Software ecosystem for the Ortho language.
- Orthona: iOS/Web touch-based text input app
- Orthotope: Keyboard-based text editor
- Orthuino: Arduboy-based text editor
- Orthodocs: iOS/Web usage reference
- Ortho Utala: Multiple-choice iOS learning tool
###Image Renderers
- Standard vector graphics: SVG/PNG
- Bitmap font renderer (with 4 fonts)
- Character-based command-line renderer
- Export sketchbooks to PDF for
- Embeddable js library for rendering inline Ortho text.
###File Formats
- Binary
- Retopologizer for constellation-style renders
###Output formats
- Translating into a speakable instruction language (2 dialects)
###Input formats
- SLAB markup language
###TO DO
- Write a graph reducer to improve FLAT->json conversion.
- Fix lots of janky graph bugs.