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Papel is a light-weight core banking application that powers banking operations like account creation, customer deposits, and withdrawals. This app is meant to support a single bank, where users can signup and create bank accounts online, but must visit the branch to withdraw or deposit money.

Live Link

Papel' User Interface is hosted on the gh-pages Papel


To sign in as an Administrator, use:

To sign in as a Cashier,use:

To sign in as a User, use:

  • Email:
  • Password: user@123
  • Or any other email and password.


  • Sign in and Sign up.
  • Open bank account.
  • View user account dashboard(Transactions history):
  • Cashier can debit or credit user's bank account.
  • Administrator can change the status of a user bank account.
  • Administrator can delete a user account
  • Administrator can create a staff account

All of the projects endpoints are hosted on Heroku

For better testing, please make requests using Postman


HTTP Method Endpoint Description
POST /auth/signup allows the user to create an account
POST /auth/signin allows the user to sign in
POST /accounts allows the User to create a bank account
PATCH /account/:accountNo allows the admin to activate/dormant a bank account
POST /transactions/:accountNo/credit allows the cashier to deposit for a users bank account
POST /transactions/:accountNo/debit allows the cashier to withdraw for a users bank account
GET /user/:userEmail/accounts allows a user to his/her own accounts
GET /accounts/:accountNo allows the user to view his/her own specific bank account
GET /accounts/:accountNo/transactions allows the user to view all transactions on a specific account
GET /transactions/:transactionId allows the user to view a specific transaction on a specific account
GET /accounts allows the admin to view all accounts in the database.
GET /accounts?status=active allows the admin to view all active accounts in the database.
GET /accounts?status=dormant allows the admin to view all dormant accounts in the database.
POST /auth/create allows the admin to create a staff account.
DELETE /accounts/:accountNo allows the admin to delete a specific bank account
POST /reset allows the user to reset their password.

NB: accountNo : account number

Prerequisites :

  • Clone this project with
  • Head to project directory


  • Navigate to the index.html file.
  • Open the file in your browser preferably Google chrome.
  • Since these HTML and CSS based pages that can be run directly in your browser.



After clone open this in your code editor preferably Vs code.

  • $ cd papel
  • $ npm install
To run the endpoints

npm run dev

To learn the tests

npm test

Technologies used:


  • HTML
  • CSS


  • NodeJS/Express
  • PostgreSQL
  • Mocha chai

Project Management

Project Mangement fo Papel is done using Pivotal Tracker


IRADUKUNDA Allelua Fiacre