Your personalized social cards. Put your social media link in one place. Easy peasy!
Note: This repo hosts both editor (flutree main app) and viewer part ( For the editor, it lives in this branch (v4). For the viewer part, it lives in web branch.
- Setup Flutter (if you haven't already)
- Clone this project and open with your code editor.
- Create
in the lib folder. Copy and paste the content just like the example below. For the admob part, you can create a new app in admob or use the test ad unit ( Also, register Bitly and get their API token.const kAdmobAppId = 'ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; const kShareBannerUnitId = 'ca-app-pub-189637xxxxxxxx/3206521140'; const kEditPageBannerUnitId = 'ca-app-pub-189637xxxxxxxx/7250471616'; const kInterstitialShareUnitId = 'ca-app-pub-189637xxxxxxxx/1721617881'; const kInterstitialPreviewUnitId = 'ca-app-pub-189637xxxxxxxx/2819569063'; const kBitlyApiToken = '85e8df908612276xxxxxxxxxxxxx36ee3d40e31';
- Create a project on Firebase console, enable Authentication & Firestorte.
- Run
flutterfire configure
. Details here. - Run
flutter run --web-renderer html
* Images won't load on canvaskit.