A DTH for US version of Osram GardenSpot Mini rgb lights
- For use with directly connecting the US (Z HA) versions to SmartThings
- Without the Osram Gateway, the color loop functionality does not work for the US version of the GardenSpots (at
- least until they update the firmware). But using the "hueLoop" and "hueRandom" attributes
- of this DTH, one create a CoRE Piston to cause color loop (even random colors)
- Device Tile contains sliders for individual control of hue, saturation, and transition time.
- Device Tile also contains buttons for (1) "hueLoop" (boolean "on" / "off" values) and
- (2) "Random Hue" (causes hue to change to a random color). Use these in CoRE to create color loop.
And, if you feel like making a donation for these community efforts, it would be greatly appreciated: https://www.paypal.me/anthonypastor . Thanks!