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Group","hd":false},{"ty":"fl","c":{"a":0,"k":[0.384313732386,0.54509806633,0.949019610882,1],"ix":4},"o":{"a":0,"k":100,"ix":5},"r":1,"bm":0,"nm":"Fill 1","mn":"ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill","hd":false},{"ty":"tr","p":{"a":0,"k":[274.453,452.732],"ix":2},"a":{"a":0,"k":[0,0],"ix":1},"s":{"a":0,"k":[100,100],"ix":3},"r":{"a":0,"k":0,"ix":6},"o":{"a":0,"k":100,"ix":7},"sk":{"a":0,"k":0,"ix":4},"sa":{"a":0,"k":0,"ix":5},"nm":"Transform"}],"nm":"Group 27","np":2,"cix":2,"bm":0,"ix":1,"mn":"ADBE Vector Group","hd":false}],"ip":0,"op":900,"st":0,"bm":0},{"ddd":0,"ind":36,"ty":4,"nm":"ELEMENT 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Fill","hd":false},{"ty":"tr","p":{"a":0,"k":[524.9,101.85],"ix":2},"a":{"a":0,"k":[0,0],"ix":1},"s":{"a":0,"k":[100,100],"ix":3},"r":{"a":0,"k":0,"ix":6},"o":{"a":0,"k":100,"ix":7},"sk":{"a":0,"k":0,"ix":4},"sa":{"a":0,"k":0,"ix":5},"nm":"Transform"}],"nm":"Group 29","np":2,"cix":2,"bm":0,"ix":1,"mn":"ADBE Vector Group","hd":false}],"ip":0,"op":900,"st":0,"bm":0}],"markers":[]}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/shared/lib/migration.ts b/packages/shared/lib/migration.ts
index bece9025aa2..491c3fc70ad 100644
--- a/packages/shared/lib/migration.ts
+++ b/packages/shared/lib/migration.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import { getOfficialNetwork } from 'shared/lib/network'
import { closePopup, openPopup } from 'shared/lib/popup'
import { activeProfile, updateProfile } from 'shared/lib/profile'
import { appRoute } from 'shared/lib/router'
@@ -10,9 +11,8 @@ import { derived, get, writable, Writable } from 'svelte/store'
export const LOG_FILE_NAME = 'migration.log'
-export const MIGRATION_NODE = ''
-export const PERMANODE = ''
+export const MIGRATION_NODES = ['', '']
+export const PERMANODE = ''
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ export const getMigrationData = (migrationSeed: string, initialAddressIndex = 0)
else {
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ export const sendMigrationBundle = (bundleHash: string, mwm = MINIMUM_WEIGHT_MAG
else {
- api.sendMigrationBundle([MIGRATION_NODE], bundleHash, mwm, {
+ api.sendMigrationBundle(MIGRATION_NODES, bundleHash, mwm, {
onSuccess(response) {
const { bundles } = get(migration);
@@ -588,8 +588,8 @@ export const confirmedBundles = derived(get(migration).bundles, (_bundles) => _b
* List of chrysalis node endpoints to detect when is live
-// TODO: Update to mainnet chrysalis endpoint
-export const CHRYSALIS_NODE_ENDPOINTS = ['']
+export const CHRYSALIS_NODE_ENDPOINTS = ['', '']
* Default timeout for a request made to an endpoint
@@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ const DEFAULT_CHRYSALIS_NODE_POLL_INTERVAL = 300000 // 5 minutes
* Mainnet ID used in a chrysalis node
// TODO: Update to 'mainnet'
-const MAINNET_ID = 'migration4'
+const MAINNET_ID = getOfficialNetwork()
type ChrysalisNode = {
data: ChrysalisNodeData
@@ -715,8 +715,6 @@ export async function checkChrysalisSnapshot(): Promise {
const requestOptions: RequestInit = {
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json',
- pragma: 'no-cache',
- 'cache-control': 'no-cache',
diff --git a/packages/shared/lib/network.ts b/packages/shared/lib/network.ts
index e9ce8c77c19..9c5c3b1c8c8 100644
--- a/packages/shared/lib/network.ts
+++ b/packages/shared/lib/network.ts
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
-import { writable } from 'svelte/store'
import type { Node } from './typings/client'
-import { Network } from './typings/client'
import { isValidHttpsUrl, isValidUrl } from './utils'
+const DEFAULT_NETWORK = 'chrysalis-mainnet'
+// TODO: Update default nodes
const DEFAULT_NODES: Node[] = [
- ''
+ '',
+ ''
].map((url) => ({
auth: {
@@ -13,11 +15,6 @@ const DEFAULT_NODES: Node[] = [
- * Selected network during profile creation
- */
-export const network = writable(Network.Testnet)
* Check if a node url is valid
* @param {Node[]} nodesList: list of current nodes
@@ -55,4 +52,13 @@ export const isNodeUrlValid = (nodesList: Node[], newUrl: string): string | unde
export const getOfficialNodes = () => {
+ * Get the official network
+ * @returns The official network
+ */
+export const getOfficialNetwork = () => {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/shared/lib/shell/walletApi.ts b/packages/shared/lib/shell/walletApi.ts
index 672ced6b882..7575c95abac 100644
--- a/packages/shared/lib/shell/walletApi.ts
+++ b/packages/shared/lib/shell/walletApi.ts
@@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ const storeCallbacks = (__id: string, type: ResponseTypes, callbacks?: Callbacks
const handleError = (type: ErrorType | ValidatorErrorTypes, error: string): { type: ErrorType | ValidatorErrorTypes, error: string } => {
const newError = { type, message: error, time: };
// TODO: Add full type list to remove this temporary fix
@@ -236,6 +237,9 @@ const handleError = (type: ErrorType | ValidatorErrorTypes, error: string): { ty
if (error.includes('No synced node')) {
return ('error.node.noSynced')
+ if (error.includes('dns error')) {
+ return ('error.node.chrysalisNodeInactive')
+ }
return getErrorMessage(type)
diff --git a/packages/shared/lib/typings/client.ts b/packages/shared/lib/typings/client.ts
index 36febeb74f2..f711a4250e1 100644
--- a/packages/shared/lib/typings/client.ts
+++ b/packages/shared/lib/typings/client.ts
@@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
-export enum Network {
- Mainnet = 'mainnet',
- Testnet = 'testnet',
- Devnet = 'devnet',
- Comnet = 'comnet',
export interface Node {
url: string
auth?: {
@@ -17,7 +10,7 @@ export interface Node {
export interface ClientOptions {
nodes?: Node[]
node?: Node
- network?: Network
+ network?: string
localPow?: boolean
nodeSyncEnabled?: boolean
nodePoolUrls?: string[]
diff --git a/packages/shared/lib/wallet.ts b/packages/shared/lib/wallet.ts
index 436eb50de8d..118e8d79f5f 100644
--- a/packages/shared/lib/wallet.ts
+++ b/packages/shared/lib/wallet.ts
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import { stripTrailingSlash } from 'shared/lib/helpers'
import { localize } from 'shared/lib/i18n'
import type { PriceData } from 'shared/lib/marketData'
import { HistoryDataProps } from 'shared/lib/marketData'
-import { getOfficialNodes, network } from 'shared/lib/network'
+import { getOfficialNetwork, getOfficialNodes } from 'shared/lib/network'
import { showAppNotification, showSystemNotification } from 'shared/lib/notifications'
import { activeProfile, isStrongholdLocked, updateProfile } from 'shared/lib/profile'
import type { Account, Account as BaseAccount, AccountToCreate, Balance, SyncedAccount } from 'shared/lib/typings/account'
@@ -409,13 +409,14 @@ export const asyncRestoreBackup = (importFilePath, password) => {
export const asyncCreateAccount = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const officialNodes = getOfficialNodes()
+ const officialNetwork = getOfficialNetwork()
signerType: { type: 'Stronghold' },
clientOptions: {
nodes: officialNodes,
node: officialNodes[Math.floor(Math.random() * officialNodes.length)],
- network: get(network),
+ network: officialNetwork
alias: `${localize('general.account')} 1`
@@ -1460,10 +1461,16 @@ export const updateAccountNetworkSettings = async (automaticNodeSelection, inclu
onError(err) {
- showAppNotification({
- type: 'error',
- message: localize(err.error),
- })
+ const shouldHideErrorNotification =
+ err && err.type === 'ClientError' && err.error === 'error.node.chrysalisNodeInactive'
+ if (!shouldHideErrorNotification) {
+ showAppNotification({
+ type: 'error',
+ message: localize(err.error),
+ })
+ }
@@ -1561,9 +1568,9 @@ export const getMilestoneMessageValue = (payload: Payload, accounts) => {
* Get incoming flag from message
* @returns
- export const getIncomingFlag = (payload: Payload) => {
+export const getIncomingFlag = (payload: Payload) => {
if (payload?.type === "Transaction") {
- return
+ return
return undefined
@@ -1573,19 +1580,19 @@ export const getMilestoneMessageValue = (payload: Payload, accounts) => {
* Set incoming flag on the message
* @returns
- export const setIncomingFlag = (payload: Payload, incoming: boolean) => {
+export const setIncomingFlag = (payload: Payload, incoming: boolean) => {
if (payload?.type === "Transaction") {
- = incoming
+ = incoming
- }
- /**
- * Get internal flag from message
- * @returns
- */
- export const getInternalFlag = (payload: Payload) => {
+* Get internal flag from message
+* @returns
+export const getInternalFlag = (payload: Payload) => {
if (payload?.type === "Transaction") {
- return
+ return
return undefined
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/af.json b/packages/shared/locales/af.json
index ef8ba42ecdd..f20f9e8e930 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/af.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/af.json
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"appearance": {
"title": "Voorkoms",
- "body": "Kies u apptema."
+ "body": "Kies jou apptema."
"profile": {
"title": "Skep 'n Profiel",
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
"body1": "Voer jou wagwoord in om you beursie na 'n Stronghold lêer te back-up. Jou wagwoord word gebruik om die back-up te enkripteer.",
"body2": "Redes waarom digitale back-ups belangrik is:",
"reason1": "Herwin jou beursie maklik sonder om jou herstelfrase in te tik",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason2": "Voer jou beursies op ander toestelle in",
"reason3": "Besigtig jou transaksie geskiedenis"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
"importSeed": "Ek het 'n seed van 81 karakters",
"importSeedDescription": "Voer 'n seed in en migreer fondse na Chrysalis",
"importMnemonic": "Ek het 'n Firefly herstel frase",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "Voer jou geheime frase in om jou beursie te herstel",
"importFile": "Ek het 'n lêer back-up",
"importFileDescription": "Laai 'n Seedvault of Stronghold-lêer op"
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
"restoringWallet": "Beursie hersteling...",
"findingBalance": "Bevinding van balans...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Verkeerde SeedVault wagwoord.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "Geen data kon in die SeedVault gevind word nie.",
"signingBundle": "Signing bundle",
"broadcastingBundle": "Uitsaaibondel",
"miningBundle": "Bondelmynbou",
@@ -245,7 +246,9 @@
"appLock": {
"title": "Sluit outomaties",
- "description": "Onaktiwiteitstyd voordat jou beursies sluit en jou uitgeteken"
+ "description": "Onaktiwiteitstyd voordat jou beursies sluit en jou uitgeteken",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minuut} other {# minute}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 huur} other {# ure}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Verander wagwoord",
@@ -461,8 +464,8 @@
"balanceFinder": {
"title": "Balans-finder",
- "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
+ "body": "Doen 'n meer volledige soektog na adresse om ontbrekende saldo's te vind. Dit kan 'n rukkie neem.",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "Totale balans",
"typePassword": "Tik jou wagwoord in om te begin soek."
"riskFunds": {
@@ -584,7 +587,7 @@
"searchBalances": "Soek na balanse",
"searchAgain": "Soek weer",
"searching": "Soek tans...",
- "closeFirefly": "Close Firefly"
+ "closeFirefly": "Maak Firefly toe"
"general": {
"password": "Wagwoord",
@@ -602,10 +605,10 @@
"sendFunds": "Stuur fondse",
"sendToAddress": "Stuur na 'n adres",
"scanQrOrPaste": "Skandeer 'n QR-kode of plak 'n adres",
- "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Move funds between wallets",
+ "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Skuif fondse tussen jou beursies",
"sendTokensToAddress": "Stuur tokens na 'n adres",
- "manageAccount": "Manage Wallet",
- "customizeAcount": "Customize your wallet",
+ "manageAccount": "Bestuur beursie",
+ "customizeAcount": "Pas you beursie aan",
"account": "Beursie",
"sendingToAddress": "Oppad na adres",
"amount": "Bedrag",
@@ -627,25 +630,25 @@
"lightTheme": "Ligte tema",
"darkTheme": "Donker tema",
"balance": "Balans",
- "accountBalance": "Wallet Balance",
+ "accountBalance": "Beursie Waarde",
"incoming": "Inkomende",
"outgoing": "Uitgaande",
"totalIn": "Totaal in",
"totalOut": "Totaak uit",
- "accounts": "Wallets",
- "myAccounts": "My Wallets",
+ "accounts": "Beursies",
+ "myAccounts": "My Beursie",
"automaticNodeSelection": "Outomatiese node seleksie",
"manualNodeSelection": "Manuele node seleksie",
"profiles": "Profiel",
"developerProfile": "Ontwikkelaarsprofiel",
"developerProfileDescription": "Hiermee kan jy verbind met testnets",
"dev": "Dev",
- "createAccount": "Create a Wallet",
- "accountName": "Wallet name",
+ "createAccount": "Skep 'n Beursie",
+ "accountName": "Beursie naam",
"latestTransactions": "Nuutste transaksie",
"transactions": "Transaksies",
"security": "Sekuriteit",
- "accountAddress": "Wallet Address",
+ "accountAddress": "Beursie se Adres",
"nodes": "Nodes",
"wallet": "Beursie",
"help": "Hulp",
@@ -657,26 +660,26 @@
"status": "Status",
"confirmed": "Bevestig",
"pending": "Hangende",
- "noAccounts": "You have no wallets, please create one.",
+ "noAccounts": "Jy het geen beursies nie, skep asseblief een.",
"loadingAccounts": "Wag asseblief terwyl dit laai...",
"addProfile": "Voeg profiel by",
"noRecentHistory": "Geen onlangse geskiedenis nie",
- "firstSync": "Syncing history, this may take a while...",
- "transferSyncing": "Syncing wallet",
+ "firstSync": "Gesinkroniseer geskiedenis, dit kan 'n rukkie neem...",
+ "transferSyncing": "Sinkroniseer beursie",
"transferSelectingInputs": "Kies inputs",
"transferRemainderAddress": "Genereer oorblyfsel deposito adres",
"transferSigning": "Onderteken die transaksie",
"transferPow": "Uitvoering van PoW",
"transferBroadcasting": "Uitsaai van die transaksie",
"transferComplete": "Oordrag voltooi",
- "creatingAccount": "Creating wallet, please wait...",
- "updatingAccount": "Updating wallet, please wait...",
- "accountSyncing": "Wallet is syncing",
- "accountSyncComplete": "Wallet sync complete",
+ "creatingAccount": "Skep tans beursie, wag asseblief...",
+ "updatingAccount": "Opdatering van beursie, wag asseblief...",
+ "accountSyncing": "Die beursie word tans gesinkroniseer",
+ "accountSyncComplete": "Sinkronisering van beursie is voltooi",
"passwordUpdating": "Wagwoord opdatering aan die gang...",
"passwordSuccess": "Wagwoord suksesvol opgedateer",
"passwordFailed": "Kon nie wagwoord opdateer nie",
- "syncingAccounts": "Syncing wallets...",
+ "syncingAccounts": "Sinkroniseer beursie...",
"exportingStronghold": "Voer Stronghold uit...",
"exportingStrongholdSuccess": "Die Stronghold is suksesvol uitgevoer",
"exportingStrongholdFailed": "Uitgevoer van Stronghold het misluk",
@@ -691,13 +694,14 @@
"passwordStrength4": "Sterk",
"creatingProfile": "Skep tans profiel op, wag asseblief...",
"fundMigration": "Fondsmigrasie",
- "accountRemoved": "This wallet is hidden. Unhide it to perform transfers.",
+ "accountRemoved": "Hierdie beursie is versteek. Wys dit om oordragte uit te kan voer.",
"receivingTo": "Ontvangs na {account}",
"sendingFrom": "Stuur vanaf {account}",
"receivedTo": "Ontvangs na {account}",
"sentFrom": "Stuur vanaf {account}",
"receiving": "Ontvangs",
- "sending": "Besig om te stuur"
+ "sending": "Besig om te stuur",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Erfenisnetwerk"
"dates": {
"today": "Vandag",
@@ -720,13 +724,13 @@
"calcMinutesRemaining": "Bereken oorblywende minute...",
"minutesRemaining": "{minutes, plural, one {1 minuut oor} other {# minute oor}}",
"copiedToClipboard": "Kopieer na knipbord",
- "accountsSynchronized": "Wallet synchronization complete",
+ "accountsSynchronized": "Beursie sinchronisasie voltooi",
"migratedAccountChrysalisDown": "Jou fondse sal na Chrysalis op 28 April beskikbaar wees",
"migratedAccountChrysalisUp": "Jou fondse sal binnekort beskikbaar wees"
"error": {
"profile": {
- "length": "Jou profielnaam mag nie langer as {length, plural, karakter {1 karakter} other {# karakters}}.",
+ "length": "Jou profielnaam mag nie langer as {length, plural, one {1 karakter} other {# karakters}}.",
"duplicate": "Daar bestaan reeds 'n profiel met hierdie naam."
"password": {
@@ -752,10 +756,10 @@
"incorrect": "Jou huidige PIN is verkeerd."
"account": {
- "length": "Your wallet name can't be longer than {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}}.",
- "empty": "You must use your latest wallet before creating a new one.",
- "notEmpty": "You must transfer your balance before deleting this wallet.",
- "duplicate": "A wallet with this name already exists.",
+ "length": "Jou beursie naam mag nie langer as {length, plural, one {1 karakter} other {# karakters}}.",
+ "empty": "Jy moet jou nuutste beursie gebruik voordat jy 'n nuwe een skep.",
+ "notEmpty": "Jy moet jou balans oordra voordat jy hierdie beursie uitvee.",
+ "duplicate": "Daar bestaan reeds 'n beursie met hierdie naam.",
"tilde": "'N Profielnaam kan nie met die' ~ 'karakter begin nie.",
"control": "'N Profielnaam kan nie 'n beheerkarakter bevat nie.",
"startDot": "'N Profielnaam kan nie begin met die'. ' karakter.",
@@ -770,8 +774,8 @@
"wrongAddressPrefix": "Adresse begin met die voorvoegsel {prefix}.",
"wrongAddressFormat": "Die adres is nie korrek geformateer nie.",
"invalidAddress": "Die adres is nie geldig nie.",
- "insufficientFunds": "This wallet has insufficient funds.",
- "noToAccount": "You have not selected a wallet to send the funds to.",
+ "insufficientFunds": "Hierdie beursie het onvoldoende fondse.",
+ "noToAccount": "Jy het nie 'n beursie gekies om die fondse na te stuur nie.",
"sendingDust": "Jy kan nie minder as 1 Mi. stuur nie.",
"leavingDust": "Jy kan nie minder as 1 Mi op jou adres los nie."
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/ar.json b/packages/shared/locales/ar.json
index 47ed846691b..212fcc923bc 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/ar.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/ar.json
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
"restoringWallet": "استعادة المحفظة...",
"findingBalance": "العثور على الرصيد...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "كلمة المرور غير صحيحة.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "No data could be found in the SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "حزمة التوقيع",
"broadcastingBundle": "حزمة البث",
"miningBundle": "Mining bundle",
@@ -245,7 +246,9 @@
"appLock": {
"title": "قفل تلقائي",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hour} other {# hours}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "تغيير كلمة المرور",
@@ -697,7 +700,8 @@
"receivedTo": "Received to {account}",
"sentFrom": "Sent from {account}",
"receiving": "Receiving",
- "sending": "Sending"
+ "sending": "Sending",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Network"
"dates": {
"today": "اليوم",
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/bg.json b/packages/shared/locales/bg.json
index e9d90a2f57c..2b779307c2e 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/bg.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/bg.json
@@ -16,14 +16,14 @@
"profile": {
"title": "Създаване на профил",
"body1": "You can create multiple user profiles to organise your wallets and improve privacy.",
- "body2": "For now, let's start with your first profile name. You can add more profiles later.",
+ "body2": "Нека да започнем с Вашият първи профил. Можете да добавяте още профили по-късно.",
"profileName": "Име на профил"
"setup": {
"title": "Създаване на портфейл",
"chrysalisTitle": "Chrysalis Network Update",
"chrysalisBody": "From April 21st, users can migrate their tokens to the new Chrysalis network. We recommend you migrate your existing tokens as soon as possible.",
- "learnMore": "Learn about the migration"
+ "learnMore": "Научете повече за миграцията"
"secure": {
"title": "Защитете портфейла си",
@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@
"backup": {
"title": "Бекъп на портфейл",
"body1": "You will now be shown a recovery phrase. Write it down in your Recovery Kit.",
- "body2": "Do not share your recovery phrase with anyone. It can be used to access your tokens from anywhere.",
+ "body2": "Не споделяйте Вашата фраза за възстановяване с никого. Може да бъде използвана за достъп до вашите средства от всякъде.",
"body3": "Ако загубите фразата си за възстановяване, може да загубите средствата си."
"recoveryPhrase": {
"title": "Фраза за възстановяване",
"body1": "In your Recovery Kit, write down the words in the exact order shown.",
- "body2": "Keep this private and safely stored.",
+ "body2": "Пазете това в тайна и на сигурно място.",
"body3": "It is important to have a written backup. Computers often fail and files can corrupt.",
"revealRecoveryPhrase": "Разкриване на фраза за възстановяване",
"hideRecoveryPhrase": "Скриване на фраза за възстановяване"
@@ -67,25 +67,25 @@
"verifyRecoveryPhrase": {
"title": "Верифициране на фраза за възстановяване",
"body": "Нека проверим дали сте записали правилно фразата. Изберете думите в правилния ред.",
- "word": "Word",
- "verified": "Recovery phrase verified",
- "verifiedBody": "Remember to keep it private and safely stored."
+ "word": "Дума",
+ "verified": "Фраза за възстановяване потвърдена",
+ "verifiedBody": "Запомнете, че трябва да се пази в тайна и на сигурно място."
"backupWallet": {
"title": "Бекъп към Stronghold файл",
- "body1": "Enter your password to backup your wallets to a Stronghold file. Your password is used to encrypt the backup.",
- "body2": "Reasons why digital backups are important:",
- "reason1": "Easily recover your wallets without typing in your recovery phrase",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
- "reason3": "Recover your full transaction history"
+ "body1": "Въведете паролата си за бекъп на вашия портфейл към Stronghold файл. Паролата ви се използва за криптиране на бекъпа.",
+ "body2": "Причини, поради които резервните копия са важни:",
+ "reason1": "Лесно възстановяване на портфейла без въвеждане на фраза за възстановяване",
+ "reason2": "Импортиране на портфейла на други устройства",
+ "reason3": "Възстановяване на пълна история на трансакциите"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
"title": "Успешен бекъп",
- "body": "You have backed up your wallets to a Stronghold."
+ "body": "Създадохте резервно копие на Вашите портфейли в Stronghold."
"congratulations": {
- "title": "Wallet setup completed",
- "body": "Your new wallet is ready to use.",
+ "title": "Настройка на портфейла завършена",
+ "body": "Вашият нов портфейл е готов за използване.",
"fundsMigrated": "Funds migrated",
"success": "You have successfully migrated your funds to the new network",
"exportMigration": "Export migration log and finish setup"
@@ -93,74 +93,75 @@
"import": {
"title": "Recover or migrate funds",
"body": "If you have an existing seed or wallet back up file, you can import it here. If you hold older network funds, you will be taken through the migration steps to move to the Chrysalis network.",
- "importSeed": "I have an 81 character seed",
- "importSeedDescription": "Enter a seed and migrate funds to Chrysalis",
+ "importSeed": "Имам 81 символа seed",
+ "importSeedDescription": "Моля въведете seed и мигрирайте към Chrysalis",
"importMnemonic": "I have a Firefly recovery phrase",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
- "importFile": "I have a file backup",
- "importFileDescription": "Upload a Seedvault or Stronghold file"
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "Въведете фраза за възстановяване, за да възстановите своите портфейли",
+ "importFile": "Имам бекъп файл",
+ "importFileDescription": "Качване на Seedvault или Stronghold файл"
"importFromText": {
"seed": {
"title": "Type your seed to commence migration",
- "body": "A seed consists of 81 characters. This is used to recover from the older Trinity app.",
- "enter": "Enter your seed"
+ "body": "Seed се състои от 81 знака. Използва се за възстановяване от по-стар Trinity портфейл.",
+ "enter": "Въведете Вашият Seed"
"mnemonic": {
- "title": "Type your recovery phrase",
+ "title": "Въведете фраза за възстановяване",
"body": "A recovery phrase is 24 words long, all lower case, with spaces between. This is used to recover existing Firefly wallets.",
- "enter": "Enter your secret recovery phrase"
+ "enter": "Въведете фраза за възстановяване"
- "seedDetected": "81 character seed detected",
+ "seedDetected": "81 символа seed разпознат",
"phraseDetected": "24 word recovery phrase detected",
"checksum": "Checksum"
"importFromFile": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets using a backup file",
+ "title": "Възстановяване на портфейл чрез бекъп файл",
"body": "Import a backup file to restore your wallets. Backups can either be a Stronghold (.stronghold) or a Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
"importBackupPassword": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets from a SeedVault or Stronghold",
- "body1": "Please enter your backup password.",
- "body2": "This is the password you set when you first created your backup."
+ "title": "Възстановяване на портфейл чрез Seed vault или Stronghold",
+ "body1": "Моля въведете паролата за възстановяване.",
+ "body2": "Това е паролата, въведена при създаването на бекъп файла."
"importSuccess": {
- "title": "You have successfully recovered your backup",
- "body": "You can now set up your new profile.",
- "seedvaultTitle": "Successfully imported",
- "seedvaultBody": "Your password is correct, you can now continue.",
- "strongholdTitle": "Successfully imported",
- "strongholdBody": "Your password is correct, you can now continue."
+ "title": "Успешно възстановихте от бекъп",
+ "body": "Можете да настроите своя нов профил.",
+ "seedvaultTitle": "Импортирането успешно",
+ "seedvaultBody": "Паролата е потвърдена, можете да продължите.",
+ "strongholdTitle": "Импортирането успешно",
+ "strongholdBody": "Паролата е потвърдена, можете да продължите."
"migrate": {
- "title": "Migrate your funds",
- "body1": "This is an automated process to transfer your funds to your new wallet.",
- "body2": "It may take some time. Do not turn off your device during the migration.",
- "existing": "Your old wallet",
- "new": "Your new wallet",
- "learn": "Learn about the migration",
- "beginMigration": "Begin Migration",
- "migrating": "Migrating funds...",
- "migrated": "{balance} migrated",
- "migrationFailed": "Migration Failed",
+ "title": "Мигриране на Вашите средства",
+ "body1": "Това е автоматичен процес за преместване на Вашите средства във Вашият нов портфейл.",
+ "body2": "Може да отнеме време. Моля не изключвайте устройството по време на миграцията.",
+ "existing": "Стар портфейл",
+ "new": "Нов портфейл",
+ "learn": "Научете повече за миграцията",
+ "beginMigration": "Започни миграция",
+ "migrating": "Мигриране на средствата...",
+ "migrated": "{balance} мигрирани",
+ "migrationFailed": "Грешка при миграция",
"noAddressesForMigration": "Please select the addresses you wish to secure.",
- "restoringWallet": "Restoring wallet...",
+ "restoringWallet": "Възстановяване на портфейла...",
"findingBalance": "Finding balance...",
- "incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Incorrect SeedVault password.",
+ "incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Грешна парола за Seedvault.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "Не са намерени данни в SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Signing bundle",
"broadcastingBundle": "Broadcasting bundle",
"miningBundle": "Mining bundle",
- "problemRestoringWallet": "There was a network error restoring your wallet. Please try again.",
+ "problemRestoringWallet": "Възникна мрежова грешка по време на възстановяване на портфейла. Моля опитайте отново.",
"minimumMigrationAmountSpentAddresses": "The minimum migration amount for each spent address is 1 Mi. Check again if your balance doesn't look right.",
"tooManyAddressesToMigrate": "You have too many addresses with low balance to migrate. Check again if your balance doesn't look right.",
"cannotMigrateAllYourFunds": "We cannot migrate all of your funds because some addresses are too low in value. You can proceed anyway. {value} will be lost.",
- "error": "There was an error migrating your funds. Please try again."
+ "error": "Възникна грешка при мигриране на средствата. Моля опитайте отново."
"bundleMiningWarning": {
- "title": "Warning",
+ "title": "Внимание",
"body1": "You have funds on one or more spent addresses.",
"body2": "We recommend you run an automated process to help secure and transfer these funds safely.",
- "body3": "If you close the app you will need to restart the whole migration.",
+ "body3": "Ако затворите приложението, ще трябва на започнете от начало цялата миграция.",
"learn": "Learn about spent addresses"
"secureSpentAddresses": {
@@ -174,7 +175,7 @@
"body1": "We have calculated the security risk level. Running this process again may lower your risk level.",
"body2": "When you are happy with the risk level(s) press continue.",
"rerun": "Rerun process for selected addresses",
- "continueMigration": "Continue migration"
+ "continueMigration": "Продължи миграцията"
"securingSpentAddresses": {
"title": "Securing spent addresses...",
@@ -184,99 +185,101 @@
"transferFragmentedFunds": {
"body1": "Firefly will now proceed to migrate your funds. This may take a while.",
"migrate": "Migrate funds",
- "transaction": "Transaction {number}",
- "rerun": "Try again"
+ "transaction": "Трансакция {number}",
+ "rerun": "Опитайте отново"
"migrateFailed": {
"title": "To do",
"body": "To do"
"balance": {
- "title": "Your balance",
+ "title": "Балансът ви е",
"body": "Make sure your balance is correct before continuing. You can check again if things don't look correct.",
"error": "The minimum migration amount is 1 Mi. Check again if your balance doesn't look right.",
"zeroBalance": "Try checking again. If you still can't find your balance you might have entered your seed incorrectly."
"settings": {
- "settings": "Settings",
+ "settings": "Настройки",
"generalSettings": {
- "title": "General Settings",
+ "title": "Общи настройки",
"description": "Configure your app's appearance and other general settings"
"security": {
- "title": "Security",
+ "title": "Сигурност",
"description": "Change your password and adjust security-related settings"
"advancedSettings": {
- "title": "Advanced Settings",
+ "title": "Разширени настройки",
"description": "Tools and manual settings for technical users"
"helpAndInfo": {
- "title": "Help & Information",
+ "title": "Помощна информация",
"description": "Find the answer to a question or get help with an issue"
"profile": {
- "title": "Profile",
- "description": "Change your profile name or set an avatar"
+ "title": "Профил",
+ "description": "Промяна на името на профила и задаване на снимка"
"sync": {
- "title": "Sync wallets",
+ "title": "Синхронизация портфейли",
"description": ""
"theme": {
- "title": "Theme",
+ "title": "Тема",
"description": ""
"language": {
- "title": "Language",
+ "title": "Език",
"description": ""
"currency": {
- "title": "Currency",
+ "title": "Валута",
"description": "Adjusts balance conversion and updates chart options"
"notifications": {
- "title": "Notifications",
+ "title": "Известия",
"description": "System notifications for transaction events"
"exportStronghold": {
- "title": "Export Backup",
+ "title": "Създаване резервно копие",
"description": "Export to a Stronghold file - a complete encrypted backup of your wallets and latest transaction history."
"appLock": {
- "title": "Automatic Lock",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "title": "Автоматично заключване",
+ "description": "Време на неактивност преди заключване на портфейла и изход от профила",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 минута} other {# минути}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 час} other {# часа}}"
"changePassword": {
- "title": "Change password",
- "description": "Your password is used to secure your wallets. You must use a strong password to protect your funds."
+ "title": "Промяна на паролата",
+ "description": "Вашата парола се използва за подсигуряване на портфейла. Трябва да изберете сигурна парола, за да защитите средства си."
"changePincode": {
- "title": "Change PIN code",
- "description": "Your PIN keeps your balance and transactions private",
- "currentPincode": "Current PIN",
- "newPincode": "New PIN",
- "confirmNewPincode": "Confirm new PIN",
- "action": "Change PIN"
+ "title": "Промяна на ПИН код",
+ "description": "Вашият ПИН защитава Вашето салдо и трансакции да останат поверителни",
+ "currentPincode": "Текущ ПИН код",
+ "newPincode": "Нов ПИН код",
+ "confirmNewPincode": "Потвърдете новия ПИН код",
+ "action": "Смяна на ПИН кода"
"balanceFinder": {
"title": "Balance finder",
"description": "Perform an extended search of your addresses for tokens."
"hiddenAccounts": {
- "title": "Hidden wallets",
+ "title": "Скрити портфейли",
"description": "Selecting this options will show wallets that were previously hidden."
"deleteProfile": {
- "title": "Delete profile",
- "description": "Deletes your entire profile, wallets and transaction history. Make sure you have a backup."
+ "title": "Изтриване на профила",
+ "description": "Изтриване на потребителския профил, портфейл и история на трансакциите. Уверете се, че имате резервно копие."
"deepLinks": {
"title": "Deep links",
"description": "Automatically fill transaction data in Firefly upon clicking an iota:// link"
"developerMode": {
- "title": "Developer mode",
+ "title": "Режим на разработчик",
"description": "Connect to testnets and other developer features"
"nodeSettings": {
@@ -289,8 +292,8 @@
"primaryNode": "Primary node",
"excludeNode": "Exclude node",
"includeNode": "Include node",
- "viewDetails": "View details",
- "setAsPrimary": "Set as primary",
+ "viewDetails": "Виж детайли",
+ "setAsPrimary": "Задай като основен",
"removeNode": "Remove node",
"includeOfficialNodeList": "Include official node list",
"noNodes": "There are no nodes, automatic selection will be used instead."
@@ -354,75 +357,75 @@
"strongholdStatus": {
"title": "Wallet Status",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "unlocked": "Unlocked"
+ "locked": "Заключен",
+ "unlocked": "Отключен"
"strongholdBackup": {
- "title": "Wallet Backup",
- "weeksAgo": "{weeks, plural, one {# week} other {# weeks}} ago"
+ "title": "Резервно копие портфейл",
+ "weeksAgo": "Преди {weeks, plural, one {# седмица} other {# седмици}} "
"network": {
"networkOperational": "Network Operational",
"networkDegraded": "Network Degraded",
- "networkDown": "Network Disconnected",
- "status": "Status",
+ "networkDown": "Мрежата е прекъсната",
+ "status": "Статус",
"messagesPerSecond": "Messages per second",
"confirmationRate": "Confirmation rate"
"profileModal": {
- "allSettings": "All settings",
- "logout": "Log out"
+ "allSettings": "Всички настройки",
+ "logout": "Отписване"
"popups": {
"password": {
- "title": "Password required",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your password to unlock your wallets",
- "backup": "Please enter your password to export a backup"
+ "title": "Необходима е парола",
+ "subtitle": "Моля въведете своята парола за отключване на портфейла",
+ "backup": "Моля въведете своята парола за създаване на резервно копие"
"qr": {
- "title": "Your QR code"
+ "title": "Вашият QR код"
"version": {
- "title": "Current version: {version}",
+ "title": "Настояща версия: {version}",
"upToDateTitle": "Firefly is up to date",
- "upToDateDescription": "You are running the latest and safest version of Firefly.",
- "updateAvailable": "Firefly update available",
- "updateDetails": "Version {version} - {date}",
+ "upToDateDescription": "Използвате последната и най-сигурната версия на Firefly.",
+ "updateAvailable": "Наличен е ъпдейт за Firefly",
+ "updateDetails": "Версия {version} - {date}",
"noAutoUpdate": "Auto-update is disabled in this Windows version, please go to to download the update."
"backup": {
"title": "Last backup: {date}",
"lastBackup": "You last backed up {date}",
"backupDescription": "It is important to back up regularly to ensure you have a copy of your wallets and transaction history.",
- "backupWarning": "If you lose your backup and recovery phrase you will lose access to your funds.",
+ "backupWarning": "Ако изгубите резервното копие и фразата за възстановяване, губите достъп до средата си.",
"notBackedUp": "Not backed up",
- "notBackedUpDescription": "You have not backed up your wallets",
- "saving": "Saving..."
+ "notBackedUpDescription": "Не сте създали резервно копие на портфейла си",
+ "saving": "Запазване..."
"deleteAccount": {
- "title": "Delete {name}?",
+ "title": "Изтриване {name}?",
"body": "This wallet has no transaction history. It can safely be deleted.",
- "typePassword": "Type your wallet password to confirm.",
- "hideAccount": "Delete wallet",
- "errorTitle": "Unable to delete {name}",
- "errorBody1": "You cannot delete this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "typePassword": "Въведете своята парола за потвърждение.",
+ "hideAccount": "Изтриване на портфейл",
+ "errorTitle": "Неуспешно изтриване {name}",
+ "errorBody1": "Не можете да изтриете този портфейл, трябва да имате минимум един."
"hideAccount": {
- "title": "Hide {name}?",
+ "title": "Скриване {name}?",
"body": "You can find this wallet later by enabling \"Show hidden wallets\" in Advanced Settings.",
- "typePassword": "Type your wallet password to confirm.",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
- "errorTitle": "Unable to hide {name}",
- "errorBody1": "To hide a wallet it must have 0 balance.",
- "errorBody2": "You currently have {balance} remaining on this wallet. Please move these funds to a different wallet and try again.",
- "errorBody3": "You cannot hide this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "typePassword": "Въведете своята парола за потвърждение.",
+ "hideAccount": "Скрий портфейл",
+ "errorTitle": "Неуспешно скриване {name}",
+ "errorBody1": "За да скриете портфейл, трябва да има 0 наличност.",
+ "errorBody2": "В момента имате {balance} оставащи в този портфейл. Моля преместете средствата в друг портфейл и опитайте отново.",
+ "errorBody3": "Не можете да изтриете този портфейл, трябва да имате минимум един."
"addressHistory": {
"title": "{name} address history",
- "currentBalance": "Current balance: {balance}"
+ "currentBalance": "Наличност: {balance}"
"node": {
"titleAdd": "Add a node",
@@ -440,7 +443,7 @@
"empty": "The error log is empty."
"deleteProfile": {
- "title": "Delete profile",
+ "title": "Изтриване на профила",
"confirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this profile? This operation cannot be undone.",
"typePassword": "Type your password to confirm."
@@ -461,8 +464,8 @@
"balanceFinder": {
"title": "Balance finder",
- "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
+ "body": "Започни пълно търсене на адреси, за да откриете липсващи средства. Може да отнеме време.",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "Общо салдо",
"typePassword": "Type your password to allow searching."
"riskFunds": {
@@ -484,49 +487,49 @@
"charts": {
- "incomingMi": "Incoming {value}",
- "outgoingMi": "Outgoing {value}",
- "portoflio": "Portfolio",
+ "incomingMi": "Приходи {value}",
+ "outgoingMi": "Разходи {value}",
+ "portoflio": "Портфолио",
"token": "Token",
- "accountValue": "Wallet Value",
+ "accountValue": "Наличност в портфейла",
"accountActivity": "Wallet Activity",
- "timeframe1Hour": "1 hour",
- "timeframe1Day": "1 day",
- "timeframe1Week": "1 week",
- "timeframe1Month": "1 month"
+ "timeframe1Hour": "1 час",
+ "timeframe1Day": "1 ден",
+ "timeframe1Week": "1 седмица",
+ "timeframe1Month": "1 месец"
"actions": {
- "continue": "Continue",
- "back": "Back",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "close": "Close",
- "dismiss": "Dismiss",
- "proceedAnyway": "Proceed anyway",
- "save": "Save",
+ "continue": "Продължаване",
+ "back": "Назад",
+ "cancel": "Отказ",
+ "close": "Затваряне",
+ "dismiss": "Пропусни",
+ "proceedAnyway": "Продължи въпреки това",
+ "save": "Запис",
"importSeed": "Import an existing seed",
"restoreWallet": "Migrate or restore a wallet",
"restoreWalletDescription": "Migrate to Chrysalis or restore an existing wallet",
- "createWallet": "Create new wallet",
+ "createWallet": "Създаване на нов портфейл",
"createWalletDescription": "Create a fresh wallet running on Chrysalis",
- "savePassword": "Save password",
- "useBiometric": "Use biometric security",
+ "savePassword": "Запазване на паролата",
+ "useBiometric": "Използване на биометрична сигурност",
"setupPin": "Задаване на ПИН код",
- "setPin": "Set PIN code",
- "confirmPin": "Confirm PIN code",
- "enterYourPin": "Enter your PIN",
- "saveBackupFile": "Save backup file",
- "iveWrittenRecoveryPhrase": "I’ve written down my recovery phrase",
+ "setPin": "Задаване на ПИН код",
+ "confirmPin": "Потвърждаване на ПИН код",
+ "enterYourPin": "Въведете своя ПИН",
+ "saveBackupFile": "Запази бекъп файл",
+ "iveWrittenRecoveryPhrase": "Записах моята възстановяваща фраза",
"verifyRecoveryPhrase": "Верифициране на фраза за възстановяване",
"revealRecoveryPhrase": "Разкриване на фраза за възстановяване",
- "importSeedvault": "Import SeedVault",
- "checkAgain": "Check Again",
- "importFromFile": "Import from a file",
- "send": "Send",
- "receive": "Receive",
- "create": "Create",
+ "importSeedvault": "Импортиране от SeedVault",
+ "checkAgain": "Провери отново",
+ "importFromFile": "Импорт от файл",
+ "send": "Изпрати",
+ "receive": "Получи",
+ "create": "Създаване",
"beginTransfer": "Begin Transfer",
- "tryAgain": "Try again",
- "visitDiscord": "Visit Discord",
+ "tryAgain": "Опитайте отново",
+ "visitDiscord": "Посети Discord",
"dragDrop": "Drag & Drop",
"importExtentions": ".kdbx or .stronghold file",
"chooseFile": "Choose a File",
@@ -545,9 +548,9 @@
"saveBackup": "Save Stronghold backup",
"customizeAcount": "Customise wallet",
"viewAddressHistory": "View address history",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "Скрий портфейл",
"showAccount": "Unhide wallet",
- "deleteAccount": "Delete wallet",
+ "deleteAccount": "Изтриване на портфейл",
"max": "Max",
"addNode": "Add node",
"updateNode": "Update node",
@@ -644,7 +647,7 @@
"accountName": "Wallet name",
"latestTransactions": "Latest Transactions",
"transactions": "Transactions",
- "security": "Security",
+ "security": "Сигурност",
"accountAddress": "Wallet Address",
"nodes": "Nodes",
"wallet": "Wallet",
@@ -654,7 +657,7 @@
"inputAddress": "Send Address",
"receiveAddress": "Receive Address",
"date": "Date",
- "status": "Status",
+ "status": "Статус",
"confirmed": "Confirmed",
"pending": "Pending",
"noAccounts": "You have no wallets, please create one.",
@@ -697,7 +700,8 @@
"receivedTo": "Received to {account}",
"sentFrom": "Sent from {account}",
"receiving": "Receiving",
- "sending": "Sending"
+ "sending": "Sending",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Network"
"dates": {
"today": "Today",
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/ca.json b/packages/shared/locales/ca.json
index ce3361d8346..e281bbcf9ce 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/ca.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/ca.json
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
"views": {
"onboarding1": {
- "title": "Enviar, rebre i gestionar eIs teus IOTA",
- "body": "Firefly is the official wallet software of IOTA."
+ "title": "Enviar, rebre i gestionar eIs vostres tokens IOTA",
+ "body": "Firefly és el programari del moneder oficial de IOTA."
"legal": {
- "title": "Plítica de Privacitat i Condicions de Servei",
- "body": "Consulteu la Política de privacitat i els Termes i condicions.",
+ "title": "Política de Privacitat i Condicions de Servei",
+ "body": "Consulteu la Política de privacitat i les Condicions del servei.",
"checkbox": "He llegit i accepto la Política de Privadesa i les Condicions de Servei"
"appearance": {
"title": "Aspecte",
- "body": "Choose your app theme."
+ "body": "Trieu l'aparença de l'aplicació."
"profile": {
- "title": "Crear perfil",
- "body1": "Pots crear diversos perfils d'usuari per mantenir separats els vostres toquens i millorar la privacitat.",
- "body2": "De moment, comencem pel teu primer nom de perfil. Podrás afegir altres perfils més endavant.",
+ "title": "Crear un perfil",
+ "body1": "Podeu crear diversos perfils d'usuari per mantenir separats els vostres criptovalors i millorar la privacitat.",
+ "body2": "De moment, comencem pel vostre primer nom de perfil. Podreu afegir altres perfils més endavant.",
"profileName": "Nom del perfil"
"setup": {
- "title": "Configura la cartera",
+ "title": "Configura el criptomoneder",
"chrysalisTitle": "Actualizació a la Xarxa Chrysalis",
- "chrysalisBody": "A partir del 21 d'Abril, els usuaris podran migrar els seus tokens a la nova xarxa Chrysalis. Us recomanem que migreu els vostres tokens tan aviat com sigui possible.",
- "learnMore": "Informat sobre la migració"
+ "chrysalisBody": "A partir del 21 d'Abril, els usuaris podran migrar els seus criptovalors a la nova xarxa Chrysalis. Us recomanem que migreu els vostres criptovalors tan aviat com sigui possible.",
+ "learnMore": "Aprendre sobre la migració"
"secure": {
- "title": "Assegura la cartera",
- "body1": "Desar i imprimir la plantilla de recuperació en PDF.",
- "body2": "If you fill out the Recovery Kit and store it safely, you will always be able to recover your wallets."
+ "title": "Assegura el criptomoneder",
+ "body1": "Desa i imprimeix el Kit de recuperació en PDF.",
+ "body2": "Si ompliu el Kit de Recuperació i el deseu en un lloc segur, sempre podreu recuperar els vostres moneders."
"password": {
- "title": "Crear una contrasenya",
+ "title": "Crea una contrasenya",
"body1": "Necessiteu una contrasenya segura per protegir els vostres fons. Utilitzeu una combinació de paraules i eviteu frases, noms o dates habituals.",
- "body2": "Es recomana escriure la contrasenya en la plantilla de recuperació."
+ "body2": "Es recomana escriure la contrasenya al Kit de recuperació."
"protect": {
"title": "Protect your wallet",
- "body1": "Set up a login PIN to make sure that only you can enter your profile.",
+ "body1": "Establiu un PIN d'accés per assegurar què només vostè pot entrar al seu moneder.",
"body2": "Guardeu el vostre PIN en un lloc segur!"
"pin": {
"title": "Configureu el codi PIN",
- "body1": "Introdueix un PIN de 6 dígits a continuació. Se us demanarà que introduïu el vostre PIN per iniciar la sessió a la cartera.",
- "body2": "Utilitza només números"
+ "body1": "A continuació, introduïu un PIN de 6 dígits. Se us demanarà el PIN per iniciar la sessió al criptomoneder.",
+ "body2": "Utilitzeu només números"
"confirmPin": {
- "title": "Verifica el teu codi PIN",
- "body1": "El teu PIN manté el saldo i les transaccions privades.",
- "body2": "Torna a introduir el teu codi PIN per continuar. "
+ "title": "Verifiqueu el codi PIN",
+ "body1": "El PIN manté el saldo i les transaccions privades.",
+ "body2": "Torneu a introduir el codi PIN per continuar. "
"backup": {
- "title": "Feu una còpia de seguretat de la cartera",
- "body1": "Ara es mostrarà la frase de recuperació. Escriu-ho al teu kit de recuperació.",
- "body2": "No comparteixis la frase de recuperació amb ningú. Es pot utilitzar per accedir als teus tokens des de qualsevol lloc.",
+ "title": "Feu una còpia de seguretat del criptomoneder",
+ "body1": "Ara es mostrarà la frase de recuperació. Escriviu-la al vostre Kit de recuperació.",
+ "body2": "No compartiu la frase de recuperació amb ningú. Es pot utilitzar per accedir als vostres criptovalors des de qualsevol lloc.",
"body3": "Si perdeu la frase de recuperació, és possible que perdeu els vostres fons."
"recoveryPhrase": {
"title": "Frase de recuperació",
- "body1": "Escriu les paraules l'ordre exacte que mostrat en el kit de recuperació.",
- "body2": "Guarda-ho de forma segura i privada.",
+ "body1": "Escriviu les paraules en l'ordre exacte que es mostren, al vostre Kit de recuperació.",
+ "body2": "Guardeu-ho de forma segura i privada.",
"body3": "És important tenir una còpia de seguretat per escrit. Els ordinadors solen fallar i els fitxers es poden corrompre.",
- "revealRecoveryPhrase": "Mostrar la frase de recuperación",
+ "revealRecoveryPhrase": "Mostra la frase de recuperació",
"hideRecoveryPhrase": "Amaga la frase de recuperació"
"verifyRecoveryPhrase": {
@@ -69,88 +69,89 @@
"body": "Anem a comprovar que heu escrit correctament la frase. Seleccioneu les paraules en l'ordre correcte.",
"word": "Paraula",
"verified": "S'ha verificat la frase de recuperació",
- "verifiedBody": "Recorda mantenir-ho guardat de forma segura i privada."
+ "verifiedBody": "Recordeu-vos de mantenir-ho guardat de forma segura i privada."
"backupWallet": {
"title": "Feu una còpia de seguretat en un fitxer Stronghold",
- "body1": "Enter your password to backup your wallets to a Stronghold file. Your password is used to encrypt the backup.",
+ "body1": "Introduïu la vostra contrasenya per fer una còpia de seguretat del moneder en un fitxer Stronghold. La vostra contrasenya s’utilitza per xifrar la còpia de seguretat.",
"body2": "Motius pels quals les còpies de seguretat digitals són importants:",
- "reason1": "Easily recover your wallets without typing in your recovery phrase",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
- "reason3": "Recupera el teu historial de transaccions"
+ "reason1": "Recupereu el moneder fàcilment sense escriure la vostra frase de recuperació",
+ "reason2": "Importeu els vostres moneders a altres dispositius",
+ "reason3": "Recupera el vostre historial de transaccions"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
- "title": "S'ha fet la còpia de seguretat amb èxit",
- "body": "You have backed up your wallets to a Stronghold."
+ "title": "La còpia de seguretat s'ha fet correctament",
+ "body": "Heu fet una còpia de seguretat dels vostres moneders a Stronghold."
"congratulations": {
- "title": "S'ha completat la configuració de la cartera",
- "body": "La vostra cartera ja es pot utilitzar.",
+ "title": "S'ha completat la configuració del criptomoneder",
+ "body": "Ja es pot utilitzar el criptomoneder nou.",
"fundsMigrated": "Fons migrats",
"success": "Heu migrat els vostres fons amb èxit a la nova xarxa",
"exportMigration": "Exporta el registre de migració i finalitza la configuració"
"import": {
- "title": "Recover or migrate funds",
- "body": "If you have an existing seed or wallet back up file, you can import it here. If you hold older network funds, you will be taken through the migration steps to move to the Chrysalis network.",
- "importSeed": "I have an 81 character seed",
- "importSeedDescription": "Enter a seed and migrate funds to Chrysalis",
- "importMnemonic": "I have a Firefly recovery phrase",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
- "importFile": "I have a file backup",
- "importFileDescription": "Upload a Seedvault or Stronghold file"
+ "title": "Recupera o migra els fons",
+ "body": "Si teniu una llavor o un fitxer de còpia de seguretat, podeu importar-lo des d'aquí. Si manteniu fons a la xarxa antiga, haureu de seguir les passes per migrar-los a la xarxa Chrysalis.",
+ "importSeed": "Tinc una llavor de 81 caràcters",
+ "importSeedDescription": "Introduïu una llavor i migreu els fons a Chrysalis",
+ "importMnemonic": "Tinc una frase de recuperació de Firefly",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "Introduïu la vostra frase de recuperació per recuperar els vostres moneders",
+ "importFile": "Tinc un fitxer de còpia de seguretat",
+ "importFileDescription": "Pugeu un fitxer SeedVault o Stronghold"
"importFromText": {
"seed": {
- "title": "Type your seed to commence migration",
- "body": "A seed consists of 81 characters. This is used to recover from the older Trinity app.",
- "enter": "Enter your seed"
+ "title": "Introduïu la vostra llavor per començar la migració",
+ "body": "Una llavor consisteix en 81 caràcterds. S'utilitza per recuperar des de l'antiga aplicació Trinity.",
+ "enter": "Introduïu la vostra llavor"
"mnemonic": {
- "title": "Type your recovery phrase",
- "body": "A recovery phrase is 24 words long, all lower case, with spaces between. This is used to recover existing Firefly wallets.",
- "enter": "Enter your secret recovery phrase"
+ "title": "Entreu la vostra frase de recuperació",
+ "body": "Una frase de recuperació té 24 paraules, totes minúscules i amb espais entre mig. S’utilitza per recuperar un moneder Firefly existent.",
+ "enter": "Introduïu la vostra frase secreta de recuperació"
"seedDetected": "S'ha detectat una llavor de 81 caràcters",
- "phraseDetected": "Frase de 24 paraules detectada",
+ "phraseDetected": "S'ha detectat una frase de 24 paraules",
"checksum": "Suma de verificació"
"importFromFile": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets using a backup file",
- "body": "Import a backup file to restore your wallets. Backups can either be a Stronghold (.stronghold) or a Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
+ "title": "Recupereu els vostres moneders utilitzant un fitxer de còpia de seguretat",
+ "body": "Importeu un fitxer de còpia de seguretat per recuperar el moneder. Les còpies de seguretat poden ser Stronghold (.stronghold) o Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
"importBackupPassword": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets from a SeedVault or Stronghold",
+ "title": "Recupereu els vostres moneders des de fitxers SeedVault o Stronghold",
"body1": "Introduïu la contrasenya de la vostra còpia de seguretat.",
"body2": "Aquesta és la contrasenya que vau definir quan vau crear la còpia de seguretat per primera vegada."
"importSuccess": {
"title": "Heu recuperat amb èxit la vostra còpia de seguretat",
- "body": "You can now set up your new profile.",
+ "body": "Ara podeu configurar el vostre perfil nou.",
"seedvaultTitle": "S'ha importat correctament",
"seedvaultBody": "La vostra contrasenya és correcta, podeu continuar.",
"strongholdTitle": "S'ha importat correctament",
"strongholdBody": "La vostra contrasenya és correcta, podeu continuar."
"migrate": {
- "title": "Migra els teus fons",
- "body1": "Aquest és un procés automatitzat per transferir els vostres fons a la vostra cartera nova.",
+ "title": "Migreu els vostres fons",
+ "body1": "Aquest és un procés automatitzat per transferir els fons al vostre criptomoneder nou.",
"body2": "Pot trigar una mica. No apagueu el dispositiu durant la migració.",
- "existing": "La teva vella cartera",
- "new": "La vostra nova cartera",
- "learn": "Informat sobre la migració",
+ "existing": "El vostre criptomoneder antic",
+ "new": "El vostre criptomoneder nou",
+ "learn": "Aprendre sobre la migració",
"beginMigration": "Comença la migració",
"migrating": "S'estan migrant els fons...",
- "migrated": "{balance} migrat",
+ "migrated": "Migrat {balance}",
"migrationFailed": "Ha fallat la migració",
"noAddressesForMigration": "Seleccioneu les adreces que vulgueu protegir.",
- "restoringWallet": "S'està restaurant la cartera...",
- "findingBalance": "Cercant el banlaç...",
+ "restoringWallet": "S'està restaurant el criptomoneder...",
+ "findingBalance": "Cercant el balanç...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "La contrasenya del SeedVault és incorrecta.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "No data could be found in the SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Firmant el paquet",
"broadcastingBundle": "Difonent el paquet",
"miningBundle": "Minant el paquet",
- "problemRestoringWallet": "There was a network error restoring your wallet. Please try again.",
+ "problemRestoringWallet": "Hi ha hagut un error de xarxa recuperant el vostre moneder. Si us plau, torneu-ho a provar.",
"minimumMigrationAmountSpentAddresses": "L’import mínim de migració per a cada adreça és d’1 Mi. Torneu a comprovar si el vostre saldo no sembla correcte.",
"tooManyAddressesToMigrate": "Hi ha massa adreces amb poc saldo per migrar. Torneu a comprovar si el vostre saldo no sembla correcte.",
"cannotMigrateAllYourFunds": "No podem migrar tots els vostres fons perquè algunes adreces tenen un valor massa baix. Podeu continuar igualment. {value} es perdrà.",
@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@
"settings": "Preferències",
"generalSettings": {
"title": "Configuració General",
- "description": "Configure your app's appearance and other general settings"
+ "description": "Configureu l'aparença de l'aplicació i altres paràmetres generals"
"security": {
"title": "Seguretat",
@@ -220,7 +221,7 @@
"description": "Canvieu el nom del vostre perfil o configureu un avatar"
"sync": {
- "title": "Sync wallets",
+ "title": "Sincronitza moneders",
"description": ""
"theme": {
@@ -241,15 +242,17 @@
"exportStronghold": {
"title": "Exportar còpia de seguretat",
- "description": "Export to a Stronghold file - a complete encrypted backup of your wallets and latest transaction history."
+ "description": "Exporteu a un fitxer Stronghold - una còpia de seguretat xifrada del vostre moneder i l'historial de transaccions."
"appLock": {
"title": "Bloquejar automàticament",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "description": "Temps d'inactivitat abans que els moneders es bloquegin i us tanqui la sessió",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hour} other {# hours}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Canviar contrasenya",
- "description": "Your password is used to secure your wallets. You must use a strong password to protect your funds."
+ "description": "La contrasenya s’utilitza per protegir el moneder. Utilitzeu una contrasenya segura per protegir els vostres fons."
"changePincode": {
"title": "Canvia el codi PIN",
@@ -260,16 +263,16 @@
"action": "Canvia el PIN"
"balanceFinder": {
- "title": "Balance finder",
- "description": "Perform an extended search of your addresses for tokens."
+ "title": "Cercador de balanços",
+ "description": "Realitzeu una cerca extensa de tokens per les vostres adreces."
"hiddenAccounts": {
- "title": "Hidden wallets",
- "description": "Selecting this options will show wallets that were previously hidden."
+ "title": "Moneders amagats",
+ "description": "Seleccionant aquestes opcions, es mostraran els comptes que anteriorment estaven ocults."
"deleteProfile": {
"title": "Suprimeix el perfil",
- "description": "Deletes your entire profile, wallets and transaction history. Make sure you have a backup."
+ "description": "Elimineu el vostre perfil complet, moneders i llistat de transaccions. Assegureu-vos de tenir una còpia de seguretat."
"deepLinks": {
"title": "Enllaços profunds",
@@ -285,7 +288,7 @@
"configureNodeList": {
"title": "Selecciona el node",
- "description": "Manage the list of IOTA network nodes you connect to.",
+ "description": "Gestioneu la llista de nodes de la xarxa IOTA on us voleu connectar.",
"primaryNode": "Node primari",
"excludeNode": "Excloure node",
"includeNode": "Incloure node",
@@ -354,8 +357,8 @@
"strongholdStatus": {
"title": "Estat de la cartera",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "unlocked": "Unlocked"
+ "locked": "Blocat",
+ "unlocked": "Desblocat"
"strongholdBackup": {
"title": "Còpia de seguretat de la cartera",
@@ -379,7 +382,7 @@
"popups": {
"password": {
"title": "Es requereix la contrasenya",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your password to unlock your wallets",
+ "subtitle": "Si us plau, introduïu la vostra contrasenya per desblocar els vostres moneders",
"backup": "Introdueix la teva contrasenya per exportar una còpia de seguretat"
"qr": {
@@ -391,34 +394,34 @@
"upToDateDescription": "Esteu executant la versió més recent i segura de Firefly.",
"updateAvailable": "Actualització de Firefly disponible",
"updateDetails": "Versió {version} - {date}",
- "noAutoUpdate": "Auto-update is disabled in this Windows version, please go to to download the update."
+ "noAutoUpdate": "L'actualització automàtica està deshabilitada en aquesta versió de Windows. Si us plau, aneu a per baixar l'actualització."
"backup": {
"title": "Darrera còpia de seguretat: {date}",
"lastBackup": "La teva última còpia de seguretat {date}",
- "backupDescription": "It is important to back up regularly to ensure you have a copy of your wallets and transaction history.",
+ "backupDescription": "És important fer una còpia de seguretat periòdicament per assegurar-vos que teniu una còpia dels vostres moneders i de l'historial de transaccions.",
"backupWarning": "Si perdeu la frase de còpia de seguretat i recuperació, perdrà l'accés als vostres fons.",
"notBackedUp": "No s'ha fet una còpia de seguretat",
- "notBackedUpDescription": "You have not backed up your wallets",
+ "notBackedUpDescription": "No heu fet cap còpia de seguretat dels vostres moneders",
"saving": "Desant..."
"deleteAccount": {
"title": "Eliminar {name}?",
- "body": "This wallet has no transaction history. It can safely be deleted.",
+ "body": "Aquest moneder no té historial de transaccions. Es pot esborrar amb seguretat.",
"typePassword": "Escriu la contrasenya de la teva cartera per confirmar-la.",
- "hideAccount": "Delete wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "Esborra el moneder",
"errorTitle": "No s'ha pogut eliminar {name}",
- "errorBody1": "You cannot delete this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "errorBody1": "No podeu esborrar aquest moneder, n'heu de tenir un, com a mínim."
"hideAccount": {
"title": "Amagar {name}?",
- "body": "You can find this wallet later by enabling \"Show hidden wallets\" in Advanced Settings.",
+ "body": "Després, podreu trobar aquest moneder habilitant \"Mostra els moneders amagats\" als Paràmetres Avançats.",
"typePassword": "Escriu la contrasenya de la teva cartera per confirmar-la.",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "Amaga el moneder",
"errorTitle": "No s'ha pogut ocultar {name}",
- "errorBody1": "To hide a wallet it must have 0 balance.",
- "errorBody2": "You currently have {balance} remaining on this wallet. Please move these funds to a different wallet and try again.",
- "errorBody3": "You cannot hide this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "errorBody1": "Per amagar un moneder, cal que tingui balanç 0.",
+ "errorBody2": "Actualment, teniu un balanç {balance} en aquest moneder. Moveu aquests fons a un moneder diferent i torneu-ho a provar.",
+ "errorBody3": "No podeu amagar aquest moneder, n'heu de tenir un, com a mínim."
"addressHistory": {
"title": "Historial d'adreces de {name}",
@@ -460,10 +463,10 @@
"body": "Estàs a punt d'enviar {amount} a"
"balanceFinder": {
- "title": "Balance finder",
- "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
- "typePassword": "Type your password to allow searching."
+ "title": "Cercador de balanços",
+ "body": "Realitzar una cerca més exhaustiva d'adreces per trobar balanços perduts. Això pot tardar una estona.",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "Balanç total",
+ "typePassword": "Escriviu la vostra contrasenya per pemetre la cerca."
"riskFunds": {
"title": "Advertència: fons en risc durant la migració",
@@ -477,19 +480,19 @@
"proceed": "Sí, entenc els riscos"
"snapshot": {
- "title": "Ongoing network upgrade",
- "body": "The Chrysalis network upgrade has begun.",
- "bodyMigration": "Migration is disabled until it is complete.",
- "bodyFirefly": "Firefly is disabled until it is complete. Token migration will still be possible afterwards."
+ "title": "Actualització de xarxa en marxa",
+ "body": "L'actualització de la xarxa Chrysalis ha començat.",
+ "bodyMigration": "La migració esta deshabilitada fins que s'hagi completat.",
+ "bodyFirefly": "Firefly està deshabilitat fins que s'hagi completat. La migració dels tokens, després encara serà possible."
"charts": {
- "incomingMi": "Incoming {value}",
- "outgoingMi": "Outgoing {value}",
+ "incomingMi": "Entrant {value}",
+ "outgoingMi": "Sortint {value}",
"portoflio": "Portafoli",
"token": "Token",
- "accountValue": "Wallet Value",
- "accountActivity": "Wallet Activity",
+ "accountValue": "Valor del moneder",
+ "accountActivity": "Activitat del moneder",
"timeframe1Hour": "1 hora",
"timeframe1Day": "1 dia",
"timeframe1Week": "1 setmana",
@@ -543,11 +546,11 @@
"updateFirefly": "Actualitza Firefly",
"restartNow": "Reiniciar ara",
"saveBackup": "Guarda una còpia de seguretat Stronghold",
- "customizeAcount": "Customise wallet",
+ "customizeAcount": "Personalitza el moneder",
"viewAddressHistory": "Veure l'historial d'adreces",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
- "showAccount": "Unhide wallet",
- "deleteAccount": "Delete wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "Amaga el moneder",
+ "showAccount": "Mostra el moneder",
+ "deleteAccount": "Esborra el moneder",
"max": "Màxim",
"addNode": "Afegeix un node",
"updateNode": "Actualitzar el node",
@@ -563,7 +566,7 @@
"copy": "Copiar",
"paste": "Enganxar",
"selectAll": "Selecciona-ho tot",
- "addAccount": "Add Wallet",
+ "addAccount": "Afegeix moneder",
"checkForUpdates": "Cerca actualitzacions",
"reportAnIssue": "Notifica un problema",
"clear": "Neteja",
@@ -578,13 +581,13 @@
"readDocumentation": "Llegeix la documentació",
"visitFaq": "Visita les FAQ",
"viewStatus": "Mostra l'estat",
- "showHiddenAccounts": "Show hidden wallets",
+ "showHiddenAccounts": "Mostra els moneders amagats",
"confirm": "Confirmar",
- "findBalances": "Find balances",
- "searchBalances": "Search for balances",
- "searchAgain": "Search again",
- "searching": "Searching...",
- "closeFirefly": "Close Firefly"
+ "findBalances": "Troba balanços",
+ "searchBalances": "Cerca balanços",
+ "searchAgain": "Cerca de nou",
+ "searching": "Cercant...",
+ "closeFirefly": "Tanca Firefly"
"general": {
"password": "Contrasenya",
@@ -602,10 +605,10 @@
"sendFunds": "Enviar fons",
"sendToAddress": "Enviar a l’adreça",
"scanQrOrPaste": "Escaneja un codi QR o enganxa una adreça",
- "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Move funds between wallets",
+ "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Mou fons entre moneders",
"sendTokensToAddress": "Enviar fitxes a una adreça",
- "manageAccount": "Manage Wallet",
- "customizeAcount": "Customize your wallet",
+ "manageAccount": "Gestiona moneder",
+ "customizeAcount": "Personalitzeu el vostre moneder",
"account": "Cartera",
"sendingToAddress": "Enviant a l’adreça",
"amount": "Quantitat",
@@ -627,25 +630,25 @@
"lightTheme": "Tema clar",
"darkTheme": "Tema fosc",
"balance": "Balanç",
- "accountBalance": "Wallet Balance",
+ "accountBalance": "Balanç del moneder",
"incoming": "Entrant",
"outgoing": "Sortint",
"totalIn": "Total entrant",
"totalOut": "Total sortint",
- "accounts": "Wallets",
- "myAccounts": "My Wallets",
+ "accounts": "Moneders",
+ "myAccounts": "Els meus moneders",
"automaticNodeSelection": "Selecció automàtica de nodes",
"manualNodeSelection": "Selecció manual de nodes",
"profiles": "Perfils",
"developerProfile": "Mode de desenvolupador",
"developerProfileDescription": "Us permet connectar-vos a les testnets",
"dev": "Dev",
- "createAccount": "Create a Wallet",
- "accountName": "Wallet name",
+ "createAccount": "Crea un moneder",
+ "accountName": "Nom del moneder",
"latestTransactions": "Últimes transaccions",
"transactions": "Transaccions",
"security": "Seguretat",
- "accountAddress": "Wallet Address",
+ "accountAddress": "Adreça del moneder",
"nodes": "Nodes",
"wallet": "Cartera",
"help": "Ajuda",
@@ -657,26 +660,26 @@
"status": "Estat",
"confirmed": "Confirmat",
"pending": "Pendent",
- "noAccounts": "You have no wallets, please create one.",
+ "noAccounts": "No teniu moneders, si us plau, creeu-ne un.",
"loadingAccounts": "Carregant, espereu...",
"addProfile": "Afegeix un perfil",
"noRecentHistory": "No hi ha història recent",
- "firstSync": "Syncing history, this may take a while...",
- "transferSyncing": "Syncing wallet",
+ "firstSync": "Sinconitzant l'historial, això pot durar una estona...",
+ "transferSyncing": "Sincronitzant moneder",
"transferSelectingInputs": "Selecció d’entrades",
"transferRemainderAddress": "S'està generant l'adreça de dipòsit restant",
"transferSigning": "Signatura de la transacció",
"transferPow": "Realització de la PoW",
"transferBroadcasting": "Promocionant transacció",
"transferComplete": "Transferència completada",
- "creatingAccount": "Creating wallet, please wait...",
- "updatingAccount": "Updating wallet, please wait...",
- "accountSyncing": "Wallet is syncing",
- "accountSyncComplete": "Wallet sync complete",
+ "creatingAccount": "Creant moneder, si us plau, espereu...",
+ "updatingAccount": "Actualitzant moneder, si us plau, espereu...",
+ "accountSyncing": "El moneder s'està actualitzant",
+ "accountSyncComplete": "Sincronització completa del moneder",
"passwordUpdating": "S'està actualitzant la contrasenya...",
"passwordSuccess": "S'ha actualitzat correctament la contrasenya",
"passwordFailed": "No s'ha pogut actualitzar la contrasenya",
- "syncingAccounts": "Syncing wallets...",
+ "syncingAccounts": "Sincronitzant moneders...",
"exportingStronghold": "Exportant Stronghold...",
"exportingStrongholdSuccess": "Stronghold exportat amb èxit",
"exportingStrongholdFailed": "No s'ha pogut exportar el Stronghold",
@@ -691,13 +694,14 @@
"passwordStrength4": "Forta",
"creatingProfile": "S'està creant un compte, espereu...",
"fundMigration": "Migració de fons",
- "accountRemoved": "This wallet is hidden. Unhide it to perform transfers.",
- "receivingTo": "Receiving to {account}",
- "sendingFrom": "Sending from {account}",
- "receivedTo": "Received to {account}",
- "sentFrom": "Sent from {account}",
- "receiving": "Receiving",
- "sending": "Sending"
+ "accountRemoved": "Aquest moneder està amagat. Mostreu-lo per realitzar transferències.",
+ "receivingTo": "Rebent a {account}",
+ "sendingFrom": "Enviant des de {account}",
+ "receivedTo": "Rebut a {account}",
+ "sentFrom": "Enviat des de {account}",
+ "receiving": "Rebent",
+ "sending": "Enviant",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Network"
"dates": {
"today": "Avui",
@@ -720,7 +724,7 @@
"calcMinutesRemaining": "S'estan calculant els minuts restants...",
"minutesRemaining": "{minutes, plural, one {1 minut restant} other {# minuts restants}}",
"copiedToClipboard": "Copiat al porta-retalls",
- "accountsSynchronized": "Wallet synchronization complete",
+ "accountsSynchronized": "Sincronització completa del moneder",
"migratedAccountChrysalisDown": "Els teus fons estaran disponibles després de Chrysalis el 28 d'abril",
"migratedAccountChrysalisUp": "Els teus fons estaran disponibles en breu"
@@ -752,10 +756,10 @@
"incorrect": "El vostre PIN actual és incorrecte."
"account": {
- "length": "Your wallet name can't be longer than {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}}.",
- "empty": "You must use your latest wallet before creating a new one.",
- "notEmpty": "You must transfer your balance before deleting this wallet.",
- "duplicate": "A wallet with this name already exists.",
+ "length": "El nom del moneder no pot superar els {length, plural, one {1 caràcter} other {# caràcters}}.",
+ "empty": "Cal que utilitzeu el darrer moneder, abans de crear-ne un de nou.",
+ "notEmpty": "Cal que transferiu el saldo del moneder, abans d'eliminar-lo.",
+ "duplicate": "Ja existeix un moneder amb aquest nom.",
"tilde": "El nom de perfil no pot començar amb el caràcter '~'.",
"control": "Un nom de perfil no pot contenir cap caràcter de control.",
"startDot": "Un nom de perfil no pot començar amb el caràcter '.'.",
@@ -770,8 +774,8 @@
"wrongAddressPrefix": "Les adreces comencen amb el prefix {prefix}.",
"wrongAddressFormat": "L'adreça no està en el format correcte.",
"invalidAddress": "L'adreça no és vàlida.",
- "insufficientFunds": "This wallet has insufficient funds.",
- "noToAccount": "You have not selected a wallet to send the funds to.",
+ "insufficientFunds": "Aquest moneder no té prou fons.",
+ "noToAccount": "No heu seleccionat cap moneder on enviar els fons.",
"sendingDust": "No es possible enviar menys d'1 Mi.",
"leavingDust": "No és possible deixar menys d'1 Mi a la teva adreça."
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/cs.json b/packages/shared/locales/cs.json
index 07948b54207..e5c2a77c2a2 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/cs.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/cs.json
@@ -76,12 +76,12 @@
"body1": "Zadejte heslo pro zálohování peněženky jako Stronghold soubor. Vaše heslo bude použito k zašifrování zálohy.",
"body2": "Důvody, proč jsou digitální zálohy důležité:",
"reason1": "Snadno obnovte Vaši peněženku bez psaní Vašich klíčových slov",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason2": "Importovat peněženku do jiných zařízení",
"reason3": "Obnovit celou historii transakcí"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
"title": "Úspěšně zálohováno",
- "body": "You have backed up your wallets to a Stronghold."
+ "body": "Zálohovali jste peněženku jako Stronghold soubor."
"congratulations": {
"title": "Nastavení peněženky dokončeno",
@@ -91,25 +91,25 @@
"exportMigration": "Exportovat protokol migrace a dokončit nastavení"
"import": {
- "title": "Recover or migrate funds",
- "body": "If you have an existing seed or wallet back up file, you can import it here. If you hold older network funds, you will be taken through the migration steps to move to the Chrysalis network.",
- "importSeed": "I have an 81 character seed",
- "importSeedDescription": "Enter a seed and migrate funds to Chrysalis",
- "importMnemonic": "I have a Firefly recovery phrase",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
- "importFile": "I have a file backup",
- "importFileDescription": "Upload a Seedvault or Stronghold file"
+ "title": "Obnovit nebo migrovat tokeny",
+ "body": "Pokud máte záložní soubor existujícího seedu nebo peněženky, můžete jej importovat zde. Pokud vlastníte starší fondy, provedete kroky k přesunu do Chrysalis.",
+ "importSeed": "Můj seed má 81 znaků",
+ "importSeedDescription": "Vložte seed a zmigrujte vaše finanční prostředky do Christalis",
+ "importMnemonic": "Mám obnovovací frázi pro Firefly",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "Zadejte frázi pro obnovení vaší peněženky",
+ "importFile": "Mám záložní soubor",
+ "importFileDescription": "Nahrát Seedvault nebo Stronghold soubor"
"importFromText": {
"seed": {
- "title": "Type your seed to commence migration",
+ "title": "Pro zahájení migrace zadejte svůj Seed",
"body": "Seed obsahuje 81 znaků. Používá se k obnovení ze starší peněženky Trinity.",
- "enter": "Enter your seed"
+ "enter": "Zadejte Váš Seed"
"mnemonic": {
- "title": "Type your recovery phrase",
+ "title": "Napište svoji obnovovací frázi",
"body": "Obnovovací fráze má 24 slov, všechna malá písmena s mezerami. Používá se k obnově stávající Firefly peněženky.",
- "enter": "Enter your secret recovery phrase"
+ "enter": "Zadejte Vaše tajná obnovovací slova"
"seedDetected": "Bylo zjištěno 81 znaků seed",
"phraseDetected": "Zjištěna 24 slovní obnovovací fráze",
@@ -117,16 +117,16 @@
"importFromFile": {
"title": "Obnovit peněženku ze zálohy",
- "body": "Import a backup file to restore your wallets. Backups can either be a Stronghold (.stronghold) or a Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
+ "body": "Importujte zálohu pro obnovení Vaší peněženky. Zálohy jsou soubory typu Stronghold (.stronghold) nebo Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
"importBackupPassword": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets from a SeedVault or Stronghold",
+ "title": "Obnovte Vaši peněženku pomoci SeedVault nebo Stronghold",
"body1": "Prosím zadejte vaše záložní heslo.",
"body2": "Toto je heslo, které jste nastavili při prvním vytvoření zálohy."
"importSuccess": {
"title": "Úspěšně jste obnovili váš účet pomocí zálohy",
- "body": "You can now set up your new profile.",
+ "body": "Nyní můžete nastavit Váš nový profil.",
"seedvaultTitle": "Úspěšně importováno",
"seedvaultBody": "Vaše heslo je správné, nyní můžete pokračovat.",
"strongholdTitle": "Úspěšně importováno",
@@ -134,57 +134,58 @@
"migrate": {
"title": "Migrujte vaše tokeny",
- "body1": "This is an automated process to transfer your funds to your new wallet.",
+ "body1": "Automatizovaný proces pro převod Vašich prostředků do nové peněženky.",
"body2": "Toto může nějakou dobu trvat. Během migrace nevypínejte zařízení.",
"existing": "Vaše předchozí peněženka",
"new": "Vaše nová peněženka",
"learn": "Přečtěte si o migraci",
- "beginMigration": "Begin Migration",
- "migrating": "Migrating funds...",
- "migrated": "{balance} migrated",
- "migrationFailed": "Migration Failed",
- "noAddressesForMigration": "Please select the addresses you wish to secure.",
- "restoringWallet": "Restoring wallet...",
- "findingBalance": "Finding balance...",
- "incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Incorrect SeedVault password.",
- "signingBundle": "Signing bundle",
- "broadcastingBundle": "Broadcasting bundle",
- "miningBundle": "Mining bundle",
- "problemRestoringWallet": "There was a network error restoring your wallet. Please try again.",
- "minimumMigrationAmountSpentAddresses": "The minimum migration amount for each spent address is 1 Mi. Check again if your balance doesn't look right.",
- "tooManyAddressesToMigrate": "You have too many addresses with low balance to migrate. Check again if your balance doesn't look right.",
- "cannotMigrateAllYourFunds": "We cannot migrate all of your funds because some addresses are too low in value. You can proceed anyway. {value} will be lost.",
- "error": "There was an error migrating your funds. Please try again."
+ "beginMigration": "Zahájit migraci",
+ "migrating": "Migrace prostředků...",
+ "migrated": "{balance} zmigrováno",
+ "migrationFailed": "Migrace se nezdařila",
+ "noAddressesForMigration": "Vyberte adresy, které chcete zabezpečit.",
+ "restoringWallet": "Obnovuji peněženku...",
+ "findingBalance": "Hledání zůstatku...",
+ "incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Nesprávné heslo k SeedVaultu.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "No data could be found in the SeedVault.",
+ "signingBundle": "Podepisování balíčku",
+ "broadcastingBundle": "Posílání balíčku",
+ "miningBundle": "Těžení balíčku",
+ "problemRestoringWallet": "Při obnovování vaší peněženky došlo k chybě sítě. Prosím zkuste to znovu.",
+ "minimumMigrationAmountSpentAddresses": "Minimální částka pro migraci na každou adresu je 1 Mi. Zkontrolujte znovu zda zůstatek odpovídá.",
+ "tooManyAddressesToMigrate": "Na migraci máte příliš mnoho adres s nízkým zůstatkem. Zkontrolujte znovu vaše zůstatky.",
+ "cannotMigrateAllYourFunds": "Nemůžeme migrovat všechny Vaše prostředky, protože některé adresy mají příliš nízký zůstatek. Můžete přesto pokračovat, ale {value} bude ztraceno.",
+ "error": "Při migraci vašich prostředků došlo k chybě. Zkuste to prosím znovu."
