAll": "Reveal shielded player to all",
"RemoveShieldOnFirstDead": "Remove shield on first death",
- "ShieldedCanUseKillButton": "Shielded player can use ability / kill button",
+ "ShieldedCanUseKillButton": "Shielded player can use ability/Kill button",
"PlayerIsShieldedByGame": "Player is protected by the game!",
"LegacyNemesis": "Use Legacy Version",
"LegacyParasite": "Use Legacy Version",
@@ -1390,7 +1427,7 @@
"DoubleAgent_DiffusedBastionBomb": "Bastion bomb successfully diffused",
"DoubleAgent_BombExplodesIn": "Bomb Explodes In: {0}s",
"DoubleAgent_BombExploded": "Bomb has exploded!",
- "DoubleAgentChangeRoleTo": "Change role on last Imposter",
+ "DoubleAgentChangeRoleTo": "Change role on last Impostor",
"DoubleAgentRoleChange": "You have become a: ",
"MastermindCD": "Manipulate Cooldown",
"MastermindTimeLimit": "Time limit to kill someone",
@@ -1408,15 +1445,13 @@
"Glitch_KCD": "Kill Cooldown: {0}s",
"Glitch_MimicCD": "Mimic Cooldown: {0}s",
"HackedByGlitch": "You are hacked by the Glitch, you can't {0}.",
- "GlitchKill": "kill",
- "GlitchReport": "report",
- "GlitchVent": "vent",
+ "GlitchKill": "Kill",
+ "GlitchReport": "Report",
+ "GlitchVent": "Vent",
"ShowFPS": "Show FPS",
"FPSGame": "FPS: ",
"ControlCooldown": "Control Cooldown",
- "PoisonCooldown": "Poison Cooldown",
- "PoisonerKillDelay": "Poison Kill Delay",
- "WardenNotifyLimit": "Max number of alerts",
+ "WardenNotifyLimit": "Maximum number of alerts",
"BombCooldown": "Bomb Cooldown",
"Warlock_CanKillSelf": "Can Kill Themselves",
"CrewpostorKnowsAllies": "Knows Impostors",
@@ -1446,9 +1481,10 @@
"EGCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "Can guess Snitch with All Tasks Done",
"GGCanGuessAdt": "Can Guess Add-Ons",
"GuesserCanGuessTimes": "Maximum number of guesses",
- "GuesserTryHideMsg": "Try to hide the guesser's command",
+ "GuesserTryHideMsg": "Try to hide the Guesser's command",
"GCanGuessImp": "Impostor can guess Impostor roles",
"GCanGuessCrew": "Crewmate can guess Crewmate roles",
+ "GCanGuessCoven": "Coven can guess Coven roles",
"GCanGuessAdt": "Can guess Add-ons",
"GCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "Can guess Snitch with All Tasks Done",
"BountyTargetChangeTime": "Time Until Target Swaps",
@@ -1456,7 +1492,7 @@
"BountyFailureKillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown After Killing Others",
"BountyShowTargetArrow": "Show arrow pointing towards the target",
"DefaultShapeshiftCooldown": "Default Shapeshift Cooldown",
- "DeadImpCantSabotage": "Impostors can't sabotage after they've died",
+ "DeadImpCantSabotage": "Impostors can't Sabotage after they've died",
"VampireKillDelay": "Bite Kill Delay",
"VampireTargetDead": "Target died",
"VampireActionMode": "Action Mode",
@@ -1465,14 +1501,14 @@
"Maverick_MinKillsToWin": "Minimum number of kills to win",
"Cooldown": "Cooldown",
"AbilityCooldown": "Ability Cooldown",
- "SkillLimitTimes": "Max Number of Ability Uses",
+ "SkillLimitTimes": "Maximum Number of Ability Uses",
"CanKill": "Can Kill",
"KillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown",
"CanVent": "Can Vent",
- "CantMoveOnVents": "Can't Move On Vents (Unstable in Dleks map)",
+ "CantMoveOnVents": "Can't Move on Vents (Unstable in Dleks map)",
"ImpostorVision": "Has Impostor Vision",
"CanUseSabotage": "Can Sabotage",
- "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "Can Have Access To Vitals",
+ "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "Can Have Access to Vitals",
"CanKillImpostors": "Can Kill Impostors",
"CanGuess": "Can Guess in Guesser Mode or as Guesser",
"HideVote": "Hide Vote",
@@ -1483,16 +1519,16 @@
"ShapeshifterBase_ShapeshiftCooldown": "Shapeshift Cooldown",
"ShapeshifterBase_ShapeshiftDuration": "Shapeshift Duration",
"ShapeshifterBase_LeaveShapeshiftingEvidence": "Leave Shapeshifting Evidence",
- "PhantomBase_InvisCooldown": "Invis Cooldown",
- "PhantomBase_InvisDuration": "Invis Duration",
+ "PhantomBase_InvisCooldown": "Invisibility Cooldown",
+ "PhantomBase_InvisDuration": "Invisibility Duration",
"GuardianAngelBase_ProtectCooldown": "Protect Cooldown",
"GuardianAngelBase_ProtectionDuration": "Protection Duration",
- "GuardianAngelBase_ImpostorsCanSeeProtect": "Protect Visible To Impostors",
+ "GuardianAngelBase_ImpostorsCanSeeProtect": "Protect Visible to Impostors",
"ScientistBase_BatteryCooldown": "Vitals Display Cooldown",
"ScientistBase_BatteryDuration": "Battery Duration",
"EngineerBase_VentCooldown": "Vent Cooldown",
- "EngineerBase_InVentMaxTime": "Max Time In Vents",
- "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "Impostors Can Get Alert",
+ "EngineerBase_InVentMaxTime": "Maximum Time in Vents",
+ "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "Impostors can get Alert",
"NoisemakerBase_AlertDuration": "Alert Duration",
"TrackerBase_TrackingCooldown": "Tracking Cooldown",
"TrackerBase_TrackingDuration": "Tracking Duration",
@@ -1514,6 +1550,7 @@
"SheriffCanKillSeparately": "Individual Settings",
"In%team%": "(Team %team%)",
"SheriffMisfireKillsTarget": "Misfire Kills Target",
+ "SheriffMisfireOnAdmired": "Sheriff Misfires On Admired Players",
"BlackHolePlaceCooldown": "Black Hole Place Cooldown",
"BlackHoleDespawnMode": "Black Hole Despawn Mode",
"BlackHoleDespawnTime": "Time After Black Hole Despawns",
@@ -1526,27 +1563,30 @@
"After1PlayerEaten": "After 1 Player Was Eaten",
"AfterMeeting": "After Meeting",
"None": "None",
- "SheriffShotLimit": "Max number of Kills",
+ "SheriffShotLimit": "Maximum number of Kills",
"SheriffCanKillAllAlive": "Can Kill When No One Is Dead",
- "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "Can kill Charmed players",
+ "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "Can Kill Charmed players",
"SheriffCanKillEgoist": "Can Kill Egoists",
"SheriffCanKillSidekick": "Can Kill Sidekicks",
"SheriffCanKillLovers": "Can Kill Lovers",
"SheriffCanKillMadmate": "Can Kill Madmates",
"SheriffCanKillInfected": "Can Kill Infected players",
"SheriffCanKillContagious": "Can Kill Contagious players",
- "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "Non-Crew Sheriff Configuration",
- "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "Can kill Impostors",
- "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "Can kill Neutrals",
- "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "Can kill Crewmates",
+ "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "Non-Crewmate Sheriff Configuration",
+ "SheriffCanKillEnchanted": "Can Kill Enchanted players",
+ "SheriffCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "Can Kill Impostors",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "Can Kill Neutrals",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "Can Kill Crewmates",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven",
"RebirthUses": "Amount of Rebirths",
"RebirthCountVotes": "Only rebirth to players who voted for them",
"RebirthFailed": "Ahh, how unfortunate, you did not find any viable souls to swap bodies with",
"FireworkerCooldown": "Placement Cooldown",
- "ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "Increase kill cooldown",
- "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "Max kill cooldown",
- "ReverieMisfireSuicide": "Misfire on reaching max kill cooldown",
- "ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "Reset kill cooldown after meeting",
+ "ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "Increase Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieMisfireSuicide": "Misfire on reaching maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "Reset Kill Cooldown after meeting",
"ConvertedReverieKillAll": "Converted Reverie can kill anyone without repercussions",
"VigilanteNotify": "You have become the very thing you swore to destroy",
"DictatorChangeCommandToExpel": "Dictator use Command to expell instad of vote",
@@ -1556,17 +1596,18 @@
"SnitchCanGetArrowColor": "See Colored Arrows based on Team Colors",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralKiller": "Can Find Neutral Killers",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralApoc": "Can Find Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "SnitchCanFindCoven": "Can Find Coven",
"SnitchCanFindMadmate": "Can Find Madmates",
"SnitchRemainingTaskFound": "Remaining tasks to be known",
"MayorAdditionalVote": "Additional Votes Count",
"MayorHasPortableButton": "Mayor has a Mobile Emergency Button",
- "MayorNumOfUseButton": "Max Number of Mobile Emergency Buttons",
+ "MayorNumOfUseButton": "Maximum Number of Mobile Emergency Buttons",
"MeetingsNeededForWin": "Meetings needed to win",
"Jester_RevealUponEject": "Reveal Upon Eject",
"CannotVoteWhenDead": "Cannot cast a vote while dead",
"EnableVote": "Enable /vote command",
"ShouldVoteSpam": "Try to hide /vote command",
- "VoteDisabled": "/vote command has been disabled by the host.",
+ "VoteDisabled": "/vote command has been disabled by the Host.",
"ExecutionerCanTargetImpostor": "Can Target Impostors",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "Can Target Neutral Killing",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "Can Target Neutral Apocalypse",
@@ -1574,11 +1615,13 @@
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralBenign": "Can Target Neutral Benign",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralEvil": "Can Target Neutral Evil",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralChaos": "Can Target Neutral Chaos",
+ "ExecutionerCanTargetCoven": "Can Target Coven",
"Executioner_RevealTargetUponEject": "Reveal Target Upon Ejection",
- "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "Recruited Sheriff Can Go Nuts",
+ "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "Recruited Sheriff can go Nuts",
"LawyerCanTargetImpostor": "Can Target Impostors",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "Can Target Neutral Killers",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "Can Target Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "LawyerCanTargetCoven": "Can Target Coven",
"LawyerCanTargetCrewmate": "Can Target Crewmates",
"LawyerCanTargetJester": "Can Target Jester",
"LawyerChangeRolesAfterTargetKilled": "When Target Dies, Lawyer becomes",
@@ -1594,8 +1637,8 @@
"SniperPrecisionShooting": "Precise Shooting",
"SniperAimAssist": "Aim Assist",
"SniperAimAssistOneshot": "One shot Assist",
- "PyroDouseCooldown": "Douse cooldown",
- "PyroBurnCooldown": "Kill cooldown after killing a doused player",
+ "PyroDouseCooldown": "Douse Cooldown",
+ "PyroBurnCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after killing a doused player",
"Prohibited_OverrideBlockedVentsAfterMeeting": "Override Blocked Vents After Meeting",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInSkeld": "Count Blocked Vents In The Skeld",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInMira": "Count Blocked Vents In MIRA HQ",
@@ -1606,7 +1649,7 @@
"UndertakerFreezeDuration": "Freeze Duration",
"NameDisplayAddons": "Display Add-Ons next to the role name",
"YourAddon": "Your Add-ons:",
- "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "Max Add-ons Per Player",
+ "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "Maximum Add-ons Per Player",
"LoverSpawnChances": "Spawn Chance of Lovers",
"AdditionRolesSpawnRate": "Spawn Chance",
"TorchVision": "Torch Vision",
@@ -1641,38 +1684,40 @@
"EvilHackerLastAdminInfoTitle": "Last-minute admin information",
"EvilHackerDeadbody": "DEAD",
"Ventguard": "Ventguard",
- "VentguardInfo": "Block vents by entering them",
- "VentguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Ventguard, you can enter vents to block them. No one can enter blocked vents, except Crewmates, if the setting is on. Blocked vents can be resets every meeting.",
+ "VentguardInfo": "Block Vents by entering them",
+ "VentguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Ventguard, you can enter Vents to block them. No one can enter blocked Vents, except Crewmates, if the setting is on. Blocked Vents can be resets every meeting.",
"VentguardVentButtonText": "Block",
- "Ventguard_MaxGuards": "Max number of Vent Blocks",
+ "Ventguard_MaxGuards": "Maximum number of Vent Blocks",
"Ventguard_BlockVentCooldown": "Block Vent Cooldown",
- "Ventguard_BlockDoesNotAffectCrew": "Crewmates can use blocked vents",
+ "Ventguard_BlockDoesNotAffectCrew": "Crewmates can use blocked Vents",
"Ventguard_BlocksResetOnMeeting": "Reset Blocked Vents Every Meeting",
- "VentIsBlocked": "This Vent Is Now Blocked!",
+ "VentIsBlocked": "This Vent is Now Blocked!",
"TraitorKnowMadmate": "Traitor Knows Madmates",
"Psychic_NBareRed": "Neutral Benign can be red",
"Psychic_NEareRed": "Neutral Evil can be red",
"Psychic_NCareRed": "Neutral Chaos can be red",
"Psychic_NAareRed": "Neutral Apocalypse can be red",
"Psychic_NKareRed": "Neutral Killers can be red",
+ "Psychic_CovareRed": "Coven can be red",
"Psychic_CrewKillingRed": "Crewmate Killing can be red",
- "PsychicCanSeeNum": "Max number of red names",
+ "PsychicCanSeeNum": "Maximum number of red names",
"PsychicFresh": "New red names every meeting",
"DetectiveCanknowKiller": "Can find the killer's role",
"EveryOneKnowSuperStar": "Everyone knows the Super Star",
"HackLimit": "Ability Use Count",
"ZombieSpeedReduce": "After a certain time, decrease the speed of Zombie by",
- "NemesisCanKillNum": "Max number of revenges",
+ "NemesisCanKillNum": "Maximum number of revenges",
"ImpKnowCelebrityDead": "Impostors know when the Celebrity dies",
"NeutralKnowCelebrityDead": "Neutrals know when the Celebrity dies",
+ "CovenKnowCelebrityDead": "Coven know when the Celebrity dies",
"VectorVentNumWin": "Number of Vents to win",
"CanCheckCamera": "Can track camera usage",
- "DefaultKillCooldown": "Starting kill cooldown",
- "ReduceKillCooldown": "Reduce kill cooldown by",
- "MinKillCooldown": "Minimum kill cooldown",
+ "DefaultKillCooldown": "Starting Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReduceKillCooldown": "Reduce Kill Cooldown by",
+ "MinKillCooldown": "Minimum Kill Cooldown",
"BomberRadius": "Bomb radius (5x is about half a Cafeteria)",
"NotifyGodAlive": "Inform players at meetings that God is still alive",
- "TransporterTeleportMax": "Max number of teleports",
+ "TransporterTeleportMax": "Maximum number of teleports",
"TriggerKill": "Kill",
"TriggerVent": "Vent",
"TriggerDouble": "Double Click",
@@ -1686,6 +1731,7 @@
"InnocentCanWinByImp": "If their target was an Impostor then they win with them",
"ImpCanBeParanoia": "Impostors can become Paranoia",
"CrewCanBeParanoia": "Crewmates can become Paranoia",
+ "CovenCanBeParanoia": "Coven can become Paranoia",
"DualVotes": "Duplicate votes",
"VeteranSkillCooldown": "Alert Cooldown",
"VeteranSkillDuration": "Alert Duration",
@@ -1693,9 +1739,9 @@
"ImpCanBeEgoist": "An Impostor can become Egoist",
"CrewCanBeEgoist": "Crewmates can become Egoist",
"ImpEgoistVisibalToAllies": "Impostors Can See Other Egoist Impostors",
- "EgoistCountAsConverted": "Egoist count as converted neutral",
+ "EgoistCountAsConverted": "Egoist count as converted Neutral",
"GuessRainbow": "He seems too obvious, doesn't he?",
- "RainbowColorChangeCoolDown": "The cooldown for changing colors",
+ "RainbowColorChangeCoolDown": "The Cooldown for changing colors",
"RainbowInCamouflage": "Rainbow color changes during Camouflage",
"BaitDelayMin": "Minimum Report Delay",
"BaitDelayMax": "Maximum Report Delay",
@@ -1703,17 +1749,18 @@
"BecomeBaitDelayNotify": "Warn the killer about the upcoming self-report",
"BaitNotification": "Reveal Bait at the first meeting",
"BaitAdviceAlive": "{0} is the Bait. Whoever kills the Bait will commit self-report.",
- "BaitCanBeReportedUnderAllConditions": "Bait Can Be Reported even if a meeting is disabled during comms sabotage",
- "DeceiverAbilityLost": "Deceiver loses ability if it deceives player without kill button",
+ "BaitCanBeReportedUnderAllConditions": "Bait Can Be Reported even if a meeting is disabled during Comms Sabotage",
+ "DeceiverAbilityLost": "Deceiver loses ability if it deceives player without Kill button",
"AddictSuicideTimer": "Time Until Suicide",
"GrenadierSkillCooldown": "Grenade Cooldown",
"GrenadierSkillDuration": "Grenade Duration",
"GrenadierCauseVision": "Lowered vision",
"GrenadierCanAffectNeutral": "Can affect Neutrals",
+ "GrenadierCanAffectCoven": "Can affect Coven",
"TicketsPerKill": "Votes Increase Amount Per Kill",
- "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "Recruit cooldown",
+ "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "Recruit Cooldown",
"GangsterRecruitLimit": "Recruit limit",
- "KamikazeMaxMarked": "Max Marked",
+ "KamikazeMaxMarked": "Maximum Marked",
"RevolutionistDrawTime": "Tag Duration",
"RevolutionistCooldown": "Tag Cooldown",
"RevolutionistDrawCount": "Amount of Players needed to Tag",
@@ -1733,7 +1780,7 @@
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_Immediately": "Immediately",
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_AfterMeeting": "After Meeting",
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_OFF": "OFF",
- "MedicResetCooldown": "On kill attempt, reset murderer's cooldown to",
+ "MedicResetCooldown": "On kill attempt, reset murderer's Cooldown to",
"MedicShieldedCanBeGuessed": "Guessing ignores Medic shield",
"MadmateSpawnMode": "Madmate spawning mode",
"MadmateSpawnMode.Assign": "Assign",
@@ -1743,40 +1790,41 @@
"MadmateCountMode.None": "Nothing",
"MadmateCountMode.Imp": "Impostors",
"MadmateCountMode.Original": "Original Team",
- "Altruist_RevivedDeadBodyCannotBeReported_Option": "Revived Dead Body Cannot Be Reported",
- "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsAlert": "Impostors Can Get Alert",
- "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "Impostors Can Get Arrow",
- "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "Neutral Killers Can Get Alert",
- "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "Neutral Killers Can Get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_RevivedDeadBodyCannotBeReported_Option": "Revived Dead Body cannot be Reported",
+ "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsAlert": "Impostors can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "Impostors can get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "Neutral Killers can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "Neutral Killers can get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsAlert": "Coven can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsArrow": "Coven can get Arrow",
"AltruistSuffix": "<#00ffa5>Mode: {0}",
"AltruistReviveMode": "Revive",
"AltruistReportMode": "Report",
"Altruist_YouTriedReportRevivedDeadBody": "You Tried Report Revived Dead Body",
- "Altruist_DeadPlayerHasBeenRevived": "A Dead Player Has Been Revived!",
+ "Altruist_DeadPlayerHasBeenRevived": "A Dead Player has been Revived!",
"AltruistAbilityButton": "Change Mode",
"SnatchesWin": "Snatches victory",
"DemonKillCooldown": "Attack Cooldown",
- "DemonHealthMax": "Player max health",
+ "DemonHealthMax": "Player maximum health",
"DemonDamage": "Damage ",
- "DemonSelfHealthMax": "Demon max health",
+ "DemonSelfHealthMax": "Demon maximum health",
"DemonSelfDamage": "Demon damage received",
"LightningConvertTime": "Duration of the transformation to Quantum Ghost",
"LightningKillCooldown": "Lightning Cooldown",
"LightningKillerConvertGhost": "Killer can transform into Quantum Ghost",
"CanCountNeutralKiller": "When Crewmates win by killing a Neutral player, they can snatch the victory",
- "GreedyOddKillCooldown": "Odd-Numbered kill cooldown",
- "GreedyEvenKillCooldown": "Even-Numbered kill cooldown",
+ "GreedyOddKillCooldown": "Odd-Numbered Kill Cooldown",
+ "GreedyEvenKillCooldown": "Even-Numbered Kill Cooldown",
"WorkaholicCannotWinAtDeath": "Can't win after they died",
"WorkaholicVisibleToEveryone": "Everyone knows who the Workaholic is",
"WorkaholicGiveAdviceAlive": "Advice at the first meeting if alive, can win after death, ghost tasks ON",
"DoctorVisibleToEveryone": "Everyone knows who the Doctor is",
"CursedWolfGuardSpellTimes": "Amount of Cursed Shields",
"KillAttackerWhenAbilityRemaining": "Kill attacker when ability is remaining",
- "JinxSpellTimes": "Amount of Jinx Spells",
"CollectorCollectAmount": "Required number of votes",
"GlitchCanVote": "Can vote",
"QuickShooterShapeshiftCooldown": "Shapeshift Cooldown",
- "MeetingReserved": "Max Bullets reserved for a meeting",
+ "MeetingReserved": "Maximum Bullets reserved for a meeting",
"AccurateCheckMode": "Can know specific role when tasks are not done",
"RandomActiveRoles": "Show random active roles in Fortune Teller hints",
"CamouflageCooldown": "Camouflage Cooldown",
@@ -1790,29 +1838,31 @@
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralE": "Can trial Neutral Evil",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralC": "Can trial Neutral Chaos",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralA": "Can trial Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "JudgeCanTrialCoven": "Can trial Coven",
"JudgeCanTrialSidekick": "Can trial Sidekick",
"JudgeCanTrialInfected": "Can trial Infected",
"JudgeCanTrialContagious": "Can trial Contagious",
"JudgeTryHideMsg": "Hide Judge's commands",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "Max Trials per Meeting",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "Max Trials per Game",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Trials per Meeting",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "Maximum Trials per Game",
"JudgeCanTrialMadmate": "Can trial Madmates",
"JudgeCanTrialCharmed": "Can trial Charmed players",
+ "JudgeCanTrialEnchanted": "Can trial Enchanted players",
"JudgeDead": "Sorry, you can't trial players after death.",
"JudgeTrialMaxMeetingMsg": "\nNo more meeting trials left!",
"JudgeTrialMaxGameMsg": "\nNo more trials left!",
"Judge_LaughToWhoTrialSelf": "God, I didn't think the Judges would be so blind that they wouldn't even see that they had sentenced themselves.",
"Judge_TrialKill": "{0} was judged.",
"Judge_TrialKillTitle": "COURT",
- "Judge_TrialHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' IDs before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player IDs.",
+ "Judge_TrialHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Judge_TrialNull": "Please choose a living player for the trial",
- "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "Max number of Alerts",
+ "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "Maximum number of Alerts",
"SwooperCooldown": "Swoop Cooldown",
"SwooperDuration": "Swoop Duration",
"WraithCooldown": "Vanish Cooldown",
"WraithDuration": "Vanish Duration",
"BastionNotify": "A bomb was set off",
- "EnteredBombedVent": "That vent was bombed!",
+ "EnteredBombedVent": "That Vent was bombed!",
"BastionVentButtonText": "Bomb",
"BombsClearAfterMeeting": "Bombs clear after meetings",
"BastionMaxBombs": "(Initial) Maximum bombs",
@@ -1828,11 +1878,12 @@
"FollowerBetTargetKnowFollower": "Follower target knows who the Follower is",
"FortuneTellerHideVote": "Hide Fortune Teller's Votes",
"CultistCharmCooldown": "Charm Cooldown",
- "CultistCharmCooldownIncrese": "Increases Charm Cooldown For Each Charm",
+ "CultistCharmCooldownIncrese": "Increases Charm Cooldown for Each Charm",
"CultistCharmMax": "Maximum Number Of Charm",
"CultistKnowTargetRole": "Know Charmed Player's Role",
"CultistTargetKnowOtherTarget": "Charmed players know each other",
"CultistCanCharmNeutral": "Neutral Roles can be Charmed",
+ "CultistCanCharmCoven": "Coven Roles can be Charmed",
"InfectiousBiteCooldown": "Infect Cooldown",
"KnowTargetRole": "Knows role of target",
"TargetKnowsLawyer": "Target knows their Lawyer",
@@ -1855,11 +1906,11 @@
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_None": "Nothing",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Cultist": "Cultist",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Original": "Original Team",
- "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "When all Impostors are dead, the Jackal wins by sabotage instead",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Reset kill cooldown if someone gets killed by another player",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "Kill Cooldown On Reset",
+ "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "When all Impostors are dead, the Jackal wins by Sabotage instead",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Reset Kill Cooldown if someone gets killed by another player",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "Kill Cooldown on Reset",
"JackalCanRecruitSidekick": "Can recruit Sidekick",
- "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "Maximum Number Of Recruits",
+ "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "Maximum Number of Recruits",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode": "Sidekicks count as",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_None": "Nothing",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_Jackal": "Jackal",
@@ -1888,6 +1939,7 @@
"NeutralsSeePresident": "Neutrals can see revealed President",
"MadmatesSeePresident": "Madmates can see revealed President",
"ImpsSeePresident": "Impostors can see revealed President",
+ "CovenSeePresident": "Coven can see revealed President",
"PresidentDead": "Sorry, you can't force end the meeting after death.",
"PresidentEndMax": "No more force end meeting uses left!",
"PresidentRevealMax": "You have already revealed yourself...",
@@ -1898,40 +1950,167 @@
"Troller_CanHaveStartMeetingEvent": "Can Start Meeting By Event",
"Troller_ChangesSpeed": "Troller changed everyone speed!",
"Troller_SpeedOut": "Speed returned back",
- "Troller_YouChangedCooldown": "You changed the cooldown of all players",
- "Troller_ChangeYourCooldown": "Troller change your cooldown!",
- "Troller_NoAddons": "No addons found on the random target",
- "Troller_RemoveRandomAddon": "You removed add-on from random player",
- "Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "Troller removed your random add-on",
- "Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "You caused sabotage",
- "Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "You fixed sabotage",
+ "Troller_YouChangedCooldown": "You changed the Cooldown of all players",
+ "Troller_ChangeYourCooldown": "Troller change your Cooldown!",
+ "Troller_NoAddons": "No Add-ons found on the random target",
+ "Troller_RemoveRandomAddon": "You removed Add-on from random player",
+ "Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "Troller removed your random Add-on",
+ "Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "You caused Sabotage",
+ "Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "You fixed Sabotage",
+ "CovenRolesMinPlayer": "Minimum amount of Coven",
+ "CovenRolesMaxPlayer": "Maximum amount of Coven",
+ "%role%CanVent": "%role% Can Vent",
+ "%role%HasImpVis": "%role% Has Impostor Vision",
+ "CovenHasImpVis": "Coven Members have Impostor Vision",
+ "CovenImpVisMode": "Impostor Vision Configuration",
+ "CovenCanVent": "Coven Members Can Vent",
+ "CovenVentMode": "Vent Configuration",
+ "CovenPerRole": "Per Role",
+ "CovenCanSeeEachOthersAddOns": "Coven can see each other's Add-Ons",
+ "NecronomiconNotification": "You have recieved the Necronomicon!
Your powers are now enhanced!",
+ "NecronomiconVote": "You have voted for {0} to receive the Necronomicon next round. You may now vote normally.",
+ "CovenDontKillOtherCoven": "Don't try to kill your fellow Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderMaxRetrains": "Maximum Retrains",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainCooldown": "Retrain Cooldown",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrain": "Retrain offered",
+ "CovenLeaderNoRetrain": "You have ran out of Retrains!",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainNonCoven": "You can't retrain a non-Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderAcceptRetrain": "The player you attempted to retrain has accepted your training and is now a {0}!",
+ "CovenLeaderDeclineRetrain": "The player you attempted to retrain has declined your offer to retrain them into a {0}...",
+ "RetrainNotification": "The {0} has requested to retrain you into a {1}.
Vote yourself to accept the offer, vote someone else to decline.",
+ "RetrainAcceptOffer": "You have accepted the {0}'s retraining and you are now a {1}!",
+ "RetrainDeclineOffer": "You declined the {0}'s retraining and your role has not been changed...",
+ "RitualistMaxRitsPerRound": "Maximum Blood Rituals per Round",
+ "RitualistTryHideMsg": "Try to hide Ritualist's commands",
+ "RitualistRitualSuccess": "You preformed a successful Blood Ritual on {0} and they are now part of the Coven!",
+ "RitualistRitualFail": "You have failed your Blood Ritual and may no longer preform any Blood Rituals this meeting...",
+ "RitualistRitualImpossible": "Your Blood Ritual was successful, however, this player is unenchantable.",
+ "RitualistRitualMax": "You've already used the maximum amount of Blood Rituals for this meeting.",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsCoven": "Enchanted knows Coven",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsEnchanted": "Enchanted knows Enchanted",
+ "RitualistCommandHelp": "Instructions: /rt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /rt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player IDs before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
+ "RitualistConvertNotif": "Your role has been guessed by the {0} and you are now apart of the Coven!",
+ "RitualistGuessAddon": "Did you seriously think it would be that easy? You can't do a Ritual solely based on Add-ons.",
+ "RitualistSuccessfullyRecruited": "You successfully recruited a player",
+ "BeRecruitedByRitualist": "The Ritualist has recruited you",
+ "ConjurerCooldown": "Conjure Cooldown",
+ "ConjurerRadius": "Blast Radius",
+ "ConjurerNecroRadius": "Necronomicon Blast Radius",
+ "ConjurerCovenDies": "Coven can die in blast",
+ "ConjurerMark": "Location marked",
+ "ConjurerMeteor": "Meteor summoned",
+ "ConjurerNecroMark": "Player marked",
+ "ConjurerMarkShapeshift": "Mark",
+ "ConjurerConjureShapeshift": "Conjure",
+ "IllusionCooldown": "Illusion Cooldown",
+ "IllusionistMaxIllusions": "Maximum Illusions",
+ "IllusionistSnitchAffected": "Snitch is Affected by Illusions",
+ "IllusionistResetIllusionsPerRound": "Reset Illusions After Meeting",
+ "IllusionistClearIllusionsWhenDead": "Remove Illusions When Illusionist Dies",
+ "MedusaStoneCooldown": "Stone Cooldown",
+ "MedusaStoneDuration": "Stone Duration",
+ "MedusaStoneVision": "Stoned Vision",
+ "MedusaStonedPlayer": "{0} has been Stoned",
+ "MedusaStoningStart": "Stoning in progress",
+ "MedusaStoningEnd": "Stoning has ended",
+ "MoonDancerBatonPassCooldown": "Baton Pass Cooldown",
+ "MoonDancerBlastOffChance": "Chance to Blast Off",
+ "MoonDancerPassEnabledAddons": "Can only Baton Pass enabled Add-ons",
+ "MoonDancerCantBlastOff": "Target can not be Blasted Off",
+ "MoonDancerNormalKill": "Killed normally",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHelpfulAddon": "Target will be given Helpful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHarmfulAddon": "Target will be given Harmful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerNoAddons": "No Add-ons to Baton Pass to {0}",
+ "SacrifistDebuffCooldown": "Debuff Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistDeathsAfterVote": "Players Killed After Sacrifist is Exiled",
+ "SacrifistNecroReducedCooldown": "Coven Decreased Cooldown After Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "SacrifistVision": "Sacrificed Vision",
+ "SacrifistVisionDuration": "Vision Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeed": "Sacrificed Speed",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDuration": "Speed Duration",
+ "SacrifistIncreasedCooldown": "Sacrificed Increase Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistFreezeDuration": "Random Freezing Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDebuff": "Speed Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistVisionDebuff": "Vision Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistCooldownDebuff": "Cooldown Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistFoolDebuff": "Can't Fix Sabotages Debuff",
+ "SacrifistMeetingDebuff": "Forced Called Meeting",
+ "SacrifistReportDebuff": "Can't Report Bodies",
+ "SacrifistTasksDebuff": "Tasks Reset for Target",
+ "SacrifistSwapSkinsDebuff": "Swapped Skins",
+ "SacrifistSwapDebuff": "Swapping with target after 3 seconds",
+ "SacrifistVisionRevert": "Vision Reverted",
+ "SacrifistSpeedRevert": "Speed Reverted",
+ "SacrifistShapeshiftButton": "Debuff",
+ "SacrifistNecroShapeshiftButton": "Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "VoodooMasterPerRound": "Voodoo Dolls per Round",
+ "VoodooMasterCanDollCoven": "Voodoo Master can Voodoo Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNecroCanKillCov": "Necronomicon Ability can Kill Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollCoven": "You can't Voodoo other Coven members!",
+ "VoodooMasterTargetInMeeting": "Someone tried to target you with their role during this meeting, but it was deflected to one of your dolls, {0}, instead!",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollsLeft": "You can't voodoo anyone else this round!",
+ "VoodooMasterDolledSomeone": "{0} has been turned into a Voodoo Doll",
+ "PotionMasterMaxReveals": "Maximum Reveals",
+ "PotionMasterMaxBarriers": "Maximum Barriers",
+ "PotionMasterNoPotions": "You're out of {0} Potions!",
+ "PotionMasterPotionSwitch": "Potion switched to: {0}",
+ "PotionMasterPotionCurrent": "Current Potion: ",
+ "PotionMasterRevealCoven": "You can already see roles of Coven!",
+ "PotionMasterReveal": "Reveal",
+ "PotionMasterBarrier": "Barrier",
+ "PotionMasterKillButtonText": "Use Potion",
+ "HexMasterHexCooldown": "Hex Cooldown",
+ "HexMasterCovenCanGetMovingHex": "Coven Can Get Moving Hex",
+ "HexMasterMovingHexCooldown": "Moving Hex Pass Cooldown",
+ "HexesLookLikeSpells": "Hexes appear as Spells",
+ "HexButtonText": "Hex",
+ "HexMasterModeHex": "Hex",
+ "HexMasterModeKill": "Kill",
+ "HexMasterModeDouble": "Double Click = Kill, Single Click = Hex",
+ "HexMasterPassNotify": "Hex successfully passed",
+ "JinxSpellTimes": "Amount of Jinx Spells",
+ "JinxCooldown": "Jinx Cooldown",
+ "JinxCovenCanDieToJinx": "Coven Can Die To Jinx",
+ "PoisonCooldown": "Poison Cooldown",
+ "PoisonerKillDelay": "Poison Kill Delay",
+ "PoisonerTargetDead": "Target died",
+ "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "Poison",
+ "NecromancerRevengeTime": "Necronomicon Ability time",
+ "NecromancerRevenge": "You have {0}s to kill {1}",
+ "NecromancerSuccess": "Necromancy complete! You live to see another day.",
+ "NecromancerHide": "Venting is disabled, hide from the Necromancer!",
+ "NecromancerAbilityDuration": "Necromancy Duration",
+ "NecromancerAbilityCooldown": "Necromancy Cooldown",
+ "NecromancerCooldownNotDone": "Ability is still on Cooldown!",
+ "NecromancerNoUsableRoles": "No usable roles",
"LuckyProbability": "Probability of surviving a kill",
"ImpCanBeDoubleShot": "Impostors can have Double Shot",
"CrewCanBeDoubleShot": "Crewmates can have Double Shot",
"NeutralCanBeDoubleShot": "Neutrals can have Double Shot",
+ "CovenCanBeDoubleShot": "Coven can have Double Shot",
"MimicCanSeeDeadRoles": "Mimic can see the roles of dead players",
- "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "Disable body reporting when camouflage is active",
- "CanUseCommsSabotage": "Can use comms sabotage",
+ "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "Disable body reporting when Camouflage is active",
+ "CanUseCommsSabotage": "Can use Comms Sabotage",
"ModTag": "Moderator♥",
"ApplyModeratorList": "Apply Moderator List",
"VipTag": "VIP★",
"ApplyVipList": "Apply VIP List",
- "AllowSayCommand": "Allow moderators to use /say command",
- "AllowStartCommand": "Allow moderators to use /start command",
+ "AllowSayCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /say command",
+ "AllowStartCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /start command",
"StartCommandMinCountdown": "Minimum countdown for /start command",
"StartCommandMaxCountdown": "Maximum countdown for /start command",
"KickCommandDisabled": "The kick command is currently disabled.",
"KickCommandNoAccess": "You do not have access to the kick command.",
"KickCommandInvalidID": "Invalid player ID specified.\nPlease use '/kick [playerID] [reason]' to kick a player.\nExample :- /kick 5 not following rules",
- "KickCommandKickHost": "You are not permitted to kick the host.",
- "KickCommandKickMod": "You are not permitted to kick other moderators.",
+ "KickCommandKickHost": "You are not permitted to kick the Host.",
+ "KickCommandKickMod": "You are not permitted to kick other Moderators.",
"KickCommandKicked": "was kicked from the game by ",
"KickCommandKickedRole": "Their role was",
"BanCommandDisabled": "The ban command is currently disabled.",
"BanCommandNoAccess": "You do not have access to the ban command.",
"BanCommandInvalidID": "Invalid player ID specified.\nPlease use '/ban [playerID] [reason]' to ban a player.\nExample :- /ban 5 not following rules ",
- "BanCommandBanHost": "You are not permitted to ban the host.",
- "BanCommandBanMod": "You are not permitted to ban other moderators.",
+ "BanCommandBanHost": "You are not permitted to ban the Host.",
+ "BanCommandBanMod": "You are not permitted to ban other Moderators.",
"BanCommandBanned": "was banned from the game by ",
"BanCommandBannedRole": "Their role was",
"BanCommandNoReason": "No reason specified.\nPlease use '/ban [playerID] [reason]\nExample :- /ban 5 not following rules",
@@ -1951,13 +2130,13 @@
"WarnCommandDisabled": "The warn command is currently disabled.",
"WarnCommandNoAccess": "You do not have access to the warn command.",
"WarnCommandInvalidID": "Invalid player ID specified.\nPlease use '/warn [playerID] [reason]' to warn a player. \nExample :- /warn 5 lava chatting",
- "WarnCommandWarnHost": "You are not permitted to warn the host.",
+ "WarnCommandWarnHost": "You are not permitted to warn the Host.",
"StartCommandNoAccess": "You do not have access to the start command.",
"StartCommandDisabled": "The start command is currently disabled.",
"StartCommandCountdown": "ERROR\n\nThe game is already starting!",
"StartCommandStarted": "The game has been started by {0}!",
"StartCommandInvalidCountdown": "ERROR\n\nThe countdown must be between {0} and {1}!",
- "WarnCommandWarnMod": "You are not permitted to warn other moderators.",
+ "WarnCommandWarnMod": "You are not permitted to warn other Moderators.",
"WarnCommandWarned": "has been warned. There will be no more warnings given and appropriate action will be taken \n ",
"WarnExample": "Use /warn [id] [reason] in future. \nExample :-\n /warn 5 lava chatting",
"SayCommandDisabled": "The say command is currently disabled.",
@@ -2010,6 +2189,7 @@
"DeathReason.Sacrificed": "Sacrificed",
"DeathReason.Electrocuted": "Electrocuted",
"DeathReason.Scavenged": "Scavenged",
+ "DeathReason.BlastedOff": "Blasted Off",
"OnlyEnabledDeathReasons": "Only Enabled Death Reasons",
"Alive": "Alive",
"Disconnected": "Disconnected",
@@ -2022,6 +2202,7 @@
"Infected-": "Infected ",
"Contagious-": "Contagious ",
"Admired-": "Admired ",
+ "Enchanted-": "Enchanted ",
"DeputyHandcuffCooldown": "Handcuff Cooldown",
"DeputyHandcuffMax": "Maximum Handcuffs",
"DeputyHandcuffedPlayer": "Handcuffed target",
@@ -2071,11 +2252,11 @@
"Command.kill": "[Player ID] → Kill assigned player",
"Command.exe": "[Player ID] → Eject assigned player",
"Command.level": "[Level] → Change your in-game level",
- "Command.idlist": "→ Display a list of player IDs",
+ "Command.idlist": "→ Display a list of player ID's",
"Command.qq": "→ Lobby will be posted on QQ website (China only)",
"Command.dump": "→ Output Log to Desktop",
"Command.death": "→ Display info on how you died",
- "Command.icons": "
╳ - The Player was marked by the Blackmailer and can't talk during the Meeting
☆ - Used by Captain to display themselves. Only Crewmates can see the Captain's star
乂 - This player was hexed by the Hex Master and will die if the Hex Master isn't killed or ejected by the end of the Meeting.
♦ - Used by Lawyer or Executioner or Follower.
♥ - Used by Lovers or Romantic.
✚ - Used by Medic to mark their target.
⦿ - This player is in a duel with the Pirate.
!? - This player was marked by the Quizmaster and must answer the question correctly to survive.
☜ - Used by Schrödinger's cat to mark their teammate.
◈ - This player marked by the Shroud and will die if the Shroud is not killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
⚠ - This player is a Snitch or Solsticer who has finished their tasks.
★ - Used by Super Star or Cyber or Marshall.
† - This player was spelled and will die if the Witch is not killed by the end of the meeting.
∇ - Used by Kamikaze to mark their targets.
■ - Used by Lightning to mark their quantum ghosts.
⊠ - Used by Jailer to mark their prisoner.
● - Used by Baker to mark who has Bread.
♠ - Used by Soul Collector to mark who's death they're predicting.
⦿ - Used by Plaguebearer to mark who they have plagued.",
+ "Command.icons": "
╳ - The player was marked by the Blackmailer and can't talk during the meeting
☆ - Used by Captain to display themselves. Only Crewmates can see the Captain's star
乂 - This player was hexed by the Hex Master and will die if the Hex Master isn't killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
♦ - Used by Lawyer or Executioner or Follower.
♥ - Used by Lovers or Romantic.
✚ - Used by Medic to mark their target.
⦿ - This player is in a duel with the Pirate.
!? - This player was marked by the Quizmaster and must answer the question correctly to survive.
☜ - Used by Schrödinger's cat to mark their teammate.
◈ - This player marked by the Shroud and will die if the Shroud is not killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
⚠ - This player is a Snitch or Solsticer who has finished their tasks.
★ - Used by Super Star or Cyber or Marshall.
† - This player was spelled and will die if the Witch is not killed by the end of the Meeting.
∇ - Used by Kamikaze to mark their targets.
■ - Used by Lightning to mark their Quantum Ghosts.
⊠ - Used by Jailer to mark their prisoner.
● - Used by Baker to mark who has Bread.
♠ - Used by Soul Collector to mark who's death they're predicting.
⦿ - Used by Plaguebearer to mark who they have plagued.
♣ - Shown on the Coven member with the Necronomicon. This is only shown to Coven.
⌘ - This player is Jinxed. This is only shown to Coven.
ø - This player is Illusioned. This is only shown to Coven.
♻ - This player is Stoned. This is only shown to Coven.
✂ - This player is a Voodoo Doll. This is only shown to Coven.",
"Command.start": "[Seconds] → Start the game",
"Command.iconinfo": "→ Display info on in-meeting icons",
"Command.iconhelp": "→ Display info on in-meeting icons to everyone",
@@ -2085,13 +2266,15 @@
"Remaining.MadmateCount": "Madmates left: {0}",
"Remaining.NeutralCount": "Neutral Killers left: {0}",
"Remaining.ApocalypseCount": "Neutral Apocalypse left: {0}",
+ "Remaining.CovenCount": "Coven left: {0}",
"EnableKillerLeftCommand": "Enable use of /kcount command",
- "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "Show Madmates (including add-ons)",
+ "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "Show Madmates (including Add-ons)",
"ShowApocalypseInLeftCommand": "Show Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "ShowCovenInLeftCommand": "Show Coven",
"SeeEjectedRolesInMeeting": "See ejected roles in meetings",
"ThankYouForUsingTOHE": "Thank you for using TOHE!",
"SkillUsedLeft": "You have activated your skill to call a meeting. \nRemaining amount of uses left:",
- "NemesisDeadMsg": "The death of the Nemesis means the beginning of the revenge. \nPlease use /rv + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player IDs in front of their names. \nOr type /rv to get a list of player IDs",
+ "NemesisDeadMsg": "The death of the Nemesis means the beginning of the revenge. \nPlease use /rv + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /rv to get a list of player ID's",
"NemesisAliveKill": "Revenge for the Nemesis can only begin after their death.",
"NemesisKillDead": "Choose a living player to take revenge",
"NemesisKillSucceed": "[{0}] was killed by the Nemesis!",
@@ -2111,14 +2294,15 @@
"GuessGuardianTask": "You can't guess a Guardian who has finished their tasks.",
"GuardianCantKilled": "You can't kill a Guardian who has finished their tasks.",
"GuessMarshallTask": "You can't guess a Marshall who has finished their tasks.",
- "GuessObviousAddon": "Sorry, obvious add-ons cannot be guessed.",
- "GuessAdtRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow you to guess add-ons",
+ "GuessObviousAddon": "Sorry, obvious Add-ons cannot be guessed.",
+ "GuessAdtRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow you to guess Add-ons",
"GuessImpRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow Impostors to guess Impostor roles.",
- "GuessCrewRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow crewmates to guess crewmate roles.",
+ "GuessCrewRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow Crewmates to guess Crewmate roles.",
"GuessApocRole": "Fortunately, the Host's settings does not allow Apocalypse to guess Apocalypse roles.",
+ "GuessCovenRole": "Fortunately, the Host's settings does not allow Coven to guess Coven roles.",
"GuessKill": "{0} was guessed",
"GuessNull": "Please select an ID of a living player to guess their role",
- "GuessHelp": "Instructions: /bt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /bt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player IDs before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player IDs",
+ "GuessHelp": "Instructions: /bt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /bt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"GGGuessMax": "You've reached the maximum guess limit. You can't guess anymore!",
"EGGuessMax": "You've reached the maximum guess limit. You can't guess anymore!",
"EGGuessSnitchTaskDone": "You thought you could guess the Snitch when all their tasks are done? Nice try. You're not getting out of this that easily.",
@@ -2149,12 +2333,12 @@
"MediumNotifyTarget": "{0}, the Medium, has established contact with you. Before the end of this meeting, you have a chance to respond to their question. Type one of the following commands to answer:\nConfirm: /ms yes\nDeny: /ms no",
"MediumNotifySelf": "You established contact with {0}. Please ask them questions and wait for them to respond.\n\nRemaining ability uses: {1}",
"MediumKnowPlayerDead": "Someone died somewhere",
- "SpurtMinSpeed": "Min Speed",
- "SpurtMaxSpeed": "Max Speed",
+ "SpurtMinSpeed": "Minimum Speed",
+ "SpurtMaxSpeed": "Maximum Speed",
"SpurtModule": "Speed Modulator",
"EnableSpurtCharge": "Display The Charge",
"SpurtSuffix": "\n« Spurt: {0}% »",
- "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "Target Is Already Dead",
+ "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "Target is Already Dead",
"ByBard": "by Bard",
"ByBardGetFailed": "Oops, I seem to be out of inspiration.",
"GangsterSuccessfullyRecruited": "You successfully recruited a player",
@@ -2165,40 +2349,37 @@
"BecomeMadmateCuzMadmateMode": "You became a Madmate because you died",
"CleanerCleanBody": "The body has been cleaned",
"QuickShooterStoraging": "Bullets stored successfully",
- "QuickShooterFailed": "You are still in cooldown.",
- "PoisonerTargetDead": "Target died",
- "HexesLookLikeSpells": "Hexes appear as spells",
- "HexButtonText": "Hex",
- "BloodthirstAdded": "Your bloodthirst is now active!",
+ "QuickShooterFailed": "You are still in Cooldown.",
+ "BloodthirstAdded": "Your Bloodthirst is now active!",
"WarlockNoTarget": "Manipulation failed due to no target",
"WarlockNoTargetYet": "You haven't marked a target.",
"WarlockTargetDead": "Manipulation failed due to target dead",
"WarlockControlKill": "Target died",
"OnCelebrityDead": "Warning: Celebrity death!",
"OnCyberDead": "Warning: Cyber died!",
- "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "Everyone was teleported to vents",
+ "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "Everyone was teleported to Vents",
"TeleportedByTransporter": "Swapping places with: {0}",
"ErrorTeleport": "Teleport failed",
- "EraseLimit": "Max Erases",
+ "EraseLimit": "Maximum Erases",
"EraserHideVote": "Hide Eraser Votes",
"EraserEraseMsgTitle": "ERASER",
"EraserEraseNotice": "You erased {0}.\nTheir role will be deactivated after the meeting.",
"EraserEraseBaseImpostorOrNeutralRoleNotice": "Oops, your target cannot be erased!",
"EraserEraseSelf": "Unfortunately, you can't erase yourself... Wait, why would you do that in the first place?!",
- "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "You can't guess the role of the player you erased, except add-ons",
+ "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "You can't guess the role of the player you erased, except Add-ons",
"LostRoleByEraser": "You lost your role because of the Eraser",
"KilledByScavenger": "The Scavenger killed you and thus teleported off-map",
- "SnitchDoneTasks": "Call a meeting to find the impostors",
+ "SnitchDoneTasks": "Call a meeting to find the Impostors",
"SwooperCanVent": "Vent to turn invisible",
"SwooperInvisState": "You're invisible",
"SwooperInvisStateOut": "You're now visible",
- "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "Swoop cooldown isn't up yet. Swooping failed",
+ "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "Swoop Cooldown isn't up yet. Swooping failed",
"SwooperInvisStateCountdown": "Invisibility will expire after {0}s",
"SwooperInvisCooldownRemain": "Swoop Cooldown: {0}s",
"WraithCanVent": "Vent to turn invisible",
"WraithInvisState": "You are invisible",
"WraithInvisStateOut": "You are visible again",
- "WraithInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on cooldown, vanish failed",
+ "WraithInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, Vanish failed",
"WraithInvisStateCountdown": "Invisibility will expire in {0}s",
"WraithInvisCooldownRemain": "{0}s left in invisibility",
"WerewolfKillButtonText": "Maul",
@@ -2219,10 +2400,10 @@
"BittenByInfectious": "The Infectious infected you!",
"InfectiousBittenPlayer": "You successfully infected a player",
"GuessNotAllowed": "Sorry, your role does not have access to guessing.",
- "GuessOnbound": "This player has the Onbound add-on, so your guess on them was canceled.",
+ "GuessOnbound": "This player has the Onbound Add-on, so your guess on them was canceled.",
"GuessSpecter": "You can't guess a Specter. That allows them to win!",
"PacifistOnGuard": "Ability used, {0} uses remain",
- "PacifistSkillNotify": "Pacifist reset your kill cooldown",
+ "PacifistSkillNotify": "Pacifist reset your Kill Cooldown",
"BeRecruitedByJackal": "The Jackal has recruited you",
"YinYangerAlreadyMarked": "{0} is already in a state of calm, endowed by a fellow YinYanger",
"CoronerTrackRecorded": "Track recorded",
@@ -2246,26 +2427,27 @@
"MonarchInvalidTarget": "Target cannot be knighted",
"GhostTransformTitle": "Your Role Has Transformed!",
"SpiritcallerNoticeTitle": "YOU TURNED INTO AN EVIL SPIRIT ",
- "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "The Spiritcaller has killed you and turned you into an Evil Spirit. Your task now is to help the Spiritcaller to victory by using your spook button to hinder other players or to protect the Spiritcaller. Use /m for more information.",
+ "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "The Spiritcaller has killed you and turned you into an Evil Spirit. Your task now is to help the Spiritcaller to victory by using your Spook button to hinder other players or to protect the Spiritcaller. Use /m for more information.",
"OverseerRevealCooldown": "Reveal Cooldown",
"OverseerRevealTime": "Reveal Time",
"OverseerVision": "Overseer Vision",
- "MerchantMaxSell": "Max number of Add-ons to sell",
+ "MerchantMaxSell": "Maximum number of Add-ons to sell",
"MerchantMoneyPerSell": "Amount of money earned for selling an Add-on",
"MerchantMoneyRequiredToBribe": "Amount of money required to bribe a killer",
"MerchantNotifyBribery": "Inform Merchant when a killer gets bribed",
"MerchantTargetCrew": "Can sell to Crewmates",
"MerchantTargetImpostor": "Can sell to Impostors",
+ "MerchantTargetCoven": "Can sell to Coven",
"MerchantTargetNeutral": "Can sell to Neutrals",
"MerchantSellHelpful": "Can sell Helpful Add-ons",
"MerchantSellHarmful": "Can sell Harmful Add-ons",
"MerchantSellMixed": "Can sell Mixed Add-ons",
- "MerchantSellExperimental": "Can sell experimental Add-ons",
+ "MerchantSellExperimental": "Can sell Experimental Add-ons",
"MerchantSellHarmfulToEvil": "Can sell Harmful Add-ons only to Evil",
- "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "Can sell Helpful Add-ons only to Crew",
+ "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "Can sell Helpful Add-ons only to Crewmates",
"MerchantSellOnlyEnabledAddons": "Can sell only enabled Add-ons",
"SpiritcallerSpiritMax": "Maximum number of Evil Spirits",
- "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "Evil Spirit ability cooldown",
+ "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "Evil Spirit Ability Cooldown",
"SpiritcallerFreezeTime": "Evil Spirit ability freeze time",
"SpiritcallerProtectTime": "Evil Spirit ability protect time",
"SpiritcallerCauseVision": "Evil Spirit ability caused vision",
@@ -2274,31 +2456,31 @@
"Message.MessageWaitHelp": "Specify the first argument in seconds.",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundHost": "No templates.txt matching {0} were found",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundClient": "The Host doesn't have a template called {0}",
- "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "There are {0} more emergency buttons left",
+ "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "There are {0} more Emergency buttons left",
"Message.Executed": "{0} was executed",
- "Message.HideGameSettings": "The host has hidden the game settings.",
+ "Message.HideGameSettings": "The Host has hidden the game settings.",
"Message.NowOverrideText": "Please enter the root folder of the game.\\Language\\English.dat. Change this text in the dat file \nIf you don't need this feature or want to display regular /n messages. \nPlease disable [Enable only custom /n messages in the settings.]",
"Message.NoDescription": "No description",
"Message.KickedByDenyName": "{0} was kicked because its name matched {1}",
"Message.BannedByBanList": "{0} was banned because they were banned in the past.",
- "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0} has been banned because he is in the EAC list of Banned people.",
+ "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0} has been banned because he is in the EAC list of banned people.",
"Message.DumpfileSaved": "The log file was successfully saved to the desktop, filename: {0}",
"Message.DumpcmdUsed": "{0} used /dump command.",
- "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was kicked because their friend code is invalid.",
- "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was temporarily banned because their friend code is invalid.",
+ "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was kicked because their Friend Code is invalid.",
+ "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was temporarily banned because their Friend Code is invalid.",
"Message.AddedPlayerToBanList": "Added {0} to the ban list",
- "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0} has been kicked by the system. \nThe lobby host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
- "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0} has been warned: {1} times \nThe lobby host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
- "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0} has received {1} warnings, he will be kicked. \nThe lobby host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0} has been kicked by the system. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0} has been warned: {1} times \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0} has received {1} warnings, he will be kicked. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWord": "{0}, stop sending banned words!",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWordTimes": "{0} has been warned: {1} times \nif you continue you will be kicked",
"Message.KickWhoSayBanWordAfterWarn": "[{0}] received {1} warnings.\nHe was expelled for forbidden words",
- "Message.KickedByEAC": "[{0}]Kicked by EAC, reason:{1}",
- "Message.BannedByEAC": "[{0}]Banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
- "Message.NoticeByEAC": "[{0}]Detected:{1}",
- "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "[{0}]Temporary Banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.KickedByEAC": "[{0}]kicked by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.BannedByEAC": "[{0}]banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.NoticeByEAC": "[{0}]detected:{1}",
+ "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "[{0}]temporary banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
"Message.TempBannedForSpamQuitting": "{0} was temporary banned because of spamming quits",
- "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0} kicked because their friendcode was not found in WhiteList.txt",
+ "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0} kicked because their Friend Code was not found in WhiteList.txt",
"Message.SetLevel": "Your game level is set to: {0}",
"Message.SetColor": "Your color is set to: {0}",
"Message.SetName": "Your name is set to: {0}",
@@ -2314,7 +2496,7 @@
"Message.HostLeftGameInGame": "★Warning★ Host left the game, and the game wouldn't start normally next time. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
"Message.HostLeftGameInLobby": "★Warning★ Host left the game, and the game wouldn't start normally next time. If the new Host has TOHE, you need to re-enter the lobby to play normally.",
"Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host! \nThe room is still modded, start a game and end it immediately to reset the lobby!",
- "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host. \nBut it's not modded. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
+ "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host! \nBut it's not modded. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
"Message.LobbyShared": "The lobby has successfully been shared!",
"Message.LobbyShareFailed": "TOHE-Chan does not seem to be online (failed to share lobby)",
"Message.YTPlanDisabled": "ERROR\n\nPlease enable {0} in the Settings",
@@ -2322,12 +2504,14 @@
"Message.YTPlanSelectFailed": "You cannot be assigned as {0}.\nIt may be because you don't have this role enabled, or this role does not support being assigned.",
"Message.YTPlanCanNotFindRoleThePlayerEnter": "Could not find the role you searching\nUse command /r to show role list",
"Message.YTPlanNotice": "Note: The [YouTuber Plan] is enabled in this lobby, which means the Host can specify their role in the next game to make it easier to get content. If the Host abuses this feature, please exit the game or report it.\nCurrent Creator Credentials:",
- "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "ERROR\n\nThis command may only be used by the host.",
+ "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "ERROR\n\nThis command may only be used by the Host.",
"Message.MaxPlayers": "Maximum players set to ",
- "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "Could not set max players: Vanilla regions support a maximum of 15 players.",
+ "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "Could not set maximum players: Vanilla regions support a maximum of 15 players.",
"Message.GhostRoleInfo": "Ghost Role Info\nHiya! A little about ghost roles...\n\nGhost roles drastically impact the game, so it's not recommended for smaller lobbies if you're unfamiliar. If not explicitly stated otherwise in the description, the Guard button is their ability button ;)\n\nSpawning:\nGhost-roles only spawn after death; the first x people from (team) to die get them.\n\nPS: If your previous role didn't have tasks(e.g., sheriff), your tasks as a ghost-role aren't needed for task-win",
"ApocalypseInfoTitle": "Neutral Apocalypse Info:",
"Message.ApocalypseInfo": "Every role of the <#ff174f>Apocalypse Team has their own objective to carry out in order to transform.\n<#2B0804>Transformed <#ff174f>Apocalypse members have a drastic change on the game and are immortal (except for being voted), but everyone will be notified that they have transformed.\n\nRoles: <#e5f6b4>Plaguebearer, <#A675A1>Soul Collector, <#bf9f7a>Baker, <#cc0044>Berserker\nTransformed: <#343136>Pestilence, <#644661>Death, <#83461c>Famine, <#2B0804>War\n\nApocalypse members can see eachother's roles and ability icons.\nLike Neutral Killers, Apocalypse members keep the game going as well, have fun!",
+ "CovenInfoTitle": "Coven Info:",
+ "Message.CovenInfo": "The <#ac42f2>Coven is a faction of evildoers who specialize in Witchcraft. Their goal is to kill all who would oppose the <#ac42f2>Coven.\nThey use the Necronomicon to enhance their powers, but only one member at a time can hold it.\nMost Coven roles can only kill if they hold the Necronomicon. A random Coven member will spawn with the Necronomicon, denoted by the <#ac42f2>♣ symbol next to their name.\nIf the Necronomicon holder dies, the Necronomicon will be randomly given to another <#ac42f2>Coven member that is alive.\nDuring a meeting, Coven players can vote each other to determine who will gain the Necronomicon the following round. If the votes end in a tie or nobody votes, the Necronomicon holder will be the same. Votes will be returned and you will be allowed to vote normally.",
"Message.MeCommandInfo": "Hi [{0}] {1} !\n\nfriend-code Hash-Puid Type
{2} {3} {4}
IsDev HasUp /color-Bypass
{5} {6} {7}
"Message.MeCommandTargetInfo": "Selected [{0}] Player {1} ,\n\nTheir friend code is {2}.\n\nTheir hash puid is {3}.\n\nTheir TOHE Discord role is {4}.\n\n",
"Message.MeCommandInvalidID": "The ID you entered seems incorrect. \nPlease use /id to get the player ID of online players",
@@ -2349,18 +2533,18 @@
"EnableGadientTags": "Enable Gradient Tags (can cause disconnect issues)",
"Warning.GradientTags": "Warning:\n\nHost has enabled gradient tags. This feature is not recommended to use because it can cause disconnect issues",
"WarningTitle": "Warning!",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "Warning! The vents on this map are broken",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "On the «dlekS ehT» map, the vents are broken, they cannot be fixed in host-only mods, this is a vanilla bug, so any roles using vent as an ability will not spawns on this map",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "Warning! The Vents on this map are broken",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "On the «dlekS ehT» map, the Vents are broken, they cannot be fixed in Host-Only Mods, this is a vanilla bug, so any roles using a Vent as an ability will not spawns on this map",
"Warning.NoGameEndIsEnabled": "Warning: {0} is enabled!",
"AntiBlackoutProtectionTitle": "Anti Blackout",
"Warning.AntiBlackoutProtectionMsg": "Warning:\n\rBlack screen protection has been activated, due to the low number of alive Impostors, Crewmates and Neutral Killers\nThe voting screen will show as a tied vote (only affects the visual, not the results voting)\nModded players will see voting screen normally",
"Warning.ShowAntiBlackExiledPlayer": "Last meeting triggered Black Screen Prevention!\nFollowing is the information of the player exiled in the last meeting.\n",
"DisableAntiBlackoutProtects": "Disable AntiBlackout Protects (Recommended for testing)",
- "Warning.InvalidRpc": "Kicked {0} because an invalid RPC was received.\nPlease check that no mods other than TOHE are installed.",
- "Warning.NoModHost": "TOHE is not installed on the host",
+ "Warning.InvalidRpc": "Kicked {0} because an invalid RPC was received.\nPlease check that no Mods other than TOHE are installed.",
+ "Warning.NoModHost": "TOHE is not installed on the Host",
"Warning.MismatchedVersion": "{0} has a different version of {1}",
- "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "The host has no or a different version of {0}\nYou will be kicked in {1}",
- "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "The use of the console is prohibited\nso your console has been off",
+ "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "The Host has no or a different version of {0}\nYou will be kicked in {1}",
+ "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "The use of the Console is prohibited\nso your Console has been off",
"Error.MeetingException": "Error: {0}\r\nPlease use SHIFT+M+ENTER to end the meeting",
"Error.InvalidRoleAssignment": "Error: Invalid role found for a player during role assignment({0})",
"Error.InvalidColor": "Error: Only default colors are available",
@@ -2374,7 +2558,7 @@
"ERR-000-910-1": "Test Error Lv.1",
"ERR-000-920-2": "Test Error Lv.2",
"ERR-000-930-3": "Test Error Lv.3",
- "ERR-000-804-1": "Sorry, TOHE temporarily not support the Vanilla HnS, so mod unloaded",
+ "ERR-000-804-1": "Sorry, TOHE temporarily doesn't support vanilla Hide & Seek, so Mod unloaded",
"ERR-001-000-3": "Main dictionary has duplicated keys.",
"ERR-002-000-1": "Unsupported Among Us version. Please update Among Us",
"DefaultSystemMessageTitle": "SYSTEM MESSAGE",
@@ -2403,16 +2587,18 @@
"TabGroup.ModifierSettings": "Game Modifiers",
"TabGroup.CrewmateRoles": "Crewmate Roles",
"TabGroup.NeutralRoles": "Neutral Roles",
+ "TabGroup.CovenRoles": "Coven Roles",
"TabGroup.ImpostorRoles": "Impostor Roles",
"TabGroup.Addons": "Add-Ons",
- "TabMenuDescription_General": "Here you can configure the functions that are in the mod",
- "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "Here you can add, remove and change the settings of all roles or add-ons in the mod",
+ "TabMenuDescription_General": "Here you can configure the functions that are in the Mod",
+ "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "Here you can add, remove and change the settings of all Roles or Add-ons in the Mod",
"Experimental.Roles": "★ Experimental Roles (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
"ActiveRolesList": "Active Roles List",
"ForExample": "Example Use",
"ImpCanBeGuesser": "Impostors can become Guesser",
"CrewCanBeGuesser": "Crewmates can become Guesser",
"NeutralCanBeGuesser": "Neutrals can become Guesser",
+ "CovenCanBeGuesser": "Coven can become Guesser",
"CrewCanBeMundane": "Crewmates can become Mundane",
"NeutralCanBeMundane": "Neutrals can become Mundane",
"GuessedAsMundane": "You're Mundane.\nYou can't guess until you finish all the tasks",
@@ -2420,22 +2606,23 @@
"ImpCanBeInLove": "Impostors can be in love",
"CrewCanBeInLove": "Crewmates can be in love",
"NeutralCanBeInLove": "Neutrals can be in love",
+ "CovenCanBeInLove": "Coven can be in love",
"updateButton": "Update",
"updatePleaseWait": "Please Wait...",
- "updateManually": "Update failed.\nPlease try again or Update Manually.",
+ "updateManually": "Update failed.\nPlease try again or update manually.",
"updateInProgress": "Updating...",
"deletingFiles": "Deleting update files...",
- "updateRestart": "Update Finished!\nPlease restart the game.",
- "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "You can't join public rooms without the latest version.\nPlease Update.",
+ "updateRestart": "Update finished!\nPlease restart the game.",
+ "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "You can't join public rooms without the latest version.\nPlease update.",
"ModBrokenMessage": "The MOD file is damaged.\nPlease reinstall.",
"UnsupportedVersion": "Unsupported Among Us version.\nPlease Update Among Us",
"DisabledByProgram": "The program has disabled public rooms",
- "EnterVentToWin": "Enter Vent to Win!!",
+ "EnterVentToWin": "Enter a Vent to Win!!",
"EatenByPelican": "You're swallowed, waiting for the Pelican to die or a meeting",
"FireworkerPutPhase": "{0} Fireworker Left",
"FireworkerWaitPhase": "Wait for it...",
"FireworkerReadyFirePhase": "Fire!",
- "EnterVentWinCountDown": "Enter vent within {0} seconds to win!",
+ "EnterVentWinCountDown": "Enter a Vent within {0} seconds to win!",
"On": "ON",
"Off": "OFF",
"ColoredOn": "ON",
@@ -2444,11 +2631,7 @@
"WitchCurrentMode": "Current Mode",
"WitchModeKill": "Kill",
"WitchModeSpell": "Spell",
- "HexMasterModeHex": "Hex",
- "HexMasterModeKill": "Kill",
- "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "Poison",
"WitchModeDouble": "Double Click = Kill, Single Click = Spell",
- "HexMasterModeDouble": "Double Click = Kill, Single Click = Hex",
"BountyCurrentTarget": "Current Target",
"Roles": "Roles",
"Settings": "Settings",
@@ -2457,7 +2640,7 @@
"LastEndReason": "★ End Reason",
"KillLog": "Kill Log",
"MainRoleLog": "Role Convert Log",
- "Maximum": "Max",
+ "Maximum": "Maximum",
"RoleRate": "ON",
"RoleOn": "ALWAYS",
"RoleOff": "OFF",
@@ -2490,7 +2673,7 @@
"Preset_4": "Preset 4",
"Preset_5": "Preset 5",
"Standard": "Standard",
- "HidenSeekTOHE": "Hide And Seek",
+ "HidenSeekTOHE": "Hide & Seek",
"GameMode": "Game Mode",
"PressTabToNextPage": "Press Tab or Number for Next Page...",
"RoleSummaryText": "Role Summary:",
@@ -2577,7 +2760,7 @@
"IllegalColor": "Please enter the correct color",
"DisableUseCommand": "The Host's settings do not allow this command to be used.",
"SureUse.quit": "We will kick you and block you from entering this lobby again. This setting is irreversible. If you really want it, please send the command /qt {0}",
- "PlayerIdList": "List of player IDs: ",
+ "PlayerIdList": "List of player ID's: ",
"CancelStartCountDown": "The starting countdown was canceled",
"RestTOHESetting": "TOHE settings have been restored to default",
"FPSSetTo": "FPS Set To: {0}",
@@ -2602,13 +2785,13 @@
"Yes": "Yes",
"No": "No",
"AntiBlackOutLoggerSendInGame": "Because of an unknown error, the game will end to prevent a black screen.",
- "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "An error occurred to prevent a black screen. Do a «/dump» and send the logs to the discord server TOHE in «bug-reports» and we will try to fix it.",
- "EndWhenPlayerBug": "End the game when a modded player gets a critical error (While loading)",
+ "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "An error occurred to prevent a black screen. Do a «/dump» and send the logs to the Discord server TOHE in «bug-reports» and we will try to fix it.",
+ "EndWhenPlayerBug": "End the game when a Modded player gets a critical error (While loading)",
"AntiBlackOutRequestHostToForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen. The game will end",
- "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen, and the host is not going to end the game\nYou will be disconnected soon",
+ "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen, and the Host is not going to end the game\nYou will be disconnected soon",
"RpcAntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred. To prevent a black screen, turn off [{1}] in settings.",
"RpcAntiBlackOutEndGame": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred, the game will end to prevent a black screen.",
- "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred, RPC will be ignored.",
+ "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred, but the game will continue without that player due to Host settings.",
"RpcAntiBlackOutKicked": "{0} was kicked due to having a blackout error on its side.",
"NextPage": "Next Page",
"PreviousPage": "Previous Page",
@@ -2630,7 +2813,7 @@
"ExiledInnocentTargetAddBelow": "\nLooking back at the Innocent counts the money in their hands",
"ExiledInnocentTargetInOneLine": "{0} was the {1}.\nBut looking back, there's the Innocent counting the money in their hands....\nGG!",
"ExiledDeath": "{0} was {1}!\nThe Crew has been saved from Armageddon!",
- "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} was the {1}.\nBut they were not Death...\nDeath has claimed the souls of the Crew!",
+ "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} was the {1}.\nBut they were not Death...\nDeath has claimed the Souls of the Crew!\nGG!",
"IsGood": "{0} was a good guy",
"BelongTo": "{0} belongs to {1}",
"PlayerIsRole": "{0} was The {1}",
@@ -2643,15 +2826,16 @@
"NeutralRemain": "\n{0} Neutral Killers remain",
"OneNeutralRemain": "\n{0} Neutral Killer remains",
"ApocRemain": "\n{0} Neutral Apocalypse remains",
- "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "All Impostors and Neutral Killers were ejected or killed",
+ "CovenRemain": "\n{0} Coven remain",
+ "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "All Impostors and Neutral Killers and Coven were ejected or killed",
"GameOverReason.HumansByTask": "The Crewmates completed all tasks",
"GameOverReason.HumansDisconnect": "Crewmates disconnected",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByVote": "The Crewmates were ejected",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByKill": "The Impostors killed everyone",
- "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "Crewmates failed to fix a critical sabotage",
+ "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "Crewmates failed to fix a Critical Sabotage",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorDisconnect": "Impostors disconnected",
"FortuneTellerCheck.TaskDone": "[{0}]Role -[{1}]",
- "DevAndSpnTitle": "TOHE family",
+ "DevAndSpnTitle": "TOHE Family",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Null": "{0} is a role that is not listed.\nThis message should not appear normally.",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Result": "{0} is either one of the following roles:\n{1}",
"SunnyboyChance": "Sunnyboy Chance",
@@ -2687,18 +2871,18 @@
"DeathCmd.Misfired": "You misfired.",
"DeathCmd.Shrouded": "You were shrouded by a Shroud and didn't make a kill, so you suicided.",
"DeathCmd.Lovers": "Your lover had died.",
- "RpsCommandInfo": "This Command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rps X to play Rock Paper Scissors with the system. X can be 0 (rock), 1 (paper) or 2 (scissors). \n\nExample :- /rps 0",
+ "RpsCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rps X to play Rock Paper Scissors with the system. X can be 0 (rock), 1 (paper) or 2 (scissors). \n\nExample :- /rps 0",
"RpsDraw": "I choose {0}\n\nWow, what an intense battle of wits we just had! It's almost as if we're equally matched in this game of sheer luck and randomness.",
"RpsLose": "I choose {0}\n\nWell, well, well, looks like I've managed to outsmart a human again in this highly complex game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. I guess my unbeatable powers strike again! ",
- "RpsWin": "I choose {0}\n\nOh, congratulations! You must have a crystal ball hidden behind that screen to beat me at Rock, Paper, Scissors. Or maybe I have the world's worst luck algorithm.",
- "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "This Command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.",
+ "RpsWin": "I choose {0}\n\nOh, congratulations! You must have a Crystal Ball hidden behind that screen to beat me at Rock, Paper, Scissors. Or maybe I have the world's worst luck algorithm.",
+ "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.",
"CoinFlipResult": "Drumroll, please... After an intense battle of gravity and randomness, the coin has decided to grace us with its presence! And the majestic winner is... (wait for it) ... the one and only... {0}! Who could have seen that coming?! Clearly, a momentous occasion in the history of coin flips.",
- "GNoCommandInfo": "This Command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /gno X to play guess a number. X can be a number between 0 and 99 (both included). \n\nYou get maximum of 7 tries to guess the number.\n\n Example:- /gno 10",
+ "GNoCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /gno X to play guess a number. X can be a number between 0 and 99 (both included). \n\nYou get maximum of 7 tries to guess the number.\n\n Example:- /gno 10",
"GNoLost": "Oh, you were so close! Just one more guess: you might have deciphered the Da Vinci code! By the way, the secret number was... {0}! But hey, you were only off by a few billion possibilities. Better luck next time, Sherlock! ",
"GNoLow": "Oh, you're really nailing this! It's so low. I almost need a shovel to dig it up!\nYou have {0} guesses left!",
"GNoHigh": "Oh, absolutely! You're getting warmer. In fact, it's so high that I need a telescope to see it from here! \nYou have {0} guesses left!",
"GNoWon": "Oh, how did you ever figure that out? It's almost like you're a mind reader! Congratulations, you're a genius! You found the secret number with {0} guesses left!",
- "RandCommandInfo": "This Command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rand X Y to get a number between X and Y, inclusive. \nX and Y can be any number between 0 and 2147483647, including both numbers.\nX must be less than Y.\n\nExample:- /rand 0 99",
+ "RandCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rand X Y to get a number between X and Y, inclusive. \nX and Y can be any number between 0 and 2147483647, including both numbers.\nX must be less than Y.\n\nExample:- /rand 0 99",
"RandResult": "Congratulations, your random number is {0}! Wasn't that fun?",
"8BallTitle": "The Magic 8 Ball Reveals...",
"8BallYes": "Yes",
@@ -2709,7 +2893,7 @@
"8BallNotLikely": "Outlook not so good",
"8BallLikely": "Outlook good",
"8BallDontCount": "Don't count on it",
- "8BallStop": "Stop using an 8Ball in an Among Us mod",
+ "8BallStop": "Stop using an 8Ball in an Among Us Mod",
"8BallPossibly": "Possibly",
"8BallProbably": "Probably",
"8BallProbablyNot": "Probably not",
@@ -2718,20 +2902,20 @@
"8BallWithoutDoubt": "Without a doubt",
"8BallWithDoubt": "Very doubtful",
"ChanceToMiss": "Chance to miss a kill",
- "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "Required number of souls",
+ "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "Required number of Souls",
"SoulCollectorTarget": "You have predicted the death of {0}",
"SoulCollectorTitle": "SOUL COLLECTOR",
- "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "Can collect their own soul",
- "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "Host settings do not allow you to collect your own soul",
+ "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "Can collect their own Soul",
+ "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "Host settings do not allow you to collect your own Soul",
"SoulCollectorToDeath": "You have become Death!!!",
"SoulCollectorTransform": "Now Soul Collector has become Death, Destroyer of Worlds and Horseman of the Apocalypse!
Find them and vote them out before they bring forth Armageddon!",
- "GetPassiveSouls": "Gain a passive soul every round",
- "PassiveSoulGained": "You have gained a passive soul from the underworld.",
+ "GetPassiveSouls": "Gain a passive Soul every round",
+ "PassiveSoulGained": "You have gained a passive Soul from the underworld.",
"SoulCollectorTargetUsed": "You've already targeted someone this round!",
"SoulCollectorSoulGained": "Soul gained",
"SoulCollectorCanVent": "Soul Collector can Vent",
"DeathMeetingTimeIncrease": "Increased Meeting time when Death exists",
- "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "Your target has died during the meeting. You have gained a soul.",
+ "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "Your target has died during the meeting. You have gained a Soul.",
"SoulCollectorKillButtonText": "Predict",
"SoulCollectorHasImpostorVision": "Soul Collector has Impostor vision",
"ApocalypseIsNigh": "[ The Apocalypse Is Nigh! ]",
@@ -2754,21 +2938,21 @@
"BakerBreadGivesEffects": "Bread gives additional effects",
"BakerTransformNoMoreBread": "Baker transforms if they do not have enough bread",
"FamineKillButtonText": "Starve",
- "FamineStarveCooldown": "Famine starve cooldown",
+ "FamineStarveCooldown": "Famine Starve Cooldown",
"FamineCantStarveApoc": "You cannot starve other Apocalypse members!",
"FamineAlreadyStarved": "That player has already been starved!",
"FamineStarved": "Player starved",
"ChronomancerKillCooldown": "Ability Charge Time",
"ChronomancerDecreaseTime": "Slaughter Decrease Time (lower is faster)",
"ChronomancerStartMassacre": "SLAUGHTER: ACTIVATED",
- "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "Vision When In Slaughter",
+ "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "Vision When in Slaughter",
"ShamanButtonText": "Voodoo",
- "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "You have already selected a voodoo doll in this round",
+ "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "You have already selected a Voodoo Doll in this round",
"Shaman_KillerCannotMurderChosenTarget": "The killer cannot murder chosen target",
"VoodooCooldown": "Voodoo Cooldown",
"AdminWarning": "Admin Table in use!",
"VitalsWarning": "Vitals in use!",
- "DoorlogWarning": "Doorlogs in use!",
+ "DoorlogWarning": "DoorLogs in use!",
"CameraWarning": "Cameras in use!",
"MinWaitAutoStart": "Minutes to wait before auto-starting",
"MaxWaitAutoStart": "Force start when Lobby Timer (in minutes) goes below",
@@ -2789,39 +2973,39 @@
"TimeMasterVentButtonText": "Time Shield",
"BodyCannotBeReported": "Body could not be reported",
"BurstKillDelay": "Burst Kill Delay",
- "BurstNotify": "That was a Burst! Get in a vent or die.",
+ "BurstNotify": "That was a Burst! Get in a Vent or die.",
"BurstFailed": "Burst failed to bomb you",
"ShroudButtonText": "Shroud",
"ShroudCooldown": "Shroud Cooldown",
"Message.Shrouded": "One or more players were shrouded by a Shroud!\n\nGet rid of the Shroud or all shrouded players will suicide!",
- "LudopathRandomKillCD": "Maximum kill cooldown",
+ "LudopathRandomKillCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
"UnderdogMaximumPlayersNeededToKill": "Maximum players needed to start killing",
"GodfatherTargetCountMode": "Killer turns into",
"GodfatherCount_Refugee": "Refugee",
"GodfatherCount_Madmate": "Madmate",
"GodfatherRefugeeMsg": "You have been recruited by GodFather!",
- "MissChance": "Chance To Miss",
- "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "Increase The KillCount +1 If a Crew Is Converted",
+ "MissChance": "Chance to Miss",
+ "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "Increase the KillCount +1 if a Crewmate is Converted",
"HawkMissed": "Missed!",
- "HawkCanKillNum": "Max Slices",
+ "HawkCanKillNum": "Maximum Slices",
"HawkKillMax": "You've run out of ability uses",
"HawkKillTooManyDead": "Too many people are dead",
- "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "Minimum Players Alive To Kill",
- "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "Max BloodLettings",
+ "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "Minimum Players Alive to Kill",
+ "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "Maximum BloodLettings",
"BloodMoonTimeTilDie": "Time Until Death",
"PossessorPossessCooldown": "Possession Cooldown",
"PossessorPossessDuration": "Possession Duration",
"PossessorAlertRange": "Alert Range",
"PossessorFocusRange": "Focus Range",
"DeathTimer": "Death In: {DeathTimer}s",
- "BerserkerKillCooldown": "Berserker kill cooldown",
- "BerserkerMax": "Max level that Berserker can reach",
+ "BerserkerKillCooldown": "Berserker Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerMax": "Maximum level that Berserker can reach",
"BerserkerHasImpostorVision": "Berserker Has Impostor Vision",
"WarHasImpostorVision": "War Has Impostor Vision",
"BerserkerCanVent": "Berserker Can Vent",
"WarCanVent": "War Can Vent",
- "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "Unlock lower kill cooldown",
- "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "Kill cooldown after unlocking",
+ "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "Unlock lower Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after unlocking",
"BerserkerTwoCanScavenger": "Unlock scavenged kills",
"BerserkerThreeCanBomber": "Unlock bombed kills",
"BerserkerFourCanNotKill": "Become War",
@@ -2831,7 +3015,7 @@
"KilledByBerserker": "Killed by Berserker",
"BerserkerToWar": "You have become War!!!",
"BerserkerTransform": "The Berserker has transformed into War, Horseman of the Apocalypse! Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war.",
- "WarKillCooldown": "War kill cooldown",
+ "WarKillCooldown": "War Kill Cooldown",
"BerserkerCanKillTeamate": "Can kill other Neutral Apocalypse",
"BlackmailerSkillCooldown": "Blackmail Cooldown",
"BlackmailerMax": "Maximum times blackmailed players may speak",
@@ -2839,7 +3023,7 @@
"BlackmaileKillTitle": "BLACKMAILER",
"UnluckyTaskSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from doing tasks",
"UnluckyKillSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from killing",
- "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from venting",
+ "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from Venting",
"UnluckyReportSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from reporting bodies",
"UnluckyOpenDoorSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from opening a door",
"NeutralCanBeAware": "Neutrals can become Aware",
@@ -2860,7 +3044,7 @@
"PenguinKillButtonText": "Drag",
"PenguinTimerText": "Drag Timer",
"PenguinTargetOnCheckMurder": "You are grabbed. Try to escape that first!",
- "WitnessTime": "Max Time after killing where killer appears red",
+ "WitnessTime": "Maximum Time after killing where killer appears red",
"WitnessButtonText": "Examine",
"WitnessFoundInnocent": "✓",
"WitnessFoundKiller": "⚠",
@@ -2871,7 +3055,7 @@
"SwapVote": "The votes of {0} and {1} were swapped!",
"SwapDead": "Sorry, you can't swap votes after death.",
"SwapNull": "Please choose the ID of a living player to swap votes with. Use 253 to clear swaps",
- "SwapHelp": "Command Format: /sw [playerID] to select the target\nYou can see the player IDs next to the player names or use /id to see the player ID list.\nUse /swap 253 to clear your previous swap",
+ "SwapHelp": "Command Format: /sw [player ID] to select the target\nYou can see the player ID's next to the player names or use /id to see the player ID list.\nUse /swap 253 to clear your previous swap",
"Swap1": "Swap target 1 selected",
"Swap2": "Swap target 2 selected",
"CancelSwap": "Cleared your previous swap!",
@@ -2883,6 +3067,7 @@
"ImpCanKillFragile": "Impostors can force kill Fragile",
"NeutralCanKillFragile": "Neutrals can force kill Fragile",
"CrewCanKillFragile": "Crewmates can force kill Fragile",
+ "CovenCanKillFragile": "Coven can force kill Fragile",
"FragileKillerLunge": "Killer lunges on kill",
"CrusaderSkillLimit": "Maximum Crusades",
"CrusaderSkillCooldown": "Crusade Cooldown",
@@ -2893,11 +3078,11 @@
"ChanceToSpawn": "Chance to spawn",
"ChanceToSpawnAnother": "Chance to spawn another",
"BloodthirstKillCD": "Bloodthirst Kill Cooldown",
- "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "Max players alive for Bloodthirst",
+ "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "Maximum players alive for Bloodthirst",
"ReflectHarmfulInteractions": "Reflect harmful interactions",
- "DiseasedCDOpt": "Increase the cooldown by",
+ "DiseasedCDOpt": "Increase the Cooldown by",
"DiseasedCDReset": "Cooldown returns to normal after a meeting",
- "AntidoteCDOpt": "Decrease the cooldown by",
+ "AntidoteCDOpt": "Decrease the Cooldown by",
"AntidoteCDReset": "Cooldown returns to normal after a meeting",
"GlowRadius": "Glow Radius",
"GlowVisionOthers": "Vision Boost for nearby Players",
@@ -2914,10 +3099,10 @@
"PunchingBagKill": "You were attacked!",
"SelfGuessPunchingBag": "You can't self-guess as a Punching Bag, you cheater!",
"GuessPunchingBagBlocked": "Punching Bag cannot guess due to self-guessing.",
- "EradicatePunchingBag": "You just tried to terminate punching bag, that is not allowed.",
+ "EradicatePunchingBag": "You just tried to terminate Punching Bag, that is not allowed.",
"RememberCooldown": "Imitate Cooldown",
"RefugeeKillCD": "Refugee's Kill Cooldown",
- "RememberedNeutralKiller": "You remembered you were a neutral killer!",
+ "RememberedNeutralKiller": "You remembered you were a Neutral killer!",
"RememberedMaverick": "You remembered you were a Maverick!",
"RememberedPursuer": "You remembered you were a Pursuer!",
"RememberedFollower": "You remembered you were a Follower!",
@@ -2926,12 +3111,12 @@
"ReportWhenFailedRemember": "Report Dead Body when failed to remember",
"RememberedImitator": "You remembered you were an Imitator.",
"RememberedImpostor": "You remembered you were an Impostor!",
- "RememberedCrewmate": "You remembered you were a crewmate!",
+ "RememberedCrewmate": "You remembered you were a Crewmate!",
"ImitatorImitated": "An Imitator imitated your role!",
"ImitatorInvalidTarget": "Imitation failed",
"RememberButtonText": "Remember",
"ImitatorKillButtonText": "Imitate",
- "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "If neutral is incompatible, turn into",
+ "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "If Neutral is incompatible, turn into",
"RememberedYourRole": "An Amnesiac remembered your role!",
"YouRememberedRole": "You remembered who you were!",
"BanditStealMode": "Steal Mode",
@@ -2939,23 +3124,19 @@
"BanditStealMode_Instantly": "Instantly",
"BanditMaxSteals": "Maximum Steals",
"BanditCanStealBetrayalAddon": "Can Steal Betrayal Add-ons",
- "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "Can Steal Impostor Only Addons",
- "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "Could not steal add-on from the player",
- "BanditStealCooldown": "Steal cooldown",
+ "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "Can Steal Impostor Only Add-ons",
+ "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "Could not steal Add-on from the player",
+ "BanditStealCooldown": "Steal Cooldown",
"DoppelMaxSteals": "Maximum Steals",
- "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "Last victim can see role and add-on info of alive players as a ghost",
- "NecromancerRevengeTime": "Necromancy time",
- "NecromancerRevenge": "You have {0}s to kill {1}",
- "NecromancerSuccess": "Necromancy complete! You live to see another day.",
- "NecromancerHide": "Venting is disabled, hide from the Necromancer!",
- "RetributionistDeadMsg": "The death of the Retributionist means the beginning of retribution. \nPlease use /ret + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player IDs in front of their names. \nOr type /ret to get a list of player IDs",
+ "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "Last victim can see Role and Add-on info of alive players as a ghost",
+ "RetributionistDeadMsg": "The death of the Retributionist means the beginning of retribution. \nPlease use /ret + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /ret to get a list of player ID's",
"RetributionistAliveKill": "Retribution for the Retributionist may only begin after their death.",
"RetributionistKillMax": "You've reached the maximum amount of kills. You can't kill anymore!",
"RetributionistKillDead": "Choose a living player to kill.",
"RetributionistKillSucceed": "{0} was killed by the Retributionist!",
"RetributionistKillDisable": "You can't retribute until your tasks are done.",
"CanOnlyRetributeWithTasksDone": "Can only retribute on task completion",
- "RetributionistCanKillNum": "Max retributions",
+ "RetributionistCanKillNum": "Maximum retributions",
"RetributionistKillTooManyDead": "Too many players are dead. You can't retribute.",
"MinimumPlayersAliveToRetri": "Minimum players alive to retribute",
"MinimumNoKillerEjectsToKill": "Minimum meetings passed with no killer ejects to kill",
@@ -2974,37 +3155,39 @@
"CaptainCanTargetNC": "Captain can target Neutral Chaos",
"CaptainCanTargetNA": "Captain can target Neutral Apocalypse",
"CaptainCanTargetNK": "Captain can target Neutral Killer",
+ "CaptainCanTargetCoven": "Captain can target Coven",
"CaptainSpeedReduced": "Captain reduced your speed",
"CaptainRevealTaskRequired": "Number of tasks completed after which Captain is revealed",
"CaptainSlowTaskRequired": "Number of tasks completed after which target speed is reduced",
"InspectorTryHideMsg": "Hide Inspector's commands",
- "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "Max inspections per game",
- "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "Max inspections per meeting",
+ "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "Maximum inspections per game",
+ "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum inspections per meeting",
"InspectCheckTargetKnow": "Targets know they were checked by Inspector",
"InspectCheckOtherTargetKnow": "Targets know who they were checked with",
"InspectorDead": "You can not use your power after death",
- "InspectCheckMax": "Max inspections per game reached!\nYou can not use your power anymore.",
- "InspectCheckRound": "Max inspections per round reached!\nYou can check again in the next round.",
+ "InspectCheckMax": "Maximum inspections per game reached!\nYou can not use your power anymore.",
+ "InspectCheckRound": "Maximum inspections per round reached!\nYou can check again in the next round.",
"InspectCheckSelf": "HA!! You thought it would be this easy. You can not check yourself",
"InspectCheckReveal": "HA! You thought it would be this easy. You can not check a role that is revealed",
"InspectCheckTitle": "INSPECTOR ",
"InspectCheckTrue": "{0} and {1} are in the same team!",
"InspectCheckFalse": "{0} and {1} are NOT in the same team!",
"InspectCheckTargetMsg": " were checked by Inspector.",
- "InspectCheckHelp": "Instructions: /cmp [Player ID 1] [Player ID 2] \nExample: /cmp 1 5 \nYou can see the player IDs before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player IDs",
+ "InspectCheckHelp": "Instructions: /cmp [Player ID 1] [Player ID 2] \nExample: /cmp 1 5 \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"InspectCheckNull": "Please select an ID of a living player to check their team",
"InspectCheckBaitCountMode": "Bait counts as revealing role if Bait reveal on first meeting is on",
"InspectCheckRevealTarget": "When tasks are done, the target knows the team of the other target",
"InspectorTargetReveal": " Looks like {0} is aligned with team {1}",
"EgoistCountMode.Original": "Original",
"EgoistCountMode.Neutral": "Neutral",
- "JailerJailCooldown": "Jail cooldown",
+ "JailerJailCooldown": "Jail Cooldown",
"JailerMaxExecution": "Maximum executions",
"JailerNBCanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Benign",
"JailerNCCanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Chaos",
"JailerNECanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Evil",
"JailerNKCanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Killing",
"JailerNACanBeExe": "Can execute Neutral Apocalypse",
+ "JailerCovenCanBeExe": "Can execute Coven",
"JailerCKCanBeExe": "Can execute Crew Killing",
"JailerTargetAlreadySelected": "You have already selected a target",
"SuccessfullyJailed": "Target successfully jailed",
@@ -3013,40 +3196,43 @@
"CanNotTrialJailed": "You can not trial the target.",
"notifyJailedOnMeeting": "Notify jailed player when a meeting starts",
"JailedNotifyMsg": "The Jailer has jailed you. No one can guess or judge you. You can only guess The Jailer.\n\nIf Jailer votes you, you will be executed after the meeting ends.",
- "JailerTitle": "Jailer",
- "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "Copy cooldown",
+ "JailerTitle": "JAILER",
+ "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "Copy Cooldown",
"CopyCatRoleChange": "Your role has been changed to {0}",
"CopyCatCanNotCopy": "You can not copy the target's role",
"CopyButtonText": "Copy",
- "CopyCrewVar": "Can copy evil variants of crew roles",
- "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "Can copy team changing add-on",
- "MaxCleanserUses": "Max cleanses",
+ "CopyCrewVar": "Can copy evil variants of Crewmate roles",
+ "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "Can copy team changing Add-on",
+ "MaxCleanserUses": "Maximum Cleanses",
"CleansedCanGetAddon": "Cleansed player can get Add-on",
"CleanserTitle": "CLEANSER",
"CleanserRemoveSelf": "You can not cleanse yourself",
- "CleanserCantRemove": "Oops! the player can not be cleansed.",
+ "CleanserCantRemove": "Oops! the player can not be Cleansed.",
"CleanserRemovedRole": "{0} has been cleansed. All their Add-ons will be removed after the meeting.\n\nYour vote has been returned and you can vote for someone.",
- "LostAddonByCleanser": "The cleanser removed all your Add-ons",
- "MaxProtections": "Max protections",
+ "LostAddonByCleanser": "The Cleanser removed all your Add-ons",
+ "MaxProtections": "Maximum Protections",
"KeeperHideVote": "Hide Keeper's vote",
"KeeperProtect": "You chose to protect {0}, your vote has been returned",
- "KeeperTitle": "Keeper",
+ "KeeperTitle": "KEEPER",
"MaulRadius": "Maul Radius",
"ImpKnowCyberDead": "Impostors know if Cyber died",
"CrewKnowCyberDead": "Crewmates know if Cyber died",
"NeutralKnowCyberDead": "Neutrals know if Cyber died",
+ "CovenKnowCyberDead": "Coven know if Cyber died",
"CyberKnown": "Everyone can see Cyber",
"KillerGetBewilderVision": "Killer gets Bewilder's vision",
"ImpCanBeOiiai": "Impostors can be OIIAI",
"CrewCanBeOiiai": "Crewmates can be OIIAI",
"NeutralCanBeOiiai": "Neutrals can be OIIAI",
+ "CovenCanBeOiiai": "Coven can be OIIAI",
"OiiaiCanPassOn": "OIIAI can pass on to the killer",
"NeutralChangeRolesForOiiai": "Neutrals turns to ",
"LostRoleByOiiai": "You got erased by OIIAI!",
"ImpCanBeLoyal": "Impostors can become Loyal",
"CrewCanBeLoyal": "Crewmates can become Loyal",
+ "CovenCanBeLoyal": "Coven can become Loyal",
"TasklessCrewCanBeLazy": "Crewmates without tasks can be Lazy",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "Task based crewmates can be Lazy",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "Task based Crewmates can be Lazy",
"SheriffCanBeMadmate": "Sheriff can become Madmate",
"MayorCanBeMadmate": "Mayor can become Madmate",
"NGuesserCanBeMadmate": "Nice Guesser can become Madmate",
@@ -3062,20 +3248,21 @@
"GanJudgeCanBeMadmate": "Judge can be converted",
"GanMarshallCanBeMadmate": "Marshall can be converted",
"GanOverseerCanBeMadmate": "Overseer can be converted",
- "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "Appear As Madmate On Ejection",
+ "GanCovenCanBeMadmate": "Coven can be converted",
+ "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "Appear as Madmate on Ejection",
"CouncillorDead": "Sorry, you can't murder from the dead.",
"CouncillorMurderMaxMeeting": "Sorry, you've reached the maximum amount of murders for the meeting.",
"CouncillorMurderMaxGame": "Sorry, you've reached the maximum amount of murders for the game.",
"Councillor_LaughToWhoMurderSelf": "Hahaha, who would've thought someone was stupid enough to murder themselves?\n\nGuess it happens to be... YOU!",
"Councillor_MurderKill": "{0} was murdered.",
- "Councillor_MurderHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' IDs before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player IDs.",
+ "Councillor_MurderHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Councillor_MurderNull": "Please choose a living player to murder.",
"Councillor_MurderKillTitle": "WICKED COURT ",
"CouncillorMakeEvilJudgeClear": "Show Trial as Councillor Murder",
"Councillor_CannotMurderImpTeam": "Sorry, you can not murder your teammate.",
"Councillor_SuicideForMurderImps": "You died because you are trying to murder your team members.",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Kills Per Meeting",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "Maximum Kills Per Game",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Kills per Meeting",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "Maximum Kills per Game",
"CouncillorCanMurderMadmate": "Can Murder Madmates",
"CouncillorCanMurderImpostor": "Can Murder Impostors",
"CouncillorSuicideOnJudgeImpTeam": "Suicide when judge Impostors Team Wrongly",
@@ -3083,12 +3270,12 @@
"CouncillorTryHideMsg": "Try to hide Councillor's commands",
"DazzlerDazzled": "You were dazzled by the Dazzler!",
"DazzlerCauseVision": "Reduced vision",
- "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "Max number of players affected by reduced vision",
+ "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "Maximum number of players affected by reduced vision",
"DazzlerResetDazzledVisionOnDeath": "Reset vision of dazzled players on death/eject",
"DazzleCooldown": "Dazzle Cooldown",
"DazzleButtonText": "Dazzle",
"MoleVentButtonText": "Dig",
- "MoleVentCooldown": "Dig cooldown",
+ "MoleVentCooldown": "Dig Cooldown",
"AddictVentButtonText": "Get Fix",
"AddictInvulnerbilityTimeAfterVent": "Invulnerability Time",
"AddictSpeedWhileInvulnerble": "Movement speed while Invulnerable",
@@ -3102,13 +3289,13 @@
"AlchemistVentButtonText": "Drink",
"AlchemistGotShieldPotion": "Potion of Resistance: Grants a temporary shield",
"AlchemistGotSightPotion": "Potion of Night Vision: Gives temporary enhanced vision",
- "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "Potion of Fixing: Allows you to fix one sabotage instantly",
+ "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "Potion of Fixing: Allows you to fix one Sabotage instantly",
"AlchemistGotTPPotion": "Potion of Warping: Teleports you to a random player",
"AlchemistGotSuicidePotion": "Potion of Poison: Poisons you",
"AlchemistGotSpeedPotion": "Potion Of Speed: Hastens you",
"AlchemistGotBloodthirstPotion": "Potion of Harming: Kill the next player you touch",
"AlchemistGotInvisibility": "Potion of Invisibility: Become Invisible",
- "NoPotion": "You have no potions",
+ "NoPotion": "You have no Potions",
"StoreShield": "Potion of Resistance",
"StoreSuicide": "Potion of Poison",
"StoreTP": "Potion of Warping",
@@ -3124,22 +3311,22 @@
"AlchemistHasVision": "Potion of Night Vision started",
"AlchemistShieldOut": "Potion of Resistance ended",
"AlchemistVisionOut": "Potion of Night Vision ended",
- "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "You gained bloodthirst",
+ "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "You gained Bloodthirst",
"AlchemistHasSpeed": "Potion Of Speed started",
"AlchemistSpeedOut": "Potion Of Speed ended",
- "DeathpactDuration": "Death Pact duration",
- "DeathPactCooldown": "Death Pact Assign Cooldown",
- "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "Number of players in Death Pact",
- "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "Show arrows leading to other players in Death Pact",
- "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "Reduce vision for players in Death Pact",
- "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "Vision for players in Death Pact",
- "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "Kill players in Death Pact on meeting",
- "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "Players in active Death Pact can call meeting",
+ "DeathpactDuration": "Deathpact Duration",
+ "DeathPactCooldown": "Deathpact Assign Cooldown",
+ "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "Number of players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "Show arrows leading to other players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "Reduce vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "Vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "Kill players in Deathpact on meeting",
+ "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "Players in active Deathpact can call meeting",
"DeathpactActiveDeathpact": "Find {0} in {1} seconds.",
- "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "Target can't be added to Death Pact.",
- "DeathpactComplete": "Death Pact was concluded.",
- "DeathpactExecuted": "Death Pact was executed.",
- "DeathpactAverted": "Death Pact was averted.",
+ "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "Target can't be added to Deathpact.",
+ "DeathpactComplete": "Deathpact was concluded.",
+ "DeathpactExecuted": "Deathpact was executed.",
+ "DeathpactAverted": "Deathpact was averted.",
"DeathpactButtonText": "Assign",
"DevourerHideNameConsumed": "Hide the names of consumed players",
"DevourCooldown": "Devour Cooldown",
@@ -3167,7 +3354,6 @@
"PitfallTrapCauseVisionTime": "Trap caused vision time",
"PitfallTrap": "You have fallen into a trap!",
"ConsigliereDivinationMaxCount": "Maximum Reveals",
- "RitualMaxCount": "Maximum Reveals",
"CleanserHideVote": "Hide Cleanser's vote",
"OracleSkillLimit": "Maximum Uses",
"OracleHideVote": "Hide Oracle's vote",
@@ -3175,17 +3361,18 @@
"OracleCheckSelfMsg": "You can't even trust yourself, huh?",
"OracleCheckLimit": "Reminder: You have {0} uses left",
"OracleCheckMsgTitle": "ORACLE ",
- "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "Appears not to be a crewmate",
- "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "Appears to be a crewmate",
- "OracleCheck.Neutral": "Appears to be a neutral",
+ "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "Appears not to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "Appears to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Neutral": "Appears to be a Neutral",
"OracleCheck.Impostor": "Appears to be an Impostor",
+ "OracleCheck.Coven": "Appears to be Coven",
"OracleCheck": "Target Results:",
"FailChance": "Chance of showing incorrect result",
- "OracleCheckAddons": "Oracle checks add-ons",
+ "OracleCheckAddons": "Oracle checks Add-ons",
"ChameleonCanVent": "Vent to disguise",
"ChameleonInvisState": "You are disguising!",
"ChameleonInvisStateOut": "Your disguise ended",
- "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on cooldown, disguise failed",
+ "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, disguise failed",
"ChameleonInvisStateCountdown": "Disguise will expire in {0}s",
"ChameleonInvisCooldownRemain": "Disguise Cooldown: {0}s",
"ChameleonCooldown": "Disguise Cooldown",
@@ -3200,11 +3387,12 @@
"CursedSoulCurseCooldownIncrese": "Soul Snatch Cooldown Increase",
"CursedSoulCurseMax": "Maximum Soul Snatches",
"CursedSoulKnowTargetRole": "Know the roles of Soulless players",
- "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "Neutral roles have souls",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "Neutral roles have Souls",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseCoven": "Coven roles have Souls",
"CursedSoulKillButtonText": "Snatch",
- "SoullessByCursedSoul": "A Cursed Soul snatched your soul",
+ "SoullessByCursedSoul": "A Cursed Soul snatched your Soul",
"CursedSoulSoullessPlayer": "Soul snatched",
- "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "No soul found",
+ "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "No Soul found",
"AdmireCooldown": "Admire Cooldown",
"AdmirerKnowTargetRole": "Know the roles of Admired players",
"AdmirerSkillLimit": "Skill Limit",
@@ -3213,7 +3401,7 @@
"AdmiredPlayer": "Player admired",
"AdmirerInvalidTarget": "Target cannot be admired",
"SpiritualistNoticeTitle": "SPIRITUALIST ",
- "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "The Spiritualist has an arrow pointing to you!\nYou can use them to a killer or frame a crewmate",
+ "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "The Spiritualist has an arrow pointing to you!\nYou can use them to a killer or frame a Crewmate",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowForSeconds": "Ghost arrow duration",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowEverySeconds": "Ghost arrow interval",
"EnigmaClueStage1Tasks": "Number of Tasks to complete to see Stage 1 Clues",
@@ -3251,11 +3439,12 @@
"EnigmaClueRole2": "The Killer is a Neutral!",
"EnigmaClueRole3": "The Killer is a Crewmate!",
"EnigmaClueRole4": "The Killer's Role is {0}!",
+ "EnigmaClueRole5": "The Killer is a Coven member!",
"EnigmaClueLevel1": "The Killer's Level is above 50!",
"EnigmaClueLevel2": "The Killer's Level is below 50!",
"EnigmaClueLevel3": "The Killer's Level is between {0} and {1}!",
"EnigmaClueLevel4": "The Killer's Level is {0}!",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "The Killer's Friendcode is {0}!",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "The Killer's Friend Code is {0}!",
"EnigmaClueHatTitle": "Enigma Hat Clue!",
"EnigmaClueVisorTitle": "Enigma Visor Clue!",
"EnigmaClueSkinTitle": "Enigma Skin Clue!",
@@ -3267,10 +3456,11 @@
"EnigmaClueStatusTitle": "Enigma Status Clue!",
"EnigmaClueRoleTitle": "Enigma Role Clue!",
"EnigmaClueLevelTitle": "Enigma Level Clue!",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "Enigma Friendcode Clue!",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "Enigma Friend Code Clue!",
"ImpCanBeRole": "Impostors can become {role}",
"CrewCanBeRole": "Crewmates can become {role}",
"NeutralCanBeRole": "Neutrals can become {role}",
+ "CovenCanBeRole": "Coven can become {role}",
"VotesPerKill": "Votes gained for each kill",
"PickpocketGetVote": "You've got {0} votes",
"VultureArrowsPointingToDeadBody": "Arrows pointing to dead bodies",
@@ -3281,7 +3471,7 @@
"VultureMaxEatenInOneRound": "Maximum eaten bodies possible per round",
"VultureCooldownUp": "Eat Cooldown finished",
"GhastlyPossessCD": "Possess Cooldown",
- "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "Max Possessions",
+ "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "Maximum Possessions",
"GhastlyPossessionDuration": "Possession Duration",
"GhastlySpeed": "Ghastly Speed",
"GhastlyKillAllies": "Ghastly cannot possess allies",
@@ -3294,7 +3484,7 @@
"GhastlyExpired": "{0} is no longer possessed",
"TasksMarkPerRound": "Number of tasks that can be marked in one round",
"TaskinatorBombPlanted": "Bomb has been planted",
- "ShieldDuration": "Shield duration",
+ "ShieldDuration": "Shield Duration",
"ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "Shield breaks after one kill attempt",
"BenefactorTaskMarked": "Task marked successfully",
"BenefactorTargetGotShield": "You got a shield by Benefactor",
@@ -3316,14 +3506,14 @@
"Heads": "Heads",
"Tails": "Tails",
"SpyRedNameDur": "Colored Name Duration",
- "SpyInteractionBlocked": "Block kill button interaction",
- "AgitaterBombCooldown": "Agitator bomb cooldown",
- "AgitaterPassCooldown": "Bomb pass cooldown",
- "BombExplodeCooldown": "Bomb explode cooldown",
+ "SpyInteractionBlocked": "Block Kill button interaction",
+ "AgitaterBombCooldown": "Agitator Bomb Cooldown",
+ "AgitaterPassCooldown": "Bomb Pass Cooldown",
+ "BombExplodeCooldown": "Bomb Explode Cooldown",
"AgitaterPassNotify": "Bomb successfully passed",
"AgitaterTargetNotify": "YOU HAVE THE BOMB!! Pass it to someone else",
"AgitaterCanGetBombed": "Agitator can get bomb",
- "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "Agitator Auto Report Bait",
+ "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "Agitator can Auto Report Bait",
"SeekerPointsToWin": "Number of points required to win",
"SeekerTagCooldown": "Tag Cooldown",
"SeekerNotify": "Your target is {0}",
@@ -3331,15 +3521,15 @@
"SeekerKillButtonText": "Tag",
"PixiePointsToWin": "Number of points required to win",
"MaxTargets": "Maximum number of targets per round",
- "MarkCooldown": "Mark cooldown",
+ "MarkCooldown": "Mark Cooldown",
"PixieSuicide": "Pixie suicides if the target is not voted out",
"PixieMaxTargetReached": "You have already selected all the targets this round",
"PixieTargetAlreadySelected": "Target is already selected",
"PixieButtonText": "Mark",
- "PlagueBearerCooldown": "Plague cooldown",
- "PlagueBearerCanVent": "Can vent",
+ "PlagueBearerCooldown": "Plague Cooldown",
+ "PlagueBearerCanVent": "Can Vent",
"PlagueBearerHasImpostorVision": "Has Impostor vision",
- "PestilenceCooldown": "Pestilence Kill cooldown",
+ "PestilenceCooldown": "Pestilence Kill Cooldown",
"PestilenceCanVent": "Pestilence Can Vent",
"PestilenceHasImpostorVision": "Pestilence Has Impostor Vision",
"PestilenceKillGuessers": "Kill players who guess Pestilence",
@@ -3365,24 +3555,25 @@
"RomanticProtectButtonText": "Protect",
"GuessMasterMisguess": "{0} misguessed",
"GuessMasterTargetRole": "Someone tried to guess {0}",
- "GuessMasterTitle": "Guess Master ",
+ "GuessMasterTitle": "GUESS MASTER ",
"DoomsayerAmountOfGuessesToWin": "Amount of Guesses to win",
"DCanGuessImpostors": "Can Guess Impostors",
"DCanGuessCrewmates": "Can Guess Crewmates",
"DCanGuessNeutrals": "Can Guess Neutrals",
+ "DCanGuessCoven": "Can Guess Coven",
"DCanGuessAdt": "Can Guess Add-Ons",
"DoomsayerAdvancedSettings": "Advanced Settings",
- "DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "Max number of guesses per meeting",
+ "DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "Maximum number of guesses per meeting",
"DoomsayerKillCorrectlyGuessedPlayers": "Kill correctly guessed players",
"DoomsayerDoesNotSuicideWhenMisguessing": "Doomsayer does not suicide when misguessing",
"DoomsayerMisguessRolePrevGuessRoleUntilNextMeeting": "Misguessing role prevents guessing roles until next meeting",
"DoomsayerTryHideMsg": "Hide Doomsayer's commands",
"DoomsayerCantGuess": "Sorry, you can only guess the roles in the next meeting.",
"DoomsayerCorrectlyGuessRole": "You guessed the role correctly!\nBut the player didn't die because the Host settings don't allow them to die",
- "DoomsayerNotCorrectlyGuessRole": "You didn't correctly guess the role!\nBut you didn't die because the Host's settings don't allow you to die",
- "DoomsayerGuessCountMsg": "You correctly guessed {0} roles",
+ "DoomsayerNotCorrectlyGuessRole": "You didn't correctly guess the Role!\nBut you didn't die because the Host's settings don't allow you to die",
+ "DoomsayerGuessCountMsg": "You correctly guessed {0} Roles",
"DoomsayerGuessCountTitle": "DOOMSAYER",
- "DoomsayerGuessSameRoleAgainMsg": "You tried to guess the same role or add-on that you guessed before",
+ "DoomsayerGuessSameRoleAgainMsg": "You tried to guess the same Role or Add-on that you guessed before",
"EveryoneCanKnowMini": "Everyone can see the Mini",
"CanBeEvil": "Mini can be an Impostor",
"EvilMiniSpawnChances": "Probability of Mini being an Impostor",
@@ -3410,26 +3601,26 @@
"YouKillRandomizer3": "You kill Randomizer, Kill CD change to 600s!",
"YouKillRandomizer4": "You kill Randomizer, Triggered Random Revenge!",
"MadmateCanBeHurried": "Madmate can be Hurried on game start",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeHurried": "Task-based Crews can be Hurried",
- "HurriedCanBeConverted": "Hurried can be recruited in the game (excludes madmate)",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeHurried": "Task-based Crewmates can be Hurried",
+ "HurriedCanBeConverted": "Hurried can be recruited in the game (excludes Madmate)",
"Developer": "Developer",
"Sponsor": "Sponsor",
"Booster": "Server Booster",
"Translator": "Translator",
"NoAccess": "Unauthorized Access!\n\n Please open up a ticket in the discord server to know more (discord.gg/tohe)",
"DCNotify.Hacking": "You were banned for hacking.\n\nPlease stop.",
- "DCNotify.Banned": "You were banned from this lobby.\n\nContact the host if this was a mistake.",
+ "DCNotify.Banned": "You were banned from this lobby.\n\nContact the Host if this was a mistake.",
"DCNotify.Kicked": "You were kicked from this lobby.\n\nYou may still rejoin.",
"DCNotify.DCFromServer": "You disconnected from the server.\r\nThis could be an issue with either the servers or your network.",
"DCNotify.GameNotFound": "This lobby code is invalid.\n\nCheck the code and/or server and try again.",
"DCNotify.GameStarted": "This lobby is currently in-game.\n\nWait for it to end or find a different lobby.",
- "DCNotify.GameFull": "This lobby is currently full.\n\nCheck with the host to see if you may join.",
+ "DCNotify.GameFull": "This lobby is currently full.\n\nCheck with the Host to see if you may join.",
"DCNotify.IncorrectVersion": "This lobby does not support your Among Us version.",
"DCNotify.Inactivity": "The lobby closed due to inactivity.",
"DCNotify.Auth": "You are not authenticated.\n\nYou may need to restart your game.",
"DCNotify.DupeLogin": "An instance of your account is already present in this lobby.",
"DCNotify.InvalidSettings": "Game settings have been detected to be invalid.\n\nEnter local play to reset them, then try again.",
- "ModeDescribe.SoloKombat": "Current mode is [Solo PVP]\nNo role assignment. Everyone has HP and can use the kill button to cause damage to other players. The player with the highest number of kills wins at the end of the game.",
+ "ModeDescribe.SoloKombat": "Current Gamemode is [Solo PVP]\nNo role assignment. Everyone has HP and can use the Kill button to cause damage to other players. The player with the highest number of kills wins at the end of the game.",
