Irmasari Hafidz's documentation for the task JKU Junior Researcher Challenge 2018.
Create a browser-based JavaScript tool for interactive visualization of mutations in cancer.
Retrieve data from an API provided by the Data Coordination Center of the International Cancer Genomics Consortium ( & obtain mutation data for the Glioblastoma multiforme project (GBM-US) from the mutations API endpoint of the ICGC Data Coordination Center
- mutation ids,
- mutation details,
- the type of the mutation,
- chromosome,
- start and
- end position for 100 mutations of the GBM-US project.
The UI for the web browser should give information about:
- Type Overview: shows the number of mutations for each mutation type
- Chromosome Overview: shows the distribution of mutations across the 22 human autosome pairs plus the two sex chromosomes
The dataset is in JSON file. The JSON file is extracted from this link,mutation,type,chromosome,start,end&size=100&order=desc
JSON example of the dataset:
id "MU588573"
type "single base substitution"
chromosome "7"
start 55221822
end 55221822
mutation "C>T"
study []