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A client side rendered React/Redux/Redux Saga demo app built with TDD

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Redux Saga Demo App

A client side rendered React/Redux/Redux Saga demo app built with TDD

Quick Start

npm install
npm start

The above commands will install dependencies and start the app. To run tests, run npm test on a separate command line.

Some Libraries

Library Description
redux An open-source JavaScript library for managing application state
redux-saga A redux middleware library, that is designed to make handling side effects
react-redux React bindings for Redux
react-router-dom Declarative Routing for React.js
immutable Immutable collections for JavaScript
reselect Simple “selector” library for Redux
redux-immutable Creates an equivalent function of Redux combineReducers that works with Immutable.js state
jest Automated testing
enzyme Unit test React components in isolation via shallow or with children via mount
enzyme-adapter-react-16 Configures enzyme to work with React 16
json-server Creates a full fake REST API
axios Promise based HTTP client
react-toastify Allows you to add notification to your app with ease
semantic-ui-react Semantic UI React is the official React integration for Semantic UI
webpack An open-source JavaScript module bundler
babel An open-source JavaScript compiler
eslint An open source JavaScript linting utility
prettier Code formatter
faker Generates massive amounts of realistic fake data
npm-run-all A CLI tool to run multiple npm-scripts in parallel or sequential