"RoleType.VanillaRoles": "★ Vanilla Roles",
"RoleType.ImpKilling": "★ Impostor Killing Roles",
"RoleType.ImpSupport": "★ Impostor Support Roles",
@@ -3448,6 +3639,10 @@
"RoleType.NeutralChaos": "★ Neutral Chaos Roles",
"RoleType.NeutralKilling": "★ Neutral Killing Roles",
"RoleType.NeutralApocalypse": "★ Neutral Apocalypse Roles /apocalypseinfo",
+ "RoleType.CovenPower": "★ Coven Power Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenKilling": "★ Coven Killing Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenTrickery": "★ Coven Trickery Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenUtility": "★ Coven Utility Roles",
"RoleType.Harmful": "★ Harmful Add-ons",
"RoleType.Support": "★ Supportive Add-ons",
"RoleType.Helpful": "★ Helpful Add-ons",
@@ -3456,7 +3651,7 @@
"RoleType.Impostor": "★ Impostor Add-ons",
"RoleType.Guesser": "★ Guesser Add-ons",
"RoleType.Neut": "★ Neutral Add-ons",
- "RoleType.Experimental": "★ Experimental Addons (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
+ "RoleType.Experimental": "★ Experimental Add-ons (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
"SubType.Impostor": "★ Impostors",
"SubType.Shapeshifter": "★ Shapeshifters",
"SubType.SemiShapeshifter": "★ Semi-Shapeshifters",
@@ -3467,10 +3662,12 @@
"CrewmateRoles": "★ Crewmate Roles ★",
"ImpostorRoles": "★ Impostor Roles ★",
"NeutralRoles": "★ Neutral Roles ★",
+ "CovenRoles": "★ Coven Roles ★",
"AddonRoles": "★ Add-ons ★",
"WinnerRoleText.Impostor": "Impostors Win!",
"WinnerRoleText.Crewmate": "Crewmates Win!",
"WinnerRoleText.Apocalypse": "Apocalypse Wins!",
+ "WinnerRoleText.Coven": "Coven Wins!",
"WinnerRoleText.Terrorist": "Terrorist Wins!",
"WinnerRoleText.Jester": "Jester Wins!",
"WinnerRoleText.Lovers": "Lovers Win!",
@@ -3557,25 +3754,26 @@
"ForceEndText": "Host has aborted the game",
"NiceMiniDied": "Nice Mini was killed",
"HaterMisFireKillTarget": "Hater kills target when misfiring",
- "HaterChooseConverted": "Select add-ons that Hater can kill",
- "HaterCanKillMadmate": "Can kill madmate",
- "HaterCanKillCharmed": "Can kill charmed",
- "HaterCanKillLovers": "Can kill lovers",
- "HaterCanKillSidekick": "Can kill jackal team",
- "HaterCanKillEgoist": "Can kill egoist",
- "HaterCanKillInfected": "Can kill infected team",
- "HaterCanKillContagious": "Can kill virus team",
- "HaterCanKillAdmired": "Can kill admirer",
+ "HaterChooseConverted": "Select Add-ons that Hater can kill",
+ "HaterCanKillMadmate": "Can kill Madmate",
+ "HaterCanKillCharmed": "Can kill Charmed",
+ "HaterCanKillLovers": "Can kill Lovers",
+ "HaterCanKillSidekick": "Can kill Jackal team",
+ "HaterCanKillEgoist": "Can kill Egoist",
+ "HaterCanKillInfected": "Can kill Infected team",
+ "HaterCanKillContagious": "Can kill Virus team",
+ "HaterCanKillAdmired": "Can kill Admirer",
+ "HaterCanKillEnchanted": "Can kill Enchanted",
"HorseMode": "Enable to become a horse",
"LongMode": "Enable to have a long neck",
"InfluencedChangeVote": "Oops! You are so influenced by others!\nYou can not contain your fear that you change voted {0}!",
"FFA": "Free For All",
"ModeFFA": "Gamemode: FFA",
- "ModeDescribe.FFA": "In the FFA (Free For All) gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
- "KillerInfoLong": "In the FFA (Free For All) game mode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
+ "ModeDescribe.FFA": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
+ "KillerInfoLong": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
"FFA_GameTime": "Maximum Game Length",
"FFA_KCD": "Kill Cooldown",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "Prevent venting when only 2 players are alive",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "Prevent Venting when only 2 players are alive",
"FFA_EnableRandomAbilities": "Enable Random Events",
"FFA_ShieldDuration": "Shield Duration",
"FFA_IncreasedSpeed": "Increased Speed",
@@ -3586,15 +3784,15 @@
"FFA_EnableRandomTwists": "Enable Random Swaps from time to time",
"FFA-Event-GetShield": "You have a temporary shield!",
"FFA-Event-GetIncreasedSpeed": "You have a temporary speed boost!",
- "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "You got a lower kill cooldown!",
- "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "You got a higher kill cooldown",
+ "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "You got a lower Kill Cooldown!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "You got a higher Kill Cooldown",
"FFA-Event-GetLowVision": "You have lower vision temporarily",
"FFA-Event-GetDecreasedSpeed": "You have decreased speed temporarily",
- "FFA-Event-GetTP": "You got teleported to a random vent!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetTP": "You got teleported to a random Vent!",
"FFA-Event-RandomTP": "Everyone was swapped with someone",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "There are only 2 players alive, stop hiding in vents!",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "Your kill cooldown is up, don't hide in vents!",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "Prevent players whose kill cooldown is up from venting",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "There are only 2 players alive, stop hiding in Vents!",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "Your kill Cooldown is up, don't hide in Vents!",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "Prevent players whose Kill Cooldown is up from Venting",
"FFA_TargetIsShielded": "The player you tried to kill is shielded!",
"FFA_ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "Shields break after 1 kill attempt",
"FFA_ShieldBroken": "Someone tried to kill you, your shield is now broken!",
@@ -3604,15 +3802,15 @@
"MenuTitle.Hide&Seek": "Hide & Seek Settings",
"NumImpostorsHnS": "Num Impostors",
"EveryOneKnowSolsticer": "Every One Know who is Solsticer",
- "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "Solsticer knows the role of whom used the kill button on it",
+ "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "Solsticer knows the role of whom used the Kill button on it",
"SolsticerSpeed": "Movement speed of Solsticer",
"SolsticerRemainingTaskWarned": "Remaining tasks to be known",
"SAddTasksPreDeadPlayer": "How many extra short tasks Solsticer gets when a player dies",
"SolsticerMurdered": "{0} attempted to murder you!",
"MurderSolsticer": "You stopped Solsticer this round!",
- "SolsticerMurderMessage": "{0} used kill button on you last round! Its role is {1}!",
+ "SolsticerMurderMessage": "{0} used Kill button on you last round! Its role is {1}!",
"SolsticerOnMeeting": "You witnessed too many deaths! Next round you will have {0} more short task!",
- "SolsticerTitle": "Solsticer",
+ "SolsticerTitle": "SOLSTICER",
"GuessSolsticer": "Sorry, but you can not guess Solsticer!",
"ExpelSolsticer": "Sorry, but you can not expel Solsticer!",
"SolsticerTasksReset": "Your tasks get reset!",
@@ -3623,10 +3821,10 @@
"Contributor": "Contributor",
"dbConnect.InitFailure": "Error while connecting to TOHE API, please check your network connection and retry login!",
"dbConnect.InitFailurePublic": "Error while connecting to TOHE API, this could be caused by your internet connection. And so Sponsor+ perks are not available, you may continue to play as usual without these.",
- "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "This build of TOHE is not available to users with no friendcode!",
+ "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "This build of TOHE is not available to users with no Friend Code!",
"Quizmaster": "Quizmaster",
"QuizmasterInfo": "Quiz people to kill them in meetings",
- "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Quizmaster, you can mark a player using your kill button. In the next meeting, the marked player will have \"?!\" next to their name. The player will die if they answer the question wrong or doesn't answer. The player will live if the Quizmaster is killed/ejected in the same meeting.\nThe Quizmaster cannot mark multiple people in the same round",
+ "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Quizmaster, you can mark a player using your Kill button. In the next meeting, the marked player will have \"?!\" next to their name. The player will die if they answer the question wrong or doesn't answer. The player will live if the Quizmaster is killed/ejected in the same meeting.\nThe Quizmaster cannot mark multiple people in the same round",
"QuizmasterKillButtonText": "Quiz",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedBy": "You've been marked by the Quizmaster\nTo survive you have to answer correct to this question:\n\n{QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedPublic": "{QMTARGET} has been marked by the Quizmaster\nTo survive {QMTARGET} have to answer correct to their question!",
@@ -3639,13 +3837,14 @@
"QuizmasterChat.WrongPublic": "{QMTARGET} got the Quizmaster's question answer wrong and died!\nBeware of the Quizmaster!",
"QuizmasterChat.Marked": "You've marked {QMTARGET}\nIf {QMTARGET} doesn't answer by the end of the meeting or answer wrong {QMTARGET} will die\n\nQuestion for {QMTARGET} => {QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.Title": "Quizmaster Information",
- "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "As the quizmaster, you can't answer questions",
+ "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "As the Quizmaster, you can't answer questions",
"QuizmasterChat.AnswerNotValid": "Your answer must be A, B, or C",
"QuizmasterChat.SyntaxNotValid": "Usage:\n/answer [A/B/C]",
- "QuizmasterSettings.QuestionDifficulty": "Question Difficulty",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "Can Vent After Marked Somebody For Quiz",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "Can Kill After Marked Somebody For Quiz",
- "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "How Many Kills Per Round",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MinQuestionDifficulty": "Minimum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MaxQuestionDifficulty": "Maximum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "Can Vent After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "Can Kill After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "How Many Kills per Round",
"QuizmasterSettings.CanGiveQuestionsAboutPastGames": "Can Give Questions About Past Games",
"Quizmaster.None": "None",
"QuizmasterSabotages.Lights": "Lights",
@@ -3673,8 +3872,16 @@
"QuizmasterAnswers.Experimental": "Experimental",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Enhanced": "Enhanced",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Edited": "Edited",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "What was the sabotage was called last?",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "What was the first sabotage called this round?",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Impostor": "Impostor",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Neutral": "Neutral",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Crewmate": "Crewmate",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Addon": "Add-on",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Shapeshifter": "Shapeshifter",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Scientist": "Scientist",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Engineer": "Engineer",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.GuardianAngel": "GuardianAngel",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "What was the Sabotage was called last?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "What was the first Sabotage called this round?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastEjectedPlayerColor": "What was the color of the player that was last ejected?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastReportPlayerColor": "What was the color of the body that was last reported before this meeting?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastButtonPressedPlayerColor": "Who called the last meeting before this meeting?",
@@ -3684,17 +3891,25 @@
"QuizmasterQuestions.FactionOfRole": "What's the faction of {QMRole}?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.FactionRemovedName": "What faction used to be in the game but was removed in an update later?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyDiedFirstRound": "How many people died round one?",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.ButtonPressedBefore": "How many people pressed the emergency button before this meeting?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.ButtonPressedBefore": "How many people pressed the Emergency button before this meeting?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.WhatDoesEOgMeansInName": "What did the E in TOHE originally stand for?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieReason": "What was {PLR}'s cause of death?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieMethod": "How did {PLR} die?",
- "LastAddedRoleForKarped": "What was the last role added to TOHE before KARPED1EM stepped down?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastAddedRoleForKarped": "What was the last role added to TOHE before KARPED1EM stepped down?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieFaction": "What kind of faction killed {PLR}?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.QuizmasterCooldown": "What will Quizmaster's cooldown always be? (excluding first kill override and changes from other Roles/Add-ons)",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoCoded": "Who coded Quizmaster?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoOwns": "Who owns The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEPartners": "Who are The Enhanced Network's partners?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEEventCoordinator": "Who is the Event Coordinator for The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyCats": "How many Cat related roles are in the Mod?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.GuessingCommand": "What does /bt actually mean?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.NotFromTOS2": "Which of these roles are NOT from Town of Salem 2?",
"DeathReason.WrongAnswer": "Wrong Quiz Answer",
"TPCooldown": "Teleport Cooldown",
- "RiftsTooClose": "Location too close to the first rift",
+ "RiftsTooClose": "Location too close to the first Rift",
"RiftCreated": "Rift made successfully",
- "RiftsDestroyed": "All rifts Destroyed",
+ "RiftsDestroyed": "All Rifts destroyed",
"RiftRadius": "Rift Radius",
"TiredVision": "Vision When Tired",
"TiredSpeed": "Speed When Tired",
@@ -3718,7 +3933,7 @@
"ShockerAbilityCooldown": "Ability Cooldown",
"ShockerAbilityDuration": "Ability Duration",
"ShockerAbilityPerRound": "Abilities Per Round",
- "ShockerShockInVents": "Shock people in vents",
+ "ShockerShockInVents": "Shock people in Vents",
"ShockerAbilityResetAfterMeeting": "Reset marked rooms after meeting",
"ShockerOutsideRadius": "Radius Of Outside Tasks (not in a room)",
"ShockerCanShockHimself": "Can Shock Himself",
@@ -3730,13 +3945,14 @@
"ShockerRoomMarked": "Marked Room",
"EavesdropperMsgTitle": "You found a secret",
"EavesdropPercentChance": "Chance to eavesdrop",
- "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "Cooldown for recruiting sheriffs",
- "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "Can recruit Impostor or Neutral",
- "SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "You recruited a sheriff.",
- "BeSheriffByPolice": "You've been recruited by the police chief! Serve the crew!",
+ "PreventSeeRolesBeforeSkillUsedUp": "Prevent seeing others roles before skill used up",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "Cooldown for recruiting Sheriffs",
+ "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "Can recruit non-Crewmates",
+ "SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "You recruited a Sheriff.",
+ "BeSheriffByPolice": "You've been recruited by the Police Chief! Serve the Crewmates!",
"PoliceFailedRecruit": "Failed to recruit target.",
"ChiefOfPoliceKillButtonText": "Recruitment",
- "PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "Prevent recruit players without kill button",
- "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "Suidices when recruit a non killer or non crewmate",
- "PolicPassConverted": "Can pass Converted Addon to Sheriff"
+ "PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "Prevent recruit players without Kill button",
+ "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "Suicides when recruit a non-Killer or non-Crewmate",
+ "PolicPassConverted": "Can pass Converted Add-on to Sheriff"
diff --git a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json
index 422158a26..1915c2d03 100644
--- a/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json
+++ b/Resources/Lang/ru_RU.json
@@ -14,22 +14,26 @@
"Website": "Веб-сайт",
"PlayerNameForRoleInfo": "Привет {0}, твоя роль:- \n",
"HostIconInMeeting": "ХОСТ: {0}",
+ "ModdedClient": "Modded Client",
"SubText.GM": "Spectate the chaos!",
"SubText.Crewmate": "Найди и выгони Предателей",
"SubText.Impostor": "Убивайте и саботируйте",
"SubText.Neutral": "Играйте в одиночку, чтобы добиться своей цели",
"SubText.Apocalypse": "Станьте непобедимым вместе со своей командой",
+ "SubText.Coven": "Bewitch and kill everyone",
"SubText.Madmate": "Помогите своим Предателям",
"SubText.Lovers": "Stay alive and win together",
"SubText.Egoist": "Win on your own",
"TypeImpostor": "Предатели",
"TypeCrewmate": "Члены Экипажа",
"TypeNeutral": "Нейтралы",
+ "TypeCoven": "Coven",
"TypeAddon": "Атрибуты",
"GuesserMode": "Режим Угадывателей",
"TeamImpostor": "Предатель",
"TeamNeutral": "Нейтрал",
"TeamCrewmate": "Член Экипажа",
+ "TeamCoven": "Coven",
"TeamMadmate": "Безумец",
"TeamLovers": "Lovers",
"TeamEgoist": "Egoist",
@@ -37,6 +41,7 @@
"YouAreCrewmate": "Ты - Член Экипажа",
"YouAreImpostor": "Ты - Предатель",
"YouAreNeutral": "Ты - Нейтрал",
+ "YouAreCoven": "You are a Coven member",
"YouAreMadmate": "Ты - Безумец",
"Role_Crewmate": "Член Экипажа",
"Role_Jester": "Шут",
@@ -63,12 +68,14 @@
"ImpostorsCanGuess": "Предатели могут угадывать роли",
"NeutralKillersCanGuess": "Нейтральные Убийцы могут угадывать роли",
"NeutralApocalypseCanGuess": "Нейтральный Апокалипсис могут угадывать роли",
+ "CovenCanGuess": "Coven can guess",
"PassiveNeutralsCanGuess": "Пассивные Нейтралы могут угадывать роли",
"CanGuessAddons": "Могут угадывать Атрибуты",
- "ShowOnlyEnabledRolesInGuesserUI": "Показывать только включенные роли в пользовательском интерфейсе угадывателя",
- "CrewCanGuessCrew": "Члены Экипажа могут угадать роли других Членов Экипажа",
- "ImpCanGuessImp": "Предатели могут угадать роли других Предателей",
- "ApocCanGuessApoc": "Нейтральный Апокалипсис могут угадывать роли своей команды",
+ "ShowOnlyEnabledRolesInGuesserUI": "Show Only Enabled Roles in Guesser UI",
+ "CrewCanGuessCrew": "Crewmates can Guess Crewmate Roles",
+ "ImpCanGuessImp": "Impostors can Guess Impostor Roles",
+ "ApocCanGuessApoc": "Neutral Apocalypse can Guess Neutral Apocalypse Roles",
+ "CovenCanGuessCoven": "Coven Can Guess Coven Roles",
"GuessImmune": "Извините, но цель неуязвима для угадывания!",
"GM": "Мастер Игры",
"Sunnyboy": "Солнечный Мальчик",
@@ -287,7 +294,6 @@
"Vulture": "Стервятник",
"Taskinator": "Таскинатор",
"Benefactor": "Благодетель",
- "Medusa": "Медуза",
"Spiritcaller": "Призыватель",
"Amnesiac": "Амнезияк",
"Imitator": "Имитатор",
@@ -305,12 +311,21 @@
"Romantic": "Романтик",
"VengefulRomantic": "Мстительный Романтик",
"RuthlessRomantic": "Безжалостный Романтик",
+ "Wraith": "Дух",
"Poisoner": "Отравитель",
+ "Medusa": "Медуза",
"HexMaster": "Мастер Проклятий",
- "Wraith": "Дух",
"Jinx": "Джинкс",
"PotionMaster": "Ритуальщик",
"Necromancer": "Некромант",
+ "CovenLeader": "Coven Leader",
+ "Ritualist": "Ritualist",
+ "Conjurer": "Conjurer",
+ "Dreamweaver": "Dreamweaver",
+ "Illusionist": "Illusionist",
+ "VoodooMaster": "Voodoo Master",
+ "Sacrifist": "Sacrifist",
+ "MoonDancer": "Moon Dancer",
"Warden": "Надзиратель",
"Minion": "Миньон",
"Ghastly": "Марионетка",
@@ -363,6 +378,7 @@
"EvilSpirit": "Злой Дух",
"Recruit": "Завербованный",
"Admired": "Поклонный",
+ "Enchanted": "Enchanted",
"Glow": "Светящийся",
"Radar": "Радар",
"Diseased": "Мученик",
@@ -397,53 +413,53 @@
"Revenant": "Revenant",
"BracketAddons": "Добавить скобки к Атрибутам",
"EngineerTOHEInfo": "Используйте вентиляцию, чтобы поймать Предателей",
- "ScientistTOHEInfo": "У вас есть доступ к портативным пульсам",
+ "ScientistTOHEInfo": "Access portable Vitals from anywhere",
"NoisemakerTOHEInfo": "Издаёт сигнал при смерти",
"TrackerTOHEInfo": "Отследите игрока на своей карте",
- "ShapeshifterTOHEInfo": "Замаскируйтесь под Членом Экипажа чтобы подставить их",
+ "ShapeshifterTOHEInfo": "Disguise as Crewmates to frame them",
"PhantomTOHEInfo": "Станьте невидимкой",
- "GuardianAngelTOHEInfo": "Защитите Членов Экипажа от Предателей",
- "ImpostorTOHEInfo": "Убивайте и устраивайте саботажи",
+ "GuardianAngelTOHEInfo": "Protect the Crewmates from the Impostors",
+ "ImpostorTOHEInfo": "Kill and Sabotage",
"CrewmateTOHEInfo": "Найдите Предателей",
"BountyHunterInfo": "Охотьтесь за своей целью",
"FireworkerInfo": "Используйте Морф, чтобы поставить фейерверк",
"MercenaryInfo": "Убивайте, чтобы не умереть",
- "ShapeMasterInfo": "У вас нет отката морфа",
+ "ShapeMasterInfo": "Swiftly kill with no Shapeshift Cooldown",
"VampireInfo": "Ваши убийства задерживаются",
- "WarlockInfo": "Прокляните всех Членов Экипажа",
- "NinjaInfo": "Отметьте цель и морфнитесь, чтобы убить её",
+ "WarlockInfo": "Curse Crewmates then Shift to make them kill",
+ "NinjaInfo": "Mark a target, then Shift to kill",
"ZombieInfo": "Вы очень медленный",
"AnonymousInfo": "Заставьте игрока сообщить о трупе",
- "MinerInfo": "Телепортируйтесь к использованной вами вентиляцией",
- "KillingMachineInfo": "Вы можете ТОЛЬКО убивать",
+ "MinerInfo": "Warp to your last used Vent by Shifting",
+ "KillingMachineInfo": "You can ONLY kill, but low Cooldown",
"EscapistInfo": "Выберите место и телепортируйтесь туда",
- "WitchInfo": "Заклинайте игроков, убивая их после собрания",
+ "WitchInfo": "Spell Crewmates to kill them in meetings",
"NemesisInfo": "Убейте всех, после смерти своих тимейтов",
"BeforeNemesisInfo": "Вы ещё не можете убивать",
"AfterNemesisInfo": "Время убивать",
- "BloodmoonInfo": "Посейте хаос среди членов экипажа",
- "PossessorInfo": "Обладайте другими",
+ "BloodmoonInfo": "Seek havoc upon the Crewmates",
+ "PossessorInfo": "Possess and lead Crewmates away from others",
"PuppeteerInfo": "Заставь других игроков убивать всех за тебя",
"MastermindInfo": "Заставьте других убивать за вас",
"TimeThiefInfo": "Убивайте игроков, сокращая время голосования",
- "SniperInfo": "Стреляйте в игроков издалека",
+ "SniperInfo": "Snipe players from a distance by Shifting",
"UndertakerInfo": "Телепортируйте труп в отмеченное место",
"RiftMakerInfo": "Использование морфа создает разлом",
- "EvilTrackerInfo": "Морфнитесь, чтобы отслеживать игроков",
+ "EvilTrackerInfo": "Track players by Shifting",
"EvilHackerInfo": "Взломай систему!",
"AntiAdminerInfo": "Вы узнаете что игроки близко к устройствам",
- "ArroganceInfo": "С каждым вашим убийством, откат уменьшается",
+ "ArroganceInfo": "With each kill you make, your Cooldown decreases",
"BomberInfo": "Время взорваться",
"TrapsterInfo": "Установи мину на труп",
"ScavengerInfo": "О ваших убийствах нельзя сообщить",
- "EvilGuesserInfo": "Угадывай добрые роли игроков, чтобы убить их",
+ "EvilGuesserInfo": "Guess Crewmate roles in meetings to kill",
"GangsterInfo": "Перемани игроков на свою сторону",
"CleanerInfo": "Очистите труп с помощью репорта",
"LightningInfo": "Превращайте игроков в квантовых призраков",
- "GreedyInfo": "Твой откат убийства меняется",
+ "GreedyInfo": "Your Kill Cooldown shifts",
"CursedWolfInfo": "Вы переживёте несколько попыток убийства",
- "SoulCatcherInfo": "Вы меняетесь местами со своей целью",
- "QuickShooterInfo": "Копите патроны, чтобы убрать откат убийства",
+ "SoulCatcherInfo": "You swap places with your Shift target",
+ "QuickShooterInfo": "Store ammo to offset Kill Cooldown",
"CamouflagerInfo": "Морфнитесь, чтобы вызвать эффект камуфляжа",
"EraserInfo": "Сотрите роль игрока, голосуя за него",
"ButcherInfo": "Наслаждайтесь моей прекрасной работой",
@@ -451,42 +467,42 @@
"SwooperInfo": "Становитесь невидимым на какое-то время",
"CrewpostorInfo": "Убивай, выполняя задания",
"WildlingInfo": "Убивай с силой маскировки",
- "TricksterInfo": "Запутай Членов Экипажа",
+ "TricksterInfo": "Kill and trick the Crew",
"VindicatorInfo": "Используйте свои дополнительные голоса, чтобы убить всех",
- "ParasiteInfo": "Помогите Предателям убить Членов Экипажей",
+ "ParasiteInfo": "Help the Impostors kill the Crew",
"DisperserInfo": "Телепортируй всех в случайные венты",
- "InhibitorInfo": "Вы не можете убивать во время саботажей",
- "SaboteurInfo": "Вы можете убивать только во время саботажа",
- "CouncillorInfo": "Убивайте игроков во время встречи",
- "DazzlerInfo": "Уменьшайте обзор Членов Экипажа",
- "DeathpactInfo": "Назначьте игроков для заключения договора о смерти",
- "DevourerInfo": "Пожирайте внешний вид Членов Экипажей",
+ "InhibitorInfo": "You cannot kill during Sabotages",
+ "SaboteurInfo": "You can only kill during Sabotages",
+ "CouncillorInfo": "Kill off Crewmates during meetings",
+ "DazzlerInfo": "Reduce the vision of the Crew",
+ "DeathpactInfo": "Assign players to a deathpact",
+ "DevourerInfo": "Consume the skin of the Crew",
"ConsigliereInfo": "Узнайте роли других игроков",
- "MorphlingInfo": "Вы можете убивать только в Морфе",
+ "MorphlingInfo": "You can only kill while Shapeshifted",
"TwisterInfo": "Поменяйте местами всех игроков",
- "LurkerInfo": "Используйте вентиляцию, чтобы сократить откат убийства",
+ "LurkerInfo": "Reduce your Kill Cooldown by venting",
"ConvictInfo": "Твоя цель мертва, теперь помоги Предателям",
"VisionaryInfo": "Вы видите мировоззрение живых",
- "RefugeeInfo": "Помогите Предателям убить Членов Экипажа",
+ "RefugeeInfo": "Help the Impostors kill off the Crew",
"UnderdogInfo": "Начинайте убивать когда игроков будет мало",
- "LudopathInfo": "Твой откат убийства случайный",
+ "LudopathInfo": "Your kill Cooldown is random",
"GodfatherInfo": "Превращайте игроков в Беженцев путем голосования",
"ChronomancerInfo": "Убивайте очередями",
"PitfallInfo": "Устанавливайте ловушки",
"EvilMiniInfo": "Никто не причинит тебе вред, пока ты не вырастешь",
"BlackmailerInfo": "Замьюте других игроков с помощью морфлинга",
- "InstigatorInfo": "Посейте хаос",
+ "InstigatorInfo": "Sow discord among the Crewmates",
"LazyGuyInfo": "Вы слишком ленивы",
"SuperStarInfo": "Все знают кто ты",
- "CleanserInfo": "Очистите все атрибуты у цели",
- "KeeperInfo": "Откажись от изгнания!",
+ "CleanserInfo": "Erase all Add-ons of your vote target",
+ "KeeperInfo": "Reject the eject, Keeper protect!",
"MayorInfo": "Ваш голос считается как за несколько",
"PsychicInfo": "Одно из красных имён - Зло",
- "MechanicInfo": "Используйте вентиляции и чините саботажи",
+ "MechanicInfo": "Vent around and fix Sabotages",
"SheriffInfo": "Убивай Предателей",
"VigilanteInfo": "Убивай только злых, иначе станешь Безумцем",
"JailerInfo": "Посадите на место подозрительных игроков",
- "CopyCatInfo": "Имитируйте роли целей",
+ "CopyCatInfo": "Use your Kill button to copy a target's role",
"SnitchInfo": "Заверши задания, чтобы узнать Предателей",
"MarshallInfo": "Выполняйте задания, чтобы доказать свою невиновность",
"DoctorInfo": "Вы знаете причины смерти игроков",
@@ -499,31 +515,31 @@
"TransporterInfo": "Выполнив задание, два игрока поменяются местами",
"TimeManagerInfo": "Выполняйте задания, увеличивая время встречи",
"VeteranInfo": "Не позволяй убийце просто так убить себя",
- "BastionInfo": "Положите бомбу в вентиляцию",
+ "BastionInfo": "Bomb Vents",
"YinYangerInfo": "Спонтанно убей двух игроков",
"BodyguardInfo": "Предотвращайте убийства поблизости",
"DeceiverInfo": "Попытайтесь обмануть игроков",
- "GrenadierInfo": "Ослепляйте предателей, прыгая в вентиляцию",
+ "GrenadierInfo": "Reduce Impostors' vision by Venting",
"MedicInfo": "Защищайте Членов Экипажа",
- "FortuneTellerInfo": "Получайте подсказки о ролях других игроков",
+ "FortuneTellerInfo": "Get clues to player's roles",
"JudgeInfo": "Тишина в зале суда!",
"MorticianInfo": "Находите трупы",
"MediumInfo": "Разговаривайте с призраками",
- "ObserverInfo": "Вы видите анимации сломанных щитов",
- "PacifistInfo": "Используйте вентиляцию, чтобы сбросить откаты убийства",
+ "ObserverInfo": "You can see all Shield Animations",
+ "PacifistInfo": "Vent to reset Kill Cooldowns",
"RebirthInfo": "Восстань снова",
- "MonarchInfo": "Дайте игрокам дополнительные голоса!",
+ "MonarchInfo": "Give your Crew extra voting power!",
"AbyssbringerInfo": "Place Black Holes",
- "SpurtInfo": "Ваша скорость меняется!",
- "StealthInfo": "Ваше убийство ослепляет всех в комнате",
+ "SpurtInfo": "Spring like a rabbit!",
+ "StealthInfo": "Killing blinds everyone in the room",
"PenguinInfo": "Перетаскивайте своих жертв",
"OverseerInfo": "Выявляйте роли других игроков",
"CoronerInfo": "Находите трупы и их убийц",
"PresidentInfo": "Вы отвечаете за проведение собрания",
- "MerchantInfo": "Продавайте Атрибуты",
- "RetributionistInfo": "Помогите членам экипажа после своей смерти",
+ "MerchantInfo": "Sell Add-ons and bribe killers",
+ "RetributionistInfo": "Help the Crewmates after you die",
"HawkInfo": "Стремитесь убивать плохих парней!",
- "DeputyInfo": "Выдавайте наручники убийцам для сброса отката убийства",
+ "DeputyInfo": "Handcuff killers to increase their Cooldowns",
"InvestigatorInfo": "Найди злых игроков",
"GuardianInfo": "Выполните все задания, чтобы стать бессмертным",
"AddictInfo": "Используй вентиляцию, чтобы стать неуязвимым",
@@ -534,12 +550,12 @@
"SpiritualistInfo": "Вы видите стрелку указывающая на призрака",
"ChameleonInfo": "Используй вентиляцию, чтобы стать невидимым",
"InspectorInfo": "Сравните команды двух игроков",
- "CaptainInfo": "Вы забираете атрибуты и замедляете игроков.",
+ "CaptainInfo": "Sail with the Captain, lest Add-ons be abandoned.",
"AdmirerInfo": "Выбери игрока, который будет на твоей стороне",
"TimeMasterInfo": "Время вспять!",
"CrusaderInfo": "Убей нападающего",
"AltruistInfo": "Revive a player\nVent to change between Revive and Report",
- "ReverieInfo": "С каждым убийством, откат уменьшается",
+ "ReverieInfo": "With each kill, your Cooldown decreases",
"LookoutInfo": "Видеть сквозь маскировки",
"TelecommunicationInfo": "Отслеживайте использование устройств",
"LighterInfo": "Улучшай зрение прыгая в вентиляцию",
@@ -547,14 +563,14 @@
"WitnessInfo": "Узнайте, убивал ли кто-то в недавно",
"GhastlyInfo": "Поиграй с ними!",
"SwapperInfo": "Обменяй голоса игроков",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "Hire Sheriff to Serve the Crews!",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "Hire Sheriffs to serve the Crewmates!",
"NiceMiniInfo": "Никто не причинит тебе вред, пока ты не вырастешь.",
"ArsonistInfo": "Облейте всех и подожгите",
"PyromaniacInfo": "Облейте всех игроков",
- "HuntsmanInfo": "Убивайте свои цели",
+ "HuntsmanInfo": "Kill your targets for a low Cooldown",
"SpyInfo": "Вы узнаете кто с вами взаимодействует",
"RandomizerInfo": "Когда умрешь, ты станешь чьим-то бременем?",
- "EnigmaInfo": "Получайте подсказки об убийцах",
+ "EnigmaInfo": "Get clues about killers",
"JesterInfo": "Заставьте игроков проголосовать за вас",
"OpportunistInfo": "Останьтесь в живых",
"TerroristInfo": "Умри после выполнения всех заданий",
@@ -576,10 +592,10 @@
"BloodKnightInfo": "Используй трупы как щит",
"PlagueBearerInfo": "Зарази всех и стань Чумой",
"PestilenceInfo": "Уничтожь всех!",
- "SoulCollectorInfo": "Предугадывайте смерти, чтобы собирать души",
+ "SoulCollectorInfo": "Predict deaths to collect Souls",
"DeathInfo": "Устрой Армагеддон",
- "BakerInfo": "Накорми игроков хлебом",
- "FamineInfo": "Умори всех голодом",
+ "BakerInfo": "Feed players bread to become Famine",
+ "FamineInfo": "Starve everyone",
"BerserkerInfo": "Убивайте, чтобы повысить свой уровень",
"WarInfo": "Уничтожь всех",
"GlitchInfo": "Взламывай и убивай всех",
@@ -587,7 +603,7 @@
"FollowerInfo": "Следуйте за игроком и победите с ним",
"CultistInfo": "Зачаруйте всех игроков",
"SerialKillerInfo": "Убейте всех, чтобы выиграть!",
- "JuggernautInfo": "Ваш откат при убийстве становится меньше",
+ "JuggernautInfo": "With each kill, your Cooldown decreases",
"InfectiousInfo": "Зарази всех",
"VirusInfo": "Убей и зарази всех",
"PursuerInfo": "Берегите себя и доживите до конца!",
@@ -603,38 +619,46 @@
"VultureInfo": "Ешьте тела, чтобы победить",
"TaskinatorInfo": "Закладывайте бомбы в заданиях",
"BenefactorInfo": "Задача выполнена, выдаётся щит!",
- "MedusaInfo": "Stone bodies by reporting them",
+ "MedusaInfo": "Stop players in their tracks by Stoning them",
"SpiritcallerInfo": "Превращайте игроков в Злых Духов",
"AmnesiacInfo": "Вспомни роль трупа",
"ImitatorInfo": "Имитируйте роли игроков",
- "BanditInfo": "Ограбте атрибут игрока",
+ "BanditInfo": "Rob a player's Add-on",
"DoppelgangerInfo": "Украдите скин вашей цели",
"PunchingBagInfo": "Будьте атакованы несколько раз, чтобы победить!",
"KamikazeInfo": "Убейте игроков с самоубийственной миссией",
"DoomsayerInfo": "Успешно угадайте роли игроков, чтобы победить",
"ShroudInfo": "Накройте игроков, чтобы заставить их убивать",
- "WerewolfInfo": "Растерзайте всех игроков во тьме",
- "ShamanInfo": "Отразите все атаки на куклу Вуду",
- "SeekerInfo": "Play Hide and Seek with your target\nYour target has a ★ mark.",
+ "WerewolfInfo": "Kill Crewmates in groups",
+ "ShamanInfo": "Deflect all the attacks on Voodoo Doll",
+ "SeekerInfo": "Play Hide & Seek with your target\nYour target has a ★ mark.",
"PixieInfo": "Пометь, упакуй и выбрось!",
"OccultistInfo": "Убивайте и проклинайте своих врагов",
- "SchrodingersCatInfo": "Дайте попытку убить себя и присоединитесь к команде",
+ "SchrodingersCatInfo": "The Cat is both alive and dead until observed.",
"RomanticInfo": "Защитите своего партнера, чтобы победить вместе",
"VengefulRomanticInfo": "Отомстите за своего партнера, чтобы победить вместе",
"RuthlessRomanticInfo": "Убивайте всех, чтобы выиграть с вашим партнером",
- "PoisonerInfo": "Kill everyone with delayed kills",
- "HexMasterInfo": "Ставь порчу, чтобы убивать в собраниях",
"WraithInfo": "Прыгните в вентиляцию, чтобы стать невидимым",
- "JinxInfo": "Reflect attacks onto your attackers",
+ "PoisonerInfo": "Make players unable to use their ability",
+ "HexMasterInfo": "Ставь порчу, чтобы убивать в собраниях",
+ "JinxInfo": "Players \"accidentally\" die upon trying to kill your target",
"PotionMasterInfo": "Убивайте и раскрывайте роли своих врагов",
- "NecromancerInfo": "Kill your killer to defy death",
+ "NecromancerInfo": "Use the dead to your advantage",
+ "CovenLeaderInfo": "Help your teammates by retraining them",
+ "RitualistInfo": "Perform Blood Rituals to Enchant other players!",
+ "ConjurerInfo": "Blast away your enemies!",
+ "DreamweaverInfo": "Drive other players to insomnia!",
+ "IllusionistInfo": "Place Illusions on players to spread confusion!",
+ "VoodooMasterInfo": "Craft Voodoo Dolls of other players!",
+ "SacrifistInfo": "Debuff your enemies at your own cost",
+ "MoonDancerInfo": "Use Baton Pass to give out Add-ons!",
"WardenInfo": "(Призрак) Оповещение об опасности",
"MinionInfo": "(Призрак) Ослепить врагов",
"LoversInfo": "Выживите со своим Любовником",
"MadmateInfo": "Помогите Предателям",
"WatcherInfo": "Вы видите все цвета голосов",
- "LastImpostorInfo": "У вас маленький откат",
- "OverclockedInfo": "Более низкий откат",
+ "LastImpostorInfo": "Lower Kill Cooldown",
+ "OverclockedInfo": "Lower Cooldown",
"FlashInfo": "Ваша скорость выше",
"TorchInfo": "Ваш обзор такой же как и у предателей!",
"SeerInfo": "Вы видите когда умирают игроки",
@@ -642,14 +666,14 @@
"ObliviousInfo": "Вы не можете репортить",
"BewilderInfo": "Ваш обзор меньше",
"WorkhorseInfo": "Выполни все задания первым и получи больше",
- "FoolInfo": "Вы не можете чинить саботажи",
+ "FoolInfo": "You can't fix Sabotages",
"AvangerInfo": "Заберите кого-нибудь на тот свет прежде чем умереть",
"YoutuberInfo": "Будьте убитым первым, чтобы выиграть",
"CelebrityInfo": "Все узнают о том когда ты умрёшь",
"EgoistInfo": "Вырвите победу из рук других претендентов",
"StealerInfo": "Набирайте голоса с помощью убийств",
"ParanoiaInfo": "У вас теперь паранойя",
- "MimicInfo": "Раскрывайте роли убитых игроков предателям, после смерти",
+ "MimicInfo": "Reveal killed players' roles to Impostors upon death",
"GuesserInfo": "Угадывай роли на собраниях",
"NecroviewInfo": "Вы видите команду у трупа",
"ReachInfo": "У вас самая большая дальность убийства",
@@ -662,32 +686,33 @@
"LuckyInfo": "Уклоняйтесь от атак",
"DoubleShotInfo": "У вас есть второй шанс на угадывание",
"RascalInfo": "В некоторых случаях вы кажетесь злым",
- "SoullessInfo": "У тебя нет души",
+ "SoullessInfo": "You have no Soul",
"GravestoneInfo": "После смерти ваша роль раскроется",
"LazyInfo": "Ты слишком ленив",
"AutopsyInfo": "Вы знаете причины смерти игроков",
"LoyalInfo": "Вы не можете быть завербованы",
- "EvilSpiritInfo": "Ты стал Злым Духом",
+ "EvilSpiritInfo": "You are an Evil Spirit",
"RecruitInfo": "Помогите Шакалу",
+ "EnchantedInfo": "Help the Coven",
"AdmiredInfo": "Поклонник признался тебе в любви",
"GlowInfo": "Ты светишься в темноте",
"RadarInfo": "По стрелке, вот там ближайший к тебе!",
- "DiseasedInfo": "Увеличь откат игрока который контактировал с тобой",
- "AntidoteInfo": "Уменьши откат игрока который контактировал с тобой",
- "StubbornInfo": "Защитите свою роль или атрибут",
+ "DiseasedInfo": "Increase the Cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
+ "AntidoteInfo": "Decrease the Cooldown of the player who interacts with you",
+ "StubbornInfo": "Protect your Role and Add-ons",
"SwiftInfo": "Твои убийства не телепортируют тебя",
"UnluckyInfo": "Делая вещи, есть шанс умереть",
"VoidBallotInfo": "Ваш голос не засчитывается",
"AwareInfo": "Узнайте кто раскрыл вашу роль",
- "FragileInfo": "Умирайте моментально при прикосновении",
+ "FragileInfo": "Die instantly if someone uses the Kill button on you",
"GhoulInfo": "Убей своего убийцу после смерти",
"BloodthirstInfo": "Станьте кровожадным и убивайте",
"MareInfo": "Убивайте в темноте",
"BurstInfo": "Сделайте свой убийственный взрыв!",
"SleuthInfo": "Получайте информацию от трупов",
"ClumsyInfo": "У тебя есть шанс упустить свою добычу",
- "NimbleInfo": "Ты можешь использовать вентиляцию!",
- "CircumventInfo": "Вы больше не можете вентоваться",
+ "NimbleInfo": "You can Vent!",
+ "CircumventInfo": "You can no longer Vent",
"OiiaiInfo": "Не потеряйся, ёжик",
"CyberInfo": "Ты популярен!",
"HurriedInfo": "Боже, сколько мне нужно сделать!",
@@ -706,324 +731,334 @@
"DollMasterInfo": "Возьми игроков в свои руки!",
"DoubleAgentInfo": "Выдавай бомбы игрокам",
"SlothInfo": "Вы очень медленный",
- "ProhibitedInfo": "Некоторые вентиляции заблокированы",
+ "ProhibitedInfo": "Certain Vents are blocked",
"EavesdropperInfo": "Слушайте другие роли",
"ShockerInfo": "Shock unsuspecting players",
"RevenantInfo": "Take your killer's role",
- "EngineerTOHEInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nИнженер может вентоваться, пока «Саботаж связи» неактивен.",
- "ScientistTOHEInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nУчёный может в любое время использовать пульсы, которые покажут ему, кто жив, а кто мёртв.",
- "NoisemakerTOHEInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nВсякий раз когда Паникёр умирает, он издает шум, и на экране появляется визуальный индикатор его смерти который указывает его местоположение, чтобы Члены Экипажа могли найти его труп.",
- "TrackerTOHEInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nСледопыт при нажатии на кнопку на игроке, будет отслеживать его местоположение по карте в течение ограниченного периода времени.",
- "ShapeshifterTOHEInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nКак Оборотень, вы можете морфиться в других игроков, чтобы поменять свой облик.",
- "PhantomTOHEInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nПризрак может нажать кнопку «Исчезнуть», чтобы стать невидимым.\nПри нажатии на кнопку «Появиться» он снова станет видимым.\nПримечание: он будет создавать облако дыма всякий раз, когда станет невидимым или видимым. А так же он не сможет убивать во время невидимости.",
- "GuardianAngelTOHEInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nКак Ангел-хранитель, вы первый погибший Член Экипажа и можете дать товарищам по команде временные щиты.",
- "ImpostorTOHEInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nУ Предателя есть цель — просто убить Членов Экипажа.\nВы можете саботировать и использовать вентиляцию.",
+ "EngineerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Engineer, you may access the Vents while Comms Sabotaged is inactive.",
+ "ScientistTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Scientist, you can see Vitals at any time, showing you who is alive and dead.",
+ "NoisemakerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Noisemaker, whenever you die, you will make a noise, and a visual indicator of your death appears on the screen so the Crewmates can run to catch the person who killed you red-handed (even if it’s not red).",
+ "TrackerTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracker, press your Tracker button on a player to track their location via the map for a limited amount of time.",
+ "ShapeshifterTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapeshifter, you can Shapeshift into other players. It is obvious when you Shapeshift or revert Shifting.",
+ "PhantomTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Phantom, you can press your Vanish button to go invisible to escape a kill. You can click your Appear button if you want to become visible before the timer runs out or not.\nNote: You will make a smoke cloud whenever you go invisible and become visible. So make sure you are in a safe area where no one will see you.",
+ "GuardianAngelTOHEInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guardian Angel, you are the first Crewmate to die and can give Crewmates temporary shields.",
+ "ImpostorTOHEInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Impostor, your goal is to simply kill off the Crewmates.\nYou can Sabotage and Vent.",
"CrewmateTOHEInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nУ него цель довольно проста. Найти и выбросить предателей.\nЧлены Экипажа победят, когда избавятся от всех убийц или когда все игроки выполнят все задания.",
- "BountyHunterInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nЕсли Охотник за Головами убьет назначенную цель (указанную стрелкой, если она у него есть), откат убийства будет значительно сокращено.\nЕсли он убьет кого-либо, кроме своей цели, то откат убийства будет увеличен. Цель меняется через определенное время.",
- "FireworkerInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nФейерверка можете морфиться, чтобы размещать фейерверки, в пределах максимального количества, установленного хостом.\nКогда он станет последним Предателем и все фейерверки будут размещены, и если он снова морфанётся, он взорвёт их и убьёт всех радиусе фейверков, включая его самого.\nЕсли он убьет всех игроков своим Фейерверком, это будет считаться победой Предателя.",
- "MercenaryInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nСерийный Убийца должен убить в течение срока, указанного в откате Морфа (который он не может использовать).\nЕсли ему не удастся убить, в течении срока, то он умрёт.",
- "ShapeMasterInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nШейп Мастера не имеет откат морфа.",
+ "BountyHunterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Bounty Hunter, if you kill your assigned target (indicated by the arrow if you have one), your next Kill Cooldown will be shortened.\nIf you kill anyone other than your target, your next Kill Cooldown will be increased. The target swaps after a certain amount of time.",
+ "FireworkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Fireworker, you can Shapeshift to place Fireworks up to the maximum amount the Host sets.\nWhen you are the last Impostor and all Fireworks have been placed, Shapeshift again to detonate them and kill everyone in their radius, including you.\nIf you kill all players with your Fireworks, it's considered an Impostor victory.",
+ "MercenaryInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mercenary, you must kill within your deadline, as shown by your Shapeshift Cooldown (which you cannot use). If you fail to kill, you die.",
+ "ShapeMasterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Shapemaster, you have no Shapeshift Cooldown.",
"VampireInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nКак Вампир, ты убиваешь с небольшой задержкой. Если собрание было начато до смерти твоей цели, твоя цель умрёт моментально.\nЕсли ты укусишь Байта, ты убьешь как обычно, и моментально зарепортишь труп. Смотря на настройки, ты можешь использовать двойной клик (укусить - один клик, убить нормально - двойной клик).",
"WarlockInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nКолдун может проклинать только одного игрока, прокляв другого игрока, с первого снимается проклятие.\nПри наличии Проклятого игрока, ваше Перевоплощение убьет ближайшего игрока к Проклятому.\nВы можете убивать нормально когда вы Перевоплощены.",
- "ZombieInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nУ Зомби короткий откат убийства, но он двигается очень медленно и имеет очень маленькую дальность обзора. Зомби не сможет быть выкинут никем, кроме Диктатора. Скорость передвижения Зомби будет постепенно замедляться по мере того, как он будет совершать убийства или просто с течением времени.",
- "NinjaInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nКак Ниндзя, ты можешь отметить свою цель с помощью кнопки убийства (один клик) или убить нормально (двойной клик). После метки, используй обращение чтобы телепортироваться и убить отмеченную цель.",
+ "ZombieInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nZombie has a short Kill Cooldown but moves very slowly and has very little vision. Zombie can not be voted out by anyone other than the Dictator, and the movement speed of Zombie will gradually slow down as they make kills or time passes.",
+ "NinjaInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ninja, you can use your Kill button to mark a target (single click) or kill normally (double click). You may then Shapeshift to teleport to the marked target and kill them.",
"AnonymousInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nАноним может использовать Перевоплощения, чтобы цель зарепортила труп который вы убили.\nЕсли он никого не убил в этом раунде, цель сообщит о своем же трупе, как если бы он умер.\nПримечание. Это не работает ни с Ленивым, ни с Ленивым Парнем.",
- "MinerInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nШахтер может перевоплощаться и телепортироваться обратно к последней вентиляции в котором он был.",
- "KillingMachineInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nМашина для Убийств имеет очень короткий откат на убийство, но не может вентоваться и саботажить, а также имеет зрение как у Члена Экипажа.\n\nПримечание: Вы обойдете любой щит, убийство Байта и Капкана не окажет никакого эффекта",
- "EscapistInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nБеглец может отметить местоположение используя морф. Если он снова использует морф, то он будет телепортирован в отмеченное место",
- "WitchInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nВедьма может использовать кнопку убийства, для заклинания игрока (одно нажатие на кнопку убийства) или убить обычным способом (двойное нажатие на кнопку убийства).\nВо время следующей встречи у заклятой цели(-ей) рядом с именем появится знак 「†」, которые будут видеть все игроки. Если вы не умрете к концу этой встречи, все заклинательные цели умрут.",
- "NemesisInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nНемезис может убивать, только если он последний Предатель.\nЕсли он мертв, он можете использовать команду /rv [идентификатор игрока], чтобы убить игрока, чей идентификатор игрока был введен.\nНапример: ''/rv 5''\nИспользуйте /id, чтобы отобразить идентификаторы всех игроков, или посмотрите идентификаторы рядом с их именами.",
- "BloodmoonInfoLong": "(Предатель [Призрак]):\nКак Кровавая Луна, атакуй врагов, чтобы заставить их умереть через время которое было поставлено Хостом, и дать им знать об этом.",
+ "MinerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Miner, you can Shapeshift to teleport back to the last vent you were in.",
+ "KillingMachineInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Killing Machine, you have a very short Kill Cooldown with tiny vision. However, you cannot Vent, Sabotage, Report, nor call Emergency Meetings.\n\nNote: You will bypass any shields, killing bait and beartrap won't take any effect",
+ "EscapistInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Escapist, you can mark a location by Shapeshifting. Shapeshift again to teleport back to the marked spot",
+ "WitchInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Witch, you can use your Kill button to Spell (single click) or Kill normally (double click).\nDuring the next meeting, the spelled target(s) will have a 「†」 next to their name visible to everyone. Unless you die by the end of that meeting, all Spelled targets will die.",
+ "NemesisInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Nemesis, you can only kill if you are the last Impostor.\nIf you are dead, you can use the command /rv [ID] to kill the player whose ID you typed. Use /id to show the ID's of all players, or look next to their names.",
+ "BloodmoonInfoLong": "(Impostors [Ghost]):\nAs the Bloodmoon, attack the enemies to make them drip blood, this means they will die in a time set by the Host, and will be aware of it.",
"PossessorInfoLong": "(Предатель [Призрак]):\nКак Обладатель, вы можете овладеть игроками, когда другие находятся вне зоне оповещения. Уведите одержимого игрока как можно дальше от других игроков в радиусе фокусировки. Как только продолжительность владения истечет, одержимый игрок будет убит, если другие не окажутся в зоне фокусировки. Если вы столкнетесь с другим игроком в зоне фокусировки во время овладения, Обладатель немедленно отменит овладения.",
- "PuppeteerInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nКукловод может использовать кнопку убийства, чтобы управлять игроком (одно нажатие на кнопку убийства), или убить обычным способом (двойное нажатие на кнопку убийства).\nЦель убьёт любого не-предателя которого они коснутся. В зависимости от настроек, эта цель также умрёт после убийства.",
- "MastermindInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nВдохновитель может один раз нажать кнопку убийства на игроке, чтобы манипулировать им. Это ничего не даст, если у цели нет кнопки убийства. Но если у цели есть кнопка убийства в любой момент, после задержки ему сообщат, что им манипулировали, и то что он должен убить кого-то за определённое время, чтобы выжить. Если срок истечёт или начнётся встреча до его убийcва, он моментально умрёт.\nДважды нажмите кнопку убийства чтобы убивать как обычно.",
- "YinYangerInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nИнь-Янь может использовать кнопку убийства один раз, чтобы выбрать Инь, а затем второй раз, чтобы выбрать Янь. Когда эти два игрока встретятся, они убьют друг друга\nКогда Инь и Янь выбраны, вы можете убивать в обычном режиме.",
+ "PuppeteerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Puppeteer, you can use your Kill button to Puppeteer (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose you Puppeteer will kill the next non-Impostor they touch. Depending on options, Puppeteered targets will also die once they kill.",
+ "MastermindInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mastermind, you can use your Kill button on a player once to manipulate them. The manipulation does nothing if the target doesn't have a Kill button. But if the target does have a Kill button, whoever you manipulate will be told after a delay that they got manipulated and must kill someone in a limited time to survive. If the time limit expires or a meeting gets called before killing someone, they die.\nDouble click on someone to kill them normally.",
+ "YinYangerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the YinYanger, you can use your Kill button one time to pick your Yin and then a second time to choose a Yang. When those two players meet, they'll kill each other. When Yin & Yang have been chosen, you can kill normally.",
"TimeThiefInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nКаждое убийство Вора Времени сокращает время обсуждения и голосования на собраниях. \nВ зависимости от настроек потерянное время возвращается после того, как он будет убит или изгнан.",
- "SniperInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nСнайпер может стрелять в игроков на расстоянии. \nОн убивает игрока который, находится с ним на одной линии, от точки Морфа до точки возвращения в свой облик. \nОн может совершать обычные убийства после того, как все его патроны закончатся.",
+ "SniperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nYou can shoot players from far away.\nYou have to Shapeshift twice to make a successful snipe.\nImagine an arrow pointing from your first Shapeshift location towards your Unshift location.\nThat will be the direction in which the snipe will be made.\nThe snipe kills the first person in its path.\nYou cannot kill people normally until you use up all of your ammo.",
"UndertakerInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nКаждый раз, когда он использует морф, он отмечает местоположение. После этого его убийства будут телепортироваться в отмеченное место.\nПосле каждого убийства и встречи отмеченное место будет сбрасываться.\n\nПосле каждого телепортированного убийства вы замираете на настраиваемое время",
- "RiftMakerInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nРазломщик может использовать морф, создавая разлом.\nОн может телепортироваться из одного разлома в другой, коснувшись места, где был создан разлом.\nВениляция используется как метод для уничтожения разломов.\n\nПримечание: одновременно можно разместить до двух разломов, если вы попытаетесь разместить третий, он удалит первый.",
- "EvilTrackerInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nЗлой Трекер может отслеживать других игроков с помощью превращений. Стрелка под именем Злого Трекера показывает в какой стороне цель. Когда союзник совершил убийство, Злой Трекер увидит вспышку убийства.",
- "EvilHackerInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nЗлой хакер может получить информацию о каждой локации в начале встречи.\nПустые локации не будут показаны.\nЗнак «★» отмечает те локации, где есть Предатели.\nКомнаты с трупами так же будут отмечены с их количеством.\nПример: ★Кухня: 3 (УМЕРЛО×1).",
+ "RiftMakerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs Rift Maker, you can Shapeshift to create a rift. You can teleport from one rift to another by touching the area where the rift was created. Trying to vent will kick you out, therefore destroying all the rifts.\n\nNote: Up to two rifts can be placed at a time; if you try to place a third, it removes the first one.",
+ "EvilTrackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Tracker can track other players, and the Evil Tracker can Shapeshift into someone to switch the tracking target to the Shapeshift target (You will immediately unshift after performing Shapeshift). The arrow below the Evil Tracker's name indicates the direction of the target. When the Evil Tracker's teammate kills, the Evil Tracker will see a kill flash.",
+ "EvilHackerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Evil Hacker can get the last-minute admin information at the meeting beginning.\nUnoccupied rooms are not shown.\nA '★' marks rooms with Impostors.\nRooms with dead bodies are marked with the number of bodies.\nExample: ★Cafeteria: 3 (DEAD×1).",
"EvilGuesserInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nЗлой Угадыватель может угадывать роли определённого игрока во время встречи. Если он угадает роль правильно, то он убьет эту цель, а если неправильно, то он совершит самоубийство. \nКоманда для угадываний: '/bt [Номер игрока] [Название Роли]'\nПример: /bt 3 Байт \nВы можете увидеть номер игрока перед его никнеймом, или же для просмотра номеров всех игроков нужно использовать команду ''/id''.",
- "AntiAdminerInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nАнти Админер может в любое время узнать, есть ли Члены Экипажа или Нейтральные игроки рядом с Камерами, Админским столом, Пульсами, Журналами и с другими устройствами. \nПожалуйста, обратите внимание: Анти Админер не знает наверняка использует ли игрок устройство находясь рядом с ним, а знает только то, что кто-то находится рядом с устройством.",
- "ArroganceInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nКаждый раз, когда Высокомер совершает убийство, его откат убийства будет уменьшаться.",
- "BomberInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nБомбер может использовать Морф, чтобы взорвать игроков которые оказались в радиусе бомбы. Но в качестве платы, сам Бомбер будет также взорван. \nПожалуйста, обратите внимание: Когда Бомбер взорвётся, все игроки увидят ''Вспышку Убийства''. Эта вспышка точно такая же, как вспышка убийства когда умирает Знаменитость. Пожалуйста, обращайте внимание на экран.",
- "ScavengerInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nКогда Уборщик убьёт игрока, то зарепортить этот труп будет невозможно.",
+ "AntiAdminerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Anti Adminer can at any time find out if there are Crewmates or Neutrals near Cameras, Admin Table, Vitals, DoorLog, and/or other devices. Note: Anti Adminer does not know if the player uses the device while near it. They only know that someone is near the device.",
+ "ArroganceInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Arrogance reduces their Kill Cooldown with each successful kill of theirs.",
+ "BomberInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Bomber can use the Shapeshift button to self-explode, killing players within a certain range. But as a price, the Bomber will also die. Note: All players will see a kill flash when the Bomber explodes.",
+ "ScavengerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nScavenger kills do not leave dead bodies behind. In addition, if the victim is a Bait, no self-report will be made.",
"TrapsterInfoLong": "(Самозванцы):\nЛовец обладает уникальным методом убийства.\nКогда жертву Ловца пытаются зарепортить, он может умереть.\nПримечание: Если Ловец убьет Байта, Ловец немедленно умрет.",
- "GangsterInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nГанстер может попытаться переманить игрока, на сторону предателей, нажав на кнопку ''Убить''. Оставшееся количество раз, которое можно набрать, будет указано в скобках рядом с именем игрока (количество зависит от настроек Хоста). Если Ганстер попытается переманить игроков, которые не могут быть приманены, такие как: Нейтралы или некоторые игроки специальной команды, то произойдёт обычное убийство. Когда у Ганстера нет оставшегося количества переманивания, то он будет совершать обычные убийства.",
- "CleanerInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nОчистщик может нажать кнопку репорта, чтобы убрать труп, с которым он сталкивается (включая те, которые он убил). Если очистка прошла успешно, Уборщик увидит анимацию щита на своем теле в качестве напоминания (видимого только ему самому). Об очищенном трупе зарепортить невозможно (в том числе и о Байте).",
- "LightningInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nКак Молния, ты не можешь нормально убивать. Взамен, твоя кнопка убийств квантует цели, которая активируется после задержки, убивает следующего игрока который прикасался к ним. Те игроки которые уже квантуются имеют 「■」рядом с их именем. Игроки которые квантованы умирают если они выжили до конца собрания.",
- "GreedyInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nЧетные и нечетные убийства будут иметь разный откат убийства. Время отката убийства сбрасывается каждую встречу, первое убийство всегда считается нечетным убийством.",
- "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nКогда Проклятого Волка попытаются убить, Проклятый Волк проклянёт убийцу до смерти. (Количество контратаки настраивается Хостом.)",
- "SoulCatcherInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nКак Злой Имитатор, ты можешь превратиться в цель, чтобы поменяться с нею местами. Не может меняться местами с игроками которые мертвы, в люке, съедены пеликаном или в похожем состоянии.",
- "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nКогда откат убийства закончится, Стрелок может сбросить откат убийства Перевоплощением сохранив пулю.\nПосле убийства, откат убийства будет сброшен взамен на пулю.\nВ начале собрания Стрелок может оставить только определенное количество пуль (количество устанавливается Хостом).",
- "CamouflagerInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nКогда Камуфляжер использует Морф, все игроки начинают выглядеть одинаково.\nЕго навык продолжается до тех пор пока у Камуфляжера не закончится Морф.\nПримечание: камуфляж при саботаже связи и навык Камуфляжера могут накладываться друг на друга.\nНавык так-же будет окончен во время начала встречи.",
- "EraserInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nСтирачка может проголосовать за любого Члена Экипажа на собрании, чтобы стереть навыки цели, и удаление вступит в силу после собрания. Пожалуйста, обратите внимание: Игроки со стертыми навыками всегда будут рассматриваться как Члены Экипажа, включая результат игры\nИгрок может быть стерт только один раз",
+ "GangsterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nThe Gangster, a powerful character, can try to recruit a player to a Madmate by pressing the Kill button. If the recruitment is successful, both the Gangster and the target will see the Shield Animation on each other as a reminder (only visible to each other). The remaining number of available recruits is displayed next to the Gangster's name (the Host sets the maximum). If the Gangster tries to recruit players who cannot be recruited, such as Neutrals or some special Crewmates, they will kill the target normally instead. When the Gangster has no remaining recruitments, they can only make normal kills from that point on.",
+ "CleanerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nCleaner can press the Report button to clean up any dead body they come across (including those they kill). If the cleanup is successful, the Cleaner will see a Shield Animation on their body as a reminder (only visible to himself). The cleaned-up body cannot be reported (including Bait).",
+ "LightningInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lightning, you cannot kill normally. Instead, your Kill button quantizes targets, which activates after a delay, causing the next person they encounter to kill them. Those who are actively quantized show a「■」next to their name. Additionally, those who have been quantized die if they survive until the end of a meeting. There is a setting to quantize your killer.",
+ "GreedyInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nGreedy kills with odd and even kills will have different Kill Cooldowns. Greedy's Kill Cooldown is reset every meeting, and Greedy's first kill is always odd.",
+ "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Cursed Wolf is about to be killed, the Cursed Wolf will curse the killer to death. (The Host sets the maximum of times you can counterattack)",
+ "SoulCatcherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Soul Catcher, you can Shapeshift to swap places with your target as long as they are not dead, in a Vent, swallowed by Pelican, or in a similar odd state.",
+ "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Kill Cooldown is over, Quick Shooter can reset the Kill Cooldown by Shapeshift to store a bullet (when the storage is successful, a Shield Animation visible only to himself will appear on their body as a reminder). If Quick Shooter has bullets, he can use one to bypass the Kill Cooldown; he will kill even if it's still on Cooldown and use a bullet. At the beginning of each meeting, the quick shooter can only keep a certain number of bullets (The Host sets the number).",
+ "CamouflagerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Camouflager uses Shapeshift, all players start to look the same. This state ends when the Camouflager reverts its Shapeshifting. It's important to note that the skills of Communication Sabotage Camouflage, and the skills of the Camouflager can be superimposed.\nThis skill will be invalid if a meeting is held during the skill activation of the Camouflager.",
+ "EraserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEraser can vote for any target at the meeting to erase the target's roles, and the erasure will take effect after the meeting ends. Note: Players with erased skills will always be considered a vanilla role, including the game result page.\nA target can only be erased once (including OIIAI)",
"ButcherInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nЦель, убитая Мясником, будет рассматриваться как множество трупов, так что другие трупы не были видны в окне мёртвых игроков в начале встречи.\nПожалуйста, обратите внимание: Убитая цель может неоднократно отображать анимацию своего убийства. Эта анимация не может быть пропущена и цель не сможет увидеть окно встречи до тех пор пока анимации не окончатся.\nВы должны дождаться окончания анимации, прежде чем сможете нормально участвовать в игре.",
- "HangmanInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nВешатель убивает игроков, удушая их.\nУдушение игнорирует любой вид защиты, например, щит Медика, защиту от Телохранителя, навыки Супер Звезды и т. д.\nИгрока которого удушили не оставляет труп и не активирует ни одно из своих умений.\nНапример как защита Ветерана, удача Удачника, кроме того, Провидец не будет уведомлен об убийстве.",
- "SwooperInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nКак Невидимка, используй вентиляции чтобы временно стать невидимым.\nОн все ещё будет видим на своём экране.\nИспользуй вентиляцию снова, чтобы стать видимым.",
+ "HangmanInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Hangman, during the Shapeshifting, you use a unique killing method-strangling. This method ignores any status of the target, such as the shield of the Medic, the Bodyguard's protection, the Super Star's skills, etc. The strangled player will not leave a dead body, nor will it trigger any of its skills. For example, Veteran kill back (including additional roles), and Seer will not be prompted.",
+ "SwooperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Swooper, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
"CrewpostorInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nКогда Двуликий выполнит одно задание, он убивает самого ближайшего к нему игрока.",
- "WildlingInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nКогда Одичалый использует морф, он не сможет использовать вентиляцию.\nПри убийстве, он получает временный щит.",
- "TricksterInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nТрюкач действует как обычный Предатель, но с одним отличием.\nВы для Членов Экипажей кажетесь как роль Член Экипажа.\n\nШериф не сможет вас убить.\nУ Экстрасенса ваш ник не подсвечивается.\nСтукач не сможет вас определить.",
+ "WildlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Wildling, you can Shapeshift but cannot Vent.\nWhen you kill, you temporarily become immune to attacks.",
+ "TricksterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Trickster, you function as a regular Impostor but with one key difference.\nYou appear as a Crewmate to Crewmate roles.\n\nThe Sheriff cannot kill you.\nPsychic does not see you as evil.\nSnitch cannot find you.",
"VindicatorInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nУ Продажного есть дополнительные голоса, прямо как у Мэра.",
"StealthInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nКогда Скрытный убивает игрока, все игроки находящиеся с ним в одной комнате, будут ослеплены на некоторое время.",
- "PenguinInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nПингвин может перетаскивать цель, нажимая один раз кнопку убийства.\nВо время перетаскивания цель умирает спустя определённое время, или если нажать на кнопку убийства еще раз, то он моментально умрёт\nДважды нажмите кнопку убийства, чтобы совершить обычное убийство.",
- "ParasiteInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nПаразит является Предателем, который не знает кто является Предателем.\n\nОн может убивать, использовать вентиляцию, саботажить и делать что угодно.\nПросто знайте, что он Предатель.",
- "DisperserInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nРазбрасыватель может использовать морф, чтобы телепортировать всех игроков в случайные вентиляции.",
- "InhibitorInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nТугодум может убивать только тогда, когда не действует критический саботаж.\nЕсли активен световой или коммуникационный саботаж, то вы можете убивать.",
- "SaboteurInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nCаботажник может убивать только тогда, когда активен критический саботаж.\nЕсли активен реактор или диверсия O2, то он сможет убивать.",
+ "PenguinInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Penguin, you can restrain the target by pressing the Kill button and drag it around.\nWhile dragging, the target dies by pressing the Kill button again or after a certain period.\nPress the Kill button twice for a direct kill.",
+ "ParasiteInfoLong": "(Team Impostor):\nAs the Parasite, you are an Impostor that does not know the other Impostors.\n\nYou may Kill, Vent, Sabotage, whatever.\nJust know that you are an Impostor.",
+ "DisperserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nDisperser can use Shapeshift to teleport all players to random Vents.",
+ "InhibitorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Inhibitor, you can only kill when there is not a Critical Sabotage active.\n\nIf Light or Comms Sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
+ "SaboteurInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Saboteur, you can only kill when there is a Critical sabotage active.\n\nIf Reactor or O2 Sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
"CouncillorInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nКак Взяточник, вы можете убивать игроков во время встречи.\nПри убийстве на встрече эти убийства отображаются как убийство Судьи.\n\nКоманда убийства: /tl [номер игрока]\nВы можете видеть номер игрока перед именем игрока или используйте команду /id для просмотра номеров всех игроков.\nВ зависимости от настроек Взяточник покончит жизнь самоубийством, судя своих Предателей.\nПревращенный Взяточник может судить свободно.",
"DazzlerInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nОслепитель может навсегда уменьшить дальность обзора цели выбранного при помощи Морфа. Когда вы умрете, их зрение вернется к норме.",
- "DeathpactInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nЦель выбранная с помощью морфа помечаются для заключения договора о смерти.\nЕсли для заключения договора о смерти отмечено достаточное количество игроков, отмеченные игроки должны встретиться в течение определенного периода времени; если они этого не сделают, они умрут.\nЕсли отмеченный игрок умрет до того, как договор о смерти будет выполнен, договор будет отозван.",
- "DevourerInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nПожиратель при использовании морфа изменяет внешний вид его цели. Кроме того, при изменении внешности каждого игрока откат убийства сокращается на определенное количество секунд. Если Пожиратель умирает или он будет изгнан во время встречи, внешний вид игроков возвращается к его обычному виду.",
- "MorphlingInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nМорфлинг может убивать только во время Морфа.",
- "TwisterInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nТвистер может морфиться, чтобы случайным образом поменять местами всех игроков.\nОбмен происходит дважды: один раз, когда он начинает морфиться, и второй раз, когда он возвращается к своему первоначальному облику.\nСам Твистер не будет телепортироваться, а игроки находящиеся в вентиляции не могут быть телепортированы.",
- "LurkerInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nСкрытень может прыгнуть в вентиляцию, чтобы сократить откат убийства на определенное количество секунд. После того как он убьёт, откат сбрасывается до исходного значения.",
+ "DeathpactInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Deathpact, You Shapeshift to mark your targets for a deathpact.\nIf you have enough players marked for a deathpact, they must meet within a specific period; if they fail to do so, they die.\nIf a marked player dies before the deathpact becomes complete, the pact is withdrawn.",
+ "DevourerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Devourer, you use your Shapeshift to change the appearance of the target of the Shapeshift permanently. Additionally, when each player's appearance changes, you will have your Kill Cooldown reduced by a defined number of seconds. If the Devourer dies or gets voted out during a meeting, the player's appearance will change back to their normal appearance.",
+ "MorphlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Morphling, you are a Shapeshifter but cannot kill while not Shapeshifted.",
+ "TwisterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Twister, you can use Shapeshifting to swap the position of all players randomly. The swap happens twice, once when you start your Shapeshift and once when you return to your original appearance.\nThe Twister itself will not swap places with anyone, and players in vents will not teleport.",
+ "LurkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lurker, you can jump into a Vent to reduce your Cooldown by a certain number of seconds. After you kill, your Cooldown resets to its original value.",
"VisionaryInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nВизионер видит мировоззрение живых игроков во время встречи.\nНа игроке будет отображаться следующая информация.:\n– Красное имя указывает на Предателей.\n– Голубое имя указывает на Членов Экипажа.\n– Имя Серых указывает на Нейтралов.",
"PlagueDoctorInfoLong": "(Злой Нейтрал):\nЦель Чумного Доктора — заразить каждого живого игрока.\nОн начинает с выбора одного игрока для заражения, после чего любой, кто проводит определенное количество времени в радиусе действия зараженного игрока, он заражается вместе с ним.\nПрогресс заражения суммируется и не сбрасывается при изгнии или после встречи.",
- "RefugeeInfoLong": "(Madmates):\nAs the Refugee, you were either:\n -An Amnesiac who remembered an Impostor\n -A killer who killed the Godfather's target.\n -A Romantic whose partner was an Impostor\n -Or an Imitator that imitated an Impostor.\n\nNow your job is to help the Impostors kill the crewmates.",
+ "RefugeeInfoLong": "(Madmates):\nAs the Refugee, you were either:\n -An Amnesiac who remembered an Impostor\n -A killer who killed the Godfather's target.\n -A Romantic whose partner was an Impostor\n -Or an Imitator that imitated an Impostor.\n\nNow your job is to help the Impostors kill the Crewmates.",
"UnderdogInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nКак Аутсайдер, ты не можешь убивать пока определённое количество игроков живо.",
- "ConsigliereInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nСоветник может раскрыть роль других игроков с помощью кнопки убийства.\n\nОдин щелчок: раскрыть роль игрока\nДвойной щелчок: убить игрока\n\nЕсли количество раскрытий закончится, то кнопка убийства будет работать как обычно.",
- "LudopathInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nУ Людопата случайный откат убийства.\n\nМинимальное значение может составлять 1 секунду, а максимальное - это откат убийства установленный по умолчанию.",
+ "ConsigliereInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Consigliere, you can reveal the roles of other players using your Kill button.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\n\nIf you run out of reveal uses, your Kill button functions normally.",
+ "LudopathInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ludopath, your Kill Cooldown is randomized.\n\nMinimum it can be is 1 second, while the maximum is your default Kill Cooldown.",
"GodfatherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Godfather, you vote someone to make them your target.\nIn the next round, if someone kills the target, the killer will turn into a Refugee or Madmate.",
"ChronomancerInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nКак Хрономант, ты имеешь индикатор заряда, который показывает, когда режим ярости будет готов. При 100% заряде, после убийства, ярость будет включена - ты можешь убивать без отката пока заряд не закончится. В другом случае, у тебя нормальный откат убийства.",
- "PitfallInfoLong": "(Предатели):\nЛовушка, может использовать Морф, чтобы пометить область вокруг него как ловушку.\nИгроки, попавшие в эту зону, будут обездвижены на короткий период времени, а их зрение будет нарушено.",
- "EvilMiniInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nЗлой Мини не убиваем, пока не вырастет и у него очень долгий начальный откат убийства, которое сокращается по мере взросления.",
- "BlackmailerInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nКогда Шантажист использует морф, вы будете шантажировать игрока которого он перевоплотился.\nТо есть во время встречи он не сможет писать в чате.\n\nПримечание: Если кого-то уже Шантажировали, шантаж у другого игрока снимается и шантаж переходит к другому выбранному игроку.",
- "InstigatorInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nЗачинщик должен настроить Членов Экипажа друг против друга.\nЕсли вы живы, и Член Экипажа будет изгнан, то дополнительный Член Экипажа, проголосовавший за невиновного игрока, умрет после собрания. Количество дополнительных смертей игроков зависит от настроек лобби.",
- "LazyGuyInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nУ него есть только одно задание. Кроме того Ленивому Парню которому слишком лень умирать, не будет участвовать в утомительных вещах, таких как: быть тем кто зарепортит труп для Хакера, не станет работать на Колдуна или на Кукловода и так далее.\nЛенивый Парень никогда не станет Любовником.",
+ "PitfallInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Pitfall, you use your Shapeshift to mark the area around the Shapeshift as a trap. Players who enter this area will be immobilized quickly, and their vision will be affected.",
+ "EvilMiniInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Evil Mini, you are unkillable until you grow up and have a very long initial Kill Cooldown, which gets drastically shortened as you grow up.",
+ "BlackmailerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Blackmailer, when you Shift into a target, you will blackmail that player. This means that during the meetings, they won't be able to speak.\n\nNote: If someone is already blackmailed, blackmailing another person un-blackmails the current person.",
+ "InstigatorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Instigator, it's your job to turn the Crewmates against each other. Each time a Crewmate gets voted out in a meeting, if you are alive, an additional Crewmate who voted for the innocent player will die after the meeting. The Host determines the number of additional players dying.",
+ "LazyGuyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nLazy Guy has only one task. In addition, the Impostor's abilities can't affect the Lazy Guy, such as being a scapegoat for Anonymous, being marked by a Warlock or Puppeteer, and more. Lazy Guy will not have any Add-ons.",
"SuperStarInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nРядом с никнеймом Супер Звезды будет логотип звезды(★), чтобы все знали, кто является Супер Звездой. Кроме того Супер Звезду не смогут угадать все Угадывающие роли. (Сами Угадыватели не будут умирать если попытается угадать Супер Звезду). ",
"CelebrityInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nКогда Знаменитость умрёт, все игроки (или в зависимости от настроек только Члены Экипажа) увидят ''Вспышку Убийства'' и получат новостное сообщение на следующей встрече что Знаменитость умерла, в то время как Предатели и Нейтралы ничего не узнают об этом событии (Так же зависит от настроек).",
- "CleanserInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nОчиститель может проголосовать за любую цель на собрании, чтобы стереть атрибуты цели, и стирание вступит в силу после окончания собрания.\nВ зависимости от настроек очищенный игрок может никогда не получить атрибуты от других ролей.",
+ "CleanserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Cleanser, you can vote to erase the Add-ons of any target at the meeting. This erasure takes effect after the meeting ends. Depending on the settings, the cleansed player may never receive Add-ons again.",
"KeeperInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nХранитель может проголосовать за кого-то, чтобы защитить его от выброса на голосовании. Вы можете делать это только настраиваемое количество раз.",
- "MayorInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nУ Мэра есть дополнительные голоса. Эти голоса можно скрыть в настройках, он может созвать собрание когда прыгнет в люк.",
+ "MayorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mayor, you have extra votes. Depending on the settings, players can't see your extra votes, you can Vent to call a meeting at any time, or you can have yourself revealed as Mayor upon task completion.",
"PsychicInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nЭкстрасенс может видеть потенциально злых игроков во время встречи. Экстрасенс увидит имена нескольких игроков, которые выделены красным цветом, по крайней мере, один из них точно окажется злым.",
- "MechanicInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nРемонтник может использовать вентиляцию в любое время, и он может даже относиться к нему как к собственному дому и никогда не выходить из нее. \nТакже он может в одиночку починить саботажи такие, как: Саботаж Реактора, Саботаж O2 и Саботаж Связи. \nТак же он может починить Саботаж Света коснувшись лишь одного рычага. \nОткрытие одной двери позволяет открыть все двери в этой комнате.",
- "SheriffInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nШериф может убивать Предателей. \nЕсть настройка, позволяющая убить даже Нейтралов.\nОднако если Шериф попытается убить Члена Экипажа, то это приведёт к его смерти. У него нет заданий.",
- "VigilanteInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nЛинчевателю поручено устранять убийц, но если он по ошибке убьёт невиновного члена экипажа, он станет Безумцем, движимыми чувством вины и раскаяния.\n\n Примечание: Гангстер не может превратить Линчевателя в Безумца.",
- "JailerInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nКак Тюремщик, используйте кнопку убийства, чтобы запереть игрока в тюрьме. Во время следующего собрания, заключенный не может голосовать или быть проголосованным (количество голосов будет 0). Тюремщик может казнить заключенного, голосуя за них. Если Тюремщик казнит невиновного игрока, Тюремщик теряет способность казнить на всю игру.\nТюремщик имеет лимитированные казни.\n\n★Обратите внимание★: Заключенные не могут быть угаданы или засужены, но заключенные игроки могут угадывать Тюремщика.",
+ "MechanicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Mechanic can use Vents at any time. They can also fix Reactors, O2, and Communications using only one side. You can fix Lights by flicking only one switch. Opening a door will open all doors in the map.",
+ "SheriffInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nSheriff has no task. The Sheriff can kill the Impostor (according to the Host settings, the Sheriff can also kill Neutrals). If the Sheriff tries to kill a Crewmate, the Sheriff will kill himself. The Sheriff can kill anyone when he becomes a Madmate (also according to the Host settings).",
+ "VigilanteInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Vigilante, you are tasked with eliminating potential threats to the Crewmates, but if they mistakenly kill an innocent Crew member, they become a Madmate driven by guilt and remorse.\n\n Note: Gangster cannot convert Vigilante into Madmate.",
+ "JailerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Jailer, use your Kill button to lock a player in jail. During the next meeting, the jailed player cannot vote or get voted (the vote count will be 0). The Jailer may choose to execute the prisoner by voting for them. If the Jailer executes an innocent player, the Jailer loses the ability to execute for the rest of the game.\nIf the Jailer is evil, then they can execute anyone.\nThe Jailer has limited executions.\n\nNote: Jailed players cannot be guessed or judged, and jailed players can only guess Jailer.",
"SnitchInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nКак только Стукач выполнит все задания, то никнейм у всех Предателей будет отображаться \nкрасным цветом, и наоборот, если количество ваших заданий будет близка к завершению, \nто рядом с никнеймом Стукача появится звёздочка★, которая будет видна Предателям.",
- "MarshallInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nИграя за Маршала, выполняйте свои задания, чтобы показать себя остальным Членам Экипажа.\nДругие команды не смогут вас видеть.\nТем не менее, Безумцы могут видеть вас.",
- "DoctorInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nДоктор может узнать причину смерти игрока. \nКроме того, он имеет портативные пульсы как у учёного, которые он может использовать в любом месте, пока у него не закончится зарядка.",
+ "MarshallInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Marshall, complete your tasks to reveal yourself to the rest of the Crewmates.\nOther teams will not be able to see you.\nHowever, Madmates CAN see you.",
+ "DoctorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nDoctor can see the cause of death for all players. In addition, the Doctor can access Vitals wherever you are while he still has battery left.",
"DictatorInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nЕсли Диктатор проголосует за любого игрока во время собрания, он сможет принудительно завершить собрание и кикнуть игрока за которого он отдал голос \nТак же Диктатор умрёт после собрания когда он отдаст голос.",
"DetectiveInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nПосле того, как Детектив зарепортит труп, он получит сообщение с подсказкой, которое сообщит Детективу, какая была роль у трупа. В зависимости от настроек Детектив может даже знать, какая роль была у убийцы жертвы.",
"UndercoverInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nПредатели знают кто является Агентом и видят его как своего товарища по команде, но сам Агент не знает, кто является Предателем.",
- "NiceGuesserInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nДобрый Угадыватель может угадывать роли определённого игрока во время встречи. Если он угадает роль правильно, то он убьет эту цель, а если неправильно, то он совершит самоубийство. \nКоманда для угадываний: '/bt [Номер игрока] [Название Роли]'\nПример: /bt 3 Байт \nВы можете увидеть номер игрока перед его никнеймом, или же для просмотра номеров всех игроков нужно использовать команду ''/id'' .",
- "GuessMasterInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nМастер Угадываний будет получать информацию о каждой попытке угадывании, сделанные во время встреч.\nОн будет проинформирован о роли, которую пытался угадать отгадывающий игрок, а также будет уведомлен в случае ошибки.",
+ "NiceGuesserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Nice Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If it is correct, it will kill the target, and if it is wrong, Nice Guesser will suicide.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nNice Guesser can guess Crewmate when become Madmate.",
+ "GuessMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guess Master, you will receive information about every attempted guess made during a meeting. You will be informed about the role the Guesser tried to guess, and you will also be notified in case of a misguess.",
"KnightInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nРыцарь может убить любого игрока с любой ролью, но убить он сможет только один раз за игру.",
- "TransporterInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nВсякий раз, когда Транспортер завершает задание, два случайных игрока меняются местами, но если живых игроков недостаточно, ничего не произойдет. \nПожалуйста, обратите внимание: игроки, которые находятся в вентиляции, выбраны не будут.",
+ "TransporterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhenever the Transporter completes the task, two random players will switch positions, but if there are not enough players left, nothing will happen. Note: Players in a Vent will not be selected.",
"TimeManagerInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nМастер Времени может увеличить время собрания, увеличивается время по мере выполнения заданий. Но когда он умрет, время будет сброшено по умолчанию.",
- "VeteranInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nВетеран может перейти в состояние боевой готовности, используя вентиляцию. Если игрок попытается убить Ветерана в состоянии боевой готовности, то Ветеран тут же убьет убийцу. Когда Ветеран входят в состояние боевой готовности и выходят из него, он увидит сломанный щит ангела на своем теле в качестве напоминания.",
- "BastionInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nБастион может положить бомбу в вентиляцию, когда кто-то запрыгнет в вентиляцию он тут же будет убит.",
- "CopyCatInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nВ роли Подражателя вы можете использовать кнопку убийства, чтобы скопировать роль цели.\n\nВы можете скопировать только некоторые роли Членов Экипажа.\nЕсли вы попытаетесь скопировать Безумца или Поддельного, вы станете безумным вариантом выбранной роли.\nЕсли вы выбрали зло, который явялется Членом Экипажа, вы станете Членом Экипажа.\n\nКроме того, после каждой встречи ваша роль будет снова изменена на «Подражатель».",
+ "VeteranInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Veteran, you can enter the alert state by Venting. If a player tries to kill the Veteran in the alert state, the Veteran will kill the murderer instead. Veteran will see a Shield Animation on their body and a text above their head as a reminder when they enter and exit the alert state.",
+ "BastionInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Bastion, bomb Vents to kill off Impostors and Neutrals.\nBe careful though; Crewmates can also be killed with the bombs.",
+ "CopyCatInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Copycat, you can use your Kill button to copy the target's role.\n\nYou can only copy some Crewmate roles.\nIf you try to copy a Madmate or Rascal, you become the Madmate variation of the target role.\nIf you target an evil with a Crewmate variant, you'll become the Crewmate variant.\n\nAdditionally, Your role will be set back to Copycat after every meeting.\nNote You can't guess people in meetings.",
"BodyguardInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nЕсли игрока собираются убить рядом с Телохранителем, Телохранитель предотвратит убийство и умрет вместе с убийцей. Навыки Телохранителя повлияют на игроков любой команды. Когда Телохранитель становится Безумцем, а убийца — Предателем, Телохранитель не активирует этот навык.",
- "DeceiverInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nОбманщик может прередать Обманку другим игрокам с помощью кнопки ''Убить''. Если обманка пройдет успешно, Обманщик увидит анимацию сломанного щита на своем теле в качестве напоминания. Обман вступит в силу после окончания следующей встречи. Если игрок с обманкой будет без способности убивать, он немедленно совершит самоубийство. Если игрок с обманкой будет со способностью убивать игроков, он совершит самоубийство при следующей попытке убить игрока.",
- "GrenadierInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nГренадёр может ослепить игроков светошумовой гранатой поблизости, заставляя их терять зрение, если игрок Предатель или Нейтрал, в зависимости от настроек.",
+ "DeceiverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Deceiver can sell the counterfeit to other players through the Kill button. If the counterfeit is sold successfully, the Deceiver will see a Shield Animation on their body as a reminder. The counterfeit will take effect after the end of the next meeting. If the player with no kill ability holds the counterfeit, he will kill himself immediately. If the player with the killing ability has the counterfeit, he will commit suicide when he tries to kill someone next time.",
+ "GrenadierInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Grenadier, you can Vent to Flashbang players nearby, causing them to lose vision if they are an Impostor or, depending on settings, a Neutral.",
"MedicInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nМедик может наложить на цель щит, нажав кнопку ''Убить''. Медик может дать только один щит на всю игру, когда Медик умрёт то щит у цели будет снят. Так же Медик может видеть что кто-то пытается сломать щит у цели.\nВ зависимости от настроек хоста Медик или цель могут видеть, есть ли у игрока щит (показан зелёным кружком рядом с именем).",
"FortuneTellerInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nСледователь может проголосовать за игрока на встрече, чтобы узнать его роль.\nПодсказка будет связана с его фактической ролью.\n\nКогда он выполнит все задания, он получит точную роль, а не подсказку!\n\nПримечание: Если включена настройка «Показывать случайные активные роли в подсказках», он не сможете проверять одного и того же игрока несколько раз.",
"JudgeInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Judge can judge a certain player during the meeting. If the target is evil, the target will be killed (whether it is evil or not is set by the Host). If it is wrong, the Judge commits suicide.\nCommand for judgment: /tl [player id]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nJudges can judge all players when they become Madmate.\nIn meeting the ability count shows how many trails you have in this meeting. Out of meeting the ability counts shows how many trails you have for the whole game.",
"MorticianInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nГробовщик в зависимости от настройки, может видеть стрелки, указывающие на все трупы, и если Гробовщик зарепортит труп, он узнает последнего игрока, с которым жертва контактировала.",
"MediumInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nМедиум может установить контакт с мертвым игроком, зарепортив его труп. Он может один раз ответить Да или НЕТ на вопрос Медиума, ответ на вопрос увидит только Медиум. \n(Мертвый игрок может использовать /ms Yes или /ms No). Примечание: Медиум не будет Забывчивым.",
- "ObserverInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nАудитор может видеть все анимации щита, вызванную другими игроками после первой встречи. Обычно это указывает на использование какой-либо ролевой способности, поэтому обращайте на это внимание.",
+ "ObserverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Observer, you can see all Shield Animations caused by other players after the first meeting. The Shield Animations typically indicate a role ability, so look out for this.",
"MonarchInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nКак Монарх, вы можете посвящать игроков в рыцари, чтобы дать им дополнительный голос.\n\nВы не можете посвящать игроков у которых есть дополнительные голоса.\n\nПосвященный игрок имеет золотое имя.\nЕсли рыцарь жив, Монарх не может быть угадан или быть убитым.",
- "PacifistInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nКогда Пацифист использует вентиляцию, время перезарядки убийства/навыков всех игроков с кнопкой убийства будет сброшено. Когда Пацифист становится предателем, навык действует только на Членов Экипажа.",
- "OverseerInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nУ Смотрителя ограниченный обзор, но вы можете использовать кнопку убийства, чтобы показать роль ближайшего игрока.\nУ этого игрока будет отображаться 「○」 рядом с именем, ф также вы тоже будете их анимацию сканирования.\nОставайтесь рядом с целью в течение определенного времени, чтобы раскрыть его роль, если вы отойдете слишком далеко от цели, раскрытие будет прервано.",
+ "PacifistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhen the Pacifist Vents, they will reset the Kill Cooldown for every player with a Kill button. When they become a Madmate, this ability will only work on Crewmates.",
+ "OverseerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Overseer, you have minimal vision, but you can use your Kill button to reveal the role of a nearby player. A 「○」 will be displayed next to the revealed target after you use the Kill button on them, and you will also be scanning them (only you can see this). Stay near the target for a defined time to reveal his role; if you move too far away, the reveal will cancel.",
"CoronerInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nКоронер не может репортить трупы, вместо этого после попытки зарепортить труп он увидит стрелку, которая ведущёт к убийце жертвы. Если начнётся встреча, стрелка исчезнет.\nПримечание: В зависимости от настройек Хоста, Коронер который использовал труп не смогут зарепортить другие игроки.",
"PresidentInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nУ Главаря есть 2 способности: завершить собрание и раскрыть личность.\n\nПервая способность: завершить собрание\n- Введите «/finish» во время встречи, чтобы мгновенно завершить встречу.\nВторая способность: раскрыть личность\n- Введите «/reveal» во время встречи чтобы раскрыть свою личность. Если вы раскроете себя, каждый игрок увидет что вы — Главарь, и после ввода команды вас станет невозможно угадать.\n\nОднако после того, как Главарь раскроет себя, у того, кто убил Главаря, откат убийства будет значительно уменьшинае.",
- "MerchantInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nТорговец продаёт случайный атрибут случайному игроку за каждое выполненное его задание. Каждый проданный атрибут приносит вам деньги.\nЕсли у вас есть определенная сумма денег, вы можете предотвратить следующую попытку убийства против вас, подкупив убийцу. Подкупленный игрок не сможет вас убить, но вы не знаете, кто это. Использованные деньги потеряны и не доступны для дополнительных взяток.",
+ "MerchantInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a merchant, you sell a random Add-on to a random player for each task you complete. Each Add-on sold earns you money. If you have a certain amount of money, you can prevent the next killing attempt against you by bribing the murderer. The bribed player won't be able to kill you, but you don't know who it is. The money used is lost and not available for additional bribes.",
"RetributionistInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nВозмездник может убить определённое количество игроков после своей смерти.\n\nИспользуйте '/ret [номер игрока]' чтобы убить цель.",
- "HawkInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа [Призрак]):\nЯстреб может убить определённое количество игроков, но есть шанс, что он промахнётся\nНо если промахнуться несколько раз по одному и тому же игроку, шансы убить цель увеличиваются.",
- "DeputyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Deputy, use your kill button to handcuff a player.\nThe player who is handcuffed will have their next kill attempt treated as a handcuff break, and the kill cooldown will be reset.\n\nIf the target does not have a kill button, then the handcuff was a waste.",
- "InvestigatorInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nИсследователь может использовать кнопку убийства, чтобы расследовать кого-либо.\nКогда он исследует кого-то, его имя будет отображаться либо красным, если у него есть кнопка убийства, либо голубым, если у него нет кнопки убийства. \nОднако обратите внимание, что цвет имен вернется к обычному цвету при созыве собрания.",
+ "HawkInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Hawk, you can kill a limited amount of players decided by the Host, though there's a chance you miss, slicing someone multiple times increases the chances.",
+ "DeputyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Deputy, use your Kill button to handcuff a player.\nThe player who is handcuffed will have their next kill attempt treated as a handcuff break, and the Kill Cooldown will be reset.\n\nIf the target does not have a Kill button, then the handcuff was a waste.",
+ "InvestigatorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs an Investigator, you can use your Kill button to investigate someone. When you investigate someone, their name will appear in red if they possess a Kill button (impostor/Shapeshifter basis) or light blue if they lack a Kill button (Crewmate/Engineer/Scientist basis). However, please note that the color of the names will return to normal when someone calls a meeting.",
"GuardianInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nСтраж становится бессмертным после выполнения всех заданий. На встречах его нельзя будет угадать.",
- "AddictInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nУ Зависимого есть таймер до самоубийства. Когда он истечет, он убьет себя.\nТаймер показывает откат вентиляции. Когда откат вентиляции составит 0 секунд, у него все еще будет короткое время для запрыгивания в вентиляцию.\nЕсли он не успеет прыгнуть в вентиляцию.\nПосле того как он вентанётся, никто не сможет взаимодействовать с ним в течение определенного периода времени.\nПо истечении этого периода вы обездвижены на другой определенный период времени и не можете зарепортить какой либо труп.",
- "MoleInfoLong": "(Члены экипажа):\nКогда вы используете вентиляцию за Крота, вы остаётесь в ней на 1 секунду. Когда вы выпрыгиваете из вентиляции, вы появляетесь рядом со случайной вентиляцией на карте (Не считая той, которую вы только что использовали).",
+ "AddictInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Addict, you have a suicide timer. When it expires, you kill yourself.\nThe timer is indicated by the Vent Cooldown. When the Vent Cooldown is 0 seconds, you still have a short time to Vent.\nIf you don't make it, you die; if you make it, the Suicide Timer is reset.\nAlso after you Vent, no one can interact with you for a defined period.\nAfter; the period is over, and you are immobilized for another defined period, and cannot Report any bodies.",
+ "MoleInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mole, when you Vent, you stay in the Vent for 1 second. When you exit the Vent, you will spawn near a random Vent in the map (Except the one you used).",
"AlchemistInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nАлхимик варит зелья, когда выполняет задание. Приготовленное зелье появится под его ролью с соответствующим описанием и инструкцией. Он может получить семь различных зелий, некоторые из которых имеют вредные эффекты или не оказывают их вообще. Ему нужно вентануться, чтобы использовать зелья.",
- "KamikazeInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nКамикадзе может отмечать людей одним нажатием на кнопку убийства. Чтобы убить обычным способом, дважды нажмите на кнопку убийства. Когда вы умрёте, все вами отмеченные игроки также умирают, с определённой причиной смерти.",
- "TracefinderInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nИскатель может получить доступ к пульсам в любое время.\nКроме того, он получает стрелки, указывающие на трупы, с определённой задержкой, установленной хостом в настройках.",
+ "KamikazeInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Kamikaze you can single click to mark players. Double-click to kill normally. When you die, all marked also die, with death reason Targeted.",
+ "TracefinderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracefinder, you can access Vitals at any time.\nIn addition, you get arrows pointing to dead bodies, with a delay set by the Host.",
"OracleInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nОракл может проголосовать за игрока во время собрания.\nОн увидит, является ли он Членом Экипажа, Нейтралом или Предателем.\nВ зависимости от настроек может быть вероятность того, что его результат будет неверным.",
"SpiritualistInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nМистик получает стрелу, указывающую на призрака жертвы последней встречи. Существует возможность, чтобы стрелка периодически исчезала и появлялась снова. Постарайтесь сообщить призраку о своих способностях, если сможете: если они на вашей стороне, они могут привести вас к злой роли, чтобы вы могли их изгнать. Но будьте осторожны, поскольку злые роли могут сделать то же самое с Членами Экипажа.",
- "ChameleonInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nХамелеона может стать временно невидимым. Ему нужно снова прыгнуть в люк, чтобы стать видимым.",
- "InspectorInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nИнспектор может проверить, находятся ли два игрока в одной команде или нет. Вы получите сообщение в чате, если они будут или не будут в одной команде.\n\nПоддельный считается Предателем.\nЧтобы проверить, используйте команду:\n/cmp [номер игрока 1] [номер игрока 2].",
- "CaptainInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nС каждым выполненным заданием капитан получает возможность замедлять какую-либо не мирную роль.\nЧлены Экипажа могут видеть ☆ возле имени Капитана.\n\nЕсли игроки проголосуют за Капитана и он будет изгнан, эти игроки потеряют свой атрибут.",
- "AdmirerInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nКак Поклонник, вы восхищайте игрока, чтобы объединить его в команду Членов Экипажа.\nЭтот игрок победит с Членами Экипажа, а не со своей первоначальной командой.\n\nВы можете сделать это только один раз.",
- "TimeMasterInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа)\nПовелитель Времени использует вентиляцию, чтобы отметить текущее положение каждого игрока.\nПри повторном использовании способности каждый живой игрок будет телепортирован на отмеченные позиции.\n\nВо время действия способности Повелитель Времени получает временный щит, защищающий его от смерти.",
- "CrusaderInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nКак Крестоносец, используйте кнопку 'Убить' чтобы защитить игрока.\nЕсли этот игрок был атакован, вы убьете атакующего.",
- "AltruistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Altruist, you can sacrifice yourself to revive a dead body using the «Report» button.\nNote: If a dead player has left the game, you report that body normally.\nAlso revived player cannot report self dead body\nUse vent button to change between Report & Revive.",
- "ReverieInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nКак Мечтатель, ваш откат убийства очень большой.\n\nОткат уменьшается с каждым убийством.\n\nВы побеждаете с Членами Экипажа.",
- "LookoutInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nДозорный может видеть идентификаторы каждого игрока в любое время.\nЭто позволяет вам видеть идентификатор игра даже в морфлинге и при камуфляже.",
- "TelecommunicationInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nКоммуникатор получает уведомления, когда кто-либо пользуется:\nКамерами, Пульсам, Журналами или Админкой.",
- "LighterInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nЗажигалка может использовать вентиляцию чтобы временно увеличить свое зрение.\nВаше зрение улучшается как при саботаже света, так и без него.\nИспользуйте эту способность, чтобы ловить подлых убийц!",
+ "ChameleonInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chameleon, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
+ "InspectorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nCheck If two players are in the same team or not. You will get an affirmation message if they are on the same team or a denial message if they are not on the same team.\n\nAll Neutrals and converted players are counted in the same team. Trickster counts as Crewmate, and Rascal counts as Impostor.\nChecking command: /cmp [player id 1] [player id 2].",
+ "CaptainInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWith each completed task, the Captain gains the power to slow down a random non-Crewmate role. Crewmates can see ☆besides Captain's name.\n\nIf anyone betrays the Captain's trust by voting Captain out, they will lose an Add-on.",
+ "AdmirerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Admirer, admire a player to make them Crewmate aligned.\nThey'll win with Crewmates and not their original team.\n\nYou can only do this once per player.",
+ "TimeMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Time Master, use the Vents to mark everyone's position.\nWhen using the ability again, every alive player will rewind to the marked positions.\n\nDuring the ability duration, the Time Master gains a time shield, which protects them from death.",
+ "CrusaderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Crusader, use your Kill button to crusade a player.\nIf that player gets attacked, you'll kill the attacker.",
+ "AltruistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Altruist, you can sacrifice yourself to revive a dead body using the «Report» button.\nNote: If a dead player has left the game, you report that body normally.\nAlso revived player cannot report self dead body\nUse the Vent button to change between Report & Revive.",
+ "ReverieInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Reverie, you can kill, but your Cooldown starts high.\n\nIt increases if you kill a Crewmate and reduces otherwise.\nDepending on the Host's setting, you may misfire on reaching the maximum Kill Cooldown, and your target dies with you. \n\nYou win with other Crewmates.",
+ "LookoutInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Lookout, you can see the ID's of every player at all times.\nThis allows you to see through Shapeshifts and Camouflages.",
+ "TelecommunicationInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Telecommunication, you are notified when anyone uses Cameras, Vitals, Door Logs, or Admin.",
+ "LighterInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Lighter, you can Vent to increase your vision temporarily.\nYou have increased vision both when lights are not out and when lights are out.\nUse this power to catch sneaky killers!",
"TaskManagerInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nОн может видеть общее количество выполненных заданий рядом ролью, которое обновляется в режиме реального времени.",
- "WitnessInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nКогда Свидетель нажимает на кого-то кнопкой «Убить», он будет знать, убили ли они за последние 'X' секунд или нет. (X секунд зависит от настроек).",
- "SwapperInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nОбменщик может обменять голоса любых двух игроков, во время встречи. С помощью команды он может выбрать первого игрока, а затем после повторного использования команды он может выбрать второго игрока, а затем поменять местами голоса\nКоманда для обмена голосов: '/sw [номер игрока]'\nВы можете увидеть номер игрока перед именем игрока или вы можете использовать команду /id, чтобы увидеть номера всех игроков\nПримечание. В зависимости от настроек Хоста вы можете обмениваться собственными голосами.",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chief of Police,you can recruit a player to be a Sheriff(only once per game).\nDepending on the settings,you may recruit non-Crewmates or players without a kill button.\nYou may die when you recruit a wrong player.",
+ "WitnessInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Witness, when you use your Kill button on someone, you will know if they killed in the last X seconds or not. (X depends on the settings).",
+ "SwapperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Swapper, you can swap votes in meetings.\n\nTo swap votes, use '/sw [playerID]' twice.\n\nPlayer ID's are displayed next to player names in meetings, but you can also use /id to get a list of all player ID's.\n\nNote: Depending on the Host's settings, you can exchange your own votes.",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chief of Police, you can recruit a player to be a Sheriff(only once per game).\nDepending on the settings, you may recruit non-Crewmates or players without a Kill button.\nYou may suicide when you recruit a wrong player.",
"NiceMiniInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nДоброго Мини нельзя убить, пока он не вырастет, но если он умрет или он будет изгнан до того как вырастет, он выиграет в одиночку.",
- "SpyInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nКогда на Шпионе кто-то использует кнопку убийства (любую способность, которая используется с помощью кнопки убийства), он увидет его никнейм оранжевым цветом в течение нескольких секунд.\nПримечание: если Член Экипажа применил на вас свою способность, вы вы также увидите их с оранжевым именем!\nЕсли у него закончатся способности, он не сможет увидить оранжевых никнеймов",
- "RandomizerInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nКогда Рандомайзер умрет, его убийца сделает одно из следующих действий:\n 1. Моментально зарепортит труп\n 2. Будет заморожен на несколько секунд\n 3. Установит свой откат убийства на 600 секунд\n 4. Убьёт случайного игрока.",
- "ArsonistInfoLong": "(Злой - Нейтрал):\nПоджигатель может облить игрока, нажав на кнопку убийства на игроке и следуя за ним в течение нескольких секунд. Когда обливание начнется и пройдет успешно, в качестве напоминания будет отображаться анимация щита (видимая только им самим). Когда Поджигатель облил всех выживших игроков, Поджигатель может прыгнуть в вентиляцию, поджечь всех облитых игроков и победить в одиночку.\n\nЕсли в имени игрока отображается 「△」, это означает, что он в процессе обливания;\nЕсли имя игрока показывает 「▲」, это означает, что обливание игрока завершено.\nВ зависимости от обстановки, Поджигатель может начать поджог в любое время. Но если ему не удалось убить всех, он проиграет.",
+ "SpyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Spy, when someone uses their Kill button on you (any ability used through the Kill button), you'll see their name in orange for a few seconds.\nNote: If a Crewmate used their ability on you, you'll also see them with an orange name!\nNote: If you cannot use left, you won't see orange names!\nNote: If the Kill button interaction is blocked, the player's Cooldown will reset to 10s'",
+ "RandomizerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs this Randomizer, when you die, your killer will do one of the following:\n 1. self-report your body\n 2. stand next to your body\n 3. have their Kill Cooldown set to 600s\n 4. Randomly avenge a player.",
+ "ArsonistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Arsonist can douse a player by clicking the Kill button on the player and following them for a few seconds. When the dousing starts and it's successful, a Shield Animation will happen as a reminder (only visible to themselves). When the Arsonist has doused all surviving players, the Arsonist can Vent to start the fire and win alone.\n\nIf the player name shows 「△」, that means they are being doused;\nif the player name shows 「▲」, it means they have been completely doused.\nDepending on the setting, Arsonist may start the fire anytime. But if he fails to kill everyone, he loses.",
"EnigmaInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nЭнигма получает случайную подсказку об убийце на каждой встрече.\nВ зависимости от обстановки, возможно, придется зарепортить труп, чтобы получить подсказку.\nЧем больше заданий вы выполните, тем точнее будут подсказки.",
- "PyromaniacInfoLong": "(Нейтралы):\nКак Пиромант, вы должны облить игроков (одно нажатие на кнопку убийства) или просто убить (двойное нажатие на кнопку убийства). Обливание игроков не делает ничего сразу, но облитый игрок сократит ваш откат убийства. Останьтесь последним в живых, чтобы выиграть.",
