Simple function to create bitbucket repos from command line.
Add this function in your .gitconfig
aliasname= "!f() { curl -s -X POST -u USERNAME:APP-PASSWORD -H 'Content-Type: application/json'$2 -d '{ \"name\":\"'$1'\", \"is_private\": \"true\", \"fork_policy\": \"no_forks\", \"mainbranch\": { \"type\": \"branch\", \"name\": \"master\" }, \"language\": \"android\", \"scm\": \"git\", \"project\": { \"key\": \"PROJECTKEY\" } }' | /d/installations/jq-win64/jq-win64.exe '.links.clone[].href'; }; f"
Then create new bitbucket repo from commandline with
git aliasname "NEW REPO NAME" new-repo-name
This will output two git remote urls, add this remote url to existing project or use git clone.
USERNAME: Your bitbucket username
APP-PASSWORD: Create an app password (Create app password with Repositories:Write permission)
PROJECTKEY: Your bitbucket project key
/d/installations/jq-win64/jq-win64.exe: Download jq from and set its path here