"bundleMiningWarning": {
- "title": "Warning",
- "body1": "You have funds on one or more spent addresses.",
- "body2": "We recommend you run an automated process to help secure and transfer these funds safely.",
- "body3": "If you close the app you will need to restart the whole migration.",
- "learn": "Learn about spent addresses"
+ "title": "Varování",
+ "body1": "Máte prostředky na jedné nebo více utracených adresách.",
+ "body2": "Doporučujeme spustit automatizovaný proces, který pomuze s bezpečnym převedem Vasich prostředku.",
+ "body3": "Pokud zavřete aplikaci, budete muset celou migraci restartovat.",
+ "learn": "Další informace o utracených adresách"
"secureSpentAddresses": {
- "title": "Secure spent addresses",
- "body1": "You have funds detected on {number, plural, one {# spent address} other {# spent addresses}}.",
- "body2": "We recommend you run an automated process to help secure and transfer your funds safely.",
- "error": "You can’t migrate spent addresses with less than 1 Mi"
+ "title": "Zabezpečení utracených adres",
+ "body1": "Máte prostředky na {number, plural, one {# utracené adrese} other {# utracenych adresach}}.",
+ "body2": "Doporučujeme spustit automatizovaný proces, který bezpečne převede Vase prostředky.",
+ "error": "Nemůžete migrovat utracené adresy s méně než 1 Mi"
"securityCheckCompleted": {
- "title": "Security check completed",
- "body1": "We have calculated the security risk level. Running this process again may lower your risk level.",
- "body2": "When you are happy with the risk level(s) press continue.",
- "rerun": "Rerun process for selected addresses",
- "continueMigration": "Continue migration"
+ "title": "Bezpečnostní kontrola dokončena",
+ "body1": "Vypočítali jsme úroveň bezpečnostního rizika. Spuštění tohoto procesu může snížit úroveň rizika.",
+ "body2": "Jakmile jste spokojeni s úrovní rizika, stiskněte pokračovat.",
+ "rerun": "Opakovat proces pro vybrané adresy",
+ "continueMigration": "Pokračovat v migraci"
"securingSpentAddresses": {
- "title": "Securing spent addresses...",
- "body1": "This process will take {minutes, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}.",
- "body2": "Your computer will run at full capacity, you may wish to do something else while you wait for this to complete."
+ "title": "Zabezpečení utracených adres...",
+ "body1": "Tento proces zabere {minutes, plural, one {1 minutu} other {# minut}}.",
+ "body2": "Proces bude spuštěn na počítači s plnou kapacitou, můžete mezitím dělat něco jiného."
"transferFragmentedFunds": {
- "body1": "Firefly will now proceed to migrate your funds. This may take a while.",
- "migrate": "Migrate funds",
- "transaction": "Transaction {number}",
+ "body1": "Firefly nyní migruje vaše finanční prostředky. To může chvíli trvat.",
+ "migrate": "Migrace tokenů",
+ "transaction": "Transakce {number}",
"rerun": "Zkuste to znovu"
"migrateFailed": {
@@ -193,34 +194,34 @@
"balance": {
"title": "Váš zůstatek",
- "body": "Make sure your balance is correct before continuing. You can check again if things don't look correct.",
- "error": "The minimum migration amount is 1 Mi. Check again if your balance doesn't look right.",
- "zeroBalance": "Try checking again. If you still can't find your balance you might have entered your seed incorrectly."
+ "body": "Před pokračováním se ujistěte, že zůstatek je správný. Budete mít opětovnou možnost zkontrolovat přesnost.",
+ "error": "Minimální částka pro migraci je 1 Mi. Zkontrolujte znovu zda zůstatek odpovídá.",
+ "zeroBalance": "Zkuste znovu zkontrolovat. Pokud stále nemůžete najít zůstatek, možná jste zadali Seed nesprávně."
"settings": {
"settings": "Nastavení",
"generalSettings": {
"title": "Obecné nastavení",
- "description": "Configure your app's appearance and other general settings"
+ "description": "Konfigurace vzhledu aplikace a další nastavení"
"security": {
"title": "Zabezpečení",
- "description": "Change your password and adjust security-related settings"
+ "description": "Změňte své heslo a upravte nastavení bezpečnosti"
"advancedSettings": {
"title": "Pokročilé nastavení",
- "description": "Tools and manual settings for technical users"
+ "description": "Nástroje a manuální nastavení pro technické uživatele"
"helpAndInfo": {
"title": "Nápověda",
- "description": "Find the answer to a question or get help with an issue"
+ "description": "Najděte odpověď na otázku nebo získejte pomoc s problémem"
"profile": {
"title": "Profil",
"description": "Změňte jméno profilu nebo nastavte avatar"
"sync": {
- "title": "Sync wallets",
+ "title": "Synchronizace peněženek",
"description": ""
"theme": {
@@ -233,108 +234,110 @@
"currency": {
"title": "Měna",
- "description": "Adjusts balance conversion and updates chart options"
+ "description": "Upravuje konverzi zůstatku a aktualizuje možnosti zobrazeni"
"notifications": {
"title": "Oznámení",
- "description": "System notifications for transaction events"
+ "description": "Systémová oznámení o transakcích"
"exportStronghold": {
- "title": "Export Backup",
- "description": "Export to a Stronghold file - a complete encrypted backup of your wallets and latest transaction history."
+ "title": "Exportovat zálohu",
+ "description": "Exportovat do Stronghold souboru - kompletní šifrovaná záloha vašich peněženek a poslední historie transakcí."
"appLock": {
- "title": "Automatic Lock",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "title": "Automatický zámek",
+ "description": "Čas nečinnosti před uzamknutím peněženek a odhlášeni",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hour} other {# hours}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Změna hesla",
- "description": "Your password is used to secure your wallets. You must use a strong password to protect your funds."
+ "description": "Vaše heslo se používá k zabezpečení peněženek. Musíte použít silné heslo k ochraně prostředků."
"changePincode": {
"title": "Změnit PIN kód",
- "description": "Your PIN keeps your balance and transactions private",
+ "description": "Váš PIN udržuje Váš zůstatek a transakce soukromé",
"currentPincode": "Aktuální PIN kód",
"newPincode": "Nový PIN",
"confirmNewPincode": "Potvrďte nový PIN",
"action": "Změnit PIN"
"balanceFinder": {
- "title": "Balance finder",
- "description": "Perform an extended search of your addresses for tokens."
+ "title": "Hledač zůstatku",
+ "description": "Provést rozšířené vyhledávání tokenů napříč adresami."
"hiddenAccounts": {
- "title": "Hidden wallets",
- "description": "Selecting this options will show wallets that were previously hidden."
+ "title": "Skryté peněženky",
+ "description": "Výběrem možnosti se zobrazí peněženky, které byly dříve skryty."
"deleteProfile": {
"title": "Smazat profil",
- "description": "Deletes your entire profile, wallets and transaction history. Make sure you have a backup."
+ "description": "Odstraní celou historii profilu, peněženek a transakcí. Ujistěte se, že máte zálohu."
"deepLinks": {
"title": "Hluboké odkazy",
- "description": "Automatically fill transaction data in Firefly upon clicking an iota:// link"
+ "description": "Automaticky vyplnit údaje o transakcích ve Firefly po kliknutí na odkaz iota://"
"developerMode": {
"title": "Vývojářský režim",
- "description": "Connect to testnets and other developer features"
+ "description": "Připojit k testnets a další funkce vývojáře"
"nodeSettings": {
"title": "Nastavení node",
- "description": "Select Manual to configure the node settings and connect to your own node"
+ "description": "Vyberte Manual pro konfiguraci a připojení k vlastní Node"
"configureNodeList": {
- "title": "Select a node",
- "description": "Manage the list of IOTA network nodes you connect to.",
- "primaryNode": "Primary node",
- "excludeNode": "Exclude node",
- "includeNode": "Include node",
- "viewDetails": "View details",
- "setAsPrimary": "Set as primary",
+ "title": "Vybrat Node",
+ "description": "Spravujte list IOTA nodes, ke kterým se připojujete.",
+ "primaryNode": "Primární Node",
+ "excludeNode": "Vyloučit node",
+ "includeNode": "Zahrnout node",
+ "viewDetails": "Zobrazit podrobnosti",
+ "setAsPrimary": "Nastavit jako hlavní",
"removeNode": "Odstranit uzel",
- "includeOfficialNodeList": "Include official node list",
- "noNodes": "There are no nodes, automatic selection will be used instead."
+ "includeOfficialNodeList": "Zahrnout oficiální seznam node",
+ "noNodes": "Neexistují žádné Nodes, bude použit automatický výběr."
"proofOfWork": {
"title": "Proof of Work",
- "description": "Complete proof of work locally on your device or outsource to the node"
+ "description": "Proveďte Proof-of-work lokálně na vašem zařízení nebo externalizujte na Node"
"errorLog": {
"title": "Záznam chyb",
- "description": "View errors to debug an issue"
+ "description": "Zobrazit chyby pro debug"
"diagnostics": {
"title": "Diagnostika",
- "description": "View system and application information"
+ "description": "Zobrazit informace o systému a aplikaci"
"stateExport": {
"title": "Export stavu",
- "description": "Export your transaction history to a .csv file"
+ "description": "Exportovat historii transakcí do .csv souboru"
"troubleshoot": {
"title": "Řešení problémů",
- "description": "Use the troubleshooting wizard to solve common problems"
+ "description": "Použij průvodce řešením problémů k řešení běžných problémů"
"documentation": {
"title": "Dokumentace",
- "description": "View the documentation for in depth explanations of how things work"
+ "description": "Zobrazit dokumentaci pro podrobné vysvětlení, jak věci fungují"
"faq": {
"title": "Časté dotazy",
- "title2": "Frequently Asked Questions",
- "description": "View the FAQs to get help with a common problem or question"
+ "title2": "Často kladené dotazy",
+ "description": "Podívejte se na FAQ a získejte pomoc s běžnými problémy a otázkami"
"discord": {
"title": "Discord",
- "description": "Get help from the IOTA community on Discord"
+ "description": "Získejte pomoc od IOTA komunity na Discordu"
"about": {
"title": "O aplikaci",
"description": ""
"reportAnIssue": {
- "title": "Report an issue",
- "description": "Report a bug to the developers. Check through to make sure it hasn't already been reported."
+ "title": "Nahlásit problém",
+ "description": "Nahlásit chybu vývojářům. Zkontrolujte, zda již nebyla nahlášena."
"login": {
@@ -353,19 +356,19 @@
"noneDetected": "Nic nenalezeno"
"strongholdStatus": {
- "title": "Wallet Status",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "unlocked": "Unlocked"
+ "title": "Stav peněženky",
+ "locked": "Zamknuto",
+ "unlocked": "Odemknuto"
"strongholdBackup": {
- "title": "Wallet Backup",
+ "title": "Záloha peněženky",
"weeksAgo": "před {weeks, plural, one {# týdnem} other {# týdny}}"
"network": {
"networkOperational": "Síť v provozu",
"networkDegraded": "Zhoršená funkčnost sítě",
- "networkDown": "Network Disconnected",
+ "networkDown": "Sít odpojena",
"status": "Stav",
"messagesPerSecond": "Zprávy za sekundu",
"confirmationRate": "Míra potvrzení"
@@ -379,7 +382,7 @@
"popups": {
"password": {
"title": "Heslo požadováno",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your password to unlock your wallets",
+ "subtitle": "Zadejte své heslo pro odemčení svých peněženek",
"backup": "Zadejte heslo pro export zálohy"
"qr": {
@@ -391,34 +394,34 @@
"upToDateDescription": "Používáte nejnovější a nejbezpečnější verzi Firefly.",
"updateAvailable": "Je možné aktualizovat Firefly",
"updateDetails": "Verze {version} - {date}",
- "noAutoUpdate": "Auto-update is disabled in this Windows version, please go to to download the update."
+ "noAutoUpdate": "Automatická aktualizace je v této verzi Windows zakázána, stáhněte si aktualizaci prosím"
"backup": {
"title": "Poslední záloha: {date}",
"lastBackup": "Naposledy jste zálohovali {date}",
- "backupDescription": "It is important to back up regularly to ensure you have a copy of your wallets and transaction history.",
+ "backupDescription": "Pravidelná záloha je důležitá pro zachování kopie účtů a historie transakcí.",
"backupWarning": "Ztratíte-li frázi pro zálohování a obnovení, ztratíte přístup ke svým prostředkům.",
"notBackedUp": "Zatím nezálohováno",
- "notBackedUpDescription": "You have not backed up your wallets",
- "saving": "Saving..."
+ "notBackedUpDescription": "Nezálohovali jste své peněženky",
+ "saving": "Ukládání..."
"deleteAccount": {
- "title": "Delete {name}?",
- "body": "This wallet has no transaction history. It can safely be deleted.",
- "typePassword": "Type your wallet password to confirm.",
- "hideAccount": "Delete wallet",
- "errorTitle": "Unable to delete {name}",
- "errorBody1": "You cannot delete this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "title": "Smazat {name}?",
+ "body": "Tato peněženka nemá žádnou historii transakcí. Lze ji bezpečně smazat.",
+ "typePassword": "Zadejte heslo peněženky pro potvrzení.",
+ "hideAccount": "Smazat peněženku",
+ "errorTitle": "Nelze odstranit {name}",
+ "errorBody1": "Peněženku nelze odstranit, musíte mít alespoň jednu."
"hideAccount": {
- "title": "Hide {name}?",
- "body": "You can find this wallet later by enabling \"Show hidden wallets\" in Advanced Settings.",
- "typePassword": "Type your wallet password to confirm.",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
- "errorTitle": "Unable to hide {name}",
- "errorBody1": "To hide a wallet it must have 0 balance.",
- "errorBody2": "You currently have {balance} remaining on this wallet. Please move these funds to a different wallet and try again.",
- "errorBody3": "You cannot hide this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "title": "Skrýt {name}?",
+ "body": "Později můžete najít tuto peněženku povolením \"Zobrazit skryté peněženky\" v Pokročilém nastavení.",
+ "typePassword": "Zadejte heslo peněženky pro potvrzení.",
+ "hideAccount": "Skrýt peněženku",
+ "errorTitle": "Nelze skrýt {name}",
+ "errorBody1": "Chcete-li skrýt peněženku, musí mít nulový zůstatek.",
+ "errorBody2": "V současné době zbývá {balance} na tomto účtu. Přesuňte tyto prostředky na jiný účet a zkuste to znovu.",
+ "errorBody3": "Nemůžete skrýt tuto peněženku, musíte mít alespoň jednu."
"addressHistory": {
"title": "{name} historie adres",
@@ -426,7 +429,7 @@
"node": {
"titleAdd": "Přidat uzel",
- "titleUpdate": "Update a node",
+ "titleUpdate": "Aktualizovat Node",
"titleRemove": "Odstranit uzel",
"titleDetails": "Detaily uzlu",
"nodeAddress": "Adresa uzlu",
@@ -456,44 +459,44 @@
"userPath": "Cesta uživatele"
"transaction": {
- "title": "Confirm transaction",
- "body": "You’re about to send {amount} to"
+ "title": "Potvrdit transakci",
+ "body": "Chystáte se poslat {amount} na"
"balanceFinder": {
- "title": "Balance finder",
- "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
- "typePassword": "Type your password to allow searching."
+ "title": "Hledač zůstatku",
+ "body": "Proveďte vyčerpávající vyhledávání adres pro nalezení chybějících zůstatků. Může to chvíli trvat.",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "Celkový zůstatek",
+ "typePassword": "Zadejte své heslo pro povolení vyhledávání."
"riskFunds": {
- "title": "Warning: funds at risk during migration",
- "body1": "It is strongly recommended that you secure all your funds before proceeding with migration. Your funds are at risk of theft if you do not secure them.",
- "body2": "It is recommended that you rerun the process for addresses with a medium risk level or above."
+ "title": "Upozornění: při migraci jsou ohroženy prostředky",
+ "body1": "Důrazně se doporučuje, abyste zajistili své prostředky před migrací. Vaše prostředky jsou ohroženy krádeží, pokud je nezabezpečíte.",
+ "body2": "Doporučuje se, abyste obnovili proces se střední úrovní rizika nebo vyšší."
"missingBundle": {
- "title": "Warning: funds at risk during migration",
- "body": "You have funds on spent addresses, but the information needed to secure them was not found. This can happen if you made transactions a long time ago. You can proceed but {value} are at risk during migration.",
- "learnMore": "Learn more about spent addresses",
- "proceed": "I understand the risk"
+ "title": "Upozornění: při migraci jsou ohroženy prostředky",
+ "body": "Máte prostředky na utracených adresách, ale informace potřebné k jejich zabezpečení nebyly nalezeny. To se může stát, pokud jste uskutečnili transakce před dlouhou dobou. Můžete pokračovat, ale {value} je v ohrožení během migrace.",
+ "learnMore": "Další informace o utracených adresách",
+ "proceed": "Chápu rizika"
"snapshot": {
- "title": "Ongoing network upgrade",
- "body": "The Chrysalis network upgrade has begun.",
- "bodyMigration": "Migration is disabled until it is complete.",
- "bodyFirefly": "Firefly is disabled until it is complete. Token migration will still be possible afterwards."
+ "title": "Probíhající aktualizace sítě",
+ "body": "Chrysalis upgrade byl zahájen.",
+ "bodyMigration": "Před dokončením neni migrace povolena.",
+ "bodyFirefly": "Firefly je vypnuta před dokončením. Migrace tokenů bude stále možná i potom."
"charts": {
- "incomingMi": "Incoming {value}",
- "outgoingMi": "Outgoing {value}",
+ "incomingMi": "Příchozí {value}",
+ "outgoingMi": "Odchozí {value}",
"portoflio": "Portfolio",
"token": "Token",
- "accountValue": "Wallet Value",
- "accountActivity": "Wallet Activity",
- "timeframe1Hour": "1 hour",
- "timeframe1Day": "1 day",
- "timeframe1Week": "1 week",
- "timeframe1Month": "1 month"
+ "accountValue": "Zůstatek peněženky",
+ "accountActivity": "Aktivita peněženky",
+ "timeframe1Hour": "1 hodina",
+ "timeframe1Day": "1 den",
+ "timeframe1Week": "1 týden",
+ "timeframe1Month": "1 měsíc"
"actions": {
"continue": "Pokračovat",
@@ -501,13 +504,13 @@
"cancel": "Zrušit",
"close": "Zavřít",
"dismiss": "Zamítnout",
- "proceedAnyway": "Proceed anyway",
+ "proceedAnyway": "Přesto pokračovat",
"save": "Uložit",
"importSeed": "Importovat existující seed",
- "restoreWallet": "Migrate or restore a wallet",
- "restoreWalletDescription": "Migrate to Chrysalis or restore an existing wallet",
+ "restoreWallet": "Migrovat nebo obnovit peněženku",
+ "restoreWalletDescription": "Přenést na Chrysalis nebo obnovit existující peněženku",
"createWallet": "Vytvořit novou peněženku",
- "createWalletDescription": "Create a fresh wallet running on Chrysalis",
+ "createWalletDescription": "Vytvořit novou peněženku na Chrysalis",
"savePassword": "Uložit heslo",
"useBiometric": "Použít biometrické zabezpečení",
"setupPin": "Nastavení PIN kódu",
@@ -519,7 +522,7 @@
"verifyRecoveryPhrase": "Ověřte obnovovací frázi",
"revealRecoveryPhrase": "Zobrazit obnovovací frázi",
"importSeedvault": "Importovat SeedVault",
- "checkAgain": "Check Again",
+ "checkAgain": "Zkontrolovat znovu",
"importFromFile": "Importovat ze souboru",
"send": "Odeslat",
"receive": "Přijmout",
@@ -528,7 +531,7 @@
"tryAgain": "Zkuste to znovu",
"visitDiscord": "Navštivte Discord",
"dragDrop": "Přetáhněte",
- "importExtentions": ".kdbx or .stronghold file",
+ "importExtentions": ".kdbx nebo .stronghold soubor",
"chooseFile": "Vyberte soubor",
"dropHere": "Přesuňte soubor sem",
"syncAll": "Synchronizovat vše",
@@ -538,19 +541,19 @@
"enableDeveloperMode": "Povolit vývojářský režim",
"enableSystemNotifications": "Povolit upozornění",
"exportState": "Exportovat stav",
- "localProofOfWork": "Local proof of work",
+ "localProofOfWork": "Lokální proof-of-work",
"unlock": "Odemknout",
"updateFirefly": "Aktualizovat Firefly",
"restartNow": "Restartovat nyní",
- "saveBackup": "Save Stronghold backup",
- "customizeAcount": "Customise wallet",
+ "saveBackup": "Uložit Stronghold zálohu",
+ "customizeAcount": "Přizpůsobit peněženku",
"viewAddressHistory": "Zobrazit historii adresy",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
- "showAccount": "Unhide wallet",
- "deleteAccount": "Delete wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "Skrýt peněženku",
+ "showAccount": "Zobrazit peněženku",
+ "deleteAccount": "Smazat peněženku",
"max": "Max",
"addNode": "Přidat uzel",
- "updateNode": "Update node",
+ "updateNode": "Aktualizovat Node",
"removeNode": "Odstranit uzel",
"hide": "Skrýt",
"hideOthers": "Skrýt ostatní",
@@ -563,28 +566,28 @@
"copy": "Kopírovat",
"paste": "Vložit",
"selectAll": "Vybrat vše",
- "addAccount": "Add Wallet",
+ "addAccount": "Přidat peněženku",
"checkForUpdates": "Kontrola aktualizací",
"reportAnIssue": "Nahlásit problém",
"clear": "Vymazat",
"hideDetails": "Skrýt detaily",
"yes": "Ano",
"no": "Ne",
- "skip": "Skip",
+ "skip": "Přeskočit",
"reset": "Resetovat",
- "downloadRecoveryKit": "Save Recovery Kit template",
- "skipBackup": "Skip file backup",
- "finishSetup": "Finish setup",
- "readDocumentation": "Read the documentation",
- "visitFaq": "Visit FAQ",
- "viewStatus": "View status",
- "showHiddenAccounts": "Show hidden wallets",
- "confirm": "Confirm",
- "findBalances": "Find balances",
- "searchBalances": "Search for balances",
- "searchAgain": "Search again",
+ "downloadRecoveryKit": "Uložit Recovery Kit šablonu",
+ "skipBackup": "Přeskočit zálohu",
+ "finishSetup": "Dokončit nastavení",
+ "readDocumentation": "Přečtěte si dokumentaci",
+ "visitFaq": "Navštivte FAQ",
+ "viewStatus": "Zobrazit status",
+ "showHiddenAccounts": "Zobrazit skryté peněženky",
+ "confirm": "Potvrdit",
+ "findBalances": "Najít zůstatky",
+ "searchBalances": "Najít zůstatky",
+ "searchAgain": "Hledat znovu",
"searching": "Hledání...",
- "closeFirefly": "Close Firefly"
+ "closeFirefly": "Zavřít Firefly"
"general": {
"password": "Heslo",
@@ -597,15 +600,15 @@
"recentActivity": "Nedávná aktivita",
"sent": "Odesláno",
"received": "Přijato",
- "sendPayment": "Send Payment",
- "moveFunds": "Internal Transfer",
+ "sendPayment": "Odeslat platbu",
+ "moveFunds": "Interní převod",
"sendFunds": "Poslat tokeny",
- "sendToAddress": "Send to address",
+ "sendToAddress": "Odeslat na adresu",
"scanQrOrPaste": "Naskenujte QR kód nebo vložte adresu",
- "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Move funds between wallets",
+ "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Převod mezi účty",
"sendTokensToAddress": "Poslat tokeny na adresu",
- "manageAccount": "Manage Wallet",
- "customizeAcount": "Customize your wallet",
+ "manageAccount": "Spravovat peněženku",
+ "customizeAcount": "Přizpůsobit peněženku",
"account": "Peněženka",
"sendingToAddress": "Odeslání na adresu",
"amount": "Částka",
@@ -613,7 +616,7 @@
"reference": "Odkazy",
"from": "Odkud",
"to": "Komu",
- "receiveFunds": "Receive Funds",
+ "receiveFunds": "Přijmout tokeny",
"myAddress": "Moje adresa",
"shareAddress": "Sdílet adresu",
"yourAddress": "Vaše adresa",
@@ -626,82 +629,83 @@
"appearance": "Vzhled",
"lightTheme": "Světlé téma",
"darkTheme": "Tmavé téma",
- "balance": "Balance",
- "accountBalance": "Wallet Balance",
+ "balance": "Zůstatek",
+ "accountBalance": "Zůstatek peněženky",
"incoming": "Příchozí",
"outgoing": "Odchozí",
- "totalIn": "Total in",
- "totalOut": "Total out",
- "accounts": "Wallets",
- "myAccounts": "My Wallets",
+ "totalIn": "Přijato celkově",
+ "totalOut": "Odesláno celkově",
+ "accounts": "Peněženky",
+ "myAccounts": "Moje peněženky",
"automaticNodeSelection": "Automatický výběr node",
"manualNodeSelection": "Manuální výběr node",
"profiles": "Profily",
"developerProfile": "Vývojářský režim",
- "developerProfileDescription": "Allows you to connect to testnets",
+ "developerProfileDescription": "Umožňuje připojení k testnetům",
"dev": "Vývojář",
- "createAccount": "Create a Wallet",
- "accountName": "Wallet name",
+ "createAccount": "Vytvořit peněženku",
+ "accountName": "Název peněženky",
"latestTransactions": "Poslední transakce",
"transactions": "Transakce",
"security": "Zabezpečení",
- "accountAddress": "Wallet Address",
+ "accountAddress": "Adresy peněženky",
"nodes": "Uzly",
"wallet": "Peněženka",
"help": "Pomoc",
"you": "Ty",
"messageId": "ID zprávy",
- "inputAddress": "Send Address",
+ "inputAddress": "Původní adresa",
"receiveAddress": "Adresa příjemce",
"date": "Datum",
"status": "Stav",
"confirmed": "Potvrzeno",
"pending": "Čekající",
- "noAccounts": "You have no wallets, please create one.",
+ "noAccounts": "Nemáte žádné peněženky, prosím vytvořte alespoň jednu.",
"loadingAccounts": "Načítání, prosím počkejte...",
"addProfile": "Přidat profil",
"noRecentHistory": "Žádná nedávná historie",
- "firstSync": "Syncing history, this may take a while...",
- "transferSyncing": "Syncing wallet",
+ "firstSync": "Synchronizace historie může chvíli trvat...",
+ "transferSyncing": "Synchronizace peněženky",
"transferSelectingInputs": "Výběr vstupů",
"transferRemainderAddress": "Generování zbývajících adres",
"transferSigning": "Podepisování transakce",
"transferPow": "Provádím PoW",
"transferBroadcasting": "Zveřejňování transakce",
"transferComplete": "Přenos byl dokončen",
- "creatingAccount": "Creating wallet, please wait...",
- "updatingAccount": "Updating wallet, please wait...",
- "accountSyncing": "Wallet is syncing",
- "accountSyncComplete": "Wallet sync complete",
+ "creatingAccount": "Vytváření účtu, čekejte prosím...",
+ "updatingAccount": "Aktualize účtu, čekejte prosím...",
+ "accountSyncing": "Peněženka se synchronizuje",
+ "accountSyncComplete": "Peněženka synchronizována",
"passwordUpdating": "Aktualizuji heslo...",
"passwordSuccess": "Heslo bylo úspěšně aktualizováno",
"passwordFailed": "Aktualizace hesla se nezdařila",
- "syncingAccounts": "Syncing wallets...",
+ "syncingAccounts": "Synchronizace peněženek...",
"exportingStronghold": "Exportování Stronghold...",
"exportingStrongholdSuccess": "Stronghold úspěšně exportován",
"exportingStrongholdFailed": "Export Strongholdu selhal",
"pinCodeUpdating": "Aktualizuji PIN kód...",
"pinCodeSuccess": "Kód PIN byl úspěšně aktualizován",
"pinCodeFailed": "Aktualizace PIN kódu selhala",
- "passwordStrength": "Password strength",
- "passwordStrength0": "Bad",
- "passwordStrength1": "Poor",
- "passwordStrength2": "Weak",
- "passwordStrength3": "Average",
- "passwordStrength4": "Strong",
- "creatingProfile": "Creating profile, please wait...",
- "fundMigration": "Fund migration",
- "accountRemoved": "This wallet is hidden. Unhide it to perform transfers.",
- "receivingTo": "Receiving to {account}",
- "sendingFrom": "Sending from {account}",
- "receivedTo": "Received to {account}",
- "sentFrom": "Sent from {account}",
- "receiving": "Receiving",
- "sending": "Sending"
+ "passwordStrength": "Síla hesla",
+ "passwordStrength0": "Špatné",
+ "passwordStrength1": "Nedostačující",
+ "passwordStrength2": "Slabé",
+ "passwordStrength3": "Průměrné",
+ "passwordStrength4": "Silné",
+ "creatingProfile": "Vytváření účtu, čekejte prosím...",
+ "fundMigration": "Migrace prostředků",
+ "accountRemoved": "Tato peněženka je skrytá. Chcete-li provádět přenos, odkryjte ji.",
+ "receivingTo": "Přijímání do {account}",
+ "sendingFrom": "Odesílání z {account}",
+ "receivedTo": "Příjmuto do {account}",
+ "sentFrom": "Odesláno z {account}",
+ "receiving": "Přijímání",
+ "sending": "Odesílání",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Network"
"dates": {
"today": "Dnes",
- "yesterday": "Yesterday",
+ "yesterday": "Včera",
"daysAgo": "{time, plural, one {Zbývá # den} few {Zbývají # dny} many {Zbývá # dní} other {Zbývá # dní}}",
"weeksAgo": "před {time, plural, one {# týdnem} other {# týdny}}",
"monthsAgo": "před {time, plural,\n one {# měsícem}\n few {# měsíci}\n many {# měsíci}\n other {# měsíci}\n}",
@@ -710,8 +714,8 @@
"notifications": {
"valueTx": "Přijímání {{value}} na {{account}}",
"confirmed": "Odchozí {{value}} od {{account}} byl potvrzen",
- "confirmedInternal": "{{value}} from {{senderAccount}} to {{receiverAccount}} has confirmed",
- "confirmedInternalNoAccounts": "{{value}} internal transfer has confirmed",
+ "confirmedInternal": "{{value}} od {{senderAccount}} do {{receiverAccount}} byl potvrzeno",
+ "confirmedInternalNoAccounts": "Interní převod {{value}} byl potvrzen",
"failed": "Odchozí {{value}} od {{account}} selhal",
"downloadingUpdate": "Stahování aktualizace",
"updateReady": "Aktualizace připravena",
@@ -720,9 +724,9 @@
"calcMinutesRemaining": "Výpočet zbývajících minut...",
"minutesRemaining": "{minutes, plural, one {1 zbývající minuta} other {# zbývajících minut}}",
"copiedToClipboard": "Zkopírováno do schránky",
- "accountsSynchronized": "Wallet synchronization complete",
- "migratedAccountChrysalisDown": "Your funds will become available after Chrysalis on 28th April",
- "migratedAccountChrysalisUp": "Your funds will become available shortly"
+ "accountsSynchronized": "Synchronizace peněženky dokončena",
+ "migratedAccountChrysalisDown": "Vaše prostředky budou k dispozici po Chrysalis, 28. dubna",
+ "migratedAccountChrysalisUp": "Vaše prostředky budou brzy k dispozici"
"error": {
"profile": {
@@ -752,10 +756,10 @@
"incorrect": "Současný PIN je nesprávný."
"account": {
- "length": "Your wallet name can't be longer than {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}}.",
- "empty": "You must use your latest wallet before creating a new one.",
- "notEmpty": "You must transfer your balance before deleting this wallet.",
- "duplicate": "A wallet with this name already exists.",
+ "length": "Profilové jméno nemůže být delší než {length, plural, one {1 znak} other {# znaky}}.",
+ "empty": "Před vytvořením nové peněženky musíte použít poslední peněženku.",
+ "notEmpty": "Před smazáním tohoto účtu musíte převést svůj zůstatek.",
+ "duplicate": "Peněženka s tímto názvem již existuje.",
"tilde": "Název profilu nemůže začínat znakem '~'.",
"control": "Název profilu nemůže obsahovat kontrolní znak.",
"startDot": "Název profilu nemůže začínat znakem „.“.",
@@ -769,18 +773,18 @@
"amountZero": "Částka musí být větší než 0.",
"wrongAddressPrefix": "Adresy začínají předponou {prefix}.",
"wrongAddressFormat": "Adresa nemá správný formát.",
- "invalidAddress": "The address is not valid.",
- "insufficientFunds": "This wallet has insufficient funds.",
- "noToAccount": "You have not selected a wallet to send the funds to.",
- "sendingDust": "You cannot send less than 1 Mi.",
- "leavingDust": "You cannot leave less than 1 Mi on your address."
+ "invalidAddress": "Adresa je neplatná.",
+ "insufficientFunds": "Tato peněženka nemá dostatek prostředků.",
+ "noToAccount": "Nevybrali jste peněženku, na kterou chcete poslat prostředky.",
+ "sendingDust": "Nelze odeslat méně než 1 Mi.",
+ "leavingDust": "Nelze ponechat méně než 1 Mi na adrese."
"node": {
"invalid": "Zadejte platnou adresu URL.",
"https": "Je vyžadováno HTTPS. Nastavte vývojářský profil pro užití nezabezpečených HTTP připojení.",
"duplicate": "Tato node již byla přidána.",
- "unsynced": "The node is not in sync.",
- "noSynced": "No synced nodes are available."
+ "unsynced": "Node není synchronizována.",
+ "noSynced": "Žádné synchronizované node."
"global": {
"generic": "Něco se pokazilo."
@@ -791,19 +795,19 @@
"mnemonic": "Mnemonika není platná.",
"seedTooShort": "Seed by měl být 81 znaků dlouhý, {length, plural, one {je 1} other {je #}}",
"seedCharacters": "Seed by měl obsahovat pouze znaky A-Z nebo 9",
- "phraseWordCount": "There should be 24 words in your recovery phrase, currently there {length, plural, one {is 1} other {are #}}.",
+ "phraseWordCount": "V obnovovací frázi by mělo být 24 slov, aktuálně tam {length, plural, one {je 1} other {jsou #}}.",
"phraseUnrecognizedWord": "Nerozpoznané slovo \"{word} v obnovovací frázi",
- "phraseCaseWord": "The word \"{word}\" should be lower case"
+ "phraseCaseWord": "Slovo \"{word}\" by mělo být malými písmeny"
"tooltips": {
"risk": {
- "title": "Risk level: {risk}",
- "veryHigh": "Very high",
- "high": "High",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "low": "Low",
- "veryLow": "Very low"
+ "title": "Úroveň rizika: {risk}",
+ "veryHigh": "Velmi vysoké",
+ "high": "Vysoké",
+ "medium": "Střední",
+ "low": "Nízké",
+ "veryLow": "Velmi nízké"
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/da.json b/packages/shared/locales/da.json
index 140552ed1e9..e617b44fc6e 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/da.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/da.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"views": {
"onboarding1": {
"title": "Send, Modtag & Håndtér dine IOTA-tokens",
- "body": "Firefly is the official wallet software of IOTA."
+ "body": "Firefly er den officielle wallet fra IOTA."
"legal": {
"title": "Privatlivspolitik & Servicevilkår",
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"appearance": {
"title": "Udseende",
- "body": "Choose your app theme."
+ "body": "Vælg dit app-tema."
"profile": {
"title": "Opret en profil",
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"secure": {
"title": "Gør din wallet sikker",
"body1": "Gem og udskriv Recovery Kit PDF-skabelonen.",
- "body2": "If you fill out the Recovery Kit and store it safely, you will always be able to recover your wallets."
+ "body2": "Hvis du udfylder Recovery Kit og gemme det forsvarligt, vil du altid være i stand til at gendanne dine wallets."
"password": {
"title": "Opret en adgangskode",
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"protect": {
"title": "Protect your wallet",
- "body1": "Set up a login PIN to make sure that only you can enter your profile.",
+ "body1": "Konfigurer en login-pinkode for at sikre, at det kun er dig som kan tilgå din profil.",
"body2": "Hold din pinkode sikker!"
"pin": {
@@ -73,15 +73,15 @@
"backupWallet": {
"title": "Sikkerhedskopiér til en Stronghold fil",
- "body1": "Enter your password to backup your wallets to a Stronghold file. Your password is used to encrypt the backup.",
+ "body1": "Indtast din adgangskode for at sikkerhedskopiere dine wallets til en Stronghold fil. Din adgangskode bruges til at kryptere sikkerhedskopien.",
"body2": "Grunde til at digitale sikkerhedskopier er vigtige:",
- "reason1": "Easily recover your wallets without typing in your recovery phrase",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason1": "Gendan nemt dine wallets uden at skrive i dine gendannelsesord",
+ "reason2": "Importer dine wallets på andre enheder",
"reason3": "Gendan din fulde transaktionshistorik"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
"title": "Sikkerhedskopiering lykkedes",
- "body": "You have backed up your wallets to a Stronghold."
+ "body": "Du har sikkerhedskopieret dine wallets til et Stronghold."
"congratulations": {
"title": "Opsætning af wallet fuldført",
@@ -96,19 +96,19 @@
"importSeed": "Jeg har et 81 tegn seed",
"importSeedDescription": "Indtast et seed og migrer midler til Chrysalis",
"importMnemonic": "Jeg har gendannelsesord til Firefly",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "Indtast dine gendannelsesord for at gendanne dine wallets",
"importFile": "Jeg har en sikkerhedskopi fil",
"importFileDescription": "Upload en Seedvault eller Stronghold fil"
"importFromText": {
"seed": {
"title": "Skriv dit seed for at begynde migration",
- "body": "A seed consists of 81 characters. This is used to recover from the older Trinity app.",
+ "body": "Et seed består af 81 tegn. Dette bruges til at gendanne fra den ældre Trinity app.",
"enter": "Indtast dit seed"
"mnemonic": {
"title": "Skriv dine gendannelsesord",
- "body": "A recovery phrase is 24 words long, all lower case, with spaces between. This is used to recover existing Firefly wallets.",
+ "body": "En gendannelsessætning er 24 ord lang, alle små bogstaver, med mellemrum imellem. Dette bruges til at gendanne eksisterende Firefly wallets.",
"enter": "Indtast dine hemmelige gendannelsesord"
"seedDetected": "81 tegns seed fundet",
@@ -116,17 +116,17 @@
"checksum": "Kontrolsum"
"importFromFile": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets using a backup file",
- "body": "Import a backup file to restore your wallets. Backups can either be a Stronghold (.stronghold) or a Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
+ "title": "Gendan dine wallets ved hjælp af en sikkerhedskopi fil",
+ "body": "Importer en sikkerhedskopi fil for at gendanne dine wallets. Sikkerhedskopier kan enten være et Stronghold (.stronghold) eller en Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
"importBackupPassword": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets from a SeedVault or Stronghold",
+ "title": "Gendan dine wallets fra en SeedVault eller Stronghold",
"body1": "Indtast venligst adgangskoden til din sikkerhedskopi.",
"body2": "Dette er den adgangskode du angav, da du først oprettede din backup."
"importSuccess": {
"title": "Du har gendannet din sikkerhedskopi med succes",
- "body": "You can now set up your new profile.",
+ "body": "Du kan nu konfigurere din nye profil.",
"seedvaultTitle": "Import lykkedes",
"seedvaultBody": "Din adgangskode er korrekt, du kan nu fortsætte.",
"strongholdTitle": "Import lykkedes",
@@ -147,10 +147,11 @@
"restoringWallet": "Gendanner wallet...",
"findingBalance": "Finder saldo...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Forkert SeedVault adgangskode.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "Ingen data fundet i SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Signerer pakke",
"broadcastingBundle": "Udsender pakke",
"miningBundle": "Miner pakke",
- "problemRestoringWallet": "There was a network error restoring your wallet. Please try again.",
+ "problemRestoringWallet": "Der opstod en netværksfejl under gendannelse af din wallet. Prøv igen.",
"minimumMigrationAmountSpentAddresses": "Det mindste migrationsbeløb for hver brugt adresse er 1 Mi. Tjek igen, hvis din saldo ikke ser rigtig ud.",
"tooManyAddressesToMigrate": "Du har for mange adresser med lav saldo til at migrere. Tjek igen, hvis din saldo ikke ser rigtigt ud.",
"cannotMigrateAllYourFunds": "Vi kan ikke migrere alle dine penge, fordi nogle adresser har for lav værdi. Du kan fortsætte alligevel. {value} vil gå tabt.",
@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@
"settings": "Indstillinger",
"generalSettings": {
"title": "Generelle indstillinger",
- "description": "Configure your app's appearance and other general settings"
+ "description": "Konfigurer din app's udseende og andre generelle indstillinger"
"security": {
"title": "Sikkerhed",
@@ -220,7 +221,7 @@
"description": "Skift dit profilnavn eller tilføj en avatar"
"sync": {
- "title": "Sync wallets",
+ "title": "Synkroniser wallets",
"description": ""
"theme": {
@@ -241,15 +242,17 @@
"exportStronghold": {
"title": "Eksporter sikkerhedskopi",
- "description": "Export to a Stronghold file - a complete encrypted backup of your wallets and latest transaction history."
+ "description": "Eksporter til en Stronghold fil - en komplet krypteret sikkerhedskopi af dine wallets og den seneste transaktionshistorik."
"appLock": {
"title": "Automatisk lås",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "description": "Inaktivitetstid før dine tegnebøger låses, og du bliver logget ud",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {# måned} other {# måneder}} siden",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 time} other {# timer}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Skift adgangskode",
- "description": "Your password is used to secure your wallets. You must use a strong password to protect your funds."
+ "description": "Din adgangskode bruges til at sikre dine wallets. Du skal bruge en stærk adgangskode for at beskytte dine midler."
"changePincode": {
"title": "Skift pinkode",
@@ -264,12 +267,12 @@
"description": "Udfør en udvidet søgning af dine adresser for tokens."
"hiddenAccounts": {
- "title": "Hidden wallets",
- "description": "Selecting this options will show wallets that were previously hidden."
+ "title": "Skjulte wallets",
+ "description": "Valg af denne indstilling vil vise tegnebøger, der tidligere var skjult."
"deleteProfile": {
"title": "Slet profil",
- "description": "Deletes your entire profile, wallets and transaction history. Make sure you have a backup."
+ "description": "Sletter hele din profil, wallets og transaktionshistorik. Sørg for at du har en sikkerhedskopi."
"deepLinks": {
"title": "Dybe Links",
@@ -285,7 +288,7 @@
"configureNodeList": {
"title": "Vælg en node",
- "description": "Manage the list of IOTA network nodes you connect to.",
+ "description": "Administrer listen over IOTA netværksnodes, du opretter forbindelse til.",
"primaryNode": "Primær node",
"excludeNode": "Udeluk node",
"includeNode": "Inkludér node",
@@ -354,8 +357,8 @@
"strongholdStatus": {
"title": "Wallet Status",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "unlocked": "Unlocked"
+ "locked": "Låst",
+ "unlocked": "Oplåst"
"strongholdBackup": {
"title": "Wallet sikkerhedskopi",
@@ -379,7 +382,7 @@
"popups": {
"password": {
"title": "Adgangskode påkrævet",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your password to unlock your wallets",
+ "subtitle": "Indtast din adgangskode for at låse dine wallets op",
"backup": "Indtast din adgangskode for at eksportere en sikkerhedskopi"
"qr": {
@@ -391,34 +394,34 @@
"upToDateDescription": "Du kører den nyeste og sikreste version af Firefly.",
"updateAvailable": "Firefly opdatering tilgængelig",
"updateDetails": "Version {version} - {date}",
- "noAutoUpdate": "Auto-update is disabled in this Windows version, please go to to download the update."
+ "noAutoUpdate": "Auto-opdatering er deaktiveret i denne Windows-version, gå til for at downloade opdateringen."
"backup": {
"title": "Seneste sikkerhedskopi: {date}",
"lastBackup": "Du har sidst sikkerhedskopieret {date}",
- "backupDescription": "It is important to back up regularly to ensure you have a copy of your wallets and transaction history.",
+ "backupDescription": "Det er vigtigt at sikkerhedskopiere regelmæssigt for at sikre, at du har en kopi af dine wallets og transaktionshistorik.",
"backupWarning": "Hvis du mister din backup og dine gendannelsesord vil du miste adgang til dine midler.",
"notBackedUp": "Ikke sikkerhedskopieret",
- "notBackedUpDescription": "You have not backed up your wallets",
+ "notBackedUpDescription": "Du har ikke sikkerhedskopieret dine wallets",
"saving": "Gemmer..."
"deleteAccount": {
"title": "Slet {name}?",
- "body": "This wallet has no transaction history. It can safely be deleted.",
+ "body": "Denne wallet har ingen transaktionshistorik. Den kan slettes.",
"typePassword": "Indtast din wallet adgangskode for at bekræfte.",
- "hideAccount": "Delete wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "Slet wallet",
"errorTitle": "Kan ikke slette {name}",
- "errorBody1": "You cannot delete this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "errorBody1": "Du kan ikke slette denne wallet, du skal have mindst en."
"hideAccount": {
"title": "Skjul {name}?",
- "body": "You can find this wallet later by enabling \"Show hidden wallets\" in Advanced Settings.",
+ "body": "Du kan finde denne wallet senere ved at aktivere \"Vis skjulte wallets\" i Avancerede Indstillinger.",
"typePassword": "Indtast din wallet adgangskode for at bekræfte.",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "Skjul wallet",
"errorTitle": "Kan ikke skjule {name}",
- "errorBody1": "To hide a wallet it must have 0 balance.",
- "errorBody2": "You currently have {balance} remaining on this wallet. Please move these funds to a different wallet and try again.",
- "errorBody3": "You cannot hide this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "errorBody1": "For at skjule en wallet skal den have en saldo på 0.",
+ "errorBody2": "Du har i øjeblikket {balance} tilbage på denne wallet. Flyt disse midler til en anden wallet og prøv igen.",
+ "errorBody3": "Du kan ikke skjule denne wallet, du skal have mindst en."
"addressHistory": {
"title": "{name} adresse historik",
@@ -461,8 +464,8 @@
"balanceFinder": {
"title": "Saldo finder",
- "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
+ "body": "Udfør en mere grundig søgning af adresser for at finde manglende saldo. Dette kan tage et stykke tid.",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "Samlet saldo",
"typePassword": "Indtast din adgangskode for at tillade søgning."
"riskFunds": {
@@ -477,10 +480,10 @@
"proceed": "Jeg forstår risikoen"
"snapshot": {
- "title": "Ongoing network upgrade",
- "body": "The Chrysalis network upgrade has begun.",
- "bodyMigration": "Migration is disabled until it is complete.",
- "bodyFirefly": "Firefly is disabled until it is complete. Token migration will still be possible afterwards."
+ "title": "Igangværende netværksopgradering",
+ "body": "Chrysalis netværksopgradering er begyndt.",
+ "bodyMigration": "Migration er deaktiveret indtil den er færdig.",
+ "bodyFirefly": "Firefly er deaktiveret, indtil den er færdig. Token migration vil stadig være mulig efterfølgende."
"charts": {
@@ -488,8 +491,8 @@
"outgoingMi": "Udgående {value}",
"portoflio": "Portefølje",
"token": "Token",
- "accountValue": "Wallet Value",
- "accountActivity": "Wallet Activity",
+ "accountValue": "Wallet Værdi",
+ "accountActivity": "Wallet Aktivitet",
"timeframe1Hour": "1 time",
"timeframe1Day": "1 dag",
"timeframe1Week": "1 uge",
@@ -543,11 +546,11 @@
"updateFirefly": "Opdater Firefly",
"restartNow": "Genstart nu",
"saveBackup": "Gem Stronghold sikkerhedskopi",
- "customizeAcount": "Customise wallet",
+ "customizeAcount": "Tilpas wallet",
"viewAddressHistory": "Se historik for addresse",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
- "showAccount": "Unhide wallet",
- "deleteAccount": "Delete wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "Skjul wallet",
+ "showAccount": "Vis wallet",
+ "deleteAccount": "Slet wallet",
"max": "Maks",
"addNode": "Tilføj node",
"updateNode": "Opdater node",
@@ -563,7 +566,7 @@
"copy": "Kopiér",
"paste": "Indsæt",
"selectAll": "Vælg alle",
- "addAccount": "Add Wallet",
+ "addAccount": "Tilføj Wallet",
"checkForUpdates": "Tjek for opdateringer",
"reportAnIssue": "Rapportér et problem",
"clear": "Ryd",
@@ -578,13 +581,13 @@
"readDocumentation": "Læs dokumentationen",
"visitFaq": "Besøg FAQ",
"viewStatus": "Vis Status",
- "showHiddenAccounts": "Show hidden wallets",
+ "showHiddenAccounts": "Vis skjulte wallets",
"confirm": "Bekræft",
"findBalances": "Find saldi",
"searchBalances": "Søg efter saldi",
"searchAgain": "Søg igen",
"searching": "Søger...",
- "closeFirefly": "Close Firefly"
+ "closeFirefly": "Luk Firefly"
"general": {
"password": "Adgangskode",
@@ -602,10 +605,10 @@
"sendFunds": "Send penge",
"sendToAddress": "Send til adresse",
"scanQrOrPaste": "Scan en QR-kode eller indsæt en adresse",
- "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Move funds between wallets",
+ "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Flyt midler mellem wallets",
"sendTokensToAddress": "Send tokens til en adresse",
- "manageAccount": "Manage Wallet",
- "customizeAcount": "Customize your wallet",
+ "manageAccount": "Håndtér Wallet",
+ "customizeAcount": "Tilpas din wallet",
"account": "Wallet",
"sendingToAddress": "Sender til adresse",
"amount": "Beløb",
@@ -627,25 +630,25 @@
"lightTheme": "Lyst tema",
"darkTheme": "Mørkt tema",
"balance": "Saldo",
- "accountBalance": "Wallet Balance",
+ "accountBalance": "Wallet Saldo",
"incoming": "Indgående",
"outgoing": "Udgående",
"totalIn": "I alt indgående",
"totalOut": "I alt udgående",
"accounts": "Wallets",
- "myAccounts": "My Wallets",
+ "myAccounts": "Mine Wallets",
"automaticNodeSelection": "Automatisk valg af node",
"manualNodeSelection": "Manuelt valg af node",
"profiles": "Profiler",
"developerProfile": "Udvikler Profil",
"developerProfileDescription": "Tillader dig at oprette forbindelse til testnet",
"dev": "Udvikler",
- "createAccount": "Create a Wallet",
- "accountName": "Wallet name",
+ "createAccount": "Opret ny Wallet",
+ "accountName": "Wallet navn",
"latestTransactions": "Seneste transaktioner",
"transactions": "Transaktioner",
"security": "Sikkerhed",
- "accountAddress": "Wallet Address",
+ "accountAddress": "Wallet-adresse",
"nodes": "Noder",
"wallet": "Wallet",
"help": "Hjælp",
@@ -657,26 +660,26 @@
"status": "Status",
"confirmed": "Bekræftet",
"pending": "Afventer",
- "noAccounts": "You have no wallets, please create one.",
+ "noAccounts": "Du har ingen wallets, opret venligst en.",
"loadingAccounts": "Indlæser, vent venligst...",
"addProfile": "Tilføj Profil",
"noRecentHistory": "Ingen nylig historik",
- "firstSync": "Syncing history, this may take a while...",
- "transferSyncing": "Syncing wallet",
+ "firstSync": "Synkroniserer historie, dette kan tage et stykke tid...",
+ "transferSyncing": "Synkroniserer wallet",
"transferSelectingInputs": "Vælger input",
"transferRemainderAddress": "Genererer restdeponeringsadresse",
"transferSigning": "Underskriver transaktionen",
"transferPow": "Udfører PoW",
"transferBroadcasting": "Udsender transaktion",
"transferComplete": "Overførsel gennemført",
- "creatingAccount": "Creating wallet, please wait...",
- "updatingAccount": "Updating wallet, please wait...",
- "accountSyncing": "Wallet is syncing",
- "accountSyncComplete": "Wallet sync complete",
+ "creatingAccount": "Opretter wallet, vent venligst...",
+ "updatingAccount": "Opdaterer wallet, vent venligst...",
+ "accountSyncing": "Wallet synkroniserer",
+ "accountSyncComplete": "Wallet-synkronisering fuldført",
"passwordUpdating": "Opdaterer adgangskode...",
"passwordSuccess": "Adgangskode opdateret",
"passwordFailed": "Opdatering af adgangskode mislykkedes",
- "syncingAccounts": "Syncing wallets...",
+ "syncingAccounts": "Synkroniserer wallets...",
"exportingStronghold": "Eksporterer Stronghold...",
"exportingStrongholdSuccess": "Eksport af Stronghold lykkedes",
"exportingStrongholdFailed": "Eksport af Stronghold mislykkedes",
@@ -691,13 +694,14 @@
"passwordStrength4": "Stærk",
"creatingProfile": "Opretter profil. Vent venligst...",
"fundMigration": "Migration af midler",
- "accountRemoved": "This wallet is hidden. Unhide it to perform transfers.",
+ "accountRemoved": "Denne wallet er skjult. Vis den for at udføre overførsler.",
"receivingTo": "Modtager til {account}",
"sendingFrom": "Sender fra {account}",
"receivedTo": "Modtaget til {account}",
"sentFrom": "Sendt fra {account}",
"receiving": "Modtager",
- "sending": "Sender"
+ "sending": "Sender",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Netværk"
"dates": {
"today": "I dag",
@@ -720,7 +724,7 @@
"calcMinutesRemaining": "Beregner minutter tilbage...",
"minutesRemaining": "{minutes, plural, one {1 minut tilbage} other {# minutter tilbage}}",
"copiedToClipboard": "Kopieret til udklipsholder",
- "accountsSynchronized": "Wallet synchronization complete",
+ "accountsSynchronized": "Synkronisering af wallet fuldført",
"migratedAccountChrysalisDown": "Dine midler vil blive tilgængelige efter Chrysalis den 28. april",
"migratedAccountChrysalisUp": "Dine midler vil snart være tilgængelige"
@@ -752,10 +756,10 @@
"incorrect": "Din nuværende pinkode er forkert."
"account": {
- "length": "Your wallet name can't be longer than {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}}.",
- "empty": "You must use your latest wallet before creating a new one.",
- "notEmpty": "You must transfer your balance before deleting this wallet.",
- "duplicate": "A wallet with this name already exists.",
+ "length": "Din wallets navn kan ikke være længere end {length, plural, one {1 tegn} other {# tegn}}.",
+ "empty": "Du skal bruge din seneste wallet før du opretter en ny.",
+ "notEmpty": "Du skal overføre din saldo før du sletter denne wallet.",
+ "duplicate": "En wallet med dette navn findes allerede.",
"tilde": "Et profilnavn kan ikke starte med '~'.",
"control": "Et profilnavn kan ikke indeholde et kontroltegn.",
"startDot": "Et profilnavn kan ikke starte med '.'.",
@@ -770,8 +774,8 @@
"wrongAddressPrefix": "Adresser starter med præfikset {prefix}.",
"wrongAddressFormat": "Adressen er ikke formateret korrekt.",
"invalidAddress": "Adressen er ikke gyldig.",
- "insufficientFunds": "This wallet has insufficient funds.",
- "noToAccount": "You have not selected a wallet to send the funds to.",
+ "insufficientFunds": "Denne wallet har ikke tilstrækkelige midler.",
+ "noToAccount": "Du har ikke valgt en wallet at sende midlerne til.",
"sendingDust": "Du kan ikke sende mindre end 1 Mi.",
"leavingDust": "Du kan ikke forlade mindre end 1 Mi på din adresse."
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/de.json b/packages/shared/locales/de.json
index 99cecb466a1..d96c65eedac 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/de.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/de.json
@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@
"appearance": {
"title": "Erscheinungsbild",
- "body": "Wähle dein App-Design."
+ "body": "Wähle dein Erscheinungsbild."
"profile": {
"title": "Erstelle ein Profil",
- "body1": "Du kannst mehrere Benutzerprofile erstellen, um deine Token getrennt zu verwalten und deine Privatsphäre zu verbessern.",
- "body2": "Lass uns zunächst mit deinem Profilnamen beginnen. Du kannst später noch weitere Profile hinzufügen.",
+ "body1": "Du kannst mehrere Benutzerprofile erstellen, um deine Wallets zu organisieren und deine Privatsphäre zu verbessern.",
+ "body2": "Lass uns zunächst mit dem Namen für dein erstes Profil starten. Du kannst später noch weitere Profile hinzufügen.",
"profileName": "Profilname"
"setup": {
@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@
"password": {
"title": "Passwort erstellen",
- "body1": "Du benötigst ein sicheres Passwort, um dein Guthaben zu schützen. Verwende eine Kombination von Wörtern und vermeide allgemein bekannte Phrasen, Namen oder Zahlenkombinationen.",
+ "body1": "Du benötigst ein sicheres Passwort, um dein Guthaben zu schützen. Verwende eine Kombination von Wörtern und vermeide geläufige Phrasen, Namen oder Daten.",
"body2": "Es wird empfohlen, das Passwort im Wiederherstellungs-Dokument zu notieren."
"protect": {
"title": "Protect your wallet",
"body1": "Richte eine PIN ein, um sicherzustellen, dass nur Du auf dein Profil zugreifen kannst.",
- "body2": "Bewahre deine Pin sicher auf!"
+ "body2": "Bewahre deine PIN sicher auf!"
"pin": {
"title": "PIN-Code festlegen",
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
"verifyRecoveryPhrase": {
"title": "Wiederherstellungsphrase bestätigen",
- "body": "Lass uns überprüfen, ob du die Phrase korrekt notiert hast. Wähle jedes Wort in der richtigen Reihenfolge.",
+ "body": "Lass uns überprüfen, ob du die Phrase korrekt notiert hast. Wähle die einzelnen Wörter in der richtigen Reihenfolge.",
"word": "Wort",
"verified": "Wiederherstellungsphrase bestätigt",
"verifiedBody": "Denke daran, diese privat und sicher aufzubewahren."
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
"body1": "Gib dein Passwort ein, um deine Wallets in einer Stronghold-Datei zu sichern. Das Passwort wird verwendet, um das Backup zu verschlüsseln.",
"body2": "Gründe warum digitale Backups wichtig sind:",
"reason1": "Wiederherstellen deiner Wallets ohne Eingabe der Wiederherstellungsphrase",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason2": "Importieren deiner Wallets auf anderen Geräten",
"reason3": "Wiederherstellen des gesamten Transaktionsverlaufs"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
@@ -93,12 +93,12 @@
"import": {
"title": "Guthaben wiederherstellen oder migrieren",
"body": "Wenn du einen gültigen Seed oder ein Wallet-Backup besitzt, kannst du diese hier importieren. Verfügst du über Guthaben auf dem alten Netzwerk, wirst du durch die Migration geführt um auf das Chrysalis-Netzwerk zu wechseln.",
- "importSeed": "Ich habe einen 81 Zeichen Seed",
+ "importSeed": "Ich habe einen Seed mit 81 Zeichen",
"importSeedDescription": "Seed eingeben und Guthaben zu Chrysalis migrieren",
- "importMnemonic": "Ich habe eine Firefly Wiederherstellungsphrase",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
+ "importMnemonic": "Ich habe eine Firefly-Wiederherstellungsphrase",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "Gib deine Wiederherstellungsphrase ein, um deine Wallets wiederherzustellen",
"importFile": "Ich habe ein Backup",
- "importFileDescription": "SeedVault oder Stronghold Datei hochladen"
+ "importFileDescription": "SeedVault- oder Stronghold-Datei hochladen"
"importFromText": {
"seed": {
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
"mnemonic": {
"title": "Wiederherstellungsphrase eingeben",
- "body": "Eine Wiederherstellungsphrase ist 24 Wörter lang (mit Leerzeichen). Diese wird benutzt, um bestehende Firefly-Wallets wiederherzustellen.",
+ "body": "Eine Wiederherstellungsphrase besteht aus 24 Wörtern in Kleinbuchstaben inklusive Leerzeichen. Diese wird benutzt, um bestehende Firefly-Wallets wiederherzustellen.",
"enter": "Gib deine geheime Wiederherstellungsphrase ein"
"seedDetected": "81 Zeichen Seed erkannt",
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
"importFromFile": {
"title": "Wallets aus einer Backup-Datei wiederherstellen",
- "body": "Importiere ein Backup, um deine Wallets wiederherzustellen. Backups können entweder ein Stronghold (.stronghold) oder ein Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx) sein."
+ "body": "Importiere ein Backup um deine Wallets wiederherzustellen. Backups können entweder eine Stronghold (.stronghold) oder eine Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx) Datei sein."
"importBackupPassword": {
"title": "Wallets aus einem SeedVault oder Stronghold wiederherstellen",
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
"restoringWallet": "Wallet wiederherstellen...",
"findingBalance": "Suche Guthaben...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Falsches SeedVault Passwort.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "Im SeedVault konnten keine Daten gefunden werden.",
"signingBundle": "Signiere Bundle",
"broadcastingBundle": "Übertrage Bundle",
"miningBundle": "Mine Bundle",
@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@
"settings": "Einstellungen",
"generalSettings": {
"title": "Allgemeine Einstellungen",
- "description": "Passe das Erscheinungsbild deiner Wallet an und nehme weitere allgemeine Einstellungen vor"
+ "description": "Passe das Erscheinungsbild deiner Wallet an und nimm weitere allgemeine Einstellungen vor"
"security": {
"title": "Sicherheit",
@@ -241,15 +242,17 @@
"exportStronghold": {
"title": "Backup exportieren",
- "description": "Export in eine Stronghold-Datei - ein vollständig verschlüsseltes Backup deiner Wallets und des gesamten Transaktionsverlaufs."
+ "description": "Exportiert ein vollständig verschlüsseltes Backup deiner Wallet und deiner Transaktionsverläufe in eine Stronghold-Datei."
"appLock": {
"title": "Automatische Sperre",
- "description": "Zeit der Inaktivität, bis die Wallet gesperrt wird und du ausgeloggt wirst"
+ "description": "Zeit bei Inaktivität, bis die Wallet gesperrt und du ausgeloggt wirst",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 Minute} other {# Minuten}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 Stunde} other {# Stunden}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Passwort ändern",
- "description": "Dein Passwort wird verwendet, um deine Wallets zu sichern. Du musst ein starkes Passwort verwenden, damit dein Guthaben geschützt ist."
+ "description": "Dein Passwort wird verwendet um deine Wallets zu sichern. Du solltest ein starkes Passwort verwenden, damit dein Guthaben geschützt ist."
"changePincode": {
"title": "PIN ändern",
@@ -260,7 +263,7 @@
"action": "PIN ändern"
"balanceFinder": {
- "title": "Guthabensuche",
+ "title": "Guthaben suchen",
"description": "Führe eine erweiterte Suche nach Token auf deinen Adressen durch."
"hiddenAccounts": {
@@ -269,7 +272,7 @@
"deleteProfile": {
"title": "Profil löschen",
- "description": "Löscht dein gesamtes Profil, inklusive Wallets und Transaktionsverläufe. Stelle sicher, dass du ein Backup besitzt."
+ "description": "Löscht dein gesamtes Profil, inklusive Wallets und Transaktionsverläufen. Stelle sicher, dass du ein Backup besitzt."
"deepLinks": {
"title": "Deep Links",
@@ -280,17 +283,17 @@
"description": "Mit Testnetzwerken verbinden und andere Entwickleroptionen"
"nodeSettings": {
- "title": "Node Einstellungen",
- "description": "Wähle Manuell, um die Node Einstellungen zu konfigurieren und dich mit deinem eigenen Node zu verbinden"
+ "title": "Node-Einstellungen",
+ "description": "Wähle Manuell, um die Node-Einstellungen zu konfigurieren und dich mit deinem eigenen Node zu verbinden"
"configureNodeList": {
"title": "Wähle einen Node aus",
- "description": "Verwalte die Liste der IOTA Netzwerkknoten zu denen du dich verbindest.",
+ "description": "Verwalte die Liste der IOTA Nodes mit denen du dich verbinden kannst.",
"primaryNode": "Primärer Node",
"excludeNode": "Node ausschließen",
"includeNode": "Node einbeziehen",
"viewDetails": "Details anzeigen",
- "setAsPrimary": "Als Standard festlegen",
+ "setAsPrimary": "Als Primäre festlegen",
"removeNode": "Node entfernen",
"includeOfficialNodeList": "Offizielle Node-Liste einbeziehen",
"noNodes": "Es sind keine Nodes vorhanden, automatische Auswahl wird stattdessen verwendet."
@@ -353,7 +356,7 @@
"noneDetected": "Keine erkannt"
"strongholdStatus": {
- "title": "Wallet Status",
+ "title": "Wallet-Status",
"locked": "Gesperrt",
"unlocked": "Entsperrt"
@@ -380,7 +383,7 @@
"password": {
"title": "Passwort erforderlich",
"subtitle": "Gib bitte dein Passwort ein, um deine Wallets zu entsperren",
- "backup": "Gib bitte dein Wallet-Passwort ein, um das Backup zu exportieren"
+ "backup": "Gib bitte dein Passwort ein, um das Backup zu exportieren"
"qr": {
"title": "Dein QR Code"
@@ -395,17 +398,17 @@
"backup": {
"title": "Letztes Backup: {date}",
- "lastBackup": "Zeitpunkt deines letzten Backup: {date}",
+ "lastBackup": "Dein letztes Backup ist vom {date}",
"backupDescription": "Es ist wichtig, regelmäßig Backups zu erstellen, damit du eine Sicherung deiner Wallets und Transaktionen hast.",
"backupWarning": "Wenn du dein Backup und die Wiederherstellungsphrase verlierst, verlierst du Zugriff auf dein Guthaben.",
"notBackedUp": "Noch kein Backup erstellt",
"notBackedUpDescription": "Du hast noch kein Backup deiner Wallets erstellt",
- "saving": "Speichere..."
+ "saving": "Speichern..."
"deleteAccount": {
"title": "{name} löschen?",
"body": "Diese Wallet besitzt keinen Transaktionsverlauf. Sie kann bedenkenlos entfernt werden.",
- "typePassword": "Gib dein Wallet-Passwort zur Bestätigung ein.",
+ "typePassword": "Gib dein Passwort zur Bestätigung ein.",
"hideAccount": "Wallet löschen",
"errorTitle": "{name} kann nicht gelöscht werden",
"errorBody1": "Du kannst diese Wallet nicht löschen. Es muss mindestes eine vorhanden sein."
@@ -413,10 +416,10 @@
"hideAccount": {
"title": "{name} ausblenden?",
"body": "Du kannst diese Wallet später wiederfinden, indem du \"Ausgeblendete Wallets anzeigen\" in den erweiterten Einstellungen aktivierst.",
- "typePassword": "Gib dein Wallet-Passwort zur Bestätigung ein.",
+ "typePassword": "Gib dein Passwort zur Bestätigung ein.",
"hideAccount": "Wallet ausblenden",
"errorTitle": "{name} kann nicht ausgeblendet werden",
- "errorBody1": "Um eine Wallet ausblenden, muss diese ein Guthaben von 0 aufweisen.",
+ "errorBody1": "Um eine Wallet auszublenden, muss diese ein Guthaben von 0 aufweisen.",
"errorBody2": "Du hast derzeit {balance} auf dieser Wallet. Bitte verschiebe dein Guthaben auf eine andere Wallet und versuche es erneut.",
"errorBody3": "Du kannst diese Wallet nicht ausblenden. Es musst mindestens eine vorhanden sein."
@@ -456,13 +459,13 @@
"userPath": "Benutzerpfad"
"transaction": {
- "title": "Überweisung bestätigen",
- "body": "Du sendet {amount} an"
+ "title": "Transaktion bestätigen",
+ "body": "Du sendest {amount} an"
"balanceFinder": {
"title": "Guthabensuche",
- "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
+ "body": "Führe eine erweiterte Suche nach Adressen durch, um fehlendes Guthaben zu finden. Dies kann eine Weile dauern.",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "Gesamtguthaben",
"typePassword": "Gib dein Passwort ein, um die Suche zu erlauben."
"riskFunds": {
@@ -474,7 +477,7 @@
"title": "Warnung: Verlust von Guthaben möglich",
"body": "Du hast Guthaben auf wiederverwendeten Adressen, aber die für die Absicherung erforderlichen Informationen wurden nicht gefunden. Dies kann passieren, wenn die Transaktionen vor langer Zeit durchgeführt wurden. Du kannst fortfahren, aber {value} sind während der Migration gefährdet.",
"learnMore": "Erfahre mehr über wiederverwendete Adressen",
- "proceed": "Ich akzeptiere das Risiko"
+ "proceed": "Ich verstehe das Risiko"
"snapshot": {
"title": "Laufendes Netzwerk-Upgrade",
@@ -642,7 +645,7 @@
"dev": "Entwickler",
"createAccount": "Wallet erstellen",
"accountName": "Wallet-Name",
- "latestTransactions": "Neueste Überweisungen",
+ "latestTransactions": "Neueste Transaktionen",
"transactions": "Transaktionen",
"security": "Sicherheit",
"accountAddress": "Wallet-Adresse",
@@ -671,7 +674,7 @@
"transferComplete": "Überweisung abgeschlossen",
"creatingAccount": "Erstelle Wallet, bitte warten...",
"updatingAccount": "Aktualisiere Wallet, bitte warten...",
- "accountSyncing": "Wallet synchronisiert",
+ "accountSyncing": "Wallet wird synchronisiert",
"accountSyncComplete": "Synchronisieren der Wallet abgeschlossen",
"passwordUpdating": "Ändere Passwort...",
"passwordSuccess": "Passwort erfolgreich geändert",
@@ -697,7 +700,8 @@
"receivedTo": "Empfangen an {account}",
"sentFrom": "Gesendet von {account}",
"receiving": "Empfange",
- "sending": "Sende"
+ "sending": "Sende",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Pre-Chrysalis Netzwerk"
"dates": {
"today": "Heute",
@@ -720,7 +724,7 @@
"calcMinutesRemaining": "Berechne verbleibende Zeit...",
"minutesRemaining": "{minutes, plural, one {1 Minute verbleibend} other {# Minuten verbleibend}}",
"copiedToClipboard": "In die Zwischenablage kopiert",
- "accountsSynchronized": "Synchronisation der Wallet abgeschlossen",
+ "accountsSynchronized": "Synchronisierung der Wallet abgeschlossen",
"migratedAccountChrysalisDown": "Dein Guthaben wird nach dem Chrysalis Upgrade am 28. April verfügbar sein",
"migratedAccountChrysalisUp": "Dein Guthaben wird in Kürze verfügbar sein"
@@ -777,7 +781,7 @@
"node": {
"invalid": "Gib eine gültige URL ein.",
- "https": "HTTPS wird benötigt. Benutze ein Entwicklerprofil um ungesicherte HTTP Verbindungen zu nutzen.",
+ "https": "HTTPS wird benötigt. Benutze ein Entwicklerprofil, um ungesicherte HTTP-Verbindungen zu nutzen.",
"duplicate": "Dieser Node wurde bereits hinzugefügt.",
"unsynced": "Der Node ist nicht synchronisiert.",
"noSynced": "Keine synchronisierten Nodes verfügbar."
@@ -801,7 +805,7 @@
"title": "Risiko-Level: {risk}",
"veryHigh": "Sehr hoch",
"high": "Hoch",
- "medium": "Durchschnittlich",
+ "medium": "Mittel",
"low": "Gering",
"veryLow": "Sehr gering"
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/el.json b/packages/shared/locales/el.json
index d5e50c8faa6..6a92fd2eb56 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/el.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/el.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"views": {
"onboarding1": {
"title": "Αποστολή, Λήψη και διαχείριση των IOTA σας",
- "body": "Firefly is the official wallet software of IOTA."
+ "body": "Το Firefly είναι το επίσημο πορτοφόλι της IOTA."
"legal": {
"title": "Πολιτική Απορρήτου και Όροι Παροχής Υπηρεσιών",
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"appearance": {
"title": "Εμφάνιση",
- "body": "Choose your app theme."
+ "body": "Επιλέξτε το θεματικό της εφαρμογής σας."
"profile": {
"title": "Δημιουργήστε ένα προφίλ",
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"secure": {
"title": "Ασφαλίστε το πορτοφόλι σας",
"body1": "Αποθήκευση και εκτύπωση του PDF κιτ αποκατάστασης.",
- "body2": "If you fill out the Recovery Kit and store it safely, you will always be able to recover your wallets."
+ "body2": "Αν συμπληρώσετε το Κιτ Αποκατάστασης και το αποθηκεύσετε με ασφάλεια, θα μπορείτε πάντα να ανακτήσετε τα πορτοφόλια σας."
"password": {
"title": "Δημιουργία κωδικού πρόσβασης",
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"protect": {
"title": "Protect your wallet",
- "body1": "Set up a login PIN to make sure that only you can enter your profile.",
+ "body1": "Ρυθμίστε ένα PIN σύνδεσης για να βεβαιωθείτε ότι μόνο εσείς μπορείτε να έχετε πρόσβαση στο προφίλ σας.",
"body2": "Κρατήστε το PIN σας ασφαλές!"
"pin": {
@@ -73,15 +73,15 @@
"backupWallet": {
"title": "Δημιουργία εφεδρικού αρχείου Stronghold",
- "body1": "Enter your password to backup your wallets to a Stronghold file. Your password is used to encrypt the backup.",
+ "body1": "Εισάγετε τον κωδικό σας για να δημιουργήσετε αντίγραφα ασφαλείας των πορτοφολιών σας σε ένα αρχείο Stronghold. Ο κωδικός πρόσβασής σας χρησιμοποιείται για την κρυπτογράφηση του αντιγράφου ασφαλείας.",
"body2": "Λόγοι για τους οποίους τα ψηφιακά αντίγραφα ασφαλείας είναι σημαντικά:",
- "reason1": "Easily recover your wallets without typing in your recovery phrase",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason1": "Εύκολα ανακτήστε τα πορτοφόλια σας χωρίς να πληκτρολογήσετε τη φράση ανάκτησης",
+ "reason2": "Εισάγετε το πορτοφόλι σας σε άλλες συσκευές",
"reason3": "Ανακτήστε το πλήρες ιστορικό των συναλλαγών σας"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
"title": "Επιτυχές αντίγραφο ασφαλείας",
- "body": "You have backed up your wallets to a Stronghold."
+ "body": "Έχετε δημιουργήσει αντίγραφα ασφαλείας των πορτοφολιών σας σε ένα Stronghold."
"congratulations": {
"title": "Η ρύθμιση του πορτοφολιού ολοκληρώθηκε",
@@ -91,42 +91,42 @@
"exportMigration": "Εξαγωγή αρχείου καταγραφής μετεγκατάστασης και τερματισμός εγκατάστασης"
"import": {
- "title": "Recover or migrate funds",
- "body": "If you have an existing seed or wallet back up file, you can import it here. If you hold older network funds, you will be taken through the migration steps to move to the Chrysalis network.",
- "importSeed": "I have an 81 character seed",
- "importSeedDescription": "Enter a seed and migrate funds to Chrysalis",
- "importMnemonic": "I have a Firefly recovery phrase",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
- "importFile": "I have a file backup",
- "importFileDescription": "Upload a Seedvault or Stronghold file"
+ "title": "Ανάκτηση ή μεταφορά κεφαλαίων",
+ "body": "Εάν έχετε ένα υπάρχον seed ή αντίγραφο ασφαλείας, μπορείτε να το εισάγετε εδώ. Αν κρατάτε κεφάλαια του παλαιότερου δικτύου, θα λάβετε βήματα μετεγκατάστασης για να μετακινηθείτε στο δίκτυο Chrysalis.",
+ "importSeed": "Έχω έναν seed 81 χαρακτήρων",
+ "importSeedDescription": "Εισαγάγετε έναν seed και μεταφέρετε τα κεφάλαια στο Chrysalis",
+ "importMnemonic": "Έχω μια φράση ανάκτησης Firefly",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "Εισάγετε τη φράση ανάκτησης για να ανακτήσετε τα πορτοφόλια σας",
+ "importFile": "Έχω εφεδρικό αρχείο",
+ "importFileDescription": "Ανεβάστε ένα αρχείο Seedvault ή Stronghold"
"importFromText": {
"seed": {
- "title": "Type your seed to commence migration",
- "body": "A seed consists of 81 characters. This is used to recover from the older Trinity app.",
- "enter": "Enter your seed"
+ "title": "Πληκτρολογήστε το seed σας για να ξεκινήσετε τη μετεγκατάσταση",
+ "body": "Ένα seed αποτελείται από 81 χαρακτήρες. Αυτό χρησιμοποιείται για να ανακτήθει από την παλαιότερη εφαρμογή Trinity.",
+ "enter": "Εισάγετε το seed σας"
"mnemonic": {
- "title": "Type your recovery phrase",
- "body": "A recovery phrase is 24 words long, all lower case, with spaces between. This is used to recover existing Firefly wallets.",
- "enter": "Enter your secret recovery phrase"
+ "title": "Πληκτρολογήστε τη φράση ανάκτησης",
+ "body": "Μια φράση ανάκτησης είναι 24 λέξεις, όλα τα γράμματα μικρά, με κενά μεταξύ τους. Χρησιμοποιείται για να ανακτηθούν τα υπάρχοντα πορτοφόλια Firefly.",
+ "enter": "Εισάγετε τη μυστική φράση ανάκτησης"
"seedDetected": "81 χαρακτήρες του seed ανιχνεύτηκαν",
"phraseDetected": "Εντοπίστηκε φράση 24 λέξεων",
"checksum": "Άθροισμα ελέγχου"
"importFromFile": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets using a backup file",
- "body": "Import a backup file to restore your wallets. Backups can either be a Stronghold (.stronghold) or a Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
+ "title": "Επαναφορά του πορτοφολιού σας χρησιμοποιώντας ένα αρχείο αντιγράφου ασφαλείας",
+ "body": "Εισαγάγετε ένα αρχείο αντιγράφου ασφαλείας για να επαναφέρετε τα πορτοφόλια σας. Τα αντίγραφα ασφαλείας μπορεί να είναι είτε Stronghold (.stronghold) ή Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
"importBackupPassword": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets from a SeedVault or Stronghold",
+ "title": "Επαναφέρετε τα πορτοφόλια σας από ένα SeedVault ή Stronghold",
"body1": "Παρακαλώ εισάγετε τον κωδικό του εφεδρικού σας αρχείου.",
"body2": "Αυτός είναι ο κωδικός που ορίσατε οταν δημιουργήσατε το αντίγραφο ασφαλείας σας αρχείο."
"importSuccess": {
"title": "Έχετε επαναφέρει το εφεδρικό σας αρχείο με επιτυχία",
- "body": "You can now set up your new profile.",
+ "body": "Τώρα μπορείτε να δημιουργήσετε το καινούριο σας πορτοφόλι.",
"seedvaultTitle": "Εισήχθη με επιτυχία",
"seedvaultBody": "Ο κωδικός πρόσβασής σας είναι σωστός, τώρα μπορείτε να συνεχίσετε.",
"strongholdTitle": "Εισήχθη με επιτυχία",
@@ -147,10 +147,11 @@
"restoringWallet": "Αποκατάσταση πορτοφολιού...",
"findingBalance": "Εύρεση υπολοίπου...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Λανθασμένος κωδικός SeedVault.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "No data could be found in the SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Υπογραφή δέσμης",
"broadcastingBundle": "Μετάδοση δέσμης",
"miningBundle": "Υπογραφή δέσμης",
- "problemRestoringWallet": "There was a network error restoring your wallet. Please try again.",
+ "problemRestoringWallet": "Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα δικτύου κατά την επαναφορά του πορτοφολιού σας. Παρακαλώ δοκιμάστε ξανά.",
"minimumMigrationAmountSpentAddresses": "Το ελάχιστο ποσό μετεγκατάστασης για κάθε διεύθυνση που δαπανάται είναι 1 Mi. Ελέγξτε και πάλι αν το υπόλοιπό σας δεν φαίνεται σωστό.",
"tooManyAddressesToMigrate": "Έχετε πάρα πολλές διευθύνσεις με χαμηλό υπόλοιπο για να μετεγκαταστήσετε. Ελέγξτε ξανά αν το υπόλοιπό σας δεν φαίνεται σωστό.",
"cannotMigrateAllYourFunds": "Δεν μπορούμε να μετεγκαταστήσουμε όλα τα κεφάλαιά σας επειδή ορισμένες διευθύνσεις είναι πολύ χαμηλές σε αξία. Μπορείτε να προχωρήσετε ούτως ή άλλως. {value} θα χαθεί.",
@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@
"settings": "Ρυθμίσεις",
"generalSettings": {
"title": "Γενικές Ρυθμίσεις",
- "description": "Configure your app's appearance and other general settings"
+ "description": "Ρυθμίστε την εμφάνιση της εφαρμογής σας και άλλες γενικές ρυθμίσεις"
"security": {
"title": "Ασφάλεια",
@@ -220,7 +221,7 @@
"description": "Αλλάξτε το όνομα του προφίλ σας ή ορίστε ένα avatar"
"sync": {
- "title": "Sync wallets",
+ "title": "Συγχρονισμός πορτοφολιών",
"description": ""
"theme": {
@@ -241,15 +242,17 @@
"exportStronghold": {
"title": "Εξαγωγή Αντιγράφου Ασφαλείας",
- "description": "Export to a Stronghold file - a complete encrypted backup of your wallets and latest transaction history."