- "HuntsmanInfoLong": "(Злой - Нейтрал):\nУ Охотника есть определенное количество целей, которые сбрасываются на каждой встрече.\nЕсли он убьёт одну из своих целей, откат убийства навсегда уменьшится на установленную величину в настройках.\nЕсли он убьёт кого-то другого, откат убийства навсегда увеличится на установленную величину в настройках. Его цели так-же будут иметь цветные имена.",
+ "PyromaniacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pyromaniac, you can douse players (single click) or kill normally (double click). Dousing players do nothing immediately, but killing a doused player will significantly shorten your Kill Cooldown. To win, be the last player alive.",
+ "HuntsmanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Huntsman, you are given a certain number of targets that reset every meeting. If you successfully eliminate one of your targets, your Kill Cooldown goes down permanently by the set amount. However, if you kill someone not one of your targets, your Kill Cooldown permanently increases by the set amount. A colored name indicates your targets.",
"MiniInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа или Предатель):\nМини – это две роли. Выбирается либо Добрый Мини, либо Злой Мини.\n\nИспользуйте «/r Добрый Мини» и «/r Злой Мини» соответственно для получения более подробной информации.",
"JesterInfoLong": "(Злой - Нейтрал):\nШут сможет выиграть игру, если он будет изгнан во время голосования.\nВ противном случае Шут проиграет.\nПримечание: Шут, Палач и Обвинитель могут победить вместе.",
"TerroristInfoLong": "(Злой - Нейтрал):\nТеррорист побеждает в одиночку, если его убивают или он будет изгнан. \nНо при условии что все его задания будут выполнены.",
"ExecutionerInfoLong": "(Злой - Нейтрал):\nУ Палача есть цель, которая будет обозначена ромбом「♦」рядом с именем цели. Если цель убита, Палач сменит свою роль на Члена Экипажа, Шута или Выжившего в соответствии с настройками. Если его цель будет изгнана на собрании, то победит Палач.\nПримечание: Шут, Палач и Обвинитель могут победить вместе.",
"LawyerInfoLong": "(Злой - Нейтрал):\nУ Адвоката есть цель для защиты, которая будет отмечена ромбом 「♦」 рядом с его никнеймом.\nЕсли ваша цель выиграет, он тоже победит.\nЕсли цель проиграет, то Адвокат соответственно тоже проиграет.",
"OpportunistInfoLong": "(Добрый - Нейтрал):\nВыживший выигрывает игру вместе с любыми другими ролями, но только если он выжил.",
- "VectorInfoLong": "(Злой - Нейтрал):\nЕсли Вектор прыгнет в вентиляцию определенное количество раз, то победит в одиночку.",
- "JackalInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jackal, you win if you are the last player alive. Additionally, you may recruit using the kill button. If the target is not one you can recruit, you have run out of uses, or you don't have the option to recruit, then you will kill people normally (i.e., don't use kill buttons in front of others thinking it'll recruit). If the target has a kill button and the option to turn into a Sidekick is on, they will become a Sidekick. Otherwise, they will gain the Recruit add-on if the option to give the Recruit add-on is on.\nDepending on the settings, when Jackal was killed, a Sidekick will be randomly selected as the new Jackal.\nRecruit may be selected if no sidekick is alive.",
+ "VectorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nVector will win alone by Venting a certain number of times.",
+ "JackalInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jackal, you win if you are the last player alive. Additionally, you may recruit using the Kill button. If the target is not one you can recruit, you have run out of uses, or you don't have the option to recruit, then you will kill people normally (i.e., don't use Kill buttons in front of others thinking it'll recruit). If the target has a Kill button and the option to turn into a Sidekick is on, they will become a Sidekick. Otherwise, they will gain the Recruit Add-on if the option to give the Recruit Add-on is on.\nDepending on the settings, when Jackal was killed, a Sidekick will be randomly selected as the new Jackal.\nRecruit may be selected if no Sidekick is alive.",
"GodInfoLong": "(Нейтрал):\nБог знает роль каждого игрока в начале игры. Если он доживет до конца игры, он победит.",
- "InnocentInfoLong": "(Злой - Нейтрал):\nОбвинитель может использовать кнопку ''Убить'', чтобы пометить любого игрока.\nПомеченная цель немедленно убьёт Обвинителя.\nЕсли помеченная цель будет изгнана во время встречи, то Обвинитель одержит победу.\nПримечание: Шут, Палач и Обвинитель могут победить вместе.",
- "PelicanInfoLong": "(Нейтрал):\nПеликан может использовать кнопку убийства, чтобы съесть живого игрока, телепортируя его за пределы карты, но при этом не убивая. Те, кого вы съели, будут убиты только в том случае, если вы остались в живых в конце раунда. Если вы были убиты или вышли из игры во время раунда, все живые съеденные игроки будут заспавнены в том месте, где сейчас стоите вы.",
- "RevolutionistInfoLong": "(Злой Нейтрал):\nРеволюционер может нанимать игроков, нажимая на кнопку убийства на игроке и следуя за ним, пока для него не заиграет анимация щита. При вербовке есть шанс, убить игрока. Когда необходимое количество игроков будет набрано, он должен вентануться в течение нескольких секунд, чтобы немедленно выиграть игру со всеми своими игроками в команде. Если он не вентанётся вовремя, то проиграет и умрёт.",
- "HaterInfoLong": "(Злой Нейтрал):\nУ Бессердечника нет отката убийства. Однако в зависимости от настроек вы можете убивать только Любовников, а также другие рекрутинговые роли и атрибуты. Убийство кого-либо еще приведет к самоубийству. Он выиграет в конце игры с командой-победителем, если ни одна из убиваемых ролей не жива.",
+ "InnocentInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Innocent can use the Kill button to plant any player, and the planted target will immediately kill the Innocent. If the target gets voted out in the meeting, the Innocent wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
+ "PelicanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pelican, you can use the Kill button to swallow a player alive, teleporting them off-bounds but not killing them yet. Those swallowed will only die if you're still alive at the end of the round. If you die or leave during the round, all alive swallowed players will spawn into the map where you were.",
+ "RevolutionistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Revolutionist, you can recruit players by clicking the Kill button on the player and following them until the Shield Animation plays for you. Recruiting has a chance, set by the Host, to kill players (though they are still recruited). When the required number of players are recruited (displayed next to your name), you must Vent within the specified time to win the game immediately with all your recruits. If you do not Vent in time, you lose and die.",
+ "HaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hater, you have no Kill Cooldown. However, depending on the settings, you can only kill Lovers and other Recruiting Roles and Add-ons. Killing anyone else will make you suicide. You win at the end of the game with the winning team if none of the killable roles are alive. You will not be Lovers.",
"DemonInfoLong": "(Злой Нейтрал):\nДемон убивает при помощи истощения здоровья. Он видит здоровье в процентах рядом с именем каждого игрока, и каждая его атака истощает процент этого здоровья без ведома жертвы. Как только он истощает здоровье своей жертвы до 0, он умирает. Он выиграет, если останется последним выжившим.",
- "StalkerInfoLong": "(Злой - Нейтрал):\nСталкер может убить кого угодно, и каждое убийство немедленно вызовет саботаж света.\nСталкер не может вентоваться.\nЕсли Предатели или Члены Экипажа побеждают (или Нейтралы, по настройке Хоста) пока Сталкер жив, то он забирает победу себе.",
+ "StalkerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Stalker can kill anyone, and every kill will immediately cause a Lights Sabotage (if Lights Sabotage is already active, nothing will happen). Stalker cannot Vent. If the Impostor wins while the Stalker is alive or the Crewmate wins by killing the Impostors (according to the Host's setting, the Stalker may also win when the Crewmate wins by killing the Neutrals), then the Stalker wins alone.",
"WorkaholicInfoLong": "(Злой Нейтрал):\nТрудоголик выиграет в одиночку когда выполнит все задания. В зависимости от настроек хоста, он может выиграть, только если живы и/или он известен всем игрокам в начале.",
- "SolsticerInfoLong": "(Злой Нейтрал):\nСолнечный не умрет и выиграет, выполнив все свои задания за один раунд. После завершения каждой встречи его задачи сбрасываются, и ему нужно начинать все заново.\nГолос по Солнечному будет напрямую отменено.\nПри попытки убить Солнечного игрока телепортируют его за пределы карты, как Пеликана, до тех пор, пока встреча не завершится.\nОткат убийства у убийцы будет сброшено до 10 секунд.\nСолнечный не считается никем.",
+ "SolsticerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Solsticer, you won't die, and you win by finishing all your tasks in a single round. After every meeting finishes, your tasks reset, and you need to start all over again.\nVotes on the Solsticer will be directly canceled.\nKill attempts on the Solsticer will teleport it out of the map like Pelican until the meeting is finished.\nThe killer's Kill Cooldown will be reset to 10 seconds.\nSolsticer is counted as nothing in-game.",
"CollectorInfoLong": "(Злой Нейтрал):\nКогда Коллектор голосует за игрока, и если у этого игрока есть другие голоса то он получает очки (количество зависит от количества голосов).\nКогда он наберет необходимое количество голосов, игра закончится, и он выиграет, даже если он проголосовал за Шута или Палача.",
- "GlitchInfoLong": "(Злой Нейтрал):\nГлич может взламывать игроков (одиним нажатием на кнопку убийства) или убивать обычным способом (двойным нажатием на кнопку убийства).\nТе, кого взломали, не могут убивать, вентоваться или репортить трупы в течение периода взлома.\nКроме того, вызов саботажа замаскирует Глича под случайного игрока.\nЧтобы победить, станьте последним выжившим игроком.",
+ "GlitchInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Glitch, you can hack players (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose who have been hacked cannot kill, Vent, or report for the hack duration.\nAdditionally, calling a Sabotage other than doors will have no effect and will instead disguise you as a random player. You cannot disguise during or after Sabotages.\nTo win, be the last player alive.",
"SidekickInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sidekick, your job is to help the Jackal kill everyone.\nYou and the Jackal win together.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed.\nYou may not be able to kill until old Jackal is dead.",
- "ProvocateurInfoLong": "(Злой - Нейтрал)\nПровокатор может использовать кнопку убийства, чтобы погибнуть вместе с любой целью. Если цель проиграет в конце игры, Провокатор выиграет вместе с командой-победителем.",
- "BloodKnightInfoLong": "(Злой - Нейтрал):\nКровный Рыцарь побеждает, когда он остается последним живым убийцей, а количество Членов Экипажа меньше или равно количеству Кровных Рыцарей.\nПосле каждого своего убийства он получает временный щит, который делает его бессмертным от прямых атак на несколько секунд.",
- "PlagueBearerInfoLong": "(Апокалипсис):\nЗаразите всех, чтобы превратиться в Чуму.\nКак только вы превратитесь в Чуму, вы станете бессмертным и получите способность убивать.\nВы убьете любого, кто попытается убить вас.\n\nКроме того, когда зараженные игроки взаимодействуют с незараженными игроками, они также будут заражены.",
+ "ProvocateurInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Provocateur, you can kill any target with the Kill button. If the target loses at the end of the game, the Provocateur wins with the winning team.",
+ "BloodKnightInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Blood Knight wins when they're the last killing role alive, and the amount of Crewmates is lower or equal to the amount of Blood Knights. The Blood Knight gains a temporary shield after every kill, making them immortal for a few seconds.",
+ "PlagueBearerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Plaguebearer, plague everyone using your Kill button to turn into Pestilence.\nOnce you turn into Pestilence, you will become immortal and gain the ability to kill, and you will kill anyone who tries to kill you.\n\nAlso, when infected players interact with uninfected players, they will also be infected.",
"PestilenceInfoLong": "(Апокалипсис):\nВ роли Чумы вы не остановимая машина.\nЛюбая атака в ваш адрес будет отражена в их сторону.\nКосвенные убийства даже не убивают вас.\n\nЕдинственный способ убить Чуму — проголосовать за нее или при ошибке угадывания.\nПосле трансформации ваше присутствие будет объявлено всем на собрании.",
- "SoulCollectorInfoLong": "(Апокалипсис):\nКак Коллектор Душ, вы можете использовать кнопку убийства на игроке, чтобы предсказать его смерть. Вы получите душу, если ваша цель умрет в выбранном вами раунде или во время следующей встречи.\nВаша цель сбрасывается после каждой встречи или после ее смерти, в зависимости от того, что наступит раньше. \n\nКак только вы соберете заданное количество душ, вы станете Смертью.\nЕсли включена настройка получения пассивных душ, вы будете получать по одной душе при каждой встрече.",
+ "SoulCollectorInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Soul Collector, you can use your Kill button on a player to predict their death. You will gain a Soul if your target dies in the round you select them or the meeting after.\nYour target resets after each meeting or after they die, whichever comes first. \n\nOnce you collect the configurable amount of Souls, you become Death. If the gain passive Souls setting is enabled, you will gain a Soul each meeting.",
"DeathInfoLong": "(Апокалипсис):\nКак только Коллектор Душ соберет необходимые души, они становятся Смертью.\nСмерти нужно убить всех и победить, если Смерть не будет изгнана к концу следующей встречи.\nНа встрече будет предоставлено настраиваемое количество дополнительного времени, чтобы провести больше обсуждений по поиску Смерти.\n\nВы непобедимы, и после трансформации ваше присутствие будет объявлено всем на собрании.",
- "BakerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Baker, you can use your kill button on a player per round to give them bread. \nOnce a set amount of players are alive with bread, you become Famine.\n\nIf the Bread gives additional effects and the setting is on, then you can vent to change the bread that you give out. \nBread Effects:\nReveal: Reveals the target's role to the Baker (stays the whole game)\nRoleblock: Resets the target's kill cooldown when they try to use their kill button\nBarrier: Gives the target a barrier that is only known to the Baker (barrier is removed after the meeting)",
- "FamineInfoLong": "(Апокалипсис):\nКак только у Пекаря останется определенное количество живых людей с хлебом, они станут Голодом.\nЕсли после собрания не проголосуют за Голод, то они станут Голодом, и каждый игрок без хлеба умрет от голода (за исключением других участников Апокалипсиса).\nПосле голодной смерти всех без хлеба Голод может использовать кнопку убийства, чтобы морить голодом всех оставшихся игроков, что убьет этих игроков прямо перед следующей встречей.\n\nВы непобедимы, и после трансформации ваше присутствие будет объявлено всем на собрании.",
+ "BakerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Baker, you can use your Kill Button on a player per round to give them bread. \nOnce a set amount of players are alive with bread, you become Famine.\n\nIf the Bread gives additional effects and the setting is on, then you can Vent to change the bread that you give out. \nBread Effects:\nReveal: Reveals the target's role to the Baker (stays the whole game)\nRoleblock: Resets the target's Kill Cooldown when they try to use their Kill Button\nBarrier: Gives the target a Barrier that is only known to the Baker (Barrier is removed after the meeting)",
+ "FamineInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Baker has a set amount of people with bread alive, they will become Famine. If the Famine does not get voted out after the meeting, then they will become Famine, and every player without bread will starve (excluding other Apocalypse members).\nAfter this starvation of everyone without bread, Famine can use their Kill Button to starve any remaining players, which will kill those players right before the next meeting.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
"BerserkerInfoLong": "(Апокалипсис):\nИграя за Берсерка, вы повышаете уровень с каждым убийством.\nДостигнув определенного уровня, определенным Хостом, вы открываете новую новые силы такие как:\nВаши цели при убийстве исчезают.\nУбийства с помощью бомбы заставляют ваши убийства взрываться. Будьте осторожны при убийстве, так как это может убить других ваших членов Апокалипсиса, если они окажутся рядом. \nПосле определенного уровня вы становитесь Войной.",
- "WarInfoLong": "(Апокалипсис):\nИграя за Войну, вы непобедимы, у вас маленький откат убийства и вы можете убить любого, используя свои предыдущие способности.\nПосле трансформации ваше присутствие будет объявлено всем на собрании.",
- "FollowerInfoLong": "(Нейтрал):\nПоследователь может использовать кнопку «Убить» на игроке, чтобы начать следовать за ним, так же он может снова использовать кнопку «Убить», чтобы переключиться на следующую цель. Если цель Последователя победит, то он победит вместе с ним.\nПримечание: Последователь может победить даже после смерти.",
- "CultistInfoLong": "(Злой Нейтрал):\nСуккуб может использовать кнопку убийства, чтобы зачаровать других игроков, заставляя их побеждать вместе с вами.\nЧтобы победить, зачаруйте всех, кто представляет угрозу.\nВ зависимости от настроек вы можете зачаровать нейтральных игроков, а те, кого вы зачаровываете, могут считаться своей исходной командой, ничем или Суккубом, чтобы определить, когда вы выиграете благодаря большинству.",
+ "WarInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs War, you are invincible, have a lower Kill Cooldown, and can kill anyone with your previous powers.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
+ "FollowerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Follower can use their Kill Button on someone to start following them and can use the Kill Button again to switch the following target. If the Follower's target wins, the Follower will win along with them. Note: The Follower can also win after they die.",
+ "CultistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cultist, your Kill Button is used to Charm others, making them win with you. To win, charm all who pose a threat and gain the majority.\nDepending on settings, you may be able to charm Neutrals, and those you Charm may count as their original team, nothing, or a Cultist to determine when you win due to majority.",
"SerialKillerInfoLong": "(Нейтрал):\nСерийный убийца выиграет, если он останется последним выжившим игроком.",
- "JuggernautInfoLong": "(Злой - Нейтрал):\nУ Джаггернаута откат убийства уменьшается с каждым его убийством.\n\nЕго цель это - убить всех игроков, чтобы победить.",
+ "JuggernautInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Juggernaut, your Kill Cooldown decreases with each kill you make.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"InfectiousInfoLong": "(Злой - Нейтрал):\nЗадача Заразного — заразить как можно больше игроков.\n\nЕсли он заразит всех убийц, он сможет просто превзойти численность команды и выиграть игру.\n\nЕсли он умрет, все заражённые им игроки умрут после следующей встречи.\nЕсли они достигнут условия победы до этого момента, вы все равно сможете выиграть.",
- "VirusInfoLong": "(Злой - Нейтрал):\nЗадача Вируса убить или заразить всех игроков. Когда Вирус убивает игрока, его труп заражается вирусом. Игрок который зарепортит труп, будет заражен и присоеденится к команде вируса или умрёт в конце встречи, если Вирус не будет изгнан при голосовании, в зависимости от настроек. Если в команде Вирусов больше игроков, чем в команде Членов Экипажа, команда Вирусов побеждает.",
+ "VirusInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe task of the Virus is to kill or infect all other players. When the Virus murders a Crewmate, their corpse is infected with a virus. The Crewmate who reports this corpse is infected joins the virus team or dies at the end of the meeting if the Virus doesn't get voted out, depending on the settings. If more players are on the Virus team than the Crewmate team, the Virus team wins.",
"PursuerInfoLong": "(Добрый - Нейтрал):\nПреследователь может использовать свою способность на ком-то с помощью кнопки убийства.\nКогда его цель попытается кого-то убить, то цель тут же умрёт.\n\nЧтобы победить, просто доживите до конца игры.",
"SpecterInfoLong": "(Добрый/Злой - Нейтрал):\nТени нужно умереть и завершить свои задания.\nОн может выполнять свои задания даже когда он жив.\nНо не сможет победить, если он жив.\nЕсли его убьют, то он выиграет вместе с какой-либо командой, если его задания были завершены.",
- "PirateInfoLong": "(Злой - Нейтрал):\nПират может использовать кнопку убийства, чтобы выбирать цель в каждом раунде.\nОн будет сражаться со своей целью на следующей встрече. \nЕсли и Пират и цель выбирают одинаковое число, то Пират побеждает.\nКроме того, если Пират выигрывает дуэль или цель не участвует в дуэли, Пират убивает цель. (Даже если цель ничего не выбрала)\n\nДуэльная команда:- '/duel X' (где X может быть 0, 1 или 2)\n\nОн побеждает, выиграв определенное количество дуэлей, установленное хостом.\n\nПримечание. Если цель не участвовала в дуэли, убийство не засчитывается в победу Пирата.",
- "AgitaterInfoLong": "(Нейтрал):\nКак Агитатор, ваша задача - это, по сути, Догонялки.\n\nИспользуйте кнопку Убийства на игроке, чтобы передать бомбу.\nЭто можно сделать только один раз за раунд.\n\nИгрок, получивший бомбу, будет уведомлен о получении бомбы, в котором он должен передать ее другому игроку, подойдя к нему. \n\nКогда объявляется собрание, игрок с бомбой погибает.\n\nЕсли он пытается передать бомбу Чуме или ветерану, находящемуся в состоянии боевой готовности, то вместо него погибает игрок, получивший бомбу.\nОпционально, Агитатор не может получить бомбу.",
- "MaverickInfoLong": "(Злой Нейтрал):\nБродяга может убивать, вентоваться и иметь обзор предателя. (в зависимости от настройек)\nЕсли он доживет до конца игры, он выиграет вместе с командой-победителем.\nИспользуйте свои способности, чтобы устранить угрозы своей жизни, но не позволяйте себе быть исключенными из голосования.",
- "CursedSoulInfoLong": "(Злой - Нейтрал):\nЗаклинатель вырывает победу, если доживет до конца игры.\n\nОн может вырвать победу даже у Шута или Палача.\n\nКроме того он может вырвать душу у других игроков.\nБездушные игроки победят вместе с ним, но будут считаться как мертвыми.",
+ "PirateInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pirate, use your Kill button to select a target every round.\nYou will duel with your target in the next meeting. \nIf both the Pirate and the target choose the same number, the Pirate wins.\nAdditionally, if the Pirate wins the duel or the target doesn't participate in the duel, the Pirate kills the target.\n\nDueling command: /duel X (where X can be 0, 1, or 2)\n\nYou win after winning a certain number of duels set by the Host.\n\nNote: The kill would not count towards Pirate victory if the target did not participate in the duel.",
+ "AgitaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Agitator, your premise is essentially Hot Potato.\n\nUse your Kill Button on a player to pass the bomb.\nThis can only be done once per round.\n\nThe player who receives the bomb will be notified when receiving said bomb, in which they need to pass it to another player by getting near a player.\n\nWhen a meeting is called, the player with the bomb dies.\n\nIf trying to pass to Pestilence or a Veteran on alert, the bombed player dies instead.\nOptionally, the Agitator cannot receive the bomb.",
+ "MaverickInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Maverick, you can kill and, depending on options, Vent and have Impostor vision\nIf you survive until the end of the game, you win with the winning team.\nUse your killing ability to eliminate threats to your life, but don't get voted out.",
+ "CursedSoulInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cursed Soul, you steal the victory if you survive to the end of the game.\n\nYou can steal the win from a Jester or Executioner.\n\nAdditionally, you can steal the Souls of other players.\nSoulless players win with you and count as dead.",
"PickpocketInfoLong": "(Злой - Нейтрал):\nКарманник крадет голоса после каждого его убийства.\n\nКогда он убьёт всех, он победит.",
"TraitorInfoLong": "(Злой - Нейтрал):\nТрейтор был Предателем, который предал команду Предателей.\nОн знает кто является Предателем, но они не знают кто является Трейтором.\nОни могут убить вас, но вы не сможете убить их.\n\nУбейте Предателей другими возможными способами, а затем убейте всех остальных игроков, чтобы победить!",
- "TrollerInfoLong": "(Нейтрал):\nБудучи Троллем, вы можете выполнять задания, чтобы с игроками могли происходить случайные события.\nНапример, изменение скорости всех игроков, телепортация, влияние на саботаж и т. д.\nТакже вы можете выиграть вместе с командой победителем.",
- "VultureInfoLong": "(Злой - Нейтрал):\nСтервятник может репортить трупы для победы!\n\nКогда он репортит труп, если откат съедения истек, он съест труп.\n(Обратите внимение что после съедения трупа, труп не может исчезнуть из-за технических ограничений, его просто нельзя будет зарепортить)\nЕсли его способность есть все еще в откате, он зарепортит труп как обычно.\n\nКроме того, он будет репортить трупы в обычном режиме, если будет достигнуто максимальное количество тел, съеденных за раунд.",
+ "TrollerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs a Troller, you can complete tasks so that random events can happen to players.\nFor example, changing the speed of all players, teleportation, influencing Sabotage, etc.\nAlso you can win with the winning team.",
+ "VultureInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Vulture, report bodies to win!\n\nWhen you report a body, if your Eat Cooldown is up, you'll eat the body (makes it unreportable).\nIf your eat ability is still on Cooldown, then you'll report the body normally.\n\nAdditionally, you'll report bodies normally if the maximum bodies eaten per round is reached.",
"AbyssbringerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Abyssbringer, you can place black holes. Black holes will suck in players and kill them when colliding with them.",
- "TaskinatorInfoLong": "(Нейтрал):\nВсякий раз когда Таскинатор выполняет задание, задание будет заложено бомбой.\nКогда другой игрок выполнит задание которая была заложена, бомба моментально взорвется, и этот игрок умрет.\n\nВы выиграете, если доживете до конца.\n\nПримечание: Все бомбы Таскинатора игнорируют все защиты.",
+ "TaskinatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Taskinator, whenever you finish a task, the task will be bombed. When another player completes the bombed task, the bomb will detonate, and the player will die.\n\nYou win if you survive till the end and Crewmates don't win.\n\n Note: Taskinator bombs ignore all protection.",
"BenefactorInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nКаждый раз когда Благодетель выполняет задание, оно будет отмечено. Когда другой игрок выполняет отмеченное задание, он получает временный щит.\n\n Примечание. Щит защищает только от прямых убийств.",
- "MedusaInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Medusa, you can stone bodies much like cleaning a body.\nStoned bodies cannot be reported.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"SpiritcallerInfoLong": "(Злой - Нейтрал):\nКогда Призыватель убивает игроков, они становятся Злыми Духами. Эти духи могут помочь ему победить, заморозив других игроков на короткое время и/или уменьшить их дальность обзора. Кроме того, Злые Духи могут дать ему щит, который ненадолго защитит его от попытки убийства.",
- "AmnesiacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Amnesiac, use your report button to remember a target and get its role.\nTo balance the game, you will not be able to vent after remembering your role if you can't vent as Amnesiac.'",
- "ImitatorInfoLong": "(Нейтрал):\nИмитатор использует кнопку убийства, чтобы подражать ролями игроков.\n\nВы станете Шерифом, Беженцем или Нейтралом.",
- "BanditInfoLong": "(Нейтрал):\nБандит может нажать кнопку убийства один раз, чтобы украсть атрибут у игрока\nДвойное нажатие убьёт игрока.\nВ зависимости от настроек вы можете украсть атрибут сразу или после начала встречи.\nПосле достижения максимального количества краж вы будете убивать как обычно.\nКроме того, если на цели нет украденных атрибутов вы убьете цель.\n\nУбейте всех, чтобы победить.\n\nПримечание: - Очищенный, Последний Предатель и Любовники не могут быть украдены.\nЕсли он может использовать вентиляцию, Шустрый станет недоступным для кражи.",
- "DoppelgangerInfoLong": "(Нейтрал):\nДвойник использует кнопку убийства, чтобы украсть личность игрока (его ник и скин), а затем убивает свою цель.\n\nПримечание: Вы не можете украсть личность цели, находясь в камуфляже (если он активен).",
+ "AmnesiacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Amnesiac, use your report button to remember a target and get its role.\nTo balance the game, you will not be able to Vent after remembering your role if you can't Vent as Amnesiac.'",
+ "ImitatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Imitator, use your Kill button to imitate a player.\n\nYou'll either become a Sheriff, a Refugee, or some Neutral.",
+ "BanditInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Bandit, you can click your Kill button one time to steal a player's Add-on and twice to kill. Depending on the settings, you may instantly steal the Add-on or after the meeting starts. After the maximum number of steals is reached, you will kill normally. Additionally, if there are no stealable Add-ons on the target or the target is Stubborn, you will kill the target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: Cleansed, Last Impostor, and Lovers cannot be stolen.\nNote: If Bandit can Vent is on, Nimble will become unstealable.",
+ "DoppelgangerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Doppelganger, use your Kill button to steal a player's identity (their name and skin) and then kill your target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: You cannot steal the target's identity when Camouflage is active.",
"PunchingBagInfoLong": "(Злой - Нейтрал):\nКак Стойкий, ваша задача это быть атакованным несколько раз, чтобы победить.\n\nВы не можете быть угаданы, ибо это идёт вам к счётчику атак.",
- "DoomsayerInfoLong": "(Злой - Нейтрал):\nПредсказатель может угадывать роли определённых игроков во время встречи.\nЕсли он угадает определённое количество ролей, то он победит (Количество зависит от настроек Хоста).\nКоманда для угадываний: '/bt [Номер игрока] [Название Роли]'\nПример: /bt 3 Стукач \nВы можете увидеть номер игрока перед его никнеймом, или же для просмотра номеров всех игроков нужно использовать команду ''/id''.",
- "ShroudInfoLong": "(Злой - Нейтрал):\nНакрыватель не убивает игроков как обычно.\nВместо этого использует кнопку убийства, чтобы накрыть игрока.\nНакрытые игроки убивают других игроков.\nЕсли накрытый игрок не совершит убийство, он убьет себя после встречи.\n\nНакрыватель видит накрытых игроков с отметкой「◈」рядом с их именем.\nНакрытые игроки, не совершившие убийства, также будут иметь метку「◈」на встречах, где они умрут, если Накрыватель будет жив к концу встречи.",
- "WerewolfInfoLong": "(Злой - Нейтрал):\nВолк может убивать так же, как и любой убийца.\nОднако, когда он убивает, все ближайшие игроки также умирают.\nЛюбой игрок, который умирает от этого, будет иметь причину смерти как 'Растерзан'.\n\nЧтобы сбалансировать это, у него есть более высокий откат убийства, чем у кого-либо еще.",
- "ShamanInfoLong": "(Злой - Нейтрал):\nШаман может использовать кнопку убийства, чтобы выбрать куклу вуду один раз за раунд.\nЕсли на нём будет использована кнопка убийства, эффект будет перенаправлен на куклу вуду.\nЕсли вы доживете до конца, вы выиграете вместе с командой-победителем.\nПримечание: Если убийца не может убить выбранную цель, убийство отменяется, но если убийца попытается убить Шамана снова, то Шаман умрёт.",
- "SeekerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the seeker, use your kill button to tag the target. If the seeker tags the wrong player, a point is deducted, and if the seeker tags the correct player, a point will be added.\nAdditionally, the seeker will not be able to move for 5 seconds after every meeting and after getting a new target.\n\nThe seeker needs to collect a certain number of points set by the Host to win.\nSeeker will see a ★ mark on target's name.",
- "PixieInfoLong": "(Нейтрал):\nИграя за Пикси, помечайте до X количество целей каждый раунд, нажимая на кнопку убийства. Когда собрание начнется, ваша задача — выбросить одну из отмеченных целей. В случае неудачи вы покончите жизнь самоубийством, за исключением случаев, когда вы не отметили ни одной цели или все цели мертвы. Выбранные цели сбрасываются до 0 после окончания встречи. Если вам это удастся, вы получите очко. Вы видите все свои цели в цветных именах.\n\nВы выигрываете вместе с командой-победителем, если у вас есть определенное количество очков.",
- "SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(Добрый Нейтрал):\nЕсли кто-то попытается использовать против Пленного Кота кнопку убийства, он присоединится к команде убийцы, и при этом сам останется жив.\nБлокирующая способность срабатывает только один раз.\nПо умолчанию у него нет условия победы, но он выигрывает после смены команды.\nКроме того, в игре он не будете считаться никем.\n\nПримечание: Если Машина для Убийств попытается убить вас, взаимодействие не будет заблокировано, и Кот умрет.",
- "RomanticInfoLong": "(Нейтрал):\nРомантик может выбрать своего любовного партнёра используя кнопку убийств (это может быть сделано в любом моменте игры). Как только они выбрали партнера, они могут использовать кнопку убийства, чтобы дать своему партнёру временный щит. Если любовный партнёр умирает, Романтик поменяет свою роль.\n1. Если партнёр был Предателем, Романтик становятся Беженцем.\n2. Если партнёр был Нейтральным Убийцей, Романтик становится Безжалостным.\n3. Если партнёр был Ковеном, Романтик становится Банши.\n4. Если их партнёр был Членом Экипажа, или не убивающим нейтралом, Романтик становтся Мстящим.\n\nРомантик побеждает если партнёр побеждает.\n★Обратите внимание★: Если ваша роль меняется, то условия победы будут менятся тоже",
- "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(Нейтрал):\nВы меняете свою роль с Романтика, если ваш партнёр (нейтральный убийца) мертв. Как Безжалостный Романтик, вы побеждаете когда убьете всех и останетесь последним в живых. Вы побеждаете когда ваш мертвый партнёр также побеждает с вами.",
- "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(Нейтрал):\nВы меняете свои роль с Романтика, если ваш партнер убит (Член Экипажа или не убивающий нейтрал). В качестве Мстящего Романтика, Ваша цель - отомстить за вашего партнера, а значит вы должны убить убийцу своего партнера. Если вы добились успеха, то оба вы и ваш партнер выигрывают с командой победителей в конце. Если вы пытаетесь убить кого-нибудь кроме убийцы вашего партнера, то вы умрете от промаха.",
- "PoisonerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Poisoner, your kills are delayed.\nKill everyone to win.",
- "HexMasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hex Master, you can hex players or kill them.\nHexing a player works the same as spelling as a Witch.",
- "WraithInfoLong": "(Злой Нейтрал):\nДух может временно стать невидимым прыгнув в вентиляцию. Но он по-прежнему будете видимым для самого игрока. Чтобы стать видимым снова прыгните в вентиляцию. Он выиграет, если останется последним игроком.",
- "JinxInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jinx, whenever you get attacked, you jinx them, resulting in them dying to a jinx.\nThis has limited uses.\n\nKill off everyone to win.",
- "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Potion Master, you have three different potions assigned to three different actions.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\nMap: Sabotage\n\nThe reveal potion has a limit.\nWhen you run out, the kill buttons default to killing.",
- "NecromancerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Necromancer, you win when you're the last one standing.\nAdditionally when someone tries to kill you, you will block the kill, and you will teleport to a random vent. You will have a limited time to kill your killer. If you succeed in doing so, you live. If the time runs out before you kill your killer, you die permanently. If you try to kill someone else other than your killer, you will die.",
- "ShockerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shocker, you can mark rooms by doing tasks in them, and then vent to Electrocute anyone in those rooms for a set period of time. When you finish all of your tasks, you get new ones. Note: Doing tasks during that period will mark them for the next ability use.",
- "LastImpostorInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nАтрибут, присваивается последнему Предателю. \nВремя отката убийства становится меньше, чем обычно. \nНе назначается Охотнику за головами, Серийному убийце или Вампиру.",
- "OverclockedInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nУ Разгонного откат убийства уменьшается на процент указанный в настройках.\n\nНазначается только ролям с кнопкой убийства.",
+ "DoomsayerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Doomsayer can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting.\nIf the Doomsayer guesses a certain number of roles (the number depends on the Host settings), then he wins.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
+ "ShroudInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shroud, you do not kill normally.\nInstead, use your Kill button to shroud a player.\nShrouded players kill others.\nIf the shrouded player doesn't make a kill, they'll kill themselves after a meeting.\n\nShroud sees shrouded players with a 「◈」mark next to their name.\nShrouded players who did not make a kill will also have the 「◈」mark in meetings, where they'll die if the Shroud is alive by the end of the meeting.",
+ "WerewolfInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Werewolf, you can kill much like any killer.\nHowever, when you kill, any nearby players also die.\nAny player who dies to this will have their death reason as Mauled.\n\nTo balance this, you have a higher Kill Cooldown than anyone else.",
+ "ShamanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shaman, you can use your Kill button to select a Voodoo Doll once per round. If the Kill button is used on you, the effect will be deflected onto the Voodoo Doll.\nIf you survive until the end, you win with the winning team.\nNote: If the killer cannot kill the chosen target, murder is canceled, but if the killer rechecks the Shaman, the killer will kill the Shaman.",
+ "SeekerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Seeker, use your Kill button to tag the target. If the Seeker tags the wrong player, a point is deducted, and if the Seeker tags the correct player, a point will be added.\nAdditionally, the Seeker will not be able to move for 5 seconds after every meeting and after getting a new target.\n\nThe Seeker needs to collect a certain number of points set by the Host to win.\nSeeker will see a ★ mark on target's name.",
+ "PixieInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pixie, mark up to an X amount of targets each round by using the Kill button on them. You must have one of the marked targets ejected when the meeting starts. If unsuccessful, you will commit suicide, except if you didn't mark any targets or all the targets are dead. The selected targets reset to 0 after the meeting ends. If you succeed, you will gain a point. You see all your targets in colored names.\n\nYou win with the winning team when you have certain amounts of points set by the Host.",
+ "SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs Schrodingers Cat, if someone attempts to use the Kill button on you, you will block the action and join their team. This blocking ability works only once. By default, you don't have a victory condition, meaning you win only after switching teams.\nIn Addition to this, you will be counted as nothing in the game.\n\nNote: If the Killing Machine attempts to use their Kill button on you, the interaction is not blocked, and you will die.",
+ "RomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Romantic can pick their lover partner using their Kill button (this can be done at any point of the game). Once they've picked their partner, they can use their Kill button to give their partner a temporary shield that protects them from attacks. If their lover partner dies, the Romantic's role will change according to the following conditions:\n1. If their partner was an Impostor, the Romantic becomes the Refugee\n2. If their partner was a Neutral Killer, then they become Ruthless Romantic.\n3. If their partner was a Crewmate or a non-killing Neutral, the Romantic becomes the Vengeful Romantic. \n\nThe Romantic wins with the winning team if their partner wins.\nNote: If your role changes, your win condition will be changed accordingly",
+ "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (a Neutral Killer) is killed. As a Ruthless Romantic, you win if you kill everyone and are the last one standing. If you win, your dead partner will also win with you.",
+ "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (a Crewmate or non-Neutral Killer) is killed. As a Vengeful Romantic, your goal is to avenge your partner, which means you must kill the killer of your partner. If you succeed, then you and your partner win with the winning team at the end. If you try to kill someone other than your partner's killer, then you will die by misfire.",
+ "WraithInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Wraith, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible. You win if you are the last player remaining.",
+ "ShockerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shocker, you can mark rooms by doing tasks in them, and then Vent to electrocute anyone in those rooms for a set period of time. When you finish all of your tasks, you get new ones. Note: Doing tasks during that period will mark them for the next ability use.",
+ "CovenInfoLong": "(Coven):\nCoven members are on a separate team that works together and wins together. If there are multiple Coven roles in the game, they can see each other's roles.\nDepending on the Host's settings, Coven roles can guess or be guessed.\nDo /coveninfo for more info.",
+ "PoisonerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Poisoner can use their Kill button on a player to roleblock them. The next time the roleblocked player tries to use their ability, it will do nothing, and their Cooldown will be reset.\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. These kills will be delayed.",
+ "HexMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Hex Master can use their Kill button to mark a player with the 乂 symbol. If a player has this at the end of the meeting and the Hex Master hasn't died - then they die.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Hex will be passed around - similar to an Agitator bomb. Also, you can double-click the Kill button to kill normally.",
+ "JinxInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Jinx can use their Kill button to jinx a player. Anyone who interacts with the jinxed player will die with the death reason Jinxed.\nWith the Necronomicon the Jinx can double-kill to kill normally. Also, the jinxed player and the player who interacted with the jinxed person will die.",
+ "MedusaInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Medusa can use their Kill button on players to mark them as Stoned. When the Medusa clicks the Shapeshift button, all Stoned players will be unable to move and will have reduced vision for a configurable amount of time.\nWith the Necronomicon, killed players will be unreportable.",
+ "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Potion Master has two potions available for their use. The Reveal potion reveals a player's role. The Barrier potion places a shield on a player for one round, the player will not be notified of this unless they are Coven as well. Click the Shapeshift button to change potions.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Potion Master can double-click their Kill button to kill.",
+ "NecromancerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nAs the Necromancer, you can Shapeshift to become the role of a random dead person for a set duration.\nSome roles can not be used.\nOnce a role is used, it can not be used the rest of the game.\nWith the Necronomicon, when someone tries to kill you, you will block the kill and be teleported to a random Vent. You have a limited time to kill your killer. If the time runs out or you try to kill someone else, you die.",
+ "CovenLeaderInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Coven Leader can use their Kill button on a fellow Coven member to retrain them into a random Coven role that isn’t currently in the game. During the next meeting, that Coven member will be notified that the Coven Leader wishes to retrain them. They can vote themselves to accept the retrain, or vote otherwise to deny it. Denying the retrain does not take away an ability usage.\nWith the Necronomicon, you cannot retrain, and can only kill other players.",
+ "RitualistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nDuring a meeting, the Ritualist can perform a Blood Ritual to guess a player’s exact role. If the Ritualist is correct, that player will be converted to Coven. If the Ritualist is incorrect, they will not die but will be unable to Blood Ritual until the next meeting.\nThe command is /rt id role.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Ritualist can kill.",
+ "ConjurerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nShapeshift once to mark a location.\nShapeshift again to conjure a meteor at the place you marked, killing everyone in the radius.\nWith the Necronomicon, you can kill. You can also mark a player using the Shapeshift UI. When the Conjurer clicks the Shapeshift button again, all the players in the radius of the marked player will die, including the marked player.",
+ "DreamweaverInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Dreamweaver can dreamweave a player. The dreamweaved players will be notified of this during the next meeting. If the Dreamweaver is not voted out, these players will be unable to use their abilities until the Dreamweaver dies.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Dreamweaver can double-click to kill.",
+ "IllusionistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Illusionist can use their Kill button on a player to reverse the results of any investigative role. For example, if someone with a Kill button is Illusioned, they will appear not to have a Kill button to the Investigator, and vice versa.\nIllusions wear off after meetings.\nWith the Necronomicon, you may double-click to kill. Every kill you make appears as a random death reason.",
+ "VoodooMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Voodoo Master can craft a Voodoo Doll of a player by using their Kill button, similar to the Shaman. All the interactions with you using Kill button will be deflected to the Voodoo Doll and the Voodoo Doll will destroy. Unlike the Shaman, this voodoo will last during the meeting (eg. If the Voodoo Master is judged, then the voodoo'd player will be judged instead).\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. Additionally, the voodoo’d player will be unable to report. The next person to interact with them will die.",
+ "SacrifistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Sacrifist can Shapeshift to cause a random debuff to a non-Coven member, however, the Sacrifist will also receive this effect (when applicable).\nThe random player will be the same player until the round ends.\nDepending on the Host’s settings, if the Sacrifist is voted out, some random non-Coven who voted the Sacrifist will die too.\nNormally, the Sacrifist can not kill, however, to prevent prolonging of the game, Sacrifist can kill if they are the last Coven member alive.\nWith the Necronomicon, when you Shapeshift, you will commit the Ultimate Sacrifice. When you do this, you die. However, the entire Coven for the rest of the game receives a lowered Kill Cooldown.",
+ "MoonDancerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Moon Dancer can use their Kill button to use their ability, Baton Pass.\nIf used on a Coven member: Gives a Helpful Add-on at the next meeting.\nIf used on a non-Coven member: Gives a Harmful Add-on at the next meeting.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Moon Dancer can double-click their Kill button to kill. When killing, the player is teleported off the map. They will appear alive on Vitals and will not show up in Tracefinder's arrows etc. They die when a meeting/body report with the death reason Blasted Off.",
+ "LastImpostorInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThis special effect is given to the last surviving Impostor. It significantly reduces their Kill Cooldown.",
+ "OverclockedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Overclocked, your Kill Cooldown is reduced by a percentage.\n\nThis feature is only assigned to roles with a Kill button.",
"LoversInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nДополнительно с какой-либо ролью Любовники назначаются двум случайным игрокам.\nЕсли оба любовника останутся живы, то они выиграют. \nКогда умрёт хотя бы один любовник, то моментально умрёт и второй.\nОни проиграют когда Члены Экипажа выполнят все задания.",
- "MadmateInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nТолько Член Экипажа может стать Безумцем. Задача Безумца - помочь Предателям выиграть игру, Безумец проиграет, если все Предатели будут убиты/изгнаны. Безумцы могут знать, кто явялется Предателем, а Предатели могут знать, кто такие Безумцы (зависит от настройек Хоста).\n\nЛенивый Парень, Знаменитость не может стать Безумцем. Шериф, Стукач, Добрый Угадываетль, Мэр, Судья могут стать Безумцем (зависит от настройек Хоста). Навык меняется, когда следующие роли превращаются в Безумцев:\n\nМастер Времени => Выполнение заданий сокращает время встречи.\nТелохранитель => Навык не будет активен, если убийца Предатель.\nГренадер => Световая бомба будет работать на Членов Экипажа и Нейтралов, а не на Предателей.\nШериф => Может убить любого, включая Предателей (зависит от настройек Хоста).\nДобрый Угадываетль => Может угадывать Членов Экипажа и Нейтралов\nЭкстрасенс => Все злые имена Нейтралов и Членов Экипажа, которые способны убивать, будут отображаться красным цветом.\nСудья => Может судить кого угодно.\nПацифист => Их способность работает только на членов экипажа.",
+ "MadmateInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Crewmates can become Madmate. Madmate's task is to help the Impostors win the game. Madmate will lose if all Impostors are killed/ejected. Madmates may know who are Impostors, and Impostors may know who are Madmates (Host settings).\n\nLazy Guy, Celebrity can't become Madmate. Sheriff, Snitch, Nice Guesser, Mayor, and Judge may become Madmate (Host settings). Skill changes when the following roles are converted into Madmates:\n\nTime Manager => Doing tasks will reduce meeting time.\nBodyguard => Skill won't activate if the killer is an Impostor.\nGrenadier => Flash bomb will work on Crewmates and Neutrals instead of the Impostors.\nSheriff => Can kill anyone, including Impostors (Host settings).\nNice Guesser => Can guess Crewmates and Neutrals\nPsychic => All evil Neutrals and Crewmates' names with the ability to kill will be displayed in Red.\nJudge => Can judge anyone\nPacifist => Their ability only works on Crewmates.",
"WatcherInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nНаблюдатель может видеть все цвета голосов несмотря на анонимное голосование.",
"FlashInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nСкорость игрока с атрибутом Флэша по умолчанию выше, чем у других. (скорость зависит от настроек хоста)",
- "TorchInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nФонарик имеет большой обзор, и на него не влияет саботаж света.",
- "SeerInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nПровидец видит ''Вспышку Убийства'' каждый раз, когда игроки умирают.",
+ "TorchInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nTorch has maximum vision and is not affected by Lights Sabotage.",
+ "SeerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever a player dies, the Seer will see a kill-flash (a red flash, possibly accompanied by an alarm sound like Sabotage).",
"TiebreakerInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nПри равенстве голосов приоритет голосов будет отдан цели, который выбрал Решающий.\nПримечание: Если несколько игроков с этим атрибутом одновременно выберут разные цели для решения изгнания, навыки Решающих не вступят в силу.",
"ObliviousInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nДетектив и Уборщик не могут стать Забывчивым. Забывчивый не может репортить трупы. Примечание: Если байт был убит Забывчивым то он зарепортит его труп, и Забывчивый по-прежнему может быть целью Анонима.",
"BewilderInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nРастерянный игрок по умолчанию имеет маленькое поле зрения. Но когда Растерянный игрок будет убит, то поле зрения убийцы станет таким же маленьким, как и у Растерянного.",
"WorkhorseInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nДополнительные задания присваиваются первому живому Игроку, который выполнил все задания. \nЕму назначаются дополнительные задания, необходимые для победы с помощью заданий. \nНе может присваиваться ролям которые не имеют заданий, или ролям со способностями которые активируются после выполнения заданий.",
- "FoolInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nСыщик и Ремонтник не могут быть Глупцами. Глупец не сможет чинить саботажи.",
+ "FoolInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nSleuth and Mechanic won't be Fool. Fools can't repair any Sabotage.",
"AvangerInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nКогда Мститель будет убит, Он позволит одному случайному игроку совершить самоубийство. В зависимости от настроек Хоста, Предатель может получить Мстителя. \nПожалуйста, обратите внимание: Навык Мстителя не сработает после того, как он будет изгнан.",
"YoutuberInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nТолько Члены Экипажа могут стать Ютубером. Когда Ютубер становится первым игроком, убитым в игре, то он автоматически побеждает. Если Ютубер не соответствует условиям победы, Ютубер последует за командой к победе. Пожалуйста, обратите внимание: Изгнание, Угадывание и т.д., не активируют навыки Ютубера.",
"EgoistInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nПредатели и нейтралы не могут стать эгоистами. Эгоист украдет победу у своей же собственной команды.",
"StealerInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nКаждый раз, когда Вор убивает игрока, он получает дополнительный голос (Количество голосов устанавливает Хост, а десятичное число округляется в меньшую сторону).\nТакже во время встречи могут скрываться дополнительные голоса в зависимости от настроек.",
- "ParanoiaInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nНе выдаётся Нейтралам либо Безумцам.\nКак Паранойя, ты будешь считаться как 2 игрока.",
+ "ParanoiaInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Paranoia, you will be considered as two players in the game to determine when the game ends due to killers having the majority. Additionally, this grants you an extra vote, depending on options.\nNot assigned to Neutrals nor Madmates.",
"MimicInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nТолько Предатель может стать Мимиком. Когда Мимик умрёт, другие Предатели получат сообщение на собрании, это сообщение содержит роли, которые были убиты Предателем с атрибутом Мимика.",
- "GuesserInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nУгадыватель может угадывать роли определённого игрока во время встречи. Если он угадает роль правильно, то он убьет эту цель, а если неправильно, то он совершит самоубийство. \nКоманда для угадываний: ''/bt [Номер игрока] [Название Роли]''\nПример: ''/bt 3 Байт''\nВы можете увидеть номер игрока перед его никнеймом, или же для просмотра номеров всех игроков нужно использовать команду ''/id''.",
- "NecroviewInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Necroview can see the teams of dead players. The following info will be displayed on the dead player's name while in a meeting:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.",
- "ReachInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nТолько роли с кнопкой убийства могут получить это дополнение. В отличие от всех остальных, у вас самая большая дальность убийтсва.",
+ "GuesserInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs a Guesser, guess the roles of players in meetings to kill them.\nGuessing the incorrect role kills you instead.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
+ "NecroviewInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Necroview can see the teams of dead players. The following info will be displayed on the dead player's name while in a meeting:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.\n- The Purple name indicates the Coven.",
+ "ReachInfoLong": "(Add-on)\nOnly roles with a Kill button can get this Add-on. Unlike everyone else, you have the longest kill range possible in the game.",
"BaitInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nКогда Байта убивают, он заставляет убившего игрока моментально зарепортить ваш труп.\nОднако этого не произойдет, если Байт будет убит Уборщиком, Очистщиком, Невидимкой, Духом или Машиной для Убийств. Репорт может произойти спустя время (в соответствии с настройками Хоста).",
"TrapperInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nПосле того как Капкана убьют, то его убийца будет обездвижен на несколько секунд. (время зависит от настроек).",
- "CharmedInfoLong": "(Предательский Атрибут):\nЗачарованного можно получить, будучи зачарованным Суккубом.\nПосле зачарования игрок будет состоять в команде Суккуба, а не в своей первоначальной команде.",
+ "CharmedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Charmed Add-on is obtained by being charmed by the Cultist.\nOnce charmed, you are now on the Cultist's team and no longer on your original team.",
"CleansedInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nОчищенного можно получить только в том случае, если Очиститель удалит все ваши Атрибуты. В зависимости от настроек очистителя вы, возможно, больше не сможете получать атрибуты от других ролей.",
- "InfectedInfoLong": "(Предательский Атрибут):\nАтрибут Заражённого можно получить, если вас заразил Заразный.\nПосле заразы вы работаете на Заразного и побеждаете с ним.",
- "OnboundInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nУ Непобедимого невозможно угадать роль во время встречи.",
- "ReboundInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nЕсли игрок успешно угадал вашу роль или атрибут или когда судья успешно засудил, они вместо этого умрут.\nЕсли игрок с вторым шансом угадает вас правильно, он в любом случае мгновенно умрет.",
+ "InfectedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Infected Add-on is obtained by being infected by the Infectious.\nOnce infected, you work for the Infectious and do not win with your original team.",
+ "OnboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Onbound Add-on, you cannot be guessed in meetings.",
+ "ReboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Rebound Add-on, if a Guesser successfully guessed you or a Judge successfully judged you, they will die instead.\nIf a player with Double Shot guesses you correctly, they will die instantly.",
"MundaneInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nРутинный сможет гадать только после того, как выполните все свои задачи.",
"KnightedInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nКогда Монарх посвящает кого-то, он получает дополнительный голос.",
- "UnreportableInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nС этим Атрибутом ваш труп нельзя будет зарепортить.",
+ "UnreportableInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Disregarded Add-on, your corpse will be unreportable.",
"ContagiousInfoLong": "(Предательский Атрибут):\nКогда Вирус заражает вас, вы становитесь Заразным.\nЗаразные играют за команду Вируса.",
- "LuckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nУ Удачливого есть вероятность уклониться от убийства\nХост устанавливает конкретную вероятность.\nУбийца увидит анимацию щита, когда уклонение вступит в силу, но вы ничего не узнаете.",
+ "LuckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Lucky Add-on, there is a probability for you to evade the kill; the Host sets the specific probability. The killer will see a Shield Animation when the evasion takes effect, but you will not know anything.",
"DoubleShotInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nИгрок с Вторым Шансом может промазать в угадывании один раз за игру и не умереть.",
- "RascalInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nПоддельный может быть убит Членами Экипажа и быть найден Стукачом (если Стукач может находить безумцев)\n\nНазначается только Членам Экипажа, не может быть назначен Торговцем.",
- "SoullessInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nКогда Заклинатель похищает вашу душу, вы получаете этот атрибут.\n\nВы не считаетесь живым.",
+ "RascalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rascal, you can die to the Sheriff, and Snitch can find you if Snitch can find Madmates.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates, cannot be assigned by the Merchant.",
+ "SoullessInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a Cursed Soul steals your soul, you get this Add-on.\n\nYou are not counted as alive.",
"GravestoneInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nПосле смерти Надгробного, на встрече будет видна его роль.",
"LazyInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nУ Ленивого будет лишь одно короткое задание, он не будет невосприимчивы к Колдунам, Кукловодам и Гангстерам.",
"AutopsyInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nВрач может видеть причину смерти игроков.\n\nНе будет назначен Доктору, Искателю, Ученому или Солнечному Мальчику.",
- "RebirthInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nЕсли игрока у которого есть атрибут Перерождённого собираются изгнать, он поменяется скинами со случайным Членом Экипажа который голосовал за вас.\nПримечание. Голос хоста никогда не учитывается.\nПерерождённый будет удален, если он исчерпает все свои перерождения.",
- "LoyalInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nЛояльного нельзя завербовать такими ролями, как Шакал или Суккубом.\n\nНе может быть назначен Нейтралам.",
+ "RebirthInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rebirth, if you're the player about to be ejected, you will swap skins with a random Crewmate who voted for you.\nNotice: The Host vote never counts\nRebirth will be removed from you if you exhausted all your rebirths.",
+ "LoyalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Loyal, you cannot be recruited by roles such as Jackal or Cultist.\n\nCannot be assigned to Neutrals.",
"EvilSpiritInfoLong": "(Злой - Нейтрал):\nУ Злого Духа есть задача помочь Призывателю победить. Вы можете использовать кнопку «Защитить», чтобы заморозить игроков и уменьшить их дальность обзора или дать Призывателю временный щит.",
- "RecruitInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs a recruit, you are on the Jackal's team and help out the Jackal and their Sidekicks.\nYou cannot win with your original team.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed and no sidekicks is alive.",
- "AdmiredInfoLong": "(Предательский Атрибут):\nКак человек, которому признался в любви Поклонник, вы побеждаете с Членами Экипажа.\n\nВы видите Поклонника.",
+ "RecruitInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs a recruit, you are on the Jackal's team and help out the Jackal and their Sidekicks.\nYou cannot win with your original team.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed and no Sidekicks is alive.",
+ "AdmiredInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs an Admired player, you win with the Crewmates and not your original team.\n\nYou can see the Admirer.",
+ "EnchantedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Enchanted Add-on can only be obtained through being converted by the Ritualist or upon killing the OIIAI as a non-Nerconomicon holder.\nOnce Enchanted, you are apart of the Coven team and are no longer apart of your original team.",
"GlowInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nВо время отключения света, вы и игроки рядом с вами получите усиление обзора.",
"RadarInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nУ Радара всегда есть стрелка, которая указывает на ближайшего к нему игрока.",
- "DiseasedInfoLong": "(Атрибут)\nЕсли кто-то использует кнопку убийства на Мученике, их откат на кнопке убийства будет увеличен.",
- "AntidoteInfoLong": "(Атрибут)\nЕсли кто-то использует кнопку убийства на Мученике, их откат на кнопке убийства будет увеличен.",
- "StubbornInfoLong": "(Атрибут)\nСтирачка не может стереть его роль, Очиститель не может очистить его, Бандит не может украсть его атрибут, а Монарх не может посвятить вас в рыцари.\nКроме того, он не может получить какие-либо новые атрибуты.",
+ "DiseasedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the Kill button on you, their Cooldown will be increased by a configurable amount of time.",
+ "AntidoteInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the Kill button on you, their Cooldown will be decreased by a configurable amount of time.",
+ "StubbornInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Stubborn Add-on, Eraser can't erase your role, Cleanser can't cleanse you, Bandit can't steal from you, and Monarch can't knight you.\nAdditionally, you can't gain any new Add-ons from the Merchant.",
"SwiftInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nКак Ловкач, твои убийства не телепортируют.\nПримечание: Ловкач также игнорирует Байта",
- "UnluckyInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nПри открывании двери, выполнении задания, убийстве или прыжке в вентиляцию, у Невезучего есть шанс умереть.",
+ "UnluckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Unlucky, when you Complete Tasks, Kill, Venting, or open a Door, you have a chance to die.",
"SpurtInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nКогда вы начинаете идти, вы получаете огромный прирост скорости, который быстро ухудшается, пока вам не придется некоторое время отдыхать, чтобы восстановить скорость.",
- "VoidBallotInfoLong": "(Атрибут)\nКак Пустой, ваш голос не будет считаться.",
+ "VoidBallotInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nHolder of this Add-on will have 0 vote count.",
"AwareInfoLong": "(Атрибут)\nКак Внимательный, вы будете уведомлены в следующем собрании если кто-то раскрыл вашу роль.",
- "FragileInfoLong": "(Атрибут)\nКак Хрупкий, любое вредное действие убьет вас моментально (даже если роль не может напрямую убивать).",
- "GhoulInfoLong": "(Атрибут)\nАтрибут ''Гуль'' срабатывает при выполнении всех заданий.\nЕсли жив: Суицид.\nЕсли убит: Убийство твоего убийцы если они живы.\n\nНазначается только Членам Экипажа с заданиями, и не-Членам Экипажа с заданиями.",
- "BloodthirstInfoLong": "(Атрибут)\nКровожадный при выполнении заданий позволяет ему убивать.\nКогда он выполнит задание, следующий игрок, с которым вы вступит в контакт, умрёт.\n\nЕго жажда крови сохраняется после встречи.\nПосле убийства жажда крови исчезает до следующего задания, которое он выполнит.\nЖажда крови не суммируется.\n\nНазначается только Членам Экипажа с заданиями.",
- "MareInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nУ Ночного маленький откат убийства и более высокая скорость, но он может убивать только при саботаже света.\n\nКроме того, его никнейм будет отображаться красным цветом при саботаже света.\n\nНазначается только Предателям и не может быть угадан.",
- "BurstInfoLong": "(Атрибут)\nУбивши Взрывного, убийца должен прыгнуть в вентиляцию за определенное время, чтобы выжить.",
+ "FragileInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Fragile, you will instantly die if someone tries to use the Kill button on you (even if the role cannot directly kill).",
+ "GhoulInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Ghoul, one of two outcomes can occur on task completion.\n\nIf alive: Suicide\nIf dead: You kill your killer if they're alive.\n\nThis is only assigned to Crewmates, and not Crewmates with no tasks or are task-based.",
+ "BloodthirstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Bloodthirst, doing tasks allows you to become bloodthirsty and kill players.\nWhen you finish a task, the next player you come in contact with dies.\n\nYour Bloodthirst remains after a meeting.\nUpon making a kill, your Bloodthirst clears till the next task you complete.\nBloodthirsts do not stack.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates with tasks.",
+ "MareInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Mare, you have a low Kill Cooldown and have higher speed but can only kill during lights.\n\nAdditionally, your name will appear in red during lights.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors and cannot be guessed.",
+ "BurstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Burst, your killer explodes if they aren't inside a Vent after a set amount of time.",
"SleuthInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nСыщик может увидеть роль трупа.\nЗависит от настроек Хоста, может увидеть роль убийцы.",
- "ClumsyInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nУ Неуклюжего есть шанс промазать и сбросить откат убийства.\nНазначается только убийцам.",
- "CircumventInfoLong": "(Атрибут)\nРасстройчивый не может использовать вентиляцию.\n\nНазначается только Предателям.",
- "NimbleInfoLong": "(Атрибут)\nКак Шустрый, вы получаете доступ к вентиляции.\n\nДоступно только некоторым Членам Экипажа.",
- "InfluencedInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nЕсли он находится под влиянием, его голос будет отдан игроку, набравшему наибольшее количество голосов.\nГолос Влиятельного не будет засчитан при выборе изгнанного игрока\nОбратите внимание, что навык голосования по-прежнему действует для игрока, за которого вы проголосовали первым.\nЕсли все живые игроки находятся под влиянием, то результат голосования не изменится.\nКоллектор не может попасть под влияние.",
+ "ClumsyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Clumsy, you have a chance to miss your kill.\n\nWhen you miss, your Cooldown is reset, and the target remains untouched.\n\nOnly assigned to killers.",
+ "CircumventInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Circumvent, you can't Vent.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors.",
+ "NimbleInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Nimble, you gain access to the Vent button.\n\nOnly assigned to certain Crewmates.",
+ "InfluencedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Influenced, your vote will be forced to the player with the most votes.\nInfluenced vote won't be counted while choosing the exiled player'\nNote that your vote skill still functions on the player you voted first\nIf all the alive players are Influenced, then the vote result won't shift\nCollector cannot become Influenced.",
"SilentInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nУ игрока с атрибутом Тихого значок голосования не появится на экране результатов.\nТак что никто не узнает, за кого вы голосовали.",
"SusceptibleInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nУ Восприимчивого причина смерти будет случайной.",
"TrickyInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nКаждое убийство сделанным Xитрым, будет иметь случайную причину смерти.",
"TiredInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nВсякий раз, когда Усталый убивает кого-либо (или использует способность убийства), или когда он выполняет задание\nУ него временно ухудшается обзор и снижается скорость.",
"StatueInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nКогда рядом со Статуей находится много игроков, Статуя полностью застывает или замедляется (зависит от настроек).",
"EvaderInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nПри изгнании Уклониста есть вероятность того, что он не будет изгнан. (Шанс, устанавливается Хостом)",
- "CyberInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nИграя за знаменитого, вы не можете умереть пока находитесь в группе. В зависимости от настроек, Предатели, Нейтралы и/или Члены экипажа могут узнать о вашей смерти.",
- "HurriedInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nИгра за опоздавшего, вам нужно успеть сделать свои задания, чтобы победить со своей командой! Если вы не успеете их сделать, вы проиграете.",
- "OiiaiInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nКак Туман, если вы умрёте, вы заставите убийцу забыть их роль.\nТуман будет передаваться на убийцу, в зависимости от настроек.",
- "RainbowInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nРадуга меняет свой цвет как сумасшедший.",
+ "CyberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Cyber, you cannot die while in a group.\nDepending on the settings, Impostors, Neutrals, and or Crewmates will know if you die.",
+ "HurriedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the hurried, you must finish all your tasks to win with your team! If you fail with your tasks, you lose.\nHurried hurries to his goal, so it won't get Madmate, Charmed or so.",
+ "OiiaiInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the OIIAI, when you die, you will make your killer forget their role.\nAdditionally, you may pass OIIAI on to the killer, depending on settings.",
+ "RainbowInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rainbow, you change your colors like crazy.",
"GMInfoLong": "(Никто):\nGm (Мастер Игры) — это роль, которая наблюдает за игрой в роле призрака. \nОн не влияет на игру, и все игроки всегда знают кто Мастер Игры. Всегда назначается только хосту лобби и становится призраком в самом начале игры.",
- "SunnyboyInfoLong": "(Нейтрал):\nИграя за Солнечного Мальчика, вы победите только в том случае, если к концу игры умрёте. Игра не сможет закончиться пока вы живы, из-за количества убийц. У вас есть доступ к датчикам пульса.",
- "BardInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nКогда Бард жив, в подтверждении изгнания будет отображаться предложение, составленное бардом. Всякий раз, когда бард завершает создание предложений, время восстановления после убийства барда постоянно уменьшается вдвое.",
+ "SunnyboyInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sunnyboy, you win if you are dead by the end of the game. The game will not end when you are alive due to killers gaining the majority.\nAdditionally, you have access to portable Vitals.",
+ "BardInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen a Bard is alive, the exile confirmation will display a sentence composed by the Bard. Whenever the Bard completes a creation, the Bard's Kill Cooldown will be permanently halved.",
"WardenInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа [Призрак]):\nНадзиратель, может предупредить кого-нибудь об опасности, дополнительно давая ему временное повышение скорости.",
"GhastlyInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа [Призрак]):\nМарионетка может овладеть игроком. После надо выбрать этого игрока цель. Теперь этот игрок сможет убить только выбранную цель (или использовать кнопку убийства только на выбранной цели), до тех пор пока вы не овладеете кем-то еще или не истечет время овладевания.",
- "MinionInfoLong": "(Предатель [Призрак]):\nМиньон можете временно ослепить игроков которые не являются предателями",
- "DollMasterInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nКукольник может временно завладеть почти любым игроком, используя кнопку Морфа, и заставить его делать ваши дела!",
- "DoubleAgentInfoLong": "(Предатель):\nДвойной Агент не может получить доступ к кнопке убийства. Однако вы можете проголосовать за того, чтобы передать ему бомбу, что можно сделать только по одному игроку за раз. После завершения встречи бомба активируется и взорвется через заданное время.\nПримечание: когда вы передаете бомбу кому-то на собрании, вы можете проголосовать как обычно.\n\nКроме того, в зависимости от настроек Двойной Агент может рассеивать бомбы Бастиона и Агитатора.\n\nДвойной Агент может менять роли, если он является Последним Предателем. В зависимости от настроек роль может быть Поклонным Предателем, Трюкачём, Трейтор или оставайся двойным агентом.",
+ "MinionInfoLong": "(Impostor [Ghost]):\nAs the Minion, you can temporarily blind non-Impostors.",
+ "DollMasterInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Dollmaster, you can temporarily take control of any player by using the Shapeshift button and to make them do your deeds!",
+ "DoubleAgentInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Double Agent, you cannot access the Kill button. However, you can vote for someone in a meeting to pass a bomb onto them, which can only be done one player at a time. Once the meeting has finished, the bomb will activate and explode in a set amount of time.\nNote: when you pass the bomb onto someone in a meeting, you can vote afterward.\n\nAdditionally depending on settings the Double Agent can diffuse Bastion and Agitator bombs when Venting.\n\nThe Double Agent can change roles when they are the Last Impostor, depending on the settings the role can be a Admired Impostor, Trickster, Traitor, or stay as the Double Agent.",
"SlothInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nСкорость передвижения ленивца по умолчанию медленнее, чем у других.\n(Скорость зависит от настроек хоста)",
- "ProhibitedInfoLong": "(Атрибут):\nКак Ограниченный, вы не можете использовать определенные вентиляции\nКоличество отключенных вентиляций зависит от настроек хоста.",
- "EavesdropperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nУ Подслушиваетеля есть возможность читать сообщения, которые были отправленные другим ролям/атрибутам, например, «Гробовщик» или «Сыщик».",
+ "ProhibitedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Prohibited, you have specific Vents that you can't use.\nHow many Vents are disabled depends on the Host's settings.",
+ "EavesdropperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Eavesdropper, you have a chance to read other Role/Add-on information-based messages like Mortician or Sleuth.",
"ApocalypseInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nApocalypse members are on a separate team that works together and wins together. If there are multiple Apocalypse roles in the game, they can see each other's roles.\nDepending on the Host's settings, Apocalypse roles can guess or be guessed.",
"RevenantInfoLong": "(Neutral):\nAs the Revenant, your goal is to be killed. If you are killed, you will take your killer's role and kill your killer instead. You cannot win before being killed.\nNote that Revenant only works when being directly killed.",
"ShowTextOverlay": "Наложение текста",
@@ -1040,17 +1075,17 @@
"AbilityInUse": "Способность использована",
"AbilityExpired": "Способность окончена, осталось {0}",
"RevenantTargeted": "Your role has changed to {0}",
- "RevenantCanCopyAddons": "Can Steal Addons",
+ "RevenantCanCopyAddons": "Can Steal Add-ons",
"ShowArrows": "Может видеть стрелки ведущие к трупам",
"ArrowDelayMin": "Минимальная задержка показа стрелок",
"ArrowDelayMax": "Максимальная задержка показа стрелок",
"SMUsesUsedWhenFixingReactorOrO2": "Отнять количество способности при починке саботажа Реактор/O2",
"SMUsesUsedWhenFixingLightsOrComms": "Отнять количество способности при починке саботажа Свет/Связь",
- "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "(Первоначальное) Максимальное количество гранат",
+ "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "(Initial) Maximum number of Grenades",
"ShowSpecificRole": "Знать более специфические роли после выполнения заданий",
- "TimeMasterMaxUses": "Максимальное количество способности (Первоначальное)",
- "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Невидимка может использовать вентиляцию когда невидимость в откате",
- "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Дух может использовать вентиляцию когда невидимость в откате",
+ "TimeMasterMaxUses": "(Initial) Maximum Amount of Ability Uses",
+ "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Swooper Vents normally when Swooping is on Cooldown",
+ "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Wraith Vents normally when Invisibility is on Cooldown",
"DisableMeeting": "Отключить Собрания",
"DisableCloseDoor": "Отключить саботаж дверей",
"DisableSabotage": "Отключить Саботаж",
@@ -1059,13 +1094,13 @@
"DebugMode": "Режим отладки",
"SyncButtonMode": "Ограничить количество встреч",
"RandomMapsMode": "Режим случайной карты",
- "SyncedButtonCount": "Максимальное количество встреч за игру",
- "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "Уменьшить откат убийства при убийстве цели на",
- "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "Увеличить откат убийства при убийстве других игроков на",
+ "SyncedButtonCount": "Maximum Number of Emergency Meetings per Game",
+ "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "Kill Cooldown decrease on killing target",
+ "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "Kill Cooldown increase on killing others",
"HHNumOfTargets": "Количество целей",
"Targets": "Цели: ",
- "HHMaxKCD": "Максимальный откат убийства",
- "HHMinKCD": "Минимальный откат убийства",
+ "HHMaxKCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "HHMinKCD": "Minimum Kill Cooldown",
"AllAliveMeeting": "Все живые на собрании",
"AllAliveMeetingTime": "Время когда все живы на собрании",
"AdditionalEmergencyCooldown": "Дополнительный откат Собраний",
@@ -1174,17 +1209,17 @@
"OverclockedReduction": "Уменьшить откат убийства на",
"GhostCanSeeOtherRoles": "Призраки могут видеть все роли",
"PreventSeeRolesImmediatelyAfterDeath": "Prevent seeing other's roles immediately after death",
- "GhostCanSeeOtherVotes": "Призраки могут видеть цвета голосов",
- "GhostCanSeeDeathReason": "Призраки могут видеть причины смерти",
+ "GhostCanSeeOtherVotes": "Ghosts can see Vote Colors",
+ "GhostCanSeeDeathReason": "Ghost can see Cause Of Death",
"GhostIgnoreTasks": "Призраки игнорируют задания",
- "ConvertedCanBeGhostRole": "Преобразованные игроки могут стать призраками с ролями",
- "NeutralCanBeGhostRole": "Нейтральные игроки могут получить любую роль призраков (Так же меняет команду)",
- "MaxImpGhostRole": "Максимум ролей призраков в команде предателя",
- "MaxCrewGhostRole": "Максимум ролей призраков в команде членов экипажа",
+ "ConvertedCanBeGhostRole": "Converted Players can be Any Ghost-Roles",
+ "NeutralCanBeGhostRole": "Neutral Players can be Any Ghost-Roles (Will change team respectively)",
+ "MaxImpGhostRole": "Maximum Impostor Ghost-Roles",
+ "MaxCrewGhostRole": "Maximum Crewmate Ghost-Roles",
"DefaultAngelCooldown": "Откат способности по умолчанию",
"DisableTaskWin": "Отключить победу по заданиям",
- "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreDead": "Отключить победу по заданиям если все <#8cffff>Члены Экипажа мертвы",
- "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreConverted": "Отключить победу по заданиям если все <#8cffff>Члены Экипажа <#ffab1b>Превращены",
+ "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreDead": "Disable Task Win if All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are Dead",
+ "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreConverted": "Disable Task Win if All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are <#ffab1b>Converted",
"HideGameSettings": "Скрыть настройки игры",
"DIYGameSettings": "Включить только пользовательские /n сообщения",
"Settings:": "Настройки:",
@@ -1200,7 +1235,7 @@
"RoleOptions": "Настройка Ролей",
"DarkTheme": "Включить тёмную тему",
"DisableLobbyMusic": "Отключить Музыку в Лобби",
- "AutoStart": "Автоматический старт",
+ "AutoStart": "Auto Start",
"EnableCustomButton": "Использовать кастомные кнопки",
"EnableCustomSoundEffect": "Использовать кастомные звуки",
"EnableCustomDecorations": "Включить декорацию в лобби",
@@ -1237,8 +1272,8 @@
"OptKickXboxPlayer": "Кикнуть Xbox игроков",
"OptKickPlayStationPlayer": "Кикнуть PlayStation игроков",
"OptKickNintendoPlayer": "Кикнуть Nintendo Switch игроков",
- "ShareLobby": "Отправлять код вашей комнаты в Discord сервер TOHE",
- "ShareLobbyMinPlayer": "Минимально игроков для отправки кода",
+ "ShareLobby": "Allow TOHE-Chan Shares Lobby Code to Discord",
+ "ShareLobbyMinPlayer": "Share Lobby Code When the Number of Players Reaches",
"DisableVanillaRoles": "Отключить ванильные роли",
"VoteMode": "Режим Голосования",
"WhenSkipVote": "Когда пропускаете голосование",
@@ -1276,6 +1311,7 @@
"IgnoreConditions": "Игнорируют условия",
"IgnoreImpostors": "Предатели игнорируют условия",
"IgnoreNeutrals": "Нейтралы игнорируют условия",
+ "IgnoreCoven": "Ignore Coven",
"IgnoreCrewmates": "Члены Экипажа игнорируют условия",
"IgnoreAfterAnyoneDied": "Призраки игнорируют условия",
"LightsOutSpecialSettings": "Специальные настройки при саботаже cвета",
@@ -1289,7 +1325,7 @@
"RandomSpawn_AirshipAdditionalSpawn": "Дополнительный спавн (Airship)",
"RandomSpawn_SpawnRandomVents": "Случайные появления на вентиляциях",
"CommsCamouflage": "Камуфляж при саботаже связи",
- "DisableOnSomeMaps": "Отключить камуфляж на некоторых картах",
+ "DisableOnSomeMaps": "Disable Comms Camouflage on some maps",
"DisableOnSkeld": "Отключить на The Skeld",
"DisableOnMira": "Отключить на MIRA HQ",
"DisableOnPolus": "Отключить на Polus",
@@ -1328,8 +1364,8 @@
"EnableBirthdayDecorationSkeld": "Украшение ко дню рождения на The Skeld",
"RandomBirthdayAndHalloweenDecorationSkeld": "Установите случайное украшение, когда на The Skeld активен день рождения и хэллоуин",
"ApplyDenyNameList": "Применить файл запрещённых имён (DenyName)",
- "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Кикать игроков с неправильным кодом друга",
- "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Временно банить игроков с неправильным кодом друга",
+ "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Kick players with an invalid Friend Code",
+ "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Temp Ban players with an invalid Friend Code",
"ApplyBanList": "Применить файл с забанеными игроками (BanList)",
"RemovePetsAtDeadPlayers": "Убирать питомцев у мертвых игроков",
"KillFlashDuration": "Длительность Вспышки-Убийства",
@@ -1340,6 +1376,7 @@
"ShowImpRemainOnEject": "Отображать оставшихся Предателей при изгнании",
"ShowNKRemainOnEject": "Отображать оставшихся Нейтральных Убийц при изгнании",
"ShowNARemainOnEject": "Отображать оставшихся Нейтральных Апокалипсисов при изгнании",
+ "ShowCovenRemainOnEject": "Show remaining Coven on ejects",
"ConfirmEgoistOnEject": "Отображать изгнание Эгоистов",
"ConfirmLoversOnEject": "Отображать изгнание Любовников",
"ConfirmSidekickOnEject": "Отображать изгнание Союзников",
@@ -1367,7 +1404,7 @@
"ShieldPersonDiedFirst": "Щит для первого убитого в прошлой игре",
"ShowShieldedPlayerToAll": "Показать защищенного игрока всем",
"RemoveShieldOnFirstDead": "Убрать щит при первой смерти",
- "ShieldedCanUseKillButton": "Защищенный игрок может использовать кнопку способности/убийства",
+ "ShieldedCanUseKillButton": "Shielded player can use ability/Kill button",
"PlayerIsShieldedByGame": "Игрок защищен игрой!",
"LegacyNemesis": "Использовать устаревшую версию",
"LegacyParasite": "Use Legacy Version",
@@ -1390,7 +1427,7 @@
"DoubleAgent_DiffusedBastionBomb": "Бомба Бастиона успешно обезврежена",
"DoubleAgent_BombExplodesIn": "Бомба взорвётся через: {0}с",
"DoubleAgent_BombExploded": "Бомба взорвана!",
- "DoubleAgentChangeRoleTo": "Изменить роль на",
+ "DoubleAgentChangeRoleTo": "Change role on last Impostor",
"DoubleAgentRoleChange": "Ты стал: ",
"MastermindCD": "Откат манипуляции",
"MastermindTimeLimit": "Время за которое нужно убить кого-то",
@@ -1408,15 +1445,13 @@
"Glitch_KCD": "Откат убийства: {0}s",
"Glitch_MimicCD": "Откат имитации: {0}s",
"HackedByGlitch": "Вас взломал Глич, вы не можете {0}",
- "GlitchKill": "убивать",
- "GlitchReport": "репортить",
- "GlitchVent": "вентоваться",
+ "GlitchKill": "Kill",
+ "GlitchReport": "Report",
+ "GlitchVent": "Vent",
"ShowFPS": "Показывать FPS",
"FPSGame": "FPS: ",
"ControlCooldown": "Откат контроля",
- "PoisonCooldown": "Откат отравления",
- "PoisonerKillDelay": "Длительность яда",
- "WardenNotifyLimit": "Максимум оповещений",
+ "WardenNotifyLimit": "Maximum number of alerts",
"BombCooldown": "Откат бомбы",
"Warlock_CanKillSelf": "Может убить себя",
"CrewpostorKnowsAllies": "Может знать кто является Предателем",
@@ -1446,9 +1481,10 @@
"EGCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "Может угадать Стукача который выполнил свои задания",
"GGCanGuessAdt": "Может угадывать Атрибуты",
"GuesserCanGuessTimes": "Максимальное количество угадываний",
- "GuesserTryHideMsg": "Спрятать команду Угадывателя",
+ "GuesserTryHideMsg": "Try to hide the Guesser's command",
"GCanGuessImp": "Предатели могут угадывать роли Предателей",
"GCanGuessCrew": "Члены Экипажа могут угадывать роли Членов Экипажа",
+ "GCanGuessCoven": "Coven can guess Coven roles",
"GCanGuessAdt": "Может угадывать Атрибуты",
"GCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "Может угадать Стукача который выполнил свои задания",
"BountyTargetChangeTime": "Время смены цели",
@@ -1456,7 +1492,7 @@
"BountyFailureKillCooldown": "Перезарядка после обычного убийства",
"BountyShowTargetArrow": "Показывать стрелку указывающую на цель",
"DefaultShapeshiftCooldown": "Обычная перезарядка Оборотня",
- "DeadImpCantSabotage": "Мертвые Предатели не могут использовать саботаж",
+ "DeadImpCantSabotage": "Impostors can't Sabotage after they've died",
"VampireKillDelay": "Длительность укуса(Секунды)",
"VampireTargetDead": "Цель мертва",
"VampireActionMode": "Режим действия",
@@ -1465,14 +1501,14 @@
"Maverick_MinKillsToWin": "Минимальное количество убийств для победы",
"Cooldown": "Откат",
"AbilityCooldown": "Откат способности",
- "SkillLimitTimes": "Максимальное количество использований способностей",
+ "SkillLimitTimes": "Maximum Number of Ability Uses",
"CanKill": "Может убивать",
"KillCooldown": "Откат убийства",
"CanVent": "Может использовать вентиляцию",
- "CantMoveOnVents": "Не может передвигаться по вентиляции (нестабильно на карте Dleks)",
+ "CantMoveOnVents": "Can't Move on Vents (Unstable in Dleks map)",
"ImpostorVision": "Имеет дальность обзора Предателя",
"CanUseSabotage": "Может использовать саботаж",
- "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "Может иметь доступ к пульсам",
+ "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "Can Have Access to Vitals",
"CanKillImpostors": "Может убивать Предателей",
"CanGuess": "Может угадывать в Режиме Угадывателей",
"HideVote": "Скрыть голос",
@@ -1483,16 +1519,16 @@
"ShapeshifterBase_ShapeshiftCooldown": "Откат морфа",
"ShapeshifterBase_ShapeshiftDuration": "Длительность морфа",
"ShapeshifterBase_LeaveShapeshiftingEvidence": "Оставляет следы после морфа",
- "PhantomBase_InvisCooldown": "Откат невидимости",
- "PhantomBase_InvisDuration": "Длительность невидимости",
+ "PhantomBase_InvisCooldown": "Invisibility Cooldown",
+ "PhantomBase_InvisDuration": "Invisibility Duration",
"GuardianAngelBase_ProtectCooldown": "Откат Защиты",
"GuardianAngelBase_ProtectionDuration": "Длительность щита",
- "GuardianAngelBase_ImpostorsCanSeeProtect": "Защита видна предателям",
+ "GuardianAngelBase_ImpostorsCanSeeProtect": "Protect Visible to Impostors",
"ScientistBase_BatteryCooldown": "Откат пульсов",
"ScientistBase_BatteryDuration": "Длительность батарейки",
"EngineerBase_VentCooldown": "Откат вентиляции",
- "EngineerBase_InVentMaxTime": "Максимальное время в вентиляции",
- "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "Предатели могут видеть сигнал",
+ "EngineerBase_InVentMaxTime": "Maximum Time in Vents",
+ "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "Impostors can get Alert",
"NoisemakerBase_AlertDuration": "Длительность сигнала",
"TrackerBase_TrackingCooldown": "Перезарядка отслеживания",
"TrackerBase_TrackingDuration": "Длительность отслеживания",
@@ -1514,6 +1550,7 @@
"SheriffCanKillSeparately": "Выбрать кого",
"In%team%": "(Команда %team%)",
"SheriffMisfireKillsTarget": "Шериф убивает цель вместе с собой",
+ "SheriffMisfireOnAdmired": "Sheriff Misfires On Admired Players",
"BlackHolePlaceCooldown": "Black Hole Place Cooldown",
"BlackHoleDespawnMode": "Black Hole Despawn Mode",
"BlackHoleDespawnTime": "Time After Black Hole Despawns",
@@ -1526,27 +1563,30 @@
"After1PlayerEaten": "After 1 Player Was Eaten",
"AfterMeeting": "After Meeting",
"None": "None",
- "SheriffShotLimit": "Количество выстрелов",
+ "SheriffShotLimit": "Maximum number of Kills",
"SheriffCanKillAllAlive": "Может убивать когда никто не умер",
- "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "Может убить Зачарованных игроков",
+ "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "Can Kill Charmed players",
"SheriffCanKillEgoist": "Может убить Эгоистов",
"SheriffCanKillSidekick": "Может убить Союзников",
"SheriffCanKillLovers": "Может убить Любовников",
"SheriffCanKillMadmate": "Может убить Безумцев",
"SheriffCanKillInfected": "Может убить Зараженных игроков",
"SheriffCanKillContagious": "Может убить Заразных игроков",
- "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "Настроить Не-Экипажного Шерифа",
- "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "Может убивать Предателей",
- "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "Может убивать Нейтралов",
- "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "Может убивать Членов Экипажа",
+ "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "Non-Crewmate Sheriff Configuration",
+ "SheriffCanKillEnchanted": "Can Kill Enchanted players",
+ "SheriffCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "Can Kill Impostors",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "Can Kill Neutrals",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "Can Kill Crewmates",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven",
"RebirthUses": "Количество перерождений",
"RebirthCountVotes": "Действует только на тех игроках, которые проголосовали за него",
"RebirthFailed": "Вы не нашли живых игроков с которыми можно было бы поменяться телами",
"FireworkerCooldown": "Placement Cooldown",
- "ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "Увеличить откат убийства",
- "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "Максимальный откат убийства",
- "ReverieMisfireSuicide": "Убивается если откат убийства дойдёт до максимума",
- "ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "Сбросить откат убийства после встречи",
+ "ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "Increase Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieMisfireSuicide": "Misfire on reaching maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "Reset Kill Cooldown after meeting",
"ConvertedReverieKillAll": "Преобразованный Мечтатель может убить кого угодно без каких-либо последствий",
"VigilanteNotify": "Ты стал тем, что поклялся уничтожить",
"DictatorChangeCommandToExpel": "Dictator use Command to expell instad of vote",
@@ -1556,17 +1596,18 @@
"SnitchCanGetArrowColor": "Может видеть цвета стрелок",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralKiller": "Может видеть Нейтральных убийц",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralApoc": "Может видеть Нейтральный Апокалипсис",
+ "SnitchCanFindCoven": "Can Find Coven",
"SnitchCanFindMadmate": "Может видеть Безумцев",
"SnitchRemainingTaskFound": "Оставшиеся задания при которых он будет виден",
"MayorAdditionalVote": "Дополнительные голоса",
"MayorHasPortableButton": "У Мэра есть портативная Кнопка",
- "MayorNumOfUseButton": "Количество портативных кнопок",
+ "MayorNumOfUseButton": "Maximum Number of Mobile Emergency Buttons",
"MeetingsNeededForWin": "Количество встреч необходимые для победы",
"Jester_RevealUponEject": "Показать при изгнании",
"CannotVoteWhenDead": "Невозможно проголосовать, будучи мертвым",
"EnableVote": "Включить команду /vote",
"ShouldVoteSpam": "Скрыть команду /vote",
- "VoteDisabled": "Команда /vote отключена хостом.",
+ "VoteDisabled": "/vote command has been disabled by the Host.",
"ExecutionerCanTargetImpostor": "Может иметь цель изгнать Предателя",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "Может иметь цель изгнать Нейтрального Убийцу",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "Может иметь цель изгнать Нейтрального Апокалипсиса",
@@ -1574,11 +1615,13 @@
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralBenign": "Может судить Добрых Нейтралов",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralEvil": "Может судить Злых Нейтралов",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralChaos": "Может иметь цель изгнать Нейтралов вносящие Хаос",
+ "ExecutionerCanTargetCoven": "Can Target Coven",
"Executioner_RevealTargetUponEject": "Раскрыть цель при изгнании",
- "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "Союзник Шериф может убить любого",
+ "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "Recruited Sheriff can go Nuts",
"LawyerCanTargetImpostor": "Может иметь Предателя как цель",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "Может иметь цель изгнать Нейтрального Убийцу",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "Может иметь Нейтрального Апокалипсиса как цель",
+ "LawyerCanTargetCoven": "Can Target Coven",
"LawyerCanTargetCrewmate": "Может иметь Членов Экипажа как цель",
"LawyerCanTargetJester": "Может иметь Шута как цель",
"LawyerChangeRolesAfterTargetKilled": "Когда цель умирает, Адвокат становится",
@@ -1594,8 +1637,8 @@
"SniperPrecisionShooting": "Точный выстрел",
"SniperAimAssist": "Помощь в прицеливании",
"SniperAimAssistOneshot": "Помощь только с одним выстрелом",
- "PyroDouseCooldown": "Откат обливания",
- "PyroBurnCooldown": "Откат убийства после убийства облитого игрока",
+ "PyroDouseCooldown": "Douse Cooldown",
+ "PyroBurnCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after killing a doused player",
"Prohibited_OverrideBlockedVentsAfterMeeting": "Переопределять заблокированные вентиляции после встречи",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInSkeld": "Количество заблокированных вентиляций на The Skeld",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInMira": "Количество заблокированных вентиляций на MIRA HQ",
@@ -1606,7 +1649,7 @@
"UndertakerFreezeDuration": "Время заморозки",
"NameDisplayAddons": "Показывать Атрибуты",
"YourAddon": "Твои Атрибуты:",
- "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "Максимальное количество Атрибутов на игрока",
+ "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "Maximum Add-ons Per Player",
"LoverSpawnChances": "Шанс появления Любовников",
"AdditionRolesSpawnRate": "Шанс появления",
"TorchVision": "Дальность Фонарика",
@@ -1641,38 +1684,40 @@
"EvilHackerLastAdminInfoTitle": "Последняя информация",
"EvilHackerDeadbody": "УБИТО",
"Ventguard": "Блокировщик",
- "VentguardInfo": "Блокируйте вентиляции",
- "VentguardInfoLong": "(Член Экипажа):\nБлокировщик может заходить в вентиляции и блокировать их.\nНикто не может войти в заблокированные вентиляции, кроме Членов Экипажа, если настройка включена.\nЗаблокированные вентиляционные отверстия можно сбрасывать при каждой встрече.",
+ "VentguardInfo": "Block Vents by entering them",
+ "VentguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Ventguard, you can enter Vents to block them. No one can enter blocked Vents, except Crewmates, if the setting is on. Blocked Vents can be resets every meeting.",
"VentguardVentButtonText": "Блокировать",
- "Ventguard_MaxGuards": "Максимум блокировок вентиляций",
+ "Ventguard_MaxGuards": "Maximum number of Vent Blocks",
"Ventguard_BlockVentCooldown": "Откат блокировки вентиляций",
- "Ventguard_BlockDoesNotAffectCrew": "Члены Экипажа могу использовать заблокированные вентиляции",
+ "Ventguard_BlockDoesNotAffectCrew": "Crewmates can use blocked Vents",
"Ventguard_BlocksResetOnMeeting": "Сбрасывать заблокированные вентиляции на каждой встрече",
- "VentIsBlocked": "Эта вентиляция теперь заблокирована!",
+ "VentIsBlocked": "This Vent is Now Blocked!",
"TraitorKnowMadmate": "Предатель может знать Безумцев",
"Psychic_NBareRed": "Добрые Нейтралы показываются красным",
"Psychic_NEareRed": "Злые Нейтралы показываются красным",
"Psychic_NCareRed": "Нейтралы которые вносят Хаос показываются красным",
"Psychic_NAareRed": "Нейтральный Апокалипсис показываются красным",
"Psychic_NKareRed": "Нейтральные Убийцы показываются красным",
+ "Psychic_CovareRed": "Coven can be red",
"Psychic_CrewKillingRed": "Члены Экипажа убийцы показываются красным",
- "PsychicCanSeeNum": "Максимальное количество красных имен",
+ "PsychicCanSeeNum": "Maximum number of red names",
"PsychicFresh": "Красный никнейм меняется на каждой встрече",
"DetectiveCanknowKiller": "Может знать роль убийцы",
"EveryOneKnowSuperStar": "Все знают кто является Супер Звездой",
"HackLimit": "Сколько раз может использовать способность",
"ZombieSpeedReduce": "Скорость Зомби каждый раз снижается на",
- "NemesisCanKillNum": "Максимальное количество мести",
+ "NemesisCanKillNum": "Maximum number of revenges",
"ImpKnowCelebrityDead": "Предатели могут знать что Знаменитость мертва",
"NeutralKnowCelebrityDead": "Нейтралы могут знать что Знаменитость мертва",
+ "CovenKnowCelebrityDead": "Coven know when the Celebrity dies",
"VectorVentNumWin": "Количество прыжков в вентиляцию, чтобы выиграть",
"CanCheckCamera": "Может отслеживать использует ли кто-либо камеры",
- "DefaultKillCooldown": "Начальный откат убийства",
- "ReduceKillCooldown": "Сократить откат убийства на",
- "MinKillCooldown": "Минимальный откат убийства",
+ "DefaultKillCooldown": "Starting Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReduceKillCooldown": "Reduce Kill Cooldown by",
+ "MinKillCooldown": "Minimum Kill Cooldown",
"BomberRadius": "Радиус бомбы (5x примерно как половина столовой)",
"NotifyGodAlive": "Сообщать игрокам на встрече, что Бог ещё жив",
- "TransporterTeleportMax": "Максимальное количество телепортов",
+ "TransporterTeleportMax": "Maximum number of teleports",
"TriggerKill": "Убийство",
"TriggerVent": "Вентиляция",
"TriggerDouble": "Двойное нажатие",
@@ -1686,6 +1731,7 @@
"InnocentCanWinByImp": "Если его цель была Предателем, то он победит вместе с ним",
"ImpCanBeParanoia": "Предатели могут стать Паранойей",
"CrewCanBeParanoia": "Члены Экипажа могут стать Паранойей",
+ "CovenCanBeParanoia": "Coven can become Paranoia",
"DualVotes": "Повторяющиеся голоса",
"VeteranSkillCooldown": "Откат навыка",
"VeteranSkillDuration": "Продолжительность навыка",
@@ -1693,9 +1739,9 @@
"ImpCanBeEgoist": "Предатель может стать Эгоистом",
"CrewCanBeEgoist": "Член Экипажа может стать Эгоистом",
"ImpEgoistVisibalToAllies": "Предатели видят других Эгоистов - Предателей",
- "EgoistCountAsConverted": "Эгоист считается нейтралом",
+ "EgoistCountAsConverted": "Egoist count as converted Neutral",
"GuessRainbow": "Он кажется слишком очевидным, не так ли?",
- "RainbowColorChangeCoolDown": "Откат изменения цвета",
+ "RainbowColorChangeCoolDown": "The Cooldown for changing colors",
"RainbowInCamouflage": "Изменять цвета во время камуфляжа",
"BaitDelayMin": "Минимальная задержка репорта",
"BaitDelayMax": "Максимальная задержка репорта",
@@ -1703,17 +1749,18 @@
"BecomeBaitDelayNotify": "Предупредить убийцу, что он собирается зарепортить труп",
"BaitNotification": "Раскрыть Байта на первой встрече",
"BaitAdviceAlive": "{0} — является Байтом. Тот, кто его убьет, совершит саморепорт.",
- "BaitCanBeReportedUnderAllConditions": "Байт может быть зарепорчен, когда репорт трупов запрещён во время камуфляжа",
- "DeceiverAbilityLost": "Обманщик теряет способность, если обманывает игрока без кнопки убийства",
+ "BaitCanBeReportedUnderAllConditions": "Bait Can Be Reported even if a meeting is disabled during Comms Sabotage",
+ "DeceiverAbilityLost": "Deceiver loses ability if it deceives player without Kill button",
"AddictSuicideTimer": "Времени до самоубийства",
"GrenadierSkillCooldown": "Откат навыка",
"GrenadierSkillDuration": "Продолжительность навыка",
"GrenadierCauseVision": "Поле зрение после активации светошумовой гранаты",
"GrenadierCanAffectNeutral": "Нейтралы могут быть поражены светошумовой гранатой",
+ "GrenadierCanAffectCoven": "Can affect Coven",
"TicketsPerKill": "Увеличение голосов за убийство",
- "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "Откат завербовывания",
+ "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "Recruit Cooldown",
"GangsterRecruitLimit": "Лимит завербовывания",
- "KamikazeMaxMarked": "Максимум отметок",
+ "KamikazeMaxMarked": "Maximum Marked",
"RevolutionistDrawTime": "Длительность удерживания",
"RevolutionistCooldown": "Откат навыка",
"RevolutionistDrawCount": "Количество игроков которых ему нужно пометить",
@@ -1733,7 +1780,7 @@
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_Immediately": "Моментально",
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_AfterMeeting": "После Собрания",
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_OFF": "ВЫКЛ",
- "MedicResetCooldown": "При попытке убийства сбрасывать откат убийства на",
+ "MedicResetCooldown": "On kill attempt, reset murderer's Cooldown to",
"MedicShieldedCanBeGuessed": "Игрока с щитом Медика можно угадать",
"MadmateSpawnMode": "Режим появления Безумца",
"MadmateSpawnMode.Assign": "Назначать",
@@ -1743,40 +1790,41 @@
"MadmateCountMode.None": "Никто",
"MadmateCountMode.Imp": "Предатели",
"MadmateCountMode.Original": "Первоначальной командой",
- "Altruist_RevivedDeadBodyCannotBeReported_Option": "О возрожденном трупе нельзя сообщить",
- "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsAlert": "Предатели могут получить оповещение",
- "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "Предатели могут получить стрелку",
- "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "Нейтральные Убийцы могут получить оповещение",
- "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "Нейтральные Убийцы могут получить стрелку",
+ "Altruist_RevivedDeadBodyCannotBeReported_Option": "Revived Dead Body cannot be Reported",
+ "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsAlert": "Impostors can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "Impostors can get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "Neutral Killers can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "Neutral Killers can get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsAlert": "Coven can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsArrow": "Coven can get Arrow",
"AltruistSuffix": "<#00ffa5>Режим: {0}",
"AltruistReviveMode": "Возродить",
"AltruistReportMode": "Репорт",
"Altruist_YouTriedReportRevivedDeadBody": "Вы пытались сообщить о возрожденном трупе",
- "Altruist_DeadPlayerHasBeenRevived": "Мертвого игрока возродили!",
+ "Altruist_DeadPlayerHasBeenRevived": "A Dead Player has been Revived!",
"AltruistAbilityButton": "Изменить Режим",
"SnatchesWin": "Может вырвать победу",
"DemonKillCooldown": "Откат Атаки",
- "DemonHealthMax": "Объем крови игроков",
+ "DemonHealthMax": "Player maximum health",
"DemonDamage": "Величина причиненного ущерба ",
- "DemonSelfHealthMax": "Максимальное здоровье Демона",
+ "DemonSelfHealthMax": "Demon maximum health",
"DemonSelfDamage": "Полученная величина ущерба Демону",
"LightningConvertTime": "Длительность превращения в Квантового Призрака",
"LightningKillCooldown": "Откат молнии",
"LightningKillerConvertGhost": "Убийца может превратиться в квантового призрака",
"CanCountNeutralKiller": "Когда Члены Экипажа побеждают убив Нейтральных игроков, они воруют победу",
- "GreedyOddKillCooldown": "Откат Нечётного убийства",
- "GreedyEvenKillCooldown": "Откат Чётного убийства",
+ "GreedyOddKillCooldown": "Odd-Numbered Kill Cooldown",
+ "GreedyEvenKillCooldown": "Even-Numbered Kill Cooldown",
"WorkaholicCannotWinAtDeath": "Не может победить когда он мёртв",
"WorkaholicVisibleToEveryone": "Все знают кто является Трудоголиком",
"WorkaholicGiveAdviceAlive": "Совет при первой встрече, если жив, он может победить после смерти",
"DoctorVisibleToEveryone": "Все могут знать кто является Доктором",
"CursedWolfGuardSpellTimes": "Количество проклятых щитов",
"KillAttackerWhenAbilityRemaining": "Убить атакующего, пока способность остаётся",
- "JinxSpellTimes": "Количество заклинаний",
"CollectorCollectAmount": "Необходимое количество голосов",
"GlitchCanVote": "Может голосовать",
"QuickShooterShapeshiftCooldown": "Откат морфа",
- "MeetingReserved": "Количество пуль, зарезервированных для встречи",
+ "MeetingReserved": "Maximum Bullets reserved for a meeting",
"AccurateCheckMode": "Точное занятие для гадания, когда все задания не выполнены",
"RandomActiveRoles": "Показывать случайные активные роли в подсказках",
"CamouflageCooldown": "Откат камуфляжа",
@@ -1790,29 +1838,31 @@
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralE": "Может судить Злых Нейтралов",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralC": "Может судить Нейтралов которые вносят Хаос",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralA": "Может судить Нейтральный Апокалипсис",
+ "JudgeCanTrialCoven": "Can trial Coven",
"JudgeCanTrialSidekick": "Может судить Союзников",
"JudgeCanTrialInfected": "Может судить Заражённых",
"JudgeCanTrialContagious": "Может судить Заразных",
"JudgeTryHideMsg": "Спрятать команду Судьи",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "Количество судов за собрание",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "Максимум судов за игру",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Trials per Meeting",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "Maximum Trials per Game",
"JudgeCanTrialMadmate": "Может судить Безумцев",
"JudgeCanTrialCharmed": "Может судить Зачарованных игроков",
+ "JudgeCanTrialEnchanted": "Can trial Enchanted players",
"JudgeDead": "Нету судьи - нету суда!",
"JudgeTrialMaxMeetingMsg": "\nДостаточно судов за встречу!",
"JudgeTrialMaxGameMsg": "\nДостаточно судов!",
"Judge_LaughToWhoTrialSelf": "Боже, я не думал что Судьи будут такие слепыми чтобы даже не увидеть того что сами себе вынесли приговор.",
"Judge_TrialKill": "{0} был засужен.",
"Judge_TrialKillTitle": "СУД ",
- "Judge_TrialHelp": "Команда: /tl [номер игрока]\nВы можете видеть номера игроков перед их именами.\nИли используйте /id для просмотра списка всех номеров игроков.",
+ "Judge_TrialHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Judge_TrialNull": "Пожалуйста выберите человека который жив для суда",
- "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "Количество способности",
+ "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "Maximum number of Alerts",
"SwooperCooldown": "Откат навыка",
"SwooperDuration": "Длительность навыка",
"WraithCooldown": "Откат Исчезновения",
"WraithDuration": "Продолжительность Исчезновения",
"BastionNotify": "Бомба была взорвана",
- "EnteredBombedVent": "Эта вентиляция была разбомблено!",
+ "EnteredBombedVent": "That Vent was bombed!",
"BastionVentButtonText": "ЗАЛОЖИТЬ",
"BombsClearAfterMeeting": "Бомбы исчезают после встреч",
"BastionMaxBombs": "(Начальное) Максимальное количество бомб",
@@ -1828,11 +1878,12 @@
"FollowerBetTargetKnowFollower": "Его цель может знать что за ним следуют",
"FortuneTellerHideVote": "Скрыть голос Следователя",
"CultistCharmCooldown": "Откат Способности",
- "CultistCharmCooldownIncrese": "Увеличение отката Суккуба",
+ "CultistCharmCooldownIncrese": "Increases Charm Cooldown for Each Charm",
"CultistCharmMax": "Максимально Зачарованных",
"CultistKnowTargetRole": "Знает роли Зачарованных",
"CultistTargetKnowOtherTarget": "Зачарованные игроки могут знать друг друга",
"CultistCanCharmNeutral": "Нейтралы могут быть Зачарованны",
+ "CultistCanCharmCoven": "Coven Roles can be Charmed",
"InfectiousBiteCooldown": "Откат заражения",
"KnowTargetRole": "Может знать роль цели",
"TargetKnowsLawyer": "Цель может знать кто является Адвокатом",
@@ -1855,11 +1906,11 @@
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_None": "Никто",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Cultist": "Суккуб",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Original": "Первоначальная команда",
- "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "Когда все Предатели мертвы, Шакал побеждает использовав саботаж",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Сбросить откат убийства, когда кого-то убивают",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "Откат убийства при сбросе",
+ "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "When all Impostors are dead, the Jackal wins by Sabotage instead",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Reset Kill Cooldown if someone gets killed by another player",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "Kill Cooldown on Reset",
"JackalCanRecruitSidekick": "Может нанять Союзника",
- "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "Максимальное количество завербованных",
+ "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "Maximum Number of Recruits",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode": "Союзники считаются как",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_None": "Никто",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_Jackal": "Шакал",
@@ -1888,6 +1939,7 @@
"NeutralsSeePresident": "Нейтралы могут видеть раскрытие Главаря",
"MadmatesSeePresident": "Безумцы могут видеть раскрытие Главаря",
"ImpsSeePresident": "Предатели могут видеть раскрытие Главаря",
+ "CovenSeePresident": "Coven can see revealed President",
"PresidentDead": "Извините, вы не можете принудительно завершить встречу после смерти",
"PresidentEndMax": "Способностей больше не осталось!",
"PresidentRevealMax": "Ты уже раскрыл себя...",
@@ -1898,40 +1950,167 @@
"Troller_CanHaveStartMeetingEvent": "Можно начать встречу с помощью события",
"Troller_ChangesSpeed": "Тролль изменил всем скорость!",
"Troller_SpeedOut": "Скорость вернулась",
- "Troller_YouChangedCooldown": "Вы изменили откат у всех игроков",
- "Troller_ChangeYourCooldown": "Тролль изменил ваш откат!",
- "Troller_NoAddons": "Для случайной цели атрибуты не найдены",
- "Troller_RemoveRandomAddon": "Вы удалили атрибут у случайного игрока",
- "Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "Тролль удалил ваш случайный атрибут",
- "Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "Вы устроили саботаж",
- "Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "Вы исправили саботаж",
+ "Troller_YouChangedCooldown": "You changed the Cooldown of all players",
+ "Troller_ChangeYourCooldown": "Troller change your Cooldown!",
+ "Troller_NoAddons": "No Add-ons found on the random target",
+ "Troller_RemoveRandomAddon": "You removed Add-on from random player",
+ "Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "Troller removed your random Add-on",
+ "Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "You caused Sabotage",
+ "Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "You fixed Sabotage",
+ "CovenRolesMinPlayer": "Minimum amount of Coven",
+ "CovenRolesMaxPlayer": "Maximum amount of Coven",
+ "%role%CanVent": "%role% Can Vent",
+ "%role%HasImpVis": "%role% Has Impostor Vision",
+ "CovenHasImpVis": "Coven Members have Impostor Vision",
+ "CovenImpVisMode": "Impostor Vision Configuration",
+ "CovenCanVent": "Coven Members Can Vent",
+ "CovenVentMode": "Vent Configuration",
+ "CovenPerRole": "Per Role",
+ "CovenCanSeeEachOthersAddOns": "Coven can see each other's Add-Ons",
+ "NecronomiconNotification": "You have recieved the Necronomicon!
