Simple and lightweight python music player that is fully functional in the terminal.
To fully use Mp3ipe you will need to install some of those dependencies on your operating system!
1. python:
sudo apt-get -y install python3-fabulous
sudo pacman -S python-fabulous
Fedora/Red Hat:
yum install python-fabulous
Compiling it from source:
tar -xvzf fabulous-0.4.0.tar.gz
cd fabulous-0.4.0
sudo python install
2. mpv:
sudo apt-get -y install mpv
sudo pacman -S mpv
Fedora/Red Hat:
yum install mpv
Compiling it from source:
git clone && cd mpv-build
./rebuild -j4
sudo ./instal
1. Configure: You can achive this by editing and modifying CONFIG variable.
2. Use: You will need to execute this file so go in terminal and add execution permission to it:
chmod +x main
without parameters it will just display the contents of your music library that you defined in CONFIG variable.
Otherwise if you would like to use parameters, so in this example:
./main There, there
Mp3ipe will find the music file you were searching for and play it for you!
3. Fork: Feel free to make your own fork of Mp3ipe if you want to implement other features, it'd be much appreciated.
No, I am not interested in developing software compatible with this operating system, at least not for this project.