+ "description": "Εξαγωγή σε ένα αρχείο Stronghold - ένα πλήρες κρυπτογραφημένο αντίγραφο ασφαλείας των πορτοφολιών σας και του τελευταίου ιστορικού συναλλαγών."
"appLock": {
"title": "Αυτόματο Κλείδωμα",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "description": "Χρόνος αδράνειας πριν από το κλείδωμα του πορτοφολιού σας και αποσυνδεθείτε",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hour} other {# hours}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Αλλαγή κωδικού",
- "description": "Your password is used to secure your wallets. You must use a strong password to protect your funds."
+ "description": "Ο κωδικός πρόσβασής σας χρησιμοποιείται για να ασφαλίσετε τα πορτοφόλια σας. Πρέπει να χρησιμοποιήσετε έναν ισχυρό κωδικό πρόσβασης για την προστασία των κεφαλαίων σας."
"changePincode": {
"title": "Αλλαγή κωδικού PIN",
@@ -260,16 +263,16 @@
"action": "Αλλαγή PIN"
"balanceFinder": {
- "title": "Balance finder",
- "description": "Perform an extended search of your addresses for tokens."
+ "title": "Εύρεση υπολοίπου",
+ "description": "Εκτελέστε μια εκτεταμένη αναζήτηση των διευθύνσεών σας για tokens."
"hiddenAccounts": {
- "title": "Hidden wallets",
- "description": "Selecting this options will show wallets that were previously hidden."
+ "title": "Κρυφά πορτοφόλια",
+ "description": "Επιλέγοντας αυτή την επιλογή, θα εμφανίζονται πορτοφόλια που είχαν προηγουμένως κρυφτεί."
"deleteProfile": {
"title": "Διαγραφή προφίλ",
- "description": "Deletes your entire profile, wallets and transaction history. Make sure you have a backup."
+ "description": "Διαγράφει ολόκληρο το προφίλ σας, τα πορτοφόλια και το ιστορικό συναλλαγών. Βεβαιωθείτε ότι έχετε ένα αντίγραφο ασφαλείας."
"deepLinks": {
"title": "Απευθείας/Βαθιές συνδέσεις",
@@ -285,7 +288,7 @@
"configureNodeList": {
"title": "Επιλέξτε κόμβο",
- "description": "Manage the list of IOTA network nodes you connect to.",
+ "description": "Διαχειριστείτε τη λίστα των κόμβων δικτύου στο οποίο συνδέεστε.",
"primaryNode": "Πρωτεύων κόμβος",
"excludeNode": "Εξαίρεση κόμβου",
"includeNode": "Συμπερίληψη κόμβου",
@@ -354,8 +357,8 @@
"strongholdStatus": {
"title": "Κατάσταση Πορτοφολιού",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "unlocked": "Unlocked"
+ "locked": "Κλειδωμένο",
+ "unlocked": "Ξεκλείδωτο"
"strongholdBackup": {
"title": "Αντίγραφο Ασφαλείας Πορτοφολιού",
@@ -379,7 +382,7 @@
"popups": {
"password": {
"title": "Απαιτείται κωδικός",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your password to unlock your wallets",
+ "subtitle": "Παρακαλώ εισάγετε τον κωδικό σας για να ξεκλειδώσετε τα πορτοφόλια σας",
"backup": "Παρακαλώ εισάγετε τον κωδικό σας για να εξάγετε ένα αντίγραφο ασφαλείας"
"qr": {
@@ -391,34 +394,34 @@
"upToDateDescription": "Τρέχετε την τελευταία και ασφαλέστερη έκδοση του Firefly.",
"updateAvailable": "Νέα ενημέρωση Firefly είναι διαθέσιμη",
"updateDetails": "Έκδοση {version} - {date}",
- "noAutoUpdate": "Auto-update is disabled in this Windows version, please go to to download the update."
+ "noAutoUpdate": "Η αυτόματη ενημέρωση είναι απενεργοποιημένη σε αυτήν την έκδοση των Windows, παρακαλώ πηγαίνετε στο για να κατεβάσετε την ενημέρωση."
"backup": {
"title": "Τελευταίο αντίγραφο ασφαλείας: {date}",
"lastBackup": "Τελευταία δημιουργία αντιγράφων ασφαλείας {date}",
- "backupDescription": "It is important to back up regularly to ensure you have a copy of your wallets and transaction history.",
+ "backupDescription": "Είναι σημαντικό να δημιουργείτε αντίγραφα ασφαλείας τακτικά για να διασφαλίσετε ότι έχετε ένα αντίγραφο των πορτοφολιών σας και το ιστορικό των συναλλαγών σας.",
"backupWarning": "Αν χάσετε το αντίγραφο ασφαλείας σας και την ανάκτησης φράσης θα χάσετε την πρόσβαση στα χρήματά σας.",
"notBackedUp": "Δεν έγιναν ακόμα τα αντίγραφα ασφαλείας",
- "notBackedUpDescription": "You have not backed up your wallets",
+ "notBackedUpDescription": "Δεν έχετε δημιουργήσει αντίγραφα ασφαλείας των πορτοφολιών σας",
"saving": "Αποθήκευση..."
"deleteAccount": {
"title": "Διαγραφή {name};",
- "body": "This wallet has no transaction history. It can safely be deleted.",
+ "body": "Αυτό το πορτοφόλι δεν έχει ιστορικό συναλλαγών. Μπορεί να διαγραφεί με ασφάλεια.",
"typePassword": "Πληκτρολογήστε τον κωδικό πρόσβασης του πορτοφολιού σας για επιβεβαίωση.",
- "hideAccount": "Delete wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "Διαγραφή Πορτοφολιού",
"errorTitle": "Αδυναμία διαγραφής {name}",
- "errorBody1": "You cannot delete this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "errorBody1": "Δεν μπορείτε να διαγράψετε αυτό το πορτοφόλι, πρέπει να έχετε τουλάχιστον ένα."
"hideAccount": {
"title": "Απόκρυψη {name};",
- "body": "You can find this wallet later by enabling \"Show hidden wallets\" in Advanced Settings.",
+ "body": "Μπορείτε να βρείτε αυτό το πορτοφόλι αργότερα ενεργοποιώντας την \"Εμφάνιση κρυφών πορτοφολιών\" στις Ρυθμίσεις για προχωρημένους.",
"typePassword": "Πληκτρολογήστε τον κωδικό πρόσβασης του πορτοφολιού σας για επιβεβαίωση.",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "Απόκρυψη πορτοφολιού",
"errorTitle": "Αδυναμία απόκρυψης {name}",
- "errorBody1": "To hide a wallet it must have 0 balance.",
- "errorBody2": "You currently have {balance} remaining on this wallet. Please move these funds to a different wallet and try again.",
- "errorBody3": "You cannot hide this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "errorBody1": "Για να αποκρύψετε ένα πορτοφόλι πρέπει να έχει υπόλοιπο 0.",
+ "errorBody2": "Αυτή τη στιγμή απομένει {balance} σε αυτό το πορτοφόλι. Μετακινήστε αυτά τα κεφάλαια σε ένα διαφορετικό πορτοφόλι και προσπαθήστε ξανά.",
+ "errorBody3": "Δεν μπορείτε να διαγράψετε αυτό το πορτοφόλι, πρέπει να έχετε τουλάχιστον ένα."
"addressHistory": {
"title": "Ιστορικό διευθύνσεων {name}",
@@ -460,10 +463,10 @@
"body": "Είστε έτοιμος να στείλετε {amount} στο"
"balanceFinder": {
- "title": "Balance finder",
- "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
- "typePassword": "Type your password to allow searching."
+ "title": "Εύρεση υπολοίπου",
+ "body": "Εκτελέστε μια πιο εξαντλητική αναζήτηση διευθύνσεων για να βρείτε τα υπόλοιπα που λείπουν. Αυτό μπορεί να διαρκέσει λίγο.",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "Συνολικό υπόλοιπο",
+ "typePassword": "Πληκτρολογήστε τον κωδικό πρόσβασης για να επιτρέψετε την αναζήτηση."
"riskFunds": {
"title": "Προειδοποίηση: τα κεφάλαια που κινδυνεύουν κατά τη μετεγκατάσταση τους",
@@ -477,19 +480,19 @@
"proceed": "Κατανοώ τους κινδύνους"
"snapshot": {
- "title": "Ongoing network upgrade",
- "body": "The Chrysalis network upgrade has begun.",
- "bodyMigration": "Migration is disabled until it is complete.",
- "bodyFirefly": "Firefly is disabled until it is complete. Token migration will still be possible afterwards."
+ "title": "Συνεχής αναβάθμιση δικτύου",
+ "body": "Η αναβάθμιση του δικτύου Chrysalis έχει ξεκινήσει.",
+ "bodyMigration": "Η μετεγκατάσταση είναι απενεργοποιημένη μέχρι να ολοκληρωθεί.",
+ "bodyFirefly": "Το Firefly είναι απενεργοποιημένο μέχρι να ολοκληρωθεί. Η μετεγκατάσταση των κεφαλαίων θα είναι ακόμα δυνατή και αργότερα."
"charts": {
- "incomingMi": "Incoming {value}",
- "outgoingMi": "Outgoing {value}",
+ "incomingMi": "Εισερχόμενα {value}",
+ "outgoingMi": "Εξερχόμενα {value}",
"portoflio": "Χαρτοφυλάκιο",
"token": "Νομίσματα",
- "accountValue": "Wallet Value",
- "accountActivity": "Wallet Activity",
+ "accountValue": "Αξία Πορτοφολιού",
+ "accountActivity": "Δραστηριότητα Πορτοφολιού",
"timeframe1Hour": "1 ώρα",
"timeframe1Day": "1 ημέρα",
"timeframe1Week": "1 εβδομάδα",
@@ -543,11 +546,11 @@
"updateFirefly": "Ενημέρωση Firefly",
"restartNow": "Επανεκκίνηση τώρα",
"saveBackup": "Αποθήκευση αντιγράφου ασφαλείας Stronghold",
- "customizeAcount": "Customise wallet",
+ "customizeAcount": "Προσαρμόστε το πορτοφόλι",
"viewAddressHistory": "Προβολή ιστορικού διευθύνσεων",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
- "showAccount": "Unhide wallet",
- "deleteAccount": "Delete wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "Απόκρυψη πορτοφολιού",
+ "showAccount": "Απόκρυψη πορτοφολιού",
+ "deleteAccount": "Διαγραφή Πορτοφολιού",
"max": "Μέγιστο",
"addNode": "Προσθήκη κόμβου",
"updateNode": "Ενημέρωση κόμβου",
@@ -563,7 +566,7 @@
"copy": "Αντιγραφή",
"paste": "Επικόλληση",
"selectAll": "Επιλογή όλων",
- "addAccount": "Add Wallet",
+ "addAccount": "Προσθήκη Πορτοφολιού",
"checkForUpdates": "Έλεγχος για ενημερώσεις",
"reportAnIssue": "Αναφορά Προβλήματος",
"clear": "Εκκαθάριση",
@@ -578,13 +581,13 @@
"readDocumentation": "Διαβάστε την τεκμηρίωση",
"visitFaq": "Επισκεφθείτε Τις Συχνές Ερωτήσεις",
"viewStatus": "Προβολή κατάστασης",
- "showHiddenAccounts": "Show hidden wallets",
+ "showHiddenAccounts": "Εμφάνιση κρυφών πορτοφολιών",
"confirm": "Επιβεβαίωση",
- "findBalances": "Find balances",
- "searchBalances": "Search for balances",
- "searchAgain": "Search again",
- "searching": "Searching...",
- "closeFirefly": "Close Firefly"
+ "findBalances": "Βρείτε υπόλοιπα",
+ "searchBalances": "Αναζήτηση υπολοίπων",
+ "searchAgain": "Αναζήτηση Ξανά",
+ "searching": "Αναζήτηση...",
+ "closeFirefly": "Κλείσιμο Του Firefly"
"general": {
"password": "Κωδικός πρόσβασης",
@@ -602,10 +605,10 @@
"sendFunds": "Αποστολή Χρημάτων",
"sendToAddress": "Αποστολή προς διεύθυνση",
"scanQrOrPaste": "Σαρώστε τον κωδικό QR ή επικολλήστε μια διεύθυνση",
- "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Move funds between wallets",
+ "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Μετακίνηση κεφαλαίων μεταξύ λογαριασμών",
"sendTokensToAddress": "Αποστολή κεφαλαίων σε μια διεύθυνση",
- "manageAccount": "Manage Wallet",
- "customizeAcount": "Customize your wallet",
+ "manageAccount": "Διαχείριση Πορτοφολιού",
+ "customizeAcount": "Προσαρμόστε το πορτοφόλι σας",
"account": "Πορτοφόλι",
"sendingToAddress": "Αποστολή σε διεύθυνση",
"amount": "Ποσό",
@@ -627,25 +630,25 @@
"lightTheme": "Φωτεινό θέμα",
"darkTheme": "Σκοτεινό θέμα",
"balance": "Υπόλοιπο",
- "accountBalance": "Wallet Balance",
+ "accountBalance": "Υπόλοιπο Πορτοφολιού",
"incoming": "Εισερχόμενο",
"outgoing": "Εξερχόμενο",
"totalIn": "Σύνολο εισερχομένων",
"totalOut": "Σύνολο εξερχομένων",
- "accounts": "Wallets",
- "myAccounts": "My Wallets",
+ "accounts": "Πορτοφόλια",
+ "myAccounts": "Τα πορτοφόλια μου",
"automaticNodeSelection": "Αυτόματη επιλογή κόμβου",
"manualNodeSelection": "Μή αυτόματη επιλογή κόμβου/δικτύου",
"profiles": "Προφίλ",
"developerProfile": "Προφίλ Προγραμματιστή",
"developerProfileDescription": "Σας επιτρέπει να συνδεθείτε σε δοκιμαστικά δίχτυα",
"dev": "Προγραμματιστής",
- "createAccount": "Create a Wallet",
- "accountName": "Wallet name",
+ "createAccount": "Δημιουργία πορτοφολιού",
+ "accountName": "Όνομα πορτοφολιού",
"latestTransactions": "Τελευταίες Συναλλαγές",
"transactions": "Συναλλαγές",
"security": "Ασφάλεια",
- "accountAddress": "Wallet Address",
+ "accountAddress": "Διεύθυνση πορτοφολιού",
"nodes": "Κόμβοι",
"wallet": "Πορτοφόλι",
"help": "Βοήθεια",
@@ -657,26 +660,26 @@
"status": "Κατάσταση",
"confirmed": "Επιβεβαιώθηκε",
"pending": "Εκκρεμεί",
- "noAccounts": "You have no wallets, please create one.",
+ "noAccounts": "Δεν έχετε πορτοφόλια, παρακαλώ δημιουργήστε ένα.",
"loadingAccounts": "Φορτώνεται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε...",
"addProfile": "Προσθήκη Προφίλ",
"noRecentHistory": "Κανένα πρόσφατο ιστορικό",
- "firstSync": "Syncing history, this may take a while...",
- "transferSyncing": "Syncing wallet",
+ "firstSync": "Συγχρονισμός ιστορικού, αυτό μπορεί να διαρκέσει λίγο...",
+ "transferSyncing": "Συγχρονισμός πορτοφολιού",
"transferSelectingInputs": "Επιλογή εισαγωγών",
"transferRemainderAddress": "Δημιουργία διεύθυνσης κατάθεσης υπολοίπου",
"transferSigning": "Υπογραφή συναλλαγής",
"transferPow": "Εκτέλεση Του Pow",
"transferBroadcasting": "Κοινοποίηση συναλλαγής",
"transferComplete": "Η μεταφορά ολοκληρώθηκε",
- "creatingAccount": "Creating wallet, please wait...",
- "updatingAccount": "Updating wallet, please wait...",
- "accountSyncing": "Wallet is syncing",
- "accountSyncComplete": "Wallet sync complete",
+ "creatingAccount": "Δημιουργία πορτοφολιού, παρακαλώ περιμένετε...",
+ "updatingAccount": "Ενημέρωση πορτοφολιού, παρακαλώ περιμένετε...",
+ "accountSyncing": "Το πορτοφόλι συγχρονίζεται",
+ "accountSyncComplete": "Ο συγχρονισμός πορτοφολιού ολοκληρώθηκε",
"passwordUpdating": "Ενημέρωση κωδικού πρόσβασης...",
"passwordSuccess": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση κωδικού πρόσβασης",
"passwordFailed": "Η ενημέρωση κωδικού απέτυχε",
- "syncingAccounts": "Syncing wallets...",
+ "syncingAccounts": "Συγχρονισμός πορτοφολιών...",
"exportingStronghold": "Εξαγωγή Stronghold...",
"exportingStrongholdSuccess": "Επιτυχής εξαγωγή stronghold",
"exportingStrongholdFailed": "Η εξαγωγή Stronghold απέτυχε",
@@ -691,13 +694,14 @@
"passwordStrength4": "Δυνατό",
"creatingProfile": "Δημιουργία λογαριασμού, παρακαλώ περιμένετε...",
"fundMigration": "Μετεγκατάσταση κεφαλαίων",
- "accountRemoved": "This wallet is hidden. Unhide it to perform transfers.",
- "receivingTo": "Receiving to {account}",
- "sendingFrom": "Sending from {account}",
- "receivedTo": "Received to {account}",
- "sentFrom": "Sent from {account}",
- "receiving": "Receiving",
- "sending": "Sending"
+ "accountRemoved": "Αυτό το πορτοφόλι είναι κρυμμένο. Αποκρύψτε το για να εκτελέσετε μεταφορές.",
+ "receivingTo": "Λήψη στο {account}",
+ "sendingFrom": "Αποστολή από {account}",
+ "receivedTo": "Λήφθηκε στο {account}",
+ "sentFrom": "Στάλθηκε από {account}",
+ "receiving": "Λήψη",
+ "sending": "Αποστολή σε εξέλιξη",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Network"
"dates": {
"today": "Σήμερα",
@@ -720,7 +724,7 @@
"calcMinutesRemaining": "Υπολογισμός υπολειπόμενων λεπτών...",
"minutesRemaining": "{minutes, plural, one {1 λεπτό απομένει} other {# λεπτά απομένουν}}",
"copiedToClipboard": "Αντιγράφηκε στο πρόχειρο",
- "accountsSynchronized": "Wallet synchronization complete",
+ "accountsSynchronized": "Ο συγχρονισμός πορτοφολιού ολοκληρώθηκε",
"migratedAccountChrysalisDown": "Τα χρήματά σας θα είναι διαθέσιμα μετά το Chrysalis στις 28 Απριλίου",
"migratedAccountChrysalisUp": "Τα κεφάλαιά σας θα είναι διαθέσιμα σύντομα"
@@ -752,10 +756,10 @@
"incorrect": "Το τρέχον PIN είναι λανθασμένο."
"account": {
- "length": "Your wallet name can't be longer than {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}}.",
- "empty": "You must use your latest wallet before creating a new one.",
- "notEmpty": "You must transfer your balance before deleting this wallet.",
- "duplicate": "A wallet with this name already exists.",
+ "length": "Το όνομα του πορτοφολιού σας δεν μπορεί να είναι μεγαλύτερο από {length, plural, one {1 χαρακτήρα} other {# χαρακτήρες}}.",
+ "empty": "Πρέπει να χρησιμοποιήσετε το τελευταίο πορτοφόλι σας πριν δημιουργήσετε ένα νέο.",
+ "notEmpty": "Πρέπει να μεταφέρετε το υπόλοιπό σας πριν διαγράψετε αυτό το πορτοφόλι.",
+ "duplicate": "Υπάρχει ήδη ένα πορτοφόλι με αυτό το όνομα.",
"tilde": "Το όνομα προφίλ δεν μπορεί να ξεκινήσει με τον χαρακτήρα '~'.",
"control": "Το όνομα του προφίλ δεν μπορεί να περιέχει χαρακτήρα ελέγχου.",
"startDot": "Το όνομα προφίλ δεν μπορεί να ξεκινήσει με το χαρακτήρα ''.",
@@ -770,8 +774,8 @@
"wrongAddressPrefix": "Οι διευθύνσεις ξεκινούν με το πρόθεμα {prefix}.",
"wrongAddressFormat": "Η διεύθυνση δεν έχει μορφοποιηθεί σωστά.",
"invalidAddress": "Η διεύθυνση δεν είναι έγκυρη.",
- "insufficientFunds": "This wallet has insufficient funds.",
- "noToAccount": "You have not selected a wallet to send the funds to.",
+ "insufficientFunds": "Αυτό το πορτοφόλι έχει ανεπαρκή κεφάλαια.",
+ "noToAccount": "Δεν έχετε επιλέξει ένα πορτοφόλι για να στείλετε τα κεφάλαια.",
"sendingDust": "Δεν μπορείτε να στείλετε λιγότερο από 1 Mi.",
"leavingDust": "Δεν μπορείτε να αφήσετε λιγότερο από 1 Mi στη διεύθυνσή σας."
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/eo.json b/packages/shared/locales/eo.json
index 09e57eaf9db..e96dbb8dd06 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/eo.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/eo.json
@@ -32,73 +32,73 @@
"password": {
"title": "Krei pasvorton",
- "body1": "You need a strong password to protect your funds. Use a combination of words, and avoid common phrases, names or dates.",
- "body2": "It is recommended that you write down your password in your Recovery Kit."
+ "body1": "Vi bezonas fortan pasvorton por protekti vian fonduson. Uzu kombinon de vortoj kaj evitu kutimajn frazojn, nomojn aŭ datojn.",
+ "body2": "Estas rekomendita ke vi skribu vian pasvorton en la restarigo-ilo."
"protect": {
"title": "Protect your wallet",
- "body1": "Set up a login PIN to make sure that only you can enter your profile.",
+ "body1": "Agordu PIN-kodon por esti certa ke nur vi povas atingi vian profilon.",
"body2": "Tenu vian PIN-kodon sekure!"
"pin": {
"title": "Agordu PIN-kodon",
- "body1": "Enter a 6-digit PIN below. You will be asked for your PIN to access your profile.",
+ "body1": "Enigu 6-ciferan PIN-kodon sube. Por atingi vian profilon, via PIN-kodo estos petata.",
"body2": "Nur uzu numerojn"
"confirmPin": {
"title": "Konfirmu vian PIN-kodon",
"body1": "Via PIN-kodo tenas vian bonhavon kaj transakciojn private.",
- "body2": "Re-enter your PIN code to proceed. "
+ "body2": "Reenigu vian PIN-kodon por daŭrigi. "
"backup": {
"title": "Faru savkopion de via monujo",
- "body1": "You will now be shown a recovery phrase. Write it down in your Recovery Kit.",
+ "body1": "Nun la restarigo-frazo estos montrata al vi. Skribu ĝin en via restarigo-ilo.",
"body2": "Ne konigu vian frazo-restarigon kun iu ajn. Ĝi povas esti uzata por atingi viajn ĵetonojn ie ajn.",
"body3": "Se vi perdas vian frazo-restarigon, vi eble perdos vian fonduson."
"recoveryPhrase": {
"title": "Frazo-restarigo",
- "body1": "In your Recovery Kit, write down the words in the exact order shown.",
- "body2": "Keep this private and safely stored.",
- "body3": "It is important to have a written backup. Computers often fail and files can corrupt.",
- "revealRecoveryPhrase": "Reveal recovery phrase",
+ "body1": "En via restarigo-ilo, skribu la vortojn en la ekzakta ordo, kiu estas montrita.",
+ "body2": "Tenu ĉi tiun private kaj sekure konservita.",
+ "body3": "Estas grave ke vi havu skribitan savkopion. Komputiloj ofte fiaskas kaj la dosieroj povas difektiĝi.",
+ "revealRecoveryPhrase": "Malkaŝu restarigo-frazon",
"hideRecoveryPhrase": "Kaŝu frazo-restarigon"
"verifyRecoveryPhrase": {
"title": "Konfirmu frazo-restarigon",
- "body": "Let's check you wrote down the phrase correctly. Please select each word in numbered order.",
+ "body": "Ni kontrolu, ĉu vi skribis la frazon ĝuste. Bonvole elektu ĉiun vorton en la numerita ordo.",
"word": "Vorto",
"verified": "Frazo-restarigo estas konfirmita",
- "verifiedBody": "Remember to keep it private and safely stored."
+ "verifiedBody": "Rememoru teni ĝin private kaj sekure konservita."
"backupWallet": {
- "title": "Back up to a Stronghold file",
- "body1": "Enter your password to backup your wallets to a Stronghold file. Your password is used to encrypt the backup.",
- "body2": "Reasons why digital backups are important:",
- "reason1": "Easily recover your wallets without typing in your recovery phrase",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
- "reason3": "Recover your full transaction history"
+ "title": "Fari savkopion al Stronghold dosiero",
+ "body1": "Enigu vian pasvorton por fari savkopion de via monujo al Stronghold dosiero. Via pasvorto estas uzata por ĉifri la savkopion.",
+ "body2": "La kialoj por la graveco de ciferecaj savkopioj:",
+ "reason1": "Facile restarigu viajn monujojn sen tajpi vian restarigo-frazon",
+ "reason2": "Importu viajn monujojn en aliaj aparatoj",
+ "reason3": "Restarigu vian plenan transakcio-historion"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
- "title": "Successfully backed up",
- "body": "You have backed up your wallets to a Stronghold."
+ "title": "Savkopio estas farita sukcese",
+ "body": "Vi faris savkopion de via monujo al Stronghold dosiero."
"congratulations": {
- "title": "Wallet setup completed",
+ "title": "La agordado de la monujo estas farita",
"body": "Via nova monujo estas preta por uzi.",
- "fundsMigrated": "Funds migrated",
- "success": "You have successfully migrated your funds to the new network",
- "exportMigration": "Export migration log and finish setup"
+ "fundsMigrated": "Fonduso estas migrigita",
+ "success": "Vi sukcese migrigis viajn fondusojn al la nova reto",
+ "exportMigration": "Eksportu la protokolon de la migrado kaj finu la agordadon"
"import": {
- "title": "Recover or migrate funds",
+ "title": "Restarigu aŭ migrigu fonduson",
"body": "If you have an existing seed or wallet back up file, you can import it here. If you hold older network funds, you will be taken through the migration steps to move to the Chrysalis network.",
"importSeed": "I have an 81 character seed",
"importSeedDescription": "Enter a seed and migrate funds to Chrysalis",
- "importMnemonic": "I have a Firefly recovery phrase",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
- "importFile": "I have a file backup",
- "importFileDescription": "Upload a Seedvault or Stronghold file"
+ "importMnemonic": "Mi havas restarigo-frazon de Firefly",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "Enigu vian restarigo-frazon por restarigi viajn monujojn",
+ "importFile": "Mi havas savkopio-dosieron",
+ "importFileDescription": "Alŝutu Seedvault aŭ Stronghold dosieron"
"importFromText": {
"seed": {
@@ -107,78 +107,79 @@
"enter": "Enter your seed"
"mnemonic": {
- "title": "Type your recovery phrase",
- "body": "A recovery phrase is 24 words long, all lower case, with spaces between. This is used to recover existing Firefly wallets.",
- "enter": "Enter your secret recovery phrase"
+ "title": "Tajpu vian restarigo-frazon",
+ "body": "Restarigo-frazo havas 24 vortojn, ĉiuj minusklaj, kun spaco inter ili. Ĉi tiu estas uzata por restarigi ekzistantajn Firefly monujojn.",
+ "enter": "Enigu vian sekretan restarigo-frazon"
"seedDetected": "81 character seed detected",
- "phraseDetected": "24 word recovery phrase detected",
- "checksum": "Checksum"
+ "phraseDetected": "24-vorta restarigo-frazo estas detektita",
+ "checksum": "Kontrolsumo"
"importFromFile": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets using a backup file",
- "body": "Import a backup file to restore your wallets. Backups can either be a Stronghold (.stronghold) or a Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
+ "title": "Restaŭru viajn monujojn uzante savkopio-dosieron",
+ "body": "Importu savkopio-dosieron por restaŭri viajn monujojn. Savkopioj povas esti kaj Stronghold (.stronghold) kaj Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
"importBackupPassword": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets from a SeedVault or Stronghold",
+ "title": "Restaŭru viajn monujojn de SeedVault aŭ Stronghold",
"body1": "Tajpu vian savkopio-pasvorton.",
"body2": "Ĉi tiu estas pasvorto kiun vi agordis, kiam vi por la unua fojo kreis vian savkopion."
"importSuccess": {
- "title": "You have successfully recovered your backup",
- "body": "You can now set up your new profile.",
- "seedvaultTitle": "Successfully imported",
- "seedvaultBody": "Your password is correct, you can now continue.",
- "strongholdTitle": "Successfully imported",
- "strongholdBody": "Your password is correct, you can now continue."
+ "title": "Vi sukcese restaŭris vian savkopion",
+ "body": "Vi nun povas agordi vian novan profilon.",
+ "seedvaultTitle": "Sukcese importita",
+ "seedvaultBody": "Via pasvorto estas ĝusta, nun vi povas daŭrigi.",
+ "strongholdTitle": "Sukcese importita",
+ "strongholdBody": "Via pasvorto estas ĝusta, nun vi povas daŭrigi."
"migrate": {
- "title": "Migrate your funds",
- "body1": "This is an automated process to transfer your funds to your new wallet.",
- "body2": "It may take some time. Do not turn off your device during the migration.",
+ "title": "Migrigi vian fonduson",
+ "body1": "Ĉi tiu estas aŭtomatigita procezo por transloki vian fonduson al via nova monujo.",
+ "body2": "Ĉi tiu eble iom daŭros. Ne malŝaltu vian aparaton dum la migrado.",
"existing": "Via malnova monujo",
"new": "Niva nova monujo",
"learn": "Lernu pri la migrado",
"beginMigration": "Komencu migri",
- "migrating": "Migrating funds...",
- "migrated": "{balance} migrated",
+ "migrating": "Migrigante fonduson...",
+ "migrated": "{balance} estas migrigita",
"migrationFailed": "La migrado malsukcesis",
- "noAddressesForMigration": "Please select the addresses you wish to secure.",
- "restoringWallet": "Restoring wallet...",
- "findingBalance": "Finding balance...",
- "incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Incorrect SeedVault password.",
+ "noAddressesForMigration": "Bonvole elektu la adresojn, kiujn vi volas sekurigi.",
+ "restoringWallet": "Restaŭri monujon...",
+ "findingBalance": "Trovante bonhavon...",
+ "incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Malĝusta SeedVault pasvorto.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "No data could be found in the SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Signing bundle",
"broadcastingBundle": "Broadcasting bundle",
"miningBundle": "Mining bundle",
- "problemRestoringWallet": "There was a network error restoring your wallet. Please try again.",
+ "problemRestoringWallet": "Okazis reta eraro dum restaŭri vian monujon. Bonvole provu denove.",
"minimumMigrationAmountSpentAddresses": "The minimum migration amount for each spent address is 1 Mi. Check again if your balance doesn't look right.",
- "tooManyAddressesToMigrate": "You have too many addresses with low balance to migrate. Check again if your balance doesn't look right.",
- "cannotMigrateAllYourFunds": "We cannot migrate all of your funds because some addresses are too low in value. You can proceed anyway. {value} will be lost.",
- "error": "There was an error migrating your funds. Please try again."
+ "tooManyAddressesToMigrate": "Vi havas tro da adresoj kun malalta bonhavo por migrigi. Kontrolu ree ĉu via bonhavo aspektas ĝuste.",
+ "cannotMigrateAllYourFunds": "Ni ne povas migrigi la tutan vian fonduson ĉar kelkaj adresoj havas tro malaltan valoron. Vi povas daŭrigi kiel ajn. {value} perdiĝos.",
+ "error": "Estis eraro dum migrigi vian fonduson. Bonvole provu denove."
"bundleMiningWarning": {
"title": "Averto",
"body1": "You have funds on one or more spent addresses.",
- "body2": "We recommend you run an automated process to help secure and transfer these funds safely.",
- "body3": "If you close the app you will need to restart the whole migration.",
+ "body2": "Ni rekomendas ke vi rulu aŭtomatigitan procezon por helpi sekurecon kaj transpagi ĉi tiun fonduson sekure.",
+ "body3": "Se vi fermu la apon, vi bezonos rekomenci la tutan migradon.",
"learn": "Learn about spent addresses"
"secureSpentAddresses": {
"title": "Secure spent addresses",
"body1": "You have funds detected on {number, plural, one {# spent address} other {# spent addresses}}.",
- "body2": "We recommend you run an automated process to help secure and transfer your funds safely.",
+ "body2": "Ni rekomendas ke vi rulu aŭtomatigitan procezon por helpi sekurecon kaj transpagi vian fonduson sekure.",
"error": "You can’t migrate spent addresses with less than 1 Mi"
"securityCheckCompleted": {
- "title": "Security check completed",
- "body1": "We have calculated the security risk level. Running this process again may lower your risk level.",
- "body2": "When you are happy with the risk level(s) press continue.",
- "rerun": "Rerun process for selected addresses",
+ "title": "Sekur-kontrolo estas finita",
+ "body1": "Ni kalkulis la nivelon de sekur-risko. Ruli ĉi tiun procezon denove eble malaltigos vian nivelon de risko.",
+ "body2": "Kiam vi estas ĝoja pri la nivelo de la risko, premu daŭrigi.",
+ "rerun": "Rerulu procezon por la elektitaj adresoj",
"continueMigration": "Daŭrigu migradon"
"securingSpentAddresses": {
"title": "Securing spent addresses...",
- "body1": "This process will take {minutes, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}.",
+ "body1": "Ĉi tiu procezo eble daŭros {minutes, plural, one {1 minuton} other {# minutojn}}.",
"body2": "Your computer will run at full capacity, you may wish to do something else while you wait for this to complete."
"transferFragmentedFunds": {
@@ -245,7 +246,9 @@
"appLock": {
"title": "Automatic Lock",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hour} other {# hours}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Change password",
@@ -280,39 +283,39 @@
"description": "Connect to testnets and other developer features"
"nodeSettings": {
- "title": "Node settings",
+ "title": "Nod-agordoj",
"description": "Select Manual to configure the node settings and connect to your own node"
"configureNodeList": {
- "title": "Select a node",
- "description": "Manage the list of IOTA network nodes you connect to.",
- "primaryNode": "Primary node",
- "excludeNode": "Exclude node",
- "includeNode": "Include node",
- "viewDetails": "View details",
- "setAsPrimary": "Set as primary",
- "removeNode": "Remove node",
- "includeOfficialNodeList": "Include official node list",
- "noNodes": "There are no nodes, automatic selection will be used instead."
+ "title": "Elektu nodon",
+ "description": "Administru la liston de IOTA ret-nodoj, al kiuj vi konektas.",
+ "primaryNode": "Ĉefa nodo",
+ "excludeNode": "Ekskluzivi nodon",
+ "includeNode": "Inkluzivi nodon",
+ "viewDetails": "Vidu detalojn",
+ "setAsPrimary": "Agordi kiel la ĉefa",
+ "removeNode": "Forigi nodon",
+ "includeOfficialNodeList": "Inkluzivi oficialan nod-liston",
+ "noNodes": "Ne ekzistas nodoj, aŭtomata elektado estos uzata anstataŭe."
"proofOfWork": {
"title": "Proof of work",
"description": "Complete proof of work locally on your device or outsource to the node"
"errorLog": {
- "title": "Error log",
- "description": "View errors to debug an issue"
+ "title": "Erar-protokolo",
+ "description": "Vidi erarojn por sencimigi problemon"
"diagnostics": {
- "title": "Diagnostics",
- "description": "View system and application information"
+ "title": "Diagnozoj",
+ "description": "Vidi la informojn de la sistemo kaj la apo"
"stateExport": {
"title": "State export",
- "description": "Export your transaction history to a .csv file"
+ "description": "Eksportu vian transakcio-historion al .csv dosiero"
"troubleshoot": {
- "title": "Troubleshoot",
+ "title": "Problemsolvi",
"description": "Use the troubleshooting wizard to solve common problems"
"documentation": {
@@ -445,7 +448,7 @@
"typePassword": "Type your password to confirm."
"diagnostics": {
- "title": "Diagnostics",
+ "title": "Diagnozoj",
"node": "Nodo",
"platform": "Platformo",
"platformVersion": "Platform Version",
@@ -517,7 +520,7 @@
"saveBackupFile": "Save backup file",
"iveWrittenRecoveryPhrase": "I’ve written down my recovery phrase",
"verifyRecoveryPhrase": "Konfirmu frazo-restarigon",
- "revealRecoveryPhrase": "Reveal recovery phrase",
+ "revealRecoveryPhrase": "Malkaŝu restarigo-frazon",
"importSeedvault": "Import SeedVault",
"checkAgain": "Rekontroli",
"importFromFile": "Import from a file",
@@ -697,7 +700,8 @@
"receivedTo": "Received to {account}",
"sentFrom": "Sent from {account}",
"receiving": "Receiving",
- "sending": "Sending"
+ "sending": "Sending",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Network"
"dates": {
"today": "Hodiaŭ",
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/es-ES.json b/packages/shared/locales/es-ES.json
index 435f8fdf9b4..4f41bbd36d8 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/es-ES.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/es-ES.json
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
"body1": "Introduce tu contraseña para realizar una copia de seguridad de tus carteras a un archivo Stronghold. Tu contraseña es utlizada para encriptar la copia de seguridad.",
"body2": "Razones por las que las copias de seguridad digitales son importantes:",
"reason1": "Recupera fácilmente tus carteras sin escribir tu frase de recuperación",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason2": "Importa tus carteras a otros dispositivos",
"reason3": "Recuperar todo tu historial de transacciones"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
"importSeed": "Tengo una semilla de 81 caracteres",
"importSeedDescription": "Introducir una semilla y migrar fondos a Chrysalis",
"importMnemonic": "Tengo una frase de recuperación Firefly",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "Introduce tu frase de recuperación para recuperar tus carteras",
"importFile": "Tengo una copia de seguridad en archivo",
"importFileDescription": "Subir un archivo Seedvault o Stronghold"
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
"restoringWallet": "Restaurando cartera...",
"findingBalance": "Buscando balance...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Contraseña de SeedVault incorrecta.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "No se han encontrado datos en SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Firmando paquete",
"broadcastingBundle": "Transmitiendo paquete",
"miningBundle": "Minando paquete",
@@ -245,7 +246,9 @@
"appLock": {
"title": "Bloqueo Automático",
- "description": "Tiempo de inactividad antes de que se bloqueen tus carteras y se te cierre la sesión"
+ "description": "Tiempo de inactividad antes de que se bloqueen tus carteras y se te cierre la sesión",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minuto} other {# minutos}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hora} other {# horas}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Modificar contraseña",
@@ -461,8 +464,8 @@
"balanceFinder": {
"title": "Buscador de balances",
- "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
+ "body": "Realizar una búsqueda más exhaustiva de direcciones para encontrar balances perdidos. Puede llevar un tiempo.",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "Balance total",
"typePassword": "Escribe tu contraseña para permitir la búsqueda."
"riskFunds": {
@@ -697,7 +700,8 @@
"receivedTo": "Recibido desde {account}",
"sentFrom": "Enviado desde {account}",
"receiving": "Recibiendo",
- "sending": "Enviando"
+ "sending": "Enviando",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Red Legacy"
"dates": {
"today": "Hoy",
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/es-LA.json b/packages/shared/locales/es-LA.json
index 49a51915cf7..0591ee4915f 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/es-LA.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/es-LA.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"views": {
"onboarding1": {
"title": "Envía, recibe y gestiona tus tokens IOTA",
- "body": "Firefly is the official wallet software of IOTA."
+ "body": "Firefly es el software oficial de billetera de IOTA."
"legal": {
"title": "Política de privacidad y términos de servicio",
@@ -11,24 +11,24 @@
"appearance": {
"title": "Apariencia",
- "body": "Choose your app theme."
+ "body": "Elije el tema de tu app."
"profile": {
"title": "Crear un perfil",
- "body1": "Puedes crear varios perfiles de usuario para organizar tus carteras y mejorar la privacidad.",
+ "body1": "Puedes crear varios perfiles de usuario para organizar tus billeteras y mejorar la privacidad.",
"body2": "Por ahora, empieza nombrando tu primer perfil de usuario. Puedes añadir más perfiles luego.",
"profileName": "Nombre del perfil"
"setup": {
- "title": "Configurar una cartera",
+ "title": "Configurar una billetera",
"chrysalisTitle": "Actualización de red Chrysalis",
"chrysalisBody": "Desde el 21 de Abril, los usuarios podrán migrar sus tokens a la nueva red Chrysalis. Te recomendamos migrar tus tokens existentes lo antes posible.",
"learnMore": "Aprende acerca de la migración"
"secure": {
- "title": "Asegure su cartera",
+ "title": "Asegure su billetera",
"body1": "Guarda e imprime la plantilla PDF del Kit de Recuperación.",
- "body2": "If you fill out the Recovery Kit and store it safely, you will always be able to recover your wallets."
+ "body2": "Si rellenas el Kit de Recuperación y lo almacenas de forma segura, siempres podrás recuperar tus billeteras."
"password": {
"title": "Crea una contraseña",
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"protect": {
"title": "Protect your wallet",
- "body1": "Set up a login PIN to make sure that only you can enter your profile.",
+ "body1": "Configura un PIN de inicio de sesión para asegurarte de que sólo tú puedes acceder a tu perfil.",
"body2": "¡Mantén tu PIN seguro!"
"pin": {
@@ -73,19 +73,19 @@
"backupWallet": {
"title": "Respaldar en un archivo Stronghold",
- "body1": "Enter your password to backup your wallets to a Stronghold file. Your password is used to encrypt the backup.",
+ "body1": "Introduce tu contraseña para realizar una copia de seguridad de tus billeteras un archivo Stronghold. Tu contraseña es utlizada para encriptar la copia de seguridad.",
"body2": "Razones por las que las copias de seguridad digitales son importantes:",
- "reason1": "Easily recover your wallets without typing in your recovery phrase",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason1": "Recupera fácilmente tus billeteras sin escribir tu frase de recuperación",
+ "reason2": "Importa tus billeteras a otros dispositivos",
"reason3": "Recuperar todo tu historial de transacciones"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
"title": "Respaldado con éxito",
- "body": "You have backed up your wallets to a Stronghold."
+ "body": "Has realizado una copia de seguridad de tus billeteras a un Stronghold."
"congratulations": {
"title": "Configuración del monedero completada",
- "body": "Su nueva cartera está lista para usar.",
+ "body": "Su nueva billetera está lista para usar.",
"fundsMigrated": "Fondos migrados",
"success": "Tus fondos han sido migrados con éxito a la nueva red",
"exportMigration": "Exportar registro de migración y finalizar la configuración"
@@ -96,19 +96,19 @@
"importSeed": "Tengo el seed the 81 caracteres",
"importSeedDescription": "Ingresa un seed y migra fondos a Chrysalis",
"importMnemonic": "Tengo una frase the recuperación de Firefly",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "Introduce tu frase de recuperación para recuperar tus billeteras",
"importFile": "Tengo un archivo de respaldo",
"importFileDescription": "Subir un archivo Seedvault o Stronghold"
"importFromText": {
"seed": {
"title": "Escribe tu seed para iniciar la migración",
- "body": "A seed consists of 81 characters. This is used to recover from the older Trinity app.",
+ "body": "Una seed consta de 81 caracteres. Ésta se usa para la recuperación desde una app Trinity más antigua.",
"enter": "Ingresa tu seed"
"mnemonic": {
"title": "Escribe tu frase de recuperación",
- "body": "A recovery phrase is 24 words long, all lower case, with spaces between. This is used to recover existing Firefly wallets.",
+ "body": "Una frase de recuperación tiene una longitud de 24 palabras, todas en minúsculas, con espacios entre ellas. Ésta se emplea para recuperar billeteras Firefly existentes.",
"enter": "Ingresa tu frase de recuperación secreta"
"seedDetected": "Semilla de 81 caracteres detectada",
@@ -116,17 +116,17 @@
"checksum": "Código de Verificación"
"importFromFile": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets using a backup file",
- "body": "Import a backup file to restore your wallets. Backups can either be a Stronghold (.stronghold) or a Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
+ "title": "Restaura tus billeteras usando un archivo de copia de seguridad",
+ "body": "Importa un archivo de copia de seguridad para restaurar tus billeteras. Las copias de seguridad pueden ser Stronghold (.stronghold) o Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
"importBackupPassword": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets from a SeedVault or Stronghold",
+ "title": "Restaura tus billeteras desde un SeedVault o Stronghold",
"body1": "Por favor, introduce tu contraseña de respaldo.",
"body2": "Esta es la contraseña que configuraste cuando creaste por primera vez tu respaldo."
"importSuccess": {
"title": "Has recuperado con éxito tu respaldo",
- "body": "You can now set up your new profile.",
+ "body": "Ahora puede configurar su nuevo perfil.",
"seedvaultTitle": "Importado con éxito",
"seedvaultBody": "Tu contraseña es correcta, ahora puedes continuar.",
"strongholdTitle": "Importado con éxito",
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
"migrate": {
"title": "Migrar tus fondos",
- "body1": "Éste es un proceso automatizado para transferir tus fondos a tu nueva cartera.",
+ "body1": "Éste es un proceso automatizado para transferir tus fondos a tu nueva billetera.",
"body2": "Puede tardar un tiempo. No apagues tu dispositivo durante la migración.",
"existing": "Tu antigua billetera",
"new": "Tu nueva billetera",
@@ -147,10 +147,11 @@
"restoringWallet": "Restaurando la billetera...",
"findingBalance": "Buscando saldo...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Clave de SeedVault incorrecta.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "No se encontraron datos en la SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Paquete de firmas",
"broadcastingBundle": "Transmitiendo paquete",
"miningBundle": "Minando paquete",
- "problemRestoringWallet": "There was a network error restoring your wallet. Please try again.",
+ "problemRestoringWallet": "Se ha producido un error de red restaurando tu billetera. Por favor inténtalo de nuevo.",
"minimumMigrationAmountSpentAddresses": "El monto mínimo es de 1 Mi para cada dirección de pago. Revisa, otra vez, si tu saldo no parece correcto.",
"tooManyAddressesToMigrate": "Tu tienes muchas direcciones con un saldo bajo para migrar. Revisa de nuevo si tu saldo no parece estar correcto.",
"cannotMigrateAllYourFunds": "No podemos migrar todos los fondos, ya que, algunas direcciones tienen un saldo muy bajo. Tu puedes continuar de todos modos. Se perderá {value}.",
@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@
"settings": "Ajustes",
"generalSettings": {
"title": "Ajustes generales",
- "description": "Configure your app's appearance and other general settings"
+ "description": "Configura la apariencia de la app y otros ajustes generales"
"security": {
"title": "Seguridad",
@@ -220,7 +221,7 @@
"description": "Cambiar el nombre de tu perfil o establecer un avatar"
"sync": {
- "title": "Sync wallets",
+ "title": "Sincronizar billeteras",
"description": ""
"theme": {
@@ -241,15 +242,17 @@
"exportStronghold": {
"title": "Exportar copia de seguridad",
- "description": "Export to a Stronghold file - a complete encrypted backup of your wallets and latest transaction history."
+ "description": "Exportar a un archivo Stronghold - una copia de seguridad completa encriptada de tus billeteras y último historial de transacciones."
"appLock": {
"title": "Bloqueo automático",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "description": "Tiempo de inactividad antes de que se bloqueen tus billeteras y se te cierre la sesión",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minuto} other {# minutos}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hora} other {# horas}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Cambiar contraseña",
- "description": "Your password is used to secure your wallets. You must use a strong password to protect your funds."
+ "description": "Tu contraseña se utiliza para proteger tus billeteras. Debes usr una contraseña segura para proteger tus fondos."
"changePincode": {
"title": "Cambiar código PIN",
@@ -264,12 +267,12 @@
"description": "Realizar una búsqueda extensa de tokens en tus direcciones."
"hiddenAccounts": {
- "title": "Hidden wallets",
- "description": "Selecting this options will show wallets that were previously hidden."
+ "title": "Billeteras ocultas",
+ "description": "Seleccionando estas opciones se mostrarán billeteras que antes estaban ocultas."
"deleteProfile": {
"title": "Eliminar perfil",
- "description": "Deletes your entire profile, wallets and transaction history. Make sure you have a backup."
+ "description": "Elimina por completo tu perfil, billeteras e historial de transacciones. Asegúrate de que tienes una copia de seguridad."
"deepLinks": {
"title": "Enlaces profundos",
@@ -285,7 +288,7 @@
"configureNodeList": {
"title": "Selecciona un nodo",
- "description": "Manage the list of IOTA network nodes you connect to.",
+ "description": "Administra la lista de nodos de red IOTA a los que te conectas.",
"primaryNode": "Nodo principal",
"excludeNode": "Excluir nodo",
"includeNode": "Incluir nodo",
@@ -353,12 +356,12 @@
"noneDetected": "Ninguna detectada"
"strongholdStatus": {
- "title": "Estado de la cartera",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "unlocked": "Unlocked"
+ "title": "Estado de la billetera",
+ "locked": "Bloqueado",
+ "unlocked": "Desbloqueado"
"strongholdBackup": {
- "title": "Copia de seguridad de la cartera",
+ "title": "Copia de seguridad de la billetera",
"weeksAgo": "hace {weeks, plural,one {# semana} other {# semanas}}"
@@ -379,7 +382,7 @@
"popups": {
"password": {
"title": "Contraseña requerida",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your password to unlock your wallets",
+ "subtitle": "Por favor introduce tu contraseña para desbloquear tus billeteras",
"backup": "Por favor, introduce tu contraseña para exportar una copia de seguridad"
"qr": {
@@ -391,34 +394,34 @@
"upToDateDescription": "Estás ejecutando la última y más segura versión de Firefly.",
"updateAvailable": "Actualización de Firefly disponible",
"updateDetails": "Versión {version} - {date}",
- "noAutoUpdate": "Auto-update is disabled in this Windows version, please go to to download the update."
+ "noAutoUpdate": "La auto-actualización está desactivada en esta versión de Windows, por favor ve a para descargar la actualización."
"backup": {
"title": "Última copia de seguridad: {date}",
"lastBackup": "Tu última copia de seguridad {date}",
- "backupDescription": "It is important to back up regularly to ensure you have a copy of your wallets and transaction history.",
+ "backupDescription": "Es importante realizar copias de seguridad con regularidad para asegurar que tienes una copia de tus billeteras e historial de transacciones.",
"backupWarning": "Si pierde su copia de seguridad y su frase de recuperación perderá el acceso a sus fondos.",
"notBackedUp": "No está respaldado",
- "notBackedUpDescription": "You have not backed up your wallets",
+ "notBackedUpDescription": "No has realizado copia de seguridad de tus billeteras",
"saving": "Guardando..."
"deleteAccount": {
"title": "¿Eliminar {name}?",
- "body": "This wallet has no transaction history. It can safely be deleted.",
- "typePassword": "Escribe la contraseña de tu cartera para confirmar.",
- "hideAccount": "Delete wallet",
+ "body": "Esta billetera no tiene historial de transacciones. Puede ser eliminada con seguridad.",
+ "typePassword": "Escribe la contraseña de tu billetera para confirmar.",
+ "hideAccount": "Eliminar billetera",
"errorTitle": "No se puede eliminar {name}",
- "errorBody1": "You cannot delete this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "errorBody1": "No puedes eliminar esta billetera, debes tener al menos una."
"hideAccount": {
"title": "¿Ocultar {name}?",
- "body": "You can find this wallet later by enabling \"Show hidden wallets\" in Advanced Settings.",
- "typePassword": "Escribe la contraseña de tu cartera para confirmar.",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
+ "body": "Puedes encontrar esta billetera más tarde activando \"Mostrar billeteras ocultas\" en Configuración Avanzada.",
+ "typePassword": "Escribe la contraseña de tu billetera para confirmar.",
+ "hideAccount": "Ocultar billetera",
"errorTitle": "No es posible ocultar {name}",
- "errorBody1": "To hide a wallet it must have 0 balance.",
- "errorBody2": "You currently have {balance} remaining on this wallet. Please move these funds to a different wallet and try again.",
- "errorBody3": "You cannot hide this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "errorBody1": "Para ocultar una billetera debe tener balance 0.",
+ "errorBody2": "Actualmente tienes {balance} restantes en esta billetera. Por favor mueve estos fondos a una billetera distinta y prueba de nuevo.",
+ "errorBody3": "No puedes ocultar esta billetera, debes tener al menos una."
"addressHistory": {
"title": "{name} historial de direcciones",
@@ -461,8 +464,8 @@
"balanceFinder": {
"title": "Buscador de balances",
- "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
+ "body": "Realizar una búsqueda más exhaustiva de direcciones para encontrar balances perdidos. Puede llevar un tiempo.",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "Balance total",
"typePassword": "Escribe tu contraseña para permitir la búsqueda."
"riskFunds": {
@@ -477,10 +480,10 @@
"proceed": "Entiendo el riesgo"
"snapshot": {
- "title": "Ongoing network upgrade",
- "body": "The Chrysalis network upgrade has begun.",
- "bodyMigration": "Migration is disabled until it is complete.",
- "bodyFirefly": "Firefly is disabled until it is complete. Token migration will still be possible afterwards."
+ "title": "Mejora de red en marcha",
+ "body": "La mejora de la red Chrysalis ha empezado.",
+ "bodyMigration": "La migración está desactivada hasta que esté completada.",
+ "bodyFirefly": "Firefly está desactivado hasta que esté completado. La migración seguirá siendo posible después."
"charts": {
@@ -488,8 +491,8 @@
"outgoingMi": "{value} saliente",
"portoflio": "Portafolio",
"token": "Token",
- "accountValue": "Wallet Value",
- "accountActivity": "Wallet Activity",
+ "accountValue": "Valor de Billetera",
+ "accountActivity": "Actividad de la Billetera",
"timeframe1Hour": "1 hora",
"timeframe1Day": "1 día",
"timeframe1Week": "1 semana",
@@ -543,11 +546,11 @@
"updateFirefly": "Actualizar Firefly",
"restartNow": "Reiniciar ahora",
"saveBackup": "Guardar copia de seguridad de Stronghold",
- "customizeAcount": "Customise wallet",
+ "customizeAcount": "Personalizar billetera",
"viewAddressHistory": "Ver historial de direcciones",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
- "showAccount": "Unhide wallet",
- "deleteAccount": "Delete wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "Ocultar billetera",
+ "showAccount": "Mostrar billetera",
+ "deleteAccount": "Eliminar billetera",
"max": "Máx",
"addNode": "Añadir nodo",
"updateNode": "Actualizar nodo",
@@ -563,7 +566,7 @@
"copy": "Copiar",
"paste": "Pegar",
"selectAll": "Seleccionar todo",
- "addAccount": "Add Wallet",
+ "addAccount": "Añadir Billetera",
"checkForUpdates": "Buscar actualizaciones",
"reportAnIssue": "Reportar un problema",
"clear": "Limpiar",
@@ -578,13 +581,13 @@
"readDocumentation": "Leer la documentación",
"visitFaq": "Ver las preguntas frecuentes",
"viewStatus": "Ver estado",
- "showHiddenAccounts": "Show hidden wallets",
+ "showHiddenAccounts": "Mostrar billeteras ocultas",
"confirm": "Confirmar",
"findBalances": "Encontrar balances",
"searchBalances": "Buscar balances",
"searchAgain": "Buscar de nuevo",
"searching": "Buscando...",
- "closeFirefly": "Close Firefly"
+ "closeFirefly": "Cerrar Firefly"
"general": {
"password": "Contraseña",
@@ -602,11 +605,11 @@
"sendFunds": "Enviar fondos",
"sendToAddress": "Enviar a la dirección",
"scanQrOrPaste": "Escanea un código QR o pega una dirección",
- "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Move funds between wallets",
+ "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Mover fondos entre billeteras",
"sendTokensToAddress": "Enviar tokens a una dirección",
- "manageAccount": "Manage Wallet",
- "customizeAcount": "Customize your wallet",
- "account": "Cartera",
+ "manageAccount": "Administrar Billetera",
+ "customizeAcount": "Personaliza tu billetera",
+ "account": "Billetera",
"sendingToAddress": "Mandar a la dirección",
"amount": "Cantidad",
"addAddress": "Añadir dirección",
@@ -627,27 +630,27 @@
"lightTheme": "Tema claro",
"darkTheme": "Tema oscuro",
"balance": "Balance",
- "accountBalance": "Wallet Balance",
+ "accountBalance": "Balance de Billetera",
"incoming": "Entrante",
"outgoing": "Saliente",
"totalIn": "Total recibido",
"totalOut": "Total enviado",
- "accounts": "Wallets",
- "myAccounts": "My Wallets",
+ "accounts": "Billeteras",
+ "myAccounts": "Mis Billeteras",
"automaticNodeSelection": "Selección automática de nodo",
"manualNodeSelection": "Selección manual de nodo",
"profiles": "Perfiles",
"developerProfile": "Perfil de desarrollador",
"developerProfileDescription": "Permite conectarte a redes de prueba",
"dev": "Dev",
- "createAccount": "Create a Wallet",
- "accountName": "Wallet name",
+ "createAccount": "Crear una Billetera",
+ "accountName": "Nombre de billetera",
"latestTransactions": "Últimas transacciones",
"transactions": "Transacciones",
"security": "Seguridad",
- "accountAddress": "Wallet Address",
+ "accountAddress": "Dirección de Billetera",
"nodes": "Nodos",
- "wallet": "Cartera",
+ "wallet": "Billetera",
"help": "Ayuda",
"you": "Tú",
"messageId": "ID del mensaje",
@@ -657,29 +660,29 @@
"status": "Estado",
"confirmed": "Confirmado",
"pending": "Pendiente",
- "noAccounts": "You have no wallets, please create one.",
+ "noAccounts": "No tienes billeteras, por favor crea una.",
"loadingAccounts": "Cargando, por favor espere...",
"addProfile": "Añadir perfil",
"noRecentHistory": "No hay historial reciente",
- "firstSync": "Syncing history, this may take a while...",
- "transferSyncing": "Syncing wallet",
+ "firstSync": "Sincronizando historial, puede tardar un rato...",
+ "transferSyncing": "Sincronizando billetera",
"transferSelectingInputs": "Seleccionando entradas",
"transferRemainderAddress": "Generando dirección de depósito restante",
"transferSigning": "Firmando la transacción",
"transferPow": "Ejecutando PoW",
"transferBroadcasting": "Promoviendo la transacción",
"transferComplete": "Transferencia completada",
- "creatingAccount": "Creating wallet, please wait...",
- "updatingAccount": "Updating wallet, please wait...",
- "accountSyncing": "Wallet is syncing",
- "accountSyncComplete": "Wallet sync complete",
+ "creatingAccount": "Creando billetera, por favor espera...",
+ "updatingAccount": "Actualizando billetera, por favor espera...",
+ "accountSyncing": "La billetera está sincronizándose",
+ "accountSyncComplete": "Sincronización de billetera completada",
"passwordUpdating": "Actualizando contraseña...",
"passwordSuccess": "Contraseña actualizada correctamente",
"passwordFailed": "Error al actualizar la contraseña",
- "syncingAccounts": "Syncing wallets...",
+ "syncingAccounts": "Sincronizando billeteras...",
"exportingStronghold": "Exportando Stronghold...",
- "exportingStrongholdSuccess": "Exported Stronghold successfully",
- "exportingStrongholdFailed": "Exporting Stronghold failed",
+ "exportingStrongholdSuccess": "Stronghold exportado con éxito",
+ "exportingStrongholdFailed": "Error al exportar Stronghold",
"pinCodeUpdating": "Actualizando código PIN...",
"pinCodeSuccess": "Código PIN actualizado correctamente",
"pinCodeFailed": "Error al actualizar el código PIN",
@@ -690,14 +693,15 @@
"passwordStrength3": "Promedio",
"passwordStrength4": "Fuerte",
"creatingProfile": "Creando perfil, por favor espere...",
- "fundMigration": "Fund migration",
- "accountRemoved": "This wallet is hidden. Unhide it to perform transfers.",
- "receivingTo": "Receiving to {account}",
- "sendingFrom": "Sending from {account}",
- "receivedTo": "Received to {account}",
- "sentFrom": "Sent from {account}",
- "receiving": "Receiving",
- "sending": "Sending"
+ "fundMigration": "Migración de fondos",
+ "accountRemoved": "Esta billetera está oculta. Descúbrela para realizar transferencias.",
+ "receivingTo": "Recibiendo desde {account}",
+ "sendingFrom": "Enviando desde {account}",
+ "receivedTo": "Recibido desde {account}",
+ "sentFrom": "Enviado desde {account}",
+ "receiving": "Recibiendo",
+ "sending": "Enviando",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Red heredada"
"dates": {
"today": "Hoy",
@@ -711,7 +715,7 @@
"valueTx": "Recibiendo {{value}} a {{account}}",
"confirmed": "Se ha confirmado la salida de {{value}} desde {{account}}",
"confirmedInternal": "Se ha confirmado {{value}} desde {{senderAccount}} a {{receiverAccount}}",
- "confirmedInternalNoAccounts": "{{value}} internal transfer has confirmed",
+ "confirmedInternalNoAccounts": "{{value}} transferencia interna confirmada",
"failed": "Ha fallado la salida de {{value}} desde {{account}}",
"downloadingUpdate": "Descargando actualización",
"updateReady": "Actualización lista",
@@ -720,9 +724,9 @@
"calcMinutesRemaining": "Calculando minutos restantes...",
"minutesRemaining": "{minutes, plural, one {1 minuto restante} other {# minutos restantes}}",
"copiedToClipboard": "Copiado al portapapeles",
- "accountsSynchronized": "Wallet synchronization complete",
- "migratedAccountChrysalisDown": "Your funds will become available after Chrysalis on 28th April",
- "migratedAccountChrysalisUp": "Your funds will become available shortly"
+ "accountsSynchronized": "Sincronización de billetera completada",
+ "migratedAccountChrysalisDown": "Tus fondos estarán disponibles después de Chrysalis el 28 de Abril",
+ "migratedAccountChrysalisUp": "Tus fondos estarán disponibles en breve"
"error": {
"profile": {
@@ -752,10 +756,10 @@
"incorrect": "El PIN actual es incorrecto."
"account": {
- "length": "Your wallet name can't be longer than {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}}.",
- "empty": "You must use your latest wallet before creating a new one.",
- "notEmpty": "You must transfer your balance before deleting this wallet.",
- "duplicate": "A wallet with this name already exists.",
+ "length": "El nombre de tu billetera no puede tener una longitud mayor que {length, plural, one {1 carácter} other {# caracteres}}.",
+ "empty": "Debes utilizar tu última billetera antes de crear una nueva.",
+ "notEmpty": "Debes transferir tu balance antes de eliminar esta billetera.",
+ "duplicate": "Ya existe una billetera con este nombre.",
"tilde": "El nombre de perfil no puede empezar con el carácter '~'.",
"control": "El nombre de perfil no puede contener un caracter de control.",
"startDot": "El nombre de perfil no puede empezar con el carácter '.'",
@@ -768,10 +772,10 @@
"amountInvalidFormat": "La cantidad parece ser un número no válido.",
"amountZero": "La cantidad debe ser mayor que 0.",
"wrongAddressPrefix": "Las direcciones comienzan con el prefijo {prefix}.",
- "wrongAddressFormat": "The address is not correctly formatted.",
- "invalidAddress": "The address is not valid.",
- "insufficientFunds": "This wallet has insufficient funds.",
- "noToAccount": "You have not selected a wallet to send the funds to.",
+ "wrongAddressFormat": "La dirección no tiene el formato correcto.",
+ "invalidAddress": "La dirección no es válida.",
+ "insufficientFunds": "Esta billetera tiene fondos insuficientes.",
+ "noToAccount": "No has seleccionado una billetera a la que enviar los fondos.",
"sendingDust": "No puedes enviar menos de 1 Mi.",
"leavingDust": "No puede dejar menos de 1 Mi en su dirección."
@@ -793,17 +797,17 @@
"seedCharacters": "La semilla sólo debe contener caracteres A-Z ó 9",
"phraseWordCount": "Debería haber 24 palabras en su frase de recuperación, ahora mismo {length, plural, one {es 1} other {son #}}.",
"phraseUnrecognizedWord": "No se reconoce la palabra \"{word}\" en su frase de recuperación",
- "phraseCaseWord": "The word \"{word}\" should be lower case"
+ "phraseCaseWord": "La palabra \"{word}\" debe estar en minúsculas"
"tooltips": {
"risk": {
- "title": "Risk level: {risk}",
- "veryHigh": "Very high",
- "high": "High",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "low": "Low",
- "veryLow": "Very low"
+ "title": "Nivel de riesgo: {risk}",
+ "veryHigh": "Muy alto",
+ "high": "Alto",
+ "medium": "Medio",
+ "low": "Bajo",
+ "veryLow": "Muy bajo"
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/fa.json b/packages/shared/locales/fa.json
index 6237027f92a..42214b29f33 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/fa.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/fa.json
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
"views": {
"onboarding1": {
"title": "ارسال، دریافت و مدیریت توکن های آیوتا",
- "body": "Firefly is the official wallet software of IOTA."
+ "body": "Firefly کیف پول رسمی آیوتا است."
"legal": {
"title": "حریم خصوصی و شرایط استفاده",
- "body": "لطفا قوانین استفاده از سرویس و سیاست حریم خصوصی را بررسی نمایید.",
+ "body": "لطفا قوانین استفاده از خدمات و سیاست حریم خصوصی را بررسی نمایید.",
"checkbox": "من سیاست حریم خصوصی و شرایط استفاده را مطالعه کرده و میپذیرم"
"appearance": {
"title": "ظاهر",
- "body": "Choose your app theme."
+ "body": "طرح زمینه خود را انتخاب کنید."
"profile": {
"title": "ایجاد پروفایل",
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"secure": {
"title": "ایمن سازی کیف پول",
"body1": "قالب PDF کیت بازیابی را ذخیره و پرینت کنید.",
- "body2": "If you fill out the Recovery Kit and store it safely, you will always be able to recover your wallets."
+ "body2": "اگر کیت بازیابی خود را پر کرده و در جایی امن نگهداری کنید، همیشه می توانید کیف پول خود را بازیابی کنید."
"password": {
"title": "ایجاد رمز عبور",
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"protect": {
"title": "Protect your wallet",
- "body1": "Set up a login PIN to make sure that only you can enter your profile.",
+ "body1": "برای اطمینان از اینکه فقط شما می توانید نمایه خود را وارد کنید ، پین ورود به سیستم را راه اندازی کنید.",
"body2": "PIN خود را امن نگه دارید!"
"pin": {
@@ -73,15 +73,15 @@
"backupWallet": {
"title": "بک آپ به صورت یک فایل Stronghold",
- "body1": "Enter your password to backup your wallets to a Stronghold file. Your password is used to encrypt the backup.",
+ "body1": "گذرواژه خود را وارد کنید تا از کیف پولهای خود در یک فایل Stronghold بک آپ تهیه شود. از رمز ورود شما برای رمزگذاری بک آپ استفاده می شود.",
"body2": "دلایلی که چرا گرفتن بک آپ دیجیتال مهم است:",
- "reason1": "Easily recover your wallets without typing in your recovery phrase",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason1": "بازیابی کیف پول شما به راحتی و بدون وارد کردن عبارت بازیابی",
+ "reason2": "وارد کردن کیف پول خود به دستگاه های دیگر",
"reason3": "بازیابی پیشینهی کامل تراکنش شما"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
"title": "بک آپ با موفقیت انجام شد",
- "body": "You have backed up your wallets to a Stronghold."
+ "body": "شما از کیف پول خود یک بک آپ به صورت فایل Stronghold گرفته اید."
"congratulations": {
"title": "راه اندازی کیف پول کامل شد",
@@ -96,19 +96,19 @@
"importSeed": "من سید ٨١ کاراکتری دارم",
"importSeedDescription": "عبارات seed خود را وارد کنید تا وجوه شما به شبکه Chrysalis منتقل شود",
"importMnemonic": "عبارت بازیابی Firefly را در اختیار دارم",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "جهت بازگردانی کیف پول های خود عبارت بازیابی را وارد کنید",
"importFile": "فایل پشتیبان در اختیار دارم",
"importFileDescription": "فایل SeedVault یا Stronghold را ارسال کنید"
"importFromText": {
"seed": {
"title": "برای شروع انتقال عبارت seed خود را وارد کنید",
- "body": "A seed consists of 81 characters. This is used to recover from the older Trinity app.",
+ "body": "یک seed از ٨١ حرف تشکیل شده و از آن جهت بازیابی کیف پول قدیمی Trinity استفاده میشود.",
"enter": "عبارت seed خود را وارد کنید"
"mnemonic": {
"title": "عبارت بازیابی خود را وارد کنید",
- "body": "A recovery phrase is 24 words long, all lower case, with spaces between. This is used to recover existing Firefly wallets.",
+ "body": "عبارت بازیابی 24 کلمه می باشد که تماما با حروف کوچک و با فاصله می باشند. این عبارت برای بازیابی کیف پول Firefly که قبلا ایجاد شده است، استفاده می شود.",
"enter": "عبارت بازیابی خود را وارد کنید"
"seedDetected": "سید 81 کاراکتری یافت شد",
@@ -116,17 +116,17 @@
"checksum": "کد اعتبارسنجی"
"importFromFile": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets using a backup file",
- "body": "Import a backup file to restore your wallets. Backups can either be a Stronghold (.stronghold) or a Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
+ "title": "بازگردانی کیف پول توسط فایل بک آپ",
+ "body": "جهت بازگردانی کیف پول های خود، فایل بک آپ را وارد کنید. فایل بک آپ میتواند یک استرانگ هُلد (stronghold.) و یا ترینیتی سیدوالت (kdbx.) باشد."
"importBackupPassword": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets from a SeedVault or Stronghold",
+ "title": "بازگردانی کیف پول توسط SeedVault یا Stronghold",
"body1": "لطفا رمز عبور بک آپ خود را وارد کنید.",
"body2": "این رمز عبوریست که برای اولین بار در گرفتن بک آپ آن را وارد کردید."
"importSuccess": {
"title": "شما با موفقیت بک آپ خود را بازیابی کردید",
- "body": "You can now set up your new profile.",
+ "body": "اکنون میتوانید کیف پول جدید خود را راه اندازی کنید.",
"seedvaultTitle": "با موفقیت وارد شد",
"seedvaultBody": "رمز عبور شما درست است٬ میتوانید ادامه دهید.",
"strongholdTitle": "با موفقیت وارد شد",
@@ -147,10 +147,11 @@
"restoringWallet": "بازگردانی کیف پول...",
"findingBalance": "پیدا کردن موجودی...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "رمز SeedVault اشتباه است.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "هیچ دادهای در SeedVault پیدا نشد.",
"signingBundle": "در حال تایید دسته تراکنش ها",
"broadcastingBundle": "پخش بسته",
"miningBundle": "در حال استخراج دسته تراکنش ها",
- "problemRestoringWallet": "There was a network error restoring your wallet. Please try again.",
+ "problemRestoringWallet": "بازیابی کیف پول شما با مشکل مواجه شد. لطفا دوباره سعی کنید.",
"minimumMigrationAmountSpentAddresses": "حداقل مبلغ انتقال برای هر آدرس 1 Mi است. موجودی خود را دوباره کنترل کنید.",
"tooManyAddressesToMigrate": "تعداد آدرسهای با موجودی پایین شما جهت انتقال، بیش از حد است. موجودی خود را دوباره کنترل کنید.",
"cannotMigrateAllYourFunds": "امکان انتقال تمام وجوه شما به دلیل موجودی بسیار کم بعضی از آدرسها وجود ندارد. با این حال میتوانید ادامه دهید. مقدار {value} از دست خواهد رفت.",
@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@
"settings": "تنظیمات",
"generalSettings": {
"title": "تنظیمات عمومی",
- "description": "Configure your app's appearance and other general settings"
+ "description": "تنظیمات ظاهری و عمومی کیف پول خود را پیکربندی کنید"
"security": {
"title": "امنیت",
@@ -220,7 +221,7 @@
"description": "تغییر اسم پروفایل یا انتخاب ظاهر"
"sync": {
- "title": "Sync wallets",
+ "title": "همگام سازی کیف پول ها",
"description": ""
"theme": {
@@ -241,15 +242,17 @@
"exportStronghold": {
"title": "استخراج بک آپ",
- "description": "Export to a Stronghold file - a complete encrypted backup of your wallets and latest transaction history."
+ "description": "استخراج به صورت فایل Stronghold - یک بک آپ گیری کامل و رمزگذاری شده از کیف پول شما به همراه آخرین تاریخچه تراکنش ها."
"appLock": {
"title": "ﻗﻔﻞ ﺧﻮﺩﮐﺎﺭ",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "description": "مدت زمان عدم فعالیت قبل از قفل شدن کیف پول و خارج شدن از سیستم",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {۱ دقیقه} other {# دقیقه}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {۱ ساعت} other {# ساعت}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "تغییر رمز عبور",
- "description": "Your password is used to secure your wallets. You must use a strong password to protect your funds."
+ "description": "رمز عبور برای امنیت کیف پول شما استفاده میشود. برای حفاظت از وجوه خود باید از رمز عبور قوی استفاده کنید."
"changePincode": {
"title": "تغییر PIN کد",
@@ -264,12 +267,12 @@
"description": "انجام جستجو گسترده در آدرسهای شما برای پیدا کردن توکنها."
"hiddenAccounts": {
- "title": "Hidden wallets",
- "description": "Selecting this options will show wallets that were previously hidden."
+ "title": "کیف پول های مخفی",
+ "description": "با انتخاب این گزینه حساب هایی که قبلا پنهان بوده است، نمایش داده می شود."
"deleteProfile": {
"title": "حذف پروفایل",
- "description": "Deletes your entire profile, wallets and transaction history. Make sure you have a backup."
+ "description": "کل پروفایل ، کیف پول ها و سابقه معاملات شما را پاک می کند. حتماً نسخه بک آپ تهیه کنید."
"deepLinks": {
"title": "لینک عمیق",
@@ -285,7 +288,7 @@
"configureNodeList": {
"title": "انتخاب نود",
- "description": "Manage the list of IOTA network nodes you connect to.",
+ "description": "لیست نودهای شبکه IOTA را که به آنها متصل می شوید را مدیریت کنید.",
"primaryNode": "گره اصلی",
"excludeNode": "حذف گره",
"includeNode": "اضافه کردن گره",
@@ -354,8 +357,8 @@
"strongholdStatus": {
"title": "وضعیت کیف پول",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "unlocked": "Unlocked"
+ "locked": "قفل شد",
+ "unlocked": "باز شد"
"strongholdBackup": {
"title": "بک آپ کیف پول",
@@ -379,7 +382,7 @@
"popups": {
"password": {
"title": "رمز عبور مورد نیاز است",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your password to unlock your wallets",
+ "subtitle": "لطفا رمز عبور خود را وارد کنید تا قفل کیف پول باز شود",
"backup": "لطفا رمز عبور خود را وارد کنید تا یک پشتیبان دریافت کنید"
"qr": {
@@ -391,34 +394,34 @@
"upToDateDescription": "شما از به روزترین و امن ترین نسخه Firefly استفاده میکنید.",
"updateAvailable": "نسخه به روز شده Firefly قابل دسترس است",
"updateDetails": "نسخه {version} - {date}",
- "noAutoUpdate": "Auto-update is disabled in this Windows version, please go to to download the update."
+ "noAutoUpdate": "بروزرسانی خودکار در این نسخه ویندوز غیرفعال است، لطفاً جهت بروزرسانی به مراجعه کنید."
"backup": {
"title": "آخرین به روز رسانی: {date}",
"lastBackup": "آخرین به روز رسانی در تاریخ {date}",
- "backupDescription": "It is important to back up regularly to ensure you have a copy of your wallets and transaction history.",
+ "backupDescription": "مهم است که به طور مرتب بک آپ تهیه کنید تا اطمینان حاصل کنید که یک کپی از کیف پول و سوابق معاملات خود را در اختیار دارید.",
"backupWarning": "در صورت گم کردن بک آپ و عبارت بازیابی، دسترسی شما به وجوه خود از دست خواهد رفت.",
"notBackedUp": "بک آپ گرفته نشده",
- "notBackedUpDescription": "You have not backed up your wallets",
+ "notBackedUpDescription": "شما از کیف پول خود بک آپ نگرفته اید",
"saving": "درحال ذخیره..."
"deleteAccount": {
"title": "حذف { name} ?",
- "body": "This wallet has no transaction history. It can safely be deleted.",
+ "body": "این حساب هیچ تاریخچه تراکنشی ندارد. با خیال راحت قابل حذف است.",
"typePassword": "برای تایید رمز عبور کیف پول خود را وارد کنید.",
- "hideAccount": "Delete wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "حذف کیف پول",
"errorTitle": "امکان حذف {name} وجود ندارد",
- "errorBody1": "You cannot delete this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "errorBody1": "شما نمیتوانید این حساب را حذف کنید، باید حداقل یک کیف پول داشته باشید."
"hideAccount": {
"title": "پنهان سازی {name}?",
- "body": "You can find this wallet later by enabling \"Show hidden wallets\" in Advanced Settings.",
+ "body": "بعداً می توانید با فعال کردن \"نمایش کیف پول های پنهان\" در تنظیمات پیشرفته ، این کیف پول را پیدا کنید.",
"typePassword": "برای تایید رمز کیف پول خود را وارد کنید.",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "کیف پول مخفی",
"errorTitle": "امکان پنهان سازی {name} وجود ندارد",
- "errorBody1": "To hide a wallet it must have 0 balance.",
- "errorBody2": "You currently have {balance} remaining on this wallet. Please move these funds to a different wallet and try again.",
- "errorBody3": "You cannot hide this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "errorBody1": "برای مخفی کردن یک کیف پول می بایست موجودی آن 0 باشد.",
+ "errorBody2": "در حال حاضر مانده حساب شما {balance} میباشد. لطفا این مبلغ را به کیف پول دیگری انتقال داده و دوباره امتحان کنید.",
+ "errorBody3": "شما نمیتوانید این حساب را حذف کنید، باید حداقل یک کیف پول داشته باشید."
"addressHistory": {
"title": "تاریخچه آدرس {name}",
@@ -461,8 +464,8 @@
"balanceFinder": {
"title": "یابنده موجودی",
- "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
+ "body": "جستجو دقیق تر در آدرس ها برای یافتن وجوه از دست رفته. این ممکن است مدتی طول بکشد.",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "موجودی کل",
"typePassword": "برای شروع جستجو، رمز خود را وارد کنید."
"riskFunds": {
@@ -477,10 +480,10 @@
"proceed": "از این ریسک اطلاع دارم"
"snapshot": {
- "title": "Ongoing network upgrade",
- "body": "The Chrysalis network upgrade has begun.",
- "bodyMigration": "Migration is disabled until it is complete.",
- "bodyFirefly": "Firefly is disabled until it is complete. Token migration will still be possible afterwards."
+ "title": "در حال ارتقا شبکه",
+ "body": "بروزرسانی شبکه Chrysalis آغاز شده است.",
+ "bodyMigration": "نقل و انتقال تا تکمیل آن غیرفعال است.",
+ "bodyFirefly": "Firefly تا زمان تکمیل آن غیرفعال شده است. پس از آن انتقال توکن امکان پذیر است."