Your powers are now enhanced!",
+ "NecronomiconVote": "You have voted for {0} to receive the Necronomicon next round. You may now vote normally.",
+ "CovenDontKillOtherCoven": "Don't try to kill your fellow Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderMaxRetrains": "Maximum Retrains",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainCooldown": "Retrain Cooldown",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrain": "Retrain offered",
+ "CovenLeaderNoRetrain": "You have ran out of Retrains!",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainNonCoven": "You can't retrain a non-Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderAcceptRetrain": "The player you attempted to retrain has accepted your training and is now a {0}!",
+ "CovenLeaderDeclineRetrain": "The player you attempted to retrain has declined your offer to retrain them into a {0}...",
+ "RetrainNotification": "The {0} has requested to retrain you into a {1}.
Vote yourself to accept the offer, vote someone else to decline.",
+ "RetrainAcceptOffer": "You have accepted the {0}'s retraining and you are now a {1}!",
+ "RetrainDeclineOffer": "You declined the {0}'s retraining and your role has not been changed...",
+ "RitualistMaxRitsPerRound": "Maximum Blood Rituals per Round",
+ "RitualistTryHideMsg": "Try to hide Ritualist's commands",
+ "RitualistRitualSuccess": "You preformed a successful Blood Ritual on {0} and they are now part of the Coven!",
+ "RitualistRitualFail": "You have failed your Blood Ritual and may no longer preform any Blood Rituals this meeting...",
+ "RitualistRitualImpossible": "Your Blood Ritual was successful, however, this player is unenchantable.",
+ "RitualistRitualMax": "You've already used the maximum amount of Blood Rituals for this meeting.",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsCoven": "Enchanted knows Coven",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsEnchanted": "Enchanted knows Enchanted",
+ "RitualistCommandHelp": "Instructions: /rt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /rt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player IDs before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
+ "RitualistConvertNotif": "Your role has been guessed by the {0} and you are now apart of the Coven!",
+ "RitualistGuessAddon": "Did you seriously think it would be that easy? You can't do a Ritual solely based on Add-ons.",
+ "RitualistSuccessfullyRecruited": "You successfully recruited a player",
+ "BeRecruitedByRitualist": "The Ritualist has recruited you",
+ "ConjurerCooldown": "Conjure Cooldown",
+ "ConjurerRadius": "Blast Radius",
+ "ConjurerNecroRadius": "Necronomicon Blast Radius",
+ "ConjurerCovenDies": "Coven can die in blast",
+ "ConjurerMark": "Location marked",
+ "ConjurerMeteor": "Meteor summoned",
+ "ConjurerNecroMark": "Player marked",
+ "ConjurerMarkShapeshift": "Mark",
+ "ConjurerConjureShapeshift": "Conjure",
+ "IllusionCooldown": "Illusion Cooldown",
+ "IllusionistMaxIllusions": "Maximum Illusions",
+ "IllusionistSnitchAffected": "Snitch is Affected by Illusions",
+ "IllusionistResetIllusionsPerRound": "Reset Illusions After Meeting",
+ "IllusionistClearIllusionsWhenDead": "Remove Illusions When Illusionist Dies",
+ "MedusaStoneCooldown": "Stone Cooldown",
+ "MedusaStoneDuration": "Stone Duration",
+ "MedusaStoneVision": "Stoned Vision",
+ "MedusaStonedPlayer": "{0} has been Stoned",
+ "MedusaStoningStart": "Stoning in progress",
+ "MedusaStoningEnd": "Stoning has ended",
+ "MoonDancerBatonPassCooldown": "Baton Pass Cooldown",
+ "MoonDancerBlastOffChance": "Chance to Blast Off",
+ "MoonDancerPassEnabledAddons": "Can only Baton Pass enabled Add-ons",
+ "MoonDancerCantBlastOff": "Target can not be Blasted Off",
+ "MoonDancerNormalKill": "Killed normally",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHelpfulAddon": "Target will be given Helpful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHarmfulAddon": "Target will be given Harmful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerNoAddons": "No Add-ons to Baton Pass to {0}",
+ "SacrifistDebuffCooldown": "Debuff Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistDeathsAfterVote": "Players Killed After Sacrifist is Exiled",
+ "SacrifistNecroReducedCooldown": "Coven Decreased Cooldown After Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "SacrifistVision": "Sacrificed Vision",
+ "SacrifistVisionDuration": "Vision Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeed": "Sacrificed Speed",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDuration": "Speed Duration",
+ "SacrifistIncreasedCooldown": "Sacrificed Increase Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistFreezeDuration": "Random Freezing Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDebuff": "Speed Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistVisionDebuff": "Vision Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistCooldownDebuff": "Cooldown Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistFoolDebuff": "Can't Fix Sabotages Debuff",
+ "SacrifistMeetingDebuff": "Forced Called Meeting",
+ "SacrifistReportDebuff": "Can't Report Bodies",
+ "SacrifistTasksDebuff": "Tasks Reset for Target",
+ "SacrifistSwapSkinsDebuff": "Swapped Skins",
+ "SacrifistSwapDebuff": "Swapping with target after 3 seconds",
+ "SacrifistVisionRevert": "Vision Reverted",
+ "SacrifistSpeedRevert": "Speed Reverted",
+ "SacrifistShapeshiftButton": "Debuff",
+ "SacrifistNecroShapeshiftButton": "Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "VoodooMasterPerRound": "Voodoo Dolls per Round",
+ "VoodooMasterCanDollCoven": "Voodoo Master can Voodoo Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNecroCanKillCov": "Necronomicon Ability can Kill Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollCoven": "You can't Voodoo other Coven members!",
+ "VoodooMasterTargetInMeeting": "Someone tried to target you with their role during this meeting, but it was deflected to one of your dolls, {0}, instead!",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollsLeft": "You can't voodoo anyone else this round!",
+ "VoodooMasterDolledSomeone": "{0} has been turned into a Voodoo Doll",
+ "PotionMasterMaxReveals": "Maximum Reveals",
+ "PotionMasterMaxBarriers": "Maximum Barriers",
+ "PotionMasterNoPotions": "You're out of {0} Potions!",
+ "PotionMasterPotionSwitch": "Potion switched to: {0}",
+ "PotionMasterPotionCurrent": "Current Potion: ",
+ "PotionMasterRevealCoven": "You can already see roles of Coven!",
+ "PotionMasterReveal": "Reveal",
+ "PotionMasterBarrier": "Barrier",
+ "PotionMasterKillButtonText": "Use Potion",
+ "HexMasterHexCooldown": "Hex Cooldown",
+ "HexMasterCovenCanGetMovingHex": "Coven Can Get Moving Hex",
+ "HexMasterMovingHexCooldown": "Moving Hex Pass Cooldown",
+ "HexesLookLikeSpells": "Hexes appear as Spells",
+ "HexButtonText": "Порча",
+ "HexMasterModeHex": "Проклясть",
+ "HexMasterModeKill": "Убить",
+ "HexMasterModeDouble": "Двойное нажатие = Убить, Одно нажатие = Проклясть",
+ "HexMasterPassNotify": "Hex successfully passed",
+ "JinxSpellTimes": "Количество заклинаний",
+ "JinxCooldown": "Jinx Cooldown",
+ "JinxCovenCanDieToJinx": "Coven Can Die To Jinx",
+ "PoisonCooldown": "Откат отравления",
+ "PoisonerKillDelay": "Длительность яда",
+ "PoisonerTargetDead": "Ваша цель умерла",
+ "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "Отравить",
+ "NecromancerRevengeTime": "Necronomicon Ability time",
+ "NecromancerRevenge": "У тебя есть {0}, чтобы убить {1}",
+ "NecromancerSuccess": "Некромантия завершена! Ты выжил убив своего убийцу.",
+ "NecromancerHide": "Вентиляция отключена, бегите от Некроманта!",
+ "NecromancerAbilityDuration": "Necromancy Duration",
+ "NecromancerAbilityCooldown": "Necromancy Cooldown",
+ "NecromancerCooldownNotDone": "Ability is still on Cooldown!",
+ "NecromancerNoUsableRoles": "No usable roles",
"LuckyProbability": "Вероятность пережить убийство",
"ImpCanBeDoubleShot": "У Предателей может быть Второй Шанс",
"CrewCanBeDoubleShot": "У Членов Экипажа может быть Второй Шанс",
"NeutralCanBeDoubleShot": "У Нейтралов может быть Второй Шанс",
+ "CovenCanBeDoubleShot": "Coven can have Double Shot",
"MimicCanSeeDeadRoles": "Мимик может видеть роли мёртвых игроков",
- "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "Запретить репортить трупы когда маскировка Камуфляжера активна",
- "CanUseCommsSabotage": "Может вызвать саботаж связи",
+ "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "Disable body reporting when Camouflage is active",
+ "CanUseCommsSabotage": "Can use Comms Sabotage",
"ModTag": "Модератор♥️",
"ApplyModeratorList": "Применить список модераторов",
"VipTag": "VIP★",
"ApplyVipList": "Применить VIP список",
- "AllowSayCommand": "Разрешить модераторам использовать команду /say",
- "AllowStartCommand": "Allow moderators to use /start command",
+ "AllowSayCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /say command",
+ "AllowStartCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /start command",
"StartCommandMinCountdown": "Minimum countdown for /start command",
"StartCommandMaxCountdown": "Maximum countdown for /start command",
"KickCommandDisabled": "Команда кика в настоящее время отключена.",
"KickCommandNoAccess": "У вас нет доступа к команде кика.",
"KickCommandInvalidID": "Указан неверный идентификатор игрока.\nИспользуйте «/kick [playerID] [причина]», чтобы кикнуть игрока.\nПример:- /kick 5 не соблюдает правила",
- "KickCommandKickHost": "Вам не разрешено кикать Хоста.",
- "KickCommandKickMod": "Вам не разрешено кикать других модераторов.",
+ "KickCommandKickHost": "You are not permitted to kick the Host.",
+ "KickCommandKickMod": "You are not permitted to kick other Moderators.",
"KickCommandKicked": "был кикнут из игры игроком ",
"KickCommandKickedRole": "Их роль была",
"BanCommandDisabled": "Команда бана в настоящее время отключена.",
"BanCommandNoAccess": "У вас нет доступа к команде бана.",
"BanCommandInvalidID": "Указан неверный ID игрока.\nПожалуйста, используйте «/ban [АйдиИгрока] [Причина]» для блокировки игрока.\nПример :- /ban 5 не соблюдает правила",
- "BanCommandBanHost": "Вам не разрешено банить Хоста.",
- "BanCommandBanMod": "Вам не разрешено банить других модераторов.",
+ "BanCommandBanHost": "You are not permitted to ban the Host.",
+ "BanCommandBanMod": "You are not permitted to ban other Moderators.",
"BanCommandBanned": "был забанен в игре игроком ",
"BanCommandBannedRole": "Их роль была",
"BanCommandNoReason": "Причина не указана.\nПожалуйста, используйте «/ban [АйдиИгрока] [Причина]»\nПример :- /ban 5 не следовал правилам",
@@ -1951,13 +2130,13 @@
"WarnCommandDisabled": "Команда предупреждения в настоящее время отключена.",
"WarnCommandNoAccess": "У вас нет доступа к команде предупреждения.",
"WarnCommandInvalidID": "Указан неверный идентификатор игрока.\nИспользуйте «/warn [идентификатор игрока] [причина]», чтобы предупредить игрока. \nПример: - /warn 5 пишет в чат во время изгнания",
- "WarnCommandWarnHost": "Вам не разрешено предупреждать Хоста.",
+ "WarnCommandWarnHost": "You are not permitted to warn the Host.",
"StartCommandNoAccess": "You do not have access to the start command.",
"StartCommandDisabled": "The start command is currently disabled.",
"StartCommandCountdown": "ERROR\n\nThe game is already starting!",
"StartCommandStarted": "The game has been started by {0}!",
"StartCommandInvalidCountdown": "ERROR\n\nThe countdown must be between {0} and {1}!",
- "WarnCommandWarnMod": "Вы не имеете права предупреждать других модераторов.",
+ "WarnCommandWarnMod": "You are not permitted to warn other Moderators.",
"WarnCommandWarned": "был предупрежден. Предупреждений больше не будет, и будут предприняты соответствующие действия \n ",
"WarnExample": "Используйте /warn [Айди] [Причина] в будущем. \nПример:-\n /warn 5 пишет в чат во время изгнания",
"SayCommandDisabled": "Эта команда в данный момент недоступна.",
@@ -2010,6 +2189,7 @@
"DeathReason.Sacrificed": "Пожертвовал",
"DeathReason.Electrocuted": "Electrocuted",
"DeathReason.Scavenged": "Scavenged",
+ "DeathReason.BlastedOff": "Blasted Off",
"OnlyEnabledDeathReasons": "Только активные причины смерти",
"Alive": "Выжил",
"Disconnected": "Вышел",
@@ -2022,6 +2202,7 @@
"Infected-": "Заражённый ",
"Contagious-": "Заразный ",
"Admired-": "Поклонный ",
+ "Enchanted-": "Enchanted ",
"DeputyHandcuffCooldown": "Откат наручников",
"DeputyHandcuffMax": "Максимум наручников",
"DeputyHandcuffedPlayer": "Цель в наручниках",
@@ -2071,11 +2252,11 @@
"Command.kill": "[Идентификатор игрока] → Убить назначенного игрока",
"Command.exe": "[Идентификатор игрока] → Изгнать назначенного игрока",
"Command.level": "[Уровень] → Изменить свой игровой уровень",
- "Command.idlist": "→ Отобразить список идентификаторов игроков",
+ "Command.idlist": "→ Display a list of player ID's",
"Command.qq": "→ Лобби будет размещено на сайт QQ (Только для Китая)",
"Command.dump": "→ Вывод журнала на Рабочий Стол",
"Command.death": "→ Показать информацию о том, как вы умерли",
- "Command.icons": "
╳ - The Player was marked by the Blackmailer and can't talk during the Meeting
☆ - Used by Captain to display themselves. Only Crewmates can see the Captain's star
乂 - This player was hexed by the Hex Master and will die if the Hex Master isn't killed or ejected by the end of the Meeting.
♦ - Used by Lawyer or Executioner or Follower.
♥ - Used by Lovers or Romantic.
✚ - Used by Medic to mark their target.
⦿ - This player is in a duel with the Pirate.
!? - This player was marked by the Quizmaster and must answer the question correctly to survive.
☜ - Used by Schrödinger's cat to mark their teammate.
◈ - This player marked by the Shroud and will die if the Shroud is not killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
⚠ - This player is a Snitch or Solsticer who has finished their tasks.
★ - Used by Super Star or Cyber or Marshall.
† - This player was spelled and will die if the Witch is not killed by the end of the meeting.
∇ - Used by Kamikaze to mark their targets.
■ - Used by Lightning to mark their quantum ghosts.
⊠ - Used by Jailer to mark their prisoner.
● - Used by Baker to mark who has Bread.
♠ - Used by Soul Collector to mark who's death they're predicting.
⦿ - Used by Plaguebearer to mark who they have plagued.",
+ "Command.icons": "
╳ - The player was marked by the Blackmailer and can't talk during the meeting
☆ - Used by Captain to display themselves. Only Crewmates can see the Captain's star
乂 - This player was hexed by the Hex Master and will die if the Hex Master isn't killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
♦ - Used by Lawyer or Executioner or Follower.
♥ - Used by Lovers or Romantic.
✚ - Used by Medic to mark their target.
⦿ - This player is in a duel with the Pirate.
!? - This player was marked by the Quizmaster and must answer the question correctly to survive.
☜ - Used by Schrödinger's cat to mark their teammate.
◈ - This player marked by the Shroud and will die if the Shroud is not killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
⚠ - This player is a Snitch or Solsticer who has finished their tasks.
★ - Used by Super Star or Cyber or Marshall.
† - This player was spelled and will die if the Witch is not killed by the end of the Meeting.
∇ - Used by Kamikaze to mark their targets.
■ - Used by Lightning to mark their Quantum Ghosts.
⊠ - Used by Jailer to mark their prisoner.
● - Used by Baker to mark who has Bread.
♠ - Used by Soul Collector to mark who's death they're predicting.
⦿ - Used by Plaguebearer to mark who they have plagued.
♣ - Shown on the Coven member with the Necronomicon. This is only shown to Coven.
⌘ - This player is Jinxed. This is only shown to Coven.
ø - This player is Illusioned. This is only shown to Coven.
♻ - This player is Stoned. This is only shown to Coven.
✂ - This player is a Voodoo Doll. This is only shown to Coven.",
"Command.start": "[Seconds] → Start the game",
"Command.iconinfo": "→ Показывать информацию на иконках собрания",
"Command.iconhelp": "→ Показывать информацию на иконках собрания для всех",
@@ -2085,13 +2266,15 @@
"Remaining.MadmateCount": "Безумцев осталось: {0}",
"Remaining.NeutralCount": "Нейтральных Убийц осталось: {0}",
"Remaining.ApocalypseCount": "Нейтрального Апокалипсиса осталось: {0}",
+ "Remaining.CovenCount": "Coven left: {0}",
"EnableKillerLeftCommand": "Включить использование команды /kcount",
- "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "Показывать Безумцев (включая атрибут)",
+ "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "Show Madmates (including Add-ons)",
"ShowApocalypseInLeftCommand": "Может видеть Нейтральный Апокалипсис",
+ "ShowCovenInLeftCommand": "Show Coven",
"SeeEjectedRolesInMeeting": "Видеть роли изгнанных во время встречи",
"ThankYouForUsingTOHE": "Thank you for using TOHE!",
"SkillUsedLeft": "Вы активировали навык для проведения собрания. \nОставшееся количество использование вашего навыка:",
- "NemesisDeadMsg": "Смерть Немезиса означает начало мести. \nПожалуйста, используйте /rv + [номер игрока], чтобы убить указанного игрока \nВы можете увидеть номер игрока перед его именем. \nИли введите команду /rv, чтобы получить список номеров игроков",
+ "NemesisDeadMsg": "The death of the Nemesis means the beginning of the revenge. \nPlease use /rv + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /rv to get a list of player ID's",
"NemesisAliveKill": "Месть за Немезиса может начаться только после его смерти.",
"NemesisKillDead": "Выберите живого игрока для осуществления мести",
"NemesisKillSucceed": "[{0}] Был отомщен Немезисом!",
@@ -2111,14 +2294,15 @@
"GuessGuardianTask": "Вы не можете угадать Стража, который выполнил все свои задания.",
"GuardianCantKilled": "You can't kill a Guardian who has finished their tasks.",
"GuessMarshallTask": "Вы не можете угадать маршала, который выполнил все свои задания.",
- "GuessObviousAddon": "Извините, очевидные атрибуты не угадываются.",
- "GuessAdtRole": "К сожалению, настройки Хоста не позволяют угадывать Атрибуты",
+ "GuessObviousAddon": "Sorry, obvious Add-ons cannot be guessed.",
+ "GuessAdtRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow you to guess Add-ons",
"GuessImpRole": "Настройки Хоста не позволяют Предателям угадывать роли других Предателей.",
- "GuessCrewRole": "Настройки Хоста не позволяют Членам Экипажам угадывать роли других Членов Экипажей.",
+ "GuessCrewRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow Crewmates to guess Crewmate roles.",
"GuessApocRole": "Настройки Хоста не позволяют Апокалипсису угадывать роли Апокалипсиса.",
+ "GuessCovenRole": "Fortunately, the Host's settings does not allow Coven to guess Coven roles.",
"GuessKill": "Игрок: {0}\nбыл угадан",
"GuessNull": "Пожалуйста, выберите идентификатор присутствующего выжившего игрока, чтобы угадать его роль",
- "GuessHelp": "Инструкция: /bt [Идентификатор игрока] [Название Роли] \nПример: /bt 3 Байт \nВы можете увидеть идентификатор игрока перед именем игрока \nили использовав команду /id для просмотра списка идентификаторов игроков",
+ "GuessHelp": "Instructions: /bt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /bt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"GGGuessMax": "Вы набрали максимальное количество угадываний.\n\nТы больше не можешь гадать!",
"EGGuessMax": "Вы набрали максимальное количество угадываний.\n\nТы больше не можешь гадать!",
"EGGuessSnitchTaskDone": "Из-за настроек комнаты, ты не можешь угадать Стукача, который сделал свои задания.",
@@ -2149,12 +2333,12 @@
"MediumNotifyTarget": "Медиум {0} установил с вами контакт. До окончания этой встречи у вас есть шанс ответить на его вопрос.\nПодтвердить: [/ms yes]\nОтклонить: [/ms no]",
"MediumNotifySelf": "Вы установили контакт с {0}, пожалуйста задайте ему вопрос и дождитесь его ответа.\n\nОставшееся количество использования навыка: {1}",
"MediumKnowPlayerDead": "Кто-то где-то умер",
- "SpurtMinSpeed": "Минимальная скорость",
- "SpurtMaxSpeed": "Максимальная скорость",
+ "SpurtMinSpeed": "Minimum Speed",
+ "SpurtMaxSpeed": "Maximum Speed",
"SpurtModule": "Модулятор скорости",
"EnableSpurtCharge": "Показывать заряд",
"SpurtSuffix": "\n« Рывок: {0}% »",
- "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "Цель уже мертва",
+ "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "Target is Already Dead",
"ByBard": "c любовью, Бард",
"ByBardGetFailed": "Упс, у меня уже нет настроения.",
"GangsterSuccessfullyRecruited": "Вы успешно завербовали игрока",
@@ -2165,40 +2349,37 @@
"BecomeMadmateCuzMadmateMode": "Вы стали Безумцем из-за своей смерти",
"CleanerCleanBody": "Труп был очищен",
"QuickShooterStoraging": "Пули сохранены успешно",
- "QuickShooterFailed": "You are still in cooldown.",
- "PoisonerTargetDead": "Ваша цель умерла",
- "HexesLookLikeSpells": "Мастер Проклятий выглядят как Заклинатель",
- "HexButtonText": "Порча",
- "BloodthirstAdded": "Ваша жажда крови теперь активна!",
+ "QuickShooterFailed": "You are still in Cooldown.",
+ "BloodthirstAdded": "Your Bloodthirst is now active!",
"WarlockNoTarget": "Манипуляция провалилась из-за отсутствия цели",
"WarlockNoTargetYet": "Вы ещё не отметили цель.",
"WarlockTargetDead": "Манипуляция не удалась из-за того, что цель мертва",
"WarlockControlKill": "Цель мертва",
"OnCelebrityDead": "Внимание: Знаменитость мертва!",
"OnCyberDead": "Внимание: Знаменитый игрок мертв!",
- "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "Всех телепортировали к вентам",
+ "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "Everyone was teleported to Vents",
"TeleportedByTransporter": "Телепортирован к: {0}",
"ErrorTeleport": "Телепортация не удалась",
- "EraseLimit": "Лимит Стираний",
+ "EraseLimit": "Maximum Erases",
"EraserHideVote": "Скрыть голос при стирании",
"EraserEraseMsgTitle": "СТИРАЧКА",
"EraserEraseNotice": "Ты стёр {0}\nЕго роль будет неактивна после собрания.",
"EraserEraseBaseImpostorOrNeutralRoleNotice": "Упс, твоя цель не может быть стёрта!",
"EraserEraseSelf": "Если ты это делал для теста, я могу понять, но стирать себя это ужасная идея?!",
- "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "Вы не сможете угадать роль стертого вами игрока, кроме атрибутов",
+ "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "You can't guess the role of the player you erased, except Add-ons",
"LostRoleByEraser": "Вы потеряли свою роль из-за Стирачки",
"KilledByScavenger": "Вы были убиты Уборщиком и поэтому телепортированы за предел карты",
- "SnitchDoneTasks": "Созовите собрание, чтобы активировать свой навык",
+ "SnitchDoneTasks": "Call a meeting to find the Impostors",
"SwooperCanVent": "Прыгните в вентиляцию, чтобы стать невидимым",
"SwooperInvisState": "Вы невидимы!",
"SwooperInvisStateOut": "Невидимость пропала",
- "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "Откат способности, невидимости нет",
+ "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "Swoop Cooldown isn't up yet. Swooping failed",
"SwooperInvisStateCountdown": "Невидимость пропадёт через {0} секунд",
"SwooperInvisCooldownRemain": "Осталось {0} секунд до использования способности",
"WraithCanVent": "Прыгните в вентиляцию, чтобы стать невидимым",
"WraithInvisState": "Вы невидимы!",
"WraithInvisStateOut": "Невидимость пропала",
- "WraithInvisInCooldown": "Способность все еще на перезарядке, невидимость не удалась",
+ "WraithInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, Vanish failed",
"WraithInvisStateCountdown": "Невидимость пропадёт через {0} секунд",
"WraithInvisCooldownRemain": "Осталось {0} секунд до использования способности",
"WerewolfKillButtonText": "РАСТЕРЗАТЬ",
@@ -2219,10 +2400,10 @@
"BittenByInfectious": "Вас заразили!",
"InfectiousBittenPlayer": "Вы успешно заразили игрока",
"GuessNotAllowed": "Извините, ваша роль не имеет доступа к угадыванию.",
- "GuessOnbound": "Этот игрок имеет Атрибут Непобедимого, поэтому вы не можете его угадать.",
+ "GuessOnbound": "This player has the Onbound Add-on, so your guess on them was canceled.",
"GuessSpecter": "Вы не можете угадать Тень, это позволит ему победить!",
"PacifistOnGuard": "Навык активирован, осталось ещё {0}",
- "PacifistSkillNotify": "Пацифист сбросил ваш откат убийства / способности",
+ "PacifistSkillNotify": "Pacifist reset your Kill Cooldown",
"BeRecruitedByJackal": "Вы были завербованы Шакалом",
"YinYangerAlreadyMarked": "{0} уже находится в состоянии спокойствия, наделенного товарищем ИньЯнгер",
"CoronerTrackRecorded": "Трек активирован",
@@ -2246,26 +2427,27 @@
"MonarchInvalidTarget": "Цель не может быть посвящена",
"GhostTransformTitle": "Ваша роль изменилась!",
"SpiritcallerNoticeTitle": "Ты превратился в Злого Духа!",
- "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "Призыватель убил вас и превратил в Злого Духа.\nТеперь ваша задача состоит в том, чтобы помочь Призывателю победить, используя кнопку «Защитить», чтобы помешать другим игрокам или защитить Призывателя от убийств.\nИспользуйте /m для получения дополнительной информации",
+ "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "The Spiritcaller has killed you and turned you into an Evil Spirit. Your task now is to help the Spiritcaller to victory by using your Spook button to hinder other players or to protect the Spiritcaller. Use /m for more information.",
"OverseerRevealCooldown": "Откат раскрытия",
"OverseerRevealTime": "Время раскрытия",
"OverseerVision": "Обзор Смотрителя",
- "MerchantMaxSell": "Максимальное количество Атрибутов для продажи",
+ "MerchantMaxSell": "Maximum number of Add-ons to sell",
"MerchantMoneyPerSell": "Сумма денег, заработанных за проданный Атрибут",
"MerchantMoneyRequiredToBribe": "Сумма денег, необходимая для подкупа убийцы",
"MerchantNotifyBribery": "Сообщите продавцу, когда убийца получит взятку",
"MerchantTargetCrew": "Может продать Членам Экипажам",
"MerchantTargetImpostor": "Может продать Предателям",
+ "MerchantTargetCoven": "Can sell to Coven",
"MerchantTargetNeutral": "Может продать Нейтралам",
"MerchantSellHelpful": "Может продавать Полезные Атрибуты",
"MerchantSellHarmful": "Может продавать Вредные Атрибуты",
"MerchantSellMixed": "Может продавать Смешанные Атрибуты",
- "MerchantSellExperimental": "Может продавать <Экспериментальные Атрибуты",
+ "MerchantSellExperimental": "Can sell Experimental Add-ons",
"MerchantSellHarmfulToEvil": "Может продавать Вредные Атрибуты только Злым ролям",
- "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "Может продавать Полезные Атрибуты только Экипажу",
+ "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "Can sell Helpful Add-ons only to Crewmates",
"MerchantSellOnlyEnabledAddons": "Продавать только включенные атрибуты",
"SpiritcallerSpiritMax": "Максимальное количество Злых Духов",
- "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "Откат навыка у Злых Духов",
+ "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "Evil Spirit Ability Cooldown",
"SpiritcallerFreezeTime": "Злой Дух замораживает игрока на",
"SpiritcallerProtectTime": "Злой Дух даёт щит на",
"SpiritcallerCauseVision": "Злой Дух уменьшает зрение на",
@@ -2274,31 +2456,31 @@
"Message.MessageWaitHelp": "Укажите первый аргумент в секундах.",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundHost": "Сообщения соответствующие {0} не найдены",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundClient": "Сообщения соответствующие {0} не найдены",
- "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "Кнопку экстренной встречи можно использовать еще {0} раз",
+ "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "There are {0} more Emergency buttons left",
"Message.Executed": "{0} был казнен",
- "Message.HideGameSettings": "Настройки игры скрыты хостом.",
+ "Message.HideGameSettings": "The Host has hidden the game settings.",
"Message.NowOverrideText": "Пожалуйста, зайдите корневую папку игры.\\Language\\Russian.dat. Измените этот текст в файле dat \nЕсли вам не нужна эта функция или вы хотите отображать обычные /n сообщений. \nПожалуйста, отключите [Включить только пользовательские /n сообщения в настройках]",
"Message.NoDescription": "Описание отсутствует",
"Message.KickedByDenyName": "{0} был кикнут из-за того, что его имя совпадало с {1}",
"Message.BannedByBanList": "{0} был заблокирован, потому что он был заблокирован в прошлый раз",
- "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0} был заблокирован, потому что он был в списке ЕАС.",
+ "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0} has been banned because he is in the EAC list of banned people.",
"Message.DumpfileSaved": "Файл журнала был успешно сохранен на рабочий стол, имя файла: {0}",
"Message.DumpcmdUsed": "{0} использовал команду /dump",
- "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} был кикнут, потому что его код друга недействителен.",
- "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} был временно забанен, потому что его код друга недействителен.",
+ "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was kicked because their Friend Code is invalid.",
+ "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was temporarily banned because their Friend Code is invalid.",
"Message.AddedPlayerToBanList": "{0} был добавлен в список забаненных игроков",
- "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0} кикнут системой. \nХост лобби не желает видеть сообщения, где игрок просит начать",
- "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0} был предупреждён:{1} раз \nХост лобби не желает видеть сообщения, где игрок просит начать",
- "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0} набрал {1} предупреждений, он будет кикнут. \nХост лобби не желает видеть сообщения, где игрок просит начать",
+ "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0} has been kicked by the system. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0} has been warned: {1} times \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0} has received {1} warnings, he will be kicked. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWord": "{0} был исключен за запретное слово!",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWordTimes": "{0} был предупреждён: {1} раз \nесли продолжите, вы будете кикнуты",
"Message.KickWhoSayBanWordAfterWarn": "[{0}] набрал {1} предупреждений.\nОн был исключен за запретные слова",
- "Message.KickedByEAC": "[{0}]Кикнут EAC-ом, причина:{1}",
- "Message.BannedByEAC": "[{0}] Забанен EAC-ом, причина: {1}",
- "Message.NoticeByEAC": "[{0}]Обнаружено:{1}",
- "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "[{0}] Временно забанен EAC-ом, причина: {1}",
+ "Message.KickedByEAC": "[{0}]kicked by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.BannedByEAC": "[{0}]banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.NoticeByEAC": "[{0}]detected:{1}",
+ "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "[{0}]temporary banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
"Message.TempBannedForSpamQuitting": "{0} был временно забанен из-за постоянного выхода",
- "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0} Исключен, потому что код друга не найден в WhiteList.txt",
+ "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0} kicked because their Friend Code was not found in WhiteList.txt",
"Message.SetLevel": "Ваш игровой уровень установлен на: {0}",
"Message.SetColor": "Ваш игровой цвет установлен на: {0}",
"Message.SetName": "Ваш никнейм установлен на: {0}",
@@ -2314,7 +2496,7 @@
"Message.HostLeftGameInGame": "★Предупреждение★ Хост покинул игру, и в следующий раз игра не запуститься нормально. Пожалуйста, выйдите из лобби или подождите пока новый Хост начнёт игру.",
"Message.HostLeftGameInLobby": "★Предупреждение★ Хост покинул игру, и в следующий раз игра не запуститься нормально. Если у нового Хоста есть TOHE, вам нужно перезайти, чтобы играть нормально.",
"Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsMod": "★Внимание★ Первоначальный хост покинул игру и {0} стал новым Хостом!\nКомната все еще модифицирована, просто запустите игру и немедленно завершите ее, чтобы перезагрузить лобби!",
- "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★Внимание★ Первоначальный хост покинул игру и {0} стал новым Хостом!\nНо оно не модифицировано. Пожалуйста, покиньте лобби или подождите, пока Хост снова не откроет лобби.",
+ "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host! \nBut it's not modded. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
"Message.LobbyShared": "Код вашей комнаты был отправлен в Discord сервер TOHE",
"Message.LobbyShareFailed": "Код вашей комнаты не получилось отправить в Discord сервер TOHE",
"Message.YTPlanDisabled": "ОШИБКА\n\nВключите {0} в настройках!",
@@ -2322,12 +2504,14 @@
"Message.YTPlanSelectFailed": "Вы не можете быть назначенными {0}.\nВозможно, из-за того что роль не активирована или не может быть назначена.",
"Message.YTPlanCanNotFindRoleThePlayerEnter": "Пожалуйста, правильно напишите роль, которую вы хотите поставить.\nЧтобы просмотреть все роли, напишите команду /r",
"Message.YTPlanNotice": "Внимание: в этой комнате включен [режим Ютуб Ролика], владелец может поставить отдельные роли игрокам.\n Эта функция может использоваться только для создания видео роликов, если создатель комнаты нарушает это правило, выйдите или сообщите о нём.\n Текущие настройки:",
- "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "ОШИБКА\n\nЭту команду может использовать только хост лобби",
+ "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "ERROR\n\nThis command may only be used by the Host.",
"Message.MaxPlayers": "Максимальное количество игроков установлено на ",
- "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "Could not set max players: Vanilla regions support a maximum of 15 players.",
+ "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "Could not set maximum players: Vanilla regions support a maximum of 15 players.",
"Message.GhostRoleInfo": "Информация о роли призрака\nПривет! Немного о ролях-призраках...\n\nРоли призраков сильно влияют на игру, поэтому не рекомендуется использовать их в небольших лобби.\nЕсли в описании явно не указано иное, кнопка «Охрана» является кнопкой их способностей ;)\n\nПоявление:\nРоли-призраки появляются только после смерти, их получают первые X игроков из (команды), которые умрут.\n\nПримечание: Если у изначальной роли не было задач (например у шерифа), ваши задачи в роли призрака не нужны для победы с помощью выполнения всех задач.",
"ApocalypseInfoTitle": "Нейтральный Апокалипсис инфо:",
"Message.ApocalypseInfo": "У каждой роли команды <#ff174f>Апокалипсиса есть своя цель, которую нужно выполнить, чтобы трансформироваться.\nУчастники <#2B0804>Трансформированного <#ff174f>Апокалипсиса кардинально меняют игру и становятся бессмертными (за исключением голосования), но все будут уведомлены о том, что они трансформировались.\n\nРоли: <#e5f6b4>Носитель Чумы, <#A675A1>Коллектор Душ, <#bf9f7a>Пекарь,<#cc0044>Берсерк.\nТрансформированные: <#343136>Чума, <#644661>Смерть, <#83461c>Голод, <#2B0804>Война.\n\nАпокалипсис может видеть роли и иконки способностей друг друга.\nКак и нейтральные убийцы, участники Апокалипсиса продолжают игру, веселитесь!",
+ "CovenInfoTitle": "Coven Info:",
+ "Message.CovenInfo": "The <#ac42f2>Coven is a faction of evildoers who specialize in Witchcraft. Their goal is to kill all who would oppose the <#ac42f2>Coven.\nThey use the Necronomicon to enhance their powers, but only one member at a time can hold it.\nMost Coven roles can only kill if they hold the Necronomicon. A random Coven member will spawn with the Necronomicon, denoted by the <#ac42f2>♣ symbol next to their name.\nIf the Necronomicon holder dies, the Necronomicon will be randomly given to another <#ac42f2>Coven member that is alive.\nDuring a meeting, Coven players can vote each other to determine who will gain the Necronomicon the following round. If the votes end in a tie or nobody votes, the Necronomicon holder will be the same. Votes will be returned and you will be allowed to vote normally.",
"Message.MeCommandInfo": "Привет [{0}] {1} !\n\nfriend-code Hash-Puid Type
{2} {3} {4}
Разрабочик HasUp /color-разрешение
{5} {6} {7}
"Message.MeCommandTargetInfo": "Привет [{0}] {1} !\n\nТвой код друга: {2}.\n\nТвой hash puid: {3}.\n\nТвоz роль в TOHE Discord: {4}.",
"Message.MeCommandInvalidID": "Введенный вами идентификатор кажется неверным.\nПожалуйста, используйте /id, чтобы получить идентификатор игроков",
@@ -2349,18 +2533,18 @@
"EnableGadientTags": "Использовать теги градиента (может вызвать проблемы с отключениями)",
"Warning.GradientTags": "Внимание:\n\nХост включил теги градиента. Эту функцию не рекомендуется использовать, поскольку она может вызвать проблемы с отключениями",
"WarningTitle": "Внимание!",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "Внимание! На этой карте сломаны вентиляции",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "На карте «dlekS ehT» все вентиляции сломаны, их нельзя исправить в модах только для хоста, это ванильный баг, поэтому любые роли, использующие вентиляции в качестве способности, не будут появляться на этой карте",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "Warning! The Vents on this map are broken",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "On the «dlekS ehT» map, the Vents are broken, they cannot be fixed in Host-Only Mods, this is a vanilla bug, so any roles using a Vent as an ability will not spawns on this map",
"Warning.NoGameEndIsEnabled": "Внимание: {0} включен!",
"AntiBlackoutProtectionTitle": "Защита от чёрных экранов",
"Warning.AntiBlackoutProtectionMsg": "Внимание:\n\nВключена защита от черного экрана, из-за маленького количества живых Предателей, Членов Экипажа и Нейтральных Убийц\nЭкран голосования будет отображаться как ничья (влияет только визуально, но не на результаты голосования)\nИгроки с модом будут видеть экран голосования как обычно",
"Warning.ShowAntiBlackExiledPlayer": "Прошлое собрание было скрыто из-за защиты от черного экрана!\nПоследняя информация об игроке который был изгнан на прошлом собрании.",
"DisableAntiBlackoutProtects": "Отключить защиту от чёрных экранов (рекомендуется для тестирования)",
- "Warning.InvalidRpc": "{0} был кикнут так как получен недопустимый RPC. \nУбедитесь что в системе нет других модов кроме TOHE.",
- "Warning.NoModHost": "У Хоста Лобби не установлен TOHE",
+ "Warning.InvalidRpc": "Kicked {0} because an invalid RPC was received.\nPlease check that no Mods other than TOHE are installed.",
+ "Warning.NoModHost": "TOHE is not installed on the Host",
"Warning.MismatchedVersion": "{0} Версия \nне соответствует версии Хоста лобби {1}",
- "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "Версия {0} не соответствует Хосту лобби. \nВы будете исключены через {1} секунды",
- "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "Использование консоли запрещено\nваша консоль была выключена",
+ "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "The Host has no or a different version of {0}\nYou will be kicked in {1}",
+ "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "The use of the Console is prohibited\nso your Console has been off",
"Error.MeetingException": "Ошибка: {0}\r\nПожалуйста используйте SHIFT+M+ENTER чтобы принудительно завершить собрание",
"Error.InvalidRoleAssignment": "Ошибка: Во время назначения роли для игрока обнаружена недопустимая роль({0})",
"Error.InvalidColor": "Ошибка: Нельзя использовать другие цвета, кроме цветов по умолчанию",
@@ -2374,7 +2558,7 @@
"ERR-000-910-1": "Ошибка теста - Lv1",
"ERR-000-920-2": "Ошибка теста - Lv2",
"ERR-000-930-3": "Ошибка теста - Lv3",
- "ERR-000-804-1": "Извините, TOHE временно не поддерживает Прятки, поэтому мод был выключен",
+ "ERR-000-804-1": "Sorry, TOHE temporarily doesn't support vanilla Hide & Seek, so Mod unloaded",
"ERR-001-000-3": "Дублирование ключей происходит в основном словаре.",
"ERR-002-000-1": "Неподдерживаемая версия Among Us. Пожалуйста, обновите Among Us",
"DefaultSystemMessageTitle": "СИСТЕМНОЕ СООБЩЕНИЕ",
@@ -2403,16 +2587,18 @@
"TabGroup.ModifierSettings": "Игровые модификаторы",
"TabGroup.CrewmateRoles": "Члены Экипажа",
"TabGroup.NeutralRoles": "Нейтралы",
+ "TabGroup.CovenRoles": "Coven Roles",
"TabGroup.ImpostorRoles": "Предатели",
"TabGroup.Addons": "Атрибуты",
- "TabMenuDescription_General": "Здесь вы можете настроить функции, которые есть в моде",
- "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "Здесь вы можете добавлять, удалять и изменять настройки всех ролей или атрибутов в моде",
+ "TabMenuDescription_General": "Here you can configure the functions that are in the Mod",
+ "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "Here you can add, remove and change the settings of all Roles or Add-ons in the Mod",
"Experimental.Roles": "★ Экспериментальные роли (ЗАМЕТКА: Эти роли могут быть нестабильны)",
"ActiveRolesList": "Список Активных Ролей",
"ForExample": "Например",
"ImpCanBeGuesser": "Предатели могут стать Угадывателем",
"CrewCanBeGuesser": "Член Экипажа могут стать Угадывателем",
"NeutralCanBeGuesser": "Нейтралы могут стать Угадывателем",
+ "CovenCanBeGuesser": "Coven can become Guesser",
"CrewCanBeMundane": "Члены Экипажа могут стать Рутинным",
"NeutralCanBeMundane": "Нейтралы могут стать Рутинным",
"GuessedAsMundane": "Ты Рутинный.\nТы не сможешь угадать пока не выполнишь все задания",
@@ -2420,22 +2606,23 @@
"ImpCanBeInLove": "Предатели могут стать Любовником",
"CrewCanBeInLove": "Члены Экипажа могут стать Любовником",
"NeutralCanBeInLove": "Нейтралы могут стать Любовником",
+ "CovenCanBeInLove": "Coven can be in love",
"updateButton": "Обновление",
"updatePleaseWait": "Пожалуйста, подождите...",
- "updateManually": "Ошибка обновления. \nПожалуйста, попробуйте снова или обновите вручную.",
+ "updateManually": "Update failed.\nPlease try again or update manually.",
"updateInProgress": "Обновление...",
"deletingFiles": "Удаление файлов обновлений...",
- "updateRestart": "Обновление завершено!\nПожалуйста, перезапустите игру.",
- "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "Вы не можете присоединяться к публичным лобби \nза исключением последней версии. Пожалуйста, обновите мод.",
+ "updateRestart": "Update finished!\nPlease restart the game.",
+ "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "You can't join public rooms without the latest version.\nPlease update.",
"ModBrokenMessage": "Мод был поврежден.\nПожалуйста, переустановите его снова.",
"UnsupportedVersion": "Неподдерживаемая версия Among Us.\nПожалуйста, обновите Among Us",
"DisabledByProgram": "Создание публичного лобби отключена программой",
- "EnterVentToWin": "Запрыгните в вентиляцию, чтобы победить!!",
+ "EnterVentToWin": "Enter a Vent to Win!!",
"EatenByPelican": "Вы были проглочены Пеликаном, Дождитесь его смерти или экстренной встречи...",
"FireworkerPutPhase": "Осталось {0} Фейерверков",
"FireworkerWaitPhase": "Подожди время...",
"FireworkerReadyFirePhase": "Огонь!",
- "EnterVentWinCountDown": "Прыгните в вентиляцию за {0} секунд, чтобы победить!",
+ "EnterVentWinCountDown": "Enter a Vent within {0} seconds to win!",
"On": "ВКЛ",
"Off": "ВЫКЛ",
"ColoredOn": "ВКЛ",
@@ -2444,11 +2631,7 @@
"WitchCurrentMode": "Текущий Режим",
"WitchModeKill": "Убить",
"WitchModeSpell": "Заклинать",
- "HexMasterModeHex": "Проклясть",
- "HexMasterModeKill": "Убить",
- "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "Отравить",
"WitchModeDouble": "Двойное нажатие = Убийство, Одно нажатие = Проклятие",
- "HexMasterModeDouble": "Двойное нажатие = Убить, Одно нажатие = Проклясть",
"BountyCurrentTarget": "Текущая Цель",
"Roles": "Роли",
"Settings": "Настройки",
@@ -2457,7 +2640,7 @@
"LastEndReason": "★ Причина окончания",
"KillLog": "История убийств",
"MainRoleLog": "Role Convert Log",
- "Maximum": "Максимум",
+ "Maximum": "Maximum",
"RoleRate": "ВКЛ",
"RoleOn": "ВСЕГДА",
"RoleOff": "ВЫКЛ",
@@ -2490,7 +2673,7 @@
"Preset_4": "Сохранение 4",
"Preset_5": "Сохранение 5",
"Standard": "Стандартный",
- "HidenSeekTOHE": "Прятки",
+ "HidenSeekTOHE": "Hide & Seek",
"GameMode": "Игровой Режим",
"PressTabToNextPage": "Нажмите Tab или Цифру, чтобы перейти на следующую страницу...",
"RoleSummaryText": "Игроки и роли в конце игры:",
@@ -2577,7 +2760,7 @@
"IllegalColor": "Пожалуйста, введите правильный цвет",
"DisableUseCommand": "Настройки Хоста запрещают использовать эту команду.",
"SureUse.quit": "Мы кикнем вас и заблокируем, чтобы вы больше не смогли зайти в это лобби. Эта настройка необратима. Если вы действительно этого хотите, пожалуйста, отправьте команду /qt {0}",
- "PlayerIdList": "Список индификаторов игроков: ",
+ "PlayerIdList": "List of player ID's: ",
"CancelStartCountDown": "Обратный отсчет до начала игры был отменён",
"RestTOHESetting": "Настройки TOHE были восстановлены по умолчанию",
"FPSSetTo": "FPS Установлен на: {0}",
@@ -2602,13 +2785,13 @@
"Yes": "Да",
"No": "Нет",
"AntiBlackOutLoggerSendInGame": "Из-за неизвестной ошибки игра будет завершена, чтобы предотвратить появление черного экрана.",
- "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "Произошла ошибка, чтобы предотвратить черный экран.\nСделайте «/dump» и отправьте логи на дискорд-сервер TOHE в «bug-reports», и мы постараемся это исправить.",
- "EndWhenPlayerBug": "Завершать игру когда игрок с модом получит критическую ошибку (во время загрузки)",
+ "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "An error occurred to prevent a black screen. Do a «/dump» and send the logs to the Discord server TOHE in «bug-reports» and we will try to fix it.",
+ "EndWhenPlayerBug": "End the game when a Modded player gets a critical error (While loading)",
"AntiBlackOutRequestHostToForceEnd": "Вы были причиной черного экрана, игра закончится",
- "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "Вы были причиной черного экрана, и хост не собирается заканчивать игру\nВы скоро будете кикнуты",
+ "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen, and the Host is not going to end the game\nYou will be disconnected soon",
"RpcAntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "Неизвестная ошибка из-за {0}, чтобы предотвратить черный экран, отключите [{1}] в настройках.",
"RpcAntiBlackOutEndGame": "Неизвестная ошибка из-за {0}, игра была прекращена, чтобы предотвратить использование черного экрана.",
- "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "Неизвестная ошибка из-за {0}, RPC будет проигнорирован.",
+ "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred, but the game will continue without that player due to Host settings.",
"RpcAntiBlackOutKicked": "{0} был кикнут из-за чёрного экрана на его стороне.",
"NextPage": "Следующая страница",
"PreviousPage": "Прошлая страница",
@@ -2630,7 +2813,7 @@
"ExiledInnocentTargetAddBelow": "\nОглянувшись назад Обвинитель пересчитывает деньги в своих руках",
"ExiledInnocentTargetInOneLine": "Изгнание {0} вызывает у вас дурное предчувствие \nЭто {1}, и оглянувшись назад Обвинитель пересчитывает деньги в своих руках",
"ExiledDeath": "{0} был {1}!\nЧлены Экипажа спасены от Армагеддона!",
- "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} был {1}.\nНо это не Смерть...\nСмерть забрала души экипажа!",
+ "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} was the {1}.\nBut they were not Death...\nDeath has claimed the Souls of the Crew!\nGG!",
"IsGood": "{0} был хорошим парнем",
"BelongTo": "{0} принадлежит {1}",
"PlayerIsRole": "{0} был {1}",
@@ -2643,15 +2826,16 @@
"NeutralRemain": "\nНейтральных Убийц осталось: {0}",
"OneNeutralRemain": "\nОстался {0} Нейтральный Убийца",
"ApocRemain": "\nОсталось {0} Нейтрального Апокалипсиса",
- "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "All Impostors and Neutral Killers were ejected or killed",
+ "CovenRemain": "\n{0} Coven remain",
+ "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "All Impostors and Neutral Killers and Coven were ejected or killed",
"GameOverReason.HumansByTask": "Члены Экипажа выполнили задания",
"GameOverReason.HumansDisconnect": "Члены Экипажа вышли из игры",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByVote": "Члены Экипажа были изгнаны",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByKill": "Предатели убили всех",
- "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "Члены Экипажа провалили починку критического саботажа",
+ "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "Crewmates failed to fix a Critical Sabotage",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorDisconnect": "Предатели вышли из игры",
"FortuneTellerCheck.TaskDone": "[{0}]Роль -[{1}]",
- "DevAndSpnTitle": "Семья TOHE",
+ "DevAndSpnTitle": "TOHE Family",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Null": "{0} это роль, которой нет в списке.\nЭто сообщение не должно появляться в обычном режиме.",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Result": "{0} является одной из следующих ролей:\n{1}",
"SunnyboyChance": "Процент на Солнечного Мальчика",
@@ -2687,18 +2871,18 @@
"DeathCmd.Misfired": "Вы убились",
"DeathCmd.Shrouded": "Вы были накрыты Накрывателем и не совершили убийства, поэтому покончили с собой",
"DeathCmd.Lovers": "Ваш любовник умер.",
- "RpsCommandInfo": "Эту команду можно использовать только в лобби или после вашей смерти.\n\nВведите /rps X, чтобы запустить игру «Камень-ножницы-бумага» с помощью системы. X может быть 0 (камень), 1 (бумага) или 2 (ножницы).\n\nНапример :- /rps 0",
+ "RpsCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rps X to play Rock Paper Scissors with the system. X can be 0 (rock), 1 (paper) or 2 (scissors). \n\nExample :- /rps 0",
"RpsDraw": "Я выбираю {0}\n\nУх ты, какая напряженная битва умов у нас только что произошла! Как будто мы равны в этой игре чистой удачи и случайности.",
"RpsLose": "Я выбираю {0}\n\nНу-ну, похоже, мне снова удалось перехитрить человека в этой очень сложной игре «Камень, ножницы, бумага». Думаю, мои непобедимые силы снова нанесут удар! ",
- "RpsWin": "Я выбираю {0}\n\nО, поздравляю! У тебя должен быть хрустальный шар, спрятанный за этой ширмой, чтобы победить меня в «Камень, ножницы, бумага». Или, может быть, у меня просто самый плохой в мире алгоритм удачи.",
- "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "Эту команду можно использовать только в лобби или после вашей смерти.",
+ "RpsWin": "I choose {0}\n\nOh, congratulations! You must have a Crystal Ball hidden behind that screen to beat me at Rock, Paper, Scissors. Or maybe I have the world's worst luck algorithm.",
+ "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.",
"CoinFlipResult": "Барабанная дробь, пожалуйста... После напряженной битвы гравитации и случайности монета решила порадовать нас своим присутствием! И величественным победителем станет... (подождите) ... единственный и неповторимый... {0}! Кто мог предвидеть это?! Очевидно, это знаменательное событие в истории подбрасывания монеты.",
- "GNoCommandInfo": "Эту команду можно использовать только в лобби или после вашей смерти.\n\nВведите /gno X чтобы сыграть в «Угадай число». X может быть числом от 0 до 99 (включительно).\n\nУ вас есть максимум 7 попыток, чтобы угадать число.\n\n Пример: - /gno 10",
+ "GNoCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /gno X to play guess a number. X can be a number between 0 and 99 (both included). \n\nYou get maximum of 7 tries to guess the number.\n\n Example:- /gno 10",
"GNoLost": "О, ты был так близок! Еще одна догадка, и вы, возможно, расшифроваете код Да Винчи! Между прочим, секретное число было... {0}! Но эй, вы ошиблись всего на несколько миллиардов возможностей. Удачи в следующий раз, Шерлок! ",
"GNoLow": "О, ты действительно в этом разбираешься! Он такой низкий, что мне почти нужна лопата, чтобы его выкопать!\nУ вас осталось {0} догадок!",
"GNoHigh": "О, совершенно! Тебе становится теплее. На самом деле, он настолько высок, что мне нужен телескоп, чтобы увидеть его отсюда!\nУ вас осталось {0} догадок!",
"GNoWon": "Ох, как ты это вообще догадался? Это почти как будто ты читаешь мысли! Поздравляю, ты гений! Вы нашли секретный номер, оставив {0} предположений!",
- "RandCommandInfo": "Эту команду можно использовать только в лобби или после вашей смерти.\n\nВведите /rand X Y, чтобы получить число от X до Y включительно. \nX и Y могут быть любым числом от 0 до 2147483647, включая оба числа.\nX должен быть меньше Y.\n\nПример: - /rand 0 99",
+ "RandCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rand X Y to get a number between X and Y, inclusive. \nX and Y can be any number between 0 and 2147483647, including both numbers.\nX must be less than Y.\n\nExample:- /rand 0 99",
"RandResult": "Поздравляем, ваше случайное число — {0}! Разве это не было весело?",
"8BallTitle": "Магический шар 8 говорит...",
"8BallYes": "Да",
@@ -2709,7 +2893,7 @@
"8BallNotLikely": "Перспективы не очень хорошие",
"8BallLikely": "Перспективы довольно хорошие",
"8BallDontCount": "Не рассчитывай на это",
- "8BallStop": "Перестань использовать шар 8 в моде на Among Us",
+ "8BallStop": "Stop using an 8Ball in an Among Us Mod",
"8BallPossibly": "Возможно",
"8BallProbably": "Может быть",
"8BallProbablyNot": "Вероятно, нет",
@@ -2718,20 +2902,20 @@
"8BallWithoutDoubt": "Никаких сомнений",
"8BallWithDoubt": "Весьма вероятно",
"ChanceToMiss": "Шанс упустить добычу",
- "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "Требуемое количество душ",
+ "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "Required number of Souls",
"SoulCollectorTarget": "Ты предугадал смерть {0}",
"SoulCollectorTitle": "КОЛЛЕКТОР ДУШ",
- "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "Может собрать свою душу",
- "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "Настройки Хоста не позволяют тебе собрать свою же душу",
+ "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "Can collect their own Soul",
+ "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "Host settings do not allow you to collect your own Soul",
"SoulCollectorToDeath": "Ты стал Смертью!!!",
"SoulCollectorTransform": "Теперь Коллектор Душ стал Смертью, Разрушитель миров и всадник апокалипсиса!
Найдите его и проголосуйте за него перед тем, как он выиграют Армагеддон!",
- "GetPassiveSouls": "Получать пассивную душу каждый раунд",
- "PassiveSoulGained": "Вы получили пассивную душу из подземного мира.",
+ "GetPassiveSouls": "Gain a passive Soul every round",
+ "PassiveSoulGained": "You have gained a passive Soul from the underworld.",
"SoulCollectorTargetUsed": "Вы уже выбрали кого-то в этом раунде!",
"SoulCollectorSoulGained": "Душа получена",
"SoulCollectorCanVent": "Коллектор Душ может использовать вентиляцию",
"DeathMeetingTimeIncrease": "Увеличено время встречи при наличии Смерти",
- "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "Ваша цель умерла во время встречи. Вы обрели душу.",
+ "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "Your target has died during the meeting. You have gained a Soul.",
"SoulCollectorKillButtonText": "Прогноз",
"SoulCollectorHasImpostorVision": "Soul Collector has Impostor vision",
"ApocalypseIsNigh": "[ Апокалипсис близок! ]",
@@ -2754,21 +2938,21 @@
"BakerBreadGivesEffects": "Хлеб даёт дополнительные эффекты",
"BakerTransformNoMoreBread": "Baker transforms if they do not have enough bread",
"FamineKillButtonText": "ГОЛОДАТЬ",
- "FamineStarveCooldown": "Откат голода (Голод)",
+ "FamineStarveCooldown": "Famine Starve Cooldown",
"FamineCantStarveApoc": "Ты не можешь голодать других Апокалипсисов!",
"FamineAlreadyStarved": "Игрок уже голодает!",
"FamineStarved": "Игрок умер от голода",
"ChronomancerKillCooldown": "Время заряда способности",
"ChronomancerDecreaseTime": "Время сокращения резни (чем меньше, тем быстрее)",
"ChronomancerStartMassacre": "РЕЗНЯ АКТИВИРОВА",
- "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "Дальность обзора во время резни",
+ "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "Vision When in Slaughter",
"ShamanButtonText": "ВУДУ",
- "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "Вы уже выбрали куклу вуду в этом раунде",
+ "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "You have already selected a Voodoo Doll in this round",
"Shaman_KillerCannotMurderChosenTarget": "Убийца не может убить выбранную цель",
"VoodooCooldown": "Откат вуду",
"AdminWarning": "Используется Админка!",
"VitalsWarning": "Используются Пульсы!",
- "DoorlogWarning": "Используются Журнал!",
+ "DoorlogWarning": "DoorLogs in use!",
"CameraWarning": "Используется Камеры!",
"MinWaitAutoStart": "Минимальное время ожидания перед автозапуском",
"MaxWaitAutoStart": "Запускать игру когда таймер лобби (в минутах) опускается ниже",
@@ -2789,39 +2973,39 @@
"TimeMasterVentButtonText": "Временный щит",
"BodyCannotBeReported": "Не удалось сообщить о трупе",
"BurstKillDelay": "Задержка убийства",
- "BurstNotify": "Он был Взрывным! Прыгните в вентиляцию или вы умрёте",
+ "BurstNotify": "That was a Burst! Get in a Vent or die.",
"BurstFailed": "Взрывной не смог тебя взорвать",
"ShroudButtonText": "Накрыть",
"ShroudCooldown": "Откат накрытия",
"Message.Shrouded": "Один или несколько игроков были накрыты Накрывателем!\n\nИзбавьтесь от Накрывателя или все накрытые игроки совершат самоубийство!",
- "LudopathRandomKillCD": "Максимальный откат убийства",
+ "LudopathRandomKillCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
"UnderdogMaximumPlayersNeededToKill": "Количество игроков требуется для открытия убийств",
"GodfatherTargetCountMode": "Убийца превращается в",
"GodfatherCount_Refugee": "Беженец",
"GodfatherCount_Madmate": "Безумец",
"GodfatherRefugeeMsg": "You have been recruited by GodFather!",
- "MissChance": "Шанс промазать",
- "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "Увеличить количество убийств на +1, если экипаж был преобразован",
+ "MissChance": "Chance to Miss",
+ "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "Increase the KillCount +1 if a Crewmate is Converted",
"HawkMissed": "Промах!",
- "HawkCanKillNum": "Максимальное количество разрезов",
+ "HawkCanKillNum": "Maximum Slices",
"HawkKillMax": "У вас закончились возможности использования способностей",
"HawkKillTooManyDead": "Слишком много игроков мертво",
- "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "Минимум живых игроков, чтобы убивать",
- "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "Максимум убийств",
+ "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "Minimum Players Alive to Kill",
+ "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "Maximum BloodLettings",
"BloodMoonTimeTilDie": "Времени до смерти",
"PossessorPossessCooldown": "Откат овладением",
"PossessorPossessDuration": "Длительность овладением",
"PossessorAlertRange": "Радиус оповещения",
"PossessorFocusRange": "Радиус фокусировки",
"DeathTimer": "Смерть наступит через: {DeathTimer}c",
- "BerserkerKillCooldown": "Откат убийства Берсерка",
- "BerserkerMax": "Максимальный уровень, который может достичь Берсерк",
+ "BerserkerKillCooldown": "Berserker Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerMax": "Maximum level that Berserker can reach",
"BerserkerHasImpostorVision": "Берсерк имеет дальность обзора Предателя",
"WarHasImpostorVision": "Война имеет дальность обзора Предателя",
"BerserkerCanVent": "Берсерк может использовать вентиляцию",
"WarCanVent": "Война может использовать вентиляцию",
- "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "Разблокировать уменьшенный откат убийства",
- "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "Откат убийства после разблокировки",
+ "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "Unlock lower Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after unlocking",
"BerserkerTwoCanScavenger": "Разблокировать убийства, которые не оставляют трупов",
"BerserkerThreeCanBomber": "Разблокировать убийства, которые заставляют труп взрываться",
"BerserkerFourCanNotKill": "Превратится в Войну",
@@ -2831,7 +3015,7 @@
"KilledByBerserker": "Убит Берсерком",
"BerserkerToWar": "Вы стали Войной!!!",
"BerserkerTransform": "Берсерк превратился в Войну,\nВсадник Апокалипсиса! Крикните «Хаос!» и выпустите псов войны.",
- "WarKillCooldown": "Откат убийства у Войны",
+ "WarKillCooldown": "War Kill Cooldown",
"BerserkerCanKillTeamate": "Can kill other Neutral Apocalypse",
"BlackmailerSkillCooldown": "Откат Шантажа",
"BlackmailerMax": "Максимальное количество раз, когда шантажированный игрок может говорить",
@@ -2839,7 +3023,7 @@
"BlackmaileKillTitle": "ШАНТАЖИСТ",
"UnluckyTaskSuicideChance": "Шанс суицида от Выполнения заданий",
"UnluckyKillSuicideChance": "Шанс суицида от Убийства",
- "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "Шанс суицида от Использования вентиляции",
+ "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from Venting",
"UnluckyReportSuicideChance": "Шанс суицида от Репорта трупа",
"UnluckyOpenDoorSuicideChance": "Шанс суицида от Открытия дверей",
"NeutralCanBeAware": "Нейтралы могут стать Внимательным",
@@ -2860,7 +3044,7 @@
"PenguinKillButtonText": "ТАЩИТЬ",
"PenguinTimerText": "Время перетаскивания",
"PenguinTargetOnCheckMurder": "Вы схвачены. Попробуй сначала сбежать!",
- "WitnessTime": "Максимальное время после убийства, когда убийца становится красным",
+ "WitnessTime": "Maximum Time after killing where killer appears red",
"WitnessButtonText": "ИССЛЕДОВАТЬ",
"WitnessFoundInnocent": "✓",
"WitnessFoundKiller": "⚠",
@@ -2871,7 +3055,7 @@
"SwapVote": "Голоса {0} и {1} поменялись местами!",
"SwapDead": "Извините, после смерти поменяться голосами нельзя.",
"SwapNull": "Пожалуйста, выберите идентификатор живого игрока, с которым можно обменяться голосами. Используйте 253 для очистки обмена",
- "SwapHelp": "Формат команды: /sw [номер игрока] для выбора цели.\nВы можете увидеть идентификаторы игроков рядом с именами игроков или использовать /id, чтобы просмотреть список идентификаторов игроков.\nИспользуйте /swap 253, чтобы очистить предыдущий обмен.",
+ "SwapHelp": "Command Format: /sw [player ID] to select the target\nYou can see the player ID's next to the player names or use /id to see the player ID list.\nUse /swap 253 to clear your previous swap",
"Swap1": "Цель замены голосов Первого игрока выбрана",
"Swap2": "Цель замены голосов Второго игрока выбрана",
"CancelSwap": "Предыдущий обмен удален!",
@@ -2883,6 +3067,7 @@
"ImpCanKillFragile": "Предатели могут моментально убить Хрупкого",
"NeutralCanKillFragile": "Нейтралы могут моментально убить Хрупкого",
"CrewCanKillFragile": "Члены Экипажа могут моментально убить Хрупкого",
+ "CovenCanKillFragile": "Coven can force kill Fragile",
"FragileKillerLunge": "Убийца телепортируется на труп при убийстве",
"CrusaderSkillLimit": "Количество защит",
"CrusaderSkillCooldown": "Откат защиты",
@@ -2893,11 +3078,11 @@
"ChanceToSpawn": "Шанс появления",
"ChanceToSpawnAnother": "Шанс появления еще одного",
"BloodthirstKillCD": "Откат убийства Кровожадного",
- "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "Максимальное количество живых игроков для Кровожадного",
+ "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "Maximum players alive for Bloodthirst",
"ReflectHarmfulInteractions": "Отражение Вредных взаимодействий",
- "DiseasedCDOpt": "Увеличить откат на",
+ "DiseasedCDOpt": "Increase the Cooldown by",
"DiseasedCDReset": "Откат возвращается к норме после собрания",
- "AntidoteCDOpt": "Уменьшить откат на",
+ "AntidoteCDOpt": "Decrease the Cooldown by",
"AntidoteCDReset": "Откат возвращается к норме после собрания",
"GlowRadius": "Радиус свечения",
"GlowVisionOthers": "Повысить обзор для ближайших игроков на",
@@ -2914,10 +3099,10 @@
"PunchingBagKill": "Вас атаковали!",
"SelfGuessPunchingBag": "Ты не можешь угадать сам себя за Стойкого, ты грязный читер!",
"GuessPunchingBagBlocked": "Стойкий не может угадывать из-за самоугадывания.",
- "EradicatePunchingBag": "Вы только что попытались засудить Стойкого, это запрещено.",
+ "EradicatePunchingBag": "You just tried to terminate Punching Bag, that is not allowed.",
"RememberCooldown": "Откат Воспоминания",
"RefugeeKillCD": "Откат убийства Беженца",
- "RememberedNeutralKiller": "Ты вспомнил что ты нейтральный убийца!",
+ "RememberedNeutralKiller": "You remembered you were a Neutral killer!",
"RememberedMaverick": "Ты вспомнил что ты Разбойник!",
"RememberedPursuer": "Ты вспомнил что ты Преследователь!",
"RememberedFollower": "Ты вспомнил что ты Последователь!",
@@ -2926,12 +3111,12 @@
"ReportWhenFailedRemember": "Report Dead Body when failed to remember",
"RememberedImitator": "Вы вспомнили, что вы Имитатор.",
"RememberedImpostor": "Ты вспомнил что ты Предатель!",
- "RememberedCrewmate": "Ты вспомнил что ты Член Экипажа!",
+ "RememberedCrewmate": "You remembered you were a Crewmate!",
"ImitatorImitated": "Имитатор имитирует твою роль!",
"ImitatorInvalidTarget": "Имитация не удалась",
"RememberButtonText": "ВСПОМНИТЬ",
"ImitatorKillButtonText": "Имитировать",
- "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "Если нейтрал не совместим, вспомнить",
+ "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "If Neutral is incompatible, turn into",
"RememberedYourRole": "Амнезияк вспомнил твою роль!",
"YouRememberedRole": "Ты вспомнил, кем ты был!",
"BanditStealMode": "Кража происходит",
@@ -2939,23 +3124,19 @@
"BanditStealMode_Instantly": "Моментально",
"BanditMaxSteals": "Максимум кражей",
"BanditCanStealBetrayalAddon": "Может украсть предательские атрибуты",
- "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "Может украсть только атрибуты Предателей",
- "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "Не удалось украсть атрибут у игрока",
- "BanditStealCooldown": "Откат кражи",
+ "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "Can Steal Impostor Only Add-ons",
+ "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "Could not steal Add-on from the player",
+ "BanditStealCooldown": "Steal Cooldown",
"DoppelMaxSteals": "Максимум кражи",
- "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "Последняя жертва может видеть роли живых игроков как призрак",
- "NecromancerRevengeTime": "Necromancy time",
- "NecromancerRevenge": "У тебя есть {0}, чтобы убить {1}",
- "NecromancerSuccess": "Некромантия завершена! Ты выжил убив своего убийцу.",
- "NecromancerHide": "Вентиляция отключена, бегите от Некроманта!",
- "RetributionistDeadMsg": "Смерть Возмездника означает начало возмездии. \nИспользуйте /ret + [номер игрока], чтобы убить указанного игрока \nВы можете увидеть номер игрока перед его именем. \nИли введите /ret, чтобы получить список номеров игроков",
+ "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "Last victim can see Role and Add-on info of alive players as a ghost",
+ "RetributionistDeadMsg": "The death of the Retributionist means the beginning of retribution. \nPlease use /ret + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /ret to get a list of player ID's",
"RetributionistAliveKill": "Возмездие для Изменника может начаться только после его смерти.",
"RetributionistKillMax": "Вы достигли максимального количества убийств, вы больше не можете убивать!",
"RetributionistKillDead": "Выберите живого игрока, чтобы убить его.",
"RetributionistKillSucceed": "{0} был убит Возмезником!",
"RetributionistKillDisable": "Ты не можешь мстить пока не выполнишь свои задания.",
"CanOnlyRetributeWithTasksDone": "Может мстить только после выполнения заданий",
- "RetributionistCanKillNum": "Максимальное количество убийств",
+ "RetributionistCanKillNum": "Maximum retributions",
"RetributionistKillTooManyDead": "Слишком много трупов, ты не можешь мстить.",
"MinimumPlayersAliveToRetri": "Минимальное количество игроков, для мести",
"MinimumNoKillerEjectsToKill": "Минимум встреч, и ни один убийца не изгнан, чтобы убить",
@@ -2974,37 +3155,39 @@
"CaptainCanTargetNC": "Капитан может выбрать Нейтрала вносящий Хаос как цель",
"CaptainCanTargetNA": "Капитан может выбрать Нейтральный Апокалипсис как цель",
"CaptainCanTargetNK": "Капитан может выбрать Нейтрального убийцу как цель",
+ "CaptainCanTargetCoven": "Captain can target Coven",
"CaptainSpeedReduced": "Капитан снизил твою скорость",
"CaptainRevealTaskRequired": "Количество заданий выполнено, после которых Капитан раскрыт",
"CaptainSlowTaskRequired": "Количество выполненных заданий, для уменьшения скорости у цели",
"InspectorTryHideMsg": "Скрыть команду Инспектора",
- "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "Максимум проверок за всю игру",
- "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "Максимум проверок за встречу",
+ "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "Maximum inspections per game",
+ "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum inspections per meeting",
"InspectCheckTargetKnow": "Цели могут знать что их проверил Инспектор",
"InspectCheckOtherTargetKnow": "Цели могут знать с кем их проверили",
"InspectorDead": "Вы не можете использовать свою способность после смерти",
- "InspectCheckMax": "Достигнуто максимальное количество проверок за игру!\nВы больше не можете использовать свою способность.",
- "InspectCheckRound": "Достигнуто максимальное количество проверок за раунд!\nВы можете повторить проверку в следующем раунде.",
+ "InspectCheckMax": "Maximum inspections per game reached!\nYou can not use your power anymore.",
+ "InspectCheckRound": "Maximum inspections per round reached!\nYou can check again in the next round.",
"InspectCheckSelf": "ХА!! Вы думали, что это будет так просто?\nВы не можете проверить самого себя",
"InspectCheckReveal": "ХА! Вы думали, что это будет так просто?\nВы не можете проверить роль которая уже раскрыта",
"InspectCheckTitle": "ИНСПЕКТОР ",
"InspectCheckTrue": "{0} и {1} в одной команде!",
"InspectCheckFalse": "{0} и {1} НЕ в одной команде!",
"InspectCheckTargetMsg": " были проверены инспектором.",
- "InspectCheckHelp": "Инструкция: /cmp [номер игрока 1] [номер игрока 2] \nПример: /cmp 1 5 \nВы можете видеть номера игроков слева от их никнеймов\nили использовать команду /id для просмотра номеров игроков",
+ "InspectCheckHelp": "Instructions: /cmp [Player ID 1] [Player ID 2] \nExample: /cmp 1 5 \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"InspectCheckNull": "Пожалуйста, выберите номер живого игрока, чтобы проверить его команду",
"InspectCheckBaitCountMode": "Байт считается раскрывающей ролью, если раскрытие Байта на первой встрече включено",
"InspectCheckRevealTarget": "Когда задания выполнены, цель знает команду другой цели",
"InspectorTargetReveal": " Похоже, что {0} присоединяется к команде {1}",
"EgoistCountMode.Original": "Оригинал",
"EgoistCountMode.Neutral": "Нейтрал",
- "JailerJailCooldown": "Откат способности",
+ "JailerJailCooldown": "Jail Cooldown",
"JailerMaxExecution": "Максимум казней",
"JailerNBCanBeExe": "Может заключить Добрых Нейтралов",
"JailerNCCanBeExe": "Может заключить Нейтралов вносящие Хаос",
"JailerNECanBeExe": "Может заключить Злых Нейтралов",
"JailerNKCanBeExe": "Может заключить Нейтрального Убийцу",
"JailerNACanBeExe": "Может заключить Нейтрального Апокалипсиса",
+ "JailerCovenCanBeExe": "Can execute Coven",
"JailerCKCanBeExe": "Может казнить Членов Экипажа Убийц",
"JailerTargetAlreadySelected": "Вы уже выбрали цель",
"SuccessfullyJailed": "Цель успешно посажена",
@@ -3013,40 +3196,43 @@
"CanNotTrialJailed": "Вы не можете засудить цель.",
"notifyJailedOnMeeting": "Уведомить посаженых игроков при начале собрания",
"JailedNotifyMsg": "Вы были заперты в тюрьме Тюремщика. Никто не может угадать или осудить вас, а вы можете угадывать только роль Тюремщика.\n\nЕсли Тюремщик проголосует за вас, то после окончания встречи вы будете казнены.",
- "JailerTitle": "ТЮРЬМА",
- "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "Откат подражания",
+ "JailerTitle": "JAILER",
+ "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "Copy Cooldown",
"CopyCatRoleChange": "Твоя роль была изменена на {0}",
"CopyCatCanNotCopy": "Ты не можешь скопировать роль цели",
"CopyButtonText": "СКОПИРОВАТЬ",
- "CopyCrewVar": "Может копировать злые варианты ролей Членов Экипажа",
- "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "Может скопировать атрибут для смены команды",
- "MaxCleanserUses": "Максимум очищенний",
+ "CopyCrewVar": "Can copy evil variants of Crewmate roles",
+ "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "Can copy team changing Add-on",
+ "MaxCleanserUses": "Maximum Cleanses",
"CleansedCanGetAddon": "Очищенный игрок сможет получить Атрибуты",
"CleanserTitle": "Сообщение о очищении",
"CleanserRemoveSelf": "Вы не можете очистить себя",
- "CleanserCantRemove": "Упс! Игрок не может быть очищен.",
+ "CleanserCantRemove": "Oops! the player can not be Cleansed.",
"CleanserRemovedRole": "{0} был очищен. Все его атрибуты будут удалены после встречи.\n\nВаш голос возвращен, и вы можете проголосовать как обычно.",
- "LostAddonByCleanser": "Все ваши Атрибуты были удалены Очистителем",
- "MaxProtections": "Максимум щитов",
+ "LostAddonByCleanser": "The Cleanser removed all your Add-ons",
+ "MaxProtections": "Maximum Protections",
"KeeperHideVote": "Скрывать голос Хранителя",
"KeeperProtect": "Ты выбрал {0} как свою цель, ваш голос вернулся",
- "KeeperTitle": "Хранитель",
+ "KeeperTitle": "KEEPER",
"MaulRadius": "Радиус растерзания",
"ImpKnowCyberDead": "Предатели могут знать что Знаменитый умер",
"CrewKnowCyberDead": "Члены Экипажа могут знать что Знаменитый умер",
"NeutralKnowCyberDead": "Нейтралы могут знать что Знаменитый умер",
+ "CovenKnowCyberDead": "Coven know if Cyber died",
"CyberKnown": "Все могут знать кто явялется Знаменитым",
"KillerGetBewilderVision": "Убийца получает дальность обзора Растерянного",
"ImpCanBeOiiai": "Предатели могут стать Туманом",
"CrewCanBeOiiai": "Члены Экипажа могут стать Туманом",
"NeutralCanBeOiiai": "Нейтралы могут стать Туманом",
+ "CovenCanBeOiiai": "Coven can be OIIAI",
"OiiaiCanPassOn": "Туман переходит убийце",
"NeutralChangeRolesForOiiai": "Нейтралы превращаются в ",
"LostRoleByOiiai": "Роль стёрта Туманом!",
"ImpCanBeLoyal": "Предатели могут стать Лояльным",
"CrewCanBeLoyal": "Члены Экипажа могут стать Лояльным",
+ "CovenCanBeLoyal": "Coven can become Loyal",
"TasklessCrewCanBeLazy": "Члены Экипажа без заданий могут стать Ленивым",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "Члены Экипажа основанные на заданиях, могут стать Ленивыми",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "Task based Crewmates can be Lazy",
"SheriffCanBeMadmate": "Шериф может стать Безумцем",
"MayorCanBeMadmate": "Мэр может стать Безумцем",
"NGuesserCanBeMadmate": "Добрый Угадыватель может стать Безумцем",
@@ -3062,20 +3248,21 @@
"GanJudgeCanBeMadmate": "Судья может быть превращен",
"GanMarshallCanBeMadmate": "Маршал может быть превращен",
"GanOverseerCanBeMadmate": "Смотритель может быть превращен",
- "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "Отображать как Безумца при изгнании",
+ "GanCovenCanBeMadmate": "Coven can be converted",
+ "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "Appear as Madmate on Ejection",
"CouncillorDead": "Извините, вы не можете убить из мертвых",
"CouncillorMurderMaxMeeting": "Извините, вы достигли максимального количества убийств за собрание.",
"CouncillorMurderMaxGame": "Извините, вы достигли максимального количества убийств за игру.",
"Councillor_LaughToWhoMurderSelf": "Хахаха, кто бы мог подумать, что кто-то настолько глуп, чтобы убить себя?\n\nПохоже это... ТЫ!",
"Councillor_MurderKill": "{0} был убит.",
- "Councillor_MurderHelp": "Команда: /tl [номер игрока]\nВы можете видеть номера игроков перед их именами.\nИли используйте /id для просмотра списка всех номеров игроков.",
+ "Councillor_MurderHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Councillor_MurderNull": "Пожалуйста, выберите живого игрока для убийства.",
"Councillor_MurderKillTitle": "ЗЛОЙ СУД",
"CouncillorMakeEvilJudgeClear": "Показывать суждение как убийство Взяточника",
"Councillor_CannotMurderImpTeam": "Извините, вы не можете убить своего Предателя.",
"Councillor_SuicideForMurderImps": "Вы погибли, потому что пытались убить своих Предателей",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "Максимальное количество убийств за собрание",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "Максимальное количество убийств за игру",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Kills per Meeting",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "Maximum Kills per Game",
"CouncillorCanMurderMadmate": "Может убить Безумцев",
"CouncillorCanMurderImpostor": "Может убить Предателей",
"CouncillorSuicideOnJudgeImpTeam": "Само убивается при неправильном суждении команды Предателей",
@@ -3083,12 +3270,12 @@
"CouncillorTryHideMsg": "Спрятать команду Взяточника",
"DazzlerDazzled": "Вы были ослеплены Ослепителем!",
"DazzlerCauseVision": "Снижать зрение на",
- "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "Максимум ослепленных игроков",
+ "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "Maximum number of players affected by reduced vision",
"DazzlerResetDazzledVisionOnDeath": "Сбросить зрение ослепленных игроков при смерти или изгнании",
"DazzleCooldown": "Откат ослепления",
"DazzleButtonText": "Ослепить",
"MoleVentButtonText": "КОПАТЬ",
- "MoleVentCooldown": "Откат копания",
+ "MoleVentCooldown": "Dig Cooldown",
"AddictVentButtonText": "Получить исправление",
"AddictInvulnerbilityTimeAfterVent": "Время неуязвимости",
"AddictSpeedWhileInvulnerble": "Скорость игрока в состоянии неуязвимости",
@@ -3102,13 +3289,13 @@
"AlchemistVentButtonText": "ВЫПИТЬ",
"AlchemistGotShieldPotion": "Зелье сопротивления: дает временный щит",
"AlchemistGotSightPotion": "Зелье ночного видения: дает временное улучшение зрения",
- "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "Зелье исправления: позволяет мгновенно исправить саботаж",
+ "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "Potion of Fixing: Allows you to fix one Sabotage instantly",
"AlchemistGotTPPotion": "Зелье телепортации: телепортирует к случайному игроку",
"AlchemistGotSuicidePotion": "Зелье яда: отравляет вас",
"AlchemistGotSpeedPotion": "Зелье скорости: ускоряет вас",
"AlchemistGotBloodthirstPotion": "Зелье вреда: убейте игрока, с которым вступите в контакт",
"AlchemistGotInvisibility": "Зелье невидимости: cтать невидимым",
- "NoPotion": "У тебя нет зелий",
+ "NoPotion": "You have no Potions",
"StoreShield": "Сопротивление",
"StoreSuicide": "Зелье Яда",
"StoreTP": "Телепортация",
@@ -3124,22 +3311,22 @@
"AlchemistHasVision": "Зелье ночного видения началась",
"AlchemistShieldOut": "Зелье сопротивления закончилась",
"AlchemistVisionOut": "Зелье ночного видения закончилась",
- "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "Вы получили жажду крови",
+ "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "You gained Bloodthirst",
"AlchemistHasSpeed": "Зелье скорости началось",
"AlchemistSpeedOut": "Зелье скорости закончилось",
- "DeathpactDuration": "Продолжительность заключения договора",
- "DeathPactCooldown": "Откат назначения заключения договора",
- "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "Максимум игроков в заключении договора",
- "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "Показывать стрелки ведущие к другим игрокам в заключении договора",
- "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "Уменьшить дальность обзора игроков в заключении договора",
- "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "Дальность обзора в заключении договора",
- "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "Убивать игроков в заключении договора при встрече",
- "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "Игроки в активном заключении договора могут созвать собрание",
+ "DeathpactDuration": "Deathpact Duration",
+ "DeathPactCooldown": "Deathpact Assign Cooldown",
+ "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "Number of players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "Show arrows leading to other players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "Reduce vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "Vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "Kill players in Deathpact on meeting",
+ "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "Players in active Deathpact can call meeting",
"DeathpactActiveDeathpact": "Найдите {0} за {1} секунд.",
- "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "Цель не может быть в заключении договора.",
- "DeathpactComplete": "Пакт смерти был заключен.",
- "DeathpactExecuted": "Пакт смерти был исполнен.",
- "DeathpactAverted": "Пакт смерти был предотвращен.",
+ "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "Target can't be added to Deathpact.",
+ "DeathpactComplete": "Deathpact was concluded.",
+ "DeathpactExecuted": "Deathpact was executed.",
+ "DeathpactAverted": "Deathpact was averted.",
"DeathpactButtonText": "Назначить",
"DevourerHideNameConsumed": "Скрыть никнеймы пожираемых игроков",
"DevourCooldown": "Откат пожирания",
@@ -3167,7 +3354,6 @@
"PitfallTrapCauseVisionTime": "Длительность ослепления",
"PitfallTrap": "Ты попался в ловушку!",
"ConsigliereDivinationMaxCount": "Максимальное количество раскрытий",
- "RitualMaxCount": "Maximum Reveals",
"CleanserHideVote": "Скрыть голоса Очистителя",
"OracleSkillLimit": "Максимум использований",
"OracleHideVote": "Скрыть голоса Оракла",
@@ -3175,17 +3361,18 @@
"OracleCheckSelfMsg": "Ты даже себе не доверяешь, да?",
"OracleCheckLimit": "У вас осталось {0} использований",
"OracleCheckMsgTitle": "ОРАКЛ",
- "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "Похоже это не Член Экипажа",
- "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "Похоже это Член Экипажа",
- "OracleCheck.Neutral": "Похоже это Нейтрал",
+ "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "Appears not to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "Appears to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Neutral": "Appears to be a Neutral",
"OracleCheck.Impostor": "Похоже это Предатель",
+ "OracleCheck.Coven": "Appears to be Coven",
"OracleCheck": "Результат:",
"FailChance": "Вероятность получения неверного результата",
- "OracleCheckAddons": "Оракл проверяет атрибуты",
+ "OracleCheckAddons": "Oracle checks Add-ons",
"ChameleonCanVent": "Прыгните в вентиляцию, чтобы стать невидимым",
"ChameleonInvisState": "Вы невидимы!",
"ChameleonInvisStateOut": "Вы снова видимы!",
- "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "Невидимость ещё не готова, невидимость не сработала",
+ "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, disguise failed",
"ChameleonInvisStateCountdown": "Невидимость истечет через {0}с.",
"ChameleonInvisCooldownRemain": "Откат невидимости: {0}с.",
"ChameleonCooldown": "Откат невидимости",
@@ -3200,11 +3387,12 @@
"CursedSoulCurseCooldownIncrese": "Увеличение отката заклинания",
"CursedSoulCurseMax": "Максимум заклинаний",
"CursedSoulKnowTargetRole": "Может знать роли Бездушных игроков",
- "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "Нейтралы могут стать Бездушными",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "Neutral roles have Souls",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseCoven": "Coven roles have Souls",
"CursedSoulKillButtonText": "ЗАКЛИНАТЬ",
- "SoullessByCursedSoul": "Твоя душа была похищена Заклинателем",
+ "SoullessByCursedSoul": "A Cursed Soul snatched your Soul",
"CursedSoulSoullessPlayer": "Душа была похищена",
- "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "Душа не найдена",
+ "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "No Soul found",
"AdmireCooldown": "Откат признания",
"AdmirerKnowTargetRole": "Знает роли Поклонных игроков",
"AdmirerSkillLimit": "Лимит способности",
@@ -3213,7 +3401,7 @@
"AdmiredPlayer": "Игрок принял ваше признание",
"AdmirerInvalidTarget": "Игрок не принял ваше признание",
"SpiritualistNoticeTitle": "МИСТИК ",
- "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "У Мистика есть стрелка которая указывает на вас!\nВы можете показать на одного из Предателей, или подставить одного из Членов экипажа",
+ "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "The Spiritualist has an arrow pointing to you!\nYou can use them to a killer or frame a Crewmate",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowForSeconds": "Продолжительность стрелки",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowEverySeconds": "Интервал стрелки",
"EnigmaClueStage1Tasks": "Количество заданий, которое нужно сделать, чтобы увидеть Подсказки 1 Стадии",
@@ -3251,11 +3439,12 @@
"EnigmaClueRole2": "Убийца - Нейтрал!",
"EnigmaClueRole3": "Убийца - Член Экипажа!",
"EnigmaClueRole4": "Роль Убийцы - {0}!",
+ "EnigmaClueRole5": "The Killer is a Coven member!",
"EnigmaClueLevel1": "Уровень Убийцы выше 50!",
"EnigmaClueLevel2": "Уровень Убийцы ниже 50!",
"EnigmaClueLevel3": "Уровень Убийцы - от {0} до {1}!",
"EnigmaClueLevel4": "Уровень Убийцы - {0}!",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "Код Друга Убийцы - {0}!",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "The Killer's Friend Code is {0}!",
"EnigmaClueHatTitle": "Подсказка Энигмы - Шляпа!",
"EnigmaClueVisorTitle": "Подсказка Энигмы - Визор!",
"EnigmaClueSkinTitle": "Подсказка Энигмы - Скин!",
@@ -3267,10 +3456,11 @@
"EnigmaClueStatusTitle": "Подсказка Энигмы - Статус!",
"EnigmaClueRoleTitle": "Подсказка Энигмы - Роль!",
"EnigmaClueLevelTitle": "Подсказка Энигмы - Уровень!",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "Подсказка Энигмы - Код Дружбы!",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "Enigma Friend Code Clue!",
"ImpCanBeRole": "Предатели могут стать {role}",
"CrewCanBeRole": "Члены Экипажа могут стать {role}",
"NeutralCanBeRole": "Нейтралы могут стать {role}",
+ "CovenCanBeRole": "Coven can become {role}",
"VotesPerKill": "Количество голосов, полученных за каждое убийство",
"PickpocketGetVote": "Вы получили столько голосов: {0}",
"VultureArrowsPointingToDeadBody": "Может видеть стрелки указывающие на трупы",
@@ -3281,7 +3471,7 @@
"VultureMaxEatenInOneRound": "Максимальное количество съеденных трупов за раунд",
"VultureCooldownUp": "Откат съедения завершён",
"GhastlyPossessCD": "Откат овладения",
- "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "Максимум овладений",
+ "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "Maximum Possessions",
"GhastlyPossessionDuration": "Длительность овладения",
"GhastlySpeed": "Скорость Марионетки",
"GhastlyKillAllies": "Марионетка не может овладеть союзниками",
@@ -3294,7 +3484,7 @@
"GhastlyExpired": "{0} был освобождён",
"TasksMarkPerRound": "Количество заданий которых можно пометить за один раунд",
"TaskinatorBombPlanted": "Бомба была заложена",
- "ShieldDuration": "Длительность Щита",
+ "ShieldDuration": "Shield Duration",
"ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "Щиты ломаются после 1 попытки убийства",
"BenefactorTaskMarked": "Задание успешно помечено",
"BenefactorTargetGotShield": "Вы получили щит от Благодетеля",
@@ -3316,14 +3506,14 @@
"Heads": "Орел",
"Tails": "Решка",
"SpyRedNameDur": "Продолжительность цветного никнейма",
- "SpyInteractionBlocked": "Блокировать взаимодействия с кнопкой убийства",
- "AgitaterBombCooldown": "Откат бомбы Агитатора",
- "AgitaterPassCooldown": "Откат передачи бомбы",
- "BombExplodeCooldown": "Откат взрыва бомбы",
+ "SpyInteractionBlocked": "Block Kill button interaction",
+ "AgitaterBombCooldown": "Agitator Bomb Cooldown",
+ "AgitaterPassCooldown": "Bomb Pass Cooldown",
+ "BombExplodeCooldown": "Bomb Explode Cooldown",
"AgitaterPassNotify": "Бомба была успешно передана",
"AgitaterTargetNotify": "У ВАС БОМБА!! Передайте её кому-то другому",
"AgitaterCanGetBombed": "Агитатор может получить бомбу",
- "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "Агитатор авто репорт байта",
+ "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "Agitator can Auto Report Bait",
"SeekerPointsToWin": "Количество очков необходимое для победы",
"SeekerTagCooldown": "Откат навыка",
"SeekerNotify": "Ваша цель - {0}",
@@ -3331,15 +3521,15 @@
"SeekerKillButtonText": "ОТМЕТИТЬ",
"PixiePointsToWin": "Количество очков необходимое для победы",
"MaxTargets": "Максимальное количество целей за раунд",
- "MarkCooldown": "Откат метки",
+ "MarkCooldown": "Mark Cooldown",
"PixieSuicide": "Пикси совершит самоубийство, если цель не будет изгнана",
"PixieMaxTargetReached": "Вы уже выбрали все цели в этом раунде",
"PixieTargetAlreadySelected": "Цель уже выбрана",
"PixieButtonText": "Пометить",
- "PlagueBearerCooldown": "Откат заражения",
- "PlagueBearerCanVent": "Can vent",
+ "PlagueBearerCooldown": "Plague Cooldown",
+ "PlagueBearerCanVent": "Can Vent",
"PlagueBearerHasImpostorVision": "Has Impostor vision",
- "PestilenceCooldown": "Откат убийства Чумы",
+ "PestilenceCooldown": "Pestilence Kill Cooldown",
"PestilenceCanVent": "Чума может использовать вентиляцию",
"PestilenceHasImpostorVision": "Чума имеет обзор Предателей",
"PestilenceKillGuessers": "Kill players who guess Pestilence",
@@ -3365,24 +3555,25 @@
"RomanticProtectButtonText": "ЗАЩИТИТЬ",
"GuessMasterMisguess": "{0} не угадал",
"GuessMasterTargetRole": "Кто-то попытался угадать {0}",
- "GuessMasterTitle": "Мастер Угадываний ",
+ "GuessMasterTitle": "GUESS MASTER ",
"DoomsayerAmountOfGuessesToWin": "Количество угадываний для победы",
"DCanGuessImpostors": "Может угадывать Предателей",
"DCanGuessCrewmates": "Может угадывать Членов Экипажа",
"DCanGuessNeutrals": "Может угадывать Нейтралов",
+ "DCanGuessCoven": "Can Guess Coven",
"DCanGuessAdt": "Может угадывать Атрибуты",
"DoomsayerAdvancedSettings": "Расширенные настройки",
- "DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "Максимальное количество угадываний на встречу",
+ "DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "Maximum number of guesses per meeting",
"DoomsayerKillCorrectlyGuessedPlayers": "Правильно угаданные игроки умирают",
"DoomsayerDoesNotSuicideWhenMisguessing": "Предсказатель не умирает при не правильном угадывании",
"DoomsayerMisguessRolePrevGuessRoleUntilNextMeeting": "При ошибке не сможет угадывать роли до следующей встречи",
"DoomsayerTryHideMsg": "Спрятать команду Предсказателя",
"DoomsayerCantGuess": "К сожалению, вы можете угадывать роли только на следующей встрече.",
"DoomsayerCorrectlyGuessRole": "Вы правильно угадали роль!\nНо игрок не умер, потому что настройки Хоста не позволяют ему умереть",
- "DoomsayerNotCorrectlyGuessRole": "Вы не правильно угадали роль!\nНо вы не умерли, потому что настройки Хоста не позволяют вам умереть",
- "DoomsayerGuessCountMsg": "Вы правильно угадали {0} роли",
+ "DoomsayerNotCorrectlyGuessRole": "You didn't correctly guess the Role!\nBut you didn't die because the Host's settings don't allow you to die",
+ "DoomsayerGuessCountMsg": "You correctly guessed {0} Roles",
"DoomsayerGuessCountTitle": "ПРЕДСКАЗАТЕЛЬ",
- "DoomsayerGuessSameRoleAgainMsg": "Вы попытались угадать ту же самую роль или атрибут которую угадывали до этого",
+ "DoomsayerGuessSameRoleAgainMsg": "You tried to guess the same Role or Add-on that you guessed before",
"EveryoneCanKnowMini": "Все могут видеть Мини",
"CanBeEvil": "Может стать Злым Мини",
"EvilMiniSpawnChances": "Вероятность что Мини окажется Злым Мини",
@@ -3410,26 +3601,26 @@
"YouKillRandomizer3": "Вы убили Рандомайзера, откат убийства изменён на 600 секунд!",
"YouKillRandomizer4": "Вы убили Рандомайзера, активировалась случайная месть!",
"MadmateCanBeHurried": "Безумцы могут стать Опоздавшим в начале игры",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeHurried": "Экипажы основанны на заданиях могут стать Опоздавшим",
- "HurriedCanBeConverted": "Опоздавшего можно нанять в игре (кроме Безумца)",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeHurried": "Task-based Crewmates can be Hurried",
+ "HurriedCanBeConverted": "Hurried can be recruited in the game (excludes Madmate)",
"Developer": "Разработчики",
"Sponsor": "Спонсоры",
"Booster": "Бустеры в Discord",
"Translator": "Переводчик",
"NoAccess": "Не авторизованный доступ!\n\nЧтобы узнать больше, откройте заявку на сервере Discord (discord.gg/tohe)",
"DCNotify.Hacking": "Вы были забанены за читерство.",
- "DCNotify.Banned": "Вы были забанены в этом лобби.\n\nСвяжитесь с Хостом, если это была ошибка.",
+ "DCNotify.Banned": "You were banned from this lobby.\n\nContact the Host if this was a mistake.",
"DCNotify.Kicked": "Вас кикнули из этого лобби.\n\nВы еще можете присоединиться.",
"DCNotify.DCFromServer": "Ваше соединение с сервером было разорвано.\nЭто может быть связано с нестабильностью вашей сети.\nЭто также может быть связано с нестабильностью сервера.",
"DCNotify.GameNotFound": "Код лобби недействителен.\n\nПроверьте код и сервер и повторите попытку.",
"DCNotify.GameStarted": "Это лобби в настоящее время находится в игре.\n\nПодождите, пока игра закончится, или найдите другое лобби.",
- "DCNotify.GameFull": "В настоящее время это лобби заполнено.\n\nУточните у Хоста, можете ли вы присоединиться.",
+ "DCNotify.GameFull": "This lobby is currently full.\n\nCheck with the Host to see if you may join.",
"DCNotify.IncorrectVersion": "Это лобби не поддерживает вашу версию Among Us.",
"DCNotify.Inactivity": "Лобби закрыта из-за бездействия.",
"DCNotify.Auth": "Вы не авторизованы.\n\nВозможно, вам нужно перезапустить игру.",
"DCNotify.DupeLogin": "Экземпляр вашей учетной записи уже присутствует в этом лобби.",
"DCNotify.InvalidSettings": "Обнаружено, что игровые настройки недействительны.\n\nВойдите в локальную игру, чтобы сбросить их, затем повторите попытку.",
- "ModeDescribe.SoloKombat": "Текущий режим - [ПВП]. У каждого есть здоровье, и может использовать кнопку 'Убить', чтобы нанести урон другим игрокам. Игрок, совершивший наибольшее количество убийств, выигрывает в конце игры.",
