Learning paths are a sequence of courses that guide you through the training materials for a specific InterSystems product or technology. They are designed to be taken in the order presented, as each subsequent course will build on knowledge from previous courses. Learning paths are a great way to learn a new technology or product from scratch, or to brush up on a topic you already know.
- Building a Server-Side Application with InterSystems - Learn to create new classes, work with objects, and run SQL queries using InterSystems ObjectScript, the built-in language for InterSystems products. 5h class definition, object oriented programming, getting started, capstone exercise
- Deploying InterSystems IRIS in Containers and the Cloud - Use a scalable deployment strategy to add reliability to any InterSystems IRIS data platform implementation. In this learning path, see how to create cloud- and container-based deployments for InterSystems IRIS. First, outline your system and deployment specifications. Then, review examples of deployments and try your own to determine which approach is best for your system. 3h 15min K8, K8s, IKO, Kube, Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, Azure, Docker, ICM, Cloud Manager
- InterSystems IRIS Management Basics - Learn the basics of InterSystems IRIS data platform and the tools that help system administrators perform common tasks through the lifecycle of their products. 10h install, installation, mirroring, security, monitor, scalability, performance, system continuity, high availability, upgrade, troubleshoot, system administration, manage
- Build Data Models Using Adaptive Analytics - InterSystems IRIS Adaptive Analytics uses AtScale technology to offer a robust collection of self-service data discovery and analytics capabilities, integrating seamlessly with the technology you are already using, like Tableau, Excel, and many others. 2h 15min cubes, OLAP, install, Business Intelligence
- Predicting Outcomes with IntegratedML in InterSystems IRIS - Leverage the power of machine learning with IntegratedML, a feature of InterSystems IRIS data platform that allows SQL developers to build, train, and run predictive models via SQL commands in their applications. In this learning path, get an introduction to IntegratedML and see how you can start making predictions with your data. 2h 30min ML, relational, executive, predict, AI, data science
- Building Business Integrations with InterSystems IRIS - With the interoperability framework of InterSystems IRIS data platform, interface engineers and software developers can connect multiple systems and quickly route messages to downstream applications. In this learning path, learn the basics of integration and see how to send, receive, process, and transform data using built-in and custom options. 6h Ensemble, data transformations, DTL, integration engine, production
- Building Custom Integrations - Learn to build custom interoperability components in InterSystems ObjectScript to add to your InterSystems IRIS® data platform productions. This learning path is designed for software developers who need to develop custom business services, processes, and operations for their productions. 4h 45min custom messages, BPL, integration, interoperability, custom components, business service, business operation, business process
- Configuring InterSystems IRIS Applications for Client Access - Learn how to set up an InterSystems IRIS® data platform application to act as the back end of a web application. See how to expose your InterSystems IRIS application to REST so data can be accessed by external systems or users, and learn how to consume and produce JSON data with your application for easy data interchange. 4h 30min API Manager, Web Development, Backend
- Controlling API Traffic with API Manager - Connect InterSystems API Manager to your InterSystems® products to better monitor and control traffic to and from your web-based APIs. Learn what API Manager is, see how to set it up, and start managing your APIs. 2h 45min load balancing, traffic control, rate limiting, REST, IAM, plugins, calls, services, routes, traffic, monitoring, controlling, API Management
- Connecting .NET Applications to InterSystems Products - Connect your .NET applications to InterSystems products and technologies using ADO .NET, XEP, Entity Framework, or the Native API. 3h
- Connecting Java Applications to InterSystems Products - Connect your Java applications to InterSystems products and technologies using your choice of APIs: JDBC, XEP, Hibernate, or the Native API. 3h
- Connecting Node.js Applications to InterSystems Products - Connect your Node.js applications to InterSystems products and technologies using ODBC or the Native API for InterSystems IRIS data platform. 1h
- Writing Python Applications with InterSystems - Leverage your existing Python coding skills to enhance InterSystems applications. Learn how to connect client Python applications, embed Python with InterSystems ObjectScript code, or optimize Python library calls using a separate server when calls require heavy processing. 1h 30min native API, Embedded Python, Object Gateway, InterSystems Python SDK, pyodbc
- Analyzing Data with Health Insight - See how to use HealthShare Health Insight to identify trends in healthcare data and optimize care. Learn the underlying technologies that help you get the most out of Health Insight, such as interoperability tools that allow you to integrate with other health systems and view shared data. Then see how to configure notifications to clinicians about cohorts of patients. 5h 45min analyze, analysis, actionable insight
- Building Basic FHIR Integrations with InterSystems IRIS for Health - Learn the basics of building HL7® FHIR® applications using InterSystems IRIS for Health. 4h 15min healthcare interoperability
