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Source MySQL 5.7 data and bump the engine version from 5.7.38 to 8.0.28

This SOP details the oc and aws commands needed to source data to a MySQL 5.7 RDS and upgrade the MySQL engine version from 5.7.38 to 8.0.28


  • Standalone VPC created in AWS account
  • 5.7.z MySQL RDS created in standalone VPC
  • .sql created by mysqldump on local machine
  • oc logged in to the cluster connected to the standalone VPC
  • AWS CLI login

Source MySQL data

Create a throwaway MySQL client on the cluster

oc create namespace mysql-client
oc project mysql-client
oc new-app mysql:5.7 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=Password1

Edit the database name in the .sql backup (if needed)

If the sourced MySQL database will eventually be converted to a Postgres database to be consumed by RHOAM, the name of the database should be postgres. In order to prepare for this scenario, manually edit the third line of the .sql backup file to be:

-- Host:    Database: postgres

Copy .sql file to mysql pod

Once the mysql pod is ready:

oc rsync /path/to/sql/dir $(oc get pods --no-headers | awk '{print $1}'):/tmp

Note: it may take a few minutes to copy the .sql file to the pod

Login to RDS and source the .sql file

Once the .sql file has been copied to the pod, oc rsh into the pod

oc rsh $(oc get pods --no-headers | awk '{print $1}')

Next cd to the directory containing the copied .sql file

cd /tmp/path/to/sql/dir

Now connect to the AWS RDS - make sure to replace the placeholders with valid credentials and to enter the password running the command

mysql -h <rds-hostname> -u <username> -P 3306 -p

Connect to the database you want to source to (if it doesn't exist, create it using CREATE DATABASE <database-name>)

USE <databasename>;

Source the file using the filename of the .sql copied to the pod

source <.sql-filename>;

Once the database has been source, disconnect from the database and exit the pod


Bump MySQL engine version

Get the RDS instance identifier and assign it to an environment variable

MYSQL_IDENTIFIER=$(aws rds describe-db-instances --filter Name=engine,Values=mysql --query 'DBInstances[].DBInstanceIdentifier' --output text)

Update the database engine version to MySQL 8.0.28

aws rds modify-db-instance \
    --db-instance-identifier $MYSQL_IDENTIFIER \
    --engine-version 8.0.28 \
    --allow-major-version-upgrade \

Monitor upgrading status

The following command can be used to monitor the status of the upgrade which can take 5-30 minutes depending on the size of the database

aws rds describe-db-instances --filter Name=db-instance-id,Values=$MYSQL_IDENTIFIER --query 'DBInstances[].DBInstanceStatus' --output text