"charts": {
@@ -488,8 +491,8 @@
"outgoingMi": "خروجی {value} Mi",
"portoflio": "سبد سهام",
"token": "توکن",
- "accountValue": "Wallet Value",
- "accountActivity": "Wallet Activity",
+ "accountValue": "مقدار کیف پول",
+ "accountActivity": "فعالیت کیف پول",
"timeframe1Hour": "۱ ساعت",
"timeframe1Day": "۱ روز",
"timeframe1Week": "۱ هفته",
@@ -543,11 +546,11 @@
"updateFirefly": "به روز رسانی Firefly",
"restartNow": "بستن و باز کردن مجدد",
"saveBackup": "ذخیره بک آپ Stronghold",
- "customizeAcount": "Customise wallet",
+ "customizeAcount": "کیف پول سفارشی",
"viewAddressHistory": "نمایش سوابق آدرس",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
- "showAccount": "Unhide wallet",
- "deleteAccount": "Delete wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "کیف پول مخفی",
+ "showAccount": "کیف پول آشکار",
+ "deleteAccount": "حذف کیف پول",
"max": "حداکثر",
"addNode": "اضافه کردن نود",
"updateNode": "بروزرسانی گره",
@@ -563,7 +566,7 @@
"copy": "کپی",
"paste": "جایگذاری",
"selectAll": "انتخاب همه",
- "addAccount": "Add Wallet",
+ "addAccount": "اضافه کردن کیف پول",
"checkForUpdates": "بررسی برای بروزرسانی",
"reportAnIssue": "گزارش مشکل",
"clear": "پاک کردن",
@@ -578,13 +581,13 @@
"readDocumentation": "مستندات را بخوانید",
"visitFaq": "بخش سوالات متداول را ببینید",
"viewStatus": "نشان دادن موقعیت",
- "showHiddenAccounts": "Show hidden wallets",
+ "showHiddenAccounts": "نمایش کیف پول های مخفی",
"confirm": "تایید",
"findBalances": "پیدا کردن موجودی",
"searchBalances": "جستجو برای موجودی",
"searchAgain": "جستجوی مجدد",
"searching": "درحال جستجو...",
- "closeFirefly": "Close Firefly"
+ "closeFirefly": "بستن Firefly"
"general": {
"password": "رمز عبور",
@@ -602,10 +605,10 @@
"sendFunds": "ارسال وجه",
"sendToAddress": "ارسال به آدرس",
"scanQrOrPaste": "کد QR یا آدرس را وارد کنید",
- "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Move funds between wallets",
+ "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "جابجایی وجه بین حساب ها",
"sendTokensToAddress": "ارسال توکن به یک آدرس",
- "manageAccount": "Manage Wallet",
- "customizeAcount": "Customize your wallet",
+ "manageAccount": "مدیریت کیف پول",
+ "customizeAcount": "شخصی سازی حساب خود",
"account": "کیف پول",
"sendingToAddress": "ارسال به آدرس",
"amount": "مقدار",
@@ -627,25 +630,25 @@
"lightTheme": "تم روشن",
"darkTheme": "تم تاریک",
"balance": "موجودی",
- "accountBalance": "Wallet Balance",
+ "accountBalance": "موجودی کیف پول",
"incoming": "ورودی",
"outgoing": "خروجی",
"totalIn": "کل دریافتی",
"totalOut": "کل ارسالی",
- "accounts": "Wallets",
- "myAccounts": "My Wallets",
+ "accounts": "کیف پول ها",
+ "myAccounts": "کیف پول من",
"automaticNodeSelection": "انتخاب اتوماتیک نُد",
"manualNodeSelection": "انتخاب دستی نُد",
"profiles": "پروفایل ها",
"developerProfile": "پروفایل برنامه نویسی",
"developerProfileDescription": "به شما اجازه اتصال به شبکه آزمایشی را میدهد",
"dev": "برنامه نویس",
- "createAccount": "Create a Wallet",
- "accountName": "Wallet name",
+ "createAccount": "ايجاد كيف پول",
+ "accountName": "نام کیف پول",
"latestTransactions": "آخرین تراکنش ها",
"transactions": "تراکنش ها",
"security": "امنیت",
- "accountAddress": "Wallet Address",
+ "accountAddress": "آدرس کیف پول",
"nodes": "نودها",
"wallet": "کیف پول",
"help": "راهنما",
@@ -657,26 +660,26 @@
"status": "وضعیت",
"confirmed": "تایید شده",
"pending": "در حال بررسی",
- "noAccounts": "You have no wallets, please create one.",
+ "noAccounts": "شما حساب کاربری ندارید. لطفا یکی بسازید.",
"loadingAccounts": "درحال بارگذاری، لطفاً صبر کنید...",
"addProfile": "افزودن پروفایل",
"noRecentHistory": "تاریخچه اخیر وجود ندارد",
- "firstSync": "Syncing history, this may take a while...",
- "transferSyncing": "Syncing wallet",
+ "firstSync": "همگام سازی تاریخچه، ممکن است مدتی طول بکشد...",
+ "transferSyncing": "همگام سازی کیف پول",
"transferSelectingInputs": "در حال انتخاب ورودی ها",
"transferRemainderAddress": "در حال تولید آدرس موجودی باقیمانده",
"transferSigning": "در حال صحه گذاری تراکنش",
"transferPow": "در حال انجام اثبات کار",
"transferBroadcasting": "در حال انتشار تراکنش",
"transferComplete": "انتقال کامل شد",
- "creatingAccount": "Creating wallet, please wait...",
- "updatingAccount": "Updating wallet, please wait...",
- "accountSyncing": "Wallet is syncing",
- "accountSyncComplete": "Wallet sync complete",
+ "creatingAccount": "در حال ساختن کیف پول، لطفا صبر کنید...",
+ "updatingAccount": "در حال بروزرسانی کیف پول، لطفا صبر کنید...",
+ "accountSyncing": "کیف پول در حال همگام سازی است",
+ "accountSyncComplete": "همگام سازی کیف پول انجام شد",
"passwordUpdating": "در حال به روز رسانی رمز عبور...",
"passwordSuccess": "به روز رسانی رمز عبور کامل شد",
"passwordFailed": "به روز رسانی رمز عبور ناموفق بود",
- "syncingAccounts": "Syncing wallets...",
+ "syncingAccounts": "همگام سازی کیف پول ها...",
"exportingStronghold": "استخراج قلعه...",
"exportingStrongholdSuccess": "استخراج قلعه با موفقیت انجام شد",
"exportingStrongholdFailed": "استخراج قلعه ناموفق بود",
@@ -691,13 +694,14 @@
"passwordStrength4": "قوی",
"creatingProfile": "در حال ساختن پروفایل، لطفا صبر کنید...",
"fundMigration": "انتقال وجوه",
- "accountRemoved": "This wallet is hidden. Unhide it to perform transfers.",
+ "accountRemoved": "این کیف پول مخفی است. برای انجام نقل و انتقالات آنرا آشکار کنید.",
"receivingTo": "در حال دریافت در {account}",
"sendingFrom": "در حال ارسال به {account}",
"receivedTo": "دریافت شده در {account}",
"sentFrom": "فرستاده شده از {account}",
"receiving": "در حال دریافت",
- "sending": "در حال ارسال"
+ "sending": "در حال ارسال",
+ "legacyNetwork": "شبکه قدیمی"
"dates": {
"today": "امروز",
@@ -720,7 +724,7 @@
"calcMinutesRemaining": "در حال شمارش زمان باقیمانده...",
"minutesRemaining": "{minutes, plural, one {1 دقیقه باقی مانده } other {# دقیقه باقی مانده}}",
"copiedToClipboard": "در کلیپبورد کپی شد",
- "accountsSynchronized": "Wallet synchronization complete",
+ "accountsSynchronized": "همگام سازی حساب کامل شد",
"migratedAccountChrysalisDown": "وجوه شما از ۲۸ آوریل بر روی Chrysalis قابل دسترس میباشد.",
"migratedAccountChrysalisUp": "وجوه شما به زودی قابل استفاده خواهد شد"
@@ -752,10 +756,10 @@
"incorrect": "PIN فعلی شما اشتباه است."
"account": {
- "length": "Your wallet name can't be longer than {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}}.",
- "empty": "You must use your latest wallet before creating a new one.",
- "notEmpty": "You must transfer your balance before deleting this wallet.",
- "duplicate": "A wallet with this name already exists.",
+ "length": "نام کیف پول شما نمیتواند بیشتر از {length, plural, one {1 کاراکتر} other {# کاراکتر}} باشد.",
+ "empty": "باید از آخرین کیف پول خود قبل از ایجاد کیف پول جدید استفاده کنید.",
+ "notEmpty": "شما باید قبل از حذف این کیف پول، موجودی خود را انتقال دهید.",
+ "duplicate": "کیف پولی با این نام وجود دارد.",
"tilde": "اسم پروفایل نمیتواند با کاراکتر '~' شروع شود.",
"control": "اسم پروفایل نمیتواند از کاراکتر کنترلی تشکیل شده باشد.",
"startDot": "اسم پروفایل نمیتواند با کاراکتر '.' شروع شود.",
@@ -770,8 +774,8 @@
"wrongAddressPrefix": "آدرس ها با پیشوند {prefix} شروع میشوند.",
"wrongAddressFormat": "این آدرس به درستی فرمت نشده.",
"invalidAddress": "آدرس معتبر نیست.",
- "insufficientFunds": "This wallet has insufficient funds.",
- "noToAccount": "You have not selected a wallet to send the funds to.",
+ "insufficientFunds": "این کیف پول موجودی کافی ندارد.",
+ "noToAccount": "کیف پول مقصد را انتخاب نکردهاید.",
"sendingDust": "شما کمتر از 1Mi نمیتوانید ارسال کنید.",
"leavingDust": "در آدرس شما کمتر از 1Mi نمیتواند باشد."
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/fi.json b/packages/shared/locales/fi.json
index 6c97d9247a0..f783761204d 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/fi.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/fi.json
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@
"body1": "Syötä salasanasi varmuuskopioidaksesi lompakkosi Stronghold-tiedostoon. Salasanaasi käytetään varmuuskopion salaukseen.",
"body2": "Syitä, miksi digitaaliset varmuuskopiot ovat tärkeitä:",
"reason1": "Palauta lompakkosi helposti kirjoittamatta palautuslausekettasi",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
- "reason3": "Palauta maksutapahtumiesi koko historia"
+ "reason2": "Tuo lompakkosi muissa laitteissa",
+ "reason3": "Palauta transaktioidesi koko historia"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
"title": "Varmuuskopiointi onnistui",
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
"importSeed": "Minulla on 81 merkkiä pitkä seed-merkkijono",
"importSeedDescription": "Syötä seed-merkkijono ja siirrä varasi Chrysalis-verkkoon",
"importMnemonic": "Minulla on Fireflyn palautuslauseke",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "Syötä palautuslausekkeesi palauttaaksesi lompakkosi",
"importFile": "Minulla on tiedostomuotoinen varmuuskopio",
"importFileDescription": "Lataa SeedVault- tai Stronghold-tiedosto"
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
"restoringWallet": "Palautetaan lompakkoa...",
"findingBalance": "Etsitään saldoa...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Väärä SeedVault-salasana.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "SeedVaultista ei löytynyt tietoja.",
"signingBundle": "Allekirjoitetaan bundlea",
"broadcastingBundle": "Lähetetään bundlea",
"miningBundle": "Louhitaan bundlea",
@@ -237,7 +238,7 @@
"notifications": {
"title": "Ilmoitukset",
- "description": "Järjestelmäilmoitukset maksutapahtumista"
+ "description": "Järjestelmäilmoitukset transaktiotapahtumista"
"exportStronghold": {
"title": "Vie varmuuskopio",
@@ -245,7 +246,9 @@
"appLock": {
"title": "Automaattinen lukitus",
- "description": "Käyttämättömyysaika ennen kuin lompakkosi lukittuvat ja sinut kirjataan ulos"
+ "description": "Käyttämättömyysaika ennen kuin lompakkosi lukittuvat ja sinut kirjataan ulos",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minuutti} other {# minuuttia}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 tunti} other {# tuntia}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Vaihda salasana",
@@ -273,7 +276,7 @@
"deepLinks": {
"title": "Syvälinkit",
- "description": "Täytä maksutapahtumatiedot automaattisesti Fireflyssa, kun klikkaat iota://-linkkiä"
+ "description": "Täytä transaktiotiedot automaattisesti Fireflyssa, kun klikkaat iota://-linkkiä"
"developerMode": {
"title": "Kehittäjätila",
@@ -309,7 +312,7 @@
"stateExport": {
"title": "Tilan vienti",
- "description": "Vie tapahtumahistoriasi .csv-tiedostoon"
+ "description": "Vie transaktiohistoriasi .csv-tiedostoon"
"troubleshoot": {
"title": "Vianmääritys",
@@ -456,13 +459,13 @@
"userPath": "Käyttäjän polku"
"transaction": {
- "title": "Vahvista siirtotapahtuma",
+ "title": "Vahvista transaktio",
"body": "Olet lähettämässä {amount} osoitteeseen"
"balanceFinder": {
"title": "Saldon etsijä",
- "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
+ "body": "Suorita kattavampi haku osoitteistasi löytämään puuttuvia saldoja. Tämä voi kestää jonkin aikaa.",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "Kokonaissaldo",
"typePassword": "Kirjoita salasanasi salliaksesi haun."
"riskFunds": {
@@ -665,9 +668,9 @@
"transferSyncing": "Synkronoidaan lompakkoa",
"transferSelectingInputs": "Valitaan syötteet",
"transferRemainderAddress": "Luodaan jäljellä olevaa talletusosoitetta",
- "transferSigning": "Allekirjoitetaan siirtoa",
+ "transferSigning": "Allekirjoitetaan transaktiota",
"transferPow": "Suoritetaan PoW",
- "transferBroadcasting": "Lähetetään siirtoa",
+ "transferBroadcasting": "Lähetetään transaktiota",
"transferComplete": "Siirto valmis",
"creatingAccount": "Luodaan lompakkoa, odota hetki...",
"updatingAccount": "Päivitetään lompakkoa, odota hetki...",
@@ -697,7 +700,8 @@
"receivedTo": "Vastaanotettu lompakkoon {account}",
"sentFrom": "Lähetetty lompakosta {account}",
"receiving": "Vastaanotetaan",
- "sending": "Lähetetään"
+ "sending": "Lähetetään",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Vanha verkko"
"dates": {
"today": "Tänään",
@@ -710,9 +714,9 @@
"notifications": {
"valueTx": "Vastaanotetaan {{value}} lompakkoon {{account}}",
"confirmed": "Lähtevä {{value}} lompakosta {{account}} on vahvistettu",
- "confirmedInternal": "{{value}} tililtä {{senderAccount}} tilille {{receiverAccount}} on vahvistettu",
+ "confirmedInternal": "{{value}} lompakosta {{senderAccount}} lompakkoon {{receiverAccount}} on vahvistettu",
"confirmedInternalNoAccounts": "{{value}} sisäinen siirto on vahvistettu",
- "failed": "Lähtevä {{value}} tililtä {{account}} on epäonnistunut",
+ "failed": "Lähtevä {{value}} lompakosta {{account}} on epäonnistunut",
"downloadingUpdate": "Ladataan päivitystä",
"updateReady": "Päivitys valmis",
"updateError": "Päivityksen aikana tapahtui virhe, yritä uudelleen",
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/fr.json b/packages/shared/locales/fr.json
index 18e634d4bd9..bef93663506 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/fr.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/fr.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"views": {
"onboarding1": {
"title": "Envoyer, Recevoir & Gérer vos IOTA",
- "body": "Firefly is the official wallet software of IOTA."
+ "body": "Firefly est le portefeuille officiel de IOTA."
"legal": {
"title": "Politique de Confidentialité et Conditions d'Utilisation",
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"secure": {
"title": "Sécurisez votre portefeuille",
"body1": "Enregistrez et imprimez le modèle PDF du Kit de récupération.",
- "body2": "If you fill out the Recovery Kit and store it safely, you will always be able to recover your wallets."
+ "body2": "Si vous renseignez le Kit de Récupération et que vous le stockez en toute sécurité, vous pourrez toujours récupérer vos portefeuilles."
"password": {
"title": "Créer un mot de passe",
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"protect": {
"title": "Protect your wallet",
- "body1": "Set up a login PIN to make sure that only you can enter your profile.",
+ "body1": "Configurez un code PIN pour vous assurer que vous seul pouvez accéder à votre profil.",
"body2": "Conservez votre code PIN en sécurité!"
"pin": {
@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@
"backupWallet": {
"title": "Sauvegarder dans un fichier Stronghold",
- "body1": "Enter your password to backup your wallets to a Stronghold file. Your password is used to encrypt the backup.",
+ "body1": "Saisissez votre mot de passe pour sauvegarder vos portefeuilles dans un fichier Stronghold. Votre mot de passe est utilisé pour chiffrer la sauvegarde.",
"body2": "Raisons pour lesquelles les sauvegardes numériques sont importantes:",
- "reason1": "Easily recover your wallets without typing in your recovery phrase",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason1": "Récupérez facilement vos portefeuilles sans saisir votre phrase de récupération",
+ "reason2": "Importer vos portefeuilles sur d'autres appareils",
"reason3": "Récupérer l'historique complet de vos transactions"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
@@ -96,19 +96,19 @@
"importSeed": "Je possède déjà une seed (graine) de 81 caractères",
"importSeedDescription": "Saisissez une seed et transférez les fonds vers le nouveau réseau Chrysalis",
"importMnemonic": "Je possède déjà une phrase de récupération pour mon portefeuille Firefly",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "Saisissez votre phrase secrète pour récupérer vos portefeuilles",
"importFile": "J'ai déjà une sauvegarde fichier",
"importFileDescription": "Télécharger un fichier Seedvault ou Stronghold"
"importFromText": {
"seed": {
"title": "Saisissez votre seed pour commencer la migration",
- "body": "A seed consists of 81 characters. This is used to recover from the older Trinity app.",
+ "body": "Une seed est composée de 81 caractères. Elle est utilisée pour récupérer un portefeuille de l'ancienne application Trinity.",
"enter": "Saisissez votre seed"
"mnemonic": {
"title": "Saisissez votre phrase de récupération",
- "body": "A recovery phrase is 24 words long, all lower case, with spaces between. This is used to recover existing Firefly wallets.",
+ "body": "Une phrase de récupération est composée de 24 mots, tous en minuscules, avec un espace entre chaque mot. Elle est utilisée pour récupérer des portefeuilles Firefly existants.",
"enter": "Saisissez votre phrase de récupération secrète"
"seedDetected": "Graine de 81 caractères détectée",
@@ -116,17 +116,17 @@
"checksum": "Clef de concordance"
"importFromFile": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets using a backup file",
- "body": "Import a backup file to restore your wallets. Backups can either be a Stronghold (.stronghold) or a Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
+ "title": "Restaurez vos portefeuilles à partir d'un fichier de sauvegarde",
+ "body": "Importez un fichier de sauvegarde pour restaurer vos portefeuilles. Les sauvegardes peuvent être de type Stronghold (.stronghold) ou Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
"importBackupPassword": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets from a SeedVault or Stronghold",
+ "title": "Restaurez vos portefeuilles à partir d'un fichier SeedVault ou Stronghold",
"body1": "Veuillez saisir votre mot de passe de sauvegarde.",
"body2": "C'est le mot de passe que vous avez défini lorsque vous avez créé votre sauvegarde pour la première fois."
"importSuccess": {
"title": "Vous avez récupéré votre sauvegarde avec succès",
- "body": "You can now set up your new profile.",
+ "body": "Vous pouvez maintenant configurer votre nouveau profil.",
"seedvaultTitle": "Importé avec succès",
"seedvaultBody": "Votre mot de passe est correct, vous pouvez maintenant continuer.",
"strongholdTitle": "Importé avec succès",
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
"restoringWallet": "Restauration du portefeuille...",
"findingBalance": "En train de récupérer le montant total...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Mot de passe SeedVault incorrect.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "Aucune donnée n'a été trouvée dans le SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Lot de signature",
"broadcastingBundle": "Lot de diffusion",
"miningBundle": "Lot de signature",
@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@
"settings": "Réglages",
"generalSettings": {
"title": "Réglages Généraux",
- "description": "Configure your app's appearance and other general settings"
+ "description": "Configurez l'apparence de votre application et d'autres paramètres généraux"
"security": {
"title": "Sécurité",
@@ -245,7 +246,9 @@
"appLock": {
"title": "Verrouillage automatique",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 heure} other {# heures}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Modifier le mot de passe",
@@ -461,8 +464,8 @@
"balanceFinder": {
"title": "Retrouvez vos fonds",
- "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
+ "body": "Effectuer une recherche plus exhaustive d'adresses pour trouver les soldes manquants. Cela peut prendre du temps.",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "Solde total",
"typePassword": "Saisissez votre mot de passe pour autoriser la recherche."
"riskFunds": {
@@ -697,7 +700,8 @@
"receivedTo": "Reçu sur {account}",
"sentFrom": "Envoyé depuis {account}",
"receiving": "Réception en cours",
- "sending": "Envoi en cours"
+ "sending": "Envoi en cours",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Ancien Réseau"
"dates": {
"today": "Aujourd'hui",
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/he.json b/packages/shared/locales/he.json
index 17cf58c3606..4f035e5afb7 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/he.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/he.json
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
"restoringWallet": "Restoring wallet...",
"findingBalance": "Finding balance...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Incorrect SeedVault password.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "No data could be found in the SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Signing bundle",
"broadcastingBundle": "Broadcasting bundle",
"miningBundle": "Mining bundle",
@@ -245,7 +246,9 @@
"appLock": {
"title": "Automatic Lock",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hour} other {# hours}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Change password",
@@ -697,7 +700,8 @@
"receivedTo": "Received to {account}",
"sentFrom": "Sent from {account}",
"receiving": "Receiving",
- "sending": "Sending"
+ "sending": "Sending",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Network"
"dates": {
"today": "Today",
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/hi.json b/packages/shared/locales/hi.json
index 7219cb59298..d41a1eb7f65 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/hi.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/hi.json
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
"body1": "अपने वॉलेट को एक स्ट्रॉन्गहोल्ड फाइल में बैकअप करने के लिए अपना पासवर्ड दर्ज करें। आपका पासवर्ड बैकअप एन्क्रिप्ट करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है।",
"body2": "डिजिटल बैकअप क्यों महत्वपूर्ण हैं इसके कारण:",
"reason1": "अपने पुनर्प्राप्ति वाक्यांश में टाइप किए बिना आसानी से अपने वॉलेट को पुनर्प्राप्त करें",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason2": "अन्य उपकरणों पर अपने वॉलेट आयात करें",
"reason3": "अपना पूरा लेन-देन इतिहास पुनर्प्राप्त करें"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
"importSeed": "मेरे पास 81 वर्णों का सीड है",
"importSeedDescription": "एक सीड दर्ज करें और क्रिसलिस के लिए धन स्थानांतरित करें",
"importMnemonic": "मेरे पास फायरफ्लाई वसूली वाक्यांश है",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "अपने वॉलेट को पुनर्प्राप्त करने के लिए अपना गुप्त वाक्यांश दर्ज करें",
"importFile": "मेरे पास एक फाइल में बैकअप है",
"importFileDescription": "एक सीड़वॉल्ट या स्ट्रॉन्गहोल्ड फ़ाइल अपलोड करें"
@@ -116,75 +116,76 @@
"checksum": "चेकसम"
"importFromFile": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets using a backup file",
- "body": "Import a backup file to restore your wallets. Backups can either be a Stronghold (.stronghold) or a Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
+ "title": "एक बैकअप फ़ाइल से अपने वॉलेट को पुनर्स्थापित करें",
+ "body": "अपने वॉलेट को पुनर्स्थापित करने के लिए एक बैकअप फ़ाइल आयात करें। बैकअप या तो एक स्ट्रॉन्गहोल्ड फाइल (.stronghold) या एक ट्रिनिटी सीड़वॉल्ट फाइल (.kdbx) हो सकते हैं।"
"importBackupPassword": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets from a SeedVault or Stronghold",
+ "title": "एक सीड़वॉल्ट या स्ट्रॉन्गहोल्ड से अपने वॉलेट को पुनर्स्थापित करें",
"body1": "कृपया अपना बैकअप पासवर्ड डालें",
"body2": "यह वह पासवर्ड है जिसे आपने पहली बार अपना बैकअप बनाते समय सेट किया था।"
"importSuccess": {
"title": "आपने अपना बैकअप सफलतापूर्वक प्राप्त कर लिया है",
- "body": "You can now set up your new profile.",
- "seedvaultTitle": "Successfully imported",
- "seedvaultBody": "Your password is correct, you can now continue.",
- "strongholdTitle": "Successfully imported",
- "strongholdBody": "Your password is correct, you can now continue."
+ "body": "अब आप अपना नया वॉलेट सेट कर सकते हैं।",
+ "seedvaultTitle": "सफलतापूर्वक आयात किया गया है",
+ "seedvaultBody": "आपका पासवर्ड सही है, अब आप आगे भर सकते हैं।",
+ "strongholdTitle": "सफलतापूर्वक आयात किया गया है",
+ "strongholdBody": "आपका पासवर्ड सही है, अब आप आगे भर सकते हैं।"
"migrate": {
"title": "अपने निधि को विस्थापित करें",
- "body1": "This is an automated process to transfer your funds to your new wallet.",
+ "body1": "यह आपके फंड को आपके नए वॉलेट में स्थानांतरित करने की एक स्वचालित प्रक्रिया है",
"body2": "इसमें कुछ समय लग सकता है। प्रवास के दौरान अपने डिवाइस को बंद न करें।",
"existing": "आपका पराना वालेट",
"new": "आपका नए वालेट",
"learn": "प्रवास के बारे में जानें",
- "beginMigration": "Begin Migration",
- "migrating": "Migrating funds...",
- "migrated": "{balance} migrated",
- "migrationFailed": "Migration Failed",
- "noAddressesForMigration": "Please select the addresses you wish to secure.",
- "restoringWallet": "Restoring wallet...",
- "findingBalance": "Finding balance...",
- "incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Incorrect SeedVault password.",
- "signingBundle": "Signing bundle",
- "broadcastingBundle": "Broadcasting bundle",
- "miningBundle": "Mining bundle",
- "problemRestoringWallet": "There was a network error restoring your wallet. Please try again.",
- "minimumMigrationAmountSpentAddresses": "The minimum migration amount for each spent address is 1 Mi. Check again if your balance doesn't look right.",
- "tooManyAddressesToMigrate": "You have too many addresses with low balance to migrate. Check again if your balance doesn't look right.",
- "cannotMigrateAllYourFunds": "We cannot migrate all of your funds because some addresses are too low in value. You can proceed anyway. {value} will be lost.",
- "error": "There was an error migrating your funds. Please try again."
+ "beginMigration": "प्रवास शुरू करें",
+ "migrating": "माइग्रेटिंग फंड...",
+ "migrated": "{balance} मीग्रेटेड",
+ "migrationFailed": "प्रवासन विफल",
+ "noAddressesForMigration": "कृपया उन एड्रेस्सेस का चयन करें जिन्हें आप सुरक्षित करना चाहते हैं",
+ "restoringWallet": "वॉलेट फिर से तैयार हो रहा है...",
+ "findingBalance": "शेष राशि ढूँढना...",
+ "incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "सीड़वॉल्ट पासवर्ड गलत है|",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "सीडवॉल्ट में कोई डेटा नहीं मिला।",
+ "signingBundle": "साइनिंग बंडल",
+ "broadcastingBundle": "प्रसारण बंडल",
+ "miningBundle": "माइनिंग बंडल",
+ "problemRestoringWallet": "आपके बटुए को पुनर्स्थापित करने में एक नेटवर्क त्रुटि थी। कृपया पुन: प्रयास करें।",
+ "minimumMigrationAmountSpentAddresses": "प्रत्येक खर्च किए गए पते की न्यूनतम प्रवास राशि 1 Mi है। यदि आपका बैलेंस सही नहीं दिखता है तो फिर से जांचें।",
+ "tooManyAddressesToMigrate": "आपके पास माइग्रेट करने के लिए कम बैलेंस वाले कई पते हैं। यदि आपका बैलेंस सही नहीं दिखता है तो फिर से जांचें।",
+ "cannotMigrateAllYourFunds": "हम आपके सभी फंडों को स्थानांतरित नहीं कर सकते हैं क्योंकि कुछ पते मूल्य में बहुत कम हैं। आप वैसे भी आगे बढ़ सकते हैं। {value} खो जाएगा।",
+ "error": "आपके फंड्स को माइग्रेट करने में समस्या थी। कृपया पुन: प्रयास करें"
"bundleMiningWarning": {
- "title": "Warning",
- "body1": "You have funds on one or more spent addresses.",
- "body2": "We recommend you run an automated process to help secure and transfer these funds safely.",
- "body3": "If you close the app you will need to restart the whole migration.",
- "learn": "Learn about spent addresses"
+ "title": "चेतावनी",
+ "body1": "आपके पास एक या अधिक खर्च किए गए पते पर धन है।",
+ "body2": "हम आपको इन निधियों को सुरक्षित रूप से स्थानांतरित करने और सुरक्षित रूप से स्थानांतरित करने में मदद करने के लिए एक स्वचालित प्रक्रिया चलाने की सलाह देते हैं।",
+ "body3": "यदि आप ऐप को बंद करते हैं तो आपको संपूर्ण माइग्रेशन को पुनरारंभ करना होगा।",
+ "learn": "खर्च किए गए पतों के बारे में जानें"
"secureSpentAddresses": {
- "title": "Secure spent addresses",
- "body1": "You have funds detected on {number, plural, one {# spent address} other {# spent addresses}}.",
- "body2": "We recommend you run an automated process to help secure and transfer your funds safely.",
- "error": "You can’t migrate spent addresses with less than 1 Mi"
+ "title": "सुरक्षित करे खर्च किए गए एड्रेस",
+ "body1": "आपके पास धन का पता लगाया गया है {number, plural, one {# खर्च पते पर} other {# खर्च पते पर}}.",
+ "body2": "हम आपको इन निधियों को सुरक्षित रूप से स्थानांतरित करने और सुरक्षित रूप से स्थानांतरित करने में मदद करने के लिए एक स्वचालित प्रक्रिया चलाने की सलाह देते हैं।",
+ "error": "आप 1 Mi से कम के खर्च किए गए पतों को माइग्रेट नहीं कर सकते"
"securityCheckCompleted": {
- "title": "Security check completed",
- "body1": "We have calculated the security risk level. Running this process again may lower your risk level.",
- "body2": "When you are happy with the risk level(s) press continue.",
- "rerun": "Rerun process for selected addresses",
- "continueMigration": "Continue migration"
+ "title": "सुरक्षा जांच पूरी",
+ "body1": "हमने सुरक्षा जोखिम स्तर की गणना की है। इस प्रक्रिया को फिर से चलाने से आपका जोखिम स्तर कम हो सकता है।",
+ "body2": "जब आप जोखिम के स्तर से संतुष्ट होते हैं तो प्रस्थान कर सकते हैं",
+ "rerun": "चयनित एड्रेस्सेस के लिए फिर से प्रक्रिया",
+ "continueMigration": "प्रवास जारी रखें"
"securingSpentAddresses": {
- "title": "Securing spent addresses...",
- "body1": "This process will take {minutes, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}.",
- "body2": "Your computer will run at full capacity, you may wish to do something else while you wait for this to complete."
+ "title": "सुरक्षित हो रहा है खर्च किए गए एड्रेस...",
+ "body1": "इस प्रक्रिया में {minutes, plural, one {1 मिनट का समय लगेगा} other {# मिनट्स का समय लगेगा}}.",
+ "body2": "आपका कंप्यूटर पूरी क्षमता से चलेगा, आप इसे पूरा करने के लिए प्रतीक्षा करते समय कुछ और करने की इच्छा कर सकते हैं।"
"transferFragmentedFunds": {
- "body1": "Firefly will now proceed to migrate your funds. This may take a while.",
- "migrate": "Migrate funds",
- "transaction": "Transaction {number}",
+ "body1": "फायरफ्लाई अब आपके धन को स्थानांतरित करने के लिए आगे बढ़ेगा। इसमें थोड़ा सा समय लग सकता है।",
+ "migrate": "मीग्रेटेड फंड",
+ "transaction": "ट्रांसक्शन {number}",
"rerun": "फिर कोशिश करें"
"migrateFailed": {
@@ -193,34 +194,34 @@
"balance": {
"title": "आपका बैलेंस",
- "body": "Make sure your balance is correct before continuing. You can check again if things don't look correct.",
- "error": "The minimum migration amount is 1 Mi. Check again if your balance doesn't look right.",
- "zeroBalance": "Try checking again. If you still can't find your balance you might have entered your seed incorrectly."
+ "body": "सुनिश्चित करें कि जारी रखने से पहले आपका बैलेंस सही है। अगर चीजें सही नहीं दिखती हैं तो आप फिर से जांच कर सकते हैं।",
+ "error": "प्रत्येक खर्च किए गए पते की न्यूनतम प्रवास राशि 1 Mi है। यदि आपका बैलेंस सही नहीं दिखता है तो फिर से जांचें।",
+ "zeroBalance": "फिर से जाँच करने का प्रयास करें। यदि आपको अभी भी अपना बैलेंस नहीं मिल रहा है तो आप गलत तरीके से अपना सीड दर्ज कर रहे हैं।"
"settings": {
"settings": "सैटिन्ग्स",
"generalSettings": {
"title": "सामान्य सेटिंग्स",
- "description": "Configure your app's appearance and other general settings"
+ "description": "अपने ऐप की उपस्थिति और अन्य सामान्य सेटिंग्स कॉन्फ़िगर करें"
"security": {
"title": "सुरक्षा",
- "description": "Change your password and adjust security-related settings"
+ "description": "अपना पासवर्ड बदलें और सुरक्षा-संबंधी सेटिंग्स समायोजित करें"
"advancedSettings": {
"title": "उच्च सेटिंग्स",
- "description": "Tools and manual settings for technical users"
+ "description": "उपकरण और तकनीकी उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए मैनुअल सेटिंग्स"
"helpAndInfo": {
"title": "मदद सूचना",
- "description": "Find the answer to a question or get help with an issue"
+ "description": "किसी प्रश्न का उत्तर ढूंढें या किसी मुद्दे पर मदद लें"
"profile": {
"title": "प्रोफाइल",
- "description": "Change your profile name or set an avatar"
+ "description": "अपना प्रोफ़ाइल नाम बदलें या अवतार सेट करें"
"sync": {
- "title": "Sync wallets",
+ "title": "सिंक वॉलेट",
"description": ""
"theme": {
@@ -233,108 +234,110 @@
"currency": {
"title": "मुद्रा",
- "description": "Adjusts balance conversion and updates chart options"
+ "description": "बैलेंस रूपांतरण और अपडेट चार्ट विकल्पों को समायोजित करता है"
"notifications": {
"title": "नोटिफिकेशन",
- "description": "System notifications for transaction events"
+ "description": "लेन-देन की घटनाओं के लिए सिस्टम सूचनाएं"
"exportStronghold": {
- "title": "Export Backup",
- "description": "Export to a Stronghold file - a complete encrypted backup of your wallets and latest transaction history."
+ "title": "एक्सपोर्ट बैकअप",
+ "description": "एक स्ट्रॉन्गहोल्ड फ़ाइल में निर्यात करें - अपने वॉलेट और नवीनतम लेनदेन इतिहास का एक पूर्ण एन्क्रिप्टेड बैकअप।"
"appLock": {
- "title": "Automatic Lock",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "title": "स्वचालित लॉक",
+ "description": "आपकी जेब लॉक होने से पहले निष्क्रियता का समय और आप लॉग आउट हो गए हैं",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 मिनट} other {# मिनट}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 घंटा} other {# घंटे}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "पासवर्ड परिवर्तित करें",
- "description": "Your password is used to secure your wallets. You must use a strong password to protect your funds."
+ "description": "आपके पासवर्ड का उपयोग आपके वॉलेट को सुरक्षित करने के लिए किया जाता है। अपने धन की सुरक्षा के लिए आपको एक मजबूत पासवर्ड का उपयोग करना चाहिए।"
"changePincode": {
"title": "पिन कोड बदलें",
- "description": "Your PIN keeps your balance and transactions private",
+ "description": "आपका पिन आपके बैलेंस और लेनदेन को निजी रखता है",
"currentPincode": "वर्तमान पिन",
"newPincode": "नया पिन",
"confirmNewPincode": "पिन की पुष्टि करें",
"action": "पिन बदलें"
"balanceFinder": {
- "title": "Balance finder",
- "description": "Perform an extended search of your addresses for tokens."
+ "title": "बैलेंस खोजने वाला",
+ "description": "टोकन के लिए अपने पते की विस्तारित खोज करें।"
"hiddenAccounts": {
- "title": "Hidden wallets",
- "description": "Selecting this options will show wallets that were previously hidden."
+ "title": "छुपे हुए वॉलेट",
+ "description": "इस विकल्प का चयन उन वॉलेट को दिखाएगा जो पहले छिपे हुए थे।"
"deleteProfile": {
- "title": "Delete profile",
- "description": "Deletes your entire profile, wallets and transaction history. Make sure you have a backup."
+ "title": "प्रोफ़ाइल हटाएँ",
+ "description": "आपके पूरे प्रोफ़ाइल, वॉलेट और लेनदेन के इतिहास को हटाता है। सुनिश्चित करें कि आपके पास एक बैकअप है।"
"deepLinks": {
"title": "डीप लिंक्स",
- "description": "Automatically fill transaction data in Firefly upon clicking an iota:// link"
+ "description": "Iota: // लिंक पर क्लिक करने पर फायरफ्लाई में लेनदेन डेटा को स्वचालित रूप से भरें"
"developerMode": {
"title": "डेवलपर मोड",
- "description": "Connect to testnets and other developer features"
+ "description": "टेस्टनेट और अन्य डेवलपर सुविधाओं से कनेक्ट करें"
"nodeSettings": {
"title": "नोड सेटिंग्स",
- "description": "Select Manual to configure the node settings and connect to your own node"
+ "description": "नोड सेटिंग्स को कॉन्फ़िगर करने और अपने स्वयं के नोड से कनेक्ट करने के लिए मैनुअल का चयन करें"
"configureNodeList": {
- "title": "Select a node",
- "description": "Manage the list of IOTA network nodes you connect to.",
- "primaryNode": "Primary node",
- "excludeNode": "Exclude node",
- "includeNode": "Include node",
- "viewDetails": "View details",
- "setAsPrimary": "Set as primary",
- "removeNode": "Remove node",
- "includeOfficialNodeList": "Include official node list",
- "noNodes": "There are no nodes, automatic selection will be used instead."
+ "title": "नोड चुने",
+ "description": "IOTA नेटवर्क नोड्स की सूची प्रबंधित करें जिनसे आप कनेक्ट होते हैं।",
+ "primaryNode": "प्राथमिक नोड",
+ "excludeNode": "नोड को बाहर करें",
+ "includeNode": "नोड शामिल करें",
+ "viewDetails": "विवरण देखें",
+ "setAsPrimary": "प्राथमिक के रूप में सेट करें",
+ "removeNode": "नोड निकालें",
+ "includeOfficialNodeList": "आधिकारिक नोड सूची शामिल करें",
+ "noNodes": "कोई नोड नहीं हैं, इसके बजाय स्वचालित चयन का उपयोग किया जाएगा।"
"proofOfWork": {
"title": "प्रूफ ऑफ़ वर्क",
- "description": "Complete proof of work locally on your device or outsource to the node"
+ "description": "अपने डिवाइस पर स्थानीय रूप से PoW का पूरा प्रमाण या नोड को आउटसोर्स करें"
"errorLog": {
"title": "त्रुटि लॉग",
- "description": "View errors to debug an issue"
+ "description": "किसी समस्या को डीबग करने के लिए त्रुटियाँ देखें"
"diagnostics": {
- "title": "Diagnostics",
- "description": "View system and application information"
+ "title": "विश्लेषण",
+ "description": "सिस्टम और एप्लिकेशन की जानकारी देखें"
"stateExport": {
"title": "स्टेट एक्सपोर्ट",
- "description": "Export your transaction history to a .csv file"
+ "description": "अपने लेनदेन इतिहास को एक .csv फ़ाइल में निर्यात करें"
"troubleshoot": {
"title": "समस्या निवारण",
- "description": "Use the troubleshooting wizard to solve common problems"
+ "description": "सामान्य समस्याओं को हल करने के लिए समस्या निवारण विज़ार्ड का उपयोग करें"
"documentation": {
"title": "प्रलेखन",
- "description": "View the documentation for in depth explanations of how things work"
+ "description": "चीजें कैसे काम करती हैं, इसकी गहन व्याख्या के लिए प्रलेखन देखें"
"faq": {
"title": "FAQ",
- "title2": "Frequently Asked Questions",
- "description": "View the FAQs to get help with a common problem or question"
+ "title2": "अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न",
+ "description": "सामान्य समस्या या प्रश्न की सहायता लेने के लिए अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न देखें"
"discord": {
"title": "डिस्कोर्ड",
- "description": "Get help from the IOTA community on Discord"
+ "description": "Discord पर IOTA समुदाय की मदद लें"
"about": {
"title": "विवरण",
"description": ""
"reportAnIssue": {
- "title": "Report an issue",
- "description": "Report a bug to the developers. Check through to make sure it hasn't already been reported."
+ "title": "मामले की रिपोर्ट करें",
+ "description": "डेवलपर्स के लिए बग की रिपोर्ट करें। यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए जाँच करें कि यह पहले से रिपोर्ट नहीं किया गया है।"
"login": {
@@ -353,19 +356,19 @@
"noneDetected": "किसी का पता नहीं चला"
"strongholdStatus": {
- "title": "Wallet Status",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "unlocked": "Unlocked"
+ "title": "वॉलेट की स्थिति",
+ "locked": "लॉक्ड",
+ "unlocked": "खुला"
"strongholdBackup": {
- "title": "Wallet Backup",
+ "title": "वॉलेट बैकअप",
"weeksAgo": "{weeks, plural, one {# सप्ताह} other {# सप्ताह}} पहले"
"network": {
"networkOperational": "नेटवर्क प्रचालन",
"networkDegraded": "नेटवर्क पदावनत",
- "networkDown": "Network Disconnected",
+ "networkDown": "नेटवर्क डिस्कनेक्ट हो गया।",
"status": "स्टेटस",
"messagesPerSecond": "मेस्सगेस प्रति सेकंड",
"confirmationRate": "पुष्टि दर"
@@ -379,8 +382,8 @@
"popups": {
"password": {
"title": "पासवर्ड अपेक्षित है",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your password to unlock your wallets",
- "backup": "Please enter your password to export a backup"
+ "subtitle": "कृपया अपने वॉलेट के लिए पासवर्ड दर्ज करें",
+ "backup": "कृपया बैकअप निर्यात करने के लिए अपना पासवर्ड दर्ज करें"
"qr": {
"title": "आपका QR कोड"
@@ -391,109 +394,109 @@
"upToDateDescription": "आप फायरफ्लाई का नवीनतम और सबसे सुरक्षित संस्करण चला रहे हैं",
"updateAvailable": "फायरफ्लाई अपडेट उपलब्ध है",
"updateDetails": "संस्करण {version} - {date}",
- "noAutoUpdate": "Auto-update is disabled in this Windows version, please go to to download the update."
+ "noAutoUpdate": "इस विंडोज संस्करण में ऑटो-अपडेट अक्षम है, कृपया अपडेट डाउनलोड करने के लिए पर जाएं।"
"backup": {
"title": "पिछला बैकअप: {date}",
"lastBackup": "आपका पिछला बैकअप {date}",
- "backupDescription": "It is important to back up regularly to ensure you have a copy of your wallets and transaction history.",
+ "backupDescription": "यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए नियमित रूप से बैकअप लेना महत्वपूर्ण है कि आपके पास अपने खातों और लेनदेन के इतिहास की एक प्रति है",
"backupWarning": "यदि आप अपना बैकअप और पुनर्प्राप्ति वाक्यांश खो देते हैं तो आप अपने फंड तक पहुंच खो देंगे",
"notBackedUp": "बैकअप नहीं है",
- "notBackedUpDescription": "You have not backed up your wallets",
- "saving": "Saving..."
+ "notBackedUpDescription": "आपने अपने स्ट्रॉन्गहोल्ड का बैकअप नहीं किया है",
+ "saving": "सेव हो रहा है..."
"deleteAccount": {
- "title": "Delete {name}?",
- "body": "This wallet has no transaction history. It can safely be deleted.",
- "typePassword": "Type your wallet password to confirm.",
- "hideAccount": "Delete wallet",
- "errorTitle": "Unable to delete {name}",
- "errorBody1": "You cannot delete this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "title": "हटाएँ {name}?",
+ "body": "इस वॉलेट का कोई लेन-देन इतिहास नहीं है। इसे सुरक्षित रूप से हटाया जा सकता है।",
+ "typePassword": "पुष्टि करने के लिए अपने वॉलेट का पासवर्ड टाइप करें",
+ "hideAccount": "वॉलेट नष्ट करें",
+ "errorTitle": "{name} हटाने में असमर्थ",
+ "errorBody1": "आप इस वॉलेट को नहीं हटा सकते, आपके पास कम से कम एक होना चाहिए।"
"hideAccount": {
- "title": "Hide {name}?",
- "body": "You can find this wallet later by enabling \"Show hidden wallets\" in Advanced Settings.",
- "typePassword": "Type your wallet password to confirm.",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
- "errorTitle": "Unable to hide {name}",
- "errorBody1": "To hide a wallet it must have 0 balance.",
- "errorBody2": "You currently have {balance} remaining on this wallet. Please move these funds to a different wallet and try again.",
- "errorBody3": "You cannot hide this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "title": "{name} छुपाये?",
+ "body": "आप उन्नत सेटिंग्स में \"छिपे हुए वॉलेट दिखाएँ\" को सक्षम करके इस वॉलेट को बाद में पा सकते हैं।",
+ "typePassword": "पुष्टि करने के लिए अपने वॉलेट का पासवर्ड टाइप करें",
+ "hideAccount": "वॉलेट छुपाये",
+ "errorTitle": "{name} हटाने में असमर्थ",
+ "errorBody1": "वॉलेट को छिपाने के लिए इसमें 0 बैलेंस होना चाहिए।",
+ "errorBody2": "वर्तमान में आपके पास इस खाते पर {balance} बैलेंस है। कृपया इन निधियों को एक अलग खाते में ले जाएँ और पुनः प्रयास करें",
+ "errorBody3": "आप इस वॉलेट को नहीं हटा सकते, आपके पास कम से कम एक होना चाहिए।"
"addressHistory": {
- "title": "{name} address history",
+ "title": "{name} खाता पता इतिहास",
"currentBalance": "वर्तमान बैलेंस: {balance}"
"node": {
"titleAdd": "नया नोड जोड़ें",
- "titleUpdate": "Update a node",
- "titleRemove": "Remove a node",
+ "titleUpdate": "अपडेट नोड",
+ "titleRemove": "नोड निकालें",
"titleDetails": "नोड विवरण",
"nodeAddress": "नोड एड्रेस",
"optionalUsername": "यूजरनाम (वैकल्पिक)",
"optionalPassword": "पासवर्ड (वैकल्पिक)",
"setAsPrimaryNode": "प्राथमिक नोड के रूप में सेट करें",
- "removeConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to remove this node?"
+ "removeConfirmation": "क्या आप सुनिश्चित हैं और इस नोड को हटाना चाहते हैं?"
"errorLog": {
- "title": "Error Log",
- "empty": "The error log is empty."
+ "title": "त्रुटि लॉग",
+ "empty": "त्रुटि लॉग खाली है"
"deleteProfile": {
- "title": "Delete profile",
- "confirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this profile? This operation cannot be undone.",
- "typePassword": "Type your password to confirm."
+ "title": "प्रोफ़ाइल हटाएँ",
+ "confirmation": "क्या आप वाकई इस प्रोफाइल को हटाना चाहते हैं? इस एक्शन को वापस नहीं किया जा सकता है।",
+ "typePassword": "पुष्टि करने के लिए अपना पासवर्ड डालें"
"diagnostics": {
- "title": "Diagnostics",
- "node": "Node",
- "platform": "Platform",
- "platformVersion": "Platform Version",
- "platformArchitecture": "Platform Architecture",
- "cpuCount": "CPU Count",
- "totalMem": "Total Memory",
- "freeMem": "Free Memory",
- "userPath": "User Path"
+ "title": "विश्लेषण",
+ "node": "नोड",
+ "platform": "प्लेटफार्म",
+ "platformVersion": "प्लेटफ़ॉर्म संस्करण",
+ "platformArchitecture": "पोल्काडॉट आर्किटेक्चर",
+ "cpuCount": "CPU गणना",
+ "totalMem": "कुल मेमोरी",
+ "freeMem": "फ्री मेमरी",
+ "userPath": "उपयोक्ता पथ"
"transaction": {
- "title": "Confirm transaction",
- "body": "You’re about to send {amount} to"
+ "title": "ट्रांसक्शन कन्फर्म करे",
+ "body": "आप {amount} को भेजने वाले हैं"
"balanceFinder": {
- "title": "Balance finder",
- "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
- "typePassword": "Type your password to allow searching."
+ "title": "बैलेंस खोजने वाला",
+ "body": "लापता शेष राशि को खोजने के लिए पतों की अधिक संपूर्ण खोज करें। इसमें थोड़ा सा समय लग सकता है।",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "कुल शेष",
+ "typePassword": "खोज की अनुमति देने के लिए अपना पासवर्ड टाइप करें।"
"riskFunds": {
- "title": "Warning: funds at risk during migration",
- "body1": "It is strongly recommended that you secure all your funds before proceeding with migration. Your funds are at risk of theft if you do not secure them.",
- "body2": "It is recommended that you rerun the process for addresses with a medium risk level or above."
+ "title": "चेतावनी: प्रवास के दौरान धन जोखिम में",
+ "body1": "यह दृढ़ता से अनुशंसा की जाती है कि आप माइग्रेशन के साथ आगे बढ़ने से पहले अपने सभी फंडों को सुरक्षित करें। यदि आप उन्हें सुरक्षित नहीं करते हैं तो आपके धन की चोरी का खतरा है।",
+ "body2": "यह अनुशंसा की जाती है कि आप मध्यम जोखिम स्तर या उससे ऊपर के पते की प्रक्रिया को फिर से चलाएँ।"
"missingBundle": {
- "title": "Warning: funds at risk during migration",
- "body": "You have funds on spent addresses, but the information needed to secure them was not found. This can happen if you made transactions a long time ago. You can proceed but {value} are at risk during migration.",
- "learnMore": "Learn more about spent addresses",
- "proceed": "I understand the risk"
+ "title": "चेतावनी: प्रवास के दौरान धन जोखिम में",
+ "body": "आपके पास खर्च किए गए पतों पर धन है, लेकिन उन्हें सुरक्षित करने के लिए आवश्यक जानकारी नहीं मिली। यह तब हो सकता है जब आपने बहुत समय पहले लेन-देन किया हो। आप आगे बढ़ सकते हैं लेकिन प्रवास के दौरान {value} जोखिम में हैं।",
+ "learnMore": "खर्च किए गए पतों के बारे में जानें",
+ "proceed": "मैं जोखिम को समझता हूं"
"snapshot": {
- "title": "Ongoing network upgrade",
- "body": "The Chrysalis network upgrade has begun.",
- "bodyMigration": "Migration is disabled until it is complete.",
- "bodyFirefly": "Firefly is disabled until it is complete. Token migration will still be possible afterwards."
+ "title": "चल रहे नेटवर्क का उन्नयन",
+ "body": "क्रिसलिस नेटवर्क अपग्रेड शुरू हो गया है",
+ "bodyMigration": "पूर्ण होने तक माइग्रेशन अक्षम है",
+ "bodyFirefly": "फायरफ्लाई पूर्ण होने तक अक्षम है। टोकन प्रवास अभी भी बाद में संभव होगा।"
"charts": {
- "incomingMi": "Incoming {value}",
- "outgoingMi": "Outgoing {value}",
- "portoflio": "Portfolio",
- "token": "Token",
- "accountValue": "Wallet Value",
- "accountActivity": "Wallet Activity",
- "timeframe1Hour": "1 hour",
- "timeframe1Day": "1 day",
- "timeframe1Week": "1 week",
- "timeframe1Month": "1 month"
+ "incomingMi": "आने वाली {value}",
+ "outgoingMi": "निवर्तमान {value}",
+ "portoflio": "पोर्टफोलियो",
+ "token": "टोकन",
+ "accountValue": "वॉलेट शेष राशि",
+ "accountActivity": "वॉलेट गतिविधि",
+ "timeframe1Hour": "1 घंटा",
+ "timeframe1Day": "1 दिन",
+ "timeframe1Week": "1 सप्ताह",
+ "timeframe1Month": "1 महीना"
"actions": {
"continue": "जारी रखें",
@@ -501,13 +504,13 @@
"cancel": "रद्द करें",
"close": "बंद करें",
"dismiss": "रद्द करें",
- "proceedAnyway": "Proceed anyway",
+ "proceedAnyway": "कोई बात नहीं आगे बढें",
"save": "सेव करें",
"importSeed": "एक मौजूदा सीड आयात करें",
- "restoreWallet": "Migrate or restore a wallet",
- "restoreWalletDescription": "Migrate to Chrysalis or restore an existing wallet",
+ "restoreWallet": "वॉलेट को माइग्रेट या पुनर्स्थापित करें",
+ "restoreWalletDescription": "क्रिसलिस में प्रवास करें या किसी मौजूदा वॉलेट को पुनर्स्थापित करें",
"createWallet": "नया वॉलेट बनाएं",
- "createWalletDescription": "Create a fresh wallet running on Chrysalis",
+ "createWalletDescription": "क्रिसलिस पर चलने वाला एक ताजा वॉलेट बनाएं",
"savePassword": "पासवर्ड सहेजें",
"useBiometric": "बायोमेट्रिक सुरक्षा का उपयोग करें",
"setupPin": "पिन कोड सेट करें",
@@ -519,7 +522,7 @@
"verifyRecoveryPhrase": "वसूली वाक्यांश सत्यापित करें",
"revealRecoveryPhrase": "पुनर्प्राप्ति वाक्यांश प्रकट करें",
"importSeedvault": "सीडवॉल्ट आयात करे",
- "checkAgain": "Check Again",
+ "checkAgain": "फिर से जांचें",
"importFromFile": "फ़ाइल से आयात करें",
"send": "भेजें",
"receive": "प्राप्त करें",
@@ -528,7 +531,7 @@
"tryAgain": "फिर कोशिश करें",
"visitDiscord": "डिस्कॉर्ड पर जाएँ",
"dragDrop": "खींचें और छोड़ें",
- "importExtentions": ".kdbx or .stronghold file",
+ "importExtentions": ".kdbx या .stronghold फ़ाइल",
"chooseFile": "फ़ाइल चुनें",
"dropHere": "अपनी फाइल को यहां छोड़ें",
"syncAll": "सभी सिंक करें",
@@ -536,55 +539,55 @@
"exportNewStronghold": "एक नया स्ट्रॉन्गहोल्ड निर्यात करें",
"enableDeepLinks": "डीप लिंक्स सक्षम करें",
"enableDeveloperMode": "डेवलपर मोड सक्षम करें",
- "enableSystemNotifications": "Enable system notifications",
+ "enableSystemNotifications": "नोटिफिकेशंस सक्षम करें",
"exportState": "स्थिति निर्यात करें",
- "localProofOfWork": "Local proof of work",
+ "localProofOfWork": "स्थानीय प्रूफ ऑफ़ वर्क",
"unlock": "अनलॉक करें",
"updateFirefly": "अपडेट फायरफ्लाई",
- "restartNow": "Restart now",
- "saveBackup": "Save Stronghold backup",
- "customizeAcount": "Customise wallet",
+ "restartNow": "अभी रीस्टार्ट करें",
+ "saveBackup": "स्ट्रॉन्गहोल्ड बैकअप को सेव करे",
+ "customizeAcount": "अनुकूलित करें अपना खाता",
"viewAddressHistory": "एड्रेस का इतिहास देखें",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
- "showAccount": "Unhide wallet",
- "deleteAccount": "Delete wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "वॉलेट छुपाये",
+ "showAccount": "वॉलेट अनहाइड करें",
+ "deleteAccount": "वॉलेट नष्ट करें",
"max": "अधिकतम",
"addNode": "नया नोड जोड़ें",
- "updateNode": "Update node",
- "removeNode": "Remove node",
- "hide": "Hide",
- "hideOthers": "Hide Others",
- "showAll": "Show All",
- "quit": "Quit",
- "edit": "Edit",
- "undo": "Undo",
- "redo": "Redo",
- "cut": "Cut",
- "copy": "Copy",
- "paste": "Paste",
- "selectAll": "Select All",
- "addAccount": "Add Wallet",
- "checkForUpdates": "Check for Updates",
- "reportAnIssue": "Report an Issue",
- "clear": "Clear",
- "hideDetails": "Hide Details",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "skip": "Skip",
- "reset": "Reset",
- "downloadRecoveryKit": "Save Recovery Kit template",
- "skipBackup": "Skip file backup",
- "finishSetup": "Finish setup",
- "readDocumentation": "Read the documentation",
- "visitFaq": "Visit FAQ",
- "viewStatus": "View status",
- "showHiddenAccounts": "Show hidden wallets",
- "confirm": "Confirm",
- "findBalances": "Find balances",
- "searchBalances": "Search for balances",
- "searchAgain": "Search again",
- "searching": "Searching...",
- "closeFirefly": "Close Firefly"
+ "updateNode": "अपडेट नोड",
+ "removeNode": "नोड निकालें",
+ "hide": "छिपाएँ",
+ "hideOthers": "बाकियों को छुपाएं",
+ "showAll": "सभी दिखाएँ",
+ "quit": "बंद करें",
+ "edit": "संपादित",
+ "undo": "पूर्ववत",
+ "redo": "फिर से",
+ "cut": "कट",
+ "copy": "कॉपी",
+ "paste": "पेस्ट",
+ "selectAll": "सभी का चयन करें",
+ "addAccount": "वॉलेट जोड़ें",
+ "checkForUpdates": "अपडेट के लिए जाँचें",
+ "reportAnIssue": "मामले की रिपोर्ट करें",
+ "clear": "हटाएं",
+ "hideDetails": "विवरण छुपाएँ",
+ "yes": "हाँ",
+ "no": "नहीं",
+ "skip": "छोड़ें",
+ "reset": "रीसेट",
+ "downloadRecoveryKit": "पुनर्प्राप्ति किट टेम्पलेट सहेजें",
+ "skipBackup": "फ़ाइल बैकअप छोड़ें",
+ "finishSetup": "सेटअप खत्म करें",
+ "readDocumentation": "दस्तावेज़ पढ़ें",
+ "visitFaq": "अक्सर पूछे FAQ",
+ "viewStatus": "स्थिति देखें",
+ "showHiddenAccounts": "छुपे हुए वॉलेट दिखाएँ",
+ "confirm": "पुष्टि करें",
+ "findBalances": "शेष राशि का पता लगाएं",
+ "searchBalances": "बालनेस के लिए खोजें",
+ "searchAgain": "फिर से सर्च करें",
+ "searching": "खोज रहे हैं...",
+ "closeFirefly": "फायरफ्लाई बंद करे"
"general": {
"password": "पासवर्ड",
@@ -597,23 +600,23 @@
"recentActivity": "हाल की गतिविधि",
"sent": "भेजे गए",
"received": "प्राप्त हुआ",
- "sendPayment": "Send Payment",
- "moveFunds": "Internal Transfer",
+ "sendPayment": "भुगतान भेजें",
+ "moveFunds": "आंतरिक स्थानांतरण",
"sendFunds": "धनराशि भेजें",
- "sendToAddress": "Send to address",
+ "sendToAddress": "पते पर भेजें",
"scanQrOrPaste": "QR कोड स्कैन करें या एक पता पेस्ट करें",
- "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Move funds between wallets",
+ "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "अपने खातों के बीच धन ले जाएँ",
"sendTokensToAddress": "एक पते पर टोकन भेजें",
- "manageAccount": "Manage Wallet",
- "customizeAcount": "Customize your wallet",
- "account": "Wallet",
+ "manageAccount": "वॉलेट प्रबंधित करें",
+ "customizeAcount": "अनुकूलित करें अपना खाता",
+ "account": "वॉलेट",
"sendingToAddress": "स्वयं के पते पर भेजा जा रहा है",
"amount": "रकम",
"addAddress": "पता जोड़े",
"reference": "संदर्भ",
"from": "से",
"to": "को",
- "receiveFunds": "Receive Funds",
+ "receiveFunds": "पैसे प्राप्त करे",
"myAddress": "मेरा पता:",
"shareAddress": "पता साझा करें",
"yourAddress": "आपका पता",
@@ -626,82 +629,83 @@
"appearance": "दिखावट",
"lightTheme": "लाइट थीम",
"darkTheme": "डार्क थीम",
- "balance": "Balance",
- "accountBalance": "Wallet Balance",
+ "balance": "बैलेंस",
+ "accountBalance": "वॉलेट शेष राशि",
"incoming": "आने वाला",
"outgoing": "बाहर जाने वाले",
- "totalIn": "Total in",
- "totalOut": "Total out",
- "accounts": "Wallets",
- "myAccounts": "My Wallets",
+ "totalIn": "कुल प्राप्त",
+ "totalOut": "कुल खर्च",
+ "accounts": "वॉलेट्स",
+ "myAccounts": "मेरा वॉलेट",
"automaticNodeSelection": "स्वचालित नोड चयन",
"manualNodeSelection": "मैन्युअली नोड चुनना",
"profiles": "प्रोफाइल्स",
"developerProfile": "डेवलपर मोड",
- "developerProfileDescription": "Allows you to connect to testnets",
+ "developerProfileDescription": "आपको टेस्टनेट से कनेक्ट करने की अनुमति देता है",
"dev": "देव",
- "createAccount": "Create a Wallet",
- "accountName": "Wallet name",
+ "createAccount": "वॉलेट बनाएं",
+ "accountName": "वॉलेट का नाम",
"latestTransactions": "नवीनतम ट्रांसक्शन्स",
"transactions": "ट्रांसक्शन्स",
"security": "सुरक्षा",
- "accountAddress": "Wallet Address",
+ "accountAddress": "वॉलेट का पता",
"nodes": "नोड्स",
- "wallet": "Wallet",
- "help": "Help",
- "you": "You",
- "messageId": "Message ID",
- "inputAddress": "Send Address",
- "receiveAddress": "Receive Address",
- "date": "Date",
+ "wallet": "वॉलेट",
+ "help": "मदद",
+ "you": "आप",
+ "messageId": "संदेश ID",
+ "inputAddress": "भेजने वाला पता",
+ "receiveAddress": "प्राप्त करने वाला पता",
+ "date": "तिथि",
"status": "स्टेटस",
- "confirmed": "Confirmed",
- "pending": "Pending",
- "noAccounts": "You have no wallets, please create one.",
- "loadingAccounts": "Loading, please wait...",
- "addProfile": "Add Profile",
- "noRecentHistory": "No recent history",
- "firstSync": "Syncing history, this may take a while...",
- "transferSyncing": "Syncing wallet",
- "transferSelectingInputs": "Selecting inputs",
- "transferRemainderAddress": "Generating remainder deposit address",
- "transferSigning": "Signing the transaction",
- "transferPow": "Performing PoW",
- "transferBroadcasting": "Broadcasting transaction",
- "transferComplete": "Transfer complete",
- "creatingAccount": "Creating wallet, please wait...",
- "updatingAccount": "Updating wallet, please wait...",
- "accountSyncing": "Wallet is syncing",
- "accountSyncComplete": "Wallet sync complete",
- "passwordUpdating": "Updating password...",
- "passwordSuccess": "Updated password successfully",
- "passwordFailed": "Updating password failed",
- "syncingAccounts": "Syncing wallets...",
- "exportingStronghold": "Exporting Stronghold...",
- "exportingStrongholdSuccess": "Exported Stronghold successfully",
- "exportingStrongholdFailed": "Exporting Stronghold failed",
- "pinCodeUpdating": "Updating PIN code...",
- "pinCodeSuccess": "Updated PIN code successfully",
- "pinCodeFailed": "Updating PIN code failed",
- "passwordStrength": "Password strength",
- "passwordStrength0": "Bad",
- "passwordStrength1": "Poor",
- "passwordStrength2": "Weak",
- "passwordStrength3": "Average",
- "passwordStrength4": "Strong",
- "creatingProfile": "Creating profile, please wait...",
- "fundMigration": "Fund migration",
- "accountRemoved": "This wallet is hidden. Unhide it to perform transfers.",
- "receivingTo": "Receiving to {account}",
- "sendingFrom": "Sending from {account}",
- "receivedTo": "Received to {account}",
- "sentFrom": "Sent from {account}",
- "receiving": "Receiving",
- "sending": "Sending"
+ "confirmed": "पूर्ण पुष्टि",
+ "pending": "अपूर्ण",
+ "noAccounts": "आपके पास कोई वॉलेट नहीं है, कृपया एक बनाएं।",
+ "loadingAccounts": "लोड हो रहा है, कृपया प्रतीक्षा करें...",
+ "addProfile": "प्रोफ़ाइल जोड़ें",
+ "noRecentHistory": "हाल का कोई इतिहास नहीं",
+ "firstSync": "इतिहास को समन्वयित करते हुए, इसमें कुछ समय लग सकता है...",
+ "transferSyncing": "सिंकिंग वॉलेट",
+ "transferSelectingInputs": "इनपुट का चयन करना",
+ "transferRemainderAddress": "शेष जमा पता जनरेट करना",
+ "transferSigning": "लेन-देन पर हस्ताक्षर करना",
+ "transferPow": "PoW करना",
+ "transferBroadcasting": "प्रोमोटिंग ट्रांसक्शन",
+ "transferComplete": "ट्रांसफर कम्पलीट",
+ "creatingAccount": "वॉलेट बन रहा है, कृपया प्रतीक्षा करें...",
+ "updatingAccount": "वॉलेट अपडेट हो रहा है, कृपया प्रतीक्षा करें...",
+ "accountSyncing": "वॉलेट सिंक हो रहा है",
+ "accountSyncComplete": "वॉलेट सिंक पूरा हुआ",
+ "passwordUpdating": "पासवर्ड अपडेट हो रहा है...",
+ "passwordSuccess": "पासवर्ड सफलतापूर्वक अपडेट किया गया",
+ "passwordFailed": "पासवर्ड अपडेट करना विफल",
+ "syncingAccounts": "सिंकिंग वॉलेट...",
+ "exportingStronghold": "निर्यात स्ट्रॉन्गहोल्ड...",
+ "exportingStrongholdSuccess": "निर्यातित स्ट्रॉन्गहोल्ड सफलतापूर्वक",
+ "exportingStrongholdFailed": "निर्यात स्ट्रॉन्गहोल्ड विफल रहा",
+ "pinCodeUpdating": "पिन कोड अपडेट हो रहा है...",
+ "pinCodeSuccess": "पासवर्ड सफलतापूर्वक अपडेट किया गया",
+ "pinCodeFailed": "पिन कोड अपडेट करना विफल रहा",
+ "passwordStrength": "पासवर्ड क्षमता",
+ "passwordStrength0": "खराब",
+ "passwordStrength1": "बुरा",
+ "passwordStrength2": "कमज़ोर",
+ "passwordStrength3": "औसत",
+ "passwordStrength4": "मजबूत",
+ "creatingProfile": "प्रोफ़ाइल बन रहा है, कृपया प्रतीक्षा करें...",
+ "fundMigration": "फंड्स माइग्रेशन",
+ "accountRemoved": "यह वॉलेट छिपा है। स्थानांतरण करने के लिए इसे अनहाइड करें",
+ "receivingTo": "{account} को प्राप्त हो रहा है",
+ "sendingFrom": "{account} से भेजा जा रहा है",
+ "receivedTo": "{account} को प्राप्त हुआ",
+ "sentFrom": "{account} से भेजा गया",
+ "receiving": "प्राप्त हो रहा है",
+ "sending": "भेज रहे है",
+ "legacyNetwork": "विरासत नेटवर्क"
"dates": {
"today": "आज",
- "yesterday": "Yesterday",
+ "yesterday": "बीता कल",
"daysAgo": "{time, plural, one {# दिन} other {# दिन}} पहले",
"weeksAgo": "{time, plural, one {# सप्ताह} other {# सप्ताह}} पहले",
"monthsAgo": "{time, plural, one {# महीना} other {# महीना}} पहले",
@@ -710,100 +714,100 @@
"notifications": {
"valueTx": "{{value}} में {{account}} रिसीव हो रहा है",
"confirmed": "{{account}} से आउटगोइंग {{value}} की पुष्टि हो गयी है",
- "confirmedInternal": "{{value}} from {{senderAccount}} to {{receiverAccount}} has confirmed",
- "confirmedInternalNoAccounts": "{{value}} internal transfer has confirmed",
+ "confirmedInternal": "{{value}} राशि {{senderAccount}} एड्रेस से {{receiverAccount}} एड्रेस को पुष्टि की गई है",
+ "confirmedInternalNoAccounts": "{{value}} आंतरिक स्थानांतरण की पुष्टि की गई है",
"failed": "{{account}} से आउटगोइंग {{value}} फ़ैल हो गयी है",
- "downloadingUpdate": "Downloading update",
- "updateReady": "Update ready",
- "updateError": "An error occurred during the update, please try again",
- "restartInstall": "Restart to install",
- "calcMinutesRemaining": "Calculating minutes remaining...",
- "minutesRemaining": "{minutes, plural, one {1 minute remaining} other {# minutes remaining}}",
- "copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
- "accountsSynchronized": "Wallet synchronization complete",
- "migratedAccountChrysalisDown": "Your funds will become available after Chrysalis on 28th April",
- "migratedAccountChrysalisUp": "Your funds will become available shortly"
+ "downloadingUpdate": "अपडेट डाउनलोड हो रहा है...",
+ "updateReady": "अपडेट तैयार है",
+ "updateError": "अपडेट के दौरान एक त्रुटि हुई, कृपया पुनः प्रयास करें",
+ "restartInstall": "स्थापित करने के लिए पुनरारंभ करें",
+ "calcMinutesRemaining": "शेष मिनटों की गणना कर रहा है...",
+ "minutesRemaining": "{minutes, plural, one {1 मिनट बचा हुआ} other {# मिनट्स बचा हुआ}}",
+ "copiedToClipboard": "क्लिपबोर्ड में कॉपी हो गया",
+ "accountsSynchronized": "वॉलेट तुल्यकालन पूरा",
+ "migratedAccountChrysalisDown": "28 अप्रैल को क्रिसलिस के बाद आपके फंड उपलब्ध हो जाएंगे",
+ "migratedAccountChrysalisUp": "जल्द ही आपके फंड उपलब्ध हो जाएंगे"
"error": {
"profile": {
- "length": "Your profile name can't be longer than {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}}.",
- "duplicate": "A profile with this name already exists."
+ "length": "आपका प्रोफ़ाइल नाम {length, plural, one {1 अक्षर} other {# अक्षर}} से अधिक लंबा नहीं हो सकता है|",
+ "duplicate": "इस नाम का प्रोफ़ाइल पहले से मौजूद है।"
"password": {
- "doNotMatch": "Passwords do not match.",
- "tooWeak": "Your new password is too weak.",
- "row": "Straight rows of keys are easy to guess.",
- "pattern": "Short keyboard patterns are easy to guess.",
- "names": "Common names and surnames are easy to guess.",
- "repeats": "Repeats like 'aaa' are easy to guess.",
- "repeats2": "Repeats like 'abcabcabc' are easy to guess.",
- "sequence": "Sequences of characters are easy to guess.",
- "years": "Recent years are easy to guess.",
- "dates": "Dates are easy to guess.",
- "common": "This is a very common password.",
- "similar": "This is similar to a common password.",
- "word": "A single word is easy to guess.",
- "incorrect": "Your password is incorrect.",
- "length": "Your password can't be longer than {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}}."
+ "doNotMatch": "पासवर्ड मैच नहीं करता है।",
+ "tooWeak": "आपका नया पासवर्ड बहुत कमजोर है।",
+ "row": "कीबोर्ड की सीधी पंक्तियाँ अनुमान लगाना आसान है",
+ "pattern": "लघु कीबोर्ड पैटर्न का अनुमान लगाना आसान है।",
+ "names": "आम नाम और उपनाम का अनुमान लगाना आसान है",
+ "repeats": "\"aaa\" जैसे लगातार अनुमान लगाना आसान है।",
+ "repeats2": "\"abcabcabc\" जैसे लगातार अनुमान लगाना आसान है।",
+ "sequence": "एबीसी या जैसे अनुक्रम अनुमान लगाना आसान है",
+ "years": "हाल के वर्षों का अनुमान लगाना आसान है",
+ "dates": "तिथियाँ अक्सर अनुमान करने के लिए आसान हैं",
+ "common": "यह एक आम पासवर्ड है",
+ "similar": "यह आमतौर पर उपयोग किए जाने वाले पासवर्ड के समान है",
+ "word": "अकेले शब्द का अनुमान लगाना आसान है",
+ "incorrect": "आपका पासवर्ड गलत है।",
+ "length": "आपका पासवर्ड {length, plural, one {1 वर्ण} other {# अक्षर}} से अधिक लंबा नहीं हो सकता है"
"pincode": {
- "length": "Your PIN must be {length, plural, one {1 digit} other {# digits}} long.",
- "match": "PINs do not match.",
- "incorrect": "Your current PIN is incorrect."
+ "length": "आपका पिन {length, plural, one {1 अंक} other {# अंक}} लम्बा होना चाहिए",
+ "match": "पिन मेल नहीं खाता",
+ "incorrect": "आपका वर्तमान पिन गलत है"
"account": {
- "length": "Your wallet name can't be longer than {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}}.",
- "empty": "You must use your latest wallet before creating a new one.",
- "notEmpty": "You must transfer your balance before deleting this wallet.",
- "duplicate": "A wallet with this name already exists.",
- "tilde": "A profile name can't start with the '~' character.",
- "control": "A profile name can't contain a control character.",
- "startDot": "A profile name can't start with the '.' character.",
- "chars": "A profile name can't contain the following characters <>:\"/\\|?*"
+ "length": "आपका वॉलेट नाम {length, plural, one {1 वर्ण} other {# अक्षर}} से अधिक लंबा नहीं हो सकता है",
+ "empty": "नया बनाने से पहले आपको अपने नवीनतम वॉलेट का उपयोग करना चाहिए।",
+ "notEmpty": "इस वॉलेट को हटाने से पहले आपको अपना बैलेंस ट्रांसफर करना होगा।",
+ "duplicate": "इस नाम का एक वॉलेट पहले से मौजूद है।",
+ "tilde": "एक प्रोफ़ाइल नाम '~' वर्ण से शुरू नहीं हो सकता।",
+ "control": "एक प्रोफ़ाइल नाम में कोई नियंत्रण वर्ण नहीं हो सकता है।",
+ "startDot": "एक प्रोफ़ाइल नाम '.' वर्ण से शुरू नहीं हो सकता।",
+ "chars": "एक प्रोफ़ाइल नाम '<>:\"/\\|?*' वर्ण से शुरू नहीं हो सकता।"
"send": {
- "addressLength": "Addresses should be {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}} long.",
- "amountTooHigh": "This is greater than your available balance.",
- "amountNoFloat": "If units are `i` you cannot use decimal places.",
- "amountInvalidFormat": "The amount appears to be an invalid number.",
- "amountZero": "The amount must be greater than 0.",
- "wrongAddressPrefix": "Addresses start with the prefix {prefix}.",
- "wrongAddressFormat": "The address is not correctly formatted.",
- "invalidAddress": "The address is not valid.",
- "insufficientFunds": "This wallet has insufficient funds.",
- "noToAccount": "You have not selected a wallet to send the funds to.",
- "sendingDust": "You cannot send less than 1 Mi.",
- "leavingDust": "You cannot leave less than 1 Mi on your address."
+ "addressLength": "पते {length, plural, one {1 वर्ण} other {# वर्ण}} लम्बे होने चाहिए",
+ "amountTooHigh": "यह आपके उपलब्ध बैलेंस से अधिक है।",
+ "amountNoFloat": "यदि इकाइयाँ `i` हैं तो आप दशमलव स्थानों का उपयोग नहीं कर सकते।",
+ "amountInvalidFormat": "राशि अमान्य संख्या प्रतीत होती है",
+ "amountZero": "ट्रांसफ़र राशि शून्य से अधिक होनी चाहिए",
+ "wrongAddressPrefix": "पते {prefix} उपसर्ग से शुरू होते हैं",
+ "wrongAddressFormat": "पता सही रूप से स्वरूपित नहीं है।",
+ "invalidAddress": "पता मान्य नहीं है",
+ "insufficientFunds": "इस वॉलेट में अपर्याप्त राशि है।",
+ "noToAccount": "आपने फंड भेजने के लिए वॉलेट का चयन नहीं किया है।",
+ "sendingDust": "आप 1 Mi से कम नहीं भेज सकते",
+ "leavingDust": "आप अपने पते पर 1 Mi से कम नहीं छोड़ सकते।"
"node": {
- "invalid": "Please enter a valid URL.",
- "https": "HTTPS is required. Set up a developer profile to use unsecured HTTP connections.",
- "duplicate": "This node has already been added.",
- "unsynced": "The node is not in sync.",
- "noSynced": "No synced nodes are available."
+ "invalid": "मान्य URL दर्ज करे",
+ "https": "HTTPS की आवश्यकता है। असुरक्षित HTTP कनेक्शन का उपयोग करने के लिए एक डेवलपर प्रोफ़ाइल सेट करें।",
+ "duplicate": "उस नोड को पहले से जोड़ा गया है",
+ "unsynced": "नोड सिंक में नहीं है",
+ "noSynced": "कोई सिंक किए गए नोड उपलब्ध नहीं हैं"
"global": {
- "generic": "Something went wrong."
+ "generic": "कुछ गलत हो गया"
"backup": {
- "invalid": "The backup file was not recognised.",
- "destination": "The backup destination was not valid.",
- "mnemonic": "The mnemonic is not valid.",
- "seedTooShort": "The seed should be 81 characters long, it {length, plural, one {is 1} other {is #}}",
- "seedCharacters": "The seed should only contain characters A-Z or 9",
- "phraseWordCount": "There should be 24 words in your recovery phrase, currently there {length, plural, one {is 1} other {are #}}.",
- "phraseUnrecognizedWord": "Unrecognized word \"{word}\" in your recovery phrase",
- "phraseCaseWord": "The word \"{word}\" should be lower case"
+ "invalid": "बैकअप फ़ाइल को पहचाना नहीं गया था।",
+ "destination": "बैकअप गंतव्य मान्य नहीं था।",
+ "mnemonic": "अक्षर मान्य नहीं है",
+ "seedTooShort": "बीज 81 वर्ण लंबा होना चाहिए, यह {length, plural, one {1} other {#}} वर्ण लंबा है",
+ "seedCharacters": "सीड में केवल अक्षर A-Z या 9 होना चाहिए",
+ "phraseWordCount": "आपके पुनर्प्राप्ति वाक्यांश में वर्तमान में 24 शब्द होने चाहिए, और अभी सिर्फ {length, plural, one {1} other {#}} शब्द है",
+ "phraseUnrecognizedWord": "आपके पुनर्प्राप्ति वाक्यांश में अपरिचित शब्द {word} पाया गया",
+ "phraseCaseWord": "शब्द {word} कम मामला होना चाहिए"
"tooltips": {
"risk": {
- "title": "Risk level: {risk}",
- "veryHigh": "Very high",
- "high": "High",
- "medium": "Medium",
- "low": "Low",
- "veryLow": "Very low"
+ "title": "जोखिम का स्तर: {risk}",
+ "veryHigh": "बहुत ऊँचा",
+ "high": "उच्च",
+ "medium": "मध्यम",
+ "low": "कम",
+ "veryLow": "बहुत कम"
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/hr.json b/packages/shared/locales/hr.json
index cca1c6fcd55..769bf9e196d 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/hr.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/hr.json
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"appearance": {
"title": "Izgled",
- "body": "Izaberite temu aplikacije."