- Building Basic HL7 V2 Integrations with InterSystems - Integrating your legacy systems with InterSystems IRIS for Health allows you to extract more value from healthcare data. 6h 30min rules, custom components, business services, business processes, business operations, DTL, exercise, capstone, integrate, interoperability
- Installing Unified Care Record - Learn how to install HealthShare Unified Care Record for development, demo, or production systems. 2h 30min kit, implement, UCR
- Managing Providers with HealthShare Provider Directory - See how InterSystems HealthShare Provider Directory allows you to manage and maintain accurate provider records, providing a single source of truth for provider information across a healthcare network. 2h facilities, doctors, specialists, managing, sources
- Installing VS Code and Configuring InterSystems Server Connections - Discover the latest InterSystems extensions in Visual Studio Code. Using VS Code, connect to InterSystems servers for client-side and server-side source code editing. 25min VSC, Visual Studio, IDE, VSCode
- Creating an InterSystems Class Definition in Visual Studio Code - Learn the structure and basic syntax of class definitions and how to develop an InterSystems IRIS® data platform class definition in Visual Studio Code. You will also learn how to define class members, such as properties, parameters, and methods. 1h ISC1131, vs code
- Deploying and Customizing InterSystems IRIS Containers - Get an overview of InterSystems IRIS data platform containers in this quick, hands-on exercise. Discover the purpose and benefits of containers, and see how they are implemented. 30min Docker, CE, community edition, image, images, durable %SYS, license key, commit, firstlook
- Embedded Python QuickStart - See how you can use Embedded Python in InterSystems IRIS® data platform to access thousands of Python libraries and get low-latency access to data using a flexible combination of Python and InterSystems ObjectScript code. 10min Language Interoperability, py, script, module, library, pandas
- Exploring Multiple Data Models with Globals - Learn how to use globals, the data model native to InterSystems IRIS® data platform, to improve the efficiency and flexibility of your data storage. 10min tree, native, firstlook
- InterSystems ObjectScript Basics - Learn the foundations of InterSystems ObjectScript and create scripts, variables, commands, and operators in InterSystems IRIS data platform. 1h 30min expressions, ISC1069
- Building Applications with InterSystems IRIS and Angular - Build an Angular application that leverages InterSystems IRIS data platform. 1h 30min ISC1093, node, node.js, vscode, REST
- Streamlining Development and Distribution with InterSystems Package Manager - Modularize and distribute your InterSystems ObjectScript code. Store your modules in a public or private repository, then automatically install them in your InterSystems IRIS deployments. 1h ISC1168, ZPM, IPM, module, import, repository, registry, Open Exchange, test coverage, unit test
- Data Transformations Basics - Learn to create data transformations with the graphical Management Portal interface. See how to map fields, use functions to modify the fields, and use literals as values for the fields. At the end, you will learn how to test and implement the transformation. 1h Ensemble, architecture, graphs, DTL, data transformation language, ISC1003
- Getting Started with InterSystems Reports - Create and publish banded, crosstab, and bar chart reports using InterSystems Reports, and easily make your data accessible to end users. 45min Logi Report, JReport, Zen Report, Virtual Summit 2020, Global Summit 2020
- Hands-On with IntegratedML - IntegratedML – the machine learning component built into InterSystems IRIS data platform – solves problems in a number of fields, including healthcare. In this exercise, you will use IntegratedML to create, train, and execute a predictive model on a set of sample patient data to predict readmissions. 45min SQL, commands, zeppelin, ML, validate, provider, configuration, select, Virtual Summit 2020, Global Summit 2020
- InterSystems IRIS Adaptive Analytics Essentials - Learn to build highly customizable data models with InterSystems IRIS Adaptive Analytics, powered by AtScale. Adaptive Analytics is available starting with version 2020.1 of InterSystems IRIS data platform. Get an introduction to the software, and apply what you have learned in hands-on exercises. 2h ISC1155, data source, library, column, dimension, measure, degenerate, IRIS BI
- Running Fast Queries with SQL in InterSystems IRIS - Try out the high-performance SQL features of InterSystems IRIS data platform by running sample code and querying sample data in a lab environment. You will see the different methods of running SQL in InterSystems IRIS, and some of the features that make InterSystems SQL efficient and easy to use. 10min implicit joins, bitmap indices, indexes, query, queries, firstlook
- Optimizing SQL Queries in InterSystems IRIS - See how to optimize SQL queries in InterSystems IRIS data platform by showing and interpreting query plans, adding bitslice and bitmap indices, and reviewing your query’s performance over time. 15min ISC1173, bitmap, bitslice, query plan, SQL shell, index, firstlook
- Using JSON in InterSystems IRIS - Learn how to work with JSON data in InterSystems IRIS data platform, which models JSON using dynamic entities. Find out how to consume and generate JSON data, handle errors, and troubleshoot your application. 45min dynamic objects, dynamic arrays, troubleshooting, ISC1051
- Building BPL Business Processes - Learn how to build a BPL business process using the Business Process Designer in the Management Portal. 1h 30min ISC1066, custom components, Ensemble, Health Connect, designing, creating, call activities, testing, business process language
