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Kevin Hoffman edited this page Oct 1, 2018 · 5 revisions

What is a Sprint?

A sprint represents a timeboxed effort towards a group of goals.

Characteristics of a GiveWP Sprint

  • Sprints typically last two weeks or 10 working days.
  • Each developer is responsible for about 50 story points in an average sprint.
  • Once a sprint begins, issues should remain fixed, with exceptions for urgent hotfixes.
  • Sprints begin with a sprint kickoff and end with a sprint retrospective.
  • Sprints are mirrored in GitHub through Milestones.

Viewing a Sprint

During a sprint, the task board is at the center of everything you'll do.

  1. Bookmark the URL of the sprint on the task board with the appropriate filters for easy access.
  2. Drag and drop issues into correct pipelines as progress is made.
  3. Hide distracting clutter on the tasks board using filters.

Sprint Kickoffs

Before a sprint begins, the team meets to discuss the goal of the sprint and the issues it contains.

Testing and QA during a sprint

If a feature isn't tested, it cannot be done. Testing is a continuous process during sprints. You are responsible for testing the code you write.

Once you have fully developed and tested an issue you should drag it into the "Ready for QA" pipeline for final review by the project manager.

Sprint Retrospectives

When the sprint finishes, the team discusses whether the sprint matched its definition of success and discusses what can be done to make the next sprint even more successful.

Leftover Work

Work not completed during a sprint is reviewed and either moved to the next sprint or returned to the Product Backlog for future consideration if priorities have changed.