This repository is an Ansible role to quickly stand up an open-source Hedera Mirror Node.
Note: This how-to tutorial is meant to quickly get started and not to be used as an official representation by Hedera on what platform architecture must be used.
Before getting started, you must have the following prerequisites:
- A Google Cloud billing account linked to a Project
Note: In order to operate a Hedera Node, you must configure a billing account, because the object storage bucket you will need to pull streams from is configured for requester pays. Meaning that mirror node operators will assume and accept the operational costs of reading and retrieving data records from the Hedera Network of your choice, either MainNet or TestNet.
An Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Linux Server with 2 CPU, 4GB Memory, 100 GB Storage
This is where we will install and operate a Hedera-Mirror-Node
These instructions will guide you on retrieving record streams from a Hedera Network via which are stored in Google Cloud storage buckets. Don't worry about perform a git clone from here, we'll handle that with some automation.
From your local machine let's create a project directory with some files that will look like this.
Step 1)
mkdir hedera-mirror-node
Step 2)
Let's create the subdirectories
mkdir hedera-mirror-node/vars
mkdir hedera-mirror-node/roles
Step 3) Using a text editor of your choice create an inventory file that looks something like this
IPADDRESS ansible_ssh_user=USERNAME
Note: replace IP Address with the IP address of your ubuntu server and the USERNAME with your host username, usually it's ubuntu.
Step 4) We'll create a requirements folder to tell ansible where to download this Ansible role
# from github
- src:
Step 5) Navigate inside our project directory and launch the ansible requirements
cd hedera-mirror-node
Authenticate and Authorize gcloud to access the object storage bucket with your Google account credentials
Will need to generate credentials to call the Google Cloud Storage JSON API from our Hedera Node
(Step 1) Generate a HMAC Key. Use the Google Documentation Guide for this step
(Step 2) Using a code editor of your choice create file named vars/project-id.json
copy your HMAC access key and secret key, and Project ID from the previous step.
Step 1) Using your code editor of choice, create a file server_build.yml
with the contents of our in the top level of your directory.
- hosts: mirrornode
- ./vars/project-id.json
- hedera-gcs-setup
Your project directory should now look something like this
├── vars
│ └── project-id.json
├── inventory.ini
├── roles
│ └── requirements.yml
└── server_build.yml
Step 2) Let's install the necessary ansible role
ansible-galaxy install -r roles/requirements.yml --force
Step 3) Now we are good to build & deploy our MirrorNode
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini server_build.yml --tags "install"
Step 4) Let's start the Mirror Node Services
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini server_build.yml --tags "start_services"
Step 5) If your wish to stop the mirror node services
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini server_build.yml --tags "stop_services"
Here is Sequence Diagram of what's all happening above, zoom-in to get a better look.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Gabriel Rodriguez