- Building Custom Business Operations - Learn how to build and implement custom business operations to communicate with downstream systems in an InterSystems integration. 1h 30min ISC1064, business components, messaging, request, response, method, message map, production, interoperability, ensemble
- Building Custom Business Services - Learn how to create a custom business service to receive data from upstream systems and relay messages to other components in an InterSystems production. 1h 30min ISC1072, custom business components, SQL, design, creation, implementation, OnProcessInput
- Creating Interoperability Productions Using PEX - Learn how to develop interoperability productions using the Production EXtension framework (PEX), which allows you to create custom business components and adapters in either .NET or Java. 1h ISC1152, Production Extension, Polyglot Extension, Ensemble, Object gateway, Dynamic Gateway, Custom Components, Java Business Host
- Designing Productions (Non-Healthcare) - Review best practices for designing productions in InterSystems IRIS data platform and InterSystems Ensemble, including conventions for databases, namespaces, and components. 30min Caché, cache, DTL, Integration Engine, Interoperability, ISC1078
- Introduction to Troubleshooting Productions - Learn how to troubleshoot productions in InterSystems IRIS data platform, InterSystems Ensemble, and InterSystems HealthShare. Review the locations and purposes of Management Portal pages for viewing logs, messages, queues, and jobs. 30min Ensemble, debugging
- Monitoring Remotely with MQTT - Use the interoperability tools built into InterSystems IRIS for Health to construct a basic user portal that monitors live health readings from a set of remote patients. You will use a minimal amount of code to quickly take real-time data coming from an MQTT broker, then save and display it on a dashboard. 25min ISC1172, Message Queuing Telemetry Transport, message protocol, IoT, MQTT 3.1, gettingstarted
- Hands-On with InterSystems API Manager for Developers - Use InterSystems API Manager to manage APIs for a coffee maker application within InterSystems IRIS data platform. 2h ISC1159, IAM, REST, tier-based access
- Setting Up RESTful Services - Learn how to set up a RESTful service in InterSystems IRIS data platform, using an API to define how client applications interact with your service. 1h 30min ISC1076, Cache, Network, Routing, HTTP
- Backup and Restore - Learn how to back up and restore your InterSystems Caché or InterSystems IRIS data platform system and design an effective backup strategy. 1h restoring, security, incremental, cumulative, differential, ISC1089
- Configuring Role-Based Access - Learn how to secure your system and specify the actions that each user of InterSystems IRIS data platform can perform. 15min users, roles, resources, security, firstlook
- InterSystems Security Basics - Learn the basics of the security model in InterSystems IRIS data platform as well as the different aspects of security in InterSystems products—from the users in the system all the way through the assets they seek access to. This course will enable you to properly secure your applications and data. 1h ISC1082, LDAP, Kerberos, delegated, resource, asset, role, privilege, user
- .NET QuickStart - Learn how to build a .NET application to connect to InterSystems IRIS® data platform using one or more APIs — ADO .NET, XEP, the Native API, and Entity Framework — by running the sample code provided. 10min Visual Studio, exercise, overview, dotnet, multi-language
- Designing a Java Connection Strategy - Learn how you can connect your Java applications to InterSystems IRIS data platform using JDBC, the Native API for InterSystems IRIS, XEP, or Hibernate. 30min multi-model, multimodal, bulk ingestion, globals, ISC1129
- Node.js QuickStart - Learn how to build a Node.js application to connect to InterSystems IRIS data platform through the Native API by running the sample code provided. 5min Visual Studio Code, exercise, overview, language
- Using Multi-Model with Python and Node.js - Learn about the multi-model capability of InterSystems IRIS data platform and create a Node.js application that sends JSON data straight to your database instance without any parsing or mapping. In this exercise, you will use Python, JavaScript, and InterSystems ObjectScript to interact with the data. 45min Multimodel, pyodbc, %JSON.Adapter, gettingstarted
- Designing Healthcare Productions - Review best practices for designing productions in InterSystems HealthShare®, including conventions for databases, namespaces, and components. Learn how to set up HealthShare as a development environment and to build and test productions. 30min Ensemble, HL7, DTL, Integration Engine, Interoperability, ISC1060
- FHIR R4 Integration QuickStart - Learn how to build HL7 FHIR applications within InterSystems IRIS for Health, then try a hands-on exercise to build an application that retrieves, stores, and transforms HL7 FHIR data and converts data between HL7 FHIR and legacy HL7 V2 systems. 10min FHIR repository, fast healthcare interoperability resources, healthcare integration, FIRE, HL7 FHIR, FHIR, GET, POST, SDA, data transformation, allergy, patient.
- HL7 Business Services and Business Operations - Learn how to create, configure, and copy business services and business operations used for input and output of HL7 V2 messages in an InterSystems IRIS data platform production. 30min ISC1149, TCP, file, business component
- HealthShare Patient Index Overview - Explore HealthShare Patient Index tools like the Worklist, audit log, and Data Quality tool. Learn the basic principles for automated and manual activities and see how to successfully manage patient identities. 1h 30min ISC1004, MPI, EMPI, Worklist, Audit Log, Tuning, N.I.C.E Process, Thresholds, Rules, Search Panel