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Releases: innoq/iqvoc


19 Jun 07:26
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  • Fixed: duplicate concept collection assignment on concept creation when assigning concept matches
  • Fixed: sprockets deprecations

Since v4.8.1

  • Added: render additional concept info in remote alphabetical search results (federated concept mapper)
  • Fixed: duplicate concept collection assignment bug
  • Fixed: optimize label search in concept creation/editing (contains)
  • Fixed: some things related to reverse-matches mirroring
  • Fixed: initial created change note creation
  • Fixed: several bugs (i18n, sorting)
  • Fixed: several UI glitches
  • Added: updated to latest Rails release (v4.2.4)
  • Added: pagination for parentless concepts
  • Added: onebox search optimizations
  • Added: Assign collections during concept creation
  • Added: Treeview optimizations
  • Fixed: Rescue Importer exceptions
  • Fixed: Keep collections during editing
  • Fixed: multiple matches bug (#345)
  • Fixed: exclusive label validation (#340)
  • Changed: We're now using bower for managing third
    party frontend dependencies
  • Changed: Sign-out link now shows the current user's name
  • Fixed: Status labels in dashboard
  • Fixed: Several permission checks
  • Fixed: UI glitches


28 Jan 10:01
Choose a tag to compare
  • Changed: We're now using bower for managing third
    party frontend dependencies
  • Changed: Sign-out link now shows the current user's name
  • Fixed: Status labels in dashboard
  • Fixed: Several permission checks
  • Fixed: UI glitches


14 Jan 12:42
Choose a tag to compare
  • Changed: New, responsive datepicker
  • Fixed: Several UI glitches


14 Jan 12:42
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  • Added: Rails 4.2
  • Added: Foreign key constraints
  • Changed: Iqvoc::Origin is now Origin and generates a random value,
    filter support has been dropped
  • Changed: Reorganized internal library code under ./app, now gets autoloaded
  • Improved: Support for PostgreSQL
  • Fixed: App template for engine usage


14 Jan 12:42
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  • Added: Fira Sans as main UI font
  • Added: Concept teasers in hierarchical view
  • Bugfixes


15 Dec 11:45
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We're planning to release 4.7.0 shortly after this patch release:

  • Fixed: users were prevented from logging in
  • Fixed: collections lost their concepts after saving
  • Fixed: search for notes didn't yield results when filtered for a certain collection
  • Fixed: right click was disabled on tree elements
  • Fixed: several visual glitches in date pickers and autocomplete lists
  • Bugfixes


09 Dec 09:55
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09 Dec 09:55
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Another patch release before 4.6.0.


03 Sep 14:23
Choose a tag to compare
  • Fix hierarchical collection view
  • some minor improvements


03 Sep 14:23
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4.5.0 brings drag'n'drop concept editing capabilities and a new hierarchical
concept draft view. Browse your thesaurus an see where new concepts version

  • Add hierarchical draft view with new concept versions
  • Drag'n'Drop support for moving and copying concepts inside hierarchies
  • Minor bugfixes