HTML Previewer App is an application which give you a chance to preview your own written HTML Code. You have a functionality to save each HTML Record into the database, to preview it real-time, to check is the written code is correct, to edit and delete a target record.
- Custom Action and Validation Attributes
- AutoMapper
- MSSQL Server
- Bootstrap
- AJAX real-time Requests
- jQuery and any kind of jQuery plugins (DataTables)
- Html Agility Pack
- HtmlSanitizer
- Clone the GitHub Repository
- Create your own "appsettings.json" file with a connection string to the Database
- Import the back-up file from the GitHub Repository throught MSSQL Management Studio to create a Database with 10 test records or you can create the database from the "Package Manager Console" or "PowerShell"
- Install all related NuGet Packages via application Re-Build or one by one via download operations
- CTLR + F5 to start the application