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Security: inshapardaz/app




Log in

You can use the login screen to login into nawishta. If you think that you have lost the password, you can use the forget password link to get a password reset link in your email.


Default language of the pages is English, you can easily change the ui language from the dropdown present in the screen


Once you select a different language UI should reload to show the appropriate language.


Please make sure there are no unsaved changes in the page before switching languages as it would discard all changes in the UI.

Forget Password

You can use the forget password link on the login page to get redirected to forget password request. It would allow you provide your email address to get the reset link


Once the password request is successful, you should get a success message on screen image

Once you get the link, you can use it to reset the password as shown in image below.


There aren’t any published security advisories