+ "body": "Odaberite temu aplikacije."
"profile": {
"title": "Stvori novi profil",
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
"body1": "Unesite svoju lozinku kako biste spremili pričuvne kopije svojih novčanika u Stronghold datoteku. Vašu lozinku koristimo za enkripciju pričuvne kopije.",
"body2": "Zašto su digitalne pričuvne kopije tako važne:",
"reason1": "Jednostavno oporavite svoje novčanike bez upisivanja fraze za oporavak",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason2": "Uvezite svoje novčanike s drugih uređaja",
"reason3": "Oporavite povijest svojih transakcija"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
"importSeed": "Imam seed koji se sastoji od 81 znaka",
"importSeedDescription": "Unesite seed i preselite sredstva na Chrysalis",
"importMnemonic": "Imam Firefly frazu za oporavak",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "Za oporavak novčanika unesite svoju frazu za oporavak",
"importFile": "Imam datoteku s pričuvnom kopijom",
"importFileDescription": "Uvezite Seedvault ili Stronghold datoteku"
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
"restoringWallet": "Vraćanje novčanika...",
"findingBalance": "Dohvaćam stanje...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Netočna SeedVault lozinka.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "Ne možemo pronaći podatke unutar SeedVaulta.",
"signingBundle": "Potpisujem skup",
"broadcastingBundle": "Odašiljem skup",
"miningBundle": "Rudarim skup",
@@ -245,7 +246,9 @@
"appLock": {
"title": "Automatsko zaključavanje",
- "description": "Vrijeme neaktivnosti preostalo do zaključavanja novčanika i odjave iz sustava"
+ "description": "Vrijeme neaktivnosti preostalo do zaključavanja novčanika i odjave iz sustava",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {# minuta} few {# minute} other {# minuta}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {# sat} few {# sata} other {# sati}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Promijenite lozinku",
@@ -461,8 +464,8 @@
"balanceFinder": {
"title": "Pronalazak sredstava",
- "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
+ "body": "Izvršite detaljniju pretragu adresa u potrazi za stedstvima koja vam nedostaju.",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "Ukupno stanje",
"typePassword": "Za pretraživanje morate unijeti lozinku."
"riskFunds": {
@@ -671,12 +674,12 @@
"transferComplete": "Transakcija dovršena",
"creatingAccount": "Stvaram novčanik, molim pričekajte...",
"updatingAccount": "Usklađujem novčanik, molim pričekajte...",
- "accountSyncing": "Wallet is syncing",
- "accountSyncComplete": "Wallet sync complete",
+ "accountSyncing": "Novčanik se sinkronizira",
+ "accountSyncComplete": "Sinkronizacija novčanika je završena",
"passwordUpdating": "Ažuriram lozinku...",
"passwordSuccess": "Lozinka je uspješno ažurirana",
"passwordFailed": "Ažuriranje lozinke nije uspjelo",
- "syncingAccounts": "Syncing wallets...",
+ "syncingAccounts": "Sinkronizacija novčanika...",
"exportingStronghold": "Izvozim Stronghold...",
"exportingStrongholdSuccess": "Stronghold je uspješno izvezen",
"exportingStrongholdFailed": "Izvoz Strongholda nije uspio",
@@ -691,13 +694,14 @@
"passwordStrength4": "Jako",
"creatingProfile": "Stvaram račun, molim pričekajte...",
"fundMigration": "Prebacivanje sredstava",
- "accountRemoved": "This wallet is hidden. Unhide it to perform transfers.",
+ "accountRemoved": "Ovaj je novčanik skriven. Kako biste mogli raditi transfere prvo ga morate prikazati.",
"receivingTo": "U dolasku na {account}",
"sendingFrom": "Šalje se sa {account}",
"receivedTo": "Primljeno na {account} račun",
"sentFrom": "Poslano sa {account} računa",
"receiving": "Primanje u tijeku",
- "sending": "Slanje u tijeku"
+ "sending": "Slanje u tijeku",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Stara mreža"
"dates": {
"today": "Danas",
@@ -720,7 +724,7 @@
"calcMinutesRemaining": "Računam preostalo vrijeme...",
"minutesRemaining": "{minutes, plural, one {minuta} few {# minute} other {# minuta}}",
"copiedToClipboard": "Kopirano u međuspremnik",
- "accountsSynchronized": "Wallet synchronization complete",
+ "accountsSynchronized": "Sinkronizacija novčanika je završena",
"migratedAccountChrysalisDown": "Vaša će sredstva biti dostupna nakon Chrysalisa, 28. travnja",
"migratedAccountChrysalisUp": "Vaša će sredstva biti dostupna uskoro"
@@ -752,10 +756,10 @@
"incorrect": "Vaš trenutni PIN je netočan."
"account": {
- "length": "Your wallet name can't be longer than {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}}.",
- "empty": "You must use your latest wallet before creating a new one.",
- "notEmpty": "You must transfer your balance before deleting this wallet.",
- "duplicate": "A wallet with this name already exists.",
+ "length": "Ime novčanika ne smije biti dulje od {length, plural, one {1 znaka} few {# znaka} other {# znakova}}.",
+ "empty": "Morate upotrijebiti najnoviji novčanik prije no što možete stvoriti još jedan.",
+ "notEmpty": "Morate prebaciti sredstva drugdje prije no što možete obrisati novčanik.",
+ "duplicate": "Novčanik s ovim imenom već postoji.",
"tilde": "Ime profila ne može početi znakom '~'.",
"control": "Ime profila ne smije sadržavati Ctrl znak.",
"startDot": "Ime profila ne može početi točkom.",
@@ -770,8 +774,8 @@
"wrongAddressPrefix": "Adrese započinju prefiksom {prefix}.",
"wrongAddressFormat": "Adresa nije u ispravnom formatu.",
"invalidAddress": "Adresa nije valjana.",
- "insufficientFunds": "This wallet has insufficient funds.",
- "noToAccount": "You have not selected a wallet to send the funds to.",
+ "insufficientFunds": "Ovaj novčanik nema dovoljno sredstava.",
+ "noToAccount": "Niste odabrali novčanik na koji želite poslati sredstva.",
"sendingDust": "Ne možete slati manje od 1 Mi.",
"leavingDust": "Ne možet ostaviti manje od 1 Mi na svojoj adresi."
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/hu.json b/packages/shared/locales/hu.json
index 1866c947238..f134ef5142b 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/hu.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/hu.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"views": {
"onboarding1": {
"title": "Küldje, fogadja és kezelje IOTA tokenjeit",
- "body": "Firefly is the official wallet software of IOTA."
+ "body": "A Firefly a hivatalos IOTA tárca."
"legal": {
"title": "Adatvédelmi irányelvek és Felhasználási feltételek",
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"secure": {
"title": "Tárca biztonsága",
"body1": "Mentse el és nyomtassa ki a helyreállítási lap PDF-sablonját.",
- "body2": "If you fill out the Recovery Kit and store it safely, you will always be able to recover your wallets."
+ "body2": "Ha kitölti és biztonságosan tárolja a helyreállítási lapot, akkor mindig helyre tudja állítani a tárcáit."
"password": {
"title": "Jelszó létrehozása",
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"protect": {
"title": "Protect your wallet",
- "body1": "Set up a login PIN to make sure that only you can enter your profile.",
+ "body1": "Állítson be egy PIN-kódot a bejelentkezéshez, amellyel csak Ön férhet hozzá a tárcájához.",
"body2": "A PIN-kódot tartsa biztonságban!"
"pin": {
@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@
"backupWallet": {
"title": "Stronghold biztonsági mentés",
- "body1": "Enter your password to backup your wallets to a Stronghold file. Your password is used to encrypt the backup.",
+ "body1": "Tárcáinak Stronghold fájlba történő mentéséhez adja meg jelszavát. A jelszó a biztonsági mentés titkosítására szolgál.",
"body2": "A digitális biztonsági mentés az alábbiak miatt fontos:",
- "reason1": "Easily recover your wallets without typing in your recovery phrase",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason1": "Egyszerűen helyreállíthatja tárcáit anélkül, hogy beírná a helyreállítási szavakat",
+ "reason2": "Könnyen importálhatja tárcáit más eszközökre",
"reason3": "Helyreállíthatja tranzakcióinak előzményeit"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
@@ -92,23 +92,23 @@
"import": {
"title": "Egyenleg helyreállítása vagy migrálása",
- "body": "Ha rendelkezik tárca biztonsági mentéssel vagy seed-del, itt importálhatja. Ha van tokenje a régi Iota hálózatról, migrálhatja őket az új Chrysalis hálózatra.",
+ "body": "Ha rendelkezik tárca biztonsági mentéssel vagy seed-del, itt importálhatja. Ha van tokenje a régi hálózatról, migrálhatja őket az új Chrysalis hálózatra.",
"importSeed": "81 karakter hosszú seed-em van",
"importSeedDescription": "Adja meg seed-jét és migrálja tokenjeit a Chrysalis hálózatra",
"importMnemonic": "Firefly helyreállítási szavakkal rendelkezem",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "Adja meg a helyreállítási szavakat tárcái helyreállításához",
"importFile": "Biztonsági mentésem van",
"importFileDescription": "Importálja Seedvault vagy Stronghold mentését"
"importFromText": {
"seed": {
"title": "Adja meg seed-jét a migráció elindításához",
- "body": "A seed consists of 81 characters. This is used to recover from the older Trinity app.",
+ "body": "A seed 81 karakterből áll. Régebbi, Trinity tárcából történő helyreállításra szolgál.",
"enter": "Adja meg seed-jét"
"mnemonic": {
"title": "Adja meg a helyreállítási szavakat",
- "body": "A recovery phrase is 24 words long, all lower case, with spaces between. This is used to recover existing Firefly wallets.",
+ "body": "A helyreállítási szavak 24 kisbetűs, szóközökkel elválasztott szóból állnak, melyek már meglévő Firefly tárcák helyreállítására szolgálnak.",
"enter": "Adja meg a titkos helyreállítási szavakat"
"seedDetected": "81 karakterből álló seed észlelve",
@@ -116,17 +116,17 @@
"checksum": "Ellenőrző összeg"
"importFromFile": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets using a backup file",
- "body": "Import a backup file to restore your wallets. Backups can either be a Stronghold (.stronghold) or a Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
+ "title": "Tárcák helyreállítása biztonsági mentésből",
+ "body": "Tárcáit importálhatja egy meglévő biztonsági mentésből, mely lehet Stronghold (.stronghold) vagy Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
"importBackupPassword": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets from a SeedVault or Stronghold",
+ "title": "Állítsa helyre tárcáit SeedVault- vagy Stronghold-fájlból",
"body1": "Kérjük, adja meg a biztonsági mentés titkosításának feloldására szolgáló jelszavát!",
"body2": "Ez az a jelszó, amelyet a biztonsági mentés első létrehozásakor adott meg."
"importSuccess": {
"title": "Sikeresen helyreállította tárcáját a biztonsági mentésből",
- "body": "You can now set up your new profile.",
+ "body": "Most már beállíthatja profilját.",
"seedvaultTitle": "Sikeresen importálva",
"seedvaultBody": "A jelszó helyes.",
"strongholdTitle": "Sikeresen importálva",
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
"restoringWallet": "Tárca helyreállítása...",
"findingBalance": "Egyenleg keresése...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Helytelen SeedVault jelszó.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "No data could be found in the SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Kötegtranzakció aláírása",
"broadcastingBundle": "Kötegtranzakció kiküldése",
"miningBundle": "Kötegtranzakció bányászása",
@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@
"settings": "Beállítások",
"generalSettings": {
"title": "Általános beállítások",
- "description": "Configure your app's appearance and other general settings"
+ "description": "Applikáció megjelenésének és általános beállításainak módosítása"
"security": {
"title": "Biztonság",
@@ -245,7 +246,9 @@
"appLock": {
"title": "Automatikus zárolás",
- "description": "Tétlenség ideje, mielőtt tárcája automatikusan zárolódik és kilépteti Önt"
+ "description": "Tétlenség ideje, mielőtt tárcája automatikusan zárolódik és kilépteti Önt",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hour} other {# hours}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Jelszó módosítása",
@@ -461,8 +464,8 @@
"balanceFinder": {
"title": "Egyenlegkereső",
- "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
+ "body": "Alaposan átnézi és összegyűjti címeiről a hiányzó tokenjeit. Ez eltarthat egy ideig.",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "Összesített egyenleg",
"typePassword": "Adja meg jelszavát a keresés engedélyezéséhez."
"riskFunds": {
@@ -488,7 +491,7 @@
"outgoingMi": "Küldött: {value}",
"portoflio": "Portfólió",
"token": "Token",
- "accountValue": "Tárca értéke",
+ "accountValue": "Tárca egyenleg",
"accountActivity": "Tárca előzmények",
"timeframe1Hour": "1 óra",
"timeframe1Day": "1 nap",
@@ -602,10 +605,10 @@
"sendFunds": "Átutalás",
"sendToAddress": "Küldés a következő címre",
"scanQrOrPaste": "QR-kód beolvasása vagy cím beillesztése",
- "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Move funds between wallets",
+ "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Egyenleg átvezetése tárcák között",
"sendTokensToAddress": "Tokenek küldése",
- "manageAccount": "Manage Wallet",
- "customizeAcount": "Customize your wallet",
+ "manageAccount": "Tárca kezelése",
+ "customizeAcount": "Tárca testre szabása",
"account": "Tárca",
"sendingToAddress": "Címre utalás",
"amount": "Összeg",
@@ -627,25 +630,25 @@
"lightTheme": "Világos megjelenés",
"darkTheme": "Sötét megjelenés",
"balance": "Egyenleg",
- "accountBalance": "Wallet Balance",
+ "accountBalance": "Tárca egyenleg",
"incoming": "Bejövő",
"outgoing": "Kimenő",
"totalIn": "Összes beérkező",
"totalOut": "Összes kimenő",
- "accounts": "Wallets",
- "myAccounts": "My Wallets",
+ "accounts": "Tárcák",
+ "myAccounts": "Tárcáim",
"automaticNodeSelection": "Automatikus csomópont kiválasztás",
"manualNodeSelection": "Kézi csomópont kiválasztás",
"profiles": "Profilok",
"developerProfile": "Fejlesztői profil",
"developerProfileDescription": "Lehetővé teszi a csatlakozást teszthálózatokhoz",
"dev": "Fejlesztő",
- "createAccount": "Create a Wallet",
- "accountName": "Wallet name",
+ "createAccount": "Tárca létrehozása",
+ "accountName": "Tárca neve",
"latestTransactions": "Legutóbbi tranzakciók",
"transactions": "Tranzakciók",
"security": "Biztonság",
- "accountAddress": "Wallet Address",
+ "accountAddress": "Tárca címei",
"nodes": "Csomópontok",
"wallet": "Tárca",
"help": "Segítség",
@@ -657,26 +660,26 @@
"status": "Állapot",
"confirmed": "Megerősítve",
"pending": "Függőben lévő",
- "noAccounts": "You have no wallets, please create one.",
+ "noAccounts": "Még nincsen tárcája, kérjük hozzon létre egyet.",
"loadingAccounts": "Betöltés folyamatban. Kérjük, várjon...",
"addProfile": "Profil hozzáadása",
"noRecentHistory": "Nincsenek előzmények",
- "firstSync": "Syncing history, this may take a while...",
- "transferSyncing": "Syncing wallet",
+ "firstSync": "Tranzakciós lista szinkronizálása folyamatban. Ez eltarthat egy ideig...",
+ "transferSyncing": "Tárca szinkronizálása",
"transferSelectingInputs": "Bemenetek kiválasztása",
"transferRemainderAddress": "Cím létrehozása a fennmaradó egyenleg számára",
"transferSigning": "Tranzakció hitelesítése",
"transferPow": "Kiszabott munka elvégzése folyamatban",
"transferBroadcasting": "Tranzakció elküldése",
"transferComplete": "Utalás végrehajtva",
- "creatingAccount": "Creating wallet, please wait...",
- "updatingAccount": "Updating wallet, please wait...",
- "accountSyncing": "Wallet is syncing",
- "accountSyncComplete": "Wallet sync complete",
+ "creatingAccount": "Tárca létrehozása folyamatban. Kérjük, várjon...",
+ "updatingAccount": "Tárca frissítése folyamatban. Kérjük, várjon...",
+ "accountSyncing": "Tárca szinkronizása folyamatban",
+ "accountSyncComplete": "Tárca szinkronizálva",
"passwordUpdating": "Jelszó frissítése...",
"passwordSuccess": "A jelszó sikeresen frissítve",
"passwordFailed": "A jelszó frissítése sikertelen",
- "syncingAccounts": "Syncing wallets...",
+ "syncingAccounts": "Tárcák szinkronizálása...",
"exportingStronghold": "Stronghold exportálása...",
"exportingStrongholdSuccess": "Stronghold sikeresen exportálva",
"exportingStrongholdFailed": "Stronghold exportálása sikertelen",
@@ -691,13 +694,14 @@
"passwordStrength4": "Erős",
"creatingProfile": "Profil létrehozása folyamatban, kérjük várjon...",
"fundMigration": "Egyenleg migrálása",
- "accountRemoved": "This wallet is hidden. Unhide it to perform transfers.",
+ "accountRemoved": "Rejtett tárcából nem tud küldeni. Állítsa be előbb a rejtett tárcák megjelenítését.",
"receivingTo": "{account} számlára érkezik...",
"sendingFrom": "Küldés {account} számláról...",
"receivedTo": "{account} számlára érkezett",
"sentFrom": "{account} számláról elküldve",
"receiving": "Fogadás...",
- "sending": "Küldés..."
+ "sending": "Küldés...",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Network"
"dates": {
"today": "Ma",
@@ -720,7 +724,7 @@
"calcMinutesRemaining": "Hátralévő idő kiszámítása...",
"minutesRemaining": "{minutes, plural, one {1 perc van hátra} other {# perc van hátra}}",
"copiedToClipboard": "A vágólapra másolva",
- "accountsSynchronized": "Wallet synchronization complete",
+ "accountsSynchronized": "Tárca szinkronizálva",
"migratedAccountChrysalisDown": "Egyenlege a Chrysalis migráció után lesz elérhető 2021. április 28-án",
"migratedAccountChrysalisUp": "Egyenlege hamarosan elérhető lesz"
@@ -752,10 +756,10 @@
"incorrect": "Jelenlegi PIN-kódja helytelen."
"account": {
- "length": "Your wallet name can't be longer than {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}}.",
- "empty": "You must use your latest wallet before creating a new one.",
- "notEmpty": "You must transfer your balance before deleting this wallet.",
- "duplicate": "A wallet with this name already exists.",
+ "length": "A tárca neve nem lehet {length, plural, one {1 karakternél} other {# karakternél}} hosszabb.",
+ "empty": "Új tárcát csak akkor hozhat létre, ha már legalább egyszer használta a legutóbb létrehozott tárcáját.",
+ "notEmpty": "A tárca törlése előtt a teljes egyenlegét át kell küldenie egy másik tárcába.",
+ "duplicate": "Már létezik ilyen nevű tárca.",
"tilde": "A profilnév nem kezdődhet “~” karakterrel.",
"control": "A profilnév csak nyomtatható karaktereket tartalmazhat.",
"startDot": "A profilnév nem kezdődhet “.” karakterrel.",
@@ -770,8 +774,8 @@
"wrongAddressPrefix": "A címeknek {prefix} előtaggal kell kezdődniük.",
"wrongAddressFormat": "A cím nem megfelelő formátumú.",
"invalidAddress": "Helytelen cím.",
- "insufficientFunds": "This wallet has insufficient funds.",
- "noToAccount": "You have not selected a wallet to send the funds to.",
+ "insufficientFunds": "Nincs elég összeg a tárcájában a tranzakció végrehajtásához.",
+ "noToAccount": "Nem választotta ki melyik tárcájába szeretne küldeni.",
"sendingDust": "1 Mi-nél kevesebbet nem lehet elküldeni.",
"leavingDust": "Minimum 1 Mi-nek maradnia kell a számláján."
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/id.json b/packages/shared/locales/id.json
index 695027c5a8d..efb2c3741dc 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/id.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/id.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"views": {
"onboarding1": {
"title": "Kirim, Terima & Kelola IOTA Anda",
- "body": "Firefly is the official wallet software of IOTA."
+ "body": "Firefly adalah dompet resmi IOTA."
"legal": {
"title": "Kebijakan Privasi dan Persyaratan Layanan",
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"appearance": {
"title": "Tampilan",
- "body": "Choose your app theme."
+ "body": "Pilihlah tema aplikasi Anda."
"profile": {
"title": "Buat Profil",
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"secure": {
"title": "Amankan dompet Anda",
"body1": "Simpan dan cetak template PDF dokumen pemulihan.",
- "body2": "If you fill out the Recovery Kit and store it safely, you will always be able to recover your wallets."
+ "body2": "Jika Anda mengisi dokumen pemulihan dan menyimpannya dengan aman, Anda akan selalu dapat memulihkan dompet Anda."
"password": {
"title": "Buat kata sandi",
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"protect": {
"title": "Protect your wallet",
- "body1": "Set up a login PIN to make sure that only you can enter your profile.",
+ "body1": "Silahkan atur kode PIN login untuk memastikan bahwa hanya Anda yang dapat masuk ke dalam profil Anda.",
"body2": "Amankan PIN Anda!"
"pin": {
@@ -73,15 +73,15 @@
"backupWallet": {
"title": "Cadangkan ke file Stronghold",
- "body1": "Enter your password to backup your wallets to a Stronghold file. Your password is used to encrypt the backup.",
+ "body1": "Masukkan kata sandi Anda untuk mencadangkan dompet anda ke Stronghold. Kata sandi Anda digunakan untuk mengenkripsi cadangan.",
"body2": "Alasan mengapa backup digital itu penting:",
- "reason1": "Easily recover your wallets without typing in your recovery phrase",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason1": "Pulihkan dompet Anda dengan mudah tanpa harus mengetikkan frase pemulihan Anda",
+ "reason2": "Impor dompet Anda ke perangkat lain",
"reason3": "Pulihkan riwayat transaksi lengkap Anda"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
"title": "Berhasil dicadangkan",
- "body": "You have backed up your wallets to a Stronghold."
+ "body": "Anda telah mencadangkan dompet anda ke Stronghold."
"congratulations": {
"title": "Penyiapan dompet selesai",
@@ -96,19 +96,19 @@
"importSeed": "Saya memiliki seed 81 karakter",
"importSeedDescription": "Masukkan seed dan pindahkan dana ke Chrysalis",
"importMnemonic": "Saya memiliki frase pemulihan Firefly",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "Silahkan masukkan frase rahasia Anda untuk mengembalikan dompet Anda",
"importFile": "Saya memiliki cadangan file",
"importFileDescription": "Unggah file Seedvault atau Stronghold"
"importFromText": {
"seed": {
"title": "Ketik seed Anda untuk memulai migrasi",
- "body": "A seed consists of 81 characters. This is used to recover from the older Trinity app.",
+ "body": "Sebuah seed terdiri dari 81 karakter. Seed dipakai untuk pemulihan dompet lama Trinity.",
"enter": "Masukan Seed Anda"
"mnemonic": {
"title": "Masukan kata pemulihan",
- "body": "A recovery phrase is 24 words long, all lower case, with spaces between. This is used to recover existing Firefly wallets.",
+ "body": "Frasa pemulihan terdiri dari 24 kata, semuanya huruf kecil, dengan spasi di antaranya. Ini digunakan untuk memulihkan dompet Firefly yang ada.",
"enter": "Masukkan frase pemulihan rahasia Anda"
"seedDetected": "Seed dengan 81 karakter terdeteksi",
@@ -116,17 +116,17 @@
"checksum": "checksum"
"importFromFile": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets using a backup file",
- "body": "Import a backup file to restore your wallets. Backups can either be a Stronghold (.stronghold) or a Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
+ "title": "Kembalikan dompet Anda menggunakan file cadangan",
+ "body": "Impor cadangan buat memulihkan dompet. Pencadangan bisa berupa file Stronghold (.stronghold) atau SeedVault Trinity (.kdbx)."
"importBackupPassword": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets from a SeedVault or Stronghold",
+ "title": "Pulihkan dompet dari SeedVault atau Stronghold",
"body1": "Harap masukkan kata sandi cadangan.",
"body2": "Ini adalah kata sandi yang dibuat saat pencadangan pertama Anda."
"importSuccess": {
"title": "Anda telah berhasil memulihkan pencadangan",
- "body": "You can now set up your new profile.",
+ "body": "Anda sudah bisa membuat profil baru.",
"seedvaultTitle": "Berhasil diimpor",
"seedvaultBody": "Kata sandi Anda benar, sekarang Anda dapat melanjutkan.",
"strongholdTitle": "Berhasil diimpor",
@@ -147,10 +147,11 @@
"restoringWallet": "Mengembalikan dompet...",
"findingBalance": "Menemukan keseimbangan...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Kata sandi SeedVault salah.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "Tidak ada data yang bisa ditemukan di SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Menandatangani bundel",
"broadcastingBundle": "Paket penyiaran",
"miningBundle": "Bundel penambangan",
- "problemRestoringWallet": "There was a network error restoring your wallet. Please try again.",
+ "problemRestoringWallet": "Terjadi masalah jaringan saat memulihkan dompet Anda. Silahkan coba lagi.",
"minimumMigrationAmountSpentAddresses": "Jumlah migrasi minimum untuk setiap alamat yang dibelanjakan adalah 1 Mi. Periksa lagi apakah saldo Anda terlihat tidak benar.",
"tooManyAddressesToMigrate": "Anda memiliki terlalu banyak alamat dengan saldo rendah untuk dimigrasi. Periksa lagi apakah saldo Anda terlihat tidak benar.",
"cannotMigrateAllYourFunds": "Kami tidak dapat memindahkan semua dana Anda karena beberapa alamat nilainya terlalu rendah. Anda tetap dapat melanjutkan. {value} akan hilang.",
@@ -194,33 +195,33 @@
"balance": {
"title": "Saldo Anda",
"body": "Pastikan saldo Anda benar sebelum melanjutkan. Anda dapat memeriksa lagi jika ada yang tidak beres.",
- "error": "The minimum migration amount is 1 Mi. Check again if your balance doesn't look right.",
- "zeroBalance": "Try checking again. If you still can't find your balance you might have entered your seed incorrectly."
+ "error": "Jumlah migrasi minimum adalah 1 Mi. Periksa lagi apabila saldo Anda terlihat tidak benar.",
+ "zeroBalance": "Cobalah periksa lagi. Jika Anda masih tidak bisa menemukan saldo Anda mungkin Anda salah memasukkan seed Anda."
"settings": {
"settings": "Pengaturan",
"generalSettings": {
"title": "Pengaturan Umum",
- "description": "Configure your app's appearance and other general settings"
+ "description": "Atur penampilan aplikasi Anda dan pengaturan umum lainnya"
"security": {
"title": "Keamanan",
- "description": "Change your password and adjust security-related settings"
+ "description": "Ganti kata sandi Anda dan atur pengaturan terkait keamanan"
"advancedSettings": {
"title": "Pengaturan Lanjutan",
- "description": "Tools and manual settings for technical users"
+ "description": "Alat dan pengaturan manual untuk pengguna teknis"
"helpAndInfo": {
"title": "Bantuan dan Informasi",
- "description": "Find the answer to a question or get help with an issue"
+ "description": "Temukan jawaban dari pertanyaan atau cari bantuan"
"profile": {
"title": "Profil",
- "description": "Change your profile name or set an avatar"
+ "description": "Ubahlah nama profil Anda atau mengatur avatar"
"sync": {
- "title": "Sync wallets",
+ "title": "Sinkronisasi dompet",
"description": ""
"theme": {
@@ -233,7 +234,7 @@
"currency": {
"title": "Mata uang",
- "description": "Adjusts balance conversion and updates chart options"
+ "description": "Menyesuaikan konversi saldo dan memperbarui opsi chart"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifikasi",
@@ -245,7 +246,9 @@
"appLock": {
"title": "Automatic Lock",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hour} other {# hours}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Ubah kata sandinya",
@@ -477,7 +480,7 @@
"proceed": "I understand the risk"
"snapshot": {
- "title": "Ongoing network upgrade",
+ "title": "Sedang meningkatkan jaringan",
"body": "The Chrysalis network upgrade has begun.",
"bodyMigration": "Migration is disabled until it is complete.",
"bodyFirefly": "Firefly is disabled until it is complete. Token migration will still be possible afterwards."
@@ -697,7 +700,8 @@
"receivedTo": "Diterima ke {account}",
"sentFrom": "Dikirim dari {account}",
"receiving": "Menerima",
- "sending": "Mengirim"
+ "sending": "Mengirim",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Network"
"dates": {
"today": "Hari ini",
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/it.json b/packages/shared/locales/it.json
index eff29174642..07e4b05c705 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/it.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/it.json
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"secure": {
"title": "Proteggi il tuo wallet",
"body1": "Salva e stampa il modello PDF Recovery Kit.",
- "body2": "If you fill out the Recovery Kit and store it safely, you will always be able to recover your wallets."
+ "body2": "Se si compila il Recovery kit e lo si conserva in modo sicuro, si sarà sempre in grado di recuperare i wallet."
"password": {
"title": "Scegli una password",
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"protect": {
"title": "Protect your wallet",
- "body1": "Set up a login PIN to make sure that only you can enter your profile.",
+ "body1": "Imposta un PIN di accesso per assicurarti che solo tu possa accedere al tuo profilo.",
"body2": "Mantieni il tuo PIN al sicuro!"
"pin": {
@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@
"backupWallet": {
"title": "Esegui il backup di un file Stronghold",
- "body1": "Enter your password to backup your wallets to a Stronghold file. Your password is used to encrypt the backup.",
+ "body1": "Inserisci la tua password per eseguire il backup del tuo wallet in un file Stronghold. La tua password viene utilizzata per crittografare il backup.",
"body2": "Motivi per cui i backup digitali sono importanti:",
- "reason1": "Easily recover your wallets without typing in your recovery phrase",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason1": "Recupera facilmente i tuoi wallet senza digitare la tua frase di recupero",
+ "reason2": "Importa i tuoi wallet su altri dispositivi",
"reason3": "Recupera la cronologia completa delle transazioni"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
@@ -96,19 +96,19 @@
"importSeed": "Ho un seed di 81 caratteri",
"importSeedDescription": "Inserisci un seed e migra fondi in Crisalide",
"importMnemonic": "Ho una frase di recupero di Firefly",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "Inserisci la tua frase segreta per recuperare i tuoi wallet",
"importFile": "Ho un file di backup",
"importFileDescription": "Carica un file Seedvault o Stronghold"
"importFromText": {
"seed": {
"title": "Digita il tuo seed per iniziare la migrazione",
- "body": "A seed consists of 81 characters. This is used to recover from the older Trinity app.",
+ "body": "Un seed è composto da 81 caratteri. Questo è usato per recuperare dati da un portafoglio Trinity.",
"enter": "Inserisci il tuo seed"
"mnemonic": {
"title": "Digita la frase di recupero",
- "body": "A recovery phrase is 24 words long, all lower case, with spaces between. This is used to recover existing Firefly wallets.",
+ "body": "Una frase di recupero è lunga 24 parole, tutte minuscole, con spazi. Viene utilizzata per recuperare un wallet Firefly.",
"enter": "Inserisci la tua frase segreta di recupero"
"seedDetected": "Rilevato seed di 81 caratteri",
@@ -116,17 +116,17 @@
"checksum": "Codice di verifica"
"importFromFile": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets using a backup file",
- "body": "Import a backup file to restore your wallets. Backups can either be a Stronghold (.stronghold) or a Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
+ "title": "Ripristina il tuo wallet da un file di backup",
+ "body": "Importa un file di backup per ripristinare il tuo wallet. I backup possono essere o una Stronghold (.stronghold) od un Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
"importBackupPassword": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets from a SeedVault or Stronghold",
+ "title": "Ripristina il tuo wallet da un SeedVault o Stronghold",
"body1": "Per favore inserisci la tua password di backup.",
"body2": "Questa è la password impostata quando hai creato per la prima volta il backup."
"importSuccess": {
"title": "Hai recuperato con successo il backup",
- "body": "You can now set up your new profile.",
+ "body": "Ora puoi configurare il tuo nuovo profilo.",
"seedvaultTitle": "Importazione riuscita",
"seedvaultBody": "La password è corretta, ora puoi continuare.",
"strongholdTitle": "Importazione riuscita",
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
"restoringWallet": "Ripristino del wallet...",
"findingBalance": "Ricerca del saldo...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Password del SeedVault non corretta.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "Non è stato possibile trovare dati nel SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Firma del bundle",
"broadcastingBundle": "Trasmissione del bundle",
"miningBundle": "Mining del bundle",
@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@
"settings": "Impostazioni",
"generalSettings": {
"title": "Impostazioni Generali",
- "description": "Configure your app's appearance and other general settings"
+ "description": "Configura l'aspetto della tua app ed altre impostazioni generali"
"security": {
"title": "Sicurezza",
@@ -245,7 +246,9 @@
"appLock": {
"title": "Blocco Automatico",
- "description": "Tempo di inattività prima del blocco dei wallet e disconnessione"
+ "description": "Tempo di inattività prima del blocco dei wallet e disconnessione",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minuto} other {# minuti}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 ora} other {# ore}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Cambia password",
@@ -461,8 +464,8 @@
"balanceFinder": {
"title": "Rivaluta il saldo",
- "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
+ "body": "Eseguire una ricerca più esaustiva degli indirizzi per trovare i fondi mancanti. Potrebbe volerci un po' di tempo.",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "Saldo totale",
"typePassword": "Digita la password per consentire la ricerca."
"riskFunds": {
@@ -670,13 +673,13 @@
"transferBroadcasting": "Trasmissione della transazione",
"transferComplete": "Trasferimento completato",
"creatingAccount": "Creazione del wallet, attendere prego...",
- "updatingAccount": "Updating wallet, please wait...",
- "accountSyncing": "Wallet is syncing",
- "accountSyncComplete": "Wallet sync complete",
+ "updatingAccount": "Wallet in aggiornamento, attendere prego...",
+ "accountSyncing": "Sincronizzazione wallet",
+ "accountSyncComplete": "Sincronizzazione wallet completata",
"passwordUpdating": "Aggiornamento password...",
"passwordSuccess": "Password aggiornata con successo",
"passwordFailed": "Aggiornamento password non riuscito",
- "syncingAccounts": "Syncing wallets...",
+ "syncingAccounts": "Sincronizzazione wallet...",
"exportingStronghold": "Esportazione stronghold...",
"exportingStrongholdSuccess": "Stronghold esportato con successo",
"exportingStrongholdFailed": "Esportazione di Stroghold fallita",
@@ -691,13 +694,14 @@
"passwordStrength4": "Sicura",
"creatingProfile": "Creazione profilo, attendere prego...",
"fundMigration": "Fondi dei migrati",
- "accountRemoved": "This wallet is hidden. Unhide it to perform transfers.",
+ "accountRemoved": "Questo wallet è nascosto. Mostralo per eseguire dei trasferimenti.",
"receivingTo": "Ricezione in {account}",
"sendingFrom": "Invio da {account}",
"receivedTo": "Ricevuto in {account}",
"sentFrom": "Inviato da {account}",
"receiving": "Ricezione",
- "sending": "Invio"
+ "sending": "Invio",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Rete Legacy"
"dates": {
"today": "Oggi",
@@ -720,7 +724,7 @@
"calcMinutesRemaining": "Calcolo dei minuti rimanenti...",
"minutesRemaining": "{minutes, plural, one {1 minuto rimanente} other {# minuti rimanenti}}",
"copiedToClipboard": "Copiato negli appunti",
- "accountsSynchronized": "Wallet synchronization complete",
+ "accountsSynchronized": "Sincronizzazione wallet completata",
"migratedAccountChrysalisDown": "I tuoi fondi saranno disponibili su rete Chrysalis dopo il 28 Aprile",
"migratedAccountChrysalisUp": "I tuoi fondi saranno disponibili a breve"
@@ -752,10 +756,10 @@
"incorrect": "Il tuo PIN attuale non è corretto."
"account": {
- "length": "Your wallet name can't be longer than {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}}.",
- "empty": "You must use your latest wallet before creating a new one.",
- "notEmpty": "You must transfer your balance before deleting this wallet.",
- "duplicate": "A wallet with this name already exists.",
+ "length": "Il nome del wallet non può essere più lungo di {length, plural, one {1 carattere} other {# caratteri}}.",
+ "empty": "Devi usare il tuo ultimo wallet prima di crearne uno nuovo.",
+ "notEmpty": "Devi trasferire il tuo saldo prima di eliminare questo wallet.",
+ "duplicate": "Un wallet con questo nome esiste già.",
"tilde": "Un nome del profilo non può iniziare con il carattere '~'.",
"control": "Un nome del profilo non può contenere un carattere di controllo.",
"startDot": "Un nome del profilo non può iniziare con il carattere '.'",
@@ -770,8 +774,8 @@
"wrongAddressPrefix": "Gli indirizzi iniziano con il prefisso {prefix}.",
"wrongAddressFormat": "L'indirizzo non è formattato correttamente.",
"invalidAddress": "L'indirizzo non è valido.",
- "insufficientFunds": "This wallet has insufficient funds.",
- "noToAccount": "You have not selected a wallet to send the funds to.",
+ "insufficientFunds": "Questo wallet non ha fondi sufficienti.",
+ "noToAccount": "Non hai selezionato un wallet a cui inviare i fondi.",
"sendingDust": "Non puoi inviare meno di 1 Mi.",
"leavingDust": "Non puoi lasciare meno di 1 Mi sul tuo indirizzo."
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/ja.json b/packages/shared/locales/ja.json
index 2dcc4009f9a..aca8388e2d8 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/ja.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/ja.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"views": {
"onboarding1": {
"title": "IOTAトークンの送金、受取、管理",
- "body": "Firefly is the official wallet software of IOTA."
+ "body": "FireflyはIOTAの公式ウォレットソフトウェアです。"
"legal": {
"title": "プライバシーポリシーと利用規約",
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"appearance": {
"title": "テーマ",
- "body": "Choose your app theme."
+ "body": "アプリのテーマを選択してください。"
"profile": {
"title": "プロファイルを作成",
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"secure": {
"title": "ウォレットの保護",
"body1": "Recovery Kit PDF テンプレートを保存し、印刷します。",
- "body2": "If you fill out the Recovery Kit and store it safely, you will always be able to recover your wallets."
+ "body2": "Recovery Kit を記入して安全に保管すると、いつでもウォレットを復元できます。"
"password": {
"title": "パスワードを作成します",
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"protect": {
"title": "Protect your wallet",
- "body1": "Set up a login PIN to make sure that only you can enter your profile.",
+ "body1": "ログインPINを設定して、あなただけがウォレットに入ることができるようにします。",
"body2": "PINを安全に保管してください!"
"pin": {
@@ -73,15 +73,15 @@
"backupWallet": {
"title": "Stronghold ファイルにバックアップする",
- "body1": "Enter your password to backup your wallets to a Stronghold file. Your password is used to encrypt the backup.",
+ "body1": "ウォレットを Stronghold ファイルにバックアップするためにパスワードを入力してください。パスワードはバックアップの暗号化に使用されます。",
"body2": "デジタルバックアップが重要な理由:",
- "reason1": "Easily recover your wallets without typing in your recovery phrase",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason1": "復元フレーズを入力せずにウォレットを簡単に復元できます",
+ "reason2": "他のデバイスでウォレットをインポートする",
"reason3": "完全な取引履歴を回復する"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
"title": "バックアップが完了しました",
- "body": "You have backed up your wallets to a Stronghold."
+ "body": "ウォレットを Stronghold にバックアップしました"
"congratulations": {
"title": "ウォレットのセットアップが完了しました",
@@ -96,19 +96,19 @@
"importSeed": "私は81文字のシードを持っています",
"importSeedDescription": "シードを入力してChrysalisに資金を移行する",
"importMnemonic": "Firefly の復元フレーズがあります",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "ウォレットを復元するために復元フレーズを入力してください",
"importFile": "ファイルのバックアップがあります",
"importFileDescription": "SeedvaultまたはStrongholdをアップロード"
"importFromText": {
"seed": {
"title": "シードを入力して移行を開始します",
- "body": "A seed consists of 81 characters. This is used to recover from the older Trinity app.",
+ "body": "シードは81文字で構成されています。これは以前のTrinityアプリから復元するために使用されます。",
"enter": "シードを入力してください"
"mnemonic": {
"title": "復元フレーズを入力してください",
- "body": "A recovery phrase is 24 words long, all lower case, with spaces between. This is used to recover existing Firefly wallets.",
+ "body": "復元フレーズは小文字24単語で構成され、単語と単語の間にはスペースを含みます。これは既存のFireflyウォレットを復元するために使用されます。",
"enter": "秘密の復元フレーズを入力してください"
"seedDetected": "81文字のシードを検出しました",
@@ -116,17 +116,17 @@
"checksum": "Checksum"
"importFromFile": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets using a backup file",
- "body": "Import a backup file to restore your wallets. Backups can either be a Stronghold (.stronghold) or a Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
+ "title": "バックアップファイルを使用してウォレットを復元する",
+ "body": "ウォレットを復元するためにバックアップファイルをインポートします。バックアップは、Stronghold(.stronghold)またはTrinity SeedVault(.kdbx)のいずれかにすることができます。"
"importBackupPassword": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets from a SeedVault or Stronghold",
+ "title": "SeedVaultまたはStrongholdからウォレットを復元する",
"body1": "パスワードを入力してください。",
"body2": "このパスワードは、バックアップを最初に作成したときに設定したものです。"
"importSuccess": {
"title": "バックアップを正常に復元しました",
- "body": "You can now set up your new profile.",
+ "body": "新しいプロフィールを設定できます。",
"seedvaultTitle": "インポートに成功しました。",
"seedvaultBody": "パスワードが正しいです。続行できます。",
"strongholdTitle": "インポートに成功しました。",
@@ -147,32 +147,33 @@
"restoringWallet": "ウォレットを復元しています...",
"findingBalance": "残高を検索しています...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "SeedVault のパスワードが正しくありません。",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "No data could be found in the SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "バンドル署名",
"broadcastingBundle": "ブロードキャストバンドル",
"miningBundle": "マイニングバンドル",
- "problemRestoringWallet": "There was a network error restoring your wallet. Please try again.",
+ "problemRestoringWallet": "ウォレットの復元中にネットワークエラーが発生しました。もう一度やり直してください。",
"minimumMigrationAmountSpentAddresses": "送金先アドレスごとの最小移行額は1Miです。残高が正しくない場合は再度確認してください。",
"tooManyAddressesToMigrate": "残高が少ないアドレスが多すぎます。残高が正しくない場合は、もう一度確認してください。",
- "cannotMigrateAllYourFunds": "We cannot migrate all of your funds because some addresses are too low in value. You can proceed anyway. {value} will be lost.",
- "error": "There was an error migrating your funds. Please try again."
+ "cannotMigrateAllYourFunds": "いくつかのアドレスの価値が低すぎるため、すべての資金を移行することはできません。続行できますが、 {value} は失われます。",
+ "error": "資金の移行中にエラーが発生しました。もう一度やり直してください。"
"bundleMiningWarning": {
"title": "警告",
- "body1": "You have funds on one or more spent addresses.",
- "body2": "We recommend you run an automated process to help secure and transfer these funds safely.",
- "body3": "If you close the app you will need to restart the whole migration.",
+ "body1": "1つ以上の使用済みアドレスに資金があります。",
+ "body2": "これらの資金を安全に送金するために自動化されたプロセスを実行することをお勧めします。",
+ "body3": "アプリを閉じると、移行全体を再起動する必要があります。",
"learn": "使用済みアドレスについて詳しく見る"
"secureSpentAddresses": {
- "title": "Secure spent addresses",
- "body1": "You have funds detected on {number, plural, one {# spent address} other {# spent addresses}}.",
- "body2": "We recommend you run an automated process to help secure and transfer your funds safely.",
- "error": "You can’t migrate spent addresses with less than 1 Mi"
+ "title": "使用済みアドレスを保護しています",
+ "body1": "{number, plural, one {# 使用済みアドレス} other {# 使用済みアドレス}}で資金が検出されました。",
+ "body2": "お客様の資金を安全に送金するために、自動化されたプロセスを実行することをお勧めします。",
+ "error": "1 Mi 未満の使用済みアドレスは移行できません"
"securityCheckCompleted": {
"title": "セキュリティチェックが完了しました",
- "body1": "We have calculated the security risk level. Running this process again may lower your risk level.",
- "body2": "When you are happy with the risk level(s) press continue.",
+ "body1": "セキュリティリスクレベルを計算しました。 このプロセスを再度実行すると、リスクレベルが下がる可能性があります。",
+ "body2": "リスクレベルに満足していれば、続行を押してください。",
"rerun": "選択したアドレスの再実行プロセス",
"continueMigration": "移行を続ける"
@@ -193,15 +194,15 @@
"balance": {
"title": "残高",
- "body": "Make sure your balance is correct before continuing. You can check again if things don't look correct.",
- "error": "The minimum migration amount is 1 Mi. Check again if your balance doesn't look right.",
- "zeroBalance": "Try checking again. If you still can't find your balance you might have entered your seed incorrectly."
+ "body": "続行する前に、残高が正しいことを確認してください。正しくない場合は、もう一度確認できます。",
+ "error": "最小移行金額は1Miです。残高が正しくない場合は、もう一度確認してください。",
+ "zeroBalance": "もう一度確認してください。 それでも残高が見つからない場合は、シードを間違って入力した可能性があります。"
"settings": {
"settings": "設定",
"generalSettings": {
"title": "全般設定",
- "description": "Configure your app's appearance and other general settings"
+ "description": "アプリのテーマ やその他の一般的な設定をします"
"security": {
"title": "セキュリティ",
@@ -220,7 +221,7 @@
"description": "プロファイル名を変更するか、アバターを設定します"
"sync": {
- "title": "Sync wallets",
+ "title": "ウォレットを同期",
"description": ""
"theme": {
@@ -233,7 +234,7 @@
"currency": {
"title": "通貨:",
- "description": "Adjusts balance conversion and updates chart options"
+ "description": "残高変換を調整し、チャートオプションを更新します"
"notifications": {
"title": "通知の設定",
@@ -241,15 +242,17 @@
"exportStronghold": {
"title": "バックアップのエクスポート",
- "description": "Export to a Stronghold file - a complete encrypted backup of your wallets and latest transaction history."
+ "description": "Stronghold ファイルへのエクスポート - ウォレットと最新の取引履歴の暗号化されたバックアップです。"
"appLock": {
"title": "自動ロック",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "description": "ウォレットがロックされ、ログアウトされるまでの非アクティブ時間",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hour} other {# hours}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "パスワードの変更",
- "description": "Your password is used to secure your wallets. You must use a strong password to protect your funds."
+ "description": "パスワードはウォレットを保護するために使用されます。資金を保護するためには強力なパスワードを使用する必要があります。"
"changePincode": {
"title": "PINコードを変更",
@@ -264,28 +267,28 @@
"description": "Perform an extended search of your addresses for tokens."
"hiddenAccounts": {
- "title": "Hidden wallets",
- "description": "Selecting this options will show wallets that were previously hidden."
+ "title": "非表示のウォレット",
+ "description": "このオプションを選択すると、以前に非表示になっていたウォレットが表示されます。"
"deleteProfile": {
"title": "プロファイルを削除",
- "description": "Deletes your entire profile, wallets and transaction history. Make sure you have a backup."
+ "description": "プロファイル、ウォレット、取引履歴全体を削除します。バックアップがあることを確認してください。"
"deepLinks": {
"title": "ディープ リンク",
- "description": "Automatically fill transaction data in Firefly upon clicking an iota:// link"
+ "description": "iota://リンクをクリックするとFireflyの取引履歴が自動的に入力されます"
"developerMode": {
"title": "開発者モード",
- "description": "Connect to testnets and other developer features"
+ "description": "テストネットやその他の開発者向け機能に接続します"
"nodeSettings": {
"title": "ノードの設定",
- "description": "Select Manual to configure the node settings and connect to your own node"
+ "description": "「手動」を選択してノード設定を構成し、あなた自身 のノードに接続します"
"configureNodeList": {
"title": "ノードを選択",
- "description": "Manage the list of IOTA network nodes you connect to.",
+ "description": "接続先のIOTAネットワークノードのリストを管理します。",
"primaryNode": "プライマリノード",
"excludeNode": "ノードを除外する",
"includeNode": "ノードを含める",
@@ -293,7 +296,7 @@
"setAsPrimary": "プライマリとして設定",
"removeNode": "ノードを削除",
"includeOfficialNodeList": "公式ノードリストを含める",
- "noNodes": "There are no nodes, automatic selection will be used instead."
+ "noNodes": "ノードがありません。自動選択が代わりに使用されます。"
"proofOfWork": {
"title": "プルーフ・オブ・ワーク",
@@ -354,12 +357,12 @@
"strongholdStatus": {
"title": "ウォレットのステータス",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "unlocked": "Unlocked"
+ "locked": "ロック中",
+ "unlocked": "ロック解除"
"strongholdBackup": {
"title": "ウォレットのバックアップ",
- "weeksAgo": "{weeks, plural, one {# week} other {# weeks}} ago"
+ "weeksAgo": "{weeks, plural, one {# 週間} other {# 週間}} 前"
"network": {
@@ -379,8 +382,8 @@
"popups": {
"password": {
"title": "パスワードが必要です",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your password to unlock your wallets",
- "backup": "Please enter your password to export a backup"
+ "subtitle": "ウォレットのロックを解除するにはパスワードを入力してください",
+ "backup": "バックアップをエクスポートするにはパスワードを入力してください"
"qr": {
"title": "あなた のQR コード"
@@ -388,33 +391,33 @@
"version": {
"title": "現在のバージョン: {version}",
"upToDateTitle": "Firefly は最新です",
- "upToDateDescription": "You are running the latest and safest version of Firefly.",
+ "upToDateDescription": "あなたはFireflyの最新かつ安全なバージョンを実行しています。",
"updateAvailable": "Firefly の更新が利用可能",
"updateDetails": "バージョン {version} - {date}",
- "noAutoUpdate": "Auto-update is disabled in this Windows version, please go to to download the update."
+ "noAutoUpdate": "この Windows バージョンでは自動更新は無効になっています。 にアクセスして更新をダウンロードしてください。"
"backup": {
"title": "前回のバックアップ: {date}",
"lastBackup": "最後に {date} をバックアップしました",
- "backupDescription": "It is important to back up regularly to ensure you have a copy of your wallets and transaction history.",
- "backupWarning": "If you lose your backup and recovery phrase you will lose access to your funds.",
+ "backupDescription": "ウォレットとトランザクション履歴のコピーがあることを確認するために、定期的にバックアップすることが重要です。",
+ "backupWarning": "バックアップと復元フレーズを失うと、資金へのアクセスが失われます。",
"notBackedUp": "バックアップされていません",
- "notBackedUpDescription": "You have not backed up your wallets",
+ "notBackedUpDescription": "ウォレットをバックアップしていません",
"saving": "保存中..."
"deleteAccount": {
"title": "{name} を削除しますか?",
- "body": "This wallet has no transaction history. It can safely be deleted.",
+ "body": "このウォレットには取引履歴はありません。安全に削除できます。",
"typePassword": "ウォレットパスワードを入力して確認してください。",
- "hideAccount": "Delete wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "ウォレットを削除",
"errorTitle": "{name} を削除できません",
"errorBody1": "You cannot delete this wallet, you must have at least one."
"hideAccount": {
"title": "{name} を非表示にしますか?",
- "body": "You can find this wallet later by enabling \"Show hidden wallets\" in Advanced Settings.",
+ "body": "詳細設定で「非表示のウォレットを表示」を有効にすると、後でこのウォレットを見つけることができます。",
"typePassword": "ウォレットパスワードを入力して確認してください。",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "ウォレットの非表示",
"errorTitle": "{name} を非表示にできません",
"errorBody1": "To hide a wallet it must have 0 balance.",
"errorBody2": "You currently have {balance} remaining on this wallet. Please move these funds to a different wallet and try again.",
@@ -462,7 +465,7 @@
"balanceFinder": {
"title": "Balance finder",
"body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "合計残高",
"typePassword": "検索できるようにパスワードを入力してください。"
"riskFunds": {
@@ -488,8 +491,8 @@
"outgoingMi": "{value} 出金",
"portoflio": "ポートフォリオ",
"token": "トークン",
- "accountValue": "Wallet Value",
- "accountActivity": "Wallet Activity",
+ "accountValue": "ウォレットの価値",
+ "accountActivity": "ウォレットのアクティビティ",
"timeframe1Hour": "1時間",
"timeframe1Day": "1日",
"timeframe1Week": "1 週間",
@@ -501,7 +504,7 @@
"cancel": "キャンセル",
"close": "閉じる",
"dismiss": "拒否する",
- "proceedAnyway": "Proceed anyway",
+ "proceedAnyway": "とにかく続けます",
"save": "保存",
"importSeed": "既存のシードをインポート",
"restoreWallet": "ウォレットの移行または復元",
@@ -543,11 +546,11 @@
"updateFirefly": "Firefly を更新",
"restartNow": "今すぐ再起動",
"saveBackup": "Stronghold のバックアップを保存",
- "customizeAcount": "Customise wallet",
+ "customizeAcount": "ウォレットをカスタマイズ",
"viewAddressHistory": "アドレス履歴を表示",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
- "showAccount": "Unhide wallet",
- "deleteAccount": "Delete wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "ウォレットの非表示",
+ "showAccount": "ウォレットの表示",
+ "deleteAccount": "ウォレットを削除",
"max": "Max",
"addNode": "ノードの追加",
"updateNode": "ノードを更新",
@@ -563,7 +566,7 @@
"copy": "コピー",
"paste": "貼り付け",
"selectAll": "すべてを選択",
- "addAccount": "Add Wallet",
+ "addAccount": "ウォレットを追加",
"checkForUpdates": "アップデートの確認",
"reportAnIssue": "問題を報告",
"clear": "消去",
@@ -578,13 +581,13 @@
"readDocumentation": "ドキュメントを読む",
"visitFaq": "よくある質問を見る",
"viewStatus": "ステータスを表示",
- "showHiddenAccounts": "Show hidden wallets",
+ "showHiddenAccounts": "非表示ウォレットを表示",
"confirm": "確定",
"findBalances": "Find balances",
"searchBalances": "残高を検索",
"searchAgain": "再検索",
"searching": "検索しています...",
- "closeFirefly": "Close Firefly"
+ "closeFirefly": "Firefly を閉じる"
"general": {
"password": "パスワード",
@@ -602,10 +605,10 @@
"sendFunds": "資金を送金",
"sendToAddress": "アドレスへ送金する",
"scanQrOrPaste": "QRコードをスキャンするかアドレスを貼り付けてください",
- "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Move funds between wallets",
+ "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "ウォレット間で資金を移動する",
"sendTokensToAddress": "トークンをアドレスに送金",
- "manageAccount": "Manage Wallet",
- "customizeAcount": "Customize your wallet",
+ "manageAccount": "ウォレットの管理",
+ "customizeAcount": "ウォレットをカスタマイズする",
"account": "ウォレット",
"sendingToAddress": "アドレスへ送金中",
"amount": "合計",
@@ -627,25 +630,25 @@
"lightTheme": "ライトテーマ",
"darkTheme": "ダークテーマ",
"balance": "残高",
- "accountBalance": "Wallet Balance",
+ "accountBalance": "ウォレットの残高",
"incoming": "入金",
"outgoing": "出金",
"totalIn": "Total in",
"totalOut": "Total out",
- "accounts": "Wallets",
- "myAccounts": "My Wallets",
+ "accounts": "ウォレット",
+ "myAccounts": "マイウォレット",
"automaticNodeSelection": "ノードを自動選択",
"manualNodeSelection": "ノードを手動選択",
"profiles": "プロフィール",
"developerProfile": "開発者プロフィール",
"developerProfileDescription": "テストネットに接続することができます",
"dev": "開発者",
- "createAccount": "Create a Wallet",
- "accountName": "Wallet name",
+ "createAccount": "ウォレットを作成",
+ "accountName": "ウォレット名",
"latestTransactions": "最新の取引",
"transactions": "取引履歴",
"security": "セキュリティ",
- "accountAddress": "Wallet Address",
+ "accountAddress": "ウォレットアドレス",
"nodes": "ノード",
"wallet": "ウォレット",
"help": "ヘルプ",
@@ -657,26 +660,26 @@
"status": "ステータス",
"confirmed": "承認済み",
"pending": "保留中",
- "noAccounts": "You have no wallets, please create one.",
+ "noAccounts": "ウォレットがありません。ウォレットを作成してください。",
"loadingAccounts": "読み込んでいます。お待ちください...",
"addProfile": "プロファイルを追加",
"noRecentHistory": "最近の履歴はありません",
- "firstSync": "Syncing history, this may take a while...",
- "transferSyncing": "Syncing wallet",
+ "firstSync": "履歴を同期中、しばらく時間がかかることがあります...",
+ "transferSyncing": "ウォレットを同期中",
"transferSelectingInputs": "Selecting inputs",
"transferRemainderAddress": "Generating remainder deposit address",
"transferSigning": "Signing the transaction",
"transferPow": "PoW(プルーフ・オブ・ワーク)の実行",
"transferBroadcasting": "Broadcasting transaction",
"transferComplete": "転送完了",
- "creatingAccount": "Creating wallet, please wait...",
- "updatingAccount": "Updating wallet, please wait...",
- "accountSyncing": "Wallet is syncing",
- "accountSyncComplete": "Wallet sync complete",
+ "creatingAccount": "ウォレットを作成しています。しばらくお待ちください...",
+ "updatingAccount": "ウォレットを更新しています。お待ちください...",
+ "accountSyncing": "ウォレットを同期しています",
+ "accountSyncComplete": "ウォレット同期が完了しました",
"passwordUpdating": "パスワードを更新しています...",
"passwordSuccess": "パスワードを更新しました",
"passwordFailed": "パスワードの更新に失敗しました",
- "syncingAccounts": "Syncing wallets...",
+ "syncingAccounts": "ウォレットを同期中...",
"exportingStronghold": "Strongholdのエクスポート中...",
"exportingStrongholdSuccess": "Strongholdのエクスポートに成功しました",
"exportingStrongholdFailed": "Strongholdのエクスポートに失敗しました",
@@ -690,14 +693,15 @@
"passwordStrength3": "普通",
"passwordStrength4": "とても強い",
"creatingProfile": "プロファイルを作成しています。お待ちください...",
- "fundMigration": "Fund migration",
- "accountRemoved": "This wallet is hidden. Unhide it to perform transfers.",
+ "fundMigration": "資金の移行",
+ "accountRemoved": "このウォレットは非表示になっています。表示にすると転送ができます。",
"receivingTo": "Receiving to {account}",
- "sendingFrom": "Sending from {account}",
+ "sendingFrom": "{account} から送金中",
"receivedTo": "Received to {account}",
"sentFrom": "Sent from {account}",
"receiving": "Receiving",
- "sending": "Sending"
+ "sending": "送金中",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Network"
"dates": {
"today": "今日",
@@ -720,8 +724,8 @@
"calcMinutesRemaining": "残り時間を計算しています...",
"minutesRemaining": "{minutes, plural, one { 残り1分 } other {# 残り分 }}",
"copiedToClipboard": "クリップボードにコピーしました",
- "accountsSynchronized": "Wallet synchronization complete",
- "migratedAccountChrysalisDown": "Your funds will become available after Chrysalis on 28th April",
+ "accountsSynchronized": "ウォレット同期が完了しました",
+ "migratedAccountChrysalisDown": "あなたの資金は4月28日に Chrysalis の後に利用可能になります",
"migratedAccountChrysalisUp": "資金はまもなく利用可能になります"
"error": {
@@ -740,7 +744,7 @@
"sequence": "Sequences of characters are easy to guess.",
"years": "Recent years are easy to guess.",
"dates": "Dates are easy to guess.",
- "common": "This is a very common password.",
+ "common": "これは非常によく使われているパスワードです。",
"similar": "This is similar to a common password.",
"word": "A single word is easy to guess.",
"incorrect": "パスワードが正しくありません。",
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/ko.json b/packages/shared/locales/ko.json
index b2a524a06b0..19b609ab6f7 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/ko.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/ko.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"views": {
"onboarding1": {
"title": "IOTA 보내기, 받기, 관리하기",
- "body": "Firefly is the official wallet software of IOTA."
+ "body": "Firefly는 IOTA 공식 지갑 소프트웨어입니다."
"legal": {
"title": "개인정보 보호 정책 & 이용 약관",
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"appearance": {
"title": "모양새",
- "body": "Choose your app theme."
+ "body": "앱 테마를 선택해주세요."
"profile": {
"title": "프로필 생성하기",
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"secure": {
"title": "지갑을 안전하게 보관하기",
"body1": "복원 양식 PDF 파일을 받아 인쇄하세요.",
- "body2": "If you fill out the Recovery Kit and store it safely, you will always be able to recover your wallets."
+ "body2": "복구 키트를 작성하고 안전하게 보관하면 항상 지갑을 복구 할 수 있습니다."
"password": {
"title": "비밀번호 만들기",
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"protect": {
"title": "Protect your wallet",
- "body1": "Set up a login PIN to make sure that only you can enter your profile.",
+ "body1": "본인 만 프로필을 입력 할 수 있도록 로그인 PIN을 설정합니다.",
"body2": "PIN을 안전하게 보관하세요!"
"pin": {
@@ -73,15 +73,15 @@
"backupWallet": {
"title": "Stronghold 파일로 백업",
- "body1": "Enter your password to backup your wallets to a Stronghold file. Your password is used to encrypt the backup.",
+ "body1": "지갑을 Stronghold 파일로 백업하려면 비밀번호를 입력하십시오. 비밀번호는 백업을 암호화하는 데 사용됩니다.",
"body2": "아래와 같은 이유 때문에 전자 백업도 중요합니다.",
- "reason1": "Easily recover your wallets without typing in your recovery phrase",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason1": "복원 문구를 입력하지 않고 지갑을 쉽게 복구할 수 있습니다.",
+ "reason2": "다른 기기에서 지갑 가져 오기",
"reason3": "전체 거래 내역을 복구할 수 있습니다."
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
"title": "백업 성공",
- "body": "You have backed up your wallets to a Stronghold."
+ "body": "Stronghold로 지갑을 백업하였습니다."
"congratulations": {
"title": "지갑 설정 완료",
@@ -96,19 +96,19 @@
"importSeed": "81 자 시드가 있습니다",
"importSeedDescription": "시드를 입력하고 자금을 Chrysalis로 마이그레이션",
"importMnemonic": "Firefly 복원 문구가 있습니다",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "지갑을 복구하려면 복원 문구를 입력해주세요",
"importFile": "파일 백업이 있습니다",
"importFileDescription": "Seedvault 또는 Stronghold 파일 업로드"
"importFromText": {
"seed": {
"title": "마이그레이션을 시작하려면 시드를 입력해주세요",
- "body": "A seed consists of 81 characters. This is used to recover from the older Trinity app.",
+ "body": "시드는 81개의 글자로 이루어져 있습니다. 시드가 있으면 기존에 사용하던 Trinity 지갑을 복구할 수 있습니다.",
"enter": "시드를 입력해주세요"
"mnemonic": {
"title": "복원 문구를 입력해주세요",
- "body": "A recovery phrase is 24 words long, all lower case, with spaces between. This is used to recover existing Firefly wallets.",
+ "body": "복원 문구는 띄어쓰기와 24개의 소문자 단어로 이루어진 문장입니다. 복원 문구가 있으면 기존에 사용하던 Firefly 지갑을 복구할 수 있습니다.",
"enter": "복원 문구를 입력해주세요"
"seedDetected": "81자의 시드 감지됨",
@@ -116,17 +116,17 @@
"checksum": "체크섬"
"importFromFile": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets using a backup file",
- "body": "Import a backup file to restore your wallets. Backups can either be a Stronghold (.stronghold) or a Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
+ "title": "백업 파일로부터 지갑 복원",
+ "body": "지갑을 복구하는 데 사용할 백업 파일을 불러옵니다. Stronghold (.stronghold) 또는 Trinity 지갑의 SeedVault (.kdbx) 파일을 선택해 주세요."
"importBackupPassword": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets from a SeedVault or Stronghold",
+ "title": "SeedVault 또는 Stronghold로부터 지갑 복원하기",
"body1": "백업 파일의 비밀번호를 입력해 주세요.",
"body2": "백업 파일을 처음 만들때 설정했던 비밀번호를 입력합니다."
"importSuccess": {
"title": "백업 파일에서 복구 완료",
- "body": "You can now set up your new profile.",
+ "body": "이제 새로운 프로필을 설정할 수 있습니다.",
"seedvaultTitle": "가져오기 성공",
"seedvaultBody": "암호를 확인하였습니다. 다음 단계로 계속합니다.",
"strongholdTitle": "가져오기 성공",
@@ -147,10 +147,11 @@
"restoringWallet": "지갑 복원 중...",
"findingBalance": "잔고 찾는 중...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "잘못된 SeedVault 비밀번호입니다.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "SeedVault에서 데이터를 찾을 수 없습니다.",
"signingBundle": "Signing 번들",
"broadcastingBundle": "Broadcasting 번들",
"miningBundle": "Mining 번들",
- "problemRestoringWallet": "There was a network error restoring your wallet. Please try again.",
+ "problemRestoringWallet": "지갑을 복원하는 중에 문제가 발생했습니다. 다시 시도하십시오.",
"minimumMigrationAmountSpentAddresses": "각 지출 주소의 최소 마이그레이션 금액은 1Mi입니다. 잔액이 올바르지 않은지 다시 확인하십시오.",
"tooManyAddressesToMigrate": "마이그레이션 할 잔액이 적은 주소가 너무 많습니다. 잔액이 올바르지 않은지 다시 확인하십시오.",
"cannotMigrateAllYourFunds": "일부 주소의 가치가 너무 낮아 모든 자금을 마이그레이션 할 수 없습니다. 어쨌든 계속할 수 있습니다. {value} 가 손실됩니다.",
@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@
"settings": "설정",
"generalSettings": {
"title": "일반 설정",
- "description": "Configure your app's appearance and other general settings"
+ "description": "앱 모양 및 기타 일반 설정 구성"
"security": {
"title": "보안",
@@ -220,7 +221,7 @@
"description": "프로필 이름을 바꾸거나 사진 등록하기"
"sync": {
- "title": "Sync wallets",
+ "title": "지갑 동기화하기",
"description": ""
"theme": {
@@ -241,15 +242,17 @@
"exportStronghold": {
"title": "백업 내보내기",
- "description": "Export to a Stronghold file - a complete encrypted backup of your wallets and latest transaction history."
+ "description": "Stronghold 파일로 내보내기 - 지갑과 최신 거래 내역의 완전한 암호화 백업."
"appLock": {
"title": "자동 잠금",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "description": "지갑이 잠기고 로그아웃 되기 전 비활성 시간",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 분} other {# 분}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 시간} other {# 시간}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "비밀번호 변경하기",
- "description": "Your password is used to secure your wallets. You must use a strong password to protect your funds."
+ "description": "비밀번호는 지갑을 보호하는 데 사용됩니다. 자금을 보호하려면 강력한 암호를 사용해야합니다."
"changePincode": {
"title": "PIN 코드 변경",
@@ -264,12 +267,12 @@
"description": "토큰에 대한 주소의 확장 검색을 수행해주세요."
"hiddenAccounts": {
- "title": "Hidden wallets",
- "description": "Selecting this options will show wallets that were previously hidden."
+ "title": "숨겨진 지갑",
+ "description": "이 옵션을 선택하면 이전에 숨겨진 지갑이 표시됩니다."
"deleteProfile": {
"title": "프로필 삭제",
- "description": "Deletes your entire profile, wallets and transaction history. Make sure you have a backup."
+ "description": "전체 프로필, 지갑 및 거래 내역을 삭제합니다. 백업이 있는지 확인하십시오."
"deepLinks": {
"title": "딥 링크",
@@ -285,7 +288,7 @@
"configureNodeList": {
"title": "노드 선택",
- "description": "Manage the list of IOTA network nodes you connect to.",
+ "description": "연결하는 IOTA 네트워크 노드 목록을 관리합니다.",
"primaryNode": "주 노드",
"excludeNode": "이 노드 제외하기",
"includeNode": "포함 노드",
@@ -354,8 +357,8 @@
"strongholdStatus": {
"title": "지갑 상태",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "unlocked": "Unlocked"
+ "locked": "잠김",
+ "unlocked": "잠금 해제됨"
"strongholdBackup": {
"title": "지갑 백업",
@@ -379,7 +382,7 @@
"popups": {
"password": {
"title": "비밀번호 필요",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your password to unlock your wallets",
+ "subtitle": "지갑을 잠금 해제하기 위해 비밀번호를 입력해주세요.",
"backup": "백업을 내보내기 위해 비밀번호를 입력해주세요"
"qr": {
@@ -391,34 +394,34 @@
"upToDateDescription": "안전한 Firefly 최신 버전을 사용하고 있습니다.",
"updateAvailable": "Firefly 업데이트 가능",
"updateDetails": "버전 {version} - {date}",
- "noAutoUpdate": "Auto-update is disabled in this Windows version, please go to to download the update."
+ "noAutoUpdate": "이 Windows 버전에서는 자동 업데이트가 비활성화되어 있습니다. https://firefly.iota.org로 이동하여 업데이트를 다운로드해주세요."
"backup": {
"title": "마지막 백업: {date}",
"lastBackup": "{date} 마지막으로 백업했습니다",
- "backupDescription": "It is important to back up regularly to ensure you have a copy of your wallets and transaction history.",
+ "backupDescription": "지갑과 거래 내역의 사본을 확보하기 위해 정기적으로 백업하는 것이 중요합니다.",
"backupWarning": "백업과 복원 문구를 잃어버리게 될 경우 지갑 잔고를 잃게 됩니다.",
"notBackedUp": "백업되지 않음",
- "notBackedUpDescription": "You have not backed up your wallets",
+ "notBackedUpDescription": "지갑을 백업하지 않았습니다",
"saving": "저장 중..."
"deleteAccount": {
"title": "{name} 계정을 삭제할까요?",
- "body": "This wallet has no transaction history. It can safely be deleted.",
+ "body": "이 지갑에는 거래내역이 없으며, 안전하게 삭제될 수 있습니다.",
"typePassword": "계정을 삭제하려면 지갑 비밀번호를 입력하세요.",
- "hideAccount": "Delete wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "지갑 삭제",
"errorTitle": "{name} 계정을 삭제할 수 없습니다",
- "errorBody1": "You cannot delete this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "errorBody1": "이 지갑은 삭제할 수 없습니다. 최소한 하나는 있어야합니다."
"hideAccount": {
"title": "{name} 계정을 숨길까요?",
- "body": "You can find this wallet later by enabling \"Show hidden wallets\" in Advanced Settings.",
+ "body": "숨겨진 지갑은 고급설정의 \"숨긴 지갑 표시\"를 활성화하면 다시 찾을 수 있습니다.",
"typePassword": "계정을 삭제하려면 지갑 비밀번호를 입력하세요.",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "지갑 숨기기",
"errorTitle": "{name} 계정을 숨길 수 없습니다",
- "errorBody1": "To hide a wallet it must have 0 balance.",
- "errorBody2": "You currently have {balance} remaining on this wallet. Please move these funds to a different wallet and try again.",
- "errorBody3": "You cannot hide this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "errorBody1": "지갑을 숨기기 위해서는 잔액이 0이어야 합니다.",
+ "errorBody2": "이 지갑에 잔액이 {balance} 만큼 남아있습니다. 이것을 다른 지갑으로 옮기고 다시 시도하세요.",
+ "errorBody3": "이 지갑은 숨길 수 없습니다. 최소한 하나는 있어야합니다."
"addressHistory": {
"title": "주소 {name} 이력",
@@ -461,8 +464,8 @@
"balanceFinder": {
"title": "잔고 찾기",
- "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
+ "body": "누락 된 잔액을 찾으려면보다 철저한 주소 검색을 수행하십시오. 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다.",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "총 잔고",
"typePassword": "검색을 허용하려면 암호를 입력해주세요."
"riskFunds": {
@@ -477,10 +480,10 @@
"proceed": "네, 위험 사항을 이해했습니다"
"snapshot": {
- "title": "Ongoing network upgrade",
- "body": "The Chrysalis network upgrade has begun.",
- "bodyMigration": "Migration is disabled until it is complete.",
- "bodyFirefly": "Firefly is disabled until it is complete. Token migration will still be possible afterwards."
+ "title": "지속적인 네트워크 업그레이드",
+ "body": "Chrysalis 네트워크 업그레이드가 시작되었습니다.",
+ "bodyMigration": "마이그레이션이 완료 될 때까지 비활성화됩니다.",
+ "bodyFirefly": "Firefly는 완료 될 때까지 비활성화됩니다. 이후에도 토큰 마이그레이션이 가능합니다."
"charts": {
@@ -488,8 +491,8 @@
"outgoingMi": "{value} 보냄",
"portoflio": "포트폴리오",
"token": "토큰",
- "accountValue": "Wallet Value",
- "accountActivity": "Wallet Activity",
+ "accountValue": "지갑 밸류",
+ "accountActivity": "지갑 활동 내역",
"timeframe1Hour": "1시간",
"timeframe1Day": "1일",
"timeframe1Week": "1주",
@@ -543,11 +546,11 @@
"updateFirefly": "Firefly 업데이트",
"restartNow": "지금 다시 시작",
"saveBackup": "Stronghold 백업 저장하기",
- "customizeAcount": "Customise wallet",
+ "customizeAcount": "취향대로 지갑 설정하기",
"viewAddressHistory": "주소 이력 보기",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
- "showAccount": "Unhide wallet",
- "deleteAccount": "Delete wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "지갑 숨기기",
+ "showAccount": "지갑 숨김 해제",
+ "deleteAccount": "지갑 삭제",
"max": "최대",
"addNode": "노드 추가",
"updateNode": "노드 변경",
@@ -563,7 +566,7 @@
"copy": "복사하기",
"paste": "붙여넣기",
"selectAll": "모두 선택",
- "addAccount": "Add Wallet",
+ "addAccount": "지갑 추가하기",
"checkForUpdates": "업데이트 확인",
"reportAnIssue": "오류 보고",
"clear": "지우기",
@@ -578,13 +581,13 @@
"readDocumentation": "설명서 읽기",
"visitFaq": "자주 묻는 질문들 보기",
"viewStatus": "상태 보기",
- "showHiddenAccounts": "Show hidden wallets",
+ "showHiddenAccounts": "숨김 지갑 표시",
"confirm": "확인",
"findBalances": "잔고 찾기",
"searchBalances": "잔고 검색",
"searchAgain": "다시 검색",
"searching": "검색 중...",
- "closeFirefly": "Close Firefly"
+ "closeFirefly": "Firefly 닫기"
"general": {
"password": "비밀번호",
@@ -602,10 +605,10 @@
"sendFunds": "자금 보내기",
"sendToAddress": "주소로 보내기",
"scanQrOrPaste": "QR 코드를 스캔하거나 주소를 복사해 붙이기",
- "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Move funds between wallets",
+ "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "지갑간 자금 이체하기",
"sendTokensToAddress": "주소로 토큰 보내기",
- "manageAccount": "Manage Wallet",
- "customizeAcount": "Customize your wallet",
+ "manageAccount": "지갑 관리",
+ "customizeAcount": "취향대로 지갑 설정하기",
"account": "지갑",
"sendingToAddress": "주소로 보내는 중",
"amount": "수량",
@@ -627,25 +630,25 @@
"lightTheme": "밝은 테마",
"darkTheme": "어두운 테마",
"balance": "잔고",
- "accountBalance": "Wallet Balance",
+ "accountBalance": "지갑 잔고",
"incoming": "받음",
"outgoing": "보냄",
"totalIn": "전체 받은 양",
"totalOut": "전체 보낸 양",
- "accounts": "Wallets",
- "myAccounts": "My Wallets",
+ "accounts": "지갑",
+ "myAccounts": "내 지갑",
"automaticNodeSelection": "자동으로 노드 선택",
"manualNodeSelection": "수동으로 노드 선택",
"profiles": "프로필",
"developerProfile": "개발자 프로필",
"developerProfileDescription": "테스트 넷에 연결할 수 있습니다",
"dev": "개발자",
- "createAccount": "Create a Wallet",
- "accountName": "Wallet name",
+ "createAccount": "지갑 만들기",
+ "accountName": "지갑 이름",
"latestTransactions": "최근 거래",
"transactions": "거래내역",
"security": "보안",
- "accountAddress": "Wallet Address",
+ "accountAddress": "지갑 주소",
"nodes": "노드",
"wallet": "지갑",
"help": "도움말",
@@ -657,26 +660,26 @@
"status": "상태",
"confirmed": "승인됨",
"pending": "처리 중",
- "noAccounts": "You have no wallets, please create one.",
+ "noAccounts": "지갑이 없습니다. 생성해 주세요.",
"loadingAccounts": "불러오는 중입니다. 잠시만 기다려 주세요...",
"addProfile": "프로필 추가",
"noRecentHistory": "최근 기록 없음",
- "firstSync": "Syncing history, this may take a while...",
- "transferSyncing": "Syncing wallet",
+ "firstSync": "기록을 동기화하는 중입니다. 다소 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다...",
+ "transferSyncing": "지갑 동기화하기",
"transferSelectingInputs": "보낼 주소를 선택하는 중",
"transferRemainderAddress": "나머지를 보낼 주소를 생성하는 중",
"transferSigning": "거래에 서명하는 중",
"transferPow": "작업 증명 수행 중",
"transferBroadcasting": "거래를 송출하는 중",
"transferComplete": "전송 완료",
- "creatingAccount": "Creating wallet, please wait...",
- "updatingAccount": "Updating wallet, please wait...",
- "accountSyncing": "Wallet is syncing",
- "accountSyncComplete": "Wallet sync complete",
+ "creatingAccount": "지갑을 만드는 중입니다. 잠시만 기다려 주세요...",
+ "updatingAccount": "지갑을 업데이트 중입니다. 잠시만 기다려 주세요...",
+ "accountSyncing": "지갑 동기화 중",
+ "accountSyncComplete": "지갑 동기화 완료",
"passwordUpdating": "비밀번호를 변경합니다...",
"passwordSuccess": "비밀번호를 성공적으로 변경하였습니다",
"passwordFailed": "비밀번호를 변경하지 못했습니다",
- "syncingAccounts": "Syncing wallets...",
+ "syncingAccounts": "지갑 동기화 중...",
"exportingStronghold": "Stronghold를 내보내는 중...",
"exportingStrongholdSuccess": "Stronghold를 성공적으로 내보냈습니다",
"exportingStrongholdFailed": "Stronghold를 내보내지 못했습니다",
@@ -691,13 +694,14 @@
"passwordStrength4": "강함",
"creatingProfile": "프로필을 만드는 중입니다. 잠시만 기다려 주세요...",
"fundMigration": "자금 마이그레이션",
- "accountRemoved": "This wallet is hidden. Unhide it to perform transfers.",
+ "accountRemoved": "이 지갑은 숨겨져 있습니다. 거래를 위해 숨김 취소를 해주세요.",
"receivingTo": "{account} 계정으로 받는 중",
"sendingFrom": "{account} 계정으로 보내는 중",
"receivedTo": "{account} 계정으로 받음",
"sentFrom": "{account} 계정으로 보냄",
"receiving": "받는 중",
- "sending": "보내는 중"
+ "sending": "보내는 중",
+ "legacyNetwork": "예전 네트워크"
"dates": {
"today": "오늘",
@@ -720,7 +724,7 @@
"calcMinutesRemaining": "남은 시간 계산중...",
"minutesRemaining": "{minutes, plural, other {남은 시간 #분}}",
"copiedToClipboard": "클립보드에 복사되었습니다.",
- "accountsSynchronized": "Wallet synchronization complete",
+ "accountsSynchronized": "지갑 동기화 완료",
"migratedAccountChrysalisDown": "4 월 28 일 Chrysalis 이후에 자금을 사용할 수 있습니다",
"migratedAccountChrysalisUp": "곧 자금을 사용할 수 있습니다"
@@ -752,10 +756,10 @@
"incorrect": "PIN이 잘못되었습니다."