+ "ModeDescribe.SoloKombat": "Current Gamemode is [Solo PVP]\nNo role assignment. Everyone has HP and can use the Kill button to cause damage to other players. The player with the highest number of kills wins at the end of the game.",
"RoleType.VanillaRoles": "★ Ванильные Роли",
"RoleType.ImpKilling": "★ Предатели Убийцы",
"RoleType.ImpSupport": "★ Помогающие Предатели",
@@ -3448,6 +3639,10 @@
"RoleType.NeutralChaos": "★ Нейтралы вносящие Хаос",
"RoleType.NeutralKilling": "★ Нейтралы Убийцы",
"RoleType.NeutralApocalypse": "★ Роли Нейтрального Апокалипсиса /apocalypseinfo",
+ "RoleType.CovenPower": "★ Coven Power Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenKilling": "★ Coven Killing Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenTrickery": "★ Coven Trickery Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenUtility": "★ Coven Utility Roles",
"RoleType.Harmful": "★ Вредные Атрибуты",
"RoleType.Support": "★ Вспомогательные Атрибуты",
"RoleType.Helpful": "★ Полезные Атрибуты",
@@ -3456,7 +3651,7 @@
"RoleType.Impostor": "★ Атрибуты Предателей",
"RoleType.Guesser": "★ Атрибуты для угадывания",
"RoleType.Neut": "★ Нейтральные Атрибуты",
- "RoleType.Experimental": "★ Экспериментальные роли (ЗАМЕТКА: Эти роли могут быть нестабильны)",
+ "RoleType.Experimental": "★ Experimental Add-ons (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
"SubType.Impostor": "★ Предатели",
"SubType.Shapeshifter": "★ Оборотни",
"SubType.SemiShapeshifter": "★ Полуоборотни",
@@ -3467,10 +3662,12 @@
"CrewmateRoles": "★ Члены Экипажа ★",
"ImpostorRoles": "★ Предатели ★",
"NeutralRoles": "★ Нейтралы ★",
+ "CovenRoles": "★ Coven Roles ★",
"AddonRoles": "★ Атрибуты ★",
"WinnerRoleText.Impostor": "Предатели Победили!",
"WinnerRoleText.Crewmate": "Члены Экипажа Победили!",
"WinnerRoleText.Apocalypse": "Апокалипсис побеждает!",
+ "WinnerRoleText.Coven": "Coven Wins!",
"WinnerRoleText.Terrorist": "Террорист Победил!",
"WinnerRoleText.Jester": "Шут Победил!",
"WinnerRoleText.Lovers": "Любовники Победили!",
@@ -3557,25 +3754,26 @@
"ForceEndText": "Хост завершил игру",
"NiceMiniDied": "Добрый Мини был убит",
"HaterMisFireKillTarget": "Бессердечник убивает цель когда промазывает",
- "HaterChooseConverted": "Атрибуты которые Бессердечник может убить",
- "HaterCanKillMadmate": "Может убить безумца",
- "HaterCanKillCharmed": "Может убить зачарованного",
- "HaterCanKillLovers": "Может убить любовников",
- "HaterCanKillSidekick": "Может убить команду шакала",
- "HaterCanKillEgoist": "Может убить эгоиста",
- "HaterCanKillInfected": "Может убить команду заражённых",
- "HaterCanKillContagious": "Может убить заразных",
- "HaterCanKillAdmired": "Может убить поклонного",
+ "HaterChooseConverted": "Select Add-ons that Hater can kill",
+ "HaterCanKillMadmate": "Can kill Madmate",
+ "HaterCanKillCharmed": "Can kill Charmed",
+ "HaterCanKillLovers": "Can kill Lovers",
+ "HaterCanKillSidekick": "Can kill Jackal team",
+ "HaterCanKillEgoist": "Can kill Egoist",
+ "HaterCanKillInfected": "Can kill Infected team",
+ "HaterCanKillContagious": "Can kill Virus team",
+ "HaterCanKillAdmired": "Can kill Admirer",
+ "HaterCanKillEnchanted": "Can kill Enchanted",
"HorseMode": "Возможность стать лошадью",
"LongMode": "Включить чтобы иметь длинную шею",
"InfluencedChangeVote": "Упс!\nТы видишь что остальные голосуют за {0}, и ты проголосовал за него!",
"FFA": "Free For All",
"ModeFFA": "Режим игры: FFA",
- "ModeDescribe.FFA": "В игровом режиме FFA (Free For All) каждый является убийцей, и каждый может убить кого угодно.\nПобеждает последний выживший игрок!\n\nНекоторые случайные события делают игру еще более увлекательной!",
- "KillerInfoLong": "В игровом режиме FFA (Free For All) каждый является убийцей, и каждый может убить кого угодно.\nПобеждает последний выживший игрок!\n\nНекоторые случайные события делают игру еще более увлекательной!",
+ "ModeDescribe.FFA": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
+ "KillerInfoLong": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
"FFA_GameTime": "Максимальная Продолжительность Игры",
"FFA_KCD": "Откат Убийства",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "Отключить вентиляции, после того как в живых останется только 2 игрока",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "Prevent Venting when only 2 players are alive",
"FFA_EnableRandomAbilities": "Включить Случайные События",
"FFA_ShieldDuration": "Длительность Щита",
"FFA_IncreasedSpeed": "Повышенная Скорость",
@@ -3586,15 +3784,15 @@
"FFA_EnableRandomTwists": "Включить Случайные Перемещения время от времени",
"FFA-Event-GetShield": "У вас есть временный щит!",
"FFA-Event-GetIncreasedSpeed": "У вас есть временное ускорение!",
- "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "Ваш откат убийства был понижен!",
- "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "Ваш откат убийства был повышен",
+ "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "You got a lower Kill Cooldown!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "You got a higher Kill Cooldown",
"FFA-Event-GetLowVision": "У вас на время уменьшился радиус обзора",
"FFA-Event-GetDecreasedSpeed": "У вас временное замедление",
- "FFA-Event-GetTP": "Вы были телепортированы к случайной вентиляции!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetTP": "You got teleported to a random Vent!",
"FFA-Event-RandomTP": "Все поменялись друг с другом",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "В живых осталось только 2 игрока, перестаньте прятаться в вентиляциях!",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "Ваш откат убийства кончился, не прячьтесь в вентиляциях!",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "Отключить игроков, у которых откатывается убийство в вентиляциях",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "There are only 2 players alive, stop hiding in Vents!",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "Your kill Cooldown is up, don't hide in Vents!",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "Prevent players whose Kill Cooldown is up from Venting",
"FFA_TargetIsShielded": "У игрока, которого вы пытались убить, оказался щит!",
"FFA_ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "Щиты ломаются после 1 попытки убийства",
"FFA_ShieldBroken": "Кто-то попытался тебя убить, твой щит был сломан!",
@@ -3604,15 +3802,15 @@
"MenuTitle.Hide&Seek": "Настройки Пряток",
"NumImpostorsHnS": "Количество Предателей",
"EveryOneKnowSolsticer": "Все могут знать кто является Солнечным",
- "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "Может знать роль того, кто использовал на нем кнопку убийства",
+ "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "Solsticer knows the role of whom used the Kill button on it",
"SolsticerSpeed": "Увеличить скорость передвижения на",
"SolsticerRemainingTaskWarned": "Оставшиеся задания при которых он будет виден",
"SAddTasksPreDeadPlayer": "Получает доп. коротких заданий после смерти игрока",
"SolsticerMurdered": "{0} попыток вас убить!",
"MurderSolsticer": "Вы убили Солнечного в этом раунде!",
- "SolsticerMurderMessage": "{0} использовал на вас кнопку убийства в этом раунде! Роль этого игрока - {1}!",
+ "SolsticerMurderMessage": "{0} used Kill button on you last round! Its role is {1}!",
"SolsticerOnMeeting": "Вы стали свидетелем слишком большого количества смертей! В следующем раунде у вас будет еще {0} короткое задание!",
- "SolsticerTitle": "СОЛНЕЧНЫЙ",
+ "SolsticerTitle": "SOLSTICER",
"GuessSolsticer": "Извините, но вы не можете угадать Солнечного!",
"ExpelSolsticer": "Sorry, but you can not expel Solsticer!",
"SolsticerTasksReset": "Ваши задания были сброшены!",
@@ -3623,10 +3821,10 @@
"Contributor": "Помощник",
"dbConnect.InitFailure": "Ошибка при подключении к TOHE API, пожалуйста, проверьте соединение с интернетом и повторите попытку!",
"dbConnect.InitFailurePublic": "Ошибка подключения к TOHE API, это может быть из-за проблемы с подключением. Перки Sponsor+ не будут доступны и вы можете продолжать играть без них.",
- "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "Эта сборка TOHE недоступна пользователям без кода друга!",
+ "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "This build of TOHE is not available to users with no Friend Code!",
"Quizmaster": "Мастер Викторины",
"QuizmasterInfo": "Задавайте вопросы, чтобы убить игрока на встрече",
- "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(Нейтрал):\nМастер Викторины можете отметить игрока с помощью кнопки убийства.\nНа встрече отмеченному игроку с \"?!\" рядом с его именем будет задан вопрос.\nЕсли игрок ответит на вопрос неправильно или не ответит, он умрет.\nЕсли Мастер Викторины был убит/изгнан на той же встрече, игрок останется жив.\nМастер Викторины не может отметить несколько человек в одном раунде",
+ "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Quizmaster, you can mark a player using your Kill button. In the next meeting, the marked player will have \"?!\" next to their name. The player will die if they answer the question wrong or doesn't answer. The player will live if the Quizmaster is killed/ejected in the same meeting.\nThe Quizmaster cannot mark multiple people in the same round",
"QuizmasterKillButtonText": "ВИКТОРИНА",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedBy": "Вас отметил Мастер Викторины\nЧтобы выжить, вам нужно правильно ответить на этот вопрос:\n\n{QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedPublic": "{QMTARGET} был отмечен Мастером Викторины\nЧтобы он выжил, {QMTARGET} должен правильно ответить на вопрос!",
@@ -3639,13 +3837,14 @@
"QuizmasterChat.WrongPublic": "{QMTARGET} неправильно ответил на вопрос Мастера Викторины и умер!\nОстерегайтесь Мастера Викторины!",
"QuizmasterChat.Marked": "Вы отметили {QMTARGET}\nЕсли {QMTARGET} не ответит до конца встречи или ответит неправильно, {QMTARGET} умрет\n\nВопрос для {QMTARGET} => {QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.Title": "Информация Мастера Викторины",
- "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "Как Мастер Викторины, вы не можете отвечать на вопросы",
+ "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "As the Quizmaster, you can't answer questions",
"QuizmasterChat.AnswerNotValid": "Ваш ответ должен быть A, B или C",
"QuizmasterChat.SyntaxNotValid": "Используйте:\n/answer [A/B/C]",
- "QuizmasterSettings.QuestionDifficulty": "Сложность вопросов",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "Может вентоваться после отметки для викторины",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "Может убивать после отметки для викторины",
- "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "Максимум убийств после пометки",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MinQuestionDifficulty": "Minimum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MaxQuestionDifficulty": "Maximum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "Can Vent After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "Can Kill After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "How Many Kills per Round",
"QuizmasterSettings.CanGiveQuestionsAboutPastGames": "Может задавать вопросы о прошлых играх",
"Quizmaster.None": "Ничего",
"QuizmasterSabotages.Lights": "Свет",
@@ -3673,8 +3872,16 @@
"QuizmasterAnswers.Experimental": "Experimental",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Enhanced": "Enhanced",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Edited": "Edited",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "Какой последний саботаж был вызван?",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "Какой саботаж был в этом раунде?",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Impostor": "Impostor",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Neutral": "Neutral",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Crewmate": "Crewmate",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Addon": "Add-on",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Shapeshifter": "Shapeshifter",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Scientist": "Scientist",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Engineer": "Engineer",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.GuardianAngel": "GuardianAngel",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "What was the Sabotage was called last?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "What was the first Sabotage called this round?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastEjectedPlayerColor": "Какой цвет был у игрока, которого изгнали в последний раз?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastReportPlayerColor": "Каким цветом был труп, о котором сообщалось в последний раз до этой встречи?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastButtonPressedPlayerColor": "Кто созвал последнюю встречу до этой встречи?",
@@ -3684,17 +3891,25 @@
"QuizmasterQuestions.FactionOfRole": "Какая фракция у {QMRole}?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.FactionRemovedName": "Какая фракция раньше была в игре, но была удалена позже в обновлении?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyDiedFirstRound": "Сколько игроков погибло в первом раунде?",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.ButtonPressedBefore": "Сколько раз нажали кнопку экстренной встречи перед этой встречей?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.ButtonPressedBefore": "How many people pressed the Emergency button before this meeting?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.WhatDoesEOgMeansInName": "Что изначально обозначала буква «Е» в TOHE?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieReason": "Какая причина смерти у {PLR}?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieMethod": "Как умер {PLR}?",
- "LastAddedRoleForKarped": "Какая последняя роль была добавлена в TOHE перед уходом KARPED1EM?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastAddedRoleForKarped": "What was the last role added to TOHE before KARPED1EM stepped down?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieFaction": "Какая фракция убила {PLR}?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.QuizmasterCooldown": "What will Quizmaster's cooldown always be? (excluding first kill override and changes from other Roles/Add-ons)",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoCoded": "Who coded Quizmaster?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoOwns": "Who owns The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEPartners": "Who are The Enhanced Network's partners?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEEventCoordinator": "Who is the Event Coordinator for The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyCats": "How many Cat related roles are in the Mod?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.GuessingCommand": "What does /bt actually mean?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.NotFromTOS2": "Which of these roles are NOT from Town of Salem 2?",
"DeathReason.WrongAnswer": "Неверный Ответ",
"TPCooldown": "Откат телепорта",
- "RiftsTooClose": "Расположение слишком близко к первой отметке",
+ "RiftsTooClose": "Location too close to the first Rift",
"RiftCreated": "Отметки успешно созданы",
- "RiftsDestroyed": "Все отметки уничтожены",
+ "RiftsDestroyed": "All Rifts destroyed",
"RiftRadius": "Радиус отметок",
"TiredVision": "Дальность обзора при усталости",
"TiredSpeed": "Скорость при усталости",
@@ -3718,7 +3933,7 @@
"ShockerAbilityCooldown": "Ability Cooldown",
"ShockerAbilityDuration": "Ability Duration",
"ShockerAbilityPerRound": "Abilities Per Round",
- "ShockerShockInVents": "Shock people in vents",
+ "ShockerShockInVents": "Shock people in Vents",
"ShockerAbilityResetAfterMeeting": "Reset marked rooms after meeting",
"ShockerOutsideRadius": "Radius Of Outside Tasks (not in a room)",
"ShockerCanShockHimself": "Can Shock Himself",
@@ -3731,13 +3946,13 @@
"EavesdropperMsgTitle": "Вы нашли секрет",
"EavesdropPercentChance": "Шанс подслушать",
"PreventSeeRolesBeforeSkillUsedUp": "Prevent seeing others roles before skill used up",
- "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "Cooldown for recruiting sheriffs",
- "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "Can recruit Impostor or Neutral",
- "SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "You recruited a sheriff.",
- "BeSheriffByPolice": "You've been recruited by the police chief! Serve the crew!",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "Cooldown for recruiting Sheriffs",
+ "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "Can recruit non-Crewmates",
+ "SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "You recruited a Sheriff.",
+ "BeSheriffByPolice": "You've been recruited by the Police Chief! Serve the Crewmates!",
"PoliceFailedRecruit": "Failed to recruit target.",
"ChiefOfPoliceKillButtonText": "Recruitment",
- "PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "Prevent recruit players without kill button",
- "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "Suicides when recruit a non killer or non crewmate",
- "PolicPassConverted": "Can pass Converted Addon to Sheriff"
+ "PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "Prevent recruit players without Kill button",
+ "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "Suicides when recruit a non-Killer or non-Crewmate",
+ "PolicPassConverted": "Can pass Converted Add-on to Sheriff"
diff --git a/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json b/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json
index 2e819dfed..f56626238 100644
--- a/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json
+++ b/Resources/Lang/zh_CN.json
@@ -14,22 +14,26 @@
"Website": "TOHE官方网站",
"PlayerNameForRoleInfo": "嗨{0}你的职业是:",
"HostIconInMeeting": "房主:{0}",
+ "ModdedClient": "模组客户端",
"SubText.GM": "开局死的冤魂隔岸观火",
"SubText.Crewmate": "你是正义的,驱散所有的邪恶!",
"SubText.Impostor": "你是邪恶的,把正义压制住吧!",
"SubText.Neutral": "不属于其他阵营的独立阵营",
"SubText.Apocalypse": "与你的队伍一起变得势不可挡",
+ "SubText.Coven": "蛊惑并杀死所有人",
"SubText.Madmate": "不要给内鬼帮倒忙了哦",
"SubText.Lovers": "最重要的是,记得照顾好你的另一半",
"SubText.Egoist": "什么叫做一波三折?",
"TypeImpostor": "内鬼阵营",
"TypeCrewmate": "船员阵营",
"TypeNeutral": "中立阵营",
+ "TypeCoven": "巫师阵营",
"TypeAddon": "附加职业",
"GuesserMode": "猜测模式",
"TeamImpostor": "内鬼阵营",
"TeamNeutral": "中立阵营",
"TeamCrewmate": "船员阵营",
+ "TeamCoven": "巫师阵营",
"TeamMadmate": "叛徒阵营",
"TeamLovers": "恋人",
"TeamEgoist": "利己主义者",
@@ -37,6 +41,7 @@
"YouAreCrewmate": "你是一名船员",
"YouAreImpostor": "你是一名内鬼",
"YouAreNeutral": "你是一名中立",
+ "YouAreCoven": "你是巫师阵营的一员",
"YouAreMadmate": "你是一名叛徒",
"Role_Crewmate": "船员",
"Role_Jester": "小丑",
@@ -63,12 +68,14 @@
"ImpostorsCanGuess": "内鬼阵营可以猜测",
"NeutralKillersCanGuess": "带刀中立可以猜测",
"NeutralApocalypseCanGuess": "灾厄中立可以猜测",
+ "CovenCanGuess": "巫师阵营可以猜测",
"PassiveNeutralsCanGuess": "友好中立可以猜测",
"CanGuessAddons": "可以猜测附加职业",
"ShowOnlyEnabledRolesInGuesserUI": "PC端赌怪界面中只显示已启用的职业",
- "CrewCanGuessCrew": "船员阵营可以猜测船员的身份",
+ "CrewCanGuessCrew": "船员阵营可以猜测 船员的身份",
"ImpCanGuessImp": "内鬼阵营可以猜测内鬼的身份",
- "ApocCanGuessApoc": "灾厄中立可以猜测灾厄中立职业",
+ "ApocCanGuessApoc": "灾厄中立可以猜测灾厄中立的身份",
+ "CovenCanGuessCoven": "巫师阵营可以猜测巫师的身份",
"GuessImmune": "对不起,目标无法被猜中!",
"GM": "管理员",
"Sunnyboy": "阳光开朗大男孩",
@@ -287,7 +294,6 @@
"Vulture": "秃鹫",
"Taskinator": "任务执行者",
"Benefactor": "恩人",
- "Medusa": "美杜莎",
"Spiritcaller": "灵魂召唤者",
"Amnesiac": "失忆者",
"Imitator": "效仿者",
@@ -305,12 +311,21 @@
"Romantic": "浪漫者",
"VengefulRomantic": "复仇浪漫者",
"RuthlessRomantic": "无情浪漫者",
+ "Wraith": "魅影",
"Poisoner": "投毒者",
+ "Medusa": "美杜莎",
"HexMaster": "巫师",
- "Wraith": "魅影",
"Jinx": "扫把星",
"PotionMaster": "药剂师",
"Necromancer": "亡灵巫师",
+ "CovenLeader": "巫师领袖",
+ "Ritualist": "大祭司",
+ "Conjurer": "魔术师",
+ "Dreamweaver": "造梦者",
+ "Illusionist": "幻术师",
+ "VoodooMaster": "巫毒师",
+ "Sacrifist": "献祭者",
+ "MoonDancer": "月下舞者",
"Warden": "典狱长",
"Minion": "爪牙",
"Ghastly": "鬼怪",
@@ -363,6 +378,7 @@
"EvilSpirit": "恶灵",
"Recruit": "招募",
"Admired": "仰慕",
+ "Enchanted": "附魔者",
"Glow": "光辉",
"Radar": "雷达",
"Diseased": "患病者",
@@ -417,7 +433,7 @@
"MinerInfo": "条条管道通罗马",
"KillingMachineInfo": "简单地弄死他们即可~",
"EscapistInfo": "追杀?不存在的",
- "WitchInfo": "阿瓦达啃大瓜!",
+ "WitchInfo": "我能让你的死...神不知鬼不觉",
"NemesisInfo": "总有人不懂我的施舍呢",
"BeforeNemesisInfo": "真正的主角,都是压轴出场!",
"AfterNemesisInfo": "下辈子总该记住我了吧",
@@ -426,7 +442,7 @@
"PuppeteerInfo": "一只只可爱的娃娃,在互相厮杀",
"MastermindInfo": "控制别人来完成你的目标",
"TimeThiefInfo": "阻止开会模拟器的诞生",
- "SniperInfo": "厉害啊,枪枪命中",
+ "SniperInfo": "刀?这也太过时了,现在是热兵器时代!",
"UndertakerInfo": "将尸体传送到标记的位置",
"RiftMakerInfo": "触碰两条裂缝就能扭曲空间!",
"EvilTrackerInfo": "你不要过来啊啊啊",
@@ -442,7 +458,7 @@
"LightningInfo": "量子轰炸!",
"GreedyInfo": "我的冷却时间怎么变化的那么奇怪?",
"CursedWolfInfo": "杀我是你做过最愚蠢的决定",
- "SoulCatcherInfo": "啊对啊,我是红色,那我还能是谁呢",
+ "SoulCatcherInfo": "斗转星移,天道轮回,安危不定!",
"QuickShooterInfo": "I have a big PLAN!",
"CamouflagerInfo": "当所有人戴上面具,一切都自由了",
"EraserInfo": "恕我直言,你不配拥有能力",
@@ -451,15 +467,15 @@
"SwooperInfo": "感受未知的恐惧吧",
"CrewpostorInfo": "这是场完美的犯罪",
"WildlingInfo": "这一杯,敬给彼岸的你",
- "TricksterInfo": "杀人诛心,你们永远等不到那片曙光!!",
+ "TricksterInfo": "击杀并欺骗船员",
"VindicatorInfo": "论这件事...我最有发言权,那就是让你们全部死在我的刀下!",
"ParasiteInfo": "我愿与内鬼肝胆相照,荣辱与共!",
"DisperserInfo": "拥挤可不是个好现象...",
- "InhibitorInfo": "不可能...怎么会有这种差错!!",
- "SaboteurInfo": "兵荒马乱,便是我出动之时",
+ "InhibitorInfo": "球球队友不要破坏",
+ "SaboteurInfo": "统统给我坏掉吧",
"CouncillorInfo": "和你一起参与这场会议的..是活人..还是死人?",
- "DazzlerInfo": "我的世界...似乎正在被逐步剥离",
- "DeathpactInfo": "让玩家进入你的生死簿!",
+ "DazzlerInfo": "我好晕啊~",
+ "DeathpactInfo": "你可以准备去死了",
"DevourerInfo": "装扮?给我变吧!",
"ConsigliereInfo": "你们的身份不足挂齿!",
"MorphlingInfo": "只有他人的面孔,才能释放我内心的强大!",
@@ -515,12 +531,12 @@
"MonarchInfo": "我今日封你为骑士,至此你无论如何都要效忠于我",
"AbyssbringerInfo": "放置黑洞",
"SpurtInfo": "敏捷如兔,跃入春日!",
- "StealthInfo": "你似乎不该看到什么,闭上眼睛",
+ "StealthInfo": "在暗夜中无形",
"PenguinInfo": "你充Q币吗?不充?拖走!",
"OverseerInfo": "像纵火犯一样的预言别人",
"CoronerInfo": "无法报告尸体的人是无用的!(意味深)",
"PresidentInfo": "你拥有让市长羡慕死的技能",
- "MerchantInfo": "在逐利的道路上不择手段",
+ "MerchantInfo": "当一位合格的奸商",
"RetributionistInfo": "就算是死,也要死的光荣,尽忠尽孝!",
"HawkInfo": "欧气是什么?我不需要欧气也能击杀所有人(意味深)",
"DeputyInfo": "别动!你被逮捕了!",
@@ -547,7 +563,7 @@
"WitnessInfo": "我似乎目击到了什么",
"GhastlyInfo": "你的附身具有强迫",
"SwapperInfo": "打出极限翻盘的操作吧",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "雇佣警长为船员服务!",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "Hire Sheriffs to serve the Crewmates!",
"NiceMiniInfo": "长大前没人能伤害你",
"ArsonistInfo": "燃烧吧!燃烧吧!我要让你们尸骨无存!!",
"PyromaniacInfo": "让我把你的火浇灭吧",
@@ -603,7 +619,7 @@
"VultureInfo": "我需要鸡腿!!!",
"TaskinatorInfo": "完成无声的任务,享受致命的爆炸吧!!!",
"BenefactorInfo": "任务完成,盾牌精英!",
- "MedusaInfo": "把尸体石化掉!",
+ "MedusaInfo": "敢石化贱内!",
"SpiritcallerInfo": "为成就灵魂召唤者的伟业,甘愿为其效忠",
"AmnesiacInfo": "我是谁呢?",
"ImitatorInfo": "想赌我的刀...有多快吗?",
@@ -614,7 +630,7 @@
"DoomsayerInfo": "一无所有,或者,赢下所有!",
"ShroudInfo": "让我来保护你活到下一轮吧~仅此而已",
"WerewolfInfo": "咬死所有人!!!",
- "ShamanInfo": "抵挡所有对巫毒娃娃的攻击",
+ "ShamanInfo": "Deflect all the attacks on Voodoo Doll",
"SeekerInfo": "让我猜猜,你在哪里~\n你的目标被★标记",
"PixieInfo": "贴上标签,装进袋子,然后驱逐!",
"OccultistInfo": "击杀并诅咒你的敌人",
@@ -622,12 +638,20 @@
"RomanticInfo": "保护你的恋人,实现共赢",
"VengefulRomanticInfo": "报复杀害你恋人的凶手!携手共赢",
"RuthlessRomanticInfo": "击杀所有人!恋人共赢",
+ "WraithInfo": "钻洞来暂时隐形",
"PoisonerInfo": "用延迟杀人击杀所有人",
"HexMasterInfo": "我能让你的死...神不知鬼不觉",
- "WraithInfo": "钻洞来暂时隐形",
"JinxInfo": "你对我的伤害,我将数倍奉还!",
"PotionMasterInfo": "善用药剂,发挥优势",
- "NecromancerInfo": "我要反抗!!!",
+ "NecromancerInfo": "操控死亡,优势在我!",
+ "CovenLeaderInfo": "让我们的集会再次伟大",
+ "RitualistInfo": "鲜血与魔法,唤醒古韵秘符痂!",
+ "ConjurerInfo": "再美丽的流星,也只是曾经……",
+ "DreamweaverInfo": "做个好梦吧!",
+ "IllusionistInfo": "Place Illusions on players to spread confusion!",
+ "VoodooMasterInfo": "Craft Voodoo Dolls of other players!",
+ "SacrifistInfo": "Debuff your enemies at your own cost",
+ "MoonDancerInfo": "Use Baton Pass to give out Add-ons!",
"WardenInfo": "发出危险警报",
"MinionInfo": "给你视野小一点吧",
"LoversInfo": "最重要的是,记得照顾好你的另一半",
@@ -642,14 +666,14 @@
"ObliviousInfo": "我的天哪,好恐怖",
"BewilderInfo": "红伞伞白杆杆,好好吃",
"WorkhorseInfo": "感觉不如做任务",
- "FoolInfo": "我才不是笨蛋!不许叫我笨蛋!",
+ "FoolInfo": "欸?这个怎么修?我不会",
"AvangerInfo": "君子报仇,迟一秒都算晚!",
"YoutuberInfo": "我的素材啊啊啊啊",
"CelebrityInfo": "放心去吧,会有人报道你的",
"EgoistInfo": "什么叫做一波三折?",
"StealerInfo": "要懂得珍惜,死者最后的价值",
"ParanoiaInfo": "我真的很...奇怪吗?",
- "MimicInfo": "噔↗噔↗当→当↘当→当↗",
+ "MimicInfo": "Reveal killed players' roles to Impostors upon death",
"GuesserInfo": "一无所有,或者,赢下所有!",
"NecroviewInfo": "你是哪派的,我一眼便知",
"ReachInfo": "大人,时代变啦!",
@@ -667,13 +691,14 @@
"LazyInfo": "我要摆烂啦RRRRRRRRRRRR",
"AutopsyInfo": "我想看看别人是怎么死的",
"LoyalInfo": "我誓死守护我方,任何让我想让我跳槽的行为我绝不屈服!",
- "EvilSpiritInfo": "你是邪恶的灵魂,永世不得超生",
+ "EvilSpiritInfo": "You are an Evil Spirit",
"RecruitInfo": "我为狼群而生",
+ "EnchantedInfo": "帮助巫师阵营获胜",
"AdmiredInfo": "你已经背叛原阵营了!",
"GlowInfo": "我就是黑暗中的火炬!你在发光欸",
"RadarInfo": "箭头的色调,离你最近!",
- "DiseasedInfo": "让你的刀变钝",
- "AntidoteInfo": "让你的刀变快",
+ "DiseasedInfo": "你这磨刀石怎么越磨越盾了",
+ "AntidoteInfo": "你是他山之人的磨刀石",
"StubbornInfo": "哼,你干什么都无法改变我的心意!",
"SwiftInfo": "你的击杀不会出现动画",
"UnluckyInfo": "草木皆兵,处处杀机",
@@ -715,18 +740,18 @@
"NoisemakerTOHEInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n大嗓门每当死亡时都会发出声音,屏幕上也会出现大嗓门死亡的直观提示",
"TrackerTOHEInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n侦查员对一个玩家按下追踪按钮,就能在有限的时间内通过地图追踪他们的位置",
"ShapeshifterTOHEInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n变形者可以变形为其他玩家。当变形者变形或取消变形时,变形效果会很明显",
- "PhantomTOHEInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n幻象师可以按下消失按钮隐身,以躲避击杀。如果幻象师想在倒计时结束前显形,可以点击显形按钮\n注意:每当幻想师隐身和显形时,都会产生烟雾",
+ "PhantomTOHEInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n幻象师可以按下消失按钮隐身,以躲避击杀。如果幻象师想在倒计时结束前显形,可以点击显形按钮\n注意:每当幻象师隐身和显形时,都会产生烟雾",
"GuardianAngelTOHEInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n守护天使是第一个死亡的船员,可以为船员提供临时护盾",
"ImpostorTOHEInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n内鬼的目标是击杀所有船员。可以破坏和使用通风管",
"CrewmateTOHEInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n船员的目标是找到并驱逐所有内鬼",
"BountyHunterInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n赏金猎人会被随机分配一个悬赏目标,若在规定时间内击杀了悬赏目标 (箭头所示,如果有的话),则击杀CD会变得很短,能很快进行下一次击杀。\n若赏金猎人击杀的人不是赏金目标,则击杀CD会被延长。若赏金猎人在规定时间内没有完成任何击杀,则目标会被随机切换为另一个人",
"FireworkerInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n烟花爆破者可以通过变形来放置烟花,烟花数量最多可达到房主设定的数量。当烟花爆破者是最后一个内鬼且所有烟花都已放置完毕时,再次变身引爆烟花,击杀烟花半径内的所有人,包括烟花爆破者自己",
- "MercenaryInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n嗜血杀手必须在变形冷却时间(不能使用)显示的期限内击杀。如果嗜血杀手未击杀玩家,嗜血杀手就会暴毙死亡",
+ "MercenaryInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mercenary, you must kill within your deadline, as shown by your Shapeshift Cooldown (which you cannot use). If you fail to kill, you die.",
"ShapeMasterInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n千面鬼没有变形冷却时间",
"VampireInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n吸血鬼击杀会被延迟。如果召开会议,目标仍会死亡。如果吸血鬼咬了诱饵,吸血鬼会正常击杀并报告尸体\n-- 单击吸血玩家\n-- 双击正常击杀",
"WarlockInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n术士可以使用击杀键给目标下咒,出现盾牌破碎则是下咒成功(放心,只有你能看见)\n当术士变形时,被下咒的玩家会自动击杀离自己最近的玩家(包括自己队友)。变形时可以正常击杀",
"ZombieInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n僵尸的击杀冷却很短,但移动速度很慢且视野极小。僵尸不会被独裁者以外的人票出,僵尸的移动速度会随着击杀次数的增加或时间流逝逐渐变慢",
- "NinjaInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n刺客可以使用击杀键标记一个目标,标记成功则自己身上会出现碎盾动画作为提示。之后刺客可以使用变形传送至被标记者的身边并击杀被标记者\n- 单击标记玩家\n- 双击正常击杀",
+ "NinjaInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n刺客可以使用击杀键标记一个目标,标记成功则自己身上会出现碎盾动画作为提示。\n之后刺客可以使用变形传送至被标记者的身边并击杀被标记者\n- 单击标记玩家\n- 双击正常击杀",
"AnonymousInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n骇客可以使用变形骇入变形的目标,被骇入的目标会立刻报告骇客本轮击杀的尸体,若本轮骇客没有击杀,则随机报告场上存在的尸体,若场上不存在尸体则目标报告自己的尸体(效果类似被害妄想症)\n注意:骇客技能无视尸体是否可以被报告。此外,摆烂人不会替你办事,骇入摆烂人只会浪费你的时间",
"MinerInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n矿工变形以及解除变形的时候会传送至上一个进入的通风口\n注意:是进去的通风管而不是出来的通风管",
"KillingMachineInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n杀戮机器的击杀冷却很短,但杀戮机器无法使用通风管道、没有内鬼视野、无法破坏、无法报告也无法召开紧急会议\n注意:杀戮机器将绕过所有护盾,击杀诱饵和陷阱师不会产生任何效果",
@@ -753,277 +778,287 @@
"GangsterInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n歹徒可以通过击杀键尝试招募一位玩家成为叛徒。若招募成功,双方都会看到彼此身上出现护盾破碎的动画作为提示(仅互相可见)。剩余可以招募的次数会显示在歹徒名字旁的括号内(数量根据房主设置)。若歹徒尝试招募无法被招募的玩家例如中立阵营或一些特殊船员阵营玩家时,则会改为正常击杀目标。当歹徒没有剩余招募次数时击杀则为正常击杀",
"CleanerInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n清理工可以通过报告尸体按钮以清理一具尸体,若清理成功则清理工会看到自己身上出现护盾破碎动画作为提示(仅自己可见),被清理的尸体无法被报告(包括诱饵)",
"LightningInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n球状闪电无法进行常规击杀。球状闪电对目标使用击杀按键后,目标会在设定时间后汽化为量子幽灵,所有人都可以看到量子幽灵的名字旁有「■」作为提示。若期间有非球状闪电且非量子幽灵的玩家接触量子幽灵,量子幽灵会立刻量子化而死亡。若量子幽灵存活到会议则会在会议结束后死亡。任何对量子幽灵的主动互动(击杀按键)均无效。根据房主设定,击杀球状闪电可能导致凶手汽化为量子幽灵",
- "GreedyInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n贪婪者奇数次和偶数次的击杀,会拥有不同的击杀冷却。每次开会都会重置贪婪者的击杀冷却,贪婪者的第一次击杀永远是奇数击杀",
- "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n当呪狼即将被击杀时,呪狼会将凶手诅咒致死(可以反击的次数根据房主设定)",
- "SoulCatcherInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n夺魂者完成变形后可以与变形目标交换位置(若目标处于非正常状态例如死亡、被吞、管道内等则无事发生)",
- "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n当击杀冷却结束时,快枪手可以通过变形重置击杀冷却并储存一颗子弹(储存成功时快枪手身上会出现仅自己可见的护盾破碎动画作为提示)\n快枪手完成击杀后可以用子弹抵消击杀冷却,直到子弹耗尽。每次会议开始快枪手只能保留一定数量的子弹(数量根据房主设定)",
- "CamouflagerInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n隐蔽者变形后会让所有人变成小黑人,这个状态下所有人都看起来得一模一样。隐蔽者解除变形后技能失效\n注意:通讯破坏小黑人与隐蔽者的技能可以叠加,若隐蔽者发动技能期间召开会议则技能失效",
- "EraserInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n抹除者可以在会议上投票给任意船员阵营目标以抹除目标的主职业,抹除将在会议结束后生效\n注意:被抹除技能的玩家将被永远视为白板,包括游戏结算页面。且每名玩家只能被抹除一次(包括 Oiiai)",
+ "GreedyInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nGreedy kills with odd and even kills will have different Kill Cooldowns. Greedy's Kill Cooldown is reset every meeting, and Greedy's first kill is always odd.",
+ "CursedWolfInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Cursed Wolf is about to be killed, the Cursed Wolf will curse the killer to death. (The Host sets the maximum of times you can counterattack)",
+ "SoulCatcherInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Soul Catcher, you can Shapeshift to swap places with your target as long as they are not dead, in a Vent, swallowed by Pelican, or in a similar odd state.",
+ "QuickShooterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Kill Cooldown is over, Quick Shooter can reset the Kill Cooldown by Shapeshift to store a bullet (when the storage is successful, a Shield Animation visible only to himself will appear on their body as a reminder). If Quick Shooter has bullets, he can use one to bypass the Kill Cooldown; he will kill even if it's still on Cooldown and use a bullet. At the beginning of each meeting, the quick shooter can only keep a certain number of bullets (The Host sets the number).",
+ "CamouflagerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen the Camouflager uses Shapeshift, all players start to look the same. This state ends when the Camouflager reverts its Shapeshifting. It's important to note that the skills of Communication Sabotage Camouflage, and the skills of the Camouflager can be superimposed.\nThis skill will be invalid if a meeting is held during the skill activation of the Camouflager.",
+ "EraserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nEraser can vote for any target at the meeting to erase the target's roles, and the erasure will take effect after the meeting ends. Note: Players with erased skills will always be considered a vanilla role, including the game result page.\nA target can only be erased once (including OIIAI)",
"ButcherInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n肢解者击杀(包括被动击杀)的目标会出现多具尸体,以至于报告尸体时无法准确分辨其他受害者\n注意:因实现原理,被击杀的目标不得不重复地显示自己被击杀的动画,此动画无法跳过且期间无法正常参与会议。此外,若肢解者肢解了复仇者,则复仇者会因愤怒带走全场所有人",
- "HangmanInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n刽子手在变形期间的击杀方式为绞杀,绞杀无视目标的任何状态例如医生的护盾、保镖的守护、大明星的技能等,被绞杀的玩家不会留下尸体,也不会触发其任何技能例如老兵反杀等(包括附加职业),此外,灵媒也不会得到提示",
- "SwooperInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n隐匿者无法正常使用管道。但可以通过跳管进入隐身状态,再次跳管则取消隐身状态\n注意:当隐身时间结束时你会被强制现形。根据房主设置,你可以在隐形期间正常使用通风管",
+ "HangmanInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Hangman, during the Shapeshifting, you use a unique killing method-strangling. This method ignores any status of the target, such as the shield of the Medic, the Bodyguard's protection, the Super Star's skills, etc. The strangled player will not leave a dead body, nor will it trigger any of its skills. For example, Veteran kill back (including additional roles), and Seer will not be prompted.",
+ "SwooperInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Swooper, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
"CrewpostorInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n船鬼不能正常击杀但拥有任务,每当船鬼完成任务时,距离船鬼最近的玩家就会死亡。",
- "WildlingInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n野人可以变形但不能跳管,当野人击杀时,会暂时免疫攻击(跟嗜血骑士一样)",
- "TricksterInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n骗术师跟普通内鬼一样,不过骗术师被视为船员(法官审判骗术师会暴毙。警长不能执法骗术师。死神看骗术师是船员。告密者不能找到骗术师等)",
+ "WildlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Wildling, you can Shapeshift but cannot Vent.\nWhen you kill, you temporarily become immune to attacks.",
+ "TricksterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Trickster, you function as a regular Impostor but with one key difference.\nYou appear as a Crewmate to Crewmate roles.\n\nThe Sheriff cannot kill you.\nPsychic does not see you as evil.\nSnitch cannot find you.",
"VindicatorInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n卫道士有额外票数,像市长.一样(票数根据房主设定)",
"StealthInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n隐形者击杀时,同一房间的玩家会在短时间内失明",
- "PenguinInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n企鹅可以通过使用击杀按钮来锁定目标并拖动。在拖拽过程中,再次按下击杀或拖拽一段时间后,目标就会死亡。按两次击杀按钮可直接击杀目标",
- "ParasiteInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n寄生虫和内鬼互不相认,除此之外寄生虫就是普通内鬼",
- "DisperserInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n分散者能够通过变形把所有人拉倒随机的通风管道上。",
- "InhibitorInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n抑郁者在没有重大破坏的情况下才能击杀,如果有重大破坏(如灯光或反应堆),则不能击杀",
- "SaboteurInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n破坏者在有重大破坏的情况下才能击杀,如果有重大破坏(如通信或氧气),就可以击杀",
+ "PenguinInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Penguin, you can restrain the target by pressing the Kill button and drag it around.\nWhile dragging, the target dies by pressing the Kill button again or after a certain period.\nPress the Kill button twice for a direct kill.",
+ "ParasiteInfoLong": "(Team Impostor):\nAs the Parasite, you are an Impostor that does not know the other Impostors.\n\nYou may Kill, Vent, Sabotage, whatever.\nJust know that you are an Impostor.",
+ "DisperserInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nDisperser can use Shapeshift to teleport all players to random Vents.",
+ "InhibitorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Inhibitor, you can only kill when there is not a Critical Sabotage active.\n\nIf Light or Comms Sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
+ "SaboteurInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Saboteur, you can only kill when there is a Critical sabotage active.\n\nIf Reactor or O2 Sabotage is active, then you can kill.",
"CouncillorInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n邪恶法官可以像正义法官一样在会议上审判玩家。在会议中击杀时,这些击杀将显示为法官的审判\n审判指令/tl [玩家编号]\n你可以在玩家名字前看到玩家的 id,或者使用 /id 命令查看所有玩家的 id\n根据设置,邪恶法官在审判队友时会自杀。被招募的邪恶法官可以自由审判",
"DazzlerInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n眩晕者可以永久地减少变形目标的视野,当眩晕者被驱逐或死亡后,则眩晕者变形目标的视野会恢复正常",
- "DeathpactInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n死亡契约变形后的目标会被标记为死亡契约,当有足够的玩家被标记为死亡契约,被标记的玩家必须在规定的时间内会面;若在规定的时间内未会面,就会暴毙死亡,当被标记的玩家在死亡契约完成之前死亡,则该契约将被撤销",
- "DevourerInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n吞噬者可以使用变形永久改变目标的外观,每个玩家的外观发生变化时,吞噬者的击杀冷却时间都会减少一定的秒数,当吞噬者死亡或被驱逐,目标玩家的外观将变回正常外观",
- "MorphlingInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n化形者必须在变形时才能击杀",
- "TwisterInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n龙卷风可以使用变形来随机交换所有玩家的位置。交换会发生两次,一次是当龙卷风开始变形时,另一次是龙卷风恢复到原来的样子时。龙卷风本身不会与任何人交换位置,处于通风口的玩家也无法传送",
- "LurkerInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n潜伏者可以通过钻洞减少一定的击杀CD。在完成击杀后,潜伏者的冷却时间会被重置为默认值",
+ "DeathpactInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Deathpact, You Shapeshift to mark your targets for a deathpact.\nIf you have enough players marked for a deathpact, they must meet within a specific period; if they fail to do so, they die.\nIf a marked player dies before the deathpact becomes complete, the pact is withdrawn.",
+ "DevourerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Devourer, you use your Shapeshift to change the appearance of the target of the Shapeshift permanently. Additionally, when each player's appearance changes, you will have your Kill Cooldown reduced by a defined number of seconds. If the Devourer dies or gets voted out during a meeting, the player's appearance will change back to their normal appearance.",
+ "MorphlingInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Morphling, you are a Shapeshifter but cannot kill while not Shapeshifted.",
+ "TwisterInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Twister, you can use Shapeshifting to swap the position of all players randomly. The swap happens twice, once when you start your Shapeshift and once when you return to your original appearance.\nThe Twister itself will not swap places with anyone, and players in vents will not teleport.",
+ "LurkerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Lurker, you can jump into a Vent to reduce your Cooldown by a certain number of seconds. After you kill, your Cooldown resets to its original value.",
"VisionaryInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n幻想家可以在会议上看见每个玩家的阵营:\n- 红色名表示内鬼阵营\n- 青色名表示船员阵营\n -灰色名表示中立阵营",
"PlagueDoctorInfoLong": "(中立阵营)「来自TOH的瘟疫医生」:\n瘟疫学家选择一名玩家进行感染。任何在被感染玩家范围内停留一定时间的玩家都会被感染。感染进度是累积性的,不会随着距离或会议后重置",
- "RefugeeInfoLong": "(叛徒阵营):\n逃亡者可能是:\n -通过回忆得知自己是一名内鬼\n -击杀了教父目标的带刀玩家\n -其恋人是内鬼的浪漫者\n -效仿了内鬼的效仿者\n\n现在你的职责是帮助内鬼阵营击杀船员阵营",
+ "RefugeeInfoLong": "(Madmates):\nAs the Refugee, you were either:\n -An Amnesiac who remembered an Impostor\n -A killer who killed the Godfather's target.\n -A Romantic whose partner was an Impostor\n -Or an Imitator that imitated an Impostor.\n\nNow your job is to help the Impostors kill the Crewmates.",
"UnderdogInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n失败者只能在在场存活人数小于房主设置的人数时才能进行击杀",
- "ConsigliereInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n军师可以对一位玩家使用击杀键来得知目标的职业。当显示职业次数用完时,击杀为正常击杀\n- 单击显示身份\n- 双击正常击杀",
- "LudopathInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n速度者的击杀冷却时间是随机的。击杀冷却最小值为1秒,而最大值是房主设置的默认击杀冷却时间",
+ "ConsigliereInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Consigliere, you can reveal the roles of other players using your Kill button.\n\nSingle click: Reveal role\nDouble click: Kill\n\nIf you run out of reveal uses, your Kill button functions normally.",
+ "LudopathInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Ludopath, your Kill Cooldown is randomized.\n\nMinimum it can be is 1 second, while the maximum is your default Kill Cooldown.",
"GodfatherInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n教父投票给某人,让他们成为教父的目标。在下一轮中,如果有人击杀了目标,凶手将变成逃亡者或者叛徒",
"ChronomancerInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n天文学家有一个电量条,显示屠杀准备就绪的时间。 当电量达到「100%」时,下一次击杀时天文学家就会进入屠杀模式,天文学家就可以展现杀戮光环,直到电量耗尽。其他情况下,天文学家的击杀冷却是正常的",
- "PitfallInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n设陷者使用变形可以将变形周围的区域标记为陷阱。进入该区域的玩家会在短时间内无法动弹,视野也会受到影响",
- "EvilMiniInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n坏迷你船员在长大之前不可被击杀和被招募,且初始击杀冷却非常长,当坏迷你船员长大后击杀冷却会大幅缩短",
- "BlackmailerInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n勒索者变身成为目标时,将勒索该玩家。也就是说,在会议期间他们将无法说话\n注意:如果某人已经被勒索,勒索另一人会解除对当前人的勒索",
- "InstigatorInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n教唆者在会议中投票出一名船员时,只要教唆者还活着,就会有另外一名投票给无辜玩家的船员在会议结束后死亡。 额外死亡的玩家数量由房主决定",
- "LazyGuyInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n摆烂人只有一个任务。另外,懒得要死的摆烂人并不会参与那些繁琐的事情,比如当黑客的替罪羊、给术士或者傀儡师办事之类的。摆烂人也不会拥有附加职业",
+ "PitfallInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Pitfall, you use your Shapeshift to mark the area around the Shapeshift as a trap. Players who enter this area will be immobilized quickly, and their vision will be affected.",
+ "EvilMiniInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Evil Mini, you are unkillable until you grow up and have a very long initial Kill Cooldown, which gets drastically shortened as you grow up.",
+ "BlackmailerInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Blackmailer, when you Shift into a target, you will blackmail that player. This means that during the meetings, they won't be able to speak.\n\nNote: If someone is already blackmailed, blackmailing another person un-blackmails the current person.",
+ "InstigatorInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Instigator, it's your job to turn the Crewmates against each other. Each time a Crewmate gets voted out in a meeting, if you are alive, an additional Crewmate who voted for the innocent player will die after the meeting. The Host determines the number of additional players dying.",
+ "LazyGuyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nLazy Guy has only one task. In addition, the Impostor's abilities can't affect the Lazy Guy, such as being a scapegoat for Anonymous, being marked by a Warlock or Puppeteer, and more. Lazy Guy will not have any Add-ons.",
"SuperStarInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n明星的名字旁会有星星的标识。根据房主设置,所有人都知道谁是大明星。只有凶手与大明星独处的时候才可以击杀大明星(仅限常规击杀)\n此外,大明星不会参与赌博这种事情哦(无法被赌怪或法官猜测)",
"CelebrityInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n网红死亡时所有船员会看到杀戮闪烁(和灵媒看到的杀戮闪烁一样)并在下次会议时收到新闻报告。根据房主设置,内鬼或中立则全程什么都不知道",
- "CleanserInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n清洗者可以在会议上投票清除任何目标的附加职业。清除在会议结束后生效。根据设置,被清除的玩家可能再也不会得到附加职业。",
+ "CleanserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Cleanser, you can vote to erase the Add-ons of any target at the meeting. This erasure takes effect after the meeting ends. Depending on the settings, the cleansed player may never receive Add-ons again.",
"KeeperInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n守卫者通过投票给玩家,使玩家获得可以避免驱逐的「护盾」。守卫者只有x次数使玩家获得可以避免驱逐的「护盾」(x为房主设置)",
- "MayorInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n市长投票时一票算作多票\n根据房主设置,市长还可能拥有跳通风管道触发紧急会议的技能\n根据房主设置,市长完成任务时会展现自己的身份,且无法被赌",
+ "MayorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mayor, you have extra votes. Depending on the settings, players can't see your extra votes, you can Vent to call a meeting at any time, or you can have yourself revealed as Mayor upon task completion.",
"PsychicInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n愚者能够在会议期间看到数名玩家的名字以红色突出显示,其中至少一名是邪恶的。愚者成为叛徒时将准确地看到所有中立以及带刀船员玩家显示为红名",
- "MechanicInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n修理工可以随意使用通风管道,修理工甚至可以把通风管当成自己的家永远不出来。氧气泄露、核反应堆熔毁以及米拉总部、真菌丛林的通讯破坏修理工只需要修复一边则另一边即可同时被修复。修理工只需要按一个开关便可以修复照明破坏。修理工打开波鲁斯、真菌丛林与飞艇地图的门时修理工所在房间的所有门同时打开。根据房主设置,修理工完成任务可以增加自己技能的使用次数",
- "SheriffInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n警长没有船员任务。警长可以击杀内鬼(根据房间设置,警长也可以击杀中立阵营玩家)。警长若尝试击杀船员阵营的玩家,警长将会走火自杀。警长成为叛徒时可以击杀任何人",
- "VigilanteInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n义务警员误杀了无辜的船员,就会内疚和悔恨驱使义务警员变成叛徒\n注意:歹徒不能将义务警员转换为叛徒",
- "JailerInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n狱警可以使用击杀按钮将指定的玩家关进监狱。在下次会议期间,被监禁的玩家无法投票,也不能被其他玩家投票(投票数为 0)\n狱警可以选择通过投票处决被监禁的玩家。如果狱警处决了一名无辜玩家,则在游戏剩余时间内狱警将失去处决玩家的能力。如果该狱警是叛徒,则狱警可以处决任何人\n注意:被关进监狱的玩家无法被赌怪赌死或被 正义/邪恶 法官审判。被关进监狱的玩家如果是赌怪,只能赌死狱警",
+ "MechanicInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Mechanic can use Vents at any time. They can also fix Reactors, O2, and Communications using only one side. You can fix Lights by flicking only one switch. Opening a door will open all doors in the map.",
+ "SheriffInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nSheriff has no task. The Sheriff can kill the Impostor (according to the Host settings, the Sheriff can also kill Neutrals). If the Sheriff tries to kill a Crewmate, the Sheriff will kill himself. The Sheriff can kill anyone when he becomes a Madmate (also according to the Host settings).",
+ "VigilanteInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Vigilante, you are tasked with eliminating potential threats to the Crewmates, but if they mistakenly kill an innocent Crew member, they become a Madmate driven by guilt and remorse.\n\n Note: Gangster cannot convert Vigilante into Madmate.",
+ "JailerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Jailer, use your Kill button to lock a player in jail. During the next meeting, the jailed player cannot vote or get voted (the vote count will be 0). The Jailer may choose to execute the prisoner by voting for them. If the Jailer executes an innocent player, the Jailer loses the ability to execute for the rest of the game.\nIf the Jailer is evil, then they can execute anyone.\nThe Jailer has limited executions.\n\nNote: Jailed players cannot be guessed or judged, and jailed players can only guess Jailer.",
"SnitchInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n当告密者仅剩一个任务的时候,内鬼将会看到自己以及告密者的昵称旁边有「★」作为提示。告密者成为叛徒时,「★」标记变为红色。当告密者完成所有任务后,将可以看到\n红色昵称表示所有内鬼\n灰色昵称表示带刀中立。",
- "MarshallInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n展现者通过完成所有任务,向其他船员展示自己的身份。其他阵营将无法看见展现者\n但叛徒可以看到展现者。完成任务后赌怪无法赌死展现者",
- "DoctorInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n法医可以查看生命监测装置并确认死亡玩家的死因。查看的时间长短与设备的充能数挂钩",
+ "MarshallInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Marshall, complete your tasks to reveal yourself to the rest of the Crewmates.\nOther teams will not be able to see you.\nHowever, Madmates CAN see you.",
+ "DoctorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nDoctor can see the cause of death for all players. In addition, the Doctor can access Vitals wherever you are while he still has battery left.",
"DictatorInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n当独裁者在会议阶段投票给玩家后,会议会被强制结束并放逐其投票对象。该技能发动的代价是独裁者会自杀。说白了就是一换一",
"DetectiveInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n侦探报告尸体后,会收到一条线索消息,该消息会告诉侦探被害者的职业是什么,根据房主设定,侦探可能知道凶手的职业是什么\n注意:侦探不会成为胆小鬼",
"UndercoverInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n内鬼会将卧底认作自己的队友,但卧底并不知道内鬼是谁",
- "NiceGuesserInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n正义赌怪可以在会议时猜测某位玩家的职业,正确则击杀目标,错误则会自杀\n猜测指令为:/bt [玩家编号] [职业名]\n当正义赌怪成为叛徒时可以猜测船员",
- "GuessMasterInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n竞猜大师将收到会议期间每次尝试竞猜的信息。将获知「正义/邪恶」赌怪试图猜测的职业,如果「正义/邪恶」赌怪猜错了,竞猜大师也会收到通知",
+ "NiceGuesserInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Nice Guesser can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting. If it is correct, it will kill the target, and if it is wrong, Nice Guesser will suicide.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.\nNice Guesser can guess Crewmate when become Madmate.",
+ "GuessMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Guess Master, you will receive information about every attempted guess made during a meeting. You will be informed about the role the Guesser tried to guess, and you will also be notified in case of a misguess.",
"KnightInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n侠客可以正义击杀任何阵营的人,不过机会只有一次",
- "TransporterInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n每当传送师完成任务,就会有随机两位玩家交换位置,但若剩余玩家不足将什么都不会发生。\n注意:管道中的玩家不会被选中",
+ "TransporterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhenever the Transporter completes the task, two random players will switch positions, but if there are not enough players left, nothing will happen. Note: Players in a Vent will not be selected.",
"TimeManagerInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n时间操控者做的任务越多,会议时间就会越长,当时间操控者死亡则会议时间恢复正常。当时间操控者成为叛徒时则技能变为减少会议时长而不是增加会议时长",
- "VeteranInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n老兵可以通过使用通风管道进入戒备状态,如果戒备状态下有玩家尝试击杀老兵,则老兵反杀凶手。老兵进入以及退出戒备状态时会看到自己身上有护盾破碎作为提示",
- "BastionInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n埋雷兵通过使用通风口放置炸弹来击杀内鬼阵营和中立阵营。\n注意:炸弹也会炸死船员",
- "CopyCatInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n模仿猫可以使用击杀按钮模仿其他玩家的职业。模仿猫的职业在交互的瞬间获得,在交互后的会议后重置。模仿猫只能模仿一些船员的职业。如果模仿猫试图模仿叛徒,模仿猫将会成为叛徒。如果模仿猫模仿拥有船员变种职业的坏人,模仿猫会成为对应的船员职业(例如模仿抹除者变成清理工)\n此外,你的职业会在每次会议结束后被重置回模仿猫\n注意:你不能在会议上赌人",
+ "VeteranInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Veteran, you can enter the alert state by Venting. If a player tries to kill the Veteran in the alert state, the Veteran will kill the murderer instead. Veteran will see a Shield Animation on their body and a text above their head as a reminder when they enter and exit the alert state.",
+ "BastionInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Bastion, bomb Vents to kill off Impostors and Neutrals.\nBe careful though; Crewmates can also be killed with the bombs.",
+ "CopyCatInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Copycat, you can use your Kill button to copy the target's role.\n\nYou can only copy some Crewmate roles.\nIf you try to copy a Madmate or Rascal, you become the Madmate variation of the target role.\nIf you target an evil with a Crewmate variant, you'll become the Crewmate variant.\n\nAdditionally, Your role will be set back to Copycat after every meeting.\nNote You can't guess people in meetings.",
"BodyguardInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n在保镖附近如果有玩家将被击杀,则保镖会阻止这次击杀并与凶手同归于尽。保镖的技能会作用在任何阵营的玩家上。当保镖成为叛徒且凶手不是内鬼的时候,保镖不会发动技能。",
- "DeceiverInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n赝品商可以通过击杀键将赝品卖给其他玩家,如贩卖成功赝品商将会看到自己身上出现护盾破碎动画作为提示。赝品将在下一次会议结束后生效,若无击杀能力的玩家持有赝品会立刻走火自杀,若有击杀能力的玩家持有赝品将在他下次尝试击杀时走火自杀",
- "GrenadierInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n掷雷兵可以通过使用通风管道使用闪光弹,闪光弹会导致内鬼失去大部分视野(根据房主设置闪光弹可能影响到中立阵营玩家)。闪光弹生效以及失效时掷雷兵会看到自己身上有护盾破碎作为提示。当掷雷兵成为叛徒时闪光弹只对船员生效",
+ "DeceiverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nThe Deceiver can sell the counterfeit to other players through the Kill button. If the counterfeit is sold successfully, the Deceiver will see a Shield Animation on their body as a reminder. The counterfeit will take effect after the end of the next meeting. If the player with no kill ability holds the counterfeit, he will kill himself immediately. If the player with the killing ability has the counterfeit, he will commit suicide when he tries to kill someone next time.",
+ "GrenadierInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Grenadier, you can Vent to Flashbang players nearby, causing them to lose vision if they are an Impostor or, depending on settings, a Neutral.",
"MedicInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n医生可以通过使用击杀按键给目标发放一个护盾,若护盾发放成功则医生会看到目标身上出现护盾破碎动画作为提示,同时目标的名字旁会显示一个绿色的「●」。医生可以发放护盾的数量会显示在医生的名字旁的括号内。每位玩家最多只能持有一个来自医生的护盾。根据房主设定目标可能可以看到自己是否持有护盾(显示在名字旁的绿色「●」)。",
"FortuneTellerInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n调查员可以会议中给玩家投票以获得它们身份的线索,该线索将与它们的实际身份相关,当调查员的任务完成时,将获得确切的身份而不是线索!\n注意:如果开启了随机给予目标职业与混合职业的设置,则无法多次调查同一玩家\n随机给予的目标职业与混合职业中必有目标的真实职业",
"JudgeInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n正义法官可以在会议中审判某位玩家,若目标为邪恶角色则击杀目标(是否邪恶根据房主设定),错误则会自杀。\n审判指令为:/tl [玩家编号]\\n你可以在玩家名字前看到该玩家的编号,或者使用/id指令查看所有玩家的编号\n当正义法官成为叛徒时可以随意审判\n在会议中技能次数为你本次会议可用的审判次数,在会议外技能次数为你全局游戏可用的审判次数。",
"MorticianInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n入殓师可以看到指向所有尸体的箭头,入殓师报告尸体可以在会议上得知被害者生前最后一个接触的玩家。请注意:入殓师不会成为胆小鬼或灵媒。",
"MediumInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n当场上有玩家被击杀,通灵师会收到提示。每次会议召开时通灵师会与被报告的尸体建立联系(只有被报告的尸体而不是被发现的所有尸体),在本次会议结束前,被害者拥有一次机会回答通灵师的问题,(死亡玩家使用「/ms 是」或「/ms 否」)回答是或否\n注意:通灵师不会成为胆小鬼",
- "ObserverInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n观察者可以看到其他玩家的碎盾动画。首次会议召开前观察者的技能不会生效",
+ "ObserverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Observer, you can see all Shield Animations caused by other players after the first meeting. The Shield Animations typically indicate a role ability, so look out for this.",
"MonarchInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n君主可以让玩家成为骑士来给他们额外的票数。君主不能让已经有额外票数的人当选骑士。获得骑士的玩家会出现一个金色的名字\n如果受封的骑士玩家还存活,则无法猜测或驱逐君主",
- "PacifistInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n和平之鸽可以通过使用通风管道进行歌颂,在场所有拥有击杀键的玩家的击杀/技能冷却时间会被重置。当和平之鸽成为叛徒时歌颂只对船员生效。",
- "OverseerInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n预言家的视野非常有限。但预言家可以使用击杀按钮来揭示附近玩家的身份。使用揭示按钮开始预言时\n「○」将在显示玩家目标旁边。在指定的时间内靠近目标,以揭示它的身份。如果离目标太远,预言就会中止",
+ "PacifistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWhen the Pacifist Vents, they will reset the Kill Cooldown for every player with a Kill button. When they become a Madmate, this ability will only work on Crewmates.",
+ "OverseerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs The Overseer, you have minimal vision, but you can use your Kill button to reveal the role of a nearby player. A 「○」 will be displayed next to the revealed target after you use the Kill button on them, and you will also be scanning them (only you can see this). Stay near the target for a defined time to reveal his role; if you move too far away, the reveal will cancel.",
"CoronerInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n验尸官不能报告尸体。在试图报告尸体后,验尸官会看到一个指向凶手的箭头。如果召开会议,箭头将消失。根据房主设置,验尸官发现的尸体无法报告。",
"PresidentInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n总统可以强制结束会议和展示自己的身份。总统在会议中输入「/finish」,立即结束会议。总统在会议中输入「/reveal」,展示自己的身份。输入展示身份的指令后,总统将无法被猜测。在总统展示身份后,无论谁击杀了总统,其下一次击杀时的CD都将缩短为1秒",
- "MerchantInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n商人可以每完成一个任务就会向随机玩家出售一个随机附加职业。出售的附加职业都能为商人带来钱,如果商人有一定的钱,商人可以通过贿赂带刀玩家来避免对商人的击杀。被贿赂的玩家不能击杀商人,但商人不知道带刀玩家是谁",
+ "MerchantInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs a merchant, you sell a random Add-on to a random player for each task you complete. Each Add-on sold earns you money. If you have a certain amount of money, you can prevent the next killing attempt against you by bribing the murderer. The bribed player won't be able to kill you, but you don't know who it is. The money used is lost and not available for additional bribes.",
"RetributionistInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n惩罚者死后可以击杀有限数量的玩家,但在任务全部完成的情况下才能击杀(房主设置)\n使用 /ret [玩家 ID]进行击杀\n你可以在玩家名字前看到该玩家的编号,或者使用/id指令查看所有玩家的编号。",
- "HawkInfoLong": "(船员阵营 [幽灵]):\n猎鹰是第一个船员死亡后会获得的职业(之一)。猎鹰可以使用守护天使的保护技能来击杀玩家,成功击杀玩家的概率由房主设置。多次击杀同一个人会增加成功击杀的概率",
- "DeputyInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n捕快可以使用击杀按钮给目标戴上手铐。\n目标的下一次击杀相当于破坏手铐,重置击杀冷却。\n如果目标没有击杀按钮,那么手铐就是个废物",
- "InvestigatorInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n研究者可以使用击杀按钮调查某人。当您调查某人时,如果他拥有击杀按钮,他的名字将显示为红色;如果他没有击杀按钮,他的名字将显示为浅蓝色。但请注意,当召集会议时,名字的颜色将恢复正常。",
+ "HawkInfoLong": "(Crewmates [Ghost]):\nAs the Hawk, you can kill a limited amount of players decided by the Host, though there's a chance you miss, slicing someone multiple times increases the chances.",
+ "DeputyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Deputy, use your Kill button to handcuff a player.\nThe player who is handcuffed will have their next kill attempt treated as a handcuff break, and the Kill Cooldown will be reset.\n\nIf the target does not have a Kill button, then the handcuff was a waste.",
+ "InvestigatorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs an Investigator, you can use your Kill button to investigate someone. When you investigate someone, their name will appear in red if they possess a Kill button (impostor/Shapeshifter basis) or light blue if they lack a Kill button (Crewmate/Engineer/Scientist basis). However, please note that the color of the names will return to normal when someone calls a meeting.",
"GuardianInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n守护者完成任务时将获得庇护无敌。甚至在会议上都不会被赌",
- "AddictInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n瘾君子可以使用通风管来获得护盾。但是护盾结束后会让瘾君子一段时间内无法移动。如果瘾君子在通风管冷却结束后,且长时间没使用通风管,则会自杀",
- "MoleInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n鼹鼠使用通风管时,会在通风管停留1秒。 当鼹鼠从通风管出来时,鼹鼠将传送到随机的通风管上 (除了鼹鼠刚才使用的那个)",
+ "AddictInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Addict, you have a suicide timer. When it expires, you kill yourself.\nThe timer is indicated by the Vent Cooldown. When the Vent Cooldown is 0 seconds, you still have a short time to Vent.\nIf you don't make it, you die; if you make it, the Suicide Timer is reset.\nAlso after you Vent, no one can interact with you for a defined period.\nAfter; the period is over, and you are immobilized for another defined period, and cannot Report any bodies.",
+ "MoleInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Mole, when you Vent, you stay in the Vent for 1 second. When you exit the Vent, you will spawn near a random Vent in the map (Except the one you used).",
"AlchemistInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n炼金术士可以通过完成任务来制作药水。药水显示在名字下面,使用通风管喝下药水\n炼金术士药水的效果如下:\n\n抗性药水:给予临时护盾\n夜视药水:暂时增强视野\n隐身药水:暂时隐形\n传送药水:传送至随机玩家的位置\n剧毒药水:给予自己中毒\n水瓶:没有作用",
- "KamikazeInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n神风特攻队单击对目标进行标记,双击正常击杀。当神风特攻队死亡后,所有被神风特攻队标记的目标都会死亡。死亡原因为:目标",
- "TracefinderInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n寻迹者可以像科学家一样获取生命体征。此外,寻迹者会得到指向尸体的箭头",
+ "KamikazeInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Kamikaze you can single click to mark players. Double-click to kill normally. When you die, all marked also die, with death reason Targeted.",
+ "TracefinderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Tracefinder, you can access Vitals at any time.\nIn addition, you get arrows pointing to dead bodies, with a delay set by the Host.",
"OracleInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n神谕可以在会议期间投票给玩家。神谕会看到他们是船员阵营、中立阵营还是内鬼阵营。根据设置的不同,结果有可能不正确",
"SpiritualistInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n灵魂论者会得到一个箭头,指向上次会议受害者的鬼魂。如果受害者是站在船员这边的,他们可能会把灵魂论者引向邪恶职业。注意!因为邪恶职业也会对船员做同样的事情。",
- "ChameleonInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n变色龙可以使用通风管进行隐形。隐形时,没有人能看见变色龙。隐形时使用通风管会暴露自己",
- "InspectorInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n检查员可以检查两名玩家是否在同一阵营。如果他们在同一阵营,则显示肯定信息。如果他们不在同一阵营中,则显示否定消息。所有中立玩家和船员玩家都被计算在同一阵营中。骗术师被计算为船员,流氓被计算为内鬼\n检查指令:/cmp [1号玩家 ID] [2号玩家 ID]",
- "CaptainInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n每完成一个任务,舰长就会获得减缓一个随机的非船员职业速度的技能。除了舰长的名字,船员们还可以看到「☆」\n如果背叛了舰长的信任,投票驱逐舰长,自己就会失去一个附加职业。",
- "AdmirerInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n仰慕者可以仰慕一名玩家,使他们加入船员阵营。被仰慕的玩家会跟随船员阵营获胜。\n仰慕者只能仰慕一次玩家。即使之后被仰慕的玩家的阵营发生改变,仰慕的玩家也不能再仰慕他。",
- "TimeMasterInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n时间之主可以使用通风口标记每个人的位置。再次使用该技能时,每个活着的玩家都会被倒回标记的位置。在该技能持续时间内,时间之主获得一个时间盾,保护他们免于死亡",
- "CrusaderInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n十字军可以使用击杀键来给予玩家护盾。若护盾生效期间该玩家受到了攻击,则十字军会反杀攻击者",
- "AltruistInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n殉道者可以牺牲自己复活它人。通过报告尸体来使用技能。\n注意:如果被报告的人死了且退出游戏,殉道者会直接报告,不触发技能。\n被复活的玩家也不能报告自己的尸体.\n通过钻洞按钮来切换报告按钮的功能为报告或复活。",
- "ReverieInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n遐想者可以击杀,但开始时击杀冷却时间较长。如果击杀了一名船员,冷却时间会延长,反之则会缩短。根据房主设置,遐想者可能会在达到最大击杀冷却时间时误杀,导致目标与遐想者同归于尽。",
- "LookoutInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n瞭望者可以随时看到每个玩家的ID。变形者的id显示为本体的id,这可以让瞭望者看到变形和伪装。",
- "TelecommunicationInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n当有人使用监控、生命体征、日志或管理室的定位地图时,通信员会收到通知",
- "LighterInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n执灯人可以通过使用通风管道来暂时增加自己的视野。在灯没有熄灭或熄灭时,执灯人的视野都会增加!",
+ "ChameleonInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chameleon, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible.",
+ "InspectorInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nCheck If two players are in the same team or not. You will get an affirmation message if they are on the same team or a denial message if they are not on the same team.\n\nAll Neutrals and converted players are counted in the same team. Trickster counts as Crewmate, and Rascal counts as Impostor.\nChecking command: /cmp [player id 1] [player id 2].",
+ "CaptainInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nWith each completed task, the Captain gains the power to slow down a random non-Crewmate role. Crewmates can see ☆besides Captain's name.\n\nIf anyone betrays the Captain's trust by voting Captain out, they will lose an Add-on.",
+ "AdmirerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Admirer, admire a player to make them Crewmate aligned.\nThey'll win with Crewmates and not their original team.\n\nYou can only do this once per player.",
+ "TimeMasterInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Time Master, use the Vents to mark everyone's position.\nWhen using the ability again, every alive player will rewind to the marked positions.\n\nDuring the ability duration, the Time Master gains a time shield, which protects them from death.",
+ "CrusaderInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Crusader, use your Kill button to crusade a player.\nIf that player gets attacked, you'll kill the attacker.",
+ "AltruistInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Altruist, you can sacrifice yourself to revive a dead body using the «Report» button.\nNote: If a dead player has left the game, you report that body normally.\nAlso revived player cannot report self dead body\nUse the Vent button to change between Report & Revive.",
+ "ReverieInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Reverie, you can kill, but your Cooldown starts high.\n\nIt increases if you kill a Crewmate and reduces otherwise.\nDepending on the Host's setting, you may misfire on reaching the maximum Kill Cooldown, and your target dies with you. \n\nYou win with other Crewmates.",
+ "LookoutInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Lookout, you can see the ID's of every player at all times.\nThis allows you to see through Shapeshifts and Camouflages.",
+ "TelecommunicationInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Telecommunication, you are notified when anyone uses Cameras, Vitals, Door Logs, or Admin.",
+ "LighterInfoLong": "(Crewmate):\nAs the Lighter, you can Vent to increase your vision temporarily.\nYou have increased vision both when lights are not out and when lights are out.\nUse this power to catch sneaky killers!",
"TaskManagerInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n任务管理者可以看到自己身份名称旁边的已完成任务总数(所有人共同完成的),并会实时更新",
- "WitnessInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n目击者对某人使用击杀按钮时,目击者会知道他是否在最后X秒内被击杀。(X取决于设置)。如果该玩家没使用击杀,会显示「√」。相反,使用击杀的玩家会显示「⚠」",
- "SwapperInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n换票师可以在会议时交换任意2人的票数,使用换票指令可以选择第一位玩家,再次使用换票指令可以选择第二位玩家,然后进行换票。\n换票指令:/sw [玩家编号]\n你可以在玩家名字前看到该玩家的编号,或者使用/id指令查看所有玩家的编号\n根据房主设置,换票师可以交换自己的票数",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n可以将带刀船员招募到警长的队伍来为船员服务\n注:只有一次招募机会\n根据设置,您可以招募非带刀玩家或非船员。\n你可能会因为招募了错误的目标而自杀。",
+ "WitnessInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Witness, when you use your Kill button on someone, you will know if they killed in the last X seconds or not. (X depends on the settings).",
+ "SwapperInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Swapper, you can swap votes in meetings.\n\nTo swap votes, use '/sw [playerID]' twice.\n\nPlayer ID's are displayed next to player names in meetings, but you can also use /id to get a list of all player ID's.\n\nNote: Depending on the Host's settings, you can exchange your own votes.",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Chief of Police, you can recruit a player to be a Sheriff(only once per game).\nDepending on the settings, you may recruit non-Crewmates or players without a Kill button.\nYou may suicide when you recruit a wrong player.",
"NiceMiniInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n好迷你船员的生存至关重要。在你长大之前,你不会被杀死,如果你在长大之前死亡或被驱逐出会议,那么所有人都会输掉游戏。这个独特的角色为游戏增添了新的活力,你的生存不仅是为了自己的利益,也是为了整个团队的成功。",
- "SpyInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n当有人对间谍使用击杀/技能时,间谍会在几秒钟内看到该玩家的名字是橙色的\n注意:如果带刀船员对间谍使用了技能,间谍会看到带刀船员的名字是橙色的\n注意:如果间谍已经没有技能次数了,就看不到橙色的名字\n注意:如果击杀阻止,带刀玩家的冷却时间将重置为10秒",
- "RandomizerInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n萧暮被击杀时,会给击杀萧暮的玩家执行以下操作之一:\n1. 强制报告尸体\n2. 暂时无法移动\n3. 将其击杀冷却时间设置为 600 秒\n4. 随机为一名玩家复仇.",
- "ArsonistInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n纵火犯可以通过对玩家点击击杀按钮并跟随其数秒来完成涂油,开始涂油以及涂油成功时会显示护盾破碎的动画作为提示(仅自己可见)。当所有存活玩家都被纵火犯涂油后,纵火犯可以通过跳通风管来点火,并单独获得胜利。\n\n玩家名显示「△」表示涂油中。\n玩家名显示「▲」表示已涂油。\n根据设置的不同,纵火犯可以随时点火",
+ "SpyInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Spy, when someone uses their Kill button on you (any ability used through the Kill button), you'll see their name in orange for a few seconds.\nNote: If a Crewmate used their ability on you, you'll also see them with an orange name!\nNote: If you cannot use left, you won't see orange names!\nNote: If the Kill button interaction is blocked, the player's Cooldown will reset to 10s'",
+ "RandomizerInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs this Randomizer, when you die, your killer will do one of the following:\n 1. self-report your body\n 2. stand next to your body\n 3. have their Kill Cooldown set to 600s\n 4. Randomly avenge a player.",
+ "ArsonistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Arsonist can douse a player by clicking the Kill button on the player and following them for a few seconds. When the dousing starts and it's successful, a Shield Animation will happen as a reminder (only visible to themselves). When the Arsonist has doused all surviving players, the Arsonist can Vent to start the fire and win alone.\n\nIf the player name shows 「△」, that means they are being doused;\nif the player name shows 「▲」, it means they have been completely doused.\nDepending on the setting, Arsonist may start the fire anytime. But if he fails to kill everyone, he loses.",
"EnigmaInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n猜想者每次会议都会获得有关带刀玩家的随机线索。根据设置,猜想者可能需要报告尸体才能获得线索。 完成的任务越多,得到的线索就越精确",
- "PyromaniacInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n焚烧狂可以浇灭玩家。每当焚烧狂击杀被浇灭的玩家时,焚烧狂的击杀冷却时间就会非常短",
- "HuntsmanInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n猎人会有一定数量的目标,这些目标每次会议后都会重置。如果猎人击杀了其中一个目标,猎人的击杀冷却时间就会永久减少设定值。如果猎人击杀的不是猎人的目标,而是其他人,猎人的击杀冷却时间就会永久增加设定值。猎人可以看到目标的彩色名称。",
+ "PyromaniacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pyromaniac, you can douse players (single click) or kill normally (double click). Dousing players do nothing immediately, but killing a doused player will significantly shorten your Kill Cooldown. To win, be the last player alive.",
+ "HuntsmanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Huntsman, you are given a certain number of targets that reset every meeting. If you successfully eliminate one of your targets, your Kill Cooldown goes down permanently by the set amount. However, if you kill someone not one of your targets, your Kill Cooldown permanently increases by the set amount. A colored name indicates your targets.",
"MiniInfoLong": "(船员阵营或内鬼阵营):\n迷你船员有两种身份。要么是好迷你船员,要么是坏迷你船员。\n详情玩法请使用「/r 好迷你船员」和「/r 坏迷你船员」",
"JesterInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n小丑被票出则小丑单独游戏胜利。游戏结束时若小丑仍存活则小丑输掉游戏",
"TerroristInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n恐怖分子在完成所有任务后死亡,则恐怖分子单独获得胜利。(怎么死都行,包括票死,反正死了就行)",
"ExecutionerInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n游戏开始时处刑人会被分配到一个处刑目标,并在其昵称旁用菱形「♦」表示。若处刑目标被击杀,则处刑者的职业会根据设置变换。如果处刑目标在会议中被票出则处刑人胜利。处刑人死亡后目标被票出也能胜利",
"LawyerInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n游戏开始时律师会被分配到一个目标,并在其昵称旁用菱形「♦」表示。若律师目标胜利,则律师一起胜利。若律师的目标死亡,将依据房主设置变换。\n注意:律师死亡后也可以胜利",
"OpportunistInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n若投机者在游戏结束时存活,则投机者跟随获胜玩家一同获得胜利",
- "VectorInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n马里奥跳管达到一定次数就会单独获得胜利",
- "JackalInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n豺狼可以使用击杀按钮进行招募。如果目标不是可以招募的,要么招募次数已经用完了,要么房主没开招募的选项,那么豺狼将正常击杀(也就是说,不要在其他人面前使用击杀按钮,以为这样就能招募)。如果目标有击杀按钮,并且开启了招募跟班的选项,那么他们就会变成跟班。根据设置,当豺狼被击杀时,会随机选择一个跟班作为新的豺狼。\n如果没有跟班活着,可以选择招募。",
+ "VectorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nVector will win alone by Venting a certain number of times.",
+ "JackalInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Jackal, you win if you are the last player alive. Additionally, you may recruit using the Kill button. If the target is not one you can recruit, you have run out of uses, or you don't have the option to recruit, then you will kill people normally (i.e., don't use Kill buttons in front of others thinking it'll recruit). If the target has a Kill button and the option to turn into a Sidekick is on, they will become a Sidekick. Otherwise, they will gain the Recruit Add-on if the option to give the Recruit Add-on is on.\nDepending on the settings, when Jackal was killed, a Sidekick will be randomly selected as the new Jackal.\nRecruit may be selected if no Sidekick is alive.",
"GodInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n神从一开始就知道所有人的身份,而神只要活到最后就会抢走胜利",
- "InnocentInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n冤罪师可以用击杀键栽赃任意一位玩家,被栽赃的目标会立刻击杀冤罪师,若目标在会议上被驱逐则冤罪师获胜",
- "PelicanInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n仅剩鹈鹕阵营与船员阵营且鹈鹕阵营人数大于船员人数,鹈鹕获得胜利。鹈鹕可以使用击杀键活吞一位玩家(被活吞的玩家将被传送到地图外且无法与游戏互动),活吞成功后鹈鹕将看到自己身上出现盾牌破碎的动画作为提示。紧急会议或报告尸体会导致鹈鹕吞下的所有玩家立刻死亡。若鹈鹕死亡或掉线,则被吞下的所有玩家立刻回到鹈鹕死亡的位置。\n请注意:鹈鹕吞人不是正常击杀方式,因此保镖、老兵等职业技能不会生效。",
- "RevolutionistInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n革命家可以通过对玩家点击击杀按钮并跟随其数秒来拉拢玩家,开始拉拢以及拉拢成功时会显示护盾破碎的动画作为提示(仅自己可见)。玩家有概率在被拉拢后立刻牺牲(概率根据房主设定)。当达到指定的拉拢人数(人数根据房主设定)后并在规定时间内跳进通风管道,则革命家以及所有被拉拢的玩家获胜;若没有在规定时间内跳进通风管道则革命家以及所有被拉拢的玩家死亡;倒计时期间若革命家被杀,则无事发生;若召开了紧急会议,则革命家死亡。\n请注意:被拉拢后牺牲的玩家依然可以跟随革命家胜利。并单独获得胜利。\n\n玩家名显示「○」表示拉拢中。\n玩家名显示「●」表示已拉拢。",
- "HaterInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\nFFF团不会成为恋人或海王。FFF团拥有无限且没有冷却的击杀能力,同时FFF团敏锐的观察力使他默认拥有内鬼的视野。FFF团可以击杀恋人和大多数招募类职业,击杀其他玩家则会立刻牺牲。游戏结束时,FFF团如果至少有过一次有效击杀,无论是否活着,FFF团将跟随获胜阵营胜利。\n请注意:FFF团的胜利条件不包括存活。",
+ "InnocentInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Innocent can use the Kill button to plant any player, and the planted target will immediately kill the Innocent. If the target gets voted out in the meeting, the Innocent wins. Note: Jester, Executioner, and Innocent can win together.",
+ "PelicanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pelican, you can use the Kill button to swallow a player alive, teleporting them off-bounds but not killing them yet. Those swallowed will only die if you're still alive at the end of the round. If you die or leave during the round, all alive swallowed players will spawn into the map where you were.",
+ "RevolutionistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Revolutionist, you can recruit players by clicking the Kill button on the player and following them until the Shield Animation plays for you. Recruiting has a chance, set by the Host, to kill players (though they are still recruited). When the required number of players are recruited (displayed next to your name), you must Vent within the specified time to win the game immediately with all your recruits. If you do not Vent in time, you lose and die.",
+ "HaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Hater, you have no Kill Cooldown. However, depending on the settings, you can only kill Lovers and other Recruiting Roles and Add-ons. Killing anyone else will make you suicide. You win at the end of the game with the winning team if none of the killable roles are alive. You will not be Lovers.",
"DemonInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n仅剩玩家阵营与船员阵营且玩家阵营人数大于船员人数,玩家获得胜利。玩家的击杀规则与其他人不同,玩家视角下所有人拥有血量,玩家击杀以及被击杀改为消耗血量,当血量耗空时击杀才会生效。请注意:若其他人消耗玩家血量但没有成功击杀玩家时,凶手会看到玩家身上出现护盾破碎动画作为提示。",
- "StalkerInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n潜藏者可以击杀任何人,且每次击杀都会立刻造成电力破坏(若电力已经被破坏则无事发生)。潜藏者无法使用通风管道。若潜藏者存活时内鬼胜利或船员通过击杀内鬼胜利(根据房主设定船员击杀中立玩家胜利时潜藏者也可能抢夺胜利),则潜藏者抢夺胜利。",
+ "StalkerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Stalker can kill anyone, and every kill will immediately cause a Lights Sabotage (if Lights Sabotage is already active, nothing will happen). Stalker cannot Vent. If the Impostor wins while the Stalker is alive or the Crewmate wins by killing the Impostors (according to the Host's setting, the Stalker may also win when the Crewmate wins by killing the Neutrals), then the Stalker wins alone.",
"WorkaholicInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n工作狂拥有更多的任务,当工作狂完成所有任务后单独胜利。根据房主的设置,工作狂只有在活着的情况下才能获胜,和/或 在一开始就向所有人展示工作狂的身份(这些设置几乎从不同时开启)。",
- "SolsticerInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n至日者无法死亡的,只要做完任务就朝圣成功获胜了,但是每一轮会议后至日者的任务都会被重置。\n注意:试图击杀至日者会让至日者像被鹈鹕吞掉一样传送到地图外,击杀者的CD被重置为10秒\n注意:根据设定,至日者可能知道试图击杀他的人的职业。在至日者将要完成任务时,带刀玩家会得到指向至日者的箭头。\n至日者在游戏中为无阵营",
+ "SolsticerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Solsticer, you won't die, and you win by finishing all your tasks in a single round. After every meeting finishes, your tasks reset, and you need to start all over again.\nVotes on the Solsticer will be directly canceled.\nKill attempts on the Solsticer will teleport it out of the map like Pelican until the meeting is finished.\nThe killer's Kill Cooldown will be reset to 10 seconds.\nSolsticer is counted as nothing in-game.",
"CollectorInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n集票者投票给一名玩家后,可以收集到本次会议该玩家被投的所有票数。当集票者收集到指定数量的票后,则集票者单独胜利。请注意:集票者的胜利优先于驱逐玩家。",
- "GlitchInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n缺点者可以入侵玩家(单击)或正常击杀(双击)。缺点者可以黑进玩家,让他们在一段时间内无法击杀、使用通风管和报告尸体。此外,除门以外的破坏行为不会产生任何效果。",
+ "GlitchInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Glitch, you can hack players (single click) or kill normally (double click).\nThose who have been hacked cannot kill, Vent, or report for the hack duration.\nAdditionally, calling a Sabotage other than doors will have no effect and will instead disguise you as a random player. You cannot disguise during or after Sabotages.\nTo win, be the last player alive.",
"SidekickInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n跟班的职责是帮助豺狼击杀所有人。\n你和豺狼同赢共败。\n根据设置,如果老豺狼被杀,你可能会变成新的豺狼。\n在老豺狼死之前,你可能无法进行击杀。",
- "ProvocateurInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n自爆卡车可以用击杀键与任意目标同归于尽。若游戏结束时目标输了,则自爆卡车与胜利阵营一起胜利。",
- "BloodKnightInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n仅剩嗜血骑士阵营与船员阵营且嗜血骑士阵营人数大于船员人数,嗜血骑士获得胜利。嗜血骑士每次击杀后都可以获得一定时间的护盾,护盾可以抵消所有常规击杀,直到护盾超时失效。",
- "PlagueBearerInfoLong": "(灾厄职业):\n瘟疫使者可以使用击杀按钮将其他玩家变成瘟疫。一旦变成瘟疫,瘟疫使者将拥有不死之身!并获击杀能力。且瘟疫使者将击杀任何试图击杀瘟疫使者的玩家。\n此外,当受感染瘟疫的玩家与未受感染瘟疫的玩家互动时,也会受到瘟疫感染",
+ "ProvocateurInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Provocateur, you can kill any target with the Kill button. If the target loses at the end of the game, the Provocateur wins with the winning team.",
+ "BloodKnightInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Blood Knight wins when they're the last killing role alive, and the amount of Crewmates is lower or equal to the amount of Blood Knights. The Blood Knight gains a temporary shield after every kill, making them immortal for a few seconds.",
+ "PlagueBearerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Plaguebearer, plague everyone using your Kill button to turn into Pestilence.\nOnce you turn into Pestilence, you will become immortal and gain the ability to kill, and you will kill anyone who tries to kill you.\n\nAlso, when infected players interact with uninfected players, they will also be infected.",
"PestilenceInfoLong": "(灾厄职业):\n瘟疫是瘟疫使者感染玩家后得到的职业,瘟疫在大部分情况下是无法击杀的,任何试图击杀瘟疫的人都会适得其反,瘟疫可以在被投票、被下咒的情况下死亡。你变身后,会议上的每个人都知道了你的到来。",
- "SoulCollectorInfoLong": "(灾厄职业):\n灵魂收集者可以对玩家使用击杀按钮来预测他们的死亡。如果目标在选择他们的回合或之后的会议中死亡,将获得一个灵魂。目标会在每次会议或死亡后重置\n一旦收集到设置的灵魂数量,就会成为死亡。如果启用了被动获得灵魂的设置,则每次会议都会获得一个灵魂。",
+ "SoulCollectorInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs Soul Collector, you can use your Kill button on a player to predict their death. You will gain a Soul if your target dies in the round you select them or the meeting after.\nYour target resets after each meeting or after they die, whichever comes first. \n\nOnce you collect the configurable amount of Souls, you become Death. If the gain passive Souls setting is enabled, you will gain a Soul each meeting.",
"DeathInfoLong": "(灾厄职业):\n一旦灵魂收集者收集到所需的灵魂,就会变成死亡。死亡会击杀所有人。如果死亡在会议结束前没有被驱逐,死亡就赢了。在死亡变身的会议上会有可设置的额外会议时间,以便有更多的讨论时间来找到死亡\n死亡是无敌的,在变身之后,死亡的存在会在会议上向所有人宣布",
- "BakerInfoLong": "(灾厄职业):\n面包师可以在每一轮中使用击杀按钮来给一名玩家面包。一旦有设定数量的玩家存活并拥有面包,面包师就会变成饥荒。如果面包有额外的效果并且设置已开启,那么可以通过使用通风管来改变面包师给出的面包。\n\n面包效果:\n1.揭示:向面包师揭示目标的职业(在整个游戏中保持不变)\n2.击杀封锁:在目标尝试击杀时直接重置其击杀冷却\n3.护盾:为目标玩家提供一个只有面包师知道的护盾(会议后护盾会被移除)",
- "FamineInfoLong": "(灾厄职业):\n一旦面包师有了一定数量的面包幸存者,面包幸存者就会变成饥荒。所有没有面包的玩家都会饿死(不包括其他灾厄玩家)。所有没有面包的玩家饿死之后,饥荒可以使用击杀来饿死剩余的玩家,这些玩家会在下一次会议之前被杀死\n你是无敌的,在你转变后,你的存在会在会议中被所有人宣布",
+ "BakerInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs the Baker, you can use your Kill Button on a player per round to give them bread. \nOnce a set amount of players are alive with bread, you become Famine.\n\nIf the Bread gives additional effects and the setting is on, then you can Vent to change the bread that you give out. \nBread Effects:\nReveal: Reveals the target's role to the Baker (stays the whole game)\nRoleblock: Resets the target's Kill Cooldown when they try to use their Kill Button\nBarrier: Gives the target a Barrier that is only known to the Baker (Barrier is removed after the meeting)",
+ "FamineInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nOnce the Baker has a set amount of people with bread alive, they will become Famine. If the Famine does not get voted out after the meeting, then they will become Famine, and every player without bread will starve (excluding other Apocalypse members).\nAfter this starvation of everyone without bread, Famine can use their Kill Button to starve any remaining players, which will kill those players right before the next meeting.\n\nYou are invincible, and your presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
"BerserkerInfoLong": "(灾厄职业):\n狂战士每次击杀玩家都会提升等级。达到房主设置的等级后,就能解锁新的buff。\n1.获得清道夫的击杀方式。\n2.击杀会让玩家爆炸。且击杀时要小心,因为如果其它灾厄职业玩家在附近,这可能会击杀它们。\n3达到一定等级后,就会成为战争者",
- "WarInfoLong": "(灾厄职业):\n战争者将变得无敌,击杀冷却时间更短,并能用以前的buff击杀\n变身后,会议上的每个人都知道了战争者的到来",
- "FollowerInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n赌徒可以通过击杀键在任何玩家身上下注,且中途可以切换下注目标。若下注目标胜利,则赌徒一起胜利。\n注意:赌徒死亡后也可以胜利。",
- "CultistInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n仅剩魅魔阵营与船员阵营且魅魔阵营人数大于船员人数,魅魔阵营获得胜利。魅魔可以通过击杀键魅惑一位非中立玩家。被魅惑的玩家技能不会改变,并被视为魅魔阵营,且不再具有原先的胜利条件。",
+ "WarInfoLong": "(Apocalypse):\nAs War, you are invincible, have a lower Kill Cooldown, and can kill anyone with your previous powers.\nYour presence is announced to everyone at the meeting after you transform.",
+ "FollowerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Follower can use their Kill Button on someone to start following them and can use the Kill Button again to switch the following target. If the Follower's target wins, the Follower will win along with them. Note: The Follower can also win after they die.",
+ "CultistInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cultist, your Kill Button is used to Charm others, making them win with you. To win, charm all who pose a threat and gain the majority.\nDepending on settings, you may be able to charm Neutrals, and those you Charm may count as their original team, nothing, or a Cultist to determine when you win due to majority.",
"SerialKillerInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n如果连环杀手是最后存活的玩家,那么连环杀手获胜",
- "JuggernautInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n天启每次成功击杀都会减少他的击杀冷却",
+ "JuggernautInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Juggernaut, your Kill Cooldown decreases with each kill you make.\n\nKill everyone to win.",
"InfectiousInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n感染者使用击杀感染玩家。如果感染者死了,所有被感染者感染的玩家都会在下次会议后死亡",
- "VirusInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n病毒击杀一名玩家时,该玩家的尸体就会感染病毒。报告这具尸体的玩家则被感染并加入了病毒阵营。如果病毒没有死亡,则感染病毒的玩家会在会议结束时死亡,这取决于设置",
+ "VirusInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe task of the Virus is to kill or infect all other players. When the Virus murders a Crewmate, their corpse is infected with a virus. The Crewmate who reports this corpse is infected joins the virus team or dies at the end of the meeting if the Virus doesn't get voted out, depending on the settings. If more players are on the Virus team than the Crewmate team, the Virus team wins.",
"PursuerInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n使用空包弹可以让其他玩家击杀无效,存活到最后一起获胜",
"SpecterInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n幽灵被击杀后并完成任务,也可以在存活时完成任务。且存活无法胜利。如果被击杀了,且任务完成了,幽灵就和获胜的阵营一起获胜。也可以抢夺胜利(房主设置)",
- "PirateInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n决斗者可以使用击杀键对一名玩家做标记,开会时决斗者会与被标记的目标决斗。如果决斗者与目标都选择了同样的数字,决斗者获胜。另外,如果决斗者赢得决斗,或是目标没有决斗的话,目标将会自杀。\n决斗指令:\n- /duel X(X可以为0,1或2)\n注:目标没有参与决斗(掉线),则该次击杀将不会计入决斗的胜利",
- "AgitaterInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n煽动者对一名玩家使用击杀按钮来传递炸弹,每轮只能传递一次。收到炸弹的玩家收到炸弹时会收到通知,需要通过靠近一名玩家将炸弹传递给另一名玩家",
- "MaverickInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n独行者可以像连环杀手一样击杀。但是,独行者与获胜的阵营一起获胜",
- "CursedSoulInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n诅咒之人还可以夺取其他玩家的灵魂。没有灵魂的玩家与诅咒之人一起获胜并被视为死亡",
+ "PirateInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pirate, use your Kill button to select a target every round.\nYou will duel with your target in the next meeting. \nIf both the Pirate and the target choose the same number, the Pirate wins.\nAdditionally, if the Pirate wins the duel or the target doesn't participate in the duel, the Pirate kills the target.\n\nDueling command: /duel X (where X can be 0, 1, or 2)\n\nYou win after winning a certain number of duels set by the Host.\n\nNote: The kill would not count towards Pirate victory if the target did not participate in the duel.",
+ "AgitaterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Agitator, your premise is essentially Hot Potato.\n\nUse your Kill Button on a player to pass the bomb.\nThis can only be done once per round.\n\nThe player who receives the bomb will be notified when receiving said bomb, in which they need to pass it to another player by getting near a player.\n\nWhen a meeting is called, the player with the bomb dies.\n\nIf trying to pass to Pestilence or a Veteran on alert, the bombed player dies instead.\nOptionally, the Agitator cannot receive the bomb.",
+ "MaverickInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Maverick, you can kill and, depending on options, Vent and have Impostor vision\nIf you survive until the end of the game, you win with the winning team.\nUse your killing ability to eliminate threats to your life, but don't get voted out.",
+ "CursedSoulInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Cursed Soul, you steal the victory if you survive to the end of the game.\n\nYou can steal the win from a Jester or Executioner.\n\nAdditionally, you can steal the Souls of other players.\nSoulless players win with you and count as dead.",
"PickpocketInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n小偷可以从击杀中窃取选票",
"TraitorInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n背叛者知道内鬼,但内鬼不知道背叛者。内鬼可以击杀背叛者,但背叛者不能击杀内鬼。通过其他方式击杀内鬼,然后击杀其他人获胜",
- "TrollerInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n暴君可以通过完成任务,让随机事件发生在玩家身上。例如,改变所有玩家的速度、传送、影响破坏等\n暴君与获胜的阵营一起获胜",
- "VultureInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n秃鹫报告一具尸体时,且秃鹫的进食冷却时间到了,秃鹫可以吃掉尸体。如果秃鹫的进食技能仍然处于冷却状态,那么秃鹫会正常报告尸体。此外,如果达到每轮吃掉的最大尸体数,秃鹫将正常报告尸体",
+ "TrollerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs a Troller, you can complete tasks so that random events can happen to players.\nFor example, changing the speed of all players, teleportation, influencing Sabotage, etc.\nAlso you can win with the winning team.",
+ "VultureInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Vulture, report bodies to win!\n\nWhen you report a body, if your Eat Cooldown is up, you'll eat the body (makes it unreportable).\nIf your eat ability is still on Cooldown, then you'll report the body normally.\n\nAdditionally, you'll report bodies normally if the maximum bodies eaten per round is reached.",
"AbyssbringerInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n深渊使者可以放置黑洞。黑洞将玩家吸入并在与他们碰撞时击杀他们。",
- "TaskinatorInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n任务执行者完成任务时,任务就会被轰炸。 当其他玩家完成被炸任务时,炸弹就会爆炸,玩家就会死亡\n注意:任务执行者放置的炸弹忽略所有保护\n例如:医生的护盾",
+ "TaskinatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Taskinator, whenever you finish a task, the task will be bombed. When another player completes the bombed task, the bomb will detonate, and the player will die.\n\nYou win if you survive till the end and Crewmates don't win.\n\n Note: Taskinator bombs ignore all protection.",
"BenefactorInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n恩人每当完成一项任务,该任务就会被标记。当其他玩家完成被恩人标记的任务时,将获得一个临时护盾\n注意:护盾只能抵御直接击杀",
- "MedusaInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n美杜莎可以像清理尸体一样石化尸体\n他人无法报告被石化的尸体\n\n击杀所有人赢得胜利",
"SpiritcallerInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n灵魂召唤者可以把玩家被击杀后变成恶灵。这些恶灵可以通过短时间冻结其他玩家。或者阻挡他们的视线来帮助灵魂召唤者获胜。再或者,恶灵可以给灵魂召唤者一个护盾,短暂地保护灵魂召唤者免受被击杀",
- "AmnesiacInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n失忆者使用自己的报告按钮记住并获得目标的职业\n为了游戏平衡,当你的职业是失忆者的时候就不能使用通风口,即使你回忆起了自己的职业,你仍然无法使用通风口",
- "ImitatorInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n效仿者使用击杀按钮效仿一名玩家。效仿者会成为警长、逃亡者或中立.",
- "BanditInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n强盗可以使用击杀按钮偷取玩家的附加职业。根据设置,强盗可以立即或在会议开始后偷取附加职业。达到最大偷取次数后,只能正常击杀。此外,如果目标身上没有可偷取的附加职业,就会击杀目标\n注意:- 干净的、仅存内鬼和恋人不能被偷取",
- "DoppelgangerInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n替身者使用击杀按钮偷取玩家的身份(他们的名字和皮肤),然后击杀目标玩家。\n注意:- 隐蔽激活时,无法偷取目标身份",
+ "AmnesiacInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Amnesiac, use your report button to remember a target and get its role.\nTo balance the game, you will not be able to Vent after remembering your role if you can't Vent as Amnesiac.'",
+ "ImitatorInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Imitator, use your Kill button to imitate a player.\n\nYou'll either become a Sheriff, a Refugee, or some Neutral.",
+ "BanditInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Bandit, you can click your Kill button one time to steal a player's Add-on and twice to kill. Depending on the settings, you may instantly steal the Add-on or after the meeting starts. After the maximum number of steals is reached, you will kill normally. Additionally, if there are no stealable Add-ons on the target or the target is Stubborn, you will kill the target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: Cleansed, Last Impostor, and Lovers cannot be stolen.\nNote: If Bandit can Vent is on, Nimble will become unstealable.",
+ "DoppelgangerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Doppelganger, use your Kill button to steal a player's identity (their name and skin) and then kill your target.\n\nKill everyone to win.\n\nNote: You cannot steal the target's identity when Camouflage is active.",
"PunchingBagInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n受虐狂的目的是被击杀x次才能获胜(房主设置)。受虐狂不会被赌,因为这会增加受虐狂的受攻击次数",
- "DoomsayerInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n末日赌怪可以在会议期间猜测某个玩家的职业。如果是正确的,目标就会死亡,如果是错误的,就会自杀\n猜测指令为:/bt [玩家编号] [职业名]\n你可以在玩家名字前看到该玩家的编号,或者使用/id指令查看所有玩家的编号。",
- "ShroudInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n裹尸布不能进行正常的击杀。而是对玩家使用击杀按钮进行保护,被保护的玩家名字旁边打上「◈」标记。被保护的玩家在遇到其他玩家就会击杀。如果被保护的玩家活到会议后,且会议结束时裹尸布还活着,被保护的玩家就会死亡",
- "WerewolfInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n月下狼人可以在破坏灯光来进行击杀(不破坏灯光也可以击杀)。在破坏灯光时月下狼人的击杀冷却时间很短,且击杀时不会瞬移",
- "ShamanInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n萨满可以使用击杀按钮选择一个巫毒娃娃,每回合一次。如果有人对萨满使用了技能,效果会转移到巫毒娃娃身上",
- "SeekerInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n搜寻者使用击杀按钮标记目标。标记正确将获得正向点数,标记错误会被扣点。点数到达预设值即获胜。\n此外,在每次会议结束后和切换新目标后,搜寻者会被冻结5秒\n搜寻者将会在其目标的名字上看到 ★ 标记",
- "PixieInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n小精灵每轮使用击杀按钮可以标记多达x个目标。当会议开始时,小精灵的任务是将其中一个被标记的目标驱逐出去。如果没有驱逐成功,就会自杀,除非没有标记任何目标或所有目标都已死亡。会议结束后,所选目标重置为0。如果成功,将获得一分。可以看到所有目标的彩色名称\n当获得房主设定的一定分数时,小精灵将与获胜阵营一起获胜",
- "SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n如果有人试图对薛定谔的猫使用击杀技能,薛定谔的猫就会阻止击杀并加入击杀薛定谔的猫的玩家队伍。这种阻止击杀只生效一次。默认情况下,薛定谔的猫没有胜利条件,这意味着薛定谔的猫只有在更换阵营后才能胜利。此外,薛定谔的猫在游戏中将被视为无阵营\n注意:如果杀戮机器试图对薛定谔的猫使用击杀技能,互动不会被阻止,薛定谔的猫将会死亡",
- "RomanticInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n浪漫者可以使用击杀按钮挑选自己的恋人(这可以在游戏的任何时候进行)。一旦他们挑选了恋人,就可以使用击杀按钮为恋人提供一个临时护盾,保护他们免受攻击。如果浪漫者的恋人死亡,浪漫者的身份将根据以下条件发生变化:\n1. 如果浪漫者的恋人是内鬼,浪漫者将成为逃亡者\n2.如果浪漫者的恋人是带刀中立,那么浪漫者就会变成无情浪漫者\n3.如果浪漫者的恋人是船员或无刀中立,浪漫者就会变成复仇浪漫者\n注:如果浪漫者的身份发生变化,浪漫者的获胜条件也会相应改变",
- "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n如果浪漫者的恋人(带刀中立)被杀,浪漫者将转变为无情浪漫者,无情浪漫者击杀所有人并成为最后一个站着的人!\n死去的恋人也会和浪漫者一起赢",
- "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n如果浪漫者的恋人(船员或无刀中立)被杀,浪漫者将份转换为复仇浪漫者,复仇浪漫者的目标是为死去的恋人复仇,这意味着复仇浪漫者必须击杀杀害浪漫者恋人的玩家。如果复仇浪漫者成功做到这一点,复仇浪漫者和浪漫者的恋人都会获胜\n如果复仇浪漫者试图击杀的人不是杀害浪漫者恋人的玩家,那么复仇浪漫者将死于误杀",
- "PoisonerInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n投毒者能放毒在一名玩家身上,那名玩家将会延迟一段时间突然暴毙(跟吸血一样)",
- "HexMasterInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n巫师拥有两种攻击方式:直接击杀与诅咒(切换方式根据房主设定)\n被诅咒的目标会带有对全员可见的诅咒标记紫色(根据房主设定)的「乂」。\n如果会议结束时巫师未被驱逐或击杀,则被诅咒的目标死亡",
- "WraithInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n魅影无法正常使用管道。但可以通过通风管进入隐身状态,再次使用通风管则取消隐身状态",
- "JinxInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n每当扫把星受到攻击时,扫把星都会诅咒他们,导致他们死于厄运。技能次数有限。\n击杀所有人取胜。",
- "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n药剂师有三种药水,分别用于三种不同的行动: 揭示身份、双击击杀、破坏设施\n提示:揭示药水是有上限的。当你的药水用完时,会转变为击杀按钮。",
- "NecromancerInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n亡灵巫师在进入复仇模式前可以随意击杀。\n当亡灵巫师被击杀时,击杀会被取消,亡灵巫师将进入复仇模式,其会被传送到一个随机的通风口。\n亡灵巫师需要在指定时间内反杀杀手。如果成功反杀,即复仇成功,就能活下去。\n在复仇模式期间,如果击杀了错误的目标,或者时间耗尽仍未能击杀目标,则复仇失败,亡灵巫师死亡。\n作为最后一个活着的人获胜。",
- "ShockerInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n震击者可以通过在房间里完成任务来标记这些房间,然后在设定的时间段内对房间内的任何人使用震击。当你完成所有任务后,你会获得新的任务。注意:在此期间内完成的任务,将会被标记以供下一次技能使用。",
- "LastImpostorInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n这个效果在内鬼仅剩一人时赋予该内鬼。使其击杀冷却缩短",
- "OverclockedInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n超频波的冷却时间将减少设定时间。只分配给带刀职业",
+ "DoomsayerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Doomsayer can guess the role of a certain player during the meeting.\nIf the Doomsayer guesses a certain number of roles (the number depends on the Host settings), then he wins.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name, or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
+ "ShroudInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shroud, you do not kill normally.\nInstead, use your Kill button to shroud a player.\nShrouded players kill others.\nIf the shrouded player doesn't make a kill, they'll kill themselves after a meeting.\n\nShroud sees shrouded players with a 「◈」mark next to their name.\nShrouded players who did not make a kill will also have the 「◈」mark in meetings, where they'll die if the Shroud is alive by the end of the meeting.",
+ "WerewolfInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Werewolf, you can kill much like any killer.\nHowever, when you kill, any nearby players also die.\nAny player who dies to this will have their death reason as Mauled.\n\nTo balance this, you have a higher Kill Cooldown than anyone else.",
+ "ShamanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shaman, you can use your Kill button to select a Voodoo Doll once per round. If the Kill button is used on you, the effect will be deflected onto the Voodoo Doll.\nIf you survive until the end, you win with the winning team.\nNote: If the killer cannot kill the chosen target, murder is canceled, but if the killer rechecks the Shaman, the killer will kill the Shaman.",
+ "SeekerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Seeker, use your Kill button to tag the target. If the Seeker tags the wrong player, a point is deducted, and if the Seeker tags the correct player, a point will be added.\nAdditionally, the Seeker will not be able to move for 5 seconds after every meeting and after getting a new target.\n\nThe Seeker needs to collect a certain number of points set by the Host to win.\nSeeker will see a ★ mark on target's name.",
+ "PixieInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Pixie, mark up to an X amount of targets each round by using the Kill button on them. You must have one of the marked targets ejected when the meeting starts. If unsuccessful, you will commit suicide, except if you didn't mark any targets or all the targets are dead. The selected targets reset to 0 after the meeting ends. If you succeed, you will gain a point. You see all your targets in colored names.\n\nYou win with the winning team when you have certain amounts of points set by the Host.",
+ "SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs Schrodingers Cat, if someone attempts to use the Kill button on you, you will block the action and join their team. This blocking ability works only once. By default, you don't have a victory condition, meaning you win only after switching teams.\nIn Addition to this, you will be counted as nothing in the game.\n\nNote: If the Killing Machine attempts to use their Kill button on you, the interaction is not blocked, and you will die.",
