Free Use
New Generators added
Scriptables Added
Getting Started
1. Import Third Person Cover Shooter Template
Step 1.1) import Third-Person-Cover-Shooter-Template from the asset store.
Step 1.2) import all assets provied
Step 1.3) Almost done importing
2. Importing Third-Person-Cover-Shooter-Template-Character-Tool
There are two ways to import the Third-Person-Cover-Shooter-Template-Character-Tool package, pull down the .unitypackage and import the package through unity, or pull the code down from git and add the folder to your newly created project Assets folder.
- Character Set up
- Character Scriptables
- Weapon Prefab Generator
- Weapon Scriptables
- Weapon Inventory Generator
- Weapon Inventory Scriptables
- AI Generator
- AI Scriptables
- UI Generator
- Better error handling
- Clean up
Questions, suggestions, or simply hate the code email me kristiandelay@gmail.com