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99 lines (69 loc) · 3.43 KB

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99 lines (69 loc) · 3.43 KB

Contributing to OpenTierBoy

We welcome contributions to OpenTierBoy! Here's how you can help forge the legend:

General Contributions

  1. Fork the Repository: Create your own fork of the project.
  2. Clone: git clone
  3. Create a Branch: git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
  4. Make Changes: Implement your feature or bug fix.
  5. Commit: git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
  6. Push: git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
  7. Open a Pull Request: Submit your changes for review.

Contribution Guidelines

  • Ensure your code adheres to the project's coding standards.
  • Write clear, concise commit messages.
  • If adding a new feature, please include relevant information and documentation.
  • Be respectful and constructive in discussions and code reviews.

Contributing New Images / Image Sets

To contribute new images or image sets to OpenTierBoy, you can either add to existing image sets or create a new one using our image-set template.

Current Image Sets

We currently have the following image sets that you can contribute to:

To contribute to these existing image sets, please follow the general contribution guidelines above and make sure to adhere to any specific guidelines provided in each image set's repository.

Getting Started with the Image Set Template

  1. Visit the image-set template repository.
  2. Click on "Use this template" to create a new repository based on the template.
  3. Clone your new repository locally.

Setting Up Your Image Set

  1. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  2. Update the package.json file:

    • Change the name field to a unique name for your image set
    • Update the description, keywords, and author fields
  3. Add your images:

    • Place your images in the public/images/ directory
  4. Process your images:

    npm run process-images

    This will run an interactive CLI where you can compress and tag your images.

  5. Publish your package:

    npm run publish-package

For more detailed instructions on using the image-set template, please refer to its README file.

Submitting Your Image Set

Once you've published your image set package:

  1. Open a pull request to the main OpenTierBoy repository.
  2. In your pull request, include:
    • The name of your published npm package
    • A brief description of the image set
    • Any relevant tags or categories for the images

Our team will review your submission and integrate it into the project if it meets our guidelines.

Example Pull Requests

Reporting Issues

Found a bug or have a suggestion? Open an issue on GitHub:

  1. Go to the Issues tab.
  2. Click "New Issue".
  3. Choose the appropriate template (Bug Report, Feature Request, or Image Update/Addition).
  4. Provide a clear title and detailed description.
  5. Add relevant labels if necessary.

Thank you for contributing to OpenTierBoy!