π Streamline your Laravel package development with automatic facade documentation using Docgen for Laravel Facade.
Docgen for Laravel packages, the ultimate solution for Laravel package developers.
This heroic package automatically generates documentation for your Laravel package facade, eliminating the tedious task of maintaining it yourself.
With this package, IDEs will provide you and the developers using your package with method suggestions, making your development journey a breeze.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require irazasyed/docgen --dev
There are a number of ways to use the CLI tool.
Let's start with the basic usage.
Call the command with the name of the facade:
vendor/bin/docgen -f "Namespace\Path\To\Laravel\Facade::class"
Create a new config file in your package's root directory named docgen.php
and add the following code:
return [
'facade' => Namespace\Path\To\Laravel\Facade::class,
// Optional
// Path\To\Class::class => [Excluded Methods Array]
'classes' => [],
// Global Excluded Methods
'excludedMethods' => [],
Run the following command to generate the documentation and apply it to the facade:
You can also store the config file elsewhere and provide the path using the -c
or --config
vendor/bin/docgen -c path/to/docgen.php
If your Laravel facade is linked to a chain of classes that require documentation, you can provide an array of class names. Additionally, if you want to exclude certain methods from the documentation of a specific class, you can pass an array containing the names of those methods.
To illustrate, consider the following example which demonstrates how to use this approach with the Telegram Bot SDK's Laravel Facade:
// docgen.php
return [
'facade' => Telegram\Bot\Laravel\Facades\Telegram::class,
'classes' => [
\Telegram\Bot\Api::class => [
\Telegram\Bot\Commands\CommandBus::class => [
// Global Excluded Methods
'excludedMethods' => [],
Call the command to generate and apply the docs.
Generate the documentation for given classes.
- The class name or an array of[class => (optional) [excluded methods]]
to generate documentation using its methods.$globalExcludedMethods
- (optional) An array of methods to be excluded when generating docs.
- The Docgen instance.
// Class Name => [Excluded Methods]
\App\Some\Class::class => ['method1', 'method2'],
])->apply(\Namespace\To\Facade::class); // Apply to Facade.
Get the generated documentation.
- The generated documentation.
Apply the generated documentation to the given class name or defaults to the class used to generate docs.
- (optional) The class name to apply the generated documentation to.
- True if it was successful, false otherwise.
- Add github action to automatically maintain docs.
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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.