"account": {
- "length": "Your wallet name can't be longer than {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}}.",
- "empty": "You must use your latest wallet before creating a new one.",
- "notEmpty": "You must transfer your balance before deleting this wallet.",
- "duplicate": "A wallet with this name already exists.",
+ "length": "지갑 이름은 {length, plural, one {1 글자} other {# 글자}} 보다 길 수 없습니다.",
+ "empty": "새 지갑을 만들기 전에 아직 사용하지 않은 기존 지갑을 사용해야 합니다.",
+ "notEmpty": "이 지갑을 삭제하려면 지갑에 남은 잔고를 비워야 합니다.",
+ "duplicate": "같은 이름의 지갑이 이미 있습니다.",
"tilde": "프로필 이름은 `~`로 시작할 수 없습니다.",
"control": "프로필 이름은 제어 문자를 포함할 수 없습니다.",
"startDot": "프로필 이름은 '.'로 시작할 수 없습니다.",
@@ -770,8 +774,8 @@
"wrongAddressPrefix": "주소는 {prefix}로 시작합니다.",
"wrongAddressFormat": "주소가 형식에 맞지 않습니다.",
"invalidAddress": "주소가 유효하지 않습니다.",
- "insufficientFunds": "This wallet has insufficient funds.",
- "noToAccount": "You have not selected a wallet to send the funds to.",
+ "insufficientFunds": "지갑에 자금이 부족합니다.",
+ "noToAccount": "보낼 지갑을 선택하지 않았습니다.",
"sendingDust": "1 Mi 미만은 보낼 수 없습니다.",
"leavingDust": "주소에 1 Mi 미만을 남겨놓을 수 없습니다."
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/ku.json b/packages/shared/locales/ku.json
index 5bd74555217..c83016da133 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/ku.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/ku.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"views": {
"onboarding1": {
"title": "IOTA rêke, bistîn û rêvebibe",
- "body": "Firefly is the official wallet software of IOTA."
+ "body": "Firefly Cuzdanka-Nermalava IOTA ya fermî ye."
"legal": {
"title": "Polîtîkayên Veşartinê û Mercên Bikaranînê",
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"secure": {
"title": "Cuzdanka xwe bikin ewlehiyê de.",
"body1": "Tomar bikin û kîta rizgarkirinê PDF çap bistînin.",
- "body2": "If you fill out the Recovery Kit and store it safely, you will always be able to recover your wallets."
+ "body2": "Heke hûn kîta rizgarkirinê dagirîn û bi ewlehî veşêrin, hûn hertim dikarin cuzdanka xwe paş bistînin."
"password": {
"title": "Şîfreyê pêk bîne",
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"protect": {
"title": "Protect your wallet",
- "body1": "Set up a login PIN to make sure that only you can enter your profile.",
+ "body1": "PIN-a têketinê saz bikin da ku pê ewle bibe ku tenê hûn dikarin profîla xwe têkevinê.",
"body2": "PIN'a xwe bi ewlehî veşêrin!"
"pin": {
@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@
"backupWallet": {
"title": "Di dosyayêk Stronghold'ê cîhgir bikin",
- "body1": "Enter your password to backup your wallets to a Stronghold file. Your password is used to encrypt the backup.",
+ "body1": "Wekî dosya Stronghold jibo cîhgirkirina cuzdankê pêborîna xwe têkevin. Pêborîn, dê jibo kirîptokirina dosya cîhgirkir bête karanîn.",
"body2": "Sedemên gringiya cîhgirîya dîjîtal:",
- "reason1": "Easily recover your wallets without typing in your recovery phrase",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason1": "Hevoka rizgarkirinê ne nivîsandî bi hêsanî cuzdanka xwe rizgar bikin",
+ "reason2": "Cuzdanka xwe bixwazin mekinek din",
"reason3": "Tevahîya bûyerên kirarîyê xwe rizgar bikin"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
@@ -96,19 +96,19 @@
"importSeed": "Seed'a min ya 81 rewişt heye",
"importSeedDescription": "Seed'ekê têkevin û vac'an barbikin li Chrysalis'ê",
"importMnemonic": "Min rewişta rizgarkirina Firefly heye",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "Jibo rizgarkirina cuzdankê rewişta xwe ya veşartî têkevin",
"importFile": "Min cîhgira dosyayê heye",
"importFileDescription": "Dosyayêk SeedVault'ê an jî Stronghold'ê têkevin"
"importFromText": {
"seed": {
"title": "Jibo destpêkirina transferê seed'a xwe binivîsin",
- "body": "A seed consists of 81 characters. This is used to recover from the older Trinity app.",
+ "body": "Yek seed ji 81 tîpan çêdibe. Ev, ji bo xilasbuna ji berikek Trinity a kevin tê bikaranîn.",
"enter": "Seed'a xwe têkeve"
"mnemonic": {
"title": "Rewişta xwe ya rizgarkirinê têkeve",
- "body": "A recovery phrase is 24 words long, all lower case, with spaces between. This is used to recover existing Firefly wallets.",
+ "body": "Vegotonek ya rizgarkirinê 24 peyva dirêje. Ev, jibo cuzdanek heyî ya Firefly tomar bikî tê karanîn.",
"enter": "Rewişta xwe ya rizgarkirinê têkeve"
"seedDetected": "Tîpek 81 seed hat dîtin",
@@ -116,17 +116,17 @@
"checksum": "Pêkhatin"
"importFromFile": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets using a backup file",
- "body": "Import a backup file to restore your wallets. Backups can either be a Stronghold (.stronghold) or a Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
+ "title": "Bikaranîna dosya cîgirî cuzdanka xwe rizgar bikin",
+ "body": "Pelê hilanînê ji bo vegerandina berîka xwe têxin hundurê. Piştgirî dikarin bibin Stronghold (.stronghold) an Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
"importBackupPassword": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets from a SeedVault or Stronghold",
+ "title": "Berîka xwe ji SeedVault an jî ji Stronghold vegerînin",
"body1": "Ji kerema xwe şîfreya xweya hilanînê binivîsin.",
"body2": "Ev şîfreya we ye ku hûn danîn dema ku we yekem car hilanîna xwe afirandî ye."
"importSuccess": {
"title": "We hilanîna xwe bi serfirazî vegerand",
- "body": "You can now set up your new profile.",
+ "body": "Hun dikarin profile xwe a nû tomar bikî.",
"seedvaultTitle": "Tevilkirina hundir serkeft",
"seedvaultBody": "Pêborîna we raste, niha dikarin bidomînî.",
"strongholdTitle": "Tevilkirina hundir serkeft",
@@ -147,10 +147,11 @@
"restoringWallet": "Paşbarkirina cuzdankê...",
"findingBalance": "Mayîn tê dîtin...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Çewtîya pêborîna SeedVault'ê.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "No data could be found in the SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Şanenavkirina bestekê",
"broadcastingBundle": "Bestek tê weşandin",
"miningBundle": "Şanenav tê xebitandin",
- "problemRestoringWallet": "There was a network error restoring your wallet. Please try again.",
+ "problemRestoringWallet": "Di paşbarkirina cuzdankê de pirsgirêkêk çêbû. Ji kerema xwe venêrîn.",
"minimumMigrationAmountSpentAddresses": "Jibo navnîşanên hatin sarfkirin kêmahiya veguhastina herî kêm 1 Mi ye. Heke hevsengiya we rast xuya nake, careke din venêrin.",
"tooManyAddressesToMigrate": "Hejmara navnîşana weya kêm-hevseng pir zêde ye ku hûn hilgirin. Ger bîlançoya we rast xuya nake, ji kerema xwe careke din venêrin.",
"cannotMigrateAllYourFunds": "Ji ber ku nirxê hin navnîşanan pir kêm e, em nikarin tevahiya bîlançoya we hilgirin. Hûn dikarin danûstendina xwe bi vî rengî jî bidomînin. {value} dê winda bibe.",
@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@
"settings": "Mîhengên",
"generalSettings": {
"title": "Serdilkirinên tevayî",
- "description": "Configure your app's appearance and other general settings"
+ "description": "Xûyakirina cuzdanka xwe biguherîne û mîhengên gelemperî serast bikin"
"security": {
"title": "Ewlehî",
@@ -241,15 +242,17 @@
"exportStronghold": {
"title": "Cîgirê bikşîne derve",
- "description": "Export to a Stronghold file - a complete encrypted backup of your wallets and latest transaction history."
+ "description": "Barê dosyayek Stronghold bikin\n- cîhgira hatî pêborîkirin cuzdank û bûyerên kiryarên we yên dawî."
"appLock": {
"title": "Kilîda Otomatîk",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "description": "Dema bêçalaktiyê berî ku çenteyên we kilît bibin û hûn ji nav derkevin",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hour} other {# hours}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Pêborînê biguherînê",
- "description": "Your password is used to secure your wallets. You must use a strong password to protect your funds."
+ "description": "Pêborîn jibo ewlehîya hesaba we biparêze tê karanîn. Jibo parastina mayînên xwe pêborînek xurt bikarbînin."
"changePincode": {
"title": "Qoda PIN'ê biguherîne",
@@ -265,11 +268,11 @@
"hiddenAccounts": {
"title": "Cuzdankên veşartî",
- "description": "Selecting this options will show wallets that were previously hidden."
+ "description": "Ev jêgirtin hesabên berîya niha hatîn veşartin dê bidê nîşan."
"deleteProfile": {
"title": "Profîlê jêbibe",
- "description": "Deletes your entire profile, wallets and transaction history. Make sure you have a backup."
+ "description": "Cuzdanka we, bûyerên kirarîyê dê ji bin bibe. Piştrast bin ko cîhgirkirek yê we heye."
"deepLinks": {
"title": "Girêdanên kûr",
@@ -285,7 +288,7 @@
"configureNodeList": {
"title": "Girêkê jêbigir",
- "description": "Manage the list of IOTA network nodes you connect to.",
+ "description": "Navnîşa girêkên torgiloka IOTA ya ku hûn pê ve girêdidin birêve bibin.",
"primaryNode": "Girêdana yekemîn",
"excludeNode": "Girêdanê lê neke",
"includeNode": "Girêdanê lê bike",
@@ -391,12 +394,12 @@
"upToDateDescription": "Hûn versîyona Firefly ya herî dawî û ewle kartînîn.",
"updateAvailable": "Nûjenîya Firefly heye",
"updateDetails": "Versîyon {version} - {date}",
- "noAutoUpdate": "Auto-update is disabled in this Windows version, please go to to download the update."
+ "noAutoUpdate": "Di vê guhertoya Windows-ê de nûvekirina xweser qedexe ye, ji kerema xwe biçin ku nûvekirinê dakêşin."
"backup": {
"title": "Cîhgira dawî: {date}",
"lastBackup": "Cîhgira dawî we standî {date}",
- "backupDescription": "It is important to back up regularly to ensure you have a copy of your wallets and transaction history.",
+ "backupDescription": "Girîng e ku hûn bi rêkûpêk paşde biavêjin da ku hûn kopiyek hesab û dîroka danûstendina we hebe.",
"backupWarning": "Ger hûn hevoka xweya hilanînê û başbûnê winda bikin hûn ê têkevina dravên xwe winda bikin.",
"notBackedUp": "Nehat cîhgirkirin",
"notBackedUpDescription": "We cuzdanka xwe cîhgir nekir",
@@ -404,20 +407,20 @@
"deleteAccount": {
"title": "Jêbibe {name}?",
- "body": "This wallet has no transaction history. It can safely be deleted.",
+ "body": "Dîroka danûstendinê ya vê cudzdankê tune. Ew bi ewlehî dikare were jêbirin.",
"typePassword": "Jibo pêjirandinê pêborîna cuzdaneka xwe binivîse.",
"hideAccount": "Cuzdankê jêbibe",
"errorTitle": "Nayê jêbirin {name}",
- "errorBody1": "You cannot delete this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "errorBody1": "Hûn nikarin vê cuzdankê jêbibin, divê bi kêmanî yek ya te hebe."
"hideAccount": {
"title": "Hilne {name}?",
- "body": "You can find this wallet later by enabling \"Show hidden wallets\" in Advanced Settings.",
+ "body": "Hûn dikarin vê cuzdankê paşê bi çalakkirina \"Nîşan hesabên veşartî\" di Mîhengên Pêşkeftî de bibînin.",
"typePassword": "Jibo pêjirandinê pêborîna cuzdaneka xwe binivîse.",
"hideAccount": "Cuzdankê veşêre",
"errorTitle": "Nayê jêbirin {name}",
- "errorBody1": "To hide a wallet it must have 0 balance.",
- "errorBody2": "You currently have {balance} remaining on this wallet. Please move these funds to a different wallet and try again.",
+ "errorBody1": "Ji bo veşartina cuzdank divê 0 bîlançoya wê hebe.",
+ "errorBody2": "Niha we {balance} li ser vê cuzdank maye. Ji kerema xwe van dravî veguherînin hesabek cûda û dîsa biceribînin.",
"errorBody3": "Hûn nikarin vê cuzdankê jêbibin, divê bi kêmanî yek ya te hebe."
"addressHistory": {
@@ -461,8 +464,8 @@
"balanceFinder": {
"title": "Gerdîta mayîna",
- "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
+ "body": "Lêgerînek ya navnîşana berfirehtir pêk bînin da ku hevsengiyên wenda bibînin.",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "Krediya tevahî",
"typePassword": "Jibo destûra lêgerînê pêborîna xwe têkevin."
"riskFunds": {
@@ -478,9 +481,9 @@
"snapshot": {
"title": "Barkirina tora ongoing'ê bilind bike",
- "body": "The Chrysalis network upgrade has begun.",
- "bodyMigration": "Migration is disabled until it is complete.",
- "bodyFirefly": "Firefly is disabled until it is complete. Token migration will still be possible afterwards."
+ "body": "Nûvekirina torgiloka Chrysalis dest pê kir.",
+ "bodyMigration": "Koçberî heya ku xelas bibe seqet e.",
+ "bodyFirefly": "Firefly heya ku xelas bibe seqet e.\nKoçkirina Tokensd jî dê paşê gengaz be."
"charts": {
@@ -563,7 +566,7 @@
"copy": "kopî",
"paste": "tevlêkirin",
"selectAll": "Hemîyê Hilbjiêre ",
- "addAccount": "Add Wallet",
+ "addAccount": "Cuzdankî zêde",
"checkForUpdates": "Ji bo Nûvekirinan Kontrol bikin",
"reportAnIssue": "Pirsgirêkekê ragihînin\n",
"clear": "Paqij bike",
@@ -578,13 +581,13 @@
"readDocumentation": "Belgenamê bixwîne",
"visitFaq": "Here PPP",
"viewStatus": "Rewşê bibîn",
- "showHiddenAccounts": "Show hidden wallets",
+ "showHiddenAccounts": "Cuzdankê veşartî nîşan bidin",
"confirm": "Tomarkirin",
"findBalances": "Mayîna bibîne",
"searchBalances": "Mayîna bigere",
"searchAgain": "Dîsa lê bigere",
"searching": "Lêdigere...",
- "closeFirefly": "Close Firefly"
+ "closeFirefly": "Firefly bigire"
"general": {
"password": "Şîfre",
@@ -602,10 +605,10 @@
"sendFunds": "Diraw hinêre",
"sendToAddress": "Navnîşana xwe hinêre",
"scanQrOrPaste": "Qodek QR-ê Scan bikin an navnîşanekê pêve bide",
- "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Move funds between wallets",
+ "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Navbera Cuzdankê xwe diraw hinêre",
"sendTokensToAddress": "Tokena hinêre navnîşanekê",
- "manageAccount": "Manage Wallet",
- "customizeAcount": "Customize your wallet",
+ "manageAccount": "Cuzdank birêve bibin",
+ "customizeAcount": "Taybetkirina cuzdankê",
"account": "Tûrik",
"sendingToAddress": "Dihênêrê navnîşanê",
"amount": "Hijmar",
@@ -627,27 +630,27 @@
"lightTheme": "Rûkara Ronî",
"darkTheme": "Rûkara tarî",
"balance": "Mayîn",
- "accountBalance": "Wallet Balance",
+ "accountBalance": "Mayîna Cuzdankê",
"incoming": "Yên hatî",
"outgoing": "Yên çûyî",
"totalIn": "Têketina giştî",
"totalOut": "Derçûna giştî",
- "accounts": "Wallets",
- "myAccounts": "My Wallets",
- "automaticNodeSelection": "Jêgirtina node ya otomatîk",
+ "accounts": "Cuzdank",
+ "myAccounts": "Cuzdank",
+ "automaticNodeSelection": "Jêgirtina girê ya otomatîk",
"manualNodeSelection": "Jêgirtina node ya manuel",
"profiles": "Profîl",
"developerProfile": "Hesaba Pêşvebir",
"developerProfileDescription": "Destûrê dide ku hûn bi torên testê re têkilî daynin",
"dev": "Pêşvebir",
- "createAccount": "Create a Wallet",
- "accountName": "Wallet name",
+ "createAccount": "Cuzdanek nû çêke",
+ "accountName": "Navê Cuzdankê",
"latestTransactions": "Transferên Dawî",
"transactions": "Lîsteya Transferan",
"security": "Ewlehî",
- "accountAddress": "Wallet Address",
- "nodes": "Hemî Girê",
- "wallet": "Tûrik",
+ "accountAddress": "Navnîşana Cuzdankê",
+ "nodes": "Girê",
+ "wallet": "Cuzdank",
"help": "Alîkarî",
"you": "Tu",
"messageId": "Nasnameya Peyamê",
@@ -657,26 +660,26 @@
"status": "Hal",
"confirmed": "Hat Pejirandin",
"pending": "Bendê ye",
- "noAccounts": "You have no wallets, please create one.",
+ "noAccounts": "Cuzdankê we tune, ji kerema xwe yêk çêbikin.",
"loadingAccounts": "Bardibe, ji kerema xwe re rawestin...",
"addProfile": "Profîlê zêde bikin\n",
"noRecentHistory": "Bûyer nîne",
- "firstSync": "Syncing history, this may take a while...",
- "transferSyncing": "Syncing wallet",
+ "firstSync": "Dîroka hevdemkirinê, dibe ku ev demek bikişîne...",
+ "transferSyncing": "Cuzdanka sekronîze bike",
"transferSelectingInputs": "Hilbijartina têketinê",
"transferRemainderAddress": "Navnîşana spartina bermayî çêdike",
"transferSigning": "Îmzekirina danûstendinê",
"transferPow": "PoW çêdibe",
"transferBroadcasting": "Kiryar tê weşandin",
"transferComplete": "Transfer gehişt",
- "creatingAccount": "Creating wallet, please wait...",
- "updatingAccount": "Updating wallet, please wait...",
- "accountSyncing": "Wallet is syncing",
- "accountSyncComplete": "Wallet sync complete",
+ "creatingAccount": "Profîlek nû çêdibe, ji kerema xwe rawestin...",
+ "updatingAccount": "Cuzdank tê nûvekirin, ji kerema xwe bisekinin...",
+ "accountSyncing": "Cuzdank sekronîze dibe",
+ "accountSyncComplete": "Senkronîzekirina Cuzdank diqede",
"passwordUpdating": "Şifre nû dibe...",
"passwordSuccess": "Pêborîn bi serfirazî hat nûjenkirin",
"passwordFailed": "Pêborîn bi serfirazî nehat nûjenkirin",
- "syncingAccounts": "Syncing wallets...",
+ "syncingAccounts": "Cuzdanka sekronîze bike...",
"exportingStronghold": "Stronghold barke...",
"exportingStrongholdSuccess": "Stronghold bi serfirazî hat şandin",
"exportingStrongholdFailed": "Barkirina Stronghold ya derve têk çû",
@@ -691,13 +694,14 @@
"passwordStrength4": "Bihêze",
"creatingProfile": "Profîlek nû çêdibe, ji kerema xwe rawestin...",
"fundMigration": "Barkirina mayînan",
- "accountRemoved": "This wallet is hidden. Unhide it to perform transfers.",
+ "accountRemoved": "Ev Cuzdank veşartî ye. Wê veke ku veguheztinan pêk bîne.",
"receivingTo": "Tê standin{account}",
"sendingFrom": "Ji {account} tê şandin",
"receivedTo": "{account} hat standin",
"sentFrom": "Ji {account} tê şandin",
"receiving": "Tê standin",
- "sending": "Tê şandin"
+ "sending": "Tê şandin",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Network"
"dates": {
"today": "Evro",
@@ -720,7 +724,7 @@
"calcMinutesRemaining": "Xulekên mayîn tên hesabkirin...",
"minutesRemaining": "{minutes, plural, one {1 minute remaining} other {# xulek maye}}",
"copiedToClipboard": "Li rûnûsgehê hate kopîkirin",
- "accountsSynchronized": "Wallet synchronization complete",
+ "accountsSynchronized": "Senkronîzekirina Cuzdankê serkeft",
"migratedAccountChrysalisDown": "Bîlançoya we dê piştî Chrysalis Ten di 28ê Nîsanê de hebe",
"migratedAccountChrysalisUp": "Bîlançoya we dê di demek kurt de peyda bibe"
@@ -752,10 +756,10 @@
"incorrect": "Pêborîna heman çewte."
"account": {
- "length": "Your wallet name can't be longer than {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}}.",
- "empty": "You must use your latest wallet before creating a new one.",
- "notEmpty": "You must transfer your balance before deleting this wallet.",
- "duplicate": "A wallet with this name already exists.",
+ "length": "Navê profîla we {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# Tîpa}} zêdetir nabe.",
+ "empty": "Berîya hûn yek nû çêkin, divê hûn Cuzdankê xwe ya kevin bikarbînin.",
+ "notEmpty": "Berîya hûn vê Cuzdankê binbibin, pêdiviye hûn transfera mayînên xwe bikin.",
+ "duplicate": "Li ser vî navî jixwe Cuzdank heye.",
"tilde": "Nabe navê profîlê bi qerekteran '~' destpêbike.",
"control": "Nabe navê profîlê qerekterek yê kontrolê destpêbike.",
"startDot": "Nabe navê profîlê bi qerekteran '.' destpêbike.",
@@ -770,8 +774,8 @@
"wrongAddressPrefix": "Navnîşan bi pêveya pêşî {prefix} re destpêbike.",
"wrongAddressFormat": "Navnîşan şêweyek rast nehatiye çêkirin.",
"invalidAddress": "Navnîşan netêle.",
- "insufficientFunds": "This wallet has insufficient funds.",
- "noToAccount": "You have not selected a wallet to send the funds to.",
+ "insufficientFunds": "Mayîna Cuzdankê têrê nake.",
+ "noToAccount": "Jibo hinêrtina mayînê te Cuzdank jê ne girt.",
"sendingDust": "Hûn nikarin ji 1 Mi kêmtir hinêrin.",
"leavingDust": "Hûn nikarin di navnîşana xwe de ji 1 Mi kêmtir bêhêlîn."
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/lv.json b/packages/shared/locales/lv.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1894b52b4f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/lv.json
@@ -0,0 +1,813 @@
+ "views": {
+ "onboarding1": {
+ "title": "Send, Receive & Manage your IOTA tokens",
+ "body": "Firefly is the official wallet software of IOTA."
+ },
+ "legal": {
+ "title": "Privacy Policy & Terms of Service",
+ "body": "Please review the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.",
+ "checkbox": "I've read and I accept the Privacy Policy & Terms of Service"
+ },
+ "appearance": {
+ "title": "Appearance",
+ "body": "Choose your app theme."
+ },
+ "profile": {
+ "title": "Create a profile",
+ "body1": "You can create multiple user profiles to organise your wallets and improve privacy.",
+ "body2": "For now, let's start with your first profile name. You can add more profiles later.",
+ "profileName": "Profile Name"
+ },
+ "setup": {
+ "title": "Set up a wallet",
+ "chrysalisTitle": "Chrysalis Network Update",
+ "chrysalisBody": "From April 21st, users can migrate their tokens to the new Chrysalis network. We recommend you migrate your existing tokens as soon as possible.",
+ "learnMore": "Learn about the migration"
+ },
+ "secure": {
+ "title": "Secure your wallet",
+ "body1": "Save and print the Recovery Kit PDF template.",
+ "body2": "If you fill out the Recovery Kit and store it safely, you will always be able to recover your wallets."
+ },
+ "password": {
+ "title": "Create a password",
+ "body1": "You need a strong password to protect your funds. Use a combination of words, and avoid common phrases, names or dates.",
+ "body2": "It is recommended that you write down your password in your Recovery Kit."
+ },
+ "protect": {
+ "title": "Protect your wallet",
+ "body1": "Set up a login PIN to make sure that only you can enter your profile.",
+ "body2": "Keep your PIN safe!"
+ },
+ "pin": {
+ "title": "Set up PIN code",
+ "body1": "Enter a 6-digit PIN below. You will be asked for your PIN to access your profile.",
+ "body2": "Use numbers only"
+ },
+ "confirmPin": {
+ "title": "Verify your PIN code",
+ "body1": "Your PIN keeps your balance and transactions private.",
+ "body2": "Re-enter your PIN code to proceed. "
+ },
+ "backup": {
+ "title": "Back up your wallet",
+ "body1": "You will now be shown a recovery phrase. Write it down in your Recovery Kit.",
+ "body2": "Do not share your recovery phrase with anyone. It can be used to access your tokens from anywhere.",
+ "body3": "If you lose your recovery phrase, you may lose your funds."
+ },
+ "recoveryPhrase": {
+ "title": "Recovery phrase",
+ "body1": "In your Recovery Kit, write down the words in the exact order shown.",
+ "body2": "Keep this private and safely stored.",
+ "body3": "It is important to have a written backup. Computers often fail and files can corrupt.",
+ "revealRecoveryPhrase": "Reveal recovery phrase",
+ "hideRecoveryPhrase": "Hide recovery phrase"
+ },
+ "verifyRecoveryPhrase": {
+ "title": "Verify recovery phrase",
+ "body": "Let's check you wrote down the phrase correctly. Please select each word in numbered order.",
+ "word": "Word",
+ "verified": "Recovery phrase verified",
+ "verifiedBody": "Remember to keep it private and safely stored."
+ },
+ "backupWallet": {
+ "title": "Back up to a Stronghold file",
+ "body1": "Enter your password to backup your wallets to a Stronghold file. Your password is used to encrypt the backup.",
+ "body2": "Reasons why digital backups are important:",
+ "reason1": "Easily recover your wallets without typing in your recovery phrase",
+ "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason3": "Recover your full transaction history"
+ },
+ "recoveryPhraseSaved": {
+ "title": "Successfully backed up",
+ "body": "You have backed up your wallets to a Stronghold."
+ },
+ "congratulations": {
+ "title": "Wallet setup completed",
+ "body": "Your new wallet is ready to use.",
+ "fundsMigrated": "Funds migrated",
+ "success": "You have successfully migrated your funds to the new network",
+ "exportMigration": "Export migration log and finish setup"
+ },
+ "import": {
+ "title": "Recover or migrate funds",
+ "body": "If you have an existing seed or wallet back up file, you can import it here. If you hold older network funds, you will be taken through the migration steps to move to the Chrysalis network.",
+ "importSeed": "I have an 81 character seed",
+ "importSeedDescription": "Enter a seed and migrate funds to Chrysalis",
+ "importMnemonic": "I have a Firefly recovery phrase",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
+ "importFile": "I have a file backup",
+ "importFileDescription": "Upload a Seedvault or Stronghold file"
+ },
+ "importFromText": {
+ "seed": {
+ "title": "Type your seed to commence migration",
+ "body": "A seed consists of 81 characters. This is used to recover from the older Trinity app.",
+ "enter": "Enter your seed"
+ },
+ "mnemonic": {
+ "title": "Type your recovery phrase",
+ "body": "A recovery phrase is 24 words long, all lower case, with spaces between. This is used to recover existing Firefly wallets.",
+ "enter": "Enter your secret recovery phrase"
+ },
+ "seedDetected": "81 character seed detected",
+ "phraseDetected": "24 word recovery phrase detected",
+ "checksum": "Checksum"
+ },
+ "importFromFile": {
+ "title": "Restore your wallets using a backup file",
+ "body": "Import a backup file to restore your wallets. Backups can either be a Stronghold (.stronghold) or a Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
+ },
+ "importBackupPassword": {
+ "title": "Restore your wallets from a SeedVault or Stronghold",
+ "body1": "Please enter your backup password.",
+ "body2": "This is the password you set when you first created your backup."
+ },
+ "importSuccess": {
+ "title": "You have successfully recovered your backup",
+ "body": "You can now set up your new profile.",
+ "seedvaultTitle": "Successfully imported",
+ "seedvaultBody": "Your password is correct, you can now continue.",
+ "strongholdTitle": "Successfully imported",
+ "strongholdBody": "Your password is correct, you can now continue."
+ },
+ "migrate": {
+ "title": "Migrate your funds",
+ "body1": "This is an automated process to transfer your funds to your new wallet.",
+ "body2": "It may take some time. Do not turn off your device during the migration.",
+ "existing": "Your old wallet",
+ "new": "Your new wallet",
+ "learn": "Learn about the migration",
+ "beginMigration": "Begin Migration",
+ "migrating": "Migrating funds...",
+ "migrated": "{balance} migrated",
+ "migrationFailed": "Migration Failed",
+ "noAddressesForMigration": "Please select the addresses you wish to secure.",
+ "restoringWallet": "Restoring wallet...",
+ "findingBalance": "Finding balance...",
+ "incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Incorrect SeedVault password.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "No data could be found in the SeedVault.",
+ "signingBundle": "Signing bundle",
+ "broadcastingBundle": "Broadcasting bundle",
+ "miningBundle": "Mining bundle",
+ "problemRestoringWallet": "There was a network error restoring your wallet. Please try again.",
+ "minimumMigrationAmountSpentAddresses": "The minimum migration amount for each spent address is 1 Mi. Check again if your balance doesn't look right.",
+ "tooManyAddressesToMigrate": "You have too many addresses with low balance to migrate. Check again if your balance doesn't look right.",
+ "cannotMigrateAllYourFunds": "We cannot migrate all of your funds because some addresses are too low in value. You can proceed anyway. {value} will be lost.",
+ "error": "There was an error migrating your funds. Please try again."
+ },
+ "bundleMiningWarning": {
+ "title": "Warning",
+ "body1": "You have funds on one or more spent addresses.",
+ "body2": "We recommend you run an automated process to help secure and transfer these funds safely.",
+ "body3": "If you close the app you will need to restart the whole migration.",
+ "learn": "Learn about spent addresses"
+ },
+ "secureSpentAddresses": {
+ "title": "Secure spent addresses",
+ "body1": "You have funds detected on {number, plural, one {# spent address} other {# spent addresses}}.",
+ "body2": "We recommend you run an automated process to help secure and transfer your funds safely.",
+ "error": "You can’t migrate spent addresses with less than 1 Mi"
+ },
+ "securityCheckCompleted": {
+ "title": "Security check completed",
+ "body1": "We have calculated the security risk level. Running this process again may lower your risk level.",
+ "body2": "When you are happy with the risk level(s) press continue.",
+ "rerun": "Rerun process for selected addresses",
+ "continueMigration": "Continue migration"
+ },
+ "securingSpentAddresses": {
+ "title": "Securing spent addresses...",
+ "body1": "This process will take {minutes, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}.",
+ "body2": "Your computer will run at full capacity, you may wish to do something else while you wait for this to complete."
+ },
+ "transferFragmentedFunds": {
+ "body1": "Firefly will now proceed to migrate your funds. This may take a while.",
+ "migrate": "Migrate funds",
+ "transaction": "Transaction {number}",
+ "rerun": "Try again"
+ },
+ "migrateFailed": {
+ "title": "To do",
+ "body": "To do"
+ },
+ "balance": {
+ "title": "Your balance",
+ "body": "Make sure your balance is correct before continuing. You can check again if things don't look correct.",
+ "error": "The minimum migration amount is 1 Mi. Check again if your balance doesn't look right.",
+ "zeroBalance": "Try checking again. If you still can't find your balance you might have entered your seed incorrectly."
+ },
+ "settings": {
+ "settings": "Settings",
+ "generalSettings": {
+ "title": "General Settings",
+ "description": "Configure your app's appearance and other general settings"
+ },
+ "security": {
+ "title": "Security",
+ "description": "Change your password and adjust security-related settings"
+ },
+ "advancedSettings": {
+ "title": "Advanced Settings",
+ "description": "Tools and manual settings for technical users"
+ },
+ "helpAndInfo": {
+ "title": "Help & Information",
+ "description": "Find the answer to a question or get help with an issue"
+ },
+ "profile": {
+ "title": "Profile",
+ "description": "Change your profile name or set an avatar"
+ },
+ "sync": {
+ "title": "Sync wallets",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "theme": {
+ "title": "Theme",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "language": {
+ "title": "Language",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "currency": {
+ "title": "Currency",
+ "description": "Adjusts balance conversion and updates chart options"
+ },
+ "notifications": {
+ "title": "Notifications",
+ "description": "System notifications for transaction events"
+ },
+ "exportStronghold": {
+ "title": "Export Backup",
+ "description": "Export to a Stronghold file - a complete encrypted backup of your wallets and latest transaction history."
+ },
+ "appLock": {
+ "title": "Automatic Lock",
+ "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hour} other {# hours}}"
+ },
+ "changePassword": {
+ "title": "Change password",
+ "description": "Your password is used to secure your wallets. You must use a strong password to protect your funds."
+ },
+ "changePincode": {
+ "title": "Change PIN code",
+ "description": "Your PIN keeps your balance and transactions private",
+ "currentPincode": "Current PIN",
+ "newPincode": "New PIN",
+ "confirmNewPincode": "Confirm new PIN",
+ "action": "Change PIN"
+ },
+ "balanceFinder": {
+ "title": "Balance finder",
+ "description": "Perform an extended search of your addresses for tokens."
+ },
+ "hiddenAccounts": {
+ "title": "Hidden wallets",
+ "description": "Selecting this options will show wallets that were previously hidden."
+ },
+ "deleteProfile": {
+ "title": "Delete profile",
+ "description": "Deletes your entire profile, wallets and transaction history. Make sure you have a backup."
+ },
+ "deepLinks": {
+ "title": "Deep links",
+ "description": "Automatically fill transaction data in Firefly upon clicking an iota:// link"
+ },
+ "developerMode": {
+ "title": "Developer mode",
+ "description": "Connect to testnets and other developer features"
+ },
+ "nodeSettings": {
+ "title": "Node settings",
+ "description": "Select Manual to configure the node settings and connect to your own node"
+ },
+ "configureNodeList": {
+ "title": "Select a node",
+ "description": "Manage the list of IOTA network nodes you connect to.",
+ "primaryNode": "Primary node",
+ "excludeNode": "Exclude node",
+ "includeNode": "Include node",
+ "viewDetails": "View details",
+ "setAsPrimary": "Set as primary",
+ "removeNode": "Remove node",
+ "includeOfficialNodeList": "Include official node list",
+ "noNodes": "There are no nodes, automatic selection will be used instead."
+ },
+ "proofOfWork": {
+ "title": "Proof of work",
+ "description": "Complete proof of work locally on your device or outsource to the node"
+ },
+ "errorLog": {
+ "title": "Error log",
+ "description": "View errors to debug an issue"
+ },
+ "diagnostics": {
+ "title": "Diagnostics",
+ "description": "View system and application information"
+ },
+ "stateExport": {
+ "title": "State export",
+ "description": "Export your transaction history to a .csv file"
+ },
+ "troubleshoot": {
+ "title": "Troubleshoot",
+ "description": "Use the troubleshooting wizard to solve common problems"
+ },
+ "documentation": {
+ "title": "Documentation",
+ "description": "View the documentation for in depth explanations of how things work"
+ },
+ "faq": {
+ "title": "FAQ",
+ "title2": "Frequently Asked Questions",
+ "description": "View the FAQs to get help with a common problem or question"
+ },
+ "discord": {
+ "title": "Discord",
+ "description": "Get help from the IOTA community on Discord"
+ },
+ "about": {
+ "title": "About",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "reportAnIssue": {
+ "title": "Report an issue",
+ "description": "Report a bug to the developers. Check through to make sure it hasn't already been reported."
+ }
+ },
+ "login": {
+ "pleaseWait": "Please wait {time, plural, one {1 second} other {# seconds}}",
+ "incorrectAttempts": "{attempts, plural, one {1 incorrect attempt} other {# incorrect attempts}}"
+ },
+ "dashboard": {
+ "security": {
+ "version": {
+ "title": "Firefly v{version}",
+ "upToDate": "Up to date",
+ "outOfDate": "Out of date"
+ },
+ "hardwareDevice": {
+ "title": "Hardware Device",
+ "noneDetected": "None detected"
+ },
+ "strongholdStatus": {
+ "title": "Wallet Status",
+ "locked": "Locked",
+ "unlocked": "Unlocked"
+ },
+ "strongholdBackup": {
+ "title": "Wallet Backup",
+ "weeksAgo": "{weeks, plural, one {# week} other {# weeks}} ago"
+ }
+ },
+ "network": {
+ "networkOperational": "Network Operational",
+ "networkDegraded": "Network Degraded",
+ "networkDown": "Network Disconnected",
+ "status": "Status",
+ "messagesPerSecond": "Messages per second",
+ "confirmationRate": "Confirmation rate"
+ },
+ "profileModal": {
+ "allSettings": "All settings",
+ "logout": "Log out"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "popups": {
+ "password": {
+ "title": "Password required",
+ "subtitle": "Please enter your password to unlock your wallets",
+ "backup": "Please enter your password to export a backup"
+ },
+ "qr": {
+ "title": "Your QR code"
+ },
+ "version": {
+ "title": "Current version: {version}",
+ "upToDateTitle": "Firefly is up to date",
+ "upToDateDescription": "You are running the latest and safest version of Firefly.",
+ "updateAvailable": "Firefly update available",
+ "updateDetails": "Version {version} - {date}",
+ "noAutoUpdate": "Auto-update is disabled in this Windows version, please go to to download the update."
+ },
+ "backup": {
+ "title": "Last backup: {date}",
+ "lastBackup": "You last backed up {date}",
+ "backupDescription": "It is important to back up regularly to ensure you have a copy of your wallets and transaction history.",
+ "backupWarning": "If you lose your backup and recovery phrase you will lose access to your funds.",
+ "notBackedUp": "Not backed up",
+ "notBackedUpDescription": "You have not backed up your wallets",
+ "saving": "Saving..."
+ },
+ "deleteAccount": {
+ "title": "Delete {name}?",
+ "body": "This wallet has no transaction history. It can safely be deleted.",
+ "typePassword": "Type your wallet password to confirm.",
+ "hideAccount": "Delete wallet",
+ "errorTitle": "Unable to delete {name}",
+ "errorBody1": "You cannot delete this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ },
+ "hideAccount": {
+ "title": "Hide {name}?",
+ "body": "You can find this wallet later by enabling \"Show hidden wallets\" in Advanced Settings.",
+ "typePassword": "Type your wallet password to confirm.",
+ "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
+ "errorTitle": "Unable to hide {name}",
+ "errorBody1": "To hide a wallet it must have 0 balance.",
+ "errorBody2": "You currently have {balance} remaining on this wallet. Please move these funds to a different wallet and try again.",
+ "errorBody3": "You cannot hide this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ },
+ "addressHistory": {
+ "title": "{name} address history",
+ "currentBalance": "Current balance: {balance}"
+ },
+ "node": {
+ "titleAdd": "Add a node",
+ "titleUpdate": "Update a node",
+ "titleRemove": "Remove a node",
+ "titleDetails": "Node details",
+ "nodeAddress": "Node address",
+ "optionalUsername": "Username (optional)",
+ "optionalPassword": "Password (optional)",
+ "setAsPrimaryNode": "Set as primary node",
+ "removeConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to remove this node?"
+ },
+ "errorLog": {
+ "title": "Error Log",
+ "empty": "The error log is empty."
+ },
+ "deleteProfile": {
+ "title": "Delete profile",
+ "confirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this profile? This operation cannot be undone.",
+ "typePassword": "Type your password to confirm."
+ },
+ "diagnostics": {
+ "title": "Diagnostics",
+ "node": "Node",
+ "platform": "Platform",
+ "platformVersion": "Platform Version",
+ "platformArchitecture": "Platform Architecture",
+ "cpuCount": "CPU Count",
+ "totalMem": "Total Memory",
+ "freeMem": "Free Memory",
+ "userPath": "User Path"
+ },
+ "transaction": {
+ "title": "Confirm transaction",
+ "body": "You’re about to send {amount} to"
+ },
+ "balanceFinder": {
+ "title": "Balance finder",
+ "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
+ "typePassword": "Type your password to allow searching."
+ },
+ "riskFunds": {
+ "title": "Warning: funds at risk during migration",
+ "body1": "It is strongly recommended that you secure all your funds before proceeding with migration. Your funds are at risk of theft if you do not secure them.",
+ "body2": "It is recommended that you rerun the process for addresses with a medium risk level or above."
+ },
+ "missingBundle": {
+ "title": "Warning: funds at risk during migration",
+ "body": "You have funds on spent addresses, but the information needed to secure them was not found. This can happen if you made transactions a long time ago. You can proceed but {value} are at risk during migration.",
+ "learnMore": "Learn more about spent addresses",
+ "proceed": "I understand the risk"
+ },
+ "snapshot": {
+ "title": "Ongoing network upgrade",
+ "body": "The Chrysalis network upgrade has begun.",
+ "bodyMigration": "Migration is disabled until it is complete.",
+ "bodyFirefly": "Firefly is disabled until it is complete. Token migration will still be possible afterwards."
+ }
+ },
+ "charts": {
+ "incomingMi": "Incoming {value}",
+ "outgoingMi": "Outgoing {value}",
+ "portoflio": "Portfolio",
+ "token": "Token",
+ "accountValue": "Wallet Value",
+ "accountActivity": "Wallet Activity",
+ "timeframe1Hour": "1 hour",
+ "timeframe1Day": "1 day",
+ "timeframe1Week": "1 week",
+ "timeframe1Month": "1 month"
+ },
+ "actions": {
+ "continue": "Continue",
+ "back": "Back",
+ "cancel": "Cancel",
+ "close": "Close",
+ "dismiss": "Dismiss",
+ "proceedAnyway": "Proceed anyway",
+ "save": "Save",
+ "importSeed": "Import an existing seed",
+ "restoreWallet": "Migrate or restore a wallet",
+ "restoreWalletDescription": "Migrate to Chrysalis or restore an existing wallet",
+ "createWallet": "Create new wallet",
+ "createWalletDescription": "Create a fresh wallet running on Chrysalis",
+ "savePassword": "Save password",
+ "useBiometric": "Use biometric security",
+ "setupPin": "Set up PIN code",
+ "setPin": "Set PIN code",
+ "confirmPin": "Confirm PIN code",
+ "enterYourPin": "Enter your PIN",
+ "saveBackupFile": "Save backup file",
+ "iveWrittenRecoveryPhrase": "I’ve written down my recovery phrase",
+ "verifyRecoveryPhrase": "Verify recovery phrase",
+ "revealRecoveryPhrase": "Reveal recovery phrase",
+ "importSeedvault": "Import SeedVault",
+ "checkAgain": "Check Again",
+ "importFromFile": "Import from a file",
+ "send": "Send",
+ "receive": "Receive",
+ "create": "Create",
+ "beginTransfer": "Begin Transfer",
+ "tryAgain": "Try again",
+ "visitDiscord": "Visit Discord",
+ "dragDrop": "Drag & Drop",
+ "importExtentions": ".kdbx or .stronghold file",
+ "chooseFile": "Choose a File",
+ "dropHere": "Drop your file here",
+ "syncAll": "Sync all",
+ "export": "Export",
+ "exportNewStronghold": "Export a new Stronghold",
+ "enableDeepLinks": "Enable deep links",
+ "enableDeveloperMode": "Enable developer mode",
+ "enableSystemNotifications": "Enable system notifications",
+ "exportState": "Export state",
+ "localProofOfWork": "Local proof of work",
+ "unlock": "Unlock",
+ "updateFirefly": "Update Firefly",
+ "restartNow": "Restart now",
+ "saveBackup": "Save Stronghold backup",
+ "customizeAcount": "Customise wallet",
+ "viewAddressHistory": "View address history",
+ "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
+ "showAccount": "Unhide wallet",
+ "deleteAccount": "Delete wallet",
+ "max": "Max",
+ "addNode": "Add node",
+ "updateNode": "Update node",
+ "removeNode": "Remove node",
+ "hide": "Hide",
+ "hideOthers": "Hide Others",
+ "showAll": "Show All",
+ "quit": "Quit",
+ "edit": "Edit",
+ "undo": "Undo",
+ "redo": "Redo",
+ "cut": "Cut",
+ "copy": "Copy",
+ "paste": "Paste",
+ "selectAll": "Select All",
+ "addAccount": "Add Wallet",
+ "checkForUpdates": "Check for Updates",
+ "reportAnIssue": "Report an Issue",
+ "clear": "Clear",
+ "hideDetails": "Hide Details",
+ "yes": "Yes",
+ "no": "No",
+ "skip": "Skip",
+ "reset": "Reset",
+ "downloadRecoveryKit": "Save Recovery Kit template",
+ "skipBackup": "Skip file backup",
+ "finishSetup": "Finish setup",
+ "readDocumentation": "Read the documentation",
+ "visitFaq": "Visit FAQ",
+ "viewStatus": "View status",
+ "showHiddenAccounts": "Show hidden wallets",
+ "confirm": "Confirm",
+ "findBalances": "Find balances",
+ "searchBalances": "Search for balances",
+ "searchAgain": "Search again",
+ "searching": "Searching...",
+ "closeFirefly": "Close Firefly"
+ },
+ "general": {
+ "password": "Password",
+ "confirmPassword": "Confirm password",
+ "currentPassword": "Current password",
+ "newPassword": "New password",
+ "confirmNewPassword": "Confirm new password",
+ "yourSeed": "Your Seed",
+ "recoveryPhrase": "Recovery Phrase",
+ "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
+ "sent": "Sent",
+ "received": "Received",
+ "sendPayment": "Send Payment",
+ "moveFunds": "Internal Transfer",
+ "sendFunds": "Send funds",
+ "sendToAddress": "Send to address",
+ "scanQrOrPaste": "Scan a QR code or paste an Address",
+ "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Move funds between wallets",
+ "sendTokensToAddress": "Send tokens to an address",
+ "manageAccount": "Manage Wallet",
+ "customizeAcount": "Customize your wallet",
+ "account": "Wallet",
+ "sendingToAddress": "Sending to address",
+ "amount": "Amount",
+ "addAddress": "Add Address",
+ "reference": "Reference",
+ "from": "From",
+ "to": "To",
+ "receiveFunds": "Receive Funds",
+ "myAddress": "My Address",
+ "shareAddress": "Share an address",
+ "yourAddress": "Your address",
+ "generateNewAddress": "Generate new address",
+ "copyAddress": "Copy Address",
+ "import": "Import",
+ "seedvault": "SeedVault",
+ "stronghold": "Stronghold",
+ "language": "Language",
+ "appearance": "Appearance",
+ "lightTheme": "Light theme",
+ "darkTheme": "Dark theme",
+ "balance": "Balance",
+ "accountBalance": "Wallet Balance",
+ "incoming": "Incoming",
+ "outgoing": "Outgoing",
+ "totalIn": "Total in",
+ "totalOut": "Total out",
+ "accounts": "Wallets",
+ "myAccounts": "My Wallets",
+ "automaticNodeSelection": "Automatic node selection",
+ "manualNodeSelection": "Manual node selection",
+ "profiles": "Profiles",
+ "developerProfile": "Developer Profile",
+ "developerProfileDescription": "Allows you to connect to testnets",
+ "dev": "Dev",
+ "createAccount": "Create a Wallet",
+ "accountName": "Wallet name",
+ "latestTransactions": "Latest Transactions",
+ "transactions": "Transactions",
+ "security": "Security",
+ "accountAddress": "Wallet Address",
+ "nodes": "Nodes",
+ "wallet": "Wallet",
+ "help": "Help",
+ "you": "You",
+ "messageId": "Message ID",
+ "inputAddress": "Send Address",
+ "receiveAddress": "Receive Address",
+ "date": "Date",
+ "status": "Status",
+ "confirmed": "Confirmed",
+ "pending": "Pending",
+ "noAccounts": "You have no wallets, please create one.",
+ "loadingAccounts": "Loading, please wait...",
+ "addProfile": "Add Profile",
+ "noRecentHistory": "No recent history",
+ "firstSync": "Syncing history, this may take a while...",
+ "transferSyncing": "Syncing wallet",
+ "transferSelectingInputs": "Selecting inputs",
+ "transferRemainderAddress": "Generating remainder deposit address",
+ "transferSigning": "Signing the transaction",
+ "transferPow": "Performing PoW",
+ "transferBroadcasting": "Broadcasting transaction",
+ "transferComplete": "Transfer complete",
+ "creatingAccount": "Creating wallet, please wait...",
+ "updatingAccount": "Updating wallet, please wait...",
+ "accountSyncing": "Wallet is syncing",
+ "accountSyncComplete": "Wallet sync complete",
+ "passwordUpdating": "Updating password...",
+ "passwordSuccess": "Updated password successfully",
+ "passwordFailed": "Updating password failed",
+ "syncingAccounts": "Syncing wallets...",
+ "exportingStronghold": "Exporting Stronghold...",
+ "exportingStrongholdSuccess": "Exported Stronghold successfully",
+ "exportingStrongholdFailed": "Exporting Stronghold failed",
+ "pinCodeUpdating": "Updating PIN code...",
+ "pinCodeSuccess": "Updated PIN code successfully",
+ "pinCodeFailed": "Updating PIN code failed",
+ "passwordStrength": "Password strength",
+ "passwordStrength0": "Bad",
+ "passwordStrength1": "Poor",
+ "passwordStrength2": "Weak",
+ "passwordStrength3": "Average",
+ "passwordStrength4": "Strong",
+ "creatingProfile": "Creating profile, please wait...",
+ "fundMigration": "Fund migration",
+ "accountRemoved": "This wallet is hidden. Unhide it to perform transfers.",
+ "receivingTo": "Receiving to {account}",
+ "sendingFrom": "Sending from {account}",
+ "receivedTo": "Received to {account}",
+ "sentFrom": "Sent from {account}",
+ "receiving": "Receiving",
+ "sending": "Sending",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Network"
+ },
+ "dates": {
+ "today": "Today",
+ "yesterday": "Yesterday",
+ "daysAgo": "{time, plural, one {# day} other {# days}} ago",
+ "weeksAgo": "{time, plural, one {# week} other {# weeks}} ago",
+ "monthsAgo": "{time, plural, one {# month} other {# months}} ago",
+ "yearsAgo": "{time, plural, one {# year} other {# years}} ago"
+ },
+ "notifications": {
+ "valueTx": "Receiving {{value}} to {{account}}",
+ "confirmed": "Outgoing {{value}} from {{account}} has confirmed",
+ "confirmedInternal": "{{value}} from {{senderAccount}} to {{receiverAccount}} has confirmed",
+ "confirmedInternalNoAccounts": "{{value}} internal transfer has confirmed",
+ "failed": "Outgoing {{value}} from {{account}} has failed",
+ "downloadingUpdate": "Downloading update",
+ "updateReady": "Update ready",
+ "updateError": "An error occurred during the update, please try again",
+ "restartInstall": "Restart to install",
+ "calcMinutesRemaining": "Calculating minutes remaining...",
+ "minutesRemaining": "{minutes, plural, one {1 minute remaining} other {# minutes remaining}}",
+ "copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
+ "accountsSynchronized": "Wallet synchronization complete",
+ "migratedAccountChrysalisDown": "Your funds will become available after Chrysalis on 28th April",
+ "migratedAccountChrysalisUp": "Your funds will become available shortly"
+ },
+ "error": {
+ "profile": {
+ "length": "Your profile name can't be longer than {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}}.",
+ "duplicate": "A profile with this name already exists."
+ },
+ "password": {
+ "doNotMatch": "Passwords do not match.",
+ "tooWeak": "Your new password is too weak.",
+ "row": "Straight rows of keys are easy to guess.",
+ "pattern": "Short keyboard patterns are easy to guess.",
+ "names": "Common names and surnames are easy to guess.",
+ "repeats": "Repeats like 'aaa' are easy to guess.",
+ "repeats2": "Repeats like 'abcabcabc' are easy to guess.",
+ "sequence": "Sequences of characters are easy to guess.",
+ "years": "Recent years are easy to guess.",
+ "dates": "Dates are easy to guess.",
+ "common": "This is a very common password.",
+ "similar": "This is similar to a common password.",
+ "word": "A single word is easy to guess.",
+ "incorrect": "Your password is incorrect.",
+ "length": "Your password can't be longer than {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}}."
+ },
+ "pincode": {
+ "length": "Your PIN must be {length, plural, one {1 digit} other {# digits}} long.",
+ "match": "PINs do not match.",
+ "incorrect": "Your current PIN is incorrect."
+ },
+ "account": {
+ "length": "Your wallet name can't be longer than {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}}.",
+ "empty": "You must use your latest wallet before creating a new one.",
+ "notEmpty": "You must transfer your balance before deleting this wallet.",
+ "duplicate": "A wallet with this name already exists.",
+ "tilde": "A profile name can't start with the '~' character.",
+ "control": "A profile name can't contain a control character.",
+ "startDot": "A profile name can't start with the '.' character.",
+ "chars": "A profile name can't contain the following characters <>:\"/\\|?*"
+ },
+ "send": {
+ "addressLength": "Addresses should be {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}} long.",
+ "amountTooHigh": "This is greater than your available balance.",
+ "amountNoFloat": "If units are `i` you cannot use decimal places.",
+ "amountInvalidFormat": "The amount appears to be an invalid number.",
+ "amountZero": "The amount must be greater than 0.",
+ "wrongAddressPrefix": "Addresses start with the prefix {prefix}.",
+ "wrongAddressFormat": "The address is not correctly formatted.",
+ "invalidAddress": "The address is not valid.",
+ "insufficientFunds": "This wallet has insufficient funds.",
+ "noToAccount": "You have not selected a wallet to send the funds to.",
+ "sendingDust": "You cannot send less than 1 Mi.",
+ "leavingDust": "You cannot leave less than 1 Mi on your address."
+ },
+ "node": {
+ "invalid": "Please enter a valid URL.",
+ "https": "HTTPS is required. Set up a developer profile to use unsecured HTTP connections.",
+ "duplicate": "This node has already been added.",
+ "unsynced": "The node is not in sync.",
+ "noSynced": "No synced nodes are available."
+ },
+ "global": {
+ "generic": "Something went wrong."
+ },
+ "backup": {
+ "invalid": "The backup file was not recognised.",
+ "destination": "The backup destination was not valid.",
+ "mnemonic": "The mnemonic is not valid.",
+ "seedTooShort": "The seed should be 81 characters long, it {length, plural, one {is 1} other {is #}}",
+ "seedCharacters": "The seed should only contain characters A-Z or 9",
+ "phraseWordCount": "There should be 24 words in your recovery phrase, currently there {length, plural, one {is 1} other {are #}}.",
+ "phraseUnrecognizedWord": "Unrecognized word \"{word}\" in your recovery phrase",
+ "phraseCaseWord": "The word \"{word}\" should be lower case"
+ }
+ },
+ "tooltips": {
+ "risk": {
+ "title": "Risk level: {risk}",
+ "veryHigh": "Very high",
+ "high": "High",
+ "medium": "Medium",
+ "low": "Low",
+ "veryLow": "Very low"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/mk.json b/packages/shared/locales/mk.json
index 36ebecd5bee..cc6f13b9ac7 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/mk.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/mk.json
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
"restoringWallet": "Restoring wallet...",
"findingBalance": "Finding balance...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Incorrect SeedVault password.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "No data could be found in the SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Signing bundle",
"broadcastingBundle": "Broadcasting bundle",
"miningBundle": "Mining bundle",
@@ -245,7 +246,9 @@
"appLock": {
"title": "Автоматско заклучување",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hour} other {# hours}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Промени ја лозинката",
@@ -697,7 +700,8 @@
"receivedTo": "Received to {account}",
"sentFrom": "Sent from {account}",
"receiving": "Receiving",
- "sending": "Sending"
+ "sending": "Sending",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Network"
"dates": {
"today": "Денес",
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/nl.json b/packages/shared/locales/nl.json
index 9802b89bc37..de4ec095edb 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/nl.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/nl.json
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
"body1": "Voer je wachtwoord in om een back-up van je wallet te maken naar een Stronghold bestand. Je wachtwoord wordt gebruikt om de back-up te versleutelen.",
"body2": "Redenen waarom digitale back-up's belangrijk zijn:",
"reason1": "Herstel gemakkelijk uw portemonnee zonder uw herstelzin in te typen",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason2": "Importeer uw wallet naar andere apparaten",
"reason3": "Herstel uw volledige transactie geschiedenis"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
"importSeed": "Ik heb een 81 tekenreeks seed",
"importSeedDescription": "Voer een seed in en migreer tegoeden naar Chrysalis",
"importMnemonic": "Ik heb een Firefly herstel zin",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "Voer uw herstel zin in om uw portemonnees te herstellen",
"importFile": "Ik heb een bestandsback-up",
"importFileDescription": "Upload een Seedkluis of Stronghold bestand"
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
"restoringWallet": "Herstellen portemonnee...",
"findingBalance": "Zoeken saldo...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Onjuist SeedVault wachtwoord.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "No data could be found in the SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Tekenen bundel",
"broadcastingBundle": "Uitzenden bundel",
"miningBundle": "Mijnen bundel",
@@ -245,7 +246,9 @@
"appLock": {
"title": "Automatisch vergrendelen",
- "description": "Inactiviteit tijd voordat uw portemonnees vergrendelen en u bent uitgelogd"
+ "description": "Inactiviteit tijd voordat uw portemonnees vergrendelen en u bent uitgelogd",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hour} other {# hours}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Wachtwoord wijzigen",
@@ -461,8 +464,8 @@
"balanceFinder": {
"title": "Saldo zoeker",
- "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
+ "body": "Voer een uitvoerigere zoekopdracht uit van adressen om ontbrekende saldi te vinden. Dit kan enige tijd duren.",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "Totaalsaldo",
"typePassword": "Voer uw wachtwoord in om zoeken mogelijk te maken."
"riskFunds": {
@@ -697,7 +700,8 @@
"receivedTo": "Ontvangen op {account}",
"sentFrom": "Verzonden vanaf {account}",
"receiving": "Ontvangen",
- "sending": "Verzenden"
+ "sending": "Verzenden",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Network"
"dates": {
"today": "Vandaag",
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/no.json b/packages/shared/locales/no.json
index fb69c834ddd..c03b08aa73b 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/no.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/no.json
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"views": {
"onboarding1": {
- "title": "Send, motta og håndter dine IOTA tokens",
- "body": "Firefly er den offisielle lommebokprogramvaren til IOTA."
+ "title": "Send, Motta og Håndter dine IOTA tokens",
+ "body": "Firefly er den offisielle IOTA-lommeboken."
"legal": {
- "title": "Personvern og vilkår for bruk",
- "body": "Vennligst gå gjennom personvernerklæringen og vilkårene for bruk.",
+ "title": "Personvernerklæring & Vilkår for Bruk",
+ "body": "Vennligst gå gjennom Personvernerklæring og Vilkår for Bruk.",
"checkbox": "Jeg har lest og godtar retningslinjer for personvern og tjenestevilkår"
"appearance": {
@@ -15,18 +15,18 @@
"profile": {
"title": "Opprett profil",
- "body1": "Du kan opprette flere brukerprofiler for å organisere dine lommebøker og forbedre ditt personvern.",
- "body2": "La oss nå starte med ditt første profilnavn. Du kan legge til flere profiler senere.",
+ "body1": "Du kan opprette flere brukerprofiler for å organisere lommebøkene dine og forbedre personvern.",
+ "body2": "La oss begynne med ditt første profilnavn. Du kan legge til flere profiler senere.",
"profileName": "Profilnavn"
"setup": {
"title": "Sett opp en lommebok",
"chrysalisTitle": "Chrysalis Nettverksoppdatering",
- "chrysalisBody": "Fra den 21. april kan brukere migrere tokens til det nye Chrysalis nettverket. Vi anbefaler at du migrerer dine eksisterende tokens så fort som mulig.",
- "learnMore": "Lær om migrasjonen"
+ "chrysalisBody": "Fra 21. april kan brukere migrere tokens til det nye Chrysalis-nettverket. Vi anbefaler at du migrerer dine eksisterende tokens så fort som mulig.",
+ "learnMore": "Lær om migreringen"
"secure": {
- "title": "Sikre din lommebok",
+ "title": "Sikre lommeboken din",
"body1": "Last ned og skriv ut Recovery Kit PDF-malen.",
"body2": "Hvis du fyller ut Recovery Kit og oppbevarer det trygt, vil du alltid kunne gjenopprette lommebøkene dine."
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"protect": {
"title": "Protect your wallet",
- "body1": "Lag en PIN-kode for å være sikker på at bare du kan gå inn på din profil.",
+ "body1": "Lag en PIN-kode for å være sikker på at bare du kan gå inn på profilen din.",
"body2": "Hold PIN-koden din trygg!"
"pin": {
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
"confirmPin": {
"title": "Bekreft din PIN-kode",
"body1": "PIN-koden holder saldoen din og transaksjonene dine privat.",
- "body2": "Tast inn PIN-koden igjen for å fortsette. "
+ "body2": "Skriv inn PIN-koden på nytt for å fortsette. "
"backup": {
"title": "Sikkerhetskopier din lommebok",
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
"recoveryPhrase": {
"title": "Gjenopprettingsfrase",
- "body1": "I ditt Recovery Kit, skriv ned ordene i den eksakte rekkefølgen som vises.",
+ "body1": "I ditt Recovery Kit, skriv ned ordene i eksakt den rekkefølgen de vises i.",
"body2": "Oppbevar denne privat og trygt lagret.",
"body3": "Det er viktig å ha en skriftlig sikkerhetskopi. Datamaskiner feiler ofte og filer kan forsvinne.",
"revealRecoveryPhrase": "Vis gjenopprettingsfrasen",
@@ -69,14 +69,14 @@
"body": "La oss sjekke at du skrev ned frasen riktig. Vennligst velg hvert ord i riktig rekkefølge.",
"word": "Ord",
"verified": "Gjenopprettingsfrase bekreftet",
- "verifiedBody": "Husk å holde det privat og sikkert lagret."
+ "verifiedBody": "Husk å holde den privat og trygt lagret."
"backupWallet": {
"title": "Sikkerhetskopier til en Stronghold-fil",
- "body1": "Tast inn passordet ditt for å sikkerhetskopiere lommebøkene dine til en Stronghold-fil. Passordet brukes til å kryptere sikkerhetskopien.",
+ "body1": "Skriv inn passordet ditt for å sikkerhetskopiere lommebøkene dine til en Stronghold-fil. Passordet brukes til å kryptere sikkerhetskopien.",
"body2": "Årsaker til at digitale sikkerhetskopier er viktig:",
- "reason1": "Gjenopprett lommeboken din enkelt uten å skrive inn gjenopprettingsfrasen",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason1": "Gjenopprett lommebøkene dine enkelt uten å skrive inn gjenopprettingsfrasen din",
+ "reason2": "Importer lommebøkene dine på andre enheter",
"reason3": "Gjenopprett hele transaksjonshistorikken"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
@@ -87,29 +87,29 @@
"title": "Oppsett av lommebok fullført",
"body": "Din nye lommebok er klar til bruk.",
"fundsMigrated": "Midlene er migrert",
- "success": "Migreringen av dine midler til det nye nettverket var vellykket",
- "exportMigration": "Eksporter migrasjonsloggen og fullfør oppsettet"
+ "success": "Migreringen av midlene dine til det nye nettverket var vellykket",
+ "exportMigration": "Eksporter migreringsloggen og fullfør oppsettet"
"import": {
- "title": "Gjenopprett eller migrér midler",
- "body": "Hvis du har en eksisterende hovednøkkel eller sikkerhetskopi av filen, kan du importere den her. Hvis du holder midler fra det gamle nettverket, vil du bli tatt gjennom migrasjonsstegene for å flytte til Chrysalis nettverket.",
+ "title": "Gjenopprett eller migrer midler",
+ "body": "Hvis du har en eksisterende hovednøkkel eller sikkerhetskopi-fil, kan du importere den her. Hvis du holder midler fra det gamle nettverket, vil du bli tatt gjennom migreringsstegene for å flytte til Chrysalis-nettverket.",
"importSeed": "Jeg har en 81 tegns lang hovednøkkel",
"importSeedDescription": "Oppgi en hovednøkkel og migrerer midler til Chrysalis",
"importMnemonic": "Jeg har en Firefly gjenopprettingsfrase",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "Skriv inn gjenopprettingsfrasen din for å gjenopprette lommebøkene dine",
"importFile": "Jeg har en sikkerhetskopi-fil",
- "importFileDescription": "Last opp en Seedvault eller Stronghold fil"
+ "importFileDescription": "Last opp en Seedvault- eller Stronghold-fil"
"importFromText": {
"seed": {
- "title": "Skriv inn din hovednøkkel for å starte migrering",
+ "title": "Skriv inn hovednøkkelen din for å starte migreringen",
"body": "En hovednøkkel består av 81 tegn. Denne brukes til å gjenopprette fra den eldre Trinity-appen.",
"enter": "Angi din hovednøkkel"
"mnemonic": {
- "title": "Skriv inn din gjenopprettingsfrase",
+ "title": "Skriv inn gjenopprettingsfrasen din",
"body": "En gjenopprettingsfrase består av 24 ord, med kun små bokstaver, hvor ordene er adskilt med mellomrom. Denne brukes for å gjenopprette eksisterende Firefly-lommebøker.",
- "enter": "Skriv inn din hemmelige gjenopprettingsfrase"
+ "enter": "Skriv inn den hemmelige gjenopprettingsfrasen din"
"seedDetected": "Hovednøkkel med 81 tegn oppdaget",
"phraseDetected": "24 ords gjenopprettingsfrase oppdaget",
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
"body": "Importer en sikkerhetskopi-fil for å gjenopprette lommebøkene dine. Sikkerhetskopier kan enten være et Stronghold (.stronghold) eller et Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
"importBackupPassword": {
- "title": "Gjenopprett dine lommebøker fra et SeedVault eller Stronghold",
+ "title": "Gjenopprett lommebøkene dine fra et SeedVault eller Stronghold",
"body1": "Vennligst skriv inn passordet for sikkerhetskopien.",
"body2": "Dette er passordet du lagde når du først opprettet sikkerhetskopien."
@@ -134,23 +134,24 @@
"migrate": {
"title": "Overfør midlene dine",
- "body1": "Dette er en automatisk prosess for å overføre dine midler til din nye lommebok.",
+ "body1": "Dette er en automatisk prosess for å overføre midlene dine til din nye lommebok.",
"body2": "Dette kan ta litt tid. Ikke slå av enheten under overføringen.",
"existing": "Din gamle lommebok",
"new": "Din nye lommebok",
- "learn": "Lær om migrasjonen",
+ "learn": "Lær om migreringen",
"beginMigration": "Begynn migrering",
"migrating": "Migrerer midler...",
"migrated": "{balance} migrert",
- "migrationFailed": "Migrasjon mislyktes",
+ "migrationFailed": "Migrering mislyktes",
"noAddressesForMigration": "Vennligst velg adressene du ønsker å sikre.",
- "restoringWallet": "Gjenoppretter lommeboken...",
+ "restoringWallet": "Gjenoppretter lommebok...",
"findingBalance": "Finner saldo...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Feil passord for SeedVault.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "Fant ingen data i SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Signerer bundle",
"broadcastingBundle": "Kringkaster bundle",
- "miningBundle": "Utvinner bunt",
- "problemRestoringWallet": "Det oppsto et tilkoblingsproblem under gjenopprettingen av din lommebok. Vennligst prøv igjen.",
+ "miningBundle": "Utvinner bundle",
+ "problemRestoringWallet": "Det oppsto et tilkoblingsproblem under gjenopprettingen av lommeboken din. Vennligst prøv igjen.",
"minimumMigrationAmountSpentAddresses": "Minste overføringsbeløp for hver brukte adresse er 1 Mi. Sjekk igjen om din saldo ser riktig ut.",
"tooManyAddressesToMigrate": "Du har for mange adresser med lav saldo til å migrere. Sjekk igjen om din saldo ser riktig ut.",
"cannotMigrateAllYourFunds": "Vi kan ikke migrere alle dine midler fordi noen adresser har for lav verdi. Du kan allikevell fortsette. {value} vil gå tapt.",
@@ -194,7 +195,7 @@
"balance": {
"title": "Din saldo",
"body": "Kontroller at saldoen stemmer før du fortsetter. Du kan sjekke igjen om det ikke ser riktig ut.",
- "error": "Minste migrasjonsbeløp er 1 Mi. Sjekk igjen om saldoen ikke ser riktig ut.",
+ "error": "Minste migreringsbeløp er 1 Mi. Sjekk igjen om saldoen ikke ser riktig ut.",
"zeroBalance": "Prøv å sjekke igjen. Hvis du fortsatt ikke kan finne balansen din, kan det hende at du har skrevet inn din hovednøkkel feil."
"settings": {
@@ -245,11 +246,13 @@
"appLock": {
"title": "Automatisk lås",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "description": "Inaktivitetstid før lommeboken låses og du blir logget ut",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minutt} other {# minutter}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 time} other {# timer}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Bytt passord",
- "description": "Your password is used to secure your wallets. You must use a strong password to protect your funds."
+ "description": "Passordet ditt brukes til å sikre lommeboken. Du må bruke et sterkt passord for å beskytte midlene."
"changePincode": {
"title": "Endre PIN-koden",
@@ -264,12 +267,12 @@
"description": "Utfør et utvidet søk av adressene dine for å finne midler."
"hiddenAccounts": {
- "title": "Hidden wallets",
- "description": "Selecting this options will show wallets that were previously hidden."
+ "title": "Skjulte lommebøker",
+ "description": "Ved å velge dette alternativet vises lommebøker som tidligere var skjult."
"deleteProfile": {
"title": "Slett profil",
- "description": "Deletes your entire profile, wallets and transaction history. Make sure you have a backup."
+ "description": "Sletter hele lommeboken, profilen og transaksjonshistorien. Pass på at du har en sikkerhetskopi."
"deepLinks": {
"title": "Dyplenker",
@@ -285,7 +288,7 @@
"configureNodeList": {
"title": "Velg en node",
- "description": "Manage the list of IOTA network nodes you connect to.",
+ "description": "Administrer listen over IOTA nettverksnoder du kobler til.",
"primaryNode": "Primær node",
"excludeNode": "Ekskluder node",
"includeNode": "Inkluder node",
@@ -354,8 +357,8 @@
"strongholdStatus": {
"title": "Lommebok status",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "unlocked": "Unlocked"
+ "locked": "Låst",
+ "unlocked": "Ulåst"
"strongholdBackup": {
"title": "Sikkerhetskopi av lommebok",
@@ -379,7 +382,7 @@
"popups": {
"password": {
"title": "Passord påkrevd",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your password to unlock your wallets",
+ "subtitle": "Skriv inn passordet ditt for å låse opp lommebøkene dine",
"backup": "Vennligst skriv inn passordet ditt for å eksportere en sikkerhetskopi"
"qr": {
@@ -391,34 +394,34 @@
"upToDateDescription": "Du bruker den siste og sikreste versjonen av Firefly.",
"updateAvailable": "Firefly-oppdatering tilgjengelig",
"updateDetails": "Versjon {version} - {date}",
- "noAutoUpdate": "Auto-update is disabled in this Windows version, please go to to download the update."
+ "noAutoUpdate": "Auto-oppdatering er deaktivert i denne Windows-versjonen, gå til for å laste ned oppdateringen."
"backup": {
"title": "Siste sikkerhetskopi: {date}",
"lastBackup": "Du sikkerhetskopierte sist {date}",
- "backupDescription": "It is important to back up regularly to ensure you have a copy of your wallets and transaction history.",
+ "backupDescription": "Det er viktig å sikkerhetskopiere regelmessig slik at du har en kopi av lommebøker og transaksjonshistorie.",
"backupWarning": "Hvis du mister din backup og gjenopprettingsfrase mister du tilgang til dine midler.",
"notBackedUp": "Ikke sikkerhetskopiert",
- "notBackedUpDescription": "You have not backed up your wallets",
+ "notBackedUpDescription": "Du har ikke sikkerhetskopiert lommebøkene dine",
"saving": "Lagrer..."
"deleteAccount": {
"title": "Slett {name}?",
- "body": "This wallet has no transaction history. It can safely be deleted.",
+ "body": "Denne lommeboken har ingen transaksjonshistorie. Den kan trygt slettes.",
"typePassword": "Skriv inn passordet til lommeboken for å bekrefte.",
- "hideAccount": "Delete wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "Slett lommebok",
"errorTitle": "Kunne ikke slette {name}",
- "errorBody1": "You cannot delete this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "errorBody1": "Du kan ikke slette denne lommeboken, du må ha minst én lommebok."
"hideAccount": {
"title": "Skjul {name}?",
- "body": "You can find this wallet later by enabling \"Show hidden wallets\" in Advanced Settings.",
+ "body": "Du kan finne denne lommeboken senere ved å aktivere \"Vis skjulte lommeboker\" i Avanserte innstillinger.",
"typePassword": "Skriv inn passordet til lommeboken for å bekrefte.",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "Skjul lommebok",
"errorTitle": "Kunne ikke skjule {name}",
- "errorBody1": "To hide a wallet it must have 0 balance.",
- "errorBody2": "You currently have {balance} remaining on this wallet. Please move these funds to a different wallet and try again.",
- "errorBody3": "You cannot hide this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "errorBody1": "For å skjule en lommebok må den ha 0 saldo.",
+ "errorBody2": "Du har {balance} igjen i denne lommeboken. Vennligst flytt disse midlene til en annen lommebok og prøv igjen.",
+ "errorBody3": "Du kan ikke skjule denne lommeboken, du må ha minst én lommebok."
"addressHistory": {
"title": "{name} adressehistorikk",
@@ -461,26 +464,26 @@
"balanceFinder": {
"title": "Saldo-finner",
- "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
+ "body": "Utfør et mer utfyllende søk i adressene for å finne manglende midler. Dette kan ta en stund.",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "Total saldo",
"typePassword": "Skriv inn passordet ditt for å tillate søking."
"riskFunds": {
- "title": "Advarsel: Midler er utsatt for risiko under migrasjonen",
- "body1": "Det er sterkt anbefalt at du sikrer midlene dine før du går videre med migrasjonen. Midlene dine er utsatt for tyveri hvis du ikke sikrer dem.",
+ "title": "Advarsel: Midler er utsatt for risiko under migreringen",
+ "body1": "Det er sterkt anbefalt at du sikrer midlene dine før du går videre med migreringen. Midlene dine er utsatt for tyveri hvis du ikke sikrer dem.",
"body2": "Det anbefales at du gjentar prosessen for adresser med et middels risikonivå eller høyere."
"missingBundle": {
- "title": "Advarsel: Midler er utsatt for risiko under migrasjonen",
+ "title": "Advarsel: Midler er utsatt for risiko under migreringen",
"body": "Du har tilgjengelige midler på brukte adresser, men nødvendig informasjon for å sikre dem ble ikke funnet. Dette kan skje hvis du har utført transaksjoner for lenge siden. Du kan fortsette, men {value} er utsatt for risiko under migrasjonen.",
"learnMore": "Lær mer om brukte adresser",
"proceed": "Jeg forstår risikoen"
"snapshot": {
- "title": "Ongoing network upgrade",
- "body": "The Chrysalis network upgrade has begun.",
- "bodyMigration": "Migration is disabled until it is complete.",
- "bodyFirefly": "Firefly is disabled until it is complete. Token migration will still be possible afterwards."
+ "title": "Pågående nettverksoppgradering",
+ "body": "Chrysalis nettverksoppgradering har begynt.",
+ "bodyMigration": "Migrering er deaktivert inntil den er ferdig.",
+ "bodyFirefly": "Firefly er deaktivert til det er fullført. Token migrering vil fortsatt bli mulig etterpå."
"charts": {
@@ -488,8 +491,8 @@
"outgoingMi": "Utgående {value}",
"portoflio": "Portefølje",
"token": "Token",
- "accountValue": "Wallet Value",
- "accountActivity": "Wallet Activity",
+ "accountValue": "Lommebokens verdi",
+ "accountActivity": "Lommebokaktivitet",
"timeframe1Hour": "1 time",
"timeframe1Day": "1 dag",
"timeframe1Week": "1 uke",
@@ -543,11 +546,11 @@
"updateFirefly": "Oppdater Firefly",
"restartNow": "Start på nytt nå",
"saveBackup": "Lagre Stronghold sikkerhetskopi",
- "customizeAcount": "Customise wallet",
+ "customizeAcount": "Tilpass lommebok",
"viewAddressHistory": "Vis adressehistorikk",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
- "showAccount": "Unhide wallet",
- "deleteAccount": "Delete wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "Skjul lommebok",
+ "showAccount": "Vis lommebok",
+ "deleteAccount": "Slett lommebok",
"max": "Maks",
"addNode": "Legg til node",
"updateNode": "Oppdater node",
@@ -563,7 +566,7 @@
"copy": "Kopier",
"paste": "Lim inn",
"selectAll": "Velg alt",
- "addAccount": "Add Wallet",
+ "addAccount": "Legg til lommebok",
"checkForUpdates": "Søk etter oppdateringer",
"reportAnIssue": "Rapportér en feil",
"clear": "Tøm",
@@ -578,13 +581,13 @@
"readDocumentation": "Les dokumentasjonen",
"visitFaq": "Besøk FAQ",
"viewStatus": "Vis status",
- "showHiddenAccounts": "Show hidden wallets",
+ "showHiddenAccounts": "Vis skjulte lommebøker",
"confirm": "Bekreft",
"findBalances": "Finn saldoer",
"searchBalances": "Søk etter saldoer",
"searchAgain": "Søk på nytt",
"searching": "Søker...",
- "closeFirefly": "Close Firefly"
+ "closeFirefly": "Lukk Firefly"
"general": {
"password": "Passord",
@@ -598,14 +601,14 @@
"sent": "Sendt",
"received": "Mottatt",
"sendPayment": "Send betaling",
- "moveFunds": "Overføring mellom egne kontoer",
+ "moveFunds": "Intern Overføring",
"sendFunds": "Send midler",
"sendToAddress": "Send til adresse",
"scanQrOrPaste": "Skann en QR-kode eller lim inn en adresse",
- "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Move funds between wallets",
+ "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Flytt midler mellom lommebøker",
"sendTokensToAddress": "Send tokens til en adresse",
- "manageAccount": "Manage Wallet",
- "customizeAcount": "Customize your wallet",
+ "manageAccount": "Administrere lommebok",
+ "customizeAcount": "Tilpass lommebok",
"account": "Lommebok",
"sendingToAddress": "Sender til adresse",
"amount": "Beløp",
@@ -627,25 +630,25 @@
"lightTheme": "Lyst tema",
"darkTheme": "Mørkt tema",
"balance": "Saldo",
- "accountBalance": "Wallet Balance",
+ "accountBalance": "Lommebokens saldo",
"incoming": "Innkommende",
"outgoing": "Utgående",
"totalIn": "Totalt inn",
"totalOut": "Totalt ut",
- "accounts": "Wallets",
- "myAccounts": "My Wallets",
+ "accounts": "Lommebøker",
+ "myAccounts": "Lommebøkene mine",
"automaticNodeSelection": "Automatisk node selektering",
"manualNodeSelection": "Manuell node selektering",
"profiles": "Profiler",
"developerProfile": "Utviklerprofil",
"developerProfileDescription": "Lar deg koble til testnett",
"dev": "Utvikling",
- "createAccount": "Create a Wallet",
- "accountName": "Wallet name",
+ "createAccount": "Opprette lommebok",
+ "accountName": "Navn på lommebok",
"latestTransactions": "Siste transaksjoner",
"transactions": "Transaksjoner",
"security": "Sikkerhet",
- "accountAddress": "Wallet Address",
+ "accountAddress": "Adressen til lommeboken",
"nodes": "Noder",
"wallet": "Lommebok",
"help": "Hjelp",
@@ -657,26 +660,26 @@
"status": "Status",
"confirmed": "Bekreftet",
"pending": "Venter",
- "noAccounts": "You have no wallets, please create one.",
+ "noAccounts": "Du har ingen lommebøker, vennligst lag en.",
"loadingAccounts": "Laster inn, vennligst vent...",
"addProfile": "Legg til profil",
"noRecentHistory": "Ingen nylig historie",
- "firstSync": "Syncing history, this may take a while...",
- "transferSyncing": "Syncing wallet",
+ "firstSync": "Synkroniserer historikk, dette kan ta en stund...",
+ "transferSyncing": "Synkroniserer lommebok",
"transferSelectingInputs": "Velger inndata",
"transferRemainderAddress": "Genererer innskuddsadresse for overskudd",
"transferSigning": "Signerer transaksjonen",
"transferPow": "Utfører PoW",
"transferBroadcasting": "Promoterer transaksjonen",
"transferComplete": "Overføring fullført",
- "creatingAccount": "Creating wallet, please wait...",
- "updatingAccount": "Updating wallet, please wait...",
- "accountSyncing": "Wallet is syncing",
- "accountSyncComplete": "Wallet sync complete",
+ "creatingAccount": "Oppretter lommebok, vennligst vent...",
+ "updatingAccount": "Oppdaterer lommebok, vennligst vent...",
+ "accountSyncing": "Lommebok synkroniserer",
+ "accountSyncComplete": "Synkronisering av lommeboken er fullført",
"passwordUpdating": "Oppdaterer passord...",
"passwordSuccess": "Oppdatering av passord var vellykket",
"passwordFailed": "Oppdatering av passord mislyktes",
- "syncingAccounts": "Syncing wallets...",
+ "syncingAccounts": "Synkroniserer lommeboken...",
"exportingStronghold": "Eksporterer Stronghold...",
"exportingStrongholdSuccess": "Eksporten av Stronghold var vellykket",
"exportingStrongholdFailed": "Eksport av Stronghold feilet",
@@ -690,14 +693,15 @@
"passwordStrength3": "Gjennomsnittlig",
"passwordStrength4": "Sterk",
"creatingProfile": "Oppretter profil, vennligst vent...",
- "fundMigration": "Migrasjon av midler",
- "accountRemoved": "This wallet is hidden. Unhide it to perform transfers.",
+ "fundMigration": "Migrering av midler",
+ "accountRemoved": "Denne lommeboken er skjult. Vis den for å utføre overføringer.",
"receivingTo": "Mottar til {account}",
"sendingFrom": "Sender fra {account}",
"receivedTo": "Mottar til {account}",
"sentFrom": "Sendt fra {account}",
"receiving": "Mottar",
- "sending": "Sender"
+ "sending": "Sender",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Gammelt Nettverk"
"dates": {
"today": "I dag",
@@ -720,7 +724,7 @@
"calcMinutesRemaining": "Beregner minutter som gjenstår...",
"minutesRemaining": "{minutes, plural, one {1 minutt gjenstår} other {# minutter gjenstår}}",
"copiedToClipboard": "Kopiert til utklippstavle",
- "accountsSynchronized": "Wallet synchronization complete",
+ "accountsSynchronized": "Synkronisering av lommebok fullført",
"migratedAccountChrysalisDown": "Midlene dine vil bli tilgjengelig etter Chrysalis den 28. april",
"migratedAccountChrysalisUp": "Dine midler vil bli tilgjengelig snarlig"
@@ -752,10 +756,10 @@
"incorrect": "Gjeldende pinkode er feil."
