What to eat at EPFL.
Install this globally and you'll have access to the eat-at-epfl
anywhere on your system.
npm i eat-at-epfl -g
eat-at-epfl -h
Usage: eat-at-epfl [options]
-a, --all List all restaurants
-d, --date A date. Example: 18/04/2019 [string]
-e, --evening Evening menus
-l, --language Show menus in "en" or "fr" [string]
-p, --pick-random-menu Pick a random menu
-r, --restoId Restaurant ID [number]
-t, --tags A comma separated list of menu types [string]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]
eat-at-epfl -e -l fr
eat-at-epfl -t Pizza,Fish
eat-at-epfl -d 04/05/2019
Contributions are always welcome.
See Contributing.
Apache License 2.0
(c) William Belle, 2019-2021.
See the LICENSE file for more details.