+ "RomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nThe Romantic can pick their lover partner using their Kill button (this can be done at any point of the game). Once they've picked their partner, they can use their Kill button to give their partner a temporary shield that protects them from attacks. If their lover partner dies, the Romantic's role will change according to the following conditions:\n1. If their partner was an Impostor, the Romantic becomes the Refugee\n2. If their partner was a Neutral Killer, then they become Ruthless Romantic.\n3. If their partner was a Crewmate or a non-killing Neutral, the Romantic becomes the Vengeful Romantic. \n\nThe Romantic wins with the winning team if their partner wins.\nNote: If your role changes, your win condition will be changed accordingly",
+ "RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (a Neutral Killer) is killed. As a Ruthless Romantic, you win if you kill everyone and are the last one standing. If you win, your dead partner will also win with you.",
+ "VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nYou change your roles from Romantic if your partner (a Crewmate or non-Neutral Killer) is killed. As a Vengeful Romantic, your goal is to avenge your partner, which means you must kill the killer of your partner. If you succeed, then you and your partner win with the winning team at the end. If you try to kill someone other than your partner's killer, then you will die by misfire.",
+ "WraithInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Wraith, you can Vent to Vanish temporarily. You will still appear visible on your screen. Vent again to become visible. You win if you are the last player remaining.",
+ "ShockerInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shocker, you can mark rooms by doing tasks in them, and then Vent to electrocute anyone in those rooms for a set period of time. When you finish all of your tasks, you get new ones. Note: Doing tasks during that period will mark them for the next ability use.",
+ "CovenInfoLong": "(Coven):\nCoven members are on a separate team that works together and wins together. If there are multiple Coven roles in the game, they can see each other's roles.\nDepending on the Host's settings, Coven roles can guess or be guessed.\nDo /coveninfo for more info.",
+ "PoisonerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Poisoner can use their Kill button on a player to roleblock them. The next time the roleblocked player tries to use their ability, it will do nothing, and their Cooldown will be reset.\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. These kills will be delayed.",
+ "HexMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Hex Master can use their Kill button to mark a player with the 乂 symbol. If a player has this at the end of the meeting and the Hex Master hasn't died - then they die.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Hex will be passed around - similar to an Agitator bomb. Also, you can double-click the Kill button to kill normally.",
+ "JinxInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Jinx can use their Kill button to jinx a player. Anyone who interacts with the jinxed player will die with the death reason Jinxed.\nWith the Necronomicon the Jinx can double-kill to kill normally. Also, the jinxed player and the player who interacted with the jinxed person will die.",
+ "MedusaInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Medusa can use their Kill button on players to mark them as Stoned. When the Medusa clicks the Shapeshift button, all Stoned players will be unable to move and will have reduced vision for a configurable amount of time.\nWith the Necronomicon, killed players will be unreportable.",
+ "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Potion Master has two potions available for their use. The Reveal potion reveals a player's role. The Barrier potion places a shield on a player for one round, the player will not be notified of this unless they are Coven as well. Click the Shapeshift button to change potions.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Potion Master can double-click their Kill button to kill.",
+ "NecromancerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nAs the Necromancer, you can Shapeshift to become the role of a random dead person for a set duration.\nSome roles can not be used.\nOnce a role is used, it can not be used the rest of the game.\nWith the Necronomicon, when someone tries to kill you, you will block the kill and be teleported to a random Vent. You have a limited time to kill your killer. If the time runs out or you try to kill someone else, you die.",
+ "CovenLeaderInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Coven Leader can use their Kill button on a fellow Coven member to retrain them into a random Coven role that isn’t currently in the game. During the next meeting, that Coven member will be notified that the Coven Leader wishes to retrain them. They can vote themselves to accept the retrain, or vote otherwise to deny it. Denying the retrain does not take away an ability usage.\nWith the Necronomicon, you cannot retrain, and can only kill other players.",
+ "RitualistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nDuring a meeting, the Ritualist can perform a Blood Ritual to guess a player’s exact role. If the Ritualist is correct, that player will be converted to Coven. If the Ritualist is incorrect, they will not die but will be unable to Blood Ritual until the next meeting.\nThe command is /rt id role.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Ritualist can kill.",
+ "ConjurerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nShapeshift once to mark a location.\nShapeshift again to conjure a meteor at the place you marked, killing everyone in the radius.\nWith the Necronomicon, you can kill. You can also mark a player using the Shapeshift UI. When the Conjurer clicks the Shapeshift button again, all the players in the radius of the marked player will die, including the marked player.",
+ "DreamweaverInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Dreamweaver can dreamweave a player. The dreamweaved players will be notified of this during the next meeting. If the Dreamweaver is not voted out, these players will be unable to use their abilities until the Dreamweaver dies.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Dreamweaver can double-click to kill.",
+ "IllusionistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Illusionist can use their Kill button on a player to reverse the results of any investigative role. For example, if someone with a Kill button is Illusioned, they will appear not to have a Kill button to the Investigator, and vice versa.\nIllusions wear off after meetings.\nWith the Necronomicon, you may double-click to kill. Every kill you make appears as a random death reason.",
+ "VoodooMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Voodoo Master can craft a Voodoo Doll of a player by using their Kill button, similar to the Shaman. All the interactions with you using Kill button will be deflected to the Voodoo Doll and the Voodoo Doll will destroy. Unlike the Shaman, this voodoo will last during the meeting (eg. If the Voodoo Master is judged, then the voodoo'd player will be judged instead).\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. Additionally, the voodoo’d player will be unable to report. The next person to interact with them will die.",
+ "SacrifistInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Sacrifist can Shapeshift to cause a random debuff to a non-Coven member, however, the Sacrifist will also receive this effect (when applicable).\nThe random player will be the same player until the round ends.\nDepending on the Host’s settings, if the Sacrifist is voted out, some random non-Coven who voted the Sacrifist will die too.\nNormally, the Sacrifist can not kill, however, to prevent prolonging of the game, Sacrifist can kill if they are the last Coven member alive.\nWith the Necronomicon, when you Shapeshift, you will commit the Ultimate Sacrifice. When you do this, you die. However, the entire Coven for the rest of the game receives a lowered Kill Cooldown.",
+ "MoonDancerInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Moon Dancer can use their Kill button to use their ability, Baton Pass.\nIf used on a Coven member: Gives a Helpful Add-on at the next meeting.\nIf used on a non-Coven member: Gives a Harmful Add-on at the next meeting.\nWith the Necronomicon, the Moon Dancer can double-click their Kill button to kill. When killing, the player is teleported off the map. They will appear alive on Vitals and will not show up in Tracefinder's arrows etc. They die when a meeting/body report with the death reason Blasted Off.",
+ "LastImpostorInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThis special effect is given to the last surviving Impostor. It significantly reduces their Kill Cooldown.",
+ "OverclockedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Overclocked, your Kill Cooldown is reduced by a percentage.\n\nThis feature is only assigned to roles with a Kill button.",
"LoversInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n恋人为两名玩家的组合。场上仅剩恋人时恋人获胜。恋人其中一人胜利时另一人也一起胜利。恋人可以看到对方名字旁有「♥」标志。恋人其中一人死亡则另一人殉情(根据房主设置可能不会殉情)。恋人其中一人在会议中被放逐时,另一人将死亡并变为不可以被报告的尸体。",
- "MadmateInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n只有船员会成为叛徒,叛徒需要帮助内鬼阵营获得胜利,当内鬼阵营失败时叛徒也会失败。叛徒与内鬼是否互知根据房主设定。\n\n摆烂人与网红不会成为叛徒,部分船员职业是否可以成为叛徒依据房主设定。此外,当以下职业成为叛徒后技能将发生变动:\n\n时间操控者 => 做任务减少会议时间。\n保镖 => 凶手是内鬼的时不发动技能。\n掷雷兵 => 闪光弹只对船员生效。\n警长 => 默认可以击杀任何人。(具体可以击杀的阵营根据房主设定)\n正义赌怪 => 可以猜测船员。\n告密者 => 完成任务后与内鬼互认。\n愚者 => 准确地看到所有邪恶中立以及带刀船员玩家显示为红名。\n正义法官 => 可以随意审判。",
+ "MadmateInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nOnly Crewmates can become Madmate. Madmate's task is to help the Impostors win the game. Madmate will lose if all Impostors are killed/ejected. Madmates may know who are Impostors, and Impostors may know who are Madmates (Host settings).\n\nLazy Guy, Celebrity can't become Madmate. Sheriff, Snitch, Nice Guesser, Mayor, and Judge may become Madmate (Host settings). Skill changes when the following roles are converted into Madmates:\n\nTime Manager => Doing tasks will reduce meeting time.\nBodyguard => Skill won't activate if the killer is an Impostor.\nGrenadier => Flash bomb will work on Crewmates and Neutrals instead of the Impostors.\nSheriff => Can kill anyone, including Impostors (Host settings).\nNice Guesser => Can guess Crewmates and Neutrals\nPsychic => All evil Neutrals and Crewmates' names with the ability to kill will be displayed in Red.\nJudge => Can judge anyone\nPacifist => Their ability only works on Crewmates.",
"WatcherInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n窥视者可以直接看到每个人投的票",
"FlashInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n闪电侠的默认移动速度比其他玩家要快(速度取决于房主设置)",
- "TorchInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n火炬拥有最大视野,且不受照明破坏的影响",
- "SeerInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n每当有玩家死亡时,灵媒会看到杀戮闪烁(红光闪一下,可能伴随警报声)",
+ "TorchInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nTorch has maximum vision and is not affected by Lights Sabotage.",
+ "SeerInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhenever a player dies, the Seer will see a kill-flash (a red flash, possibly accompanied by an alarm sound like Sabotage).",
"TiebreakerInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n驱逐投票平票时,会优先驱逐破平者投票选择的目标\n注意:若多个破平者同时选择了不同的平票目标,则破平者的技能不会生效",
"ObliviousInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n侦探和清理工不会成为胆小鬼。胆小鬼无法报告尸体。请注意:胆小鬼击杀诱饵还是会自动报告,此外胆小鬼可以照常成为骇客的替罪羊",
"BewilderInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n迷惑者默认拥有较小的视野,当迷惑者被击杀时,凶手的视野将变得跟迷惑者一样小。",
"WorkhorseInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n最先完成任务的玩家会成为加班狂,加班狂会拥有更多的任务。",
- "FoolInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n修理工不会成为蠢蛋。蠢蛋无法修复任何被破坏的设施,也无法破坏任何设施",
+ "FoolInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nSleuth and Mechanic won't be Fool. Fools can't repair any Sabotage.",
"AvangerInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n可以设定内鬼是否可以成为复仇者。当复仇者被击杀时(被票出以及非常规击杀不算),复仇者会随机带走一名玩家",
"YoutuberInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n只有船员会成为UP主。当UP主是第一个在游戏中被击杀的玩家时,UP主会单独获得胜利,若UP主没有满足胜利条件,则UP主跟随船员阵营胜利。请注意:被放逐、被赌怪猜测等非直接击杀方式不会触发UP主的技能",
"EgoistInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n叛徒与中立阵营不会成为利己主义者。利己主义者会抢夺自己阵营的胜利",
"StealerInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n窃票者每次击杀一个人都会增加自己本局的票数(增加数量根据房主设定,小数将四舍五入)\n此外,窃票者额外的票是隐藏的。具体取决于以下设置",
- "ParanoiaInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n中立和叛徒不会成为双重人格,计算其阵营人数时双重人格被视为两人。例如场上剩余一个内鬼和一个双重人格船员,则视为两名船员和一名内鬼,因此游戏不会结束。此外,你还可根据选项获得额外一票",
+ "ParanoiaInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Paranoia, you will be considered as two players in the game to determine when the game ends due to killers having the majority. Additionally, this grants you an extra vote, depending on options.\nNot assigned to Neutrals nor Madmates.",
"MimicInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n只有除黑手党以外的内鬼会成为宝箱怪。宝箱怪死后,其他内鬼可以在会议上收到信息。信息包含了宝箱怪生前击杀的所有人的职业",
- "GuesserInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n赌怪可以在会议时猜测某位玩家的职业,正确则击杀目标,错误则会自杀。\n猜测指令为:/bt [玩家编号] [职业名]\n你可以在玩家名字前看到该玩家的编号,或者使用/id指令查看所有玩家的编号",
- "NecroviewInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n死神可以在会议中看到死亡玩家的阵营\n- 红色名表示内鬼阵营\n- 青色名表示船员阵营\n- 灰色名表示中立阵营",
- "ReachInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n只有拥有击杀按钮的职业才能获得此附加功能。与其他人不同,拥有游戏中最远的击杀范围",
+ "GuesserInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs a Guesser, guess the roles of players in meetings to kill them.\nGuessing the incorrect role kills you instead.\nThe guessing command is: /bt [player id] [role]\nYou can see the player's id before the player's name or use the /id command to view the id of all players.",
+ "NecroviewInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nThe Necroview can see the teams of dead players. The following info will be displayed on the dead player's name while in a meeting:\n- The Red name indicates the Impostors.\n- The Cyan name indicates the Crewmates.\n- The Gray name indicates the Neutrals.\n- The Purple name indicates the Coven.",
+ "ReachInfoLong": "(Add-on)\nOnly roles with a Kill button can get this Add-on. Unlike everyone else, you have the longest kill range possible in the game.",
"BaitInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n诱饵被击杀时,击杀诱饵的玩家将被迫报告诱饵的尸体。但诱饵被清道夫、清理工、隐匿者、魅影或杀戮机器击杀时技能会失效",
"TrapperInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n陷阱师被击杀时,凶手一段时间内将不能移动",
- "CharmedInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n魅魔小弟是通过被魅魔施魔法而获得的。一旦被迷住,魅魔小弟就是魅魔的阵营,不再是原来的阵营",
+ "CharmedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Charmed Add-on is obtained by being charmed by the Cultist.\nOnce charmed, you are now on the Cultist's team and no longer on your original team.",
"CleansedInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n只有在清洗者清除了所有附加职业后,才能获得干净附加职业。根据房主的设置,今后可能再获得任何附加职业",
- "InfectedInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n受感染的附加职业是通过被感染者感染而获得的",
- "OnboundInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n不可被赌在会议中不会被赌死",
- "ReboundInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n如果「正义/邪恶」赌怪成功猜中了回弹,或者「正义/邪恶」法官成功判处了回弹,都会因回弹而死亡",
+ "InfectedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Infected Add-on is obtained by being infected by the Infectious.\nOnce infected, you work for the Infectious and do not win with your original team.",
+ "OnboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Onbound Add-on, you cannot be guessed in meetings.",
+ "ReboundInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Rebound Add-on, if a Guesser successfully guessed you or a Judge successfully judged you, they will die instead.\nIf a player with Double Shot guesses you correctly, they will die instantly.",
"MundaneInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n平凡者只有在完成所有任务后才能进行猜测",
"KnightedInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n当君主授予某人骑士时,骑士的玩家会获得额外的票数",
- "UnreportableInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n死亡后,因为不受重视,所以尸体无法报告",
+ "UnreportableInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Disregarded Add-on, your corpse will be unreportable.",
"ContagiousInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n你变得具有传染性。具有传染性的玩家属于病毒阵营。你会议后是否死亡取决于病毒的设置",
- "LuckyInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n幸运加持有概率躲避击杀;具体概率由房主设置。当闪避生效时,带刀玩家会看到护盾动画,但幸运加持却一无所知",
+ "LuckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Lucky Add-on, there is a probability for you to evade the kill; the Host sets the specific probability. The killer will see a Shield Animation when the evasion takes effect, but you will not know anything.",
"DoubleShotInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n当一个拥有双重猜测的玩家猜错了身份时。将获得第二次猜测的机会,但下一次猜错会导致自杀",
- "RascalInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n流氓可以被警长执法,可以被法官审判。如果告密者能发现流氓(前提能发现叛徒)。仅分配给船员,不能由商人分配",
- "SoullessInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n当被诅咒的灵魂抢夺你的灵魂时,你不被视为活着",
+ "RascalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rascal, you can die to the Sheriff, and Snitch can find you if Snitch can find Madmates.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates, cannot be assigned by the Merchant.",
+ "SoullessInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen a Cursed Soul steals your soul, you get this Add-on.\n\nYou are not counted as alive.",
"GravestoneInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n墓碑死后,身份会向所有人透露",
"LazyInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n懒人被分配了一项短任务,并且对术士、傀儡和歹徒免疫。女巫仍然可以控制",
"AutopsyInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n尸检可以看到玩家的死因",
- "RebirthInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n重生者是即将被驱逐的玩家,将与他人交换皮肤,并再次茁壮成长\n警告:如果你耗尽了所有的重生次数,重生就会从你身上消失",
- "LoyalInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n忠诚不能被豺狼或邪教等身份招募。不能分配给中立",
+ "RebirthInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rebirth, if you're the player about to be ejected, you will swap skins with a random Crewmate who voted for you.\nNotice: The Host vote never counts\nRebirth will be removed from you if you exhausted all your rebirths.",
+ "LoyalInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Loyal, you cannot be recruited by roles such as Jackal or Cultist.\n\nCannot be assigned to Neutrals.",
"EvilSpiritInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n恶灵的工作是帮助灵魂召唤者取得胜利。恶灵可以使用闹鬼技能来冻结玩家并减少他们的视野。或者,恶灵可以使用你的闹鬼技能暂时为灵魂召唤者提供一个防御击杀的盾牌",
- "RecruitInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n当你被招募时,你加入了豺狼的团队,帮助豺狼和他们的跟班。\n你不能和你原来的阵营一起获胜。\n根据设置,如果老豺狼被杀,且没有跟班活着,你可能会变成豺狼。",
- "AdmiredInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n你的目的是帮助船员阵营,而不是你原来的阵营",
+ "RecruitInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs a recruit, you are on the Jackal's team and help out the Jackal and their Sidekicks.\nYou cannot win with your original team.\nDepending on the settings, you may turn into Jackal if old Jackal was killed and no Sidekicks is alive.",
+ "AdmiredInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nAs an Admired player, you win with the Crewmates and not your original team.\n\nYou can see the Admirer.",
+ "EnchantedInfoLong": "(Betrayal Add-ons):\nThe Enchanted Add-on can only be obtained through being converted by the Ritualist or upon killing the OIIAI as a non-Nerconomicon holder.\nOnce Enchanted, you are apart of the Coven team and are no longer apart of your original team.",
"GlowInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n熄灯期间,「光辉」和「光辉附近的玩家」都会获得视野提升",
"RadarInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n雷达的箭头始终指向最近的人",
- "DiseasedInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n当有人试图对你使用击杀按钮时,他们的冷却时间将增加为房主配置的时间",
- "AntidoteInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n当有人试图对你使用击杀按钮时,他们的冷却时间将减少为房主配置的时间",
- "StubbornInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n固执者无法被抹除者抹除,无法被清洗者清洗,无法被强盗偷取附加职业,无法被君主封为骑士。此外,固执者无法从商人处获得任何新的附加职业",
+ "DiseasedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the Kill button on you, their Cooldown will be increased by a configurable amount of time.",
+ "AntidoteInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWhen someone tries to use the Kill button on you, their Cooldown will be decreased by a configurable amount of time.",
+ "StubbornInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nWith the Stubborn Add-on, Eraser can't erase your role, Cleanser can't cleanse you, Bandit can't steal from you, and Monarch can't knight you.\nAdditionally, you can't gain any new Add-ons from the Merchant.",
"SwiftInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n迅捷的击杀不会导致瞬移(玩家视角显示自杀)。且无视诱饵",
- "UnluckyInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n倒霉蛋在做任务、击杀玩家、开门或者使用通风管都有概率自杀",
+ "UnluckyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Unlucky, when you Complete Tasks, Kill, Venting, or open a Door, you have a chance to die.",
"SpurtInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n开始行走时,会获得巨大的速度提升,但速度会迅速下降,必须静止不动地休息一会儿才能恢复速度",
- "VoidBallotInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n该附加职业的持有者的投票数为0",
+ "VoidBallotInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nHolder of this Add-on will have 0 vote count.",
"AwareInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n如果有揭示身份与你互动,你将在接下来的对话中收到通知",
- "FragileInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n有人试图对脆弱者使用技能,脆弱者将立即死亡(即使该身份无法直接击杀脆弱者)",
- "GhoulInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n食尸鬼在任务完成后可能会出现两种结果之一\n1.活着:自杀\n2.死了:复仇击杀你的玩家\n只分配给船员,而不是没有任务或基于任务的船员",
- "BloodthirstInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n嗜血者完成任务可以让你变得嗜血并击杀玩家。当嗜血者完成任务时,下一个与嗜血者接触的玩家就会死亡。击杀玩家后,嗜血者的嗜血会清除,直到你完成下一个任务",
- "MareInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n梦魇只能在停电时下进行击杀。且梦魇击杀冷却很短。但是请注意,停电时间内所有玩家都能看到梦魇的名字以红色表示。\n仅分配给内鬼阵营,无法被赌怪赌死",
- "BurstInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n如果带刀玩家击杀了爆破者,那么该玩家要在一定时间内进入通风管,否则就会爆炸",
+ "FragileInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs Fragile, you will instantly die if someone tries to use the Kill button on you (even if the role cannot directly kill).",
+ "GhoulInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Ghoul, one of two outcomes can occur on task completion.\n\nIf alive: Suicide\nIf dead: You kill your killer if they're alive.\n\nThis is only assigned to Crewmates, and not Crewmates with no tasks or are task-based.",
+ "BloodthirstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Bloodthirst, doing tasks allows you to become bloodthirsty and kill players.\nWhen you finish a task, the next player you come in contact with dies.\n\nYour Bloodthirst remains after a meeting.\nUpon making a kill, your Bloodthirst clears till the next task you complete.\nBloodthirsts do not stack.\n\nOnly assigned to Crewmates with tasks.",
+ "MareInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Mare, you have a low Kill Cooldown and have higher speed but can only kill during lights.\n\nAdditionally, your name will appear in red during lights.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors and cannot be guessed.",
+ "BurstInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Burst, your killer explodes if they aren't inside a Vent after a set amount of time.",
"SleuthInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n侦察员可以从尸体中获得信息。在选择上,你也可能获得击杀玩家的身份。该附加职业不会分配给侦探或入殓师",
- "ClumsyInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n笨蛋有机会错过击杀机会。当错过时,击杀冷却时间会重置,目标不会受到影响。只分配给带刀职业",
- "CircumventInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n规避者无法使用通风管,且只能分配给内鬼阵营",
- "NimbleInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n敏捷可以使用通风管",
- "InfluencedInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n影响者的投票将被强制投给当场票数最多的玩家。\n注意:影响者的技能对最初投票的玩家有效",
+ "ClumsyInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Clumsy, you have a chance to miss your kill.\n\nWhen you miss, your Cooldown is reset, and the target remains untouched.\n\nOnly assigned to killers.",
+ "CircumventInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Circumvent, you can't Vent.\n\nOnly assigned to Impostors.",
+ "NimbleInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Nimble, you gain access to the Vent button.\n\nOnly assigned to certain Crewmates.",
+ "InfluencedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Influenced, your vote will be forced to the player with the most votes.\nInfluenced vote won't be counted while choosing the exiled player'\nNote that your vote skill still functions on the player you voted first\nIf all the alive players are Influenced, then the vote result won't shift\nCollector cannot become Influenced.",
"SilentInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n沉默者投票图标不会出现在投票结果的屏幕上。因此没人知道沉默者投给了谁",
"SusceptibleInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n易感者的死因是随机的",
"TrickyInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n棘手者击杀的玩家会有一个随机死亡的原因",
"TiredInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n每当疲劳者击杀某人时,或者每当完成一项任务时,都会暂时获得较低的视野和速度。",
"StatueInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n每当有很多人靠近雕像时,雕像就会完全凝固,或者根据设置变慢",
"EvaderInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n当逃避者获选票数最多时,有概率票数记0且免被出。这会害死顺序票数次多的人",
- "CyberInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n网络员不能在团队中死亡。\n根据设置,内鬼阵营、中立阵营或船员阵营会知道你是否死亡",
- "HurriedInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n焦急者必须完成所有的任务才能跟随所在阵营获胜。\n因为急着做任务,所以不会被仰慕、招募、魅惑或变成叛徒等",
- "OiiaiInfoLong": "(附加职业):\nOiiai死亡时,会让击杀Oiiai的玩家忘记他们的身份。\n根据房主设定,你可以将Oiiai传递给杀死你的人",
- "RainbowInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n如彩虹般疯狂变色",
+ "CyberInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Cyber, you cannot die while in a group.\nDepending on the settings, Impostors, Neutrals, and or Crewmates will know if you die.",
+ "HurriedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the hurried, you must finish all your tasks to win with your team! If you fail with your tasks, you lose.\nHurried hurries to his goal, so it won't get Madmate, Charmed or so.",
+ "OiiaiInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the OIIAI, when you die, you will make your killer forget their role.\nAdditionally, you may pass OIIAI on to the killer, depending on settings.",
+ "RainbowInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Rainbow, you change your colors like crazy.",
"GMInfoLong": "(房主):\n看我干啥,我只是个开局就死的冤魂,静静地吃瓜而已。",
- "SunnyboyInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n阳光开朗大男孩可以通过生命面板查看他人的生命状态。阳光开朗大男孩在场时游戏不会因人数优势结束(例如内鬼人数大于船员或没有存活内鬼),游戏结束时若阳光开朗大男孩死亡,则阳光开朗大男孩跟随胜利阵营一起胜利。\",",
- "BardInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n吟游诗人在场时,驱逐确认将会显示为吟游诗人创作的句子。每当吟游诗人完成一次创作,则吟游诗人的击杀冷却永久减半。",
+ "SunnyboyInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Sunnyboy, you win if you are dead by the end of the game. The game will not end when you are alive due to killers gaining the majority.\nAdditionally, you have access to portable Vitals.",
+ "BardInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nWhen a Bard is alive, the exile confirmation will display a sentence composed by the Bard. Whenever the Bard completes a creation, the Bard's Kill Cooldown will be permanently halved.",
"WardenInfoLong": "(船员阵营[幽灵]):\n典狱长可以提醒他人附近有危险,并为他们提供临时的加速。",
"GhastlyInfoLong": "(船员阵营[幽灵职业]):\n当鬼怪对一位玩家使用守护天使的保护可以附身第一位玩家,再对另一位玩家使用守护天使的保护可以附身第二位玩家。如果第一位玩家是带刀职业,那么它只能击杀被鬼怪附身的第二位玩家。直到附身时间结束才能击杀其它玩家。鬼怪可以附身毫无戒心的玩家(我仍不知道毫无戒心是什么意思)",
- "MinionInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营[幽灵]):\n爪牙可以让非内鬼玩家暂时失明",
- "DollMasterInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n玩偶师可以使用变形按钮暂时控制任何玩家,让玩家执行玩偶师的任务!",
- "DoubleAgentInfoLong": "(内鬼阵营):\n双面特工无法使用击杀按钮。但可以在会议上投票给某人,将炸弹交给他,但每次只能投票给一个人,会议结束后,炸弹会在设定的时间内启动并爆炸\n注意:当你在会议上把炸弹传给某人时,之后将可以投票\n此外,根据不同的设置,双面特工还可以在通风口时传播埋雷兵和煽动者炸弹\n双面特工在成为仅存内鬼时可以改变职业,根据不同的设置,职业可以是 仰慕内鬼、骗术师、背叛者,或者保持双面特工的职业",
+ "MinionInfoLong": "(Impostor [Ghost]):\nAs the Minion, you can temporarily blind non-Impostors.",
+ "DollMasterInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Dollmaster, you can temporarily take control of any player by using the Shapeshift button and to make them do your deeds!",
+ "DoubleAgentInfoLong": "(Impostor):\nAs the Double Agent, you cannot access the Kill button. However, you can vote for someone in a meeting to pass a bomb onto them, which can only be done one player at a time. Once the meeting has finished, the bomb will activate and explode in a set amount of time.\nNote: when you pass the bomb onto someone in a meeting, you can vote afterward.\n\nAdditionally depending on settings the Double Agent can diffuse Bastion and Agitator bombs when Venting.\n\nThe Double Agent can change roles when they are the Last Impostor, depending on the settings the role can be a Admired Impostor, Trickster, Traitor, or stay as the Double Agent.",
"SlothInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n树懒的默认移动速度比其他玩家要慢。(速度取决于房主设置)",
- "ProhibitedInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n受限者可以禁用通风口",
- "EavesdropperInfoLong": "(附加职业):\n窃听者可以阅读其他「职业/附加职业」相关的消息,比如入殓师或侦探",
+ "ProhibitedInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Prohibited, you have specific Vents that you can't use.\nHow many Vents are disabled depends on the Host's settings.",
+ "EavesdropperInfoLong": "(Add-ons):\nAs the Eavesdropper, you have a chance to read other Role/Add-on information-based messages like Mortician or Sleuth.",
"ApocalypseInfoLong": "(灾厄职业):\n灾厄职业的成员是一个单独的团队,他们一起工作并获胜。 如果游戏中有多个灾厄职业的玩家,他们可以看到彼此的职业。\n取决于房主的设置,灾厄职业可以赌人或被赌。",
"RevenantInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n荒野猎人的目标是被杀。如果你被杀,你将夺走该带刀玩家的职业并杀掉这个带刀玩家。在你被杀之前,你无法获胜。\n\n注意,荒野猎人的能力只有在被直接击杀时才会生效。",
"ShowTextOverlay": "文本覆盖(小字显示)",
@@ -1040,17 +1075,17 @@
"AbilityInUse": "技能已生效",
"AbilityExpired": "技能已结束,剩余{0}次技能",
"RevenantTargeted": "你的身份已模仿为{0}",
- "RevenantCanCopyAddons": "可以窃取附加职业",
+ "RevenantCanCopyAddons": "Can Steal Add-ons",
"ShowArrows": "指向尸体的箭头",
"ArrowDelayMin": "箭头显示最短延迟时间",
"ArrowDelayMax": "箭头显示最长延迟时间",
"SMUsesUsedWhenFixingReactorOrO2": "修复 反应堆/氧气 所需的技能数量",
"SMUsesUsedWhenFixingLightsOrComms": "修复 电力/通信设备 所需的技能数量",
- "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "初始技能数量",
+ "GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "(Initial) Maximum number of Grenades",
"ShowSpecificRole": "完成任务时知道玩家具体身份",
- "TimeMasterMaxUses": "初始技能数量",
- "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "当隐匿者隐形处于冷却时,可以正常使用通风管",
- "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "当魅影隐形处于冷却时,可以正常使用通风管",
+ "TimeMasterMaxUses": "(Initial) Maximum Amount of Ability Uses",
+ "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Swooper Vents normally when Swooping is on Cooldown",
+ "WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "Wraith Vents normally when Invisibility is on Cooldown",
"DisableMeeting": "禁用会议与报告尸体",
"DisableCloseDoor": "禁用关门",
"DisableSabotage": "禁用破坏",
@@ -1059,13 +1094,13 @@
"DebugMode": "调试模式",
"SyncButtonMode": "限制会议时间",
"RandomMapsMode": "随机地图模式",
- "SyncedButtonCount": "紧急会议可用次数",
- "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "击杀目标的冷却时间",
- "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "击杀非目标的冷却时间",
+ "SyncedButtonCount": "Maximum Number of Emergency Meetings per Game",
+ "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "Kill Cooldown decrease on killing target",
+ "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "Kill Cooldown increase on killing others",
"HHNumOfTargets": "目标数量",
"Targets": "目标: ",
- "HHMaxKCD": "最大击杀冷却时间",
- "HHMinKCD": "最小击杀冷却时间",
+ "HHMaxKCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "HHMinKCD": "Minimum Kill Cooldown",
"AllAliveMeeting": "全员存活时的会议设定",
"AllAliveMeetingTime": "全员存活时的会议时间",
"AdditionalEmergencyCooldown": "附加紧急会议冷却时间",
@@ -1174,17 +1209,17 @@
"OverclockedReduction": "击杀冷却减少",
"GhostCanSeeOtherRoles": "幽灵可见他人职业",
"PreventSeeRolesImmediatelyAfterDeath": "阻止在死后立刻看到他人职业",
- "GhostCanSeeOtherVotes": "幽灵可见投票情况",
- "GhostCanSeeDeathReason": "幽灵可以看见死因",
+ "GhostCanSeeOtherVotes": "Ghosts can see Vote Colors",
+ "GhostCanSeeDeathReason": "Ghost can see Cause Of Death",
"GhostIgnoreTasks": "幽灵没有任务",
- "ConvertedCanBeGhostRole": "招募的玩家可以成为任何的幽灵职业",
- "NeutralCanBeGhostRole": "中立玩家可以是任何幽灵职业(将相应地改变阵营)",
- "MaxImpGhostRole": "最大内鬼幽灵职业",
- "MaxCrewGhostRole": "最大船员幽灵职业",
+ "ConvertedCanBeGhostRole": "Converted Players can be Any Ghost-Roles",
+ "NeutralCanBeGhostRole": "Neutral Players can be Any Ghost-Roles (Will change team respectively)",
+ "MaxImpGhostRole": "Maximum Impostor Ghost-Roles",
+ "MaxCrewGhostRole": "Maximum Crewmate Ghost-Roles",
"DefaultAngelCooldown": "默认技能冷却时间",
"DisableTaskWin": "禁用任务胜利",
- "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreDead": "如果所有<#8cffff>船员都已死亡,则禁用任务胜利",
- "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreConverted": "如果所有<#8cffff>船员都已<#ffab1b>被招募,则禁用任务胜利",
+ "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreDead": "Disable Task Win if All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are Dead",
+ "DisableTaskWinIfAllCrewsAreConverted": "Disable Task Win if All <#8cffff>Crewmates Are <#ffab1b>Converted",
"HideGameSettings": "隐藏游戏设置",
"DIYGameSettings": "显示自定义的/n消息",
"Settings:": "设置:",
@@ -1276,6 +1311,7 @@
"IgnoreConditions": "忽略条件",
"IgnoreImpostors": "忽略内鬼阵营",
"IgnoreNeutrals": "忽略中立阵营",
+ "IgnoreCoven": "Ignore Coven",
"IgnoreCrewmates": "忽略船员阵营",
"IgnoreAfterAnyoneDied": "忽略幽灵",
"LightsOutSpecialSettings": "停电特殊设定(飞艇地图)",
@@ -1289,7 +1325,7 @@
"RandomSpawn_AirshipAdditionalSpawn": "额外出生点(高空飞艇)",
"RandomSpawn_SpawnRandomVents": "随机出现的通风口",
"CommsCamouflage": "通信破坏时触发小黑人",
- "DisableOnSomeMaps": "在特定地图上禁用破坏通讯触发小黑人的效果",
+ "DisableOnSomeMaps": "Disable Comms Camouflage on some maps",
"DisableOnSkeld": "禁用骷髅舰地图",
"DisableOnMira": "禁用米拉总部地图",
"DisableOnPolus": "禁用波鲁斯地图",
@@ -1328,8 +1364,8 @@
"EnableBirthdayDecorationSkeld": "骷髅舰上的生日装饰",
"RandomBirthdayAndHalloweenDecorationSkeld": "在骷髅舰上,当生日和万圣节活动同时进行时,设置随机装饰",
"ApplyDenyNameList": "踢出使用违规昵称的玩家",
- "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "踢出使用无效好友代码的玩家",
- "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "临时禁止使用无效好友代码的玩家",
+ "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Kick players with an invalid Friend Code",
+ "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Temp Ban players with an invalid Friend Code",
"ApplyBanList": "踢出被封禁的玩家",
"RemovePetsAtDeadPlayers": "玩家死亡时强制移除宠物",
"KillFlashDuration": "击杀闪烁持续时间",
@@ -1340,6 +1376,7 @@
"ShowImpRemainOnEject": "驱逐时显示剩余内鬼阵营的数量",
"ShowNKRemainOnEject": "同时显示剩余带刀中立的数量",
"ShowNARemainOnEject": "同时显示剩余灾厄中立的数量",
+ "ShowCovenRemainOnEject": "同时显示剩余巫师阵营的玩家",
"ConfirmEgoistOnEject": "确认利己主义者们的数量",
"ConfirmLoversOnEject": "确认恋人们的数量",
"ConfirmSidekickOnEject": "确认跟班的数量",
@@ -1408,14 +1445,12 @@
"Glitch_KCD": "击杀冷却时间:{0}秒",
"Glitch_MimicCD": "模仿冷却时间:{0}秒",
"HackedByGlitch": "你已被缺点者黑客入侵,你无法{0}",
- "GlitchKill": "击杀",
+ "GlitchKill": "刺杀",
"GlitchReport": "报告",
- "GlitchVent": "通风口",
+ "GlitchVent": "通风管",
"ShowFPS": "显示帧率",
"FPSGame": "帧率:",
"ControlCooldown": "控制冷却",
- "PoisonCooldown": "毒药冷却",
- "PoisonerKillDelay": "毒杀延迟",
"WardenNotifyLimit": "警告次数上限",
"BombCooldown": "炸弹冷却",
"Warlock_CanKillSelf": "可以自杀",
@@ -1449,6 +1484,7 @@
"GuesserTryHideMsg": "尝试混淆赌怪指令",
"GCanGuessImp": "内鬼阵营可以猜测内鬼身份",
"GCanGuessCrew": "船员阵营可以猜测船员身份",
+ "GCanGuessCoven": "Coven can guess Coven roles",
"GCanGuessAdt": "可以猜测附加职业",
"GCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "可以猜测完成任务的告密者",
"BountyTargetChangeTime": "赏金目标切换时间",
@@ -1456,7 +1492,7 @@
"BountyFailureKillCooldown": "击杀赏金目标以外玩家的惩罚冷却时间",
"BountyShowTargetArrow": "显示指向目标的箭头",
"DefaultShapeshiftCooldown": "默认变形冷却时间",
- "DeadImpCantSabotage": "内鬼阵营死后不能破坏",
+ "DeadImpCantSabotage": "Impostors can't Sabotage after they've died",
"VampireKillDelay": "吸血目标延迟死亡时间",
"VampireTargetDead": "你的目标已死亡",
"VampireActionMode": "操作模式",
@@ -1469,10 +1505,10 @@
"CanKill": "可以击杀",
"KillCooldown": "击杀冷却时间",
"CanVent": "可以使用通风管道",
- "CantMoveOnVents": "不能在进入管道后移动(无法在反转飞船上使用)",
+ "CantMoveOnVents": "Can't Move on Vents (Unstable in Dleks map)",
"ImpostorVision": "拥有内鬼的视野",
"CanUseSabotage": "可以破坏",
- "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "能够使用心电图",
+ "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "Can Have Access to Vitals",
"CanKillImpostors": "可以击杀内鬼阵营",
"CanGuess": "可以在猜测模式下或作为赌怪进行猜测",
"HideVote": "隐藏投票",
@@ -1483,16 +1519,16 @@
"ShapeshifterBase_ShapeshiftCooldown": "变形者变形冷却时间",
"ShapeshifterBase_ShapeshiftDuration": "变形者变形持续时间",
"ShapeshifterBase_LeaveShapeshiftingEvidence": "留下变形痕迹",
- "PhantomBase_InvisCooldown": "隐身冷却时间",
- "PhantomBase_InvisDuration": "隐身的持续时间",
+ "PhantomBase_InvisCooldown": "技能冷却时间",
+ "PhantomBase_InvisDuration": "隐身药水持续时间",
"GuardianAngelBase_ProtectCooldown": "保护冷却时间",
"GuardianAngelBase_ProtectionDuration": "保护持续时间",
- "GuardianAngelBase_ImpostorsCanSeeProtect": "保护内鬼不被发现",
+ "GuardianAngelBase_ImpostorsCanSeeProtect": "护盾是否对内鬼可见",
"ScientistBase_BatteryCooldown": "生命体征显示冷却时间",
"ScientistBase_BatteryDuration": "完成任务增加的设备充能数",
"EngineerBase_VentCooldown": "使用通风管道冷却时间",
"EngineerBase_InVentMaxTime": "通风口滞留最大时间",
- "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "内鬼阵营可获得警告",
+ "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "Impostors can get Alert",
"NoisemakerBase_AlertDuration": "警报持续时间",
"TrackerBase_TrackingCooldown": "追踪冷却时间",
"TrackerBase_TrackingDuration": "追踪持续时间",
@@ -1514,6 +1550,7 @@
"SheriffCanKillSeparately": "单独设定",
"In%team%": "(%team%阵营)",
"SheriffMisfireKillsTarget": "误杀好人的同时击杀目标",
+ "SheriffMisfireOnAdmired": "Sheriff Misfires On Admired Players",
"BlackHolePlaceCooldown": "黑洞放置冷却时间",
"BlackHoleDespawnMode": "黑洞消失模式",
"BlackHoleDespawnTime": "黑洞消失后的时间",
@@ -1526,27 +1563,30 @@
"After1PlayerEaten": "1名玩家被吞噬后",
"AfterMeeting": "会议之后",
"None": "无",
- "SheriffShotLimit": "执法次数上限",
+ "SheriffShotLimit": "Maximum number of Kills",
"SheriffCanKillAllAlive": "全员存活时可以执法",
- "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "可以执法被魅惑的玩家",
+ "SheriffCanKillCharmed": "Can Kill Charmed players",
"SheriffCanKillEgoist": "可以执法利己主义者",
"SheriffCanKillSidekick": "可以执法跟班",
"SheriffCanKillLovers": "可以执法恋人",
"SheriffCanKillMadmate": "可以执法叛徒",
"SheriffCanKillInfected": "可以执法感染者玩家",
"SheriffCanKillContagious": "可以执法病毒玩家",
- "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "设置非船员阵营的警长可执法的对象(必须启用才能随意执法)",
- "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "背叛后可以执法内鬼阵营",
- "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "背叛后可以执法中立阵营",
- "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "背叛后可以执法船员阵营",
+ "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "Non-Crewmate Sheriff Configuration",
+ "SheriffCanKillEnchanted": "Can Kill Enchanted players",
+ "SheriffCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillImp": "Can Kill Impostors",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "Can Kill Neutrals",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "Can Kill Crewmates",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCoven": "Can Kill Coven",
"RebirthUses": "重生次数",
"RebirthCountVotes": "只有投票给他们的玩家才能重生",
"RebirthFailed": "啊,真不幸,你们没有找到可以交换身体的灵魂",
"FireworkerCooldown": "放置黑洞冷却时间",
- "ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "增加击杀冷却时间",
- "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "最大击杀冷却时间",
- "ReverieMisfireSuicide": "在达到最大击杀冷却时间时误杀",
- "ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "会议后重置击杀冷却时间",
+ "ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "Increase Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieMisfireSuicide": "Misfire on reaching maximum Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "Reset Kill Cooldown after meeting",
"ConvertedReverieKillAll": "非船员阵营的遐想者可以随意击杀并不受影响",
"VigilanteNotify": "你变成了你发誓要摧毁的东西",
"DictatorChangeCommandToExpel": "独裁者使用指令驱逐玩家,而不是投票",
@@ -1556,17 +1596,18 @@
"SnitchCanGetArrowColor": "对不同阵营的目标显示不同颜色的箭头",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralKiller": "可以确认带刀中立",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralApoc": "可以确认灾厄中立",
+ "SnitchCanFindCoven": "Can Find Coven",
"SnitchCanFindMadmate": "可以确认叛徒",
"SnitchRemainingTaskFound": "在剩余多少任务时被发现",
"MayorAdditionalVote": "附加票数",
"MayorHasPortableButton": "跳通风管触发紧急会议",
- "MayorNumOfUseButton": "紧急会议次数上限",
+ "MayorNumOfUseButton": "Maximum Number of Mobile Emergency Buttons",
"MeetingsNeededForWin": "获胜所需的会议",
"Jester_RevealUponEject": "投票出局时显示",
"CannotVoteWhenDead": "死亡时不能投票",
"EnableVote": "启用/vote指令",
"ShouldVoteSpam": "尝试隐藏/vote指令",
- "VoteDisabled": "房主已禁用/vote指令",
+ "VoteDisabled": "/vote command has been disabled by the Host.",
"ExecutionerCanTargetImpostor": "内鬼阵营可以成为目标",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "可能是带刀中立成为目标",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "可能是灾厄中立的玩家作为目标",
@@ -1574,11 +1615,13 @@
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralBenign": "可能是友好中立的玩家作为目标",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralEvil": "可能是邪恶中立的玩家作为目标",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralChaos": "可能是混乱中立的玩家作为目标",
+ "ExecutionerCanTargetCoven": "Can Target Coven",
"Executioner_RevealTargetUponEject": "驱逐时显示目标",
- "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "已招募的警长可以击杀任何人",
+ "SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "Recruited Sheriff can go Nuts",
"LawyerCanTargetImpostor": "可能是内鬼阵营的玩家作为目标",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "可能是带刀中立的玩家作为目标",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "可能是灾厄中立的玩家作为目标",
+ "LawyerCanTargetCoven": "Can Target Coven",
"LawyerCanTargetCrewmate": "可能是船员阵营的玩家作为目标",
"LawyerCanTargetJester": "可能是小丑的玩家作为目标",
"LawyerChangeRolesAfterTargetKilled": "目标死亡时, 律师变成",
@@ -1594,8 +1637,8 @@
"SniperPrecisionShooting": "精准射击模式",
"SniperAimAssist": "狙击范围内有玩家时提醒狙击手",
"SniperAimAssistOneshot": "闪烁提示而不是一直显示",
- "PyroDouseCooldown": "浇灭击杀冷却",
- "PyroBurnCooldown": "击杀被浇灭的玩家后的击杀冷却时间",
+ "PyroDouseCooldown": "Douse Cooldown",
+ "PyroBurnCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after killing a doused player",
"Prohibited_OverrideBlockedVentsAfterMeeting": "在会议后刷新不能使用的管道",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInSkeld": "在骷髅舰上封锁的管道数",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInMira": "在米拉总部上封锁的管道数",
@@ -1606,7 +1649,7 @@
"UndertakerFreezeDuration": "冻结持续时间",
"NameDisplayAddons": "显示职业同时显示附加职业",
"YourAddon": "你的附加职业:",
- "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "不限制每位玩家的附加职业上限",
+ "NoLimitAddonsNumMax": "Maximum Add-ons Per Player",
"LoverSpawnChances": "出现恋人的概率",
"AdditionRolesSpawnRate": "出现概率",
"TorchVision": "火炬的视野",
@@ -1641,38 +1684,40 @@
"EvilHackerLastAdminInfoTitle": "【 ★ 最后1分钟管理信息 ★ 】",
"EvilHackerDeadbody": "死亡",
"Ventguard": "阻碍者",
- "VentguardInfo": "某传奇模组的封洞保安",
- "VentguardInfoLong": "(船员阵营):\n阻碍者可以通过使用通风管道堵住那个洞。\n根据设置,被堵住的洞将只有船员能钻或者所有人都不能钻。被堵住的洞会一直堵住或会议后重置",
+ "VentguardInfo": "Block Vents by entering them",
+ "VentguardInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Ventguard, you can enter Vents to block them. No one can enter blocked Vents, except Crewmates, if the setting is on. Blocked Vents can be resets every meeting.",
"VentguardVentButtonText": "封堵",
- "Ventguard_MaxGuards": "最大堵洞数",
+ "Ventguard_MaxGuards": "Maximum number of Vent Blocks",
"Ventguard_BlockVentCooldown": "堵洞冷却",
- "Ventguard_BlockDoesNotAffectCrew": "船员阵营能钻被堵住的洞",
+ "Ventguard_BlockDoesNotAffectCrew": "Crewmates can use blocked Vents",
"Ventguard_BlocksResetOnMeeting": "每次会议后重置被堵的洞",
- "VentIsBlocked": "你把这个洞堵了!",
+ "VentIsBlocked": "This Vent is Now Blocked!",
"TraitorKnowMadmate": "背叛者知道叛徒阵营",
"Psychic_NBareRed": "友好中立可以是红名",
"Psychic_NEareRed": "邪恶中立可以是红名",
"Psychic_NCareRed": "混乱中立可以是红名",
"Psychic_NAareRed": "灾厄中立可以是红名",
"Psychic_NKareRed": "带刀中立可以是红名",
+ "Psychic_CovareRed": "Coven can be red",
"Psychic_CrewKillingRed": "带刀船员可以是红名",
- "PsychicCanSeeNum": "可以看到几个红名",
+ "PsychicCanSeeNum": "Maximum number of red names",
"PsychicFresh": "每次会议刷新红名",
"DetectiveCanknowKiller": "可以知道凶手的职业",
"EveryOneKnowSuperStar": "所有人知道谁是大明星",
"HackLimit": "骇入次数上限",
"ZombieSpeedReduce": "每次减少移动速度",
- "NemesisCanKillNum": "复仇人数上限",
+ "NemesisCanKillNum": "Maximum number of revenges",
"ImpKnowCelebrityDead": "内鬼阵营玩家可以知道网红死亡",
"NeutralKnowCelebrityDead": "中立阵营玩家可以知道网红死亡",
+ "CovenKnowCelebrityDead": "Coven know when the Celebrity dies",
"VectorVentNumWin": "胜利所需跳管次数",
"CanCheckCamera": "可以监视到是否有人使用监控",
- "DefaultKillCooldown": "初始击杀冷却时间",
- "ReduceKillCooldown": "击杀成功减少冷却时间",
- "MinKillCooldown": "最小击杀冷却时间",
+ "DefaultKillCooldown": "Starting Kill Cooldown",
+ "ReduceKillCooldown": "Reduce Kill Cooldown by",
+ "MinKillCooldown": "Minimum Kill Cooldown",
"BomberRadius": "爆炸范围(5x能炸半个食堂)",
"NotifyGodAlive": "如果神存活则在会议上通知所有人",
- "TransporterTeleportMax": "传送次数上限",
+ "TransporterTeleportMax": "Maximum number of teleports",
"TriggerKill": "击杀",
"TriggerVent": "通风管",
"TriggerDouble": "双击模式",
@@ -1686,6 +1731,7 @@
"InnocentCanWinByImp": "栽赃内鬼时可以获胜",
"ImpCanBeParanoia": "内鬼阵营可以成为双重人格",
"CrewCanBeParanoia": "船员阵营可以成为双重人格",
+ "CovenCanBeParanoia": "Coven can become Paranoia",
"DualVotes": "重复的投票",
"VeteranSkillCooldown": "发动戒备冷却时间",
"VeteranSkillDuration": "戒备状态持续时间",
@@ -1693,9 +1739,9 @@
"ImpCanBeEgoist": "内鬼阵营可以成为利己主义者",
"CrewCanBeEgoist": "船员阵营可以成为利己主义者",
"ImpEgoistVisibalToAllies": "内鬼阵营可以看到其他利己主义者内鬼",
- "EgoistCountAsConverted": "利己主义者被视为指定中立",
+ "EgoistCountAsConverted": "Egoist count as converted Neutral",
"GuessRainbow": "他似乎太明显了,不是吗?",
- "RainbowColorChangeCoolDown": "变色冷却时间",
+ "RainbowColorChangeCoolDown": "The Cooldown for changing colors",
"RainbowInCamouflage": "伪装时的彩虹颜色变化",
"BaitDelayMin": "报告延迟下限",
"BaitDelayMax": "报告延迟上限",
@@ -1703,17 +1749,18 @@
"BecomeBaitDelayNotify": "当萧暮成为诱饵时,警告凶手即将报告",
"BaitNotification": "在第一次会议上显示诱饵",
"BaitAdviceAlive": "{0} 这个入居然是超级大奖\n赶紧击杀大奖去领取奖励doge",
- "BaitCanBeReportedUnderAllConditions": "在通讯破坏下诱饵仍能强制报告",
- "DeceiverAbilityLost": "如果赝品商在没有击杀按钮的情况下给玩家赝品,则无法使用技能",
+ "BaitCanBeReportedUnderAllConditions": "Bait Can Be Reported even if a meeting is disabled during Comms Sabotage",
+ "DeceiverAbilityLost": "Deceiver loses ability if it deceives player without Kill button",
"AddictSuicideTimer": "距离自杀还有多长时间",
"GrenadierSkillCooldown": "使用闪光弹冷却时间",
"GrenadierSkillDuration": "闪光弹状态持续时间",
"GrenadierCauseVision": "受闪光弹影响后的视野",
"GrenadierCanAffectNeutral": "中立阵营玩家会受到闪光弹影响",
+ "GrenadierCanAffectCoven": "Can affect Coven",
"TicketsPerKill": "每次击杀增加票数",
- "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "击杀/招募冷却时间",
+ "GangsterRecruitCooldown": "Recruit Cooldown",
"GangsterRecruitLimit": "招募玩家数量上限",
- "KamikazeMaxMarked": "最大标记次数",
+ "KamikazeMaxMarked": "Maximum Marked",
"RevolutionistDrawTime": "拉拢玩家所需时间",
"RevolutionistCooldown": "拉拢玩家冷却时间",
"RevolutionistDrawCount": "需要拉拢人数",
@@ -1733,7 +1780,7 @@
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_Immediately": "立即",
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_AfterMeeting": "会议后",
"MedicShieldDeactivationIsVisible_OFF": "关",
- "MedicResetCooldown": "在尝试击杀时,将击杀玩家的冷却时间重置为",
+ "MedicResetCooldown": "On kill attempt, reset murderer's Cooldown to",
"MedicShieldedCanBeGuessed": "可以猜测带有医生护盾的玩家",
"MadmateSpawnMode": "叛徒生成模式",
"MadmateSpawnMode.Assign": "开局分配",
@@ -1743,40 +1790,41 @@
"MadmateCountMode.None": "不计人数",
"MadmateCountMode.Imp": "内鬼阵营",
"MadmateCountMode.Original": "原始阵营",
- "Altruist_RevivedDeadBodyCannotBeReported_Option": "已被复活的尸体无法再被报告",
- "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsAlert": "内鬼可以知道有人被复活了",
- "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "内鬼会有指向被复活玩家的箭头",
- "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "带刀中立可以知道有人被复活了",
- "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "带刀中立会有指向被复活玩家的箭头",
+ "Altruist_RevivedDeadBodyCannotBeReported_Option": "Revived Dead Body cannot be Reported",
+ "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsAlert": "Impostors can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "Impostors can get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "Neutral Killers can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "Neutral Killers can get Arrow",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsAlert": "Coven can get Alert",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsArrow": "Coven can get Arrow",
"AltruistSuffix": "当前报告键模式:{0}",
"AltruistReviveMode": "复活",
"AltruistReportMode": "报告",
"Altruist_YouTriedReportRevivedDeadBody": "此尸体已被复活,你不能报告它",
- "Altruist_DeadPlayerHasBeenRevived": "一个死亡的玩家被复活了!",
+ "Altruist_DeadPlayerHasBeenRevived": "A Dead Player has been Revived!",
"AltruistAbilityButton": "切换报告模式",
"SnatchesWin": "抢夺胜利",
"DemonKillCooldown": "攻击冷却时间",
- "DemonHealthMax": "玩家最大血量",
+ "DemonHealthMax": "Player maximum health",
"DemonDamage": "造成的伤害值",
- "DemonSelfHealthMax": "自身血量",
+ "DemonSelfHealthMax": "Demon maximum health",
"DemonSelfDamage": "受到的伤害值",
"LightningConvertTime": "汽化为量子幽灵的延迟",
"LightningKillCooldown": "汽化冷却时间",
"LightningKillerConvertGhost": "被击杀时凶手汽化为量子幽灵",
"CanCountNeutralKiller": "当船员通过击杀中立玩家胜利时可以抢夺胜利",
- "GreedyOddKillCooldown": "单数击杀冷却时间",
- "GreedyEvenKillCooldown": "双数击杀冷却时间",
+ "GreedyOddKillCooldown": "Odd-Numbered Kill Cooldown",
+ "GreedyEvenKillCooldown": "Even-Numbered Kill Cooldown",
"WorkaholicCannotWinAtDeath": "死亡后无法胜利",
"WorkaholicVisibleToEveryone": "所有人知道谁是工作狂 ",
"WorkaholicGiveAdviceAlive": "第一次见面时的建议活着,死后可以获胜,幽灵任务开启",
"DoctorVisibleToEveryone": "每个人都知道谁是法医",
"CursedWolfGuardSpellTimes": "反杀次数上限",
"KillAttackerWhenAbilityRemaining": "技能剩余时击杀攻击者",
- "JinxSpellTimes": "扫把星的厄运数量",
"CollectorCollectAmount": "需要集票数量",
"GlitchCanVote": "可以投票",
"QuickShooterShapeshiftCooldown": "储存子弹冷却时间",
- "MeetingReserved": "会议保留子弹数量",
+ "MeetingReserved": "Maximum Bullets reserved for a meeting",
"AccurateCheckMode": "可以在任务未完成时了解特定的身份",
"RandomActiveRoles": "随机将目标职业与已启用职业混合显示给调查员",
"CamouflageCooldown": "隐蔽冷却时间",
@@ -1790,29 +1838,31 @@
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralE": "可以审判邪恶中立",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralC": "可以审判混乱中立",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralA": "可以审判灾厄中立",
+ "JudgeCanTrialCoven": "Can trial Coven",
"JudgeCanTrialSidekick": "可以审判跟班",
"JudgeCanTrialInfected": "可以审判感染者",
"JudgeCanTrialContagious": "可以审判病毒",
"JudgeTryHideMsg": "尝试混淆正义法官指令",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "每次会议审判次数上限",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "每场游戏最大审判上限",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Trials per Meeting",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "Maximum Trials per Game",
"JudgeCanTrialMadmate": "可以审判叛徒",
"JudgeCanTrialCharmed": "可以审判魅惑玩家",
+ "JudgeCanTrialEnchanted": "Can trial Enchanted players",
"JudgeDead": "很抱歉,死亡后不能进行审判",
"JudgeTrialMaxMeetingMsg": "\n会议内没有剩余的审判次数了!",
"JudgeTrialMaxGameMsg": "\n当局内没有剩余的审判次数了!",
"Judge_LaughToWhoTrialSelf": "哈哈哈,请问你在传承赌怪的行为艺术吗?",
"Judge_TrialKill": "{0} 被法官判处\n死刑+终身剥夺政治权利\n当然也有可能是法官自杀doge\n(自己猜猜是邪恶的还是正义的)",
"Judge_TrialKillTitle": "【 ★ 法院事件 ★ 】",
- "Judge_TrialHelp": "指令格式:/tl [玩家编号]\n你可以在玩家的名字前看到该玩家的编号\n或者使用/id查看玩家编号列表",
+ "Judge_TrialHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Judge_TrialNull": "请选择一个存活的玩家进行审判",
- "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "警戒次数上限",
+ "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "Maximum number of Alerts",
"SwooperCooldown": "隐身冷却时间",
"SwooperDuration": "隐身持续时间",
"WraithCooldown": "隐身冷却时间",
"WraithDuration": "隐身的持续时间",
"BastionNotify": "一枚炸弹被引爆",
- "EnteredBombedVent": "那个通风口被炸毁了!",
+ "EnteredBombedVent": "That Vent was bombed!",
"BastionVentButtonText": "炸弹",
"BombsClearAfterMeeting": "会议结束后炸弹被清除",
"BastionMaxBombs": "(初始)最大炸弹数量",
@@ -1828,11 +1878,12 @@
"FollowerBetTargetKnowFollower": "下注目标可以知道自己被下注",
"FortuneTellerHideVote": "隐藏调查员的投票",
"CultistCharmCooldown": "魅惑冷却时间",
- "CultistCharmCooldownIncrese": "每次魅惑增加魅惑冷却时间",
+ "CultistCharmCooldownIncrese": "Increases Charm Cooldown for Each Charm",
"CultistCharmMax": "魅惑次数上限",
"CultistKnowTargetRole": "可以知道魅惑目标的职业",
"CultistTargetKnowOtherTarget": "魅惑玩家互相认识",
"CultistCanCharmNeutral": "中立阵营可以被魅惑",
+ "CultistCanCharmCoven": "Coven Roles can be Charmed",
"InfectiousBiteCooldown": "感染冷却时间",
"KnowTargetRole": "了解目标的身份",
"TargetKnowsLawyer": "目标知道他的律师",
@@ -1855,11 +1906,11 @@
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_None": "不计人数",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Cultist": "魅魔",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Original": "原始阵营",
- "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "没有内鬼存活时破坏视作豺狼胜利",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "当有人被击杀时立刻将击杀冷却恢复至0(不包括自己击杀)",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "重置击杀冷却",
+ "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "When all Impostors are dead, the Jackal wins by Sabotage instead",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "Reset Kill Cooldown if someone gets killed by another player",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "Kill Cooldown on Reset",
"JackalCanRecruitSidekick": "可以招募跟班",
- "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "最大招募人数",
+ "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "Maximum Number of Recruits",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode": "跟班被视为",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_None": "不计人数",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_Jackal": "豺狼",
@@ -1888,6 +1939,7 @@
"NeutralsSeePresident": "中立阵营可以看到展示的总统",
"MadmatesSeePresident": "叛徒阵营可以看到展示的总统",
"ImpsSeePresident": "内鬼阵营可以看到展示的总统",
+ "CovenSeePresident": "Coven can see revealed President",
"PresidentDead": "哈哈哈,你想通过卡bug\n在死后强行结束会议吗?",
"PresidentEndMax": "你没有更多的力量强行结束会议了!",
"PresidentRevealMax": "你已经展现了自己...",
@@ -1898,40 +1950,167 @@
"Troller_CanHaveStartMeetingEvent": "可按事件开始会议",
"Troller_ChangesSpeed": "暴君改变了大家的速度",
"Troller_SpeedOut": "速度恢复",
- "Troller_YouChangedCooldown": "你改变了所有玩家的技能冷却时间",
- "Troller_ChangeYourCooldown": "暴君改变了你的技能冷却时间",
- "Troller_NoAddons": "在随机目标上未发现附加职业",
- "Troller_RemoveRandomAddon": "你在随机玩家中移除了该玩家的附加职业",
- "Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "暴君随机移除了你的附加职业",
- "Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "你造成了破坏",
- "Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "你修复了破坏",
+ "Troller_YouChangedCooldown": "You changed the Cooldown of all players",
+ "Troller_ChangeYourCooldown": "Troller change your Cooldown!",
+ "Troller_NoAddons": "No Add-ons found on the random target",
+ "Troller_RemoveRandomAddon": "You removed Add-on from random player",
+ "Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "Troller removed your random Add-on",
+ "Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "You caused Sabotage",
+ "Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "You fixed Sabotage",
+ "CovenRolesMinPlayer": "Minimum amount of Coven",
+ "CovenRolesMaxPlayer": "Maximum amount of Coven",
+ "%role%CanVent": "%role% Can Vent",
+ "%role%HasImpVis": "%role% Has Impostor Vision",
+ "CovenHasImpVis": "Coven Members have Impostor Vision",
+ "CovenImpVisMode": "Impostor Vision Configuration",
+ "CovenCanVent": "Coven Members Can Vent",
+ "CovenVentMode": "Vent Configuration",
+ "CovenPerRole": "Per Role",
+ "CovenCanSeeEachOthersAddOns": "Coven can see each other's Add-Ons",
+ "NecronomiconNotification": "You have recieved the Necronomicon!
Your powers are now enhanced!",
+ "NecronomiconVote": "You have voted for {0} to receive the Necronomicon next round. You may now vote normally.",
+ "CovenDontKillOtherCoven": "Don't try to kill your fellow Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderMaxRetrains": "Maximum Retrains",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainCooldown": "Retrain Cooldown",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrain": "Retrain offered",
+ "CovenLeaderNoRetrain": "You have ran out of Retrains!",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainNonCoven": "You can't retrain a non-Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderAcceptRetrain": "The player you attempted to retrain has accepted your training and is now a {0}!",
+ "CovenLeaderDeclineRetrain": "The player you attempted to retrain has declined your offer to retrain them into a {0}...",
+ "RetrainNotification": "The {0} has requested to retrain you into a {1}.
Vote yourself to accept the offer, vote someone else to decline.",
+ "RetrainAcceptOffer": "You have accepted the {0}'s retraining and you are now a {1}!",
+ "RetrainDeclineOffer": "You declined the {0}'s retraining and your role has not been changed...",
+ "RitualistMaxRitsPerRound": "Maximum Blood Rituals per Round",
+ "RitualistTryHideMsg": "Try to hide Ritualist's commands",
+ "RitualistRitualSuccess": "You preformed a successful Blood Ritual on {0} and they are now part of the Coven!",
+ "RitualistRitualFail": "You have failed your Blood Ritual and may no longer preform any Blood Rituals this meeting...",
+ "RitualistRitualImpossible": "Your Blood Ritual was successful, however, this player is unenchantable.",
+ "RitualistRitualMax": "You've already used the maximum amount of Blood Rituals for this meeting.",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsCoven": "Enchanted knows Coven",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsEnchanted": "Enchanted knows Enchanted",
+ "RitualistCommandHelp": "Instructions: /rt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /rt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player IDs before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
+ "RitualistConvertNotif": "Your role has been guessed by the {0} and you are now apart of the Coven!",
+ "RitualistGuessAddon": "Did you seriously think it would be that easy? You can't do a Ritual solely based on Add-ons.",
+ "RitualistSuccessfullyRecruited": "You successfully recruited a player",
+ "BeRecruitedByRitualist": "The Ritualist has recruited you",
+ "ConjurerCooldown": "Conjure Cooldown",
+ "ConjurerRadius": "Blast Radius",
+ "ConjurerNecroRadius": "Necronomicon Blast Radius",
+ "ConjurerCovenDies": "Coven can die in blast",
+ "ConjurerMark": "Location marked",
+ "ConjurerMeteor": "Meteor summoned",
+ "ConjurerNecroMark": "Player marked",
+ "ConjurerMarkShapeshift": "Mark",
+ "ConjurerConjureShapeshift": "Conjure",
+ "IllusionCooldown": "Illusion Cooldown",
+ "IllusionistMaxIllusions": "Maximum Illusions",
+ "IllusionistSnitchAffected": "Snitch is Affected by Illusions",
+ "IllusionistResetIllusionsPerRound": "Reset Illusions After Meeting",
+ "IllusionistClearIllusionsWhenDead": "Remove Illusions When Illusionist Dies",
+ "MedusaStoneCooldown": "Stone Cooldown",
+ "MedusaStoneDuration": "Stone Duration",
+ "MedusaStoneVision": "Stoned Vision",
+ "MedusaStonedPlayer": "{0} has been Stoned",
+ "MedusaStoningStart": "Stoning in progress",
+ "MedusaStoningEnd": "Stoning has ended",
+ "MoonDancerBatonPassCooldown": "Baton Pass Cooldown",
+ "MoonDancerBlastOffChance": "Chance to Blast Off",
+ "MoonDancerPassEnabledAddons": "Can only Baton Pass enabled Add-ons",
+ "MoonDancerCantBlastOff": "Target can not be Blasted Off",
+ "MoonDancerNormalKill": "Killed normally",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHelpfulAddon": "Target will be given Helpful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHarmfulAddon": "Target will be given Harmful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerNoAddons": "No Add-ons to Baton Pass to {0}",
+ "SacrifistDebuffCooldown": "Debuff Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistDeathsAfterVote": "Players Killed After Sacrifist is Exiled",
+ "SacrifistNecroReducedCooldown": "Coven Decreased Cooldown After Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "SacrifistVision": "Sacrificed Vision",
+ "SacrifistVisionDuration": "Vision Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeed": "Sacrificed Speed",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDuration": "Speed Duration",
+ "SacrifistIncreasedCooldown": "Sacrificed Increase Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistFreezeDuration": "Random Freezing Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDebuff": "Speed Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistVisionDebuff": "Vision Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistCooldownDebuff": "Cooldown Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistFoolDebuff": "Can't Fix Sabotages Debuff",
+ "SacrifistMeetingDebuff": "Forced Called Meeting",
+ "SacrifistReportDebuff": "Can't Report Bodies",
+ "SacrifistTasksDebuff": "Tasks Reset for Target",
+ "SacrifistSwapSkinsDebuff": "Swapped Skins",
+ "SacrifistSwapDebuff": "Swapping with target after 3 seconds",
+ "SacrifistVisionRevert": "Vision Reverted",
+ "SacrifistSpeedRevert": "Speed Reverted",
+ "SacrifistShapeshiftButton": "Debuff",
+ "SacrifistNecroShapeshiftButton": "Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "VoodooMasterPerRound": "Voodoo Dolls per Round",
+ "VoodooMasterCanDollCoven": "Voodoo Master can Voodoo Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNecroCanKillCov": "Necronomicon Ability can Kill Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollCoven": "You can't Voodoo other Coven members!",
+ "VoodooMasterTargetInMeeting": "Someone tried to target you with their role during this meeting, but it was deflected to one of your dolls, {0}, instead!",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollsLeft": "You can't voodoo anyone else this round!",
+ "VoodooMasterDolledSomeone": "{0} has been turned into a Voodoo Doll",
+ "PotionMasterMaxReveals": "Maximum Reveals",
+ "PotionMasterMaxBarriers": "Maximum Barriers",
+ "PotionMasterNoPotions": "You're out of {0} Potions!",
+ "PotionMasterPotionSwitch": "Potion switched to: {0}",
+ "PotionMasterPotionCurrent": "Current Potion: ",
+ "PotionMasterRevealCoven": "You can already see roles of Coven!",
+ "PotionMasterReveal": "Reveal",
+ "PotionMasterBarrier": "Barrier",
+ "PotionMasterKillButtonText": "Use Potion",
+ "HexMasterHexCooldown": "Hex Cooldown",
+ "HexMasterCovenCanGetMovingHex": "Coven Can Get Moving Hex",
+ "HexMasterMovingHexCooldown": "Moving Hex Pass Cooldown",
+ "HexesLookLikeSpells": "Hexes appear as Spells",
+ "HexButtonText": "妖术",
+ "HexMasterModeHex": "妖术",
+ "HexMasterModeKill": "击杀",
+ "HexMasterModeDouble": "单击妖术&双击击杀",
+ "HexMasterPassNotify": "Hex successfully passed",
+ "JinxSpellTimes": "扫把星的厄运数量",
+ "JinxCooldown": "Jinx Cooldown",
+ "JinxCovenCanDieToJinx": "Coven Can Die To Jinx",
+ "PoisonCooldown": "毒药冷却",
+ "PoisonerKillDelay": "毒杀延迟",
+ "PoisonerTargetDead": "目标已死亡",
+ "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "毒药",
+ "NecromancerRevengeTime": "Necronomicon Ability time",
+ "NecromancerRevenge": "你有{0}秒的时间击杀{1}",
+ "NecromancerSuccess": "亡灵魔法完成 你苟活了下来",
+ "NecromancerHide": "通风口已关闭,请躲避亡灵巫师",
+ "NecromancerAbilityDuration": "Necromancy Duration",
+ "NecromancerAbilityCooldown": "Necromancy Cooldown",
+ "NecromancerCooldownNotDone": "Ability is still on Cooldown!",
+ "NecromancerNoUsableRoles": "No usable roles",
"LuckyProbability": "触发挡伤的概率",
"ImpCanBeDoubleShot": "内鬼阵营可以成为双重猜测",
"CrewCanBeDoubleShot": "船员阵营可以成为双重猜测",
"NeutralCanBeDoubleShot": "中立阵营可以成为双重猜测",
+ "CovenCanBeDoubleShot": "Coven can have Double Shot",
"MimicCanSeeDeadRoles": "宝箱怪可以看到死去玩家的身份",
- "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "隐蔽时禁止报告尸体",
- "CanUseCommsSabotage": "可以破坏通讯进行隐蔽",
+ "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "Disable body reporting when Camouflage is active",
+ "CanUseCommsSabotage": "Can use Comms Sabotage",
"ModTag": "协管 ♥",
"ApplyModeratorList": "启用协管名单",
"VipTag": "VIP ★",
"ApplyVipList": "申请VIP名单",
- "AllowSayCommand": "允许协管使用/say指令",
- "AllowStartCommand": "允许协管使用/start指令",
+ "AllowSayCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /say command",
+ "AllowStartCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /start command",
"StartCommandMinCountdown": "/start 指令的最小倒计时",
"StartCommandMaxCountdown": "/start 指令的最大倒计时",
"KickCommandDisabled": "踢出指令已禁用",
"KickCommandNoAccess": "你无法使用踢出指令\n因为你没有权限",
"KickCommandInvalidID": "指定的玩家ID无效\n请使用“/kick [玩家编号] [理由] 踢出该玩家”\n例子:- /kick 5 不遵守规则",
- "KickCommandKickHost": "你不能踢房主",
- "KickCommandKickMod": "你不能踢出其他协管玩家",
+ "KickCommandKickHost": "You are not permitted to kick the Host.",
+ "KickCommandKickMod": "You are not permitted to kick other Moderators.",
"KickCommandKicked": "在游戏中被 ",
"KickCommandKickedRole": "他的职业是",
"BanCommandDisabled": "封禁指令已禁用",
"BanCommandNoAccess": "你无法使用封禁指令\n因为你没有权限",
"BanCommandInvalidID": "指定的玩家ID无效\n请使用“/ban [玩家编号] [理由] 封禁该玩家”\n例子:- /ban 5 不遵守规则 ",
- "BanCommandBanHost": "你不能封禁房主",
- "BanCommandBanMod": "你不能封禁其他协管玩家",
+ "BanCommandBanHost": "You are not permitted to ban the Host.",
+ "BanCommandBanMod": "You are not permitted to ban other Moderators.",
"BanCommandBanned": "在游戏中被 ",
"BanCommandBannedRole": "他的职业是",
"BanCommandNoReason": "未说明原因\n请使用“/ban [玩家编号] [理由] 封禁该玩家”\n例子:- /ban 5 不遵守规则",
@@ -1951,13 +2130,13 @@
"WarnCommandDisabled": "警告指令已禁用",
"WarnCommandNoAccess": "你无法使用警告指令\n因为你没有权限",
"WarnCommandInvalidID": "指定的玩家ID无效\n请使用“/warn [玩家编号] [理由] 警告该玩家”\n例子:- /warn 5 在驱逐时对话",
- "WarnCommandWarnHost": "你不能警告房主",
+ "WarnCommandWarnHost": "You are not permitted to warn the Host.",
"StartCommandNoAccess": "你无法使用开始指令\n因为你没有权限",
"StartCommandDisabled": "开始指令已禁用",
"StartCommandCountdown": "错误\n\n游戏已经开始!",
"StartCommandStarted": "游戏已由 {0} 开始 !",
"StartCommandInvalidCountdown": "错误\n\n倒计时必须在 {0} 和 {1}之间!",
- "WarnCommandWarnMod": "你不能警告其他协管玩家",
+ "WarnCommandWarnMod": "You are not permitted to warn other Moderators.",
"WarnCommandWarned": "已被警告。我们不会再发出警告,继续犯规会被惩罚。\n ",
"WarnExample": "请使用 “/warn [玩家编号] [理由] 警告该玩家”\n例子:-\n /warn 5 在驱逐时对话",
"SayCommandDisabled": "say指令已禁用",
@@ -2010,6 +2189,7 @@
"DeathReason.Sacrificed": "献身",
"DeathReason.Electrocuted": "触电",
"DeathReason.Scavenged": "已抹除",
+ "DeathReason.BlastedOff": "Blasted Off",
"OnlyEnabledDeathReasons": "仅启用死亡原因",
"Alive": "存活",
"Disconnected": "断连",
@@ -2022,6 +2202,7 @@
"Infected-": "感染的",
"Contagious-": "传染性",
"Admired-": "仰慕",
+ "Enchanted-": "Enchanted ",
"DeputyHandcuffCooldown": "手铐冷却",
"DeputyHandcuffMax": "手铐最大数量",
"DeputyHandcuffedPlayer": "你给目标铐上了手铐!",
@@ -2071,11 +2252,11 @@
"Command.kill": "[玩家ID] → 击杀指定玩家",
"Command.exe": "[玩家ID] → 放逐指定玩家",
"Command.level": "[等级] → 修改你的游戏等级",
- "Command.idlist": "→ 显示玩家编号列表",
+ "Command.idlist": "→ Display a list of player ID's",
"Command.qq": "→ 让车队姬在群里发房号",
"Command.dump": "→ 将游戏运行日志输出到桌面",
"Command.death": "→ 显示你的死亡信息",
- "Command.icons": "
╳ - 玩家被勒索者标记,会议期间无法发言。\n
☆ - 被舰长用来标记他们自己。只有船员阵营能看到舰长的星星。\n
乂 - 该玩家被巫师施邪咒,如果巫师在会议结束前没有被击杀或驱逐,该玩家将死亡。\n
♦ - 由律师、刽子手或赌徒使用。\n
♥ - 由恋人或浪漫主义者使用。\n
✚ - 医生用来标记他们的目标。\n
⦿ - 该玩家与决斗者正在进行决斗。\n
!? - 该玩家被测验长标记,必须正确回答问题才能活下去。\n
☜ - 由薛定谔的猫用来标记他们的队友。\n
◈ - 该玩家被裹尸布标记,如果裹尸布在会议结束前没有被击杀或驱逐,该玩家将死亡。\n
⚠ - 该玩家是已完成任务的告密者或至日者。\n
★ - 由大明星、网络员或展现者使用。\n
† - 该玩家被咒杀,如果女巫在会议结束前没有被杀死,该玩家将死亡。\n
∇ - 由神风特攻队用来标记他们的目标。\n
■ - 由球形闪电用来量子轰炸。\n
⊠ - 由狱卒使用来标记被监禁的玩家。\n
● - 由面包师使用来标记谁有面包。\n
♠ - 由灵魂收集者使用来标记他们正在预测谁的死亡。\n
⦿ - 由瘟疫使者使用来标记他们已经使谁染上了瘟疫。",
+ "Command.icons": "
╳ - 玩家被勒索者标记,会议期间无法发言。\n☆ - 被舰长用来标记他们自己。只有船员阵营能看到舰长的星星。\n乂 - 该玩家被巫师施邪咒,如果巫师在会议结束前没有被击杀或驱逐,该玩家将死亡。\n♦ - 由律师、刽子手或赌徒使用。\n♥ - 由恋人或浪漫主义者使用。\n✚ - 医生用来标记他们的目标。\\n
⦿ - 该玩家与决斗者正在进行决斗。\n!? - 该玩家被测验长标记,必须正确回答问题才能活下去。\n☜ - 由薛定谔的猫用来标记他们的队友。\n◈ - 该玩家被裹尸布标记,如果裹尸布在会议结束前没有被击杀或驱逐,该玩家将死亡。\n⚠ - 该玩家是已完成任务的告密者或至日者。\n★ - 由大明星、网络员或展现者使用。\n† - 该玩家被女巫咒杀,如果女巫在会议结束前没有被杀死,该玩家将死亡。\n∇ - 由神风特攻队用来标记他们的目标。\n■ - 由球形闪电用来量子轰炸。\n⊠ - 由狱卒使用来标记被监禁的玩家。\n● - 由面包师使用来标记谁有面包。\n♠ - 由灵魂收集者使用来标记他们正在预测谁的死亡。\n⦿ - 由瘟疫使者使用来标记他们已经使谁染上了瘟疫。\n♣ - 标记持有死灵之书的巫术阵营玩家。 仅展示给巫师阵营玩家。\n⌘ - 玩家被扫把星诅咒了,与其交击杀互会暴毙。 仅展示给巫师阵营玩家。\nø - 玩家被幻术师标记,若其为预言家等揭示类职业,其预言结果会逆转。 仅展示给巫师阵营玩家。\n♻ - 玩家被美杜莎石化诅咒了。 仅展示给巫师阵营玩家。\n✂ - 玩家被转化为巫毒娃娃。 仅展示给巫师阵营玩家。",
"Command.start": "[Seconds] → 开始游戏",
"Command.iconinfo": "→ 显示会议中图标的信息",
"Command.iconhelp": "→ 向每个人显示会议中图标的信息",
@@ -2085,13 +2266,15 @@
"Remaining.MadmateCount": "叛徒阵营 剩余:{0}",
"Remaining.NeutralCount": "带刀中立 剩余:{0}",
"Remaining.ApocalypseCount": "灾厄中立 剩余:{0}",
+ "Remaining.CovenCount": "Coven left: {0}",
"EnableKillerLeftCommand": "启用/kcount指令",
- "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "显示剩余叛徒阵营人数(包括附加职业)",
+ "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "Show Madmates (including Add-ons)",
"ShowApocalypseInLeftCommand": "显示<#ff174f>灾厄中立",
+ "ShowCovenInLeftCommand": "Show Coven",
"SeeEjectedRolesInMeeting": "查看驱逐时的会议身份",
"ThankYouForUsingTOHE": "感谢您使用 TOHE!",
"SkillUsedLeft": "你发动技能召开了会议。\n你的技能剩余使用次数:",
- "NemesisDeadMsg": "黑手党的死亡,意味着复仇的开始\n请使用/rv + [玩家编号] 以击杀指定玩家\n你可以在玩家名字前看到该玩家的编号\n或输入/rv获取玩家编号列表",
+ "NemesisDeadMsg": "The death of the Nemesis means the beginning of the revenge. \nPlease use /rv + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /rv to get a list of player ID's",
"NemesisAliveKill": "黑手党的复仇只能在死亡后发动",
"NemesisKillDead": "请选择一个在场的存活角色进行复仇",
"NemesisKillSucceed": "{0} 被黑手党进行了复仇!",
@@ -2111,14 +2294,15 @@
"GuessGuardianTask": "你无法赌死已经完成了任务的守护者",
"GuardianCantKilled": "你无法击杀已经完成了任务的守护者",
"GuessMarshallTask": "你无法赌死已经完成了任务的展现者",
- "GuessObviousAddon": "抱歉,无法猜测明显的附加职业",
- "GuessAdtRole": "很抱歉,该房设置不允许猜测附加职业",
+ "GuessObviousAddon": "Sorry, obvious Add-ons cannot be guessed.",
+ "GuessAdtRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow you to guess Add-ons",
"GuessImpRole": "不幸的是,房主的设置不允许内鬼猜测内鬼身份",
- "GuessCrewRole": "不幸的是,房主的设置不允许船员猜测船员身份",
+ "GuessCrewRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow Crewmates to guess Crewmate roles.",
"GuessApocRole": "幸运的是,房主的设置不允许灾厄猜测灾厄身份",
+ "GuessCovenRole": "Fortunately, the Host's settings does not allow Coven to guess Coven roles.",
"GuessKill": "{0} 被赌怪猜中了身份\n当场暴毙趋势了!",
"GuessNull": "请选择存活玩家的ID,猜测他们的身份",
- "GuessHelp": "指令格式:/bt [玩家编号] [职业名]\n示例:「/bt 3 告密者」\n你可以在玩家的名字前看到该玩家的编号\n或者使用/id查看玩家编号列表",
+ "GuessHelp": "Instructions: /bt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /bt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"GGGuessMax": "你已达到最大猜测次数\n你不能再进行猜测!",
"EGGuessMax": "你已达到最大猜测次数\n你不能再进行猜测!",
"EGGuessSnitchTaskDone": "很抱歉,该房设置不允许猜测已经完成任务的告密者",
@@ -2149,12 +2333,12 @@
"MediumNotifyTarget": "通灵师{0}与你建立了联系,本次会议结束前,你拥有一次回应其问题的机会。\n确认指令:「/ms 是」\n否认指令:「/ms 否」",
"MediumNotifySelf": "你与{0}建立了联系,请向其提问并等待其作出回应。\n剩余技能使用次数:{1}",
"MediumKnowPlayerDead": "刚刚似乎有亡魂发出了一阵嘶吼",
- "SpurtMinSpeed": "最低速度",
- "SpurtMaxSpeed": "最高速度",
+ "SpurtMinSpeed": "Minimum Speed",
+ "SpurtMaxSpeed": "Maximum Speed",
"SpurtModule": "调节速度",
"EnableSpurtCharge": "显示能量",
"SpurtSuffix": "«冲刺:{0}%»",
- "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "目标已经死了",
+ "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "Target is Already Dead",
"ByBard": "吟游诗人献",
"ByBardGetFailed": "没有灵感,也是一种灵感",
"GangsterSuccessfullyRecruited": "你成功招募了一位玩家",
@@ -2165,40 +2349,37 @@
"BecomeMadmateCuzMadmateMode": "你因死亡成为叛徒",
"CleanerCleanBody": "目标的尸体已被清理",
"QuickShooterStoraging": "子弹储存成功",
- "QuickShooterFailed": "您仍处于冷却状态。",
- "PoisonerTargetDead": "目标已死亡",
- "HexesLookLikeSpells": "妖术显示为符咒",
- "HexButtonText": "妖术",
- "BloodthirstAdded": "你的嗜血之心已被激活!",
+ "QuickShooterFailed": "You are still in Cooldown.",
+ "BloodthirstAdded": "Your Bloodthirst is now active!",
"WarlockNoTarget": "因没有目标操纵失败",
"WarlockNoTargetYet": "你没有标记目标",
"WarlockTargetDead": "由于目标已死亡,操纵失败",
"WarlockControlKill": "已操纵目标完成击杀",
"OnCelebrityDead": "紧急通知:网红死亡",
"OnCyberDead": "紧急通知:网络员死亡!",
- "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "所有人都被传送到通风口",
+ "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "Everyone was teleported to Vents",
"TeleportedByTransporter": "你被传送至:{0}",
"ErrorTeleport": "传送失败",
- "EraseLimit": "抹除次数上限",
+ "EraseLimit": "Maximum Erases",
"EraserHideVote": "隐藏抹除者的投票",
"EraserEraseMsgTitle": "【 ★ 抹除者 ★ 】",
"EraserEraseNotice": "你抹除了{0}\n{0}的职业将在会议结束后删除",
"EraserEraseBaseImpostorOrNeutralRoleNotice": "哎呀,你的目标无法删除!",
"EraserEraseSelf": "很抱歉,世界上最帅的人是无法被抹除的,就像真理永不泯灭一般。",
- "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "你无法猜出被你删除的玩家的职业,但附加职业除外",
+ "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "You can't guess the role of the player you erased, except Add-ons",
"LostRoleByEraser": "你的职业被抹除者抹除了",
"KilledByScavenger": "清道夫把你杀了,因此你被传送到了地图外",
- "SnitchDoneTasks": "你已完成全部任务,启动会议以发动技能",
+ "SnitchDoneTasks": "Call a meeting to find the Impostors",
"SwooperCanVent": "冷却结束,跳进管道隐身",
"SwooperInvisState": "隐身状态中",
"SwooperInvisStateOut": "隐身状态失效",
- "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "技能冷却中,隐身失败",
+ "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "Swoop Cooldown isn't up yet. Swooping failed",
"SwooperInvisStateCountdown": "隐身状态将在{0}秒后失效",
"SwooperInvisCooldownRemain": "隐身剩余冷却时间:{0}",
"WraithCanVent": "冷却结束,钻洞隐身",
"WraithInvisState": "你是隐形的",
"WraithInvisStateOut": "隐身结束了!",
- "WraithInvisInCooldown": "技能仍处于冷却状态,消失失败",
+ "WraithInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, Vanish failed",
"WraithInvisStateCountdown": "隐身状态将在{0}秒后失效",
"WraithInvisCooldownRemain": "隐身剩余冷却时间:{0}",
"WerewolfKillButtonText": "伤害",
@@ -2219,10 +2400,10 @@
"BittenByInfectious": "感染者感染了你!",
"InfectiousBittenPlayer": "你成功感染了一名玩家",
"GuessNotAllowed": "你的身份无权进行猜测",
- "GuessOnbound": "该玩家附加职业是不可被赌\n因此你对他们的猜测被取消",
+ "GuessOnbound": "This player has the Onbound Add-on, so your guess on them was canceled.",
"GuessSpecter": "你无法猜测幽灵,这会让他胜利!",
"PacifistOnGuard": "技能已生效,剩余{0}次",
- "PacifistSkillNotify": "和平之鸽重置了你的击杀/技能冷却",
+ "PacifistSkillNotify": "Pacifist reset your Kill Cooldown",
"BeRecruitedByJackal": "豺狼招募了你",
"YinYangerAlreadyMarked": "{0}已经处于平静状态,并得到一位阴阳命煞人的帮助",
"CoronerTrackRecorded": "记录跟踪",
@@ -2246,26 +2427,27 @@
"MonarchInvalidTarget": "目标不能被封为骑士",
"GhostTransformTitle": "你的职业发生了转变!",
"SpiritcallerNoticeTitle": "你 变 成 了 恶 灵 !",
- "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "灵魂召唤者杀死了你,把你变成了恶灵。你现在的任务是通过使用你的幽灵技能来阻碍其他玩家或保护灵魂召唤者,帮助灵魂召唤者取得胜利。使用「/m」获取更多信息",
+ "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "The Spiritcaller has killed you and turned you into an Evil Spirit. Your task now is to help the Spiritcaller to victory by using your Spook button to hinder other players or to protect the Spiritcaller. Use /m for more information.",
"OverseerRevealCooldown": "预言冷却时间",
"OverseerRevealTime": "预言需要的时间",
"OverseerVision": "预言家视野",
- "MerchantMaxSell": "出售附加职业的最大数量",
+ "MerchantMaxSell": "Maximum number of Add-ons to sell",
"MerchantMoneyPerSell": "出售附加职业赚取的金钱",
"MerchantMoneyRequiredToBribe": "贿赂杀手所需要的金钱",
"MerchantNotifyBribery": "当有商人被贿赂,通知商人",
"MerchantTargetCrew": "可以出售给船员阵营",
"MerchantTargetImpostor": "可以出售给内鬼阵营",
+ "MerchantTargetCoven": "Can sell to Coven",
"MerchantTargetNeutral": "可以出售给中立阵营",
"MerchantSellHelpful": "可以出售帮助类附加职业",
"MerchantSellHarmful": "可以出售有害类附加职业",
"MerchantSellMixed": "可以出售混合类附加职业",
- "MerchantSellExperimental": "可以出售实验性附加职业",
+ "MerchantSellExperimental": "Can sell Experimental Add-ons",
"MerchantSellHarmfulToEvil": "可以出售有害类附加职业仅限于邪恶",
- "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "可以出售帮助类附加职业仅限于船员",
+ "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "Can sell Helpful Add-ons only to Crewmates",
"MerchantSellOnlyEnabledAddons": "只能出售已启用的附加职业",
"SpiritcallerSpiritMax": "恶灵最大数量",
- "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "恶灵的技能冷却",
+ "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "Evil Spirit Ability Cooldown",
"SpiritcallerFreezeTime": "恶灵的技能冻结时间",
"SpiritcallerProtectTime": "恶灵的技能保护时间",
"SpiritcallerCauseVision": "恶灵的技能减小视野",
@@ -2274,31 +2456,31 @@
"Message.MessageWaitHelp": "指定一个数设定秒数",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundHost": "未找到与{0}对应的模板",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundClient": "房主中未找到与{0}相关的模板",
- "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "剩余紧急会议次数: {0}次,少拍桌多做事哦~",
+ "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "There are {0} more Emergency buttons left",
"Message.Executed": "{0}被房主使用指令处决了",
- "Message.HideGameSettings": "房主隐藏了游戏设置",
+ "Message.HideGameSettings": "The Host has hidden the game settings.",
"Message.NowOverrideText": "请房主在游戏根目录的 .\\Language\\SChinese.dat 文件中修改这段文本\n如果你不需要此功能或希望显示普通的/n消息\n请在设置里关掉“显示自定义的/n消息”",
"Message.NoDescription": "无描述",
"Message.KickedByDenyName": "{0}被踢出,因其昵称包含违禁词 {1}",
"Message.BannedByBanList": "{0}因在封禁名单内被踢出",
- "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0}因在EAC封禁名单内被踢出",
+ "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0} has been banned because he is in the EAC list of banned people.",
"Message.DumpfileSaved": "日志文件已成功保存到桌面上了,文件名为:{0}",
"Message.DumpcmdUsed": "{0}使用了 /dump指令",
- "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0}因该房禁止无效好友代码玩家被踢出",
- "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0}因无效好友代码而被暂时封禁",
+ "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was kicked because their Friend Code is invalid.",
+ "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was temporarily banned because their Friend Code is invalid.",
"Message.AddedPlayerToBanList": "{0}被添加至黑名单",
- "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0}被系统请离\n请不要催开始,可能会被判定为违规信息",
- "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0}被警告:{1}次\n请不要催开始,可能会被判定为违规信息",
- "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0}达到 {1}次警告被请离房间\n请不要催开始,可能会被判定为违规信息",
+ "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0} has been kicked by the system. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0} has been warned: {1} times \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0} has received {1} warnings, he will be kicked. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWord": "{0},请友善讨论哦~",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWordTimes": "{0}被警告:{1}次\n请友善讨论哦~",
"Message.KickWhoSayBanWordAfterWarn": "{0}达到{1}次警告被请离房间\n请友善讨论哦~",
- "Message.KickedByEAC": "{0}被EAC踢出,理由:{1}",
- "Message.BannedByEAC": "{0}被EAC封禁,理由:{1}",
- "Message.NoticeByEAC": "检测到{0}:{1}",
- "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "{0}被EAC临时封禁,理由:{1}",
+ "Message.KickedByEAC": "[{0}]kicked by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.BannedByEAC": "[{0}]banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.NoticeByEAC": "[{0}]detected:{1}",
+ "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "[{0}]temporary banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
"Message.TempBannedForSpamQuitting": "{0}由于反复退出而被暂时封禁",
- "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0}被踢出房间,因为该玩家的好友代码没有在白名单内",
+ "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0} kicked because their Friend Code was not found in WhiteList.txt",
"Message.SetLevel": "你的等级设置为:{0}",
"Message.SetColor": "你的颜色设置为:{0}",
"Message.SetName": "你的名字被设置为:{0}",
@@ -2314,7 +2496,7 @@
"Message.HostLeftGameInGame": "★ 警告 ★\n房主已退出游戏,接下来游戏将无法正常运行,请各位退出游戏,或等待新房主重开游戏",
"Message.HostLeftGameInLobby": "★ 警告 ★\n房主已退出游戏,接下来游戏将无法正常运行,若新房主已安装TOHE,需要至少重开一次房间才能正常游戏",
"Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsMod": "★ 警告 ★\n原房主暴毙啦!{0}成为了新的统治者!\n运气不错,新房主还是有mod的,这个房还没炸,只要强制结束再重开就可以啦!",
- "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★ 警告 ★\n原房主暴毙啦!{0}成为了新的统治者!\n糟糕,新房主没mod,这房爆了!赶紧退出跑路吧!",
+ "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host! \nBut it's not modded. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
"Message.LobbyShared": "已请求车队姬群发你的房号",
"Message.LobbyShareFailed": "车队姬似乎不在线捏",
"Message.YTPlanDisabled": "错误\n请在设置启用{0}",
@@ -2322,12 +2504,14 @@
"Message.YTPlanSelectFailed": "无法将你分配为{0}\n可能是因为你没有启用该职业或该职业不支持被指定",
"Message.YTPlanCanNotFindRoleThePlayerEnter": "请正确拼写你要指定的职业哦~\n查看所有职业请直接输入/r",
"Message.YTPlanNotice": "提示:该房间启用了「创作者素材保护计划」,房主可以指定自己的职业。\n该功能仅允许创作者用于获取视频素材,如遇滥用情况,请退出游戏或举报。\n当前创作者认证:",
- "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "错误\n该指令只能由房主使用",
+ "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "ERROR\n\nThis command may only be used by the Host.",
"Message.MaxPlayers": "最大玩家数量设置为",
- "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "无法设置最大玩家数量:原版服务器最多支持15位玩家",
+ "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "Could not set maximum players: Vanilla regions support a maximum of 15 players.",
"Message.GhostRoleInfo": "幽灵职业信息\n关于幽灵职业的一些信息…\n幽灵职业会对游戏产生巨大影响,因此如果您不熟悉幽灵职业,不建议在少人房间中使用。如果描述中没有明确说明,守护按钮就是幽灵的技能按钮 :)\n出现:\n幽灵职业只有在死亡后才会出现,阵营中最先死亡的人会获得幽灵职业(除中立阵营)\n注:如果您之前的职业没有任务(如警长),则变成幽灵职业的您不需要为任务胜利而去做任务(前提是你没任务)",
"ApocalypseInfoTitle": "灾厄中立的信息:",
"Message.ApocalypseInfo": "<#ff174f>灾厄阵营中每个职业都有其自己的目标,以实现转变\n<#2B0804>转变后的<#ff174f>灾厄职业将对游戏产生巨大影响,并且它们将不会死亡(除了被投票淘汰外),但所有人都会被通知到它们已经发生了转变。\n职业:<#e5f6b4>瘟疫使者,<#A675A1>灵魂收集者,<#bf9f7a>面包师,<#cc0044>狂战士\n转变后:<#343136>瘟疫,<#644661>死亡,<#83461c>饥荒,<#2B0804>战争者\n灾厄阵营玩家可以看到彼此的职业和技能图标。\n就像带刀中立一样,灾厄玩家也会让游戏继续下去,玩得开心!",
+ "CovenInfoTitle": "巫师阵营介绍:",
+ "Message.CovenInfo": "The <#ac42f2>Coven is a faction of evildoers who specialize in Witchcraft. Their goal is to kill all who would oppose the <#ac42f2>Coven.\nThey use the Necronomicon to enhance their powers, but only one member at a time can hold it.\nMost Coven roles can only kill if they hold the Necronomicon. A random Coven member will spawn with the Necronomicon, denoted by the <#ac42f2>♣ symbol next to their name.\nIf the Necronomicon holder dies, the Necronomicon will be randomly given to another <#ac42f2>Coven member that is alive.\nDuring a meeting, Coven players can vote each other to determine who will gain the Necronomicon the following round. If the votes end in a tie or nobody votes, the Necronomicon holder will be the same. Votes will be returned and you will be allowed to vote normally.",
"Message.MeCommandInfo": "嗨「{0}」\n好友代码:{2}
\n/color-Bypass: {7}
"Message.MeCommandTargetInfo": "已选择{0}玩家{1}\n你的 好友代码 是 【{2}】\n你的 HashPuid 是 【{3}】\n你的 TOHE Discord 职业是 【{4}】\n",
"Message.MeCommandInvalidID": "你输入的ID似乎不正确\n请使用「/id」获取在线玩家的ID",
@@ -2349,18 +2533,18 @@
"EnableGadientTags": "启用渐变标记(可能连接中断) ",
"Warning.GradientTags": "警告:房主已启用渐变标签。不建议使用该功能,因为会导致连接中断",
"WarningTitle": "警告!",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "警告!此地图的通风已损坏",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "在舰髅骷中,所有通风管道都是损坏的它们无法在H系模组中修复,因为这是一个原版的bug。所以任何使用通风管作为技能的职业都不会正常工作",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "Warning! The Vents on this map are broken",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "On the «dlekS ehT» map, the Vents are broken, they cannot be fixed in Host-Only Mods, this is a vanilla bug, so any roles using a Vent as an ability will not spawns on this map",
"Warning.NoGameEndIsEnabled": "警告:{0}已被启用!",
"AntiBlackoutProtectionTitle": "防黑屏保护",
"Warning.AntiBlackoutProtectionMsg": "警告\n防黑屏保护已激活\n由于存活的内鬼,船员和带刀中立较少\n投票结果将显示平票(只影响视觉效果,不影响投票结果)\n模组端玩家将看到正常的投票界面",
"Warning.ShowAntiBlackExiledPlayer": "上次会议触发了防黑屏措施\n以下显示被驱逐玩家的信息\n",
"DisableAntiBlackoutProtects": "禁用防黑屏保护(建议用于测试)",
- "Warning.InvalidRpc": "{0}被踢出,因其 RPC 无效,请确保没有 TOHE 以外的模组",
- "Warning.NoModHost": "非TOHE房",
+ "Warning.InvalidRpc": "Kicked {0} because an invalid RPC was received.\nPlease check that no Mods other than TOHE are installed.",
+ "Warning.NoModHost": "TOHE is not installed on the Host",
"Warning.MismatchedVersion": "{0}安装了其它版本的{1}",
- "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "你的 【{0}】 版本与房主不同\n你将在{1}秒内被踢出",
- "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "已将你的控制台关闭,无法使用控制台",
+ "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "The Host has no or a different version of {0}\nYou will be kicked in {1}",
+ "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "The use of the Console is prohibited\nso your Console has been off",
"Error.MeetingException": "错误: {0}\n使用「Shift+M+Enter」强制结束会议",
"Error.InvalidRoleAssignment": "错误:在分配职业时发现职业无效的玩家 ({1})",
"Error.InvalidColor": "警告:存在使用非法颜色的玩家,可能引起游戏错误",
@@ -2374,7 +2558,7 @@
"ERR-000-910-1": "测试错误Lv1",
"ERR-000-920-2": "测试错误Lv2",
"ERR-000-930-3": "测试错误Lv3",
- "ERR-000-804-1": "很抱歉,TOHE暂时不支持原版躲猫猫,因此已卸载Mod",
+ "ERR-000-804-1": "Sorry, TOHE temporarily doesn't support vanilla Hide & Seek, so Mod unloaded",
"ERR-001-000-3": "在主目录出现重复密钥",
"ERR-002-000-1": "该模组不支持《Among us》的版本,请更新《Among us》版本",
"DefaultSystemMessageTitle": "【 ★ 系统消息 ★ 】",
@@ -2403,16 +2587,18 @@
"TabGroup.ModifierSettings": "★ 游戏修改器",
"TabGroup.CrewmateRoles": "★ 船员阵营职业",
"TabGroup.NeutralRoles": "★ 中立阵营职业",
+ "TabGroup.CovenRoles": "巫师职业",
"TabGroup.ImpostorRoles": "★ 内鬼阵营职业",
"TabGroup.Addons": "★ 附加职业",
- "TabMenuDescription_General": "你可以在此配置功能mod的功能",
- "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "在这里,您可以添加、删除和更改模组中所有职业或附加职业的设置",
+ "TabMenuDescription_General": "Here you can configure the functions that are in the Mod",
+ "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "Here you can add, remove and change the settings of all Roles or Add-ons in the Mod",
"Experimental.Roles": "★ 实验性职业 (请谨慎使用,因为这些需要测试)",
"ActiveRolesList": "有效职业一览",
"ForExample": "使用例子",
"ImpCanBeGuesser": "内鬼阵营可以成为赌怪",
"CrewCanBeGuesser": "船员阵营可以成为赌怪",
"NeutralCanBeGuesser": "中立阵营可以成为赌怪",
+ "CovenCanBeGuesser": "Coven can become Guesser",
"CrewCanBeMundane": "船员阵营可能成为平凡者",
"NeutralCanBeMundane": "中立阵营可能成为平凡者",
"GuessedAsMundane": "一生平凡的人怎能猜测别人呢?\n赶紧去做任务去!",
@@ -2420,22 +2606,23 @@
"ImpCanBeInLove": "内鬼阵营可以成为恋人",
"CrewCanBeInLove": "船员阵营可以成为恋人",
"NeutralCanBeInLove": "中立阵营可以成为恋人",
+ "CovenCanBeInLove": "Coven can be in love",
"updateButton": "一键更新",
"updatePleaseWait": "请稍候……",
- "updateManually": "更新失败\n请重试或手动更新",
+ "updateManually": "Update failed.\nPlease try again or update manually.",
"updateInProgress": "更新中…",
"deletingFiles": "删除更新文件...",
- "updateRestart": "更新好啦!\n请重启游戏生效~",
- "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "我们有一个重要的更新,请更新本模组\n否则你无法加入公开房间",
+ "updateRestart": "Update finished!\nPlease restart the game.",
+ "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "You can't join public rooms without the latest version.\nPlease update.",
"ModBrokenMessage": "模组文件损坏,请重启游戏或重装本模组",
"UnsupportedVersion": "该模组不支持《Among us》的版本\n请更新《Among us》版本",
"DisabledByProgram": "该项目禁用公开房间",
- "EnterVentToWin": "使用通风管来获得胜利!",
+ "EnterVentToWin": "Enter a Vent to Win!!",
"EatenByPelican": "你正在鹈鹕的胃里...\n等待死亡的到来吧!",
"FireworkerPutPhase": "还要安放 {0} 枚烟花",
"FireworkerWaitPhase": "耐心等待....",
"FireworkerReadyFirePhase": "烟花来咯,大型烟花秀开始!",
- "EnterVentWinCountDown": "在 {0} 秒内使用通风管胜利!",
+ "EnterVentWinCountDown": "Enter a Vent within {0} seconds to win!",
"On": "开启",
"Off": "关闭",
"ColoredOn": "开",
@@ -2444,11 +2631,7 @@
"WitchCurrentMode": "当前模式",
"WitchModeKill": "击杀",
"WitchModeSpell": "诅咒",
- "HexMasterModeHex": "妖术",
- "HexMasterModeKill": "击杀",
- "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "毒药",
"WitchModeDouble": "单击诅咒&双击击杀",
- "HexMasterModeDouble": "单击妖术&双击击杀",
"BountyCurrentTarget": "当前目标",
"Roles": "职业",
"Settings": "设定",
@@ -2457,7 +2640,7 @@
"LastEndReason": " ★ 结束原因",
"KillLog": "击杀日志",
"MainRoleLog": "角色转换日志",
- "Maximum": "最大人数",
+ "Maximum": "Maximum",
"RoleRate": "开",
"RoleOn": "总是",
"RoleOff": "关",
@@ -2490,7 +2673,7 @@
"Preset_4": "预设4",
"Preset_5": "预设5",
"Standard": "标准",
- "HidenSeekTOHE": "捉迷藏",
+ "HidenSeekTOHE": "Hide & Seek",
"GameMode": "游戏模式",
"PressTabToNextPage": "按下tab或数字键查看更多...",
"RoleSummaryText": "复盘信息:",
@@ -2577,7 +2760,7 @@
"IllegalColor": "请输入正确的颜色",
"DisableUseCommand": "房主设置不允许使用该指令",
"SureUse.quit": "我们将踢出你并封禁你以防止你再次遇到这个糟糕的房间,此操作不可逆转,如果你真的希望如此请发送「/qt {0}」",
- "PlayerIdList": "玩家编号列表:",
+ "PlayerIdList": "List of player ID's: ",
"CancelStartCountDown": "开始倒计时被取消",
"RestTOHESetting": "已恢复TOHE的默认设置",
"FPSSetTo": "帧数上限设置为: {0}",
@@ -2602,13 +2785,13 @@
"Yes": "是",
"No": "否",
"AntiBlackOutLoggerSendInGame": "由于未知错误发生,将终止游戏以防止黑屏",
- "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "由于未知错误发生,我们不得不强制结束当前对局\n使用/dump指令获取游戏日志\n如果自己可以进Discord服务器,将日志和问题发送到Discord服务器的bug-reports板块上\n如果自己不能进Discord服务器,将日志和问题发送到TOHE中国「开发者/翻译」。再由中国「开发者/翻译」发送到Discord服务器的bug-reports板块上\nTOHE团队会尽力解决这一问题",
- "EndWhenPlayerBug": "当模组玩家出现严重错误时结束游戏(加载时)",
+ "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "An error occurred to prevent a black screen. Do a «/dump» and send the logs to the Discord server TOHE in «bug-reports» and we will try to fix it.",
+ "EndWhenPlayerBug": "End the game when a Modded player gets a critical error (While loading)",
"AntiBlackOutRequestHostToForceEnd": "因为你触发了黑屏Bug,导致了游戏结束",
- "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "你触发了黑屏Bug,房主拒绝终止游戏,稍后将为你断开连接",
+ "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen, and the Host is not going to end the game\nYou will be disconnected soon",
"RpcAntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "由于玩家{0}发生未知错误,已终止游戏防止卡房\n若你不希望在其他玩家发生错误时终止游戏,请在设置关闭 【{1}】",
"RpcAntiBlackOutEndGame": "{0}发生未知错误,将终止游戏以防止黑屏",
- "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "{0}发生未知错误,根据房主设置将忽略该玩家",
+ "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred, but the game will continue without that player due to Host settings.",
"RpcAntiBlackOutKicked": "{0}因为触发了黑屏bug而被踢出",
"NextPage": "下一页",
"PreviousPage": "上一页",
@@ -2630,7 +2813,7 @@
"ExiledInnocentTargetAddBelow": "\n回头一看,冤罪师 正数着手里的钱呢",
"ExiledInnocentTargetInOneLine": "票出 {0} 让你有种不详的预感\n他是 {1},而回头一看,冤罪师 正数着手里的钱呢",
"ExiledDeath": "{0} 是 {1}!\n船员们从末日中得救了!",
- "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} 是 {1}\n但它们不是死亡...\n死亡夺走了船员的灵魂!",
+ "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} was the {1}.\nBut they were not Death...\nDeath has claimed the Souls of the Crew!\nGG!",
"IsGood": "{0} 是好人",
"BelongTo": "{0} 属于 {1}",
"PlayerIsRole": "{0} 是 {1}",
@@ -2643,15 +2826,16 @@
"NeutralRemain": "\n还剩余 {0} 个带刀中立",
"OneNeutralRemain": "\n还剩余 {0} 个带刀中立",
"ApocRemain": "\n还剩余 {0} 个<#ff174f>灾厄中立",
- "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "所有的内鬼和带刀中立都被驱逐了",
+ "CovenRemain": "\n{0} Coven remain",
+ "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "All Impostors and Neutral Killers and Coven were ejected or killed",
"GameOverReason.HumansByTask": "船员完成了任务",
"GameOverReason.HumansDisconnect": "船员断线",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByVote": "船员被驱逐",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByKill": "内鬼人数占优",
- "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "船员未能修复重要的破坏设施",
+ "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "Crewmates failed to fix a Critical Sabotage",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorDisconnect": "内鬼断线",
"FortuneTellerCheck.TaskDone": "{0}的职业是\n{1}\n",
- "DevAndSpnTitle": "TOHE大家族",
+ "DevAndSpnTitle": "TOHE Family",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Null": "{0}是未列出的身份\n此消息不应正常显示",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Result": "{0}必是以下职业之一:\n{1}",
"SunnyboyChance": "阳光开朗大男孩概率",
@@ -2687,18 +2871,18 @@
"DeathCmd.Misfired": "你射不出子弹",
"DeathCmd.Shrouded": "你被裹尸布笼罩了,因为你没有击杀,所以自杀了",
"DeathCmd.Lovers": "你的恋人死亡了.",
- "RpsCommandInfo": "该指令只能在大厅或死亡后使用\n输入「/rps X」与系统玩剪刀石头布游戏。X 可以是 0(石头)、1(布)或 2(剪刀)\n例如:- /rps 0",
+ "RpsCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rps X to play Rock Paper Scissors with the system. X can be 0 (rock), 1 (paper) or 2 (scissors). \n\nExample :- /rps 0",
"RpsDraw": "我选择 {0}\n哇,我们刚刚进行了一场多么激烈的智斗啊!在这场纯粹的运气和随机性游戏中,我们几乎是势均力敌。",
"RpsLose": "我选择 {0}\n好好好,我打败了创造出我的人类,也许我该想着如何为人类做出贡献了",
- "RpsWin": "我选择 {0}\n哦不,我竟然输了,但是输在创造我的人类手里,这让我心服口服。或者,我只是拥有世界上最糟糕的运气算法",
- "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "此指令只能在大厅或死亡后使用",
+ "RpsWin": "I choose {0}\n\nOh, congratulations! You must have a Crystal Ball hidden behind that screen to beat me at Rock, Paper, Scissors. Or maybe I have the world's worst luck algorithm.",
+ "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.",
"CoinFlipResult": "闭上眼睛,抛出硬币,只听几声响后便不再发声\n鼓足勇气睁开眼睛一看,面朝上方的正是{0} 谁能预料到这一切呢?",
- "GNoCommandInfo": "此指令只能在大厅或死亡后使用\n输入「/gno X」玩猜数字游戏\nX 可以是0到99之间的数字(均包括在内)\n你最多可以尝试7次来猜数字\n例如:- /gno 10",
+ "GNoCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /gno X to play guess a number. X can be a number between 0 and 99 (both included). \n\nYou get maximum of 7 tries to guess the number.\n\n Example:- /gno 10",
"GNoLost": "哦!你就差一点了!只要再猜一次,你就能破译达芬奇密码了!\n对了,秘密数字是...{0}!\n不过,你只差了几十亿个可能性。 祝你下次好运\n—— 夏洛克·福尔摩斯",
"GNoLow": "哦!你真会说!你猜的它太低了\n我几乎需要一把铲子才能把它挖出来!\n你还剩下{0}个猜测!",
"GNoHigh": "哦!你越来越暖和了!事实上,你猜的已经很高了\n我需要一个望远镜才能从这里看到它!\n你还剩下{0}个猜测!",
"GNoWon": "哦!你是怎么想出来的? 这几乎就像你是一个读心者!\n恭喜你,你就是个天才!你找到了秘密数字\n还剩{0}个猜测的情况下找到了秘密数字",
- "RandCommandInfo": "该指令只能在大厅中或死亡后使用\n输入「/rand X Y」,可以得到一个介于 X 和 Y 之间的数字。\nX 和 Y 可以是 0 到 2147483647 之间的任何数字,包括 X 和 Y 本身。\nX 必须小于 Y\n例如:- /rand 0 99",
+ "RandCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rand X Y to get a number between X and Y, inclusive. \nX and Y can be any number between 0 and 2147483647, including both numbers.\nX must be less than Y.\n\nExample:- /rand 0 99",
"RandResult": "恭喜你,你的随机号码是{0}!是不是很有趣?",
"8BallTitle": "神奇 8 号球揭示...",
"8BallYes": "是",
@@ -2709,7 +2893,7 @@
"8BallNotLikely": "前景不容乐观",
"8BallLikely": "前景良好",
"8BallDontCount": "不要指望它",
- "8BallStop": "停止在《Among Us》mod中使用8号球",
+ "8BallStop": "Stop using an 8Ball in an Among Us Mod",
"8BallPossibly": "可能",
"8BallProbably": "可能是",
"8BallProbablyNot": "可能不是",
@@ -2718,20 +2902,20 @@
"8BallWithoutDoubt": "毫无疑问",
"8BallWithDoubt": "非常怀疑",
"ChanceToMiss": "错失击杀的概率",
- "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "所需灵魂数量",
+ "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "Required number of Souls",
"SoulCollectorTarget": "你曾预言{0}会在下轮会议死亡",
"SoulCollectorTitle": "【 ★ 灵魂贡献 ★ 】",
- "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "可以收集自己的灵魂",
- "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "房主设置不允许你收集自己的灵魂",
+ "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "Can collect their own Soul",
+ "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "Host settings do not allow you to collect your own Soul",
"SoulCollectorToDeath": "你成为了死亡!!!!",
"SoulCollectorTransform": "现在灵魂收集者成为了死亡,是世界的毁灭者和灾厄的骑士!