"account": {
- "length": "Your wallet name can't be longer than {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}}.",
- "empty": "You must use your latest wallet before creating a new one.",
- "notEmpty": "You must transfer your balance before deleting this wallet.",
- "duplicate": "A wallet with this name already exists.",
+ "length": "Lommeboknavnet ditt kan ikke være lenger enn {length, plural, one {1 tegn} other {# tegn}}.",
+ "empty": "Du må bruke den nyeste lommeboken før du lager en ny.",
+ "notEmpty": "Du må overføre midlene før du sletter denne lommeboken.",
+ "duplicate": "En lommebok med dette navnet eksisterer allerede.",
"tilde": "Et profilnavn kan ikke starte med '~'.",
"control": "Et profilnavn kan ikke inneholde et kontrolltegn.",
"startDot": "Et profilnavn kan ikke starte med '.'.",
@@ -770,8 +774,8 @@
"wrongAddressPrefix": "Adresser starter med prefikset {prefix}.",
"wrongAddressFormat": "Adressen er ikke riktig formatert.",
"invalidAddress": "Adressen er ugyldig.",
- "insufficientFunds": "This wallet has insufficient funds.",
- "noToAccount": "You have not selected a wallet to send the funds to.",
+ "insufficientFunds": "Denne lommeboken har ikke nok midler.",
+ "noToAccount": "Du har ikke valgt en lommebok for å sende pengene til.",
"sendingDust": "Du kan ikke sende mindre enn 1 Mi.",
"leavingDust": "Du kan ikke forlate mindre enn 1 Mi på adressen din."
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/pl.json b/packages/shared/locales/pl.json
index 8b49ab31a0e..739c94ee7d1 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/pl.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/pl.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"views": {
"onboarding1": {
"title": "Wysyłaj, odbieraj i zarządzaj swoimi tokenami IOTA",
- "body": "Firefly jest oficjalnym portfelem programowym IOTA."
+ "body": "Firefly jest oficjalnym oprogramowaniem portfela IOTA."
"legal": {
"title": "Polityka prywatności i Warunki świadczenia usług",
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
"profile": {
"title": "Utwórz profil",
- "body1": "Możesz stworzyć wiele profili użytkownika, aby rozdzielić swoje portfele i zwiększyć swoją prywatność.",
- "body2": "Na razie zacznijmy od Twojej pierwszej nazwy profilu. Będziesz mógł dodać więcej profili później.",
+ "body1": "Możesz tworzyć wiele profili użytkownika w celu organizacji swoich portfeli i zwiększenia prywatności.",
+ "body2": "Zacznijmy od Twojej pierwszej nazwy profilu. Później będziesz mógł dodać większą liczbę profili.",
"profileName": "Nazwa profilu"
"setup": {
@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@
"secure": {
"title": "Zabezpiecz swój portfel",
- "body1": "Zapisz i wydrukuj szablon odzyskiwania PDF.",
+ "body1": "Zapisz oraz wydrukuj szablon odzyskiwania PDF.",
"body2": "Jeśli wypełnisz szablon odzyskiwania i będziesz przechowywać go bezpiecznie, zawsze będziesz w stanie odzyskać swoje portfele."
"password": {
"title": "Utwórz hasło",
- "body1": "Potrzebujesz silnego hasła, aby chronić swoje środki. Użyj kombinacji słów i unikaj powszechnych zwrotów, nazw lub dat.",
+ "body1": "Potrzebujesz silnego hasła, aby chronić swoje środki. Użyj kombinacji słów oraz unikaj używania powszechnych zwrotów, nazw lub dat.",
"body2": "Zaleca się zapisanie hasła w swoim szablonie odzyskiwania."
"protect": {
@@ -47,37 +47,37 @@
"confirmPin": {
"title": "Zweryfikuj swój kod PIN",
- "body1": "Twój PIN zachowuje Twoje saldo oraz transakcje w ukryciu.",
+ "body1": "Twój PIN zabezpiecza Twoje środki oraz transakcje.",
"body2": "Wprowadź kod PIN ponownie, aby kontynuować. "
"backup": {
"title": "Utwórz kopię zapasową portfela",
"body1": "W następnym oknie zobaczysz wyrazy ratunkowe. Zapisz je w swoim szablonie odzyskiwania.",
- "body2": "Nie udostępniaj swoich wyrazów ratunkowych nikomu. Mogą być one użyte do uzyskania dostępu do Twoich środków z dowolnego miejsca.",
- "body3": "Jeśli stracisz swoje wyrazy ratunkowe, możesz stracić swoje środki."
+ "body2": "Nie udostępniaj swoich wyrazów ratunkowych nikomu. Mogą być one użyte w celu uzyskania dostępu do Twoich środków z dowolnego miejsca.",
+ "body3": "Jeśli stracisz swoje wyrazy ratunkowe, narazisz się na utratę swoich środków."
"recoveryPhrase": {
"title": "Wyrazy ratunkowe",
"body1": "Słowa w Twoim szablonie odzyskiwania muszą być zapisane w dokładnie ukazanej kolejności.",
"body2": "Zachowaj te wyrazy dla siebie i bezpiecznie je przechowuj.",
- "body3": "Kopia zapasowa na piśmie jest bardzo ważna. Komputery często zawodzą, a pliki mogą ulegać uszkodzeniu.",
+ "body3": "Fizyczna (pisemna) kopia zapasowa jest bardzo ważna. Komputery często zawodzą, a pliki mogą ulec uszkodzeniu.",
"revealRecoveryPhrase": "Pokaż wyrazy ratunkowe",
"hideRecoveryPhrase": "Ukryj wyrazy ratunkowe"
"verifyRecoveryPhrase": {
"title": "Zweryfikuj wyrazy ratunkowe",
- "body": "Sprawdźmy, czy zapisałeś wyrazy poprawnie. Wybierz słowa w odpowiedniej kolejności.",
+ "body": "Sprawdźmy, czy zapisałeś wszystkie wyrazy poprawnie. Przyporządkuj zapisane słowa do podanej kolejności.",
"word": "Słowo",
"verified": "Wyrazy ratunkowe zostały zweryfikowane",
- "verifiedBody": "Pamiętaj, aby zatrzymać ją dla siebie oraz w bezpiecznym miejscu."
+ "verifiedBody": "Pamiętaj, aby zachować te wyrazy wyłącznie dla siebie oraz przechowywać je w bezpiecznym miejscu."
"backupWallet": {
"title": "Kopia zapasowa do pliku Stronghold",
- "body1": "Wprowadź hasło, aby utworzyć kopię zapasową portfeli do pliku Stronghold. Twoje hasło jest używane do szyfrowania kopii zapasowej.",
+ "body1": "Wprowadź swoje hasło, aby utworzyć kopię zapasową portfeli do pliku Stronghold. Twoje hasło jest używane do szyfrowania kopii zapasowych.",
"body2": "Powody, dla których cyfrowe kopie zapasowe są ważne:",
"reason1": "Łatwe odzyskiwanie portfeli bez wpisywania wyrazów ratunkowych",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
- "reason3": "Odzyskiwanie pełnej historii transakcji"
+ "reason2": "Możliwość importu swoich portfeli do innych urządzeń",
+ "reason3": "Zachowanie pełnych historii transakcji"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
"title": "Pomyślnie utworzono kopię zapasową",
@@ -85,30 +85,30 @@
"congratulations": {
"title": "Konfiguracja portfela zakończona",
- "body": "Twój nowy portfel jest gotowy do użycia.",
+ "body": "Twój nowy portfel jest już gotowy do użycia.",
"fundsMigrated": "Środki zostały przeniesione",
- "success": "Pomyślnie przeniosłeś środki do nowej sieci",
+ "success": "Twoje środki zostały pomyślnie przeniesione do nowej sieci",
"exportMigration": "Eksportuj dziennik migracji i zakończ konfigurację"
"import": {
"title": "Odzyskaj lub migruj środki",
- "body": "Jeśli posiadasz istniejący klucz seed lub plik kopii zapasowej portfela, możesz go zaimportować tutaj. Jeśli posiadasz środki w starszej sieci IOTA, zostaniesz przeprowadzony przez migrację do sieci Chrysalis.",
+ "body": "Jeśli posiadasz już klucz seed lub plik kopii zapasowej portfela, możesz zaimportować go tutaj. Jeśli posiadasz środki w starszej sieci IOTA, zostaniesz przeprowadzony przez proces migracji środków do sieci Chrysalis.",
"importSeed": "Mam klucz seed (81 znaków)",
"importSeedDescription": "Wprowadź seed i migruj środki do Chrysalis",
"importMnemonic": "Mam wyrazy ratunkowe z Firefly",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "Wprowadź wyrazy ratunkowe, aby przywrócić swoje portfele",
"importFile": "Mam plik kopii zapasowej",
"importFileDescription": "Prześlij plik Seedvault lub Stronghold"
"importFromText": {
"seed": {
"title": "Wpisz swój seed aby rozpocząć migrację",
- "body": "Seed składa się z 81 znaków. Jest on używany do odzyskiwania danych ze starszej aplikacji Trinity.",
+ "body": "Klucz seed składa się z 81 znaków. Jest on używany do odzyskiwania danych ze starszej aplikacji Trinity.",
"enter": "Wprowadź swój seed"
"mnemonic": {
"title": "Wpisz swoje wyrazy ratunkowe",
- "body": "Wyrazy ratunkowe składają się z 24 słów pisanych małymi literami oraz oddzielonych od siebie spacją. Są one używane do odzyskania istniejących portfeli Firefly.",
+ "body": "Wyrazy ratunkowe składają się z 24 słów pisanych małymi literami oraz oddzielonych od siebie spacją. Są one używane w celu odzyskania istniejących portfeli Firefly.",
"enter": "Wprowadź swoje tajne wyrazy odzyskiwania"
"seedDetected": "Wykryto seed o długości 81 znaków",
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
"importBackupPassword": {
"title": "Przywróć swój portfel za pomocą SeedVault lub Stronghold",
"body1": "Wprowadź hasło kopii zapasowej.",
- "body2": "To jest hasło, które ustawiłeś podczas tworzenia kopii zapasowej."
+ "body2": "To jest hasło, które ustawiłeś w przeszłości podczas tworzenia tego konkretnego pliku kopii zapasowej."
"importSuccess": {
"title": "Pomyślnie odzyskałeś kopię zapasową",
@@ -134,8 +134,8 @@
"migrate": {
"title": "Migruj swoje środki",
- "body1": "Jest to automatyczny proces transferu Twoich środków do nowego portfela.",
- "body2": "Może to zająć trochę czasu. Nie wyłączaj urządzenia podczas migracji.",
+ "body1": "Migracja jest automatycznym procesem transferu Twoich środków do Twojego nowego portfela.",
+ "body2": "Ten proces może zająć trochę czasu. Nie wyłączaj urządzenia na czas migracji.",
"existing": "Twój stary portfel",
"new": "Twój nowy portfel",
"learn": "Dowiedz się więcej o migracji",
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
"restoringWallet": "Przywracanie portfela...",
"findingBalance": "Wyszukiwanie środków...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Nieprawidłowe hasło SeedVault.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "Nie znaleziono danych w pliku SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Podpisywanie pakietu",
"broadcastingBundle": "Nadawanie pakietu",
"miningBundle": "Wydobywanie pakietu",
@@ -193,15 +194,15 @@
"balance": {
"title": "Twoje saldo",
- "body": "Upewnij się, że Twoje saldo jest poprawne zanim przejdziesz dalej. Możesz wykonać ponowne sprawdzenie środków, jeśli suma się nie zgadza.",
+ "body": "Zanim przejdziesz dalej, upewnij się, że Twoje saldo jest poprawne. Jeśli coś się nie zgadza, możesz wykonać ponowne sprawdzenie środków.",
"error": "Minimalna kwota migracji wynosi 1 Mi. Sprawdź ponownie, jeśli Twoje saldo nie wygląda prawidłowo.",
- "zeroBalance": "Spróbuj sprawdzić ponownie. Jeśli nadal nie możesz znaleźć swojego salda, mogłeś wprowadzić seed nieprawidłowo."
+ "zeroBalance": "Spróbuj sprawdzić środki jeszcze raz. Jeśli saldo nadal jest nieprawidłowe, być może wprowadziłeś błędny klucz seed."
"settings": {
"settings": "Ustawienia",
"generalSettings": {
"title": "Ustawienia ogólne",
- "description": "Skonfiguruj wygląd aplikacji i inne ustawienia ogólne"
+ "description": "Skonfiguruj wygląd aplikacji oraz inne ustawienia ogólne"
"security": {
"title": "Bezpieczeństwo",
@@ -233,7 +234,7 @@
"currency": {
"title": "Waluta",
- "description": "Dostosuj kurs przeliczeniowy i opcje wykresu"
+ "description": "Dostosuj kurs przeliczeniowy oraz opcje wykresu"
"notifications": {
"title": "Powiadomienia",
@@ -241,11 +242,13 @@
"exportStronghold": {
"title": "Eksportuj kopię zapasową",
- "description": "Eksportuj do pliku Stronghold - kompletna zaszyfrowana kopia zapasowa portfeli wraz z ostatnią historią transakcji."
+ "description": "Eksport do pliku Stronghold - kompletna zaszyfrowana kopia zapasowa portfeli wraz z ostatnią historią transakcji."
"appLock": {
"title": "Automatyczna blokada ekranu",
- "description": "Czas bezczynności przed zablokowaniem aplikacji i wylogowaniem z portfeli"
+ "description": "Czas bezczynności przed zablokowaniem ekranu aplikacji i wylogowaniem z portfeli",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minuta} few {# minuty} many {# minut} other {# minuty}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 godzina} few {# godziny} many {# godzin} other {# godziny}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Zmiana hasła",
@@ -253,7 +256,7 @@
"changePincode": {
"title": "Zmiana kodu PIN",
- "description": "Twój PIN zachowuje Twoje saldo oraz transakcje w ukryciu",
+ "description": "Twój PIN zabezpiecza Twoje środki oraz transakcje",
"currentPincode": "Aktualny PIN",
"newPincode": "Nowy PIN",
"confirmNewPincode": "Potwierdź nowy PIN",
@@ -269,7 +272,7 @@
"deleteProfile": {
"title": "Usuwanie profilu",
- "description": "Usuwa cały Twój profil, portfele i historię transakcji. Upewnij się, że masz kopię zapasową."
+ "description": "Ta opcja usuwa cały Twój profil, portfele oraz historie transakcji. Upewnij się, że posiadasz kopię zapasową."
"deepLinks": {
"title": "Deep linki",
@@ -368,7 +371,7 @@
"networkDown": "Brak dostępu do sieci",
"status": "Status",
"messagesPerSecond": "Wiadomości na sekundę",
- "confirmationRate": "Współczynnik potwierdzeń"
+ "confirmationRate": "Potwierdzenia"
"profileModal": {
"allSettings": "Wszystkie ustawienia",
@@ -380,7 +383,7 @@
"password": {
"title": "Hasło wymagane",
"subtitle": "Wprowadź swoje hasło, aby odblokować portfele",
- "backup": "Wprowadź swoje hasło, aby wyeksportować kopię zapasową"
+ "backup": "Wprowadź swoje hasło, aby eksportować kopię zapasową"
"qr": {
"title": "Twój kod QR"
@@ -396,15 +399,15 @@
"backup": {
"title": "Ostatnia kopia zapasowa: {date}",
"lastBackup": "Ostatnia kopia została wykonana {date}",
- "backupDescription": "Ważne jest regularne tworzenie kopii zapasowych, aby być pewnym, że posiada się kopię swoich portfeli i historii transakcji.",
- "backupWarning": "Jeśli utracisz swoją kopię zapasową oraz wyrazy ratunkowe, stracisz dostęp do swoich środków.",
+ "backupDescription": "Ważne jest, aby regularnie wykonywać kopie zapasowe. Będziemy mieć wtedy pewność co do swoich portfeli oraz historii transakcji.",
+ "backupWarning": "Jeśli utracisz swoją kopię zapasową i wyrazy ratunkowe, stracisz dostęp do swoich środków.",
"notBackedUp": "Nie wykonano kopii zapasowej",
"notBackedUpDescription": "Nie wykonałeś kopii zapasowej swoich portfeli",
"saving": "Zapisywanie..."
"deleteAccount": {
"title": "Usunąć {name}?",
- "body": "Ten portfel nie ma historii transakcji. Można go bezpiecznie usunąć.",
+ "body": "Ten portfel nie ma historii transakcji. Można go więc bezpiecznie usunąć.",
"typePassword": "Wpisz hasło portfela, aby potwierdzić.",
"hideAccount": "Usuń portfel",
"errorTitle": "Nie można usunąć {name}",
@@ -415,13 +418,13 @@
"body": "Portfel można odkryć później poprzez włączenie opcji \"Pokaż ukryte portfele\" w ustawieniach zaawansowanych.",
"typePassword": "Wpisz hasło portfela, aby potwierdzić.",
"hideAccount": "Ukryj portfel",
- "errorTitle": "Nie można ukryć konta {name}",
+ "errorTitle": "Nie można ukryć portfela {name}",
"errorBody1": "Aby ukryć portfel, jego saldo musi wynosić 0.",
- "errorBody2": "Posiadasz obecnie {balance} na tym portfelu. Przenieś te środki na inny portfel i spróbuj ponownie.",
+ "errorBody2": "Obecnie posiadasz {balance} na tym portfelu. Przenieś te środki na inny portfel i spróbuj ponownie.",
"errorBody3": "Nie możesz ukryć tego portfela. Co najmniej jeden portfel musi pozostać aktywny."
"addressHistory": {
- "title": "Historia adresów dla konta {name}",
+ "title": "Historia adresów dla portfela {name}",
"currentBalance": "Aktualne saldo: {balance}"
"node": {
@@ -448,10 +451,10 @@
"title": "Diagnostyka",
"node": "Serwer",
"platform": "Platforma",
- "platformVersion": "Wersja platformy",
- "platformArchitecture": "Architektura platformy",
+ "platformVersion": "Wersja systemu",
+ "platformArchitecture": "Architektura systemu",
"cpuCount": "Liczba procesorów",
- "totalMem": "Pamięć calkowita",
+ "totalMem": "Pamięć całkowita",
"freeMem": "Wolna pamięć",
"userPath": "Ścieżka użytkownika"
@@ -461,8 +464,8 @@
"balanceFinder": {
"title": "Wyszukiwarka środków",
- "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
+ "body": "Wykonaj bardziej dogłębne wyszukiwanie adresów w celu znalezienia brakujących środków. To może chwilę potrwać.",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "Wszystkie środki",
"typePassword": "Wpisz hasło, aby umożliwić wyszukiwanie."
"riskFunds": {
@@ -472,7 +475,7 @@
"missingBundle": {
"title": "Ostrzeżenie: fundusze zagrożone podczas migracji",
- "body": "Masz środki na zużytych adresach, ale nie znaleziono informacji potrzebnych do ich zabezpieczenia. Może się to zdarzyć, jeśli dokonywałeś transakcji dawno temu. Możesz kontynuować, ale {value} jest zagrożone podczas migracji.",
+ "body": "Masz środki na zużytych adresach, ale nie znaleziono informacji potrzebnych do ich zabezpieczenia. Może się to zdarzyć, jeśli dokonywałeś transakcji dawno temu. Możesz kontynuować, ale {value} będzie zagrożone podczas migracji.",
"learnMore": "Dowiedz się więcej o zużytych adresach",
"proceed": "Rozumiem ryzyko"
@@ -505,9 +508,9 @@
"save": "Zapisz",
"importSeed": "Importuj istniejący klucz seed",
"restoreWallet": "Migruj lub przywróć portfel",
- "restoreWalletDescription": "Migracja do Chrysalis lub przywrócenie istniejącego portfela",
+ "restoreWalletDescription": "Migracja do sieci Chrysalis lub przywrócenie istniejącego portfela",
"createWallet": "Stwórz nowy portfel",
- "createWalletDescription": "Utwórz nowy portfel w sieci Chrysalis",
+ "createWalletDescription": "Utwórz nowy portfel działający w sieci Chrysalis",
"savePassword": "Zapisz hasło",
"useBiometric": "Użyj zabezpieczeń biometrycznych",
"setupPin": "Ustaw kod PIN",
@@ -533,16 +536,16 @@
"dropHere": "Upuść plik tutaj",
"syncAll": "Synchronizuj wszystko",
"export": "Eksportuj",
- "exportNewStronghold": "Eksportuj nowy Stronghold",
+ "exportNewStronghold": "Eksportuj zaktualizowany plik Stronghold",
"enableDeepLinks": "Włącz deep linki",
"enableDeveloperMode": "Włącz tryb deweloperski",
- "enableSystemNotifications": "Włącz powiadomienia",
+ "enableSystemNotifications": "Włącz powiadomienia systemowe",
"exportState": "Eksportuj stan",
"localProofOfWork": "Lokalny proof of work",
"unlock": "Odblokuj",
"updateFirefly": "Zaktualizuj Firefly",
"restartNow": "Uruchom ponownie teraz",
- "saveBackup": "Zapisz kopię zapasową Stronghold",
+ "saveBackup": "Zapisz kopię Stronghold",
"customizeAcount": "Dostosuj portfel",
"viewAddressHistory": "Pokaż historię adresów",
"hideAccount": "Ukryj portfel",
@@ -651,12 +654,12 @@
"help": "Pomoc",
"you": "Ty",
"messageId": "ID wiadomości",
- "inputAddress": "Adresy wysyłki",
+ "inputAddress": "Adres nadawczy",
"receiveAddress": "Adres odbiorczy",
"date": "Data",
"status": "Status",
"confirmed": "Potwierdzono",
- "pending": "W toku",
+ "pending": "Przetwarzanie",
"noAccounts": "Nie posiadasz żadnego portfela, proszę utwórz jeden.",
"loadingAccounts": "Wczytywanie, proszę czekać...",
"addProfile": "Dodaj profil",
@@ -683,21 +686,22 @@
"pinCodeUpdating": "Aktualizacja kodu PIN...",
"pinCodeSuccess": "Kod PIN zaktualizowany pomyślnie",
"pinCodeFailed": "Aktualizacja kodu PIN nie powiodła się",
- "passwordStrength": "Siła hasła",
- "passwordStrength0": "Nieodpowiednia",
- "passwordStrength1": "Bardzo słaba",
- "passwordStrength2": "Słaba",
- "passwordStrength3": "Wystarczająca",
- "passwordStrength4": "Silna",
+ "passwordStrength": "Poziom hasła",
+ "passwordStrength0": "Nieodpowiednie",
+ "passwordStrength1": "Bardzo słabe",
+ "passwordStrength2": "Słabe",
+ "passwordStrength3": "Średnie",
+ "passwordStrength4": "Mocne",
"creatingProfile": "Tworzenie profilu, proszę czekać...",
"fundMigration": "Migracja środków",
"accountRemoved": "Ten portfel jest ukryty. Odkryj go, aby wykonywać transfery.",
- "receivingTo": "Odbieranie na konto {account}",
- "sendingFrom": "Wysyłanie z konta {account}",
- "receivedTo": "Odebrano na konto {account}",
- "sentFrom": "Wysłano z konta {account}",
+ "receivingTo": "Odbieranie na portfel {account}",
+ "sendingFrom": "Wysyłanie z portfela {account}",
+ "receivedTo": "Odebrano na portfel {account}",
+ "sentFrom": "Wysłano z portfela {account}",
"receiving": "Odbieranie",
- "sending": "Wysyłanie"
+ "sending": "Wysyłanie",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Stara sieć IOTA"
"dates": {
"today": "Dzisiaj",
@@ -708,11 +712,11 @@
"yearsAgo": "{time, plural, one {# rok} few {# lata} many {# lat} other {# lat}} temu"
"notifications": {
- "valueTx": "Odbieranie {{value}} na konto {{account}}",
- "confirmed": "Transakcja wychodząca {{value}} z konta {{account}} została potwierdzona",
- "confirmedInternal": "Transfer {{value}} z konta {{senderAccount}} na konto {{receiverAccount}} został potwierdzony",
+ "valueTx": "Odbieranie {{value}} na portfel {{account}}",
+ "confirmed": "Transakcja wychodząca {{value}} z portfela {{account}} została potwierdzona",
+ "confirmedInternal": "Transfer {{value}} z portfela {{senderAccount}} na portfel {{receiverAccount}} został potwierdzony",
"confirmedInternalNoAccounts": "{{value}} wewnętrzny transfer został potwierdzony",
- "failed": "Wysyłka {{value}} z konta {{account}} nie powiodła się",
+ "failed": "Wysyłka {{value}} z portfela {{account}} nie powiodła się",
"downloadingUpdate": "Pobieranie aktualizacji",
"updateReady": "Aktualizacja jest gotowa",
"updateError": "Podczas aktualizacji wystąpił błąd, spróbuj ponownie",
@@ -753,7 +757,7 @@
"account": {
"length": "Nazwa Twojego portfela nie może być dłuższa niż {length, plural, one {1 znak} few {# znaki} many {# znaków} other {# znaków}}.",
- "empty": "Musisz skorzystać ze swojego ostatniego portfela przed utworzeniem nowego.",
+ "empty": "Przed utworzeniem nowego portfela musisz skorzystać z poprzedniego.",
"notEmpty": "Musisz przenieść swoje środki przed usunięciem tego portfela.",
"duplicate": "Portfel o tej nazwie już istnieje.",
"tilde": "Nazwa profilu nie może zaczynać się od znaku '~'.",
@@ -788,7 +792,7 @@
"backup": {
"invalid": "Plik kopii zapasowej nie został rozpoznany.",
"destination": "Miejsce docelowe kopii zapasowej nie jest prawidłowe.",
- "mnemonic": "Mnemonik jest nieprawidłowy.",
+ "mnemonic": "Błąd w wyrazach ratunkowych.",
"seedTooShort": "Seed powinien składać się z 81 znaków, ten ma {length, plural, one {1 znak} few {# znaki} many {# znaków} other {to #}}",
"seedCharacters": "Seed może składać się tylko z liter A-Z oraz cyfr 9",
"phraseWordCount": "Wyrazy ratunkowe składają się z 24 słów. Aktualnie jest {length, plural, one {ono 1} few {ich #} many {ich #} other {ich #}}.",
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/pt-BR.json b/packages/shared/locales/pt-BR.json
index 9b62ca0ef7a..24beda95759 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/pt-BR.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/pt-BR.json
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
"body1": "Digite sua senha para fazer backup de sua carteira para um arquivo Stronghold. Sua senha é usada para criptografar o backup.",
"body2": "Motivos dos quais backups digitais são importantes:",
"reason1": "Recupere facilmente suas carteiras sem digitar sua frase de recuperação",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason2": "Importe suas carteiras para outros dispositivos",
"reason3": "Recuperar histórico completo de transações"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
"importSeed": "Tenho uma seed de 81 caracteres",
"importSeedDescription": "Insira uma seed e migre os fundos para a Chrysalis",
"importMnemonic": "Eu tenho uma frase de recuperação do Firefly",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "Digite sua frase de recuperação para recuperar suas carteiras",
"importFile": "Eu tenho um backup de arquivo",
"importFileDescription": "Enviar o cofre da seed ou arquivo de segurança"
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
"restoringWallet": "Restaurando a carteira...",
"findingBalance": "Procurando saldo...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Senha SeedVault incorreta.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "No data could be found in the SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Assinando pacote",
"broadcastingBundle": "Transmitindo pacote",
"miningBundle": "Minerando pacote",
@@ -245,7 +246,9 @@
"appLock": {
"title": "Bloqueio Automático",
- "description": "Tempo de inatividade antes do bloqueio de suas carteiras e você ser desconectado"
+ "description": "Tempo de inatividade antes do bloqueio de suas carteiras e você ser desconectado",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hour} other {# hours}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Alterar Senha",
@@ -461,8 +464,8 @@
"balanceFinder": {
"title": "Localizador de saldo",
- "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
+ "body": "Faça uma busca mais exaustiva de endereços para encontrar os saldos ausentes. Isso pode demorar um pouco.",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "Saldo Total",
"typePassword": "Digite sua senha para permitir a pesquisa."
"riskFunds": {
@@ -697,7 +700,8 @@
"receivedTo": "Recebido a {account}",
"sentFrom": "Enviado de {account}",
"receiving": "Recebendo",
- "sending": "Enviando"
+ "sending": "Enviando",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Network"
"dates": {
"today": "Hoje",
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/pt-PT.json b/packages/shared/locales/pt-PT.json
index 3e2a57afbd2..dbf90da964b 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/pt-PT.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/pt-PT.json
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
"restoringWallet": "Restoring wallet...",
"findingBalance": "Finding balance...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Incorrect SeedVault password.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "No data could be found in the SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Signing bundle",
"broadcastingBundle": "Broadcasting bundle",
"miningBundle": "Mining bundle",
@@ -245,7 +246,9 @@
"appLock": {
"title": "Automatic Lock",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hour} other {# hours}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Change password",
@@ -697,7 +700,8 @@
"receivedTo": "Received to {account}",
"sentFrom": "Sent from {account}",
"receiving": "Receiving",
- "sending": "Sending"
+ "sending": "Sending",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Network"
"dates": {
"today": "Today",
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/ro.json b/packages/shared/locales/ro.json
index 0d12fb6e10d..f84ed72da3e 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/ro.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/ro.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"views": {
"onboarding1": {
"title": "Trimite, Primește și Administrează-ți monezile IOTA",
- "body": "Firefly is the official wallet software of IOTA."
+ "body": "Firefly este portofelul digital oficial al IOTA."
"legal": {
"title": "Politica de confidențialitate & Termenii de utilizare",
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"appearance": {
"title": "Afișare",
- "body": "Choose your app theme."
+ "body": "Alegeți tema aplicației."
"profile": {
"title": "Crează un profil",
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"secure": {
"title": "Securizează-ți portofelul",
"body1": "Salvează și printează șablonul PDF al kitului de recuperare.",
- "body2": "If you fill out the Recovery Kit and store it safely, you will always be able to recover your wallets."
+ "body2": "Dacă completați Kit-ul de recuperare și îl stocați în siguranță, veți putea întotdeauna să recuperați portofelele."
"password": {
"title": "Creează o parolă",
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"protect": {
"title": "Protect your wallet",
- "body1": "Set up a login PIN to make sure that only you can enter your profile.",
+ "body1": "Configurați un cod PIN de conectare pentru a vă asigura că numai dvs. puteți introduce profilul.",
"body2": "Păstrează codul PIN în siguranță!"
"pin": {
@@ -73,15 +73,15 @@
"backupWallet": {
"title": "Fă o copie de rezervă într-un fișier Stronghold",
- "body1": "Enter your password to backup your wallets to a Stronghold file. Your password is used to encrypt the backup.",
+ "body1": "Introdu parola pentru a face copii de rezerva la portofelele personale într-un fișier Stronghold. Parola ta este folosită pentru a cripta copiile de rezervă.",
"body2": "Motivele pentru care copiile de rezervă digitale sunt importante:",
- "reason1": "Easily recover your wallets without typing in your recovery phrase",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason1": "Recuperează cu ușurință portofelele personale fără a tasta fraza de recuperare",
+ "reason2": "Importa portofelele personale pe alte dispozitive",
"reason3": "Recuperează istoricul complet al tranzacțiilor"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
"title": "Copie de rezervă reușită",
- "body": "You have backed up your wallets to a Stronghold."
+ "body": "Ați făcut o copie de rezervă a portofelelor personale în Stronghold."
"congratulations": {
"title": "Configurarea portofelului finalizată",
@@ -92,18 +92,18 @@
"import": {
"title": "Recuperează sau migrează fonduri",
- "body": "If you have an existing seed or wallet back up file, you can import it here. If you hold older network funds, you will be taken through the migration steps to move to the Chrysalis network.",
+ "body": "Dacă ai deja un seed sau un portofel de rezervă existent, îl poți importa aici. Dacă deții fonduri de rețea mai vechi, vei fi trecut prin pașii de migrare pentru a trece la rețeaua Chrysalis.",
"importSeed": "Am un seed de 81 de caractere",
"importSeedDescription": "Introduceți un seed și migrați fonduri catre Chrysalis",
- "importMnemonic": "I have a Firefly recovery phrase",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
+ "importMnemonic": "Am o frază de recuperare Firefly",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "Introduceți fraza de recuperare pentru a recupera portofelele",
"importFile": "Am o copie de rezervă a fișierului",
- "importFileDescription": "Upload a Seedvault or Stronghold file"
+ "importFileDescription": "Încarcă un Seedvault sau un fișier Stronghold"
"importFromText": {
"seed": {
"title": "Tastează seed-ul pentru a începe migrarea",
- "body": "A seed consists of 81 characters. This is used to recover from the older Trinity app.",
+ "body": "Un seed este format din 81 de caractere. Acesta este folosit pentru a recupera din vechea aplicație Trinity.",
"enter": "Enter your seed"
"mnemonic": {
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
"restoringWallet": "Restaurare portofel...",
"findingBalance": "Se caută soldul...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Parolă SeedVault incorectă.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "No data could be found in the SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Semnare pachet",
"broadcastingBundle": "Pachet difuzare",
"miningBundle": "Semnare pachet",
@@ -245,7 +246,9 @@
"appLock": {
"title": "Blocare automată",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hour} other {# hours}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Schimbă parola",
@@ -697,7 +700,8 @@
"receivedTo": "Received to {account}",
"sentFrom": "Sent from {account}",
"receiving": "Se primește",
- "sending": "Se trimite"
+ "sending": "Se trimite",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Network"
"dates": {
"today": "Today",
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/ru.json b/packages/shared/locales/ru.json
index b36d8258d61..77eb9d8e4ff 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/ru.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/ru.json
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
"restoringWallet": "Восстановление кошелька...",
"findingBalance": "Поиск баланса...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Неправильный пароль сида.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "No data could be found in the SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Пакет подписи",
"broadcastingBundle": "Передача пакета",
"miningBundle": "Майнинг данных",
@@ -245,7 +246,9 @@
"appLock": {
"title": "Автоматическая блокировка",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hour} other {# hours}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Изменить пароль",
@@ -697,7 +700,8 @@
"receivedTo": "Received to {account}",
"sentFrom": "Sent from {account}",
"receiving": "Receiving",
- "sending": "Sending"
+ "sending": "Sending",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Network"
"dates": {
"today": "Сегодня",
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/sk.json b/packages/shared/locales/sk.json
index b64c8f21124..b99fc0bd2bc 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/sk.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/sk.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"views": {
"onboarding1": {
"title": "Posielajte, Prijímajte a Manažujte svoje IOTA tokeny",
- "body": "Firefly is the official wallet software of IOTA."
+ "body": "Firefly je oficiálna IOTA peňaženka."
"legal": {
"title": "Ochrana osobných údajov a zmluvné podmienky",
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
"profile": {
"title": "Vytvoriť profil",
- "body1": "You can create multiple user profiles to organise your wallets and improve privacy.",
- "body2": "For now, let's start with your first profile name. You can add more profiles later.",
+ "body1": "Môžete si vytvoriť viaceré používateľské profily pre organizáciu vašich peňaženiek a zvýšenie súkromia.",
+ "body2": "Nateraz poďme začať s názvom vášho prvého profilu. Ďalšie profily môžete pridať neskôr.",
"profileName": "Názov profilu"
"setup": {
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"protect": {
"title": "Protect your wallet",
- "body1": "Set up a login PIN to make sure that only you can enter your profile.",
+ "body1": "Nastavte prihlasovací PIN kód pre uistenie sa, že iba vy máte prístup k profilu.",
"body2": "Uchovajte váš PIN kód v bezpečí!"
"pin": {
@@ -73,15 +73,15 @@
"backupWallet": {
"title": "Zálohovať do súboru Stronghold",
- "body1": "Enter your password to backup your wallets to a Stronghold file. Your password is used to encrypt the backup.",
+ "body1": "Zadajte svoje heslo pre zálohovanie vašich peňaženiek do Stronghold súboru. Vaše heslo je použité pre zašifrovanie zálohy.",
"body2": "Dôvody prečo digitálne zálohy sú dôležité:",
"reason1": "Easily recover your wallets without typing in your recovery phrase",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason2": "Importovať vaše peňaženky do iných zariadení",
"reason3": "Obnovte celú vašu históriu transakcii"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
"title": "Úspešne zálohované",
- "body": "You have backed up your wallets to a Stronghold."
+ "body": "Zálohovali ste svoje peňaženky do Strongholdu."
"congratulations": {
"title": "Nastavenie peňaženky dokončené",
@@ -93,18 +93,18 @@
"import": {
"title": "Recover or migrate funds",
"body": "If you have an existing seed or wallet back up file, you can import it here. If you hold older network funds, you will be taken through the migration steps to move to the Chrysalis network.",
- "importSeed": "I have an 81 character seed",
+ "importSeed": "Mám 81 znakový seed",
"importSeedDescription": "Enter a seed and migrate funds to Chrysalis",
"importMnemonic": "I have a Firefly recovery phrase",
"importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
- "importFile": "I have a file backup",
+ "importFile": "Mám súborovú zálohu",
"importFileDescription": "Upload a Seedvault or Stronghold file"
"importFromText": {
"seed": {
"title": "Type your seed to commence migration",
"body": "A seed consists of 81 characters. This is used to recover from the older Trinity app.",
- "enter": "Enter your seed"
+ "enter": "Vložte váš Seed"
"mnemonic": {
"title": "Type your recovery phrase",
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
"checksum": "Kontrolný súčet"
"importFromFile": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets using a backup file",
+ "title": "Obnovte svoje peňaženky pomocou zálohy zo súboru",
"body": "Import a backup file to restore your wallets. Backups can either be a Stronghold (.stronghold) or a Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
"importBackupPassword": {
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
"importSuccess": {
"title": "Úspešne ste obnovili vašu zálohu",
- "body": "You can now set up your new profile.",
+ "body": "Teraz si môžete nastaviť svoj nový profil.",
"seedvaultTitle": "Úspešne importované",
"seedvaultBody": "Vaše heslo je správne. Je možné pokračovať.",
"strongholdTitle": "Úspešne importované",
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
"restoringWallet": "Obnovovanie peňaženky...",
"findingBalance": "Vyhľadávanie zostatkov...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Nesprávne SeedVault heslo.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "No data could be found in the SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Podpisovanie zväzku",
"broadcastingBundle": "Vysielanie zväzka",
"miningBundle": "Ťaženie zväzka",
@@ -170,20 +171,20 @@
"error": "You can’t migrate spent addresses with less than 1 Mi"
"securityCheckCompleted": {
- "title": "Security check completed",
+ "title": "Bezpečnostná kontrola bola dokončená",
"body1": "We have calculated the security risk level. Running this process again may lower your risk level.",
"body2": "When you are happy with the risk level(s) press continue.",
"rerun": "Rerun process for selected addresses",
"continueMigration": "Pokračovanie v presune"
"securingSpentAddresses": {
- "title": "Securing spent addresses...",
+ "title": "Zabezpečujeme použité adresy...",
"body1": "This process will take {minutes, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}.",
"body2": "Your computer will run at full capacity, you may wish to do something else while you wait for this to complete."
"transferFragmentedFunds": {
"body1": "Firefly will now proceed to migrate your funds. This may take a while.",
- "migrate": "Migrate funds",
+ "migrate": "Migrácia prostriedkov",
"transaction": "Transakcia {number}",
"rerun": "Skúsiť znova"
@@ -204,7 +205,7 @@
"description": "Configure your app's appearance and other general settings"
"security": {
- "title": "Bezpečnosť",
+ "title": "Zabezpečenie",
"description": "Zmeňte svoje heslo a upravte nastavenia bezpečnosti"
"advancedSettings": {
@@ -220,7 +221,7 @@
"description": "Zmeniť názov vášho profilu alebo nastaviť obrázok"
"sync": {
- "title": "Sync wallets",
+ "title": "Synchronizovať peňaženky",
"description": ""
"theme": {
@@ -241,11 +242,13 @@
"exportStronghold": {
"title": "Exportovať zálohu",
- "description": "Export to a Stronghold file - a complete encrypted backup of your wallets and latest transaction history."
+ "description": "Exportovať do Stronghold súboru - kompletná zašifrovaná záloha vašich peňaženiek a najnovšej histórie transakcii."
"appLock": {
"title": "Automatické uzamknutie",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hour} other {# hours}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Zmeniť heslo",
@@ -264,7 +267,7 @@
"description": "Perform an extended search of your addresses for tokens."
"hiddenAccounts": {
- "title": "Hidden wallets",
+ "title": "Skryté peňaženky",
"description": "Selecting this options will show wallets that were previously hidden."
"deleteProfile": {
@@ -354,8 +357,8 @@
"strongholdStatus": {
"title": "Stav peňaženky",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "unlocked": "Unlocked"
+ "locked": "Uzamknuté",
+ "unlocked": "Odomknutý"
"strongholdBackup": {
"title": "Záloha peňaženky",
@@ -399,26 +402,26 @@
"backupDescription": "It is important to back up regularly to ensure you have a copy of your wallets and transaction history.",
"backupWarning": "Ak stratíte vašu zálohu a frázu obnovenia, stratíte prístup k svojim prostriedkom.",
"notBackedUp": "Nezálohované",
- "notBackedUpDescription": "You have not backed up your wallets",
+ "notBackedUpDescription": "Nezálohovali ste svoje peňaženky",
"saving": "Ukladanie..."
"deleteAccount": {
"title": "Vymazať {name}?",
"body": "This wallet has no transaction history. It can safely be deleted.",
"typePassword": "Type your wallet password to confirm.",
- "hideAccount": "Delete wallet",
- "errorTitle": "Unable to delete {name}",
- "errorBody1": "You cannot delete this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "hideAccount": "Odstrániť peňaženku",
+ "errorTitle": "Nemožno odstrániť {name}",
+ "errorBody1": "Nemôžete odstrániť túto peňaženku, musíte mať aspoň jednu."
"hideAccount": {
"title": "Skryť {name}?",
"body": "You can find this wallet later by enabling \"Show hidden wallets\" in Advanced Settings.",
"typePassword": "Pre potvrdenie napíšte Vaše heslo do peňaženky.",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "Skryť peňaženku",
"errorTitle": "Nemožno skryť {name}",
- "errorBody1": "To hide a wallet it must have 0 balance.",
+ "errorBody1": "Pre skrytie peňaženky musí mať nulový zostatok.",
"errorBody2": "You currently have {balance} remaining on this wallet. Please move these funds to a different wallet and try again.",
- "errorBody3": "You cannot hide this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "errorBody3": "Nemôžete skryť túto peňaženku, musíte mať aspoň jednu."
"addressHistory": {
"title": "Hístória adries konta {name} \n",
@@ -462,7 +465,7 @@
"balanceFinder": {
"title": "Balance finder",
"body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "Celkový zostatok",
"typePassword": "Type your password to allow searching."
"riskFunds": {
@@ -484,8 +487,8 @@
"charts": {
- "incomingMi": "Incoming {value}",
- "outgoingMi": "Outgoing {value}",
+ "incomingMi": "Prichádzajúce {value}",
+ "outgoingMi": "Odchádzajúce {value}",
"portoflio": "Portfólio",
"token": "Token",
"accountValue": "Wallet Value",
@@ -543,11 +546,11 @@
"updateFirefly": "Aktualizovať Firefly",
"restartNow": "Reštartovať",
"saveBackup": "Uložiť Stronghold zálohu",
- "customizeAcount": "Customise wallet",
+ "customizeAcount": "Prispôsobiť peňaženku",
"viewAddressHistory": "Zobraziť históriu adresy",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "Skryť peňaženku",
"showAccount": "Unhide wallet",
- "deleteAccount": "Delete wallet",
+ "deleteAccount": "Odstrániť peňaženku",
"max": "Max",
"addNode": "Pridať uzol",
"updateNode": "Aktualizácia uzla",
@@ -563,7 +566,7 @@
"copy": "Kopírovať",
"paste": "Prilepiť",
"selectAll": "Vybrať všetko",
- "addAccount": "Add Wallet",
+ "addAccount": "Pridať peňaženku",
"checkForUpdates": "Kontrola aktualizácií",
"reportAnIssue": "Nahlásiť problém",
"clear": "Vymazať",
@@ -580,11 +583,11 @@
"viewStatus": "Zobrazenie stavu",
"showHiddenAccounts": "Show hidden wallets",
"confirm": "Potvrdiť",
- "findBalances": "Find balances",
+ "findBalances": "Vyhľadať zostatky",
"searchBalances": "Search for balances",
"searchAgain": "Search again",
"searching": "Searching...",
- "closeFirefly": "Close Firefly"
+ "closeFirefly": "Zavrieť Firefly"
"general": {
"password": "Heslo",
@@ -632,19 +635,19 @@
"outgoing": "Odchádzajúce",
"totalIn": "Celkovo prijatých",
"totalOut": "Celkovo odoslaných",
- "accounts": "Wallets",
- "myAccounts": "My Wallets",
+ "accounts": "Peňaženky",
+ "myAccounts": "Moje peňaženky",
"automaticNodeSelection": "Automatický výber uzla",
"manualNodeSelection": "Manuálny výber uzla",
"profiles": "Profily",
"developerProfile": "Vývojársky profil",
"developerProfileDescription": "Allows you to connect to testnets",
"dev": "Vývojár",
- "createAccount": "Create a Wallet",
- "accountName": "Wallet name",
+ "createAccount": "Vytvoriť peňaženku",
+ "accountName": "Názov peňaženky",
"latestTransactions": "Posledné transakcie",
"transactions": "Transakcie",
- "security": "Bezpečnosť",
+ "security": "Zabezpečenie",
"accountAddress": "Wallet Address",
"nodes": "Uzly",
"wallet": "Peňaženka",
@@ -696,8 +699,9 @@
"sendingFrom": "Sending from {account}",
"receivedTo": "Received to {account}",
"sentFrom": "Sent from {account}",
- "receiving": "Receiving",
- "sending": "Sending"
+ "receiving": "Prijímané",
+ "sending": "Odosielané",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Network"
"dates": {
"today": "Dnes",
@@ -720,7 +724,7 @@
"calcMinutesRemaining": "Výpočet zostávajúcich minút...",
"minutesRemaining": "{minutes, plural, one {ostáva 1 minúta} \nfew {ostávajú # minúty} \nmany {ostáva # minút} \nother {ostáva # minút}}",
"copiedToClipboard": "Skopírované do schránky",
- "accountsSynchronized": "Wallet synchronization complete",
+ "accountsSynchronized": "Synchronizácia peňaženky je kompletná",
"migratedAccountChrysalisDown": "Your funds will become available after Chrysalis on 28th April",
"migratedAccountChrysalisUp": "Vaše prostriedky budú onedlho k dispozícii"
@@ -770,7 +774,7 @@
"wrongAddressPrefix": "Adresy začínaju s predponou {prefix}.",
"wrongAddressFormat": "Adresa nie je v spravnom formáte.",
"invalidAddress": "Adresa nie je správna.",
- "insufficientFunds": "This wallet has insufficient funds.",
+ "insufficientFunds": "Táto peňaženka nemá dostatok prostriedkov.",
"noToAccount": "You have not selected a wallet to send the funds to.",
"sendingDust": "Nemôžete odoslať menej ako 1 Mi.",
"leavingDust": "Zostatok vašej adresy nemôže byť nižší ako 1 Mi."
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/sr.json b/packages/shared/locales/sr.json
index 38d8b2c9618..7c6f303b838 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/sr.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/sr.json
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
"restoringWallet": "Restoring wallet...",
"findingBalance": "Finding balance...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Incorrect SeedVault password.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "No data could be found in the SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Signing bundle",
"broadcastingBundle": "Broadcasting bundle",
"miningBundle": "Mining bundle",
@@ -245,7 +246,9 @@
"appLock": {
"title": "Automatic Lock",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hour} other {# hours}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Change password",
@@ -697,7 +700,8 @@
"receivedTo": "Received to {account}",
"sentFrom": "Sent from {account}",
"receiving": "Receiving",
- "sending": "Sending"
+ "sending": "Sending",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Network"
"dates": {
"today": "Today",
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/sv.json b/packages/shared/locales/sv.json
index 20a0fda3660..6481d4fad59 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/sv.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/sv.json
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
"body1": "Ange ditt lösenord för att säkerhetskopiera dina plånböcker till en Stronghold-fil. Ditt lösenord används för att kryptera säkerhetskopian.",
"body2": "Anledningar till varför digitala säkerhetskopior är viktiga:",
"reason1": "Enkelt att återställa dina plånböcker utan att skriva in din återställningsfras",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason2": "Importera dina plånböcker på andra enheter",
"reason3": "Återställ hela din transaktionshistorik"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
"importSeed": "Jag har en 81 tecken lång seed",
"importSeedDescription": "Ange en seed och migrera IOTA till Chrysalis",
"importMnemonic": "Jag har en Firefly återställningsfras",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "Ange din återställningsfras för att återställa dina plånböcker",
"importFile": "Jag har en digital säkerhetskopia",
"importFileDescription": "Ladda upp en Seedvault- eller Stronghold-fil"
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
"restoringWallet": "Återställer plånboken...",
"findingBalance": "Söker saldo...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Felaktigt lösenord för SeedVault.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "No data could be found in the SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Signerar bundle",
"broadcastingBundle": "Sänder bundle",
"miningBundle": "Utvinner säker bundle",
@@ -245,7 +246,9 @@
"appLock": {
"title": "Automatiskt lås",
- "description": "Inaktivitetstid innan din plånbok låses och du loggas ut"
+ "description": "Inaktivitetstid innan din plånbok låses och du loggas ut",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hour} other {# hours}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Ändra lösenord",
@@ -461,8 +464,8 @@
"balanceFinder": {
"title": "Hitta saldo",
- "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
+ "body": "Utför en mer uttömmande sökning av adresser för att hitta saknade saldon. Detta kan ta ett tag.",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "Totalt saldo",
"typePassword": "Ange ditt lösenord för att tillåta sökning."
"riskFunds": {
@@ -697,7 +700,8 @@
"receivedTo": "Mottaget till {account}",
"sentFrom": "Skickat från {account}",
"receiving": "Tar emot",
- "sending": "Skickar"
+ "sending": "Skickar",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Network"
"dates": {
"today": "Idag",
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/tr.json b/packages/shared/locales/tr.json
index df9fd303479..05baf19a681 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/tr.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/tr.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"views": {
"onboarding1": {
"title": "IOTA Gönder, Al ve Yönet",
- "body": "Firefly is the official wallet software of IOTA."
+ "body": "Firefly, IOTA'nın resmi cüzdan yazılımıdır."
"legal": {
"title": "Gizlilik Politikası ve Kullanım Şartları",
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"appearance": {
"title": "Görünüm",
- "body": "Choose your app theme."
+ "body": "Uygulama temanızı seçin."
"profile": {
"title": "Profil oluştur",
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"secure": {
"title": "Cüzdanınızı güvence altına alın",
"body1": "Kaydedin ve Kurtarma Kiti PDF taslağını çıktı alın.",
- "body2": "If you fill out the Recovery Kit and store it safely, you will always be able to recover your wallets."
+ "body2": "Kurtarma kitini doldurur ve güvenli bir şekilde saklarsanız, cüzdanlarınızı her zaman kurtarabilirsiniz."
"password": {
"title": "Şifre oluşturun",
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"protect": {
"title": "Protect your wallet",
- "body1": "Set up a login PIN to make sure that only you can enter your profile.",
+ "body1": "Profilinize yalnızca sizin girebileceğinizden emin olmak için bir oturum açma PIN'i ayarlayın.",
"body2": "PIN'inizi güvende saklayın!"
"pin": {
@@ -73,15 +73,15 @@
"backupWallet": {
"title": "Bir Stronghold dosyasına yedekleyin",
- "body1": "Enter your password to backup your wallets to a Stronghold file. Your password is used to encrypt the backup.",
+ "body1": "Cüzdanlarınızı bir Stronghold dosyasına yedeklemek için parolanızı girin. Parolanız yedek dosyasını şifrelemek için kullanılır.",
"body2": "Dijital yedeklemenin önemli olmasının nedenleri:",
- "reason1": "Easily recover your wallets without typing in your recovery phrase",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason1": "Kurtarma ifadenizi yazmadan cüzdanlarınızı kolayca kurtarın",
+ "reason2": "Cüzdanlarınızı diğer cihazlara aktarın",
"reason3": "Tüm işlem geçmişinizi kurtarın"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
"title": "Başarı ile yedeklendi",
- "body": "You have backed up your wallets to a Stronghold."
+ "body": "Cüzdanlarınızı Stronghold'a yedeklediniz."
"congratulations": {
"title": "Cüzdan kurulumu tamamlandı",
@@ -96,19 +96,19 @@
"importSeed": "81 karakter seed'im var",
"importSeedDescription": "Bir seed girin ve bakiyeyi Chrysalis'e taşıyın",
"importMnemonic": "Firefly kurtarma ifadem var",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "Cüzdanlarınızı kurtarmak için gizli ifadenizi girin",
"importFile": "Dosya yedeğim var",
"importFileDescription": "Bir Seedvault veya Stronghold dosyası yükleyin"
"importFromText": {
"seed": {
"title": "Taşımayı başlatmak için seed'inizi girin",
- "body": "A seed consists of 81 characters. This is used to recover from the older Trinity app.",
+ "body": "Bir seed 81 karakterden oluşur. Bu, eski Trinity cüzdanından kurtarmak için kullanılır.",
"enter": "Seed'inizi girin"
"mnemonic": {
"title": "Kurtarma ifadenizi girin",
- "body": "A recovery phrase is 24 words long, all lower case, with spaces between. This is used to recover existing Firefly wallets.",
+ "body": "Kurtarma ifadesi, aralarında boşluklar bulunan tümü küçük harf olmak üzere 24 kelime uzunluğundadır. Bu, mevcut Firefly cüzdanlarını kurtarmak için kullanılır.",
"enter": "Gizli kurtarma ifadenizi girin"
"seedDetected": "81 karakter seed tespit edilmiştir",
@@ -116,17 +116,17 @@
"checksum": "Sağlama"
"importFromFile": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets using a backup file",
- "body": "Import a backup file to restore your wallets. Backups can either be a Stronghold (.stronghold) or a Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
+ "title": "Cüzdanlarınızı bir yedekleme dosyasından geri yükleyin",
+ "body": "Cüzdanlarınızı geri yüklemek için bir yedekleme dosyasını içe aktarın. Yedekleme dosyaları Stronghold (.stronghold) veya Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx) olabilir."
"importBackupPassword": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets from a SeedVault or Stronghold",
+ "title": "Cüzdanlarınızı SeedVault veya Stronghold ile geri yükleyin",
"body1": "Lütfen yedekleme şifrenizi girin.",
"body2": "Bu, yedeğinizi ilk oluşturduğunuzda belirlediğiniz şifredir."
"importSuccess": {
"title": "Yedeklemenizi başarıyla geri yüklediniz",
- "body": "You can now set up your new profile.",
+ "body": "Artık yeni profilinizi oluşturabilirsiniz.",
"seedvaultTitle": "Başarıyla içeri aktarıldı",
"seedvaultBody": "Şifreniz doğru, şimdi devam edebilirsiniz.",
"strongholdTitle": "Başarıyla içeri aktarıldı",
@@ -147,10 +147,11 @@
"restoringWallet": "Cüzdan geri yükleniyor...",
"findingBalance": "Bakiye bulunuyor...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Hatalı SeedVault şifresi.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "No data could be found in the SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Paket imzalanıyor",
"broadcastingBundle": "Paket yayınlanıyor",
"miningBundle": "Paket işleniyor",
- "problemRestoringWallet": "There was a network error restoring your wallet. Please try again.",
+ "problemRestoringWallet": "Cüzdanınızı geri yüklerken bir ağ hatası oluştu. Lütfen tekrar deneyin.",
"minimumMigrationAmountSpentAddresses": "Harcama yapılmış her adres için minimum geçiş miktarı 1 Mi'dir. Bakiyeniz doğru görünmüyorsa tekrar kontrol edin.",
"tooManyAddressesToMigrate": "Düşük bakiyeli adres sayınız taşımak için çok fazla. Eğer bakiyeniz doğru görünmüyorsa lütfen tekrar kontrol ediniz.",
"cannotMigrateAllYourFunds": "Bazı adreslerin değeri çok düşük olduğu için bütün bakiyenizi taşıyamıyoruz. İşleminize bu şekilde de devam edebilirsiniz. {value} kaybolacaktır.",
@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@
"settings": "Ayarlar",
"generalSettings": {
"title": "Genel ayarlar",
- "description": "Configure your app's appearance and other general settings"
+ "description": "Uygulamanızın görünümünü ve diğer genel ayarları düzenleyin"
"security": {
"title": "Güvenlik",
@@ -220,7 +221,7 @@
"description": "Profil isminizi değiştirin veya bir avatar ayarlayın"
"sync": {
- "title": "Sync wallets",
+ "title": "Cüzdanları senkronize et",
"description": ""
"theme": {
@@ -241,15 +242,17 @@
"exportStronghold": {
"title": "Yedeği dışa aktar",
- "description": "Export to a Stronghold file - a complete encrypted backup of your wallets and latest transaction history."
+ "description": "Bir Stronghold dosyasına aktarın - cüzdanlarınızın ve en son işlem geçmişinizin şifrelenmiş tam yedeği."
"appLock": {
"title": "Otomatik Kilitleme",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "description": "Cüzdanlarınız kilitlenmeden ve çıkış yapılmadan önce hareketsizlik süresi",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hour} other {# hours}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Şifre Değiştir",
- "description": "Your password is used to secure your wallets. You must use a strong password to protect your funds."
+ "description": "Parolanız, cüzdanlarınızın güvenliğini sağlamak için kullanılır. Bakiyenizi korumak için güçlü bir parola kullanın."
"changePincode": {
"title": "PIN kodunu değiştir",
@@ -264,12 +267,12 @@
"description": "Tokenlar için detaylı bir adres araması yapın."
"hiddenAccounts": {
- "title": "Hidden wallets",
- "description": "Selecting this options will show wallets that were previously hidden."
+ "title": "Gizli cüzdanlar",
+ "description": "Bu seçeneğin seçilmesi, önceden gizlenmiş cüzdanları gösterecektir."
"deleteProfile": {
"title": "Profili sil",
- "description": "Deletes your entire profile, wallets and transaction history. Make sure you have a backup."
+ "description": "Tüm profilinizi, cüzdanlarınızı ve işlem geçmişinizi siler. Bir yedeğiniz olduğundan emin olun."
"deepLinks": {
"title": "Derin Bağlantılar",
@@ -285,7 +288,7 @@
"configureNodeList": {
"title": "Seçilmiş Sayfa",
- "description": "Manage the list of IOTA network nodes you connect to.",
+ "description": "Bağlandığınız IOTA ağ nodelarının listesini yönetin.",
"primaryNode": "Birincil düğüm",
"excludeNode": "Düğümü hariç tut",
"includeNode": "Düğümü dahil et",
@@ -354,8 +357,8 @@
"strongholdStatus": {
"title": "Cüzdan durumu",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "unlocked": "Unlocked"
+ "locked": "Kilitli",
+ "unlocked": "Kilidi Açık"
"strongholdBackup": {
"title": "Cüzdan yedeği",
@@ -379,7 +382,7 @@
"popups": {
"password": {
"title": "Parola gerekli",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your password to unlock your wallets",
+ "subtitle": "Cüzdanlarınızın kilidini açmak için lütfen şifrenizi girin",
"backup": "Bir yedeği dışa aktarmak için lütfen şifrenizi girin"
"qr": {
@@ -391,34 +394,34 @@
"upToDateDescription": "En son ve güvenli Firefly sürümünü kullanıyorsunuz.",
"updateAvailable": "Firefly güncellemesi mevcut",
"updateDetails": "Sürüm {version} - {date}",
- "noAutoUpdate": "Auto-update is disabled in this Windows version, please go to to download the update."
+ "noAutoUpdate": "Uygulamanın bu Windows sürümünde otomatik güncelleme devre dışıdır, lütfen güncellemeyi indirmek için adresine gidin."
"backup": {
"title": "Son Yedekleme: {date}",
"lastBackup": "Aldığınız son yedek {date}",
- "backupDescription": "It is important to back up regularly to ensure you have a copy of your wallets and transaction history.",
+ "backupDescription": "Cüzdanlarınızın ve işlem geçmişinizin bir kopyasına sahip olduğunuzdan emin olmak için düzenli olarak yedekleme yapmanız önemlidir.",
"backupWarning": "Eğer yedeğinizi ve kurtarma şifrenizi kaybederseniz, hesabınıza erişimi kaybedeceksiniz.",
"notBackedUp": "Yedeklenmedi",
- "notBackedUpDescription": "You have not backed up your wallets",
+ "notBackedUpDescription": "Cüzdanlarınızı yedeklemediniz",
"saving": "Kaydediliyor..."
"deleteAccount": {
"title": "Sil {name}?",
- "body": "This wallet has no transaction history. It can safely be deleted.",
+ "body": "Bu cüzdanın işlem geçmişi bulunmamaktadır. Güvenle silinebilir.",
"typePassword": "Doğrulama için lütfen cüzdan parolanızı giriniz.",
- "hideAccount": "Delete wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "Cüzdanı sil",
"errorTitle": "Silinemedi: {name}",
- "errorBody1": "You cannot delete this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "errorBody1": "Bu cüzdanı silemezsiniz, en az bir cüzdana sahip olmanız gerekmektedir."
"hideAccount": {
"title": "Gizle {name}?",
- "body": "You can find this wallet later by enabling \"Show hidden wallets\" in Advanced Settings.",
+ "body": "Bu cüzdanı daha sonra Gelişmiş Ayarlar'da \"Gizli cüzdanları göster\" seçeneğini etkinleştirerek bulabilirsiniz.",
"typePassword": "Doğrulama için lütfen cüzdan parolanızı giriniz.",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "Cüzdanı gizle",
"errorTitle": "Gizlenemedi: {name}",
- "errorBody1": "To hide a wallet it must have 0 balance.",
- "errorBody2": "You currently have {balance} remaining on this wallet. Please move these funds to a different wallet and try again.",
- "errorBody3": "You cannot hide this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "errorBody1": "Bir cüzdanı gizlemek için bakiyesi olmamalıdır.",
+ "errorBody2": "Cüzdanınızda {balance} tutarında bakiye bulunmaktadır. Lütfen bakiyeyi başka bir cüzdana taşıyıp tekrar deneyiniz.",
+ "errorBody3": "Bu cüzdanı gizleyemezsiniz, en az bir cüzdanınız bulunmalıdır."
"addressHistory": {
"title": "{name} Adres geçmişi",
@@ -461,8 +464,8 @@
"balanceFinder": {
"title": "Bakiye bulucu",
- "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
+ "body": "Eksik bakiyeleri bulmak için daha kapsamlı bir adres araması yapın. Bu işlem biraz zaman alabilir.",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "Toplam bakiye",
"typePassword": "Aramaya izin vermek için şifrenizi girin."
"riskFunds": {
@@ -477,10 +480,10 @@
"proceed": "Riski göze alıyorum"
"snapshot": {
- "title": "Ongoing network upgrade",
- "body": "The Chrysalis network upgrade has begun.",
- "bodyMigration": "Migration is disabled until it is complete.",
- "bodyFirefly": "Firefly is disabled until it is complete. Token migration will still be possible afterwards."
+ "title": "Ağ güncellemesi devam etmekte",
+ "body": "Chrysalis ağ güncellemesi başladı.",
+ "bodyMigration": "İşlem tamamlanana kadar taşıma devre dışı bırakıldı.",
+ "bodyFirefly": "İşlem tamamlanana kadar Firefly devre dışı bırakıldı. Token taşıma daha sonra hala mümkün olacak."
"charts": {
@@ -488,8 +491,8 @@
"outgoingMi": "Giden {value}",
"portoflio": "Portföy",
"token": "Token",
- "accountValue": "Wallet Value",
- "accountActivity": "Wallet Activity",
+ "accountValue": "Cüzdan Değeri",
+ "accountActivity": "Cüzdan Aktivitesi",
"timeframe1Hour": "1 saat",
"timeframe1Day": "1 gün",
"timeframe1Week": "1 hafta",
@@ -543,11 +546,11 @@
"updateFirefly": "Firefly'ı güncelle",
"restartNow": "Şimdi yeniden başlat",
"saveBackup": "Stronghold yedeklemeyi kaydet",
- "customizeAcount": "Customise wallet",
+ "customizeAcount": "Cüzdanı özelleştir",
"viewAddressHistory": "Adres geçmişini göster",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
- "showAccount": "Unhide wallet",
- "deleteAccount": "Delete wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "Cüzdanı gizle",
+ "showAccount": "Cüzdanı göster",
+ "deleteAccount": "Cüzdanı sil",
"max": "En yüksek",
"addNode": "Düğüm ekle",
"updateNode": "Düğümü güncelle",
@@ -563,7 +566,7 @@
"copy": "Kopyala",
"paste": "Yapıştır",
"selectAll": "Hepsini seç",
- "addAccount": "Add Wallet",
+ "addAccount": "Cüzdan Ekle",
"checkForUpdates": "Güncellemeleri Denetle",
"reportAnIssue": "Sorun bildir",
"clear": "Temizle",
@@ -578,13 +581,13 @@
"readDocumentation": "Dokümantasyonu oku",
"visitFaq": "FAQ ziyaret et",
"viewStatus": "Durumu görüntüle",
- "showHiddenAccounts": "Show hidden wallets",
+ "showHiddenAccounts": "Gizli cüzdanları göster",
"confirm": "Onayla",
"findBalances": "Bakiyeleri bul",
"searchBalances": "Bakiyeleri ara",
"searchAgain": "Tekrar ara",
"searching": "Aranıyor...",
- "closeFirefly": "Close Firefly"
+ "closeFirefly": "Firefly'ı Kapat"
"general": {
"password": "Parola",
@@ -602,10 +605,10 @@
"sendFunds": "Para gönderin",
"sendToAddress": "Adresini Gönder",
"scanQrOrPaste": "Bir QR kodunu tarayın veya bir Adres yapıştırın",
- "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Move funds between wallets",
+ "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Cüzdanlarınız arasında bakiye aktarın",
"sendTokensToAddress": "Bir adrese Iota gönder",
- "manageAccount": "Manage Wallet",
- "customizeAcount": "Customize your wallet",
+ "manageAccount": "Cüzdanı Yönet",
+ "customizeAcount": "Cüzdanınızı özelleştirin",
"account": "Cüzdan",
"sendingToAddress": "Adrese gönderiliyor",
"amount": "Tutar",
@@ -627,25 +630,25 @@
"lightTheme": "Aydınlık tema",
"darkTheme": "Karanlık tema",
"balance": "Bakiye",
- "accountBalance": "Wallet Balance",
+ "accountBalance": "Cüzdan Bakiyesi",
"incoming": "Gelen",
"outgoing": "Giden",
"totalIn": "Toplam giriş",
"totalOut": "Toplam çıkış",
- "accounts": "Wallets",
- "myAccounts": "My Wallets",
+ "accounts": "Cüzdanlar",
+ "myAccounts": "Cüzdanlarım",
"automaticNodeSelection": "Otomatik düğüm seçimi",
"manualNodeSelection": "Manuel seçim",
"profiles": "Profiller",
"developerProfile": "Geliştirici hesabı",
"developerProfileDescription": "Test ağlarına bağlanmanıza izin verir",
"dev": "Geliştirici",
- "createAccount": "Create a Wallet",
- "accountName": "Wallet name",
+ "createAccount": "Cüzdan Oluştur",
+ "accountName": "Cüzdan adı",
"latestTransactions": "Son transferler",
"transactions": "Transferler",
"security": "Güvenlik",
- "accountAddress": "Wallet Address",
+ "accountAddress": "Cüzdan Adresi",
"nodes": "Düğümler",
"wallet": "Cüzdan",
"help": "Yardım",
@@ -657,26 +660,26 @@
"status": "Durum",
"confirmed": "Onaylandı",
"pending": "Bekleniyor",
- "noAccounts": "You have no wallets, please create one.",
+ "noAccounts": "Cüzdanınız yok, lütfen bir tane oluşturun.",
"loadingAccounts": "Yükleniyor, lütfen bekleyin...",
"addProfile": "Profil Ekle",
"noRecentHistory": "Geçmiş bulunamadı",
- "firstSync": "Syncing history, this may take a while...",
- "transferSyncing": "Syncing wallet",
+ "firstSync": "Geçmiş senkronize ediliyor, bu biraz zaman alabilir...",
+ "transferSyncing": "Cüzdan senkronize ediliyor",
"transferSelectingInputs": "Girişlerin seçimi",
"transferRemainderAddress": "Kalan mevduat adresi oluşturuluyor",
"transferSigning": "İşlemin imzalanması",
"transferPow": "PoW yapılıyor",
"transferBroadcasting": "İşlem yayınlanıyor",
"transferComplete": "Transfer tamamlandı",
- "creatingAccount": "Creating wallet, please wait...",
- "updatingAccount": "Updating wallet, please wait...",
- "accountSyncing": "Wallet is syncing",
- "accountSyncComplete": "Wallet sync complete",
+ "creatingAccount": "Cüzdan oluşturuluyor, lütfen bekleyin...",
+ "updatingAccount": "Cüzdan güncelleniyor, lütfen bekleyin...",
+ "accountSyncing": "Cüzdan senkronize ediliyor",
+ "accountSyncComplete": "Cüzdan senkronizasyonu tamamlandı",
"passwordUpdating": "Şifre güncelleniyor...",
"passwordSuccess": "Şifre başarıyla güncellendi",
"passwordFailed": "Şifre güncellemesi yapılamadı",
- "syncingAccounts": "Syncing wallets...",
+ "syncingAccounts": "Cüzdanlar senkronize ediliyor...",
"exportingStronghold": "Stronghold Aktarılıyor...",
"exportingStrongholdSuccess": "Stronghold başarıyla dışa aktarıldı",
"exportingStrongholdFailed": "Stronghold dışa aktarımı başarısız oldu",
@@ -691,13 +694,14 @@
"passwordStrength4": "Güçlü",
"creatingProfile": "Yeni bir hesap oluşturuluyor, lütfen bekleyin...",
"fundMigration": "Bakiye taşıma",
- "accountRemoved": "This wallet is hidden. Unhide it to perform transfers.",
+ "accountRemoved": "Bu cüzdan gizlidir. Havale işlemlerini gerçekleştirmek için görünür hale getirin.",
"receivingTo": "{account}'e alınıyor",
"sendingFrom": "{account}'dan gönderiliyor",
"receivedTo": "{account}'a alındı",
"sentFrom": "{account}'dan gönderildi",
"receiving": "Alınıyor",
- "sending": "Gönderiliyor"
+ "sending": "Gönderiliyor",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Network"
"dates": {
"today": "Bugün",
@@ -720,7 +724,7 @@
"calcMinutesRemaining": "Kalan dakikalar hesaplanıyor...",
"minutesRemaining": "{minutes, plural, one {1 dakika kaldı} other {# dakika kaldı}}",
"copiedToClipboard": "Panoya kopyalandı",
- "accountsSynchronized": "Wallet synchronization complete",
+ "accountsSynchronized": "Cüzdan senkronizasyonu tamamlandı",
"migratedAccountChrysalisDown": "Bakiyeniz 28 Nisan'da Chrysalis'ten sonra kullanılabilir olacaktır",
"migratedAccountChrysalisUp": "Bakiyeniz kısa süre içinde kullanılabilir hale gelecektir"
@@ -752,10 +756,10 @@
"incorrect": "Mevcut şifreniz yanlış."
"account": {
- "length": "Your wallet name can't be longer than {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}}.",
- "empty": "You must use your latest wallet before creating a new one.",
- "notEmpty": "You must transfer your balance before deleting this wallet.",
- "duplicate": "A wallet with this name already exists.",
+ "length": "Cüzdanınızın adı {length, plural, one {1 karakter} other {# karakter}}den uzun olamaz.",
+ "empty": "Yenisini oluşturmadan önce en son cüzdanınızı kullanmalısınız.",
+ "notEmpty": "Bu cüzdanı silmeden önce bakiyenizi transfer etmelisiniz.",
+ "duplicate": "Bu isimde bir cüzdan zaten var.",
"tilde": "Profile ismi '~' karakteri ile başlayamaz.",
"control": "Profil ismi bir kontrol karakteri içermemeli.",
"startDot": "Profile ismi '.' karakteri ile başlayamaz.",
@@ -770,8 +774,8 @@
"wrongAddressPrefix": "Adresler {prefix} ön eki ile başlar.",
"wrongAddressFormat": "Adres doğru şekilde biçimlendirilmemiş.",
"invalidAddress": "Adres geçerli değil.",
- "insufficientFunds": "This wallet has insufficient funds.",
- "noToAccount": "You have not selected a wallet to send the funds to.",
+ "insufficientFunds": "Cüzdan bakiyesi yetersiz.",
+ "noToAccount": "Bakiyeyi göndermek için bir cüzdan seçmediniz.",
"sendingDust": "1 Mi den daha az gönderim yapamazsınız.",
"leavingDust": "Adresinizde 1 Mi'den az bırakamazsınız."
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/uk.json b/packages/shared/locales/uk.json
index b4b53e9f8f9..367dc9ad3d8 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/uk.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/uk.json
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
"restoringWallet": "Restoring wallet...",
"findingBalance": "Finding balance...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Incorrect SeedVault password.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "No data could be found in the SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Signing bundle",
"broadcastingBundle": "Broadcasting bundle",
"miningBundle": "Mining bundle",
@@ -245,7 +246,9 @@
"appLock": {
"title": "Automatic Lock",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hour} other {# hours}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Змінити пароль",
@@ -697,7 +700,8 @@
"receivedTo": "Received to {account}",
"sentFrom": "Sent from {account}",
"receiving": "Receiving",
- "sending": "Sending"
+ "sending": "Sending",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Network"
"dates": {
"today": "Today",
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/ur.json b/packages/shared/locales/ur.json
index 4cb089b8b28..d3cb7568356 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/ur.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/ur.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"views": {
"onboarding1": {
"title": "آیوٹا ٹوکن بھیجیں، وصول کریں اور ان کا نظم کریں",
- "body": "Firefly is the official wallet software of IOTA."
+ "body": "فائر فلائی آئیوٹا کا آفیشیل والیٹ ہے."
"legal": {
"title": "رازداری کی پالیسی اور خدمات کی شرائط",
@@ -15,20 +15,20 @@
"profile": {
"title": "ایک پروفائل بنائیں",
- "body1": "آپ اپنے والٹ کو منظم کرنے اور رازداری کو بہتر بنانے کے لئے متعدد صارف پروفائلز تشکیل دے سکتے ہیں.",
+ "body1": "آپ اپنے والیٹ کو منظم کرنے اور رازداری کو بہتر بنانے کے لئے متعدد صارف پروفائلز تشکیل دے سکتے ہیں.",
"body2": "ابھی کے لئے ، آئیے اپنے پہلے پروفائل نام کے ساتھ شروع کریں۔ آپ بعد میں مزید پروفائلز شامل کرسکتے ہیں.",
"profileName": "پروفائل کا نام"
"setup": {
- "title": "ایک والٹ بنائیں",
+ "title": "ایک والیٹ بنائیں",
"chrysalisTitle": "کریسالیس نیٹ ورک اپ ڈیٹ",
"chrysalisBody": "۲۱ اپریل سے ، صارفین اپنے ٹوکن نئے کرسالیس نیٹ ورک میں منتقل کرسکتے ہیں۔ ہم آپ کو مشورہ دیتے ہیں کہ جتنی جلدی ممکن ہو اپنے موجودہ ٹوکن منتقل کریں.",
"learnMore": "منتقلی کے عمل کے بارے میں جانیں"
"secure": {
- "title": "اپنا والٹ محفوظ بنائیں",
+ "title": "اپنا والیٹ محفوظ بنائیں",
"body1": "ریکوری کٹ پی ڈی ایف ٹیمپلیٹ کو محفوظ اور پرنٹ کریں.",
- "body2": "If you fill out the Recovery Kit and store it safely, you will always be able to recover your wallets."
+ "body2": "اگر آپ ریکوری کٹ کو بھرتے ہیں اور اسے محفوظ طریقے سے اسٹور کرتے ہیں تو ، آپ ہمیشہ اپنے والیٹس ریکور کرسکیں گے."
"password": {
"title": "پاس ورڈ تخلیق کریں",
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"protect": {
"title": "Protect your wallet",
- "body1": "Set up a login PIN to make sure that only you can enter your profile.",
+ "body1": "اس بات کا یقین کرنے کے لئے کہ صرف آپ اپنی پروفائل میں داخل ہو سکتے ہیں، لاگ ان پن مرتب کریں.",
"body2": "اپنا پن محفوظ رکھیں!"
