oneclient is a FUSE application making use of FUSE low-level API. The API is characterized by its use of request handles that can (but don't have to) be fulfilled asynchronously. The API is described in FUSE docs.
Looking from the outside, FUSE API implementation is provided by oneclient in . This file translates requests into FsLogic calls and handles resulting futures, translating them into FUSE request fulfillment.
FsLogic itself is composed of several layers. The outermost, InFiber, can be called from multiple threads and translates requests into tasks inside of a single thread with fibers. For each request a future is returned that will be fulfilled with the task's result.
The next layer is called WithUuids and translates FUSE-level inode numbers to provider-level GUID strings using InodeCache. InodeCache is a LRU cache with set size, i.e. if it exceeds a certain size the oldest (unused) entries are removed. Entries in the cache can also be modified (in the case of rename the inode stays constant while the GUID can change).
Finally there's FsLogic that holds main logic for each filesystem operation.
FsLogic makes use of several caches to reduce network communication. ForceProxyIOCache stores GUIDs of files that require operations through ProxyIO. HelpersCache stores instantiated helper objects for given spaces and storages.
MetadataCache stores file attributes and locations. Each entry is indexed by file GUID as well as {parentGUID, name} tuple. The cache is transparent in the sense that if an entry is not present in the cache, it is fetched directly from the provider. As an invariant, every entry has cached attributes (but not necessarily its location).
MetadataCache is wrapped by LRUMetadataCache that handles cache expiration. The LRUMetadataCache ensures that entries for open files are preserved in the cache. If the number of entries exceeds a set value AND there are non-open entries stored in the cache, the least recently used non-open entries are removed from the wrapped MetadataCache
main() function sets up required structures and performes a test connection before daemonizing the client.
StorageAccessManager is triggered via HelpersCache on access to a file. It attempts to autodiscover directly available storages. If successful, a direct helper is returned by the HelpersCache instead of a generic ProxyIO one.
Auth structures handle authentication via tokens and certs. GSIHandler is basically just a loader for certificates, and TokenHandler the counterpart for Macaroons. AuthManager creates the right authentication class and - in case of tokens - schedules a recurring task to refresh it.
Events system implements publish-subscribe design pattern and allows for receiving and producing notifications about changes in the system. Notifications are location transparent, i.e. subscriptions can be made for events produced both by a local or a remote producer. Similarly, events may be handled locally or forwarded to the remote subscriber.
Events are processed by streams. Currently, for efficiency reasons, each stream is associated with a specific event type. Stream consists of three elements Aggregator, Emitter and Handler. Aggregator is responsible for aggregating event until the stream. Emitter updates stream metadata and decides when the stream is ready for emission. Handler either executes a callback that handles aggregated events locally or forwards them to the remote subscriber.
Streams are managed by Manager, which creates a stream based on the subscription and routes an event to the associated stream.
Communicator is built by several layers, each focused on one aspect of communication, from sending/receiving binary data, to sending/receiving messages, to replying, to correlating messages and their replies, to operating on domain-specific objects.
In general, communication layers are well documented in their header files.
The base of communication - ConnectionPool - manages connections that send and receive bytes. When sending, client fiber/thread execution is halted until there is a free connection to handle his request. This provides a natural rate limiting for the client. A connection is bound to a single thread.
Each helper implements three classes: StorageHelper, FileHandle and StorageHelperFactory. The factory invokes a helper's constructor with a map of strings (parameters) translated to specific parameters. StorageHelper handle any storage operations that do not require an open file. FileHandle represents an open file and its methods are storage operations that work on open files.
StorageHelpers are meant to be asynchronous and return futures. It's up to each helper how it achieves asynchronicity; the most common pattern is to wrap synchronous operations operations in ASIO async tasks.