In the first stage we are gonna build an online shop, It means there's only one market that have maney products. at this stage the product will bring these features (these are just the core features):
authentication and authorization
- Register
- Login
- Create and edit profile
- Search products by their name
- Search product in a root category
- Search product in subcategories
- Suggest user a better word to search
- Filter the rearch result to better find a product
- Set, edit, and delete locations
- List of user locations
- Add/Remove products from the basket
- List of all the product that user has in the basket with total price(+ discounts)
- Show and Ability to change the delivery location
- Ability to choice how to deliver the order
- Ability to choise how to pay
- Show a list of user orders with their status
- Ability to pay angain for an order wich has an unseccessfull pament
- Ability to cancel an order if there's a posibilty to do it
- Show a list of notifications related to the current order or the shop
User profile
- Ability to change personal info
- Ability to change account info (email, username, password)
- List of user's locations and ability to change/remove them
- Link to user's orders