"pin": {
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
"body2": "آگے بڑھنے کے لئے اپنا پن کوڈ دوبارہ درج کریں."
"backup": {
- "title": "اپنے والٹ کا بیک اپ بنائیں",
+ "title": "اپنے والیٹ کا بیک اپ بنائیں",
"body1": "اب آپ کو ریکوری کے لیئے استعمال ہونے والا جملہ دکھایا جائے گا۔ اسے اپنی ریکوری کٹ میں لکھ لیں.",
"body2": "کسی کے ساتھ اپنے ریکوری کے فقرے کا اشتراک نہ کریں۔ اسے کہیں سے بھی آپ کے ٹوکن تک رسائی حاصل کرنے کیلئے استعمال کیا جاسکتا ہے.",
"body3": "اگر آپ اپنا ریکوری کا جملہ کھو دیتے ہیں تو ، آپ اپنے فنڈز کھو سکتے ہیں."
@@ -73,42 +73,42 @@
"backupWallet": {
"title": "ایک سٹرونگ ہولڈ فائل پر بیک اپ بنائیں",
- "body1": "Enter your password to backup your wallets to a Stronghold file. Your password is used to encrypt the backup.",
+ "body1": "اپنے والیٹس کو سٹرونگ ہولڈ فائل میں بیک اپ کرنے کے لئے اپنا پاس ورڈ درج کریں۔ آپ کا پاس ورڈ بیک اپ کو خفیہ کرنے کے لئے استعمال ہوتا ہے.",
"body2": "ڈیجیٹل بیک اپ اہم ہونے کی وجوہات:",
- "reason1": "Easily recover your wallets without typing in your recovery phrase",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason1": "ریکوری کا جملہ لکھے بغیر آسانی سے اپنے والیٹس ریکور کریں",
+ "reason2": "اپنے والیٹس کو دوسرے آلات پر درآمد کریں",
"reason3": "اپنی لین دین کی مکمل تاریخ ریکور کریں"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
"title": "کامیابی کے ساتھ بیک اپ لیا گیا",
- "body": "آپ نے اہنے والٹس کو ایک سٹرانگ ہولڈ پر بیک اپ کر لیا ہے."
+ "body": "آپ نے اہنے والیٹس کو ایک سٹرانگ ہولڈ پر بیک اپ کر لیا ہے."
"congratulations": {
- "title": "والٹ کا سیٹ اپ مکمل ہوگیا",
- "body": "آپ کا نیا والٹ استعمال کرنے کے لئے تیار ہے.",
+ "title": "والیٹ کا سیٹ اپ مکمل ہوگیا",
+ "body": "آپ کا نیا والیٹ استعمال کرنے کے لئے تیار ہے.",
"fundsMigrated": "فنڈز منتقل ہو چکے",
"success": "آپ نے اپنے فنڈز کو کامیابی کے ساتھ نئے نیٹ ورک پر منتقل کردیا ہے",
"exportMigration": "منتقلی لاگ برآمد اور سیٹ اپ ختم کریں"
"import": {
"title": "فنڈز ریکور یا منتقل کریں",
- "body": "اگر آپ کے پاس موجودہ سییڈ یا والٹ کی بیک اپ فائل ہے تو ، آپ اسے یہاں درآمد کرسکتے ہیں۔ اگر آپ کے پاس نیٹ ورک کے پرانے فنڈز ہیں تو آپ کو کرسالیس نیٹ ورک پر منتقل کرنے کے اقدامات سے گزارا جائے گا.",
+ "body": "اگر آپ کے پاس موجودہ سییڈ یا والیٹ کی بیک اپ فائل ہے تو ، آپ اسے یہاں درآمد کرسکتے ہیں۔ اگر آپ کے پاس نیٹ ورک کے پرانے فنڈز ہیں تو آپ کو کرسالیس نیٹ ورک پر منتقل کرنے کے اقدامات سے گزارا جائے گا.",
"importSeed": "میرے پاس ۸۱ کرداروں کا سییڈ ہے",
"importSeedDescription": "سیڈ درج کریں اور کرسالیس میں فنڈ منتقل کریں",
"importMnemonic": "میرے پاس فائر فلائی کا ریکوری کا جملہ ہے",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "اپنے والیٹس ریکور کرنے کیلئے اپنا خفیہ جملہ درج کریں",
"importFile": "میرے پاس فائل بیک اپ ہے",
- "importFileDescription": "سیڈ والؐٹ یا سٹرانگ ہولڈ کی فائل اپ لوڈ کریں"
+ "importFileDescription": "سیڈ والٹ یا سٹرانگ ہولڈ کی فائل اپ لوڈ کریں"
"importFromText": {
"seed": {
"title": "منتقلی کا عمل شروع کرنے کے لئے اپنا سیڈ ٹائپ کریں",
- "body": "A seed consists of 81 characters. This is used to recover from the older Trinity app.",
+ "body": "ایک سیڈ ۸۱ حروف پر مشتمل ہوتا ہے۔ اس کا استعمال پرانی ٹرینیٹی ایپ سے ریکوری کے لئے کیا جاتا ہے.",
"enter": "اپنا سیڈ داخل کریں"
"mnemonic": {
"title": "اپنا ریکوری کا فقرا ٹائپ کریں",
- "body": "A recovery phrase is 24 words long, all lower case, with spaces between. This is used to recover existing Firefly wallets.",
+ "body": "ریکوری کا جملہ 24 الفاظ لمبا ہوتا ہے ، تمام لوئرکیس میں ، جن کے درمیان خالی جگہ ہوتی ہے۔ یہ موجودہ فائر فلائی والیٹس کی ریکوری کے لئے استعمال ہوتا ہے.",
"enter": "اپنا خفیہ ریکوری کا جملہ درج کریں"
"seedDetected": "۸۱ حروف کا سیڈ مل چکا",
@@ -116,17 +116,17 @@
"checksum": "چیک سَم"
"importFromFile": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets using a backup file",
- "body": "Import a backup file to restore your wallets. Backups can either be a Stronghold (.stronghold) or a Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
+ "title": "بیک اپ فائل کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے اپنے والیٹس کو ریکور کریں",
+ "body": "اپنے والیٹس کو بحال کرنے کے لئے بیک اپ فائل درآمد کریں۔ بیک اپ یا تو ایک سٹرانگ ہوالذ (stronghold.) یا ٹرینیٹی سیڈ والٹ (kbdx.) ہوسکتے ہیں."
"importBackupPassword": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets from a SeedVault or Stronghold",
+ "title": "سیڈ والٹ یا سٹرانگ ہولڈ سے اپنے والیٹس کو بحال کریں",
"body1": "براہ کرم اپنا بیک اپ پاس ورڈ درج کریں.",
"body2": "یہ پاس ورڈ ہے آپ نے اس وقت ترتیب دیا تھا جب آپ نے پہلی بار اپنا بیک اپ بنایا تھا."
"importSuccess": {
"title": "آپ نے کامیابی سے اپنا بیک اپ ریکور کرلیا ہے",
- "body": "You can now set up your new profile.",
+ "body": "اب آپ اپنی نئی پروفائل ترتیب دے سکتے ہیں.",
"seedvaultTitle": "کامیابی کے ساتھ درآمد کر لیا گیا",
"seedvaultBody": "آپ کا پاس ورڈ درست ہے ، اب آپ جاری رکھ سکتے ہیں.",
"strongholdTitle": "کامیابی کے ساتھ درآمد کر لیا گیا",
@@ -134,23 +134,24 @@
"migrate": {
"title": "اپنے فنڈز منتقل کریں",
- "body1": "آپ کے فنڈز کو آپکے نئے والٹ میں منتقل کرنے کے لئے یہ ایک خودکار عمل ہے.",
+ "body1": "آپ کے فنڈز کو آپکے نئے والیٹ میں منتقل کرنے کے لئے یہ ایک خودکار عمل ہے.",
"body2": "اس میں کچھ وقت لگ سکتا ہے۔ منتقلی کے دوران اپنے آلے کو بند نہ کریں.",
- "existing": "آپکا پرانا والٹ",
- "new": "آپکا نیا والٹ",
+ "existing": "آپکا پرانا والیٹ",
+ "new": "آپکا نیا والیٹ",
"learn": "منتقلی کے عمل کے بارے میں جانیں",
"beginMigration": "منتقلی شروع کریں",
"migrating": "فنڈز منتقل ہو رہے ہیں...",
"migrated": "{balance} منتقل ہوچکا",
"migrationFailed": "منتقلی ناکام ہو گئی",
"noAddressesForMigration": "برائے کرم ان ایڈریسز کو منتخب کریں جن کی آپ حفاظت کرنا چاہتے ہیں.",
- "restoringWallet": "والٹ بحال کیا جا ریا ہے...",
+ "restoringWallet": "والیٹ بحال کیا جا ریا ہے...",
"findingBalance": "بیلینس معلوم کیا جا رہا ہے...",
- "incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "غلط سیڈ والٗٹ پاس ورڈ.",
+ "incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "غلط سیڈ والٹ پاس ورڈ.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "سیڈ والٹ میں کوئی ڈیٹا نہیں ملا.",
"signingBundle": "بنڈل پر دستخط کیا جا رہا ہے",
"broadcastingBundle": "بنڈل براڈکاسٹ کیا جا رہا ہے",
"miningBundle": "بنڈل کو تصدیق شدہ کیا جا رہا ہے",
- "problemRestoringWallet": "آپ کے والٹ کو بحال کرنے میں نیٹورک کا مسئلہ تھا۔ براہ کرم دوبارہ کوشش کریں.",
+ "problemRestoringWallet": "آپ کے والیٹ کو بحال کرنے میں نیٹورک کا مسئلہ تھا۔ براہ کرم دوبارہ کوشش کریں.",
"minimumMigrationAmountSpentAddresses": "ہر خرچ شدہ ایڈریس کے لئے منتقلی کی کم سے کم رقم ۱Mi ہے۔ اگر آپ کا بیلینس ٹھیک نہیں لگتا ہے تو دوبارہ جانچ کریں.",
"tooManyAddressesToMigrate": "آپ کے پاس منتقلی کے لیئے کم بیلنس والے ایڈریس بہت زیادہ ہیں۔ اگر آپ کا بیلینس ٹھیک نہیں لگتا ہے تو دوبارہ جانچ کریں.",
"cannotMigrateAllYourFunds": "ہم آپ کے تمام فنڈز کو منتقل نہیں کرسکتے ہیں کیونکہ کچھ ایڈریس کی قیمت بہت کم ہے۔ آپ بہرحال آگے بڑھ سکتے ہیں۔ {value} کھو دیا جائے گا.",
@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@
"settings": "ترتیبات",
"generalSettings": {
"title": "عام ترتیبات",
- "description": "Configure your app's appearance and other general settings"
+ "description": "اپنی ایپ کی ظاہری شکل اور دیگر عام ترتیبات کو تشکیل دیں"
"security": {
"title": "سیکورٹی",
@@ -220,7 +221,7 @@
"description": "اپنا پروفائل نام تبدیل کریں یا اوتار سیٹ کریں"
"sync": {
- "title": "والٹس کی ہم آہنگی",
+ "title": "والیٹس سنک کریں",
"description": ""
"theme": {
@@ -241,15 +242,17 @@
"exportStronghold": {
"title": "بیک اپ برآمد کریں",
- "description": "ایک سٹرانگ ہولڈ کی فائل میں برآمد کریں - آپ کے والٹ اور ٹرانزیکشن کی تازہ ترین تاریخ کا ایک مکمل مرموز کردہ بیک اپ."
+ "description": "ایک سٹرانگ ہولڈ کی فائل میں برآمد کریں - آپ کے والیٹ اور ٹرانزیکشن کی تازہ ترین تاریخ کا ایک مکمل مرموز کردہ بیک اپ."
"appLock": {
"title": "خودکار لاک",
- "description": "غیر فعال ہونے کا وقت جب آپ کے والٹس لاک ہوجاتے ہیں اور آپ لاگ آؤٹ ہوجاتے ہیں"
+ "description": "غیر فعال ہونے کا وقت جب آپ کے والیٹس لاک ہوجاتے ہیں اور آپ لاگ آؤٹ ہوجاتے ہیں",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 منٹ} other {# منٹ}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 گھنٹہ} other {# گھنٹے}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "پاس ورڈ تبدیل کریں",
- "description": "آپ کا پاس ورڈ آپ کے والٹ کو محفوظ بنانے کے لئے استعمال ہوتا ہے۔ اپنے فنڈز کی حفاظت کے لیئے آپ کو ایک مضبوط پاس ورڈ استعمال کرنا چاہئے."
+ "description": "آپ کا پاس ورڈ آپ کے والیٹ کو محفوظ بنانے کے لئے استعمال ہوتا ہے۔ اپنے فنڈز کی حفاظت کے لیئے آپ کو ایک مضبوط پاس ورڈ استعمال کرنا چاہئے."
"changePincode": {
"title": "پن کوڈ تبدیل کریں",
@@ -296,8 +299,8 @@
"noNodes": "کوئی نوڈز نہیں ہیں ، اس کی بجائے خودکار انتخاب کا استعمال کیا جائے گا."
"proofOfWork": {
- "title": "کام کا ثبوت",
- "description": "اپنے آلہ پر مقامی طور پر کام کا ثبوت کریں یا نوڈ کو دے دیں"
+ "title": "پروف آف ورک",
+ "description": "اپنے آلہ پر مقامی طور پر پروف آف ورک کریں یا نوڈ کو دے دیں"
"errorLog": {
"title": "خرابی کا لاگ",
@@ -461,333 +464,334 @@
"balanceFinder": {
"title": "بلینس کا متلاشی",
- "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
+ "body": "گمشدہ بیلینس تلاش کرنے کے لیئے ایڈریسز کی ایک زیادہ تلاشی انجام دیں. اس میں کچھ وقت لگ سکتا ہے.",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "کل رقم",
"typePassword": "تلاش کرنے کی اجازت دینے کے لئے اپنا پاس ورڈ ٹائپ کریں."
"riskFunds": {
"title": "انتباہ: منتقلی کے دوران فنڈز خطرے میں ہیں",
"body1": "یہ سختی سے تجویز کی جاتی ہے کہ آپ منتقلی کے عمل میں آگے بڑھنے سے پہلے اپنے تمام فنڈز محفوظ رکھیں۔ اگر آپ ان کو محفوظ نہیں رکھتے ہیں تو آپ کے فنڈز میں چوری کا خطرہ ہے.",
- "body2": "It is recommended that you rerun the process for addresses with a medium risk level or above."
+ "body2": "یہ تجویز کی جاتی ہے کہ آپ درمیانے درجے یا اس سے اوپر کے خطرے والے ایڈریس کے لئے یہ عمل دوبارہ انجام دیں."
"missingBundle": {
"title": "انتباہ: منتقلی کے دوران فنڈز خطرے میں ہیں",
- "body": "You have funds on spent addresses, but the information needed to secure them was not found. This can happen if you made transactions a long time ago. You can proceed but {value} are at risk during migration.",
- "learnMore": "Learn more about spent addresses",
- "proceed": "I understand the risk"
+ "body": "آپ کے پاس خرچ شدہ ایڈریسز پر فنڈز موجود ہیں ، لیکن انہیں محفوظ رکھنے کے لئے درکار معلومات نہیں ملیں۔ یہ اس صورت ہوتا ہے جب آپ نے بہت عرصہ پہلے کوئی ٹرانزیکشن کی ہو۔ آپ آگے بڑھ سکتے ہیں لیکن منتقلی کے دوران {value} کو خطرہ ہے.",
+ "learnMore": "خرچ شدہ ایڈریسز کے بارے میں مزید جانیں",
+ "proceed": "میں خطرے کو سمجھتا ہوں"
"snapshot": {
- "title": "Ongoing network upgrade",
- "body": "The Chrysalis network upgrade has begun.",
- "bodyMigration": "Migration is disabled until it is complete.",
- "bodyFirefly": "Firefly is disabled until it is complete. Token migration will still be possible afterwards."
+ "title": "جاری نیٹ ورک اپ گریڈ",
+ "body": "کریسالیس نیٹ ورک اپ گریڈ شروع ہوچکی ہے.",
+ "bodyMigration": "منتقلی اس وقت تک غیر فعال ہے جب تک یہ مکمل نہ ہوجائے.",
+ "bodyFirefly": "فائر فلائی اس وقت تک غیر فعال ہے جب تک یہ مکمل نہ ہوجائے۔ ٹوکن کی منتقلی اس کے بعد بھی ممکن ہوگی."
"charts": {
- "incomingMi": "Incoming {value}",
- "outgoingMi": "Outgoing {value}",
- "portoflio": "Portfolio",
- "token": "Token",
- "accountValue": "Wallet Value",
- "accountActivity": "Wallet Activity",
- "timeframe1Hour": "1 hour",
- "timeframe1Day": "1 day",
- "timeframe1Week": "1 week",
- "timeframe1Month": "1 month"
+ "incomingMi": "آنے والے {value}",
+ "outgoingMi": "سبکدوش ہونے والے {value}",
+ "portoflio": "پورٹفولیو",
+ "token": "ٹوکن",
+ "accountValue": "والٹ کی قیمت",
+ "accountActivity": "والٹ کی سرگرمی",
+ "timeframe1Hour": "1 گھنٹہ",
+ "timeframe1Day": "1 دن",
+ "timeframe1Week": "1 ہفتہ",
+ "timeframe1Month": "1 مہینہ"
"actions": {
- "continue": "Continue",
- "back": "Back",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "close": "Close",
- "dismiss": "Dismiss",
- "proceedAnyway": "Proceed anyway",
- "save": "Save",
- "importSeed": "Import an existing seed",
- "restoreWallet": "Migrate or restore a wallet",
- "restoreWalletDescription": "Migrate to Chrysalis or restore an existing wallet",
- "createWallet": "Create new wallet",
- "createWalletDescription": "Create a fresh wallet running on Chrysalis",
- "savePassword": "Save password",
- "useBiometric": "Use biometric security",
+ "continue": "جاری رکھیں",
+ "back": "واپس",
+ "cancel": "منسوخ کریں",
+ "close": "بند کریں",
+ "dismiss": "برخاست کریں",
+ "proceedAnyway": "بہرحال آگے بڑھیں",
+ "save": "محفوظ کریں",
+ "importSeed": "ایک موجودہ سیڈ درآمد کریں",
+ "restoreWallet": "ایک والیٹ کو منتقل یا بحال کریں",
+ "restoreWalletDescription": "کریسالس منتقل کریں یا موجودہ والیٹ کو بحال کریں",
+ "createWallet": "نیا والیٹ بنائیں",
+ "createWalletDescription": "کرسالیس پر چلنے والا ایک تازہ والیٹ بنائیں",
+ "savePassword": "پاس ورڈ محفوظ کریں",
+ "useBiometric": "بائیو میٹرک سیکیورٹی استعمال کریں",
"setupPin": "پن کوڈ مرتب کریں",
- "setPin": "Set PIN code",
- "confirmPin": "Confirm PIN code",
- "enterYourPin": "Enter your PIN",
- "saveBackupFile": "Save backup file",
- "iveWrittenRecoveryPhrase": "I’ve written down my recovery phrase",
+ "setPin": "پن کوڈ سیٹ کریں",
+ "confirmPin": "پن کوڈ کی تصدیق کریں",
+ "enterYourPin": "اپنا پن داخل کریں",
+ "saveBackupFile": "بیک اپ فائل محفوظ کریں",
+ "iveWrittenRecoveryPhrase": "میں نے اپنا ریکوری کا فقرا لکھ لیا ہے",
"verifyRecoveryPhrase": "ریکوری کے جملے کی تصدیق کریں",
"revealRecoveryPhrase": "ریکوری کا جملہ افشا کریں",
- "importSeedvault": "Import SeedVault",
- "checkAgain": "Check Again",
- "importFromFile": "Import from a file",
- "send": "Send",
- "receive": "Receive",
+ "importSeedvault": "سیڈ والٹ درآمد کریں",
+ "checkAgain": "دوبارہ چیک کریں",
+ "importFromFile": "ایک فائل سے امپورٹ کریں",
+ "send": "بھیجیں",
+ "receive": "موصول کریں",
"create": "تخلیق کریں",
- "beginTransfer": "Begin Transfer",
- "tryAgain": "Try again",
- "visitDiscord": "Visit Discord",
- "dragDrop": "Drag & Drop",
- "importExtentions": ".kdbx or .stronghold file",
- "chooseFile": "Choose a File",
- "dropHere": "Drop your file here",
- "syncAll": "Sync all",
- "export": "Export",
- "exportNewStronghold": "Export a new Stronghold",
- "enableDeepLinks": "Enable deep links",
- "enableDeveloperMode": "Enable developer mode",
- "enableSystemNotifications": "Enable system notifications",
- "exportState": "Export state",
- "localProofOfWork": "Local proof of work",
- "unlock": "Unlock",
- "updateFirefly": "Update Firefly",
- "restartNow": "Restart now",
- "saveBackup": "Save Stronghold backup",
- "customizeAcount": "Customise wallet",
- "viewAddressHistory": "View address history",
+ "beginTransfer": "منتقلی شروع کریں",
+ "tryAgain": "دوبارہ کوشش کریں",
+ "visitDiscord": "ڈسکارڈ ملاحظہ کریں",
+ "dragDrop": "ڈریگ اینڈ ڈراپ",
+ "importExtentions": "kdbx. یا stronghold. فائل",
+ "chooseFile": "ایک فائل کا انتخاب کریں",
+ "dropHere": "اپنی فائل یہاں ڈراپ کریں",
+ "syncAll": "سب کو سنک کریں",
+ "export": "برآمد کریں",
+ "exportNewStronghold": "ایک نیا سٹرانگ ہولڈ برآمد کریں",
+ "enableDeepLinks": "ڈیپ لنکس کو فعال کریں",
+ "enableDeveloperMode": "ڈیولپر موڈ میں فعال کریں",
+ "enableSystemNotifications": "اطلاعات کو فعال بنائیں",
+ "exportState": "حالت برآمد کریں",
+ "localProofOfWork": "مقامی پروف آف ورک",
+ "unlock": "ان لاک کریں",
+ "updateFirefly": "فائر فلائی اپ ڈیٹ کریں",
+ "restartNow": "ابھی ری سٹارٹ کریں",
+ "saveBackup": "سٹرانگ ہولڈ کا بیک اپ محفوظ کریں",
+ "customizeAcount": "اپنے والٹ کو اپنی مرضی کے مطابق بنائیں",
+ "viewAddressHistory": "ایڈریسس کی تاریخ دیکھیں",
"hideAccount": "والٹ چھپائیں",
- "showAccount": "Unhide wallet",
+ "showAccount": "والٹ ظاہر کریں",
"deleteAccount": "والٹ حذف کریں",
- "max": "Max",
- "addNode": "Add node",
- "updateNode": "Update node",
- "removeNode": "Remove node",
- "hide": "Hide",
- "hideOthers": "Hide Others",
- "showAll": "Show All",
- "quit": "Quit",
- "edit": "Edit",
- "undo": "Undo",
- "redo": "Redo",
- "cut": "Cut",
- "copy": "Copy",
- "paste": "Paste",
- "selectAll": "Select All",
- "addAccount": "Add Wallet",
- "checkForUpdates": "Check for Updates",
- "reportAnIssue": "Report an Issue",
- "clear": "Clear",
- "hideDetails": "Hide Details",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "skip": "Skip",
- "reset": "Reset",
- "downloadRecoveryKit": "Save Recovery Kit template",
- "skipBackup": "Skip file backup",
- "finishSetup": "Finish setup",
- "readDocumentation": "Read the documentation",
- "visitFaq": "Visit FAQ",
- "viewStatus": "View status",
- "showHiddenAccounts": "Show hidden wallets",
- "confirm": "Confirm",
- "findBalances": "Find balances",
- "searchBalances": "Search for balances",
- "searchAgain": "Search again",
- "searching": "Searching...",
- "closeFirefly": "Close Firefly"
+ "max": "حد",
+ "addNode": "نوڈ شامل کریں",
+ "updateNode": "نوڈ اپ ڈیٹ کریں",
+ "removeNode": "نوڈ ہٹائیں",
+ "hide": "چھپائیں",
+ "hideOthers": "دیگر چھپائیں",
+ "showAll": "سب دکھائیں",
+ "quit": "ترک کریں",
+ "edit": "ترمیم کریں",
+ "undo": "کالعدم کریں",
+ "redo": "دوبارہ کریں",
+ "cut": "کٹ کریں",
+ "copy": "کاپی کریں",
+ "paste": "پیسٹ کریں",
+ "selectAll": "سب کو منتخب کریں",
+ "addAccount": "والٹ شامل کریں",
+ "checkForUpdates": "اپ ڈیٹس کی پڑتال کریں",
+ "reportAnIssue": "ایک مسئلہ رپورٹ کریں",
+ "clear": "مٹائیں",
+ "hideDetails": "تفصیلات چھپائیں",
+ "yes": "ہاں",
+ "no": "نہیں",
+ "skip": "چھوڑ دیں",
+ "reset": "ری سیٹ کریں",
+ "downloadRecoveryKit": "ریکوری کٹ ٹیمپلیٹ کو محفوظ کریں",
+ "skipBackup": "فائل کا بیک اپ چھوڑدیں",
+ "finishSetup": "سیٹ اپ ختم کریں",
+ "readDocumentation": "دستاویزات کا مطالعہ کریں",
+ "visitFaq": "FAQ دیکھیں",
+ "viewStatus": "حالت دیکھیں",
+ "showHiddenAccounts": "چھپے ہوئے والٹس دکھائیں",
+ "confirm": "تصدیق کریں",
+ "findBalances": "تمام بیلینس معلوم کریں",
+ "searchBalances": "بیلنس کی تلاش کریں",
+ "searchAgain": "دوبارہ تلاش کریں",
+ "searching": "تلاش ہو رہا ہے...",
+ "closeFirefly": "فائر فلائی بند کریں"
"general": {
- "password": "Password",
- "confirmPassword": "Confirm password",
- "currentPassword": "Current password",
- "newPassword": "New password",
- "confirmNewPassword": "Confirm new password",
- "yourSeed": "Your Seed",
- "recoveryPhrase": "Recovery Phrase",
- "recentActivity": "Recent Activity",
- "sent": "Sent",
- "received": "Received",
- "sendPayment": "Send Payment",
- "moveFunds": "Internal Transfer",
- "sendFunds": "Send funds",
- "sendToAddress": "Send to address",
- "scanQrOrPaste": "Scan a QR code or paste an Address",
- "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Move funds between wallets",
- "sendTokensToAddress": "Send tokens to an address",
- "manageAccount": "Manage Wallet",
- "customizeAcount": "Customize your wallet",
- "account": "Wallet",
- "sendingToAddress": "Sending to address",
- "amount": "Amount",
- "addAddress": "Add Address",
- "reference": "Reference",
- "from": "From",
- "to": "To",
- "receiveFunds": "Receive Funds",
- "myAddress": "My Address",
- "shareAddress": "Share an address",
- "yourAddress": "Your address",
- "generateNewAddress": "Generate new address",
- "copyAddress": "Copy Address",
- "import": "Import",
- "seedvault": "SeedVault",
- "stronghold": "Stronghold",
- "language": "Language",
- "appearance": "Appearance",
- "lightTheme": "Light theme",
- "darkTheme": "Dark theme",
- "balance": "Balance",
- "accountBalance": "Wallet Balance",
- "incoming": "Incoming",
- "outgoing": "Outgoing",
- "totalIn": "Total in",
- "totalOut": "Total out",
- "accounts": "Wallets",
- "myAccounts": "My Wallets",
- "automaticNodeSelection": "Automatic node selection",
- "manualNodeSelection": "Manual node selection",
- "profiles": "Profiles",
- "developerProfile": "Developer Profile",
- "developerProfileDescription": "Allows you to connect to testnets",
- "dev": "Dev",
- "createAccount": "Create a Wallet",
- "accountName": "Wallet name",
- "latestTransactions": "Latest Transactions",
- "transactions": "Transactions",
+ "password": "پاس ورڈ",
+ "confirmPassword": "پاس ورڈ کی تصدیق کریں",
+ "currentPassword": "موجودہ پاس ورڈ",
+ "newPassword": "نیا پاس ورڈ",
+ "confirmNewPassword": "نئے پاس ورڈ کی تصدیق کریں",
+ "yourSeed": "آپ کا سیڈ",
+ "recoveryPhrase": "ریکوری کا جملہ",
+ "recentActivity": "حالیہ سرگرمی",
+ "sent": "بھیجا گیا",
+ "received": "موصول شدہ",
+ "sendPayment": "ادائیگی کریں",
+ "moveFunds": "اندرونی منتقلی",
+ "sendFunds": "فنڈز بھیجیں",
+ "sendToAddress": "اس ایڈریس پر بھیجیں",
+ "scanQrOrPaste": "ایک QR کوڈ اسکین کریں یا ایڈریس پیسٹ کریں",
+ "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "والٹس کے مابین فنڈز منتقل کریں",
+ "sendTokensToAddress": "کسی ایڈریس پر ٹوکن بھیجیں",
+ "manageAccount": "والٹ کا نظم کریں",
+ "customizeAcount": "اپنے والٹ کو اپنی مرضی کے مطابق بنائیں",
+ "account": "والٹ",
+ "sendingToAddress": "اس ایڈریس پر ارسال کیے جارہے ہیں",
+ "amount": "رقم",
+ "addAddress": "ایڈریس شامل کریں",
+ "reference": "حوالہ",
+ "from": "اسکی طرف سے",
+ "to": "اس کو",
+ "receiveFunds": "فنڈز وصول کریں",
+ "myAddress": "میرا ایڈریس",
+ "shareAddress": "ایک ایڈریس شیئر کریں",
+ "yourAddress": "آپ کا ایڈریس",
+ "generateNewAddress": "نیا ایڈریس بنائیں",
+ "copyAddress": "ایڈریس کاپی کریں",
+ "import": "درآمد کریں",
+ "seedvault": "سیڈ والٹ",
+ "stronghold": "سٹرانگ ہولڈ",
+ "language": "زبان",
+ "appearance": "وضع",
+ "lightTheme": "لائٹ تھیم",
+ "darkTheme": "سیاہ تھیم",
+ "balance": "بیلنس",
+ "accountBalance": "والیٹ کا بیلینس",
+ "incoming": "آنے والی",
+ "outgoing": "ارسال شدہ",
+ "totalIn": "کل ملا کر وصول شدہ",
+ "totalOut": "کل ملا کر ارسال شدہ",
+ "accounts": "والیٹس",
+ "myAccounts": "میرا والیٹ",
+ "automaticNodeSelection": "خودکار نوڈ کا انتخاب",
+ "manualNodeSelection": "دستی نوڈ کا انتخاب",
+ "profiles": "پروفائلز",
+ "developerProfile": "ڈویلپر پروفائل",
+ "developerProfileDescription": "آپ کو ٹیسٹ نیٹ سے کنکٹ ہونے کی اجازت دیتا ہے",
+ "dev": "ڈیو",
+ "createAccount": "ایک نیا والیٹ بنائیں",
+ "accountName": "والیٹ کا نام",
+ "latestTransactions": "تازہ ترین ٹرانزیکشن",
+ "transactions": "ٹرانزیکشنز",
"security": "سیکورٹی",
- "accountAddress": "Wallet Address",
- "nodes": "Nodes",
- "wallet": "Wallet",
- "help": "Help",
- "you": "You",
- "messageId": "Message ID",
- "inputAddress": "Send Address",
- "receiveAddress": "Receive Address",
- "date": "Date",
+ "accountAddress": "والیٹ کا ایڈریس",
+ "nodes": "نوڈذ",
+ "wallet": "والیٹ",
+ "help": "مدد",
+ "you": "آپ",
+ "messageId": "پیغام کی ID",
+ "inputAddress": "ایڈریس بھیجیں",
+ "receiveAddress": "ایڈریس وصول کریں",
+ "date": "تاریخ",
"status": "حالت",
- "confirmed": "Confirmed",
- "pending": "Pending",
- "noAccounts": "You have no wallets, please create one.",
- "loadingAccounts": "Loading, please wait...",
- "addProfile": "Add Profile",
- "noRecentHistory": "No recent history",
- "firstSync": "Syncing history, this may take a while...",
- "transferSyncing": "Syncing wallet",
- "transferSelectingInputs": "Selecting inputs",
- "transferRemainderAddress": "Generating remainder deposit address",
- "transferSigning": "Signing the transaction",
- "transferPow": "Performing PoW",
- "transferBroadcasting": "Broadcasting transaction",
- "transferComplete": "Transfer complete",
- "creatingAccount": "Creating wallet, please wait...",
- "updatingAccount": "Updating wallet, please wait...",
- "accountSyncing": "Wallet is syncing",
- "accountSyncComplete": "Wallet sync complete",
- "passwordUpdating": "Updating password...",
- "passwordSuccess": "Updated password successfully",
- "passwordFailed": "Updating password failed",
- "syncingAccounts": "Syncing wallets...",
- "exportingStronghold": "Exporting Stronghold...",
- "exportingStrongholdSuccess": "Exported Stronghold successfully",
- "exportingStrongholdFailed": "Exporting Stronghold failed",
- "pinCodeUpdating": "Updating PIN code...",
- "pinCodeSuccess": "Updated PIN code successfully",
- "pinCodeFailed": "Updating PIN code failed",
- "passwordStrength": "Password strength",
- "passwordStrength0": "Bad",
- "passwordStrength1": "Poor",
- "passwordStrength2": "Weak",
- "passwordStrength3": "Average",
- "passwordStrength4": "Strong",
- "creatingProfile": "Creating profile, please wait...",
- "fundMigration": "Fund migration",
- "accountRemoved": "This wallet is hidden. Unhide it to perform transfers.",
- "receivingTo": "Receiving to {account}",
- "sendingFrom": "Sending from {account}",
- "receivedTo": "Received to {account}",
- "sentFrom": "Sent from {account}",
- "receiving": "Receiving",
- "sending": "Sending"
+ "confirmed": "تصدیق شدہ",
+ "pending": "زیر التواء",
+ "noAccounts": "آپ کے پاس کوئی بٹوے نہیں ہیں ، براہ کرم ایک بٹوا بنائیں.",
+ "loadingAccounts": "لوڈ ہو رہا ہے، براہ مہربانی انتظار کریں...",
+ "addProfile": "پروفائل شامل کریں",
+ "noRecentHistory": "کوئی حالیہ تاریخ نہیں ہے",
+ "firstSync": "تاریخ کی سنک کی جا رہی ہے، اس میں کچھ وقت لگ سکتا ہے...",
+ "transferSyncing": "والیٹ سنک ہو رہا ہے",
+ "transferSelectingInputs": "اِن پٹس کا انتخاب کیا جا رہا ہے",
+ "transferRemainderAddress": "بقایا ڈیپوزٹ ایڈریس بنایا جا رہا ہے",
+ "transferSigning": "ٹرانزیکشن پر دستخط کئیے جا رہے ہیں",
+ "transferPow": "پروف آف ورک کیا جا رہا ہے",
+ "transferBroadcasting": "ٹرانزیکشن براڈکاسٹ کی جا رہی ہے",
+ "transferComplete": "منتقلی مکمل",
+ "creatingAccount": "والیٹ بنایا جا رہا ہے، براہ کرم انتظار کریں...",
+ "updatingAccount": "والیٹ اپ ڈیٹ ہو رہا ہے، براہ کرم انتظار کریں...",
+ "accountSyncing": "والیٹ سنک ہو رہا ہے",
+ "accountSyncComplete": "والٹ کی سنک مکمل",
+ "passwordUpdating": "پاس ورڈ اپ ڈیٹ ہورہا...",
+ "passwordSuccess": "پاس ورڈ کامیابی سے اپ ڈیٹ کر دیا گیا",
+ "passwordFailed": "پاس ورڈ اپ ڈیٹ ناکام ہوگئی",
+ "syncingAccounts": "والٹ سنک ہو رہے ہیں...",
+ "exportingStronghold": "سٹرانگ ہولڈ برآمد ہو رہا ہے...",
+ "exportingStrongholdSuccess": "سٹرانگ ہولڈ کامیابی کے ساتھ برآمد ہو گیا",
+ "exportingStrongholdFailed": "سٹرانگ ہولڈ کی برآمد ناکام ہوئی",
+ "pinCodeUpdating": "پن کوڈ کو اپ ڈیٹ ہو رہاہے...",
+ "pinCodeSuccess": "پن کوڈ کامیابی سے اپ ڈیٹ کر دیا گیا",
+ "pinCodeFailed": "پن کوڈ کی اپ ڈیٹ ناکام ہوگئی",
+ "passwordStrength": "پاس ورڈ کی طاقت",
+ "passwordStrength0": "خراب",
+ "passwordStrength1": "برا",
+ "passwordStrength2": "کمزور",
+ "passwordStrength3": "اوسط",
+ "passwordStrength4": "مضبوط",
+ "creatingProfile": "پروفائل بنائی جا رہی ہے، براہ کرم انتظار کریں...",
+ "fundMigration": "فنڈز کی منتقلی",
+ "accountRemoved": "یہ والٹ پوشیدہ ہے۔ منتقلی انجام دینے کیلئے اسے ظاہر کریں.",
+ "receivingTo": "{account} میں وصول ہو رہا",
+ "sendingFrom": "{account} سے بھیجا جائے گا",
+ "receivedTo": "{account} میں وصول ہوا",
+ "sentFrom": "{account} سے بھیجا گیا",
+ "receiving": "وصول پزیر",
+ "sending": "بھیجے جا رہے",
+ "legacyNetwork": "لیگیسی نیٹ ورک"
"dates": {
- "today": "Today",
- "yesterday": "Yesterday",
- "daysAgo": "{time, plural, one {# day} other {# days}} ago",
- "weeksAgo": "{time, plural, one {# week} other {# weeks}} ago",
- "monthsAgo": "{time, plural, one {# month} other {# months}} ago",
- "yearsAgo": "{time, plural, one {# year} other {# years}} ago"
+ "today": "آج",
+ "yesterday": "گزشتہ روز",
+ "daysAgo": "{time, plural, one {# دن} other {# دن}} پہلے",
+ "weeksAgo": "{time, plural, one {# ہفتہ} other {# ہفتے}} پہلے",
+ "monthsAgo": "{time, plural, one {# مہینہ} other {# مہینے}} پہلے",
+ "yearsAgo": "{time, plural, one {# سال} other {# سال}} پہلے"
"notifications": {
- "valueTx": "Receiving {{value}} to {{account}}",
- "confirmed": "Outgoing {{value}} from {{account}} has confirmed",
- "confirmedInternal": "{{value}} from {{senderAccount}} to {{receiverAccount}} has confirmed",
- "confirmedInternalNoAccounts": "{{value}} internal transfer has confirmed",
- "failed": "Outgoing {{value}} from {{account}} has failed",
- "downloadingUpdate": "Downloading update",
- "updateReady": "Update ready",
- "updateError": "An error occurred during the update, please try again",
- "restartInstall": "Restart to install",
- "calcMinutesRemaining": "Calculating minutes remaining...",
- "minutesRemaining": "{minutes, plural, one {1 minute remaining} other {# minutes remaining}}",
- "copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
- "accountsSynchronized": "Wallet synchronization complete",
- "migratedAccountChrysalisDown": "Your funds will become available after Chrysalis on 28th April",
- "migratedAccountChrysalisUp": "Your funds will become available shortly"
+ "valueTx": "{{account}} سے {{value}} وصول ہو رہے ہیں",
+ "confirmed": "{{account}} سے بھیجے گئے {{value}} کی تصدیق ہو گئی",
+ "confirmedInternal": "{{senderAccount}} سے {{receiverAccount}} کی بھیجے گئے {{value}} کی تصدیق ہو گئی",
+ "confirmedInternalNoAccounts": "{{value}} کی اندرونی منتقلی کی تصدیق ہو گئی",
+ "failed": "{{account}} سے بھیجے گئے {{value}} ناکام ہو گئی",
+ "downloadingUpdate": "اپ ڈیٹ ڈاون لوڈ ہو رہا ہے",
+ "updateReady": "اپ ڈیٹ تیار ہے",
+ "updateError": "اپ ڈیٹ کے دوران ایک خرابی پیش آگئی ، براہ کرم دوبارہ کوشش کریں",
+ "restartInstall": "انسٹال کرنے کے لئے دوبارہ شروع کریں",
+ "calcMinutesRemaining": "بقایہ منٹ گنے جا رہے ہیں...",
+ "minutesRemaining": "{minutes, plural, one {1 منٹ باقی} other {# منٹس باقی}}",
+ "copiedToClipboard": "کلپ بورڈ میں کاپی ہو گیا",
+ "accountsSynchronized": "والٹ کی سنک مکمل",
+ "migratedAccountChrysalisDown": "آپ کے فنڈز کرسالیس پر 28 اپریل کے بعد دستیاب ہوں گے",
+ "migratedAccountChrysalisUp": "آپ کے فنڈز جلد ہی دستیاب ہوجائیں گے"
"error": {
"profile": {
- "length": "Your profile name can't be longer than {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}}.",
- "duplicate": "A profile with this name already exists."
+ "length": "آپ کے پروفائل کا نام {length, plural, one {1 حرف} other {# حروف}} سے زیادہ لمبا نہیں ہوسکتا ہے.",
+ "duplicate": "اس نام کی پروفائل پہلے سے موجود ہے."
"password": {
- "doNotMatch": "Passwords do not match.",
- "tooWeak": "Your new password is too weak.",
- "row": "Straight rows of keys are easy to guess.",
- "pattern": "Short keyboard patterns are easy to guess.",
- "names": "Common names and surnames are easy to guess.",
- "repeats": "Repeats like 'aaa' are easy to guess.",
- "repeats2": "Repeats like 'abcabcabc' are easy to guess.",
- "sequence": "Sequences of characters are easy to guess.",
- "years": "Recent years are easy to guess.",
- "dates": "Dates are easy to guess.",
- "common": "This is a very common password.",
- "similar": "This is similar to a common password.",
- "word": "A single word is easy to guess.",
- "incorrect": "Your password is incorrect.",
- "length": "Your password can't be longer than {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}}."
+ "doNotMatch": "پاس ورڈ ایک جیسے نہیں ہیں.",
+ "tooWeak": "آپ کا نیا پاس بہت کمزور ہے.",
+ "row": "بٹنوں کی سیدھی قطاروں کا اندازہ لگانا آسان ہے.",
+ "pattern": "مختصر کی بورڈ کے نمونوں کا اندازہ لگانا آسان ہے.",
+ "names": "عام ناموں اور کنیتوں کا اندازہ لگانا آسان ہے.",
+ "repeats": "'aaa' جیسی تقرار کا اندازہ لگانا آسان ہے.",
+ "repeats2": "'abcabcabc' جیسی تقرار کا اندازہ لگانا آسان ہے.",
+ "sequence": "حروف کی ترتیب کا اندازہ لگانا آسان ہے.",
+ "years": "حالیہ برسوں کا اندازہ کرنا آسان ہے.",
+ "dates": "تاریخوں کا اندازہ کرنا آسان ہے.",
+ "common": "یہ بہت عام پاس ورڈ ہے.",
+ "similar": "یہ ایک عام پاس ورڈ کی طرح ہے.",
+ "word": "ایک ہی لفظ کا اندازہ لگانا آسان ہے.",
+ "incorrect": "آپ کا پاس ورڈ غلط ہے.",
+ "length": "آپ کا پاس ورڈ {length, plural, one {1 حرف} other {# حروف}} سے زیادہ لمبا نہیں ہوسکتا ہے."
"pincode": {
- "length": "Your PIN must be {length, plural, one {1 digit} other {# digits}} long.",
- "match": "PINs do not match.",
- "incorrect": "Your current PIN is incorrect."
+ "length": "آپکا پن {length, plural, one {1 ہندسے} other {# ہندسوں}} سے لمبا ہونا چاہیئے.",
+ "match": "پن مماثل نہیں ہیں.",
+ "incorrect": "آپ کا موجودہ پن غلط ہے."
"account": {
- "length": "Your wallet name can't be longer than {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}}.",
- "empty": "You must use your latest wallet before creating a new one.",
- "notEmpty": "You must transfer your balance before deleting this wallet.",
- "duplicate": "A wallet with this name already exists.",
- "tilde": "A profile name can't start with the '~' character.",
- "control": "A profile name can't contain a control character.",
- "startDot": "A profile name can't start with the '.' character.",
- "chars": "A profile name can't contain the following characters <>:\"/\\|?*"
+ "length": "آپ کے والیٹ کا نام {length, plural, one {1 حرف} other {# حروف}} سے زیادہ لمبا نہیں ہوسکتا ہے.",
+ "empty": "نیا والیٹ بنانے سے پہلے آپ کو اپنا تازہ ترین والیٹ استعمال کرنا ہوگا.",
+ "notEmpty": "اس والیٹ کو حذف کرنے سے پہلے آپ کو اپنا بیلنس منتقل کرنا ہوگا.",
+ "duplicate": "اس نام کا والیٹ پہلے سے موجود ہے.",
+ "tilde": "پروفائل کا نام '~' کردار سے شروع نہیں ہوسکتا.",
+ "control": "پروفائل کے نام میں قابو سے کنٹرول حرف نہیں ہوسکتا ہے.",
+ "startDot": "پروفائل کا نام '.' کردار سے شروع نہیں ہوسکتا.",
+ "chars": "پروفائل کے نام میں درج ذیل حروف نہیں ہوسکتے ہیں <>: \"/ \\ |؟ *"
"send": {
- "addressLength": "Addresses should be {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}} long.",
- "amountTooHigh": "This is greater than your available balance.",
- "amountNoFloat": "If units are `i` you cannot use decimal places.",
- "amountInvalidFormat": "The amount appears to be an invalid number.",
- "amountZero": "The amount must be greater than 0.",
- "wrongAddressPrefix": "Addresses start with the prefix {prefix}.",
- "wrongAddressFormat": "The address is not correctly formatted.",
- "invalidAddress": "The address is not valid.",
- "insufficientFunds": "This wallet has insufficient funds.",
- "noToAccount": "You have not selected a wallet to send the funds to.",
- "sendingDust": "You cannot send less than 1 Mi.",
- "leavingDust": "You cannot leave less than 1 Mi on your address."
+ "addressLength": "ایڈریسز کی لمبائی {length, plural, one {1 حرف} other {# حروف}} ہونی چاہیئے.",
+ "amountTooHigh": "یہ آپ کے دستیاب بیلنس سے کہیں زیادہ ہے.",
+ "amountNoFloat": "اگر یونٹ `i` ہیں تو آپ اعشاریہ والی جگہیں استعمال نہیں کرسکتے ہیں.",
+ "amountInvalidFormat": "معلوم ہوتا ہے کہ یہ رقم ایک غلط نمبر ہے.",
+ "amountZero": "یہ رقم صفر سے بڑی ہونی چاہیے.",
+ "wrongAddressPrefix": "ایڈریسز {prefix} سابقہ کے ساتھ شروع ہوتے ہیں.",
+ "wrongAddressFormat": "ایڈریس درست شکل میں نہیں ہے.",
+ "invalidAddress": "یہ ایڈریس درست نہیں ہے.",
+ "insufficientFunds": "اس والیٹ میں موجود فنڈز ناکافی ہیں.",
+ "noToAccount": "فنڈز بھیجنے کے لئے آپ نے والیٹ کا انتخاب نہیں کیا ہے.",
+ "sendingDust": "آپ 1Mi سے کم نہیں بھیج سکتے ہیں.",
+ "leavingDust": "آپ اپنے ایڈریس پر 1Mi سے کم نہیں چھوڑ سکتے ہیں."
"node": {
- "invalid": "Please enter a valid URL.",
- "https": "HTTPS is required. Set up a developer profile to use unsecured HTTP connections.",
- "duplicate": "This node has already been added.",
- "unsynced": "The node is not in sync.",
- "noSynced": "No synced nodes are available."
+ "invalid": "براہ کرم ایک درست URL درج کریں.",
+ "https": "HTTPS ضروری ہے۔ غیر محفوظ شدہ HTTP رابطوں کو استعمال کرنے کے لئے ایک ڈویلپر پروفائل ترتیب دیں.",
+ "duplicate": "یہ نوڈ پہلے ہی شامل کی جا چکی ہے.",
+ "unsynced": "یہ نوڈ سنک میں نہیں ہے.",
+ "noSynced": "کوئی سنک شدہ نوڈ دستیاب نہیں."
"global": {
- "generic": "Something went wrong."
+ "generic": "کچھ غلط ہو گیا."
"backup": {
- "invalid": "The backup file was not recognised.",
- "destination": "The backup destination was not valid.",
+ "invalid": "بیک اپ فائل کو تسلیم نہیں کیا گیا.",
+ "destination": "بیک اپ منزل درست نہیں تھی.",
"mnemonic": "یادداشت درست نہیں ہے.",
"seedTooShort": "سیڈ 81 کردار لمبا ہونا چاہئے",
"seedCharacters": "سیڈ میں صرف حرف A سے Z کے کردار یا 9 ہونا چاہئے",
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/vi.json b/packages/shared/locales/vi.json
index 2a5a2a5fc37..70ea20a5d8d 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/vi.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/vi.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"views": {
"onboarding1": {
"title": "Gửi, Nhận và Lưu giữ IOTA của bạn",
- "body": "Firefly is the official wallet software of IOTA."
+ "body": "Firefly là phần mềm ví chính thức của IOTA."
"legal": {
"title": "Chính sách Riêng tư & Điều khoản Dịch vụ",
@@ -11,64 +11,64 @@
"appearance": {
"title": "Giao diện",
- "body": "Choose your app theme."
+ "body": "Chọn chủ đề cho ứng dụng của bạn."
"profile": {
- "title": "Create a profile",
- "body1": "You can create multiple user profiles to organise your wallets and improve privacy.",
- "body2": "For now, let's start with your first profile name. You can add more profiles later.",
- "profileName": "Profile Name"
+ "title": "Tạo một hồ sơ",
+ "body1": "Bạn có thể tạo nhiều hồ sơ người dùng để giữ các mã token của bạn riêng biệt và cải thiện quyền riêng tư.",
+ "body2": "Bây giờ, hãy bắt đầu với tên hồ sơ đầu tiên của bạn. Bạn có thể thêm nhiều hồ sơ sau này.",
+ "profileName": "Tên hồ sơ"
"setup": {
- "title": "Set up a wallet",
- "chrysalisTitle": "Chrysalis Network Update",
- "chrysalisBody": "From April 21st, users can migrate their tokens to the new Chrysalis network. We recommend you migrate your existing tokens as soon as possible.",
- "learnMore": "Learn about the migration"
+ "title": "Thiết lập một ví",
+ "chrysalisTitle": "Cập nhật mạng lưới Chrysalis",
+ "chrysalisBody": "Từ ngày 21/4, người dùng có thể di chuyển token của họ sang mạng lưới mới Chrysalis. Chúng tôi khuyên bạn hãy di chuyển token của bạn sớm nhất có thể.",
+ "learnMore": "Tìm hiểu về quá trình di chuyển token"
"secure": {
"title": "Bảo mật ví của bạn",
"body1": "Lưu và in mẫu PDF của Bộ Khôi phục.",
- "body2": "If you fill out the Recovery Kit and store it safely, you will always be able to recover your wallets."
+ "body2": "Nếu bạn đã điền vào Bộ Khôi phục và cất giữ nó một cách an toàn, bạn sẽ luôn luôn có thể khôi phục các ví của bạn."
"password": {
"title": "Tạo mật khẩu",
- "body1": "You need a strong password to protect your funds. Use a combination of words, and avoid common phrases, names or dates.",
- "body2": "It is recommended that you write down your password in your Recovery Kit."
+ "body1": "Bạn cần một mật khẩu mạnh để bảo vệ tiền của mình. Sử dụng kết hợp giữa các từ, và tránh dùng những cụm từ phổ biến, tên hoặc ngày tháng.",
+ "body2": "Nên viết mật khẩu của bạn xuống trong Bộ Khôi phục."
"protect": {
"title": "Protect your wallet",
- "body1": "Set up a login PIN to make sure that only you can enter your profile.",
- "body2": "Keep your PIN safe!"
+ "body1": "Thiết lập mật mã cá nhân (PIN) để chắc chắn rằng chỉ có bạn mới có thể vào hồ sơ của mình.",
+ "body2": "Giữ mã PIN của bạn an toàn!"
"pin": {
"title": "Thiết lập mã PIN",
- "body1": "Enter a 6-digit PIN below. You will be asked for your PIN to access your profile.",
- "body2": "Use numbers only"
+ "body1": "Nhập mã PIN có 6 kí tự vào ô bên dưới. Bạn sẽ được yêu cầu nhập mã PIN để có thể truy cập vào hồ sơ của mình.",
+ "body2": "Chỉ sử dụng số"
"confirmPin": {
"title": "Xác thực mã PIN của bạn",
- "body1": "Your PIN keeps your balance and transactions private.",
- "body2": "Re-enter your PIN code to proceed. "
+ "body1": "Mã PIN của bạn giúp giữ số dư và các giao dịch trong tài khoản của bạn một cách riêng tư.",
+ "body2": "Nhập lại mã PIN của bạn để tiếp tục. "
"backup": {
"title": "Sao lưu ví của bạn",
- "body1": "You will now be shown a recovery phrase. Write it down in your Recovery Kit.",
- "body2": "Do not share your recovery phrase with anyone. It can be used to access your tokens from anywhere.",
+ "body1": "Bây giờ bạn sẽ được xem cụm từ khôi phục. Viết chúng xuống trong Bộ Khôi phục của bạn.",
+ "body2": "Không chia sẻ cụm từ khôi phục của bạn với bất kỳ ai. Cụm từ này được sử dụng để truy cập vào token của bạn từ bất kỳ nơi nào.",
"body3": "Nếu bạn làm mất cụm từ khôi phục tài khoản ví, bạn có thể sẽ bị mất tiền của mình."
"recoveryPhrase": {
"title": "Cụm từ hồi phục tài khoản ví",
- "body1": "In your Recovery Kit, write down the words in the exact order shown.",
- "body2": "Keep this private and safely stored.",
- "body3": "It is important to have a written backup. Computers often fail and files can corrupt.",
+ "body1": "Trong Bộ Khôi phục, viết các từ xuống chính xác theo đúng thứ tự của chúng.",
+ "body2": "Cất giữ cụm từ này một cách riêng tư và an toàn.",
+ "body3": "Rất là quan trọng để viết tay các sao lưu xuống. Máy tính đôi khi bị hỏng hóc và các tập tin có thể bị hư hại.",
"revealRecoveryPhrase": "Hiển thị cụm từ khôi phục ví",
"hideRecoveryPhrase": "Ẩn cụm từ khôi phục ví"
"verifyRecoveryPhrase": {
"title": "Xác thực cụm từ phục hồi tài khoản ví",
- "body": "Let's check you wrote down the phrase correctly. Please select each word in numbered order.",
- "word": "Word",
- "verified": "Recovery phrase verified",
+ "body": "Hãy kiểm tra lại cụm từ đã được viết xuống một cách chính xác. Chọn các từ theo đúng thứ tự của chúng.",
+ "word": "Từ",
+ "verified": "Cụm từ khôi phục đã được xác thực",
"verifiedBody": "Remember to keep it private and safely stored."
"backupWallet": {
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
"body2": "Nó có thể mất một khoảng thời gian. Không tắt thiết bị của bạn trong quá trình chuyển tiền.",
"existing": "Ví cũ của bạn",
"new": "Ví mới của bạn",
- "learn": "Learn about the migration",
+ "learn": "Tìm hiểu về quá trình di chuyển token",
"beginMigration": "Begin Migration",
"migrating": "Migrating funds...",
"migrated": "{balance} migrated",
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
"restoringWallet": "Restoring wallet...",
"findingBalance": "Finding balance...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "Incorrect SeedVault password.",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "No data could be found in the SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "Signing bundle",
"broadcastingBundle": "Broadcasting bundle",
"miningBundle": "Mining bundle",
@@ -245,7 +246,9 @@
"appLock": {
"title": "Automatic Lock",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hour} other {# hours}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Đổi mật khẩu",
@@ -697,7 +700,8 @@
"receivedTo": "Received to {account}",
"sentFrom": "Sent from {account}",
"receiving": "Receiving",
- "sending": "Sending"
+ "sending": "Sending",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Network"
"dates": {
"today": "Ngày hôm nay",
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/zh-CN.json b/packages/shared/locales/zh-CN.json
index 4f1807404dc..8694457971a 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/zh-CN.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/zh-CN.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"views": {
"onboarding1": {
"title": "发送,接收&管理您的IOTA",
- "body": "Firefly is the official wallet software of IOTA."
+ "body": "Firefly 是IOTA的官方钱包软件。"
"legal": {
"title": "隐私政策和服务条款",
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"appearance": {
"title": "外观",
- "body": "Choose your app theme."
+ "body": "选择您的App主题"
"profile": {
"title": "新建配置文件",
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"secure": {
"title": "保障钱包的安全",
"body1": "保存和打印Recovery Kit PDF模板。",
- "body2": "If you fill out the Recovery Kit and store it safely, you will always be able to recover your wallets."
+ "body2": "如果您填写Recovery Kit并安全存储它,您就能够恢复您的钱包。"
"password": {
"title": "设置密码",
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"protect": {
"title": "Protect your wallet",
- "body1": "Set up a login PIN to make sure that only you can enter your profile.",
+ "body1": "设置登录 PIN 码,确保只有您能访问您的钱包。",
"body2": "请安全保管您的 PIN 码!"
"pin": {
@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@
"backupWallet": {
"title": "备份到 Stronghold 文件",
- "body1": "Enter your password to backup your wallets to a Stronghold file. Your password is used to encrypt the backup.",
+ "body1": "请输入您的密码来备份您的钱包到一个Stronghold文件。您的密码将用来加密这个备份文件。",
"body2": "数字备份很重要的原因:",
- "reason1": "Easily recover your wallets without typing in your recovery phrase",
- "reason2": "Import your wallets on other devices",
+ "reason1": "不需要输入您的恢复密语就能轻松恢复您的钱包",
+ "reason2": "导入你的钱包到其他设备",
"reason3": "恢复您的全部交易记录"
"recoveryPhraseSaved": {
@@ -92,41 +92,41 @@
"import": {
"title": "恢复或迁移资金",
- "body": "If you have an existing seed or wallet back up file, you can import it here. If you hold older network funds, you will be taken through the migration steps to move to the Chrysalis network.",
- "importSeed": "I have an 81 character seed",
- "importSeedDescription": "Enter a seed and migrate funds to Chrysalis",
- "importMnemonic": "I have a Firefly recovery phrase",
- "importMnemonicDescription": "Enter your recovery phrase to recover your wallets",
- "importFile": "I have a file backup",
- "importFileDescription": "Upload a Seedvault or Stronghold file"
+ "body": "如果您已经有一个seed或钱包备份文件,你可以在这里导入。 如果您在旧的IOTA主网持有资金,您将会通过迁移步骤将资金转移到Chrysalis网络。",
+ "importSeed": "我有一个81个字符的seed",
+ "importSeedDescription": "输入seed并将资金迁移到Chrysalis",
+ "importMnemonic": "我有一个Fifrefly恢复密语",
+ "importMnemonicDescription": "输入恢复密语来找回您的钱包",
+ "importFile": "我有一个备份文件",
+ "importFileDescription": "上传Seedvault或Stronghold 文件"
"importFromText": {
"seed": {
- "title": "Type your seed to commence migration",
- "body": "A seed consists of 81 characters. This is used to recover from the older Trinity app.",
- "enter": "Enter your seed"
+ "title": "键入您的seed以开始迁移",
+ "body": "一个seed由81个字符组成。它用于从旧的的 Trinity 钱包中进行恢复。",
+ "enter": "输入您的seed"
"mnemonic": {
- "title": "Type your recovery phrase",
- "body": "A recovery phrase is 24 words long, all lower case, with spaces between. This is used to recover existing Firefly wallets.",
- "enter": "Enter your secret recovery phrase"
+ "title": "输入您的恢复密语",
+ "body": "恢复密语长度为24个单词,单词全部为小写,单词间由空格隔开。这个密语可用于恢复已有的Firefly钱包。",
+ "enter": "请输入您的seed或恢复密语"
"seedDetected": "检测到81个字符种子",
"phraseDetected": "检测到24个单词恢复密语",
"checksum": "校验和"
"importFromFile": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets using a backup file",
- "body": "Import a backup file to restore your wallets. Backups can either be a Stronghold (.stronghold) or a Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)."
+ "title": "使用备份文件恢复你的钱包",
+ "body": "导入备份文件以恢复您的钱包。备份可以是 Stronghold (.stronghold) 或 Trinity SeedVault (.kdbx)格式。"
"importBackupPassword": {
- "title": "Restore your wallets from a SeedVault or Stronghold",
+ "title": "使用SeedVault或Stronghold文件恢复你的钱包",
"body1": "请输入您的备份密码。",
"body2": "这是您首次创建备份时设置的密码。"
"importSuccess": {
"title": "您已成功恢复您的备份。",
- "body": "You can now set up your new profile.",
+ "body": "您现在可以设置新的配置文件。",
"seedvaultTitle": "导入成功",
"seedvaultBody": "您的密码正确,您现在可以继续。",
"strongholdTitle": "导入成功",
@@ -147,10 +147,11 @@
"restoringWallet": "正在恢复钱包...",
"findingBalance": "正在寻找余额...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "SeedVault 密码不正确。",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "No data could be found in the SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "签名包",
"broadcastingBundle": "广播包",
"miningBundle": "签名包",
- "problemRestoringWallet": "There was a network error restoring your wallet. Please try again.",
+ "problemRestoringWallet": "恢复钱包出现网络异常,请重试。",
"minimumMigrationAmountSpentAddresses": "每个已花费地址的最小迁移金额为1Mi,请再次检查你的余额是否符合。",
"tooManyAddressesToMigrate": "你有太多的低余额地址需要迁移,如果您的余额看起来不对,请再次检查。",
"cannotMigrateAllYourFunds": "我们不能迁移您的所有资金,因为某些地址的价值太低。您仍然可以继续,但是 {value} 将会丢失。",
@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@
"settings": "设置",
"generalSettings": {
"title": "常规设置",
- "description": "Configure your app's appearance and other general settings"
+ "description": "配置您的应用外观和其他常规设置"
"security": {
"title": "安全设置",
@@ -220,7 +221,7 @@
"description": "更改您的账户名称或设置头像"
"sync": {
- "title": "Sync wallets",
+ "title": "同步钱包",
"description": ""
"theme": {
@@ -241,15 +242,17 @@
"exportStronghold": {
"title": "导出备份",
- "description": "Export to a Stronghold file - a complete encrypted backup of your wallets and latest transaction history."
+ "description": "导出到 Stronghold文件 - 完整加密备份您的钱包及其最新交易记录。"
"appLock": {
"title": "自动锁定",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "description": "自动锁定钱包并登出的待机时间",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hour} other {# hours}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "修改密码",
- "description": "Your password is used to secure your wallets. You must use a strong password to protect your funds."
+ "description": "您的密码是用来保护您的钱包的。您必须使用一个强有力的密码来保护您的资金。"
"changePincode": {
"title": "修改 PIN 码",
@@ -260,16 +263,16 @@
"action": "更改 PIN 码"
"balanceFinder": {
- "title": "Balance finder",
- "description": "Perform an extended search of your addresses for tokens."
+ "title": "余额搜索器",
+ "description": "对您的币地址进行扩展搜索。"
"hiddenAccounts": {
- "title": "Hidden wallets",
- "description": "Selecting this options will show wallets that were previously hidden."
+ "title": "隐藏钱包列表",
+ "description": "选择此选项将显示以前隐藏的钱包。"
"deleteProfile": {
"title": "删除配置文件",
- "description": "Deletes your entire profile, wallets and transaction history. Make sure you have a backup."
+ "description": "删除您的整个账户信息、钱包和交易历史。请确保您有一个备份。"
"deepLinks": {
"title": "深链接",
@@ -285,7 +288,7 @@
"configureNodeList": {
"title": "选择节点",
- "description": "Manage the list of IOTA network nodes you connect to.",
+ "description": "管理您连接的 IOTA网络节点列表。",
"primaryNode": "主节点",
"excludeNode": "排除此节点",
"includeNode": "包含此节点",
@@ -354,8 +357,8 @@
"strongholdStatus": {
"title": "钱包状态",
- "locked": "Locked",
- "unlocked": "Unlocked"
+ "locked": "锁定",
+ "unlocked": "解锁"
"strongholdBackup": {
"title": "钱包备份",
@@ -379,7 +382,7 @@
"popups": {
"password": {
"title": "需要输入密码",
- "subtitle": "Please enter your password to unlock your wallets",
+ "subtitle": "请输入您的密码来解锁您的钱包",
"backup": "请输入您的密码以导出备份"
"qr": {
@@ -391,34 +394,34 @@
"upToDateDescription": "你正在运行的Firefly是最新的,最安全的版本。",
"updateAvailable": "Firefly有可用的更新",
"updateDetails": "版本{version} - {date}",
- "noAutoUpdate": "Auto-update is disabled in this Windows version, please go to to download the update."
+ "noAutoUpdate": "此Windows版本禁用自动更新,请访问 下载更新。"
"backup": {
"title": "上次备份: {date}",
"lastBackup": "您上次的备份 {date}",
- "backupDescription": "It is important to back up regularly to ensure you have a copy of your wallets and transaction history.",
+ "backupDescription": "定期备份您的钱包和交易记录是非常重要的。",
"backupWarning": "如果您丢失了备份文件和恢复短语,您将再也不能访问您的资金",
"notBackedUp": "没有备份",
- "notBackedUpDescription": "You have not backed up your wallets",
+ "notBackedUpDescription": "您还未备份您的钱包",
"saving": "正在保存..."
"deleteAccount": {
"title": "删除{name}?",
- "body": "This wallet has no transaction history. It can safely be deleted.",
+ "body": "此钱包没有交易历史。它可以被安全地删除。",
"typePassword": "请输入您的钱包密码进行确认。",
- "hideAccount": "Delete wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "删除钱包",
"errorTitle": "无法删除 {name}",
- "errorBody1": "You cannot delete this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "errorBody1": "您不能删除这个钱包,您必须至少有一个钱包"
"hideAccount": {
"title": "是否隐藏 {name}?",
- "body": "You can find this wallet later by enabling \"Show hidden wallets\" in Advanced Settings.",
+ "body": "您可以稍后通过在高级设置中启用\"显示隐藏账户\"来查找此钱包。",
"typePassword": "请输入您的钱包密码进行确认。",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "隐藏钱包",
"errorTitle": "无法隐藏 {name}",
- "errorBody1": "To hide a wallet it must have 0 balance.",
- "errorBody2": "You currently have {balance} remaining on this wallet. Please move these funds to a different wallet and try again.",
- "errorBody3": "You cannot hide this wallet, you must have at least one."
+ "errorBody1": "你只能隐藏余额为0的钱包",
+ "errorBody2": "目前你的这个账户还有 {balance} 余额. 请把这些资金移动到另一个钱包后重试。",
+ "errorBody3": "您不能隐藏这个钱包,您必须至少有一个钱包"
"addressHistory": {
"title": "{name} 地址历史记录",
@@ -460,10 +463,10 @@
"body": "您将要发送 {amount} 到"
"balanceFinder": {
- "title": "Balance finder",
- "body": "Perform a more exhaustive search of addresses to find missing balances. This may take a while.",
- "totalWalletBalance": "Total balance",
- "typePassword": "Type your password to allow searching."
+ "title": "寻找余额",
+ "body": "对地址进行更详尽的搜索以找到缺失的余额。此操作可能需要一段时间。",
+ "totalWalletBalance": "总余额",
+ "typePassword": "输入您的密码以允许搜索。"
"riskFunds": {
"title": "警告:迁移过程面临风险的资金",
@@ -477,19 +480,19 @@
"proceed": "我已经了解风险"
"snapshot": {
- "title": "Ongoing network upgrade",
- "body": "The Chrysalis network upgrade has begun.",
- "bodyMigration": "Migration is disabled until it is complete.",
- "bodyFirefly": "Firefly is disabled until it is complete. Token migration will still be possible afterwards."
+ "title": "正在进行网络升级",
+ "body": "Chrysalis网络升级已经开始。",
+ "bodyMigration": "在维护完成之前暂不支持迁移功能。",
+ "bodyFirefly": "在完成之前Firefly将被暂停使用。完成之后您仍然可以进行代币迁移。"
"charts": {
- "incomingMi": "Incoming {value}",
- "outgoingMi": "Outgoing {value}",
+ "incomingMi": "转入 {value}",
+ "outgoingMi": "发送 {value}",
"portoflio": "资产组合",
"token": "Token",
- "accountValue": "Wallet Value",
- "accountActivity": "Wallet Activity",
+ "accountValue": "钱包金额",
+ "accountActivity": "钱包活动",
"timeframe1Hour": "1 小时",
"timeframe1Day": "1 天",
"timeframe1Week": "1 周",
@@ -543,11 +546,11 @@
"updateFirefly": "更新Firefly",
"restartNow": "立即重启",
"saveBackup": "保存Stronghold备份",
- "customizeAcount": "Customise wallet",
+ "customizeAcount": "自定义钱包",
"viewAddressHistory": "显示地址历史记录",
- "hideAccount": "Hide wallet",
- "showAccount": "Unhide wallet",
- "deleteAccount": "Delete wallet",
+ "hideAccount": "隐藏钱包",
+ "showAccount": "取消隐藏该钱包",
+ "deleteAccount": "删除钱包",
"max": "最大",
"addNode": "添加节点",
"updateNode": "更新节点",
@@ -563,7 +566,7 @@
"copy": "复制",
"paste": "粘贴",
"selectAll": "全选",
- "addAccount": "Add Wallet",
+ "addAccount": "添加钱包",
"checkForUpdates": "检查更新",
"reportAnIssue": "反馈问题",
"clear": "清除",
@@ -578,13 +581,13 @@
"readDocumentation": "阅读文档",
"visitFaq": "访问常见问题",
"viewStatus": "查看状态",
- "showHiddenAccounts": "Show hidden wallets",
+ "showHiddenAccounts": "显示隐藏钱包",
"confirm": "确认",
- "findBalances": "Find balances",
- "searchBalances": "Search for balances",
- "searchAgain": "Search again",
- "searching": "Searching...",
- "closeFirefly": "Close Firefly"
+ "findBalances": "寻找余额",
+ "searchBalances": "搜索余额",
+ "searchAgain": "重新搜索",
+ "searching": "搜索中...",
+ "closeFirefly": "关闭Firefly"
"general": {
"password": "密码",
@@ -602,10 +605,10 @@
"sendFunds": "发送资金",
"sendToAddress": "发送至地址",
"scanQrOrPaste": "扫描二维码或粘贴地址",
- "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "Move funds between wallets",
+ "moveFundsBetweenAccounts": "钱包间资金互转",
"sendTokensToAddress": "发送Token到另一个地址",
- "manageAccount": "Manage Wallet",
- "customizeAcount": "Customize your wallet",
+ "manageAccount": "管理钱包",
+ "customizeAcount": "自定义你的钱包",
"account": "钱包",
"sendingToAddress": "发送至地址",
"amount": "金额",
@@ -627,25 +630,25 @@
"lightTheme": "浅色主题",
"darkTheme": "深色主题",
"balance": "余额",
- "accountBalance": "Wallet Balance",
+ "accountBalance": "钱包余额",
"incoming": "收到",
"outgoing": "转出",
"totalIn": "收入总计",
"totalOut": "支出总计",
- "accounts": "Wallets",
- "myAccounts": "My Wallets",
+ "accounts": "钱包列表",
+ "myAccounts": "我的钱包",
"automaticNodeSelection": "自动选择节点",
"manualNodeSelection": "手动选择节点",
"profiles": "用户配置",
"developerProfile": "开发者模式",
"developerProfileDescription": "允许您连接到测试网",
"dev": "开发者",
- "createAccount": "Create a Wallet",
- "accountName": "Wallet name",
+ "createAccount": "创建钱包",
+ "accountName": "钱包名称",
"latestTransactions": "最新交易",
"transactions": "交易",
"security": "安全设置",
- "accountAddress": "Wallet Address",
+ "accountAddress": "钱包地址",
"nodes": "节点",
"wallet": "钱包",
"help": "帮助",
@@ -657,26 +660,26 @@
"status": "状态",
"confirmed": "已确认",
"pending": "正在处理",
- "noAccounts": "You have no wallets, please create one.",
+ "noAccounts": "您还没有钱包,请创建一个。",
"loadingAccounts": "加载中,请稍候...",
"addProfile": "添加个人档案",
"noRecentHistory": "没有最近的历史记录",
- "firstSync": "Syncing history, this may take a while...",
- "transferSyncing": "Syncing wallet",
+ "firstSync": "同步历史记录,可能需要一段时间...",
+ "transferSyncing": "正在同步钱包",
"transferSelectingInputs": "选择输入",
"transferRemainderAddress": "生成剩余的存款地址",
"transferSigning": "签名交易",
"transferPow": "执行PoW",
"transferBroadcasting": "正在广播交易...",
"transferComplete": "转账完毕",
- "creatingAccount": "Creating wallet, please wait...",
- "updatingAccount": "Updating wallet, please wait...",
- "accountSyncing": "Wallet is syncing",
- "accountSyncComplete": "Wallet sync complete",
+ "creatingAccount": "正在创建钱包,请稍候...",
+ "updatingAccount": "正在更新钱包,请稍候...",
+ "accountSyncing": "正在同步钱包",
+ "accountSyncComplete": "钱包同步完成",
"passwordUpdating": "正在更新密码...",
"passwordSuccess": "密码更新成功",
"passwordFailed": "更新密码失败",
- "syncingAccounts": "Syncing wallets...",
+ "syncingAccounts": "正在同步钱包...",
"exportingStronghold": "导出Stronghold...",
"exportingStrongholdSuccess": "Stronghold导出成功",
"exportingStrongholdFailed": "Stronghold导出失败",
@@ -691,13 +694,14 @@
"passwordStrength4": "强壮的",
"creatingProfile": "正在创建帐户,请稍候...",
"fundMigration": "资金迁移",
- "accountRemoved": "This wallet is hidden. Unhide it to perform transfers.",
- "receivingTo": "Receiving to {account}",
- "sendingFrom": "Sending from {account}",
- "receivedTo": "Received to {account}",
- "sentFrom": "Sent from {account}",
- "receiving": "Receiving",
- "sending": "Sending"
+ "accountRemoved": "此钱包被隐藏。请取消隐藏以执行转账。",
+ "receivingTo": "正在接收到 {account}",
+ "sendingFrom": "正在从 {account} 发送",
+ "receivedTo": "已接收至 {account}",
+ "sentFrom": "已从 {account} 发送",
+ "receiving": "接收",
+ "sending": "发送",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Network"
"dates": {
"today": "今日",
@@ -720,7 +724,7 @@
"calcMinutesRemaining": "正在计算剩余分钟...",
"minutesRemaining": "{minutes, plural, one {还剩最后一分钟...} other {还剩余 # 分钟...}}",
"copiedToClipboard": "复制到剪贴板",
- "accountsSynchronized": "Wallet synchronization complete",
+ "accountsSynchronized": "钱包同步完成",
"migratedAccountChrysalisDown": "您的资金将在4月28日Chrysalis升级完成后可用",
"migratedAccountChrysalisUp": "您的资金将很快就可用。"
@@ -752,10 +756,10 @@
"incorrect": "您当前的 PIN 码不正确。"
"account": {
- "length": "Your wallet name can't be longer than {length, plural, one {1 character} other {# characters}}.",
- "empty": "You must use your latest wallet before creating a new one.",
- "notEmpty": "You must transfer your balance before deleting this wallet.",
- "duplicate": "A wallet with this name already exists.",
+ "length": "您的钱包名称不能超过 {length, plural, one {1 个字符} other {# 字符}}。",
+ "empty": "您必须先使用您最新的钱包之后才能创建一个新钱包。",
+ "notEmpty": "您必须在删除此帐户之前转移您的余额。",
+ "duplicate": "此名称的钱包已经存在",
"tilde": "配置名称不能以“~”字符开头。",
"control": "配置名称不能包含控制字符。",
"startDot": "配置名称不能以 '.' 字符开头。",
@@ -770,8 +774,8 @@
"wrongAddressPrefix": "地址以前缀 {prefix} 开始。",
"wrongAddressFormat": "地址格式不正确。",
"invalidAddress": "地址无效的",
- "insufficientFunds": "This wallet has insufficient funds.",
- "noToAccount": "You have not selected a wallet to send the funds to.",
+ "insufficientFunds": "该账户资金不足。",
+ "noToAccount": "您尚未选择一个收款账户来发送资金。",
"sendingDust": "您的发送不能小于 1 Mi。",
"leavingDust": "您的地址余额不能少于1Mi。"
diff --git a/packages/shared/locales/zh-TW.json b/packages/shared/locales/zh-TW.json
index 006cb79154c..16c841ce45e 100644
--- a/packages/shared/locales/zh-TW.json
+++ b/packages/shared/locales/zh-TW.json
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
"restoringWallet": "恢復錢包...",
"findingBalance": "尋找餘額...",
"incorrectSeedVaultPassword": "SeedVault 密碼錯誤",
+ "noDataSeedVault": "No data could be found in the SeedVault.",
"signingBundle": "簽發交易組",
"broadcastingBundle": "廣播交易組",
"miningBundle": "挖掘交易組",
@@ -245,7 +246,9 @@
"appLock": {
"title": "自動鎖定",
- "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out"
+ "description": "Inactivity time before your wallets lock and you are logged out",
+ "durationMinute": "{time, plural, one {1 minute} other {# minutes}}",
+ "durationHour": "{time, plural, one {1 hour} other {# hours}}"
"changePassword": {
"title": "修改密碼",
@@ -697,7 +700,8 @@
"receivedTo": "Received to {account}",
"sentFrom": "Sent from {account}",
"receiving": "Receiving",
- "sending": "Sending"
+ "sending": "Sending",
+ "legacyNetwork": "Legacy Network"
"dates": {
"today": "今天",
diff --git a/packages/shared/routes/dashboard/wallet/Wallet.svelte b/packages/shared/routes/dashboard/wallet/Wallet.svelte
index d590af85ceb..f75d5c2b6fa 100644
--- a/packages/shared/routes/dashboard/wallet/Wallet.svelte
+++ b/packages/shared/routes/dashboard/wallet/Wallet.svelte
@@ -221,10 +221,15 @@
onError(err) {
isGeneratingAddress = false
- showAppNotification({
+ const shouldHideErrorNotification = err && err.type === 'ClientError' && err.error === 'error.node.chrysalisNodeInactive'
+ if (!shouldHideErrorNotification) {
+ showAppNotification({
type: 'error',
message: locale(err.error),
- })
+ })
+ }
diff --git a/packages/shared/routes/dashboard/wallet/views/AccountHistory.svelte b/packages/shared/routes/dashboard/wallet/views/AccountHistory.svelte
index 77490843b8a..ec789ca8f68 100644
--- a/packages/shared/routes/dashboard/wallet/views/AccountHistory.svelte
+++ b/packages/shared/routes/dashboard/wallet/views/AccountHistory.svelte
@@ -25,10 +25,16 @@
onError(err) {
$isSyncing = false
- showAppNotification({
- type: 'error',
- message: locale(err.error),
- })
+ const shouldHideErrorNotification =
+ err && err.type === 'ClientError' && err.error === 'error.node.chrysalisNodeInactive'
+ if (!shouldHideErrorNotification) {
+ showAppNotification({
+ type: 'error',
+ message: locale(err.error),
+ })
+ }
diff --git a/packages/shared/routes/setup/migrate/views/Migrate.svelte b/packages/shared/routes/setup/migrate/views/Migrate.svelte
index 213beddbee3..8524a886596 100644
--- a/packages/shared/routes/setup/migrate/views/Migrate.svelte
+++ b/packages/shared/routes/setup/migrate/views/Migrate.svelte
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
} from 'shared/lib/currency'
+ import { Electron } from 'shared/lib/electron'
import {
@@ -90,7 +91,7 @@
//TODO: complete function functionality
function learnAboutMigrationsClick() {
- console.log('Learn about migration clicked')
+ Electron.openUrl('')
onDestroy(() => {