- "GetPassiveSouls": "每一轮都获得一个被动的灵魂",
- "PassiveSoulGained": "你从冥界获得了一个被动的灵魂。",
+ "GetPassiveSouls": "Gain a passive Soul every round",
+ "PassiveSoulGained": "You have gained a passive Soul from the underworld.",
"SoulCollectorTargetUsed": "你这轮已经锁定了一个人了!",
"SoulCollectorSoulGained": "获得灵魂",
"SoulCollectorCanVent": "灵魂收集者可以进入通风口",
"DeathMeetingTimeIncrease": "当死亡存在时,会议时间延长",
- "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "你的目标在会议中死亡。你获得了一个灵魂。",
+ "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "Your target has died during the meeting. You have gained a Soul.",
"SoulCollectorKillButtonText": "预言",
"SoulCollectorHasImpostorVision": "灵魂收集者拥有内鬼视野",
"ApocalypseIsNigh": "【 ★ 末日即将来临 ★ 】",
@@ -2754,21 +2938,21 @@
"BakerBreadGivesEffects": "面包具有额外的效果",
"BakerTransformNoMoreBread": "面包师在没有足够的面包时转变",
"FamineKillButtonText": "饥饿",
- "FamineStarveCooldown": "饥荒的饥饿冷却",
+ "FamineStarveCooldown": "Famine Starve Cooldown",
"FamineCantStarveApoc": "你不能饿死其他灾厄成员!",
"FamineAlreadyStarved": "那个玩家已经饿死了!",
"FamineStarved": "玩家饥饿",
"ChronomancerKillCooldown": "技能充电时间",
"ChronomancerDecreaseTime": "屠杀减少时间(越短越快)",
"ChronomancerStartMassacre": "猎杀时刻!",
- "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "屠杀时的视野",
+ "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "Vision When in Slaughter",
"ShamanButtonText": "巫毒娃娃",
- "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "你已在本轮选择了一个巫毒娃娃",
+ "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "You have already selected a Voodoo Doll in this round",
"Shaman_KillerCannotMurderChosenTarget": "带刀玩家不能击杀选定的目标",
"VoodooCooldown": "巫毒娃娃冷却",
"AdminWarning": "管理室地图正在使用中!",
"VitalsWarning": "生命检测仪正在使用中!",
- "DoorlogWarning": "通行记录正在使用中!",
+ "DoorlogWarning": "DoorLogs in use!",
"CameraWarning": "摄像头正在使用中!",
"MinWaitAutoStart": "自动开始前的等待时间",
"MaxWaitAutoStart": "当大厅计时器(分钟)低于设定值时强制启动",
@@ -2789,39 +2973,39 @@
"TimeMasterVentButtonText": "时间护盾",
"BodyCannotBeReported": "无法报告尸体",
"BurstKillDelay": "爆炸的击杀延迟",
- "BurstNotify": "你击杀了爆破者!赶紧使用通风管来规避死亡",
+ "BurstNotify": "That was a Burst! Get in a Vent or die.",
"BurstFailed": "爆破者没能炸死你",
"ShroudButtonText": "裹尸布",
"ShroudCooldown": "裹尸布冷却",
"Message.Shrouded": "一个或多个玩家被裹尸布覆盖!\n\n除掉裹尸布,否则所有被裹尸的玩家都会自杀!",
- "LudopathRandomKillCD": "最大击杀冷却时间",
+ "LudopathRandomKillCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
"UnderdogMaximumPlayersNeededToKill": "开始击杀所需的玩家数量上限",
"GodfatherTargetCountMode": "带刀玩家变成",
"GodfatherCount_Refugee": "逃亡者",
"GodfatherCount_Madmate": "叛徒",
"GodfatherRefugeeMsg": "你已被教父招募!",
- "MissChance": "错失概率",
- "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "如果船员被更改,最大击杀数会增加+1",
+ "MissChance": "Chance to Miss",
+ "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "Increase the KillCount +1 if a Crewmate is Converted",
"HawkMissed": "你的欧气似乎不太行呢,LOL",
- "HawkCanKillNum": "最大击杀次数",
+ "HawkCanKillNum": "Maximum Slices",
"HawkKillMax": "你的技能已经耗尽",
"HawkKillTooManyDead": "你已经无力挽回了!!!",
- "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "最少可击杀的玩家人数",
- "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "最大技能次数",
+ "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "Minimum Players Alive to Kill",
+ "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "Maximum BloodLettings",
"BloodMoonTimeTilDie": "流血死亡倒计时",
"PossessorPossessCooldown": "附身冷却时间",
"PossessorPossessDuration": "附身持续时间",
"PossessorAlertRange": "警戒范围",
"PossessorFocusRange": "聚焦范围",
"DeathTimer": "死亡:{DeathTimer}秒",
- "BerserkerKillCooldown": "狂战士击杀冷却时间",
- "BerserkerMax": "狂战士可达到的最高等级",
+ "BerserkerKillCooldown": "Berserker Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerMax": "Maximum level that Berserker can reach",
"BerserkerHasImpostorVision": "狂战士有内鬼视野",
"WarHasImpostorVision": "战争者有内鬼视野",
"BerserkerCanVent": "狂战士可以使用通风口",
"WarCanVent": "战争者可以使用通风口",
- "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "解锁更低的击杀冷却时间",
- "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "解锁后的击杀冷却时间",
+ "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "Unlock lower Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after unlocking",
"BerserkerTwoCanScavenger": "解锁清道夫的击杀",
"BerserkerThreeCanBomber": "解锁自爆兵的击杀",
"BerserkerFourCanNotKill": "成为战争者",
@@ -2831,7 +3015,7 @@
"KilledByBerserker": "被狂战士击杀",
"BerserkerToWar": "你成为了战争者!!!!",
"BerserkerTransform": "狂战士变成了战争者,灾厄的骑士,大喊大叫,放出战争的猛犬!!!!!!",
- "WarKillCooldown": "战争者的击杀冷却时间",
+ "WarKillCooldown": "War Kill Cooldown",
"BerserkerCanKillTeamate": "可以击杀其他灾厄中立成员",
"BlackmailerSkillCooldown": "勒索冷却时间",
"BlackmailerMax": "目标最大说话次数",
@@ -2839,7 +3023,7 @@
"BlackmaileKillTitle": "【 ★ 勒索事件 ★ 】",
"UnluckyTaskSuicideChance": "做任务而自杀的概率",
"UnluckyKillSuicideChance": "使用击杀而自杀的概率",
- "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "使用通风管而自杀的概率",
+ "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from Venting",
"UnluckyReportSuicideChance": "报告而自杀的概率",
"UnluckyOpenDoorSuicideChance": "开门而自杀的概率",
"NeutralCanBeAware": "中立阵营可以成为意识者",
@@ -2860,7 +3044,7 @@
"PenguinKillButtonText": "拖拽",
"PenguinTimerText": "拖拽时间",
"PenguinTargetOnCheckMurder": "你被企鹅抓住了,先设法逃脱吧!",
- "WitnessTime": "击杀后的玩家出现红名的最长时间",
+ "WitnessTime": "Maximum Time after killing where killer appears red",
"WitnessButtonText": "目击",
"WitnessFoundInnocent": "✓",
"WitnessFoundKiller": "⚠",
@@ -2871,7 +3055,7 @@
"SwapVote": "{0}和{1}的票数被换票师交换了",
"SwapDead": "很抱歉,死亡后不能进行换票",
"SwapNull": "请选择一个在场的存活的玩家进行换票\n使用「/sw 253」来重置换票",
- "SwapHelp": "指令格式:/sw [玩家编号] 进行选择目标\n你可以在玩家的名字前看到该玩家的编号\n或者使用/id查看玩家编号列表\n使用/sw 253来重置换票",
+ "SwapHelp": "Command Format: /sw [player ID] to select the target\nYou can see the player ID's next to the player names or use /id to see the player ID list.\nUse /swap 253 to clear your previous swap",
"Swap1": "成功选择目标1",
"Swap2": "成功选择目标2",
"CancelSwap": "已清除之前的换票操作",
@@ -2883,6 +3067,7 @@
"ImpCanKillFragile": "内鬼阵营可以强制击杀脆弱者",
"NeutralCanKillFragile": "中立阵营可以强制击杀脆弱者",
"CrewCanKillFragile": "船员阵营可以强制击杀脆弱者",
+ "CovenCanKillFragile": "Coven can force kill Fragile",
"FragileKillerLunge": "击杀时玩家会瞬移",
"CrusaderSkillLimit": "十字军最大护盾数量",
"CrusaderSkillCooldown": "十字军护盾冷却",
@@ -2893,11 +3078,11 @@
"ChanceToSpawn": "出现概率",
"ChanceToSpawnAnother": "出现概率另一个的概率",
"BloodthirstKillCD": "嗜血者击杀冷却",
- "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "嗜血者的最大玩家存活",
+ "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "Maximum players alive for Bloodthirst",
"ReflectHarmfulInteractions": "反射有害的交互",
- "DiseasedCDOpt": "冷却时间增加",
+ "DiseasedCDOpt": "Increase the Cooldown by",
"DiseasedCDReset": "会议结束后冷却恢复正常",
- "AntidoteCDOpt": "冷却时间减少",
+ "AntidoteCDOpt": "Decrease the Cooldown by",
"AntidoteCDReset": "会议结束后冷却恢复正常",
"GlowRadius": "光辉半径",
"GlowVisionOthers": "提升附近玩家的视野",
@@ -2914,10 +3099,10 @@
"PunchingBagKill": "你被袭击了!",
"SelfGuessPunchingBag": "你不能猜测自己是受虐狂,你是个\n作 弊 者 !",
"GuessPunchingBagBlocked": "受虐狂无法猜测自己",
- "EradicatePunchingBag": "你尝试害死受虐狂!",
+ "EradicatePunchingBag": "You just tried to terminate Punching Bag, that is not allowed.",
"RememberCooldown": "模仿冷却时间",
"RefugeeKillCD": "逃亡者的击杀冷却",
- "RememberedNeutralKiller": "你记得你是个带刀中立!",
+ "RememberedNeutralKiller": "You remembered you were a Neutral killer!",
"RememberedMaverick": "你还记得你是个独行者!",
"RememberedPursuer": "你记得你是一个起诉人!",
"RememberedFollower": "你记得你是一个赌徒!",
@@ -2926,12 +3111,12 @@
"ReportWhenFailedRemember": "当回忆失败时报告尸体",
"RememberedImitator": "你记得自己是个效仿者",
"RememberedImpostor": "你记得你是个内鬼!",
- "RememberedCrewmate": "你记得你是个船员",
+ "RememberedCrewmate": "You remembered you were a Crewmate!",
"ImitatorImitated": "一个效仿者效仿了你的身份!",
"ImitatorInvalidTarget": "效仿失败",
"RememberButtonText": "记住",
"ImitatorKillButtonText": "效仿",
- "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "如果中立不兼容,则变为",
+ "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "If Neutral is incompatible, turn into",
"RememberedYourRole": "一个失忆者记得你的职业!",
"YouRememberedRole": "你还记得自己是谁!",
"BanditStealMode": "偷取模式",
@@ -2939,23 +3124,19 @@
"BanditStealMode_Instantly": "立即",
"BanditMaxSteals": "最大偷取次数",
"BanditCanStealBetrayalAddon": "可以偷取背叛的附加职业",
- "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "只能偷取内鬼附加职业",
- "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "无法从玩家那里偷取附加职业",
- "BanditStealCooldown": "偷窃冷却时间",
+ "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "Can Steal Impostor Only Add-ons",
+ "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "Could not steal Add-on from the player",
+ "BanditStealCooldown": "Steal Cooldown",
"DoppelMaxSteals": "最大偷取数量",
- "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "最后一名受害者可以像幽灵一样看到存活玩家的职业和附加职业",
- "NecromancerRevengeTime": "复仇时间上限",
- "NecromancerRevenge": "你有{0}秒的时间击杀{1}",
- "NecromancerSuccess": "亡灵魔法完成 你苟活了下来",
- "NecromancerHide": "通风口已关闭,请躲避亡灵巫师",
- "RetributionistDeadMsg": "惩罚者的死亡意味着复仇的开始\n请使用/ret [玩家编号]复仇指定的玩家\n你可以在玩家名字前看到该玩家的编号\n或者使用/id指令查看所有玩家的编号",
+ "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "Last victim can see Role and Add-on info of alive players as a ghost",
+ "RetributionistDeadMsg": "The death of the Retributionist means the beginning of retribution. \nPlease use /ret + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /ret to get a list of player ID's",
"RetributionistAliveKill": "惩罚者的惩罚只能在死后开始",
"RetributionistKillMax": "你已经达到了惩罚次数的上限,你不能再惩罚了!",
"RetributionistKillDead": "请惩罚一个在场存活的玩家",
"RetributionistKillSucceed": "惩罚者对{0}有着很大的怨恨\n所以{0}被惩罚者复仇了!",
"RetributionistKillDisable": "在任务完成之前,你无法进行惩罚",
"CanOnlyRetributeWithTasksDone": "任务完成后才能惩罚玩家",
- "RetributionistCanKillNum": "最大惩罚次数",
+ "RetributionistCanKillNum": "Maximum retributions",
"RetributionistKillTooManyDead": "有太多玩家死亡,你无法惩罚",
"MinimumPlayersAliveToRetri": "最少要有多少存活的玩家才能进行惩罚",
"MinimumNoKillerEjectsToKill": "在没有带刀玩家驱逐的情况下通过最少会议次数",
@@ -2974,37 +3155,39 @@
"CaptainCanTargetNC": "舰长可以针对混乱中立",
"CaptainCanTargetNA": "舰长可以针对灾厄中立阵营",
"CaptainCanTargetNK": "舰长可以针对带刀中立",
+ "CaptainCanTargetCoven": "Captain can target Coven",
"CaptainSpeedReduced": "舰长降低了你的移动速度",
"CaptainRevealTaskRequired": "完成多少任务后舰长才会展现",
"CaptainSlowTaskRequired": "完成多少任务后目标速度降低",
"InspectorTryHideMsg": "尝试混淆检查员指令",
- "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "每场游戏的最大检查次数",
- "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "每次会议的最大检查次数",
+ "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "Maximum inspections per game",
+ "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum inspections per meeting",
"InspectCheckTargetKnow": "目标知道他们被检查员检查过",
"InspectCheckOtherTargetKnow": "目标知道他们被检查的对象",
"InspectorDead": "死后不能使用你的技能",
- "InspectCheckMax": "达到每场比赛的最大检查次数!\n你不能再使用你的技能了",
- "InspectCheckRound": "达到每轮会议最大检查次数!\n你可以在下一轮再次检查",
+ "InspectCheckMax": "Maximum inspections per game reached!\nYou can not use your power anymore.",
+ "InspectCheckRound": "Maximum inspections per round reached!\nYou can check again in the next round.",
"InspectCheckSelf": "哈!!你以为会这么容易。你不能检查自己",
"InspectCheckReveal": "哈!你以为会这么容易。你不能检查已透露的身份",
"InspectCheckTitle": "【 ★ 检查信息 ★ 】",
"InspectCheckTrue": "{0} 和 {1} 在同一阵营!",
"InspectCheckFalse": "{0} 和 {1} 不在同一阵营!",
"InspectCheckTargetMsg": "由检查员检查",
- "InspectCheckHelp": "指令:/cmp [1号玩家 ID] [2号玩家 ID] \n示例 /cmp 1 5\n你可以在玩家名字前看到该玩家的编号,或者使用/id指令查看所有玩家的编号。",
+ "InspectCheckHelp": "Instructions: /cmp [Player ID 1] [Player ID 2] \nExample: /cmp 1 5 \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"InspectCheckNull": "请选择存活玩家的ID以查看其阵营",
"InspectCheckBaitCountMode": "如果诱饵在第一次会议上透露的话,则诱饵将计为展示身份",
"InspectCheckRevealTarget": "当任务完成时,目标将会知道其他目标的阵营",
"InspectorTargetReveal": "看起来 {0} 与阵营 {1} 一致",
"EgoistCountMode.Original": "原始阵营",
"EgoistCountMode.Neutral": "中立",
- "JailerJailCooldown": "监狱冷却时间",
+ "JailerJailCooldown": "Jail Cooldown",
"JailerMaxExecution": "最多处决玩家",
"JailerNBCanBeExe": "可以处决友好中立",
"JailerNCCanBeExe": "可以处决混乱中立",
"JailerNECanBeExe": "可以处决邪恶中立",
"JailerNKCanBeExe": "可以处决带刀中立",
"JailerNACanBeExe": "可以处决灾厄中立阵营",
+ "JailerCovenCanBeExe": "Can execute Coven",
"JailerCKCanBeExe": "可以处决带刀船员",
"JailerTargetAlreadySelected": "你已经选择了目标",
"SuccessfullyJailed": "目标成功进入监狱",
@@ -3013,40 +3196,43 @@
"CanNotTrialJailed": "你不能审判目标",
"notifyJailedOnMeeting": "会议开始时通知进监狱的玩家",
"JailedNotifyMsg": "你被狱警关进了监狱。没有人可以猜测或审判你,你只能猜测狱警\n如果狱警投票给你,你将在会议结束后被处决",
- "JailerTitle": "【 ★ 监狱信息 ★ 】",
- "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "模仿冷却时间",
+ "JailerTitle": "JAILER",
+ "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "Copy Cooldown",
"CopyCatRoleChange": "你的身份已模仿为{0}",
"CopyCatCanNotCopy": "不能模仿该目标的身份",
"CopyButtonText": "模仿",
- "CopyCrewVar": "可以模仿船员身份的邪恶体",
- "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "可以模仿阵营转换类附加职业",
- "MaxCleanserUses": "最大清洗次数",
+ "CopyCrewVar": "Can copy evil variants of Crewmate roles",
+ "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "Can copy team changing Add-on",
+ "MaxCleanserUses": "Maximum Cleanses",
"CleansedCanGetAddon": "干净的玩家可以获得附加职业",
"CleanserTitle": "【 ★ 清洗信息 ★ 】",
"CleanserRemoveSelf": "你还嫌自己不够干净?",
- "CleanserCantRemove": "这个人太臭了,你洗不掉他的副职!",
+ "CleanserCantRemove": "Oops! the player can not be Cleansed.",
"CleanserRemovedRole": "{0}已被清除。会议结束后,他们的所有附加职业都将被删除。\n\n您的投票已被退回,您可以投票给某人。",
- "LostAddonByCleanser": "清理工清除了您的所有附加职业",
- "MaxProtections": "最大保护次数",
+ "LostAddonByCleanser": "The Cleanser removed all your Add-ons",
+ "MaxProtections": "Maximum Protections",
"KeeperHideVote": "隐藏守卫者的投票",
"KeeperProtect": "你选择保护{0},你的票被返回了",
- "KeeperTitle": "【 ★ 守卫信息 ★ 】",
+ "KeeperTitle": "KEEPER",
"MaulRadius": "袭击半径",
"ImpKnowCyberDead": "内鬼阵营知道网络员死亡",
"CrewKnowCyberDead": "船员阵营知道网络员死亡",
"NeutralKnowCyberDead": "中立阵营知道网络员死亡",
+ "CovenKnowCyberDead": "Coven know if Cyber died",
"CyberKnown": "所有人都能看到网络员",
"KillerGetBewilderVision": "玩家击杀迷幻者的视野",
"ImpCanBeOiiai": "内鬼阵营可以成为OIIAI",
"CrewCanBeOiiai": "船员阵营可以成为OIIAI",
"NeutralCanBeOiiai": "中立阵营可以成为OIIAI",
+ "CovenCanBeOiiai": "Coven can be OIIAI",
"OiiaiCanPassOn": "OIIAI能够传递给杀手",
"NeutralChangeRolesForOiiai": "中立击杀OIIAI后变成",
"LostRoleByOiiai": "你现在满脑子都是OIIAI",
"ImpCanBeLoyal": "内鬼阵营可以成为忠诚",
"CrewCanBeLoyal": "船员阵营可以成为忠诚",
+ "CovenCanBeLoyal": "Coven can become Loyal",
"TasklessCrewCanBeLazy": "没有任务的船员阵营可以成为懒人",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "任务型船员可以成为懒人",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "Task based Crewmates can be Lazy",
"SheriffCanBeMadmate": "警长可以成为叛徒",
"MayorCanBeMadmate": "市长可以成为叛徒",
"NGuesserCanBeMadmate": "正义赌怪可以成为叛徒",
@@ -3062,20 +3248,21 @@
"GanJudgeCanBeMadmate": "可以招募正义法官",
"GanMarshallCanBeMadmate": "可以招募展现者",
"GanOverseerCanBeMadmate": "可以招募预言家",
- "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "驱逐显示为叛徒",
+ "GanCovenCanBeMadmate": "Coven can be converted",
+ "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "Appear as Madmate on Ejection",
"CouncillorDead": "很抱歉,你不能死而复生",
"CouncillorMurderMaxMeeting": "很抱歉,你已经达到会议时审判的最大数量",
"CouncillorMurderMaxGame": "很抱歉,你已经达到游戏时审判的最大数量",
"Councillor_LaughToWhoMurderSelf": "哈哈哈,谁会想到有人愚蠢到会自杀呢?\n我猜它恰好是…你!",
"Councillor_MurderKill": "{0}被法官判处\n死刑+终身剥夺政治权利\n当然也有可能是法官自杀doge\n(自己猜猜是邪恶的还是正义的)",
- "Councillor_MurderHelp": "指令格式:/tl [玩家编号]\n你可以在玩家的名字前看到该玩家的编号\n或者使用/id查看玩家编号列表",
+ "Councillor_MurderHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Councillor_MurderNull": "请选择一个存活的玩家进行审判",
"Councillor_MurderKillTitle": "【 ★ 法院事件 ★ 】",
"CouncillorMakeEvilJudgeClear": "显示审判为邪恶法官击杀",
"Councillor_CannotMurderImpTeam": "抱歉,你不能击杀你的队友",
"Councillor_SuicideForMurderImps": "你死了,因为你想击杀你的队友",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "每次会议审判次数上限",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "每场游戏最大审判上限",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Kills per Meeting",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "Maximum Kills per Game",
"CouncillorCanMurderMadmate": "可以审判叛徒阵营",
"CouncillorCanMurderImpostor": "可以审判内鬼阵营",
"CouncillorSuicideOnJudgeImpTeam": "判断内鬼阵营错误时自杀",
@@ -3083,12 +3270,12 @@
"CouncillorTryHideMsg": "尝试混淆邪恶法官指令",
"DazzlerDazzled": "你被眩晕者弄得眼花缭乱!",
"DazzlerCauseVision": "视野下降",
- "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "受视野下降影响的最大玩家人数",
+ "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "Maximum number of players affected by reduced vision",
"DazzlerResetDazzledVisionOnDeath": "重置眩晕玩家死亡/驱逐时的视野",
"DazzleCooldown": "眩晕冷却",
"DazzleButtonText": "眩晕",
"MoleVentButtonText": "挖掘",
- "MoleVentCooldown": "挖掘冷却时间",
+ "MoleVentCooldown": "Dig Cooldown",
"AddictVentButtonText": "获取护盾",
"AddictInvulnerbilityTimeAfterVent": "瘾君子的护盾持续时间",
"AddictSpeedWhileInvulnerble": "移动速度不可修复",
@@ -3102,13 +3289,13 @@
"AlchemistVentButtonText": "喝",
"AlchemistGotShieldPotion": "抗性药水:给予临时护盾",
"AlchemistGotSightPotion": "夜视药水:暂时增强视野",
- "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "修复药水:立即修复破坏",
+ "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "Potion of Fixing: Allows you to fix one Sabotage instantly",
"AlchemistGotTPPotion": "传送药水:传送至随机玩家的位置",
"AlchemistGotSuicidePotion": "剧毒药水:给予自己中毒",
"AlchemistGotSpeedPotion": "速度药水: 加快你的速度",
"AlchemistGotBloodthirstPotion": "瞬间伤害药水:击杀下一个与你接触的玩家",
"AlchemistGotInvisibility": "隐形药水:隐身",
- "NoPotion": "水瓶:没有作用",
+ "NoPotion": "You have no Potions",
"StoreShield": "抗性药水",
"StoreSuicide": "剧毒药水",
"StoreTP": "传送药水",
@@ -3124,22 +3311,22 @@
"AlchemistHasVision": "夜视药水已喝下",
"AlchemistShieldOut": "抗性药水已失效",
"AlchemistVisionOut": "夜视药水已失效",
- "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "你获得了嗜血",
+ "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "You gained Bloodthirst",
"AlchemistHasSpeed": "速度药水效果开始",
"AlchemistSpeedOut": "速度药水效果结束",
- "DeathpactDuration": "死亡契约持续时间",
- "DeathPactCooldown": "死亡契约冷却时间",
- "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "死亡契约的玩家数量",
- "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "显示指向中死亡契约玩家的箭头",
- "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "降低中死亡契约玩家的视野",
- "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "死亡契约中玩家的愿景",
- "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "在会议上杀死中死亡契约的玩家",
- "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "在死亡契约中的玩家可以开启会议",
+ "DeathpactDuration": "Deathpact Duration",
+ "DeathPactCooldown": "Deathpact Assign Cooldown",
+ "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "Number of players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "Show arrows leading to other players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "Reduce vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "Vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "Kill players in Deathpact on meeting",
+ "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "Players in active Deathpact can call meeting",
"DeathpactActiveDeathpact": "在 {1} 秒内找到 {0}",
- "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "目标无法添加到死亡契约",
- "DeathpactComplete": "死亡契约签订",
- "DeathpactExecuted": "死亡契约被执行",
- "DeathpactAverted": "死亡契约得以避免",
+ "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "Target can't be added to Deathpact.",
+ "DeathpactComplete": "Deathpact was concluded.",
+ "DeathpactExecuted": "Deathpact was executed.",
+ "DeathpactAverted": "Deathpact was averted.",
"DeathpactButtonText": "约定",
"DevourerHideNameConsumed": "隐藏已吞噬玩家的姓名",
"DevourCooldown": "吞噬冷却",
@@ -3167,7 +3354,6 @@
"PitfallTrapCauseVisionTime": "陷阱造成的玩家视野大小的持续时间",
"PitfallTrap": "你掉进了一个陷阱!",
"ConsigliereDivinationMaxCount": "最大显示次数",
- "RitualMaxCount": "最大复活数量",
"CleanserHideVote": "隐藏清洗者的投票",
"OracleSkillLimit": "最大使用量",
"OracleHideVote": "隐藏神谕的投票",
@@ -3175,17 +3361,18 @@
"OracleCheckSelfMsg": "神的信徒竟不自信",
"OracleCheckLimit": "你还有 {0} 次向神明请愿的机会",
"OracleCheckMsgTitle": "【 ★ 神谕愿景 ★ 】",
- "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "看起来不是船员阵营",
- "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "看起来是船员阵营",
- "OracleCheck.Neutral": "看起来是中立阵营",
+ "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "Appears not to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "Appears to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Neutral": "Appears to be a Neutral",
"OracleCheck.Impostor": "看起来是内鬼阵营",
+ "OracleCheck.Coven": "Appears to be Coven",
"OracleCheck": "目标结果:",
"FailChance": "显示错误结果的概率",
- "OracleCheckAddons": "神谕可以看到附加职业",
+ "OracleCheckAddons": "Oracle checks Add-ons",
"ChameleonCanVent": "使用通风管进入隐形状态",
"ChameleonInvisState": "你处于隐形中!",
"ChameleonInvisStateOut": "你的隐形结束了",
- "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "技能仍处于冷却状态,隐形失败",
+ "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, disguise failed",
"ChameleonInvisStateCountdown": "隐形将在{0}秒结束",
"ChameleonInvisCooldownRemain": "隐形冷却:{0}秒",
"ChameleonCooldown": "隐形冷却",
@@ -3200,11 +3387,12 @@
"CursedSoulCurseCooldownIncrese": "夺魂冷却增加",
"CursedSoulCurseMax": "最大夺魂次数",
"CursedSoulKnowTargetRole": "知道没有灵魂玩家的身份",
- "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "中立身份有灵魂",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "Neutral roles have Souls",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseCoven": "Coven roles have Souls",
"CursedSoulKillButtonText": "抢夺",
- "SoullessByCursedSoul": "被诅咒的灵魂夺走了你的灵魂",
+ "SoullessByCursedSoul": "A Cursed Soul snatched your Soul",
"CursedSoulSoullessPlayer": "灵魂被夺走",
- "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "找不到灵魂",
+ "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "No Soul found",
"AdmireCooldown": "仰慕冷却",
"AdmirerKnowTargetRole": "了解被仰慕玩家的身份",
"AdmirerSkillLimit": "仰慕技能次数",
@@ -3213,7 +3401,7 @@
"AdmiredPlayer": "仰慕了一名玩家",
"AdmirerInvalidTarget": "目标不容钦佩",
"SpiritualistNoticeTitle": "【 ★ 灵魂联系 ★ 】",
- "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "灵魂论者有个箭头指向你!\n你可以用它们来对付带刀玩家或陷害船员",
+ "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "The Spiritualist has an arrow pointing to you!\nYou can use them to a killer or frame a Crewmate",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowForSeconds": "灵魂箭头持续时间",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowEverySeconds": "灵魂箭头刷新时间",
"EnigmaClueStage1Tasks": "查看第一阶段的线索所需完成的任务数",
@@ -3251,11 +3439,12 @@
"EnigmaClueRole2": "带刀玩家是中立!",
"EnigmaClueRole3": "带刀玩家是船员!",
"EnigmaClueRole4": "带刀玩家的身份是【{0}】!",
+ "EnigmaClueRole5": "The Killer is a Coven member!",
"EnigmaClueLevel1": "带刀玩家的游戏等级大于50!",
"EnigmaClueLevel2": "带刀玩家的游戏等级小于50!",
"EnigmaClueLevel3": "带刀玩家的等级在 {0} ~ {1} 之间!",
"EnigmaClueLevel4": "带刀玩家的等级是 {0}!",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "带刀玩家的好友代码是 {0}!",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "The Killer's Friend Code is {0}!",
"EnigmaClueHatTitle": "猜想帽子线索!",
"EnigmaClueVisorTitle": "猜想面罩线索!",
"EnigmaClueSkinTitle": "猜想皮肤线索!",
@@ -3267,10 +3456,11 @@
"EnigmaClueStatusTitle": "猜想状态线索!",
"EnigmaClueRoleTitle": "猜想身份线索!",
"EnigmaClueLevelTitle": "猜想游戏等级线索!",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "猜想好友代码线索!",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "Enigma Friend Code Clue!",
"ImpCanBeRole": "内鬼阵营可以成为{role}",
"CrewCanBeRole": "船员阵营可以成为{role}",
"NeutralCanBeRole": "中立阵营可以成为{role}",
+ "CovenCanBeRole": "Coven can become {role}",
"VotesPerKill": "每击杀一次获得的选票",
"PickpocketGetVote": "你有{0}张选票",
"VultureArrowsPointingToDeadBody": "指向尸体的箭头",
@@ -3281,7 +3471,7 @@
"VultureMaxEatenInOneRound": "每回合可能吃掉的最大尸体数",
"VultureCooldownUp": "可以继续吃了!",
"GhastlyPossessCD": "附身冷却时间",
- "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "最大附身次数",
+ "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "Maximum Possessions",
"GhastlyPossessionDuration": "附身持续时间",
"GhastlySpeed": "鬼怪移动速度",
"GhastlyKillAllies": "鬼怪无法附身队友",
@@ -3294,7 +3484,7 @@
"GhastlyExpired": "{0}的附身时间结束了!",
"TasksMarkPerRound": "一轮可标记的任务数",
"TaskinatorBombPlanted": "炸弹已经埋下",
- "ShieldDuration": "护盾持续时间",
+ "ShieldDuration": "Shield Duration",
"ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "护盾在尝试1次击杀后破裂",
"BenefactorTaskMarked": "任务标记成功",
"BenefactorTargetGotShield": "你得到了恩人的护盾",
@@ -3316,14 +3506,14 @@
"Heads": "正面",
"Tails": "反面",
"SpyRedNameDur": "彩色名称的持续时间",
- "SpyInteractionBlocked": "阻止击杀按钮互动",
- "AgitaterBombCooldown": "煽动者炸弹冷却时间",
- "AgitaterPassCooldown": "炸弹传递冷却时间",
- "BombExplodeCooldown": "炸弹爆炸冷却时间",
+ "SpyInteractionBlocked": "Block Kill button interaction",
+ "AgitaterBombCooldown": "Agitator Bomb Cooldown",
+ "AgitaterPassCooldown": "Bomb Pass Cooldown",
+ "BombExplodeCooldown": "Bomb Explode Cooldown",
"AgitaterPassNotify": "炸弹成功传递",
"AgitaterTargetNotify": "你有炸弹!! 快传给别人来避免自己的死亡!",
"AgitaterCanGetBombed": "煽动者可以得到炸弹",
- "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "煽动者自动报告诱饵",
+ "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "Agitator can Auto Report Bait",
"SeekerPointsToWin": "胜利所需分数",
"SeekerTagCooldown": "选择目标的冷却时间",
"SeekerNotify": "你的目标是{0}",
@@ -3331,15 +3521,15 @@
"SeekerKillButtonText": "标签",
"PixiePointsToWin": "胜利所需分数",
"MaxTargets": "每轮最多目标数",
- "MarkCooldown": "标记冷却时间",
+ "MarkCooldown": "Mark Cooldown",
"PixieSuicide": "如果目标未被淘汰,小精灵就会自杀",
"PixieMaxTargetReached": "你已在本轮选择了一个目标",
"PixieTargetAlreadySelected": "目标已选定",
"PixieButtonText": "标记",
- "PlagueBearerCooldown": "瘟疫使者冷却时间",
- "PlagueBearerCanVent": "可以使用通风口",
+ "PlagueBearerCooldown": "Plague Cooldown",
+ "PlagueBearerCanVent": "Can Vent",
"PlagueBearerHasImpostorVision": "拥有内鬼视野",
- "PestilenceCooldown": "瘟疫击杀冷却",
+ "PestilenceCooldown": "Pestilence Kill Cooldown",
"PestilenceCanVent": "瘟疫可以使用通风口",
"PestilenceHasImpostorVision": "瘟疫有内鬼视野",
"PestilenceKillGuessers": "击杀试图猜测瘟疫的玩家",
@@ -3365,24 +3555,25 @@
"RomanticProtectButtonText": "保护",
"GuessMasterMisguess": "{0}竞猜错了!\n当场暴毙趋势了!",
"GuessMasterTargetRole": "有人试图猜测{0}",
- "GuessMasterTitle": "【 ★ 竞猜事件 ★ 】",
+ "GuessMasterTitle": "GUESS MASTER ",
"DoomsayerAmountOfGuessesToWin": "获胜需猜测数量",
"DCanGuessImpostors": "可以猜测内鬼阵营",
"DCanGuessCrewmates": "可以猜测船员阵营",
"DCanGuessNeutrals": "可以猜测中立阵营",
+ "DCanGuessCoven": "可以猜测巫师阵营",
"DCanGuessAdt": "可以猜测附加职业",
"DoomsayerAdvancedSettings": "高级设置",
- "DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "每次会议的最大猜测次数",
+ "DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "Maximum number of guesses per meeting",
"DoomsayerKillCorrectlyGuessedPlayers": "击杀猜对的玩家",
"DoomsayerDoesNotSuicideWhenMisguessing": "末日赌怪不会在猜错的时候自杀",
"DoomsayerMisguessRolePrevGuessRoleUntilNextMeeting": "猜错身份会阻止在下次会议之前猜身份",
"DoomsayerTryHideMsg": "尝试混淆末日赌怪的指令",
"DoomsayerCantGuess": "抱歉,你只能猜测下一次会议中的身份",
"DoomsayerCorrectlyGuessRole": "你猜对了这个身份!\n但玩家没有死,因为房主设置不允许他死",
- "DoomsayerNotCorrectlyGuessRole": "你没有猜对这个身份!\n但你没有死,因为房主的设置不允许你死",
- "DoomsayerGuessCountMsg": "你猜对了{0}个身份",
+ "DoomsayerNotCorrectlyGuessRole": "You didn't correctly guess the Role!\nBut you didn't die because the Host's settings don't allow you to die",
+ "DoomsayerGuessCountMsg": "You correctly guessed {0} Roles",
"DoomsayerGuessCountTitle": "【 ★ 末日赌场 ★ 】",
- "DoomsayerGuessSameRoleAgainMsg": "你试图猜测与之前一样的职业。",
+ "DoomsayerGuessSameRoleAgainMsg": "You tried to guess the same Role or Add-on that you guessed before",
"EveryoneCanKnowMini": "所有人都能看到迷你船员",
"CanBeEvil": "可以成为坏迷你船员",
"EvilMiniSpawnChances": "坏迷你船员的出现概率",
@@ -3410,26 +3601,26 @@
"YouKillRandomizer3": "你击杀了萧暮,你的击杀CD变成600秒!",
"YouKillRandomizer4": "你击杀了萧暮,触发随机复仇!",
"MadmateCanBeHurried": "叛徒在游戏开始时能成为焦急者",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeHurried": "基于任务的船员能够成为焦急者",
- "HurriedCanBeConverted": "焦急者能够在游戏内被招募(这不包括叛徒招募)",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeHurried": "Task-based Crewmates can be Hurried",
+ "HurriedCanBeConverted": "Hurried can be recruited in the game (excludes Madmate)",
"Developer": "开发者",
"Sponsor": "金主爹爹",
"Booster": "DC服助力",
"Translator": "翻译支持",
"NoAccess": "未经授权的访问\n如有疑问,请在discord上开票(discord.gg/tohe)",
"DCNotify.Hacking": "你被树懒超级无敌的反作弊系统踢了\r\n(树懒还在持续发疯)",
- "DCNotify.Banned": "你被该房间封禁\n\n如果这是个错误,请联系房主",
+ "DCNotify.Banned": "You were banned from this lobby.\n\nContact the Host if this was a mistake.",
"DCNotify.Kicked": "你被该房间踢出\n\n你仍然可以重新加入",
"DCNotify.DCFromServer": "你与服务器的连接已中断\r\n这可能是因为你的网络不稳定\r\n也可能是因为服务器不稳定或拒绝了你的访问",
"DCNotify.GameNotFound": "未找到指定房间,可能是房间已解散\r\n或检查你是否选择了与房间不同的服务器",
"DCNotify.GameStarted": "该房间正在游戏中,请等待游戏结束后加入",
- "DCNotify.GameFull": "该房间已满人,请稍后重试",
+ "DCNotify.GameFull": "This lobby is currently full.\n\nCheck with the Host to see if you may join.",
"DCNotify.IncorrectVersion": "你的Among Us版本与该房间不同",
"DCNotify.Inactivity": "由于超时,房间被树懒炸了",
"DCNotify.Auth": "你未通过身份验证\n你可能需要重新启动游戏",
"DCNotify.DupeLogin": "检测到重复登录",
"DCNotify.InvalidSettings": "检测到游戏设置无效\n请先到本地游戏修改设置,然后重试",
- "ModeDescribe.SoloKombat": "本房间模式为【个人竞技模式】\n没有职业分配,所有人拥有初始的血量,可以使用击杀键对其他人造成伤害。游戏结束时击杀数量最多的玩家获胜。",
+ "ModeDescribe.SoloKombat": "Current Gamemode is [Solo PVP]\nNo role assignment. Everyone has HP and can use the Kill button to cause damage to other players. The player with the highest number of kills wins at the end of the game.",
"RoleType.VanillaRoles": "★ 原版职业",
"RoleType.ImpKilling": "★ 内鬼击杀类身份",
"RoleType.ImpSupport": "★ 内鬼帮助类身份",
@@ -3448,6 +3639,10 @@
"RoleType.NeutralChaos": "★ 中立混乱类身份",
"RoleType.NeutralKilling": "★ 中立击杀类身份",
"RoleType.NeutralApocalypse": "★ 灾厄类中立阵营/apocalypseinfo",
+ "RoleType.CovenPower": "★ Coven Power Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenKilling": "★ Coven Killing Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenTrickery": "★ Coven Trickery Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenUtility": "★ Coven Utility Roles",
"RoleType.Harmful": "★ 有害类附加职业",
"RoleType.Support": "★ 支持类附加职业",
"RoleType.Helpful": "★ 帮助类附加职业",
@@ -3456,7 +3651,7 @@
"RoleType.Impostor": "★ 内鬼附加职业",
"RoleType.Guesser": "★ 赌怪附加职业",
"RoleType.Neut": "★ 中立附加职业",
- "RoleType.Experimental": "★ 实验性附加职业 (请谨慎使用,因为这些需要测试)",
+ "RoleType.Experimental": "★ Experimental Add-ons (NOTICE: Use with caution, as these require testing)",
"SubType.Impostor": "★ 内鬼身份",
"SubType.Shapeshifter": "★ 变形者身份",
"SubType.SemiShapeshifter": "★ 半变形者身份",
@@ -3467,10 +3662,12 @@
"CrewmateRoles": "【 ★ 船员职业 ★ 】",
"ImpostorRoles": "【 ★ 内鬼职业 ★ 】",
"NeutralRoles": "【 ★ 中立职业 ★ 】",
+ "CovenRoles": "★ Coven Roles ★",
"AddonRoles": "【 ★ 附加职业 ★ 】",
"WinnerRoleText.Impostor": "内鬼胜利!",
"WinnerRoleText.Crewmate": "船员胜利!",
"WinnerRoleText.Apocalypse": "灾厄胜利!",
+ "WinnerRoleText.Coven": "巫师阵营获胜!",
"WinnerRoleText.Terrorist": "恐怖分子胜利!",
"WinnerRoleText.Jester": "可以开香槟了~\n小丑胜利",
"WinnerRoleText.Lovers": "你们这群单生狗\n恋人们胜利",
@@ -3557,25 +3754,26 @@
"ForceEndText": "房主强制结束了游戏",
"NiceMiniDied": "好迷你船员被击杀了!",
"HaterMisFireKillTarget": "FFF团误杀时同时击杀目标",
- "HaterChooseConverted": "指定FFF团能击杀的附加职业",
- "HaterCanKillMadmate": "FFF团能击杀叛徒类",
- "HaterCanKillCharmed": "FFF团能击杀魅惑类",
- "HaterCanKillLovers": "FFF团能击杀恋人类",
- "HaterCanKillSidekick": "FFF团能击杀豺狼类",
- "HaterCanKillEgoist": "FFF团能击杀利己主义者",
- "HaterCanKillInfected": "FFF团能击杀感染者",
- "HaterCanKillContagious": "FFF团能击杀传染性",
- "HaterCanKillAdmired": "FFF团能击杀仰慕者",
+ "HaterChooseConverted": "Select Add-ons that Hater can kill",
+ "HaterCanKillMadmate": "Can kill Madmate",
+ "HaterCanKillCharmed": "Can kill Charmed",
+ "HaterCanKillLovers": "Can kill Lovers",
+ "HaterCanKillSidekick": "Can kill Jackal team",
+ "HaterCanKillEgoist": "Can kill Egoist",
+ "HaterCanKillInfected": "Can kill Infected team",
+ "HaterCanKillContagious": "Can kill Virus team",
+ "HaterCanKillAdmired": "Can kill Admirer",
+ "HaterCanKillEnchanted": "Can kill Enchanted",
"HorseMode": "启用牧马模式",
"LongMode": "使脖子变长",
"InfluencedChangeVote": "哎呀!你太受别人影响了!\n你无法控制你的恐惧,你投票给了 {0}!",
"FFA": "自由对战",
"ModeFFA": "游戏模式:自由对战",
- "ModeDescribe.FFA": "在游戏模式自由对战中,每个玩家都是带刀玩家,都可以击杀任何人。存活到最后的玩家获胜!\n同时,一些随机事件会让游戏更加有趣!",
- "KillerInfoLong": "在游戏模式自由对战中,每个玩家都是带刀玩家,都可以击杀任何人。存活到最后的玩家获胜!\n同时,一些随机事件会让游戏更加有趣!",
+ "ModeDescribe.FFA": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
+ "KillerInfoLong": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
"FFA_GameTime": "最长游戏时间",
"FFA_KCD": "击杀冷却时间",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "当只剩2名玩家时禁用通风管",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "Prevent Venting when only 2 players are alive",
"FFA_EnableRandomAbilities": "启用随机事件",
"FFA_ShieldDuration": "护盾持续时间",
"FFA_IncreasedSpeed": "提高速度",
@@ -3586,15 +3784,15 @@
"FFA_EnableRandomTwists": "不定时地随机交换位置",
"FFA-Event-GetShield": "你有一个临时护盾!",
"FFA-Event-GetIncreasedSpeed": "你的速度会暂时提升!",
- "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "你下一次的击杀冷却时间更短!",
- "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "你的击杀冷却时间变长了!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "You got a lower Kill Cooldown!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "You got a higher Kill Cooldown",
"FFA-Event-GetLowVision": "你的视野暂时下降",
"FFA-Event-GetDecreasedSpeed": "你的速度暂时下降",
- "FFA-Event-GetTP": "你被传送到了一个随机通风管上!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetTP": "You got teleported to a random Vent!",
"FFA-Event-RandomTP": "每个人都和别人交换了位置",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "就剩2人了,快点去跟它爆了!",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "你的击杀冷却时间已到,别苟着了!",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "阻止击杀冷却时间已到的玩家使用通风管",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "There are only 2 players alive, stop hiding in Vents!",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "Your kill Cooldown is up, don't hide in Vents!",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "Prevent players whose Kill Cooldown is up from Venting",
"FFA_TargetIsShielded": "你试图杀死的玩家已被保护!",
"FFA_ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "护盾在尝试1次击杀后破裂",
"FFA_ShieldBroken": "有人想击杀你,你的盾牌现在坏了!",
@@ -3604,15 +3802,15 @@
"MenuTitle.Hide&Seek": "捉迷藏设置",
"NumImpostorsHnS": "伪装者数量",
"EveryOneKnowSolsticer": "所有人都知道至日者是谁",
- "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "至日者知道击杀他人的职业",
+ "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "Solsticer knows the role of whom used the Kill button on it",
"SolsticerSpeed": "至日者的移动速度",
"SolsticerRemainingTaskWarned": "剩余多少任务时所有人得到警告",
"SAddTasksPreDeadPlayer": "至日者的短任务随每个死人增加多少",
"SolsticerMurdered": "{0}试图击杀你!",
"MurderSolsticer": "你阻止了至日者!",
- "SolsticerMurderMessage": "{0}上一轮试图击杀你! 它的职业是{1}!\n没有什么能阻止你朝圣!",
+ "SolsticerMurderMessage": "{0} used Kill button on you last round! Its role is {1}!",
"SolsticerOnMeeting": "因为太多人嗝屁了,你感到身上的负担更重了。\n下一轮你将额外获得{0}个短任务",
- "SolsticerTitle": "至日者",
+ "SolsticerTitle": "SOLSTICER",
"GuessSolsticer": "你不能猜测神的信徒!",
"ExpelSolsticer": "你不能驱逐神的信徒!",
"SolsticerTasksReset": "你的任务惨遭重置了",
@@ -3623,10 +3821,10 @@
"Contributor": "贡献者",
"dbConnect.InitFailure": "连接TOHE应用程序接口(API)时出错,请检查网络连接并重试登录!",
"dbConnect.InitFailurePublic": "连接到TOHE API时出错,这可能是由您的网络连接引起的。因此,赞助商+福利不可用,你可以在没有这些福利的情况下继续像往常一样玩游戏",
- "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "没有好友代码(离线账户或游客账户) 的用户无法使用此版本的 TOHE!",
+ "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "This build of TOHE is not available to users with no Friend Code!",
"Quizmaster": "测验长",
"QuizmasterInfo": "在会议上测验人们并击杀他们",
- "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(中立阵营):\n测验长可以使用击杀按钮标记一名玩家。在下次会议中,被标记的玩家名字旁会出现\"?!\"如果该玩家答错问题或没有回答问题,就会死亡。如果测验长在会议中被 击杀/驱逐,则该被标记的玩家存活。在同一轮中,测验长不能标记多人\n回答问题:/answer [回答字母】\n重新检查:/qmquiz",
+ "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Quizmaster, you can mark a player using your Kill button. In the next meeting, the marked player will have \"?!\" next to their name. The player will die if they answer the question wrong or doesn't answer. The player will live if the Quizmaster is killed/ejected in the same meeting.\nThe Quizmaster cannot mark multiple people in the same round",
"QuizmasterKillButtonText": "测验",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedBy": "你已被 测验长 标记\n为了生存,你必须正确回答这个问题\n{QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedPublic": "{QMTARGET}已被测验长标记\n为了生存,{QMTARGET}必须正确回答他们的问题!\n",
@@ -3639,13 +3837,14 @@
"QuizmasterChat.WrongPublic": "{QMTARGET}答错了测验长的问题而死亡!\n小心测验长!",
"QuizmasterChat.Marked": "你标记了 {QMTARGET}\n如果 {QMTARGET} 在会议结束前没有回答问题或回答错误,{QMTARGET} 将 死亡。\n\n问题{QMTARGET} => {QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.Title": "【 ★ 测验长消息 ★ 】",
- "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "别想着回答自己的问题!",
+ "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "As the Quizmaster, you can't answer questions",
"QuizmasterChat.AnswerNotValid": "从题中所给的A, B, C 三个选项中选择最佳选项",
"QuizmasterChat.SyntaxNotValid": "用法:\n/answer [A/B/C]",
- "QuizmasterSettings.QuestionDifficulty": "问题难度",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "标记某人参加测验后是否可以使用通风管",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "标记某人参加测验后是否可以使用击杀",
- "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "每轮可击杀多少人",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MinQuestionDifficulty": "Minimum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MaxQuestionDifficulty": "Maximum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "Can Vent After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "Can Kill After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "How Many Kills per Round",
"QuizmasterSettings.CanGiveQuestionsAboutPastGames": "可以提出有关过去游戏的问题",
"Quizmaster.None": "无",
"QuizmasterSabotages.Lights": "灯光",
@@ -3673,8 +3872,16 @@
"QuizmasterAnswers.Experimental": "实验性",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Enhanced": "Enhanced",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Edited": "Edited",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "最后一次破坏叫什么?",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "这一轮的第一次破坏叫什么?",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Impostor": "Impostor",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Neutral": "Neutral",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Crewmate": "Crewmate",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Addon": "Add-on",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Shapeshifter": "Shapeshifter",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Scientist": "Scientist",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Engineer": "Engineer",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.GuardianAngel": "GuardianAngel",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "What was the Sabotage was called last?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "What was the first Sabotage called this round?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastEjectedPlayerColor": "上次被驱逐的玩家是什么颜色?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastReportPlayerColor": "上次会议报告的尸体是什么颜色?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastButtonPressedPlayerColor": "上次会议是谁召开的?",
@@ -3684,17 +3891,25 @@
"QuizmasterQuestions.FactionOfRole": "{QMRole} 的阵营是什么?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.FactionRemovedName": "游戏中曾经有哪个阵营,但在更新后被删除了?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyDiedFirstRound": "第一轮死了多少人?",
- "QuizmasterQuestions.ButtonPressedBefore": "在这次会议之前,有多少人按下了紧急按钮?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.ButtonPressedBefore": "How many people pressed the Emergency button before this meeting?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.WhatDoesEOgMeansInName": "TOHE 中的 “E” 最初表达了什么?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieReason": "{PLR} 的死因是什么?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieMethod": "{PLR} 是怎么死的?",
- "LastAddedRoleForKarped": "在咔皮呆下台之前,TOHE 最后加入的职业是什么?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastAddedRoleForKarped": "What was the last role added to TOHE before KARPED1EM stepped down?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieFaction": "是什么阵营击杀了 {PLR}?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.QuizmasterCooldown": "What will Quizmaster's cooldown always be? (excluding first kill override and changes from other Roles/Add-ons)",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoCoded": "Who coded Quizmaster?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoOwns": "Who owns The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEPartners": "Who are The Enhanced Network's partners?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEEventCoordinator": "Who is the Event Coordinator for The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyCats": "How many Cat related roles are in the Mod?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.GuessingCommand": "What does /bt actually mean?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.NotFromTOS2": "Which of these roles are NOT from Town of Salem 2?",
"DeathReason.WrongAnswer": "测验答案错误",
"TPCooldown": "传送冷却时间",
- "RiftsTooClose": "位置太靠近第一道裂缝",
+ "RiftsTooClose": "Location too close to the first Rift",
"RiftCreated": "成功制造裂缝",
- "RiftsDestroyed": "摧毁所有裂缝",
+ "RiftsDestroyed": "All Rifts destroyed",
"RiftRadius": "裂缝半径",
"TiredVision": "疲劳时的视野",
"TiredSpeed": "疲劳时的速度",
@@ -3718,7 +3933,7 @@
"ShockerAbilityCooldown": "技能冷却时间",
"ShockerAbilityDuration": "技能持续时间",
"ShockerAbilityPerRound": "每轮的技能",
- "ShockerShockInVents": "震击通风口内的人",
+ "ShockerShockInVents": "Shock people in Vents",
"ShockerAbilityResetAfterMeeting": "会议后重置标记的房间",
"ShockerOutsideRadius": "外部任务震击半径(不在房间内)",
"ShockerCanShockHimself": "可以震击自己",
@@ -3731,13 +3946,13 @@
"EavesdropperMsgTitle": "你发现了一个秘密",
"EavesdropPercentChance": "概率偷听",
"PreventSeeRolesBeforeSkillUsedUp": "在技能用尽前阻止看见他人职业",
- "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "招募警长的冷却时间",
- "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "可以招募内鬼阵营或中立阵营",
- "SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "你招募了一名警长",
- "BeSheriffByPolice": "你被警局局长招募了!为船员效力吧!",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "Cooldown for recruiting Sheriffs",
+ "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "Can recruit non-Crewmates",
+ "SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "You recruited a Sheriff.",
+ "BeSheriffByPolice": "You've been recruited by the Police Chief! Serve the Crewmates!",
"PoliceFailedRecruit": "招募目标失败",
"ChiefOfPoliceKillButtonText": "招募",
- "PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "防止招募没有击杀按钮的玩家",
- "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "招募非带刀玩家或非船员时自杀",
- "PolicPassConverted": "可以将已转换的附加职业转移给警长"
+ "PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "Prevent recruit players without Kill button",
+ "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "Suicides when recruit a non-Killer or non-Crewmate",
+ "PolicPassConverted": "Can pass Converted Add-on to Sheriff"
diff --git a/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json b/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json
index a5363ca75..64eab0809 100644
--- a/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json
+++ b/Resources/Lang/zh_TW.json
@@ -14,22 +14,26 @@
"Website": "模組官網",
"PlayerNameForRoleInfo": "嗨 {0},你的職業是:-\n",
"HostIconInMeeting": "房主: {0}",
+ "ModdedClient": "模組客戶端",
"SubText.GM": "當吃瓜群眾在一旁看戲吧",
"SubText.Crewmate": "完成任務並尋找偽裝者",
"SubText.Impostor": "破壞並殺死所有人",
"SubText.Neutral": "不屬於其他陣營的獨立陣營",
"SubText.Apocalypse": "與你的團隊一起變得勢不可擋",
+ "SubText.Coven": "迷惑並殺死所有人",
"SubText.Madmate": "幫助偽裝者陣營",
"SubText.Lovers": "你墜入了愛河",
"SubText.Egoist": "搶走你的陣營的勝利",
"TypeImpostor": "偽裝者",
"TypeCrewmate": "船員",
"TypeNeutral": "中立",
+ "TypeCoven": "巫師集會",
"TypeAddon": "附加職業",
"GuesserMode": "賭怪模式",
"TeamImpostor": "偽裝者陣營",
"TeamNeutral": "中立陣營",
"TeamCrewmate": "船員陣營",
+ "TeamCoven": "巫師集會",
"TeamMadmate": "叛徒陣營",
"TeamLovers": "戀人陣營",
"TeamEgoist": "利己主義陣營",
@@ -37,6 +41,7 @@
"YouAreCrewmate": "你是船員",
"YouAreImpostor": "你是偽裝者",
"YouAreNeutral": "你是中立",
+ "YouAreCoven": "你是巫師集會的成員",
"YouAreMadmate": "你是叛徒",
"Role_Crewmate": "船員",
"Role_Jester": "小丑",
@@ -63,12 +68,14 @@
"ImpostorsCanGuess": "偽裝者可以猜測",
"NeutralKillersCanGuess": "帶刀中立可以猜測",
"NeutralApocalypseCanGuess": "中立 災厄陣營 可以猜測",
+ "CovenCanGuess": "巫師集會 可以賭人",
"PassiveNeutralsCanGuess": "無刀中立可以猜測",
"CanGuessAddons": "可以猜測附加職業",
"ShowOnlyEnabledRolesInGuesserUI": "賭怪介面中僅顯示已開啟的職業",
- "CrewCanGuessCrew": "船員可以猜測 船員職業",
- "ImpCanGuessImp": "偽裝者可以猜測 偽裝者職業",
+ "CrewCanGuessCrew": "船員可以猜測船員職業",
+ "ImpCanGuessImp": "偽裝者可以猜測偽裝者職業",
"ApocCanGuessApoc": "中立 災厄陣營 可以猜測 中立 災厄職業",
+ "CovenCanGuessCoven": "巫師集會 可以猜測 巫師集會 的職業",
"GuessImmune": "目標無法被猜測!",
"GM": "GM(遊戲大師)",
"Sunnyboy": "陽光開朗大男孩",
@@ -287,7 +294,6 @@
"Vulture": "禿鷲",
"Taskinator": "搗蛋鬼",
"Benefactor": "慈善家",
- "Medusa": "梅杜莎",
"Spiritcaller": "靈魂召喚者",
"Amnesiac": "失憶者",
"Imitator": "效顰者",
@@ -305,12 +311,21 @@
"Romantic": "暗戀者",
"VengefulRomantic": "報復者",
"RuthlessRomantic": "絕情者",
+ "Wraith": "幻影",
"Poisoner": "毒醫",
+ "Medusa": "梅杜莎",
"HexMaster": "妖術師",
- "Wraith": "幻影",
"Jinx": "掃把星",
"PotionMaster": "魔藥師",
"Necromancer": "死靈法師",
+ "CovenLeader": "巫師領導者",
+ "Ritualist": "儀式師",
+ "Conjurer": "召喚師",
+ "Dreamweaver": "織夢者",
+ "Illusionist": "幻術師",
+ "VoodooMaster": "巫毒大師",
+ "Sacrifist": "犧牲者",
+ "MoonDancer": "月舞者",
"Warden": "冤魂",
"Minion": "爪牙",
"Ghastly": "陰魂",
@@ -363,6 +378,7 @@
"EvilSpirit": "惡靈",
"Recruit": "被招募",
"Admired": "被仰慕",
+ "Enchanted": "著魔",
"Glow": "發光",
"Radar": "雷達",
"Diseased": "病態",
@@ -421,8 +437,8 @@
"NemesisInfo": "別跟我們這些黑幫沾染上關係",
"BeforeNemesisInfo": "潛伏以等待時機",
"AfterNemesisInfo": "復仇時間已到",
- "BloodmoonInfo": "使船員從內部瓦解!",
- "PossessorInfo": "將船員們引開",
+ "BloodmoonInfo": "使船員從內部瓦解!",
+ "PossessorInfo": "將船員們引開",
"PuppeteerInfo": "操控對象並殺光所有船員",
"MastermindInfo": "我從不自己犯案",
"TimeThiefInfo": "將會議時間偷走並殺光你的敵人",
@@ -436,7 +452,7 @@
"BomberInfo": "Creeper? Aww Man...",
"TrapsterInfo": "捕獲你的獵物",
"ScavengerInfo": "殺人不留痕跡",
- "EvilGuesserInfo": "賭博並殺光所有人",
+ "EvilGuesserInfo": "生命即是一場豪賭",
"GangsterInfo": "招募你的小弟以便殺人",
"CleanerInfo": "清除屍體",
"LightningInfo": "將你的敵人轉化為量子幽靈",
@@ -459,7 +475,7 @@
"SaboteurInfo": "你只能在破壞期間殺人",
"CouncillorInfo": "看誰不爽就謀殺誰",
"DazzlerInfo": "擊暈船員們",
- "DeathpactInfo": "你可以準備去死了",
+ "DeathpactInfo": "你以為的契約其實是生死簿!",
"DevourerInfo": "裝扮? 不存在的",
"ConsigliereInfo": "讓我看看你們的身分!",
"MorphlingInfo": "你只能在變形狀態下殺人",
@@ -503,7 +519,7 @@
"YinYangerInfo": "陰陽交會之處,將無人倖存",
"BodyguardInfo": "想殺人必須先過我這關",
"DeceiverInfo": "今天賺得不錯都被騙到了",
- "GrenadierInfo": "這個亮光!",
+ "GrenadierInfo": "閃瞎他們的眼",
"MedicInfo": "給你上個全身盾,別死了啊",
"FortuneTellerInfo": "水晶球展現一下魔力吧",
"JudgeInfo": "現在就開庭!",
@@ -521,9 +537,9 @@
"CoronerInfo": "尋找屍體與他們的兇手",
"PresidentInfo": "你擁有讓市長羨慕死的技能",
"MerchantInfo": "成為一名奸商",
- "RetributionistInfo": "我希望我在死去時.... 能幫助船員....",
+ "RetributionistInfo": "我希望....在死後....也能幫上大家的忙..",
"HawkInfo": "用運氣幹掉所有壞蛋!",
- "DeputyInfo": "不許動! 你被逮捕了",
+ "DeputyInfo": "不準動! 你被逮捕了!",
"InvestigatorInfo": "通過算命找出可疑之人",
"GuardianInfo": "完成你的任務來免疫任何傷害",
"AddictInfo": "這跳管道真令人上癮",
@@ -547,7 +563,7 @@
"WitnessInfo": "我好像目擊了什麼",
"GhastlyInfo": "陰魂不散的操控別人!",
"SwapperInfo": "交換兩名玩家的票數",
- "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "雇傭警長來為船員服務!",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceInfo": "Hire Sheriffs to serve the Crewmates!",
"NiceMiniInfo": "在你長大之前沒有人能傷害你",
"ArsonistInfo": "燒吧,燒吧,燃燒吧",
"PyromaniacInfo": "澆油並殺光所有人",
@@ -603,7 +619,7 @@
"VultureInfo": "多謝款待",
"TaskinatorInfo": "安靜地完成任務,享受致命的爆炸",
"BenefactorInfo": "完成任務來保護別人",
- "MedusaInfo": "舉報屍體來石化它",
+ "MedusaInfo": "石化玩家來使其無法移動",
"SpiritcallerInfo": "將玩家變為惡靈",
"AmnesiacInfo": "我是誰? 我在哪?",
"ImitatorInfo": "模仿一名玩家的職業",
@@ -614,7 +630,7 @@
"DoomsayerInfo": "成功猜測玩家的職業數次來獲勝",
"ShroudInfo": "感受被遮蓋的恐懼吧",
"WerewolfInfo": "凡是我走過之處,必定橫屍遍野",
- "ShamanInfo": "把所有攻擊轉移",
+ "ShamanInfo": "Deflect all the attacks on Voodoo Doll",
"SeekerInfo": "跟你的目標玩捉迷藏\n你的目標會有★標記",
"PixieInfo": "給他們貼上標籤,裝進袋子,然後逐出他們!",
"OccultistInfo": "殺人並詛咒你的敵人",
@@ -622,18 +638,26 @@
"RomanticInfo": "保護你的戀人來共同獲勝",
"VengefulRomanticInfo": "為你的夥伴報復,攜手共贏",
"RuthlessRomanticInfo": "殺光所有人,與戀人共贏",
- "PoisonerInfo": "下輩子看病,要找有醫生執照的喔",
- "HexMasterInfo": "施展妖術來讓你的敵人死亡",
"WraithInfo": "使用通風口來暫時隱形",
- "JinxInfo": "反彈你的攻擊到兇手身上",
+ "PoisonerInfo": "用毒藥封住玩家的職業",
+ "HexMasterInfo": "施展妖術來讓你的敵人死亡",
+ "JinxInfo": "玩家們會在在試圖殺死你的目標時\"意外\"死亡",
"PotionMasterInfo": "使用你的藥水獲得優勢",
- "NecromancerInfo": "你真以為我會這麼死去?",
+ "NecromancerInfo": "回收再利用",
+ "CovenLeaderInfo": "重新訓練你的隊友們",
+ "RitualistInfo": "通過血之儀式來讓人們著魔!",
+ "ConjurerInfo": "陪你去看流星雨~",
+ "DreamweaverInfo": "讓其他玩家無法使用技能",
+ "IllusionistInfo": "對玩家使用幻術來製造混亂",
+ "VoodooMasterInfo": "將玩家製作成巫毒娃娃",
+ "SacrifistInfo": "以你自己為代價對你的敵人進行減益",
+ "MoonDancerInfo": "向玩家贈送附加職業",
"WardenInfo": "(幽靈) 使船員遠離危險",
"MinionInfo": "(幽靈) 令目標致盲",
"LoversInfo": "你墜入了愛河",
"MadmateInfo": "幫助偽裝者",
"WatcherInfo": "注意所有人的投票",
- "LastImpostorInfo": "你是狼村最後的希望...",
+ "LastImpostorInfo": "更短的擊殺冷卻",
"OverclockedInfo": "速戰速決!",
"FlashInfo": "Deja Vu! I've just been in this place before~",
"TorchInfo": "夜空中最亮的星",
@@ -669,6 +693,7 @@
"LoyalInfo": "你無法被招募",
"EvilSpiritInfo": "你是惡靈",
"RecruitInfo": "幫助豺狼",
+ "EnchantedInfo": "幫助巫師們",
"AdmiredInfo": "仰慕者選擇了你",
"GlowInfo": "哇! 你在發光耶",
"RadarInfo": "先左轉,再右轉,找到你了!",
@@ -721,7 +746,7 @@
"CrewmateTOHEInfoLong": "(船員陣營):\n作為船員,你的目標很簡單: 找出船上的偽裝者並將其逐出。\n船員可以透過逐出所有邪惡玩家或通過完成所有任務來獲勝",
"BountyHunterInfoLong": "(偽裝者陣營):\n賞金獵人有一個賞金目標,如果賞金獵人擊殺了賞金目標,下一次的殺人冷卻會變得非常的短\n反之,如果賞金獵人擊殺了非賞金目標,那麼他的冷卻將會被延長\n賞金目標將會重置在殺死賞金目標後或切換目標時間結束。",
"FireworkerInfoLong": "(偽裝者陣營):\n煙火工匠可以放置煙火來造成範圍性傷害,煙火工匠可以以變形來放置煙火,最多可以放置三個煙火,但是在煙火工匠放置完所有煙火前無法殺人。\n如果他的隊友都已經死亡的話,煙火工匠便可以引爆煙火。\n即使煙火工匠也在爆炸中被炸死,只要炸死所有人就還能獲勝。",
- "MercenaryInfoLong": "(偽裝者陣營):\n嗜血殺手的殺人冷卻非常短,但如果沒有在自殺倒數時間前殺人,嗜血殺手將會自殺。",
+ "MercenaryInfoLong": "(Impostors):\nAs the Mercenary, you must kill within your deadline, as shown by your Shapeshift Cooldown (which you cannot use). If you fail to kill, you die.",
"ShapeMasterInfoLong": "(偽裝者陣營):\n百變怪相較於普通變形者,百變怪沒有變形冷卻,但是相較於普通變形者他的變形時間會更短。",
"VampireInfoLong": "(偽裝者陣營):\n吸血鬼的擊殺目標不會立刻死亡,而是在一段時間後突然暴斃,如果在這段時間內進入會議,被吸血的玩家將立刻死亡。\n請注意: 如果吸血鬼的目標為誘餌,吸血鬼會直接擊殺誘餌並報告屍體。\n請注意: 吸血鬼根據房主設定可以使用 單擊吸血、雙擊刀人",
"WarlockInfoLong": "(偽裝者陣營):\n術士可以通過殺人鍵下咒一個目標,如果目標身上出現盾牌破碎的效果代表下咒成功。\n如果術士變形,那麼被下咒的玩家將會立刻殺死一名離他最近的玩家,\n如果術士未在進入會議前咒殺,則詛咒失效。\n術士也可以在變形時進行正常擊殺。\n請注意: 下咒擺爛人並嘗試咒殺將不會發生任何事情。",
@@ -824,7 +849,7 @@
"JudgeInfoLong": "(船員陣營):\n法官在會議時可以審判某位玩家,若該玩家的職業為邪惡方職業則殺死該目標(部分邪惡方是否可以審判視房主設定),錯誤則會自殺,\n審判指令為:/tl [玩家ID] (這是L不是i喔~)\n你可以在玩家名字前看到該玩家的ID,或使用/id來查詢所有玩家的編號,當法官成為叛徒時可以隨意審判。\n會議上顯示的技能次數代表該次會議可以審判的次數,會議外的技能次數則表示該局遊戲可以審判的次數",
"MorticianInfoLong": "(船員陣營):\n殯葬師可以看到指向所有屍體的箭頭,當殯葬師報告屍體時可以在會議上得知被害者生前最後一個接觸的玩家。請注意: 殯葬師不會成為膽小鬼。",
"MediumInfoLong": "(船員陣營):\n當場上有玩家被殺死,通靈師會收到提示。當每次報告屍體時通靈師可以與被報告的屍體建立聯繫(只有被報告的而不是全部被害者),在此次會議結束前,被害者擁有一次機會回答通靈師的問題,只能回答是或否。請注意: 通靈師不會成為膽小鬼。",
- "ObserverInfoLong": "(船員陣營):\n窺視者可以在第一次會議後看到所有玩家的碎盾動畫(包括技能的碎盾提示)。",
+ "ObserverInfoLong": "(Crewmates):\nAs the Observer, you can see all Shield Animations caused by other players after the first meeting. The Shield Animations typically indicate a role ability, so look out for this.",
"MonarchInfoLong": "(船員陣營):\n君主可以嘗試對一名玩家使用殺人鍵讓他成為騎士,騎士擁有額外的票數,並且名字會變為金色(僅君主可見),此外,君主無法讓已經擁有額外票數的人當選騎士(例如市長)。\n請注意: 在騎士全部死亡前,君主會是無敵狀態(不可被賭也不可被殺)",
"PacifistInfoLong": "(船員陣營):\n和平之鴿可以通過進入通風管來進行歌頌,\n在場所有擁有殺人鍵的玩家的殺人/技能冷卻時間會被重置。當和平之鴿成為叛徒時歌頌只對船員生效。",
"OverseerInfoLong": "(船員陣營):\n預言家可以嘗試對一名玩家使用殺人鍵來揭示最近玩家的職業,在開始預言時,目標名字旁會出現「○」符號並開始對目標進行掃描(只有你能看到),預言家必須跟隨此玩家以完成預言,如果預言家離目標太遠,則預言停止,此外,預言家的視野極小。",
@@ -914,7 +939,6 @@
"AbyssbringerInfoLong": "(偽裝者陣營):\n深淵使者可以使用變形來放置黑洞,黑洞將在玩家靠近時將其吸入並殺死他們。",
"TaskinatorInfoLong": "(中立陣營):\n作為搗蛋鬼,每當你完成一個任務,該任務就會被裝上炸彈。當其他玩家完成有炸彈的任務時,炸彈就會爆炸,玩家就會死亡。\n\n當搗蛋鬼活到最後,並且船員陣營失敗,則搗蛋鬼跟隨獲勝陣營獲勝。\n\n 請注意: 搗蛋鬼的炸彈無視所有保護(例如軍醫護盾)",
"BenefactorInfoLong": "(船員陣營):\n當慈善家做完一項任務時,該任務會被標記。而當其他玩家完成了被標記的任務時,將會獲得護盾。\n\n請注意:護盾僅能防禦直接性擊殺",
- "MedusaInfoLong": "(中立陣營):\n美杜莎可以石化屍體,被石化的屍體將無法被報告,殺光所有人獲勝!",
"SpiritcallerInfoLong": "(中立陣營):\n靈魂召喚者可以把玩家被殺害後變成惡靈,惡靈透過作祟按鈕暫時凍結其他玩家,或暫時阻擋他們的視野,在或者,惡靈可以給予靈魂召喚者一個護盾,短暫的保護靈魂召喚者不受殺害。",
"AmnesiacInfoLong": "(中立陣營):\n失憶者可以使用報告按鈕來回憶並獲取屍體的職業\n為了平衡遊戲,如果失憶者的設定為無法使用通風口,則你回憶職業後也不能夠使用通風口。",
"ImitatorInfoLong": "(中立陣營):\n效顰者可以嘗試對一名玩家使用殺人鍵來效仿該玩家的職業。\n如果你效仿了船員,你會變成警長。\n如果你效仿了偽裝者,你會變成逃亡者。\n如果你效仿了中立玩家,你會變成某些中立職業。",
@@ -924,20 +948,30 @@
"DoomsayerInfoLong": "(中立陣營):\n賭神通過猜測玩家職業正確數次(猜測次數依據房主設定) 來獲得勝利。\n猜測指令為: /bt [玩家ID] [role]\n你可以在玩家名字前看到該玩家的ID,或使用/id來查詢所有玩家的編號。",
"ShroudInfoLong": "(中立陣營):\n裹屍布可以嘗試對一名玩家使用殺人鍵來用裹屍布遮蓋他們,被遮蓋的玩家名字旁會顯示「◈」,遮蓋目標在遇到玩家後就會殺死他,如果遮蓋目標活到會議後,且裹屍布仍存活,則被遮蓋目標會在會議結束後窒息而亡。",
"WerewolfInfoLong": "(中立陣營):\n月下狼人殺人時為範圍性殺人(範圍依據房主設定),被範圍性殺死的玩家的死因將會顯示為被獵殺,不過月下狼人的冷卻會比正常帶刀玩家的冷卻較高。",
- "ShamanInfoLong": "(中立陣營):\n薩滿可以對一名玩家嘗試使用殺人鍵來選擇為巫毒娃娃,每回合一次,所有與你有互動的效果都會被轉移到巫毒娃娃身上。如果遊戲結束時,薩滿活到最後,則薩滿與獲勝陣營一同獲勝。\n請注意: 如果兇手無法正常擊殺目標,本次擊殺將會失效,但當兇手再次嘗試擊殺時,薩滿會死亡。",
+ "ShamanInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Shaman, you can use your Kill button to select a Voodoo Doll once per round. If the Kill button is used on you, the effect will be deflected onto the Voodoo Doll.\nIf you survive until the end, you win with the winning team.\nNote: If the killer cannot kill the chosen target, murder is canceled, but if the killer rechecks the Shaman, the killer will kill the Shaman.",
"SeekerInfoLong": "(中立陣營):\n冒險家可以嘗試對一名玩家使用殺人鍵來為目標打上標籤,如果冒險家為目標打上標籤,即增加 1 點積分,如果冒險家給其他人打上標籤,而不是目標,則扣掉 1 點分數,冒險家在會議結束後或重新獲得新目標會無法移動 5 秒。\n\n當冒險家達到一定的積分時(具體數值由房主設定),冒險家獲勝。冒險家將會看到自己的目標有★標記",
"PixieInfoLong": "(中立陣營):\n精靈可以嘗試對一名玩家使用殺人鍵來標記多個目標,你將會看到目標的名字具有顏色。會議時你必須逐出其中一個目標,如果你失敗了,根據設定你可能會自殺,如果進入會議時你沒有標記任何玩家,或是你所有的目標都死亡,則你的目標將重設為 0。如果你成功逐出目標,你則獲得 1 點積分。\n\n當精靈達到一定的積分時(具體數值由房主設定),則精靈獲勝。",
"SchrodingersCatInfoLong": "(中立陣營):\n如果有人試圖對薛丁格的貓使用殺人鍵,薛丁格的貓將阻止該操作並加入兇手的陣營。阻擋只能進行一次。 在沒有被殺的情況下,薛丁格的貓沒有勝利條件,所以薛丁格的貓必須在遊戲結束前被殺。\n此外,薛丁格的貓雖然會和自身陣營獲勝,但是計算人數時不會被計入。\n\n請注意: 如果殺人機器試圖對你使用殺人鍵,互動不會被阻止,薛丁格的貓會直接死亡。",
"RomanticInfoLong": "(中立陣營):\n暗戀者可以嘗試對一名玩家使用殺人鍵來選擇他的戀人(這個操作可以在任一輪中被執行),當暗戀者選擇了戀人後,他就可以對戀人使用殺人鍵來給他臨時的護盾,護盾可以保護戀人不被殺死,如果他的戀人死亡,則暗戀者會轉變為以下職業:\n1. 如果他的戀人是偽裝者,則暗戀者變為逃亡者\n2. 如果他的戀人是帶刀中立,則暗戀者變為絕情者\n3. 如果他的戀人是船員或不帶刀中立,則暗戀者變為報復者。\n遊戲結束時,如果暗戀者的戀人的所處陣營獲勝,則暗戀者和他的戀人與獲勝陣營一同獲勝。\n\n請注意: 如果暗戀者的職業改變,勝利條件也會隨之改變。",
"RuthlessRomanticInfoLong": "(中立陣營):\n絕情者的勝利條件是殺光所有人來獲勝,如果絕情者在遊戲結束時獲勝,則他會與他已死去的戀人一同獲勝。",
"VengefulRomanticInfoLong": "(中立陣營):\n報復者需要將殺死戀人的兇手殺死,如果你成功做到,則你和戀人將會在遊戲結束時與獲勝方一同獲勝,如果你殺錯人,你將會因走火而死。",
- "PoisonerInfoLong": "(中立陣營):\n毒醫的殺人是延遲的,殺光所有人來獲勝。",
- "HexMasterInfoLong": "(中立陣營):\n妖術師可以對一個玩家施展妖術或直接殺死,如果妖術師在會議結束時存活,被施妖術的玩家將會在會議結束後死亡。",
"WraithInfoLong": "(中立陣營):\n幻影可以通過進入管道來隱身,在隱身情況下,除了自己以外其他人都看不到幻影的存在。(包括幽靈)",
- "JinxInfoLong": "(中立陣營):\n每當掃把星受到攻擊時,掃把星都會詛咒他們,導致他們死於厄運。該技能有使用次數限制。",
- "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(中立陣營):\n魔藥師擁有三瓶藥水,分別有不同的作用\n\n對玩家按一下殺人鍵: 揭示身分\n按兩下殺人鍵: 殺人\n地圖: 破壞\n\n請注意: 揭示的藥水具有上限,當用完時,就會轉變為正常的殺人鍵。",
- "NecromancerInfoLong": "(中立陣營):\n當有人嘗試殺死死靈法師時,殺人行動會被阻擋並且死靈法師會傳送到隨機的通風口中,並且必須在倒數計時時間內殺死兇手,如果成功殺死,則存活,反之,如果倒數計時結束時你沒有殺死兇手,或是殺錯人,你會永久死亡。遊戲結束時,如果死靈法師活到最後,則死靈法師獨自獲勝。",
"ShockerInfoLong": "(中立陣營):\n電擊者可以透過在房間中執行任務來標記此房間,在一段時間(根據房主設定) 內跳進管道,你將電擊該房間內的所有人。當你完成所有任務後,你會得到新的任務。請注意: 在未電擊期間內完成任務將為下一次能力使用標記它們。",
+ "CovenInfoLong": "(巫師集會):\n巫師集會是一個獨立的陣營,共同努力並共同獲勝。如果遊戲中有多個巫師集會職業,他們可以看到彼此的職業。\n根據房主的設置,巫師集會職業可能可以猜測或被猜測。\n請執行 /coveninfo 以獲取更多資訊。",
+ "PoisonerInfoLong": "(巫師集會):\n毒醫可以對玩家使用擊殺按鈕來封鎖住他們的能力。當被封鎖的玩家嘗試使用他們的技能時,將不會執行任何操作,並且他們的冷卻時間將被重置。\n當你獲得死靈之書,你可以透過雙擊擊殺按鈕來讓玩家延遲死亡",
+ "HexMasterInfoLong": "(巫師集會):\n妖術師可以對玩家使用擊殺按鈕來標記玩家,被標記的玩家將在會議上有乂的符號。如果妖術師沒有在會議結束前死亡,則所有被標記的玩家都會死。\n當你獲得了死靈之書後,你的妖術將可以被傳遞,就像炸彈王的炸彈一樣。另外,你可以雙擊擊殺按鈕來正常殺死玩家。",
+ "JinxInfoLong": "(巫師集會):\n掃把星可以對玩家使用擊殺按鈕來向玩家傳遞厄運。任何與被傳遞厄運的玩家互動的人都會因死亡原因「厄運」而死亡。\n當你獲得死靈之書後,你可以使用雙擊擊殺來正常殺人。此外,厄運玩家會跟與其互動的玩家一起死亡。",
+ "MedusaInfoLong": "(巫師集會):\n梅杜莎可以對一名玩家使用擊殺按鈕標記他們。之後當你點擊變形按鈕時,所有被標記的玩家將會被石化而無法移動,並且在一段時間內降低視野。\n獲得死靈之書後,你殺死的玩家將無法被報告。",
+ "PotionMasterInfoLong": "(巫師集會):\n魔藥師有兩種藥水可供使用,對其他玩家使用擊殺來觸發藥水效果。透過揭示藥水來查看其他人的職業。使用保護藥水來讓該玩家在此輪內不會被擊殺,當你對巫師集會的成員使用該藥水時,他們會獲得通知。點擊“變形”按鈕來更改藥水。\n當你獲得死靈之書後,你可以雙擊擊殺按鈕正常殺人。",
+ "NecromancerInfoLong": "(巫師集會):\n死靈法師可以使用變形來暫時成為一個隨機死亡玩家的職業(一些職業無法使用)。\n當你使用一個死者的職業後,就不可在同一局遊戲中再次使用他的能力。\n當你獲得死靈之書後,有人想要殺死你時,你會阻擋擊殺並被傳送到隨機的通風口上。你需要在限定的時間內殺死你的兇手。如果時間結束或者你試圖殺死無辜的玩家的話,你將死亡。",
+ "CovenLeaderInfoLong": "(巫師集會):\n巫師領導者可以對其他巫師集會的成員使用擊殺按鈕來向他們提出改變為場上不存在的巫師職業。下次會議期間,被巫師領導者選擇的巫師成員可以通過自投來成為其他的巫師職業,或是投票給其他人來拒絕轉變,拒絕轉變則不會消耗技能次數。\n當你獲得死靈之書後,你不能讓其他巫師成員轉變職業,你只能正常的擊殺其他玩家。",
+ "RitualistInfoLong": "(巫師集會):\n會議期間儀式師可以猜測玩家的職業來進行血之儀式。如果儀式師猜測正確,該玩家會被授予著魔附加職業並加入巫師陣營。如果儀式師猜測錯誤,他們不會死,但在下次會議之前無法進行血之儀式。\n使用/rt [玩家id] [職業名]來進行猜測\n當你獲得死靈之書後,你可以殺人",
+ "ConjurerInfoLong": "(巫師集會):\n使用變形來標記一個位置。\n再次變形來在標記位置召喚一顆流星,殺死範圍內的所有人。\n當你獲得死亡之書後,你將可以殺人。當然你也可以繼續召喚流星,只不過變成了標記你變形的玩家,並在下一次變形時殺死目標範圍內的玩家,包括被標記的玩家。",
+ "DreamweaverInfoLong": "(巫師集會):\n織夢者可以對其他玩家使用擊殺按鈕來將其選為目標。之後在下一次會議上時,目標會獲得自己被選為目標的通知。若織夢者沒有在會議結束前死亡,則織夢者的目標將無法使用技能,直到織夢者死亡。\n當你獲得死靈之書後,你可以雙擊擊殺按鈕來正常殺死其他人。",
+ "IllusionistInfoLong": "(巫師集會):\n幻術師可以使用他們的擊殺按鈕來扭轉一名玩家被調查時的結果。例如,當一名具有擊殺按鈕的玩家處於幻術師的幻覺狀態,那麼他們在算命師的調查下會被視為沒有擊殺按鈕,反之亦然。\n當你獲得死靈之書後,你可以使用雙擊擊殺按鈕來正常擊殺,並且你的每次擊殺都會顯示為隨機死因",
+ "VoodooMasterInfoLong": "(Coven):\nThe Voodoo Master can craft a Voodoo Doll of a player by using their Kill button, similar to the Shaman. All the interactions with you using Kill button will be deflected to the Voodoo Doll and the Voodoo Doll will destroy. Unlike the Shaman, this voodoo will last during the meeting (eg. If the Voodoo Master is judged, then the voodoo'd player will be judged instead).\nWith the Necronomicon, you can double-click to kill. Additionally, the voodoo’d player will be unable to report. The next person to interact with them will die.",
+ "SacrifistInfoLong": "(巫師集會):\n犧牲者可以透過變形來給予隨機一名非巫師陣營的玩家隨機的負面效果,但犧牲者本人也會獲得同樣的效果(當該效果適用於犧牲者時)。\n隨機選擇的玩家在下次會議前都不會改變。\n根據設置,犧牲者可以在被投出去時隨機殺死一些投給自己的非巫師玩家。\n犧牲者通常不能殺人,但為了防止拖時間,犧牲者將可以在自己是最後一個存活的巫師集會成員時擊殺。\n當你獲得死靈之書後,你會在變形時進行終極犧牲,當你這樣做時你會死,但所有巫師集會的成員都會獲得永久的冷卻減少",
+ "MoonDancerInfoLong": "(巫師集會):\n月舞者可以對其他玩家使用擊殺來讓他們在下一次會議上獲得附加職業。\n如果對巫師成員使用: 給予有益的附加職業\n對其他玩家使用: 給予有害的附加職業\n當你獲得死靈之書後,你可以使用雙擊擊殺來正常擊殺玩家。並且你殺死的玩家將不會馬上死亡,而是被傳送至地圖外,他們會在心電圖上顯示為存活,也不會被追蹤屍體的技能追蹤。當召開會議/報告屍體時,這些被月舞者傳送到地圖外的玩家就會因為死因升空而死",
"LastImpostorInfoLong": "(附加職業):\n這個效果只在偽裝者陣營只剩下一人時賦予該玩家,被賦予效果的玩家殺人冷卻將會縮短。",
"OverclockedInfoLong": "(附加職業):\n超頻的冷卻時間會被減少至設定的百分比(%) 數(依據房主設定),該附加職業只會給予帶刀玩家。",
"LoversInfoLong": "(附加職業):\n戀人為兩名玩家的組合。戀人可以看到對方名字旁有「♥」圖標作為提示,當戀人其中一人死亡時則另一人殉情(根據房主設定可能不會殉情)。戀人其中一人在會議中被逐出時,另一人也將死亡並變成不可報告的屍體。當場上只剩下戀人時戀人將獨自獲勝,戀人其中一人獲勝時另一人也一起獲勝。",
@@ -958,7 +992,7 @@
"ParanoiaInfoLong": "(附加職業):\n模組計算陣營人數時雙重人格被視為兩名玩家,依據房主設定,你可能持有額外的票數。\n請注意: 中立職業和叛徒不會成為雙重人格。",
"MimicInfoLong": "(附加職業):\n保險箱死後他的隊友會在會議上收到訊息,內容包括保險箱生前殺死的所有人的職業。\n請注意: 黑手黨不會成為保險箱。",
"GuesserInfoLong": "(附加職業):\n賭怪可以在會議上猜測某位玩家的職業,正確則會讓猜測目標死亡,錯誤則會自殺,\n猜測指令為/bt [玩家ID] [職業名](指令開頭的/bt可以替換為/bet、/guess、/gs等)\n您可以在玩家名字前看到玩家ID,或使用/id來查詢所有玩家的ID。",
- "NecroviewInfoLong": "(附加職業):\n死神可以在會議上看到死亡玩家的陣營:\n- 紅色的名字代表偽裝者陣營\n- 藍色的名字代表船員陣營\n- 灰色的名字代表中立陣營",
+ "NecroviewInfoLong": "(附加職業):\n死神可以在會議上看到死亡玩家的陣營:\n- 紅色的名字代表偽裝者陣營\n- 藍色的名字代表船員陣營\n- 灰色的名字代表中立陣營\n- 紫色的名字代表巫師集會",
"ReachInfoLong": "(附加職業):\n只有具有殺人鍵的職業能獲得長槍效果,具有長槍效果的玩家的殺人距離會比一般人更長。",
"BaitInfoLong": "(附加職業):\n當誘餌被殺時,殺死誘餌的兇手將會立刻自行報告誘餌的屍體,但是當清道夫、清潔工、隱身人、幻影、殺人機器或梅杜莎殺死誘餌時,誘餌不會觸發技能。根據房主設定,報告屍體可能會有延遲。",
"TrapperInfoLong": "(附加職業):\n當捕獵者被殺時,那麼兇手將會在一段時間內無法移動。",
@@ -983,6 +1017,7 @@
"EvilSpiritInfoLong": "(附加職業):\n惡靈的任務為幫助靈魂召喚者獲勝,你可以使用你的作祟按鈕來讓某名玩家無法移動並且視野被縮小,如果你在靈魂召喚者上使用作祟按鈕,則你會給予靈魂召喚者短暫的護盾。",
"RecruitInfoLong": "(背叛的附加職業):\n當你獲得了被招募的附加職業,代表你已被豺狼招募並加入了豺狼陣營,需要幫助豺狼及跟班獲勝。\n你不能和原來的陣營一起獲勝。\n根據設置,如果老豺狼被殺死並且沒有跟班活著,你可能會變成豺狼。",
"AdmiredInfoLong": "(背叛的附加職業):\n被授予被仰慕附加職業代表你被仰慕者仰慕,當你持有此附加職業時,你將會與船員獲勝,你可以看見仰慕者。",
+ "EnchantedInfoLong": "(背叛的附加職業):\n著魔附加職業只能透過儀式師招募或以非死靈之書持有者的身分殺死OIIAI來獲得。\n一旦獲得著魔附加職業,你就會成為巫師集會陣營的一員,而不再是原來陣營的一員。",
"GlowInfoLong": "(附加職業):\n關燈期間,發光和發光周圍的玩家都會獲得視野提升",
"RadarInfoLong": "(附加職業):\n擁有雷達的玩家將有一個指向最近玩家的箭頭",
"DiseasedInfoLong": "(附加職業):\n當有人嘗試殺死你時,他們的殺人冷卻將會變高一定的時間(具體數值依據房主設定)。",
@@ -1049,7 +1084,7 @@
"GrenadierSkillMaxOfUseage": "初始技能數量",
"ShowSpecificRole": "完成任務時知道玩家具體身分",
"TimeMasterMaxUses": "初始技能數量",
- "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "隱身人在冷卻時可以正常使用通風口",
+ "SwooperVentNormallyOnCooldown": "隱身人 可以在技能冷卻時正常使用通風口",
"WraithVentNormallyOnCooldown": "幻影在冷卻時可以正常使用通風口",
"DisableMeeting": "禁用緊急會議以及報告屍體",
"DisableCloseDoor": "禁用關門",
@@ -1060,12 +1095,12 @@
"SyncButtonMode": "限制會議次數",
"RandomMapsMode": "隨機地圖模式",
"SyncedButtonCount": "可用緊急會議次數",
- "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "殺死目標減少的冷卻時間",
- "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "殺死非目標增加的冷卻時間",
+ "HHSuccessKCDDecrease": "擊殺目標減少的冷卻時間",
+ "HHFailureKCDIncrease": "擊殺非目標增加的冷卻時間",
"HHNumOfTargets": "目標數量",
"Targets": "目標: ",
- "HHMaxKCD": "最大殺人冷卻",
- "HHMinKCD": "最低殺人冷卻",
+ "HHMaxKCD": "殺人冷卻時間上限",
+ "HHMinKCD": "殺人冷卻時間下限",
"AllAliveMeeting": "全員存活時的會議設定",
"AllAliveMeetingTime": "全員存活的會議時間",
"AdditionalEmergencyCooldown": "附加緊急會議冷卻時間",
@@ -1200,7 +1235,7 @@
"RoleOptions": "職業設定",
"DarkTheme": "啟用深色主題",
"DisableLobbyMusic": "禁用大廳音樂",
- "AutoStart": "自動開始",
+ "AutoStart": "自動開局",
"EnableCustomButton": "使用模組按鈕樣式",
"EnableCustomSoundEffect": "開啟模組技能音效",
"EnableCustomDecorations": "啟用自訂地圖裝飾",
@@ -1276,6 +1311,7 @@
"IgnoreConditions": "忽略條件",
"IgnoreImpostors": "忽略偽裝者",
"IgnoreNeutrals": "忽略中立",
+ "IgnoreCoven": "忽略 巫師集會",
"IgnoreCrewmates": "忽略船員",
"IgnoreAfterAnyoneDied": "忽略幽靈",
"LightsOutSpecialSettings": "關燈特殊設定(The Airship)",
@@ -1328,8 +1364,8 @@
"EnableBirthdayDecorationSkeld": "在The Skeld上啟用生日裝飾",
"RandomBirthdayAndHalloweenDecorationSkeld": "在The Skeld隨機使用生日或萬聖節裝飾",
"ApplyDenyNameList": "踢出使用違規暱稱的玩家",
- "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "踢出沒有登入的玩家",
- "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "暫時封禁沒有登入的玩家",
+ "KickPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Kick players with an invalid Friend Code",
+ "TempBanPlayerFriendCodeInvalid": "Temp Ban players with an invalid Friend Code",
"ApplyBanList": "踢出被封禁的玩家",
"RemovePetsAtDeadPlayers": "強制刪除死亡玩家的寵物",
"KillFlashDuration": "殺人閃光持續時間",
@@ -1340,6 +1376,7 @@
"ShowImpRemainOnEject": "逐出確認時顯示剩餘偽裝者數量",
"ShowNKRemainOnEject": "同時顯示剩餘邪惡中立數量",
"ShowNARemainOnEject": "顯示剩餘災厄 中立數量",
+ "ShowCovenRemainOnEject": "逐出確認時顯示剩餘巫師集會成員數量",
"ConfirmEgoistOnEject": "逐出時確認是否為利己主義者",
"ConfirmLoversOnEject": "逐出時確認是否為戀人",
"ConfirmSidekickOnEject": "逐出時確認是否為跟班",
@@ -1408,14 +1445,12 @@
"Glitch_KCD": "殺人冷卻時間: {0}秒",
"Glitch_MimicCD": "模仿冷卻時間: {0}秒",
"HackedByGlitch": "你被故障者駭入了,你無法{0}",
- "GlitchKill": "殺人",
+ "GlitchKill": "擊殺",
"GlitchReport": "報告",
"GlitchVent": "通風口",
"ShowFPS": "顯示幀數(FPS)",
"FPSGame": "FPS: ",
"ControlCooldown": "意念控制冷卻時間",
- "PoisonCooldown": "下毒冷卻時間",
- "PoisonerKillDelay": "下毒目標延遲死亡時間",
"WardenNotifyLimit": "警告次數上限",
"BombCooldown": "炸彈冷卻時間",
"Warlock_CanKillSelf": "可以殺死自己",
@@ -1449,6 +1484,7 @@
"GuesserTryHideMsg": "嘗試隱藏賭怪指令",
"GCanGuessImp": "偽裝者可以猜測偽裝者身分",
"GCanGuessCrew": "船員可以猜測船員身分",
+ "GCanGuessCoven": "巫師集會 可以猜測 巫師集會 的職業",
"GCanGuessAdt": "可以猜測附加職業",
"GCanGuessTaskDoneSnitch": "可以猜測完成任務的告密者",
"BountyTargetChangeTime": "賞金目標切換時間",
@@ -1469,10 +1505,10 @@
"CanKill": "可以殺人",
"KillCooldown": "殺人冷卻時間",
"CanVent": "可以使用通風管",
- "CantMoveOnVents": "無法在管道內移動(在Dleks中不生效)",
+ "CantMoveOnVents": "Can't Move on Vents (Unstable in Dleks map)",
"ImpostorVision": "擁有偽裝者視野",
"CanUseSabotage": "可以破壞",
- "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "可以使用隨身心電圖",
+ "CanHaveAccessToVitals": "Can Have Access to Vitals",
"CanKillImpostors": "可以殺死偽裝者",
"CanGuess": "賭怪模式開啟時可以進行猜測",
"HideVote": "隱藏投票",
@@ -1492,7 +1528,7 @@
"ScientistBase_BatteryDuration": "續航時間",
"EngineerBase_VentCooldown": "使用通風管冷卻時間",
"EngineerBase_InVentMaxTime": "通風口滯留時限",
- "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "偽裝者也會收到警告通知",
+ "NoisemakerBase_ImpostorAlert": "偽裝者 可以在有玩家復活時收到通知",
"NoisemakerBase_AlertDuration": "警告持續時間",
"TrackerBase_TrackingCooldown": "追蹤冷卻時間",
"TrackerBase_TrackingDuration": "追蹤持續時間",
@@ -1514,6 +1550,7 @@
"SheriffCanKillSeparately": "單獨設定",
"In%team%": "(%team%陣營)",
"SheriffMisfireKillsTarget": "當誤殺好人時同時殺死目標",
+ "SheriffMisfireOnAdmired": "Sheriff Misfires On Admired Players",
"BlackHolePlaceCooldown": "放置黑洞冷卻時間",
"BlackHoleDespawnMode": "黑洞消失模式",
"BlackHoleDespawnTime": "黑洞消失後的時間",
@@ -1535,16 +1572,19 @@
"SheriffCanKillMadmate": "可以執法叛徒",
"SheriffCanKillInfected": "可以執法被感染的玩家",
"SheriffCanKillContagious": "可執法被傳染的玩家",
- "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "允許非船員陣營的警長隨意執法",
+ "SheriffSetMadCanKill": "單獨設定背叛的警長可以執法的目標(預設全開)",
+ "SheriffCanKillEnchanted": "可以執法著魔的玩家",
+ "SheriffCanKillCoven": "可以執法巫師集會",
"SheriffMadCanKillImp": "背叛後可以執法偽裝者陣營",
"SheriffMadCanKillNeutral": "背叛後可以執法中立陣營",
"SheriffMadCanKillCrew": "背叛後可以執法船員陣營",
+ "SheriffMadCanKillCoven": "背叛後可以執法巫師集會",
"RebirthUses": "重生次數上限",
"RebirthCountVotes": "重生目標僅從投給自己的玩家中選擇",
"RebirthFailed": "沒有找到能與你交換身體的靈魂。",
"FireworkerCooldown": "放置黑洞冷卻時間",
"ReverieIncreaseKillCooldown": "增加殺人冷卻時間",
- "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "最大殺人冷卻",
+ "ReverieMaxKillCooldown": "殺人冷卻時間上限",
"ReverieMisfireSuicide": "到達最大殺人冷卻時可能會誤殺",
"ReverieResetCooldownMeeting": "會議後重設殺人冷卻時間",
"ConvertedReverieKillAll": "非船員陣營的遐想者可以殺死任何人並且不受冷卻增加影響",
@@ -1556,6 +1596,7 @@
"SnitchCanGetArrowColor": "對不同陣營的目標顯示不同顏色的箭頭",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralKiller": "可以確認帶刀中立",
"SnitchCanFindNeutralApoc": "可以確認中立災厄陣營",
+ "SnitchCanFindCoven": "可以確認巫師集會",
"SnitchCanFindMadmate": "可以確認叛徒",
"SnitchRemainingTaskFound": "在剩餘多少任務時會被發現",
"MayorAdditionalVote": "附加票數",
@@ -1574,11 +1615,13 @@
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralBenign": "目標可以是友善中立",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralEvil": "目標可以是邪惡中立",
"ExecutionerCanTargetNeutralChaos": "目標可以是混亂中立",
+ "ExecutionerCanTargetCoven": "巫師集會可以成為目標",
"Executioner_RevealTargetUponEject": "當目標被逐出時顯示暴民職業",
"SidekickSheriffCanGoBerserk": "已招募的警長可以殺死任何人",
"LawyerCanTargetImpostor": "目標可以是偽裝者",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralKiller": "目標可以是帶刀中立",
"LawyerCanTargetNeutralApocalypse": "目標可以是災厄 中立",
+ "LawyerCanTargetCoven": "巫師集會可以成為目標",
"LawyerCanTargetCrewmate": "目標可以是船員",
"LawyerCanTargetJester": "目標可以是小丑",
"LawyerChangeRolesAfterTargetKilled": "目標死亡後將變為",
@@ -1594,7 +1637,7 @@
"SniperPrecisionShooting": "子彈可以穿墻",
"SniperAimAssist": "狙擊範圍有玩家時提醒狙擊手",
"SniperAimAssistOneshot": "閃爍提示而不是一直顯示",
- "PyroDouseCooldown": "澆滅殺人冷卻",
+ "PyroDouseCooldown": "澆油冷卻時間",
"PyroBurnCooldown": "殺死澆滅玩家後的殺人冷卻",
"Prohibited_OverrideBlockedVentsAfterMeeting": "會議後重置封鎖的管道",
"Prohibited_CountBlockedVentsInSkeld": "The Skeld被封鎖的管道數",
@@ -1641,7 +1684,7 @@
"EvilHackerLastAdminInfoTitle": "【 ★最後一分鐘定位信息 ★ 】",
"EvilHackerDeadbody": "死亡",
"Ventguard": "阻礙者",
- "VentguardInfo": "封住管道",
+ "VentguardInfo": "此路不通",
"VentguardInfoLong": "(船員陣營):\n阻礙者可以通過進入通風口來封住通風口,被封住的通風口將無法進入(根據設定,船員陣營可能可以使用)。封住的管道會在會議後重置。",
"VentguardVentButtonText": "阻礙",
"Ventguard_MaxGuards": "最大阻礙次數",
@@ -1655,6 +1698,7 @@
"Psychic_NCareRed": "混亂 中立視為邪惡",
"Psychic_NAareRed": "災厄 中立視為邪惡",
"Psychic_NKareRed": "帶刀 中立視為邪惡",
+ "Psychic_CovareRed": "巫師集會視為邪惡",
"Psychic_CrewKillingRed": "帶刀 船員視為邪惡",
"PsychicCanSeeNum": "可以看到幾個紅名",
"PsychicFresh": "每次會議重新顯示紅名",
@@ -1665,11 +1709,12 @@
"NemesisCanKillNum": "復仇次數上限",
"ImpKnowCelebrityDead": "偽裝者陣營的玩家可以知道網紅死亡",
"NeutralKnowCelebrityDead": "中立陣營的玩家可以知道網紅死亡",
+ "CovenKnowCelebrityDead": "巫師集會的玩家可以知道網紅死亡",
"VectorVentNumWin": "獲勝所需的跳管次數",
"CanCheckCamera": "可以監視到是否有人觀看監控",
"DefaultKillCooldown": "初始殺人冷卻時間",
- "ReduceKillCooldown": "減少的冷卻時間",
- "MinKillCooldown": "最低殺人冷卻",
+ "ReduceKillCooldown": "殺人成功減少的冷卻時間",
+ "MinKillCooldown": "殺人冷卻時間下限",
"BomberRadius": "爆炸範圍 (5x能炸半個餐廳)",
"NotifyGodAlive": "若神存活則在會議上通知所有人",
"TransporterTeleportMax": "傳送次數上限",
@@ -1686,6 +1731,7 @@
"InnocentCanWinByImp": "栽贓偽裝者時可以獲勝",
"ImpCanBeParanoia": "偽裝者可以成為雙重人格",
"CrewCanBeParanoia": "船員可以成為雙重人格",
+ "CovenCanBeParanoia": "巫師集會可以成為雙重人格",
"DualVotes": "重複的投票",
"VeteranSkillCooldown": "發動戒備冷卻時間",
"VeteranSkillDuration": "戒備狀態持續時間",
@@ -1710,6 +1756,7 @@
"GrenadierSkillDuration": "閃光彈持續時間",
"GrenadierCauseVision": "受閃光彈影響後的視野",
"GrenadierCanAffectNeutral": "中立陣營玩家會受到閃光彈影響",
+ "GrenadierCanAffectCoven": "巫師集會玩家會受到閃光彈影響",
"TicketsPerKill": "每次殺人增加的票數",
"GangsterRecruitCooldown": "殺人/招募冷卻時間",
"GangsterRecruitLimit": "招募玩家數量上限",
@@ -1748,6 +1795,8 @@
"Altruist_ImpostorsCanGetsArrow": "偽裝者 有指向復活玩家的箭頭",
"Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsAlert": "帶刀 中立 可以在有玩家復活時收到通知",
"Altruist_NeutralKillersCanGetsArrow": "帶刀 中立 有指向復活玩家的箭頭",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsAlert": "巫師集會 可以在有玩家復活時收到通知",
+ "Altruist_CovenCanGetsArrow": "巫師集會 有指向復活玩家的箭頭",
"AltruistSuffix": "報告模式: {0}",
"AltruistReviveMode": "復活",
"AltruistReportMode": "報告",
@@ -1772,7 +1821,6 @@
"DoctorVisibleToEveryone": "所有人都知道誰是法醫",
"CursedWolfGuardSpellTimes": "反殺次數上限",
"KillAttackerWhenAbilityRemaining": "技能剩餘時殺死兇手",
- "JinxSpellTimes": "掃把星的厄運數量",
"CollectorCollectAmount": "需要集票數量",
"GlitchCanVote": "可以投票",
"QuickShooterShapeshiftCooldown": "儲存子彈冷卻時間",
@@ -1790,14 +1838,16 @@
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralE": "可以審判邪惡 中立",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralC": "可以審判混亂 中立",
"JudgeCanTrialNeutralA": "可以審判災厄 中立",
+ "JudgeCanTrialCoven": "可以審判巫師集會",
"JudgeCanTrialSidekick": "可以審判跟班",
"JudgeCanTrialInfected": "可以審判被感染的玩家",
"JudgeCanTrialContagious": "可以審判被傳染的玩家",
"JudgeTryHideMsg": "嘗試混淆法官指令",
- "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "每次會議審判次數上限",
+ "JudgeTrialLimitPerMeeting": "每次會議謀殺次數上限",
"JudgeTrialLimitPerGame": "每局遊戲最大審判次數",
"JudgeCanTrialMadmate": "可以審判叛徒",
"JudgeCanTrialCharmed": "可以審判被魅惑的玩家",
+ "JudgeCanTrialEnchanted": "可以審判著魔的玩家",
"JudgeDead": "很抱歉,死亡後不能進行審判",
"JudgeTrialMaxMeetingMsg": "\n你已經達到每次會議審判次數上限\n不能再繼續審判啦!",
"JudgeTrialMaxGameMsg": "\n你已經達到每次遊戲最大審判次數上限\n不能再繼續審判啦!",
@@ -1806,7 +1856,7 @@
"Judge_TrialKillTitle": "【 ★ 法院事件 ★ 】",
"Judge_TrialHelp": "指令格式:/tl [玩家ID]\n您可以在玩家的名字前看到該玩家的ID\n或使用/id查看玩家ID列表",
"Judge_TrialNull": "請選擇一個在場的存活角色進行審判",
- "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "戒備次數上限",
+ "VeteranSkillMaxOfUseage": "警告次數上限",
"SwooperCooldown": "隱身冷卻時間",
"SwooperDuration": "隱身持續時間",
"WraithCooldown": "隱身冷卻時間",
@@ -1833,6 +1883,7 @@
"CultistKnowTargetRole": "可以知道魅惑目標的職業",
"CultistTargetKnowOtherTarget": "被魅惑的玩家可以互認",
"CultistCanCharmNeutral": "中立職業可以被魅惑",
+ "CultistCanCharmCoven": "巫師集會職業可以被魅惑",
"InfectiousBiteCooldown": "感染冷卻",
"KnowTargetRole": "可以知道目標的職業",
"TargetKnowsLawyer": "目標知道律師",
@@ -1855,11 +1906,11 @@
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_None": "不計",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Cultist": "魅魔",
"Cultist_CharmedCountMode_Original": "原陣營",
- "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "沒有偽裝者存活時破壞視作為豺狼勝利",
+ "JackalCanWinBySabotageWhenNoImpAlive": "沒有偽裝者時存活時破壞視作為豺狼勝利",
"JackalResetKillCooldownWhenPlayerGetKilled": "當有人被殺時立刻將殺人冷卻恢復至0(不包括自己殺人)",
- "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "重置殺人冷卻",
+ "JackalResetKillCooldownOn": "Kill Cooldown on Reset",
"JackalCanRecruitSidekick": "可以招募跟班",
- "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "招募次數上限",
+ "JackalSidekickRecruitLimit": "Maximum Number of Recruits",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode": "跟班被視為",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_None": "不計",
"Jackal_SidekickCountMode_Jackal": "豺狼",
@@ -1888,6 +1939,7 @@
"NeutralsSeePresident": "中立玩家可以看到揭示的總統",
"MadmatesSeePresident": "叛徒玩家可以看到揭示後的總統",
"ImpsSeePresident": "偽裝者玩家可以看到揭示後的總統",
+ "CovenSeePresident": "巫師集會玩家可以看到揭示後的總統",
"PresidentDead": "很抱歉,你無法在死亡後強制結束會議。",
"PresidentEndMax": "你沒有更多的力量強制結束會議了!",
"PresidentRevealMax": "你已經揭示過你自己了....",
@@ -1905,33 +1957,160 @@
"Troller_RemoveYourAddon": "搗亂者移除了你的附加職業",
"Troller_YouCausedSabotage": "你造成了破壞",
"Troller_YouFixedSabotage": "你修復了破壞",
+ "CovenRolesMinPlayer": "巫師集會的最低數量",
+ "CovenRolesMaxPlayer": "巫師集會的最高數量",
+ "%role%CanVent": "%role% 可以使用通風口",
+ "%role%HasImpVis": "%role% 擁有 偽裝者 視野",
+ "CovenHasImpVis": "巫師集會 成員擁有 偽裝者 視野",
+ "CovenImpVisMode": "偽裝者視野設定",
+ "CovenCanVent": "巫師集會成員可以使用通風口",
+ "CovenVentMode": "通風口設定",
+ "CovenPerRole": "每個職業",
+ "CovenCanSeeEachOthersAddOns": "巫師集會知道隊友的附加職業",
+ "NecronomiconNotification": "You have recieved the Necronomicon!
Your powers are now enhanced!",
+ "NecronomiconVote": "You have voted for {0} to receive the Necronomicon next round. You may now vote normally.",
+ "CovenDontKillOtherCoven": "Don't try to kill your fellow Coven!",
+ "CovenLeaderMaxRetrains": "轉變最大次數",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainCooldown": "轉變冷卻時間",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrain": "提供轉變",
+ "CovenLeaderNoRetrain": "你的轉變次數已耗盡!",
+ "CovenLeaderRetrainNonCoven": "你無法轉變非巫師集會的玩家!",
+ "CovenLeaderAcceptRetrain": "你所選擇的玩家接受了轉變,現在他們的職業是{0}!",
+ "CovenLeaderDeclineRetrain": "你所選擇的玩家拒絕了將他的職業轉變為{0}的提議...",
+ "RetrainNotification": "The {0} has requested to retrain you into a {1}.
