This repository contains the R code for the data analysis of the Monitoring Habitat Quality (MHQ) programme. Information on MHQ can be found in this report.
Different types of analysis can be found in following folders:
lsvi_calculation contains the R-code for the calculation of the local conservations status (LSVI) for each sampling unit in MHQ by using the LSVI package.
status_calculation contains the R-code for the calculation of the regional conservation status for the habitat types included in MHQ by estimating the proportion of habitat that has a favourable LSVI. It is based on the results of the LSVI calculation.
msa_map contains the code for the creation of a map with the minimum structural area (MSA) for each forest habitat type. MSA is one of the indicators of the LSVI of forest habitat types.
Most of the data on which the analysis is based are stored in separate repositories:
n2khab-mhq-data: contains the field measurement data of the MHQ sampling units and the results of the LSVI calculation and the status calculation.
n2khab-sample-admin: contains information on the sampling units of the mhq monitoring schemes, such as the visit date, the target type, the observed type, whether a sampling unit was measured or not.
Both repositories should be cloned to run the R code in lsvi_calculation and status_calculation.
It is also required to install the n2khab package and setting up the local data storage as explained here, for following data sources: