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Future development proposals

temujin9 edited this page Sep 10, 2012 · 1 revision


  • Clusters from JSON - this is theoretically quite easy, given the DSL's gorillib underpinnings.


  • standalone usable: can use ironfan-knife as a standalone library.

  • spec coverage:

  • coherent data model:

    ComputeLayer -- common attributes of Provider, Cluster, Facet, Server - overlay_stack of Cloud attributes

    Universe -- across organizations Organization -- one or many providers Provider --

    • has_many :clusters Cluster --
    • has_many :providers
    • overlays :main_provider Facet --
    • has_one :cluster
    • overlays :cluster Server
    • has_one :facet
    • overlays :cluster
    • has_one chef_node
    • has_one machine

    System Role Cookbook Component Cookbook+Recipes

  • improved discovery:

  • config isolation:


  • make bootstrap_distro and image_name follow from os_version

  • minidash just publishes announcements

  • silverware is always included; it subsumes volumes

  • if you add a data_dir_for :hadoop to

  • volumes should name their mount_point after themselves by default


  • components replace roles (they are auto-generated by the component, and tie strictly to it)


If clusters are more repeatable they won't be so bothersomely multi-provider:

Ironfan.cluster :gibbon do 
  cloud(:ec2) do
    backing         'ebs' 
    permanent       false
  stack             :systemwide
  stack             :devstack
  stack             :monitoring
  stack             :log_handling
  component         :hadoop_devstack
  component         :hadoop_dedicated
  discovers         :zookeeper, :realm => :zk
  discovers         :hbase,     :realm => :hbase

  facet :master do
    component		:hadoop_namenode
    component		:hadoop_secondarynn
    component		:hadoop_jobtracker
  facet :worker do
    component		:hadoop_datanode
    component		:hadoop_tasktracker
  volume :hadoop_data do
    data_dir_for    :hadoop_datanode, :hadoop_namenode, :hadoop_secondarynn
    device          '/dev/sdj1'
    size            100
    keep            true

Here are ideas about how to get there

# silverware is always included; it subsumes volumes 

organization :infochimps do
  cloud(:ec2) do
    availability_zones  ['us-east-1d']
    backing             :ebs
    image_name          'ironfan-natty'
    bootstrap_distro    'ironfan-natty'
    chef_client_script  'client.rb'
    permanent           true
  volume(:default) do
    keep                true
    snapshot_name       :blank_xfs
    resizable           true
    create_at_launch    true
  stack :systemwide do
    system(:chef_client) do
      run_state         :on_restart
    component		    :set_hostname
    component		    :minidash
    component           :org_base
    component           :org_users
    component           :org_final
  stack :devstack do
    component		    :ssh
    component		    :nfs_client
    component		    :package_set

  stack :monitoring do
    component		:zabbix_agent
  stack :log_handling do
    component		:log_handling

stack :hadoop do

stack :hadoop_devstack do
  component         :pig
  component         :jruby
  component         :rstats

stack :hadoop_dedicated do
  component         :tuning

system :hadoop do
  stack :hadoop_devstack
  stack :zookeeper_client
  stack :hbase_client
Ironfan.cluster :gibbon do 
  cloud(:ec2) do
    backing             'ebs' 
    permanent           false
  system :systemwide do
    exclude_stack   :monitoring
  # how are its components configured? distributed among machines?
  system :hadoop do 
    # all servers will
    # * have the `hadoop` role
    # * have run_state => false for components with a daemon aspect by default
    facet :master do
      # component :hadoop_namenode means
      # * this facet has the `hadoop_namenode` role
      # * it has the component's security_groups
      # * it sets node[:hadoop][:namenode][:run_state] = true
      # * it will mount the volumes that adhere to this component
      component :hadoop_namenode
    # something gains eg zookeeper client if it discovers a zookeeper in another realm
    # zookeeper must explicitly admit it discovers zookeeper, but can do that in the component
    # what volumes should it use on those machines?
    # create the volumes, pair it to components
    # if a component is on a server, it adds its volumes. 
    # you can also add them explicitly.
    # volume tags are applied automagically from their adherance to components

    volume :hadoop_data do                            # will be assigned to servers with components it lists
      data_dir_for    :hadoop_datanode, :hadoop_namenode, :hadoop_secondarynn


I want to be able to:

  • on a compute layer, modify its behavior depending on provider:

    • example:

      facet(:bob) do cloud do security_group :bob authorize :from => :bobs_friends, :to => :bob end cloud(:ec2, :flavor => 'm1.small') cloud(:rackspace, :flavor => '2GB') cloud(:vagrant, :ram_mb => 256 ) end

    • Any world that understands security groups will endeavor to make a bob security group, and authorize the bobs_friends group to use it.

    • On EC2 and rackspace, the flavor attribute is set explicitly

    • On vagrant (which got no flavor), we instead specify how much ram to supply

    • On any other provider the flavor and machine ram will follow defaults.

  • see all machines and clusters within an organization


  • see the entire universe; this might get hairy, but not ridiculous
    • each org describes its providers; only those are used

    • you don't have to do much to add a provider, just say provider(:ec2)

    • you can configure the provider like this:

      organization(:infochimps_test, :doc => 'Infochimps test cloud') do provider(:vagrant) provider(:ec2) do access_key '...' secret_access_key '...' end provider(:hp_cloud) do access_key '...' secret_access_key '...' end end

      organization(:demo, :doc => 'Live client demo cloud') do provider(:vagrant) provider(:ec2) do #... end provider(:hp_cloud) do #... end provider(:rackspace) do #... end end

    • clusters can be declared directly or imported from other organizations:

      organization :infochimps_test do # developers' sandboxes cluster :dev_sandboxes # all the example clusters, for development organization(:examples).clusters.each do |cl| add_cluster cl end end

    • if just starting, should see clusters;

      • per-org cluster dirs