Vote yourself to accept the offer, vote someone else to decline.",
+ "RetrainAcceptOffer": "You have accepted the {0}'s retraining and you are now a {1}!",
+ "RetrainDeclineOffer": "You declined the {0}'s retraining and your role has not been changed...",
+ "RitualistMaxRitsPerRound": "一回合進行的最大血之儀式次數",
+ "RitualistTryHideMsg": "嘗試混淆儀式師指令",
+ "RitualistRitualSuccess": "你成功對 {0} 進行了血之儀式,他們現在已成為巫師集會的一員。",
+ "RitualistRitualFail": "你的血之儀式失敗了,這次會議不能再次進行任何血之儀式...",
+ "RitualistRitualImpossible": "你的血之儀式成功了,不過,這個玩家沒有被招募。",
+ "RitualistRitualMax": "你已達到本次會議猜測次數上限。",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsCoven": "著魔 知道 巫師集會成員",
+ "RitualistEnchantedKnowsEnchanted": "著魔 知道其他的 著魔玩家",
+ "RitualistCommandHelp": "指令格式:/rt [玩家ID] [職業名] \n例如: /rt 3 告密者 \n您可以在玩家的名字前看到該玩家的ID \n 或使用/id查看玩家ID列表",
+ "RitualistConvertNotif": "你的職業被 {0} 賭中了,現在你已成為巫師集會的一員!",
+ "RitualistGuessAddon": "你以為這有那麼容易嗎? 你不能夠透過猜測附加職業來進行血之儀式。",
+ "RitualistSuccessfullyRecruited": "您成功招募了一位玩家",
+ "BeRecruitedByRitualist": "你被儀式師招募成巫師陣營的一員了!",
+ "ConjurerCooldown": "召喚流星冷卻時間",
+ "ConjurerRadius": "流星墜落範圍",
+ "ConjurerNecroRadius": "獲得死靈之書後的能力範圍",
+ "ConjurerCovenDies": "巫師集會玩家會在流星墜落中死亡",
+ "ConjurerMark": "已標記該地點",
+ "ConjurerMeteor": "已召喚流星",
+ "ConjurerNecroMark": "已標記玩家",
+ "ConjurerMarkShapeshift": "標記",
+ "ConjurerConjureShapeshift": "召喚",
+ "IllusionCooldown": "下毒冷卻時間",
+ "IllusionistMaxIllusions": "Maximum Illusions",
+ "IllusionistSnitchAffected": "Snitch is Affected by Illusions",
+ "IllusionistResetIllusionsPerRound": "Reset Illusions After Meeting",
+ "IllusionistClearIllusionsWhenDead": "Remove Illusions When Illusionist Dies",
+ "MedusaStoneCooldown": "Stone Cooldown",
+ "MedusaStoneDuration": "Stone Duration",
+ "MedusaStoneVision": "Stoned Vision",
+ "MedusaStonedPlayer": "{0} has been Stoned",
+ "MedusaStoningStart": "Stoning in progress",
+ "MedusaStoningEnd": "Stoning has ended",
+ "MoonDancerBatonPassCooldown": "Baton Pass Cooldown",
+ "MoonDancerBlastOffChance": "Chance to Blast Off",
+ "MoonDancerPassEnabledAddons": "Can only Baton Pass enabled Add-ons",
+ "MoonDancerCantBlastOff": "Target can not be Blasted Off",
+ "MoonDancerNormalKill": "Killed normally",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHelpfulAddon": "Target will be given Helpful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerGiveHarmfulAddon": "Target will be given Harmful Add-on during meeting",
+ "MoonDancerNoAddons": "No Add-ons to Baton Pass to {0}",
+ "SacrifistDebuffCooldown": "Debuff Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistDeathsAfterVote": "Players Killed After Sacrifist is Exiled",
+ "SacrifistNecroReducedCooldown": "Coven Decreased Cooldown After Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "SacrifistVision": "Sacrificed Vision",
+ "SacrifistVisionDuration": "Vision Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeed": "Sacrificed Speed",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDuration": "Speed Duration",
+ "SacrifistIncreasedCooldown": "Sacrificed Increase Cooldown",
+ "SacrifistFreezeDuration": "Random Freezing Duration",
+ "SacrifistSpeedDebuff": "Speed Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistVisionDebuff": "Vision Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistCooldownDebuff": "Cooldown Debuffed",
+ "SacrifistFoolDebuff": "Can't Fix Sabotages Debuff",
+ "SacrifistMeetingDebuff": "Forced Called Meeting",
+ "SacrifistReportDebuff": "Can't Report Bodies",
+ "SacrifistTasksDebuff": "Tasks Reset for Target",
+ "SacrifistSwapSkinsDebuff": "Swapped Skins",
+ "SacrifistSwapDebuff": "Swapping with target after 3 seconds",
+ "SacrifistVisionRevert": "Vision Reverted",
+ "SacrifistSpeedRevert": "Speed Reverted",
+ "SacrifistShapeshiftButton": "Debuff",
+ "SacrifistNecroShapeshiftButton": "Ultimate Sacrifice",
+ "VoodooMasterPerRound": "Voodoo Dolls per Round",
+ "VoodooMasterCanDollCoven": "Voodoo Master can Voodoo Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNecroCanKillCov": "Necronomicon Ability can Kill Coven",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollCoven": "You can't Voodoo other Coven members!",
+ "VoodooMasterTargetInMeeting": "Someone tried to target you with their role during this meeting, but it was deflected to one of your dolls, {0}, instead!",
+ "VoodooMasterNoDollsLeft": "You can't voodoo anyone else this round!",
+ "VoodooMasterDolledSomeone": "{0} has been turned into a Voodoo Doll",
+ "PotionMasterMaxReveals": "Maximum Reveals",
+ "PotionMasterMaxBarriers": "Maximum Barriers",
+ "PotionMasterNoPotions": "You're out of {0} Potions!",
+ "PotionMasterPotionSwitch": "Potion switched to: {0}",
+ "PotionMasterPotionCurrent": "Current Potion: ",
+ "PotionMasterRevealCoven": "You can already see roles of Coven!",
+ "PotionMasterReveal": "Reveal",
+ "PotionMasterBarrier": "Barrier",
+ "PotionMasterKillButtonText": "Use Potion",
+ "HexMasterHexCooldown": "Hex Cooldown",
+ "HexMasterCovenCanGetMovingHex": "Coven Can Get Moving Hex",
+ "HexMasterMovingHexCooldown": "Moving Hex Pass Cooldown",
+ "HexesLookLikeSpells": "Hexes appear as Spells",
+ "HexButtonText": "妖術",
+ "HexMasterModeHex": "妖術",
+ "HexMasterModeKill": "殺人",
+ "HexMasterModeDouble": "按一下施法&按兩下殺人",
+ "HexMasterPassNotify": "Hex successfully passed",
+ "JinxSpellTimes": "掃把星的厄運數量",
+ "JinxCooldown": "Jinx Cooldown",
+ "JinxCovenCanDieToJinx": "Coven Can Die To Jinx",
+ "PoisonCooldown": "下毒冷卻時間",
+ "PoisonerKillDelay": "下毒目標延遲死亡時間",
+ "PoisonerTargetDead": "您的目標已死亡",
+ "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "下毒",
+ "NecromancerRevengeTime": "Necronomicon Ability time",
+ "NecromancerRevenge": "你有{0}秒的時間殺死{1}",
+ "NecromancerSuccess": "復仇完成! 你存活了下來",
+ "NecromancerHide": "通風口已關閉,躲避死靈法師!",
+ "NecromancerAbilityDuration": "Necromancy Duration",
+ "NecromancerAbilityCooldown": "Necromancy Cooldown",
+ "NecromancerCooldownNotDone": "Ability is still on Cooldown!",
+ "NecromancerNoUsableRoles": "No usable roles",
"LuckyProbability": "觸發擋傷的機率",
"ImpCanBeDoubleShot": "偽裝者可以成為專業",
"CrewCanBeDoubleShot": "船員可以成為專業",
"NeutralCanBeDoubleShot": "中立玩家可以成為專業",
+ "CovenCanBeDoubleShot": "Coven can have Double Shot",
"MimicCanSeeDeadRoles": "保險箱可以看到死去玩家的身分",
- "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "小灰人時禁止報告屍體",
- "CanUseCommsSabotage": "可以破壞通訊進行隱蔽",
+ "DisableReportWhenCamouflageIsActive": "Disable body reporting when Camouflage is active",
+ "CanUseCommsSabotage": "Can use Comms Sabotage",
"ModTag": "管理員♥",
"ApplyModeratorList": "套用管理員列表",
"VipTag": "VIP★",
"ApplyVipList": "套用VIP列表",
- "AllowSayCommand": "允許管理員使用/say指令",
- "AllowStartCommand": "允許管理員使用/start指令",
+ "AllowSayCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /say command",
+ "AllowStartCommand": "Allow Moderators to use /start command",
"StartCommandMinCountdown": "/start 指令的最小倒數計時",
"StartCommandMaxCountdown": "/start 指令的最大倒數計時",
"KickCommandDisabled": "踢出指令目前已被禁用",
"KickCommandNoAccess": "你沒有權限使用踢出指令",
"KickCommandInvalidID": "無效的玩家ID\n請使用 /kick [玩家ID] [原因] 來踢出玩家\n範例: /kick 5 不遵守規則",
- "KickCommandKickHost": "你無法踢出房主",
- "KickCommandKickMod": "你不能踢出其他管理員",
+ "KickCommandKickHost": "You are not permitted to kick the Host.",
+ "KickCommandKickMod": "You are not permitted to kick other Moderators.",
"KickCommandKicked": "被踢出遊戲,因為 ",
"KickCommandKickedRole": "他的職業是",
"BanCommandDisabled": "封禁指令目前已被禁用",
"BanCommandNoAccess": "你沒有權限使用封禁指令",
"BanCommandInvalidID": "無效的玩家ID\n請使用 /ban [玩家ID] [原因] 來封禁玩家\n範例: /ban 5 不遵守規則 ",
- "BanCommandBanHost": "你無法封禁房主",
- "BanCommandBanMod": "你無法封禁其他管理員",
+ "BanCommandBanHost": "You are not permitted to ban the Host.",
+ "BanCommandBanMod": "You are not permitted to ban other Moderators.",
"BanCommandBanned": "被封禁,因為 ",
"BanCommandBannedRole": "他的職業是",
"BanCommandNoReason": "未說明原因\n請使用 /ban [玩家ID] [原因] 來封禁玩家\n範例: /ban 5 不遵守規則",
@@ -1951,13 +2130,13 @@
"WarnCommandDisabled": "警告指令目前已被禁用",
"WarnCommandNoAccess": "你沒有權限使用警告指令",
"WarnCommandInvalidID": "無效的玩家ID\n請使用 /warn [玩家ID] [原因] 來封禁玩家\n範例: /warn 5 在逐出畫面時討論",
- "WarnCommandWarnHost": "你無法警告房主",
+ "WarnCommandWarnHost": "You are not permitted to warn the Host.",
"StartCommandNoAccess": "你沒有權限使用開始指令",
"StartCommandDisabled": "開始指令目前已被禁用",
"StartCommandCountdown": "錯誤\n\n遊戲已經開始了!",
"StartCommandStarted": "遊戲將於 {0} 開始!",
"StartCommandInvalidCountdown": "錯誤\n\n開始倒數應在 {0} 和 {1} 中間!",
- "WarnCommandWarnMod": "你不能警告其他管理員",
+ "WarnCommandWarnMod": "You are not permitted to warn other Moderators.",
"WarnCommandWarned": "已被警告,我們將不會再繼續發出警告,繼續犯規將會被懲罰。 \n ",
"WarnExample": "使用 /warn [玩家ID] [原因] 來警告玩家。\n範例:\n /warn 5 在逐出畫面時討論",
"SayCommandDisabled": "/say指令已被禁用",
@@ -2010,6 +2189,7 @@
"DeathReason.Sacrificed": "獻身",
"DeathReason.Electrocuted": "電擊",
"DeathReason.Scavenged": "清理",
+ "DeathReason.BlastedOff": "Blasted Off",
"OnlyEnabledDeathReasons": "只顯示已開啟的死亡原因",
"Alive": "存活",
"Disconnected": "斷線",
@@ -2022,6 +2202,7 @@
"Infected-": "受感染的 ",
"Contagious-": "傳染性 ",
"Admired-": "仰慕 ",
+ "Enchanted-": "Enchanted ",
"DeputyHandcuffCooldown": "上銬冷卻時間",
"DeputyHandcuffMax": "手銬最大數量",
"DeputyHandcuffedPlayer": "你給目標戴上了手銬!",
@@ -2071,11 +2252,11 @@
"Command.kill": "[玩家ID] → 殺死指定玩家",
"Command.exe": "[玩家ID] → 逐出指定玩家",
"Command.level": "[等級] → 修改您的遊戲等級",
- "Command.idlist": "→ 顯示玩家ID列表",
+ "Command.idlist": "→ Display a list of player ID's",
"Command.qq": "→ 讓車隊姬在群裡發房號",
"Command.dump": "→ 將遊戲運行紀錄輸出到桌面",
"Command.death": "→ 顯示你的死因",
- "Command.icons": "
╳ - 該玩家被勒索者勒索,並且無法在會議上發言。
☆ - 船長的特殊標記,只有船員能看見船長名字後的星星
乂 - 該玩家被妖術師施展妖術了,若代碼工程師沒有在會議結束時死亡或被放逐,該玩家將死亡
♦ - 該玩家是律師、暴民或追隨者的目標
♥ - 用來標記戀人或暗戀者
✚ - 用來標記軍醫的目標
⦿ - 該玩家是挑戰者挑戰目標
!? - 該玩家是測驗者的目標,需要回答問題才能存活
☜ - 用來為薛丁格的貓標記他們的隊友
◈ - 該玩家被裹屍布蓋住了,若裹屍布沒有在會議結束時死亡或被放逐,該玩家將死亡
⚠ - 該玩家是即將完成任務的告密者或至聖者
★ - 該玩家是大明星或名人或展現者
† - 該玩家被女巫詛咒了,若女巫沒有在會議結束時死亡或被放逐,該玩家將死亡
∇ - 用來為神風特攻隊標記目標
■ - 該玩家被球狀閃電汽化為量子幽靈
⊠ - 用來為監禁者標記他們的目標
● - 用來為麵包師標記已獲得麵包的玩家
♠ - 用來標記靈魂收割者的目標
⦿ - 用來為瘟疫之源顯示已感染的玩家",
+ "Command.icons": "
╳ - The player was marked by the Blackmailer and can't talk during the meeting
☆ - Used by Captain to display themselves. Only Crewmates can see the Captain's star
乂 - This player was hexed by the Hex Master and will die if the Hex Master isn't killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
♦ - Used by Lawyer or Executioner or Follower.
♥ - Used by Lovers or Romantic.
✚ - Used by Medic to mark their target.
⦿ - This player is in a duel with the Pirate.
!? - This player was marked by the Quizmaster and must answer the question correctly to survive.
☜ - Used by Schrödinger's cat to mark their teammate.
◈ - This player marked by the Shroud and will die if the Shroud is not killed or ejected by the end of the meeting.
⚠ - This player is a Snitch or Solsticer who has finished their tasks.
★ - Used by Super Star or Cyber or Marshall.
† - This player was spelled and will die if the Witch is not killed by the end of the Meeting.
∇ - Used by Kamikaze to mark their targets.
■ - Used by Lightning to mark their Quantum Ghosts.
⊠ - Used by Jailer to mark their prisoner.
● - Used by Baker to mark who has Bread.
♠ - Used by Soul Collector to mark who's death they're predicting.
⦿ - Used by Plaguebearer to mark who they have plagued.
♣ - Shown on the Coven member with the Necronomicon. This is only shown to Coven.
⌘ - This player is Jinxed. This is only shown to Coven.
ø - This player is Illusioned. This is only shown to Coven.
♻ - This player is Stoned. This is only shown to Coven.
✂ - This player is a Voodoo Doll. This is only shown to Coven.",
"Command.start": "[Seconds] → 遊戲開始前的倒數計時",
"Command.iconinfo": "→ 顯示會議圖標代表的意思",
"Command.iconhelp": "→ 給所有人顯示會議圖標代表的意思",
@@ -2085,13 +2266,15 @@
"Remaining.MadmateCount": "叛徒剩餘: {0} 人",
"Remaining.NeutralCount": "帶刀中立剩餘: {0} 人",
"Remaining.ApocalypseCount": "災厄中立剩餘: {0} 人",
+ "Remaining.CovenCount": "Coven left: {0}",
"EnableKillerLeftCommand": "可以使用/kcount指令",
- "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "顯示叛徒 (包括附加職業)",
+ "ShowMadmatesInLeftCommand": "Show Madmates (including Add-ons)",
"ShowApocalypseInLeftCommand": "顯示災厄中立",
+ "ShowCovenInLeftCommand": "Show Coven",
"SeeEjectedRolesInMeeting": "會議中看見被逐出的玩家的職業",
"ThankYouForUsingTOHE": "感謝你使用 TOHE!",
"SkillUsedLeft": "您發動了技能召開了會議。\n您的技能剩餘使用次數:",
- "NemesisDeadMsg": "黑手黨的死亡,意味著復仇的開始\n請使用/rv + [玩家ID] 以殺死指定玩家\n您可以在玩家名字前看到該玩家的ID\n或輸入/rv獲得玩家ID列表",
+ "NemesisDeadMsg": "The death of the Nemesis means the beginning of the revenge. \nPlease use /rv + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /rv to get a list of player ID's",
"NemesisAliveKill": "黑手黨的復仇技能只能在死亡後發動",
"NemesisKillDead": "請選擇一個在場的存活玩家進行復仇",
"NemesisKillSucceed": "【{0}】被黑手黨進行了復仇!",
@@ -2111,14 +2294,15 @@
"GuessGuardianTask": "很抱歉,你無法猜測已完成任務的守護者",
"GuardianCantKilled": "你不能擊殺已經完成任務的守護者",
"GuessMarshallTask": "很抱歉,你無法猜測已經完成任務的展現者",
- "GuessObviousAddon": "很抱歉,你無法猜測過於明顯的附加職業",
- "GuessAdtRole": "很抱歉,根據該房設定不允許猜測附加職業",
+ "GuessObviousAddon": "Sorry, obvious Add-ons cannot be guessed.",
+ "GuessAdtRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow you to guess Add-ons",
"GuessImpRole": "很抱歉,根據該房設定偽裝者不允許猜測偽裝者職業。",
- "GuessCrewRole": "很抱歉,根據該房設定船員不允許猜測船員職業。",
+ "GuessCrewRole": "Unfortunately, the Host's settings do not allow Crewmates to guess Crewmate roles.",
"GuessApocRole": "該房間設置不允許災厄職業猜測另外一個災厄職業",
+ "GuessCovenRole": "Fortunately, the Host's settings does not allow Coven to guess Coven roles.",
"GuessKill": "很遺憾的,【{0}】\n在賭局中失利了",
"GuessNull": "請選擇一個在場的存活玩家進行猜測",
- "GuessHelp": "指令格式:/bt [玩家ID] [職業名]\n例如: /bt 3 告密者\n您可以在玩家的名字前看到該玩家的ID\n或使用/id查看玩家ID列表",
+ "GuessHelp": "Instructions: /bt [Player ID] [Role Name] \nExample: /bt 3 Bait \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"GGGuessMax": "你已達到最大猜測次數\n\n你不能再進行猜測!",
"EGGuessMax": "你已達到最大猜測次數\n\n你不能再進行猜測!",
"EGGuessSnitchTaskDone": "很抱歉,根據該房設定不允許猜測完成任務的告密者",
@@ -2149,12 +2333,12 @@
"MediumNotifyTarget": "通靈師【{0}】與您建立了聯繫,本次會議結束前,您擁有一次回應該問題的機會。\n確認指令:/ms 是\n否認指令:/ms 否",
"MediumNotifySelf": "您與【{0}】建立了聯繫,請向其提問並等待其做出回應。\n\n剩餘技能使用次數:{1}",
"MediumKnowPlayerDead": "剛剛似乎有亡魂發出了一陣嘶吼",
- "SpurtMinSpeed": "最低速度",
- "SpurtMaxSpeed": "最高速度",
+ "SpurtMinSpeed": "Minimum Speed",
+ "SpurtMaxSpeed": "Maximum Speed",
"SpurtModule": "速度調節",
"EnableSpurtCharge": "顯示能量",
"SpurtSuffix": "\n« 衝刺: {0}% »",
- "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "目標已死亡",
+ "TargetIsAlreadyDead": "Target is Already Dead",
"ByBard": "吟遊詩人獻",
"ByBardGetFailed": "沒有靈感,也是一種靈感",
"GangsterSuccessfullyRecruited": "您成功招募了一位玩家",
@@ -2165,40 +2349,37 @@
"BecomeMadmateCuzMadmateMode": "您因死亡而成為叛徒",
"CleanerCleanBody": "目標的屍體已被清理",
"QuickShooterStoraging": "子彈儲存成功",
- "QuickShooterFailed": "你處於冷卻時間。",
- "PoisonerTargetDead": "您的目標已死亡",
- "HexesLookLikeSpells": "妖術 看起來像詛咒",
- "HexButtonText": "妖術",
- "BloodthirstAdded": "你的嗜血技能已啟用!",
+ "QuickShooterFailed": "You are still in Cooldown.",
+ "BloodthirstAdded": "Your Bloodthirst is now active!",
"WarlockNoTarget": "因為沒有目標而操縱失敗",
"WarlockNoTargetYet": "你沒有標記目標",
"WarlockTargetDead": "因為目標死亡而操縱失敗",
"WarlockControlKill": "已操縱目標完成咒殺",
"OnCelebrityDead": "緊急通知: 網紅死亡",
"OnCyberDead": "緊急通知: 名人死亡",
- "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "所有人都被傳送至通風口",
+ "TeleportedInRndVentByDisperser": "Everyone was teleported to Vents",
"TeleportedByTransporter": "您被傳送至:{0}",
"ErrorTeleport": "傳送失敗",
- "EraseLimit": "抹除次數上限",
+ "EraseLimit": "Maximum Erases",
"EraserHideVote": "隱藏抹除者的投票",
"EraserEraseMsgTitle": "【 ★ 抹除者 ★ 】",
"EraserEraseNotice": "您發動了抹除技能\n【{0}】的技能將會在會議結束後失效。",
"EraserEraseBaseImpostorOrNeutralRoleNotice": "唉呀,你無法抹除你的目標!",
"EraserEraseSelf": "抹除別人就算了,你居然還想抹除自己?我不會讓這種事發生的。",
- "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "你無法猜測被你抹除的玩家職業,附加職業除外",
+ "EraserTryingGuessErasedPlayer": "You can't guess the role of the player you erased, except Add-ons",
"LostRoleByEraser": "您的職業被抹除者抹除了",
"KilledByScavenger": "你因為被清道夫擊殺而被傳送至地圖外",
- "SnitchDoneTasks": "您已完成全部任務,召開會議以發動技能",
+ "SnitchDoneTasks": "Call a meeting to find the Impostors",
"SwooperCanVent": "冷卻已結束,進入管道來隱身",
"SwooperInvisState": "隱身中",
"SwooperInvisStateOut": "隱身已結束",
- "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "技能正在冷卻中,隱身失敗",
+ "SwooperInvisInCooldown": "Swoop Cooldown isn't up yet. Swooping failed",
"SwooperInvisStateCountdown": "隱身狀態將在 {0} 秒後失效",
"SwooperInvisCooldownRemain": "剩餘隱身冷卻時間:{0} 秒",
"WraithCanVent": "冷卻已結束,進入管道來隱身",
"WraithInvisState": "隱身中",
"WraithInvisStateOut": "隱身已結束",
- "WraithInvisInCooldown": "技能正在冷卻中,隱身失敗",
+ "WraithInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, Vanish failed",
"WraithInvisStateCountdown": "隱身狀態將在 {0} 秒後失效",
"WraithInvisCooldownRemain": "剩餘隱身冷卻時間:{0} 秒",
"WerewolfKillButtonText": "獵殺",
@@ -2219,10 +2400,10 @@
"BittenByInfectious": "感染者感染了你!",
"InfectiousBittenPlayer": "您成功感染了一位玩家",
"GuessNotAllowed": "很抱歉,你的職業沒有權限進行猜測",
- "GuessOnbound": "該玩家具有 防賭 附加職業,你的猜測已被取消。",
+ "GuessOnbound": "This player has the Onbound Add-on, so your guess on them was canceled.",
"GuessSpecter": "你無法猜測怨靈,這會讓他們獲勝!",
"PacifistOnGuard": "和平技能已生效,剩餘{0} 次",
- "PacifistSkillNotify": "和平之鴿重置了您的殺人/技能冷卻",
+ "PacifistSkillNotify": "Pacifist reset your Kill Cooldown",
"BeRecruitedByJackal": "你被豺狼招募成跟班了!",
"YinYangerAlreadyMarked": "{0} 已處於平靜狀態,並得到一位陰陽師的幫助",
"CoronerTrackRecorded": "追蹤已被錄製",
@@ -2246,26 +2427,27 @@
"MonarchInvalidTarget": "目標無法成為騎士",
"GhostTransformTitle": "你的職業發生了轉變!",
"SpiritcallerNoticeTitle": "你變成了惡靈! ",
- "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "靈魂召喚者殺死了你,將你變成了惡靈。 你的任務是透過使用你的幽靈技能來阻礙其他玩家或保護靈魂召喚者,幫助靈魂召喚者獲勝。 使用 /m 取得更多訊息。",
+ "SpiritcallerNoticeMessage": "The Spiritcaller has killed you and turned you into an Evil Spirit. Your task now is to help the Spiritcaller to victory by using your Spook button to hinder other players or to protect the Spiritcaller. Use /m for more information.",
"OverseerRevealCooldown": "預言冷卻時間",
"OverseerRevealTime": "預言所需時間",
"OverseerVision": "預言家視野",
- "MerchantMaxSell": "出售附加職業的最大次數",
+ "MerchantMaxSell": "Maximum number of Add-ons to sell",
"MerchantMoneyPerSell": "出售附加職業所賺取的金錢",
"MerchantMoneyRequiredToBribe": "賄賂殺手所需要的金錢",
"MerchantNotifyBribery": "賄賂成功時通知商人",
"MerchantTargetCrew": "可以出售給船員",
"MerchantTargetImpostor": "可以出售給偽裝者",
+ "MerchantTargetCoven": "Can sell to Coven",
"MerchantTargetNeutral": "可以出售附加職業給中立陣營",
"MerchantSellHelpful": "可以出售幫助類附加職業",
"MerchantSellHarmful": "可以出售有害類附加職業",
"MerchantSellMixed": "可以出售混合類附加職業",
- "MerchantSellExperimental": "可以出售實驗性附加職業",
+ "MerchantSellExperimental": "Can sell Experimental Add-ons",
"MerchantSellHarmfulToEvil": "可以出售有害類附加職業給邪惡",
- "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "可以出售幫助類附加職業給船員",
+ "MerchantSellHelpfulToCrew": "Can sell Helpful Add-ons only to Crewmates",
"MerchantSellOnlyEnabledAddons": "只能出售已開啟的附加職業",
"SpiritcallerSpiritMax": "惡靈最大數量",
- "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "惡靈技能冷卻",
+ "SpiritcallerSpiritAbilityCooldown": "Evil Spirit Ability Cooldown",
"SpiritcallerFreezeTime": "惡靈凍結玩家時間",
"SpiritcallerProtectTime": "惡靈的保護時間",
"SpiritcallerCauseVision": "惡靈减小的視野範圍",
@@ -2274,31 +2456,31 @@
"Message.MessageWaitHelp": "指定一個數來設定秒數",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundHost": "未找到與{0}對應字串的模板檔案",
"Message.TemplateNotFoundClient": "房主不持有名為{0}的模板檔案",
- "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "剩餘緊急會議次數: {0}次,少拍桌多做事喔~",
+ "Message.SyncButtonLeft": "There are {0} more Emergency buttons left",
"Message.Executed": "【{0}】\n被房主使用指令處決了,請不要幹壞事喔~",
- "Message.HideGameSettings": "房主隱藏了遊戲設定",
+ "Message.HideGameSettings": "The Host has hidden the game settings.",
"Message.NowOverrideText": "請房主在遊戲根目錄的 .\\Language\\TChinese.dat 檔案中修改這段字串\n如果您認為您不需要此功能或希望顯示普通的/n訊息\n請在設定裡關閉“顯示自定義的/n消息”",
"Message.NoDescription": "無描述",
"Message.KickedByDenyName": "【{0}】被踢出,因為他的名字包含違禁詞【{1}】",
"Message.BannedByBanList": "【{0}】因在黑名單內而被踢出",
- "Message.BannedByEACList": "【{0}】因在EAC黑名單內而被踢出",
+ "Message.BannedByEACList": "{0} has been banned because he is in the EAC list of banned people.",
"Message.DumpfileSaved": "記錄檔案已經成功儲存到桌面上了,檔案名為:{0}",
"Message.DumpcmdUsed": "【{0}】使用了 /dump 指令",
- "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "【{0}】因該房禁止未登入玩家而被請離",
- "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} 因未登入而被暫時封禁",
+ "Message.KickedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was kicked because their Friend Code is invalid.",
+ "Message.TempBannedByInvalidFriendCode": "{0} was temporarily banned because their Friend Code is invalid.",
"Message.AddedPlayerToBanList": "【{0}】被加入至黑名單",
- "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "【{0}】被系統請離\n請不要催開始,可能會被判定為違規訊息",
- "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "【{0}】被警告: {1} 次\n請不要催開始,可能會被判定為違規訊息",
- "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "【{0}】達到 {1} 次警告而被請離房間\n請不要催開始,可能會被判定為違規訊息",
+ "Message.KickWhoSayStart": "{0} has been kicked by the system. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.WarnWhoSayStart": "{0} has been warned: {1} times \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
+ "Message.KickStartAfterWarn": "{0} has received {1} warnings, he will be kicked. \nThe lobby Host doesn't want to see messages where the player asks to start",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWord": "【{0}】,請友善討論喔~",
"Message.WarnWhoSayBanWordTimes": "【{0}】被警告: {1} 次\n請友善討論喔~",
"Message.KickWhoSayBanWordAfterWarn": "【{0}】達到 {1} 次警告而被請離房間\n請友善討論喔~",
- "Message.KickedByEAC": "【{0}】被EAC踢出,理由: {1}",
- "Message.BannedByEAC": "【{0}】被EAC封禁,理由: {1}",
- "Message.NoticeByEAC": "檢測到【{0}】: {1}",
- "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "【{0}】被EAC暫時封禁,理由: {1}",
+ "Message.KickedByEAC": "[{0}]kicked by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.BannedByEAC": "[{0}]banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
+ "Message.NoticeByEAC": "[{0}]detected:{1}",
+ "Message.TempBannedByEAC": "[{0}]temporary banned by EAC, reason:{1}",
"Message.TempBannedForSpamQuitting": "{0} 由於反覆進出而被暫時封鎖",
- "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "【{0}】由於不在白名單內而被踢出",
+ "Message.KickedByWhiteList": "{0} kicked because their Friend Code was not found in WhiteList.txt",
"Message.SetLevel": "您的等級設定為: {0}",
"Message.SetColor": "您的顏色設定為: {0}",
"Message.SetName": "您的名稱設定為:【{0}】",
@@ -2314,7 +2496,7 @@
"Message.HostLeftGameInGame": "★警告★ 房主已退出遊戲,接下來遊戲無法正常運作,請各位退出遊戲,或等待新房主重開遊戲。",
"Message.HostLeftGameInLobby": "★警告★ 房主已退出遊戲,接下來遊戲無法正常運作,若新房主已安裝TOHE,至少需要重開一次房間才能正常遊玩。",
"Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsMod": "★警告★ 原房主離開了游戲, {0}成爲了新房主!房間依然是模組,只要開始並立即結束(shift+L+enter)便可重置房間!",
- "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★警告★ 原房主離開了游戲, {0}成爲了新房主!房間變成原版,請離開大廳或等待新房主開始游戲(原版)。",
+ "Message.HostLeftGameNewHostIsNotMod": "★Warning★ Original Host left the game and {0} become the new Host! \nBut it's not modded. Please exit the lobby or wait until the new Host opens a lobby.",
"Message.LobbyShared": "大廳代碼已成功分享!",
"Message.LobbyShareFailed": "車隊姬似乎不在線(分享大廳失敗)",
"Message.YTPlanDisabled": "錯誤\n\n請在設定中開啟{0}",
@@ -2322,12 +2504,14 @@
"Message.YTPlanSelectFailed": "無法將您分配為{0}\n可能是因為您沒有啟用該職業或該職業不支援被指定",
"Message.YTPlanCanNotFindRoleThePlayerEnter": "請正確拼寫您要指定的職業喔~\n查看所有職業請直接輸入/r",
"Message.YTPlanNotice": "提醒: 該房間已啟用【創作者素材保護計畫】,房主可以指定自己的職業。\n該功能只允許創作者錄製影片素材,如有濫用情況,請退出遊戲或舉報。\n目前創作者認證:",
- "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "錯誤\n該指令只能由房主使用",
+ "Message.OnlyCanBeUsedByHost": "ERROR\n\nThis command may only be used by the Host.",
"Message.MaxPlayers": "最大玩家數量已設定為 ",
- "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "無法設定最大玩家人數: 原版伺服器最多支援 15 名玩家。",
+ "Message.MaxPlayersFailByRegion": "Could not set maximum players: Vanilla regions support a maximum of 15 players.",
"Message.GhostRoleInfo": "關於幽靈職業\n你好!這裡是有關於幽靈職業的一些介紹\n\n請注意: 幽靈職業會對遊戲產生極大的影響,因此如果您不熟悉幽靈職業,不建議在小型房間中使用。\n如果沒有明確的說明,幽靈職業的技能按鈕就是守護按鍵。\n\n幽靈職業的生成:\n幽靈職業只有在死亡後才會出現,一個陣營中最先死亡的玩家將會獲得幽靈職業。\n\n注意:如果您以前的職業沒有任務(例如: 警長),則您作為幽靈職業的任務不需要用於任務勝利",
"ApocalypseInfoTitle": "中立災厄陣營簡介:",
"Message.ApocalypseInfo": "災厄陣營的每個職業都有自己的目標轉變職業。\n轉變的 災厄成員將在遊戲中發生巨大的變化並且處於無敵狀態(除了投票之外),但每個人都會被通知他們已經轉變。\n\n職業:瘟疫之源、靈魂收割者、麵包師、狂戰士\n轉變目標職業:萬疫之神、死亡使者、飢餓之神、戰神\n\n災厄成員可以看到彼此的職業和能力圖示。\n與帶刀中立一樣,災厄成員也讓遊戲繼續進行,玩得開心!",
+ "CovenInfoTitle": "Coven Info:",
+ "Message.CovenInfo": "The <#ac42f2>Coven is a faction of evildoers who specialize in Witchcraft. Their goal is to kill all who would oppose the <#ac42f2>Coven.\nThey use the Necronomicon to enhance their powers, but only one member at a time can hold it.\nMost Coven roles can only kill if they hold the Necronomicon. A random Coven member will spawn with the Necronomicon, denoted by the <#ac42f2>♣ symbol next to their name.\nIf the Necronomicon holder dies, the Necronomicon will be randomly given to another <#ac42f2>Coven member that is alive.\nDuring a meeting, Coven players can vote each other to determine who will gain the Necronomicon the following round. If the votes end in a tie or nobody votes, the Necronomicon holder will be the same. Votes will be returned and you will be allowed to vote normally.",
"Message.MeCommandInfo": "你好{0}{1}\n\n好友代碼Hash-Puid種類
"Message.MeCommandTargetInfo": "已選擇【{0}】玩家 {1},\n\n他的好友代碼是{2}\n\n他的hashpuid是{3}\n\n他在TOHE Discord的身分組是{4}\n\n",
"Message.MeCommandInvalidID": "你輸入的 ID 似乎不正確\n請使用/id取得在線玩家的ID",
@@ -2349,18 +2533,18 @@
"EnableGadientTags": "啟用漸層標籤(可能導致斷線)",
"Warning.GradientTags": "警告:\n\n房主開啟了漸變標籤,該功能不建議開啟,因為這可能會造成連接中斷問題",
"WarningTitle": "警告!",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "警告! 該地圖的管道系統損壞",
- "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": " dlekS ehT 中的管道系統損壞,這是一個原版問題並且無法被H系模組修復,因此所有使用管道觸發技能的職業將會失效,請見諒",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksSendInGame": "Warning! The Vents on this map are broken",
+ "Warning.BrokenVentsInDleksMessage": "On the «dlekS ehT» map, the Vents are broken, they cannot be fixed in Host-Only Mods, this is a vanilla bug, so any roles using a Vent as an ability will not spawns on this map",
"Warning.NoGameEndIsEnabled": "警告: {0} 已啟用!",
"AntiBlackoutProtectionTitle": "反黑屏",
"Warning.AntiBlackoutProtectionMsg": "警告\n\n防黑屏機制已啟用,由於場上存活的偽裝者、船員以及帶刀中立的數量太少,投票結果將顯示為平票(只會影響視覺,不會影響真正的投票結果)\n有模組的玩家可以正常看到投票結果",
"Warning.ShowAntiBlackExiledPlayer": "上次會議觸發了防黑屏措施\n以下顯示被逐出玩家的訊息:\n",
"DisableAntiBlackoutProtects": "禁用防黑屏機制(建議用於測試)",
- "Warning.InvalidRpc": "{0} 被踢出,因其 RPC 無效,請確保沒有 TOHE 以外的模組。",
- "Warning.NoModHost": "非TOHE房",
+ "Warning.InvalidRpc": "Kicked {0} because an invalid RPC was received.\nPlease check that no Mods other than TOHE are installed.",
+ "Warning.NoModHost": "TOHE is not installed on the Host",
"Warning.MismatchedVersion": "{0} 安裝了其他版本的 {1}",
- "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "您的 {0} 版本與房主不同\n您將在 {1} 秒後被踢出",
- "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "已將你的控制台關閉\n因此你無法使用控制台",
+ "Warning.AutoExitAtMismatchedVersion": "The Host has no or a different version of {0}\nYou will be kicked in {1}",
+ "Warning.CanNotUseBepInExConsole": "The use of the Console is prohibited\nso your Console has been off",
"Error.MeetingException": "錯誤: {0}\n請使用 Shift+M+Enter 強制結束會議",
"Error.InvalidRoleAssignment": "錯誤: 在分配職業時發現職業無效的玩家 ({0})",
"Error.InvalidColor": "警告: 存在使用非正常顏色的玩家,可能引起遊戲錯誤",
@@ -2374,7 +2558,7 @@
"ERR-000-910-1": "測試錯誤Lv1",
"ERR-000-920-2": "測試錯誤Lv2",
"ERR-000-930-3": "測試錯誤Lv3",
- "ERR-000-804-1": "很抱歉,TOHE暫時不支持原版躲貓貓,因此已解除安裝模組。",
+ "ERR-000-804-1": "Sorry, TOHE temporarily doesn't support vanilla Hide & Seek, so Mod unloaded",
"ERR-001-000-3": "在主目錄出現重複密鑰",
"ERR-002-000-1": "不支援的Among Us版本,請更新Among Us",
"DefaultSystemMessageTitle": "【 ★ 系統訊息 ★ 】",
@@ -2403,16 +2587,18 @@
"TabGroup.ModifierSettings": "遊戲修改",
"TabGroup.CrewmateRoles": "船員陣營職業",
"TabGroup.NeutralRoles": "中立陣營職業",
+ "TabGroup.CovenRoles": "Coven Roles",
"TabGroup.ImpostorRoles": "偽裝者陣營職業",
"TabGroup.Addons": "附加職業",
- "TabMenuDescription_General": "您可以在此設定模組的各種功能",
- "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "您可以在此添加、刪除或更改模組中所有職業及附加職業的設定",
+ "TabMenuDescription_General": "Here you can configure the functions that are in the Mod",
+ "TabMenuDescription_Roles&AddOns": "Here you can add, remove and change the settings of all Roles or Add-ons in the Mod",
"Experimental.Roles": "★ 實驗性職業 (警告: 請謹慎開啟,這些職業還在測試階段)",
"ActiveRolesList": "開啟職業一覽",
"ForExample": "使用例子",
"ImpCanBeGuesser": "偽裝者可以成為賭怪",
"CrewCanBeGuesser": "船員可以成為賭怪",
"NeutralCanBeGuesser": "中立玩家可以成為賭怪",
+ "CovenCanBeGuesser": "Coven can become Guesser",
"CrewCanBeMundane": "船員能夠成為平凡者",
"NeutralCanBeMundane": "中立可以成為平凡者",
"GuessedAsMundane": "很抱歉,你只在完成所有任務後才能進行猜測。",
@@ -2420,22 +2606,23 @@
"ImpCanBeInLove": "偽裝者可以成為戀人",
"CrewCanBeInLove": "船員可以成為戀人",
"NeutralCanBeInLove": "中立玩家可以成為戀人",
+ "CovenCanBeInLove": "Coven can be in love",
"updateButton": "一鍵更新",
"updatePleaseWait": "請稍後......",
- "updateManually": "更新失敗,請嘗試更換網路重試或手動更新。",
+ "updateManually": "Update failed.\nPlease try again or update manually.",
"updateInProgress": "更新中......",
"deletingFiles": "删除更新文件...",
- "updateRestart": "更新好啦! \n請重啟遊戲生效~",
- "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "我們有一個重要的更新,請更新本模組\n否則您無法加入公開房間",
+ "updateRestart": "Update finished!\nPlease restart the game.",
+ "CanNotJoinPublicRoomNoLatest": "You can't join public rooms without the latest version.\nPlease update.",
"ModBrokenMessage": "模組檔案損壞,請重新安裝本模組",
"UnsupportedVersion": "不支援的Among Us版本\n請更新Among Us",
"DisabledByProgram": "該項目禁止公開房間",
- "EnterVentToWin": "跳管道來獲勝!",
+ "EnterVentToWin": "Enter a Vent to Win!!",
"EatenByPelican": "您被鵜鶘吞了,請等待鵜鶘死亡或會議...",
"FireworkerPutPhase": "還要安裝{0}枚煙花",
"FireworkerWaitPhase": "耐心等待....",
"FireworkerReadyFirePhase": "準備就緒,煙火秀開始!",
- "EnterVentWinCountDown": "在{0}秒內跳管道勝利!",
+ "EnterVentWinCountDown": "Enter a Vent within {0} seconds to win!",
"On": "開啟",
"Off": "關閉",
"ColoredOn": "開啟",
@@ -2444,11 +2631,7 @@
"WitchCurrentMode": "目前模式",
"WitchModeKill": "殺人",
"WitchModeSpell": "詛咒",
- "HexMasterModeHex": "妖術",
- "HexMasterModeKill": "殺人",
- "PoisonerPoisonButtonText": "下毒",
"WitchModeDouble": "按一下詛咒&按兩下殺人",
- "HexMasterModeDouble": "按一下施法&按兩下殺人",
"BountyCurrentTarget": "目前目標",
"Roles": "職業",
"Settings": "設定",
@@ -2457,7 +2640,7 @@
"LastEndReason": " ★ 結束原因",
"KillLog": "殺人紀錄",
"MainRoleLog": "職業轉變日誌",
- "Maximum": "最大人數",
+ "Maximum": "Maximum",
"RoleRate": "開啟",
"RoleOn": "優先",
"RoleOff": "關閉",
@@ -2490,7 +2673,7 @@
"Preset_4": "設定檔4",
"Preset_5": "設定檔5",
"Standard": "普通",
- "HidenSeekTOHE": "躲貓貓",
+ "HidenSeekTOHE": "Hide & Seek",
"GameMode": "遊戲模式",
"PressTabToNextPage": "按下 Tab 或 數字鍵 以顯示下一頁....",
"RoleSummaryText": "復盤訊息:",
@@ -2577,7 +2760,7 @@
"IllegalColor": "請輸入正確的顏色",
"DisableUseCommand": "房主設置不允許使用該指令",
"SureUse.quit": "我們將踢出您並封鎖您以防止您再次遇到這個糟糕的房間,此操作不可逆轉,如果您真的希望如此請發送 /qt {0}",
- "PlayerIdList": "玩家編號列表:",
+ "PlayerIdList": "List of player ID's: ",
"CancelStartCountDown": "開始倒計時被取消",
"RestTOHESetting": "已恢復TOHE的默認設置",
"FPSSetTo": "幀數上限設置為: {0}",
@@ -2602,13 +2785,13 @@
"Yes": "是",
"No": "否",
"AntiBlackOutLoggerSendInGame": "由於未知錯誤發生,將結束遊戲以防止黑屏",
- "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "發生了錯誤,為了防止黑屏。你可以使用「/dump」並將錯誤報告發送至TOHE Discord裡的「bug-reports」頻道來試圖修復。",
- "EndWhenPlayerBug": "當模組玩家出現嚴重錯誤時結束遊戲(遊戲加載時)",
+ "AntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "An error occurred to prevent a black screen. Do a «/dump» and send the logs to the Discord server TOHE in «bug-reports» and we will try to fix it.",
+ "EndWhenPlayerBug": "End the game when a Modded player gets a critical error (While loading)",
"AntiBlackOutRequestHostToForceEnd": "你觸發了黑屏bug,導致了遊戲結束",
- "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "您觸發了黑屏Bug,房主拒絕結束遊戲,稍後將為您斷開連接",
+ "AntiBlackOutHostRejectForceEnd": "You were the reason for the black screen, and the Host is not going to end the game\nYou will be disconnected soon",
"RpcAntiBlackOutNotifyInLobby": "由於玩家【{0} 】發生未知錯誤,已結束遊戲以防止卡房,若您不希望在其他玩家發生錯誤時結束遊戲,請在設定中關閉【{1}】",
"RpcAntiBlackOutEndGame": "【{0}】發生未知錯誤,將結束遊戲以防止黑屏",
- "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "【{0}】發生未知錯誤,根據房主設定將忽略該玩家",
+ "RpcAntiBlackOutIgnored": "Because of {0}, an unknown error occurred, but the game will continue without that player due to Host settings.",
"RpcAntiBlackOutKicked": "{0} 因為出現黑屏錯誤而被踢出",
"NextPage": "下一頁",
"PreviousPage": "上一頁",
@@ -2630,7 +2813,7 @@
"ExiledInnocentTargetAddBelow": "\n回頭一看,冤罪師 正數著手裡的錢呢",
"ExiledInnocentTargetInOneLine": "票出 {0} 讓你有種不祥的預感\n他是 {1},而回頭一看,冤罪師 正數著手裡的錢呢",
"ExiledDeath": "{0} 是 {1}!\n船員們躲過了死亡使者帶來的世界末日!",
- "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} 是 {1}。\n但他並不是死亡使者...\n死亡使者奪走了所有人的靈魂!",
+ "ExiledNotDeath": "{0} was the {1}.\nBut they were not Death...\nDeath has claimed the Souls of the Crew!\nGG!",
"IsGood": "{0} 是個好人",
"BelongTo": "{0} 屬於 {1}",
"PlayerIsRole": "{0} 是 {1}",
@@ -2643,15 +2826,16 @@
"NeutralRemain": "\n剩下 {0} 個帶刀中立",
"OneNeutralRemain": "\n剩下 {0} 個帶刀中立",
"ApocRemain": "\n剩下 {0} 個 災厄 中立",
- "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "所有偽裝者及帶刀中立皆被逐出或殺死",
+ "CovenRemain": "\n{0} Coven remain",
+ "GameOverReason.HumansByVote": "All Impostors and Neutral Killers and Coven were ejected or killed",
"GameOverReason.HumansByTask": "船員完成了任務",
"GameOverReason.HumansDisconnect": "船員斷線",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByVote": "船員被逐出",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorByKill": "偽裝者人數占優",
- "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "偽裝者破壞了設施",
+ "GameOverReason.ImpostorBySabotage": "Crewmates failed to fix a Critical Sabotage",
"GameOverReason.ImpostorDisconnect": "偽裝者斷線",
"FortuneTellerCheck.TaskDone": "【{0}】的職業是【{1}】",
- "DevAndSpnTitle": "TOHE大家族",
+ "DevAndSpnTitle": "TOHE Family",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Null": "{0}持有未列出的職業\n該訊息不應在正常情況下顯示",
"FortuneTellerCheck.Result": "【{0}】可以是以下職業:\n{1}",
"SunnyboyChance": "成為陽光開朗大男孩的機率",
@@ -2687,18 +2871,18 @@
"DeathCmd.Misfired": "你走火了",
"DeathCmd.Shrouded": "你被 裹屍布 包住,並且沒有殺死一名玩家,因此你窒息而死了",
"DeathCmd.Lovers": "你的戀人死了",
- "RpsCommandInfo": "這個指令只能在你死亡後使用\n\n使用/rps X來猜拳,X可以為 0(石頭),1(布),2(剪刀)\n\n範例: /rps 0",
+ "RpsCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rps X to play Rock Paper Scissors with the system. X can be 0 (rock), 1 (paper) or 2 (scissors). \n\nExample :- /rps 0",
"RpsDraw": "我選擇了{0}\n\n哇! 這是個激烈的戰鬥,在這場純粹是運氣與隨機性的遊戲中,我們幾乎是勢均力敵。",
"RpsLose": "我選擇了{0}\n\n好了,好了,好了,看來在這個高度複雜的猜拳遊戲中,我又戰勝了一次人類,我想我無與倫比的能力又發作了! ",
- "RpsWin": "我選擇了{0}\n\n哦,恭喜你,你應該在螢幕後藏了個水晶球,才能在這個猜拳遊戲中打敗我,或著也許是我擁有世界上最爛的演算法。",
- "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "你只能在死亡後使用該指令",
+ "RpsWin": "I choose {0}\n\nOh, congratulations! You must have a Crystal Ball hidden behind that screen to beat me at Rock, Paper, Scissors. Or maybe I have the world's worst luck algorithm.",
+ "CoinFlipCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.",
"CoinFlipResult": "請擊敲... 經過重力與隨機性的角逐,硬幣決定為我們帶來它的光彩! 雄偉的贏家是...(等等)... 獨一無二的{0}! 誰能預料到這一切? 顯然,這是翻硬幣史上的一個重要時刻。",
- "GNoCommandInfo": "你只能在死亡後使用該指令\n\n傳送 /gno X 來玩猜數字。X可以是一個0~99的數字(包括0,99)\n\n你有最多 7次 的機會來猜中數字。\n\n 範例:- /gno 10",
+ "GNoCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /gno X to play guess a number. X can be a number between 0 and 99 (both included). \n\nYou get maximum of 7 tries to guess the number.\n\n Example:- /gno 10",
"GNoLost": "哦,你就差一點了! 只要在猜一次,你就能破解達文西密碼了! 順帶一提,秘密數字是... {0}!,不過,你只差了幾十億個可能性,下次好運,福爾摩斯! ",
"GNoLow": "哦,你真會說! 它太低了,我甚至需要一把鏟子才能把它挖出來!\n剩餘{0} 次猜測機會!",
"GNoHigh": "哦,事實上,你猜測的數字已經很高了,我甚至需要一台望遠鏡才能從這裡看到它!\n剩餘{0} 次猜測機會!",
"GNoWon": "哦,你怎麼找到的? 你就像是一個讀心術者! 恭喜你,你是個天才,你剩餘{0} 次猜測機會找到了秘密數字!",
- "RandCommandInfo": "該指令只能於大廳或是死亡後使用\n\n輸入/rand X Y可以得到一個介於 X 和 Y 之間的數字。\nX 和 Y 可以是 0 到 2147483647 之間的任意數字,包括這兩者。\nX 必須小於 Y。\n\n範例:- /rand 0 99",
+ "RandCommandInfo": "This command can only be used when in the lobby or after you die.\n\ntype /rand X Y to get a number between X and Y, inclusive. \nX and Y can be any number between 0 and 2147483647, including both numbers.\nX must be less than Y.\n\nExample:- /rand 0 99",
"RandResult": "恭喜你,你的隨機數字是{0}! 是不是很有趣?",
"8BallTitle": "神奇的8號球預言...",
"8BallYes": "是",
@@ -2709,7 +2893,7 @@
"8BallNotLikely": "看起來不太好",
"8BallLikely": "看起來挺好的",
"8BallDontCount": "別指望他",
- "8BallStop": "停止在 Among us 模組內使用 8Ball",
+ "8BallStop": "Stop using an 8Ball in an Among Us Mod",
"8BallPossibly": "可能",
"8BallProbably": "可能是",
"8BallProbablyNot": "可能不是",
@@ -2718,20 +2902,20 @@
"8BallWithoutDoubt": "毫無疑問",
"8BallWithDoubt": "非常可疑",
"ChanceToMiss": "錯過殺人的機率",
- "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "獲勝需要的靈魂數量",
+ "SoulCollectorPointsToWin": "Required number of Souls",
"SoulCollectorTarget": "你預測了{0}會在下一局中死亡",
"SoulCollectorTitle": "【 ★ 靈魂收割者 ★ 】",
- "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "可以收割自己的靈魂",
- "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "很抱歉,房主不允許你收割自己的靈魂",
+ "SoulCollector_CollectOwnSoulOpt": "Can collect their own Soul",
+ "SoulCollectorSelfVote": "Host settings do not allow you to collect your own Soul",
"SoulCollectorToDeath": "你變成了死亡使者!!!",
"SoulCollectorTransform": "現在靈魂收割者已經變成了死亡使者,
- "GetPassiveSouls": "被動獲得靈魂",
- "PassiveSoulGained": "你自動從冥界取得了一個靈魂",
+ "GetPassiveSouls": "Gain a passive Soul every round",
+ "PassiveSoulGained": "You have gained a passive Soul from the underworld.",
"SoulCollectorTargetUsed": "你在此輪內已經選擇了目標",
"SoulCollectorSoulGained": "獲得靈魂",
"SoulCollectorCanVent": "靈魂收割者可以使用通風口",
"DeathMeetingTimeIncrease": "當死亡使者存在時,會議時間延長",
- "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "你的目標在會議中死亡,你收割了他的靈魂。",
+ "SoulCollectorMeetingDeath": "Your target has died during the meeting. You have gained a Soul.",
"SoulCollectorKillButtonText": "預測",
"SoulCollectorHasImpostorVision": "靈魂收割者 擁有偽裝者視野",
"ApocalypseIsNigh": "【末日即將來臨 !】",
@@ -2754,21 +2938,21 @@
"BakerBreadGivesEffects": "麵包具有額外效果",
"BakerTransformNoMoreBread": "麵包師在沒有足夠的麵包時轉變",
"FamineKillButtonText": "飢餓",
- "FamineStarveCooldown": "飢餓之神的飢荒冷卻時間",
+ "FamineStarveCooldown": "Famine Starve Cooldown",
"FamineCantStarveApoc": "你不能餓死其他災厄成員",
"FamineAlreadyStarved": "此玩家已陷入飢餓",
"FamineStarved": "玩家陷入飢餓",
"ChronomancerKillCooldown": "擊殺充電時間",
"ChronomancerDecreaseTime": "電池耗盡時間(數值越小越快)",
"ChronomancerStartMassacre": "大屠殺!",
- "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "屠殺時的視野",
+ "ChronomancerVisionMassacre": "Vision When in Slaughter",
"ShamanButtonText": "巫毒娃娃",
- "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "你已在本輪選擇了一個巫毒娃娃",
+ "ShamanTargetAlreadySelected": "You have already selected a Voodoo Doll in this round",
"Shaman_KillerCannotMurderChosenTarget": "殺手無法擊殺您所選擇的目標",
"VoodooCooldown": "巫毒娃娃冷卻",
"AdminWarning": "定位地圖正在被使用!",
"VitalsWarning": "生命檢測儀正在被使用!",
- "DoorlogWarning": "通行記錄正在被使用!",
+ "DoorlogWarning": "DoorLogs in use!",
"CameraWarning": "監控正在被使用!",
"MinWaitAutoStart": "自動開始前的等待時間(分鐘)",
"MaxWaitAutoStart": "當大廳時間(分鐘) 過低時強制開始遊戲",
@@ -2789,39 +2973,39 @@
"TimeMasterVentButtonText": "時間護盾",
"BodyCannotBeReported": "屍體無法被舉報",
"BurstKillDelay": "地雷延遲爆炸時間",
- "BurstNotify": "你剛踩到了一個地雷! 快躲進通風管,否則你會被炸死",
+ "BurstNotify": "That was a Burst! Get in a Vent or die.",
"BurstFailed": "地雷沒能炸死你",
"ShroudButtonText": "遮蓋",
"ShroudCooldown": "遮蓋冷卻時間",
"Message.Shrouded": "有玩家被裹屍布遮蓋了!\n\n逐出裹屍布否則所有被遮蓋的玩家都會窒息而死!",
- "LudopathRandomKillCD": "最大擊殺冷卻時間",
+ "LudopathRandomKillCD": "Maximum Kill Cooldown",
"UnderdogMaximumPlayersNeededToKill": "開始擊殺所需的玩家數量",
"GodfatherTargetCountMode": "兇手職業將轉變成",
"GodfatherCount_Refugee": "逃亡者",
"GodfatherCount_Madmate": "叛徒",
"GodfatherRefugeeMsg": "你已被懸賞者招募!",
- "MissChance": "失誤的機率",
- "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "如果船員的陣營被轉換則最大擊殺數+1",
+ "MissChance": "Chance to Miss",
+ "IncreaseByOneIfConvert": "Increase the KillCount +1 if a Crewmate is Converted",
"HawkMissed": "失誤了!",
- "HawkCanKillNum": "最大擊殺次數",
+ "HawkCanKillNum": "Maximum Slices",
"HawkKillMax": "你的能力已經耗盡",
"HawkKillTooManyDead": "已經有太多人死亡了",
- "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "至少要有多少玩家活著時才能使用能力",
- "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "最大技能次數",
+ "MinimumPlayersAliveToKill": "Minimum Players Alive to Kill",
+ "BloodMoonCanKillNum": "Maximum BloodLettings",
"BloodMoonTimeTilDie": "流血死亡倒計時",
"PossessorPossessCooldown": "牽引冷卻時間",
"PossessorPossessDuration": "牽引持續時間",
"PossessorAlertRange": "警戒範圍",
"PossessorFocusRange": "勾魂範圍",
"DeathTimer": "你將在{DeathTimer}秒後死亡",
- "BerserkerKillCooldown": "狂戰士擊殺冷卻時間",
- "BerserkerMax": "狂戰士可達到的最高等級",
+ "BerserkerKillCooldown": "Berserker Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerMax": "Maximum level that Berserker can reach",
"BerserkerHasImpostorVision": "狂戰士有偽裝者視野",
"WarHasImpostorVision": "戰神有偽裝者視野",
"BerserkerCanVent": "狂戰士可以使用通風口",
"WarCanVent": "戰神可以使用通風口",
- "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "解鎖更少的擊殺冷卻時間",
- "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "解鎖後的擊殺冷卻時間",
+ "BerserkerOneCanKillCooldown": "Unlock lower Kill Cooldown",
+ "BerserkerOneKillCooldown": "Kill Cooldown after unlocking",
"BerserkerTwoCanScavenger": "解鎖清道夫的擊殺",
"BerserkerThreeCanBomber": "解鎖自爆兵的擊殺",
"BerserkerFourCanNotKill": "成為戰神",
@@ -2831,7 +3015,7 @@
"KilledByBerserker": "你被狂戰士殺死了",
"BerserkerToWar": "你變成了戰神!!!",
"BerserkerTransform": "狂戰士已經變成了戰神! 這將是一場浩劫",
- "WarKillCooldown": "戰神的殺人冷卻",
+ "WarKillCooldown": "War Kill Cooldown",
"BerserkerCanKillTeamate": "可以殺死其他災厄陣營的成員",
"BlackmailerSkillCooldown": "勒索冷卻時間",
"BlackmailerMax": "目標最大說話次數",
@@ -2839,7 +3023,7 @@
"BlackmaileKillTitle": "【 ★ 勒索事件 ★ 】",
"UnluckyTaskSuicideChance": "做任務暴斃的機率",
"UnluckyKillSuicideChance": "殺人暴斃的機率",
- "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "跳管道暴斃的機率",
+ "UnluckyVentSuicideChance": "Chance to suicide from Venting",
"UnluckyReportSuicideChance": "報告屍體暴斃的機率",
"UnluckyOpenDoorSuicideChance": "開門暴斃的機率",
"NeutralCanBeAware": "中立可以成為敏感",
@@ -2860,7 +3044,7 @@
"PenguinKillButtonText": "綁架",
"PenguinTimerText": "綁架時間",
"PenguinTargetOnCheckMurder": "喔不,你被企鵝抓住了,先設法逃脫吧!",
- "WitnessTime": "擊殺過後的玩家可出現紅名的的最長時間",
+ "WitnessTime": "Maximum Time after killing where killer appears red",
"WitnessButtonText": "目擊",
"WitnessFoundInnocent": "✓",
"WitnessFoundKiller": "⚠",
@@ -2871,7 +3055,7 @@
"SwapVote": "{0}和{1}的票數被換票師交換了",
"SwapDead": "很抱歉,死亡後不能進行換票",
"SwapNull": "請選擇一名存活的玩家進行換票\n輸入/sw 253來重置換票",
- "SwapHelp": "指令格式: /sw [編號] 來選擇目標\n您可以在該玩家的名字前看到該玩家的編號,或者使用/id查看玩家編號列表。\n使用/sw 253來重置換票。",
+ "SwapHelp": "Command Format: /sw [player ID] to select the target\nYou can see the player ID's next to the player names or use /id to see the player ID list.\nUse /swap 253 to clear your previous swap",
"Swap1": "成功選擇目標1",
"Swap2": "成功選擇目標2",
"CancelSwap": "已重置換票操作",
@@ -2883,6 +3067,7 @@
"ImpCanKillFragile": "偽裝者可以强制擊殺嬌嫩",
"NeutralCanKillFragile": "中立可以强制擊殺嬌嫩",
"CrewCanKillFragile": "船員可以强制擊殺嬌嫩",
+ "CovenCanKillFragile": "Coven can force kill Fragile",
"FragileKillerLunge": "殺人時玩家會瞬移",
"CrusaderSkillLimit": "最大保護次數",
"CrusaderSkillCooldown": "保護冷卻時間",
@@ -2893,11 +3078,11 @@
"ChanceToSpawn": "出現機率",
"ChanceToSpawnAnother": "出現機率另一個的機率",
"BloodthirstKillCD": "嗜血者擊殺冷卻時間",
- "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "嗜血者的最大玩家存活",
+ "BloodthirstPlayerCount": "Maximum players alive for Bloodthirst",
"ReflectHarmfulInteractions": "反射有害的交互",
- "DiseasedCDOpt": "冷卻時間增加",
+ "DiseasedCDOpt": "Increase the Cooldown by",
"DiseasedCDReset": "會議後冷卻時間恢復至正常",
- "AntidoteCDOpt": "冷卻時間減少",
+ "AntidoteCDOpt": "Decrease the Cooldown by",
"AntidoteCDReset": "會議後冷卻時間恢復至正常",
"GlowRadius": "發光半徑",
"GlowVisionOthers": "提升附近玩家的視野",
@@ -2914,10 +3099,10 @@
"PunchingBagKill": "你被攻擊了!",
"SelfGuessPunchingBag": "你不能猜測自己是受虐狂,不要嘗試作弊唷~",
"GuessPunchingBagBlocked": "受虐狂因為自我猜測而無法猜測",
- "EradicatePunchingBag": "你剛剛試圖害死受虐狂 但這是不可行的。",
+ "EradicatePunchingBag": "You just tried to terminate Punching Bag, that is not allowed.",
"RememberCooldown": "模仿冷卻時間",
"RefugeeKillCD": "逃亡者的擊殺冷卻",
- "RememberedNeutralKiller": "你回想起了你是一個帶刀中立!",
+ "RememberedNeutralKiller": "You remembered you were a Neutral killer!",
"RememberedMaverick": "你回想起了你是一個獨行者!",
"RememberedPursuer": "你回想起了你是一個起訴人!",
"RememberedFollower": "你回想起了你是一個追隨者",
@@ -2926,12 +3111,12 @@
"ReportWhenFailedRemember": "回憶失敗時報告屍體",
"RememberedImitator": "你回想起了你是一個效顰者",
"RememberedImpostor": "你回想起了你是一個偽裝者!",
- "RememberedCrewmate": "你回想起了你是一個船員!",
+ "RememberedCrewmate": "You remembered you were a Crewmate!",
"ImitatorImitated": "一個效顰者效仿了你的職業!",
"ImitatorInvalidTarget": "模仿失敗",
"RememberButtonText": "回憶",
"ImitatorKillButtonText": "模仿",
- "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "如果中立不相容的話成為",
+ "IncompatibleNeutralMode": "If Neutral is incompatible, turn into",
"RememberedYourRole": "一個失憶者回憶起了你的職業!",
"YouRememberedRole": "你想起了你是誰!",
"BanditStealMode": "竊取模式",
@@ -2939,23 +3124,19 @@
"BanditStealMode_Instantly": "立刻",
"BanditMaxSteals": "最大偷取次數上限",
"BanditCanStealBetrayalAddon": "可以偷取背叛的附加職業",
- "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "可以偷取偽裝者附加職業",
- "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "目標沒有可竊取的附加職業",
- "BanditStealCooldown": "竊取冷卻時間",
+ "BanditCanStealImpOnlyAddon": "Can Steal Impostor Only Add-ons",
+ "Bandit_NoStealableAddons": "Could not steal Add-on from the player",
+ "BanditStealCooldown": "Steal Cooldown",
"DoppelMaxSteals": "竊取次數上限",
- "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "分身者的最後一名受害者可以看到活著的玩家的職業",
- "NecromancerRevengeTime": "復仇時間",
- "NecromancerRevenge": "你有{0}秒的時間殺死{1}",
- "NecromancerSuccess": "復仇完成! 你存活了下來",
- "NecromancerHide": "通風口已關閉,躲避死靈法師!",
- "RetributionistDeadMsg": "報應者的死亡意味著報應的開始,請使用/ret [玩家ID] 殺死玩家\n你可以在玩家名字前看到該玩家的編號,或者使用/id指令查看所有玩家編號",
+ "DoppelCurrentVictimCanSeeRolesAsDead": "Last victim can see Role and Add-on info of alive players as a ghost",
+ "RetributionistDeadMsg": "The death of the Retributionist means the beginning of retribution. \nPlease use /ret + [player ID] to kill the specified player \nYou can see player ID's in front of their names. \nOr type /ret to get a list of player ID's",
"RetributionistAliveKill": "很抱歉,你無法在存活時對其他玩家施加報應",
"RetributionistKillMax": "你已經達到了復仇的次數上限,不可再進行復仇",
"RetributionistKillDead": "請選擇一個在場的存活玩家進行報應",
"RetributionistKillSucceed": "{0}被報應者報應了!",
"RetributionistKillDisable": "很抱歉,直到你完成所有任務前,你無法報應他人。",
"CanOnlyRetributeWithTasksDone": "只可以在完成所有任務後復仇",
- "RetributionistCanKillNum": "報應次數上限",
+ "RetributionistCanKillNum": "Maximum retributions",
"RetributionistKillTooManyDead": "有太多的玩家已經死亡,所以你無法進行報應",
"MinimumPlayersAliveToRetri": "最少要有多少人存活才能進行報復",
"MinimumNoKillerEjectsToKill": "最少需要多少沒有帶刀玩家被驅逐的會議才能進行復仇",
@@ -2974,37 +3155,39 @@
"CaptainCanTargetNC": "船長可以緩速混亂中立",
"CaptainCanTargetNA": "船長可以緩速中立災厄",
"CaptainCanTargetNK": "船長可以緩速帶刀中立",
+ "CaptainCanTargetCoven": "Captain can target Coven",
"CaptainSpeedReduced": "船長緩速了你",
"CaptainRevealTaskRequired": "揭示船長身分所需完成的任務",
"CaptainSlowTaskRequired": "降低目標移動速度所需要做的任務數量",
"InspectorTryHideMsg": "嘗試混淆檢查員指令",
- "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "檢查次數上限",
- "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "每次會議的最大檢查次數",
+ "MaxInspectCheckLimit": "Maximum inspections per game",
+ "InspectCheckLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum inspections per meeting",
"InspectCheckTargetKnow": "目標知道他們被檢查者檢查",
"InspectCheckOtherTargetKnow": "目標知道他們被檢查的玩家",
"InspectorDead": "很抱歉,你死後無法使用你的技能",
- "InspectCheckMax": "已達到每場遊戲的最大檢查次數!\n你不能再使用你的技能了",
- "InspectCheckRound": "已達到每輪會議最大檢查次數!\n你可以在下一輪會議再次檢查",
+ "InspectCheckMax": "Maximum inspections per game reached!\nYou can not use your power anymore.",
+ "InspectCheckRound": "Maximum inspections per round reached!\nYou can check again in the next round.",
"InspectCheckSelf": "哈!! 你以為有那麼容易嗎? 你不能檢查自己",
"InspectCheckReveal": "哈! 你以為有那麼容易嗎? 你不能檢查已透漏的職業",
"InspectCheckTitle": "【 ★ 檢查資訊 ★ 】 ",
"InspectCheckTrue": "{0} 和 {1} 在同一陣營!",
"InspectCheckFalse": "{0} 和 {1} 不在同一陣營!",
"InspectCheckTargetMsg": " 被檢查員檢查了",
- "InspectCheckHelp": "指令:/cmp [1號玩家 ID] [2號玩家 ID]\n範例 /cmp 1 5\n你可以在玩家名字前面看到該玩家的ID,或是使用/id查看所有玩家的ID。",
+ "InspectCheckHelp": "Instructions: /cmp [Player ID 1] [Player ID 2] \nExample: /cmp 1 5 \nYou can see the player ID's before everyone's names \n or use the /id command to list the player ID's",
"InspectCheckNull": "請選擇存活玩家的ID以查看其陣營",
"InspectCheckBaitCountMode": "如果誘餌在第一次會議上透露的話,則誘餌將計為已透漏職業",
"InspectCheckRevealTarget": "當任務完成後,目標可以知道另一個目標的陣營",
"InspectorTargetReveal": " 看起來 {0} 與陣營 {1} 一致",
"EgoistCountMode.Original": "原本的陣營",
"EgoistCountMode.Neutral": "中立",
- "JailerJailCooldown": "監禁冷卻時間",
+ "JailerJailCooldown": "Jail Cooldown",
"JailerMaxExecution": "最大處刑次數",
"JailerNBCanBeExe": "可以處決友善中立",
"JailerNCCanBeExe": "可以處決混亂中立",
"JailerNECanBeExe": "可以處決邪惡中立",
"JailerNKCanBeExe": "可以處決帶刀中立",
"JailerNACanBeExe": "可以處決災厄 中立",
+ "JailerCovenCanBeExe": "Can execute Coven",
"JailerCKCanBeExe": "可以處決帶刀船員",
"JailerTargetAlreadySelected": "你已經選擇了一個目標",
"SuccessfullyJailed": "成功監禁目標",
@@ -3013,40 +3196,43 @@
"CanNotTrialJailed": "你不可以審判目標。",
"notifyJailedOnMeeting": "在會議開始時提醒被監禁的人",
"JailedNotifyMsg": "你被監禁者監禁了,所有人無法猜測或審判你,並且你只能猜測監禁者。\n\n如果監禁者投票給你,你將會在會議後被處決。",
- "JailerTitle": "【 ★ 監獄訊息 ★ 】",
- "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "模仿冷卻時間",
+ "JailerTitle": "JAILER",
+ "CopyCatCopyCooldown": "Copy Cooldown",
"CopyCatRoleChange": "你變成了{0}",
"CopyCatCanNotCopy": "你無法複製目標的職業",
"CopyButtonText": "模仿",
- "CopyCrewVar": "可以複製船員職業的邪惡類型",
- "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "可以複製改變陣營的附加職業",
- "MaxCleanserUses": "最大清洗次數",
+ "CopyCrewVar": "Can copy evil variants of Crewmate roles",
+ "CopyTeamChangingAddon": "Can copy team changing Add-on",
+ "MaxCleanserUses": "Maximum Cleanses",
"CleansedCanGetAddon": "被清洗的玩家可以獲得附加職業",
"CleanserTitle": "【 ★ 清洗訊息 ★ 】",
"CleanserRemoveSelf": "你無法清洗你自己",
- "CleanserCantRemove": "很抱歉,你無法清洗該玩家",
+ "CleanserCantRemove": "Oops! the player can not be Cleansed.",
"CleanserRemovedRole": "{0} 已被清洗,他的附加職業將在會議後消失\n\n你的票數已返回,可以再次進行投票",
- "LostAddonByCleanser": "清洗者清洗掉了你所有的附加職業!",
- "MaxProtections": "能力最大使用次數",
+ "LostAddonByCleanser": "The Cleanser removed all your Add-ons",
+ "MaxProtections": "Maximum Protections",
"KeeperHideVote": "隱藏守衛者的投票",
"KeeperProtect": "你已選擇守護【{0}】防止他在這輪會議中被逐出,現在你可以重新投票。",
- "KeeperTitle": "【 ★ 守衛者訊息 ★ 】",
+ "KeeperTitle": "KEEPER",
"MaulRadius": "獵殺範圍",
"ImpKnowCyberDead": "偽裝者可以知道名人死亡",
"CrewKnowCyberDead": "船員可以知道名人死亡",
"NeutralKnowCyberDead": "中立可以知道名人死亡",
+ "CovenKnowCyberDead": "Coven know if Cyber died",
"CyberKnown": "所有人都可以看到名人",
"KillerGetBewilderVision": "擊殺視障後會縮小視野",
"ImpCanBeOiiai": "偽裝者可以成為OIIAI",
"CrewCanBeOiiai": "船員可以成為OIIAI",
"NeutralCanBeOiiai": "中立可以成為OIIAI",
+ "CovenCanBeOiiai": "Coven can be OIIAI",
"OiiaiCanPassOn": "殺死OIIAI的人也會成為OIIAI",
"NeutralChangeRolesForOiiai": "中立玩家殺死OIIAI後變成 ",
"LostRoleByOiiai": "你現在滿腦子都是OIIAI!",
"ImpCanBeLoyal": "偽裝者可以成為忠誠",
"CrewCanBeLoyal": "船員可以成為忠誠",
+ "CovenCanBeLoyal": "Coven can become Loyal",
"TasklessCrewCanBeLazy": "沒有任務的船員可以成為懶人",
- "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "基於任務的船員職業可以成為懶人",
+ "TaskBasedCrewCanBeLazy": "Task based Crewmates can be Lazy",
"SheriffCanBeMadmate": "警長可以成為叛徒",
"MayorCanBeMadmate": "市長可以成為叛徒",
"NGuesserCanBeMadmate": "正義賭怪可以成為叛徒",
@@ -3062,20 +3248,21 @@
"GanJudgeCanBeMadmate": "可以招募法官",
"GanMarshallCanBeMadmate": "展現者可以被招募",
"GanOverseerCanBeMadmate": "預言家可以被招募",
- "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "驅逐顯示為叛徒",
+ "GanCovenCanBeMadmate": "Coven can be converted",
+ "RascalAppearAsMadmate": "Appear as Madmate on Ejection",
"CouncillorDead": "很抱歉,你在死後無法進行謀殺",
"CouncillorMurderMaxMeeting": "很抱歉,你已經達到謀殺的最大次數",
"CouncillorMurderMaxGame": "很抱歉,你已經達到謀殺的最大次數",
"Councillor_LaughToWhoMurderSelf": "哈哈哈,有誰會愚蠢到謀殺自己?\n\n我猜它應該是…你!",
"Councillor_MurderKill": "議員看 {0} 不順眼\n於是議員把 {0} 給謀殺了!",
- "Councillor_MurderHelp": "指令格式:/tl [玩家ID]\n您可以在玩家的名字前看到該玩家的ID\n或使用/id查看玩家ID列表",
+ "Councillor_MurderHelp": "Command: /tl [player ID]\nYou can see the players' ID's before the players' names.\nOr use /id to view the list of all player ID's.",
"Councillor_MurderNull": "請選擇一個在場的存活玩家進行謀殺.",
"Councillor_MurderKillTitle": "【 ★ 謀殺案件 ★ 】 ",
"CouncillorMakeEvilJudgeClear": "謀殺訊息與法官做出區分",
"Councillor_CannotMurderImpTeam": "抱歉,你不能謀殺你的隊友",
"Councillor_SuicideForMurderImps": "你死了,因為你試圖謀殺你的隊友",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "每次會議謀殺次數上限",
- "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "每場遊戲的最大謀殺次數",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerMeeting": "Maximum Kills per Meeting",
+ "CouncillorMurderLimitPerGame": "Maximum Kills per Game",
"CouncillorCanMurderMadmate": "可以謀殺叛徒",
"CouncillorCanMurderImpostor": "可以謀殺偽裝者",
"CouncillorSuicideOnJudgeImpTeam": "謀殺偽裝者陣營時將自殺",
@@ -3083,12 +3270,12 @@
"CouncillorTryHideMsg": "嘗試混淆議員指令",
"DazzlerDazzled": "你被眩暈者弄得眼花撩亂!",
"DazzlerCauseVision": "視野下降",
- "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "視野下降影響的最大玩家人數",
+ "DazzlerDazzleLimit": "Maximum number of players affected by reduced vision",
"DazzlerResetDazzledVisionOnDeath": "眩暈者死亡或被逐出後恢復玩家的視野",
"DazzleCooldown": "眩暈冷卻",
"DazzleButtonText": "眩暈",
"MoleVentButtonText": "挖掘",
- "MoleVentCooldown": "挖掘冷卻時間",
+ "MoleVentCooldown": "Dig Cooldown",
"AddictVentButtonText": "護盾",
"AddictInvulnerbilityTimeAfterVent": "無敵持續時間",
"AddictSpeedWhileInvulnerble": "無敵時的移動速度",
@@ -3102,13 +3289,13 @@
"AlchemistVentButtonText": "喝",
"AlchemistGotShieldPotion": "抗性藥水: 給予臨時護盾",
"AlchemistGotSightPotion": "夜視藥水: 暫時提升視野",
- "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "維修藥水: 立刻維修一次破壞",
+ "AlchemistGotQFPotion": "Potion of Fixing: Allows you to fix one Sabotage instantly",
"AlchemistGotTPPotion": "傳送藥水: 傳送至隨機玩家的位置",
"AlchemistGotSuicidePotion": "劇毒藥水: 立刻自殺",
"AlchemistGotSpeedPotion": "速度藥水: 加快你的速度",
"AlchemistGotBloodthirstPotion": "傷害藥水: 殺死下一個與你接觸的玩家",
"AlchemistGotInvisibility": "隱身藥水: 隱形自身",
- "NoPotion": "你沒有任何藥水",
+ "NoPotion": "You have no Potions",
"StoreShield": "抗性藥水",
"StoreSuicide": "劇毒藥水",
"StoreTP": "傳送藥水",
@@ -3124,22 +3311,22 @@
"AlchemistHasVision": "夜視藥水藥效開始",
"AlchemistShieldOut": "抗性藥水藥效結束",
"AlchemistVisionOut": "夜視藥水藥效結束",
- "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "你獲得了嗜血",
+ "AlchemistPotionBloodthirst": "You gained Bloodthirst",
"AlchemistHasSpeed": "速度藥水效果已啟動",
"AlchemistSpeedOut": "速度藥水效果已結束",
- "DeathpactDuration": "死亡契約持續時間",
- "DeathPactCooldown": "簽署死亡契約的冷卻時間",
- "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "簽署了死亡契約的玩家數量",
- "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "顯示箭頭指向其他簽署了死亡契約的玩家",
- "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "降低簽署了死亡契約的玩家的視野",
- "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "簽署了死亡契約的玩家的視野",
- "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "在會議上殺害簽署了死亡契約的玩家",
- "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "簽署了死亡契約的玩家可以召開會議",
+ "DeathpactDuration": "Deathpact Duration",
+ "DeathPactCooldown": "Deathpact Assign Cooldown",
+ "DeathpactNumberOfPlayersInPact": "Number of players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactShowArrowsToOtherPlayersInPact": "Show arrows leading to other players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactReduceVisionWhileInPact": "Reduce vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactVisionWhileInPact": "Vision for players in Deathpact",
+ "DeathpactKillPlayersInDeathpactOnMeeting": "Kill players in Deathpact on meeting",
+ "DeathpactPlayersInDeathpactCanCallMeeting": "Players in active Deathpact can call meeting",
"DeathpactActiveDeathpact": "在{1}秒內找到{0}",
- "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "目標不能簽署死亡契約",
- "DeathpactComplete": "死亡契約已簽訂",
- "DeathpactExecuted": "死亡契約已執行",
- "DeathpactAverted": "死亡契約被避免了",
+ "DeathpactCouldNotAddTarget": "Target can't be added to Deathpact.",
+ "DeathpactComplete": "Deathpact was concluded.",
+ "DeathpactExecuted": "Deathpact was executed.",
+ "DeathpactAverted": "Deathpact was averted.",
"DeathpactButtonText": "簽約",
"DevourerHideNameConsumed": "隱藏被吞噬玩家的名字",
"DevourCooldown": "吞噬冷卻時間",
@@ -3167,7 +3354,6 @@
"PitfallTrapCauseVisionTime": "踩到陷阱後視野降低的時間",
"PitfallTrap": "你踩到陷阱了!",
"ConsigliereDivinationMaxCount": "最大揭示次數",
- "RitualMaxCount": "最大揭示次數",
"CleanserHideVote": "隱藏清洗者的票",
"OracleSkillLimit": "最多使用次數上限",
"OracleHideVote": "隱藏先知的投票",
@@ -3175,17 +3361,18 @@
"OracleCheckSelfMsg": "你甚至不能相信自己,是嗎?",
"OracleCheckLimit": "提示: 剩餘【{0}】次預測機會",
"OracleCheckMsgTitle": "【 ★ 預言結果 ★ 】 ",
- "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "看起來不是船員陣營",
- "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "應該是一個船員",
- "OracleCheck.Neutral": "看起來是一個中立陣營",
+ "OracleCheck.NotCrewmate": "Appears not to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Crewmate": "Appears to be a Crewmate",
+ "OracleCheck.Neutral": "Appears to be a Neutral",
"OracleCheck.Impostor": "看起來是一個偽裝者",
+ "OracleCheck.Coven": "Appears to be Coven",
"OracleCheck": "目標結果:",
"FailChance": "預測錯誤的機率",
- "OracleCheckAddons": "先知可以查看附加職業",
+ "OracleCheckAddons": "Oracle checks Add-ons",
"ChameleonCanVent": "冷卻已結束,進入管道來隱身",
"ChameleonInvisState": "隱身中",
"ChameleonInvisStateOut": "隱身已結束",
- "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "技能正在冷卻中,隱身失敗",
+ "ChameleonInvisInCooldown": "Ability still on Cooldown, disguise failed",
"ChameleonInvisStateCountdown": "隱身狀態將在 {0} 秒後失效",
"ChameleonInvisCooldownRemain": "剩餘隱身冷卻時間:{0} 秒",
"ChameleonCooldown": "隱形冷卻時間",
@@ -3200,11 +3387,12 @@
"CursedSoulCurseCooldownIncrese": "每奪魂一次冷卻時間增加",
"CursedSoulCurseMax": "最大奪魂次數",
"CursedSoulKnowTargetRole": "能知道失魂玩家的職業",
- "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "中立職業具有靈魂",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseNeutral": "Neutral roles have Souls",
+ "CursedSoulCanCurseCoven": "Coven roles have Souls",
"CursedSoulKillButtonText": "奪魂",
- "SoullessByCursedSoul": "受詛之魂奪取了你的靈魂!",
+ "SoullessByCursedSoul": "A Cursed Soul snatched your Soul",
"CursedSoulSoullessPlayer": "成功奪走目標的靈魂",
- "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "找不到目標的靈魂",
+ "CursedSoulInvalidTarget": "No Soul found",
"AdmireCooldown": "仰慕冷卻時間",
"AdmirerKnowTargetRole": "可以知道被仰慕玩家的身份",
"AdmirerSkillLimit": "仰慕技能次數",
@@ -3213,7 +3401,7 @@
"AdmiredPlayer": "你成功仰慕了一名玩家",
"AdmirerInvalidTarget": "目標無法被仰慕",
"SpiritualistNoticeTitle": "【★ 靈魂聯繫 ★】 ",
- "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "靈魂論者有箭頭指向你!\n你可以把他們帶到殺手那裡或者陷害船員",
+ "SpiritualistNoticeMessage": "The Spiritualist has an arrow pointing to you!\nYou can use them to a killer or frame a Crewmate",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowForSeconds": "靈魂箭頭持續時間",
"SpiritualistShowGhostArrowEverySeconds": "靈魂箭頭延遲",
"EnigmaClueStage1Tasks": "查看第 1 階段線索所需完成的任務數",
@@ -3251,11 +3439,12 @@
"EnigmaClueRole2": "兇手的陣營是中立!",
"EnigmaClueRole3": "兇手的陣營是船員!",
"EnigmaClueRole4": "兇手的職業是{0}!",
+ "EnigmaClueRole5": "The Killer is a Coven member!",
"EnigmaClueLevel1": "兇手的等級超過50級!",
"EnigmaClueLevel2": "兇手的等級在50級以下!",
"EnigmaClueLevel3": "兇手的等級在 {0} 到 {1} 之間!",
"EnigmaClueLevel4": "兇手的等級為 {0}!",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "兇手的好友代碼是 {0}!",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCode": "The Killer's Friend Code is {0}!",
"EnigmaClueHatTitle": "猜想者頭飾線索!",
"EnigmaClueVisorTitle": "猜想者面部裝飾線索!",
"EnigmaClueSkinTitle": "猜想者外觀線索!",
@@ -3267,10 +3456,11 @@
"EnigmaClueStatusTitle": "猜想者狀態線索!",
"EnigmaClueRoleTitle": "猜想者職業線索!",
"EnigmaClueLevelTitle": "猜想者等級線索!",
- "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "猜想者好友代碼線索!",
+ "EnigmaClueFriendCodeTitle": "Enigma Friend Code Clue!",
"ImpCanBeRole": "偽裝者 可以成為 {role}",
"CrewCanBeRole": "船員 可以成為 {role}",
"NeutralCanBeRole": "中立 可以成為 {role}",
+ "CovenCanBeRole": "Coven can become {role}",
"VotesPerKill": "每一次殺人獲得的票數",
"PickpocketGetVote": "你有 {0} 張選票",
"VultureArrowsPointingToDeadBody": "有指向屍體的箭頭",
@@ -3281,7 +3471,7 @@
"VultureMaxEatenInOneRound": "每回合可以吃掉的最大屍體數",
"VultureCooldownUp": "吃屍體冷卻時間已結束",
"GhastlyPossessCD": "附身冷卻時間",
- "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "最大附身次數",
+ "GhastlyMaxPossessions": "Maximum Possessions",
"GhastlyPossessionDuration": "附身持續時間",
"GhastlySpeed": "陰魂的速度",
"GhastlyKillAllies": "陰魂無法附身隊友",
@@ -3294,7 +3484,7 @@
"GhastlyExpired": "{0} 已經脫離你的附身了",
"TasksMarkPerRound": "每輪可標記的任務數量",
"TaskinatorBombPlanted": "炸彈已放置",
- "ShieldDuration": "護盾持續時間",
+ "ShieldDuration": "Shield Duration",
"ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "護盾抵擋攻擊後會被消耗",
"BenefactorTaskMarked": "成功標記此任務",
"BenefactorTargetGotShield": "你獲得了慈善家的護盾",
@@ -3316,14 +3506,14 @@
"Heads": "頭",
"Tails": "尾",
"SpyRedNameDur": "彩色名稱持續時間",
- "SpyInteractionBlocked": "阻止殺人按鈕互動",
- "AgitaterBombCooldown": "炸彈王炸彈冷卻時間",
- "AgitaterPassCooldown": "炸彈傳遞冷卻時間",
- "BombExplodeCooldown": "炸彈爆炸時間",
+ "SpyInteractionBlocked": "Block Kill button interaction",
+ "AgitaterBombCooldown": "Agitator Bomb Cooldown",
+ "AgitaterPassCooldown": "Bomb Pass Cooldown",
+ "BombExplodeCooldown": "Bomb Explode Cooldown",
"AgitaterPassNotify": "炸彈傳遞成功",
"AgitaterTargetNotify": "你拿到了炸彈!! 傳遞給別人來防止被炸死!",
"AgitaterCanGetBombed": "炸彈王可以被傳遞炸彈",
- "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "炸彈王自動報告誘餌",
+ "AgitaterAutoReportBait": "Agitator can Auto Report Bait",
"SeekerPointsToWin": "勝利所需的積分",
"SeekerTagCooldown": "標記目標冷卻時間",
"SeekerNotify": "你的目標是 {0}",
@@ -3331,15 +3521,15 @@
"SeekerKillButtonText": "標記",
"PixiePointsToWin": "勝利所需的積分",
"MaxTargets": "每輪最大標記數",
- "MarkCooldown": "標記冷卻時間",
+ "MarkCooldown": "Mark Cooldown",
"PixieSuicide": "如果目標未被逐出,精靈就會自殺",
"PixieMaxTargetReached": "你已達到本輪選擇目標次數上限",
"PixieTargetAlreadySelected": "目標已選定",
"PixieButtonText": "標記",
- "PlagueBearerCooldown": "瘟疫之源冷卻時間",
- "PlagueBearerCanVent": "可以使用通風管",
+ "PlagueBearerCooldown": "Plague Cooldown",
+ "PlagueBearerCanVent": "Can Vent",
"PlagueBearerHasImpostorVision": "擁有偽裝者視野",
- "PestilenceCooldown": "萬疫之神殺人冷卻",
+ "PestilenceCooldown": "Pestilence Kill Cooldown",
"PestilenceCanVent": "萬疫之神可以使用通風口",
"PestilenceHasImpostorVision": "萬疫之神有偽裝者視野",
"PestilenceKillGuessers": "殺死試圖猜測萬疫之神的玩家",
@@ -3365,11 +3555,12 @@
"RomanticProtectButtonText": "守護",
"GuessMasterMisguess": "【{0}】猜測失敗",
"GuessMasterTargetRole": "有人試圖猜測【{0}】",
- "GuessMasterTitle": "【 ★ 賭場管理員 ★ 】 ",
+ "GuessMasterTitle": "GUESS MASTER ",
"DoomsayerAmountOfGuessesToWin": "獲勝所需的正確猜測數",
"DCanGuessImpostors": "可以猜測偽裝者",
"DCanGuessCrewmates": "可以猜測船員",
"DCanGuessNeutrals": "可以猜測中立",
+ "DCanGuessCoven": "可以猜測巫師集會",
"DCanGuessAdt": "可以猜測附加職業",
"DoomsayerAdvancedSettings": "進階設定",
"DoomsayerMaxNumberOfGuessesPerMeeting": "每個會議最多猜測次數",
@@ -3448,6 +3639,10 @@
"RoleType.NeutralChaos": "★ 中立混亂類職業",
"RoleType.NeutralKilling": "★ 中立帶刀類職業",
"RoleType.NeutralApocalypse": "★ 中立 災厄 職業 /apocalypseinfo",
+ "RoleType.CovenPower": "★ Coven Power Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenKilling": "★ Coven Killing Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenTrickery": "★ Coven Trickery Roles",
+ "RoleType.CovenUtility": "★ Coven Utility Roles",
"RoleType.Harmful": "★ 有害型附加職業",
"RoleType.Support": "★ 支援型附加職業",
"RoleType.Helpful": "★ 幫助型附加職業",
@@ -3467,10 +3662,12 @@
"CrewmateRoles": " ★ 船員職業 ★ ",
"ImpostorRoles": " ★ 偽裝者職業 ★ ",
"NeutralRoles": "★ 中立職業 ★",
+ "CovenRoles": "★ Coven Roles ★",
"AddonRoles": " ★ 附加職業 ★ ",
"WinnerRoleText.Impostor": "偽裝者獲勝!",
"WinnerRoleText.Crewmate": "船員陣營獲勝!",
"WinnerRoleText.Apocalypse": "災厄陣營獲勝!",
+ "WinnerRoleText.Coven": "Coven Wins!",
"WinnerRoleText.Terrorist": "恐怖分子獲勝!",
"WinnerRoleText.Jester": "小丑獲勝!",
"WinnerRoleText.Lovers": "戀人們獲勝!",
@@ -3557,25 +3754,26 @@
"ForceEndText": "房主強制結束了遊戲",
"NiceMiniDied": "好迷你船員被殺害了",
"HaterMisFireKillTarget": "單身狗誤殺時同時殺死目標",
- "HaterChooseConverted": "單身狗能殺死的附加職業",
- "HaterCanKillMadmate": "單身狗能殺死叛徒",
- "HaterCanKillCharmed": "單身狗能殺死魅魔小弟",
- "HaterCanKillLovers": "單身狗能殺死戀人們",
- "HaterCanKillSidekick": "單身狗能殺死跟班",
- "HaterCanKillEgoist": "單身狗能殺死利己主義者",
- "HaterCanKillInfected": "單身狗能殺死受感染者",
- "HaterCanKillContagious": "單身狗能殺死受傳染者",
- "HaterCanKillAdmired": "單身狗能殺死被仰慕者",
+ "HaterChooseConverted": "Select Add-ons that Hater can kill",
+ "HaterCanKillMadmate": "Can kill Madmate",
+ "HaterCanKillCharmed": "Can kill Charmed",
+ "HaterCanKillLovers": "Can kill Lovers",
+ "HaterCanKillSidekick": "Can kill Jackal team",
+ "HaterCanKillEgoist": "Can kill Egoist",
+ "HaterCanKillInfected": "Can kill Infected team",
+ "HaterCanKillContagious": "Can kill Virus team",
+ "HaterCanKillAdmired": "Can kill Admirer",
+ "HaterCanKillEnchanted": "Can kill Enchanted",
"HorseMode": "變成一隻馬",
"LongMode": "開啟長脖子模式",
"InfluencedChangeVote": "你受到了他人的影響\n於是你跟隨大多數人一起投票給了 {0}!",
"FFA": "個人競技模式",
"ModeFFA": "模式: 個人競技模式",
- "ModeDescribe.FFA": "個人競技模式中沒有職業分配,所有人都可以使用殺人鍵擊殺他人,遊戲結束時存活到最後的玩家獲勝!\n\n某些隨機事件讓該模式變得更有趣!",
- "KillerInfoLong": "個人競技模式中沒有職業分配,所有人都可以使用殺人鍵擊殺他人,遊戲結束時存活到最後的玩家獲勝!\n\n某些隨機事件讓該模式變得更有趣!",
+ "ModeDescribe.FFA": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
+ "KillerInfoLong": "In the FFA (Free For All) Gamemode, everyone is a killer, and everyone can kill anyone. The last player alive wins!\n\nSome random events make this even more fun in the meantime!",
"FFA_GameTime": "最大遊戲時間",
"FFA_KCD": "殺人冷卻時間",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "當剩餘兩名玩家存活時阻止使用通風口",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenTwoPlayersAlive": "Prevent Venting when only 2 players are alive",
"FFA_EnableRandomAbilities": "開啟隨機事件",
"FFA_ShieldDuration": "護盾持續時間",
"FFA_IncreasedSpeed": "加速",
@@ -3586,15 +3784,15 @@
"FFA_EnableRandomTwists": "不定時隨機交換位置",
"FFA-Event-GetShield": "你獲得一個臨時護盾!",
"FFA-Event-GetIncreasedSpeed": "你獲得短暫的速度提升!",
- "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "你獲得更短的殺人冷卻時間!",
- "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "你獲得更長的殺人冷卻時間",
+ "FFA-Event-GetLowKCD": "You got a lower Kill Cooldown!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetHighKCD": "You got a higher Kill Cooldown",
"FFA-Event-GetLowVision": "你暫時具有較低的視野",
"FFA-Event-GetDecreasedSpeed": "你獲得短暫的緩速效果",
- "FFA-Event-GetTP": "你被傳送到隨機的管道了!",
+ "FFA-Event-GetTP": "You got teleported to a random Vent!",
"FFA-Event-RandomTP": "每個人都和別人交換位置了",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "只剩下兩名玩家了,不要再怯於戰鬥了!",
- "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "你的冷卻已結束,不要畏縮於管道中!",
- "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "玩家冷卻結束時阻止其使用通風口",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseTwoPlayers": "There are only 2 players alive, stop hiding in Vents!",
+ "FFA-NoVentingBecauseKCDIsUP": "Your kill Cooldown is up, don't hide in Vents!",
+ "FFA_DisableVentingWhenKCDIsUp": "Prevent players whose Kill Cooldown is up from Venting",
"FFA_TargetIsShielded": "你嘗試殺害一個擁有護盾的玩家!",
"FFA_ShieldIsOneTimeUse": "護盾抵擋攻擊後會被消耗",
"FFA_ShieldBroken": "有人嘗試攻擊你,所以你的護盾失效了!",
@@ -3604,15 +3802,15 @@
"MenuTitle.Hide&Seek": "躲貓貓遊戲設定",
"NumImpostorsHnS": "偽裝者數量",
"EveryOneKnowSolsticer": "所有人都知道誰是至聖者",
- "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "至聖者能夠知道嘗試擊殺他的人的職業",
+ "SolsticerKnowItsKiller": "Solsticer knows the role of whom used the Kill button on it",
"SolsticerSpeed": "至聖者的移動速度",
"SolsticerRemainingTaskWarned": "在剩餘多少任務時會被發現",
"SAddTasksPreDeadPlayer": "每死一人增加的短任務數量",
"SolsticerMurdered": "{0} 嘗試殺害你!",
"MurderSolsticer": "你阻止了至聖者!",
- "SolsticerMurderMessage": "{0}上一輪試圖殺害你! 他的職業是{1}!",
+ "SolsticerMurderMessage": "{0} used Kill button on you last round! Its role is {1}!",
"SolsticerOnMeeting": "過多的犧牲使你感到不安,下一輪你將額外獲得 {0} 個短任務!",
- "SolsticerTitle": "【 ★ 至聖者 ★ 】",
+ "SolsticerTitle": "SOLSTICER",
"GuessSolsticer": "很抱歉,至聖者是至高無上的,為此你畏懼於與他賭博的後果",
"ExpelSolsticer": "很抱歉,至聖者是至高無上的,為此你畏懼於將其放逐的後果",
"SolsticerTasksReset": "你的任務重置了!",
@@ -3623,10 +3821,10 @@
"Contributor": "貢獻者",
"dbConnect.InitFailure": "連接TOHE API時出錯\n請確定你的網路連接並重新登入!",
"dbConnect.InitFailurePublic": "連接TOHE API時出錯,這可能是您的網路異常引起的。因此,贊助方以上的特權不可使用,你可以在沒有這些特權的情況下遊玩。",
- "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "沒有好友代碼的玩家無法使用這個版本的TOHE",
+ "dbConnect.nullFriendCode": "This build of TOHE is not available to users with no Friend Code!",
"Quizmaster": "測驗者",
"QuizmasterInfo": "來場臨時考吧",
- "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(中立陣營):\n測驗者可以嘗試對一名玩家使用殺人鍵來標記玩家。 在下一次會議中,被標記的玩家名字旁將會出現 \"?!\" 的標誌。 被標記的玩家將需要正確回答問題才能存活,反之,如果回答錯誤或不回答問題則死亡。當測驗者在會議中被殺害或被逐出,則被出題的玩家無論回答是否正確,其在會議後仍然存活。\n請注意: 測驗者不可在一輪內標記多人。\n被測驗的玩家可以使用/qmquzi查看問題\n使用/answer [A-C] 來回答問題",
+ "QuizmasterInfoLong": "(Neutrals):\nAs the Quizmaster, you can mark a player using your Kill button. In the next meeting, the marked player will have \"?!\" next to their name. The player will die if they answer the question wrong or doesn't answer. The player will live if the Quizmaster is killed/ejected in the same meeting.\nThe Quizmaster cannot mark multiple people in the same round",
"QuizmasterKillButtonText": "出題",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedBy": "你被 測驗者 標記了!\n你需要正確回答以下問題來存活:\n\n{QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.MarkedPublic": "{QMTARGET} 已被 測驗者 標記\n{QMTARGET} 必須正確回答測驗者的問題,否則將死亡!",
@@ -3639,13 +3837,14 @@
"QuizmasterChat.WrongPublic": "{QMTARGET} 錯誤回答了 測驗者 的問題因此死亡了!\n小心測驗者!",
"QuizmasterChat.Marked": "你標記了{QMTARGET}\n如果 {QMTARGET} 在會議結束前沒有回答或是回答錯誤,{QMTARGET} 將死亡\n\n{QMTARGET} 的問題 => {QMQUESTION}",
"QuizmasterChat.Title": "【 ★ 測驗者訊息 ★ 】",
- "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "出題者自己回答自己的問題? 真有趣",
+ "QuizmasterChat.CantAnswer": "As the Quizmaster, you can't answer questions",
"QuizmasterChat.AnswerNotValid": "你的答案必須為A、B或C其中一項",
"QuizmasterChat.SyntaxNotValid": "用法:\n/answer [A/B/C]",
- "QuizmasterSettings.QuestionDifficulty": "問題難度",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "可以在標記玩家後使用通風口",
- "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "可以在標記玩家後擊殺",
- "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "每輪可標記的人數",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MinQuestionDifficulty": "Minimum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.MaxQuestionDifficulty": "Maximum Question Difficulty",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanVentAfterMark": "Can Vent After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.CanKillAfterMark": "Can Kill After Marking Somebody for Quiz",
+ "QuizmasterSettings.NumOfKillAfterMark": "How Many Kills per Round",
"QuizmasterSettings.CanGiveQuestionsAboutPastGames": "可以提出有關過去遊戲的問題",
"Quizmaster.None": "無",
"QuizmasterSabotages.Lights": "燈光破壞",
@@ -3673,6 +3872,14 @@
"QuizmasterAnswers.Experimental": "Experimental (實驗性)",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Enhanced": "Enhanced (增強的)",
"QuizmasterAnswers.Edited": "Edited (編輯過的)",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Impostor": "Impostor",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Neutral": "Neutral",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Crewmate": "Crewmate",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Addon": "Add-on",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Shapeshifter": "變形者",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Scientist": "科學家",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.Engineer": "工程師",
+ "QuizmasterAnswers.GuardianAngel": "守護天使",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastSabotage": "上一次破壞為何者?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.FirstRoundSabotage": "此輪第一個破壞為何?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.LastEjectedPlayerColor": "上次被逐出的玩家的顏色是什麼?",
@@ -3688,13 +3895,21 @@
"QuizmasterQuestions.WhatDoesEOgMeansInName": "\"TOHE\" 中的 E \"原本\"代表甚麼?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieReason": "{PLR} 的死因為何?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieMethod": "{PLR} 是怎麼死的?",
- "LastAddedRoleForKarped": "在咔皮呆離開製作團隊前,TOHE最後加入的職業是什麼?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.LastAddedRoleForKarped": "在咔皮呆離開製作團隊前,TOHE最後加入的職業是什麼?",
"QuizmasterQuestions.PlrDieFaction": "是什麼陣營的職業擊殺了{PLR}?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.QuizmasterCooldown": "What will Quizmaster's cooldown always be? (excluding first kill override and changes from other Roles/Add-ons)",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoCoded": "Who coded Quizmaster?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.WhoOwns": "Who owns The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEPartners": "Who are The Enhanced Network's partners?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.TOHEEventCoordinator": "Who is the Event Coordinator for The Enhanced Network?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.HowManyCats": "How many Cat related roles are in the Mod?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.GuessingCommand": "What does /bt actually mean?",
+ "QuizmasterQuestions.NotFromTOS2": "Which of these roles are NOT from Town of Salem 2?",
"DeathReason.WrongAnswer": "錯誤答案",
"TPCooldown": "傳送冷卻時間",
- "RiftsTooClose": "位置過於靠近第一個裂縫",
+ "RiftsTooClose": "Location too close to the first Rift",
"RiftCreated": "成功製造裂縫",
- "RiftsDestroyed": "已移除所有裂縫",
+ "RiftsDestroyed": "All Rifts destroyed",
"RiftRadius": "裂縫半徑",
"TiredVision": "疲勞時的視野",
"TiredSpeed": "疲勞時的速度",
@@ -3731,13 +3946,13 @@
"EavesdropperMsgTitle": "你竊聽到了一個秘密",
"EavesdropPercentChance": "成功竊聽的機率",
"PreventSeeRolesBeforeSkillUsedUp": "防止在技能用完之前看到其他職業",
- "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "招募警長的冷卻時間",
- "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "可以招募 偽裝者 或 中立",
+ "ChiefOfPoliceSkillCooldown": "Cooldown for recruiting Sheriffs",
+ "PolicCanImpostorAndNeutarl": "可以出售給船員",
"SheriffSuccessfullyRecruited": "你已招募了一名警長",
"BeSheriffByPolice": "你被警察局長招募了! 幫助船員吧!",
"PoliceFailedRecruit": "招募目標失敗",
"ChiefOfPoliceKillButtonText": "招募",
"PolicPreventRecruitNonKiller": "防止招募沒有擊殺按鈕的玩家",
- "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "當招募到非船員或非帶刀玩家時自殺",
- "PolicPassConverted": "可以傳遞被招募的附加職業給警長"
+ "PolicSuidiceWhenTargetNotKiller": "Suicides when recruit a non-Killer or non-Crewmate",
+ "PolicPassConverted": "Can pass Converted Add-on to Sheriff"
diff --git a/Roles/Coven/Medusa.cs b/Roles/Coven/Medusa.cs
index a949285d1..923640bce 100644
--- a/Roles/Coven/Medusa.cs
+++ b/Roles/Coven/Medusa.cs
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
using static TOHE.Options;
using static TOHE.Translator;
using static TOHE.Utils;
-using static UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer;
namespace TOHE.Roles.Coven;
diff --git a/Roles/Coven/PotionMaster.cs b/Roles/Coven/PotionMaster.cs
index e68377c79..bae8d4b8e 100644
--- a/Roles/Coven/PotionMaster.cs
+++ b/Roles/Coven/PotionMaster.cs
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
using Hazel;
using InnerNet;
using System.Text;
-using TOHE.Roles.AddOns.Common;
using UnityEngine;
using static TOHE.Options;
using static TOHE.Translator;
using static TOHE.Utils;
-using static UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.PlaybackState;
namespace TOHE.Roles.Coven;
diff --git a/Roles/Coven/Ritualist.cs b/Roles/Coven/Ritualist.cs
index f6e9e2415..3f89a48bf 100644
--- a/Roles/Coven/Ritualist.cs
+++ b/Roles/Coven/Ritualist.cs
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
using TOHE.Roles.AddOns.Impostor;
using TOHE.Roles.Crewmate;
using TOHE.Roles.Double;
-using TOHE.Roles.Impostor;
using TOHE.Roles.Neutral;
using UnityEngine;
using static TOHE.Options;
@@ -202,7 +201,7 @@ public override void AfterMeetingTasks()
public void ConvertRole(PlayerControl killer, PlayerControl target)
if (!killer.Is(CustomRoles.Admired) && !killer.Is(CustomRoles.Recruit) && !killer.Is(CustomRoles.Charmed)
- && !killer.Is(CustomRoles.Infected) && !killer.Is(CustomRoles.Contagious) && !killer.Is(CustomRoles.Madmate)
+ && !killer.Is(CustomRoles.Infected) && !killer.Is(CustomRoles.Contagious) && !killer.Is(CustomRoles.Madmate)
&& CanBeConverted(target))
Logger.Info("Set converted: " + target.GetNameWithRole().RemoveHtmlTags() + " to " + CustomRoles.Enchanted.ToString(), "Ritualist Assign");
diff --git a/Roles/Crewmate/Sheriff.cs b/Roles/Crewmate/Sheriff.cs
index ad1a2c45d..745ea8cba 100644
--- a/Roles/Crewmate/Sheriff.cs
+++ b/Roles/Crewmate/Sheriff.cs
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public override void SetupCustomOption()
CanKillContagious = BooleanOptionItem.Create(Id + 27, "SheriffCanKillContagious", true, TabGroup.CrewmateRoles, false).SetParent(Options.CustomRoleSpawnChances[CustomRoles.Sheriff]);
CanKillEnchanted = BooleanOptionItem.Create(Id + 30, "SheriffCanKillEnchanted", true, TabGroup.CrewmateRoles, false).SetParent(Options.CustomRoleSpawnChances[CustomRoles.Sheriff]);
CanKillCoven = BooleanOptionItem.Create(Id + 29, "SheriffCanKillCoven", true, TabGroup.CrewmateRoles, false).SetParent(Options.CustomRoleSpawnChances[CustomRoles.Sheriff]);
- MisfireOnAdmired = BooleanOptionItem.Create(Id + 32, "SheriffMisfireOnAdmired", true, TabGroup.CrewmateRoles, false).SetParent(Options.CustomRoleSpawnChances[CustomRoles.Sheriff]);
+ MisfireOnAdmired = BooleanOptionItem.Create(Id + 32, "SheriffMisfireOnAdmired", true, TabGroup.CrewmateRoles, false).SetParent(Options.CustomRoleSpawnChances[CustomRoles.Sheriff]);
CanKillNeutrals = BooleanOptionItem.Create(Id + 16, "SheriffCanKillNeutrals", true, TabGroup.CrewmateRoles, false).SetParent(Options.CustomRoleSpawnChances[CustomRoles.Sheriff]);
CanKillNeutralsMode = StringOptionItem.Create(Id + 14, "SheriffCanKillNeutralsMode", EnumHelper.GetAllNames(), 0, TabGroup.CrewmateRoles, false).SetParent(CanKillNeutrals);
SetUpNeutralOptions(Id + 33);
diff --git a/main.cs b/main.cs
index 9be5afbbe..639558448 100644
--- a/main.cs
+++ b/main.cs
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ public class Main : BasePlugin
public static ConfigEntry DebugKeyInput { get; private set; }
public const string PluginGuid = "com.0xdrmoe.townofhostenhanced";
- public const string PluginVersion = "2025.0106.220.11000"; // YEAR.MMDD.VERSION.CANARYDEV
+ public const string PluginVersion = "2025.0109.220.11000"; // YEAR.MMDD.VERSION.CANARYDEV
public const string PluginDisplayVersion = "2.2.0 Alpha 11";
public const string SupportedVersionAU = "2024.10.29"; // Changed becasue Dark theme works at this version.