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Train StyleGAN2-ADA

This article documents training a StyleGAN2-ADA network with a set of Bliss symbols image files using Compute Canada' servers.

The basis of the work is the article How to Train StyleGAN2-ADA with Custom Dataset. While the following closely adheres to the article's recipe, the main difference is the use of PyTorch libraries instead of Tensorflow. The instructions in the article are based on the Tensorflow implementation of StyleGAN2-ADA, but the README for the actual StyleGAN2-ADA project states that "The Official PyTorch version is now available and supersedes the TensorFlow version". Where necessary, adjustments are made to fit with the PyTorch implementation.

Set up on Compute Canada Clusters

First, set up the python virtual environment and install the requisite python packages for the PyTorch implementation of StyleGAN2-ADA. The environment is created once inside the user's home directory so that multiple training runs can be executed at different times without having to re-install all the packages for each run. That is, the results of this step are not output in the scratch directory, where the batch jobs are run. The following directory structure was used for this work: ~/BlissStyleGAN/StyleGAN2/

Note that the pip install command uses the --no-index flag so as to not search PyPI repositories, but to use Compute Canada repositories where feasible, as recommended in their wiki.

[StyleGAN2]$ module load python/3.7
[StyleGAN2]$ virtualenv --no-download pytorch
[StyleGAN2]$ source pytorch/bin/activate
[StyleGAN2]$ pip install --no-index --upgrade pip
[StyleGAN2]$ pip install --no-index torch==1.7.1
[StyleGAN2]$ pip install --no-index click
[StyleGAN2]$ pip install --no-index pillow
[StyleGAN2]$ pip install --no-index tqdm
[StyleGAN2]$ pip install --no-index requests
[StyleGAN2]$ pip install pyspng
[StyleGAN2]$ pip install --no-index ninja
[StyleGAN2]$ pip install imageio-ffmpeg==0.4.3
[StyleGAN2]$ pip install --no-index psutil
[StyleGAN2]$ pip install --no-index scipy

A requirements.txt file is provided, but for reference only. It was not used to install the packages but was created after the above commands were all executed to keep a record of the versions of the packages in case StyleGAN2-ADA requires different versions or different packages in the future — pip freeze --local > requirements.txt

Secondly, clone the StyleGAN2-ADA pytorch source code, also placing it in the ~/BlissStyleGAN/StyleGAN2 directory:

[StyleGAN2]$ git clone

Note that there is a bug in the image generation code when using grey-scale images for training — the kind of images that this project uses. If you want to generate an image from a trained model, you will need to change the script. Issue 55 has a proposed fix:

  • change line 121. Line 121 is currently (as of 16-May-2023):

    PIL.Image.fromarray(img[0].cpu().numpy(), 'RGB').save(f'{outdir}/seed{seed:04d}.png')
  • change it to:

    img = np.squeeze(img, axis=3)
    PIL.Image.fromarray(img[0].cpu().numpy(), 'L').save(f'{outdir}/seed{seed:04d}.png')

Prepare the data

The set of images used to train the model must be in the correct form for use with StyleGAN2-ADA. Its script is used to take a set of images, format, and output them to a directory. The source images were taken from those created according to the Prepare Image Set For StyleGAN models document. These were gathered into a tar file and processed by an SBatch shell script to create a tar file of prepared images. In summary:

  • Use the SBatch script to prepare the dataset.
  • The input tar file is named blissSingleCharsGrey.tar, in the user's home directory.
  • The output file is preppedBliss4Pytorch.tar, created in the user's home directory by the SBatch script.

The SBatch script itself must be copied to the user's scratch directory and is run from there using the sbatch command:

[scratch $] sbatch

SBatch jobs create aSLURM_TMPDIR temporary directory that holds all of the intermediate results of the job. The final results are tarred by the batch script and copied back to the StyleGAN2 folder in the home directory. This is necessary since the SLURM_TMPDIR exists only for the duration of the SBatch job. Once the job exits, the SLURM_TMPDIR is erased and ceases to exist.

Note that the SBatch script is set to use the def-whkchun account and cluster. Near the top of the script is a module load ... command for loading cuda. The script can be used on the ctb-whkchun cluster, except that the Cuda module load command is different:

  • For def-whkchun, use:

    module load nixpkgs/16.09  intel/2018.3  cuda/10.0.130 cudnn/7.5
  • For ctb-whkchun, use:

    module load cuda cudnn

Monitoring an SBatch Job

A log file is declared near the top of an SBatch script that is used by the system to output log messages as the job progresses. The SBatch scripts used for data prepartion, training, and generation sets the log file name based on a job name, job ID, and the node used:

#SBATCH --output=%x-%N-%j.out  # %N for node name, %j for jobID

An example of a log file name is StyleGAN-2-cdr112-1765758.out. This file can be opened from time to time to see how the job is progressing, or, if it failed, to use the error message to fix some aspect of the script.

Run the training script

Run the SBatch script to train the system using the prepared data. As with the data preparation script, the training script is run from within the user's scratch directory. And, while the prepared dataset is in the user's home directory, the output training results are in the ./scratch/pytorch-ada-results directory.

The sub-directories within pytorch-ada-results are named according to the training run. Each sub-directory begins with a five digit count; the first training run is denoted by 00000. The remainder of the name is the name of the dataset plus some of the command line flags. For example, the first run's subdirectory is 00000-preppedBlissSingleCharGrey-auto1. The second run is the 00001-preppedBlissSingleCharGrey-auto1-resumecustom sub-directory.

At this point of development, there are some arguments within the script that must be modified by hand if the intent is to resume training based on the results of a previous training run:

  • If this is the first training run, the command has no --resume argument.

  • If this is a second, third, etc. run, the command has a --resume argument that points to the pickle file that contains the latest model from a previous run, e.g.:


To determine the exact name of the latest model file, explore the contents of the latest run subdirectory and find the most recent file with a name like network-snapshot-000440.pkl, where the digits differ from training run to training run.

WARNING: Since the scratch directory and its contents are not permanent, once training is finished, move the results directory to the home directory at the earliest convenience. One way to copy the results from within scratch is:

[scratch]$ cp -a -r pytorch-ada-results ~/BlissStyleGAN/StyleGAN2/pytorch-ada-results

Generate New Images

Training runs end due to exceeding the job's time limit. The training script will output a most recent ML model as a pickle file sometime before the job exits. In fact, the training script outputs intermediate model files periodically during a single training run.

One can generate new images based on these models. StyleGAN2-ADA's script is used to generate one or more images. The SBatch script can be used to generate images from a machine model pickle file. It is run in the scratch directory and places the generated images in the home directory in ~/BlissStyleGAN/StyleGAN2/pytorch-ada-generate:

[scratch]$ sbatch

At this point in development, the SBatch script must be edited by hand to set the --seed arguments and have it point to the relevant model. The following is an example. The --seed argument is a sequence of comma separated numbers, or a range. The model is the relevant pickle file, usually the latest file:

python ~/BlissStyleGAN/StyleGAN2/stylegan2-ada-pytorch/ \
  --outdir="$OUTPUT_DIR" --trunc=0.5 --seeds=200,330,400 \